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A40453 The dolefull fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the fourth vow, from the Roman Catholick apostolick faith lamented by his constant frind, with an open rebuking of his imbracing the confession, contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England. French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1674 (1674) Wing F2178; ESTC R6915 151,148 496

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Faith that was not soe before nor likwise make any Proposition Hereticall that was not soe before but only defines that Proposition to be of Faith that is and was ever soe and condemns that for an Heresie that is and was soe Nor are Articles of Faith as Sall affirms repugnant to human reason but transcending human reason as Saint Thomas teacheth Fidem non esse contra sensum sed esse de eo ad quod sensus non attingit much less is Faith repugnant to reason a nobler faculty then that of sence yet for all this wee may not say that reason can comprehend an Article of Faith Will you beleeve nothing Sall but what you can comprehend and as it were demonstrat by human reason and discourse This is not Faith but Science The silliest Catholick old woeman in your Country will tell you that in beleeving you must take Faith and leave reason And Saint Aug●stin saith the same as thus S. Aug. lib. de utilitat● credend● Quod inteligimus debemus rationi quod credimus Authoritati Had you ankored your selfe Sall upon the Authority of the Church as most eminent Schoolmen of our side doe you had not fallne into Heresie but you presumed to much on your owne witt and wanted humility and necessary vertue Saint Augnstin reprehends such kinde of men as would circumscribe matters of Faith within the sphere of reason and discourse in these words Eccè qualibus Argumentis omnipotentiae Dei humana contradicit infirmitas quam possidet vanitas That is Behold with what kinde of Arguments doth human weakness mastered by vanity contradict the omnipotent power of God The Paulin difinition of Faith the most perfect of all diffinitions doth clearly demonstrate that the force of reason cannot comprehend Articles of Faith Illa particula Argumentum non aparentium clarè significat objectum fidei esse rem non visam cui firmiter adhaeret intellectus non ex rei evidentia sed ex auctoritate divina per illam particulam non apparentium distinguitur fides a Scientia intellestu per quem aliquid fit apparens That is The Argument of things not appearing doth clearly signify the object of Faith to be a thing not seen to which the understanding doth adhere not for the Evidence of the thing but for the devine Authority revealing it and by that particle of things not appearing Faith is distinguished from Science and understanding of objects by which a thing is made apearing This is the Opinion of Nicholas de Lira and others It is alsoe the Opinion of Devines commonly Visum non esse objectum fidei S. Tho. 1. 2. qs 67. S. Tho. 2. 2. q. 1. a. 4 And Saint Thomas saith elswher Quod nihil est objectum fidei nisi sub ratione non apparentis XVIII CHAPTER The Doctrin of Transubstantiation defended against Sall a new Protestant THere is noe Protestant soe maddly obstinate as to give God the lye to his face and in plaine tearms to say though hee did know God did reveale the Doctrin of Transubstantiation as the Church of Rome doth propose and maintaine it I would not beleeve it noe all Protestants acknowledg and generally all Hereticks God to bee truth it selfe and not able to deceive or bee deceived The obstinacy therfore of Protestants against Gods verityes is not as they are uttered immediatly by himselfe but as they are proposed by his Church as in the point of Transubstantiation Sall become lately a Protestant doth not beleeve the Catholick Church proposing that Doctrin as revealed by God but says it is not warranted by devine writt the same hee says of Indulgences Purgatory worship of Images c. but introduced and made an Article of faith by the use and Authority of the Roman Church Against cleare evidence there can be noe obstinacy the object of it must be involved in some obscurity otherwise the will which is the source of obstinacy would not bee able to master the understanding There is nothing more cleare and evident to the understanding then this proposition If God said or revealed any thing it s very true The obstinacy therfore of Hereticks doth not contest with this cleare and confessed truth It only doubts or denyes that God said or revealed any such thing as the Church pretends By this it appears in what Sall and I doe differ about Transubstantiation for hee doth not beleeve the Church proposing and defyning the Doctrin therof as revealed by God The Heretick beleeves what the Church proposeth as revealed only conditionally if God reveal'd it reserving to his owne privat Iudgment or to that of his privat Patriarks Luther Zwinglius Calvin c. this determination but the Catholick Absolutly and doubts not but God revealed what the Church proposeth as revealed submitting his Iudgment in matters of Faith to what soever the Church doth define or declare This is the case of Hereticks They protest if they had thought or beleeved that the Doctrin of the Roman Church in controverted points were revealed by God they would hartily imbrace it but they doe not consider this very if or doubt is Heresie for they have noe reason to doubt but that the Roman Catholick Church hath Commission and power of defining and declaring what is revealed by God seeing it hath the evident signes of a true Church as Miracles Sanctity of Doctrin and Life continuall Succession from the Apostles to the present age both of Pastors and Doctrin These signes may be easily perceived and knowne by all people as Clownes Souldiers and other illiterate persons let them examin the Histories of theire owne Countryes and the Religion of theire Ancesters which soever amongst all the Christians Churches had and hath the aforesaid signes that Church must be heard obeyed and beleeved as having Gods Authority and Commission to deside all doubts and Controversies of Faith who soever beleeves not her diffinitions and obeys not her decrees and Canons in points of Faith is an obstinat Heretick and such is Sall having deserted and condemned this Church But Sall tells us the Doctrin of Transubstantiation is a novelty not found in Scripture but brought into the Church by the Councell of Lateran anno 1215. This is a great mistake in Sall The very condemning of Berengarius as an Heretick for impugning Transubstantiation anno 1050 which was before the Councell of Lateran 165. years proves it was noe novelty but an Article of Faith before that Councell There were present at this Counsell the Emperors Roman and Greek and of the Kings of France Spaine England Hierusalem and Cyperus their Ambassadors euen from the Apostles tymes For otherwise I pray you how were it possible that the Patriarks of Hierusalem and Constantinople 70. Metropolitans 400. Bishops and 800. Conventuall Pryours who were all present at that great Counsell should all agree in declaring Transubstantiation to have been revealed by God to the primitive Church how can this agree with what Sall affirms
faith Doctor Vsher found between the Greeks Ruthenians Armenians c. For bringing them into his owne Church and Communion but if they agree in any Articles with the Protestant though they differ'd in many more 't was enough for Vsher to make them all Protestants as Fox made Saints of all Sectarys as in what wee have said before is prou'd But wee Catholicks doe not nor may not receive into our Communion and Church the said Greeks Ruthenians c. Though agreeing with us in many Articles becaus they differ in others according to that of Saint Iames Qui offendit in uno factus est omnium reus Wee are now to speak or to deal with Sall for his contumelious Language to witt for saying that the tenets of the Roman Church against the XXXIX Articles are false and Superstitious especially that of Transubstantiation as forcing upon Christians a beleef of monstrous Miracles c. of which I shall treat in the ensuing Chapter XX. CHAPTER Miracles are ttue and cleare marks of a true Religion and the power of working them hath been given to the true Church and remaines therin The Anger Sall hath conceived against Gods wonders caling Miracles Monstrous gave mee occation of enlargeing this Chapter A furious zeale in his new Religion hath made the man ungodly It was not enough for him in his Recantation to declare his minde in the ensuing words Wherfore I resolved to declare as I doe hereby seriously and in my hart without Equivocation or mentall Reservation in the Presence of God and this Congregation declare that I doe give my full and free assent to the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England for holy and wise and grounded upon the insalliable word of God But hee must alsoe add Acknowledging the Romish tenets against them to be false and Superstitious especially that of Transubstantiation as forcing upon Christians a beleefe of Monstrous Miracles repugnant to humane reason and not grounded upon divine Testimony nor necessary either for verifying Christ his words in the Institution of this Blessed Sacrament or for the effects of it Sall verè durus est hie sermo quis potest eum audire Let any Catholick Reader tell mee Nonquid haec est atrox homuncionis insultantis Christo Ecclesiae rabies I did not think poor Sall was come to such a hight of Impiety as to belch up soe virulent a contumely against Gods Wonders But let him bee as much discontented as hee will Miracles are owned by the pious and learned by the Bishop and the Peasant and by all true and Godly beleevers because they are wrought In Nomine virtute Dei omnipotentis wherfore the Doctrin of Miracles is well grounded and delivered from hand to hand a long from the Apostles Tymes and the Church is called Ecclesia Sancta Sanctitate Miraculorum It is true Sall you have passed to a Congregation of men that deny and contemne manifest Wonders because noe Miracles were ever done in theire Church I defy you to shew mee one Miracle wrought by any of Foxes Saints or any Protestant since your holy Father Luther first brought in Protestanisme tell mee when and where and the man that did the Wonder Sall I see you deale with Miracles as the Fox did with a faire ripe bunsh of grapes hee jumpt and leapt to bring downe the grapes but when hee could not reach them said they were green and worth nothing But whether I pray you shall I beleeve you in a kinde of rage against Gods wonders caling them Monstrous or Saint Thomas the Prince of devines teaching What a Miracle is dicit enim Quod S. Tom. part 1. quest 105. a 7. nomen Mirac●li ab Admiratione sumitur Admiratio autem consurgit cum effectus sunt manifesti causa occulta That is The Word Miracle coms from Admiration and this Admiration doth arise when the effects appeare and the cause is hidden Likewise Saint Augustin tells us what a Miracle is cum Deus saith the Saint Aliquid facit S. Aug. lib. de quest contra cognitum nobis cursum solitumque naturae magnalia vel mirabilia dicuntur When God doth any thing against the knowne course of nature and custome therof they are caled Magnalia or wonderfull things I pray you good Sall give God leave to doe wonderfull things by his Saints and servants to his owne Glory when it shall soe please him and be not angry therwith caling impudently these wonders Monstrous Miracles take rather Saint Augustins good Counsell speaking thus to you and mee and all men Dicamus Aliquid Deum posse quod nos fatemur investigare non posse in rebus enim mirabilibus tota ratio saciendi est potentia sacientis That is Let us say God is able to doe somthing that wee must confess wee are not able to search into or comprehend in wonderfull things the whole ground of doeing them is the power of him that can doe them That God hath Impowered those hee sent by an extraordinary way for converting Nations with the grace of working Miracles is a truth you will not deny having been evidently made appeare in the written Law and Law of Grace when the people see Miracles they beleeve the man that doth them is sent from God This made Moyses when hee was commaunded by God to lead the Israelits out of Egypt to answer God in these Exod. cap. 5. tearms The people will not beleeue mee nor heare my voyce but they will say our Lord hath not appeared to thee Hee proposed the difficulty of the Embassy wisely and God iudgd what hee sayd to carry great reason and therfore gaue him the power of doeing wonders and this suffised to make the people beleeue hee was sent from God with an extraordinary Authority Sall wee are still demaunding from your Prophets and Doctors Luther Caluin and the rest of them who say they were sent from God by an extraordinary mission to sanctify the world and to pull downe the whore of Babilon soe they name the Roman Church and alsoe you of England and all Protestants affirme the same to wit that Luther Calvin and the rest were impowered with extraordinary authority even as the true Prophets of God and other holy men that wrought Miracles for proving theire mission were sent from God in former ages but till this day you could never name any Miracles wrought by your Doctors Now if the Israelits would not take Moyses his word though hee was a holy man that hee was sent from God without doing wonders shall wee take Luther or Calvins word who shew'd noe Sanctity in theire manners but much impurity that they are sent from God without working Mitacles to prove it this would be in us a great folly There are three kinde of Miracles those of Christ those of the Apostles and Church Miracles if Sall and those of the English Church will not beleeve the two first kinde of Miracles they doe not credit the
the Presbiterians gain-say Saint Paul Hee saith the office of a Bishop is a good worke and they say it is Tyrannicall and Anti-Christian wherin they show themselves prophane presumptious fellows in seeking to distroy the Doctrin of the Holy Ghost pronounced by the Mouth of the great Apostle two evills they doe in this They contradict the Oracle of God secondly they incurre the curses threatned by the Prophet Woe unto them who call evill good and Isay Cap. 1. good evill Let us for confounding those Presbiterians cite in this Matter some of the ancient Fathers Saint Augustin upon that place of Saint Paul who seeks a Bishops Office desireth a good thing saith th' Apostle would show what the Office of a Bishop is to witt A Name of Aug. lib. 19. deCivi Dei cap. 19. Labour and not of honour that hee may know himself not to be a Bishop who desires to preside and not to profitt Saint Hierom says That in the primative Church the calling of a Bishop was the next degree to Martyrdom wherfore saith hee the Office of a Bishop being soe Hier. Ap. Cornel. in hunc Loc. high and excellent soe hard and dangerous it was noe wonder th' Apostle required many excellent quallitys and vertues in a Bishop to exercise profitably his Office which Saint Paul calls a good worke Saint Ignat. Epist ad Tarscens Ignatius Bishop of Antioch Disciple of th' Apostles and a holy Martyr describes an excellent subordination of Pastors in the Church Priests saith hee be subject unto your Bishops Deacons unto Priests and you People unto Priests and Deacons who shall observe this comlyness of Order I would willingly change my Soule with theirs and our Lord be with them for ever 2. The second comly worke of the Presbiterians Reformation was to lay a side the Lords prayer and to put it out of use and creditt and all sett Prayers was not this a horrible Tentation of the Deuill What more sublime holy and devine then our Lords Prayer Christ made this Prayer the Scripture containes it our Saviour taught his Disciples to say it when you pray said Christ say Father hallowed Luke cap. 11. be thy Name Children learn this Prayer sucking theire Mothers Brest The Church of God hath ever esteem'd and practis'd it wherfore th'Abollishment of the Lords Prayer must come Tert. lib. de oratio from the Deuill there is noe way of excusing it This Prayer is short devine and substantiall according to that of Tertulian Our Lords Prayer is short in words but large in sense The Waldenses defended an error just Gualter Chron. Saecul cap. 11. de VVal. Errore conttary to this of the Presbiterians for they maintain'd noe other Prayer should be said noe other forme to be admitted but this of the Lords Prayer this had som collour of Piety and speciall respect done to that devine Prayer but to abollish it as the Presbi ex●ans have done is a most execrable Impiety Could a Christian man beleeve there would be Christians found on Earth that would contemne this devine Prayer instituted by Christ Iesus and commaunded to be sayd commended by the holy Fathers and practised by the whole Church tyme out of memory and speak contumeliovsly against the use of it A great Rabbin and Preacher of the Covenant called publickly the use of saying often the Lords Prayer a Papisticall Charme and another Minister in Galloway did Glory that hee had bannished The impious words of a Minister out of his Parish two Idols to wit Our Father which c. And God of Glory and peace c. A short Grace that was said ordinarily after meat but a Lay-man answered the impudent Minister in these Words If you have bannished these two which you call Idols I feare you will bring in worss Idols in theire place O God! thy Patience is great with these prophane wicked men the seed of Canaan Qui claudunt ora Laudantium te And that forbid men to speak to your devine Majesty in a Prayer made by your Sonne Iesus and commaunded by him to be sayd by all 3. From Laying aside the Lords Prayer the Presbiterians goe a stepp farther in theire holy Reformation what think you doe they a wicked business They abollish that hymne of praysing God usually sayd in the end of each Psalme Glory to the Father the sonne and Holy Ghost c. even by the Protestants themselves singing the Psalmes which hymne doubtless had its begining out of holy Scripture as this passage of Saint Iohn may testifye And saith the Saint A voyce came out from Apocal. cap. 19. v. 19. the throne saying say prays to our God all ye his servants and you that feare him little and great The Presbiterians in theire hott zeal contradict Saint Iohn and hinder little and great to sing this mellodious hymne of prayse to the Holy Trinity can any thing bee more impious then men acknowledging the Mistery of the Blessed Trinity If Presbiterians doe acknowledg it to abollish this divine Hymne wherby the Trinity is glorifyed It happened after they had agreed upon this ungodly Reformation that the People in the Church singing the Psalms and knowing nothing of the determination they had made coming to the end of a Psalme sayd as they were wont to doe Glory to the Father to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost c. The Presbitertan Minister hearing them cry'd out in a fury noe less ridiculously then scandelously Noe more Glory to the Father noe more Glory to the Father c. Was ever the like heard among Christians The Arians who deny'd the Divinity of Christ and that hee was equall to his Father did mainly strive to change and pervert this Hymne for as they had changed the forme of Baptisme by saying I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father by the Sonne in the Holy Ghost Baron Tom. 3. Anno 323. N. 174. Soe alsoe they corrupted this Hymne of Glorification by singing Glory to the Father by the Sonne in the Holy Ghost But the great Saint Basile shewes how Basil ad Amphilich dispute 5. the Hymne of Glorification was used from the tyme of th' Apostles for when the Sacrament of Baptisme was administred by the Priest when hee said I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost The faithfull present answered Glory bee to the Father to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost The Holy Counsell of Ni●e was pleased to add to the said Hymne this Appendix As it was in the begining and now and ever shall be World without end Amen Which clause appears in my Iudgment● like a Prophesy serving not only for the Confusion of th' Arians but alsoe of the Presbiterians 4. What more holy things did remaine in the Church to bee reformed by the Presbiterian congregation The Creed stood in theire way they would have it discredited and not to bee esteemed or caled
wheat in his Barnflower out of which Sall like light chaff of pride thou hast flowen away wanting the weight of fortitude in thy faith Look well about you straying lost man and consider what you have done you have fled away from the Camp of Israel to the tents of Philistim you have stayned as much as in you lay the fame and renowne of the Order of the Society of Jesus you are the first of that Order of our Country that ever fell you have defamed your Nation you have poluted the ●and of Saints qua hactenus carebal Monstris But such sliders back and Apostata's as you and latly som others will make our holy I land an Africa you have in this your Apostacy dispised the power of Allmighty God you have belyed his truth you have againe Crucify'd J●sus the Angells you have made angry the Saints you have dishonoured and men you have offended and scandalized Dic crgo mihi jam Sall hominum miserri me si non feceris scelera multa in domo Dei But whither glorying and boasting in that which is your shame your Apostacy soe runs the rumor of you whither will you turne your face where will you hide your selfe from the wrath of God where can you finde an azile of safty who will defend you who will take your part in the day of Extremity you are become for which my hart is much grived lud●brium fabula in g●ntibus Doe not say my words are bitter it is your great sinn against heaven makes mee bitter and to quarrell with you for my custome hath beene all my life pacem habere cum hominibus cum vitiis bellum I follow S. Augustins Rule Diligere homines interficere errores naturam amar● culpam odio habere quia ea faedatur natura quam homines amamus Soe that my Anger against you at present is piety and shall pray to be soe understood in this whole tract or confutation of your flight from the Catholick side for how can I be longer a frind to him that is becom a declared Enemy to God and his Angells by a publick Abjuration of holy faith In the first place the manner of of abjuring your Religion under the Tytle of a Recantion c. is vile and infamous could not you have performed this ungodly bussiness in that Arch-Bishops Chamber a work of darkness should have been Smoothered in silence and darkness noe but you must have used a solemnity in facie Ecclesiae Protestantic● ro have many wittnesses of your Ignominys would any man become bankroote a great infamy to a Marchant Publish his minde to the world If an incontinent woeman should put out in the Market-place a Declaration that shee was to make sale of her body soule and honour would not all of that sex cry upon her a shame upon the strumpet cauté si non casté This much to the Tytle of what Sall hath done now to what was done the Uggly Abjuration wherof much is to be said and spoken 1. What drew Sall out of Gods House 2. What guid led him the way 3. Having forsaken the Catholick Religion what Religion is hee become of 4. Who are the Doctors hee hath parted with and who they hee hath now embraced 5. What Company hath hee forsaken and who are they hee sticks unto 6. A discussion upon some principall parts of the Recantation 7. Certaine advertisments to said Sall. 8. The Authors harty Exhortation unto him for his speedy returning to his Mother the Roman Catholick Apostolick Church Those poynts I will handle as briefly as the Importance Of the matter will require and shall indevour by Gods blessing to give the pious and indifferent Reader all rationall satisfaction II. CHAPTFR TO the first query What drew Sall Ad primum out of Gods House Hee answers for himselfe that hee determined this change on a serious examen and ponderation hee had made upon the XXXIX Articles of the Confession of the Church of England for the safty hee found in them for salvation heare himselfe speak in his Recantation After ernest prayer saith hee to God for the assistance of his Devine light in soe weighty a matter I pen'd downe for better consideration the reasons I did heare read and conceive against the Romish tenets controverted I did alsoe carfully peruse and seriously reflect upon the XXXIX Articles Canons and Lithurgie of the Church of England to be safer for my salvation then that of the Roman Church You see gentle Reader this man pretended feare of his salvation if hee remained in the Catholick Communion and past to that of the Protestant Religion for the Devine Doctrine and satisfaction hee found as hee says in the XXXIX Articles of the English Confession Truly Sall I took you for a better Devine then to have changed soe rashly and unlearnedly the party you professed formerly to be of for any light truth or sanctity could be found in said XXXIX Articles I meane those of them different from the Catholck Religion One of these Articles vigesimus secundus Cui titulus est de Purgatorio runns thus Romana Doctrina de Purgatorio Indulgentiis Veneratione Adora●ione taem Imaginum quam Reliquiarum ut de invocatione Sanctorum est absurda inaniter inventa nec ulla Scripturae authoritate nititur sed potius Dei verb● repugnat That is to say The Roman Doctrine of Purgatory Indulgences Veneration and Adoration as well of Images as of Reliques as alsoe of the Invocation of Saints is absurd and vainly invented nor is it grounded upon any Authority of Scripture but is rather repugnant to the Word of God Sall this is a false prophane hereticall Article of thy new Chosen faith Wheras the Worship of Images and Relicks wee Catholicks doe Worship but not adore Images and Reliques The Doctrin of Purgatory Indulgences and the Invocation of Saints is warranted by Scripture and Apostolicall Tradition and hath beene from age to age from the very tyme of the Apostles maintained taught and defended by ancient Fathers and Doctors Nominatim the foure most famous of the Church Gregory Ambros Augustin and Jerom as alsoe by the generall Councells and the continual practice and use of the holy Church and those who opposed themselves to those tenets and to the Doctrin derived touching them have beene condemned in all tymes as Hereticks Ergo this Article you Imbrace for a Theoreme and principle of faith for soe it is in the English Church is an heresy and you an heretick and soe I must esteem you to be If it were my purpose to sift and examine one by one such of these XXXIX Articles as ars different from the Catholick Doctrine I should not be in great trouble to prove them to be what indeed they are false and hereticall but that is done to my hand by a pious learned person bred in the Protestant Religion and for a long tyme a zealous defender of said XXXIX Articles
God an infalible spiritt of rightly understanding the Scripture In which hee walked Religiously according to Doctor Whitak●rs definition of the privat Spiritt Wee Catholicks that have nothing to doe with this privat Spiritt doe firmly believe God hath given a speciall Grace and infalible Spiritt of expounding the Scripture and defining Theorems of faith to generall Councells assembled together in the Holy Ghost Vbi duo vel tres congregati sunt in nomine meo ibi ero in medio illorum That likwise the Pope hath this infalible Spiritt quando loquitur ex Cathedra but privat men bee they ever soe great Saints or learned wee doe not allow this infalibility unto them though wee doubt not but the Doctors of the Church who submitts themselves in all to the Church are specially assisted by the Holy Ghost in interpreting the word of God The pride of this privat Spiritt makes Protestants to make noe account of the ancient Fathers and Doctors nor of generall Councells or any diffinition or determination of the Church Ex. G. the second Counsell of Nice defines the Doctrin of Tradition in this manner Si quu Traditionem Ecclesiae sive scripto sive consuetudine valentem non curaverit anathema sit The privat spiritt of Doctor Whitaker spurning at this Councell said Generall Councells may erre Behold one Doctor of the English Church doth blast with a breath all the authority and creditt of this generall Councell Tell mee Sall is not this a Spiritt of pride in Doctor Whitaker a little Pigme contesting with soe many tale Gyants of Sanctity and learning all the Biphops and great Doctors of that famous Councell If wee produce the Authority of Fathers and Saints excellently learned as Cyprian Gregory Ambross Ierom Augustin and others behold the Father of Protestanisme your prime Doctor Luther whom your Church terms a holy man and the Hely-as of Germany speaks resolutly Gods Word is aboue all the Devine Majesty makes for mee in soe much as I regard not if a thousaad Augustins and as many Cyprians stood against mee Was this man in his sences Luth. Tom. 2 contra Henricum Regem Angliae when hee vapered in this kinde but how did Luther prove the devine Majesty made for him by noe other means but by his privat infalible spiritt which hee supposed though by Scripture hee could not prove it hee himselfe had and those Saints had it not See now Sall if you are happy in hauing Luther a monster of sinne with his privat Spiritt on your side and Cyprian Augustin and the rest of holy Doctors against you whome you have forsaken to stick unto Luther By this privat Spiritt you Protestant Domineer over all sorts of men interpreting Scripture as you please and who interprets otherwise be they universitys Doctors Fathers Councells yea and the very high Bishop of old Rome himselfe all erre and why soe because they have not the privat Spiritt of Protestanisme what a rediculous thing this is even Common reason teacheth us By this privat Spiritt you Protestants admit for Canonicall Scriptures all you please and you declare Apocriphall what you please by this Spiritt you take what Traditions you please and by the same reject what you please by this Spiritt you dis●anon the Books of the Machabees Ecclesiasticus and others those said Books have bine acknowledg S. Aug. in doct Christ l. 2 c. 8. Can. 47. for Canonicall by Saint Augustin and the third Councell of Africk You will doubtless tell mee that your chiefest Doctors Luther and Calvin had this infallible Spiritt in expounding the Scriptures and yet they give quite contrary interpretations of one and the same passage of Scripture as this Hoc est Corpus meum Luther understands Matt. cap. 26. that Text Secundum Litteram and says it is soe of faith to be understood and condemns for Hereticks the Sacramentariant Swinglians and Calvinistes who understand that place figuratively Luther hath this saying Englished I doe Luth. Ep. ad Har vagium Tom. 7. VVitt f 380. art 28. contra Lovanienses Tom. 2. VVitt. f. 503. protest before God and the world that I doe not agree with them the Sacramentarys nor ever will while the world standeth but will have my hands cleare from thee blood of those sheep which these Hereticks doe drive from Christ deceive and kill And againe in the same place Cursed be the Concord and Charity of Sacramentaryes for ever and ever to all Eternity Luther hee understands the above cited place litterally and possitively affirms that the body and blood of Christ is realy and substancially in the Sacrament of the Altar Hee likwise affirms but erroniously that bread is there with the body of Christ Calvin takes a quite Contrary way and affirms possitively the Body and blood of Christ is not realy and substantially in the Sacrament but figuratively see as hee expounds this Text Hoc est Corpus meum thus Hac est figura Corporis mei now what is more different then the Body of Christ to be realy in the Sacrament and the Body of Christ not to be realy in the Sacrament Sall reconcile the best you can these two great Doctors of your Church for plaine reason tells us if the Spiritt of one of them bee true the other must bee a lying Spiritt And those are the men these Monsters of incontinency and pride cover'd with all sort of vices are the Doctors and Masters you have now chosen Seeing then this privat lying Spiritt approves of expounding Scripture at will and pleasure allowing only such exposition of Gods Word as sorts well to the supporting of theire owne errors seeing it tramples all Authority of Councells Fathers and Doctors who expounded Gods Word differently from the Protestant Church seeing it ingenders contrariety in Doctrin even in the injoyers thereof as was now shewed in Luther and Calvin through each mans misconstruction of Scripture To conclude seeing the exorbitancy pride and petulancy of this Spiritt is such that it expects that all men should receive from it as from a second Moyses the Tables of our Evangelicall Law I pray sitt downe and saddly consider what you have done in following this pestiperous Spiritt and wandering with it have separated your selfe from your holy Mother the Church IV. CHAPTER BEfore resolving any thing upon this Ad tertum quere to wit of what Religion is Sall become having forsaken the Catholick Religion I must tell you hee hath been weakly armed against the evill temptation that overcame him hee hath not been a tale strong oak resisting the storme sathan rais'd against him but a wavering reed without strength or stay hee stood not stiffly upon the Rock of Peter but yielded without fighting Tempore tentationis recessit harken weake pusilanimus Sall to old Tertulian telling you Quod Hereses apud Tertul. prescrip cap. 2. eos multum valeant qui infide non valent That is that Heresies are strong against those who are not strong in theire
holy Chaire of Peter noe less praised and honoured for flying and hyding himselfe from that highest Dignity on earth then in enjoying it Did the world see a more holy and stouter Bishop then Ambross what Combats had hee with Emperours and potentates for Piety and Religion and in all had the Victory Soone after being consecrated conferring with the good Imperour Valentiniane the elder about great affaires of Church and Common Wealth hee complained in a grave speech for hee was very eloquent that Potentates in those days much oppressed the People instigated therunto by wicked members that were about them this worthy Emperour was noe way offended with this Christian and Priestly Liberty but praising Ambross his Candid minde said to him Noveram prius hanc tuam Ambrosi libertatem macte igitur vertute age quod tui muneris est cnra ut res Christiana consistat incolumis ut vetteris Religionis Disciplina incorrupta perseveret doce quae amare doce quae sugere debeamus That is Ambross I knew your Liberty take Courage doe what appertains to a good Bishop have a care that the great affaire of Christians be safe and sound that the Discipline of the ancient Religion persever untoucht teach us what wee ought to love and what to fly O wise and Godly Emperour thus began Ambross with a holy freedom and soe persevered till his dying day One of the greatest Combats hee had for Religion and the Glory of God was with Iustina the Empress a perverse Arrian and a fervent protectrix of that Sect. This Lady after the death of her husband Valentinian in whose life tyme shee dared not declare her selfe to be what shee was an Arrian shee began to belch out the poyson within her and to afflict sharply Saint Ambrose Shee furiously angry against the holy man for opposing himselfe to the Arrians resolved to have him bannished thinking by that meanes to pull downe a strong Pillar of Gods House and to raise up Arrianisme shee made account shee was able to accomplish her wicked undertaking her Sonne Valentinian the Emperour being yong and in her power and Disposition to him shee complained that Ambrose had contumeliously dishonoured her here upon the yong Emperour who much lou'd his Mother became incensed against the good Bishop and commaunded him being there unto incited by his Mother and others of that Religion to come to court and dispute with some of the Arrians but hee refus'd to come saying hee would not honour obstinate Hereticks with any conferrence or Disputation they being obliged to believe as the Universall Church did otherwise were lyable to punishment according to the laws made against Hereticks in that case this denyall being made the Empresse procured a peremptory commaund from her Sonne to Ambross to deliver up a Basilica or great Church to the Arrians for their Communion and a band of Souldiers imploy'd to that effect were to bring him prisoner if hee refus'd it The Saint was then praying God in the Church and singing Psalmes with his flock the people though unarmed profered to defend their Father but hee would have noe resistance made hee was sure the Angells of God attending their Lord in the House of Prayer would defend him and soe it happened for the Souldery did not lay hands on him but asked him with all mildness and humility in the Emperours name a Church for the Arrians but hee flattly denyed what the Emperour demaunded and said hee neither would nor could deliver to the Empress Gods inheritance his Church to be poluted by Hereticks that in this matter hee could not obey the Emperour and that hee feared not prison or death it selfe in soe good a quarrell It was then hee spake that Devine and magnificent Language Soluimus quae sunt Caesaris Caesari Ambr. Tom. 3. 5. Epist Oratin Auxentium de Basilicis tradendis quae sunt Dei Deo tributum Caesaris est non negatur Ecclesiae Dei est Caesari utique non debet addici quia jus Caesaris esse non potest Dei Templum quod cum honorificentia imparatoris nemo dictum potest negare quid enim honorificentius quam ut imperator Ecclesiae Filius esse dicatur quod cum dicitur sine peccato dicitur cum gratia dicitur That is Wee have payd to Caesar what was Caesars and to God what was Gods tribute is due to Caesar it cannot be deny'd the Church is Gods it can not be given to Caesar because the Temple of God cannot be Caesars right which noe man can deny is said with honour to Caesar What is more commendable and honourable then for the Emperour to be cal'd a Child of the Church which is spoken without sinn and without offence of Caesar and with great Grace and respect After this by a letter to his sister Marcellina hee gave an ample account of what had past in this bussiness and said these words Mandatur denique tradi Ambr. Tom. 3. E. L. Epist 33. ad Marcelinam Sororem Basilica respondeo nec mihi fas est tradere nec tibi accipere imperator expedit allegatur imperatori licere omnia ipsius esse universa respondeo noli te gravare Imperator ut putes te in ea quae Divina sunt imperiale aliquod jus habere noli te extollere sed si vis diutius imperare esto Deo subditus scriptum est quae Dei Deo quae Caesaris Casari That is It was commaunded by Caesar a Church should be given up I answer I have noe power O Emperour to give a way a Church nor is it expedient for you to receive it It is aleadged all things are lawfull to the Emperour that all apertaine to him I answer doe not trouble your selfe O Emperour doe not think you have any imperiall right to those things that are Devine doe not extoll your selfe but if you have a minde to raigne long bee subject and obedient to God for it is written quae Dei Deo quae Caesaris Caesari What speech was ever spoken by a Bishop more sound and glorious then that of Saint Ambrose to Auxentious the Arrian Imperator bonus intra Ecclesiam non supra Ecclesiam est That is a good Emperour is within the Church not aboue the Church And after said to the Emperour himselfe Domum-privati non potes jure temerare Domum Dei existimas auferendam You cannot rightly violate a privat man's House and doe you think the House of God can be taken away and said further Ad Imperatorem pertinent Palatia ad Sacerdotem Ecclesiae publicorum tibi moenium jus Commissum est non Sacrorum That is The Palaces appertaine to the Emperour Churches to the Priest To thee O Emperour the right and defence of the wales of the Citty is committed not of Churches or holy Places Saint Ambress his minde is cleare and evident by his words to wit that hee acknowledges the Emporour Lord of Pallaces and of the Wales of the Citty
all the world is a most insolent madness You have don this in siding with the XXXIX Articles and opposing your selfe to the four Saints Doctors of the Church and to generall Counsells and to the sence of the Church and its diffinitions and determinations wherfore sitt downe and consider well if a kinde of madness hath not ceasd upon you Gentle Reader you see these ancient Fathers and Doctors tells us clearly that Sall hath deviated from the right way of settling himselfe in true Religion the ready and sure way when hee began to doubt was not in reading many Authors when one Contradicts and impugnes the other nor of making notes of that kinde hee speaks of in his Recantation for it is more easy to gather doubts then dissolve or resolve them it is more easy to rays up dust then to lay it downe againe the certaine and infallible way of searching true Religion and setling therin without all fluctuation and danger is that a man leave his owne Iudgment and rely upon the Authority of the Universall vissible Christian Church what privat man or Doctor bee hee ever soe well learned or holy is soe wise as the whole Congregation of the Church as is commaunded by Christ himselfe I meane a Church descending from age to age from the Apostles For a publick Direction in this to all who are troubled about any dark question in matters of Faith Saint Augustin gives a good Counsell to Sall and all men the same hee gave to Cresconius Quisquis August Lib. 1. contra Crescon cap. 33. said hee falli metuit hujus obscuritate questionis Ecclesiam de ea consulaet That is Who soever feareth to be deceived by the obscurity of this question wherabout wee two doe contend let him goe and aske the Church therof Saint Augustin must needs meane the Governours and the chief Pastors of the Church Wee are to keep herein to the found Rule of ould Tertulian which if wee doe wee will not be deceived in Theorems and Articles of believing Caeterum Terrul depraescript cap. 28. said hee quod apud multos unum invenitur non est Erratum sed Traditum audeat ergo aliquis dicere illos Errasse qui Tradiderunt That is That which is found one and the same with many is not an error but a Doctrin delivered from hand to hand and who will dare say those have erred that delivered this Doctrin Sall look upon the Succession of Pastors in the Church from age to age downe from the Apostles and your work is surely done for in that Church you have true Faith for defect of such Succession Tertullian provoked the Hereticks to prove theire descent Edant said hee Heretici origines Ecclesiarum suarum evoluant totum ordinem Eptscoporum suorum per Successionem ab initio decurrentem ut primus Epsicopus aliquem ex Apostolis vel Apostolicis viris qui tamen cum Apostolis perseveraverit babuerit Authorem Antecessorem Had Sall examined the English Church according to this sure Rule of Tertulian hee had neuer taken up a place among them Having said soe much of these four great Doctors of the Church and theire Vertues let us now see what kinde of men were the new Doctors Sall hath closed with for comparing their lives and manners with one another wee shall according to that of the Philosopher unum quodque magis apparet contrario juxta si posito bee the better able to Iudge who were the true Dostors chosen by God to teach the Doctrin of Salvation who knows light knows darkness quia eadem est potentia cognoscitiva oppossitorum unde visus qui cognoscit lucem cognoscit tenebras Let us therfore examin a little the Doctrin lives and manners of the new men Sall hath chosen for his Doctors and Masters VI. CHAPTER Of the Doctrin and manners of Luther and some other principall Hereticks THe Discription of theire Lives and Proceedings who for an age and more under a faire pretence of Reformation have impugned our ancient and long before continued and universally professed Catholick Faith alas in many Provinces and Regions they have almost extinguished it will be a necessary Instruction to shun such men and abominate theire Doctrin and to contract noe kinde of amity with theire Desciples and followers God hath ever more out of his Devine and sweet Providence chosen for Reformation of his Church when decay'd in Disciplin or Doctrin men in theire lives not dissolute or licensious but auster and sanctifyed such were Moyses Elias and many of the old Patriarcks and Prophets such the Apostles and after them many Bishops and Apostolicall men all those brought in Faith and chased out Idolatry by Vertue Sanctity and Miracles Take great heed saieth our saviour of false Prophets c. And againet doe men gather grapes from Thornes or Matth. cap. 7. figgs of Thistels Certainly Sall you could not gather grapes from those Thornes nor figgs from those Thistels you are falne in love with they were other kind of men that God us'd to assume for sowing the seed of heavenly Doctrin and teaching the Devine lesson of Salvation hee said not to Plagitious wanton Moncks and Priestes running away with nunns and wenches such as your new Apostles and Doctors were Euntes ergo docete emnes gentes Baptizantes eos in Nomine Patris Matt. cap. 28. Filii Spiritu Sansti docentes eos servare omnia quaecunque mandavi vobis ecce ego vobisoum sum omnibus diebus usque ad consumationem seculi That is Going therefore teach ye all nations Baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost teaching them to serve all things whatsoever I have commaunded you and behold I am with you all days even to the consumation of the World These words our saviour spake to the eleven Deciples in the mount holy and sanctify'd men chosen by God to enlight and sanctify the World This charge of converting Soules requires in its owne Nature by all means men of Vertue and Integrity Quiae Sancta Sanctè tractanda a Sanctis If those great reformers which keep agreat noys in the world they vapor much of a justifying faith but of good works they have noe care quite against Saint Pauls sentiment Who would have that they which believe be carefull to excell Epist ad Tit. cap. 3. in good works If those reformers I say have bin vertuous and mortifyd men wee here are to examin and shall begin with Luther the Father of Protestanisme and principall Doctor of the Church of England who is most highly praised and esteemed generally by Lutherans and Calvinists through all the Provinces and Countryes they have infected they all reverenced Luther as being sent by God as the light of the Ghospell and Doctrin Evangelicall Bishop Iewell a chief pillar of Protestanisme in Iewell in his defence of the Apolog. printed 1571. MrFox Act. and Mon. printed 1563.
that the Doctrine of the life to come and of the last Resurrection are meer fables c. Thus farre hee And all this hee setteth downe resolutly as you see without citing any one Author or Authority in the Text or Margent but only noting these words The Athisme of Popes All which is an impudent lying Accusation and Callumny Calvin in his first Book of Institutions writeth resolutly that in the first Calvin lib. 1. Iustit cap. 11. five hundred years after Christ there were neuer any Images in Christian Churches This is a false Callumnie And Mr. Walsengham in his Search into Matters of Religion found it to be soe in Coccius a Catholick Author who cited the words of 21. wittnesses and some of those Fathers that liu'd in som of those five ages and Mr. Walsengham found all those Citations to be true Lastly Calvin in his fourth book of Institutions and 19. Chapter hath these words against the Catholicks for esteeming as hee saith more Chrisme or holy Oyle in Baptisme then water Praeterita aqua saith hee nullo numero habita unum Oleum in Babtismo magni faciunt That is They letting pass and esteeming nothing at all the water in Baptisme doe only magnify theire Oyle or Chrisme Is not this a strange and bould accusation about Baptisme whereas the Protestants themselves doe know wee hold water essentiall and necessary to Baptisme not soe Oyle and that wee hold the Baptisme of Protestants for good and essentiall though they use noe Oyle yea the Councell of Concil Tred Sess 7. caw 2. 4. Trent hath soe expressly determined the Matter that none shall be rebaptized that are baptized by Protestants How then coms this impudent man to tell the world that wee esteeme more the Oyle then Water in Baptisme Even this manifest Callumnie with others of the same kind takes away all creditt and esteem from Calvin and even for this reason Sall you should not rely upon such an open lyer in the bussiness of your Salvation Of Calvins Life and Conversation AS concerning Calvins incontinent and ill life Hierom Bolseck a Doctor of Physick who lived at the same tyme with Calvin in Geneva and was then of the same Religion published the same and confuted Beza that canonized Calvins Sanctity and Vertues but who would believe a Sodomite Beza praising Calvin another Sodomit Bolsick beginns the life of Calvin with this Protestation I am here for the love of truth to refute Theodore Beza his false and shameless lyes in the praise of Calvin protesting before God and all the holy Court of heaven before all the world and the holy Ghost it selfe that neither anger nor envy nor evill will hath made mee speake or write any one thing against truth and my Conscience You are to observe that Bolseck being scandaliz'd with Calvins life became Catholick Then hee relates how Caluin was borne at Noyon in Picardy anno 1509. and was a Priest and branded for Sodomy with a burning Iron upon the shoulder and therefore retyred from his Country and how this punishment was testiyed by the Citty of Noyon under the hand of a publique sworne Notary to Monsieur Berteliet Secretary to the Councell of Geneva which testimony faith Bolseck is yet extant and I and others have seen it hee then tells us of Calvins incontinency with a gentle woeman of Mongis who stealing from her husband at Lausanna made aboad at Geneva with Calvin hee alsoe speaks of his adulterous attempting at Geneva of the Lady Ioland of Bredrode wife to a sickly noble man called Iames Burgoigne Lord of Fallaise in soe much as shee perswaded her husband to leave Geneva and goe to Lausanna where shee revealed the whole matter Then hee discribes his delicate Diet how his wine was choyce and carryed with him in a silver pott when hee dyn'd a broad that alsoe speciall bread was made for Calvin only and the same made of fyne flower wett in Rose-water mingled in Sugar Sinamon Annaiseeds besides a singular kinde of bisquit and this hee affirmeth as a matter knowne to all Geneva This delicasy of Diet was not prescribed to preserve his health but prepared to foment his lust and lewd Conversation with a Gentlemans wife of Lausanna and others This Calvin impious Calvin after hee had broaken and defaced the Images of Christ and Saints in Geneva caus'd his owne picture to bee set up in severall places and used alsoe to give little pictures and Images of himselfe to Gentle-woemen and Gentlemen to carry about theire necks And when one told him that some thought much of this hee answered Qui non potest hoc ferre rumpatur invidia That is Hee that cannot abide it let him burst with envy O prophane Hipocrit that preferd his owne picture to the Image of Christ Hee attempted the working of a miracle to prove his extraordinary Vocation and Mission to augment his owne creditt and to cheate the world with a fained Miracle you shall see how hee came of It happen'd thus Hee agree'd with a poore man called Bruleus a Tayler to faigne himselfe dead promising him great rewards if hee acted his part handsomly in this Trage-comedy and would bee secret none knew of the plot but Bruleus and his wife who upon the day and hower appointed satt in her house lamenting her husbands death Calvin passing by with agreat number of his frinds as it were by chance and hearing the Lamentation of the poore woeman seemed to pitty her sad Condition and moved forsooth with Charity and Compassion fell downe upon his knees with the rest of his Company praying in a loud voyce and beg'd of God that for the manifestation of his Glory and for the Confirmation of his servant Calvins Doctrin and Mission hee would vouchsafe to revive the dead Carcass which hee took by the hand and bid him rise in the name of the Lord. The wife seeing her husband did not move or rise as hee had promised drew neer and preceiving hee who had beene well but halfe an houre before was now dead lamented in good earnest the loss of her husband reviled Calvin as a murtherer cheate Hypocrit heretick c. And related to the whole Company what had past between them Calvin seeing Bruleus had acted his part more naturally then hee wished retired with hast and confusion to his Lodging This is one of the miracles of Heretick Prophets such as an Arian Heretick did worke when hee made a man blinde that saw well before this made Tertulian say Isti Apostoli de mortuis Tertul. de prescrip suscitabant ipsi Heretici de vivis Mortuos faciunt That is The Apostles rayse the dead to life and the Hereticks make those dye that were living Conradus Schlusselburge a man of Principall estimation in the Protestant Church and noe less learned and as great an Enemy to the Pope as Calvin himselfe giveth this publick Testimony of Calvins fearfull end Deus manu Schlusselburge in Theolog Calvin printed
that this Doctrin was first invented in the tyme of that Councell The Canon or Diffinition of that great Councell was In haec Verba Verum Christi Corpus sanguis in hoc Sacramento Altaris sub speciebus Panis Vini ver aceter continentur Transubstantiatis Pane in Corpus Vino in Sanguinem potestate divina For the better declaring of this truth Sall you know the Church doth not make new Articles of Faith when it defines any controverted Doctrin It only declares that such Doctrin was delivered to the primative Church and soe downe along to us and groundeth its difinition upon Scripture or authentick Tradition As the Protestants object against Transubstantiation that it is a nouelty Soe did the Arrians against Consubstantiality that it was a novelty brought in by the Councell of Nice wheras said Councell did only define Consubstantiality to have been from the Apostles tyme an Article of Faith and decreed the same should be declared and signify'd by the word Omousion in like manner the Councell of Lateran did define for a mistery of faith Transubstantiation which was soe before theire Difinition and then they agreed upon the word Transubstantiation but the thing by that word signifyed was before beleeved as an Article of Faith by the whole Church though expressed in other tearms as those of Mutation Transmutation Transelementation Conversion of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Bloud of Christ In the mean tyme I can not understand how Sall a new Sacramentarian should dispute with us about the Doctrin of Transubstantiation seing hee slattly denyes the Body and Bloud of Christ to be realy and substantially present in the Sacrament What is more impertinent then to dispute of the manner of a thing or being that you hould has noe being The Lutherans who beleeve the Body and Bloud of Christ to be realy and substantially in the Sacrament though erroniously they likwise hould Bread to be there have some reason to dispute with us about the manner of Christes being there by Transubstantiation or otherwise The first Hereticks that impugned Transubstantiation were the Capharnites who said Quomodo potest hic nobis carnem Ioanes Cap. 6. suam dare ad manducandum And againe Durus est hic sermo When our Saviour said I am the living Bread that came downe from heaven If any man eat of this Bread hee shall live for ever and the Bread which I will give is my flesh for the life of the World The Iewes therfore strove among themselves saying How can this man give us his Flesh to eat This saying is hard and who can heare it Sall you see by this is becom a Capharnite and in this point soe are all that imbrace the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England About the yeare 780. certaine Greek Hereticks called Iconomachi held this Sacrament to be only an Image of Christ and that his Body was not realy in the Sacrament In the yeare 800. one Ioannes Scotus of the Latin Church fell into the same Heresie and after him two ages and more in the year 1050 Berengarius denyed Transubstantiation and the Real-Presence Before these men none did impugne this high mistery of Faith but all the Church did quietly and unanimously beleeve the Real-Presence of the Body and Bloud of Christ in the Sacrament and the aforesaid Iconomachi and all other in this point were confuted by the Fathers and condemned by the Church in severall generall Councells The latter Hereticks as Zwinglians Calvinists and and the like Sacramentarians have alsoe been condemned by the Church In this high point of Doctrin wee are to beleeve and maintain what the Canons and Counsells of the holy Church have defined as that of Lateran aboue cited and others and of the Councell of Trent expressly and distinctly Concil Triden Sess 13. Cap. 1. 2. 3. 6. difining this mistery in the 13. Session in the sixth Chapter it defines more especially the Doctrin of Transubstantiation which is the Conversion of the whole substance of Bread into the substance of the Body of Christ our Lord and of the whole Substance of Wine into the Substance of his Bloud Quae Conversio soe ends the Chapter convenienter propriè a Sancta Catholica Ecclesia Transubstantiatio est appellata The first Canon is in haec verba Si Cone Triden Sess 13. Canon 1. 2. 6. quis negaverit in Sanctissimae Eucharistiae Sacramento contineri vere realiter substantialiter Corpus Sanguinem una cum anima divinitate Domini nostri Iesu Christi ac proinde totum Christum sed dixerit tantummodo esse in eo ut in signo Vel figura aut virtute Anathema sit This Canon is point-blanck against Calvinians and Sacramentarians The second Canon is against Wicklefians and Lutherans the sixth doth define the Worship of Adoration due to our Saviour in the holy Sacrament of the Eucharist Wee cannot follow better guides and masters herein then the ancient Fathers men inspired by God in theire writings who all of them concerning the Sacrament of the Aulter have beleeu'd as wee doe and asserted the true and Catholick Doctrin touching the same in theire writings if Sall hath any esteem for those holy men let him take paines to read theire writings and hee shall finde I promise him that they all held this Article to bee of Faith to witt that Christ is realy and substantialy present in this Sacrament by Transubstantiation or Conversion of the whole Substance of Bread and Wine into his Body and Bloud I will not goe lower then the fifth age because Ptotestants regard not the Authority of Fathers later then that age in which liued Chrisostom Hierom Cyryllus of Alexandria Augustin Proclus Constantinopolitanus Theolet Gelasius Leo Hillarius Eusebius Emissenus c. In the fourth Century wherin the first Councell of Nice was celebrated Athanasius Hillarius Cyrillus of Hierusalem Ambrose Basill Optatus Gregorius Nyzenus Gregorius Nazianzenus Epiphanius In the third age lived Origen Tertulian Cyprian In the second Iustinus Martyr Pius Pope Irinaeus In the first the tyme of the Apostles Ignatius Dionisius Ariopagita Pollicarpe and others Out of all these Fathers and many more can be produced an infinity of passages clearly declaring that they beleeved the Real-Presence and maintained Transubstantiation or the thing therby signifyed and beleeved and that it was delivered from age to age from the Apostles tyme and that this was the Faith of the whole Church I will content my selfe which I hope will content my Reader in aleaging the Authorityes of some of them Tertulian who lived in the third age says Caro abluitur ut anima emaculetur Tertul lib. do Resurrectione carnis caro ungitur ut anima consecretur Caro Corpore Sanguine Christi vescitur ut anima de Deo saginetur That is The Flesh of man is washed with true substantiall Water that the Soule may be cleansed the Flesh is anoynted with true Oyle that the Soule
thy sonne liveth And the woeman said to Elias now in this I have knowne that thou art a man of God and the word of our Lord in thy mouth is true Sall wilt thou beleeve that the Miracle made this woeman beleeve Mi ∣ racle 3 When the Prophet Elizeus raised to life the dead child of the Sunamite saying to her Take thy sonne Lib. 4. Regum Cap. 4. Shee came and fell at his feet and adored upon the ground and took her Sonne and went out c. Behold Sall the force of the Miracle Miracle 4 This is a pretious one the preservation of Sidrach Misach and Abdenago three of the Children of Israell in the midst of the flames of burning fyre where they walked in the midst of Dan. Cap. 3. the flame praysing God and blessing our Lord. And did not Nabuchodnozor moved with this Miracle breaking forth say Blessed be the God of Sidrach Misach and Abdenago who had sent his Angell and had delivered his Servants that beleeved in him And after said By mee therfore this decree is made that every people tribe and tongue whatsoever shall speak Blasphemy against the God of Sidrach Misach and Abdenago hee perrish and his house be wasted for there is none other God that can soe save This Miracle made Nabuchodonozor confesse There was noe God could save but the God of Israel In the Law of Grace you will finde that God gave the power of working Miracles to witt of casting out Devills Math. cap. 10. of curing all manner of Infirmityes Where our saviour says to his Diciples And going preach saying That the Kingdom of heaven is at hand Cure the sick raise the dead cleans the lepers cast out Divells gratis you have received gratis give ye Mark Mark cap. 16. 2. Cor. cap. 12. the Evangelist doth attest the same Saint Paul alsoe avouched Miracles for the signes of his Apostle-ship The Miracles of Saint Peter and the rest of the Apostles are many and evident as is manifest by undenyable tradition All this being soe goe now Sall and tell thy Protestants Miracles wrought in the Catholick Church are Monstrous But if you will know the Miracles wrought by Hereticks Tertullian in a few words wil give you an account therof hee speaking of the Apostles said Apostoli de mortuis vivos saciebant Tert. de prescr That is The Apostles gives dead men life And then speaking of Marcion Valentinus Nigidius Hermogenes and other Hereticks said Isti de vivis mortuos faciunt These make living men dye soe is it speaking of mens Soules and somtymes of theire Bodyes as the Miracle of Calvin upon the Taylior Bruleus and of a certaine Arian that made aman seeing well quite blinde Another grave Father tells us of another kind of wonders Hereticks doe Invenerunt saith hee Matres quas de captivis monialibus fecerunt mulieres That is Of Nuns who were in theire power as it were captives they made woeman and Mothers Luther Beza Bucer Ochinus Peter Martyr and hundreds more wanton Monks Priests and Apostata's were excellent at working such Miracles Here Sall will tell mee hee makes noe question or doubt of Miracles attested in holy Scripture if soe hee must confess they are undenyable signes and proofs of a true Church and Religion and though they were says hee you cannot conclude other Miracles to be soe hee means Church Miracles and all such as are not found in Scripture these are they hee accounts for Monstrous Yet Luther himselfe confesseth these Words of Christ Hee that beleeveth in mee Iohn cap. 14. the works that I doe hee shall doe and greater Are understood of the power Christ left of working Miracles to the whole Body of the Church in whome this Vertue doth shine for ever and your English Bibles Edit 1576. in the marginall notes referrs this power to the whole Body of the Church A Deo discimus saith Luther accepimus aeternum verbum veritatem Luther Tom. 7. Lib. de Iudois c. fol. 220 Dei hactenus mille quingentis annis Miraculis signis consessam confirmatam That is Wee have learn'd and received from God the eternall Word and Verity of God hither to a thousand and five hundred years to have been confessed and confirmed by Miracles and Wonders But Protestants now a days contradict their holy Father Luther in this particular as all men must who maintaine errors and say when wee press them to relate some of theire Miracles that Miracles are now superfluous and therfore none wrought in the Church And some hold them ridiculous but Sall goes further saying they are Monstrous But I shall aleage some Miracles in Confirmation of the Roman Catholick Doctrin and more especially of Transubstantiation that some Protestants themselves will acknowledg to bee Miracles of undoubted creditt XXII CHAPTER Six Miracles confirming the Doctrin of the Catholick Church touching Transubstantiation and the Adoration of Christ in the Sacrament SAint Nilus relateth how Saint Ghrysostome S. Nilus in Ep. ad Anastasium almost every day had visions of Angells assisting and adoring the blessed Sacrament untill the Sacrifice was finished In the Ecclesiasticall History is recorded this example which Euagrius Euagr. Orthodoxus lib. 4. cap. 35. anno D. 552. writt as a thing notorius and done in his owne Tyme In the Tyme of Patriarck Menas saith hee there happened a Miracle worthy to be remembred It was an ancient Custome in Constantinople A Miracle for the Communion under one Kinde when many Parcels of the pure and unspotted Body of Christ our God were remaining after Communion little Children were caled out of the Schools and were permitted to eat them It happened that a little boy whose Father was a Iew by Profession and a maker of glass by his Trade being among the rest did eat alsoe his share of the aforesaid Reversion of the blessed Sacrament but coming some what late home and his parents demaunding the cause the child told innocently what hee had done which the Iew his Father understanding was soe enraged that unawares to his wife hee cast his little sonne into the burning ouen wherin hee us'd to melt and frame his glass The Mother missing the child sought for him three days together but hearing noe news of him abroad shee returned home with an heavy hart and sitting downe at the work-house house doore shee began to bewail the loss of her Sonne caling him by his name the boy hearing and knowing his Mothers call did answer within the oven where at the woeman starting burst the work-house doore and rushing in espied her child standing amidst the coles without receiving any harme After coming out being demaunded how hee escaped burning soe long a woe man said hee came often Tymes unto mee and brought mee water to quench the force of the fyer wherwith I was invironed and withall gave mee meat as often as I was hungry This accident being told unto the emperoor
aussi That is And you doe the same 2. The Saduceans deny'd a part of Canonicall Scriptures You doe the same 3. The Scribes and Pharasies depraued the Bible You doe soe too 4. The Capharnaits would not beleeve the Body and Bloud of Christ in the Eucharist Nor doe you 5. Simon Magus said God was Author of Sinn deny'd Marriage was a Sacrament deny'd Free-will made a warre against Saint Peter You doe soe too 6. The Menandrens saith Saint Ignatius deny'd the Eucharist the Sacrifice of the Masse and averred the Body of Christ was not there You doe the same 7. The Gnosticks held them selves only wise and learned accused the Fathers of Ignorance Soe doe you 8. The Montanistes vaunted the Holy Ghost was only in theire Church they deny'd Confession and the Sacrament of Pennance Soe doe you 9. The Novatians held that the Church had noe power to remitt Sinn deny'd Confession rejected the Sacrament of Confirmation soe attesteth Saint Ambrose of them deny'd any Superiority in the Church affirmed all th'Apostles were equall and that Saint Peter was not cheefe soe attesteth Theodoret. You doe the same 10. The Catharians rejected the Sacrament of Pennance deny'd Purgatory affirmed Priests ought to Marry You doe the same 11. The Manichees mocked Virginity deny'd Marriage to be a Sacrament reproched Catholicks for VVorshipping Saints broack downe the Images deny'd Free-will mocked Catholicks for having memoryes of the feasts of Martyrs called Catholicks Idolaters for saying Masse for the dead said the Saints did not pray for us Threw away the Reliques of Saints as acurssed and abhominable things held the Eucharist as the Councell of Nice reports was but a Figure that the Body of Jesus Christ was not there You doe the same 12. The Arrians deny'd prayers for the dead would not receive Traditions said Bishops and Priests were equall cast downe Alters and Crosses hated Monks like aplague admitted nothing but the old and new Testament You doe the same 13. Jovinian mocked Celibatt or the state of Continency preferred Marriage to Virginity gested at the Vow of Religion derided Monks detested fasting on Fryday and Saturday and in Lent made noe Distinction between eating and fasting Marryed theire Priestes held that Fasting and Chastity did noe way profitt the Soule that Jesus did pray and fast for us all denyed the meritt of good VVorks affirming Jesus Christ had satisfy'd for all that all were Priestes that aman may live in vvhat Religion hee vvill You doe the same 14. The Waldenses that began the yeare 1160. Mocked the use of Chrisme in Baptisme and Benedictions Mattins and Canonicall Houres prayers to Saints and Lent deny'd Purgatory said Extremunction was noe Sacrament scoffed at prayers for the Dead denyed the power of the Pope derided Pardons and Indulgences said the Devill had invented Monks and Religious Orders held the Priest was as high as the Bishop You doe the same There are about forty Heresies more in said Litanie which for sauing tyme I omitt the same Author says that Luther with his German Apostata's raked up from Hell 404 Heresies Of Calvin I have given you an account in his owne Words Page 124. beginning thus Calvin comme une meschante Arragneé c. What ought to be considered in this place is that the afore mentioned Hereticks and their Heresies have been condemn'd by the Church and generall Councells this being soe I shall pray Sall as hee tenders the Salvation of his owne Soule to examine with how many of these Heresyes are the Protestants infected and how many of them are delivered as Doctrin of the Confession of England in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England let him look well to what hee hath done it is certaine noe man sound in his witts will drink of a Fountaine wherin snakes and todes spitt theire Poyson no man will stay in a House infected with the plague if hee can gett out The second Advertisment Cleare places of Scripture in many points controverted make for the Catholicks THere is nothing more frequent then Protestants to bragg that Scriptures are for them in all Articles controverted between them and Catholicks This great Evidence they have as they say on theire owne side and therfore they lay a side Traditions ancient Fathers Councells Canons and Schoole Arguments they will stand to noe other Tryall but Scriptures and when they come to this test they are aground and faile quite in produceing formall Scriptures for themselves of the other side wee Catholicks admitt of Councells Fathers Traditions c. for good Evidences in desiding differrence of Religion between us and them which they denying wee bring express places of Scripture which they cannot doe as doth clearly appear in the ensuing Articles and matters controuerted between us them For example-sake wee Catholicks Real-presence for proving the Real-Presence have expressly Math. cap. 26. Ioan. cap. 6. Iac. 2. Iustification This is my Body You have noe where this is the signe of my Body Wee have expressly The Bread that I will give you is my Flesh You have no where It is but the signe of my Flesh. Wee have expressly A man is justifyed by Works and not by Faith only You have noe where A man is justifyed by Faith alone noe nor that hee is justifyed by Faith without works talking of works that follow Faith wherof only our Controvercy is Wee have expressly Whose sinns you forgive Absolution Ioan. cap. 20. are forgiven whose sinns you retaine are retained You have noe where That Priests cannot forgive or retaine sinns on Earth Wee have expressly The doers of the Law shall be justifyed Rom. cap. 2. You have noe where That the Law required at Christians Hands is impossible or that the doing therof justifyes not Christians Wee have expressly Vow ye and render your Vowes Psal cap. 75. Vowes You have no where Vow ye not or if you have vow'd break your Vowes Wee have expressly Keep the Traditions which you have learned Traditions Epist 1 Thess cap. 2. either by Word or Epistle You have noe where The Apostles left noe Traditions to the Church unwritten Wee have expressly Commaundements Math. cap. 19. If thou will enter into life keep the Commaundements And when hee said hee did that already If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all thou hast and give to the poore and follow mee You have no where That either the Commaundements can not be kept or that wee are not bound unto them or that there is noe degree of life one perfecter then another Wee have expressly Work your owne Salvation works Phillip cap. 2. with feare and trembling You have noe where Either that a man can worke nothing towards his owne Salvation being helpt with the grace of God or that a man should make it of his beleefe that hee shall be saved without all doubt or feare Wee have expressly Doe ye worthy frutes Pennance Luc. cap. 3. of Pennance You have noe where That
Faith only is sufficient without all Satisfaction and all other works of Pennance Wee have expressly That every man shall be saved according Apoc. cap. 20. to his works You have noe where That men shall be judg'd only according to theire Faith Wee have expressly That it is a holy Cogitation to Prayer for the Dead 2 Mach. cap. 12. Sacrifice for the D●ad 2 Mach. cap. 12. Voluntary Corporall affliction Daniell cap. 10. Almes Tobias cap. 12. Prayer of Saints for those on Earth 2 Mach. cap. 14. pray for the Dead You have noe where It is Superstition or unlawfull to doe the same Wee have an express example Of an holy man that offered Sacrifice for the Dead You have noe example of any good man that ever reprehended it Wee have expressly That the Affliction which Daniell us'd upon his Body was acceptable in the sight of God You have noe where That such voluntary Corporall afflictions are in vaine Wee have expressly That an Angell did present Tobias his good works and Almes-deeds before God You have noe where that Angells cannot or doe not the same Wee read expressly That Ieremias the Prophet after hee was dead pray'd for the People of Israell You have noe where the contrary to this in express Scripture I leave many places more that I might relate but these are enough to prove that express Scriptures are for us and not for you nor can you shew that wee are driven to deny any one book of the byble or to gloss upon plaine places of Scriptures as you are forced to doe I pray you Sall consider well these things for they touch narrowly your new Religion Further-more I dare give you this Challenge that whereas there have been soe many hundred Heresies for the space of one thousand sixhundred and seventy odd years in the Christian Church condemned and Anathematized by her and her Bishops if it can bee shew'd that the Roman Catholicks doe agree or participate in any one point truly and sincerly that was Iudged for an Heresy in old tyme and that the Roman Catholicks doe hold it in that sence and meaning wherin it was condemned that then wee will yield that our Religion is false and our Church noe true Church But on the other side wee Catholicks offer to shew clearly that you Protestants doe hold divers old and evident Heresyes that were condemned openly for Heresyes by the ancient Catholick Church and in the self-same sence and meaning wherin they were condemned as is evident in the Heresyes of Aerius against Fasting days commaunded by the Church and Prayer for the dead as alsoe of the Heretick Vigilantius that denyed Saints to Old heresys held by Protestants be prayd unto and theire Reliques to be honoured of the Heretick Iovinian that compared Matrimony with Virginity and other like for which wee aleage Epiph. Haeres 75. Hier. cont Vigilantium cont Iovin Aug. lib. de Haeresibus Heres 50. defence pag. 15. Doct. Fulke against Bristowes Motius pag. 54. the cleare testimonys of Saint Epiphanius Saint Hierome and Saint Augustin and the matter is soe cleare that Doctor Fulk his words are brought in against Doctor Bristo's motives saying that Epiphanius and Augustin were deceived in recording those for Heresyes which are not And that Ierome rather rayleth then reasoneth and that Vigilantius was a good man and his opinion sound Sall you see Mr. Fulk a grave Doctor in your Church drawne to that extremity in this point that hee is forced to Iudge Epiphanius and Augustin two grave and ancient Doctors and Saints alsoe to have beene deceived and Saint Ierom to have rather railed then reasoned and infine to say that Vigilantius a pestiferious condemned Heretick was a good man and his opinion sound Good Doctor Fulk you sore to high when you dare judge Doctors pillars of Gods Church to haue been deceiued can not wee say to you Fulk Quis te constituit iudicem Upon those eminent Doctors Sall this ought to trouble you in your new Religion that one of the graue Rabbins of your Church hath showd himselfs soe foolish and impious as to preferre Vigillantius a Notorious Heretick's Opinion to the Iudgment of three soe renowned Fathers in a matter concerning faith Speake my Frind●●● speak truth and shame the Devill is not this an intollerable presumption in your Fulk an obscure man not knowne out of the Iland of Brittain Sall I pray put these things together 1. That hee that houldeth any one Heresie can not be saued soe teacheth Scripture A man that is an Heretick after Ad Titum Cap. 3. the first and second Admonition auoyd knowing that hee that is such an one is subverted and sinneth being condemned by his owne Iudgment 2. It is confessed by both parts that only a true Roman Catholick can be saued as was declar'd aboue in pag. 40. 41. 42. and 43. as Doctor King Bishop of London proves out of your owne learned men and writers and cleare it is that hee that holdeth any Heresie cannot be a true Roman Catholick for that the Names and Natures of the things are repugnant and consequently if any Protestant of the English Church doth hold any one confessed Heresie hee cannot bee saued Now the cited Doctors have evidently showne and prou'd The now Church of England holdeth many Heresyes wherfore it cannot be the true Church and consequently those dying in that Church and Religion can not be sau'd Doctor Fulk saying those learned Fathers Epiphanius Augustin and Hierome were deceived and that Vigilantius the Hereticks Opinion was sound is a weak ground to rely upon in the present Doctrin and points of Faith and none but a madd man or in a fury of blinde zeal will give him creditt against those most holy and learned Fathers This is a high and dangerous point Sall you had need look well unto it The third Advertisment A dissention in Fundamentall points and Articles being between Protestants they must hold on another for Hereticks Ergò Sall if he mindes his Salvation will part from that Church IN the true Church the beleevers in all Countrys and places agree in all Articles of Faith as it is in the Roman Catholick Church and as it was in the Tyme of the Apostles as this Text signify's And the multitud of the beleevers Actor Cap. 4. Irinaeus c. 1. l. 1. had one hart and one Soule Saint Irinaeus excellently teacheth this Quam accepit Praedication●m fidem Ecclesia diligenter custodit quasi unam domum inhabitans similiter credit quasi unam animam habens unum co● consonanter haec praedicat docet tradit quasi unum possidens cor That is The Church keeps diligently the Faith and preaching shee received as if the whole Church were dwelling in one House shee likewise beleeveth as if all the beleevers had but one Soule and one hart and shee preacheth and teacheth and delivereth all points of Faith as if all the beleevers had
hand of God All which Articles saith this Doctor doth Calvin willfully corrupt in his expositions in the favour of Iewes Arians and other such enemyes of Christ which hee proveth by alleadging above forty or fifty places citing Calvins owne words and commentaryes therupon soe clearly and perspicuously against sence and expositions of all holy Fathers that if his commentaryes therin were to bee admitted those foure named points or Articles of Christian Religion can not be defended against the force and adversaryes of Christes name And is not this a brotherly agreement between Lutherans and Calvinistes in Principall points and misteryes of Religion but the Lutherans have the best of it for wheras Luther and his followers to this day condemne the Calvinists as Hereticks especially for not beleeving the Body of Christ to bee realy and substantially present in the Sacrament of the Altar the Protestants of England who are Calvinists and deny the Real-presence hold Luther for a holy man and theire Father and hold all the Lutherans theire very deare bretheren in Christ as Doctor Whitaker above cited doth averre To leave Germany and to speak of the Professors of Protestanisme in England Scotland doe not many of them entertaine quarrells and falings-out among themselves about Principall Articles of Religion doe not the greatest part by much of the Protestants in England hold the King is supreme head of the Church all of one opinion with the Bishops maintaine this as an Article of Religion in that Protestant Church but the Protestants of Geneva and all depending upon theire Doctrin in France and elswhere doe not hold this Kingly supremacy for an Article of Faith and are not Catholicks punished by Law and somtymes put to death for denying this supremasy which would be a meer murthering of them and the greatest cruelty in the World if those that put them to death did not hold that supremecy to be an Article of Faith Now if you will be pleas'd to demaund what those Protestants in England and Scotland caled Presbiterians or Puritans say to this Article they flattly deny this supremacy to be an Article of Faith though none of them did ever suffer death for denying the same nay they are esteemed not with standing theire opinion in this to be of the Protestants communion A gaine all Protestants that follow the Bishops hold the dignity and superiority of Arch-Bishops and Bishops to be agrecable to Gods word and as the Devines speak de Iure Devino and what say the Presbiterians to this By theire Champion Martin Mar-Prelate and his mutenous moke-bates that band under his cullors cry all of them in the Name of the Lord as Thomas Rogers doth attest That the calling of Bishops is In his Sermon printed by Iohn windet 1590. pa. 13. unlawfull that they be Ministers of Antichrist worss then Fryers and Monks Deuills Bishops and Deuills In-carnate Sall you must grant mee these dissentions between Protestants and Protestants in England and Scotland about the Kings supremacy and the Order and Dignity of Bishops are not Triueall but Fundamentall and they have been now many years contending in theire Writings and Conferrences and still are about these points and others that are the very sinews and Soule of theire Religion in endless quarrells and Contensions If that were my Business I could sett downe many and great differrences quarells and contensions between these two kinde of Protestants In this place I think it pertinent to say somthing particularly of the Protestants called Presbiterians who were neuer by any act of Parlament that wee could heare of proscribed from the Communion of the Protestants that stick to the Religion of the King and the Bishops Impiety Fury and Rebellion gave beginning to this Sect and Religion in Scotland as hath been aboue said in Page 164. and 165. They had two Reformations the first was begun by Iohn Knox an Apostata Priest and though his Reformation was ungodly and unreasonable the second was farre more unreasonable and ungodly A Presbiterian that was converted to the Catholick Faith describes the Presbiterian Piety in this kinde There was among us a pretext of Piety but wee had not the substance of it wee had indeed much preaching praying fasting and such like exercises but our long preachings were nothing but continuall prayses of the Covenant the solemne League which they cry'd up to the heavens butt wee omitted as our Saviour observed of the Pharisies the weighty Matters of the Law as Iudgment Mercy and Faith Our Ministers told us wee were the happiest People of the World for they said wee only of all Nations had the honour to be Covenanters with God and that wee had the truth of the Ghospell in greater purity then Geneva it selfe that wee had soe cleare a light that the like had not shined to any Nation since the tymes of the Apostles yea one who was esteemed a principall Apostle among us did not stick to say in the pulpitt amidst the many Miserys Confusions and Troubles which then lay upon this Church and Nation That the Angells and Saints of heaven if they could leave the sight of God would be glad to come downe and see the admirable beauty of the Presbiterian Church of Scottland Soe farre this new Catholick And was not this ridiculous preacher with the beauty of his Scottish Kirck a great Hipocrite and Pharisie It was much observed that shortly after solemne fastes of Presbiterians the country and state was allways sure of some unhappy claps the puritan fast was still fatal and ordinarily a preparation to some violence or evill worke that was intended this made many understand what Queene Mary Stuart meant by that famous saying That shee was as much affraid of a fast of the Ministers as of an Army of Souldiers for experience taught her that those fasts were prognostick signes of ensuing tempests theire long prayers alsoe did not prove them to be Saints more then the like did sanctify the Pharasyes they bragged much of the spiritt but shew'd noe fruites therof these bee the fruites of the spiritt which Saint Paul recounts to the Galatians The fruite of Ad Galat. cap. 5. the spiritt saith hee is love joy peace long suffering Gentelnesse goodness Faith meekness c. This second Presbiterian ●eformation beganne with a prodigious abolishment of all holy things Mala arbor Malos fructus faci● 1. They condemned and cast downe Episcopacy this they doe whersoever they have power quite contrary to the Law of God for Episcopacy is de Iure Divino This order and degree they abhor'd as Tyrannicall and Anti-Christian yet Saint Paul writing to Timothey saith If a man desireth a Bishops Office hee desireth 1. Tim. cap. 3. a good thing The Apostle likewise affirmeth that Bishops are to Order Priests and Iudge them wherfore hee saith in his Epistle to Titus That hee left Ad Titum Cap. 1. him in Cret to Order Priestes by Cittys By this it is plaine and evident that
Apostolicale will you heare these holy men speake in theire owne Cathechisme Albe it say they the substance of the Doctrine comprised Catebhisme VVest infine in the abridgment commonly called th' Apostles Creed be fully sett forth in each of the Cathechismes soe as there is noe necessity of incerting the Creed it selfe Yet it is here anexed not as though it were composed by the Apostles What new masters or rather Monsters are these What ungodly pestiferrous Doctrin is this to say and teach the Creed is a human Collection and not made by the Apostles this they declared as was said and after such Declaration they did not say it neither did they require it to be said any more of others as the custome was formerly at Babtising infants all this they did to put the Creed out of Estimation and use now this Innovation calling the Creed in question the beleevers therafter could be sure of nothing Thus the Presbyterians indeavered to dash th' Authority of the Cymbol the principall foundation of Religion O abomination of furious zealots that would change the Apostolicall Creed which was taught for such and soe beleeved and esteemed in all ages by the consent of all Christian Nations and said dayly by all the Servants of God young and old But against the Impiety of those men wee have the Authority and Testimony of all the ancient Fathers for the Credit and Estimation of the Creed Cardinall Barronius in the first tome of Baron Tom. 1. Annal. an 44. N. 15. seq his Annals doth shew by the Testimony of the holy and ancient Fathers that the Creed was composed by the holy Apostles a little before they were to part and goe into severall Countryes to preach the Ghospell unto the Gentils to the end there might bee a certaine short cleare rule of Faith in which they all agreed wherin they were to instruct all persons and by which as by a certaine badge all Christians might be knowne Be pleased now to heare the Fathers speak of the Symbol Saint Ambrose saith Let us beleeve the Symbol S. Amb. Serm. 18. Epist 81. of the Apostles which the Roman Church doth ever preserve and keepe inviolate Saint Hierom saith The Symbol of our Faith and hope which was delivered by th' Apostles is not written in Paper or Ink but in the fleshly Tables of the hart Saint Augustin speaks thus The comprehension Aug. Serm. 42. de trad and perfection of our Faith is the Creed It is simple saith hee short and full That its simplicity might serve the rudeness its shortness the Memory And its fullness the Instruction of the hearers Else where hee saith this is a Symboll brief in words but large in Misteryes for whatsoever is declared in the Scriptures or foretold by the Prophets c. is contained and briefly confessed in it To show the excellency of the Creed which is therfore to be often sayd Saint Augustin speaks thus Render Aug. homil fortitu your Symboll render it unto the Lord be not weary to rehearse it the repitition of it is good least forgetfullness creep one thee doe not say I sayd it yesternight I sayd it to day I say it every day I have it well Remember thy Faith Behold thy selfe let thy Creed be a mirrour unto the there see thy selfe if thou beleeve all that thou confessest thy selfe to beleeve and rejoyce dayly in thy Faith Let it be thy Riches the dayly apparell of thy Soule Doe you not cloath your selfe when you rise Soe by remembring thy Creed cloath thy Soule least per-adventure forgetfullness make it naked Saint Ambrose cales this the Seale of our Ambr. lib. 3. de Virgin Tom. 4. hart which wee ought dayly to review and the Watch-word of a Christian which should bee in a readiness in all dangers Wee have the Creed by an assured Tradition and Testimony of the Church which Saint Augustin holds of noe less certainty then the Scriptures as is signifyed by these words I would not have beleeved saith the Saint Aug. Cont. Epist fund Cap. 5. the Ghospell unless the Authority of the Catholick Church had moved mee c. And that Authority being once weakned neither can I beleeve the Ghospell Seeing these Presbiterians have abollished the Authority of the Cr●ed saying it is not Apostolicall what in Gods-name have these Doctors given to the People in place of the Symboll The holy Covenant and as the Creed is denyed by these men to be Apostolicall soe is the Covenant cry'd up to be Divine for they call it Gods Covenant and the Confession of the Scottish Kirck This was truly a rare exchange to deny the Creed to be Apostolique and to cry up the Covenant to be devine To Rob us of a most ancient clear briefe positive sacred Confession of Faith made by the holy Apostles famous in all ages and Universally received throughout the whole world full of great Misteryes and divine Expressions and to give us in place of it a new long obscure negative Confession or rather noe Confession of Faith full of terrible oathes Execrations and Combinations devised by some few discontented heads and by cunning and force obtruded upon the Nation much suspected at the beginning to bee nothing but a meere pretence of Religion as it was notoriously known to be a humane Invention and as it 's now at length after all its disguises manifested for such unto the World It 's good fame hath not lasted long neither at home nor a broad It gott some footing in England by cunning and worldly interest but these soone failing it was quickly detected and rejected The Christian Mediator sayth to this purpose That the last Reformation Christ Mod. pag. 2. settled with soe solemne a Covenant and carryed on with soe furious a zeal is already by better lights discovered to be meerly humane and therfor deseruedly layd aside These are the words of the converted Presbyterian Sall I would now faine know what is your Iudgement of these kinde of Protestants perhaps you will say they are noe Protestants but Geneva the acknowledged school of English and Scottish Protestants will tell you that Presbiterians are the purest Protestants of all and for ought I could ever learne the Church of England held and holds them soe according to Doctor Whitakers manner of speaking Tell mee Sall have you ever seen any act of Parlament in England declaring that Presbiterians are not Protestants or any penal lawes enacted against them noe such thing though they differ as was said from the Episcopall or Royall Protestants in fundamentall points of Religion that of the order and dignity of Episcopacy which they hold to bee Anti-Christian and Tyranicall and noe way de Iure Divino The other of the kings supremacy in Spiritualibus which they flatly deny they alsoe differ from the Kings Protestants in abollishing the Lords prayer and the Hymne of Glorification to the B. Trinity and in denying the Greed to be Apostolicall
the Congregation of the now English Church ergò the Protestant Authors attesting the verity of the Religion taught by Fugatious and the rest and confirm'd by Miracles give Testimony against theire owne Religion I meane the Protestant My last illation from those Protestant Authors and against theire owne Religion and for mine is that Sall hath cause to feare his owne Damnation for having deserted the true Faith those holy men sent from Rome denounced to the Infidels Imbraceing a new Religion opposit to the ancient and orthodox The names of the Protestant Authors Devines and Historians testifying the Conversion of England and Ireland from Idolatry by the aforesaid Saints sent from Rome 1. Abbots pretended Arch-Bishop of Canterbury that writt against Bellarmin 2. Bale pretended Bishop of Ossory in Ireland reckened among theire learned men hee writ Centurys of the writers of Britaine and said of himselfe hee had read the Historys and Chronicles allmost of all Antiquitye 3. Bilson pretended Bishop of Winchester esteemed a learned writer 4. Caius Doctor of Phisick soe well seen in Antiquity as an Oxonian Orator tearmed him the Antiquary 5. Camden well knowne for his Discription of Britany an excellent Antiquary 6. Couper pretended Bishop of Lincolne and after of Winchester well knowne for his Dixionary and his Chronicle 7. Dangerous positioner some say it was D. Banckrofte pretended Arch-Bishop of Canterbury others say it was Doctor Sutclife 8. Fox most famous amongst Protestants for his acts and monuments of theire Martyrs 9. Fulk Doctor of Divinity and a great writer against Catholicks 10. Godwin a devine Sonne to Godwin pretended Bishop of Bath 11. Holinshed notorious for his great Chronicle and mosT earnest against Catholicks 12. Humphery Doctor of Divinity and the Queens Reader therof in Oxford 13. Iewell soe famous and known to Protestants as I need say nothing of him 14. Reynolds Doctor of Divinity famous with Protestants 15. Stow well knowne for his Chronicle and other his writings of Antiquity 16. Sutelife Doctor of Divinity and Dean of Exetor and a great writer against Catholicks 17. Surueyer soe I call the unnamed Author of the Suruey of the pretended holy Discipline 18. Whitaker Doctor and Professor of Divinity and a great writer against Catholicks very famous in the English Church tearmed by some a worthy learned man by others a Godly learned man These and thus esteemed are the Protestant writers that give Testimony of the Conversions of England by Saint Augustin and other Saints It is therfore agreed upon by Catholick and Protestant writers that King Luctus sent to Pope Eleutherius two holy men Elvanus of Avalonia and Medwinus together with these came commissionated from said Pope two other holy men Fugatius and Damianus who baptized the King and Queen and those of theire Family and many more that imbraced the Christian Faith Authors Catholick and Protestant stile these Legats of Pope Eleutherius Prelatos Episcopos for without such Authority and Character they could not erect Bishopricks consecrate Churches dispence Orders and the like this conversion was made and the King and Queen baptized anno Domini 183. to which Conversion agreeth Fox Jewell Godwin Abbots Fulk Whitaker Sutelife Reynolds Couper Stow Holinshed Camden Bale and others Bale one that would write nothing to the Credit of Rome if not convinced Bale Cent. 1. cap. 19. by evident Verity doth attribute this Conversion to Pope Eleutherius and with him joyned in this the Magdeburgenses Of the Conversion of the Irish Idolaters by Saint Patrick Saint Prosper that lived at the same tyme giveth a clear Testimony and after him venerable Bede Marianus Scotus and others who affirme alsoe that Saint Patrick dyed in the yeare of Christ 491. being 122. years Paladius was indeed sent to that work before Saint Patrick but though hee Religiously behaved himselfe in that divine Function the Glory of Converting the whole Nation from Paganisme was reserved for Saint Patrick who is therfore Iure merito stiled Apostle of Ireland Let us now heare Bale I pretermit other Protestant Authors that testify the conversion of the Irish Idolaters confirming the coming of Saint Patrick from the Sea of Rome and how hee gave the light of Faith to the Irish Pagans the testimony taken from an Enemy such as Bale against Catholicks is of the greater weight and force against himself Bale then who usually cal'd the Pope Anti-Christ and the beast and named the Primitive Church of England in the tyme of its greatest purity a Carnall Synagogue as great an enemy to the Pope as hee was speaks of Saint Patrick coming from the Pope thus Patrick saith hee surnamed Bale descrip Britan. Cent. 1. fo 250. Magonius who studied Divinity at Rome sent by Pope Celestinus did preach the Ghospell to the Irish-men with incredible feruour of Spiritt for forty years together and did convert them to the sincere Faith of Christ hee was most excellent in Learning and Holiness and among other Miracles hee did continue in Prayers and Fasting for forty days and forty nights founded many Churches healed many Sick delivered many possessed of Deuills and raysed to life sixty that were Dead Thus far Bale Behold here how Iohn Bale confesseth Saint Patrick was sent by Pope Celistinus and soe sent hee converted the Irishmen to the sincere Faith of Christ what more can any man say or more honourably of the Pope clearly allowing of Authority and power in him to send Doctors and missioners for converting nations to the true Faith In speaking of Saint Patrick hee mentions truly the vertues and duty of Apostles and preachers sent from Rome to enlighten nations as to fast and pray to found Churches heale the sick and worke Miracles Let Bale himselfe tell us if the blouddy Reformers of the Kirk of Scotland or himselfe Peter Martyr Buaer and the rest at the tyme of the Innovation they made in England did any of those holy works done by Saint Patrick and such Missioners as were lawfully sent from the holy Sea into the vineyard of our Lord I dare challenge in this place all the multitudes of those new men repayring as themselves say the house of God to give one Saint Patrick or Saint Augustin that fasted and prayed healed the sick and wrought Miracles I defye Bale to doe this with all his studyed tomes of centuries or Fox esteemed by the Protestants a most holy grave and pious man and plainly a devine man with his great and numerous volume of Acts and Monuments of theire Ridiculous Martyrs soe Credited in England as they have beene set in divers of theire Churches to be read by all or delicat Calvin the great Patriarck of Geneva with his soe adored books of Institutions or wanton Beza Reforming forsooth the Church of France with legions and troopes in set Battailes and beseeging the Kings goodly Cytties Garded by two fierce Giants in steele the Prince of Conué and the Admirall Coligny As Bale hath testifyed Saint Patricks Miracles soe