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B08096 The great assize, or, Day of iubilee. Deliuered in foure sermons, vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel. ver. : Whereunto are annexed two sermons vpon the I. chapter of the Canticles, verse 6.7. / [By] Samuel Smith, minister of the work of God at Prittlewell in Essex.. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1617 (1617) STC 22847.7; ESTC S95246 88,613 364

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their owne traditions and constitutions Vse How should this stir vp euery christian man and woman to study the word of God so that knowing the truth beleeuing the doctrine of God we may be able to discerne betweene light and darkenesse truth and falsehood idolatry and the seruice and worship of God Secondly to intreate the Lord in all humilitie to open our eyes to discerne the truth to giue vs his holie Spirit to leade vs into all truth to giue vnto vs the Spirit of Discerning to trie the spirit and the doctrine whether it be of God or not for otherwise we may be ledde awry and take light for darkenesse and darkenesse for light Let vs then confesse our ignorance and blindenesse and bewayle it Let vs striue against our carelesnesse Let vs prooue the Doctrine by the touch-stone of the Word if they be according to the law and the Prophets else abhorre them Acts 17. Let vs doe as the men of Berea did intreate the Lord to giue vs the Spirit of Discerning that we may trie all things and hold the truth And if euer wee had neede to pray for the Spirit of Discerning now is the time we see how bold the Diuell is how diligent to deceiue vs and the Papists they be impudent and shamelesse euen to thrust vpon vs their cursed Idolatrie and tell vs it is the true worship of God their abominable Masse their Merites Purgatorie prayer for the dead worshipping of Images calling vpon Saints vnwritten Verities their vile Traditions and filthy abhominations their Constitutions and vile Decrees as if they were the written word of God Now vnlesse we haue knowledge and bee able by Gods Spirit to discerne the spirits alas wee shall drinke in poyson idolatry and superstition O then let vs labour to know the Word of God beleeue it obey it bee reformed by it confesse our ignorance and with all humilitie pray vnto God to open our eyes to giue vs the spirit of discerning to know true Religion from false which if wee do certainely the Lord will reueale his Truth vnto vs. And thus much shall serue for Christs gentle reproofe of his Church 3 Christs answere vnto his church The third and last point is the direct answere of Christ to the request of the Church shee desired to know of Christ where he fed his flocke and comforted them in the time of persecution that so shee might ioyne with them and be defended by him from false worship and the idolatrous Church Heere Christ doth answere her to the full If thou know not Oh thou fairest among women get thee foorth by the steppes of the Sheep and feede thy Kids by the Tents of the Shepheards His counsell standeth in two parts to shew her where he feedeth q. d. Wouldest thou know where I feede my Sheep and where I cause them to lie downe at Noone that thou mightest feed with them and be in my Fold to be defended and protected by mee then I counsell thee First to walke in the steppes of the Sheepe that is thou must walke in the steppes of the faithfull seruants of God Abrabam Isaac and Iacob thou must embrace that faith religion worship of GOD which they beleeued and embraced that is meant by the steppes of the sheep Secondly thou must feede thy Kids that is thou must receiue and embrace that Doctrine which the ancient Shepheards Pastors Prophets and Apostles haue taught and deliuered And if thou shalt thus treade in the steps of the sheepe Abraham Isaac and Iacob and embrace and obey the doctrines taught by the Prophets and Apostles in the old and new Testament thou shalt then know where I feed my sheepe that thou maist feed with them and take mee for thy true Shepheard Doctr. 8 From this answere of Christ we learne a cleere direction A directiō to know which is the true Church to know true Religion and the true worship of God from false religion and false worshippe If men doe desire to know where Christ feedeth his sheepe and where GOD is truely worshipped where is true religion we must then treade in the steppes of the Sheep That is we must worship God as Abraham Isaac and Iacob did as Moses and the Prophets did treade in their steppes and follow their godly examples beleeue repent and walke with GOD as they did whom by the iudgement of Faith wee may conclude of that they were the Sheepe of Christ for of them doth Christ speake heere and not of a company of Popes Cardinalls Iesuites and the like of that rabble of whom to thinke that they should belong to this Folde I know not whence I should fetch my charity Againe wee must embrace and beleeue the doctrine taught by Moses and the Prophets Christ and his Apostles who were the true Shepheards and faithfull Pastors of the Church of GOD To the Law Esay 8.20 and to the Testimony if they speake not according to this Word it is because there is no light in them Iere. 6.16 And againe Thus saith the Lord stand in the wayes and behold and aske for the olde way which is the good way and walke therein and you shall finde peace and rest for your soules So then if we desire to know true Religion and the true worship and seruice of God this is the way which I heere teach and deliuer from the Lord IESVS CHRIST against the doctrine of all the Shauelings of Rome namely this and none but this To inquire of the faith Religion and maner of the worshipping of God performed by Abraham Isaac and Iacob Patriarkes and Prophets Preached and published by Christ and his Apostles beleeue that imbrace that and rest our soules on that This may serue to decide a great question and long controuersie betweene vs and the Papists They affirme that they are the true Church and we are Heretickes wee beleeue and hold that we are the true church of God and that they bee not but Babylon and the Synagogue of Sathan This then is the maine Question whether they or wee bee the true Church Who shall iudge euen Christ Iesus himselfe in his owne word wee rest vpon him and flie vnto him which if the Papists would do likewise they would neuer haue runne into a labyrinth of controuersies as they haue euen at this day For Christ would quickly haue put an end vnto all For he saith that they be the true Church which Treade in the steps of the Sheep and feede by the Tents of the Shepheards That is that people that beleeue and worship God as Abraham Isaac and Iacob did and also that old Religion which they beleeued and embraced as the true Religion for that was taught by the holy seruants of God who were the faithfull Shepheards and Pastors sent of God to his Church Now let triall be made whether the Papists or Protestants the Church of Rome or the Church of England do thus For the Papists although they call their Religion the old Religion yet alas it is newly deuised the gteatest parts of it within these foure or fiue hundred yeares It is such as was neuer knowne to Abraham Isaac Iacob Moses or the Prophets it was neuer knowne to Christ or his Apostles they haue lost the Steps of the Sheepe and the Tents of the Shepheards that Doctrine manner of Religion the worship and seruice of God which was vsed by the Patriarkes Abraham Isaac and Iacob taught by Moses and the Prophets Christ and his Apostles and they haue got a new Religion of their owne deuising They walke not in the steps of the Flocke but in the steps of their proud Popes couetous Cardinals filthy Friers mangy Munkes They haue deuised a thousand things in the seruice and worship of God against his Word and against the Doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles Where shall we euer finde that Abraham Isaac Iacob and the Prophets did euer pray to Angells or Saints worshipped Images prayed for the dead looked to bee saued by their owne workes or merites If they can shew me any foule-mouth'd Iesuite of them all but any one example in the whole booke of God of any of all Gods children that haue performed them I will then lay my hand vpon my mouth In the meane time giue me leaue O ye Papists to tell you that you are none of Christs Church you are none of Christs Sheepe for you haue left the Steppes of the sheepe and the Tents of the shepheards the Doctrine taught by the Prophets of God Christ and his Apostls and are no better then the whoore of Babylon the Synagogue of Sathan But as for the Church of England wee doe beleeue and embrace that olde and true Religion that same Faith which Abraham Isaac and Iacob did vse we holde that Doctrine taught by the ancient Prophets and holie Apostles of CHRIST IESVS without either adding or detracting And if wee should dare to deuise a new kinde of Faith Religion and worship of God not vsed nor knowne to the ancient Prophets Patriarkes and Apostles as the Church of Rome doth it were to leaue the Steps of the Sheepe and to ioyne with the Flockes of the Companions euen to shake hands with Idolaters Vse 2 Well let vs then euer stand out against the Antichrist of Rome Reu. 18.4 and as Christ saith Come out of her ioyne not with her in her false Religion and Idolatrous seruice of God lest you partake of her plagues but let vs hold fast still the true Religion of God Treade in the steps of the Sheep Feed by the Tents of the Shepheards Let vs liue and die in the true Church of God for euer hold fast the true ancient holy religion which we haue receiued frō the holy Patriarks Abraham Isaac Iacob Moses the Prophets and the holy Apostles of Iesus Christ then we shall be safe and sure yea blessed and happy for euermore FINIS
fauour he is with-holden sometimes bribes blind his eies and peruert the right sentence But it shall not be so with this Iudge of the whole world His sentence is a righteous sentence he will iudge according to trueth he is able to finde out any cause and will examine it to the bottome hee feareth no mans person he will not be moued with fauor to conceale the truth And as for rewards hee contemnes them all therefore no doubt hee will proceede according to iustice This serueth for the comfort Vse 1 of Gods people in this world we see oftentimes the righteous cause is troden vnder foot mens lands and liuings are detained and taken from them by vnrighteous Iudges and that vnder colour of Law Well let men haue patience and know this that there wil come a day wherin there shal be Iustice and true Iudgement doone vnto them Here thy cause shall be heard it shal be righted for Christ Iesus will bee a righteous Iudge for the poore the fatherlesse and the widow Againe we see how the members of CHRIST which make conscience of sinne and care of their liues to heare the word and to walke accordingly they be disgraced and despised of the world Well let vs learn here to possesse our soules with patience for there will come a day of reckoning when as our righteous cause will bee heard and we shall haue iustice and all the contemners of Christ Iesus and persecutors of his poore members shall feele the smart of it Vse 2 Secondly seeing Christ Iesus the Iudge commeth thus with might and Maiestie not as a Sauiour or Mediator but as a Iudge It must admonish all men and women now to repent and turne vnto God in the time of mercy Esay 55.6 to seeke the Lorde while he may be found and to call vpon him while hee is neere Now while we liue Iesus Christ commeth vnto vs by his Ministers as a Sauiour to saue our Soules in mercie to bring vs to Repentance But after this life hee will no more come as a Sauiour or a Mediator but as a mightie Iudge full of Maiestie full of Might Power and Glory And therefore looke how men die so shall the Iudge finde them If thou die in thy sinnes and doest not repent and seeke for pardon at the hand of the Iudge whilest thou liuest heere There is no hope of mercy after death For how death leaueth thee so shall iudgement finde thee Cain died many thousand yeares agoe and Iudas in their sins so shall the last day find them For after death there is no mercy but iustice and iudgement And one fitting thereon NOw who this is which sate vppon this Great White Throne The Person of the Iudge described Reu. 14.14 you may see in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn the foureteenth chapter and the foureteenth verse I sawe a White Cloud and one sitting on it like the Sonne of man hauing on his head a golden Crowne and in his hand a sharpe Sickle So that wee see that it is the Sonne of man euen CHRIST IESVS GOD and man that shal be the iudge And so doth Saint Mathew call him Mat. 25.31 When the Sonne of man cometh in his glorie and all his holie Angells with him then shall hee sit vpon the Throne of his glorie And againe he titles him by the name of a King Verse 24. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand c. This is taught by the Apostle Wee must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ .1 Cor. 5.10 True it is that our Sauiour Christ is King Priest and Prophet a true Prophet in whom vvas contayned all the secrets and whole counsell of God A true high Priest whose Sacrifice alone was able to put avvay the sinnes of the vvhole world But when he comes in the Throne of his Maiestie to iudge the quicke and the dead he shall not come as Priest or Prophet for these Offices of Christ are finished For his Propheticall Office he hath sufficiently reuealed the whole counsell of God his Father to his Church and People First by his holy Prophets then by himselfe after by his Apostles and Minsters And therefore seeing that his Prophetical Office is finished he calles not himselfe a Prophet but a King Againe CHRIST IESVS our Priest hauing once for all offered vp that Propiciatory Sacrifice for the sinnes of all the Elect now this Office of a Priest is likewise finished and this Sacrifice must be no more iterated and repeated But now hee commeth as a King in all Maiestie and Glorie For though his Propheticall and Priestlie Office be accomplished yet his Princely Office is not finished But now CHRIST IESVS the Iudge of quicke and dead shall beginne to manifest himselfe to be a King to all Nations to men and Angells Novv shall hee shevv himselfe to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords full of all Diuine and Heauenly power and glory For that now at the name of CHRIST euery knee shall bow When our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST liued on earth he came in misery very base and lowly euery childe durst look him in the face Then euery base fellow euery sinfull wretch durst mock him and spit in his face Herod and Pontius Pilate and the rabble of the Iews durst then vse him at their pleasure But now Hee shall come as a King full of maiestie and glorie guarded and attended vpon with many thousands of heauenly Souldiours euen all his holie Angells and then he will make Herod and Pontius Pilate yea the greatest Kings and Monarchs to stoope Nay then all his enemies shall tremble and quake Zach. chap. 12 ver 10. and not dare to open their mouthes against him Oh then what a terrour may this bee to all vvicked and vngodlie sinners that liue in sinne to see him come in that wonderfull Maiestie to be their Iudge whom they haue contemned vvhose members they haue persecuted and whose word and glorious Gospel they haue not regarded but troden vnder foot for he shall come with a sharpe two-edged Sword to cut them in peeces and a consuming fire to burne vp all vngodlie sinners And as hee is a King to the vvicked so is hee a King to the godlie Hee alone hath the Scepter of Dauid to the endlesse comfort of those that bee the children of his Kingdome For who is it that curbs Leuiathan snaffles the Diuell brideleth his force and malice Surely this our King Who is it that cuts the throate of sinne in his members and taketh away the strength of sinne Surelie this King of Kings Who breaketh the brasse barres of Death and pulleth out the sting of Death Our sinnes that they sting not our soules to the eternall death None can doe that but this our King CHRIST IESVS Who opens the gate of heauen who puts his spirit into the hearts of his children making them to crie Abba Father to lift vp their soules and with ioy to long
the height and the measure of her iniquitie is once full according to that of Sainct Iohn in the Reuelation Shee is fallen shee is fallen euen Babylon that great Citie c. God put it into the hearts of all christian princes to rise vp against her * By suppressing of Poperie that their warre with them may assure them of a peace with themselues and with their Lord God For how dangerous they be vnto a christian common-wealth euen theyr hellish Attempts do shew Neyther is it an error in practise as many would beare men in hand but it is an error in doctrine teaching yea and maintaining it that they may safely kill and take away the life of a christian Prince that will not yeelde and subiect himselfe vnto the Pope of Rome * Therfore traitors to Christian Princes in action or affection and so much the more dangerous to be sufferd And no maruell then though they can not endure the manifestation of God his Word which is a Lanthorne vnto our feete and a Light vnto our Paths directing vs to heauen For this Light if the Pope did not smother it euen little children in the Streetes would long ere this haue cryed Fie vpon them fie vpon them Jt is my care both in publike and priuate out of my small reading to discouer as much as in me lieth the mysterie of Iniquitie and to lend one blast to the sounding of that Horne The word that shall at last shake downe the walles of this Iericho Jt is the old and ancient Doctrine of Faith and Repentance that I heere intreate of As for the plainenesse of the manner of deliuery of it I do trust you will acknowledge that the power of the spirit is best seene in weakenesse and that plainelinesse do best answere a straight and euen Leuell the euidence of the spirit is best seene in plainenesse J haue presumed to prefixe your Worshippes Name vnto this small Worke Jt shall by Gods good blessing increase your loue vnto the truth and gospell of Iesus Christ A zealous professour whereof you haue shewed your selfe to be these many yeares and worke in you a further detestation of Poperie As you haue begun well so proceed and let your workes be more at last then at first Be still for God in all his wayes and God will be still for you in all your waies aduance him still and hee will aduaunce you Thus I adde this poore Mite to the treasurie of the Church ascribing the Patronage to your selfe the vse to the world and the successe of it to God I pray God to keepe you in his holy feare and fauour vnto the end and so remaine Your worships in the surest bond SAMVEL SMITH A Table of the Doctrines contained in these two Sermons THE FIRST SERMON CANT 1. v. 6.7 Doctrine 1. CHRIST IESVS must bee loued with the strongest affection of Loue. p. 234 Doct. 2. True note of a Sheepe of Christ to hunger and thirst after the word of God p. 225 Doctr. 3. The church of God doth acknowledge Christ to bee her chiefe shepheard p. 267 Doctr. 4. The church of GOD sometimes is in the very heate of persecution p. 274 Doctr. 5. Christ leaueth not his church in the heate of persecution but prouideth comfort for them p. 285 Doct. 5. It is altogether impossible for men to holde out in time of triall that are not assisted by God p. 296 THE SECOND SERMON CANT 1. v. 7. Doctrine 6. CHRIST esteemeth of his church as if they had no sinne p. 308 Doctr. 7. The church of GOD sometimes may bee at such a streight as not to discerne the truth p. 317 Doctr. 8. A direction to know which is the true church p. 324 A Fold for Christs SHEEP THE FIRST SERMON CANT 1.6.7 6 Shew thou me O thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest and where thou liest at noone For why should I bee as shee that turneth aside to the Flocks of thy companions 7 If thou know not O thou the fairest among women get thee forth by the steps of the Flocke and feede thy Kiddes by the Tents of the Shepheards BEFORE I enter into the Text it selfe which I haue now read vnto you it shal not be amisse for my better proceeding and your vnderstanding to speake something concerning the order of placing this Booke the Title of it and the subiect matter therein contained Touching the order of placing this Booke wherein king Salomon labours to build vp the Spirituall Temple of the Soule It is the same hee obserued in building the materiall temple 1. Reg 6. where he framed three Courts the vtmost for the Common People the second for the Priests and Leuites and last of all that Sanctum Sanctorum the Holiest of Holies onelie for the High Priest to enter in at and that but once a yeare euen so in this Spirituall Temple of mans Soule hee hath likewise framed three Courts First an vtmost Court which is his Booke of Prouerbes where all sorts and degrees of men whatsoeuer are taught instructed a ciuill course of maners Next to that he hath a second Court which is his Ecclesiastes leading men on further in the wayes of godlinesse and Christian piety And last of all hee hath a Sanctum Sanctorum which is his Canticles wherein not euerie one but onely those which delight in heauenlie and Diuine Mysteries may behold the pure free perfect eternall and constant loue of Christ Iesus towards his Church and euerie faithfull Soule as also the loue of his Church towardes him and what great and princely benefits she reapeth by him Secondly for the Title and subiect matter of this most excellent Booke as there is Sabbatum Sabbati so this is a Song of Songs because of all that Salomon did endite this is most Diuine and most excellent In the which hee doth most liuely and affectionately by Allegoricall and Parabolicall Speeches cipher out and describe vnto vs the most holie and perfect loue of Christ Iesus towardes the Church his blessed Spouse For CHRIST and his Church are heere brought in in this worthie Booke as two Paramours Psalme 45 who are in loue the one with the other as a time of wooing euer goeth before the solemnization of Matrimonie and which in due conuenient time haue a purpose to marrie Math. 1.11 as Ioseph and Mary were first espoused before they came together So the same order is obserued in this Spirituall Vnion betwixt Christ and his Church Iohn 3.29 They must first bee contracted then after married The Contract is when a man is regenerate and borne anew Reuel 21 9. translated out of Nature into Grace depending only vpon Christ for saluation and finished and made vp in the day of Iudgement when all the Elect shall fully enioy Christ For so witnesseth the Holy ghost where it is said Let all be glad and reioyce and giue glory to him for the Marriage of the Lambe is come and
Christ endure that any other should haue with him a portiō in his church For he is a iealous God Exodus 20. verse 5. So then the force of the reason standeth thus Gods people which are married vnto CHRIST must loue CHRIST alone because we are linked married to him alone as a wife to her husband vnto whom alone she is bound Therefore if we forsake the Lord and breake the promise wee made to him in Baptisme and betroth our selues vnto others then will he surely cast vs off giue vs a Bill of Diuorcement as shamelesse strumpets and punish vs for our vnfaithfulnesse Secondly hee loued vs first Reason 2 and best according to that of Iohn Wee loue him Iohn 4.19 because hee loued vs first Yea he loued vs first when we were his enemies and had made a voluntary separation betweene him and our soules committing Spirituall fornication with sinne and Sathan yea as the Apostle Paul witnesseth Eph. 2.4.5 Yee that were dead in trespasses and sinnes hath hee quickened And lest wee should any whit doubt of his loue hee hath manifested it Reuel 1.6 in that Hee hath washed vs from our sinnes in his Bloud Oh then greater Loue then this can no man shew And therefore seeing Christ hath loued thy Soule so dearely as to suffer a cursed death yea to shed his owne heart Bloud to saue thy soule Oh how oughtest thou to loue Christ agayne If a man vvere taken by the Turkes and put to extreme slauery and bondage where hee should remayne for euer vnlesse a great summe of money were payd for his ransome the which hee were neuer able to pay how miserable were the estate of this man But if one should come that out of his meere loue vnto him pittying his miserie that should pay his ransome and set him free who can expresse how much this poore wretch were bound vnto him VVee are all taken prisoners and that not by the Turkes which onely can but hold vs in temporall bondage but by Sathan the Prince of darkenesse where wee should haue indured not a temporall but a spirituall and eternall bondage and slauery and that in hell for euermore And nothing but onely the bloud of the Sonne of God could bee our ransome O how should this worke vpon the affection of euery Christian man and woman and euen bind vs to loue Christ againe Now what might moue Christ but onely his loue to giue himselfe to death for vs Surely nothing that was in vs. Ephe. 2.4.5 But God who is rich in mercie through his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we were dead by sinnes hath quickned vs together by Christ by whose grace yee are saued And againe 1. Ioh 3.16 Hereby haue we perceiued loue that hee layd downe his life for vs. Ephes 1.7 By whom saith the Apostle we haue redemption through his bloud and therefore the loue that Christ Iesus hath first she●ed vnto vs must constraine vs to loue Christ againe Reason 3 And lastly because CHRIST IESVS is most excellent in him selfe and therfore most worthie of our loue For so saith the Church of Christ My beloued is white and ruddy Cant. 5.10 the chiefe of ten thousand In the world we see it commō that some are beloued because they are faire and beautifull some because they are rich and wealthy some because they are wise and prudent and some because they are honourably descended Now Christ Iesus hath all of these For what soeuer may affect a mans heart and any way procure loue the same is Christ Iesus fully and absolute without any shadow of mutabilitie or change For wisedome he is the fountaine for truth hee is the authour of truth for mercie he is the store-house of all mercie for riches hee is the Lord of heauen and earth euen the store-house of durable riches and for beautie hee is the most holy and blessed sonne of God full of grace and truth Oh how may this serue to reproue Vse 1 all carnall and prophane Gospellers worldly men Epicures couetous Cormorants who loue any thing more then Christ Iesus and his glorious Gospell like the Gadarens who preferred their hogges before Christ yea one messe of pottage with Esau that can be content to sell Christ for lesse then thirtie pence that loue their filthy plesures eating drinking pride vncleannenesse c. more then CHRIST and their owne soules like the Bethlemites let Christ lie in the stable amongst beasts for they can not affoord him one corner in their hearts Againe it is the sin of thousands that professe Christ to be their Husband and Sauior that yet breake their couenant and serue the world and the flesh that pretend they loue the Lord Iesus Christ and yet betroth themselues to the world the flesh and the diuell and serue them Now how could any man be content with this That his wife should say she loues him and yet sets her heart vpon another man So how can wee thinke that God will take it at our hands if we will make shew that we loue Christ and yet are euer dallying with the world Christs enemy Oh he is a iealous God and will neuer indure it at our hands And lastly by the rule of this Doctrine of the Papists heere no lesse to be reproued who so much rob God of his honour calling vpon Saints and praying vnto them nay preferring the virgin Marie before Christ himselfe giuing honour and adoration to Saints and Angels making them Mediatours and Sauiours they shall finde one day that GOD will not put vp this robbery at their hands but will shew his iealous and terrible anger against them as most sacrilegious persons and robbers It must stirre vp euery Christian Vse 2 man to labour to finde his heart rauished with the loue of Christ Iesus so as he can say out of the affection of his heart O thou whom my soule loueth so as if the question were demanded what I loue best I can truly say Phil. 3.7.8 I loue Christ Iesus more then the whole world yea I account all things but losse and dung to win Christ And where men find this true affection loue of Christ in them it is a certaine signe of their saluation that God hath cast his loue vpon them that so the loue of God drawes loue to him againe As the light of the Sunne lights on the eie and by it we see the Sunne again And as by the picture in the Waxe wee know the Seale so by our loue to God we know his loue to vs. O how should this cause euery man and woman and euery mothers childe amongest vs to examine their loue towards Christ that so they may gather some assurance vnto their owne soules that Christ hath cast his loue vpon them And to doe this aske me this question of thine owne soule Doest thou desire Phil. 1.25 with the Apostle Paul to be loosed and to be with Christ Tell mee
Note is it meate and drinke vnto thee to doe the will of Christ Is thy hand euer ready according to thy abilitie to bestow any thing vpon Christ for the aduancement of his glory Doest thou labour in the place vvherein thou liuest to aduance the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ Canst thou bee content to vndergoe shame disgrace trouble persecution and bonds yea death it selfe for Christs sake Doth the remembrance of his comming to Iudgement cheere vp thy heauy soule And doest thou cry with the spouse of Christ Come Lord Iesus come quickly These bee markes and tokens whereby thou maist discerne whether thou dost loue Christ Iesus yea or no. But because all men are ready to say that they loue Christ or else it were pitty they should liue and the like when indeed the loue of Christ is not in them Markes to discerne our loue to Christ I will yet proceed a little further and obserue a few notes and markes of this pure and hearty loue to Christ which are most certaine signes of grace 1. By our loue to his word First if wee loue Christ wee will loue his word delight in it and esteeme it aboue gold and pretious stones Psal 119.67 Lord what loue haue I vnto thy word saith Dauid all the day long is my study in it Yea it is altogether impossible for a man to be religious to feare God and to loue him that hath no sound loue nor delight in the word of God so that by our loue to his word wee may iudge of our loue to Christ No loue nor delight in the word surely no loue nor delight in Christ great loue to the word great loue to Christ In the valewing of this pearle Dauids practise is notable who made the Testimonies of God his heritage Verse 111. and the very ioy of his heart and esteemed them aboue gold yea aboue fine gold And therefore seeing most men haue no delight in the word seldome or neuer heare it vnlesse it be for fashion sake read it or meditate in it day or night it is a certaine token that the loue of Christ is not in them 2. By our loue to his Saints Secondly if wee loue Christ Iesus with all our heart we will loue those whom he loues his blessed members true Christians 1. Iohn 3. Hereby saith Saint Iohn wee know that we are translated from darknesse into light because we loue the brethren Dauid testifies of himselfe Al my delight is vpon thy Saints It is our duty to loue all but wee must loue the Saints with a peculiar and speciall loue as heires with Christ and members of the same body with vs. Therefore seeing men generally hate the members of Christ contemne them and despise them doth not this make it verie apparent that the loue of Christ is not in them For the world loues her owne Iohn 15.19 But because I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Thirdly if we loue Christ Iesus 3. By our obedience we must shew it by our obedience to his word and to his holy Lawes for so saith Christ If ye loue me Ioh. 14 23. keep my Commandements Little obedience little loue no obedience to Christs will no loue hearty obedience hearty loue And therefore seeing generally men rebel against his word and breake his Commandements thogh these men should swear they loue Christ yet are they liars and the loue of Christ is not in them For who can beleeue that a traytor can loue his Prince Fourthly if we loue Christ Iesus 4. By our suffering for Christ we cannot endure to heare him blasphemed rayled on reuiled his word contemned or his Sabaoths prophaned but it will grieue vs at the very heart we will to the vtmost of our power defend his cause as a louing childe the cause of his father and a faithfull seruant the credit of his maister And withall it will make vs be content to indure some triall and persecution for his sake yea losse of libertie wealth riches yea life i●selfe who hath so loued vs that he shed his bloud for vs. Thus much of the affection of the Church towards Christ Iesus Now we are to come to the petitions themselues Shew thou mee O thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest c. THe Church heere as in many other places of the holie Scriptures compares Christ Iesus to a good and faithfull shepheard as the Prophet Esay describes him Esay 40. He will gather together his Lambs And againe Behold Ezech. 34. I will require my flocke of the Shepheards and I my selfe will feede my sheepe and cause them to rest quietly This is acknowledged of the Prophet Dauid Psal 23.1 The Lord is my shepheard therefore I cannot want Yea Christ doth thus entitle himselfe saying Ioh. 10.11 I 〈◊〉 the good shepheard c. Now the Church of Christ doth put vp her request to this great Shepheard and Doctour of his Church that hee would be pleased to tell her where hee feedes his sheep with the preaching of the Word and the vse Of the Sacraments that so shee may ioyne with them there to be fed and comforted Quest But Obiect was not this the true Church that moueth this question what is then that other Church or flocke she enquires after Resp Ans I answere Howsoeuer the Church of God is but one in all the world yet it hath diuerse partes As the Ocean sea though but one yet it is called by diuers names according to the place where it lies Euen so the Church of Christ though but one yet it hath diuers parts as the Holy-Ghost distinguisheth of it Reuel 1.4 writing to the seuen Churches which are in Asia Now of the whole Church of Christ some parts of it be at peace and rest free from persecution when other partes may suffer persecutions molestations and be vexed by the Diuell and his instruments whom he sets a worke Now in this place the Church of God in persecution and great affliction desieth to know of Christ Where he feedes his sheepe that is where the Church is at rest and peace where the word is purely preached the Sacraments duly administred and Discipline duly performed that she may ioyne with them in the seruice of Almightie God From this request and earnest Doctr. 2 sute of the Church vnto Christ to know where he doth feed his sheepe wee learne that it is a true note of a sheepe of Christ Iesus The true note of a sheep of Christ to hunger and thirst after the word of God to hunger and thirst after the word of GOD to enquire where Christ feedes his flocke where the word is truely and faithfully preached and the Sacraments truelie administred And this doubt our Sauior him selfe obserueth to be the eare-marke of his sheepe Iohn 10.27 My sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and they follow
we do liue heere For this life is the time of a Christian mans warfare neither must we looke to finde Heauen vpon Earth for if we will be Christs Disciples we must take vp his Crosse and follow him we must not dreame of a victory before we fight For it is the lot of the godly to suffer persecution yet this may bee the comfort and stay of a Christian Soule in the middest of them all That the Lord will dispose of them so as that they shall worke to the best to them that loue God and neuer depart from vs but shall leaue a blessing behind them so that wee shall bee sure of this that we shall gaine more in the Spirit then we can loose in the flesh Vse 3 Thirdly seeing it is the will of God that his owne true Church and faithfull children shall be tried and vndergoe the heate of persecution let vs heere learne to bee wise neither to thinke that wee are out of Gods fauour if wee bee tried or to thinke the worse of the Gospell of Christ because the crosse and triall goes with it Wee are ready to thinke the Lord loues vs not or that the Gospell the which wee professe is not a good profession because wee see it hated persecuted and railed on by wicked men Well it is that which God will haue it was the condition of Christ Iesus before vs and vnlesse wee looke that the seruant should bee greater then the Maister it must bee ours Secondly wee learne from Doctr. 4 hence Christ leaues not his Church in the heat of persecution but prouides comfort for them that though it may bee sometimes Noone-day with the Church of God hot and bloudy persecution yet Christ hath euer a shelter and shadow for his people Hee hath a Lair for them a place of shelter shadow and comfort he is euer present with his Church and people in the hottest times of persecutions and afflictions to comfort them to refresh them to ease them of their miserie to deliuer them This the Lord expresseth in the Prophet Esay 54.7.8 For a litle time haue I forsaken thee but with great compassion will I gather thee for a moment in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with euerlasting mercy haue I had compassion on thee Psalme 2. This doth the Prophet Dauid make manifest that notwithstanding the rage and malice of Gods enemies Hee that dwelleth in heauen shall laugh them to scorne the Lord shall haue them in derision This comfort is excellently set forth by the Prophet Esay when hee saith in cha 43.1.2 But now thus saith the Lord that created thee O Iacob and he that formed thee O Israel feare not for I haue redeemed thee I haue called thee by thy name thou art mine when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the flouds that they doe not ouerflow thee when thou walkest through the very fire thou shalt not bee burnt neyther shall the flame kindle vpon thee For I am thy Lord God Thus prouided hee for his Church in the dayes of Hester Ester 3. when they could see no meanes to escape What a mischiefe had Herod inuented against the Messiah so secretly Matt. 2.13 as that hee disclosed the secret of his heart to none but pretended to the Wise men that his intent was to worship Christ yet the Lord did bring his deuice to naught and Ioseph and Mary with the child Iesus was deliuered Acts 12.16 Peter being cast into prison should euen the next day haue beene executed yet through the prayers of the Church was deliuered This Doctrine is further cleared by the examples of Ioseph Iob the Church in Egypt Cen. 41.14 Exo. 12 41 Dan. 6.23 Dan. 3. Daniel the three children Sidrach Mishach and Abed●●go who for a time indured shame and reproach of the crosse yet afterwards the Lord returned vnto them when the time of refreshing came So that howsoeuer Gods children may be vnder the heate of persecution for a time it shall be but for a time hee will not leaue them destitute of his helpe and comfort for euer but will in the end deliuer them The Reasons seruing to confirme this Doctrine are manifest Reason 1 First consider the Titles by which GOD is called as a Father to shew the care that he taketh ouer his Church as his children to prouide for them and to gouerne them For what father will not saue his childe if possible hee can from fire or water or some other eminent danger Rom. 8.15 Iohn 10 1. Matt. 7.11 Now then if wee that are euill know how to helpe our children how much more shall our heauenly Father that knoweth all things giue good things vnto his children Againe Christ is called by the name of a Shepheard as the Church doth confesse in this place Now wil the Shepheard see the sheepe goe astray and not bring them into the right way againe or suffer the wolfe to deuoure the sheep and not rescue them And what shall wee thinke that Christ the true Shepheard of his Church will bee more carelesse of his Flocke whom he hath purchased vnto himselfe with no lesse price then with his owne heart Bloud then an earthly man is of his Sheep Seeing then that Christ Iesus is the King of his Church the shepheard of his Sheep we need not doubt but that hee will defend his Church and saue his sheep so that none shal be able to destroy them or take them out of his hands Secondly our weaknesse and naturall corruptions are not hidden from the LORD Hee knoweth whereof wee are made hee remembreth that wee are but dust And therefore saith the Apostle God is faithfull which will not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that wee are able but will euen giue the issue with the temptation that wee shall bee able to beare it So then whether wee consider the Office of Christ as a shepheard to keep his Church or the mercie of Christ that is euer ready to couer the wants of his Seruants making their afflictions to be but momentarie in these two respectes wee may safely gather that the Lord will neuer forsake his children nor leaue them in their daungers but prouide for them both shelter and comfort when they shall finde the heate of afflictions to shine most hottest vpon them The vse serues to direct vs to Vse 1 whom wee should goe in time of trouble and great distresse for if Christ be our sheepheard wee are to flie to him He is a faithfull preseruer of them that trust in him Shall wee goe to Saints or to Angells Doubtlesse Abraham is ignorant of vs and Israel knoweth vs not Esa 63.16 What then shal we trust in our chariots or in our horses doubtlesse a horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man Psal 37.17 Surely we cannot honour him more then when we depend on him and rest vpon his mercie Thus
pray to CHRIST as the church doth heere That hee would teach vs by his Spirit that hee would open our eyes that wee might see the truth and that he would giue vs hearts to beleeue it to loue it and to liue and die in it That hee would giue vs the Spirit of Discerning 1. Iohn 4.1 To try the Spirits whether they be of God that so wee may discerne the truth from falshoode Yea wee must so labour to bee fast grounded in the Truth Matt. 7.26 that no winde nor weather may remoue vs That wee be sure to lay a good foundation that we do digge deepe into our owne hearts builde on the Rocke To hate Poperie and all Idolatrie to loathe it as the Doctrine of Diuells Though they say they be the true Church and the companion of Christ yet be they the Synagogue of Sathan The maine points of their Religion being cleane contrarie vnto the word of God as are their Doctrine of Merites Inuocation of Saints worshipping of Images praying for the dead Sacrifice of the Masse that so wee may for euer stand out against that cursed and damnable doctrine of the Church of Rome Yea let vs intreate the Lord that hee would neuer suffer it to get head againe in this Land notwithstanding wee haue deserued as great a iudgement but especially that hee keep vs that wee neuer ioyne with them in that bloudy Religion Vse 3 It condemnes all those who are ready either for feare of persecution or by blindnesse and ignorance to embrace any Religion or ioyne with any Church who to keepe their Liuings hold their Lands to enioy their honours and pleasures would turne as doth the winde and embrace any Religion ioyne with Papist Iew Turke yea the deuill himselfe for liuing sake Oh! the true Church of Christ feare themselues and their weakenesse that they should bee drawne away and seduced to embrace false religion And therefore they doubting the worst and fearing the corruption that is in their owne hearts pray vnto Christ that they may not bee left vnto themselues but that they may finde strength from him to withstand them The end of the first Sermon A Folde for Christs SHEEPE THE SECOND SERMON CANT 1.7 7 If thou know not O thou fairest amongst women get thee forth by the steps of the Flocke and feede thy Kiddes by the Tents of the Shepheards WEE haue heard before of the earnest request of the Church vnto Christ That he would in mercy shew her where hee feedes his Flocke and where he prouideth comfort for them in time of trouble Heere is the most kind louing and gracious answer of Christ Iesus vnto the Request of his Church Parts of the Text. in the which note three things 1 His exceeding loue and kindnesse in that he calls her the fairest among women 2 His gentle reproofe of her If thou know not q.d. This is very strange that thou which art the true Church shouldest not know where Christ feeds his sheep 3 His direct Answer to her request wherein hee doth answer her to the full If thou wouldst know where I feede my sheep that so thou maist feede with them and finde consolation vnto thy Soule then thou must go in the steppes of the Flocke That is thou must embrace the Faith Religion the worship and seruice of God the which my ancient church from the beginning haue imbraced The Faith Religion the Worship and Seruice of GOD which my ancient Seruants Abraham Isaac and Iacob haue done and tread in their steps Secondly thou must place thy Tent where the shepheards haue done the Patriarchs Prophets and Apostles of CHRIST their doctrine taught before This is the summe and substance of Christs answere vnto his Church First obserue heere how Christ describes his true Church and Spouse Hee giueth her a most kind and louing name expressing his kinde and singular loue vnto her O thou the fairest among women Quest Obiect But this may seeme strange for the Church confessed before that shee was blacke and Sun-burnt deformed c. How then can Christ call her the fairest amongst women Ans The Church Resp and euery true Beleeuer are black and deformed in themselues vile and vncleane and they can see no beautie in themselues but are blemished yea and stained with sins originall and actuall But as they be sanctified by his Spirit washed in his Bloud and clothed in his Righteousnesse they be faire and beautifull in the sight of Almighty God because Christ hath washed them from all their sinnes in his Bloud and couerd them with the pure roabes of his owne Righteousnes decked and adorned them with the holy and heauenly graces of his Spirit knowledge faith repentance zeale patience c. According to that speech that the Lord himselfe vseth Ezech. 16. thou art faire through that beauty of mine which I haue put into thee Doctr. 6 Here marke the endlesse loue of Christ Iesus vnto his poore church and people Christ esteemes of his church as if they had no sin that esteems so highly of them as if they had no spot of sin or vncleanenesse though they in themselues bee blacke deformed and polluted yet all those who doe truely repent embrace Iesus Christ and beleeue in him that are washed from their sinnes sanctified by his Spirit and obey his will all these are faire yea most beutifull in his eyes Hee will not looke vpon their sinnes and blemishes but wincke at them so long as they endeuour and desire to doe his will This is confessed by wicked Balaam when he saw that no policie or deuice could take any place against the Church of God He seeth no iniquitie in Iacob he beholdeth no transgression in Israel Nu. 23.21 Againe how goodly are thy tents O Iacob and thy tabernacles O Israel as the vallies that are stretched out c. Num. 24.5 So that the nature and condition of the true Church farre exceeds all other societies of men whatsoeuer and is pretious and deere vnto Christ Hereunto cometh the titles and commendations giuen vnto the Church so often in this most excellent booke of the Canticles Cant. 2.2 She is as the Roe of the field the Lillie of the Valley the Fairest amongest Women an Orchard of Pomegranats a Fountaine of Gardens and 4 13. and 5.9 a well of springing waters the Spouse and Sister of Christ the Beauty of the Earth the Glorie of the world a Lillie among Thornes c. And againe Thou art all faire my Loue and there is no spotte in thee These and the like examples whereof the Scripture is full all serue to confirme the euerlasting trueth of this Doctrine vnto vs how deare and precious the Church is in Christs sight that of al Societies and Assemblies of men in the world none are more excellent and worthy none more amiable and louely none more beutifull and precious then the Church of God the Spouse of Christ Reason 1 And the Reason of