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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35513 The life and death of Alexander the Great, King of Macedon in ten books / by Curtius Rufus ... done into English by the same hand that translated the last volume of The holy court. Curtius Rufus, Quintus.; Codrington, Robert, 1601-1665. 1674 (1674) Wing C7697B; ESTC R29693 278,363 514

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conveyed them to Egypt and entred the Haven at Pelusium under pretence that he had been sent thither by Darius When he had got Pelusium he set forwards towards Memphis at the Fame of whose coming the Egyptians being a light Nation and more apt to raise a Coil then to maintain it when it was once begun ran to him out of all their Towns and Villages with an intent to destroy all the Persians who notwithstanding the fear they were in did not leave the defence of the Country but fought with the Greeks and were put to flight After this Victory Amintas besieged Memphis and his men destroyed so all the Country thereabouts that they left nothing unspoiled Whereupon Mazeches though he perceived his men much amazed with the fear of their late overthrow yet when he saw his Enemies scattered abroad and without order being overcome with security and the pride of their late Victory he at length perswaded his men to issue out of the City and in setting upon their Enemies to recover again what they had lost Which advice being good of it self being thoroughly followed took most fortunate success for they slew at that time both Amintas and all his company This punishment he suffered for the offence committed to both Princes being neither faithful to Alexander whom he forsook nor to Darius to whom he fled Darius Captains who escaped from the Battel of Issum gathering together such men as were scattered abroad and such power beside as they could levy in Cappadocia and Paphlagonia did attempt to recover again the Country of Lydia Antigonus was Governour for Alexander there who notwithstanding that he had taken many Souldiers out of the Garrisons of Alexander yet he so little esteemed his Enemies that he doubted not to adventure the Battel The Persians there received the like Fortune they did in other places and attempting the Fight in three sundry Countries were vanquished in them all At the same time the Navy of the Macedons which Alexander had sent for out of Greece meeting Aristimones whom Darius had appointed to make War upon the Coast of Hellespont sought with and drowned all his Ships Pharnabasus Darius having exacted money of the Misonians and put a Garrison in Scios passed into the Isle of Andros with a hundred Ships and from thence he sailed to Shiphnus and putting Men of War into all the Islands exacted of them money The greatness of the War that was in hand between two of the most puissant Princes of Asia and Europe did draw both Greece and Creet to Arms Agis the King of Lacedemon gathered together eight-thousand Greeks that were come home out of Cilicia and moved War against Antipater that was Governour of Macedonia The Cretians following sometime one part and sometime another received one while a Garrison of Macedons and another while of Lacedemonians to lye amongst them But those Wars were of no great importance for all mens eyes were fixed upon the Wars that were between Alexander and Darius whereupon all the rest did depend The Macedons had subdued all Syria and Phenice Tyre only excepted which being the greatest and most notable City of all that Country shewed that they esteemed themselves worthy rather to joyn with Alexander as Friends then to become his Subjects for when he was come near unto them and incamped upon the main Land which is divided from their City with a small Arm of the Sea they sent to him by their Embassadours a Crown of Gold for a Present with great plenty besides of victuals for his Army He received their Gifts as from his Friends and gave gentle Answers unto the Embassadours but he shewed himself much desirous to make Sacrifice unto Hercules whom the Tyrians specially worshipped and the Macedon Kings supposed themselves to be descended of him being admonished as he said by an Oracle The Embassadours made answer That there was a Temple of Hercules without their City in the place which they call Palaetiron whereas he might do Sacrifice at pleasure At those words Alexander could not refrain from anger whereunto he was much subject but fell in a great passion I perceive now quoth he because ye dwell in an Island ye trust so much in the scituation of your City that ye despise my Land power But I will shortly make you understand that you are scituated upon the Main Land and therefore trust to it that if ye receive me not in I will enter into your City by force When the Embassadours were dismissed with this answer such as were near about the King perswaded them that they should not exclude him whom all Syria and Phenicia had received But they had entertained such a confidence for that their City stood in the Sea being divided eighty furlongs from the Main Land that they absolutely determined to abide the Siege That Sea of theirs is much subject to the South-West-winde which at every Storm made the Waves beat so high against the shore that it would not suffer the Macedons to make any work for the uniting the Main Land to the City it being scarce possible to work any thing there when the weather was most calm The first work that the Macedons began was by and by thrown down with the vehemency of the Seas that were driven by the winde nor could they make any Fort so strong within the Sea but that it was washed away and brought down by beating of the Waves and when the Windes blew violently they would bring the Seas clean over the work There was another difficulty no less then this for by reason that the Walls were environed about with the deepness of the Sea they could raise no Engine to shoot but afar off out of the Ships nor was there any ground about the City whereupon Ladders might have been reared against the walls or approach made unto them by Land Alexander had no Ships and if he had any and would have coveted to bring them to the walls yet by reason of the unstableness of the water they might with shot easily have been kept off But amongst many other things the Tyrians were wonderfully encouraged by the coming of the Embassadours sent from Carthage to celebrate a yearly sacrifice for the Tyrians being the builders of Carthage were ever since that time had in Veneration of them as their Parents and first Founders Those Embassadours exhorted them in any wise to continue the Siege and promised them shortly aid which thing they alledged might easily and soon be done for so much as at that time all the Seas were full of the Carthaginian ships Upon this encouragement they determined to abide the extremity and placed their Engines upon the Towers and walls dividing their Engines amongst the Youth of the City The Artificers whereof the City had gre●t plenty were divided into Work-houses to make all such things as were necessary for the Wars There were devised certain Instruments wherewith they might pull down the Works that their Enemies made called Harpagons and
all men before him because in such glory he died young and had his Acts set forth by such a one as Homer was From thence he passed forwards into the Dominions of Darius King of Persia who being the Son of Arsanus and the fourteenth King after Cyrus had the possession of the Monarchy of the whole Eastern part of the World The chiefest cause that moved Alexander to invade him was to be revenged of the damages and destructions wherewith the Predecessors of Darius had afflicted the Country of Greece and also for demanding Tribute of Philip his Father for the which he sent a proud and presumptuous Embassage calling himself The King of Kings and Kinsman of the Gods Lastly he had written to Alexander and called him his Vassal and gave Commission to his Lieutenants that they should beat that Mad Boy the Son of Philip with Rods and afterwards bring him to his Presence in Kings Apparel And furthermore that they should sink both Ships and Marriners and convey all the Souldiers that should be left alive beyond the Red Seas They therefore purposing to execute the Kings Commandment assembled their Power at the River of Granike which doth divide the Country of Troy from Propontides having to the number of 20000 Footmen and as many Horsemen with whom they had taken the ground on the other side of the River where Alexander must needs pass over whereof when he was advertised though he saw apparent danger in the Enterprize to fight in the water and the Ouze against his Enemies who had the advantage of the higher Bank yet upon a singular trust to his own good Fortune and the courage of his Souldiers he charged upon the Enemy At the first he was sore encountred and put in great danger of repulse but at length he vanquished and overthrew them In doing whereof there neither wanted policy in himself nor singular Manhood in his men There was slain in that Battel of the Persians twenty thousand Foot and two hundred and fifty Horse and of the Macedons but thirty four This Victory was greatly advantagious to Alexander's designe for thereby he won the City of Sardis being the chief strength the Persians had for the Mastering of the Seas unto which City and to all the rest of the Country of Lydia he gave liberty to live under their own Laws He got also under his possession the City of Ephesus which the fourth day after the Battel was abandoned by the Garrison which Darius set there In the mean season there came Embassadours from Magnetio and from the Triallians proffering the delivery of their Cities Parmenio was sent to them with three thousand Footmen and two hundred Horsemen with which Power he won Miletum that made-strong opposition And marching from thence towards Hilicarnassus he got all the Towns thereabouts at the first approach and afterwards besieged Hilicarnassus it self which with great travel he overcame at length and razed it to the ground As Alexander entred into Caria Ada the Queen of that Country who had been spoiled of all her Dominions by O●ontobates Darius Lieutenant saving of one strong City called Alinda● met with Alexander and adopted him for her Son and Heir He would not refuse the Name and the proffer of her Liberality but did restore to her again the Command of her own City And besides for the Memorial of her Benevolence he put the whole Country of Caria under her Rule and Subjection From thence he marched into Licia and Pamphylia to the intent that by getting the possession of the Sea-coasts of those Countries he might cause the Sea-power of Darius to be of no effect When he had subdued the people of Pisidia he entered into Phrygia by which Country he was inforced to pass and marched towards Darius with whom he had a great desire to encounter having understood that he was coming against him with a formidable Army THE THIRD BOOK OF QVINTVS CVRTIVS Of the Acts of Alexander the Great King of Macedon ALexander in the mean season having sent Cleander to levy Recruits out of Peloponnesus established the Countries of Licia and Pamphylia and removed his Army to the City of Celenae Through this City there ran at the same time the River of Martia made famous by the Poetry of Greece whose Head springing out of the top of a high Mountain and falling down upon a Rock beneath makes almost deafning murmures flowing from thence and watering the fields round about without increase of any stream saving his own the colour whereof being like unto the calm Sea gave occasion to the Poets to feign how the Nymphs for the delight they took in that River did chuse their dwelling under that Rock So long as it runneth within compass of the walls it keepeth his own name but when it cometh without where the stream is more swift and vehement it is then called Lycus Alexander did enter into this Town being forsaken of the Inhabitants and perceiving they were fled into the Castle which he determined to win before he departed he first sent to summon them by an Herald who declared that except they would yield themselves they should suffer the extremity of the Law of Arms. They brought the Herald into an high Tower which was strong both by Nature and Art willing him to consider the height and strength thereof and to declare unto Alexander that he had not a full dimension of the strength of the place for they did know it to be impregnable and if the worst should fall yet were they ready to die in their Allegiance Notwithstanding their words when it came to the point that they saw themselves besieged and all things were scarce they took Truce for forty days with this Composition That if they were not rescued by Darius within that time they would render it up into his hands Which they did afterwards at the day appointed when they saw no Succours coming To that place there came Embassadours to him from Athens making request that such of their City as were taken prisoners at the Battel fought upon the River Granike might be restored to them To whom answer was made that when the Wars of Persia were once brought to an end both theirs and all others that were Greeks should be restored to their liberty Alexander had his present care and resolution always upon Darius who he knew had not yet passed the River Euphrates He assembled therefore all his Powers together purposing to adventure the hazard of the Battel The Country was called Phrygia that he passed through plentiful of Villages but scarce of Cities yet there was one of great Antiquity called Gordium the Royal Seat sometime of King Mydas The River of Sangaray doth run through it and it standeth in the mid-way betwixt the Seas of Pontus and Cilicia being judged to be the narrowest part of Asia by reason of the Seas which lye on both sides representing the form of an Island and if it were not for a finall point of
he marched towards Euphrates with all the haste he could make in the conveyance of so multitudinous an Army He made there a Bridge and in fifteen days passed over it his people having a great desire to get into Cilicia before his Enemy Alexander had recovered his strength and was come to a City called Solos which the Inhabitants yielded unto him and for two hundred Talents obtained assurance Notwithstanding he put a Garrison into the Castle and there celebrated Plays and Triumphs which he had vowed to Aesculapius and Minerva for the recovery of his health where being so quietly given to his Sport he shewed how little he esteemed the coming of his Enemies Whilst Alexander was busied about these things he received pleasant news how his men won a Battel against the Persians at Halicarnassus and that the Mindians and Cawnians with divers other Nations in those parts were brought under his obedience These Sports being once ended he removed and by a Bridge made over the River of Pyramus he came to the City of Malon and from thence with another motion came to a Town called Castabulum There Parmenio returned to the King who had been sent to search the Streights that lay between them and the City of Issum He had prevented the Persians at that Passage and so leaving men for the defence thereof he possessed himself of the City of Issum that was left desolate He departed from thence and did drive the Persians out of the Mountains searching and clearing all the ways so that having made all things sure for the Army to pass he returned again both the Author of the Act and the Reporter of the thing done Alexander incamped within the City of Issum and there debated in Councel whether it were better to pass on further or else to tarry there for a more sure power which was coming to him out of Macedon Parmenio was of Opinion that this place was most safe to abide Darius in and to give him Battel where both the Armies should be of like force by reason of the Streights wherein no great multitude can fight at once He shewed reasons why they ought to eschew the Plains wherein their Enemies should have great advantage through their great number by which they might close them about wherein he said he feared not his Enemies stoutness but feared their own men might be overcome with weariness where a multitude should fight with a few and fresh men succeed in the place of them that fainted This Counsel was received for good and Alexander determined in the same place to abide his Enemies There was in the Host of the Macedons one Sysenes a Persian sent before time from the Governour of Aegypt unto King Philip who being advanced with reward and promotions chose to live out of his own Country and so following Alexander into Asia was esteemed among those that the King trusted well A Souldier of Greece delivered him a Letter from Nabarzanes Darius Lieutenant he exhorted him to do some notable Enterprise whereby he might win favour and reputation with Darius Sysenes innocent of this matter was divers times about to present the Letter to the King but seeing him full of weighty affairs in providing for the Battel he prolonged the matter and whilest he waited for a more convenient time he brought himself in suspition of Treason for the Letter was brought to the Kings hands before it was delivered to him who reading it did seal the same with a strange Seal and caused it to be delivered to Sysenes to prove thereby his fidelity But because he concealed the thing many days and opened not the matter to the King it seemed that he consented thereunto and therefore by the Kings Commandment he was put to death by the hand of the Grecians The Greek Souldiers which Thimones had received of Pharnabasus being those that Darius trusted most were now come to him They perswaded much Darius to retire back into the Plains of Mesopotamia and if he would not do so that at the least he should divide his power and not commit the whole force of his Estate to one stroke of Fortune This Counsel was not so displeasant unto the King as to such as were about him For they said Mercenary Souldiers were alwayes full of Treason and were to be doubted the more for that they counselled the Army to be divided which was for no other purpose but only that they might have opportunity to fly to Alexander when they should have any charge committed unto them there is nothing therefore more sure for us quoth they than to inclose them round about with our Army and to cut them in pieces for an example to the world that Treason may never be left unrevenged but Darius who was of a meek and good disposition refused to commit so cruel an act in slaying such as had betaken themselves to his trust For he said If we should defile our hands with their blood what strange Nation would ever then commit themselves into our hands and alledged that there ought no man to lose his life for giving foolish Counsel for who would be bold to give counsel if in counselling there should be any peril I call you quoth he to counsel daily and hear the diversity of your opinions and mistrust not them that give me not alwaies the best counsel He caused the Greeks to be answered that he gave them thanks for their good will but in returning back he said that he should give up his Country into his Enemies hands which was not convenient and considering the force that Fame is of in War in going back he alledged he should appear to fly But to defer the fight he thought it worst of all seeing so great an Army as he had the Winter then approaching could not be victualled in a desolate Country that had been wasted both by themselves and by their enemies And for the dividing of his power he shewed that he could not do it observing the custom of his Predecessors who were not wont to hazard the Battel but with all their power He declared that Alexander before his coming seemed terrible to the world and through his absence was brought into a vain presumption but after he saw him come forwards he became wary and well advised hiding himself in the straights of the Mountains like those coward-Beasts who hearing the noise of the Passengers do hide themselves in the dens of the Woods He hath deluded his Souldiers quoth he with his counterfeit sickness but now I will not suffer him to prolong the fight any longer which if he will refuse I will oppress him in his lurking holes These words he spake with greater ostentation than truth and sent his Treasure and Jewels with a small Convoy to Damascus in Syria and entred with his Army into Cilicia bringing with him according to his Country manner both his Mother his Wife his little son and his daughter It so chanced that on the same night in
which Alexander was come to the streight entring into Syria Darius came to the place which they call Pyla Amanica the Persians not doubting at all but that the Macedons would have forsaken the City of Issum and flie away for fear for certain of them that were weak and could not follow the Army were taken whom Darius through instigation of the Great men about him raging in barbarous cruelty caused their hands to be cut off and to be led about his Camp to the intent they might behold the multitude of his Army and after sufficient view taken he let them go to declare to Alexander what they had seen Darius removed and passed the River of Pyramus purposing to pursue after the Macedons which he thought had been flying away They who had their hands cut off came running in amongst the Macedons informing that Darius was advancing in great haste and fury There was scarcely any credence given to their words but to be more certain of it Alexander sent Spies towards the Sea-coast to know whether Darius were there in person or else had sent some other to make a shew of a power The Spies returning advertised that his whole Army was at hand and straightway the Fires might be seen which gave such a shew by reason they lay stragling so far abroad to get Forrage as though the whole Country had been on Fire When Alexander was ascertained of the truth he incamped in the same place where the tidings came unto him being marvellously glad because he knew he should fight especially in the streights being the thing he had always most desired But as it is commonly seen when danger and extremity is at hand that confidence is turned into fear so now he doubted not without great cause that Fortune might change upon him by whose favour he had done so great acts and considered her mutability by such things as she had taken from others and given unto him He saw there was now no prorogation of the time but that after one night passed the Victory should be determined On the other side he called to remembrance that the honour of the Victory was a reward that far exceeded the Adventure and as it was doubtful whether he should overcome or no so he was certain if overcome to die with honour and perpetual Glory When he had weighed th●se things he gave order that the Souldiers should refresh themselves and at the third Watch be armed in a readiness to advance He himself went up into the top of a Mountain with many Lights and Torches about him where he made sacrifice unto the gods after his Country manner And when the hour was come he appointed the Souldiers at the third sound of the Trumpet they should be in a readiness to march out to fight Exhortation was then given unto them to pass on with courage and confidence and by the break of day they were come to the Streights wherein their purpose was to prevent Darius By that time such as were sent before to scour the Country came in and reported that the Persians were within thirty Furlongs The Battels were then stayed and set in such order as they should fight As Alexander was advertised of Darius so was he advertised of Alexander by the Peasants of the Country who came fearfully running unto him declaring that Alexander was at hand These words were not believed for they could not think them to becoming whom they thought before to be fled But when they perceived that it was so indeed because they were in better order to pursue their Enemies then to encounter them in battel they were struck with a marvellous sudden fear Every man took him to his Armour in haste which haste and the calling that one made upon another did greatly amaze them Some run up to the tops of the hills to view the Macedons others fell to bridling their horses so that the Host full of diversity and not ruled by any certain government with their hurley-burley did put all things out of order Darius at first had appointed one part of his power to take the Mountains who setting upon his enemies backs might inclose them both behind and before and assigned another company to pass along the Sea-side which was on the right hand to keep his enemies doing on every part He gave order also that twenty thousand footmen with a Band of Archers should pass the River of Pyramus and give an onset that way but if they found any impediment why they might not do so then he willed them to retire into the Mountains and invade their Enemies on their backs but fortune which was of greater force than any policy determined those things that were well devised according as she thought good For some durst not for fear execute the thing that was commanded them and then the rest laboured in vain for where the members fa●l the whole body is confounded The order of Darius Army stood thus arranged to fight his power was divided into two Battels one marching on the left-hand the other on the right Nabarzanes impaled the Battel on the right-hand with a great power of Horsemen and thirty thousand Slingers and Are●●r Thymones was also in the Battel with 30000 mercenary Greeks being in very d●●d Darius chiefest Force a power equal unto the 〈◊〉 of the Macedons In the Battel on the left-hand A●istem●nes was in the fore front with thirty thousand Footmen having planted for his succour and relief such Nations as were counted most Valiant there were about the King being also in the Battel three thousand choice horsemen that were of the ordinary Guard of his Person and forty thousand footmen with the horsemen of Hercania and Media and the horsemen of other Nations were wings on both sides And besides these numbers there went before his Battel in a forlorn Hope six thousand slingers and casters of Darts All the plain ground between the Streights was filled with Men of War Darius Battel stood thus aranged from the Mountain down to the Sea-side The mother and wife of Darius with all the women were received in the middest of the Battel Alexander on the other side set his square Battel of footmen called the Phalanx being the Macedons chiefest force in the fore-front Nicanor the son of Parmenio was Captain of the Battel on the right hand and with him Cenos and Perdicas Meleager Ptolomeus and Amintas every one a Colonel of his own Regiment Parmenio and Craterus had the rule of the Battel on the left hand which stretched toward the Sea but Parmenio had the chief charge The Horsemen were set in wings to both those Battels the Macedons and Thessalian Horsemen being appointed to the right-hand Battel and the Horsemen of Pelop●nnesus to the Battel on the other side before which Battel there were also set Slingers with Archers among them and the Cretians that were lightly armed advanced before the main Battel The Band of Agrians that were lately come out of Greece were
Captains thither with a small power which being known he sent Mardus back again to Damascus with a small Guard to accompany him but he escaped out of their hands and came to Damascus before day-light That thing troubled Parmenio greatly doubting that his Enemies had laid an Ambuscado for him and therefore he durst not adventure in an unknown way without a Guide Notwithstanding upon the confidence he had in the felicity of his Prince he took some Peasants of the Country to conduct him the way who the fourth day brought him to the City of Damascus The Captain doubting that Credence should not be given to his Letter pretended to mistrust the strength of the Town and made countenance as though he would fly away On the break of day he caused Darius Treasure which the Persians call Gaza with the rest of all his precious things to be brought forth of the Town with a resolution to betray the same into the Macedons hands There were many thousands of men and women that followed a pitious sight to all that saw them saving to him to whose fideli●y they were committed For he to win himself thanks purposed to deliver to his Enemies a prey more precious then all the rest which was such of his Nobili●y as he had in his custody with the Wives and Children of the Great Men that bare Rule under Darius And besides the Embassadours of the Cities of Greece whom Darius had left in his treacherous hands as in a Fortress to his thinking of most security The Persians call those Gargabe that carry burthens upon their shoulders and these having the carriage of things of most value when they could not endure the Cold for the Frost and Snow that suddenly fell they put upon them the Robes of Gold and Purple which they carried together with the money there being no man to let them for the adversity of Darius caused that base sort of men to use a wretched liberty Those kinde of men seemed to Parmenio at the first sight to be no small Army and therefore weighed not the matter lightly but gave Exhortation to those that were with him as though they should have fought a sore Battel and willed them to put their Sp●●s to their Horses and give the Charge which being perceived by them that b●●e burthens they 〈◊〉 away for fear and so did the Men of War that were with them by such ways as they best knew The Captain of Damascus counterfeiting such fear as others feared indeed was the cause of all this confusion The riches of Darius were left unguarded and lay scattered abroad over all the Fields with the money that was prepared for the wages of so infinite a number of Souldiers as also the apparel of so many great men and Noble women with Vessels and Bridles of Gold ●avilions adorned with Regal Magnificence and Waggons full of infinite riches A thing even sorrowful to behold to the Spoilers if any thing could stay the covetousness of men Was it not a pitiful thing to behold the riches that had been gathered together in so great a number of years whiles the state of the Persians stood in that incredible height of Fortune one part thereof to be torn with Bushes and another part sunk into the Mi●● being so great besides that the hands of the Spoilers could not suffice for the Spoil when the Horsemen had overtaken them that fled first they ●ound divers women carrying their small Children amongst whom there were four Virgins the Daughters of Occhus that reigned next before Darius They before that time had suffered change o● Fortune when the State was altered from their Fathers Line but this adversi●y was much more grievous unto them There was in that number the wi●e of Occhus the Daughter of Oxatres that was Darius's Brother and the Wife of Artabasus who was of the chief House of Persia with his Son called Ilioneus The Wife and the Son of Pharnabasus were also taken to whom Darius had committed the charge of all the Sea-Coasts and with them the three Daughters of Mentor the Wife and Son of the Noble Captain Memnon There was scarcely any House of the Nobility of Persia free from that evil adventure There were also both Lacedemonians and Athenians that contrary to the League between Alexander and them took Darius part amongst the Athenians Aristoiton Dropides and Levertes were of the greatest Line and Linage and of the Lacedemonians the chiefest were Perisippus and Onomastorides with Omais and Callicratides The sum of the coyned money there taken was two thousand and sixty Talents beside thirty thousand men and seven thousand beasts that carried burthens upon their backs But the gods did persecute with due punishment the Betrayer of such a Treasure for one whom he had made privy to the matter pitying therein the Estate of his Prince did slay the Traytor and brought his head to Darius a comfort not unapt in that season to the betrayed King for thereby he was both revenged of his Enemy and perceived that the memory due unto his Estate was not removed out of the hearts of his people THE FOURTH BOOK OF QVINTVS CVRTIVS Of the Acts of Alexander the Great King of Macedon DArius who a little before was Lord of so great an Army and who came unto the Field carried aloft upon his Chariot more like to Triumph then to Fight fl●d by the places then waste and des●rt which he before had filled with his infinite numbers of Men of War There were but few that followed him for neither they fled all one way nor such as followed could keep pace with him that so often changed Hors●s At length he came to V●chae where he was received of ●our thousand Greeks who conducted him to the River of Euphrates thinking all those his Countri●s lost in the which by his speed he could not prevent the com●ng of Alexander Parmenio was appointed Governour of Syria and to be the Keeper of the Treasure and prisoners which he took at Damascus The Syrians could not at the first bear the new Government because they had not yet felt the Scourge of the Wars but as they revolted they were straightway subdued performing all that they were appointed to do The Isle of Arade was yielded to Alexander whereof Strato was King that had in subjection all the Sea-coast with divers of the Island-Countries who being received into trust Alexander marched with his Army into the City of Marathon There he received Letters from Darius that put him into great choler because they were so arrogantly written The special point that moved Alexander was for that Darius writing himself King did not vouchsafe to give him that Title but did write rather by way of Commandment then of Request proffering for the Ransom of his Wife and Children so much money as Macedon could receive For the Government of the Empire he said he put it to his choice to try it by the Sword if he list but if he would be
better advised he willed him to be content with his own Inheritance and he would joyn in Amity with him and become his Friend in which point he was ready to enter into Treaty with him Alexander did write to him again after this manner Darius whose Name thou ownest wrought heretofore great destruction upon the Greeks inhabiting the Coast of Helle●pont and upon the Greek Colonies in Ioni● which are Greek Cities and passed from thence to the Sea with a great Army to make War against Greece and Macedon And also King Xerxes thy Predecessor came to subdue us with infinite numbers which being vanquished in a Battel on the Sea left notwithstanding Mardonius behinde him in Greece to destroy their Cities and burn their Countries It is manifest besides that Philip my Father was slain by such as were corrupted thereunto with your money You undertake always unjust Wars and being clad in Arms go about for all that to circumvent men with Treason as thou of late having such a number of men in thy Army didst attempt my death with the promise of a 1000 Talents I am not therefore the beginner of the Wars but only do repel such injuries as are offered me in doing whereof through the help of the gods who favour alway the right I have brought the greater part of Asia under my subjection and having overcome thee in Battel by force of Arms there is no cause that I should grant thee any thing because thou hast not observed towards me the Law of Arms yet if thou wilt come and submit thy self I promise thee that I will deliver both thy Mother Wife and Children for I both know how to get the Victory and how to use such as I Overcome But if thou fearest to commit thy self to us I will give thee safe Conduct to come freely As for the rest when thou writest to me remember that thou writest not only to a King but also unto him that is thy King He sent this Letter by Thersipus and marched from thence into Ph●nicia where the City of Biblon was yielded unto him and so came unto Sydon which was a City of great Magnificence by reason of the Antiquity and Fame of the Builders The same was under the Dominion of Strato and supported by the power of Darius who yielding more by the constraint of the people then of his own good will was thought unworthy to Reign there Alexander made a Grant to Ephestion that he should make such a one King whom the Sydons thought most worthy of that Honour There were divers Noble young men in that City that had familiarity with Ephestion of whom he thought to have chosen one King but they refused his offer affirming that none might enjoy that Dignity except he were descended of the Blood Royal. Ephestion wondered at the magnanimity that was in them in despising the thing that others sought for by Sword and Fire and said Continue you still in that vertuous minde who are the first that have understanding how much better it is to refuse then to receive a Kingdom Chuse you therefore such a one of the Blood Royal that may remember he hath received the Rule at your hands But when they saw divers gaping for it and for the greediness they had to Reign they fell to flattering of such as were near to Alexander they resolved that there was none more fit for that Dignity then one Abdolominus who being of the Ancient Blood of the Kings for poverty was inforced to dwell in a small Graunge without the City His honesty was the cause of his poverty as it is to many other and being exercised in his daily labour he heard no noyse of the Wars that troubled all Asia They of whom we spake before came into his Garden with Garments to apparel him like a King and found him weeding of his ground whom they saluted King and said You must make exchange of the vileness of your apparel with these rich Ro●es we here present you Wash thy body that is now covered with Dust and take upon thee the Heart of a King and in this Fortune whereof thou art worthy shew the same moderation and continency as at this present And when as thou shalt sit in thy Regal Seat having in thy hands the power of the life and death of thy people do in no wise forget the Estate thou wert in when thou took'st the Kingdom upon thee nor yet for what purpose thou didst receive it The matter seemed to Abdolominus like a Dream who asked them if they were mad that would mock him after that manner But when he saw them affirm by Oaths the thing to be in earnest he washed himself and receiving the Garment which was of Purple and Gold he went with them into the Palace The Fame as it is accustomed in such a case did notably abroad of this subject some favoured the cause and some did disdain it but such as were rich did upbraid his poverty and base Estate to such as were near about Alexander who caused the King to send for him and when he had long beheld his behaviour he said Your personage doth not disagree from the Fame of your Linage but I desire to know with what patience you did sustain your poverty I would to God quoth he I could bear my prosperity in like case now when I am a King Th●se hands did get that I desired and having nothing I lacked nothing His words caused Alexander to conceive of him a marvellous good Opinion so that he gave unto him not only the riches stuff and furniture appertaining to the King before but also many things that were taken from the Persians adding to his Dominion all the Country near about that City In the mean season Amintas who heretofore fled from Alexander to Darius and now he escaped in the last Battel did come to Tripolis with four thousand Greeks where he imbarqued and sailed to Cyprus thinking the World to be such then that every one might enjoy what he could get as if it had been his own Inheritance His purpose was to go into Egypt thinking there to become an Enemy both to Darius and to Alexander and to comply with the world according as time should serve To bring therefore his Souldiers to think well of his Enterprize he declared how the Governour of Egypt was slain in the Battel and that the Persians left there in Garrison were but a small number of little force and without any 〈◊〉 He shewed how the Egyptians used to Rebel against their Governours wherefore they were sure to be received as Friends For necessity quoth he hath inforced us to prove our Fortunes which failing us in our first hope we must now conceive that the time to come shall be much better then the Fortunes we now enjoy They all agreed with one voice that he should lead them where he pleased Whereupon thinking not good to pretermit the occasion whiles they were high with hopes he
also Crows of Iron named Corvi with all other things that might be invented for the defence of the City But a strange thing is reported that when the Iron was put in the Forge and blown in the Fire the same was seen to be full of drops of blood which Wonder the Tyrians did interpret as a token of good Fortune towards themselves and as a signification of destruction towards their Enemies A like wonder was seen among the Maced●ns for when a certain Souldier was breaking of his bread drops of blood appeared therein whereat Alexander being astonied Aristander that was most cunning of all the D●viners did interpret thus the matter If the blood had appeared outwardly then it had signified evil fortune to the Macedons but in as much as it was found within it betokened destruction to the City they went about to conquer Alexander considering his N●vy to be far from him and that a long Siege should be an impediment to his other affairs sent Officers of Arms into the City to perswade them unto peace whom the Tyrians against the Law of Nations did drown in the Sea Their u●●ust death stirred Alexander so much that he then utterly determined to go forwards with the Siege But before he could make his approach it was of necessity for him to make a Peer or Land-work whereby they might pass from the main Land to the City But in the making thereof there entred great despair into all mens hearts considering the deepness of the Sea which they saw not po●●i●le to be filled scarcely by any Divine power for they thought no Stones so great no Trees so high nor any Country to have such plenty as might suffice for the building of a Bank in such a place considering the Sea remained always troubled and the narrower the place was between the City and the Land so much more greater was the violence of the waters But Alexander who had the policy to allure his Souldiers to what effect he pleased declared that Hercules appeared unto him in his sleep and gave him his hand proffering him to be his Captain and his Guide for his entrance into the City Thereunto he added the killing of his Embassadours whereby they had violated and broken the Law that all Nations observed and that there remained but one City which stayed his Victory thereupon he divided the work amongst his Captains that every one might apply his own Band and put the work more forward There were great plenty of stones at hand of the ruines of the old City where Tyre stood before and for the making of Boats and Towers Timber was brought from Mount Libanus The work did rise from the bottom of the Sea like a Mountain but it was not yet brought to the High-water mark and the further the Peer was brought from the Land unto the Seaward so much the sooner the Sea did swallow up the materials whereof the Peer was made Whiles the Macedons were thus about their work the Tyrians would come about them in small Vessels and give them words of reproach and scorn as they were now become goodly Men of War that would be made Pioniers and carry burthens upon their backs And they asked them if they thought Alexander to be greater then the god of the Sea But their reproach did not hinder but increase the chearfulness of the Souldiers in their pain and travel insomuch that the work in a short space surmounted above the water and increasing much in breadth approached near unto the City Then the Tyrians seeing the hugeness of the work in the increase whereof they saw themselves deceived little thinking that it would have grown to such a pass in little Vessels came rowing about the Peer and drove the Souldiers with shot from their working and because they could easily bring their Boats suddenly forwards return soon again they hurt many of the Macedons without any danger to themselves inforcing them to leave their work and fall to their own defence For remedy whereof and to avoid their Enemies shot they were compelled to stretch out Beasts skins upon Poles like Sails and set those between them and their Enemies and besides at the head of the Peer they raised up two Towers from whence with shot and casting of Darts they kept off the Boats that came about them On the other side the Tyrians would land men with their Boats far out of the sight of the Camp and kill such as were carrying of stones The Peasants of Arabia also did set upon certain of the Macedons that were scattered abroad in Mount Libanus where they slew and took divers that was one cause which moved Alexander to divide his Army and lest he might seem to remain idle about the Siege of one City he appointed Perdicas and Craterus to take the charge of the work he had in hand and marched himself in person into Arabia with such part of his power as was most apt for his present purpose In the mean season the Tyrians prepared a great ship laden with stones and gravel behinde so that the fore-part sloated above the water which ship anointed over with pitch and brimstone they brought suddenly by sailing and force of Oars unto the Peer and there remaining the Marriners set the ship on fire and then leaped into the Boats which followed after to receive them The ship thus set on fire so inflamed the Wood-work pertaining to the Peer that before any rescue could come the fire had taken the Towers of the Peer and all the rest of the Works that were made in the head When they who leaped into the Boats saw the matter take such effect they put betwixt the Timber and other void places both Fire-brands and all such things as might give nourishment and increase to the fire So that the Towers and all the rest being on a flame many of the Macedons were consumed therewith and the rest forsook their Arms and threw themselves into the Sea The Tyrians that were more desirous to take them alive then to kill them with staves and stones did so beat them on the hands as they were swimming that for weariness they were glad to be taken up into their Boats The Towers were not consumed with fire only for it chanced also the same day a terrible winde to rise which blowing from the Sea brought the Waves with such violence upon the Peer that with often beating of the Seas the joynts that knit the work together began to loose and to leave their hold then the water that washed through brake down the whole work in the midst so that the heaps of stones which were before sustained by the Timber and Farth cast betwixt them being broke asunder the whole work fell to ruine and were carried away into the Deep By that time Alexander was returned out of Arabia and scarcely found any remainder or token that any such work had been In that case as it is ever used in things that chance evil one laid
by an Engine either did tear the ships or destroyed the men They invented also Targets or Me●tle to be made fire-hot in the which they put burning Sand and scalding Lime and then poured the same upon the Macedons that came near to the Walls being a mischief that they feared most of all other For when the hot Sand entred between the Harness and the body there was no means to avoid it and where it touched it burned to the bones so that they were forced to throw away their Harness and tear away all things they had upon their bodies thereby they became subject to be hurt by their E●emies and were not in case to indamage them again But specially the Grapplers that were let down called Corvi took violently away many of the Souldiers that were within the ships Alexander seeing the obstinate defence of the Tyrians was weary of the Siege and determined to raise it and to go unto Egypt For considering in how short a space he subdued Asia it grieved him to be detained so long about the Walls of one City whereby he omitted the occasion and opportunity of greater Conquests But he was as much ashamed to depart without his purpose as to continue there and leave other things undone judging that if he should leave Tyre in that sort as a witness that he might be withstood it should much impair his Fame by which he had gotten more then by force And it chanced at the same time a Monster of an exceeding bigness did appear as well in the sight of the Tyrians as the Macedons which lying upon his back above the water came towards the Peer and when he had lifted up himself at the head of the Peer it dived under the water again and sometimes appearing above and sometimes hiding himself underneath when it came near the walls of the City it vanished out of sight The sight of this Monster rejoyced both parties the Macedons interpreting the same to be sent them as a Guide for their direction to finish the work And the Tyrians divining that Neptune in revenging the usurpations that the Macedons had made upon the Sea would shortly destroy the work that they had made in such like sort as he had taken away the Monster They upon their own imagination conceived such a gladness and prognosticated to themselves such good Fortune that they fell to banqueting and drinking and when they were well charged with Wine at the Sun-rising they put Garlands of Flowers upon their heads and mounted into Galleys not only with hope of Victory but with a Triumph made before-hand It chanced at the same time that Alexander had conveyed his Navy to the contrary side of the City and left upon the shore thirty of the smallest Vessels of the which the Tyrians took two and put the rest in danger of distress until such time as the King hearing the Alarm set forwards with his Navy towards that part where the cry was heard The first Galley of the Macedons that came near them was a Cinquereme the swi●test of all the rest which when the Tyrians espied they came against her with two Galleys cross upon her side whereof the one struck at her full with her Spurn with whom the Cinquereme grappled and the other which was loose and at liberty fell upon her on the contrary side But lest between them two she might sustain some damage one of Alexanders Trirems came to the rescue with such violence that the Master of the loose Galley was struck into the Sea When the Tyrians saw that Alexander was come himself and more of his ships at hand with strength of Oars and great industry they set their Galleys that were intangled loose again and at liberty making towards their Haven with all the haste they could Alexander immediately pursued them but when he came to the Haven he could not enter but was beaten off with shot from the walls yet did he take and drown the most part of their Galleys After this Adventure he rested his Souldiers two days and then commanded his ships to be brought forwards and the Engines in them to the intent that by assa●●ing the Tyrians on all sides he might put them into an extreme fear Alexander with a wonderful courage not without great peril of his person mounted up into the top of a Tower that was made in a Ship and there known by his apparel and rich Armour was chiefly assaulted and shot on from all parts He wrought wonderful feats with his own person for both with his Pike he slew divers that stood at defence and afterwards he fought hand to hand with his Sword and Target throwing divers down from their defence for the Tower wherein he fought joyned hard to the Walls By that time the Engines called Rams with much beating having laid low the Walls the Navy was got within the Haven and certain of the Macedons had won the Towers The Tyrians then oppressed with so many miseries at once were clean discomfited some fled unto the Temples for succour some did shut their doors taking that kinde of death they liked best and others ran upon their Enemies to sell their lives at the dearest rate but the most part got up into the tops of their houses and from thence did cast down upon their Enemies whatsoever came unto their hands Alexander commanded all to be slain without exception saving such as fled into the Temples and willed all the houses to be set on fire Though Proclamation thereof was made through the City yet the Tyrians that bore Arms could not save themselves for as the women and Children filled the Temples so the men kept the Entries of their houses ready to abide the cruelty of their enemies Yet the Sydonians were the occasion that many were saved who serving in the Garrison of the Macedons and entring the City with them were mindful of their Affinity with the Tyrians Agenor being the Builder of both their Cities and conveyed many into their ships which they privately sent unto Sydon by that means fifteen thousand escaped the cruelty of the Sword The number of them that were slain may partly be conjectured in that there were found dead within the City six thousand of such as did bear Arms. The Kings anger against the City made the sight dolorous even unto the Conquerours For 2000 whom the fury of the slaughter had left alive were afterwards hanged upon Crosses all along the Sea-Coast The Embassadours of the Carthaginians were saved but War was threatned to be made against them from the which he was then hindred by other business he had in hand Thus Tyre was taken the seventh moneth after it was besieged a City notable to Posterity as well through the antiquity thereof as by the often change of Fortune it had suffered It was builded by Agenor and many years was Mistress of the Seas not only thereabouts but in all places where their Navies were heard of and if we may credit Fame
ships the Watchmen drew the Chain again over the Haven and then called up such as lay near about them whereupon none of them durst resist but were all taken prisoners and delivered to Amphiterus and Egilocus From thence the Macedons passed to Mytelene which was kept by Chares of Athens with a Garrison of two thousand Persians but when he was not able to endure the Siege he yeilded up the City on composition to have their lives saved and to depart to Imbross Darius despairing of peace which he thought to have obtained by his Letters and Embassadours gave his minde to Muster a new Army and freshly to renew the War Therefore he commanded the Captains and Rulers of his men to have a Rendevouze at Babylon and that Bessus Governour of the Bactrians should come thither with all the power he could make The Bactrians are the most hardy people among those Nations rough men and much abhorring the delicateness of the Persians For by reason that they border upon the Scythians which is a Warlike Nation they are accustomed to live by spoil and are conversant continually in Arms But Bessus who was suspected of Treason affecting the Kingdom and who would not be content with a second place put Darius in great jealousies who having an inkling that he aspired to be King feared his Treason Bessus having no other way but by that to bring his purpose to pass Alexander wrought all the ways he could to obtain knowledge where Darius was and into what Country he was gone and yet could not get any intelligence by reason of a Custom amongst the Persians who are accustomed with a marvellous fidelity to keep close their Princes secrets in the uttering whereof neither fear of death nor hope of reward can cause them to bring forth a word This was an Ancient Discipline which the Kings there used among their Subjects in punishing with loss of life the lavishness of the tongue which is there more grievously chastised then any other crime Nor is there in those parts any Vertue looked for at any mans hands who hath not the gift of secresie whereof Nature hath given a facility in man This was the cause that Alexander was ignorant of all things that his Enemies did and therefore continued his Siege before Gaza Betis was Captain there who was a man of notable Fidelity towards his Prince and with a small Garrison defended the City that was of a large compass Wherefore Alexander perceiving the advantage of the Scituation caused many Mines to be made for the lightness of the ground covered the designe having neither Rocks nor Stones to give any impediment They began their Mines on that side where they within could not behold them and to avoid the suspition of any such work in hand he caused an approach to be made to the Walls with Towers that he had made of Timber but the ground would not serve for their carrying and removing by reason of the looseness of the Sand whereinto the Wheels sunk and was the cause that the Joynts of the Towers brake asunder About the carriage of them many were hurt and much trouble they had both in withdrawing of them and in setting them forwards When he perceived he could not prevail by that means he drew off his men for that time But the next day he environed the City round about to give an assault on every part at once and before he returned out of his Camp he made Sacrifice after his Country manner requiring the aid of the gods It chanced as he was so doing that a Raven flying by let fall a Clod which she carried in her Claws upon the Kings Head where it brake in pieces and the Raven flew unto the next Tower where her feathers were so entangled with pitch that she could not fly away but was taken by the s●anders thereabouts This was thought a matter worthy on which the Diviners should consult for he himself was not free from the Superstition of such things Therefore Aristander to whom he gave most credit did interpret the same to be a signe of the destruction of that City but yet there was some peril he said appearing towards the Kings person for which cause he perswaded Alexander that he should not go about any exercise that day Though it grieved him much that one City should be a stay and impediment unto him for his free passage into Egypt yet he obeyed the Prognosticators and caused all his men for that day to retire The Enemies took courage at their departure thinking fear to be the cause why they came not forwards and issuing out of the City they set upon the Rear But they were more fierce in the beginning of the skirmish then constant in the maintaining of it for when they saw the Macedons rally themselves they stayed and pursued no further Alexander hearing the Alarm and quite forgetting the peril that was prophecied unto him at his Friends request put on his Armour which he was seldom accustomed to do and resorted thither where the skirmish was most hot There he was known by a certain Arabian that was one of Darius Souldiers who took upon him a desperate enterprize to kill Alexander and therefore making his pretence to be as a Fugitive from the Persians kept his Sword secret underneath his Target and fell down on his knees before him who judging that he had fled to him for succour commanded that he should be received among his own men But the Arabian therewithal made a violent thrust at the King with his Sword which he stepping aside a little did avoid it from his throat and cut off the Arabians hand that missed of the thrust Alexander then judged that he had clean escaped the peril that should have chanced to him that day But as I think Destiny cannot be avoided for whiles he was eager in fight amongst the foremost he was shot with an Arrow which passed through his Corslet and did stick in his shoulder Philip his Physitian did pluck it out and great abundance of blood did follow whereof every man was afraid for so much as they never saw an Arrow pass so far through any Armour before But he never changed countenance nor colour but causing the blood to be ●●enched and his wound to be wrapped up continued still in the skirmish amongst the foremost either suffering or dissembling his pain But when the blood that was stayed for the time did break out again and the wound which for the newness thereof grieved him not much began to swell and rankle as the blood waxed cold then he began to faint and fall down and was taken up by such as were next unto him and carried into his Tent. Betis that perceived this and supposing him to be slain retired unto the City with great joy and triumph But Alexanders wound being yet unhealed he caused a Mount to be cast up as high as the top of the Walls and the Walls to be cast down in divers
Prisoners amongst whom Darius Mother was one were set in the top of an Hill with a small Guard about them The charge of the left Battel was committed unto Parmenio as was accustomed before-time and Alexander himself was in the Main Body When they were drawn near to one another one Byon came flying from the Persian Hoast in a full gallop and declared unto the King that Darius had planted iron Galtops where he thought his Horsemen should pass and by a certain signe shewed him the place because it might be avoided Alexander willed the Fugitive to be kept safe and assembled all his Captains together declaring the matter and exhorting them to make their Souldiers privy to the danger for eschewing the place pointed out to them But all that were in so great an Army could not hear the warning given the noise of both Armies taking away the use of the ears But Alexander riding betwixt the Battels gave Exhortation to the Captains and to all other that were within hearing He declared that there was but one hazard remaining to them that had passed through so many Countries in hope of the Victory which they were now ready to fight for Thereupon he reduced to their memory the Battels they had fought at the River of Granike in the Mountains of Cilicia and with what speed they had passed over both Syria and Egypt The rehearsal whereof put them in great hope and did intice them forwards to the desire of glory He shewed that the Persians being withdrawn from their former flying were now compelled to fight of necessity because they could fly no further and how that three days together amazed for fear they had remained still in one place with their Armour on their backs of whose despair he said there could be no greater argument then that they had set on fire their own Country confessing all to be their Enemies that they destroyed not He exhorted them not to fear the vain name of unknown Nations for it was a thing nothing pertinent which were called Scythians or which Caducians for being unknown Nations it was a sure token that they were men of no valour because such as be valiant could never be unknown in the world And contrariwise Dastards when they come forth of their D●ns bring nothing with them but names of men whereas you quoth he that be Macedons have obtained by your Vertue and Manhood that there is no Country in the world ignorant of your Acts. He willed them to behold the evil order that was in their Enemies Host of whom some had no weapon but a Dart others a Sling to cast stones and very few had such Armour as they ought to have So that though there was a great number on the other part yet he said they had more on their side when they should come to fight hand to hand and that for his part he would not require any man to adventure himself except he were an example to him of Fortitude and Courage for he assured them that he would be seen fighting with the foremost knowing that so many wounds as he should get should be so many ornaments to his person He said they themselves knew that he would be no partaker of the prey but that it was ever his custom to bestow the rewards of his Victory upon the Souldiers His former words he shewed to be spoken to men of courage but if any were of another temper he was to inform them that they were come unto the place from whence they could not fly having left so many Countries behinde them which they had passed over and so many Rivers and Mountains at their backs so that now there was no way to their own houses and Native Country but such as they must make open with their own hands This was the Exhortation he gave unto the Captains and to such of the Souldiers as were next unto him Darius that was in his left-hand Battel accompanied with a choice Band of Horsemen and of Footmen despised the small number of his Enemies their Battels appearing to him thin and void of men when he saw their Wings stretched so far abroad He stood therefore on his Chariot on high and turning himself both on the right hand and the left he spake in this manner to such as were about him We that were not long since Lords of all the Countries lying between Hellespont and the Ocean Sea are compelled now to fight not for Fame and Glory but for our Safeguard and our Liberty which chiefly is to be esteemed This day shall either establish or make an end of the greatest Empire that hath been in any Age. At the River of Granike we fought with a small part of our Power When we were vanquished in Cilicia Syria was able to receive us and the Rivers of Tygris and Euphrates were as Bull-warks to defend our Kingdom But now we are come to that extremity that we have no place to fly unto if we be put to flight All things behinde our backs are wasted with this long War neither Cities are inhabited nor men left to till the ground Our Wives and our Children do follow this Army a prey ready for our Enemies except we put our bodies for the defence of such as be dear unto us So much as hath concerned me I have performed preparing such an Army as this huge Plain is able to receive I have distributed amongst you Horse and Armour providing that Victuals should not be wanting for such a multitude and have chosen an apt place to arange our Battels in All the rest remaineth in your hands do but dare to fight and the Victory is yours and despise you the Fame of the Enemy which is but a weak weapon against men of Valour It is rashness which hitherto ye have feared as a Vertue whereof when the first brunt is spent it waxeth dull as are Drones having once lost their stings This Plain hath disclosed their small number which the Mountains of Cilicia did hide You see how empty their Ranks are how thin their Wings be extended abroad how their Battels be empty and void of men and such as are in the Rear have already turned their backs They may be overthrown with your Horses feet though I send none against them but the Hooked Waggons And if we win the Battel we make an end of the War for they have no place to fly to They are shut in with Tygris on the one side and with Euphrates on the other and such things as before made for their purpose now are turned and do make clear against them Our Army is light and without much Baggage and they are laden with preys and booties we shall kill them as they are wrapt in spoils And the same one thing shall be both our gain and the cause of our Victory If any of you be moved with the Fame of the Nation you must think that the Armour with the outward shew and not the bodies of the
wonderfully that the Victory should be thus taken out of his hands and that Darius had better fortune in flying then he in following In the mean s●ason the fame of Darius overthrow was brought unto Mazeus wherefore though before he had the upper hand yet he was so stricken with fear at his Fellows misfortune that he made a slack pursuit upon their Enemies Parmenio was ignorant of the cause why the fight did slack so willingly on their part and boldly using the occasion called the Thessalian Horsemen unto him and said See you not how our Enemies that even now gave us a fierce on●set suddenly be afraid I see the fortune of our King doth give us the Victory All the Field is strowed with the Persians that be slain Why do you therefore stay Are you not good enough for men that fly They saw that his words had some appearance of truth and therefore by and by they took courage and putting their Spurs to their Horses gave a full charge upon their Enemies who retired not by little and little but marched away a great pace and they wanted nothing of flying saving that they had not yet directly turned their backs yet for all that in so much as Parmenio knew not what was become of the King nor of his Battel he stayed and would not pursue after them Mazeus having liberty given him to fly at his leisure passed the River of Tire not the next way but by a further compass about with more surety and recovered the City of Babylon with the remainder of that vanquished Army In the mean season Darius with a few that accompanied him in his slight came to the River of Licus where passing over he stood in doubt whether he should break the Bridge or no for it was shewed him that his Enemies were at hand but considering how many thousands of his men by the breaking thereof should become a prey to his Enemies he left the Bridge standing and at his departure said That he had rather open the way to them that pursued him then to shut it against them that fled after him But Darius left not his flying till he came to Arbella where he arrived about mid-night Who is able to conceive in his minde or express in words the manifold chance in this discomfiture the slaughter that fell both upon Captains and Souldiers the chasing of them that were put to flight and the destruction in general and in particular Fortune heaped together in that one day the chances of the whole world Some took the way that came next to hand others fled into the Woods and sought out by-ways to escape such as had them in the chase There was a confusion of Horsemen and Footmen mixed together withou● any head the armed with the unarmed and the whole with the hurt At length the compassion that one had of another was turned into fear and they that could not follow were left bewailing themselves one to another But Thirst chiefly afflicted the wounded and wearied who lay along every where in the ways where any water was gasping after it with open mouth and when for greediness they had gulled in the troubled water they began to swell when the Mud once entred into their Intrails and being thus not in case to move the Enemy came and stirred them up with fresh wounds Some when the Brooks near hand were taken up by others sought out for Springs in every secret place Nor were there any Puddles so dry or so far out of the way that could be hidden from the thirst of them that searched them out The old men and women were heard howling and crying in all the Villages near the way side how Darius was yet their King Alexander as it hath been said before pursuing the Chase was come to the River of Licus at which the multitude of the Flyers were more then could pass the Bridge so that many when their Enemies pursued them leaped into the water and there laden with their Armour and wearied with sighting and flying were consumed in the stream But within a while neither the Bridge nor the River were able to receive the throung that continually increased by their indiscreet flying For when fear had once entred into their hearts they doubted only that which put them first in fear The Macedons were very eager in pursuit of their Enemies and required Alexander that he would not suffer his Enemies to escape free away But he to stay them alledged that their weapons were dull their hands wearied their bodies faint in the long pursuit and the night besides fast approached on them But in very deed the care of his other Battel which he thought to be yet fighting caused him to return to their succour He had not so soon turned his Ensignes but that certain Horsemen brought him word from Parmenio that he likewise had put his Enemies to flight He was not in so great danger all that day as when he was coming towards his Camp for there were but few that followed him and they were out of order as men that rejoycing of the Victory judged all their Enemies either to be fled or slain in the Field Suddenly there appeared a Band of Persian Horsemen coming against them which at the first stayed but afterwards perceiving the small number of the Macedons gave a charge upon them The King rode foremost rather dissembling then despising the peril he was in But his perpetual felicity never failed him in his extremities for at the first encounter he strake the Captain of the Persians who in eagerness of the fight unadvisedly came against him through with a Spear When he with that blow was stricken to the ground Alexander slew the next unto him with the same Staff and after him divers others When his Company saw their Enemies amazed with his doings they brake upon them and threw many to the earth yet they for their parts were not unrevenged for the whole Battel did not so earnestly fight as that small Band assembled so by chance But at length when they saw flying in the dark to be more safe unto them then fighting they fled away in divers Companies Alexander having escaped this extraordinary peril brought his men in safeguard unto his Camp There were slain of the Persians which came to the knowledge of them that had the Victory forty thousand and of the Macedons less then three hundred which Victory Alexander won more by his own Vertue then by any fortune and with hardiness and courage more then through any advantage of the ground for he both ordered his Battels politickly and fought manfully With great wisdom he contemned the loss of the Baggage considering the weight of the whole matter to consist in the Battel it self Whilest the fortune of the Field remained doubtful he used himself as assured of the Victory and when he had put his Enemies in fear he ceased not till he had set them flying and that which scarcely can be
the Mountains whereby men might get to the furthermost side 〈◊〉 the chief City of that Country and if he wo●● send but a sew that were light armed they mi●t be brought to a place where they should appear above their enemies heads This counsel liked him so well that he made these Counsellours Guides for his Army and committed them to Tauron whom he appointed chief of the Enterprize He assigned unto him fifteen hundred mercenary Souldiers and one thousand Agrians with whom after the Sun was gone down he entred into his journey Alexander in th● third watch removed his Camp and by the Spring of the day had passed the Streights there he set his men in hand for the cutting down of Timber for making of Towers and all such other things as pertained to the assault of a City and so beg●n his siege It was a difficult matter to make the aproach the City stood ●o high and the Rocks gave such impediment that the Souldiers were repuled and received many hurts contending both wth the Enemies and the scituation of the plac● notwithstanding they gave it not over by reasn the King was always amongst the foremost aking if they were not ashamed being the Conqurours of so many Cities to be so long in the ●●nning of a small Castle that was so obscure and unknown in the world As he was travelling am●gst the foremost with Darts and Arrows they ●ade many a shot at him from the walls but the ●ouldiers defended him with their Targets becau●● they could not perswade him thence At lengt● Tauron appeared above the Castle of the City a whose sight his Enemies hearts fainted and 〈◊〉 Macedons more 〈◊〉 did assail them When 〈◊〉 saw themselves in this extremity and perceive their power not able to withstand the Maceas they became to divers dispositions For some were determined to die and many to fly away But the greater part retired themselves into the Castle from whence they sent unto Alexander thirty Embassadours to ask mercy But he returned a sad answer to them that there was no pardon to be obtained at his hands whereupon they being in the utmost danger of death and excluded from all other remedies sent unto Sisigambis by a privy way unknown to their Enemies making their request that she should vouchsafe to be a means to Alexander for the pacifying of his rigour towards them In her only they put their hope knowing how much Alexander loved her and that he esteemed her as if she had been his mother And they thought she would the rather incline to their desire because Madates that was Captain there had married her sisters Daughter whereby he became a Kinsman to Darius Sisigambis stood long in denial of their request shewing that it agreed not with her fortune to become an intercessour for others adding thereunto that she feared lest she might misuse his favours and make him weary of her importunities for she said that she had more remembrance that she was a prisoner then that she was a Queen But at length she was overcome with their solicitations and by her Letters made intercession unto Alexander after such sort that she first excused her self of her sute making and after required him that he would pardon them or at the leastwise that he would forgive her being Petitioner only for the life of such a one as was her Friend and Kinsman and now no longer an enemy but in readiness to submit himself This one thing is sufficient to declare the moderation and clemency that was then in Alexander for he did not only pardon Madates but also left the City untouched granting to all that were within it their liberty with enjoyment of their Lands and Goods without paying of any tribute More then this she could not have obtained of Darius being her Son When he had thus subdued the Vxians he united them to the Province of Susa and purposing to pass forwards he divided his Army into two parts whereof he committed the one to Parmenio to be conducted through the plain Country and reserving such a part as was pestered least with baggage he took the way of the Mountains which with a continual ridge runneth out in length from thence into Persia In his passage he plundered all the Mountain-Country and arrived the third day in the confines of Persia The fifth day he entred into the Streights of Pylae Susiae which were defended by Ariobarzanes with fifteen thousand Footmen who on the tops of the high and steep Rocks that hung over on both sides the way at the first kept themselves quiet on purpose pretending a fear until such time as the Army was entred into the narrowest of the Streights But when they saw the Macedons pass on forwards in contempt of them then they threw down great stones upon them which falling upon the undermost Rocks and there breaking in pieces rebounded amongst the Macedons falling with such violence that they distressed whole Regiments at once And besides this they did them great damage with shot of Arrows and Stones that they casted out of Slings Such as were men of courage were not so much grieved with the death and destruction that they saw there present as that they should be slain after such a manner like beasts caught in a pit whereas they could not be revenged upon their Enemies Their wrath hereupon was turned into such a rage that they ran up against the Rocks and there enforced themselves by taking hold and by heaving up of one another to mount up unto their Enemies But when they had caught hold of some outward part and thereby laboured to ascend by force of so many hands that fastened to it at once they pulled in sunder the thing they held by and fell down all together In this case they could neither remain go forwards nor yet defend themselves by any device they could make with their Targets seeing the stones were of such weight that were thrown down upon them Alexander was in great trouble of minde not only for the grief he received by the destruction of his men but much more for the shame that he had so rashly brought his men into such a dangerous straight He had been invincible before that day and never attempted any thing in vain He had passed the Streights of Cilicia without damage and opened to himself a new way by Sea into Pamphilia which felicity of his seemed to be now at a stay if not to retreat for he could perceive no other remedy then to return by the way he came He caused the retreat therefore to be sounded and gave order to his Souldiers to go close together and by casting their Targets over their heads to return the same way they came having then marched thirty Furlongs within the Straight When he returned and had planted his Camp in an open ground consulting what was best to do such a superstition invaded his minde that he called for the Priests and Diviners to help the matter
us that are here banished into the uttermost bounds of the Orient being aged impotent and maimed to endure those travels which have wearied men who have been both armed and Conquerours It is to be asked what shall become of our Wives whom Chance and Necessity hath here procured us for the only comfort of our imprisonment what shall we do with our Children Shall we take them with us or leave them behinde us If we return with such as we have here none of those in Greece will acknowledge us and shall we then be so mad to leave those comforts we have already being uncertain whether we shall arrive at those which we desire or not Verily much better it were for us to conceal our selves amongst them who have been acquainted with us in our misery These were Euctemon his words but Theatus the Athenian reasoned to the contrary There is no wise man quoth he that will esteem us by our outward shape seeing that our calamity is not come by Nature but by the cruelty of our Enemies Such as are ashamed of the injuries of Fortune are well worthy to suffer misadventures They give a grievous sentence upon the state of mans Mortality and despair much of mercy who deny their compassion to men in misery Now therefore since the gods have offered to you what ye durst never have wished for that is your Country your Wives and your Childre being 〈◊〉 things which men esteem more then life and redeem oftentimes with death Why do you doubt for the enjoyment of those things to break out of this imprisonment I judge the Air of our own Country most natural to us where there is another manner of living other Customs other Religion and another tongue which for the pleasantness of it is coveted of the Barbarous Nations What great things then be those which ye would willingly leave the want of which onely is the cause of your misery My Opinion is plain that we visit our Countrey and our Home and not to refuse so great a benefit as Alexander hath proffered us If any be detained with the love of such wives and children as they have gotten here in servitude let such be no impediment to others that esteem most their natural Countrey There were but few of this opinion for custome that is of greater force then nature prevailed in that point They agreed therefore to demand of Alexander the gift of some place to inhabit in and chose out a hundred to be Petitioners to him in that behalf When Alexander perceived them coming towards him thinking that they would have required what he had conceived he said unto them I have appointed to every one of you Beasts to carry you and a thousand Deniers and when you shall come to Greece I will so well provide for you that excepting your misfortune no man shall think himself in better case then you But when he saw them looking still toward the ground and that they neither lifted up their eyes nor spake one word he enquired the cause of their heaviness Then Euctemon rehearsed again those words in effect which he had spoken before in Councel The King therefore pitying no less their demand then he did their misfortune commanded three thousand Deniers to be given to every one of them and ten suits of apparel with Cattel and Corn whereby they might Till and Sow the Land that should be appointed to them The next day he assembled all the Captains of his Army together and represented to them that there was no City more enemy to the Greeks then the same that was the chief Seat of the ancient Kings of Persia from whence all the great Enemies had been sent into Greece how Darius first and after him Xerxes had come out of that place to move their un●ust War against Europe with the destruction of which City he thought good to revenge the blood of their Predecessours The Inhabitants had abandoned that City and fled where their fear did drive them Whereupon the King straightways brought in all the Phalanx to the spoil thereof He had before that time won many Cities some by force and some by composition that were full of riches and of Princes Treasure but the abundance of that City did exceed all the rest as being the place where the Persians had laid up all their substance Gold and Silver was found in heaps and great plenty of rich habiliments and furniture of houses not only for necessary use but for excess and ostentation which was so great that it gave the Conquerours occasion to fight for it amongst themselves each taking other for their enemies that had gotten the richest spoil The abundance there was such that they could not imploy the riches which they found but when they saw things of value they esteemed them rather then took them away At last every one of them coveting to have a part of every thing did tear and break asunder the Princely Robes and the precious Plate of curious workmanship with the Images of Gold and Silver which were plucked in pieces as every one caught hold nothing was left untouched nor any thing carried away whole cruelty bearing no less rule then covetousness every one was so laden with gold and silver that they esteemed not the keeping of their prisoners but killed such as at first they spared in hope of gain There were many therefore that prevented their Enemies by a voluntary death and divers cloathing themselves in their most precious apparel leaped down from the walls with their wives and children Certain there were that set their own houses on fire which they judged their Enemies would else have done and burned themselves with their Family together At length the King did forbid any violence to be done to women and that no man should meddle with any thing pertaining to them The sum of money taken within this City was greater then any man can well credit but either we must doubt with others or else believe what hath been left in memory that the Treasure there found amounted to a hundred and twenty thousand Talents which Treasure because Alexander would employ in his Wars he caused Horses and Camels to be brought from Susae and Babylon to convey the same The taking of the City of Persagadis wherein were found six thousand Talents was an increase to this sum which City being built by Cyrus was yielded up by Gobates who had the Government thereof Alexander left in the Castle of Persepolis three thousand Macedons in Garrison under Nic●rides Captain of the same and reserved to Tyridates that delivered him the Treasure the same honour that he enjoyed with Darius Leaving in this City the greater part of his Army with his Carriages under the Rule of Parmenio and Craterus he with a thousand Horsemen and a Band of Footmen without any Baggage went to visit in the Win●●●●●●son the inward parts of Pers●a There he was 〈…〉 ed with Storms and Tempests that were in a manner
intolerable but yet he advanced forward in 〈…〉 is Enterprize to the place appointed In his march he came unto a Country that was covered with Snow and frozen by the violence of the great cold The melancholy of the Wilderness put the Souldiers that were wearied with travel in such a terrour that they imagined they had seen the uttermost bounds of the world For when they beheld all things waste and no signe appearing of the habitation of men they were amazed and made request to return again before that the Light and Elements should fail them The King would not chastise them being in this terrour but leaped from his Horse and marched on foot before them in the Snow and the Ice Which thing when his Friends saw they could not for shame but follow then the Captains did the like and finally the Souldiers The King was the first that made himself a way by breaking the Ice with a Pick-Axe whose example the rest did follow At length having passed the desolate Woods they found here and there some appearance of habitation and discovered Flocks of Sheep When the Inhabitants who dwelled in the Cottages dispersed thereabouts saw armed men advancing whom they judged to be their Enemies thinking they had been inclosed about they slew such as were not able to follow them and fled themselves to the Mountains that were full of Snow But at length by communication with such as they took prisoners their wildness was somewhat mitigated and they yielded themselves to Alexander who did them no hurt at all When he had conquered all that part of Persia and brought the Towns under his obedience he came into the Countrey of the warlike Mardians who did differ much from the rest of the other Persians in their manner of living They with their wives and children did dig themselves Caves in the Mountains and lived with the flesh of sheep and wilde Beasts nor had the women any appearance or disposition more soft or milde then the men their shagged hair hung down before upon their faces and their garments came but to their knees the bands of their Slings were fillets for their fore-heads which they used both for ornament and defence This Nation for all their uncivility could not escape from being subdued with the same force of fortune that others were so that on the thirtieth day after he departed from Persepolis he returned to it again Then he gave rewards to his friends and to all the rest according to their deservings distributing in a manner all the riches which he found within that City But all the excellent vertues of his minde his Princely qualities wherein he excelled all Kings that constancy in all dangers that dexterity in contriving and performing all Enterprizes the keeping of his promise with those that submitted his clemency towards prisoners and that temperance in lawful and accustomary pleasures were all defaced through the intolerable desire and delight he had in drinking For notwithstanding that his Enemy my which contended with him for the Empire did make then great Levies for the Wars and was gathering his power together and although the people newly conquered were not yet in a quiet subjection yet he gave himself continually to feasting and banquetting where women were ever present not such to whom men had respect for honesty but Harlots who had in the Camp more liberty then beseemed the discipline of men of War Amongst them there was one Thais who upon a day in her drunkenness affirmed to Alexander that he should wonderfully win the favour of the Greeks if he would command the Palace of Persepolis to be set on fire the destruction whereof she said they greatly desired for so much as the same was the Seat of the Kings of Persia which in times past had destroyed so many of their Cities When the drunken Harlot had given her Sentence a second and a third they being likewise drunk confirmed her words Alexander who then had in him more inclination to heat then patience said Why do we not then revenge Greece and set this City on fire They were all high with Wine and rose immediately upon those words to burn that City in their drunkenness which the men of War had spared in their fury The King himself first and after him his Guests his Servants and his Concubines set fire on the Palace which being builded for the most part of Cedar became suddenly on a flame When the Army that was encamped near unto the City beheld the fire which they thought had been kindled by some casualty they came running to quench the same But when they saw the King there present nourishing the flame they poured out the water which they brought and helped likewise to increase the fire Thus the Palace that was the Head of the whole Orient from whence so many Nations before had fetched their Laws to live under the Seat of so many Kings the only Terrour sometimes of Greece that had set forth a Navy of ten thousand Ships and Armies that overflowed all Europe who made Bridges over the Sea and undermined Mountains where the Sea hath now his course was consumed and had his end and never rose again in all the Ages that did ensue for the Kings of Macedonia made choice of other Cities which are now in the hands of the Parthians The destruction of this City was such that the Foundation thereof at this day cannot be found but that the river of Arraxes doth shew where it stood which was distant from Persepolis twenty furlongs as the Inhabitants rather do believe then know The Macedons were ashamed that so Noble a City was destroyed by their King in his drunkenness yet at length it was turned into a work that carried gravity in the performance and they were content to think it expedient that the City should have been so destroyed But it is certain that when Alexander had taken his rest and was better advised he repented him of this deed and said That the Persians should have done the Greeks more harm if it had been his chance to have Reigned in Xerxes stead The next day he gave thirty Talents for a reward to him that was his Guide into Persia and from thence he advanced forwards into Media where a new supply of Souldiers of whom Plato of Athens had the Conduct came to him out of Cilicia being five hundred Footmen and a thousand Horsemen When he had by this means increased his power he determined to pursue Darius who was come to Ecbatana the Head City of Media and was purposed from thence to have passed into Bactria But fearing to be prevented by the speed which his Enemies made he altered his purpose and his journey Alexander was not come near by fifty hundred furlongs but he could not think any distance sufficient to defend him against his celerity and therefore prepared himself rather to fight then to fly He had with him thirty thousand Footmen amongst whom there was four thousand
parties fortune as it were of purpose bringing such valiant men to fight together neither of them prevailing upon other But the streightness of the place where they fought did not suffer them to joyn with their whole force at once for more were beholders then fighters and such as stood without danger encouraged the others with their cry At length the Lacedemonians began to faint and scarcely able for sweating to sustain their Armour began to draw back to have the more liberty to flee from their Enemies that pressed sore upon them When they were once broken and scattered abroad● the Conquerours pursued after and passing the place whereupon the Lacedemonians Battel was first arranged made a sore pursuit upon Agis who seeing his men flying and his Enemies approach at hand willed his men to set him down where stretching himself to feel if the force of his body could answer unto his heart when he found himself unable to stand remaining upon his knees put on his Helmet and covering his body with his Target shaked his Spear and provoked his enemies to draw near if any were desirous of his spoil but there was not one that pressed near him but did cast Darts afar off which he always took and threw at his Enemies again till such time as he was thrust into the bare breast with a Spear But when the same was pulled out of the wound he fainted and bowing himself upon his Target shortly after fell down dead blood and life failing both together There were slain of the Lacedemonians 5340 and of the Macedonians not above three hundred but there was scarcely any of them that escaped unwounded This Victory not only brake the hearts of the Lacedemonians and of their Confederates but also of others who lay in wait looking for the success of that War Antipater was not ignorant how the countenances of such as did gratifie his Victory differed much from the intents of their hearts but desirous to finish the Wars that were begun he perceived it necessary for him to dissemble and suffer himself to be deceived And though he rejoyced much in the Fortune of the Battel yet he feared the envy that might ensue thereof it being a greater matter then the Estate of a Lieutenant did bear For Alexander was of such a nature that he desired his Enemies had won the Victory shewing manifestly that he was not contented with Antipaters good success thinking that whatsoever chanced to another man was a derogation to his own glory Antipater therefore who knew full well his stomack durst not use the Victory according to his will but assembled a Councel of Greeks to advise what they thought expedient The Lacedemonians made no other request but that they might send Embassadours to Alexander who upon their Address to him and their suit made obtained a General Pardon for all men saving for such as were the Authors of the Rebellion The Megapolitans whose City did abide the Siege were compelled to pay as a Fine for their Rebellion twenty Talents to the Athenians and the Aetolians This was the end of the War which being suddenly begun was ended before Alexander had overthrown Darius at Arbella As soon as his minde was delivered of those present cares as one that could bear better the wars then quietness he gave himself up to pleasures by the vices whereof he was overcome whom no power of the Persians or any other were able to subdue He was given to banqueting out of season and to a fond delight of drinking and watching in Plays amongst Flocks of Concubines that drew him into strange manners and customes which he following as things more pleasing then his Country Customes offended thereby greatly both the eyes and the hearts of his Nation and caused many that loved him before entirely to hate him then as an Enemy For the Macedons that were obstinate in keeping their own Discipline and unaccustomed to be curious being so penurious in their Diet as might suffice Nature only when they saw him go about to bring in amongst them the Vices of those Nations which they had subdued Conspiracies began to be made against him Mutinies arose amongst the Souldiers and every one complaining to another freely uttered their griefs whereby he was provoked to wrath to suspition and sudden fear Divers other inconveniencies insuing thereupon which shall be declared hereafter Alexander being given as hath been said before to unreasonable banqueting wherein he consumed both day and night when he was satisfied with eating and drinking he passed the rest of the time in Plays and Pastimes And not contented with such Musitians as he brought out of Greece caused the Women that were Captives to sing before him such Songs as abhorred the ears of the Macedons not accustomed to such things Amongst those Women Alexander espied one more sad then the rest who with a certain shamefac'dness did strive with them that brought her forth She was of excellent Beauty and by her Modesty her Beauty was much augmented And because she did cast her eyes towards the earth and covered her face so much as she might she gave suspition for him to think that she was descended of Noble Parentage And therefore being demanded what she was she shewed her self to be the Ni●ce of Occhus that lately reigned in Persia and the Wife of Histaspis who was Darius Kinsman and had been his Lieutenant over many great Armies There yet remained in the Kings heart some small sparks of his former Vertue for in respect of her Estate being descended of the Blood of Kings and in Reverence he bare to such a Name as the Niece of Occhus he commanded her not only to be set free but also to be restored to her Goods and her Husband whom he willed to be sought out The next day he appointed Ephestion to bring all the prisoners to the Court where inquiring of the Nobility of every one he commanded them who were descended of Noble Blood to be severed from the rest amongst whom they found Oxatres Brother to Darius that was no less Noble of minde then of blood There were made of the last spoil twenty six thousand Talents whereof twelve thousand were consumed in rewards amongst the Men of War and the sum amounted to no less value that was conveyed away by them that had the keeping thereof There was one Oxidates a Noble-man of Persia that was imprisoned by Darius and appointed to suffer death whom Alexander delivered and gave unto him the Seignory of Media and received Darius Brother amongst the number of his Friends reserving to him all the accustomed honour of his Nobility Then they came to the Country of Parthenia being then but obscure and unknown but now the Head of all those Countries which lye upon Tygris and Euphrates and bounded with the Red Sea This Country being fruitful and abundant in all things was conquered by the Scythians who possessing part of Asia and Europe are troublesome Neighbours to them both The Scythians
who inhabit upon the Bospheron Sea are ascribed to be in Asia and such as be in Europe possess the Countries lying on the left part of Thrace so far as Boristhenes and from thence right forth so far as the River Thanais that parteth Europe and Asia It is certain that the Scythians of whom the Persians be descended came not from Bospheron but out of Europe There was a Noble City in those days called Hecatonphilos builded by the Greeks where Alexander remained with his Army conveying Victuals thither from all parts Among the Souldiers lying in idleness there arose suddenly a rumour which entred into their heads without any certain Author or beginning which was that Alexander satisfied with the Acts he had done purposed immediately to return into Macedon This Fame was not so soon blown abroad but that they ran like mad-men to their lodgings and trussed up their Baggage and their Stuff making such preparation to depart that every man judged warning to be given to remove and that the thing had been done by appointment The tumult that did rise in the Camp by lading of Carriage and by the calling which one made to another came unto the Kings ears This rumour obtained the sooner credit by the dispatch of certain Greek Souldiers whom Alexander had dismissed into their Country with the gift of six thousand Deniers to every Horseman Thereupon occasion was given to think that the War had been at an end Alexander whose purpose was to pass into India and the uttermost bounds of the Orient was no less displeased at this rumour then the case required And therefore calling before him the Captains of his Army with the tears in his eyes he made a great complaint unto them that in the middle course of his glory he should thus be pulled back and compelled to return into his Country rather as a man vanquished then as a Victor Which misfortune he said he could not impute to his Souldiers nor judge that their cowardliness did give an impediment to his proceedings but that it was only the envy of the gods that put so sudden a desire of their Country into the mindes of valiant men who within a while should have returned with greater glory and fame Thereupon they all promised to travel in Reformation of the matter offering themselves in all things were they never so difficult to do as he would have them And they promised also the obedience of the Souldiers if so be that he would make some gentle and apt Oration to pacifie them who were never yet seen to depart from him in any desperation or disturbance of minde if they once beheld the chearfulness of his Countenance and the courage proceeding from his heat He promised so to do and required in the multitude an inclination to give ear unto him When all things were prepared which were thought expedient for this purpose he assembled all his Army together and made this Oration unto them When ye consider my Souldiers the greatness of the Acts which ye have done and the manifold Conquests that ye have made it is no marvel at all that ye be inclined to quietness and fully satisfied with Fame and Glory For not to speak of the Illyrians and Tribals of Boetia Thracia and Sparta of the Achaians and Peloponnesians whom I have subdued part in person and the rest by appointment I will not make rehearsal of the War we began at Hellespont and how we delivered from servitude the Barbarous Nations the Ionians and Aeolides and got unto our possession Caria Lydia Cappadocia Phrygia Paphlagonia Pamphilia Pysidia Celicia Syria Phenicia Armenia Persia Media and Partheniae We have gotten more Countries then others have taken Cities and yet I am sure the number of them have caused me to leave some of them unrehearsed If I could think that the possession of these Lands that we have conquered in so short time could remain sure unto us then my Souldiers I would though it were against your wills break from you to visit my house and my home to see my Mother my Sisters and my Country-men to enjoy there the Land and Glory that I have gotten with you where the joyful Conversation of our Wives our Children and Parents our peace and quietness and a sure possession of things gotten through our valour do tarry for us as large rewards of our Victory But if we will confess the truth this new Empire which we have not yet at Commandment but is kept as it were by way of intreaty doth require a time that this stiff-necked people may learn to bear our yoke and by framing their dispositions to more Humunity bring their cruel nature to a more civil conversation Do we not see that the Corn in the field asketh a time for its ripening and though the same be without sense yet hath it its course to be brought to perfection Do you believe that so many Nations not agreeing with us in Religion in Custom nor in one use of Language accustomed to the Empire and Name of another man will be conquered and brought to subjection with the winning of one Battel No trust me they are kept under with fear of our Power and do not obey us of their own good wills And they which shew you obedience when ye be here amongst them when you be absent will be your Enemies You must think that you have to do with wilde Beasts which being fierce of Nature when they be first taken must be shut up and tamed by time Hitherto I have reasoned with you as though we had conquered the whole Dominion that pertained to Darius which is nothing so for Nabarzanes possesseth Hircania and the Traytor Bessus not only enjoyeth Bactria but also threatneth us The Sogdians Dahans Massagetes Sagans and the Indians remain yet in their own Liberty and Jurisdiction who shall not see our backs so soon turned but they will follow in our Rear They all have a certain Friendship and Amity one with another but we are all Strangers and Forreigners unto them There is no Creature but that will more gladly be obedient to Rulers of his own Nation then to Forreigners be their Government never so terrible We are driven therefore of necessity to purchase that we have not or else to loose that we have already gained As Physitians that in sick bodies will leave no humour that may hurt so likewise we must cut away whatsoever shall be an impediment unto our Empire Have you not seen great fires to arise from small sparks not regarded We may not neglect any thing in our Enemies whom the more we despise the more strong we make them And because you should not think it such an impossibility for Bessus to make himself King where a King is wanting you shall understand that Darius came not to his Empire by Inheritance but got into the Seat of Cyrus by the benefit of Bagoas his Eunuch We commit 〈◊〉 heinous offence my Souldiers if we make war against
hand and cut down the Wood to make them great fires the flame whereof took hold of the Sepulchres belonging to the City which by reason they were made of Cedar they were soon set on fire and never left burning till they were all consumed The fire made both an Alarm in the City and in the Camp for the Citizens thereby judged that their Enemies would make some attempt against them and the Macedons perceived by the barking of the Dogs and the noise of the men that the Indians would salley out upon them Wherefore Alexander issuing out of his Camp in order to Battel ●lew such as attempted the Fight Thereupon they within the City became of divers opinions some were minded to yield and others thought good to adventure the extremity When Alexander understood of their division he caused his men to abstain from slaughter and only to maintain the Siege At length they were so wearied with the discommodities of the War that they yielded themselves They affirmed their original to be from Bacchus who indeed builded their City at the foot of a Mountain called Meroe the quality of which Mountain being reported to Alexander by the Inhabitants he sent Victuals before and passed thither with his whole Army incamping upon the top thereof The Mountain grew full of Vines and Ivy abounding with Springs that flowed out in every place The same was also plentiful of many kinds of Apples of most pleasant taste the ground also brought forth Corn without cultivation There grew plenty of Lawrel-trees with many kindes of wilde fruit I cannot impute it unto any motion of religion but rather to plenty and wantonness that caused Alexander to repair thither where of the Ivy and the Vine-leaves were made Garlands by the Souldiers who ran up and down the Hills after a dissolute manner all the hollows and valleys thereabout rebounding with the voice of so many thousands of men calling upon Bacchus to whom that place was dedicate which license and liberty being begun of a few was spread so suddenly through the whole Army that the Souldiers scattered abroad without order lay here and there reposing themselves upon the grass and leaves that they had gathered together as it had been a time of quiet and most assured peace which licentiousness of the Souldiers rising by chance Alexander did not withstand but ten days together made Feasts to Bacchus during which time he plentifully banqueted his whole Army Who can therefore deny but that greatness of fame and glory is oftentimes a benefit rather of fortune than of vertue for their Enemies had no heart to set upon them whiles they were drowned in this excess of banqueting drunkenness and sloth but were as much afraid of their drunkenness as if they had heard their cry encounting with them in Battel which felicity preserving them here did afterwards defend them after the same manner in the middest of their Enemies returning as it were in triumph from the Ocean Sea when they were given all to feasting and to drunkenness When Alexander descended from the Mountain he went to a Countrey called Dedala which the inhabitants forsook and fled to the Woods and wilde Mountains and therefore he passed from thence into Acadera which he found both burned and abandoned likewise of the inhabitants whereby of necessity he was compelled to use the War after another manner For he divided his Army into divers parts and shewed his power in many places at once By which means he oppressed them before they could provide for themselves and subdued them to their utter ruine Ptolomeus took most Cities but Alexander won the greatest and afterwards joyned again his Army together which he had thus divided That done he went forwards and passed a River called Choaspe where he left Cenon to besiege a rich City called Bezira and he himself went to Mazage where Aassacanus being dead had left the Dominion both of the Countrey and the City to his Mother Cleophes There were three hundred thousand Footmen to defend that City which was both well fortified and strong of scituation being inclosed upon the East with a swift River having steep Banks defending the City that it could not be approached on that side Upon the South and the West parts nature as it were for the once had planted high Rocks lying betwixt them and deep hollows and pits made many hundred years before where the Rocks ceased there began a Ditch of Wonderful depth and wideness The Wall wherewith the City was inclosed was 35 Furlongs in compass whereof the nether parts were builded of stone and the upper parts of clay yet the stones were mixed with the clay to the intent that the frail substance clinging to the harder the one should binde the other and lest the Earth washed upon with the rain might fall all together there were stanchings of Timber put betwixt to stay the whole work which covered over with boards was a way for men to go upon Alexander beholding this kinde of fortification was uncertain what to do For he saw he could not approach to the Walls but by filling of those Ditches and hollow places and that he could not otherwise fill them than by making of a Mount which was the only way he had to bring his Engines to the Walls but whiles he was viewing the Town after that manner he was struck from the wall with an Arrow on the thigh which he pulled out and without wrapping of his wound he called for his horse and letted not for his hurt to give order for such things as he thought expedient But at length when by hanging of his leg the bloud drew from the wound and waxed cold whereby his hurt began to pain him he then said he was called the son of Jupiter but yet he felt in himself the infirmities of a diseased body Notwithstanding he would not return into the Camp before he had viewed what was necessary and gave order for all things he would have done After the Souldiers had received their orders by plucking down of Houses without the Town they got great plenty of stuff to make the Mount withal and by casting stocks of trees on heaps into the ditches and hollow places the Mount within nine days was raised up to the top of the walls and the Towers were planted upon the same such was the labour and diligence that the Souldiers used in this business The King before his wound was closed up took the pains to see how the Works went forwards and when he perceived them in such height he commended the Souldiers for their diligence and caused things to be brought to the walls by reason of which they that defended the walls were sore afflicted with shot and by reason they had not seen any such kinde of work before they were wonderfully amazed especially when they beheld the towers of such bigness to come forwards and yet could not perceive by what means they were moved they therefore judged it to be done
of the Sun and the plenty of Springs keeping the ground moist there were also many Serpents seen whose Scales glistered like gold There was nothing more dangerous then the poyson proceeding from them for immediately upon the stinging death followed until such time as the Inhabitants of the Country shewed a remedy From thence through Desarts they came unto the great River Hidraores whereunto there joyned a great Wood which having such Trees as are not wont to be seen in other places was also full of wilde Peacocks Alexander removing his Camp from thence took a Town by assault and taking Hostages appointed them to pay Tribute After that he came to a great City builded after the manner of that Country which was both well walled and also invironed about with a deep Moat The Inhabitants came forth against Alexander and joyning their Chariots together in a front wherein their Custom was to fight they proffered him Battel Some used Darts some Spears and other Pole-axes and with great agility leaped to and from their Chariots when either they found an advantage to invade their Enemies or else would rescue their Fellows that were in distress This unwonted kinde of fighting put the Macedons at the first in a fear especially being hurt afar off by their Enemies and not able to come to fight with them hand to hand But after they had considered their disordered manner they esteemed not their force but inclosed their Enemies about and thrust their horses in with pikes and the sooner to defeat them they cut the Traces wherewith the Chariots were tyed to separate them asunder When they had after that manner lost eight hundred of their men they fled again into the City which the next day the Macedons did win by assault Some there were that saved themselves by flying who seeing the City lost swam over the water and filled all the Towns thereabout with fear They declared of what invincible force their Enemies were judging them in respect of their power rather to be gods then mortal men When Alexander had gotten that City he sent Perdicas with a part of his Army to destroy the Country and committing another part to Eumenes for the subduing of such as would not submit he with the rest of his power came unto a strong City to which many of the Inhabitants of the Country fled Notwithstanding that they sent to Alexander for peace yet they prepared nevertheless for the war by reason of a Sedition which rose amongst them which made them to be of divers Opinions some would rather have indured any extremity then yield and others thought they were not able to make resistance and whilest they differed so in Opinions and had no common consultation amongst themselves such as held Opinion to yield up the City opened the Gates and received in their Enemies And notwithstanding that Alexander had just cause of displeasure against the contrary Faction yet he pardoned them all and receiving their Hostages removed towards the next City When the Indians that stood upon the walls beheld the Hostages that were brought before the Army and perceived them to be of the same Nation they desired communication with them who declaring both the Kings Clemency and his Force it did move them to deliver up their City whose example the rest of the Cities did follow From thence he came into the Kingdom of the Sophites who are a Nation as the Indians think most excelling in wisdom best governed and who have the most civil Conversations amongst them The Children that are there begotten are not nourished and brought up according to the will of their Parents but by the order of such who have the charge committed unto them to view the state of the Infants If they perceive any not apt to become active or else wanting any of their limbs they cause them straightways to be killed They use to Marry without respect of Kindred they come of or greatness of Parentage making no choice but in the shape of the body which is the thing only esteemed amongst them The King himself was in the Chief City of that Country against which Alexander brought his power The Gates were shut and no man appeared in Arms upon the walls to make any defence wherefore he stood in doubt a great while whether the City was abandoned or whether the Inhabitants had kept themselves secret for some policy While he remained in that expectation suddenly the Gate was opened and the King who in goodliness of person excelled all the rest came forth with his two Sons He did wear a garment of gold and Purple impaled that covered the Calf of his leg the Sandals he did wear on his feet were set with precious stones All his arms were garnished with Pearls and he had hanging at his ears two precious stones which were excellent both for bigness and brightness he had in his hand a Scepter of gold set with precious stones called Berilli which after his salutation made with humble submission he delivered unto Alexander yielding both himself his Children and his Kingdom into his hands There were in that Country notable Dogs for the hunting of wilde Beasts but above all most eager on the Lyon the King therefore to shew their force and quality unto Alexander put four of them to a great Lyon who straightway took hold of him Then one who was accustomed to that Office took one of those Dogs by the Leg to pluck him off from the Lyon and because he would not lose his hold he cut off his Leg with a Sword but when the Dog hung nevertheless upon the Lyon he was cut in sunder by pieces till such time as he died having his teeth still fastened in the Lyons flesh such an eagerness had Nature wrought in those Creatures as it is committed unto memory In the compiling of this History sometimes I am inforced to write things that I can scarcely believe for I neither dare affirm the things whereof I doubt nor conceal such things as I have received for truth Alexander leaving this King within his own Kingdom came unto the River of Hydaspis and there joyned with Ephestion who had subdued the Country thereabouts One Phegelas was King of the next Nation who commanding his Subjects to continue the tilling of the ground as they were wont to do met Alexander with rich Presents refusing nothing that was commanded him When he had tarried with him two days and was determined the third day to have passed the River he found therein great difficulty by reason that the stream was so large and full of great stones He stayed therefore a while to be more fully advertised of the state of those Countries and of all such things as were necessary for him to know He understood by Phegelas how beyond that River there lay a Desart of ten days journey and next to that Desart the River of Ganges which was the greatest River in all the Orient He declared to him that beyond Ganges
will have it so I am come of such a Stock that I ought to desire many things before long life I pray you to remember that we are come into these Countries where the name of a Woman is celebr●ted for her Vertues What Cities did Semiramis build What Nations did she subdue And what great Works did she accomplish We are not yet become equal unto 〈◊〉 Woman in glory and yet you would have me to be satisfied with it Be the gods favourable unto our purpose for there remains for us yet greater things to do And it is the next way to make those Countries which we have not yet touched to become ours if we esteem nothing to be of small value where there is any occasion to purchase glory Let it be your care to preserve me from the evil conspiracy of my own people and then there are no adventures in the War shall put me in fear Philip was more sure in the Front of the Battel abroad than in the Theatre at home he oftentimes avoided the force of his Enemies but he could not eschew the violence of his own Subjects And if you consider the end of other Kings you shall number more that have been slain by their own men than by any Forreign power But because there is an occasion now offered me to utter that which I have long conceived in my minde it shall be the greatest fruit I can receive of my travels if my Mother Olympias when she departeth this life might be consecrated to immortalitie if she depart in my time I will do it my self but if I shall be prevented by death remember you to perform what I have determined Having spoke these words he dismissed his Friends from him and continued many days in the same place Whilest these things were doing in India the Greek Souldiers that had lands and habitations appointed them at Catabactria through a sedition that chanced amongst them rebelled against him not so much for any hate they did bear to Alexander as for fear of punishment For they killed divers of their chief Rulers and assembling in force together took the Castle of Bactria that was negligently kept and procured the Bactrians to rebel with them Athenodorus was the Chief among them who took upon him the name of a King not so much for the desire of the Kingdom as by authority to make himself of power to convey himself and others home into his own Country But one Bicon of his own Nation became his Enemy and conspiring against him did invite him to a Banquet where he was slain by one Boxus Macerianus The next day following Bicon assembled the Greeks together perswading them that he slew Athenodorus but in his own defence whose purpose was to have destroy'd him But there was some that perceived his policy and the suspition was spread amongst the rest so that the Greeks fell to arms on purpose to slay Bicon But such as were chief mitigated the wrath of the multitude and contrary to his expectation he was delivered from that present peril Yet he could not be so contented but within a while after he conspired them that saved his life whose falshood being known they took both him and Boxus determining that Boxus should be put to death out of hand and that Bicon should end his life by torments As they were tormenting him the Greek Souldiers suddenly in a fury for what cause it is uncertain ran to arms the noise of whom being heard by them who had the charge of Bicon they set him at liberty fearing that the coyl had been raised for his deliverance He naked as he was came running amongst the Greeks where they were assembled whose miserable estate so changed their mindes that they willed him immediately to be set at liberty By this means Bicon being twice delivered from death returned into his Country with the Greeks abandoning the Colony whereunto he was appointed by Alexander These things were done in the Confines of Bactria and Scythia In the mean season the King of the two Nations which we spake of before sent an hundred Embassadors unto Alexander who being honourable Personages did ride in Waggons richly apparelled having garments of linnen Cloth embroidered with Gold and empaled with Purple They declared that the cause of their coming was to yield themselves their City their Country and their Liberties which they had kept inviolately for so many Ages to his will and appointment of which their submission the gods they said were Authors and not any fear for they were contented to yield themselves before they had proved their power with him The King called a Councel and received them under his protection appointing them to pay such Tribute as they did before pay to the Arachosians and besides to send two thousand five hundred Horsemen to serve him in his Wars all which things they performed obediently This done he made a great Feast whereunto he invited those Embassadours and his Lords he used therein sumptuous preparation ordaining an hundred Beds of Gold to ●at upon which being set a small distance one from another were drawn about with Curtains garnished with Gold and Purple In that Feast there was shewed and set forth all the great exc●ss and voluptuousness which either by long custom was used amongst the Persians or by corruption was taken up amongst the Macedons the vices of both these Nations being there mingled together There was at that Feast one Dioxippus of Athens a noble Champion and by reason of his excellent force well known unto the King of whom certain envious and malicious persons betwixt earnest and jest said That he did nothing but fat his body like an unprofitable beast and when others went to the Battel he would anoint his body with Oyl and prepare himself to eat Amongst others that used evil words of despite against him there was at the same Feast one Horratus a Macedon who in his drunkenness challenged Dioxippus that if he were a man he should fight the Combate with him the next day upon life and death where the King should judge either him to be rash or the other too much a Coward Dioxippus laughing to scorn the pride and arrogancy of the Souldier accepted his proffer The next day they were more earnest to go unto the Combate than they were before in making the Challenge when the King saw them so bent and that they would not leave their purpose he consented to their will There were great numbers of men assembled at the Combate amongst whom there were many Grecians who favoured Dioxippus part The Macedon came into the Lists armed at all points holding in his left hand an Iron Buckler and a Spear and in his right hand a casting-Lance and having his Sword girt to his side was furnished as though he should have fought with many men at once Dioxippus came forth anointed with Oyl with a Garland upon his head and having a red Cloth wrapt about his left arm he held
in his hand a great knotty Cudgel The diversity of their Weapons brought every man into a wonderful expectation for they thought it not only a rashness but a madness for Dioxippus who was naked to encounter the other who was armed The Macedon thinking to kill his adversary before they should come to fight hand to hand threw at him his Lance which Dioxippus avoided by bending of his body and before that he could charge his Pike he leaped to him and with his Cudgel brake the same asunder when the Macedon had lost both his Weapons he began to draw his Sword but Dioxippus prevented him with a close and taking both his feet from under him threw him upon the earth and there plucking his Sword from his side set his foot upon his neck and held up his Cudgel to have struck out his brains if the King had not caused him to stay his hand This Triumph ended with displeasure both unto the Macedons and unto Alexander himself especially because this thing was done in the presence of the Indians fearing lest the valour of the Macedons famed so much in the world might thereby grow into contempt Hereupon Alexander grudging at Dioxippus had his ears open to the Accusation of those who did envy him They within a few days after had caused a golden Cup purposely to be conveyed out of the way which the Ministers having imbezelled they made complaint to Alexander of the loss thereof Oftentimes men shew less constancy in their countenance than in the offence it self for in their complaint Dioxippus perceiv'd by their looks that they noted him as the Thief which he could not endure but parting out of the Feast after he had written a Letter to the King he killed himself Alexander was very sorry for his death which he took for no token of repentance but rather of indignation For it afterwards appeared through the overmuch rejoycing of his Enemies that he had been falsly accused The Embassadours of the Indians that were dismissed home within a few days after returned again presenting unto Alexander three hundred Horses one thousand and thirty Waggons every one drawn with four Horses certain Vestures of Linnen-cloth a thousand Indian Targets and one hundred Talents of Iron Lions of a rare bigness and Tygers that were tame the Skins of great Lizards and the Shells of certain Fishes The King then commanded Craterus to conduct his Army along the River whereupon he sailed and embarquing such as were accustomed to accompany him he with the stream passed into the Bounds of the Mallians and from thence came unto the Sabracans who were a Nation of great power not ruled by Kings but by a Government of the People They had gathered together six thousand Footmen and six thousand Horsemen and five hundred armed Waggons and had chosen three Captains that were approved men of War But when such as inhabited next unto the River the Banks being full of Villages saw all the River as far as they could view over-spread with Ships and the Armour glistering of so many men of War they were amazed at the strangeness of the fight and thought that some Army of the gods or else Bacchus whose name was famous amongst those Nations had been come amongst them The cry of the men of War with the clashing of the Oars and the strange noise of the Mariners exhorting one another filled their fearful ears They ran therefore amongst their Country-men who had assembled their Forces declaring their madness if they would contend with the gods for they said the Ships could not be numbred that carried those invincible people with which words they put such fear amongst the men of their own Nation that they sent immediately Embassadours to yield themselves When he had received their submission he came the fourth day into another Country the people whereof durst no more withstand him than the other did and there he builded a City which he named Alexandria and from thence he entred into a Country the inhabiters whereof they call Musicans there he understood by the accusation of the Paromisidans that Desteriores whom Alexander had appointed Lieutenant amongst them had ruled in excessive pride and covetousness and therefore he commanded him to be put to death And Oxiartes Lieutenant of the Bactrians being also accused was not only acquitted but had a greater Rule committed unto him When he had subdued the uttermost part of the Musicans he put a Garison into their City and advanced from thence into another Nation of the Indians called Prestians of whom Oxicanus was King who with a great Power retired himself into a strong City which Alexander won the third day after he began his Siege Upon the taking of the Town Oxicanus fled into the Cstle and sent Embassadours to treat for peace but before they were come to Alexanders presence two Towers of the Castle fell with a great noise by the ruines whereof the Macedons got into the Castle where Oxicanus with a few standing at defence was slain The Castle being razed and all that were within sold as slaves Alexander came into the bounds of Saba where beside many Holds that yielded to him he took the strongest City of that Country by force of a Myne It seemed a wonderful thing to the Indians being ignorant of such Policies of War for armed men to come forth of the ground in the midst of their City where there appeared no signe of any way under the Earth Clitarchus doth write that there were eighty thousand Indians slain in that Country besides many prisoners sold as slaves The Musicans in the mean time rebelled for the suppressing of whom Python was sent thither who took the Prince of the Nation prisoner and brought him to Alexander whom he caused to be hanged upon a Cross as the Author of the Revolt which done he returned again to the River where he had commanded his Navy to tarry for him The fourth day after he came to a Town at the entrance into the Kingdom of Samus the King whereof had newly yielded himself but the Citizens had shut their Gates and would not be at his Commandment whose small number Alexander regarded so little that he sent five hundred Agrians unto their Gates to proffer them Skirmish to the intent that by retiring they might draw them by little and little out of their strength thinking they would follow the Chase when they should see their Enemies flying The Agrians did as they were appointed and when they had once provoked their Enemies they immediately turned their backs and the Indians pursued them until they came to the Ambuscado where the King lay in person then the Agrians turned and the Fight was renewed so fiercely that of three thousand Indians there were five hundred slain and a thousand taken the rest recovered the City but the end of the Victory was not so pleasant as the beginning for the Indians had so envenomed their Arrows that such as were hurt died of the
the dead Corpse But Perdiccas judging it to be a deceit contrived to entrap him drew back to the side of Euphrates lying on the furthest part of the Court. Then the Horsemen which consisted chiefly of the Nobility flocked about Perdiccas and Leonatus whose opinion was to depart out of the City and to take the Field but because Perdiccas was not without hope that the Footmen would have taken his part he therefore remained still within the City lest he might seem to be the cause that the Horsemen should divide themselves from the rest of the Army Meleager ceased not to beat into the Kings head That he could not establish himself surely in his Throne but by the death of Perdiccas whose ambitious minde and desire of Innovation was to be prevented in time He willed the King to remember what Perdiccas had deserved at his hands and that no man could be faithful to him whom he feared The King rather suffering than assenting to his counsel Meleager took his silence for a commandment and sent for Perdiccas in the Kings name they who were sent having Commission to kill him if he should make any delay to come with them Perdiccas hearing of their coming accompanied only with sixteen young Gentlemen accustomed to attend upon Alexanders Person met them as they would have entred into his Lodging and calling them Meleagers Slaves rebuked them with such a constancy both of minde and countenance that they returned back as men amazed Perdiccas willed such as were in his company to keep on Horseback and with a few of his Friends repaired unto Leonatus intending i● any violence were moved against him to repulse it with a greater force The next day the Macedons murmured and thought it unjust that Perdiccas should be brought in danger of death and therefore determined with force to revenge the rashness of Meleagers doings But he understanding of the Mutiny that was among the Souldiers gave place and they repaired to the King demanding of him If he had commanded Perdiccas to be taken He confessed the thing but it was done he said by Meleagers instigation for which they ought not to raise any tumult seeing that Perdiccas was alive The Assembly hereupon brake up and Meleager became so greatly afraid especially by the departing of the Horsemen that he knew not what to do for he saw the mischief which he a little before had intended against his Enemy to light upon himself and while he debated with himself on this and on that three whole days were consumed Howsoever the accustomed form and fashion of the Court did remain in the mean season for the Embassadors of divers Nations did address themselves unto the King the Captains of the Army were present and the Guard waited in Armour as they were accustomed But the great sadness that was there without any apparent cause signified some extreme despair There was such a suspition amongst themselves that men durst not converse one with another but had secret imaginations by themselves and by comparing the time present with the time past and the new King with the old they began to desire the King that was gone Then one enquired of another What was become of the King whose Fortune and Authority they had followed They found themselves abandoned amongst so many unquiet and unconquered Nations who were desirous upon any occasion that might befal to be revenged of the injuries they had received While they were troubled in these imaginations word was brought that the Horsemen who were under Perdiccas kept the Fields about Babylon and stayed all Victuals from coming to the City whereupon first began a scarcity and afterwards a famine therefore such as were within the City thought good either to make a reconciliation with Perdiccas or else to fight it out It so chanced that such as dwelled abroad in the Country fearing the spoil of the Villages repaired into the City and they within the City for want of Victuals departed into the Country so that every one thought themselves surer any where then where their own Habitations were Then the Macedons doubting some great inconvenience that might proceed from this fear assembled together in the Court and declared their Opinions It was agreed amongst them that Embassadours should be sent to the Horsemen for the sur●●asing of all strife and division Pasas a Thessalian Amissas a Megapolitan and Perelaus were sent from the King who declaring their Commission received answer that the Horsemen would not lay down their Arms till the Authors of that Sedition were delivered into their hands When they were returned and their answer known the Souldiers without any appointment put on their Armour and made such a Tumult that the King was inforced to come forth of the Court and said unto them If we shall be at strife among our selves our Enemies that are at quiet shall enjoy the fruits of our Contention Remember that the Quarrel is with your own Countrymen with whom if you rashly break the hope of Reconcilement you shall be the beginners of a Civil War Let us prove if they may be mitigated by another Embassie I am of belief that because the Body of Alexander remaineth yet unburied they will gladly come together to perform the Obsequies unto the Dead And for my part I had rather surrender up again this Dignity then that any bloud should be shed amongst my Country-men for if no ●●ther hope of Concord doth remain I desire and beseech you to make a better Choice Tears then falling from his eyes he took the Diadem from his head and holding the same forth with his hand he was ready to have delivered it to any man who would profess himself to be more worthy then he The moderation that he used both in his words and behaviour caused them all to conceive a great good hope of his Noble Nature which till that time was obscured by the height of his Brothers Fame They therefore incouraged and importuned him to go forwards as he had devised whereupon he sent again the same Embassadours that went before who had Commission to desire that Meleager might be the third Ruler of the Men of War That demand was not much stuck at for Perdiccas was desirous to remove Meleager from the King and conceived that the King being alone the King would not be able to match with Leonatus and himself Upon this Meleager marched out of the City with the Footmen and Perdiccas met him in the Fields riding before the Bands of the Horsemen There both Battels saluting one another Concord and Peace as it was thought was confirmed betwixt them for ever But it was decreed that Civil Wars should arise amongst the Macedons for Government is impatient of Partners and the Kingdom was coveted by many At first they gathered and afterwards dispersed their Forces for when the Body was burthened with more Heads then it could bear the other Members began to fail So the Empire of the Macedons which under one Head