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A08896 Fiscus papalis. Siue, Catalogus indulgentiarum & reliquiarum septem principalium ecclesiarum vrbis Romæ. Ex vetusto manuscripto codice vere & fideliter descriptus. = A part of the Popes exchequer, that is A catalogue of the indulgences and reliques belonging to the seauen principall churches in Rome. Laying downe the spirituall riches and infinite treasure which (as sure as the Pope is holy & true) are to be found in the Catholike Roman Church, whereof the poore heretikes in England haue not one mite. Taken out of an antient manuscript, and translated. Together with certaine notes and comments explaining the more difficult place, for the ease and helpe of good Catholikes, who had best goe to Rome, to trie the vertue of the glorious indulgences. By a Catholike diuine. Crashaw, William, 1572-1626. 1617 (1617) STC 19174; ESTC S114000 84,865 184

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cum felle mixtum Item ibi sunt duo sophiri quorum vnus est plenus sanguine Christi alter plenus lacte Mariae Virginis Item caput Innocentij Martiris Item in dextro latere altaris est liguum crucis latronis conuersi Item ibi est vnus digitus Beati Thomae Apostoli Item ibi est titulus Iesu Christi appositus cruci scilicet Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Item in eadem Ecclesia iacent corpora xlij summorum pontificum quorum vnusquisque suam dedit Indulgentiam CHAP. 9 6 The sixth principall and patriarchall Church is the Church of Saint Crosse Indulgences of the Church of Saint Crosse IN the Church of Saint Crosse there are euery day eight and forty yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes Also a little lower on the side of the Church there is a Chappell called Hierusalem into which women may not enter but onely vpon Saint Benets day 1 Blessed Saint Benet was the good womans friend who got them leaue on his day to come into the holy Chappell which is one reason doubtlesse why women are so deuout to the Benedictins And then there is in that Chappell full remission of all sinnes both a paena a culpa Further Constaniina the Empresse builded this Church to the honour of the holy Crosse 2 Bawling heretikes doe here make a stirre and wonder that wee dare build Churches in honour of the dead Crosse But they be fooles and know nothing But all deuout and learned Catholickes doe know that the holy Roman Church teacheth to pray to the Crosse and hath a praier to it in the holy Masse booke or Breuiary O cruxaue spes vnica hoc passionis tempore auge pijs Iusticiam Reisque dona veniam and least some should thinke who haue too nice and spiced consciences as some Catholickes haue that this praier is to him that died on the Crosse and not to the Crosse our approoued Doctors haue handled the case and resolued it that ipsam Crucem alloquimur ipsam Crucem deprecamur quasi ipsum Crucifixum If wee may speake to the Crosse and pray to the Crosse it selfe as to Christ Then surely no man will deny but wee may build Churches to it and Pope Siluester did Consecrate it at the instance and praiers of Saint Hellen. Likewise vpon euery Sunday and euery Wednesday there bee in this Church two hundred fiftie and foure yeares of pardon and vpon euery other day an hundred thirty eight yeares and as many quarentens And there bee many other pardons and indulgences here which wee dare not set downe 3 Let the heretikes here see to their shame First the great modesty of the Roman Church who forbeares to put downe the Indulgences when they are so exceeding many as they cannot bee counted and behold also the bounty of our spirituall mother who grants Indulgences so plentifully as modesty forbids to expresse them what good Catholicke can stay from going to Rome that there hee may diue into the middest of this sea and partake of this bottomlesse Treasure for vpon euery Lords day and euery Wednesday Saint Siluester doubled all the Indulgences The reliques of the same Church IN the foresaid Church of Saint Crosse there is the rope 4 Behold a pretious relicke the Rope that Christ was led in for though the Gospells speake of none yet here is as good warrant for it as the Gospell to all good Catholickes where in Christ Iesus was led to his death when hee bare his Crosse There is also one of the nailes with which he was nailed to the Crosse Also a great deale of Saint Iohn Baptists coate and two of the teeth of Saint Blase the Bishop And two armes of the Apostles 5 Here bee two armes of Peter and Paul in this Church and yet we are to beleeue that the whole halfe of them both is in Saint Peters and the other whole halfe in Saint Pauls Church for these two arraes the Pope created by his power Peter and Paul And vnder the high altar of that Church doe lie the bodies of Saint Anastatius Caesar Saint Prothatius Also there is in that Church some of the wood of the true Crosse 6 Here is some of the wood of the true Crosse to put a difference betwixt too many that are counterfeits by which good deuout Catholickes are darly cozened to their great discomfort Also a lamp full of baulme wherein lies the head of Saint Vincentius Martire Also there is the Spung with which the Iewes gaue Iesus Christ vinegar mingled with gaule to drinke Likewise there bee two glasses whereof the one is ful of the bloud of Christ and the other full of the milke of Marie 7 God Catholickes doe greatly wonder seeing the holy virgin had no child after Christ how this milke of hers was preserued for sure shee would not keepe it her selfe and in those daies few regarded either her or her sonne for thirty yeares wee hope therefore his Holinesse will let vs know this great secret for sure there is some great miracle and mysterie in it But seeing in that Church there is both of the milke the bloud wee now see the reason why father Scribanius the Iesuite writers that hee so longs for the milke of the mother and bloud of the Sonne that he knowes not whether to desire more and saith that therefore he will mingle them both together and of that mixture make a pretious soueraign medicine for his soule Indeed we doe easily beleeue Iesuites to bee such extardinary men that they haue some extraordinary spirituall phisicke for their soules which others haue not yet as great and as good as he is he may now be beholding to vs that publish this blessed booke for now hee knowes where hee may haue both his simples to make his confection both the milke and bloud and let him not feare that they at Rome can spare none of it for if he pay well for it he shall haue it and yet by the supreme power of the Pope though neuer so much be taken continually yet they multiply againe and the last is as good as the first and all of like vertue the Virgin Also there is the head of Innocentius the Martire And vpon the right side of the altar there is the wood of the Crosse wherupon the good theefe died And there is also one of the fingers of Saint Thomas the Apostle There is also the title of Iesus Christ which was set vpon his Crosse namely Iesus of Nazareth King of the Iewes Moreouer in the same Church there lieth the bodies of two and fortie Popes or chiefe Bishops whereof euery one bestowed their indulgence vpon this Church CAP. 10 Indulgentiae Ecclesiae Sancti Laeurencij ITem Papa Pallagius qui hanc Ecclesiam consecrauit concessit ibi in quatuor temporibus anni in omnibus festiuitatibus Stephani
it as he that reads it because he that reads it oftentimes vnderstands it as well as they that heare it And for that vnreasonable much preaching with which S. Chrysostome S. Basill S. Augustine Origen Ambrose Leo Gregory and other fathers did consume their time good simple plaine meaning men they were for those times but full silly God wot if they bee compared with the holy Roman Father of these daies and with which they did fill the peoples heads they haue giuen them the celestiall foode of the blessed Masse and hauing appointed preaching to the hard time of Lent that so both the body and soule may fast feed hardly and doe penance together and hauing commended it to Princes Courts and great Cities and Cathedrall Churches and that so it might be vsed and respected as a state ceremony they made Masses common and vulgar commanding for the holy Mother Romane Church is euer so gracious and mercifull and such are the bowels of her bounty as she neuer takes any thing from her children but she giues them a better that the people should haue euery day a Masse or two one for their breakfast and another or two or three for their dinner and such dainty feeding being so continuall will make them not finde the want of such homely fare as preaching is And to that end for the peoples better content and satisfaction shee hath holily and bountifully ordained that not onely in Kings Courts and great places but in euery Church euery Chappell nay at euery altar in euery Church shall be euery day a Sermon A Sermon said I oh forgiue me holy father forgiue mee so foule an error I should haue said a Masse and not euery day onely but sometimes more In so much as in diuerse great Churches there are by the Popes bounty so many altars that there bee oftimes twenty thirty forty fifty Masses of a day in one Church as the people there doe finde to their great edification and trauellers to their great admiration who when they see twenty or thirty or more maiesticall Masses like so many glorious Maskes all in one great Church in one forenoone in euery I le and euery corner one No maruell if it astonish them and make them say fie vpon these foolish silly poore plaine heretikes the Protestants Who in steed of all these besides the ordinary diuine seruice which is also made so common with them that euery one can say it at home when they list are faine to bee content with one silly Sermon or one plaine Communion and hereupon it comes to passe that many one who trauells out of Protestant into Popish coūtries though they went away no great good Protestants yet returne againe fine zealous Popish Catholikes for the holy pictures and goodly gilded Images whereof many are made so artificially as they can smile and laugh and speake by the mighty power of the Pope and his Priests and the gorgeous ceremonies and the pompous Vestments and the stately processions and the many maiesticall Masses and the glorious light of the tapers burning day and night in their darke Churches are all strong and excellent well made cobwebs to catch such flies in And that all this may haue the more credit his holinesse hath wisely ordained that howsoeuer great men as Bishops and Cardinalls haue little or no time to preach and therefore and for the good reasons aforesaid shall not bee tied to it but at their pleasures or at visitation or certaine great daies that so the sermon may come in as a third course it a feast neither certainely expected afore it come nor much regarded when it s come yet none are so great but that being Priests they are tied to the continuall saying of Masse whereeuer they bee and to that end hee hath appointed it because the Masse in a sacrifice and no sacrifice can bee without an altar if there want an altar consecrated they shall haue altars made of a little square stone which they may carry about with them This is called Altare portatile and shall serue at all occasions and these little moueable altars by vertue of the Popes blessings haue as much vertue as the great standing altars and the cake consecrated at these shall be as truely transubstantiated and made as really the body and flesh of Christ as at the other And least that this God of the holy father and his Priests making should like the Heathen Gods in continuance of time come into contempt or least that his Maozim the Masse should become of lesse account by the common continuall and vulgar vse Or because the generality of the Masse makers namely of the Monkes Friers and secular Priests are held contemptible men His Holinesse therefore in whose brest all wisdome that is not from aboue doth reside and dwell hath politikely and worthily ordained that in all great feast daies Coronations of Princes Consecration of Bishops Dedication of Churches translation of relikes confirmation of leagues Canonization of Saints and in all publike meetings roiall assemblies and euen in Generall Counsells the chiefe of all or one of the chiefe shall say the Masse Nay often times himselfe will vouchsafe to doe it kindely and thankefully giuing some honour to it that yeilds him so much profit and fills his coffers with so many millions of Crownes And such is the deuotion of his holinesse and so great his neglect of all the matters of this world which hee with all his heart as willingly treds vnder his feete as his predecessor Alexander trode vpon the necke of great Fredericke the Emperour that in the morning when other great men and Princes of the world are making them ready for their recreations then is his holinesse full deuoutly fitting himselfe to say Masse And this hee doth not sometime and seldome But continually euery morning as not onely his bookes tell vs but as trauellors also testifie Some whereof haue had the happinesse and honour to bee present at the Popes morning Masse Oh happy men to receiue so high and vnualuable a reward for their trauell and cost For what though they went two thousand miles spent twise two thousand pounds what is that in comparison of this honour these miles may be counted and these pounds numbred But the benefits they shall receiue by hearing the Pope say Masse are without number I can name but one that is this Hee that heares the Pope say Masse escapes hell as he can but I dare warrant him hee shall neuer come in Purgatory Are not they therefore to be commended for their deuotion and held for wise men in their countries when they returne that willingly bee at the cost and labour to trauell to Rome to bee partaker of so blessed a Breakfast Or rather were it not good that they might stay in Rome and neuer bee suffered to returne that so they might neuer bee depriued of that blessednesse and in steed of the homely fare in their countries bee fed with the excellent
seuentie one 3 Pope Siluester in his Canonicall Bull assigned and granted that in euery parochiall or Cathedrall Church in the Citie of Rome as namely to the Church of Saint Peter the Apostle to the Church of blessed Paul to the Church of Saint Iohn in the Laterane and to the Church of blessed Mary the greater to euery man that should enter into any one of the foresaid holy Churches whensoeuer how oft soeuer and what time of the yeare soeuer they come seuen and forty yeares of pardon 4 47 yeares of pardon for each time a man enters into any one of these Churches O wicked Lutherans to charge the Church of Rome with couetousnesse See what a bountifull liberall Lady shee is to her followers who would not trudge from France or England to Rome for such vocall rewards If the Lutherans beleeued this surely they would come to Rome also But as for the next indulgence or releasement of their enioyned penances and as many quarantens and remission of the third part of all their sinnes Also in the same Church there is an ascent consisting of nine and twentie steppes which whosoeuer shall ascend or descend deuoutly without mortall sinne 5 that whosoeuer goes vp or downe these steps without mortall sinne shall haue seuen yeares pardon they beleeue that to be very true but they say that clause Without mortall sinne was wisely put in and to good purpose so oft as he doth it he shall receiue for euery step 7 yeares of pardon or shall bee released of so much of his penances enioyned and this is graunted by Pope Alexander Moreouer in the same Church there be seauen hundred and fiue altars 6 Oh base beggerly Balaam that had but his 7 altars But here the glorious Church of Rome hath 700 in one Church Balaam may certainely be abasht and hide his face But who would not pitty the poore Caluinists and Lutherans come in to one of their Churches you shall finde a poore Pulpit and a plain Cōmunion table whereas here you finde 20. 30. 50. 100. altars in a Church besides many pretious relicks many rich Copes and Vestments and goodly gilded Images whereof some can weepe and laugh and speake moue and some are appareled most costly Who would not leaue that beggerly religion embrace this rich roiall and stately Religion of Rome which how oftsoeuer any man shall deuoutly visit so often there be granted vnto him for euery altar seuen yeares of pardon also at euery one of these altars when the feast of Saint Peter is kept there be eighteene yeares of pardon and as manie Quarantens And remission of the third part of all sinnes Amongst all these altars there be seuen which are priuiledged with greater grace holinesse and dignitie then all the rest In the first Altar is the handkercher 7 This handkercher the good Lady Veronica as Christ came by her doore carying his Crosse gaue him to wipe his face who laying it on his face fourthwith gaue it her againe with the picture of his face in it which is now euery yeare shewed and scene with great deuotion The Caluinists prate that there is no good history to warrant this and say further that if Christ had left any such monument behinde him some of the Euangelists would haue put it downe who haue not omitted lesser matters and they say that twenty to one this is made by art and hath beene often trimmed but not a pin matter what they say for they be heretikes of our Lord wherein is to bee seene the picture or face of Christ which whensoeuer it is shewed to the people then al the people of Rome haue seauen thousand yeares of pardon and as many quarantens And all people dwelling abroad out of Rome haue nine thousand yeres of pardon and as many quarantens But as for them which to see this sight doe come from beyond the seas or from beyond the hills they haue twelue thousand yeares of pardon and as many quarantens And remission of the third part of all their sinnes The second altar is the altar of the blessed Virgin Marie The third is Saint Andrewes altar The fourth is the altar of Saint Gregorie the Pope ouer against his Sepulcher The fifth is the altar of Saint Leo the Pope standing in the place where himselfe once said Masse at which Masse he being blind receiued his sight The sixt is the altar of the two Apostles Simon and Iude. The seuenth and last of these principall and priuileged altars is the altar of the holie Crosse wherunto women 8 It is deliuered held for a truth that a woman namely Helen Constantines mother first found the Crosse yet now wemen may not approach to the altar of the Crosse See what holy and deepe and secret mysteries are in the Roman religion may not approach At euery one of these altars there are euery day seauen yeares of pardon Also Gregorie the Pope gaue and graunted to the high altar of this Church that there should be at it Indulgence and pardon of sinnes forgotten and vowes broken and of all offences to father and mother sauing the laying of violent hands vpon them to these he granted eight and twenty yeares of pardon and as manie quarantens 9 And why doe the Heretikes carpe at this that the Popes holinesse pardons them that abuse their father and mother for did nor the Pharises the like Math. 15. 5. 6. and hath not his holinesse the like or more power then the Pharisezes had Moreouer from the Assention of our Lord to the Ides of August there bee euery day in that Church foureteene yeares of pardon and this pardon of Indulgence 10 Why this time is more blessed then the rest Heretikes curiously doe cauill and say that by the Law wee are forbidden to regard times But doe not they know that his Holinesse is free from all Lawes doth also last and is of force in and through the Octaues of Saint Martine the Bishop There bee also many more indulgences as the Chronickles doe record belonging to this Church euen so many as are past numbring but in the time of lent how manie soeuer they be they be all doubled 11 Oh glorious Roman Church that hath so many Indulgēces in one Church for her children as are past numbring But behold a greater wonder In Lent these be all dubled So then out of Lent they be innumerable and in Lent innumerable are dubled How many then be these Indulgences in Lent let all these idle Heretikes and curious Caluinists tell if they can Now this Church was dedicated by Saint Siluester vpon the feast day of Saint Martine vpon which day there is to bee had in the Church full remission of all sinnes And in all and euery of the feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and of the blessed Virgin Marie there be in this Church a thousand yeares of pardon and as
in the Church of Saint Paul IN the Church of Saint Paul the halfe part of the bodies of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul which Saint Siluester equally deuided by weight as we heard before vpon a certaine altar which is in the Church of Saint Peter in the yeare from the natiuitie of our Lord three hundred and nineteene and the other halfe was left at the second Church of Saint Peter There is also in this Church of Saint Paul the head of the first Martir Saint Steeuen 6 What if any other place say that they haue Saint Steuens his head No great matter for that the Church of Rome hath power to multiply at her pleasure and to doe many fine trickes besides to the great edification of deuout Catholickes And there is also one of the armes of Saint Anne the mother of Marie the Virgin There is also a Cloyster of Munkes scituated without the wales which hath a Church consecrated to the honor of Saint Eustachius this Cloister is commonly called the Cloister by the three fountaines And there is also in the same Church the piller vpon which Saint Paul was beheaded 7 A very pretious relicke doubtlesse for they that loued Saint Paul cannot but make much of the blocke wh●reon hee was beheaded The Lutherans and Caluinists seely fooles doe make much of Saint Pauls Epistles as being a better Relicke of him let the poore asses alone with their Epistles and them with his Epistles The holy Roman Church where wisdome dwels knowes that it had beene better for her if some of them had neuer beene written and therefore lets them lie in Libraries and commends to her children this holy relicke of the blocke on which his head was striken off for this shee is sure will teach nor breed no heresie as Saint Pauls Epistles haue done too many Indulgences belonging to the foresaid Cloister of the Church of Saint Paul IT is written of the foresaid Church that Pope Vrbane gaue and granted to all men penitent and truly contrite and confessed that shall repaire to the said Church in the vigills of blessed Marie the Virgin the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and of the Apostles and Euangelists and of Saint Marie Magdalen and of Saint Katherine and of Saint Agatha and Saint Agnes and Saint Lucie Saint Margaret and of the holie Martir Saint Laurence Saint Vincent and Saint Anastasius And also in the Octaues of the said feasts or vpon any Sunday through the whole yeare or in the dedication for euery day of the foresaid solemnities three thousand yeares of pardon And as many were giuen by Pope Siluester and as many by Pope Nicholas Also Gregorie the Pope granted as many to all and singular Pilgrims that shall come to the said Church at any time of the yeare or that for the 8 Here a penitent hath 9000 yeares of pardon for once visiting the Church is not here a roiall recompence for so litlit labour Oh thrice blessed Romans that liue so neere reuerence of Paul the Apostle shall come to the Cloister of the salt waters otherwise called the three fountaines either to pray there or as a pilgrim to visite it or for any other deuotion All men so doing shall haue released or forgiuen their sins forgotten the vowes broken their offences against father or mother vnlesse they did lay violent hands vpon them Furthermore vnto the same Church there doe belong of old 9 See how anticent the giuing of Indulgences is for these be giuen of old saith this blessed booke a thousand and fortie yeares of pardon Moreouer it is written and recorded in that Church of Saint Marie at the salt waters aforesaid That vpon the day of the consecration of the said Church there is true 10 Yea certainely as true remission is there of all sinnes as the bread in the Priests hands is the true transubstantiat body of Christ or as the maffe is a true expiatory sacrifice or as the Pope is the true Vikar of Christ But whereas the Caluinists loudly laugh and say that if in other places where it is said there is remission there bee not true remission then the people are deluded and if there bee then this word here is an idle boast No matter what they prace they be heretickes remission of all sins and that is vpon the nine and twentie of the month of Ianuarie Likewise there is a certaine Chappell of the said Church which is called the Ladder of Heauen as it is written in the Chronickles of the Citie of Rome where wee also finde that the said holie Chappell was builded in the honour of blessed Marie the Virgin vnder the High Altar of this Chappell there rest the bodies of tenne thousand holy Martires that were souldiers in the time of Tyberius the Emperor 11 Behold another wonder 10000. souldiers that were Christians in one army in the time of Tiberius immediatly after Christ The Scripture tells vs of no such wonders for there the beleeuers are reckoned in fewer quantities but the Catholicke traditions of the Roman Church supply the defects and wants that be in the Scriptures and the Catholicke cause were in a faire case indeed if nothing might bee beleeued but that is in the scripture or gathered from it as these foolish Heretikes would haue it And what Priest soeuer shall deuoutly celebrate one masse at the said altar for the liuing and the dead with a pure conscience and a contrite heart shall haue remission of all his sinnes both from the punishment the fault and shall deliuer one soule out of purgatorie 12 See what a happy thing it is for a man to liue in Rome for its impossible he should euer come in purgatory if hee list to auoide it for how easie is it to get a Priest say Masse at this altar for him But all the difficulty will bee say the Caluinists in getting a Priest with a pure Conscience for such it is said are not common in Rome Oh idle Heretikes as who say in the holy City and so neere his Holinesse can be suffered any but holy Priests for though they goe at noone day to the Stewes can they not goe afore night to confesse it and so bee made as pure as they were the day they were baptized Certainely if Cardinall Poole and his fellow committees had remembred regarded this they would not in their report they made to Paul the third of the abuses in the Church haue held it so foule a matter that Priests of Rome and Cardinals Chaplaines doe at noone day goe to Whores for as for Cardinals themselues they goe modestly in the night time vnlesse it be in the Carniuall Seeing that a wife being forbidden them as a most vnholy and vnlawfull thing therefore they vse this but as a conuenient remedy to keepe them from that foule sinne of marriage which by the Catholicke teachers Iesuits and others is concluded to bee in them a farre greater sinne
voluit fugere de Roma tunc obuiabat domino Iesu Christo dixit domine quo vadis iuxta paruam capellam modicum extra ciuitatem scituatam respondeus Iesus vado Romam iterum crucifigi illa capella vocatur capella Beatae Mariae de Palmae Item in Ecclesia sancti Iohannis ante portam latinam vbi coctus fuit sanctus Iohannes in oleo est liberatio vnius animae in die sancti Iohannis a purgatorio CHAP. 7 5 The fifth principall and Patriarchall Church namely of Saint Sebastian Of the Indulgences belonging to the Church of Saint Sebastian IT is registred in the 1 The presumptuous Caluinists say this is a foule stinking lie For an Angel say they would neuer tell a lie but to say that in any Church in Rome or any place on earth is or can be euerlasting light and without end is not onely false but plaine Atheisme and intimates that the world shall neuer haue end Oh shamelesse heretikes that dare call in question the sayings or doings of the Pope as though his holinesse can either speake ought but truth or doe ought but good So there haue beene some heretofore like to these Caluinists that durst be so bold with the Popes as to bring them vnder censure accusing Liberius for an Arrian condemning Honorius for a Monothelite and them and Iohn the 22 for heretikes as did the sixth generall Councell and Occham and many more but what got they some of them are condemned and all of them reproued for their labour by the Popes holinesse as be also the Caluinists who were pronounced heretikes in the Councell of Trent and excommunicate euery passion weeke in Bulla Caenae and therefore no matter what they obiect Church of Saint Sebastian that an Angell of the Lord appeared in that Church to Saint Gregory as he was a saying Masse at the Altar of Saint Sebastian the Martir and said to him these words In this place there is true remission of all sinnes brightnesse and light euer lasting ioy and gladnesse without end This Indulgence did Saint Sebastian merit to the Church and thereupon that glorious Pope did grant and ratifie it Also vpon euery first Sunday or Lords day of the Month of May there is in the same Church remission of all sinnes Likewise from the ascension of our Lord vntill the Kalends of August there be for euery day in that Church a thousand yeares of pardon and as many quarantens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes And moreouer all the yeare long there is daily and for euery day seauen and forty yeares of pardon and as many quarantens Furthermore in the Church there is a certaine Vault or hollow passage vnder the earth and it is called the Church-yard of Saint Calixtus the Pope In this the holy Martires of God in times past vsed to hide themselues when they were persecuted by the Romans to this Vault there doe belong so many Indulgences and pardons as none can number but onely God 2 Seeing there belongs to that vault so many Indulgences it seemes that our holy fathers the Abbots of England held vaults to be very holy places and therefore it was doubtlesse that they made at so many Abbaies vaults vnder the ground leading from the Abbay to the Nunnery which was neuer very far off that so the Nuns might meete the Friers get their part of these blessed Indulgences Many of these holy vaults are yet to bee seene in England to the shame and confutation of the Caluinists And though those vaults haue beene deerely loued of the Romish Clergy and so are still where they yet be and are therefore partakers of the Popes Indulgences which made the Nunnes frequent them so willingly yet was there one vault in England which was of greater value and expectation then all these and which if the pouder there laid by those deuout and zealous Catholickes had blowne vp the heretikes according to the minde and desire of them that laid it and the hope of his holinesse and the Iesuites should certainely haue had as many blessings and Indulgences bestowed on it as the bottomlesse treasure of the holy Roman Church could haue affoorded But that worke was too good to prosper as some of themselues said the day before they died Also in the same Church there is the pit or hole wherein the bodies of Saint Peter and Paul laie hid for an hundreth yeares before they were found and at this hole there are three hundreth yeares of pardon Likewise in the same Church there is yet a pit or hole scituate a little without the Church and therein doe rest the bodies of seauen and fortie Popes euery one whereof graunted to this Church Indulgences as great and ample as they could or might To conclude there is in this Church as great and large Indulgence as there is in the Church of Peter the Apostle Relikes in the Church of Saint Sebastian IN the high altar of this Church there is the body of Saint Sebastian himselfe and in another lower altar the body of Saint Fabian and vnder the altar that is at the end of the Church resteth the body of Pope Stephen Also in the backside of the same Church there is another passage which is round hard by the altar vnder which Saint Peter and Saint Paul lay for a hundreth yeares and in the same place to this day there lie the bodies of many holy Confessors Virgins Also in the same Church there is the post or piller at which Saint Sebastian was thrust through with darts There is also the head of Calixtus and many bodies of other Saints Moreouer in the Church-yard of Saint Calixtus so called as afore which is in the same Church there stands a certaine altar and that is the very altar whereat Saint Peter vsed to say Masse 3 The Caluinists say this is an idle tale for say they if Peter had had an altar or said Masse the Scriptures would not haue concealed it But a figge or rather a fagot for these heretikes and their Scripture also for what care Catholikes though it be not it the Scripture as long as the holy Roman Church saith it here and elsewhere at such times as the Romans persecuted those holy Martires that vsed to flie thither and are now there buried Likewise in same Church-yard of Calixtus there is a certaine great stone vpon which is drawne out the length of one of the nailes with which Iesus was nailed to the tree of the crosse 4 This was doubtlesse a great naile for out of one of them haue beene fince made at least a thousand more nailes and which is more strange the first is stil as great as it was Further in the same Church there be yet to be seene the steepes of eleuen foote and they bee vpon an altar that is in a Chappel scituate on one side of the Church what these steppes are how they
came there we are to know that when Saint Peter would haue fled out of Rome Iesus met him at a little Chappel 5 Here againe the Caluinists cauill and say that this is surely a cozn'd tale For Saint Peter say they spake it Acts 3. 21. that the heauens must hold Christ till the end of the world and therefore say they though it might well bee that Saint Peter might see Christ in a vision sitting in heauen as Saint Stephen did Act. 7. 55. yet it s not credible that he saw Christ so really standing by him that the steppes of his feete should remaine in the earth but wee haue a short answere for them and that is this let them and such fooles as they rely vpon that vncertaine rule the Scripture which therefore our Catholicke Doctors Eccius Pighius Hosius c. haue iustly called a nose of waxe and a shipmans hose a dumbe Iudge and a leaden rule we Catholickes will hold the sure certaine and vnfallible rule that can neuer deceiue vs namely the determination of the holy Roman Church that is the rocke that Catholickes rest vpon and therefore though the Scripture say neuer a word of it yet by vertue of that determination wee beleeue that Christ is really and corporally in the Sacrament and that the bread is turned into his body and wee beleeue that this story is true and what euer else the Roman Church shall teach vs. somewhat out of the City then Peter meeting Christ asked him Lord whether goest thou And Iesus answered I goe to Rome to be crucified againe and these steppes of Iesus and Peter as they stood talking there are here to be seene to this day and that Chappel where they thus met is called the Chappell of our blessed Lady Mary of the palme Likewise in the Church of Saint Iohn before the Port Latine where Saint Iohn was boiled in hot scalding oile is euery Saint Iohns day deliuerance for one soule out of purgatory CHAP. 8 Indulgentiae Eccleclesiae sancti Thomae Apostoli IN Ecclesia eius scribitur quotienscunque homo visitauerit illam Ecclesiam videlicet manus ponendo adiutrices ad sustentationem Pauperum liberationem Captiuorum in sancta terra incarceratorum in Ecclesia quae dedicata est in honore sancti Michaelis Archangeli sancti Thomae Apostoli conceduntur per multos pontifices tria millia annorum Indulgent xl dies vota fracta offensa patrum Matrum sine mannuum violentarum iniectione relaxantur illi vt permittitur predictam Ecclesiam visitanti Item summi tres pontifices viz. Alexander Inocentius Vrbanus quilibet eorum concessit septimam partem anni omnium peccatorum remissionem vnum annum quadraginta dies plenamque participationem omnium stationum dedicationum Romunae Ecclesiae quae facit xlix annorum Indulgent tot Carenas Ac etiam participationē terrae Sanctae vbi Indulgentiae mirabiles conceduntur CHAP. 8 Indulgences belonging to the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle 6 This Church though it beare the name of one of the Apostles yet is it none of the seauen principall and Patriarchall because as Onuphrius freely tells vs those Churches are most dignified by the Pope which he gaines most by and hee gaines most by them that are in the way betwixt the great Churches of Saint Iohn Laterane Saint Peter and Saint Paul therefore Saint Sebastians is one which stands in the way betwixt Saint Pauls and the Lateran and not this of Saint Thomas which stands out of the way IN the Church of Saint Thomas it is written and recorded that how oft soeuer any man shall visite that Church putting to his helping hand for the sustentation of the poore or for the redeeming and deliuerance of captiues imprisoned in the holy land so oft there bee in that Church which is consecrated to the honour of Saint Michael the Archangell and Saint Thomas the Apostle three thousand yeares of pardon granted thereunto by diuerse Popes And for xl daies long vowes that be broken and offences against father and mother excepting laying violent hands vpon them 7 Still the heretikes prate and say that the Pope forgiues the offences committed against father and mother poore fooles why should he not is not he the father of fathers and supreme father of vs all good reason then that he ouerrule our fathers and mothers and those that please his holinesse let them not care though they displease father mother master mistresse nay Prince or Soueraigne for hee can and will release the punishment as well as he can forgiue the fault are three released to him that shall visite the Church as is aforesaid Moreouer three chiefe Bishops or Popes as namely Alexander Innocentius and Vrbanus euery of them gaue and granted thereunto the seauenth part of the yeare and remission of all sinnes and one yeare 8 It s very hard to know the meaning of these bountifull Indulgences they are so many that wee may say Copia ipsa nocet therefore deuout Cathikes that desire to know them distinctly had best goe to Rome and there they may both know them and haue them and forty daies and full participation of all stations and dedications of the Roman Church which make vp nine and fortie yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and also they graunted hereunto participation with the Holy Land where strang and wonderfull Indulgences be granted CAP. 9 Indulgentiae Ecclesiae Sanctae Crucis IN Ecclesia Sanctae Crucis sunt omni die xlviij anni Indulgent tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item ibi modicum inferiùs a latare est vna capella que vocatur Ierusalem in quam mulieres non possunt intrare nisi in die sancti Benedicti Et tunc est ibi omnium peccatorum remissio a paena a culpa Item hanc Ecclesiam Constantina Imperatrix edificauit in honorem santae Crucis ad preces sanctae Helenae Papa Siluester consecrauit Item omnibus diebus dominicis mercurij sunt ibi CCliiij anni Indulgent omnibus alijs diebus Cxxx viij anni tot carenae Et multae aliae plures Indulgentiae sunt quas explicare non audemus nam omni die dominica die mercurij Sanctus Siluester omnes indulgēt duplicauit Reliquiae predictae Ecclesiae IN praedicta Ecclesia sanctae Crucis est funis cum quo Christus Iesus fuit ductus portans siue baiulans crucem Item clauis vnus cum quo cruci fuit affixus Item magna pars vestis sancti Iohannis Baptistae Item duo dentes de sancto Blasio Episcopo Item duo lacerti Apostolorum Petri Pauli sub maiore altari requiesunt corpora sanctorum Anastasij Caesaris Prothasij Item ibi est de ligno verae Crucis Item vna lampa plena Balsomo in quo iacet caput Vincentij Martiris Item spongia cum qua Iudaei dederunt Christo Iesus acetum bibere
guests at this table the very crummes whereof gathered vp and carried away are of as much vertue as many of the Reliques in Saint Peters Church Now then seeing there be such entertainments and rewards to be had for the bodie as these examples proue and such riches for the soule as this Booke declares let vs leaue these Heretikes to wallow in their mire let couetous Merchants goe to the Indies and Gallants to Guiana let silly Catholikes goe dwell in Ireland and fooles into Virginia Let vs take a wiser course and post to Rome where wee are sure to haue as good entertainement as wee deserued at home and to finde as much honesty as holinesse and as much happinesse as both And as the Heretikes make themselues sport with this Booke because poore fooles they beleeue it not so doe you more wisely who know it to bee true take it with you reade it in your iourney for your recreation and when you come there examine the truth of it Church by Church And if you finde the Reliques there as pretious and as full of vertue and value as you will finde the relation heere made of them to bee true I dare say you will bee the richest and happiest people in the world And further off this bee assured for your better content the Heretikes will not so much enuy your rich and happie State in Rome as they doe the little libertie you haue in England and to say truth If I may without offence they are not such cruel bloud-suckers as wee speake and write of them for I haue often heard many of them say they had rather haue you all sent away to Rome then the bloud of any of you to bee shead in England And that you may require them for this courtesie Let mee aduise you when you come at Rome and now and then for your recreation goe foorth to see an Heretike burnt after a sessions from the Holy house where it is pretty sport to Catholikes to see how the fat Friers out and how the burning Torches bring away pieces of their flesh then if it happen to bee an English-man doe him this fauour for countries sake to get him a little sooner dispatched out of his paine But I put you to too much paine by keeping you so long from preparing for your Iourney which I am sure you will doe as soone as you haue read this Booke vnlesse it bee you doubt of the truth of it which none will doe that are true Catholikes and then I suspect you are turning Heretiks and therefore will wish that for your punishment you neuer see Masse againe and for your penance may euery Sunday heare a Sermon daily reade two Chapters of the Bible and receiue the Eucharist once a moneth which most grieuous penance if you would auoide get you first to your Booke and then to your Iourney And as true as the Pope is as wee call him the Vickar of Christ and his brest the habitation of Holinesse and truth and as the Cannon-law calls him our Lord God so certainely you will bee most happie in your Iourney and most welcome to his Holinesse espetially if you leaue all you haue in England and come to him poore and vnprouided and so giue him occasion to exercise his Charity for you know He and his Cardinalls and all his Court hold it a better thing to giue them to reciue FINIS Good Reader Hee out of whose study this old booke was printed and by whose meanes it was transcribed being absent these errors escaped the Presse which thou art desired to amend or pardon besides many lesse and literall faults B 4. For thirty read thirteene C 2. for Clement the 5. read 8. for Sixtus the 6. read 5. D 3. for censure read answere E 1. for prayes read preacheth 3. for soule read sonne 4. for vocall read royall F 3. for Ides read Kalends G 1. for God his read God knowes his for Epistles read Thistles H 1. for per read pro. 3. for Stephani read Sehastiani 4. for 38000 read 366000. I 3. for altare sancti read altare sub quo sancti 4. for cezend read cozening K 1. for three read there L 4. for with read which 4. for quarte sunt read quarte feriae sunt M 1. vnibiculus read vmbilicus 3. for anni read omni Index Authorum COrpus Iuris Ciuilis Onuphrius de 7 Vrbis Ecclesijs Azorij Institutiones Morales Villamonts Trauels in French Corradi casus Conscientiae Iacobus de Grafijs Decisiones Petri Mathaei constitutiones Rom. Pontificum Platina De vitis Pontificum Rom. Onuphrius De vitis Pontificum Rom. Cicerella De vitis Pontificum Rom. Molani Compendium practicae Theologiae Toleti Instructio Sacerdotum Iac. Ledesma de sacra Scriptura non Iegenda c. Serranus de Ecclesijs Vrbis Rom. Hen. Korumanni liber inscriptus Roma Communis Patria Certaine Notes to explaine the Text. a The glorious mother Citie of Rome which some good Catholickes call The Mistresse of the world some The wonder of the earth some The eternall Citie not because they beleeue it shall be eternall but for that they wish it is built on seuen hilles which are called by these names Capitolinus Quirinalis Caelius Exquilinus Auentinus Viminalis Palatinus and of late are added 4 more Mons Hortulorum Vaticanus Ianiculus Testaceus Of the great glory of this Citie if any would bee more fully satisfied let him reade the little booke called Roma communis Patria written lately by one that was there and it will giue him a stomacke to go thither if it were further of then it is or else surely he wants Catholicke deuotion And as it is built on seuen hilles so it hath seuen principall priuiledged Churches aboue the rest and Patriarcall they be St Iohn Laterane St Peters in the Vaticane St Paul St Mary the great St Crosse St Laurence and Steven St Sebastians No tongue can tell the glorious gracious and blessed Indulgences that belong to these seuen Churches But this ancient Manuscript copy sets downe good part of them much more then these idle Caluinists will beleeue but no matter for them if they will be ignorant let them be they know not the vertue of an Indulgence therfore they contemne it But if any Catholicke thinke lightly of these gracious Indulgences they wrong themselues and their religion And therefore whereas some zealous English Catholick of late a I. R. In his confutation of the Protestant Pulpit-babels against W. Crashaw called this booke contemptuously an old worme-eaten Manuscript he was much vnaduised and hath giuen I feare too much aduantage to his aduersary who cannot but tell him againe as I heere tell you my Catholicke brethren that the truth of these Indulgences set downe in the old boookes is averred and confirmed by the late bookes of many great and learned Catholikes as Onuphrius b Onuphrius de 7. vrbis Ecclesijs a great man in his time since him Serranus c Serranus
and since him Villamont d Villamont therefore no good Catholicke may doubt of the truth and validity hereof vnlesse hee will deny such grounds as may not without mortall sin be cald in question b Here be not all but a great part and yet there bee in one Church 33000 yeares of pardon for once going vp one paire of staires and in another Church is to be had within the compasse of one yeare more then two and twenty hundred thousand yeares of pardon Oh what a glorious treasure the Pope is Lord of his Exchequer is neuer empty and what silly fooles are the Heretickes to depriue themselues they know not of what c We read say the Caluinists in the fathers of bookes Canonicall and the Papists tell vs of houres Canonicall but of any booke called by the name of Canonicall it selfe or any thing else so called they might do well to haue told vs more plainly and particularly for Possevine the Iesuite their good friend who takes vpon him so exactly to describe all Authors and their bookes speaking of this Silvester mentioneth no such Booke therfore take heed this Canonicall proue not some Apocriphal hidden and forged story Thus prate the Heretickes out of their ignorance and presumption not knowing that the holy and authenticall Canon law of the Pope teacheth in the Decree that the Popes Decretall Epistles are numbred amongst Canonicall Scriptures but these Caluinists care little it seemes what the Popes law saith they are all for Scripture Scripture and that makes them such Heretickes as they be d If this be true that there were in Siluesters time 1505 Churches in Rome how comes it to passe say the Heretickes that the greater number is now defaced it cannot bee said to bee done in time of persecution for in Siluesters time the persecutions of the Heathen were all ceased What then hath Popish deuotion puld downe the Churches that the persecutions left standing Hath Rome been Gods Church and Gods house all these yeares and yet puld downe aboue 800 Churches They accuse Protestants of pulling downe Churches but they cannot shew so many puld downe in this whole kingdome as here they haue done in one Citie And for these that are downe mens corruptions not our religion tooke them away sauing some few which being needlesse and superfluous others or more in places more needfull haue been erected for them But if any good Catholicke heare any Hereticke babling on this fashion stoppe his mouth presently and tell him that their Churches beeing Hereticall Churches therefore the more the worse e None may say Masse at these Altars but the Pope or those that haue license from him but hee tels vs not say the Caluinists who may preach in their Pulpits An idle obiection and so let all good Catholickes hold it for what is Preaching to a Masse euen nothing at all nay it s hard to say whether the Roman Church hath got more good by Masses or hurt by preaching and therefore let all deuout Catholickes neuer stumble at it if in all Catholicke bookes they finde the altar so much spoken of and the pulpit so little the Altar so magnified and the Pulpit set aside for his Holinesse well knoweth it is the Altar that sends him in his rent hee neuer got any thing by the Pulpits what he hath lost by them hee knowes and feeles so well that if he knew how to carry it cleanly he would rid his Churches as cleane of them as he hath done of the Bibles in the vulgar tongue In the meane time his Holinesse out of great wisedome is content that any disgraces be cast vpon Preaching that can bee deuised insomuch as if any bee great preachers in Catholicke Countries it is enough to suspect them for heretickes and their bookes must be purged witnesse Stella Ferus and many others and though Christ and the Scriptures seeme to magnifie preaching neuer so much yet good Catholickes must not care for it but must know that Christ spake what was fit for those times but his Holinesse knowes and must appoint what is fit for these times and therefore hee will notwithstanding giue it what place he list And if any man offer to compare it with the Masse it is little better then Heresie But Frier Lobo a great preacher in Rome could not containe but in the hearing of Pope Gregory the 13 deliuered this in the Pulpit That it is of greater worth before God and more profitable to the doer to heare Gods Word preached then to see a Masse But what followed His holy stomacke could digest no such doctrine nor indure such blasphemy against his God and therefore forthwith he constrained the poore Frier to go vp againe and in the same place to eate his words to teach the contrary Thus he made him in the Pulpit to disgrace the Pulpit in the place of preaching to disparage preaching And not thus content he also susspended the Frier from preaching yea his recantation could not keepe him from suspension and no maruell for hee that durst magnifie preaching aboue the Masse is not a man fit to preach in Rome * Bapt. Corradus Resp cas con To. 2o. quaest 253. art 2o. Nauar. in Manual cap. 13. art 30. Fumus in verb. Festum pag. 378. Neither is this practise contrary to our doctrine for do not our Iesuits and Casuists teach and write that as vpon the Sabboth day the Commandement of the Sabboth enioynes not the inward worship of God but onely the outward * Soto de Iust Iure lib. 2. q. 4. art 4. Iac. de Graf de decis aur To. 1o. lib. 2o. cap. 34. art 8. Azor. Institut Moral To. 1o. lib. 7o. cap. 3. q. 6. Posseu Bib. sel To. 1o. l. 11. cap. 1o. a peece of rare Diuinity So also that that outward or exterior worship only commanded in that Commandement consisteth onely in hearing the Masse and as for praying or hearing of Sermons they are not of the essence of that Commandement Nay our Church say they hath no law for hearing or being present at any part of Gods seruice but onely at the Masse nor is it any where a custome in the Catholike Church that a man is bound vnder paine of mortall sinne to pray to God on the Sabboth day or heare the word preached but onely to heare a Masse Oh sweete and dainty doctrines And these be no triuiall Doctors but of our chiefe ring-leaders especially * Molanus Comp. pract Theol. Tract 2o. c. 9o. Azorius who was one of the principall founders of Iesuitisme This was he whom as Possevine reporteth Gregory the thirteenth called to Rome to be one of them that should make lawes and orders for the whole society This holy Iesuite hauing gotten some secret inspiration from his Holinesse and suckt out of the Popes owne breast more pure Popery then all the rest he goeth further and saith It is the common opinion that there is no Diuine law compelling or commanding
Christians to heare Sermons on the Sabboth or festiuall dayes And whereas there was so much goodnesse in the Councell of Trent as the Heretickes call it or rather so much curiosity as we may say as to decree that Bishops should diligently admonish their people and tell them that they are bound to come to their parish Churches to heare Gods word Azorius the Iesuite hath answere ready that the Bishops are bid to warne them not to compell them and if that seeme too slight he hath a better in store whereas saith he the Councell would haue them come to heare Gods word that must be vnderstood of the Gospell in the Masse for is there not a Gospell read in euery Masse and is not the Gospell Gods word Then he that comes to the Masse heares a Gospell read and consequently heares Gods word Is not here deepe diuinity and shall not an ignorant man be well edified when hee heares a peece of the Gospell read in Latine whereof he vnderstandeth not one word Yes doubtlesse saith learned Ledesma the Iesuit if they come with deuotion and a good intent Thus then you see that preaching is a meane matter in respect of the Masse And this is the reason why here and elsewhere in our Liturgies and chiefe and best bookes of state as our Missall Pontificall Ceremoniall Sacerdotall and the like for one mention of a Sermon and a Pulpit you shall heare a hundred times of an Altar and a Masse And if this bee done by the Church and that Church cannot erre then all good Catholickes must know that not Pulpits Preaching but Altars and Masses must they looke after The Heretickes I confesse do hereat take great offence and hereupon doe cauill and raile bitterly and say that it is no maruel to see the pope preferre the Altar before the Pulpit a Masse before preaching for say they and my eares haue heard them say it to my great griefe if they gained no more by the one then the other his Holinesse would be faine to strike saile for the wings of his pride would soon be clipt He tels vs say they of a miracle in Transubstantiation that the Bread and Wine are turned into Christs Body and Bloud and there remaines nothing but the fashion colour or likenesse of Bread and wine But as our faith findes none such in Scripture no more doth our bodily sence finde it in experience But we can tell them of a much more true and sensible wonder daily amongst them for their Pulpits are transubstantiated if we may be so bold with their word for Gods it is not into Altars their Preachers into Priests their Sermons into Sacrifices their Bibles into Missals and these are so absolutely altered and really changed that indeed there remaines nothing but names and shadowes For the other haue the substance Pulpits say they are for Lent Altars for euery day Masses are commanded Sermons but aduised Sermons may doe well but Masses are necessary The Bible hath bred many heresies but the Masse booke breeds and feedes deuotion Therefore Gods Dan. 11. 36 37. 38. booke the Bible is to be remoued from the people as a dangerous thing and the Masse booke of mans making is to bee their daily bread Is not this the same say they or as bad that Daniel prophesieth of that there shall be a King that shall doe what him list and shall exalt himselfe and magnifie himselfe against all that is God and speake maruellous things against the God of Gods and shall prosper till the wrath be accomplished c. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers nor the desires of women nor care for any God for hee shall magnifie himselfe aboue all And in stead of God shall worship his God Mauzzim euen the God that his fathers knew not Whether their Masse be this Mauzzim here meant or no say they we affirme not once this is cleere that hee hath turned his Masse into a Mauzzim and made an Idoll of it and worships in it a God of his owne making a God that his fathers knew not for his transubstantiation and his propitiatory sacrifice which two be the life and soule of the Masse were not knowne in the ancient and purest Church for 500 yeares after Christ And this Mauzzim is set vp in the very roome of God For since the Masse was erected vnto this height it is at Christ neuer had his due but was despoiled of his Offices and Honour Gods booke cast aside and a Masse booke laid in his place Sermons accounted but things indifferent or conuenient but Masses the onely necessary duty of the Sabboth day And as he here saith No man may say Masse at the high Altars of the seuen Churches in Rome but the Pope or his Deputie but you shall finde no such prerogatiue for preaching here or else-where Arise O Lord mainteine thine owne cause against that Idoll the Masse and Mauzzim of the Romish Synagogue Thus madly and extrauagantly doe these idle heretickes prate but let not this nor ought that can be brought out of Scripture trouble any good Catholicke conscience these be but the temptations of the Diuell let him hearken what the Pope teacheth who is Gods Vicar and Peters successor and if they be good Catholickes they know that he cannot erre and that whatsoeuer he doth or teacheth as he is Pope it is all one as if God did it or taught it let hereticks then if they will extoll preaching let this satisfie deuout Catholicks that here the Pope takes order for saying Masse reseruing certaine Churches to himselfe at whose high Altars none may say Masse but himselfe or some by commission from him but finde me any whose pulpits he reserues to himselfe nay finde me any in whose pulpits he will come at all No it is too base a place and preaching too painfull a duty for his holinesse hee harh something else to doe as namely to create Cardinals to translate Empires and dispose of Kingdomes to reade and answere letters from the Princes of the earth and to giue audience to their Embassadors to controll Kings when they displease his holinesse and to excommunicate them if they submit not to his pleasure and if they persist to depose them and discharge their subiects of their oath and alleageance to giue their kingdomes to whom he list and to raise their owne subiects against them to augment Saint Petars patrimony by procuring Princes and Dukes to giue him the reuersions after them to goe and take possessions of the Prouinces that fall to him by such excheates as Clemens the 5 did lately of Ferrara to make leagues betwixt Princes and to breake them when he seeth good yea though they be confirmed by Oath and Sacrament * Vide Peter Math inter constitutiones Pont. Rom. in Bulla Pauli 3. contra Henricum 8. Angliae Regem as Paul the 3. did against Henry the 8 of England Pius 5 against Elizabeth and Sixtus 5. against Henry of
of Hereticall bookes and rid it of hereticall Kings to restore learning and preserue the truth which without them had perished to make plaine and perfect the Scriptures which till their time lay neglected to compose all controuersies reade all riddles know all secrets heare all confessions and to discouer no more then makes for their purpose censure all questions satisfie all consciences resolue all doubts and in a word to be the very Oracles of the Christian world as holy as true and as infallible as euer was that of Delphos or Iupiter Hamon I say let vs hearken how those reuerend Iesuits and for them all how renoumed Azor one of their most glorious Fathers and founders of that blessed company handles this question It 's moued saith hee and made a question if on one day a Masse and a Sermon doe so concurre as both cannot bee heard whether is to be omitted with lesse losse and sinne The fore-named Doctors and many other more Dunses as they be doe teach that the Masse must yeeld to the Sermon And the good Iesuit ingenuously confesseth which hee doth not for that hee holds Iesuits tied to speake truth who can speake nothing but truth and whatsoeuer they speake is therefore truth because they speake it but because the more and greater his Aduersaries be the more glorious is the victory Therefore he freely confesseth that many of the Popish Doctors be of the same opinion and that they ground this their opinion upon the Decrees and vpon S. Bernard and S. Augustine But what are all these to such sincere learned and iuditious men as the Iesuits euen nothing at all when once the truth comes in question for then downe goe Doctors Fathers Councels Scriptures and all to make roome for the holy Catholique Romish Truth out of the Iesuites holy mouthes In which Catholique zeale the noble Iesuit thus resolues the question But whatsoeuer saith he these or any of these or all these or any other doe thinke It is to bee said Marke yee dull Heretiques with what maiesty a Iesuit concludes against Canon-law Schoole-men and Fathers and tremble when you see what potent aduersaries you haue of them It is saith he to be held without controll That the Masse which is to be heard by the Churches commandement is to be preferred before the hearing of the holy word of God And marke his reason whereby hee proues it for though it bee no reason to expect a reason from so great so graue so godly men as the Fathers of the Society who by their nature and constitution will not thinke speake nor doe any thing without a reason yet is his Father-hood here pleased to giue vs a reason but marke it I say againe for it 's as good as honest and as religious a reason and as well-beseeming a Iesuit as the opinion it selfe The Masse saith he is to be preferred before the Sermon and the Sermon is to be omitted for the Masse for that saith he there is great difference betwixt that that is due by Commandement and that that 's due by Counsell for that that 's due by Commandement may not bee omitted nor can be vnder paine of mortall sinne But it is no sinne to omit that that 's due onely by Counsell Now the Masse is commanded Preaching is but counselled to heare a Masse a man is tied by vertue of the commandement to heare a Sermon he is but counselled or aduised therefore it 's apparant that a man is bound to preferre the Masse before a Sermon and to omit or loose a Sermon for a Masse And thus so learnedly so holily so irrefragably is this question resolued that none but professed foes to the holy Romish Church and open enemies to the Masse and aduancers of that dangerous booke called the Scriptures and who therefore are iustly condemned for Heretickes can or will or dare gainesay it And as for those that durst hold the contrary though they were none of them of these vp-start Heretickes yet it 's not fit that they passe without reproofe and iust censure for this their so grosse ignorance or so foule impiety as to perfer a Sermon before a Masse and therefore saith the Iesuite religiously and learnedly like himselfe If this be so It will bee here demanded whether Angelus and the rest that hold this Detestable Error that a Sermon is to bee heard rather then a Masse bee to bee condemned as holders of a Timerariouse opinion Some saith he absolutely condemne it and them so to be Others hold it to bee a false Opinion but not Temerariouse And thus they excuse them and they glosse it ouer with some shewes and shadows of argument as if it were a hard case for the Church to tye a man for the gazing of a masse to loose so great a matter as a Sermon But this is idle saith the Iesuite and therfore for you shall alwaies see Iesuites take the better part seeing they haue no good reason for their opinion in my iudgement the opinion is to be holden Temerariouse and they to bee condemned to haue spoken Temerariously that is rashly vnaduisedly and without iudgement So then these Heretickes might see if they were not blind that in the holy Romane Church it is so firmely holden that a Sermon is not so good so holy so necessary as a Masse That whoeuer holds the contrary be it Caluinist or Schooleman Father or Councell they are subiect to censure and punishment for it And euen Bernard and Augustine may be glad they had so good hap to bee made Saints by that Romane Church for otherwise for this their impious conceit to preferre a Sermon before a Masse they had beene sure and that very worthily to be condemned for Heretickes But seeing the Church that cannot erre hath vouchsafed to Canonize them for Saints she will therefore deale more mercifully with them then their impiety deserues and at the humble mediation of the charitable Iesuites will onely pronounce them temerariouse but not condemne them for Heretickes If this then bee cleere that by the resolued Doctrine and Definition of the Romane Church A Masse is the principall part if not the whole worship of God and that onely the Masse is strictly commanded and hearing of Gods word preached is but conditionally aduised And that therefore a Masse is farre more excellent in it selfe more auaileable with God more profitable and comfortable to the soule then is the hearing of sermons then who sees not but if the Popes holinesse praies but seldome or not at all Yet doe often and continually say Masse that then he hath stopped the mouthes of all heretickes that like curres doe bawle and barke against him and call him and his great Bishops Dumbe Dogges that cannot barke O silly fooles these Heretickes that bring these words of the Prophet against his Holinesse For doe they not know that when the Prophet complained of those dumbe dogges that could not barke there were then no Masses in the world for if
there had hee would haue blamed their negligence in them rather then of preaching and this I say by the warrant and president of the Mariale which saith that whereas Salomon writes thus The name of the Lord is a strong Tower the righteous flye vnto it and are helped Salomon saith he knew little of the Virgin Mary for if he had he would haue said The name of our Lady is a strong Tower the righteous flye vnto it and are helped And surely with as good right may I say the Prophet knew little of the dignitie vertue and efficacie of the holy Masse for if he had hee would not haue blamed them for not preaching but for negligence in saying Masse But Salomon and Esay are both to be pardoned because of the times they liued in but as for these Heretickes that liue in these times and cannot but see the great vertue and high price that Masses are at and how beneficiall they bee to the Catholicke Romane Church and consequently how good cause the Church hath to magnifie Masses aboue Preaching they are without all excuse and their fault vnpardonable But though they be so madde to moue it and so malicious to presse it that the Pope and all his Cleargy ought rather to preach then say Masses yet hee is too wise to hearken to it nay though sometime some of his owne Catholicke children are bewitched with this poyson and are harping on this string that preaching is the greater and worthier of the two yet he hath wit enough to discouer and power to suppresse them in time therefore if any of them write so he commands it to be razed out of their bookes that hereafter it may not testifie against them and if any be so bold to preach it his holinesse takes such order with them as few dare follow their example Witnesse Frier Lobo of whom wee spake before whose iudgement was so iust and sentence so sharpe by Pope Gregories owne holy mouth for that his impious presumption in preferring a Sermon before a Masse and that also in Rome where like a foole that he was he might haue remembred that preaching hath been out of season these 500 yeares that from that day we haue not heard of any that durst attempt the like in Rome and if the like course had beene taken in Germany France and England these new heresies had neuer spred as they do For it is nothing but hearing Sermons reading the Bible that hath bred fed and still feeds and disperseth those heresies of the Lutherans and Caluinists as daily and lamentable experience lets vs see and feele For his Holinesse knowes full well that if he could but rid the world of the Bibles in the vulgar tongues and pull downe this talking trade of Preaching we should soone see these Heresies and this new Gospell of Luther and Caluin melt away and come to nothing for take away the meanes and cause and the effect will follow And full well spoke a wise Cardinall to the Pope when in a priuate consultation there was complaint of the growing and spreading of Lutheranisme Wee may thanke our selues saith he and our owne sloth and carelesnesse for this who let the Scriptures flye abroad and become so common for we ought to haue kept them vnder colour of Maiesty and to procure them greater Generation in the learned tongues and laid them vp in safe and secret Libraries so should neither they haue beene corrupted by heretickes and Iewes as they haue beene nor they haue corrupted and made so many Hereticks as they haue done A wise and worthy speech doubtlesse and well beseeming a Cardinall and a full deuout soule I warrant him was he of the Romish Mother Church And from that day forward hath the Pope beene more carefull in this poynt and hath set on worke his darlings the Iesuits who haue done him faithfull seruice in this kinde as may appear to their great honor to al them that wil loose a litle time to reade their bookes for by their bookes their Sermons and their perswasions they haue so preuailed that where euer any of them do remain or but lurk you shall not finde a Romish Catholicke but he can learnedly prate against the Scriptures whereof he heartily thanks his God he neuer read one booke and can tell you what a dangerous booke it is and how many haue beene made Heretickes by it and by this meanes their Disciples bogle at it and auoyd it as snare or a pit in the way or a rocke in the sea Now if this bee true that the Scripture is so dangerous a booke and that preaching must be out of that booke who sees not that therefore in good Popish reason and Pope-holy religion it followeth that it beseemes all men to be wary tender and dainty euen how they make or heare too many Sermons For if the Scripture be a dangerous booke surely preaching cannot but be a dangerous exercise in which regard appeares the wisedome of the holy Romish Church who hath ordained there shall be Sermons daily in the Lent in most great Cities and so by making them proper to Lent she makes them seeme to be out of season all the yeare besides and in most places neuer expected neuer thought of till Lent come againe wheras contrariwise the holy and blessed Masse is alwayes in season and by the strict order of the holy Roman Church is daily to be said without omission nay some dayes two or three and euery day the more the better So then sermons are but the Lent prouision but Masses are the daily bread of the holy Roman Catholikes And howsoeuer the holy fathers the Popes and his Cardinals doe not trouble their heads nor disturbe the peoples mindes with much preaching yet they make them a bountifull amends with the multitude of Masses wherein all good Catholikes know they doe but as if a housholder kept away course bread and gaue his people store of fine Manchets for it for what bee sermons but as course bread but the Masses these bee the fine Manchers they be the dainty feeding for the refined stomackes of all Romish Catholikes Therefore let these bawling heretickes know that because the Popes Holinesse sawe the olde Church in former times surfetted of Sermons and that euery hereticke brought Scripture presently for his heresie therefore in these latter more prudent times they haue made a blessed exchange and for poore homely vestments wodden Chalices and a golden Cleargy haue giuen the people goodly rich Copes and golden Chalices good store to make amends for their leaden Bishops and wodden Priests which we cannot deny but are plentifull in many Catholique countries For the Scripture in the vulgar tongues which thereby was made too common and exposed to contempt haue giuen them the Latine Gospell in the Masse which is read so solemnly so stately and with such glorious ceremonies that all the people stand stricken with admiration and amazement and are oftentimes edified as much by
Manna of the Popes Masses As for the Hugenets and Heretikes they are well worthy to want it seeing they hold it not worth their labour and therefore for their penance let them bee enioyned to reade euery day two Chapters of that hard harsh and homely booke cal'd the Bible and to haue three Sermons a weeke and with those Garlike and Onions let these base stomakes bee contented seeing they know not nor care not for the dainty and costly Manna of the Masses of the Romish Catholike Church But what then will these babbling Heretikes say and doth the Pope neuer preach at all What matter if hee doe not seeing hee euery day saith Masse which euery sage Catholike knowes is farre better for what tho Christ being vpon earth and in his glorified body after his resurrection calling together his Apostle gaue them not onely commission but commandement also to goe and teach all Nations and preach to euery Creature Yet the holy Mother Church of Rome knowes that hee spoke it as fir for those times but hee left his spirit to his Vikar who should supply and put downe what hee did not And therefore whereas hee forgot to bid his Apostles say Masses the Pope like a good Vikar addes what hee forgets and commands all his Priests that howsoeuer they preach now and then when they please Yet that they misse not to say Masses daily whilst they liue and for the better satisfaction of their Consciences he hath by his power concluded which Christ neuer did nor it seemes could doe that preaching is but a Counsell and Masse-saying a commandement and therefore Masses be necessary and preaching but voluntary If therefore the Popes Holinesse neuer busie himselfe with the pulpit and preaching that 's no great matter as long as hee euery day deuoutly sings his Masse and offers vp the vnbloudie sacrifice which is a sacrifice propitiatory for the sinnes of quicke and dead as sure as hee is the Vikar of Christ But let them stoppe their mouthes and hold their babling for howsoeuer Preaching is a meere voluntary action and a worke of superogation and the least and last matter of twenty that belongs to a Masse and the least and basest of a thousand that his Holinesse hath to doe Yet let these Heretikes know his holinesse doth not forsweare all preaching for howsoeuer vpon those common occasions of calling conuerting or sauing soules he cannot finde time to preach but leaues that to such of his Friers or Priests as haue such tender and precise consciences as to thinke that preaching onely ordinarily begets faith yet vpon other great and solemne occasions as when some Saint is to be canonized at the mediation of some great Prince who paies roially for it and like a Prince Or when some great King comes home from heresie and honours himselfe and makes himselfe so happy as to kisse his holy foote and be reconciled and pay a round ransome for his former rebellion as Henry the fourth did Or when some such blessed worke is attempted archiued as was that Massacre at Paris and in the most great Cities of France where the Heretikes were kill'd vp like Rats or madde Dogges where euer they could be catcht and so were sent to hell by heapes Or when some yong nouice braue spirit bred and brought vp in the Iesuits schoole and that hath past and practised all their spirituall exercises hath attained to that high perfection as to refuse nothing that is inioyned him and in that holy obedience hath stab'd some Heretike or kil'd some great King that would not stoope to the Vikar of Christ as the Iacobine kil'd Henry the third and the young Iesuite had kil'd Henry the fourth but for a tooth oh cursed tooth that hindered the Iesuites from that honour and made them leaue it for that base Frier and raskall Rauilliacke When such blessed occasions such high and holy occasions as these fall out For these are occasions beseeming his Holinesse then hee will vouchsafe to grace the pulpit and in his owne person take paines to make a Sermon sometime blessing his gods of siluer and gold and thanking his great god Dagon sometime praising the Inuenters Plotters and Prosecutors but especially the actors of such noble facts and stirring vp others to the admiration and imitation of them And if the Heretikes bee so madde to deny this that holy and zealous Sermon made by Sixtus V. vpon the death of Henry the third and in praise of that happy Frier that stab'd him with that holy and See the Sermon it selfe set out in lattin and English by F. Warmington the Priest hallowed knife shall prooue and testifie it for euer to their shame and his euerlasting honour And it s not to be doubted but if the Powder-plot in England had beene so happy to haue taken effect His holinesse would haue beene as willing to haue preached himselfe for ioy and made a Sermon of thankefulnesse for the good successe of so great and glorious a worke as his successors must bee serious and busie and prudent in conceiling it from the ages to come seeing it succeeded ceeded not or in diuerting it from the Catholikes to Puritans or other enemies Or at least in denying it and telling the world that it was but an inuention and a tricke of the State put vpon the poore Papists to make them odious And herein appeares the malice of these Heretikes that care not how they sclander the Popes holinesse saying he neuer hath care nor Conscience to preach when its most certaine neuer Huguenot in France more desired to go to a Sermon nor a Puritane in England to a Faft then his Holinesse did to haue preached vpon that occasion if hee could but once haue heard the ioyfull newes from England that the blow had beene giuen But no matter what these blind and malitious Heretikes say or thinke let it suffice God his heart how earnestly hee desired it and will doubtlesse reward him accordingly and all others that lookt and longed for that ioyfull day And thus I hope wee haue giuen a sufficient Apology for his Holinesse against these curious and carping Heretikes will you haue Masses His Holinesse misseth not a morning but hath a Masse to his breakefast will the Heretikes haue preaching his Holinesse preacheth also when there falls out an occasion that is worthy of his paines Quae est Caput totius Orbis And is the Church of Saint Iohn Lateran the principall and head of all Churches vrbis Orbis not of Rome alone but of the whole world But why is not Saint Peters the head Church seeing hee was the head of the Apostles and the Pope is his successor by being his successor is head of the Church If Peter be head of the Apostles and his successor head of all men why then is not his Church head of all Churches Thus doe idle Heretikes carpe and cauill But all good Catholikes know that seeing Pope Gregory the eleuenth almost 300
yeares agoe established it and long after him Pius the fourth and after him Pius the fifth by seuerall and solemne Bulls confirmed it therefore no deuout Catholickes will once call it into question Indeed some in old time were so curious as to make doubt of it but Gregory therefore sends out his Bull and stops their mouthes And about the time of the Counsell of Trent the Benedictiue Monkes were so proud and pompous as to stand vpon points with the Prebendaries or Chanons Regular of this Church of the Lateraene and chalenge place and precedence afore them in the Counsell for many such high points and mighty Church matters were debated in that Counsell But what got they Pius the fourth then Pope called the matter to his owne hearing shaming much that the world and Heretikes especially should see two of his best sons together by the eares which of them should bee the greatest and after long and deliberate hearing iudgeth the matter for this Church and imposeth perpetuall silence to the Friers in this point Yet afterward the Prebendaries or Priests of Saint Peters in the Vaticane hoping that these constitutions concluded not them out of their holy humility they also stroue with the Laterane Clergy for precedence So that Pius Quintus was faine to take the matter vpon hirs and by a solemne and irreuocable decree pronounced for the Laterane Church Yet let not the deuout Catholicke thinke that his holinesse neglects his Church of Saint Peter For hee honours it with his presence liuing and dead more then any other he keepes the blessed Iubile in it and therefore he adornes it most gloriously and he is so carefull of it that for the very repaire and fabricke of that one Church hee hath scraped vp out of Christendome more then fiue hundreth thousand pounds sterling and yet most wisely hee keepes it vnfinished that so it may yet bring in more for as Saint Peter being a fisherman yet catched but few fishes but by the helpe of Christ caught many So euen Saint Peters Church by the helpe of his holinesse brings good store of fish to his Net and those as well great as small So true a fisherman is Saint Peters successor and so farre more skilfull then Peter was that hee hath made the very name of Sant Peters Church bring him ten thousand times more gold and siluer then Peter himselfe got either by his fishing or his preaching all his life long Indeed Peter at one Sermon caught three thousand soules and if any Lutheran aske when the Pope will doe so answere them like Heretikes as they bee that Peter was made a fisher of men and therefore had nothing else to doe but to labour to winne soules But Peters successors haue other kinde of imployment they haue another kinde of fishing and other kinde of fishes to fish for they haue other and higher and better matters then winning of soules to looke to For if they for these last thousand yeares had found themselues nothing else to doe but to preach and winne soules they had neuer brought it to this passe to giue and take away Kingdomes and Empires to weare a triple Crowne to bee caried on mens shoulders to haue Emperours hold his stirrop powre his water and bring vp his first dish and King to serue him at dinner and many glorious matters more whereof seely Saint Peter neuer once dreamed and little thought hee good man when hee trudged vp and downe and preached that his successors could euer haue brought it to so faire a passe But such was the simplicity of those and such is the wisdome of these daies that where Saint Peter did take nothing but soules now the very name of his Church shall bring in as much gold and siluer as will build good Churches and as Peter at one Sermon tooke three thousand soules the Pope in holy imitation of him sends out his Legates into seuerall nations whereof one in one City by reading and casting abroad one Bull of Indulgence from his holinesse shall catch vp three thousand and three thousand Crownes at a clappe and all for the repayring of Saint Peters Church And what though some euen Catholickes are so curious as to cauill and say that not the tenth peny is bestowed on the Church nay what if not the hundreth part must that offend a good Catholicke As though the Pope hath not many other as good occasions as that to bestow it vpon Hath not hee occasion to send Royall Embassages and to reward Ambassadors that come to him Hath hee not his offices his Guarde his Garrisons to pay to builde his Gallies to vphold his armies to maintaine his Minions to aduance his Kinred can these and many more as holy and good as these bee done with nothing And therefore very requisite that his Holinesse haue goodly Lands Dominions Rents and reuenues and the rather because hee takes it not as his owne but as Saint Peters patrimony and borrowes it from him as the money that his officers sweepe vp out of Christendome hee most honestly saith is not for himselfe but for the building and repairing of Saint Peters Church The Indulgences and Reliques of the seuen Churches in Rome Textus Latinus ex manuscripto ad verbum descriptum HAE sunt Reliquiae Indulgentiae septem a Ecclesiarum principalium vrbis Romanae pro maiori parte b necnon aliquarum aliarum Ecclesiarum Parochialium Capellarum Sanctus Siluester scribit in sua Canonica c quod Romae fuerunt mille quingentaequinque Ecclesiae quarum maior pars nunc destructa est d Et fuerunt ibidem quadringenta sexaginta septem Ecclesiae Parochiales priuilegiatae gratiae sanctitate dicuntur Regales quia à summis Pontificibus Imperatoribus sunt constructae In quarum summis altaribus solus Papa vel cui ipse licentiam dederit vel concesserit licite potest celelebrare c Inter istas Ecclesias sunt septem priuilegiatae maióri graria sanctitate dignitate magis omnium regales Inquas prima principalis dicitur Ecclesia sancti Iohannis in Laterano quae est caput totius orbis f Item Ecclesia sancti Iohannis est dedicata in honore sancti Saluatoris sanctorū Iohannis Baptiste Euangelistae Et sunt ibidem quotidie xlviii anni indulgentiarum tot carenae tertie partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item Papa Siluester Papa Gregorius qui eandem Ecclesiam consecrauerunt dederunt tot indulgentias quot nemo numerare potest nisi solus Deus testante Papa Bonifacio qui dicit quod si homines scirent indulgencias Ecclesie sancti Iohannis quot essent non transirent ad sanctum Sepulchrum in Ierusalem vltra mare vbi absolvuntur à poena culpa nam sic etiam absoluuntur in Ecclesia sancti Iohannis predicta Item dicit sanctus Bonifacius qui deuote venit ad orandum in die consecrationis Saluatoris qui visibiliter apparuit omni populo Romano cuius dies
est nona die mensis Nouembris est ibi remissio omnium peccatorum Constantino Imperatore supplicante postquam Constantinus Imperator à lepra mundatus fuit per sacri baptismatis susceptionem dixit beato Siluestro Papae pater sancte domum meam in Ecclesiam ordinaui infunde in Ecclesiam tuam largam benedictionem omnibus venientibus ad eam Respondens sanctus Siluester dixit Dominus Iesus Christus qui te per suam misericordiam sanauit mundauit purificet omnes venientes sine peccato mortali ad locum istum quocunque tempore Anni ab eorum peccatis Et nos authoritate beatorum Petri Pauli atque nostra remittimus concedimus eis remissinem omnium peccatorum Item sanctus Gregorius qui hanc Ecclesiā consecrauit reparatā post demolitionē per hereticos confirmauit indulgētias predictas positas per beatum Siluestrum Item Bonifacius Papa dixit indulgentias Ecclesiae Lateranensis nullus numerare potest ego tamen omnes confirmo The same in English THese bee 1 These be they that then were namely some 300 years ago since then little hath been altered but the better way for if some haue been taken away or spent or lost many more haue beene conuaied into their roomes to the comfortable vpholding of the Romane faith as hee may see who will read Onuphrius and Villamont of this matter for the most part the Reliques and Indulgences of the seuen principall Churches of the Citie of Rome as also of diuers other principall parish Churches and Chappels of the same Cittie Saint Siluester in his Canonicall writeth that in Rome there were a thousand fiue hundred fiue Churches which for the more part are now defaced And there were in the same Cittie fourehundred sixtie and seuen parish Churches priuiledged with grace 2 Lo is not Rome a holy Citty and is not she to be called The Holy Mother Church where the very Churches haue grace and holinesse The religion of the Protestants can giue grace but to men but the Catholicke Religion euen to Churches nay shee hath holy bones holy stones and holy ragges holy haire and holy swords and holy water and holy earth holy milke and all things in a word as holy as herselfe Therefore may not the Caluinists be ashamed to say that she is not the holy Church holinesse and these are called Churches Royall because they were built by the Popes or by Emperours In the high Altars of these Churches no man can 3 Lawfully By what law say the Caluinists Not Gods certainely for if God command to say a Masse the Masse is not onely lawful but a good action they therefore meane their owne law and they doe well to confesse that their Masse stands by vertue of their owne Law Thus they prate but alas for these idle heretikes as though Gods law and the Popes law were not all one yes assuredly as sure as the Pope is Gods vicar onely there is one difference that where Gods law is defectiue the Popes law supplies it where it is imperfect the Popes law addes perfection to it therfore though the Masse stand by the Popes law yet stands it surely safely enough lawfully celebrate or say Masse but onely the Pope himselfe or he to whom the Pope giues or grants license in that behalfe Amongst all these Churches there bee seuen 4 Now there be 7. but in the old Prouincial which I haue seen manuscript in a farre more ancient copy there were but fiue but the Pope addes alters at his pleasure and as he seeth it for his profit and good reason for he is Christs vicar and may doe that Christ left vndone that be priuiledged with more holinesse and greater grace and dignity and bee more royall then all the rest of which seuen the first and principall is called the Church of Saint Iohn the Laterane which is the head of all the world 5 The first principall Church in ROME is the Church of Saint Iohn in the Laterane Also this Church of St Iohn is dedicated in the honour of St Sauiour and of St Iohn the Baptist and St Iohn the Euangelist In this Church of St Iohn Laterane there be daily and euery day eight and forty yeares 6 Euery day 48 yeares It is in a yeare more thē thirty thousand yeares Oh how bountifull the Pope is to all his good children of pardon and as many Quarrantens together with the remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes 7 Remission of the third part but what wil that helpe a man seeing one will condemne him Againe see what a Vicar Christ hath who can remit a third part keepe two thirds vnremitted for another occasion Christ did neuer so but for gaue all or none Thus prate the Heretikes but let all good Catholickes onely regard what the Church saith no matter what Christ said or did And further Pope Siluester and Pope Gregory who consecrated the same Church gaue and granted therunto so many Indulgences as none can number but God alone as witnesseth Pope Boniface who saith that if men knew the Indulgences belonging the Church of S. Iohn and how many they were they would neuer goe so farre beyond the sea as to the holy sepulcher in Ierusalem 8 All men may beleeue there bee as many Indulgences in the one place as in the other as it is very true that a blinde man sees as well at midnight as at noone-day but would spare so great a labour for say that they be there absolued à poena culpa both from the punishment yea and from the guilt sin also euen so are they likewise in the Church of S. Iohn aforesaid Likewise the same S. Boniface saith that he cōming deuoutly to the said Church to pray vpon the day of the consecration of S. Sauiour our Sauiour appeared 9 Hueguenots heretickes thinke it a great matter that a Saint or an Angell should appeare to a a man or a woman but here they may see that is no great matter in the Catholicke Roman Church when at one time not an Angell nor a Saint but Christ himselfe appeares that not audibly but visibly and that not to the Pope or a few but to all the people of Rome No maruell surely though that be a holy Citie where Reuelations are so common And let no deuoute Catholicke doubt of this for it 's as certaine true as that the host bleedes when it is pricked or that a woman caried home an Host to charme withall and when she could not worke her feat by it threw it into the fire but the Host spake to her said Why wilt thou burne me and leapt againe out of the fire into her lap Vnbeleeuing Heretickes will laugh at these but good Catholicks may as safely beleeue the one as the other visibly to all the people of Rome And this day was the 9
Disciples at his last supper In the same place is the old Testament to wit Moses his rod the Arke of the Couenant All these did Titus and Vespatian bring thither from Ierusalem together with those 4 great brasen pillars which now stand about the high Altar within which Altar are the heads of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul And when these heads be shewed vnto the people then there are as many Indulgences at that Church as there bee at S. Peters Church 13 True as many in the one place as in the other at the shewing of Veronica * Hee meanes a picture of Christ which they say he gaue to a woman called Veronica in that handkercher which shee gaue Christ to wipe his face withall Also there is the Image or picture of our Lord which was painted vpon the wall not with mans hands but by the Diuine worke of God before all the people of Rome 14 Here is a picture that is worth speaking of which God himselfe painted If the hereticke Caluenists did beleeue that God made this Picture they would not be so earnest against Images But they poore soules thinke that some of the cunning Clergy of Rome made it secretly in the night or some way else conueighed it thither And thus they wilfully cast away themselues as though the holy Mother Church of Rome would say this if it were not true And this Image thus appeared vpon the 5. day of the Ides of Nouember Also there are the golden Candlestickes that were in the first Tabernacle of the old Testament Also the Table wherein the Law was written with the finger of God 5 The Heretickes also will not beleeue that these be the true Tables wherein the Law was written because the Iewes that are in Rome in great abundance would by one meanes or other haue got them away though it had cost them their liues but no matter what Iewes or Heretickes say as long as the Holy Mother Church tels vs these be they Also some of the 5 barley Loaues and two Fishes with which fiue thousand men were fed by Christ Also the coate without seame which Mary the virgin and mother of our Lord made for Iesus her sonne And there is also the purple garment that Mary made for her selfe Also there is some of the bloud and water that flowed out of CHRISTS side Also some of the ground where Christ stood when he ascended into Heauen Also some of the haire and of the bloud of S. Iohn Baptist And some of the dust ashes of his body when it was burnt And the haire-cloath which hee ware being of Camels skins There is also the Coate of S. Iohn the Euangelist with which hee raised vp two dead men to life And there is some of the Manna of S. Iohn Baptist his Sepulchre which was found in his graue euen a great pot full Also there is an Image of our Lord Iesus Christ which Nichodemus made as the Iewes were a beating him 16 A very fit time to take a mans picture when one is beating him But it seemes Nichodemus was a very cunning painter Likewise there is that very linnen cloath or towell with which Christ wiped his Disciples feet 1 This fore-kin was missing many years but it was found againe saith Onuphrius such good happe hath the holy Church of Rome that if any reliques be stolne or lost they are found againe in a short time some are so bold to say that others are put in their roomes but they prate like Hereticks at his last supper There is also the foreskinne of Iesus which was cut from him in his circumcision 17 Furthermore there is the head of Zacharias the Prophet and of S. Pancrase out of which bloud did streame forth for 3 dayes space when the Church of Laterane was burnt Also there are the breeches of S. Laurence 18 Was it not a strange thing that when S. Laurence was broyled to death on the grid-iron the fire that burnt his flesh and bones would not touch his breeches The Catholicke Roman Church is full of these miracles let the Caluinists match them if they can Also there is a Casket full of the Reliques of Mary Magdalen Also Christs hand-kercher Also the Cuppe out of which S. Iohn drunke the poyson Also the shirt which the blessed virgin Mary made for Iesus Also that linnen cloath which the blessed virgin gaue vnto Iesus about his thigh as hee hung on the crosse There is also a great deale of the crosse it selfe our Lord died on Also two of Saint Peters teeth Moreouer in the same Church there is another Chappell which is called the sancta sanctorum or holy of holiest whereinto women may not enter 19 Not on the day time by any meanes least they should pollute it but is not so on the night In it is a picture of our Sauiour that was taken when hee was foureteene yeares old And in that Chappell there is daily euery day remission of all sins 20 If there bee remission of all sinnes there why are women excluded because they haue no sin or because they need no remission or they must not haue remission so lightly as men Let euery good Catholicke aske his Confessor this question both à poena culpae from the punishment and the sinne also Not farre from the same Chappell there is an ascent of three and thirty steps and how oft soeuer any man shall deuoutly ascend vp that ladder for euery step he hath a thousand yeares of pardon 21 so then the going vp of these steps procures to a man three thirty thousand yeares of pardon oh what a bountifull Lady the holy Mother Church of Rome is these steps were brought from Ierusalem and be those very steppes which Christ ascended when hee went vp before Pilate the President to his iudgement Also there is the chaine with which S. Iohn was bound when hee came from Ephesus to Rome and the sheares with which he was polled at the cōmandement of Domitian 22 There bee the sheares that polled him but where is his haire surely they were too blame to leaue the haire that were so carefull to preserue the sheares especially seeing they haue the haire of other Saints Also the virgin Maries vaile with which she vsed to couer her head And some of the Reede with which they smot Iesus in Pilats house And a Table full of the reliques of Martyrs Confessors and virgins and a great quantitie of the true Crosse 23 The Crosse on which Christ died which Simon once bore is multiplied by miracle For an hundred yeares agoe Erasmus wrot the greatest ship in the world could not carry the peeces of it that are kept shewed worshipped in the holy Churches Roman let the Heretickes shew such a miracle if they can And of the apparrell milke and haire of blessed Mary the virgin And of the haire of Saint Iohn Baptist
Moreouer in the place where the Font is there is euery day remission of all sins to be had But as for women they may not enter into that place 24 Poore women of Rome what haue you done that you still may not come where remission of all sins is to be had Also in the Hall of our Lord the Pope there bee three doores and to euery one that enters in at one door goeth out at another 25 Here is an easie peece of penance indeed hee that will not go in at onedoor and out at another for 44 yeares of pardon surely he is vnworthy of them so what an easie sweet and comfortable religion the Catholick Romish what can be lesse required of a man then this hee will not doe this will do nothing are granted foure and forty years of pardon and as many quarantanes And in the East side of the principall Church of Laterane there be 3 doores which were brought thither from Ierusalem CHAP. 3. De Reliquijs Ecclesiae Sancti Petri SCiendum quod in vrbe Romana iacent octo copora sanctorum Apostolorum ab invicem separata Primo in Ecclesia Sancti Petri est medietas sancti Pauli medietas sancti Petri quorum corpora fuerunt inuenta in vno tumulo dubitatio erat quae erant ossa sancti Petri quae erant ossa sancti Pauli ideo ponderauerunt dicta ossa in duas partes aequales mittentes medietatem vnam in Ecclesiam sancti Petri alteram in Ecclesiam sancti Pauli sub maioribus altaribus dictarum Ecclesiarū In Ecclesia sancti Petri iacent corpora sanctorum Apostolorum Simonis Iudae sācti Gregorij Papae Chrysostomi Doctoris sanctorum Martyrum Processi Martiniani Sanctae Petronillae virginis aliorum sanctorum Martirum quae numerari non possunt ibi est caput sancti Lucae Euangelistae CHAP. 3. Of the Church of S. Peter The second principall Church S. Peters in the Vaticane and first of the Reliques in that Church IT is to be knowne that in the Citie of Rome there lye the bodies of eight of the Apostles 1 Is not therefore the Church of Rome worthiliy called The Apostolicall Seate who hath still 8 of the Apostles lying as afore she had 2 of them liuing there Hereticks doubt of both but certainely one is as true as the other seuered one from another And first of all in the Church of Saint Peter there is the halfe of Saint Paul and the halfe of S. Peter whose bodies were found together in one graue and for that it was doubted whether was S. Peters and whether S. Pauls bones therfore they weighed the said bones by weight diuided them into two equall parts 2 See how equally and iustly the holy mother Church of Rome deales in all her actions heretickes babble and say that she loues to diuide kingdomes and principalities of another fashion They may say what they will but here it 's plaine that when it comes to a question about dead bones there was neuer a more equall diuision then here she made and sent the one halfe of the whole to the Church of Saint oeeter and the other to S. Paules and laid them vnder the high Altars of the said Churches In the same Church of S. Peter lie the bodies of the holy Apostles Simon and Iude and of S. Gregory the Pope and of Chrysostome the Doctor and of the Martyrs S. Processus and Martinian and of S. Petronell the virgin and of other holy Martyrs so many as cannot bee numbred and there is also the head of Saint Luke the Euangelist CHAP. 4 Istae sunt Indulgentiae Ecclesiae suncti Petri. ITem anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo septuagesimo primo Papa Siluester assignauit in Canonica sua quod in omni Ecclesia parochiali Cathedrali vrbis Romanae scilicet ad Ecclesiam beati Petri Apostoli ad Ecclesiam beati Pauli ad Ecclesiam beati Iohannis in Laterano ad Ecclesiam beatae Mariae maior is vnicuique introeunti in quamcunque praedicatarum sanctarum Ecclestarum quandocunque quotiescunque quocunque tempore anni de iunctis penitentijs xlvij annos tot carenas Indulgentias terciae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item ibi est quidam ascensus viginti nonem graduum quotiens deuote ascenderit vel descenderit sine peccato mortali totiens sibi relaxantur de quolibet gradu septem anni indulgentiarum à Papae Alexandro depenitentijs Iniunctis Item in dicta Ecsia sunt septem parce precor Prisciane centum quinque altaria quotiens aliquis homo illa visitauerit deuote tociens sibi conceduntur de quolibet altari septem anni Indulgen Et in quolibet altari quando celebratur eius festum sunt ibi xviii anni Indulgent Et tot carenae Et tertiae partis omniū peccatorū remissio Et ex istis altaribus sunt septem altaria pra alijs priuilegiata maiori gratia sanctitate dignitate In prime altari est sudarium Domini nostri super quo monstratur facies Christi Et quādo cadē facies Christi monstratur Tunc Romani habent septem millia annorum de Indulgent tot carenas alij circum quaque habitantes habent nouem millia annorum tot carenas venientes autem vltra mare siue vltramontes habent duodecim millia annorum Indulgent tot carenas remissionem tertiae partis omnium peccatorum Et secundum altare est beatae Mariae Virginis Tertium altare beati Andreae Apostoli Quartum altare beati Gregorij Papae iuxta sepulchrum eius Quintum altare beati leonis Papae vbi in missa recepit visum Sextum altare Apostolorum Simonis Iudae Septimum altare Sanctae Crucis ad quod non al 's approximant appropinquant Mulieres In quolibet altari sunt omni die septem anni Indulgent Item Gregorius in summo altari concessit Indulgent de peccalis oblitis votis factis de offensis patrum matrum preter quam manuum iniectionem viginti octo annos Indulgent tot carenas Item ab ascensione Domini vsque ad kalendas Augusti sunt omni die xiiii anni Indulgent durant istae Indulgentiae per octauas Sancti Martini Episcopi Et multae aliae Indulgentiae sunt in eadem Ecclesia secundum Chronicas quae numerari non possunt quae in quadragesima omnes duplilantur Item in festo Sancti Martini fuit ista Ecclesia dedicata Beato Siluestro tunc est ibi remissio omnium peccatorum Et omnibus festiuitatibus Beati Petri Pauli Et in omnibus festiuitatibus Beatae Mariae Virginis sunt ibi Mille anni Indulgent tot carenae Item in die ascensionis Domini sunt ibi mille anni Indulgent tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio CHAP. 4 Of the Indulgences belonging to Saint Peters Church IN the yeare of our Lord one thousand three hundred
many quarentens Also vpon the feast day of the Ascension of our Lord there bee in this Church a thousand years of pardon as many quarantens and remission of the third part of all sins 12 Vpon Saint Martins day there is remission of all sins in this Church then what needs the third part bee left to an other day Againe why should Saint Martins day yeild remission of all and the day of Christs ascension but a third these bee questions fit for Heretikes to make not Catholickes CHAP. 5 Indulgentiae in Ecclesia Sancti Pauli IN Ecclesia Sancti Pauli extra muros sunt omni die xviii anni Indulgentir aum tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item in omnibus festiuitatibus Sancti Pauli mille anni Indulgent in conuersione eius centum anni Item in octauo Sancti Martini fuit ist Ecclesia dedicata a Beato Siluestro papa Et tunc est ibi omnium peccatorum remissio Item in festo Innocentium sunt ibi xlviii anni Indulgent Itē in dedicatione viii mille anni Indulgent durat per octo dies post festum Sancti Martini Item qui continuauerit visit are omnibus diebus dominicis praedictam Ecclesiam per integrum annum haberet tot Indulgentias ac si iret ad Sanctum Iacobum Reliquiae Ecclesia Sancti Pauli IN Ecclesia Sancti Pauli est mediatas siue pars corporum Beatorum Apostolorum Petri Pauli quae vt supradictum est aequaliter ponderata sunt a Beato Siluestro supra altare quoddam quod habet in Ecclesia Sancti Petri anno a natiuitate Domini Tricentesimo Decimonono alia medietas ad Sanctum Petrum Ibi etiam est caput Sancti Stephani Prothomartyris Et ibi est brachium Annae matris Maria Virginis Item ibi est claustrum monachorum situatum extra muros cuius Ecclesia consecrata est in honore Sancti Eustachij quod claustrum vulgariter nuncupatur ad tres fontes Item ibi est vnae columpna suprae quam Sanctus Paulus fuit decollatus Indulgentia praedicti claustri DE praedictae Ecclesia scribitur quod Papa Vrbanus concessit omnibus paenitentibus confessis vere contritis qui ad dictam Ecclesiam in vigilia Beatae Mariae Virginis Apostolorum Beatorum Petri Pauli omnium Apostolorum Euangelistarum Sanctae Mariae Magdalenae Catharinae Agathae Agnetis Luciae Margaretae atque Sanctornm Martrum I aurentij Vincentij Anastasij Nec non per Octauas corum omnibus dominicis diebusper annū in dedicatione deuote accesserint qualibet die dictarum solemnitatum tria miltia annorum a Papa Siluestro totidem a Papa Nicholae Et totidem a Papa Gregorio vniuersis singulis peregrinis quocunque tempore anni venientibus ad dictam Ecclesiam Nec non pro reuerentia Sancti Pauli Apostoli ad aquas saliuas alio nomine ad tres fontes causa orationis peregrinationis seu causae deuotionis peccata oblita vota fracta offensa patrum Matrum siue Iniectione mnauum relaxantur Nec non in eadem Ecclesia de antiquis sunt mille anni xl anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Mariae ad aquas saliuas predictas scribitur qd in consecratione eiusdem est vera remissio omnium peccatorum Videlicet vicesima nona die mensis Ianuarij Item in capella ibidem qua vocatur scala Caeli sicut scribitur in Chronicis vrbis Romanae quod illa capella Sancta adificate est in honore Beatae Mariae Virginis sub cuius maiori altari requiescunt corpora sanctorum decem millium Martirum militum tempore Tiberij Imperatoris Et quicunque sacerdos in dicto altari missam proviuis defunctis pura conscientia corde contrito deuote celebrauerit a paena culpa remissionem omnium peccatorum suorum habebit vnam de purgatorio liberat animam Ista Indulgentia concessa consūmata est per quadraginta sex pontifices quorum corpora in Caemiterio Sancti Stephani habentur requiescunt primo per Papā Geruasium Pelagium Vrbanum Siluestrum Benedictum Honorium Leonē Clementem Innocentem qui omnes singuli dictam Indulgentiam confirmauerunt ad augendam deuotionem Item in codem monasterio sanctissimo habetur quod quicunqne ex tribus istis fontibus vbi Beatus Paulus fuerat decollatus biberit aquam a qua cunque infirmitate de caetero liberabitur Et quicunque de illis tribus fontibus biberit vt dictum est a quolibet habebit mille annos Indulgentiarum Quia dum arat decollatus tunc caput eius fecit tres saltus a quolibet saltu generabatur fons vnus Item in eadem capella habetur lapis saphyricus qui cum sit positus ad latus vbi quis Apostema habuerit solo tactu illius libera bitur Et ibi multa corpora Sanctorum Martyrum atque confessorum requiescunt Et ibi est etiam gladius per quem decollatus fuerat Et stat ibi in vno pariete CHAP. 5 Of the Indulgences of the Church of Saint Paul IN the Church of Saint 3 The three principall Church the Church of Saint Paul Paul without the wales of Rome there are euery day eighteene yeares of pardon and as many quarantens and remission of the third part of all sins Also in euery feastday of Saint Paul there bee a thousand yeares of pardon and vpon the day of his conuersion one hundred yeares 1 Why vpon other feast daies of Saint Paul should bee a thousand yeares and on the day of his Conuersion being the chiefe of all but a hundred is certainely a very Mistery of Roman faith the Protestāts doubt lesse canot attaine to it This Church was dedicated by Saint Siluester the Pope in the Octaues of the feast day of Saint Martine vpon which day there is to be had in that Church full remission of all sinnes Moreouer vpon the feast day of the Innocents there be eight and fortie yeares of pardon 2 This is also a deepe mystery why 48 yeares and not full 50. And vpon the day of the dedication of this Church there bee eight thousand yeares of pardon 3 Euery day there be 18 yeares that is in a yeare 6000. and here bee 8000 on one day summa tot 14000 yeares let the Caluinists in England shew as much of their Saint Pauls Church if they can And this Dedication lasteth eight daies after the feast of Saint Martine Moreouer whosoeuer shall continue to visite the said Church euery Sunday for one whole yeare 4 Who would not be at cost to goe to Rome and there take vp his lodging for a whole yeare to enioy so great a reward shall haue as maindulgences as if hee went vnto Saint Iames in Spaine 5 The Heretikes cannot deny but this is most true but they haue a malicious and hereticall meaning namely that there is none in neither place The Reliques
and hath so put it in the body of his law Dist 40. c. 6. That though he should be so faulty and so enormously wicked as that hee drawes millions of soules with him into hell Yet no man must presume so much as to reproue him for it Therefore let Saint Paul doe what he can his holinesse will keepe and make much of the sword that cut of his head and shew it to bee honoured and will gaine fairely by it and will also restraine and prohibits the vse of the other sword though he pleased to call it the sword of the Spirit seeing hee findes by so long experience that he looseth by it euery day CHAP. 6 In Ecclesia Sanctae Mariae annunciatae ITem ibi scribitur sic quod Beatissima virgo Maria apparuit Cuidam fratri dictae Ecclesiae cum multitudine Angelorum dicens omnis homo vere confessus contritus qui hanc Ecclesiam intrauerit me puro corde visitauerit ab infernali incendio liberabitur Scribitur etiam in cronicis quod cuilibet visitanti quotidie dictā Ecclesiā pro quolibet die qua eandem visitauerit mille anni Indulgent quadraginanni Indulgent remissio tertiae partis omnium peccatorum tot carenae Et omnes predictae Indulgentiae duplicantur in aduentu domini in quadragesima Et in die Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae est ibi plena remissio omnium peccatorum data a Sanctissimo domino Bonifacio Quicunque etiam in dicta Ecclesia ob honorem reuerentiam gloriosissimae Virginis Mariae Genetricis dei missam celebrauerit vnam animam meritis in tercessionibus eiusdem Virginis Mariae de paenis purgatorij liberabit CHAP. 6 4 The fouth principall Church the Church of our Lady Of the Church of Saint Marie of the Annunciation FVrthermore it is thus written in the place aforesaid that the most blessed Virgin Marie appeered to a certaine Frier of the said Church attended with a great multitude of Angels and said vnto him euery man truely confessed and contrite which shall euter into this Church and visite me with a pure heart shal be deliuered from the fire of hell 1 The Heretikes say that certainely this is but a tale for the Virgin Mary say they would not take vpon her to deliuer any out of hell nor purgatory by her owne merits as it is here said and if shee could she would not tie it to such a condition as the visiting of that Church because then the poore soules that dwell in far countries could neuer receiue good by it thus these shamelesse hereticks dare argue against it that the holy Church teacheth are not they worthiy condemned It is also written in the Chronickles that whosoeuer shall daily visit this said Church shall haue for euery day wherein hee shall so visite it a thousand and fortie yeares of pardon 2 So that then to visit that Church euery day for one yeare a man shall obtaine 38000 yeres of pardon come come all good Catholicks let vs goe leaue this cursed country of England and goe dwell at Rome where we shal be receiued entertained and inriched with such bountifull blessings together with remission of third part of all his sinnes and as many quarentens c. And all the said Indulgences are doubled in the time of the Aduent of our Lord and in lent And in the day of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Marie there is full remission of all sinnes to bee had in that Church graunted by our most holie Lord Pope Boniface Whosoeuer also shall celebrate Masse in the said Church in the honour and reuerence of the most glorious Virgin Marie mother of God shall through the merites and intercessions of the said Virgin Marie deliuer one soule out the paines of Purgatorie 3 See what a blessed thing it is to be a Priest in Rome whē a man may euery day at his pleasure deliuer a soule our of Purgatory is it therefore any maruel if so many of our fine wits and hopefull young men doe runne to Rome and become Priests No surely but the wonder is that if they beleeue this they will come againe into England where they may sooner send themselues to hell then deliuer a soule out of Purgatory CHAP. 7 Indulgentiae Ecclesiae Sancti Sebastiani ITem scribitur in Ecclesia Sancti Sebastiani quod ibi Angelus domini apparuit Beato Gregorio in celebratione Missae in altari Sancti Sebastiani Martiris dicens In isto loco est vera remissio omnium peccatorum splendor lux perpetua sine fine laetitia Quam Indulgentiam a Papa glorioso concessam Beatus Sebastianus meruit Item dominica die prima mensis Maij est ibi omnium peccatorum remissio Item ab ascensione domini vsque ad Kalendas Augusti sunt omni die mille anni Indulgent tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item in alijs diebus per totum annum sunt omni die quadraginta septem Indulgentiarum tot carenae Item ibi est quidam introitus subterraneus ille Introitus vocatur Caemiterius Sancti Calixti Papae vbi solebant se ab scondere Sancti dei Martires quando persequebantur a Romanis Et ibi sunt tot Indulgētiae quot nemo numerare potest nisi solus Deus Item ibi est puteus in quo corpora Sanctorum Petri Pauli per centum annos iacuerunt antequam fuerunt inuenta sunt ibi CCC anni Indulgent Item in eadem Ecclesia est adhuc vnus puteus situatus modicum extra Ecclesiam ibi requiescunt quadraginta septem pontifices dantes vnusquisque suam Indulgentiam tantam quantam potuerunt Item in dicta Ecclesia est tanta Indulgentia quanta in Ecclesia Sancti Petri Apostoli Reliquiae Ecclesiae Sancti Sebastiani ITem in summo altari requiescit corpus Sancti Sebastiani Et in altari inferius corpus Sancti Fabiani Et in altari in fine Ecclesiae subtus requiescit corpus Stephani Papae Item retro Ecclesiam est alius transitus rotundus circa altare Sancti Apostoli Petrus Paulus ad centum annos iacuerunt in quo transitu multae corpora Sanctorum iacuerunt confessorum atque Virginum requiescunt Item in eadem Ecclesia est columpua illa ad quam Sanctus Sebastianus fuit sagittatus Item ibi est caput Sancti Calixti plura corpora aliorum Sanctorum Item in Caemiterio sancti Calixti quod habetur in eadem Ecclesia stat quoddam altare ad quod sanctus Petrus tempore quo Romani persequebantur illos sanctos Martyres ibidem sepultos celebrare so lebat Item in eodem Caemiterio habetur longitudo per quendam lapidem vnius claeui cum quo Christus fuit affixus crucis patibulo Item in eadem Ecclesia habentur vistigia vndecim pedum in vna capella a latere super altare quoddam Quae vestigia sunt illa viz. quando sanctus Petrus
Laurencij vel stationum seu dedicationum illius Ecclesiae septem annos indudgentiarum tot carenas tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissionem Quas Indulgentias Beatus Siluester confirmauit in quadra gessima duplicantur sunt omni die xlviij anni Indulgent tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item quicunque continuauerit omninibus diebus dominicis vel quartis ferijs per integrum annum liberat vnam animam depaenis purgatorij qd promeruit Sanctus Laurencius Martir Christi vnde Continet hoc templum sanctorum corpora pura A quibus auxilium suppleri poscere cura 2 See here we are taught to call vpon the Saints for helpe Some Catholickes are so nice and tender conscienced that they rhinke we must not pray to Saints for any thing but onely that they would pray to God and to Christ for vs but here we see that a man ought to pray to them for supply of all good things he wants this is true Catholicke religion let some mince and distinguish it as nicely as they will Cum Sixto iacet Laurencius igne crematus Et prothomartir Stephanus Leuita beatus Post hypolitus equorum Collo ligatus Cum nutrice sua cum cuncta plebe suorum Romanus miles trisona virgo quirella Et quadraginta quas passio continet illa Reliquiae Ecclesiae predicta ITem in altari inferius requiescunt corpora Sanctorum Martirum Stephani Laurencij quicunque visitauerit sepulchrum corum lapidē super quem Sanctus Laurencius positus fuerat qui etiam habetur a latere summi altaris habet vij mille Indulgent tot carenas ac etiam terciae partis omnium peccatorum remissionem Itē ibi est lapis cū quo Sanctus Stephanus lapidatus erat CHAP. 10 Indulgences belonging to 7 The seauenth prinpall Church the Church of Saint Laurence and Saint Stephen the Church of Saint Laurence POpe Pellagius who Consecrated this Church graunted vnto it that in the foure times otherwise called the foure Ember weekes of the yeare and vpon euery of the feast daies of Saint Steeuen and Saint Laurence and vpon the daies of the stations or dedications of this Church at all and euery of these times there should bee seauen yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes All these Indulgences Pope Siluester confirmed 1 Here is a great myracle and a mystery that may stop the mouthes of all Heretikes that say we haue no true miracles for here Pope Pelagius consecrated this Church and gaue the Indulgences to it and Siluester the Pope confirmed and dubled them and yet Pelagius was not Pope till two hundred yeares after Siluester died Let Lutherans or Caluinists shew such miracles if they can doubled them them in the time of lent and granted further to the same Church euery day eight and forty yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes And further whosoeuer continued his deuotion to this Church euery Sunday or euery Wednesday through the yere he shall deliuer one soule out of the paines of purgatory and this is merited and procured by the holy Martire of Christ St. Laurence Wherupon this is witten in old latin verses of this Church This Church containeth the full and perfect bodies of many Saints from whom see that thou haue care to call for supply of helpe Here lieth Sixtus and with him Laurence that was broiled in the fire And Stephē the first Martire that blessed leuite Besides these Hypolitus that was pulled in pieces with horses Together with his Nurce and all his people Here lieth also a Roman souldier and Crisona the Virgin And Quirella and forty Martires more who suffered the same time Relikes in the foresaid Church of Saint Laurence IN the lower altar of that Church doe lie the bodies of the holy Martires Saint Stephen and Saint Laurence And whosoeuer shall visite their Sepulcher and that stone whereupon Saint Laurence was laide which lieth at the side of the high altar hath seauen thousand yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of all his sinnes There is also the stone with which Saint Stephen was stoned 3 Caluinists thinke that Stephen was stoned with many stones because the Scripture saith They stoned Stephen But they may see here how they are deceiued for hee was stoned with one and that is to bee seene in Rome hee that will goe thither to see it is worthy to see it and kisse it also And see here the wisdome of the holy Roman Church who can finde gaine for her selfe and make profit of the rope that tied Christ the stone that stoned Stephen and the sword that cut off Pauls head they were not so hurtfull to the parties as they bee beneficiall to the present Church and City of Rome So wise are these times beyond the times of the Primitiue Church for we find not that they made any profit of these CAP. 11. In Ecclesia Sancti Praxedis ITem ibi est vna Ecclesia quae vocatur Ecclesia Sancti Praxedis est luxta Ecclesiam Beatae Mariae maioris situata necnon Sangrome multorā sanctorum consecrata Item in eadem Ecclesia habetur vna Capella in qua est corpus Sancti Paschalis Papae primi illo nomine vocati Item in eadem Ecclesia est vna Capella quae vocatur hortus paradisi sunt ibi duo millia tricenta sanctorum Martirum corpora quatuor decem corpora Sanctorum pontificum Item in eadem capella est tercia pars illius collumpriae Iesu Christi circa quam in domo pilati fuit flagellatus Et in eadem capella omni die omnium peccatorum remissio Item in eadem capella non possunt intrare mulieres CHAP. 11. In the Church of Saint Praxed 4 Thus wee haue heard the riches and blessings belonging to the seauen great Churches in Rome Now follow some other FVrthermore there is a Church which is called the Church of Saint Praxede seituated neere vnto the Church of Saint Marie the greater and Saint Sangrome filled with the bodies of manie Saints Also in the same Church there is a Chappell wherein is the body of Saint Paschall the Pope first of that name There is also in the same Church another Chappell called the garden of Paradise in it there bee the bodies of two thousand and three hundreth holy Martires and of foureteene holy Popes that were Saints 5 It is a matter that troubles many good deuout Catholickes to see that of the first fortie Popes in the first foure hundred yeres all almost were holy and made Saints but of a hundred Popes in this last fiue hundred yeares there is not one Saint nor scarce one that euer was held worthy Caluinists they make a foule matter of this and laugh loude at it
but good Catholickes seeing they know not what to say to it they are silent and hope all is well and for the matter doe beleeue as the Church beleeues Also in the same Chappell there is the third part of that pillar at which our Lord Iesus was whipped in Pilats house And in this Chappell there is euery day to bee had remission of all a mans sinnes But into this Chappell women may not enter 6 It seemes strange that still women may not come in the the holy places where remission of all sinnes is seeing the good natured courtizans of Rome are so kinde to the Clergy of Rome that they bid them welcome whether they come by day or by night Or else belike women there need not to goe to these holy places for remission for that the Priests when they goe from them doe giue them absolution as part of their wages I say as part for seeing the poore women doe pay a rent to his holinesse weekely good reason they haue some thing else by which to raise their rents and to liue by their trade But let these goe good Catholickes doe more wonder why honest and godly Matrons may not enter into those places seeing Paul tels vs that in Christ there is no difference betwixt Male and Female But no matter what Saint Paul saith that must not trouble the conscience of a good Catholicke Hee must consider what the Church deliuers and what the Pope teacheth that must hee harken and trust vnto and not trouble his head further with Scripture matters for that is very dangerous But howsoeuer the dames of Rome maynot go in yet it is credibly hoped that if our English Catholicke Ladies would leaue this hereticall dunghill of England and come themselues to the holy City of Rome his holinesse would be so fauourable and gratious to them as to giue them leaue to enter into those most holy places for great is the loue that his holinesse beares to our nation for hee loues our men our women nay for baser things hee loues our siluer and gold and any thing that comes from thence Oh that our Catholicke Ladies would goe thither CAP. 12. Indulgentiae Beatae Mariae maioris IN Ecclesia Beatae Mariae maioris ibi sunt omni die xlviij anni Indulgent tot carenae terciae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item in omnibus festiuitatibus virginis Mariae in Natiuitate domini in Resurrectione domini in festo Laurencij sunt ibi mille anni Indulgent Etiam in festo omnium Sanctorum est ibi omnium peccatorum remissio Itē in festo assūptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis vsque ad eius natiuitatē sunt omni die xiiij anni Indulgentiarum tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Omnes istae Indulgentiae in quadragesima duplicantur Reliquiae predicta Ecclesiae ITem in summo altari requiescit corpus Sancti Mathai Apostoli in alio altari a dextro latere corpus Sancti Hieronimi ibi sunt aliae multae reliquiae quiae in die paschae ostenduntur Item ibi est cunabulum Christi Item de ligno sanctae Crueis Item de lacte capillis ac vestimentis Beatae Mariae Virginis alia vestis in qua Sanctus Hieronimus celebrauit missam Item brachium sancti Lucae Euangelistae Itam de reliquijs Sanctorum Cosmae Damiani Itaem brachium sancti Thomae Cantuarien Martiris de vestibus eiusdem Item ibi est vna Image Beatae Mariae Virginis facta per manus Beati Lucae Item panniculus sanctissimi corporis Virginis Mariae quem filius eius Dominus noster Iesus Christus nascendo secum adduxit in illo velut in quodam pallio inuolutus qui in Tabernaculo argenteo lapidibus preciosis ornatus retinetur inclusus Item de feno in quo iacuit Iesus in presepio siti ortus CHAP. 12. Indulgences belonging to the Church of Saint Marie the greater IN the Church of Saint Marie the greater there be euery day eight and fortie yeares of pardon and as manie quarentens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes Also vpon all and euery the feast daies of Saint Marie and of the birth and resurrection of our Lord and vpon the feast day of Saint Laurence in all and euery of these daies there are to be had in this Church a thousand yeares of pardon and vpon the feast of all Saints there is full remission of all sinnes Also in the feast of the assumption of our Ladie and so from thence vntill the feast of her Natiuitie there are euery day foureteene yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes And all these Indulgences how many or how great soeuer are doubled in Lent Relikes in the said Church IN the high altar of that Church lieth the body of Saint Mathew the Apostle and in another altar on the right side thereof the body of Saint Hierome and there be also many other relikes which are alwaies shewed openly to the people on Easter day Also there is the Cradle that Christ lay in Also some of the wood of the holy Crosse Also some of the milke and of the haire and of the apparell of the blessed Virgin Mary there is also the vestment in which Saint Hieorme vsed to say Masse Also there is an arme of Saint Luke the Euangelist Also some of the relikes of the holy Saints Cosmus and Damian Furthermore there is in the same Church an arme of Saint Thomas the Martire of Canterbury and some of his rayment 7 See how his holinesse loues the English nation euen so much as he makes great account of an arme of Thomas a Becket who you know in England is held a traytor Moreouer there is an Image of the blessed Virgin Marie with Saint Luke tooke and made with his owne hands Also there is the very skinne or pannikle that came out of the most holy body of the Virgin Mary which her sonne Iesus Christ our Lord in his birth brought with him from her in which he was wrapt as in a coate 8 Heere is a strange relike for where as all women vse to burne that skinne as soone as the child is borne its maruailous that the Virgin Mary preserued hers and if she would it is strange how shee could doe it But it is to be thought by all good Catholikes that some Angell tooke it and laide it vp safe till the time came that the holy father of Rome knewe how to make profitable vse of it which Christ himselfe that brought it into the world with him nor his Apostles neuer knew and this pannickle is laide vp and kept close in a siluer Tabernacle or Cabinet set with many pretious stones Also there is some of that very hay it selfe in which Iesus lay in the Cratch or Manger when he was borne 9 Good Catholickes must not doubt but
some of that hay was preserued howsoeuer the Euangelists forgat to put it downe CAP. 13 Indulgent Ecclesiae Sanctae Mariae ro rocundae ITem in Ecclesiae Sanctae Mariae Rotundae tercia Mēsis Maij in festo omnium sanctorum in octauis assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis est ibi remissio omnium peccatorum omnibus diebus quarte sunt ibi CCC anni Indulgent tot earenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio CHAP. 13 Indulgences belonging to the Church of Saint Mary the Round IN the Church of Saint Mary the Round 10 This is that Church which was once of old building to heathen Iupiter afterward Agrippa beautifying it wold haue dedicated it to the honour of Augustus but hee refusing it he consecrated it to Mars and Venus first afterwards it was held to bee the Temple of the great Mother of the gods and consequently of all the gods and was therefore called Pantheon and so continued for more then sixe hundred yeares after Christ and then Boniface obtained it of Phoca the same holy man that killed his Master Mauritius and was Emperour in his steed and the same that gaue the Romish Church to be the head and Mistresse of all other in the world and consecrated it to the holy Virgin and to all Saints see Marlianus his Topographia Romae and Massonus de vitis pontificum vpon the third day of the Moneth of May and on the feast of all Saints and in the octaues of the assumption of blessed Mary the Virgin there is remission of all sinnes and euery Wednesday in the yeare there are three hundred yeares of pardon and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes 11 Euery Wednesday 300 yeares that is in the totall euery yeare 15600 years of pardon a faire Indulgence and no maruell for if any one Saints Church can giue many yeares then good reason that this should yeeld good store which is now the Church of all Saints But marke heere the wisdome of the holy Roman Church that makes these Indulgences grow due not on the Tewsday nor Friday least it should be thought that they had beene giuen to the honour or proceeded from the vertue of Mars or Venus to whom that Temple was first consecrated but on the Wednesday the day betwixt both CAP. 14. Indulgent Ecclesiae Mariae de Populo IN Ecclesiae Sanctae Mariae de populo est etiam Imago quaedam Beatae Mariae Virginis per manus Sancti Lucae facta Ibiest remissio omnium peccatorum in assumptione Beatae Mariae Virginis In eadem Ecclesia sunt omni die duo millia octingenta anni Indulgent mille CCCC xiiij carenae quas confirmauit Papa Paschalis primus Bonifacius octanus Gregorius nonus Reliquiae illius Ecclesiae PRimo est ibi vmbiculus domini nostri de lacte Beatae Mariae Virginis Item de ossibus Sancti Petri Pauli Item de ossibus Sancti Andreae Apostoli Item de ossibus Beatae Mariae Magdalenae Et de ossibus Beatorum Laurentij Sixti CHAP. 14. Indulgences belonging to the Church of Saint Marie of the People IN the Church of Saint Marie of the People so called there is another picture of the blessed Marie the Virgin made by the hands of Saint Luke the Euangelist 12 Catholickes may see by his Gospell that Luke was an Euangelist and they may learne in his Gospell and elsewhere in the Scriptures if they might so read them that he was a Physition But that he was a picture drawer they should not haue knowne but out of this blessed booke Therefore a fire and fagot for the Caluinists that would make vs beleeue that all things needfull for saluation are contained in the Scripture for how should good deuout Catholickes haue euer come to know this great point had they been tied to the Scripture alone In this Church there is remission of all sinnes in the feast of the assumption of blessed Marie the Virgin In the same Church there are euery day two thousand and eight hundred yeares of pardon 13 Euery day 2800 yeares of Indulgence is more in the yeare then a million of yeares oh Indulgence of all Indulgences See what a bountifull Master our Lord God the Pope is and a thousand foure hundred and foureteene quarentens all which Pope Paschall the first confirmed and after him Boniface the eight and Gregory the ninth The Relikes of that Church FIrst there is the Nauell of our Lord that was cut in his birth And there is some of the blessed Virgin Maries milke And some of the bones of Saint Peter and Saint Paul 14 Though it was said before that iust halfe of all Peters Pauls bones are in Peters Church and the other in Pauls yet must it not trouble the deuout Catholicke to heare that some of their bones are in this Church also let it suffice thee to beleeue what the Church teacheth And some of the bones of Saint Andrew the Apostle And some of the bones of Saint Mary Magdalene And some of the bones of Saint Laurence and Saint Sixtus CHAP. 15. ITem in Ecclesia Sancti Iacobi est lapis super quem dominus noster Iesus Christus fuit presentatus in templo sunt ibi mille anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sancti Martini in montibus requiescit Sanctus Siluester ibi sunt cottidie CCC anni Indulgent Item Iuxta Sanctū Petrū est ager dei sunt ibi omni die mille anni Indulgentiarum tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio In quo agro Peregrini sepeliuntur quorum corpora post triduum non reperiuntur Item ibi est vnus lapis altus in cuius pinaculo est corpus Iulij Caesaris Item in Ecclesia Sancti Petri in carcere est remissio tertiae partis omnium peccatorum omni die CC anni Indulgent quae omnibus vere penitentibus confessis a summis pontificibus sunt concessae totiens quotiens quis causa deuotionis siue peregrinationis visitauerit vel etiam suas eleemosinas erogauerit relaxatur ab omnibus peccatis Et ibi inferius est puteus siue fons qui miraculose apparuit dum Sanctus Petrus captus fuit Nerone Imperatore Item in Ecclesia Sancta Agnetis sunt xlvi anni Indulgent Et in festo illius CC anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Susannae vxoris Sancti Alexij CC anni Indugent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Katharinae CC anni Inaulgent Et infesto eiusdem mille anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Felicitatis xl anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Lucie C anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Petronille mille anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia Sanctae Elizabe the C anni Indulgent anni die Item in Ecclesia Sainctae Clare C anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia sanctae Mineruae mille anni Indulgent Item in Ecclesia sancti Iuliani scribitur
day seauen thousand yeares of pardon 20 Here is yet one Indulgence greater then any of the former 7000. yeares euery day which is in one yeere more then two millions of yeares Oh how endlesse and infinite is the loue of our holy father the Pope to his deuout children and as many quarentens and remission of the third part of a mans sinnes Also in the Church of Saint Potentiana there is the stoole or bench or forme whereupon Christ sate at his last supper with his Disciples 21 For good reason seeing the table came the stoole should come also In this Church there are euery day a thousand yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Anthonie there is graunted remission of the sixt part of all a mans sins Also in the Church of Saint Peter ad Vincula there bee the Chaines with which Saint Peter was bound in prison which the sonne of Theodosius the Emperour did bring with him from Ierusalem 22 But who kept these holy chaines in Ierusalem all those foure hundred yeares long from Saint Peters time to the daies of Theodosius the booke tells vs not therefore let not good Catholicks bee too curious to inquire this is not fit to bee written but let them goe to Rome and there they may learne it in priuate for this is the wisdome of his holinesse and the holy fathers of the society not to make all things plaine by writing that so they may inuite deuout Catholickes to come to Rome to aske what is not elsewhere reuealed that so in Rome they may be partakers of all the vnualuable riches of the Popes treasure and of the holinesse of the pure Clergie and of the vertue of the many pretious relickes that be there This Church did Pope Pellagius consecrate the first day of August and granted vnto it full remission of all sinnes Relickes in the Church that is called Ara Caeli or the altar of heauen IN the Church of the Friers Minors which is called the Altar of Heauen there bee the foote-steppes of the Angell that stood vpon the stone and sung Regina Caeli laetare or reioyce the Queene of Heauen in the Castle of Saint Angell 23 This is very likely that Angels haue so grosse and heauy bodies that they leaue their foote-steppes in stones where they treade But is not this a great miracle that when the Angels sung Gloria in excelsis to God they left no print behinde them But when they sung to the praise of a creature then they made and left the impression of their footesteppes Also in the same Church there is the first altar that euer was made in the whole world Concerning which altar thus it is said that on a time Octauian the Emperour saw a Circle in the Heauens and in the Circle the most beautifull and glorious Virgin Mary standing vpon an Altar in her armes holding a childe The Emperour amased at this sight heard a voice that said to him from Heauen This is the Altar of Heauen of Gods Sonne Octanian hearing this instantly fell downe vpon the earth and worshipped Christ to come This vision was seene in the chamber of Octauian the Emperour and in that chamber he built the first Altar 24 Must not this be an holy Altar that was made by so great a Saint as the Heathen Emperour Augustus But if any aske how this can bee the first Altar when as wee herd afore there is in Saint Iohns Church the Altar that Saint Iohn Baptist said Masse on in the wildernesse Let not this trouble the good Catholike for is it not likely that Saint Octauian would send this his new made Altar to Iohn Baptist from Rome Yes verily as likely as that he made any And at this Altar there is euery Sunday and vpon the assumption of our Lady the blessed Virgin pardon and remission of all sinnes Also there is a worshipfull Image of Mary the Virgin painted by the hands of blessed Luke 25 See what good hap the holy Roman Church hath that all the pictures shee hath of the Virgin Mary were drawne by the hands of Saint Luke himselfe but he forgot to tell vs this when hee wrote his Gospell or rather hee left it for the Pope to teach in aftertimes when greater points are to bee reueiled then the Scripture teacheth or then were fit for those times which worshipfull Image whilst blessed Gregorie caried in procession with great solemnity at that time when there was a horrible pestilence in Rome that it was called the great plague as the procession came neere the Castle of Saint Angello the Angell of Marble as often times before it had bowed it selfe to this venerable Image 26 Caluinists and Lutherans will not worship Images But wee see here that the Image of marble did worshippe the Image of our Ladie Is it not strange that a grauen Image should bow to a painted Image But such and so wonderfull are the miracles in the holy Roman Church and so deepe are the mysteries of her piety Away therfore to the fire with these cursed Heretiques that will worship no images More hard hearted are they then the Marble Angell which full deuoutly bowed it selfe to the Venerable image But no maruell though they be worse then marble when it is apparant as the Iesuites haue learnedly of late prooued from France that they be worse then the diuell For they deny purgatory but the diuells confesse it they say the Roman Church is not the true Church but the diuells dare sweare it by all the faith and truth that is in them Nay they haue renounced God and their part in heauen if the Roman Church bee not the true Church So farre better are they then these Heretiques And therefore it is great maruell that some nice Catholikes hold that wee may not equiuocate with these Heretiques nor delude them nor deceiue nor oppresse them but that it must bee called cruelty For what can bee hard or sharpe inough towards such beasts as are worse then diuells and harder hearted then marble stones or what good Catholickes care what they doe to such base and vile Heretiques who it is certaine are greater enemies to the Roman faith and Church that now bee then the diuell him Let them therefore goe as they bee But whereas some tender hearted Catholikes doe here make a question how the marble Image was made straight againe when it had bowed it selfe alasse that they should bee so scrupulous for could not the holy Image as easily reare vp it selfe againe as it bowed it selfe downe Yes assuredly and I thinke the very Heretique will not deny it Therefore that needes not to mooue you But the other doubt I confesse is of more difficulty namely that a goodly grauen Image should bow to an Image that was but painted and the Image of an Angell to the Image of a woman or to any but the Image of GOD. This is certainely some great mysterie I haue asked of the holy fathers and priests that come thither of it but they answere mee diuersely and no maruell though the best wittes differ in so darke and difficult and deepe a question Therefore the best aduise is that till his Holinesse call another Councell if any man list to bee resolued Let him goe to Rome and repaire to the Chaire that cannot erre and besides an infallible resolution hee may happily finde such excellent instructors and such good examples there as may make him as deuout as holy as tender hearted as is the marble Image that stands at the gate of the Castle of Saint Angell of the blessed Virgin Mary so now in the presence of many that saw heard it it sung out aloud Alleluia Regina caeli laetare and thereupon Saint Gregory made the praier Ora pro nobis Deum Alleluia FINIS LONDON Printed by Nicholas Okes for George Norton and are to be sold at his Shop neere Temple-barre Gate 1617.
sic Noscant vniuersi hanc paginam ininspectnri gratiam pietate dei meritis sancti Iuliani omnibus fidelibus datam precipue si quis presumens iter arripere peregrinationis pro animabus patris matris ad dictam Ecclesiam cum deuotione vnum Pater noster Aue maria dixerit prosperum fine aduersitate obtinebit hospicium Reliquiae praedict Ecclesiae ITem primo est ibi de lacte Mariae Virginis Item ibi est mentum Beati Iuliani Item de Crinibus Beati Iohannis Baptistae Item de spina de Corona qua coronatus crat Iesus Item dentes Beatae Apolloniae Of certaine Indulgences and Relikes of diuerse other Churches IN the Church of Saint Iames there is the stone vpon which our Lord Iesus Christ was presented in the Temple and at it there bee a thousand yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Martine on the hill lieth Saint Siluester and there bee daily there three hundred yeares of pardon Also not farre from Saint Peters Church there is a field called Gods field where there are euery day a thousand yeares of pardon and remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes In this field Pilgrims are buried and their bodies after three daies are found no more 15 Of this strange field read in the larger notes or comment Also there is one stone of a great height vpon whose pinacle or toppe there is the bodie 16 Heere is a holy relicke indeed namely the body of Iulius Caesar it is pity so great a Saint hath not a day in the Kalender which many haue that were neuer so well knowne as Iulius Caesar of Iulius Caesar Also in the Church of Saint Peter at the prison there is remission of the third part of all a mans sinnes and euery day two hundred yeares of pardon all which are granted by diuers Popes to such as shal be truelie penitent and bee confessed so oft as any man shal either for cause of deuotion or of pilgrimage visite the said Church or else if hee giue his almes vnto it thus doing he is released of all his sinnes Also there a little below is a well which appeared and spange vp miraculously when Saint Peter was laide hold of by Neroe the Emperonr Also in the Church of Saint Agnes there are sixe and fortie yeares of pardon And vpon her feast day two hundred yeares Also in the Church of Saint Susan who was wife to Saint Alexius two hundred yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Katrine there are two hundred yeares of pardon And vpon her feast day a thousand yeares Also in the Church of Saint Felicitie are fortie yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Lucie a hundred yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Petronilla a thousand yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Elizabeth a hundred yeares of pardon euery day Also in the Church of Saint Clare a hundred yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Mynerua a thousand yeares of pardon Also in the Church of Saint Iulian it is thus written Know all men whosoeuer shall looke vpon this chapter that by the goodnesse of God and merites of Saint Iulian grace and pardon is graunted from God to all faithfull men Especiallie if any man doe vndertake a iourney of pilgrimage to this Church for the soules of his father and mother and shall there say with deuotion one Pater noster and one Aue hee shall also be sure to obtaine a prosperous iourney good lodging without daunger of theenes or any other aduersitie 18 See what a sweet and comfortable thing it is to trauell to Rome when a man is sure by vertue of the Popes Indulgence to escape theeues and all his iourney long to bee sure of good lodging who that beleeues this would not trauell to Rome The Reliques of the same Church FIrst of all there is in this Church some of the milke of our Lady Also there is Saint Iulians beard Also there is some of Saint Iohn Baptists haire Also some of the crown of thornes with which Iesus Christ was crowned Also some of the teeth of Saint Appollonie 19 And all these are so miraculously market as they cannot bee counterfeited no nor changed neither but when it pleaseth his holinesse for the greater edification of his good Catholickes CAP. 16. ITem in Ecclesia sancti Euzebij Vincentij CCC anni Indulgent ibi est brachium Beati Christopheri Item in Ecclesia sancti Viti Modesti aliorum millium Martirum sunt omni die septem melle anni Indulgent tot carenae tertiae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item in Ecclesia sanctae Potentianae ibi est scampnum super quo Christus sedebat cum discipulis suis in cena ibi est mille Indulgent omni die Item in Ecclesia sancti Anthonij ibi conceditur sextae partis omnium peccatorum remissio Item in Ecclesia Sancti Petri ad Vincula ibi sunt Cathenae cum quibus Sanctus Petrus fuit Cathenatus quas portauit filius Theodotij de Ierusalem Quam Ecclesiam pellagius Papa primo die Augusti consecrauit remissionem omnium peccatorum ibidem concessit Reliquiae quae sunt in Ecclesia quae vocatur ara Celi ITem in Ecclesia fratrū minorum quae vocatur ara Caeli ibi sunt vestigia Angeli in lapide stantis Regina Caeli laetare cantantis in castello Sancti Angeli Item in eadem Ecclesia est primum altare totius mundi confectum Item dicitur quod Octauianus Imperator vidit circulum in Celo ibi pulcherimam gloriosissimam virginem Mariam super altare stantem suis brachijs puerum tenentem qui ammiratus valde audiuit vocem de caelo dicsentem haec est ara caeli filij dei qui statim procidens in terram adorauit Christum venturum Haec visio facta fuit in camera Octauiani Imperatoris vbi ipsum primum Altare construxit Et est ibi dominica dic assumpsionis Beatae Mariae Virginis omnium peccatorum remissio Item est ibi vna venerabilis Imago Mariae Virginis manibus Beati Lucae depicta Quam venerabilem Imaginem Beatus Gregorius in processione portans tempore quo illa horribilis pestilentia fuerat Romae cum magna solemnitate veniente processione prope Castellū Sancti Angeli Angelus Marmoreus qui se inclinauerat sepe ad hanc venerabilem Imaginem Beatae Mariae Virginis pluribus videntibus audientibus Regina caeli laetare alle luia cantauit Et composuit Beatus Gregorius Ora pro nobis Deum Alleluia c. CHAP. 16. Of Indulgences and Reliques in diuers other Churches IN the Church of Saint Euzebius and Vincentius there are three hundred yeares of pardon and in that Church there is the arme of Saint Christopher Also in the Church of Saint Vitus and Modestus and of a thousand other Martires there are euery