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A68438 A manual of prayers nevvly gathered out of many and diuers famous authours aswell auncient as of the tyme present. Reduced into. 13. chap. very commodious and profitable for a deuout christian. Flinton, George.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?, attributed author. aut 1583 (1583) STC 17263; ESTC S105168 81,344 322

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thy grace that although it happen or come to passe that by any temptation illusion deceipte or variation comming of griefe of sicknes or by weakenes of body or by any other occasion whatsoeuer I come in daunger of my soule or preiudice to my saluation or in errour of the Catholicke fayty in the which I am regenerated in the fountayne of Baptisme there promised to resiste all temptations of the deuill and all errours of fayth and at this present I do resiste and renounce as I did then and then as now protestinge moste feruently with all my harte to lyue and dye in the fayth of our mother the holy Church thy spouse and in witnesse of this protestation and confession I offer the articles of our holy christian fayth which thy holye Apostles hath lefte vs in recommendinge vnto thee my fayth lyfe and death Amen I beleeue in God the Father c. The ende of the third chapter THE FOVRTHE CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE VERY goodly prayers for cōfort strēgth and deliuery by Gods assistance in all sorowes tribulations afflictions and aduersities VVhen thou feelest thy selfe tempted saye as folovveth Imitatio Christi li. 3. ca. 7. O Thou Satan the deuyll enemie of mankynde I adiure thee by the name of our Lorde God and by the signe of the holy crosse ✚ that thou departe and neuer hereafter enter into me O thou wicked spirit auoide from mee be thou ashamed for thou arte foule and ouglie that wouldest bringe suche thinges into my minde Goe from mee thou false deceyuer of mankinde thou shalte have noo parte in mee for my Sauiour Iesus standeth by mee as a mightie warriour and a strong champion and thou shalte flye awaye to thy confusion I had leuer suffer the moste cruell death then to consente to thy malicious stirringes be still therefore thou cursed fyende and cease thy malice for I shall neuer assente to thee though thou vexe mee never so much our Lorde is my lighte my healthe whome shall I dreade and he is the defender of my life what shall I feare Truelie though an hoste of men aryse against mee my harte shall not dread them for whie God is my helper and my redeemer Amen A prayer of any captiue accordinge to the forme of Dauid vvhen he vvas hid in the caue Psal 142. VVIth my voice I cry to thee afore thee I open my lamentations in thy bosome I disclose the secrete word of my hart my dolours and griefes I shew vnto thee my harte is almoste lyke to bruste so great is my discomfiture Thou knowest all my dealinges O Lorde and thou seest well ynough how the vngodly haue layed their snares for me Lo I caste mine eye on this side and that side aswell on my frends as kinsfolkes but all is in vaine none of them al helpeth me And againe I can not runne away I am so loadē ouer charged with irons O Lorde my maker and father now vnto thee I cry thou art mine onely Shot-anker defence helpe Thou art my porciō heritage which I possesse in al coūtries yea I haue none other possession but thee onely To thee therefore I sticke altogether knowinge certainly that nothing can goe amisse with me Consider then my lamentable complaynte beholde how I am brought low From the cruell pursuers which be much more of power than I am defend me Deliuer me from this prison and horrible feare of sinne and death that I may sette out thy name all thy sainctes as well Angells as men make sute for me desiring thee for my comfort They shall not cease vntill they obtaine their requeste I meane vntill thou forgyue me my sinnes and sende me comfort in this distres with pacience and lōg suffering This once obtayned the godly folke shal flocke aboute me shall not stynt to gyue thee thankes when they see that thou riddest me forth of these dangers to the highe prayse of thy name Lorde be mercyfull vnto vs take part with vs then we shall for euer lyfte vp and magnifie thy glorious name Amen A prayer of Iob in his moste grieuous aduersitie and losse of goodes Iob. 1. NAked I came oute of my mothers womb and naked shall I returne agayne our Lorde gaue our Lorde hath taken awaye as it hath pleased our Lord so is it done nowe blessed be the name of our Lorde Amen A prayer in trouble of conscience Psal 134. LOrde heare my prayer receyue my fupplicacion harken to my cōplaint for thy righteousnes Try not the lawe with thy seruaunt for trulye then shall no lyuynge man be founde vngyltie yea not one of thy saintes should escape quitte at thy barre vnlesse thou graunte him thy gracious pardon in somuch euen the very starres be not pure and fautles afore thee in the Angels thou foundest sin Nowe mine enemies hunte for my soule they beate dryue it downe they thruste it into darcke dungeons where felons conuicte and condempned to death were wonte to be kept my spirit is sorowfull my hart is heauie and sadd with in my breast to thee I holde vp my hādes requiring the of mercy For lyke as the dry ground lōgeth for a shower of raigne so my soule thinketh long till it hath thy helpe and succour heare me spedely if thou do not I am in dispaire my spirites is al werie of this bondage I haue bid my life fare-well VVherfore O God hide not thy face that I be not lyke to those that be hurled into the pyt of damnatiō after this night of misery ouerpassed let the pleasaunt morninge of comfort luckyly shyne vpō me that by time I may heare and fele thy goodnes for in thee is all my trust pointe me the waye that I shall walke in for yf thou be not my guide I must nedes wander and straye out of the waye To thee Lorde I lift vp my soule and that with all mine harte I besech the take me forth of mine enemies handes Thou onely art my succour and sauegarde teache me to worke what soeuer shall be thy pleasure for thou art my God Let thy good spirite conducte me into the land of the lyuing encourage my spirite for thy names sake furth of all these troubles for thy righteousnes delyuer me cōfound mine enemies as thou art gracious fauourable towardes me Those that will worke me sorowe and griefe plucke forth of the waye for I am thy seruaunt and for thy sake suffer I all this hurlye-burlye As thou art God so helpe thou me Amen A prayer for patience De Imit Christ li. 3. cap 20. O Lorde for as muche as thou was founde paciente in thy life fulfillinge in it moste speciallie the will of thy father it is requisite that I most wretched sinner should behaue my selfe pacientelye after thy will in all thinges and as longe as thou wilt that I for myne owne health beare the burthen of this corruptible life for thoughe this lyfe be tediouse and as heauie a burthen to the soule
world lyueth Bowe downe thyne eares O mother of pitye and mercy vnto my poore prayers and be to me wretched sinner a pitiouse helper in all thinge O most Blessed Ihon Euangelist the farnyliar frend of Christ which of the same Iesu Christ our Lorde was a chosen Virgin amonge all others muche beloued and aboue all others instructed and learned in heauenly Secrettes and mysteries thou was made his Apostle and Euangelist moste excellent therefore I call vpon the and Marie the mother of the same Lorde Iesu Christ our Saniour that thou and shee would vouchsaf to help me O ye two heauēly Gemmes Marie and Ihon. O two diuine Lampes euer shyninge before God dryue away with your blessed bearnes the darke cloudes of my sinnes for ye are the two in whom the onely begotten sonne of God for the merit of pure virginitie confirmed the priuilege of his singuler loue while he was hanging on the crosse saying thus to the one of you VVoman beholde thy sonne and after to the other Beholde thy mother Therefore in this sweetenes of such sacred loue wherin ye were then conioyned by the mouth of our Lorde as Mother and Sonne to you two I moste wretched sinner commend this day my body and soule that in euery houre and momente inwardly and outwardly ye woulde vouchsafe to be my suer keepers and pitifull intercessors to God for me Aske I beseech you health of body and soule for me Helpe I praye you helpe with your gloriouse prayers that the holy Ghost the noble gyuer of graces woulde wouchsafe to visite adorne and inhabite my harte to purge me from all filthe of sinne to bewtifye me with all holy vertues and make me stand perfectly and perseuer in the loue of God and my neyghbour And after the course of this lyfe I may be ledde to the ioyes of the elect by the same holy Ghost who with the father and the sonne eternally lyueth and raigneth one God almightye worlde without ende Amen A prayer to all the holy Angelles Victor Vticensis libr. de persecutione Vandalica HEare vs O holy Angells of our God whose ayde neuer faileth for you are constituted in your seruice for them that shal be heires of euerlasting saluation watch and take heede and behold howe Sion the Citie of our God is become of litle estimation and as it were polluted with infection amongest her enemyes the enemy hathe abused and wastfully occupyed all her pleasaunt beautyfull ornamētes for he hathe seene infidelles and vnworthy persones assaile enter within the gates whoe our Lorde had commaunded should not enter into his Churche Saye vnto God our protector euen as those whiche haue a sure trust to obteyne that whiche you require that his Church is afflicted trauelled her wombe sore troubled with her outcries for she is set amongest infidels doth find no rest not any to comfort her She hathe soughte who woulde mourne with her but coulde finde none she hath sought who woulde gyue her comforte but no person was to be founde euen when shee dyd eate Gaule in her meate and in her thirst tooke vynager for her drincke folowinge the Passion of her spouse and Lorde who suffred for hyr to the end that shee might followe his steppes A prayer to S. Iohn Baptist Ludo. carthusianus li. de vita Christi O Moste blessed Iohn the forerunner of Christe the crier of the Iudg frend of the spouse voice of the diuine word which haste deserued to declare fortell the ioy and comfort of our redemption obtaine for me poore and miserable sinner of the same Lord Iesus by thy most holy prayers that my harte being clensed from vice and adorned with vertues I may according to thy hoolsome admonitiōs prepare the way of our Lord and make streyght his pathes in suche sort as in the laste and finall Iudgemēt when he shall clense the floore of his Church shall seperate the good corne from the chaffe I may deserue to be found amongest the wheate his elect with thē may be layde vpp in the barne of his heauenly mansion Amen A prayer to any of the Apostles O Lord God which amongest al and aboue al thy other saintes haste moste maruelouslye chosen thy moste blessed Apostles to be the firste pillers and foundation of thy Church and before all other haste firste sent them to preach thy Ghospel through the whole world confirminge and establishing their doctryne by maruelous workes wounders and miracles and thou more-ouer by the same Apostles haste sought allured and inuited vs Gentyles to the knowledge and prayse of thy holy name VVe humblye beseech thee O Lorde mercyfully to graunte that we beinge by thee founded vpon the rocke of the Apostolicke confession and in the vnion of the same fayth are chosen and called to obeye prayse thee perpetually be neuer seperated from thee through any errour or temptation make vs pertakers of the intercession of S. N. and of the twelue Apostles in the strength and fortification of a true fayth amendment of our lyfe and auoyding and eschueing of all euil through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A prayer to any of the holy Martyres Hora B. virgi secund vs ord D. Bene. O God which haste so strenghthned in thy fayth and loue thy blessed Martyr S. N. as no fleshlye delites no threatninges of tyrantes no sworde or torture of tormentors could withdraw him from the worshipping of thee graunte vnto vs miserable sinners by his worthy merites and intercessions helpe in tribulation comforte in persecution that we may manfully fighte against all the deceites of the deuill despise the worlde and all that is in it that we may feare no aduersitie but may obtaine that which by thy holye inspiration we doe desire through Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer to any Confessor Petrus Canisius li catho prec ALmightye and euerlasting God which art the wounderful light of thy beloued saintes and principally thou haste appoynted for vs blessed bishopps pastors doctors and confessors as burninge lightes in thy house and by their doctrine exhortations writinges and testimonies recallest and reducest sinners from euill to good VVe humbly beseech thee that thou wilte vndoe lose the bonds of our sinnes and although we be vnworthie yet make vs partakers of that intercessiō of blessed S.N. all thy holy confessors that we forsakinge our sinnes and walking in true fayth and charitie folowinge them in good workes may at laste enioy their companie in the eternal beatitude through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer to any holy Virgin Idem in eodem lib. O God which amongest the other miracles of thy power and might doest gyue and graunte in a fraile sex to all virgins wydowes matrones the victorie of martyrdome and immaculate chastitiye mercyfully graunte that we which amongest thy other holye virgins and widowes do celebrate the memory of thy blessed sainte N. may by her example and intercession despise the allurements of the flesh
chapter may yet reade of the same chapter some of the sayde prayers and suche as they thincke conueniente for the aduancement of God his glory their profit and for the profit of others notwithstāding in no wise may they omit their dayly prayers or those prayers which they ought to say in Masse time Also when any holy day falleth that you haue no saynte by name in your chapter of Saintes then must you take one of the prayers which be common to any Apostle Martyr Confessor or Virgin Further it is necessary for all deuoute Catholickes to knowe that the accustomed prayers vsed in the Church accordinge to the auncient and laudable maner of our forefathers and obserued by continuall practise of both the learned and vnlearned to the greate glorye of God and increase of deuotion religion and pietie of lyfe are not to be omitted for the desire that any may haue to any speciall prayers either in this or anye other pamphlet translated or collected by any priuate persons which is done to moue men to deuotion but not to withdrawe men from obedience or any receyued Catholicke custome or tradition And therefore I counsayle the Catholicke Reader that of deuotion hath accustomed him selfe to these prayers folowing not to omit thē in any case for they are not deuised by the wit and priuate deuotiō of mā but by the holy spirit of God the Author and delyuerer of all trueth which are the seuen canonicall houres in the Breuiarye or in the Primer commonly called our Ladyes mattins the seuen penitentiall psalmes with the lytanies the dyrige for the soules departed the houres of the holy Ghost the houres of the Crosse prayers of the passion the fiftiene graduall psalmes the beades which consisteth in a certayne number of pater nosters angelicall salutations with the Creede of the Apostles commonly is called the Rosarye of our Lady Thus hauinge gyuen thee an order gentle Reader to vnderstand this litle Manuall of prayers with my opinion touching the vse of the same I will conclude with earnest request and humble supplication vnto thee desiring thee to remēber me in thy vndistracted deuotions saynge this prayer folowinge for me and others whose helpes I vsed in collecting this sayed worke out of many authors and translating many prayers out of latin and french into this our vulgar tonge O Omnipotent almightie and euerliuinge God haue mercye vpon thy seruaunt N. for the loue of thy sweete sonne our sauiour Iesu Christ the true lighte and lyfe of all that shall be saued O Iesu the seconde person in Trinitie equall God with the Father and the holy Ghoste conserue and keepe him in thy grace fauour and loue and suffer him not to be drawen from thee through any suttle perswasions of the enemy O holy Ghost proceedinge from the father and the sonne the comforter of the elect the inspirer of all good giftes the onely schole-maister and teacher of all truth graunte that through thy giftes he maye euermore dwell in thy trueth replenishe his harte with all charitable desires and heauenlye inspirations necessarye to his saluation graunt this O holye Trinitie for the bitter passion of our Sauiour by the merites and intercession of the gloriouse Virgin Marye and all Angels and saintes Amen S. Peter 1. cap. 4. Be wyse therefore and watche in prayers But before all thinges hauing mutual charytie continual amonge your selues c. PRAYER IS GOOD WITH FASTYNG AND ALMES TOB. 12 Aug. in Psal 42. This is the Iustice of man in this life Fasting Almes-deedes Prayer THE FYRSTE CHAPTER CONTLYNINGE QVOtidiane or dayly prayers accommodated prescribed to certayne houres or times bothe for the day and night A briefe exhortation to praye continually extracted and taken out of Saint Chrisostome In lib. De orando Deum IT is very meete and profitable that we occupy all the course of our life in prayer that thereby our harts may receaue cōtinually the sweete dewe of gods grace of the which all persons haue no lesse neede than trees and herbs haue of the moysture of waters For as trees can not bringe furth fruite except the rootes be cōforted with moysture in like maner it is impossible for vs to be replenished with beautifull fruites of pietie if our hartes be not refreshed by prayer for which cause we ought to forsake our bedds and preuent the sonne-rising in gods seruice The like we ought to do when we goe to meate at night when we muste of necessitye take our rest yea it behoueth at all houres to offer some one prayer to God to the ende both daye and nighte together might be spent in prayer especially in time of winter it is conuenient to imploye the most parte of the night in prayer and so to spende the time vppon our knees in diuine seruice Tell me I praye thee how canst thou beholde the sonne if thou doest not honour him firste that made thine eyes to see that moste beautifull light How can ye goe to the table to eate if you do not first honour him who geueth and furnisheth vs daily with such great benifites How canst thou truste to passe the darcke night and to auoyde such dreames thoughts as may come to thee if thou defend not thy selfe by prayer If thou be not countergarded by prayer thou shalt easely yelde thy selfe to wicked spirites which goeth cōtinually about vs espying if they can perceaue any one vnarmed that soudainly they may deuoure him But if they see him furnished with prayer they retyre presentlye euen as wicked theeues when they see the sworde towardes them Hoolsome meditations and exerfice for the morninge 1 Fyrst presently in the morninge when thou art awake thou shalt pray to God that he woulde so lighten the eyes of thine hart with the holy lighte of his holy spirite that thou be not allured or entyced to consente to sinne so consequently seduced to death 2 Secondly after thou art risen blesse thee with the signe of the crosse saying the prayer that foloweth 3 Thirdly when thou art appareled goue not thy selfe presently to babling or ianglinge or to vaine thoughtes or fansies but lift vp thy harte vnto God in silence and prepare thy selfe to saye these prayers folowing 4 Fourthly after prayer thou shalt purpose firmelye and constantly in thy selfe not to committ willingly that day any thinge whereby God or thy neighbour might be offended 5 Fyftly it shall be very necessary besides these afore-sayed to call to minde thine affayres and with quicknes of spirit sett downe with thy selfe howe thou wilt spēd the day to come A prayer in the mornyng vvhen ye avvake Dauid in Psal LIghten myne eyes O Lorde leste at any tyme I ouersleepe in sinne leste myne enemy doe saye I haue preuailed against him VVhen ye doo aryse F. Sonn 5. tract 11. Christ Inst for IN the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe crucified I doo ryse he bless me 〈…〉 me ●eepe me saue me and bringe me vnto euerlasting lyfe
crucified for me I goe into my bedde let him blesse me † gouerne me and defende me and bringe me into lyfe euerlastinge Amen A prayer to be sayed as thou seitleste thy selfe to sleepe L. Viues in precibus general O Iesu Christ our safegarde receaue me into thy protection and graunt that when my body is a sleepe my soule may watch to thee and that it may ioyfullye and gladlye beholde that blessed moste ioyfull and heauenly lyfe where thou art gouernour together with the Father and the holy Ghost and where the Angels with the blessed soules are citizens for euer and euer Amen An exhortation to watche taken out of holy Scripture The day of our Lorde shall come as a theefe in the night Thes 1. v. 5. VVatche ye therefore because ye knovve not the day nor the houre Math. 25. v. 13. And that vvhich I say to you I say to all vvatche Marc. 13. v. 37. The ende of the first Chapter Moste holesome meditations vvhich vve ought day and night to haue before our eyes and alvvayes to haue in remembraunce VVe onght continually to remēber these three things that is to saye Tyme Paste That vve haue vnprofitably spent That good vvhich vve haue left vndonne That euill vvhich vve haue committed Tyme Present Of the shortnes of mans lyfe Of the difficultie to be saued Of the small number that shall be saued Tyme To come Of death moste miserable Of the last Indgement most horrible Of the paynes of hell intollerable THE SECONDE CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE GOODly deuout prayers to be sayed before at after the holy Sacrifice of the Masse A prayer vvhen thou doest enter into the churche Ex hortulo animae OH take from me moste mercifull Lorde all mine iniquityes to the ende I may with a pure and contrite harte enter into the holy of holyes O Sauiour of the worlde which lyuest and reignest with the father and the holy ghost A prayer to styrre vp the minde to deuotion before Masse Io. Fab. ex Aug. 33. medit ALmightye and moste mercifull Father vnto thee all the heauenly companie of the celestiall citie all the blessed orders of saued spirites doe incessantly with due reuerēce sing continuall glory and euerlasting prayse Thee O Lord all saintes and soules of holy men doe laude and magnifie with moste worthie and condigne honour as to whome all prayse honour and glorie is most iustly due Nor there is any creature be he neuer so worthy that can sufficiently accordinge to thy worthynes geue vnto thee worthye and sufficiente prayse For thou arte that vnspeakeable vncomprehensible and euerlastinge goodnes Thou good Lorde hast made me thou haste through the merites of the bitter passion of thy moste blessed Sonne which he vouchesafed to suffer for man-kind restored me to the state of saluation To thee onely is due all laude and honour if anye good thinge be found in me Oh good Lord I miserable wretche a creature of thy makinge a poore woorme of the earth haue good will to laude and magnifie thee with all my minde whole intent but without thy speciall grace I finde my selfe fainte and wonderfull weake wherfore I come to thee my God my lyfe my strength my hope and onelye comforte to craue thy mercie and grace to geue mee power to praise thee Graunte of thy vnspeakeable mercy that I may worthelie prayse honour thee and that what I doe therin may be pleasing acceptable to thee Graunt me the light of thy grace that my mouth maye speake my harte studie thy glorie my tounge may be occupied only in the song of laude praise But because all praise in a sinners mouthe is vyle and I must of force confesse my selfe manifoldelie to haue offēded with my lippes clēse thou o good Lorde my harte from all filthe and sinne Sanctifie me moste mightie Sauioure bothe inwardlie and outwardlie and make mee worthy to magnifie thee receyue of thy infinite goodnes the sacrifice of my lippes and make it acceptable in thy sighte lett the sauour therof be plesaunte well smelling vnto thee Let thy holie swetenes possesse wholie my mind and feade my soule with the fulnes of inuisible thinges lett my soule good Lorde bee quite cutte from visible things all whollie geuen to the studie of inuisible thinges cleane seperat from earthlie things and wholie addicted to heauenlie meditations make my soule see the wonderfull sight of thy Maiestie O almightie God enspire thou my harte that I maye continuallie geue thankes vnto the and honour thee for euer Graunt mee the grace that in my pilgrimage and vale of miserie I may so praise thee that through thy mercie grace I may bee associat to their holie fellowshippe whiche see the euerlastinglie singe prayse to thee worlde without ende Amen A deuoute prayer necessary to be sayed euery Sunday Cornel. Donters in his contemplations of the Passion MY most louing God and Lord and my creatour I miserable sinner doe presente my selfe this day before thine eyes beseeching thee humblye that through thine infinite bountye thou wouldeste vouchsafe to geue me grace that I may keepe holy this Sunday according to thy commaundement and the precept of our mother the holy Church geuing me true contrition of all my sinnes that I haue committed against thy diuine Maiestie and against my neighbour by thoughts wordes and deedes and by omission of good workes which I ought to haue done And I most humblie beseech thee most sweete Iesus that thou wouldest not consider the multitude of my sinnes but remember thine infinit mercy and vouchsafe to graunte me grace to spende this weeke folowing without mortall sinne and for the honour of thy death and passion to geue to al sinners knowledge and grace to do penaunce in this worlde and generally to haue mercy of al those that our mother the holy Churche desireth this day to pray for that with her we all may be partakers of thy sorowfull passion Amen A prayer to be vsed before confession or before Masse if time serue OH maker of heauen and earth king of kinges and Lorde of Lords which of nothing diddest make to thine image and lykenes and diddest redeme me with thine owne precious bloude whom I a sinner am not worthye to name neither to call vpon neither with my harte to thinke vpon humbly I desire thee mekely pray thee that gently thou do beholde me thy wicked seruaunte and haue mercy on me which haddest mercye of the woman of Canane and Mary Magdalene which diddest forgeue the Publicane the thefe hanging on the crosse vnto thee I confesse most holy Father my sinnes whiche if I woulde I can not hide frō thee Haue mercy on me O Christ for I wretche haue sore offended thee in pryde in couetousnesse in gluttony in lechery in vaine-glory in hatred in enuy in adultery in thefte in lyinge backebitinge in sporting in dissolute and wanton laughing in Idle wordes in hearinge in tastinge in
testament which the Church receauinge of thy holy Apostles offereth through-out the whole world to thee O God the creator of all things offring vnder a hidden misterie the first fruites of thy creatures and giftes to witt bread and wyne mingled withe water streight-wayes to be consecrated into the flesh and bood of thy welbeloued sonne that by the same oblation he may represente him whoe is the lyuely bread descendinge from heauen geuing lyfe to all the worlde who by the bloode and water which flowed from his side did washe vs from our sinnes vouchsafe almighty God mercifully to accept this oblatiō which thy Catholicke Church offreth to thee by the Prieste for all thy people whom thou haste purchased with the pretiouse bloode of thy deare-beloued sonne our lord Iesus Christ Amen VVhan the Priest turninge desireth the people to pray for him OVr Lord send thee helpe from heauen and protect thee Our Lord be mindfull of this thy sacrifice and receiue it at thy handes to the laud and glorie of his name to the healthe and comfort of our soules the soules of all faithfull liuing and dead Amen O Lorde whiche Iustyfiest the wicked and gyuest life to the dead quicken and raise me o Lord gyue me compunction of hart and teares to my eyes that I maye euer bewayle the wickednesse of my hart with humilytie Let my prayer come before thy presece O Lord Yf thou be angrie with me o god what helper shall I seeke or who shall haue mercie vpō mine iniquities remēber O Lorde that thou didst call the woman of Cananea the Publicane to repētance didst receiue Peter after his teares Receiue also my praiers O God my Sauiour who liuest raignest for euer Amen VVhen the Priest saith Sursum corda O God father moste highe lyfte vp our hartes and minds I beseche the from the cogitations of earthly cares to the meditation of heauēly loyes that we may thinke and speake of thee onely and maye in all our lyfe expresse thee and after may enioy thee for euer Amen Then say vvith the Priest IT is meete and iust righte and necessarie that we alwayes and in all places geue thee thankes O holy Lord Father almighty euerlastinge God through Iesus Christ our Lorde by whome the Angells praise thy Maiestie the dominatiōs adore the the powers tremble the vertues of heauen and the heauens and the blessed Seraphin with mutual gladnesse gyue praise vnto the with whome we beseche the that thou wilt commande our prayers to be receiued sayeing with humble confession Holie Holie Holie Lord God of Sabaothe The heauens earth are full of thy glorie Glorie be to God on the highest blessed is he that commeth in the name of our Lorde O sanna in the highest Amen At the holy Canon O Moste high Priest and true Bishoppe Iesus Christ who hast offred thy selfe to God thy father vpon the alter of the Crosse a pure and immaculate Hoste for vs wretched sinners who hast left vnto vs thy flesh and bloode in a Sacrament which is made by thy diuine omnipotencie hast ordeyned this Sacrament whiche thou commaundest to be offred in remembrance of our saluatiō by the same thy almightie power I beseche thee that thou wilt graunte me poore sinner worthely to remember thy blessed Passion and to resigne and consecrate my selfe all that I haue wholly to thee who art my Lorde and redemer to be present at this heauenly sacrifice with feare reuerēce with puretie of hart plenty of teares with spirituall gladnesse and heauenly Ioye lett my minde taste the swetenesse of thy blessed presence and perceiue the troupes of thy saints and Angells which are about the. Amen SPeake with me o blessed Virgin Mary that my prayers may take effect before thy sonne our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ Entreate for me O ye Apostles make intercession for me O ye Martirs praye for me all ye Confessors and all the holye companie of heauen the prayers of such O Lord thou despisest not Inspire thē therefore to praye for me O Lord which liuest and raignest one God for euer and euer Amen Here meditate vvith your selfe till the Eleuation ANd thinke your selfe vnworthie to be present amonge so many thow sande of Angelles and saincts as are there although inuisiblie to vs tending vpō him with all reuerence whom we through our sinnes caused to die a moste bitter deathe whome through our euell lyfe we from time to time as much as in vs lyeth do crucifie Thinke how great his loue is to vs which by this dayly oblation woulde preserue vs in that estate whervnto he once brought vs. These benefittes others as time will suffer considered lett vs examine our selues our behauiour to so gracious a Lord and say with the Publicane O God be mercifull to me a sinner O Moste mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ in the remembrance of thy most blessed incarnatiō death Passion wounds sorrows greeues sighes teares and drops of thy most precious bloode and in remembrance of thy moste infinite loue to mankinde and in the vnion of this oblation and of that sacrifice by the whiche thou did offer thy selfe on the Altar of the Crosse I doe offer my selfe to thy laud and glorie humblie besechinge the to gyue to the lyuinge grace to the deceassed peace and rest and to vs all mercie and life euerlasting And I commende vnto the O Lord my soule and body all that is within me moste humblie beseching thee to haue mercy vpon me and vpon all those whome I am bounde in respect of nature or frendshippe to praye for as N. and N. c. At the Eleuation of the Host I Adore thee worshipp the O Christ with all praise benediction For by thy bitter deathe Passion thou haste redemed my soule from endlesse afflictiō Haue mercie vpon me deare Iesus and graunte that thy deathe be neuer found frustrate in me I most humblie beseche thee Amen At the Eleuation of the Chalice AL hayle moste precious and blessed blood flowinge out of the side of my Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ washinge awaye the spottes both of the olde and new offence clense sanctifie and keepe my soule I beseche thee to euerlastinge life VVE thanke the O Lord God mercifull father that thou did vouchesafe to send thine onelye begotten sonne Iesus Christ into this wretched worlde to die for vs all the most shamefull death of the Crosse to the end that he myght offer him selfe to thee through the holy ghoste a moste pure cleane holy and acceptable sacrifice for our sinnes and might so purge oure wicked conscience from all spottes of vncleanenesse By this thy exceding great loue to vs and by these moste cruell tormentes of thy sonne our Sauiour we moste humblie beseche the that thou wilt preserue in vs cōtinuallie those most noble fruites of his redemption and make vs also daylie to die with him to the worlde and to be crucified
catholicke and christian faith and remayninge in it they maye worke their owne saluation so that they and we beinge of one minde and will in one foolde may heare and followe thee our shepparde through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer that chilldren may be instructed in vertue and in the feare of God Ioan. Ferus in lib. precat O God graunt that not onely we our selues cleaue to thy holye worde and doctrine but also that we may instruct and bringe vp our children in thine honor in thy feare and discipline in vertue and obedience and that they may encrease and growe in comelynes fayth and piety that we may haue perfect ioy without any sorrowe and that we may laude and prayse thee all the dayes of our lyfe Amen A prayer for a friende and generallye for anye that is commended vnto our prayers O Moste sweete sauiour Iesus I moste humbly beseech thee to vouchsafe to illuminate with the lighte of thy grace the harte of N. thy seruaunte and my harte also and to comfort and replenishe our hartes with thy moste louing charitie to the ende that we may wholy seeke thine honour and blessed will and thee alone with all our hartes to serch and loue and wholy altogyther to leaue our selues and our owne wills and to resigne them wholy to thee so that alwaies and at all times we may lyue accordinge to thy holy pleasure in obseruing and sulfilling thy holy wil. Iesus for thy holy name and for thy bitter passiō saue vs from sinne and shame and endlesse damnation and bring vs to the blisse which neuer shall haue ending Amen A generall prayer for the lyuinge and the departed in the Catholicke fayth Ex lib. veterum orat groecorum O Sweete sauiour Iesu forgyue those that hate vs and handle vs oūtragiouslye render good to them that doe vs good graunt vnto our brethren those necessaries which they doe aske and lyfe euerlasting comforte the sicke directe saylers and keepe the passengers in their righte waye O Lord according to thy great mercy haue pitye vpon those that are recommēded vnto our vnworthy prayers remember our fathers and bretheren departed this lyfe bringe them to that place where they may beholde the light of thy countenaunce call to minde our brethren which are in captiuitie and delyuer them from their affliction Assiste all those that doe good and labour in rulinge of the Churche graunt them their iust requests and gyue them euerlastinge blisse be not vnmindful O lord of vs poore wretched sinners thy vnworthye seruaunts powre into our harts the lighte of thy knowlege and keepe vs in the path of thy commaundementes by the intercession of the moste holy sacred and blessed virgin Mary and of all the saintes of heauen for thou arte blessed for ouer and euer Amen The end of the ninth Chapter THE TENTH CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE HOLESOME prayers to the holy Trinitie A prayer or thankes geuynge vnto the holy Trinitie O Blessed Lorde Father Sonne and Holy Ghoste three personnes and one God my Lorde my God my maker my redemer my nourisher my defender my swetenes my mercie my refuge my strēgthe my victorie my ioye my glorie eternal I laude thee I glorifie thee I honor and worshippe thee O blessed Trinitie for that thou arte in thy selfe for thou arte the hiest good from whome floweth all goodnes thou arte gracious eternitie thou art eternall felicitie thou arte onely God and there is none without thee I laude and honour thee o blessed Trinitie that mightfully haste made of nought heauen and earth sonne and moone and althinges that be in them and for that it pleased thee to make the holye Angels to laude to prayse thee eternally and that they might assiste vs faithfully in this exile and bannishement with there good counsayles and helpings and to declare thy in effable goodnes thou madest all thinges for man and moreouer thou madest man with thy propre handes to thine owne ymage and similitude onely for thee and thou formedst in him vnderstanding adornedst him with free wil. I laude glorifie thee for that great gifte Thou didest set him in paradise flowing with delites that he might haue the thinges that are aboue to enioye and gouuerne the thinges inferioure to possesse all things and to worshippe thee for euermore And thou made not these noble creatures Angels men for any necessity thou hadest of them for truly all thinge was sufficient in thee to thine eternall ioye glorie but of the feruoure of thy charitys thou wast moued to create them that suche creatures shoulde bee partakers of thy ineffable ioye and glorie I laude and honour thee good Lorde for that it pleased thee among all thy blessed workes to make mee a reasonable man and hast gyuen mee wisedome reason vnderstanding and free libertie haste fourmed mee with all right lymmes and features of bodie and haste gyuen mee manye blessed giftes spirituall and temporall and also meate drincke clothe and all thinges necessarie whiche manie a good creature that hath serued the better than I haue done hathe wanted and for that thou hast visited my harte many times with many graces and spirituall motions deliuering mee oft from many perilles both of bodie and soule and from slaunders shames and rebuks of this worlde into the whiche for my sinnes I myght haue fallen and for that also thou hast suffered mee in all mine iniquitie and all myne horrible and abhominable sinnes pacientlye alwaye abydinge for my conuersion and amendemente whereas at innumerable times thou myghtest haue slayne mee and of righte haue putt mee to eternall paines and dampnation I laude and glorifie thee O Lorde God for all thy mercie whiche alwayes thou haste shewed to sinners pacientlie abyding for them mercyfully callinge them beninglye receyuinge them abundantlye geuing grace to them to such familiaritie admittinge them as though they had neuer sinned O mercyfull Lord and paciente God what shall I saye to thee for all these benefites VVhat laudes and thankes shall I yelde to thee VVhat and all my sinnes were cleane taken a waye from mee trulie yet were not I worthy for the leaste of thy benefites and mercies to gyue thee condigne lande But as a wretched sinner can with all my hart I laude thee I prayse thee I thanke thee I honoure and worshippe thee yea all honor laude prayse be gyuen to thee nowe and euermore Amen A prayer to God the father S. Cyprianus author esse scribitur O God father of our Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne God of Patryarckes God of Prophetes God of Apostles God of Martyrs God of Virgins God of all beleeuers I beseech thee O father of maiesty which without limitation of tyme haste taken pitie vpon vs sendinge vnto vs Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde and sauiour borne of the virgin Marye by the operation of the holy ghost by the annunciation of the Angel Cabriel by whom thou haste delyuered vs from iminente and