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A07363 The generall historie of Spaine containing all the memorable things that haue past in the realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. and by what meanes they were vnited, and so continue vnder Philip the third, King of Spaine, now raigning; written in French by Levvis de Mayerne Turquet, vnto the yeare 1583: translated into English, and continued vnto these times by Edvvard Grimeston, Esquire.; Histoire generale d'Espagne. English Mayerne, Louis Turquet de, d. 1618.; Grimeston, Edward. 1612 (1612) STC 17747; ESTC S114485 2,414,018 1,530

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Arragon should haue the fort of Albarrazin and hee of Castille should haue the rest which D. Pedro did hold for the obseruing of which Articles hee of Arragon did giue in pawne to the King of Castille the castle of Hariza with Aranda Boria and Arguedas and the castle of Verdejo was giuen to the King of Arragon by him of castille bynding also the townes of Agreda Aquilar and Cerueda which places were assurances for that which had beene contracted betwixt them promising that if there should bee any contrauention or fraude betwixt them it should bee repaired within three yeeres or the places lost for him that had committed the fraude But these deseignes went to smoake the two Kings beeing at a iarre for Hariza the which was deliuered to the King of Castille by Nugno Sanches a knight without the King of Arragons expresse command and before the warre of Nauarre was begunne Then the King of Castille was most commonly accompanied by D. Celebrun Archbishop of Toledo Primat of Spaine the Bishops D. Ioselin of Siguença Gonçalo of Segobia Raymond of Pale●●a Pedro of Bourgos Sancho d' Auila Bernard d' Osma with other Prelats and Church-men of which kinde of men Kings councels did then most commonly consist and therefore whatsoeuer Princes committed were it good or bad is iustly to bee imputed to them be it in religion or in matters of State There were also many Noblemen of Marke in those daies amongst the which were D. Ponce Lord Steward and D. Nugnes standard-bearer of Castille D. Gonçalo Maragnon a standard-bearer also and D. Roderigo Guttieres a Steward which were the chiefe offices of the crowne they were annual as it seemes or else at the Kings pleasure 6. By their aduice and assistance with other Prelats Noblemen and Knights of his realmes Nauarre D. Alphonso entred Nauarre in the yeere 1173. with a great army against his vncle D. Sancho the wife An. 1173. moued therevnto as wel by the spoiles which he had done in the territories of Rioje and Bureua during his nonage as also by the perswasion of the King of Arragon his cousin whose countrie D. Sancho had inuaded whilest that the armie of Arragon was in the Realme of Valencia against the Moores thinking to make his profit thereby Nauarre inuaded by the Kings of Castille and Arragon whilest the King of Arragon was absent with his forces So breaking the accord and peace which hee had made with the deceased D. Raymond and renewed with Queene Petronilla hee had ouerrunne his country and forced D. Alphonso King of Arragon to giue ouer his prais-worthie enterprises and to turne head against his enemie whom he had repulsed into Nauarre entring by Tudele where hee did besiege and take the towne of Arguedas the which hee fortefied and manned with a good garrison These two Kings of Castille and Arragon beeing in armes and pressing D. Sancho in diuers places hee found himselfe to weake to make head against them so as his countries endured great spoiles and miseries for his armie beeing defeated towards Castille the Castillans did runne as farre as Pampelone on the other side the King of Arragon tooke from him the towne and castle of Milagro the garrison whereof did alwaies keepe his fronters in alarme by reason whereof hee razed it but it was since repaired by the Nauarrois Notwithstanding these two vnited forces yet D. Sancho defended himselfe valiantly against the King of Arragon and tooke from him the castles of Trasmos and Caxuelos The most renouned Knights which were in those daies in Nauarre as appeeres by the ancient Records of townes and Monasteries were Inigo Almorauid in Roncal Sancho Ramires in Aybar Iordain in Saint Marie in Vxue Ximen Almorauid in Peralta Garcia of Albero in Tudele and Martin Ruis in Estella who had the gouernment of these places and forts and commanded D. Shanchos souldiers 7. During these warres Arragon the King of Castille resolued to propound a marriage vnto D. Alphonso King of Arragon the which had beene treated of betwixt him and D. Sancha his aunt daughter to the Emperor D. Alphonso by his second wife D. Rica and would attempt by the charity which did guide both him and his councel to breake the marriage which was already concluded betwixt the sayd King of Arragon and the daughter of Manuel the first Emperour of Constantinople King of Arragon leaues the Emperors daughter to marry D. Sancho of Castille and so farre aduanced as shee was come alreadie to Montpellier when as D. Alphonso of Arragon forsooke her to hearken to the marriage of D. Sancho of Castille to the great contempt and disgrace of the Emperor This other marriage was afterwards celebrated in Sarragossa in the presence of Cardinal Hiacinthe the Popes Legat in Spaine in the yeere 1174. in consideration whereof An. 1174. the King of Arragon gaue vnto his spouse many townes in Arragon and Cattelogne imitating the example of the King of Castile who had extraordinarily aduanced the Princesse of England 8 Queene Petronilla of Arragon was deceased the yeere before this marriage it may bee whilst her sonne was in Prouence to dispute the succession of the Earle of Prouence his cousin who had beene slaine nere vnto Nice by the Nissards whose inhetitance he had obtained Prouence re●ui●es to the Crowne of Arragon notwithstanding that the Earle of Tolousa were a great enemy vnto him They write that this Princesse by her last wil and testament did ordaine that no women should succeed to the crowne of Arragon It was the same yeere 1174. Castille that King D. Alphonso the noble confirmed the priuiledges of the city of Toledo the which we haue set downe by Articles during the life of the Emperor D. Alphonso the sixth a while after the King D. Alphonso of Castille beeing at the siege of Cuenca Arragon exempt for the soueraignty of Castille he quit vnto D. Alphonso of Arragon the fealty and homage and al pretension of soueraignty which hee had to the realme of Arragon in confirmation of their friendship and in respect of their new contracted alliance three and fortie yeeres after that the Realme of Arragon had begu●ne to hold of the crowne of Castille The Noblemen and Knights which had conducted Manuell the Emperors daughter to Montpellier Arragon seeing themselues and their Princesse thus mocked not knowing what other course to take they would haue carried her backe into Greece But either by loue or force they married her to William Earle of Montpellier in whose house shee was lodged of which marriage issued a daughter called Mary who in time was wife to the sonne and heire of this D. Alphonso King of Castille Gerealogie of Arragon This sonnes name was D. Pedro borne of D. Sancho of Castille besides shee brought the King her husband D. Alphonso who was Earle of Prouence and D. Fernand who beeing a Monke in the royall Monasterie of Poblette which his father
of Granado murthered by his subiects with such and the like reasons he incensed the Moores in generall so as they slue the king inhumanely with their swords at the entry of his tent as he was talking with his Alguazil in the 23. yeare of his age and of the Arabians 716. hauing raigned in Granado eleuen yeares Ioseph the seuenth King of Granado AT the time of this murther committed on the person of a king by his execrable subiects from whom they had receiued all good honour Rodoan a captaine of great authoritie and much fauoured by the deceased king whose Alguazil he had beene was then absent from the armie but he was soone aduertised of this disaster wherefore he went with all the speed he could not vnto the campe to pacifie the mutinies which might rise by reason of this accident but to the cittie of Granado wheras king Mahumets breethren were bred vp which were two Farrachen the elder and Ioseph the yonger into whose hands beeing most affected to him he would put the scepter of the Granadins as he did to the preiudice of the elder and hauing great authority in the cittie of Granado he caused the people to choose Ioseph The example of which citty was followed by all the rest of the kingdome and soone after allowed by Abomelic King of Algezire and by Abraham and Abucebet the murtherers of king Mahumet who contemning the truce made some few daies before with the king of Castile and wheron they had taken occasion to murther their Prince thought to breake it instantly presuming that the tumult of armes and the necessitie of warre would passe ouer their treason with silence the which in a time of peace might be punished Abomelic beeing as desirous of warre sent Ambassadors to Granado to this effect to congratulate the Kings elections and to perswade him to take armes and to go to field The new king thinking it not conuenient to oppose himselfe to the desire of the men of warre for that they were yet mutined with the murther of the King his brother committed in the middest of their campe in hatred of the truce and fearing that Ferrachen his elder brother would easily winne them if they were discontented he suffered himselfe to be perswaded whereupon he sent his Ambassadors to the Miralmumin of Maroc that he might be receiued vnder his protection the which hee obtayned The King of Castile beeing aduertised of these practises as hee was readie to dislodge from Seuile Castile to go and suppresse the Rebels hee was forced to stay there And at the same time hauing discouered that certaine Knights had had a secret Conspiracy with king Mahumet deceased to the preiudice of his Crown he caused one of them called Diego Sanches de Iaen to be executed at Cordoua the rest fled into the Moores countrie Seuerity of the king of Castile makes many christian Knights fly to the Moores of which number were Don Gonçalo Lord of Aguilar and Montilla and his brother Don Fernand Gonçales of Aguilar who made themselues vassals to the king of Granado and by them and others of the same sort who were well entertayned by king Ioseph the warre was begun making roades from their Castels of Aguilar Montilla Monturgue and other forts which were in their hands agreeing with D. Iohn Manuel D. Nugno de Lara and other rebels who for their parts committed no lesse excesse in Castile the which did much trouble the king Don. Alphonso fearing aboue all that the brethren of Aguilar would deliuer the places which they held vnto the Moores Alboacen king of Maroc was glad of these troubles Moores and desired to entertain the reuolts of Castile for that he had an intent to go in person into Spaine with a great power as soone as the warre of Tremessen should giue him any leysure the which notwithstanding did so trouble him as he changed his resolution for a time and was so prest as hee called home some of his troupes which he had sent into Spaine with his son Abomelic whereupon he sent him word that he should seeke by all secret practises to make a truce for himselfe alone aduertising him that if the king of Castiles ambassadors should demand if he meant to comprehend King Alboacen his father hee should answer that it might bee hee would accept thereof if any messengers were sent vnto him According to these instructions Abomelic sent Ambassadors to king D. Alphonso being at Seuile to treat of a truce to whom the question was made according to king Alboacens desire Truce very beneficial for the Moores and vpon their answer D. Gonçalo Garcia of Gallegos Alcaide maior of Seuile was sent to Maroc to vnderstand king Alboacens will concerning this truce who answered that hee would willingly enter so as Ioseph the new king of Granado were comprehended for being vnder his protection he could not abandon him desiring that he might be assured from all troubles and moreouer fred from the tribute which hee payed to the king of Castile during this truce The Alcaide who had no such commission aduertised the king his master who seeing himselfe annoyed by his owne subiects was content the king of Granado should bee comprehended and that he should not pay any tribute during the truce the which was concluded in the beginning of the yeare 1334. 1334. to continue foure yeares causing king Alhoacen to make his Letters pattents sealed with a seale of gold and so in like manner did D. Alphonso king of Castile Abomelic of Algezire and Ioseph of Granado This Ioseph called Aben Amet was the first King of the Moores of Granado that was exempt from paying tribute to the kings of Castile in time of peace through the fauour of the king of Maroc and the factions and seditions of Castile 14 King Don Alphonso beeing thus afflicted betwixt warre and truce Castile in the Cittie of Seuile Donna Loonora of Guzman brought him two sonnes at one birth Don Henry who obtayned the Realme of Castile as you shall heare and Don Fredericke who was Master of the Order of Saint Iames. About March this yeare 1334. the king went from Seuile hauing prouided for the places on the fronters as it was necessarie and came to Vailledolit where hauing suddenly raised an armie he marched against the Rebels and hauing taken some places from them he came to Lerma whereas Don Iohn Nugnes de Lara was for whom he layed many ambushes but without effect wherefore he entred into Biscay and beeing at Guernica a place deputed for the assembly of the Estates of the countrie vnder a tree after the manner of their ancestors he receiued from them the oath of fealty and they yeelded vnto him most of the townes and places of the country for some held yet for Donna Maria of Haro their Lady This beeing done hee came to Bermeo and assayled a castell vppon the sea called Saint Iohn de la Pegna two small Leagues from Bermeo
daughter named Borella or as some say Engelrade who was profest a Nunne He defended his countrey valiantly against the incursions and furie of the Arabians but with no great successe He caused forts to be made where need required to stop their incursions and assure his countrey D. Oliban his cousen resigned his interest for that he would not fauour the Infidels by a ciuile warre and giue them meanes to inuade Cattelogne contenting himselfe with a priuate life He was father to D. Bernard surnamed Brisefer or Breake-yron who was earle of Besalu of D. Geoffrey earle of Cerdagne and of a third sonne called D. Oliban who was Bishop of Vic d● Osana and had beene Abbot of Ripol a monasterie reedified in the yeare 976 by the earle D. Borel In the which yeare the Nunnes of Monserrat were transported to the Monasterie of Mon-Iuhy neere vnto the castle of the Port built by the same earle and in Monserrat were placed the Monkes of Saint Benoist Foundations of monasteries by the Princes of Spaine in those times to which place the earle D. Borel gaue great lands and possessions which he bought from priuate men D. Oliban his cousen was also founder of the monasterie of Saint Benoist de Bages in the Baronie of Pinos About the yeare 979 D. Garcia Fernandes gaue the towne and church of Ezquerra to Saint Michael de Pedroso and a little before D. Sancho king of Nauarre had giuen to the house of Saint Emilian for the health as he said of his soule the place of Villar de Monte and to the Monasterie of Saint Sauiour de Leyre the towne of Arpados and other spoyles of his sonne D. Ramir who died before him These Princes sought to win Paradice by their workes D. Alphonso fift of that name and 22 King of Leon. 18 AFter king D. Bermond Leon. D. Alphonso his sonne did inherite being the fift of that name Anno 982. and two and twentieth in order of the kings of Leon in the yeare 982 being onely foureteene yeares old His father had giuen him to breed vp to the earle of Gallicia called D. Melendo Gonsales and to his wife D. Maior whose daughter D. Eluira he maried when he came to age of whom descended D. Bermond who succeded his father in the realme of Leon and D. Sancha promised after the decease of the king D. Alphonso vnto D. Garcia earle of Castille but he dying she was wife to D. Fernand the Great the first which carried that title of king of Castille sonne to D. Sancho the elder king of Nauarre In the time of this king D. Alphonso Zephirus Bishop of Astorga liued who writ some Histories of Spaine We haue heretofore made mention of the loues of Gonsal Iuste Castille being prisoner at Cordoua with a Princesse a Moore the which proceeded so farre as when he was set at libertie by king Hizen she was with child and was brought in bed of a sonne named Mudarra Gonsales Those that haue written the Histories of Spaine say That he was nourished and instructed in the citie of Cordoua by the diligence of his mother whom they make sister to king Hizen in all things befitting a Prince so as hee was much beloued by the king his vncle by whom he was armed a knight at the age of tenne yeares and became valiant and redoubted as much as any of his time When he came to yeares to judge of honour his mother told him who was his father and by what meanes shee had beene familiar with him and especially the death of his seuen brethren of Lara by the treason of D. Ruys Velasques and the damnable appetite of reuenge of D. Lambra his wife Wherefore this young nobleman had a wonderfull desire to see and know D. Gonsal Iuste his father Hauing therefore not onely obtained leaue but also an honourable traine of noblemen and knights from the king he came to Salas where the father and the sonne had meanes to know and aduow one another to their great joy and content and soone after Mudarra hauing left the law of Mahumet was baptized and made a Christian. Then he came in companie with his father to Burgos to kisse the hands of the earle D. Garcia and to watch an opportunitie to kill his vncle D. Ruis Velasques and to reuenge the death of his seuen brethren the which he did execute in time as D. Ruis went from Burgos to his house of Barbadillo Old offences punished and finally hee found meanes to get D. Lambra into his power whom he caused to be hung vp and then burnt her bodie but it was after the death of D. Garcia earle of Castille to whom shee was allied And for that he was verie like to the youngest of the seuen sonnes of D. Sancha his mother in law she did loue him as deerely as if she had beene his owne mother The Monkes of Saint Peter of Arlansa shew a tombe in their church without any inscription the which they say is the tombe of that knight D. Mudarra of whom they make this Genealogie Posteritie of Mudarra Gonsales from whence are des●eded the Manriques of Lara or descent which is That he had one sonne named D. Ordogno de Lara from whom issued D. Diego Ordogno de Lara who did fight a combat at Zamora against D. Arias Gonsales from D. Diego Ordogno descended D. Pedro de Lara and from him the earle D. Almarie of Lara whom others call Malrique or Manrique who was lord of Molina des Comtes and from him they say are descended the Manriques of Lara in Castille This earle D. Almarie or Manrique de Lara had one daughter called D. Malfada Manrique who was the first queene of Portugal wife to D. Alphonso Henrie king of Portugal of whom we will speake hereafter About the yeare 982 Rebelliō of the son against the father when as king D. Alphonso came to the Crowne of Leon there were great alterations in Castille for that D. Sancho Garcia sonne and heire to the earle D. Garcia Fernandes rebelled against his father and put Castille into factions Whereupon the Moores failed not to enter the countrey of Castille destroyed the citie of Auila tooke Saint Estienne de Gormas and Crugna in the bishopricke of Osma slue spoyled and burnt all where they past D. Garcia Fernandes being gone to field with those souldiers of Castille whom hee thought to be best affected vnto him Defeat of the Castillans and death of their earle being but few in comparison of the Moores hee did hazard a battell in which fighting valiantly hee was enuironed by a multitude of his enemies where his men were cut in peeces and hee himselfe taken aliue by the Moores but so sore wounded as he died within few houres after His bodie was afterwards redeemed for a great summe of money and buried in the monasterie of Saint Peter of Cardegna reedified by him seuenteene yeares before This happened about the yeare nine hundred
yeares after leauing two sonnes D. Guillen Raymond Earle and D. Henry The Moores by another Inuasion into the territories of Cattelogne ruined the Monasterie of Ripol but by the care of D. Oliban sonne to D. Oliban Cabrisa they were repulsed and the Monasterie repayred and fortified by him in the yeare 1035. in which yeare the Earle D. Berenger Borel dyed hauing gouerned fiue and thirty yeares without any fame Nauarre and Castile beeing scarce forty yeares old and was buried at Ripol After the death of D. Garcia Earle of Castille and the perception of the succession by D. Sancho the Great king of nauarre in the name of D. Nugna his wife beeing eldest sister to the deceased the first woman which succeeded in Castille there grew a warre betwixt him and D. Bermond king of Leon who had married the Earles other sister called D. Theresa in the which the King of Leon lost the countrey which lyes from the riuer of Cea vnto the auncient limits of Castile but by the mediation of some Noblemen and good Councellers these two Princes were reconciled and concluded a peace by the which there was a marriage contracted betwixt D. Fernand second sonne to the king of Nauarre and D. Sancha sister to the king D. Bermond who had beene promised to D. Garcia Earle of Castile By this Treatie the lands which the King of Nauarre had taken from the King of Leon should bee giuen to Fernand and it was sayd that the Earledome of Castile assigned to him should haue the title of a Kingdome when hee should beginne to enioy it Thus they were good friends and maintained peace betwixt these two Estates of leon and Castile An. 1033. Palence restored by the king of Nauarre till after the death of the King D. Sancho the Great Who about the yeare 1033. restored the towne of Palence vppon an opinion which he had to haue beene miraculously cured hauing put his arme out of ioynt striking at a wild Boare in the ruines of this towne which was sometimes destroyed by the Moores and at a place where as Saint Antolins church had beene To this place he restored the auncient Episcopall seate and gaue great gifts vnto it The Bishops of Palence call themselues Earles of Pernia since that time Hee gaue much to other Monasteries as it was the custome of those times and that for the deuotion he had to the Reliques of Ouiedo he went thither as a pilgrim but he was slain by the way Death of D. Sanchoxy king of Nauarre as we haue sayd and was buried at Ouiedo afterwards transported to Ogna in the yeare 1034. An. 1034. After his decease his children tooke possession of the Realmes assigned vnto them by their father and mother D. Garcia of Nauarre D. Fernand of Castile D. Gonçalo of Sobrarbre and Ribagorça and D. Ramir of Arragon Thus a great Estate by reason whereof D. Sancho had called himselfe Emperour of Spaine and was surnamed the Great was dismembred to the great preiudice of Christendome Beeing dead his brother in lawe D. Bermond would not obserue the conditions concluded by the Treatie of marriage betwixt his sister and D. Fernand the new King of Castile seeking to take from him the Land which did confine vppon the Riuer of Cea conquered and ouercome by D. Sancho the Great the which he afterwards left vnto D. Fernand and to his wife his sister in making of the marriage D. Fernand hearing that hee prepared and addressed himselfe to Armes with an intent and resolution to annoy and trouble him hee also on the contrarie put himselfe in defence D. Bermond king of Leon breakes the peace is defeated and slaine beeing succoured by his brother D. Garcia King of Nauarre with great troupes of souldiers the which he ●edde himselfe in person to a place called Llantada The two armies encountred neere to the Riuer of Carrion where there was a furious battaile with great slaughter of either side But D. Bernond lost his life beeing runne thorough with a Lance by whose death for that hee had no lawfull children the succession of Leon and Ouiedo fell to D. Fermand husband to D. Sancha sister to the deceased This was in the yeare 1037. that the two Estates of Leon and Castile were ●nted Vnion of 〈◊〉 and Castile D. Bermond was interred at Leon with his wife D. Theresa who was dead before The end of the seuenth Booke ❧ THE EIGHTH BOOKE of the Historie of Spaine The Contents 1 D. Ferdinand first king of Castile 2 D. Raymond Berenger 7. Earle of Barcelone 3 D. Ramir first king of Arragon 4 D. Garcia 14. king of Nauarre the sixth of that name 5 D. Sancho fift of that name and fifteenth king of Nauarre 6 Diuision of the Estates of D. Fernand the first king of Castile among his children giuing Castile to D. Sancho to D. Alphonso that of Leon and to D. Garcia Galicia with the like title 7 D. Sancho Ramires king of Arragon 2. and the inuasion of Nauarre by him wherfore he was numbred for the 16. king of Nauarre and the sixth of that name 8 Estate of the Arabians in the East their diuisions and quarrels from whence sprung 4 mightie Monarchies 9 D. Alphonso the sixth called the Braue king of Castile Leon and Galicia vniting these three Estates 10 Exploits of Cid Ruis Diaz a valiant Captaine of Castile 11 D. Raymond eighth Earle of Barcelone 12 Vsurpations of the King of Castile vpon Nauarre 13 Conquest of the cittie and kingdome of Toledo from the Moores Re-establishment of the Archbishops seat and primacie of Spaine and other things belonging to the dignitie of that Cittie 14 D. Raymond Arnoul ninth Earle of Barcelone 15 The royall Seate restored to Cordoua by Ali-Aben●Axa a Moore who vnited all the Princes and Potentates of that Sect in Spaine vnder the Empire of the Almorauides his rebellion and death 16 Passage of Ioseph Aben-Tefin Miralmumin or king of Maroc in Spaine reduction of all the Moores of Spaine vnder one Empire 17 Henry of Lorraine or of Besançon Earle of Linbourg the stemme of the royall family of Portugall 18 Spaine furnished with French Prelates 19 D. Pedro first of that name 17. king of Nauarre and third of Arragon 20 Ali-Aben●Tefin-Miralmumin or king of the Arabiens Almorauides ❧ This eighth Booke containes the beginning of the Realmes of Castile and Arragon erected by D. SANCHO 4. king of Nauarre and the continuance of their Princes and other Potentates of Spaine as followeth LEON Kings 24 D. Fernand 1. D. Alphonso 6. CASTILE Kings 1 The same 2. 2 D. Sancho 2. 3 The same 1. NAVARRE Kings 14 D. Garcia 6. 15 D. Sancho 5. 16 D. Sancho Ramir 6. 17 D. Pedro the first 1. ARRAGON Kings 1 D. Ramir the first 1. The same 4. The same 1. CATTELOGNE Kings 7 D. Raymond Berenger 8 D. Raymond 9 D. Raymond Arnoul PORTVGAL Earles 1 D. Henry of Lorraine or of Besançon first Earle vnder the
haue sayd by the treason of Vellides Dolphos or Ataulphe D. Vrraca did presently aduertise her brother D. Alphonso who remained at Toledo vnder the protection of King Almenon This Moore hauing many spies amongst the Christians had already intelligence of the murther and obseruing the actions of D. Alphonso hee was resolued to stay him if hee should offer to depart without his priuity and leaue D. Alphonso was wonderfully perswaded by D. Pedro d' Ansures who walking about the towne had by chance met the messenger which brought him the newes of the death of the King his brother to depart as secretly as he could fearing some trechery in the Moorish King but D. Alphonso did otherwise wherein he wrought wisely for himselfe for the doubted that the King Almenon hauing aduice of what had past did watch him at the passage wherefore comming freely vnto him hee read D. Vrracas letters in his presence demanding his aduice leaue and aide to goe and take possession of the Realme of Castille King Almenon was much pleased in that hee did not distrust him imbrased him verie louingly G●neros● 〈◊〉 and b●unt of King Al●enon to D. Alp●onso 6. King of Cas●il● and Leon. reioyced with him at the change of his estate suffered him to depart at his pleasure and furnished him with money and other things necessary to honour his voiage and to assure his affaires telling him freely what his intent was to stay him prisoner if hee had shewed himselfe so ingrate as to distrust him who had honored him and entertained him so louingly during his exile and before his departure hee caused him to renue the oth neuer to bee contrary to him nor to his sonne Hizen Whilest that D. Alphonso prepared himselfe to come into Castille to enioy his new Kingdome the siege of Zamora continued for the Knights of Castille and the Prelats hauing performed the funerals of the deceased King in the Monastery of Ogna were returned before the city vnder the conduct of D. Diego Ordognes Earle of Lara beeing much incenst that the murtherer of the King had saued himself within their walles wherefore they were resolued to batter it all they could They write that D. Diego Ordognes defied the citie according to the Lawes of duels or combats amongst the which it was decreed that any knight that would defie a chiefe ●owne The law of defying a towne was bound to fight against fiue knights one after an other changing euery time his armes and horse and taking if hee pleased bread dipped thrice in wine or water wherefore D. Diego submitting himselfe to the rigour of this Lawe offered to fight against fiue knights whereof hee slue three the which were sonnes to D. Arias Conçales Combat of one Knight against 〈◊〉 D. Pedro D. Diego and D. Roderigo Arias and that then the Iudges appointed made the combate to cease not declaring who was victor notwithstanding that the Earle D. Ordognes offered to end it and to fight against those two which remained some say that D. Roderigo beeing wounded to the death strooke at his aduersarie with all his force thinking to part him in two but the sword falling vpon the horse-necke cut the reines and hurt him verie soore wherewith the ho●se beeing mooued carried the knight out of the lists the which was not lawfull for him that would haue the honour of the combate Heerevpon the King D. Alphonso came to the campe before Zamora where hee was receiued without any contradiction for King of Castille Leon the Asturies and Galicia and of those Lands which the King D. Fern●nd his father had taken from the crowne of Nauarre They say that the Castillans before they would acknowledge him for their King would haue him purge himselfe by oth Anci●nt an● relgious 〈◊〉 to purge themselues by o●● that hee was not acquainted nor consenting vnto the death of D. Sancho his brother which oth was required of him by Cid Ruis Diaz onely amongst all the Castillans in the churches of Saint Gadee of Burgos a place appointed for that businesse This manner of purging themselues by oth of grieuous crimes imposed but not prooued was vsuall in Spaine in those times with great ceremonies and religious terror in many churches and places consecrated where there were great assemblies of people of all sorts whereof did follow many horrible Iudgements of God of those that were periured the contempt of Religion how impure soeuer being detestable and abominable before God The King D. Alphonso was about thirtie yeeres old when he beganne to raigne and was surnamed the Braue for that he was valiant and did effect great enterprises Wee finde that hee married sixe wiues Genea●og●e of 〈◊〉 and Leon. and had the companie of two friends nobly descended by whom hee had many children The first of his wiues was called 〈◊〉 a Spaniard The second was D. Constance The third D. Maria daughter to the King of Seuille called Almuncamuz or Benabet Aben Amet a Moore whom hee married after that hee had taken the citie of Toledo and was before called Caida or Zaida of whom was borne the Infant D. Sancho whom the Moores slue in the war Of D. Constance was borne D. Vrraca heire to the King her father the which was twice married once to Count Raymond of the house of Bourgongne and of the bloud royall of France brother to Guy Archibishop of Vienne and afterwards Pope called Cal●xtus from whom issued D. Sancho and D. Alphonso Raymond who was King of Castille And for her second husband shee married D. Alphonso King of Nauarre and Arragon The fourth wife of D. Alphonso the Braue was D. Bertha of Tuscane The fifth D. Isabella a Spaniard of whom was borne D. Sancha wife to D. Roderigo and D. Eluira maried to Roger first King of Naples and Sicilie And the sixth and last wife was D. Beatrix a French woman Besides all these lawfull wiues hee had the companie of D. Ximena Nugnes de Gusman by whom he had two daughters the first wherof D. Eluira was married to an Earle of Tholousa and S. Giles called Raymond who had by her three sonnes D. Bertrand D. Willyam and D. Alphonso Iordain who were all Earles of Tholousa Heury of Lorraine the st●m of the house of Portug●l The second called D. Theresa who had to husband D. Henry of the Bloud of the Princes of Lorraine borne at Besançon the stemme of the Kings of Portugall For of this marriage issued D. Alphonso Henriquez first king of Portugal These three Knights Raymond of Tholousa Raymond of Bourgongne and Henry of Lorraine did serue the King D. Alphonso the Braue happily and valiantly in his warres against the Moores in requitall whereof hee gaue them Estates honours and his daughters in marriage Wee find that he had another friend also of a Noble House whose name is buried in forgetfulnesse Of all this generation and allyance there shal be often mention made in the discourse of this Historie
to whose father Almenon had beene subiect These troubles made work for Hiaja Alcadurbile who lost neither time nor oportunitie but came before Valencia with such Mores as he could keep together with whom soone after those ioyned which king D. Alphonso sent him according to the treatie vnder the conduct of Alua●o Ianes Minaya Being thus camped and rather solliciting the towne by good words and promises then attempting it by armes in the end they were receiued and King Hiaja acknowledged for their lawfull Prince to whom Aboeç Aben-Lope the captaine of the Fort yeelded vp the keyes and purchasing by that present the Kings fauour and assured his estate and life for king Hiaja hated him for that he had beene alwaies of the faction of Abubacar his rebell notwithstanding knowing him to bee wise and a man of good seruice hauing also performed so good an office as to yeeld him vp the fort he receiued him into grace and honored him leauing him in the same charge At the same time Hamet Aben Hut king of Sarragossa died to whom succeeded Ioseph Aben-Hut King Hiaja liued in such continuall distrust as he would neuer giue leaue to Aluaro Ianes Minaya and his souldiers to returne home into Castile for the intertaining wherof this king was forced to ouer-charge his subiects with insupportable taxations There was a Captaine of the Moores in the towne of Xatiua called Aben Maçor who would not present himselfe before King Hiaja being notwithstanding in all other things obedient vnto him but the king not satisfied therewith would haue him wherfore he led an army of Moores and Castillans before Xatiua and battered it in vaine for besides that the beseeged defended themselues valiantly they called vnto their succours the king of Denia their neighbor who seazed vpon the place and kept it in despite of king Hiaja who was forced to retire hauing lost by ouer-pressing it that which he might haue enioyed with a litle patience Whilst that D. Alphonso disposed of the affairs of his new conquest Nauarre and Ariagon that the Mores more diuided then euer not able to discerne the miseries which pursued them continued their spoiles and to stir vp new trobles among themselues D. Sancho Ramires king of Nauarre and Arragon being loth to liue idle and to let slip such good occasions to inlarge his dominions and to aduance the Christians power in Spaine Hee won a battll of the Moores nere vnto a place called Pietra Pisada took from them the towne of Arguedas and defeated them in another battell neere to Tudele and fought with them the third time about Morella which incounters fell out happily for the Christians in the yeare 1084. An. 1084. And the yere after seing that he had made great conquests in the champion countrie he gaue to his eldest son the realm of Sobrarbre and Ribagorçca with the title of King and a while after the Queene D. Felicia died who was intetred at S. Iean de la Pegna The estate of Barcelone Barcelone after the death of Cont Raymond Berenger the elder was in great combustion by the emulation of his two sons D. Berenger Raymond and D. Raymond Berenger called Flaxen head wherof the eldest held a part of the country of Cattelogne but D. Raymond Berenger the yonger commanded the greatest part So as the Moores were not molested in their estates by them but D. Raymond Berenger followed the partie of the Morish king of Denia against him of Sarragossa who enuied the others estate as we haue sayd Yet some hold opinion that it was D. Raymond Berenger the elder their father who carried armes against the K. of Sarragossa and that on the other side D. Raymond Flaxen head was his friend and ally Only Armingol Earle of Vrgel did vertuously make war against the Mores vppon the frontiers of Cattelogne D. Raymond Flaxen head had married a most vertuous Lady called D. Almodia daughter to Robert Guichard duke of Pouillia by whom hee had D. Raymond Arnould which succeeded him The Spanish Authors shew a great argument of this Ladies holinesse and religion for that in her husbands life time she built the Monasterie of Valde Mary of the Order of Saint Benet in the Vicountie of Cabrera and another of Saint Daniel of the same Order neare vnto Girone where she professed her selfe and liued a Nunne after the decease of the king Parricide betwixt the Princes of Cattelogne her husband in whose life time some people of the County of Cerdagne reuiued the Arrian heresie for the preuention where of D. Guillen Iordain Earle of that place was much troubled The ambition of raigne was such betwixt the two Earles of Barcelone as the eldest slue the youngest by treason watching him as he went from Ostarlit to Girone this D. Raymond Flaxen head hauing raigned onely six yeares a religious mild courteous and bountifull Prince and of a goodly presence and therefore lamented of all men This fratricide seeking to dissemble his treason did weep much before the world but he could not so well disguise his offence but the truth was knowne Wherefore the Cattelans reiected him and in the yeare 1082. chose Don Raymond Arnoould the son of the deceased for their Earle chasing away D. Berenger Raymond who thinking by trecherie to take away another mans lost his own patrimonie and beeing poore and dishonored and moreouer by a iust iudgement of God hauing lost his speech he died in Ierusalem whither he went in pilgrimage During the infancie of this young Count Raymond Alnoould some tyrants of Prouence Languedoc did inuade the territories of Carcassone giuing the Earle of Barcelone to vnderstand that they wold hold it in fee of him and do him homage and restore it vnto him when hee should come of age This Earle Raymond Arnould was a great personage as wee shall heare hereafter Returning to Toledo Castile after that the king D. Alphonso had giuen order for all things that were necessarie for the gard of that cittie he returned to Leon. leauing Cid Ru●z Diaz for Gouernor and for the ecclesiasticall and ciuill gouernement Queene Constance his wife falsely called by some Beatrix with the Archbishop D. Bernard and others during the kings absence this Prelate beeing very zealous in his religion and discontented that the Moores remaining in Toledo did enioy the Mosquee maior a rare and stately building among all them of Spaine layed a plot with the Queene to depriue them of it and without any respect to the promise and oath made by the king he seazed theron and forbad the Moores the vse and entrie into this temple the which he did consecrate the Cathedrall church the fifth of October 1086. An. 1086. All this was done suddenly and without the kings priuitie the Queene and Archbishop knowing well that it would much displease him but their hope was that what had beene done would not be easily vndone by reason of the respect the king carried
Lieutenant in the countrie of Maroe who with a great power of men of this race of the Almorauides and other Africans came and handed in Andalousia and ioyned with the king of Seuile but they stayed not long together for being growne into some controuersie it drew them into sedition and armes so as their forces being diuided and ioyning in battaile in the open field Almuncam●z Aben-Amet king of Seuille lost his life and this new-come Moore not onely seazed vpon his lands and Segneuties without any difficulty but also made all the other Moores of Spain subiect vnto him saying that they had rather keep the Arabians Camels then the Swine of the Christian Spa●iards Ali Aben-Axa was so fortunate in his proceedings Moores in Spaine vnited vnder Ali Aben-Axa as he grew exeeding proud not respecting his king any more but rebelling openly against him hee serled the royall seate at Cordoua and caused himself to be called Mira●mumin of Spaine by means whereof all the treaties of peace which had bin contracted betwixt the Moores and Christians of Spaine were then broken and moreouer this new king of the Moores thought to recouer the countries which had bin held by the Moores namely those which D. Alphonso had had in dow●y with Q. Caida his last wife so as the king D. Alphonso thinking to enioy an assured peace hee found himselfe sodenly ingaged in great and dangerous warres for Ali entring into the Realme of Toledo he spoyled the countrie at his pleasure hauing gotten two great victories and put two mightie armies of D. Alphonsos to bloudie routes so as the lands of D. Caidas dowrie with others came into his power the which was the more easie to effect for that they were in a maner all inhabited by Moores Yet in a third expedition whereas D. Alphonso went in person with all the flower of his kingdomes the conquerors furie was stayed so as he was forced for feare seeing this great preparation made against him to keepe himselfe within Cordoua and tò abandon his countrie to the spoile not daring to defend it and in the end came to a composition and treaty of peace with D. Alphonso by the which he made himselfe his vassall and tributarie giuing him rich presents and great sums of mony wherewith the King and his armie beeing inriched they returned victoriously into Castile From thence king D. Alphonso hauing gotten new courage led his armie to subdue Sarragossa and did so presse it as the Inhabitants did offer to hold it in fee of him and to do him homage the which he refused demanding the city but whilest he was busie at this enterprise behold there arriues in Spaine a great cloude of African Moores which strucke a greater terror in Spaine then had beene in many ages It was Ioseph Aben Tefin the Miralmumin who incensed at the trecherie of Ali was come out of Africke with a greater armie of Moores then had bin seene in long time to take reuenge of his trecherie 16 The presence of this king stayed the seege of Sarragossa Ioseph Aben Tefin king of Meroc subdues all the Moores in Staine vnder his Empire brake the accord made betwixt Alphonso and Ali and was the cause of many great alterations Hee beseeged and forced Ali in the city of Seuile and as a traytour cut off his head he seazed vppon Cordo●a in the which was a sonne of Abencamus and in a short time hee brought all Andalousia vnder his obedience and in a manner all the Noblemen and townes which the Moores held in Spaine he drew vnto his seruice some Earles and Noblemen Christians An. 1089. with many souldiers whome gaine or their disordered passions commanded more then religion One of these Earles was called D. Ordognes de Lara So the Mores of Spaine ioyned with them of Africke vnder one Miralmumin in the yeare 1089. hauing beene diuided 334. yeares they of Affricke beeing subiect to the race of Aben-Al●becy vnto this king and these of Spaine obeying the family of Aben Hum ●ja from Abderramen the first This king stayed some time in Spaine to dispose of his new conquests not respecting any more the friendship of king D. Alphonso who first had inuited him to come into Spaine and then he returned into Affricke where hee had setled his imperiall seate at Maroc or Marrox Then began there a difficult war betwixt these two Potentates in Spaine● by reason whereof King D. Alphonso sought the friendship and succors of other Christian Princes vpon which occasion there came many ●aliant Knights into Spaine to winne honor by armes and mooued also with zeale of religien among the which were three Princes where of mention hath beene made in the beginning of this raigne that is Raymond son to William brother to the Earle of Bourgongne Henry of Lorraine or of Besançon and his vnkle or cousin Raymond of Tholousa and of S. Giles with these and other braue souldiers as well Spaniards as of other nations D. Alphonso made head against this Arabian king so as he stopt his course and ouer-run his country newly conquered taking great spoiles and carrying away many prisoners without any opposition 17 At that time D. Alphonso for the good seruices hee had receiued from these three personages Portugall and to bind them the more to defend the Christians estate in Spaine gaue them his daughters in marriage to Henry of Lorraine whom some call Earle of Limbourg D. Theresa his bastard to whom bearing a priuate affection hee gaue the countrie of Portugall Henry of Lorraine first erle of Portugal which he had conquered from the Moores with the hereditarie title of an Earle for him and his heires lawfully begotten and withall making him a promise to adde vnto his Seigneuries whatsoeuer he should conquer from the Moores in those parts Portugal held in fee of the Crown of Leon with the same right of hereditarie succession These goodly gifts did the king D. Alphonso bestow vppon D. Henry vpon condition that they should acknowledge the kings of Leon for their Soueraigne Lords and hold them in fee of them do them homage and present themselues at the kings court at Leon whensoeuer they should call there vassals and serue them against their enemies Moreouer they should furnish three hundred horse with some other duties This was the beginning of the Siegneury of Portugal and of the royall posterity of the possessors of that country To Raymond Earle of Tolouse and Saint Gyles King D. Alphonso gaue D. Eluira an other of his bastards and to Cont Raymond of Bourgongne D. Vrraca his lawfull daughter with the Gouernment of Galicia the title of an Earl which was the ordinary title of great dignities in Spaine in those times D. Sancho Ramires Nauarre and Arragon King of Nauarre and Arragon did all hee could to anoy the Moores vpon his borders from whom hee tooke about the yeere of our Lord 1089. the towne of Montçon yet with great difficulty by
reason of the fort and the obstinate defence of the garrison The same yeere the preuiledges of Nobility with all exemptions were confirmed to them of the valley of Roncal as a testimony that they had beene alwaies valiant and faithfull to their Kings In the yeere 1091. hee forced Abderramen the Moore King of Huesca to pay him tribut An. 1091. he sent succors to his cousin D. Alphonso of Castille in the warre which hee made vpon the marches of Toledo and hauing a deseigne to besiege Sarragossa in time hee beganne a fort neere to the riuer of Ebro fiue leagues from Sarragosse the which he called Castellar F●rt of Castillar buill he wonne afterwards from the Moores Olalla Almenara and Naual and he peopled Luna from whence is descended the family of Luna and to coope vp the King of Huesca hee fortefied the castles of Marcuello Loarre and Algueçar vpon the Marches of Sobrarbre and subiected all that is betwixt it and Montarragon within a league of Huesca wherefore King Abderramen seeing himselfe restrained daily more and more hee had recourse vnto D. Alphonso King of Castille offring to pay him a greater tribute then he did to him of Nauarre if hee would take him into his protection whereunto D. Alphonso gaue eare beeing glad to make himselfe great by what meanes soeuer of such power is ambition in the hearts of men who sparing not the King D. Sancho his cousin he had wrested from him the Siegneury of Guipulcoa which had euer beene vnited to the crowne of Nauarre and had made Earle and Gouernor in his name D. Lopes Dias of Haro Lord of Biscay This manner of proceeding did much displease D. Sancho Ramires who for this cause hauing sent some troupes of soldiers to the fronters of Alaua to entertaine the Castillans he went to the siege of Huesca being resolued to take it at what price soeuer hee was accompanied by his sonnes D. Pedro King of Sobrarbre and D. Alphonso with the forces of Nauatre and Arragon but as he proceeded in this seege with to great vehemency it happened that going to vew the weakest places with his captaines he was shot with a Moorish arrow vnder the arme hole as he lifted vp his arme D. Sancho Ramires King of Arragon slaine at the si●ge of H●esca to shew some one that was neere him a place where he thought fit to make his battery The blow was mortall the which D. Sancho feeling he retired to his tent dissembling his paine as much as hee could being there hee caused D. Pedro and D. Alphonso his children to sweare not to depart from the siege vntill they had taken the towne and soone after hee died as they drew the arrowe out of the wound Hee was a valiant Prince and had happely inlarged his dominions by conquests against the Moores but his neighbors Christians were not very faithfull euen D. Alphonso King of Castille Hee loued iustice and Gouernment the towne of Estella was begunne by him the which at this day is one of the three cities of Nauarre and the second in dignity He affected religion much according to the practise of that age for besides many donations made by him to churches and monasteries and the re-edyfying of them that were ruined hee made D. Ramir his youngest sonne a religious man of the order of Saint Benet in the monastery of Saint Ponce of Tomerres D. Pedro his eldest sonne succeeded him in the realme of Nauarre and Arragon in the yeere of our Lord 1094. about this time many monasteries of France obtained exemption from the iurisdiction of Bishops the Monkes beting desirous to enioy greater liberty their Abbors to adorne themselues with crosses and miters like Bishops About that time D. Therefa An. 1094. Portugal eountesse of Portugal had a sonne by Henry of Lorraine or of Besançon at a place called Guymaranes his name was D. Alphonso as the King his grand-father by the mothers side and by surname Henriques who was first King of Portugal and that stemme of all the Kings which haue held that Kingdome vnto this day whose birth is strangly written by the Spanish authors saying that hee had his feete ioyned together behinde the which were set at liberty the fift yeere of his age by the praiers and vowes of his parents in remembrance whereof Cont Henry and his wife finished a church begunne long before at Carquere neere vnto the riuer of Duero dedicated vnto the Virgin Mary the which at this day is a receptacle for lesuites within two leagues of Lamego The first lands which lie betwixt Duero and Minio Porto Braga and Guymaranes and then Coimbra Visco and Lamego with the iurisdiction of Vera. It is to be presumed that he was a wise and valiant Knight and of a great house seeing that D. Alphonso gaue him his daughter in marriage with so great a dowry and that hee did so confidently commit vnto him the fronter of his realmes on that side There is nothing written certaine of his father and mother but that being of the house of the Dukes of Lorraine and Nephew to the Earls of Tolouse we may hold him to be descended from the house of France and moreouer nobly allied to the families of Germany Besides the Prince D. Alphonso Henriques hee had two daughters by D. Theresa his wife D. Theresa Henriques who was married to D. Fernand Paez of Transtamara and D. Sancha Henriques who maried D. Fernand Mendes To returne to the King D. Alphonso Moores and to this new warre which he had against the forces of Affrike beeing ioyned vnto the Moores of Spaine the which hee himselfe had drawne vpon him D. Roderigo Diaz de Binar called Cid hauing the gard of Toledo and of al that fronter finding himselfe somewhat eased by the departure of King Ioseph Aben-Tefin who was returned into Affrike he propounded to attempt Sarragosse from the seege whereof D. Alphonso had beene diuerted by the comming of the Moores Almoranides He chose a fit occasion for the Sarragossans their King Ioseph Aben-Hut being terrified with the forts which the King of Nauarre had built about them Cid Ruis Dliax receiued into Sarragosse as Protector by the which they did see themselues daily restrained anoied they did willingly receiue Cid as their protector King Aben-Hut was an enemy to the King of Valencia and so was the King of Denia either of them seeking to seize vpon his Estate but Cid carried himselfe so wisely as hee preserued the realm for King Hiaja who was a friend to the King of Castille his Lord hee repulst the King of Denia and forced the Earle of Parcelone who at the perswasion of the King of Sarragosse had beseeged Valence to retire notwithstanding the Earl hauing receiued great somes of money from the King of Denia to support him against Cid continuing to forrage and spoile the country of Valence he was vanquished by Cid in an incoūter to whom afterwards he became
sonne in law the which hee did by the aduice of D. Bernard Archbishop of Toledo D. V●raca la●re of Castille and Leon married to D. Alphonso of Nauarre which marriage was accomplished according vnto some in the life time of the King D. Pedro others say it was after his decease D. Alphonso hauing already succeeded him to the crowne of Nauarre and Arragon in the yeere 1104. for that the King D. Pedros sonne of the same name was dead without children and D. Isabel his daughter was also dead a virgin An. 1104. This King D. Pedro and his children were buried at Iean de la Pegna the last of the Kings which were interred there He had raigned in Nauarre and Arragon ten yeeres and three monthes As for King D. Alphonso he liued vnto the yeere 1108. being afflicted with great infirmities Death of D. Alphonso the sixth King of Castille with the which he languished to the age of 73. whereof hee raigned foure and thirty yeeres and eight monthes after the decease of his brother D. Sancho his body is interred in the Monastery of Sahagun D. Alphonso his son in law succeeded him in the right of D. Vrraca the only lawfull daughter of the deceased in all his realmes of Castille Leon Toledo and other Siegneuries A little before his death one Moyse a Iew very learned in the tongues in Philosophy and the holy Scriptures was baptized and the King D. Alphonso was his god father Conuersion of Moys●a Iew. wherefore hee was called Pedro Alphonso His conuersion was profitable to many Iewes and Moores whom by disputing and writing hee brought to leaue their sects and to imbrace the name and profession of Christians At the same time florished Deminike de la Calçada whose practise was to retire the pilgrimes which went to Saint Iaques and to direct them in their way At the place of whose aboade there was since a city built of that name he caused a Chappel to bee built there in honour of the Virgin Mary and a little from thence fiue yeeres before his death he made his sepulcher for at that time they buried not any in holie ground Now it is a Cathedral Church The end of the eight Booke The Contents of the ninth Booke 1. VNion of the realmes of Castille Leon Nauarre and Arragon vnder the King D. Alphonso the 7. of that name in Leon and 2. in Castille and the first in Nauarre and Arrago● 2. Seege and taking of the city of Sarragosse from the Moores the which was afterwards the chiefe of the realme of Arragon 3. The County of Prouence anexed to the house of Barcelone by hereditary succession 4. D. Alphonso Henriques 2. Earle of Portugal and the bad gouernment of the Countesse D. Theresa his Mother 5. The licentions life of the Queene D. Vrraca heire of Castille her diuorce from King D. Alphonso her husband and the miseries which happened in Castille 6. Conspiracy of the Nobility and States of Castille and Leon against the Queene D. Vrraca and the establishing of her sonne D. Alphonso 7. Raymond in the reyall dignity accounted the 8. of that name and the 27. King of Leon and 5. of Castille 8. Disordred and prodigious testament of D. Alphonso the 7. King of Nauarre and Arragon 9. Vsurpations of townes and Lands in Nauarre by King Alphonso Raymond of Castille 10. D. Garcia Ramir the 19. King of Nauarre and 7. of that name 11. D. Frere Ramir the 5. King of Arragon and 2. of that name 12. Kings of Nauarre and Arragon forced to acknowledge the soueraignty of Castille 13. Vnion of Cattelogne to the crowne of Arragon by the marriage of the Earle of Barcelon D. Raymond Berenger with D. Petronille 14. Accord betwixt D. Raymond Betenger Prince Regent of Arragon with the Templers and Hospitaliers vpon the testament of King D. Alphonso 15. The Earle of Portugal takes the title of King 16. Change of the State in Affrike and the new raigne of the Almohades 17. Taking of Lisbone and other townes from the Moores by the new King D. Alphonso Henriques 18. D. Sancho the 20. King of Nauarre 7. of that name 19. Change of Religion among the Moores in Spaine and persecution of Christians by the new sectaries 20. D. Sancho the 6. King of Castille 3. of that name 21. D. Fernand the 2. of that name 28. King of Leon. 22. Institution of the Order of the Knights of Calatrana This ninth booke containes the rest of the Kings of Nauarre Arragon Leon and Castille and the erection of the Earldome of Portugal to a Kingdome by D. Alphonso Henriques as followeth NAVARRE ARRAGON LEON CASTILLE 18. Alphonso Emperour 1-4 the same 1-26 the same 7-4 the same 2. 19. D. Garcia Ramir. 7. 5. D. Fr. Ramir. 2. 27. D. Alphon. Ra. 8-5 the same 3. 20. D. Sancho 7. D. Petronille and 28. D. Fernand 2. 6. D. Sancho 3. D. Raymond Berenger vnites Arragon and Cattelogne PORTVGAL D. Alphonso Henriques 2. Earle and the first which tooke vpon him the title of King D. Alphonso the eighteenth King of Nauarre Emperor of Spaine ALL the Christian Kingdomes of Spaine were vnited in one body Nauarre Ar. 1. rag●a Leon and Castille in the yeere 1108. by the succession of Leon Castille An. 1108. Toledo and other conquests fallne to D. Vrraca wife to D. Alphonso King of Nauarre and Arragon intitled Emperor of Spaine by a better right then his Predecessors notwithstanding that some Chronicles will not haue him put in the ranke and number of the Kings of Castille and Leon for that it was D. Vrraca his wife and not hee which was heire of the sayd Realmes D. Pedro Ansures during the Kings absence who was in Nauarre and Arragon gouerned and was Viceroy in Castille in which time the Moores went to field and did great harme vnto the Christians taking the towne of Coria with other places D. Alphonso King of Nauarre entred with an army into Castille leading with him D. Vrrca his wife but there needed not any force for all obeyed him both the townes forts and Noblemen of the country whom hee gouerned with all mildnesse humanity and iustice and repulsed the inuasions of the Moores on the fronters of his wiues dominions but hee made sharper warre against them vpon the confines of Nauarre and Arragon in Castille hee repaired Vilhorade in Rioje Berlanga and vpon the riuer of Duero Almasan and Soria The surname of warrior was giuen him by reason of his deeds of armes and the battailes wherein he was during his raigne The Histories report that he did fight 29. times in a pitcht field was victor in them al except in the two last battailes D. Alphonso se●●es to assar●h ins● lse of Castille which were fought nere vnto Fraga Hauing goften footing in Castille he began to forecast what might happen if his wife should die without children by him wherefore he put gouernors and captaines of his countries of Nauar
Arragon in al the strong places of Castille that if he were forced to quitthese realms of Castille Leon Toledo their depedances he might keep those people in some awe and leaue it with his honor and aduantage the which did somewhat estrange the Noblemen of Castile The bad qualities of D. Vrraca Queene of Castile He knew also that his wife D. Vrraca was proud ingrate inconstant and not very continent and therefore with good aduice he armed himselfe for all euents This woman vpon a light occasion conceiued a great hatred against the Earle D. Pedro Ansures Lord of Vailledolit who had nourished her and had kept her Estates after the death of the king her father onely for that in his letters written to the king her husband her aduising them to come and take possession of her inheritance he had intitled her husband King of Castile Whereupon she sought to take Vailledolit and other lands from him but the King did presently restore them and to the end he should be the more secure against the rage of this woman hee sent him into Arragon with D. Elo his wife giuing him the gouernement of the young Earle of Vrgel his Cousin The first expedition which he made against the Moores Expedition against the Mahume●●sts was about the yeare 1110. vppon the frontiers of Nauarre and Arragon where he tooke from them the towne of Exea An. 1110. in which warre he was assisted by many voluntarie Noblemen and Gentlemen of France beeing disirous to winne honor by bearing armes against the Mahumetists Running along the riuer of Ebro he tooke Tihaust Borja Magallon and other places of those marches so as the happy successe of this enterprise gaue him courage to effect that which his predecessors Kings of Nauarre had long before deseigned which was to reduce the cittie of Sarragossa vnder his obedience the which as he made shew to beseege Moores defeated by D. Alphonso spoiling the countrie round about it King Abuçalen came with a great power and presented him battaile neate vnto Valtierra where the Moore was vanquished and slaine vpon the place By meanes of this victorie King D. Alphonso took Morella and resolued to beseege Sarragossa wherefore he put a strong garrison into the fort of Castella of old souldiers called at that time in Spaine Almogarabes who were continually entertained vpon the Moores frontiers Sarragoss● beseeged This seege was long and dangerous for the Moores defended this cittie courragiously beeing great full of men and well fortified In the armie of king D. Alphonso there were many Noblemen of France which had vowed to carrie armes against the Infidels among the which were Gaston Lord of Berne Noblemen of France in the compe before Sarragossa the Earle of Cominges and Rotron Earle of Perche by whom the Towne of Tudele seated vpon Ebro betwixt Sarragossa and Calaorra was taken by surprize The Moores which were there in garrison did much annoy the campe for that they spoiled their victuallers and merchants and cut off their victuals whereupon D. Alphonso sent Cont Rotron with good troupes of foot and sixe hundred horse The Earle kept himselfe close in certaine valleys couered with woods neere vnto the towne and sent foorth some men into the open plaines to get some spoile and to driue away their cattell who being discouered by the Moores of the fort they sallyed foorth with all their forces to the end that not any one of these runners should escape Whilest they were in skirmish the Earle came out of his ambush and cut off their retreate to the towne the which he found ill garded so as he seazed thereon without any difficultie The king D. Alphonso to reward the Earle of Perche for this prize which was of so great importance Tudele taken by the Earle of Perche for that seege where hoe was gaue him this place of Tudele the which was afterwards annexed to the crowne of Nauarre The Moores amazed at this losse began to faint in many places so as Mon●ajo and other neighbour townes were made subiect to D. Alphonso within few dayes The Sarragossans were much assisted by the Moores which commanded at Lerida and Fraga as well for the danger which did threaten them as for their conformity in Religion During this seege the king D. Alphonso beeing in the cittie of Barbastro there came vnto his Court Count Bertrand of Tholousa sonne to Count Raymond and D. Eluira bastard daughter to the deceased King D. Alphonso the 6. This young Prince had bin dispossessed of all his Estate by the Earle of Po●ctiers who beeing gratiously intertayned and honored by king D. Alphonso to the end he might bee ayded by him to recouer his Estate he made himselfe his vassall acknowledging him for his Soueraigne Lord of all the did or should possesse according to the Spanish Histories The King receiued him into his protection gaue him good hope it was about the yeare 1116. yet this did little auaile Cont Bertrand for the continuall warre which D. Alphonso had against the Moores would not suffer him to attend the affaires of Tholousa besides William Earle of Poictiers was the kings friend and came himselfe in person to the war against the Moores in Spaine and was at the seege of Sarragossa with the Earles of Perche Cominges and Bigorre the Lord of Beam the Vicount of Lauedan Bishop of Escar and many other Noblemen and Knights of France whereas also were all the Noblemen of Nauarre and Arragon both Ecclesiasticall and secular among the which those of greatest marke were Diego Lope Ladron Ximen Fortunes de Leet Simon Fortunes de mont Castel Pedro Momesio Lope Ximenes Torelia Lope Sancho of Ogabre Pedro Ximenes Iustice of Arragon Iean Galindio d'Antilia Lope Fortunes of Albero Pedro Myr Entenza Almudebar taken from the Moores Raymond Peres d'Erillo N. of Almorauid and with them many of Castile and other places of Spaine About the yeare 1118. Almudebar a strong place and well furnished was taken by the French the which strucke such a terror into the Mores thereabouts as they abandoned Sarrignena Salce Robres Zeura and Gurrea the which were seazed on by the Arragonois whilest that the French with the other forces did batter Sarragossa with all violence the which the Moores defended valiantly the king D. Alphonso beeing then gone into Castile The Spaniards write that the French seeing this seege to grow tedious and beeing out of hope to take the cittie they retired in a manner all home to their houses except the chiefe Commanders to whome D. Alphonso brought new supplies about Iuly this yeare 1118. The beseeged beginning to doubt that they should not be able to keepe the cittie long they employed all their money meanes and credit intreating the Moores that were neere and sarre off to succour them in their great necessitie Who sending a captaine vnto them called Temin with men and victuals he was incountred and defeated neere vnto
the Kings person notwithstanding whether remorse of so foule an act altered the mindes of these knights of Lara or that all the bretheren were not a like affected as D. Manrique D. Nugno the yongest of the brethren tooke king D. Alphonso and carried him to Atiença not respecting the accord made with the King D. Fernand who holding himselfe deceiued by D. Manrique sent him word by a knight that hee was a traytor and that he would bee reuenged The Earle made no other answer but that it was lawful for him to doe any thing to deliuer his King and natural Prince from captiuity Afterwards the Earle meeting with the King D. Fernand who accused him of treachery and demaunded Iustice of the Estates of Castille he answered againe that he knew not that he was a traytor but that hee repented him not to haue done his best endeauor to deliuer his King a child of so tender age from such vniust slauery After many reasons and allegations of either side The yong King D. Alphonso giuen in garde to the inhabitants of Auila the Earle D. Manrique was absolued but the King D. Fernand kept in a manner all the places and townes in Castille except some of the lesser which continued vnder the obedience of the King D. Alphonso who was not in any great safety vntill they had found meanes to put him into the Citie of Auila where hee was faithfully kept by his good subiects the inhabitants thereof vntill he was twelue yeeres old wherefore they say commonly in Spaine the Loyal of Auila The tumults and confusions of Castille Nauarre inuited D. Sancho King of Nauarre surnamed the wise to make his profit which is the marke whereat all worldly men doe aime yet had he some iust pretension to doe it especially to inuade the lands lying vpon the riuer of Oja which the Emperour D. Alphonso had laied hold on during the vacancie and Interregne of Nauarre and Arragon So as hee went to armes entred in hostile manner into that Prouince and tooke Logrogno Entrena and Cerezo and passing on he also tooke Birbiesca and in a manner all that was in his way euen vnto Burgos all which places he did fortefie but yet he enioyed them not long The King of Nauarre did all these things without any resistance made by them of Castille beeing fauoured by the confusion of the time and the infancy of the young King D. Alphonso besides that towards Arragon hee found himselfe assured by a peace concluded with the Earle D. Raymond Berenger Death of D. Ra●mon● berenger Earle of Barcelone 1162. the which was the better confirmed by his death which happened in the yeere 1162. in Piedmont in the Bourge of Saint Dalmace neere vnto Turin This Prince went by sea into Italy with his Nephew the Earle of Prouence to conferre with the Emperor Frederic Barbarossa who made warre then in the Dutchy of Milan D. Alphonso the second and the sixth King of Arragon 2. THis Earle had gouerned Cattelogne and Barcelone thirty one yeeres Arragon and the realme of Arragon fiue and twenty He was wise and valiant but too ambitious He lest D. Raymond his sonne who was afterwards called D. Alphonso heire of both Estates by his testament by the which hee gaue vnto D. Pedro his second son the Earledome of Cerdagne with the same rights as Cont Bernard William had held it and moreouer the demeins and reuenues of the lands of Carcassone Disposition of D. Raymond Berengers wil. and rights of Narbonne and other places in Languedoc reseruing the homage vnto the Earle of Barcelon and King of Arragon his eldest substituting to D. Pedro his third son D. Sancho in case hee died without children and them two to their eldest brother D. Alphonso either of them in his Siegneuries with his children vnto Henry the second King of England his ally and faithfull friend the Queene D. Petronille his wife remayning Regent and tutresse of her Son and Realme but she brought D. Alphonso being but 12. yeeres old to the gouernment of the State vnder the conduct of the Earle of Prouence his cousin germain the Queene giuing ouer that charge as vnfit for women This was the first King of Arragon that was Earle of Barcelone since which time these two Estates have not beene diuided Returning to D. Sancho King of Nauarre Nauarre hee gouerned his realme wisely and iustly and had about him many good and vertuous Prelats and Knights amongst the which were D. Viuian Bishop of Pampelone the Earle D. Bela Ladron Lord that is to say gouernor in Alaua Rodrigues Martines Gouernor in Maragnon Pedro Ruis in Estella and Gallipienço Sancho Ramires in Sanguessa Ximeno of Ayuar in Roncal Ximen Aznares in Tafalla Sancho Esquerra in Saint Mary of Vxua Martin de Lees in Peralta Aznar de Rada in Falses and in Valtierra Peter of Araçury in Logrogno and Tudele with diuers others As for his domestike affaires hee was married to D. Sancha Infanta of Castille whom others call Beacia or Beatrix daughter to the Emperor D. Alphonso by whom he had a goodly issue D. Sancho who was King after his father D. Fernand and D. Ramir Geneology of Nauarre the which was Bishop of Pampelone for Ecclesiastical charges which had great reuenues were not there giuen to Pastors which had care of Christians manners and consciences but were portions for Kings children hee was otherwise called D. Remy Beside three sonnes she brought him three daughters D. Berenguela who was married to Richard King of England surnamed Corde-Lion and had for her dowry the country of Maine in France where shee spent the remainder of her daies like a vertuous widow after the decease of the King her husband D. Sanchos second daughter was D. Theresa otherwise called Constance who died a virgin and the third was D. Blanche married to Thiband Earle of Champaigne and Brie from whom the race of the Kings of Nauarre of the house of Champaigne had their beginning in D. Thiband their son About the yeere 1165. An. 1165. the sentence of the Processe betwixt the Bishops of Pampelone and Sarragosse begunne in the time of D. Lope Predecessor to D. Viuian with D. Pedro of Zarroja for the lymits of their Dioceses and Iurisdictions which had beene iudged by the Legat Hyacinthe Cardinal of the title of Saint Mary in Cosmedin was confirmed by Pope Alexander the third successor to Adrian the fourth beeing at Montpellier in France who also by his Bull confirmed the preuiledges of the Church of Pampelone and the order of the regular Chanoins of Saint Augustin instituted by D. Pedro Roda the Bishop as other Popes his Predecessors had done During these things Portugal D. Alphonso Henriques King of Portugal hauing some quiet with the Moores who were not well setled vnder the obedience of the Almohades spent his time about the fortification of the fronter townes of his realme vnto the yeeres 1165. when as he went
country of Toledo he came to Burgos where hee called an other assembly and kept his court in the yeere 1170. An. 1170. touching that which lies on this side the mountaines belonging to Castille and Nagera D. Alphonso the noble King of Castille comes of years and for that the fifteenth yeere of his age was now ended all the townes forts were yeeled vp vnto him without any contradiction according to the will of his deceased father yea those which were held by D. Fernand of Castro who was neuer more seene in Castille by reason of the quarrels he had with the house of Lara but passing to the Moores hee shewed himselfe a perpetuall enemy to his country In the assembly at Burgos there was speech of the excesse and outrages done by Fernand King of Leon to reuenge the which hee resolued to proclaime warre against him but it was not put in execution long after by reason of D. Alphonsos youth who was not yet capable of so great an enterprise There they treated also of the Kings marriage with Elenor daughter to Henry the second King of England And marries Elenor of England who was as renouned as any Prince at that day in Christendome he was sonne to Geoffrey Duke of Aniou and Normandie It was this Henry which had married Queene Elenor heire of the Dutchie of Guienne and countie of Poictou put away by Lewis the seuenth the French King 5 After these things there was an enter-view of two yong Kings D. Alphonso of Castille and D. Alphonso of Arragon at Sahagun with shewes of great loue and from thence they went to Sarragosse from whence there was an Ambassage sent to effect the marriage of the King of Castille The Ambassadors were D. Celebrun Archbishop of Toledo the Bishops of Palenza Calaorra Burgos and Segobia the Earles D. Ponce and D. Nugno with other Noblemen who found the court with the Queene mother and her daughter at Burdeaux whose returne the King of Castille attended at Sarragosse where during his aboad the league was renewed betwixt Castille and Arragon and a new made for the mutuall defence of both Kings against all men except the King of England in the which were named all the great men belonging to either estate for assurance whereof there was consigned and laied in pawne the castles of Nagera Biguerra Clauijo Ocon and Arueda for the King of Castille and for the King of Arragon Hariza Daroca Aranda Epila Borja with a condition that hee which should breake the league should loose these places and the conuentions were signed and confirmed by the two Kings and their chiefest Nobles The Ambassadors of Castille were welcome to Burdeaux and their charge was very pleasing to the king of England wherevpon the Princesse Elenor was sent into Spaine beeing accompanied by Bernard Archbishop of Bourdeaux the Bishoppes of Poictiers Angoulesme Perigueux Xaintes Agen and Bazas by Raoul de la Faye Seneshall of Guienne Helie Earle of Perigort the Vicounts of Tartax Chasteleraud Chastillon Mortmar Vendome Augoulesme Labrit or Albret with very many other Noblemen and Knights By the treaty made with the Ambassadors it was sayd that the assurace and contract of marriage should bee made at Tarrassone and should be sollemnly ratefied in the presence of the King of Arragon wherefore the two Kings came to Tarrassone where these things were celebrated and sworne with great sollemnity Guifts to th● new Queene of Castille in fouor of 〈◊〉 marriage in the yeere of our Lord 1170. and for accomplishment thereof at that instant D. Alphonso King of Castille caused all the Knights of Castille which were there present to sweare fealtie to his future spouse and moreouer hee gaue vnto her in faaour of the marriage the castles and city of Burgos Castro Xeris Auia Monçon Saldagne Tariego Dueregnas Carrion Aabeson Medina del Aampo Villa Escusa Aguillar Astudillo for her idle expences to furnish her cabinet he assigned particularly vnto her Burgos Nagera and Castro Xeris besides he gaue vnto her the rents of the port of Saint Emeterio Besgo Cabedo Briza de Centillana Calaorra Logrogno Arnedo Biguerra Granon Vilhorado Pancoruo Monasterio Poza Atiença Osma Penafiil Curiel Surita Hita Aegna Negra and others Moreouer hee promised to giue her the moytie of all hee should conquer from the Moores from the day of their marriage These promises and matrimoniall conuentions were sworne in the presence of the Archbishop of Bourdeaux and other English Ambassadors to whom in the Queenes name hee caused the forts to bee deliuered and the homages aboue mentioned to bee done all in the presence of the King of Arragon as an indifferent arbitrator for both parties These things thus finished the two Kings of Castille and Arragon parted good friends and the Ambassadors with the new spouse came with D. Alphonso the Noble to Burgos where the marriage was celebrated with great state and royal pompe after which the court parting from Burgos it came to Nagera in the countrie of Oja where the King gaue leaue to many which had come to attend the solemnitie of his marriage namely to them of Auila who had alwaies followed him to whom for their willingnesse to serue him hee graunted many priuiledges After which hee led the Queene to Toledo where hee grew so amorons of a Iew whom they called Hermosa as hee forgot his new spouse and intangled himselfe so farre in her loue Disordanat Iust of D. Alphonso king of Castille as hee almost lost his sences whereat some Knights of Castille beeing verie much greeued they thought to doe an act pleasing vnto God and profitable to the commen-weale to kill this Iew the which in the beginning the King did beare verie impatiently but in the end hee acknowledged his error and detested it Vpon the confines of Arragon and Castille there began at that time a petty estate in Albarrazin Fort of Albarrazin which place was vsurped by a Knight called D. Pedro Ruis d' Açagra who held it of God and his sword Hee was borne in Nauarre and wonne the loue of the Moores of Murcia and other neighbour places which did fauour and succor him in his enterprises and withall hee had newly made a league with D. Sancho King of Nauarre who supported him and vsed him to bridle Arragon and Castille with which estates hee had or feared some Iarres This fort which had beene in ancient time called Saint Marie of Albarrazin was a troublesome thorne in the feete of the Kings of Castille and Arragon An. 1172. into whose territories D. Pedro Ruis ● Asagra made often roads at his pleasure who hauing about this yeere of our Lord 1172. taken some places in Castille the King D. Alphonso the noble resolued to make warre against him and to take them from him if hee could for this consideration hee made a priuate league with the King of Arragon who was interessed by the which it was concluded that the King of
King D. Sancho vntil that their victuals beganne to faile them During this siege the Deputies of the Prouince of Guipuscoa came to D. Alphonso King of Castille making offer that if he would goe thether in person they would yeeld vnto him hauing long desired to bee vnited to the crowne of Castille for that they were ouercharged by the Kings of Nauarre whose fortunes they had followed seuentie seuen yeeres This offer was very pleasing vnto D. Alphonso as a matter of great aduantage wherefore leauing D. Diego Lopes de Haro to continue the siege of Victoria he went in person to Guipuscoa which Prouince put it selfe vnder his protection Guipuscoa yeelded to the King of Castille and of the Kings of Castille vpon certaine conditions and deliuered into his hands the forts of Saint Sebastien and Fontaraby with the castle of Veloaga which is in the valley of Ojarçun which frontierd vpon France a fit place to assure him a passage if need were into Guienne which was then held by the English for that hee had married a Princesse of England Besides these places they gaue him the castle of Athau vpon the frontiers of Nauarre which is now ruined the castle of Achoros Val du L'eniz and the castle of Arrasate called at this present Mondragon vpon the frontiers of Biscay with the fort which was then built vpon the mountaine of Helosua the ruines whereof are to bee seene at this day which mountaine is in the iurisdiction of the towne of Vergara and is otherwise called Arizona This D. Alphonso King of Castille obtained this prouince of Guipuscoa without force and so returned wonderfully content to the siege of Victoria which continued stil the besieged hauing spent al their victuals who by daily messengers did sollicit D. Sancho their King aduertising him of their extremity whereby they should be forced to fall into their enemies hands if hee did not preuent it but hee beeing ignorant of all that had past in his country beeing absent ill disposed and without good councell aduised them to yeeld vnto the King of Castille vpon the best conditions they could Hauing receiued this answere the besieged held out senenteene daies longer attending if the King had not taken some better aduice but seeing there came nothing from him whereby they might hope of releefe Victoria taken by the King of Castille beeing extremely prest with hunger and want of all things they yeelded the towne the which for the scituation and fortification was held impregnable By the taking of Victoria the King of Castille was maister of that other Prouince of Alaua the country of Araya yeelded vnto him he tooke Irrurita Maragnon Saint Croix and all the valley of Campeso King D. Alphonso made this goodly conquest in the yeere 1200. part by force and part by a voluntary yeelding and did greatly diminish the realme of Nauarre although that some places submitted themselues againe vnder the obedience of the King D. Sancho neither did the Prouince of Alaua euer receiue any law from Castille except Victoria and Treuigno To assure himselfe the better of the Guipuscoans and to gralifie them also the King of Castille caused to bee re-edefied vpon the sea coast of that Prouince the townes of Guetario and Motrico the which hee did fortifie and indow with great preuiledges after all these things the King of Nauarre arriued at Carthagena and slipt through Arragon into his country bringing great treasure with him out of affrike at what time D. Alphonso had newly besieged Estella the which was freed from siege vpon the bruite of his comming so great power and reputation hath the name of a king that is present but if he had staied longer in Affrike his country of Nauarre had beene wholy lost Nauarre sends Ambassadors to Castille hauing visibly seene the great harme which the King D. Alphonso had done him hee sent Ambassadors vnto him to desire him to restore him that which hee had taken from him in his absence against al law and iustice and against the accustomed manner of making warre in that age full of loyalty but the King of Castille entertained him with delaies and doubtfull answeres 32. Whilst that D. Ca●●●● Sancho considers of his losses and of the best meanes to repaire them the King of Castille great mighty and redoubted being allied to him of Arragon and hauing a truce for many yeeres with Aben Ioseph hee beganne to repaire the ruines which the Arabians had made he restored the city of Plaisance Bejar and other places of the country ruined he did the like to Mirabel Segura de la Serra Monfredo Moya and many other places of the realme of Toledo hee also built Aquilar del Campe in Castille and moreouer in Guipuscoa he built the towne of Castro d' Ordiales Laredo Saint Ander and Saint Vincent de la Barquera About the yeere 1201. An. 1201. there was a peace treated of betwixt Iohn successor to Richard King of England and King Philip Augustus of France at Boutauant in Normandy by the which amongst other Articles a marriage was concluded betwixt the Infanta D. Blanche the daughter of D. Alphonso King of Castille Marriage betwixt Lewis of France and D. Blanche of Castille and Queene Elenor sister to the King of England with Lewis eldest sonne to Philip and heire of the realme of France for the which Ambassadors were sent from both Kings into Castille they were made sure by a Deputy for Lewis in the city of Burgos with great feasting and state and the Infanta was conducted by the King her father and other Noblemen of Castille vnto the frontiers of Guienne where the Deputies for the French King did receiue her for whose dowry there was assigned by King Iohn her vncle all the places which were in question betwixt him and the French King whereof the sayd French King was in possession in the Dutchies of Normandy Brittaine and Aniou At the same time D. Alphonso King of Leon seperated by the authority of Pope Innocent from D. Theresa of Portugal his wife sent to demande D. Berenguela the King of Castilles other daughter whereof by reason of the discords which were betwixt these two Kings the father made some difficulty yet vanquished by the perswasions and intreaty of Queene Elenor who desired as much to see her daughter weare a crowne as a peace betwixt Castille and Leon he yeelded vnto it and these two Princes meeting to that effect in the towne of Vailledo it the marriage was celebrated assigning her for her dowry the lands taken the yeere before from the king of Leon except Carpio and Monreal which remained to Castille Of this marriage was borne the Infant D. Fernand who succeded in the Realmes of Castille and Leon. Thinke that the Popes dispensation was not obtained for this marriage for being cousin germains remoued children of the vncle and nephew Pope Innocent the third did seperate them In the yeere 1202. Casfille and 1203
the ancient preuiledges granted by the Kings of Nauar vnto Saint Sebastian and Fontarabie townes of Guipuscoa were confirmed and augmented by the Kings of Castille and their iurisdictions lymited especially of Fontaraby by the riuers of Oriaçun and Vidaso which diuides that Prouince from FrAnce and by the mountaine Pegnadaya by Leçaca by Belfa and the sea and by Hirun vrançu which is at this present a great Bourg at which time Queene Elenor was deliuered to her last son who was called D. Henry by reason of his grand-father by the mothers side To these contents was added a truce betwixt this King Alphonso the Noble Nauarre and D. Sancho the strong King of Nauarre for the concluding whereof D. Sancho came in person vpon assurance to Guadalajara in Castille there it was agreed there should be a cessation of armes betwixt the two Kingdomes for fiue yeeres with restitution of some of those places which the King of Castille had taken in Nauarre and for the keeping of the truce there were deliuered into the hands of certaine knights named by both parties the castles of Abuseio Clauijo and Iuvera for Castille and Irureta Inzula and Saint Adrian for the King of Nauarre and for that the warre betwixt Nauarre and Arragon continued stil the King of Castille tooke vpon him to reconcile them and in the meane time caused al acts of hostility to cease These foure Princes being at peace Leon. he of Leon mooued new troubles against D. Vrraca Lopes his mother in law with whom hee could neuer agree seeking to frustrate her of her doury And she for her part did neuer cease practising against D. Alphonso seeking to depose him from the royal throne of Leon and to aduance the Infant D. Sancho her sonne for the which she did continually importune her brother D. Diego Lopes de Haro Lord of Biscay VVarre betwixt the King of Leon and his mother in law intreating him to imbrace this businesse the which he had deferred vntil that time when as hee went to field to aide the Queene his sister but he was not the strongest for D. Alphonso King of Leon being assisted by the King of Castille his father in law chased him into Nauarre from whence hee made roades into the territories of Castille which made the two vnited Kings to goe and seeke him in his owne strength where they defeated him in battaile neere vnto Estella where hee was forced to saue himselfe which towne was inuested and as it were besieged by the armies of Castille and Leon yet they could not take it Vpon this occasion the foure Kings of Castille Leon Nauarre and Arragon met together in Alfaro whether also came D. Sancha Douager of Arragon mother to the King D. Pedro by the which the reconciliations and accords of these Princes were confirmed D. Lopes being destitute of all meanes hee retired in despight vnto the Moores pay at Valencia and from thence to Maroc where hee was accused to the councell of the Miralmumin that hee had mounted D Pedro King of Arragon on horse-backe being ouerthrowne in an incounter which he had against the Moores of Valencia vnder whose pay D. Diego made warre yet hee was absolued The pittifull death of the Infant D. Fernand Nauarre brother to D. Sancho King of Nauarre a Prince well beloued of the Nauarrois An. 1207. ought to bee registred amongst the calamities which fell vpon that realme in those daies The feast of Saint Nicholas being celebrated with superfluous bankers and sports in the yeere 1207. in the towne of Tudele according to the custome of Christians Death of D. Fernand of Nauarre as this generous Prince did runne on horse-backe armed doing some exercises which hee had inuented a hog passing through his horse legges made him to fall in such manner as he brused his head against a piller of stoane whereof hee died thirteene daies after beeing thirty yeeres old Of this Prince whom the Authors commend for a braue and valiant Knight there is no mention made in the warre betwixt Castille and Nauarre wherefore it is to be presumed that the King his brother doubting least hee should attempt some thing to his preiudice during his absence had led him with him into Affrike although hee loued him deerely Thus are the affaires of this world mingled with pleasure and griefe loue and iealousie Of the marriage which had beene made the yeere before Portugal betwixt D. Alphonso Infant of Portugal son to the King D. Sancho then raigning and D. Vrraca daughter to D. Alphonso King of Castille was this yeere 1207. a son borne called D. Sancho as his grandfather by the fathers side in whose life time this Lady was deliuered of an other sonne who was named D. Alphonso the which were Kings of Portugal successiuely Aben Ioseph Miralmumin of the Arabians Almohades Moores being dead in Affrike whilest these things past in Spaine there succeeded in his place his sonne called Aben Mahomad surnamed the Greene the fourth King of that Fect ouer the Moores of Affrike and Spaine this surname was giuen him for that hee carried a Miter or some such Ornament on his head of a greene collour In his raigne the truce expired made betwixt the King of Castille and his predecessor Aben Ioseph when as they fell more cruelly to armes them ouer 33 Betwixt both Castille D. Martin Archbishop of Toledo died to whom succeed Roderigo Ximenes borne in Nauarre the Author of the History of Spaine which wee read at this day A prelate of great authority and much commended by the Spaniards about the time of his death the riuer of Tayo did rise so high as it was fiue foote aboue the port of Almofala in that city This was about the end of December and the yeere before there was so great an Ecclipse of the Sunne as the day was darkned for the space of sixe houres At that time King D. Alphonso did two remarkable workes in the city of Burgos in Castille which were the Monastery of Saint Mary the royal of that citty called de las Huelgas for the daughters of noble houses according to the Order of the Cisteaux and ioyning to this Monastery hee caused the Hospital royal to bee built indowing both the one and the other with great reuenues for the third which is no lesse to be esteemed hee erected an vniuersity in the towne of Palencia which was the first in Castille since the comming of the Moores and drew many learned men in al faculties thether 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 from France England and other places assigning large pensions to the professors and as he was a warlike Prince and could not liue long in quiet the quarrels reuiuing betwixt the French and English about the yeere 1209. hee made a voyage into Guienne An. 1209. for that hee had an interest therein yet hee returned without doing any thing memorable Returning by the Prouince of Guipuscoa hee gaue preuiledges to the towne
but sixe leagues from Seuile resolued to yeeld themselues to King Fernand supposing that if they did protract it any longer they were vndone The city being enuironed and al passages stopt so as there could no victuals enter they were daily in fight both by land and sea where the Moores were most annoyed and therefore they had a great desire to burne the nauy but they found good resistance Hee amongst the commanders which did most feats of armes was D. Pelayo Perez Correa maister of the Order of Saint Iames and of the Knights Garcia Perez de Vargas of Toledo Whilst they were busie about this siege of Seuile the Infant D. Alphonso of Castille was in the realme of Murcia where he sought to take the towne of Xatiua which is not farre from Valencia hauing already seized vpon Enguerra but the King D. Iaime his father in law crossed his conquests saying that the attempted vpon his right for that Xatiua and other neighbour places belonged vnto him according to the last lymitation And for that the Infant D. Alphonso did not retire his forces the King of Arragon tooke Villena and Saix in the country of Castille the which were held by the knights of Calatraua and from the Moores he tooke Capdetes and Burgarra places belonging to the conquest of Castille These differences being like to cause greater troubles some great personages interposed themselues procuring the father in law and the sonne to meet at Almizra where they reconciled them yet the King of Arragon shewed himselfe very strict against D. Alphonso refusing to giue him leaue to conquer Xatiua the which hee promised to hold in doury to his wife Yoland There they did assigne the lands which should belong to either Realme Con●●nes of M●rcia and Valence appointing for the fronter to Murcia against Valencia Almança Sarazul and the riuer Cabriuol and to Valencia Castralla Biar Saxona Alarch Finestrat Torres Polop La Me●le lez d' Aquas and Altea with their confines The mediators of this accord were the maister of Saint Iames the Prior of the Templers and D. Diego Lopes de Haro who returned with the Infant D. Alphonso of Castille and all their troupes to the campe before Seuile where the King of Granado arriued also wel accompanied and there were some succors sent from the King of Arragon at this siege there were great and dayly skyrmishes especially about a bridge of boates which was betwixt the city and the Bourg of Triana vpon the riuer of Guada●quibir the which in the end was broken by the Christians hauing taken the oportunity of a great and violent winde in the which they let slippe two great boates the which came with such violence as they brake the bonds wherewith the bridge was tied the which did wonderfully amaze the Moores This great city was so straightly besieged as they began to want victuals and therefore doubting they should not be able to defend it long they demanded a composition the which was granted them vpon these conditions That the city should be deliuered vnto the King D. Fernand and that all the Moores that would should depart with their goods to whom there was left for a retreat the townes of Saint Lucar Aznalfarache and Niebla Seuile yeelded to King Fernand and for that they should haue time to depart the King nor his garrisons should not enter but a month after the making of this accord and in the mean time the fort or castle of the city should be deliuered vnto the King According to these Articles there went out of Seuile aboue a 100000. Moores of all ages and sexes which past into Affrike besides such as remained in Andalusia and Granado Thus the King D. Fernand got this goodly great city in the yeere 1248. hauing continued his siege sixteene monthes An. 1248. it was not commanded by any King but only by a Gouernor called Axataf The first thing the King did was to prouide for matters of religion He went in a ●ollemne procession to the great Mesguide the which was clensed and hallowed and a Masse song by D. Guttiere elect Archbishop of Toledo successor to D. Iohn deceased D. Raymond Lozana was chosen Archbishop of that church the king resoluing to enrich it with great reuenues like vnto the rest The greatest personages which were at this siege with the king D. Fernand were his children D. Alphonso D. Frederic and D. Henry D. Guttiere Archbishop of Toledo hee of Saint Iames called D. Iohn Arias D. Garcia Bishop of Cordoua D. Sancho bishop of Coria with other Prelats and Clergy men as D. Pelayo Peres Correa the foureteenthmaister of the Knights of Saint Iames D. Gonçalo Ybanes of Quintana the fifteenth maister of Calatraua the maister of the Alcantara the Priors of the Templers and of Saint Iohn with a great number of their Knights Of secular Noblemen there were D. Diego Lopes de Haro Lord of Biscay D. Pedro Nugnes de Gusman D. Gonçalo Gonçales of Galicia D. Pedro Ponce of Leon D. Ruy Gonçales Giron Artas Gonçales Quixada D. Alphonso Telles de Meneses D. Gomes Ruis de Mançanedo D. Roderigo Aluares of Toledo D. Roderigo Froles Fernand Yanes Ruy Gonçales first Alcayde or captaine of Carmona Garcia Peres de Vargas of Toledo D. Laurence Suarez and Diego Martines Adalid all these were in the Land army In that at sea was Ray●ond Boniface Admiral with many knights and Squiers of Biscay and Cuipuscoa with whom there ioyned many marriners and souldiers Basques from about Bayonne in France al that had done the King any seruice in this warre were rewarded according to their merits and callings much land and many houses were giuen to the Nobility wherein the Clergy was not forgotten And for that the city was vnpeopled the King inuited people from all parts with guifts preuiledges and great immunities so as it was soone full of inhabitants Soone after this prize the King sent part of his victorious army against some places of strength thereabouts the which were made subiect vnto him some by force and some by a voluntary composition as Medina Sidonia Alcala Bejel Alpechin Aznalfarache Arcos Lebrixa and others towards the sea By this conquest the King D. Fernand was free from all warre behinde the limits of his Prouince for hee ment to entertaine peace and friendship with King Mahomad of Granado who had alwaies carried himselfe faithfully towards him wherefore he began now to conceiue in his imagination the conquest of all Affrike and resolued to passe the Straights in the spring with a great army against Caid Arrax Miralmumin of Maroc Death of D. Fernand King of Castille but death preuented him in the city of Seuile newly conquered in the yeere 1252. hauing raigned in Castille about fiue and thirtie yeeres and in Leon one and twenty There were present at his death his sons D. Alphonso D. Frederic and D. Henry D. Alphonso Lord of Molina the deceased Kings brother and the Archbishop Raymond Hee
yet the Christians lost their labour During this enterprise the Infant D. The Queene D V●●l●nt vachast Sancho caused the Queene his mother to returne into Castille to whom it was tedious to liue out of that Realme where shee had some Mignons as Histories report who tax her of adultery and he procured D. Pedro King of Arragon to detaine the children of D. Fernand de la Cerde his Nephewes prisoners in the castle of Xatiua to the end they should not carry them into France to King Philip the 3. their mothers brother who after she had done her vttermost endeauor for the deliuery of her children in the end she came to the King her brother to implore his aide and protection The siege of Algezire was vnfortunate for the army at sea was in a manner all lost by the ambushes of the Miralmumin who victualed the place and as for that at land there died so great a number of men as they were forced to rise for the King of Moroc was vpon the passage and came to Algezire where the truce was renued not comprehending the King of Granado who fortefied the city of Granado that yeere and there made that famous fort Alhambra of Granado which is called Alhambra as stately a building as any is in Spaine The captaine of Malaga being againe reuolted and come vnder the protection of the King of Castille began two forts which defend that city called Alcaça●a and Gebralfaro In the yeere 1279. the Infant D. Sancho and the King D. Pedro had an enterview betwixt Requena and Bunol An. 1279. whereas they made a league from whence the Infant returned to his father being at Badajos whether also the rest of his children came and there they resolued to make warre against the King of Granado and therefore he sent away D. Sancho to assemble his forces in Castille hauing in the meane time a desire to see D. Denis sonne to his bastard daughter to whom he sent to intreat him to come to Badajos He was a very gallant Prince whose Estate King D. Alphonso his father had begun to Portugal set vp the yeere before giuing him 40000. pounds of currant money yeerely but this yeere 1279. he has the whole realme by the decease of King D. Alphonso his father who was buried in the Monastery of Saint Dominike of Lisbone which he himselfe had built This King Alphonso had raigned two and twenty yeeres and died seuenty yeeres old Ten yeere after his body was transported to the Monastery of Alcouaça D. Denis the first of that name and the sixth King of Portugal 23 THe King D. Denis his sonne was seuenteene yeeres old when he began to raigne and was surnamed the builder for that he made many goodly buildings in his Realme as well holy as prophane Churches Monasteries Towers Ports of the sea and whole townes wherof mention is made that he did build and re-edifie to the number of foure and fortie At his comming to the Crowne and before there had beene some discontentment betwixt him and his mother D. Beatrix daughter to D. Alphonso king of Castile the which it may be did stay him from going to him to Badajos for being come to Yelbes vpon the confines of Portugal three small leagues from Badajos he fell into a sudden distrust and turned head wherewith the King his Grandfather was much discontented King Don Alphonso thereupon parted from Badajos Castille and came to Seuile where he had newes that the Infant D. Sancho came towards the citty of Iaen with great troups of soldiers from Castile Leon and Toledo Wherefore he sent him those men he had where there were certaine skirmishes rather to the Christians losse then the Moores Beeing at Seuile there came certaine messengers vnto him from Philip of France to bee a meanes for the deliuerie of the children of D. Fernand de la Cerde who were detained at Xatiua and for other affaires There it was concluded that the two kings should meet at Bayone in December in the yeare 1280. An. 1280. The king of Castile came thither with his children and Philip the French king came to Salueteree in Bearne where by Mediators it was concluded that the realme of Iaen should be giuen to the children of la Cerde the which they should hold in ●ee and do homage to the king of Castile and the Infant D. Sancho but he being aduertised of that which his father had concluded would not consent thereunto so as by his meanes they returned without any effect euen touching the warre against the Moores for the which there had an vnion bene propounded betwixt the kings of France and Castile to inuade and conquer Affricke with their vnited forces but it was left vnresolued Beeing returned D. Sancho made an enterprize vpon the king of Granado but his men were charged by the Moores neere vnto Moclin who slue aboue 2800. whereas Gonçalo Ruis Giron master of S. Iames was sore hurt and died within few daies after to the great griefe of D. Sancho and many others whereupon he entred into the territories of Granado where he made a wonderfull spoile euen to the citty gates The yeare following 1281. An. 1281. there was an interview betwixt the king D. Alphonso the infant D. Sancho League betwixt the king of Castile and Arragon and D. Pedro king of Arragon at a place called Campillo about Agreda where there was a League sworne betwixt them against all Princes and there were townes and castels deliuered for assurance of either side yea they concluded to make war against Nauarre and to diuide the conquest betwixt Castile and Arragon it was at such time as the king D. Pedro plotted the warre of Sicily whereof wee shall make mention King D. Alphonso being afterwards come to Burgos he married his two sonnes D. Pedro to the daughter of the Earle of Narbone and D. Iohn to the daughter of his sonne-in-law Will●am of Montferrat to whome he gaue two millions of Marauidis of the money of those times The Infant D. Sancho did afterwards meet with D. Pedro at Tarrassone where they renued their contract but it tooke no great effect The Realme of Castile beeing in great want there was a decree to make copper money and some peeces of siluer 24 About the end of the yeare 1281. the king being importuned to release the children of his sonne D. Fernand did somewhat relent sending D. Fredulo Bishop of Ouiedo to the French king vnder colour to send him vnto the Pope to procure a Croysado against the Moores but the Infant D. Sancho was aduertised of all D. Sancho of Castile makes a league with the Moores to dispossesse his father and beeing discontented that his father had disguised this businesse he came to Cordoua and made a league against his father with Mahomad Mirk of Granado who promised to pay him the third of the reuenues of his Realme for a tribute Then did D. Sancho begin
Don Pedro of Arragon to whome this Princesse gaue a courragious and sharpe answer reiecting this marriage as vnfit and pernitious The Infant Don Iohn the Kings vncle beeing arriued in Granado came to Extremadura and seazed vpon the towne of Pont or Alcantara and then entred into Portugal where by the fauor of the King Don Denis he tooke vppon him the title of King of Castile both of them writing to the Inhabitants of the frontier that they should hold him for their Prince and Soueraigne Lord and Don Denis not content herewith sent to proclaime warre against the Queene D. Maria and Don Henry The wise Queene mother withstood all these dangers and preuented them as well as she could yeelding to the malice of the time resisting some and giuing contentment to others with the least preiudice she could The king of Portugall came to Cite Roderigo whereas the afflicted Queene mother with her sonne and puple were and there they did in some sort renew their old allyan●es they imposed silence to the Infant Don Iohn who seemed to relinquish and they did againe conclude a future marriage betwixt the king Don Fernand and D. Constance Infanta of Portugal To these intestine troubles were added the enterprises of the Nauarrois and Arragonois D. Alphonso de 〈…〉 into 〈◊〉 who led by Alphonso de la Cerde calling himselfe King of Castile entred the country by S. Esteuan de Gormas and passing vnto Leon hee was there receiued without any difficultie There Don Iohn who was rebelled againe caused himselfe to be crowned king of Leon diuiding betwixt them the Realmes of Spaine so as Don Alphonso should be king of Castile Toledo Cordoua Murcia and Iaen and the Infant Don Iohn of Leon Gallicia Extremadura and Seuile Into this confederacie entred the Kings of Arragon Consederacy against 〈…〉 Portugal Granado and the Queene D. Violant widow to the king Don Alphonso with whom there also ioyned Philip of France and Nauarre with many Noblemen and Knights of the Countrie in all whose names Don Iames king of Arragon had spent to proclaime warre against the Queene D. Maria and her sonne Don Fernand in the yeare 1269. so as there was a pittifull reuolt in all parts of Spaine these afflicted Princes mother and sonne An. 1296. hauing no entrance into any towne without great difficultie Afer this inuasion of Leon the Nauarrois and Arragonois led by D. Alphonso entred into Sahagun where they crowned him king of Castile and tooke Villagarcia Tordesillas Medina del Riosecco la Mota Villa Fafila with many other places and forts Notwithstanding beeing at the seege of Maiorga a place distant fiue leagues from Sahagun he continued there three moneths and finding no man to make resistance God shewed his power for the plague falling in the Nauarrois and the Arragonois Campe they were forced to rayse their seege and make a truce with the Queene widow to return home who beeing opprest with infinit miseries without counsell ayde or support n●t onely made a truce but also sent them linnen carpets and such like things to the end they might carry away the bodies of many Noblemen and Knights which were dead of this contagion Plague in Don 〈◊〉 de la 〈◊〉 campe the more honorably among the which were the Infant D. Pedro of Arragon Don Symon of V●rea and Raymond Anglesol Arragonois giuing commandement that they should suffer them to cary them away without any let or hinderance Thus some retired into Nauarre and others into Arragon The king D. Iames on the other side being entred by the fronters of Murcia had conquered the greatest part of that kingdome Hee of Portugal notwithstanding the conference and league made at Cite Roderigo shewed himselfe in armes vpon the fronter and had spoiled the countrie vnto Simanca and neere to Vailledolit where beeing aduertised of the Nauarrois retreat hee returned also Inn●sion of Castile by the king of Granado hauing taken most of the places of Alfajates and Sabugal with some othes about those quarters but the king of Granado thinking to effect some great matter in Andalusia was repulsed by D. Alphonso Perez de Guzman Gouernor of that Prouince 16 During these warres many Iewes mooued with feare more then with deuotion turned to the Christian Religion in Spaine whree they had dwellings Synagogues almost in all good townes The occasion was that in the citty of Auila there rose vp a certaine man of the Iewish nation who tearmed himselfe a Prophet with whom another of the town of Aillon thrust on with the like spirit did ioyne who telling of many secret reuelations prophesied vnto the Iewes that the time of their deliuerance did approch The authority of these two personages well knowe was not little among them and therefore they were easily credited and the rather for that they did accompany their preachings and discourses with modestic grauitie and holinesse in their outward behauiour so as these newes running throughout all Spaine the people gaue themselues to prayers fasting almes and all other commendable good workes attending the day of their redemption the which was foretold them by these Prophets and appointed the last day of the fourth moneth on the which sayd they should appeare many signes in heauen with a loud sound of a trumpet Thus hauing past the time in great repentance feare and terrour vnto that day they were throughout all the townes earely in the morning all attired in white before their Synagogues as they are accvstomed to do the day of their expiation to pray vnto God to see those celestiall signes and to receiue their Messias but seeing nothing they returned to their houses whither beeing comes as they say there appeared many crosses on the walles and vpon their garments whereof some made good vse thinking it came from our Sauiour Iesus Christ who reprooued their hardnes of heart and therefore acknowleding the error wherein they had liued receiued the holy baptisme among the which was a great Phisition called Alphonso who did afterwards write against the Iewes obstinacie Others persisting in their impietie did beleeue that these crosses were illusions of the diuell to deceiue them The storme wherewith Castile had beene beaten from Nauarre Arragon Portugal Granado and her owne rebels beeing somewhat pacified the Queene-mother ledde an armie into the country of Leon whereas the Infant D. Iohn raigned and beseeged Paredez and on the other side D. Henry went to the fronters of Granado where hee was defeated and put to flight and without the speedie assistance of Alphonso Perez de Guzman he had beene taken This losse which did much preiudice the Realme of Castile was accompanied with combustions and practises which Don Henry made to the hurt of the king Don Fernand in the city of Toledo and the Diocesse of Auila and Segobia where hauing gathered some troupes together he marched to the campe before Paredez and wrought so as he made them raise the seege vnder colour of holding
Constable for hauing beene propounded in the Councell of the deceased king D. Iohn to take the office of Constable from D. Alphonso of Arragon Marquis of Villena for certaine reasons being now in diuision with the Councell and not greatly beloued of the young King D. Henry D. Pedro of Castile Earle of Transtamara came to demand this office who had yearly for his dyet and entertaynment 70000. marauidis The Councell did let him vnderstand that the king at the beginning when the Estates assembled at Madrid to gratifie the Marquis D. Alphonso had confirmed him in the dignity and that there were no reason thus to degrade him without some apparent cause the which might be a means to increase the troubles which were but too great wherefore they were of opinion that he shold for that time forbeare and content himselfe with a pension equall to the Constables entertainment the which they promised him in the meane time but they sayd that they must proceede against the Marquis by the course of Iustice for the effecting wherof they would procure the king to cite him to come to Court and if hee did not obey they promised to giue him his Estate D. Pedro ws satisfied with this answer and D. Alphonso Ianes Fajardo Gouernor of Murcia was sent by the King vnto the Constable to cause him to come to court but hee excused himselfe from comming presently promising to be there soone after notwithstanding it was farre from his thought for he had intelligence with the Arch-bishop of Toledo and others of the league who drew men together from all parts to come to the Court in armes to the end they might haue the testament of the deceased king D. Iohn put in execution and chase away the Councell The Arch-bishop of S. Iames the Earle of Transtamara the Masters of S. Iames and Calatraua Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça Lord Steward of the kings house others whereof some were named Tutors by the kings will and some not knowing that this was not the cause which drew the Arch-bishop of Toledo but onely a colour pretended by him and his confederates to retire from Court and to take armes they also prouided for their parts and called all their friends to ayde them they drew D. Leonora Queene of Nauar vnto their league binding themselues by oath one vnto another Queene of Nauar intangled in the troubles of Castile and they wrought so as the king Don Henry continued vnto the Queene his Aunt the pensions which the deceased King D. Iohn was wont to giue her with an increase By whose perswasion and others of the Councell he tooke the office of Constable from Don Alphonso of Arragon who had enioyed it nine yeares and gaue it to the Earle of Transtamara who was sonne to D. Frederic Master of Saint Iames and cousin to the king Hereuppon they fell to armes in Castile committing great spoyles robberies and murthers of all sides diuiding the Realmes Prouinces Citties and Townes especially Seuile whereas Don Aluar Perez of Guzman great Admiral of Castile and D. Pedro Ponce of Leon Lord of Marchena Gouernor generall of that cittie held the Concells part and Don Iohn Alphonso of Guzman Earle of Niebla and others that of the Kings testament he Arch-bishop of Toledo with the Master of Alcantara were about Auila to whom they of the cittie of Burgos made many protestations offers and prayers in vaine for a peace the like they did to the Duke of Benauent and then they sent vnto the King who was come to Cuellar beseeching him to giue eare vnto a peace and to end the troubles by a conuocation of the Estates the which if he thought good to hold in their cittie they offered to deliuer all their children in hostage for their assurance that should come The King mooued with the loue and willingnesse of them of Burgos sent the Legate and others to the Arch-bishop and his confederates but they answered That when they shold be neere the place where the king ws they would declare their intentions more at large The Duke of Benauent and the Arch-bishop of Toledo were alreadie ioyned with their forces consisting of fifteene hundred men at armes and 3500. foote vnto whome the Queene of Nauarre came intreating them that before matters grew worse they should be satisfied with the resolution of the Estates and whilest that she laboured with the confederates the king went to Vailledolit whither came about sixteen hundred men at arms with some other forces The confederates little regarding the Queene of Nauarre came to lodge at Simancas where as she was more amazed then before and employed all her endeauors to make some accord In the end shee obtayned that there should bee a conference at Perales whereas at diuers times in the presence of the Queene and Legate the parties met and conferred Once among the rest the Arch-bishop beeing demanded by him of Saint Iames if he had any true intent that the deceased kings testament should take place he made him no answer for that the Duke of Benauent who was not named in it was present whom he feared to offend an infalliable argument that priuate respects did moue him more Archb. of Toledo respects not the publike good then any zeale of the publike good or the Kings seruice It was concluded in Perales that the Kings testament should be of force and that the tutors named therein should gouerne and to the end a peace might be the better entertayned and that all emulation and iealousie might cease there were added vnto them Don Frederic duke of Benauent Don Pedro Earle of Transtamara and the Master of Saint Iames and for the better strangthening of this accord the generall Estates were held at Burgos Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça Estates at Burgos for a peace Pero Lopes of Ayala Diego Lopes of Estuniga and Iohn Alphonso de la Cerde either of them giuing one of his sonnes in hostage for the assurance of such as should come to Court Thus the Estates were called at Burgos which citie was at great charges for that cause and for the kings seruice But before any proceeding the Councell pretending to bind Don Alphonso Earle of Gijon vnto them being prisoner in the hands of the Master of S. Iames they decreed his deliuerie and procured the king to restore vnto him all the lands which he had enioyed in the Asturia's D. Alphonso the kings vnkle deliuered out of prison There came vnto the assembly at Burgos the king with Queene Catherine his spouse the Infant Don Fernand and his future wife D. Leonora who lodged in the Castle whereof Diego Lopes of Estuniga was captaine The Estates beeign entred into conference there grew a new tumult for some of the Noblemen not satisfied with that which had beene concluded in Perales would haue D. Alphonso Earle of Gijon admitted to councell besides the aboue-named wherewith the Duke of Benauent his brother the Queene of Nauarre nor the Master of Saint
of the citties which were of the Councell to let him vnderstand how vnseemely it was for him to entertaine the realme whereof he was a member in such ielousie and to consume the people by the spoils and robberies of his men who kept the fields to what end went he so armed what feared he whereon did he complaine what great benefit did he pretend by the allyance of Portugal that he should disdaine the fauours of his king who had dealt both bountifully and honourably with him giuing him a million of marauidis yearely and might hope for greater matters and seing that he had such ample restimonies of the kings loue and the councels to perswade him to come to court where he might purchase more fauor then euer The duke answered to all that which the Archb. had propounded vnto him that he had neuer giuen eare to a marriage with Portugal but in case a peace or a long truce were concluded betwixt the two realmes As for that hee went accompanied with souldiers it was well knowne that he had enemies in Court who had factions throughout the realme which forced him to stand vpon his guard and therfore they should not hold it strange if he came not to court Moreouer if he had receiued fauors from the king he was ready to employ them in his seruice and his whole estate The Archb. deliuered many reasons vnto him in presence of the Deputies to pacifie him and then returned to Medina del campo where hauing giuen an accompt vnto the king and councel of his employment he held it fit to content the duke in some sort for the mariage of Portugal was much aduanced Thereupon it was bruted whosoeuer were the author that the Duke approched neere vnto the towne and that hee had intelligence with some to be brought in with his forces with caused a great mutiny among them and euery man began to gather souldiers together for his owne assurance The Archb. who a was friend to the duke so far-forth as he did entertaine the troubles wherein he tooke delight propounded a means which he held very conuenient to auoid the spoiles which might follow these quarrels which was that he with the Archbish. of S. Iames and the Master of the Calatraua should retire themselues to their houses and that about the king there should only remaine Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça and the Deputies of townes and that the king should consult with them how to giue content to the duke of Benauent and to find him a party equall to that which was offered him in Portugall By these factions Miscries of ciuill warre all the Realme was in combustion and all sorts of insolencies were committed both in town and countrie iustice was abused and the treasure mis-gouerned The city of Seuile was molested by D. Pedro Ponce of Leon Lord of Marchena and D. Aluar Perez of Guzman Admirall of Castile who seized thereon in the absence of D. Iohn Alphonso of Guzman Earle of Niebla one of the turors chasing many of his seruants and followers out of the city On the other side Nugno Martinez of Villaycan captaine of the fort of Zamora not satisfied with the accord which had beene made by the meanes of the Archibsh of Toledo sent to the duke of Benauent to haue him approch and he would deliuer him vp the castle which he had in guard the duke posting thither could not effect this enterprise for that the inhabitants of Zamora being aduertised by some of the dukes men prouided for it whereupon the Duke returned and many that followed him did abandon him wherevpon the king sent the Archb. of S. Iames and the Master of Calatraua to assure the townes that were suspected but they were shut out of Toro the Inhabitants saying that they would not receiue any if the king were not in person but they entred into Zamora where as many knights of the dukes traine yeelded vnto them and soon after the king came But the Duke was aduertised thereof at the castle of Majorga belonging to the Infant D. Fernand by Iohn Alphonso de la Cerde who hauing bin high Steward of the Infants house and then displaced by the kings tutors substituting in his place Pero Suarez of Quignones Gouernor of Leon had through despight fallen to the Duke of Benauents partie Whilest that these contended in Castile the Deputies Portugal appointed to treat a peace with the King of Portugal during the truce which had beene prolonged came to Extremos in the yeare 1393. 1393. the Portugal demanding for a finall resolution these Articles following That they should giue in hostage the base sons of the duke of Benauent Demands of Portugall to Castile of the Earls of Gijon and of Niebla for the great men of Spaine had more base children then legitimate the nephewes of the Masters of S. Iames and Calatraua of the Arch-bishops of Toledo and S. Iames of Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça and of Diego Lopes of Estuniga But aboue all they demanded the Duke of Benauents son thinking he would not giue him vnlesse the king of Castile would deliuer the castle of Zamora into his hands the which they desired being assured that the Duke was wholy at their deuotion but when they vnderstood that he had fayled to enter that fort and that he began to be abandoned by many of the knights which had folowed him they became more tractable and yeelded to a turce for 15. yeares so as they would giue them in hostage the Earle of Gijons son and eleuen Knights sonnes more with 12. children of the cittizens of Burgos Toledo Leon Seuile Cordoua and Zamora yet would not the Deputies of Castile conclude this truce which was most beneficiall for Portugall but demanded some respite to aduertise the king and his tutors The king with his councell hauing considered the danger wherinto the home-bred toubles together with a forraine warre would draw them they yeelded to all the Portugals demanded namely not to ayde nor assist D. Beatrix the window Queen nor D. Iohn or D. Denis her Vncles This a truce was concluded for fifteene yeares betwixt Castile and Portugal The Court being in the cittie of Zamora the captaine of the castle refused for some daies to deliuer the place vp to the king Castile saying that his father Iohn Martines of Villaycan lately deceased being Gouernor of Zamora and He had held it by fealty and homage and that they might not deliuer it vp vntill the king were 14. yeares old complete but the tutors sought him by so many meanes and made him such promises that he should be recompenced for his fathers estates which had beene giuen to others as in the end he deliuered the palce into their hands for the which he was in effect recompenced They had promised him the gouernement of Ledesma which did belong to the Countesse of Albuquerque but they of the place refusing him for that they did not trust him he was otherwise prouided
Mendoça Marquis of Santillana in the the name of them all answered him in such eloquent and discreet termes as did highly please and content him The warre beeing resolued and decreed in that assembly euery man went home to his house to make preparation and in the beginning of the yere 1455. they began to march towards the frontiers of Andaluzia The King parting from Segobia ordained viceroys in Castile and Leon for matters of Iustice D. Alphonso Carillo Archbishop of Toledo and D. Pedro Fernandes de Velasco Earle of Haro who should keepe their residence at Valiodolit The army being in a redinesse entred into the Moores country being in number fiue thousand horsemen and a great company of footmen making great spoile euen to the walles of the city of Granado notwithstanding that Ismael had beene established King by the helpe and fauour of the King of Castile D. Iohn deceassed On the fourth day the Christian army returned to Eccia and some few daies after went towards Malaga burning and spoyling as before albeit that a great company of Moorish horsemen did oftentimes present them the combate which the King by the wise and discreet councell of his captaines did euermore refuse and brought backe his army in safety to Cordoua loaden with all manner of spoiles This yeare the sute begunne many moneths past betweene king Henry of Castile and Ladie Blanche of Nauarre his wife was ended before Pope Nicholas the fift Castile of whom he entreated to be diuorced from her and to take another wife because as he said she was barraine The Pope granting his request separated them albeit it was very well knowne that the fault was in himselfe and not in the Ladie who with great griefe returned home into Nauarre hauing lost the title and dignity of Queene of Castile but King Henry not beeing contented with the experience which he had made of himselfe with this Ladie would needs make proofe of another and by D. Fernand his great Chaplaine caused a marriage to be treated of betweene him and the Infanta Donna Ioane of Portugall Second marriage of the K Don Henry the Vnable sister to king Don Alphonso and daughter to the late king Don Edward a Princesse of great beauty who was betrothed vnto him notwithstanding she had sufficient notice of the kings insufficiencie yet shee consented thereunto beeing tickled with a desire to bee Queene of Castile The king Don Henry without receiuing any thing with her did endow her with an hundred and twenty thousand florens to be leuyed vpon cite Real Olmedo and their lands and for her ordinarie expences a million and 500000. marauidis then currant It was also agreed that the Infanta his next wife might bring with her a douzin Ladies of noble parentage vnto whom the King would giue husbands fitting their degrees and of these the Ladie Beatrix de Norogno should be gouernesse who for her part had leaue to bring with her foure yong Gentlewomen with like hope All these things promised and confirmed by the king Don Iohn de Guzman the first Duke of Medina Sidonia and Earle of Niebla was sent to meet the Infanta who brought her to Cordoua where the marriage was solemnized with great magnificence the Arch bishop of Tours beeing then Ambassadour in the Court of Spaine for the French king Charles the 7. performed the ceremony All manner of pompes shewes and pastimes accustomed at such feasts were there performed sauing that in the opinion of all men the Bride remained the next day as pure a virgin as she was borne of her mother Both King Henries Queenes were his cousin germaines once remoued daughters the one to the king of Nauar the other of Lady Leonora of Arragon his sister cousin-germains to his father About this time Pope Nicholas by his death gaue place to a Spaniard borne in Xatiua a towne in the kingdome of Valencia called Don Alphonso Borgia Cardinall of the title of S. Sixt●s who was named Calixt the 3. a man of 77. yeares of age who had beene a Counseller to Alphonso K. of Arragon By him was made Cardinall a nephew of his named Rodrigo Borgia yet he was not of the family of Borgia but of the Lan●çoles a noble family in the kingdome of Valencia sonne to Don Ieffrey Lançol Lord of Canales and to a sister of Pope Calixts he did intitle him Cardinall of S. Nicholas in carcere Tulliano who afterward attayned the Papacie Whilest that the mariage lasted at Cordoua Ambition of D. Ioane of Portugall great numbers of souldiets were drawne from all parts of Castile into Andalusia the number of them amounting to about fourteene thousand horse and fourescore thousand foot whose chiefe Commanders were the Admirall Frederic the Duke of Medina Sidonia the Marquis of Santillana hee of Villena the Earles of Alba de Tormes Benauent Arcos S. Esteuan Alba de Lista Valence Cabra Castagneda Osorno and Paredes and the Arch-bishop of Seuile besides others of lesser note with these forces the king entred into the Moores country and with out dis-banding his army or giuing aduantage or hope to the enemy to come to battell hee made roades vp and downe for 20. dayes space so as it was thought that the Moores would not be able in many yeares to gather any profit or fruit in their country the which the king thought to be the surest and easiest way vtterly to ruine ouercome them Hauing brought backe his army to Eccia laden with spoiles not long after he discharged the greatest number of them and dismissed the Marquis of Santillana the Earles of Benauent Alba Plaisance and others home to their houses he himselfe remaining in Andalusia with the people of the country and the town garrisons did make continuall roades vpon the Moores all that Sommer at the latter end whereof he returned to Auila and Segobia to giue order for the war of the yeare following Alphonso king of Portugall hauing by the marriage of his sister confirmed the peace and auncient alliances with the Crowne of Castile VVars against the Moores determined with himselfe to vex the Moores in Affrica the same yeare in the city of Lisbon was born vnto him a sonne who at his christening was named Don Iohn the baptisme was solemnized by Don Fernand Arch-bishop of Braga the Infant was carried by Don Fernand his vncle his Godfathers were the Earles of Arroyolos and Don Vasco of Attaydo Prior of S. Iohns and D. Pay● Correa the godmothers the Infanta D. Catherine the Kings sister and the Ladie Beat●ix de Meneses one of the Queenes chiefest Ladies In these times began the troubles and calamities in Nauarre Nauarre Don Charles cannot endure his mother-in-law partaker with him in the regencie occasioned by the factions in that kingdome after this manner The Prince of Viana Don Charles was in his flourishing age and in the absence of his father had very vertuously with great iustice and to the liking of all men gouerned the Realme
all crimes and offences layde to their charge who had fauoured and taken the King of Portugals part in those warres should be abolished and a generall pardon graunted to them all especially to the Countesse of Medellin and to Don Alphonso of Monroy Treasurer of Alcantara and euery of them to be restored to their goods liuings and dignities Seuenthly that this peace should be kept betwixt the Kings of Castile and Portugall for an hundred and one yeares This peace thus concluded was proclaymed in the Court of Portugal to the great contentment of all men and presently the Licenciate Figueroa one of the kings Councell and his Confessor named Friar Martin were sent Ambassadours to Queene Izabella who lay at Trugillo who on her her part did likewise sweare to ratifie it the Castillans beeing no whit displeased thereat for they were all tyred with that pernitious warre The which warre did wholly cease and the seeges from the aboue-mentioned places were raysed Merida which belonged to the Order of Saint Iames was yeelded to the Master thereof Medellin was committed to the keeping of Don Lewis Fernand Porto Carrero vntil the controuersie betwixt the Countesse and Don Pedro Porto Carrero her son were decided by order of lawe Newes hereof was carried to Barcelona to King Fernand the which was most welcome vnto him who gaue thankes vnto God therefore causing great signes of ioy to bee made euery where and did worthily recompence the messenger which brought tidings of so desired a peace by meanes whereof those two kingdomes haue beene encreased and maintayned in the greatnesse whereunto they are risen in the dayes of our fathers and in our time also In king Fernand the two kingdomes of Castile and Arragon with their dependancies Vnion of Castil and Arragon were ioyned together which had beene separated foure hundred fortie and fiue yeares euer since that the two States of Earledomes became Kingdomes after the death of Don Sancho the Great King of Nauarre who was the last Earle of Arragon and Castile Now King Fernand hauing taken order for all things belonging to so great a succession wherein hee found no difficultie nor resistance hee came to the Queene his wife who lay in the citty of Toledo where with great sollemnitie he swore the peace in the presence of the Portugall Ambassadours and for a greater confirmation thereof there were sent Ambassadours to the king of Portugal Friar Hernand of Talauera the king of Castiles Confessor of the Order of Saint Hierome great Prior of Saint Marie du Pré of Vailliodolit who was afterward Bishoppe of Auila and successiuely first Arch-bishoppe of Granado after the conquest and with him Doctor Alphonso Manuel of Madrigall one of the kings Councell D. Ioane called the Excellent contemneth the marriage with the b●ire of Castil Arragon c. and becomes a Nunne to reiterate and sweare the peace the second time Donna Ioane who till then was called Queene of Castile and Leon and by a particular surname the Excellent beeing questioned vppon the Article of peace which concerned her marriage with Prince Iohn did rather choose a Monasticke life who therefore was shorne and vailed in the Monasterie of Saint Clare the royall at Coimbra and casting off hir royall habits shee tooke the Order of Saint Francis not without great griefe to king Don Alphonso to see so great a Ladie in such manner to abase her selfe where if she had so pleased might haue raigned in Castile Leon Arragon and Sicill The Ambassadours of Castile hauing executed their commission with the king of Portugall went to the cittie of Coimbra where they did see this Princesse to professe her selfe a Nunne with protestation to spend her dayes in such humilitie notwithstanding that they brought her King Fernand and Queene Isabella's honourable word and promise to accomplish in her behalfe all that which had beene agreed vppon in the treaty of peace and to marrie her to their sonne when time should serue but she with an incredible constancie refused all these dignities and spent the whole time of her life which was very long in religion and was euer after called in stead of royall titles which had had beene offered vnto her by the King and Queene Donna Ioane the Nunne The troubles beeing thus appeased in Castile Don Diego Lopes de Pacheco Marquis of Villena who in his Marquisate had made warre vppon the Kings Lieutenants and Captaines came to the Court at Toledo to iustifie himselfe concerning the same and to speak truth the matter beeing well weighed hee was not found to bee the principall cause of those mischiefes Marquis of Villena re●onciled to the King and Queene nor yet to haue any intelligence with the King of Portugall since his last agreement made with the Queene in regard whereof the King and Queene receyued him to grace and fauour vnto whome afterwards in the warres of Granado hee did many notable seruices This yeare 1479. in the moneth of Nouember Queene Izabella was brought to bed in the Cittie of Toledo in a house belonging to the Earle of Cifuentes of a daughter named Ioane who in processe of time came to succeed in all the kingdomes as by the progresse of this Historie shall appeare This Infanta did in all poynts so resemble queen Ioane of Arragon her grandmother as when the King her father did play with her hee called her his mother In like manner the Infanta Izabella because she was in lineaments like to Queene Izabella her Grandmother mother to the queene then raigning was by her called her mother the rest of queene Izabella's children were commonly called her Angels At the same time that these things happened in Spayne the armie of Mahomet the second of that name Emperour of the Turkes did houer about the Isle of Rhodes the seate of the Knights of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem Peter d' Aubusson a French-man beeing great Master of that Order the Sicillians fearing left the Turkes would haue landed in their Isle sent messengers to king Fernand to obtaine of him ayde and succour vnto whome certaine shippes laden with munition armour and other prouision were sent Donna Leonora Queene of Nauarre and 33. in order AS King Fernand succeeded in the kingdomes of Arragon Valencia Sicill Majorca and principalitie of Cattalonia Nauarre with other dominions and dependancies therof by the decease of the late king Don Iohn his father the Princesse Leonora in like manner daughter to him and to his first wife Donna Blanche queene of Nauarre did inherite the same kingdome nine yeares after the death of the Earle of Foix her husband remaining all that time a widow She was crowned queene in the cittie of Tudela where she did sweare and promise to maintaine the rights lawes priuiledges franchises and liberties of the country in the same manner as her predecessors had done before her Her raigne was so short as we haue no matter affoorded to speake of but onely her death which happened by a
thousand Indians assembled themselues beeing conducted by a brother of his for to deliuer him who were likewise defeated by Hoyeda hauing but a hundred Spaniards in his company and some amongst them were horsemen the which made the Spaniards to bee greatly feared and much more afterward when Bartholomew Colombus by night defeated fifteene thousand Indians tooke fifteene Cachiques and a Generall aboue all the rest named Guarionex all which hee set at libertie vppon their words and promises to continew subiects to the Kings of Castile Besides these conquests in the Indies Enterprises vpon the affrican Mooles the Spanish Nobilitie who seeing that there was no more warres in Spaine against the Infidells began to enterprize vppon the neighbour shoare of Affrick and this yeare the Citty of Melilla neere the sea in the kingdome of Tremessen was taken by Don Iohn de Guzman Duke of Medina Sidonia who led a sufficient army thither at his owne coasts and charges This was the first place which the crowne of Castile did possesse in that country beyond the sea which gaue beginning to the warres of Afrike which continued afterward and whereof wee will speake in his place This exploite of the Duke of Medina was acknowledged and rewarded by the King who lying at Valencia of Alcantara did treat the marriage of their daughter the Infanta Isabell the widdow with the new King D. Manuell of Portugall of whom we must discourse D. Manuel the fourthteenth King of Portugall THis Prince succeeded King Iohn his cosin and brother in law in the crowne of Portugal the yeere 1465. being seuen and twenty yeeres of age Portugal hee was sonne to Don Fernand Duke of Viseo and of the Infanta Donna Beatrice grand child to King Edward and great grand-child to King Iohn the first whose aduancement to the royall crowne had beene fore-told by certaine Soothsaiers and Astrologians he obtained it by right of lawfull succession and by the testamentary appointment of King Iohn his predecessor in whose life time he did in no sort take vpon him the title of Prince and heire of Portugall but onely of Duke of Beja and Master of Christus Hee was a iust King and loued honour religious and zealous in the faith which had beene taught him vsing the Nobility kindely Qualities of King Manuel the which hee increased and aduanced in his dominions as much as hee could he was gentle liberall and a great giuer of almes especially to religious friers as well of his owne Kingdome as to strangers dilligent and carefull in the administration of iustice an enterprizer lucky in voyages nauigations and discoueries of countries whereby he greatly augmented and amplified his Kingdome and Siegnories hee was beloued and esteemed as well of his owne subiects as of strangers Buildings of King Manuel magnificent and sumptuous in buildings which the royall monastery of Belen or Bethlem of the order of Saint Ierosme doth beare witnesse of edified for the buriall of the Kings the castle of Belen which stands almost in the riuer of Tayo for the guarde of the Port of Lisbone the Monastery of Saint Mary de la Pegna of the same order of Saint Ierosme neere to Sintra and that of Saint Clare the New in the towne of Estremos all which workes were by him built from the foundation and hee did moreouer restore and augment the couents of Saint Francis of Lisbone Ebora and Saint Iren. The bridge of Coimbra and that of Oliuença vpon Guadiana are likewise of his structure with diuers others publike buildings and reparations all which vertues and magnificencies were blemished by one vice wherevpon Princes and great Lords doe often stumble namely he was to light of beleefe Whereby hee shewed himselfe inconstant and variable retracting on euery small occasion his decrees orders guifts and priuiledges by contrary commandments This King Don Manuel was thrice married and all his wiues were Infantaes of Castile Genealogie of Portugal and the two first were sisters his first wife was Donna Isabella widdow to the Infant Don Alphonso his Nephew his sisters sonne on whom hee begat a sonne named D. Michel who was borne in Arragon in the city of Saragossa at such a time as shal be set downe hereafter who if hee had liued had beene heire to all Spaine Donna Isabella being dead his second wife was her sister called the Infanta Maria of Castile third daughter to King Fernand and Queene Isabella by whom hee had a great issue First of all D. Iohn heire of Portugall borne at Lisbone in the pallace of the Riuer the Infanta Donna Isabella borne in the same city who was Queene of Castile Leon Arragon and Nauarre and Empresse of Germany married to Charles the fifth Donna Beatrice who was Dutchesse of Sauoy wife to Charles the ninth and mother to Duke Emanuel Philibert of Sauoy D. Lewis borne in Abrantes father to D. Antonio who was at strife for the kingdome of Portugall with Philip king of Spaine in our time next D. Henry who in our time was a Cardinall borne likewise in Abrantes on the riuer of Tayo D. Alphonso who was borne in the city of Ebora and was likewise made Cardinall at seuen yeeres of age by Pope Leo the tenth Don Catherine who died young then D. Fernand Don Edward and Don Antonio His third and last wife was Donna Leonora daughter-to Philip of Austria Infanta of Castile and sister to the Emperour Charles the fifth by whom he had a sonne named Charles who died young he had moreouer by her a daughter borne after his death named Donna Maria who liued in great chastity in our daies So as this King had by his three married wiues thirteene children liuing namely nine sonnes and foure daughters Ea●ldomes erected in Portugall by King Manuell This Prince comming to the crowne hee erected diuerse Earledomes for the ornament of the Nobility of Portugall hee gaue that of Portalegre to Diego de Silua his gouernor who enioyed but the title onely for the Inhabitants of Portalegre did defend themselues by reason of their priuiledges hee made Don Vasco de Gama Admirall of Portugall Earle of Bediguera Don Martin de Castel-blanc Earle of Villanoua Don Iohn de Meneses Earle of Taroco and prior of Saint Iohns Don Rodrigo de Merlo Earle of Tentugall Don Pedro de Castro Earle of Montsancto Don Francisco de Sosa sonne to the Bishop of Ebora Earle of Bemioso and Don Antonio of Portugall Earle of Lignare honouring in that manner by liberality and royall bounty the Nobility of Portugal At the instant entreaties and requests of the widdow D. Iames restored to the Duchy of Visco and to his fathers goods Queene Leonora his sister and of the Dutchesse Donna Isabel widdow of Bragança hee restored to the honours and goods of the deceased Duke D. Iames vntil then in exile in Castile who was the Dukes second sonne for Don Philip the eldest died in Castile because the Princes of his bloud should not
liue in such calamity and that so noble a race might not faile in Portugall he shewed the like grace and bounty to diuerse other Lords who were absent for offences committed against the crowne albeit that the new Duke D. Iames had for his owne part no way offended but had run into his fathers disgrace who was executed by law For a notable and religious act as he and his counsel thought he gaue commandement that all Iewes and Moores should voide forth of Portugal vnlesse they would bee baptized confiscating their goods and children of euery sex excepted vnder thirteene yeeres of age whom by force he caused to be baptized but beeing afterwards better aduised Iewes constrained to be baptized hee retained onely the men and women of those sects by force causing them to receiue baptisme and to confesse Iesus Christ with their mouthes but as it is to bee presumed without beleeuing it in their hearts and people constrained and not wel instructed the which did beget infinite apostacies sects and heresies in Portugal as it could not fall out otherwise Following the steps of his predecessor King Iohn hee sent men into the parts of the East to make ample and certaine information of the trafficke of spices D. Vasco de Gama a Portugal Captaine in Calicut and hee caused Don Vasco de Gama to pursue the nauigations and discouery of the shores of Affrike who departing from Lisbone this yeere 1497. with two ships the one named the Angel Gabriel the other the Angel Raphael manned with a hundred and forty men coasted about Affrike and touching at the Isle of Saint Iames and that of Saint Helen places by him so named hee came into Maçambuque a country of the Moores and from thence by a long and tedious iourney passing hard by a rocke which hee called Saint George and by the shelues and sands of Saint Raphaell hee arriued at Mombaça a land fertil pleasant and of great trade and commerce then going forward he came to the city of Melinde in the which hee had not only some rest and refreshing from his paineful iourney but did likewise contract peace and alliance betwixt the King of Melinde and King Manuel his Master at the last sayling farther he came to Calicut the place so much desired which was the aime of his enterprize He found Calicut to be a great and wel peopled city and of great trade for spices he saw in the hauen more then a thousand fiue hundred saile of marchants ships great and smal but ill built and vnseruiceable for long voyages without art in their sailes anchors and tackling not vsing the compasse and wholy vnfit for sea fights not beeing able to saile vnlesse they had a fore winde Now King Manuel beeing such an one as wee haue described him and in his florishing age Castile the marriage betwixt him and the Princesse Isabella of Castile who was a widdow was concluded at Valencia of Alcantara at the same time as Prince Iohn of Castile newly married to Marguerite of Austria fell sicke of the disease whereos hee died at Salamanca the which caused king Manuell to hasten the effecting of this marriage Death of Prince Iohn of Castile because that after Prince Iohn the succession of the Realmes of Castile and Arragon fell to Donna Isabella as to the eldest Therefore hee vsed such dilligence as the marriage was accōplished before the Prince his death who deceassed to the great griefe of the kings his father and mother General mourning and of all their subiects hauing not fully attained to the twentith yeere of his age and was buried in the Monastery of S. Thomas of the frier preachers in the city of Auila All the Gentlemen Knights Lawiers and other men of note in all parts of Spaine did in signe of mourning for his death cloath themselues in blacke frise or such like course cloath of meane price The Princesse Marguerite his widdow who was with child was brought in bed soone after in the towne of Alcala de Henares of a dead daughter King Fernand beeing the first that receiued these lamentable newes A good means to comfort an extreame sorrow fearing least the Queene his wife would fall into some great perplexity for the losse of an onely sonne heire to so great a state and of such young yeeres did determine to send her newes that he himselfe was dead and then when shee should enter into teares and lamentations to come into her presence at the same instant to comfort her and then plainely to tell her the truth of their sonnes death imagining that a sodaine consolation betwixt two extreame griefes would greatly moderate both the one and the other the which tooke good effect by the good reasons and examples which hee alleadged vnto her By Prince Iohns decease Donna Isabella his sister was Princesse of the Asturia's and eldest heire to the Kingdomes of Castile and Arragon This yeere died Don Iohn Arias de Villar who was Bishop of Ouiedo the which place was giuen to Don Garcia Ramires de Villa Escusa last perpetuall prior of Saint Markes of Leon and euer afterward the Priors of that place were but from yeere to yeere There died also by a lamentable chance the Court beeing at Alcala Don Lewis Pimentell Marquis of Villa-franca eldest sonne to Don Roder●go Alphonso Pimentell Earle of Benauent who fell downe to the ground out of a gallery Don Diego of Castile great commander of Calatroua did likewise die and his commandery was giuen to Don Guttiere de Padilla Treasorer and his place to Don Alphonso de Silua brother to the Earle of Cifuentes Now the new Queene of Portugall Infanta of Castile and Arragon hauing right to so great a succession by the death of Prince Iohn her brother it behoued the King her husband and her selfe to passe into Castile to receiue in quality of future heires to those Kingdomes the oth of the States therefore leauing the widdow Queene Leonora Regent in Portugall they came to the city of Toledo the yeere 1498. where Queene Isabella of Portugall was sworne An. 1498. and acknowledged Princesse of the Asturia's heire to Castile and Leon then going into Arragon the like was done for the succession in those Kingdomes But this Princesse being with child shee was brought in bed and died in the city of Saragossa leauing heire to all her fathers and mothers dominions D. Michel that n●w borne Infant sworne heire of Arragon the child newly borne if he had liued who was called D. Michel who in that infancy was sworne Prince of Girone and heire to Arragon and Sicile With this sorrow D. Manuel returned a widdower into Portugal leauing his onely sonne in Saragossa The dead Queenes body was brought to Toledo and buried in the Monastery of Saint Antolm which is a parrish Church where were Religious Nuns which was builded by Don Agnes d' Ayala wife to the Admiral of Castile grand-mother to King Fernand. And
spoile the realme of Nauarre 929 Caia a small streame diuiding Castile from Portugal 938 Cadiz vnited to the crown of Castile 947 Capitulation betwixt king Fernand and Mahomet the Little 940 Causes of the D. of Alua's discontent 950 Causes of hatred betwixt the Spaniards and Flemmings 1126 Causes of the rebellion of the Mores of Granado 1138. Carc mos speech to D. Antonio 1216 Celts passe into Spaine 10 Celtiberians take armes for the Romanes 40 Ceremonies of the Barbarians when they are sutors 95 Celtiberians defeated by Fuluius Flaccus 109 Caesar disarmes Afranius and Petreus 114 Cession of the rights of Roussillon to the house of Aniou 509 Ceremonie at the K. of Nauars coronation 625 Ceremony in taking possession of Nauarre 693 Ceremony of the Order of the golden fleece 696 Ceremonies vsed at the taking of any towns from the Moores 904 Caesar Borgia Cardinall Bishop of Pampelona 953 he is made Duke of Valent●nois 963 Ceremonies at the swearing of the Archduke Philip and D. Ioane Kings of Castile 967 Christian religion among the Gothes 129 Christians persecuted in Affricke 166 Christians follow the Moores in their armes for spoile 168 Charlemagne made heire of Ouiedo and afterward reiected 181 Change of the Estate of Castile 195 Christians defeated by the Moores and the heire of Castile slaine 266 Change of Religion among the Arabians in Spain 301. Christians persecuted by the Mores in Spaine ibi Chiefe conuents of the Knights of S. Iames 318 Christians in pay with the Mores against the king of Castile 361 Children of King Thibaud the second 391 Charles of Aniou made k. of Naples Sicily 412 Charles Prince of Salerne defeated and taken by the Arragonois 421 Charles of Valois tefuseth to quit his right to Cattelonia 432 Christians defeated by the Moores 556 Charles king of Nauar a leper 606 Christians defeated by the Moores neere to Montexicar 674 Change of Bishops in Spaine 723 Choler of the king of Castile 732 Christians being victors are vanquished 736 Charles Prince of Viana cals himselfe King of Nauar●e 754 he is imprisoned by his father 793 hee is deliuered out of prison and poysoned by his step-mother 764 Charitie of K. Fernand and Queene Izabella 881 Christians defeated by the Moores 914 Chancerie transported from cite Real to Granado 877. Charge of Bishops in Castile 883 Chancelor of Arragon accused to haue sought to dishonor Queene Germaine 920 Cheures Gouernor to Charles Prince of Spain 925 Charles king of Spaine chosen Emperour of Germany called the fift 960 his departure out of Castile forced ib. his entry into Pampelona 973 his coronation at Bolonia 979. his going with an army to Tunis 987. his comming into Sicily 993. he goes with an army into Prouence 994. his voyage to Alger 1002. his constancie and pietie 1005. he sollicits K. Fernand his son 1034 he resigns the gouernment to his son Phil. 1041 he resignes the Empire to his brother 1076 hee passeth into Spaine to a solitarie life 1077. his death 1081 Christian slaues seaze vpon the castle of Tunes 990 Christians land with an army at Gerbe 1086 D. Charles Prince of Spaine grieuously sicke 1094 he is vnpleasing to his father 1126. he was vnable for women 1133 Charles Archduke of Austria sent into Spain 1137 Circuit of all Spaine 14 Ciuill warre in Arabia 165 Cid Ruis Dias returnes into Castile 250 Ciuill warres in Castile 351 Ciuill warres corrupt the best men 736 Clause in D. Alphonso's will prodigious 281 Clement of Launoy Viceroy in Naples 429 Clergy of Toledo deliuer the city to K. Henry 803 Clergie of Spaine f●eed from paying the tenth peny for their benefices 946 Clergie of Spaine helpe the king with mony 1111 Con●ectures that the Celtes were mingled with the Iberians 4 Course of the riuer of Ebro 15 Course of the riuers of Tagus and Guadiana 16 Contempt of militarie discipline followes a victorie 42 Councell of Carthage neglect Spaine thinking to get Italy ibid. Courage of Lucius Martius keepes the Romaines from despaire 48 Confidence of P. Cornelius Scipio sonne to Publius Scipio slaine in Spaine 51 Con●bates vpon furious ambition 67 Concord the ground of liberty 75 Contrebia taken by the Romaines 90 Colonie of Libertines 94 Conspiracie of Spaniards at Numantia 95 Corduba built by Marcellus 96 Combate betwixt Aemilianus a Spaniard 96 Couetousnes drew Lucullus into Spaine 97 L. Comodus Verus a persecuter of the church 121 Councel of Illiberis 121 Councels of Sardica and Syrmium 125 Constantine a tyrant 131 Councell at Toledo 136 Councell at Taracona Saragoffa and other places 137. Conspiracie of the son and mother-in-law against the father 141 Councell of Toledo 143 Councell of Seuile 144 Continuance of the Goths kingdom in Spaine 154 Councell of the Mahometists at Damas 164 Conquests of Alphonso the first and 3. King of Ouiedo 173 Confusion and ciuill warre among the Mores 223 Councels called in Nauarre 228 Combat of one Knight against another 246 Conquests of the King of Arragon vppon the Moores 249 Controuersies for ecclesiasticall matters decided by armes 255 Cowardize of the sonnes in law of Cid Ruis Diaz 263. Couetousnes of the Geneuois infamous 266 Conuersion of Moise a Iew 268 Confirmation of a peace betwixt Nauarre and Castile 293 Cordoua yeelded to the king of Castile ibid. Confirmation of the Order of Calatraua 311 Conuent for the Knights of S. Iames built 318 Colledges commanderies and Hospitals belonging to the Knights of S. Iames 319 Councell of S. Iohn de Latran vnder Innocont the third 348 Conuents of the Order of S. Dominicke built by the King of Castile 355 Contentions in Arragon 356 Confines of Murcia and Valencia 380 Cordoua surprized by the Christians 370 Contumacie of D. Alphonso king of Portugal 390 Councell at Lyons vnder Pope Gregory the tenth 399 Complaints and requests of King Alphonso to the Pope but in vaine 409 Courade poysoned by Manfroy 412 Conference of Deputies for the Kings of France Castile 429 Conditions of peace betwixt the King of Arragon and Charles of Naples a prisoner 432 Compromise betwixt the Christian Princes of Spaine 447 Coronation of Philip of Eureux king of Nauarre 478. Conditions betwixt the king of Castile and the Prince of Wales 569 Conditions of peace propounded by the King of Portugall to Castile 638 Conditions propounded by the duke of Beneuent 646. Councell of a Iew against Iewes 658 Councell of Constance 677 Combats not to be allowed among Christians 979 Conquest of the Canaries 680 Controuersie betwixt England and Castile for precedence 707 Conditions of peace betwixt Castile Nauarre and Arragon 712 Constable of Castile sent from the court for sixe yeares 721 Councell to arme a multitude dangerous 325 Confederates beseeged in Olmedo 729 Condemnation of the confederates 731 Constable restored to fauour and made Master of S. Iames 731 hee is charged and in danger to be slaine 741 his possessions 745. Complaints of the Arragonois oppressed 581 Complot betwixt king Iohn and Gaston
Christians who desired to abate the power of the Moores and to keepe them diuided all they could came to succour the Toledanes being led by one of the sonnes of king D. Ordogno both armies met not farre from the citie neere vnto the riuer of Guadacelette Mahumets victorie but Mahumet had the victorie there were slaine in this battaile 13000 Moores of Toledo and 8000 Christians yet all this could not make him master of the towne Mahumet being victor he caused the heads of his enemies to be carried into diuers townes to strike terror into those that would rebell for it was the custome of that nation at the change of Princes to stirre vp new troubles This warre continued three yeares vnto the death of the king D. Ordogno 33 Cont Bernard of Barcelone liued at this time Cattelogne much fauored in the Court of the Emperour Lewis the Gentle not without enuie especially of such as had had the gouernment of Prince Bernard the sonne of Pepin king of Italie in his youth He was accused to haue committed adulterie with the Empresse Iudith D. Geoffrey Earle or Gouernour of Barcelone whatsoeuer the cause were D. Geoffrey of Arria succeeded him in the Countie of Barcelone in the yeare 839. In the yeare 841 Ouiedo king D. Ordogno being much afflicted with the Gout and other infirmities was withall oppressed with griefe for the rout of his men which he had sent to succour the Toledanes whereupon he fell grieuously sick and died hauing gouerned the realme of Leon and Ouiedo tenne yeares The letters and titles of the Church of S. Iaques of Compostella giue longer liues to these kings for there is one found of king D. Ordogno of the yere 854 and another of the yeare 862 yea of 874 wherefore there is no great certaintie of the time in the raignes of the kings of Ouiedo and Leon. These letters and titles differ aboue 33 yeares from the common opinion D. Alphonso third of that name twelfth King of Ouiedo 34 ALphonso the Great Anno 841 sonne to D. Ordogno Ouiedo was but foureteene yeares old or ten as some say when he began to raigne a prince endowed with all royall vertues whose life and gouernment was long His entrie was disquieted by a knight of Gallicia called D. Froila Bermudes who contemning the kings youth did rise and seise vpon the Crowne D. Alphonso being retired to Alaua to preserue himselfe against this tyrant as he was busie to raise an armie of his friends and subiects he had newes that D. Froila being come to Ouiedo the chiefe towne of the whole realme Tyrannie and vsurpation iustly punished to be crowned there he had beene slaine by the Senators and Councellors which had conspired against him wherefore he came thither was receiued and recouered his realme in peace Then was there gouernour in Alaua a knight called Eylo or Zeybon brother to one Zenon which some Authors say had beene Lord of Biscaie This Eylo as soone as Alphonso was setled in his realme of Ouiedo rebelled against him and drew from him all which the kings of Ouiedo held in that prouince D. Alphonso who was then at Leon being aduertised of this disorder marcht with such forces as he could gather readily together towards Alaua where his presence caused him to be generally obeyed He tooke this gouernor and carried him to Ouiedo where he ended his dayes in prison Mahumet Moores first Moore of that name raigned then in Spaine against whom the earle of Barcelone made sharpe warres but with small successe He sent an armie against the Christians led by two captaines Imundar and Alcama the which came and lodged about Leon as if they would besiege it Anno 842. in the yeare 842. But king D. Alphonso succoured it and forced the Moores to retire In the end of Abderramens raigne there had beene a great persecution against the Christians which dwelt in the Moores countries whereof their insolencies and rebellions was the cause The libertie of Christians among the Moors in Spaine They had as we haue said libertie of their religion and they were suffered to build Temples and Monasteries at their pleasures their Priests and Monkes did freely vse their seuerall habits They had Iudges and Rectors among them to administer iustice vnder the authoritie of the Mahumetane kings onely they were forbidden to enter into the Mosquee and not to speake ill of their Prophet Mahumet They payed tributes the which were sometimes augmented as necessitie required or according to the passions of their kings Whereupon many Christians tooke occasion to murmure and to make bitter complaints the which did incense the Moores Some Christians of more iudgement exhorted the rest to patience foreseeing the mischiefe but it was in vaine yea Accafred a Bishop and Seruand an Earle who were of these moderators were condemned by a Councell and are blamed by the Authors of Histories who haue made no scruple to put in the number of Martyres those rebells which perished in this massacre the which was great and continued ten yeares for an aduertisement to all others not to rise against their prince to whom they are made subiect by the will of God especially for their temporall goods In the meane time the quarell betwixt this Miralmumin and them of Toledo continued and their obstinacie was such as Mahumet seeing they would not acknowledge him vpon any conditions he sent a mightie armie against them vnder the conduct of his brother or as some hold of his sonne called Almondir who spoyled rased and burnt all that was within the territorie of Toldo and yet no man durst make head against him his forces were so great King D. Alphonso imbracing this occasion of the Moores diuisions being entred into league with the French and Nauarrois D. Alphonso spoyles the Moors country he entred and spoyled their countrey They hold that Bernard of Carpio was chiefe of this armie Mahumet did aboue all things desire to subdue them of Toledo the which was a great and strong citie and therefore hard to be forced Wherefore he resolued to reduce it to extremitie of victuals by a long siege and so force them to yeeld Anno 848. And hauing raised a great armie in the yeare 848 he led it himselfe in person against the Toledanes who issued out of the towne resoluing to fight with him but it was to their losse and confusion for they were forced to retire with shame the towne was besieged the bridge vpon the riuer of Tayo the worke of king Hisem was beaten downe the Moores call bridges Alcantara and all meanes of succours taken from the inhabitants Wherefore they began somewhat to yeeld Toledo reduced vnder the obedience of the Morres at Cordoua and to talke of a composition wherein they were heard and satisfied so as Mahumet entred the citie with great ioy hauing reduced so great a people vnder his obedience From whence he sent some troupes to
good termes for shee remained at Leon her owne inheritance so as Sancho durst not attempt any thing against D. Alphonso to whom it was assigned shee beeing dead which was the second yeere of D. Sancho Fernandes King of Castille they sought all occasions to spoile one an other D Garcia King of Galicia began first taking from his sister D. Vrraca Lady of Zamoraja part of her territorie the which hee vsurped D. Sancho King of Castille who demanded no better subiect imbraced his sisters quarrel and for her cause resolued to make warre in Galicia but the Noblemen and Knights of his councel were not of opinion that hee should goe to armes VVarre betwixt the three brethren sonnes to D. Fernand King of Castille for a matter which might bee reconciled by some milder course Amongst those which did contradict the Kings ambitious desire were D. Garcia de Cabra and Cid Ruis Diaz saying that if contrary to their aduice hee were resolued to inuade Galicia hee should first prouide to bee in good termes with D. Alphonso King of Leon that hee might haue free passage for his army through his country and to conduct his victuals and munition from Castille into Galicia To this end the two Kings had two enteruewes at Sahagun where in the beginning D. Alphonso seemed vntractable yet in the end hee yeelded to giue his brother D. Sancho passage and whatsoeuer hee demaunded wherefore in the yeere 1071. warre was begunne against the King D. Garcia who had recourse vnto his brother D. Alphonso of Leon to bee aided by him but hee excused himselfe saying that hee would remaine indifferent D. Garcia King of Galicia dispossest a●d not deale for the one nor the other so as D. Sancho entring Galicia with great forces after many incounters hee became master thereof dispossest his brother of all his country and tooke him prisoner So the raigne of this King ended the fourth yeere after his comming to it yet some authors say that this was done after D. Sancho had dispossest his brother D. Alphonso of the Kingdome of Leon and forced him to become a Monke and to take vpon him the habit of Saint Benet the which they report after this manner D. Sancho beeing discontented with the diuision of portions which D. Fernand had made betwixt him and his brethren thinking that they had done him wrong to take from him the soueraignty of these Kingdomes being the eldest As soone as D. Sancha their mother was dead hee set vpon his brother D. Alphonso King of Leon and at his first entry wonne a battaile at a place called Plantaca but the Leonois rallied againe together they gaue an other battaile to D. Sancho and defeated him vpon the riuer of Carrion neere to Gulpejora whereas the King D. Alphonso commanded that they should not pursue the Castillans Then was Cid Ruis Diaz in D. Sanchos army as his vassall who excusing this losse with good reasons and comforting his King hee reuiued his courage so as hauing gathered his troupes together D. Alphonso King of Leon dispossest by his brother he came and charged the Leonois the morning following beeing heauy with sleepe hauing made good cheere for their victory gotten the day before and not doubting any enemy putting them all in disorder and to a shamefull flight hauing slaine and taken many then hee pursued this aduantage in such manner as hee besieged the King D. Alphonso in Saint Maries Church of Carrion where he thought to saue himselfe and carried him away prisoner to Burgos A while after at the sute and instance of D. Vrraca sister to these Kings and of D. Pedro Ansures hee was set at liberty vpon condition that hee should goe into the Monasterie of Sahagun and take vpon him the habit of Saint Benet but hee staied not long there beeing forced to enter into it for by the aduice of the same D. Pedro Ansures Hospitality of King Alm●non a Moore hee left Sahagun and went to Toledo to King Almen●n or Almeon a Moore who receiued him verie courteously and intreated him honourably whilest hee remained with him hauing taking an oth of fidelitie of him Hee lodged him in a faire great house neere vnto his Palace which they imagine was in that place where as now the Monasterie of religious women of the conception doth stand to the end that hee might there enioy the company of the Christian Musarabes which dwelt in that city Thether came three Knights sent from his sister Vrraca to keepe him company D. Pedro D. Gonçal and D. Fernand Ansures brethren of the country of Leon who brought with them many other Christians the which were entertained by the King Almenon During this exile D. Alphonso gaue himselfe to hunting and country sports and taking great delight in a certaine place of the territory of Toledo where there were the ruines of old buildings the King D. Almenon to gratefie him gaue him leaue to build them vp againe and to plant it with Christians the which is at this day called Brihuega yet D. Alphonso grew to bee suspected of the Moores who feared that hee sought meanes to seize vpon the citie of Toledo wherevpon Almenon was perswaded to kill him notwithstanding hee would not violate the lawes of Hospitality although hee were a Mahumetiste but was content onely to take a new oth of him Whilest that the King D. Alphonso past his time thus in exile D. Sancho his brother made himselfe maister of the citie and of all the Kingdome of Leon where hee caused himselfe to bee crowned King Hee beeing thus dispossest they say hee went against D. Garcia King of Galicia to intreat him after the same manner The diuision which was then in Galicia betwixt the King and a great part of his Nobility made the enterprise more easie for D. Garcia beeing growne a tyrant spoyling and intreating his subiects vnworthely hee gouerned himselfe after the appetit of a slaue more then was fit This woman who some say was a slaue infranchised put the Nobilitie and gentrie in fauour or disgrace with the King most commonly by false reportes as shee pleased which was the cause of many inconueniences So as in the end growing insupportable certaine knights slue her in the Kings presence Vpon this occasion the Nobilitie was diuided and the Realme full of troubles and factions some following the Kings party who would reuenge this murther and others s●pporting the murtherers The affaires beeing in this Estate the King D. Sancho entered Galicia with a mighty army against whom D. Garcia finding himselfe too weake D. Garcia King of Galicia made a prey to his enemy by reason of his tyranies hee abandoned his country and had recourse vnto the Moores demaunding aide of them for the recouery thereof promising to make them sharers of that which hee should get from D. Sancho his brother but the Moores answered him wisely that hee who had not the heart to defend his owne should not bee able
the countrie and carried away great spoiles and bending towards the territorie of Denia they did as much as they had done in Arragon and moreouer Cid began to build a fort in the territorie of Morella called Alcala to hinder which fortification Aben-Alfaye demanded succors from the king of Arragon who came with a great army but the king of Arragon lost a battell and according to the opinion of fome was himselfe taken there but the Histories of Arragon do not confesse it After which exploites Cid Ruis Diaz returned into Castile where as D. Alphonso the king receiued him gratiously Cid Ruis Diaz returnes into Castile and gaue him Birbiesca Berlanga A●zejon and other places and employed him in the conquest of Toledo which hee went to beseege soone after for some reasons which follow 13 King Hizien beeing dead Castile and Moores within th● yeare that hee began to raigne a good Prince who had sincerely intertained the allyance and league contracted by his father Almenon with the king D. Alphonso Hiaja Alcadurbile came to raigne at Toledo a trecherous cruell and vicious man so as he was equally hated of the Moores and Musarabes who cryed out for aide to the king of Castile and other kings against this barbarous tyrant beeing forced thereunto by his basnesse and for that they did see themselues abandoned of the Captaines and Noblemen which had serued his father and brother for beeing exceedingly giuen to lust he shut himselfe vp in his pallace with his concubines where he had no other thoughts but to glut his filthie and dishonest pleasures Wherefore Abubacar Gouernor of Valencia rebelled and kept the gouernement for himselfe The Moores sollicited the king of Badajos to take vpon him to dispossesse Hiaja Rebellions of Toledo draw the king of Castile to beseege the citty and the Christian Musarabes made the like offer to D. Alphonso king of Castile The king of Badajos meaning to preuent him entred first into Toledo in despight of king Hiaja whilest that the armie of Castile was preparing which D. Alphonso vnderstanding he was incensed and entring in hostill manner into the territorie of Toledo he spoyled the countrie which made the king of Badajos for that hee would not remaine betwixt two enemies to leaue Hiaja in his kingdome and to returne home D. Alphonso left not for all this to pursue this good occasion but went to beseege Toledo not streightly but spoyling the country and cutting off their victuals thereby to force the Inhabitants to yeeld through famin the which it seemes he had resolued with himselfe long before to execute when time should serue D. Alphonso's armie holding the fields in this manner about Toledo Aben-Alfaye king of Denia came suddenly vppon him yet ioyning his forces together as speedily as he could there was a battell fought about Consuegra where the Moore was defeated and forced to retire into the castell of Consuegra Moores twise def●ated In this battaile D. Roderigues de Biuar sonne to Cid was slaine whose bodie was buried at S. Peter of Cardegna Aben-Alfaye desirous to reuenge this losse leuied all the Moores he could and inuaded the Christians countrie passing the mountaines towards Medina del campo where they were againe incountred and defeated by Aluaro Ianes de Mimaya cousin to Cid whilest that the King D. Alphonso did ouer-runne the territories of Toledo whereas Hiaja Alcadurbile the King kept himselfe strong continuing notwithstanding in his filthie and dishonest life and in his cruelties whereby he made himselfe odious to all his subiects as well of his sect as Christians Musarabes so as they told him plainly that if he tooke no order for the necessities which prest them they would prouide for themselues This mad-man made no account of all these things wherefore the Musarabes did solicit D. Alphonso more then before to approach neere the Towne and to beseege it close This seege seemed exceeding difficult as well for the greatnesse of the cittie which was better peopled then any one in Spaine as also for the naturall strength of the situation and the rampars and fortifications made about it by art So as to attempt a thing of so great labour and such consequence D. Alphonso drew out of his countries all that were fit to beare armies and not content therewith he had the forces of all his other neighbour-friends and allies of Spaine namely of D. Sancho Ramires king of Nauarre and Arragon D. Sancho king of Arragon at the se●ge of Toledo as vassall to him of Castile who was there as his vassall for the Realme of Nauarre and besides there came vnto him many Noblemen of France Germany and Italy mooued with religion and hoping to winne Paradise in helping to subdue so great a fort held by the Mahumetists in Spaine Thus this great citty was beseeged and battered with all violence according to the manner of those times on the side of Vega there were seene many valiant exploites of armes on either side the Moores making diuers furious sallyes vpon the Christians seconded oftentimes by troupes of strange Moores which arriued on the sudden and greatly employed themselues for the preseruation of that cittie knowing that the losse thereof would be the ruine of the Moores estate in Spain On the other side the Christians of diuers nations there assembled mooued with diuers passions some with religion some with desire to winne honor some with an inueterate hatred against the Moores but most part fighting resolutely for spoyle forgetting nothing which art iudgement and valour do giue to resolute men Opinions are diuers touching the length of this seege it is most certaine that the spoyling of all that countrie continued some yeares which the Christian armies did continually ouer-runne hindring the tillage and cutting off the victuals which came from other places but being once streight ly beseeged Toledo yeelded to king D. Alphonso the 6. the warre continued not many weekes for the beseeged wanting victualles and pressed with hunger without hope of any succors by reason of the great forces which did beseege them they yeelded vnto the King D. Alphonso vpon these conditions 1 That he should repaire the ruines of the castell The conditions ports and bridges of the cittie with the Kings gardens which are vpon the riuer of Tayo and neare vnto the cittie 2 That king Hiaya Alcadurbile might retire freely into the citty of Valencia or where he pleased and that king D. Alphonso should aide him to recouer it and that hee might conduct with him what number of Moores he pleased 3 The Moores which would remaine in Toledo should be maintained in the same priuiledges exemptions and liberties that they were vnder their Kings Moores and not be charged with taxes and impositions more then of custome 4 That the great Mesquite of the cittie of Toledo which at this present is the principall church should remaine for the sayd Moores These conditions granted and sworne by the king D. Alphonso
hee entred the cittie in great triumph the 25. of May 1083. An. 1083. the tenth yeare of his raigne which they accounted 1121. of the Aera of Caesar and of the foundation of the sayd cittie as some will haue it 1673. The taking of this great and mightie cittie Antiquity of Toledo did generally amaze all the petty Kings of the Moores in Spaine and did so animate the Christians as they had euer after great aduantages Their ambitious discord was the cause of their declining hauing estranged them from the Miralmumins of Africke and then banded them among themselues So that as many townes and forts as were held by the Moores so many pettie Kings were there of them in Spaine At this time their estate had the greatest checke that euer it had since they entred and it did not onely augment the lands and Seigneuries of the king D. Alphonso but it also wonne him great honor and reputation as well is Spaine as with all other nations Christians and Mahumetists Here the Spanish authors faile not to relate an apparition of Saint Isidore Apparition of S. Isidore vnto D. Cebrian Bishop of Leon saying That the king beeing tyred with the tediousnesse and difficultie of this seege and almost out of hope to take the cittie this bishop was aduertised that within fifteene dayes the king D. Alphonso should enter a conqueror as it fell out notwithstanding the same authors find it strange how the king beeing assured by this reuelation would grant those articles aboue-mentioned to the Moores especially to leaue the great Mosquee for the exercise of their superstition By the conquest of this great cittie Townes yelded to D. Alphonso there came into the King of Castiles power without any resistance the townes of Magueda Escalona Illescas Canales Olmos Talauera Coria Consuegra Mora Buytrago Hita Medina Celi Atiença Berlanga Guadalajara and by this meanes were also assured the townes of Salamanca Auila Segobia Osma Sepulueda Coca Cuellar Roa and Olmedo the cittie of Toledo seruing as a rampar and fort to all that lies betwixt it Atiença and Medina Celi and by consequence to Palença Coria and citty Roderigues so as all that was within that circuit began to bee repaired and re-edified the inhabitants beeing freed from their great feare of the Moores The first worke which the king D. Alphonso did after the taking of Toledo Gouernor put into Toledo was to repayre the castell forts and bridges giuing the gouernement thereof to Cid Ruis Diaz with a garrison of a thousand Gentlemen Castillans The house and family of them of Toledo which is famous in Spaine is deriued from a Grecian knight called Peter Paleologue who came to serue D. Alphonso at the seege of this city Family of Toledo in Castill Primacie restored to Toledo but there are apparent arguments that the name of the family of Toledo is more ancient for there is a ●ombe to be seene in the royall Monasterie of Ogna of a knight called D. Gutiere Rode rigues of Toledo who had beene Chamberlaine to D. Sancho Earle of Castile who died in the yeare 990. of this D. Peter they say issued a sonne called D. Illian Peres of him D. Peter Illian of D. Peter D. Esteuan Illian whose image is to be seene on horsbacke in the church of that cittie Don Esteuan begat Don I●an Esteuanez from whom issued Don Gonçalo Iaime of Toledo who lyes buried in Saint Romaines church built in the highest part of the cittie by D. Esteuan Illian D. Vrraca the King D. Alphonsos sister beeing deceased this yeare 1083. Zamora whereof she was Ladie was re-united to the crowne of Castile As king D. Alphonso desired nothing more then to order things belonging to religion Riches of the church of Toledo and the seruice of God in a great assembly of Noblemen and Prelates made to that end restored the Primacie and Archiepiscopall seate of Spaine to the church of Toledo as it had beene in the time of the Kings of the Gothes and there was chosen for Archbishop a reuerent religious man of the Order of S. Bennet called Friar Bernard a French-man borne who had beene sent some yeares before into Spaine by Hugo Abbot of Clugny at the request of D. Alphonso for the reformation of the Monasterie of Sahagun which at that time was the chiefe of all the Monasteries of Spaine this Friar Bernard was found so sufficient for his learning and integritie of life as he was held worthy to be preferred before all the Bishops and Abbots of the countrie to the primacie of Spaine which sea beginning by this King D. Alphonso was so inriched by all the kings and chiefe Noble-men of Spaine as besides the primacie and head Chancerie of Castile which it hath gotten we may now say that next vnto the Pope hee is the richest Prelate in Christendome Debate for the primacie of Spaine Since that time the church of Toledo hath beene in great credit and authoritie among all those of Europe and is serued with an incredible number of Clerkes for besides the Archbishop 14. dignities 40. Chanoins with Prebends and 50. Portionists and other extraordinarie Chanoins there are so many Priests Chaplaines Clerkes Chantres and other Officers that haue fee as they exceed 600. b●eing very rich moreouer in Iewels and plate The first Arch-bishop of Toledo is called Eugen●us the Martyr from whom to Frian Bartholomew Carrança of Miranda who was in our time they number 76. The Archbishops of Tarragone and Braga contend with him of Toledo for the primacie neither will the Archbishops of S. Iaqu●s Sarragossa acknowledge him for primate which quarrell I leaue vnto thē selues To returne to our Historie Moores after that king Hiaja Alcadurbile had lost Toledo he went into the territorie of Valencia the which was held by Abubacar terming himselfe king of that place being but Conernor some yeares before vnder the kings of Toledo This Abubacar was discreet and wise and had gouerned that towne vp●ightly many yeares who to assure his vsurped estate had giuen his daughter in mariage to Amet Aben-Hut king of Sarragossa successor to Zuleima About the taking of Toledo or soone after he died leauing two of his sons for successors who fell to so great discord and by reason of them the people as Abo●ca Aben-Lope Captaine of the fort fore-seeing the ruine of these two young Princes fearing that these diuisions would make them fall into the hands of the kings of Castile was readie to abandon the place and to retire to Moruiedro and other lands in that quarter Seditions and trecheries among the Moores of Spaine which were his but beeing better aduised by a Secretarie a Moore called Mahomad Aben-Hay hee stayed still to see what would bee the end of these factions of Valencia some were of opinion rather then to yeeld vnto their adue●saries to giue themselues vnto the king of Sarragossa others to him that had beene king of Toledo
to Prelates and to the Christian religion for the honouring whereof they had vndertaken it the which succeeded according to their conceits for the king beeing returned and seing that of force they would make him periured being somewhat discontented with the Queene and D. Bernard in the end he was pacified with such perswasions that it was an vnworthie thing that in an Archiepiscopall cittie and the first in dignitie in Spaine that infidels should enioy the greatest and most stately Temple there to exercise their impieties and blasphemies to the great dishonour of the king and the name of Christians and the griefe of pastors and holy Ministers of the Church Wherefore it was expedient he should aduow the fact the which was not done rashly but with great zeale and by diuine inspiration Herunto they say were added the supplications of the Moores That it would please the king to suffer things as they were and not to discontent the people and that for their parts they would willingly exercise their religion in a place of lesse shew For the Moores spake an Alfagui of their lawe whose image is to bee seene cut in stone in the great chappell of that church The seruice called Gothique of Isidorian Cothique seruice changed in Spaine for that Isidorus had brought it in and afterwards called Musarabic for the Christians liuing among the Moores had maintained it was in vse vntill that time as well at Toledo as in Castile and Leon but the King Don Alphonso desiring to shew himselfe in all things an affectionate sonne to the Romish sea would haue it changed and in stead thereof the Gregorian Seruice receiued so called of the author Gregory for which effect hee caused a Bull to be sent from the Pope then raigning commanding that the seruice of Rome should be from thence foorth celebrated in all the Churches of Spaine as they did in France by reason whereof The Metrapolitane of Langu●doc vnder the Primate of Toledo it is called by some Spaniards Gallican This done the Archbishop new chosen went to Rome where he entred when as Vrban the 2. entred this Popedome and there tooke his oath receiued and Archbishops cloake and was confirmed Primate of Spaine and not onely of Spaine but of Gotique France as the limits of the Primacie of Toledo had beene in the time of the king of the Gothes in witnesse whereof the Spaniards write that to ●hew his rights and prerogatiues at his returne from Rome he called a Councell at Tholousa where the Archbishop of Narbone did assist with other bishops of those countries Councell at Tholousa suffragans and subiect to thè Iurisdiction of the Prelates of Toledo During his absence Richard Abbot of Saint Victor of Marseilles was Legate in Spaine being sent some yeares before by Gregory the 7. Predecessour to Vrban the 2. who tooke great paines to bring in the new Gregorian or Romish seruice and to abolish the Musarabic for which consideration and to put in execution that which had beene decreed the Arch-bishop Bernard at his returne called a nationall Councell at Toledo whereas the Clergie Knights and people of Toledo Castile Leon Asturia Galicia and Portugall were assembled or their Deputies in great numbers D. Bernard presiding the King beeing present there grew great controuersies among them the Spaniards refusing to leaue their ancient manner to receiue a new seruice so as not able to be satisfied by any allegations and reasons Controutrsies for Ecclesiasticall matters decided by armes they came to a furious and brutish manner of triall by combate which was much vsed in those times there were two knights brought to field the one for the king and others who desired alteration of the serui●e the other for the knights and commons which would keepe the Musarabic for these came Iean Ruiz of the family of Matanza who vanquished him which fought for the Romane seruice whose name is vnknown Yet the importunitie of the King queen Archbishop Triall by fire in C●ergie matters and others of that partie was such as the businesse was referred to another kind of triall which was by fire wherefore hauing brought two bookes the one containing the seruice after the Romane vse the other the ancient and Musarbic they were both cast into a great fire whereof the Romane booke leapt presently out as they say and the other lay still and was nothing burnt Wherefore they did coniecture that either of them was pleasing vnto God and for this cause it was ordained That they should retaine the ancient manner of seruice in sixe parishes of Toledo and that in the great Cathedral church and others the new Gregorian seruice was brought in and likewise in all the rest of Don Alphonso's Kingdome the which was granted more by force to please the king and to obey the Pope who confirmed and allowed it then for any good will Yet the Musarabic Office continued long after in many Monasteries of Spaine and in the same great church of Toledo euen at this day they sing Masse all after the Musarabic euery day in a Chappell called Corpus Domini The sixe Parishes of that Cittie where as this seruice was maintained had beene held by the Christians Musarabes whilest that the Moores did raigne there which are Saint Iust Saint Luke Saint Antolin Saint Marke Saint Eulalia and Saint Sebastian That the Musarabic seruice aunciently vsed were that which they hold at this day and that it was not reformed and corrected I will not doubt for in matters of Religion it is most certaine that all things haue beene fitted to the time and to the dispositions of those which liued from age to age especially in that which concerned the eccle●iasticall discipline The day of the reception of this Romish seruice is quoted by the Spaniards the one and twentith of May in the yeare 1091 at the third hower Matters concerning Religion beeing ordered at Toledo Toledo called the Imperiall city Don Alphonso gaue many honourable titles dignities and priuiledges to the Cittie to their great aduantage For first of all by reason of his conquest intitling himselfe Emperour of Spaine hee would haue Toledo called and denominated the Imperiall and Monarchicke city a name which hath remained and continued vnto this day And to giue the Christians occasion to come and dwell there for the greatest part of the inhabitants were Mores he granted rights and priuiledges to the cittizens as follow beeing drawne out of the letters which are in their Registers 1 First he ordained for a priuiledge to that ctttie Priuiledges g●●ted to the c●tty of Toledo that all controuersies amongst the citizens should be iudged there according to the lawes and ordonances written in the booke called Of Iudges appointing a Councell of sixe of the most sufficient men amongst them to assist the Iudge all which together should take knowledge of the peoples causes exempting the Castilians who might decline from that seate and desire to be sent before their
ordinarie Iudges According to which booke of Iudges all the inhabitants of Toledo and that iurisdiction should be iudged in matters of crime expresly exempting the wiues and children of offenders not culpable from the pains and fines due for all offences namely for high treason or practises against the citty 2 That the inhabitants of Toledo might appeale from all other Iudges demand to be sent to the Iustice of Toledo declaring all decrees against it to be voide 3 That the Inhabitants of Toledo should not be apprehended not put in prison for murther vnlesse it were wilful if they put in caution or that the truth were apparent and whereas they could not giue caution they should not be put in any other prison then the Dalfada 4 All controuersies betwixt Christians and Iewes or Moores should be decided by the Christian lawes and before a Christian Iudge 5 Exemptions granted vnto Church-men seruing God of the tenth peny in all their inheritances 6 Exemption of all taxes granted to souldiers and to all such as had beene prisoners amongst the Moores 7 All inhabitants of Toledo as well Christians as Musarabes should equally enioy all royall grants 8 The widowes of soldiers deceased shold enioy the honors and priuiledges of their husbands and the children of their fathers yea the sons shold haue their arms horses 9 The laborers and trimmers of vines should pay vnto the king for all tribute and seruice the tenth peny or portion of their corne and wine and not bound to any other charges either in peace or war except it were to succor the city of Toledo beeing assailed by foes in which case they should be bound to assist it with all their meanes 10 The like exemptions were granted to the inhabitants of Toledo for all lands which they should hold in any other iurisdiction of the kings of Castile 11 Liberty granted to the inhabitants of the said citty to build milles vpon the riuer of Tajo against their lands and possessions and to sell them exchange them and otherwise dispose of them at their pleasures 12 No Iew nor Moore should haue commandement ouer Christians in the citty of Toledo 13 That the citty of Toledo might neuer be alienated from the Crowne nor giuen vpon any title whatsouer to man woman or child 14 No man that had not his ordinarie residence in the sayd citty might enioy any inheritance within the wals thereof which inhabitants might enter into their lands and possessions from whence they had beene chased by the Moores in such townes and places as should be recouered from them 15 The common treasure of the city should be employed especially in the building and reparations of the wals and the fortifications thereof These were the priuiledges granted by the king D. Alphonso the 6. to the city of Toledo the which were afterwards confirmed by D. Alphonso the 9. an 101 yeares after so as by meanes therof it was in a short time peopled with Christians which came thither from all parts of Spaine and other countries and the kings of Spaine haue bin alwaies very carefull to honor this city D. Alphonso leauing the city of Toledo in this estate in the gard of Cid Ruis Diaz Gotique chara●●ers abolished in Spaine he went to Leon with the Archbish. D. Bernard where there was a councell called in the presence of Reguier the Popes Nuntio where among other things it was decreed that the Scribes and Notaries should no more vse the anciēt Gothique characters inuented as they say by Vlfilas their Bishop otherwise called Toledains but those letters which are now vsed in Castile were at that time not put in practise About that time died D. Theresa the kings sister wife to the Earle D. Garcia de Cabra Marriage of D. Alphonso the 6. king of Castile with a Moore and soone after Queene Beatrix the 2. wife of D. Alphonso beeing deceased he took to wife a Princesse Moore daughter to Almuncamuz Aben-Amet ●●ing of Seuile called Caida or Zaida the which was christened and called Mary He receiued for her dourie the townes of Cuença Huete Ocagna Vcles Mora Volera Consuegra Alarcos Caracuel and other places By her the king had one son named D. Sancho who died before the father and the mother liued not long after him This alliance caused great familiarity betwixt the king D. Alphonso Arabians the Mores both in Spaine and Affrick the which notwithstanding turned to the Moores ruine and especially of his father-in-law Almuncamuz Aben-Amet K. of Seuile for to do him a pleasure and to satisfie his ambition and desire to be soueraign Lord ouer all the Moores in Spaine King D. Alphonso who was in great credit with all the Princes and Potentates that were neighbours to Aben Tefin who was of the house and family of the Almorau●des to ayde and assist his father-in-law in this enterprise and to send him succours of Moores and Africans the which he obtained to the preiudice of them both as we shall heare But it is fit to vnderstand firsty what these Almorauides were Wherefore leauing a little the affaires of Spaine we will returne to that which we haue handled of the succession of Mahumet Mahumets sucacssion The which as we haue sayd being fallen to two of his daughters Fatima and Zeineb of Fatima descended the house and family of Aben Alaben and of Zeineb that of Aben Humeja These two races were in perpetuall dissention for the Soueraigntie of the Arabians both in Asia Affricke and Europe whereupon grew many alterations so as in the end the Arabians of Affricke being diuided from them of Asia the Crowne of Affrick continued in the race of Aben Albecy for the space of 310. yeres but as this nation was neuer faithfull within it selfe and could not subsi●t without tumult and treasons about the year 1068. there rose vp a noble family among them called the Almorauides or Lumptunas which descended not from Mahumet the which took the scepter from the race of Aben Alabecy and seazed vpon the soueraigntie and regall power ouer the Moores in Affricke 450. yeares after that Mahumet had made himselfe Lord and Emperour ouer that nation The first of this race which was chosen and declared king and great Miralmumin was Abu Texifen to whom Ioseph Aben Tefin aboue-named his sonne succeeded who forced the others to quit the Scepter and transferred it into his family where it continued 79. yeares the second yeare of his raigne Ambassadors came vnto him from king D. Alphonso for the cause aboue-mentioned so as within three yeares after Moores of Affricke drawne into Spaine by D. Alphonso the 6. king of Castile and Leon. all the Moores of Spaine were vnited to them of Affricke as they had beene long before Ioseph Aben Texifien the Miralmumin considering that if he sent forces into Spaine it must needes increase the Moores estate and reputation he sent a Captaine of great esteeme called Ali Aben-Axa his Alguazil maior or
Daroca by the king D. Alphonso Sarr●gessa taken and the Earle of Prouence who according vnto Surites the Writer of the Historie of Arragon was there with sixe hundred horse contrarie to that which the Spaniards say so as the Moores despayring of all succours beganne to parle and to treate of conditions to yeeld Some notwithstauding to do more honor to the Clergie of those times say that D. William Gaston Bishop of Pampelone generall of the souldiers of Nauarre behaued himselfe so in his quarter as hauing made a great and spacious breach he entred the towne by force the Moores making wonderfull resistance with their king Almocauen who was slaine among the ruines This great cittie was taken in December in the aforesayd yeare 1118. where the king D. Alphonso entring Episcopal seate restored to Sarragossa he lodged in the pallace of the kings of the Moores called Açuda nere vnto the Port of Toledo beginning to settle the estate thereof to make it the Capitall cittie of all the Realmes which he enioyed or that he might conquer hereafter intituling himselfe king of Sarragossa His chiefe care was to settle the Clergie and to inrich that Order which had serued him much in the seege of the towne wherefore the Mosque Maior was then consecrated for a cathedrall Church vnder the name of S. Sauueur and one Pedro de Libana was chosen Bishop confirmed by Pope Gelasius then raigning They found many Christians Musarabes in Sarragossa who had liued there among the Arabians with great liberty of their Religion the which they did exercise in a very ancient church called Nostre Dame del Pilar we reade in the Histories of Arragon and in the writings of Ierom Surita that the Lords of Bearne and the earls of Perche did long enioy very great priuiledges in the cittie of Sarragossa by the grant of D. Alphonso This king and Emperour of Spaine granted great liberties and priuiledges to this cittie to prouoke strangers to come and dwell there namely the priuiledge of gentrie and the lawes and Iustice of Arragon and in time of factions and seditions to chuse for their Councell certaine Syndics Protectors of the people As for the dignitie called Iustice of Arragon Diguitie of chiefe Iustice in Arragon which was vsed in the time of D. Pelro Ximenes it is a Magistrate the gardien and protector of the publike libertie against the violence of great men yea to suppresse the excesse and tyrannyes of Kings with soueraigne iurisdiction instrituted in the infancie and beginning of principalities and Christian Estates in Spaine after the inuasion of the Moores when as the kings not by succession of bloud and birth but by their valour and vertues were chosen to be ready and faithfull Gouernors of the affaires as well ofwarre as of Iustice according vnto certaine simple lawes and as then militarie propounded vnder the title of the court or law of Sobrarbre This Magistrate was first called Iustice maior entertained and augmented both in dignitie and authoritie from time to time by good kings There were great gifts and fees giuen also by this great king vnto the Earle of Bigorre in recompence of the good offices he had done him in this warre These things thus done hee went and layed feege before Tarrassone Tarrassone taken from the Moores the which made no great resistance seeing that the neighbour places were come into the power of the Christians Beeing yelded it receiued the ancient Episcopall seate and one D. Michel was chosen Bishop This towne which in former times had belonged to the Crowne of Nauarre by this last conquest was annexed to that of Arragon D. Alphonso continuing his conquests tooke the places and forts which were along the riuer of Xalon and in the end tooke the towne of Calatajub into the which he put a great garrison as a place which frontred vpon the Moores on the mountaines of Cuenca Molina Valencia and Castile he cleansed that which remained of the Moorish faction vpon the riuer of Xiloca vnto Daroca he repayred and peopled Montreal whereas this deuout king instituted an Order of Knights in imitation of the Templers of Ierusalem which was called S. Saluator affigning them rents and reuenues to the end they should employ themselues couragiously to roote out the Infidels in Spaine Order of knights at S. Sauuiour as he had propounded King D. Alphonso did these great exploites vnto the yeare 1120 at which time the Moores were dispossessed of all which doth now belong to Arragon But in Cattelogne there yet remained the king of Lerlda and Fraga called Aben Gama Catt●logee or Barcelone whose forces were not to be contemned and the which were as a thorne in the foot of the Estates of Arragon but more to Raymond Arnould Earle of Barcelone who was a good and a valiant Knight and who had receiued no small blessings from God hauing by vnexpected meanes recouered the lands which were vsurped from him during his minoritie and augmented his Estates by new successions of the Earledome of Cerdagne of the towne of Tarragone and euen newly of the County of Besalu by the decease of D. Bernand Guillen by reason of which prosperities he intitled himselfe Marquis of Spaineu Earle of Cerdagne Besal and afterwards of Prouence and A●millan by the death of Gilbert his father-in law who had no other heire then D. Doulce wife to D. Raymond It is likely that by this meanes he got the Countie of Prouence whereof as a fee of the Empire he was inuested by the Emperour Henry the 5. as we haue sayd As for those lands which he held in Languedoc as Carcassone and others some Authors write that the vicious Bernard of Aton hauing vsurped them vnder a counterfeit promise to hold them of him and to do him homage hee afterwards made this acknowledgement to William Earle of Poictiers vsurper of the Contie of Tholousa but D. Raymond forced him by armes to submit himselfe vnto him In Portugall Cont Henry had defeuded his country against the Moores wisely and valiantly Portugall and had gouerned with all iustice and honor vnder the soueraigntie of the King D. Alphonso Henrques 2. Earle of Portugal or Emperour Don Alphonso vntill the yeare 1112. that he died in Galicia in the towne of Astorga and was interred at Braga in S. Maries church leauing for heire D. Alphonso Henriques his eldest sonne about eighteene yeares old D. Theresa the Countesse widow to whom the Earledome of Portugall did belong in proprietie shewing her indiscretion married soone after to a knight of a noble house called Don Bermond Paez de Transtamara with whom hauing liued some time by a disordered appetite The desestable marriage of the Countesse of Portugall or some other damnable occasion she left him and married againe with a brother of his called D. Fernando Paez of Transtamara D. Bermond beeing thus forsaken and as it were striuing with his wife who should be most incestuous hee
him fiue little shields Azure representing the Standards of those fiuekings which he had vanquiished in a great scutchon argent placing the small scutchions like a crosse through deuotion in signe of our Sauiours fiue wounds vpon the crosse adding moreouer to euery one of them fiue deniers argent which make in all 25. the which with the fiue scutchons made the number of thirty representing in some sort the thirty pence which Iudas receiued to betray his Master our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ it is the allegory and spirituall interpretation of the armes of Portugal to the which was since added a border gueules charged with castles or in the time of D. Sancho the second of that name King of Portugal for some causes which we will hereafter specefie After the defeat of these fiue Arabian Kings who you must vnderstand were vassals to Alboxli Aben-Te●in the great Miralmumin of Affrike King D. Alphonso returned with his victorious and rich army to Coimbra being then the chiefe city of his Estate In this happie successe of his affaires Pr●●●iscs 〈◊〉 the Countesse of Portugal against her son D. Theresa his mother beeing a prisoner sought to crosse him treating with D. Alphonso King or Emperour of Castille for her deliuery and restitution and moreouer by her instruments shee made great complaintes at Rome to Pope Innocent the third accusing her son of cruelty and impiety so as the Pope sent the Bishop of Coimbra into Portugal beeing then at Rome with charge to enioyne the King by the Apostolike authority and in his name to set the Countesse at liberty which the sonne refusing to obay the Bishop did interdict the citty of Coimbra and returned to Rome stealing away secretly in the morning without the Kings priuity wherewith beeing incensed hee would haue forced the Chapter to proceed to the Election of a new Bishop wherein hee was not obayed so as hee committed many outrages wherepon the Pope sent a Caradinall Legat vnto him to correct him but hee lost his time for the Countesse continued still in prison beeing very expedient and necessary for the good and quiet of the country For this the Cardinal did interdict all Portugal and then tooke his way towards Rome but hee was pursued by the King who did greatly feare these interdictions and hauing ouertaken him betwixt Coimbra and Vera neere vnto the Comanderie of Poyares hee forced him to disanul this interdiction and moreouer to gra●t him whatsoeuer hee desired partly by force and threats and partly by perswasions Whilest hee was in this debate with the Church Ismael or Ismar who had beene vanquished came vpon the towne of Leyra Leyrataken by the Moores belonging to the Monkes of Saint Croix of Coimbra the which for that it was ill garded by a Knight called Payo Guttieres who was there in garrison for the Pior fell againe into the Moores power whereof the Abbot being aduertised leauing his frocke and monkes weed hee went to horse-backe with a good troupe of souldiars where hauing spoiled the Moores country hee seized vpon Ronches soone after King D. Alphonso Henriques came and laied siege to Leyra and tooke it since which time he depriued the Monkes of the Temporality of this place and of Ronches also leauing them only the profits of the spiritualty The warre betwixt Nauarre and Arragon was hot at this time Nauarre but D. Raymond Prince of Arragon found himselfe troubled not only against the Moores which were neighbors to Arragon and Cattelogne from whom hee tooke Chalamera and Alcolea vpon the riuer of Cinca in the yeere 1143. but also against some knights of Prouince which were enemies to D. Berenger Raymond his brother An. 1143. hauing seized vpon some places and beene the cause of great troubles so as hee was forced to goe himselfe in person wherefore his country was much anoyed by the Nauarrois who finding all assured towards Castille did what they listed yet at his returne hee had some final reuenge and tooke the fort of Sos. The peace betwixt the Castillans and Nauarre Confirmation of the peace betwixt Naurre and Castille being setled and entertained it was againe fortified by the marriage of the King D Garcia Ramires with D. Vrraca basta●d daughter to the Emperour D. Alphonso by whom hee had the Infanta D. Sancha aboue mentioned● and wee must not doubt but that which some haue left written of this Kings third marriage with the daughter of D. Lope Dias de Haro is a mere fiction It is likely the towne of Haro was built at that time where of the Lords of Biscay and there successors carried the name from whence are descended many worthy knights and great personages in Castille and Leon. The realme of Nauarre at that time had larger bounds then it had since hauing no means to augment them vpon the Moores for that the realmes of Arragon and Castille lay betwixt both so as the Arragonois Castillans and Cattelans were to make warre against them as frontering vpon Valencia and other their lands and Siegneuries Yet the Kings of Nauar which haue bin since were so far from extending of their lymits as they haue beene often restrained by the violence and too great power of the Kings of Castille About the yeere 1146. An D. 1146. Alphonso Emperour of Spainel resouled to make warre with all violence against the Moores of Andalusia by reason of the seditions and reuol●s which were in Affrike against the Almorauides whose History it is needfull to relate 16. Alboali Aben-Tesin whom some will haue to bee Auicenne the great Phylosopher Moores whose workes wee read but without any ground raigning ouer the Moores of Affrike and Spaine the third King or Miralmumin of the race of the Almorauides a Moore of Affrike Troubles in the Moores estate in Affrike by Imperstition dyvinations called Aben-Thumert very learned in Astrology could a certaine young-man called Abdelmon that he found by the starres he should get the crowne of the Arabians ●and therefore hee aduised him to meete with these heauenly influences and to prepare himselfe to receiue this great good which they had promised him This man although hee were of a base and vile condition whose father got his lyuing by making of pots and other earthen vessel yet hee was neither faint-hearted nor without ambition wherefore hee gaue such credit to that which the Astrologer had deliuered vnto him as leauing his house and trade hee acquainted himselfe with a certaine religious Moore a Doctor in the law of Mahumet and with all eloquent in the Arabian tongue and therefore much esteemed amongst all the Affrican Moores to whom hee imparted the prognostication of Aben Thumert intreating him to councell him and to assist him in a matter of so great importance assuring him that is hee attained to that which hee aspired hee would make him the chiefe man amongst the Arabians next vnto himselfe This Doctor who was called Almohadi tickled with the hope of greatnesse
could finde no better nor more expedient meanes then to bring in new fects and to make some change in religion knowing that nothing doth more alter and transport the hearts of men then perswasion of religion wherefore he imployed his knowledge and eloquence to interpret Mahumets Alcaron A new ●●ct among the Arabians of Af●rike after a stranger maner and neuer heard of among the Arabians not any other nations were his sactaries fitting it so well to the humors and dispositions of the people as in a short time hee was followed by the greatest part of the Affrican Moores a nation easily misled with superstition so as if before they tooke Almohadi for a holy man now they held him for a Prophet sent vndoubtedly from God Hee seeing this businesse succeed so well as hee was wellcome throughout all Affrike and admired of all men hee beganne to put forth this youngman Abdelmon giuing the people to vnderstand that he was of the true and lawfull royall race of their great Prophet Mahumet and that hee was a man sent of God endowed with such vertue as hee should subiect all the world to the Law of Mahumet that those great matters had beene diuinely fore-told him and signifyed by the starres and heauenly motions so as by his perswasions his fictions were receiued and beleeued of all men And proceeding father he presumed to speake something against King Alboals and the present Estate and Gouernment of the Almorauides and so by little and little to taxe him openly declaring with great assurance that Alboali was a tyrant whose race had by force and violence expelled out of the royal throne of the Arabians in Affrike the lawfull Princes descended from Aben-Alabecy and that the will of God reuealed and knowne vnto him by many signes from heauen was that Abdelmon should be aduanced and chosen for King hee who was sent of God and descended from the royall bloud of their great Prophet Mahumet This Impostor did so preach vnto them concurrning with the diuell to bewitch these credulous men giuen to the damnable art of dyuining as many Noblemen and Knights with an infynit number of the Affrican people desirous of Innouations according to the mutinous nature of that nation tooke armes against King Alboali beeing accompanied assisted and councelled by Abdelmon Aben-Thumert and Almohadi Whereof the King aduertised meaning to suppresse these great alterations hee raysed his forces and had diuers incounters against this new fect which carried the name of Almohades by reason of their Preacher Almohadi Wee haue sayd that some were of opinion Auicenna and other learned Arabians that the King Albo-Ali Aben Tefin was hee whom we call Auicenna or Auicenni saying that the goodly workes which are amongst vs at this daie were compiled and written by his commandement by the foure and twenty great Philosophers and published vnder the name of Auicenna For my part I rather beleeue them which haue written that Auicenne or Auicenna called also Albo Hali was an excellent man learned in Philosophy and Physicke as his rare workes written in the Arabicke tongue doe witnesse beeing translated since into Latin who liued in those daies at Cordoua in Spaine where it seemes the Moores had alwaies entertained an vniuersity of all sorts of sciences with a great concourse of learned men of their nation the which had beene alwaies well furnished the Affricans beeing people giuen to contemplation and of a subtill spirit wherefore they haue made Astrology famous and aduanced a fect of Physicke diuerse from that of the Grecians giuen wonderfully to diuination and coniuring very superstitious in matters of religion and reasonably eloquent either in verse or prose Aben Rois whom wee call Auerrois liued and frequented with him a great Commentator of Aristotle who through enuy poysoned Auicenna who finding it before it had wrought his full effect caused the poysoner to be slain as Mesua and Zoar report for hee was a man of great authority and of a Princes house Then also liued Aben-Zoar and other great and learned Arabians which haue written many goodly workes in their owne language in naturall Phylosophy Metaphisicke Physicke and Astrologie whereof part haue beene preserued and kept vnto our daies and some lost If these were Moores borne in Spaine it redoundes to the honour of the countrie but it is doubtfull whether they came out of Affrike The Moores Estate beeing thus troubled in Affrike Castile it mooued the Christian Princes to make some gallant attempt vpon them of Spaine wherefore the Emperour Alphonso beganne in the yeere of our Lord 1146. to raise a great army of his subiects of Castille Toledo Leon and other countries and to make the Christians armes of greater force hee laboured to make a peace betwixt the King of Nauarre and D. Raymond Prince of Arragon for the effecting wherof hee called them to Saint Stephano de Gormas whither beeing come hee could not obtaine any thing of them but a truce for some few daies ● There notwithstanding they treated of the warre against the Moores in the which these two Princes ayded the Emperour the King of Nauarre by land and the Earle of Barcelone by sea who hauing armed some ships and giuen the charge thereof to D. Galceran great Admiral of Cattelogne and to the Earle of Vrgel hee caused them to ioyne with the Geneuois who either for pay or voluntarily in hope of some gaine came to this warre and there did great seruice The land army was great and well furnished with good and valiant Knights the Emperour D. Alphonso and the King D. Garcia Ramires beeing there in person their entrie into Andalusia was so fearefull as approching and comming neere vnto Cordoua with a shew to besiege it that great and well peopled cittie Cordoua yeelded to the King of Castile which had beene the Queene of Spaine for so many yeares was yeelded vnto him by the Gouernour Aben Gami who presented him the keyes with great humilitie not attending either assault or batterie into the which the Christian Princes entred in armes but very peaceably in the yeare 1147. Yet the Spaniards write that for that the towne was of too great a guard and wonderfully peopled it was left in see to Aben-Gami himselfe who did homage to the King of Castile the which is very doubtfull considering the importance of the place and the consequence thereof We may beleeue that the Emperour assured himselfe after another manner and with better caution then the faith of this Mooore who they say sware vpon their Alchoran to bee his faithfull vassall from thence the armie marched towards Baeça the which beeing inuested Baesa taken from the Moores they had newes that the Moores came to succour it wherefore the Emperor going to meet them he fought with them and had the victorie and afterwards tooke the towne by composition where leauing a sufficient garrison to assure the countrey behind his armie he marched on to Almerie a towne vpon the
if his enterprise succeeded well it fell out according to his desire for he put his men secretly into the towne beeing ill guarded S. Iren taken 〈◊〉 Mores without discouerie and tooke it in the yeare 1147. on Saint Michaels day putting all that resisted to the sword and taking many prisoners Beeing returned to Coimbra and hauing giuen thankes vnto God for the fauour which he had done him hee performed his vow and built the Monasterie of Al●ouaça where he placed Monkes of the Order of Cisteaux for the loue of Saint Bernard who liued in those times After this conquest seeing that the Miralmumin of Affricke and Spaine was much troubled to defend himselfe against the faction of the Almohades he followed his good fortune and tooke from the Moores the castell of Mafra where he placed D. Fernand of Montezo for Gouernor who in succession of time was great Master of the Order of Auis of the profession of S. Benet which had its beginning during the life of this king of Portugall Hee tooke also from them the castell of Sintra and from thence came to lay seege to Lisbone where he was assisted by many knights of France England ●landers which came by sea and landed at Cascais then came they camped where as the Monasterie of S. Francis was since built the Kings armie beeing lodged where as Saint Vincent now stands which places were then without the circuit of the citty wals The cittie was so prest by these forces as after many dangerous assaults it was taken the Christians entring by the port of Alfama the 25. of October 1147. the seege hauing continued fiue whole moneths Many Knights and other strangers which were come to this warre desirous to employ themselues continually against the Infidels enemies of our faith Lisbone taken frō the Mores vowed neuer to returne into their countries but to remaine in Portugall who by the kings permission inhabited there and peopled Almada Villeuerda Arruda Zambuja Castagrera Lourinhan Ville franche and other places This cittie of Lisbone which since hath beene the chiefe of Portugall and the ornament of Spaine was purged by the bishops from the impieties of Mshumet and their great Mosquee made a Cathedrall church where as one Gilbert a stranger but of a holy life was made bishop and the king caused the Monasterie of S Vincent to be built in the same place where he had camped By means of this important conquest the king took also from the Mores Alanguer Obidos Torresuedras and many other places so as he dispossest them in this warre of all the coun●●ie which is called Extremadura and pa●●ing Tayo he extended him limits conquering Acaçar de Sal Ebora Yelbes Moura Serpa vnto Veja where he put the Moores which defended it to the sword for that during this seege other Moores hauing taken the towne of ●roncoso had vnpeopled it and chased away all the Christians that were within it King D. Alphonso Henriques did these goodly exploits Moores whilst that the Arabians were at war among themselues by reason of the factions of the Almorauides and Almohades the which was continued with such animositie as after many routes of either part on the one side the followers of Abdelmon and his companions Aben-Thumert and Almoha●● not ceasing to vrge the new interpretatior of the law of Mahumet and to perswade the Affricans to poursue the race of the Almorauides as tyrannous and detayning the Soueraigntie of the Arabians vniustly and on the other side Albo-Ali Aben Tefin defending the royall Soueraigntie couragiously which he had receiued from his predecessors in the end the chiefe forces of both factions incountring in a bloudie battell End of Almorauides raigne in Affrick and toe beginning of the Almobades the Almorauides were vanquished and their King Albohali slaine vppon the place and the victors neuer ceased vntill they had ruined all the contrarie faction the soueraigne command remayning to the Almohades so as Abdelmon was chosen Miralmumin and king in the yeare of our redemption 1147. and of the Arabians Empire 530. the Almorauides Moores hauing raigned in Affricke about 79. yeares and 55. in Spaine The troubles of Affricke not presently pacified did so busie the new king Abdelmon as he had no meanes to prouide for the affaires of Spaine vntill the yeare 1150. during which time the Christian kings had leysure to do these exploytes Beside the which Arragon and Barcelone it is found that D. Raymond Berenger wonne the strong townes of Lerida and Fraga and D. Armingl Earle of Vrgel those of Alquarra Tamarit Litera and others D. Raymond Berenger changed the Bishoprickes of Roda and Barbastro to Lerida with the Popes approbation the first Prelat was D. William Pedro de Rayeta This Prince of Cattelogne beeing no lesse deuout to Monkes then others of his time gaue vnto the Monasterie of Escala Dei the towne of Alma in perpetuitie whereas the Monasterie of Oliue was built Hee intitled himselfe then Prince of Arragon Earle of Barcelone and Marquis of Torrose In the yeare 1150. Nauarre An. 1150 D. Garcia king of Nauarre died a Prince endowed with royal vertues Beeing prouoked by the daily mutinies of the Inhabitants of Pampelone to suppresse and punish them he went thitherward from Estelle and by the way stayed some little time at Lorca to hunt as he galloped through the woods and mountaines his horse stumbling fell with him in a narrow stonie place so as the king brake his leg and with-all was so brused as he dyed past all cure vpon the place hauing raigned sixteene yeares and some dayes His body was carried to Pampelone and interred in the Cathedrall Church with a royall pompe beeing the first of the kings of Nauarre which had bin 〈◊〉 there D. Sancho his son succeeded him the seuenth of that name surnamed the Wife This yeare D. Raymond Berenger continued to annoy the rest of the Moores Arragon and Barcelone whom he chased quite out of all the countrie which lyes betwixt Lerida and Sarragosse hauing dispossest them of the forts of Aytona Seros and Mechinesa this was when the Almohades began to shew themselues in Spaine The marriage betwixt Lewis the French King Castile called the young and Don Isabella daughter to the Emperour D. Alphonso of Castille and of D. Berenguela sister to the Earle D. Raymond was then treated of Beeing concluded some put a conceipt in the Kings head that D. Isabella was a bastard wherefore he came in person into Spaine vnder colour to go to Saint Iames but it was in truth to informe himselfe of the birth of D. Isabella and to see her where he found that she was the lawfull daughter of D. Alphonso Raymond and of D. Berenguel● his wife In this voyage king Lewis was receiued in the cittie of Burgos the royall seate of Castille with all the honors fit for such a king who in his returne came to Toledo where as he found the King or
his sword presently and gaue this poore Pedro Diaz a deadly wound and then fled the gard and other soldiars making shew to follow him towards the towne where hee was receiued and knowne by his old Master Lope d' Arenas who nothing suspecting Dominguillo was trecherously slaine by him the murtherer hauing meanes to slip downe the wall and to recouer the campe Vpon the Gouernors death the souldiars and inhabitants resolued to yeeld the towne of Surita vnto the King Dominguillo who was prowd of this execution demanded his reward of the King but the King by a memorable example of Iustice whosoeuer aduised him vsed an admirable proportion in this action for hee first caused his eyes to bee put out for the murther which he had committed hauing not made him acquainted therewith and then hee gaue him that which was needfull for his entertainement but hearing after that hee did glory too much in his treason hee caused him to bee slaine After this enterprise of Surita the King dismissed his souldiers who returned to their houses Howsoeuer D. Alphonso Henriques King of Portugal ended his quarrels with D. Fernand of Leon Portugal yet in the yeere of our Lord 1169. hee had confirmation of his royall titles from Pope Alexander to whom he sent his Bulles taking the King D. Alphonso Henriques his successours Realme and subiects into the protection of the church of Rome paying two markes of gold for an acknowledgment or rent the which the Archbishop of Braga did receiue yeerely for the church of Rome yet no man can say that this rent was euer paied and if D. Fernand married his daughter D. Vrraca by whom he had one sonne called D. Alphonso who succeeded him in his realmes of Leon and Galicia yet this affinity did not suppresse the troubles and lamentable factions which followed King D. Fernand by the aduise of banished Portugais caused the city of Rodrique to be fortified the which some hold to bee ancient Mirobrisa and there placed a good garrison the which did wonderfully annoy the Portugals that lay neere it built Ledesma neere to Salamanca which did much in domage that city as you shal heare this King tooke pleasure in building Places built by D. Fernand when hee was not prest with warre and therefore they say that Granada which is neere to Coria Valenc●a in the Bishoprike of Quiedo Villalpando Mansilla Majorga in the Bishoprike of Leon and Castro in Toraphe in the Bishoprike of Zamora are his workes Hee was diuorced from Vrraca by reason of consanguinity and tooke to his second wife D. Theresa daughter to Nugno de Lara after whose death he had a third wife called D. Vrraca Lopes daughter to D. Lope Diaz Lord of Biscay By this last wife D. Fernand had D. Sancho and D. Garcia lawful heires to the realme of Leon Genealogy of Leon. for that they were by the Popes sentence borne in lawful wed-locke not D. Alphonso yet they raigned not neither did they leaue any heires 4 The house of Biscay was then in great esteeme The house of Biscay out of the which was issued the third wife of the King D. Fernand the order and continuance of which family is thus set downe by the Spanish writers They name for the best knowne stem of this house D. suria who by his mothers side was Nephew to the King of Scotland begotten by a knight of Biscay called D. Lope who obtained the Siegneury of Biscay in the yeere 870. Suria in the Cantabrian tongue signifies white He carried in his armories two wolues sables either of them with a Lambe in his mouth in a field Argent which were the ancient armes of Biscay he married to his second wife D. Dalda daughter and heire to D. Sancho Esteguis Ordognes Lord of Tauira of Durango by whom he had one sonne called D. Manso Lopes who was Lord of Biscay and of Tauira of Durango this D. Manso had by his first wife for hee was married thrice one sonne called D. Inigo Esguerra that is to say deafe in the Biscaine tongue who was the third Lord of Biscay Of him was borne D. Lope Diaz the fourth Lord of Biscaie who liued in the time of D. Fernand Conçales Earle of Castille D. Sancho Lopes was his sonne and the fifth Lord of Biscay who although hee had two sonnes D. Inigo and D. Garcia surnamed Sanches yet did neither of them succeed him in the Siegneurie of Biscay the reason was that the souldiars beeing in mutynie at their returne from a certaine warre in Cubijana of Morillas in the Prouince of Alaua as D. Sancho Lopes came amongst their drawne swords to paci●ie them he receiued a wound for an other and was slaine leauing these two verie little wherefore the Biscaines hauing neede of a Lord able to gouerne them they made choise of D. Inigo Esguerra the second of that name bastard brother to the deceased who was the sixth Lord of Biscay of him came D. Lope Diaz the second who ruled in Biscay And to make some recompence to the children of D. Sancho Lopes D. Inigo Sancho had Lodio giuen him for a portion and D. Garcia that of Orozco D. Lope Diaz the seuenth Lord of Biscay was father to D. Diego Lopes who succeeded him in the daies of King D. Alphonso the sixth This D. Diego was the eighth Lord of Biscay surnamed the white and being maried to a Lady of Arragon he begat one sonne called D. Lope Diaz who was afterwards the ninth Lord of Biscay the third of that name It is that D. Lope which was at the siege of Surita with King D. Alphonso called the Noble in whose raigne wee now are come and whole daughter D. Vrraca was married to Fernand the second King of Leon and Gallicia hee also hauing built vp the towne of Haro in Rioje surnamed himselfe of Haro and left it to his posterity He had of D. Mencia his wife one sonne called D. Diego Lopes de Haro heire of his fathers estates and an other daughter called D. Gaufreda who some say had beene Queene of Nauarre but it is doubtfull This D. Diego Lopes was the tenth Lord of Biscay and a very good Knight who had the honor to bee standard-bearer to the King of Castille and was at al the exploits of warre done by King D. Alphonso the ninth Hee had to wife D. Maria Diaz de Lara daughter to Cont Nugno of whom we haue made mention and she bare him D. Lopes Diaz de Haro who was the eleuenth Lord of Biscay His Image is to be seene kneeling in the quier of the great church of Toledo planted against a piller The succession of these Lords shall bee here-after set downe according to the time Returning to King D. Alphonso Castille after the taking of Surita hauing dismissed his souldiars he returned to Toledo where hee kept his court and assembled the Noblemen and knights his vassals where finding himselfe in free possession of all the
race the place whereof D. Fernand beeing aduertised he fortified his guard there and approching himselfe with good troupes he encountred the Portugals neere to a place called Arraganal or Arganal where they were defeated and their Generall D. Sancho taken with many Noblemen and Knights of his armie who notwithstanding were courteously set at libertie by the King of Leon. D. Alphonso Henriques wonderfully incensed at this losse being now aboue 85. yeares old he gathered his army together and went to horse where entring Galicia in hostile manner he tooke Lymia Turon and other places then returning into his countrie hee drew his forces againe together and marched beyond Guadiana where he did assaile the cittie of Badajos which the Moores held beeing in a countrie the conquest whereof did belong to the Realme of Leon whereby it appeares that among the Christian Princes of Spaine there was some diuision made for their warres against the Moores to the end they should not crosse one another by their ambition and couetousnesse The king of Portugal battered Badajos with such speed as he had meanes to enter it and wonne two parts of the towne forcing the Moores to retire into a part which was of some strength where they defended themselues The King of Leon hearing of this enterprise of the King of Portugall although he were not fully reconciled with his nephew of Castile by reason of the new troubles which happened by the reuolt of D. Fernand Ruiz de Castro that he must of force leaue some part of his forces to make head vpon the frontiers of Castile if happily they would presse him on that side marched from Zamora which was newly taken by him with such souldiars as he could gather together towards Badajos whereas D. Alphonso came to meet him and gaue him battaile which the Portugals lost so as D. Alphonso Henriques was forced to fortifie himselfe in that part of Badajos which he had wonne yet finding himselfe not very safe he resolued to retire as well as he could into his countrie but as they went out of the cittie in a great presse hee bruized his foot against a barre of the gate so as he was taken by the Leonois who carryed him to the campe to the king D. Fernand who receiued him with all honour as his father-in-law and a great Prince as he was D. Alphonso K. of Portugal taken and the warre of 〈◊〉 from thence he was carried to Auila where hee was carefully looked vnto and there made an accord with the King of Leon his sonne-in-law so as they continued good friends The places which the Portugals had taken in Galicia were restored and D. Fernand desired no other satisfaction but an oath of fealtie and acknowledgement of the countrie of Portugal holding of Leon. So Don Alphonso Henriques returned free into his Realme of Portugall after which time he could not ride being Iame of his fall but was still carried in a coach or chariot As for D. Fernand Ruis de Castro Ieon who as wee haue sayd had left the king of Castiles seruice and was retired into the Moores countrie after that hee had followed their armies some time in the end he came to serue D. Fernand King of Leon by whom he was put into cité Roderigo after that he had succoured it and chased away the Portugals This Knight who was of a turbulent spirit and did hate the Castillans deadly bred a quarell betwixt the Kings of Leon and Castile making continuall roades from his garrison of cité Roderigo into the countrie of D. Alphonso King of Castile and had newly defeated some troupes of Castillans which were gathered together to repulse him whereas some were slaine vpon the place and some taken prisoners among the which was the Earle D. Nugno de Lara and others whome he deliuered afterwards vpon their faith This was the occasion which did much trouble and hinder the King D. Fernand when as hee came against his father-in-law Badaios taken by D. Fernand of Leon. and the Portugals who beseeged Badajos a towne in his iurisdiction belonging to the Moores whom notwithstanding hee chased away making himselfe master of the towne where he left Aben Abel a Moore for Gouernor in whom he trusted for that the Inhabitants were all Moores but this Infidell did not keepe the place long but yeelded it to Aben Iacob great Miralmumin of the Almohades sonne and heire to Abdelmon deceased 15 Aben Abel did not onely commit this trecherie against the king D. Fernand Portugal but moreouer hauing gathered together great forces of the Moores Almohades hee ouerrunne and spoyled the territories of Leon then entring into Portugal he came and beseeged the towne of Saint Iren Exploits of D. Sancho against the Moores in the which the king D. Alphonso Henriques was being then old and vnprofitable for the warre who was in great danger to be taken within that place but the King Don Fernand comming in good time the seege was raised and the Moores put to route who were afterwards pursued by the Infant Don Sancho who marched with the armie of Portugall neere vnto Seuille where beeing incountred by the Moores he vanquished them and then beseeged Niebla but he was forced to leaue it beeing aduertised that the Moores were entred by Extremadura and did beseege Veija wherefore being prest to defend his owne he left the other Arriuing at Veija he defeated and dispersed the Moores and freed the towne from danger this was in the yeare 1181. 1181. At that time the chiefe in Spaine among the Princes of the Moores Moores according to the diuision which they had made among themselues vnder the Soueraigntie of Maroc were the Kings of Murcia one of the which called Lobo had had a perpetuall hatred against the Royall family of Almohade called the Mazemutes This Lobo had beene tributarie to the King of Arragon but during the quarrels betwixt Arragon and Castile he had rebelled by the fauour of the King of Castile whereupon the King of Arragon fauoured the Mazemutes Lobo beeing dead his sonne Modef succeeded him who was father to Zaen the last King of the Moores at Valencia Zaen the last king of Valeneia 16 As for Zamora which D. Fernand King of Leon had newly subdued leon it was thus The king of Leon hauing built and peopled the town of Ledesina and others to accommodate his new Collonies hee had somewhat restrained the territorie of Salamanca whereat the Inhabitants beeing incensed they rebelled against him and hauing drawne vnto them Auila and Zamora and infected other neighbour places with the poyson of their rebellion they made●choice of a Knight called Nugno Rauia for their head with whom going to field with a great number as well of their cittizens as of their allies the King D. Fernand came and charged them neere vnto Valdemuça where he did quite defeate them and tooke their captaine D. Nugno Rauia aliue whose head he caused to be cut
either of his other three children 10000. Marauidis of gold and 250. Markes of siluer to his Bastards 7000. Marauidis of gold and certaine Markes of siluer The rest he ordained shold be employed to charitable vses as to build and indow Monasteries and Hospitals to redeeme captiues and to make Chalices Crosses and such like ornaments He also ordained to haue the bridge of Coimbra and the house of Saint Ladre built neither did hee forget the Apostolike Romaine Sea for he did bequeath vnto Pope Innocent the third an hundred Markes of gold and there was not any Church in his Kingdom but tasted of his bountie He was interred in the chappell of Saint Croix of Coimbra neere vnto the Queene Donna Aldoncia his wife from whence he was afterwards remoued into the Arch of the great chappell In the same Monastery are buried D. Henry D. Sancha Donna Blanca D. Berenguela and D. Constance his children D. Alphonso the 2. of that name the third King of Portugall AFter him D. Alphonso his son held the scepter of Portugal who was then about 27. yeares old 1212. Gencalogic of Portugall and was crowned in the citty of Coimbra And for that he was big fat and vnweldie of his person they surnamed him the Grosse he was alreadie father of two children D. Sancho and D. Alphonso whereof the second married Matilda heire to the Earle of Bologne in France besides these he had by his wife D. Vrraca of Castile Don Fernand who was Lord of Serpa and married to the daughter of the Earle D. Frenand of Lara of Castile called D. Sancha Fernandes from whom issued a daughter which was Queene of Denmarke into which Realme D. Elenor daughter to this king D. Alphonso was first married Besides these lawfull children the king had company with a Moore of whome he begot D. Alphonso Martines D. Alphonso at his first entrance had great lars with his sisters for the hee would haue taken from them the lands which his father had giuen them for their portions whose quarrell D. Alphonso king of Leon did imbrace and sent his sonne D. Fernand accompanied by D. Martin Sanches brother to these Ladies for his guide being very young with an armie who took from the king of Portugal Valencia of Minio Melgaçon Hulgoso Frexo and other places this war was afterwards ended by the commandement of Pope Innocent who threatened to censure the kings of Portugal and Leon if they made not a peace to take armes against the Mores who were enemies to the true Catholike Religion from whom about that time and as the armie of Castile was dissolued after the battell of Muradal D. Pedro king of Arragon tooke Castelfabid and Ademus which are in the Realme of Valencia 37 Wee haue sayd before Arragon that this king had a sonne by his wife vnthought of who was called Iaime this Infant was much enuied and his life sought by his Vncles of either side who wished there had issued no heire from Don Pedro and Donna Mary Countesse of Montpellier that they might haue succeeded to their Estates a murtherous and couetous desire which did chiefly possesse Don Fernand Abbot of Montarragon Wherefore they did breed vp Don Iayme carefully and as much as they could out of danger the king his father was aduised to send him into France to bee kept by some Noble man his friend where hee might be more safe then in Spaine wherefore hee gaue him to Simon Earle of Montfort to bring vp in whome he had great confidence but hee abused him for warre beeing attempted against the Albigeois in the which the Earles of Tholousa were ingaged Don Pedro king of Arragon and the Earle of Montfort grew enemies and were in armes one against another the Earle beeing made Generall against them of Albi and their adherents and the king Don Pedro fauouring the Earles of Tholousa father and sonne who had married his sisters The euent was as the Histories of Spaine report that the Earle of Montfort who had conceiued a great hatred against the Earles of Tholousa hauing then great forces from the French king vnder colour of making warre against the Albigeois which were fallen from the Church of Rome hee entred in hostile manner into the Earles countrie whereof the king of Arragon beeing aduertised by his brother-in-law hauing vntill then taken part with the Earle of Monfort in this quarrell of the Albigeois he turned against him hauing first aduised him but in vaine and caused the Pope to admonish him that vnder the pretext of warre against the Albigeois who were declared Heretickes he should not reuenge his priuate quarrels D. Pedro beeing passed into France and meaning to beseege Symon of Montfort in the castle of Muret which place he meant to abandon there happened a furious skirmish among them where as the king of Arragon was slaine vpon the place and with him Don Aznar D. Pedro king of Arragon slain in France 1213. and Pedro Pardo father and sonne Don Games de Luna Don Michel Luesia Michel Rada and many other Noblemen of Arragon the Earle of Montfort retired safe with his men Such was the pittifull end of this King Don Pedro in September 1213. hauing raigned happily and in great reputation eighteene yeares three moneths and 20. dayes his bodie has carried to the Monasterie of Sixena founded by the Queene his mother The Albigeois warre continued the end whereof you may see in the Histories of France They were people which opposed themselues against the Popes Supremacie and hunane inuentions brought in to the Christian Religion taught first by one called Amaulry in the towne of Alby and thereabouts against whom the Pope incensed Christian Princes In this action Dominicke a Chanoine of Osma did great seruice to the Romish Church Dominicke of Osma author of the Order of lacobins beeing brought into France by D. Diego his Bishop whom the Pope did send his Legat for the effect The Vniuersitie of Paris did also condemne the opinion of the Albigeois but Dominick relying not much vppon disputations and reasons perswaded all Princes and their subiects to armes as beeing the most expedient meanes for the which he was canonized and put in the catalogue of Saints It was he which brought in the Order of preaching Friars Our French Histories say that Don Pedro fauoured the Albigeois and yet those of Spaine giue him the title of Catholike In his time beganne the Impost for Beeues and other cattell in Cattelogne which was after his returne from the battaile of Muradal as well by reason of the great expences of the warre as for the great summes disbursed for the marriages of Don Pedro's three sisters Don Iames the first of that name the eighth King of Arragon 38 DOn Iames or Iaime his sonne was then in the power of the Earle of Montfort in the towne of Carcassone the which did much trouble the Arragonois and Castellans who laboured all they could to haue their Prince but it auayled
sorrie but he was thereby incensed the more King Don Alphonso marching on as farre as Burgos spoyling all where he past found the citty well garded by Don Lope Diaz de Haro and other Noblemen who were well accompanied wherefore seeing there was no meanes to enter he returned doing all the harme he could About this time the Queene D. Berenguela parting from Vailledolit came to Palencia whereas the Noblemen about Segobia and Auila came to offer her their seruice The Castillans beeing freed from the feare of King Don Alphonso the new Kings army was ledde to Mugnon where the battery was begun during the which the Queen returned to Burgos to the funerals of her brother Don Henry the which by her Order were very stately Mugnon beeing taken and the Queene come to the campe with the souldiers which were at Burgos they marched against Lerma and Lara which places were taken by force Beeing returned to Burgos the army was led along the riuer of Oja whereas the townes of Villorado Nagera D. Aluaro de Lara taken whereof followed a peace 〈◊〉 Castile and Nauarret yeelded vnto the King but not their castels In the meane time the Lords of Lara laboured to make a generall rebellion against the king so as the Princesse being forced to return to Palencia there was an incounter vpon the way where D. Aluaro was taken and led prisoner to Burgos who was afterwards deliuered vpon condition that he should yeeld vnto the King all the places and garrisons which were held and maintained by his men at arms belonging to the Crowne especially Amaya Tariego Cerezo Villafranca of the Mountaines of Oca the tower of Vilhorado with the castles of Nauarret Nagera and Pancoruo the which was done D. Fernand his brother did also yeeld Castroxeris and Orcejon By this meanes there was a peace betwixt the king and the Noblemen his subiects whom hee receiued into fauour suffring them to hold their Offices and Gouernments but it was a peace of sixe monthes onely for seeing themselues out of credit they rebelled againe against whom the king sent some troupes which forced them to retire to Leon. By reason whereof the warre reuiued betwixt Castille and Leon but not too hotly for there was presently a truce made the Earle D. Aluaro falling sicke whereof hee died at Toro Death of D. Aluar and D. Fernand de Lara hauing first made a vow to take vpon him the habit and order of Saint Iames wherefore they buried him at V●les Presently after D. Fernand de Lara his brother retired into Affrike where hee was well entertained in the court of the King of Maroc but hee died soone after hauing caused himselfe to be carried to a Bourge inhabited by Christians called Elbora neere vnto the city of Maroc Drawing neere his end he tooke vpon him the habit of the Order of Hospitaliers thinking it would serue to mitigate his offence in which habit his bodie was carried into Castille and buried in the Commanderie of Pont de Hitero in the Bishoprike of Palencia by the care of Donna Major his wife D. Fernand and D. Aluar his sonnes 6 This age brought forth new Orders of religion Order of preaching friars contrary to the precedent Orders of Monkes for whereas these could not bee satisfied with temporal wealth which was giuen them by Kings and Noblemen as it were in emulation one of an other those reiected all riches making profession to be poore and not to possesse any thing The first was that of the preaching friars which are called Iacobins in France the Author whereof was that Chanoine of Osma which came out of Spaine into France with his Bishop to maintaine the authority of the church of Rome against the Albigeois and their adherents beeing pronounced heretikes by Pope Innocent the third as wee haue sayd the vow and profession of this Order was to preach against those which should stray from the faith The Order was allowed and confirmed by Pope H●norius the third Dominike was borne at Calaruega and not at Calaroga nor Calahorra it is a Bourg in the Diocese of Osma betwixt Aranda of Duero and Saint Domingo of Silos and is at this day a Monastery of Nunnes of that Order the which was built by King D. Alphonso the eleuenth or last of that name where they doe shew his fathers house and the font where he was baptized The confirmation of his Order was presented by him An. 1218. in the yeere 1218. vnto the King D. Fernand hee himselfe hauing obtained it at Rome and in truth the sea of Rome is much bound to these preaching friers Conuents of the Order of Saint Dominike built by the King D. Fernand the 3. who haue beene one of the chiefe suppotters thereof the King D. Fernand as an obedient sonne to the Pope receiued the Order and the Author with great reuerence and caused the Monasteries of Saint Croix of Segobia and of Saint Domingo the royal at Madrid to bee built Dominike dying some time after at Bolonia Pope Gregory the ninth did canonize him in the yeere 1223. there were other friars of this Order Canonized by Popes as one Manes ●il Anselme Pelagius and Michel 7 At the same time the Knights of the Order of Alcantara were diuided from that of Calatraua beeing alike and subiect vnto it from which time they had their distinct maisters D. Alphonso King of Leon who had instituted this order was a meanes that Alcantara with all that this order did hold in the realme of Leon was giuen to Saint Iulian del Pereiro of Portugal which was of the same order of Cisteaux vpon condition that the maister and Order of Pereiro and his successors should remaine vnder the obedience and be subiect to the● site of the Maisters of Calatraua So in the yeere of our Lord 1219. this order had it's beginning and distinct maisters An. 1219. Their habit was first a hood and the Nouices at this day carry a hood of white serge or stamine and when as they receiue the communion Ha●●t of the Knights of Alcantara euery one weares a white cloake Since they haue taken a greene crosse in fauour and at the instance of D. Fernand Infant of Castille sonne to Iohn the first who was afterwards King of Arragon in the yeere 1411. as shal be sayd Such was the deuotion of that age fertil of such things D. Fernand King of Castille beeing freed from D. Aluaro and D. Fernand Nugnes de Lara which did trouble his realme he began to raigne in peace and beeing now of age fit to be married the Queene D. Berenguela his mother with the aduice of such as shee knew to be faithful began to treat a marriage in Germany with Beatrix daughter to the Emperour Philip and cousine to the Emperour Frederic the second King of Naples and Sicile The Germains say that she had beene married to Otton Duke of Saxony who was Emperor after Philip so as she must of necessity
and arriuing at Cordoua hee found that D. Aluaro Perez de Castro and other Captaines and souldiers in great numbers were already come to succour his men King Aben Hut beeing aduertised of all these things and of D. Fernands arriuall with small forces although there came great troupes afterwards thought it fit to preuent him if he could or at the least to strike some terror into the Christians and force them to retire from this seege He had in his armie which lay about Eccia a Christian Knight D. Laurence Suarez betrays king Aben Hut who had entertained him in his exile a banished man called D. Laurens Suares Hauing imparted his desseigne vnto him he resolued to send him one night vnto the campe vnder colour of seeking to recouer the kings fauour but it was to espie and to discouer vnto him the true estate of the Christians armie This Knight hauing obtained a pasport came vnto the campe and spake vnto the king doing the contrarie to that which he had in charge for he discouered vnto the King D. Fernand all the Moores desseignes and what forces hee had wherefore beeing assured from the king of his grace and fauour he retired to Aben Hut to whom he concealed what he had seene and vnderstood telling him that the Christians army was much stronger then it was indeed Wherefore king Aben Hut durst not attempt that which he had resolued and thinking that they of Cordoua wold hold good for a time he resolued to employ his forces to succour king Zaen who was prest by the king of Arragon towards Valencia thinking after that he had repulsed the Arragonois to returne fortified with Zaens forces and cause the Christians to retire from before Cordoua Beeing arriued at Almery to imbarke his army a vassall of his whom hee did much esteeme called Aben Arramin inuited him to supper where he so feasted him as beeing drunke he cast him into a great vessell full of water and there drowned him wherupon the army disbanded and D. Laurence Suarez whom king Aben Hut had ledde with him retired to the king of Castile who receiued him graciously notwithstanding that he had betrayed him who had entertayned him during his exile This death of this Moorish king Cordoua yelded 1236. beeing generally knowne especially at Cordoua the beseeged despayred of succors so as they yeelded the cittie vnto the king of Castile the sixt moneth of the seege in the yeare 1236 which was 522. yeares after that it had beene first taken by the Moores The king Don Fernand caused a crosse to be set vppon the tower of the great Mesquide in token of our redemption and neere vnto it the standard of Castile which Mesquide was purified beeing one of the goodliest buildings in Spaine and made the Cathedrall Church D Lope de Hitero first Bishop of Cordoua of the which Don Lope de Hitero of Piçuerga was made bishop The king did indow it with rents and reuenues like the rest and so did the Arch-bishop Don Roderigo in his returne from Rome where he had beene during the seege and was not at the taking thereof of his great griefe but affaires of greater Importance had kept him absent in the meane time Don Iohn Bishop of Osma was his Vice-gerent and Chancelor to the King There the bells of Saint Iames were found which the Alhagib Almançor had taken away in the yeare 975. and placed them in this great Mosqueé making them to serue for lampes which the king Don Fernand caused to be transported to their auncient mansion The affaires of this great cittie which had beene the chiefe of the Moores estate were ordered by the king both for religion 〈◊〉 Iustice and for the guard and safety therof with great care Don Tello Alphonso de M●neses was made Gouernor of the citty and Don Aluar Perez de Castro of the whole fronter The kingdome of Granado BY the losse of Cordoua and the death of king Aben Hut the Moores were wonderfully dismayed and voyd of Councell wherefore they returned to their old course euery one respecting his priuate interest so as the Infidels estate was dismembred into many parts Aben Hudiel among others seazed vpon the Realme of Murcia Zeit and Zaen being yet in warre and contending for the realme of Valencia In the country of Algarbe whereof Niebla was the chiefe citty Aben Iafon raigned who had for his successor Aben Amarin and then another called Aben Mofad Those of Seuile would haue no king but onely a Gouernor Beginning of Granado where one Axataf was in great authoritie and it was he which lost it But aboue all the power of Mahomad Alienalagmar or Aben Alamar was great so called for that he had a red face who from a shepheard hauing followed armes had attained to the chiefe places of honour and was in such credit by reason of his valour force and stature as in these tumults the Inhabitants of Arjona where he was borne chose him for their king and then other people submitted themselues vnder him especially the townes of Iaen Bacça which was ill garded and Guadix and in the end the citty of Granado which he afterwards made his royall seate and the chiefe of all his country and Seigneuries This was the first king of Granado whereas vntill that time there was no kingdome it was erected at such time as Cordoua the chiefe cittie of all the Moores Estate in Spain was made subiect vnto the Christians 25 Whilest that the king Don Fernand is busie at this honorable enterprize of Cordoua and D. Iaime or Iames king of Arragon at that of Valencia which was nothing inferior ●auarre Thibaud the new king of Nauarre had meanes of settle his affaires without any difficultie for he found all the Estates of the Kingdome willing to obey him At his reception he did sweare and confirme the liberties and priuiledges of the country the which he did also augment This was the beginning of the second masculine line of the Kings of Nauarre 〈…〉 the first ending in D. Sancho the which since D. Garcia Ximenes had continued 518. yeares Successions of States and Soueraignties falling to women against all lawe and presidents of well ordered kingdomes in the first ages is the cause that strange and vnknowne Princes of diuers humors come to raigne ouer Nations which sometimes haue succeeded well but very often great troubles and inconueniences haue followed At this time the Nauarrois were not vnfortunate to haue a king of the French nation who was a meanes to augment the power and dignitie of that Crowne by many accessories from France his mother D. Blanche daughter to the king D. Sancho the Wise and sister to the last Sancho was the first which brought the succession of women into Nauarre although she did not raigne beeing dead before the king Don Sancho the Strong her brother D. Pedro Ramires of Pedrola Bishop of Pampelone among others did faithfully maintaine the rights of this
Vniuersitie of ●alamanca D. Martin Gençales of Mijancas beeing Merino Maior of Castile Besides the Art of warre wherein the king was very expert he was also very careful to maintaine Iustice in his kingdomes with all other good gouernment by reason whereof he transported vnto Salamanca the Vniuersity which D. Alphonso his grandfather had instituted at Palença as a place more commodious for the good of all Spaine and in a country more fertill and abounding with all things necessary to which Vniuersity this king his sonne D. Alphonso and others their successors haue giuen great reuenues priuiledges and exemptions so as it is thought there is no Vniuersitie in the world where as the professors haue greater pensions Whilest that he busied himselfe in these good and honorable actions hee had some troubles by the meanes of D. Diego Lope de Haro who was retired into his country of Biscay discontentdd with the King yet after some little warre attempted against him by the Infant D. Alphonso the king was aduised not to estrange from his seruice a Nobleman of so good a race frō whom the kings of Castil● had receiued so good seruices in their wars against the Moores wheresore D. Diego Lop● was receiued into more fauor then before The truce made with Mahomad Aben-Alamar expired in the yeare 1241. An. 1241. wherefore the Infant Don Alphonso was sent vnto the fronters of Andalusia beeing atriued at Toledo hee found the Ambassadours of Alboaquis or according vnto some of Ahen Hud●●l King of Murcia who went vnto the King Don Fernand to offer him the Realme of Murcia whome hee caused to returne backe marching himselfe with them to receiue this realme which was voluntarily offered vnto him hauing in his company Don Pelayo Perez Correa Master of the Knights of Saint Iames. The conditions were that the king Alboaquis should remaine vassall to the king of Castile Murcia deliuered to the king of Castile and that the reuenues of the Realme of Murcia should be equally diuided betwixt the two Kings and that the fort of Murcia should be deliuered into the hands of the Infant Don Alphonso and they should compound with the Captaines which held the other places the which was put in execution with them of Alicant Elche Orihuela Ceruillan Alhama Aledo Ros and Cieca but they of Lorca Carthagena and Mula would not hearken to this composition whereunto they were afterwards forced Thus this Realme was vnited to Castile without any paine or danger whither the king came in person and was receiued with great ioy and honour At that time Don Roderigo Arch-bishop of Toledo was excommunicated by Don Pedro of Albalate Arch-bishops in qu●rr●ls or the primacie Arch-bishop of Tarragone for that he had past by the Iurisdiction of his Arch-bishoppricke carrying his crosse as Primate of Spaine for which dignity he of Tarragone did contend with him The cause beeing pleaded at Rome before Pope Gregory the ninth An. 1242. he declared by a decree giuen at Saint Iohn de Latran in the yeare 1242. the sentence of the Excommunication against the Arch-bishop D. Roderigo to be void By reason of some losse which Don Roderigo Alphonso of Leon the kings bastard brother had vppon the marches of Andalusia the king D. Fernand and the Infant D. Alphonso marched towards the fronter where diuiding their forces the king remained in Andalusia and the Insant tooke the way to Murcia The king began to ouer-runne the countrie from Andujar towards Arjona and Iaen he tooke Arjona Pegalier Montijar and Cartejar he caused his brother Don Alphonso Lord of Molina to enter into the Realme of Granado who spoyled the champion countrie and approching neere vnto the cittie he made a shew as if hee would beseege it entertayning his troupes about it vntill the king came in person to ioyne with him where he had an incounter with King Mahomad Aben-Alhamar who made a sally with aboue eight hundred horse and great numbers of foote Moores who were defeated But after that the King resolued to retire to Cordoua beeing not strong enough for such an enterprize Towards Murcia the Infant Don Alphonso went to beseege Mula which was his first exploit for hee had not yet beseeged any place the which hee tooke and did much annoy Carthagena and Lorca King Fernand beeing aduertised that the Moores came to put victuals into Iaen and to fortifie it he sent his brother Don Alphonso to meet them who not onely repelled them and hindred the victualling but also spoyled the whole countrie round about In the meane time the King was come to Pozuelo betwixt Toledo and Cordoua to see the Queenes D. Berenguela his mother and D. Ieanne his wife which was the last sight betwixt the sonne and the mother Hauing spent some dayes there in feasting and pleasure the Queene-mother returned to Toledo and the king came to Andujar with the Queene his wife whom he led to Cordoua and there left her whilest that he cared for the warre especially for the seege which he meant to lay to Iaen spoyling the countrie about it as he also did about Alcala of Bensaide and Illora running euen vnto the gates of Grando from whence he returned a victor to Marros There he found Don Pelayo Perez Correa Master of the knights of Saint Iames who counselled him to inuest Iaen without any further delay the which he did and prest it with such fury as the king of Granado had no time to succour it who to preuent greater dangers which he feared to fall vppon him by this warre resolued to let the king Don Fernand vnderstand that hee desired to make some good accord with him if he would grant a safe-conduct to come vnto him the which was granted Iaen deliuered to the king of Castile whereupon he came vnto the campe to kisse the king of Castiles hand who entertained him courteously so as they were good friends and make an accord that the city of Iaen should be deliu●●d into the king D. Fernands hands whome the king of Granado should acknowledge for his superior and come to all assemblies in Castile and moreouer should pay him 150000. Marauidis of gold for a tribute others say 300000. beeing the moity of the reuenues of the Realme of Granado in those daies which was esteemed to be 600000. Marauidis of gold accounting euery Marauidis for 108. deniers and euery denier for a Marauadis at this day so as the reuenues of Granado did amount to 64800000 Marauidis which make 172800. of gold at 375. Marauidis apeece King Fernand did promise him for his part ayde and succor against a mighty family of the Moores his capitall enemies called the Oysemels These conditions were faithfully performed of either part and by this meanes Mahomad Aben Alomar remained peaceable king of Granado The king Don Fernand hauing thus compounded with him he turned his forces against the king of Seuile The citty of Iaen as some searchers of Antiquities do beleeue is the
Granado and of the two forts of Malaga 23 D. Denis the first of that name the sixth king of Portugal 24 Ahominable league and other practises of the Infant D. Sancho of Castille to dispossesse his father 25 Enterprises of Castillans and Arrag●nois against Nauarre 26 Homage forced by D. Pedro King of Arragon from his brother D. Iames for the Islands of Majorca and Minorca and other lands of his portion 27 Massacre of the French in Sicile called the Sicilian euensong D. Pedro king of Arragon vsurpes the Island from the house of Aniou and the warre which ensued 28 Conspiracy in Arragon called the vnion against the king D. Pedro for the defence of their preuiledges and the authority of the Magistrate called the Iustice Major of Arragon 29 Censures against the Infant D. Sancho of Castille and his rebellion against the Pope The fathers curse vpon him and his posterity not vaine the death of D. Alphonso th● wise Continuance of the royall houses of Spaine mentioned in this twelfth Booke CASTILLE 11. D. Alphonso 10. 30. LEON   NAVARRE 23. D. Thybaud 2. 24. D. Henry 1. 25. D. Ieanne and in respect of her Philip the faire PORTVGAL 5. D. Alphonso 3. 6. D. Denis 1. ARRAGON 9. D. Pedro. 3. D. Alphonso the eleuenth of that name the tenth King of Castille and thirty one of Leon. 1 THe Moores of Spaine were reduced to that extremity Castile as they did all obey the Kings of Castille and Arragon as their vassals euery one in their iurisdiction the yeere that Alphonso the eleuenth came vnto the crowne but they continued not long in this Estate for as liberty is the most pleasing of all things when as they found any subiect of alteration they imbraced it Yet in the beginning they kept themselues quiet seeking to confirme the alliances which they had made with the King D. Fernand deceased and for that King Mahomad of Granado shewed himselfe ready to doe this homage the King D. Alphonso who was alwaies bountifull abated him 50000. Marauidis of gold of his yeerely tribute beeing in the city of Seuile where hee was proclaimed and crowned King of Castille Leon c. The first Ordonance he made was to decry the money which was then currant called Pipions in place whereof he caused an other peece to be coyned which they named Burgaleses euery one being ninety deniers six deniers making a solz and fifteene solz a marauidis of gold so as the Burgalois and the marauidis in gold were all one in value This change of money made all things deere in Spaine wherevpon the King did much augment the Estates fees and ordinary pensions of his followers The first alteration which happened in the Moores countries was in Tareda but they were easily supprest for the petty King of that place called Amet was so amazed as hee quit the place vnto the Christians and fled into Affrike We haue sayd before that King D. Alphonso had married D. Violant daughter to D. Iaime or Iames King of Arragon by whom hauing no children in six yeeres they had liued together he intended to leaue her wherevpon hee sent into Denmarke to treat a marriage betwixt him and Christienne the Kings daughter attending the returne of his Ambassadors at Toledo where he was againe visited by King Mahomad of Granado The King of Arragon hauing some intelligence of this diuorce which D. Alphonso pretended to make was much discontented and in a maner ready to proclaime war against Castille if he had not bin diuerted by some noblemen and great personages of his realm notwithstanding their subiects vpon the frontiers did for a long time spoile one an other their was a league also made betwixt Arragon and Nauarre which did incense them more Thibaud the second of that name and three and twentith King of Nauarre 2 THis league was to defend the realme of the young Thybaud the second Nauarrel who had succeeded his father in the yeere 1253. being not yet 15. yeeres old whose gouernment and the Regency of the realme was in the hands of Marguerite of Foix his mother League betwixt the king of Arragon and the Queene widow of Nauar. The Histories of Nauarre say that the King of Arragon came in person to Tudele to visit the Queene widow and King Thibaud her sonne whereas they made an offensiue and defenciue league the King D. Iaime offring vnto the widow and to this Pupil whatsoeuer hee could doe or they demand alwaies reseruing the rights which he pretended in Nauarre the which he would end friendly when as King Thibaud should be come to age and in the meane time it was agreed that being of full yeeres he should marry D. Constance or D. Sancha daughters to the King of Arragon and if King Thibaud died then should D. Henry his brother marry one of them the King of Arragon promising moreouer not to marry his daughters into the house of Castille without the consent of Queen Margu●rite she promised also for her part to do her best endeauor that the King her son should not marry with any of the daughters of Castille lawful nor bastards especially of King Fernands second marriage In this league was comprehended the French King and the Emperour by Queene Marguerite and the King of Arragon would insert a condition that this present league should be allowed and confirmed by the Popes authority within a certaine time and great penalties and censures set downe by him for them that should breake it The Queene mother was assisted by D. Garcia Almora●id D. Sancho Fernandes of Montagu D. Garcia Gomes of Agoncillo D. Gonçalo Yuanes of Batzan D. Corbaran of Leet D. Martin Garces of Eusa D. Pero Gonçales of Morentiu D. Martin Gonçales of Morentia D. Guerero Siere Symon Giros D. Pedro Ximenes of Valtierra and D. Lope Arcez Deane of the Collegiall church of Tudele who did all sollemnly sweare to obserue the Articles of this league The company beeing gone from Tudele the King of Castille was presently aduertised of the league which they had made wherevpon hee sent many companies of horse and foote vnto the frontiers of Nauarre pretending that the realme did belong to him and that hee would pursue his right by armes On the other side Queen Marguerite the Regent manned the townes forts ioyning vpon Castille with good garrisons being also succored by the King of Arragon so as the Castillans passed no farther at that time Thybaud crowned king of Nauarre In the meane time King Thibaud grew to be ful 25. yeers old wherfore they thought it fit to declare him of age to crown him An. 1254. the which was done in the yeere 1254. in the great church of Pampelone where he did sweare to obserue and augment the preuiledges of the country Being in possession of the gouernment he would haue the alliance and league which his mother had made with the King of Arragon newly confirmed for the effecting
by fines as mutines yet his choller being past some few daies after he considered that those of Pampelone were good and faithfull subiects louing his honour and greatnesse and that they had resisted his will by a true zeale and loue which they bare vnto the crowne of Nauarre so as he caused their money to be restored vnto them againe wherevpon there grew a custome which continued that in matters concerning Castille this Bourg did not set to their seale 4 The diuorce which D. Alphonso King of Castille pretended to make Castille as we haue sayd from the Queen D. Violant could not take effect for that the cause of sterility which he obiected against her did cease being the wil of God she should be with child in the yeere 1254. and yet the Ambassadors which were sent into Denmarke D. Alphonsos second marriage pretena●● diuinely broken had wrought so as they brought the Princesse Christienne to Toledo wherewith the king D. Alphonso was wonderfully troubled so as not knowing how to couer this fault D. Philip his brother presented himselfe vnto him being Abbot of Vailledolit and Cueua Rubia and designed Archbishop of Seuile for which cause he had beene brought vp in studie and had remained sometime in the Vniuersity of Paris and demanded this Princesse in marriage It greeued the King much to giue D. Philippe a portion yet finding no better meanes to salue this disorder hee caused him to marry her and in fauour of this marriage allotted him great rents and reuenewes but it was short and vnfortunate for this Princesse Christienne thinking her selfe contemned and scorned was so opprest with griefe as shee pined away and died Genealogie of Castille Thus the marriage of D. Violant of Arragon with the King D. Alphonso remayned firme to whom afterwards shee gaue an ample off spring Her first child was D. Berenguela then D. Beatrix D. Fernand surnamed de la Cerde D. Sancho who was King after the father D. Pedro D. Iohn D. Iaime or Iames of all which wee will hereafter make ample mention and in the end shee had Donna Isahell and Donna Leonora Besides these lawfull children the King had D. Alphonso Fernandes whose mother is vnknowne and D. Bentriz begotten of D. Major Guillen of Guzman daughter to Don Perez of Guzman in which familie the Kings of Castille haue often found Ladies for their seruice This daughter D. Beatrix was Queene of Portugal The same yeere of our Lord 1254. there came vnto the Archipifcopal dignity of Toledo and Primacy of Spaine one called D. Sancho whom the Spaniards hold to bee an Infant of Castille sonne to the King D. Fernand deceased and brother to this Alphonso but it is not verie certaine D. Pascal successor to D. Guttiere had beene Archbishop before him The same yeere there arriued at the Court of Castille Edward sonne and heire to Henry the third King of England who according to the custome of those times was armed and made knight by the King D. Alphonso As for the Moores Moores they were as wee haue sayd diuided into petty States except Granado all which had done homage to D. Alphonso King of Castille In Algarbe there raigned in this quality Aben Mofad who held Niebla and Xeres a Lady a Moore ruled at Lebrixa or Nebrissa and Arcos Murcia was held by Mahumet Aben Hudiel and other places by other captaines and Lords which did al hold of the King of Castille to whom notwithstanding when occasion serued they shewed no great loyaltie wherefore in the yeere 1256. An. 1256. King D. Alphonso dispossessed al these petty Kings he receiued Xeres of the fronter by a voluntary yeelding where D. Nugno de Lara was made Gouernor and Garcia Gomes Carillo Petty Kings of the Moores dispossesed and ch●sed ●at of Spaine a hardy knight his Lieutenant Arcos and Lebrixa following the example of Xeres yeelded also to D. Henry the Kings brother who was sent thether from Xeres The yeere following 1257. An. 1257. the King came into Algarbe where he tooke the towne of Niebla and appointed lands about Seuile for King Aben Mofad and many rents in that city so as by this meanes he had al the rest of the country of Algarbe that is the townes of Gibraleon Huelma Serpa Mora Alcabin Castro Martin Tauira Faro and Laule al held by Moores who did not in any sort acknowledge the King of Granado with whom D. Alphonso entertained firme friendship so as hauing ordained an Aniuersary in the city of Seuile for the King D. Fernand deceased the which was celebrated yeerely in the Cathedral church King Mahomet Aben Alhamar sent many of his chiefe Moores thether with a hundred footmen carrying so many great torches of white waxe the which they set about the dead kings tombe All matters betwixt Nauarre and Castille were in outward apparence quiet but the effects shewed this yeere 1257. that peace betwixt Princes is most commonly entertained by no other bond but their pleasures and commodities without any respect of accords othes or promises for the king of Castille hauing raysed a mighty army vnder collour of some doubt he had of the Moores caused it to turne head towards the frontiers of Nauarre to make some notable breach there before they suspected him Wherefore the two Kings D. Iames of Arragon and D. Thybaud of Nauarre went sodainely to armes and sonne after D. Henry Infant of Castille the Kings brother and D. Diego Lopes Dias de Haro sonne to D. Diego Lopes Dias who was dead a little before at the bathes of Bagnerets came vnto the King of Arragon being at Estelle with whom they made a league against Castille the Infant making great complaints against the King D. Alphonso With the young Lord of Haro there came D. Diego Lopes de Mendoça Michel Inigues de Suaçu Inigo Ximenes of Nanclares Sancho Gonçales of Heredia Ruy Sanches of Landa which were all principal Noblemen of the Prouince of Alaua Lopes of Velasco Gonçalo Gomes of Aguero Lopes Garcia of Salezar Lopes Inigues of Orozco Sancho Garcia of Salzedo D. Gonçales of Cauallos great Noblemen in the Mountaines who came al with D. Diego Lope Dias their Lord did there homage to the King D. Iaime promising to follow him against all Princes wheresoeuer he would lead them The affaires standing vpō these termes likely to breake out into an open combustion those which loued peace labored in such fort as the Kings of Castille Arragon had an enterview at Soria where a new accord was made And for that the Estates which king Thibaud had in France Nauarre that is to say Champagne Brie required his presence or of some great personage Queene D. Marguerite went thether but she died in the towne of Prouince from whence she was carried to the Monastery of Cleruaux and there buried for this cause the king was forced to go himselfe wherefore he recommended his country of Nauarre to the king of
his age hauing raigned foure and thirty yeeres leauing no children the realme of Portugal fel to D. Alphonso his brother without any dispute who was crowned King in the city of Lisbone in the yeere 1257. and being married to two wiues hauing no lawfull cause of diuorce from the first he was the cause of many troubles and miseries to the realme of Portugal for the preuenting whereof he had beene called He had children by the Countesse Mahault Fernand who accompanied his mother into Portugal and there remained and Robert who succeeded his mother in the county of Bologne Fernand whom some call Peter lies in the Monastery of Saint Dominike of Lisbone which this King built The Countesse his mother led him with her when as being aduertised of this second marriage she came into Portugal to know the cause why she was thus abandoned She landed at Cascais a sea towne at the mouth of the riuer of Tayo fiue leagues from Lisbone and from thence sent to intreat exhort and to summon the King her husband of his duty for want whereof she made the protestations ordayned by the Canons in that cause but she could haue no other reason nor answere from the King but if it were lawful to breake the lawes it was for a kingdome and that if he thought to augment his dominions by marrying againe he would euery day take a new wife These were the fruits of her voyage and D. Alphonso shewed himselfe so rigorous vnto her as hee would not vouchsafe to see her nor to heare any councel that was giuen hm by his seruants who had a regard to Iustice feared God more then him wherefore this poore Countesse returned and left this sonne in Portugal being in France she made her complaints of the disloyalty of her husband to the King Saint Lewis and sent some to doe the like to Pope Alexander the fourth that by his Ecclesiastical censures D. Alphonso might be forced to leaue D. Beatrix and take the Countesse his lawful wife againe The Pope did what he could exhorting commanding yea and excommunicating the King and interdicting his realme but D. Alphonso was so obstinate as he suffred the realme of Portugal to remaine interdict ten or twelue yeeres Contumacy of D. Alphonso King of Portugal as long as the Countesse liued During the which time the Portugals had leisure to forget that which they had learned in religion when as the King finding himselfe free he was absolued by Pope Clement the fourth retayning D. Beatrix without any let who in the meane time brought him foure children the Infant D. Denis so called for that hee was borne on Saint Denis day in the yeare 1261. who was king of Portugal and Algarbe the Infant D. Alphonso who was Lord of Portalegre Genealogie of Portugal Ronches Murban Castile de Vide and other lands and had to wife D. Violant daughter to D. Manuel of Castile sonne to D. Fernand the third and two daughters D. Blancho who was a Nunne in the Monasterie of Lorban and afterwards Abbesse of Saint Mary de las Huelgas of Burgos and D. Constance Besides these lawfull children this king D. Alphonso had one bastard sonne called Fernand Alphonso of Portugall and one daughter whose name was D. Leonora of Portugall married to an Earle called D. Gonçalo Whilest he stood excommunicated he made warre against the Moores which remained in Algarbe in the yeare 1260. 1260. and chased them out of Faro Laule Algezir and Albofera and augmented his dominions therewith Hee built the towne of Castro of Portalegre and Extremos Religious houses built by D. Alphonso during the Interdict he repayred Veja and other places which had beene ruined by the Moores He did not leaue to build Monasteries and religious houses during the Interdiction for he finished that of the preaching Friars of Saint Dominicke at Lisbone and did build that of Saint Clara of Saint Iren and others he gaue great almes and did many charitable deeds to expiate the sinne which he intended by the taking of a second wife not beeing separated from the first Moreouer to ease the people and to haue greater store of fruites in the country he caused certaine barren and waste ground to bee tilled neither did he forget to maintaine Iustice punishing theeues and malefactours whome his brothers carelesnesse had made insolent To conclude although he were defectiue and blemished in his marriages yet was hee a profitable Prince for his country Whilest these things passed in Portugall Castile and that the warre continued in Germany against the fauourers of Richard elect king of the Romanes D. Alphonso king of Castile sent an Ambassage of certaine Cleargi-men to Pope Alexander the fourth the which were D. Dominicke bishop of Auila D. Garcia bishop of Sylues and Iohn Alphonso Archdeacon of the church of Saint Iames learned men and of great authoritie who demanded assignation of the time of his Coronation and also to contradict the election of Richard who did not care to prosecute his right by iustice but by force and armes Attending the euent of these troubles and the returne of his Ambassadours D. Alphonso king of Castile ordered some things touching the policie of his Realm he decryed those sorts of money which he had coyned called Bourgalois and caused others to be made which they called blacke pence and in old Spanish Prietos fifteene of which were worth a Marauidis of gold and he made other lawes which were profitable to the Common-weale Whilest he was busie about these things and irresolute of his voyage into Germany hee had another crosse which stayed him more for his brother D. Henry a turbulent Prince and an enemy to all quiet committed many insolencies at Lebrixa where he did remain tending to open rebellion wherefore he sent D. Nugno de Lara from Seuile to suppresse him by whom he was vanquished and forced to fly to Valencia from whence the king Don Iaime caused him to dislodge for that he would not discontent his sonne in lawe wherupon he past into Affrick to the King of Tunes This Prince foure yeares after crost into Italy and was made Senator of Rome which is the chiefe dignity of that citty and grew to haue great authority and credit in the estate of Italy in the time of Pope Clement the fourth who was successor to Vrbain the fourth 8 The king of Nauarre Nauarre who was come into France finding his affaires in great disorder sought to settle them to maintain his rights in the Counties of Brie and Champagne beeing in controuersie the which he preserued by the fauour and authority of the King Saint Lewis and moreouer a marriage was made betwixt him and Isabel of France the kings daughter at Melun whom he led into Nauarre D. Iame king of Arragon was the mediator of this marriage who in a manner at the same time gaue his daughter Izabel in marriage to Philip the Hardy sonne to the king Saint Lewis
and heire to the crown of France promised vnto him long before King Thibaud had not any children by this Princesse wherefore his brother Henry succeeded him in the Realme of Nauarre He had one bastard-daughter called D. Marquise Children of king Thibaud the 2. whose mothers name was D. Marquise Lope de Rada who we may coniecture was allyed to that Gil de Rada who it may be for this iniurie left Nauarre and retired into Arragon where he did homage to the King D. Iaime for his castell of Rada This daughter was afterwards married vnto Don Pero Fernandes Lord of Ixar sonne to the King D. Iaime and to D. Theresa Gil of Bedaura whom he had secretly married as we haue sayd 9 It was at that time that by the commandement of D. Alphonso king of Castile Castile many learned men laboured to reduce into one body the booke of the lawes of Castile commonly called las siete partidas which the King D. Fernand had caused them to begin and which since hath beene augmented by the succeeding kings with many ordonances the which was reviewed againe by Pero Lopes Alcocer Compiler of the lawes of Spaine Doctor Escudero Pero Lopes Arrieta and in the end by Bartholomew of Ariença Lawyers these are the lawes by the which the Realmes of Castille and Arragon are gouerned and the administration and practise of Iustice in those countries This King Don. Alphonso giuen to study it may be more then was fit for a Prince which had so great a kingdome to gouerne Tables astronomicall of Don Alphonso caused also those famous Astronomicall tables to be made which carry his name hauing drawne into the citty of Toledo a great number of men learned in the Mathematickes and Physickes as well of his owne countries as out of Affricke and other parts both Christians and Arabians where be comprehends a certaine supputation of the heauenly motion of the starres and planets and of their aspects and incounters setting downe for a rule and fundamentall point of all astronomicall account the situation of Toledo where he consumed an infinit treasure Hee did beautifie these goodly Sciences of Physicke and Philosophie causing the writings of the Arabians and other Ancients to be put into more familiar tongues whereby he deserues that thankefull posteritie should maintaine a commendable memorie of his vertue yet he is to be blamed for that these honest exercises did so rauish his spirits and hindred the care he ought to haue had of the affaires of State that hee shewed himselfe so slacke and negligent as thinking to be Emperor he found himselfe not onely excluded from that dignity but also dispossest of his owne Realme hauing reaped no other fruites of his studies but the vaine surname of Wise and Learned Which doth admonish Princes to preferre action before contemplation yet ioyning the one to the other with moderation He left some markes of him in the Prouince of Guipuscoa in the town of Mondragon the which was so called by him for certaine causes whereas the auncient name was Arraçate and did indow it with great priuiledges whereof the letters are to be seene at this day Giuen in the towne of Exnatorafe called at this day as the Spaniards say Adelantamiento of Caçorla which are the most ancient letters which are to bee found in the Castillan tongue in all Spaine for vntill this Kings raigne all records instruments and publike writings were made in Latin but he brought in the Castillan style in all sorts of writings causing many bookes yea of the holy Scripture to bee translated into that tongue whereby it was much beautified In this priuiledge there are many assistants or witnesses named as well of his owne Realmes as strangers which shewes that his Court was frequented as if hee had beene peaceable Emperour by Princes and Noblemen of the Empire which are there named his Vassalls as Hugh Duke of Bourgongne Guy Earle of Flanders Henry Duke of Lorraine Lewis Earle of Beaumont and other Princes holding their Lands and reuenewes in fee of the Empire Many Princes of the Moores are there also named as Vassalls to this King In the same qualitie are named in this priuiledge Gaston Lord of Bearne Guy Vicount of Limoges who it may bee had some fees in Spaine or depending of the Empire Many also are named in this priuiledge as Benefactours Queene Violant his children Don Fernand and Don Sancho according to the custome of the Kings of Spaine and of witnesses a great number This king Don Alphonso did also cause a collection of the Histories of Spaine to bee made the which is read at this day called a generall Chronicle Beeing by reason of these things in great reputation and esteemed among strangers by the report as it is likely of learned men whome he did cherish in all countries The Sultan of Egypt a Turke which raigned then called Al●andexauer sent him presents of cloth and beastes of Egypt Lybia Aethiopia and other neighbor Countries strange vnto the Spaniards the which were requited by him with other gifts Beeing thus respected by Barbarians afarre off hee was contemned by them which held their lands dignities and liues of his bountie for in the yeare 1261. An. 1261. there beeing an assembly at Granado Moores of all the Princes Moores which held any lands in Spaine they made a league together and conspired all against him and without any long delay beeing long before prepared they went to field and forced the townes of Xeres Arcos Bejar Lebrixa Medina Sidonia Rota and Saint Lucar king Mahumet Aben-Alhamar of Grando beeing the chiefe against whome Garcia Gomes Gouernour of Xeres defended himselfe valiantly but it auayled not This reuolt did much annoy the elect Emperor Don Alphonso yet hauing sent some troupes of horse and foote the Moores which were disperst in the Christians countrie were soone supprest The Realme of Valencia had beene subdued by the king of Arragon Arragon so as that time D. Simon de Fosses beeing Vice-roy there was no alteration in those parts by the Moores yet this Prince was neuer in good quiet with his subiects by reason of the importunitie and contumacie of his eldest sonne Don Alphonso who did continually stirre vp new tumults vppon colour of portions betwixt him and his brethren a question which had bin handled but not decided in many Assemblies of the Estates and by Iudges appointed by them during D. Alphonso's life-time He died about the yeare 1260. soone after his marriage with Constance daughter to Gaston Lord of Bearne Death of D. Alphonso Infant of Arragā In the yeare 1261. the marriage of the Infant D. Pedro was consummated who then tooke the degree of the eldest with Constance daughter to Manfroy Prince of Tarentum soone after the celebration of the marriage of his sister D. Izabel with Philip of France at Clermont in Auuergne After which solemnities the question for the Infants portions was reuiued with as bad successe as it
had beene when Don Alphonso liued for Don Pedro could not indure that any thing should be dismembred from the Crowne nor that any lands or titles should bee assigned to his brethren but would haue them to depend wholly vppon him the which the King their father did not hold fit for the quiet and rranquility of the Realme knowing wel the rough disposition of Don Pedro who was cruell and inexorable wherefore notwithstanding the protestations of Don Pedro which were ordinarie refusing to allow of Order in that respect but by constraint and to obey the king his father It was decreed that after the decease of the King Don Iaime the Infant D. Pedro should succeed in the realme of Arragon and Valencia and should haue by the same right the Principalitie of Cattelogne limited from the riuer of Singa vnto Cap de Crux That Don Iames the younger should haue with the title of a King the Ilands of Majorca Minorca and the Pityuses and moreouer the Counties of Rossillon Collibre Conflans Cerdagne and Vallespire with the rights of Montpellier with charge to acknowledge the Soueraigntie of Arragon for these Segneuries vpon the maine land but Don Pedro did complaine wonderfully at this portion which was assigned to his brother D. Iames. There were other quarrels pretended by the Nobility of Arragon complaining that the king D. Iaime did breake their priuiledges and liberties by reason whereof they made many leagues and factions The matter beeing debated in the Estate of Sarragossa and then at Exea in the yeare 1265. there were orders made for the pacifying of those troubles As not to giue any honors or militarie fees to any but to Gentlemen of race and borne in the country That no Gentleman should be subiect to the tribute of cattell nor to any other That in all controuersies which the Nobility might haue against the king or among themselues the Magistrate called the Iustice Maior of Arragon should be Iudge beeing assisted by the Councell That the King should not giue the fees and military rewards affected to them that do him seruice as a recompence of their vertue and valor to any of his lawfull children who by right haue their portions in the realme In this assembly of the Estates the King was sollicited by the Pope to roote the Moores out of his Dominions the which was hard to effect neither was it done The warre in Germany began to grow cold by the absence of Richard Castile who for want of money was forced to dissolue his army and to go into England to make a supply wheras he found his brother Henry ingaged in ciuill warres whereby he stayed there and neuer returned into the territories of the Empire so as Don Alphonso by his delayes lost many good occasions to effect his desseignes Approching heare vnto the Moores fronters with a great army he built a castell in the territorie of Alarcos which hee named Villa Reall and since called citty Reall by the king D. Iohn the second The place where it was built was before called Pozuello of Saint Gil. Leauing all care of the Empire for a time he made violent warre against the Moores of Granado Murcia and other confederates so as Mahumet Aben-Alhamar was forced to flie to Aben Ioseph Miralmumin of Maroc for succors who sent a thousand genets or light horse Arabians into Spain in the yeare one thousand two hundred sixty three An. 1263. which was the first succors which past into Spaine since that the kings of Maroc had abandoned and lost it one and fifty yeares after the rout in the fields of Tolousa or Muradal in Andalusia The towne of Xeres was recouered by the Christians and manned with a great garrison Bejar Medina Sidonia Rota and S. Lucar were in like manner taken as also Arcos and Lebrixa from whence the king chased the Moores and planted Christians Port S. Mary was built and other small exploits of warre done whilest the good time lasted Winter comming on the king dissolued his army the which was exceeding great for he had called all such as had in former times beene at the warre and had horse and armes exempting them of the village of Martiniega from the Custome of cattel and other Tributes and Impositions besides their ordinary pay The king with some Noblemen stayed at Seuile during this warre which was in the yeare 1264. 1264. his father-in-law D. Iaime of Arragon met with him in Alcarras with good troupes of souldiers to second him against the Moores of Murcia the which with their king was reduced vnder the obedience of the king of Castille An. 1265. the yeare following 1265. The king of Granado was so ioyfull of these succors which were come vnto him out of Affricke Moores and gaue such great intertainment to these Arabians at his subiects charge as many began to murmure against him in somuch as the Captaines of Malaga and Guadix of friends became his enemies and many of his followers holding themselues lesse esteemed them these new come conceiued a great hatred against him so as hee began to feare a reuolt of his subiects And for that he would not be ingaged in two wars at once one ciuill another forraine he laboured to make his peace with king D. Alphonso coming vpon assurance vnto him to Alcala of Bencaide and there sware his fealty and homage anew Accord betwixt Castile and Granado in the presence of Mahomet Alamir his son promising to pay him 250000. Marauidis of gold for a yearely tribute and renounced the allyance of Aben Hudiel king of Murcia Wherefore king D. Alphonso did more easily subdue him who yeelded with al his townes demanding pardon for his offence the which he obtained by the intercession of the king of Granado newly reconciled his life was saued and some rents assigned him but his royal dignity was taken from him in the which the king of Castile placed another Moore called also Mahomet brother to Aben-Hut who had beene slaine in Almerie to whome he gaue the third part of the reuenues of that Realme As for the Captaines of Malaga and Guadix D. Alphonso had promised vnto the king of Granado by this last accord not to fauor them against him the which he kept at that time did procure a truce betwixt them for a season During the which Mahomet Aben Alhamar came vnto D. Alphonso at Murcia to intreate him againe the truce being expired not to support these two Captaines which had rebelled against him wherein the king of Castile dissembled refusing to promise him directly for he had an intent to bridle him by this meanes and in the end to ruine him Whereupon the king of Granado returned discontented being in his country he sought to corrupt the captaines of the king of Castiles forts which were neere vnto him namely Don Nugno Gonçales sonne to the Earle Don Nugno de Lara who was discontented for the wrongs and grieuances which his father Don Nugno de
had married D. Beatrix of Arragon Proprietary of that Earldome according to the Arragonois who was inuested by him in the realmes of Naples and Sicile in the yeere 1262. with charge that hee should expel Manfroy and pay a rent vnto the Church as feudatarie Charles by the perswasion of D. Beatrix his wife who was iealous to see her two sister Queenes the one of France the other of England vndertooke the voiage of Italy where his inuestiture was confirmed and he crowned with his wife at Rome at Saint Iohn of Latran by Pope Clement the fourth Then passing on against Manfroy who came to incounter him both armies met about at Bencuent Manfroy vanquished and slaine by the French in the yeere 1266. whereas Manfroy was slaine in battaile and his men vanquished so as Charles remained peaceble King of Naples and Sicile The body of Manfroy was not buried in holy ground for that he stood excommunicate but in a field nere vnto beneuent from whence he was afterwards transported vnto the confines of Campania his wife and children being taken by the French died in prison Some yeeres after Conradin the right heire of these realmes past into Italy being perswaded by many Italians of the Gibeline faction who hauing incountred the French army neere vnto Arezzo vanquished it wherefore marching boldly on hee had a second incounter with King Charles his army neere vnto Alba the which was vnfortunate for him for his army was not onely defeated but himselfe taken prisoner thinking to saue himselfe in a disguised habit and carried to Naples whereas King Charles by a detestable inhumanity thrust on by Pope Clement in the yeere 1269. cut off his head with that of his cousin Frederic Duke of Austria and of many Noblemen of Naples and Sicile which had followed Conradins party By these meanes the Popes gaue these realmes vnto the French and called them the two Sicilles the one on this side the other beyond the Far. Henry brother to D. Alphonso King of Castille Lieutenant of Rome was partisan to Conradin in this warre and was taken as hath beene sayd If the Sultan of Egipt a barbarous Prince hauing the King Saint Lewis and his brother Charles prisoners had intreated them in like manner the French would haue held it very strang But God powred forth his vengeance vpon the French some yeeres after in the Island of Sicile whether they called D. Pedro King of Aragon who had succeeded D. Iaime his father in the yeere 1276. who without delay caused himselfe to be crowned in Saragossa by Bernard Oliuelia Archbishop of Tarragone but before he receiued the crowne he made protestation that he would not be bound to any submission nor promise which Pedro his Grandfather had made vnto the Pope or the church of Rome to the preiudice of the liberty of his realme to the end they should not pretend that hee was their Leege-man or vassal In the same assembly of Estates of Sarragossa he caused the oth to be confirmed to his son D. Alphonso to raigne after him as heire presumptiue and for that at his comming to the crowne he had not assembled the Estates of Cattelogne at Barcelona according to the ancient customes there to promise and sweare the obseruation of the rights lawes and preuiledges of the country the Noblemen of Cattelogne being long inured to tumults they made a league and conspired with the townes for the preseruation of their liberties the chiefe of which conspiracy were D. Roger Bernard Earle of Foix holding many fees and much land in Cattelog●e Arnold Roger Earle of Pallars Ermengaud Earle of Vrgel and Aznar his brother Raymond Foulques Vicont of Cardone Bernard Roger Eril Raymond Anglesol and William Raymond Iosse whereof we will hereafter make mention But wee must returne into Castille where we haue left King D. Alphonso the wise much troubled for the disorders which had happened during his absence 21 Being arriued at Toledo euery man repaired thether Castille and especially the Infant D. Sancho who had made truce for two yeeres with the Moores Thether came also D. Lope Diaz of Haro An audacious speech of D. Lope Diaz d● Haro who was so hardy as to deliuer a message for them all that it would please him to declare his sonne D. Sancho his successor in the realmes of Castille Toledo Leon and other places seeing hee had already giuen some proofes of his vertue and valour against the Moores and that he was the eldest of his sons lyuing to whom the King made but a cold answere in the beginning but hauing afterwards assembled the Estates in the towne of Segobia D Alphonso reiects the children of D. Fernand his eldest sonne from the succession and giues it to D. Sancho by the councel of the Infant D. Manuel his brother he resolued to gratefie D. Sancho whom he made heire of the crowne after his decease and in this quality hee was receiued by them all Thus D. Alphonso and D. Fernand the children of Don Fernand de la Cerde were put from the royall succession which did belong vnto them by right although that some excuse this fact of D. Alphonso saying that there was no law at that time which did binde him to leaue the realme more to one then to an other as since there was made and receiued in the time of D. Fernand the fifth in the city of Toro where it was decreed vpon this difficultie that the children of the elder brother deceased should in that respect be preferred before the vncle representing their fathers person The Queene D. Violant and D. Blanche widow to D. Fernand were so discontented with this resolution of the Estates of Segobia as taking his young children with them they went out of the country of Castille to D. Pedro King of Arragon brother to the Queene D. Violant Many Noblemen and townes of the Realme did also hold it to bee very vniust foreseeing many great miseries which would ensue if the children did liue King D. Alphonso finding this discontentment came to Burgos where transported with choller he caused his brother D. Fadrique or Frederic to bee smothered without any forme of iustice and commanded that D. Symon Ruis of Haro Lord of Los Cameros should he burned in the towne of Treuigno Cruelty of King D Alphonso for that they had assisted the Ladies in their retreat into Arragon the which terrefied euery man He sent also to D. Pedro King of Arragon to complaine that he had receiued these Princesses and the children whereof he excused himselfe with good words Going from Burgos An. 1278. he past through the country of Leon and then tooke the way to Seuile being resolued to make warre against the Moores so as in the yeeere 1278. hee laied siege to Algezire where there was a small garrison of the Miralmumins of Affrike D. Pedro his sonne was chiefe at this siege but notwithstanding they prest it both by sea and land
vppon reports or some other vaine imagination that the king of the Moores would stay him as he parted by night in great hast and returned to Seuile The Miralmumin beeing much discontented at this iealousie sent vnto him to excuse himselfe and to assure him that he neuer had any such thought intreating him to send him his troupes the which he would entertaine and so enter into the countrie of Granado against king Mahomad his enemy hauing conspired with Don Sancho his sonne whereunto D. Alphonso yeelded and sent him a thousand horse who presently receiued pay but growing suddenly into a iealousie that they would leade them into Affricke they abandoned the Miralmumin and sent him the remainder of his money The King of Maroc seeing these proceedings grew discontented and returned into Affricke yet nothing estranged in his affection to pleasure D. Alphonso D. Fernand Perez Ponce of Leon Commander of these thousand horse durst not returne to king D. Alphonso hauing no lawfull excuse to haue abandoned king Iacob Aben Ioseph but whilest he intertained himselfe about Cordoua there was an oportunitie offered which did deface this blemish It was strange that these thousand horse did charge ten thousand which sallyed out of the citty the which were assembled from all the parts of Spaine for Don Sancho and defeated them Wherefore returning to Seuile they were well receiued D. Sancho who was then absent from Cordoua was much discontented at this route and did so sharpely rebuke his men for their rashnesse daring to present themselues against his fathers Standard royall Hypocrisie of the Infant D. Sancho the which he did euer greatly reuerence Thus Don Sancho did honour the Images and royall ensignes but not the king his father who being much incensed with the continuall vexation of his sonnes rebellion who had vsurped his Realmes hee pronounced in the presence of many men of marke both Clergie and Secular in the Cittie of Seuile about the end of that yeare 1282. An. 1282. the curse of God and his vppon D. Sancho a sonne sayd he disobedient rebellious and a parricide declaring him incapable and vnworthy to raigne Curse of the father vpon D. Sancho depriuing him of his succession and inheritance and discharging the subiects as much as in him lay from all oath and homage which they had done vnto him This act was done with great solemnitie and maiestie but they were but words which D. Sancho did not much esteeme who at the same time returned to Cordoua and conferred with the king of Granado at Priego to whome hee restored Arenas and renewed their League In the yeare 1283. 1283. D. Sancho beeing come to Carcetes to Pont d'Alcantara and to Ledesma he forced the Infant D. Pedro his brother to hold his party who notwithstanding had a great desire to follow his fathers who intended to giue him the countrie of Murcia with the title of a king He did the like to the Infant D. Iohn who aspired to haue the kingdome of Leon for himselfe all which was forced Many knights which followed these Princes and which were well affected to king D. Alphonso escaped and passing thorough Portugal came to Seuile The towne of Agreda reuolted and followed the kings partie and Infant D. Sancho beeing come against it he had newes that Martin d'Aybar Gouernor of Treuigno was also reuolted and had receiued Don Iohn Nugnes de Lara with a great bootie which he had taken in the territories of Burgos into Treuigno from whence he made roads and did annoy his people D. Sancho sent D. Lope Diaz de Haro against them who made them to keepe within their fort Thus was the warre mannaged betwixt the father and the sonne in Castile and other places depending 25 During the which D. Pedro king of Arragon Nauarre had giuen libertie to his soldiers vppon the fronter who were daily in skirmish against the Nauarrois especially they of Sos and Filera against the Inhabitants of Sanguessa and they were so incensed one against another as they could not be pacified yet the diligence of Eustache Bellemarche Gouernor of Nauarre made them to lay aside armes and to conclude a truce for a time Bellemarche returned into France and in his place a Knight called Guerin of Amplepuis gouerned the Realme of Nauarre Philip the third King of France beeing Protector of this Realme for his Neece Queene Iane had also occasion to thinke of the affaires of Spaine for that the children of D. Fernand de la Cerde borne of his sister D. Blanche had not only beene deiected by the King D. Alphonso from the right of succession to the Crowne of Castile which did belong vnto them as children to the eldest sonne but also these two young Princes D. Alphonso and D. Fernand de la Cerde were kept prisoners in the castell of Xatiua by the king of Arragon and moreouer beeing aduertised that besides the Arragonois attempts in former times their king had made a new accord at Campillo with D. Sancho of Castile Practises of the Castillans and Arragonois against Nauar. where among other things it was concluded that they should inuade the Realme of Nauarre at their common charges and diuide the conquest equally Moreouer that at another enterview betwixt D. Sancho of Castile and D. Pedro of Arragon the Infant had resigned vnto D. Pedro all the right he pretended to Nauarre promising neuer to make warre there without his liking to the end he might bee the more freely assisted with the forces of Arragon to dispossesse his father King Philip was wise and of power to preuent all these practises all which he made frustrate in regard of Nauarre Yet he did in vaine sollicite the kings of Castile and Arragon for the deliuerance of his Nephewes who were at Xatiua He sent good troupes of horsemen into Nauarre for the guard of the countrie and to be readie vpon all occasions The factions betwixt the Nobilitie of Castile some holding the partie of King Don Alphonso others that of Don Sancho his sonne fell out happily for the French and Nauarrois in many things for Nauarre serued for a retreat to all those that were in disgrace with Don Sancho Many of the chiefe of Castile and other places depending came and ioyned with the troupes of France and Nauarre and making roades into Castile did alwaies keepe the Realme of Nauarre in reputation and made the forces to be redoubted the which changed many Gouernors in a short time for after Eustache Bellemarche and Guerin of Amplepuis William of Broede was sent thither and then Iohn of Conflans L. of Dompierre Marshall of Champagne in the yeare 1283. when as among other Noblemen of Castile there fled into Nauarre Don Nugno de Lara Don Pero Aluarez of the Asturies Don Ramir Diaz Don Fernand Ruis de Cabrera and Don Fernand Ruis de Saldaigne who ioyned with others which made themselues strong in the Countrie which were the Infant Don Iaime of
the towne of Carrion the weeke before Easter whether the Earle D. Lope Diaz came well accompanied he complained vnto him of the excesse which his sonne in law D. Iohn had done to whom the Earle answered proudly Speech audatious of the Earl D. Lope Diaz de Haro that hee had not done any thing but what he had aduised him and that if hee would heare the Infants reasons hee should goe to Vailledolit and hee would bring him to Cigales This proud manner of speech of the Earles seemed strange vnto the King and increased his desire to punish them both Notwithstanding he went to Vailledolit and the Earle with his sonne in law came to Cigales not daring to come in the Kings presence in any great towne There the Deputies of either part did confer dayly at a place called Loueruela whereas these iarres were somewhat reconciled wherevpon the King came towards the frontiers of Arragon to treat with the King D. Alphonso touching the deliuery of his Nephewes the sonnes of La Cerde whereof hee was much sollicited euen by the Earle D. Lope Diaz Notwithstanding before the King D. Sancho could approch nere to Tarassone where the King of Arragon was the Earle had preuented him who hauing spoken with the King of Arragon hee reported vnto his maister that he found by the way that the King of Arragon would not be pleased with this kinde of enterview and therefore hee had no need to passe any farther The Earle finding himselfe somewhat crost by the enterview of the King D. Sancho and him of Portugal did also thinke that this would bee nothing fauorable vnto him 6 As for D. Arragon Alphonso of Arragon whom we haue left carefull to execute the charge which the King his father had giuen him to dispossesse the King D. Iames his vncle of the Islands of Majorca and Minorca after the conquest thereof hee had brought backe his victorious army to Valencia and there was receiued and acknowledged for King by the Valentians Yet he was admonished by D. Bernard William Entenza and Symon of Vrrea Ambassadors for the Estates of Vrrea to come speedily to the assembly at Saragossa where hauing sworne and promised the obseruation of the customes rights and preuiledges of the country and receiued the oth of fealty from the deputies he might lawfully take vpon him the title of King of Arragon the which said they he might not vse before this act and ceremony according to the ancient customes of Arragon The King hauing giuen them audience at Moruiedro he answered them courteously that he would repaire thether with speed and as for the royal title he had held it reasonable to take it seeing he had beene so saluted by the Archbishop of Tarragone and by the Cattelans and Valentians Being come to Saragossa he tooke and receiued the oth and was crowned by the Bishop of Huesco in the absence of the Archbishop of Tarragone to whom by the Popes decree this office doth appertaine where he protested that he held the realme as hereditary from his father and was not bound to any At this assembly of the Estates which was in the yeere 1286. there grew great contention touching the reformation of the manners of courtiers and the ordering of the Kings house the noblemen and deputies of the Estates of Arragon maintayning that the knowledge thereof was incident to their charge the King and his houshold seruants on the other side denied that there was either law or custome which tied the King or his followers to any such subiection In the end it was concluded that the reformation of the court should bee made by Reformati●● of the King of Arragon house be●or●ged to the generall Estates twelue of the principal families which they cal in that country Mesnadas the like number of Knights foure Deputies of Saragossa and one of either of the other cities the which should giue their voices in that case This vnion of Arragon obtained a decree that the King should haue certaine councellors chosen that is foure of the chiefe Noblemen which were D. Pedro d' Aierbe the kings vncle Pedro Cornel Artal Alagon and Pedro Martines de Luna foure knights of noble and ancient races which were D. Fortun Sanches Vera Symon Perez Salanoua Symon Perez Vera and Arnaud de Castro and foure of his household seruants that is D. Gyles de Bedaure Roderigo Sanches Pomar Alphonso de Castel nouo and Fernand Perez Pigna Moreouer two knights for the realme of Valencia two citizens of Sarragossa and one of either of the other cities of Huesca of Tarassone Iacca Barbastro Calatajub Turol and Daroca with a condition that whilst the King should remaine in Arragon Ribagorça or Valencia two of the noblemen two of his houshold seruants two Knights of Arragon one of Valencia and the foure Deputies of the realme of Arragon should follow and reside in court as councellors appointed by the vnion the which by the mouth of D. Fortun Sancho de Vera Sancho Martines Laeunella and the Deputies of Saragossa Huesca and Turol who were sent to that end protested that if he did not receiue obserue and maintaine these orders they would seize vpon his reuenues and of all the fees offices and dignitles of such noblemen as should contradict them thus were the Kings of Arragon intreated in those times This yeere the King restored D. Philip de Gastro sonne to his vncle D. Fernand Sanches who as we haue sayd was cast into the riuer of Singa as wel to the possession of the Moores expelled out of Min●re● castle of Pomar as to the rest of his fathers patrimony and for that there were some remainders of Moores which stood out in the Island of Minorca the King soone after went thether with an army in person and clensed the whose country hauing forced them to fly into the castle of Agaic and to compound from whence according to the treaty they were transported into Affrike by D. Raymond Marquet and Berenger Majol In the meane time King D. Alphonso did sollicit the Pope by his Ambassadors to receiue him into fauour which the French did hinder for besides the rights pretended by Charles of Valois and granted to him by the Pope to the realme of Arragon and lands anexed which were interdict there was moreouer that not onely the two yong Princes D. Alphonso and D. Fernand de la Cerde were detained prisoners by the King of Arragon but also Charles called the Limping sonne and heire to Charles of Aniou King of Naples and Sicile for whose release Philip the father and sonne Kings of France had beene earnest solicitors and taken armes and euen at that instant Philip the faire did presse the Kings of Castille and Arragon and in regard of Charles the Limping E●ward King of England did labour to make a peace betwixt him and the Kings of Arragon and Sicile brethren In the meane time there was continual warre in Italy whether Robert Earle of
which were both Queenes the one named D. Ieanne wife to Henry the second King of Castile and the other D. Constance married to D. Pedro King of Portugal During the marriage of Duke Iohn of Brittaine and of D. Isabel at Burgos the Infant D. Iohn of Castile alwaies like himself turbulent seditious came nere vnto the city accompanied with soldiars Distrust of D. Iohn of Castille and treachery of the King D. Fernand the cause of great trouble would not enter without assurance the which was giuen him yet notwithstanding the King commanded he should be taken and slaine whereof beeing aduertised by the Queene mother vpon whose word hee was chiefely entred into the Citie hee went forth verie earely in the morning seeming for to goe a hunting and so escaped Beeing pursued in vaine by the Kings men which hee had sent after him Many knights and among others D. Iohn Nugnes de Lara detesting the Kings treachery and withal ill affected to him followed D. Iohn and beganne new troubles in the Realme of Castille The Duke of Brittaine gaue them leaue to end their quarrels and carried away his spouse into Brittaine The Queene mother with the Archbishop of Saint Iames and the Bishops of Palence Lugo and Mondognedo labored to pacifie and content these rebels and in the meane time D. Constance the Queene raigning was brought in bed of her sonne D. Alphonso in the city of Salamanca who was heire of the Realmes of Castille and Leon. The King of Castille and Arragon Alliance renued betwixt Castille and Arragon had an enterview at Calatajub where a promise of marriage was made betwixt D. Leonora of Castille who was but three yeeres old and the Infant D. Iames of Arragon and an other marriage was concluded betwixt D. Pedro brother to the King of Castille with Donna Maria daughter to the King of Arragon and there the two Kings made a new league and confederation against the Infidels to make warre against whom the King of Castille called an assembly of the Estates of Castille at Vailedolit from whence D. Pedro the Kings brother was sent with an army to beseege Alcaudete In the meane time the King staied in Castille making seizures and taking by force certaine castles which did belong vnto his Rebels Afterwards hee came in person into Andalusia where being arriued at Martos hee caused two knights brethren to bee apprehended being accused for a murther commited on the person of Don Iohn Alphonso de Benauides who had beene slaine at Palence going out of the Kings lodging These two brethren whom they called Peter and Iohn of Carauajal Two brethren e●ecuted vniustly beeing condemned without any great proofes to bee cast downe head-long from the top of the rocke of Martos as they were at their execution protesting of their Innocency they adiourned the King to appeere before the Tribunal seat of Almighty GOD Alcaudete taken by the King of Castille within thirty daies after to giue reason of the death which he made them suffer vniustly notwithstanding all this they were executed The King beeing come to the Campe before Alcaudete hee beganne to be ill and came to Iaen where hee remained some daies little regarding his Physitions in the meane time D. Pedro tooke Alcaudete Mahumet Aben-Azar the fourth King of Granado IN the realme of Granado Moores the yonger brother hauing dispossest the elder had much ado to be receiued and obeyed by the Moores Granadins who resisted him especially Farrachen his brother in law captaine of Malaga so as Alcaudete could not be releeued The new King Mahumet Aben-Azar Aben-Lemin being in some sort setled and assured of his Kingdome caused his brother that was prisoner to be cruelly slaine and sent to the King D. Fernand being at Iaen to renue the league which the Kings his predec●ssors had with Castille the which was done the Infant Don Pedro beeing present where amongst other resolutions it was concluded that all together should make warre against Ferrachen of Malaga but the sodaine death of Don Fernand crossed this deseigue The King being laied to sleepe one afternoone Castille the thirtieth day from the assignation which was giuen him by the two gentlemen which were executed at Martos when as they of his chamber thought that he slept more then was fit they entred into his chamber to see what he did Death of King F●r●and the four●o where they found him starke dead the which was attributed to the iudgement of God This vnexpected death which happened in the yeere of our Lord 1312. did much trouble the Realme he was about fiue and twenty yeeres old he had raigned aboue seuenteene and was buried in the great church at Cordoua Soone after Philip the Faire the French King died Nauarre leauing the Crowne and Scepter to Lewis Hutin King of Nauarre his sonne Some hold that this King Philip had the like adiournement to the Iudgement of God in the towne of Bourdeaux where there was a knight of the Templers executed in his presence beeing borne at Naples who seeing the Pope and the King at a window to behold this execution cried out with a loud voice seeing there is no worldly power to the which I may appeale from the sentence giuen against the Templers by the Pope at the Kings instance I doe adiorne them both to appeere before God within one yeere An. 1313. so as that yeere being 1313. they both died Lewis Hutin had then raigned eight yeeres in Nauarre when he came to the crowne of France King Philip the faire his father is noted to bee very vnfortunat in many things both in religion in the gouernment of his realme and in his owne house Hee was neuer in peace with the Church of Rome in the which although he were the eldest sonne he caused many scandales hauing had deadly hatred with the Popes especially with Pope Boniface the eight Vnfortunat obseruations in Philp the Faire and his posterity whom hee forced to die miserably hee transported the Sea of Rome into France Clement the fifth being made Pope whom he vsed as a fit instrument in many bad practises as hatred and couetousnesse did mooue him hee did ruine with a strang cruelty and without discretion the Order of the Templers which sect admit it were corrupted yet many deserued better vsage he falsefied the money in France exacted tithes of the Clergy imposed the tribut called Maletosts and the fifth penny vpon all Marchandise he was prodigall without iudgement hee intreated the Flemings vniustly and their Princes cruelly by captiuities and vnworthy vexations not sparing the innocent virgin Philip daughter to Cont Guy who had beene giuen him in hostage whom they say he caused to be smothered others affirme he caused her to be poisoned some say shee was drowned with many gentlewomen and maidens of honour which did attend her others and it may be the most certaine write that she died for griefe All this
Don Iohn the blind sent many Knights thither to whom the bodie was deliuered and they were accompanied to the first towne of the Christians then they tooke their way to Cordoua from thence it was trasported to Burgos whither they had carried D. Pedro and there they were interred By this vnexpected victorie the affaires of Ismael king of Granado grew in reputation and force recouering many places which had beene lost before Don Iohn Manuel the sonne of D. Manuel of Castile maintaining the warre against the Moores Towards Murcia Ismael tooke Huescar Ores and Galere places belonging to the Order of Saint Iames and returning towards Andalusia he beseeged Martos and tooke it by force commanding them to kill all they found aliue in it yet most of them saued themselues in the fort and defended it against the Moores who lost many of their best men and among others a Nephew to Ozmin the which gaue great occasion of murmure against king Ismael for that he did so hazard his Nobility in these dangerous assaults In this estate stood the warre of Granado the which was ended with them fo Andalusia vpon king Ismaels returne to Granado vpon condition that the Castillans being ready to chuse new tutors for the yong king D. Alphonso should not receiue nor acknowledge any but that should confirme this truce During these alterations Castile the Q. D. Maria was gone into Portugal where she had conference with her son-in-law D. Alphonso Infant of Portugal at Font dAugilero a Bourg of Cite Roderigo frō thence was returned with the yong K. of Castile to Toro where she had newes of the moserable end of D. Pedro and D. Iohn whereupon she made present dispatches to all the chiefe townes of the realme and to the Noblemen aduertising them of this disaster and exhorting them to continue faithfull vnto the king her grand-child and not to receiue commandement from any but from him or them that should bee appointed by the Estates for she feared D. Iohn Manuel who was rich and mighty an desirous of innouations would seeke to attaine to the Regencie of the king and Realme and saw on the other side that D. Iohn the blind had the like ambition against whom the Q. opposed D. Philip her son Tumults in Castile for the gouernement but as the most certaine Authors say D. Alphonso vncle to the king D. Alphonso All these Noblemen being well followed and keeping the field with good troupes of soldiers they wre ready to ioyne in battell neere vnto Auila the which was preuented by D. Iohn Manuel The Infant D. Fernand de la Cerde who was Lord Steward to the king was an actor in these ciuill seditions so as the realmes of Castile Leon and their appurtenances were full of all excesse violence and insolencies the which continued long notwithstanding that the Estates had chosen for tutors D. Philip or Don Alphonso D. Iohn Manuel An. 1320. and D. Iohn the blind in the yeare 1320. In the meane time the K. D. Alphonso to make his name more reuerent amongst his subiects granted certaine priuiledges vnto townes and among others to wall in a Bourg called Renteria the which was named Villanoua of Ojarçum in Guipuscoa and gaue it the title of a town the priuiledges of S. Sebastian from whence it is but a league distant The Infant D. Philip or Alphonso sware the truce made betwixt the king of Granado and them of Andalusia wherein the Cittie of Cordoua was comprehended for that they had giuen their voice for the gouernement of the King to Don Iohn Manuel against whome King Ismael was incensed This yeare D. Iohn Infant of Arragon son to the king D. Iames the 2. was consecrated Archb. of Toledo in the towne of Lerida in Cattelogne in stead of D. Gonçales deceased many Prelates beeing present and namely D. Ximenes de Luna Arch-bishop of Tarragone and Don Pedro de Luna first Arch-bishop of Saragossa erected to that dignitie in the yeare 1318. by Pope Iohn the 22. ouer the Bishops of Pampelona Calahorra Calçada Tarassone Huesca Segobia and Albarazin These two Arch-bishops of Tarragone and Saragossa did watch if the new Arch-bishop of Toledo as Primate of Spaine would march through their Dioceses with his crosse before him to the end they might oppose themselues by vertue of a certaine Constitution made at the Councell of Tarragone and so it happened whereupon the Arch-bishop of Toledo and all his followers were excommunicated by them for entring into their Iurisdictions which censure and excommunication was published by him of Sarragossa whereat the King Don Iames was much offended and did write vnto the Pope making great complaints of this manner of proceeding but being afterwards perswaded that it was done to maintaine the dignity of the Churches of his Realme he was pacified The Primate appealed from their sentences and proceeded against them The Pope calling the deciding of this question to the Apostolicke sea absolued the Arch-bishop of Toledo in the meane time and gaue him facultie to absolue his followers and seruants He was the seuen and fiftieth Arch-bishop of this sea Primate of Spaine At the same time Arragon Order of Montesa or litle before the king of Arragon had giuen to the knights of Monteça the towne and castell of Monteça wherof this Order carries the name the first Master was William of Errill who tooke the white habite of Galatraua in the yeare 1319. in the Monasterie of Santa Cruz from the hands of the Commander of Alcaniz These knights had some yeares after facultie to leaue the habite of Cisteaux and in stead thereof to carrie a redde crosse vpon their brests granted by Pope Benedict the thirteenth and confirmed by Pope Martin the fifth The King D. Iames by the aduice of his Estates held at Tarragone did make a perpetuall vnion of the Realmes of Arragon and Valencia and the principalitie of Cattelogne the which from that time should not for any occasion be dis-united In which assembly Vnion perpetuall 〈◊〉 Estates of 〈◊〉 Va●encia and Ca●●e●ogne the Infant Don Iames the eldest and heire to the Crown beeing readie to marrie D. Leonora of Castile suddenly by a strange affection quitting both his wife and so goodly a succession as that of the Realme of Arragon told the king his father that he had made a vow neither to marrie nor to raigne so as notwithstanding all the perswasions of the king and Noblemen he quit his birth-right to his brother D. Alphonso after the example of Esau. Beeing there set at liberty by the king he discharged the Estates of the oath they had made vnto him and presently put on the habite of the Knights of Ierusalem Iames heire of Arragon quits his inheritance the which he receiued by the hands of Bernard Solier in the presence of his brother Don Iohn Arch-bishop of Toledo Don Symon of Luna Arch-bishop of Tarragone Berenger Bishop of Vic and Raymond of
tributes vnto the Church At that time the chiefe men in the Iland were Brancaleon d' Oria and Hugues Vicont of Bassi this last being corrupted by the king of Arragon shewed himselfe an enemy to the Pisans and began the war of Sardinia with happie successe The king drew vnto his partie Guelphe Earle of Donoratico Kinsman to Cardinall Luke Fiesco and suddenly sent Dalmais Vicount of Rocabertin and his vncle Girard Bertrand of Castelet and Hugh of S. Paix Cattelans with 200. horse and 2000. foot to fortifie his partisans in the Iland Whilest that the armie assembled in the port of Fangoso where there met about the end of Iune in the yeare 1233. sixty gallies and 20. ships armed and aboue twice as many other vessels carrying victuals and baggage The Infant D. Alphonso parted with his fleet vnder the conduct of Francisco Carroço Admirall and came with a good wind to the port of S. Marke neere vnto the ruines of the ancient cittie of Sulsi a Colony of the Carthaginians The souldiers beeing landed began to presse the towne from the Church in the which were Barnabas d' Oria sonne to Brancaleon and other Captaines who after long resistance yeelded it to the Infant D. Alphonso The cities of Cailleti Eglise Aquafredda Iojosaguarda Orguilos Sardinia inuaded by the Arragonois Oleastro Quirrano Patra and other places held good for the Pisans whilest they battered the towne of Eglise the Admirall Francisco Carroso with 20. gallies beseeged the port of Cailleri and Dalmais Vicount of Rocabertin by land seazed vppon an hill which commanded the castell or fort of that citty but this place was releeeud by Manfroy sonne to Regnier one of Earles of Donoratico who came to Terranoua with 25. gallies of Pisa and some number of souldiers the which hauing landed at Decimo a Bourg so called for that it is ten myles from Cailleri by the fauour of this armie he gathered together a great number of Sardes and fortified himselfe in such sort as hee presumed to offer battaile to the Arragonois Those that were before the towne of Eglise were wonderfully afflicted with sicknesse which grew through the bad disposition of the ayre of Sardinia and euen the Infant D. Alphonso was in danger of death yet persisting at the seege the towne beeing prest by force and want of victuals it was yeelded Eglise yeelded to the Arragonois hauing held out eight moneths during the which many dyed through the infection of the pestilent ayre Don Artal de Luna and his sonne of the same name Gambault of Beneuent D'almais of Chastelnoua Girard of Rocabertin Gillebert Centillas Pedro Querault Raymond Berenger Ceruillon Raymond Alleman Galcer and S. Paix and Raymond of Cardona all men of note so as the taking of the towne of Eglise cost the Arragonois deare After this exploit the Infant D. Alphonso led the armie to the seege of Cailleri against whome Manfroy aduanced with those Pisans which he had brought and some Sardes gathered together where there was a fierce and bloudie battell but the Arragonois had the victorie hauing lost D. Alleman de Luna Defcate of Pisans and Sardes before Cailleri nephew to D. Symon de Luna Arch bishop of Tarragone who was much lamented Manfroy being wounded saued himselfe in the fort of Cailleri and at that instant there arriued 18. gallies of supplies to the Infant D. Alphonso from Barcelona Wherefore the towne and fort of Cailleri were more straightly and violently battered then before so as the beseeged beeing reduced to great extremities following the aduise of Manfroy their Captaine and by his leading made a sudden sally foorth with all their horse among the which were 500. souldiers the best and most resolute spirits among all the Pisans and charged the Arragonois army with great terrour and amazement yet through the diligence of the Infant and his Captains the enemy was repulsed with the losse of three hundred horse Here Manfroy was grieuously wounded againe whereof and for griefe of this last losse he died soone after the which draue the beseeged into such despaire that hauing aduertised the Pisans of their estate and they sending to demand a peace of the king D. Iames beeing at Barcelona by the meanes and negotiation of Brancaleon D' Oria they came to composition vppon these conditions That the citty and castell of Cailleri bee yeelded vp to the Infant and the prisoners of either part deliuered which citty and castell should be deliuered againe vnto the Pisans vppon condition that they should hold it and all they enioyed in Sardinia in fee and homage of the crowne of Arragon Yea some Authors among the Arragonois say that the citty it selfe of Pisa and that it should be lawfull for the trafficke in Cattelogne and Arragon and to haue a Consull in the citty of Barcelona These things being accorded and performed the Infant D. Alphonso gaue many castels lands and reuenues to Noblemen and Gentlemen which had serued faithfully and valiantly in this warre in the which many gallies of Majorca had continued He left D. Philip de Salces Gouernour of Sardinia and Commander of the men of warre and D. Berenger Carroso sonne to Don Francis to cammand the gallies which were left there for the guard of the Iland Hauing thus disposed of the affaires the army imbarked at Saint Macaire and sayled with their Generall D. Alphonso towards Barcelona where they arriued with a prosperous wind about the beginning of August An. 1324. in the yeare 1324. There were great signes of ioy made at the landing of his victorious armie and thanks-giuing vnto God in the citty of Barcelona but some write that the king Don Iames going foorth to meet his sonne triumphing and full of glorie for the warre of Sardinia so happily ended seeing him attired in the habit of a Sarde he grew sad and would not speake vnto him vntill hee had taken a more seemely garment wherefore in the midst of this pompe the Infant put on his coate of armes and then the king his father imbraced him and honored him much saying aloud that he tooke great delight to see him attired like the Commander of a victorious warre and not in the habite of a slaue After the conquest of Sardinia the king D. Iames was sollicited by Castruccio Castracani gouerning at that time at Luca to make the expedition of Corsica against the Geneuois promising that he would prouide them such worke in Italy as the enterprise of that Iland should easie but Barnabas d' Oria who was then in fauour with the King D. Iames diuerted him shewing that it should bee more expedient and profitable to practise the chiefe Noblemen of Corsica and to draw them to his seruice The affaires of Sardinia continued not long quiet as we will shew but it is necessary to relate first what past in the other parts of Spaine during these wars and conquests of the Arragonois 35 In Portugal there was then erected the Order
of Knights of Christus Portugal by Buls from Pope Iohn in the yeare 1320. by the which it was receiued into the protection of the Apostolike sea of Rome Order of Christus in Portugal and the towne of Castro Marin assigned for the chiefe of this Order being neere vnto the Mores and since the content was transported to Touar The knights of this Order carry a red crosse split and opened by the foure branches with a white line so as one crosse makes two the one red the other white The election of the Master belongs to 13. persons that is the Prior the Commander maior the Treasurer the Secretary and nine Commanders The election was made euery one of these 13. giuing his voyce the which being publikely pronounced he that had most voices was chosen Master The first was D. Gil Martines who had beene Master of the militarie Order of Auis The elect is bound swearing in the Priors hands to promise to bee in fauour with the Pope and the Church of Rome and to present himselfe vnto the King to do him the homage of fealty The Commanders of this Order are the Prior the great Commander the Treasurer Secretary Commander of Arquin of Rodano Proença Olallas Castilejo Sancheyra Prucos Segura Lardoça and Derosmanichal Since there hath beene added the Commanders of S. Michel and S. Mary in the Ilands by the king Don Manuel An 1323. In the yeare 1323. the king D. Denis endowed this Order with priuiledges fit for the dignity thereof Genealogie of Portugall and the ornament of his religion The same yeare D. Beatrix wife to the Infant D. Alphonso was brought in bed of a son in the city of Coimbra who was named Peter and raigned after his Grandfather and father This king Denis was in so great esteeme among the Portugals as they haue a Prouerbe in vse at this day El Rey D. Denis que fix quanto quiz that is to say The king D. Denis who did all he would It is as well by reason of the institution of these militarie Orders as of many foundations and remembrances he left of him as the Monasterie of S. Francis of Portalegre and the Monasterie of Nuns of the Order of Cisteaux or S. Bernard of S. Denis of Odiuela a league and a halfe from Lisbone where he appointed his body should be interred and other publike workes as causeys towers castels walles fortifications and reparations of townes without number By him the new street of Lisbone so much esteemed in Portugall was made as also the castels of Serpa Moura Oliuencia Campo maior Argela and the fortresse that of Portalegre Odiana Marbar the castell of Abibe Alegrete Monches Monfort Beyros Arroyolos Hebora monte Bosba Villauiciosa Montcarraz Redondo Model Beja Geromena Sabugal Alfayates Castelrubio Villamaior Castellobon Castellomejor Almeida Castelmendo and Pinel most of the which were walled in by this king He did also wall in Braga Guimaranes Miranda of Duero with the Castell of Monçon and Carastolo He built new Muja Saluueterre Montargel Atalaya Acerceyra and many others which we will omit for breuities sake The king Don Denis spent his time and employed his treasure in such things He had some warre against Castile in fauour of the rebels and otherwise as we haue formerly related and moreouer against his owne brother whom he spoiled of his lands forcing him to retire into Castile to his wiues kindred Towards the end of his dayes there was no good agreement betwixt him and his sonne Don Alphonso for the sonne bred such a reuolt and sedition throughout the whole Realme as he was often in armes against the father and readie to giue battell neere to Coimbra Saint Iren Albaran and else-where beeing thrust on by faltterers and counsellors of iniquity which disorders Queene Izabel a Princesse full of piety Piety of the Queen Izabel did happily repaire and preuented the effusion of bloud praying continually vnto God for concord betwixt the father and sonne the which shee obtayned before the decease of the king her husband which was in the yeare 1325. hauing raigned 45. yeares An. 1325. nine moneths and 5. dayes and the 64. of his age He dyed at S. Iren and was interred in the Monasterie of S. Denis of Oduielas Death of the king D. Denis as hee had ordayned by his testament by the which he gaue 140000. lyutes of money then currant in Portugall to be distributed to poore hospitals monasteries widowes orphelins maarrying of maydens redemption of prisoners and such like at the discretion of the Queene his wife and the Executors of his testament Besides his lawfull children he had by one or by diuers concubines Don Alphonso the beginner of the family of Albuquerque Don Pedro who gaue himselfe to studie and hath compiled a Volume of the great Houses of Spayne D. Iohn and D. Fernand one daughter that was married to D. Iohn de la Cerde and one daugther a Nun. This holy Queene Izabel daughter to Don Pedro the third king of Arragon and of Donna Constance daughter to Manfroy king of Naples was married beeing but eleuen yeares old and carried her selfe so wisely and religiously as she was admired and honoured of all men she shewed in her royall estate a wonderfull humilitie and modestie shee laboured with her hands to auoyde idlenesse and what shee made shee gaue away for Gods sake wherein shee did not spare her meanes which were otherwise great fasting and prayer were her delights and she was in continuall anguish for her sins and for her peoples she serued God as she had beene instructed by gifts offerings Masses and suffrages without measure Finally she was so giuen to contemplation and to the spirit as she tooke no delight in any thing that pleased the sences shee fledde and forsooke as much as possibly shee could all royall Pallaces beeing the Magazine of delights and of peruerse affections so as the king Don Denis who was of a contrarie disposition made small account of her giuing himselfe often to vnlawfull and lustfull loues by whome hee had children the which this good and vertuous Queene caused to bee bredde vp as her owne although shee were wonderfully afflicted to see this bad course of the King her husband fearing and rightly that God would punish him for this consideration she did pray continually for his amendment which happened in the end The K. D. Denis did oft vse her roughly wherein she shewed such patience as she neuer vsed any word of complaint but only prayed to God to let him vnderstand the truth yea when she was in a maner chased from his presence and retired to her house at Alenguer by reason of the quarrels betwixt the father and the son wherof the minions of the Court layd all the blame vpon her perswading the k. that she intertayned them against all likelihood of truth Shee did wonderfully esteem the Orders of begging Friars thinking that their estate was the most perfect among the
Port of Boniface they drew out of their Ports and Hauens of Cattelogne about forty Gallies Cattelans burne and spoile the riuer of Genoa and thirty Foists and Brigantins and directing their course towards the riuer of Genoa they burnt al the Geneuois houses of pleasure without respect of friend or foe for the common weale of Genoa being then diuided by reason of the faction of Guelphes and Ghibelins the Ghibilins open enemies to the King of Arragon did for the most reside at Sauonne and from thence made their sallies and enterprises sometimes drawing some priuate men of the Guelphes faction to runne vpon the Cattelans by reason whereof this Cattelan army intreated them all after one manner During these wrackes Luke of Fiesco one of the chiefe of the Guelphes faction had begunne to treat with King D. Alphonso by the meanes of Francis of Saint Eulalia that if he would harken to a good accord with the Geneuois holding the city of Genoa for friend and forget al wrongs done they would furnish him with fifteene gallies and follow his standard against the Geneuois Ghibelins remayning at Sauonne who had caused all the reuolts and troubles in Sardinia wherewith the King was very well pleased but the spoiles which the Cattelan army had made during the treaty in the riuer of Genoa intercepted all so as these two factions of Genoa being equally afflicted by a forraine enemy were the more willing to giue credit to the perswasions of Robert King of Naples who reconciled them and then they ioyned against the King of Arragon to dispossesse him of the Island of Sardinia The heads of the two factions were the families of Oria for the Guelphes Genouois spoile the coast of Cattelogne and Spinola for the Ghibelins Beeing thus incensed they runne along the coast of Cattelogne with three score saile where they tooke many ships and other spoiles leauing lamentable spectacles in all places where they had landed Thirteene of their gallies passing from thence into Sardinia attempted the fort and Port of Caillerij in vaine from whence they were repulst with losse These warres at sea betwixt the Cattelans and Geneuois might bee held equall for they were the mightiest nations at sea in that age All was full of difficultie and iealousie in the Island notwithstanding that King Don Alphonso by his bountie aduancements alliances and marriages contracted in his fauour and at his instance betwixt the Noblemen Cattelans and Sardiniens or Geneuois hauing charges or lands in the Island had sought to draw them vnto him and to make them friends and affected to his party yet he was in continuall warre and was forced to keepe great garrisons in the Island and many gallies at sea with so great charge as all the reuenues of the Island of Sardinia did auaile him little beeing often constayned to importune the Pope to discharge him of the tribute which hee ought vnto the church of Rome by reason of this chargeable conquest Thus King Don Alphonso past his raigne in these home-bred and forraine troubles Mary of Naples Queene of Maiorca vnchast beeing but short A little before hee died Don Iames of Arragon Lord of Xerica who had married Queene Marie which had beene left by D. Sancho King of Majorca who liuing dissolutly vnchastly was by this king sent home to the king of Naples her father The peace betwixt Arragon and Granado was sworne by him and confirmed at the castle of Valence with Albuhacen Abencomixe and Pascal Circra Ambassadors for King Ioseph Abenamet vpon the like conditions as with Castille A little before his death D. Leonor seeing herselfe mother of two sonnes D. Fernand and D. Iohn who was yet in his swatheling cloathes to be much hated and not without cause of the Infant D. Pedro who should succeed to the crowne shee sought to put into the hands of the King of Castille her brother whose fauour shee affected the castels of Verdegio and Sometio frontier places but Don Pedro hauing alwaies an eye to his mother in lawes actions especially at that time the King beeing very ill disposed preuented her and put garrisons therein The Queene without attending the King her husbands death dislodged from Barcelona and seized vpon Fraga from whence shee sent garrisons to places belonging to her children Death of D. Alphonso the fourth King of Arragon In the meane time the King died in the city of Barcelona in the yeere of our Lord 1336. hauing raigned eight yeeres and about three monthes Being ready to die he made the marriage of D. Iames his second sonne with Cicile daughter to the Earle of Comminges his body lies in the town of Lerida D. Pedro the fourth of that name and the thirteenth of Arragon 17 DOn Pedro his sonne whom he had by D. Theresa of Entenza Countesse of Vrgel before that he assembled the Estates or performed any ceremony tooke vpon him the royal title against all custome affecting nothing more then to bee first reuenged of the Queene Donna Leonor his mother in law whose places he seized on and sent Ferry of Apilla Gouernor to the Infant D. Iames after her to bring her to Sarragossa but hearing of the Kings death she tooke the way to Castile by great iournies and past Ebro at Tortose then going by Turol and Albarrasin she came into her brothers country being accompanied by the Bishop of Burgos D. Pedro of Xerica carrying great store of treasure and iewels with her which bread a warre betwixt these two Realmes of Castille and Arragon D. Alphonso King of Castille in fauour of his sister deliuered Michel Perex Zapate and other Arragonois out of prison whom she imployed against the King D. Pedro with other noblemen whom she had wonne D. Pedro the fourth of that name was surnamed the ceremonious for that in all his actions he was very slow and spent the time in superfluous ceremonies He was crowned at Sarragossa not without emulation of the Cattelans but custome hath giuen this right to the city of Sarragossa that the Kings are crowned there and no where else Th●ther came not any Noblemen of Cattelogne except D. Othon of Moncade and D. Raymond of Peralte The King hauing taken and receiued the oth after the accustomed manner retired to Lerida to the Estates of Cattelogne where hee disanulled all the donations made by the King his father and the alienation of the reuenues and despoiled D. Pedro of Xerica who had accompanied the Queene Donna Leonor into Castille of all his goods In the beginning of his raigne Disp●sition of the King D. Frederics wil. died D. Frederic King of Sicile beeing very old and consumed with the goute who had held the realme with great troubles and warre the space of one and forty yeers and six monthes leauing his sonne D. Pedro to succeed him who was the fourth King of the race of Arragon which held Sicile The King his father leauing many children sonnes and daughters by Queene
that she was the capitall city the ancient seat of the Princes of Castile which was the title their Kings carried that from Castile Leon did grow the conquests of the rest of the Realmes of Spaine and that shee was called the royal city but their chiefe ground was that time out of minde shee had had the first place and voice in such assemblies Vpon these differences the Noblemen fell into factions as their passions did transport them or as they had their Siegneuries and houses lying in the territory and iurisdiction of the one or the other citie King D. Alphonso vsing therein wise aduise hauing taken the knowledge of this cause vnto himselfe he pronounced thus I speake sayd he for them of Toledo and say the city of Toledo will doe as it shall please the King Let Burgos speake now This manner of decreeing contented both parties for it seemed to them of Toledo that the King hauing made himselfe as it were their Attorney had spoken first in the behalfe of their city And they of Burgos holding that the Kings words did nothing preiudice their pretensions seeing they spake before the other Deputies they surceased for the voice Concerning their ranke and precedence the King desyring to preserue the seate to Burgos and Toledo refusing to sit vnder he the King ordained that from thenceforth the Deputie of Toledo should not sit vpon the same banke with the other Deputies but opposite vnto them Order betwixt Toledo and Burgos for predence yet not in the same ranke which order is obserued at this day in the generall assemblies of the Estates of Castile The first voice kept for the city of Burgos was the cause the King obtained the subsidie of Alcauala which hee required of all his subiects for Burgos paied it already and therefore did not contradict it whereas if Toledo which had not borne this imposition had spoken first Alcauala an Imposition shee had opposed herselfe as she did and incourraged other townes to doe the like by her example All in the end yeelded vnto it hauing heard the reasons which mooued the King to demaund it and the neede hee had for the good of the Realme and the maintenance of the warre against the Moores The assembly at Alcala of Henares beeing dissolued and the King hauing gathered together great store of treasor by the speedie obedience of his subiects hee beganne to discharge some of his debts and to retire many precious iewels which had beene pawned hee ordred iustice and in the end applied his minde wholy to this seege which hee ment to lay to Gibraltar and to prouide for al things necessary both by sea and land seeing that the time and the opportunity of the Moores seditions of Affrike did inuite him The towne of Gibraltar had beene greatly fortefied by the Moores since the time they had taken it from the Christians so as the enterprise was no lesse difficulte then that of Algezire But there was this aduantage they did not so much feare any succors from Affrike as if the affaires of the Arabian Moories had beene quiet notwithstanding to prouide for all euents he sent Velasco Martenez Alcaide or Prouost of the court to the King of Arragon in Ambassage and with him Alphonso Gonçales of Gallego to confirme the alliance and friendship betwixt them and to reuine the treaty of marriage betwixt his sonne D. Henry and one of the Infants of Arragon but his chiefe deseigne was to demaund ten gallies to keepe the straight THe King D. Pedro answered the Ambassadors that he would send an Ambassador expresly vnto the King of Castile their maister the which he did King D. Alphonso was already before Gibralter Arragon when as the Ambassador came to him from Arragon There was an end made of the differences of the Queene D. Leonora and the Infants D. Fernand and D. Iohn whom the King Don Pedro should suffer peaceably to enioy that which had beene assigned him by the deceased King as well in dowry as in portion and if it should happen that after that time they should mooue any troubles in Arragon that King D. Alphonso should not giue them nor suffer to bee giuen them any aide or succors Nothing was concluded in regard of the marriage for that the King Don Pedro required that Don Henry should bee inuested in many Townes and Prouinces which was not conuenient for the King of Castile to giue For succors the King D. Pedro sent foure of his gallies to ioyne with them that were in the Straight whereof Raymond of Villanoua was captaine being manned with foure hundred crosbow men The towne of Gibraltar was furiously batred with all sorts of Engins and defended very valiantly Castile the garrison beeing very strong and consisting of the best souldiars that were amongst the Moores who made many sailles vpon the Christians in the which were slaine their best men of either side and moreouer King D. Alphonso's came was much annoyed by the courses of the Neighbour garrisons and by the King of Granados horse men who had the gard of those places which the Moores held in Spaine This seege hauing continued some monthes the plague fell into the Christians campe yet the King beeing obstinate in his resolution would not dislodge for hee knew that the Moores being destitute of succors could not long resist but must bee either forced or yeeld Beeing in this resolution it pleased God that hee himselfe was strooken with the plague whereof hee died in the campe in the yeere of our Lord 1350. the nine and thirtith yeere of his age and the eight and thirtith of his raigne Some haue written that hee died not of the plague Death of king D. Alphonso but of poyson the which was giuen him by the Moores practises This accident was the cause of remoouing the seege of Gibraltar A little before D. Ieanne Queene of Nauarre widow to King Philip of Eureux died at Conflans in France Nauarre who had gouerned her Realme whereof shee was proprietary after the decease of her husband Death of Iean Queene of Nauarre with good discretion and yet shee had some subiects not very tractable who sought nothing but quarrels There were still riots committed by them vpon the frontiers of Nauarre namely by the Inhabitants of Sanguesse and the Arragonois notwithstanding all which yet could shee wisely entertaine the alliance and peace with D. Pedro King of Arragon her sonne in law yea after the death of Queene Donna Maria her daughter so as during her life the King D. Pedro endured all the Insolencies of the Nauarrois who some times made roades farre into his countrie not seeming to take knowledge thereof for the honour and respect hee bare vnto his mother in law neither did hee make any complaints nor was mooued as hee ought to haue beene for that the Estates of Arragon and others beeing rebelled against him for the causes aboue mentioned many made their
the factions and insolencies which followed for D. Iohn Nugnes de Lara being gone from court Hatred betwixt D. Iohn Nugnes de Lara and D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque in a great rage against the Lord of Albuquerque for some byting words cast forth in their controuersies during the Kings sicknesse the cares of this young and ill experienced King cholerike by nature and inclyned to reuenge were filled with the reports of such as gouerned him wherevpon hee was so incensed against this house of Lara their friends and adherents as it was euident that hee sought but an opportunity to doe them some mischiefe The death of D. Iohn Nugnes which followed soone after in the towne of Burgos made his aduersaries deseignes more easie he left for successor to his Siegneuries which were great one sonne but two yeeres old called D. Nugno de Lara And at the same time D. Fernand Manuel Lord of Villena died also leauing one onely daughter named D. Blanch who died also soone after These deathes did much content D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque for that hee was freed from great emulators and aduersaries which hated his authority and the familiarity he had with the King who preferred him before all the Princes and Noblemen of Castile The King was aduised by his councell to seize vpon these young pupils and of their lands according to which hee went towards Burgos causing D. Leonora of Guzman to be brought after him whom hee sent with a good gard to prison to Talauera Being at Henera the importunities of his mother Donna Maria were such as he was forced to deliuer vnto her this poore imprisoned Lady D. Leonora of Guzman murthered by the commandement of the widow queen who with a womanish and boundlesse rage caused her to bee cruelly murthered in reuenge that she had many times defrauded her of the amorous imbracings of the King her husband and presently shee begged all her goods an act which was nothing royal and which did redownd to the great contempt of the deceased King Don Alphonso Since which time and by reason of this murther the towne of Talauera was and is called de la Reyna or of the Queene The King D. Pedro did this being yong and ill aduised Being come to Burgos at his first arriual he caused Garsilaco de la Vega to be slaine in his owne lodging and afterwards there were also dispatcht Alphonso Garcia Camargo Fernandes of Medina and Alphonso Fernandes Noblemen murthered by the commandement of the King D. Pedro. Secretary or Notary a Burgeois of that city al for the quarrels betwixt the Lord of Albuquerque and the house of Lara A lady of honor called D. Mencia wife to Martin Ruis of Abendagno Gouernesse to the yong Infant Nugno de Lara Lord of Biscay hearing of these cruel executions of the new King transported the Infant from Paredes de Naua in Biscay least the King should do it some harme The King hearing thereof pursued them himselfe vnto the bridge of Larra where vnderstanding that the Gouernesse and the Nurce had recouered the town of Vermejo he returned to Burgos and resolued to make war against the Biscayns so as within few daies he sent Ruis Diaz of Rojas to beseege Orosco the which Iohn of Abendagno House of Lara son to Martin aboue named held who yeelded the place by composition In the meane time D. Nugno of Lara died being but three yeers old in the towne of Vermejo by whose decease the Siegneuries of Biscay and others came to his two sisters or to the eldest of them called D. Ieanne of Lara and if she died to D. Isabel the yonger but the King had these yong Ladies in his power with al the lands and Siegneuries of the deceased D. Iohn Nugnes The father of these children had three sisters whereof the eldest named D. Blanch was wife to D. Iohn Manuel The second called D. Marguerite was a religious woman in the towne of Caleruega in the Monastery of Saint Dominike built by King D. Alphonso father to this King and the third D. Maria was married intso France twise first to the Earle of Estampes and next to Charles of Valois Earle of Alençon brother to King Philip the sixth or as some hold his brothers sonne Of the first bed shee had one sonne who was Earle of Estampes and of the second foure whereof the one was Earle of Alençon named Peter the second whom they called Robert Earle of Perch and the two other of the church This Lady Mary did afterwards contend in the time of King Henry the second for the Siegneuries of Biscay as we shal shew at the time of the death of this yong Lord D. Nugno de Lara Siegneuries and rights of the house of Lara there were in this house besides the Siegneury of Biscay the townes of Saint Gadee Loçoya Eglise Salouer Font Burvene Berçoso Cibico of the tower Galez Paredez of Naua Villallon Cuenca of Tamarit Melgar of the frontier Barzon Moral of the Queene Aquilar del Campo Caleruegos Beluer St. Iames de la Puebla by Salamanca Orepeça the field of Arrannelo and other townes besides these great Siegneuries the house of Lara Lords of Biscay had this prerogatiue alwaies to lead the foreward in armies whereas the King was in person In assemblies of the Estates the Lords of Lara were general Attorneies or Deputies for the Nobility by an especial preuiledge and often times they did carry the standard royal Besides these things Don Iohn Nugnes de Lara deceased held by reason of his marriage the townes of Lerma Lands called Beetries in Biscay Alaua and the neighbor countries Villa-franca in the mountaines of Oca Busto Amejugo Balorcanos Tor de Blanco other places besides the rights of Linager which he had as chiefe of the house of Lara and Lord of Biscay to the lands called Beetrias They were certaine lands and passages of the country so named hauing this preuiledge from all antiquity to choose what Lord they pleased out of the nobility of that lynage or family soeuer to command ouer them and to defend them and among them there were some that might change their Lord 7. times a day if they pleased others hauing the like power to change their Lord were yet bound to choose of the same family to those that were first recommended so as they were rights purchased to families many such prerogatiues had the Lords of Biscay and of Lara The liberties of these lands called Beetries the King D. Pedro sought to abolish at the Estates assembled 1351. and the 2. of his raigne at Vailledolit An. 1351. 3 Before he came to the said Estates he was visited by Charls King of Nauar as they did sympathise wel in nature and disposition they made great shewes of loue and gaue royal presents one vnto an other After this enterview the King D. Pedro came to Vailledolit from whence Iohn of Ruel as Bishop of Burgos Aluar Garcia
of Albornoz Marriage treated of betwixt D. Pedro King of Castile and Blanch of Bourbon were sent Ambassadors into France to treat of a marriage betwixt the king and Blanch daughter to Peter duke of Bourbon whose elder sister Ieanne was married to Charls the Daulphin son to king Iohn then raigning in France the marriage was concluded but vnfortunate was the issue as wil appeere D. Pedro hauing begun his raigne by such violences he abated nothing in the continuance for the assembly of Vailledolit being ended hearing that D. Alphonso Cornel was discontented with those things which he had done and that he fortified himselfe in his town of Aguilar in Andalusia and on the other side D. Tello one of the children of D. Leonora with his brother D. Henry fortefied the one at Arande of Duero the other at Gijon he went against them in person first beseeged Gijon Bein at this seege he fel in loue with a gentlewoman attending vpon D. Isabella of Meneses wife to D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque her name was D. Maria of Padilla she was smal of statute Loues of the King D. Pedro but exceeding faire and pleasing with whom he was so far in loue as notwithstanding he attended the comming of his new spouse out of France yet must he satisfie his lust with this imploying therein not only D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque his mignon Vncle boude to his Neece but euen an vncle of the gentlewomans her mothers brother called Iohn Fernandes of Hinestroça who managed the businesse so wel as he brought her deliuered her vnto him at Sahagun very tractable Gijon yeelded and D. Henry retired so as the army was led against D. Tellos conutry who was retired into Arragon but by the meanes of the King of Arragon their peace was concluded betwixt the Ambassadors of these two Princes at Soria with shew that it would continue wherefore there was not any one more to subdue but D. Alphonso Fernand Cornel for the which the troupes had marched towards Andalusia and he was beseeged in Aguilar where he was wel fortefied but what can one knight doe how powerfull soeuer against the power of a King the place was taken and Alponso being retired into a tower he yeelded to D. Diego Gomes of Toledo whose great friend he had beene hoping that by his meanes he should obtaine his life or that his goods should be preserued for his children As they led him prisoner he met with D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque who said vnto him that he wondred how he who had shewed himselfe so braue a knight had vndertaken so foolish an enterprise To whom he answered That it was the custome of Castile to make men and to vndoe them sodainely D. Alphonso had beene at the taking and death of D. Gonçalo Martines of Ouiedo Aquilar taken and the vnworthy death o● D. Alphonso Fernand Cornel. maister of Alcantara During the raigne of King D. Alphonso and the same day and month that he was slaine by the father this man was put to death by the commandment of the son and with him were also executed D. Pedro Cornel his cousin Iohn Alphonso Carillo Iuanes of Biedma Iohn Gonçales of Asa and Ponce Diaz of Quesada The wals of Aquilar were ruined the goods of D. Alphonso Cornel confisked giuen by the King to diuers among other D. Maria of Padilla the Kings mistres being deliuered in the city of Cordoue of a daughter whom they named d. Beatrix the King gaue her the townes of Montalban Capilla Burguillos Mondejar and Ioncos of this confiscation Pedro Suarez of Toledo had Bolano To his brother Diego Gomes was giuen Casarubros of the mountaine and to Inigo Lopes of Orosco Torija These things happened in the 1353. An. 1353. to the great discontentment of many who did much esteeme the vertue of D. Alphonso Fernandes Cornel. The King came afterwards to Torrijos in the country of Toledo where running at a Tourney he was hurt in the right hand by the which he lost such aboundance of bloud as he was in danger of his life for they could finde no meanes to stanch it Being in this cure he was aduertised of the arriuall of Blanch of Bourbon his spowse at Vailledolit being accompanied by the Vicont of Narbone and many other Noblemen and Knights of France who had beene receiued with great shewes of ioy by D. Maria the Queene mother but the King was wonderfully troubled for he was so transported with the alurements of D. Maria of Padilla as hee was amazed at these newes as if hee had beens strooke with a flash of lightning and would gladly that they had neuer spoake of marrying him yet he must of force goe to Vailledolit to celebrate the marriage and to perswade him therevnto D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque returned happely out of Portugal whether he had beene sent and without him who gouerned all the King had not dislodged D. Iohn Alphonso brought with him from Portugal D. Iohn de la Cerde sonne to D. Lewis who was sonne in law to D. Alphonso Fernandes Cornel and came out of Affrike whether he had retired himselfe during the dissentions and ciuil warres of Castile and had conducted some enterprises happely for King Alboanen against Alfohaçen his father Bringing letters of fauour and recommendation from the King of Portugal this Prince was receiued into grace by the King but he gaue him not any part of his father in lawes goods In Spaine they report a strange case of D. Maria Cornel his wife That hauing some prouocations of desire in her husbands absence she quencht her lust by death thrusting vp burning fire brands into her body Before the Kings going to Vailledolit he made an accord with his brethren D. Henry and D. Tello who were come in armes and wel accompanied to Cigales and then he went tio celebrate his marriage much against his will but perswaded therevnto by D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque who desired to see the King to haue a lawfull heire and was in some iealousie of his owne authority fearing least the kinsmen of D. Maria of Padilla whom he himselfe had giuen vnto the King should get before him in the gouernment of the affaires as it was likely The third day after the marriage notwithstanding any perswasions or intreaties which D. Maria the Queene mother and D. Leonora Queene Dowager or Arragon his aunt The King D. Pedro quits his new spouse there daies after his marriage he left his new bridge a young Princesse of 18. yeeres of age and went with all speed to Montalban nere vnto Toledo to visit Donna Maria of Padilla by whom he was inchanted This vnworhty part of the Kings did much trouble the whole court especially D. Iohn Alphonso of Albuquerque who finding by some signes that the King was not pleased with him by reason of this marriage hee durst not to follow him but retired to his houses Don Fernand and D.
then before The King of Nauarre hearing that his wife had giuen cause to the King Don Henry to be discontented with her Nauarre by reason of her turbulent practises in Castile hee thought it a fit and conuenient meanes to draw her into Nauarre which shee did contradict all shee could whereupppon he sent his Ambassadours to the King Don Henry which were Martin Ayuar Gouernor of Tudele and a Doctor who found the court at Alcala of Henares They intreated the King of perswade the Queene his aunt to dispose her selfe to come into Nauarre to liue with her husband as duty required but if shee could not be drawne vnto it that hee would interpose his authority that the Infants his daughters might be deliuered vnto them to carry them to the King their father who would hold it for a great fauor The king D. Henry was very desirous she should retire her self being but a fire-brand to kindle combustions in Castile King of Na●●● sends for his wife but being of a milde and gentle disposition he could not resolue to force her wherefore he answered the Ambassadors that his will was to please the King their maister both in this and in all other things and that hee would doe what he might to perswade his aunt to returne so as he sent a messenger vnto her with perswasiue letters but shee made answere touching that which concerned her selfe as shee had done often before In regard of her children shee said that seeing she had sent two vnto the father they might well leaue her the other two for her consolation The King hearing this answere willed the Ambassadors to returne and to assure the King of Nauarre on his behalfe that hee would so deale as the Queene his wife should returne vnto him desyring him not to take it in ill part if hee first tried all milde courses and be●itting Princes so neerely allied or at the least if shee continued obstinate he would send him his daughters The ambassadors after they had renued the old league betwixt the two Princes in the which many great men of Castile entred they returend into Nauarre to giue an account vnto the King of their negotiation The Marshal Garci Gonçales of Herera who returned from the Queene of Nauarre Duke of Benauent and others Castille reported vnto the King that the Duke and Queene had met at Roa and that they complained of his fauorits which were D. Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça his Lord Steward D. Diego Lopes of Estuniga Iustice Major and Ruy Lopes of Aualos his Lord Chamberlaine and soone after the King was aduertised that the Archbishop of Saint Iames had ioyned with the Duke League treated to the preiudice of the king of Castile and that they treated a league betwixt them the Earle of Gijon the Infants of Portugal and others the which did much trouble him The Ambassadors of Nauarre staied not long before they returned into Castile which were the same Gouernor of Tudele and the Bishop of Huesea a Frenchman borne The King hauing past the mountaines was come to Vailledolit where he was againe in the King of Naurres behalfe prest with his promise wherevpon hee tooke two months respight to send the Queen and her daughters or at the least the Infantas without any futher delay and hauing propounded it in councell what assurance the Queene of Nauarre might with reason demand of her husband they gaue their opinions that the King D. Charles with some of the chiefe Knights Deputies of the cities and towns of Nauarre swearing that she should be wel and honourably intreated she had no cause to refuse to goe vnto her husband Hee sent a gentlemen with the Ambassadors of Nauarre Resolution for the Queene of Nauarres returne to her husband to let the King their maister vnderstand what had beene thought fit in councell and to receiue the oth To preuent the tumultuous troubles in Castile and to breake the league which the aboue named Noblemen with the Queene Donna Leonora had plotted the King D. Henry drew together two thousand Launces beeing newly incensed by the refusall which D. Alphonso Earle of Gijon had made to sweare the truce made with Portugal it being concluded that certaine prelats and noblemen of Castile should sweare it and signe it with the King the Earle excusing himselfe for that he had married a wife of the bloud of Portugal to whom there had beene certaine places and other things promised by the treaty of marriage which had not beene kept the like refusall was made by D. Alphonso of Arragon Marquis of Villena saying the truce had beene made without his priuity whereof the Ambassador of Portugal being sent to that end into Castile tooke an act For this cause and other signes tending to open rebellion the King armed and sent D. Diego Lopes of Estuniga to the Archbishop of Saint Iames to know his intent and what cause he had to complaine The Archbishop answered that these tumults grew for that they had cut off these Noblemens pensions and confirmed them to others and that there was no better meanes of peace then to giue contentment to the duke and the rest Don Diego Lopes aduised him to come to court to giue his opinion touching these things but hee answered that hee would not come whilest the Archbishop of Toledo was in court With these intestine troubles the King D. Henry was almost drawn into an vnseasonable warre Moores with the Moores of Granado by the vaine ouerweening of D. Martin Iuanes of Barbuda maister of the Alcantara a Portugal borne who being entred into quarrell with Ioseph King of Granado touching religion would make triall of the truth of Christian religion by armes of his person against the King of Granado or of a hundred Christian Knights against two hundred Moores or more to that proportion vnto a thousand The King being aduertised of this other tumult hee commanded the maister by his letters not to enter into this action for that hee would not by any meanes haue the truce broken with the Moores but the maister not regarding the Kings prohibition marched to Cordoua with three hundred Launces and one thousand foote hauing a crosse for his Ensigne They of Cordoua let him know that he should not vndertake this enterprise which was contrary to the Kings will and seruice and the peace of the country giuing him many examples of their ruine which haue caused vnnecessary war but he gaue more credit to an Hermit called Iohn del Says who had assured him that hee should haue the victory wishing him not to giue care to any that said the countrary Moreouer being much giuen to Astronomy he thought he had foreseene some thing by the starres The wisest men fo Cordoua namely D. Alphonso and D. Diego Lords of Aguilar seeing that no reasons could preuaile with the maister would haue slopped his passage at the city bridge but he was so fauoured by the superstitious multitude vnder
that the time prefixed for such ratifications was past wherefore they must capitulate a new During these troubles in Castile the King of Nauarre did still sollicit his wiues returne or at the least of his two daughters and the King D. Henry had a great desire to see her dislodge but he knew not how to send her honestly out of Castile But she her selfe prepared the way for when as shee vnderstood that the Duke of Benauent and others of the league were reduced vnder the Kings obedience fearing some surprise she procured D. Pedro the Constable to come to Roa with two hundred Launces and some footemen and then seeing her selfe as it were assured shee sent vnto the King to demaund assurance to come to court to iustifie her selfe but the King thinking that the Duke of Benauent the Constable his aunt and all they of the league in Generall did smother in their brests the same wils they had before hee resolued to punish them one after an other and therefore he caused them that the Queene of Nauarre had sent vnto him to be staied and then being come to Burgos he propounded in councell what was to bee done There were present the Archbishop of Toledo the maisters of Saint Iames and Calatraua D. Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça the Admiral D. Iohn Hurtado D. Ruy Lopes of Aualos and others whereof some came armed to councell by the Kings commandement D. Frederic Duke of Benauent came also notwithstanding that some of his friends had wished him to retire telling him that they ment to take him as he entred into the place where the councell was kept the King went forth making shew that he would goe sup and speaking aloude that they must consider what answere to giue to the Queene of Nauarre And soone after hauing sent them word that they should speedily dispatch that which they had to doe D. Frederic Duke of Benauent a prisoner the Duke was taken prisoner and put in the castle of Burgos in the custody of the Maister of Saint Iames from whence hee was afterwards transported to Monreal and in the end in the time of the King D. Iohn to the castle of Almodouar del Rio neere vnto Cordoua where he ended his daies This is that famous prison of D. Frederic duke of Benauent celebrated throughout all Spaine This done the King sent Diego Peres Sarmiento the Gouernor to seize von all the Lands and goods not onely of the Duke of Benauent but also of the Constable D. Pedro and by the same meanes he seized vpon the lands of his aunt Donna Leonora Queene of Nauarre and he himselfe being followed with some troupes went to Roa where she was to beseege her and take her wherevpon the Constable who was with her abandoned her and went into Galicia to prouide for his owne affaires The Queene seeing her selfe forsaken beganne to lament filling all the castle of Roa with pittifull cries Queene of Nauar da●●ted and the more to mooue them to pitty she attired her selfe her daughters and women in mourning weeds and sent her Confessor vnto the King to know his pleasure seeing hee came in that manner with an army The King gaue him some reasons and marched on to Valera from whence he sent Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça and Ruy Lopes of Aualos to the Queene to whom being full of teares and with a mournfull habit and countenance she complained much of the King her Nephew saying that hee sought to take away her goods and demanded assurance to ●●oe and speake with him The Inhabitants of Roa careful of their safeties sent to offer the place vnto the King if it pleased him to receiue them as his owne and not to alienate them any more wherewith the King was content wherevpon they receiued the Archbishop of Toledo Iohn Hurtado Diego Lopes and Ruy Lopes with their followers and soone after the King entred to whom the Queene being come they entred into a church and there had much conference In the end the King granted her the reuenues of Roa Sepulueda Mardrigal and Areualo retayning the Iustice vnto himselfe and he commanded her to follow him to Vailledolit This businesse being ended Earle of Gijon seizeth vpon Oueido the King marched towards Leon to make warre against his vncle D. Alphonso Earle of Gijon who was in the Asturia's and had seized vpon the city of Oueido which did belong vnto the King the which he did fortefie with the towne of Gijon and other places By the way hee had conference with the Archbishop of Saint Iames who was much mooued for the imprisonment of the Duke of Benauent for he had come to court vpon his word and assurance The King made him promise that he should not enter into any league yet the griefe hee had for the Dukes detention made him forget all the affection he had had to the seruice of the crowne of Castile which in the end he left and retired into Portugal making the Schisme in the church his pretext saying that of his knowing the Pope raigning in Auignon was not lawfull but he that held his seat at Rome and for that the Portugals did adhere vnto him he retired into Portugal where he obtained the Bishoprike of Coimbra Archbishop of S. Iames retires into Portugal and then the Archbishoprike of Braga where he ended his daies He was of the noble family of Manriques a man of a small stature but of an actiue spirit full of courrage high minded eloquent liberall apt to compound great mens quarrels ambitious and one that enuied the Archbishop to Toledo D. Pedro of Tenorio who was of a different humor seuere statly ambitious also His disposition but he couered his ambition with modesty maintayning his dignity in such sort as he was respected and feared He lost in Castile the Archbishoprike of Saint Iames the office of Chancellor to the King with many other lyuings The King in passing caused the castle of Mansilla to be razed and vnited the towne which had belonged vnto the Duke vnto his demaines He then sent his men against Gijon the which they did beseege both by sea and land Being come to Leon he made a declaration in a great assembly in the chiefe church of the rebellions and fellonies of the Earle D. Alphonso his vncle committed both against the King D. Iohn his father and himselfe VVar against the Earle of Gijon the fauors he had done him since his inlargement by the Gouernors and his Ingratitude for the which he did confiscate all his goods to the crowne except the Siegneury of Noruegna which he gaue to the church of Ouiedo as had beene formerly ordained by the deceased King his father The King hauing sent some troupes towards Ouiedo the Earles men were chased away and the King was maister of the city so as the Earle was forced to shut himselfe into Gijon where he was straightly beseeged One of his base sonnes called D. Hernando holding the castle of
had the gouernement of the Church who gaue credit to the image of Saint Marie of Nieua and beganne to build the Church thereof the which was afterwards augmented by the Queene Donna Catherina This image was sound by one Peter who for that cause was furnamed Of good aduenture who hauing found it aduertised the bishop It is much reuerenced by the Spaniards who hold that shee doth wonderfull and great miracles The yeare 1400. at what time the Iubile was the Spaniards going about to set vp a An. 1400. great Bell in the Church at Seuile all the people being assembled and the King D. Henry being in the tower a sudden tempest with lightning slue many scattered the rest and amazed the whole citty In the yeare 1401. 1401. there was some likelihood of an agreement betwixt the Kings of France and Castile and Pope Benedict attending the determination of a general Councel The Christian Princes which did acknowledge him besides these were the kings of Arragon Nauarre Scotland Cypres and the Duke of Sauoy The rest of the Potentats did adhere vnto Pope Boniface residing at Rome but Benedict was not long in quiet for the Cardinals and Clergie which were about him whereof the chiefe was Iohn of Nouacastello Cardinall of Ostia borne in Burgondy rebelled against him being fauoured and sollicited by the French yea there were sent to Auignon by the duke of Orleance brother to king Charles Robin of Bracamont and William of Mollon who set guards about the Popes pallace ●●ards set a●out the Popes pallace and kept him as it were prisoner for that hee would not voluntarily relinquish his Popedome But the king of Arragon mediating for him he sent Don Iames Prades his Constable who procured him his libertie and that hee should be obeyed in the Countie of Venice In this tumult there were onely three Cardinals which shut themselues vp with the Pope which were Pampelona Girone and Saint Adrian many men of accompt endured much especially Nauarrois and aboue all Don Martin of Salua Cardinall of Pampelona Don Bertrand of Gramont Pronotarie and Master of the sacred pallace and others This Pope aduanced to the Archbishoprick of Toledo a nephew of his sonne to his brother D. Iohn Martin of Luna beeing Doctor of the Canon law and administrator of the church of Tarragone he was also called D. Pedro de Luna but he was not so soone consecrated The affaires of Castile being reasonable quite the Infant Don Fernand the Kings brother and Duke of Pegnafiel was perswaded by some Noblemen to take vppon him the gouernement of the Realme pretending that the king D. Henries infirmitie and continuall paine was the cause he could not intend it so as many things succeeded not well but this was but a cloake to couer the enuie which they bare to D. Ruy Lopes of Aualos Constable of Castile on whom the king relyed giuing him great authority in all things thoroughout the Realme Fami●y of Aua● l●s issued ●ot of Nauarre This Constable was borne at Vbeda of meane parentage but honest whose auncestors came out of Nauarre he was a man of great courage and singular iudgement in matters of warre or in any other charge that was committed vnto him It therefore grieued these Noblemen of great houses to be commanded by him seeking to thrust forward the Infant D. Fernand to disturbe the State But D. Fernand was no fit instrument for their desseins for if there were euer an obedient brother and patient in all things it was he besides being of a slow spirit affaires of great consequence did ouercharge him neither did he willingly vndertake them Finally he was a louer of peace and enemie to warre and tumults For these causes he reiected them that would haue him gouerne shewing them the inconueniences and scandals which would grow by such enterprises exhorting them that if his brother did not seeme vnto them very profitable by reason of his infirmities they should attend the remedie from the prouidence of God with patience This Prince Don Fernand was as we haue sayd married to D. Leonora Countesse of Albuquerque who was heire to many Estates in Spaine For besides the Earledome of Albuquerque and the fiue townes of Infantazgo the townes of Haro Biron● Cerezo Vilhorado Ledesma Codesera Azagala Alconchel Medellin and Alconeta were of her patrimony besides the which king Iohn had giuer her Villalon and Vruegna in exchange of other places She was first called Vrraca but she changed it she was a vertuous Ladie and noble in all her actions hauing many children by her husband as we will shew treating of the affaires of Arragon In the yeare 1403. the riuer of Guadalquibir did so swell as it came ouer the wals of Seuile and couered the houses in the lower parts with great losse of men and goods To preuent which accident the diligence of Alphonso of Toro Gouernour for the iustice of that city is much commended The yeare 1405. 1405. Genealogie of Castile was happie and ioyful to the Castillans by reason of the birth of the Infant Don Iohn heire of those Realmes in the towne of Toro Queene Katherine hauing had before D. Maria at Segobia in the yeare 1401. who was Queene of Arragon A while after she brought the king another daughter called Katherine by the mothers name and was future wife to D. Henry Master of Saint Iames third sonne to the Infant D. Fernand. Pope Boniface the ninth being dead a little before seuen Cardinals did chuse the Archb. of Rauenna called Cosmat borne at Sulmona in the realme of Naples being Cardinal of S. Cruz Innocent the 7. chosen Pope in the place of Boniface the 9 whom they named Innocent the 7. So as the schisme continued stil in the Romish Church His competitor Benedict passed the alpes and came to Genoua to conferre with some Potentates of Italy of the meanes how to cease the schisme Beeing there he did consecrate his nephew D. Pedro de Luna Archb. of Toledo and Primate of Spaine and moreouer made another Archb 9. Bishops and 8. Abbots Hee had in his traine that famous Preacher Vincent of the house of Ferreres of Valencia who then preached in the citty of Genoua and since in many other places and especially in Spaine with a great opinion of holines By the death of D. Diego Hurtado of Mendoça high Admirall of Castile which happened the same yeare there was aduanced to the place D. Alphonso Henriques younger brother to the Earle of Transtamara and to his lands and goods which were as great as any Noblemans in Castile succeeded his sonne D. Inigo Lopes of Mendoça a famous personage D. Iohn of Castile one of the base sons of the king D. Pedro had secretly married himselfe in prison to the daugther of Bertrand Erillo his keeper of whom he begat Peter and Constance Constance was a Nunne in the Monasterie of S. Dominicke the royall of Madrid Peter being condemned to perpetuall prison escaped
matters succeeded as followeth After that king D. Alphonso being called back into Spaine for matters which concerned him nere namely for the imprisonment of his brother D. Henry had left Naples Queen Ioane and her adopted sonne Lewis of Anjou had some time of breathing and means to recouer the city of Naples and other places of the realme there only remained Iohn Anthony of Vrsins Prince of Tarentum a partisan to k. D. Alphonso who made head against Lewis duke of Aniou the duke making war in Calabria was surprized with a burning feuer whereof he died at Cosenza in the yere 1434 not leauing any children Death of Ioane Queen of Naples and her will and the same yeare dyed Queen Ioane also leauing by her will whether it were true or counterfeit Rene of Aniou duke of Lorraine and Bar brother to Lewis deceased heire of the realme of Naples who was at that time a prisoner in the hands of Philip Duke of Bourgondie by reason of the warre betwixt the French and the English for whose libertie the Gouernors of the Realm chosen after the Queens death sent ambassadors into France but on the other side those that were affected to the house of Arragon as the Prince of Tarentum Iohn Anthony of Marzan Duke of Sessa Christopher Gaetan D. Alphonso 〈…〉 back to Napies Earle of Fondy and Roger his brother with other Noblemen and knights which held Capua called backe King Alphonso who a little before was come into Sicily hauing left the Queene D. Maria his wife Regent in Arragon and had led his breethren with him D. Iohn king of Nauarre who had left the gouernement to D. Bla●che his wife Queene proprietarie of the Realme D. Henry and D. Pedro who being dispossessed of all they held in Castile had retired themselues vnder the fauor of the kings their breethren with them and many Noblemen and Knights as well Spaniards as Sicilians King Alphonso past into the Realme of Naples and came and landed at Gaye●e in which place were besides the Inhabitants and other souldiers of the countrie 300. Geneuois vnder the command of Francis Spinola of Genoua sent by Philippe Maria Angelo Duke of Milan vnder whose protection the common-weale of Genoua was at that time and who held the partie of René Duke of Anjou The beseeged seeing themselues prest aduertised the Duke of their extremity and what need they had of succors whereupon he presently gaue order to prepare an armie at Genoua of the which Blaise Araxeto was General beeing accompanied by Elisa Spinola Iames Iustinian Galiot Lomelin and other famous Captaines expert at sea Army sent 〈…〉 suecor Gaycte who directed their course towards the Iland of Ponce wherof king Alphonso who was before Gayete beeing aduertised hauing nineteene great ships and eleuen gallies he left onely fiue to continue the seege and resolued to go in person with the rest to encounter the enemie but he must first pacifie a question which was growne betwixt the King of Nauar for the generall conduct of the armie with his brother D. Henry either of them aspiring to haue it mooued with zeale to ayde their brother Hauing set sayle Don. Pedro hauing charge of the gallies the Kings and the Infants euery one apart well appointed came to incounter the Geneuois armie the which did consist of twelue great ships three gallies one galeasse and a foist Being in sight and within a league and a halfe one of another the Geneuois seemed as if they would not fight the kings army kept it selfe together till noone striuing to get the wind that they might fight with more aduantage In the meane time the gallies of Arragon discouered the enemies armie which approched neere vnto them finding that they had left three great ships behind as it were for a rereward Before they came to joyne the Generall of the Geneuois armie sent a trumpet in a boate to let the king of Arragon vnderstand that their intent was not to hurt him but they had onely put to sea to draw out of Gayete their souldiers cittizens and merchants of Genoua with their goods and merchandize and to transport them to Genoua The trumpet was detayned a good time during their consultation but the conclusion was that they must charge them for it was likely that the Geneuois had sent this trumpet for that they fainted and feared the Arragonois army The captaines and souldiers with great demonstrations of courage cryed out for battell and presently discharged their artillerie which the Geneuois did presently answer so as grapling ship to ship and galley to galley the fight was furious and cruell and continued long doubtfull vntill that the three great ships left by the Geneuois in the teereward hauing gotten a full wind came with great violence vppon the ships of Arragon and among others giuing the stemme to that in which King Alphonso was they made it lye on the one side and had so shaken and shattered it as it tooke in an aboundance of water and put the king and all them that were in it in great danger so as he was forced to yeeld to Iames Iustinian Gouernor of the Iland of Scio who took him into Spinola's ship The shippe wherein King Iohn did fight Prisoners taken in a battell at se● hauing lost her maine-yard yeelded and was taken by Galiot Lomalin Don Henry was prisoner to Cyprian de Mare With these Princes there were taken D. Diego Gomes of Sandoual Earle of Castro Xeris and two of his sons D. Iohn of Sotomajor who had beene Master of Alcantara Ruy Diaz of Mendoça the bald Fernando Aualos Chamberlaine to D. Henry and another Sonne of Don Ruy Lopes d'Aualos who had beene constable of Castile with many other Noblemen and Knights of Arragon Nauarre Cattelogne and Valencia and aboue 600. souldiers and marriners slaine The Infant D. Pedro leaping with the helpe of a cable from one galley to another escaped there were 13. ships taken and most of the gallies were burnt or sunke after they had spoiled them To conclude the Geneuois victorie was great memorable as well in regard of the prisoners as of the rich spoyles who shewed all curtesie and humanity for after the end of the fight they did set at liberty aboue 400. souldiers that were prisoners besides marriners retayning only the chiefe men wherein they did wisely and like souldiers for a multitude of prisoners of meane qualitie are but an incumber and it is an vnprofitable charge and doth many times make the vanquished take corage to rebell and to become Masters of them that hold them Among the multitude that were set at liberty there were many Knights of great worth escaped vnknowne That which gaue the aduantage to the Geneuois army was the 3. ships left in the rereward the abundance of scalding lime and wild-fire which they cast and finally that they were better sea-men then the Arragonois The victorious army approching neere to the Iland of Ischia
there being ioyned with him the Earle of Castagneda and D. Pedro Sarmiento against whom Don Iohn King of Nauarre sent fifteene hundred Launces led by the Admirall and the Earle of Benauent who led Prince Henry with them who did not yet descouer himselfe but onely kept these two parties from fighting making them in some sort friends and satisfied at that time one of an other and then hee returned to Segobia Whilest that the Admirall and Earle of Benauent were absent in this voiage hauing lest the Kings in Tordesillas Pero Aluares Osorio of the Bishop of Auilas faction came and presented himselfe before the towne being accompanied with many souldiars and did endeuor to enter but he could not wherevpon he retired These things made the King of Nauarre and the confederats very iealous that there was some great conspiracy against them and not able yet to discouer who were the conspirators to bee the better certefied they sent to intreat the Prince D. Henry to come to Tordesillas that they might aduise what was to bee done for the totall ruine of the Constable as they had concluded together The Prince hauing therein the Bishops aduice who demaunded nothing more came with an intent to make knowne vnto the King his father the league which hee had newly made to free him from Gouernment and to comfort him Arriuing at Tordesillas with the Bishop of Auila Iohn de Pacheco and many other Noblemen they were receiued by the King of Nauarre with great demonstration of ioy At that time there was no meanes for to conferre together nor to treate of any affaires for they were readie to celebrate a marriage betwixt the King of Nauarre and the Admirall Henriques daughter which were preparing with great state at the tower of Lobaton whither all men went This marriage was accomplished to the great griefe of Don Charles Prince of Viana Nauarre to whose preiudice the king D. Iohn his father Mariage of the king of Nauar with D. Ioane Henriques detayned the Realme of Nauar and wold not leaue it although it were his inheritance by his mother which was the cause of great troubles This Princesse D. Ioane was of the bloud royall of ●astile for the Admirall Don Frederick her father was sonne to Don Alphonso Henriques and grand-child to Don Frederick Master of Saint Iames who by the commandement of Don Pedro the cruell his brother was slaine at Seuile At the same time Don Fernand of Aualos Chamberlaine to the Infant D. Henry was sent to bring Donna Beatrix sister to Don Alphonso Pimentel Earle of Benauent to Cordoua being promised to the Infant his master in which citie that mariage was celebrated of whom came D. Henry of Arragon called the Infant of Fortune or the Fortunate who came to be Duke of Segorbe The Court being returned to Tordesillas Castile they began to treat of matters against the Constable whereupon the Prince told the king of Nauarre that it were good all they of the league were together to determine of matters of so great importance the which pleased the king of Nauarre whereupon there were letters and messengers sent to them that were absent to draw them to Court and for that Tordesillas would not serue to lodge so great an assembly the towne of Areualo was appointed The Bishop of Auila was very desirous that the king and the Prince father and sonne might conferre freely together the which was very difficult for there were spies set by the king of Nauarre about the kings person in his chamber and in all other places who did obserue what hee sayd or did and yet the king could not helpe it yet the bishop found meanes to aduise him that he should faine himselfe to be somewhat sicke and that vppon this occasion the Prince vnder colour to visit him and to do his duty might deliuer many things vnto him which might please him The king kept his bed for a time whereby the Prince had oportunity to discouer the new league vnto him and to assure him that the Constable whom he had chased away should yet deliuer him from the captiuity wherein they held him wherewith the king was so ioyed as he could not containe himselfe but he did outwardly shew the hope which he had conceiued which made the gards suspect that the father and the sonne had had some discourse of great consequence whereof they did aduertise the King of Nauarre who was very iealous of the bishop They caused the Admirall to aske the king what good discourse the Prince his sonne had vsed wherewith he was so ioyed The king wisely concealing what he knew answered that they were tales of the follies of youth This busines hauing succeeded wishfully for the Bishop the Prince tooke his leaue of the two kings his father and father-in-law and so returned to Segobia to attend sayd he the time of the assembly at Areualo but it was the least of his thoughts for he had a speciall desire to breake it if he could whereof hauing conferred by the way with the bishop of Auila his Councellor he who was a cunning politicke man found this expedient he went to Areualo beeing a towne of his Diocesse of Auila with a great trayne and finding the lodgings alreadie marked for the Noblemen that should come thither he caused some to quarrell with the harbingers and with such of the traine as were already come so as he put the towne into a great confusion Many of those which were alreadie lodged were forced to depart and to giue place to my Lord Bishop and his men and then seeking for other lodging there grew other contentions among them of the Court so as the king of Nauarre being aduertised thereof hee was much discontented and growing more suspitious he would not go to that assembly fearing some practise against him The Prince hauing what he demanded he wrote vnto the king of Nauarre complayning much that he was not come to the assembly at Areualo wherefore they sent the Admirall Don Frederick vnto him to Saint Mary de Nyeua to draw him to another assembly whereunto the Prince pretending some excuses the Admirall told him that if he came not it would seeme that he meant to withdraw himselfe from the vnion of the king of Nauarre and the confederate Lords The Prince pretended many reasons hee had for it but he dissembled his intent the Admirall intreated him for an enterview with his father in●law at Olmedo whereof hee excused himselfe as honestly as he could and sent backe the Admirall very much discontented for he spake not but as he was aduised by the Bishop of Auila who wished him not to enter into Olmedo nor into any place belonging to the king of Nauarre The Bishop being vigilant and actiue to do any thing that might giue forme and effect to his enterprise for the restoring of the Constable to his first fauour and authoritie posted to Alba de Tormes whereas he made the Arch-bishop
Gamboyn who seeing himselfe disappointed of that which hee pretended fell into such hatred of them of Montdragon as he caused the towne to be fired in diuers parts by some that he had set on so as he made in a manner all to be most inhumanly burnt Don Bertrand being apprehended by the kings commandement for this fact and accused to haue set fire of a towne belonging to the Crowne was in danger to haue lost his life yet as in a time of confusion money and fauour can do more then iustice he had his life saued making satisfaction to them that had beene burnt and damnified to value the which there were arbitrators appointed who by sentence adiudged most part of Don Bertrands lands to the towne of Montdragon and more they had giuen if the foure arbitrators chosen for the Inhabitants had not beene corrupted with money This towne of Montdragon endured this calamity for that it would not bee alienated from the Crowne for that they maintayned their liberties better so then in beeing subiect to any subalternall Lord and without doubt if Don Bertrand could haue seized theron he would haue kept it in this time full of reuolts and excesse when as the confirmation or the pardon had beene easie to haue beene obtayned by a peace or otherwise In cleargie matters this towne hath alwaies beene stout to maintaine her rights and priuiledges still refusing to accept any Lay patron as well in that which concernes the fruits as the right of presentation in the towne and iurisdiction In the yeare 1449. the truce betwixt Castile and Nauarre beeing ended the garrisons of Atiença and of Pegna of Alcaçar went to field Exploits of 〈◊〉 betwixt the Nauarr●it and Castillans and made the cruellest warre that might be The King of Nauarre being exceeding glad that the Earle of Beneuent had escaped into Portugall he fortified himselfe with the fauour of king Don Alphonso by his meanes and hauing drawne out of Nauarre and Arragon and from the Moores in the Realme of Valencia which were subiects to Arragon a good number of fighting men sent them vnder the conduct of Don Pedro of Vrrea Don Iohn Fernandes of Heredia Rodrigo of Rebolledo Don Fernand and Don Diego sonnes to the Earle of Castro and of the iustice of Arragon against the towne of Cuenca making his base sonne Don Alphonso of Arragon late Master of the Calatraua Generall of this armie the which ioyning with the troupes which Iohn Hurtado of Mendoça and Lope of Mendoça his brother sonnes to Don Diego had raysed for his seruice for that they were entred into quarell with the Bishop of Cuenca and were become his enemies might amount to sixe thousand men horse and foot with these forces the cittie of Cuenca was beseeged the which was defended by the Bishop Don Lope of Barriento a better souldier then a Diuine although he had some fame for that facultie in Spaine and by Alphonso Cherino son to Fernando Alphonso Cherino Syndic of the citty and by Lopes and Iohn of Salezar breethren Captaines of the garrison and the Inhabitants who made such resistance as notwithstanding that the Nauarrois had taken Saint Anthonies tower at the bridge and giuen great assaults in other places yet they defended the place and repulst the enemie who despayring to take it raised the seege the which they did the rather for that they were aduertised the Constable came with great forces to succour it Towards Requena and Vtiel the king of Nauarre sent Don Baltazar sonne to the Earle of Huelua with 200 horse and 500. foot who running along the riuer of Xorquera tooke a bootie of about 10000. head of small cattell and the Inhabitants of Requena and Vtiel going foorth to rescue the prey they were incountred and defeated thirty of their Knights beeing slaine vpon the place and seuenty caried away prisoners by the Nauarrois and the rest were all dispersed These were the King of Nauarres exploites attending the returne of the Admirall Don Frederick who was gone to Naples with the Bishop of Lerida where they were so well receiued by king Alphonso and heard in their requests that not beeing able to come into Spaine as he desired he sent letters and commandement to the Estates of Arragon to furnish the king of Nauarre his brother with men armes victuals money of his rents and reuenues and all other things in such quantitie as he should need to make warre against the King of Castile to recouer from him his lands and Estates and to deliuer the Noblemen which were detayned prisoners by the Constables practises and slanders with this prouision the Admirall and Bishop imbarked to returne into Spaine hauing receiued gifts and presents with all other good vsage from king Alphonso The bishop dyed vppon the way so as the Admirall returned alone to the king of Nauarre who was much pleased with this fauourable dispatch calling the chiefe men of Arragon to Saragossa where he acquainted them with their kings command whereupon the Arragonois hauing held a Councell they besought the king of Nauarre not to draw them into quarrell with Castile with which Realme they desired to maintaine peace as long as they might The king of Nauarre vsed many intreaties and protestations to perswade them but he could not induce them to go to the warre with him yet he drew from them what summes of money he would and seeing that he could not perswade them in generall he induced some knights in particular to serue him and to make his way more easie to that which he pretended being sufficiently aduertised of the insolencies and follies which the Constable committed daily to the great disdaine of the Noblemen of Castile he sought by all meanes to draw some into his league letting them vnderstand that if they did any longer indure this mad man to gouerne the Realme of Castile in that maner they would repent it too late and when as they should not bee able to preuent the ruine of their houses which he sought hauing no other end but to root out the great families of the Realme to settle his familiars and men of his sort The king of Nauar had a speciall desire to draw D. Pedro de Velasco Earle of Haro into this league beeing a good Knight louing iustice rich and mightyboth in meanes and friends to whom the Constables vnlimited ambition and the vniust detention of so many good men was displeasing League made against the Constable D. Aluaro de Luna To draw him to his faction he fed him with hope to marrie his sonne Prince Charls vnto his daughter so as the greatnesse of the royall Estate wherein D. Pedro should see his daughter if this marriage tooke effect blinded his eyes and made him open his eares This beeing in some sort concluded they sent wise and discreet men to the Prince Don Henry and to his great minion D. Iohn de Pacheco Marquis of Villena and his brother D. Pedro Giron Master of Calatraua to
D. Inigo Lopes of Mendoça Marquis of Santillana to D. Pedro of Estunig a Earle of Plaisance and to D. Rodrigo Manrique great Commander and who caused himselfe to be called Master of S. Iames to haue them ioyne in this new league against the Constable who was the cause of so much iniustice imprisonments exiles and the confiscations of the goods of so great personages wherunto they seemed willing and it was likely that the Constable would be now ruined but all goodly beginnings haue not the like successe The king of Granado beeing aduertised of all these practises sent to make offer to be of the partie promising to enter into Andalusia with all the forces of Granado to fauor the confederates Whilest these things were working there happened a great tumult in the citty of Toledo Sedition at Toledo growing by the importune repetition which the Constable made of a million of Marauidis lent vnder colour that the king wanted mony so as an artisan went and rung the bell and put the people into furie in the which a rich Merchant called Alphonso Cotta was slaine and other insolencies committed the which the Constable at that time could not redresse Don Pedro Sarmiento Captaine of the cittie beeing iealous embraced this occasion to make his profite and ioyned with the people pretending the Kings seruice in that he did resist the Constable who was Gouernour of the cittie aboue him where hee committed so many outragious extorsions and thefts as what Pero Lopes of Avala had done before him was nothing in respect of him The King aduertised of this disorder drew neere vnto Toledo to whom they refused the entrie into their gates and Don Pedro Sarmiento sent him certaine vnreasonable Articles to signe if hee would enter wherewith the king beeing wrathfully incensed he caused the city to be sommoned by a King of armes protesting to ruine the Inhabitants if they did not obay to whom they made answere with their shot and artillery vsing words of disgrace and contempt against the King who leauing some companies about the city to cut off their victuals and to anoy them he came to Torrijo whether the Inhabitants of Toledo and Pedro Sarmiento sent Ambassadors to beseech him to take the gouernment of that great city from the Constable whom they termed a tyrant else they should be forced to deliuer it into the hands of the Prince his sonne wherewith the King was more offended then at the refusall they had made for that the Prince D. Henry and he seemed to be diuided so as he made them no answere wherevpon D. Pedro Sarmiento sent to Segobia to the Prince and caused him to come to Toledo The King hearing of this he commanded them that he had left about the city to retire But the Prince desired to enter into Toledo with the good leaue and liking of the King his father Pedro Sarmiento deliuers Toledo to Prince Henry but hee could not obtaine it wherefore he entred as he might and gaue a generall pardon to all men namely to Pedro Sarmiento for all the villanies which he had committed and left him Gouernor graunting him all that he desired promising that he would not send him to the Court nor he should not present himselfe before the King but in his company The Prince staied some time at Toledo where going forth one day a hunting he was aduertised that some treated to deliuer the city vnto the King wherefore he returned speedily and after information some of the offenders were taken and executed and two Chanoins kept in prison In the meane time the King had taken the castle of Benauent and then lost it againe by a surprize which the Earle himselfe made against whom hee prepared an army but the Earle finding himselfe to weake returned to his exile in Portugal The Prince leauing Toledo returned to Segobia and hauing assigned a day to the Noblemen practised by the King of Nauarre and the Earle of Haro at Crugna a house belonging to Pero Lopes of Padilla they there resolued to make ready their men and ioyne all together at an appointed time to beginne the warre against the Constable The Prince was ready and there speedily ioyned with him the Earle of Haro and the Marquis of Santillana but the rest appeered not yea the King of Nauarre was not ready to march so soone wherefore the enterprise was broken off and euery one beeing returned to his quarter the Prince D. Henry reconciled himselfe to the King his father and so did the Earle of Haro and the Marquis of Santillana whereby the treaty of marriage betwixt Prince Charles and the Earle of Haros daughter was broken Notwithstanding all this the King of Castile did not stirre and the frontiers of Castile and Nauarre where reasonably quiet in the yeere 1450. An. 1450. Pedro Sarmien●o forced to fl●e into Arragon for his thefts and yet such as fled into Nauarre and Arragon were there receiued amongst the which was D. Pedro Sarmiento whom the Prince D. Henry was in the end forced to thrust out of Toledo for his violences and treacheries He gratiously commanded him to be gone and gaue him leaue to carrie away all his baggage whereof hee had two hundred moiles or horses laden to the great griefe of the Toledains seeing this theefe thus inriched with their spoiles and to carry it away freely before their faces But Pedro Sarmiento was much more greeued to quit so rich a possession whose fleece was very proffitable God would not permit him to enioy that long which hee had gotten ill for being come with this booty to Segobia they did not onely spoile him but he was forced to saue himselfe by flight in Arragon whether he carried nothing of all his thefts but the sinne and shame thereof By the King of Nauarres permission he dwelt a while in the city of Pampelone with his wife and children poore and needy and scarce could they get a retreat in the towne of Bastide neere vnto Haro The Marquis of Villena following the Constables steps hauing giuen the Prince his maister occasion to be discontented with him he had like to haue beene seized on by the practises of D. Pedro Portocarrero of the Bishop of Cuenca and of D. Iohn de Sylua standard-bearer to the King but he auoided it Afterwards it was pacefied by the marriage of Donna Maria de Pacheco the Marquises daughter and D. Pedro Portocarrero who for that cause was made Earle of Medellin The King fearing new conspiracies to the preiudice of his estate being well acquainted with the Constables arrogancy and misdemeanors he resolued to make some accord with the King of Nauarre to the end hee might haue the Prince his some who was light and inconstant vnited vnto him cutting off all occasions of factions and leagues which might distract him attending a fit oportunity to make the Constable feele his iust indignation whilest this was working D. Henry Henriques the Admirals brother Accord betwixt the
to his vncle D. Alphonso King of Arragon Moreouer hee did write a breefe Chronicle of the Kings of Nauarre his Progenitors beginning with the most ancient time vnto King D. Inigo Arista and from thence hath continued the History vnto the reigne of King Charles his Grandfather which Chronicle is to bee found at this day in written hand but full of errors made by them that haue coppied it for it was neuer printed He did also write some verses imploying the time which he could spare in the gouernment of the realme in these honest exercises so as this Prince was cherished beloued and blest of euery man but of his own father of whom he demanded the realme of Nauarre being his mothers Inheritance which bred him great troubles and aduersity wherein he made proofe of his courrage and singular patience the which was better knowne and lamented after his death The King of Castile and the Prince his sonne hauing raised his seege from before Estella Castille left Nauarre without doing any other harme and returned to Burgos from whēce soone after they led an army against Palençuela whereas D. Alphonso Henriques the Constables sonne had fortefied himselfe and committed infinite spoiles round about The seege beeing before this place the Constable going neere the walles to view the scituation thereof a seruant of the Admirals called Fernand Tremigno sallied out of the towne with thirty men well armed who came and charged the Constable and them that were with him beeing vnarmed so sodainely as they put them all in daunger of their liues The Constable charged and in danger to bee slaine It behoued the Constable to shew his resolution who like a valiant and hardy Knight as in deed hee was with his rapier and cloake made head against this troupe and the rest by his example putting themselues also in defence endured the charge vntill that succors came vnto them from the next lodging of the army which made the enemies to turne head and retire towards the towne with some losse the which yeelded afterwards vpon composition From thence the King went vnto Madrigall where hee had newes that the affaires vpon the Moores frontier succeeded verie well King Mahumet Aben Ozmen Moores called Coxo that is to say the Halting had made offer to the King of Nauarre to fauour his quarrels promising that when he should inuest Castile by Nauarre and Arragon he would enter by Andalusia and assaile the city of Cordoua with all the power of his realme This Moore hearing afterwards that there had beene some accord made betwixt the Christian Princes did not forbeare to make warre on his part withall violence Moores defeated neere vnto Arcos sending troupes of horse and foot diuers waies to spoile whereof a band of six hundred horse and eight hundred foot were incountred nere vnto Arcos by D. Iohn Ponce de Leon Earle of Arcos who made a notable slaughter This Nobleman beeing somewhat sickly in Marchena had beene aduertised of the disorder which these spoilers caused by a Christian renegado sometimes called Benedict of Chincilla and then he was named Monfarres wherevpon drawing together about 300. horse and 600. foot he went that way being led by his spy where hauing marcht foureteene leagues that day and night he came the next day where the Moores were who expected him not who hauing put their foot-men before to recouer some place of safety the horsemen made head against the Christians and fought long whilest that their foote retired but in the end the Earle of Arcos had the victory there being aboue foure hundred horsemen slaine vpon the place and fiue and fifty taken prisoners with a hundred good horses of seruice The Moores fainted not for this route but within a while after An. 1452. and the same yeere 1452. they entred by Murcia hoping to haue better successe in that country being six hundred horse and fifteene hundred foote who hauing ruined a great part of the country vsing al kinds of cruelty they draue away aboue 40000. head of cattaile great and small and about fifty prisoners whereof D. Alphonso Faiardo being aduertised hee wrate speedily to D. Diego of Ribera Gouernor of Murcia Marshall of the Kings lodging that he should come forth of the city with all that were fit to beare armes the which he did presently and came to Lorca with seuenty horse and fiue hundred foote whereas D. Alphonso Fajardo met him with two hundred horse and 1500. foote with these forces they went to affront the Moores and charged them breaking them three times An other defeat of Moores but they rallied themselues twice againe together yet at the third they were victors with the slaughter of aboue eight hundred of their men and twelue captaines and of Christians there were forty slaine vpon the place and aboue two hundred wounded by which victory the booty was rescued There is no other mention made in our Histories of the deeds of this King Mahumet Aben Ozmen the Lame but that hee was depriued of his Realme by the Infant Aben-Izmael who kept at Malaga being assisted and fauored by the King of Castile but the yeere is not certaine D. Frederic Henriques Admirall of Castile being retired againe to his sonne in law the King of Nauarre for that they kept not the promises made in the aboue mentioned accord Nauarre did also thinke that it was lawfull for him to say that for his part hee would not be bound to performe to the King of Castile that which he had sworne and promised wherefore he led with him Queene Ioane his daughter and deliuered her to the King her husband This married couple being together it was not long before the Queene was with child she remayning at a place called Fresne in Arragon where King Iohn beeing exceeding glad of these newes he caused her to goe into Nauarre there to be deliuered She made her residence in the towne of Sanguesse An. 1453. the remainder of the yeere 1453. and there she applied her selfe with the Prince Don Charles and the Councell of the Realme to the gouernment of the State the King her husband consenting therevnto but it was not very pleasing to many Knights of Nauarre who were affectionate seruants to the Prince namely to the family and faction of Beaumont holding that the authority of a mother in law could neither be good nor proffitable for the Prince nor Realme The time of the Constables punishment did now approch the measure of his villanies being full Castile whereof he himselfe did seeke Iustice by his impudency and vnlymited desire of reuenge He hated D. Pedro of Estuniga Earle of Plaisance deadly and was in like manner hated by him The Constable laid an ambush for this Earle to take him prisoner which was the greatest matter he could doe to be reuenged his mighty enemies for being once taken it was easie for him who had the authority and force of the Realme in his
of Nauarre by the good councell of the Lords of the countrey and namely by the Lord Lewis of Beaumont now the king his father hauing married to his second wife the Ladie Ioane Henriques daughter to the Admirall of Castile would haue made her a partaker in the gouernment the which was distasted by many who did stirre vp the Prince beeing lawfull heire of the Kingdome not to suffer his mother-in-law to thrust her selfe into the command of his possessions The desire of rule which tickleth all great and magnanimous natures The desire of rule an affection of a magnanimous nature did so farre possesse the Prince Don Charles hitherto obedient to his father as hee declared vnto him the purpose that he had to enioy alone the right of his mothers inheritance in which his mother-in-law had no part and thereupon made preparation to send her foorth of the countrie and to resist the king his father if he opposed himselfe against his determination and in conclusion to haue by way of armes that which he purposed From this pernitious quarrell Factions of Beaumont and Grammont in Nauarre which prooued so successeles to the sonne against the father did spring the two factions of those of Beaumont and Grammont which so many yeares did infect the kingdome of Nauarre names taken from two mighty families to wit that of Beaumont beyond the Pireuean hils The house of Beaumont called of old Lusa and that of Grammont on the hither side neere vnto France albeit that the house of Beaumont had his originall from Normandy and was first of all called Lusa neuerthelesse both of them of old issued from the bloud royall of Nauarre the which the armes of both those houses do witnesse and namely the chiefe of the faction of Grammont who are the Marshals of the kingdome the Marques of Cortes do not intitle themselues of Grammont but of Nauarre Now the Lord Lewis of Beaumont Constable of Nauarre beeing chiefe of his house he and all his followed the Princes on the contrarie the house of Grammont and their adherents did maintain the Kings quarell against his sonne and of this house were chiefe the Lord Peter of Peralta who by reason of these tumults was made Constable and the Marshall Don Pedro of Nauarre The sonnes reasons were that beeing sonne and lawfull heire to Lady Blanche the right Queene and heire of Nauarre he ought to gouerne seeing that the king his father had made a second marriage which barred him from any pretence of right or claime On the contrarie the king sayd that by agreement of his first marriage it was concluded that whether he had any children or no by his wife Queene Blanche that he should raigne during his life to the which article the Lords and States of the kingdome were sworne and therefore it ought to take place The Prince disputed against this poynt as beeing made to his preiudice not good in law and therefore of no force for as by the lawes of the Realme two beeing married the suruiuer enioyeth the goods of the partie deceased so long as they continue in widdow-hood but so soone as they marrie againe they lose that right Now the question was whether the condition agreed vpon in the contract of marriage in the behalfe of K. Iohn made against the lawes of Nauarre and to the preiudice of the Prince his sonne were good or no but how iust so euer it was they fell to armes Queene Ioane remaining in Estella beeing aduertised of Prince Charles his conspiracie gaue foorth-with notice thereof to the king her husband who came out of Arragon into Nauarre with a great company of men at armes vnto whom those of Grammont ioyned themselues First of all he tryed by messages and ambassadors if hee could diuert the Prince his sonne from this dishonorable poursute whereby as he sayd he did blemish the shining luster of the races of Nauarre Castile Arragon and France from whence he was descended the question betwixt the father and sonne was brought to very good termes by the reasons alleaged by King Iohns Ambassadors had not the counsel of the chiefe of the part of Beaumont hindred it who kept the Prince in his first resolution to haue the absolute rule of his kingdom without any exception and those of Grammont did incite the king against his sonne both parts thinking as it is very likely to increase their honours riches and dignities rather by these troubles then by the peace of the kingdome All treaties and negotiations of peace ceassing the Prince assembled his forces as wel Knights as the common people of his partie An. 1456. and carried himself as king the yeare 1456 The Prince of Viana Don Charles caused himselfe to bee called king of Nauar. giuing gifts priuiledges and liberties with other royall acts the letters and writings whereof were found in these times in the citie of Toralba and other places of the country he called also from Castile diuers of his friends of whom certaine troupes entring by Logrog● into Nauarre were ouerthrowne neere to Viana by the King Don Iohn who like a wise and a discreet Captaine went and met them not suffering all his sonnes forces to ioyne together before that he had fought with them after which exploit there were diuers encounters betwixt them with doubtfull victorie neere to Estella Pampelona Olite and Lombier so as the last battell of this first ciuill warre was fought neere to the citie of Ayuar in the which by the prowesse and valour of Peter of Peralta and Lopes of Castillo and others of the faction of Grammont those of Beaumont were vanquished and Prince Charles taken prisoner who was carried to Tafalla by the commandement of the king who came thither soone after and did labour to bring him to some agreement of peace the which the sonne beeing ill aduised did contemne and that which was worse he going about to incite his neighbour kings to take in hand the defence of his cause a packet of letters was taken which he sent to king Alphonso of Portugall wherein diuers matters were discouered by reason whereof hee was shut vp in the castle of Mont-Roy Hereuppon the factions were so fleshed one against the other as through all the citties of the kingdome betweene neighbors and towns-men whole families did so bandie themselues that infinite cruelties murthers burning of houses and other insolencies and impieties of ciuill warres were committed The great loue of the Earle of Lerin to the Prince Don Charles The imprisonment of the Prince was so irkesome to the Lord Lewis of Beaumont Earle of Lerin as he did not cease by all meanes and assurances that he offered till that he had obtained his deliuerie of the King for the which he himselfe so dearely did he loue him gaue his owne person in hostage and remained in prison the space of seuen yeares But when the Prince was at libertie he wanted no counsellers to animate him to
seruice He was liberall to all men and magnificent in gifts especially to Princes and their Ambassadours Hee was a louer of iustice and yet neuerthelesse mercifull full of commiseration and flow to condemne any man to death the which he could temper so well as his clemencie profited and redounded to the benefite of diuers yet offenders were punished and corrected in such sort as his Realmes were neuer since his time so well gouerned and cleansed from all manner of violence and outrage When hee had ouercome his enemies hee did alwaies shew himselfe meeke and gentle hee tooke delight in all excellent things vsing alwaies great modestie therein hee was sumptuous in mooueables in gold and siluer plate iewels and other ornaments of rare esteeme except about his owne royall person which was euer apparelled according to the common vse and fashion of his Gentlemen not delighting in rich and costly stuffes nor new fashions hee was stately and magnificent in martiall playes and shewes which were frequent in his Court and no lesse in buildings whereof the royall pallace the bridge and great Hospitall of Sarragossa do make mention The new castle at Naples brought into the forme which now it is is a worke of his he made the fortresse of the Eggeshabitable and commodious hee caused the marshes about the cittie to be dryed vp hee builded shippes of no meane greatnesse which seemed like castles vppon the sea he entertayned a great number of huntsmen but his chief delight and pleasure was in hawking And beeing a warlike Prince hee made two enterprises into Barbarie the one to Zerba anciently called the Isle of the Lotophages the which he tooke and defeated in battell Butifer king of Tunis who came to driue him thence with aboue an hundred thousand Moores the other against the towne properly called Affrica the situation whereof hee very well viewed hauing a purpose to returne thither where he burned all the shippes and vessels that he found in the hauen when hee was at peace in the kingdome of Naples he gaue ayde and succour to the Despotto of Acarnania assayled by the Turkes and to Scanderbeg Prince of Albania warring vpon the same nation Learning and learned men beloued of king Don Alphonso Sentence of D. Alphonso where his souldiers gaue sufficient proofe of braue warriours which did greatly redound to the Kings honour A man would scarce beleeue what honour and respect he did beare to learning and learned men beeing oftentimes wont to say That a King without learning was like a crowned Asse the which sentence he had read in the preface before the Spanish Translation of Saint Austens booke Of the Cittie of God and therefore he employed part of his time in the study of letters although he were of good yeares before he beganne and he did neuer neglect the reading of Bookes nor his conference and disputations with learned men how great affaires of State or warre soeuer hee had Beeing well stricken in yeares hee euer had in his company an old Grammarian called Master Martin with whome hee delighted greatly to discourse both abroade and at home and he did so profit at his studie that hee did translate Seneca's Epistles a worke very hard intreating of morall Philosophie into the Spanish tongue hee tooke such pleasure in reading the holy Scriptures as hee would often vaunt that he had read the old and new Testament fourteene times ouer To shew the singular affection hee did beare to learning and learned men hee gaue for his Deuice in armorie an open booke and hee would say that Bookes were Princes best Councellors with protestation that he had receiued best counsell of the dead meaning of his bookes In the deuastations and spoyles of Citties during his warres hee reserued for his part of the spoyle bookes which were carefully sought for and brought vnto him hee would reade with great delight Titus Li●ius and Caesars Commentaries so that besides the sundry reparations of Schooles and Auditories where hee assigned pensions to the Doctors Regents and schollers his Court was daily frequented with the learnedst men of his time to wit Bartholomew Facio George of Trebiçonde Laurentius Vall● Iohn Auri●pa Antonio of Palermo and others Hee did honour the great Captaines and worthie men in the Art militarie ●earned men 〈◊〉 to K. A●phons●s court of what nation soeuer they were likewise Grauers Architects excellent Enginers skilfull Marriners and generally any man of worth and desert in what art of science soeuer so that hee left behind him the eternall and euer-during memorie of a Prince truly vertuous valiant bountifull and esteeming vertue as it rightly deserued Now King Don Alphonso beeing dead and his sonne Don Fernand beeing in trouble at his first comming to the Crowne diuers citties and some great Lords of the kingdome of Naples did mooue and stirre vp the Prince Don Charles of Nauarre to take to himselfe the same Crowne which they offered vnto him but he made them such an answer as they perceiued thereby that he had learned to be modest to follow equity and right and not rashly to cast himselfe into another mans possession And for that hee would not giue any euill suspition of himselfe hee went into Sicill a Kingdome fallen by the death of Don Alphonso to the King his father with those of Arragon Sardynia Majorca Minorca Valenc●a and the Principalitie of Cattelogne in the which by right belonging to the eldest sonnes of the Kings of Arragon hee obtayned in esse the principalitie of Girona and the right of succession in all these Kingdomes afterwards He remained and continued a while in Sicill greatly honoured and beloued of the Sicillians during which time he was amorously familiar with a very fayre and beautifull Gentlewoman of a meane of spring and parentage named Capa on whome hee begate two children the one named Don Philip of Nauarre and Arragon who was Master of the Order of Monteça Geneal●gie of Nauarre and Arragon and dyed in the warre of Granado in the seruice of the King Don Fernand his Vncle the other was called Don Iohn who was Bishoppe of Huesca Hee had also a daughter named Donna● Anne of Nauarre and Arragon who was Dutchesse of Medina Celi and wife to Don Lewis de la Cerde but it is vncertaine whether shee was borne of this mother As the aboue-named tumults and dissentions continued in Nauarre the Prouinces of Guipuscoa and Biscay beeing neere-bordering neighbours Castile and wrapped vp in one selfe same ayre entred into ciuill or rather vnciuill dissentions hauing likewise their factions of the Gamboines and Ognazines who could not bee repressed by any forme of iustice Therefore the King Don Henry was aduised to go thither in person the which he did and there by the aduice of his Councell and vppon information made of those trobles and outrages he razed and ouerthrew diuers towers and strong houses belonging to the chiefe of the Factions which serued for places of retreat and
declared Princesse and inheritrix of his Realmes in the assembly of the generall states assembled at Madrid for the same purpose the Infants D. Alphonso and Donna Isabella his sister being the first that did sweare in this solemnity there grew a dontention at this parliament about the precedencie of the citties who should first sweare but the Kings pleasure was that Segobia should sweare first before any of the rest without preiudice to their rights and preuiledges The Court remained certaine months at Madrid and Segobia the King taking great delight to hunt in those wooddy countries from thence he went to Alfaro to treat of the affaires of Nauarre and Arragon and hee left the Queene at Segobia three monthes gonne with child Fire kindled in Queene Ioanes haire by the Sunne beames but she miscarried soone after the Kings departure being flighted with a strange fire kindled in her haire by a beame of the Sunne as she sate in her chamber which burnt part of her lockes a rare thing but yet proceeding from certaine ointments apt to kindle wherewith she vsed to die and collour her haire a thing ordinary amongst amorous Ladies whose only care and study is to correct and amend the naturall forme of their bodies with artificiall receits to make them seeme the more louely this abortiue child was a sonne King Henry being at Alfaro Nauarre and Arragon the Archbishop of Toledo and the Admirall D. Frederic began to mediate a peace betweene the two Kings of Castile and Arragon and for that purpose King Iohn came to Tudela vnto whom the Marquis of Vallena was sent the King of Castill hauing first taken D. Iohn of Arragon as ostage for him At Tudela diuerse meanes were propounded for the conclusion of the peace which taking no effect it was thought fit that the Marquis should goe with King Iohn and the Queene his wife to Saragossa to consult more amply of those affaires The Marquis made summe stay there but King Iohn had occasion to goe in all hast into Cattalogna in the meane time the Queene did entertaine him very sumptuously and among other fauours she caused him to eate at her owne table which as then was serued onely with Ladies and gentlewomen without any men at all At the Kings returne to Sargossa the peace was concluded vpon the deliuery of ostages and certaine places for assurance on each side to weet La Gardo Peace betweene Castile and Arragon Saint Vincent Arcos and Larraga by the King of Arragon and on the part of Castil Lorca in the Kingdome of Murcia and Comago in the territory of Soria The Nauarrois were discontented that King Iohn should giue any places of the Realme of Nauarre in pawne rather then those of the Kingdome of Arragon but of necessity it behoued them to bee content therewith The Cattelans also were reconciled to the King and they did acknowledge by oth the Infant D. Fernand being then nine yeeres old for heire and lawful successor to the crowne of Arragon who from thenceforth was intituled Prince of Girona This peace betweene King Iohn and his subiects lasted not long Sedition in Cattalogna whether it were because they were certified of the Princes vntimely death whom their did so deerely loue and which they desired to reuenge or for any other occasion but it fell so out that in the country of Rossillon Ampurdam and other places of Cattalogna there arose great tumults and mutinies the Earle of Pallars being chiefe of that rebellion there was a rumor spred abroad that Prince Charles his ghost did nightly complaine in the streets of Barcelona crauing vengeance on Queene Ioane his step-mother who by poison had parted his soule from his body The Queene to resist those disorders came to Girona where she was forthwith beseeged by the Earle of Pallars Queene Ioane beseeged in Girona and constrained with the Prince D. Fernand her sonne to fortifie her selfe with great daunger of their liues in the tower of the Cathedral Church of the same city At the same time the Barcelonois did driue al the Kings officers forth of their city and as many as did loue and affect him resoluing neuer more to obey him but to become subiects to the King of Castile The Inhabitants of Girona did greatly fauour the beseeged Queene who vnder the conduct of Du Puy master of the order of Montesa made great resistance but the Earle of Pallars entred the city by force and did furiously assaile and batter the strong tower desirous to take the Queene and the Prince her sonne but they one her side vsed such dilligence as the Earle was beaten out of the towne with great losse of his people The King being much troubled with the reuolt of the Cattalans and other places also of his Kingdomes sent into France to intreate of King Lewis aide of men and money Iohn of Arragon pawneth Rossillon to Lewis the eleuenth vnto whom he engaged for the summe of three hundred thousand crownes of gold for the paiment of his souldiars the Earledome of Rossillon and Cerdagne He obtained of him two thousand fiue hundred horse amongst whom were seuen hundred Launces furnished of which forces Gaston Earle of Foix and Lord of Bearn sonne in law to King Iohn was Generall In this warre which was long and troublesome diuers Knights of the faction of Grammont did good seruice to the King the chiefe of whom were Don Peter de Peralta Constable of Nauarre Sanches of Londogno sonne to the Marshall of Nauarre Fernand of Angulo Stephen of Garro Roderigo of Puelles the Viscount Bertrand of Armendaris Iohn Henriques of La●arra and Gyles de Aualos Iames Diaz of Armendaris Lord of Cadreita Pedro of Ansa Iohn of Aquerri and Sancho of Erbiti surnamed the obstinate who did beare for his motto or deuise So or no glorying in that he was contentious by reason whereof this Knight had in his time many quarrels to maintaine The comming of the French caused the Earle of Pallars to raise his seege from before Girona So the Queene beeing freed ioyned with the army of the Earle of Foix and pursued the Rebelles causing diuerse of them to craue pardon The King hauing leauied men at armes sent them vnder the commaund of his sonne Don Alphonso of Arragon to ioyne likewise with the Earle of Foix his forces hee himselfe following after staied a while in the City of Bellaguer to appease the tumultuary Inhabitants into the which towne he entred in armes and there receiued newes of the yeelding vp of Tarraga whether he forthwith went but soone after he was constrained to dislodge from thence being aduertized that Don Iohn de Agullon with certaine Regiments came thitherward to surprise him and so he returned to Bellaguer Those of Barcelona D. Iohn declared enemy by the Barcelonois and despoiled of his right in that principallity mooued with extreame hatred against their King did by publike proclamation declare him enemy of their country saying
people at the seege of this castle retired himselfe to a strong hold from whence euery day he offered the King battaile A bloudy fight betwixt the Kings army and that 〈◊〉 D. Hugo de Caodona beeing come to fight the victory remained for a while doubtfull on either side but the last it fell to the King there died as well in this incounter as in the skirmishes of the seege more then fifteene hundred of the enemies and very neere as many on the Kings part so as hee had small occasion to reckon this victory in the number of his happy ones From thence the Kings army marched to the aide of the Archbishop of Tarragon whom those of Lerida and Ceruera held beseeged in a place very discommodious who freed him from thence In an other place Don Alphonso of Arragon obtained a great victory neere vnto the towne of Saint Colomba with whom the Kings army ioyning that place yeelded besides this the towne of Ceriall was taken by force and all the country thereabout whilest the Queene and the Earle of Foix in an other place tooke the towne of Moncada by assault with many other places which for feare yeelded vnto them Whilest the affaires of King Iohn succeeded well in Cattalogna Moores the King of Castile made open warres vpon the frontiers of Granada since the defeate of the Infant Haly Muly-Hacen wherein Don Iohn de Guzman the first Duke of Medina Sidonia sonne to Count Henry of Niebla who was drowned before Gibralter Gibralter taken by the Castillians made excellent proofe of his valor and good conduct and he had the good hap to subiect the city of Gibraltar to the crowne of Castile which his father had attempted in vaine The newes of this conquest were so pleasing to King Henry as amongest his other titles hee would bee called King of Gibraltar for this city had beene the chiefe in the Kingdome of Abomelech the Infant of Marocco sonne to King Alboacen of the kindred of the Merins This happie exploite was accompanied with the taking of the City of Archedona by the Maister of Calatraua Don Pedro Giron brother to the Marquis of Villena The keeping of Gibraltar was committed for that time to Pedro de Porras About this time diuers Princes and Potentates sent their Ambassadors to the King of Castile Castile namely from his cosin King Fernand of Naples from Pope Pius and the Colledge of Cardinals and from the Venetians who desired his perpetuall friendship and confederacy The Geneuois offered him fealty and homage and withall to become his subiects but King Henry contenting himselfe with his owne estates not being by nature ambitious did not desire to meddle in those forraine businesses albeit there wanted not diuers of his councell to animate him therevnto King Iohn hauing Nauarre and Arragon at Moncada ioyned his army with that of the Queene his wife and his sonne in law the Earle of Foix the councell thought it fit to send to beseege the City of Barcelona and it was so concluded notwithstanding that the King was of a contrary opinion The Barcelonois had receiued the aboue mentioned aide from Castile Barcelona erecteth the banners of Castile and resoluing neuer more to obey the King of Arragon they had set vp the banners of Castile the citty was very rich and greatly furnished with men and munition very strong in their walles and towers and excellently wel prouided of al things belonging to the sea by reason whereof they made sundry sallies and skirmishes with the Kings army to the great losse and hinderance thereof as well by land as by sea and namely they gaue chase to captaine Vilago who kept the sea from them with eight Gallies of Arragon so as the King thought it the best way to raise his seege after that hee had beene before it by the space of twenty daies causing his sonne Don Alphonso of Arragon to spoile the country round about the citty From thence the army marched to Villa-franca which was taken by force and there the King caused to be executed by order of law foure hundred of the Inhabitants beeing prouoked therevnto by the death of two French captaines which were slaine at his entery into the towne which became such a terror to the rest of the townes thereabouts as diuerse yeelded without any resistance at all They beseeged the city of Tarragon Tarragon yeelded to the king which at the first made resistance yet neuer sallied forth of their wals but when they beheld their fields burnt and the continual battery and assaults of the enemies their courage began to shrinke especially when the aide which was sent them from Barcelona was at their landing constrained to flie backe to their Gallies then with very easie conditions they yeelded to the King who left Roderigo of Rebolledo for their Gouernor he himselfe going backe to Ballaguer The Cattelans thus distressed sent new Ambassadors into Castile one of them was the Archdeacon of Girona who being ioyned to the Ambassador resident with King Henry made new offers of submission and full obedience vnto him beseeching him to intitule himselfe King of Arragon and Earle of Barcelona seeing that hee was assured that those dominions did by all diuine and humaine right belong vnto him and that now the voluntary consent of the people did inuite him therevnto requesting moreouer aide of souldiars The King of Castile beside this publique Ambassage was solicited therevnto by sundry Lords and other cities of Valencia and Arragon and to speake truely hee did greatly incline to their demaunds but the Archbishop of Toledo and the Marquis of Villena the Kings chiefe councellors after whose appetite the whole affaires of the Kingdome were gouerned were of a contrary opinion and peraduenture they had intelligence with King Iohn of Arragon but it was not certainely knowne whether it were so or no wherefore the businesse beeing debated on by the councell the Ambassadors receiued this answere that if they ment to haue any aide of souldiars it did then behoue them to bring store of money with them and as for the title to the crowne of Arragon and county of Barcelona King Henry would consider thereon with more mature deliberation The Ambassadors replied that if it would please the King to take their cause in hand and to shew himselfe openly in their defence as his subiects they would venture their heads if within threescore daies after they did not bring into the Kings coffers the summe of seuen hundred thousand florins of gold This seemed a dreame to the Archbishop and the Marquis for the summe was exceeding great for those times and they two hauing an other purpose wrought so well as king Henry not onely refused their offers but withdrew himselfe wholy from the warre of Arragon giuing them to vnderstand that he had rather with the helpe of the French King mediate a good peace for them Now the Marquis and the Archbishop did purpose The King
for things necessarie for the seege that beeing done the King departed thence accompanied with the horse-men of his guard toward Medina del Campo Prodigious wind but before his comming foorth of Salamanca there arose so terrible a tempest of wind as blew vp the whole roofe in the great place there bearing it more then a stones-cast from thence the which was held prodigious by the Mathematicians and Astrologians of the same place The King caused the Queene his wife and the Infanta Donna Izabella to come to Medina del campo and Donna Ioane his supposed daughter was left in the castle of Segouia vnder the keeping of Perucho of Musarras Gouernour and Captaine thereof The King came from Medina del campo to the campe before Areualo and perceiuing that the Arch-bishop came not he sent one of his Secretaries to bid him make hast This Secretarie called Fernand Badajos The Arch-bishop of Toledo betrayeth the king his master found the Arch-bishoppe with his troupes going towards Auyla where after he had deliuered his message the Arch-bishop sayd vnto him Tell your King from me that I am wearie both of him and his affaires and that shortly the true King of Castile shall be knowne The Secretarie hauing reported these speeches to the King at the same instant newes came that the Admirall Don Fredericke had made himselfe Master of Vailliodolit where he had openly proclaimed Don Alphonso King and that the the Marquis of Villena and all the Lords which were in the cittie of Plaisance were come to Auila there to make the Prince Alphonso king Then this miserable and infortunate King Henry K. Henry d●stitute of humane helpe hath recourse to God being touched with the feeling of his offences and acknowledging the iudgement of God all sorrowfull and humbled with-drew himselfe apart as the Licenciate Diego Henriques who wrote his life and deedes doth report kneeling vpon the ground and lifting vp his hands to heauen he prayed in this manner O Lord God vnto whome belongeth the defence and protection of Kings and by whome they raigne I recommend my cause vnto thee and commit my life into thy hands I yeeld thee infinite thankes for that it hath pleased thee to punish mee in this sort for mine offences which are worthie of a sharper scourge and I confesse that the same which I suffer is very small in respect of my deserts May it please thee O Lord that these troubles may diminish the paines which are due to my soule in regard of my sins and if it be thy will that I shall passe thorough these miseries and afflictions I beseech thee from the bottome of my heart to giue me patience to endure them and reason and vnderstanding to guide my selfe in them This prayer beeing ended he commaunded to sound to horse-backe and rode to Medina del campo from whence hauing taken the Queene his wife and the Infanta hee came backe to Salamanca At the same time the Arch-bishoppe was busied in taking of Auila whether the confederates came to wit the Marquis of Villena the Master of Alcantara the Earles of Benauent Paredes Plaisance and Medellin with others There in a playne field without the cittie a great scaffold was set vp vppon the which was placed an effigie or picture representing King Henry in a mourning habite King Henry shamefully 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 at Auila sitting in a regall throne the Crowne vppon his head the Scepter in his hand and the sword laid before him Into the same fields the Lords and Knights of the league came bringing the Prince Don Alphonso with them the Marquis the Master of Alcantara the Earle of Medelin Gonçalo of Sahauedra and the Secretarie Aluaro Gomes stood a great space from the scaffold the rest went vp and standing round abut the statue a certaine writing was read by the which King Henry was degraded and condemned to loose his royall dignitie contayning foure chief points according to which and as each of them were reading the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo did first take the Crowne from his head as deseruing to bee depriued from the dignitie of King then the Earle of Plaisance tooke away the sword when they read the Article that he was no more worthy to administer iustice afterward the Earle of Benauent euen as the Cryer pronounced that he was vnfitte to gouerne the kingdom took the scepter out of his hand and finally when they came to the chiefe point which did depriue him of his royall throne the statue was thrown down from his seate with many vnworthie and outragious speeches by Diego Lopes of Suniga D. Alphonso the kings brother declared king of Castile or Estuniga a brother to the Earle of Plaisance After that this ceremonie was ended the other Lords drew neere with the Prince Alphonso and mounting the scaffold they tooke and lifted him vp on their shoulders and began to cry Castile Castile for the king Don Alphonso then the trumpets did sound and they all were to kisse his hand as their King This was done in the moneth of Iune in the yeare 1465. 1465. which when King Henry vnderstood he tooke it very patiently and rehearsed the verse of the Prophet Esay I haue nourished and brought vp children and they haue despised me but although these trecherous and disloyall seruants haue so wronged and scorned me by the statue which they haue degraded and throwne away all respect and duty which they owe vnto me yet they cannot keepe me who am the true king from hauing strength and courage to chastise and disperse them for I hope in our Lord Iesus Christ which is the iust Iudge of Kings that their wickednesse shall be destroyed and my innocencie made knowne to the whole world Then he wrote to the three Estates citties and communalties of Castile concerning these disorders and leauied men at armes from all parts promising exemptions liberties priuiledges and recompences to such as would serue him in that extremity for he knew very well that Toledo and Burgos had erected Don Alphonso's banners and that the Master of Calatraua who was strong in Andalusia had caused Seuile and Cordoua to rebell and had drawne the Duke of Medina Sidonia the Earle of Arcos and Don Alphonso of Aguilar with many others to their league wherefore this poore vnfortunate King would oftentimes say Naked I came out of my mothers wombe and the earth must receiue me naked Patience of king Henry no man can become so poore as he was born and if God do now chastise me for my sinnes he will comfort and preserue me hereafter for his infinite power killeth and giueth life hurteth and healeth giueth kingdomes and taketh them away lifteth vp kings and throweth them downe againe euen as he pleaseth Whilest that Castile was thus troubled the kingdome of Arragon was not at rest for King Iohn hauing made a truce with the King of Castile Arragon and Nauarre since the yeare 1464. being contented to liue at
The appointed day beeing come the Legate came to the place where with great insolencie he was compassed about with aboue three hundred horse of the league which did greatly amaze him for he was none of the stoutest Prelats Presently after Don Iohn de Pacheco The Master of S. Iames contradicts the Popes authoritie ouer the temporal states Master of Saint Iames the Earle of Luna the Bishop of Coria with other Lords of the same faction came in place vnto whome the Legate shewed his faculties and authoritie to do in Spaine what he thought good Wherupon the Master of Saint Iames made him this answer that those which had informed the Pope that hee had any power or authority to dispose of the estate of the Kingdomes of Spaine or Leon had deceyued him for that did belong onely to him and to the other great Lords of the same countrie At this meeting nor yet at another which was made nere to Montejo de la Veja was there any thing concluded on Wherefore hee beganne to proceed against the Confederates by Ecclesiasticall censures Appeale from the Pope to the next generall Councell but the Lords of the League did appeale to the first generall Councell the Licentiate Iohn d' Alco●er and the Doctor Alphonso of Madrigal throwing in their appeales The Lega●e perceyuing his labour to bee lost would haue gone backe to Medina but diuers of the Rebells followed after him crying out Wee appeale Insolencie against the Legate we appeale and with great outrages brought him backe to Olmedo the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo and the Master of Saint Iames seeming to bee discontented therewith tooke vppon them to defend him Whilest the Legate was thus handled the Confederates practised how to draw to their side Pedro Arias of Auila and the Bishop Don Iohn of Segobia his brother who beeing alreadie offended with the wrong which the King had offered them whereof wee haue spoken heretofore were easily perswaded thereunto the chiefe doers in this businesse were Lewis de Mesa Pedro Arias his familiar friend Perucho of Munsaras Captaine of the Castle of Segobia Fryar Rodrigo of Mesa Abbot of Parral and brother to Lewis with other Monkes and Church-men who did lay a plotte to deliuer the cittie of Segobia to the Confederate Lords Queene Ioane Donna Izabella with other Ladies and Gentlewomen of great place were lodged in the pallace of the same Citie where they had notice of this practise some of them with great feare beganne to dislodge the Queene withdrew her selfe into the Cathedrall Church The citty of Seigo●ia deliuered to the confederate Lords where thinking her selfe not safe enough shee entreated to bee receyued into the Castle with the Dutchesse of Albuquerque and other Ladies but the Infanta Donna Izabella had no will to remooue for beeing incensed against king Henry her brother shee had intelligence with the Prince Don Alphonso and did wholy adhere to the Confederates who entred into the Cittie in armes through a false port of the Bishoppes lodgings and made themselues master thereof without any resistance to the great griefe of the Inhabitants The Lords of the League went directly to the pallace to salute the Infanta who committed her selfe wholly into their hands The king hauing notice hereof departed very melancholy from Medina with such troupes as hee could get about him and marched towards Cuellar where in the mid way the Castle of Iscar was assayled at the intreatie of the Earle of Treuigno in which Castle the Earle of Plaisance kept the Earle of Treuigno's mother in dishonest manner the place beeing taken the Countesse was sent away prisoner by her sonne into his countrie The losse of Segobia did much grieue the the King for his aboade there pleased him aboue all other as well because hee was brought vp there from his infancie The King forsaken of his people as for the wood of Balsain and other places thereabouts fitte for hunting and also in regard of his treasure which lay in the castle thereof and the griefe and feeling of his aduersities did so oppresse him as beeing desperate and almost besides himselfe he was contented to be drawne by the deuices of the Master of Saint Iames to the towne of Coca vnder the promise and assurance of the Archbishoppe of Seuille not telling or making it knowne to any of the Lords or Knights of his trayne and taking but a very few of his houshold seruants with him Wherefore all men beeing discontented with these courses which did manifestly tend to the ruine of the King and of those which did him seruice they with-drew themselues discontented to their owne houses The Kings Officers and houshold seruants seeing themselues forsaken and left in so pittifull and miserable estate were ashamed to tell vnto whome they did belong when they came to any place The Licentiate Diego Henriques the Kings Chronicler hauing obtayned a safe conduct Diego Henriques King Henries Chronicler came to Segobia where hee had a house wherin were diuers goods and papers of great consequence but neuerthelesse he was taken and ill intreated his goods stolen and his writings scattered abroade to the great danger of his person if God had not drawne him out of their hands for the Rebels were greatly mooued against him because that in his written memories and chronicles hee had set downe the truth of their proceedings The king beeing come to Coca they changed the place and their opinion was to conferre at Segobia in the castle of which cittie hee was lodged and entertayned by the Earle of Alua and the Master of Alcantara albeit that Peruch● de Munsaras Captaine of the place was not well contented therewith The King and the Master of Saint Iames meeting afterward in the great Church Other agreement betwixt the king and the rebels after diuers reasons on either side it was agreed that the king should consent that the fort of Segobia should remayne vnder the command of the Master of Saint Iames the kings treasures and mooueables to be kept safe and restored to him who should send them to the castle of Madrid the Captaine-ship of which with the keeping of those things the King should graunt to Perucho de Munsaras Moreouer that the Queene should bee giuen in hostage and left in trust with the Arch-bishop of Seuile for sixe moneths within which time the King should be restored to all his former honour and dignitie These articles were afterward performed the treasures transported to Madrid and Queene Ioane was sent to the castle of Alaejos Euill life of Queene Ioan● of Castile where holding on the course of life which the King had taught her shee fell in loue with a certaine young man by whome shee had two children which was the cause of many vnworthie outrages as shall bee hereafter declared After this treatie the King beeing in as lamentable an estate as before went vppe and done his kingdome no otherwise than if hee had beene a poore
Gentleman In this meane equipage he arriued in the territories of Don Aluaro of Estuniga Earle of Plaisance who with the Countesse his wife did intertaine him very honorably according to his degree much compassionating his miseries and aduersities wherewith beeing mooued they comforted him as much as lay in their power but it stood him in no stead against the power and obstinacie of the Master of Saint Iames. This yeare 1468. died Don Fernand of Buxan An. 1468. Bishop of Siguen●a the Deane of the same Church named Don Iohn of Madrid Contention for the Bishopricke of Siguenta seized both vppon the goods of the partie deceassed and vppon the Cittie likewise and hauing learned that a good Bishoppricke is a thing worthie to bee desired hee caused himselfe to bee chosen Bishoppe by the Chapter strengthening himselfe with the partie of Don Alphonso and the Confederats but Pope Paul the second reiected this election and gaue the Bishoppricke to the Cardinall Don Iohn de Mella Bishoppe of Zamorra who poursuing the possession thereof by armes the Deane not obeying and appealing from the Pope to a Councell dyed Then the Pope bestowed it vppon Don Pero Gonçales of Mendoza Bishop of Calaorra the kings loyall and faithfull seruant and excommunicated the Dean and his Chanons graunting their benefices and Prebendshipps to others For all this the Deane would not yeeld but made greater resistance than before notwithstanding that the King offered him if he would leaue the Bishoppricke of Siguença to giue him that of Calaorra with the Abbey of La Huerta to boot Now seeing that neither right force threatnings nor kind and louing proffers would preuayle with this Deane a polliticke deuise was thought vppon for they practised with an houshould seruant of the Deanes named Gonçal Brauo who on a night shold find meanes for Pedro d' Almaçan Captaine of the Castle of Atiença to scale the fort of Siguença where the Deane and his brother were taken and brought to Atiença The Bishop Don Pero Gonçales hauing notice hereof poasted thither in all hast and made himselfe Master of the cittie and fort the King confirmed to Pedro of Almaçan the Captaine-shippe of Atiença and the Pope gaue him a good Channonrie in the Church of Siguença in recompence of the good seruice which hee had done to the king and the Apostolike sea of Rome In the meane space that these Ecclesiasticall businesses were mannaged with such violence the Earle of Plaisance had oftentimes treated with the Marquis and the Confederates in the Kings behalfe that the matters agreed vpon at Coca and Segobia might be performed but they had no desire thereunto Wherefore hee sent vnto them a gentleman of his named Pedro d' Ontiberos to draw them to some conclusion beeing then at A●eualo with the Prince Don Alphonso This Gentleman brought backe no answer for after that hee had negotiated with the confederate Lords as hee returned towards Plaisance hee was vppon the way assayled and slaine by Gyles of Biuero the quarrell beeing about their wiues and at the same time Garcia Mendez of Badajos one of the Kings Captaines was slayne at Burgos by the people for as he had made warre vppon the inhabitants Garcia Mendez de Badaio slaine in Burgos who held the part of the League his friend Pedro de Maçuelo drew him into the towne to conferre together about the peace his death did greatly displease his friends and other good men but the rude and tumultuous people could not be contained within any bounds Pope Paul hauing notice of the small respect which the Confederates in Castile had made of his Legate Don Antonio de Venerie Bishoppe of Leon was highly displeased therewith but hee wrote neuerthelesse to King Henry aduising him to pardon his rebels if they did acknowledge their faults and returne to his obedience comforting him besides concerning his aduersities by examples drawne from the holy Scriptures to the same purpose he sent likewise a briefe to the Confederates enioyning them vpon paine of his curse no longer to call Don Alphonso King but to acknowledge King Henry for their naturall and lawfull Prince and to craue his pardon The Confederates sent the Abbot of Paraces and the commannder Fernand d'Arze the Infants Secretarie to the Pope to giue him reason for what they had done and to informe him of the iustice of their cause but for certayne dayes space the Pope would not suffer them to enter into the Cittie of Rome At the last vppon their great and earnest intreaties to haue audience they were permitted to enter vppon this condition that they should haue an especiall care in any of their speeches not once to name Don Alphonso King Hauing deliuered their message they were by the Pope sharpely reprehended who threatened them and the Confederates more bitterly than hee had done by his briefe and it is reported that in a Propheticall spirit hee declared the death of the Infant Don Alphonso to be neere after which hee told them they would find themselues greatly perplexed with such like speeches the Ambassadors returned into Spayne The Cittie of Toledo taking part with the League the Secretarie Aluar Gomes of Cité reall commaunded therein Se●●tion in Toledo who stood excommunicate by reason that hee was one of the chiefe of the League it happened vppon a day that he came into the great Church at such time as the Priests sang diuine seruice who perceyuing him presently left off their singing but hee sent vnto them and commaunded them to go on which they refused sending a certaine Clearke to him who vsed many proud words wherewith a souldiar of Don Aluars trayne beeing mooued drew his sword and thrust him thorough the bodie so as hee fell downe dead in the place whereupon arose such tumults and seditions in the Cittie as after diuers murthers burnings and other execrable outrages the Cleargie and their partakers remayned masters of the cittie chasing away and banishing the opposites Then they sent the Licenciate Don Fernand Calderon with a message to the Infant Don Alphonso to intreate him to allow of that which they had done and to request him to graunt vnto them the goods which they had seized on and taken from those which were slayne in the tumult The Prince hauing heard the demaunds of those of Toledo Magnanimitie and iustice of Don Alphonso albeit hee was but very young made them a noble and iust answer First he shewed the Licenciate that it did very ill become him who was a learned man and therefore ought to be wise to be employed in such a message then detesting the outrages of the Toledains he told him freely that hee would neuer authorize their wickednesse nor giue away other mens goods so vniustly the Licenciate replyed and told him that he vndertooke that message with a desire to do him seruice and for to acquaint him with the good affection which those of Toledo did beare vnto him who would not fayle to reuolt
from his obedience to the King his brother if hee graunted not their request Whereunto hee answered that therin they might do as they pleased for he was resolued neuer to commit so vnreasonable and dishonest an act The Infant perseueres in being iust hatefull to God and man and that they ought to bee satisfied and contented that their offences were winked at and not punished which perhappes time would bring to passe Wee haue shewed heretofore Desire to be rich takes away all natural and ciuill respect how that Don Alphonso Pimentell Earle of Benauent had beene disappoynted of the Master shippe of Saint Iames whereunto he layd claime by his father-in-law Don Iohn de Pacheco Marquis of Villena from thence arose deadly hatred against them which prouoked and stirred vp the Earle to lay diuers traynes to take away his life and this yeare the Earle missed very narrowly of his purpose and determination in the Infant Don Alphonso's house at Areualo but the Marquis hauing intelligence thereof did euer after stand vppon his guard and went abrode secretly and well accompanied The Earle neuerthelesse dissembled and spake kindly to his father-in-law as though he had no such intent at all still wayting for a fit time and place to dispatch him then departing from Areualo hee came to Plaisance where King Henry did lye and was there well and kindly entertayned both by the King the Earle Don Aluaro together with the Countesse his wife There the Arch-bishoppe of Seuille the Earles of Plaisance Benauent and Miranda held a councell for they had discouered how that the Marquis of Villena Master of Saint Iames sought by all meanes to deceiue the King and namely that hee practised with Perucho of Munsarras who was Captaine and Keeper of the Kings Treasures in the Castle of Madrid A practise against the Master of S. Iames to deliuer vp the place and treasure into his hands In this Councell it was concluded that they would all go thither and carrie the King along with them to disappoynt the Marquis of his desseigne The Captaine who had some doubt that they meant to bee ridde of him stood vppon his guard and would let the King come but seldome and with a small company attending vppon him into the fortresse In the meane time the Cleargie of Toledo and their Faction bearing no affection to Don Alphonso The Clergie of Tol●do deliuer the citty to K. Henry because he was too iust and did looke for greater modestie in them then there was practised among themselues to deliuer vppe the Cittie to King Henry Wherefore they gaue order to Don Pedro de Silua Bishoppe of Badajos who dwelt amongst them to trie if hee could winne or induce Don Pero Lopes d'Ayala Gouernour of the towne who had marryed Donna Maria de Silua his sister to lend a helping hand to their proceedings The Bishop hauing sundrie times with great pollicie conferred with his sister thereupon and shee beeing wholly gouerned and ruled by his councell they two sent Fernand de Riuadeneyra to King Henry not acquainting Don Pero Lopes of Ayala with any matter to aduertise him what they had determined for his seruice and to aduise him for the better effecting of their purpose Meanes deuised by the Bishop of Badaios and his sister to giue the king en●rance into Toledo to come secretly to Toledo Now their intent and determination was to bring the King secretly into the towne into the Bishoppes house and then vnder colour of other businesse to send for Don Pero Lopes of Ayala and to cause him to come suddenly into the Kings presence thinking by that meanes to make him easily to graunt whatsoeuer the King would demaund The King leauing the Arch-bishoppe of Seuille the Earles of Plaisance and Benauent in Madrid to looke vnto his Castle and treasure Indiscretion of King Henry came to Toledo where hee entred by night disguised by the gate called Cambron but as hee went toward the Bishoppe of Badajos house who dwelt in the Monasterie of Saint Pedro Martyr of the Order of the Fryars Preachers a seruant of the Marshall Payo de Ribera who was greatly affectionate to the seruice of Don Alphonso knew him and went and told his master of it The Marshall went instantly to find out Don Pero of Ayala and gaue an alarme thorough the towne the people put on armes and came running in a confused manner to enuiron the house and Monasterie where the King did lye who was in great danger and without all doubt hee had beene taken by the mutinous people had not Fernand de Riuadeneyra employed his best indeuours for his safetie and deliuerie Then the Gouernour sent his two sonnes Pero of Ayala VVisedome of the Gouernour Don Pero Ayala and Alphonso de Silua with Peralfan of Ribera sonne to the Marshall Payo to intreat the King to depart the Cittie and to auoyd the present danger assuring him that shortly matters would bee brought to better passe and the Cittie restored vnto him Whereunto the king yeelding most willingly they found meanes about mid-night to put him out of the towne and those three Knights kept him companie awhile vppon the high way to Madrid Now before hee came foorth of his lodging Vnmannerlinesse of Peralfan de Ribera the King who had ridden sixteene miles that day vppon his owne horse intreated Peralfan de Ribera to lend him that which hee rode vppon and to take his which was wearie but hee like an vnciuill and discourteous Knight refused it which the two breethren of Ayala vnderstanding lighted on foote and besought the King to take both their horses one for his owne person and the other for his Page the which he thankfully accepted of then these two brothers went with him out of the towne on foote with Fernand de Riuadeneyra who would not go with him to Madrid but told him that he would tarrie at Toledo where he would liue and dye for his seruice As soone as he was come backe into the cittie the Gouernour Don Pero Lopes of Ayala committed him prisoner in the castle and commanded the Bishop of Badajos to depart out of the cittie within an howers space by these diligent meanes hee like a wise and discreet person did appease the tumultuous Toledans Courtesie fully recompenced Not long after the king sent a graunt to the two brothers of Ayala who had giuen him their horses of a perpetuall pention of three-score thousand Marauidis in recompence of their loue and loyalty towards him When all men had layd downe their weapons and the citie at quiet the Gouernour returned home to his house where he found his wife almost besides her selfe with griefe for that the King hauing come to Toledo by her perswasion had beene so vnreuerently vsed and receyued and constrayned to flie away by night but like a discreete woman shee gathered her spirits together and did in such sort put her husband in mind of his dutie as shee
Princesse had placed her affection vpon Prince Fernand and so returned home leauing the King highly displeased with his sister who dissolued the Parliament at Ocagna not suffering the peeres to sweare to his sisters succession in the kingdome The assembly at Ocagna beeing broken vppe the king beeing very desirous to pacifie the Country of Andaluzia The King of Castiles voiage into andala●ia which was full of dissentions hee went thither in person leauing for Viceroies in Valiodolit the Earle of Benauent and Don Pedro de Velasco with the President and Chauncery the Princesse Donna Isabella remayning at Ocagna who promised not to dispose of her marriage till the returne of the King and the Councell There went with the king the Mr. of St. Iames the Archbishop of Siuil the Bishop of Siguença and others of the councel but the Archbishop remained sick at Ciudad-real the king came to Iaen where hee was receiued entertained by the Constable Michael Lucas d'Irançu who protested to him that he would not suffer any one of the rebels in his traine to come into the city wherefore the Mr. of St. Iames to be accoūted one of the number staied at Osuna but Roderigo of Vlloa beeing more foolish hardy then the rest receiued the disgrace to be rudely repulst by the Constable who couched his launce against his brest sending him thence with many bitter speeches this Constable was very faithfull to the King his Maister D. Micha● Lu●as de Iransu Constable of Castile a free and Generous Knight and was a liberall and generous Knight To Pedro Gonçales de Mendoza Bishop of Siguença and to the whole house of Mendoza who entred with the king the Constable gaue openly a singular testimony of their fidelity with a loude voice as they passed thorow the gate The King and the Lords of his traine were for the space of three daies feasted at Iaen from whence he went to Castro del Rio where D. Pedro of Cordoua Earl of Cabra met him with a thousand horse bringing with him his children and Martin Alphonso Lord of Alcaudete his sonne in law who were all of them faithfull and good seruants to the King With this company the King went to Cordoua wherein remained Alphonso de Aiguilar one of the faction of the Maister of Saint Iames the city gates were opened to him and Alphonso in recompence receiued certaine pentions betwixt whom and the Earle of Cabra had beene old grudges but the King went about to make them friends the Gouernment of Cordoua which in times past did belong to the Earle of Cabraes predecessors was giuen vnto him and the office likewise of Marshall Vpon a seditious petition presented by those of Cordoua mentioning that Peter Earle of Cabra and Martin Alphonso his sonne-in-law and Alphonso de Aguilar should deliuer vp certaine places belonging to the city and communalty of Cordoua held by them during the troubles it was determined that they should giue caution for the deliuery of them by a certaine day this was a tricke of Don Alphonso de Aguilar who stirred vp the people to constraine the Earle and his sonne-in-law to restore that which they had vsurped hee himselfe perceiuing that he could no longer hold the places which hee had taken during the trouble the which did greatly nourish and increase the hatred which the Earle and his sonne-in-law did beare vnto him Whilest the King lay at Cordoua there arriued Ambassadors from the French King Lewis the eleuenth the Cardinall of Albj beeing the chiefe the effect of his message was to breake the league betwixt the King of Castile and the English which was very preiudiciall to King Lewis his Maister After audience he obtained what he demaunded the Maister of Saint Iames working the matter who perhaps was a faithfuller seruant to the French King then to his Maister the King of Castile This yeere 1469. died Friar Lopes of Barjentes Bishop of Cuenca the Bishoprike of Leon beeing likewise voide Anthony de Veneris the Popes Legat had that of Cuenca and that of Leon was giuen to Doctor Roderigo de Vergara the Kings agent at Rome The Princesse Donna Isabella during the Kings stay in Andaluzia was ruled by the aduice of the Admirall and the Archibishop of Toledo and forgetting the promise which shee had made to the King her brother shee inuented meanes to surprise the towne of Areualo held in the name of the Earle of Playsance by Alua●o de Beacamont with whom she practized but shee was disapointed of her purpose which was discouered by the Earle who preuented the Princesse and committed the captaine to prison The Earle possest this place as a pawne engaged vnto him for a certaine summe of money when the Infant Alphonso was chosen King The Princesse being deceiued in her hope came to Madrigall and from thence to Valliodolit vnto whom the King sent the Cardinall of Albit the French Kings Ambassador and the Archbishop of Siuill to possesse her with a distaste of Fernand King of Sicill which marriage did highly displease him fearing that by reason of the warres of Cattalonia and former matters betwixt him and King Iohn of Arragon his father some great losse might happen to Castile by that match The Cardinall and the Archbishop did their best and made offer of a marriage betwixt her and Charles Duke of Guyenne brother to the French King but shee made no account thereof persisting in her first resolution wherefore they returned backe without effecting that which they went about the king iournying thorough Andaluzia was continually sollicited by the Maister of Saint Iames vnto whom he could deny nothing to remoue and displace the captaines gouernors other officers of towns and castles to the end to place therein such as were of his owne faction This Maister of Saint g●●i● out to displace the captaines of the gorris●●s in An●●●zia and to pla●●●●●rei ●●ch ●●w ●●at his deuotion which was granted to him at Eccia where hee displaced Martin of Cordoua and put in Doctor Garcia Lopes of Madrid one of his councel and Frederick Manrique and to recompence Martin he assigned him certaine pentions hard to be recouered And thinking to doe the like to Hernandes of Narbaez the old Gouernor of Antiquera he found himselfe deceiued for the Gouernor would not suffer the King to enter into his Fort with aboue fifteene men and the residew of his traine were constrained to take vp their lodging in the country villages there●●abouts These things did not displease the King who albeit he knew very well that it was an vniust thing to displace the captaines that had beene faithfull vnto him at a traitors motion yet he had not the courage to reiect the importunities of the Maister who would haue had his friend Alphonso de Aguilar to haue commanded in Antiquera The King being come to Archidonna had conference with a Moore of Malaga called Alquizote an enemy to the King of Granada who presented him with
brethren otherwise hee would come in person into Andaluzia and inforce him to doe it punishing him as a rebellious person wherefore the Marshall was released and sent to Baena who resenting this iniury wrote a letter to the King full of accusations crauing leaue of him to defie his enemy and to prouoke him to single fight thereby to constraine him to repaire and satisfie his honour and reputation The King hauing heard the messenger and read the letter would by no meanes allow of the combate because sundry disorders arise thereof as also for that those matters of Duell or single combate are contrary both to diuine and humaine lawes especially betwixt subiects belonging to one and the selfe same Prince who hath hath power and authority to bring them to reason by way of Iustice Duello granted by the King of Granad● to Diego of Cordoua against Alphonso de Aguilar herevpon the Marshall published infamous libels and declarations against Alphonso and he obtained free liberty of the King of Granado to enter the combate in his country assigning Alphonso to meet in the plaine of Granada and sending him a safe-conduct from the Moore King The day appointed for the fight beeing come Alphonso would not appeare wherefore after that the Marshall had made the acts and protestarions which are accustomed in in such cases about the setting of the Sun he tooke a picture representing Alphonso de Aguilar and hauing tied it to his horse taile with the face to the ground he gallopt vp and downe the plaine dragging it after him crying aloude This is the traitor Alphonso de Aguilar who durst not meet me in single fight nor venture his body against mine Then the King of Granado adiudged him a victor and condemned Alphonso diuerse draughts of that picture were afterward sent to sundry Lords and Knights of Spaine to Alphonso's great disgrace The city of Simancas The Admirall of Castlile surpriseth Simancas with the castle thereof were in this meane time surprised against the Kings authority by the Admirall wherewith the King was greatly troubled in regard that the Maister of Saint Iames was very sicke without whom he was not able to negotiate or resolue vpon any matter of importance This yeere King Lewis the eleuenth demaunded Donna Ioane in marriage for his brother Charles Duke of Guyenne whose Ambassadors were put in good hope that it should bee accomplished An other Ambassage was sent to King Henry from the same King Lewis to induce him to ioyne with him about calling of a councell against Pope Paul the second but his councell was of opinion that the King should not medle in a matter so displeasing to the Pope by whom and by the Sea of Rome his progenitors had beene alwaies fauored wherefore the Ambassadors were answered in this manner that the King would not harken to their request and that hee did wish King Lewis to desist from his purpose and to assure him that al the meanes of Spaine should be emploied for Gods vickar vnto whom King Henry besides the dignity which hee held was particularly obliged for that he had aided and comforted him in his troubles At the same time the Knights of Alcantara conducted by the treasurer Alphonso de Mont Roy rose in mutiny against their Maister D. Gomes de Caceres and pursued him to death so as after they had taken from him Badajos Alcantara and Valence of Alcantara they fought with him and ouercame him in battaile so as hee could neuer after raise himselfe againe his brother Guttiere Earle of Coria hauing for his succor demaunded souldiars of the Earle of Alua D. Garci Aluares of Toledo his father in law engaged to him the city of Coria for money to pay them who being gathered togither in great numbers their passage was hindred at the riuer of Taio by the dilligence of Alphonso de Mont Roy and the other Knights his aduersaries who brake all the bridges and sunke all the boates so as they could not passe wherefore they returned without doing any thing and Coria remained to the Earle of Alua. By this euill hap the Maister wholy ruined and in dispaire died soone after in great pouerty and misery the Maistership whereof was begged of the Pope by Donna Leonora Pimencell Donna Leon●r Pimentel Countesse of Playsance a woman of manly courage Countesse of Playsance for her sonne D. Iohn de Estuniga The King did willingly consent to the pursute of the Countesse whom he honored aboue all others and allowed and confirmed the Popes Bul. And albeit that the treasurer Alphonso of Montroy and the Knights did oppose themselues against such an irregular election the Countesse who had more then a womans heart tooke Alcantara with other places by force and delt in such manner as her sonne possest the Maistership and was the last that had the title of Maister of that Order Roderigo Bishop of Zamora at that time florished in Spaine for his learning but whilest the Prelats and Gouernors of the Church gaue themselues ouer to worldly greatnesse Spanish superstitions and to nourish and sow discord and diuisions Religion it selfe was mannaged according to euery mans deuotion There is in the Prouince of Guipuscoa in the mountaine of Aloya in the territory of Ognate a Couent of Friars the originall whereof began about this time for it is reported that a certaine herdsman called Roderigo Balcategui who dwelt in Vribarri keeping his goates vpon that mountaine went down the same hil into a rocky place which was nere to no high-way where he found by chance an Image of the Virgin Mary vpon a green thorn This seemed vnto him a wonderful matter because of the desertnesse of the place therefore he fell to saying his Aue Maries and other such like praiers as he had beene taught then night drawing on hee couered the Image with boughes and other things and went home to his village and told this great wonder The rumor thereof being spred thorow the towne of Ognate the Ministers of Iustice The people of Ognate superstitious the Clergy and the common people being guided by the shepheard went to the same place where they found in a hedge a very little Image of the Virgin Mary holding her Sonne in her armes before which they all kneeled downe and beganne to sing many songs and hymnes thanking God that had sent them so pretious a iewell thinking it a great miracle to haue found it in so desert and remote a place wherefore they consulted together about building a Chappell there and whilest prouision was made for the manner and matter of that building they resolued to enclose it with boords notwithstanding it was seated very discomodiously they not daring to vndertake to transport it from thence nor to build an house for it in any other place then where it first appeared and they named it the hermitage of our Lady of Arançaçu which is to say of the thorne the which in short time was held
but to trie other meanes to draw them to his will The King perswaded thereunto An. 1470. Genealogie of Castile dissolued his armie These things passed in the yeare 1470. at which time the Princesse Donna Izabella was deliuered of hir first child in the Cittie of Duegnas the first day of October to wit of a daughter called Elizabeth or Izabella like the mother Then the Moores of Granado Moores proude because of their fore-passed prosperities forraged the Countrie belonging to the Master-shippe of Alcantara against whome was sent the new Marquis of Cales Don Rodrigo Ponce of Leon Earle of Arcos who repressed these runnagates and tooke from them the Cittie of Cardela the which soone after was taken againe by the Moores neuerthelesse hee carried away with him great spoyles and many Moores prisoners In the meane space the Duke of Alua came to the Court at Medina del Campo who was kindly receyued and welcommed by the King Now the marriage of Donna Ioane beeing dashed by reason of the Duke of Guiens death Castile who departed this life at Bourdeaux the King by the aduise of the Master of Saint Iames sent Ambassadours to King Don Alphonso of Portugall to treate with him about a marriage betwixt him and her This King had no desire thereunto because of the common report which was that shee was borne in adulterie betwixt Don Bertrand de la Cueu● and the Queene of Castile and therefore he had wholy reiected it at such time as she should haue beene married to the Prince Don Iohn his sonne Genealogie of Portugal whome hee married about that time to Donna Leonora daughter to the Infant Don Fernand Duke of Viseo and of Donna Beatrix daughter to the Infant Don Iohn who had beene in former time Master of Saint Iames and the second Constable of Portugall of the which Don Fernand and Beatrix were borne Don Domingo who was Duke of Viseo after his father and Don Manuell who raigned in Portugall after this Don Iohn his brother in law Donna Beatrice had builded the Monastery of Nunnes called the conception of Veja where shee with her husband Don Ferdinand lye buried Now King Alphonso at such time as this Ambassage was making ready was busied with good successe about the Affrican expedition for hauing in person transported beyond the sea a very mighty armie being followed by the Prince Don Iohn his sonne and by many great Lords and experimented Captaines of his kingdome amongst whom the most renowmed were Don Iohn Coutin Earle of Marialua Don Aluaro de Castro Earle of Montesanto Arzilla and Tanger in Affrick taken by the King of Portugall and his sonne Don Iohn de Castro Don Henry de Meneses Earle of Valencia Ruy de Merlo Captaine of his guardes who afterward was Earle of Oliuença and Don Alphonso Vasconcello who was Earle of Penela hee tooke by force Arzilla and did so terrifie them of Tanger as they forsooke the Cittie and left it empty to the enemy so as King Don Alphonso hauing amply enlarged his Empire beyond the sea the Kings of Portugall haue since intituled themselues Kings on this side and beyond the Sea The Earles of Montesanto and Marialua dyed at the taking of Arzilla The gouernment of Tanger was giuen to Ruy de Merlo with a good garrison and the King and the Armie beeing returned to Lisbone Don Alphonso Basconcello was made Earle of Penela Mariage of the Prince D Ioan of Portugall with Donna Leonora of V●sco and then was the marriage of the Prince celebrated beeing seuenteene yeares of age with Donna Leonora his cousin germaine with dispensation made since by Pope Sixtus the fourth who succeeded Paul the second in the Sea of Rome The Ambassadors of Castile agreed vpon an enterview of the the two Kings betwixt the townes of Badajos and Yelues but they departed one from an other discontented without any conclusion of the marriage the principall impediment was the small trust which the King of Portugall reposed in the Maister of Saint Iames whose inconstancie hee merueilously suspected together with the disordered life of the Queene who was detested of all men This marriage afterwards was thought vppon to bee renewed as shall bee heere-after declared The King of Castile wanted no troubles and discontents in this iourney by meanes of the insolency Castille wherein the Lords Prelates and Knights his subiects were nourished the one taking euill example from the other First of all the Bishop of Siguença refused to accompany the King and notwithstanding any entreaty he would not stirre forth of Guadalajara whether hee had with-drawne himselfe beeing highly displeased that hee had beene disappointed of a Cardinals Hatte wherevnto by the kings fauour hee had earnestly aspyred the Maister of Saint Iames hauing supplanted him who procured and obteined it for Don Lewis d' A●ugna Bishop of Burgos his nephew the Bishop of Siguença beeing neuer satisfied with speaking euill of Donna Ioane and the Queene her mother The king with his traine beeing come to Badajos Insolency of the Maister of Saint Iames. hee was constrained to lodge in the suburbes and villages thereabouts for the Earle of Feria shutte the gates against him saying that hee was certaine that hee would vpon his entry giue the same towne to the Maister of Saint Iames to whom hee durst deny nothing for hee went about not long before to snatch the towne of Sepulued by force as it were from the king which was neere to the Earledome of Saint Steuens the which notwithstanding the request admonishment and resistance of the inhabitants who could not endure to bee alienated from the Crowne the king was constrained to grant vnto him by reason of his importunity but the townesmen not resolued to obey the Maister gaue themselues ouer to the Princesse who with Prince Ferdinand her husband came thither and remained for a certaine time in those quarters and in the territories of the Archbishop of Toledo who was alwayes their faithfull seruant At Siuill the Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Marquis of Cales were at great strife and ioyned battaile ●he one against the other by meanes whereof the Marquis was driuen forth of the citty and withdrew himselfe to Xeres where being fauoured by the knights of Saint Iames and those of Calatraua and the Duke by those of the Citty they made cruell warres one vpon another the Maister of Saint Iames vpholding the Marquis his sonne in law In an incounter made betwixt Seuile and Alcala of Guadiaira two bastard sonnes of the Duke of Medina were slayne and other disorders followed thereuppon for the redressing whereof the King sent Don Inigo Lopes of Mendoza Earle of Tendilla to Seuile who by his diligence and good counsell caused them to lay downe their armes and made those two Lords friends and the Duke had his towne of Medina Sidonia and the fortresse of the same restored vnto him At Toledo Pero Lopes of Ayala newly made Earle of Fuensalida was
sollicited by the brother of his deceased wife Donna Maria de Silua to wit the Bishop of Badajos who was desirous to bring againe the Earle of Cifuentes and his Vncle Don Iohn de Ribera into Toledo to giue his eldest daughter Donna Leonora in marriage to the Earle of Cifuentes seeking by that meanes to reconcile and make them friends which the Master of Saint Iames did likewise procure building some desseignes vppon the same citty but the king being aduertized thereof sent foorth-with the Licenciate Diego Henriques to aduertise the Earle of Fuensalida by no meanes to make that marriage and not to suffer the Earle of Cifuentes nor Don Iohn de Ribera to enter into Toledo because he was assured that as soone as they should set foot within the cittie they would driue him thence The Earle giuing more credit to the Bishoppe then to the King was very willing to agree vppon the marriage by reason whereof the Earle of Cifuentes and Don Iohn de Ribera People of Toledo mutinous were no sooner entred into the cittie but contrarie to their oath and promise which was not to attempt any innouation nor stirre vp any troubles they put themselues in armes and bandied themselues in such sort as there was nothing to bee seene but daily and continuall skirmishes fights murthers robberies and other miseries vsual in diuided Citties the common people of this towne beeing more mutinous and apt to enter into factions and leagues then any other Cittie of Spaine Wherefore the King the better to redresse these inconueniences beeing at Madrid sent the Bishoppe of Burgos together with the Licentiate Diego Henriques who for a time caused those insolencies to cease The King comming afterwards thither tooke away against all reason the gouernement of the cittie from the Earle of Fuensalida and put it against his will into the hands of Doctor Garcy Lopes of Madrid with charge of an assistant and with great authoritie onely to please and content the Master of Saint Iames. The dispossessed Earle went home to his owne house and the Earle of Cifuentes afterward had no desire to accomplish the marriage with Donna Leonora alleadging certaine lets and hinderances by reason of their neere consanguinitie and so soone after married else-where The Earle of Cifuentes and Don Iohn de Ribera tooke Doctor Garcy Lopes committed him to prison and made themselues masters of the Cittie gates and other strong places and beseeged the Castle the which they had taken with the absolute commaund ouer the whole Citie had not certaine Channons resisted them who fortifying themselues in the great Church held out till such time as the Marshals Fernand de Riuadeneyra and Pera●fan de Ribera were come to their ayde who caused the Earle and his people to with-draw themselues The Master of Saint Iames who was at that time in the territorie of Leon making his progresse vp and downe about the ordering of the affaires of that Prouince beeing aduertized of that which had befallen Garcy Lopes came in great hast to Toledo from whence hauing driuen the Earle of Cifuentes Don Iohn de Ribera Lope of Estuniga with Arias de Silua and other of their complices hee left the Cittie in quiet The King not long after came to the Monasterie of Sisla halfe a league distant from the Cittie but hee did in no sort touch any of the seditious because all the mischiefe had beene procured by the Master As hee thought to returne to Segobia hee found the Cittie in a mutinie and reuolted from the Corrigidor or Gouernour of the same by the meanes of certaine Gentlemen who were taken and sent with yrons vppon their legges to the Castle of Madrid where they remayned a long time after Now if temporall matters were so ill gouerned it is to bee supposed that spirituall affaires were farre worse for what good could happen to the people whose Pastors neglecting their ecclesiasticall functions had no other care but to heape vp worldly riches and honours making themselues heads of Factions and by their couetousnesse and ambition did themselues most of all trouble and disquiet all Kingdomes and Common-wealths Whilest these miseries troubled the Realme of Castille King Iohn of Arragon did stil endeauour to reduce the Rebels of Catralonia to his obedience Arragon and after that hee had ended the question betwixt himselfe and his sonne-in-law Gaston of Foix about the kingdome of Nauarre hee did send his sonne Don Alphonso of Arragon with the Earle of Prades who was returned to his seruice into the confines of Barcelona who encamped themselues alongst the riuer of Beson and made courses euen to the Cittie gates burning and spoyling houses gardens and other places of pleasure of that countrie Then they went to batter a strong castle seated vppon the riuer which the Barcelonois beeing desirous to succour Iames Galliot Gouernour of the cittie came into the field with a great number of horse-men and foure thousand foot bringing with him Don Denis of Portugall and Gratian of Aguirre who presenting themselues before the enemie with intent to fight The Barcelonois defeated were so rudely receyued as within awhile they were defeated with many of their people slayne hurt and taken prisoners in the number of whom were Iames Galliot and Denis of Portugall part of those which fled came backe to the cittie and the rest retired themselues into the woods and mountaines This losse did so daunt the courage of those of Barcelona as despayring of their affaires they all began to hearken vnto peace whereunto they were the rather incited by the Kings comming who ioyned himselfe soone after with the forces of his sonne Alphonso taking the towne of Valdonzellas hee made shew as if he would beseege the Cittie both by sea and land The citty of Barcelona yeeldeth to the mercie of the King the which beeing filled with great feare and yet neuerthelesse trusting to the Kings clemencie they sent Commissioners vnto him to craue his pardon and to offer him the keyes of the Cittie submitting themselues to his mercie These men beeing come into the kings presence did by the mouth of Lewis Setenti a Florentine confesse the Cittizens fault and did implore his mercie presenting him with the keyes the which the King holding in his hands re-deliuered forth-with to the Commissioners contrarie to the expectation of all his followers King Iohns clemency who thought that in regard hee had beene so many yeares troubled and disquieted with the obstinate and cruell warres of the Barcelonois hee would haue executed seuere vengeance vppon them but hee on the contrarie with a singular mildnesse did not onely pardon them and their Confederates for whatsoeuer they had committed against him but confirmed them in their goods liberties priuiledges exemptions and auncient rights The next day following the Cittizens had prepared a triumphant chariot for him that he might make his entrie with great pompe and magnificence the which he would not accept but was contented to enter
him to see the Cardinall of Spaine whome he hated to be in so great credit and authoritie by their meanes for these respects hee left the Court beeing accompanied by Hernando Alarçon his familiar Councellour the great and renowned Alcumist of those dayes The king and Queene beeing come to Vailliodolit Hernando Alarcon by the way of Medina del Campo the mote or fort whereof they left in the keeping of the Duke of Alua they were visited by diuers Deputies of Townes and Citties who came to do them homage and to offer them all dutie and obedience In the meane time the Marquis of Villena importuned the king of Portugall to marrie Donna Ioane with the kingdome for her dowrie or else to defend her as an Vnkle assuring him that hee should find readie to do him seruice himselfe the Master of Calatraua the Earle of Vregna the Marquis of Cales his brother-in-law Don Alphonso of Aguilar the Earle of Benauent and also the Dukes of Areualo and Albuquerque and the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo together with fourteene of the chiefe Citties of Castile who wanted but a head who at his first arriuall would furnish him with fiue thousand Lances with other forces and meanes And among these bargaines hee demaunded of King Don Alphonso diuers great gifts and aduancements both for himselfe and for others The king of Portugall hauing consulted with his Councell about this businesse Practises of the Marquis of Villenain Portugal notwithstanding that their opinions were diuers and contrarious yet hee sent Commissioners to treate of this marriage with Donna Ioane his Neece and by Ruy de Soça his Ambassadour hee willed king Don Fernand and Queene Izabella to giue ouer freely vnto him the kingdomes of Castile and Leon the which they did vniustly possesse and inherit in regard they did belong and appertaine to D. Ioane whome the Ambassadour called Queene saying that if they had any right or interest in those Realmes they should submit themselues to the tryall of lawe and that hee would lay downe his armes so as they would dispossesse themselues and leaue the kingdomes in the hands of a third person and if they should refuse so to do hee then tooke God for witnesse and iudge that he was not the author of those miseries which should ensue Vntill that time king Don Alphonso had liued and raigned in great credit magnificence and reputation and with good and happie successe in his affaires concerning his State but the couetous and greedie desire hee had to raigne in Spayne by the meanes of Donna Ioane whome hee had oftentimes reiected and refused as beeing assured and confidently resolued that shee was not lawfull daughter to the late king Henry did cast him head-long into a gulph of miseries by the vnluckie and intestine warres which hee tooke in hand by her meanes against the Kings Fernand and Izabella who by the aduice of their Councell did wisely answer his demaunds shewing him that there was no reason in that which hee went about and that he ought to call to mind the cause why hee had refused Donna Ioane in King Henryes life-time whose daughter hee very well knew shee was not and that therefore they did greatly meruaile at that which hee now beganne to attempt and they did likewise protest not to bee guiltie of any miseries which follow warre beeing determined by all meanes to defend and protect their kingdomes The King and Queene finding hereby Castile that warre would follow they did seeke by all meanes to giue contentment to the Marquis the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo and others on whome those affaires depended but their labour was in vaine The Arch-bishoppe shewed himselfe most obstinate who among other furious speeches sayd that he would teach the King and Queene what it was to offend the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo Audarious speech of the Archb. and no perswasions nor intreatie of Don Pedro of Acugna Earle of Buendia his brother nor of other graue and religious persons could alter his determination but hee did still with great obstinacie persist in that which Hernando Alarcon had suggested Therefore on either side great preparitions of warre were made and the Kingdome was in such sort diuided as diuers who seemed to be desirous of quiet gaue occasion to haue their loyaltie called in question souldiers were leauied euery where and diligent watch was kept in all the Citties Townes and Castles some taking the Kings and Queenes part others adhering to the King of Portugall who aduertised his Partisans that hee would shortly come into the Countrey with a great army The King Don Fernand and Queene Izabella diuided betwixt them the charge of the defence of the Kingdomes so as King Fernand should haue a care of that part which was toward the North that is to say old Castile Leon and the countries next adjacent and Queene Izabella should looke to those Regions and Prouinces which are beyond the mountaines namely Toledo Andalusia and Murcia shee was accompanied by Don Pedro de Velasco the Constable Dutch is of Infantasgo Don Diego Hurtado of Mendoza who was created Duke of Infantasgo and by Don Garcy Aluares of Toledo Duke of Alua by the way shee caused the Arch-bishoppe to be founded once againe who lay at Alcala sending the Constable vnto him who was a wise and discreet Knight who did so well handle the matter as the Arch-bishop had condiscended to the Queenes demaunds had not Hernando Alarcon and his associates perswaded him to the contrarie King Ferdinand beeing desirous to haue the Citties of Salamanca and Zamora to take a new oath of allegeance went thither and would willingly haue exacted the like from them of Toro but hee would not hazard his person in going thither albeit that Roderigo de Vlloa his chiefe Treasurer had the Castle in his power for not long before his elder brother Iohn de Vlloa had made himselfe Master of the Cittie whither he had drawne diuers leude persons who fearing punishment for their many heinous crimes did shadow themselues vnder his protection who for his owne part did greatly tyrannize in the citty and had newly caused the Licenciate Roderigo of Valdiuiesso to bee hanged foorth at the windowes of his owne house and had moreouer receyued money of the king of Portugall at whose seruice and deuotion he kept the same place The Cardinall of Spaine did at the same time write to King Don Alphonso alledging many reasons to diuert him from a warre so dangerous and vncertaine but the King in his answer wanted no contrarie reasons Queen Izabella in the meane time furnished Toledo with Garrisons and placed Don Roderigo Manriques Earle of Paredes for an assistant there who tearmed himselfe Master of Saint Iames and hauing by her presence well ordered that Cittie and by letters and commaundements other places of Andalusia and Murcia shee returned to Vailliodolit At the same time the Inhabitants of Alcarras rebelled against the Marquis of Villena and craued ayde of Don
importance as this was The day following the King attempted the like and finding the like resistance would by force haue taken the passage but those of the guarde of the bridge did valiantly defend it and did kill and hurt diuers Portugois The King of Portugall forsaketh the citty of Zamora wherefore King Alphonso by the Arch●Bishoppe of Toledoes councell withdrew his forces from the fight and hee with Donna Ioane his bethrothed wife left the Citty about midnight suspecting some treason in regard that the bridge alone made such resistance he being there in person The inhabitants at the same instant brought in Don Aluaro de Mendoza by an other gate who tooke and spoyled the Portugois which were left excepting a few who saued them-selues in the Cathedrall Church who on the morrow after by breake of day yeelded them-selues King Fernand the Admirall the Duke of Alua and other Lords beeing there arriued These soldiers were sent away without paying any ransome and carried their baggage away with them to Toro where their King remayned who to encourage his people sayd that the victory of a warre did not consist in the gayne or losse of a few townes or Citties but in the issue of a battaill the which alone would decide the quarrell about the succession of Castile and Leon for the which purpose hee did write to Prince Iohn his Sonne to make as great a leuy of soldiers in his Kingdome as possibly he could and with all speed to bring them to his aide King Fredinand beeing maister of Zamora beganne to better the Castle and caused the traytors to bee arraigned and condemned confiscating the goods of Iohn de Porras and others Whilest these matters were handled at Zamora Don Alphonso of Arragon Duke of Villahermosa and the other Captaynes who beseeged the Castle of Burgos did continually batter it and gaue it many daungerous and rude assaults but they that were within it wanted no courage to defend them-selues And as the sentinells and those of the garde were reuiling one another an Alcayde or Sheriffe of Burgos called Alphouso de las Cueuas beganne to talke to those of the Castle and vsed such perswasiue reasons and arguments as they were resolued to hearken to some composition especially when they did see a great quarter of their wall beaten downe by meanes whereof they lay open to their enemies assaults therefore beeing sollicited they did capitulate about they yeelding of the castle vppon condition that all faults past should be forgiuen The Castle of Burges yeelded the which was granted by the Queene who for that regard came from Vailliodolit to Burgos and did receiue the Castle her owne selfe whereof shee made Diego de Ribera Gouernour who had beene tutor and bringer vppe of her brother the Prince Don Alphonso and hauing appoynted that which was requisite for the peace and quiet of the Cittie shee returned to Vailliodolit and from thence went to Tordesillas to the end to be neerer to the enemie the better to haue an eye to his enterprises and proceedings Thither Don Pedro of Estuniga eldest sonne to the Duke of Areualo did come to the Queene whose part hee had still taken and had shewed himselfe faithfull vnto her in regard whereof he was vnkindly vsed by his father and by Donna Leonora Pimentel his mother-in-law He besought the Queene to receiue the Duke his father into grace and fauour promising to put all that hee did possesse into her hands making an apologie and excusing the faults which hee had committed by reason of his decrepit age beeing wholly possessed and ruled by his second wife It did greatly displease the Queene to pardon him who had shewed himselfe so mortall and hatefull an enemie to the King her husband neuerthelesse for the sonnes sake shee did pardon the father and the whole family The title of the Dutchie was transposed from Areualo to the Cittie of Plaisance and euer afterward the Lords of the house of Estuniga became affectionate seruants to the King and Queene The warres continuing after this sort in Castile the French King inclining to the demaunds and perswations of the King of Portugall and bearing no great good will to the house of Arragon euer since the warre of Perpignan Alliance betwixt France and Castile sent a great armie into the Prouince of Guipuscoa vnder the conduct and commaund of Aman Lord of Abrit or Albret whose posteritie hath raigned in Nauarre as shall hereafter be declared Diuers Gentlemen and braue souldiers of the countrie of Guipuscoa vppon the report of the comming of this armie did shutte themselues vp in Fontaraby others went to Irun by which place the French-men were of necessitie to passe who did burne Irun and slue certaine men there they went vp and downe for the space of sixe weekes spoyling the countrie not once attempting or offering to beseege Fontarabie which was their chiefe desseigne In the meane time Iohn Lopes de Lascano and Sancho del campo entred the towne being sent from the Court with about fiftie horse at whose comming the souldiers which were within the towne made a salley and came foorth vnto the very limittes of Irun where they found about a thousand French-foote of the fore-ward of their armie with their Captaine Purguet of Bayonne who beeing assayled and set vppon on the sodaine through want of good and prouident watch Purquet a French Captaine defeated and hauing no faithfull discouerers were easily ouerthrowne and put to a disordered flight some of them in this confusion thinking to saue themselues in a Tower of a mannor-house belonging to those of Vrdaniuia they were there beseeged and burnt with Purguet their Captaine the Master of the same house being the first man that set fire thereunto The poore distressed souldiers to auoyde and escape the implacable torments of the mercilesse fire leaped out of the tower windowes in most desperate manner and were with scoffes and mockes receiued vppon the enemies pikes The Spanish Authours say that three hundred were there slayne and pittifully massacred besides diuers others that were captiuated and taken prisoners Soone after Don Diego Lopes de Sarmiento Earle of Salinas Captaine generall for the King and Queene came into the Prouince with certaine troupes of horse bringing letters to the worthie persons and chiefe Magistrates of Queene Izabella's country who with perswasiue admonitions exhorted the Guipuscoans to stand and continue faithfull to their Princes for which they were renowned aboue all other Prouinces of Spaine Now vppon the eighth day of Aprill this yeare one thousand An. 1476. foure hundred seuenty sixe beeing Saint Denis day the towne of Fontarabie was beseeged by the French where no matter of woorth was performed sauing some few light skirmishes with losse of men on either side for the space of fiue dayes onely whilest the seege continued for they easily found that in regard of the strength of the place it was to no purpose for them to tarrie there yet
wherefore hee did inuite both of them to come to victoria and to refere their controuersies to his arbitrement with these holy speeches hee gaue content and admiration to the Knights of Nauarre at whose returne the Earle of Lerin and the Constable came to Victoria where if King Fernand could not wholy reconcile them yet he procured a truce betwixt them putting each of them in mind with great meekenesse mixed with grauity of their errors with the amendement thereof to the good of the Kingdome their own particular proffit and for the seruice of King Iohn their maister The King of Arragon afterwards perceiuing him-selfe at the graues brinke and desiring to leaue quietnesse in that miserable kingdome where the factions had bred such confusions as neither the feare of God nor the respect of iustice nor the loue of honesty was able to containe men from executing all kinds of mischeefes murthers sacrileges robberies burnings and horrible desolations ouer the whole country which were followed with the terrible and fearefull iudgements of God as plagues famines and other scourges of his wrath all which were not onely encreased but procured by the Kings second marriage King Iohns second marriage 〈◊〉 to the realme of Nauarre King Iohn I say beeing mooued with these things sent the Earle of Lerin such assurances as hee caused him to to come to Saragossa being well accompanied where the King did gently receaue him graunted him peace and gaue a generall pardon to all offences past proceeding from both factions and for a greater confirmation of the whole he gaue the Earle a bastard daughter of his in marriage called Donna Leonora of Arragon by these meanes the Princesse Leonora widdow to the Earle of Foix The Earle of Lerin marrieth a bastard daughter of Arragon and becomes obedient to King Iohn and future Queene of Nauarre recouered without force her townes and fortresses and was euery where obeyed except in the Citty of Caseda which was battered at the taking whereof dyed that Valiant Captaine Sancho of Eruiti surnamed the obstinate in the seruice of the Princesse Leonora about which time Alphonso Carillo Bishop of Pampelona called a Sinode at Estella wherein they treated of ceremonies and other matters After all these things King Iohn beeing at rest and quiet● in the Citty of Barcelona notwithstanding hee was very aged and full of sicknesse fell in loue with a yong Gentlewoman called Francina Rosa with whose beauty and comlinesse hee did comfort by imbraces and frutelesse kisses the waywardnesse of his old age leauing her concerning other matters free and vntouched to him who after-ward married her King Fernand hauing as hath beene already saide made the pacification of Nauarre at Victoria Iohn King of Arragon falls in loue in his extreme old age and by the renowne of his power deliuered the country of Guipuscoa from the French army would in like manner order the affaires of Alua Biscaie and other places neere adioyning where were many factions and other disorders hee therefore entred Bicay beeing attended on by Don Alphonso Carisso Bishoppe of Pampelona Pedro Lopes de Padilla great gouernor of the Frontiers of Castile Don Henry Henriques the Kings Vncle brother to the Admirall Don Pedro de Estuniga eldest Sonne to the Earle of Miranda Doctor Iohn Dias de Alcocer one of the Kings Councell Roderigo Vlloa his great Tresorer and Councellour Don Diego de Acugna sonne to the Bishop of Burgos Don Fernand de Ayala sonne to the Marshall Don Garcia de Ayala and by other Knights and Ecclesiasticall persons The Biscains had an ancient custome which was not to suffer any Bishop to come within their country Bishops exclaued out of the Country of Bisay by reason perhaps of the attempts and wrongs which they had in time before susteined by the prelats and Churchmen the which was vnknowne to King Fernand who riding on with the Bishop hee was aduertized of their custome and was constrained to send him backe the peasants and poore country people thinking the ground to bee infected wherevpon this Prelat and his Mule did tread were busied many daies after in scraping together the dust of the high-waies Strange opinions of the Biscaines concerning Bishops which they laide vp in heapes and threw it afterwards with curses and imprecations into the sea the which certainely was not done without some mistery those people not beeing voide of religion but superstitiously deuout as the rest of the Spaniards are The King visited Bilboa and afterward hee came to Guernica where hee was receiued and reuerenced with all ceremonious duty Hee called the Nobility of the country thither and confirmed all their priuiledges by his letters patents written by Gaspar Arin his secretary dated the thirtith day of Iuly the yeere 1476. in the presence of diuers Noble personages of name The King beeing busied about these matters a famous French Pirate named Colora came with foure vessels to a place called the figge-tree of Fontarabie to whom after that fiue more ioyned these nine shippes did ride there at an ankor for the space of eleuen daies in the view of the towne of Fontarabie and sundry times they landed their souldiars who ranne vp and downe the country burning and spoyling all they met with against whom the Garrison went forth and flew more then a hundred of them wherevpon they set saile towards Galicia where they burned the suburbes of the City of Ribadeo then sayling along the coast of Portugall they met with certaine Carrakes of Genoa Combate at sea be wi●t the frenchmen Genoueses with whom they grapled and the fight betwixt them was so furious as seuen vessells were there burned to weet two Genoueses and fiue of the Pirates who with the other foure which remained were repared at Lisbone The report of this Pirate caused thirty ships of warre to bee set forth as well from Saint Sebastians as from other places on the coast of Biscay who met altogether at Laredo and this sea-army parted from Conserua and sailed towards Galicia where they tooke partly by force and partly by composition certaine places vpon the sea coast next to Portugall which were reuolted from the Kings of Castile Herevpon truce was granted and agreed vpon betwixt the French men and Guipuscoans by land onely for the space of three monthes leauing the sea free for euery man to doe the best hee could the army aboue mentioned hauing done that exploite on the marches of Galicia returned laden with spoiles Amongst other things those of Saint Sebastian brought away two yron peeces of ordonance whereof one did carry a stone-bullet of a hundred and threescore pound waight taken from Bayon de Minio The charges of this warre of Guipuscoa was heauy to the whole Prouince with great discommodity and losse of their bloud which warre after the retreat of the French did continue still at sea where the French lost more then they did winne King Fernand hauing discharged honored and praised
long and dangerous fight were repulsed by the Earle of Marialua who was Gouernor It happened in like manner that the great Maister Andrew de Cabrera hauing taken the Lieutenancy or Captaineship of the castle of Segobia from Alphonso Maldonado to bestow it vpon Don Pedro de Bouadilla his father in law Maldonado beeing enraged thereat went about to surprize the same place there to recouer his former authority and had intelligence with certaine dead paies of the castle Yumult in Segobia and feyning on a day to haue need of some certaine stones that were within the same vnder collour of fetching them out hee put foure souldiars into the fortresse beeing instructed what to doe who at the first flue the porter and being followed by their Captaine they tooke Don Pedro de Bouadilla and constrained the rest which were within it to saue themselues in a tower In the same castle the Princesse Isabella the King and Queenes onely daughter was kept wherevpon there arose a great tumult in the City of Segobia which beeing vnderstood by Don Iohn de Arias the Bishop thereof who as then lay forth of the City by reason of the dissention betwixt him and Andrew de Cabrera hee came thither and easily made himselfe Maister of the gates which were held by those of Cabrera's faction beeing fauoured by diuers principall citizens Queene Isabella beeing aduertized of this inconueniencie came thither with the Cardinall of Spaine and hauing made Gonçalo Chacon Captaine shee enquired by way of Iustice of the Captaines behauiour who hauing yeelded good account of himselfe his iustifications were allowed and he restored to his gouernment The Archbishop of Toledo and the Marquis of Villena beeing not able any longer to resist the King and Queene made all the meanes they could for to obtaine their grace and fauour and they practized with the old King Iohn of Arragon that hee would bee a meanes to his children the King and Queene of Castile to receiue them as their faithfull seruants The Archbishop of Toledo and the Marquis of Villena obtaine their pardon The messengers that went about this businesse were certaine religious persons who preuailed so much with King Iohn as by great importunity they obteined their pardon and caused whatsoeuer they had possessed in time before to bee restored to them the castles of Madrid and Trugillo excepted which remained at the Kings dispose and pleasure The citty of Hueta which King Henry had giuen to Don Lope Vasques of Acugna with title of Duke was at the same time yeelded vp and willingly surrendred to the King and Queene The Archbishop was more in fault and more worthy reprehension then any one that had resisted the Kings During these warres the Castillan marriners made their first voyage into Guyeney where were mines of gold The Spaniards first voyage to Guyeney wherevpon as hath beene before mentioned there grew a controuersie betwixt the Castillans and Portugalls who had most right and title vnto that nauigation Whilest Queene Isabella remained at Segobia the Spaniards tooke Toro by meanes of a shep-heard who certified Don Alphonso de Fonseca Bishop of Auila that there was a certaine part of the City which the Portugals did alwaies leaue without any guard because by nature the seite thereof was strong The Bishop sent to discouer it and finding the shep-heards report to bee true sent thither sixe hundred men and him for their guide they giuing no great credit to the poore man went on very lazily to that enterprise but beeing incouraged by Pedro de Velasco and by an other young man called Alphonso de Fonseca Toro surprised who was the first that entred it they all followed not being discouered by any one and hauing broken open a gate they gaue entry to the rest of their fellowes the Bishop hauing sent a good troupe after them and so they became Maisters of the City the Earle of Marialua and his people hauing scarce leisure to recouer the castle from whence afterward hee went to Castro Nugno abandoning the said castle within the which Donna Maria Sarmiento widow to Iohn Vlloa did fortifie her selfe with those of her faction who desired by all meanes to returne to the Queenes seruice The Queene hauing vnderstood those good newes came speedily to Toro restored the bannished to their goods did honorably recompence the poore shep-heard whom they called Bartlemew enfranchising him and all his posterity from tributes beside the ready money and pentions which she gaue him and receiued Donna Maria Sarmiento into her fauour who was sister to Don Diego Sarmiento Earle of Salinas for whose sake and desertes she restored her vnto all her goods and possessions and by this meanes the castle of Toro came into the Kings power About this time Don Roderigo Manriques Earle of Paredes the pretended Maister of Saint Iames died in the City of Ocagna Election of the Maisters of S●int Iames in the kings power whose competitor Don Alphonso de Cardegna great Commander of Leon did in all hast with great troupes of horse march towards Vcles to the end he might be chosen there by the thirteene Electors but the Queene preuented him and delt in such sort as the thirteene and the Commaunder himselfe were contented to intreate the Pope to put the Maistership to the Kings disposing the which was graunted and the same dignity was afterward bestowed vpon the same Commaunder After that King Fernand returning from Guipuscoa by Toro and Ocagna met the Queene at Toledo in which city they builded that famous Monastery of Saint Iohn of the Kings which is a Couent of Franciscan friers and from thence they went to Madrid where they were aduertised that the Portugals had entred Castile by the way of Badajos and Cite Rodrigo with two armies against whom were sent as Generals Don Lorenzo Suares de Figueroa Earle of Feria and the great Commander of Leon These did not onely beat backe the enemies but they entred into the country of Portugal putting the poore miserable subiects to fire and sword who could not remedy their Kings ambition to which place Queene Isabella who was a woman of a manly courage did march the better by her presence to incourage and fauour the enterprises of her army From Madrid the King went to Medina del Campo where he tooke order with his brother the Duke of Villahermosa and the Constable about forces sufficient to assa●e foure fortresses at one time by meanes whereof in a short time hee brought vnder his obedience Cantalapiedra Sept Eglises and Cubillas but at Castro Nugno which was the fourth hee found greater resistance his seege lasting long so as all the forces which were dispersed abroade in sundry places were faine to be drawne togither to that place and the King himselfe came thither in person by meanes whereof the towne was taken but the castle made obstinate resistance before which hauing left his army hee returned to Medina del Campo There he receiued letters
Donna Leonoras future succession to the same with her grand-child Francis Phoebus Earl of Foix and some are of opinion that the townes and fortes of Saint Vincent Garda Bernedo Arcos The father the sonne cut off diuers places from the kingdome of Nauarre Larraga and Miranda de Arga were at the same time wholy cut off from the crowne of Nauarre in recompence of the charges which Don Fernand had beene at for the warre of Perpignan with an agreement that the customes rights and priuiledges which they had should for euer bee maintained but seeing it is certaine that a long time before this assembly Saint Vincent La Garde and Arcos were possessed by the King of Castile it is most likely that they were at that time onely confirmed vnto King Don Fernand. They did likewise intreate of many matters belonging to the Kingdoms of Arragon and Sicil and then they returned each of them into his owne Dominions and the King of Castile did neuer more after that see his father who spent the smal remainder of his daies at Barcelona afflicted with the goute and other diseases which doe ordinarily accompany old men King Don Fernand returned vnto the campe before Castro Nugno Castro Nugno yeelded to king Fernand. which was very faithfully and valiantly defended by the captaine Nicholas de Abendagno of Villareal in the Prouince of Alaua but the great want of victualls and of men those which were with him beeing in part dead and the others were so tired and weakened with watchings wardings and hurts receiued at the assault as they could hold out no longer did constraine him to yeeld vp the same place and yet vpon very honorable conditions for he carried away into Portugall all those that were with him without ransome with their armor weapons and baggage and their ensignes displaied and drummes beating and was greatly praised by the King the fort was presently razed downe to the ground after the rendring whereof the King returned to Siuill to the Queene where order was taken for the well gouerning of the City and expresse commaundement giuen to the Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Marquis of Cales not to remaine there Don Iohn de Gamboa Gouernor of Fontaraby and the Licenciat Iohn de Medina both of them of the Kings Councell were likewise dispatched into Guipuscoa with instructions and authority to treat and conclude the peace with the French Kings Ambassadors who were at Bayon Peace betwixt France and Castile These came to Fontarabie and after that both sides did meet at Saint Iohn de Luz where they conferred togither and concluded the peace renuing the alliances leagues and ancient friendship betwixt the two Kingdomes The French Commissioners were the Lord of Lescut and the Abbot of Saint Denis and so the warre ended betwixt France and Castile The King and Queene before their departure from Siuill sent an army to conquer the Canaries vnder the conduct of Pedro de Vera where Nauigations and conquests of the Spaniards in the O●●an sea for the space of three yeeres diuerse notable exploits of warre were performed by the Castillans Thirty fiue ships were likewise sent to Guiney Pedro de Cobides being their generall from which place great quantity of gold was brought with great proffit for the Kings who had the fifth penny In the first the thing which was most esteemed of that blacke Nation was cockel-shels who were of opinion that they had great vertue against thunder and lightning by meanes whereof they were sold in Spaine at a great rate so as men could hardly get any for money This yeere 1478. the inquisition beganne at Siuill instituted at the first by the Councell of Don Pero Gonçales de Mendoza Archbishop of the same City Inquisition in Spaine against Iewes and Moores did beget the negligences of the Bishops and Pastors against the Iewes and conuerted Moores which did returne to their superstitious ceremonies this Prelate and other deputed for that search thinking that for to conteyne them in the profession of Christianity rigour and ciuill punishment was more expedient then other milder meanes or greater care Beeing content for to take away the occasion of seditions and troubles which grew in the Townes and Prouinces of the Realme against these miserable creatures most commonly at the instigation of Preachers and other Clergy men inciting the people to mutine against them Whereas in deed they ought to haue beene instructed by good and wholesome examples but the Bishops and Pastors had no great care of their soules health for the affaires of State and worldly greatnesse hath so busied them for many ages as they haue not had leysure to eleuate their eyes and minds higher then the earth Since that time the power of the Inquisitions tribunall which is diuided into diuers iurisdictions thorough euery Prouince of Spayne hath beene chiefly banded against those who haue dared to speake against the pompe and pride of the Sea of Rome and the abuses brought into the Church for to entertaine the ease and wealth of the Clergie a gulph which hath swallowed vp many good and honest families Concerning this Inquisition which within awhile made it selfe knowne for a fruitlesse inuention more ample mention shall be made hereafter The King and Queene hauing pacified and ordered the cittie of Seuile left Diego de Merlo there who was a good Knight in qualitie of an assistant and went themselues to Cordoua which was in like manner afflicted by the factions of Don Pero Fernandes of Cordoua Earle of Cabra and that of Don Alphonso d' Aguilar who in the last tumults had driuen the Earles forces out of the cittie and had taken the forts and places thereof which were in the keeping of the Earle detaining them with other places also belonging to the gouernement and iurisdiction of the cittie they and their followers beeing moreouer charged with so many robberies thefts and murthers as the King and Queene had much ado to chastise the offendours The cittie of Cordoua pacified and to restore euery man to his owne Alphonso of Aguilar was driuen foorth of the cittie and the fortresses taken from him Vpon complaint made against the Iudges and Officers of the legall Courts who did greatly exact the King and Queene caused their fees and stipends to bee rated more then which they were not permitted to take vpon payne of forfeiting seuen-fold as much which was executed vppon some who neither feared God nor reuerenced the lawes As these businesses were mannaged in Andalusia The Archb. alway disloyal and seditious the Arch-bishoppe of Toledo who was euer turbulent and desirous of innouation had secret intelligence with the King of Portugall vnto whome hee vndertooke to deliuer the Cittie of Toledo and to kill Don Gomes Manriques assistant there and to the same purpose he had practised with the common people of Toledo and had executed it if the assistant had not been a prouident and polliticke man who hauing
contradiction was chosen King of Granado both against the father and the sonne who were driuen away in the yeere 1485. and the 868. yeere of the reigne of the Arabians there Muley Albohacen hauing reigned nineteene yeeres Now these two Princes of one name did make such cruell warre vpon each other for the crowne of Granado as is not almost to bee beleeued Boabdellin is a corrupted word those which speake it better call both of them Aben Abdileha but the truest is Aben Abdella The Moores to make a difference betwixt them by some surname called King Albohacens brother Zagall which signifieth valorous and Mahumet the little his Nephew Zagois that is to say the vnhappy Muley Boabdelin 21. King of Granado IN the beginning of the reigne of Muley Boabdelin el Zagal hee had to doe with the Earle of Cabra with Martin Alphonso de Corduba Lord of Montemajor Diego del Castillo great Commander of Calatraua Pedro Ruis d'Alarcon Diego Lopes d'Ayala Francisco de Bouadilla and other braue captaines and Knights who ouer-ranne the country neere to Nixar and Guejar beyond the City of Granado neere to the hilles called Sierra Neuada where they tooke great booties and made their retreate by meanes of the good guarde which they had left at the difficult passages by the aduise of Pedro Ruis d'Alarcon albeit the new King had drawne great numbers of Moores out of the city of Granado and else-where to enclose and defeat them King Fernand and Queene Isabella did then lie at Siuill where Don Inigo Manriques the Archbishop being dead Castile the Pope by his full power and authority gaue that Archbishoprike to the Cardinall Don Roderigo Borgia Popes cannot keepe themselues from breaking the concordats which restrain their power who was afterward Pope Alexander the sixth these holy fathers being not able to abstaine from breaking the concordats which did in some sort restraine their power the which they pretend to bee absolute but these couragious Kings brideled them at this time likewise and delt in such sort as the Cardinall hauing resigned that Archbishoprike and put it into the Popes hands it was giuen at the Kings entreaty to Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoça Bishop of Palence and his Bishoprike of Palence resigned to Don Alphonso de Burgos Bishop of Cuenca that of Cuenca to Don Alphonso de Fonseca Bishop of Auyla and that of Auyla to Frier Hernando of Talauera and Oropesa Prior of the Monastery of Pré of Valiodolit and the Queenes Confessor In this sort did euery one affect good Bishoprikes in recompence of their seruices I call them good in respect of their reuenues Whilest the Kings remained this yeere at Siuill they made diuers good Edicts and Ordonances for Iudges and for the administration of Iustice as also for the mannaging of the future warre and the time drawing neere when as armies vse to march into the field and diuerse companies of horse and foote being already arriued from all parts of Spaine vpon the frontiers of Andaluzia they left Siuill and came to Cordoua diuerse great Lords Knights and people of all sorts did come thither who suted themselues the best they could which made a gallant shew wherein great cost and superfluity was vsed as likewise in feasts games and other military sports in regard whereof the Kings thought to redresse those matters by two courses both profitable and milde Proffitable waies for to redresse 〈◊〉 expences namely by admonishments which they themselues made to the noblest and to others by religious persons of credit and afterwards by their owne example shewing in their apparrell traine and manner of life great modesty wherein neuerthelesse some Maiesty did appeare as was fitting for their degree As concerning the warre the opinion was that Malaga should be beseeged and by the way they laboured but in vaine to take the castle of Montefrio Passing forward they did ouer-runne spoile and destroy the country neere to Carthama where the common opinion was to seeke to take Carthama and Coin before they did attempt any thing against Malaga to the end to haue the country more at their commandement the which was not the worst counsell and because the army was great part thereof was sent to beseege Carthama vnder the conduct of the Maister of Saint Iames the Constable and D. Alphonso D'Aguilar and the other part to Coyne which was commanded by the Marquis of Cales the Earle of Crugna and D. Hurtado de Mendoza with the Cardinalls people The King with some part of his forces was lodged betwixt both these seeges to succor either of them as need should require In the mean time the towne of Benamexi yeelded as it had done in time before but it did reuolt when the Earle of Benalcaçar was slaine into the which fault it fell againe after it had yeelded and was now taken by assault the Inhabitants were taken or slaine and the place razed to the ground 〈…〉 the King did choose out one hundred of the principall prisoners and caused them to be hanged for a terror to the rest chiefly for an example to them of Carthama Coin and Ronde yet notwithstanding they were not negligent in their owne defence Certaine Affrican Moores of Velez de la Gomera being mooued with zeale to their religion came ouer into Spaine and espied a fit occasion whereby to enter into Coin which they did at such time as a great and large breach was made which the Christians did assaile who by this new aide were rudely repulsed with great slaughter there were slaine Pero Ruis Alarcon a most wise and valiant captaine and Tello d' Aguilar likewise whose death did greatly greeue King Fernand wherevpon hee caused the 〈◊〉 to bee redoubled and did so presse the beseeged as they beganne to talke of composition The King being highly displeased for his losse receiued at that assault would not receiue them at the first vpon any condition but at the last he graunted them their liues and goods and so the towne was yeelded vp Coin was a great towne and very hard to bee kept wherefore it was razed Those of Carthama hauing notice that Coin was yeelded Coin Carthama and other places taken by composition from the Moores did compound in like manner whose example was followed by 〈…〉 and others The garde and defence of Carthama was committed to the Maister of Saint Iames vpon his entreaty who left there for Lieutenant vnder him a Gentleman of his owne named Iohn de Cespedes About the same time Don Alphonso Henriques high Admirall of Castile died at Valiodolit in whose place and dignity Don Frederike Henriques his sonne succeeded The Queene beeing at Cordoua tooke care to prouide the army of money and victualls D. Frederike Henriques Admirall of Castill wherein she vsed incredible dilligence and dexterity After the taking of the places aboue mentioned the King passed on with a great number of men at armes and came within sight of Malaga a strong
be hereafter declared Don Alphonso de Cardegnas Master of Saint Iames beeing dead this yeare King Fernand retayned the Mastershippe The Mastership of S. Iames in be●ings hands in quality of administrator not suffering any new election to be made as hee had done the like to that of Calatraua with the selfe same considerations and reasons who by the Popes authoritie remayned Administrator of them Don Alphonso was then the Master of the same Order and the three and fortieth in order and continuances the same was done to the Order of Alcantara the which three dignities were since that incorporated to the Crowne by Pope Adrian the sixth in the time of the Emperour Charles the fifth who was heire to the Kingdomes of Castile The same yeare the Kings of Castile were altogether rid of King Mahomet Boabdellin the Little who beeing impatient of the daily sollicitations which were made to him for to become a Christian and to receiue the water of Baptisme did sell all the lands and right which had beene giuen him by the capitulations at such time as hee deluered vp the Cittie of Granado for foure-score thousand Duckets and with his family retired himselfe into Affricke There were new teares and lamentations renewed when his owne mother vpbrayding him sayd That it well became him to put finger in the eye and weepe like a woman for the losse of his dignitie and pallaces seeing that hee could not defend them like a man He was kindly welcommed and receyued by the King of Fez but within a few yeares afterwards he was slaine in his fierce and intestine warres against the Xerifs The Spanish Authours set downe for a memorable matter that the Kingdome of Granado beganne and ended two kings of Castile of one selfe same name raigning namely Ferdinand and the first and last King of Granado were called Mahomet At the same time the Earledome of Rossillon was restored to King Fernand by the French king The Earledome of Rossillon restored to King Fernand. Charles the eighth who hauing vndertaken at the entreatie and request of Lewis S●orza named the Moore who did vsurpe the Dutchie of Milan the Conquest of the Kingdome of Naples did feare least the King of Castile should in his absence enterprise vpon France in regard of the strife and contention about the sayd Earledome Wherefore to free and acquit himselfe from that feare and suspition hee yeelded it vnto him and renewed the peace and allyances betwixt the Kingdomes of France Castile and Arragon but it was euill and vnfaithfully kept Wherein the Kings chiefe Councellours did greatly stand him in stead namely Steephen Pet●de v●rs and Friar Alphonso of Albi and namely the holy man Friar Francis de Paule who died at Plessis les Tours certaine of whose letters are yet extant which he wrote therevppon and to the same effect to King Fernand. It was concluded in this agreement that King Ferdinand of Castile should not giue ayde nor assistance to the King of Naples whereby it appeareth that this Catholicke King knew well how to vse the vncharitable rule which sayes that Charity begins by it selfe King Ferdinand vncha●itable For he to recouer the Earledome of Rossillon without restitution of the money which King Iohn his Father had borrowed of King Lewis the eleuenth did not greatly care to leaue the honour state and life of his coosin germaine and brother in law Ferdinand King of Naples for a prey to the French or at the least hee promised it and swore so to the French King notwithstanding that hee afterward changed his minde King Ferdinand and Queene Isabell hauing remained for a while in Cattalonia and afterward at Saragossa they came to Valiodolit where Don Roderigo d'Vlloa beeing deceased who was one of the superintendents of the treasure which they call Cantador major they suppressed that superintendencie retaining no more but the two that remained namely Don Guttiere de Cardenas great Commander of Leon and Don Iohn Chacon gouernor of the frontier of Murcia Beeing departed from Valiodolit to Medina del Campo they receiued newes of the death of King Ferdinand of Naples whom his sonne Don Alphonso Duke of Calabria succeeded The King at the same time had called in the towne of Tordesillas a Chapter of the order of Saint Iames and reformed certaine abuses and there the differences were compounded betwixt Castile and Portugall about the Indian nauigation Wee haue declared how that Pope Alexander had granted by his Bull dated at Saint Peters Portugal this present yeare one thousand foure hundred ninety and three and the first of his Popedome 1493. the west Indies to the Kings of Castile Now for to limit the Streights betwixt Castile and Portugall The Pope ●imits the Spaniards and Portugals nauigation he did draw a line or a meridionall in the Globe from the Poles of the North to the South leauing a hundred leagues distance to the Portuguze towards the West from one of the Isles to Cape vert to make their nauigation of Affrick and the East Indies wherewith the King of Portugall was highly displeased and complained in such sort to the Pope that the Kings of Castile entreated that the nauigation might bee left free to him towards the west The Portugals nauigation limited towards the VVest of foure hundred leagues and the Isles and lands within the same reputed for his conquest wherewith the King of Castile was not onely contented but added to it threescore and ten leagues more so as the Portugalls nauigation in all did stretch from the Isles of Cape vert towards the west foure hundred and seauenty leagues passing the meridionall by that point round about the globe The Moluccos founa to bee within the nauigation of the Castillans but time made it manifest that the King of Portugall thereby did smally better his condition for the riche Islands of the Moluccos from whence the spices come are found to bee within the streight of Castile this Transaction was passed the seauenth day of Iune in the yeare one thousand foure hundred ninety and foure Now King Iohn thinking that the Moluccos were his part hee sent certaine Caruels this yeare to seeke a passage by the Affrican sea towards the East but they went not farre beyond the Cape of Good hope wherefore the King beeing very desirous that in his dayes this vnknowne nauigation might bee practised The King of Monicongo receiues the Christian religion could not haue that good hap for hee did not liue this yeare In his time neuerthelesse the kingdome of Manicongo in Guiney was discouered the King whereof with the most part of his nobility were Baptized King Iohn beeing oppressed with continuall melancholy for the death of his sonne Prince Alphonso hee fell into a dropsie which by little and little brought him to his end not without suspition that his disease was procured or augmented by poyson hee neuerthelesse made his abode in the Citty of Lisbone and
Galleys and other ships with fiue thousand Spanish footmen and sixe hundred horse vnder the conduct of Gonçalo Hernandes of Cordoua the which forces departing from Carthagena arriued safely in the Porte of Messina this yeare one thousand foure hundred ninety and fiue making a shew as if they would haue succoured the new King Ferdinand driuen from Naples These troopes of Spaniards among other memorable matters brought the great Pockes into Italy The Great Pocks in Italy wherewith they of the countrey were soone possessed and did communicate it to the French men which were scattered heere and there in the kingdome of Naples and they afterward brought it on this side the Mounts and did distribute it to their neighbour nations so as this disease beeing indeed of India was called the Spanish Neapolitan and French disease according to the next subiect where it was discouered and from whence the contagion was perceiued to come About the same time in the Citty of Guadalajara dyed Don Pero Gonçales de Mendoza Cardinall Death of the Cardinall Don Pero Gonsall de Mendosa and Primat of Spaine and Gotike France Archbishop of Toledo Patriarke of Alexandria and Bishop of Siguença such were his titles who beeing visited in his sicknesse by the Kings and being demanded whom hee thought worthy to succeed him in the Archbishoprick of Toledo hee named Frier Francis Ximenes of Cisneros the Queenes Confessor Prouinciall of the order of Saint Francis in the Prouince of Toledo This Cardinall had a singular affection to holy Crosse who besides that it was his hap to haue the holy Crosse in Ierusalem for the title of his Cardinalship hee builded a Colledge at Valiodolit and an hospitall at Toledo neere the place of Codebecer called Holy Crosse Pilats original title set on the crosse of our Sauiour kept for a relic● in Rome hee re-edified the Church of Santa Cruz at Rome where they say the originall title written by Pilate on our Sauiours Crosse in Greeke Hebrew and Latin was found in an vnfitte place the which remaines as a famous relique in that Church Besides it is reported that beeing neere his end a great white Crosse of more then forty Cubits length appeared ouer the house where he lay sick which beeing reported to him he did reioyce and hauing caused a Masse of the Holy Crosse to be said hee gaue vp the ghost these things are written for wonders by the Spaniards his body lies buried in the chiefe chappell of the Church of Toledo in a sumptuous Marble monument As concerning Frier Francis Ximenes of Cisneros his successor in the Archbishoprick of Toledo hee was sonne to a solicitor of causes in the towne of Tordelaguna called Alphonso Ximenes his first rising was to the Arch-priesthood of Vzeda and hee was great Chaplaine of Siguença and the lxxi in the order of the Archbishops and hee was afterward created Cardinall by Pope Alexander the sixt of the title of Saint Balbine but D. Bernardin de Caruajall Bishop of Carthagena was preferred before him to the dignity of a Cardinall by the title of Santa Cruz in Ierusalem and was likewise admitted to the Bishoprick of Siguença vacant by the Cardinals death and at the last obtained that of Playsance Frier Diego de Deça of the order of Friers Preachers Schoole-maister to Prince Iohn of Castile was likewise made Bishop of Salamanca The affaires betwixt Castile and Nauarre since the time that Alain of Albret came to Valencia to King Fernand The last Coronation at Nauarre were peaceable but the kingdome of Nauarre was still vexed by the factions those of Beaumont had euer for their chief the Constable Lewis of Beaumont Earle of Lerin those of Grammont ioyned themselues with the Lord of Abenas Viceroy and Gouernour of the Countrey waiting with great desire for the comming of King Iohn and Queene Catherine vnto whom they protested all obedience Now the great affaires which these Princes had on this side the mountaines detayned them a long time there for besides that they were in no sort fauoured by Charles the eight the poursuites of their vnkle Iohn Vicount of Narbonne had continually disquieted them vntill the yeare 1493. that they fell to agreement with him and to secure the countries of Foix and Bearne in their absence from his surprizes and vsurpations they had made ouer to him the townes of Sauardun Maseres Monthault and Gibel This Vicount was a widower by the death of Donna Marie of Orleance sister to Lewis the French King who left him two children namely Gaston who was duke of Nemours and Germaine which was afterward wife to King Fernand of Arragon after Queene Isabella's death Hauing then contented the Vicount and king Charles busied in his iourney to Naples Iohn Lord of Albret and Queene Catherine his wife went into Nauarre leading with them great troupes of souldiers for feare lest the Constable should rebell who held the cittie of Pampelona in such sort at his commaund as he disposed of all matters there as if he had beene King and when the Princes came to the gates thereof their entrance was denyed and they were constrayned to lodge at Egues where they remayned certaine dayes vntill the Constable and his Faction were pleased to giue them entrance In that Cittie were the Estates assembled and the King and Queene were crowned with the vsuall ceremonies in the presence of diuers Prelats Knights and the Ambassadors of diuers Princes It was the last Coronation which was made in Nauarre in our time for this kingdome beeing soone after in the Kings of Castiles possession they would no longer continue such ceremonies beeing content to receiue the oath of the Estates after the manner of Spaine The titles of King Iohn and Queene Catherine of Nauarre were Kings of Nauarre Dukes of Nemours Gandia Momblanc and Pegnafiell Earles of Foix and Lords of Bearne Earles of Bigorre Ribagorça Pontieure and Petigort Vicounts of Limoges Peeres of France and Lords of the cittie of Balaguer The yeare 1494. Caesar Borgia C●sar Borgia Cardinal Bishop of Pampelona who was after Duke Valentinois Cardinall and sonne to Pope Alexander the sixt did by his procurators take possession of the perpetuall administration of the Church of Pampelona by the decease of Don Alphonso Carillo the Bishop and by the grant of the Pope his father and the yeare following 1495. Princesse Magdalen of France dyed who was mother to Queene Catherine in the same cittie of Pampelona who accompanied her daughter to her coronation and had euer vertuously employed her selfe about the conseruation of her childrens estates for the space of fiue and twentie yeares all which time she had liued in holy widow hood her bodie lies buried in the great Chappell of the Cathedrall church of the same cittie About that time Queene Katherine visited the King and Queene of Castile at Alfaro by whome she was greatly honoured and welcommed as befitted so great a Princesse and we reade of none other occasion of
and of Fernando Cortez to the Indies 2 Expedition of Africke by the Castillans and the taking of the great port of Mersalcabir 3 Peace betwixt Castille and France and treaties of mariage 4 The Archduke Philip of Austria and D. Iaone his wife part out of Flaunders to returne into Castille and are stayed in England 5 Death of Christofer Columbus His posteritie 6 D. Philip and D. Ioane his wife kings of Castille Retreat of king Ferdinand into Arragon 7 Voyage of king Ferdinand into Italie Enteruiew of king Lewis and king Ferdinand at Sauonne 8 The duke Valentin being a prisoner in Castille escapes into Nauarre 9 Affaires of Nauarre Disposition of the king D. Iohn of Albret Contentions betwixt him and the queene his wife for the factions of Nauarre 10 Rashnesse of the earle of Lerin Constable of Nauarre Sentence and condemnation against him Warre betwixt the king and the earle Death of duke Valentin 11 Exploits of Pedro Nauarro in Africke in fauour of the Portugals 12 Rashnesse of the marquesse of Priego punished by the king D. Ferdinand Regent in Castille 13 Sedition at Lisbone for religion The mutines punished 14 Search of the firme land at the Indies by Alphonso Hojeda and others 15 League betwixt the Pope the Emperour Maximilian king Ferdinand and Lewis 12 the French king against the Venetians 16 Discouerie of the firme land at the Indies Forts built there 17 Expedition of Cardinall Francis Ximenes into Africke The taking of the citie of Oran 18 Warre against the Venetians 19 Practise of Pope Iulio against the French Schisme in the Church of Rome Counsell demanded by the French king 20 Taking of Bugia and other exploits in Africke by Pedro Nauarro Death of D. Garcia Aluares of Toledo 21 Behauiour of the Spaniards at the West Indies Seditions among them 22 Progresse of the warre of Italie made by the French against the Pope Councell of Pisa and a counter Councell at Rome at S. Iohn de Latran 23 Warre betwixt France and Spaine A league betwixt the Pope king Ferdinand and the Venetians 24 Continuance of this warre by the Pope against the French Exploits of Gaston earle of Foix duke of Nemours 25 Pursuit of the king and queene of Nauarre in Castille to be restored to much of their patrimonie in that realme but without any effect 26 Meanes vsed by the Pope and king Ferdinand to dispossesse the king D. Iohn of Albret and the queene D. Katherina his wife of the realme of Nauarre 27 Meanes vsed by the Emperor Maximilian to abandon the French Battell of Rauenna 28 Censures against Lewis the twelfth the French king and his realme Retreat of king Iohn of Albret into Fraunce Inuasion of the realme by the Castillans Pampelone taken by the duke of Alua. 29 Exploits of Vasco Nugnes of Bilbao and other Spaniards at the Indies D. Philip 1. and D. Ioane 21 Kings of Castille and 42 of Leon. THe Castillans and Leonois 1504 for want of their Queene proprietarie D. Isabella began to accustome themselues to the yoke of German princes hauing presently set vp in Castille the Armes of the Archduke Philip of Austria and of D. Ioane heire of these realmes in her mothers right and D. Frederic of Toledo duke of Alba aduanced these banners in their name yet the king D. Ferdinand continued lawfull gouernour vntill the comming of these princes who had aduertisement sent them presently into Flaunders of the Queenes death The Archduke Philip was then six and twentie yeares old faire of face well proportioned of his members of a good grace mild and courteous in speech of a great spirit actiue quicke and learned by reason whereof being in him more then ordinarie hee was surnamed the Great Whilest that he made preparation to come and take possession of this great inheritance king Ferdinand after the royall and stately obsequies of the deceased Queene and the bodie transported to Granado with a great traine he retired himselfe to the monasterie of Mejorada and from thence hee past to Toro being accompanied by D. Francis Ximenes Archbishop of Toledo Diego of Deca Archbishop of Seuille and others of great qualitie and learning to conferre about the execution of the deceased Queenes will 1 In the meane time Iohn de Cosa Voiage of Iohn de Cosa a good sea-man rigged forth foure Carauels out of port S. Maria at his owne charge and by Iohn of Ledesma of Seuille and others desirous to inrich themselues vndertaking the conquest of that countrey at the Indies which was held by the Caribes Whereupon setting sayle he came and toucht at a place called Carthagena there being joyned vnto him captaine Lewis Guerre who beginning to make warre together they tooke sixe hundred of these Barbarians in the island of Codego then coasting along the shore desirous to barter wares and to buy gold they entred into Vraba where they found some little gold in the sand and from thence they returned into the island of Hispaniola and the citie of S. Domingo laden with men but scanted of victuals and of all other things especially of gold wherof they were exceeding greedie The same yeare 1504 Fernando Cortez voyage to the Indies there went vnto the Indies Fernand Cortez borne at Medellin in Estremadura one of the most famous men that hath beene in these conquests vnto our dayes He arriued at S. Domingo in a ship belonging to Alphonso Quintero of Palos of Moguer where he was well entertained by the Secretarie Medine the gouernour being then absent and afterwards by the gouernor Nicholas d' Ouando himselfe being returned This was he which conquered Noua Hispania Of the maners of the Indians their idolatries and damnable superstitions the curious may be more amply informed by the particular histories of the Indies written by Peter Martyr of Angleria Gonsal Fernandes of Ouiedo Francisco Lopes of Gomara and others During king Ferdinands gouernment in Castille the Estate began to be trobled by some noblemen who thought that queen Isabel being dead they might lawfully tyrannise but the king hauing called the Estates to Toro 1505 in the yeare 1505 he caused a new oath to be taken to the queene D. Ioane his daughter and to her husband as kings of Castille Leon Granado c. and by his wisedome pacified those tumults and disorders which were likely to grow Chauncerie transported frō Cite Royall to Granado Which yeare for many reasons the Chauncerie which was at Cite Royall was transported to Granado where since it hath remained And by the persuasion of D. Francisco Ximenes Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spaine there was an expedition attempted against the Moores of Africke nothing concurring with the embassage which had beene sent to Caire whereof mention hath beene made 2 The Primate had had sundrie discourses with a Venetian called Ieronimo Vianello an industrious man and knowing the countrey of Africke His designe was vpon the citie of Oran Description of Oran well
Prouinces of the west Indies From thence hee sent Hinoiosa to Caxamalcan to commaund the troups which were there assembled and himselfe came with the armie to Truxillo appoynting them all a time to come in the valley of Sansaua Gonsaluo Pizarro beeing come to Arequipa hee found not any creature there for all were gone to ioyne with Ceutons troupes who aduanced to fight with him the which hee did Victorie of Pizarro but to his owne losse for hee was defeated and forced to flie hauing three hundred and foure score souldiers slaine vpon the place with some captaines and almost as many taken prisoners with which Pizarro fortified his army distributing them among his bands and of his part there were onely one hundred men slaine By this good successe some others were induced to runne the same fortune with him he promising them great recompences so as holding his forces to be sufficient hee returned towards Cusco with an intent to fight with the imperiall army wheresoeuer hee should find it Army imperiall pursuing Pizarro the which beeing assembled in the valley of Sansaua there were found to be sixteene hundred harquebuziers fiue hundred pikes and seuen hundred horse Spaniards whereof the captaines were Peter Alphonso of Hinoiosa commaunding in qualitie of Generall Aluaredes marshall of the campe Doctor Caruaial Pedro of Vlloa and other Captaines Gabriel de Roias was master of the artillerie The leaders of the horsemen were Pedro Cabrera Gomes of Aluarado Iohn Sauedra Iames Mora Ferdinand Mexia Roderigo Salezar and Alphonso Mendosa all which had reuolted from Pizarro The President had for his councell the Archbishop of the towne of Kings Thomas S. Martin prouinciall of the preaching friers with many others Peter Valduuia gouernour of the Prouince of Chiliane came and ioyned with his armie a man of great experience in matters of warre worthie to be opposed against Francis Caruaial who was the most redoubted captaine the enemy had and in the end vnfortunate Ceuton came and ioyned with them with about fortie horse Being all together they marched towards Cusco whither they vnderstood that Gonsaluo Pizarro was come with his army The Countrey by the which the imperialls did march was rough desart and without victualles so as they suffered much vntill they came to Andaguara where the Countrey is peopled and furnished with victualles and other commodities wherefore they stayed long there for that they would not be consumed with trauell and the tediousnesse of the winter if the enemie should seeke to prolong the warre the which he might easily doe hauing the towne of Cusco and the riuer which passeth by the valley of Seguisagrane at his deuotion In the Spring time of the yeare one thousand fiue hundred fortie and eight the President caused his army to dislodge from Andaguara and crossed many narrow passages of the mountaines without any difficultie and many riuers whereas Pizarro might haue annoyed them much if hee had not beene negligent and then came and lodged vpon the declining of the hilles in a discommodious place aboue the valley of Seguisagrane in the which Pizarro was camped who wanted not any thing hauing the towne and riuer behind him at his commaundement whereas the imperialls suffered much hunger cold and other discommoditities yet notwithstanding the President did forbeare to fight being aduertised that a good number of the Spaniards that were with Pizarro did but watch an oportunitie to abandon him and to reuolt which he desired might be before they did fight that he might haue the weaker opposition But they could not temporize long in that bad lodging whereas the cold which was great in that season did so benumme the souldiers as they could scarce hold their armes and also for the neerenesse of the two armies which were daily in skirmish so as they were forced to come to a generall battell the which was soone ended For the ordnance was scarce discharged but many of Pizarros armie disbanded openly Defeat of Pizarro among which were Doctor C●peda Garci Lazo de la Vega and Alphonso Peres Hita captaines and all the souldiers which remained at the rout of Ceuton went away in one squadron to the imperialls which made the rest retire and to flie the battell some going towards the citie of Cusco which was fiue leagues off and others to other places they that were most affected to Gonsaluo and most guiltie remained about him who being foure in number were of opinion to cast themselues into their enem●es troups and to die fighting valiantly rather than to be led bound to an ignomimious death but Gonsaluo told them that seeing Fortune had turned her backe it were better to die Christianlike acknowledging their faults than to perish like pagans in such vanities Being then enuironed by the imperiall horsemen he yielded his armes to Pedro de Vlloa great Prouost of the armie who led him before the President by whom hee was much blamed for his obstinacie yet hee shewed himselfe nothing deiected but answered resolutely to whatsoeuer was demaunded Being giuen in gard to Iames de Ceuton he was for some daies well and modestly intreated not suffering any one to disquiet him either in word or deed All the other Commaunders were in a manner taken that day either with Gonsaluo or in the pursuite except Francis Caruaial who was afterwards found and deliuered by his owne souldiers being hidden among the reeds in a moore thinking to renue the warre if hee might escape All the rest were somewhat lamented but not hee for hee was exceeding cruell and the chiefe author of Pizarros ●rebellion and it was said that by his inhumane councell Pizarro had caused aboue sixe hundred gentlement to be murthered and thrice as many good souldiers Spaniards with an infinite number of Indians and that he neuer was at the death of anie one but he did reuile him with all the opprobrious words he could inuent The rebelles campe remained a prey to the imperialls whereby they were greatly enriched and to preserue the citie of Cusco from sacke and to containe euery one in his duetie and to preuent reuenges which do commonly follow ciuill victories Ferdinand Mexia and Martin Robles were sent thither with two companies Afterwards the prisoners processes were formally made The chiefe of the rebellion were condemned to die as guiltie of treason Gonsaluo Pizarro had his head cut off the which was for a time set in the market place in the citie of Kings Death of Gonsaluo Pizarro for a publike spectacle with this Inscription This is the head of the Traitor and Tyrant Gonsaluo Pizarro who being rebelled and hauing taken armes in the realme of Peru against the most mightie Emperour Charles the fift his prince was vanquished fighting against the standard royall in the valley of Saguisagrane and hath beene thus worthily punished All his goods were forfeited his proud palace which hee had built in the citie of Cusco was ruined the soile sowed with salt and a pillar erected with
the Moorish nation dwelling in the mountaines Moores plaines and valleyes and in some of the good townes in the countries of Granado and Murcia which was by reason of the contempt they were in with the naturall Spaniards Causes of the rebellion of the Moores of Granado whom they call old Christians among whom they liued in continual vexation especially by the Clergie and officers of the Inquisition and also by them of the Iustice which was not equally distributed vnto them But that whereof they most complained was the kings Edict whereof we haue made mention tending to alter their manners their apparell and their language whereof the President D. Pedro de Desa was appointed to see the execution with the assistance of the Gouernour Domingo Lope de Mendosa marquesse of Mondejar and the aduice of the Auditors Counsellers of the Chancerie in th● Parliament of Granado and of the Archbishop if need were wherein they found no small difficultie To begin therefore by gentlenesse the President gaue charge to Alphonso de Horosco Chanon of S. Sauior which is a Collegiall Church in the quarter of Albayzin of the citie of Granado beeing in a manner wholly inhabited by Moores to persuade them to receiue the Edict yea to demaund it themselues but hauing imparted some copies vnto them they reiected it sending vnto the President and Gouernour George de Bacsa Proctor general of that nation and Francis Nugnes Muley a knight one of the most auncient among them to intreat them to deferre the publication of the Edict vntill they had acquainted the king with their reasons and the inconueniences that might growe by the execution thereof But notwithstanding all their sayings and allegations the Edict was proclaimed the first of Ianuarie 1567 and to shew the diligence of officers all the baths and hot-houses of the citie were instantly forbidden and most of them beaten downe yet they vsed some moderation for that during the yeare 1567 there were not any penalties leuied of them that did infringe it In the meane time they sent their deputies to Court where by the meanes of some noble men they procured audience of the Councell and there were some of opinion that if they would haue the Edict stand in force the execution should be suspended as it beene in the time of the Emperour Charles and of his mother 〈…〉 The Cardinall of Espinosa was of another opinion and brought all the rest to concurre with him which was that the Edict should bee speedily executed in all points and the penalties exacted vpon them that should not obey There was among the new Christians some that were descended of the blood of the auncient kings of the Moores the which were honoured in Spaine well respected in Court among which D. Alphonso of Granado Venegas laboured by good perswasions to hinder this rash execution but he was willed to desist for such was the kings pleasure So as all the Moores of the citie townes and mountaines of Alpuxarra of the boroughs and villages towards the Sea were brought to despaire apprehending this strange alteration euen in their language habites which persuaded thē that they were thereby reduced into seruitude and confusion of their houses and families for this nation is verie curious to keep remembrances and registers of their families as by a tradition of their ancestors after the maner of the Arabians and Iewes And then beganne to appeare the distrust they had of them all the Moores hauing beene commaunded by proclamation to keepe themselues within their dwellings and parishes and for all them that were come out of the villages into the Albayzin to depart the which was grieuous vnto them for that the inhabitants of that place being most Marchants and Artisans they had need of many labourers and workemen for their ordinarie works which they did vsually draw out of the Countrey and of their owne nation They saw that the marquesse of Mondejar had leuied 300 souldiers for the safetie said he of the towne and to haue better assurance of the Moores residing there if anie one of them did owe anie thing he was presently subiect to arrest and in like maner they that were cautions for any other and by this means the prisons were full The officers of justice vnder colour of seeking for such as hauing no meanes to pay were retired into the villages and mountains they entred into the houses where they said they were hidden cōmitted many insolencies yea they sought out old actiōs for the which the Moores had compounded with their parties and drew them into new suites Finally as soone as they heard that this Edict was resolued in court this nation was so basely respected by all the old Christians both clergie and others as euerie man presumed to vex oppresse them esteeming them no better than bruit beasts wherfore seeing themselues reduced to that miserable estate worse than if they had bin common slaues yet fearing worse they concurred all in one mind to reuolt Those of the Albayzin who had more to loose incited the rest to begin they expected meanes from them of the Albayzin and councel how they should behaue themselues for they were men of vnderstanding ciuill and better experienced in the world than the inhabitants of the mountaines whereas the force lay but they needed councel yea there did ordinarily cōuerse among them thieues banished men and such as were condemned by justice who desired nothing more than to see some disordered seditiō There was a bold audacious Moore dwelling in the Albayzin his name was Farrax Aben Farrax a dier by his trade yet he said he was descended frō the Abenxaraces sometimes famous knights among the Granadins This man was as a trumpet to stirre vp the rest Farrax Aben Farrax first motiue of sedition he went came to the mountaines townes villages where the Moores dwelt carried them aduice and aduertisements how they should gouerne themselues in a generall reuolt which was intended the 1. of Ianuarie 1568 the same day that the city of Granado had bin yeelded vp to the kings D. Ferdinand and D. Isabella but being impatient to attend he called before the time a troup of thieues disguised after the Turkish maner made them to enter into the Albaizin by certain places where the walls were low ful of holes on Christmas eue at night when making a great noise he awaked them shewing an ensigne displaied inuiting thē to come with their armes into the street for the time said he is come that we must shew our selues men of courage for that there were a good number of Turks arriued in Alpuxarra which were come to fauor them out of Barbarie This alarme did trouble all the other quarters of the town for that they were in jealousie touching the execution of the Edict for otherwise they had not bin moued being no strange thing to heare a noise in the Albaizin the Moores being accustomed to make
and the people disarmed by Vitiza 152 Toledo reduced vnder the Moores of Cordoua 188. yeelded to D. Alphonso king of Castil 251 it was called the Imperiall citty 255 Tortosa taken by the Arragonois 296 Townes built by Don Fernand king of Leon 313 Townes and castles taken from the Moores 375 Townes taken by the Moores 494 Townes in Castile which giue voyces in the Estates 527 Townes in Castile yeeld to the King of Nauarre 574. Towne of Saint Vincent obtaines new priuiledges 696. Tortosa yeelded to King Iohn of Arragon 789 Toledo reuolted and reduced againe to the Kings obedience 804 Townes of the Infantasgo giuen to the Marques of Santillana 824 Toro deliuered to the king of Portugall 850. beseeged by King Fernand of Arragon 851. surpized by the Castillans 866 Tordesillas taken by the Confederats 961 recouered againe 962 Truth the subiect of an Historie 2 Treasor of Spaine casually discouered 11 Truce betwixt the Sicilians and Carthaginians 34 Trechery of Hanno against the Senate of Carthage 35. Trecherie of a Spaniard 41 Trecherie of the Spaniards to the Carthaginians their allyes 64 Truth breedes hatred in the wicked 96 Trecherie and crueltie of Ser. Galba 98 Treatie made with Viriatus broken by Cepio 101 Traian a Spaniard the third persecutour of the Church 120 Trecherie of Stillico and defeat of the Impertial armie 131 Traitors frustrate of their hope 155 Tribute payed by the Arabians to the Romanes 165. Tribute payed by a Christian Prince to Infidels most detestable 177 Trecherie of a Moore punished 181 Trecherie of a seruant 208 Treason and impietie of a Christian Knight against his owne bloud and religion 214 Treason of a sonne against his mother 227 Triall by fire in Clergie matters 255 Treatie of peace betwixt Nauarre and Arragon 287. Troubles in the Moores Estate in Affricke by superstitious diuinations 293 Troubles in Castile by reason of the Kings no●age 308 Trecherie of D. Mariques de Lara against his Prince and Country 309 Traytors iustly punished 362 Troubles in Arragon 400 Truce betwixt the Christians and Moores 410 Truce betwixt the French and Arragonois 433 Troubles raised by D. Henry of Castile 441 Tribute imposed by the Pope vppon the Realme of Sicily 455 Troubles and quarrels where there is much idle Nobilitie 481 Trecherie of Don Alphonso king of Castil against his owne bloud 483 Truce very beneficiall to the Moores 496 Treatie of mariage betwixt D. Pedro of Arragon and D. Maria of Nauar. 503 Troubles by the report of a woman 508 Trechery of the king of Arragon against the Earle of Transtamara 556 Treason of Don Roderigo of Vrris punished 589 Trecherie of Queene Leonora Telles 599 Treatie of mariage to the preiudice of Castile 637 Troubles in Zamora ibid. Troubles in Arragon 667 Truce with the king of Granado 674 Truce betwixt Castile and the kings of Arragon and Nauar 698 Troubles in Castile by false reports 703 Truce betwixt Granado and Castile 757 Treason discouered but not punished 780 Treatie of marriage betwixt Izabella of Castile and Fernand of Arragon 809 Trecherie of the Earle of Lerin against the Marshal of Nauar. 883 Treatie of peace betwixt France and Spaine 972 Trecherie of mercenarie Moores 894 Troubles raysed by the Archb. of Toledo 825. Tripoly in Barbary taken by Pedro Nauarro 897 Truce betwixt France and Spaine 912 Trauels endured with great patience by the Spaniards 916 Treatie of Cambray 979 Tremessen rebels against the Emperor 1008 Tripoly beseeged by the Christians 1082 Troubles in the Low-countries 1126 Trechery a diuellish reuenge 1135 Treatie of peace with the Mores of Granado 1153 Trechery of Mustapha at Famagosta 1162 Treasor brought by Sir Francis Drake out of the south sea 1181 Tudele taken by the Earle of Perche 271 Tumult at Badaios 435 Tumults in Castile for the gouernement 464 Tumults at Lisbone for their Kings marriage 584 Turkes make profit of the Iewes banishment 947 Tumult at Malaga supprest 934 Tunes taken by the Emperor 991 Turkes repulsed at Diu 999 Turkes and Moores flie from Oran 1077 Turkes beseege the fort at Gerbe 1090 Turkes armie at Malta 1116 Tumult made in Spaine by the Mores of Granado 1127. Turkes come to succour the Moores in Spaine 1149. Turkes goe to beseege Fez 1191 V VAllia the Gothe a friend to the Romaines makes warre in Spaine against the Barbarians 132 Vanity of humane greatnes 155 Valencia taken by Cid Ruis Diaz 261 Valour of Cid Ruis Diaz 241 Valour of Don Alphonso the noble king of Catile 342. Vanity of the Emperour Fredericke 375 Valentia taken by the Arragonois 369 Valenciens mutinous and seditious 523 Valencia subdued by the K. of Arragon 524 Vagabond troupes spoile Cattelonia 620 Vailliodolit submits vnto the king 794 Vanity of the King of Portugall 857 Viana surprized by the marshall of Nauarre 879 Vasco de Gama sayles to Calicut 958 Vasco Nugnes of Balbao beheaded at Darien 919 Valette a new towne built in the Iland of Malta 1119. Vertue giues to euery one his due reward 57 Vertue alwaies enuied 110 Vertue not alwaies hereditarie 172 Vertue reuerenced euen by enemies 207 Vertue of Don Ramir the bastard of Nauar 227 Vertues of king D. Alphonso the eight 278 Vertues of D. Charles Prince of Nauar 741 Velez Malaga beseeged by King Fernand. 921 Venetians defeated by the Spaniards 916 Veniero the Venetian General incensed against the Spanish souldiers 1167 Victorie of great consequence for the Romanes 43 Vice and corruption abounds where strangers abide 77 Victorie gotten by the Pretor Heluius 81 Victorie of Scipio against the Lusitanians 85 Victorie of Ful Flaccus against the Celtiberians 89. Vlriatus Captaine of the Lusitanians defeates Vitellius 98. he is defeated by Q. Fab. Max. 99. he is fauoured by the Senate of Rome 101. he is trecherously murthered and lamented by his souldiers ibid. Victorie admirable and almost incredible 143 Vitiza a vitious king his eyes put out by Rodericke 153. Victorie of the Christians against the Moores 170 Vices of Princes causes of sedition 211 Victoria in Alaua built 323. taken by the King of Castile 336 Victories of the christians at sea against the Mores 515. Victorie of the Castillans at sea 659 Viceroy of Valencia slaine by the trecherie of his owne brother 672 Viana beseeged by the D. of Valentinois 883 Victory of Rauenna vnprofitable for the French 903. Victory of D. Berenguela against the Turke 939 Victory of the Portugals at sea 1024 Vices common to young Noblemen 1132 Victorie of the Christians 1169 Vnion of Leon and Castile 231 Vniuersity of Salamanca 375 Vnion in Arragon against the King for their liberties 422 Vniuersity of Palence 338 Vncle bawde to his neece 533 Vnction of the king of Nauarre 626 Vnion of all the townes of Guipuscoa 636 Vnchastnes of Ioane the 2. Queene of Naples 686 Vnion of the Prouinces and Commonalties in Castile for the administration of iustice 789 Vnion of Castile and Arragon 876 Vnion of Castile and Nauarre by conquest 905
and readie to be beseeged by her enemies vpon which pretext they should demaund the Infant her sonne with some succors of souldiers the which the Ambassadours did wisely effect bringing D. Fernand to Oteilla where hee was proclaimed king of Castile Toledo and Nagera in the open field vnder an Elme by the Noblemen which were there present and presently marched towards Palencia Fernand the third proclaimed king of Castile where as the King the Queen his mother with their whole traine were receiued with great honour by Don Tello the Bishop From thence they came to Duegnas which place they were constrained to force so as the warre began to grow hote which the Prelates and Noble-men of the countrie laboured to preuent but in vaine the Earle D. Aluar refusing to quit his authoritie and to lay downe armes vntill he had the person of the new King Don Fernand in his power as he had had that of D. Henry but the memorie of his bad gouernment distasted euery man so as they were so farre from satisfying his desire as they were all ashamed to haue beene so ill aduised to giue the authoritie and gouernement of the Realme to such violent persons as them of Lara wherefore they sought how to haue the king obeyed by Armes to the great ruine of the countrey The King and Queene-mother past on with their troupes to Vailledolit and so to the riuer of Duero from thence they went to Coca where they shut the gates against them wherefore they came to Saint Iust where they receiued two aduertisements the one was that they should not go to Auila nor Segouia the other that the Infant Don Sancho Fernandes brother to Don Alphonso king of Leon borne of D. Vrraca Lopes was comming against them with a mightie army whereupon they turned backe towards Vailledolit where they found some alterations against the Queene and her sonne practised by them of Lara whom by her wisedome she pacified There hauing a●●embled the Noblemen which had charges and dignities within the Realme she intreated them to aduise what was fit for the peace and publike quiet offering to do any thing which they should councell her They who knew her to be a wise and discreet woman were of opinion that she should raigne as lawfull heire of Castile but she desiring more the good and greatnesse of her sonne then her owne renounced the royaltie in the presence of them all resigned it wholly vnto her fon Don Fernand the which was a worthy act and commended of all men Whereupon the King was conducted vnto the Church of Saint Mary the great and there with a generall applause and consent was confirmed King and the oath taken of either side the King being scarce seuenteene yeares whose raigne was happie and full of all good 4 The Moores of Spaine Moores subiect to Aben Mahomad Miralmumin of Affricke seeing themselues destitute of his ayde and support after the losse of the Battaile of Muradal as it doth often happen after such inconueniences and losses grew to haue a bad conceite of their King Mahomad and did beleeue or made shew to beleeue that the battaile was lost by his fault wherefore all such a● The Arabians in Spain re●ect the Miralmumins of Africk had any charges and gouernements reuolted and erected many petty Kingdomes in Spaine Among them the first and chiefe was the Miralmumims owne brother called Zeit Aben-Zeit who by others is called Zeita Buzeit who seazed vpon the towne of Valencia the Iurisdictions therof A cousin of his called Aben Mahomad when as the Christians army infected with the plague returned into Castile seazed vpon Baeça who had the cittie of Cordoua also at his deuotion with many other places in Andalusia and on the confines of Toledo whom many Moores followed for that he was descended by masculine line from Abdelmon the first king of the Almohades and came of Abdalla one of his sonnes these two had yet some colour to hold that which their grandfather had conquered in Spaine But at Seuille there did rise a mightie Moore called Aben Lalle vnder whose power the townes of Eccia Carmona Xeres Gouernours Moores make thems●lues Lords of their gouernements and others of Andalusia did subiect themselues In Murcia and Granado there was one named Aben●Hut made himselfe King beeing of the race of those Moores which had raigned in Sarragossa In this sort the other Moores made themselues masters of townes and Prouinces in Spaine where they had beene set for Gouernors all which did enter into league with the aboue-named as the mightiest giuing an end in Spaine to the Empire of the Almohades and Kings of Maroc two and fiftie yeares after the passage of king Abdelmon This was the last diuision betwixt the Moores of Spaine and Affricke the which were neuer more vnited vnder one Crowne notwithstanding that there haue many times troupes and armies past out of Africke into Spaine against the Christians to succor those pettie Kings of the Moores which raigned there whereas the Kings of Maroc might hold some sea-townes and forts giuen them by the Kings of Granado to fauour their descents yet they neuer after had any great power not Empire there From these new erected estates which were not yet very well vnited the King of Castile as we haue sayd had taken the strong citty of Alcaraz and he of Leon that of Alcantara in the yeare 1213. Since a truce beeing made betwixt the Christians and Moores for some yeares these Infidels had leysure to settle themselues and to fortifie their places In the yeare 1217. 1217. Don Mathew Bishop of Lisbone beeing leader of the armie of Portugal tooke from them Alcaçar de Sal beeing assisted by strangers which were going into Syria and by the Prior of the Templers and Prior of Saint Iohn These strangers were English French and Flemings hauing a fleet of an hundred sayle beeing mooued thereunto by the admonitions and decrees of the Councell of Saint Iohn de Latran held by Pope Innocent the third which was the fifth expedition made by publike decree and Councell by the which Andrew king of Hungarie was named Generall of the Christians armie in the West notwithstanding Iohn Earle of Brenne went in his place 5 Returning to Castile Castile the young king Don Fernand his mother and and all the Castillans were much troubled after they had chosen him for that the King D. Alphonso his father beeing discontented that D. Berenguela had by policy gorten away his sonne and seemed to distrust him and withall being desirous to vnite that realme to his of Leon and to be called Emperour of Spaine he came into Spaine with a mightie armie whereupon they sent Don Maurice Bishop of Burgos and Don Domingo bishop of Auila to beseech the King not to disquiet his sonnes Realme The King of Leon enters with an armie into Castile against his son D. Fernand. of whose good he should bee rather glad then
his Sermons that hee had in his keeping more then an hundred fore-skins of Christians children which had beene circumcised crying out that the king ought to punish them very grieuously the King caused him to bee brought into his presence and commaunded that he should deliuer vp those fore skinnes the Friar sayd that hee had them not but that he was so informed by diuers of good name and place the king willed him to tell their names the which he could not or would not doe and so was dismissed without any other punishment then to be held a notorious lyar The Arch-bishop of Toledo Don Alphonso Carillo of Acugna and the Marquis of Villena beeing returned from Nauarre where they had left Queen Ioane at libertie perceyuing that the King did smally fauor them beganne to fore-see some future mischiefe to light vpon their states honor and persons to preuent which they entred into leagues which the king vnderstanding did dissemble committing in the meane time the gouernement of his affaires to Don Bertrand de la Cueua and to the Bishop of Calaorra whose Neece Don Bertrand had married The Court beeing at Seuille was very much troubled with a popular tumult occasioned by two Prelates namely the old Arch-bish of the same cittie Don Alphonso of Fonseca Contentions and seditions caused by two Arch-bishops the vncle and the nephew and his nephew who had made betwixt them a fained exchange of the Arch-bishoprickes of Seuill and S. Iames for the reasons before mentioned the nephew beeing at that time in possession of that of Seuill the which he ought to haue yeelded vp to his vncle who had caused him peaceably to enioy that of S. Iames till then held by D. Lewis Osorio and his faction Now Alphonso of Fonseca hauing brought all matters to the passe which he promised thought to re-enter into his former dignitie of Arch-bishop of Seuill but the nephew who found himself well at ease would by no meanes leaue it albeit that the Pope vpon paine of Excommunication had enioyned him so to do so as thereupon arose a very dangerous sedition each of them hauing his partakers amongst the Nobility Clergie and the common people the vulgar sort in generall held with the Nephew and had seazed vpon the great church and other strong places of the cittie holding it against the Gentlemen and the Clergie who fauoured the old Arch-bishoppe and the rescall multitude had well-neere gained the hauen with the Galleys that lay there intending to fight both by sea and land had not the King speedily preuented it who hauing made inquirie of the matter apprehended sundry of the Rebells who were seuerely punished the Nephew Arch-bishop was committed to prison in his owne house and within sixe dayes after the old Arch-bishop was restored to his former Sea and diuers of the offenders were hanged out at the windowes of their owne houses An outrage of a Moore committed in Seuil vnpunished and some others sent to receiue punishment at Madrid An other outrage was there committed at the same time which did incite and stirre vp diuers against the king for his Court beeing greatly frequented with Noblemen Moores whome he did highly fauour one of them named Mofarras who did lodge in the house of an honourable Citizen called Diego Sanches of Orihuela was so farre transported with a libidinous appetite as his host and hostesse beeing absent hee rauished and carried away with him into Granado a very beautifull daughter of theirs keeping her with him so long as he pleased The sorrowfull father and mother at their returne home finding their house disfurnished of their best ornament accompanied with diuers of the best Cittizens went to make their complaynt to the king who told them that the fault was their owne in leauing their daughter behind them and so put them off with this impertinent answer whereunto the parties grieued did reply crauing iustice but the King beeing displeased with their importunate exclamations commaunded that they should be thrust out of his gates set vppon asses and publikely whipped vppe and downe the Cittie this vniust sentence should haue beene executed had not the Earle D. Gonçal of Guzman gone to the King and asked him what reason the Officer should giue to the multitude for the whipping of those innocent people then the King finding his owne errour was ashamed thereof and went into his chamber making him no answer at all the Moores fault remayning vnpunished to the great scandall not onely of that Cittie but of the whole kingdome Not long after the King made a iourney to Gibraltar newly conquered and sacked where he gaue another proofe and testimonie of a mind little ●auouring of equitie for he tooke away the gouernement thereof from Pedro de Porras whome hee had placed there at the request of the Duke of Medina Sidonia who had taken the same cittie and did giue and appropriate it to Don Bertrand de la Cuena Earle of Ledesma who placed there for Gouernour Stephano de Villacreces who had married an Aunt of his the which the Duke tooke very impatiently and so it continued all the time of the troubles of the kingdome vntill he had brought it againe vnder his owne power and iurisdiction and ioyned it to the other possessions belonging to the house of Medina Sidonia who hath alwaies enioyed it till the entire conquest of the kingdome of Granado at which time it was for euer annexed to the Crowne The same time the King Don Alphonso of Portugall making warre vppon the Moores of Affricke came from Ceuta to Gibraltar at the intreatie and perswasion of King Henry where these two Princes remayned and continued together the space of eight dayes eating at one table and shewing great tokens of loue and brotherly friendshippe one to the other This yeare 1463. the Infant Don Henry of the house of Portugall the kings Vncle Master of the Order commonly called of Christ Portugal of the age of three-score and seuen yeares dyed in the cittie of Sagres in Algarbe who was buried in the Church of Lagos and afterwards translated and carried away from thence to the Abbey of Battayle built by his father king Iohn the first and they report in Portugall that this Prince dyed a virgine he out-liued all his breethren that were legitimate to wit Don Iohn Master of Saint Iames Don Fernand Master of Auiz and Don Pedro Duke of Coimbra their elder bastard-brother Don Alphonso Duke of Bragança dyed also not long before House of Bragansa leauing behind him for his successours in the Dutchie his sonnes Don Fernand Earle of Arrojolos and the Marquis of Villa-viciosa who was by lawfull succession and by the right of inheritance the second Duke of Bragança begotten on Donna Beatrix daughter to Don Nugno Aluares Pereyra Earle of Barcellos and first Constable of Portugall Now the losse of these great personages was very grieuous to the King Don Alphonso who at that time by reason of his warres
against the Moores had great need of their helpe and Councell Expedition into Affricke against the citty of Tanger hee had conducted a great army into Affricke against the citty of Tanger beeing followed by all the Nobility of Portugall namely by his brother the Infant Don Fernand Duke of Viseo his brother-in-law Don Pedro the third Constable of Portugall sonne to the Infant Don Pedro Duke of Coimbra aboue-mentioned D. Edward de Meneses Earle of Viana Don Gonçal Coutin the first Earle of Marialua the Earle of Villa-reall and other great Lords but Don Pedro the third Constable of Portugall was at that time sollicited by the Cattelans to name himselfe King of Arragon for the reasons heretofore declared who consented thereunto and went with the Ambassadors of Cattalonia to the cittie of Barcelona where he was proclaymed King of Arragon and Earle of Barcelona vnto whom the Estates were sworne but hee had to deale with a boysterous aduersarie passing ouer his dayes in difficult warres and finishing them by poyson as it was thought as shall be hereafter more at large declared After the departure of the Constable Don Pedro the King Don Alphonso came to Gibraltar and in his absence his people receiued an ouerthrow as they went about to scale the towne of Tanger where diuers men of worth were slaine and taken Among the prisoners were the Earle of Marialua and Gomes Freyra who were afterward redeemed for great ransomes After his returne from Gibraltar into Affricke hee entred in person into Benaca a mountainous and woddie countrie from whence hee was constrayned to retire to his great losse where he left behind him D. Edward de Meneses Earle of Viana who to saue the kings life being in great danger lost his own The Earle of Villa-reall did at that time by his valour saue the army fighting brauely in the rere-ward defending it against an infinite multitude of Moores King Alphonsos misfortunes in his expedition into Affricke insomuch as the king beeing desirous to acknowledge his prowesse did publikely prayse him and gaue him the honor of beeing the shield and defender of the faith the same day or to speake more properly Gods instrument for the deliuerie and helpe of the Portugals These aduerse fortunes caused King Alphonso to returne into Portugall with small honor where he applyed himselfe to vowes and pilgrimages thinking hereby to appease the Saints patrons and conductors as he thought of his vnhappie and disastrous enterprises King Henry of Castile at his departure from Gibraltar Castille came to Eccia where he gathered together all the cauallerie of the garrisons and countries neere about ioyning them to his great armie which he commonly carried about with him wherewith he entred into the territories of Granado where the Ambassadours of king Ismael the Moore met with him and presented vnto him the tribute with sundrie other gifts so that he passed on no further but dismissed his forces and came to Iaen whose Gouernor was the Constable Don Michael Lucas d' Irançu At Iaen remayned Don Pedro Giron Master of Calatraua who beeing desirous to offend the Earle of Ledesma and to set him at variance with the Constable Don Michel Lucas he told the King that he heard say that he meant to bestow the Mastership of S. Iames which the Infant Don Alphonso held onely in name vppon the Earle of Ledesma and thereuppon shewed him diuers reasons to perswade him to giue that dignitie rather to the Constable who was a valiant Knight and one greatly affected to his seruice but the King seemed to giue no eare to his speech knowing very well whereunto it tended Don Pedro perceiued by many other reasons that he was not very welcome to the King who as he supposed did suspect him to bee of the league with the Marquis of Villena his brother and the Arch-bishop of Toledo wherefore he returned thence and then began they to treate of great leagues and confederacies Prodigious winds and other tokens of future calamities to the preiudice of the estate of Castile presaged by great tempests of wind which at Seuile did ouerthrow a great quantitie of the citty walls and did blow away a great bell out of the Church of S. Augustine aboue a bowes shot from the place where it did hang tooke vp into the ayre a payre of Oxen yoaked together at the plough and plucked vppe by the rootes diuers sorts of trees scattering them here and there in very fearefull manner In the ayre was seene the proportion of armed men fighting and three Eagles striuing together with great furie fell downe dead to the ground Matters standing in these tearmes the King returned to Madrid where he continued still carelesse of that which concerned the good of the Realme there was no audience nor admittance for petitioners nor any administration of iustice he permitted his porters and those of his guard to offer indignities to such as he did not loue and to those that did sue vnto him and he would winke at them when as many times they would shut the gates against the Arch-bishoppe and the Marquis of Villena who were oftentimes sent from thence with many iniurious speeches These things with other of greater importance would he giue ayme to so as he willingly made a readie way to the greatest miseries and calamities that could be imagined And hearing that the king Don Alphonso of Portugall was entred into Castile to visit Enterview of the kings of Castile and Portugall at Guadalupa for deuotion-sake the Monasterie of Guadalupa he departed from Madrid with the Queene his wife and the Infants his brother and sister and went to meet him at a place called the Arch-bishoppes bridge not making the Marquis of Villena nor the Arch●bishop of Toledo acquainted with any thing to bee treated of in that enterview There were newly strengthened and confirmed the auncient leagues and allyances betweene the two kingdomes by the agreement of future marriages with the king Don Alphonso who was a widdower and Donna Izabella sister to the king of Castile and betweene the Infant Don Iohn of Portugall eldest sonne and heire to that Crowne of the age of eight yeares and the Queene of Castiles daughter who was tearmed the Princesse Ioane These things promised and agreed vppon the king of Portugall returned to Guadalupa to finish and performe his vow and from thence into his owne countrey In the meane time the Arch-bishop and the Marquis beeing forewarned by the tokens of disgrace which they well perceyued and by their own consciences absented themselues from the Court fearing to bee taken and punished and with drew themselues to Alcala of Henares where they sollicited their friends and strengthened their league into the which by the meanes of the Arch-bishop entred very secretly the Admirall Don Fredericke the Earle of Benauent Don Alphonso Pimentell sonne-in-law to the Marquis Don Roderigo Manrique Earle of Paredes Don Inigo Manrique Bishop of Coria with all his breethren on
true King Muley Boabdellin by this shamefull retreate lost his reputation amongst his own people Moores so as they beganne to detest him Muley Boabdellin reiected Mahomet the Little receiued by the Granadins and to incline to his aduersarie Mahomet the Little This Moorish armie did disperse it selfe into sundrie places and Muley with-drew himselfe to Alnumeçar and then to Almerie from whence he went to Guadix By this disgrace of his King Mahumet the Little found meanes to recouer the Alhambra and all the strong places of the Cittie where hee cut off the heads of foure Moorish knights of the noble family of Aben Carrax because they had opposed themselues against him at his returne from prison By this meanes he remayned King of Granado alone and making vse of the king of Castiles friendship hee obtained two truces for his vassals and sufferance to go and trafficke in their dominions and to buy all kind of merchandizes armor and victuals excepted and hee did not not onely obtaine it for those Moores which were now obedient vnto him but for all those that would submit themselues to his Crowne hereafter and besides that souldiers artillerie and all other prouision to poursue his Vncle and to annoy those places which were vnder his subiection publishing declaratorie letters of his loue and good will towards all such as within sixe moneths after would submit themselues to him and threatning grieuous punishment to the obstinate and rebelllous The Moores within Velez Malaga hauing seene the flight of their King Muley Boabdellin el Zagal were out of all hope to receiue any succour from him Castille and fearing that as soone as the artillerie was come they should be enforced to yeeld they compounded by the meanes of the Earle of Cifuentes and yeelded vp the place their liues and goods beeing saued their victuals and armor excepted and they had licence to depart into Affricke or else-where or if it pleased them they might remaine in Castile The towne of Bentomnix followed the example of Velez Malaga and the gouernement thereof was giuen to Pietro Nauarro who from a poore youth although a gentleman and from being a marriner as it is reported attained to the degree of a Captaine and afterward became one of the most famous men of his time as well in the warres of Spaine as Italy and was created Earle of Albeto The towne of Comares and diuers other Castles of the Countrey called as Alpuxares hearing of the Kings of Castiles good successe did at the first summons without any resistance submit themselues to their obedience paying the same tribute to them which they did vse to pay to the Moore kings and vppon other conditions which were imposed vppon them to the end to be the better assured of them till such time as they did become Mudejares whereby they might liue in their vain superstion The gouernement of Velez Malaga was giuen to the great Commaunder Don Guttiere de Cardegna Superintendent or high Treasurer to the Kings The neighbour Countries beeing thus cleansed of the enemies places of retreate Malaga beseaged the armie marched to the seege of Malaga a cittie as hath beene sayd exceeding strong and well prouided of men victuals and all other necessaries within the which a valiant Captaine called Hali Duax had the commaund of diuers valiant Moores as well of the Realme of Granado as of Affricane Gomeres but vnderneath a Generall or Alcayde major who was as Constable to the King el Zagal whose name was Amet-zeli who was then at Guadix from whence the King made warre vppon his Nephew and from thence at the earnest entreatie of his subiects hee intended to succour Malaga if neede were which the Kings of Castile sent to summon promising libertie to the Moores and assurance of their liues and goods but they answered that their king had placed them there not to giue the towne to the Kings of Castile but valiantly to defend it whereof they meant to shew sufficient proofes This answer beeing made they consulted whether it were best to batter it or else to beseege it a farre off cutting off their victuals and annoying them by the neighbour garisons vntill they were enforced to yeeld the king remained firme in his opinion which was to beseege it roundly neere hand notwithstanding that they prayed him to consider the great strength thereof as well by nature as by art for the cittie of Malago stands vpon a plaine on the sea side which beates vppon the walles wherewith it is well rounded and it was flanquered with strong towers according to those times hauing two Castles seated vppon a little hill one of which is called Alcaçaua and the other Gibralfar which is the highest of the two whereunto men go from the one to the other by a way about sixe foote broade betwixt two great walles wherewith it was couered and these two fortresses were likewise compassed with strong walls and high towers furnished with Artillerie engines of defence and great numbers of valiant souldiers who were all of them determined rather to dye then to yeeld Now for the more easie and commodious lodging of the armie it was needfull to winne a little hill seated a stones cast from the fort of Gibralfar betwixt the same and an high hill there the Moores made great resistance notwithstanding it was wonne and foureteene thousand footmen and fiue and twenty hundred horse were placed there vnder the commaund of the Marquis of Cales the next day after they disposed the quarters round about the towne the Marquis had the first with whome were Don Gattiere of Sottomajor Don Aluaro Baçan Fernand de Vega and the Pourveyor of Villafranca Don Pedro Vaca and Garcy Brauo Captaine of Atiença with other Captaines and Knights namely Charles Areillan Hernand Carillo Don Francisco of Bouadilla Don Diego Lopes d' Ayala George de Veteta Gouernour of Soria and Michel d' Abassa The next quarter belonged to Don Diego Fernand of Cordoua hauing charge of the forces of the Dukes of Albuquerque and of Medina Sidonia and so consequently euery man had his quarter disposed to him round about the cittie the Earle of Cifuentes Captaine of the men of Siuill Don Lorenzo Suares Figueroa Earle of Feria and Don Guttiere of Padilla Treasurer of Calatraua with the forces of Eccia those of the Earle of Benauent those of Pero Carillo of Albornos and of the Arch-bishop of Siuill then the companies of the Earle of Vregna those of Don Alphonso of Aguilar of the Duke of Nagera of Don Fredericke of Toledo of Iohn Aluares and of Alphonso Osorio Don Diego Hurtado of Mendoza followed after with the forces of the Cardinall his brother the Earle of Cabra the great Commaunder of Leon with the men of Cordoua those of Don Garcy Lopes of Padilla Master of Calatraua of Don Antonio of Fonseca of Antonio d' Aguilar of Don Alphonso of Cardegna Master of Saint Iames those of Don Lewis Fernand Porto Carrero
Lord of Palma and of Don Iohn of Estuniga Master of Alcantara Malaga beeing thus beseeged the Kings tent was knowne by the Moores who bestowed many cannon shot vpon it from the citie so as they were constrayned to remooue it behind a little hil The batterie planted to the most conuenient places was great and furious from the Marquis of Cales quarter against the Castle of Gibralfar the which in many places was pierced and ouerthrowne in many places and as soone repayred by the Moores The Marquis hauing taken away the towers which did offend him aduanced his lodging a stones cast nearer to the fort but hee was constrained to returne to his former quarter by the continuall sallies which the Moores made vpon him and his people fighting with such furie as they came to the poynyard and slue the Captaine of Atiença and Inigo Lopes of Medran Lord of Cauagnillas Gabriel of So●tomajor and other valiant men besides diuers hurt in the number of whome was the Marquis who was shot into the arme with an arrow for the Moores fought from a place of great aduantage At this seege two great shippes of warre arriued on the coast of Malaga commaunded by Don Ladron de Gueuara sent from Flanders by Maximilian of Austria king of the Romaines husband to the heire of Bourgondie and father to Philip which was sonne-in-law to the Kings of Castile The Emperor Maximillian sends Artillery and powder from Flanders to the king of Castile who for the seruice of this warre did send these two vessels laden with diuers peeces of brasse Ordonance and ba●rels of powder bels for the use of the Churches of the places newly conquered great store of mettall with workmen to worke it with other instruments and things necessarie for the warre beeing desirous for his part to partake in some sort the honour of this great conquest which his posteritie enioyeth at this day A tower of the cittie beeing wonne with great toyle and effusion of bloud was quickly recouered againe by the Moores who grew more obstinate in their defence by meanes of a false rumor raised by certaine cowards of the campe which desired to returne home againe who sayd that Queene Izabella did sollicite the King her husband to rayse his seege because the plague was within and about diuers places of the Cittie and in this hope the Barbarians did valiantly resist all assaults The King to let them vnderstand that his intent was otherwise sent for the Queene to come to the campe who was accompanied thither by great numbers of voluntarie Knights and then hee sent word to the beseeged that if they would yeeld he would vse them gently as hee had done others if not he gaue them to vnderstand that he would not depart thence till the cittie were taken and that then they should expect nothing but rigor to the which they made no answer but did streightly commaund that not any one amongst them should dare vpon paine of life to talke of any agreement or composition with the kings of Castile and they did indeed kill diuers vppon the same occasion being resolued to hold out till their last breath the which did greatly prolong the seege where powder beginning to fayle the gallies were sent to Valencia Barcelona yea into Sicill which brought thither great quantitie The King of Portugall beeing entreated to send some thither likewise did it willingly with great speed There was no part of the day almost which was free from skirmisnes where many men of either side dyed daily wherefore certaine Moores of the Cittie beeing displeased with the losse of their friends and fore-seeing the danger whereinto they were likely to fall yet not daring to speake of composition did secretly send a messenger to the campe to tell king Fernand that if he would promise to saue their liues and goods they would giue him entrance whereunto the king consented and as this Moore returned he was taken by certaine Gomeres of Affricke who assayled him with their swords in such sort as he returning hurt to the campe dyed there and so the treaty ended As the land skirmishes were continuall so were those at sea where the armie of Castile did hinder as much as in them lay any entrance of comming foorth of the cittie and to redresse the sallies by land there were by the diligence of Garcy Lazo de la Vega Iohn d' Estuniga and Diego of Tayde diuers forts made and great trenches drawne where diuers great Corps de gard were placed so as the Moores in that manner shutte in could not do so much hurt nor vexe the armie as before it had done the Moores beeing neuerthelesse constant in their resolution to hold out to the last man nothwithstanding that victuals did greatly decrease in the cittie for they were aduertised by diuers traitors of the campe of whatsoeuer was done there good or bad and oftentimes they told them that which was false in such sort as they were not discouraged but did beleeue that the king and Queene would shortly bee constrained to depart thence and there were some that left the cittie vnder color of yeelding themselues to the King and to become Christians who falsely reported that there was great and incredible aboundance of victuals and all other necessaries in the cittie to the end thereby to cause the Christians to leaue the seege the which report did put the King and his Councell into a studie whether they should cease the batteries and assaults and keepe the seege by sea with certaine gallies or else by land with certaine forts to starue them by little and little The Arabians liue with a little but weighing the nature of that nation who liue with so little meate as it is to be wondered at this counsell was reiected as vnfruitfull wherefore the batteries were renewed and to that end diuers artificiall engines were made of excellent inuention and mynes were wrought in diuers places which beeing discouered by the industrious and vigilant Moores were cause of the death of a great number of braue souldiers King Boabdellin el Zagal beeing daily sollicited to succour Malaga went foorth of Guadix with certaine troupes of horse and foote but beeing met and encountred by the army of his nephew Mahomet which came foorth of Granado for the same purpose hee was vanquished and put to flight whereof King Fernand had speedie intelligence to his great contentment Within the beseeged cittie were certaine Moores that were esteemed holy men who with mad and idle prattle went about to encourage the souldiers saying that the dead did greatly desire to rise againe for to helpe them to driue the Christians thence with other such like words which were of great force to animate that superstitious race There arriued at the campe fresh supplies of horse and foote from Arragon Valencia and Cattalognia which did much encourage the assaylants who had this aduantage not to want victuals The K. of Tremessen being aduertised by