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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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through the whole worlde neither are the large kingdomes of * ●…er non ●…frica ●…undus Affrica the Lordes onely field wherein the pure seede of his word is sowen much lesse the smal territories of the city of * Jllud esse● includere orb●m in vrbe Rome but the vniversal globe of the whole earth And yet whē of al the families kinreds of the earth the Lorde had called out and chosen onely the posteritie of Abraham and when the church of Christ vvas annexed to that one people alone the service of God was not thē so tied to thē which had the roomes of the cheife professors therof but that the lawe did sometimes perish from the priest and counsell from the auncient and the Sunne went downe vpon their prophets in Ier. 7. 4. 18. 18. Mich. 3. 6. so much that night was vnto them for a vision and darkenes for a divination As for example in our Saviours time those that shoulde haue beene the principall pillars of the church vvere the cheife subverters thereof and they which had the roomes of the master builders reiected the cheife corner stone and sought the Mat. 21. 42. vtter ruine and dovvne fall of the LORDES house And as it thus happened to the Sinagogue of the Ievves even so also it befell the church of CHRIST when Arrianisme overflowed the outvvarde face thereof in so much that Liberius himselfe Hier de eccles scriptoribus in Fortunatiano being then Bishoppe of Rome yeelded thereto and confirmed it vvith his subscription At what time nothing vvas esteemed a matter of greater pietie and more befitting the servaunt of CHRIST then to follow vnity and not to be divided from the communion of the world when the christian vvorlde Hier. adversus Lucife●ianos sighed and vvondred that of a Christian it vvas become an Arria● VVherefore no mervaile that diverse particular churches planted by the Apostles themselues haue not beene so firmly seased of the truth but that they haue beene longe agoe cast out of the possession thereof no marvaile though they hauing reiected the faith of CHRIST haue themselues also beene reiected from beeing the people and Church of Christ Now that which happeneth to many may also happen to any yea to Rome it selfe and the church thereof seing they haue no Cypr. ad Pomp. cont epist S●eph Hier. ad Princip Marcel ep Tim. 1. greater charter or priveledge of not erring then any other partilar church Certainly Cyprian knevve none for he avoucheth of the Bishope of Rome that he maintaineth heresie against the church Hierome knevve none for hee saith that the fountaine of the Romane faith vvas defiled vvith mudde and that the faith commended by the Apostle was violated in most things albeit our Romanists greatly boast that no good autor hath ever testified of the failing of faith in the church of Rome Nay the Apostle himselfe knewe none for writing to the church of Rome by name he telleth her plainely that she should not be proude of her stāding nor insult against the church of the Iewes for her fall for of 〈◊〉 11. 21 God saith he spared not the naturall branches take thou heede also that he spare not thee For if they which were Iewes by nature and not sinners of the Gentiles being borne vnder covenant of mercy and descending from most holy progenitors had no such perpetuity in the favour of God nor assurance for the continuance of the true worshippe and service of God amongst them but that they might vtterly fall from both then surely such as descended from impious and idolatrous parentes and were straungers and alians from the covenantes of grace being of the Lordes endles goodnes receiued into favour can haue no such assurance of the Lordes mercie but that in successe of time the posterity may fall away from that grace whereof their progenitors were made partakers And if the true worship service of God was not vnseperably tied vnto Siloh Sion or Ierusalem wh● presumption is it in the church of Rome to make such boast th● her faith cānot faile as if the truth were necessarily annexed to that city and the spirite of God as it were entailed to Peters ch●ire or as if God were in bonds still to keepe that See vpright whatsoever else became of all other christian churches Verely of them it may be verefied that which Terasius Archbishop of Constantinople testified of their like that the heresie of Macedonius was more tollerable then theirs in that he avoucheth the spirit of God to be servāt to the father and the sonne wheras they after a ●ort make him their servant to convey over continually the certaintie of faith from the predecessor to the successor VVhat may a man in his death bed dispose of the inward qualities of his soule as he may of his temporall goodes and possessions May any one make over by deede of gifte vnto an other his faithfull hart and sincere minde or bequeath by will and testament his piety and godlines These thinges are personall and appropriated to the person on whome they are bestowed they pas●e not from hand to hand they remoue not from subiect to subiect these giftes are not parted by death but accompany vs continually when all other things bid vs adue when all all other things faile they faile not when all other things are lefte behinde they cannot be lefte there is no conveyance to be made from one to an other of these goods For Non na●ci●ur Christiani se● fimus vertue is no inheritance it descendeth not from the father to the child the child taketh his bodely substance from his parentes at his first birth but as for the substance of vertue if he receaue it he receiveth it by a second birth Now if these giftes come not by descent from the father to the sonne that succeedeth him an nature in substance in the very covenat of grace also much lesse doe they come by descent vnto him that succeedeth onely in place and office It is true indeede that Elias promised Elizaeus th●t was to succeede him in his propheticall office that if he saw him when he wa● t●ken out of his sight he should haue his spirite doubled vpon him But Elias knewe that God hauing appointed Eliz●…s to succeede him in his propheticall office woulde haue him endued with such a measure of his spirite that so he might be meete ●or the execution of the same moreover his promise was made to the person of Elizaeus alone and not to any of his successors But the church of Rome will haue the stability of Peters faith to be conveyed over to all his successors and that to the worlds end yea shee will haue it annexed to Peters chai●e to his very consistory and iudgement seate For when it is proved that many of the Popes in person were Apostataes from the faith Lyra in Math c. 16. Conc. Basil Op. ●inod Non
iustification it selfe is free and dependeth not at all on workes 16. Sixtenethly they teach that the Saintes are not Mediators of Redemption and yet that the vvorkes of supererogation done by the saintes are both satisfactory for the sinnes of other and also meritorious of eternall glory which are the proper workes of the Mediatour of Redemption 17. Seventenethly they say that it is blasphemous against the dignity of Christes blood which hee shed for our sinnes to avouch that hee suffe●ed also in soule for the vvhole raunsoming of our soules and for the full satisfying of the most absolute and perfect iustice of GOD as if one of CHRISTES sufferinges did derogate from the other But it is no blasphemye against the dignity of CHRISTES sufferinges vvith them to teach that our ovvne soules must either suffer for our sinnes the most extreme paines of purgatory or endure here the sharpe rigour of their popish penance or else procure trentals of Masses togeather with the sufferings of the saintes to be bestowed vpon vs by the Popes indulgences and pardons 18. Eightenethly they teach that imputatiue righteousnes is a vaine and a frivolous fancy and yet the imputation of the surplussage of the merites of the saintes is not vaine but a greate gaine vnto them yea it is a verie sound and profitable doctrine if not to the cooling of mens soules yet to the warming of the Popes kitchine 19. Ninetenethly the fire of purgatory is sometimes so greavous with our Romanistes belike when they vvould haue their Masses and pardons well paide for to deliver poore soules out of the same that our fire is but a painted fire vnto it and that the tormentes thereof differ nothing from hellish tormentes but onely in continuance and yet sometimes with them againe it is as it were a place Rhem. in Apoc c. 14. of rest 20. Lastly our Rhemistes teach that sinne be the pleasure thereof Rhem. in c 8. ep ad Rom. never so shorte deserueth damnation because it is an aversion from God and proceedeth from the Devill the which thing is true in every sinne and therefore every sinne damnable mortall And yet these men themselues maintaine their olde distincttion of sinnes veniall and of sinnes mortall VVherefore seing that the doctrine of the church of Rome Rhem. in Mat. cap. 5. containeth such contradiction and contradictions cannot be both true it is evident that the spirite of truth is not so annexed to Peters chaire but that the church of Rome may erre as well as other churches planted by the same Apostles yea hereby came in that greate apostasie and falling away from the faith foretold by the Apostle when the greater number of those that professed themselues Christians especially in these westerne partes of the vvorlde did so highlie conceaue of the Bishoppe of Rome as that they tooke him to bee that invincible rocke vpon the vvhich the church vvas builte and against the vvhich hell gates should never prevaile VVhereas he being to vveake to stay himselfe vpright and to withstand so mightie and povverfull enimies vvas lesse able to holde vp the huge building of the vniversall church and to guarde and defende it from so daungerous foes But failing himselfe and falling vnder his owne burden he was the occasion of ruine to all such as did ●…g ep lib. ●…ist 32. stay themselues and rest vpon him And so had Gregory a Bishoppe of Rome signified before to Mauritius the Emperour at what time he endevoured to make the patriarke of Constantinople vniversall Bishoppe and head of the whole church that if there were but one head onely the ruine of that head would be the ruine of the church and that if any should arrogate to himselfe that name in the church the vniversall church must needes come to ruine vvhen hee vvhich is named Vniversall did fall Div. 7 That by our spirituall vnion vvith CHRIST hee and his righteousnes is made ours and so surely imputed vnto vs that wee become thereby righteous before GOD and not by the righteousnes of any of the saintes GReat is the prerogatiue and dignity of all such as are admitted vnto the society of Christes church and are receiued 〈◊〉 com●…ion of ●…tes 〈◊〉 1. 3. 〈◊〉 3. 28. 〈◊〉 5. 30. 〈◊〉 2. 16. ●…or 1. 30 into the fellowship of his faithfull Congregation For the church hath fellowship with God and is espoused to Christ made one with him evē flesh of his flesh bone of his bone in so much that she iustly layeth claime vnto him saying my beloued is mine I am his as being spiritually maried vnto him and hauing interest in him and all his blessinges By which vnion and communion it came to passe that Christ being one with his church became a debtor in her place paied that which he never tooke being innocent in himselfe was made guilty for her and being most pure in himselfe was made sinne for her and bare her iniquities on his ●or 5 2● 〈◊〉 2 22 〈◊〉 3. 18 〈◊〉 3. 9. owne body vpon the tree that shee likewise being poore of her selfe might in him be made rich and being naked of her selfe might be cloathed with his innocency and being destitute in her selfe of perfect righteousnes might be made the righteousnes of God in him and so become perfectly righteous For as CHRIST by imputation was made sinne for vs and suffered death not for his owne but for our iniquityes even so by imputation are we made righteous in him and so become partakers of eternall glory Novve the faithfull are not after such a manner linked togeather they are not espoused each to other as Christ and his church the Apostle Saint Peter coulde not vnite the church so nearely to himselfe by his spirite that his death and sufferinges might be accepted as done for her redemption And yet see the blindenes of the shameles vvhore of Babylon It is a strange paradoxe vvith her that vvee shoulde be made righteous by the righteousnes of CHRIST imputed vnto vs by the mercie of GOD and applied vnto vs by a true faith but it standeth vvith good reason that vve may bee made righteous by the righteousnes of the saintes imputed vnto vs by the Popes savour and applied vnto vs by his Indulgences and Pardons Div. 8. That GOD onely hath autoritie to forgiue sinne as it is sinne and a transgression of his ovvne lavve THE hurt that cometh to a private man by sinne a private man may release a● the prince may pardon that damage The forgiuenesse of sinnes that cometh thereby to the common weale But sinne as it is properly sinne and a breach of the law of God and so a great dishonour to him and a most greavous iniury vnto his d●…ine Maiesty so it is only an offence against god against thee only haue ●sinned therfore may only be for●…en by him as he himselfe also Psal 51. 4. testifieth It is I it is I that doth 〈…〉
all treachery periurie and lies it may appeare in that shee allovveth her base children beeing brought even before the Magistrate to pretende ignoraunce vvhen they knovve the matter right vvell but as they say not to open it to SVCH in that also shee allovveth vvell of breach of faith and promise made to such as shee accounteth and condemneth for heretikes VVhereby vvee may perceaue hovve vvell shee leadeth her follovvers to the Lordes hill and to the holy tabernacle of his heavenly kingdome vvherevnto none are admitted but such as sweare to their neighbour and disappoint him not though it bee to their ●vvne hinderaunce Psal 15. 4. 10 Lastly albeit the lawe being spirituall setteth downe a rule to our soules and spirites and to all the very motions and affections of our heartes forbidding all such as tende either to the dishonour of God or to our neighbours hurt yet the church of Rome teacheth that concupiscence if it get not the full consent of our vvill and a setled resolution to accomplish the same is not a transgression Rom. 7. 7. In ipsa deliberatione ●acinus est tametsi ad actum non perveneris Cic. off l. 3. Nam scel●…●nira se tacitum qui concipit vllum Facti crimen habet Horat. of the lavve of GOD neither can bee iustly condemned of sinne VVhereas the Apostle testifying of himselfe that hee had not knowne conc●pis●…nce to bee sinne excepte the lawe had saide thou shalt not lust meaneth not in all likely hoode that kinde of lust which is ioyned vvith a full consent of the vvill for so hee being brought vp at the feete of a learned Doctor in the lavve shoulde haue had lesse knovvledge then the very heathen themselues of vvhom some could say that the very consultation to sinne was sinne albeit it came not to execution and that a bare purpose to doe evill maketh guilty of the deede done CHAP. 10. That by the law there is no entraunce to life but only by faith in Christ Iesus that the law detecteth the deadly wounde of sinne but ministreth not the soveraigne salue causeth not favour but wrath not a blessing but a curse directing vs to Christ to trust in his death and not suffering vs to rest in our selues nor yet to trust in our ●vvne righteousnesse COncerning the vses of the law it is manifest The vses of ●…e law that the lavve vvas giuen to teach vs how farre vve are endebted to God being an obligatiō wherin we are bound that vnder a great forfeiture to loue God vvithall our heart soule and strength our neighbours as our selues Whereby vve may easily collect hovv vnable vvee are to discharge this ●ebt For in the regenerate themselues the flesh albeit it be subdued in part yet it still rebelleth against the spirit Rom. 7. 23. neither is it vtterly vanquished and overcome but is one of those enemies that we must still fight against vntill the finall ende of our spirituall warfare which is not vntill the last gaspe of this trāsitory life So that all the time of our continuance heere in this worlde the lawe of God is impossible in respect of the flesh and such an Rom. 8. 3. Act. 15. 10. heavy and vveighty burden that none of the faithfull were ever able to beare and therefore this vvay to life is cleane shut vp doe this and thou shall liue because of the impossibility of the condition And yet the church of Rome teacheth that we may in this life fulfil the vvhole law and discharge our huge debt yea and make payment in part also for the debt of other Furthermore the law thus opening that perfect righteousnes which the Lorde requireth at our hands and our inability to performe the same is therefore said to bring vs to the knowledge of our sinnes and sinne provoking vvrath Rom. 3. 20. Rom 4. 15. Gal. 3. 10. it is said also to worke wrath and the wrath of God being not vnarmed it is also said to make vs subiect to the curse and for that the faithfull thus beholding their great danger are thereby stirred vp to seeke for deliverance it is called our schoole m●…ster that bringeth Rom. 10 4. Gal. 3. 24. vs to Christ which is our only deliverer and redeemer Contrary to all which most evident vses of the lavv set dovvne by the Apostle the church of Rome teacheth that the law bringeth vs not so much to the knowledge of our sins in the transgression therof as to the knowledge of our perfect righteousnes which is obtained by the full keeping and obseruing of the same and so consequently not to wrath but to favour not to the curse but to the blessing not to death but to life to trust in our selues and in our owne righteousnes and not to glory alone in the death of Christ as in the only meritorious cause of our great deliverance Thus hath the Bishoppe and church of Rome not only vndermined the foundations of faith but also hath subverted the lavve of God the rule and levell of a godly life Now if hee that breaketh Math. 5. 19. the least of the commaundementes and teacheth other to doe the like shall bee called least in the kingdome God vvhat shall then become of that man of sinne and of his sinnefull generation vvhich 2. Th. 2. 3. allovve not onely of the transgression of one of the least of these commaundementes but of every one of them little and great yea what strange either impudencie or hypocrisie may we iustlie thinke to possesse their soules for that they yet so greatly extoll their owne sincerity and rightnes as if truth iustice and godlines did after a sort liue and die vvith them and as if they were the Iob. 12. 2. onelye men that flowed and abounded with all good vvorkes vvhereas they thus violate and disanull the sacred and inviolable lavve of God the rule and levell of all good vvorkes Surely if sanctitie in doctrine bee a sure note of an holy church and impurity of an impure as Bellarmine saith howe impure then is the church of Rome whose impure doctrine thus offendeth against all the rules of sanctity and godlines CHAP. 11. 1 That we ought to make our prayers only to God 2 That we ought to sanctifie the name of God by giuing to him that glorie which is due vnto him 3 That we ought to promote the gospell of Christ being the only meanes for the erecting of his kingdome 4 That all the faithful without exception and not such as are of the Religious sort only ought to endevour to fulfill the will of God even after that manner as it is performed of the Angels in heaven 5 That the faithfull enioy their daily breade ●y the most franke and free gifte of God and not by their ●vvne merites and deservinges and therefore much more the release and remission of all their trespasses and sinnes 6 That vvee ought neither to cast our selues nor yet to cause
guides Yea what cause of heresie observed and noted by her own children hath shee not embraced that so shee might defile her selfe with all manner of spirituall abominations If to make choice of religion according vnto the darke light of our owne natural reason and the servile liberty of our own free-will be to follow such guides as must needs lead into errour shee hath taught her children to do the same If to thinke basely of the common dueties generally belonging to all christians and to make choice of singular and private devotions be the cause of heresie shee hath perswaded her children thereto If the overmuch admiring of men and the addicting of our selues to our particular masters bee not only the beginning of schisme but the cause of heresie shee hath made her sectaries and followers not only schismatikes but also heretikes For vvhere may we finde more admiring and magnifying of men of their supreme power authority of their greate priviledges and prerogatiues of the holinesse of their rules and orders canons and constitutions and of the worthines perfectiō and merite of their workes then is to be found in the Church of Rome Lastly if he be an heretike which is an other-wise teacher or an after reacher and he a superstitious person that doeth any Rhom in 1. cp ad Tim. c. 1. thing supra statutū more then is commāded how can the chu●ch of Rome be free from the note of superstition and heresie seeing shee performeth her devotions otherwise then they were ordained to be done by the Apostles of Christ and most rigorously exacteth many duties which were not commanded by them at all and hath coyned many after-doctrines which were not heard of in their times For was not the word the sacraments otherwise delivered vnto the people by the Apostles of Christ then nowe Otherwise devotions they are by the church of Rome Was the word either publikely reade by them vnto the people in a strange tongue or kept from their owne private reading in a vnknowen language they sent to learne their devotions frō senceles dombe and deade images did they not penne it in a most vulgar tongue and after a most plaine familiar manner that for thē learning instructiō of Luk. 1. 4. Rom. 15. 4. the people Neither was the Sacrament of the Lordes supper ordained by them to be ministred to the people in one kinde nor baptisme with such a number of ceremonies as it is by the church of Rome disguised cast after a sort into a new forme much lesse was the observation of any outward ceremonie rite more rigorously exacted by them then the precise keeping of Christs institutiō or vrged vnder the paine of a more grievous curse Did the Apostles ordaine the solemne observing of so many festival daies After doctrines and workes supra statutū and eves or the building of churches in the honour of the saints or the running on pilgrimage to offer before their images or the sett times of fasting and abstinence or secret cōfession of all sins in the Priests eare or the vow of single life voluntary poverty Francis Dominike and Layola were not borne in their times not the holy rules made of any of their relligious orders but all vvillworships were condēned by thē which afterward were not only Coll. 2. 23. allowed but also preferred before the workes required in the law of God Lastly the supreme auctority and iurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome was not ordained by the Apostles neither was he appointed by them to bee a vniversall Bishoppe and to haue dominion over the whole church and to bee the vnerring and infallible iudge vnto whom appeale should bee made in all controversies much lesse was he placed by them aboue all kings and Emperors to depose them to set them vp at his own pleasure neither was any such auctority practised by S. Peter himselfe or by his successors long after him which yet had most skill and best courage to maintaine all doctrine belonging to their most Christian profession neither did they approue the bookes Apocriphs for Canonicall scripture nor their lawfull successors long after them alleaged the auctority of those bookes to confirme any doctrine or point of faith much lesse preferred they any translation before the authenticall text of the scripture as it is now done by the church of Rome and iustified openly by her auctority in her last generall councell of Trent Wherby shee hath made it manifest to the whole world that shee is not in some pointes onely but wholy and altogither fallen away from the word of GOD seeing shee refuseth to receiue it for the foundation of her faith as it was penned in the originalles by the speciall direction of GODS vnerring spirit and admitteth it onely as it is expounded by her translator which vvas not therein directed by any revelation nor had any priveledge of not falling into errour And verely if it bee a good reason against vs as it hath beene sette forth not long since by one of her Pamphleters that the vnlearned among vs haue no faith at all but a meere fancie because they doe builde it vppon our bare translations being not able to examine the truth of them by the originalles then much more may vvee avouch that neither the vnlearned nor yet the learned themselues among them haue anie faith at all seeing they all must vvill they vvill they settle their faith vppon the vvoordes and meaning of their transslator albeit hee differ never so much from the originall VVherefore to conclude seeing the Church of Rome hath embraced all manner of meanes of falling avvaie from GOD and his truth vvee may bee boulde to affirme that shee hath revolted and played the Apostata and so is become not onelie hereticall but also apostaticall yea that shee hath brought in that great apostasy that was foretolde by the Apostle Thus hast thou gentle Reader delivered vnto thee the maine foundation of all good workes the foure principall motiues so often vrged in the divine scripture to stirre vp the faithfull to the right and approued manner that is to be kept in the due performing of all holy actions And herein thou hast on the one side sette dovvne the true fountaine of sincere devotion and of all the parts therof wherin consisteth the true worship service of God and his spirituall and heavenly kingdome and on the other side not only the causes of errour and heresy but also of superstition and of all manner of Idolatry Now it remaineth that thou carefully put in practise these holy precepts and sanctified rules whē thou art moued to the performāce of any good worke and that thou stirre vp the gift of God in thee by these or the like holy meditations thus reasoning with thy selfe and saying This good worke God himselfe in his holy word commandeth me to performe vnto whose will I owe all obedience for that it is
blessed Virgin shee vvas not annointed nor yet appointed to bee thy Saviour The vniversall company of all those that are made partakers of the kingdome of heaven doe take their crovvnes of glorie from their ovvne heades and cast them dovvne at the Lambes feete acknowledging thereby of vvhome they holde them giuing the glorie of their salvation onely to GOD and the Lambe saying Salvation is of GOD that sitteth vppon the throne and from the lambe VVith the vvhich catholike consent of all the holy Apoc. 4. 10 saintes vvee may content our selues and satisfie our consciences sufficiently hovve many and hovve mightie soever they be here in this vvorlde that vvill not subscribe to this holy and heavenlie confession And verely vvee being built vppon CHRIST our immoueable rocke vvee neede not seeke for the stay and strength of any other foundation being possessed vvith the maintenance of this most bountifull Founder vvee neede not begge for an exhibition of any other benefactor being furthered in all our suites by his mediation vve neede no other letters of commendation hauing re●aued from him our satisfecit and quiet●… est vvee neede not greatly care for the Popes indulgence and pardon being clensed from all our sinnes by his blood vve neede not make any reckoning of our purging in purgatory being cloathed with the most odoriferous garmentes of his obedience we neede not adde thereto the patches and ragges of our ovvne righteousnesse being enriched vvith his treasures vve neede not make much account of our ovvne trash and hauing his sufferinges and death for the warrant of our right to the kingdome of heaven we neede not seeke for any further assurance or for any other title to that happy and heavenly inheritance Neither indeede doth the true church the spouse of CHRIST seeke for the same to any other then to her kinde and louing bride-grome shee contenteth her selfe vvith his loue and satisfieth her selfe vvith his sufficiency it is enough to her that shee is flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone even the bodie and fulnes of him that filleth all in all VVherefore if Iesus Christ be our whole entire only and sufficient Saviour if there be no other name power where by we may be saued as the greatnes of that raunsome which he only gaue for our redēption doth sufficiently declare if the death of Gods dearest saintes come shorte of that price the vvhich being endured for the confession of the faith of CHRIST is the very crowne of all their vvorkes if they vvere not vvorthy of the least of the LORDES mercies but were made partakers of them all most frankely and freely in CHRIST IESVS if through him they vvere not onely at the first reconciled vnto GOD and receaued into favour but also preserued in the same and brought to their full and finall glorification lastly if their vvorkes vvere rewarded vvith eternal glory not for the merite and worthines of the same in that the best of them examined in iustice deserued a curse rather then a blessing but for the mere mercy of him vvho so vvell accepteth of them and of their doinges in his vvel-beloued sonne then vvee may conclude that not the best vvorkes of the LORDES dearest saintes but the obedience and death of his dearly beloued sonne is the onely meritorious cause of eternall salvation And therefore that the church of Rome by ioyning the saintes to CHRIST in the vvorke of our saluation and by making them by their owne merites their owne Saviours in parte and others also and so by robbing of him vnto vvhome all is due of the vvhole and entire glorie thereof is iustly by all the faithfull members of CHRIST dispossessed of the name of the true church and rightly charged to be the verie throne of that enimy of Christ the great Antichrist Div. 8. That Christes soule descended not into Limbus Patrum to deliver the Fathers THere vvas one place for all the faithfull after their death vvhich departed before the coming of Christ in the flesh He descended into hell 2. Reg. 2. 11. Luc. 16. 22. But Elias at his departure was carried vp into heaven and not downe into Limbus and Lazarus was carried into Abrahams bosome which can be no part nor region of hell as it may appeare by these circumstances First these two places where Lazarus the rich man were are said to be farre off one from the other to haue an huge distance set betweene them which is not so likely to be betweene two places which both as they say are situated vnder the earth Secondly it is saide that there is no passage from the one place to the other whereas the devils themselues passe higher even to those that liue here vpon earth Thirdly it is called a place of comforte where Lazarus vvas refreshed and comforted wheras in all likely-hoode there is verie colde comforte in any coast or region of hel Moreover CHRIST vvas in the ●ore knowledge of GOD alambe slaine from the beginning of the vvorlde Apoc. 13. 18 his death vvas then as effectuall to the Fathers to open to them the kingdome of heaven as it is novve to vs seeing hee is yesterday and today and the selfe same for ever and therefore Heb. 13. 8. the selfe same Saviour and opener of heaven to them as to vs they receauing the same end of their faith as vvee 1. Pet. 19. doe even the salvation of their soules For the Fathers vvere the children of God by faith in Christ as wel as the faithfull since the ascension of Christ and therefore heauen as their inheritance was due vnto them at their departure out of this life and therefore they vvere not debarred from the same And vvhat shal we say that they vvalked in the broad way that leadeth to hell or in the narrovv way that leadeth to heauen And therefore at the ende of their life being the end of their vvalke vvere they not placed in rest in that their long longed for and desired countrey which was prepared for them of God And vvas not this present life to them Heb. 11. 16. as it is to vs a time of sowing and a place of warfare and fight and the next life a time of reaping and haruest and a place of crowning and triumphing Now there is no reaping nor triumphing out of heauen and therefore the fathers after their seede time and vva●fare ended here in this life were doubtles brought to heauen being the place appointed for their ioyfull harvest and glorious triumph And certainely as all those vvhom Christ hath novv reconciled are either in heauen or in earth as the Apostle testifieth euen so they were also in the first ages of the church Col. 1. 20. vnder the fathers and therefore as there are none now in purgatory fire so there were none then in Limbus Patrum So Saint Aust hypog lib. 5. Austine the first place the catholike faith by the warrant of divine scripture beleeveth to
in respect of them for that their number is alwaies the greater ●as shee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 holy in respect of the godly for that they are the better part Wherfore all vngodly and faithlesse dissembling hypocrites as they seeme onely to be holy and are not so they seeme also but are not in deed the true members of the holy catholike church For how can they haue the church to be their mother which are not begotten againe of the immortal seede of the word of God which liueth and lasteth for euer How can I say those bee members of the holy catholicke church and haue her for their mother vvho haue not God for their father who as they honour not God as a father neither endevour to resemble his image so he doth not acknowledge them for his sonnes nor accept them as inheritours of his heavenly kingdome And doth not our creede reach vs also that this holy catholike church of Christ is a commun●on of saintes who haue in this life remission of sinnes and shall attaine in the life to come to a glorious resurrection and to l●e everlasting But the wicked vngodly dissembling hypocrites the sonnes of the bond woman which are base-borne and bastarde brethren they haue no part nor portiō in these blessings of God with the sonnes Gal. 4. 30. of the free woman which are the elect chosen children of God and the true members of the holy catholicke church of Christ Wherefore the church of Rome greatly disgraceth this holy catholike church of Christ in that shee would allowe an interest in her to impu●e and vngodly dissembling hypocrites as on other respectes shee advaunceth her to high in assigning her that priviledge that shee cannot erre and graunting that ability vnto her children whereby they may perfectly fulfill the law of God Div. 4. That the church may erre in matters of faith THe Apostles prophets had their doctrine from God not onely mediately by instruction but also immediatly by revelation Holy but revelations are now ceased and the church hath her doctrine now mediatly onely by instruction out of the divine and sacred scriptures and therefore the church may erre albeit the Apostles and Prophets were free from errour For in learning out of the scriptures the dulnesse and blindnes of our capacity oftentimes misseth of the true sence and meaning thereof which is no impediment when as the spirite of God by revelation vseth not the blockishnesse of our vnderstanding to bring vs to the knovvledge of God but doth immediately by his power sh●dde it in our heartes or else teacheth vs by such as are instructed immediately 〈…〉 2. Div. 3. That every member of the church breaketh the law and doeth not perfectly fulfill the same NO man loveth the Lorde with all his heart power and strength so that all his ●ffections cogitations thoughts are only employed in the Lords service and in obedience to his commandementes and therefore no man perfectly fulfilleth the whole law For our loue doth so follow ou● knowledge that no man can perfectly loue God that perfectly knoweth not his loue and goodnes towardes vs but in this life wee knowe but in 〈◊〉 13. 9 parte vvee vnderstande but in parte wee see as through a glasse and in a darke speaking and so our loue also is but in parte it is no wise so perfect as it ought to be VVherefore that perfect loue beeing not in any which the lawe requireth that which wanteth thereof is sinne ●…p 29. and a breach of the lawe and commaundementes of God For to loue the Lorde withall our hearte soule and strength is not a point of perfection counselled onely in the gospell aboue the lawe but a necessary duety commaunded in the lavve and therefore our Saviour calleth it in sl●tte tearmes not onely a commaundement 〈◊〉 ●…2 38. but also the first of the commaundementes VVherefore all being guilty of the breach of this commaundement there is none that is able to fulfill the vvhole lawe much lesse to doe any worke of supererogation more then is commaunded in the law of God Many prowde debtours hauing not as yet wasted their whole stockes but beeing only declining and ready to fall conceaue so well of themselues and of their owne ability that when they looke but vpon the particular billes of their debt they conceaue some hope to recover and to bee able in time to discharge all but vvhen they cast them all togither and so take a viewe of the totall summe that appeareth by and by to bee so great that thereby they are cleane dismaide and discouraged and vtterly excluded from all hope But the pride of our Romish banke-ruptes is in a farre higher degree in that the summe of all the commandements contayning the summe of our vvhole debte bee it neuer so great and neuer so huge yet it doeth not mooue them to acknowledge their inhabilitie but they still imagine themselues to be able to fulfil the whole lavve and so to discharge their vvhole debte yea and more also vvith the surplussage vvhereof beeing due vnto them The meanest in the church of Rome are taught that they may fulfil al the commandementes whereas the very best in the church of Christ more or lesse faile in all vppon a reckoning and an accountes they thinke themselues able to helpe tovvardes the dischardge of the debtes of others also VVhereas in trueth if vvee vvoulde duely looke into the greatnesse of the duety that is required at our handes in any one of the commaundementes wee should perceiue the very debte of every one of these particular billes to amounte and grovve to so great a summe that as long as vvee liue heere in this life such is our spirituall penury and beggary vvee are neuer able to discharge the same 1. Cōmand For vvho is there euen amonge the most perfecte and iust that neuer preferreth profite or pleasure or the satisfying of one affection or other before iustice and righteousnesse and before his loue and obedience to God thereby placing them after a sort in Gods throne 2 who alvvaies so highly conceiveth of the incomprehensible maiesty of the almighty Iehovah as hee ought to doe and of his incomparable and vnmatchable glory that cannot be resembled by any similitude without great impeachment and derogation to the same 3 Who conceiveth so reverently of the infinite power of the most mighty creator of heaven earth that hee neuer taketh his glorious and dreadfull name in vaine but euer vseth it with such reverence and feare as is due vnto it 4 VVho sanctifieth on that manner the Sabaoth day that ceasing altogither from satisfying his owne vvill hee suffereth the Lord by his holy spirite and sacred vvorde vvholy to vvo●ke in himselfe and so employeth himselfe only in his service Yea who is it that keepeth a perpetuall Sabaoth vnto the LORDE 5 VVho is it that so honoureth his p●rentes and the rest of his
to keepe the Lordes day holy vnto the Lord. Contrarily the church of Rome depriveth the people of the benefite of publike pra●er and of the worde of GOD by locking them vp from them in a strange tongue and so taketh avvay the meanes whereby that day should be sanctified and in steed thereof hath brought in such abuses as vvhereby it cannot be but greately prophamed For the practise of her greate Masters in former times hath beene to solemnize the greate feast of the Lordes Nativity vvith a LORD of misrule as if our Saviour had come in the flesh to deliver vs from obedience to all good lawes and to procure a dispensation for all disorder as also to celebrate that other greate feast of VVhitsuntide at vvhat time our LORD and Saviour CHRIST Iesus to make manifest his great power that hee had in heaven and earth sent downe in forme of cloven tongues his holy sp●rite vpon his Apostles with a freer vse of all such exercises as kindle the coales of vncleane lustes and blow the bellowes to al filthy communication which are things well-pleasing to the vncleane spirite but most offensiue to the holy Ghost and no way tending to the sanctification but rather to the prophanation of the Lords day VVhereas the purpose of the church of Christ in forbidding Marriages about the times of the three great solemnities of Christians was lest by the more free vse of these earthly pleasures and delightes which abound most commonly at marriage feastes the peoples mindes should bee somewhat hindered from the carefull preparation to receaue the holy sacrament which was most vsually celebrated at those times and from the thankefull commemoration of those great benefites which are then also especially to be most religiously remembred Moreouer whereas the Lord in this commaundement giveth a speciall charge to all his people that in no vvise they forget but carefully remember to obserue and keepe holy the Sabboth day by frequenting the publike assemblies and by ioyning vvith the congregation in praier and in hearing the word of God and in causing those of their families to do the like as also on the other sixe da●es to vvalke paine●ullie in their severall callings to his honour and the good of his people vvhat shall vvee thinke of the Monkes Eremites and An●chorists of the church of Rome which are had in so high reputation for their extraordinary and as it is thought Angelicall holines vvhich liue in the open and manifest breach of both the partes of this commaundement For they both forsake the publike assemblies contrarie to the Apostles 〈◊〉 10. 15. commandement on the Lords day and do not performe on the other sixe daies the painefull vvorke of any profitable calling to the Lords church and yet they are put in great hope by their holy mother the church of Rome that by omitting these so necessary dueties so straitly enioined by the Lord himselfe for the better perfourming of their ovvne vvill-vvorshippes they are in the readiest way to the greatest perfection CHAP. 9. 5 That the Pope cannot exempt the cleargy from secular iurisdiction nor licence any Princes subiectes to withdraw their loyalty obedience and to take armes against their soveraignes 6 That the Pope cannot make it lawfu●l much lesse meritorious to lay violent handes on the Lordes Annointed 7 That the Pope cannot authorise stewes and incestuous marriages disallowed by God 8 That the Pope cannot make good the sale of Masses and Pardons but that it shall be condemned for the●t before God 9 That the Pope cannot licence any to conceale the truth or to avouch any thing contrary thereto especially vvhen they are commanded by the Magistrate and that vpon their oath to open the same nor yet to breake faith and promise made no not to heretikes 10 That concupiscence entertained and liked for a while albeit it get not our full and setled consent is sinne COncerning the commaundementes of the second table which lay downe our duety tovvardes our neighbour and belong to the preservation of humane society the church of Rome is an o●…ender also against the same neither can she being charged therevvith iustly and truely pleade not guilty 5 For against the fift commandement shee offendeth by exempting ecclesiasticall persons from secular iurisdiction and by discharging as shee thinketh it expedient all manner of subiectes from their oath of obedience made vnto their naturall Princes and in exciting them also to take vp armes against them and so to stande out in open rebellion For this is not to honour the parentes of our countries Rom. 13. 1. and to yeeld subiection to higher powers albeit they be heathenish and persecuting Idolaters 6 See Cardinal de Como his letter to Will Parry Against the sixth commaundement she offendeth in teaching it to bee not onely commendable but also meritorious to murder even the Lordes Annointed the vvhich outragious villany many other murders also are like to follovve all true subiectes especially such as by speciall oath hand and promise of association are bound more precisely thereto being ready to adventure their liues and liuings for the avenging of the death of their leige and loving Soveraignes But this heard hearted steppe-dame little regardeth the liues of many beeing ready at all assayes to embrue her selfe over with blood so that shee may bring to passe her plots and purposes 7 〈◊〉 lu●…d tur●… est ●…dor ex ●…alibet Against the seventh shee offendeth in allowing or at the least in tolerating of open stewes for her great revennew shee receaveth by them and in dispensing with incestuous and vnlawfull marriages belike vpon the former respect 8 And albeit shee hath no colour nor shevve to allovve of theft done by violence yet shee her selfe vvaxeth vvonderfull rich by that vvhich is done by fraude and deceite in that she perswadeth the Laity to pay vvell for her Masses and Pardons thereby robbing them of their landes and goods for certainely this is no better then cunning cousonage yea then statte thefte before God If anie Priest saith Saint Augustine ●…e verb ●…ecun●… Math. 19 ●0 47. not contented vvith the wages which hee hath by the commaundement of Go● for his service at the altar doth play the merchaunt and set to sale his praiers and to readie to receiue the very vviddovves rewardes such an one is to bee accounted rather a merchandizer then a Clerke Neither may vvee alleadge No man can charge vs vvith invasion no man can accuse vs of violence as if oftentimes flattery did not gette a greater boo●y from vviddowes then force And it skilleth not before God vvhether by force or subtlety thou gettest the goods of others so thou enioy them by either 9 Novve hovve this painted Babylonish harlot vvhich boasteth 〈◊〉 tract 〈◊〉 con 1. ●…6 ●…se po●…s this ●…ee 〈◊〉 hearte 〈◊〉 suffi●… so much of fidelity and truth liketh in deede of true and faithfull dealing betweene man and man hovv farre shee is of from
that beleeue is the onely meanes not onely to erect but also to establish this kingdome of grace And therefore Saint Paul taking his fare-well of the pastors of Ephesus saith Now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to builde further and to giue you an inheritance amonge them that are sanctified The which word of grace when it was committed to the Apostles they were saide to haue receaued the keies of the kingdome of heaven the which also when it was reiected of the Iewes they reiected together with it the kingdome of heaven The which Worde of grace seing that it is kept by the church of Rome vnder the locke and keie of a strange tongue from the common sort of christians what is it but a ready way to exclude them also out of the kingdome of God 3. In the thirde petition all the faithfull are taught to desire that Gods will may be done of them all after that manner in earth as it is done in heaven of the holy angels all of them according vnto their measure of grace tending and striuing to this perfection The which contending to the estate of perfectiō the church of Rome reserueth onely for her holy Votaries and for such as be of her Rel●gious orders who that they may obtaine a greater opinion of holines then any other are saide to be onely in the way to this Angelicall perfection all other estates and degrees of men belike being out of that vvay 4 Now concerning the fourth and fifte petitions if we haue our very breade by free gift from God● giue vs this day our daily bread and not by the merite of our owne vvorkes how then can we deserue remission of sinnes and eternall glory 5 yea if by our dayly sinnes vvee adde continually to the summe of our debts must continually sue for the forgiuenesse of all our dayly and smaller offences how can we then make satisfaction for our grosser sins and merite also more of our creditors goods 6 Lastly in the sixth petition the faithfull acknowledging their great frailty and weakenes to withstand the temptations of sinne and Satan are taught to flie continually to the Lords protection to fence themselues vnder the shield of his power that he may either keepe them from the force of the combate or els deliver them by giving them strength to overcome But the church of Rome feareth no such frailty in her religious Votaries and therfore ● Cor. 7. 2. leaueth them in the hands of their owne lustes by taking from thē the meanes ordained by God for the avoiding of the same thereby causing them to tempt God by refusing the holesome water ordained by him for the cooling of these their fiery flames CHAP. 12. That the graunt of eternall life is given to the faithfull onely in Christ and not partly through him and partly through their owne workes THe holy and sacred word of God doeth lay open The new Testament ●r Gospell ●…at is the ●oyfull ty●ings of ●…lvation 〈◊〉 Christ ●esus Gen. 3. 24. vnto vs two covenauntes of life made betweene God man the oue legall the other Evangelicall The first whereof was made with man presently after his creation and had for the further confirmation thereof the fruite of the tree of life for an holy sacrament and a sacred assurance of the same from the most comfortable vse wherof he was vtterly excluded after the breach of that covenant The articles of this covenant were at the first written in the hart of man and after set downe in the law of God which declareth that it depended vpon our owne deedes And therefore vvhen the Pharisie vvhich looked to bee saued by the vvorks of the lavv demaunded of our blessed Saviour what hee should doe to be saued it was aunswered him that seeing by the works of the law he looked to be saued he should perfectly fulfil the commaundementes of the lavv doe this and thou shalt l●… But Luk. 10. 28. vvhen man by his fall had broken this covenaunt and so had stepped out of this vvay that leadeth to life and had gotten into the most daungerous vvaies of sinne and death the LORDE vvho is rich in mercy and of endlesse goodnesse suffered him not long to wander therein but soone reclaimed him and made with him a second covenaunt of life in the seede of the woman that shoulde Act. 3. 25. bruise the serpentes head and in whom all the families of the earth shoulde be blessed And hee appointed vnto him certaine sacrifices at the first for the further strengthening and confirming of his faith as aftervvard he gaue to Abraham the father of the faithfull the signe of Rom 4 11. circumcision as a seale of the righteousnesse before obtained by faith The articles of this covenant are more at large set dovvne in the Apostles Creede but most briefly comprised in the Apostles answere to the ●aylors demande what shall I do to be saved beleeue thou Act. 16. 31. say they in the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt bee saved and thy housholde The opposition of these covenants is set dovvne by the Apostle Moses saith he writeth of the righteousnes of the lawe that hee vvhich doth the same shall liue therein but the righteousnes which is of faith speaketh Rom. 10. 5. on this wise Say not thou in thine ●eart who shall ascende into heauē that is to fetch Christ from aboue either vvho shall descende into the deepe that is to fetch vppe Christ againe from the deade For if thou acknovvledge vvith thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde and beleeue in thine hearte that God raised vppe him from the dead thou shalt be saved For vvith the heart man beleeveth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth confession is made vnto salvation For the scripture saith vvh●soever beleeveth in him shall not be confounded So thē the first covenāt was foūded on our owne obedience the secōd on the obedience of Christ the first dependeth on works the second on faith not on workes And therfore it is certaine that our deliuery frō death our recovery to life by the secōd covenātis only by Christ apprehēded by faith vnles we wil add some third covenāt of life partly in Christ and partly in our selues partly by faith partly by workes so overthrowe that covenant of life vvhich vvas made vnto vs onely in CHRIST Iesus For as the making of the second Heb. 8. 7. covenant vvas a disanulling of the first so an establishing of a third must needes be a disanulling of the second VVherefore let all true Christians vvay vvell vvith themselues this blasphemous doctrine of the church of Rome vvho hath coyned another nevve gospell vvhich bringeth to vs the ioyfull tidinges of remission of sinnes and eternall life partly through Christ and partly through our selues and so hath disanulled that covenant of mercy which was made vnto vs only in Christ Iesus Neither
the chiefest foundation of our Christian faith 3 That the principall point of his Antichristian doctrine wherevnto hee and his adherentes shall ascribe greatest perfection shall bee the vowe of single life and abstinence from diverse kindes of meates and other such will-worshippes of their owne devising 4 That it is a manifest mark of the Antichristiā pride of the B. of Rome against God in that he ascribeth greater perfection to the rules of his religious orders then to the lawe of God himselfe yea in that he taketh vpō him to dispence with the law of Goa as if he were superior to God 5 That it is a manifest marke of the Luciferlike and Antichristiā pride of the Bishop of Rome against all that is called God and counted worthy of honor here in his church in that as a presumptuous vsurper he exalteth himselfe not only against the Ecclesiasticall but also against the civill governors yea against generall councels themselues which after a sort represent vnto vs the whole church 6 That the Bishop of Rome in his Antichristian pride mainetaining his owne faith to be an immoueable rocke which cannot be shaken his decisions to be infallible oracles which cannot erre his church to bee eternall which cannot perish declareth himselfe most manifestly to bee that vaine glorious whore of Babylon which vaunteth her selfe and saith I sit as a Queene am no widdow shall see no mourning 7 That the seat designed by the spirit of God for the great Antichrist of these last times is that city which in S. Iohns time raigned over the kings of the earth that was Rome as it may be also con●ectured by the number of Antichrists name shadowed in the figures 666 expressed by Latein●s that is a Romane or by Romijth or Italica Ecclesia in the account of the Hebrewe and Greeke letters and that is the church of Rome 8 That a Papist as a Papist is a limbe of Antichrist and so no member of Christ and therefore hath no interest in the worke of our Redemption wrought by Christ of the which if he will be partaker hee must flatly renounce all society with Antichrist and fight the Lordes battles against him vnder the banner of Christ 1 BEllarmine that great pillar of the heresies In praf●… lib de cont● rel tom 1. Act. 24. 14. Cyp l. 2. ●p 3 and Idolatries of of the church of Rome endeavoureth by this meanes to fasten on vs vvho beleeue all thinges that are vvritten in the Lavv and in the Prophets and vvhich our Lorde Christ who vvas before all hath delivered vnto vs the heresies that vvere to arise in these latter times for that vvee vvithstande boldly and cōstantly the most grieuous corruptions of the church of Rome For saith hee the Devill the founder of all falshoode and lies the enemy of God and of all truth the opp●gner and vnderminer of all the articles of our Christian faith as in former ages he hath assaulted the first pointes thereof vvhich concerne the mysterie of the blessed Trinitie so to shevve his hatred against all the pointes of the same hath novve by vs as he vvould haue the vvorlde perswaded in these last times endeavoured the overthrovveof those other articles vvhich concerne the holie Catholicke Church But his collection heerein is sophisticall for that it is one thinge to reprooue the errours of the Church of Rome that novve is and an other thing to deface the holy Catholicke Church for that the church of Rome that novve is is fallen from that faith vvhich vvas there first planted by the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul as it may appeare to any indifferent person that vvithout partialiality vvill compare the most parte of that doctrine vvhich shee novve mainetaineth but vvith that onely vvhich is delivered by the Apostle Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Romanes The trueth is that the Devill in the Primitiue Church made his chiefe battery against the doctrine of the most glorious Trinity but that his repulse therein vvas not such as caused him altogeather to giue over that enterprise For ●ee hath in some countreyes renevved the same assault againe in these daies hath laboured a fresh to shake that very ●elfe same foundation And albeit he be an enimie to al the members of Christs mystical body yet his cheifest malice is against the heade And Gen. 3. 15. 1. Cor 3 11 Mat. 16. 18. for that the doctrine of our Redemption wrought by CHRIST it that invincible rocke vvhereon the church is builte his cheifest assaultes haue beene set against the same by his Ministers the false Prophetes and Antichristes of these latter times vvho are therfor● in holy scripture not so much called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as if they shoulde vtterly deny GOD or oppugne the doctrine of the blessed Trinitie as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for that they shall albeit not in outward shevves but in effect and deede evacuate the crosse of CHRIST and the vvorkes of our redemption vvrought thereby The great Antichrist as saith Saint Iohn shall haue two hornes like a lambe that is shall pretend the two folde autority of Christ the immaculate and vndefiled lambe of God and as the Apostle testifieth he shall sit in the temple of God as God that is as Gods Leifetenant generall Christs Vicar vniversall represēting his person executing his autority and shall pretend himselfe to be the church of Christ or at the least shall arrogate to himselfe the cheife ●eate Aug. de civ dei lib. 20. Cap. 19. in the same as S. Austine testifieth and Theodorete and P●…masia● vpon the same place of the Apostle And verely if Antichrist when he came had openly rev●…ed the olde condemned heresies of the Arrians Marcionites Manichees and the like and had in flat tearmes denied either the natures or the offices of Christ our Saviour what Christian would not soone haue espied his wickednes and what faithfull person woulde not straight waies haue abhorred his blasphemy Therfore that the greate Antichrist might the more easily bring in a greate Apostasie from the faith and the sooner make drunke all the kingdomes of the earth with the cuppe of his spirituall fornication and adultery he was to come like an whore with Apoc. 17 4 2. Th. 2. 10. flattery and deceit vvith stronge delusion and all deceaueablenes of vnrighteousnesse and to offer forth his poison in a cuppe of gold that is he vvas in outvvard appearance to make g●…ate shevve of the Gospell and faith of CHRIST and most gloriously to pretend that he and his adherentes are the onely Catholikes and the onely pillers of CHRISTES church The asse perceauing that all the beastes of the forest stooped and bovved lovve before the Lion vvrapped himselfe in a Lyons skinne and in confidence thereof came among them and beganne to make an harrish noise that so he might receaue honour of them the lesser beastes beholding this bugge fell downe
gospell of Christ may encounter herein euen their stoutest champions For if either we respect the sounde doctrine or the sincere practise of good workes for good words bring forth good manners not only at their birth but also in their growth it shal be declared in the treatise following that the holsome doctrin of good workes is most soundly delivered by vs and not by them and as for the practise let vs nowe briefly take a true view thereof euen in the fowre cardinal vertues wisedome fortitude temperance and iustice and let vs in a word see whether we haue iust cause to giue ground vnto them and to yeeld backe one foote Concerning wisedome which is the Lady and M is The professors of the gospell are no whit behind the papists but a great way before them in the holy exercise of all vertues to all the residue of the vertues not onl● our doctrine but our practise also is that both priest and people haue their dayly resort to the word of God the full fountaine welspring of true wisedome and meditate thereon day and night that their harts being continually moistened with the sweete droppes thereof they may be made partakers of her fruits And is it not a point of true wisdome for one that cannot of himselfe wisely iudge of al thinges to make choise of a wise instructer teacher But the doctrine the practise of the church of Rome is to cause the people for the most parte to reiect the daylie reading of the word of God and therfore what wisedome can there be in thē Ier. 8. 9. yea it hath not bin required much lesse practised by their priestes and great Bishops to be much busied in the Lords booke● it hath beene thought to haue bin inough for them to haue bi● skilfull in their portuise and in their pontificall It may shame indeede the priestes of Italy who truelie Aenaeas Silvius cōment de dict fact Alphon. regis 1. 2. 17 Eras 1. 9. ep ad Natal Bedd as it is wel knowen haue no not so much as once read over the new testament whereas among the Thaborites that is the Gospellers yee can hardly finde any woman which cannot aunswere both out of the olde testament and the new And a prove●be went currant in Scotland not many yeares since testifieng the blindnes and brutishnes of some of their great Bishops ye are like the Bishops of Dunkelden who knew neither new nor olde lawe Now concerning true Christian courage and manhood it hath beene so great in many thousands of the professors of the Gospel of Christ that even among such as were of the meanest trades and occupations that they haue willingly lost both their liberties and liues to giue testimony vnto the truth of their most holy faith and the paucity of the seedsmen of rebellion that haue bin executed for treason against their prince and country and for the defence of the vsurped iurisdiction of the Romish Antichrist may no way bee compared and matched with them And as for the exercise of temperance and chastity it is well knowne to the whole world how we reverence the divine institutiō of holy matrimony and keepe our selues within the bounds of this ordinance of the Lord Wheras among our Romish votaries simple fornication hath beene accounted no sinne and it hath beene thought to goe well with them if they liued Si nō castè ●ameé cautè charily though not chastly And howe chastly some of their religious persons liued among themselues some of their fishpondes haue testified sufficiently and concerning their secular priestes the tōgues of such as liued with them haue witnessed that very few wives in their parishes were left at the least vnattempted by these their ghostlie Fathers that I may omitte the vowed trotting on pilgrimage by many that the barren wombe might so be made fruitfull Lastly concerning iustice equity conscience and an vnspotted and vnblameable life as it hath beene reported by Reinerius an inquisitor and that no doubt vpon sufficient inquiry of our brethren the poore men of Lions that they had a great shew of godlines lived iustly with men and beleeved al things well concerning God and all the articles of the creede saue only saith he that they hated blasphemed the church of Rome so I doubt not but that the like testimony may be given of al the sincere professors of the Gospel and that by the mouth of the very enemy if that he wil lay aside blind malice as Reinerius did and simplie and plainely declare the truth At least suppose his conscience wil not make vs worse then those of his religious orders of whō it hath bin testified long since that they haue fallen from conscience to science and from Petr. Rodulph Tossian histor Seraph religion 1. ● science to be bareences And what conscience I pray you and what regard to Gods commandements was in those that apprehended Thomas Sanpaulinus at Paris vpō suspition of heresie for that he reproved one for swearing in vaine and never left him vntil they had brought him from the tortures of the racke to end his life in fiery torments And yet these things are not spoken to this end as if we meant to detract al ciuil carriage from all the members of the church of Rome nay that the Deuill himselfe may haue his right we ingenuously confesse and acknowledge the outward exercise of many civill politicke vertues in many of them especiallie the most profitable works of piety liberality and mercy in founding Colledges Hospitals and the like But yet so that if they would take from their Faulcons eies the hood of selfe loue and partiality look into one little corner of the glasse of that paineful labourer in the Lords vineyard Master Doctor VVillet they might Andrew-Willet controv gener 19. error 104. see that the professours of the gospel are nothing behinde them in those so goodly and glorious workes How beit although we were not altogither matchable with thē in the outwarde worke of these vertues for that wee are no way matchable with them in those great dignities priviledges offices and honors and in those large and ample possessions which they enioied to the ful yet they may know that the poore widdowes mite is as much and more also with Christ then al the large summes which were cast into the treasury by the Scribes Pharisies especially if they were giuen as parte of that pray which vnder pretence of long praier they got from poore widdowes And from whence I pray you did most of those greate Donatiues proceede that were cast into the treasurie by our popish Pharisies Is it not likelie that they were either part of that bootie that they gained by thesale of their Masses and pardons or at the least some portion of the fleeces which they tooke frō the sheepe for their little and course yea no feeding at all of the flocke of Christ And what
THE TRIALL OF TRVTH Containing A PLAINE AND SHORT DISCOVEry of the chiefest pointes of the Doctrine of the great Antichrist and of his adherentes the false Teachers and Heretikes of these last times Math. 16. O yee Hypocrites yee can discerne the face of the sky and can ye not discerne the signes of the times 2. Thess 2. Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for the Lord shall not come except there come an Apostasie first and that man of sinne be revealed the sonne of perdition who is an adversary and is exalted aboue all that is called God or worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God AT OXFORD Printed by JOSEPH BARNES and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Bible Ann. Dom. 1600. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GOD HIS VERY GOOD Lord HENRY Bishoppe of Sarum RIGHT Reverende Father and my very good L. I am bold in your Lordshippes name to present to Christ his Church these my travailes vndertaken in defence of the same against her capitall enemy the great Antichrist especially seeing your Lordship is our Coronell vnder whose conduct we that are leaders of smal bandes vnder your regiment are marshalled along vnto these our military services and are encouraged to fight the Lords battles VVherefore I am most humbly to craue not only your Lordshippes approbation herein but also your speciall protection that so the better successe may ensue And I am most earnestly to exhort all those which are Leaders with me of smaller companies that they would submitte themselues dutifully to the government of their Lieftenant generall and Coronels appointed over them for their spirituall services that they take them for their governours and not for their enemies and that they be preast and ready to put in execution their lawfull designmentes howsoeuer some of them perhappes may conceaue that there might bee devised some better course for the menaging of these affaires For doubtles whersoeuer the Generall Coronels be not readily obeied by their vnder Officers but deemed iudged for deadly enemies there must needes arise sedition and mutinies and so in the end vnlesse it be prevented the vtter overthrowe of the whole army As therefore my brethren wee would bee loath to be the meanes to weaken dissolue the Lords bands and to strengthen and encrease the force of the enemy let vs so stand vpon our several watches that we keepe our selues to our owne colours and discerne our chiefest Patrones Protectors from our most dangerous and deadly foes and distinguish our Fathers that haue begotten vs through the gospell from such as would bastardize vs if they could and rob vs of our caelestiall and heavenly inheritance Yea whereas the enemy by strong leagues and confederac●es and by all meanes that pollicy can devise or industry bring to passe hath long time sought to strengthen himselfe that he might bring vs to vtter destruction how ought we with one heart and one soule ioine togeather for our owne preservatiō especially for the furthering of the glorious gospell of Christ our Lord for the establishing of his kingdome VVe knowe all very well that by peace and vnity small things become great as by discorde and dissention great things are brought to nothing And therfore I cannot but greatly reuerence that godly affection of that religious reverend father in God THOMAS COOPER late Bishop of VVinchester who lying in his death bed whē sense reason iudgment began to faile him yet this desire did not waxe weake but his importunate wil if I may so tearme his holy and godly zeale ther in was that set praiers should bee appointed for the peace of this our Church for the establishing of Christian loue and vnity among our selues The which thing as I take it would the more easily come to passe if we would duely weigh with our selues that government and ceremonies about the which we contende are only in general Calvin in J. ep ad Cor. c. 11. commanded in the word of God but what special kinde of government is fittest for every time and countrey what ceremonies in particular belong to order comelines and edification these things are not left in the power of private persons for that woulde tende to confusion and all disorder and cause Controversies to be endles but to the povver of such as be in autoritie and the determination of their holesome lawes The articles of faith saith Tertullian be the law of faith Tertul. d● virg vt●ad this law remaining other matters of discipline and conversation doe admitte the novelty of correction the grace of God working profiting the Church to the end VVherefore as I would exhort our Leaders of smaller companies to acknowledge and reverence their greater Commanders and to submit thēselues to their governemēt so I vvould also most humblie beseech those wich are in higher place autority to embrace with loue their inferior Officers which are desirous to keepe the vnity of the spirit in the bonde of peace And Hostes iudicandi suns qui contrae remp arma ferunt non qui suo iudie cio tueri velint remp that they will not over hastely adiudge all those to be factious mutinous who differ a little in iudgemēt frō thē in the ordering of the battle in the māner of performing of this or that peece of service if they fly not nor turne their backes in the skirmish but advaūce their ensignes couragiously employ their forces māfully against the enimy The time hath ben Euseb lib. 5. Cap. 23. whē that the diversity in fasting so no doubt in other matters of the like kind hath ben thought to haue ben a cōmendatiō to the vnity in faith The time hath beene when heady Idem lib. 5. Cap. 26. Victor seeking a victory to himselfe and so hindering the conquest and triumph of the truth hath beene overruled by a discrete Irene perswading peace that so the gospel might gette the greater victorie The time hath beene when rash Iosuah provoking meeke Moses to put to silence Eldad Numb 11. 28. and Medad for prophecying in the host and not being present as it vvere before his Consistorie receaued the cheeke for his labour Enviest thou for my sake I would to God all the LORDES people could prophecie and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them For if Christ Ph. 1. 18. be preached any manner of way it ought to be the matter of great ioy to every true sincere Christiā And if to vs this dispēsatiō be cōmitted woe woe vnto vs if we preach not the 1. Cor 9. 16. Gospell but if we be instāt herein in seasō out of season and feede Christes sheepe againe againe for that they are redeemed with his owne blood happie are we even by the testimony of the Lord himselfe seing we are possessed with his loue And
happy also is the estate of those sheepe which haue Ioh 21. 15. a faithfull sheapheard to goe in and out before them and to lead thē alonge into the pastures of righteousnes as lamentable is the case of those Cōgregations which are as sheepe scattered abroad without a sheapheard as wretched is the estate Math 9. 36. of that ground which hath no skilfull husbandman to manure the same Surely the harvest is great the labourers are but few therefore we must make earnest suite to the Lord of the harvest that he would thrust forth labourers into his harvest And may we not as truly say that these battles are hote that the leaders thereof on the adverse part are many expert cruel therefore that there is great neede that all the Leaders of the Lords armies should be stirred vp encouraged each by other to stand vp in the breach and couragiously to withstand the force of the enimie The which thinge if any of thē shall either be vnwilling or vnable to performe order had neede to be taken presētly for such least the armie thereby should be brought in great danger And verely right Reverend in the Lord it is lamentable to behold what great massacres blindnes and ignorance superstition and Idolatrie do make as yet in the middest of many Congregations who are laide as it were wast and desolate for want as it may be supposed either of hability or else of industry in their Leaders which should withstand the force of these enimies How many are there even among those which outwardly notwithstāding cōforme thēselues to law order who feede still vpon poisō for want of holesome foode to be so divided that they may be able to receaue the same like silly sheepe are still ready to stray hither thither to become a pray to the greedy wolfe for wāt of such a sheapheard as should still goe in out before thē and direct them along in a right course For is it not with vs who are in this our Church as it were the feete of the Ministery as it was with that image represēted to Nabuchadnezzar in a dreāe whose feete were part of iron part of clay For there are in many the Lord be blessed for thē encrease the number of thē the strength of iron whereby they are enabled to stay the people vpright to keepe thē in obediēce to God to their Soveraigne and there are others like moultring clay hauing little power to strengthē thēselues lesse hability to stay others Thus am I bold to intimate the estate of Christs sheepe vnto your Lordshippe being our great sheepheard who not onely by your antority do require our watchfulnes diligence over our severall flocks but also by your owne example do perswade vs therevnto verifiyng by your practise the truth of that saying of one of your L. most famous Predecessors that as an Emperour should die standing in the fielde so should a B. in the pulpitte The high and cheife Bishop of all our soules visite your Lordship daily with his mercies encrease his graces blessings vpon you preserue you both in body soule to his owne honour to the benefite of his Church Amen Your LORDSHIPPES as dutie bindeth me to command IOHN TERRY To the Christian Reader AS it is a necessary duty good Christian Reader for every mēber in mans body even for the meanest and basest as wel as for the most principal to performe their common service for the cōmon benefit preservation of the whole even so it is as needful for every member of the Church cōmon weale be he higher or lower greater or lesse to walke painfully in his seueral calling in obediēce to God who hath thus or thus placed him carefully to discharge that dutie which the Lord requireth at his hands For there are none of Gods blessings be they in cōparison of the greater of never so low a rate estimatiō but that they are worthy that we should employ our cares cogitations about the lavvful obtaining encreasing preserving of the same there is no talent so smal cōmitted to any that is carelesly or cōtemptuously to be flunge aside tied vp in a napkin or buried Math. 25. in the groūd Should a little light be cleane put out wheras it may fit some little cādlesticke serue to lightē some little house Or should a man of meane stature when he is assaulted by his enemy stand nothing at al vpon his owne defence but cast away al manner of weapon because he is not able to vse Hercules clubbe Our Saviour Christ which Isa 42 3. Mat. 21. 16. breaketh not the bruised reede nor quencheth the smoaking flax reiected not the testimony of very childrē crying in the tēple saying Hosanna the son of Dauid but gaue strēgth vnto it with Haue ye never reade out of the mouthes of babes Psal 8. 2. and sucklings thou hast made perfite thy praise Little David vnable to beare the weapon of a man of warre beeing 1. Sam. 17. strengthned by the Lords aide prevailed against great Goliah And experience doth teach that in martiall services a meane souldiours bullet may strike some cheife man of the adverse part and so further the winning of the fielde and helpe to the getting of the full victorie The Lords hād is not shortned nor his spirit tied the planting and watring of such as haue the greatest giftes is nothing vnlesse God 1. Cor. 3. 7. giue the encrease and the laboures of the meanest Minister of Christ may be profitable to his Church when it pleaseth the Lord to giue a blessing therevnto Yea the meaner the instrument the greater is the glorie of him that worketh by the same when all men that see it shall say this hath 2. Cor. 47. the Lord done and shall perceaue that it is his worke Vpon these groundes haue I beene emboldened good Christian Reader albeit but a meane souldiour to come into the fielde with the residue of the Lordes army to the succouring if it be but of one soule or to the rescuing of one captiue out of the enimies handes Many things do plainly cōvince the B. of Rome his adherēts as the most capitall enimies of Christes Church in these last times endes of the world For howsoever they pretend thēselues to be the onely preservers yet in truth they are most greavous destroiers of the Catholike faith albeit they make a shew as if they were the cheifest pillars yet they are the greatest pullers downe of the Church of Christ and although they glory of their perfect consent and agreement with the doctrine of Christ yet in truth they maintaine many flat direct cōtradictiōs against the very groūds foūdations of the doctrine of Christ The shortest sūme abridgment of the doctrine of Christ is Repēt beleeue the gospel Repētāce Faith Whereof the
Marc. 1. 15. one is occasioned by the due consideration of our owne most manifold and greavous corruptions the other by the apprehension of the Lordes most singular and endles goodnes And therefore the scope of the whole Scripture tēding to teach repētāce faith tēdeth likewise to these two ends on the one side to display lay open the incomparable excellencies perfectiōs that be in God that by the beauty therof we may be most earnestly stirred vp to desire reconciliatiō fellowship with him to place our whole hope confidēce in him to ascribe vnto him al honour glory on the other side to discover the infirmities corruptions of man that therby he may be induced al selfe loue set aside to distrust deny renoūce himselfe to hāg down the head being cōfoūded in himselfe cast downe to the bottomles pitte of hell So the Prophet I say setting downe the mighty working of the gospell at the coming of the Messias testifieth that thereby the high lookes shall be humbled and the Isa 2. 17. 24. 23. loftines of man shall be abated and the Lord onely shall be exalted in that day yea that the Moone shal be abashed and the Sunne ashamed whē the Lord shal appeare that is that such things as in our selues seeme beautiful as the Sūne shal be covered with darknes dashed over as with a coa●e in respect of the brightnes of Gods most admirable goodnes shining in the face of the glorious Messias And wha● else also meaneth the Prophet ●zechiell in saying that when Ezech. 16. the Lord hath confirmed his everlasting Covenant with vs is pacified towards vs thē we shal remēber our waies be ashamed neuer open our mouthes any more in respect of our shame Wherefore if we will bee partakers of the fruite of the gospell we must be moued thereby to looke throughly into our own corruptiōs to cast down our eies as it were vpō our own fowle feete that so we may haue our part in that shāe which is the path way to worship honor We Eccl. 4. 21. must not be gazing vpon our peacockes tailes nor beholding the Sūne when he shineth nor the Moone walking in her Iob. 31. 26. brightnes that is we must not admire ourselues no not in respect of our tēporal or spiritual gifts lest our owne harts do flatter vs in secret so induce vs to kisse our own hāds Surely this is an iniquity to be cōdēned seing it is a denial Hab. 2. 4. of the Lord aboue For he that lifteth vp himselfe his hart is not vpright for the iust shal liue by faith which teacheth vs not to admire ourselues or to trust in our selues but to go out of our selues and to trust in God and to place our whole hope in the riches of his grace in the fulnes of his goodnes And in truth we can hardly detract to much from man in whose flesh dwelleth no good thing al the imaginatiōs Rom. 7 18. Gen. 6. 5. of whose hart are only evil cōtinually that so he may be brought to cast away al selfe loue pride cōfidence in himselfe take to himselfe his due deserved cōfu●ion and shame be vnfainedly hūbled as he ought to be As on the cōtrary side we cā as hardly ascribe to much to Gods goodnes or be overlavish in extolling the hight lēgth bredth depth of the loue of Christ that passeth knowledge that so the pledges of his endles favour may raise vs vp to a true liuely faith to giue him that glory that is due to him And why should mire that lieth in the streete be so gready to be seasōed with sugar spice a vile peece of a rotten post to be gilded over with fine gold why should wretched sinful man be desirous to enlarg his own estimatiō by advaūcing lifting vp himselfe prepare a way to a most dāgerous downfall So God be glorified we ought not greatly regard what becometh of vs seing all is due to him nothing to vs. And verely the most blessed servants saints of God being purged and clensed from all corruptions being admitted to the vision of God and to bebold not his hinder partes but even to see him face to face and so to behold his vnspeakable glory as farre forth as the creature is capable of the same albeit they are so highly advaūced yet they take their crownes from their owne heades and cast them downe before the throne saying Apoc. 4 10. 11. Thou art worthy O Lord to receaue honour glorie power for thou hast created all thinges for thy willes sake they were are created never ceasing day nor night to sing holy holy holy Lord God Apoc. 15. 4. almighty who shal not feare thee glorify thy name for thou only art holy Yea our most glorious Lord Saviour Christ Iesus himselfe who was annointed with the oile of gladnes aboue his fellowes and endued vvith the spirite vvith out measure vvho is advaunced to the right hand of GOD and hath all power in heaven and earth giuen vnto him is appointed iudge of quicke deade when he shall haue finished the worke of his Mediator-shippe and shall haue placed al the elect of God in the peaceable possessiō of that most glorious kingdome which he hath purchased for thē with his owne blood thē as he is man he shal deliver vp his kingdome to God be subiect to him that to this end that God may be all in all all glorie honour power 1. Co. 15. 28 praise being worthely ascribed only to him Whereby it is evident that God can never be sufficiently magnified in respect of his incomprehensible goodnes glory as on the contrary side man can never be sufficiently hūbled abased especially in comparison had vnto God And yet the members of the Church of Rome fearing belike that Gods great grace should be to highly magnified that to much should be yeelded therevnto being loath as it seemeth that man should take to himselfe that due deserued shāe that belōgeth vnto him wil haue neither Conc. Trid. sess 6. cap. 1. Can. 7. al our workes before our cōversatiō being dōe without faith to be condemned for sinne nor all our good workes after our Cap. ●… con 25. Cap. 2. can 4. conversion to be stained so much as with any ●ental sinne neither all our very sinnes to be damnable and mortall nor yet our conversion it selfe to be wrought only by the spirit of regeneration but also by the power of our owne free wil neither our salvation to be ascribed to the only death of our all sufficient Saviour but also to our owne merites and desertes The Prophet Cap. 11. can 32. Psal 115. 1. David was of another spi●…e Not vnto vs O Lorde saith he not vnto vs but vnto
as beleue hath bin more careful for the naturalmā by leaving those principles which stande vpon their owne ground that so he may attaine to the knowledge of all such Arts sciences which are profitable for the maintenāce of this tēporal life that he hath not left the like principles and groūds for the regenerate mā wherby he may attaine to the knowledge of al such things as do cōcerne eternal life And if Aristotle bee iudge in Philosophy Galene in Physicke Iustinian in the law albeit many of their rules precepts he diversly expounded by their Interpreters even so albeit there be diverse expositions of holy scripture yet God forbide but the holy scripture of God the most cleare pure fountaine of truth should be the iudge of faith that especially by the maine grounds of faith therein cōtained The which are therefore named by the aunciēt Fathers the key A b● serm 38. Aug. de doct Christ l. 3. cap 2. 3. De Temp. Serm 119. So r. hist Eccles lib. 5. Cap. 10. and rule of faith for that the perspicuity plainnes of thē doth open as it were a doore into all the mysteries of faith And hereof it was that not only Theodosius the Emperor vsed thē as a meanes to end all cōtroversies in his time but S. Austin also being to expoūd the first booke of Moses called Gen. setteth thē down in the forefrōt of his worke as a rule whereby he meaneth to frame al his interpretatiōs that if they misse in the meaning of any particular place yet they may not erre in the substāce of faith because he avoucheth nothing but that which is agreable to the groūds of faith So likwise Tertulliā Iraene that liued near the Apostles See Kemnis Exa Trid. Conc. de traditionibus time whē certaine heretikes charged the scriptures as the mēbers of the Church of Rome doe now that they were in sufficiēt dark ambiguous that the truth could not be foūd out by them without traditions they ioined issue with thē referred themselues to the iudgmēt of that doctrine which the Apostles delivered by tradition to the Churches the sūme whereof they relate altogeather as it were evē as it is set down in the Apostles Creed being the very pith substāce of that faith which was delivered first by mouth by the Apostles thēselues afterward set downe in their writings that it might be the pillar foūdatiō of faith al interpretatiōs of scripture they require to be agreable to this entire perfect body of truth as they had learned of the Apostle S. Paul that al prophecie should bee Rom. 12. 6. sutable proportionable to the faith Vnto the which Testimonies of these learned Fathers I adde the iudgment of Beza Kēnitius quoted before that al indifferēt persōs may perceiue that we walke in the sāe waies that these learned Fathers haue trod out vnto vs vsed the same meanes to attaine to the right interpretatiō of holy scripture and to a sound catholike iudgment in matters of faith No hūble Serm. in c 3. Cant. christiā saith Beza if he desire to be taught cā be deceiued in the interpretatiō of holy scripture if he diligētly cōfer place with place according vnto the exāple of our S. Christ the Math. 4. 7. practise of the aunciēt Coūcels if with all he referre the whole vnto the correspōdēcy of the articles of our faith which we call our Creede being the sūmary abridgmēt of every fūdamētall point of our Christian religiō Most notable also to Serm 4 de Incarnat Dumini this purpose is that of Leo If any saith he shal preach vnto you any other thing besides that which ye haue learned let him be accursed preferre not wicked fables before evidēt truth whatsoever it shall happē that ye read or heare cōtrary to the rule of the Catholike Apostolike Creede accoūt it altogeather dānable divelish By which testimony of this learned Father we may gather that the doctrine of faith sette down in the Creede is that evidēt truth which was delivered by the Apostles whatsoever is contrary to the same is a wicked fable to be accursed as being no better then flat dānable divelish Wherefore good Christiā reader if thou wouldst not willingly hold that faith which is fabulous accursed dānable diuelish examine thy faith according to those groūds which are both easie short perfect least thou shouldst plead ignorāce in thy selfe or lēgth tediousnes in the worke it selfe Be not ouer credulous in this matter of so greate moment nor so simple as to receaue any pointes of faith which are not agreeable to this rule of faith No although that they be ta●ght by that Church which maketh her boast that she cānot erre and that the faith of her cheife governor cā never faile Nay rather if thou wilt be a sound scholer in the schoole of Christ learne to yeelde that reverence honour only to the bookes of Aug ep 91. ad ●litron the diuine scripture that thou firmely beleue that none of the Autors of thē erred any whit in the penning of the same giue this prerogatiue only to the worde of God that it hath his sufficiēt warrāt credite in itselfe because it is inspired of God proceedeth frō him which cānot erre deceiue or be deceiued as for the writtings of all other albeit they excel in wisdom holines receiue thē not because they haue thus iudged but for that they are cōfirmed by the autority of the Canonicall scripture or by some reasō agreable vnto Hom. 13. in 2. ep ad Cor trueth And verily it is an absurd thing as Chrysost saith in a mony matter not to trust an other but to tell that evē after a mans own father in matters of farre greater momēt which cōcerne Gods glory the salvatiō of our owne soules in a simple sottish credulity to follow the iudgmēts of other men whereas also we haue a most exact ballāce rule even the cēsure determinatiō of the divine lawes Yea whereas we are precisely cōmāded to proue all to approue the best ● Th. 5. 21. 1. Ioh 4. 1. 1. Cor. 14. 32. not to beleeue every spirit but to try the spirits whether they bee of God or no for that the spirits of the Prophets are subiect to the Prophets therefor by trial to be foūd true before they be beleeued Neither is it any disgrace to the iudgmēt of man to be subiect to the cēsure of Gods spirite already set downe in the canonical scriptures for evē the spirit of God speaking in S. Paul was cōtēt to be tried by the sacred scriptures that is in truth by himselfe the Bereās at cōmēded Act 17. 11. Apoc. 2. 2. for doing the same as the Ange●l of the church of ●phesus is also cōmended for examining
my sins and also MERITORIOVS of eternall glory wherefore pretende no longer your Romish doctrine to bee the Catholike faith seeing that it is directly contrary to the maine grounds and Articles of the Catholike faith Lastly by this treatise it may be perceived how the Bishop of Rome and his aaherentes haue brought in that great Apostasie from the faith foretold by the Apostle and haue also fulfilled all the other prophecies which d● concerne the great Antichrist and therefore that hee is most truly and iustly charged by the professors of the Gospell to be that very grer● Antichrist THE TRIALL OF TRVTH CHAP. 1. 1 That all fundamentall pointes of faith are contained within the articles of the creede by the iudgement of diverse catholicke men that lived in former ages and that all such are to be taken for false prophets which teach any other faith then is contained in these groundes of faith 2 That the people ought to examine the doctrine of their pastors teachers by the rule levell of the canonical scriptures and the grounds of faith therein contained 3 That all pointes of faith necessary to salvation are plaine and easie to every faithful and humble christian who is sufficiently exercised in the word of God 4 That the people ought to vnderstand the severall pointes of their faith and not beleeue in grosse and blindefully as the church beleeveth THIS word Symbolū signifying a summe The Symbole or creede of the Apostles an heape cōgested togither or a signe or badge to discerne one from another teacheth vs that in these articles of our faith is contained the whole summe of such things as are to be beleeued of every true faithfull christian whereby both the teacher of the true faith may bee discerned from the false and a right beleever from a wrong The creede as testifieth an ancient writer is a perfect August ser 115. de tempore collection and summe plaine shorte full that the playnnes might helpe the weakenes of the hearers the shortnes their memory the fullnes their instruction Vnto whom consenteth Cassianus the creed saith Lib. 6. de In● car domini he is called a collection or summe because whatsoever is plentifully dispersed throughout the body of the divine scripture is heere all collected knitte vp togeather in a perfect brevity the Lord herein as a most louing father providing both for the slowenes and also for the dulnes of some of his children that the simple and weake minde shoulde not be troubled to vnderstand that which also it might easily keepe in memory Russious saith that In exposit Symboli this creede is called a signe or badge because in the apostles as it may appeare by the Actes of the Apostles many of the circumcised Iewes did fayne themselues to be the apostles of Christ and either for their bellies sake or for gaine went forth to preach setting out the gospell of Christ not with that sincerity and integrity as it was delivered by the apostles Therefore saith he the Apostles made this creede to be a marke whereby it might be knowen vvho did preach Christ truly according vnto the rules of the apostles Now by these interpretations of the name Symbole made by these auncient and learned fathers we may obserue these fowre thinges 1 First that seeing in their iudgementes this creede containeth a perfect summe of our christian faith therfore the doctrines of the church of Rome concerning pilgrimages pardons purgatory the papall supremacy and the like being neither expresly set downe therein nor necessarily to be drawen out of the same are no fundamētall pointes of our christian religion Nay may they not admit this as a sufficient exception against them all they are none of my creede therefore I neede not beleeue them Nay further doth no● this vehemently vrge and presse our Romanistes with the badge and marke of false prophets in that they teach other fundamentall pointes of faith then are delivered in this summe of faith 2 Secondly we learne that seeing the people that were cōverted to the faith of Christ in the primitiue church were by this rule to examine to discerne the doctrine of the true teachers from the false that even so the faithfull people are novve also by the same rule to examine to discerne the doctrine of their pastors teachers and not in a sottish and brutish simplicity to pinne their faith vpon their sleeues and without all examination and triall blindfully to followe whithersoever they leade them and to beleeue as they beleeue Nay they are to be thankefull to their most gracious God who hath provided for thē so good a meanes whereby they themselues albeit weake and simple yet may discerne truth from falsehoode and rest on their owne most assured knowledge embracing the substance of christian religion not for company but for conscience yea the devill raging and the limbes of Antichrist threatning and our great and manifold sinnes deserving that God should take againe from vs the vse of his worde how ought especially the simple so to lay vp in their heartes the true sence and meaning of these articles of our creede that it may never be takē from them but that even thereby they may be enabled against all their adversaries to iustifie their sound christian faith be made ready to confirme and seale it with their bloud 3 Thirdly we learne that seeing the articles of our christian faith were set downe with that shortnes and plainnes that all the faithfull be they never so simple might vnderstand them and keepe them also in memory all pointes of faith necessary to salvation or at the least the hardest pointes being in them contained therefore all thinges necessary to salvation are plaine and easie even to the simplest amongst the Lordes people if so be Prov 8. 9. 9. 4. Hebr. 5. 14. they be desirous in all holy humility to vnderstand the truth are sufficiently exercised in the word of truth 4 Fourthly we learne that seeing these articles were set downe plainely for the capacity of the simple therefore they ought nor to be debarred from the right vnderstanding of them detained in the darkenes of ignorance as it shall be further declared in the nexte chapter Now on the contrary side the church of Rome teacheth that all pointes of faith necessary to salvation are not set downe no not in the large volumes of the canonicall scriptures much lesse within the straiter boundes of this shorte summe of faith that the people should not presume to examine discerne the doctrine of their pastors teachers that the doctrine of faith is full of hardenes and difficulty aboue the capacity of the Lords people and therefore that they must content themse●ues to be without this knowledge perswading themselues that ignorance is the mother of devotion as may well be of their blinde superstitious devotion CHAP. 2. That it is not enough for the lay
people to beleeue in grosse and blindefully as the church beleeueth but that they ought to vnderstand the seuerall pointes of their faith IN the Lords praier we are taught to call 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 al●…tie ●…er of heaven earth c. God not my father but our father to teach vs in charity to presume such to bee Gods children which cal vpon one common father togither vvith vs in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ our sole and onely mediatour But in our creede we are taught to saye not vvee beleeue but I beleeue to teach vs that it is not the faith of any other but everie one 's owne particular faith vvhich ioyneth him vnto the house-holde of faith and causeth him to be admitted amonge the members of the faithfull For as by beleeving that such a one or such a one taketh a verie good course to make cloth or to manure the grounde maketh not an other man a good cloth maker or husband-man vnlesse hee knovve the like courses himselfe and bee able also to practise the same even so it maketh not a faithfull christian to beleeue as such or such a faithfull man beleeueth except hee himselfe holde a right faith For an others faith can make mee no more faithfull then an other mans charitie can make me charitable or an other mans patience can make me patient The iust shall liue by his owne faith and Hab 2. 4. not by the faith of any other And so we are taught by the general cōfession of all the articles of our christian faith which is to be made of every faithfull christian that the true christian catholike faith is not to beleeue in grosse and blindfully as the church beleeveth but distinctly and particularly both concerning God that he is one in substance and essence distinguished into three persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost and also concerning his workes that he made vs and not we our selues that he redeemed vs and not we our selues and that he sanctified vs and not we our selues Where vnto agreeth the creede of Atha●asius Wherin it is most perēptorely avouched that not not only the learned but the vnlearned also even whosoever will be saued not as in the last place but before all thinges neither as a matter only convenient but as a thing most necessary must holde the catholike faith and that he must beleeue and confesse the mistery of the vnity in trinity and of the trinity in vnity with that other great missery of godlines also God manifested in the flesh For as with the hart man Rom 10 10 beleeveth vnto righteousnes so with the mouth he confesseth to salvation So that the true faith both instructeth the harte with knowledge and directeth also the tongue in the confession of the same For as Ierome faith of the scripture that it consisteth not in the reading but Advers Lucif in the vnderstanding so we may say that the catholike faith consisteth not in the wordes wherein it is expresse but in the catholyke sence and meaning and therefore not the bare reciting of the wordes of the creede but the right vnderstanding of the of the sence and meaning thereof maketh a sonnde and a catholike christian This is everlasting life saith our Saviour Christ to Ioh. 17. 3. knowe the true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ The which knowledge vvhen the Apostles were to preach to other they are saide to haue receaued the keyes of the kingdome of heaven and the same knowledge when they vvere endued withall themselues it vvas a token and signe vnto them that they vvere then receiued among the number of the faithfull Vnto you saith our Saviour Christ vnto his disciples it is giuen Mark 4. 11. to knowe the misteries of the kingdome of heaven but vnto them vvhich are without all thinges are done in parables that seeing they may see and not discerne and hearing they may heare and not vnderstand least at any time they shoulde bee converted and their sinnes shoulde bee forgiuen them A manifest distinction betweene the children of light and the children of darknes vnto the one is giuen the key of knowledge which openeth the dore into the kingdome of Luke 11. 52. heauen the other are left in their blindnes and darkenesse to fall thereby into the pit of eternall destruction For the father of light bringeth his children of light by the light of his word to the kingdome of light and the prince of darkenes bringeth his children of darkenes through the darkenes of ignorance to his kingdome of darkenes Wherefore well may it agree to the Idolatrous Athenians to haue an altar dedicated to an vnknowne God and Act. 17. 23. to professe a blinde kinde of service of God And well may it beseeme the schismaticall Samaritans to worshippe as their fathers worshipped Ioh. 4. 20. and to beleeue as their progenitors beleeued and in truth to beleeue and worshippe they wo●e not what Surely the faithfull servants of the true God know what they worshippe having for the warrant thereof the infallible word of the everliving Lord and therefore salvation is from them For the true christian saving faith is a wise intelligent and an vnderstanding perswasion it is not a blind blockish and a brutish fancy a blind faith is no faith and a blinde confession is no confession Be not saith the prophet David like the horse and mule in whom there is no vnderstanding Psal 32. 9 1. Cor. 14. 20. Beloved saith the Apostle be not children in vnderstanding but in malice be yee children in vnderstanding bee yee of perfect age And againe be not vnwise but vnderstande what the will of the Lord is If thou Eph. 5. 15. 1. Cor. 14. 16. praiest saith the same Apostle in an vnknowne tongue how can the vnlearned say Amen and ratifie it with his consent euen so if any professing themselues members of the visible church know not the particular points of the christian faith held and taught in the same church how can they faithfully beleeue the same or how cā they rightly consent thervnto Surely as the seed that falleth on the high way is devoured vp of the fowles of the aire can never giue hope of Math. 13 4. any good harvest so the word of God the seede of faith not vnderstoode can never make vs fruitfull vnto the Lord. Wherefore it was a most godly wish of Moses the man of God O that all the Num. 11. 29 Lordes people could prophecy and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them And good cause had the childrē of the captivitie after their returne to their owne coūtrey greatly to reioyce before the Lord not onely for that the law of God was distinctly read soundly and sincerely expounded vnto them but especially for that the Lord had opened their eies and had caused them to vnderstād the same For all such as the Lord will haue to
be saued he will haue thē come Neh. 8. 12. 2. Tim. 2. 4. thereto by the knowledge of the truth And therefore this is also sette downe as a marke of all such as the Lord wil receaue into the covenant of mercy by Christ Beholde this is the covenante that I vvill Ier. 3● 34. ●…b S. 11. make with the house of Israell after these daies saith the Lord I vvill set my lawes in their mindes and in their harts will I write them and I vvill be their God and they shall bee my people they shall not teach each one his neighbour saying know the Lord for they shall know me even from the least vnto the greatest of them The which promise how it was accōplished by the preaching of the gospel in the primitiue church Theodoret may witnesse one for all We doe manifestly shew you saith Theod. de ●…rat gr●c affect ● 5. he the great power of the doctrine of the Apostles and prophets for the whole face of the earth vnder the sunne is full of such wordes and the Hebrew bookes bee not onely translated into the Greeke but also into th● Romane Aegyptian Parthian Indian Arabian S●y●hian Slavon and in a worde into all tongues which the nations vse to this day You may everie-where see our doctrine vnderstoode not onely of such as bee teachers in the church and instructers of the people but also of tailers weavers smithes all artificers yea also of women and not onely of them which bee learned but of victuallers pudding makers handmaides and servantes Neither those men onely that dwell in citties but husbandmen also vnderstande the same one may finde ditchers and heard-men and planters of vineyardes disputing of the trinity and of the creation of all things and having better knowledge of the nature of man then Plato and Aristotle had Now if in the primitiue church this were an evident testimony of the great power of the glorious gospell of Christ that it was able to settle the knowledge of the greatest mysteries of christian religion in the hearts of such as were but of the meanest basest callings and if it were a commendation then for such as were the meanest and simplest among the professors of the gospell of Christ that they were able to discourse dispute even of the deepest points of their christian faith how is the case altered now in these our dates as if the same word had lost his former power and were not able through the anto●s blessing to bring to passe the same effect or as if that which was then so commendable in the professours of christian rel●gio● were now to be condemned for curiosity pride and presumption a● our Rhemistes would beare the world in hand in their preface to their transla●ion of th● new Testament CHAP. 3. division 1. 2. 1 Whether every faithfull christian may assuredlie knowe whether hee beleeueth aright and hath a true iustifying faith or no 2 Whether every faithfull christian knowing that he is in the faith may know also assuredlie whether he himselfe hath remission of sinnes and eternall life by faith in Christ THese questions because they lay opē vnto vs the I beleeue ma●ke wherevnto all true christians doe aime euen our association with Christ and the fruites thereof being the most sure and strong foundation of all christian comfort and consolation I wil therefore by Gods most gracious assistance handle them somewhat more at large and vse the more words in the opening of the same And first concerning the first No mā ought to make professiō of that before God and his congregatiō which he knoweth not assuredly whether it be so or no for that were but meere dissimulation and hypocrisie and as it were a deluding and mocking of God but every true christian ought to make profession of his faith euen before God and his congregation after this particular manner I beleeue and therefore he ought assuredly to know that he doth beleeue And so saith S. Austine the Epist 112. faithfull man doth see his owne faith whereby hee doeth answere without doubting I beleeue Secondly it were bootlesse for a christian man to examine himselfe whether he hath a true iustifying faith or no vnlesse vpon due examination and triall he might be able sufficiently to discerne the same but the faithfull christians are commaunded to examine themselues Proue your selues saith the Apostle Noses teipsum 2. Cor. ●3 5. vvhether yee are in the faith or no examine your selues know yee not your owne selues that Iesus Christ dwelleth in you vnlesse yee be reprobates The Apostle in this place speaketh of that faith whereby Christ dwelleth in the harts of the faithful which can be no other then the true iustifying faith or if he did speake of the doctrine of faith yet his reason were as forceable as otherwise For if it be needful for vs to examine our selues whether we hold a right opiniō iudgmēt in the doctrine of faith thē much more it lyeth vpō vs to proue our selues whether we faithfully reioyce in the same doctrine place our cheifest cōfort happines therein 1 Pet. 1. ● which is an evidēt marke of a true iustifying faith otherwise our right opiniō in maters of faith wil be to vs as it is to the devils thēselues only to our greater cōdemnation Furthermore as one may vnderstād by the true nots of iustice patiēce such like whether he be a iust a patiēt man even so by the notes markes of faith he may assuredly know whether he hath a soūd faith The which notes markes of a right faith of a true faithfull christiā Rom. 15. 4. should not haue ben set downe in the Lords booke wherein whatsoever thinges are written they are writtē for our learning but that the faithfull by examining thēselus therby mightht assuredly perceaue vnderstād that they held a right faith The markes are these 1. First the harty vnfained loue of the word of God For a faithful mā knowing the great benefit that cōeth to himselfe by his true faith not only maketh great accoūt therof but also entirely loueth and embraceth the meāes wherby it was begottē at the first wherby it is dayly strēgthened encreased Now faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god The word therfore is deerer vnto the faithful Ro. 10. 17. thē gold yea thē much fine gold sweeter also thē the hony the hony cōbe Psalm 19. A. 10. 1. 2. al the day lōg doth he study in it meditate theron day night therby he doth becōe as a tree plāted by the water side which bringeth foth his fruit in due seasō whose leafe doth never wither In deede originally we are defiled with sin are by nature the children of wrath vntill Ephes 2 3. Iames 1. 18. the Lord of his owne good will begette vs againe by the word of truth
and mercies vpon them Iudge me O Lord saith David according vnto my righteousnes and according vnto the innocencye that is in mee and againe Iudge mee O Lorde for I haue vvalked innocently c. and verse the eight of the same Psalme O Lorde I haue loued the habitation of thy house and the place vvhere thine honour dwelleth O shut not vp my soule with sinners nor my life with the blood-thirsty in whose hands is wickednes their right hand is ful of gifts and cōcerning the assurāce that he had of his own faith the spring foūtaine of al good works he likwise testifieth saying Haue mercy vpō me O God haue mercy vpō me for my soule trusteth in thee vnder the shaddowe of thy winges shal be my refuge vntill this tirannie bee over Isa 38. 3. past So Ezechias Remember now O Lorde how I haue wa●ked before thee with an vpright hearte and haue done that which is acceptable in thy sight Remember me saith Nehemiah O my God in go●dnes according Ne● 5. 9. 13 22. to all that I haue done for this people And againe Remember me O God concerning this and pardon mee according vnto thy great mercie Pray for vs saith the Apostle for we are assured that wee haue a good Heb. 13. 18. conscience desiring to liue honestly in all things And in truth how could the actions of the faithful haue beene pure and good except they had beene done in faith and in obedience to God and vpon an assured knowledge that they were wel pleasing vnto him How otherwise could they haue beene so bold and that in lue of that service which then they performed vnto him to haue required at the Lords hands that reward which he hath promised to his faithful servāts Or if they thēselues were not fully perswaded of their most comfortable faith godly life of the sincerity of an vpright conscience how came it to passe that the light therof was so great that their most deadly malicious enimies were forced to giue testimony thereto with these or the like words These be they which speake as they liue and liue as they speake this is assuredly an holie profession which bringeth forth so holie a conversation this is a ioyfull and comfortable faith which yeeldeth such ioy and comfort amidst so great and grievous torments and in the very terrors of death it selfe O truely great is the God of these christians Their light did so shine before mē that they did see their goods works and glorifie their father which was in heaven and therefore they did much more assuredly see them themselues Wherfore to conclude this first question A true a faithful christian man is not ignorant of the estate of his own soul nor standeth in feare of al his actions he ●s not in doubt of the purity of his cogitations nor yet vncertaine of his obtained grace he cleerely beholdeth the light of his owne holy life and conversation and both by the markes fruits of his christian faith groweth into a stedfast assurance thereof being thereby enabled to make an vndoubted profession of the same according vnto the direction of this our christian creede I beleeue Novv the first question being thus determined the second follovveth whether a faithfull christian knowing assuredlie that hee hath obtained a true saving and iustifying faith may know also assuredlie that ●e is in the favour of God hath remission of sinnes and a iust title to the inheritance of the kingdome of heaven Andradius the maintainer of the Tr●dentine faith seemeth to yeeld thus much that if we could assuredly knovv that we had faith repentance loue we might also assuredly knovv that vve vvere in the favour of God had al our sins remitted vnto vs. But of the former he greatly doubteth nay he boldly avoucheth with * Duraeus li. 8. de paradoxi● other of his fellovvs that we cannot attaine to any stedfast and certaine assurance of the same Now thē seeing that the mēbers of the church of Rome know not assuredly whether they beleeue or no or belong to the nūber of the faithful servāts of Christ it is no mervaile that they know not that they are in the favor of God neither acknovvledge the great mercy of Christ tovvardes themselues in remitting vnto them their iniquities and sinnes Whereas no doubt the faithfull servauntes and children of GOD feeling his lavv written in their Heb. 8. 10. 1 Ioh. 5. 20. heartes and knovving that he hath giuen them a minde to knovv him aright and to perfourme in some measure the vvell deserved duety of obedient servauntes and loving children and that according vnto his ovvne prescription in his most sure and vndoubted vvord do knovv also assuredly thereby that they themselues are vnder the covenant of mercy and in the estate of grace that God is become their loving father in Christ hath cast al their sinnes into the bottome of the sea This question then concerneth not the vnfaithfull and vnbeleeuers whether such may knovv whether they are in Gods favor for doubtlesse they may perswade themselues the cleane contrary but the faithful beleeuers only vnto whō for the better strēgthning of their stedfast assurance diverse helpes are ministred by the Lord in his word For as in the cōveianc● of earthly lands possessions vvhen any thing is to passe from man to man the graunt is set dovvne in vvriting and signed and sealed vvith the hand and seale of the party that maketh the graunte and subscribed vvith the handes or markes of the vvitnesses present for the same purpose that so the party to vvhome the graunte is made may haue good security for those landes vvhich are after this manner passed over vnto him and as in those evidences the cause of the graunte is sometime signified for the better confirmation of the conveiance even so our most gracious and mercifull GOD purposing of his infinite and endlesse mercy in Christ to giue assuraunce to the faithfull of remission of sinnes and euerlasting life hath caused not only the graunt thereof to be set dovvne in the holy scriptures vnder the handes of diverse as it vvere publike Notaries but also the cause of the saide graunt as So GOD loved the vvorlde not so and so had vve deserued and such or such a summe had vvee giuen but So Ioh. 3. 16. God loved the vvorlde that hee gaue his only begotten sonne vvho is the onely purchaser and price of the purchase also that vvhosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not perish but haue life everlasting And that vve might bee most throughly persvvaded of the vnchaungeable vvil of the LORDE concerning this his grant he commaunded it to be proclaimed not in Iurie alone nor any one corner of the world nor to one people onely but gaue in charge to his embassadors to publish the same throughout the vvhole vvorld and to entreate thereof vvith every creature Goe yee saith our Saviour
he hath ratified the same with holy sacraments as with his own seale annexed therevnto And verely if circumcision much more Rom 4. 11. baptisme and the Lords supper may worthily be called seales of the righteousnes that cometh by faith The cuppe saith our Saviour Christ Luk. 22. 20 is the new testament in my blood that is to say a seale and an assurāce of the graunt of the remission of sinnes and eternall life giuen vnto you through my bloud which is the summe of the new testament And to what end tendeth both these sacraments of the new testament but to assure all the faithfull that they hauing put on Christ haue their sinnes washed away through his blood and that their soules are fedd with very Christ the heavēly Mannah Galat. 3. 2● bread of life whereby they are sustained to everlasting life The cuppe of blessing saith the Apostle which we blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we break is it not the communion 1. Corinth 10. 16. of the body of Christ that is to say there all participatiō of these outward elementes and visible signes are they not most certaine pledges and assurances to all the faithfull of their spirituall vnion and communion with Christ and all his blessings And was not this the iudgment of those godly learned fathers of the councell of Nice in that they will that this holy sacrament of the Lords supper should be sent vnto penitent persons lying in their death beddes which stood as yet excommunicate for apostasie or for some other notorious crime that by the participation of that celestiall food they might be assured of their cōmunion with Christ and his church and of the remission of their sinnes and eternall life and so enabled to passe over in peace the end of their laborious and painefull life The which most comfortable doctrine is most cōveniently set downe in our English liturgy at the celebration of these holy misteries in these wordes The body of our Lord that vvas giuen for THEE preserve thy body and soule to everlasting life The blood of our Lord that was shedd for THEE c. For hereby everie faithfull christian that reverently receiveth this holy sacrament may assure himselfe that the spirituall life that is nowe begunne in him and shall be made perfite in the worlde to come 〈◊〉 wrought by the speciall loue of Christ now dwelling in him by a true faith so that he may boldly say with the Apostle both ●n his life In that I nowe liue I liue by the faith of the son of God who loued Gal. 2. 20. Me and gaue himselfe for Me and also at his death I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith hence forth 2. Tim. 4. 7. there is laide vp for me a crowne of righteousnes c. And from whence also proceedeth that ioy in the holy ghost and that peace of God that Ro. 14. 17. 5. 1. passeth all vnderstanding which is felt in the heartes of the faithfull servantes of Christ in their greatest crosses and most greevous afflictions but of a faithfull perswasion of the remission of their sinnes and reconciliation which God procured for them by the death of Christ Otherwise also how could they serue the Lord Luc. 1. 74. Eph 3. Heb 10 22. Iaco. 1. 6. without feare and come vnto him in their praiers with boldnes yea in assurance of faith without wavering without doubting Yea how could they come vnto him not as vnto an offended and an angry iudge but as to a louing and a mercifull father saying O our Father which art in heaven And from whence else proceeded their solemne protestations that they did assuredly knowe that they were in the estate of grace and in the favour of God and that God was their God in particular and after so stable and stedfast a manner that nothing was able to sever them from his loue We knowe that we are of God I know that my redeemer liueth My spirite 1. Ioh. 5. 19. Iob. 19. 25. Luc 1. 77. Psal 18 1. 116 16. reioyceth in God my Saviour The Lord is my strength my castle my deliverer my God and on the other side Behold Lord I am thy servant I am thy servant and the sonne of thine handmaide Yea so great a stay and comfort had the prophet David in this assurance of his owne ●aith that he protesteth his adversities being so many and so Psal 27. 13. grievous as they were he should vtterly haue fainted but that he did beleeue verily to see the goodnes of the Lord in the land of the li●ing The which most comfortable assurance of faith was such a stay also to the blessed Apostle S. Paul that howsoever an whole army of Rom 8. 37. tribulations did presse sore vpon him yet he protesteth that hee was a conqueror yea more then a conqueror through him that loued Rom 8 37. him being most assuredly also perswaded for the time to come that neither death nor life nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come should be able to seperate him from the loue of God which was in Christ Iesus our Lord. Neither vvas this comfortable assuraunce of faith a speciall and an extraordinarie prerogatiue granted only to some principall persons among the faithfull but a gifte in some measure common to the whole church For all the children of the church being the children of God are led by the spirite Rom 8. 14. 2. Cor. 2. 12● of God whereby they know such thinges as are giuen vnto them of God And they are all indifferently commanded in the Lordes praier to call God their father the which name they cannot sincerely vse vnlesse they be perswaded in some measure of faith that he beareth a louing and a fatherly affection towardes them having receaved them into favour for his Christes sake and giuen them a place among the number of his children And vvhy 1 ●oh 5. 13. else saith S. Iohn writing to the whole church in generall these thinges I vvrite vnto you that beleeue in the name of the sonne of God that yee may knowe that yee haue eternall life and that yee may beleeue in the name of the sonne of God So S. Paule writting to the church of the Corinthians in generall Proue your selues knovve yee not your owne selues how that IESVS CHRIST dwelleth in you vnlesse yee bee reprobates and in his former epistle K●ovve yee not that your 1. Cor. 6. 15 19. bodyes are the members of Christ Knowe ye not that ye are the temples of the holy Ghost which is in you whom ye haue of GOD that yee are not your ovvne By the vvhich testimonies of Christ his Apostles it is evident that not a fewe onely but also every m●mber of the vniversall church in their times and according vnto the measure of
vpon an Idoll of their owne imagination the superst●tious beleeueth in creatures the Epi●ure hath his belly and pleasure for his God the Machiavellion his pollicy the covetous worldling his Mammon onely the faithful christian beleeueth in God and reposeth in him al the hope of his felicity he seeketh to him onely in al his necessities and giueth him the thankes for al benefites whatsoeuer If there were any other that could doe so great workes for vs as are those of the creation redemption and sanctification or if there were any that were partners with God in the same then were there some cause why we might beleeue in them and devote our selues to their service For the articles of our creede do teach vs therefore to beleeue in God for that it is he that hath made vs and not wee our selues nor any other for that it is he that hath redeemed vs and not we our selues nor any other and for that it is he that sanctifieth vs and not we our selues nor any other and therefore that we haue ●ust cause to beleeue in him and in none other and to serue him and none other especially whereas he is a iealous God and wil giue his glory to none other and as he hath no partner with him in his worke so will hee haue no partner with him in that honour which is due vnto him in respect of the same Wherefore blessed is the man that trusteth in God and whose hope the I●r 7. 5. Lorde is and cursed is the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arms and so turneth away from the true God It is not then without cause that our creede teacheth vs to beleeue in God and not in any creature to beleeue the church not in the church nor in any mēbers of the church We beleeue saith Pas●h●sius the church as the Pasch l. 1. despiritu sancto Aug. tract 29. in Ioh. Euseb Emiss hom 2. ●nsymb Rhem. in ep ad Rom. c. 10 in ep ad Philem. 2. Cor. 12. 7. mother of regeneratiō we beleue not in the church as the a●tor of regeneratiō Farre be frō vs this blasphemous opiniō for it is not lawfull to beleue no ●ot in an Angell We beleue Peter saith S. Austin we beleue not in Peter For to beleeue in Peter or Paul were to bestow vpō the servāt the honour due vnto the Lord. And yet our Rhemis●es are so bold as to avouch that it is lawful to beleeue in the saints so in the church albeit it be but a congregation of such as are or haue beene subiect to manifolde infirmities The which infirmities the Lorde suffered to remaine in his chiefest servantes and saintes vvhilest they liued that they shoulde not be lis●ed vp above measure but be humble and lovvly as they ought to bee And vvithout all doubt for the very lyke cause vvere some of the same infirmities registred also by the very direction of GODS most holy spirite and published to all posteritye least vve also should conceaue too greate an opinion of them by making them our patrones and LORDES by seeking vnto them for their protection by devoting our selues vnto their service and by placinge our hope and trust in them Neither did the spirit of GOD for this cause lay open onely the infi●mityes of the saintes but also concealed many of those high revelations that ● Cor. 12. 6 vvere shevved vnto them and many also in all ●y●elihoode of the strange vvorkes that vvere vvrought by them l●…st they shoulde haue beene exalted aboue measure and ex●olled aboue the degree of servantes in the opinion of men For it is the LORDE of these vvorthye servantes that must encrease Ioh. 3. 30. Ps ●6 4● ●8 3. Eccl. 43. 30 1. Pet. 1. 13 vvhoe indeede is so greate that hee cannot vvorthely be praised yea vvhose greatenes cannot sufficientlye bee comprehended much lesse magnyfied on that manner as it ought to bee and on vvhose grace vvee ought perfectely to trust vvhereas the greatest amongst the children of vvomen must decrease especially in themselues fighting against pride which ove● Superbi● in virtute timenda threw Adam the Angelles still assaulteth even the best never so much as imagining with themselues that they can bee so humble and lowly as they ought to be For Gods grace is sufficient for them which assureth thē of the release of their sins but taketh not cleane away all their infirmities but suffereth them to feele the pricke sting thereof that thereby they may be most earnestly stirred vp to put of swelling pride to put on holy humility God saith Austine Aug. cont Pel. l 3. c. 13. doth 〈◊〉 his iust ones for the fulfilling of perfect righteousnes for that as yet they are in danger to bee pu●…ed vp with pride that while none liuing is iustified in his sight vvee may ovve thankes vnto his mercy and by holy humility may bee cured of pride the principall cause of many mischeifes Truth it is that our Saviour affirmeth Ioh. 14. 12. that such as beleeue in him shall doe greater vvorkes then those that he himselfe did vvhilest he conversed here in the flesh Whereby our Rhemistes doe endevour to iustifie all those straung wonders that are reported to be done by their canonized saints But be it that many more signes vvere done by the ministery of the Apostles among the Gentiles for the confirmation of the doctrine that vvas straunge vnto them and therefore required stranger signes for the mooving of the vnbeleevers to the embracing thereof then vvere done by CHRIST himselfe among the Ievves because they receaued the bookes of the Prophetes wherein his doctrine was sufficiētly confirmed yet it hath pleased the spirit of God to haue recorded in holy scripture more miracles done by Christ himselfe thē were done by the ministery of the Apostles Yea it hath pleased the spirit of God as was said before to haue testified the concealing of straūg revelatiōs shewed to the Apostle S. Paul himselfe least that any should conceaue of him more thē were meete With what spirit thē was the autor of the Legēd led that hath blazed abroad so many straūg wōders reported to be done by their doubtfull demy-saints to draw the people no doubt into such an admiratiō of them as that therby they might be moued to beleeue in thē What shall vve imagine that the same spirit which would haue the straūg revelatiōs of the Chrys Hom. 5 in Math. Aug. de mirabil sacra scripturae l. 1. c. 35. Apostle concealed to that end for the which the sepulcher of Moset was kept secret by God least the people should haue worshipt him would haue as straūg or straūger wōders to be published as done by the petty Saints of the Romish church for the farther advaūcing of their estimatiō Nay may we not iustly think that as the Devil did striue with Michael about the body of Moses that his ●yr in deut
beleeue though one rose from the deade Signes ●uk 16 31. ●ar 16. 20. ●eb 2. 4. vvrought by diuine power were diuine witnesses to giue testimony to the doctrine that it vvas diuine nowe the doctrine is receaued as a diuine doctrine what neede is there of witnesses stil to testifie the same Hee is a monster saith Austine that as Aug. de civ Dei l. 22. c. 8 yet seeketh for a miracle The doctrine in truth of Antichrist and of all false prophets hath neede of new miracles because their doctrine is straunge and new and the Deuil as the spirite of Mat 24 24. ● Thess 2. 9 ●hrys in Mat. hom ●9 Christ hath foretolde shal be ready to furnish them vvith great variety thereof that so hee may prevaile the more by them and leade the greater number thereby into errour VVherefore in that the church of Rome boasteth greatly of her miracles and taketh exception against our doctrine for vvant thereof thereby shee betrayeth her infidelity and bewrayeth her selfe not to bee the church of Christ but the very seate of the great Antichrist Opposit 4. The faithfull servauntes of Christ by the preaching of the worde of God having their secret sinnes dis●layed and their consciences touched to the quicke and feeling in their hartes the divine power and maiesty purity and perfection thereof lightning their mindes sanctifying their affections and converting their soules doe fall downe as the Apostle saith and worshippe God and say that God is in you of a trueth acknowledging the preachers of that worde to be Gods ministers and 1. Cor 14. 25. the worde it selfe to bee Gods word vvhereof they haue so good proofe and so sufficient warrant in their owne heartes whereas faithlesse hypocrites having felt within them no such divine power of Gods heavenly worde doe not beleeue it to bee the worde of God for the words sake it selfe but for the outwarde testimony and witnes of the church THE mighty and powerfull worde of Christ is the scepter of Heb. 1. 8. 4. 12. Isa 11. 4. Apo 19. 15. his kingdome whereby he ruleth and raigneth in the heartes of his loyal and obedient subiects the most sharpe sword whereby he subdueth and vtterly destroyeth all his enimes By it he beateth downe in the heartes of his chosen infidelity Idolatry pride and vnthankefulnes and whatsoeuer lifteth vp it selfe against God and planteth faith piety humility and an hearty desire of sincere obedience and thankefulnes vnto God In this word being laide open the infinite and inestimable dignity of the sufferings and death of Christ whereby ful reconciliation is obtained with God satisfaction made for sinne to the vttermost and a perfect purchase made of the kingdome of heauen how are the faithful encouraged with ful assurance of faith to come vnto God and to place their whole trust and confidence in him As by the dreadful denunciations of Gods wrath against all iniquity and sinne set downe in this word especially by that seuere execution of the iustice of God in the death of Christ in whom the sins of all the elect were so seuerely punished that in vnspeakeable mercy they might be most freely pardoned vnto themselues how are the faithful touched to the quicke pricked at the very hearts humbled and after a sort cast downe into hell that they might be lifted vp againe by the Lordes mercy tast see how gracious the Lord is So like wise vvhen the infinite wisedome equity iustice righteousnes integritie puritie sanctity vprightnes which is in every one of the commaundementes of God is made knowen in some measure to everie of the faithfull how doth it winne all his affections to the loue of this lawe and cause him to lay it vp fast in his heart as a most precious and invaluable treasure O the● saith he with the prophet David the law of the Lord is an vndefiled law 〈◊〉 19. converting the soule the testimony of the Lord is sure and giueth wisedome vnto the simple the statutes of the Lord are right reioice the hart the commandement of the Lord is pure giueth light vnto the eies the feare of the Lord is cleane indureth for ever the iudgmentes of the Lord are true righteous altogeather And more to be desired then gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also then the hony and the hony combe The Samaritās who at the first were induced to beleeue in Christ vpon the testimony of the womā which said vnto thē come see a man which hath told me all whatsoever I did is not he th● very Christ whē they had heard thēselue the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth had felt in their heartes the power of his doctrine thē they said to the woman that first brought thē to Christ Now we do not beleeue for thy words for we haue heard him our selues ●…h 4. ●…om 13. ●ug Conses ●ib 8. ●ap 12. do beleue that he is the very Christ So Austin whē he was a cōtētious carnall Manichee would not beleue the gospell but for the testimony of the church but when by the divine oracle being admonished to take the booke of God into his hāds to reade therein he had read Let vs walke honestly as in the day-time not in gluttony and drunkennes nor in chambering and wantonnes nor in strife and envying but put yee on the Lord Iesus and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lustes of it this did seeme so holy heavenly and divine a doctrine vnto him and such an admiration and alteration it wrought in his hart that thē no doubt he did not beleeue for the bare outward testimony of the church but for the divine fruite vertue power puritie of the divine word of God that he himselfe had felt in his own hart VVherefore in that the children of the church of Rome doe teach and avouch that they doe not nay cannot beleeue the divine scripture to be the worde of GOD but for the testimony of the church it is manifest that they haue not felt the divine power thereof in their heartes nor haue beene translated thereby out of the slavery of Satan into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God Opposit 5. The mighty and speedy prevailing of the Gospell of Christ both at the first publication thereof by the Apostles of Christ and also at the renovation of the same in these last daies and that vvithout any earthly helpes or furtherances yea maugre the malice and spite of the Devill who set all the power and pollicy of the world with might and maine to suppresse and to roote out the same declareth the great ●fficacy of this most mighty truth vvhich thus hath hitherto and will still prevaile IT is a thing worthy to be obserued that the mystery of iniquity 2. Thes 2. 7 beganne even in the Apostles times creeping in by little and little being long in working before
the Lords saints who the ●po 18 24. merciful spouse of Christ that crieth to God for the pardon of her most grievous and cruel persecutors ●ct 7. 60. Opposit 8. The sting of conscience which some haue felt which were either persecutors or revolters from the gospell of Christ is a manifest demonstration of the impregnable povver of the gospell of Christ vvhich cannot be vanquished and of the light thereof which cannot bee put out THe extraordinary iudgments of God and especially the See Actes and Monume●ts vol. 2. fol. 1902. gnawing vvorme that hath beene felt not only in the guilty consciences of some of the great persecutors of the gospel of Christ but also of some that haue beene revolters from the same for some worldly carnall and earthly respectes both in the Primitiue church and in these later ages also doth manifestly cōvince that this doctrine of the gospell proceedeth from the Rom. 2. 16. 2 King 10. 10 Math 5 18. iudge of all flesh and shal condemne all the condemners thereof yea that in the ende it shall force themselues to pronounce the sentence of iust condemnation against their owne soules VVhereas no such examples may truely be found among those which either by their authority haue restrained or by the ●ight of the truth haue beene reclaimed from their popish heresies Opposit 9. True religion teacheth the faithfull to devote themselues to the worshippe of one true all sufficient God and not to giue religious worshippe to any creature THe worshippe of God is called Religion for that it doth relige Aug. de vera rel ca. 54. Idem de cōs●n Evang. li. 1. cap. 18. and binde vs to one GOD. And therefore the Roma●es vvho receaued into their Panthcon the Gods of all the nations vvhom they subdued to their Empire hauing subdued the Ievves refused their GOD beeing the true and onely God for that they vnderstoode that hee vvoulde bee vvorshipped alone or not at all VVhat religion then is that which doeth not teach to worshippe God alone but to worshippe with religious worshippe saintes and angels also yee their dead and senselesse images Verily S. Austine avoucheth ●…g Ep. 44. that no dead person is worshipped of Catholike christians Wherfore the Romish religion is not catholike nay it is not to be counted religion at al for that it doth not binde vs to one God onely but willeth vs to giue religious worshippe to dead creatures also Opposit 10. The true worshippe and service of God is not clogged with a number of outward ceremonies and bodily observations but consisteth in a pure and sincere spirite Neither is it bettered more by one place then by another THe houre cometh saith our Saviour Christ and now is when 〈◊〉 4. 23. yee shall neither in this mountaine nor at Hierusalē worship the father but the true worshippers shall worshippe him in spirite and truth for the father requireth such to worshippe him God is a spirite they that worsh●ppe him must worshippe him in spirite and truth And therefore when the church beganne to decline from the spirituall worshippe and service of God and to corrupte the same with a multitude of ceremonies it was no small greife to the godly that then liued as it it may appeare by the complainte that Saint Austine made to Ianuarius For bodily exercise even when it is ● Tim. 4. 8. best vsed profiteth litle it is godlines that is profitable to all thinges hath the promises both of this life and of the life to come And as the same Apostle testifieth the kingdome of God consisteth not in meate ●om 14. 17 drinke nor in any outward or bodily observation but in righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost and he that in these thinges serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men Nowe ●…on vox 〈◊〉 votum ●…acra aurū●…n requi●…nt ●…gnei sacer●…tes au●…i calices this principall kinde of seruing of Christ in spirit and truth which is most acceptable to God and most approved of all good men is willed to stand aside by the church of Rome for she will haue her most goodly and solemne service of God and that vpon her greatest feastes to consist in all manner of melodious musike in singing quavering and orgaine playing in glistring copes and sumptuous vestimentes in creeping to the crosse and kissing the pax and in bowing and bending to dumbe images in long praiers mumbled vp without vnderstanding in a strang tongue nūbred vpon beades in wearing this attire and that attire in going bare-foote in sack-cloath and woll-ward in abstaining from these and these kinde of meates and in an infinite number of the like bodily exercises Wherein shee playeth like some wanton children and lustfull women which feede so long vpon earth or ashes or some other like trash vntill their stomakes loath all māner of good and holesome nourishmentes But these are nought also but false appetites and vnnaturall lustes tending in the one to the corruptiō of their bodies and in the other to the destruction of their soules Moreover whereas our Saviour Christ hath in plaine wordes avouched that the true worshippers of God shall not worshippe at Ierusalem the church of Rome that she may either shewe her selfe to be contrarie to Christ or else her children not to be the true worshippers of God sendeth thē on pilgrimage to Ierusalem there to worshippe esteeming that to be a chiefe pointe of high devotion yea shee hath caused not onely great treasures but also much christian bloode to haue beene wasted for the recovery of that country out of the infidels hands calling it still the holy lande albeit the Lorde long since hath reiected and defied it and hath as it were spit in the very face of it and hath polluted it with his extraordinary plagues because of that cursed peoples extraordinary sinnes And seeing that the name of a Iewe hath long since beene a name of reproach and detestation euen an abhorred and an accursed name why is not the name of Iurie also to be had in the like curse execration Surely the Lord himselfe as the Evangelists doe testifie hath had it Math. 24. 15 Luc. 21. 20. in extreame detestation and set therein the abomination of desolation that is as S. Luke expoundeth the same a fierce army making vtter desolation which testifi●d that the Lorde had vtterly abhorred it and had made the most dreadful destruction thereof to be a witnesse of the same And therefore it is the duety of Monkes as Bernard saith to goe on pilgrimage not towardes the earthly but the heavenly Ierusalem and that not with their feete but with Bern. Ep. 319. their affections For with pure sanctified affectiōs we draw ●igh to God and to the holy and heavenly Ierusalem Opposit 11. The faithfull are in heavines through manifolde tribulations if neede require vvhich is when either God himselfe afflicteth them
to trye ● Pet. 1. 6. their obedience and patience and to humble them for their manifold infirmities and sinnes or when Tyrantes persecute them for their most holy faith But as for all voluntary tortures and tormentes they leaue the same to infidels and heretikes vvho thereby seeke after a greater opinion of godlines and devotion before men THe Gentiles did offer vp their sonnes in fire vnto Idols and did ● Reg. ●… 28. ●…v 21. 5. cutte and launce themselues vntill the bloode followed the which voluntary tortures the Lord precisely interdicteth his owne people Contrary to the which interdiction the dearest darlinges of the church of Rome as likewise such among the Turkes as would seeme most devout vse to scourge and to whippe thēselues diverse waies tormenting their owne bodies and not sparing their ovvne flesh Whereby it is evident that they haue ●…ol 2. 23. not onely sorted themselues with the Gentiles and some of the olde heretikes but also with these of the last times who through hipocrisie hunte after a shewe of most rare holines in these outvvard ● Tim. 4. 1. thinges preferring these their wil-worshippes and voluntary devotions before faith repentance and the fruites of the spirit imagining thereby to ascende to the highest degree of the greatest perfection and to be esteemed the only religious of all other Opposit 12. The faithfull souldiers of Christ furnish themselues against their ghostly enimies with such weapons as are taken out of the Lordes armoury whereas the counterfeite christian furnisheth himselfe with such as are framed in the devils forge and in the shoppe of mans invention THe faithfull which fight vnder the banner of Christ even al the members of the militant church knowing the greate force of their fendish foes seeke according vnto the exhortation of the Apostle to be strong in the Lorde and in the power of Eph. 6. 10. his might putting on to that purpose all the armour of God that so they may bee able to stand against all the assaultes of the Devill they stand and their loines girded about with verity hauing on the breastplate of righteousnes and their feete shodde with the preparation of the gospel of peace aboue all they take the shield of faith whereby they may quench all the fiery dartes of the wicked and the helmet of salvation and the sworde of the spirite which is the word of God praying alway with all manner of praier and supplication in the spirite and watching thereunto withall perseverance VVhereas the souldiers of Satans companies are forbidden for the most parte to enter into the Lordes armory wherein are the weapons of all the Lordes worthies wherevvith they prevailed against all their enemies and to fence their soules with that armour of proofe whereby they may be preserued from Chrys in Math. hom 43. Hier. in Mat. ca 23. Num. 9. 11. Tert. de Idola Lact. instit l. 6. ca. 2. all deadly woundes it is enough for them to arme themselues with holy bookes tyed at their girdle but not laid vp in their hartes with holy reliques such as defiled those that touched them vnder the law with holy candle lighted at noone-day to driue away belike spiritual darknesse with holy breaede to put away the famine of the soule with holy water to wash away the spots of the spirit with holy bell to fray the hell-hound with that sacred sound with crossing and crossing againe this and that member and with anoyling the instruments of the fiue wits with holy creame holy salt holy spitile with as holy exorcismes and coniurations as were vsed by the seven sonnes of Sceva the priest with holy graines agnus deies crucifixes with buriall in an holy cloister in a Monkes coule or a Friers frocke with Act. 19. 13. a pardon cast into the graue with the body for the safer passage of the silly soule albeit it had passed and receiued iudgement before with other such furniture of their owne framing as if those things which are without could sanctisie a man and fence him from the woundes of sinne as if the subtile serpent were some silly foole that could be driuen away with such scarre-crowes or some weake and feeble foe that could be overturned with such bulrushes Opposit 13. The faithfull are not puffed vp with pride in respect of Gods graces but rather hang downe their heades in respect of their owne infirmities ascribing to God the glory of all good things IF when wee haue done all that is commanded vs we must say that ●uc 9 54 we are vnprofitable servantes then when we faile more or lesse in all what iust occasion haue we with the humble Publican to stande aloofe and to hange downe the heade and to beate the brest being ●zr 9 6. ●zech ●6 33. ●an ● 7. full of confusion in regarde of our ovvne iniquities Nowe as the faithfull thus cry out shame and confusion against themselues so they ascribe righteousnes to God in all his corrections and endles mercy in all his blessinges magnifying and extoling his glory in both And verely he that seeketh the glory of him ●oh 7. 18. that sent him is true and there is no vnrighteousnes in him But in Aug in ●oh Tract ●9 Antichrist saith Austine there is vnrighteousnes and hee is not true because hee will not seeke●… he glory of him that sent him Let vs all then which pertaine to the body of Christ beware lest we fall into the snares of Antichrist and let vs not seeke our owne glory Chrys in Math. Hom. 19. If one cover saith Chrysostome a wolfe with a sheepes skinne how may another know him but by his voice or by his action The sheepe bleateth looking downe ward the wolfe looketh vpwarde and howleth against heaven He then that vttereth the voice of humility and confession according vnto God is a sheepe but hee that howlethout blasphemies against God and against the truth is a wolfe Nowe howe the doctrine of the church of Rome teacheth to lay aside the humility of a sheepe and to take to our selues the pride of the wolfe to advaunce our selues and not to giue the glory of all thinges onely to GOD see before in the preface to the Christian roader Opposit 14. The faithfull Christian as in generall he giueth the glory of all good things onely to Gods mercy and goodnes so especially of his eternall salvation resting onely vpon the mediation and merite of Christes passion for the obtaining thereof and not vpon his owne or other mens workes VVHat worthy thing do we that thereby we may be Wal●ensis contra Wicle●um made partakers of heavenly glory whereas the Apostle saieth I thinke that the passions of this time are not worthy of the glory that shal be revealed Therefore I recken him to be the more sounder divine the more saithfull catholike and more agreeable to holy scriptures who doth flatly deny any such merite And verely our Saviour Christ
was onely able to giue a sufficient price for that heavenly purchase as al the faithfull from the begining of the worlde haue vndoubtedly beleeved Apoc. 19. 10 so that it is a sure token of the spirit of a true prophet to giue testimony therevnto Wee haue saith Austine Iesus Christ our Aug. in Epi. Ioh. tract 1. advocate and he is the propitiation for our sinnes he that holdeth this holdeth no heresie he that holdeth this maketh no schisme And if the very Apostle Saint Iohn had saide saith the same Father If any man sinne Aug cont Epist●l Pa●… l 2. Cap. ● yee haue me for your advocate and I obtaine pardon for your si●…es What faithfull person woulde haue endured him VVho woulde haue taken him for an Apostle of Christ and not for a very Antichrist And yet the church of Rome the lesse catholike and the more haereticall schismaticall and Antichristian is she teacheth vs not to rest vpon the mediation and merite of Christs passion as the onely propitiation and satisfaction for sinne and the onely meritorious cause of our saluation but also to trust●n our owne merites in the workes of supererogation performed by the saintes and in their praiers and intercessions Opposit 15. The sincere professors of the catholike faith acknowledge Christ to be nowe onely in heaven according to the flesh whither he is ascended and from whence they looke for him to come to iudgement wheras seduced and seducing heretikes * See fol. vvill needes haue him to be here also now in earth albeit he be seated aboue the highest heavens THe flesh of CHRIST when it was on earth surely it was not in heaven and nowe because it is in heaven certainly Vigil contr Eut l. 4 Cap. 4. it is not in the earth Yea so farre is it from being in earth that vvee looke for Christ after the flesh to come from heaven whome as he is GOD the Word vve beleeue to be vvith vs on earth Then by your opinion either the word is comprised in a place as vvell as the flesh or else the flesh is every where togeather with the vvord seeing one nature doth not receiue in it selfe any different or contrary estate Now to be contained in a place and to be present every where be thinges diverse and very dislike and for so much as the Word is every where and the flesh of CHRIST is not everie where it is cleare that one and the same CHRIST is of both natures that is every where according vnto the nature of his Deity and contained in a place according vnto the nature of the humanity This is the catholike faith confession which the Apostles delivered the martyrs cōfirmed and the faithfull persist in to this day And therefore whereas the church of Rome teacheth that the flesh of Christ is in heaven and in earth togeather at one time confoundeth the distinction of the properties of the tvvo natures of CHRIST by teaching him according to the property of his humane nature so to be contained in a place that he is also in ten thousand thousand places at one time What doth she thereby but condemne the catholike faith and confession delivered by the Apostles confirmed by the martires and continued among the faithfull vnto the time of Vigilius Opposit 16. The catholike faith by the warrant of the word of God acknowledgeth but two places after this life and the contrarie opinion proceedeth from See Aug. ●uch ad L●… Cap. 6. 7. a blinde albeit it seemeth a kind affection LAstly to omitte other thinges which might be alleaged to this purpos● for there are so many oppositions betweene the doctrine of Christ and Antichrist as there are maine groundes of our christian profession as it may appeare throughout al the partes and parcels of this treatise the catholike faith teacheth that there are but two places after this life So Austine Aug. H●…pog Lib. 5. The first place the catholike faith builded vpō ●iuin autority beleueth to be the kingdome of heaven the second to bee hell where every apostata and infidell is tormented And as for any third place we are vtterly ignorant thereof neither doe we finde any such in the scriptures And what shall the church of Rome be still esteemed to be catholike which will not allow of this pointe of the faith neither which yet S. Austin● allowed to be catholike Div. 2. That the church of Christ is not alwaies visible OVr creede teacheth vs to say I beleeue and not I see the I beleeue the holy catholike church catholike church that is hovvsoever the members of the true church are not alvvaies visible nor their companies conspicuous yet I beleeue that GOD hath his church and congreg●tion in some place or other which rightly and sincerely worshipeth him in spirit truth And therfore this church as it is sometimes likened to the Moone in her full brightnes so it is sometimes compared to the same greatly obscured and after a sort loosing her vvhole light And as it is sometimes resembled to a city built vpon a hill vvhich is admirable for her exceeding beautie and glorie so it is sometimes also compared to a cottage in a vineyarde and to a lodge in a garden of cucumbers and to a besieged c●…ty defaced and wasted with extreame misery and to a countrey over●… and after a sorte dispeopled by the sworde of the enemy As it came to passe not onely amonge the Israelites in the time of Elias but also in the kingdome of Iudah in the time of Isayas who complaineth that al māner of corruptions in al estates of mē were so grievous had made so great havocke that had not the Lord reserved vnto himselfe a small re●nant they had beene made as So●oma and like vnto Gomortha And 〈…〉 29. how stoode the case with the church in the beginning of the Apostles times vvas it not such that it gaue iust occasion to Saint Paul to renevv againe the same complainte Yea this remnaunt vvas so smal at our Saviours death that it hath beene deemed by some that the church was only then in the blessed Virgin and in Davids and Ieremies time this company also was so inconspicuous that one of them crieth out 〈…〉 1. Helpe Lord for there is not one godly man left and the other is willed by the Lorde himselfe to runne to and fro through the streetes of Ierusalem and to inquire if there were one that executed iudgement and embraced truth and hee would spare all for ones sake Div. 3. That hypocrites and vngodly persons are not the true members of the holy catholicke church of Christ which is the congregation of the predestinate THe true church is holy and so are al the true members therof for that they are vnited and ioyned togither by the bands of one holy and pure spirit 〈…〉 1. For if the vngodly were members of this church shee were to be called vnholy
superiors in the Lord that hee neuer so much as murmureth and ●…dgeth at their lawfull authority 6 7 8 9 Who is so far of from murder adultery thef●●nd from bearing false witnes that he neuer transgresseth in any of these not so much as by hatred carnall lusts covetous desires or lie● 10 Lastly who hath his whole heart so possessed with the loue of God and his neighbour that he neuer delighteth no not for a moment of time in any thought or desire cōtrary the evnto David a man after Gods owne heart who is said after a manner to haue fulfilled all his wil and whose posterity is commēded for walking in his steppes after that he had most highly magnifi●d the law of God as holy and righteous altogether and had testified th●t in keeping thereof there vvas great revvarde addeth immediatly but vvho can tell howe of te hee offendeth O clense ●…l 19. 12. thou me from my secret sinnes As if he had said I know that I even I my selfe not seldome but often offende against this righteous and perfect ●avv yea further I acknowledge my frailty to be so great that I am perswaded how that some times I commit also faults some or other which escape my knowledge and are secret from me Wherfore if we say we haue no sin we cannot but be charged ●oh 1 8. as transgressors of this law we deceaue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. For not only Saint Ambrose hath confessed of himselfe ●…b de sa●…mentis li ●…●ap 6. that he did sinne continually but the Apostle Saint Iames hath testified of all that in many thinges wee offende all not some of vs saith he but all of vs offende and that not in a fewe but in many 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. 2. thinges from the number of which offenders hee excepted not himselfe albeit he was had in great admiration even of the enemies of the christian faith for his most iust and vpright life nor any of the rest of his fellow Apostles Yea Adam himselfe before his fall being entrenched as it were within the fortification castle of his owne complete and perfect innocency the vvalles whereof being as walles of yron and the gates thereof as of pure brasse a may den-hold that was neuer taken neuer shaken by any shot neuer weakened by any battery having neuer sustained any manner of breach in any part or parcell thereof our greate grand-father Adam himselfe I say being here set vpon withstoode the assault a very shorte time but straite-waies yeelded suffering the same to be soone surprised and himselfe to be taken prisoner by the enemies force Nowe this holde of innocencie vvhich is restored vnto vs againe by our most powerfull redeemer and vvherein vvee the posterity of Adam are seated and placed is nothing so strong and sure in it selfe as it vvas at the first vvhen it vvas delivered vnto Adam The gates thereof are very vveake and the vvals thereof of small strength to keepe out the force and fury of the enemy For novv he entreth in at the gate of the eies by pride and covetousnesse of the tongue by lying and slaundring of the handes by bribing and stealing of the tast by gluttony drunkennesse and exces●e novve hee attempteth to take the same by carnall security and at another time by murmuring grudging and impatiencie hee putteth it still in daunger by idle vvordes vaine imaginations carnall lustes and earthly affections Many breaches are quickely made and the whole hold soone battered vnlesse it be continually succoured by the Lordes power and still rescued by his aide For how can the weake Lambe stande against the bloody wolfe or the silly sheepe against the roaring Lyo● No mervaile then that we be sometimes vvounded and sometimes forced to giue ground and be driuen from our place and standing in these our ghostly and spirituall skirmishes No mervaile though oftentimes we transgresse the most holy and righteous lawe of God and turne out of the direct way of his commandements VVell may it agree with the church triumphant in heauen resting in the place where righteousnesse dwelleth and enioying the security of the full conquest victory to be free from the danger of al wounds to attaine to the fulnesse of all righteousnes and to be most glorious without spot without wrinckle how beit surely the church militant remaining in this wicked and sinfull world where shee is still so fiercely assaulted is sure neuer long to escape without blowes neuer to be pure from all staines neuer to be free from all sinnes Now sinne being a transgression of the law and a breach 1 Ioh. 3. 4. of the commandement therefore there is none to be founde that perfectly keepeth the whole lavve and exactly fulfilleth all the commandementes Div. 6. That the spirite of God the spirite of truth is not alvvaies annexed to the outvvard face of the visible church and to such as haue the cheife roomes therein much lesse to any particular church as to the church of Rome or to any other .. BEFORE the ascension of our Saviour Christ it was true ●…olike that the Psalmist saith In Iurie GOD vvas knovven his name vvas greate in Israell hee had not dealt so vvith any 〈◊〉 75. 47. 20 other nation neither had the Heathen knovvledge of his lavves And therefore the Apostles vvere vvilled for a time not to 〈◊〉 10. 5. goe into the vvaie of the Gentiles nor to enter into the cities of the Samaritanes but to goe onely to the lost sheepe of the house 〈◊〉 15. 26. of Israell Yea it vvas tolde the vvoman of Canaan by our Saviour himselfe that it vvas not meete to take the childrens bread and to cast it vnto dogges VVhereby hee signifyed that the Israelites onely vvere receaued by GOD into the number of his elect and chosen children and that all other nations vvere as hogges and svvine vvallovving in the mire of ignorance and sinne and therefore most odious and abominable before GOD. But novv by the death of CHRIST 〈◊〉 2 14. 〈◊〉 28. 19. 〈◊〉 10 34. 〈◊〉 3. 28. 〈◊〉 ●… 10. 12 the partition vvalle is broken downe and the Apostles commission is enlarged to goe and teach all nations and to preach the gospell to every creature For there is novve no more respect of Iewe then of Grecian but all are one in Christ Iesus and Gods favor is so procured to all that as he is Lord of all so he is rich vnto all 〈…〉 23. that call vpon him And now is the houre come that the true worshippers worshippe not God in the mount of Samaria nor yet at Ierusalem but worshippe him euery where in spirite and truth For now the true service of God and the sincere faith of Christ is not tied to any one place or countrey but lieth open to all nations and the church of Christ is now catholike not annexed any more to any one people but dispersed abroad
out of the same The spirit of God sendeth him not to a second table of penance to t●ke holde thereof that by the power th●rof he might be deliuered but remember saith he how tho● hast received and hearde and holde fast and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3 3. repent Now no doubt but he had receiued and heard a●d therefore was to hold fast that to the penitēt humble sinner Christs blood is the purgation of all his sins that by the mediatiō of his death he doth obtaine remission of thē not only when he is received into favor at the first but even to his liues end being thereby still p●e●erued in the same grace obtaining the forgiuenesse of hi● day●y offences For so S. Iohn setting downe the meanes whereby the faithfull themselues are continually cured of their dailie infirmities If any man sinne saieth hee vvee haue Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 5. ●0 our Advocate and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes So the Apostle Saint Paul sheweth that not onely when wee were enemies we were reconciled at the first by the death of Christ and obtained the release of our grosser offences but much more beeing once reconciled and made the children of God by CHRIST wee are still preserued in the same grace and obtaine the forgiuenesse of ou●…maller offences by the same meanes The trueth is that none are cured of their sinnes by Christ vvhich continue stil in the same and doe not dayly fight against them vvith dayly repentaunce but yet the physicke is one thing vvhereby the soule is cured and the disposition of the soule another thing vvhereby the soule is prepared that so the physicke may effectually vvorke The preparatiue is one thing and the physicke is another thing the physicke is onely the physicke and nothing else Our Saviour CHRIST is our onely physicke and physition also Repentance after a sort may bee called the preparatiue and the Minister of the vvorde may be to vs in steede of the Apothecarie or as ●he physitions man that is sent to vs vvith the purgation The purgation it selfe is made of none other ingredientes but of the most bitter panges of our Saviours owne passion not of the rootes of our hearty repentaunce neither yet of the fruites of our christian faith that is vvhatsoeuer our sinnes bee and vvhensoeuer they bee committed we obtaine not the forgiuenesse of them by our owne merites nor by the satisfactions of any other but onely by the free and vndeserued mercy of GOD and by the most precious satisfaction of the death of CHRIST All haue sinned saith the Apostle and are deprived of the glory of GOD but are iustified from their sinnes freelye Rom 3. 23. by his grace through the redemption that is in CHRIST IESVS And in trueth otherwise our case were most miserable For in the parable of the debtour the summe of one thousande Mat. 18 24. talents declaring the infinitenesse of our debt doth openly proclaime our insufficiency and inabilitie to discharge the same as also the wordes annexed vvhen he had nothing to pay and I forgaue Psal 130. 3. Iob. 93. Psa 143. 2. thee all thy debt For verily if God should marke what were done amisse vvho vvere able to abide it And if hee shoulde call vs to an accounte vvho vvere able to aunsvvere one for a thousande And therefore our best plea is Enter not into iudgement with thy servants O Lord cal vs not to reckoning put not our billes in suite for we are no way able to make payment we are no way able to make satisfaction Div. 10. That Purgatory is no article of the Christian faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resur●…on of ●…sh IF the deliverance of the soules out of Purgatorie had beene an article of the christian faith as it is iudged to be by the church of Rome then it had beene convenient that after mention made of the resurrection of the body out of the custodie of the graue there shoulde haue beene adioyned the deliveraunce of the soule out of the prison of Purgatory the tormentes there being so greate as they say they be the deliverance from thence being as great a blessing at the lest as the raising of the bodies out of their graues should not haue beene altogeather vnremembred especially sinne verie much abounding before the day of the generall resurrection and the Popes pardons nothing so much regarded and his charitie without a fee being not vsual and ordinary Purgatory then must needes be well filled and so the deliverance from thence a great benefite to many Div. 11. That everlasting life is the free gifte of God through CHRIST and noway purchased by the merite of our owne vvorkes 〈◊〉 ever ●…ng IF any thing be bestowed vpon vs by free gift frō God thē surely everlasting life is so bestowed as the greatest gift proceeding frō the most boūtifull giuer the most excellēt effect from the most excellēt cause And why is God else accoūted a most liberall bountifull free franke and gracious benefactor but that most liberally bountifully frankely and freely he bestovveth vpon his faithfull servantes the most precious crovvne of eternall glory VVhen that bountifulnes saith the Apostle and that loue of GOD our Saviour tovvardes man appeared not by the vvorkes of righteousnes vvhich wee had vvrought but of his ovvne mercie he Tit. 3. 4. saued vs. And verely the glory of this greate bountifulnes must needes haue beene much dimmed if vvee had attained to salvation by our owne merites and not by the LORDES onely mercy The vvages in deede of sinne is death but everlasting life is the gifte of GOD through IESVS CHRIST our Lorde Rom. 6. 23. For our evill vvorkes are perfectly evill and therefore deserue eternall death but our good workes are not perfectly good and therefore eternall life is the free gift of GOD through CHRIST and not a vvages due to the merite of our vvorkes Othervvise vvhy did the Wiseman say Beholde the righteous are here recompenced vpon earth hovve much more the vvicked and the sinner VVhat doth not the LORD as well loue righteousnes Pro 11. 31. to recompence it as he hateth vnrighteousnesse to punish the same Yes verely but this is heere spoken to this end by the VViseman that vve shoulde vnderstand that the sinner most iustly deserueth this punishment vvhereas the righteous deserueth not the revvard And therefore it is not without cause that iust Iob thus speaketh of himselfe If I haue done evill vvoe vnto mee if I haue done righteously yet vvill I not Iob. 10 15. lifte vp my heade being full of confusion because I see mine affliction And vvhy The evill vvorkes of the best are in an higher degree evill then their good vvorkes are in themselues good and therefore in respect of the one they may be rustly cast dovvne vvith the feare of eternall confusion and vvoe but in
respect of the other they ought not to be lifted vp to glorie in themselues and in their ovvne righteousnes Let vs end with Bernard My merite is the LORDES mercye And so O LORD graunte vnto vs appealling vpon this ti●…e to the Bern. in cā Serm. 61. throne of grace to enioy the benefite of grace and mercy and let the members of the church of Rome if they list plead the merite of their ovvne vvorkes and trie the title of their ovvne deseruinges at the barre of iustice and soe proue vvhether they shall stande in iudgemente or fall And so to conclude this treatise concerning the articles of our Christian creede seeing that the members of the church of Rome teach so many contradictions against these groundes of ●…a●…re ●…ely ●…ikes ●…th●…e ●…tho ●…d a●…ike of the catholike faith let all the vvorlde iudge what iust cause they haue to boast that they themselues only are the true catholikes and inheritors as it vvere of the apostolike faith and that their Popes faith cannot faile not bee over-come by the gates of hell The vvhich thinge if it vvere so vvhat neede were there vvith so greate travaile and studie to seeke for the decision of all doubtes and the determination of all controversies in matters of faith from GOD himselfe opening the same in the sacred bookes of the canonicall scriptures what neede vvere there so greatly to seeke after the knovvledge of the artes and tongues as beeing the keyes that open the dores into the secrete chambers of these holy mysteries Yea what neede vvere there to craue the helpe of all the god●…●earned of all ages and their directions set dovvne in their private vvittinges or else at their publike meetinges and assemblies in their provinciall or generall councels Certainely this vvere then to goe the nearest vva●e about and as vvhen one knovveth aslu edly vvhere the game is lodged not to goe directly to the same place but to traise it out by a trouble-some tracke For if the Popes faith cannot faile if hee cannot pronounce sentence against the truth the nearest vvay to holde a right faith and to side vvith the truth is in all matters of faith to looke to his determinations and to rest our selues vpon his oracles And therefore also needles are the greate ●…ue ●…pe ●…s in●…e cen ●…ay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ●…ole ●…e of ●…stes abours and travailes of many of the children of the church of Rome about the opening and iustifying of diverse points of their superstition and idolatry VVhereas if they could vvith all their endevoures proue sufficientlye the integritye and infallibili●ye of their Popes faith they had vvonne the fielde and gotten the full conquest they needed not to strike one stroke more for the further clearing of any other pointe of their doctrine Neither shoulde they onely by this meanes provide verie vvell for their owne securitie in matters of faith but also greatly strengthen themselues in their temporalities and mightely establish their earthly kingdome as they may easily gather by that greate succesle they had therein vvhen this maine pointe of theirs vvas generally helde by the most part in former times for sound and catholike For then whosoever woulde be taken for a member of the catholike church were he king or Keazer or whatsoever This newe ar icle of faith concerning the Popes autority necessary subiection to be giuen thereto is s●b nefici all t the church of Rome that her fiends would condemne her of great f●ly i● that shee would leaue it fer al the articles of the Apostles creede he were he was vpon the necessity of his salvation to bee builte vpon that Romish rocke and to settle his safety vpon his triple crowne who was the greate commander in earth purgatory and heaven he was wholy to be ruled by him vvho had both svvordes temporall and spirituall and to commit all into his handes And albeit by this meanes CHRIST himselfe vvas almost forgotten for vvhat neede vvas there to seeke to him vvhen his Viceroy coulde doe all yet this his Vicar generall vvith all his vnder officers vvere veri● vvell remembred And albeit fevve sought for entrance into heaven at the right doore yet manye came farre and neare and brought all kinde of keies of gold and silver landes and luelyhodes to open that doore whereof Peter and his successors vvere thought to bee the onely or at the least the cheife porters For they ver●ly thought that if their pasport had beene signed by the Pope and subscribed with SEENE AND ALLOWED CHRIST would in no case haue disalovved thereof but that they had beene thereby most safe and sure and out of all manner of perill and danger Hereby grewe that high and royall state to the kingdome of Antichrist hereby vvere gathered into his store-houses the riches and treasures of Kinges and Princes and Saint Peters patrimonie vvas in most ample manner encreased nothing beeing thought to much that vvas bestovved vpon his holines albeit it vvere with the robbing spoiling and vtter vndoing of the party himselfe and of all his posteritie In so much that although the spirituall kingdome of CHRIST was not hereby erected in al holines wisedome and righteousnes yet an earthly kingdome was obtained for themselues in worldly wealth pompe and glory But now behold the hand of the Lord what is become of this great Babylon which was a terrour to all the kings of the earth her walles already are wel battered and downe shee must to the very ground yea to the bottomles pit of hel when the sounde faith of al sincere Christians contained in these articles of our Christian creede as an immoueable rocke in deed shall remaine vnshaken and shal giue testimony of their engraffing into him by whose grace they continuested fast and immoueable and by whose power they are preserued vnto that eternal and everlasting kingdome which he himselfe hath purchased for them with his owne blood Now to this our almighty and all sufficient king and Saviour be all honour and glory praise and thankes both now and euer Amen CHAP. 7. Div. 1. That the right sence of the word of God is alwaies agreeable to his most holy law being the most exact rule of all true piety and godlinesse AS the true sence interpretation of Gods 〈◊〉 holi●… of the of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God ●…eanes ●…scerne ●…ight ●…e of di●… scrip●… from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wrong most holy worde and the pointes of faith drawne out of the same are alwaies agreeable to the articles of the creede which are the maine groundes of our christian faith and no way thwarte and contradict the same for that God himselfe the author thereof it true and alwaies true and evermore like vnto himselfe so they are holy pure iust and righteous altogither even as God himselfe and his sacred law is holy and righteous altogither And therefore it is an over-ruled case that when the litterall sence of any
other to full into temptation by refusing the meanes ordained by GOD for the better vvithstandinge and subduinge of the same Our father which art in heaven THE Lordes praier beeing a most perfect and absolute forme of praier teacheth vs in generall two thinges first to whom and secondly for vvhat vvee ought to pray The party to vvhom wee ought to pray is God who is nowe become our loving father in Christ and so most readye to graunte our requestes he is also saide to bee in heaven as holding the kingdome and dominion over all and so most able to fulfill our desires and therefore good cause haue vvee in all our necessities to come and to seeke onely to him and to no other And so did the faithfull in the Primitiue church as it may appeare by Tertullian in his Apologie and defence of the Christians that he made on their behoofe against the Heathen You saith he speaking to the Infidels seeke your safety vvhere it is not and aske it of them by vvhome it cannot be giuen neglecting him in whose power it is Moreover yee seeke to destroy those Christians vvho knowe both to aske and obtaine it also For vvee Christians saith he looking vp to heaven vvithour handes spreadde abroad as being innocent and vvith our h●…de vncovered as beeing not ashamed and vvithout a prompter as praying from the hearte doe all of vs alvvates pray for all Emperours that GOD vvoulde graunte vnto them a longe life a safe Reigne a trusty Courte a faithfull Councell valiant armies dutifull subiectes a peaceable governmente vvith vvhatsoever else that may bee vvished for either of Prince or people These thinges I cannot aske of any but of him of vvhome I knovve I shall obtaine them For it that is hee alone that doth performe the same and I am hee vvhich shoulde obtaine them which am his servante and doe honour him alone c. In vvhich vvordes of Tertullian vve may obserue a manifest distinction made betvveene the true and faithfull christian and betweene the blinde and supersticious Idolaters the one of them seeking to the one true and al-sufficient GOD who is onely able to helpe and succour them and the other going and running to such which are not able to performe the same And verely if ye read over the whole volume of the sacred scriptures ye shall finde no example of any of the faithfull that made their prayers to any strange God or to any saint or Angell or to any other creature whatsoever but only to the one true and al-sufficient ●ehovah ye may finde indeed the example of the damned spirite of the rich glutton in hell vvho being vtterly excluded from Luc. 16. 24. the favour of GOD and from all hope of grace and mercy appealed after a sorte from GOD to Abraham saying O Father Abraham sende thou I beseech thee Lazarus if it bee but vvith one droppe of vvater to coo●e my tongue and so somewhat to slocke mine intollerable tormentes And yet so grosse and palpable darkenes had over spredde the vvhole face of the Romish church in these latter ages that their profounde Doctors and greate Masters did not onely teach the people to pray vnto saintes but also to say vnto them the Lordes prayer which was made to this end to leade vs onely to God For the testification of which blindenes to all posterities these ●imes vvere made in Scotland concerning the same Doctors of Theology of fowre-score of yeeres And olde ioly lup●… the balde gray Friers They would be called Rabbi and Magister noster And wote not to whome to say their Pater noster ●…res no●… colle●… Con●…nt i●…um ●…ero 〈◊〉 sancti ●…miles ●…mo See ●…s and ●…mēts ●…2 Fol. ●… Now concerning the matter of this praier the petitions thēselues and first concerning the sanctification of the Lordes name set downe in the first petition the first table of the law doth teach vs 1. first to acknowledge God to be all sufficient and therefore to cleaue onely to him 2. secondly to acknowledge him to be of incomprehensible glory and therefore not to presume to resemble him by any similitude 3. thirdly to ascribe to him infinite power and therefore to sweare onely albeit never vainely by his name 4. fourthly to acknowledge him to be of infinite wisedome and his word the conduite of the same to deriue it to vs and therefore to yeelde our selues wholy to it to be ruled thereby And this is to giue to God that which is Gods to yeelde vnto him that honour which is due vnto him and so to sanctifie his holy name according vnto the exhortation of the prophet Ascribe vnto the Lord O yee k●nredes of the people ascribe vnto the Lord worshippe and power ascribe to the Lord the honour due 〈…〉 96. vnto his name worshippe the Lord with holy worshippe The articles of our Creede doe teach vs also to ascribe vnto God onely the creation and government of this worlde and redemption and sanctification of the church and so to sanctifie his holy name And the whole company of heavenly spirites wondring at the admirable power holines iustice truth which most gloriously shi●e in all the workes of God doe conspire togeather as it were with one voice to sanctifie and magnifie the most holy name of the Lord saying Greate and marve●lous are thy works Lord God almighty ●…c 16. 3 iust and true are thy waies O King of saintes who will not feare thee and glorifie thy name for thou onely art holy Whereby we may perceaue that the whole body of the doctrine of Christ and the whole study of his holy saintes tende to thi● ende even to sanctifie the glorious name of God by magnifying his infinite greatnes and goodnes which in truth can never be sufficiently expressed nor magnified in that manner as it ought to be Now how the church of Rome the church of the malignant doth hinder the sanctification of the Lordes name and darken and obscure his great glorie it hath beene before touched in the setting downe of those principall pointes and cheife groundes of our christian religion 2. The second petition doth teach vs to pray for the planting establishing of the kingdome of God Now this kingdome is tvvofold the kingdome of grace and the kingdome of glory Amonge the auncient Romanes there was no passage to the temple of Honour but through the temple of Vertue and we that are Christians are taught that we must haue our partes in the first resurrection from sinne if we looke to be partakers of the second resurrection Apoc. 20. 6 and to be delivered from the second death For we cannot ascēd to Glorification but by the steps or staires of Iustification and Vocation Rom. 8. 30. that is we cannot come to the kingdome of glorie but first we must be partakers of the kingdome of grace Now the word of grace the word of life being the power of God to salvation to all
but vvill offer vp him againe vnto GOD and that as a propitiatory sacrifice both for the quicke and deade In so much that this holy sacrament being ordained of GOD to testifie the sufficiency of that sacrifice vvhich our Saviour himselfe once offered vpon the altar of the crosse is cleane perverted by the church of Rome and as it vvere forced to witnes the contrary and being appointed to cōtinue the memory of CHRISTES death and of the singular vertue thereof in procuring the full and perfect redemption of man by this meanes it is abused to evacuate the crosse of CHRIST and to annihilate the vertue of that perfect redemption Thus haue they turned this holy and blessed sacrament into a sacrilegious and Idolatrous sacrifice the vvhich because it is grounded vpon their doctrine of Transubstantiation and the Reall presence I vvill therefore adde one vvorde also for the confutation thereof The vvorshippers and adorers of their bredden CHRIST doe charge vs for that vvee deny Transubstantiation and their Reall presence to make CHRIST a liar and to deny his plaine vvordes or at the least greately to darken and obscure them vvith tropes and figures But that all indifferent persons may vnderstand vvho they be that make Christ a liar darken and obscure his plaine words I vvould demande of them but this one questiō which is In vvhat outward elements Christ ordained this holy sacrament of his body and blood and vvhat therein be the visible signes of the invisible grace whether bread and vvine in their nature and substaunce or the bare and naked shevves thereof Verily the Evangeliste● vvith the Apostle doe Mat. 26. 26. Luk. 22. 19. 1. Cor. 11. 24. testifie that our Saviour Christ at the institution of this holy sacrament tooke bread in his nature and substance and not the bare and naked shevves of bread and when he had given thankes he brake it gaue it to them saying this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me And in truth sacramentes if they haue not a certaine similitude as Austine saith with the things whereof they are sacraments Aug. ad B●nif ●p 23. they are no sacraments at all but loose the name and nature of sacraments Now true and substantiall bread and wine haue a certaine similitude vvith Christ the heavenly Mannah and true bread of life the bodily nourishment that proceedeth from the very substance of these earthly creatures doth fitly represēt our spiritual nourishment that we haue by Christ but whitenes rednos roundnes with the outward shewes of bread and wine what resemblance haue they either of Christ himselfe or of the benefits that we receiue by him wherfore it is not a giving of the lie to the Lord of truth nor so much as an obscure and hid kinde of speech but that which is most familiar and agreeable to the nature of a sacramēt thus to interpret Christs words this is my body this bread is the sacrament or sacred Occam in 4. sent dist 13. Gardiner in Marco Ant● Const De consecratione dist 2. c. timorem Glossa ibidē signe of my body Wheras in truth it is not only a great obscuring but a plaine perverting of our Saviours words to interprete them with some of the members of the Romish church as this is my body that is this bread goeth away my body succeedeth in the place therof or with other of them this my body is my body or with a third sort this Individuum vagum this I cannot tel what is my body or this nothing is my body Surely these doubtfull and strange interpretations of Christs words doe not only obscure but pervert the same deluding the harts of the Lords people and vndermining the soundnes of their faith For how can they eate these outward shewes or what benefite could they obtaine by them if they could eat thē was not this sacrament of the Lordes supper ordained to the same end as all other sacramentes are euen to assure vs of our spirituall vnion with Christ the interest that we haue thereby to all his blessings how is this herein ratified and confirmed vnto vs verily not by the bodily receiving of Christs body nor by receiving of the outward shews of bread wine but by the reverent receiving of the holy sacraments and signes of the body of Christ and of his blood And seeing there is no bodily commixtion betweene Christ and the faithful to what purpose serveth a bodily participation seeing also as they themselues teach Christ being bodily receiued of the wicked departeth againe from them and being bodily receiued of the faithfull yet is not thereby vnited vnto them nor receiued to life but only when he is receiued of thē by faith Lastly why should the litterall sence of these words this is my body be so much vrged which is impossible barbarous blasphemous See Thom. Bi●son Epis Winton parte 4. fol. 733. but that all the world might most evidently discerne thereby who is that blasphemous whore of Babylon Thus hath the Bishoppe and church of Rome set vp many manifest contradictions against the gospel and the law the creed the commandements the groundes of faith and of a godly life and so hath brought in that great Apostasie foretold by the Apostle 2. The. 2. 3. the which our Rhemistes themselues vpon the same place do in the end resolue to signifie a revolt from most of the pointes of our christian religion vvhich vvas to be brought in by the greate Antichrist For whereas all other heretikes being in comparison but petty adversaries to Christ haue oppugned but one or tvvo or some few pointes of our christian profession this adversary hath assaulted the whole body thereof that so he might openly proclaime himselfe to be that grande adversary of Christ even that very great Antichrist And therfore we neede not now looke for the cōming of such an Antichrist which shall seate himselfe in the tēple of Ierusalē seeing we may behold him already come placed in Peters chair in the statly pallaces of the church of Rome The which thing as it hath bin sufficiently declared already in the former partes of this treatise so it remaineth further to be made manifest by diverse other particular prophesies wherin the great Antichrist is as it were drawn out in his proper colours that so hee might be the better known avoided which are to be delivered in the chapter following CHAP. 14. 1 That the great Antichrist his adherents shall not be open enemies to all professed Christiās but rather pretensed favorites and friends 2 That the principall point of the Christian faith oppugned by Antichrist and his adherentes shall not be the dignity and authority of the church but the vertue and perfection of the worke of the redemption wrought by the heade of the church vvith his priestly and kingly offices whereby hee accomplished the same as being
before him and did him homage but the greater and vviser beastes discerning him by his voice set him at naught and laughed him to scorne The Bishoppe of Rome knowing what honour is due vnto Christ and his church hath put on as it were the Lyons skinne by pretending himselfe to be Christs Vicar and his church to be the church of Christ Now many men iudging only by the outward appearāce haue so taken him to be haue honoured him accordingly but other who haue more throughly looked into the truth haue by the sound of his voice doctrine found him not to be the vicar nor yet the frend of Christ but evē his grand enimie the very great Antichrist For they will not suffer themselues to be deluded with coloures and shewes seing they will vnderstād that by the caution giuē by their master Christ that the heretickes of these last times shall come in sheepes cloathing when inwardly they be ravening wolues and that Antichrist the head of Math. 7. 15. Greg. in ●ob l. 25. cap. 20 Hil. con● Auxentium Chrys●in Math. H●m 49. all hypocrites by the iudgmēt of Gregory shall faine piety to draw to iniquity that vnder the cloake of the gospell as Hilary saith he shall bee contrary to Christ in so much that Christ shall be denied whē he is thought to be preached They know by the admonition of Chrysostome that they must come to the divine scriptures only that so they may rightly discerne the doctrine of Antichrist seeing that if respect be had to names titles and profession he and his adherentes shall professe themselues good Christians yea they shall pretende greater chastitie and mortification of the flesh then shall bee founde amongst the true Christians And so Sa●…t Paule by the spirite of prophecie had most evidently foretolde that the heretikes of these latter times that is Antichrist 1. Tim 4. 2. and his adherentes should speake lyes through hypocrisie forbidding to marry and commanding to abstaine from meates that so by their hypocriticall shevve of continency and abstinence they might procure the greater credite both to themselues and to their doctrine VVherefore ●t is but a cunning and crafty collusion of Satan to perswade the worlde that Antichrist his Leife-tenant generall should be an open enimie of CHRIST and his church and make open vvarre against all professed Christians that vvhiles they prepared themselues against such an open Antichrist they might suffer themselues vnavvares to be overtaken by the subtlety and fraude of the true but privy Antichrist And so certainly it came to passe For as he caused the Iewes vvho professed themselues to be the Lordes onely heritage to refuse their true Messias and Christ vvhiles he persvvaded them to looke for such an one as should come vvith outward pompe earthly glorie and establish his kingdome by an high arme of flesh so he hath prevailed with those that accounted themselues onely to be the mēbers of the true church in these latter daie● and hath made them yeeld to the spirituall bondage of Antichrist whiles he warned them to beware of such an Antichrist as should proclaime open vvarre and be at vtter defiāce vvith all professed Christians But what saide our Sauiour to Math. 16. 3. the deceaued ●evves ye hypocrites yee can discerne the face of the skie and can yee not discerne the signes of the times They that thus expected a vvorldly Messias should haue diligētly looked into the bookes of the Prophetes and so duely examined the signes of the true Messias that finding them throughly perfourmed in CHRIST as the drifts and discourses of the Evangelistes doe testifie and our Saviour himselfe vvitnesseth in these vvordes all thinges are finished should thereby haue beene induced to haue receiued him for the true Messias After the like māner Ioh. 19. 30. all that profes●e themselues to be true Christians and would not be deluded by the subtle●ies of Satan shoud be carefull to discerne the signes of these times and to obserue the right notes and markes of the true Antichrist that so they might be able both to descry and also to avoide his most dangerous snares VVhen the Pharisies that looked that their Messias should be a temporall Monarch demanded of our Saviour Luc. 17. 20. CHRIST when the kingdome of GOD the kingdome of the Messias shoulde come he aunsvvered The kingdome of God commeth not vvith observation Neither shall men say Loe here Loe there for the kingdome of GOD is vvithin you VVhereby he signifieth that the kingdome of the Messias should not be vvith outvvard pompe and earthly glory but that by the preaching of the gospell he should lay the foundation of a true faith and a godly life in the heartes of all his people and so establish vvithin them his spirituall kingdome consisting in righteousnes peace and ●oy in the holy Ghost After the like manner may vve be bold to avouch Rom. 14. 1● that the kingdome of Antichrist cometh neither vvith observation for that he shall not be an outvvard and professed enimie to Christianity but shall vvith greate subtlety vndermine the foundations of a true faith and godly life and so erect his spirituall Antichristian kingdome And hereof it is that Chrysostome calleth Chrys in Math. Hom. 49. not bandes and companies of armed souldiers but heresies the armies of Antichrist certaine it is that al heretikes that did arise from the Apostles times and did oppugne any pointe of faith 2. Th. 2. 7. are saide to prepare away to the kingdome of Antichrist for this Mystery of ●niquitie did vvorke even in the Apostles time And is called a Mystery for that it did vvorke secretly their poysoned doctrine being outvvardly shadovved vvith the profession of the true ●aith And verelie hovve came Arrianisme it selfe to overflovve the outvvarde face of the whole Hieron adver● Luciferianos Leo. Epist 81 visible church Infidelitie saith Ierome vvas planted vnder the name of faith So in the time of Leo hovve vvere heresies sette abroach you thinke saith hee speaking to the autors of them that yee deale for faith vvhereas yee contende against faith ●ee are armed vvith the name of the Church and yet yee fighte against the Church But especiallie in these last times since Antichrist beganne more and more to be disclosed the olde Serpent hath searched out the verie depth and profundity of all his craftie devices and hath bestovved all his art cunning and skill to beautifie his corrupte doctrine vvith many faire glozes and to painte it vvith many glorious colours An example vvhereof vvee haue in that proude champion of this greate Antichrist vvho marched forth not many yeares since like Golia●… the Gittite 1. Sam. 17. vvho had an helmet of brasse vpon his head and a brigandine vveighing 5000 shekels of bras●e vpon his legges and a sh●…lde of brasse vpon his shoulders the s●…fte of vvhose speare vvas like a vveavers beame vvho defiled the host of the
obscured the Devill by the Pope hath maimed this institutiō of the Lords hath repealed his cōmādemēt drink ye al Mat. 26. 27. Luc. 22. 20. of this in restraining the people frō the vse of the cuppe albeit it be the new testamēt in his blood whereof the people ought to bee pertakers as well as the Preist the Apostle hath added that Gal. 3. 15. vnto the testament of a meere man none will presume to a●de or abrogate much lesse to the testamēt of Christ our Lord the Pope his popelings only excepted Whereas also this cōmandemēt being de livered in generall tearmes at the same time to the same per sōs as that other cōmandemēt was take ye eate ye this is my body must needes be of the same force bind also to the same obedience The which thing to be most true we neede not seeke for any Gerard. Lorich de Missa publica proreganda further witnes seing vve haue the testimony of one of their owne frēds who is bold to tearme all such false Catholikes and most wicked blasphemers who hinder the reformatiō of this noto rious abuse And in very deede the case is so cleare evidēt that by the Bishoppes of Rome thēselues who liued in purer ages the Leo. serm 4. de quadragesima abstaining frō the cuppe hath beene cōdemned as an open errour in the Manichees straite iniunctiō hath beene giuen that such as abstaine from the one be driven f●rm the other for that the Gelasius de consecratione dist 2. c. comp●rimus dividing of one and the selfe same mystery coulde not bee done without most greaavous sacriledge Wherefore sacrilegious is the pride of al these late Bishoppes of Rome by the testimonie of one of their owne predecessors in that they presume to divide those thinges which Christ hath ioyned togeather to maime and ●angle his new Testament and to repeale his flat cōmandemēt as also for that in their greatest pompe this verie sacramēt which they pretende to honour as Christ taking it in truth to bee very Christ is caried before them on an hackney when they thēselues are carried on mens shoulders their owne throne is set aboue the altar the crosse which is caried vpō the right hād of kings swords scepters for that as they say divine honour is due vnto it is notwithstāding laide vnder their feete in the lubile they beate vpō the gates of Paradise with a golden hā●er as it is expressed in their Pontificals exercised in their soleni●ies Now what are all these things but the plaine steppes of the intollerable Luciferlike pride of the great Antichrist For as he that seeketh the glory of him that sent him is true there is none vnrighteousnes in him so in Antichrist there is vnrighteousnes he is not true because as Aug. in Ioh. tract 29. Austine teacheth he will not seeke the glory of him that sent him 5 Wherefore the B. of Rome must needes be very neare kinne at the least to the great Antichrist in that he so highly advaūceth himselfe so egerly pursueth his owne glory exalting himselfe not only against god his Christ but much more against Christs Le●fetenāts the Ecclesiasticall Civill governours of whome it is written I haue saide ye are Gods against the most venerable assemblies Aboue all that is called God Chrys in Math. Hom. 35. Greg. ep l. 4. ep 32. 34 of general councels For ●e will needes haue prima●… in earth albeit he finde confusion in heavē He will needs take to himselfe the name of vniversall Bishoppe that name of blasphemy whereby the dignity of all Preistes is diminished in that so much is arrogated to one after a frantike madnes yea he will needes take it to himselfe albeit it be against the meaning of the Gospel against all Churches against the ordināce of the Canons albeit in this pride is betokened that the time of Antichrist is at hand he being hereby followed who despising the equalitie of ●oy among the angels laboured to mount vp to the toppe of singularity saying I will adva●nce my throne aboue the starres of heaven I vvill sit in the mounte of the Testament even in the North I will get mee vp aboue the cloudes and wi●… be like vnto the highest Neither doth his pride stay heere but in all things he laboureth to expresse his image who not contenting himselfe with his Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction were it never so greate in the declining of the Romane Empire was to thrust himselfe into the seate thereof and to chale●dge to himselfe both swordes Ecclesiasticall and Civill and to take vpon himself both the Empire of God men For so Chry●ostome hath foresignified that toward the declining of the Romane Empire Antichrist shall come for this Empire Chr. hom 2. in 2. c. ep 2. ad Thes saith he being so renouned none will easely be subiect vnto him but this being void he will invade the power thereof and take it to himselfe in so much that he will take vpon him both the Empire of God and men The which autority hath beene now long since vsurped even to the vttermost by the Bish of Rome who as if he had beene Lord of Lordes King of Kinges hath taken vpon him not onely to depose to set vp Kinges at his owne pleasure but also hath practised the like in the Empire it selfe Neither yet hath his pride staid here but hath advaūced it sel●e one steppe higher even aboue the most venerable assemblies of generall Councels who haue the autority represent the face of the whole church For it hath passed Bellar. de Con● lib. 2 cap. 14. on his side that his autority is greater then theirs and that ●e is not subiect to their iurisdiction to be cited arraigned or condemned by them His decisions must come forth with a Non obstante whereas their decrees must alwaies be with a Salva semper his faith cannot fa●le he cānot ●dem l. 4. de ●ontif c. 13. Rhem. in Luc. Cap 22. erre at the least in the Consistory and herefore no man may say to him Sir why doe you so The which presumption is so intollerable so onely bee●itting the great Antichrist that a man otherwise as it is likely of his owne faith profession hath for this Avent anna lium l. 6. ●ol 683. cause so proclaimed him to be at the meeting of the Nobles and Prelats in Germany for that he spake proud thinges as if he were some God for that he laide new plots to establish himselfe a king dome made changed what lawes he listed sacked spoiled deceaued killed being that son of perditiō which they call Antichrist in whose for heade is written a name of blasphemy I am a God I cannot erre In the temple of God hee sitteth and raigneth farre and wide 6 And verely whereas it is the prerogatiue roiall of
the supreme vn●…dgeable iudge of all flesh that he cānot erre lie or doe vniustly therefoe that he is not to be iudged of any neither may Iob. 9. 12. any man say to him what doest thou therefore in that the Bishope of Rome taketh vpon him not to erre in iudgmēt nor to be iudged of any he may iustly be charged for this cause to take vpō him ●o be as God And if in Ieromes and Prospers Iudgment the name Hier. ad Algas quae 11. Prosp de provid praedest c. 7. of blasphemy written in the forehead of the whore of Babylon be Romae aeternae eternall Rome for so the heathen cal Rome thinking that the Empire thereof shall continue for euer then much more this blasphemy is the prowde presumptuous entailing of Gods spiritual heavēly graces to that citty for euer in that they vant that their church is eternall and shal never faile that their Bishops faith is an immortall and immoueable ro●ke against the which hell gates shall neuer prevaile For what is this vaunt of the whore of Babylon I sit as a Queene and am no widdow shall see no Apo. 1● 7. mourning spirituall things in this revelation being signified vnder the names of earthly but as the Bish of Rome vanteth of himself The light of true doctrin shal neuer be remoued out of the cadlesticke of my church the lampe of my faith shall neuer goe out but my church shall be the mother of the faithful for euer and I their supreame governour king as being Christs great V●ca● general here in earth purgatory heaven as it is sufficiently to be seene by my glorious triple crowne And so as Adam fel by pride whē he wloud needs be as God knowing good evil Lucifer whē Gen. 3. 5. he was not cōtent with the dignity of an Angel but would needs aspire to the top of singularity euen so the Bish of Rome fell whē he would needs advance himselfe into Christs seat to be his Vicar Apo. 13. 11 generall Vniversall Bishop of the whole church when he would needs take two hornes to himselfe like the lambes lay claime to both swords when he was not content with the dignity of a star but would be as the sun of righteousnes himselfe frō whō not only al the chiefe starres in al Pastorall dignities but in kings thrones also yea in the very Empire it self should take their light receiue their authority from his supremacy We read in Moses Gen. 1. 16. that God made two great lights the sun to rule the day and the moone to governe the night that is if we wil beleeue a Bish of Rome the Pope the Emperour whose difference in degree dignity as some of their Parasites haue taught is so much as is the difference betweene the sun the moone Now when the Bish Apoc. 9 1. of Rome thus advanced himselfe in his pride then fel there from heavē a great star that is one who had the place of a great Bishop in the church of Christ whose predecessors had beene indeede most notable stars singular lights to Gods people and had had the keies of the kingdome heauē And he became Vicar generall to the prince of darknes had the key of the bottomles pit who with the grosse mists of his corrupt doctrine obscured the light of the glorious gospel of Christ brought in most palpable blindenes ignorance for the which cause also he is worthily noted by Apo. 16. 3. the name of a false Prophet even for that he forgeth falshoode and lies 7 Wherfore to conclude seeing all the markes of the great Antichrist of these last times do so apparātly agree to the B● of Rome we may be bold to avouch in these daies that which Bernard did Ber. ep 125. in his time that the beast to whom a mouth was given to speake blasphemies doth now possesse Peters chaire especially seing it was so foretold by the spirit of truth that the seate of the great Antichrist of the last times should be that city which in S. Iohns time raigned over the whole world that was the city of Rome the which is therefore Apo. 17. 18. called by the anciēt Fathers the westerne Babylō for that the whore of Babylon should sit there the which thing is so evident and vndeniable that our Rhemistes themselues subscribe therevnto vpon the same place of the Apocalipse therfore Rome not Ierusalem is the certaine 7 determined seat of the great Antithri●t As it may also not vnfitly be co●…ectured by the nūber of Antichrists name shadowed in the figures expressed by Lateinos which is a Apo. 13. 18. Ir. cont ●i 5. Romane or by Romijth or Italica Ecclesia in the accoūt of the Greek Hebrew letters that is the church of Rome For Antichrist shal not only invade the terrene state of the Empire of Rome as our Rhemists pretend but the church of Rome it selfe seating him selfe in the temple of God as God that is as Gods Lieftenant and pretending his authority he shall be a star fallen from that dignity wherin his predecessors were placed and that worthely as being notable stars lights in Christs Church● wherby it is evident that Antichrist shall in Rome possesse both Iurisdictions as vvell the Ecclesiasticall as the Civill the which being now long since performed by the Bish of Rome it is manifest that he is the very Antichrist 8 Wherfore by all these things which haue beene before delivered it is evident that a Papist as a Papist is a limbe of Antichrist● now a limbe of Antichrist cannot be a member of Christ and he that is not a member of Christ cannot be partaker of that salvatiō 1. Cor. 10. 21. 2. Coa 6. 14 that commeth by Christ therefore a Papist as a Papist cannot be saued Come you out therefore all from the kingdome of Antichrist who appertaine to the kingdome of Christ least if yee be partakers in their Idolatries and sinnes yee b●e partakers also in their plagues O seeke not any longer to shaddow him whom out Saviour hath revealed by the brightnes of his gospell nor to preserue him whom he hath already in part destroyed with the spirit of his mouth fight no more against Christ be not enemies any longer to your owne salvation refuse hence-forth to be leaguers and consederates with the whore of Babylon and returne withall speede to the spouse of Christ O pray for the peace of Ierusalem that yee may sucke comfort out of her breasts and be refreshed with her consolations And yee that are the Captaines and souldiers of the Lordes armies sight yee couragiously the Lordes battels and hate yee that purple-coloured harlot which hath her garments died with the blood of the saintes Hearken to that holy blood that crieth even to heauen for vengaunce and doe yee
also execution accordingly never making stay of your fervent zeale vntill yee haue brought her to her vtter desolation And so if yee fight this good fight and fulfill your course keepe the faith be yee most assured that there is laid vp for you a crowne of righteousnes 2. Tim. 4. 7. which the righteous iudge shall giue vnto you and to all those that loue his appearing Now to the immortall invisible and onely wise God be all honour and glory dominion and power praise and thankes both now and ever Amen Psal 40. 74. Let all those that seeke thee be ioyful and glad in thee and let all such as loue thy salvatiō say alwaies The Lord be praised FINIS THE SECOND PART OF THE TRIAL OF TRVTH WHEREIN IS SET DOWNE THE proper fountaine or foundation of all good works the fowre principal motiues which the spirit of God so often vseth in the sacred scriptures to perswade therevnto togither with the contrariety of the doctrine of the Church of Rome to the same wherein also are opened not only the causes of all true piety and godlines but also of all heresie and Idolatry which is and hath beene among Gentiles and Iewes and vs likewise that are called Christians By JOHN TERRY He that commendeth himselfe is not allowed but whom the Lord commendeth 2. Cor. 10. 18. VVhether we be out of our wit we are it to God or whether we be in our right minde we are it vnto you The loue of Christ constraineth vs. 2. Cor. 5. 13. 14. AT OXFORD Printed by Joseph Barnes and are to be solde in Fleetstreete at the signe of the Turkes head by IOHN BARNES 1602. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL Master Doctor RIVES warden of S. Mary Colledge of VVinchester in Oxford commonly called New Colledge and to the residue of the members that are or haue bin of that society IT is a truth generally confessed Right VVorshipful yee the residue beloved in the Lord that of all feastes that is the most sumptuous and dainty which wisedome hath provided for Pro● 9. her guests the which consisteth of three courses that is of the instructions of faith of the precepts of life and of the rules of discipline and government The two first courses of this worthy feast especially the first cōsisting of the instructions of faith as they haue bin seasōed served in by the Lords most skilfull Cookes and sworne servāts and also as they haue beene attempted to be distempered even poisoned by the blacke guard of Antichrists kitchin the devils scullery I haue already set before the Christian Reader which vouchsafeth to be a guest at wisedomes table that vnder the tast of the Right Reverend Father in God my very good Lorde the Bishop of Sarū And now that which was then wanting of the second service without the supply wherof this feast might seeme to be somwhat sparing as far forth as I haue beene credited therewith I present vnto the church vnder the approbation of the Right worshipful M. Doctor Riues la●e chiefe over●eer of our cōmon mother the Vniversity of Oxford and remaining still a careful Guardian of one of my speciall nurses the Colledge of S. Mary of Winchester in Oxford cōmōly called New Colledge Sir your kinde affection towardes mee of long time and your friendly perswasion in moving mee to publish to the benefite of the church of Christ the first part of my private labours and your advācemēt by God to the governmēt of that Colledge vnto the which ●owe more then vnto any other place or person whatsoever seeing there I had my being well wheras elsewhere I had but my bare being or rather with my being my being evil haue induced me so farre forth to presume of your favour and good will as that I am bold to request your protection for the seconde part of these my travailes and paines For my hope is the more that God hath advāced you to worshippe that the greater will bee your care to further all such meanes as doe concerne his worship that you do esteeme this to be your chiefest worship that you haue receiued of the ●ord not only a minde to will but also by reason of your place hability to perfourme many thinges that belong to the glory of God and to the good of his church Cicero saide of Caesar that his high estate had nothing greater and his nature nothing better thē that he was both able ready to preserue many And Plinie said● of Vespasian that the greatnesse of his honor had changed nothing in him but this that now by his advancement he was made able as before he was willing to doe good to many And Aristotle hath set down this as a differēce between a king a tyrāt that the one seeketh the publike the other his own private good Lastly the Poet could say that this was the great Hoc reges habēt magnificum ingens nullus quod ra piat dies prodesse miseris and magnificēt prerogatiue of princes which no day could take from them to profite the miserable and to protect the suppliant c. Now Christian magistrates know more then these heathenish perso●s did which liued without the knowledge of the true God evē that they are the Lords Leifetenantes not onely to preserue the commodities of their earthly kingdōms for the good of their subiects but much more to maintaine establish among them the meanes whereby they may be made partakers of the kingdome of heaven And verely this is a great dignity vnto you that God the full fountaine of all good thinges hath made you a river to water the plantes of a goodly nursery and to minister vnto thē al such thinges as might further their growth and a carfull Guardian to fence and keepe them from all such things as might worke their annoy ance that so many good trees might grow vp therein fit to be transplanted into many places of this land to replenish the same with much fruite We also which haue bin heretofore plantes in your nurserie hope that your river wil flowe forth farre further and extend it selfe even vnto vs to water vs with some of your droppes and to bee our fence and fortification that the fruites of faith godlines that growe vpon our branches may bee the better preserved and kept vntill they come to maturity and ripenes And now to come to you my foster brethren as I togither with you expect protection and direction from our common head so as a fellowe member I am bould to put you in minde that while yee may come to the full breast yee desire the sincere milke of the word that ye may grow thereby if ye haue tasted how sweete the Lord is and what an honour it is to be borne of God and how great is the gaine of faith and godlines And that while the yeeres of plenty cōtinue ye follow the ensample of provident Ioseph and
bountifully bestowed vpon vs. 1 The will of God is to be respected of vs in doing good workes for that it is holy good perfect Rom. 12. 1. If then we wil bee assured to haue our workes good wee must haue our eies bent vpon the will of God that must most carefully be respected of vs yea the holy good and perfect wil of God must be the motiue and inducemēt vnto vs for the most willing and ready performing of the same The Apostle St. Paule hauing sette downe in the former part of his Epistle to the Romans the principles and groundes of our Christian faith being in the latter part thereof to deliver the doctrine of good workes beginneth that matter after this manner I beseech you saith he by the mercifulnes of God that you giue vp your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable serving of God And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be yee changed by the renewing of your minde that ye may prooue what is the good will of God acceptable and perfect In which wordes we may obserue these two pointes first in what things the service of God consisteth not in the sacrificeing vp of vnreasonable beasts but in offring vp of our selues for that is our reasonable serving of God secondly who ought to be our directers and guides in performing our service due vnto God not the customes or fashions of this world nor the intents and divices of our owne harts but the good will of God acceptable and perfect Wherby we are to learne that if we wil be the approoved servāts of God and haue our service allowed of him we must haue an intentiue eie to the Lords will make it the rule of all our works yea if wee will be citizens with the saintes and of the housholde of God and fellow servants with the Angels themselues then as they stand prest ready alwaies before God to attend his pleasure and to performe his will so must wee also walke continually before God as in his eies in his presence presenting our selues vnto him in our dayly praiers and still labouring by all meanes possible that his will may be done here by vs on earth as it is in heaven Mat. 6. 10. by his holy Angels When that kind of serving of God by the sacrificing of beasts was most in force Samuel said vnto Saule who had transgressed the flat commandement and wil of God to offer as he pretended sacrifice to God Is God so well pleased with sacrifice as when the voice of the Lord is obeied Beholde to obey is better 1. Sam. 15. 22. then sacrifice and to harken is better then the fat of Rammes It is the highest degree of wisedome and goodnes of himselfe to be able to conceiue that which is good and the second degree is of such as knowing their own wants betake themselues to be wholy guided and ruled by those in whom dwelleth wisedome in al aboūdance Now perfect wisedome and goodnes dwelleth only in God his will is most holy iust and perfect yea it is the most perfect rule of all holines and of all iustice Neither doth God will and commande things so much for that they are iust lawful and good but rather those things are therefore iust lawful good for that they are willed and commanded of God When vpō occasion of this holy and comfortable doctrine of the gospell that the sinnes of the faithfull doe the more evidently set forth the mercy of God in Christ in that he is of himselfe so good and so good vnto such which Rom. 3. 5. are so and so vnworthy in themselues obiection was made If our vnrighteousnes setteth forth the glory of Gods goodnes then the Lord may seeme to be vniust in punishing sinne for that his glory is thereby the more furthered the Apostle answereth by an exclamation or rather by a detestation saying God forbid else how should God iudge the world Seeing he is not a iudge after the manner of mortal men who being advanced to high estate do many times corruptly abuse their high authority but it is not so with God For his being iudge of the world is not by birth or electiō or suite or purchase but by nature For in that he is God creator of all hee is iudge of all and his most vpright and vncorrupt will is the soveraigne rule of all righteousnes and it his is the extraordinary prerogatiue of this his most righteous will that hee cannot possibly wil or cōmand any thing that is vniust So that if he cōmand the Israelites to borrow of the Aegyptians Iewels of silver Exod. 3. 23. Iewels of gold so to rob the Aegyptians they may boldly do the same and keepe those Iewels to their owne vses as his lawful gifts as the pledges of his fatherly loue If God cōmād Levy to Exod. 32. 27 consecrate his hands in blood if he know not father nor mother brother nor friend but execute the Lords vēgeance without respect of persons he shall receiue a blessing for the same So likewise if Abraham be commanded of God to kill holy innocent Isaak Gen. 22. 16 his deare and only sonne from whom was to proceed that holy seed in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed if hee but intende in all humble obedience to the will and commaundement of GOD to performe the same GOD will so ●pproue and like of him for it that hee will in recompence thereof even vow and sweare his everlasting blessednes Nay if the most holie but secret counsell of God wherin he hath chosen some to eternall life before they were borne yea before the foundatiō of the world was laid and refused other be called in question and condemned also by the corrupt reason of mā yet this is a sufficient iustification thereof vttered by the Lordes owne mouth I Exod. 33. 19 Voluntas beneplacit● Mat. 11. 26. will haue mercy on whom I will haue mercy and I will haue compassion on whom I wil haue compassion Whervnto our Saviour also subscribeth saying even so O father for so was it thy good pleasure And the same plea is made likewise by the Apostle in the same case he will haue Rom. 9. 18. mercy on whom he will haue mercy and whom he will he harde●eth But this secret wil of God is mainly improued by the Church Not only the secret but also the revealed will of God is blasphemously defaced by the church of Rome voluntas signi of Rome yea and flatly condemned of cruelty and tyranny Neither hath shee any better regard of the revealed will of God set downe in the sacred bookes of the canonicall scripture For shee hath presumed to plucke downe out of the seate of highest iudgment the booke of God in that tongue wherin it was penned by the speciall direction of Gods vn-erring spirite hath
harken but in parte to the preceptes of men and not to resigne our selues wholy to the Lord to be guided ruled only by his lawes For this people being in outward shew and profession the onely people of God in performing the service of God did observe those things which God himselfe had cōmanded yet because they did ascribe somewhat to their owne wisedome and did thinke that they could adde something takē out of their owne braines or delivered to them by tradition from their fathers as matters profitable to the serv●ce of God their wisdome was condemned for folly and their honouring of God for the dishonouring of his holy name and for the corrupting of his service And verely is it not extreme folly and madnes to take vpon vs to be wiser thē God vnder any pretence whatsoever to presume against so special and peremptory a decree of the supreme iudge of the whole earth set downe in direct termes with his owne penne That which I commaund thee thou shalt doe that only thou shalt not add ought therto nor take ought therfrom And againe Deut. 4. 5. 6 Take beed that you doe that which the Lord your Goa hath commaunded you yee shall not turne to the right hand nor to he left you shall doe that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord not that which is good in your owne eies For who hath knowen the mind of the Lord or who hath beene his counsellour Verely St. Paule had many and great revelations Rom. 11. 54 and was rapt vp into Paradise even into the third heaven and heard such words as cannot be vttered yet he acknowledged that it did not belong vnto him to beare rule over the faith of the people of God Nay he denounceth a double curse against himselfe 2. Cor. 1. 24. Gal. 1. 8. and against any Angel whōsoever if that he presume to deliver any other Gospell or point of faith then was receiued from God himselfe For we are all whatsoever we be but fellow schollers in the schoole of Christ he is our onely teacher scholemaster and his doctrine onely is sound and catholike Wee are but fellow servants vnder one Lord he onely hath authority to rule and raigne over our soules and his commandements must beare the whole sway In the earthly kingdome there is Iewe Gentile In the kingdomes of this world there is a difference betweene prince and people master servant but in the kingdome of Christ all are servāts alike vnder one master 1 Cor 2. 24. Heb 1. 14. bond and free Lord and servant prince subiect but in the spiritual kingdome of Christ all are one of the same estate condition and calling they are al alike the Lordes free-men and they are al the servants and subiectes of Christ For what is Paule or what is Apollos but Ministers by whom ye haue beleeved And what are the most glorious Angels themselues Are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes that shall bee heires of salvation And what honourable title haue the highest in the church of Christ taken vnto themselues to sette forth their owne dignity honour Iames a servant of God of the Lord Iesus Christ Simon Peter a servant and an Apostle of Iesus Christ Paule a servant of God an Apostle of Iesus Christ And what honorable title haue the highest in the earthly kingdome as they did belong to the spiritual kingdome of Christ taken vnto them selues to the setting forth of their dignity and honour Behould saith David a great king I am thy servant I am thy servant and the sonne of thine handmaide And what honourable title haue the Angels in heaven taken vnto th●selues to the setting forth of their dignity and honour I am thy fellow servant saith the Angel to St. Iohn and one of thy brethren which haue the testimony of Iesus worshippe God Yea the most blessed virgin Mary the mother of the Lord who is called by the children of the church of Rome their Lady and Queene of hoaven as if shee were a mee●e mate and peere to our Lord acknowledgeth this to be her greatest honour that God had respect vnto the lowe estate of his hādmaide Al then in the spiritual kingdome of Christ are fellow servāts which are not to make lawes in matters concerning the service of God but to proclaime the lawes of their onely Lord and to propose them vnto their fellow servants to be religiously observed by them al. The which if we could so throughly dispatch that we should stand as it were idle for lacke of worke then wee might harken for a new master and goe as it were about the country to seeke more work Or if we could performe so much of his worke as were answerable to that allowance and wages wee receiue frō him thē we might seeke for some other worke also for the mending of our wages and for the bettering of our maintenance Or if we could haue better wages allowance and and maintenance at anothers hand then we might cast of the Lordes livery betake our selues to a more profitable service But wee can never so perfectly performe our duty to God but that in many things we shal faile all neither will our labour be it never so great be ever answerable vnto our wages neither is it possible for any of v● to finde so good a master as the Lord is and therfore it is good keeping of vs in his service and continuing in his feare that his favour may be our countenance credite and his livery our protection and safety it is good for vs in al our workes to haue his commandements before our eies to sette before vs his soveraigne authority that so in all thinges we seruing him may be acknowledged of him as his faithfull servants But vnto the children of the church of Rome the auctority of this our onely Lord is no● so great that he should rule over their consciences by his own laws alone vnlesse there be ioined therto the decrees of their church the constitutions of their popes the Canon of their councels and the rules of the founders of their religious orders Yea their popes power is so great with them that he can dispence with the law of our only Lord and free from obedience to his commandements He can alter the substantial points of the Lords service maime and mangle the institution of Christ wheras none of his owne Concil Trident. Scss 7. c. 13. patches and ragges must in any case bee neglected and omitted without the dāger of their blacke curse Yea the perfect fulfilling of the whole law of God is so light and easie to these men that they shoulde stand as it were idle and vnimployed if no greater matter were requi●ed at their hands therefore the founders of their religious orders haue found out many workes of greater holines and perfection which were not commanded
but onely counselled by God and left to be ordained by their special care For that belike they were to bee more careful and zealous then God himself● for those things that did most principally cōcerne his owne honour For the better clearing of the which matter let vs briefly examine these two points First wh●ther it be likely that God would barely advi●e and not peremptorely commande all such dueties as did most p●incipally concerne his owne honour Secondly whether thos● workes which are enioined by the founders of the religious orders of the church of Rome be of greater dignity perfection then those which are required in the law of God Now concerning the first of these pointes let vs consider ●hat if in any There is nothing essentiallie belonging to the service of god which is barely coūselled and not precisely commāded by god himselfe army noth●ng bee done without speciall charge and commission from the generall without whose appointment to attempt any thing how needfull soever it bee and what prosperous successe soever it hath yet it is punishable by marshiall discipline and if in the government of the familie of a wise master among men who is able and at leasure to manage his own affaires there is nothing done without the commandement of the master of the family who only hath authority to commande in his owne house or if any thing be done without his commandement yet al matters of the greatest moment and importance are straitely precisely commanded by him and not lest to the voluntary choice and good liking of the servants themselues how then may it be credible and to be beleeved that the Lord of hosts the most sufficient and provident generall of the greatest army and the wisest master of the most noble family woulde more straitly commande the carefull performance of meane matters then of such as are of greater moment and weight yea that he would no● cōm●nde them at all to any of his souldiers and servants but onely giue advise and counsell therin otherwise leaving them to their owne choice Verily our Saviour Christ telleth the hypocriticall Pharisies that were so strict in tything of minte cummin and annise Mat. 23. 23. seede and were so loose in the greater pointes of the law mercy iudgement and truth that howsoever they ought not to neglect the due performance of the least duety that God had commaunded yet they ought to haue employed their greatest care aboute the fulfilling of the greatest duty for that that was more exactly required by God Now if the Lord hath most principally required the more carefull performance of the more principall duties that are commanded in his own law and hath appointed a greater punishment for the neglect and contempt of the same shall we imagine that he hath left altogether vnexacted greater duties then are enacted in his owne lawe Either is it credible that God himselfe by the ministery of Moses his greatest servāt would enact lawes and statutes of meaner importance yea that he himselfe would come as it were in his owne person to proclaime thēby the voice of an Angell with thundringes and lightnings terrors Exod. 20 18 feare maiesty and glory to procure the more reverence and obedience to the same and to leave those of the greatest moment to be ordeined by Francis Dominike and Layola without any such or the like solemnity Or was it true only at the first delivery of the law that there was no nation so great that had lawes so righteous as was Deut. 4. 8. all that law that was then delivered to the people of Israell and written into two tables by the Lords owne finger must there needes now be exception taken aginst the same in the rules of al the relligious orders of the church of Rome which commaunde workes of greater holines and dignity and such as tende to a steppe of Mat. 23. 37. higher perfection What hath not God commanded vs in his lawe to loue him with all our hart soule and strength and our neighbour as our selues and to vse all meanes ordained by him to the stirring vp of our selues to the performance of his loue And was not it a flatte commandement of God before the name of any Frier was heard of given to all the servants of God without exception That they should Psal 1. 2. Coll. 3 16. 1. Thes 5. 16 so meditate on the lawe of God day and night that it might dwell in them most plentifully that they should reioyce evermore pray continuallie and in all thinges giue thankes that they shoulde deny themselues and mortifie al māner of corrupt affections which were any way preiudicial to the loue of God and their neighbour that they should offer vp to cod in sacrifice their bodily mēbers as servāts to righteousnes their soules replenished with faith loue feare obedience thākefulnes the like devoting themselues al that they possesse to the most honorable service of the alsufficient God Wherfore to come to the second question what greater duties The works enioyned to the popish votaries are not of greater perfection then those that are commanded in the law of God to be observed of all Christians 1. Tim. 4. 4. do the rules of our Romish Friers exact thē these that are enacted by the law of God What is it a thing of greater perfection to abstaine from mariage then from whoredome frō meate then from surfeiting from riches then from pride covetousnes and oppression What is it a more acceptable duty to abstaine frō Gods creatures and from the lawfull vse of such things as are the blessings of God made created for the vse of his servāts thē to abstaine frō the workes of the devil which are damnable cursed with the autor of them Is it a worthier worke to abstaine frō mariage then to bring vp childrē in the informatiō of the Lord which may be zealous maintainers of his worshippe service when we our selues cannot continue any longer in this world to praise the Lord Is it a matter of greater value to abstaine from meate and riches then with thy foode to feede the hungry and with thy riches to releiue the needy yea thē to build churches to the maintenāce of Gods service to erect colledges for the encrease of learning to found hospitalls for the reliefe of the poore and to build schooles for the educatiō of youth Verily the wise mā thought poverty to be a steppe rather to wretchednes thē to blessednes and therefore praied particularly against the same saying Giue me not Prov. 30. ● poverty And our Saviour himselfe hath taught vs that it is an happier thing to giue then to receive to helpe others by our gifts thē Act. 20. 35. to become begging Friers to seeke to be releived by the helpe of others And he shal not say at the last day Come yee blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from
each one the other therein then how much more ought they to doe it which are appointed to be publik officers for the same purpose How oug●t they especially most carefully to put in practise the exhortation of the prophet by calling continually vnto the people and saying Praise the Lord and call vpon his name and declare his workes among the people Sing vnto him sing praises vnto him and let your talking be of all his wondrous works Reioice in his holy name let the harts of them reioice that se●ke the Lord. Seeke the Lord and his strength se●ke his face continually Remember the ma●ve●lous works that he hath done the wonders and the iudgments of his mouth ●h yee seede of Abraham his servant ye ch●ldren of Iacob his chosen he is the Lord our God ● The 〈…〉 ●…ssistance accord●… to his own covenant And yet if all men faile in their duety the Lorde himselfe will not faile in that covenant which he h●th made with all his chosen wherein hee hath promised that hee himselfe will write his lawes in their heartes and plant them in their mindes and that he will doe the same so sufficiently that it shall not be a matter of absolute necessity for every one to exhort and to admonish his neighbor saying know the Lord for they shall all know me saith the Lord even Ier. 31 34. from the greatest vnto the least So and so beneficiall it is vnto all the Lords people to know the Lord and his gracious blessings to keepe a continuall remembrance of the same and therefore so and so many meanes hath the Lord appointed in his vnspeakeable wisedome and goodnesse for the stirring vp of every one of his faithful servants to the ready and careful performance of this so beneficiall and necessary a worke So and so carefull hath the Lord been that the people devoted vnto his service should want no meanes to strengthen further them in the holy exercise of sincere devotion Now let vs see how the church of Rome which boasteth so highly of her owne great devotions land of the huge multitude of all manner of good works which so and so abounde among her children religiously extolleth the Lords mercies what a carefull remembraunce shee keepeth of his goodnes seeing as it hath beene shewed that is the mother and the nurce of all sound and sincere devotion and the fountain welspring of all good workes The word of God in setting downe the great gracious blessings of God doth declare vnto vs these three pointes First the cause of them even his owne goodnesse and loue secondly the end which is the manifestation of his goodnes and loue thirdly the effect which is the working therby in the harts of his chosen of al inward graces outward dueties also both to God to our neighbour The grace goodnes loue and mercy of God is the full fountaine frō whence all his blessings doe issue flow The great blessed worke of mans redemption issueth from thence as our Saviour testifieth So God loved the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but haue Ioh. 3. 16. life everlasting The great blessed worke of the creation and all the residue of his gracious blessings many of the particulars wherof are set down by the prophet Ps 136. come also from thence even because his mercy endu●eth for ever This mercy loue of God is not o●ly most ample large but also most free vndeserved For every good gift and every perfect giving commeth downe frō Iac. 1. 17. aboue frō the father of light we hold all that wee enioy from this grand vniversal l●ndlord therefore we must pay our whole rent to him performe only to his court our suit service we are endebted vnto him alone for the loane of al that we possesse therfore to him alone we must discharge all our debt His loue also is most free vndeserved he seeketh therin not to gain any thing to himselfe but only to do good to benefit other this doth farther set forth the greatnes of his loue so doth enlarge the bil of our debt Secōdly the end why God bestoweth his blessings is that they might be vnto vs most plaine demōstrations of his loue most certain testimonies of his goodnes Shew me saith St. Iams thy faith by thy works I wil shew thee my faith by my works Iac 2. 18. 1. Ioh. 3. 18. My childrē saith St. Iohn let vs not loue in word in tōgue but in work in truth That loue thē is in truth that is effectual in works and that faith is soūd right that sheweth it selfe in the fruits Wherfore god who would haue his chosē know be fully perswaded that he loveth thē in truth sheweth it forth to them by his most gracious and manifold blessings as by the effects fruits therof and this is also a great addition vnto his loue Thirdly the Lord maketh his loue manifested by his blessings the meanes to beget and to encrease faith loue repentance and the like in the hearts of his elect and chosen children he putteth them not out to vse nor taketh any encrease for them for his estate cannot be bettered nor his blessednes encreased the profite and encrease accrueth to vs and therefore by them we merite nothing at the hands of God nor make him thereby any way endebted to vs but wee our selues are more and more still in his debt for the free lone francke gift of all his blessings Now then to returne againe to the first point The loue of God is the ful fountaine of all manner of his blessings both bodyly and ghostly and he himselfe is not only the author but also the disposer and bestower of them all the blessings themselues and the meanes are of him and the working also of the one and the other Temporal meanes are in themselues nothing without the speciall power of God working in them by them Man liveth not by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God And life consiseth not in the great aboundance of all such thinges a● doe belong to the maintenance of life The horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neither can he deliver any one by his much strength the watchman also waketh but in vaine vnlesse the Lord keepe the citty So spirituall meanes also are nothing without the effectuall power of the almighty working by them for that is the very soule and life of all He that planteth is nothing and hee that watereth is nothing but God that giveth the encrease Iohn the Baptist can baptise but with water Austine can but speake to our bodyly eares Christ baptiseth only with the holy Ghost and he that hath his chaire in heaven is he only that can teach the heart The water in baptisme can
in thēselues in their own righteousnes reiected the righteousnes of God in Christ so caused thēselues to be vtterly reiected of God Wherby it came to passe that the kingdome of God was taken frō them was translated vnto the Gentiles and the true worshippe and service of the onely true God vvas made common to all the nations of the whole earth But it did not with them neither continue pure and vncorrupte any longe time For the Church that vvas a chast virgine vvhiles the Apostles lived beganne shortely in many countries to play the adultresse and to defile her lelfe with spiritual whordomes and I dolatries The Apostle Saint Paule testified vnto the Elders of Ephesus that he knew ful well that after his departure there should enter in among them grievous woluet not sparing the Act 20. 29. 1. Ioh. 4. 1. flock● And Saint Iohn that lived longest of al the Apostles testifieth that even in his time manie false Prophets vvere gone out into the vvorlde and that the spirite of the greate Antichrist that was to come in the latter times vvas alreadie vvorking and laying of the foundation of the great apostasie from GOD and his truth and brevving the cuppe of that deadly poison vvherevvithall was to bee made drunken all the kingdomes of the vvorlde and practising those spirituall fornications and adulteries vvherevvithall the whole earth vvas to be defiled And vvhat vvere those spirituall fornications and adulteries but an Idolatrous worshipping of the creature in steede of the Creator a superstitious serving of the Saintes in place of the Saviour an vnchast vnshamefast embracing of the freindes of the bridegrome in steede of the faithful cleaving vnto the onely bridegrome himselfe And how was this brought to passe but whiles the world was taught that CHRIST the bridegrome of the Church was not the onely mediator and patrone of his people but the saintes also the friendes of the bridegrome that God had after a sorte passed away from himselfe his interest and right in the bestowing of his owne gracious giftes and blessinges and had delivered them over vnto his servantes to be in their handes and at their disposition had made some of them patrones over one countrie some over an other some over men of this calling and some over men over of that some over this kind of cattle and some over that some deliverers from this disease and some from that and some disposers of this blessing some of that And hereof it came to passe that so many devotions were done vnto the saintes and so fewe vnto Christ so many churches and relligious houses founded to the honour of the saintes and so fewe vnto Christ so much praying to the saintes and so little to God the very Ave-Maryes much exceeding the Pater-Nosters and yet great contentiō also to bestowe them too vpon the saints such gadding on pilgrimage to offer to the image of this saint and that saint and so little regarde of the sincere serving of God in spirit and truth which is no waies bettered by altering of places but by changing of our corrupt and sleshly affections such publishing of the fabulous legend of the saintes miracles and such debarring of the people from Gods owne booke where the glorie of Christ is most sett forth such buying of pardons wherein the merites of the saintes vvere sette out to s●le and such evacuating annihilating of the death of CHRIST whereby our salvation vvas onely vvrought such magnifying of the rules of their owne relligious orders and such a meane reckoning made of the Lavves of CHRIST These honours vvhich vvere given by the vvhore of Babilon to her louers vvere parte of those spirituall fornications and adulteries vvherevvithall shee did infecte all the nations of the earth and the greate giftes that vvere pretended to bee given by the saintes to such as did most devoutely honour them vvere the meanes to perswade them to this Idolatry even as the Gentiles and Iewes had in former ages beene drawen a longe into the like actions vppon the like motiues and perswasions Wherefore if wee desire to bee delivered from such a fall even from departing from God to followe after vanity yea from falling from his service into open and impious I dolatry let vs beware of this stumbling blocke which Satan casteth in our vvay to make vs fall vvhile hee parswadeth vs to begge for that blessing at the hande of any creature vvhich onely is in the gifte and disposition of the Creator and let vs acknowledge that GODS most large ample loue is the only ful fountaine of all good thinges whatsoever be the conduite to convey them vnto vs and that all this water that thus or thus serveth our vse springeth onely out of this fountaine and not out of the conduite and that the conduite it selfe is made by this founder and doth convery vnto vs such so much water as he himselfe doth dispose of to our benefite and good Neither must we onely acknowledge that God is the onely auctor disposer of his owne giftes but also that he bestoweth them all vpon vs most frankely and freely even of his owne meere mercy favour loue He did not predestinate vs to everlasting life nor bestowe vpon vs any other of his blessinges for that he foresawe that we would deserue the same For he did not foresee any thing that should proceede from our selues but a flatte conspiracy with sinne and Satan and an apostacy and a revolt from God all goodnes Whatsoever good thing he foresaw in vs he foreappointed both to begin the same by his ovvne grace and to continue it and to bring it to a good issue and end of his owne vndeserved favour and loue And nowe to come to the second po●nt All the gratious blessings The end of all Gods blessings is the manifestation of his loue of God are bestowed vpon the faithfull to this ende even that by them he might make declaration proofe of his loue giue them assurance of his fatherly affection towards them And verely as none among men bestoweth any gifte vpon another but that hee will at one time or other give him notice thereof neither vvill hee bestow it vppon such an one as knoweth not the vse thereof nor vnderstandeth it to bee a gifte least it bee takē as a mockery or returned backe without acceptance much lesse doth God bestowe any of his gracious giftes vpon his servaun●es but that sooner o● later hee giveth them no●ice therof and shevveth them the vles of the same that so they may receiue benefite thereby sering otherwise they will doe them ●…is taken 〈◊〉 an vn●…ubted ●…ritie in ●…finite ●…aces of ●oly scrip●…re that ●ods loue 〈◊〉 assuredly ●…owen to ●is owne ●eople ●…lt of thē●…specially 〈◊〉 those ●…essinges ●hich ●re most ●roper and ●eculiar ●nto them ●nd there●pon are ●hey so of●en and ●arnestly ●rged to ●hew them●elues thāk●ull and duetifull to
aftervvardes by the vvill of God delivered vnto vs in the holy Scriptures that is might bee the foundation and pillar of our saith The doctrine then delivered in the Scriptures is a most sure doctrine and hee that buildeth his faith thereon buildeth vpon a most strong foundation but hee that buildeth vpon any thing else buildeth vpon the slippery sande If anie thinge saith Chrysostome be spoken vvithout the Scripture the knovvledge of the Chrys●in Psal 95. bearer halteth novve staggering novve graunting novve d●testing the speech as vaine and novve receiving the same as probable but vvhere the Scripture the testimonie of GODS voice commeth forth it confirmeth the talke of the speaker and the minde of the hearer And verely vvee may bee fully assured that to bee sound and perfect vvhich is delivered in the holy Scripture the which vvhosoever follovveth vvalketh safely and all other doctrines may bee suspected vvhich the Lavve and the Prophets vvith the Gospell doe not confirme For as for our ovvne narrations and declarations they haue no credite at all vvithout the divine bookes and therefore if vve wil be accounted the teachers of truth wee must not ●et abroach our ovvne inventions or any manner of doctrine received frō man but only ●ecite rehearse out of the scriptures the doctrine of Christ our onely Doctor and teacher For humane testimonies are not sufficient a●d allowable in divine matters of what force and validity soever they be in humane affaires to warrant divine matters they are not of sufficient auctority albeit they be the reverēd testimonies of Apostolicall men For they were apostolicall men on both sides in the first age of the primitiue church that contended so eagerly about the observation of Easter and pretended both apostolicall tradition yet even so neere the Apostles time on the one side at the least there was in al likely-hood but a meere pretence Wherfore Ier. in 1. Hagg. Ierome is bolde to avouch that the sword of the spirit which is the word of God doth strike through those things which without the auctorities testimonies of the scripture men doe finde out faine as if they had them by apostolical tradition Cyprian also thought it to be a sufficient exception against any apostolical Cyp. ep 74. tradition if it were not written in the bookes of the Prophets Apostles For the Lord saith he doth testifie that those things are to be done which are registred in writing as to Iosuah the sonne of Nū Let not the booke of the lawe depart out of thy mouth but meditate therein day and night that thou mayst observe do all things that are written therin In all well ordred countries kingdomes there is a common beame or ballance or sealed weights allowed measures for the preservation of iustice equitie which would not vndoubtedly be so well kept if every one were permitted to follow what measure he listed This common ballance among the Lordes people Aug. cont Donatist ●2 c. 6. is the Lords owne word therfore when any goe about to measure their faith or their workes by their owne good intentes and meanings or by the opinions iudgments of men it is as it were a taking to themselues of new ballance that is to be esteemed no better then flatt forgery these their measures are to be broken themselues to be punished for that they presume to refuse the Lords weights measures to gette to themselues other of their owne devising Wherfore if we desire to be rightly instructed what is the holy perfecte wil of God what are the things that belong to his service we must not now seeke for any new revelation nor for any information to be given vs by Angels or by any from the dead we must not follow the customes of the multitude nor say a conspiracy to that whereto the people saith a conspiracy neither must wee be over ruled by the examples of our forefathers nor yet by the pretence of apostolike traditions seing all these are but false ballances vncertaine deceaveable guides The books of the Prophets Apostles are the onely iust ballances the onely sure infallible teachers that will not mislead vs nor carry vs into errors Wherefore most holesome is the counsell of the preacher VVhen thou goest vp saith hee to the Eccl. 4. 17. house of God take heede to thy foote be more ready to heare then to offer the sacrifice of fooles for they know not that they doe evill Our naturall light in divine matters is grosse darkenes our fleshly wisedome 1. Cor. 3. 19. is meere follie and therfore he that will come to the house of God there offer vp to God as parte of his service any thing either drawen out of his owne foolish braines or taken frō others like to himselfe he doth offer to God the sacrifice of fooles wheras he that is affraide to thrust vpon God his owne or other mens follies therfore is ready to harkē most diligētly to the word of the most wise God the full fountaine welspring of all true wisdome he is in the ready way to offer to God that service vvhich is most gratefull and acceptable vnto him as being most agreeable to his owne will And no doubt but that hereof it was that in the anciēt church of the Iewes every Saboth day whē the Lords people went vp to the Lords house to perform that service which w●s acceptable vnto him the bookes of Moses were read expounded Act. 15. 21. as it may appeare by the history of Nehemiah by the common practise of Christ and his Apostles For this cause in the primitiue church all bookes that vvere not Canonicall vvere in Concil Laod. Ca● ●9 some Christian churches forbidden to be read in their publike assēbl●es in those churches where there was a tolleration of some books to be read that were Apocripha that was done not as if any point of faith could sufficiently be confirmed by their auctority but for the edification of manners by the ensamples of the servantes of GOD therein remembred vvhose lives vvere framed according vnto the Lavve of GOD and according vnto the rules of the Canonicall Scriptures For vvee ought not to follovve the holiest of the Saintes but vvith this restriction as they follovve CHRIST Bee follovvers saith Saint Paule of mee as I am of CHRIST So that if the Apostle 1. Cor. 11. 1. himselfe in any thing bee it never so little decline from GOD and turne out of the directe vvaie of his commandements we must turne from him if he leaue God we must leaue him only in what things he most vprightly walketh vvith God in those thinges vve are bounde ro walke with him steppe by steppe and to follow his holy and godly example But the precepts of a sincere● faith and of an holy life delivered in the Ca●onicall scriptures doe in all pointes leade
vs directly to GOD and in the least iote and title thereof they are vnerring and vndeceiueable teachers and therefore they are to bee embraced and followed vvithout any limitation or restriction at all The lavve of the Lorde saith David is perfect and converteth the soule Psal 19 7. and needeth no supply to ●e made there vnto He that addeth any thing to the same setteth but a rotten patch vnto a new and whole garment Yea whereas such is our forget fulnes and readines to let slippe out of our heartes holy things that still vvee haue neede to bee 2. Pet. 1. 12. remembred and to bee put in minde of the same and vvhereas such is our sl●cknesse and lazinesle in walking on forvvard in the Lordes vvaies that still vvee haue neede to haue the spurre in our sides the holesome and heavenly instructions of the Canonicall scriptures being the meanes appointed by God both to remember vs at all times of our duety tovvardes God and also to stirre vs vp continually to the performaunce of the same The faithful teaching hea●ing and embracing of the word of God is the most principall yea the only necessary duty of a faithfull christian Luk. 10. 40. therefore the dilligent teaching hearing and meditating therof hath beene iudged to be the most principall yea the only necessary duety of a faithfull Christian and a most certaine token of our vnfained loue towarde God and an evident marke of a true servant of Christ O Martha Martha saith our blessed Saviour thou art trou●led about many thinges but one thing is necessarie Mary hath chosen the best pars vvhich shall never bee taken from her Now Martha was troubled about many things which were provided for the better entertainmen● of Christ himselfe and his disciples but Mary was busied about the caroful entertainement and laying vp in her heart of the divine instructions of Christes heavenly doctrine and therefore it is a farre more acceptable worke to haue care that our soules be fedde with GODS holy worde then with our bodily sustenaunce to refresh the bodies of GODS dearest Saintes yea it is after a sort the only or at the least the most necessary duety of all other from the which vve ought in no case to be hinder●d no not for the performance of any other duety VVhen complainte vvas made to the Apostles for some disorder that vvas committed aboute the providing Act. 6. 1. for the poore and as it seemeth it was required at their handes that they themselues setting aside the preaching of the vvo●de for a ●ime shoulde more throughly looke into that matter and redresse the abuse they aunsvvere peremptorelie that it vvas not meete that they shoulde leaue the worde and serue tables and therefore they committing that busines●e of lesse importaunce to men of meaner giftes themselues possessing the highest roomes in the Church and being endued with the greatest gif●es employed themselues in continuall pra●er and preaching as being the greatest and chiefest dueties And verily it is a more glorious vvorke to builde the spirituall temple of GOD in the heartes of the faithfull by the preaching of the vvoorde then to ●recte a sump●uous temple of timber and stones for the out vvarde exercise of the service of God it is a farre more excellent vvorke by the seede of the nevve birth to be get many children to God and so to enlarge the kingdome of heaven then by ou● vvealth vvisedome and provv●sse to enrich and enlarge any earthly kingdome it is a farre more excellent vvorke to feede the soules that are ready to famish with the bread of life then to feede the bodies of such as vvant with our temporall sustenaunce It is a farre more excellent vvorke to bring those that sit in darckenesse and in the shaddowe of death to the vision of GOD by the light of the vv●orde then to deliver them out of bodyly bondage and to enrich them with all earthly and temporall commodities For our f●ll vision of GOD is the cause of our perfect blessedn●s●e so that whē 1. Ioh. 3. 2. vve shall see him vvith open face themshall vvee be perfectly blessed and the nearer in this life vve come to behold him the nearer we come to this our perfect bleslednes now here in this life wee behold him principally in the glasse o● his worde espeo●ally in the mirrout of the glorious gospell of CHRIST and 1. Cor. 3. 18 therefore the more often and the more reverently wee contemplate the same and the more serious is ou● study and meditation therein the nearer we come to our perfect blessednes Wherfore it was not without cause that our Sav●our himselfe a little before his ascension ●nto heauen did so straightly charge Peter a principall Ioh. 21. 15. man among his Apostles that if hee did loue him more then the rest he should feede his sheepe more then the rest and by his continuall holding ou● of the light of the word he shoulde bring the Lordes people to the vision of God as to the ch●efest b●essing of God and to the cause of all other blessing And hereof it is that on the Lordes day which is especially dedicated to the service of God the Lord especially requireth both of P●est people that they shoulde principally be emploied in the teaching hearing meditating of the holy word of God as being not only in it selfe a principal worke but also the cause of al good works and of the whole worship and service of God And therfore whē this so principal and necessary a worke began to be neglected among vs Englishmen when the service of God according vnto the order of Gregory began to be established in our churches the people had their senses satisfied more with sweete soundes goodly shewes then their soules fed with the heavenly foode of the word Venerable Bede ablbeit he bare great reverence to the Bed l. 4. c. 18. de gest Anglor church of Rome could not refraine himselfe but that he must vtter his great dislike thereof in plaine tearmes Heretofore saith he insteede of these things the principall service of God consisted in the preaching of the gospell and in the hearing of the word of God Neither must we imagine that there was more need of the diligēt preaching hearing of the word of God in former ages then is now or shal be to the end of the world not only for that whether we be baptised or vnbaptised and descend either from faith full or faithlesse progenitors we are all without any difference equally Rom. 3. 9. by nature blind and ignorant of God and therfore stande in neede to haue the lampe of the worde alwaies burning in our hands if we desire to be preserved from continuall stumbling falling but also for that the most part of all that professe themselues Christians content themselnes with an out ward professiō of the faith albeit they feele no inward conversion and take thēselues to be
hoale when they are sicke even to death and therefore haue need of the more spiritual physicke because this their estate is most dangerous of all and such persons of all other are most hardly to be recovered For why did Publicanes and harlots Mat. 11. 21. An infidell is sooner converted then a coūterfeit chri stian and a notorious sinner thē a dissembling hypocrite Pro. 26. 12. Mat 9. 12. sooner enter into the kingdome of God then the Scribes Pharisies and why would Sodom haue repented before Capernaum but for that all such as content thēs●lues with an outward shew of piety and godlines are furthest of indeed from true piety and godlines Seest thou a man saith Solomon that is wise in his owne eies there is more hope of a foole then of such an one So seest thou one that is hoale in his own conceite there is far more hope of his recovery who albeit hee were more dangerously sicke yet hath not so strong an opinion of his own health For it is a good step to health to know a mans owne sicknes but he that cannot be perswaded that he is sicke wil not be perswaded to take physick therefore is past all hope of recovery he that will not bee perswaded that he is out of the way will never be perswaded to seek for a guide and therfore will never come into the right way Wherfore never more neede then nowe that the Lorde shoulde even force vpon vs as faithful guides the doctrine of his holy Apostles and Prophets and never more need then now that our heavenly physition should even constraine vs oftentimes to receiue his spiritual physicke and not only in respect of those that are Christians only in shew who are otherwise past all hope of recovery but also in respect of those that are true Christians indeede who yet notwithstanding are so distempered and crasie that without the continual administring of this spiritual physicke they wil by one ghostly sicknes or other soone fall into great danger yea vnlesse these men be stil feeding on this food they wil soone become so weake and feeble that they will not bee able to doe the Lordes worke vnlesse they be stil moistened with these eaeles●…al shewers they wil become fruitlesse and yeeld a smal ha●vest vnlesse by this net they are stil drawne out of the sea of their sins they will sinke deeper deeper vntil they be drowned vnlesse this light be stil in their hands they will stumble and fall into the pit of destruction vnlesse this voice of the great shepheard doth stil soūd in their eares they wil nothing but wander and go astray vnles●e this spurre be stil in their sides they wil sone be at a stand giue over their iourney vnlesse these bellowes be stil blowing the fire of their zeale wil soone goe out As may appear by the examples of those renowned servants of God Zorobabell Iosuah the residue of that holy remnant of the people of God which returned out of the captivity of Babilon who were soone moued to give over the building of the temple of God and to settle themselues to their owne cōmodities pleasures vntill by the vvord of the Lord out of the mouth of the Prophet Haggey they vvere Hagg. 1. 3. effectually stirred vp vnto the finishing of the LORDS worke Wherfore no marvaile that al the faithful servants of God knowing the great necessity of having continuall in their handes and harts the most holesome instructions admonitions of the word of God doe exhort one another zealously after this manner saying Come lette vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lorde to the Isa 2. 5. Mich. 4. 1. house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs his lawes and we will walke in his pathes They wil not walke in the vvaies of the Psal 1. 1. vngodly nor stand in the waies of sinners nor sitte in the seate of the scornefull and why their delight is in the law of the Lord. and in that law they doe exercise themselues day and night and thereby they become like erees planted by the water side which bring forth their fruite in due season whose leaves never wither And no marvaile though they prove such fruitful trees seing they are so plentifully watered with such holesome dewes whereas all such as refuse to drinke in continuall those holesome droppes being planted in the dry wildernes of this barren world become withered and deade trees good for nothing but to bee hewen downe and cast into the fire Seeing then the relligious reading hearing and meditating of the worde of GOD is not onely in it selfe a very excellent good worke and a principall part of the service of God which is to bee performed as every day so especially vpon the Lords day but also the meaue to begette and bring forth every good worke and to further the whole service of God to lead the people to the behoulding of God and to their perfect and absolute blessednes what then may we iudge of the vvorkes of the Church of Rome and of her manner of serving of GOD and of her leading of the people to the beholding of GOD and to their perfecte and absolute blessednes seeing shee keepeth this word of GOD fast shutte vp from the greatest part of them vnder the locke and key of a straunge tongue and debarreth them from the continuall reading thereof yea from the reading thereof altogeather and not onely so but also chargeth our Church to lay a stumbling blocke before the people and to minister occasion vnto them of falling into heresie for that wee not onely allowe but also exhort them to haue their continuall and dayly resort to the same that so they might be enabled to know the truth and to discerne it from falshood lies not receiving any doctrine vpon the bare credite of their teachers but trying it by this touchstone before they receive it for currant and good But if hereby we sett open a doore to errour heresie thē did The doctrine of al teachers is to be tried before it be received Ioh. 5. 39. Act. 17. 11. Christ and his Apostles doe the same before vs and many also Apostolical men For our Saviour himselfe willeth the people to search the Scriptures and no further to give credite to his ovvne Doctrine then they shoulde finde it approved by those vvitnesses And the Beraeans are commended for searching the Scriptures and for putting into those ballances the verie doctrine of the Apostle Saint Paule that so they might see whether it would holde weight For as Austine teacheth all other ballances are deceitfull and therefore in his controversies with Aug. cont Donat. l. 2. cap. 6. the Donatistes he appealeth to them and vvill haue his cause to bee vveighed onely therein And is it not the commaundement of CHRIST himselfe given to the people Beware of false Math. 7. 15. Prephets which come to you in
the knowledge of all such things as shal be necessary to our own salvation Marcus Aemilius Seaurus when he was accused to haue received mony to betray the common vvealth beganne in his ovvne defence after this manner It is O yee Romanes an harde course vvhereas I haue lived in one place to giue an accounte of my life in another yet I vvil be bold to make vnto you this one demaunde VARIVS SVCRONENSIS saieth that MARCVS AEMILIVS SCAVRVS beeing corrupted vvith bribes hath purposed to betray the people of Rome MARCVS AEMILIVS SCAVRVS denieth himselfe to be guilty of any such crime To vvhich of vs vvill yee giue credite The plainetise and the defendant beeing only named the people straight-vvaies refused to take notice of any such accusation So may the vvorde of God contained in the Canonicall Scriptures complaine of great vvtonge offered vnto her by the Church of Rome and say Oh yee Papistes yee haue expelled mee in your schooles and assemblies out of the seat of iudgement as I vvas delivered vnto you in my originalles and out of the handes of the people in their vulgar and knowne languages and tongues and haue accused mee to bee darke and obscure and full of ambiguities and harde to bee vnderstoode but I say that I am a lanterne to your feete and a lighte shining in a darke Psal 119. place and plaine and easie to him that vvill vnderstande And now 2. p. 1. Pro. 8. vvhich of vs I praye you deserue to bee credited the more Surelye hee is most vvorthye to bee deceived that vvill giue more credite to the slaunderous accusation of the Antichristian Church of Rome then to the most evident and plaine testimonye of the vvoorde of God for the clearing and iustifying of it selfe Nowe then seeing that our doctrine is plaine that wee must renounce our selues and our ovvne fancies and condemne all our owne imagination of blindnesse and folly and continually resort by our prayer to God and by our study vnto his vvorde as vnto the onely vnerring teacher of all trueth allowing of no one pointe of faith that is not most evidently set dovvne in the Canonical Scriptures therefore wee are most vniustly charged to teach the people to make choice of their faith according vnto their owne private fancies and so to open a doore vnto heresies vvhereas in trueth the Church of Rome herselfe teaching the people in divine matters somevvhat to relye vpon the naturall light of their owne vnderstandings and vpon the choice of their owne free vvill as likewise vpon the censures of Popes and canons Aug. l. 2. de bapt cap. 3. The doctrine of the word of God is catholike albeit it be embraced but by one alone and the doctrine of men are private albeit they be received by never so many 1. Kin. 19 10. Ier. 15. 10. 1. Kin. 22. 8. of Councels which may deceiue and bee deceived wherof the latter may correct the former as experience taught Saint Augustine to iudge and vpon traditions and vnwritten verities hath giuen them occasion to make choice of such things as shall best fitte their owne fancies and bee most agreeable to the humours of men and so hath set them in the ready way to embrace errour insteed of truth and to fall from verity into damnable heresie That doctrine we may be sure is sound catholike which hath his foundation in the Canonical scriptures the which hath his authority from the first author and not from the professours there of the which is not to be condemned for private and singular albeit it bee embraced but by one man For as Panormitan coulde avouch one singular man alleadging Scripture is to bee preferred before a generall Councell as it vvas put in practise in the Councell of Nice vvhere the sentence of Paph●utius vvas preferred before the generall opinion of the vvhole assembly Elias Ieremias and other of the prophets that vvere raised vp by God in their several times to reforme the worshippe of God that was generally corrupted had fewe and sometimes none at all to assist them in the execution of their charge but were after a fort left alone to contend and striue with the vvhole earth and yet their prophesies and interpretations of Scriptures were not condemned by any of the faithfull for private and singular for that as S. Peter testifieth they proceeded not from the 2. Pet. 1. 20. wil of man but from the motion of the spirit of God So in the primitiue church albeit Liberius bishop of Rome stood after a fort alone against the Arrians in the defence of the most Catholike doctrine of the divine nature of the coessential and consubstantial son of God and interpreted the scriptures for the confirmation of that faith yet his alonenes made not his interpretations private but that they were most catholike and sounde For whatsoever proceedeth from men be they few or many that is to be taken for private and vnfounde and certainely in the ende it shall come to nought whereas not one lote or tittle of the law shal Act. 5. 38. Mat. 5. 18. perish til al things be fulfilled Vnder the time of the law for that in the bookes of Moses all points of faith were not set downe with such perspicuity plainnes that they could be so fully easily vnderstood then as they may now vnder the gospel therfore the Lord raised vp vnto thē many vnerring interpreters for the supplying of that defect Yet hee did not giue any such ordinary and perpetuall priviledge to the successors of Aaron that they should be alwaies maintainers of truth albeit they made claime to such a prerogatiue as it may appeare by their own vaunts The law shall not perish from the priest Ier. 18. 18. nor counsell frō the ancient but he raised vp Prophets extraordinarily when and where he thought good who were priviledged in deed from falling into heresie and from the misinterpreting of the law of God and by them he reformed al such abuses as were crept into his owne worship and service But now al revelations are ceased and the raysing vp of vnerring interpreters is come to an end for that in the writings of the Apostles and Evangelists al points of faith necessary to salvation are set down with al perspiculty and plainenes and for that also there is very great aboundance of the spirit given to al the faithful servāts of Christ which reverently and religiously employ themselues in the zealous study of those holy bookes The Apostle Saint Iohn writing to the 1. Ioh. 2. 27. church concerning deceivers telleth the faithful that the means wherby they must be armed against them is to hold fast that doctrine which they had heard from the beginning the which being throughly setled in their hearts by the effectuell working of the spirit of God wherewithal they were before annointed and made christians they needed not that any man should teach thē Not that the continual
of their Idolatries was their following of the corrupt customs of their owne countries and their refusall of the ordinaunces and 2. Kin. 17. 34 lawes of God And what was the cause that the Iewes thēselues also which had the law and the prophets to direct them in al the waies of God did so often fall away from the service of God and defile thēselues with abominable Idolatries but that they either vtterly forsooke the directiō of the word of God and follovved their owne inventions or the corrupte customes of their forefathers or else they mingled their owne dreames and the traditiōs of their elders togither with the worshippe of God delivered in his worde which ought to haue bin kept pure and sincere without any mixture without any such hotch-potch mingle māgle The cause of the Idolatries that so much aboūded in the time of the Iudges was for that there was no king in Israel who was to cōmand Iud. 17. 1. the carefull keeping of the law of God but every man did that which was good in his owne eies And what was the cause of those outragious dolatries in the daies of the kings especially in the daies of Manasses and Amon his sonne but this that the lavve of 2. Chro 34. 14. God was so neglected that the very authētical coppy therof given by the hand of Moses himselfe was lost And if we will know also what was the cause of those damnable Idolatries that so prevailed in the daies of the prophets we may heare the same out of their mouthes who were the principall actors or at the least the chiefe abetters therof The word say they to the prophet Ieremy which thou h●st spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lord we will not heare Ier 44. 16. it of thee but we will doe whatsoever goeth out of our owne mouth as to ●…rae incense to the Queene of heaven and to powre out our drinke offerings vnto her as we haue done both we and our Fathers our kings our Princes in the cittie of Iudah and in the streetes of Ierusalem for then had we plenty of victuals and were well and felt none evill Their wilful reiecting of the word of God and their obstinate resolution to follovve their ovvne customes and the practise of their forefathers vvas the cause of all their abominable Idolatries Neither vvas the vtter reiecting of the woorde of GOD the cause of so many corruptions in the Iewish religion but al●o the mingling therewith of their ovvne Inventions and of the traditions of their forefathers For in the Lordes fielde there oughte nothing to bee sowen but the most pure seede of the worde of God whatsoever is beside the same it is not good corne but cockle and darnell and they of the Lordes family are onely to be fedde with the holesome foode of that vvorde which is provided for their sustenaunce by their heavenly master whatsoever meate they take beside it is corrupte leaven yea deadly poison And therefore both GOD himselfe did most sharpely reproue the hypocriticall Iewes in the time of the Prophete Isay and our Saviour CHRIST the Scribes and Pha●isies in his dayes not foc that they did vtterlie reiect the service of GOD prescribed in his own word for it is cleare manifest that they did not so but for that they did corrupt the same with the mingling of their owne leaven they condemne that worship for Isa 20. 14. Mat. 1● 9. vaine which is prescribed either wholy or in part by the precepts and doctrines of men And verily as in the bodies of men either want of good holesome food or the receiving of corrupt and bad either wholy or but in parte is the cause of many bodily dis●ases even so either the want of the holesome food of the worde of God or the receiving of the corrupt food of humane doctrins either wholy or in part doth breed many sins corruptiōs in our soules and make them sicke even to death Yea this hath bred al manner of errours heresies and Idolatries in all ages and at all times This was the cause of errour vnder the law and that amōg the Lords own people They erred in their hearts saieth the Lorde Psa 95. 10. himselfe because they haue not knowne my waies And why erred the Sadducies at the time of our Saviours appearing in the flesh so grosly and that in the chiefest grounds principles of the faith Mark 12. 23 Aug. in psa 131. Cyp. de simpl praelatorum Chrys hom 3. de Laza Yee erre saith our Saviour vnto them not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God This is the cause of all evill saith Austine that the scriptures are not knowne Hence saith Cyprian proceede errours for that menreturne not to the head nor seeke to the spring of truth nor keepe the doctrine of our heavenly Master The reading of the scriptures saith Chrysostome is a strong fortresse against sinne and the ignoraunce of them is a great downefull and a deepe hell to know nothing of ●he divine lawes is a great losse of salvation this thing hath bred heresies and brought in a corrupt life and hath turned al topsie turvy For how can it otherwise be but that health must needes decay and sicknesse grow where either holesome foode is not received at all or else is not received alone without the mixture of that which is corrupt And how can it otherwise bee but that weedes must needes spring vp where either good seed is not sowen at al or else not without the mixture of cockle and darnell And how can it otherwise be but that such must needs be misledde which either will not at all follow those are vnerring guides or else will not be guided by them alone but by such also as may be deceived Wherfore in that the church of Rome doth not only keep the greatest part of the people from the liberty of reading the holie scriptures but also doth mingle with the pure foode thereof the corrupt leaven of humane doctrines it cannot otherwise be but that spiritual sicknesses must grow in her apace ghostly health and strength greatly decay And seeing that shee soweth in the harts of the people not the sincere seede of the worde of God alone but also the darnell of mens inventions it cānot be but that weedes must ne●des mount vp and overgrowe the good corne And seeing she will haue her followers ledde by bookes Apocripha vnwritten verities ordinaunces of the Church decrees of Popes canons of Councels rules of Friers customes of the multitude traditions of forefathers and the like and not by the books alone of the Canonicall scriptures who are the only sure and vndeceiueable guides it is no marvaile that shee hath beene so misledde out of the way of truth hath wandred in the by-pathes of heresies and Idolatries even as the Idolatrous Iewes and Gentiles haue bin before her for that they followed the same