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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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alwaies corporally with vs Could anie of them tarie here til this time could they tarie to the time yet to come But vvas therfore the Church leaft desolate by their departure God forbid For thy fathers sonnes are borne to thee VVhat is this for thy fathers sonnes are borne to thee The Apostles were sent fathers in place of the Apostles sonnes are borne to thee Byshops are appointed For whence were the Bishops borne that are at this day through the vvorld the Church herselfe calleth them fathers ●he begate them and appointed them in the seates of the fathers Do not therfore thinke thy self desolate o christian Church because thou seest not Peter seest not Paul for thou seest not them by vvhom thou wast borne but of thyne issue fatherhood is sprong to thee For thy fathers sonnes are borne to thee thou shalt make them princes ouer al the earth This is the Catholique Church Her children are made princes ouer al the earth her sonnes are constituted for fathers Let them acknowlege this that are cut of let them come to the vnitie be they brought into the temple of the king Thus S. Augustin PSALME XLV The Church in persecution acknowledgeth Gods perpetual defence 5. making her therby more glorious 10. sometimes granting rest 11. God himself ckecking the persecuters and euer protecting her † Vnto the end to the sonnes of Core for the secretes OVR God is a refuge and strength an helper in tribulations which haue found vs excedingly † Therfore wil we not feare when the earth shal be trubled and mountaines transported into the hart of the sea † Their waters haue sounded and were trubled the mountaines were trubled in his strength † The violence of the riuer maketh the citie of God ioyful the Highest hath sanctified his tabernacle † God is in the middes therof it shal not be moued God wil helpe it in the morning early † Nations are trubled and kingdomes are inclined he gaue his voice the earth was moued † The Lord of hostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our defender † Come ye and see the workes of our Lord what wonders he hath put vpon the earth † taking away warres euen vnto the end of the earth He shal destroy bow breake weapons and shields he shal burne with fire † Be quiet and see that I am God I shal be exalted among the gentiles and I shal be exalted in the earth † The Lord of hostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our defender PSALME XLVI Gentiles are called and inuited to praise God for his magnificence 6. for Christs Ascension and powre † Vnto the end for the sonnes of Core ALYE Nations clappe handes make iubilation to God in the voyce of exultation † Because our Lord is high terrible a great king ouer al the earth † He hath made peoples subiect to vs gentiles vnder our feete † He hath chosen his inheritance in vs the beautie of Iacob which he loued † God is ascended in iubilation and our Lord in the voice of trumpet † Sing ye to our God sing ye Sing ye to our king sing ye † Because God is king of al the earth sing ye wisely † God shal reigne ouer the gentiles God sitteth vpon his holie seate † Princes of peoples are gathered together with the God of Abraham because the strong goddes of the earth are excedingly aduanced PSALME XLVII God most and euerie where laudable is especially praised in the Church of Christ prefigured by Sion and there begunne 9. Al thinges being fulfilled in the Church euen as they were prophecied and promised 12. the faithful are exhorted to consider and congratulate the same A Psalme of Canticle to the sonnes of Core the second of the Sabbath GREAT is our Lord and to be praysed excedingly in the citie of our God in his holie mount † Mount Sion is founded with the exultation of the whole earth the sides of the North the citie of the great king † God shal be knowen in the houses therof when he shal receiue it † For behold the kings of the earth were gathered together they assembled in one † They seing it so were in admiration were trubled were moued † trembling tooke them Their sorowes as a woman traueling † In a vehement spirit thou shalt breake the shippes of Tharsis † As we haue heard so haue we seene in the citie of the Lord of hostes in the citie of our God God hath founded it for euer † We haue receiued thy mercie ô God in the middes of thy temple † According to thy name ô God so also is thy prayse vnto the endes of the earth thy right hand is ful of iustice † Let mount Sion be glad and the daughters of Iuda reioyce because of thy iudgementes ô Lord † Compasse Sion and embrace ye her tel ye in her towers † Set your hartes on her strength and distribute ye her houses that you may declare it in an other generation † Because this is God our God for euer and for euer and euer he shal rule vs euermore PSALME XLVIII The royal prophet inuiting al states and sortes of men to heare him attentiuely 6 sheweth that al ought to feare eternal damnation that liue wickedly 9. vainly and foolishly seeking 13. euen like brute beastes carnal pleasures which they can not long enioy nor long escape hel 16. confidently animating him selfe and al good men that trust not in this world † Vnto the end to the sonnes of Core a Psalme HEARE these thinges al ye Gentiles receiue with your eares al ye that inhabite the earth † Al ye earthly persons and children of men together in one the rich and the poore † My mouth shal speake wisedom and the meditation of my hart prudence † I wil incline mine eare vnto a parable I wil open my proposition on a Psalter † Why shal I feare in the euil day the iniquitie of my heele shal compasse me † They that trust in their strength and glorie in the multitude of their riches † A brother doth not redeme man shal redeme he shal not geue vnto God his reconciliation † And the price of the redemption of his owne soule and he shal labour for euer † and shal liue yet vnto the end † He shal not see death when he shal see the wise dying the vnwise and the foole shal perish together And they shal leaue their riches to strangers † and their sepulchers their houses for euer Their Tabernacles in generation and generation they haue renowmed their names in their landes † And man when he was
or Ecclesiastae c. but stil Lectio libri Sapientiae The solution therfore is very probable that this booke of wisdom was written by Philo Iudeus not he that liued after Christ but an other of the same name nere two hundred yeares before And Ecclesiasticus by Iesus the sonne of Sirach Who not only imitated Salomon but also compiled their bookes for most part of Salomons sentences conserued til their times by tradition or in separated scrolles of papers yea they so vtter some sentences in his person as if himself had written them As touching the auctoritie of these two bookes and some others it is euident that the Iewes refuse them And therfore manie ancient Fathers writing against them spared sometimes to vrge such bookes as they knew would be reiected Especially hauing abundant testimonies of other holie Scriptures for deciding matters of faith against them Euen as our Sauiour himself proued the Resurrection of the dead against the Sadduces out of the bookes of Moyses which they confessed for Canonical Scripture denying other partes where the same point might otherwise haue bene more euidently shewed And so S. Ierom in respect of the Iewes saide these bookes were not Canonical Neuertheles he did often alleage testimonies of them as of other diuine Scriptures sometimes with this parenthesis si cui tamen placet librum recipere in cap. 8. 12. Zachariae other times especially in his last writinges absolutly without such restriction as in cap. 1. 56. Isaiae in 18. Ieremiae Where he professeth to alleage none but Canonical Scripture As for al the other ancient fathers here aboue mentioned ascribing this booke to Salomon and manie others cited by Doctor Iodocus Coccius To. 1. Thesauri li. 6. art 9. they make no doubt at al but that it is Canonical Scripture as appeareth by their expresse termes Diuine Scripture Diuine word Sacred letters Prophetical saying the Holie Ghost saith the like Finally aswel ancient General counsels namely that of Charthage an D. 419. With others as the later of Florence and Trent haue declared this booke to be Canonical And that conformably to the most ancient and lerned Fathers as S. Augustin not only iudgeth himself but also plainly testifieth li. de Pradestinat Sanct. c. 14. saying The sentence of the booke of wisdom ought not to be reiected by certaine inclining to Pelagianisme Which hath bene so long publiquely read in the Church of Christ and receiued of al Christians Byshops and others euen to the last of the Laitie Penitents and Catecumes cum veneratione diuinae auctoritatis With veneration of diuine auctoritie Which also the excellent writers next to the Apostles times alleaging for witnes nihil se ad●ibere nisi diuinum testimonium crediderunt thought they alleaged nothing but diuine testimonie The summe and contents of this booke is an Instruction and Exhortation to Kinges and al Magistrates to minister iustice in the comonwealth teaching al sortes of vertues vnder the general names of iustice Wisdom With frequent Prophecies of Christs Coming Passion Resurrection other Christian Mysteries Al may be commodiously diuided into three partes In the six first chapters the auctor admonisheth al Superiors to loue and exercise iustice and wisdom In the next three he teacheth that Wisdom procedeth only from God is procured by prayer good life In the other tenne chapters he sheweth the excellent effects and vtilitie of wisdom and Iustice THE BOOKE OF WISDOM CHAP. I. Superiors are admonished to do iustice sincerely seking God 7. Who being euery where seeth al thinges 11. Murmuration detraction and lying bring to perdition 13. God created men to liue but they brought death vpon themselues LOVE iustice you that iudge the earth Thincke of our Lord in goodnes and in simplicitie of hart seeke him † because he is found of them that tempt him not and he appeareth to them that haue saith in him † For peruerse cogitations seperate from God and proued powre chasteneth the vnwise † because wisdom wil not enter into a malicious soule nor dwel in a bodie subiect to sinnes † For the Holie Ghost of discipline wil flie from him that feyneth and wil withdraw himselfe from the cogitations that are without vnderstanding and he shal be chastened of iniquitie ●ni● wing † For the spirite of wisdom is gentle and wil no 〈…〉 the ●● for from his lippes because God is witnes of 〈…〉 is a true searcher of his hart and an h●ar●r 〈…〉 cause the Spirite of our Lord ●ath 〈…〉 who le world and that which contayneth al 〈…〉 ●udge of voice † For this cause he that speaketh ●●●●st thinges can not be hid neither shal the chastising iudgment passe him † For in the cogitations of the imp●ou● there shal be examination and the hearing of his workes shal come to God to the chastising of his iniquities † Because the eare of ielousie heareth al thinges and the tumult of murmurings shal not be hid † Kepe your selues therfore from murmuring which profiteth nothing and refraine your tongue from detraction because an obscure speache shal not passe in vaine and the mouth that lyeth killeth the soule † Zeale not death in the errour of your life neither procure ye perdition by the workes of your handes † Because God made not death neither doth he reioyce in the perdition of the liuing † For he created al thinges to be and he made the nations of the earth to health and there is no medicine of destruction in them nor kingdome of hel in the earth † For iustice is p●rpetual and immortal † But the impious with handes wordes haue prouoked it and esteming it a freind haue fallen to decay and haue made couenances with it because they are worthie to be of the part therof CHAP. II. Such as hope not of life to come 6. addict themselues to 〈…〉 ●● and persecute the iust especially our Sauio●● 〈…〉 their wickednes 23. Death came vpon man by the 〈…〉 FOR they haue said thinking with the 〈…〉 Little and with tediousnes is the time of 〈…〉 the end of a man there is no recou●●●● and 〈…〉 knowne that hath returned from hel † because oe of 〈…〉 were we borne and after this we shal be as if 〈…〉 bene because the breath is a smoke in our nosthrels ●●●●ch a sparke to moue our hart † Which being extinguished our bodie shal be ashes and the spirit shal be powred abrode as soft ayre and our life shal passe as the trace of a cloude and shal be dissolued as a mist which is driuen away by the beames of the sunne and oppressed with the heate therof † and our name in time shal be forgotten and no man shal haue remembrance of our workes † For our time is the passing of a shadow and there is no returne of our end because it is sealed and no man returneth † Come therfore
spirite the perfections which he wisheth in Christ in maner of congratulating describeth his fortitude fighting against the diuel for the Church n purposing o prosecuting p and perfecting the conquest and so establishing thy spiritual kingdome q Not vvith warlike armour of this world but by assaulting the aduersarie with truth r defending thyse●fe and thy souldiers with the shield of mildnes ſ and striking the enemie with the sword of iustice VVhich right force of spiritual fight hath meruelous good successe t Preaching of Christs Gospel his grace mouing the hartes of the hearers is liuelie and forcible more pearcing then anie two edged sword v The example of people conuerted shal moue the hartes of the aduersaries to come also vnto the truth w Christs kingdom shal haue no end Luc 1. v. 33. x Thou defendest and rewardest the good finally forsakest and punishest the wicked y more peculiarly the God of Christ by hypostatical vnion z Diuers kinges as Dauid him selfe Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias were as godlie as Salomon and perseuered good to the end which is doubted Salomon did not but Christ incomparably was annointed indued with al graces aboue al kinges a Mortification which conserueth from putrifying b humilitie aswaging pride c being smal in the first spring grovveth great d humanitie assumpted and sanctified persons in vvhom Christ dwelleth as in cleane shining odoriferous houses e sincere faithful soules more deare to their spouse Christ then daughters of temporal kinges f The Catholique Church in faith purified as gold g vvith varietie of states as Clergie Laity and diuers sortes of religious Orders and other professions al vnited in the same faith hope and charitie h carifully al that Christ thy spouse speaketh to thee by his Spirite i diligently put the same in practise k vvith al obedience and readines and returne not to former infidelitie no● to corrupt life l Christ loueth the Church adoined with his giftes m and mutually his true children loue and serue him n Manie of al nations submitle themselues and al that they haue to Christ o Internal vertues are most especial ornaments p exterior are required to edifie others in diuers sortes of vertues q By this meanes manie more are conuerted to christianitie r and one countrie inuiteth and draweth another ſ As Apostles came in place of Patriarches and Prophetes so stil Bishops and Priestes succede in the Church pastors and gouernours therof t These pastores shal stil teach the true Christian doctrin v and stil there shal be Christian people that wil folow and professe the same Caluin expoundeth this Psalme contratie to S. ●aul No saluation out of the Church Perpetual succession of Byshops in place of the Apostles The Church prospereth also in persecution The 6. key a Belonging to the Church of Christ b As wel the cause vvhy God suffereth his Church to be persecuted at his assured protection in difficulties are hidden secretes to the world c Al refuge is not secure for one man is not able alwayes to defend an other but God is a sure and strong refuge d euer able and in conuenient time vvilling to helpe e This whole vvorld is ful of tribulations but the Church suffered the greatest in the first persecutions shal suffer as great in the time of Antichrist English Catholiques suffer most of al nations in this age and can not be suppressed but stil increase in number and fortitude f Therfore al Catholiques may assuredly know that the whole Church can not faile g though very manie as now in England h and very eminent persons as some noblemen and some Priestes haue reuolted yet al vvil not i Such bad examples make the good to recollect themselues more diligently and to rei●yc● in Gods grace by which they stand fast k before the heate of persecution shal inuade al for the elect the dayes of tribulation are shortned l Sometimes one nation or kingdome rebelleth against the Church but can not destroy it m by the spirite of Christ Antichrist and al his members shal be destroyed n The Church sometimes hath great peace and tranquilitie o God himselfe restrayneth the wicked suddainly abating their furie or cutting of their forces Vocation of Gentiles The 6. key a For Christians that leaue the sinnes of their fathers and reioyce in Christ crucified See Annotation Psal 41. b True ioy of the hart sheweth it sel●e both in voice of exultation and also in gesture of body by clapping of handes dancing as king Dauid did before the Arke 2 Reg ● likevvise vvith instruments c To al the wicked d not only of one or few kingdoms but of al the earth e VVhen kinges and countries become Christians they are made subiectes to the Church that vvas before not heades and rulers therfore f Christ God man after his Passion rose from death and ascended g not leauing his Church desolate but making her ioyful by an other comforter the Holie Ghost h The same Christ is our God by his Diuinitie i and our king by his Humanitie k Doe your endeuour to vnderstand vvhat you sing read or heare in Gods word At least to know the principal Mysteries and pointes of Christian doctrin euerie one according to their capacitie and state or profession l The faithful of the old and nevv Testament are vnited in the seruice of one and the same eternal God m In respect of the Blessed Trinitie holie Scripture here and in manie places vseth names of the plural number as Eloim Goddes not diuiding Gods substance vvhich is one but insinuating distinction of Diuine Persons The Father the Sonne and the Holie Ghost VVhich Mysterie is more expresly mentioned in Baptisme and professed by Christian gentils then it was by the people of the Ievves The Church founded and protected by God The 6. key a Voices beginning the musike instruments prosecuted b especially for the second day of the weke the day after the sabbath which is our Sunday called Dominica our Lords day c Ierusalem and mount Sion were most obliged to praise God for greatest benefites receiued so the Catholique Church therby prefigured and hauing receiued farre greatter is most of al bonden to be gratful d This can not be affirmed of Sion or Ierusalem but is only verified of the Catholique Christian Church e whose coastes do extend to the North and to al quarters of the round earth f The same one God one Christ one Faith and one Religion in al particular Churches of the vvhole militant Church g And this Vniuersalitie and Vnitie shal be after that Christ taking mans nature shal be ascended and shal send the Holie Ghost to found beginne this Church h For the assured certaintie of that is foreshewed the Prophet speaketh in the prete●●ence as if it vvere already done in his time which he then savv in spirite i Nothing more moueth he hart affecteth al the bodie and soule
in Hebrew or Greke It more importeth that nothing be wittingly and falsly translated for aduantage of doctrine in matter of faith VVherein as we dare boldly auouch the sinceritie of this Translation and that nothing is here either vntruly or obscurely donne of purpose in fauour of Catholique Romane Religion so we can not but complaine and chalenge English Protestantes for corrupting the text cōtrarie to the Hebrew Greke which they professe to translate for the more shew and mainteyning of their peculiar opinions against Catholiques As is proued in the Discouerie of manifold corruptiōs For example we shal put the reader in memorie of one or two Gen. 4. v. 7. whereas God speaking to Cain the Hebrew wordes in Grammatical construction may be translated either thus Vnto thee also perteyneth the lust THEROF thou shalt haue dominion ouer IT or thus Also vnto thee HIS desire shal be subiect thou shalt rule ouer HIM though the coherēce of the text requireth the former in the Bibles printed 1552. and. 1577. Protestantes did so translate it yet in the yeare 1579. and 1603. they translate it the other way rather saying that Abel was subiect to Cain and that Cain by Gods ordinance had dominion ouer his brother Abel then that concupiscence or lust of sinne is subiect to mans wil or that man hath powre of free wil to resist by Gods grace tentation of sinne But as we heare in a new Edition which we haue not yet sene they trāslate it almost as in the first in like sorte Gen. 14. v. 18. The Hebrew particle VAV which S. Ierom and al Antiquitie translated ENIM FOR Protestants wil by no meanes admitte it because besides other argumentes we proue therby Melchisedechs Sacrifice And yet themselues translate the same as S. Ierom doth Gen. 20. v. 3. saying FOR she is a mans vvife c. Againe Gen. 31. v. 19. the English Bibles 1552. and 1577. translate Theraphim IMAGES VVhich the Edition of 1603 correcting translateth IDOLES And the marginal Annotation wel proueth that it ought to be so translated VVith this then we wil conclude most deare we speake to you al that vnderstand our tongue whether you be of contrarie opinions in faith or of mundane feare participate with an other Congregation or professe with vs the same Catholique Religion to you al we present this worke dayly beseching God Almightie the Diuine VVisedom Eternal Goodnes to create illuminate and replenish your spirites with his Grace that you may attaine eternal Glorie Euerie one in his measure in those manie Mansions prepared and promised by our Sauiour in his Fathers house Not only to those which first receiued folowed his Diuine doctrine but to al that should afterwardes beleue in him kepe the same preceptes For there is one God one also Mediatour of God and men Man Christ Iesus VVho gaue himself a Redemption for al. VVherby appeareth his wil that al should be saued VVhy then are not al saued The Apostle addeth that they must first come to the knowlege of the truth Because without faith it is impossible to please God This ground worke therfore of our creation in Christ by true faith S. Paul labored most seriously by word and writing to establish in the hartes of al men In this he confirmed the Romanes by his Epistle cōmending their faith as already receiued and renowmed in the whole world He preached the same faith to manie Nations Amongst others to the lerned Athenians VVhere it semed to some as absurde as strange in so much that they scornfully called him avvord-sovver and Preacher of new gods But S. Augustin alloweth the terme for good which was reprochfully spoken of the ignorant And so distinguishing betwen Reapers and Sovvers in Gods Church he teacheth that wheras the other Apostles reaped in the Iewes that which their Patriarches and Prophetes had sowne S. Paul sowed the seede of Christian Religion in the Gentiles And so in respect of the Israelites to whom they were first sent calleth the other Apostles Messores Reapers and S. Paul being specially sent to the Gentiles Seminatorem a Sovver or Seminarie Apostle VVhich two sortes of Gods workmen are stil in the Church with distinct offices of Pastoral cures and Apostolical missions the one for perpetual gouernment of Catholique countries the other for conuersion of such as either haue not receiued Christian Religion or are relapsed As at this time in our country for the diuers sortes of pretended religions these diuers spiritual workes are necessary to teach and feede al Britan people Because some in error of opinions preach an other Gospel wheras in veritie there is no other Gospel They preach in dede new doctrines which can not saue Others folow them beleuing falshood But vvhen the blinde lead the blinde not the one only but both fal into the ditch Others conforme themselues in external shew fearing them that can punish and kil the bodie But our Lord vvil bring such as decline into vniust obligations vvith them that vvorke iniquitie The Reliques and smal flock of Catholiques in our country haue great sadnes and sorow of hart not so much for our owne affliction for that is comfortable but for you our brethren and kinsemen in flesh and bloud VVishing with our owne temporal damage whatsoeuer your saluation Now is the acceptable time now are the dayes of saluation the time of Grace by Christ whose dayes manie Kinges Prophetes desired to see they saw them in spirite and reioyced But we are made partakers of Christ and his Mysteries so that our selues neglect not his heauenly riches if we receiue kepe the beginning of his substance firme vnto the end that is the true Catholique faith building theron good workes by his grace without which we can not thinke a good thought by which we can do al thinges necessarie to saluation But if we hold not fast this ground al the building fayleth Or if confessing to know God in wordes we denie him in deedes committing workes of darknes or omitting workes of mercie when we may doe them to our distressed neighbours brifly if we haue not charitie the forme and perfection of al vertues al is lost and nothing worth But if we builde vpon firme grounde gold siluer and precious stones such building shal abide and make our vocation sure by good workes as S. Peter speaketh These saith S. Paul are the heyres of God coheyres of Christ Neither is the number of Christs blessed children coūted as of the Iewes an hundred fourtie foure thousand of euerie tribe of Israel twelue thousand signed but a most great multitude of Catholique Christians which no man can number of al nations and tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne of the lambe clothed in white robes and palmes of triumph in their handes hauing ouercome tentations in the
you as the night of a sanctified solemnitie and ioy of hart as he that goeth with a shaulme to enter into the mount of our Lord to the strong one of Israel † And our Lord shal make the glorie of his voice to be heard and shal shew the terrour of his arme in threatening of furie and flame of deuouring fyre he shal dashe to peeces in whirl winde and in haile stone † For at the voice of our Lord shal Assur feare being stroken with the rod. † And the passage of the rod shal neuer cease which our Lord shal make to rest vpon him in tymbrels and harpes and in principal battels he shal ouerthrow them † For Topheth is prepared since yesterday prepared of the king deepe and wide The nourishments therof fyre much wood the breath of our Lord as a torrent of brinstone kindling it CHAP. XXXI The prophet further bewayleth the Iewes calamitie into which they shal fal for their confederacie with the Aegyptians 5. Yet God wil protect ●erusalem 8. and ouerthrow Senacharib VVOE to them that goe downe into Aegypt for helpe hoping in horses and hauing confidence vpon chariots because they be manie and vpon horsemen because they be very strong and haue not trusted vpon the holie one of Israel haue not sought after our Lord. † But he that is the wise one hath brought euil and hath not taken away his wordes and he wil rise vp against the house of the wicked against the ayde of them that worke iniquitie † Aegypt a man and not God and their horses flesh and not spirite and our Lord shal bowe downe his hand and the helper shal fal and he that is holpen shal fal and they shal al be confounded together † Because thus sayth our Lord to me As if a lion should roare and the lions whelpe vpon his praye when a multitude of shepheards shal come against him he wil not feare at their voice and of their multitude he wil not be afrayd so shal the Lord of hostes descend to fight vpon mount Sion and vpon the litle hil therof † As birdes that flie so wil the Lord of hostes protect Ierusalem protecting and deliuering passing and sauing † Returne as you reuolted deeply ô children of Israel † For in that day man shal cast away the idols of his siluer and the idols of his gold which your handes haue made you into sinne † And Assur shal fal by the sword not of man and the sword not of man shal deuoure him he shal flee not at the face of the sword and his yong men shal be tributaries † and his strength shal passe away at the terrour his princes fleing shal be afrayd our Lord hath sayd it whose fyre is in Sion his fornace in Ierusalem CHAP. XXXII The prophet conforteth the Iewes foreshewing that their king Ezechias wil rule wel and prosper but most especially prophecieth of Christ 9. That they shal be reiected for persecuting him 15. and his Church shal prosper BEHOLD “ the king shal “ reigne in iustice the princes shal rule in iudgement † And a man shal be as he that is hid from the wind and hideth himselfe from a tempest as riuers of waters in drought and the shadow of a rocke that standeth out in a desert ground † The eies of them that see shal not be dimme and the eares of them that heare shal harken diligently † And the hart of fooles shal vnderstand knowlege and the tongue of mafflers shal speake readely and plaine † He that is vnwise shal no more be called prince neither shal the deceitful be called the greater man † for the foole shal speake foolish thinges and his hart shal doe iniquitie that he may worke simulation and speake to our Lord deceitfully and make emptie the soule of the hungrie and take away drinke from the thirstie † The vessels of the deceitful are most wicked for he hath framed deuises to vndoe the meeke with the word of lying when the poore man spake iudgement † But the prince wil thinke these thinges that are worthie of a prince he shal stand aboue the dukes † Ye riche wemen arise and heare my voice ye confident daughters geue eare to my speach † For after dayes a yeare you shal be trubled that haue confidence for the vintage is at an end the gathering wil no more come † Be astonied ye riche wemen be trubled ye confident strippe you and be confounded gird your loynes † Moorne vpon your breasts vpon the countrie worthie to be destroved vpon the fruitful vineyard † Vpon the ground of my people shal thornes and bryars come vp how much more vpon al the houses of ioy of the citie reioycing † For the house is forsaken the multitude of the citie is leaft darkenesse and palpablenesse are made vpon the dennes for euer † The ioy of wilde asses the pastures of flockes vntil the spirit be powred out vpon vs from on high and the desert shal be as charmel and charmel shal be reputed for a forest † And iudgement shal dwel in the wildernes and iustice shal sit in charmel † And the worke of iustice shal be peace and the seruice of iustice silence and securitie for euer † And my people shal sitte in the beautie of peace and in the tabernacles of confidence and in wealthie rest † But haile in falling vpon the forest and the citie shal be humbled with lownesse † Blessed are ye that sow vpon al waters sending in the foote of the oxe and the asse ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXII 1. The king shal reigne Some expound this whole passage of Ezechias or Iosias kinges of Iuda and of the chiefe princes vnder them but so great effectes as be here prophecied were not fully verified in them but as in figure only of a more excellent king and his principal seruantes that should folovv aftervvards For albeit these vvere very good kinges and had good and vvise counselers gouerners vnder them yet they had not that perfect iudgement nor performed that complete iustice vvherby the subiectes enioyed such peace rest safetie and consolation as be here described by the metaphores and similitudes of men hid from vvinde safe from tempest refreshed vvith waters in their heate and shadovved by a rock from the burning sunne in the desert vvith the like And therfore S Ierom and other Christian Doctors vnderstand it of Christ vvho hath most perfect iudgement and iustice and of his Apostles and other Pastors of his Church vvho by vnction of the Holie Ghost participate more abundantly of Christs grace then did the priestes other rulers in the old testament And so Christian people receiue these benefites of peace rest protection refreshing in soule conscience other spiritual comfortes in Christ by the mysteries of the nevv Testament vvhich the faithful of the old Testament could not receiue by their kinges
Yet in the mystical sense of Christ and Christians x Of his good pleasure without my de●ertes y by his grace z He repeteth the 21. verse incultating that God wil render to eueric one as they deserue a passe ouer al difficulties b Gods precepts c One only God Creator and Sauiour of al. d Amongst other actes Dauid killed a lion and abeare Goliath 1. Reg. 17. 2. Re. 22. e As God geueth streingth to his seruāts so he diminisheth the natural streingth and corage of his enemies f Conuersion of Gentiles to Christ as the Moabites Idumeans and others were subdued by Dauid 1. Par. 11. 14. 18. 19. 20. g The reuolting and reprobation of the Iewes prefigured by Absolons rebellion and others 2. Reg. 15. 16. h God stil protecteth the Church of Christ as he preserued Dauid 2. Reg. 22. Rom. 1● i Vse of Psalmes is most frequent in the Church of Gentiles See the proemial Annotations page 12. Propagation of the Catholique faith The 6. key a perteyning to the beloued of the new Testament b The silent workes of God declare his Maiestie to them that consider therof his preachers declare the same by wordes to al that wil heare c The cōstant course of times sheweth that the same was disposed by Gods powre and dayly propagation of faith especially of Christian doctrine sheweth Christs powre assured perpetuitie of his Church d Some of euery language or natiō haue beleued in Christ receiuing the Catholique Religion e S. Paul affirmeth that this hath bene fulfilled by the Apostles preaching in al the world Rom. 10. f By the sunne a most excellent and superelemental creature the Prophet describeth Christ making his course through this world illuminating comforting and streingthning the Church his tabernacle wherein he perpetually dwelleth g Christ the bridgrome and the Church his bride are neuer diuorsed his loue wisdome and powre euer conseruing her by his immaculute law Luc. 24. h The old law was likewise pure i● it selfe and holy but the new also maketh the obseruers immaculate Mat. 27. Mar. 15. i How swete the law of God is his seruantes finde not by reading or by hearing only but by keping it k Conformably to this text the prophete professeth Psal 118. v. 12. that he kept them for reward in which place the heretikes translation is corrupted Mat. 27. Mar. 15. l None in this life knoweth perfectly his owne estate vvhether he be vvorthie of loue or hate Eccle. 9 but hopeth and feareth m If mortal sinnes haue not dominion in the soule it is iust and shal be in time immaculate from al sinne n Gods helping grace is stil necessarie to perseuer o as his first grace redeeming man is nessarie for our first conuersion God conuerteth and iustifieth soules instructing thē by his law and sweetly drawing their free cooperation by grace The subiects prayer for their superior The 7. key a Though such a prayer was very fitly made for Dauid Ezechias or other kinges of Iuda yet it more properly serueth for Christian Kinges and Prelates b The king or other superior praying for him selfe his subiects pray with him and for him It may also be applied to Christ praying whiles he vvas mortal or novv praying for his mystical body the Church but in both these cases our prayers are only necessary for his seruantes not for him c The Hebrevv vvord MINCA signifieth sacrifice of floure and vnbloudy so perteyneth to the Eucharist in forme of bread and vvine d be acceptable for him for vvhom it is offered e in the prosperous state of thee our superiour f his anointed king or Priest Mystically faithful people acknovvlege the victory of Christ our Sauiour ouer death and al enemies g in great streingth or heauenlie forces i men trusting in humane and worldly powre fal into captiuitie k By protection of the head the body is also conserued Christs exaltation The 5. key a Perteyning to the nevv Testament principally to Chrrist partly to godly and victorious kinges and generally to al the blessed vvhich ouercome spiritual enemies b Christ our king as man ouercoming his enemies by his diuine povvre reioyceth in victorie c Christs most special desire was the saluation of his people d This most principally verified in Christ is also applied to Martyres vvhich suffer or are readie in preparation of mind to suffer death for the truth e Al Saincte● receiue blessing of glorie but only Christ imperteth such grace to others for in him al are blessed hat are eternally glorified ●●n 21. Ioan. 1. f The iust cōforming their desires to Gods vvil do pray that the vvicked may be punished It is also a prophecie that ●o it shal come to passe g And so it folovveth i● the next verse Thou shalt put them c. h This also can not be vnderstood of anie but of Christ vvho in the general or particular iudgement shal geue sentence vpon the vvicked i And immediatly hel f●re shal deuoure them k Al the wicked and namely the Iewes who persecuted Christ faile in their deuises l Whiles the wicked perish the iust reioyce and praise God in songue and Psalme Christs Passion effectes therof The ● key a Redemptiō of mankind vndertakē by Christ and performed by his death beganne to be shewed by his Resurrection in the morning of the third day ● Aug. b in figure of Christ the beloued of God c God is God of al his creatures but in more peculiar sorte God of Christ by personal vnion d Thou neither deliuerest me frō dying nor yeldest me such comforth as thou voutsafelst to other Sainctes v. 6. Mat. 27. Mat. ●● e I am neither deliuered from dying nor comforted in my passion hauing vndertaken to dye for the sinnes of mankind reputed them as myn owne wordes or factes f Albeit I crie by day g and by night on the crosse and in the garden to haue the chalice of death remoued from me and shal not be heard h Yet there is no follie nor fault in this petition which is with submission of mans wil to Gods wil. i Thou from heauen wilt heare when it is conuenient k whose wisdome and goodnes the Church worthely praiseth l Patriarkes Prophets and other holy mē praying in their distresses obtained their requestes m VVere temporally deliuered by thy mightie hand from their persecuters n not frustrate of their humble prayer●● o God that comforted his seruantes in their tribulations leif● Christ without his ordinarie consolation to suffer more then euer any other did p wicked persecuters respected not Christ as a man but contemned him as a very worme q as most reprochful of al men r as the basest of al the people ſ Almost al became Christs cruel enimies at the time of his passion afflicting blaspheming and scorning him as the Euangelistes record t The Euangelistes write how al these thinges were fulfilled by wicked men speaking these blasphemies and
kil the soules that consent vnto their tentation but can not restore spirituall fe againe e God is omnipotent and in dede the only true liuing God diuels who are honored in idols ca do no more then God permitteth and so they can kil the soules that consent vnto their tentation but can not restore spirituall fe againe f The soule being iustified and stil assaulted with new tentations desireth to be with God g I haue had no other refection but to le●ifie my sorow with weping h The wicked exprobate the iust as though God would neuer helpe them because he suffereth them to be sometimes long in tribulation i King Dauid was not permitted to build the temple much lesse did he enter into anie such meruelous tabernacle in his mortal life but must nedes be vnderstood to speake here of the heauenlie tabernacle prepared by Christ for his seruants k The prophet conforteth him selfe or anie iust soule in the hope of euerlasting ioy l render thankes and praises m Al this life is like to the smal straict place betwene Iordan and a litle hil called Hermoniim but from this straictnes the hope of the iust is to be placed in heauen n One tentation st●l succedeth an other o and the same so great as if God opened the gates and suffered them to ouerflow like floudes of water p But God helpeth in opportunitie not suffering his seruantes to be tempted aboue their streingth geuing them fruit with tentations q yea in the greatest tribulation he geueth ordinarily most comfort making them sing spiritually in hart if not also in voice r one special meanes to procure diuine consolation is prayer in distresse ſ Stil the iust soule taketh comforth in assured hope of saluation the eternal vision of God One God th● B Trinitie The 1. key a Holie Dauid often prefiguring Christ here representeth euerie faithful seruant of God and particularly when they beginne a great and holie worke as when Priestes celebrate the diuine Sacrifice they with their assistantes recive by interchangeable verses this Psalme b After that we haue examined and prepared our selues to the most holie Sacrifice and Sacrament according to S Paules admonition let a man proue himselfe and so eate this bread and drinke this chal●ce 1 Cor 11 we pray God to iudge betwen our true sincere intention and the vniust deceipful endeuoures of our enimie c and so to deliuer and protect vs from sutle malice d VVith thee I can do anie thing without thee nothing e thou semest sometimes not to regard ●e f whiles tentations are more sensible then thy grace g As thou hast sent Christ the light and truth into this world gr●nt vs the same now in particular h These two giftes of God the light of knowing our duties and truth with sincere intention to performe the same haue brought vs into thy Church and vnto thy Altar i Accompanied with light of truth and sincere intention we confidently approch to thy● Altar ô God k vvho changest our old corruption into newnes of li●e l But to this purpose we praise God on the harpe mortisying our affections m The former word is of the plural number in hebrevv Eloim the other of the singular signifying the Blessed Trinitie one God n The former word is of the plural number in hebrevv Eloim the other of the singular signifying the Blessed Trinitie one God o Thou needest not therfore my soule be pensiue or desolate p But trust in God q praise him r vvhom I hope to see face to face ſ the true eternal God The state of the Ievves The 4. key a Though this Psalme doth first and literally pertayne to the people of Israel yet al thinges happening to them vvere in figure of the Christian Catholique Church vvhich begane vvith difficulties aftervvards prospered and againe suffereth much persecution b Core signifieth caluus bauld also caluar●a a scul or place of sculles the name of the place vvhere our Sauiour vvas crucified so the children of Core signifie the children of Christ S. Aug. c The particular calling of Abraham out of Chaldea protection of him and Isaac and Iacob the deliuerie of al Israel out of Aegypt and establishing them in the promised land of Chanaan with innumerable great and strange thinges donne for them d The Israelites conquered not by ordinarie povvre but by the miraculous hand of God See Iosue 2● e Not that this people deserued of themselues but of Gods free election al the vvorld being vvicked he gaue peculiar grace to Abraham Isaac Iacob and some others and then for their ●akes protected the vvhole people in them conseruing a visible Church f As in former examples so in Dauids time not mans streingth but Gods hand gaue them great victories g As an oxe vvith his horne casteth a smal thing into the vvind Ios 24. ● R● 17. 2. Reg. 8. h The prophet for●eile●h that after prosperitie God vvould suffer the Ievves to sa●●e into captiuitie manie afflictions which also sign fied allegorically diuers states of Christs Church i The Iewes are now meruelously dispersed and depressed k In the destruction of Ierusalem the remnant of the people were sold for smal as it wree for no price They had sold Christ for thirtie pence l and now no multitude nor number of money at al was geuen for them but thirtie of them were sold for one pennie Iosephus de bello Iudaico m Vntil Christs passion the Jewish people did not wholly fal from God and true religion And of them were chosen the Apostles and manie others that founded and propagated the Church of Christ n The negatiue particle is here vnderstood by zeugma according to the hebrew thus our hart hath not reuolted backward neither hast thou suffered our pathes to decline frō thy way o An other hebrew phraise If we haue for we haue not p The Prophetes and others persecuted partly before Christ much more the Apostles and other Christians in the new Testament Rom. ● q A prayer in affliction r We are at death dore readie to become dust ſ lying as groueling sorowing on the earth t til thou deliuer vs from these tribulations Christ most excellently indowing his Church The 6. key a Perteyning to the new Testament b Gentiles conuerted from paganisme to Christianitie c and al others returning from schisme or other sinnes d for their instruction e this Psalme is a mariage songue of the beloued bridgrome and bride Christ and his Church f I haue receiued by diuine inspira●ion in my hart and cogitation g a most high Mysterie h To the honour therfore and glorie of this king vvhom I secretly see in my hart I vtter and referre al my vvorkes and this particular Ca●t●cle i From the abundance of my hart my tongue also speaketh k that presently without delay l Description of Christ most excellent in al internal and external giftes m The prophet seing in
forced to promise libertie to the children of Israel vvhich he aftervvards denied e The read sea f when Iosue brought the people ouer Iordan g in remembring and reciting these singular benefites h Gods chosen people the Iewes did often exasperate God by their ingratitude murmuring and other sinnes whom the prophet therfore admonisheth i not to be proud lest they be subdued and brought lowe k By way of inuitation the Psalmist prophecieth the conuersion of Gentiles l The voice of the whole Church confessing Gods prouidence and protection that she neuer faileth for the Iewes falling from Christ the Gentiles beleued in him and some nations or countries falling from Religion others are conuerted m God suffereth his Church to be persecuted with al kindes of tribulation as some are here recited n But through Gods assistance his seruants passe through and ouercome al tentations o Sacrifice of thankes p and voluntarie vowes q that which anie promiseth to God in tribulation they must performe accordingly r Th●se were the best external sacrifices of the old law ſ But both then and now the internal sacrifices of contrite hart of iustice and of diuine praise best please God t from the hart which is vnder the tongue and directeth the tongue what to speake v VVhosoeuer wil be heard in prayer must repent of his sinnes Propagation of the Church the 6. key a This Psalme beginning to be songue by voices instruments were adioyned b God first remitte our sinnes c then geue vs thy manifold graces d grant faith and repentance e and so forgeuenes of sinnes f Al nations shal be conuerted g God the Fater h God the Sonne i God the Holie Ghost saue the peoples of al nations by Euangelical preaching of thee the most Blessed Trinitie The Church stil conserued The 6. key a In maner of praying that God wil vouchsafe to defend the Church the Psalmist prophecieth that God wil arise b and the enimies shal flee away not daring to abide the combate c As God is terrible to the wicked so he is comfortable to the iust d Resist not Gods inspiration but receiue it with ioy and thankes e who triumpheth ouer death f God is Lord not only of these or those nations countries or other creatures but absolutly and vniuersally of al. g That is the true holie Church which hath h vnitie in doctrin touching faith and ma●ers i That be bond in sinne S. Cypr. ep 76. k euen rebellious willes are altered by Gods mercie and freely embrace his law l also the dead and drie hartes that cared not for spiritual thinges are softened and quickned with new grace m The benefites bestowed on the Israelites are written in the bookes of Moyses Iosue and Iudges n Not mans deseruing but Gods mere good wil and free grace caused Christ to come and by himselfe and his Apostles to preach the Euangelical doctrin which watereth the whole world o God chose the weake but made them strong p Those whom thou hast chosen and so made thyn owne peculiar people shal enioy this grace q Thou gauest Manna in the desert the B Sacrament in the new testament r God geueth to the preacher what to speake ſ and to some he geueth also powre to worke miracles in confirmation of their doctrin Mar. 16. t Some potent king or as it is in the Hebrew kinges being beloued of the beloued of God the only Sonne of God shal yeld themselues to the same beloued Sonne of God v which shal redound to the glorie and beautie of his Church gayning such spiritual prayes from the diuel w If you be in such danger that the aduersaries cast dice o● lottes for your persons and goodes yet you shal be deliuered as if a doue with her glistering fethers like siluer and gold flie away into a secure place without losse or diminution but rather with increase of vertues x VVhen the heauenlie king determineth thus of earthlie kinges y they shal be purged from their sinnes and made white like snow that falleth in mount Selmon which is a shadowed hil thicke with trees in mount Ephraim nere to Iordan z The Church of God is visible and durable like to a mountane a Combined or ioyned together as when milke is turned into curde and so into cheese b fructful enriched by spiritual giftes of the Holie Ghost c ye that are not of this Church do in vaine and erroniously imagine that anie other mountaines are vnited d Innumerable Angels ministers of Gods wil do continually attend vpon his Diuine Maiestie as if he who otherwise nedeth no seruice were caried by them as in a chariotte of infinite magnificence Dan 7. e So God appeared in Maiestie when he gaue his law in mount Sinai f Christ ascended with innumerable Angels attending vpon him g caried with him the fathers of the old testament that had benne captiue Ephes 4. h as man he receiued giftes of God in and for men his faithful seruantes i yea also he receiued for his merite that innumerable which before were incredulous were conuerted and God dwelt in their soules k Our Lord I say our Lord and none but he could ouercome death by dying l Though Christ died to deliuer al men from death yet he wil geue capital sentence of eternal death to al that obstinatly remaine his enimies and multiplie sinnes vpon sinnes to the end of their temporal life m Euen of the iudest barbarous nations manie shal be conuerted to Christiantie n namely Gods grace is extended into the Ilandes of the Ocean and other seas o But such seuere slaughter shal fal vpon the obstinate contemners of this grace that mens feete shal be defiled in their bloud and dogges shal lappe it Exi●i●●●● ab ●●● p Manie haue sene or knowen in general but the faithful more exactly know how Christ came into this world his conuersation therin and his going forth q his reigning now in heauen our Mediatour by whom al other intercessors haue accesse to God r The Apostles sowing the first seede of Euangelical doctrin ſ with whom other Apostolical men t and other soules of al nations conuerted by their preaching most ioyfully sing together in hart voice and instruments especially in good workes shew their gratful affections to our Redeemer v And al this in the particular Churches of diuers Kingdomes and partes of the world vv beginning with the Israelites in Ierusalem and so proceding into al furie and Samaria and to the vt most of the earth Act. 1. x S. Paul of Iacobs yongest sonne Beniamin last called to Apostleship was chiefly sent to the Gentiles y Other Apostles of diuers tribes sent first to the Iewes secondarily to Gentiles z As the Church begane by the omnipotent powre of God so by the same only powre it is conserued a Chastice therfore ô God al persecuters of thy Church who are but as weake wauering reedes in comparison of thy powre
translate the Latin text rather then the Hebrew or Greke which Protestantes preferre as the fountaine tongues wherin holie Scriptures were first written To this we answer that if in dede those first pure Editions were now extant or if such as be extant were more pure then the Latin we would also preferre such fountaines before the riuers in whatsoeuer they should be found to disagree But the ancient best lerned Fathers Doctors of the Church do much complaine and testifie to vs that both the Hebrew and Greke Editions are fouly corrupted by Iewes and Heretikes since the Latin was truly translated out of them whiles they were more pure And that the same Latin hath bene farre better conserued from corruptions So that the old Vulgate Latin Edition hath bene preferred and vsed for most authentical aboue a thousand and three hundered yeares For by this verie terme S. Ierom calleth that Version the vulgate or common which he conferred with the Hebrew of the old Testament and with the Greke of the New which he also purged from faultes committed by writers rather amending then translating it Though in regard of this amending S. Gregorie calleth it the nevv versiō of S. Ierom who neuertheles in an other place calleth the self same the old Latin Edition iudging it most worthy to be folowed S. Augustin calleth it the Italian S. Isidorus witnesseth that S. Ierom version was receiued and approued by al Christian Churches Sophronius also a most lerned man seing S. Ieroms Edition so much estemed not only of the Latines but also of the Grecians turned the Psalter Prophetes out of the same Latin into Greke Of latter times what shal we nede to recite other most lerned men S. Bede S. Anselme S. Bernard S. Thomas S. Bonauenture the rest VVho al vniformly allege this only text as authentical In so much that al other Latin Editions which S. Ierom saith were in his time almost innumerable are as it were fallen out of al Diuines handes and growne out of credite and vse If moreouer we consider S. Ieroms lerning p●etie diligence and sinceritie together with the commodities he had of best copies in al languages then extant and of other lerned men with whom he conferred and if we so cōare the same with the best meanes that hath bene since surely no man of indifferent iudgement wil match anie other Edition with S. Ieroms but easely acknowlege with the whole Church Gods particular prouidēce in this great Doctor as wel for expounding as most especialy for the true text and Edition of Holie Scriptures Neither do we flee vnto this old Latin text for more aduantage For besides that it is free from partialitie as being most ancient of al Latin copies and long before the particular Controuersies of these dayes beganne the Hebrew also the Greke when they are truly translated yea and Erasmus his Latin in sundrie places proue more plainly the Catholique Romaine doctrine then this which we relie vpon So that Beza his folowers take also exception against the Greke when Catholiques allege it against them Yea the same Beza preferreth the old Latin Version before al others freely testifieth that the old Interpreter translated religiously VVhat then do our countriemen that refuse this Latin but depriue themselues of the best and yet al this while haue set forth none that is allowed by al Protestantes for good or sufficient How wel this is donne the lerned may iudge when by mature conference they shal haue made trial therof And if anie thing be mistaken we wil as stil we promise gladly correct it Those that trāslated it about thirtie yeares since were wel knowen to the world to haue bene excellent in the tongues sincere men and great Diuines Only one thing we haue donne touching the text wherof we are especially to geue notice That whereas heretofore in the best Latin Editions there remained manie places differing in wordes some also in sense as in long processe of time the writers erred in their copies now lately by the care diligence of the Church those diuers readings were maturely and iuditiously examined and conferred with sundrie the best written and printed bookes so resolued vpon that al which before were leift in the margent are either restored into the text or els omitted so that now none such remaine in the margent For which cause we haue againe conferred this English translation and conformed it to the most perfect Latin Edition VVhere yet by the way we must geue the vulgar reader to vnderstand that very few or none of the former varieties touched Controuersies of this time So that this Recognition is no way suspicious of partialtie but is merely donne for the more secure conseruation of the true text and more ease and satisfaction of such as otherwise should haue remained more doubtful Now for the strictnes obserued in translating some wordes or rather the not translating of some which is in more danger to be disliked we doubt not but the discrete lerned reader deepely weighing and considering the importance of sacred wordes and how easely the translatour may misse the sense of the Holie Ghost wil hold that which is here donne for reasonable and necessarie VVe haue also the example of the Latin and Greke where some wordes are not translated but left in Hebrew as they were first spoken written which seeing they could not or were not conuenient to be translated into Latin or Greke how much lesse could they or was it reason to turne them into English S. Augustin also yeldeth à reason exemplifying in the wordes Amen and Alleluia for the more sacred authoritie therof which doubtles is the cause why some names of solemne Feastes Sacrifices other holie thinges are reserued in sacred tongues Hebrew Greke or Latin Againe for necessitie English not hauing à name or sufficient terme we either kepe the word as we find it or only turne it to our English termination because it would otherwise require manie wordes in English to signifie one word of an other tongue In which cases we commonly put the explication in the margent Briefly our Apologie is easie against English Protestantes because they also reserue some wordes in the original tongues not translated into English as Sabbath Ephod Pentecost Proselyte and some others The sense wherof is in dede as soone lerned as if they were turned so nere as is possible into English And why then may we not say Prepuce Phase or Pasch Azimes Breades of Proposition Holocaust and the like rather then as Protestantes translate them Foreskinne Passeouer The feast of svvete breades Shevv breades Burnt offerings c. By which termes whether they be truly translated into English or no we wil passe ouer Sure it is an English man is stil to seke what they meane as if they remained
fiction of the author That is If anie error could be committed by the authores of Scriptures either through ignorance obliuion or anie other humane frailtie what soeuer were produced exception might be taken and question made whether the author had e●red or no True it is that some of these bookes as we shal particularly discusse in their places were sometimes doubted of by some Catholiques and called Apochrypal in that sense as the word properly signifieth hidden or not apparent So S. Ierom in his Prologue before the Latin Bible calleth diuers bookes Apochryphal being not so euident whether they were Diuine scripture because they were not in the lewes Canon nor at first in the Churches Canon but were neuer reiected as false or erronious In which sense the Prayer of Manasses the third booke of Esdras and third of Machabees are yet called Apochryphal As for the fourth of Esdras and fourth of Machabees there is more doubt But diuers others as the booke ascribed to Enoch the Gospels of S. Andrew S. Thomas S. Bartholmew and the like recited by S. Gelasius Decreto de libris Ecclesiasticis dist 15. Can. Sancta Romana S. Innocentius the first Epist. 3. S. Ierom Ep ad Laetam S. Augustin li. 15. cap. 23. de ciuit Dei Origen homis 2. in Cantica are in a worse sense called Apochryphal are reiected as conteyning manifest errors or fained by Heretikes Neither can a Christian Catholique he otherwise assured Which Bookes are Diuine and Canonical Scriptures but by declaration of the Catholique Church which without interruption succedeth the Apostles to whom our Sauiour promised and sent the Holie Ghost to teach al truth For if in anie thing more then others assuredly one chief and most necessarie point is to know and declare which Bookes are Gods holie Word being of most singular importance THE SVMME OF THE OLD TESTAment as it is distinguished from the new Not withstanding the subiect general argument of both Testaments is one the same in substance as is already said yet they differ in time in maner of vttering of Mysteries in varietie of precepts promises also in meanes to obserue the thinges exacted to attayne to the end proposed In regard wherof S. Ierome saith Lex Moysi omne vetus instrumentum elementa mundi intelliguntur quibus quasi elementis Religionis exordijs Deum discimus The law of Moyses and al the old Testament are vnderstood the elements of the world by which as by first rudiments beginnings we lerne to know God For that in it we haue first the Law of nature and asterwards a law written with promises of temporal rewardes as long life land flowiug with milke honie the like but it brought nothing to perfection as S. Paul saith when giftes hostes were offered which could not according to conscience make the obseruer perfect For the helpes of that time were but infirma egena elemēta Weake poore elements Likewise in general touching the punishments that sometimes happened to the people of the old Testament when they transgressed the same Apostle affirmeth that al the same chanced to them in figure are written for our correption vpon whom the ends of the world are come so that the old Testament or Law was but our pedagogue in Christ Yet it setteth forth to vs the whole course of Gods Church for the space of foure thousand yeares that is from the beginning of the world vntil Christ our Redemer which Diuines diuide into six ages wherein was varietie change of her state three vnder the Law of nature and three others vnder the written Law The seuenth last age being this time of grace wherin we now are from Christ to the day of general Iudgement as the world was made in six dayes and in the seuenth God is said to haue rested and therfore sanctified it in other sort then the former six The eight wil be after the Resurrection during for al eternitie VVhich six ages of the ancient Church old Testament are thus distributed The first from the Creation to Noes floud conteyning the space of 1656. yeares The second from the floud to the going of Abraham out of his countrie 368. or counting Cainan Gen. 11. iuxta 72. Luc. 3. 398. yeares The third from Abraham his going forth of his countrie to the parting of the children of Israel out of Aegypt VVhich-some count to haue continued 720. yeares others whom we folow but 430. And thus farre in the law of nature before the written law The fourth age dured 480. yeares from the deliuerie of the children of Israel forth of Aegypt to the fundation of the Temple in Ierusalem The fifth age was from the fundation of the Temple to the captiuitie transmigration of the Iewes into Babylon about 430. yeares And the sixth age dured about 640. yeares from the Captiuitie of Babylon to Christ In al which times God was acknowledged and rightly serued by a continual visible Church with true Religion the same no other which now that Church holdeth that is called and knowen by she name of Catholique As we intend by Gods assistance to shew by briefe Annotations concerning diuers particular points now in Controuersie as the holie Text geueth occasion And especially by way of Recapitulation after euerie one of the six ages when we come to those passages in the Historie where the same are ended OF MOYSES THE AVTHOR OF THE fiue first bookes MOyses so called because he was taken from the water as the name signifieth was borne in Aegypt the sonne of Amram the sonne of Caath the sonne of Leui the Patriarch and so of Iacob Isaac and Abraham His maruelous deliuerie from drowning his education excellent forme singular wisdome heroical vertues rare dexteritie in al affayres whole life most admirable are gathered out of holie Scriptures by S. Gregorie Bishop of Nissen into a briefe Summe most worthie to be read but to large for this place He was borne about the yeare of the world two thousand foure hundred long before al prophane writers yea before manie of the Painimes false goddes as S. Augustin declareth in diuers places of his most excellent booke intituled of the Citie of God He liued in this world 120. yeares Of which 40. were in Pharaos court as the adopted sonne of Pharaos daughter fourtie in banishment from Aegypt in Madian and fourtie more he gouerned the people of Israel His singular prayses are also briefly touched in the last chapter of Deuteromie added by Iosue and in the booke of Ecclesi●sticus He died in the desert and was buried in the va●le of Moab so secretly that no mortal man knew his sepulchre lest the Iewes who were very prone to Idolatrie should haue adored his bodie with diuine honour for the greatnes and multitude of his miracles and for the singular estimation they had of
him for the same THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF GENESIS THIS first Booke of holie Sripture called Genesis which signifieth birth or beginning was written by Moyses when he was designed by God to instruct rule the children of Israel As also the other foure bookes folowing The Author and authoritie of al which fiue bookes were euer acknowledged by the faithful both of the old and new Testament and so accounted and estemed by tradition til Christ and his Apostles who also confirmed them by their testimonies and allegations of the same as of holie Scriptures From the creation vntil Moyses writ which was aboue two thousand and foure hundred yeares the Church exercised Religion by Reuelations made to certaine Patriarches and by Traditions from man to man without anie Scriptures or Law written But the peculiar people of God being more visibly separated from other nations manie errors abunding in the world God would for correction confutation therof haue his wil made fu●●her knowen to his children and so remaine amongst them in written record by his faithful seruant and Prophet Moyses VVho therfore declareth the Author and beginning of al thinges that is How al creatures were made by God and of him haue their being and by him only are conserued He teacheth expresly that there is one onlie God against those that imagined and brought into the phantasies of men manie goddes That the whole or vniuersal substance of heauen and earth with their ornaments and accidents were made in time against those that thought the first fundation therof had euer benne That God doth gouerne the same against those that say al is ruled by d●stenie or by the starres and not by the continual prouidence of God That God is a rewarder of the good and a punisher of euil which sinners seme either not to know or grosly to forgete And that God created al for mans vse and benefite which should make vs grateful VVherfore holie Moyses more particularly describeth the beginning of man what he was at first how he fel how al mankind is come of one man deducing the Genealogie of Adam especially to Noe. Then how men being more and more defiled vpon the earth with wicked especially carnal sinnes were by Gods iust wrath drowned with an vniuersal floud Againe how a few reserued persons multiplied the world a new But this of spring also falling into manie sinnes especially Idolatrie and spiritual fornication as those of the first age did to carnal offences God stil conserued some faithful true seruants Of which Moyses specially pursueth the line of Noe by Sem his first begotten sonne Then describeth the particular vocations liues maners notable sayings and noble factes with sincere religion of Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph other holie Patriarches who liued before the written lavv Likevvise vpon vvhat occasion in vvhat mane● Iacob otherwise called Israel with al his progenie descended from the Land of Canaan into Aegypt and were there entertayned So this booke contayneth the historie of two thousand three hundred odde yeares And it may be diuided into eight partes The first contayneth the Creation of Heauen and Earth other Creatures and lastly of Man chap. 1. 2. The second part is of the trangression fal of man his casting out of Paradise of multiplication of m●n and of sinne though stil some were iust of the general floud that drowned al except eight persons few other liuing creatures of the earth from the third chap. to the 8. The third part is of the new increase multiplication of the same from the 8. chap. to the 11. The fourth of the confusion of tongues the diuision of nations in the 11. chap. The fift relateth Abrahams going forth of his countrie Gods promise that in his seede al Nations should be blessed the commandment of Circumcision from the 12. chap. to the 21. The sixth part recounteth the progenie and other blessings especially the great vertues of Abraham Isaac and Ia●ob from the 21. chap. to the 37. The seuenth part reporteth the felling of Ioseph into Aegypt and his aduancement there from the 37. chap. to the 46. The eight and last part is of Iacob and his progenies going into Aegypt their intertainment there and of Iacobs and finally of Iosephs death in the fiue last cahpters The signification of the markes here vsed for direction of the reader The numbers in the argumentes of chapters point to the verse where the matter mentioned beginneth This forme of crosse † in the text sheweth the beginning of euerie verse The numbers in the inner margent ouer against the crosse shew the number of verses in the same chapter This marke signifieth that there foloweth an Annotation after the chapter vpon the word or wordes wherto it is adioyned The number also of the same verse is prefixed to the Annotation These foure prickes shew that there is an Annotation in the margent vpon that place And when manie occurre the first answereth to the first marcke the second to the second and so forth In like maner the citations of places in the inner margent are applied to the authores alleaged But when there be more such marginal annotations then may easely be applied we vse the letters of the Alphabete for direction This forme of a starre * in the text or annotations pointeth to the explication of some word or wordes in the margent Sometimes we put the Concordance of other Scriptures in the inner margent of the text VVe haue also noted in the margent when the Bookes of holie Scripture or partes thereof are read in the Churches Seruice For their sakes that desire to re●d the same in order of the Ecclesiastical Office THE BOOKE OF GENESIS IN HEBREW BERESITH CHAP. 1. God createth heauen and earth and al things therin distinguishing and bevvtyfying the same 26. last of al the sixth day he createth man to vvhom he subiecteth al corporal things of this inferior vvorld N THE beginning GOD created heauen and earth † And the earth was voide vacant and darkenes was vpon the face of the deapth and the Spirite of God moued ouer the waters † And God said Be light made And light was made † And God saw the light that it was good he diuided the light from the darkenes † And he called the light Day and the darkenes Night and there was euening morning that made one day † God also said Be a firmament made amidst the waters and let it diuide betwene waters waters † And God made a firmament and diuided the waters that were vnder the firmament from those that were aboue the firmament And it was so done † And God called the firmament Heauen and there was euening morning that made the second day † God also said Let the waters that are vnder the heauen be gathered together into one
by his only wil could in a moment haue drowned al the rest of the world sauing whom he pleased not needing in any thing the helpe of his creatures yet would vse both natural supernatural meanes as the labour of Noe to build the arke new fountaines springing and the heauens powring downe water fourtie dayes togeather afterwards the winde to dry vp the earh and because the dore being great for Elephants● to enter in and was to be firmed without as S. Ambrose noteth for better induring the forcible waters could not commodiously be closed by Noe our Lord by the ministrie of Angels shut him in on the out side to teach vs by al this and the like disposition of things that albeit his Diuine omnipotencie can do what he wil al alone yet he wil haue his creatures to concurre and cooperate as secundarie causes sometimes naturally sometimes supernaturally or miraculously as it pleaseth his goodnes to impert to them powre and vertue 23. But only Noe As there is not anie thing in al the old Testament from the creation of the world til the coming of Christ more notable more admirable or of greater importance then this historie of the general floud so was there nothing though al or most chanced to them in figure that euer more aptly more liuely or more exactly prefigured Christ and his Church with the rest of al mankind then did Noe and the arke the drowning of the rest of the world in that deluge VVhich S. Augustin declareth in many places but most especially and of purpose in his twelfth booke against Faustus the Manichee from the 14. chapter to the 22. and in his fifteenth booke of the citie of God in the two last chapters where he sheweth at large both the certaintie of the historie and that as certainely it was a figure of things in the new Testament and withal the great congruitie betwen the figure the things figured The same did Origen explicate homil 2. in Gen. S. Gregorie homil 12. in Ezech. Rupertus li. 4. comment in Gen. c. 71. sequent and diuers other ancient Doctors confirming their expositions by S. Peters testimonie saying In the arke a fevv that is eight soules or persons vvere saued from drowning by vvater vvherunto Baptisme being of the like forme novv saueth you also And by our Sauiours wordes saying As in the dayes of Noe so shal also the comming of the sonne of man be In summe the Doctors teach that Noe signifying rest was a figure of Christ the very rest of mans soule VVhom who soeuer foloweth shal find rest for their soules The arke signifieth the Church the forme therof being six times so long as broad and tenne times so long as hiegh resembleth the proportion of mans bodie lying prone or prostrate The dore in the side representeth the wound in Christs side from whence flowed the holie Sacraments by which the faithful enter into the Church and are sanctified The timber wherof the arke is made the water bearing it vp signified the Crosse of Christ and Baptisme For as Noe saith S. Augustin vvith his vvas deliuered by the vvater and the vvoode so the familie of Christ by Baptisme signed vvith Christs Passion on the Crosse Likewise the squarnes of the timber which both sustayned the burden of al contayned in the arke and resisted the boystrous waues of the floud beating without did signifie such men in the Church as be constant stand firmly in al sortes of tentations especially godlie lerned Doctors and Pastors who by worde and example vphold and cōfirme the faithful people in al afflictions within and withstand and conuince al Heretikes and other Infidels that oppugne the Church without Againe the hiegher lower rowmes with the midle chambers third loftes other distinctions of cabinets and partitions and al sortes of liuing creatures cleane and vncleane receiued therin did signifie the varieties of al states functions and diuersitie of maners and merites in the Church in which are persons of al degrees Clergie and Laitie Potentates Princes subiectes good and euil The most strong kind of glew called bitumen signified the permanent or euerlasting stabilitie and vnseparable cōnexion of the Church by the grace and continual assistance of the Holie Ghost conseruing the same The consummation of the arke in one cubite signified the vnitie of the same Church which is one in al times and places Neither would God almightie haue manie arkes for Noe and his sonnes or other creatures nor manie chiefe rulers though he would that of them should come manie Nations but one only arke and one chiefe gouernour therof and that al without the same should corporally dye to signifie that al which dye without the Church do perish and are eternally damned wherupon S. Hierom amongst other Fathers sheweth that al within the Church that communicate with the Sea Apostolique wherin S. Damasus sate then gouernour are as those in the arke of Noe and al Schismatikes Heretikes and other Infidels are in like case with the rest of the world that were drowned with the floud The end of the first age A BRIEFE REMONSTRANCE OF THE STATE OF THE CHVRCH AND FACE OF Religion in the first age of the world From the creation to Noes floud the space of 1656. yeares HERE according to our purpose mentioned before we wil briefly recite certaine principal points of Religion taught and obserued in the first age In which the foundations of the true maner of seruing God that should be continued to the end of the world were laid and prospered in some as appeareth in these seuen first chapters of Genesis But first of al we shal in two words repete as it is clerly geathered in the same holie Scripture the state of man before and immediatly after his fall being the subiect to whom al this pertayneth After therfore that God had created other things both in heauen and earth last of al he made Man to his owne image and likenes with vnderstanding and freewil therin like to Angels and superior to al other creatures and so made him Lord and maister of al earthlie things Neither were these the greatest benesits which God bestowed on man for his diuine goodnes ind●ed also this his reasonable creature with innocencie original iustice whereby al things were most rightly ordered within him and about him His mind wil and reason were obedient to God his senses inferior part of his soule were subiect to reason his flesh and bodie obeyed the spirite and al earthlie creatures obeyed him God also adorned man with excellent knowledge both natural and supernatural And albeit his bodie was of corruptible substance yet the same and al his posteritie if they had not sinned should haue benne conserued and without dying haue benne translated to euerlasting life Thus man was placed in Paradise and E●● there made of
which is forbid by the law of nature and the reuenge therof here and in other places seuerly threatned yet it was specially geuen both immediatly after the floud and in the law of Moyses with manie the like to exercise men in obedience And the same was renewed for a time by the Apostles to appease a controuersie in the primitiue Church For that the Iewes conuerted to Christ hauing benne long accustomed to this obseruation could not indure to see it broken by themselues or other Christians and being no great burden for the Gentiles it was decreed that al should kepe it And so peace was made Neuertheles it was abolished when the cause ceassed As S. Augustin declareth against Faustus the Manichee Sach is the authoritie of the Church to decree and againe to disanul an obseruation of a thing of it selfe indifferent 21. Dru●e Noe sinned not by the common iudgement of ancient Fathers in that he was ouercome with wine because he knew not the force therof hauing drunck only water al his life before But this external rebuke and worldlie disgrace happened to Noe in figure of Christ naked on the Crosse As S. Cyprian Epist 63. ad Coecilium S. Augustin li. 16. de ciuit c. 2. li. 12. contra Faustum Manicheum c. 23. 24 Eucherius Repertus and others vpon this place do teach And likwise that Sem and Iapheth were a figure of the Church consisting of Iewes and Gentiles and Cham of Heretikes and other Infidels that deride the infirmities which our Sauiour sustayned Goe to now yee Manichees saith S. Augustin obiect calumnies to the ancient holie Scriptures doe so yee children of Cham to whom naked flesh semeth vile by which your selues were begotten For neither could yee by anie meanes haue benne called Christians except Christs as he was fortold by the Prophetes had come into the world had drunck that cuppe of his vinyard which could not passe from him had slept in his passion as in drunkennes of folie which is wiser then men and so the infirmitie of mortal flesh which is stronger then men had become naked by the secret counsel of God which infirmitie vnles the WORD OF GOD had taken vpon him the very name Christian wherof yee also glorie had not benne at al in the earth 25. Cursed be Chanaan VVhy Chanaan the sonne is cursed and not his father Cham diuers yeld diuers reasons S. Theodoretus reporteth out of the Hebrew Doctors that Chanaan a boy first saw his grandfathers nakednes and told the same to his father and so they both derided that they should haue couered Chams other sonnes not offending and therfore not his whole progenie but only Chanaan his posteritie were here cursed by Noe. S. Chrisostome supposeth that for so much as God had blessed Noe his three sonnes coming forth of the Arke he could not presume to curse anie of those whom God had blessed therfore cursed Chanaan who in wickednes was like to his father S. Gregorie bringeth this for example of wicked men escaping punishment in this life and are punished in the next and in their posteritie folowing their vices VVhat meaneth it saith he that C ham sinning Chanaan his sonne had sentence of reuenge but that the sinnes of the reprobate prosper here in this life vnreuenged and are punished aftervvards And clere it is that Chanaans most wicked posteritie were subdued in the end and most of them destroied by the children of Israel who were of Sem vnder the conduct of Iosue according to Noes prophetical blessing of Sem and cursing of Chanaan 27. God enlarge This blessing of Iapheth was literaly fulfilled when according to his name which signifieth Latitude or enlargement his plentiful issue possessed most ample countries both in the Continent and Ilandes But mystically it had effect As S. Hierom. S. Augustin Rupertus and others expeund it when the Apostles being Iewes of the race of Sem first builded the Christian Church wherin the most part of that nation refused to dwel contemning Christs Gospel grace and the fulnes of Gentiles entred in and were made inheriters Finally Chanaan is seruant to both Sem and Iapheth in that Heretikes being vnder the Iurisdiction of the Church geathered of Iewes and Gentiles serue to stur vp Catholiques diligence to more exact knowledge of al truth and their patience to more merite and glorie CHAP. X. The genealogie of Noes children by whom the World was increased againe after the floud THESE are the generations of the sonnes of Noe Sem Cham and Iapheth and children were borne to them after the floud † The children of Iapheth Gomer and Magog and Madai and Iauan and Thubal and Mosoch and Thiras † Moreouer the children of Gomer Ascenez and Riphath and Thogorma † And the sonnes of Iauan Elisa and Tharsis the Cetims and the Dodanims † Of these were diuided the Iles of Nations in their countries ech one according to his tongue and their families in their nations † And the sonnes of Cham Chus and Mesraim and Phut and Chanaan † And the sonnes of Chus Saba and Heuila Sabatha and Regma Sabathaca The sonnes of Regma Saba and Dadan † Moreouer Chus begat “ Nemrod he began to be mightie in the earth † and he was a valiaunt hunter before our Lord. Therof rose a prouerbe As it were Nemrod the valiaunt hunter before our Lord. † And the beginning of his kingdome was Babylon and Arach and Achad and Chalanne in the land of Sennaar † Out of that land came forth “ Assur and builded Niniue and the streets of the citie and Chale † Resen also betwen Niniue and Chale this is the great citie † But Mesraim also begat the Ludims the Anamims the Laabims the Nephthuims † and the Phetrusims and the Casluims of whom came forth the Philistims the Caphtorims † And Canaan begat Sidon his first begotten Hethaeus † and Iebusaeus and Amorrhaeus and Gergesaeus † Heuaeus and Aracaeus Sinaeus ' † and Aradius Samaraeus and Hamathaeus and afterwardes were spred the people of the Chananits † And the limitts of Chanaan were from Sidon as we come to Gerara euen to Gaza vntil thou enter to Sodoma Gomorrha and Adama Seboim euen to Lesa † These are the children of Cham in their kinreds and tongues and generations lands and nations † Of Sem also father of al the children of Herber the elder brother of Iapheth were borne † The children of Sem Aelam and Assur and Arphaxad and Lud and Aram. † The children of Aram Vs and Hul and Gether and Mes. † And Arphaxad also begat Sale of whom was borne Heber † And to Heber were borne two sonnes the name of the one was Phaleg because that in his dayes was the earth diuided and his brothers name was Iectan † The which Iectan begat ●lmodad and Saleph and Asarmoth
after he begat Reu two hundred nine yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Reu liued thirtie two yeares and begat Sarug † Reu liued also after he begat Sarug two hundred seauen yeares and begat sonnes daughters † And Sarug liued thirtie yeares and begat Nachor † And Sarug liued after he begat Nachor two hundred yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Nachor liued nine and twentie yeares and begat Thare † And Nachor liued after he begot Thare an hundred and nintene yeares and begat sonnes and daughters † And Thare liued seauentie yeares and begat Abram and Nachor and Aran. † And these are the generations of Thare Thare begat Abram Nachor Aran. Moreouer Aran begat Lot † And Aran died before Thare his father in the land of his natiuitie in Vr of the Chaldees † And Abram Nachor maried wiues the name of Abram his wife was Sarai and the name of Nachor his Wife Melcha the daughter of Aran the father of Melcha and the father of Iescha † And Sarai was barren neither had she children † Thare therfore tooke Abram his sonne and Lot the sonne of Aran his sonne Sarai his daughter in law the wife of Abram his sonne and brought them out of Vr of the Chaldees for to goe into the land of Chanaan and they came as farre as Haran and dwelled there † And the dayes of Thare came to two hundred fiue yeares and died in Haran ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 4. Let vs make Here we may see in Nemrod the common causes of heresies and the maner of Hertikes ptoceding For he hauing a sutle proud and aspiring mind first detracted from God perswading men as is noted before not to depend vpon Gods prouidence and finding some others of like humour they conspired together and drew more folowers by bearing the simpler sorte in hand for it was vnpossible wise men should beleue it that they would make a towre of defence against a new floud if God should thinck to drowne the world againe But their principal intention was to make themselues great and strong for the present and famous to posteritie Al which God ouerthrew neither suffering them to build vp their imagined castle of strength nor to be praised for their worke but made them infamous to the worlds end 7. Let v● confound God in dissipating this vaine worke of men would vse the ministerie of Angels As not only Philo Iudeus and Origen but also S. Augustin S. Gregorie and other fathers expound these wordes Come let vs descend and confound their tongue Where they also note Gods singular wisdome mercie and iustice so punishing the offence that he turneth it to his owne glorie and the profite of al men shewing his powre and soueraigne Maiestie by two great miracles First by so suddainly and vtterly depriuing al those builders of their vsual tongue that presently they could neither speake it nor vnderstand it Secondly by geuing diuers distinct languages to seueral sortes or families which they immediatly vnderstood and spoke most promptly as if they had long before lerned and vsed the same But to no man was geuen more then one language And so to the more commoditie of al mankind they were forced to part into sundrie coastes of the earth which they inhabited and replenished with distinct Nations hauing the same Angels their spiritual Patrones and Protectors which had seuerally changed their language In particular it was profitable to the good who being before oppressed by the vnited powre of manie wicked were releeued as S. Gregorie teacheth when their persecutors were diuided These good were the familie of Heber as S. Chtisostom and S. Augustin proue For seing the change of tongues was inflicted for punishment it appeareth that Heber and his familie were innocent of the vaine attempt whose tongue was not changed but remained the same and of him was called the Hebrew tongue for distinction sake after there were manie tongues which before had no distinct name being the only tongue of al men Againe touching the offenders who were punished in their tongues that they could not be vnderstood commanding one an other because they would not vnderstand God iustly commanding them al they also reaped this profite that they were forced to leaue of that bad worke and withal to seeke more ample habitations who If they had there more increased in number and streingth vvould vvithout doubt saith S. Chrisostom haue attempted vvorse things And infinite manslaughter would haue benne committed amongst so manie for possession of that one citie towre Finally the fathers note that as God wrought here much good by diuision of tongues so he wrought much more by communion of tongues geuen to the Apostles therby inabling them to gether one Church of al Tongues and Nations 12. Begat Sale Here is an intricate difficultie For the Hebrew and Latin text both here and in Palalippomenon saying Arphaxad begat Sale the 72. Interpreters and S. Luke place Cainan betwen them as sonne of Arphaxad and father of Sale Eusebius also in his Chronicle with most Greeke Doctors and S. Augustin count Cainan in this Genealogie of Sem. VVherupon manie do number him in this ranck and suppose that Moyses omitted him for some Mysterie and yet writeth truly that Arphaxad begat Sale not his proper sonne but his sonnes sonne as S. Mathew sayth Ioram begat Ozias who was his nephewes nephew But against this solution it is replied that then Arphaxad should haue bene a grandfather at 35. yeares of age which were strange in those daies how soeuer it is now And a greatter difficultie or rather absurditie must also be granted that Arphaxad begat both Cainan at the age of 35. yeares according to the 72. Interpreters and that Sale was also begotten the same yeare according to the Hebrew being both true VVhich inconuenience is not in the Genealogie written by S. Matthew Others therfore according to the Hebrew and Latin text with most Latin Doctors omit Cainan in this place and Paralipomenon namely with S. Hierom who diligently examining and reconciling varieties betwen the Hebrew and the Greeke maketh no mention at al of this difference VVhich maketh some to coniecture that in S. Hieroms time Cainan was not in the Greeke copies at least not in those that he had and held for the best And at this day some haue him not VVhich may be admitted for a probable answere touching the Hebrew and Greeke of the old Testament But for so much as al copies both Greeke Latin also S. Hieroms Edition of S. Lukes Gospel haue Cainan the difficultie stil remaineth betwen Moyses and S. Luke How then shal this doubt be solued we can not solue it And no maruel For venerable Bede could not VVhose wordes are these S. Luke vseth rather the Greeke testimonies then the Hebrew wherof hapeneth that I much maruel at
excedingly and I wil make thee into nations and kinges shal come forth of thee † And I wil establish my couenant betwen me and thee and betwen thy seede after thee in their generations by a perpetual couenant to be thy God and thy sedes after thee † And I wil geue to thee and to thy seed the land of thy peregrination al the land of Chanaan for a perpetual possession and I wil be their God † Againe God said to Abraham And thou therfore shalt keepe my couenant and thy seed after thee in their generations † This is my couenant which you shal obserue betwen me and you and thy seede after thee Al the malekind of you shal be circumcised † and you shal circumcise the flesh of your prepuce that it may be for a signe of the couenant betwen me and you † An infant of eight daies shal be circumcised among you al malekind in your generations aswel the homebred shal be circumcised as the bought seruant of whosoeuer he is not of your stocke † and my couenant shal be in your flesh for a perpetual couenant † The male whose flesh of his prepuce shal not be circumcised that soule shal be destroied out of his people because he hath broken my couenant † God said also to Abraham Sarai thy wife thou shalt not cal Sarai but Sara † And I wil blesse her and of her I wil giue thee a sonne whom I wil blesse and he shal be into nations and kings of peoples shal spring of him † Abraham fel vpon his face laughed saying in his hart Shal trowest thou to him that is an hundred yeare old a sonne be borne and Sara that is nyntie yeares old shal she beare † And he said to God I would that Ismael may liue before thee † And God said to Abraham Sara thy wife shal beare thee a sonne and thou shalt cal his name Isaac and I wil establish my couenant to him for a perpetual couenant and to his seed after him † Concerning Ismael also I haue heard thee behold I wil blesse him and encrease and multiplie him exceadingly twelue dukes shal he beget and I wil make him into a great nation † But my couenant I wil establish with Isaac whom Sara shal bring forth to thee at this time an other yeare † And when he had leaft of speaking with him God ascended from Abraham † And Abraham tooke Ismael his sonne and al the homebred of his house and al whom he had bought al the males of al the men of his house and he circumcised the flesh of their prepuce forth with the very same day as God had commanded him † Abraham was nyntie and nyne yeares old when he circumcised the flesh of his prepuce † And Ismael his sonne was ful thirtene yeares old at the time of his circumcision † The selfsame day was Abraham circumcised and Ismael his sonne † And al the men of his house as wel the home bred as the bought seruantes and strangers were circumcised togeather ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVII 5. Manie nations Abram signifying Hiegh or Noble father changed into Abraham which signifieth Father of manie nations and Sarai signifying My Princes changed into Sara which absolutly signifieth Princesse importe great Mysteries intended by God For by this changing of names was declared and confirmed that Abraham by the issue that he should haue of Sara should be the father of manie nations which S. Paul expresly applieth to his spiritual children those especially that should beleue in Christ of the Gentiles prefigured by Isaac borne of the freevvoman by the promise as the Iewes were prefigured by Ismael borne of the bondvvoman according to the flesh concluding with the prophet Esai that Manie are the children of the desolate that before vvas barren For albeit Abraham was natural father of foure nations The Ismaelites Madianites Idumeans and the Israelites yet he was spiritual father of manie more to wit of al nations that beleue in Christ from his owne time to the ●d of the world of which some are Iewes but the greatest part Gentiles as the same Apostle sheweth Rom. 4. Gal. 4. Ephes 3. Collos 1. and in other places wherby is clere that the Church of Christ doth alwayes consist of manie nations not as Donatistes and Protestants absurdly say sometimes of few inuisible or vnknowen persons for so Abraham should sometimes be father of few or no nations which d●rogateth either from Gods omnipotencie if he could not or from his fidelitie if he should not maintaine his promise made to Abraham for euer 10. shal be circumscised The Sacrament of Circumcision here first instituted about 400. yeares before the Law of Moyses is a perfect figure of Baptisme resembling it in foure things First by both these Sacraments the faithful are distinguished from infidels Secondly proffession of faith is made in them both either by those that receiue the same if they be of discretion or by others for them if they be infants Thirdly by both these Sacraments entrance is made into the Church and to the participation of other Sacraments and spiritual rites Fourrhly both these Sacraments induce subiection to the iurisdiction and lawes of the Church But Baptisme doth farie excel Circumcision in that it is more easie or lesse painful more vniuersal for it pertaineth to al nations and both sexes and especially in vertue and efficacie for Baptisme as an instrumental cause remitteth sinne and iustifieth Circumcision was only a signe that grace was geuen sinne remitted Againe Baptisme imprinteth a character in the soule the other leaueth a marck only in the flesh Finally Baptisme openeth the gate of heauen in vertue of Christs passion now past which circumcision could not before Christ suffered death Of which both resemblance and difference S. Augustin treateth in manie places especially li. 3. de doct christ c. 9. Epist 118. and Ianuarium li 19. c. 13. cont Faust in Psal 73. where he also maketh like comparison betwen other Sacraments of the old and new Testament 14. Shal be destroyed Here occurre two difficulties about the true sense of this hard place First whether this punishment belonged to them only by whose fault circumcision was omitted or to infants also that should be circumcised and were not Secondly whether temporal punishment or eternal was here threatned sor transgression of this precept Touching the first doubt it semeth probable that this punishment pertained only to those by whose negligence themselues or others of their charge were not circumcised for that the reason why such a one is punished is aleaged Because he hath broken Gods couenant VVhich is only in their powre to kepe or breake that are of discretion and not in the powre of infants The indifferencie also of the Hebrew and Greeke text fauoreth this sense for where according to the Latin we read The male vvhose flesh of prepuce is not circumcised The
is the Sabbath of our Lord therfore it shal not be found † And the seuenth day came and some of the people going forth to gather found not † And our Lord said to Moyses How long wil you not keepe my commandementes and my law † See that our Lord hath geuen you a Sabbath and for this cause on the sixt day he geueth you duble portions let each man tarie with himselfe and let none goe forth out of his place the seuenth day † And the people kept the Sabbath on the seuenth day † And the house of Israel called the name therof Manna which was as it were coriander seede white and the taist therof like to flowre with honie † And Moyses sayd This is the word which our Lord hath commanded Fil a gomor of it and let it be kept vnto the generations to come hereafter that they may know the bread wherwith I fed you in the wildernes when you were brought forth out of the Land of Aehypt † And Moyses sayd to Aaron Take one vessel and put Manna into it so much as a gomor can hold and lay it vp before our Lord to keepe vnto your generations † as our Lord commanded Moyses And Aaron put it in the tabernacle to be reserued † And the children of Israel did ●a●e Manna fourtie yeares til they came into the habitable land with this meate were they fed vntil they touched the borders of the land of Chanaan † And a gomor is the tenth part of an ephi ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 15. Man hu vvhat is this VVhen the people of Israel in the desert had spent their prouision of meate brought from Aegypt and according to Gods promise had receiued store of quailes going forth in the morning they sawe a strange thing lye vpon the ground like to hoare frost wherat merueling they said one to an other VVhat is this in their language Man hu VVherupon saith Theodoret q. 30. in Exod their demand vvas turned into the name and it vvas called Manna VVhich as the same and other ancient Doctors gather by the holie Scriptures was a wonderful and miraculous meate and withal a figure of a more excellent thing long after promised and geuen by our B. Sauiour in the holie Sacrament of the Eucharist As witnesse S. Gregorie Nys●en ●nar vit● Moysi ●ir●a m●dium S. Ambrose li. de ijs qui Myst. in●●●ant cap. 8. S. Cyril Alexandrinus S Chry●ostom S. Augustin Theophilact and others vpon the sixt of S. Iohn VVhere also the text of our Sauiours long discourse with the Capharnaites sheweth euidently that he promised to geue a farre better meate then Manna to those that beleued in him Iam saieth our Lord the bread of life vvhich desended from heauen your fathers did eate Manna in the desert and died The bread vvhich I vvil geue is my flesh for the life of the vvorld My flesh 〈◊〉 meate in deede and my bloud is drinck● indeede c. S. Paul likewise teacheth 1. Cor 10 that this Manna and the vvater issuing out of the rocke were figures of the same B Sacrament as is noted in those places Here only we commend to the Christian readers remēbrance that the thing figured doth euer excede the figure according to S Pauls doctrin Collos 2. wishing him therfore to consider that in Manna were at least twelue clere miracles Fir●● it was made by Angels wherof it is called the bread of Angels Secondly it was not produced from the earth nor water as ordinarie meates are but came from the ayre Thirdly how fast or slowly soeuer anie man did gather it in the end ech one had the same measure ful called a gomor and no more nor lesse Fourthly the sixth day which was next before the Sabbath that which they gathered was found to be duble portions to other dayes that is two gomors for euerie one Fiftly there fel none at al on the Sabbath day Sixtly if in the rest of the weke anie part was left al night it putrified and was corrupt in the morning but the night before the Sabbath day it remained sound and good Seuently notwithstanding diuersitie of stomakes in so great a multitude the same measure was sufficient and no more to euerie one young and old and of middle age Eightly the heate of the sunne melted and consumed that which remained in the field though otherwise it indu●ed heate of the fire seething in water grinding in milles and beating in motters Ninthly it tasted to euerie one what they desired Tenthly it seemed neuerthelesse to the euil minded loathsome and light meate but pleasant to the good Eleuently part of it was kept in the Arke by Gods commandment and was not corrupted in manie hundreth peares Twelftly this strange and extraordinarie prouision continued fourtie yeares that is til the children of Israel came to the promised land and then ceased You see then so miraculous a figure farre excelled Zuinglius or Caluins communion bread which containeth no miracle at al only signifying Christs bodie But as our Sauiours owne wordes importe and ancient fathers teach vs by Manna was prefigured Christs verie bodie and bloud with his soule and Diuinitie vnder the forme of bread For this indeede infinitly excelleth Manna containing al the foresaid or rather much more eminent miracles For first it was consecrated by the maruelous power of Christs word and euer since the same is done by the like power communicated to Priests 2 in his Church militant 3 one and the verie same and not manie in innumerable places and in euerie les●e or greater forme yea in the least particle of the accidents that may be Christ is whole and entire 4 It geueth abundance of grace in this life signified by the day before the Sabbath for the glorie of the next li●e in eternal ●est 5 where is no more vse of Sacraments but euerlasting fruition of glorie 6 VVhoso euer therfore would make temporal commoditie of this heauenlie foode as it were reseruing Manna for other dayes of the weke it perisheth to him and turneth to his ignominie but being reserued in the faithful soule for the life to come which is the true Sabbath it remaineth an heauenlie treasure 7 And so it auaileth to euerie one as their soule which is the spiritual stomake of supernatural meate is lesse or more disposed 8 Though heate of persecution and other aduerse power take away this Sacrament and Sacrifice abrode in the field of this world yet no power extinguisheth it within the Church where it is in due maner prepared and ministred to the children of God 9 where it yeldeth al comfort strength and contentment to good spiritual desires 10 but to the incredulous Capharnaitessemeth vnpossible and to carnal conceipts loathsome 11 Being worthely receiued into our mortal bodies our arke or temporal tabernacle it remaineth in incorruptible effect wherby the bodie
and serue him with a perfect and verie true hart and take away the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia and in Aegypt and serue our Lord. † But if it like you not to serue our Lord choise is geuen you choose this day that which pleaseth you whom you ought especially to serue whether the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia or the goddes of the Amorrheites in whose Land you dwel but I and my house wil serue our Lord. † And the people answered and said God forbid we should leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes † Our Lord God he brought vs and our fathers out of the Land of Aegypt out of the house of seruitude and did in our sight great signes and kept vs in al the way by the which we walked and among al the peoples through which we passed † And he hath cast out al the nations the Amorrheite inhabiter of the Land which we haue entred We therfore wil serue our Lord because he is our God † And Iosue said to the people You can not serue our Lord for God is holie and a mightie aemulator neither wil he pardon your wickednes and sinnes † If you leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes he wil turne him self and wil afflict you and ouerthrow you after he hath geuen you good thinges † And the people said to Iosue No it shal not be so as thou speakest but we wil serue our Lord. † And Iosue said to the people You are witnesses that your selues haue chosen to you our Lord for to serue him And they answered Witnesses † Now therfore quoth he take away strange goddes our of the middes of you and incline your hartes to our Lord the God of Israel † And the people said to Iosue We wil serue our Lord God and wil be obedient to his preceptes † Iosue therfore in that day made a couenant and proposed to the people preceptes and iudgementes in Sichem † He wrote also al these wordes in the volume of the law of our Lord and he tooke a very great stone and put it vnder the oke that was in the Sanctuarie of our Lord † and said to al the people Behold this stone shal be a testimonie for you that it hath heard al the wordes of our Lord which he hath spoken to you lest perhaps hereafter you wil denie and lye to our Lord your God † And he dismist the people euerie one into their possession † And after these thinges Iosue the sonne of Nun the seruant of our Lord died being a hundred and ten yeares old † and “ they buried him in the coastes of his possession in Thamnathsare which is situated in the mountaine of Ephraim on the North part of mount Gaas † And Israel serued our Lord al the daies of Iosue and of the ancientes that liued a long time after Iosue and that had knowen al the workes of our Lord which he had done in Israel † The bones also of Ioseph which the children of Israel had taken out of Aegypt they buried in Sichem in part of the field which Iacob had bought of the sonnes of Hemor the father of Sichem for a hundred yong ewes and it was in the possession of the sonnes of Ioseph † Eleazar also the sonne of Aaron died and they buried him in Gabaath of Phinees his sonne which was geuen him in mount Ephraim ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 2. They serued false goddes It is euident by this place that Thare and some other progenitors of Israel sometimes serued false goddes from which they were reduced but Abraham was euer preserued in true religion and the whole familie of Thare was therfore persecuted in Chaldea as S. Augustin sheweth li. 16. c. 13. de ciuit Likwise Theodoret q. 18. in Iosue and other both ancient and late writers teach the same as is already noted pag. 203. 30. They buried In that no mention is made of mourning for Iosue S. Hierom noteth a mysterie and a special point of Chistian doctrin It semeth to me saieth he Epist de 42. Maus mans 33. that in Marie prophecie is dead in Moyses and Aaron an end is put to the law and priesthood of the Iewes For so much as they could neither passe into the land of promise nor bring the beleuing people out of the wildernes of this world And Mans 34. Aaron sayeth he was mourned and so was Moyses Iesus is not mourned that is in the law was descentinto hel called limbus in the Gospel is passage to paradise THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF IVDGES SAINCT Hierom geuing this general rule Epist ad Eustoch virg that in reading historical bookes of holie Scripture the historie as fundation of veritie is to be loued but the spiritual vnderstanding rather to be folowed agreably therto teacheth Epist ad Paulin. that in this booke of Iudges there be as manie figures as princes of the people Neither doth he meane that there were no more but for example sake affirmeth that these Iudges raised vp after Iosue and sent of God to deliuer the people fallen for their sinnes into afflictions were types and figures of the Apostles and Apostolical men sent by Christ to propagate and defend his Church of the new Testament For albeit diuers of these Iudges were sometimes great offenders yet they were reclamed by Gods special grace and so amending their errors did great thinges to the singular honour of God and are renowmed among the holie Patriarces and Prophetes particularly praysed in bolie Scipture saying And the Iudges euerie one by his name whose hart was not corrupt Who were not auerted from our Lord that their memorie may be blessed and their bones spring out from their place and their name remaine for euer the glorie of holie men remaining to their children After Iosue therfore who it semeth guided and ruled the people 32. yeares this booke written as is most probable by Samuel shewing the famouse Actes of these Iudges of Israel prosecuteth the historie of the Church the space of 288. yeares more And may be diuided into three partes First is described in general the state of the people sometimes wel and sincerly seruing God other times falling to great sinnes in the two first chapters Secondly their offences afflictions repentance and deliuerie from their enemies are more particularly reported from the third chap. to the 17. Thirdly other special accidents which happened within the same time are recorded in the last fiue chapters THE BOOKE OF IVDGES IN HEBREW SOPHETIM CHAP. I. Vnder a general captaine of the tribe of Iuda assisted by the tribe of Simeon Israel subdueth diuers cities of the gentiles 12. Othoniel taking Cariath sepher possesseth it and marieth Calebs daughter obtainig also addition of her dowrie 21. Iebuseites yet dwel in Hierusalem with Beniamin 27. and the Chananeites with diuers of the tribes AFTER the death of Iosue the children of Israel consulted
deliuer and saue them First Othoniel of the tribe of Iuda then Aod of Beniamin after him Samgar the Scripture not signifying of what tribe then Barach with Debora of Ephraim Gedeon of Manasses Abimelech his bas● sonne an vsurper Thola of Issachar Iair and Iephte of Manasses Abesan of Iuda Aialon of Zabulon Abdon of Ephraim Sampson of Dan and Heli who was also high priest of Aarons stocke otherwise called Zaraias 1. Paralip 6. and Samuel also of the tribe of Leut a Prophet In his time the people demanding and vrging to haue a King Saul of the tribe of Beniamin was annointed 1. Reg. 10. But for transgressing Gods commandments especially for exercising spiritual function without warrant 1. Reg. 13. and not destroying idolaters 1. Reg. 15. was deposed and Dauid of the tribe of Iuda was annointed King who after manie great trubles possessed the whole kingdome and died in peace leauing his sonne Salomon inuested and annointed king in his throne The Church being thus established in distinct states and orders albeit there were manie imperfections in al sortes of persons and great sinnes committed yet God so punished offenders and chastised the whole people that he stil conserued the greatest or chiefe part in true faith and religion For whiles they were in the desert they murmured very often against God and his Ministers their Superiours Exod. 17. Num. 11. 14 20. 21. Manie fel to idolatrie Exod. 32. Aaron not free from cooperating in the peoples sinne Nadab and Abiu Aarons sonnes and consecrated priestes offered strange fire Leuit. 10 Core Dathan and Abiron with their complices made a great schisme Num. 16. Manie committed carnal fornication with Infidels and were therby drawen to spiritual Num. 25. Of which and other like ●innes the Psalmist speaketh Psal 94. exhorting his people not to harden their hartes as in the desert their fathers had tempted God Fourtie yeares was I offended sayth God with that generation and sayd They alwayes erre in hart And therfore he sware in his wrath that the same generation should not enter into the promised land of Chanaan but their children entred and possessed it Num. 14. Iesue 3. A 〈…〉 the people falling to idolatrie and other sinnes were afflicted and sore press●d by forraine enemies but repenting were deliuered and saued by certain capitaines called Iudges and Sauiours as appeareth in the booke of iudges They had also tribulations by some of their owne nation for among the Iudge one called Abimelee was a tyrannical vsurper Iudic. 9. Saul their first King falling from God vniustly persecuted Dauid 1. Reg. 18. ● Ambitious Absolom rebelled against the King his father 2. Reg. 15. and Seba of the tribe of Beniamin raised an other rebellion 2. Reg. 20. ●●●●wise Adonias assisted by Abiathar the high priest and by Ioab general of the armie pretended to reigne his father Dauid yet liuing to preuent S 〈…〉 n of the kingdom 3. Reg. 1. So God both shewed his iustice in suffering su●● afflictions to happen for punishment of sinne and his mercie in sauing hi● Church from ruine Moreouer for preseruatiō of the Church there were diuers diuine Ordinances prouided by the law For first al were strictly commanded not to cōmunicate with Infidels in their idolatrie Ex. 23. nor with Schismatikes in their schisme Nu. 16. but to destroy al Idolaters Num. 33. and shunne al nouelties in religion as a sure marke of idolatrie or false doctrine Deut. 13. Further to conserue vnitie there was but one Tabernacle and one Altar for Sacrifice in the whole people of Israel VVherupon when the two tribes and halfe on the other side Iordan had made a seueral altar al the tribes that dwelt in Chanaan suspecting it was for sacrifice sent presently to admonish them and prepared to make warre against them except they destroyed their new altar but being aduertised that it was only an altar of monument and not for sacrifice were therwith satisfied Iosue 22. Afterwards the tribe of Dan setting vp idolatrie and the other tribes not correcting it they were al punished VVhich happened by occasion of an other enormous sinne committed and not corrected in the tribe of Beniamin For the other eleuen tribes making warre against them for this iust cause yea by Gods direction and warrant yet had the worse susteyning great slaughter of men in two conflictes and in the third Beniamin was almost destroyed Iudic. 20. Finally for decision of al controuersies and ending of strife the High Priest was expresly ordayned supreme Iudge Deut. 17. And al were commanded in paine of death to submitte their opinions and obey his sentence with promise of Gods assistance wherby his definitions were certaine and infallible For in consultations of doubtes and difficult cases God inspired him with doctrine of veritie Exod. 28. 29. Leuit. 8. Num. 3. 7. 9. 1. Reg. 23 30. VVhich iudgement Seate Christ admonished the Iewes to repayre vnto and folow Math. 23. though the Iudges themselues did not the thinges which they taught In so much that Caiphas through this assistance of Gods spirite being otherwise a wicked man yet pronounced the truth That one must die for the people VVhich therfore S. Iohn the Euangelist ascribeth to his Chayre and office because he was High priest that yeare Ioan. 11. Seing then Gods prouidence and continual assistance was so clere and assured in the Church of the old Testament much more is the Church of christ builded vpon a sure rocke assured of his perpetual assistance and always preserued from erring in Faith or in general practise of Religion And that by Gods like assured ordinance of one supreme head and Iudge S. Peter his Successour for vvhom our Sauiour prayed that his faith should not faile Further commanding him that he should confirme his brethren Al vvhich vvse see is performed in the Successours of S. Peter vvheras the successours of the other Apostles are al failed long since The same most assured stabilitie of the Church of Christ is further confirmed by the whole Lavv and Prophetes Namely Deut. 32. and 33. vvhere Moyses fortelleth more povver and grace in the Church to be collected in the Gentiles of al natiōs then euer vvas in that of the Israelites or Iews Likewise 1. Reg. 2. The same vvas both prefigured and prophecied by holie Anna The hungrie those that desire Gods grace and glorie are filled vntil the barren woman the Church of the Gentiles bare verie manie she that had manie children was weakned Shewing that the Church of the Iewes had manie vntil the plenitude of Gentiles much more abounded Wherfore the Psalmist inuiteth al nations to praise God saying Psal 116. Praise our Lord al ye Gentiles praise him al ye peoples Also 2. Reg. 7. God promised Dauid saying Thy Kingdome for euer before thy face and thy throne shal be firme continually which was not verified in Dauids temporal kingdome For it was
and thyne arme and the illumination of thy countenance because thou wast pleased in them † Thou art the same my king and my God which commandest the saluations of Iacob † In thee we shal turne out our enemies with the horne in thy name we shal contemne them that ryse vp against vs. † For I wil not hope in my bowe and my sword wil not saue me † For thou hast saued vs from them that afflict vs and them that hate vs thou hast confounded † In God we shal be praysed al the day and in thy name we wil confesse for euer † But now thou hast repelled and confounded vs and thou wilt not goe forth ô God in our hostes † Thou hast turned vs backe behind our enemies and they that hated vs spoyled for themselues † Thou hast geuen vs as sheepe that are to be eaten and thou hast dispersed vs among the nations † Thou hast sold thy people without price and there was no multitude in the exchanges of them † Thou hast made vs a reproche to our neighbours a scorne and mocking stocke to them that are round about vs. † Thou hast made vs for a parable to the Gentiles a wagging of the head among the peoples † Al the day my shame is against me and the confusion of my face hath couered me † At the voyce of the vpbrayder and the reprocher at the face of the enemie and persecutor † Al these thinges haue come vpon vs neither haue we forgotten thee and we haue not done wickedly in thy testament † And our hart hath not reuolted backward and thou hast declined our pathes from thy way † Because thou hast humbled vs in the place of affliction and the shadow of death hath couered vs. † If we haue forgotten the name of our God and if we haue spred forth our handes to a strange God † Wil not God enquire of these thinges For he knoweth the secretes of the hart Because for thee we are killed al the day we are estemed as sheepe of slaughter † Arise why sleepest thou ô Lord Arise and expel vs not to the end † Why dost thou turne away thy face forgettest our pouertie and our tribulation † Because our soule is humbled in the dust our bellie is gl●wed in the earth † Arise Lord helpe vs and redeme vs for thy name PSALME XLIIII Dauid singularly moued in hart and tongue 3. prophecieth Christs excellencie indowing his Church with most worthie dowries 11. by way of exhortation forshewing her internal and external beautie 17. with perpetual succession of Pastors feeding the flock euen to the worlds end † Vnto the end for them that shal be changed to the sonnes of Core for vnderstanding a Canticle for the beloued MY hart hath vttered a good word I tel my workes to the king My tongue is the penne of a scribe that writeth swiftly † Goodly of beautie aboue the sonnes of men grace is powred abrode in thy lippes therfore hath God blessed thee for euer † Be girded with thy sword vpon thy thigh ô most mightie † With thy beautie and fayrnesse intend procede prosperousely and reigne Because of truth and mildenesse and iustice and thy right hand shal conduct thee meruelously Thy sharpe arrowes the peoples vnderneth thee shal fal into the hartes of the kings enemies † “ Thy seate ô God for euer and euer a rod of direction the rod of thy kingdom Thou hast loued iustice and hast hated iniquitie therfore God thy God hath annoynted thee with the oile of gladnes aboue thy felowes † Myr●he and Aloes and Cassia from thy garmentes from houses of yuorie out of the which † the daughter of kinges haue delighted thee in thy honour The Queene stood on thy right hand in golden rayment compassed with varietie Heare daughter and see and incline thyne eare and forget thy people and the house of thy father † And the king wil couet thy beautie because he is the Lord thy God and they shal adore him † And the daughters of Tyre with giftes al the rich of the people shal besech thy countenance † Al the glorie of that daughter of the king is within in borders of gold † clothed round about with varieties Virgins shal be brought to the king after her her neighbours shal be brought to thee † They shal be brought in ioy and exultation “ they shal be brought into the temple of the king † “ For thy fathers there are borne sonnes to thee thou shalt make them princes ouer al the earth † They shal be mindeful of thy name in al generation and generation Therfore shal peoples confesse to thee for euer and for euer and euer ANNOTATIONS PSALME XLIIII 7. Thy seate Ô God for euer and euer Seing S. Paul Heb. 1. v. 8. affirmeth expresly that these wordes are spoken of the Sonne of God Christ our Sauiour and therby proueth his excellencie aboue Angels Iohn Caluin is wonderful bold to auouch that in the simple proper sense Dauid spake of his sonne Salomon and the daughter of Pharao as if that were the literal sense and S. Paul only expounded it mystically But first the solemne preface in the two first verses importeth farre greater thinges then agree to anie terrestrial king Secondly this excellent beautie described v. 3. aboue the sonnes of men can not be verified of Salomon for Absalom 2. Reg. 14. v 25. and Adonias were also very beautiful 3. Reg. 1. v. 6. As for Salomons wisdom or other vertues he perseuered not therin and so he was not blessed for euer Thirdly the prophet here calleth the person of whom and to whom he speaketh God v. 7. 12. Fourtly not only the ancient Fathers and Doctors of the Church but also the Hebrew Rabbins and the Chaldee paraphrasis expound this Psalme literally of the promised Messias and his kingdom the Church 16. They shal be brought into the temple of the king The temple of the king saith S. Augustin is the Church the temple of the king is in vnity the temple of the king is not ruinous not cut insunder not diuided the ioyning of liuing stones is charitie Nothing is more euidenr Attend now the verie temple of the king for from thence he speaketh because of the vnitie spread in the round earth For those that vvould be virgins faithful soules vnles they be brought into the temple of the king the Catholique Church they can not please the bridgrome 17. For thy fathers there are borne sonnes to thee The Apostles begotte thee ô Christian Church they were sent they preached they are the fathers But could they be
these two things haue I heard † That powre is Gods and mercie ô Lord is to thee because thou wilt render to euery one according to his workes PSALME LXII Dauid in banishment with great affection desireth to vnite himselfe with God in meditation 4. purposing and promising euer to praise him 10. prophicieth the vaine endeuoures and condemnation of his enimies and his owne aduancement A Psalme of Dauid when he was in the desert of Iuda 1. Reg. 22. O GOD my God to thee I watch from the morning light My soule hath thirsted to thee my flesh to thee very manie wayes † In a desert land and inaccessible and without water so in the holie haue I appeared to thee that I might see thy strength and thy glorie † Because thy mercie is better then liues my lippes shal prayse thee † So wil I blesse thee in my life and in thy name I wil lifte vp my hands † As with marrow and fatnes let my soule be filled and my mouth shal praise with lippes of exultation † If I haue bene mindful of thee vpon my bedde in the morning I Wil meditate on thee † because thou hast bene my helper † And in the couert of thy winges I wil reioice my soule hath cleaued after thee thy right hand hath receiued me † But they in vaine haue sought my soule they shal enter into the inferiour partes of the earth † They shal be deliuered into the handes of the sworde they shal be the portions of foxes † But the king shal reioice in God al shal be praised that sweare by him because the mouth is stopped of those that speake wicked thinges PSALME LXIII A prayer of the iust reposing their whole trust in God 7. and reioycing that the enimies machinations are frustrate Vnto the end a Psalme of Dauid HEARE ô God my prayer when I make petition from the feare of my enimie deliuer my soule † Thou hast protected me from the assemblie of the malignant from the multitude of them that worke iniquitie † Because they haue sharpned their tongues as a sworde they haue bent the bow a bitter thing † that they may shoote in secretes at the immaculate † Sodanely they wil shoote at him and wil not feare they haue confirmed to themselues a wicked worde They haue talked to hide snares they haue saide who shal see them † They haue search 〈…〉 they haue failed searching with scrutani● † Man shal come to a 〈…〉 and God shal be exalted Childrens arrowes are made their woundes † and their tongues are weakned against them Al that saw them were trubled † and euerie man feared And they shewed forth the workes of God and they vnderstood his doinges † The iust shal reioice in our Lord and shal hope in him and al the right of hart shal be praised PSALME LXIIII. God is rightly praised in Sion and I erusalem in his Church only for his benefites bestowed and promised 8. Vnto which also in the time of grace al nations shal be called To the end a Psalme of Dauid the Canticle of Ieremie and Ezechiel to the people of the transmigration when they begane to goe forth AN hymne ô God becometh thee in Sion a vow shal be rendered to thee in Ierusalem † Heare my prayer al flesh shal come to thee The wordes of the wicked haue preuailed vpon vs and thou wilt be propitious to our impieties Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken he shal dwel in thy courtes † We shal be replenished in the goods of thy house holie is thy temple meruelous in equitie † Heare vs ô God our sauiour the hope of al the ends of the earth and in the sea farre † Preparing mountanes in thy strength girded with might which trublest the depths of the sea the sound of the waues therof † The Gentiles shal be trubled and they that inhabite the borders shal be affraide of thy signes the outegoinges of the morning and euening thou shalt delight † Thou hast visited the earth and hast inebriated it thou hast multiplied to inrich it The riuer of God is replenished with waters thou hast prepared their meat because so is the preparation therof † Inebriate her riuers multiplie her fruites in her dropps she shal reioyce springing † Thou “ wilt blesse the crowne of the yeare of thy goodnes and thy fildes shal be replenished with plentie † The u beautiful places of the desert shal be fat and the litle hilles shal be girded aboute with exultation The rammes of the shepe are clothed and the valleis shal abounde with corne they wil crie yea they wil say an hyme ANNOTATIONS PSALME LXIIII. 12. God vvil blesse the crovvne Vnder the Allegorie of the land of Iurie vvherunto the people of God vvere to be restored after their captiuitie in Babylon the Psalmist here prophecieth greater thinges then can be verified of the temporal state of the Iewes that the militant Church shal stil be blessed from the beginning to the end yelding expected fruict and al the iust that perseuere to the end of their liues shal receiue most happie and glorious revvardes of their laboures As S. Paul after his meritorious trauels confidently expected his glorious revvard vvhen he saide 2. Tim. 4. I haue fought a good fight I haue consummate my course I haue kept my faith Concerning the rest there is layde vp for me a Crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust Iudge And not only to me but to them also that loue his coming And this is called the crovvne of the yeare of Gods benignitie because God of his ovvne benignitie vvithout mans former desert geueth grace and in the end for merite folovving geueth a crovvne of glorie So our Blessed Sauiour according to his fulnes of grace vvhich vvas in his soule and infinite merite receiued a crovvne of glorie in the consummation of his temporal life after the space of thirtie three yeares And our Blessed Ladie the mother of God receiued an ansvverable crovvne to her excellent grace and merites in the consummation of her life at the end of sixtie three yeares In memorie of vvhich numbers of yeares deuout men haue piously instituted certaine formes of prayers called the Crovvnes or Corones of our Sauiour and of our Ladie PSALME LXV The prophet inuiteth al men to praise God for his meruelous workes and benefites donne to the Iewes 7. Who being vngratful 8. Gentiles are called 16. and bring forth better fruict Vnto the end a Canticle of resurrection MAke ye iubilation to God al the earth † say a psalme to his name geue glorie to his praise †
day soeuer I am in tribulation incline thine eare to me In what day soeuer I shal inuocate thee heare me speedely † Because my dayes haue vanished as smoke and my bones are withered as a drie burnt firebrand † I am striken as grasse and my hart is withered because I haue forgotten to eate my bread † For the voyce of my groning my bone hath cleaued to my flesh † I am become like a pellicane of the wildernes I am become as a nightcrow in the house † I haue watched and am become as a sparow solitarie in the housetoppe † Al the day did mine enemies vpbrayde me and they that praysed me sware against me † Because I did eate ashes as bread mingled my drinke with weeping † At the face of thy wrath and indignation because lifting me vp thou hast throwne me downe † My daies haue declined as a shadow and I am withered as grasse † But thou ô Lord endurest for euer and thy memorial in generation and generation † Thou rysing vp shal haue mercie on Sion because it is time to haue mercie on it because the time cometh † Because the stones therof haue pleased thy seruantes and they shal haue pittie on the earth therof † And the Gentiles shal feare thy name ô Lord and al the kinges of the earth thy glorie † Because our Lord hath built Sion and he shal be seene in his glorie † He hath had respect to the prayer of the humble and he hath not despised their petition † Let these thinges be written vnto an other generation and the people that shal be created shal praise our Lord. † Because he hath looked forth from his high holie place our Lord from heauen hath looked vpon the earth † That he might heare the gronings of the fettered that he might loose the children of them that are slayne † That they may shewforth the name of our Lord in Sion and his praise in Ierusalem † In the assembling of the people together in one and kinges to serue our Lord. † He answered him in the way of his strength Shew me the fewnes of my daies † Cal me not backe in the halfe of my daies thy yeares are vnto generation and generation † In the beginning ô Lord thou didst found the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy hands † They shal perish but thou art permanent and they shal al waxe old as a garment And as a vesture thou shalt change them and they shal be changed † but thou art the selfe same and thy yeares shal not faile † The children of thy seruantes shal inhabite and their seede shal be directed for euer PSALME CII Thankes to God for priuate 6. and publike benefites 17. His mercie iustice and other proprieties are immutable 20. Angels and al other creatures are inuited to praise him † To Dauid himself MY soule blesse thou our Lord and al thinges that are within me his holie name † My soule blesse thou our Lord and forget not al his retributions † Who is propitious to al thine iniquities who healeth al thine infirmities † Who redemeth thy life from deadly falling who crowneth thee in mercie and commiserations † Who replenisheth thy desire in good thinges “ thy youth shal be rewed as the eagles † Our Lord doth mercies and iudgement to al that suffer wrong † He made his waies knowne to Moyses his willes to the children of Israel † Our Lord is pitieful and merciful long suffering and very merciful † He wil not be angrie alwayes neither wil he threaten for euer † He hath not done to vs according to our sinnes neither according to our iniquities hath he rewarded vs. † For according to the height of heauen from the earth hath he strengthned his mercie vpon them that feare him † As far as the East is distant from the West hath he made our iniquities far from vs. † As a father hath compassion of his children so hath our † Lord compassion on them that feare him † because he hath knowen our making He remembred that we are dust † man his daies are as grasse as the floure of the filde so shal he florish † Because the spirit shal passe in him and he shal not stand and he shal know his place no more † But the mercie of our Lord from euerlasting and vnto euerlasting vpon them that feare him And his iustice is vpon the childrens children to them that keepe his testament † And are mindful of his commandmentes to doe them † Our Lord hath prepared his seate in heauen and his kindom shal haue dominion ouer al. † Blesse our Lord al ye his Angels mightie in powre doing his word that feare the voice of his wordes † Blesse our Lord al ye his hoastes you his ministers that doe his wil. † Blesse ye our Lord al his workes in euerie place of his dominion my soule blesse thou our Lord. ANNOTATIONS PSALME CII 5 Thy youth shal be renevved as the Eagles Aristotel and Plinie write that an Eagle decayeth not nor euer dieth by old age but the vpper part of her beake st l growing at last h●ndereth her from eating and so she dieth of fam●ne Saadias and other Hebrew Rabbins reporte that an Eagle euerie tenne yeares washeth herselfe ●n the sea as in a ba●h then flying very hiegh burneth her fethers in the elemental fire new fethers growing she becometh fresh as in her first youth t●l at last about an huadred yeares old she is not able to rise from the water and so is drowned S. Augustin more probably affirmeth that in long time her ●e●ke growing long and stopping her mouth that she can not eate she breaketh the vpper hooked part therof against a stone and so receiueth meate and recouereth strength as in her youth But whatsoeuer is the natural propert e of this kinglie birde the Royal Prophet here instructeth vs by the s●nilitude of her long life or by the renouation of her streingth that iust men Gods seruantes are spiritually renouated in Christ the principal rocke on who● the Church al the faithful are built either by receiuing new streingth by his grace in their soules after they are weakened by sinne as S. Ierom and Eu hymius expound this place or by restauration of their bodies glorified in the resurrection as S. Augustin teacheth or by both as most Catholique Doctors vnderstand it For one sense of holie Scripture excludeth not an other Especially when one is subordinate to the other As here these two senses do very wel concurre seing the state of the bodie after the resurrection dependeth vpon the state of the soule at
not returne neithet shal they apprehend the pathes of life † That thou mayst walke in a good way and mayst keepe the pathes of the iust † For they that are right shal dwel in the earth and the simple shal continue in it † But the impious shal be destroyed from the earth and they that doe vniustly shal be taken away from it ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 13. VVho leaue the right vvay Generally this description of wicked men agreeth to al that committe and persist in mortal sinne whether they walked right at anie time before or no but most especially sheweth the properties of heretikes who forsake and leaue the direct ancient beaten knovvne vvay of the Catholique Church and teach nevv obscure doctrines not heard of or not approued in our forefathers time Secondly v. 14 they glorie in their ovvne deuises and reioyce in most vvicked thinges as in seducing multitude of peoples to rebel against their Catholique Princes and other Superiors spiritual and temporal in breaking vovves in despising good vvorkes trusting to only faith and that not the Catholique faith of al true Christians but euerie one his particular persvvasion that himself is iust shal be saued vvhich by their ovvne doctrin none is bond to beleue of an others state but of his owne only In so much that the chiefest point of a Protestants imagined faith is not a general Article which al do or should beleue but a most particular and singular phantasie which each one must conceiue of himself or herself Thirdly v. 16. Heresie called here the strange and forrene woman tempereth her vvordes to please the itching eares of her auditorie framing her doctrine to the humour of those vvhom she seeketh to peruert The same vvich the Apostle saith in other vvordes by svvere speaches and benedictions they seduce the hartes of innocents Fourthly v. 19. Those that do enter into error of heresie shal not returne that is very hardly and rarely returne into the right vvay of life the reason whereof the same Apostle yeldeth because an heretike is condemned by his ovvne iudgement For being in error and admitting no iudge but himself he parteth from the Church excludeth the meanes of better iustruction through his erronious iudgement remaineth in damnable opinion and so in the state of damnation CHAP. III. Wisdom exhorteth to kepe Gods law geuing long life to obserue mercie and truth 5. to confide in God 7. to feare 9. and honour him 11. to take his correction gladly 13. for al good thinges folow wisdom 27. to releue the needie without delay 30. not to contend with the wicked nor to imitate them 33. The euil shal faile and the godlie shal prosper MY sonne forget not my law and let thy hart keepe my precepts † For they shal adde to thee length of dayes and yeares of life and peace † Let not mercie and truth leaue thee put them about thy throte and write them in the tables of thy hart † and thou shalt finde grace and good discipline before God and men † Haue confidence in our Lord with al thy hart and leane not vpon thyne owne prudence † In al thy wayes thinke on him and he wil direct thy steppes † Be not wise in thyne owne conceipte feare God and depart from euil † for it shal be health to thy nauil and watering of thy bones † Honour our Lord with thy substance and geue to him of the first of al thy fruites † and thy barnes shal be replenished with fulnes and thy presses shal runouer with wine † My sonne cast not away the discipline of our Lord neither doe thou faint when thou art chaste●●d of him † for whom our Lord loueth he chasticeth and as a father in the sonne he pleaseth himself † Blessed is the man that findeth wisdom and floweth with prudence † better is the purchasing therof then marchandise of siluer and her fruite then chiefe and the purest gold † she is more precious then al riches and al thinges that are desired are not able to be compared with her † Length of dayes in her right hand in her left hand riches and glorie † Her wayes are beautiful wayes and al her pathes peaceable † She is a tree of life to them that shal apprehend her and he that shal hold her is blessed † Our Lord by wisdom founded the earth established the heauens by prudence † By his wisdom the depthes haue broken forth and the cloudes waxe thicke with dew † My sonne let not these thinges depart from thyne eies kepe the law counsel † and there shal be life to thy soule and grace to thy iawes † Then shalt thou walke confidently in thy way and thy foote shal not stumble † if thou sleepe thou shalt not feare thou shalt rest and thy sleepe shal be sweete † Dread not at soden terrour and the power of the impious falling vpon thee † For our Lord wil be at thy side and wil keepe thy foote that thou be not taken † Doe not prohibite him to doe good that is able if thou be able thy selfe also doe good † Say not to thy frend goe and returne and tomorow I wil geue to thee wheras thou mayest geue forth with † Practise not euil against thy freind when he hath affiance in thee † Contend not against man without cause wheras he hath done thee no euil † Doe not enuie an vniust man nor imitate his waies † because euerie deluder is an abomination of our Lord and his communication is with the simple † There is pouertie from our Lord in the house of the impious but the habitations of the iust shal be blessed † He shal delude the deluders and to the milde he wil geue grace † The wise shal possesse glorie the exaltation of fooles ignominie CHAP. IIII. The wiseman exhorteth others by his owne example to seeke wisdom 14. to decline from the wicked and to imitate the iust 23. to guide wel the hart mouth and feete CHILDREN heare ye the fathers discipline and attend that you may knowe prudence † I wil geue you a good gift forsake not my law † For I also was the sonne of my father tender and as onlie begotten in my mothers sight † and he taught me sayd Let thy hart receiue my wordes kepe my preceptes and thou shalt liue † Possesse wisedom possesse prudence forget not neither decline from the wordes of my mouth † Leaue her not and she wil keepe thee loue her and she wil preserue thee † The beginning of wisdom possesse wisdom and in al thy possession purchase prudence † take quickly and she wil exalt thee thou shalt be glorified of her when thou shalt embrace her † She wil geue to thy head increase of graces and with a noble crowne she wil protect thee † Heare my sonne and receiue my wordes that yeares of life may be multiplied to
and these who hath brought vp I destitute and alone these where were they † Thus sayth our Lord God Behold I wil lift vp my hand to the Gentiles to the peoples I wil exalt my signe And shal carie thy sonnes in their armes and thy daughters vpon their shoulders † And kinges shal be thy nourcing fathers queenes thy nources with countenance cast downe toward the ground they shal adore thee they shal licke vp the dust of thy feete And thou shalt know that I am the Lord vpon whom they shal not be confounded that expect him † Shal a praye be taken from the strong or can that which was caught of the mightie be saued † Because thus sayth our Lord Yea verely euen the captiuitie shal be taken away from the strong and that which was taken by the mightie shal be saued But those that haue iudged thee wil I iudge and thy children I wil saue † And I wil feede thine enemies with their owne flesh and as with new wine so shal they be embrewed with their owne bloud and al flesh shal know that I am the Lord that saue thee and thy redemer the mightie one of Iacob CHAP. L. The Sinagogue shal be diuorced for her iniquities 4. Christ wil omite no ordinarie meanes but for her sake wil indure ignominious afflictions 10. Al which she contemning shal perish THVS sayth our Lord What is this bill of the diuorce of our mother wherwith I haue dismissed her or who is my creditour to whom I sold you Loe you are solde for your wicked deedes I haue dismist your mother † Because I came and there was not a man I called and there was none that would heare Why is myne hand abridged and made a litle one that I can not redeme or is there no strength in me to deliuer Behold in my rebuke I wil make the sea desert I wil turne the floodes into drie land the fishes shal rot without water and shal dye for thirst † I wil clothe the heauens with darknes and wil make sackcloth their couering † The Lord hath geuen me a learned tongue that I may know to stay him vp that is wearie with a word he stirreth vp in the morning in the morning he stirreth vp mine eare that I may heare him as a master † The Lord God hath opened mine eare and I doe not gaynsay I am not gone backward † I haue geuen my bodie to the strikers my cheekes to the pluckers I haue not turned away my face from the rebukers spitters † The Lord God is mine helper therfore am I not confounded therfore haue I set my face as a most hard rocke and I know that I shal not be confounded † He is neere that iustifieth me who shal gaynesay me let vs stand together who is myne aduersarie let him come to me † Behold the Lord God my helper who is he that shal condemne me Loe they shal al be destroyed as a garment the mothe shal eate them † Which of you feareth our Lord heareth the voice of his seruant who hath walked in darkenes and hath no light let him hope in the name of our Lord and leane vpon his God † Loe al you doe kindle a fyre are compassed with flames walke in the light of your fyre and in the flames which you haue kindled of my hand is this done to you you shal sleepe in sorrowes CHAP. LI. God encoregeth Sion to trust in his promised comfort● by example of Abraham 3. For the spiritual Sion the Church of Christ shal receiue much grace by his Euangelical law 12. and her children shal not feare persecution nor be ouercome 23. but her enemies shal faile HEARE me ye that folow that which is iust and that seeke our Lord attend to the rocke whence you are hewen out to the caue of the lake from the which you are cut out † Attend to Abraham your father and to Sara that bare you because I called him alone and blessed him multiplied him † Our Lord therfore wil comfort Sion and wil comfort al the ruines therof and he wil make her desert as delicacies and her wildernes as the garden of our Lord. Ioy and gladnes shal be found in it geuing of thankes and voice of prayse † Attend vnto me ô my people and my tribe heare ye me because a law shal proceede from me and my iudgement shal rest to be a light of the peoples † My iust one is nigh at hand my sauiour is gone forth and mine armes shal iudge peoples the ilands shal expect me and shal patiently wayte for mine arme † Lift vp your eies into heauen and looke downe to the earth beneath because the heauens shal melt as smoke and the earth shal be worne away as a garment and like to these thinges shal the inhabitants therof perish but my saluation shal be for euer and my iustice shal not faile † Heare me ye that know that which is iust my people which haue my law in their hart feare ye not the reproch of men and be not afrayd of their blasphemies † For as a garment so shal the worme eate them and as wool so shal the moth deuoure them but my saluation shal be for euer and my iustice vnto generations of generations † Arise arise put on strength ô arme of our Lord arise as in the old dayes in the generations of worldes Hast not thou striken the proude wounded the dragon † Hast not thou dried the sea the water of the vehement which madest the depth of the sea a way that the deliuered might passe † And now they that are redemed of our Lord shal returne and shal come into Sion praysing and ioy euerlasting vpon their heades they shal possesse ioy and gladnes sorrow and mourning shal flee away † I euen I my self wil comfort you who art thou that thou shouldest be afrayd of a mortal man and of the sonne of man which as grasse so shal wither † And thou hast forgotten our Lord thy maker which stretched out the heauens and founded the earth and thou hast bene afrayd continually al the day at the face of his furie which afflicted thee and had prepared to destroy where is now the furie of the affliction † He shal quickly come going to open and he shal not kil vnto vtter destruction neither shal his bread faile † But I am the Lord thy God which truble the sea and the waues therof doe swel the Lord of hostes is my name † I haue put my wordes in thy mouth and in the shadow of my hand I haue protected thee that thou mightest plant the heauens and found the earth mightest say to Sion Thou art my people † Be lifted vp be lifted vp arise Ierusalem which hast drunken of the hand of our Lord the cuppe of his wrath euen to the botome of the cuppe of drousines hast thou
of my planting the worke of mine hand to glorifie † The least shal be into a thousand and the litle one into a most strong nation I the Lord in the time therof wil sodenly doe it CHAP. LXI Christ announceth himself to be sent from heauen to teach the truth to heale and pardon the penitent to comforte the desolate and streingthen the weake 4. whose Apostles shal constantly preach iustice in al the world 10. And his Church shal reioyce THE spirit of the Lord vpon me because the Lord hath annoynted me to preach to the milde he sent me that I should heale the contrite of hart and preach indulgence to the captiues and deliuerance to them that are shut vp † That I should preach the placable yeare to the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God that I might comfort al that mourne † that I might appoint to the mourners of Sion and geue them a crowne for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning a mantel of prayse for the spirit of sorrowfulnes and they shal be called in it the strong of iustice planting of the Lord to glorifie † And they shal build the desertes from the begynning of the world and shal erect the old ruines and shal repayre the desolate cities that were dissipated in generation and generation † And aliens shal stand and feede your cattel and the children shal be your husbandmen and dressers of the vines † And you shal be called the priestes of the Lord to you it shal be sayd The ministers of our God you shal eate the strength of the Gentiles and in their glorie you shal be proude † For your double confusion and shame they shal prayse their part for this cause shal they receiue duble in their land euerlasting ioy shal be to them † Because I am the Lord that loue iudgement hate robberie in holocaust and I wil geue their worke in truth and make a perpetual couenant with them † And they shal know their seede in the Gentiles and their bud in the middes of peoples al that shal see them shal know them that these are the seede which the Lord hath blessed † Reioycing I wil reioyce in our Lord and my soule shal be ioyful in my God because he hath clothed me with the garments of saluation and with the garment of iustice he hath compassed me as a bridgrome decked with a crowne and as a bride adorned with her iewels † For as the earth bringeth forth her spring and as the garden shooteth forth his seede so shal our Lord God make iustice to spring forth and prayse before al the Gentiles CHAP. LXII The prophet auoucheth that he wil not cease from preaching Christ 4. to whom al nations shal be conuerted 8. whos 's Church shal continew for euer FOR Sion I wil not hold my peace and for Ierusalem I wil not rest til her iust one come forth as brightnes her sauiour be kindled as a lampe † And the Gentiles shal see thy iust one and al kinges thy noble one and thou shalt be called by a new name which the mouth of our Lord shal name † And thou shalt be a crowne of glorie in the hand of our Lord and the diademe of a kingdome in the hand of thy God † Thou shalt no more be called Forsaken and thy land shal no more be called Desolate But thou shalt be called My wil in her and thy land inhabited because it hath wel pleased our Lord in thee and thy land shal be inhabited † For the yong man shal dwel with the virgin and thy children shal dwel in thee And the bridgrome shal reioyce vpon the birde thy God shal reioyce vpon thee † Vpon thy walles Ierusalem I haue appointed watchemen al the day and al the night for euer they shal not hold their peace You that remember our Lord hold not your peace † and geue not silence to him vntil he establish and vntil he make Ierusalem the prayse in the earth † Our Lord hath sworne by his right hand and by the arme of his strength If I shal geue thy wheate any more to be meate for thine enemies and if the strange children shal drinke thy wine wherein thou hast laboured † Because they that shal gather it together shal eate it and shal prayse the Lord and they that carie it together shal drinke it in my holie courtes † Passe ye passe ye through the gates prepare a way for the people make the iourney plaine picke vp the stones and lift vp the signe to the peoples † Behold our Lord hath made heard in the ends of the earth tel the daughter of Sion Behold thy sauiour cometh behold his reward is with him and his worke before him † And they shal cal them The holie people the redemed of our Lord. But thou shalt be called a citie Sought for and not Forsaken CHAP. LXIII Christ is described as a vistorious conquerour ascending into heauen with triumph embrued with bloud 7. For al whose benefites the Prophet rendreth thankes 10. expostulating the peoples ingratitude that prouoked God to wrath VVHO is this that cometh from Edom with died garments from Bosra this beautiful one in his robe going in the multitude of his strength I that speake iustice and am a defender to saue † Why then is thy clothing red and thy garments as theirs that treade in the wine presse † I haue troden the presse alone and of the Gentiles there is not a man with me I haue troden them in my furie and haue troden them downe in my wrath and their bloud is sprinkled vpon my garments and I haue stayned al my rayment † For the day of reuenge is in my hart the yeare of my redemption is come † I looked about there was no helper I sought and there was none to ayde and myne arme hath saued and myne indignation itself hath holpen me † And I haue troden downe the peoples in my furie and haue inebriated them in mine indignation and haue drawen their strength downe to the ground † I wil remember the mercies of our Lord the prayse of our Lord for al thinges that our Lord hath rendred to vs and for the multitude of the good thinges to the house of Israel which he hath geuen them according to his iudulgence and according to the multitude of his mercies † And he sayd But yet is my people children that denie not and he is become their sauiour † In al their tribulation he was not trubled and the angel of his face saued them in his loue and in his indulgence he redemed them and bare them and lifted them vp al the daies of the world † But they prouoked to wrath and afflicted the spirit of his holie one and he was turned to be their enemie and he conquered them † And he remembred the dayes of the world of Moyses and of his people
the most wicked abominations which these doe here † And being entered in I saw and behold euer●e similitude of creeping creatures and of beasts abomination and al the idols of the house of Israel were painted in the wal round about through out † And seuentie men of the ancients of the house of Israel and Iezonias the sonne of Saphan stood in the middes of them that stood before the pictures and euerie one had a censar in his hand and a vapour of a clowde rose vp from the frankincense † And he said to me Surely thou seest sonne of man what thinges the ancients of the house of Israel doe in darkenes euerie one in the secret of his chamber for they say Our Lord seeth vs not our Lord hath forsaken the earth † And he said to me Yet turning thou shalt see greater abominations which these doe † And he brought me in by the doore of the gate of the house of our Lord which looked to the North and behold their wemen sate mourning for Adonis † And he said to me Surely thou hast senne ô sonne of man yet turning thou shalt see greater abominations then these † And he brought me into the inner court of the house of our Lord and behold in the doore of the temple of our Lord betwen the porch and the altar as it were fiue and twentie men hauing their backes against the temple of our Lord and their faces to the East and they adored toward the rising of the sunne † And he said to me Surely thou hast sene ô sonne of man why is this a light thing to the house of Iuda that they should doe these abominations which they haue done here because they replenishing the land with iniquitie are turned to prouoke me and behold they put a bough to their nosthrels † Therfore I also wil doe in my furie mine eye shal not spare neither wil I haue mercie and when they shal crie to mine eares with a lowd voice I wil not heare them CHAP. IX The prophet seing six men by Gods commandment kil al 6. that are not marked with THAV in their forehead 8. lamenteth so great a slaughter 9. and God answereth that their iniquitie may not be longer tolerated AND he cried in mine eares with a lowd voice saying The visitations of the citie approch and euerie one hath a weapon of slaughter in his hand † And behold six men came from the way of the vpper gate which looketh to the North and euerie mans weapon of destruction in his hand one man also in the middes of them was clothed with linnen ga●m●●●s and the ink●horne of a writer at his reines and they entered in and stood by the brasen altar † And the glorie of the Lord of Israel was taken vp from the Cherub which was ou● him to the threshold of the house and he called the man that was clothed with the linnen garments and had the in●khorne of a writer on his loynes † And our Lord said to him Passe through the middes of the citie in the middes of Ierusalem and “ signe Thau vpon the foreheades of the men that mourne and lament vpon al the abominations that are done in the middes therof † And to them he said in my hearing Passe through the citie folowing him and strike let not your eye spare neither haue ye mercie † The old the yong man and the virgin the litle one and the wemen kil to vtter destruction but euery one vpon whom you shal see Thau kil not and begin ye at my Sanctuarie They began therfore at the ancient men which were before the face of the house † And he said to them Contaminate the house ●il the courtes with the slaine goe ye forth And they went sorth and stroke them that were in the citie † And the slaughter being accomplished I remained and I fel vpon my face and crying I said Alas alas alas ô Lord God wilt thou then destroy al the remnant of Israel powring out thy furie vpon Ierusalem † And he said to me The iniquitie of the house of Israel and Iuda is exceeding great and the land is replenished with bloud and the citie is replenished with auersion for they haue said Our Lord hath forsaken the earth and our Lord seeth not † Therfore mine eye also shal not spare neither wil I haue mercie I wil require their way vpon their head † And behold the man that was clothed with the linnen garments that had the inkehorne at his backe answered a word saying I haue done as thou hast commanded me ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 4. Signe Thau vpon the sorchcades Most of the Hebrevv Rabbins as also the Septuagint likevvise ●●u●la and Symmachus translate THAV according to the● g 〈…〉 of the Hebrevv vvord a signe as if it vvere commanded only in general to se●te one signe or other not anie determinate certaine signe or marke on the foreheades of the men that mourne and lament vpon the abominations that are done in Ierusalem But aswel some other Hebrew Rabbins with the Chaldee Paraphrasis as also Theodotion and in maner al other ancient Latin Interpreters whom S Ierom foloweth translate as in the vulgate Edition Signa Thau super frontes virorū gementi●m c. Signe Thau vpon the foreheades of the men that mourne c. That is marke their foreheades with THAY the last Hebrew letter which in the old Hebrew characters vsed euen to ● Ieroms time by the Samaritanes hath the similitude and forme of a Crosse So expressing a particular determinat signe as when the Angel slew the first borne of Aegypt the Israelites houses were distinctly marked with bloud sprinkled on the postes of their dores mystically signifying our B. Sauiours most sacred bloud to be shed for Redemption of man kind so also this letter THAV bearing the forme of a Crosse formed in the foreheades of the mourners signified the Crosse wheron Christ our Lord should dye and redeme vs from si●●e VVhich signe as it was then p●efiguratiue and prophetical so now it is representatiue and commemoratiue of our Redemption made by our B. Sauiour on the holie Crosse That we may truly glorie in Christ and that with our great Apostle S. Paul in CHRIST CRVCIFIED VVith great reason therfore hath the whole Church of Christ singularly estemed and continually vsed this holie Signe of the Crosse in al Di●●ne Mysteries and godlie workes euen from the Apostles time VVitnesses hereof are the ancient Fathers S. Dionyse Ariopagite Eccles Hierarch c 2. reciting the signe of the Crosse amongst other sacred Rites in administration of Baptisme who also c. 5. 6. maketh like mention of the same signe in making Priestes professing of Religious persons Likewise S. Ireneus li. 2. c. 42. describeth the forme of the Crosse S. Iustinus Martyr Dialogo cum Tryphon● shevveth liuers figures in the old Testament of the Crosse Tertullian Aduersus Marcionem testifieth
singing in the window the rauen on the vpper post because I wil attenuate her strength † This is the glorious citie dwelling in confidence that sayd in her hart I am and beside me there is none other els how is she become as a desert the couche for beastes euerie one that passeth by her shal hisse and wag his hand CHAP. III. Ierusalem for reiecting Gods admonitions shal be destroyed 7. Christ being risen from death the Iewes persecuting the faithful shal be reiected miserably destroyed 9. and the Gentils called 11. So his Church shal floorish 13. and at last the Iewes shal be conuerted VVO TO thee thou prouoking and redemed citie the doue † She hath not heard the voice and she hath not receiued discipline she hath not trusted in our Lord to her God she hath not approched † Her princes in the middes of her as lions roarnig her iudges wolues in the euening left nothing for the morning † Her prophets madde men vnfaythful her priests haue polluted the holie they haue done vniustly agaynst the law † Our iust Lord in the middes therof wil not doe iniquitie in the morning in the morning he wil geue his iudgement into light and it shal not be hid but the wicked man hath not knowen the confusion † I haue destroyed the Gentils their corners are dissipated I haue made their wayes desert whiles there is none that passeth by their cities are desolate not a man remayning nor any inhabiter † I sayd Neuertheles thou shalt feare me thou shalt receiue discipline and her habitation shal not perish for al thinges wherin I haue visited her but yet rysing early they corrupted al their cagitations ● Wherfore expect me sayth our Lord in the day of my resurrection til hereafter because my iudgement to assemble the Gentils and to gather kingdomes to powre vpon them mine indignation al the wrath of my furie for in the fyre of my ielousie shal al the earth be deuoured † Because c then wil I restore to the peoples a chosen lippe that al may inuocate in the name of the Lord may serue him with one shoulder † Beyond the riuers of Aethiopia thence shal my suppliants the children of my dispersed bring me a gift † In that day thou shalt not be confounded vpon al thine inuentions wherin thou hast preuaricated against me because then wil I take away out of the middes of thee the loftie speakers of thy pride thou shalt adde no more to be exalted in my holie mount † And I wil leaue in the middes of thee a people poore and needie they shal hope in the name of our Lord. † The remnāt of Israel shal not doe iniquitie neyther shal they speake leasing and deceitful tongue shal not be found in their mouth because they shal feede and shal lie downe and there shal be none to make them afrayd † Prayse ô daughter of Sion make iubilation Israel be glad reioyce in al thy hart ô daughter of Ierusalem † Our Lord hath taken away thy iudgement he hath turned away thine enemies the king of Israel our Lord in the middes of thee thou shalt feare euil no more † In that day it shal be sayd to Ierusalem Feare not to Sion let not thy handes be dissolued † Our Lord thy God in the middes of thee strong he wil saue he wil reioyce vpon thee in gladnes he wil be silent in his loue he wil be ioyful vpon thee in prayse † The triflers that were departed from thee I wil gather together because they were of thee that thou mayst no more haue reproch for them † Behold I wil kil al that haue afflicted thee at that time and I wil saue the halt her that was cast out I wil gather and I wil make them into prayse and into name in al the land of their confusion † In that time when I wil bring you and in the time that I wil gather you for I wil geue you into a name and into prayse to al the people of the earth when I shal conuert your captiuitie before your eyes saith our Lord. THE PROPHECIE OF AGGEVS AGGEVS prophecying in the second yeare of Darius Histaspis king of Persians that is in the 18. yeare after the relaxation from captiuitie of Babylon exhorteth to reedifie the Temple which had bene begune and intermitted promising much prosperitie after the building therof and finally the coming of Christ desired of al nations who by his presence wil glorifie this new temple more then the former built by Salomon and especially prophecieth the glorie of his Catholique Church which shal much excel the Church of the old Testament CHAP. I. The Iewes building to themselues excellent houses are iustly reprehended for not building the Temple of God 10. VVhich is the cause of the barrennes sicknes and other euils 12. VVherupon they vndertake the holie worke IN THE second yeare of Darius the king the sixth moneth in the first day of the moneth the word of our Lord was made in the hand of Aggeus the prophet to Zorobabel the sōne of Salathiel duke of Iuda to b Iesus the sonne of Iosedec the grandpriest saing † Thus sayth the Lord of hostes saying This people sayth The time is not yet come of building the house of our Lord. † And the word of our Lord was made in the hand of Aggeus the prophete saying † Why is it time for you to dwel in embowed houses and this house desert † And now thus sayth the Lord of hostes Set your hartes vpon your wayes † You haue sowed much and brought in litle you haue eaten and haue not bene filled you haue drunke and haue not bene inebriated you haue couered your selues haue not bene warmed and he that hath gathered the wages put them into a broken bag † Thus sayth the Lord of hosts Set your harts vpon your wayes † go vp into the mountayne carie timber and build the house and it shal be acceptable to me and I shal be glorified sayth our Lord. † You haue looked for more and behold it became lesse and you brought it into the house and I puft at it for what cause sayth the Lord of hosts because my house is desert and you hasten euerie man into his owne house † For this cause were the heauens stayed ouer you that they gaue no dew and the earth was prohibited that it yelded not her spring † and I called a drought vpon the earth vpon the mountaines and vpon the wheate and vpon the wine and vpon the oile and what thinges soeuer the ground brought forth vpon men vpon beastes vpon al the labour of the handes † And Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel and Iesus the sonne of Iosedec the high priest al the remnant of the people heard the voice of their God the wordes of Aggeus the prophet as our Lord their
already Praef. Tobiae that the Canon of the Christian Catholique Church is of souereigne auctoritie though the Iewes Canon haue them not Finally wheras these bookes were not canonized in the former General Councels it sufficeth that they are since declared to be Canonical Diuine Scripture as some other partes haue likewise bene which English Protestants do not denie As the Epistle of S. Iames the second of S. Peter the second and third of S. Iohn and S. Iudes epistle of al which Eusebius and S. Ierom testifie that some lerned Fathers doubled sometimes whether they were Apostolical or no. But afterwards the same with these two bookes of Machabees and others were expresly declared to be Diuine Scripture by the third Councel of Carthage can 47. By the Councel of seuentie Bishops vnder Gelasius though by the name of one booke as also Esdras and Nehemias as but one booke Last by the Councels of Florence and Trent If anie further require the iudgement of more ancient Fathers diuers doe alleage these bookes as Diuine Scriptures S. Dyonise c. 2. celest Hierar S. Clemens Alexan. li. 1. Stromat S. Cyprian li. 1. Epist ep 3. ad Cornelium li. 4. ep 1. de exhort ad Martyrium c. 11. Isidorus li. 16. c. 1. Etym. S. Gregorie Nazianzen hath a whole Oration of the seuen Machabees Martyrs and their mother S. Ambrose li. 1. c. 41. Offic. But to omite others albeit S. Ierom vrged not these bookes against the Iewes yet he much estemed them as appeareth in his commentaries vpon Daniel c. 1. 11. 12. S. Augustin most clerly auoucheth li. 2. c. 8. de doct christ li. 18. c. 36. de ciuit that notwithstanding the Iewes denie these bookes the Church holdeth them Canonical And wheras one Gaudentius an heretike alleaged for defense of his haeresie the example of Razias who slew him self 2. Mac. 14. S. Augustin denieth not the auctoritie of the booke but discusseth the fact and admonisheth that it is not vnprofitably receiued by the Church si sobrie legatur vel audiatur if it be read or heard soberly VVhich was a necessarie admonition to those Donatistes who not vnderstanding the holie Scriptures depraued them as S. Peter speaketh of like heretikes ●p 2. c. 3. to their owne perdition Now touching the contentes a great part of the same historie which is written in the former booke is repeted in the second with such varietie of some thinges added some omitted as in the bookes of Kinges and Paralipomenon and as the Gospel is written by the foure Euangelistes Ioyning therfore these two bookes together the Concordance therof conteyneth foure principal partes The Preface the Historie an Appendix the Conclusion But the three former partes are very extraordinarily disposed For the writer of the second booke who doubtles was a distinct person from him that writte the former first of al added an Appendix to the historie written before making mention of two Epistles and reciting the summe of one of them in the first chapter and part of the second as though he meant to haue writte no more of the same matter But then as it may seme vpon new resolution intending to abridge the historical bookes of Iason maketh a preface to his worke in the rest of that second chapter And so prosecuteth his purpose and finally maketh a briefe conclusion in the three last verses of the same second booke The mayne historie conteyneth two special partes The first sheweth the state of Gods peculiar people the Iewish nation from the beginning of the Grecian Monarchie parted after the death of Alexander amongst his folowers of which some did exceedingly persecute the Iewes by diuers both suttle and cruel meanes to the ruine of manie and euen to death and martyrdom of some most constant obseruers of Gods Lawes and true Religion til the warres of the Machabees in the first chapter of the first booke and in the 3. 4 5 6. and 7. chapters of the second booke In the other fiftene chapters of the former booke and other eight of the second are described the battles victories triumphes of the valient Machabees Of which holie warres Mathathias was the beginner and first captaine Iudas the second the third Ionathas and Simon the fourth after whose death his sonne Iohn Hyrcanus succeded Duke and Hieghpriest But because these bookes are intermixed the one with the other wh●soeuer please to read them in order of the historie may folow the direction of the Alphabet letters set in the inner margen beginning with A. at the twentith verse of the second chapter of the second booke to the end of the same chapter Thence procede as the signe of a starre directeth to the next letter B. which is at the beginning of the first booke the first chapter first verse And so in the rest And when the capital letters are ended the smaller wil direct you THE FIRST BOOKE OF MACABEES CHAP. I. King Alexander conquering manie countries erecteth a new Monarchie 6. who dying his chief folowers succeede in seueral kingdomes of the same Monarchie 11. King Antiochus approueth that a prophane schole be setup in Ierusalem 17. subdueth Aegypt 21. inuadeth Iudea entreth by force into Ierusalem spoyleth the temple 25. and killeth manie 30. Two yeares after sendeth an other spoyler who killing manie robbeth and burneth lerusalem 35. fortisieth the towre of Dauid 38. prophaneth al holie thinges 4● commandeth al to committe idolatrie 47. and to forsake the rites of Gods law 52. vpon paine of death 57. He setteth vp an abominable idol in the Temple 60. persecuteth and murdereth those that conforme not themselues to these innouations AND it came to passe after that Alexander Philips sonne the Macedonian that first reigned in Greece being gone out of the land of Cethim stroke Darius king of the Persians and the Medes † he made manie battels and obteyned the munition of al and slewe the kinges of the earth † and he passed through euen to the ends of the earth and tooke the spoiles of the multitude of the Gentils and the earth was silent in his sight † And he gathered powre and an armie exceding strong and his hart was exalted and eleuated † and he obtayned the regions of the Gentils and the tyrantes and they were made tributaries to him † And after these thinges he fel downe in his bed and he knew that he should dye † And he called his seruants the Nobles that were brought vp with him from his youth he diuided his kingdom to them when he yet liued † And Alexander reigned twelue yeares and he died † And his seruants possessed the kingdom euerie one in his place † and they did al put crownes on them after his death their sonnes after them manie yeares euils were multiplied in the earth † And there came forth of them a sinful roote Antiochus Illustre the sonne of king Antiochus
subuersion the wrath of indignation † Now therfore ô my sonnes be ye emulatours of the law geue your liues for the testament of your fathers † And remember the workes of the fathers which they haue done in their generations you shal receiue great glorie and an eternal name † Abraham was he not in tentation found faythful and it was reputed to him vnto iustice † Ioseph in the time of his distresse kept the commandment and he was made lord of Aegypt † Phinees our father feruent in the zele of God receiued the testament of an euerlasting priesthood † Iesus whiles he accomplished the word was made the duke in Israel † Caleb whiles he testifieth in the church receiued an inheritance † Dauid in his mercie obteyned the seate of the kingdom for euer † Elias whiles he zeleth the zele of the law was receiued into heauen † Ananias and Azarias and Misael beleuing were deliuered out of the flame † Daniel in his simplicitie was deliuered out of the lions mouth † And so thinke ye through generation generation that al that hope in him are not weakened † And of the wordes of the sinful man be not afrayd because his glorie is dung worme † to day he is extolled to morow he shal not be found because he is turned into his earth his cogitation is perished † You therfore my sonnes take courege doe manfully in the law because in it you shal be glorious † And behold Simon your brother I know that he is a man of counsel heare ye him alwayes he shal be a father to you † And Iudas Machabeus valiant of strength from his youth let him be to you the prince of warfare he shal manage the battel of the people † And you shal bring to you al the doers of the law and reuenge ye the reuenge of your people † Repay retribution to the Gentiles and attend to the precept of the law † And he blessed them and was layd to his fathers † And he died the hundreth and six and fourtith yeare and he was buried by his sonnes in the sepulchers of his fathers in Modin and al Israel lamented him with great lamentation CHAP. III. Iudas Machabeus punisheth the wicked 10. killeth Apollonius in battel 13. Seron braggeth but is also ouerthrowen 25. Antiochus furiously incensed 29. gathereth money in Persis 32. leauing Lysias viceroy 38. who sending a great armie against the Israelites 42. Iudas and his bretheren commending the cause to God by prayer and penance 54. resolue to fight against their enemies AND Iudas that was called Machabeus his sonne arose in his steed † and al his bretheren helped him and al that had ioyned themselues to his father and they fought the battel of Israel with ioy † And he dilated glorie to his people and put on him a brigantine as a giant and girded about him his warlie armour in battels and protected the campe with his sword † He became like a lion in his actes and as a lions whelpe roaring in hunting † And he persecuted the wicked enquiring them out and such as trubled his people them he burnt with fyre † and his enemies were repelled for feare of him al the workers of iniquitie were trubled and saluation was directed in his hand † And he exasperated manie kinges and reioyced Iacob in his workes and for euer his memorie is in benediction † And he walked through the cities of Iuda and destroyed the impious out of them and turned away wrath from Israel † And he was renowned euen to the vttermost part of the earth he gathered thē that perished † And Apollonius gathered together the Gentils and from Samaria a powre much and great to make battel against Israel † And Iudas vnderstood it and wentforth to meete him and he stroke and killed him and there fel manie wounded and the rest fled away † And he tooke the spoiles of them and the sword of Apollonius Iudas tooke away and he fought with it al his dayes † And Seron capitaine of the armie of Syria heard that Iudas gathered a congregation of the faithful and an assemblie with him † and he sayd I wil make me a name wil be glorified in kingdom wil ouerthrow Iudas and those that are with him that despised the word of the king † And he prepared himself and there went vp with him a campe of the impious strong helpers to doe vengeance vpon the children of Israel † And they approched euen as far as Bethoron Iudas went forth to meete him with few † But as they saw the armie coming to meete them they sayd to Iudas How shal we a few be able to fight against so great a multitude and so strong and we are wearied with fasting to day † And Iudas sayd It is an easie matter for manie to be inclosed in the hand of few there is no difference in the sight of the God of heauen to deliuer in manie and in few † Because not in the multitude of the armie is the victorie of battel but from heauen is the strength † They come to vs in an obstinate multitude and in pride to destroy vs and our wiues and our children and to spoile vs. † But we wil fight for our liues and our lawes † and our Lord himself wil destroy them before our face but you feare them not † And as he ceased to speake he flew vpon them sodenly and Seron was destroyed and his host in his sight † and he pursewed him in the descent of Bethoron euen to the playne and there fel of them eight hundred men and the rest fled into the land of the Phylisthims † And the feare of Iudas and of his bretheren and the dread f●l vpon al the nations round about them † And his name came to the king and al nations told of the battels of Iudas † And as king Antiochus heard these wordes he was wrath in his mind and he sent and gathered the armie of al his kingdom a campe exceding strong † and he opened his treasurie and gaue wages to the armie for a yeare and he commanded them that they should be readie at al assayes † And he saw that money fayled out of his treasures and the tributes of the region smal because of the dissension and the plague that he had made in the land to take away the ordinances that were from the first dayes † and he feared lest he should not haue as once and twise for costs and gifts which he had geuen before with a large hand and he had abunded aboue the kinges that had bene before him † And he was excedingly astonied in minde purposed to goe into Persis and to take the tributes of the regions and to gather together much siluer † And he left Lysias a noble man of the bloud royal ouer the kings affayres from the
S. Greg. ●b●dem :: As the men of Iabes deluded their enimies by aequiuocation so speaking that they were otherwise vnderstood then they ment so the seruantes of God being tempted with concupiscence of glutoni● signified by Naas must deceiue their carnal appetite by promising to satisfie the desire of the flesh but in deede kepe such temperance as they may kil the cōcupiscence and not be killed by it S. Greg. li. 5. c. 1. in 1. Reg. 11. :: The annointed king a 〈…〉 immediatly by God but would haue king to reigne ouer them imagening that so they should be better protected and defended from forraine enemies wherin they preferred their owne conceite and iudgement before Gods disposition and therfore this sinne is often here inculcated and much reprehended S. Greg li. 5. c. 2. in 1. ●● 12. * mi●●tie Samson :: They ●ent that they would not be ruled and protected as hither to they had bene by Dukes Iudges ordained * 〈…〉 ●●ures S. ●reg thunder :: They feared God so much the more because they feared al●o his seruant For sinners to come before Gods face were presumption not to come to his back or to depart from thence were desperation So Marie Magdalen with feare and hope approched taried at Christs back Luc. 7. S. Greg. loco citato :: Saul beginning to reigne was innocent and humble as a child of one yeare :: And in that state reigned the first two yeares S. Greg. in hunc locum :: He offended in offering sacrifice being neither a priest nor extraordinarily allowed to do that office and for this and other faultes was deposed :: Gods foresight of sinne and perordination to punish it taketh not away freewil nor possibilitie of wel doing nor of reward S. Aug. li. 3. c. 4. de lib. arbit :: Ominous speaches are proued by this and some other examples to be sometimes of God though sometimes this kind of obseruation is supersticious As before is noted Gen. 24. :: Pray no more nor expectno longer so they proceded to battel withou sur●●er warrant :: Ionathas was excused by ignorance by necessitie and therfore was iustly deliuered by the people and his father offended in not excep●ing the case of necessitie through more e●g●e zele of reu●ge then he had warrant from God whose answer he would not expect v. 19 :: VVherof folowed also an other sinne that the people fainting for lacke of meate did eate flesh with the blood contrarie to the law :: Before v. 19. Saul would not expect Gods answer now therfore God wil not answer him :: Ionathas was found to haue transgressed the vnaduised cōmandment but Saul him self was in a greatter fault of rash proceding and vndiscrete commanding :: Amalec is stricken when the flesh is chasticed by abstinence :: Destroyed when the mind is restrained from vncleane cogitations S. Greg● li. 6. c. 1. in ● Reg. 15. :: VVhen Saul was humble he was exalted now being proud he is reiected :: By ordinarie sacrifices we geue our external goodes to God by obedience we geue our selues S Greg. li. 6 c. 2. in 1. Reg. 25. :: God is said improperly to repent when he altereth the thing that he did before S. Amb. li. de Nos ca. 4. The third part Dauids annointing his vertues and persecution :: By Gods per mission S. Aug li 2. q. ● ad Sim●l●c●an S. ●eda qq ●n 1. Reg. c. 5. :: Naturally as these men truly iudged musique helpeth some il disposition of humores and draweth also the mind from so vehement apprehension of afflictions but here it semeth more probable that God supernaturally reliued Saul by Dauids playing on the harpe together with his sincere deuotion for more manifest condemnation of the one and instification of the other Glos ordin S. Greg. How Saintes and Prophetes know mens thoughtes :: This bold and impudent chalenger signifieth the diuel or anie arch heretike that prouoketh the Church of God but is ouercome by the humble of hart and confident in God slaine with his owne weapon :: Christ ouercoming the diuel receiued the Church to his spouse S. Greg. * or for and. v. 36. 37. :: He that hath ouercome the spirit of pride and of carnalitie signified by a lion and a beare is able also to ouercome the diuel :: Pride hauing impudencie of the forhead is ouerthrowne by humilitie of Christs crosse whose signe therfore we carie in our forhead S. Aug. li. 50. homil ho. 31. Saul knew no● Dauid being perhaps in a shep wards habue though he had not long besore serued pleased him wel ch 16. v. 21. :: This happened not immediatly after the victorie against Go●ath but when Dauid had dwelt some time in Sauls house and was very gratful to him and to al the court and people :: VVhen the praises of one importe diminishing of an other he that is proud as Saul now was is moued to enuie and malice more and more as the vetrues of the other and his praises do increase :: This statua or image can not importe an idol as the same word teraphim doth Gen 31 for here no idolatrie at al was cōmitted but a right office done by the wife towards her husband The same word also signifieth religious thinges belonging to Gods seruice ●●ee 3. :: Saul and his messengers had not the gift of prophecie as godlie prophetes had by an inherent habite but transitorie as Baalams asse had facultie to speake at one time but did not afterward speake anie more S. Aug. l● 2. q. 1. ad Simplician :: Distinction of common holie bread Also an example of dispensation in case of necessitie :: Dauid most wisely in such distresse fained himself to be a foole By which the Holie Ghost mystically signified that Christ should do such things not of feare but of diuine wisdom as he should be coūted a foole Mar. 3. v. 21. Luc. 23. v. 11. 1. Cor. 1. v. 23 ● Beda Quest in 1. Reg. c. 14. :: Saul vniustly condemning Dauid condemned also al those that iustified him :: Seing so manifest iniustice and crueltie they obeyed God rather then m●● :: By this it appeareth that Dauid consulted God by the high priest and the high priest for this purpose ioyned the priestlie ornament called Ephod to the Rationale and so had reuelatiō from God Exo 18. Leuit. 8. :: Conditionally If thou ●arie here :: A tender cōscience had scruple of a smal doubt which was no sinne a large cōscience sticketh at nothing :: Saul being annointed king by God appointment could not lawfully be slaine by his subiectes without like ordinance from God For though Dauid was also already annointed yet that was not to reigne presently but when Saul should die or otherwise be taken away :: Not a malicious mind such as Saul bore vniustly against Dauid but punishmēt is decreed against Nabal for not only denying a reasonable request but also for so reprochful an
affliction not able to deliuer them selues seeke reuenge by murmuring and other euil speaches but the perfect resolue to rule their tongues d euen to forbeare sometimes from their owne iust defence e though therby they indure more persecution f sorow suppressed maketh the hart to burne with zele and indignation g If it may please thee let me know how long I shal liue desiring to dye as Elias desired 3. Reg. 19. h my life and al that I haue is as nothing compared to thy eternitie i as a shadow or image appearing in a glasse which is quickly forgotte k therfore there is no cause man should be trubled in mind for temporal miseries l Thou hast suffered me to be reproched by the foolish that prosper in this world m I know my tribulation is by thy prouidence o my life decayeth as a spider hauing spent al her moysture p Almen are strangers in this life heauen being our home q that I may recouer spiritual streingth in this life r after which I shal not be in state to do frceworkes of satisfaction nor merite Christs comming and redeming of manking The 5 key a perteyning vnto the new Testament b the faithful of the old and new Testament reioyce in the coming of Christ c Christ by him se●●e and by others preached the Gospel of saluation d the multiplication of Christians therb● e ●● sacrifice of the old testament sufficed ●o satisfie Gods iustice for the sinne of man f Christ by the eare of obedience performed the redemption of man by his death as was determined from eternitie S. Paul for eares ●aith bodie See Annotations Heb. 10. Heb. 10. g The summe of holie Scripture is of Christs Incarnation death for redemption of man h Againe Christ inculcateth the preaching and receiuing of his Gospel in the whole world i In the greatest and wisest congregations of this world Christ concealeth not his mercie and truth So himselfe professed before Annas Caiphas Pilate and their councels S. Paul preached Christ at Athe●s and in manie nations and so the other Apostles For their voice went into al the coastes of the earth k The prophet now speaketh in the name of Christs mystical bodie the Church praying to be made partaker of mercie and to be deliuered from eu●les l the sinnes also of those which beleue in Christ are so manie that they can not be fully sene in particular m I almost faint in considering so manie and so great iniquities amongst those that professe Christ n The whole Church prayeth in the name of al for the infirme members o The prophet foresheweth that the reprobate for their obstinate malice seeking to hurt others shal be confounded p that skornfully say wel wel wishing al euil to good men q which not only in mouth and outward profession but also in sinceritie of hart seeke thee may with confidence reioyce and praise God r Christ speaketh in the name of sinners truly repenting whose sinnes he vndertaketh to redeme and wash away by his passion ſ The faithful of the old testament pray for Christs first coming into this world and the faithful now pray for his second coming to purge his Church and to reward the good Christs Passion and Resurrection The 5 key a Perteyning to the new testament as appeareth by the 10. verse alleaged by our Sauiour This Psalme is also applied by the Church in the office of the sick whom whosoeuer assisteth in that case may hope to haue assistance in their owne like necessitie Io. 13. v. 18. b He is happie that is not scandalized in Christ Luc. 7. v. 23. coming in pouertie and suffering extreme afflictions c He that trusteth in Christ notwithstanding the contrarie motiues of his wordlie miserie shal be deliuered by him in al distresse d Our Lord wil geue to such seruantes more grace in this life and glorie in the next e not suffer him to be ouercome in tentations f when such constant seruantes are sick to death Christ wil most especially comforte and helpe them g Christ in the behalf of his mystical bodie confesseth their sinnes and prayeth for them h After death suffered for mankind Christ riseth and his name and kingdom is glorious i Those that came not of good wil but of malice to obserue Christs deedes and wordes carped at both sometimes saying he taught against the law and against Moyses sometymes that he ●ast out diuels in the powre of Beelse bub k At last they resolued that he should die l But they could not so suppresse his powre for he rose againe in glorie m By our Sauiours application of this verse it is certaine that the traitor Iudas is here described Ioa. 13. v. 18. Io. 11. Act. 1. n in the day of iudgement Christ Iudge of al wil render to euerie one as they deserue o As before in respect of sinners Christ Iudge of al wil render to euerie one so here in his owne person he auoucheth his owne innocencie which made him apt to satisfie for others p For this mercie of Almightie God in sauing the elect by his Sonnes death he is to be praised for euer eternally q Al the blessed agree in this that God is eternally to be praised and therto say Amen So be it so be it Some diuide the Psalmes into fiue bookes supposing the first booke to end here with these wordes Be it be it not obseruing that the last Psalme hath not this ending S Ierom confuteth this opinion by our Sauiours and S. Peters naming it the booke not bookes of Psalmes Luc. 20. v. 42. Act. 1. Moreouer if this were the end of one booke then the Psalme folowing should not be called the 41. Psalme but the first Psalme of the second booke Eternal glory The 10. key a The sonnes of Core repented and departed from their fathers schisme and so escaped miraculosly the horrible pitte of damnation in●o which heir father and his complices fel. Num. 26. v. 10. By which example al seduced and deceiued Christians are admonished not to persist in schisme or other sinnes And wordlie men ●mbicious of honour be warned to desire seke God aboue al thinges first of al the kingdome of heauen ●o be liuing m●mbe●s of the Catholique Church and the iustice therof to seke thinges wh●●h are aboue 〈◊〉 which are vpon the earth lest hel deuoure them as it denoured the complices of Core Num 1● v. 31. b A harte waxing old and burdened with much heare and great hornes draweth a serpent into his nosethrels so being infected with poyson desireth most ardently to drinke and afterwards casteth his hornes and heare and becometh as it were yong againe c with such feruent desire a true penitent feeling himselfe infected with poyson of sinnes seeketh the water of Gods grace d God is omnipotent and in dede the only true liuing God diuels who are honored in idols ca do no more then God permitteth and so they can
supposing me to be like a ruinous or shaken wal that is easily throwne downe g They thinck stil to depriue me of my reward the price of my laboures and merites h but I runne so much more diligently as thirsting after righteousnes in this life and glorie in the next to finish my course i A most dangerous tentation when after threates and crueltie persecutors endeuour by swete wordes and promises to perswaed the iust to fal into sinne k I resolutly purpose not to yeld to anie tentations l Gods faithful seruantes are not only constant themselues but also exhorte and perswade al others as much as in them lieth to serue God and trust in him m Vsing false weightes they defraud one an other n God hauing nce spoken it is most assured o Two especial attributes of God p God is Omnipotent so that he can both reward and punish infinitly q and Merciful that he is readie to receiue al sinners into his fauour if they wil repent and turne vnto him Mat. 16. Rom. 2. 1. Cor. 3. Gal. 6. Dauids deuotion in banishment the 8. key a Holie Dauid made this deuout meditation when he was in the forest of Haret or desert of Ziph 1. Reg. 22. 23. and could not come to the tabernacle of God nor to Ierusalem where he especially desired to be in the inheritance of our Lord which was to him a great affliction As the like is now to Catholiques when they are put in close prison for their faith or otherwise hindered that they can not be present at the most holie and daylie Sacrifice In which ease we must supplie as we may this great losse and comfort ourselues with this or like Psalme or prayer saying O God my God to thee I watch b Euen from the first downing of the morning c my soule thirsteth after thee d yea also my very flesh and whole bodie feeleth great paines by this affliction of mind and desireth releefe and rest e Being now in case that I can not serue thee ô God as I would yet I exhibite myselfe present in spirite before thy holie place f meditating thy powre and thy glorie g This consolation in banishment from thy diuine Seruice is sweeter to me then manie temporal liues or anie worldlie prosperitie h For as the Passions of Christ abound in vs saith S. Paul 2. Cor. 1. so also by Christ our comfort aboundeth i Replenish my soul ô God with the aboundance of thy grace k so shal I be more able to praise thee l Seing in the night also in my bed I meditate of thee m I wil more diligently do the same in the morning n My temporal and spiritual enimies o and they shal be damned for their sinnes p It happened l●terally to Saul that he was slaine in battle which he made against his enimies q and his dead bodie was hung on a wall 1. Reg. 31. exposed to wilde beastes or birdes though it was after wards bu nt and buried r Dauid was presently after Sauls death exalted to the kingdome in figure of Christ whose name and glorie was exalted after the destruction of the Iewes by Pagane Emperours A confident prayer in trih●lation the 7. key a By example of thy former protection b from the conspiracie of wicked men I trust most assuredly in thy helpe c They are resolued to intrappe me d But as they haue failed so 〈…〉 and be ouerreached in their bad counsels as Achitophel 2. Reg. 17. e God hath chosen the weake of this world ●o confound the strong f much merueled seing the wicked so punished g The iust shal be praised for rightly seruing God Conuersion o● Gentiles the 6. key a The seuentie interpreters seing Dauid here prophecie of the peoples returne from Babylou added the names of Ieremie and Ezechiel who being in that captiuitie prophecied the same more largely As likewise these and other Prophetes foresavv in spirite and more especially prophecied the going forth of al nations from Babylon that is forsaking Idolatrie and embracing true Religion ●n the Church of Christ so S. Augustin Eutymius and others b Not in Babylon nor els vvhere but only in the Church praises and vovves are gratful to God c Alnations shal know thee d The wicked are insolent in threatning e but thou mercifully pardoning our sinnes they shal not hurt vs. f They are happie to whom thou hast prepared grace and glorie g The voice of the faithful reioycing in the hope of eternal glorie Rom. 5 h nothing polluted shal enter into heauen Apo. 21. i Thou which art al powreful as appeareth by the huge montaines k seas and other thy workc● l Thou wilt by thy omnipotent powre moue the hartes of obdurate men and so conuert innumerable of al nations to thee m Thou wilt draw manie to thee with ioy and gladnes from the vttermost coastes of the east and weast n God wrought diuers miracles in waters Gen. 7. Exo. 7. 14. 15. Iosue 3. 4. Reg. 5. 6. c. o likewise in prouiding meate for his people Exo. 16. 3. Reg. 17. 4. Reg. 4. 7. c. which were figures of Baptisme Eucharist and other Sacraments of Christ washing from sinnes and augmenting grace p so replenishing the Chureh with most sacred Mysteries q Endewing the Apostles and other preachers with spiritual grace and lerning r continuing the succession of pastores to watter and feede the faithful people ſ God blesseth the whole course or circle of time of the Church militant in this world t and the crowne or happie end of euerie iust persons life vv those vvhich are more eminent shal particularly reioyce in their ovvne and others spiritual progresse in vertue v Euen those which before had only a shew of beautie but in dede vvere barren shal yelde abundant fruict x The principal pastores shal in proportion reioyce aboue the rest for the grace and glorie of al their flocke y the subiectes also and inferior people shal be satiate vvith their happie lotte z Al together prelates and people higher and lovver shal vvith vn forme voice sing praises to God and perpetual hymnes Perpetuitie of the Church S. Aug. Eutym Reward of the iust Sainctes crownes are of Gods benignitie The Corones of our Lord and our Ladie Gentils succede the Iewes the 6. key a Mystical resurrection Gentiles succeding in place of the Iewes b Shew your internal ioy by external wordes and deedes c In drovvning the vvorld in confounding the tongues in Babel in burning Sodom and Gomorrha with brimston in plaging the Aegyptians in drovvning Pharao and his vvhole armie in the read sea in destroying the Chananites and other infideles in punishing the tenne tribes and aftervvards the other tvvo by captiuitie and innumerable other punishments al for sinnes d for vvhich euen the vvicked though not sincerly conuerted yet of seruile feare feaned and falsly promised to amend but performed it not as Pharao afflicted vvith plagues vvas
b no better then bulles with kyne that is captaines and popular people c endeuoring to alienate the constant proued confessors from their faith d A prophecie that manie should be conuerted to Christ in Aegypt and Aethiopia as appeareth by the innumerable multitude of religious Monkes Nunnes in those countries shortly after the Apostles dayes e The like afterwards in al other nations whom therfore the prophet inuiteth to praise God for so inestimable benefites in the whole world f Christ wil come to iudge in terrour of voice and vvith magnificence accompanied vvith holie Angels and other Sainctes Markes of the Church Visibilitie Sanctitie Vnitie Perpetuitie Assured veritie No other pretended Church hath the marke of vnitie or the rest Christs afflictions and victorie the 5. key a Perteyning to the nevv Testament b for gentiles conuerted to Christianitie and from vice to vertue c prefigured in Dauid d Vehement afflictions inuir on my hart e I am as one intangled vvith quickesand or quadmyre in the bottom of a great vva●●● f Our Lord svveat bloud for anguish in his prayer and vvas not deliuered from his Passion neither are his seruantes presently deliuered from tribulations but as is most to Gods honour and their ovvne good Ioan. 15. g Our Sauiour who had no sinne pay de the ransom for al sinnes h O God thou knovvest that this vvhich semeth follie to vvorldlie men is true vvisdom i and though men charge me vvith offences thou knovvest that I am innocent k Suffer not the weake to be scandalized in my passions l The zele of seeking God honour in propagaring and aduancing his Church is the cause of persecution As vve see those are lesse persecuted vvhich haue lesse godlie zele Ioan. 2. Rom. 15. m The vvicked do reproch those that mortifie themselues n The great men and iudges also the drunkards and rascalitie of the people o But I direct my prayer to thee p Expecting the time of thy good pleasure q ●ribulations r Though Christ died and vvas buried and in soule descended into hel yet he could not be holden in his sepulchre nor in limbo but rose againe ſ That they may either be conuerted or confounded and so do no more hurt t Not anie that could mitigate our Sauiours affliction vvould shevv compassion tovvards him ●at 27. v But contrativvise vvhen he complained of thirst they gaue him gal and vinegre to drinke ●an 19. vv A prophecie of the destruction of the Ievves at the time of Pasch vvhen they should think● to eate their paschal lamb vvith ioy ●om 11. x They are also blinde in hart that they vvil not see the truth of Christs doctrine y but bovv themselues to earthlie thinges and vvorldlie gaines euen to this day 〈◊〉 1. z Christ vvhom God of this mercie designed to suffer death for redemption of mankind the Ievves of mere enuie and malice persecuted to death a A prophecie that God would suffer them to fal from one iniquitie to an other b In the end of their liues they shal not be found in the booke of life vvhere they suppose themseelues to be vvritten c The voice of Christ humbling himselfe to death euen to death of the Crosse d from which he rose againe e Deuout praise and thankesgeuing please God more then sacrifices of the most tender calues which vvere othervvise also gratful sacrifices f God doth assuredly comfort al such as are imprisoned for professing the truth g Al the creatures of God h God wil alvvayes establish and protect the Catholique Church i and particular Churches members of the vniuersal shal also prosper k Perpetu●l succession of the Catholique Church Dauids prayer in persecutiō the 8. key a An apt prayer also for the afflicted in the nevvv Testament b from the danger of Absolom 2. Reg. 18. or from anie persecutor c Al men at al times nede Gods helpe d but most present nede in present dangers The rest of this Psalme is conteyned in the 39. Psalme from the 15. verse but there the whole Church prayeth for helpe the world being almost drowned in sinnes here Dauid or other particular persons or peoples pray in their seueral distresses Psal 39. A prayer for perseuerance in vertue the 7. key a Though this Psalme as also diuers others is intitled to or for Dauid it proueth not that some other was the author therof but the Seuentie Interpreters in sinuate hereby that it perteyneth in more particular sorte to Dauid growing old b they adde also the sonnes of Ionadab a most holie familie c who for their singular pietie were suffered to remaine in Ierusalem in the first captiuitie Ierem. 35. d The wordes of Dauid or anie faithful iust person e God of his iustice reuengeth the iniuries Psal 30. done to his seruantes Christ our king Iudge the 5. key a This Psalme is of Christ perfigured by Salomon whose kingdom was most glorious of al the kinges of Gods people for of king Salomon himselfe manie thinges in this Psalme can not be truly vnderstood S. Aug. b O God most blessed Trinitie geue powre and authoritie to the Sonne of Man God incarnate King of al kinges c the Sonne of king Dauid to iudge for mankind against the diuel d Christ paying ransom for al mankind and so man renouncing the diuel and seruing God is iustly not iniuriously deliuered from captiuitie of sion● and of the diuel e A prophecie of the Apostles receiuing powre to preach Christs Gospel of peace and reconciliation of men to God by penance f and of other Apostolical men that folow the●● steppes g Salomon in figure of Christ was for a time a iust and good king h But only Christ not Salomon nor anie other king of that people contineweth or reigneth for euer i The maner of Christs Incarnation most silent swete and gratful k Agane the prophet inculcateth that Christs kingdom his Church shal continew for euer l The Church is not only vniuersal in al times but also in places Isaiae 6● m The three Sages or Kinges which adored our Sauiour and offered gold frankencense and myrrh were the first that fulfilled this prophecie and afterwards Constantin the great and other Emperors Kinges and Princes n Amongst other Ilandes great Bryttannie the greatest of Europe was conuerted to Christ according to this prophecie first some few in the Apostles time Metaphrastes apud Surium Theodoret epist ad Timoth. Sophronius Ser. de Nat. Apost alij More in the time of Eleutherius Lastly our Englisc nation by S. Augustin and others sent by S. Gregorie Mat. ● :: How is this prophecie verified except the Church be alwayes visible o No miracles can be donne but by Gods powre p Aboue al other desires the holie prophet wished Gods glorie and praises in al the earth as it is in heauen q It semeth by this appendix added by Esdras that this Psalme was last composed though not put in the last place
al other nations to erre for their sinnes in their fond phantesies of false goddes reserued the Israelites for his Church e establishing the principalitie therof in Sion f For obtaining and conseruing of Sion from wicked Infidels God ouerthrewe al sortes of contrarie forces g God not only gaue his people temporal victories ouer their enimies but also illuminated their mindes with knowlege of true religion h others are often trubled in mind hearing the truth but are not conuerted through their obstinate follie i VVorldlie men in supine carlesnes as in a sleepe passe ouer this life and afterwards find themselues excluded from heauen for lacke of merites and good workes with the foolish virgins k God vndertaking the defence of his people and threatning the aduerse part l they failed in courage as men ouercome with drowsines of sleepe m Euen from the first notice of thy wil the aduersaries were deiected fearing thy po●e●● wrath n Terrible signes from the firmament appearing before the day of iudgement :: The Prophetes ●● often speake in the pretertence for the assurance of the thinges to come o persecuters and others being terrified shal be astonied and silent p God vvil come to iudge the vvorld more especially for the iusts sake q Men that shal seriously thinke and meditate vpon these thinges vvil praise and thanke God for them r and the effect and svvere repast of such meditation shal make as it vvere a great festiual day in the deuout soule spiritually ioyned vvith God ſ The soule thus inflamed with Gods loue is then apt of gratitude for his goodnes tovvardes man to make vovves of thinges vvherto vve are not obliged t but most necessarie it is to be maturely aduised and not rashly nor lightly to vovv for being once vovved vve are strictly bound to vvhatsoeuer vve haue lavvfully promised And it is great sinne to v●vv vndiscretly v Remembring that for vovves and al other vvorkes vve must ansvver to God vvho is a terrible iudge readie to punish in bodie and soule sparing none for their greatnes not princes nor kinges nor vulgar sorte for al are to him alike Gods special protection of the Ievves the. 4. key a For Idithun to sing or to make tune for it b For the faithful congregation to consider Gods benefites c Hauing heretofore prayed Psal 14● d I haue obtayned e Especially being in tribulation and praying vvith hart and handes lifted vp as vvel in the night as day f I vvas not frustrate of my prayer g I vvas sometimes in such anguish that nothing semed comfortable h but I 〈…〉 d vpon God so firmly i that my spirite came in●o an ex●asie o●●●aunce k I arose early before the ordinarie time of avvay king l my hart being attentiue invvardly I vttered nothing vvith my tongue m I diligently examined my conscience n Assuredly God vvil not reiect for euer but he vvil be pleased with his Church o VVhiles I thus thought I erred greatly novv I see and confesse that God suffereth al calamities for the good of his seruantes p and this I knevv not by my selfe but by the inspiration of God making this change in me by his gracious hand q The progenie of Iacob receiued and nourished in Aegypt for Iosephs sake as his adopted children r The read sea and Iordan felt thy diuine powre and obeyed thy wil. ſ Noise of vvaters meeting after the Israelites vvere passed thunders and lightninges also hapened to the terror of the persecutors though not mentioned in Exodus Ex● 14 By the ministerie of Moyses and Aaron Gods great Benefites bestovved vpon the levves and their ingratitude the 4 key a Commended to Asaph a chiefe musitian that the people might vnderstand and consider Gods benefites b Neither the lavv not the people vvas Dauids but presenting Gods perso n he speaketh in his name or authoritie vvith vvhose inspitation he vvas replenished S. Greg. Prefat in Iob. c. 2. Mat. ●● 5. 35. c Albeit the prophet reciteth historically thinges donne yet the same vvere parables similitudes and figures of other thinges d yea of secret hidden Mysteries obscurly signified in the old Testament and reueled in the nevv e which partly we know by written holie Sriptures f partly by Traditions g God of his mercie without precedent merite raised vp a peculiar people of Abraham Isaac and Iacob h and gaue them a particular law first of Circuncision more largely by Moyses i So Abraham instructed his children and his house after him Gen. 18. k in like sorte others taught their children l For three causes God gaue his law that his people may haue confidence in him he shewing his care to instruct and gouerne them m that they remember his benefites n and kepe his commandmentes o The Iewish nation very often and in great numbers murmured rebelled and committed other great sinnes and therfore Dauid exhorted the people of his time not to do the like And this exhortation perteyneth more especially to Charistianes as S. Paul teacheth 1. Cor. 10. p They first trusting in their owne strength without Gods commandment Num. 14. went forth to batle and were ouerthrowne 1. Par 7 v. 21 ● Par. 7. ●●● q Tanis the principal citie in Aegypt nere the riuer Nilus where Moyses wrought his great miracles 〈◊〉 14. This cloude shadowed them from the heate of the sunne in the day and the fire shined in the night al the time that they were in the desert ſ In mount Horeb and there was continual water in al the campe which occupied nere foure miles in length and breadth t Which naturally wanted water but by miracle had abundance v Not content with Manna they demanded to haue flesh vv Stil incredulous not beleuing Gods omnipotencie they thought that albeit he had geuen them manna and water yet he could not geue them flesh x By bread in general is vnderstood al competent meate vsual for a table y For this incredulitie murmuring and other sinnes God kept the children of Israel fourtie yares in the desert t●l al hat were of age when they came from Aegypt were dead except only Iosue and Caleb z In the meane time amongst other punishments manie mutmurers wo●c burn●●o death with strange fire Num. 11. a Manna made by Angels b God so changed the wind that it brought abundance of quailes and other birdes into their campe Exo. 16. Nu. 11. c Immediately after a moneth for so long they had abundance of these birdes ibid. v. 20. they were striken with a plague and manie died for their concupiscence d The most fresh strong men died and so were hindered from possessing the promised land of Chana an e In fourtie yeares aboue six hundred thousand died f They offered morning sacrifice g But were not sincere in their hartes h Howsoeuer multitudes of people committe great sinnes and are seuerely punished yet Gods mercie preferueth some by his effectual grace and neuer suffereth the
of the Israelites t from the mediterranean sea of Palestin v to the riuer Euphrates Exo. 23. v. 31. Beut 11. v. 24. vv eruel enimies more like to most cruel beastes then to men x yea so cruel as none els in the world are like vnto them y The Prophet now prayeth for the coming of Christ which he saw in spirite z The Church of the old testament in her best state wanted the perfection which the Church of Christ hath a Christ our Messias most commonly calleth by this title The Sonne of man b So thy vinyard can not indure if it be stil afflicted and trodden downe c Christ working by Gods powre redresseth almiseries d The same is the 8. and the 15. verse with litle alteration and here repeted the third time In which we also pray for three thinges first to be purged and conuerted from sinne second to be illuminated by Christ the Image of God Thirdly to be sanctified and saued in eternal glorie to haue the fruition of the most blessed Trinitie Inuitation to celebrate festiual dayes deuoutly the 7. key a This Psalme perteyneth not only to the old testament but also to the new b Gods seruants oppressed with tribulations c to be songue by Asaph a chief master of musike d Make readie al these musical instruments e In the Calendes or first day of euerie moneth in remembrance of Gods prouidence and perpetual gouernment of al creatures :: The feast of Neomenia f and most especial solemnitie in the first day of the seuenth moneth in memorie of Isaac conserued from death in whom God promised Abraham to multiplie his seede and to blesle al nations Gen. 17 v. 21. c 21. v 12. c 22. v. 18. :: Feast of trumpetes g The people of Israel signified by Ioseph as Psal 79. v. 2. :: In memorie of this benefite Pasch was instituted h God deliuered the same people from their vntolerable bondage of carying burdens in baskettes from geathering straw making brickes and other seruitude Exo 1. v. 14 c. 5. v. 7. i The admonition of God to the people k yet after so great benefites thou didst murmure and contradict me Exo. 17. Num. 20. l Seriously admonish thee m Man by free wil may choose whether he wil obey or no. :: The feast of Pentecost in memorie of the lawe n This was an other great benefite to geue an expresse law for their instruction o Obseruing my commandments aske what thou wilt and I wil geue it thee Pom. 1. ● 24. p Very easely q of my freewil and liberalitie without necessitie or obligation r The wicked that promise to serue God and do it not shal be in eternal torments In the meane time God bestowed these benefites vpon them for the iusts sake Admonition to Magistrates the. 7. key a The wordes of the prophet admonishing al magistrates that when they sitte in iudgement or determine anie cause God who is there and euerie where present b attendeth their processe and therfore it behoneth them to be aduised what they doe euen as if they heard God speaking as here foloweth c The wordes of God though not vttered sensibly yet in effect intimated by his law according wherto he wil procede in iudgement against vniust Iudges d Such iudges procede in grosse ignorance not caring to vnderstand but content to walke in darknes e Ye are so euil disposed that you would turne al vpside downe instifying the wicked and condemning the iust f For your office which you participate of me you are certaine goddes vpon earth g But when you die you shal find that you are men subiect to Gods iudgement h yea your punishment wil be greuous and importable for the mightie shal mightely suffer torments Sap. ● i Againe the wordes of the prophet praying God k that eing he is Lord of al he wil iudge al. Persecuters of the Church confounded or conuerted the 6 key a Seing none is like to thee ô God b shew thy powre and maiestie c be not silent d The cruel persecuters are most insolent e and proud f That there be no more anie faithful people g anie Catholiques leift aliue h The progenie of Esau i the seede of Ismael k descending from the elder sonne of Lot l the issue of Abraham by Agar who falsly cal them selues Sarascens as if they were of Sara m People of Gebal a citie of Syria n of the other sonne of Lot o those that first oppugned the Israelites after they were parted from Aegypt Exo. 17. p The Philistians q and Tyrians al nere neighboures and some of them nere akine to the Israelites were their great enimies r Others also coming further of ioyned against Gods people in figure that al heretikes and other infidels conspire together against Catholiques ſ The Psalmist therfore prayeth and withal prophecieth that God wil at last destroy them as he did Madian Num 31. Iudic. 6. 7. t Sisara captaine general v for Iabin king of Asor nere Cisson Iudic. 4. v. 7. 23. w Within the territorie of Manasses Ios 17. which they inuaded x slaine and not buried y These foure princes of the Madianites were slaine by Gedeons forces Iudic. 7. 8. z By foure similitudes the prophet describeth the punishment that shal fal vpon persecuters :: By foure similitudes the prophet describeth the punishment that shal fal vpon persecuters 1. 2. 3. 4. a God by punishing seeketh the conuersion of sinners not their eternal death b But such as be stil obstinate and finally impenitent do perish for euer c God only the creator of heauen and earth is properly called LORD VVhose essential and incommunicable name is VVHICH IS Exo. 3. v. 14. 6. v. 3. Eternal glorie the 10. key a For men afflicted in this vale of miserie b By the children of Core not being musitians but porters in the temple 1. Par. 26. S. Augustin here and in other titles of Psalmes vnderstandeth the faithful children of Christ c The glorious mansions in heauen which God hath prepared for the iust d Vehement desires do sometimes depriue vs of external sense e The mind reioycing in hope the bodie is also recreated releeued and reuiued which before was dulle and heauie f As sparowes by natural instinct seeking habitations finde houses to dwel in g and turtles haue nestes wherin to lay their young ones so faithful soules seeke to dwel in heauen and in the meane time to lay vp good workes within the Catholique Church out of which sayth S. Augustin in this place how good soeuer workes do seme as when paganes and heretikes feede the hungrie cloth the naked receiue strangers into their houses visite the sicke comforte prisoners being not laid in the nest conculcabuntur conterentur non seruabuntur non custodientur they shal be trodde vnder foote they shal be bruised in peeces they shal not be conserued they shal not be kept but
that such workes may be profitable and be conserued they must be donne in true faith in the Catholique faith in societie of the vnitie of the Church h VVorkes are good and rightly laide vp when they are donne in vnitie and participation of Gods Altares the most proper places of Diuine Seruice of external Sacrifice in this life and spiritual sacrifice of per●ect praises in eternal glorie whereal Sainctes without ceasing sing Holie holie holie Lord God of hoastes Isaiae 6. Apoc. 4. i The Catholique Church k The iust by Gods grace and helpe may resolue to ascend by steppes and degrees from vertue to vertue v. 8. euen to heauen l though he be now in this vaile of teares by reason of mans sinne who otherwise was before sinne in paradise a place of delight m Christ our lawgeuer n geueth abundance of graces o with continual increase p but our only omnipotent God is to be senne by this effect of his grace in the Church and not elswhere q Agreably to this the Church maketh al her petitions concluding al prayers By Christ our Lord. r In respect of the future retribution which euerie one shal receiue according to their desertes one day in Gods Church is better then thousands out of it ſ And better to be in the poorest state of Catholique Christians t then in greatest palaces or hieghest dignities amongst sinners v The Diuine wisdom so vseth mercie and veritie that neither may preiudice the other vv and so geueth grace in this life x and glorie in the ●ext y Besides innocencie conserued without sinne there is also innocencie after remission of sinne of which the prophet here speaketh Incarnation of Christ the 5. key a God bestowed manie great benefites vpon the people of Israel b he brought them out of the bondage of Aegypt c Remitted their manifold sinnes d pardoned also a great part of due punishment e As thou hast soared thy peculiar people so we besech thee ô God creator and general Sauiour of al mankind f mitigate thy wrath towards vs al g Til God first shew his mercie sinners lye dead in guilt of sinne but by his grace they are sturred vp and quickned h and ioyfully returne to God i The wordes of the prophet k signifying that God had reueled vnto him the redemption of mankind l Not al men are iustified and saued but those that are hartely and sincerely conuerted m Though al be not saued because manie wil not cooperate to Gods grace yet very manie hauing the feare of God which is the beginning of godlie wisdom freely accept of Gods mercie and so ●he Church is gloriously propagated n VVheras Gods mercie would saue al and his truth or iustice requireth that sinnes be duly punished by Christs Passion and death sufficient satisfaction is offered for al sinnes and tho●e that wil be partakers by penance and conformitie to Gods law may haue remission o and so iustice is obserued and peace made betwen God and his subiects p Integritie of conscience reigneth in good men q God sending iust meanes from heauen to saue them r God geueth grace ſ and so men yeld fruict t Yea they walke in iustice and right path of Gods law A prayer for continual grace the 7. key a A forme of prayer for king Dauid and for anie faithful person b There be sundrie iust causes which moue God to heare our prayers c first our necessitie requireth Gods helpe d Secondly because we professe and promise to lead a holie life e Thirdly because we trust and hope in God f Fourtly because we perseuere in prayer g Fiftly if we pray with attention of mind h Sixtly because God of his owne nature is benigne readie to bestow benefites i Seuently he is meeke to remitte offences k Eightly he is merciful to mitigate the punishment to those that make recourse vnto him l For these causes we pray as foloweth m Vocation of Gentiles n They shal come by faith o and glorifie God by good workes Mat. 5. v. 17. p Cofession of praise q From the state of eternal damnation r In performing al promises ſ A digression vsual to prophetes of Christs Empyre and Kingdom the Church geuen to him being the sonne of an immaculate virgin the handmaide of God t The chief and principal signe of Christs and his Churches glorie is his Resurrection praefigured in Ionas v VVherby al enimies are confounded either to their conuersion or to eternal damnation See 6. Augustin The Catholique Church glorious the 6. key a Christs Church was first founded in Ierusalem on whitsunday Act. 2. in mount Sion which hath two toppes in one of which the Temple stood in the other Dauids towre o● palace b The Prophet in the person of Christ saith he wil commend vnto his Apostles and other Apostolical men that they conuert al nations as our Sauiour gaue expresse commission and commandment Math. 28. Luc. 24. v. 47. Act. 1. v. 8. c naming here Raab which is Aegypt and Babylon d The Philistims Tyrians Aethiopians e the rest shal be regenerate in this Church which for the assured certaintie therof after the prophets maner of speaking is affirmed in the pretertence as if it were then donne f It shal be reported or one shal say to an other Loe this and that man al these and al these men are regenerate by Baptisme in the Church of Christ g God himselfe Christ God and Man founded this Church h The multitude of the elect is so great that only God knoweth the number i and the qualities of al sortes of Princes Prelates and Peoples k Great spiritual ioy with peace of conscience is in true Christian Catholiques in the militant Church but the blessed haue the most absolute secure ioy of al in the Church triumphant A prayer in long affliction the 7. key a An instrument of musike apt for lamentable songues Not expressed in the title of anie other Psalme Perhaps because this Psalme mixteth not anie consolation with mourning as other Psalmes do which are also prayers in affliction As the 30. 53. 63. 73. b Neither is this word in anie other title It is added here to admonish vs that as this Psalme and some others were songue by two quires one answering the other so we must in answer and imitation of Christ suffer long and great afflictions with patience seing he in his passion was leift without ordinarie cōsolation c By some interpreted his bretheren For Christ saith S. Augustin voutchsaffeth to make them his bretheren which vnderstand the mysterie of his Crosse and not only are not ashamed therof but also faithfully glorie therin d I haue cried to thee very often both by day and by night e I am almost dead f Accounted as dead and readie to be buried g If I were dead I should be free from these afflictions Especially it agreeth to Christ who was free yea of infinite
powre amongst the dead h Myn enimies haue endeuored not only to beleue me of temporal life wherby I should goe into limbus but also to kil my soule spiritually wherby I should descend into the lower hel of the damned i Thy iust wrath also ô God hath excedingly afflicted me k O God deliuer me whiles I am yet liuing for I may not looke for extraordinarie and miraculous helpe as to be raised againe after death l When I shal be dead buried I can not denounce thy praises as now I can to mortal men m Much lesse shal the damned praise thee in eternal perdition n As wel young o as waxing elder I haue bene stil afflicted p My miserable estate hath alienated al freindes neighboures acquantances from me The Church of Christ neuer faileth the 6. key a Otherwise called Idithun 1. Paral. 25. or rather Ethan who was very wise mentioned with others to whom Salomon is preferred for wisdom 3. Reg. 4. v. 31 and signifieth strong applied here to those that are strong in assured hope of Christs promises notwithstanding it semeth sometimes to the weake that his promises are not performed b In al generations c The heauens shal rather fal then Gods truth fa●le Mystically in the Apostles and by their preaching the Church of Christ is built for euer d Dauids seede conserued til Christ was borne of his virgin mother and in his spiritual seede his kingdom the Church is for euer conserued Otherwise not verified of Dauids temporal kingdom which decayed in the captiuitie of Babylon and is now wholly destroyed e The Angels f The prophet aludeth to the plagues and miracles in Aegypt and in other enimies g Conuersion of Gentiles h VVhether God punish as with the left hand i or bestow benefites as with the right hand al is to his glorie and according to mercie and truth k They are spiritually happie that do thus consider of Gods meruelous procedings praise the same and reioyce therin l powre and kingdom :: Thus God promised to establish the kingdom of the Iewes in Dauid and his familie 1 Reg. 16. 2. Reg. 5. and other places which was performed a● in a figure but more fully in Christ Act. 13. v. 22. * I vvil not lie m Christian iust soules as the sunne n and as the perfect or full moone See the first Tome page 716. S. Augustin also expoundeth this verse in the Anagogical sense of the iust after the Resurrection in glorie where the soule shal be like the sunne and the bodie which now is mutable shal be like the moone not as now alwayes changing but as the ful moone alwayes perfect :: God hauing promised al the aforsaide the prophet in the person of the weake lamenteth that the contrarie shal happen as wel in the temporal kingdom oppressed by the Assirians Babylonians Persians Grecians and Romanes as in the Church impugned by innumerable sortes of Heretikes and other Infidels o Amongst manie pensiue thinges this one word doth comforte vs thy promise remaineth thou hast not denied to send Christ but differred him p From the use of Sacrifice and Sacraments wherby sinners were wount to be cleansed :: The Psalmist prayeth and prophecieth that God wil respect the weaknes of man maintaine his Church in mante natiōs saue manie soules q As though Christivere changed and turned from vs. r So we wish and pray that al may blesse and praise thee Amen Though Christians do sinne yet Christ loseth not his Church Hard places explicated by the cleare Gods Promises to Dauid were not fulfilled in Salomon but in Christ Defectes in the lewes supplied in the Gentiles Man rightly created fel by sinne into miseries the 2. key a Some Expositors thincke Moyses was the author of this Psalme and of the tenne next folowing But others hold that Dauid vvas author of al and that Moyses his name is here put in the title by Esdras because this Psalme is like to the prayer of Moyses vvhen the people prouoked Gods vvrath by their sinnes in the desert And because mans creation fal punishmēt and Gods mercie to vvards him are here described which Moyles first vvritte as going before the vvritten lavv And that Moyses made not this Pialme is probably gethered by the 10. verse where the ordinarie age of men is described to be in streingth and vigore senentie yeares or of some fourscore and the greater part of the one or the other is in labour and sorovv And it is euident Deut. 34. that Moyses liued in al an hundred and tvventie yeares and his eye was not dimme neither vvere his reeth moued So Aaron Iosue and others commonly liued longer then is here mentioned But Dauid vvas old and impotent at seuentie yeares 3. Reg. 1. S. H●larion liuing neere seuentie yeares in his heremitage S Remigius gouerning the Church of Rhemes seuentie yeares and the like are accounted to haue bene ful of dayes and such as liued longer are reputed extraord narie Agane it is more euidenly proued that Moyses vvas not author of the 94. and 95. Psalmes b Alwayes from the beginning of the world to the end c The Prophet sheweth that the world was created in and with time not eternal d And that only God is eternal e God hath often saide that he vvould not the death of sinners but rather that they be connerted and liue for euer f Though some liued long none for al that did reach to a thousand yeares yet it is nothing before God and in respect of eternitie g The youth of man quickly passeth h old age can not last long vvherof cometh our English prouerb A young man may dye sovvne an old man can not liue long i Sinne the cause of shortnes of mans life * Seculum k Mans life as brickle as a spiders vveb or mans life vvasteth continually as a spider vvasteth her self by spinning and consuming her ovvne substance l These numbers literarly shew the shortnes of the longer sorte of mens liues Mystically seuen signifie the rest after laboures of this vvorld and perteyn to the old testament eight signifie the revvard in the resurrection perteyning to the nevv testament VVhich multiplied by tenne a perfect number make seuentie and eightie VVhich ioyned together make an hundred and fiftie The number of al these Psalmes m These numbers literarly shew the shortnes of the longer sorte of mens liues Mystically seuen signifie the rest after laboures of this vvorld and perteyn to the old testament eight signifie the revvard in the resurrection perteyning to the nevv testament VVhich multiplied by tenne a perfect number make seuentie and eightie VVhich ioyned together make an hundred and fiftie The number of al these Psalmes n It is of Gods milde prouidence that mans life is short for that manie if they vvere sure or had probabilitie to liue long vvould presume to sinne more o Seing God of his iustice punished al mankind for one sinne of our first
for the assured certaintie therof f As wel the worshippers of grauen or painted images of Iupiter Mars Bacchus and the like as the worshippers of the same imagined false goddes shal be confounded g The Catholique Church h And al particular Churches members of the vniuersal i Praise our Lord Christ who is sanctitie it selfe and sanctifieth others The Church in al nations The 6. key a Prefiguring Christ who hath made his saluation knowen in al nations b A new benefite of grace making men new in spirite requireth a new songue of gratitude c Raised vp himselfe from death d Made his grace effectually knowen by raising men from sinne and deliuering them from the powre of the diuel e Some of the Iewes conuerted to Christianitie Rom. 11. f In voice Cantate exultate psallite g In hart h In instruments i Christ directeth and disposeth al thinges rightly in this world k And wil accordingly geue iust sentence in the end Christ our Messias the 5. key a Though manie enimies do rage and impugne Christ b though the whole earth be trubled thervvith yet Christ vvho sitteth Lord ouer the highest Angels Cherubins and Seraphins obteyneth the victorie reigneth and doth his vvil in al the earth c Requireth discretion d in fauour of thyn elect people e Hebrevv Doctors expound this of the Arke in the old testament but the Doctors of the Church vnderstand Christs humanitie in the holie Eucharist f Here it is euident and S. Augustin sayth this place taketh avvay al doubt that Moyses vvas a Priest against those that for maintaining the heresie of Laiheadshippe denie it ● 23. in Leuit. g By example of their praying and obtaining the Psalmist confirmeth his prophecie that Priestes of the new Testament shal pray and obtaine mercie of Christ for the Church h God reuenged the machinations made against them punishing the rebellion of chore Dathan and Abyron Num. 16. Christs humanitie is his footestoole adored in the Eucharist S. Ambrose S. Augustin The receiuers of the B. Sacrament do sinne if they do not adore it One Creator of al thinges The 1. key a of praise b Not only Iewes but also al Gentiles c God eueryvvhere present yet more peculiarly heareth his suppliants praying in the temple or place dedicated to his seruice d He only whom we serue as our Lord is the only God and there is no other e Peculiar dedicated place as v. 2. f As God is alwayes merciful in geuing and promising g so he is euer faithful in performing Instruction to gouerne the 7. key a These tvvo capital diuine vertues are euer ioyned in al Gods vvorkes for both vvhich experienced tovvards him selfe the Psalmist rendereth thankes and praises b I wil do myn endeuoure to knovv the immaculate vvay c vvhich I can not do but by thy grace coming vnto me For by helpe therof I did as folovveth d That is al and euerie one thus wickedly disposed I abhorred e I kept such vnder as a seruant or slaue f Prospered not gotte no benefite by me g Speedely and without delay I cutte of al disordered people h that others might not be corrupted by them The fift penitential Psalme the 7. key a Euerie petition is a prayer b and that which procedeth from more feruent affection is called a crie though it burst not out into clamoure nor perhaps into anie voice at al. For God saide to Moyses praying in mere silence but vvith vehemencie of spirite Exod. 14 VVhy criest thou to me c Though sinne prouoke Gods wrath because we by sinning turne from him and not he first from vs yet we pray God not so to leaue vs but to geue vs new grace that by humilitie and penance we may returne to him and not dye in sinne d Mans dayes and al his workes are nothing worth but vanish like smoke so long as he is in mortal sinne e yea his best workes as if he geue almose fast pray and dye for the truth yet al those auaile nothing 1. Cor. 13. but are f like dryed stickes or chippes fitte to kindle the fire g My soule separated by sinne from God withereth as grasse that is cutte from the roote h because I haue lost al sauour and appetite to spiritual meate i In this miserable state k I am as bones and flesh cleauing together without moysture or radical humour l I fled from conuersation of men for sorow and shame of my sinnes m as a crow that only flieth by night or as an owle or batte n Also as a sparow hauing lost her mate remaineth mourning and solitarie in the accustomed nest ornere vnto it o Those that were wont to praise or flatter me now are as sworne enimies against me p Bread sauoured to me no better then ashes q and drinke gaue me no comfort but stil I wept r I am most especially aflicted because thou art angrie ſ In that thou didst sometime aduance me in prosperitie t my fall is so much greater and more grieuous v As a shadow declineth to nothing and al becometh darknes when the sunne and other light departeth euen so I that am but a shadow decline to mere darknes when thy fauoure parteth from me w and I lose my beautie as grasse cutte from the ground withereth x But I am meruelously comforted considering that thou our Messias the Sonne of God art immutable for euer y and thy memorable promise of redeeming mankind wil haue effect in al generations z Thou rising to helpe who semedst to haue forgote wilt protect the Church and euerie faithful soule a because thou hast differred long b and because the time by thee designed semeth to approch c Men that shal heare thyn Apostles preach shal proue good and fitte matter for the building of thy Church d and the simplest poore people as it were the earth or dust e shal participate of this mercie f Besides those Iewes that shal beleue in Christ much more the Gentiles shal feare and serue him g His glorie is so euident that al kinges know it though al be not conuerted h Of holie Patriarches Priestes Prophetes and of al true penitents i That shal be made a new creature in Christ k The faithful people of the Church according to their habilitie endeuour to serue Christ l Grant me time and meanes to be mature in vertue in this life m Be changed in qualitie Heb. 1. n The Church of Christ perpetual Gratitude for Gods benefits The 7. key a Inspired to Dauid and written by him b Shew forth praises and thankes c al my cogitations affections senses and powres d The first benefite of grace is remission of sinnes e the second is curing euil habites or dispositions f The third to conserue from falling againe g the fourth to geue victorie and reward in abundant measure h The fifth to grant al lawful petitions temporal and spiritual which are good for the soule i
blesse and pra●e God for euermore The definition of Idolatrie Diuers sortes of Idolatrie Angels honored as goddes Men liuing or dead Corporal creatures sensible and without sense Imagees of false goddes Imagees them selues reputed goddes Idolaters are voide of reason And seruants of diuels ●sal 95. ●5 A prayer with praise of God the 7. key a I am induced to loue God b because he alwayes heareth my prayers c So long as I shal liue d VVhen serred like a stray sheepe from thee the paines of death e and the danger of hel-torments both due for sinne inuironed me and I was not ware therof f But by tribulation falling vpon me I came to knowe my dangerous estate g turned to thee and prayed as foloweth h Afflicted with tribulations i I wil endeuoure to please God in the congregation of those that liue herein grace and in heauen in glorie Thankesgeuing for our Redemer the 5. key a I beleued that God would helpe me b therfore I freely professed that I trusted in him For then in dede faith is perfect when we confesse with mouth that which we beleue in hart c I was vehemently afflicted in tribulations This in the Hebrew is ioyned to the next Psalme before d In the middes of my great affliction I professed that al mans helpe is vaine false deceipful and defestiue and therfore our trust must be in God only e Considering that God hath not only geuen and bestowed manie great benefites vpon me and al mankind but also hath rendered good for euil mercie for our sinne● we h●u●●g rendered euil for good what now shal I render sayth a true penitent for al that he hath thus rendered to me deseruing so euil f Considering that God hath not only geuen and bestowed manie great benefites vpon me and al mankind but also hath rendered good for euil mercie for our sinne● we h●u●●g rendered euil for good what now shal I render sayth a true penitent for al that he hath thus rendered to me deseruing so euil g Seing I am not able to render anie thing worthie of Gods fauoure to me yet I wil do that I can I wil gratfully accept his great benefite the cuppe of Christs passion which he d●uunke for mankind h and wil praise and cal upon his name i I wil pay voluntarie vowes k for Gods glorie and edification of others l yea I wil offer my life and suffer death when Gods glorie shal require it in whose sight the death of Sainctes is precious and most highly esteemed m Alvvayes vnderstood that such as suffer persecution be in good state of then soules the true seruantes of God n the children of the Church his handmaide o Deliuered me from captiuitie of sinne p In the Church of the faithful The Church of Christ in alnations the 6. key a Not only some but al nations of the Gentiles b and al Ievves Christs Redemption being abundantly sufficient for al are inuited to praise God Rom. 15. v. 11. c Because he hath multiplied his mercie to vs Gentiles to vvhom he made no promise d and most truly performed his promise made to the levves Christ beneficial Mysteries are celebrated by his Church the 6. key a Let vs praise God for his goodnes in making vs of nothing geuing vs manie benefites b and remitting our sinnes Psal 105. 106. 135. c Let the Church of the nevv testament especially confesse his goodnes vvhich hath receiued more mercie and grace d Let al the Clergie praise God novv in the time of more grace and of greater spiritual functions e Yea let the Whole bodie of the Church al that feare and serue God praise his mercie f As wel spiritual as temporal g Though innumerable oppose and endeuour to hurt me saith the Church or anie iust person h yet by Gods povvre not by myn ovvne I am defended and they punished and so the iust hath the victorie and triumpheth i In great troopes and furie k vvith sharpe though shorte force and vvith special noise to terrifie me but in God I ouercame al l I vvas sometimes by vehemencie of tentation declining to sinne m but Gods grace assisted and strengthned me n The same vvord right hand thrise mentioned signifieth the B. Trinitie Also Our Lord signifying Christ in his humanitie the chief instrument of God is here often repeted to signifie the singular efficacie therof o God chastiseth his children p because he vvould not that they should dye eternally So he punisheth as a father not as an enimie q The Prophet novv speaketh in the person of iust soules requiring spiritual doctrin and foode r and promising to serue God ſ An euident prophecie of Christ vttered by the Royal Psalmist and novv confessed by euerie Christian that our Sauiour reiected by the Ievves is neuertheles the builder of his Church by ioyning the tvvo peoples of Ievves and Gentiles as tvvo vvalles into one house t God ordayned this acceptable time of grace Mat. 21. ●● 20. Act. 4. I●m 9. 1 Pet. 2. v The songue of the Hebrevv children vvhen Christ entered Ierusalem vvith palmes of triumph and acclamations w The voice of Christ and his Apostles and other Clergie blessing the people as they desire x This was fulfilled when Christ was brought with bowes of palme and other signes of triumph from Bethania y through the whole citie euen into the Temple and vnto the Altar Mat. 21. z Our first chife and final dutie is to praise God v. 1. vlt. Perfect iustice is in keping Gods law the 7. key The obscuritie of this profound and Psalm appeareth not to the vulgar reader S Augustin differred the explication of this Psalme Omitted to d 〈…〉 e one difficultie At last made 32. sermons in explication therof S. Ambrose writte 22 sermons vpon this Psalme King Dauid a great master of moral doctrin VVhy this Psalme was composed in order of the Alphabet VVhy eight verses are begunne with euerie letter S Basils iudgement that this Psalme conteyneth the argument of manie Psalmes Other expositors of this Psalme S. Ieroms interpretation and explication of the Hebrew Alphabet Idem Proem lament 1. Cor. 13. * God in himself Most of these letters haue also other significations And are diuersly explicated by S. Ambrose S. Beda and others VVherby we may lerne though we vnderstand no more that holie Scriptures are ful of mysteries as S. Ierom calleth this and hard to be vnderstod Gods lavv especially commended in this Psalme 14 Symonyma signifying the lavv of God Gods grace necessarie in euerie good vvorke It enableth freevvil to merite This title vvas added by the Septuagint to admonish vs that this Psalme conteyneth that singular maner of praising God signified by the two Hebrevv vvordes Allelu ja as before Psal 104. a VVhereas al without exception desire to be happie and blessed b they are indede happie according to the perfectest happines of this life that are immaculate c and they
and long The name Cedar is interpreted blackenes and obscuritie which signifieth darkenes of error and sinne g The wicked afflict those that geue no cause of offence Gods protection the 3. key a Towardes Ierusalme and towards heauen b Al helpe cometh from heauen that is from God who of his diuine ordinance especially heareth prayers made in holie places 3. Reg 7. c The iust speaketh and wisheth wel to his owne soule Especially the vvhole Church reioyceth in Gods assured protection d The militant Church e Prosperitie f nor aduersitie can ouerthrow the Church g spiritual life Ioyes of heauen promised to the iust the 10. key a Diuers Prophetes told the Iewes in captiuitie that they should returne to Ierusalem Al Prophetes Christ also and his Apostles and Priestes preach the entrance and ioyes of heauen to the iust Al vvhich the Psalmist savv in prophetical spirite and reioyced b The Ievves cōsider that sometimes they vvere ioyful in the Temple of Ierusalem Christians reioyce in the comforte they haue in the militant Church c Communitie and participation of spiritual graces is a great ioy to Catholiques vvherof the ●am● Prophet speaketh Psal 118. v. 6● and often elsvvhere d Al the tvvelue Tribes frequented Ierusalem e and al nations of the vvorld do come to the Catholique Church f Seates of Iudgement vvere placed in Ierusalem g and seates of Iudgement in the Catholique Church h of Christ i Christ exhorteth to a●ke k and promiseth to geue that is rightly asked Christians also inuite each other to pray for the Church Matt. ●● v. 22. l Christ prayeth for his Church m and gaue his peace to the Apostles and in them to their successors n For in heauenlie Ierusalem al good thinges are prepared are geuen to Sainctes reigning there foreuer A pra●e● in afflict o● the 7. key a Seruantes expecting necessaries at their masters handes are commonly very attentiue to receiue that vvhich they hope for so must the faithful praying God be very attentiue and not distracted in their prayers b An other example of handmaides who generally are more diligent then men c Though God suffer his seruantes to sustaine some affliction and reprech yet he heareth and deliuereth them before they be oppressed d Seing persecution stil increase or continevv long the faithful are then specially to conceiue hope of speedie ●●l e●c Gods protection the 3. key a If God had not sent his helpe and defence to vs b we could not haue escaped the force of our enimies c The vvord perhaps doth not here import a doubt or vncertanitie but in modest maner of asseueration leaueth the iudgement of the euent that should hapen if God did not protect his seruantes to their ovvne consideration vvhich is an vsual phrase in most languages d So sudainly should the vveake vvithout Gods protection be destroyed as men are deuoured svvalovved vp by rauening vvild beasts euen before they be throughly dead So vvas Ionas svvalovved into the vvhales bellie e Furious persecution f Suddaine great trubles g Mans subteltie often deceiueth an other man but there is no counsel able to circumuent God Gods protection the 3. key a Th●se that confidently trust in God are in such securitie as is mount Sion vvhich is a hil defended also vvith other hilles round about b An other thing required to this securitie is to dvvel vvithin Ierusalem not the terrestrial citie for as S. Augustin obserueth the levves that dwelt therin are destroyed or made captiues and hitherto reiected of God but in the Catholique Church c God wil not alwayes nor finally leaue his seruants in tribulation but only a vvhile for their good d This prayer is also an asseueration for it is certaine that God wil defend and reward the good and right of hart e And no lesse assuredly God wil punish not only the notorious wicked and principal auctors of wickednes but also al those that for feare or for commoditie or for anie other cause decline into obligations bondes couenants or anie vvay consent in external shew with the wicked against God as in outward profession of Heresie or Schisme though such temporizers do not thincke in their hart that the pretended religion is true wherto they are drawne to yeld external conformitie For as the Psalmist here teacheth our Lord wil bring al such accessarie offenders to the same iudgement and punishment vvith the principal vvorkers of iniquitie f Al vvhich being punished then Ierusalem the Catholique Church shal haue peace The deliuered from captiuitie reioyce the 7. key a The Ievves released from captiuitie vvere excedingly and almost incredibly comforted as men for great and vnexpected sundaine ioy thinke it rather a dreame then a truth that they are deliuered from miseries So S. Peter vvhen he vvas deliuered out of prison by an Angel thought it rather a vision then a true deliuerie Such spiritual ioy deuoute soules haue vvhen they are deliuered from sinne Act. 1● b VVheras in the tvvo former verses and very commonly the Prophet speaketh in the preter tense for the assurance of that he foreshevveth as if it vvere already donne yet here he vt e●e●h his prophecie in the future tense that the Gentiles wil confesse that God dealeth magnifically vvith his people c The people also themselues gratfully confesse that God dealeth magnifically vvith them d The Prophet forseing al this in spirite prayeth for the performance hereof e And that it may spedely be done as a torrent that runneth in the south part of the vvorld is commonly very great much desired but scarse expected f This is the ordinarie disposition of God that his seruants shal make their seeding vvhich is doe good vvorkes saith S. Augustin vvith teares in tribulation vpon earth g and reape a plentiful haruest the revvard of their suffering and vvel vvorking in the next life In assured hope vvherof the Psalmist and the vvhole Church joyfully conclude this Psalme vvith the tvvo verses folovving Gods helpe in al good vvorkes the 3. key a God not permitting Dauid to build the Temple promised that his sonne should build it and therfore besides other good admonitions geuen to his sonne Salomon he directeth this Psalme to him to be songue vvith others in the dedication of the Temple 3. Reg. 8. 2. Par. 5. b Vnlesse God be the principal Agent no vvorke can prosper c It is vaine to atempt anie thing vvithout Gods grace assisting d they that so doing thincking they haue done something rest e after their painful trauel must rise againe beginne anevv because that vvhich they seme to haue done vvel is nothing vvorth nor shal haue revvard f Contrarivvise vvhere God geuing grace those that truly loue him do good vvorkes g vvith great ease and dilight as they take their sleepe h they merite inheritance in heauen i for their good vvorkes k the revvard is promised to the true children of God borne to him in the
his se●u●ce before vvorldlie cares b In one Sonne of Man Christ is saluation saith S. Augustin and in him not because he is the sonne of man but because he is the Sonne of God c He saith not that the spirit or soule shal turne into the earth but the soule shal depart from the bodie and so euerie one in whom worldlie men put their trust shal according to the bodie returne into his earth Gods excellencie in creating and gouerning the vvorld the 2. key a It is good to sing Psalmes of praise to God b A prophec●e of the estaurat●on of Ierusalem after the captiuitie c Remitteth sinnes to the penitent d Besides experience of euerie one that shal behold the firmament in a clere night the holie Scripture Gen. 15. v. 5. sheweth that the starres are innumerable to man For albeit P●olomaey other Astronomers numbereth certaine more notorious starres which serue especially for some knowlege in the science of Astronomie numbering 349. such in the Zodiach 316. in the South part therof and 360. on the North part which are in al 1025. Yet al acknowlege that no man can come nere to anie probable coniecture of the whole number nor is able to attaine anie perfect knovvlege of their natural influences and special proprietes And therfore the Psalmist proposeth here the admirable and vnsearchable knovvlege of God who both most exactly knovveth the number e and so perfectly their nature that his diuine Omniscience geueth to euerie starre a proper name according to their singular differences and proprieties f Thinges subiect to Gods knovvlege and vvisdom are innumerable g Al these and the like benefites do shevv Gods imcomparable greatnes vvisdom and goodnes h Both sacred and prophane auctors testifie that rauens seing their yong ones either vvithout fethers or to haue vvhitish vnlike to theirs as suspecting that they are not their ovvne birdes but of some other kinde leaue them destitute of meate therfore God the auctor of nature and conseruer of al kindes of creatures by his special prouidence feedeth them either by a certaine dew hanging nere them in the ayre as Isidorus supposeth or by litle beastes or flees sent by Gods prouidence vvhich they catching into their mouthes are nourished and brought vp as S. Chrysostom teacheth ser in Heliam or by vvhat other meanes soeuer al agree that yong rauens are neglected by their parents and are fedde meruelously by Gods ordinance by vvhich example the Psalmist shevveth that much more God hath care of men especially of Ho. in hunc Psalm such meu saith S. Chrysostom as honour him vvith hymnes and praises vvhom also he hath called to be his peculiar people and his ovvne portion or inheritance Gods prouidence especially tovvards the Church the 6. key a Ierusalem in the latter part of Dauids time al the time of Salomon and part of other kings reignes til the captiuitie had peace prospered Againe after the captiuitie the Citie was repared the Temple reedified and the whole land receiued and enioyed manie blessinges But al this was no more then a figure of the excellent benefites here prophecied and more euidently verified in Christs Catholique Church partly here militant in the whole world and especially in the glorious Ierusalem and Sion the perfect vision of peace and contemplation of God in eternal life The Hebrews ioyne this Psalme vvith the precedent b In comparison of other cities and peoples of the world the gates of Ierusalem were strongly fensed c and the citizens blessed much more the Church of Christ is built vpon a fure rock her faithful children indued with al spiritual graces and most of al heauen it ●●l●● is free from al danger of calamitie and the Sainctes are most secure most happie enioying eternal fruit on of God d Hath geuen peace in thy borders e and the very best corne and al other fruictes wine oyle milke honey and the rest Allegorically in the Church reconciliation with God by remission of sinnes and peace of conscience in the Sacraments of Baptisme Penance vvith the most spiritual food of Christs Bodie and Bloud in the Eucharist and graces of other Sacraments In heauen most assured peace and ioy without end f This perteyneth most specially to Euangelical doctrine preached g and quickely receiued in al the world Rom 10. v. 18. h Snow nourisheth the earth making it vvarme by Antiperistasis as is euident in natural Philosophie i and noysome ayre is changed into clere vveather In the Church by penance austere life men are purged from sinnes and vices euil spirites are also driuen avvay If your sinnes shal be as scarlet they shal be made vvhite as snovv and if they be redde as vermilion they shal be vvhite as vvool Isa●e 1. v. 18. k Yea some that are hardned in sinne as yse or chrystal shal be melted broken or made fitte to be ingraffed in Gods Church So S. Peter vvas admonished by a vision Act. ●0 v 1● to kil and eate Othervvise vvithout Gods grace geuing remorse and sorovv no man can ouercome his ovvne vices m But Gods vvord preached n and his grace touching mens hartes o innumerable are conuerted p The Church only enioyeth these spiritual benefi●es q Considering that al mankind vvas in the masse of sinne and that God letteth manie iustly perish those to whom he geueth his grace to iustification are specially bond to praise him r And therfore the Prophet concludeth this Psalme and the rest folovving vvith Alleluia Our Creator to be praised by al creatures the 2. key a Al ye heauenlie spirites praise God for the excellencie of your nature b And for your innumerable multitude c Al creatures wanting sense or reason shewforth the Maiestie and excellencie of their Creator d Againe God is to be praised for the diuersitie of stares in men wherby the whole communitie is conserued gouerned e God only no false imagined god made disposed al thinges in order f More especially for that God hath so fortified his Church g Sanctified children h that by grace and free wil which he geueth them approch vnto him i Al this considered the Psalmist concluding with Alleluia inuiteth al to praise our Lord. The Church must euer praise God the 6. key a God our Lord whom al creatures are bond to praise only accepteth those mens praises that liue in his holie Church b eternal rest c Hieghest praises of God shal be continually vttered by Sainctes in glorie for stil as praises passe by their tongues and mouthes more like praises shal succede from their throte and hartie affection so out of the abundance of the hart their mouth shal stil speake Gods praise d Glorified Sainctes shal also haue iudiciarie povvre First al in general shal like and approue Gods iustice in punishing the vvicked Secondly the vvicked shal be iustly condemned in comparison of the blessed vvho passed through and ouercame the like yea and greater tribulations
praised her she returneth al the praise to him d Praying him to come and stil remaine vvith her e Acknovvleging him to be the only Sauiour of both old and nevv testament a The Synagogue prosecuteth her prayer desiring Christs Incarnation b Christ admonisheth vvordlie men not to molest those that serue him in contemplation other spiritual vertues c Angels and other Sainctes of the triumphant Church admire the beautie of the C●n●les conuerted which is also vnderstood of euerie holie soule ascending from this world into heauen And more singularly of the most glorious virgin mother of God f The Church of Gentiles reioyceth in the strong defence vvhervvith her Sauiour hath established her g Keepers of this vinyard vvere the Prophetes and Apostles and their Successors are stil the kepers therof h Christ shevveth that together vvith the pastors himself especially hath care of his Church alvvayes assisting the visible gouerners therof vvith his inuisible grace i The vvhole Church militant vvel contented yea desiring Christs Ascension into heauen for the good of al that here serue him prayeth him from thence to send abundance of his grace that vve may ascend the high mountaines of perfect charitie and zele of Gods honour that he vvil make our soules such hilles the garden of al vertues so voutsafe to dwel therin Amen d The Synagogue of the Iewes was corrupt vnder the tree of Christs Crosse when they cried Crucifie him Crucifie him And againe His bloud be vpon vs and vpon our children Againe VVe haue no King but Caesar c. e Christ againe sheweth his affection towards his Church of the Gentiles calling her his owne sister and the Synagogs sister promising and bestowing on her manie excellent benefites Both the auctor auctoritie of this booke were sometimes doubtful The same doubt is of Ecclesiasticus It is most probable that Philo a Iew writte this booke collecting manie sentences of Salomons Argum. lib. Reg. Fiue Sapiential bookes of the old testament Chap. 7. 8. 9. The Iewes denie these bookes to be Canonical Mat. 22. Exo. 3. They are iudged by very manie ancient fathers and afterwards defined by the Church to be Canonical Scriptures Et li. 17. c. 20. ●●●● The contents Diuided into three patts The 1. part An admonition to loue and practise iustice 3. Reg. 3. Isa 56. 2. Par. 1● :: Mortal sinnes are not only committed in dedes vvordes but also in though tes :: He that maliciously curseth s●u●sed of God ●al 5. v. 22. :: Be not cause of your owne eternal death by euil life :: Desperate death deliuereth not the wicked from calamities :: Neither are an●e damned vvhile they are in th●● life :: But sinners not repenting being et●●nal 〈…〉 them 〈…〉 〈…〉 be 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 be after death fal to these prophane thoughts and speaches of infidelitie :: Of infidelitie touching paine or reward after death procedeth the Epicures life :: Infidels are not content to liue in riote but doe also enuie and persecute the iust vvhose good examples vexe their mindes sturred therto by the diuel :: An euident prophecie of the Iewes malice persecuting our Sauiour Fulfilled by the chief Priestes Scribes and Ancientes recorded dy the Euangelists Mat. 27. v. 41. Mar 14. v. 53. Mat. 27. v. 43. :: vvant of beleuing diuine Mysteries namely the reward of the iust punishmēt of the wic ked is cause of dissolute life and of hatred against the good :: Temporal death of the iust is the way to eternal life vvhere damnation called here the tormēt of death shal not touch them :: For albelt Martyrs seme in the eyes of the vnwise to dye or to be extinguished they passe in dede into eternal and vnspeakeable glorie Chap. 5. v. 4 Mat. 13. v. 43. :: Al the iust shal approue Gods iudgmēt condemning the wicked :: Literally is vnderstood that the wiues of adulterers often become adultresses their children wicked Morally their sensualitie al their vvorkes are wholly corrupted * See S. Ierom. in Isa 56. v. 4. :: Chastitie of the bodie is a singular great vertue spiritual chastitie of true faith and religion is greatter and more generally commended as the roote and fundation of al vertues For vvithout faith it is vnpossible to please God :: VVhen soeuer the iust dieth it is profitable for him dying yong his immaculate life is more commendable then old age in the wicked v. 16. :: The damned shal be vvithout al excuse vtterly confounded in their owne consciences Gods prescience d●●th not preiudice mans free wil. ●tl 17. ● 30. ciuit :: VVicked men in their false conceipt iudge the trauels of the iust to be vaine fructles :: Repentance of the damned is only for the losse paine whereinto they are fallen not of loue towards God or vertue nor of hate towards sinne therfore is fructles bringing no comforte nor helpe at al but euerlasting torment and anguish of mind Chap. 3. v. 2. Pro. ●0 v. 19. :: For the certaintie of thinges that shal be Prophetes do very often speake in the pretertence of thinges to come as if they vvere already past :: As the ioy of the blessed so contrariwise the miserie of the damned is meruelous great for euer vnchangeable Eccle. 9. v. 18. :: Al powre is from God therfore to be respected though the magistrates sometimes abuse their auctoritie Rom. 1● v. 1. :: As euerie ones charge is more or lesse so his account is easier or har der and the punishment if he offend smaller or greater S. Gre. ho. 9. in Euang. :: VVisdom is attained by this gradation and so from first to last a resolute desire ioyneth faithful soules to God v. 21. The second part VVisdom procedeth from God and is procured by prayer :: The perfectest children are borne in the beginning of the tenth moneth :: Children in the mothers wombe are as in slepe :: Salomon whose sayinges are here recited praied for wisdom obtained it 3. Reg. 3. 3. Reg ● v. 9. :: God first gaue him grace to desire wisdom before al other thinges as he explicateth plainly cap. 8. v. 21. :: Salomon was a most excellent Philosopher :: Proper Epithetons of the spirite of wisdom :: See the Annotation Prouerb 1. v. 2. Heb. 1. v. 3. :: God the increated wisdom is infinite and wisdom created is also most excellent amongst Gods giftes 3. Reg. 3. Prou. ● :: This is also the speach of Salomon recited by the writer of this booke :: Of Salomons wisdom riches glorie renowmed fame not only the bookes of Kinges Paralipomenon but also our Sauiour doth witnes Mat. 6. 12. :: It is not certaine that Salomon hath immortal glorie but rather by immortalitie is here vnderstood that his glorious fame remaineth to the end of this world :: Neuertheles wisdom of her part geueth life and glorie euerlasting to al that perseuere to the end of this life :: It is
:: Reasonable soules if they folow reason and al sensible soules doe in their maner praise the prouidence of God in vsing al creatures to that end for which they were treated :: Man at first recemed original iustice by losing wherof we al fel into original sinne :: God gaue a precept to man to be obserued for exercise of his obedience so to be rewarded and vnder paine of punishment if he transgreded ●en 2. Rom. 13. :: Perseuerance in vertue to the end is necessarie which none can merite :: But must stil pray for it :: Al creatures according to their substantial forme in general were created together though they were afterwards formed in particular kindes as they are distinctly recited in Genesis with the order ornaments of the world S. Aug. li. 4. c. 33 34. de Gen. ad litter VVhere he expresly affirmeth that this Scripture was written by inspiration of the same spirite of truth wherby Genesis was written Psal 89. v. 10. 1. Cor. 11. :: They pray alwayes that pray at certaine conuenient times And stil haue intention so to frequent the same exercise al their life S. Aug. Epist 121. c. 9. ad Probam Luc. 18. 1. 1. Thes. 5. :: The best remedie against great sinnes is to auoide smal ones and not to contemne the least but diligently to amend al. 3. Reg. 11. Ios 22. :: That this document perteyneth to common conuersation with worldie men appeareth by the next verse But to reuele secrete sinnes to a spiritual father in sacramental confession is necessarie vvholesome and secure It is al●o very commendable and most lawful in holie religious Societies vvhere they willingly for their owne spiritual good submitte themselues to such a godlie rule L●uit 1● Mat. 15. Iac. 3. :: False pretence of pietie is hypocrisie :: And in a Superior to oppen his ovvne secrete fault to his subiects is pusillanimitie :: Discretion auoideth both by concealing and reueling faultes as reason directeth and iustice requireth Eccle. ● :: He that taketh reptchension in good part when he is faulty meriteth pardon and when he is not faultie he satifieth for his other sinnes and meriteth reward :: His intention is ful of guile that flattereth by shew of loue and of praise but he wil detract so much the more in the end reproch thee when he may gette probable aduantage against thee Prou. 12. Exo 23. Deut 16. :: VVisdom is to be shewed in vvordes and deedes vvhen it may profite others :: To conceale faultes so they be amended is most conuenient :: As a serpent deceiptfully approcheth stingeth the bodie so al sinnes inuegle and hurt the soule :: It is a signe that he is guiltie who contemneth freindly admonition :: He that truly feareth God wil diligently examine his ovvne actes defectes when he is vvarned :: As walles of stone built in the frost so riches or good name vniustly gotten wil not cōtinue long :: Senseles or bad talke is tedious to al good men :: VVordes that may edifie are gratful to al godlie eares :: VVicked men condemning the diuel or anie other wicked do in dede condeme them selues And to them agreeth that sentence of our Sauiour By thyne owne mouth I iudge thee naughtie seruant Luc. 19. :: Contempt ignominie is the worldlie punishment of the slouthful besides his eternal damnation at the day of iudgement Mat. 25 ● 30 :: In this and other places is not vnderstood a foole that by defect of natural vvitte is ignorant or an ideote but he that is voide of grace ful of malice and wickednes For the wicked life of such a one is worse then his death v. 12. Gen 50. Prou. ●3 Prou ●● :: A true freind wil not be lost for temporal damage no● danger :: But the vices of derision reproch and the like violate al freindshipe with wise and good m●n Ps 140. :: Man being weake and the enimie suttle strong he is not able to resist tentations without Gods special grace for which the vvisman therfore prayeth instructing al by his example to do the same :: Precepts how to gouerne the mouth and tongue :: Against rash vntrue vnlawful swearing Iere. 4. Mat. 5. :: In oathes God is called to witnes as he that can not lie but b●a●phemie attributeth th●t to God which perteyneth not him or attributeth to some creature that which only belongeth to God and so is a contrarie sinne to vnlawful swearing :: Both are mortal sinnes :: Admonition against sinnes of the tongue :: Reproch to parents and other neighboures :: Against couetousnes :: Fornication :: Adultrie Isa 29. :: Seing earnal adultrie shal be seuerely punished much more spiritual as schisme heresie and apostasie from Catholique Religion Leui 20. Deut. 22. :: Diuine wisdom the Second Person of the B. Trinitie begotten not created praiseth it self According to the phrase of speach Iere. 51. v. 14. The Lord of hostes hath svvorne by his soule that is by himself :: God offereth his grace but forceth not anie to accept it :: Creation is not here taken in the strict signification but for diuine production in that God the Father by vnderstanding begetteth God the Sonne As likewise the Father and the Sonne by loue produce the Holie Ghost :: in the Church only is effectual grace Psa ●●● :: The more grace any hath the more he desireth and receiueth :: In Dauids progenie God preserued the kinglie state til the captiuitie and the estimation of the royal bloud vnto Christ But in al this Dauid was a figure of Christ VVho sitteth in the Throne of honour absolutly for eu●● Ios● 3. :: Three very commendable thinges :: Other three detestable :: Nine happie thinges in this life Iac. 3. :: Al happines in this life is grounded in the feare of God :: The description of heresie vnder the figure of a wicked woman whose malice is secretly couered vnder pretence of truth and ●●●●●● Prou ●● :: Layheadshi●e in spiritual causes is so vnreasonab le and absurde that ●●w heretikes 〈…〉 ure it :: An vnqu●●● life dep●iu●th a man of much comforth and therfore continual peace ●● as a duble life :: As whe● o●●n mo●e the yoke o● their necke● doth moue withal so a wicked woman to witt● heresie can not rest nor let others rest quiet :: The Catholique faith is the ground al al vertues :: Those that kepe innes or ailehouses are alwayes talking as willing to please al but in much talke wanteth not sinne Prou. 10. v. 19. 1. Tim 6. :: The soule is kept in good state by fearing God :: After that sinne is purged there remaine reliques in the soule as dust in a siene vvhen the chaffe is cast out til it be more purged or washed Psal 50. v. 4. Prou. 27. VVhether the sunne shineth forth or not it is alvvayes light so is a vvisman alvvayes vertuous vvhetherit appea●● outvvardly or no. A foole or vvicked man hath
spiritual Et cont Mend. c. 1● ●●●ym in P●al 1●7 VVhy God would haue them obscure Isai of noble lineage and a mar●i● prophecied a long time Presat ad Paul Lusto Is called the Euangelical Prophet Hewritte in a high stile S. Ie●o Epist ad Pa●●●● Et in com Isa● S. Aug. ●● 18. c. 27. ●u●t lib 9 c. ● con●●●● Heb. 1. Liued in the kingdom of Iuda The contents diuided into two general partes and into eight particular 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The first part The kingdom of Iuda shal be captiue in Babylon for their ingratitude towards Gods and other sinnes :: Not A●●s the third of the lesse prophetes for this name is written in other letters in Hebrew but one of the royal bloud as S. Ierom. testifieth :: Prince Priest and people are al sicke of ingratitude against God other iniquities :: Ierusalem defaced and destroyed :: God continually preserueth some holie seede that his Church neuer faileth Rom. 9. :: Much wickednes reigned in Ierusalem before their captiuitie in Babylon but much more at Christs passion when they persecuted him euen to the Crosse and his disciples and al christians til their citie was taken by the Romanes and the whole nation dispersed :: The Rabbins vnderstand those Iudges and Priestes that gouerned the people after their deliuerie from captiuitie but S. Ierom expoundeth this and the like places of the Apostles and their success●●s :: It is not only certaine but also euident that the prophet speaketh here and in innumerable other places of the Church of Christ which is the citie set vpon a mountaine Mat 5. vnto which al nations are gathered a●d al the time of the new Testament is called the last houre 1. Ioan. 2. because no time shal folow after this but al eternitie :: The Iewes were reiected after Christs death before which they were stil conserued though often seuerely punished And so now the Church of Christ shal neuer be reiected no● :: It is most absurde and contrarie to this and other Scriptures that Protestants seyne of great idolatrie in the Christian world for a thousand or more yeares together professing Christs name Religion and yet continually committing as these new masters imagine grosse idolatrie :: This was fulfilled first in the captiuitie of Babylon and more notoriously after Christs passion in the destruction of Ierusalem and dispersion of the Iewes euen to this day and yet forward til nere the end of this world :: An Ecclesiastical preacher must not flatter the people He must moue teares sayth S. Ierom not laughter Apoc. 1. :: By the metaphor of wemen S. Ierom vnderstandeth the cities of Iurie of which Ierusalem was the head and Sion the chiefe place there of al which were defaced by the Babylonians but more fully destroyed by Titus and Vespatian fourtie yeares after Christs Passion :: After the reduction of heathnish or heretical people to catholique religion there wil be great want of spiritual pastors :: Not al the Iewes that escaped temporal death in the destruction of Ierusalem but those only shal be eternally saued that beleuing shal be baptized and liue wel :: Isaie of the tribe of Iuda here prophecieth the doleful songue which Christ vttered weeping ouer Ierusalem fore seeing foretelling their destruction Luc. 19. v. 41. Mat. 21. :: Al this sheweth that God only subtracting his protection no man nor people is able to stand of whose ruine God is not the auctor but only permitteth that they fal into sinnes and so into other miseries :: An admonition to celebrate festiual dayes with ●oly religious exercises and not to folow drunkennes nor other wicked or vaine thinges Rom. 12. :: Greuous sinnes must be greuously punished Such as was the sinne of the Ievves persecuting Christ 4. Reg. 15 2. Par. 26 :: Neither Isaie nor Moyses nor anie other mortal man did euer see God in himselfe but only shadowed Yet the wicked calumniously accused condemned and put Isaie to cruel death vpon pretence of blasphemie for saying that he saw God VVhich he otherwise said not but couered by the vvinges of the Seraphimes Origen in hunc locum S. Ierom. Tradi Hebraicis in Paral. Apoc. 4. Rom. 1● :: Isaie was not only an Euangelical but also an Apostolical prophet with whom God here treateth and procedeth as with an Apostle saying VVhom shal I send and the prophet answering Send me God sent him saying Goe c. S. Ierom in Pro●mio Isais Mat. 23. :: Before this the kinges of Syria and of Israel had taken king Achaz in battel and caried avvay great spoyles 2. Paral. 28. But presuming to do the like againe God suffered them not to preuaile My stically this signified that heretikes of diuers sectes conspire together to impugne the Catho like Church VVhich they do much afflict and terrifie but can neuer ouerthrow i● S. Ierom in hunc lo●●● 4. Reg. 16 :: Though Achaz vvas very vvicked and committed idolatrie 4. Reg. 16. 2. Par. 28. yet he beleued in God Almightie knovving that he ought not to tempt him :: Vpon occasion of Gods mercie promised vvithout mans desert which king Achaz hardly beleued to confirme the same with a farre greatter example God inspired the Prophet also to forshevv the greater mysterie of Christs Incarnation his conception birth of a virgin for the redemption of ●l mankind Luc. 1. 4. Reg. 19. :: The mysterie here prophocied is of so great importance as would require a very great booke for ful explication therof :: Christ the Sonne of God and virgins child quickly taketh the pray from the diuel who before possessed almost al the world :: The prophet speaketh of the tenne tribes vvhich ioyned forces with the king of Syria against Ierusalem but them selues vvere first brought into captiuity by the Assyrians God protecting Ierusalem for that time and long after Luc. 2. Rom. 9. 1. Pet. 2. :: VVheter they seke to God in their extreme distresse not sincerely but ●●acted :: or seke worldlie helpe they shal not escape miserie :: S. Mathew expoundeth this prophecie of Christ first preaching in Galilee VVhere his disciples beleued in him folowed him Mat. 4. :: But after his passion few Iewes beleued in him in comparison of the Gentiles Iudic. 7. :: He that is great yea omnipotent God is borne a litle one in this vvorld and vvithout violence conquereth ruleth al the vvorld Luc. 2. :: God punishing sinners and they not repenting his iust furie stil increaseth punishing eternally al those that neuer repent :: VVhere is no repentance there can be no remission As v. 12. 17. ch 10. v. 4. c. :: VVheras good lawes are the stabilitie of the cōmon wealth wicked are the ruine therof Such as Ieroboam made forbidding to goe to Ierusalem and setting vp golden calues in Bethel and Dan causing the people to serue them as the goddes of Israel 3. Reg. 12. v. 16. Such also as the Scribes and
the Iewes from Babylon by Cyrus king of Medes and Persians now also of Assirians :: Because al kinges that reigned amōg the Iewes vvere annointed vvith oyle Cyrus is called christ though he was not ordayned with this ceremony of annointing :: S. Ierom noteth here out of Iosephus l. 11. Antiq that Cyrus finding his name long before prophe cied by Isaias became very beneuolous to the Ievves louing them as the familiar seruants of God 2. Par. ●● :: But though he knew and professed one God no other 1. Esd 1. yet he was not conuerted in al pointes of religion neither serued God according to that general knowlege he had and so knew not God rightly :: The prophet in the former prophecie contemplating Christ as in a figure novv eleuated more in spirite prophecieth of Christ only vvho built his Church vpon a sure rock Not of Cyrus who being aduanced by God yet perfectly knevv not God v. 4. nor of Zorobabel vvho did not release the people from captiuitie but together with others vvas released neither had the title of a king but liued in subiection to other kinges S. Ierom. in hunc locum Rom. 9. Iere. 18. Rom. ●4 Phil. 2. :: Bel or Belus called also Saturnus was of such estimation that they offered to him insacrifice not only men that vvere taken captiues but also their owne sonnes Nabo otherwise called Da gon vvas an especial idol amongst the Philistims 1. Reg. 5. Rom. ● :: Not Cyrus saith S. Ierom but Christ the Orient ●●arre prophec ed by Balaam Num. 24 whom the Sages came to adore from the East Mat. 2. :: Babylon not hitherto ouercome at last was brought to miserie and destruction Nahum 3. :: Gods people cōtaminating themselues with sinne were suffered to fal into ignominious captiuitie but God geueth them grace of repentance then seuerely punisheth their vnmerciful afflicters pe●●ecuters Apoc. ● Insea 51. :: By waters in the Hebrew phrase is here vnderstood the fountaine or spring the prophet speaking to those that were of the tribe of Iuda who especially halenged the preeminences and blessings of Israel the Patriarch but had not his vertues of fortitude and internal fight of God signified by the name Israel :: God spareth conserueth his people not for their merites but of his mercie shevving his benignitie that they may repent if they vvil Iere. 2● Exo. 17. Nu. 20. :: These promises of reconciliation to God and of peace perteine to the penitent not to the obstinate in impietie The 8. part Al nations shal be conuerted to Christ some Iewes in the primitiue Church and many nere the end of the world :: This word from afarre the like doth conuince saith S. Ierom that the prophet speaketh of al nations to be conuerted to Christ And as this Prophet hath already spoken much of Christ and his Church so hence forth more especially he sheweth him selfe rather an Euangelist or an Apostle then only a Prophet which S. Ierom testifieth of him Epist ad Paulin. Act. 13. 2. Cor. 6 Apoc. 7. :: The Church of the old testament lamenteth that she semeth to be forsaken in respect of the manie great benefites bestowed on the Church of Christ :: But God answereth that he can not wil not forget nor forsake his Church which in dede is al one in the old and new testament only differing in state and therfore that which he doth to her in the new testament perteyneth to the whole Church in general of al times al places Isa 6● :: God diuorced not the Synagogue from him of hardnes of hart :: Neither deliuered her for payment as though he were in debt to anie creditor :: But her owne reuolt and iniquities separated her from Christ Isa 59. Num. 11. :: Skill of tongue how to speake discretion when where was geuen to Isaias ch 6. v. 6. Much more saith S. Ierom to Christe who spake in his life was silent in his passion and now speaketh by his Apostles and other pastores Mat. 26. Rom. 8. :: In the next verse the rock caue are explicated to signifie Abraham and Sara who are proposed for examples to be imitated being so noble progenitors of the Iewes S. Paul exhorteth his countrie men and in them al Christians the like in spiritual progenitors that first plant Catholique Religion in anie place saying Remember your Prelates vvhich haue spoken the vvord of God to you Heb. 13. Psal 36. :: As God destroyed Pharao the proud dragon in the sea which he dried vp for his people to passe so he wil ouerthrow the diuel deliuer captiues from sinne tyrannie Exo. 14. Isa 49. :: Spoile destruction shal happen by famine sword Isa 47. :: The Iewes had not wronged the Babylonians neither had mankind sinned against the diuel but both had offended God :: VVho of his bountie payde mans ransom which no other man was able to pay Gen. 46. Rom. 2. Ezec. ●● :: Communication with infidels in spiritual thinges is in no case lawful as S. Paul sheweth by this text 2. Cor. 6. v. 17. :: That manie hearing the truth preached do not beleue it is by their obstinate freewil because they do not obey the Gospel Ro. 10. v. 16. when their vnderstanding directeth them that it is not disagreable to reason :: Our Sauiour died and was buried where the wicked were cōmonly punished :: Yet was buried richly honorably by Ioseph of Aromathia Nicodemus :: In the old testament Gentiles were barren bringing no fruite to God but in the new testament they are fructful the Iewes are barren til the later end of the world when they also shal be fructful againe Gal. 4. Lut. ● Gen. 9. :: As it is assured that the world shal neuer be drowned againe with water so it is that the Church of Christ shal neuer be suppressed :: An other assurance that moutaines hilles shal rather be moued yea some mountaines shal be remoued but the Church shal be alwayes firme and perpetual Ioan. ● v. 45. :: Grace is offered to al but those only are iustified and replenished with more grace and spiritual giftes that cooperate doing that which in them lieth desiring thirsting iustice for such saith our Sauiour shal haue their fil Mat. 5. v. 6. Apo. 22. Act. 13. :: The beginning of Gods seruice is to forsake the way of wickednes :: The wayes of Gods seruice and of seruing this world are so opposite and contrarie that it is vnpossible to walke in them both at once No man can serue these two masters God and this world we must therfore so vse this world that we may serue God and inherite heauen :: Iudgement is a right resolution to do Gods wil and iustice is the perfect performance therof as before is noted cha 32. Sap. 1. :: Vnder the name of Sabbath is vnderstood the obseruation of al the law :: Those that of free election choose
good thinges not commanded deserue greater reward Mat. 21. Mar. 11. Luc 19. :: The prophet foreseing in spirit the careles negligence of some pastores of iust zele charitie inueigheth against them watning them of their greeuous punishment Iere. 6. 8. Sap. 2. Issue of children was a blessing of the old Testament Virginitie is a greater blessing in the Church of Christ Exo. 2● Deut. ● Protestantes expositions of this place not true Bible 1603. The ancient fathers vnderstand this prophecie of vowed chastitie Preferring it before Mariage a Ipsi sunt qui habent in c●●lo praemia ●aeteris prestantiora b Gloriam prepriam excellentemque nec erit quid commune cum multis c In aeternae mansione silijs preferuntur :: Iust men dying seme to the vvicked to perish :: But they are gathered to the happie society of other blessed soules And commonly God so taketh away the iust when he wil punish the wicked people that they may not in this world see the general calamitie of others Isa 62. 7. 10. :: To the humble contrite penitents God sheweth al benignitie and granteth vvished good thinges as prosperous windes to sea fa●ring traue●ers the like :: Those that persist obstinate can haue no remission of sinne Isa 46. v. 22. :: Many sinners are so fast a sleepe in their wickednes that they can not or rather wil not heare ordinarie admonitions to such therfore Gods preachers must crie and not cease to crie as with a loude trumpette exalt their voice opportunely importunely with al patience and longamitie til they make the dease to heare to beleue the truth and the dūme to speake that is to prosesse vertue in word dede Mar. 7. Zach. 7. Ezec. 18. ●at 25. Isa ●1 Protestants de tract from the praise profite of fasting Cultus Des. Luc. 2. v. 37. Leuit 16. 33. This seripture reproueth not fasting but admonisheth to fast especially from sinne Num. 29. v. 6. 7. v. 8 Christs fast an example of the 40. dayes fast in Lent Dan 9. Ione 3. 3 Reg. 19. Exo. 24. 34. Num. 11. Isa 50. :: No defect is in God spowre nor wil that he deliuereth not the faithful from afflictions but their sinnes are the impedimen t for vvhich he punisheth them that they may repent then he wil deliuer them v. 20. Iob. 15. Prou. 1. Rom. 7. :: No pure man being able to redeme and deliuer mankind from captiuitie of sinne God became man to accomplish this worke Ephes 6. 1. Thes 5. Rom. ●● :: The Church hath stil the spirit of truth and therfore can neuer erre :: God preuenting with his grace euerie one must cooperate by gratfully accepting this benefite and so dispose him self to iustification :: Only those that come into the Church receiue the light of true faith al others are in darkenes Isa 49. :: This prophecie began to be fulfilled when the 3. Sages came on swift beastes to adore Christ and offered giftes Mat 2. :: This is fulfilled in great Britanie Ireland other ilandes as Tertullian Origen S. Beda proue against the Iewes and S. Chrysostom against the Gentiles Apoc. 21. ● 25. :: This was accomplished when the Romane Emperours and other Monarches and nations receiued the faith of Christ :: S. Ierom compelled as he saith to leaue the histo rical sense because it is not conuenient to say the walles and sundation of Ierusalem were adorned with precious stones and the temple which should be most glorious was made of wood expoundeth this place of excellēt men The holie mosteloquent man Cyprian the Mar tyr and the confessor of our time Hilarius do they not seme to thee the high trees that haue built the Church of God Apoc. 21. v. 23. Apoc. 22. v. 5. :: Our Sauiour was not neither needed to be visibly annoynted as Aaron Dauid others were but inuisibly by God vvith oyle of gladnes aboue al others Ps 44. v. 8. vvith the Holie Ghost and with powre Act. 10. v. 39. of vvhose fulnes al others receiue Ioan. 1. v. 16. Luc. 4. v. 18. :: It was a griefe and sorow to the Apostles first preachers of Christs Gospel that both the Iewes departed from God Gentiles st●l folowed idolatrie but shortly after manie were conuerted :: And preferred their owne happie lotte before al other Iewes Gentiles :: True preachers and pastors cease not from preaching the truth for anie threates terrour or torment But say with this prophet For Sion that is for the good of the Church I vvil not cease c with S. Paul The vvord of God is not tied 2. Tim. 2. :: The Church of Christs is perpetually visible in her watchmen the pastors gouerners therof Mat. 21. Zach. 9. :: S. Dionyse H●er●r caelest c 7. supposeth this to be the quaestion of the hieghest order of Angels admiring Christs beauty to be so excellent not withstanding that he is emb●ewed with bloud ascending from Edom which signifieth terrestrial from Bosra a vvalled citie ouerthrovven that is from Ierusalem into heauen vvith triumph after a bloudie victorie Apoc. 19. v. 13. :: The Angel guardian of the Church which standeth before the face of God Christ testifying that also the particular guardians do alwayes see the face of his Father Mat. 18 Exo. 14. Deut. 26. ●a% 2. :: God is neuer the cause of error or harnes of hart but by indulgence not punishing sinners harden their ovvne hartes so S. Ierom. The Ievves supposed that for their sinnes the Patriarches did not acknovvlege them for their children Yet hoped that God of his mercie vvould releue them in distresse How the old patriarches knevv the state of men in this vvorld ●ap 15. Luc. 16. Sainctes in glorie see more cle●ly then Prophets in this life li. 22. c. 29. ciuit That Sainctes know helpe mortal mens necessities is certaine but the maner how is obscure ●ura pro mort c. 16. :: The good people with Priestes and Prophetes of the old Testament most feruently desired Christs comming 1. Cor. ● :: And signifieth for as Gen. 14 v. 18. And the English Bibles translate for in this place though the Hebrew text hath va● that is and. But vve vvith S. Ier●m and other ancient Fathers folow the authentical Latin which hath e● in this place enim in the other :: Likewise the same particle and signifieth yet as if he had said yet vve ●●al be saued Psal 78. :: This can not be meant of the Ievves but necessarily of the Gentiles Rom. 10. :: But this is euidently spoken of the Iewes and so S. Paul testifieth of both these places Ro. 10. v 20. 21. Prou. 1. Iere. 7. :: Nothing can be more plain lyvttered then is here the doctrine of mans freewil :: Likevvise of revvard punishment of good and euil workes :: The name of Iewes shal be exectable * Othe of execration :: And Gods seruantes shal be called Christians Apoc. 21. ::
Ieremie prophecied ch 24. v. 9. I vvil geue them into reproch to be a parable and a prouerb c. :: Iewes by their sinnes prouoking God to punish them with captiuitie gaue occasion that other nations said God could not defend his people blaspheming against his powre when he exercised iustice :: Rabbi Dauid the Chaldee Paraphrasis expound this place of remission of sinne And al Christian Doctors vnderstand it of Baptisme which in dede is in water clensing sinnes Ephes 5. v. 26. ●it 3. v 5. :: An euident text that by Gods grace some men do kepe the commandments :: A duble prophecie of two great benefits the reduction of the Iewes from captiuitie and of the Gentiles from idolatrie to Christ wherein also is included the mysterie of resurrection a One cause of distrust that the people of Israel should not be restored from captiuitie was because they were like to drie bones b Secondly they had al generally lost their hope of restitution c Thirdly they semed like to trees or plantes cut of at the very root d Yet God by his powre and goodnes restored them e Before Christ ioyned the Gentils to his Church he first vnited the two kingdoms of Iuda Israel signifying that Catholiques which labour for conuersion of heretikes as now in England must first agree amongst themselues then shal their endeuoures be more effectual For so al shal sooner be made one fold vnder one shepheard :: Fulfilled by Christ the good Pastor who bringeth al nations into one folde vnder one pastor Ioan. 10. v. 16. :: Gog signifying hid or couered was the common surname of the Scithian kinges :: M●gog out of the hid were the people and adherents of Gog persecuting the faithful :: Alluding to those that endeuoured to spoyle and oppresse the Iewes after their relaxation from captiuitie he prophecieth of Antichrist and al heretikes that seeke to peruert or to suppresse Catholique Christians who are deliuered rom the bondage of the diuel by Baptisme and other Sacraments of Christ :: Antichrist signified by Gog shal persecute the Church nere the end of the vvorld :: In euerie part of the vniuersal Church God wil at last destroy Antichrists powre confounding him and al his adherentes Gog and Magog the king and kingdom of Scithia G●● 10. Signifying al persecuters of the Church especially Antichrist Psal ● Isa 11. Dan. 1● VVho shal be destroyed :: Antichrist persecuting the Church in al partes of the world shal be resisted by some in euerie place and at last vanquished :: Not vvith material fire but with zele and ●eruour Catholiques shal resist him and finally ouercome him :: Gods people vvere not made captiues by the povvre of their enimies as if God could not defend them but by his permission for punishment of their sinnes Foure expositions of this vision 1. Of the temple and citie reedified after the captiuitie 2. That Messias shal build a material temple and citie 3. That this prophetical vision was conditional ch 18 v. 23. ch 33. v. ●1 4. That it cannot al be expounded according to the historie but only mystically The fift part Restauration of the temple vvith thinges perteyning therto more especially the glorie of the Church militant triumphant :: Into the destroyed citie of Ierusalem :: Mount Sion :: called exceding heigh mystically in that it signifieth the Church of Christ for historically Sion vvas not so exceding hiegh :: In the Hebrevv text in the Chaldee Paraphrasis in the 70. Interpreters it is thus of six cubites in a cubite and a palme to signifie that these cubites vsed in measuring sacred thinges conteyned six palmes vvheras the ordinarie cubite conteineth but fiue palmes See ch 43. v. 13. :: Larger within then without to spread the light within the place to auoide the danger of hurt from abrode as the windowes of Salomons temple 3. Reg. 6. as also in casties and towres is commonly vsed In explicating this vision by reason of the obscuritie is great varietie amongst the expositors but al agree that God here reueled to the prophet that he vvil reward the good tevvitte in the old Testament temporally in the nevv spiritually first vvith grace in this life and with eternal glorie in life euerlasting :: To the gates of the vtter vval vvas ascent of seuen steppes but of the inner vval v. 32. of eight steppes to signifie that m●●e perfection is required in the new Testament then was in the old for vvhich more grace is geuen and better revvard S. Greg. :: For that the pillers are not measured it semeth they were of the same height and bignes as the former vvere built by Salomon 3. Reg. 7. v. 1● :: This description of the temple order of priesthood vvith the partition and fertilitie of the land is much more excellent then was in Salomons time the new temple reedified by Zorobabel was much meaner then Salomons and therfore this prophecie as likevvise the prophecies of Aggeus Zacharias cannot be vnderstood of the temple in Ierusalem but of the Church of Christ S. Ierom in ch 40 Ezec. S. Aug. li 18. c. 45. ciuit :: In the vval of the temple vvere interchangeably painted a Cherub signifying knovvlege a palmetree signifying victorie representing to men that they must be instructed in diuine knowlege ●o sight for victorie :: Signifying our Sauiour vvho in his humanitie suffered miseries but as a lion ouercame al enimies S. Ierom finding the Hebrevv text and the 70. interpreters and others to differ not only in vvordes but also in the sense explicating as semed to him most probable auoucheth vvithal that saying of Socrates Sci● quodnescio I knovv that I do not ●novv anie thing perfectly For it is a part of knovvlege saith he to ●novv that thou art ignorant :: Al the world is lightned by the preaching of Christs Apostles and their successors and the triumphant Church shal perfectly shine vvhen that vvhich is so vvne i● corruption ●hal ●●●e in incorruption ●● c. 1. Cor. 1● S. Ierom. S. Thomas also exponndeth this place of the ● virgin conceiuing the Sonne of God p 3. q 27. a 3. ch 9. ch 1. :: God hath left the house of the Ievves desolate ●a● 23. v. 38 but remaineth vvith the Church of Christ al dayes to the end of the vvorld Mat 28 v. 2● And the perfect impolluted Church vvithout spo● or vv●●ncle Eph 5 v. 27. is only the 〈…〉 hant Church :: The sacred cubite or cubite vsed in sacred thinges was longer then the common cubite by one palme :: The altar is called Ariel the lion of God because fire sometimes descending from God vpon the altar consumed the sacrifice as a lion consumeth his praye S. Ierom. S. Ierom expoundeth this of the hardnes of scripture which no man vnderstāndeth fully but the sonne of God Mat. 11. v. 27. Likevvise of of our B. Ladie a perpe●ual virgin also
after the birth of Christ The same doth S. Augustin ser 6. 18 d● temp S Amb. cp 81. S. Chrys ho. de ●● Bapt. b This astonishment and reuerence of the prophet c and the great attention which he is admonished to haue import the great mysteries of Christ and his Church and not only the temple rites of the old law which vvere but figures of the new :: Holy thinges are ordinarily to be done in holie places and therfore sacred vestures by touching vvherof men vvere sanctified Exo. 29. v. 37. must not be vsed out of the temple Leuit. 10. v. 9. Deut. 18. :: The land that was assigned to holie vses vvas called sanctified and could not be alienated to priuate men nor other purposes * sanctificatum :: The princes portion of land vvas round about the clergies portion that he might defend them and the peoples part round about the princes that they might defend him :: These measures vvere of equal capacitie but the ephi serued for drie thinges the bat for liquid as appeareth v. 13. 14. :: As the people were bond to pay certaine first fruites to their temporal prince :: so he was mutually bond to pay the charges of publique sacrifices for al the people S. Ierom also expoundeth this mutual obligation to consist betwen the people and hiegh priest :: After the captiuitie albeit king Dauids progenie continued in Salathiel Zorobabel and others yet they had not the state of kinges or temporal princes and therfore not only Christian Doctors but also Rabbi Dauid other Hebrewes vnderstand this prophecie of Christ the true Messias and of the sacrifices rites of his Church the letter neuertheles alluding to the forme of the old lavv :: Al vvorkes done by the true children of God that is to say done in the state of grace do merite eternal reward :: But other moral good vvorkes done in state of mortal sinne are only revvarded temporally in this vvorld and not in life euerlasting See cha 36. v. 25. :: There is no historie nor probabilitie that vvaters issued out of the temple vvhich vvas reedified by Zorobabel Neither did al sortes of fishes liue in anie such vvater nere the temple as are mentioned v. 9. And therfore this prophecie hath an hiegher and truer sense of the Church of Christ and the vvater of Baptisme :: S. Iohn savv this riuer of liuing vvater as clere as chrystal proceding from the seat of God of the lambe And the tree of life yelding tvvelue fruites rendring his fruite euerie moneth c. Apoc. 22. :: Iosephs two sonnes had ech one a vvhole portion and so there vvere twelue tribes besides the Leuites who had other better meanes then the rest :: By the twelue tribes of Israel S. Ierom vnderstandeth the vniuersal multitude of al glorified Sainctes noting that no mention is here made of the cities of refuge as in the bookes of Numeri and Iosue because in the glorious habitation of Sainctes there can be no nede of refuge where al are perfect al secure :: As the first borne of liuing thinges first fruictes of al thinges springing so the first portion of land all●●ed to Gods seruice is called the first fruites :: The North side of the citie being in length 4500. reedes of six sacred cubites euerie rede the vvest side also and consequently the other two sides east and south in al 18000. reedes which make 36. mi●les of 1000. passes euerie mile it is certaine that this description agreeth not to the terrestrial citie of Ierusalem which was nothing nere so large And therfore the later Iewish Rabins hold opinion that when their Messias commeth the citie of Ierusalem shal be built so great But al Catholique Doctors vnderstand it mystically of the Church of Christ :: S. Iohn the Apostle had the same vision of this new Ierusalem Christs triumphant Church Apoc. 21. 22. :: The Synagog of the Ievves being left desert Mat. 23. v. 38. Christ is vvith his militant Church al dayes euen to the consummation of the world Mat. vlt. and vvith his Church triumphant illuminating and glorifying it for euer and euer Apoc. 22. v 5. a ch 1. v. 6. b ch 1. v. 3 4. Reg. 20. v. 18. Daniel of the royal bloud c ch 1. v. 1. He vvas most holie d ch 9. v 23. e Ezech. 14. 28. f ch 6. v. 5. most wise and most loyal His booke is excellent but hard to be vnderstood ch 3. v. 24. ch 13. ch 14. Certaine partes of this booke are denied by the Ievves and some others It is probable that these partes were some times in the Hebrew or the Chaldee Obiection out of S. Ierom. First solution Second solution They are proued to be Canonical by the Councels and other Fathers The prayer of Azarias The Hymne of the three children The histore of Susanna The histories of Bel and the Dragon The contents in general Epist ad Paulm In particular Diuided into three partes The first part Actes of Daniel with the other three Hebrevv children and of the kinges of Babylon 4. Reg. 24. v. 1. :: Part of the holie vessels some especial persons vvere caried away but the king was released at this time for he reigned in Ierusalem eight yeares more eleuen in al. 2 Par. 36. v 5. a Daniel as chief vvas an example to the other three children in their maner of life vvherby is also probable that they being al of the tribe of Iuda v. 6. he was nerer of the royal bloud of which some vvere taken into the kings court v. 3. b Three causes moued them to abstayne frō the kings meates left they might eate any thing offered to i dols or forbid by the lavv of Moyses because such delicare diet might prouok to gl●tonie or in time when they should be elder to other sinnes Theod. * leanes p 〈…〉 c. c By mention of the first yeare of Cyrus is sufficiently signified that Daniel liued al the time of the captiuitie And ●● 10. it is farther clere that he liued in the third yeare very like longer :: Nabuchodonosor had this dreame the second yeare after his great conquest of the Moabites Ammonites Syrians Aegyptians making his kingdom a great Monarchie so it vvas in the 25 yeare of his reigne vvhen Daniel vvas about the age of 35. yeares * prosessors of Astrologie :: It is in dede more easie to tel by the diuels helpe what one hath dreamed because dreames being past might either procede from the diuel or by some external signes be knovvne vnto him but to declare the signification which is to come and ●ncertaine i● aboue the diuels or mans povvre who can only coniecture what is probable doe often erre therin See the Annotations Gen. 40. :: By shevving the kings former cogitation before his dreame he gaue great assurance of the true spirite of prophecie that the king might securely beleue the interpretation