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A87514 The whole faith of man: being the Gospel declared in plainness, as it is in Jesus, and the way thereof of old confirmed by divers signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the holy ghost. In thirty six heads, setting out mans way & work, from the day of his conversion to the day of his dissolution, and what therein is both to be believed and practised. / By Will. Jeffery, who hath for years been a poor labourer in Christs vineyard. Jeffery, William, 1616-1693. 1659 (1659) Wing J524; Thomason E1804_1; ESTC R209929 87,834 192

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practised by the Apostles and they are these Laying on of Hands to recover the Sick and upon Officers and upon persons Baptized Now it cannot be the Laying on Hands upon the Sick for men might be sick and recovered through Laying on of Hands and sick again and so recovered again and again and so some men might be under this Laying on of Hands many times but this in Heb. the 6. must not be practised above once for it is said Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works of Faith towards God of the Doctrine of Baptismes and Laying on of Hands Furthermore it cannot be that Laying on of Hands on Officers for it is said that they that had laid this Laying on of Hauds spoken off Heb. 6. had need to be taught the first Principles of the Word of God but Officers could not be so ignorant therefore it was not upon Officers Moreover the same that are exhorted to go on to perfection had laid this Laying on of Hands as you may see if you read diligently the 1 and 2 verses Now all are exhorted to go on to perfection therefore all the Church of the Hebrewes were under this Laying on of Hands so then it cannot be that upon the Sick nor that upon Officers for men may go on to perfection and never be under that Laying on of Hands for the Sick nor yet that upon Officers Therefore this Laying on of Hands spoken of Heb. 6. is that only which followeth Baptisme and to this agreeth the order of words vers 2. neither can it be thought on good grounds that the holy spirit should rank any other Laying on of hands with these Principles which are the beginning of a Christian man so then it followeth that Prayer with Laying on of Hands upon every Baptized person is a Principle of the Doctrine or beginning word of Christ as hath been shewed before Object But the end of Laying on of hands was that the spirit might be given so as that some extraordinary gifts might follow as there did Acts 19. but we see none now therefore not to be practised Ans By the same reason we may refuse Baptisme for the Apostles promises the gift of the spirit to every penitent believing baptized person Acts 2.38 39. which then did fall down miraculously but we see it not so now Therefore no Baptisme Again Mark saith that these signes shall follow them that believe the Gospel in the name of the Lord Jesus they should cast out devils shall speak with new tongues c. Mark 16.16 17 18. But we see no man do any such thing now Therefore by the same ground you may say no man believeth and then no salvation Again the Apostle saith God hath set in the Church miracle-workers 1 Cor. 12.28 By the same rule no miracles no Church but mistake not the Gospel the Ordinances thereof and the whole way thereof was at the first confirmed by signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost Heb. 2.4 and all Believers are to walk up according to the Gospel and all the Ordinances and the whole way thereof untill Christ come 2 Tim. 2.2 2 Pet. 3.2 Rev. 2.25 To conclude this point the Spirit of the Lord is promised so as to be given to all penitent belieeving baptized persons Acts 2.38 Gal. 3.14 and the way and order of the Gospel is to seek it by Prayer and Laying on of Hands Acts 8.15 17. Chap. 19.6 2 Tim. 1.6 The next Principle of the Doctrine of Christ is the Resurriction of the dead which is this to believe that Christs very body that was crucified did rise from the dead the third day according to the Scriptures John 20. and that our bodies shall also rise again from the grave when Christ cometh in person again according to that in 1 Thes 4.16 17. The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remains shall be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet the Lord in the aire and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Now it is very plain that the very body of Christ which was crucified and buried did rise again he and not a spirit like that body did appear First Because he commandeth his Disciples to handle him and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as I have and so he shewed them his hands and his feet Luke 24 39.40 and so he shewed Thomas the place of the nailes bidding him put his hand into his side all making it appeare that it was the very body that was nailed to the Crosse and peirced with a spear that did rise again Secondly Because he did eat and drink with his Disciples after he arose from the dead Acts 10.40 41. and was shewed openly several times not only to the eleven Apostles but to five hundred brethren at once 1 Cor. 15.6 So then seeing Christs body is risen from the dead so shall all mens bodies the just and unjust also shall be raised from the grave at the last day Acts 24.25 First I say that the bodies of the righteous shall rise from the grave according to that in the 26 of Isa 19. Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing yee that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dew of hearbs and the earth shall cast out the dead yea if the righteous in Christ have hope in this life only they were of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15.19 Because of persecution and temptation and trialls according to John 16.33 Christ tells the righteous that in him they shall have peace but in the world they shall have tribulation Therefore they shall rise again to receive a reward Heb. 11.26 or else it were better for them to eat and drink for to morrow they shall die yea it cannot stand with the righteousness of God that his should suffer affliction and persecution alwaies here on their bodies for the testifying of truth and their bodies never to rise to be freed from misery Secondly because the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 15. It is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body and so he saith That corruptible must put on incorruption so I reason That is it the same body that died that shall be raised only it shall be changed into a spiritual body for there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body as the Apostle sheweth but it is that Same that is natural that shall be made spiritual at the Resurrection Therefore note what the Apostle saith I pray and that is this It is sown a natural body It is raised a spiritual body so it is that every seed according to the comparison that the Apostle makes of the seed hath his own body and so the comparison of the seed doth
perfection And the Epistles and commandements in the Scriptures were for that age and for the people that lived in the Apostles dayes for the Epistles were written to several Churches we being not those Churches they do not concern us Ans The Author to the Hebrewes exhorts them to their duty and so all believers to go on to perfection in the way of Christ taking up the similitude of a building to make it out and as in the building of an house there are Foundation or Principle peices laid down and according to the rule of these Foundations or principle Peices the builders of a Temporall house go up as farre as the Principles guid them and then the house is come to perfection or finished so even so in this spirituall house when we at the first have laid down these Principles we are to go up to perfection according to the rule of the Foundation Peices in the Doctrine of Christ Jesus Christ being the cheife Corner Stone on which the building fitly framed together groweth up unto an holy Temple in the Lord Eph. 2.21 And when we are come as high as these Principles lead us we are come to perfection for when we injoy the Resurrection and the eternal Judgement we are then come to perfection and as in a temporal house none can finish it so as to make it perfect if they do not build according to the rule of the Principles or Foundation Peices laid down so also in the spiritual house if we go not up according to the rule of the Foundations how can we go up to perfection And also in a temporal house if they leave out any of the Foundation Peices they cannot build up to perfection then how can any in the spiritual building go up to perfection if they leave out any of the Principles for if they do the house will be in danger to fall Again in a temporal building when they have laid down the foundation of the house if they build not upon them but lye still there can be no perfection and so it is in the spiritual house also and that was that which the Author to the Hebrewes blames them for their neglect in not going forward in the building of the spiritual house Heb. 5.12 neither would he have them to lay the Foundations again but to go forward to perfection as they teach them for to do for no other foundation can no man lay then that which is laid which is Jesus Christ and whosoever heares his word and doth the same builds upon on him the rock of ages Mat. 7.24 Chap. 16.18 Psal 62.2 1 Cor. 10.4 And also the Scriptures were written for this end to teach all men their duties in all ages till Christ come and yet many times the words thereof spoken to the People in present being yet concerns all as that which the Lord saies to Eve that she should bring forth in sorrow Gen. 3.16 the word is spoken to her only yet all women bring forth in sorrow Secondly Christ speakes to his disciples which were then present with him at that time that when the signes did appeare which he had declared concerning his coming they should lift up their heads for their redemption draweth neer Luke 21.28 Now these words though spoken to the present Disciples are for the comfort of them especially that live a little before the coming of Christ therefore the Scriptures are for to teach us upon whom the ends of the world are come yea even them that live when the last signes of Christs coming appear 1 Cor. 10.11 Thirdly Because the Lord Jesus exhorts the saints of Thyatira to hold fast that burden that he laid upon them untill he come Rev. 2.24 25. And so Peter wrote his second Epistle for to warn the saints to give diligent heed to the words of the Prophets and the commandements of the Lord Jesus delivered by the Apostle for saith be in the last dayes there shall come scoffers walking after their own lusts saying where is the promise of his coming and he wrote this when his departing was at hand 2 Pet. 3.2 3. Chap. 1.14 And Jude bids the saints contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints Jude 3. and John saith that he that remaineth in him ought even so to walk as he hath walked 1 John 2.6 So it is evident that whosoever is in Chirst ought to walk after him according to his word in all ages and that he wrote no new Commandement and that the old Commandement is the word which they have heard from the beginning vers 7. So that it is evident that in the Scriptures are all the commandements of God for all the children of men to walk up in till Christ come in person who is the bright morning star Rev. 22.16 for there is no other Gospel then that which hath been preached Gal. 1.8 9. So Jesus Christ yesterday to day and the same for ever therefore be not carryed about with divers and strange Doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace Heb. 13.8 9. so I say with Paul who wrote to Timothy a little before his death that the Sciptures are able to make a man wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus for all Scripture is given by inspiration spiration of God and is prositable for doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thorowly furnished unto all good workes 2 Tim. 3.15 16 17. Object But there is no walking up in these Ordinances because we cannot see any so sent of God to preach work miracles as the Apostles did so there is no Adminstrator of Ordinances for we do no see the signs following spoken of Mark 16. Answ That the Lord Jesus doth give all power to those that do believe that he is the Christ the Son of the living God and have through grace willing hearts to obey him to preach and to administer all Ordinances Mat. 16. John 20.21 22. Yea they are the Church that do believe he is the King to rule them and the Priest to make intercession by his bloud speaking better things then that of Abell and the alone Prophet to teach them they hearing him in all things Mat. 17.5 so as to have fellowship in breaking of bread and prayer Acts 3.22 23. I say and witness with the Scriptures that they which believe with all their hearts that Jesus is the Christ and have willing hearts to obey as aforesaid may preach and administer all Ordinances orderly and so become a Church although they do not work Miracles Secondly The Testament is bound up and the law sealed among Disciples Isa 8.16 therefore the Ordinances also they that continue in the word of Christ are his Disciples indeed and they are the friends of Christ that do whatsoever he commands them John 1.14 31. Chap. 15.14 Now if they have not power to do his commands they
or Apostles but Pastors and Teachers are to abide Therefore Messengers also for the Lord ascended up on high and gave gifts to men some to be Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors and Teachers one gift or office is to continue as long as the other that is plain if you note the Scripture and that is till Christ cometh as hath been shewed before Again if you note the Scriptures you may see that there were more Apostles then the twelve for there was Paul and Barnabas which were set apart by the Church of Antioch and Titus and others that were Messengers of the Churches and the glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8.23 If they were made Messengers only to carry the contribution of the Church how can they be said to be the glory of Christ Let the wise judge they were great Preachers of the Gospel with Paul and Titus was left at Crete to redress the things that remain and to ordain Elders Titus 1.5 Therefore they were not set apart to carry contribution only though they did it upon occasion as Paul did but for the work of the Ministry and Epaphroditus was a Companion in labour and fellow Souldier with Paul and the Messenger of the Church of the Philippians Phil. 2.25 and the Church of Ephesus tryed some which said they were Apostles and found them liars Revel 2.2 Therefore there were many Apostles besides the twelve Again there is very much need if not as much as ever of Messengers to preach the Gospel and to make out truth to the Nations in these last times yea the Gospel is to be preached to every kindred tongue and people in these last times for a witness unto all Nations and then shall the end be Matth. 24.14 Rev. 14.6 Therefore Messengers ought to be continued till Christ come mistake not for I do not mean extraordinary Apostles as the twelve and Paul and Barnabas but such as to perswade men to what is written so to believe and obey the Gospel The way to chuse and set apart Messengers Elders and Deacons it is by electing them out of their own company I mean the Church is to chuse them by a free consent as in part hath been shewed before and by fasting and prayer and laying on of hands on them they are so to be set apart to their several offices Acts 1.23 26. Chap. 6.5 6. Chap. 14.23 where the word Election is left out in the new translation but it is in the old and cannot be denied to be in the Greek the Elders or Pastors work is to feed the Flock of Christ and to take care of the Church and of every Member thereof looking up the Sheep if they go astray labouring in the work of the Ministry giving in meat in due season Matth. 24.45 being unto them that believe an ensample in word in conversation in love in spirit in zeal in faith and in pureness 1 Tim. 4.12 Acts 20.28 Matth. 18.12 Not as though they were Lords over Gods heritage feeding the Flock not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind 1 Pet. 5.2 3. let them be very diligent and faithful men in their places for cursed is he that doth the work of the Lord negligently The Deacons office is to look to the poor and to serve them with all necessaries the Church giving them sufficient to do it Acts 6. for qualifications of all the Officers see the 1 Tim. 3. and Titus 1. The maintenance that the Ministers of the Gospel ought to have is to be freely given them Matth. 10.8 Gal. 6.6 that is all things necessary that they may be enabled to do the work of the Lord and they also ought to endeavour to the uttermost to make the Gospel without charge 1 Cor. 9.18 Acts 20.34 35. Their Maintenance ought not to be by Tythes nor no forced Maintenance First Because the way of Christ is a way of love no duty is available but that which is done in love 1 Cor. 13. Gal. 5.6 Secondly The Priesthood being changed therefore of necessity the Law Hebr. Thirdly The Levites had no lot nor inheritance in the Land of Canaan Deut. 14.27 and their work and labour of body was great about the Sacrifices and taught the people also 2 Chron. 35 11 12 13 14. And therefore the Lord gave them Tythes yet they were to give to the fatherless and stranger and widdow a part of their Tithes Therefore the Ministers of the Gospel being not Levites neither have the Christians a Canaan to divide by lot for they are not twelve Tribes springing from one man neither are the Ministers of the Gospel the hundred part of the Nations neither hath the Lord Jesus given them Tithes Therefore they that take Tithes wrong their own souls in doing that which is unlawful Fourthly They that take Tithes or force it to be paid destroy or make void the Law of Christ which is a Law of love for forced service cannot be in love therefore the Ministers of the Gospel have received a gift to preach and freely received freely give Matth. 10.8 Rom. 12.6 Ephes 4.8 11. And Christians truly knowing their duties will freely give unto them of their goods Gal. 6.6 or set before them that they need Luke 10.7 Fifthly They that take Tithes bring in the service of the Law which is done away 2 Cor. 3.11 and the Levitical Priesthood which is changed Heb. 5.6 12. and so deny Christ come in the flesh and forced maintenance bringeth in compelled service which is abhorred by God and good men therefore Tithes nor any forc'd Maintenance is not the Maintenance of the Ministers of the Gospel neither let any man say that the Magistrate hath power to force men to pay Tithes from that of Christ Matth. 17.27 and from that of Paul that we are to pay custome to whom custome belongs I say that in all civill things we ought so to do and rather then to offend to pay upon a civil account though it be not due as Christ did but when it is required upon a spiritual account as Tythes or any forced maintenance for Ministers we may and ought to refuse to pay and the Magistrate sins against God if he force men to pay it for the Magistrate as a Magistrate hath not nor never had power to judge in spiritual cases Luke 22.25 26. for that is by the Lord given to the Church Mat. 18.17 18. and he as a Member of the Church hath power to judge as every Member hath and no more but more of this in another place Also take notice of that Ordinance of Christ of washing the Saints feet it is commanded by Christ and a blessing promised to them that do it Exod. 13.14 15 16 17. and therefore it ought to be done and it setteth out Christs humility and puts us in mind of the same so declaring that the wayes of Christ are self-denying wayes and this is a self-denying thing and therefore serveth to humble the creature and
me c. From these words Compared with ver 2. some conclude that Infants may beleeve Answ First note That them that are newly come to the faith or be weak in the faith are called little children Gal. 4.19.1 John 2.12 yet are men and women Again Christians ought to be humble and without malice is little children 1 Cor. 14.20 And this is that which Christ teacheth when his disciples strove who should be greatest in the kingdome of heaven as appeareth Math. 18.1 Compared with Luke 9.46 And therefore he taketh a little child and sheweth them except they be converted from their ambitious thoughts and become humble as little children they shall not enter therein ver 2 3. Also he sheweth that he that humbleth himself as a little child is great in the kingdome of heaven and whosoever shall receive such a little Child in my name receiveth me John 13.20 that is such a one as humbleth himself as a little child and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which beleeve in Christ that is such a one as is humble and becomes as a little child it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea and this is said ver 4 5 6. and is the sence of the place Now for any man to understand the place so as that that little child which Christ set in the midst or any other did or do believe they are much mistaken for such an exposition of the place would cross many plain places of Scripture for Infants are not capable of hearing and faith comes by hearing Rom. 10.17 neither do they know good nor evil nor their right hand from their left as hath been shewed before neither doth the Scripture speak to Infants Deut. 11.2 though it speak of them neither can they work and that faith is dead that worketh not James 2.17 26. Now if any question how Infants dying in infancy can be saved because they beleeve not I say that if you look back to what is said as touching Adams sin you may see that all Infants dying in Infancy shall be saved for the son shall not die for the Iniquity of the Father Ezek. 18. and the guilt of Adams sin shall be taken off from all at the Resurrection But to return there is no Commandment in all the Scriptures which are the word of God for the Baptisme of Infants and where there is no Law there is no transgression Rom. 4.15 therefore he that refuseth to baptize Infants breaks no Law Therefore no man can justly charge him with sin for a commandment gives ground to duty and examples are teaching to shew us how duties should be done also note that there is no example for infants Baptisme in all the Scripture and yet they are able to make us wise unto Salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 for the Apostles and servants of the Lord did Baptise such only as did profess faith and did gladly receive the word of the Gospel search and see as the Bereans did Acts. 17.11 Object But some say That there is no Command nor Example for Women receiving the Lords Supper yet they are to receive it so may Infants be Baptized though no Command nor Example for it Answ In this objection it is granted that there is no command nor example for Infants Baptisme also note that beleeving baptised women are disciples and are members of the Church of Christ and so are commanded to break bread Act. 1.14 15. Chap. 8.12 Phil. 4.13 Act. 20.7 1 Cor. 11.24 25 28. compare the 1 of Act. 14. with the 2 of Acts. 41 42. you may see that women did receive the Lords Supper But if any should say That Infants are Disciples and therefore are to be baptized I answer That Christ faith that whosoever beareth not his cross and followeth not after him cannot be his disciple Luke 14.27 but Infants cannot do so therefore they cannot be his disciples I shall say no more to this Principle of the Doctrine of Christ at this place because many have wrote very largely upon it and there is no true consequence to be gathered from all the Scriptures for Infants Baptisme for it is against Scripture and crosseth the way of the New Testament for it brings into the Church a fleshly seed instead of a Spiritual and so makes void the command of God as hath been shewed before But seeing it is so that penitent beleeving men and women are only to be Baptized let all the Churches in the fear of God take heed that they Baptize no other but such as are truly penitent beleeving men and women that so all the members of the Church of Christ may be new creatures living stones taught of God built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the Cheif corner stone that all the building may be fitly framed together growing unto an holy Temple in the Lord 1 Pet. 2.5 Ephes 2.20 21. 2 Cor. 5.17 There is also the Baptisme of the Spirit which is a powerful falling down of the spirit so as to be filled with it enabling men to do some great work as in Act. 1.5 compared with Chap. 2.1 2 3 4. But this Baptisme of the Spirit is called so comparatively as Christ is called a door John 10.7 but there is but one Baptisme really and that is in water Eph. 4.5 The next Principle of the Doctrine of Christ is Prayer with Laying on of hands for the gift of the spirit so as to abide with us and to lead us into all truth and bring all things seasonably to remembrance and comfort us in all afflictions John 14.26 Ch. 16.13 note it is the gift of the spirit that is to be prayed for not gifts but the spirit as a gift Luke 11.13 Act. 2.38 and so gifts follow as it pleaseth the holy one of Israel and so they that practice Laying on of hands with prayer shew that they do look upon Christ as the only Prophet to teach them by his spirit according to his word Act. 3.22 23. Now this of Laying on of Hands was practised upon all Beleevers Baptized for the Church of Samaria were under it Act. 8.12 15 17. And the Church of Ephesus were under it Chap. 19.6 and the Church of the Hebrewes also Heb. 6.2 therefore all the Churches for they all walked in one way and order Ephes 4.4 5 6. 1 Cor. 4.17 Object But there is no Command for Laying on of Hands therefore it ought not to be Answ There is a Command from Christ for it for the Author to the Hebrewes saith it is a Principle of the Teaching or Doctrine of Christ and so commanded by Christ Heb. 6.2 Object But this Laying on of Hands spoken off Heb. 6. is not that Laying on of Hands which followeth Beleevers Baptisme or it is doubtful whether it be that or no Answ First understand that there was but three sorts of Laying on of Hands
as the Lord commanded them in order so were accounted righteous and in order according to the Law Exod. 12.48 Lev. 16. Deut. 6.25 1 Chron. 15.12 13. So even so all they that and will prove themselves visible Christians in order since the Resurrection of Christ must walk up in the Doctrine or beginning word of Christ and in all his Ordinances which declare Christ come in the flesh John 1.31 Rom. 6.3 4. 1 Cor. 11.2 Act. 2.41 42. Chap. 3.23 2 Thes 2.15 Thirdly We are to give more heed to the word of Christ so as to keep his Statutes walking in order according to them Heb. 2.1 2 3. 1 Tim. 1.3 Chap. 6.3 4. then the children of Israel were to the Law yet Moses was like to be slaine because he had not circumcised his son Exod. 4.24 25. and Vzza was slaine for touching the Arke 1 Chr. 13.9 10. because they carried it not in due order Ch. 15.12 13. and the Lord sharply reproveth the Jewes for receiving into his house uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh Ezek. 44.7 9. So then it is plain that no uncircumcised person was to be received into communion under the Law nor none of the house of Israel could stand before God with acceptance but they that walked up according to the Law and we are to give more diligent heed to Christ then they unto Moses therefore the Church of Christ ought to receive none into communion but such as beleeve and practise all the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ professing from the heart obedience to that forme of Doctrine Rom. 6.17 and they only are to abide in communion that walk up in all the Commandements of the Lord orderly Fourthly the Church of the Tessalonians is commanded in the name of the Lord Jesus to withdraw from every brother that walks disorderly and not after the instructions received of the Apostles 2 Thes 3.6 Now if they were to be cast out of the Church that walk not after the instructions of the Apostles it followeth that they are not to be received into the Church that never came up to the beginning of a Christian man so as to own all the Principles of the Doctrine or beginning word of Christ for that were to build again the things we have destroyed and so to make our selves transgressors Gal. 2.18 Object But there are some in the Nations which holds Infants Baptisme and submit not to the order of the Doctrine of Christ yet are precious in the sight of God and have communion with him therefore may have communion with the Church Answ I grant that some in of the Nation may fear God and have acceptance with him yet it doth not follow that they may be in communion with the Church for the Woman of Samaria had acceptance with God yet had not communion with the Jewes neither did Christ account her to be a child of the old Covenant Mat. 15.26 27 28. and Cornelius prayers heard and yet not received into communion with the Jewes nor with the Church of Christ untill he was Baptised Act. 10.6 47. and under the old Testament it was not enough to profess the circumcision of the heart but they must be circumcised in the flesh also or no communion as it is shewed before and you may see Exod. 4.24 25 26. Ezek. 44.7 Gen 17.14 So even so none but such as profess faith in Christ and are baptised into Christ and so put on Christ so made Disciples according to the Doctrine of Christ John 4 1 2. 1 Cor. 12.13 Gal. 3.27 are to be received into the Church of Christ Further for the proof of this note what the Apostle saith Rom. 16.17 Mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine that ye have learned and avoid them And the Apostles serperated the Disciples from all others Act. 19.9 Note also 1 Tim. 6.1 3. Chap. 3.4 5. And we are commanded to seperate and to touch no unclean thing 2 Cor. 6.7 now to bring into the Church believers seed in infancy by baptising them is to know them after the flesh and so to touch an unclean thing and so they that do it are transgressours yea very much crosse the plain way of the new Covenant in changing the Ordinance of Christ to a false Subject 2 Cor. 5.16 17. John 6.45 Isa 24.5 So then it is plain from the old and new Testament that to professe holiness in conversation is not enough so as to admit men into the Church of Christ but there must be also obedience in order to the form of the Doctrine or beginning word of Christ so worshiping God in spirit and in truth according to the new Covenant Rom. 6.17 John 4.24 so they are to be received into the Church of Christ and no otherwise therefore let every man mark well and behold with his eyes and hear with his ears what is said unto him concerning all the Ordinances of the house of the Lord and all the lawes thereof and mark well the entering in of the house with every going forth of the sanctuary Ezek. 44.5 Furthermore mind also that though the Apostles did bear with the Churches in severall things of the Law of Moses because they were once commanded of God and they being conscientious to them not being truly enlightened yet they did not receive into the Church nor bear with them that did not obey Christ in his Ordinances so as to walk up after the new Covenant as it hath been shewed and this further appeareth in many places of Scripture take some for many Phil. 3.17 2 Thes 2.15 Gal. 1.8 9 1 John 2.4 5 6. 2 Pet. 3.2 Object But some men may say I contend more for Baptisme then for other Commandements of Christ Ans To which I say the Lord knowes I do not but I do with a good conscience contend for those Ordinances that men have made void by their tradition of which Baptisme is one for there is one Baptisme Eph. 4.5 which is Believers only for sprinkling of Infants or Baptizing them is not the Ordinance of Christ nor is no more accepted with God then offering a lamb or any thing under the Law that had a blemish Exod. 12.5 Lev. 22.20 25. But for Believers Baptisme it was as much honoured as any Ordinance for Jesus himself being about thirty years of age was Baptized the spirit of God descending like a dove lighting upon him There came a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Mat. 3.16 17. Luke 3.23 Father Son and Spirit in a singular sence met at Baptisme and so Christ was in a most excellent way vissibly declared to be the Son of God and so every Believer in a singular sence at his Baptism is visibly declared to be the Child of God Object But some men have said that we are not to practice this Doctrine because the Author to the Hebrewes sayes not laying again these principles but be led forward to
eat and drink of it eying Christ as his Body being broken and his Bloud being shed for our sins also take notice that the order of words doth not prove that the Bread must be eaten before the Cup is blessed for Paul speaks of the Cup first 1 Cor. 10.16 and Mark saith that when Christ had blessed the cup he gave it to them and they all drank of it before he noteth that Christ declared what it signified chap. 14.23 24. But it doth not follow in reason that they did drink all of it before he gave them to understand what the Wine being set apart signified so it doth not follow though Christ did blesse the Bread and gave it to his Disciples and bid them eat that they did eat before he blest the Cup but rather the Bread being blessed be blessed the Cup also that they might eat of that Breád and drink of that Cup discerning the Lords Body broken and his Bloud shed for remission of sins 1 Cor. 11.26 28. Moreover it ought to be a Supper with moderation because it is said to be a Supper and a Feast 1 Cor. 5.7 8. Ch. 11.20 and there is nothing in all the Scripture that is said to be a Supper if there be any eating at all that is lesse then an eating to satisfaction with moderation Secondly There is perfect satisfaction in Jesus the Saviour therefore to eat to refreshment is the more lively and full Object But it was not a Supper when Christ set it apart for it was eaten after the Passover Answ The Lord took them off from eating the Passover before they had done for the Scripture saith As they were eating he took bread and brake it and so the Paschal Lamb and the Bread and Wine together made their Supper for the two signes the Paschal Lamb and the Bread and Wine one holding out Christ to be slain the other Christ as slain meet Christ the substance being there but when Christ was slain the Passover was abolished no more to be kept the Ordinance of Bread and Wine which is called the Lords Supper only remaineth and is to be a Supper as aforesaid for so it holdeth out the substance Jesus excellently but let every man eat so much of this Bread and drink of this Cup as it may be most helpful unto him to discern the Lords Body broken and his Bloud shed for his sins and the benefits that come and shall come thereby but let every man take heed in the fear of God that they do not eat and drink too much as the Corinthians did better it would be for to eat and drink too little Also mind That there is only Bread and Wine to be eaten at the Lords Supper and no feast of other food for that which Christ and his Disciples did eat before the Bread and Wine was the Passover Lamb as the Scripture saith Mat. 26.18 19. Mar. 14.12 16. Lu. 22.13 15. and Paul maketh mention only of Bread and Wine in the 10. and 11. of the 1 Cor. and for the love feast that some talk of to be kept before they eat the Bread and drink the Wine there is no such thing written in the Scripture but there is a feast of charity spoken of Jude 12. which is that feast that Christ commands to call the poor the maimed the lame the blind let him that is able do this singular thing for Christ saith he shall be blessed for the poor cannot recompence him but he shall be recompenced at the Resurrection of the Just Also mind well That it is Bread and Wine after it is blessed not changed into the Body and Bloud of Christ as the Papists hold though it be said after it is blessed This is my Body which was broken for you and my Bloud which was shed for remission of sins it is so said because in a figure or shaddow it holdeth forth Christs Body broken and his Bloud shed for remission of sins and so the Passover Lamb did hold out the Lords passing over the first-born of Israel yet is called the Lords Passover it putting them in mind of the same Exod. 12.21 27. and also the Apostle saith it is Bread and Wine after it is blessed 1 Cor. 11.27 28. therefore not the reall Body and Blood of Christ So let a man examine himself whether he discern the Lords Body offered up as a Sacrifice for sin to make an Attonement for him and that he be in love and peace with all men so that in believing he may eat his Flesh and drink his Bloud so as that there may be a communion in one body Christ being the Head and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup. Moreover for the better being of the Congregations of Christ the Lord Christ hath appointed and given Overseers and gifted men and they are first Apostles or Messengers and Prophets and Evangelists and Pastors and Teachers for the Lord Jesus did ascend on high and gave gifts unto men for the gathering together of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edification of the body of Christ till we all meet together in the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man and unto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ Eph. 4.8 9 10 11 12 13. 1 Cor. 12.28 And for the word Apostle it being Englished is Messenger for so the word holdeth forth and so it may be translated and is so 2 Cor. 8.23 they are to be chosen by the Congregation out of the Congregation for so was Matthias chosen Acts 1.23 24 25 26. And the Spirit commanded the Church of Antioch with the Prophets to separate Saul and Barnabas and send them forth Acts 13.1 2 3. And that was the will and way of God for after that in Chap. 14.4 14. they are both called Apostles and not before and so the Church are to choose Messengers still for the gathering the Church and establishing of the same so that they are to go forth to preach the Gospel that all may know God in Christ and own the truth as it is in Jesus Also it appeareth that Messengers or Apostles are to be in the Church till Christ comes from that in Rev. 18.20 and Ephes 4.10 11 12 13. That in Rev. the 18. sheweth that there shall be Apostles to rejoyce at the overthrow of Babylon or the Whore and that will be a little before the coming of Christ and that in Eph. 4. sheweth that they are for the gathering together of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edification of the Body of Christ till we all meet together in the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man and untill the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ Until the coming of Christ in person Therefore Messengers are to be till Christ come Again If Pastors and Teachers are to abide in the Church then Messengers
shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy Also mind well that the power to judge differences and to deale with Members lyeth in the Body the Church not in the Officers destinct a part from the Church This will plainly appear First because the Lord commands Mat. 18.17 That the offender and his offence be brought to the Church that they may judge it now the company of Elders are not the Church 1 Cor. 1.2 Therefore they have not the power apart from the Church Secondly the Apostle writing to the Church of the Corinthians commands them when they are gathered together in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver the Fornicatour that had his fathers wife to Satan 1 Cor. 5. to the 6. Mark he doth not command the Elders to do it but the Congregation being gathered together to do it therefore the power lieth not in the Elders alone but in the Congregation Thirdly The Lord Christ saith that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them and their great ones exercise authority upon them but it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you shall be your servant and whosoever will be cheife of you shall be servant of all Mark 10.42 43 44. And therefore the Elders who are the cheife servants are not to exercise Lordship over their Brethen therefore not to rule without the Body the Church for if they should rule without the Body it would be like that evill that Solomon spake of Eccl. 10.7 Servants upon horses and Princes walking as servants upon the earth and so indeed it hath been and is where the Pope and Lord Bishops and Presbytery hath the power they make the members of their National Generational way slaves to serve with great burdens and many of them are very ignorant But although it be so that the power lieth in every particular Body the Church to govern according to the word of Christ yet understand that with consent the Elders and Messengers are to rule in love and are to be obeyed by every particular member they exhorting and commanding duty and declaring the sence of the Church according to the word of Christ Heb. 13.7 17. and also the Body the Church may command the Elders or Pastours and Messengers to look to their Ministry which they have received in the Lord that they fulfil it Col. 4.17 And also note it is good and safe for a particular Church in things of high concernment to call for or desire help from sister Churches and so Messengers who are to take care of all Churches in an especial manner are to go in such cases Act. 15. Quest Hath not the Magistrates power in the Church to set apart her Officers and to punish Offenders as he seeth good yea with death if he please Answ No for Christ hath not said any where that he should so do now if Christ have not said it nor it be not in the Law and Testament as it is not it may not be Isa 8.20 Heb. 1.5 Nay for the Magistrate to set apart Officers in the Church crosseth the Law of Christ which is that the Church by a free choise should set them apart as it hath been shewed before Again Magistrates may not punish offenders as in point of conscience for Christ commands the contrary Mat. 13.30 38. For there he saith that the children of the kingdome and the children of the wicked one shall both grow together in the field of the world till the end yea the Jewes that blaspeme against Christ are to be suffered for they are beloved of God for their fathers sake though they be enemies to the Gospel Rom. 11.28 and when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in all Israel shall be saved as it is written ver 25 26. So then the Jewes be to have liberty that is plain therefore all ought to have liberty of conscience that 's as plain So then the Magistrate hath not any power in the Church more then any other member but the power lieth in the whole Church to cast out offenders as hath been shewed but in all civil affaires as all sins against the second Table yea in all things that be civil that helongs to the Common-wealth the Magistrate is supreme and the whole Church is to obey him and honour him as the supreme in every civil thing for the Lords sake 1 Pet. 2.13 14 15. paying custome to whom custome belongeth and tribute as he or they hath and doth appoint Mat. 22.21 Rom. 13. from ver 1. to 10. Yea let them not dispute who is Cheif Magistrate no not by any means by warr but rather submit to the cheif Magistrate in being in every Nation So then from all this that hath been said it doth appear and that very clearly yea most excellently from the Scriptures of truth that God is a God of love and mercy and is long suffering and the riches of his goodness and bounty doth abound most freely and graciously towards all men and would have none perish but would have all come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved and that the way of Christ is a way of love in that he laid down his life for all men yea though they were and are enemies he tenders the word of the Gospel even glad tydings of peace beseeching by himself and by his servants though they do abuse them to be reconciled to God O how meek and lowly in heart was the Lord Jesus how doth his love and goodness appear in that he being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with him made himself of no reputation and took upon him the forme of a servant and was made in the likeness of man and being found in the fashion of a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross And so the Lord of life and Glory by whom all things were created beseecheth the creature to be reconciled to God and so to obey him in love and walk up in the way of the Gospel which is a way of love for the love of God being spread abroad in the heart men having from the God of love received gifts the love of Christ constraineth to preach the Gospel and to feed the flock of Christ and to seek up them that go astray and the Saints in love minister and communicate unto them what they want and so Ministers are chosen in love and their Doctrin is heard in love and received in love and the poor relieved in love and them that sin are dealt with in love and their meetings of the Church and feasts are in love and their Communion in Breaking of Bread is in love so al duty is to be done without murmurings and disputings in love so Faith in Christ is available working by love so the children of God receive the kingdome as a reward in