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A60380 The judgment of the fathers concerning the doctrine of the Trinity opposed to Dr. G. Bull's Defence of the Nicene faith : Part I. The doctrine of the Catholick Church, during the first 150 years of Christianity, and the explication of the unity of God (in a Trinity of Divine Persons) by some of the following fathers, considered. Smalbroke, Thomas.; Nye, Stephen, 1648?-1719. 1695 (1695) Wing S4000; ESTC R21143 74,384 80

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Trallians I salute you saith he to the Trallians in the Fulness of the Apostolical Character In short no one can read these Epistles with Judgment and impartially but he will see what was the Aim of the Forger of them namely under the venerable Authority and Name of Ignatius to magnify the Reverence and Respect belonging to Church-men This is the Beginning Middle and End of all these Epistles except only that to the Romans where to cover his Design and discover his Folly he only advises the Christians not to rescue him from the Imperial Guards These are all the Apostolical Fathers and Writings that our Opposers can muster up during the first 150 Years of Christianity that is to the Times when the Socinians and all Protestants confess that the Faith began to be actually corrupted I have proved that the Monuments they have to produce are unquestionably and incontestably counterfeit and therefore I do not think my self concerned to examine the few and impertinent Passages alledged out of them by Dr. Bull but before I proceed to his other approved Doctors 't is but reasonable that I should have leave to search what Authors and Books of these times of which we are speaking favoured the Unitarians and particularly the Socinians The Question between Dr. Bull and the Unitarians is what genuine Monuments or Remains there are of the Period which Church-Historians have called the Apostolical Succession that is of the Time in which those Doctors of the Church who had conversed with the Apostles and received the pure Faith of the Gospel from their very Mouths flourished And whether those Remains or Monuments do favour the Unitarians or the Trinitarians whether they teach the Doctrine of one God or of three We have seen what Dr. Bull can produce for their pretended Trinity his Apostle Barnabas the Prophet Hermas both of them rejected as false and soolish by the Catholick Church Next the Revelations of Pionius that is the Martyrdoms of Polycarp and Ignatius and their Epistles all which being almost perished and worn out by Time were revealed to Pionius by one from the Dead It is true our Opposers having been so long Masters have made use of their Power to destroy and abolish as much as was possible whatever Monuments of those first Times that too notoriously contradicted the Innovations in the Faith that were made by the Councils of Nice Constantinople and Chalcedon yet as there is no Battel so bloody and cruel but some tho it may be a very few have the good luck to escape from the Massacre so from this Persecution of Books and Writings some illustrious Testimonies and Witnesses to the Truth are come down even to our Times These are the Apostles Creed an unquestioned Epistle of St. Clemens Romanus the Accounts given by unsuspected Historians of the Nazarens or Ebionites the Mineans and the Alogi who all held as the Socinians now do concerning God and the Person of our Saviour the Recognitions of St. Clemens which tho it may be they are not rightly imputed to him yet are a most antient Book and serve to show what was the current Doctrine of those Times they are cited by Origen in divers Places by Eusebius Aikanasins and others Of the Apostles Creed COncerning the Apostles Creed we must resolve two Questions What it teaches and who were the Compilers of it To the first the Creed it self answers I bel●eve in one God so this Creed was antiently read both in the East and West the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth In these Words the Father is character'd by these Names Properties and Attributions that he is God the one God Almighty and Maker of Heaven and Earth Concerning the Lord Christ it saith And in Jesus Christ his only Son Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 only begotten Son our Lord. So the Characters of our Saviour are that he is not the one God but the only begotten Son of the only or one God and that he is our Lord. Our Lord he is as he is our Saviour Teacher and Head of the Church both in Heaven and Earth He is called the only begotten Son of the only or one God to distinguish him from all other Sons of God from Angels who were not begotten but created Sons from Holy Men who are adopted Sons and from Adam who is called the Son of God not because he was generated or begotten but made or formed by God himself immediately Well but it may be this only-begotten Son of God is an only-begotten Son in some higher Sense and namely by eternal Generation from the Substance or Essence of God whereby he is God no less than the Father is God But the Compilers of this Creed knew nothing or however have said nothing of any such Generation so far from that they describe his Generation and his Person by humane Characters and by such only Every thing that they say here either of his Person or Generation is not only humane but inconsistent with Divinity He was conceived say they of the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary was crucified dead and buried he arose again from the Dead ascended into Heaven sitteth on the right Hand of God i. e. is next in Dignity to God Our very Opposers confess that every one of these is a Description of a mere humane Person and Generation even they acknowledg that God cannot be conceived be born die ascend and least of all be at God's right Hand or next to God to be God and next to God are wholly inconsistent There is no answering here that the before-mentioned are intended only as the Characters of our Saviour's Humane Nature For a Creed being an Institution or Instruction what we are to believe in the main and sundamental Articles of Religion especially concerning the Persons of the Father Son and Holy Spirit if the first is described as the one or only God and the Son only by Characters that speak him a mere Man and are utterly incompatible with Divinity it remains that the Compilers of the Creed really intended that we should believe the Father is the one God and the Son a mere Man tho not a common Man because conceived not of Man but of the Holy Spirit which is the Power and Energy of God If they had meant or but known that the Son and Spirit are eternal and divine Persons no less than the Father they have done to both of them the greatest possible Wrong because in the same Creed in which they declare that they believe that the Father is the one God Almighty and Maker of Heaven and Earth they believe the Son was conceived born died descended into Hell ascended into Heaven is next to God that is they believe he is a mere Man and concerning the Spirit they believe no higher thing than of the Church we believe in the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Catholick Church It is evident then and incontestable by any fair and sincere Considerer that whoever
made this Creed either they did not know that any other Person but the Father is God or Almighty or Maker of Heaven and Earth or they have negligently or wickedly concealed it The Latter is a Supposition that none will make therefore the other is the Truth of the Matter and it remains only that we enquire who were the Framers of this Creed The Creed that bears the Name of the Apostles Creed was always reckoned both by Fathers and Moderns to be really composed by the Apostles for a Rule of Uniformity among themselves in their Preaching and of Faith to all the Converts till about the middle of this present Age G. J. Vossius published a Book wherein he denies that either the Apostles or the 120 Disciples who are mentioned Acts 1.15 and who assisted and voted with the Apostles in publick Matters were Authors of this Creed He thinketh it was only the Creed of the particular Church of Rome and that the Original of it was this Because it was the Custom to interrogate Persons that were to be baptized whether they believed in God the Father in the Lord Christ the Son of God and in the Holy Ghost in whose Names Baptism is administred therefore in process of Time it became a Form of Confession for Persons who were admitted to Baptism to say I believe in God the Father in Jesus Christ his only-begotten Son and in the Holy Ghost Afterwards some few more Words were added to these as a fuller Description both of the Father and Son and as Heresies grew up new Articles were added to the Creed in opposition to them and to distinguish Catholicks from Hereticks Against all Hereticks and Schismaticks in general this Article was made I believe in the Holy Catholick Church against the Sects of the Gnosticks this Article I believe the Resurrection of the Body This is the Conjecture of Vossius Because it was so evident that this Creed makes only the Father to be God and that it speaks of the Son by only humane Characters and says not the least Word of the Divinity of the Holy Spirit therefore this Book of Vossius was received with a mighty Applause among all the Denomiantions of Trinitarians Papists Lutherans Calvinists and all others They saw themselves delivered by this Book from such an Allegation and Aughority against the Doctrine of the Trinity as was more than equivalent to all their pretended Proofs from the Fathers or from the Holy Scriptures For what are all the Fathers if indeed they were all of their side when opposed by the College of Apostles And what are some incidental and very dubious Expressions of some particular Writer of Holy Scripture against a Creed composed by the Concurrence and Consent of all the Apostles and of their Senate or Council the CXX A Creed in which they not incidentally in which case Men often speak loosly and incorrectly but professedly and designedly declare what is the true Faith to be believed by all Christians concerning the Father Son and Holy Spirit I say for this Reason 't is not to be much wondred that Vossius his Book was so kindly received or that the Trinitarians of whatsoever Perswasion have generally ever since followed the Conjecture of Vossius If now and then a learned Man has dissented from the new Opinion he has always been laugh'd out of Countenance by the Croud of Pretenders to Learning Vossius says 1. St. Luke in his Acts of the Apostles would never have omitted so memorable a Transaction as the compiling a Creed by all the Apostles for a Rule of Doctrine to themselves and their Successors in the Pastoral Office and of Faith to the Converts He has set down many lesser Matters the Election of Matthias into the Apostolate of Judas the Conclusion of the Apostles and Elders assembled in Council concerning the Ritual and Judicial Parts of the Mosaick Law and even divers petty Matters relating only to private Persons and is it credible that he should not say a Word of the Rule of Faith of a Creed made by the joint Consent of all the Apostles and intended for the general and perpetual Use of both Pastors and People But besides that this Creed is never spoke of in the Acts none of the Apostles mention or so much as allude or refer to it in any of their Epistles it is incredible not to say impossible that there should not be so much as a hint given of this Creed in all the Apostolick Writings if indeed it had been composed by the Apostles as their Joint Work for the Use of the whole Catholick Church There are abundance of false Steps made in this reasoning of Vossius 1 It is evident enough that divers most important Matters were ordained by the joint Council and Authority of the Apostles and the CXX which yet St. Luke did not think necessary to be inserted into his History of the Preaching Travels and Persecutions of the Apostles The Institution of the Lord's Day instead of or with the Sabbath or seventh Day appointed by God himself in the 4 th Commandment the Form of Church-Government whether you will say by Bishops or by a Presbytery or in the Independent Way the solemn manner of ordaining the Church-Pastors by Imposition of Hands and Prayer made for them the Love-Feasts the Holy Kiss all these every one will confess are Institutions not of one Apostle but of the College of Apostles and their Council the CXX and yet St. Luke has not told us either when or by whom they were ordained but is as silent of their Institution by the Apostles as of their composing the Creed 2 'T is not hard to guess at the Reason why none of these great Matters or the compiling the Creed are particularly recorded in the Acts of the Apostles namely because they are not bare Memoirs or transient things but such as were to be kept up and perpetuated by Example and Practice Every one sees that the Lord's Day the Form of Church-Polity or Government the Ordination of Church-Pastors the Love-Feasts and the Holy Kiss are Institutions that needed not to be recorded because the constant and universal Practice of them by the Apostles and the whole Church was more effectual to preserve them than any Register or History would be The like is as evident of the Creed it was to be orally taught to every Convert in every Place as the Mark of their Christianity therefore being committed to so many Witnesses and Memories it was considered not as a transient thing of which there was Danger that it might go into Oblivion if not recorded but as laid up safely in the Minds and Memories of all the Faithful Farther 't is an Observation made by all Church-Historians that the Antients of a long time purposely forbore to commit the Creed to Writing partly because they would not expose the Mysteries of Religion to the Contempt Raileries and Opposition of the Heathen partly to oblige their own People to be more
Recognitions imputed to Clemens Romanus They seem to be falsly reckoned to St. Clemens but they are very antient published probably in the Beginning of the 2 d Century or the second Century being but little advanced when so many other spurious Pieces were set forth under the Names of Apostles or of Apostolical Men. The Recognitions are quoted divers times by Origen who began to flourish about the Year 210. But they are much antienter than Origen for in a Fragment of Bardesanes apud Euseb Praep. Evang. l. 6. c. 10. who flourished about the Year 170 there is a Passage taken word for word out of the 9 th Book of the Recognitions Whereas Dr. Cave conjectures that Bardesanes was the Author of the Recognitions his Guess is nothing probable nay a manifest Mistake because the Author of the Recognitions was an Ebionite but Bardesanes a Valentinian that is held the Pre-existence of our Saviour and that he was not as the Apostle speaks made of a Woman but brought his Flesh from Heaven It remains therefore that the Recognitions are antienter not only than Origen but than Bardesanes how much antienter we cannot determinately say but probably published when the 2 d Century was but little advanced when so many affected to countenance their own Productions with the authoritative Names of the Aposiles and Apostolical Men. But tho the Recogaitions are not the Work of Clemens Romanus yet they serve to let us know what Doctrines and Rites were current or in use in those times and to this purpose they are quoted by the severely Criticks of all Parties and Perswasions I shall not need to cite particular Passages out of these Books for 't is consessed by the Trinitarian Criticks and by Monsieur du Pin who hath written last on the Fathers that the Author of the Recognitions was a manifest Ebionite Eccl. Hist cent 1. p. 28. But hitherto of the Apostolick Fathers and the Writings and Remains of the Apostolick Succession I have proved I think that hitherto we have no certain or probable notice that there were yet any who publickly professed to hold the Pre-existence of our Saviour or that he was God in any Sense of that Word But on the contrary the Apostles Creed the true and by all confessed St. Clemens Romanus the Nazaren Minean or Ebionite that is the Jewish Churches the Alogians or Gentile Churches Hegesippus the Father of Ecclefiastical History the most antient Author of the Recognitions were all of them Unitarians that is held there is but one Divine Person and the Lord Christ was a Man only It should seem then that very thing hapned to the Christian Church which had formerly come to pass in the Church of the Jews For as the Author of the Book of Judges Judg. 2.7 says The People of Israel served the Lord all the Days of Joshua and of the Elders that outlived Joshua but when all that Generation was gathered to their Fathers there arose another after them which knew not the Lord so the Children of Israel did Evil in the sight of the Lord and served Baalim i. e. the Gods In like manner while the Apostles lived and those Elders who had conversed with the Apostles the Christian Church kept her self to the Acknowledgment and Worship of the one true God and preserved the true Doctrine and Faith concerning the Person of the Lord Christ that he was a holy Man the great Prophet and Messias promised in the Law and other Book of the Old Testament But 〈◊〉 the Aposiles themselves and the 〈◊〉 of the Apostolick Succussion were gathered to their Fathers then 〈◊〉 Corruptions to prevail apace 〈◊〉 they sancied a pre-existent 〈◊〉 of God God's Minister and Instrument in the creating of all things and but little less than his Father A Son said they who being tho but the instrumental yet the immediate Creator of all things is to be worshipped by us his Creatures A Son who tho with respect to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as they still spoke the true and very God the Father is but a Minister and Subject yet with respect to us his Creatures is a God A Son who must be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a God tho only the Father may be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the God that is God by way of Excellence and true Propriety In a word after the Apostles and Apostolical Elders or Pastors were composed to rest the next Generation like the Jewish Church did Evil in the Sight of the Lord and served Baalim that is the half-Gods of their own devising Nemo repente fit turpissimus therefore here they stop a considerable time namely from about the Year 140 and 150 to the Nicene Council or the Year 325. at what time as we shall see hereafter Superstition and Impiety made a sudden and wonderful Advance The first Defender and publick Patron of the Apostacy mentioned in the foregoing Paragraph was Justin Martyr about the Year 150. Our Opposers can quote no Father or genuine Monument older than Justin Martyr for the Pre-existence of our Saviour or that he ought to be called a God in so much as the restrained inseriour Sense before said Dr. Bull indeed pretends to prove the contrary from the counterseit Barnabas the false Ignatius aliàs Pionius and the Impostor Hermas how injudiciously I think hath been competently shown in these present Papers but I will yet oppose to him one Authority which I doubt not will convince the indifferent unprejudiced Reader Eusebius that capital Antagonist of the Nazaren and Alogian Christians and who searched with the utmost Diligence into the remotest Antiquity for whatsoever might seem to make against them quotes H. E. l. 5. c. 28. a very antient Author whom in his foregoing Chapter he reckons among the Ecclesiastical Writers that deserve saith he to be esteemed for their laudable Zeal and Industry This laudable Man you must know wrote a Book against the Theodotians and Artemonites who were Branches of the Alogians what Eusebius there cites out of him is as follows The Unitarians pretend that the Apostles and all the Antients held the very Doctrine concerning the Person of our Saviour that is now maintained by the Unitarians and that it is but only since the Times of the Popes Victor and Zepherin that the Truth has been adulterated and discountenanced This would be credible if first the Unitarian Doctrine were not contrary to Holy Scripture and if divers before Victor and Zepherin had not contended for the Divinity of the Lord Christ namely Justin Martyr Miltiades Tatianus Clemens of Alexandria Ireneus Melito To whom we may add the antient Hymns or Psalms wrote from the beginning by the Brethren which speak of Christ as the WORD of God and attribute to him Divinity I will omit now that all these but only Justin were but Contemporaries to Victor and Zepherin or after them for it is home to my purpose that the first whom our Opposers of those early times could quote was
and all other things that tend to Edification in Christ But here two Doubts arise First whether the Epistles that we now have were the same that are intended in the Epistle of Polycarp or so much as directed to the same Persons or Churches The Reason of the doubt is the Epistles that we now have treat of nothing less than Faith and Patience nay they treat not of Faith and Patience at all much less if it could be are they a Collection of all things that tend to Edification in Christ they are very far from being a kind of Summary of the Christian Doctrine either in Faith or Morals They are Letters of Compliment and Respect not of Instruction or Exhortation The other Doubt is of what Authority and Credit is this Epistle of Polycarp on which the Credit of the Epistles of Ignatius wholly depend Mr. Du Pin answers It is quoted by St. Ireneus Supposing now what Mr. Du Pin has not proved nor can prove that the Epistle of Polycarp intended by Ireneus is in part that Epistle of Polycarp which we now have because both the one and the other are directed to the Philippians I say supposing this yet divers learned Criticks are of opinion that the genuine Epistle written by the true Polycarp and which Ireneus intends concludes with the 12 th Chapter where he solemnly gives them his valedictory Blessing so that the following Chapters which speak of Ignatius his Epistles and other Matters have probably been added by him whoever he was who contrived Epistles in the Name of Ignatius No says Mr. du Pin nor can that be for Ireneus who praises that Epistle of Polycarp quotes also certain Words which are found in the very Epistles of Ignatius But I do not know that Ireneus quotes any Epistle of Ignatius or so much as names the Man but only repeats a Saying of a certain Christian Martyr which Saying the Forger of the Epistles of Ignatius thought fit to insert into those Epistles which himself wrote in the Name and Person of Ignatius In short I say Eusebius and before him Origen owned the present Epistles of Ignatius because they considered the Matter but lightly as not being any way concerned to disprove them And Ireneus older than they quotes an Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians as also elsewhere some Words that are now found in an Epistle imputed to Ignatius but supposing that we now have that Epistle of Polycarp yet it seems likely that the Epistle did then conclude with the 12 th Chapter without any mention of the Epistles of Ignatius and we cannot be assured that Ireneus quotes the Words of one of the Epistles of Ignatius rather than that the Forger of those Epistles borrowed those Words from Ireneus If it be said but why all this Suspiciousness it will be hard to prove any Matter of Fact of remote Ages if such close and strict Proofs be required I answer there is too much Cause to start these Doubts and Suspicions For we have the Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians as also the Epistles of Ignatius and the Martyrdoms of Ignatius and Polycarp whereof the latter is contained in an Epistle pretended to be written by the Church of Smyrna with this Advertisement at the end of them This Epistle concerning the Martyrdom of Polycarp was transcribed by Cains from the Copy of Ireneus who was a Disciple of Polycarp And I Socrates transcribed it at Corinth from the Copy of Caius After which I Pionius wrote it from the Copy before-mentioned having searched it out by the Revelation of Polycarp who directed me to it having gathered these things together now almost corrupted by Time that Jesus Christ may also gather me together with his Elect ones Here then is an Epistle namely the Epistle of the Church of Smyrna concerning the Martyrdom of Polycarp and as the Advertisement saith other things that were almost corrupted thorow Process of Time namely a Relation of the Martyrdom of Ignatius and seven Epistles of Ignatius all these miraculously discovered to Pionius the good by Polycarp after his Death It should seem Polycarp could not rest even in Rest nor be blessed in Blessedness till he had broke from the Abodes of Bliss and appeared to honest Pionius to make known to him where these Golden Remains were to be found If we should understand the Advertisement so as saying that the Epistle concerning Polycarp's Martyrdom came to Pionius by Revelation and the other Pieces and Epistles were collected by the proper Industry of Pionius yet thus the whole Collection depends on the Credit of Pionius who with most I doubt has utterly ruined his Credit as a Publisher of antient Monuments by his Pretence that at least part of them are by Revelation The Clowns will certainly cry out Away with Impostors let Pionius take his Bandle to himself both his own Collection and Polycarp's Revelation for coming from him we must needs believe them to be true alike Could not this Knave will they say be content to personate first the Church of Smyrna in a most palpable Fiction then the Assistants at the Martyrdom of Ignatius and finally Ignatius himself but he must seek too to confirm his counterfeit Wares by Revelations from Heaven by Visions and Apparitions of departed Saints We demand Authorities out of the Antients concerning the pretended Divinity of our Saviour from Writings and Monuments that are verified by some good humane Testimony our Opposers answer us out of Books which some of their Fraternity received by Apparitions by Revelations from the Dead but if once we allow of such Proofs what end will there be of Fictions The departed Saints were first called up to bear witness to certain Epistles and Books but in the next Age when the first Cheat had taken with many they were made to witness to their Bones and Reliques in order to their being inshrined and worshipped this last sort of Apparitions were every whit as true as the first They will prove they say their consubstantial co-eternal Trinity not only from the Antenicene Fathers but from the Apostolical Fathers that is the Fathers that had Converse with the very Apostles and flourished some of them to the Year 150 but when these Authors are produced they are Barnabas the Apostle the Prophet Hermas the Martyrdoms and Epistles of Polycarp and Ignatius whereof the two former we have seen are rejected as spurious by the Catholick Church the other are grounded on Visions and Apparitions to one Pionius But let us consider the Contents of these pretious Pieces the Pionian 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Martyidom of Polycarp saith That when the Fire began to blaze to a great height the Flame making an Arch like the Sail of a Ship against a full Wind incompass'd the Martyr's Body at a distance without hurting it while from his Body proceeded a Smell like to Frankincense or some other rich Spices The first of these Miracles would make the Boys wonder and shout
careful to learn it exactly To this purpose they cite among divers others the Testimony of St. Jerom Epist ad Pam. In the Creed says St. Jerom there which is not written with Ink and Paper but on the fleshly Tables of the Heart 3 It is not true what Vossius adds that the Apostles do not seem to allude or refer to this Creed in any of their Epistles St. Paul says Rom. 6.17 Ye have obeyed from the Heart the Form of sound Doctrine which was delivered to you The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Exemplar or Form of Doctrine here cannot be better interpreted than of the common Creed It seems also to be meant Rom. 12.6 Let him that prophesieth or preacheth preach 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 according to the Analogy or the Rule of Faith The Scriptures of the New Testament not being yet written the Christian's Rule of Faith could be no other but the Creed which accordingly by the most antient Fathers is expresly called Regula fidei the Rule of Faith 1 Tim. 6.20 O Timothy keep 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Depositum or the thing committed to thy Trust and turn not aside The Depositum or Trust from which Timothy might not turn aside is generally and very reasonably understood by Interpreters to be the true Doctrine or Faith of the Gospel but if so 't is very probable that the Apostle intended more particularly the Rule of Faith the Creed composed by all the Apostles 2 Tim. 1.13 Hold fast the Form of sound Words which thou didst hear of me Heb. 5.12 Whereas ye ought for the time to have been Teachers ye have need that one teach you again the first Principles of the Doctrines not the Oracles of God Heb. 6.1 Leaving the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ let us go on to Perfection Here the Form of sound Words and the first Principles and again the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ are Expressions so most properly applicable to the Creed that it was too much Boldness or Inadvertence in Vossius to affirm directly that there is no Allusion to the Creed in all the Apostolick Writings one may say they not only allude but even point to it And what does St. Jude so likely mean in these Words Jude 3. Earnestly contend for the Faith once delivered to the Saints for there are certain Men crope in denying the only God and our Lord Jesus Christ It is highly credible that by the Faith delivered to the Saints he means the Creed that was given out by the Apostles to all their Churches And does he not refer to the two first Articles of it in these Words for certain Men are crope in who deny the only or one God and the Lord Jesus Christ 2. Vossius his next Argument is yet more weak nay perfectly ridiculous If this Creed saith he had been made and so thought to be by the Apostles the Church would never have presumed to add any thing to it and much less to take ought from it I know not what he means by taking ought from it it doth not appear that any thing has been taken from it it is still the same for all that I know or have ever read as at first But they would not have added by this he means the Creeds of Nice of Constantinople and Chalcedon by making of which Creeds 't is manifest that divers things were added to the first Creed namely the Creed of the Apostles I answer 1 The Fathers in these Councils excused themselves by pretending their Creeds were only Explications of the antient Faith or Creed They professed to keep close to the Old Faith without adding any thing to it because they added not any new Articles but only more largely and fully explained the old ones In short they came off from this Exception of Vossius as they thought by calling their Additions by the Name of Explications and Declarations not of Additions But 2 If they had directly said that they thought fit to inlarge the Creed made by the Apostles by some other Doctrines taken from the New Testament I do not think that this is the worst thing of the kind that Mother Church ever did 'T is known to all the World that she has added to and taken away from the Sacraments and the Scriptures therefore 't is no such great wonder if also she turned her own Doctrines into Creeds and mingled her Articles with the Articles of the Apostles From the Sacrament of the Supper she hath taken away the Cup and in the same Sacrament has changed unleavened Bread into leavened The Sacrament of Baptism she hath wholly changed turning it into the mimical Rite of sprinkling and also added the Cross to that false Baptism which she administers As for the Scriptures all learned Criticks even of the Trinitarian Perswasion agree that abundance of Words and some whole Texts have been added 'T is uncontestable that they have added there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the WORD and the Holy Ghost and these three are one It was expresly denied at the first Council of Nice it self that the Apostle Paul said Great is the Mystery of Godliness GOD was manifested in the Flesh but which which Mystery was manifested by Flesh namely by the Lord Christ and the Apostles And to omit many other certain and yielded Depravations of Scripture both by adding and omitting there are shrewd Presumptions that to the Institution of Baptism by our Saviour in the Gospel of St. Matthew these Words have been added In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost It appears in the Acts and Epistles of the Apostles that the Apostles never baptized in that Form of Words but only in the Name of the Lord Jesus But we need no more but the Testimony of one of their own Historians St. Epiphanius concerning the Fidelity of the Church as the prevailing Party always calls it self in preserving pure and intire the Oracles of God Epiphanius owns in direct terms that the Orthodox put out of their Bibles some Passages of Scripture which they liked not and the Bibles of his time that had not been so used this good Father roundly calls them the Bibles that have not been rectified Ancor n. 31. 3. Vossius saith farther that none of the Ecclesiastical Historians tho they have set down the Creeds made in Councils have recorded the Creed of the Apostles thus Socrates and others register not only the Creeds made in legitimate Councils but even those by the Arian Councils but they have not a Word of the Apostles Creed To this I say 1. Socrates and the Historians that follow him begin their Histories at soonest no higher than the Conversion of Great Constantine to the Christian Faith Therefore 't is no wonder that tho they record the Creeds in order as they were composed by the Councils that assembled under Great Constantine and his Successors yet they say nothing of the Apostles Creed which belonged
to a Period 300 Years older than the times of which those Historians write 2. Vossius has not asked why Eusebius the oldest of the Ecclesiastical Historians and who begins his History from the very first has not mentioned or recited the Apostles Creed because he foresaw it would be answered that Eusebius was a thorow-paced Arian a great Opposer of Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra against whom also he particularly wrote who held the Doctrine that the Socinians now do therefore perceiving that the Apostles Creed was as much against the Arians as the Homo-ousians and that it wholly favoured Marcellus he forbore to take notice of it in his History I shall grant that Eusebius was a most learned Historian and that we are extremely in his debt for the Collection of antient Monuments and Memoirs he has left to us but I could give and hereafter shall give divers Instances of his designed suppressing whatsoever of Antiquity that favoured the Nazarene and Minean or as we now speak the Socinian Doctrine 4. The last Argument of Vossius is propounded by the present famous Monsieur du Pin in his Eccl. Hist c. 1. p. 9. in more advantageous Terms and Manner than by Vossius I will therefore examine it as Mr. du Pin has offer'd it He says that 't is an Opinion establish'd on very good Grounds that this Creed was made by the Apostles but that they wrote or dictated it word for word just as we now have it he thinks is very improbable He chose to propound his Opinion after this fallacious manner that he might not be talk'd of it may be be censured by his Superiours for maintaining in terminis an Opinion which might be judged to be heretical For in very deed Mr. du Pin does not only not believe that the Apostles wrote this Creed word for word as we now have it but he thinks they were not Authors of it at all in any Sense according to him the Apostles neither made nor designed to make a Creed He saith indeed that 't is an Opinion establish'd on very good Grounds that the Apostles made this Creed and the Proposition he undertakes to prove is only this that the Apostles did not write this Creed word for word just as we now have it but his Arguments which are the same with those of Vossius aim at this that the Apostles neither wrote nor intended to write any Creed at all I have already considered all his Arguments but only the last which both he and Vossius seem to suppose to be the strongest in truth it is the weakest as being made up of Accounts that are too notoriously false it is this If the Apostles had made a Creed saith Mr. du Pin it would have been found the same in all Churches of all Ages all Christians would have learnt it by Heart all Churches and all Writers would have repreated it in the same manner and in the same terms But the contrary is evident for not only in the 2 d and 3 d Centuries but in the 4 th also there were many Creeds and all tho the same as to Doctrine yet different in the Expression In the 2 d and 3 d Ages we find as many Creeds as Authors which shows that there was not then any Creed that was reputed to be the Apostles or even any regulated or establish'd Form of Faith For Ireneus exhibits one Creed lib. 1. c. 2. and another lib. 1. c. 19. Tertullian makes use of three several Creeds in his Books de Praescriptione contra Praxeam and de Virgin velandis See also Origen peri Archon lib. 1. Dial. contr Marc. Ruffinus in the 4 th Age compares three antient Creeds of Aquileia Rome and the Orient none of which agree perfectly with the common one nor with one another as will appear saith he by the Table containing the 4 Creeds at the End of this Discourse St. Cyril of Jerusalem in his Catechetick Lectures gives us a particular Creed used by the Church of Jerusalem when this Father wrote The Authors also that have explained the Creed as St. Austin Serm. 119. St. Maximus Chrysologus Fortunatus omit some Expressions that are found in the Apostles Creed as we now have it as the Life everlasting and St. Jerom says that the Apostles Creed concludes with the Resurrection of the Body but now it concludes with the Life everlasting Lastly he saith that Ruffinus is the first and only Person of the 5 th Century who asserts that the Creed was composed by the Apostles and he proposes his Opinion only as a Matter that depended on popular Tradition the other Authors that are of this Opinion he saith took it up on the Credit of Ruffinus and are too late in time to be admitted as Witnesses in this Question about the Authors of the Creed called the Apostles Never was there less Truth in so many Words I shall therefore discuss very particularly all that he hath said He saith 1 If the Apostles had made a Creed all Churches and all Writers would have repeated it in the same Manner and Terms That all Churches repeated it in the same Terms and Manner we affirm nor will Mr. du Pin ever prove the contrary That all Writers should repeat it in the same Manner and Terms is a childish Supposition for sometimes they have occasion to repeat but part of it sometimes they repeat it Paraphrastically thereby to put on it their own Interpretation Therefore 't is but weakly urged by Mr. du Pin that Ireneus gives us two Creeds Tertullian three Origen yet another for of these Writers Tertullian de Virgin veland designed to repeat but only a part of the Creed the same Tertullian de Praescript contr Prax. as also Ireneus and Origen repeat the Creed Paraphrastically or Exegetically that their Reader might take it in their Sense 'T is to no purpose that Mr. du Pin urges the Creed in St. Cyrill used in the Church of Jerusalem for no Body denies that after the Council of Nice that is after the Year 325. the Nicene Creed and the Creeds made in imitation of that were explained in many Places to the Youth and Catechumens instead of the Apostles Creed that People might be infected betimes with that Insidelity which the Nicene Council had establish'd and publish'd But whereas he has given us a Table of 4 Creeds namely the Vulgar the Aquileian that of Rome and that of the Orient We ought to thank him for implicitly giving up the Question to us The Reader is to know that by the Orient in the Age of Ruffinus from whom Mr. du Pin takes the Aquileian Roman and Oriental Creeds was meant the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire namely all the Provinces that spoke the Greek Tongue which is to say all Illyricum and Grecia the Kingdoms and Provinces of Asia the Provinces and Kingdoms of Syria as far as the Euphrates and Tigris Egypt the Islands in the Archipelago Adriatick and Ionian Seas all these being
the better Moiety of the Roman Empire were called the Orient The Church of Rome tho she was not as she now calls her self the Mistress yet being the Patriarchal Chair of all the West she was the Example of the Churches of the West Part of the Empire I affirm now that these two Creeds as also that of Aquileia perfectly agree with the Vulgar by which he means the Apostles Creed as we now have it Mr. du Pin's Table which we confess to be exact enough will show us no Difference but what will confirm every intelligent Reader that without peradventure they are all but one Creed made by the same Author or Joint-Authors There is more Difference between the ten Commandments as recited by Moses at Exod. 20. and as repeated again by the same Moses at Deut. 5. than between these Creeds Mr. du Pin will sooner perswade a prudent Reader that the 10 Commandments in Deuteronomy were not the Commandments spoke on Mount Sinai and recorded Exod. 20. than that the 4 Creeds in his Table are not the same or came not from the same Hands The whole Difference of the 4 Creeds consists in these unsignificant Words and Expressions The Oriental Creed said I believe in one God the Father Almighty Invisible and Impassible The Roman I believe in God the Father Almighty and the Aquileian said I believe in one God the Father Almighty the present or Vulgar Creed adds Maker of Heaven and Earth The Roman and Aquileian and Present say And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord the Oriental transposes the word only thus and in our only Lord Jesus Christ his Son The Oriental Roman and Aquileian said who was born of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary the Present by way of Explication who was conceived of the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary The Oriental and Roman said was crucified under Pontius Pilate and was buried the Aquileian crucified under Pontius Pilate buried descended into Hell the Present crucified under Pontius Pilate dead buried descended into Hell But descendit ad inferos he descended to those below or as we render it into Hell is confess'd on all Hands to be an accidental Addition in the Creed of Aquileia and from that Creed was taken into the Present Creed on this Occasion In some Churches it was said was buried in others went to those below which every one sees are equivalent Expressions and intended to signify the same thing but the Church of Aquileia desiring that her Creed should be most full and compleat took in both the Expressions tho at the same time as Ruffinus who was of Aquileia acknowledges she meant no more by both than other Churches by the single word buried And hence it was that the other Churches and Copies of the Creed which said descended into Hell or descended to those below did omit buried and so at this day doth the Athanasian Creed But it was not long before this Variety of expressing the same thing begat Mistakes for by occasion of this Expression descended to those below divers began to imagine a local Descent of Christ into Hell Some of them said to triumph over the Devil others said to release those Damned who believed and repented at the sight of him others had still other as ungrounded Conceits But the Disputes about the Reasons of our Saviour's Descent to those below made the Article taken in general to be believed and therefore it was added at last to the Roman Creed which with this and some other Alterations makes the Vulgar or Present Creed All the Creeds say the third Day he arose again from the Dead The Oriental Roman and Aquileian said he ascended into Heaven sitteth on the right Hand of God the Father the present to the word Father adds the word Almighty They all said from thence he shall come to judg the quick and the dead The Oriental Roman and Aquilean said And in the Holy Ghost the Present more explicitly I believe in the Holy Ghost The Oriental Roman and Aquileian said I believe the Holy Church the Communion of Saints the Present to the word Church adds the word Catholick or Universal All the Creeds said the Forgiveness of Sins In like manner they all said the Resurrection of the Body saving that the Aquileian said of this Body The Present concludes with the Life everlasting the other three mention not the Life everlasting because it is supposed and included in the foregoing Article the Resurrection of the Body I say now let any one read the ten Commandments at Exod. 20. and compare them with the same ten Commandments at Deut. 5. and he will perceive that he may better deny them to be the same Commandments than that these four various Copies are Copies of the same Creed The Variations of the 4 Copies are so inconsiderable the Causes of that Variation so obvious and evident that he that will call them not various Readings of the same Creed but 4 several Creeds proceeding from so many several Compilers in my opinion ought if obstinate in his Error to take Physick But if these are only various Readings of the same Creed without doubt we have gained our Point that the Apostles were the Authors of it For I desire to know how it was morally possible that the East and West which is to say all the Churches of Christendom should in all Kingdoms Provinces and Episcopates happen to have the very same Creed both for Number and Order of Articles and Manner of Expression if they did not receive it from the very same Persons from whom they received the Gospel and the Scriptures namely from the Apostles and other first Missionaries and Preachers of the Heavenly Doctrine It is granted to us that there had been no General Council when this Creed as we have made it appear was the common and only Creed both of the West and Orient therefore when all the Fathers without excepting any that speak of this Creed tell us they have received ex traditione Majorum by Tradition of their Predecessors that this Creed was made by the Apostles they give us such an Account as justifies and proves its own Truth for no other Cause can be thought of how it should become the common and only Creed of Christians 2 Mr. du Pin saith Ruffinus in the 5 th Century is the first Person who asserts that this Creed was composed by the Apostles and that too from popular Tradition indeed a great many other Fathers say the same thing but they all had it from Ruffinus First Mr. du Pin reckons Ruffinus to the 5 th Century only to lessen his Authority and Credit in this Question for it is certain and acknowledged by Dr. Cave and afterwards by Mr. du Pin that Ruffinus flourish'd at Aquileia in the Year 360. at which Time and Place he had a great Friendship and Intimacy with St. Jerom. It is true because he lived to be old he saw the Year of
Christ 410 or 411. and from hence Mr. du Pin has taken occasion to call him a Father of the 5 th Century Ruffinus being the first of the Fathers that ever wrote an Exposition on the Creed I mean the first of those now extant 't is no wonder that he is also the first that expresly informs us who were the Authors of it tho if he had not told us who were the Compilers the Universality and Antiquity of it are alone sufficient to declare the Authors and Compilers Nor does he say that he had learned who were the Framers of the Creed by popular Report but tradunt rajores nostri our Predecessors in the sacred Function have so delivered to us Which is not to be understood neither of bare oral Tradition by the preceding Bishops and Presbyters but of the antient Writers who had commented on the Creed who be saith were very many None of them are come down to our Times but of the Number was Photinus Archbishop of Sirmium and Metropolitan of Illyricum who held as the Socinians now do that the Lord Christ was a Prophet not God Whereas Mr. du Pin adds that all the other Fathers whom he confesses to be very many he should have said All that mention this Creed took it on the Credit of Ruffinus that the Apostles were the Compilers of it it is rashly said None of them quote Ruffinus for their Author and divers of them particularly St. Austin alledg as Ruffinus does Tradition for their Ground which as I said before was not only Oral Tradition but the Tradition of the antient Commentators And when this Critick urges in the last Place that St. Austin Maximus and some others who have expounded the Creed after Ruffinus omit divers Words nay and Expressions that are found in the Creed as we now have it why has he concealed that the Words or Expressions omitted by these Expositors are only such as they supposed to be included in other equivalent Expressions of the Creed Tho it might also sometimes happen that they did not intend to explain the whole Creed verbatim but only the principal Words and Articles namely such as either were controverted by Hereticks particularly by the Ghosticks and Manichees or were misunderstood by Heretical Persons His Instance of the Life everlasting omitted by Expositors will do him no Service for 't is not an Article no more than dead or gone to those below are Articles but only an Illustration or fuller Explication of the Article foregoing the Resurrection of the Dead These are the Arguments of these two very learned Criticks I willingly acknowledg them to be such Vossius and Monsieur du Pin against the Apostles Creed I have I think not only fully satisfied them but at the same time defended our Arguments for it against their Evasions For whereas to our Argument from the Testimony of all the Fathers who have ever spoke of this Creed and especially of Ruffinus a most learned and judicious Father equalled by Mr. du Pin to St. Jerom they reply that Ruffinus was but of the 5 th Age and spoke only from popular Hear-say and that all the other Fathers took it from him I have shown that these are partly untrue partly rash and ungrounded Affirmations And whereas to what we alledg from the confess'd Antiquity and the Universality of this Creed they answer the Creeds of the Orient and West were different I have evinced that the pretended Differences are apparently only the various Readings of one and the same Creed the very Commandments are much more differently related by Moses himself than the Apostolick Creed by the Churches Of St. Clemens OF the Monuments and Remains of the Apostolick Age next to the Apostles Creed is the Epistle of Clemens Romanus to the Corinthians This is that Clemens of whom St. Paul makes respectful Mention Phil. 4.3 He has written an Epistle in the Name and by the Order of the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth All the Criticks on the Fathers when they speak of this Epistle without an Eye to the Trinitarian Controversies own not only that 't is unquestionably genuine but that 't is a most pious most judicious and an elegant Composition Mr. du Pin very truly adds One may discern in this Writer a great deal of Energy and Vigor accompanied with much Prudence Gentleness Zeal and Charity But when they consider the Doctrine of it with regard to the Trinity and the Person of our Saviour the ablest and antientest and particularly great Photius the most judicious Censor of the Fathers and himself a Father cannot mention it without Tears in their Eyes Besides Photius Petavius and Huetius famous modern Criticks sigh it out that Clemens was an undoubted Vnitarian and the occasion of this Judgment is because of the low and merely humane Characters which throughout this Epistle even where he affects to speak of our Saviour in the highest manner he gives of our Saviour's Person and Dignity But I shall be more particular than they have been in referring to the Passages of this Epistle which have so grieved the Trinitarian Criticks First he always distinguishes the Lord Christ from God and often so distinguishes him that it amounts to a flat and direct Denial that he is God The Apostles saith he ch 42. have preached to us from our Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Christ from God The Lord Christ then according to St. Clement was not himself God but one that has preached to us from God as the Apostles preached from Christ At chap. 58. he hath these deciding Words God the Inspector of all things the Father of Spirits the Lord of all Flesh who hath chosen our Lord Jesus Christ and us by him grant to you Peace Long-suffering Patience through our High Priest and Protector Jesus Christ by whom be Glory and Honour and Majesty unto God now and for evermore What a Socinian Account is here of our Saviour He is saith St. Clement the chosen of God as we also are our High Priest and Protector by his effectual Prayers and Intercession for us and let Honour Glory and Majesty be given to God by him now and for ever Did he think the Person of whom he so speaks was himself God But when he intends to say a very high thing of our Saviour he calls him at ch 16. the Scepter of the Majesty of God He alludes here to the Scepter of King Ahasuerus which he stretched out to Queen Esther in token of his Acceptance and Favour The Lord Christ therefore in the Doctrine of this Father differs just so from God as the Ensigns and Marks of Power and Majesty differ from that Majesty and Power of which they are only the Marks and Signs But besides these diminutive Expressions and absolutely inconsistent with our Saviour's being God I observe that when he endeavours most of all at ch 36. to extol the real Greatness of our Saviour he minds the Corinthians that by him our
evince how frivolous and impertinent it is He objects first the Authority of Sulpitius Severus who began to write about the Year 401. Sulpitius says The Emperor Adrian drove all Jews out of Jerusalem but this tended to the Advantage of the Christian Religion for at that time almost all of them believed in Christ God Hist sacr l. 2. c. 31. This Expulsion of all Jews from Jerusalem hapned about the Year of Christ 135. The Words almost all are intended to signify that as the Jews were the Majority of the Inhabitants and Citizens of Jerusalem so the most the far greater Number of them were Christians But when he adds they believed in Christ-God I have proved it to be a Mistake by the Testimony of those Fathers who lived among the Jewish Christians namely Origen and Theodoret and of other Fathers who were much nearer to them than Sulpitius even Epiphanius and St. Augustin Epiphanius was Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus an Island just by Palestine and he himself was a Native and had his Education in Palestine St. Austin from Hippo in Africa informed himself of the State of the Syrian and Palestine Churches not only by Letters to and from the Learned Men of those Churches and Provinces but also by some of his Clergy whom he maintained at Jerusalem and the Holy Land only for Intelligence and Information On the contrary Sulpitius lived in Aquitain a Province of Gaul in the remotest western Parts of the Roman Empire at the Distance of above 2000 Miles from Palestine and Syria where the Jewish Christians had their Churches or as their Enemies particularly St. Jerom spoke their Synagogues We cannot much wonder that at so great a Distance from the Jewish Christians Sulpitius mistook their Doctrine concerning the Quality of our Saviour's Person or whether he were God or Man nor will any Man of Prudence think that one Sulpitius at such a Remotion from them is to be believed against so many most learned Fathers who dwelt partly among the Nazarens partly very near to them Beside Sulpitius was not a Divine but a Lawyer bred a Heathen and went over to the Christian Religion after he had long practised as they speak at the Bar 't is easily conceived that a New Convert to Christianity might not be very skilful in the Knowledg and Distinction of Sects Therefore Monsieur du Pin observes concerning Sulpitius That tho his Abridgment of the Ecclesiastical History is the best we have of the Antients yet it is not very exact He commits divers Faults against the Truth of History especially the Ecclesiastical Eccl. Hist cent 5. p. 112. Dr. Bull cites also Euseb Hist l. 4. c. 5. where that Historian says that the first 15 Bishops of Jerusalem sat but a very short time but that he finds in the Writings of the Antients that those Bishops received and professed the true Knowledg of Christ I believe there is no learned Man will doubt that Eusebius his Author for this was Hegesippus who was the first that wrote an Ecclesiastical History which he published about the Year of Christ 170 a Work now lost to the great Regret of learned Men. But when Hegesippus says the Bishops of Jerusalem professed the true Knowledg of Christ did he mean as Dr. Bull supposes that Christ is God most High No he meant that they professed in opposition to the Docetae and others who held the Pre-existence of our Saviour and that he was not a Man he was a true and very Man and a Man only Of this I am perswaded by these Considerations First Hegesippus was himself a Jewish Christian as Eusebius Hist l. 4. c. 22. witnesses but all Jewish Christians saith Origen who lived and flourish'd above 100 Years before Eusebius were Ebionites that is denied the Divinity of Christ Secondly The same Eusebius ibid says that Hegesippus made use of St. Matthew 's Hebrew Gospel which was used only by the Ebiouites and Unitarian Christians Thirdly When Hegesippus apud Euseb ibid. reckons up the Heresies and Hereticks of the Jewish Nation that were saith he against the Tribe of Judah and against Christ he names the Samaritans Pharisees Sadduces Esseans Masbotheans Galileans Hemerobaptists but if the Denial of our Saviour's Divinity had been a Jewish Heresy if the Ebionites or Cerinthians had been Hereticks in the Judgment of Hegesippus they must have come into the Catalogue of Hereticks that were against Christ for 't is certain and yielded on all hands that both these Sects denied the Divinity of our Saviour If it be said Hegesippus might not reckon the Ebionites and Cerinthians among the Jewish Hereticks because tho they were Jews by Nation they were Christians by Religion yet at least he would have put them into the List of Christian Hereticks which he does not The Christian Heresies according to Hegesippus are the Heresy of the Simomans Menandrians Marcionites Carpocratians Valentinians Basilidiaus Saturninians but not a word of the Ebionite Cerinthian Alogian or Monarchian Hereticks who were all Unitarians But the Reader must here take care that he is not imposed on by Valesius his Translation of Eusebius for the Translation after the Enumeration of the before-named Heresies and Hereticks adds aliique and others as if some were omitted but the Greek Text of Eusebius has no such Words In short I say Hegesippus gives a Catalogue of the Heresies of the Jews and Gentiles but does not account either the Cerinthians or Ebionites among the Hereticks which he certainly would if he himself had held the Pre-existence and Divinity of our Saviour Lastly I have before cited Valesius owning and professing that the Ecclesiastical History of Hegesippus was lost by the Antients because like the Hypotyposes of St. Clemens it was observed to agree with the Unitarians If it be said But did not Eusebius know this and yet he always speaks respectfully of Hegesipput I answer without doubt he knew it but durst not take notice of it it was not for Eusebius to find fault with an Apostolical Father he could only dissemble his Knowledg of what the Unitarians and particularly his Antagonist Marcellus would not fail to make Advantage and this also is the Reason as I hinted before why this crafty Arian will take no notice of the Apostolick Creed as composed by them tho he recites paraphrastically that so he may impose on his Reader the Heads of it Hist l. 1. c. 13. But if Hegesippus Unitarian Hegesippus was the Author whom Eusebius follows in the Account he gives of the first 15 Bishops of Jerusalem that they professed the true Knowledg of Christ which will not be questioned by any that are conversant in Eusebius or have observed that he professes Hist l. 4. c. 8 22. to follow Hegesippus concerning the Apostolick and following times we have also gained another very great Point namely this That not only the Jewish Christians but those of Rome and all the great Churches to which Hegesippus had resorted to know their Doctrine