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A17015 An ecclesiastical Protestant historie of the high pastoral and fatherly chardge and care of the Popes of Rome, ouer the church of Britanie, from the first planting of the christia[n] faith there, by S. Peter the Apostle, and his disciples: continued in euery age, and hundred of yeares, by holy bishops, and cleargie men, sent hither and consecrated by them, his successors in the See Apostolicke. Euidently deduced and proued by historicall narration, from the published and priuiledged writings (to appeaseal protestants) of the most learned & allowed English protestant pretended bishops, doctors, antiquaries, & others of that religion. Broughton, Richard. 1624 (1624) STC 3895; ESTC S119562 92,026 262

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preached here and founded our church and not to exclude all Apostles in after times from this kingdome for I wil at leaste probably shew that S. Paul was here a little before his death in an other place and there alsoe giue his due to S. Ioseph and his holy company in a far more honorable degree then any protestant or other one writer yet to my reading hath performed towards them But S. Ioseph from whomsoeuer hee was sent cominge hither but in the 63. of Christ almost twenty yeares as before after this kingdome had receaued the faith of Christ neyther S. Ioseph nor any of that holy fraternitie could bee the first preacher here And soe farr vnprobable or impossible it is that by the Iudgment of our English protestants or others S. Philip the Apostle should bee then in Fraunce to send S. Ioseph hither that hee was many yares before crucified soe dead by martyrdome in Phrygia at Hierapolis there in Asia as the common consent of antiquities the whole-whole-church of God and the protestants of England in the Rituall of their Religion generally vsed and allowed by them and all other protestants doe wittnesse and therfore keepe his festiuitie accordingly vppon the first day of May in or about the 54. or 55. yeare of Christ longe before S. Iosephs cominge into this part of the world Bre. Rom. 1. Maij. Martyrolog Rom. Bed Vsuard Ado 1. Maij. Chrysost hom de 12. Apost Abd. lib. 10. Metaphrastes 14. Nou. Euseb l. 4. c. 24. Niceph lib. 1. ca. 39. Pet. de Natal l. 4. c. 107. Antō part 1. tit 6. ca. 11. Eisengr contra 1. Prot. Com. Booke and kalend 1. Maij. Therfore of necessitie both Catholiks and protestants must needs acknowledge that S. Peter the most worthie and blessed Apostle was our first most happy father master in Christ which I haue made lardge demonstration of in other places and will for particulars bee more euident in the next chapter and this whole history an historicall truth soe testified by many authors that Syr William Cambden whome others therein followe the best antiquary of this nation writeth in many editions Quid ni crederemus why should wee not beleeue them Cambden in Britania in diuerse editionis Andree Chesnee l 3. hist d' Angleterre Budley pag. 171. Makinge S. Peters preachinge and foundinge the church of Christ here in Britanie a thinge soe certayne that hee meruayleth any man of Iudgment can make doubt thereof Therfore I may boldly vse these wordes and affirme them true of a protestant Bishop in the name of the rest Wee should accompt it a greate glory to deriue the pedigree of our spirituall linage from soe noble and excellent a father as Saint Peter Godwyn Conuers of Britanie pag. 6. THE II. CHAPTER Where both the former is more manifestly declared and in particular farther proued by these protestants antiquities by them allowed what highest spirituall offices the same glorious Apostle and his disciples performed here TO proue more amply what hath beene said of S. Peters beeing and preachinge here and to shewe what hee did for the first foundinge of our church A protestant Archbishop from diuers authorities writeth Whitgifts Answ. to the Admonition pag. 65. sect 1. and def of the Answ. pag. 318. The Apostle Peter did in euery prouince appoint one Archbishop whom all other Bishops of the same prouince should obey An other with great priuiledge saith Sutcliffe Subuers pag. 3. Peter preached in noe place but hee there ordeyned Bishops and teachers and founded churches And to shew that all these and such benefits came to vs first from S. Peter and his holy see of Rome among other Marcus Antonius de Dominis now by the greate mercy of God a penitent in the catholicke church when hee was in profession a protestant in England Marcus Anton de Domin de Repub christian l. 4. cap. 10. with publick priuiledg in England and a chosen champion for that Religion against the Pope by cheifest protestant authoritie in England then testifieth Est caput Roma quatenus ab ea diffusum est euangelium in reliquas totius occidentis ecclesias in multas orientis atque in barbaras etiam extra Romanum Imperium nationes Rome is the head of the church in so much as from it the ghospell was diffused into the other churches of all the West and into many of the East and into barbarous nations also without the Romane Empire And our Soueraigne kings speach in parlam 1. publickly protested of this church of Rome It is our mother church and consequently that it first brought vs forthe in spirituall christian birth as mothers doe their natural children to the world and that wee except wee will turne bastardly vnnaturall and disobedient children doe owe and must performe all dutie and obedience vnto it our most holy mother in Christ And to further this our bounden dutie the protestants of England in their Theater of the Emp. of greate Britanie pag. 203 l. 6. c 9. num 5. will helpe vs foreward whoe write in this maner That S. Peter the Apostle preached the word of life in this Iland as to other gentiles hee did for whome God had chosen him that from his mouth they might heare the ghospell as himselfe alleadgeth and that hee here founded churches and ordeined preists and deacons which is reported by Simon Metaphrastes out of the greek Antiquities and Gulielmus Eisingrenius in the first of his Centuries Therfore this beeing written by soe learned and holy a man as S. Simon Metaphrastes was and soe auntient aboue 700. yeares since and out of such monuments and Authorities of the Gretians as in his time were honored with the Title of Antiquities this alone might content vs in this matter as it hath already the best learned protestant Antiquaries of this nation But because allowance is giuen to the authoritie which cannot be denyed because it is the maner of Protestants to mynce authorities I will cite that holy auntient Father and Saint S. Sim. Metaphr 29. die Iunij in his owne wordes which bee these Romā redijt ex qua venit Mediolanum Photicen quae sunt ciuitates in Continente In quibns cum constituisset Episcopos Presbyteros venit in Britanniam Quo in loco cum longo tempore fuisset moratus multas gentes non nominatas attraxisset ad fidem Christi angelicam aspexit visionem quae dicebat Petre instat tempus tuae resolutionis oportet te ire Romam in qua cum mortem per crucem sustinueris recipies mercedem Iustitiae Cum ergo propterea Deum glorificasset egisset gratias apud Britannos mansisset dies aliquot verbo gratiae multos illuminasset ecclesias constituisset episcoposque presbyteros diaconos ordinasset duodecimo anno Caesaris Neronis rursus Romam reuertitur S. Peter by reuelation came to Hierusalem at the death of the mother of God then returning into Egipt by Africk came
christians of Britany were conuerted by S. Peter but that others of this our nation were euen at this time consecrated preists and Bishops alsoe by S. Peter these Protestant Bishops and others hauing immediatly spoken before of the conuersion of Lady Pomponia Graecina here in Britany in or before the 49. yeare of Christ they proceede in these wordes Theater of the Empire of great Britanie l. 6. § 9. B. Rhenan in history of Germany Pantaleon And much about these times as B. Rhenanus in his history of Germany Pantaleon and others doe reporte one Suetonius a noble mans sonne in Britanie conuerted to the faith by the first planters of the ghospell in this Iland and after his Baptisme called Beatus was sent by the bretheren from hence vnto Rome to bee better instructed and further directed by Saint Peter himselfe And returninge through Suitcerland found such willingnes and flockinge of the people to heare and receaue the doctrine of Christ that hee there stayed and built an oratory not far from the bake Thun neare the Towne called Vnderfewen where in preachinge and prayers hee employed his time to the day of his death which happened in the yeare of grace 110. Hitherto the words of our english Protestants of this glorious and renowned man far exceeding that which they giue him here for as their Author Henricus Pantaleon de viris Illustr Germaniae part 1 p. 114. a German Protestant writeth plainely of him that hee was the Apostle of Heluetians S. Beatus Heluetiorum Apostolus Which Title and name none but puritans of anie Religion will giue to any but Bishops and none but such which onely haue power to consecrate preists without which a true church cannot bee can either bee or truely called their Apostle And that this holy Bishop of Britanie though hee staied most in Heluetia yet that hee was principally sent to bee a Bishopp in Britanie by Saint Peter it is euident by these Protestants before testifyinge that hee was returning into Britanie and soe cheifely directed by Saint Peter Pantal. supra Stamph lib. 7. de Sanct. Which Pantaleon with Stamphius and others doe more plainely witnesse saying S. Beatus ille nobilibus parentibus natus ex Britannia in patriam rediens c. S. Beatus borne of noble parents in Britanie returninge into his contry and adding of him omnia bona pauperibus distribuit hee distributed all his goods to the pore must needes bee in Britanie where of these his goods he was to make distributor of them And these Germā historians tel vs that hee had an other companion sent and directed with him from Rome by S. Peter or his authoritie there and beeinge alsoe a Britaine returned hither beeing consecrated Preist or Bishop by the same authoritie and at the same time So that wee see by these Protestants themselues that soe longe as S. Peter liued the Bishops and Preists of Britanie were consecrated by him in this contry and in his absence hence went vnto Rome for their consecration and to bee directed by him This other companion of S. Beatus borne in this kingdome and consecrated at Rome by S. Peter and returninge hither where for any thinge wee reade otherwise in histories hee continued in preaching all his life and died here some Germane writers haue named Achates Anonymus apud Beat. Rhenan de Reb. German l. 3. pag. 172. Rhen. supr Whether that was his true name or noe it is not materiall to my purpose to question here the historie it selfe in germany beeing soe certainely and generally receaued that it is and aunciently was published printed and painted in their churches there Haec historia non solum picta est in templis ac scripta sed etiam typis expressa of this historie mention is made especially of S. Beatus in the Romane Martyrologe S. Beda Vsuardus Molanus Gulielmus Eisengrenius the Antiquities of Heluetia and expressely in the auncient monuments of the church of Constance and others Martyrolog Rom. 9. die Maij. Beda Vsuard Mol. ab Guliel Eis centur 2. part 5. Annal. Helu Momment Eccle. Constant Baron annot in Mart. Rom. 9. Maij. neyther can wee thinke that these two holy Bishops or preists of this kingedome of our Britanie were singular in this but that wee had more so consecrated and directed from Rome besides them and needed not Bishops and pastors here otherwise S. Beatus would not haue stayed moste of his time in Heluetia forth of his contry nor S. Peter his consercator and director our Apostle by these Protestants before giuen allowāce vnto it Neyther had S. Beatus beene sent the words of our Protestants and Pantaleon alsoe by the brethren from hence vnto Rome to bee better instructed and further directed by S. Peter himselfe Theater and Pantal. supr But that the Brethren and Christians here depended of Saint Peter and accompted it both their dutie and honor to this nation to haue their spirituall Guides Bishops and Preists consecrated and directed by him and his Apostolicque supreame power and commaunde in Religious thinges Now lett vs returne to S. Peters beeinge here in Britanie whereof I haue spoken before how to supply all spiritual wants of this kingedome and founde our church in Britannia longo tempore fuit moratus he stayed in Britanie a longe time as the greeke antiquities remembred vnto vs by our Protestāts haue told vs and to expresse his greate loue care to this other western natiōs more particularly comended to his chardge this longe time was soe longe and his loue to vs so greate that as both S. Simō Metaphrastes and Eusebius Pamphili in some booke not now but in the time of Metaphrastes extāt and by him constantly cited say S. Peter stayed at Rome and in Britanie and the cities of the west three and twentie yeares Eusebius Pamphili dicit Petrum viginti tres annos trāsegisse Romae in Britannia in ciuitatibus quae sunt in occidente Simon Metaphrastes die 29. Iunij Eusebius Pamph. apud eund supr Surius 29. Iunij allotinge onely as it seemeth the rest of the 25. yeares which is commonlie said the time of his beeing at Rome and these parts to his Iorney in the east at the time of the migration of the B. Virgin our Lady forth of this world Which is confirmed by some of our Protestant antiquaries of England in these words This yeare 70. beinge the fourteenth yeare of Nero Bassus and Tuscus beeing then Romane Consuls the holy Apostle S. Peter hauinge accomplished his preachinge in the west parts returned to Rome where hee preached agayne as hee did before Ioh. Stow and Ed. Howe 's histor titul Romans in Iulius Agricola And before his departure hence as I haue allready remembred besides S. Mansuetus S. Beatus and such as hee consecrated Bishops of our nation in forreyn places or for them out of Britanie hee ordeyned here and for this kingedome Bishops Preists Deacons Apud Britannos Episcopos
that holie place a greater power in the Pope then the other by these Protestants And thus much of this hundred yeares Theater of great Britanie lib. 6. Godwyn Conuers of Britanie cap. 2. pag. 10. Ioh. Leland in Assert Arthur Antiquitat Glaston in tabula lignea Capgrau in Catal. in S. Patricio M. S. Antiq. in eodem THE THIRD CENTVRIE OR HVNDRED YEARE THE VII CHAPTER How the Popes of Rome in this third Centurie or hundred of years alsoe by our Protestants and others ruled and gouerned here in Britanie in spirituall things by their supreame power therein NOw hauing ended this second hundred yeare when there was soe generall an acceptance of this highest papall Authoritie in Britanie by the kinge his Nobles three Archbishops soe many other Bishops and the noble cleargie and others here wee may bee more breife in ages followinge for it is a common consent of the Protestant writers of England that the same faith and Religion in all materiall points such as this is continued firme and inuiolable here at the least vntill the cominge of S. Augustine hither in the later end of the sixt hundred yeare And it is a veritie granted by all followinge S. Bede susceptam fidem Britannie vsque in tempora Diocletiani Principis inuiolatum integrumque quieta in pace seruabant The Britans kept the faith which they receaued in the time of kinge Lucius inuiolable and whole in quiet peace vntill the times of Diocletian Bed hist eccles l. 1. c. 4. Whoe did not begin his Empire vntill the yeare 285. his persecution longe time after about the yeare 296. And no man can thinke but amōge soe many Archbishops Bishops and cleargie men which together with the whole christian Religion embraced the papall power liued and gouerned the church of Britanie here many yeares in this age in the same maner and order as it was commended vnto them by the Romane supreame spirituall Authoritie of S. Eleutherius and his Apostolicke Legates Therefore to bee breife the next Pope which was in the beginning of this hundred yeare Scotland as hereafter a greate portion of this Iland and then a distinct greate and inuincible kingedome vnto the most powerable Romane Emperors was conuerted to the faith of Christ The very name of this holy Pope and Martyr carieth spirituall supreamacy with it in all the Christian world Asia Africk and Europe by the mouthes and pennes of all Protestants and others A Protestant Bishop for all shall answere in these words Pope Victor excommunicated all churches both greeke and latine which differed from his church in the obseruation of Easter Morton appeale l. 1. cap. 9. Which noe man can question but it was the highest act to haue and exercise such power ouer all churches and yett moste iustly and lawfully and hee a blessed man which both a Protestant Archbishopp and his maiestie kinge Iames shal testifie for all The church of Rome was then a Rule to all saith our Kinge Kinge Iames in parlam The other saith Victor was a godly Bishop and a martyr and the church at that time was in greate puritie not beeinge longe after the Apostles times Whitgift Answ. to the admonition p. 80. sect 4. Wherfore Kinge Donalde of Scotland now moued by the example of Kinge Lucius his neighbouring Sociate in terrene principalitie and his whole kingedome and beeing assured by this supreame power spirituall exercised by S. Victor ouer all churches that it was his right and the surest waye in time of controuersies as that was in the obseruation of Easter to adhere vnto the cheife and commandinge church of Rome hee sent to this holy Pope to bee instructed in the faith of Christ a longe paineful troublesome iorney labour on both sides soe many Bishops now beeing in Britanie Fraunce and in all places betweene Scotland and Rome if kinges kingedomes could haue beene conuerted to the faith of Christ and matters of the church with them ordered without his direction or confirmation For as truely write the Scottish historians Pope Victor sent preists in extremam Albionem to the vttermoste part of Albion or the vttermoste Albion to preach the doctrine of Christ Hector Boeth l. 5. Scot. histor fol. 89. p. 2. Boeth supr p. 1. Buchan Rer. Scotic 1. 4. Reg. 27. Holinsh. histor of Scotl. in Donald Ed. Grymst p. 20. in Scotl. § 17. the narration whereof is this Talem dederat Donaldo Regi animum pacis Princeps author Christus Dominus quod vera pietati aspernato malorum demonum cultu sese paulò ante addixerat Nam Seuero Imperante Romanis apud Victorem Pontiscem maximum qui quintus decimus post Petrum Ecclesiae praefuit per legatos obtinuit vt viri doctrina Religione insignes in Scotiam ab eo missi se cum liberis coniuge Christi nomen profitentes baptismate insignirent Regis exempla Scotica nobilitas sequuta auersata impietatem Christique Religionem complexa sacr● fonte est abluta Fuit annus ille quo Scoti ad lumen vera pictatis Dei Optimi Maximi benignitate vocati sunt recepti ab eo qui primus fuit humanae salutis tertius supra ducēte simum à Scotorum Regni institutione quingente simus tricesimus tertius Christ our Lord prince and Author of peace gaue such minde to kinge Donald that castinge aside the worship of wicked deuils hee had a litle before addicted himselfe to true pietie For when Seuerus was the Romane Emperor hee obteyned of Pope Victor the fifteenth after S. Peter that ruled the church that men renowned for learninge and Religion sent from him into Scotland might baptise him with his wife and children professinge Christ The Scottish nobilitie followeinge the example of the kinge forsakinge impiety and embracing the Religiō of Christ was baptized This was in the yeare of the Incarnation of Christ two hundred and three and from the beginninge of the kingdome of the Scots fiue hundred thirtie and three And a little after speakinge of the renowned leardned Christians of that time hee addeth Incipere nostri tum primum sacras colere literas Sacerdotibus praeceptoribus quos Victor Pontifex Maximus ad Christi dogma propalandum in extremam miserat Albionem At that time our Scottish men first began to study diuinitie hauinge for their Tutors those preists which Pope Victor sent to teach the Religion of Christ in Albion the vttermost country in this part of the world And againe nostri qua fide pietate instituti semel fuerunt hactenus erroribus aspernatis perseuerant Our contrimen of Scotlād perseuer at this day it was written in the yeare 1526. in the faith and pietie wherein they were then instructed Hector Boeth in fine praefat Bal. centur 5. in Hector Boeth And a Protestant of England in the yeare 1615. writteh Scotland receyued the faith in the time of Pope Victor the first in the yeare 2O3 Celestin the first sent Palladius thither
Vrsula Annal. Coloniens c. made that their moste holy pilgrimadge to Rome and at their returne receaued the crowne of Martyrdome at or neare Cullen in Germanie where as alsoe in the whole Christian world and both to their honor and the glory of our country they are celebrated in the most auncient Martyrologes in which sacred company as Capgrauius and diuers others testifie there were manye Bishops of this kingedome as namelie Willielmus or Michael Columbanus Ywanus Eleutherius and Lotharius Which I rather name that wee may know how this kingedome at that tyme both was soe replenished with Bishops that it might spare soe manie to bee sent from hence with those holy Virgins and to giue euidence how deuoted and respectiue the Bishops and cleargie with the rest of the Christians of this kingedome were towards the See of Rome in these dayes THE FIFTE CENTVRIE OR HVNDRED YEARE THE IX CHAPTER Shewinge by these Protestants of England how both the Popes highest spiritual power was still here continued and a perpetuall succession of our Bishops and Cleargie alsoe in Britanie from the See of Rome as in the other Ages before NOw wee are come to the fift Century in the beginning whereof the first Fathers of Heresie and Opposers against the holy Apostolick See of Rome which I finde to haue beene of our Brittish nation were the monstrous rebellious Hereticks Pelagius and Timotheus not that I finde them more formally directly opposite to the See Apostolick then other Hereticks were but as the nature and necessitie of heresie is to bee euer contrarie and disobedient to their cheife iudge and commaunder in such cases the Pope of Rome with councels assembled for as our Protestants tell vs diuers Popes of Rome both by themselues and in councels had condemned Pelagius for an hereticke and yett hee obstinately persisted in his condemned errors Innocentius the first condemned Pelagius the monke and Coelestius of heresie for preferringe free vvill before the grace of God and sayd the vvil of man by it selfe was sufficient able to fulfill the cōmaundements of God and tooke avvay the necessitie of Baptisme and faith in Christ Rob. Barns in vit Pont. Rom in Innocent Bal. centur 1. de Scriptorib in Pelagio heresiarcha Innocentius primus Pelagium monachum Coelestium haereseos damnauit quod liberū arbitrium gratiae Dei praeferrent dicerentque voluntatē per se sufficere ad implenda Dei mādata praesul ordinatus Pelagius sui nominis haeresim fabricabat asserens hominem sine peccato nasci ac solo voluntatis imperio sine gratia saluari posse vt ita nefarius baptismum ac fidem tolleret Pelagius after hee was made a Bishopp framed an heresie of his name affirminge that man was borne without sinne and by the onely commaunde of his wil without grace by Christ might bee saued that the wicked man might soe take away both baptisme and faith Pope Sozimus alsoe as these men tell vs condemned this hereticke and to vse their wordes Rob. Barnes sup in Sozimo Papa That Sozimus might declare that nothinge was in any place ratified that was done in holy things except it were done by the Popes authoritie hee sent Faustinus a Bishop two preists to the councell of Carthadge The decrees of the councell were brought to Pope Sozimus which beeinge by him approued the Pelagian heresie was condemned euery where Vt Sozimus declararet nihil vsquam ratum fore quod in rebus sacris ageretur nisi id Romani Pontificis authoritate fieret Faustinum Episcopum duos presbyteros ad Cathaginensem Synodum misit Synodalia decreta ad Sozimum perlata sunt quibus approbatis Pelagiana haeresis passim damnata est Thus wee see by these Protestants that the Popes of Rome euen in this time when they were moste afflicted and Rome it selfe taken and sacked by Gothes in the time of this Pope Barns supr beeinge Pope but one yeare 3. moneths and twelue dayes Sozimo Pontifice Roma à Gothis capta est They still exercised and practised this highest spirituall power in all places euen in Africk as these Protestants assure vs and not onely in Europe where our Britanie is In which they shewed and exercised this their highest supreamacy in many and diuers matters in that time And first in this Busines of Pelagius the monke or Abbot of Bangor in Wales Thus writeth a Protestant Bishop with consent of Antiquities Bal. centur 1. de Scriptor in Palladio Graeco Hector Boeth hist Scotor l. 7. fol. 132.133 Holinsh. histor of Scotland Ed. Grymston cap. Relig. of Scotland pag. 20. Prosper in Chronico Palladius Graecus à Caelestino Romanorum Pontifice Antistes mittebatur vt Pelagianam haeresim quae tunc magnam Britanniae partem inquinauerat à Britannorum gente arceret atque Scotorum populum ad veram pietatem à qua continua bellorum atrocitate paulùm aberrarit rite reduceret Hunc ferunt concionibus pijs à quibusdam gentilium superstitiūculis ecclesias illas purgasse atque ob id in hodiernum vsque diem Scotorum Apostolus appellatur Palladius a Graecian was by Celestine Pope of Rome sent a Bishop to driue from the nation of the Britans the Pelagian heresie which then had defiled a great part of Britanie and rightly to reduce the Scots to true pietie from which by the continuall crueltie of wars they had erred The saying is that with his godly sermons hee purged those churches from some superstitions of the gentiles and soe is to this day called the Apostle of the Scots Here wee see it first left to the Popes Iudgment what was heresie to bee condemned what was error to bee recalled superstition to bee reformed and in his power spirituall the temporall Romane then hauinge nothing to doe in any part of this Iland to assigne and send a bi-Bi-Bishop and Apostle to that nation which was neuer subiect either in temporall respects to the Romane Emperors whoe soe performed the highest sacred duties and authoritie in that church that as before and by all writers hee is called Scotorum Apostolus the Apostle of the Scots as iustlie hee deserued it settling all things there by his legatine power makinge a Bishop an Archbishop and the like matters of greatest Iurisdiction as namely S. Seruanus Bishop of the Orchads and S. Teruanus Archbishop of the Picts Palladius Seruanum Episcopum ad Orchadas Insulas missum vt Populum rudem christiana pietate institueret creauit Teruanum quem Infantē lustrico lauerat fonte Pictorū Archiepiscopum constituit Palladius created Seruanus a Bishopp and sent him to the Orchads Ilands to instruct the rude people in the christian faith and hee appointed Teruanus whome hee baptized when hee was an Infant to bee Archbishop of the Picts Hector Boeth hist. Scotor l. 7. folio 133. pag. 1. Georg. Buchan Rerum Scoticar l. 5. Rege 42. pag. 146. Polidor Verg. hist. Anglic. l. 3. pag. 58.59 Thus the Scottish histories
tempore illo vnde Norwegienses dicunt se exijsse de gente sanguine regni huius They were wilde and barbarous nations They had not the lawe of God nor neighbour but there were Christians there secretly But kinge Arthur was an exceeding good Christian and caused them to bee baptized and throughout all Norway to worship one God and to receaue and keepe the faith of Christ inuiolably all the noble men of Norway tooke wiues of the noble nation of the Britans Whereuppon the Norwegians say that they ar descended of the race and blood of this kingedome And then immediatly followeth that which is cited before The aforesaid kinge Arthur obteyned in those daies of the Pope and Court of Rome that Norway should bee for euer annexed to the crovvne of Britanie Whereby it seemeth by these Protestants the motiue of the Pope to ioyne Norway to the crowne of Britany was the spiritual good of both kingdomes and the church of God kinge Arthur soe worthie a christian hauing procured soe straunge and happy an alteration in the kingedome of Norway his victories there against the barbarous giuing free libertie and accesse to such christian preachers as by the Popes licence and allowance were directed thither For S. Kentegern made Bishop by S. Palladius the Popes Legate if wee may beleeue the puritan historian of Scotland vvent seuen times to Rome and the Pope sent him to performe the worke of the ministry enioyned him by the holy ghost Vir Dei septies Romam adiens sanctus Papa illum virum Dei Spiritus sancti gratia plena intelligens in opus ministerij à Spiritu sancto illi iniuncti destinauit Georg. Buchan Rerum Scotic l. 5. Rege 42. pag. 146. Ioh. Capgr in Catal. in S. Kentegerno And as our Protestants with others testifie this Apostolick man thus warranted and priuiledged sent of his disciples some to the Orchades to Norway and Island that they might receaue the light of faith by their instructions For hee had in his colledge at Elguel in Walles three hundred sixtie and fiue learned men allwayes soe prepared to preach Bal. l. de Scriptor centur 1. in Kenteger●… Elguensi Cap. supr cod Hector Beeth Scot. hist. l. 9 Ex discipulis suis quosdam ad Orchadas ad Norwegiam Islandium mis●t vt eorum instructionibus fidei lumen reciperent nam in Elguensi collegio trecentos sexaginta quinque literatos viros ad id semper paratos habebat And to add further to the honor of the See Apostolick of Rome by the example of this moste blessed man S. Kentegern hee neuer beeing but an ordinary Bishop somtimes in Walles sometimes in Scotland yett by the priuiledge hee had from the Popes of Rome in that kinde besides his labors here in Britanie Norway and the remembred other places to write in a Protestant Bishops words Ioh. Bal. centur 1. in Kentegerno in Elguen Formam primitiuae seruauit Ecclesiae Apostolico more pedes ad praedicandum porrexit plaerosque ad fidem conuertit Apostatas reuocauit Pelagianos eiecit nondum renatos baptizauit simulachra subuertit Ecclesias construxit aegrotis ministrauit languores curauit atque in magna vixit abstinentia praedicabat ad flumen vsque Fordense ad mare Scotium Caledonos Athalos Horestos ac vicinarum Albainae regionum Incolas docendo mouendo hortando ad verae pietatis obseruationem instigauit Hee kept the forme of the primatiue church after the maner of the Apostles goinge on foote to preach hee conuerted very many to the faith recalled Apostats cast forth Pelagians baptized those that wanted baptisme ouerthrew the Idols builded churches ministred to the sick cured diseases and liued in great abstinence hee preached euen to the riuer of Ford●ne the Scottish See hee incited by teaching admonishinge and exhortinge to the obseruation of true piety the Caldoniās Athals Horests and the inhabitants of the Regions neare to Albania This holy Bishop beeing first Bishop of Glascow in Scotland came into Walles about the yeare of Christ 560 and there settled an episcopall See hee beeing the first Bishop thereof by the riuer Elwy and notwithstandinge hee was at the first resisted therein by Malgo or Malgocunus a Brittish kinge in that contry yett his authoritie and power soe preuailed that to speake in a Protestant Bishops phrase Hector Boeth hist Scot. in Kentigern Godwin Catalog in Assaph 1. The kinge at last was content to allow the same church to bee an episcopall see and moreouer to bestowe vppon it diuers Lordships manners immunities and priuiledges Kentegern hauinge stayed here some number of yeares gaue ouer his Bishoprick vnto a disciple of his named Assoph a man of greate vertue and learninge whoe writ the life of his Master Kentegern and besides that hee was disciple to soe greate a patron of the Apostolick Roman See to giue Euidence that hee himselfe was soe alsoe affected notwithstandinge there were then many Bishops and Archbishops alsoe in Britanie yett a Protestant Bishop writeth Bal. centur 1. in Asapho à Pontificis Romani discipulis Angliam aduentantibus authoritate vnctionem accepit Hee receaued both authoritie and consecration from the disciples of the Pope of Rome that came into England and liued vntill the yeare of Christ 590. claruit anno à communis salutis origine 590. Within foure yeares of S. Augustines coming hither Before which time alsoe and in this age S. Iuo a Persian by birth and an holy Archbishop was sent by the Pope of Rome into this our Britanie or England together with Sithius his Nephew Inthius his Kinsman and others of whome the Towne yet called S. Iues in Huntington shire where about hee moste liued tooke the name dyinge after many yeares in the yeare of Christ 600. or there about beeinge here longe time by the Pope of Rome his mission before S. Gregory his sendinge S. Augustine hither Iohn Capgrau in S. Iuone Flor. Wigorn. an 600. Andr. Leucand Gotzelin in vita eius Neyther were our owne Archbishops that liued in this age after S. Dubritius Vodinus and Sampson otherwise affected in this matter First S. Sampson beeing driuen by the pagans from Yorke Pyramus or Pyrannus chapleyne to that greate freind of the Romane See kinge Arthur was Archbishop there conuocato Clero populo with common consent and consecrated by S. Dubricius the Popes Legate and primate here then noe other beeing to consecrate him Galfrid Monum histor Reg. Brit. lib. 9. cap. 8. Matth. Westm. an 522. The immediate successor to S. Dubricius bothe in his legatine power from the See of Rome and primate Metropolitane here in those times by common consent of writers Protestants and others was Godwyn Catalog in S. Dauids 1.2 and Landaffe 1. Bal. centur 1. in Dubrit and Dauid Capgrau Catalog that glorie of this nation S. Dauid to vvhome S. Dubritius resigned in his life liuing as an Eremite Relicto Episcopatu eremiticam vitam el●gat ac tenuit
that S. Paul was not an Apostle vntill in the 13. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles before which time by the protestants before Britanie had receaued the faith and probably S. Aristobulus was then a Bishop as many others of the 27. Disciples were And many ar called the disciples of the Apostles which were peculiarly the disciples of S. Peter the cheife Apostle as appeareth in diuers places of the same Authority S. Aristo Arch. of this our Britanie And that this holy disciple of S. Peter was not onely our Bishop but Archbishop alsoe in Britanie I haue warrant both of Catholicks and protestants to auouche it First if wee examine either by Dorotheus or any whomsoeuer writing of the residēcies of the 72. disciples of Christ wee shall hardly finde any amonge them whicn had not the dignity of that high callinge yea hee relateth S. Aristobulus as a cheife amongst thē then beeing sent to this kingdome of Britanie soe greate ample And where as in other such kingdomes our protestants before assure vs S. Peter ordeined an Archbishop wee cānot doubt but in particular it was this his moste worthy disciple as also the disciple of Christ which first exercised by S. Peters assignement that Archie and cheife pontificall order in this Iland Secondly because wee reade it confidētly written and from more auncient authoritie that this holy disciple of S. Peter was not only our first Apostle but here began and first founded the hierarchical order of our Brittish church a thinge proper to that highest spiritual callinge Arnold mirac Theatro conuers gentium in Britan. Aristobulo Britānia Straboni à Britone Rege nuncupata primum Aristobulum fiue illū cuius meminit S. Paulus quod Dorothaeo probatur siue aliū vnū certe ex 72. discipulorum classe Apostolū est nata Deinde Fugariū Damianū qui ordinem Hierarchicè Ecclesiae istic fundatae ab illo inchoatum constituerunt sanxeruntque more nimirum Apostolico Britania so named by Strabo of Kinge Brito or Brutus had for the first Apostle therof Aristobulus either him whome S. Paule remēbreth which Dorotheus approueth or an other surely one of the order of the 72. disciples after that Fugarius Fugatius by others and Damianus whoe constituted confirmed by Apostolick maner the Hierarchical order begun by him of the church founded there Where wee see S. Aristobulus the first founder of the Hierarchicall order in this church of Britanie a thinge which as al protestāts against the puritans maketh the peculiar office of an Archbish Whitgift answ to the admonit Bridges eccles gouern Bilson against the purit Couel Downam Barlowe c. Thirdly These protestants of England especially the vniuersitie of Cambridge by their chosen champion Mr. Thomas Rogers for defence of their Articles of Religion of Protestants writing to vse his wordes by the lawfull authoritie of the church of England allowed to bee publicke Thom. Rogers booke of the faith of England pag. 1. doe playnely saie that S. Aristobulus was Archbishop in this our Britanie Thus hee writeth in the name of English protestants and by their warrant Rogers supra artic 36. pag. Albeit the Termes and Titles of Archbishops we finde not yet the superioritie which they enioye and authoritie which Bishops and Archbishops doe exercise in orderinge and consecratinge of Bishops and ecclesiasticall ministers is grounded vppon the word of God for wee finde that in the Apostles daies how themselues both were in dignitie aboue the Euangelists and the 70. disciples and for authoritie both in and ouer the church as twelue patriarches saith Beza and alsoe established an ecclesiasticall heerarchie Hence came it that bishop was of Hierusalem Iames of Antioch Peter of the Asian churches Iohn of Alexandria marke of Ephesus and all Asia Timothie of all Creete Titus of Philippos Epaphraditus of Corinth and Achaia Apollos of Atheus Dionisius of Fraunce Crescens of Britanie Aristobulus Beza in act Apost 1.2 D. Chrisosto in Act. Homil. 33.2 Hieron in Gal. Euseb D. Hieron ad Euagr. D. Hier. in 2. Tim. 1. Theod. arg in epist. ad Tit. Theod. in epist. ad Phil. Euseb lib. 2. Dorotheus in Apostol Synops Where we see S. Aristobulus not onely ioyned in ranke and dignitie of spirituall preeminence with the Euangelists and Apostles themselues but with the generall authoritie of the protestant church of England plainely declared to bee the first founder of ecclesiasticall hierarchie and Archbishop of this our Britanie And to giue euident testimonie that in their iudgement this nation of the west both deriued the succession of the Bishops thereof from S. Peter and Aristobulus and neuer wanted by such vntil these dayes they thus conclude in this matter supra pag. 197.198 Finally from the Apostles dayes hetherto neuer wanted a succession of Bishops neither in the East nor Weste churches soe prouidēt hath the almightie beene for the augmentation of his glorie and people by this kinde and callinge of men And thus much for the first Archbishop of Britany ordeyned by Saint Peter Now to come to speake of the Bishops hee consecrated and ordeyned for vs although it is precisely proued before that such there were Episcopos ordinauit S. Peter ordeyned Bishops here in Britanie for vs and euery Archbishop which is cheife of Bishops such as S. Aristobulus was vnto vs doth necessarily inferr and proue some Bishops subordinate and vnder els hee could not bee the cheife and principall for euery Archbishop inferreth necessarily some Bishops or Bishop vnder him their cheife in that callinge Diuers Antiquities of Glastenbury apud Capgrau in S. Ioseph affirme that one of the holy company of Saint Ioseph of Aramathia namly his sonne Iosephe was a Bishop which if so it was hee must needes bee subordinate to S. Aristobulus And yett if I would sett downe vncertayne thinges I might place our holy Bishoppe and marty S. Angulus in or neare this time with much more probabilitie then some without any authoritie I can finde referr him to the dayes of Diocletian his persecution or say that S. Martine to whome the christian Romans builded dedicated the church at Canterbury was a British Bishop and in this time for that such a S. Martyne a Bishop there was about those dayes there bee many testimonies and that hee was consecrated by Romane authoritie and soe aunciently to proue it probable hee was a Britanie that the auntient Manuscript of Radulphus de Diceto deane of London or whosoeuer Author of Abbreuiatio chronicorum saith that it was builded in the time of kinge Lucius for speaking of the time of that our first christian kinge hee affirmeth Abbreuiatio chronicorum in Lucio M. S Tunc constructa est extra Cantuariam ecclesia Sancti Martini then the church without Canterbury dedicated to S. Martyne was builded As diuers also were to S. Peter our moste glorious Apostle One I finde consecrated by S. Peter or his successor at Rome which was both a Britanne and liued and died a Bishop
presbyteros diaconos ordinauit Who these Bishops in particular were I reade noe man precisely to sett them downe yett if wee will followe the antiquities of Glastenbury saying that S. Iosephe the sonne of S Ioseph of Aramathia was a Bishop as both Catholicks and Protestants allowe them in other things I craue pardon probably to write that he was one of them which S. Peter consecrated here First because as is graunted before S. Aristobulus our Archbishop vnto whom S. Ioseph whether Bishop or noe was subiect was ordeyned by S. Peter Secondly because S. Ioseph is named a Bishop and yet in probable iudgmēt none when hee came hither with his Father S. Ioseph for by the same and all other antiquities and histories of that matter S. Ioseph his Father noe Bishop was the Abbot or Superior of all that company yet neither Catholick nor Protestant will easily instance that Bishops by order and Sacrament Superiors were or might bee Inferiors or subiects to any of Inferior degree Secondlie there is noe possibilitie by any authoritie that I finde at all to surmise that S. Ioseph was a Bishop before his cominge hither but the wordes of the antiquitie which say of him that Iesus consecrated him Bishop before in the citie Sarath Quem Dominus Iesus prius in ciuitate Sarath in Episcopum consecrauit Antiquit. Glast apud Capgrau in S. Ioseph ab Aramathia Which noe Protestant will or may by their Religion say was a true and reall consecration but rather propheticall what should bee done by orderly consecration after For this vision was longe after Christs Ascension into heauen where all Protestants of England euer since imprison him to keepe him from being present in the B. Sacrament of the altar Thirdlie they and all others generally denie such extraordinary proceedings where an ordinary and vniuersall order as in this case is appointed by Christ himselfe Wherfore S. Paul himselfe that vessell of Election and extraordinary Apostle though miraculously conuerted chosen and called yett hee neither was actually a christian without externall baptisme nor a Bishop but by Imposition of hands and ordinary consecration And wee reade of S. Sampson our holy Archbishop of yorke that before hee was a Bishop S. Peter S. Iames and S. Iohn appeared vnto him saying Io. Capgrau in S. Sampsone Episc Confessore Our Lord Iesus Christ hath chosen thee for a Bishop and sent vs to consecrate thee whom when they had consecrated with benediction they disappeared out of his sight Nocte quadam vidit se densissimis candidatorum turmis circundari tres Episcopos vestibus aureis ornatos cum illo ecclesiam ingredientes orare cuius vnus illorum ab ipso inquisitus qui esset ait Ego sum Petrus Christi Apostolus hic frater Domini Iacobus Euangelista Ioannes Dominus Iesus Christus te sibi in praesulem elegit te consecrare nos misit Quē cùm benedictione consecrassent ab eius oculis elapsi sunt And yett neither S. Sampson nor any other tooke this for a reall consecration but onely figuratiue of that which was after to bee done by the holie externall rite of the church of Christ vntill as wee reade in the same history our holy Archbishop S. Dubricius vpon the apparition and message of an Angell did truely and really externally consecrate him a Bishop nec multo post Angelus Domini beato Dubricio apparens Sampsonem ordinari Episcopum praecepit Capgr supr Soe I might exemplifie in many such cases only propheticall and figuratiue what should afterward bee done and not what was then effected Therfore if S. Ioseph was a Bishop as that antiquitie persuadeth by that figuratiue vision not cōsecrated before hee came into Britanie as is shewed before wee reade of no other which at that time made consecrated Bishops but S Peter I may probably at the leaste affirme that S. Iosephe was one of them which S Peter at his departure hēce S. Iosephe beeing certainely here at that time was consecrated Bishop by Saint Peter here in Britanie And when I finde both Catholicks and Protestants affirme Martyrol Angl. 7. die Februarij Dr●kin Almin an 1620. 7. Feb. with others that S. Angulus was our Bishop of London martyr and yet noe historiā Catholick or Protestāt putteth him in the nūber of them which were Bishops there after the time of K. Lucius but quite leaue him out of that catalogue as appeareth by our Protestants Harrison Godwyne Stowe others which with al diligēce they could haue collected the auncient Bishops of London I must needs drawe him to an higher time then that of kinge Lucius was before which noe consecration of Bishops in Britany was or is so memorable as this by S. Peter the Apostle Harris descript of Brit Godw Catalog of Bishop in London 1. Stowe and How● l. hist Lucius Iocelin of Furnes l. de Episc Brit. And to end here the Relation or S. Peters proceedings in Britanie wee haue clearly deduced with the allowance of our best English Protestant Antiquaries and other Authors by them approued That S. Peter Prince of the Apostles was our first Father in Christ and renowned Apostle both immediately by himselfe and his holy disciples That hee performed here all cheife and eminent pastorall duties and offices when our Emperors with our Lieutenants here as also all our Kings were pagan Infidels That hee ordeyned and consecrated for vs Bishops preists and other clergie men and founded churches to the honor Religion of Christ and the honor of his blessed Mother S. Mary the Virgin few other christian Saints then deceased as that of Glastenbury not soe dedicated without his approbation beeing cheife in such affaires Hee consecrated other Britans out of this nation exemptinge them from the pagan seruice of those such remembred princes hee sent them by authoritie to preach the ghospell in other contries hee or his disciples conuerted Pomponia Graecina the Lord Lieutenants wife of Britanie as these Protestants haue proued and many in the like case their husbands continuing in their infidelitie and contradiction and many husbands and children the wiues and parents not allowinge as seruants in respect of their Lords and masters and Subiects in regard of soueraignes I a Catholick Preist now demaund of the best learned Protestāts Bishops of England whether these proceedings and prerogatiues in that moste glorious Apostle and his worthie disciples our first Masters in Christ were not as greate and ample as the renowned Preists and Catholicks of this kingedome now attribute and giue to the Popes of Rome his Apostolicke Successors Wee whoe haue reade moste and suffered much for this cause cannot see the difference or finde instance of disparitie except in number of parsons lesse or greater quantities of groundes and some improportions in such thinges which make noe essentiall diuersitie for otherwise wee haue beene told by the best learned Protestants with others that S. Peter and his disciples did manifestlie and directly
hee forsooke for the loue of God and this his nation soe soone that by Pope Pius the first martyred in the yeare 154. his said house was cōsecrated a church hee himselfe beeing then in all probabilitie preaching in this Iland as so many Authorities cited doe warrant The historie of S. Marcellus or Marcellinus both to haue beene a Britane a Bishop and to haue preached here longe before S. Linus was conuerted that hee persuaded him to bee a Christian and after went into Germany and returned from thence into Britanie againe sent with others from Pope Eleutherius to conuert kinge Lucius this kingdome as they did is an vndoubted veritie acknowledged by all that write of that matter And therefore our Protestāts of England freely graunt vs in these wordes Euen from the dayes of those godlie men whoe first taught the Britans the ghospell there remayned amonge the same Britans some Christians which ceased not to teach and preach the word of God most sincerely vnto them But yett noe kinge amongst thē openly professed that Religion till at length this Lucius perceauinge not onely some of the Roman Lieutenants in Britanie as Trebellius and Pertinax with others to haue submitted themselues to that profession but alsoe the Emperor himselfe to begin to bee fauorable to them that professed it And then hee setteth downe how kinge Lucius sent to Pope Eleutherius to bee instructed in and receaue the faith of Christ and in like maner is the Relatiō of other Protestāts Holinsh. histor of England lib. 4. cap. 19. Math. Park Antiquit Britan. pag. 4.5 Ioh. Goscelius in histor Manuscript Bal. l. 2. de actibus Pontif. in Gregor 1. l. de Scriptor cent 1. in August Dirnoth Godwyn Conuers Powel annot in l. 2. Girald Cambr. c. 1. Foxe to 2. Act. pag. 463 Fulke Ans to count Cath. pag. 40. Middlet papistam pag. 202. Stowe Holinsh. c. Then if by these men there stil continued a succession of true preachers in Britanie from the Apostles time Protestant Articl of Religion Bils Whitgift Barlow Bridges Downam Hockeer Couel others against puritans Which the puclick Protestant Religion denieth to bee without true Bishops to consecrate such preists and preachers and the Romane Luietenants themselues and christians and soe consequently as the greatnes of their state and necessitie of the church here required had Bishops and rather from Rome beeing themselues Romans And I haue exemplified in soe many Bishops consecrated and sent hither by S. Peter and his holy successors Popes of Rome and not any one Instance can bee giuen of any one Bishop or preist in all this time sent or consecrated by any others wee must needes leaue that prerogatiue to Rome and honor to Britanie to haue had the holy Bishops and pastors of this church from thence And that Apostolicke See to haue ruled here in spirituall things as these Protestants haue freely acknowledged in the holy Popes S. Anacletus Euaristus and S. Alexander allready Rob. Barns in vit Pontific in nominibus citat Downam lib. 1. of Antichrist cap. 3. pag. 35. And soe they teach that al the following Popes vnto S. Eleutherius to witt S. Sixtus the first Telesphorus Higinius Pius and Anicetus the immediate predecessor to Eleutherius tooke vppon them generally the supreamacy and highest commaūding power in all spirituall things and all places without exception or limitation S. Sixtus gaue authoritie to appeale to the Popes of Rome from all Bishops Ab Episcopo ad Romanum Pontificem appellandi Ius dedit ecclesiasticis ministris Barnes supra in Sixto Saint Telesphorus prescribed generally the fast of Lent in Telesphoro Published the maner or order of Masse and made a decree as supreame Iudge howe all suites and controuersies should be tryed and decided Saint Higinius made a lawe byndinge all Bishops Metrapolitans and the whole cleargie in Higinio S. Pius dedicated the howse of our renowned contrywomā S. Pudentiana in Rome to bee a church In Pio made general decrees for the holy sacrifice of the Masse binding all Priests Bishops Declared it to bee sacriledge in all people whomsoeuer which cōuerted lāds or goods dedicated to Religion to prophane vses Appointed the age of virgins to bee consecrated Hee decreed that matters apperteyning to Religion should bee heard in prouinciall councells of Bishops reseruinge the authoritie of the Pope of Rome and appeales to him Quae ad Religionem spectant à suae Synodis audienda esse statuit salua tamen pontificia authoritate Idem in vit Pont. in Aniceto S. Anicetus the next before S. Eleutherius made or renewed the decree how both Bishops and Metropolitans were to bee ordeyned That an Archbishop was to bee accused before the Pope of Rome That noe Archbishops should bee called primates except that prerogatiue of name were graunted him from the Pope of Rome Archiepiscopos non primates appellandos nisi ista praerogatiua nomenclaturae ei à Romano Pontifice concederetur Wherfore these Popes beeing by all Protestants holy Saints and Martyrs and the church of Rome then by his maiestie and al other learned men of the Protestant profession our mother church the true churche commandinge church most high Apostolicque church and these their decrees vniuersal and generall comprehending all and excluding none either in Britanie or any other nation except wee will bee willfully headstronge in disobedience wee must needs acknowledge that this kingdome from S. Peters first preachinge here vnto the generall conuersion thereof in the time of Pope Eleutherius of which sufficiently in the next chapter euer was and did acknowledge it selfe subiect in spirituall thinges to the holy Apostolicke See of Rome And this in particular alsoe proued by soe many auncient and approued Authors historians and others that entreate of this subiect shewinge how often the Popes of Rome in these remembred dayes sent preachers hither and the Britans likewise acknowledginge euer that See for the cheifest and supreame sent thither though soe far distant hence to haue preachers and Instructors to bee sent hither by the highest papall power there I will insist in Protestants relation for this busines They tell vs that S. Bede the old chronicle of Lādaffe Goceline in the life of S. Augustine cap. 31. historiae maioris the old chronicle called Brutus Ioannes Nauclerus an old manuscript history which the Protestāt Bishop Godwyn saith hee had in latine say that many preachers were sent hither frō the Pope of Rome in the yeare of Christ 156. when S. Pius was Pope and I haue read a very old manuscript testifyinge that king Lucius did in that yeare send legats to the Pope of Rome to that purpose An epistle written from the Pope of Rome to the kinge of Britanie dated in the yeare 159. found amonge the old constitutions of this lande and in the old chronicle called Brutus which the Protestant Bishop Bridges saith hee had seene saith there was the like sendinge in or about that time Mennius
from an old Manuscript By which and that which is spoken before in this chapter it is euident that England this part of Britanie then had both Bishops and Archbishops continuinge in the same order and maner as they were first instituted here by the See of Rome neither did they now begin to depart or seperate themselues from obedience to that See Apostolicke for soone after this the first general councel of Nice beeinge called these Protestāts haue told vs wee had Bishops there and most euident it is that it was receaued in this kingdome And yet the canon of that councell is soe manifest for the Popes of Rome supreamacy at the least ouer this western world wherein England is both in the time of this holy councell and before that a Protestant Bishop doth thus confesse it Feild l. 3. p. 60.61 In the time of the Nicen councell before as appeareth by the Acts of the councell limitinge their bounds there were three principall Bishops or Patriarkes of the christian church namely the Bishop of Rome Alexandria and Antioch Soe writeth the Protestant Archbishop Whitgift Foxe and others whereof one saith Whitgift def of the Answ. p. 331. Foxe tom 1. pag. 12. Rob. Barns in vit Pont. Rom. in Siluestro Sollicitudinem ecclesiarum pro recepta consuetudine veterum habendam esse statuerunt The fathers of the nicen councell did decree that accordinge to the custome receaued from them of old that the three cheife patriarkes of Rome Antioch and Alexandria should haue chardge of the churches Soe that if wee would seeke noe further then to these great enemies themselues of the Romane See yett they confesse vnto vs that it was not onely decreed in this nicen councell where as our Protestants haue told vs wee had Bishops consentinge and our kinge and contriman Constantine the great Emperor alsoe submittinge himselfe vnto it but that it was the old custome and tradition of the church that the Bishop of Rome was the principall Bishop and commaundinge Patriarke of all westerne churches amonge which this of our Britanie was euer now is and of necessitie must bee one and if wee will bee members of the church of Christ except wee can remoue Britanie from the vttermost part of Europe to lepp to Alexandria in Africke or Antioch in Asia wee must needs by this councel as it is glossed by our Protestants bee subiect to Rome as wee euer were by the old custome before that councell The words of these Protestants Whitgift and Foxe are these Whitgift Def. pag. 331. Foxe tom 1. pag. 12. The councell of Nice which was the yeare of our Lord 340. and in the sixt canon of the said councell wee finde it soe decreed that in euery prouince or precinct some one church or Bishop of the same was appointed and sett vp to haue the Inspection and Regiment of other churches about him secundum morem antiquum that is after the auncient custome as the words of the councell doe purport Soe that the Bishop of Alexandria should haue power of Libia and Pontapolis in Egipt for as much as the Bishop of Rome hath the like or same maner Therefore seeing there is none named either by the councell or custome related by that councell but the Bishops of Rome Antioch and Alexandria to haue this high Regiment and power ouer the churches wee must needs adhere and appeale to Rome by these men as wee euer did by the old custome from the beginninge of our first life in Christ otherwise wee shall fall into errors and conclude inualidate things euen in the highest matters these men assuringe vs that at this time there were but three cheife Metropolitane churches before recited and that to vse their words Whitgift def pag. 359. The church of Rome is called all that is subiect to the Bishop of Rome And Whitgift Answeare to the Admonit cap. 2.17 diuision that notable and famous councell of Nice must be and is of all wise and learned men next vnto the scriptures themselues reuerenced esteemed and embraced in the sixt canon of that councell it is thus written This councell doth determine him to bee noe Bishop which is made without the consent Metropolitani Episcopi of the Metropolitane Which cheife Metrotropolitane to vs then as these men haue told vs was the Bishop of Rome soe that it is euident by them that we could not here haue any Archbishop or Bishopp mane without his allowance And yett these our Protestant Bishops 〈◊〉 Doctors must needs eleuate this power spiritual higher then to make it onely cheife ouer Britanie those West nations and Europe and giue it the highest place in the whole church of Christ for soe all that can bee pretended by these Protestants to haue had interest in such things at that time whether the Pope himselfe S. Siluester and others our kinge and Emperor Constantine or the Bishops of Britanie and other nations for all these in those daies acknowledged the Supreamacy in the Romane See ouer all churches S. Siluester Pope with the consent and Subscription of the Emperor Constātine his Mother S. Helena and 284. western Bishops and 45. preists decreed Concil Roman su● Syluestro can 20. to 1. Concil Nemo ●uduabit primam sedem quoniam omnes sedes a priuia sede desider●nt temperari neque ab Auguste neque ab omni clero neque à Regibus neque à populo Indox indi abitur Noe man shall iudge the cheife See of Rome because all Sees desire to bee gouerned by the cheife See The iudge Pope of Rome shall not bee iudged neither by the Emperour nor by all the cleargie nor by kings nor by the people Where wee see the Pope of Rome to bee by all consent the highest iudge and subiect to noe others iudgment whosoeuer The honor and reuerence which Constantine yeelded to Saint Siluester then Pope is sufficiently knowne by Eusebius in his life and others Euseb de vita Constantini I will onely exemplify by the warrant of an english Protestant Bishop how this greate dutie and Reuerence of him to that holy Pope and endowinge that Apostolicke See with honor and ritches was such that it was longe before foretold by an Angell from heauen to S. Blasius saying l. 1. de Act. Rom. Pontif. in Syluestro That in the time of Constantine Idolatry should cease by his meanes and this Constantine for his honor to the See of Rome should translate the seate of his Empire from thence into Thracia and there settle it at the mouth of the Riuer Bosphorus and leaue Italy and Rome to the Pope Christs vicar there Adueniet Princeps sub quo pacabitur orbis finem accipiet veteram cultura deorum Constantinus apud Thraces qua Bosphorus aequor Thracius Euxinis Aegaeum ingurgitat vndis constituet sedem Imperij latiumque relinquet Christo Romuleam septem in collibus vrbem Now for the Bishops of Britanie there can bee noe question but they gaue this primacie to S. Siluester
for first it is most probable some of them were present at this Roman councell soe great consistinge of the westerne Bishops Secondly in all Iudgments they must needs acknowledge this supreamacy either in the Pope or Emperor But not the Emperor which yeelded it to S. Siluester Thirdly because the next Pope Saint Marke who was Pope but three yeares claimed for the Romane See to be mater omnium ecclesiarum the mother of all churches and priuiledged from heresie Marcus epist. ad Athanas caeter Egipti Episcopos And as these Protestants tell vs his successor S. Iulius appointed appeales to the See of Rome and taught noe councel could bee kept lawfully without his consent Rob. Barns in vita Pontif. Roman in Iulio And two other Protestant Bishops speaking of this time affirme The canō of the primatiue church made euery thinge voyde that was done without the Bishop of Rome Bilson true differ pag. 66.67 And againe The canon of the primatiue church forbad any councell to bee called without his consent Morton Appeale pag. 286. And to make all sure in this matter that the whole cleargie of Britanie and Christians vnder them at this time attributed this spirituall supreamacie to the Pope of Rome our Protestants haue told vs before which aunciēt Authorities alsoe affirme Theater of greate Britanie l. 6. Sulpit. Seuer sacr histor lib. 2. Athan. apol l. 1. cont Ar. Concil Sardic can 4.7 that wee had of this nation diuers Bishops in the generall councell of Sardis a cytie of Lydia in Asia with 300. Bishops and therfore this kingedome with the rest acknowledged the supreamacie of the Pope of Rome in all places and that Appeales were to bee made to him as highest iudge And whereas the councell of Arles in Fraunce in the time of S. Siluester in the subscription of the Bishops there many Protestants and other Antiquaries assure vs Concil Arelat in subscript Theater of Brit. lib. 6. Stow histor in Lucius Godwyn catalog in London 1. that Restitutus our Archbishop of London was present there and subscribed for this nation that place beeinge soe remote from London wee must needs say that hee was called thither by the Pope of Rome or doe that which neuer any yett would allowe to graunt a superioritie vnto the Bishops of Fraunce ouer them of this kingedome And soe for those our Bishops which were at the councell of Ariminum in this time for noe others medled in these affaires in those dayes Which wee are further taught by the Example of our holy Bishop S. Ninian Capgrau in Catal. in Ninian Bed hist Anglic. Theater of greate Britanie lib. 6. Bal. centur 1. de script in Niniano Bernini whoe towards the later end of this centurie of yeares was made Bishopp at Rome by the Pope there and by him sent Apostle to the Western parts of Britanie to people there which had not yett receaued the faith of Christ Where hee conuerted the nation of the Picts preached the ghospell through the contryes of the Britans Scots and Picts ordeyned there preists consecrated them Bishops and diuided the contry into parishes as both Catholicks and Protestants are witnesses Audicus Pontisex Romanus quosdam in occiduis Britanniae partibus necdum fidem Christi suscepisse ad Episcopatus gradum Ninianum consecrauit Concreditum à Deo talentum per Britannorum Scotorum australium Pictorum terras ad senium vsque latissimè profudit Ordinauit presbyteros Episcopos consecrauit totam terram per certas parochias diuisit And liuinge in this preachinge vntill hee was very ould as a Protestant Bishop writeth Bal. centur 1. in Ninian Palladio Patricio he died in the yeare of Christ 432. before which time S. Palladius S. Patricius SS Germanus and Lupus were sent hither by S. Celestine Pope of Rome And yett that hee came hither in the fourth century it is euident for in his cominge hither from Rome hee came by S. Martin Bishopp of Tours in Fraunce as Capgraue and others writte Ioh. Capgr in S. Ninian and yett by Sigebert and others S. Martine died within the first 400. yeares Sigebert in Chronic. ad an 399. In which time alsoe wee had Coelius Sedulius of this nation scholler as a Protestant Bishop writeth to Hildiberthus a learned Bishop of Scotland Ioh. Bal centur 1. in Coel. Sedul after whose death hee trauailed many nations for learninge sake as Spayne France Italy and Asia and beeinge excellently learned returned to Rome where hee longe time continued and was soe learned holy and gratefull a man to the Popes of Rome that Pope Gelasius to vse the Protestants words in the decrees distinct 15. calleth him venerable Sedulius and much prayseth his writings Neyther can wee thinke otherwise of his Master Bishop Hildibertus of whome hee was instructed and directed in these courses And this Sedulius himselfe alsoe was a Bishop as both Sigebertus and Bostius our contryman and the Protestant Bishop Bale from them are wittnesses Sigebertus Bostius apud Bal. centur 1. de Script in Coel. Sedul In which time alsoe liued S. Kebius our Cornish Bishop successor though perhaps not immediate to S. Amphibalus in the Bishoprick of Mona Ioh. Capgrau in S. Kebio Harpesf histor pag. 26. Pits in Kebio Whoe liued longe time with S. Hilary Bishopp of Poicters in Fraunce that worthie piller of the true Catholick faith and honor of the church of Rome and Successor of Saint Peter there that hee calleth him Hilar. ad Psalm 131. in Matth. can 16. Ecclesiae fundamentum caelestis Regni Ianitor cuius arbitrio aeterni aditus traduntur cuius terrestre iudicium praeiudicata authoritas sit in coelo Foundation of the church porter of the kingedome of heauen The happy foundation of the church the blessed porter of heauen to wose will the eternall passadges are committed whose iudgement on earth is preiudicate authoritie in heauen Such a tutor pedagoge and consecrator alsoe had this our happie contryman Saint Kebius in those turbulent hereticall times of the Arrians and their opposition against the Romane church a greate meanes by this our holy Bishop S. Restitutus Fastidius Priscus our Archbishops then and other godly Bishops of this nation to preserue this kingedome in the true faith and obedience to the Pope of Rome in soe much that S. Hilarie himselfe lib. de Synodis aduersus Arr. commendeth the Bishops of Britanie for the sinceritie in those times to their eternall honor Hee dyed as our Protestants write in the yeare of Christ 370. And in this age alsoe was that renowned S. Vrsula with her glorious company of Bishops other cleargie men Virgins and others as those Protestants ar witnesses whoe as both Ptolomaeus Lucensis Capgraue the Antiquities of Collene and the German histories testifie Baleus centur 1. in Vrsula Cynosura an 390. Stowe histor an 394. in Theodosius Martyrolog Roman die 21. 22. Octob. Beda hac die Vandelbert Baron in annot Ptolom Lucens in S. Vrsula Capgrau in S.
here together with the Timothean Hereticks they ordeyned and consecrated soe many Bishops in this nation that some writers amonge Protestants Godvvin Conuers of Britanie pag. 25. are of opinion their number was greater then of those that were consecrated here in the time of Kinge Lucius amonge whome a Protestant Bishop writteth in this maner I cannot but rest persuaded that our Britanie had very few Bishops vntill the cominge ouer of Germanus and Lupus to suppresse the Pelagian Heresie concerninge which matter I thinke it not amisse to offer vnto the Reader what I finde in our history of Landaff Postquam praedicti Seniores Sanctus Germanus Episcopus Lupus Pelagianam heresim extirpauerant Episcopos pluribus in locis Britanniae consecrauerunt Super omnes autem Britannos dextralis partis Britanniae beatum Dubricium summum Doctorem à Rege ab omni parochia electum Archiepiscopum consecrauerunt Hac dignitate ei à Germano Lupo data constituerunt ei episcopalem sedem concessu Monrici Regis Principum Cleri populi apud podium Lantaui in honore S. Petri Apostoli fundatam cum finibus istis c. Which thus hee englisheth After the said elders S. Germanus Bishop and Lupus had rooted out the Pelagian Heresie they consecrated Bishops in many places of Britanie Ouer all the Brittans dwellinge on the right side of Britanie they consecrated for Archbishop S Dubritius whoe was chosen for the supreame doctor by the kinge and all the Diocesse This dignitie beeing bestowed vpon him by Germanus and Lupus they with the consent of Monric the kinge the nobilitie cleargie and people appointed his See to bee at the manner of Lantaui and founded the same there to the honor of S. Peter boundinge the territories thereof in this wise c. Then hee addeth immediately This was about the yeare of Christ 430. about which time alsoe Palladius did first appoint Bishops and ordeine Bishopricks in Scotland as Buchanan hath deliuered The words of Buchanan the puritane are these Georg. Buchan l. 5. Reg. 42. pag. 146. Rer. Scotic Creditur Palladius primus Episcopus in Scotia creasse Palladius is thought to bee the first that created Bishops in Scotland Where wee are taught by these great Protestāts themselues that the first Bishops that euer were in this Iland whether Scotland or this other part of England and Wales were instituted together with their Sees Iurisdictions and limitts by the Popes authoritie and this Protestant Bishop in translating his Antiquitie hath abused his reader that is ignorant of the latine tonge for where hee translateth who vvas chosen for the supreame doctor by the kinge and all the diocesse there is noe such thinge in that antiquitie as hee himselfe alleadged it but only that the king consented with the diocesse to his consecration in Archiepiscopall dignitye by the Popes Legats or at the moste that they did choose him rather then any other for that hee was a cheife doctor here longe before and that by the Popes approbation I will shew herafter And it seemeth to bee certayne both by himselfe and others that this Protestant Bishop where hee speaketh of the kings and peoples election did add it of his owne Inuention for both by others and himselfe alsoe in other places there is no such thinge in this narration Iohn Capgraue whome this man much commendeth thus relateth this history Godwin Conuers of Brit. Cum Sanctus Germanus Lupus haeresim illam Pelagianam extirpassent Episcopos in pluribus locis Britanniae consecrarunt dextralis partis Britanniae beatum Dubritium summum Doctorem Archiepiscopum statuerunt Landauensem ecclesiam in honore beati Petri fundatam sedem cathedralem collocarunt collatis autem ecclesiae Landauensi à Rege multis possessionibus ecclesijs Dubricius discipulos per ecclesias diuisit quasdam nouas ecclesias fundauit Danielem in Episcopum Bangerensem Sanctum Iltutum in loco ab illo Lanitut id est Ecclesia Iltuti vocatum ordinauit Ioh. Capgrauius in Catalog in S. Dubritio When S. Germanus and Lupus had rooted out that Pelagian heresie they consecrated Bishops in many places of Britanie they appointed blessed Dubritius cheife Doctor and Archbishop of the right hand part of Britanie and placed the church of Landaffe founded in honor of S. Peter the cathedrall See and many possessions and parishes being giuen by the kinge to the church of Landaffe Dubricius diuided his disciples by the churches builded some new churches Hee ordeyned Daniel Bishop of Bangor and S. Iltutus in a place called of him Lanitut that is the church of Iltutus The very same words without any word added or detracted ar in the life of S. Dubritius in the greate old Manuscript of many Saints written diuers hundreds of yeares since Manuscript antiquum permagnum pr. gloriosi ac Deo dilecti in S. Dubricio And both these Antiquities teach with all others that Aurelius Ambrosius kinge was here at that time with generall commaund and that hee with the whole cleargie consented to haue S. Dubritius Archbishop of Wales and S. Sampson of Yorke their words bee Sancti Episcopi praedicti consentiente Rege Ambrosio Aurelio necnon omni clero Dubritium Archiepiscopum consecrarunt The twoe holy Bishops S. Germanus and Lupus the kinge Ambrosius Aurelius and all the cleargie consentinge consecrated Dubritius Archbishop and againe Impositum est Diadema capiti Regis Aurelij Ambrosij de communi consensu sedem Eboracensem contulit Sampsoni viro Sancto vrbis verò Legionum Archiepiscopatum inclito Dubritio dedit Aurelius Ambrosius was crowned kinge and by common consent of the Legats and cleargie hee bestowed the See of Yorke on Sampson an holy man and the Archbishoprick of Caerlegion on renowned Dubritius Soe that it clearely appeareth that if there was any such kinge as Monric at that time he was but a little Regulus in the cōtry about Lantaui and perhaps temporall Lord of that place and soe his consent for the settlinge of the Archbishops See there by the Legats was requisite and graunted and in noe other sence For this Protestant Bishop himselfe Godwin Catalog in S. Dauies Roger Houeden Matth. Parker antiquit Britan. Producer of this Antiquitie is wittnes with all writers that at this time and at the cominge of S. Augustine soe longe after the Bishopricks of Exeter in Deuonshire Bathe in Sommersettshire Hereford and Worcester which could not belonge to any petty Prince or Regulus were subiect to that Archiepiscopall See therefore such things were rather done by the direction or cōmaund of the Legats Iubente Sancto Germano as our Protestants publish in their Brittish history Galfrid monum histor Reg. Britan. lib. 6. c. 14. And as much confessed by this Protestant Bishop himselfe in diuers others places and in these plaine termes Godwin Catalog in S. Dauids in Dubritius Dubritius was made Archbishopp of all Walles by Germanus and Lupus twoe Bishops of Fraunce that were
entreated by Aurelius Ambrosius the Kinge or Ruler of Britanie to come ouer and yeeld their best helpe for extinguishing the Pelagian heresie that had then taken great roote in this contry And they appointed his See to bee at Landaff which soone after was remoued to Caerlegion vppon Vske in Monmoutshire And in an other place thus hee writeth Godwyn Catalog in Landaff 1. in Dubritius The cathedral church of Landaffe is reported to haue beene first built in the time of Lucius about the yeare of Christ 180. But I perceiue not that any Bishop satt there before Dubritius that by Germanus Bishop of Altisiodore and Lupus of Trecasia tvvo Bishops of Fraunce vvas first consecrate Archbishop of those parts and sate sometimes at Caerleon sometimes at Landaffe Where hee quite forgetteth his kinge Monric attributinge all to the Popes Legates And a little after citinge the very same booke of Landaffe which hee did before hee produceth many Bishops of that See to haue excommunicated the kinges or princes of that contry of which hereafter Godvvyn Catalog of Bish in Landaff pag. 518.520.521.523 edit an 1615. Soe that there is not the leaste suspition left eyther by the booke of Landaffe or any antiquitie but the cheife spirituall power and iurisdiction in this kingedome was euer acknowledged generally to be in the holy Apostolick See of Rome and at this time executed here by those holy Legats from thence Which more appeareth in this holy Archbishop S. Dubritius whoe was not onlie thus consecrated and disposed of in those highest spirituall affaires by authoritie from Rome but was alsoe himselfe the Popes Legate here in Britanie as Robertus Caenalis the french Bishop the Brittish history and other witters say Robert Caenal Gallic hist. l. 1. perioche 6. Galfr. monum l. 9. cap. 12. histor Brit. Ex Vrbe Legionū Dubritius hic Britaniae primas Apostolicae sedis Legatus tanto religione clarebat vt quemcumque langore grauatis orationibus suis sanaret Dubritius Archbishop of Caerlegion Primate of Britanie and legate of the See Apostolicke was soe holy that hee healed all sick parsons by his prayers Therefore beeing the Popes Legate and liuinge here soe longe vntill the yeare of Christ 522. as two Protestant Bishops tell vs. Godwyn sup Bal. centur 1. in Dubricius And Primate of Britanie there can bee noe doubt of the Popes power here in this time if wee had noe other instances and Arguments to Insist vpon in this matter for those daies But these Protestant Antiquaries Galfrid monum histor Reg. Britan. l. 6. c. 13. Io. Capgrau Catal. in S. Dubritij Manuscript of Saints old in Dubrit and others tell vs that these Legats thus sent from the Pope did not come hither onely to extirpate those heresies but to preach the true Religion in all other things for the christianitie of the Britans was then corrupted not onely by the Pelagian heresie but by the Pagans which the kinge had brought hither and by the preachinge of these blessed men the Popes Legats the Religion of true faith was restored amonge them In tempore illo venit S. Germanus Antissiodorensis Episcopus Lupus Trecensis Episcopus vt verbum Dei Britonibus praedicarent corrupta namque fuerat christianitas eorum tum propter Paganos quos Rex in societatem eorum posuerat tum propter Pelagianam haeresim Beatorum igitur virorum praedicatione restituta est inter eos verae fidei Religio And in particular besides the common Pelagian heresies against the necessitie of Baptisme and grace of Christ it seemeth the Pelagian preists and Bishops contrary to christian Religion in all churches had women whom they called their wiues for wee reade that Leporius Agricola the greate promoter of that heresie here was the sonne of Seuerianus a Pelagian Bishop saith one Protestant Stowe histor in Theodosius the yonger Seueri cuiusdam Pelagianorum Sacerdotis in Britannia filius the sonne of one Seuerus a Pelagian preist in Britanie saith an other Io Bal. centur 1. de Scriptor in Leporio Agric. And the kinge Vortiger soe countenanced the Pagan Saxons that wee heare that many christians intermarried with them as the kinge himselfe had done although hee had then aliue his christian wife by whome hee had three sonnes to wit Vortimer Catigern and Pascentius yett hee married the Pagan daughter of Hengistus the Pagan named Rowenna and soe aduanced the Infidels that the whole kingedome was endaungered and to aggrauate these sinnes this kinge kept in vvicked maner his owne daughter vvhich hee had by his Christian vvife and begott a child a daughter of her Mattheus Westminster anno 450. Generat etiam ex eadem coniuge filiam quam in societatem thori suscipiens filiam ex ea proceauit Whereupon to speake in Protestant wordes Stovve and Hovves histor in Vortigern Vodine Archbishopp of London a man of singular deuotion and good life by the aduise of Vortimer the kinges eldest sonne and next kinge went to Vortiger and said to him that hee had not done as a Christian prince in departinge from his lawfull wife and takinge an other woman whose father was an enemy to the Christian faith and alsoe went about to conquer the crowne of Britanie Hengist hearing Vortiger make lamentation forthwith slew the good Archbishop Vodine and many other preists and Religious parsons all the churches in lent were polluted with blood the Nunnes with other religious parsons were by force putt from their howses and goods constreined to pollutiō of their bodies The Brittās consideringe the daily repaire of the Saxons into this Realme shewed to their kinge the Ieoperdie that might therof ensue and aduertised him of the daunger but all was in vaine for Vortiger by reasons of his wife bare such fauour to the Saxons that hee would in noe wise heare the counsaile of his subiects Thus farre these Protestants But Nennius in his manuscript history writing as a Protestāt Bishop saith Io Bal. centur 1. in Nennio Bamachorensi Nennius in M. S. histor in Guorthigirno Rege a thousand yeares since writeth plainely that amonge other wickednesses of this kinge hee tooke his owne daughter for his wife and had a daughter by her Which when it was proued to S. Germanus the Popes Legate hee came with all the cleargie of Britanie to correct the kinge And when a Synode of the cleargie and nobilitie was assembled The kinge arose and was very angry and sought to fly from the face of S. German and hee was accursed and condemned by blessed German and all the councell of the Britans Super haec omnia mala adijciens Guorthigirnus accepit filiam suam propriam in vxorem sibi quae peperit ei filiam Hoc autem cum compertum esset à Sancto Germano venit corripere Regem cum omni clero Britannum dum conuenta esset magna Synodus Clericorum in vno concilio ipse Rex surrexit iratusque est vehementer vt à facie Sancti
AN ECCLESIASTICAL PROTESTANT HISTORIE OF THE HIGH PASTORAL and fatherly chardge and care of the Popes of Rome ouer the church of Britanie from the first planting of the christiā faith there by S. Peter the Apostle and his Disciples continued in euery age and hundred of yeares by holy Bishops and cleargie men sent hither and consecrated by them his Successors in the See Apostolicke Euidently deduced and proued by historicall narration from the published and priuiledged writings to appease al protestants of the most learned allowed English protestant pretended Bishops Doctors Antiquaries others of that Religion Mementote praepositorum vestrorum qui vobis locuti sunt verbum Dei. Obedite praepositis vestris subiaceta eis ipsi enim peruigilant quasi rationem pro animabus vestris reddituri Hebr. 13. With licence 1624. THE GENERAL ARGVMENTS OF THE ENSVINGE HISTORIE SERVINGE ALSO FOR A PREFACE to the Reader to declare the scope of the Author and contents of the worke THE Catholick Author well requainted with the proceedings of Protestants in these times and the controuersies of them to accept and allowe of nothing but what is liked and allowed by them selues and yet to make the world beleeue they are Reuerencers of antiquitie and would willingly embrace and followe that which was our first faith in any question deliuered by the Apostles thence continued from them the greatest of all beeing that who planted here first the holy faith and since had cheifest commanding power in such things Hee setteth historically downe from the best Antiquaries and learned protestant writers of this contry other antiquities approued by them the meanes and maner of our first conuersion vnto Christ and by what spirituall cheife ruling authority this nation hath euer beene gouerned in such thinges since then vntill the conuersions of the Saxons by S. Augustine and his associats sent hither by Saint and pope Gregory the first after which tyme now aboue 1000. yeares our protestants put it out of Question and agree that the power of the popes of Rome absolutely ruled here in such matters Therfore this historie of the first sixe hundred yeares is diuided into sixe Centuries or ages euery one conteyninge one hundred yeares In the first hee sheweth from those protestant Authors and Antiquaries how S. Peter that greate Apostle of Christ both immediately by himselfe and mediately by his holy disciples first preached here founded our church consecrated for vs Bishops preists and other cleargie men and ordeyned all thinges thereto belonging and how from this first institution by him we euer had a continued succession of such consecrated parsons vnto the more generall conuersion by pope Eleutherius in the daies of kinge Lucius after which time there can bee no question of such a succession of Bishops here And how after the death of S. Peter vnto the end of the first hundred yeares spirituall matters were ordered here by authoritie and direction from the see of Rome and successors of S. Peter there In the second hundred of yeares is proued by the same protestant authors and their antiquities how from the beginninge of that age to the end thereof all spirituall things were likewise managed here by that see Apostolicke more or lesse as the times then permitted And in the generall conuersion of kinge Lucius and his kingdome all ecclesiasticall businesses were done and settled by iurisdiction of the popes of Rome and their legats directed hither by their authoritie exercising here as ample iurisdiction spirituall to the greate honor of this kingdome as any pope of Rome may clayme Such was the estate of spirituall power and proceedings here in the third fourth fift and sixte age or hundred of yeares also in the later end whereof S. Augustine was sent hither to conuert our auncestors the Saxons In all which ages and Centenaries of yeares both the Kings Archbishops Bishops and others both Rulers and Ruled in this kingdome gaue as much priuiledge and prerogatiue to the popes of Rome as Catholicks now may doe by their catholick Roman Religion In which tyme also amonge all those christians which then liued here those Bishops of Scotland and Walles who as our protestants tell vs and commend them for it did onely or most oppose against the pope his legates and authoritie here were those alsoe by the same protestants which did much more intermeddle in princes affaires then any popes their legats or such as were most obedient vnto or Ruled by them Which proceedings the Author doth in all places leaue to protestants relation and medleth not with them otherwise at all But soe much as with probabilitie in historie hee may mitigateth such matters as some protestants euen with publick allowance of the protestant state of Englād haue boldly published to the world in that kinde freely and before God protesting as hee neuer hitherto had any intermedlinge with the temporall affaires of Princes but euer to his vttermost did yeeld and render all dutie vnto them praying for the safety honor and preseruation of his Soueraigne and this kingdome soe hee will euer continue the same moste humble and dutifull affection Other particular Questions in Religion depend vppon this Because whosoeuer in anie Religion hath the cheife chardge and cure the particulars depend vpon his proceedings whether it bee Pope Prince Superintendents Presbyteries or whatsoeuer and soe beeing proued that from the beginninge of christianitie in this kingdome the Pope of Rome euer had cheife cōmaund direction in Religious things It must needs followe that which protestants name papistrie euer raigned here But I vnderstand there is a generall controuersiall historie to bee shortly published of all such things in particular from the first preaching of the Gospell in this kingdome which will giue full and ample satisfaction in all such Questions THE FIRST CENTVRIE OR HVNDRED OF YEARES THE I. CHAPTER Wherein is briefly made demonstration by the best learned protestant Antiquaries and others of England that Saint Peter the Apostle first preached the faith and founded the Church of Christ in this our Britanie TO bringe vs vnto a more certayne and vndoubted knowledge of the first preachers of christian Religion in this kingdome the best learned protestant Antiquaries wee haue prescribe certayne Rules and squares to bee directed by to come vnto them in their iudgment Matth. Parker antiq Britan. pag. 1. Godw. Conuers of Brit. Holinsh hist. of Engl. Mason l. 2. c. 2. pag. 51. Theater of great Brit. l. 6. cap. 9. first they affirme that the Britans receaued the faith soone after the Ascension of our blessed Sauiour in the time of Tiberius Caius Caligula or Claudius Emperor and they build this their assertion cheifely vppon the words of S. Gildas l. de Excid conq Britan. c. 5.6 Who speaking of things done here in Britanie either in the time of Caius or Claudius addeth Interea glaciali frigore rigent Insulae indulget sua praecepta Christus In the meane time while these things
were doinge Christ doth afford his precepts to this frozen Iland In which place hee rather meaneth the time of Claudius then any other as may easely appeare to all iudiciall and equall readers of that auncient Author in the place alleadged needles to bee insisted vppon if wee will bee guided by our protestant directors because in their next Rules they shall make it euident It must needes in their opinion bee soe vnderstood For they deliuer for a second Maxime that this nation embraced and was taught the Religion of Christ by some one of the Apostles Soe say their Archbishop Parker in antiq Britan. Bal. in act Pontif. Rom. in Gregor 1. Cambd. in Brit. Fulke Answ. to a Romish cath pag. 40. Powel annot in l. 2. Giral Cambr. Itiner Cambr. c. 1. Holinsh. histor of Eng. c. 21. pag. 102. Stowe histor in Agricola Stow. supr Godwyn supr their Bishops Bale Godwyn their doctors and Antiquaries Cambden Fulke Powel Holinshed Stowe the Theater writers and others inclining to this opinion and some of them plainely teaching with diuers of the auntient fathers that the 12. Apostles deuided the world amongst them to preach the ghospell in assure vs that to speake in their wordes The holy Apostles beeing dispersed throughout the whole earth did diuide the prouinces amongst them to preach the ghospell in and it is deliuered plainely by sundry auntient writers that Britanie fell in diuision amongst the Apostles The third and laste generall Rule which these men assigne vnto vs is that mention is not made of any Apostle in any antiquitie to haue preached here but onely of S. Peter S. Paul and S. Symon Zelotes none of all these alleadged protestants or any other I reade doth speake of any other and amonge these one a protestant Bishop and Antiquarie writeth in these termes Godwyn Conuers of Britanie cap. 1. pag. 2. I finde mention of three onely of the Apostles to haue beene in our Britanie to wit Peter and Paul and Simon Chananaus called also Zelotes For although some haue written that S Iames preached in Ireland and S. Philip in this next adioyninge Gallia Fraunce which I haue at lardge refuted in other places yett noe one historian to my remembrance and reading doth teach that either of those twoe or any of the rest except those three before sett downe were at any time in this Iland These Rules of Protestants thus supposed and allowed it will with a small labour euidently appeare vnto vs by these men and all antiquities that the moste glorious Apostle Saint Peter was our first father and teacher in Christ For first concerning S. Paul hee himselfe and other scriptures and these protestants alsoe confesse hee was none of the 12. Apostles by whō the world was soe diuided and though miraculously called by god before yett not properly an Apostle vntill in the 13. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles v. 2. hee was soe ordeyned as our english protestants by their conference of the first chapter and verse of S. Paules Epistle to the Romans Rom. cap. 1. v. 1. are Interpretors hereof when the other Apostles had preached longe before and otherwise alsoe executed their Apostolicke function Secondly it is euident by the same holy scriptures Rom. 1. c. 1. act cap. 27.28 many Antiquities and these protestants themselues soe clearely cōfessinge Theater of great Brit. lib. 6. Godw. Conuers Parker antiq Britan. that S. Paul came not to Rome nor any part neare Britanie or these westerne nations vntill many yeares after S. Peter was both come to Rome and this kingdome of Britanie had receaued the faith of Christ at the latest in the time of Claudius according to these protestants by some Apostle as before the first coming of S. Paul to any of these westerne Regions beeing longe after in the time of Nero to whome hee appealed from the Iewes and Festus and soe was brought prisoner to Rome and soe continued two yeares not going from thence to any other place Actor c. 25. v. 10.11.12 cap. 27. 28. v. 30. That S. Symon Zelotes should bee the first Apostle that preached here or was here at all it is as vnprobable or rather vnpossible by these protestants for first diuers of them disable him euer to haue beene here Stowe and Howes histor in Agricola Holinsh. hist of Engl. l. 4. c. 5. rather thinkinge the place Britānia where some haue thought hee preached to bee mistaken and not to bee vnderstood of this nation or that Simon which is supposed to haue beene here was not S. Simō the Apostle but some other of that name as S. Simon Leprosus or Nathaniel also by some named Simon which preached in these westerne parts namely in Fraunce and not vnprobably here Secondly these protestants which would haue vs thinke S. Simon the Apostle preached here Menologie Graec. in Nathan Bar. in martyrol Rom. 28. octob Guliel Eisengr centurie 1. alij refer his beeing here vntil the coming of S. Ioseph of Aramathia coniecturinge that hee came with him who came not hither vntil the yeare of Christ 63. when they graunt that Britanie had receaued the ghospell by an Apostle soe longe before as is alreadie declared from them Parker Antiquit. pag. 3. Godwyn Conuers of Britanie pag. 10. Thirdly to make all sure Such as haue taught that one S. Symon did preach in a place called Britannia Doroth. in Synops Maenolog Graec. 6. Id. Maij. doe alsoe affirme that the same S. Symon suffered martyrdome and was crucified in the same place and they keepe the feast of his martyrdome vpon the tenth day of May. When concerning S. Symon Zelotes the Apostle not onely the whole latine church and all catholicks in the world but Protestants also both of England and all other nations in their most publicke seruice bookes and kalenders of their churches receaued and allowed by their parlaments and highest Rules in their Religion which all of them ar bownde to obey and followe doe celebrate the festiuitie of S. Symon Zelotes the Apostle vpon the 28. day of October aboue fiue moneths after and all iointly agree in the historie of his life and death teaching hee neuer preached in any part of Europe or neare our Britanye and was martyred in Persia diuers thousands of myles frō hence Martyrolog Rom. die 28. Octobr. Breuiar Miss Rom. eod die Bed in Martyr eod die Vsuard Ado eod die Protestant com Booke and all their kalenders with their Bibles 28. of Octob. Now there is noe other left to bee our first Apostle and Father in Christ but S. Peter except some ignorant or willfull man will alledge S. Ioseph of Aramathia who though hee was noe Apostle yett as some say hee was sent hither out of Fraunce by S. Philip one of the Apostles and soe mediately the same S. Philip though neuer here in parson might bee our Apostle I answere as before that wee contend for the first Apostle that either immediately by himselfe or mediatly by his disciples
transfer and chaunge those parsons places and propertie of thinges of this our Britanie from a temporall to al spirituall vse from the commande except in temporall dutie of the present Emperors Lieutenants Kings and Soueraignes alienated from Christiā Religion to the cōmande of Christ his Religion our moste holy Apostle and his disciples by his authoritie soe directinge THE III. CHAPTER How in the rest of this first Hundred yeares of Christ after Saint Peter The Apostolicke See of Rome still continued and exercised this supreame spirituall power in Britanie IT is a question not onely amonge Catholicks but some Protestants also whether S. Linus Cletus were Popes after S. Peter or onely Suffragan Bishops as soe ordeyned by him at the first And Pope Leo the second an holy Saint with there nowned of our Historians to omitt others S. Marianus Florentius Wigorniensis say plainely Si Petrus Apostolorum princeps adiutoris sibi asciuit Linum Cletum non tamen pontificij potestatem cis tradidit sed Clementi successori suo If Peter Prince of the Apostles did take Linus and Cletus to bee his Adiutors yett hee gaue not them the Papall power but to Clement his successor And Linus and Cletus did nothinge by their owne Lawes and power as popes but only soe much as was commaunded them by S. Peter S. Leo 2. in epist. decretal Marian. Scot. lib. 2. aetat 6. Florent Wigor in Siluan Otho Consul Robert Barns in vit Port. Rom. in Linum Therfore to omitt doubtfull and vncertaine thinges and to come next to S. Clement whoe moste certainely by all Cathololicks and Protestants was Pope of Rome nominated by S. Peter though Baronius and others whom he alleageth are of opinion that S. Clement yeelded his right and did not exercise the office of supreame pastour til after Linus and Cletus yet who in S. Peters life him were his Coadiutors after his death his successors before S. Clemēt to 1. Annal. p 742.743 744.745 before any other by this Pope Doctors were sent into the west as our Protestants tell vs Margin annot vppon Matth. Westin an 94. Matth. Westm supr in greate numbers as S. Denis Nicasius Taurinus Trophimus Paulus Narbonensis Saturninus Martialis Gratianus Iulianus Lucianus Firminus Photinus all Bishops they add S. Regulus Whome although they setle thē with their Bishopricks in Fraunce yett it proueth the power spirituall commaund of that holy pope to haue extended it selfe aswell to this kingdome one and the same reason beeing for and against them both But wee finde diuers Authorities both late and auncient to induce vs to consent that some of these named holy Bishops sent at this time by S. Clement were sent by him into this kingdome of Britanie namely S. Taurinus and S. Nicasius and that S. Taurinus was Archbishop or Bishop of yorke Amonge others William Harrison a Protestant historian In descript of Britanie pag. 23. Chronolog ibid. an 141. produceth an Antiquitie that soe affirmeth whereuppon hee writeth in this maner Whether Taurinus Bishop ouer the congregation at yorke were one of the nyne schollers of Grantha Cambridge spoken of in the chronicles of Burton I doe not certainely finde But certayne it is that Walterus Rollewink in his history fasciculus temporum an 94. saith S. Taurinus was Episcopus Eboracensis Bishop of yorke which is here in Britanie and soe not Ebroicensis in Fraunce where the same or an other of that name was Bishop about the same time And an other late writer Harris Theatrum l. 1. in his manuscript history alleadging both S. Antoninus and diuers others saith diuers haue written that both S. Nicasius and Taurinus were here in Britanie and for S. Taurinus S. Antoninus saith that S. Taurinus filiam Lucij Regis Britanniae à morte suscitauit S. Taurinus did raise from death the daughter of Lucius Kinge of Britanie S. Antonin hist. part 1. titul 6. cap. Which directly proueth that S. Taurinus was here in our Britanie this Kinge Lucius for certaine was eyther hee that liued to receaue the faith of Christ publickly in the time of Pope Eleutherius beginning his reigne in the yeare of Christ 124 Matt. Westm. an 124. or Lucius Antenous the Romane praefect in Britanie called there vppon Rex Britanniae Kinge of Britanie as well hee might prescribinge lawes vnto vs in Britanie as Hector Boethius Scotor hist l. 5. fol. 76.77.78 with others wittnesse and was resident at yorke in the time of the Emperor Adrian when and where S. Taurinus is supposed to haue beene Bishop and wrought this miracle For S. Anacasius beeing sent hither by S. Clement they which teach soe Harris supr produce the french histories that hee preached to the Britans which in that time were onely those of this kingdome the little Britanie in Fraunce then and longe after named Armorica and not Britannia And yett to omitt others Arnoldus Mermannus in his Theater of the conuersion of nations § Britones saith that amonge other people S. Anacasius beeing delegated thither an Apostle by S. Clement did instruct and informe in the faith the Britans and all the waste of the Ocean Sea Britones Normandos Rhotomagenses Picardos omnemque Maris Oceani tractum instruxit formauitque fide S. Nicasius à S. Clemente illuc Apostolus delegatus And to putt vs out of doubt that S. Clement did take vppon him the spirituall chardge of this our Britanie as well as of Fraunce and other places the same Author from others testifieth that our Archbishop S Aristobulus whoe as Eisingrenius saith had beene a Bishop from anno Christi 39. the 39 yeare of Christ was yett our Apostle in Britanie aliue in the yeare of Christ 99 S. Clement then Pope Et quod excurrit 99. Clemente Pontifice Maximo Domitiano Imperatore Guliel Eiseng centen 1. part 1. dist 7. fol. 67. Arnold Mermman Theater conuers gent. in Albione And wee haue yett in England an old manuscript a short historicall relation M. S. antiq pr. Stores in Exordium Of the publicke Masse and church seruice of the Britans and French men from the Apostles time written before the vnion of the Britans with S. Augustines mission by S. Gregorie and written by a Brittish Author testifying that the publicke church seruice and Masse both of the french and Brittans was carried vp to Rome to S. Clement to bee examined and approued by him then Pope which hee accordingly performed by his papall power c this Masse was euer after vsed both in Fraūce and this our kingedome of Britanie Soe that moste euident it is by those few Antiquities left vnto vs that in the time of S. Clement whoe was Pope in the later end of the first beginninge of the second hundred yeare of Christ this our church of Britanie was wholly in spiritual thinges dependant and subordinate to the church and Popes of Rome and thus much of the first age and hundred yeare from the birth of Christ When here and of this nation
iudgements which bee the gouernors and Bishops of the church of God hee thought noe Lawes to bee vncontrolably warrantable but such as the cheife pastor of the church of Christ the Pope of Rome should giue validitie vnto by his confirmation and allowance For amonge soe many Lawes as soe ample and greate a kingedome was to bee ruled and gouerned by there must needs bee many which of necessitie were thus to bee examined by the Lawe of God and cheifest interpreters thereof Which Saint Bleutherius warned Kinge Lucius of when hee prescribed vnto him to haue his Lawes warranted by the scriptures and taken forth of them by the councell of the Realme and by that Lawe to Rule the kingedome where it is euident that hee appointeth the Lawe of Britanie to be conformable to the Lawe of God and to bee secure it should bee such it to bee enacted and concluded by the best councell of his Realme in such things which were the Bishops cleargie and learned diuines cheifely which S. Eleutherius had settled here for they were the onely or principall Interpreters of holy scriptures here at that time and others in a maner concerninge such things Catechumenes to bee instructed themselues and not to drawe Lawes out of scriptures to instruct and direct others And so a Protestant Bishop with such publick warrant expoundeth it in these wordes By the aduise of the cleargie of their dominion Bridges def l. 16. pag. 1355. And S. Eleutherius takinge vppon himselfe as Pope of Rome the supreamacy ouer the whole church as these Protestants haue told vs cannot by any but carelesse or ignorāt of truth bee interpreted to giue any such preeminence to a newly become Christian temporal prince but calleth him onely the Vicar or Vicegerent of God as all princes Christians and others ar or should bee to see iustice performed to all within their dominions which is sufficiently expressed in this very epistle it selfe where that holy Pope telleth Kinge Lucius what is the dutie and office of a king the wordes by Protestant trāslation ar The people and nations of the kingedome of Britanie is yours such as ar diuided you should gather them together to the Lavve of Christ his holy church to peace and concord cherish maintayne protect gouerne and defend them from the iniurious malicious and their enemies A kinge hath his name of gouerninge and not of his kingedome soe longe you shall bee a kinge as you rule well otherwise you shall not bee soe named and loose that name vvhich God forbid God graunt that you may soe rule your Realme of Britanie that you may Reigne vvith him euerlastingely whose Vicar you ar in the said kingedome Epistol Eleuther apud Godwyn Conuers pag. 23. Foxe tom 1. Stowe and Hovves histor in Lucius Bridg. def p. 1355. Ieuel ag Hard. Lambard de legib Theater of Brit. and others Where wee see in what sence this holie Pope called Kinge Lucius the Vicar or Vicegerent in his kingdome to see iustice ministred the church of Christ to bee defended from wronge and the priuiledges thereof to bee kept inuiolable Which this holy king moste christianly performed for when all ecclesiasticall matters were settled here by the Popes authoritie and these Lawes here appointed for this kingedome first here cōcluded and then with the rest confirmed by the Pope cuncta quae fecerant à pontifice confirmari impetrauerunt Then this kinge accordinge to the direction and instructions of the holy Pope to speake in Protestants owne words endowed the churches of Britanie with liberties Lucius Rex ecclesias Britanniae libertatibus muniuit Which ar to many to bee related and ar sett downe in the Brittish historie Matthew of Westminster and others Pontic Virun lib. 4. in fine Galf. Mon. lib. 4. histor Reg. Britan. cap. 2O Matth. Westm an 186. Protest Annot. vppon Matth. West an 187. Galfrid Monum sup l. 4. Matth. West an 187. And in this sence our best Brittish and christian Saxon kings who were most obedient euer to the church of Rome were from that time and by vertue of that donation of Pope Eleutherius giuinge Lucius the Title of the vicar or vicegerent of God in his Kingdome soe called and enioyed that Title as a Protestant Lawier and Antiquarie thus deduceth Selden Analect l. 1. pag. 40 Ex quo non solum Britannorum sed ettam Anglorum subsequentes Reges hoc nomine vicarij Dei sunt potiti From which time or the graunt of Pope Eleutherius the kings that followed not onely of the Britans but English alsoe obteyned this name of the vicars of God and citeth the auntient Lawyer Henry Bracton for the same But wee neede not demurre vppon the authorities of priuate Lawyers or Antiquaries for this matter For wee haue Lawes themselues of good kinge Edward which William the Bastard afterward confirmed a Protestant Lawyers or rather the words of the Lawe to confirme warrāt this Where the very words of the Lawe thus auntient and confirmed are these Leges S. Eduardi apud Gul. Lamb. fol. 126. pag. 2. leg 1. cap. 17. leg 77. Rex autem quia Vicarius summi Regis est ad hoc est constitutus vt regnum terrenum populum Domini super omnia sanctum veneretur Ecclesiam eius regat ab iniuriosis defendat maleficos ab ea euellat destruat penitus disperdat Quod nisi fecerit nec nomen Regis in eo constabit verum testante Papa Iohanne nomen Regis perdit The kinge because hee is the Vicar of the highest king is constituted for this to rule the terrene kingedome and people of God and aboue all things hee ought to reuerence his holy church and defend it from iniurious people and to pull from it and destroy and wholly ouerthiowe euill doers Which except hee performeth the name of a Kinge shall not bee appearinge in him but as Pope Iohn doth wittnes he loseth the name of a kinge or Ruler Where wee see by the publicke Lawes themselues that the Kinge is not called the Vicar or Vicegerent of God in respect of spirituall but temporall affaires to reuerence and defend it and suffer noe wronge to bee done vnto it or priuiledges taken from it which is more plainely expressed in the same Lawe in this maner leg S. Vsuardi supr Debet Sanctum Eccesiā regni suicum omni integritate libertate iuxtae constitutiones patrum praedecessorem seruare fouere manutenere a kinge ought to keepe foster maintayne the holy church or his Kingedome with all integritie and libertie accordinge to the constitutions of the Fathers and predecessors Which a kinge ought to sweare in proper parson vppon the ghospels and relicks of Saints before the laietie preists and clergie before hee is crowned by the Archbishops Bishops of the kingdom hither to this holy law of our auntiēt kings I haue insisted vpon this Epistle of Pope Eleutherius the longer because with Protestants it is in soe high
esteeme soe auntient and certaine that a Protestant Bishop writeth Wee haue seene the Bishop of Romes owne letter to kinge Lucius that is reputed to bee the first christian kinge of Britanie Iohn Bridges def of the gouernm in the church of Engl. l. 16. pag. 1355. The Theater writers say it is in the custody of Syr Robert Cotton Baronet of Conington in Huntington shire Theater of greate Brit. l. 6. c. 19. Others say it is likewise founde in the old historie called Brutus Caius antiquit Cantab. l. 1. Stowe writeth I finde the same entered in a booke intituled Constitutions pertayninge to the Guilde hall of London Stovve histor in Kinge Lucius And it is founde alsoe amonge the old Lawes of Saint Edward our kinge and others before him and placed receaued as a part of our Lawe both by our Saxon kinges and Norman alsoe as namely kinge William the first as the Protestant publisher of them him else a lawyer and antiquarie is witnesse vvith all moste all writers plaerique scriptores omnes as hee testifieth Williel Lambard lib. de Prisis Anglorum legib fol. 1. ante praef fol. 126.131 Therefore I may boldely terme Pope Eleutherius the first Christian Lawe maker and first director and confirmer of Lawes in this kingedome Which how it can stand to bee iustly done as all these our kinges their nobles clergies lawyers and these Protestants auouche without as greate a preeminent power as the Popes or these times doe clayme or commonly Catholicks ascribe vnto them I leaue to the quickest sighted Protestants to distinguish And yet this schole of Protestant antiquaries doe reade a lesson vnto vs to clymbe a stepp higher in such affayres For they assure from the same publick lawes or our auncient Saxon and other kinges and from the same Pope Eleutherius his owne donation that hee declared to be annexed to the crowne of this kingedome all the Ilands betweene vs and Norway and that our kings should haue care thereupon to enioye them The words of that auncient Lawe by Protestant publishing and allowance publick ar these Leges Edowardi Regis c. 17. apud Lumbard supr fol. 130 pag. 2. Debet de iure Rex omnes terras honores omnes dignitates iura libertates coronae regni huius in integrum cum omni integritate sine diminutione obseruare defendere dispersa delapidata amissa regni iura in pristinum statum debitum virioius omnibus reuocare Vniuersa vero terra tota Insulae omnes vsque Norwegiam vsque Dariam pertinent ad coronam regni eius sunt de appendicys dignitatibus Regis vna est Monarchia vnum est regnum vocabatur quondam Regnum Britanniae modo autem vocatur Regnum Anglorum tales enim metas fines praedictae sunt constituit imposuit coronae Regni Dominus Eleutherius Papa sententia sua qui primo destinauit coronam benedictam Britannia christianitatem Deo inspirante Lucio Regi Britonum The kinge of right ought with all integritie and without diminution obserue and defende all lands and honors all dignities and Rights and liberties of the crowne of this kingedome wholly and call backe againe al the Rights of the kingdome that bee dispersed dilapidated loste with all his power vnto their auncient and due state And the whole and all the Land and the Ilands euen to Norway and Denmarke doe belonge to the crowne of his kingdome and ar of the Appendicies and dignities of the kinge and it is one monarchie and one kingedome and it was anciently called the kingedome of Britanie now is called the kingdome of the English men for our Lord the Pope Eleutherius did by his sentence cōstitute and appointe such limites and boundes to the crowne of the kingdome first sending by the inspiration of God a hallowed crowne and Christianitie to Britanie to Kinge Lucius Hitherto this soe auncient publicke authoritie and antiquitie now seeing all writers Catholicks and Protestāts agree that both S. Eleutherius which made this declaration and confirmation of soe manie Ilands and Rights and Kinge Lucius which accepted it was in the like degree and all our kings soe many hundred yeares after many of them holy Saints which by this declaration esteemed these territories to bee their owne to keepe them all or any of them declarer or receauers from horrible and damnable vsurpation as of necessitie by these Protestants wee must doe what way is there to end this difficultie except wee allowe of the Popes Authoritie in such a declaration But to yeeld a greater and more auncient honor and priuiledge to this kingedome and the kings thereof then many Protestants enemies to our Brittish Antiquities will allowe vnto it not onely to comprehend al these Northren Ilands vnto Norway vnder the name of Insulae Britannicae the Brittish or Britons Iland But that the kingedome of Denmarke was subiect and tributary to Britanie diuers hundreds of yeares before Christ and soe consequently the adiacent Ilands which by Ius gentium belonged to the Continent next adioyninge wee shall by this exempt this kingdome from receauing any thinge by a free donation from Pope Eleutherius in this kinde claiminge by this that hee only adiudged the old Right and Title of Britanie to bee true and lawfull in this case not giuing any new prerogatiue by that confirmation Yett this will not exempt either kinge Lucius from embracinge or Pope Eleutherius from assigning and confirminge that diuision and preferringe the Title of kinge Lucius before the Scots and others which by their histories had then enioyed longe time diuers of those Ilands and soe wee must still acknowledge that both Eleutherius the Pope and kinge Lucius then thought the decision of such things did in some respect in conscience belonge to that See Apostolick otherwise neither would the one haue made it or the other sought for or accepted it in that maner both of them beeing worthie and renowned Saints in the church of Christ M. S. pr. Regnum Britanniae in Gurguntio Ioh. Rom apud Stowe in eod Stowe and Howes histor in Gurg an ante Christ 375. Ioh. Lydgate in Cantab. Ioh. Harding Chron. c. 34. fol. 29. 30. Caius Antiq. Cantab 1. Matth. Westm. aetat 5. c. 5. Hect. Boeth hist. Scot. Giral Cāb ap Stow. supr And into the same laborinth we fal by these men denying power in the Pope of Rome to giue pardōs or Indulgences to mitigate or release the punishments of sinnes if wee should harken vnto them for they greately commend vnto vs the Epistle ascribed to S. Patrick the Irish Apostle in the antiquities of Glastenbury to bee of greate authoritie and yett in this wee reade Quod sanctus Phaganus Deruuianus ab Eleutherio Papa qui eos miserat decē annos Indulgentiae impetrarunt That S. Phaganus and Deruuianus obteyned of Pope Eleutherius that sent them ten yeares of Indulgence for the pilgryms visiting
to roote out the Pelagian heresie which began to increase there vnder Eugenius the second whoe died in the yeare 460. since this time the Realme continued longe in the profession of the Romish church vntill these later dayes Edward Grimston Booke of Estates pag. 20. cap. 17. Hee meaneth the dayes of this our Soueraigne kinge Iames the first of England and sixt of that kingedome Therfore it is a thinge without question that this holy Pope soe earnest for the spirituall supreamacie of his Apostolicke See settled it with other doctrines in this Iland where with the rest it still continued vntill these times as these Protestants haue declared Which is euident by all histories not any one affirminge but rather denyinge that hee altered anie thinge of that constitution of Pope Eleutherius submittinge the whole nation of Scotlande to the Archbishopp of Yorke in spirituall affaires And if kinge Donald and the nobilitie of Scotland then had not beene assured that this supreame spirituall power in disposinge and orderinge church matters in such cases had belonged onely to the Popes of Rome of all people and places in the world they would not haue appealed to Rome for those thinges at that time in the Empire of Seuerus when aboue all others there was the greatest enmytie and warrs betweene the Romans and Scots that euer were testified by all their histories Bed l. 1. histor c. 5. Hect Boeth lib. 5. Scot. hist Bucan Rer. Scotic l 4. Holinsh. hist. of Scotl. in seuerus In an other point alsoe wee are assured that S. Victor whoe had by his highest authoritie excōmunicated soe many churches both greeke and latine as these Protestants haue told vs before for their wronge keeping of Easter settled the right obseruatiō thereof in Scotland at this time For to speake in Protestants wordes of this Pope Hee confirmed the ordinance of Pius touching the celebration of Easter vppon the Sonday Soe did Pope Eleutherius before him and soe consequently alsoe amonge other Christian doctrines by his legates taught and deliuered it here in Britanie And wee are taught by these learned Protestants that in the first generall councell of Nice De obseruatione Paschae antiquus canon sancitus est ne porro in hac re Ecclesiae variarent The old canon of the obseruation of Easter was decreed least the churches should afterward differ about it Ed. Grymston p. 436. in Victor Rob. Barnes in vit Pont. Rom. in Victor Bal. lib. 1. de act prat in eod Magdeburg centur 3. in Eleuther Damas in Eleuther Barns in Siluestro Magdeburg cent 4. And that wee had Brittish Bishops there which consented to this decree and receaued it for Britany they testifie in these termes Theater of greate Britanie l 6. cap. 9. pag. 206 n. 19. The Britannes continued constant in christianitie and the censures of their Bishops for the greate estimation of their constancie pietie and learninge were required and approued in greate points of doctrine amonge the assemblies of some generall councells as that of Sardis Where appeales to the Pope were decreed and Nyce in the tyme of greate Constantine vvee had our Bishops present And all men of readinge are assured of this both Constantine the Emperor in his epistle to the churches and S. Athanasius in his Apologie write plainely that this our Britanie receaued the councell of Nice Epist Constāt apud Theodoret Athanas Apolog. Therefore it is a very idle and ignorant coniecture or rather malitious error of some Protestants to seeme to write as though Britany had receaued the faith frō some of the Asiatical churches because some of the later Scots and Britans die erre in that obseruation but this error of the Britans as diuers haue proued allready was quite differēt from that or some part of Asia greeke And the first gretian that came hither except some sent by Roman Authoritie that I finde was S. Regulus Albutus borne in Achaia whoe came into Scotland when Augustinus was kinge allmost two hundred yeares after this and longe after the controuersie of keepinge Easter was ended and brought thither holy relicks of S. Andrew the Apostle vvhoe coming into Pictland and the same of this knowne very many came to reuerence the holy relicques of the Apostle and made offerings there and the kinge of the picts Hirgustus receaued by him with procession and lyinge vppon the grounde vvith much reuerence kissed the holy relicques and after masse ended hee bequeathed his palace to Saint Andrew and to Regulus and the Preists to serue God in Huius rei fama per Pictorum regiones delata permultorum animos ad visendas venerandas que sacras Apostoli reliquias attendit Confluxerunt ergo illuc vndique donaria Christi Apostolo pretiosa asserentes Affuit Heirgastus Rex eorum quae fama ad eum detulerat visendi cupidas Venientem ad se Regulus cum sociijs pio apparatu cum Sacerdotum ac Monachorum religiosa deductione in hymnis canticis excepit Rex humi proenmbens sacras reliquias multa veneratione osculatus vbi sacra Christiano more curus ipse Heirgustus erat obseruantissimus erant peracta regium palatium amplis structuris ornatum diuo Andreae Regulo ac Sacerdotibus ibidem deinceps Optimo Maximo Deo famulaturis liberè erogauit struxit haud procul à Palatio sacram aedem diuo Apostolo dicatam and builded an other church not far from the palace dedicated to the holy Apostle And thus much of S. Victor Next to him succeeded Pope and S. Zepherinus whoe to proue hee still maintayned this Romane supreamacie as his predecessors before ouer all Bishopes Primates Patriarckes and whomsoeuer or wheresoeuer of the cleargie or others did generally decree as these Protestants tel vs. Rob. Barns in vit Pontif. Rom. in Zepherin hee calleth him seuerus Sine Romani Pontificis authoritate accusatum Episcopum nec à Primate nec à Patriarcha nec à Metropolitan in Iudicio condemnandum esse That a Bishop accused should not bee condemned neyther by the Primate nor Patriarcke nor Metropolitane without the authoritie of the Pope of Rome By which is euident that euen the Archbishops themselues of Britanie to whome all others were subordinate in thinges spirituall were subiect to the Pope of Rome at this time Pope Calixtus succeeded next and to speake in a Protestant Doctors wordes Powell 1. of Antichrist pag. 130.131 Calixtus Pope defined that all Bishops though gathered in a generall councell shall fulfill the vvill of the church of Rome They which doe not this are pronounced to keepe a conciliable not a councell And to bee short in this matter the Protestants of England proue vnto vs that this busines of the spirituall power of that See ouer all other churches is the cheife scope of many of their Epistles decretall Rob. Barns in vit Vrbani Antheri Dovvnam lib. 1. Antichristi cap. 3. pag. 35. And to giue some particular instances hereof more in Britanie in
teach vs. By which it is euident that the whole state of the church of Scots and Picts alsoe was then settled by the Authoritie of this Roman Legate and that the other Gouernors which he appointed in it were alsoe sent from Rome for if Teruanus whom hee appointed Archbishop of the Picts was baptized when hee was but an Infant as these Scottish historians tell vs hee was baptized at Rome or those parts where S. Palladius then liued not in this kingdome where it is confessed by all antiquities that S. Palladius liued a verie short time And S. Teruanus beeinge made by him an Archbishopp amonge the Picts it both informeth that there were other Bishops there vnder him els he could not bee Archbishop cheefe of the Bishops there and maketh probable that S. Ninian whoe as a Protestant Bishop writeth Bal. cent 1. in Ninian Bernic died about this time was alsoe Archbishopp there and now dyinge Teruanus was by Palladius his legatine power ordeyned his successor or that both these were Archbishops of Yorke soe appointed by the See of Rome and named Bishops of the Picts because they with other prouinces were subiect to the Archbishops See of Yorke a subordination neyther altered by S. Celestine or any other Pope vntill such time as I haue before declared except in such extraordinary cases of special legats sent immediately from Rome with cheife authoritie such as S. Palladius was whoe by that prerogatiue exercised this iurisdiction extraordinarily in consecrating and instituting Bishops within the limitts of the Metropolitane of Yorke which ordinarily belonged vnto his See by the order of Pope Eleutherius from the beginning of our publick receauing of the faith of Christ And the same care and chardge which S. Celestine then Pope of Rome tooke of the Scots and Picts at this time the same alsoe hee had and as cheife pastor performed both to this kingedome of Britanie and Ireland alsoe Concerning Britanie these Protestants assure vs that when Pelagius was dead before and his heresies by many Popes and councells condemned yett it beeing maintayned here by Leporius Agricola a very learned Hereticke Bal. centur 1. de scriptor in Leporio Agricola l. 2. de Act. Pontif. Rom. in Celestino Rob. Barns l. de vita Pontif. Roman in Caelestin That Saint Palladius of whome I haue spoken the Popes Legate in Scotland informed S. Celestine Pope hereof whoe therevppon sent the twoe french Bishops Germanus and Lupus hither to strengthen the Britans in the true doctrine of heauēly grace and to cōfute the wicked doctrine of the sufficiency of mans vvorkes vvithout the grace of Christ. Quod per Palladium audiēs Caelestinus Pontifex Romanus Germanum Antissiodorensem Lupum Tracafessum Gallicanos Episcopos illuc misit vt Britannos in fide gratiae caelestis solidarent impiam atque Hipocriticam humanorum operum doctrinam confutarent And that wee may bee fully informed that S. Celestine the Pope did not send these two holy Bishops into Britanie onely to suppresse the pelagian heresy but to supply the spiritual wants in this kingdome this Protestant Bishop and greatest enemy to the See of Rome will tell vs more plentifully where hee describeth that holy Pope and his doctrine in this maner Balaeus l. 2. de act Pontif. Rom. in Coelestino Robert Barns in vit Pont. in Coelestino Caelestinus Campanus Introitum graduale Responserium tractum offertorium papisticae missae inseruit atque vt Sacerdotes pontificum Canones scirēt arctè praecepit Germanum in Britanniam Palladium in Scotiam Patricium cum quodam Segetio in Hiberniam vt pelagianas haereses extirparent Episcopos misit obijtque anno Christi 435. Confessorum numero asscriptus Pope Celestine borne in Campania did put to the Papisticall masse the introite graduale responsorie tract and offertorie and streightly commanded that preists should knowe the canons of the Popes hee sent Bishops Germanus into Britanie Palladius into Scotland and Patricke with one called Segetius into Ireland to roote out the Pelagian heresies And hee died in the yeare of Christ 435. in the number of Confessors An other interpretinge this addition hee made to the masse saith Barns supr In initio sacrificij vt Psalmus Iudica me Deus discerne causam meam c. à sacrificaturo diceretur ordinauit Graduale in missa ordinauit vt Sacerdotes canones sacros tenerent praecepit Pope Celestine ordeyned that in the beginninge of the sacrifice when a preist was to sacrifice hee should say the psalme which beginneth Iudge mee o God and discerne my cause c. hee did order the graduale in the Masse cōmaunded that preists should vnderstand or keepe the holy canons as before And the Protestant Archbishopp Whitgift Whitg Answere to the Admonition pag. 44. sect 1.2 Speaking of this holie Pope writeth Celestine was a godly Bishop and the church of Rome at that time had the substance of the Sacraments accordinge to gods word neither was there any superstition mixed with them the Introite that hee appointed was one of the psalmes The like hath Master Foxe Foxe tom 2. in Queene Mary pag. 1401. whoe affirmeth this vse of a psalme before the Masse was vsed longe before in the Greeke church And it is the common opinion of our English Protestāts their Bishops Antiquaries and doctors that the Religion which these holy Legats of Rome SS Germanus and Lupus taught here was in all things veritatis praedicatio doctrina sincera sincerissima purus Dei cultus qùalis ab Apostolis mandato diuino Christianorum Ecclesiis traditus erat The preaching of truth sincere doctrine moste sincere doctrine the pure worship of God such as by the commandement of God was by the Apostles deliuered to the churches of Christians and soe it continued here in this puritie longe after Matth. Parker Antiq. Britan pag. 6.45.46 Goscelin histor Bal. l. 2. de act Pontif. Rom. in Greg. 1. l. de Script centur 1. in August Dionatho Godvvyn Conuers of Brit. Povvel in annot in lib. Girald Cambr. de Itinerar Cambr. c. 1. Foxe pag. 463. edit an an 1576. Fulk Answ. to a count Cathol pag. 40. Midleton Papistam pag. 202. Stovve histor in Ethelb Holinsh. histor of Engl. cap. 21. pag. 102. Therefore wee may not now make any doubt of any thinge done here by these holy Bishops by power from the Pope either in causinge the decrees and canons of the Popes soe much dignifyinge the highest spirituall power in the See of Rome generally to bee vsed and receaued here by all preists and cleargie men as this holy Pope had commanded nor in consecratinge Bishops and Archbishops with limitation of their Iurisdictions and the like but they were moste Iustely and religiously performed Matth. West an 446. Matth. Park antiq Brit. Holinsh hist. of Engl. Sigibert an 428. Stowe and Howes histor in Theodosius Bal. centur 1. in Leporio Agricola And yett besides their powerable and authoritatiue condemninge of the Pelagian heresies