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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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fifth of May and the. 24. of Maye entred London with them where he was receyued with greate honour of the Citizens and so conuayed to the kings pallaice at Westminster where the King sitting in his estate in Westminster Hall receyued them and after conueyed the French King to a lodging where he lay a season and after the sayde French King was lodged in the Sauoy which then was a pleasant place belonging to the Duke of Lancaster In the Winter following were gret and royal iustes holden in Smithfielde at London where many knightly sights of armes wer done to the gret honour of the king realm at the which were present the Kings of England Fraunce and Scotlande with many noble estates of all those Kingdomes wherof the more part of the strangers were prisoners Henrie Picarde Uintener Maior of London in one day dyd sumptuouslye feaste Edwarde King of Englande Iohn King of Fraunce the King of Cipres then arriued in England Dauid king of Scottes Edward Prince of Wales wyth many noble men and other and after the sayde Henrie Picarde kepte his Hall against all commers who soeuer that were willing to play at Dice and Hazard In like maner the Lady Margaret his wife did also kéepe hir Chamber to the same intente The King of Cipres playing wyth Henrie Picarde in hys Hall dyd wynne of hym 50. markes but Henrie being verye skilfull in that arte altering hys hande did after win of the same king the same 50. markes and 50. markes more which when the same king began to take in ill parte although he dissembled the same Henrye saide vnto him my Lord and King be not agrieued I couet not your golde but your play for I haue not bid you hyther that I might grieue you but that amongst other things I might trie your playe and gaue hym his money agayne plentifully bestowing of his owne amongst the retinue besides he gaue many riche giftes to the King and other Nobles and Knightes whiche dyned wyth hym to the greate glorie of the Citizens of London in these dayes Stephen Candish Barthelmew Frostling the. 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Stody Vintener the. 28. of October This sir Iohn Stody gaue vnto the Uinteners of London all the quadrant wherein the Uinteners Hal now standeth with the tenements round about from the lane yet called Studis Lane where is founded thirtéene houses for xiij poore people whiche are there kept of charitie rent frée About Halowntide Dauid le Bruce king of Scots was deliuered from the long imprisonmēt of a. xj yeres in the castel of Oldiham his raunsome being set a 100000. markes to be payde the next ten yeares following Normandie and Brytaine were soare spoyled and wasted Tho. Walsing Anno reg 32 Rob. Knovvles by Phillippe the King of Nauers brother Iacob de la Pipe and Roberte Knowles wyth manye other Englishe menne whyche were Captaynes of that companye who raged in warlike sorte in these Countryes the space of thrée yeares and more contrarye to the Kyng of Englandes pleasure Thys Roberte Knowles béeyng a meane man of birth became Captaine of many souldiours and did manye maruellous actes Isabel daughter to Phillippe the fayre king of Fraunce 1358 now wife to King Edward the second deceased apnd Risinges Registrum fratrum minorum iuxta London the. xxij of August and was buried in the Grey Friers Quire at London in a Tombe of Aliblaster Iohn Barnes Iohn Buris the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 33 Iohn Louekinstoke Fishmonger the 28. of October Iohn of Gaunt the Kings sonne by dispensation tooke to wife Blaunch dauhter of Henry Duke of Lancaster his kinswoman The French King vnder coulour of peace offered to King Edward Flanders Picardie Aquitayne and other lands which the Englishmen had ranged through and spoyled for the perfourmāce wherof messengers were sent into France but the Frenchmen would not perfourme the offer wherfore King Edward being angrie with a Nauie of Shippes passed the Sea to Caleis wherefore deuiding his armie into thrée partes committed one companie vnto Henry Duke King Edvvarde inuaded Burgundie of Lancaster another to Prince Edward and the third he reserued to himselfe and so passed into Burgundie In the meane season the Normans with a small Nauie 1359 Frenchmen arriued at VVinchelsea arriued at Winchelsey and partly brent the Towne and slew such as did withstand them wherefore the Prelates of England assembled from all partes in armour to withstande them but when they had prepared themselues to battayle the French were gone Simon of Benington Iohn of Chichester the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 34. 1360 Simon Dolseby Grocer the 28. of October King Edward with his power rode through France by Picardie Artois Roan Champaine and so to Briteine destroying the Countrey before him And héere is to be noted that the fourtéenth day of Aprill and the morrow after Easter day King Edward with his host lay before the Citie of Paris which day was full darke of mist and hayle and so bitter colde that many men died on their Horsse backes with the cold wherefore vnto this day it hath bin called the blacke Monday The King of Nauarre vexed sore the marches of Normandie Thus was the Realme of France miserably beset on all sides At the last a finall peace was concluded on Peace vvith France this condition that King Edward should haue to his possession the Countreys of Gascoine Gwyen Poytiers Limosin Baleuile Exantes Caleis Gwisnes and diuers other Lordships Castels Townes and all the Landes to them belonging Tho. Wals without knowledge of any soueraigntie or subiection for the same This peace being confirmed by writing and by oth King Edward came into England and so streight to the Tower to sée the French King where he appoynted his raunsome to be thrée millions of Florences and so deliuered French King releassed him of all imprisonment and brought him with great honor to the Sea who then sayled ouer into France Iohn Denis Walter Berney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Wroth Fishmonger the 28. of October King Edward the 24. of Januarie beganne a Parliament at Westminster where the forme of the agréement was redde and allowed of all estates where the King on the last of Januarie caused his Nobles to sweare to holde and Anno reg 35 1361 kéepe the sayde agréement especially those as well Prelats as other that were not at Caleis where he sware and other that were there with him A great dearth pestilence hapned in England which was called the second pestilence in which died Henry D. of Lancaster The seconde mortalitie in March at London and was buryed at Leycester in the colegiate Church which he had founded with a Deane twelue Chanons Prebendaries as many Uickers and other ministers accordingly There dyed also Reginald Lord Cobham and Walter Lib. Lichfield Fitz Waren valiant and famous
moneth of July was a preste for the Kyng made 1488 in the Citie of London of foure thousande pounde and shortly after was an other prest of two thousande pounde which were both repayde againe in the nexte yeare following These summes of money and manye more were leuied to ayde the Archeduke of Burgoigne agaynste the Duke of Brytaine Anno reg 4. Sherifes Maior William Isaac Ralph Tinley the 28. of September Robert Tate Mercer the 28. of October A taske of the tenth penny of all mens goods and landes was graunted to King Henrie to ayde the Duke of Brytaine against the French Kyng through which taxe sir Iohn Egremount and Iohn a Chamber wyth the commōs of y e North Iohn Skelton 1489 made an insurrection and slewe the Earle of Northumberlande and certaine of hys housholde seruauntes in a place called Coke-lodge by Thurske eightéene myles from Yorke on the eighte and twentith of Apryll Wherefore Iohn Achamber was hanged at Yorke vppon a Gibbet sette vppon a foure square Gallowes and the other his accomplices were hanged on the Gallowes round aboute him but sir Iohn Egremount fledde into Flaunders to the Lady Margaret Dutches of Burgondie It was ordayned by Parliament the Maior of London to Anno reg 5. haue conseruation of the riuer of Thamis from the bridge of Stanes vnto the Waters of Yendale and Medway William Capell Iohn Brooke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William White Draper the 28. of October Roger Shaueloke a Taylour within Ludgate of London 1420 being a man of greate wealth slewe hymselfe for whose goodes was greate businesse and strife betwéene the Kings Almoner and the Sherifes of London but in the ende the Anno. reg 6 Almoner preuailed and gaue to the widowe hir goodes againe vpon condition that she shoulde marry with one of his seruauntes named William Flower Henry Coote Robert Reuell the 28. of September Sherifes Hugh Pemberton the 1. of February Iohn Mathew Mercer the 28. of October Maior 1491 The twelfth of March Sir Robert Chamberlaine knight was arraigned and adiudged at Stratforde of the Langthorne and after beheaded on the Tower hill King Henry required a beneuolence whych was granted towarde hys iourney into France The Citizens of London gaue toward this iourney 9682. l. 17. s̄ 4. d. to the whiche summe many Aldermen gaue 200. l. the péece and some of the meaner sorte 100. l. the reste the common people supplied Henry the Kings second sonne was borne at Greenwich Henry the kings son borne Anno. reg 7. Conduite in Grace-streete Dearth of corn the twoo and twentith of June The Conduite in Grace-streete was begunne to bée builded by the executours of sir Thomas Hill Grocer late Maior of London of his goodes Wheate was solde at London for twenty pence the bushel whiche was accompted a great dearth Thomas Wood William Browne the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Hugh Clopton Mercer and Bacheler the 28. of Octob. This Hugh Clopton Mayor of London and of the Staple a Gentleman borne at Clopton village halfe a mile from Stratforde vpon Auen by north continued during hys lyfe 〈…〉 Bacheler he builded the greate and sumptuous Bridge 1492 〈…〉 Stratforde vpon Auen at the Easté ende of the Towne 〈…〉 ys Bridge hathe fourtéene greate arches and a long cawsey with smaller Arches all made of stone newe walled on eche side at the west ende of the bridge he buylded a fayre large Chappell towarde the south ende of that towne and neare vnto the same a preatye house of Bricke and Tymber where he laye and ended his life He glazed the Chancell of the parishe Churche in that towne and made away of foure myles long thrée miles from Alesburie towardes London and one myle beyonde Alesburie The sixt day of Aprill the Mayor of London his brethren the Aldermen and the Craftes in their Liueries assembled in Paules Churche where Doctour Morton Chauncelour made to them an Oration declaring howe the Kyng of Spaine hadde wonne the great and riche Citie and countrey of Granade from the Turkes for ioy whereof Te Deum was sung wyth greate solempnitie In the moneth of May following was holden a greate and valiaunt iusting wythin the Kings Palaice of Shine Anno. reg 8. nowe named Richmonde the whyche endured by the space of a moneth sometime wythin the saide Palaice and sometime wythout vpon the Gréene before the Gate of the said Pallaice In whiche Justes sir Iames Parker Knight running against a Gentleman named Hugh Vaughan by casualtie was so sore hurte and brused that he dyed thereof The ninth of September King Henry tooke his voyage into Fraunce with a greate army to aide the Britons against the Frenche King where he besieged Bolloine til a truce was taken William Purchas William Welbecke the 28 of Sept Sherifes Maior Sir William Martin Skinner the 28. of October King Henry returned into Englande the seauentéenth of December Twoo Pardoners were sette on the Pillorie in Cornehill thrée market dayes for forging of false pardons wherewyth they hadde deceyued the people and gote much money and for that one of them hadde sayned hymselfe to bée a Prieste he was sente to Newgate where he dyed the other was dryuen oute of London wyth shame ynoughe The ninth of October was a ryo● made vpon the Easterling● 149● Fray against the Stiliard men Anno reg 9. or Stiliarde men by Mercers seruauntes and other of the Citie of London for the which many of them were sore punished Robert Fabian Iohn Winger the 28. of September Sherifes This Robert Fabian Sherife aforenamed and Aldermā made a Chronicle of Englande and of Fraunce beginning at the creation of the worlde and ending in the thirde yeare of the raigne of King Henrie the eight which booke is imprinted to the ende of Richarde the thirde Sir Ralph Austry Fishemonger the 28. of October Maior This sir Ralph Austry rooffed with tymber and couered with Lead the Parishe Churche of Saint Martin in the Vintrie of London and also glazed the same Churche very beautifully as partely appeareth The two and twentith of February were arraigned in the Guild hall of London foure persons Thomas Bagnall Iohn Scot Iohn Heth Iohn Kenington the whyche were Sanctuary men of Saint Martins le Grand in London and latelye before were taken out of the saide Sanctuarie for forging o● seditio●s billes to the sclaunder of the King and some his Counsell for the whiche thrée of them were iudged to dye and the fourth named Bagnall pleaded to be restored to Sanctuarie by reason wherof he was repriued to the Tower till the nexte Terme and on the sixe and twentith of February the other thrée with a Fleming and a Yeoman of the Crowne were all fiue executed at Tyborne The eyghte and twentith of Aprill Ione Boughton widowe 1494 was brent in Smithfielde for holding certaine opinions of Iohn Wicklife Wheate was solde at London
First children in Christes hospital taken into y e hospital at the Grey Friers called Christes Hospitall to the number of almost foure hundred And also s●eke and pore people into the Hospital of Saint Thomas in Southwarke in whiche two places the children and pore people shoulde haue meate drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmasse daye in the afternoone when the Lorde Firste shevve of the children in Christs hospital Maior and Aldermen rode to Paules al the children of Christes Hospitall stoode in array from Saint Laurence Lane in Cheape toward Paules al in on Lyuerie of Russet Cotten the men children with red Caps the women children kerchiefs on their heades all the Maisters of the Hospitall foremost nexte them the Phi●●tions and four Surgeons and betwéen euery twentie children one woman kéeper whych children were in number 340. The King kept his Christmasse with open housholde at Lorde of merry disportes Greenewiche George Ferrers Gentleman of Lincolns Inne being Lorde of the merry disportes all the twelue dayes who ●●●pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had greate delight in his pastimes On Monday the fourth of January the saide Lorde of The Sherifes ● of Misrul● mery disportes came by water to London and landed at the Tower Wharffe entred the Tower and then rode through Tower streete where he was receyued by Vawce Lorde of Misrule to Iohn Maina●d one of the Sheriffes of London and so conducted throughe the Citie with a great company of yong Lordes and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lorde Mayor where he with the chiefe of his company dy●ed and after had a greate banquet and at his departure the Lorde Mayor gaue him a standing Cup with a couer of siluer and guilt of the vale ●●● of ten pounde for a rewarde and also set a Hog●●●ad of 〈…〉 and a Barrel of Béere at hys Gate for his traine that folowed hym the residue of his Gentlemen and s●rn a●ntes dyned at other Aldermens houses and with the Sheriffes and so departed to the Tower Wharffe againe and to the Courte by water to the great commendation of the Maior and Aldermen and highly accepted of the King and Counaell In the moneth of January the King fell sicke of a cough Anno reg 7. at Whitehall whyche gréeuouslye encreased and at the laste ended in a Consumption of the Lights The firste of Marche beganne a Parliament at Westminster A Parliament and all the Lordes Spiritual and temporall assembled that daye in the Whitehall in their Robes where a Sermon was preached in the Kings Chappell by Doctor Ridley Bishoppe of of London and his Maiestie with diuers Lords receyued the Communion Which being done the King with the Lordes in order went into the Kings greate Chamber 1553 on the Kings side which that day was prepared for the Lordes house the King sitting vnder his clo●h of Estate and al the Lordes in their degrées the Bishoppe of Ely Doctor Godrike Lorde Chauncollor made a Proposition for the king whyche being ended the Lordes departed This was done bycause the King was sickly The 〈…〉 after the Burgesses sate in the Common house at Westminster and chose for their Speaker Maist●● Diar one of the late made Sergeants at the lawe The ●1 of Marche being good Friday the Parliament brake vppe and was clearely dissolued at the Kinges Pallaice of White hall at seauen of the clocke at night The thirde of Aprill being Monday after Easter daye the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thēce thorough the Citie to the Sermon kepte at Saint Marie Spittle all clothed in plonket Coates and red Cappes and the maiden childrē in the same Lyuerie with kerchefs on their heades all whiche with their matron and other 〈…〉 were there placed on a Scaffolde of eight Stages and there sate the same time whiche was a goodly shewe The tenth of Aprill the Lorde Mayor of London was sent Bridevvell gyuen to the Citie of London for to the Courte at White hall and there at that time the Kings Maiestie gaue to him for to be a w●rk● house for the ●●re and ydle persons of the Citie of London ●●●● 〈…〉 of Bridewel and seauen hundred marke land of the Sauoy rents wyth all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy towardes the maintenaunce of the saide work-house of Bridewell The eleauenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was presented to the King in his Pallaice of White hall at Westminster and was made knight by his Maiesty and the same day the king remoued in the afternoone to Greenewiche In this Moneth of April and in May commissions were Ievvelles and Church plate called into the Kings handes directed throughe Englandes for all the Churche goods remaining in Cathedrall and parishe Churches that is to saye Jewels of Golde and Siluer Crosses Candlestickes Sen●●●● Chalices and all other suche like with their readye money to be deliuered to the Maister of the Kings Jewels in the Tower of London all Coapes and Uestmentes of cloth of Gold cloth of Tissewe and Siluer to the Maister of the kings Wardrobe in London the other Coaps Uestmēts and ornaments to be solde and the money to be deliuered to the Kings Treasurer reseruing to euerie Churche one Chalice or Cuppe with Table clothes for the Communiō board at the discretion of the Commissioners The twentith of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Voyage to Moscouy Cabotte thrée great ships wel furnished were sette ●●●th for the aduenture of the vnknowen voyage to Musco●●● and other easte partes by the North Seas diuers Merchants and other being frée of that voyage yéelded towards the charges of the some fiue and twentie pounds apéece ●●● George Barnes 〈…〉 William Garrard being y ● principall 〈…〉 there in About the same time two other ships were sent séeke aduentures Southwards Whiles King Edward lay dangerously sicke Lord Gilforde Three notable marriages at D●rham place the Duke of Northumberlandes fourth sonne marryed Lady lane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being then ali●e was daughter to Mary King Henries sister whiche was firste marryed to the Frenche King and after to Charles Duke of Suffolke Also the Earle of Pembrookes eldest son marryed Lady Katherine the said Dukes second daughter and the Erle of Huntingtons sonne called Lord Hastings marryed the Dukes yongest daughter King Edward being about the age of sixetéene yeares ended King Edvvarde deceassed his life at Grenewich on the sixth of July when he hadde raigned sixe yeares fiue moneths and odde dayes and was buried at Westminster He was in this his youth a Prince of such towardnesse in vertue learning and al godly gifts as seldome hath bin sée●● the like The eight of July the Lorde Maior of London was sente King Edvvards death opened for to the Courte then at Greenewich and to bring with him fi●e Aldermen as many Merchaunts of the Staple an 〈…〉
and the Frenche Kyng their Realmes Dominions and Subiectes whyche peace was proclaymed with sounde of Trumpet at hir Castell of Windsore and also at London on the thyrtéenth daye of Aprill The plague thankes be to God being cleane ceased in London both Easter and Midsommer Terme were kepte at Westminster Throughe the earnest suite of the Armourers there was on the vigile of Saint Peter a Watche in the Citie of London VVatche on S. Peters euen whyche did onelye stande in the highest stréetes as Cheape Cornehill and so forth to Aldgate whyche Watche was to the commons of the City as chargeable as when in times past it had béene commendably done The fifth of Auguste the Quéenes Maiestie in hir Progresse Abrah Hartwell The Queenes Progresse thorough Cambridge came to the Uniuersitie of Cambridge and was of all the Students being inuested according to their degrées taken in the Schooles honorably and ioyfully receiued in the Kings Colledge where she did lye during hir continuaunce in Cambridge The dayes of hir abode were passed in Scholasticall exercises of Philosophie Phisicke and Diuinitie the nightes in Comedies and Tragedies sette for the partlye by the whole Uniuersitie and partly by the Studentes of the Kyngs Colledge At the breakyng vp of the Diuinitie acte being on Wednesday the ninth of Auguste on the whyche daye sh●e rode through the Town and viewed the Colledges those goodly and auncient monuments of Kyngs of Englande hir Noble Predecessours shée made wythin Saint Macies Church a notable Oration in Latine in the presence of the whole learned Uniuersitie to the Studentes greate comforte The ●erte daye she wente forwarde on hir Pregresse to Fihchingbrooke by Huntington The thyrtith daye of August was enacted by a common Out cryer and Bellman for the daye Councell of the Citie of London that all suche Citizens as from thence-forth should be ●instrained 〈…〉 their houshold ●●u●●e leafes of houses or suche like shoulde firste cause the same to be cried throughe the Citie by a man wyth a Bell and then to be solde by the common out cryer appoynted for that purpose and he to retaine one farthing of the shilling for his paines The xx daye of September arose great floudes in the riner Greate ●●onds in the Thamis of Thamis where-through the Marshes neare adioyning were ouerflowed and manye Cattell drowned The creation of sir Robert Sutton alias Dudley Knight of Creation of a Baron the Garter and Maister of the Horsse to the Quéenes Maiestie who was created Baron of Denbigh and after Earle of Leicester on Michaelmasse daye at Saint Iames wyth the gifte of the Manour of Killingworth and other things there to hym and hys heires to the yerely valewe of four and twentie pounde and better Firste the saide Lord attended on the Quéenes highnes to the Chappel and from the Chappell to seruice and when he was returned to the Chamber of Presence the saide Lord with other departed to the Lord Chamberlaines Chamber and shifted them the said Lord Robert in his Surcote with the Hoode his mantle borne before hym by the Lorde Hunsdon and ledde by the Lord Clinton Lorde Admiral by the right hand and the Lord Strange on the lefte hande in their Parliament Robes Garter bearing the Patent and before him the Officers of Armes and so procéeded into the Chamber of Presence where the Quéenes Highnesse sate vnder the cloth of Estate with the Noble men on ech side of hir the Embassador of France was also present with another straunger an Italian and when the fai●●● Lorde with the other came in the Quéenes sight they made theyr o●●ysaunce thrée tymes the saide Lorde knéeled 〈…〉 after the whyche Gatter presented the Letters pattents to the Lord Chamberlaine and he presented the same to the Quéenes Highnesse who gaue it to sir William Cecil Secretary who read the same with a loude voyce and at the wordes of Creduimus the Lord of Hunsdon presented the Mantle to the 〈…〉 Maiestie who putte on the same whereby he was treated Baron of Denbigh for hym and hys heyres then the pattent was read out to the ende after the whyche hée delyuered it to the Quéene agayne hir Highnesse gaue it to the saide Lord who gaue hir Maiestie most humble thankes and he rose vp and departed to the Chamber then came from the Trumpettes sounding before hym Then bée shifted hym of those Robes and put on the Robes Creation of an Earle of Estate of an Earle and béeing ledde by the Earle of Sussex on the righte hande and the Earle of Huntington on hys lefte hande the Earle of Warwike bearing his Sworde the Pomell vpward and the girdle aboute the same al in their Robes of Estate the Lorde Clinton Lorde Admirall in hys Parliament robes bearing his Cap with y e Coronal Garter before him hearing his Patent and the other officers of Armes before him they procéede as afore into the Chamber of Presence where after they hadde made their obeysance the saide Earle ●néeled downe and Garter delyuered hys patent to the Lorde Chamberlaine who gaue the same to the Quéenes Maiestie and hir highnesse gaue the same to sir Wiliam Cecil Secretary to reade who read the same and at the words Cincturam Glady the Earle of Warwike presented the Sworde to the Quéenes Highnesse who gyrte the same aboute the necke of the saide newe Earle puttyng the poynt vnder hys lefte army and after hir Maiestie putte on his Cappe with the Coronall then hys Patent was read out to the ende and then the saide Secretary deliuered it againe to the Quéene and hir Highnesse gaue it to the sayde newe Earle of Leicester who gaue hir humble thankes for the same and then he arose and wente into the Councell Chamber to dynner the Trumpets sounding before and at dinner he sate in hys kyrtle and there accompanyed him the foresayde Embassadour of Fraunce and the saide Italian wyth dyuers other Earles and Lordes and after the second course Garter with the other Officers of Armes proclaymed the Quéenes Maiesties Stile and after the Stile of the sayde Earle for the whyche they had fiftéene pounde to ●éete for hys Baronie f●ue pound and for his ●arledoms tenne pounde and Garter had hys Gowne of blacke ●elnet garded wyth thrée gardes of the same layde on wyth Lace fyned throughe wyth blacke Taffata and garded on the inner side with the same and on the sléeues xxxvitj paire of Aglets of Golde Du●resnoble puissant seigneur Robert Cante de Leycest●e Baron de Denbighe Cheualier du tresnoble Ordre de la Iarretierrè Grand Esquier de la Royne nostre Souuereigne Edwarde Iackeman Leonell Ducket the 28. of September Sheriffes Obsequy for the Emperour The seconde of October in the afternoone and the morrowe in the forenoone a solempne obsequie was holden in Saint Paules Churche at London for Ferdinando late Emperour departed The seauenth of October at eight of the clocke at night Anno
his tayle betwixte the Legate and the Archbyshop of Canturburie whiche Archbishop of Canturburie béeing lothe to remoue the other set his buttocke in his lappe but he had vnneath touched hym with his bumme when the Bishops and other of the Cleargie and Laytie stepte to hym pulled hym threwe hym to the grounde and beganne to lay on hym with fistes and battes so that the Archbishop of Canturburie yéelding good for euill was fayne to defende the other Archbishop who with his rent Coape gote vppe and away straight to the King with a greate complaynte but when the trueth of the matter was once knowen hée was well laughed at for hys remedye Richard Strangbow Earle of Chepstow deceassed and was Iohn Beuer. buryed at Dublin in Ireland William Earle of Arundell also deceassed and was buryed at Wimondham William Earle of Glocester bycause he had no sonne to Anno reg 23 Ypodigma inherite his landes and béeing loth to distribute them amongst his daughters he made Iohn the Kings sonne his successor A showre of bloud raigned in the Isle of Wighte two Cron. Tinmouth houres space The Church of secular Channons at Waltam was by 1177 Ypodigma Geruasius the Kings commandement newe builded and regular Channons placed there After the death of Rosamund the Faire daughter of Walter Rosamund Lord Clifford Concubine to Henry the second at Woodstoke he tooke priuily King Lewes daughter of France that was marryed to his sonne Richard Earle of Poytow for his Leman and had practised for a diuorce betwixt him and his Quéene Eleanor wherevpon followed great discord betwixt the Kings of England and France but méeting togither they agréed vpon peace for a time Richard Lucy the Kings Justiciar layde the foundation of the couentuall Church in the honor of Saint Thomas in 1178 a place which is called Westwood otherwise Lesnes in the territorie Lesnes Geruasius Walter Couen Gerua Tilberien of Rochester in the new Parish of Southfleete This Richard Lucy builded the Castell of Anger in Estsex in the diocesse of the Bishop of London The Citie of Yorke was brent On Christmas day at Oxenhall in the territorie of Derlington Anno reg 25. 1179 Cron. vinmouth in the Bishopricke of Duresme the earth lifted vp it selfe in the manner of an high Tower and so remayned from the spring of the day vnmoueable vntil the euening and then fell with so horrible a noyse that it feared the inhabitantes thereabout and the earth swallowed it vp and made there a déepe pitte which is séene vntill this day For a testimonie thereof Leyland sayth he saw the pittes there Iohn Leyland commonly called Helkettles The tenth day of Aprill the Church of Saint Andrewe in Rochester was consumed with fire Richard Lucy departed this life in the Abbey of Lesnes hauing changed his habite The Usurers in England were gréeuously punished for Anno reg 26 1180 Vsuters punished Gerua Dor● corrupting the Coyne the whiche besides other vexations were fettered two and two togither and carryed in Cartes to the Kings Court. A new Coyne was ordeyned in England Geffrey the Kings Bastarde sonne resigned the Byshopricke Anno reg 27 1181 of Lincolne and was made the Kings Chancellour This yeare Giraldus Cambrensis wrote his booke of the Itinerarium Cambri● Giraldi description of Wales wherein he noteth to haue happened in his time in the Prouince of Kemmeis a yong man borne in those partes to be persecuted with Toades as all within that Countrey had come crawling togither to vexe him A man deuoured by Toades and when innumerable numbers of them were killed by those that kept him and other of his friends and kinsmen Geruasius de mappa mundi yet came they still as if they had sprong like Hydraes head numberlesse at length when his friends were wéeried with watching they caused him in a Coffin to be hoysed vp into an high trée that was shred of all the boughes and made smooth but there was he not preserued from his venemous enemies which assaulted him créeping vp into the trée till they had eaten him to the bones that he dyed his name was Seisillus Elker her that is long legge Barnewell with the Priorie néere vnto Cambridge was fired Anno reg 28 1182 and brent Robert Harding a Burgesse of Bristow to whome King Henry gaue the Barony of Barkeley builded the Monasterie Saint Austins in Bristovv Anno reg 29 1183 of Saint Augustines in Bristow King Henry the elder went into France and there made his testament They of Aquitayne hated their Duke Richard for his crueltie and were minded to driue him out of the Earledome of Poytow and Dukedome of Aquitayne and to transpose those estates to his brother King Henry the yonger but when all men looked for victory to the yong King he King Henry the yonger deceassed Giraldus Cambr 〈…〉 1184 Gualterus Couen fell miserably sicke and dyed in the Castell of Limouicen about the beginning of June and was buryed at Roane King Henry returned into England and sent many men of warre into Wales for the Welchmen emboldned by the Kings absence had broken forth and slayne many Englishmen The Abbey of Glastenbury was brent with the Church of Glastenbury brent Saint Iulian. Heraclius Patriarch of Hierusalem came to King Henry Anno reg 31. desiring him of ayde agaynst the Turkes but the King bycause 1185 Herac●●us the Patriarke Gerua Doro. of the crueltie of his sonnes was counselled not to leaue his Dominions in hazard and to goe so farre off wherefore he promised the Patriarke 50000. Markes of Siluer This Patriarke dedicated the new Temple then builded Nevv Temple in the West part of London King Henry sente his sonne Iohn into Ireland that he Iohn the kings sonne Lord of Ireland Ypodigma might be made Lorde thereof The Pope sente him a Crowne of Peacocks feathers brayded with Golde This yeare dyed Hugh Mortimere founder of Wigmor● Abbey Mawde the Empresse Mother to King Henry the second The Empresse deceased deceassed she founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffrey Earle of Britayne the Kings sonne of England dyed Anno reg 32 1180 Geffrey Earle of Britayne dyeth Giral Cambr. Mathew Paris Roger Houeden Iohn Taxtor at Paris about the beginning of August and was there buryed He left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter to Conan Earle of Britaine who also at the time of his death was great with childe and after brought forth a sonne named Arthur A great Earthquake threw downe many buildings amongst the which the Cathedrall Church of Lincolne was rent in péeces the fiue and twentith of Aprill The Cathedrall Church of Chichester and all the whole Chichester brent Citie was brent the twentith of October Néere vnto Orford in Suffolke certayne Fishers of the Anno reg 33 1187 A Fish like a man Ralphe Cogshall Monument in Colchester Sea tooke in
Leicester wyth the saide order of Saint M●chaell The Mar●u●s of Baden and the Ladye Cecilie his wyfe 1566 ●●● Ma●q●es of Baden returneth ●●ster to the King of Swethen who came into this land in the meneth of September laste paste as before is declared béeing then by the Qéenes especiall appointment at theyr arriuall honorably receyued by the Lord Cobham an honorable Baron of this Realme and the Ladye his wife one of the Quéenes Maiesties pri●ie Chamber nowe in the moneth of Aprill Anno. 1569. departed the same againe the Marques a fewe dayes before hys wife being both cenducted by a lyke personage the Lorde of Aburgaueny to Douer Certaine houses in Cornehill being first purchased by the The Burse in Cornehill Citizens of London were in the moneth of February cryed by the Bell man and afterwarde solde to suche persons as shoulde take them downe and carry them from thence whiche was so done in the moneths of Aprill and May next following And then the grounde beyng made plaine at the charges also of the Cittie po●●ession thereof was by certaine Aldermen in name of the whole Citizens giuen to y e right worshipfull sir Tho. Gresham Knight Agent to the Quéens Highnesse there to buylde a place for Merchantes to assemble in at hys owne proper charges who on the seauenth of June layde the firste stone of the foundation being Bricke and forth-with the work-men followed vpon the same with suche diligence that by the Moneth of Nouember in the yeare of our Lorde ●●67 the same was couered wyth Slate The commissioners before named appointed for the matters of Flaunders kéepyng their dyet at Bruges agréed to referre the whole matter to the Princes on bothe sides and if they coulde not agrée then the Merchants to haue fortie dayes to repayre home with their merchaundise and in the meane t●●● all things to stande as they were then Dure C●●●●issioners departed frō Bruges about the xxvj of June The xxxj of August y e Quéenes Maiestie in hir progresse The Queenes progresse to Oxforde came to the Uniuer●●tie of Oxforde and was of all the Studentes whyche had looked for hir commyng thyther two yeares so honorably and ioyfully receyued as eyther theyr l●ya●n●●●e towardes the Quéenes Maiestie or the expectation of their ●●iendes did requyre Concerning orders in disputa●●on and other Academicall exercises they agréede much wyth those which the Uniuersitie of Cambridge had vsed two yeres before Comedies also and Tragedies were played in Christes Churche where the Quéenes Highnesse ●●dged Among the whych the Comedie entituled Palemon Misfortune at Oxford and Arcet made by Maister Edwards of the Quéenes Chappel had suche tragicall successe as was lamentable For at that time by the fall of a wall and a payre of staires great pre●sse of the multitude thrée men were slaine The fifth of September after disputations the Quéene at the humble sute of certaine of hir Nobilitie and the King of Spa●●es Embassadour made a briefe Oration in Latine to the Uniuersitie but so wise and pithie as England maye reioice that it hathe so learned a Prince and the Uniuersitie may tri●●ph that they haue so noble a Patronesse The vj of September after dinner hir Grace comming from Christs Churche ouer Carfox and so to Saint Maries the Scholers standing in order according to their degrées euen to the East gate certaine Doctors of the Uniuersitie did ride before in their Scarlet gownes and hoodes Maisters of Arte in black●●●wn● and hood●s The Maior also with certaine of his drethren did ryde before hir in Scarlet to the ende of Magdalene ●●●dge where their liberties ended but the Doctors and Maisters went forward still to Sho●ouer a myle and more out of Oxforde dicause their Liberties extended so farre and there after Orations made hir Highne●●● with thankes to the whols Uniuersitie dade them farewel and rode to Rycote Richarde Lambert Ambrose Nicholas the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Iohn Langley the 4. of Aprill Sir Christopher Draper Iremonger the 28. of October Maior Souldiors transported into Irelande The valiant Captaine Edward Randolfe Esquier lieutenant of the Ordinaunce and Colonell of a thousand footemen in September last paste was wyth his band embarqued at Bristow and within few dayes after landed at Knocfergus in the North parts of Ireland and went thence by water to a place called Derry by which passeth y e riuer of Longfoile there the saide Colonell in shorte space fortified to the greate annoyaunce of Iohn Oneale and by greate foresight and experience guarded hymselfe and hys charge till the said Oneale to hinder and disturbe his abode there th●● of Nouēber arriued with a great army of Kerne Galawgl●ss●s and horssemen wyth whome the saide Captaine Randolfe encountred and him there so discomfited as after that conflicte he durste neuer approche the Quéenes power and to his perpetuall fame the said Captaine by reason of his bold and hardie onset that daye loste his life Charles Iames the sixth of that name sonne to Henrie Yong Prince of Scots christned Anno reg 9. Stuarte Lord of Darnley and Marie King and Quéene of Scots was borne in Edenberough Castel the ninetéenth of June last past and the eightéenth of December thys yeare solemnly Christned at Striueling whose Godfathers at the Christning were Charles King of Fraunce and Philibert Duke of Sauoy and the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande was the Godmother who gaue a Font of Golde curiously wrought and enameled weighing 333. ounces amounting in value to the summe of 1043. ● 19. s. The tenth of February in the morning Henrie Stuarte King of Scottes murdered Lorde of Darneley before named King of Scots by Scottes in Scotlande was shamefully murdered the reuenge whereof remaineth in the mightie hande of God The xxij of February the Lady Margaret Dowglasse coūtesse of Leunex mother to the saide King of Scottes was discharged out of the Tower of London Within the space of ten moneths laste paste dyed seauen Seauen Aldermē deceased in Lōdon Aldermen of London the firste Edwarde Bankes deceassed the ninth of July Anna 1566. R. Chamberlaine late Sherife sir Martin Bowes sir R Malory sir William Hewet sir Thomas White late Maiors then Richarde Lambart one of the Sheriffes for that yeare the 4. of Aprill Anno 1567. The xxij of Aprill by greate misfortune of fyre in the 1567 The Tovvn of Ossestry brente thrice in thyrtie yeares Towne of Ossestrie in Wales twelue myles from Shrewsburie to the number of 200. houses to saye seauen scores wythin the walles and thrée score without in the Suburbes béesides cloth corne cattel c. were consumed whyche fire began at two of the clocke in the forenoone and ended at f●●● to the great maruelling of many that so great a spoile in fo short time should happen Two long stréets with great riches of that town were brent in Anno. 1542. And lykewise or worse in Anno. 1544. The xxiiij of Aprill the Sergeants
Mulmucius King Pag. 24 Muster of horssemen Pag. 1050. agayne Pag. 1052 Muster at Greenewich by Londoners Page 1112 Merchant Taylors freeschoole founded Page 1116 Mary Rose a Shippe drowned Pag. 1032 Men brent in the Hedgehog a Ship Pag. 1031 Mathew Hamont an Heretike brent Pag. 1195 Marmaduke Glouer hanged in Cheape Page 1209 Monstrous child Pag. 1212. 1213 Magdalen colledge in Cambridge Pag. 1220 Merton Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1221 Magdalen Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 Magdalen Hall in Oxford Pag. 1223 Mary Hall in Oxford Pag. 1223 Michaell house in Cambridge Pag. 1220 N. NOble men that came with William Conquerour Pag. 153 Names of Chantries taken Pag. 1006 Nero a Romaine Pag. 3● Newcastell vpon Tine founded Pag. 172. the towne drowned Pag. 378 New Abbey by the Tower of London founded Pag. 407 Newgate of London builded Pag. 619. on fire Pag. 1100 New Testament first printed in english Page 967 Newman priest bare a fagot at Paules Crosse for singing Masse with good Ale Pag. 1010 New Coyne Pag. 1072 againe Pag. 1115. agayne Page 1117 Newhauen by Bolleine wonne by the French Pag. 1042 Nightwalkers in London did murther all they mette Pag. 209 Night as light as the day Pag. 1125 Norwich a Bishops see Pag. 173. brent Pag. 208. Pag. 294. citie walled Pag. 315. steeple brent Pag. 715. brent Pag. 890 Notingham brent Pag. 191. beseeged Pag. 198 Nonne Eaten founded Pag. 206 Northampton beseeged Pag. 282 Noble of gold Pag. 574 Newelme hospitall Pag. 652 Nunnes burnt in their Abbey Pag. 121 Nelson executed Pag. 1192 Newport towne ouerflowed Pag. 1209 New Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1217 New Inne in Oxford Pag. 1223 O. OCT auius Augustus a Romane Pag. 34 Order of the Garter founded at Windsore Pag. 415 Ocation made by the D. of Buckinghā Pag. 811. the same Duke of Buckingham beheaded Pag. 845 Otto of Bromswike chalengeth combate with Iohn Duke of Lancaster Pag. 426 Owen Glendouerdew Pag. 551. Pag. 557. his sonne taken Pag. 563 Owen Tewther brake out of Newgate Pag. 640. beheaded Pag. 709 Oxford builded Pag. 20. an Vniuersitie Pag. 127. Castel builded Pag. 163. forsakē Pag. 237. Orial Colledge in Oxforde Pag. 1221 Out●rier and Bell man for the daye Pag. 1123 Owes bridge borne downe Pag. 1126 P. PArkes Pag. 4 Policletus a Romaine Pag. 43 P●te a riuer in Eastsex Pag. 99 Parliamēt at Winchester Pag. 288. at Marleborow Pag. 293. at Westminster Pag. 297. at Barwicke Pag. 306. at Stepen●eth Pag. 309. at Carelile Pag. 319. at Northampton Pag. 326. at Yorke Pag. 343. at Northampton Pag. 358. at Salisburie Pag. 359. at Winchester Pag. 360. at Notingham Pag. 361. at Yorke Pag. 367. at Northampton Pag. 370. at London Pag. 372 Pag. 374. at Westminster Pag. 381. at London Pag. 386. at Westminster Pag. 387. Pag. 420. Pag. 427. Pag. 431. Pag. 458. Pag. 611. at London Pag. 619. Pag. 624. of Battes at Leycester Pag. 629. at Westminster Pag. 631. Pag. 636. at Bury Pag. 650. at Westminster Pag. 664. at London Pag. 679. at Couentrie Pag. 691. at Westminster Pag. 700. Pag. 713. Pag. 718. Pag. 738. Pag. 861. Pag. 86● ●●t the Blackefriers Pag. 932. 968 Paules Church in London founded Pag. 92. brent Pag. 166. repaired ibidem newe work Pag. 276. Pag. 335. weathercocke blowne downe Pag. 878. new Schole Pag. 894. steeple brent Pag. 1116. gates blowne open Pag. 1128. Parson of Saint Mildreds brent Pag. 859 Poultery prised Pag. 310 Pageants new made in London Pag. 930 Parishes in England Pag. 932. in London Page 1120 Paginton slayne with a gonne Pag. 1016 Pallace at Westminster brent Pag. 897 Patrike-Brumpton ouerturned Pag. 1188 Penisellus King Pag. 31 Petronius a Romayne Pag. 44 Pertinax Emperour Pag. 58 Peters Church in Cornehill a Bishops see Pag. 56 Pellagius a Britayne Pag. 73. an heretike Pag. 7● confuted Pag. 78 Peterborow founded Pag. 101 Peterpence payd to Rome Pag. 116 Pestilence great in England Pag. 405 Pestilence Pag. 568 Saint Petro●us at Bodmin in Cornewall Pag. 131 Pestilence Pag. 271. Pag. 478. Pag. 510. Pag. 747. Pag. 166. Pag. 172 Peterborow burned Pag. 182 Peter of Pomfret Pag. 241. hanged Pag. 243 Peter Colledge Pag. 1216 Pierce Plowman his visions Pag. 387 Peterpence forbidden to be payd Pag. 461 Penbroke hall Pag. 1217 Pecocke Bishop of Chichester abiured Page 682 Perkin Werbecke Pag. 825. Pag. 868. Pag. 869. Pag. 871. hanged Pag. 873 Philip king of Castile landed in England Pag. 878 Pictes first inhabit the marches Pag. 28 Pickering builded Pag. 30 Pirthus king Pag. 31 Pilton priorie Pag. 131 Piked shoes forbidden Pag. 717 Pirates hanged Pag. 271 Priuiledges vnto Saint Edmondsbury Page 131 Priests married remoued Pag. 163 Priest at Masse slayne with thunder Pag. 208 Priests became theeues Pag. 460 Prisoners in Newgate and Ludgate dyed Page 586 Porchester builded Pag. 28 Porrex king Pag. 30 Portgreues of London Pag. 218 Porter of the Tower headed Pag. 586 Posterne by the Tower of London fell Page 642 Prodigious signes Pag. 31 Portesmouth Pag. 84 Popes authoritie abrogated Pag. 1003 Powled heads commanded Pag. 1004 Prouosts of London Pag. 218 Prouinciall counsell at Oxford Pag. 255 Proclamation againste the family of loue Pag. 1213 Prince of Wales the kings eldest son Pag. 311 Priuiledge to Clothworkers Pag. 373 Priorie and hospitall of Saint Bartholmew in Smithfield founded Pag. 178 Printing first Pag. 687 Preached at Paules Crosse Doctor Goddard Pag. 724 Prisoners of the Marshalsea brake out Pag. 877 Priests saying Masse apprehended Pag. 1177 Priories suppressed by Cardinall Wolsey Pag. 939 Prince Arthur married Pag. 874. deceassed ibidem Prisoner brake frō the sessiōs house Pag. 959 Prince of Piamont came into England Page 1095 Prince of Orange conducted to the Tower of London Pag. 1095 Publicans whipped Pag. 203 Publicans with their bloudy procession Pag. 409 Plimmouth spoyled Pag. 556 Q. QVatbridge or Catwarbridge in Essex Pag. 126 Quaffing and drunkennes punished Pag. 133 Queeneheth in London Pag. 270 Queenes Attourney slayne Pag. 685 Queeneborough Castell builded Pag. 461 Queene tooke Sanctuary Pag. 724. 767 Queene of England chased Pag. 279 Queenes Colledge in Cambridge Pag. 1217 Queenes Colledge in Oxford Pag. 1221 R. RAmsey founded Pag. 133 Rampire builded at Caleis Pag. 401 Ralph Stafford slayne Pag. 498 Redargius King Pag. 31 Rebellion in Kent and Essex Pag. 480 Recorder of London Fitz William Pag. 817 Register booke in euery Church to bee kept Pag. 113 Religious houses graunted to the king Page 1015 Rimo King Pag. 30 Richborough Pag. 36 Riot and euill life the destruction of the Britaines Pag. 79 Ripendun or Ripon Pag. 122 Richarde the first King Pag. 216. tooke hys voyage to Hierusalem Pag. 220. taken prisoner Pag. 222. builded the walles of Vienna Pag. 223 Riot in London Pag. 292 Risebanke Castell builded Pag. 403 Rye spoyled Pag. 471 Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke rebelleth Pag. 563 beheaded Pag. 564 Richard the secōd made prince of Wales Pag. 468. crowned King Pag. 470. married Pag. 489. Pag. 518. entreth Scotlād Pag.