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A30242 The Scripture directory for church-officers and people, or, A practical commentary upon the whole third chapter of the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians to which is annexed The godly and the natural mans choice, upon Psal. 4, vers. 6, 7, 8 / by Anthony Burgesse ... Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664. 1659 (1659) Wing B5656; Wing B5648_CANCELLED; ESTC R3908 509,568 411

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live according to the wayes ignorance folly and customes of the world They are to shine as lights amongst a froward and crooked generation Phil. 2.14 Pure Religion is said to keep it self unspotted from the world Jam. 1.27 All the wicked and ungodly wayes in it are not to defile and soil him As they speak of a River called Alpheus that emptieth it self in the Sea yet even in the very Sea it keepeth its sweetnesse and is not made salt and brackish as the waters of the Sea are They are in the world but not of it Hence Rom. 12. Be ye not conformed unto the fashion of the world but be transformed in your minds Here you may see who are men of the best fashion in a place not men of the greatest wealth honours or earthly dignity but who do not conforme to the fashion of the world that hath not the cursing swearing lying uncleannesse and all the works of darknesse that the world is said to lie in Let us improve this Doctrine and I know no truth a sharper sword to enter into your bowels than this For generally men think it a disgrace not to live as most men do what to grow so precise and strict as not to do as others do They are afraid to own such to be thought such Oh what Antipodes are such men to the Scripture Either lay down the name of a Christian or else live above what men of the world do As Alexander said to a souldier named Alexander Either lay aside his name or else do valiant acts Matth. 5. If ye love them that love you what singular thing do ye do not even the publicans the same Mark that there is a godly singularity and the people of God must be singular not do so or live so as most men in the world do The Apostle in this phrase To live as men or According to man may imply these things First Meer men have no divine faith in the matters of Religion wrought in them by the Spirit of God but walk according to the natural dictates of conscience and education and so are for that Religion which they have been brought up in and accustomed to whether it be right or wrong whether good or bad This our Saviour cleareth when Peter made that excellent Confession of Faith That Christ was the Sonne of God our Saviour graciously accepts of it and tels him Flesh and bloud hath not revealed this to him Mat. 16.17 So that then men walk as men in all matters of Religion when they have no more than custome or the countenance of the Laws of the Land where they live no more than flesh and blood hath made known to them Thus we see the Jews the Turks the Papists they all wilfully adhere to the Religion they have been used to and so many Christians believe in Christ upon no better grounds than they do in their falsehoods Be not then any longer such men and servants of men as the Apostle cals it that is to believe the tru●hs of Religion upon humane authority humane motives That our Saviour meaneth when he bids us Call no man master on earth because Christ is the only Master Mat. 23.8 Not that the instruction and teaching of Church officers is to be rejected as some absurdly would inferre from those places for we are commanded to hear them and to enquire for the truth at their mouth only it 's not a divine faith till it be upon divine grounds Not as the word of men but as the word of God 1 Thess 2.13 It 's a sad thing to consider how many walk as men in this respect being in matter of Religion without any eyes of their own as if another mans faith were to justifie them and not their own Secondly To walk as a meer man is to propound some outward inferiour comforts as the ultimate end and chief felicity of our souls Take a man as a meer man and the utmost end for which he labours and strives in this world is some earthly advantages Oh but what saith the Apostle of true Christians We walk not by sense but by faith 2 Cor. 5.7 And we behold not the things that are seen but the things that are not seen What made Moses deny all that earthly greatnesse he might have had in Pharaohs Court Who would have made such a choise as he did To suffer reproaches for Christ rather than the pleasures of Aegypt Why is this Because he saw him that was invisible and had an eye to the recompence of reward Heb. 11. See then Moses more than a man he propounds to himself as the greatest happinesse the enjoyment of God and communion with him And as the Sunne puts out the lesser light of the starres so this good in God obscured that in all earthly things Then therefore men walk as men when they look no further than the good things of this life riches honours earthly pomp and greatnesse and as for the enjoyment of God which is indeed the true end that they come short of Oh do not then walk as men any longer placing all your affections thoughts and desires in inferiour comforts Is this to have your conversation in Heaven Is this to sit with Christ in heavenly places Is this to make God your portion Is not this rather to have the Serpents curse upon you to lick up the dust of the earth and to mind earthly-things Thirdly To walk as meer men is to put confidence and hope onely in second causes and visible instruments not trusting the promise of God or believing his power that he reigneth and ruleth in Heaven and earth doing what he pleaseth This is not only to walk as men but as the wise men and most admired men in the world The Scripture brings in the thoughts of the wise men as if God sate in Heaven and did not judge all things as he pleased The fool hath said in his heart and that fool is every meer man there is no God Psal 14.1 No Judge no Governour Therefore they look only to instruments to second causes and they puff up themselves and grow insolent when they have these bladders to swim with As on the other side they sink even as Pharaohs hoast into despair when such outward props are taken away Know then that all thy dedejections cares and doubtfull thoughts either about thy self or the publick they argue thee to walk as a meer man Our Saviour doth excellently shame his Disciples for this when using several Arguments to the Disciples against their distrust and carefulnesse he tels them Such things the Gentiles and Heathens seek after Mat. 6.7 So that to walk as men is to be affected in our own particular or in the publick good as if there were no promise no God as if men were Omnipotent as if men brought about all things When Melancthon was often dejected about the affairs of the Church being prone to distrust and fears Luther told him That God had bound
Apostle Paul though he be an eloquent Apollo More spiritual matter this Text will also afford only I must first answer that Question Whether the Corinthians did indeed set up these eminent godly men as Heads of Parties or whether his meaning was that they set up many false Apostles and became factious Disciples to such only the Apostle spareth to name them thinking it wisdome to do so and instanceth in himself and other Pillars teaching them hereby that if such as were faithfull and godly ought not to be exalted how much less corrupt and false Teachers Some are for the Affirmative and some for the Negative but I think both Expositions may well be joyned together For the Corinthians some of them did too much glory in Paul and Apollo and set them up Otherwise Why should Paul bless God so much for that Providence that he had baptized so few For men were apt to set up those that baptized them as if they had been baptized into their name Therefore certainly the Corinthians did sinfully rest and glory in such as Paul Wherfore he takes them off and excellently concludes Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord 1 Cor. 1.13 Thus the first Exposition is true Then that the other also is true that although Paul instanceth in himself and others yet therby meaning other ambitious Teachers that affected Disciples appeareth also 1 Cor. 4.6 where he saith He had by a Figure transferred those things to himself and Apollo for their sakes That is for their Instruction to teach them that they must not think of Paul and Apollo above what they should as many of them did much less of false ambitious corrupt Teachers as many others also did This explained we may observe two more Doctrines 1. That it is not lawfull for Christians to call themselves by the Name of any men though never so Eminent so as to build on them Christ and his Truth are the foundation we must build upon The Apostles indeed are called the foundations Rev. 22.14 but they were immediately inspired and they were but secondary foundations fundamenta fundata not fundamemta fundantia as Divines say So that we are not Believers in Paul or Peter We are not the Apostles Believers much less the Fathers or any Doctors and Teachers in the world That is our Saviours meaning when he saith Call no man Master but Christ Mat 23 8. It is true this Doctrine is abused by some as is to be shewed when I come to speak of those who said they were of Christ viz. in a sinfull factious way They were not for Paul or Apollo or any Ministers they cryed down all the Ministry They are for Christ to teach them immediately But thus farre the Doctrine is true we may not be called after any mans name We are not to set up any Persons or Councils in Christs stead We are not to believe in them Homines non debent aedificari super homines said Austin For the opening of this let us Consider First The Names that Christians have had in the New Testament and afterwards in the Church For by wise Names we come to know the nature of things And First Christ did often call those that followed him his Disciples Thus He that would be his Disciple must hate Father and Mother for his sake And when the Apostles are sent out their Instruction is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 make Disciples Indeed there are the seventy Disciples who were in a Church-Office next the Apostles but every follower of Christ his Doctrine and way was called a Disciple but it is Christs Disciples They were never called the Apostles Disciples or any mans Disciples And certainly this doth excellently denote what Christians should do viz. Take that duty which God from Heaven commanded us concerning Christ Hear him Mat. 17.5 a Disciple is not to dispute but to believe A Disciple is wholly to learn and receive from his Master And oh how excellent would this be if every Christian would thus hearken to what Christ saith If thou art Christs Disciple learn of him how to live how to walk how to obey Lean not to thy own understanding Lean not to others for only Christ is Truth Another Name and that most frequent was Believers Christians are often called by this title None more frequent And this also doth difference Christians from all other sects in the world All the Philosophers they affected to be knowing men not believing Averroes by scorn called Christians credentes Believers For such as he affected to know the Causes of things and to inquire in the hidden secrets of Nature counting it a disgrace to believe upon meer Authority Thus Julian upbraided Christians with their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 believe only Hence Rom. 1. The preaching of Christ was accounted foolishness to the Gentiles They sought for wisdome for strong demonstrations but the Apostles meerly declaring and preaching such Doctrines were accounted foolish bablers So that to be a Believer doth denote the captivating of our understandings unto the Word of God and every sublime thought or reasoning that doth exalt it selfe And certainly if a Christian would think how much he is to submit his understanding to believe the Doctrines of the Scripture it would much inable him also to believe the Promises for the Church in general or in particular for his own self Faith of assent would breed Faith of fideucial adherence Should it be so great a matter to believe that God will raise up the Church when it hath no help Or subdue thy corruptions when thou believest greater matters in Doctrine As the Trinity That God was made man the resurrection of the body This is an excellent point to be pressed though not so proper here Another Name often attributed to Christians is Saints The Saints at Corinth and in many places Oh the very Name of this title should strike blasting and confusion into man Art thou a Saint-lyer a Saint-drunkard a Saint-Blasphemer All that are Christians should be Saints and Holy And therefore the Scripture cals them by that Name Not that all will be holy in a Church no There will be tares as well as Wheat Nor that we are to depart from a Church where wicked men are not cast out Or that the Sacraments are to be administred to none but who are truly godly though they be free from gross sinnes These things cannot be inferred only Christians are called to be Saints and are Saints by Calling and so should be in their lives Oh consider this you who are prophane Beasts and tremble at it But the most famous and distinguishing Name of the people of God is Christians They were first called so at Antioch saith the Scripture Act. 11.26 Some have questioned whether others did not then put this Name upon them by scorn and reproach because Christ was crucified or whether they themselves did not voluntarily take upon them this Name as being a glory and honour to
them I rather think the latter because it 's used as a Name of honour If any man suffer as a Christian saith Peter 1 Pet. 1.3 Now this title Christian is of great importance Many are apt to say As they are a Christian when there is no reall Christianity in them For to be a Christian is as much as to be one anointed For as Christ was so called because annointed with all Graces in an unlimited manner so every Member of Christ is called a Christian because anointed with Graces Oh then thou that gloriest in that thou art no Heathen no Infidel no Jew but a Christian consider whether this be not a vain boast For is thy prophaneness thy wickedness thy impieties the anointing of Gods Spirit So that to have the reall power of Christianity is a difficult and straight work In after times the title Christian still continued And although they were sometimes called Cornelians from Cornelius Cyrillians from Cyrillus and Joannitae from John Chrysostome Eustathiani from Eustathius yet they did not own these Names And as Heresies began to rise up in many places some teaching one thing some another the Christian that kept to the true Faith that was constantly and universally believed in all the ages of the Church beginning from Christ and the Apostles times was called Catholique or universall in which sense he said Christianus mihi nomen Catholicus cognomen So that to be a Catholique was to believe that Faith which had been universally taught first by Christ and the Apostles afterwards by faithfull men in all ages And for the Papist to call himself a Catholique when the Roman Church hath so manifestly degenerated from the Apostolical and Scripture Doctrine and for them to make the Roman and the Catholique Church all one is as absurd as if a man should call London or England all the world The Papist therefore is no Catholique in a true sense because he cannot prove his Faith by the Apostolical Doctrine in the Scripture yea accuseth the Scripture as insufficient And some of their learned men have confessed that if they should try thir cause by the Scripture meerly it was gone I shall instance in one famous Name given to such who truly own Christ and his Truths and that is Protestants They were called thus not many years since in Luther's time whereas the Orthodox had got some indulgence for the profession of their true Religion and pure worship The Popish party did importune the Emperour of Germany to make an Edict at Worms and afterwards at Spires That no Religion should be publickly professed and owned but the Roman The Lutheran Party both Noblemen and others made a Solemn Protestation against that unjust Decree and ever since all that reformed from Popery have been called Protestants So that all those who have a compliance with Popery that admire their way in their heart or act by their principles cannot truly be called Protestants Thus you have heard the chief names by which Christians are called And still after no mans name And whereas Papists call us Lutherans Calvinists c. we indeed own Luther and Calvin and such men for worthy and famous instruments of Gods glory in their time but it is their calumny to call us after their Names It is true a man by way of difference or distinction he may say a Lutheran and Calvinist to denote some peculiar opinion but to own any man as an Author of our Faith or the foundation of Religion is not consistent with true Christianity There are pregnant Reasons for this First Because as our faith in regard of the efficient cause is the gift of God so the object and motive of it must be Gods authori●y because he speaks and revealeth such things Humane faith is because a man sa●●h such a thing divine faith because God saith so Now see how carefull the Apostle was that the Churches faith should not be in humane wisdome but in the mighty power of God And so the Thessalonians received it not as the word of man but as the word of God 1 Thess 2.13 The Apostle saith They had not dominion of their faith 2 Cor. 1.24 They were not able to make any Articles of Faith necessary to be believed You see then none may be called after men we are not their Disciples their believers for that which resteth on men is but an humane faith and we ought to have a divine faith Men indeed may be instruments to propound the things to be believed but the motive is a divine testimony because God saith so Solomon by his wisdome declared to which woman the childe belonged to but he did not cause the affections of the mother to the child So faithfull Officers of the Church may declare the truth of God but they cannot work faith in thee Secondly Therefore we may not be called after men to build on them because we are not baptized into any mans name and we are onely to professe those in whose name we are baptized into 1 Cor. 1.13 Paul doth powerfully urge this Argument why they might not say they were of Paul because they were not baptized into the name of Paul So then his Disciple thou art and his badge thou onely art to wear in whose name thou wert baptized and that is not into the name of a man but the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost Thirdly The Apostle presseth another Argument Was Paul crucified for you Did Paul die for you 1 Cor. 1.13 His meaning is In him onely we are to believe who is able to make our reconciliation with God who hath wrought our Redemption for us And therefore it 's a very high sinne to build your faith on a man It 's to make him a Saviour it 's to put him in Christs room Fourthly Our Apostle urgeth a further Argument in the same Chapter He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord And Christ is made unto us Wisdome So all boasting in men is to be excluded as well as boasting in works Oh but what is the cause of so many errors of so many divisions It 's from boasting in men such a man and such a man and by this meanes the glory due to God is taken away Fifthly The Scripture makes it a great sinne in matters of Religion and the worship of God to be servants of men 1 Cor. 7.23 Now what is it to be a servant of men when as bruit beasts we are wholly led at the command of others believe what they bid us believe worship with such worship as they command yet this hath been an universal sinne in all ages of the Church Men nuzzled in ignorance and pleasing themselves in their folly have without any judgement or information from Gods Word taken such a Religion and followed such a Worship as hath been imposed upon them Hence they have been sometimes of one Religion and sometimes of another because they have been servants to men and not Disciples of Christ
Malunt credere quam judicare Thus they offer an Asse for a sacrifice Sixthly The Ministers of God though never so eminent have been afraid of this they have prohibited such restings upon them But of this in another Doctrine viz. That it 's the property of godly Ministers not to bring men to themselves but to Christ Several Uses may be made As First That a Papist as a Papist following the principles of Popery and going no further hath but an humane blind faith They are so of the Pope and bound to his Determinations that all their Religion is built upon his Decision One of their learnedst Rabbies Valentia brings in a private Man consulting what Religion he should chuse and he argueth That if he be a Protestant then he must reade the Bible and other Authours and saith he I have not time to do that Therefore I will be of the Popish Religion for it 's but believing as the Church and as the Pope believeth Now saith the Jesuite God will at the Day of Judgement crown this man with glory for believing so yea he merits by believing so Now how contrary is this to Scripture which bids us Search the Scriptures Try the Spirits Not think of man above what is meet So that their Faith is an humane Faith their Religion an humane Religion believed for mans sake And that is the reason why the people of the greatest ignorance are most taken with it for it commends ignorance and pleaseth the vulgar fancy with a gorgeous worship Vse 2. To bewaile the great ignorance and blindnesse that is even in most Protestants For how few are there that believe this Religion upon judgment and searching the Scriptures upon knowledge and faith of the Word but they were brought up in it and the Lawes of the Land command it Oh consider if God would not have a Sacrifice without eyes no more will he have a Faith and a Religion without eyes What Jeremiah can make Lamentations equal to this grosse ignorance that covers the face of all Congregations You have no more than an humane Faith and an humane Religion or Worship of God Vse 3. To blesse God for the Instruments of Faith and the Ministers of grace but still to rest in God for all benefit and fruit by their labours It may be the Ministry hath been no more efficacious no more lively and profitable to thee because thou hast not owned God in it as thou shouldest It is God that openeth the eyes it 's God that openeth the ears and the hearts of men Therefore look up to him For while one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo are ye not carnal The divisions here reproved in the Text have afforded us profitable Observations and yet we have not finished all We come to a third Observe the devils subtilty and emnity to the good and glory of Gods Church how many engines he useth sometimes he stirres up false Apostles who by their venemous doctrine may impoison the fountaines where all should drink and if that will not do then he labours to overthrow the Church by the repute and names of eminent teachers if the wickedness and malice of ungodly teachers do not hurt then the affected admiration of those that are true and godly shall bring about his end Nero was a man that envied and hated other mens excellencies and therefore at his Court when any had a mind to undoe another they would praise him which made Tacitus say Pessimum genus inimicorum laudantium And thus the Devil stirring up Disciples fondly and sinfully to praise eminent persons wrought the same destruction as he would have done by open hostility and persecution If he cannot by such Heretiques as Hymeneus and Philetus by open doctrine draw off from Christ then he will by secret applause and admiration make them so rest upon Paul and Peter that Christ shall not be eied as the author of all faith and success by the Ministery And Austin's observation is remarkable Quamvis non per impiorum sed sanctorum nomina tamen impia agebant Schismata Although they did not advance the names and persons of wicked men but of holy and eminent men yet by these names of holy men they made unholy and wicked divisions Observe That when the Devil cannot hurt the Church by a prophane and sinfull Ministery then he labours to destroy it by abusing the names and esteem of those who are truly holy and eminent The Devil hath his methods Eph. 6.11 and he is the old Dragon for cruelty and craft sometimes he is compared to a Lion roaring and that is in times of persecution sometimes to a glittering and curious Serpent and that is in subtle pretences and colours Now Bernard said Timeo Serpentem magis quam leonem rugientem yea he is said to have his depths Rev. 2.24 his secrets and mysteries of his state of darkness and as they say of some witchery that it comes by praising Hence that phrase praefiscisne loquor when we are about to praise any so the Devil when he cannot destroy souls by stirring up wicked instruments he will endeavour that men should think of good instruments more then they ought To open this First take notice What is the common and most notorious way of Satans doing hurt to the Church of God by the Ministers and Officers in the Church And this way he would alwayes take if he could The first is by corrupting the lives and conversations of the Ministery making them prophane and scandalous by which means all Religion comes to be abhorred Thus Hophnes and Phinehas Elyes sonnes because of their tyrannical violence and uncleanness it 's said the people abhorred the sacrifice of the Lord 1 Sam. 2.14 So that a prophane Minister is like a poisoned fountain where all must drink he doth not only damne his own soul but draweth others to hell with him Thus in the Old Testament the corruption of the whole Church did in a great measure arise from the prophaness of the Priests Hence in the New Testament it 's so carefully required in a Minister that he be blameless a lover of good men not given to any grosse sinne so that the Devil cannot have more service done him nor destroy the kingdome of Christ more then by the scandalous and prophane lives of Ministers this hardens the people this makes them contemne exhortations whereas let a Minister walk holily though their love to lusts will make them hate them yet in their consciences they cannot but fear and reverence them as Herod did John Baptist because he was a just man Mark 6.20 Secondly If he cannot hurt the Church this way then by raising up Ministers full of superstition and doting upon unwritten traditions and bringing in a will-worship where there is no rule or warrant One man though learned is not able to maintain his new notion of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will-worship as if it were in a
good sense against the general sense of many others and this doth exceedingly please ignorant people What opposition did Paul find by such that taught tast not touch not that brought in worshipping of Angels and left Christ the Head and all this was done under a colour of wisdome and humility Col. 2.23 Even as in Popery still they urge we must have the Saints and Angels Mediators to God for us for is it fit say they an inferiour person should go into the presence of a great King without the favourite Thus the Heathens argued of old and thus the Papists now these things carry a shew of humility and so those thousands of superstitious ceremonies and wayes of worship that have been brought into the Church they come under the name of zeal and devotion but observe the Scripture you shall see Baptisme the Lords Supper when purely administred although in a grave and holy way yet in such simplicity and plainness that there is not the least mention of the least ceremony or traditional worship that afterwards was introduced and this the Apostle meant when he said He was afraid lest the Serpent should beguile them from the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ 1 Cor. 11.3 Oh that is a worthy place there is a simplicity in the Doctrine Worship and life of the Gospel and your minds are easily corrupted from this Thirdly If the Devil cannot yet scatter this little flock of Christ then he raiseth up all the power civil and ecclesiastical against it that he can Thus they were the builders Church-officers that refused Christ Mat. 21.42 Observe and you shall see the greatest persecutors of Christ and the Apostles were the Priests a Councel of them was called they were alwayes combining to put them to death so that a corrupt superstitious Ministery hath alwayes been the greatest enemies to Reformation and god●iness Heu Domine qui sunt in Ecclesiâ primi sunt impersecutione primi And therefore at our first Reformation the Protestants d●d truly affirm there could never be any Reformation unless they first began with the Court of Rome and the corrupt Clergy Sigysmund the Emperour said to one counselling to begin the Reformation à Minoritis yea saith he à Majoritis The Sunne in an Eclipse makes great corruptive alterations in sublunary things was the tradition and so a corrupted Ministery cannot but oppose and set against all those that discover and reprove their abominations and thereby are destructive to the souls of their followers Now with these venomed arrowes hath the Devil for the most part shot into the bowels of the Church But if he cannot do thus yet there will be a godly faithfull Ministery maugre all his malice Fourthly Then he steereth the clean contrary He will see how he can destroy mens soules by causing men to give them too much honour Even as Nehemiah's enemies that did oppose and do all they could to hinder the building of the Temple when they could no longer prevail by open violence then they proffered to build with them You have a notable History Act. 19.13 14. of vagabond Jewes that were conjurers who took upon them to adjure by the name of Jesus Thus you see the Devil when he could no longer work in his own name he works in Christs name And therefore Paul saith He transformeth himself into an Angel of light 2 Cor. 11.14 Now he cannot do that better then by abusing the repute of those that are eminent godly Teachers Let us consider How many wayes even by godly eminent men he may hurt the Church And First When he doth tempt and draw them away into any errour or falshood than their example draweth many after them The godlinesse and learning they have makes a way for an universal reviving of their falshoods We see this in Peter when he out of fear complied too much with the Jews confirming them in their superstition it 's said He compelled others to live as Jews Gal. 2.14 How did he compell them He did not threaten and use violence as Paul compelled Christians to blaspheme but his example meerly was so potent none dared do otherwise than Peter a Pillar of the Church yea Insomuch that Barnabas also was led aside by this dissimulation So that the Devil if he can no longer by the Chief-priest indanger the Church he will by the errours of one of the chief Apostles We might clear this in after ages by several instances especially Origen a man so famous for godlinesse learning and suffering for the faith of Christ that men thought it safer to erre with Origen than be in the truth with others What a great temptation did he prove to the Church as Lyrinensis doth excellently amplifie it He could do more hurt by one Origen than by many Marcionites or Manichees Secondly If he cannot corrupt their minds then he tempts eminent instruments in the Church to some failing in their lives to some unjustifiable practices that so their whole Doctrine may be condemned How circumspectly and warily did Paul walk that the enemies of the Gospel might not have wherewith to blaspheme Therefore our Saviour said The Devil had desired to winnow the Apostles Luke 22.31 In winnowing there is the purging of the wheat and the driving away of the chaff Now the Devil hoped for the later to find them but chaff as he thought by his temptations to make it appear Job was but an hypocrite and served God only for carnal ends And thus the Devil he labours to stirre up flesh and bloud in them as it was wofull in Peter to deny his Master whereby prophane persons might say who would care what Peter saith he in danger will lie and forswear his own Master Especially Judas was a fit instrument for him he used him to bring about the death of Christ so that Judas did as much hurt as all the Priests for he was one of Christs followers knew his way and for him to become Satans instrument this made much for the kingdome of Satan Not that Judas was once truly godly as some plead alate thereby proving the Apostasie of the Saints but in esteem and appearance he was for a while at least reputed of as a Saint Thirdly If he can neither corrupt their judgements or practices then he sets them up too high he maketh men in Christs room And this the Apostle doth so much argue against They have nothing but what they receive they are but instruments so as Paul spake in another case viz. of miracles asking the people Why do ye look upon us as if we by our own power had done this wonder The same may be applied to all ministerial successe It 's not Paul or Apollo doth enlighten the mind doth convert the heart See how much hurt the Devil doth the Church by the name of these instanced in One saith I am of Cephas that is of Peter Now the name and repute of Peter is that upon which all Popery is
for all their reproaches uncharitable judgements he matters them not if he could see them forsake sinne walk holily obey the Lawes of Christ let them account him a reprobate the drosse of men any thing he careth not Secondly Then the Ministry seeks to bring men to Christ and not themselves when they are faithfull and bold to reprove men for their sinnes They do not seek to humour or to please any men Flattery is a debasing sinne in any but in a Minister it 's a kind of Sacriledge Now those places I mentioned shew how Paul did abhorre such a way We use not flattering words we came not in deceit And Gal. 1. he saith If he should please men viz. in their corruptions in their lusts He could not be the servant of Christ But the false Teachers that set up themselves and not Christ They came with enticing words they sought to please And thus the corrupt Teachers in the Old Testament they did daub with untempered mortar Ezek. 22.28 They preached peace peace to such as went on in their wicked wayes and by this meanes the Priests did beare rule over them There cannot be a surer signe of Ministers seeking themselves and not Christ then when they will let every man alone in his way not reprove them for their impieties and wickednesse Alas if he did intreat for Christ if he came upon Christs businesse he would finde the Word of God like fire burning in his bones and he could not hold his peace And this should exceedingly convince people to take all sharp reproofs kindly If we presse hard against any sinne thou livest in for if we did regard our selves we should have more love in applying our selves to humour you to encourage you to do every thing for you you desire But now because we come for God and it 's his Glory and Honour we are to propound we dare not be so unfaithfull as to conceale his anger against such sinnes Oh how should this convince you The Minister in this reproof in rebuking of those sinnes goeth against himself he will be more hated he will lose by it and yet will doe it because Christ commands him Thirdly When a Ministry affects any new false waies that cannot be justified by the Word then it 's a plain sign he cometh for himself and not for Christ Christ himself would not arrogate to come in his own Name but in his Fathers And The Doctrine I preach is not mine but my Fathers Joh. 7.16 Whatsoever I hear of my Father that I do Joh. 8.28 Lo here and wonder Christ himself though the Treasure of wisdom yet coming as sent by God the Father doth therefore still attribute all his Doctrine to the Father Now if Christ do thus shall any Minister who pretends he cometh in Christs Name teach any other Doctrine but Christs Doctrine Declare any thing but what is warranted by the written Word of God I have delivered unto you saith Paul that which I have also received 1 Cor. 11. And Timothy is to keep that which was committed to him 2 Tim. 1.14 So then this is as an Argument of a Ministry seeking it self when it affecteth to broach new Opinions that have no sound foundation in the Word of God They are not in this subordinate Teachers to Christ They do not learn out of the Word but they themselves are the chief Masters therein Fourthly Then they bring their people to themselves and not to Christ when they seek only great external pomp or earthly advantages and not the salvation of mens souls In this the Pope of Rome and the Roman Clergy have been industrious How much craft What artifice hath been used from age to age to bring the Church of Rome to that temporal greatness it is come unto They have commended ignorance been indulgent to men in lusts fomented discord between Princes raised up Civil Warres where they could send their Incendiaries forge lies about Constantines Donation and many such things And all hath been to make themselves great But saith the Apostle in the name of godly Ministers We seek not yours but you 2 Cor. 12.14 The Apostle doth indeed urge it in severall places That those who sow spiritual things should reap carnal yea and be accounted worthy of double honour But yet the principal and chief aim must be the uniting of the people to Christ and causing them to give up their Names to him Lastly Then doth the Ministry labour to bring to Christ and not to themselves when they do not affect a tyranny or dominion over the Faith and Consciences of men Thus the Apostle Not having dominion over your Faith 2 Cor. 1. ult And Peter Not lording it over Gods heritage 1 Pet. 5.3 And that is especially done when they are unwilling the things they preach should be tried by the Word The Bereans are commended for trying Paul's Doctrine by the Scriptures Act. 17.10 They are to compose those duties together to try all things and yet to obey and submit to their Guides Now the Grounds Why a faithfull Ministry doth thus Is First From their Calling and Condition They are servants unto Christ They are Embassadours and so act not in their own name The servant in the Parable that was commanded to traffique till his Master came did not gain for himself but his Master Yea as they are servants to Christ so in some sense servants to the Church also All are yours whether Paul or Apollo And We preach our selves your servants for Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.5 They are not servants in this as if they had their power from the Church or did act in the Churches name no they act only in Christs Name And the Holy Ghost sets them Overseers Act. 25. But they are Servants to the Church because all their Parts and Abilities are finaliter for the Use and Benefit of the Church Seeing then they are Servants they may not take the glory and honour to themselves Secondly As they dare not seek themselves but Christ so if the people should set them up instead of Christ they dare not own it Let no man think of us saith Paul above what he ought to do When the Lyconians would have given Divine worship to the Apostles they rent their cloathes and were grieved at their blasphemy Vse 1. How well pleasing it is to God that the Ministers should walk in all simplicity and plainness of spirit Many Officers in the Church have thought by carnal policy and crafty designes to have advanced themselves but nothing is so well-pleasing to him as for us to abound in all humility self-denyal and publique affections to mens souls If you consider the rage of the Devil and the malice of wicked men you would wonder how God hath preserved a Ministry in all Ages But as the Ark was not preserved in the water as Ships are by the skill of the Pilote and other helps but by Gods goodness So it is with the Ministry and Government of the
Church Vse 2. Of Exhortation to you the people Hath the Ministry been usefull to bring you effectually to Christ himself This is that Paul desired You may hear much you may pray much you may be much affected with the matter preached and yet all this while not close with Christ to receive him as a Saviour and to obey him as a Lord. A woman may have many Letters and Tokens of love from him whom she loveth and be much affected to him yet not married to him nor enjoy him as her Husband And so thou maist have some affections and good desires but thou art not yet united to Christ The work of the Ministry is not done till we can leave you in the arms of Christ Till we have prepared the way for Christ to lodg in your fouls Who then is Paul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye believed The former part of this Text hath been considered Paul's modesty and sincerity in gaining people to Christ and not to himself Now let 's consider in what order or rank of Causes the Apostle puts the Officers of the Church and that is in the Instrumental Causes Wherein you may Observe the Effect viz. Faith 2. The Manner of working it it is by Ministery They are not principal Agents They are Ministers by whom you believed The Greek word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deacons And this is sometimes used for a special Office in the Church for those who had the care of the poor Thus the Elder and the Deacon are sometimes used for the setled Officers in the Church but in this place and many others the word is used largely for any Ministry or service And so the Apostles and Elders and Pastours may be called Deacons in this large sense viz. Such who by their labours and pains serve the Church and its good Observe that this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as almost all the rest of the Greek words that denote the duty and quality of Church-Officers signifie no dignity or honour but care diligence and all solicitude Thus the most glorious creatures have Names signifying their Ministry and service The Hebrew word for the Sun comes from a root that signifieth to serve as also for an Angel to be sent by way of ministration So the simple word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hesychius makes to signify to make haste to runne to the markes end also as a man by this much striving stirreth up dust 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is dust like that of Virgil Pulverulenta fugâ Rutuli dant signa per agros So that the word in its native signification denoteth that earnest labour and striving which men that runne to some mark usually make by stirring up so much dust that doth even obnubilate the aire and from this it doth metaphorically signify that labour pains yea agony and striving which the Ministers of God ought to have in their work As Paul expressed it I have fought a good fight I have finished my course 2 Tim. 4.7 Thus the word is opened and it doth as we told you denote the quality and condition of the Officers of the Church in respect of their Auditours They are Ministers Instruments by which God works Faith in the Hearers Doct. That the Ministery in Gods Church is the Meanes and Instrumental Cause he hath appointed to work Faith and all other Graces in the Hearers This Point hath its good use for this will teach you what you should expect pray and hope for by the Ministry How doth it beget and increase Faith in thee How doth it wash thee and make thee clean But let us be more particular And 1. We shall shew you how it 's not an Instrumental Cause And 2 How it is Only take Rom. 10.14 for an eminent place to confirm this Truth where observe the excellent Gradation Paul makes None can call upon God or pray without Faith and none can believe unless they hear and none can hear unless they have a Preacher and none can be a preacher unless he be sent See what a dependence here is and how strong a place it is to prove the necessity of the Ministry This premised we go to the method proposed First When we say it 's the instituted meanes or Instrumental Cause it 's not to be understood as if the Ministry or Peaching of the Word by any inward natural power of it self can work grace in the hearts of the Hearers no Experience witnesseth that after ten thousand Sermons men remain as ignorant and as bruitish as before The words reach only to the ear but they make no forcible impression upon the soul So then the Ministry doth not beget grace as the fire burneth or the hatchet cutteth which are Instruments that work by their own inward dispotion and power to pruduce their effects This is good to observe that so still our hearts and prayers may be up to God who works in and by the Ministry Secondly Because it 's not a natural Cause therefore it doth not also work necessarily these Divine Effects in every subject but where and when God is pleased to apply it The Sunne shineth every where upon one thing as well as another The fire burneth alwaies every where in one place as well as another But the Ministry doth not so that is successfull in one place and not in another That works upon one Congregation and not upon another And herein Gods wisdom makes a wonderfull difference The most unlikely the most indisposed many times find the Ministry inlivening and quickning of them when others are blinded and hardned So that though we should have the Ministry of Angels and of the most eminent men that ever lived still we must take heed that by our unthanfulness negligence prophaneness we do not provoke God to withdraw his power and presence in the Ministry For if it be so as it is to be feared it is so to too many people then the Ministry is but a shadow or if a body a body without a soul It 's but a dead letter Yea not only the Law but the Gospel and all preaching is but the ministration of death and condemnation when without Gods Spirit and power As Elias servant though he had his Masters staff yet that could do no good to raise the dead Child till Eliah came himself Oh then say Lord be thou in their Sermons in their Ministry In the next place let us shew how it 's a Cause or Instituted Meanes And that is thus First God hath appointed the constant and diligent use of this in the Church and the peoples constant and diligent attending on it 2 Tim. 4.2 Preach the word in season and out of season That signifieth the diligent dispensing of the Word And then the people they are commanded to be swift to hear James 1.19 And As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the Word 1 Pet. 2 2. So that God hath indispensably commanded all people of what degrees
erre or be of this or that opinion is no great matter is as much as to say faith is no great matter the truths of the Scripture are no great matter It was well said of Austin Veritas Christianorum est incomparabiliter pulchrior Helenâ Graecorum The Christians truth is more lovely than the Grecians Helena for whom there was much strife Hence the Apostle commands us To strive earnestly for the faith once d●livered to the Saints Jude v 3. Thirdly They endanger salvation Because all errours come from a damnable cause Gal. 5.20 Heresies are said to come from the flesh as opposite to the Spirit and therefore are reckoned in the same Catalogue with grosse sinnes So that if you go to the first fountain you sh●ll find errours in Doctrine and loosnesse in practice bo●h came from the same ground they are both fruits of the flesh though they be different streams yet they are united in one ●p●ing Though they may struggle one with another yet both are twins in the same womb Oh what an antidote would this be against these soul-infections that are abroad to think that errours and ungodly practices come both from the same fountain They are all fruits of the flesh and therefore have a damnable cause Fourthly Errours in judgement endanger salvation Because they lead into sinfull and dangerous practices In Philosophy we are ●old of the great connexion that is between the understanding will and aff●ctions Now the understanding that is the Sunne in this firmament and if that be in an Eclipse you know that evils are portended thereby The understanding is the counsellour and if that be corrupt the will and affections must be very sinfull and unruly Vse of Admonition To take heed we be not led aside with any errour or corrupt Doctrines You see death is in these things as well as in lusts yea if the mind be corrupt all else will be corrupt If the eye be dark the whole body will be dark Errours will breed loosnesse and prophanenesse of life They are a disease in the choisest part of a man and know it is not thy wisdome thy care can preserve thee It 's the Spirit of God through his Word that leadeth us into truth Christ is the truth the way and the life John 14.6 The greatest learning and knowledge will not keep a man learned men have been Heretiques but two things will especially keep us 1. Humility and lowlinesse of mind To such God giveth grace To babes and sucklings he revealeth himself And 2. An holy conformity to Gods will so farre as we know When we do not detain truth as a prisoner in our lives Doct. 2. Whereas you see an eminent Officer in the Church building but hay and stubble is yet hardly saved We may hint this Doctrine though not insist on it That every godly man though never so eminent yet is very difficultly saved If hay and stubble will put us to such danger what then will evident poison If these errours of the mind which are so hardly prevented what will the constant lusts and daily infi●mities even of all men Which makes the Apostle Peter say The righteous man is scarcely saved 1 Pet. 4.18 Which although some understand of a temporal salvation he is very hardly delivered from those temporal afflictions that fall out in this life yet by consequence it reacheth to eternal salvation Hence is that command To work out our salvation with fear and trembling Phil. 2.12 Yea Paul who had one foot in Heaven yet he said He kept under his body lest while he preached to others he himself should be a reprobate 1 Cor. 9. ult Now the Grounds of these truths are First From the exactnesse and strictnesse that is in the way to Heaven Godlinesse is on the high hill as he placed virtue Strive to enter in at the strait gate Luke 13.24 Be in an agony yea how strait is it as in Matth 7 14 by exclamation few do enter therein To lay out the nature of a godly man or godlinesse from Scripture-rules would be almost like Tullies description of a perfect Orator or Plato of a Commonwealth Our Saviour speaking of the difficulty of a rich man to be saved that is one who trusteth in them as one Evangelist saith Mar. 10.24 The Disciples cry out Who then can be saved They do not say What rich man but who can be saved because every man hath something or other be trusteth in as well as the rich man in his riches Secondly The difficulty doth appear from that remainder and relique or corruption that is in every man which is in danger to break out Our Saviour bid hi● D●sciples Beware of drunkennesse and surfeting though they seemed to be ●arre from it Luke 21.34 Paul how doth he mourn under the powerfull vigor of sinne still abiding in him Rom. 7. Yea the Apostle speaking of a combate in all The Flesh lusteth after the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh Gal. 5. So that by this means he is in constant danger of being undone There is heart against heart affections against affections c. Thirdly There are many afflictions and tribulations which God brings on his people and they do much endanger Did not God break out upon Aaron Eli David and Moses very dangerously as if he would have cast them quite off and therefore the Apostle brings in the difficulty of the righteous mans salvation upon that Judgement must begin at the house of God 1 Pet. 4.17 So that if we consider the tempests and rocks in the sea of this world it 's a wonder any can come to the haven Vse of Exhortation Be quickned up to more exact strict and diligent walking If Paul that knew how to abound and want and to do all things who was like a gyant running his race and yet hardly gets to Heaven Where wilt thou appear Hear what he saith I presse forward I forget what is behinde if I may attain to the prize of the high calling Oh then how inexcusable is thy negligence thy dissolutenesse Is thy life a striving an agony Art thou like one in a combate and conflict By this we may see the number of men that shall be saved is very few there are so few that strive that pray that work with fear and trembling that are violent for the Kingdom of Heaven and get it by force Verse 16. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you THe Apostle though he alter his Metaphor yet continueth in the same matter In the verses before he compared the Church of Corinth to a building here he sheweth what kind of building it is even a sacred holy building The Temple of God So that as in the Temple of old which was consecrated to God whosoever did bring in any unclean and unconsecrated things to the Temple he did pollute it and was to be punished thus all corruptions in Doctrine Worship or
Manners are a pollution of this spiritual Temple So that in the words you have a strong Argument against all Church pollutions whether doctrinal or practical from a similitude or comparison the Apostle useth Those that are the Temple of God must be dedicated to him and not polluted with any unclean thing but the Church of Corinth is the Temple of God And that this Argument might pierce the more he puts the sting of a sharp Interrogation upon his words Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God Know ye not as if he would have said This is a confessed Principle a truth acknowledged by all none can or ought to be ignorant of it Now for the explication of the word Temple and the Reason to prove they were the Temple as followeth in the words I referre it till we come at it For truly this Text is a Mine of gold every word hath precious matter in it Only consider at this time the interrogative Introduction Know ye not One great cause why they admitted such prophanensse and corruption in the Church was the ignorance of or the not attending to those Priviledges and Relations they were called unto If they had duely considered they were Gods Temple they would not have suffered strange Doctrines or strange manners to come in amongst them as no strange uncircumcised might enter into the Temple Observe That the consideration of those Priviledges and Relations which all the People that professe God are put into would be a great Argument against all kind of Pollutions In the 1 Cor. 6.19 the Apostle argueth against all libidinous and unclean waies because their bodies were the Temple of the Holy Ghost now here the Apostle doth not so much speak of every man as their Assembly united together as they were a spiritual Society joyned together As is more largely to be shewed The Apostle argueth chiefly though not excluding sinnes of practice against corruptions in Doctrine and the Ordinances instituted in the Church by which we may see the Scripture puts corruptions in Doctrine through errours and in our lives through ungodlinesse in the same guilt both are unclean and so may not be admitted into the Temple even as the Apostle in the first Chapter verse 5 6. and Gal. 59 useth a Proverbial speech A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump against corruptions in life and in Doctrine but of this more afterwards That which at this time I insist on is To shew what a goade and spurre to all purity and holinesse in Doctrine and Manners the consideration of Church-Priviledges Church-Titles and Relations a●e Thus Rom. 6.3 Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death Ignorance of the extent of their baptism what it did signifie and oblige to made them live in sinne I know nothing more to be complained of then that people generally rest in this They are the Church of God They are Christians They are baptized but they do not understand what these things mean nor what they oblige them unto It would make us all tremble to consider the vast disproportion between our Names our Relations and our lives This hath occasioned many to runne into an extremity to say We have no true Churches no true members of a Church amongst us because the ignorance corruption and prophaneness is so great amongst us though therein they go beyond bounds For this Church of Corinth was not unchurched by the disorders and corruptions amongst it To enforce this Doctrine upon us consider some of the chief and notable Titles or Relations the people of God have and see if rightly considered they would not work like fire to consume all our drosse As First The very word Ecclesia Church This is given to all the spiritual Societies and Assemblies that we read of in the Scripture converted to the true Faith Thus the Church of Corinth the Churches in Asia Now how great a matter is this very word Church For a people to be a Church the word signifieth as much as a company of people called out of the ignorance idolatry and prophanenesse of the world to worship and serve God in his way and to obey his Laws So that when men come to be of this body they are to renounce all their former prophanenesse and wickednesse and live a life conformable to the Word which is the Churches Charter and by which it walketh Thus all our Congregations should be men called out of the ignorance and prophanenesse of the world to live according to Gods Rule But where are the persons or the Societies that do this Are not many of our Assemblies in the world and of the world still in respect of conversation There will be scandals and offences in the Churches of God too often but woe be to such who by their prophanenesse idolatry and wickednesse give so many scandals as to make us accounted a Babylon a Sodome or as the world Indeed they who do thus charge us go beyond their line for we have a true Church and a true Ministry and true Ordinances only the lives of men are generally so corrupt and wicked so ignorant and beastly that they are spots in our Assemblies and a grievous reproach to that holy Profession which we have taken upon us So then if we would have our Congregations and persons freed from all these defilements remember what the word Church is a company called out of the world And as for ignorant and prophane men the orders of Christ are to endeavour their reformation but if they continue obstinate then they are to be cast out As the Clouds that are exhaled from the earth which though terrestrial in nature yet follow the motions of the Heavens so though in our original we be of the world and are dust and ashes yet by this heavenly call we are wholly to live a heavenly conversation Is it for Starres to be like the dung of the earth Is it for a Church to be a prophane ignorant and worldly people Oh this very title should raise up your hearts Are we not a Church persons called out of wickednesse Why then are we such Apostates as to degenerate from our Titles and Names If Christ complained of those that had made the material Temple a den of thieves Mat. 21.13 will he not also of such who shall make his Church a stew a dunghill a place of wickednesse and ungodlinesse I beseech you know these things and consider them better If you would have the Name of a Church have the nature Life and operations of a Church Secondly The consideration that we are the people of God in a more peculiar manner then all the Nations of the world that do not know God This also should affect us This is that Covenant of Grace God enters into I will be their God and they shall be my people Jer. 7.23 2 Cor. 6.16 Yea a peculiar people Gods Jewels Gods Treasure Deut. 26.18 Psal 135.4
thus truly with thee if thou runnest into any excesse of ryot that the world greedily pursueth Thou hast made thy self like a Dunghill not Gods Temple Thirdly The Temple was full of external glory A magnificent place admired by Heathens And we see what weeping there was of the old men that the glory of the latter Temple was not like that of the former Ezra 3.10 Now the glory of Christians is likewise great but in a spiritual and heavenly way The Church is all glorious within Psalms 45 13. The Gospel that is preached is stiled a glorious Gospel 1 Tim. 1.11 And the Spirit of God The Spirit of glory 1 Peter 4.14 It 's promised That the glory of the second Temple should farre exceed that of the first Hag. 2.9 Now how was that made good not in any outward glory but because Christ in a spiritual manner did reform all those corrupt Doctrines and did sit as a refiner to purifie the Sonnes of Levi. This was glory to have the spiritual worship of God It 's true this is not the glory of the world which the Devil sheweth and so many do fall down and worship it but to a spiritual eye that judgeth spiritually these things are the greatest glory Who would think that the Preaching of of the Gospel deserved such a Title as a Kingdom and a Kingdom of Heaven The most sublime and transcendent perfection that can be Yet What is more ordinary in Scripture then to dignifie it by that Name Do not then account the glory of the Church to lye in goodly Edifices in glorious Ornaments in stately Images but in pure Doctrine Godly Government and an Holy life Such times are glorious times such Administrations use to ravish a godly heart David cryed out How amiable were the Tabernacles of the Lord of Hosts Psalmes 84.1.10 And one day there was better then many any where else And all because of the Spiritual enjoying of God in them It 's the excellency of a Pearl to be in its native lustre to paint that would disgrace it so it 's the excellency of all spiritual Ordinances and Institutions to be in their pure native appointment and to adde to them by goodly Inventions is but to disparage them Jesus Christ had no external glory yet to the Spiritual Believer Christ is precious as Peter saith 1 Peter 2.7 Fourthly The Temple was in a peculiar manner holy in respect of other buildings as the Apostle saith in the next verse Now when we say it was Holy we do not mean an holinesse inherent as Angels and men are holy but of Dedication and Consecration a relative holinesse being set apart by Gods special Command to such an use And therefore the Synagogues of the Jews neither our material Churches have such an holinesse as is to be shewed when we come to the 18 verse For that is a necessary point to handle to take of men from superstitious thoughts about holy places Among the Jews there was a relative or typicall Holinesse The Temple was an Holy Temple Jerusalem is called the Holy City yea every Jew is called an Holy person Mat. 4.5 and Gentiles are unclean as appeareth by that Vision to Peter Call no man unholy or unclean Acts 10.38 But of this more This is enough to shew that the Temple was peculiarly dedicated to God and had a relative Holinesse Thus all Believers they are in a spiritual manner Dedicated to God They are separated from the world and sinne They are not to live in the same wickednesse and impiety as men of the world do Oh Beloved What a strong Obligation is this to us all to live holily We are separated from the world We are not to have such thoughts such lives such affections as the world hath Procul O Procul esse prophani they would cry in respect of their heathenish Temples and this is much more true of the Church of God Moses was commanded to pull off the shooes of his feet because the place was holy Exodus 3.5 Oh much rather must thou pluck off thy sinfull lusts thy carnal pleasures For God is holy and the Ordinances are holy about which thou art conversant Fifthy Because of this relative Holinesse it was a Capitall crime to defile this Temple There were Porters set at the Gate to keep out all unclean things 2 Chron. 23.19 No unclean thing might be brought therein and so it is here because the people of God are a company joyned in such an holy manner for such holy ends Therefore they are commanded to cast out all unclean persons 1 Cor. 5. ult Here comes in the Necessity of godly Discipline and Excommunication which is meerly medicinal not vindicative for edification not destruction Thus the incestuous person an unclean vessel in this Temple he was to be cast out Cast out from among you that wicked person 1 Corinth 5. The Church should be like an excellent disciplin'd Army Therefore if any man walk 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 disorderly note such a man and withdraw from him that he may be ashamed 2 Thessalonians 3.11 14. 1 Corinth 5.7 the Apostle commands them to purge out the old leaven the wicked person that they might be a new lump a choice and holy company worshipping God in Spirit and Truth This spiritual Sword is in the Church as the temporal one in the Common-wealth Neither is this power given in vain but that men who do ill might be afraid In the Primitive times this godly Discipline was admirably executed as appeares by Tertullian and Cyprian but when this weeding-hook was laid aside or abused Gods Garden was runne over with weeds Lastly That which was the glory of the Temple and the life of it was Gods gracious presence From thence he did hear prayer there he accepted Sacrifices thence he commanded blessings His promise was that he would put his Name there and this still continued in Gods Church When two or three are gathered together in my Name I will be there in the midst of them Mat. 18.20 Though God be every where in the world yet his gracious presence is only in his Church This is the Closet or Privy-Chamber this is the Garden wherein he walks Now Gods gracious presence in his Church is discovered these waies First Here only are the Priviledges of grace Here only is Justification Adoption Sanctification This is the Pool of Bethesda wherein the Angel comes down Through all the world be Gods yet his Church is the place of his gracious favoures This is the Ark in which salvation only may be had There is no pardon of sinnes among Heathens God indeed doth many times differ his temporal judgments upon Heathens and he heareth their prayers and groanes as their natural desires even as he doth the young Ravens but their is no gracious answer of any Prayer nor any pardon of the least sinne Thus they are as some places of the earth where they say it is alwaies night Ice and cold alwaies
that Pearle which must not be cast to swine But who are the people that God doth thus honour How few are such favourites How many are amongst us that are not admitted with Moses to come to the top of this Mount They know not what Communion with God meaneth what those filial cryes of Abba Father are Certainly a rational man doth not more differ from a beast than a spiritual man doth from the best rational man that is That as a worme knoweth not what reason and arguments are the best so learned and able men without grace do not know what this enjoying of Gods Spirit and communion with God is we speak though not in an unknown tongue yet unknown matter to such men Fourthly In that the Spirit of God is said to dwell it denoteth A permanent and constant abode in his people For this you must know The Spirit of God is many times working where yet he doth not dwell There is a great difference between transient motions and constant mansions of Gods Spirit Hypocrites and reprobates have the former but not the latter They that wrought miracles had the Spirit of God moving in them but not dwelling in them Even Balaam in that prophetical passage about Israel had a transient motion or a blast of this Spirit but the Spirit of God did not abide in him Yea hereby Caiaphas being high Priest that year was moved to say what he did It 's expedient for one to die for many but yet he knew not what he said So that there is a great difference between the transient motion of Gods Spirit and his constant inhabitation Thus many not truly sanctified have the common gifts of Gods Spirit they have abilities in prayer enlargements some joyes all which are of Gods Spirit moving in them not dwelling in them And truly this is a dangerous Rock upon which many split themselves taking transient gifts of Gods Spirit for permanent graces sometimes they are hardly discerned as the Rockes that are under water But of this neccessary point more Fifthly The Spirit dwelling in us doth denote The intimatenesse and inward efficacy it hath It doth not onely dwell with us but in us which denoteth great intimatenesse Thus the Apostle often complaineth of the Law of sinne that dwelt in him Romans 7. because of the inward natural power of it that whensoever he would doe good evil was present with him It was alwayes at hand to infect and pollute So that by this is declared how powerfull and inwardly efficacious the Spirit of God is in his people Hence he is said To make intercession with groanes unutterable Romans 8.26 which could not be without a wonderfull secret and hidden deep working of the Spirit even in the depths and bottome of our souls Thus you have heard what the phrase doth imply Now let us proceed to shew How the Spirit of God dwels in his Church and afterwards Wherein his dwelling doth manifest it self For as original corruption is alwayes breaking out it 's not a dull idle sinne it 's Peccatum actuosum though not actuale So the Spirit of God is compared to fire because of the powerfull and active nature it hath in the people of God Fire doth assimulate every thing to it self Thus men filled with the holy Ghost are made exceeding spiritual endeavouring to make all like themselves Now several wayes we may consider of the Spirits dwelling in the people of God First There is an essential dwelling or a gracious dwelling by a special manifestation of more peculiar favours we doe not speak here of an essential dwelling for so the Spirit of God is every where Whither can I flie from thy presence Psal 139.7 Thus he hath the same divine Attribute as God the Father and the Sonne have Thus he filleth the whole world But we speak of his gracious presence Now how to make a difference between his essential presence and his gracious presence is impossible for men to expresse because our knowledge of God is onely apprehensive not comprehensive We see all the Schoolmen labouring to this very day to shew how an Angel is present and yet they have not waded out of those deeps Onely thus much we may in sobriety say That though the Spirit of God be every where yet he is said to be in his Church because of those peculiar and gracious operations which he produceth in them and no where else Even as God is said to be in Heaven though he be in Earth and no where else because there is a peculiar manifestation of more glory and power from him Thus then we are first to conceive of his presence But. Secondly When the Spirit of God is said to dwell in his Church it may not onely be understood of the gracious effects thereof but also of his Person likewise And this indeed I finde a very sublime and mysterious Dispute both among Papists and Protestants Whether believers are made partakers of the Person of the holy Spirit or onely of his graces According to many all those places where we are said to receive the Spirit or to be full of the holy Ghost they are extended no further than the gifts and graces of the holy Ghost But certainly many places as this in my Text are to be understood of the Person of the holy Ghost For it 's the Spirit as we shewed that is the same with God Now the gifts and graces of the Spirit are not the same with God So we are said to be a Temple of this Spirit and a Temple doth relate to a God and to a Person not to graces meerly So that we conclude that opinion to be farre more true and consonant to Scripture which makes us partakers even of the Spirit it self as we also are of Christ himselfe and not of the benefits onely that come by him But the Scripture layeth downe this in a transcendent and mystical manner and it 's by faith onely So that those who have fancied a transubstantiation into the God-head To be Christed with Christ and Godded with God or to be made the Spirit with the Spirit have thought of a physical and natural union as if a drop of water were poured into the sea where as it is onely a moral union even as the wife is made partaker not only of the husbands wealth but the husband himself yet not turned into his nature and this comparison the Scripture doth often use Lastly The Spirit of God dwels two wayes in his Church 1. In respect of wonderfull and miraculous operations 2. In respect of saving and sanctifying graces The former way the Church of Corinth was admirable you may reade 1 Cor 14. alibi of the plenty of gifts and divers operations amongst them so that they seemed herein to excell all other Churches yet in respect of the sanctifying graces they seemed to be very defective for the Apostle cals them babes and complaineth he could not speak unto them as unto spiritual so that
Vse of Reproof to the Godly that walke in dejections and discouragements alwayes complaining they are many times cast down and disquieted Be asham'd of such a childish weak disposition think of this Text carry it about thee in thy heart in thy mind in thy affections Say I will not disgrace the promise nor dishonour the goodnesse of God any more by these troublesome complaints You see David called himself a fool and a beast for such things Psal 73.22 But then secondly Here is duty as well as priviledge Pray for spiritual wisdome how to make every thing thine in a godly manner Get that excellent art of profiting by every thing Be not as the foolish Cock that knew not what to do with a pearl How do you esteem an herb or a receit of some special use I tell thee Every thing is precious thy time thy health the creatures thou mayest turn all things into gold Verse 22. Whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas FRom the General the Apostle in this Verse descends to a particular enumeration of the several things that are for the use of the godly man He giveth us an Inventory of the Churches goods And first he beginneth with the Officers and their Gifts and labours Whether Paul c. He instanceth in the chiefest and highest If Paul and such as were Apostles immediately called and placed in the highest Offices were not for themselves but for the Church then much lesse meaner and lower persons whether Paul that plants or Apollo that waters or Cephas that is Peter Here you see he is placed after Paul and from hence is plainly inferred That Peter had not such an universal and absolute dominion over the Church as the Papists dream of but all for the Church not the Church for them Observe That all Offices and Gifts howsoever diversified are for the Churches of God The Churches edification is the end of their Institution When God made the world he made it for himself The world is for God not God for the world But when Christ ascended on high and set Officers in the Church he made them for believers not believers for them Thus before vers 5. What is Paul and Apollo but Ministers by whom ye believe And so 2 Cor. 4.5 We preach not our selves but Jesus Christ and our selves your servants for Jesus sake So that all the offices all the ministerial power and abilities that are be wholly for the Churches spiritual advantage Even as the nurse of some great Emperours child all the dainty fare and good provision she hath is onely to cause milk that may be good nourishment for the child Hence are they compared to light and salt which have their property for other things and not themselves Now let us consider 1. In what sense this is not true that all Officers are the servants of the Church 2. How it is true And first When we say Officers and all their abilities are for the Church The meaning is not as if they had their power and office from the Church or from believers so as that they should preach and baptize and dispense all Ordinances in the Churches name as the Brownists do earnestly contend making all power and dominion to be in the number of the Church This is not so for the Officers and their power is of Christ 1 Cor 2.28 God hath set in his Church Ephes 4.11 Christ gave some Pastors some Teachers Acts 20.28 Over which the holy Ghost hath made you Overseers Hence they are called The Ministers of Christ and the stewards of God By all which places it's clear That the Officers of the Church have their power and authority from God and Christ that they do all not in the Churches name but Christs name They are not the Churches stewards nor the Churches Embassadors but Christs Indeed by the Churches election or designation such a man is received to be their Pastor or Shepherd but the Church doth not give him his Office but Christ or such Officers that Christ hath appointed to do it So that they are both the Churches servants and Christs servants The Churches servants because the end of their office is to benefit the Church Christs servants because they come in his Name and have their Commission and Authority from him Secondly In that they are wholly the Churches the Apostle doth not confound or make void that order appointed in the Church between Officers and those they have a care over He doth not nullifie the relation they are in of Shepherds Guides Overseers and such as rule over them and watch for their souls good Nor doth he take away that command of honour reverence love and respect yea that submission and obedience unto them as other places do require There are those that would bring an Anarchy and confusion in the Church making no difference between Shepherd and Sheep Guides and Overseers and those who are to submit to them but the Scripture is very clear for this distinction and God is not the God of confusion but of order Is the whole body an eye or the whole body an head saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 12.17 This would make the body of Christ a deformed monster and worse than any humane society But when he saith All these Officers are yours it implieth these things First That the aim of all those who enter in any Church office and all the while they are in should not be principally their own advantage or earthly accomodations but the edification of the Church the glory of Christ and the good of peoples souls This is very difficult when he saith Paul and Apollo are yours he thereby teacheth all us Ministers what should be the chiefest aim of our souls to feed not to shear the sheep Thus Peter is instructed Lovest thou me Lovest thou me then feed my sheep feed my lambes John 21.16 Not but that Christ taketh care for their maintenance and they are lawfully to look to that but it ought not to be the principal He that desireth 1 Tim. 3.1 the office of a Bishoprick desireth a good work It 's a work and labour for the good of others So that this teacheth us what sincere and publique intentions ought to be in us What tender and compassionate bowels we ought to have to the flock committed to our charge Secondly It implieth That all our preaching and the whole labour of our Ministry must not be for ostentation or self-advancement but in the most profitable and advantagious way we can to better mens souls 1 Cor. 12.7 Every one hath his gift to profit with all The Apostle rejects all such Questions as do not profit 2 Tim. 2.14 So that all our care should be in our preaching in our study so to handle the Word that we may most benefit our people that our words may fall like the rain or dew upon the tender herb as Moses saith Deut. 32.2 that the meanest may be edified The Apostles arguments against speaking in
THE Scripture Directory FOR CHURCH-OFFICERS AND PEOPLE OR A Practical Commentary UPON THE Whole third Chapter of the first Epistle of St Paul TO THE CORINTHIANS To which is annexed the Godly and the Natural Mans Choice upon Psal 4. vers 6 7 8. By Anthony Burgesse Pastour of the Church of Sutton Coldfield in Warwickshire LONDON Printed by Abraham Miller for T.U. and are to be Sold by Thomas Underhill George Calvert and Henry Fletcher in Pauls Church-yard 1659. TO THE READER THe sound Interpretation and Practical Application of Scripture for the Advancement of Holiness as it is the most profitable and pleasant part of our Ministerial Employment so it should be the Readers wisdome and diligence to Exercise himself most in the perusall of such Spiritual Helps As for Controversies to look on them like the Bryars and Thornes on the Ground even the Effect of original corruption So that to leave the Practical and Affectionate part of Religion for the Speculative and Disputative is to part with our sweetness and fatness to become a bryar Yet Experience doth too much confirm how great a depravation is herein upon the mindes of men naturally doting upon Questions Strifes of wordes wherein is no Edifying It is reported of a Philosopher That he would not be resolved in the doubts he had upon his mind that so he might not be deprived of that pleasure and delight which he found in seeking and searching out of truth Which is as if a feavourish man would not be cured of the drought or thirst upon him that so he might still enjoy the pleasure he findeth in drinking But Scepticism and inconstancy and such inordinate affectation of Opinions and Controversies is contrary to the sound constitution of Christianity which inclineth to a solid mind in Matters of Faith and to an holy mortified heart in respect of our conversation Now to bring such an holy and heavenly Establishment upon the soul the only way is to make a constant and diligent Improvement of Gods Word in all the happy and blessed Effects it causeth upon the soul He that doth thus is like the tree planted by the Rivers side that will not wither but bring forth its fruit in due season Among other Portions of Scripture I have selected this third Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians for the peculiar subserviency and particular conduceableness it may have to heal such distempers which at this time infect many The Church of Corinth though immediately planted as a pleasant Eden by Paul himself yet quickly degenerated the envious one sowing tares amongst the good wheat For not only Godly Discipline was collapsed and Prophaneness in mens lives much increased but such factions and divisions were crept in amongst them that like the renting of the veil of the Temple their destruction was praesaged hereby did they not in time prevent it by having one heart and one way The sky being thus red did signifie the foul weather that was to ensue For as Aristotle observeth That the perpetual duration of things is to be attributed to the simple and quotidian course of the Sun from the East to the West but the generation and corruption of things to the Oblique motion of the Sun and Planets in the Zodiack So the preservation and continuance of Faith and Holiness in the Churches of God is under Christ to be attributed to the uniform motion of the Guides and Officers therein but all corruption of Doctrine and Discipline all generation of errors and vices to their oblique and different courses This Chapter then may be called The Directory of the Holy Ghost both to Officers and People in their respective deportments that so there may be a mutual edification It may be looked upon as a Pillar of Salt to season all other Churches It seemeth to have that Inscription of Senacharibs Tomb upon it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 By beholding of me take heed of pride in Gifts and Parts take heed of schismes and divisions set not up a Ministry against Christ nor yet oppose Christ to a Ministry These are to be composed with one another and not opposed Besides this general Matter there are also several Truths of great concernment contained in the Chapter especially the best VVine you meet with at last where is described the rich Treasure of every godly man There is an Inventory given in of all his Goods There is his Magna Charta confirmed Yea as the Devil once shewed the Glory of the world for a temptation so doth the Spirit of God here discover both the Glory of Heaven and Earth for the encouragement of the true Believer I shall not detain thee any longer with Prefacing but conclude Come and see Thine Anthony Burgesse March 18. 1658. THE CONTENTS OF THIS Practical Exposition ON THE Third Chapter of the first Epistle of St Paul TO THE CORINTHIANS Verse 1. ANd I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ Observ That the ignorance and sinfulnesse of a people are a just cause why faithfull and wise Ministers of the Word doe not sometimes preach of the more sublime and excellent points in Christianity p. 2 In what respects the peoples Ignorance is an impediment to the Ministers preaching p 3 In what respects the peoples Sinfulnesse is an impediment to the Ministers preaching p 3 Carnal It s several significations Observ That even among those who are truly and indeed of the visible Church of God there is a vast difference some are spiritual some are carnal some are men some are babes p. 5 What it is to be a spiritual man 7 What to be carnal or babes 8 Verse 2. I have fed you with milk and not with meat Observ 1. It must be the Prudence and Wisdome of the Minister to preach such matter and in such a way as the Hearers may receive good thereby p. 9 Observ 2. It 's necessary to acquaint People with the Principles of Religion before they go higher in Christianity 13 Considerations about the principles of Religion and the knowledge and ignorance of them 13 For hither to ye were not able to bear it neither yet now are ye able Observ That it 's a great sinne and just reproach to a people that have lived long under the means of grace if they have not got the due profit by it 17 The due profits and effects of the Ministry Intellectual and Practical ib. Verse 3. For ye are yet carnal 21 Qu. Why those that are godly for the main are called carnal ibid. Observ That the reliques of corruption which do abide in the godly ought to be an heavy burden to them against which they are daily to strive and combate ib. Considerations about the Saints infirmities and corruptions 22 And whence it is that they do not fully conquer sinne 23 And why God doth not cure his people at once 24 For whereas there is among you Envying and Strife and
Divisions are ye not carnal 25 Envy its several acceptations ibid. Observ That envying wheresoever it is is a fruit of the Flesh and such a sinne that a godly man should especially watch against ibid. Envy It s Original Degrees Object Subject Aggravations Remedies 26 The difference between Envy and Zeal 32 For whereas there is among you strife 33 Observ That strifes and quarrelling contentions amongst Christians argue them to be so farre carnal ibid. Sinfull strife Its Cause Effects Aggravations 34 Whereas there is divisions among you p. 37 Observ That divisions and factions do quickly creep into the best and purest Churches 38 Divisions divided their Nature Causes 39 Are ye not carnal and walk as men 42 As man its several significations ibid. Observ That all those who are named Christians and would be accounted so should walk and live as those that are more than meer men ibid. What the phrase to live as men implieth 43 Verse 4. For whereas one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo are ye not carnal 45 Observ That although it 's the duty of People to have a great and high esteem of the Ministers of the Gospel yet they are not sinfully and inordinately to admire or rest meerly upon any mens persons 46 Wherein the respect due to the Ministers of the Gospel doth consist ibid And when it may degenerate into sinfull admiration 48 For while one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo are ye not carnal 49 Observ That it is not lawfull for Christians to call themselves by the Name of any men though never so Eminent so as to build on them 50 Of the Names that Christians have been called by in several Ages ibid. Observ That when the Devil cannot hurt the Church by a prophane and sinfull Ministry then he labours to destroy it by abusing the names and esteem of those who are truly holy and eminent 54 What are the common wayes of Satans doing hurt to the Church by the Ministers and Officers thereof ibid. And even by eminent godly men 56 1 COR. 1.12 And I of Christ 58 Observ That although Christ only is to be relied upon as the Head of his Church yet it is not his will that under this pretence we should despise or contemn his Ministry and the means of grace he hath appointed 59. Of sinfull setting up of Christ ibid. Of the causes of grace Efficient and Instrumental ibid. Verse 5. Who then is Paul and who is Apollo 62 Observ That faithfull Ministers seek not to win or gain a people to themselves but to Christ 63 A two-fold end of preaching the Word ibid. The Characters of that Ministry that seeks not the peoples applause but to bring them to Christ 64 Who then is Paul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye believed 66 Observ That the Ministry in Gods Church is the Means and instrumental Cause he hath appointed to work Faith and all other Graces in the Hearers 67 How the Ministry is not an instrumental cause of grace and how it is ibid The properties of the Ministry as such a cause 69 Who is Paul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom ye believed even as the Lord gave to every man 70 Observ That Faith is the great and eminent grace which God by the Ministry works in some Hearers ibid The Nature of Faith It s three Acts Knowledge Assent and a resting on Christ 71 The Effects of faith ad intra 72 Ad extra 73 Even as the Lord gave to every man 74 Observ That God hath given several Gifts and Abilities to the Ministers of the Church and thereby makes use of them all for his glorious ends ibid. Why all Ministers have not the same gifts 76 Rules or Helps to profit by the Ministry 77 Verse 6. I have planted Apollo watered but God gave the increase 78 Observ That it's Gods unspeakable goodness sometimes to send his Word and plant his Gospel among a people that never heard or knew any thing of it before 79 Apollo watered 82 Observ That it is not enough for a people once to receive the true Faith and principles of Religion but they need a further watering and quickning them up to grow ibid. Wherein this spiritual watering consists 83 And why there is such need of quickning means 84 But God gave the encrease 85 Observ That it's God only who can and will give encrease and spiritual successe to the Ministerial labours in the Church 86 How God works 90 Wherein God giveth the increase ibid. And why he only can 92 Verse 7. So then neither is he that planteth any thing neither he that watereth but God that giveth the increase 93 Observ That the best and most able Ministry is nothing without Gods power giving the increase 94 What the Apostle doth not mean and what he doth mean in saying The Ministry is nothing ibid. Directions how to hear the Word 96 Verse 8. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one 97 Observ That although there is diversity and variety in the gifts of the Ministers yet they all ought to agree in one ibid. They should agree in Doctrine in their End and Scope and in Affection 98 The sad effects of dis-union in the Ministers 99 What people should do when Ministers and Professours are divided ibid. And every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour 101 Of Reward and Merit 101 105 106 Observ That according to a mans labour and working for God he is sure to have a proportionable reward 102 All have work to do ibid. A two-fold doing of good works ibid. The requisites to such a work as God will accept 103 A lawfull self-seeking 105 Verse 9. For we are labourers together with God 109 Observ That the Ministers of the Gospel are workers with God for the conversion of mens souls So 2 Cor. 6.1 110 Why God will have co-workers ibid. Ye are Gods husbandry ye are Gods building 113 Observ That the people of God are his husbandry and building ibid. What our being Gods husbandry and building joyntly implies ibid. And then what they severally imply 114 Ye are Gods building 117 Doct. That particular Churches are or should be Gods house Gods building ibid Of Gods house or Church ibid. What Gods building and our being his house implieth 118 Verse 10. According to the grace of God which is given unto me c. 121 Observ That it 's the property of godly men in all the good they have or do to attribute all to Gods grace ibid. The Properties of praising Gods grace ibid. Why the godly are so sensible of Gods grace 123 How profitable that duty is ibid. What opinlons are coolers of this duty of giving thanks to free grace 124 As a wise master-builder I have laid the foundation ibid Observ It 's a special part of the wisdom and heavenly art of the Ministers of the Gospel to lay a good and sure
foundation in the hearts of their hearers 125 Of a two-fold foundation Fundamentum cognoscendi the foundation of our knowledge and faith in matters of Religion viz. the Scripture And fundamentum essendi or the foundation of the being or existence of all our glory and salvation viz. Jesus Christ ibid Four unquestionable Scripture-foundations ibid. With a discovery of rotten foundations 127 Why it is such a sinne to worship God many wayes as man pleaseth 132 As a wise master-builder 137 Observ That it 's not vanity but a duty in some cases for the Ministers of the Gospel to magnifie and set up their Work and Office ibid In what cases a Minister may magnifie his work and office ibid. And another buildeth thereon 139 Observ That people are not to expect that Ministers should bring any other Doctrine than what is laid by Christ and the Apostles already ibid. The use of preaching notwithstanding the fulnesse of the Scripture 140 But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon 141 Observ The Ministers of God are greatly to take heed that they preach no other thing than what is already contained in the Scripture Or It 's a dangerous thing to put that sense and meaning on the word of God which is not the true genuine sense of it ibid. A two-fold building upon the foundation ibid Why Ministers must take heed how they build upon the foundation 142 Verse 11. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ 145 Observ That the Ministers of God ought to lay no other Foundation than Christ ibid. How many wayes Christ is to be preached as a foundation ibid. Reasons why he must be preached as the foundation 150 Objections and Doubts answered 153 How Duties are to be done and preached with relation to Christ 154 The great Advantages those have that are built on Christ 155 Verse 12. Now if any man build on this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble c. 157 Observ That the Doctrine and Truths of Christ are very precious and excellent ibid What the comparing them to Gold c. implieth ibid. If any man build hay and stubble 161 Observ That all errours and falshoods in Religion though not fundamental are no better than hay and stubble ibid Some Propositions about errour ibid. Why errours are called hay and stubble 162 Verse 13. Every mans work shall be made manifest 165 Observ That all the wayes and works of wickednesse though acted in never so hidden and secret a manner shall be made manifest ibid. What kind of hidden wickednesse shall be made manifest ibid. The Aggravation of those sins that are secret and hidden 168 Observ That all the hidden and secret wayes of false Doctrines God will one day make manifest 169 The Causes Nature the cunning subtilty in divulging them shall be made manifest ibid. For the day shall declare it 173 Observ That God hath his time when he will discover the errours and falshoods of mens Doctrines ibid. Errours are spiritual judgements the removal in mercy at Gods time 174 Why God will have a day to discover false Doctrine 176 Because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall declare every mans work of what sort it is 177 The interpretation of fire 178 Observ That God useth to bring people out of errours and false wayes by his Word and Afflictions ibid. Though the Word and afflictions are both helpfull yet differently 179 How wandring sheep are reduced by the Word ibid. How by afflictions 181 Verse 14. If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward 181 Observ That Gods Truths are of a firm and durable Nature notwithstanding any tryal or opposition whatsoever 182 Truth two-fold Increated and Created ibid Scripture-truths reduced to four heads 183 Verse 15. If any mans work shall be burnt he shall suffer losse but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire 185 Observ That every man will be altogether a loser in any errour or false way that he hath maintained he shall suffer loss 186 Wherein they shall be losers ibid. He shall be saved yet so as by fire 189 Observ That even errours of judgement may endanger a mans salvation as well as ungodlinesse in practice ibid. The several kinds of corruptions of the understanding that indangers a mans salvation ibid. The Difference between errour and heresie with the grounds of the Doctrine 190 Observ That every godly man though never so eminent yet is very difficultly saved 192 Verse 16. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 193 Observ That the consideration of those Priviledges and Relations which all the People that professe God are put into would be a great Argument against all kind of Pollution ibid Some of the chief Titles or Relations which the people of God have 194 Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God 197 Of the word Temple ibid. Observ That the people of God met together to worship him according to his way are the spiritual Temple of God 197 What there is in the Church allusively to the Temple 198 Of Gods presence with his Church 200 And that the Spirit of God dwels in you 201 Observ That the Spirit of God is God 202 The signification of the word Spirit when attributed to God ibid. That the holy Ghost is God and a person ibid. Why the holy Ghost is called Spirit 204 Observ That the Spirit of God dwels in his Church 205 What to have the Spirit dwell in us implieth in that phrase ibid. How many wayes the Spirit may be said to dwell in Gods people 207 The special works and effects of the holy Spirit in his Chruch 209 I. Gifts ibid. How farre the gifts and abilities of Ministers that are acquired by humane study and industry are to be ascribed unto the holy Ghost ibid. II. Sanctifying graces 209 Of the saving inhabitation of the Spirit 212 Verse 17. If any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy 216 Observ That those men who defile the Church of God with corrupt Doctrines do highly provoke God to punish them ibid Why errours are said to defile Gods Church 217 How God will punish Heretiques 219 A godly man may fall into a damnable Heresies 220 How a godly man erring differeth from a wicked man ibid. Errours are erroneous persons distinguished 221 Why God is so provoked with corruptions in Doctrine and worship ibid Him shall God destroy 222 Observ That eternal Damnation is the destruction of a man ibid. Of the punishment of losse sense 224 With the Aggravations of this punishment 225 For the Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are 226 Observ The holy Temple of God under the Gospel is not any place though never so adorned or glorious but persons believing and worshipping of him according to his will ibid Verse 18. Let no man
Saviour to those that do not find themselves lost to commend a Physician to those that find themselves whole to pour oyl where there are no wounds is to pervert all order Ho every one that thirsteth saith our Saviour Joh 7.37 And Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden Mat. 11.28 The Spirit of God convinces the world of sin and then of righteousness Oh but how much unwise and unfaithfull preaching is there in this respect How many are there that strengthen wicked mens hearts and make them not sad whom God would have made sad That daube with untemppered morter that say to every prophane man if he do but cry Lord have mercy upon me Be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiven thee It 's this daubing and soothing up people in their wickedness striking out all fear of hell and damnation that makes them wallow like swine in their filth To such to preach no comfort but the Law and Threatnings but to those that are broken in heart a tongue of the learned is required to speak a word in season How carefull was Paul that the incestuous person should not be overwhelmed with grief 2 Cor. 2 And here is the more wisdome because Satans temptations are subtile and insinuating We are not ignorant of his devices of his schismes what false circumventions and appearances he will have Now How many are there that are not acquainted themselves with the depths of Satan that are no better Comforters then Jobs Friends were Christ himself was affected with all our temptations that he might know how the more feelingly to pity others Thus a Minister that hath himself been in the deep matters of God that hath himself been exercised with all kind of temptations he can only tell how to speak to the heart of another So that you see much wisdome is required in the giving of comfort Alas every sick man every dying man looks we should give comfort and they would have a word of comfort Oh but what hath thy life been What truth of grace is there in thee Have not some wicked men cryed out of their sinnes in fear of death and publique judgments as Pharaoh did Therefore we must take heed what we do we must not comfort whom God would not have comforted Here is great wisdome required A third part of his Doctrinal Key is To rebuke and reprove for sinne Now how great a skill is it wisely to reprove to have zeal and knowledge together Some must be reproved sharply T●t 1.13 cuttingly We must not spare Thus John called some a generation of vipers Mat. 3.7 and our Saviour Wo to ye Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites many times repeating that upbraiding of them These were obstinate impenitent Hypocrites Mat. 23.13 14 15. and little blows will not move them Others again are tender tractable meekness will do more than austerity So that there is scarce any thing requireth more wisdome than publique and private reproofs Men can so hardly bear them Genus quoddam Maritirii est reprehensionem patienter ferre It is a kind of martyrdome to bear a reproof patiently And Ministers are either apt to be too awfull and pleasing of men or else too boisterous or passionate So that the Shepherd of irrational Sheep have a farre more easie task then spiritual Shepherds of men especially in superstitious Customes in false waies of worship Here an Angels wisdome will scarce suffice What a trouble was that to the Church in her infancy about the retaining or leaving the Jewish Ceremonies The Questions and differences grew so hot that it had almost torn the Church in pieces The Council of Jerusalem was called about this many still Judaizing thought that if you took the observation of times and outward Ceremonies away you took away all Religion Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians and Rom. 14. is very diligent to inform them about this endeavouring to make them spiritual and to draw up their hearts from those beggerly elements Paul was circumspect how to walk in this slippery Controversie To the Jew I became a Jew 1 Cor. 9.20 Not that he was a dissembler or an Hypocrite or humoured them in their superstitious weakness but he took upon him all sweet affections he was as a Jew to a Jew as weak to weak he would consider them as if he were in their case Yea to walk in these Controversies was so hard that Peter gave great occasion of offence yea Barnabas was also laid aside for he did not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which made Paul resist him to the face with this dissimulation Gal 1. Now if the Apostle was so industrious to root out the practice of those Rites and Ceremonies which yet God himself had once commanded how much rather should we those things which were brought into the Church without any command of God or warrant of Scripture but meerly by the will of man As for the other kind of Keyes Church-Government the wise managing of that is far more difficult then Political But I shall wave that as not so proper to this Text. Let us consider the Reason Why this Doctrinal feeding requireth such skill and Prudence And First Because divine truths are not to be managed by humane wordly wisdome but by spiritual wisdome As it 's God that teacheth people to profit Isa 48.17 so it 's God that teacheth the Minister to preach profitably Hence the word of wisdome is reckoned among the gifts of Gods Spirit 1 Cor. 14. and the Apostle saith We are not able of our selves to think a good thought 2 Cor. 2.5 as some expound it in the way of our Ministery we cannot think that which is good and profitable to mens soules without God Hence as of Christ the cheif sheepherd it is said the Spirit of wisdome counsell and understanding shall rest on him Isa 11.2 so it would be happy if the same Spirit proportionably did rest on inferiour shepherds I have caught you with an holy guile 2 Cor. 12.16 There are divine stratagems to win mens soules and if Aholiab and Bezaliel are said to have the Spirit of wisdome given them to build the material Tabernacle how much more do others need it to edifie this spiritual one Exod. 36.1 Seeing then the managing of holy truths is not had by humane prudence but by wisdome from above we must be Scribes instructed to the kingdome of heaven we are not born but made Preachers of the Gospel by God no marvel if this be so great a work Secondly Therefore is wisdome necessary in our preaching of divine things because the miscarriage of these precious truths is a farre greater loss then any earthly loss It 's pity for want of skill in any calling to miscarry in a mans wordly affairs but much more in heavenly there needs not only faithfulness but wisdome A wise and faithfull steward it is that makes five multiply to ten If the Prophet speaking of the Husbandmans skill about his several graines tithes and
thee to sinne I do not foster thee in thy infirmities only make righteous judgement in this case Thou cryest out How can I be godly and have no better an heart How can Christ dwell in me and I feel no more of his power Oh distinguish between weak grace and no grace between the presence of sinne and the dominion of it Consider God hath left these for admirable ends and none of these is to discourage and overwhelm thee especially do thou cry out of those deeps to the grace of the Gospel be as much enlarged yea more than Paul was in this matter if thou canst Vse 2. Of Information to wicked men Do not conclude there is no grace in the world and that all men are hypocrites and liars because even the godly are subject to sinful weaknesses This is to be the spider to suck poison from a sweet truth Do not expect more from them than is to be expected Vse 3. If the reliques of corruption be thus to be bewailed as an heavy burden how then should they howl and roar out that are under the whole power of sinne That are not comparatively but absolutely carnal That have not weak grace but no grace Sinne is not only present with them but they with willingness and delight subject themselves thereunto If he speaks of strifes and factions when you do these things Are ye not carnall How much rather of Revelling Wantonness beastly lusts cursed oathes Are ye not carnall Oh remember all this is in a mortal body here to day to morrow it may be in Hell For whereas there is among you Envying Strife and Divisions are ye not Carnal The Apostle generally declared the ground of their Indisposition and Incapacity of heavenly sublime Truths Now he enumerats the Particulars whereof Envy stands in the front Some make a Gradation Envy breeds strife and strife breeds Divisions or Factions If we regard the generall state of the Church in all Ages especially in our daies there is no Subject more necessary to treat upon then these Distempers Especially to shew the Sinfulness and Cures of them The being divided into so many crums and atomes that unless Democritus his Opinion should prove true All things are composed of atomes Or rather unless God shew his power to make drie bones that lie here one and there another as in Ezekiel's Vision to come every one to his proper place and have flesh and life bestowed on them I know not how we can escape totall destruction It being such a known Maxim of state which Christ himself hath confirmed A Kingdom divided against it self cannot stand And so Churches against Churches godly man against godly man they cannot stand Although I say this be necessary to the publique yet because I know not how necessary for this particular Auditory though I shall not pass by these Particulars yet I shall not handle them to the exactness of the Subject and latitude thereof And let us consider the first Subject Envying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This word is used sometimes in a good sense and sometimes in a bad sense In a good sense it 's attributed to God and signifies that Jealousy he hath about his Church especially his worship When attributed to good men it signifies either that honest and lawdable endeavour in them whereby they are inflamed to imitate or go beyond the Virtue of others without any sinfull grief or hatred This is commonly called emulation 1 Cor. 12.14 Gal. 4. Or Secondly It 's taken oft for that grief of mind produced by an holy indignation in us at those things which we conceive are unworthily done against those whom we love And that either God or others God 2 Cor. 7. Or others Col. 4. Or else which is not so oft in humane Greek Authours if at all it is taken for Envy as Act. 13.17 Gal. 5. Where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are rekoned among the lusts of the flesh And somtimes the Epithete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is added to it bitter Envy Although the more known word in the Scripture for Envy is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This for the word Observe That Envying wheresoever it is is a fruit of the Flesh and such a sinne that a godly man should especially watch against Are ye not carnall because of this Envying To open this Doctrine Consider First That the Original and Fountain of this Envy is the same with the other great impieties that are committed in the world viz. The flesh or Corrupt part in a man So Gal. 5. and James 4. Envying strifes are said to come from the wisdome of the flesh and diabolical wisdome opposite to the wisdome from above which is chast peaceable and long-suffering So then seeing this is a lesser stream from that bitter Fountain This is part of the gall and wormwood every one is in by nature No man can conclude he is wholly godly that hath not power to mortifie this sinne in some degree And therefore in that Gal. 5. the Apostle reckons it amongst all those gross sinnes Murders Vncleanness Idolatries Wichcrafts And concludeth They that do such things shall never inherit the Kingdom of Heaven Yet though the Scripture brand this sinne as the seed of the Devil and the spawn of the flesh how prevalent is this sinne every where amongst bad yea amongst good How many sad Envyings and evil eyes are there towards one anothers good For so the Scripture cals it an evil eye because they look with discontent and grudging upon others Envy is a squint-ey'd sinne and so the more deformed sinne Vixque tenet lachrymas quia nil lachrymabile cernit Secondly This sinne of Envy may either be in the full Predominancy of it or only in Motions and Combates or if breaking out into act bewailed and repented of In the former manner it is in wicked men In the latter sort it may be even in the godly For this Envy is such an imbred sinne that the Spirit of Regeneration finds it one of the last enemies to be destroyed Wicked men are as full of it as Toades of poyson Thus Act. 13. The Jews are said to be filled with Envy against the Apostles Filled they were with this sinne as the godly on the contrary are filled with the holy Ghost And hereupon this Envy within carryes them violently to all outward wickedness especially Murder For that is the natural fruit of Envy Whom men envy they presently resolve the death of if there be no restraint 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are very near in sound and efficacy Thus Pilate knew that for Envy the Pharisees desired to crucify Christ And the Apostle puts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gal 5 21. Envyings and Murthers together As the words are alike so one presently follows the other In the godly this sinne is too vigorously also These Corinthians and the Hebrews James writeth to
but this is the way to health It 's good to be troublesome to the sins of men and better be a man of strifes in this sense then preach peace to sinners Vse of Admonition To lay aside all those malicious revengefull actions one towards another These times of warre have especially wrought such bitter enmity against one another that this generation will not quiet it unlesse grace overcome Take the Apostles Rule Let nothing be done through contention and pride and covetousnesse or impatience and then what calmnesse and quietnesse will there be As he said of Physicians Quot funera tot opprobria so many funerals so many reproaches to them And certainly so many branglings so many Law suits so many reproaches to the Gospel of peace to Christ the Prince of peace to the Officers in the Church the Ministers of peace I speak not of necessary defensive Law-suits to which men are unwillingly haled having used all other means before but that pronenesse and impatiency that is in men Oh be not thus Tygers and Savages one to another Thou that dealest in anger how doest thou expect Gods love Thou that wilt not be pacified but breathest revenge how shall God spare thee Whereas there is divisions amongst you We are now upon the third and last sinne enumerated as an argument of their carnal estate The worst wine or rather vinegar is left to the last Divisions Some render it factions it addeth to the wickednesse of the former that by this envying and strife men are divided into several parties They imbody themselves in several factions to the destruction of the whole The Greek word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The same word Gal. 5. is translated Seditions There are three Greek words in the Scripture which expresse Factions or Divisions That in the Text when men divide themselves into parties in a sinfull and inordinate way otherwise to divide from wickednesse and from the general impieties and errours of the world is no faction though the world be apt to call godly men factious so that not the meer division but the cause and the ground is to be considered For as all punishment and constant sufferings for a point in Religion doth not make a Martyr so neither division or opposing in a lawfull way of a multitude when erring is a faction The Christians were charged by the Heathens for making factions To this Tertullian answered Apolog. Quandò boni coeunt non est factio sed curia dicenda The other word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 1 Cor. 11. a metaphor from cloath or the body when one part is rent from the other As Austin thought it a very difficult thing to define what heresie was so it is also what Schism is This is certain it 's a breach of that love and union which ought to be among Christians 3. There is Heresie or a Sect which is more than a Schism especially as Ecclesiastical use hath made it And although it was at first used for a meer opinion or way without any evil sense as when Tully said Cato in ea fuit haeresi and some say it is so used in the Acts of the Apostles but in the Epistles it is alwayes used in a bad sense I shall not trouble you with what learned men say in the Explication of these words This is enough That the Scripture condemneth them as great sinnes They come from a bitter root Christ nor his Church do not own such things Observe That Divisions and Factions do quickly creep into the best and purest Churches This Church of Corinth was a Garden planted by Paul and notwithstanding all his care his constant inspection yet these weeds grow up in it In the Parable when the good seed was sown the Devil came and sowed his tares while men slept Matth. 13. But here while the Officers were awake and diligent yet these tares grow up To open this point I shall but give you drops out of the Ocean of this matter It 's a subject to be handled with tears onely the Scripture gives cordials that the godly should not sink under it First Let us divide for Logical divisions are good to teach and instruct though Church divisions are not and then shew wherein the Nature of a division or faction lieth Then the Reasons why such things will be Divisions or Factions may be either 1. Civil or Ecclesiastical Civil are all those rents and ruptures that are made by the lusts of men in a Commonwealth Thus Jeroboam made a division he rent ten Tribes from the other two and made a distinct Kingdom and which would make one wonder but that God had foretold it those ten Tribes never re-united again that breach was never made up These Civil seditions are sad Prognosticks of the destruction of those places where they are as the renting of the Temple was a Prognostick of the abolition of all the Jewish worship Aristotle giving several differences between Monarchy and Tyranny reckons this for one That tyranny makes and foments factions nourisheth divisions that so while people haue a mutual hatred against and diffidence one in another that reigneth the more securely according to that Rule Divide impera But this is wicked policy Our Saviour cals those blessed that are peace-makers and they who indeavour to make all the godly as one man do instrumentally accomplish Christs prayer for this thing It was horrible wickednesse in Ahitophel to perswade Absolom to go into his fathers Concubines thinking thereby to make a perpetual irreconcilablenesse These are not the Scripture-rules of State government The other Divisions are in the Church and they are o● two sorts either when different Doctrines and Opinions are maintained and these are called Heresies Or when there is a soundnesse of Doctrine yet men break the bonds of love and live in malice frowardnesse and uncharitablenesse and this is called Schism Now all these kinds of divisions are very sad and dangerous things And when God speaks of the destruction of a people Zech. 10.11 13. it's excellently described of breaking two staffs the one called beauty the other bonds that is as some expound it their unity and their order 2. Factions or Divisions are either Personal between godly men particularly or more publick between Societies and Societies Churches and Churches Between Persons Thus Paul and Barnabas they were in a bitter dissention one with another 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Acts 15.39 and that about the companion they should take So Paul and Peter Paul reproved Peter and withstood him to the face Gal. 1. Or more publick Thus many Jews that believed raised great dissentions about Circumcision and the retaining of the customs of the Law What sad divisions did that dispute make In Antiquity the like might be shewed Epiphanius and Chrysostom were at extream variance one with another and both orthodox Several dayes before the famous Council of Nice was gathered those many hundred Bishops that were assembled
together were spent in libelling and in accusations of one another till Constantine took all the papers and burnt them We might tell you of the other great Council of Constantinople against Nestorius with what factions carnal policies and sinfull animosities Nestorius and his party did strive against the Orthodox But of this enough We see how prone these worms are to breed in the sweetest roses Satan is busie in this way God put enmity between the Serpent and the womans seed and he labours to put enmity between the womans seed among themselves Now let all these divisions be what they will publique or personal Civil or Religious they come from sin and tend to confusion Now God he is the God of order and of peace not of confusion 1 Cor. 14.33 In the next place What makes division or faction And 1. That is when men promote any false or wicked way against truth and godlin●sse We see all parties brand one another with divisions and factions The Papist cals the Protestant a Sectary and that though a Metropolitane and saith The leaving of their Church that had so much Antiquity and Vniversality was a schisme The Metropolitane he maketh all those guilty of schisme whether Bishops or Presbyters that recede from obedience to him as appeareth in a late Book Hammond of Schisme But it 's not the calling or the branding of any with the name of schisme that makes the thing so but you must consider the cause and the matter If Elijah and some few with him will not bow their knees to Baal nor will not go with the multitude of Idolaters this is no sinfull division or faction When Arianisme like a deluge did overflow the Church the Orthodox who were called Eustathiani from Eustathius the President in the Council of Nice and a valiant Champion for the Truth had their private and secret meetings not daring to communicate in the publick worship with the Arians yet no sound man in judgement will brand these with schisme If the people of God come out from Babylon and separate from their uncleannesses this is no schisme or faction but a duty God commanded them So that before we charge any with this crime we must alwayes consider the Cause and the Matter who hath the truth who hath Gods Cause otherwise men are hereticks and schismaticks to one another and so they judge by partiality not by the Rule Neither is it enough for men to say they have Scripture or to alledg Scripture for that may be wrested to their destruction but the true sense and meaning of it which is attained by those that walk humbly in Gods way and use those means God hath appointed in his Church If therefore a man plead against the Idolatries the impieties and falshoods of other men This is no faction if so Paul himself who condemneth these had been the most factious man in the world For who more zealous than he in Christs way against the superstitious Pharisees and those who pleaded the Law for Justification Secondly Faction and division is seen when though the matter be true or good they strive for yet they do it not in a godly orderly way He that striveth is not crowned unlesse he strive lawfully 2 Tim. 2.5 A good intention even in a good matter without good order is not warrantable The Disciples that would have fire come down from Heaven knew not what spirit they were of Vzzahs sudden punishment for the touching of the Ark should make us look not only to a duty but to the order of a duty The Apostle layeth down this injunction We must not do evil that good may come on it Rom. 3.8 And he saith of those teachers that would make such constructions from his Doctrine That their damnation was just The Apostle by the similitude of members in the body doth shew how every member should keep to his own office A third thing in Division is When men do not keep to their proper places to their Offices If the foot will be the eye if the hand will be the head here is a monster not a comely body The Apostle Paul is very large in this and oh that this age would observe it To teach every member in the body to keep to its own Office and to its own Calling not to take one anothers operations but to convey their mutual nourishment one to another in their proper way In what a blessed Unity and comely Order would the Church of God be if every member would do its proper work The Apostle calling so much for humility and modesty and not to think of our selves above what we ought to do fore-saw how hard a matter it would be for Christians to keep up Unity and Concord among themselves Fourthly Thus it 's division and faction when the affections and passions of men are scured and imbittered with any carnal dist●mpers so that this sinne doth affect the heart and spirit of a man and then it breaks out into actions Though men should be in a good way and are for the truth and glory of God yet if they do this in anger and passion and frowardnesse of heart here is a sinfull division upon them though for the matter and way it self they be right Gods righteousnesse and truth needeth not our passions So that all these or any of these is enough to make the divisions in the Text here forbidden In the next place What are the Causes that make these the efficient cause● First The ignorance of men as long as men know but in part have not perfection in the understanding and this breedeth difference of opinions and difference of opinions difference of affections The Apostle chargeth the wresting of the Scripture to mens destruction upon their ignorance In which Epistle are many things hard to be understood which the ignorant or unlearned wrest 2 Pet. 3.16 Thus our Saviour told them They erred about the resurrection because they knew not the Scripture Mat. 2.29 So that those who have but a slighty flatry-knowledge in matters of Religion they presently runne into wayes of division These are children easily seduced Secondly Self-confidence and arrogancy When men think those abilities or that worth is in them which indeed is not This makes them bold and distracting of the Church Thus Corah Dathan and Abiram they said Num. 16.3 All the Congregation is holy They thought there was as much in every person as in the Priests whom God had set apart for that office Oh what an excellent patern is that to all which David giveth O Lord I have not lifted up my self too high or to things above me Psal 131.1 It was an excellent speech of Ambrose Heretiques with Scripture are like David in Sauls armour they are too heavy too weighty for them in stead of defending themselves they are wounded with it Hence the Apostle commands us not to mind high things Rom. 12.16 viz. which are above our power or capacity We are all
up the affairs of the Church in one common place which his Rhetorick and Logick had not and that was faith The godly were more than men in Hosea 14.3 when being ashamed of their carnal confidence they said Ashur shall not save us we will not ride upon horses Fourthly To walk like men is to be full of falshood deceitfulnesse or hypocrisie to have no truth in heart or word one to another Thus David saith Every man is a liar and he makes that sad complaint Help Lord for the good and faithfull man perisheth every man speaketh vanity to his neighbour Psal 12.1 Oh this is the way of men upon the earth Hence the Scripture exhorts us Not to put trust in men Psal 146.3 no not in Princes or the great ones of the world Oh but all such lying hypocrisie and dissimulation should not be named among Christians Christiana fides should be farre more firm and resolved than Romana fides Let us love saith the Apostle not in word only but in heart and deed also 1 John 3.18 The Christians at first did meet together with one heart and one accord The very Poet said he hated him even to hell who spake one thing with his mouth and thought another thing in his heart Know then that cunning Artifices and lying dissimulations are farre from that truth that God desireth in the inward parts Christs sheep must not be the Devils foxes It was the Heathens desire That his brest might be as transparent as glass that so all his thoughts within him might be seen How should this shame the guile dissimulations and falshoods that are in men one to another Fifthly To walk as men is here in the Text to be in anger hatred and revengefull thoughts one against another whereas all beasts agree among themselves even the savage Bears and Tygers yea the Devils are not divided one against another Man naturally finds nothing so sweet as revenge upon others Therefore our Saviour to shew that we must be more than man bids us Love our enemies do good to those that hate us and despitefully use us Mat. 5. This is a lesson or duty that cannot be found in Tullies Offices he thought it lawfull to be revenged upon enemies Yea Aquinas a great Schoolman thinketh That to love and forgive our enemies is not a precept or command to all but a counsel of perfection to some of more perfect and admirable excellencies Oh then when you see men full of back-bitings uncharitablenesse envyings and revengefull purposes you may see those walk as men When Jacob expected nothing but cruelty and bloudy revenge from Esau and finding the clean contrary he saith He saw his face like the Angel of God above a meer man Sixthly To walk as men is to make a mans self the Alpha and Omega the center wherein all the lines must meet The Apostle reckoning up a Catalogue of monstrous sinners he puts this in the front Men shall be lovers of themselves 2 Tim. 3.2 And Christ on the other side requireth it as the fundamental qualification in every Disciple To deny himself and take up his cross Luk. 9.23 Now for a man to deny himself pleasures his self-interests his self-advantages this doth argue men to be of God It 's noted as the great admirable perfection in Christ whose copy we are to write after That he emptied himself and became of no reputation Phil. 2. That he pleased not himself In nothing did he seek his own glory his own ease his own exaltation And there is nothing can more demonstrate Christians to be above men then to be as Christ was in this respect It was a sad complaint of old All seek their own and not the things of Jesus Christ Phil 2 21. Lastly To walk as man is to commit any sinne rather then to be persecuted for the truth of God To swear or forswear to turn into all shapes to avoid danger This Christ aimed at when Peter would have him decline his sufferings Get thee behind me Satan said Christ Thou savourest not the things of God but of man Mat. 16.23 What is it to savour the things of a man To do any thing or to use any unlawful and unwarrantable wayes to escape the present danger such are counted wise men and crafty men whereas this is dishonesty and ungodliness and no wisdome for such forsake their own mercy Vse of Examination How are all our Congregations How live they How walk they Do they not live as men yea how many like bruit beasts how many like Devils Oh whose image and superscription is this Doth God require this Doth his Word command such things Did Christ live thus in the world Are ye not called to be holy as God is holy Are ye not to do Gods will on earth as Angels in heaven Why then are ye as men Who are you then that say you will do as others you will not be singular you will not be strict and precise Thy Christianity doth inforce thee to these things if thou dost hearken to it If ye will be Christians indeed you must not live according to the fashion of the world yea the world most wonder that you runne not in the same excesse with them that you will not swear curse riot it and live loosely Do not please your selves with a meer title Vse 2. of Exhortation to the godly Oh see to what exactness circumspection you should rise Be ashamed and blush if thou art as men of the world proud as they earthly as they peevish and discontented as thee Oh when thou art overtaken with such distempers go and chide thy self Lord how have I been a foolish and ignorant man to day I am like others of the world I have not behaved my self as one that is born of God that hath a more divine Spirit As it 's a great shame to see a grown man speaking and doing like a child so it is here As Michal in a sinful scornfull way said of David in a good action we may of thee in a sinful action Thou hast made thy self as one of the vile ones to day that frowardness discontent passionateness argueth thee to be like one of the world Verse 4. For whereas one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo are ye not carnal THe Apostles scope is as you have heard to repress the pride and contentions that were in the Church of Corinth And now in this fourth Verse he describeth the particular factions and divisions among them One saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo Paul was the first Apostle that preached the Gospel to them who though unskilful in speech as he saith speaking as some think only by way of conception yet was mighty in power through God to them Apollo he came after Paul and was more eloquent and so more apt to affect the hearers this some maketh the ground of the faction but it is first disputed Whether indeed the Corinthians set
up these eminent persons as heads of factions or that he did only by supposition attribute these things to themselves as may seem seem 1 Cor. 4.6 I shall therefore wave that Question and handle it when I come to consider these divisions in the heads of them and whether it be lawful for Christians to name themselves after the names of any men whereas then you see the Corinthians blamed for setting up these names though men of great worth and repute in the Church I observe That although it's the duty of people to have a great and high esteem of the Ministers of the Gospel yet they are not sinfully and inordinately to admire or rest meerly upon any mens persons You that are the sheep of Christ have a great duty required of you you are to abound in all love and ready submission unto the doctrine of your faithfull Shepherds and yet also not so to admire any person as thereby to be drawn into errours or falshoods they may possibly maintain The Apostle Jud. 12. makes one great cause of the errours these men followed he speaks of that they had mens persons in admiration That is when men love the truth for the persons sake not the person for the truths sake when men are of such an opinion or such a faith because those that they admire are so though they understand nothing in it whereas it is an excellent rule of Tertullian lib. de prescript Non fidem ex personis but personas ex fide dignoscimus This truth may much heal the disease of the times for men beleive much as they affect and admire and few have a sound mind and judgement to discerne of things that differ qui credit quod vult non quod est cupit errare but I shall speak little of this to this auditory Two parts there are in the Doctrine First That great and high respect is to be shewed to the faithfull Ministers of the Gospel Secondly Yet this respect must not degenerate into sinful admiration so as factiously to set up one Minister against another Let us consider the first part and here I shall not speak of that temporal respect and honour which Gods Word in several places commands lest by captious men we should be thought to plead for our own selves but for that spiritual respect and entertainment of the Ministery which is for your good not for ours people are apt to think if they come to hear us if they commend our Sermons that this is for an advantage No the powerfull receiveing of divine truths is for their good The wearied traveller that drinks of the spring by the way doth not benefit the fountain but advantageth himself now the spiritual respect or entertainment of the Ministery lieth in these particulars 1. Highly to account of the office and the work of the Ministery as being the divine institution and appointment of Christ in his Church Thus the Apostle Chap. 4.1 Let a man account of us as the stewards of Christ They are the officers set up in Christs house to give the food of life and God hath set in his Church pastors and teachers 1 Cor. 12.28 and Eph. 4.11 Act. 20.28 The Elders of the Church are said to be made overseers by God to feed the Church So that if any man set himself against the office of the Ministery to slight it or contemne it he doth immediately oppose the institution of Christ God hath set it and wilt thou endeavour to pull it down so that prophane and carnal men who argue against it know not what they talk of they consider not the Scripture nor the Word of God and if thy heart were not much hardened thou wouldst have an awfull reverence and fear of this divine office Even the very Heathens have exalted the office of their Priests that drew nigh to God and Aristotle well observeth that all religion yea and the notion of the gods themselves would be vilified when they that were imployed in that office were contemned 2. Your spiritual respect lieth in the hearing of the Word preached and the receiving the Word with all gladness of heart Thus Christ saith He that heareth you heareth me Luk 10.16 and therefore they are compared to Embassadours that do in Christs stead entreat you to be reconciled unto God 2 Cor. 5.20 Indeed prophane and ungodly Ministers or erroneus and superstitious Ministers they falsifie their trust they alter their embassage and therefore the Scripture compareth them to unsavoury salt that is fit for nothing but to be cast on the dunghill and God speaking of the corrupt Levites saith Mal. 2 3. I will spread dung upon your faces Thus God dealeth with those Ministers that walk unworthily but as for those that diligently and faithfully preach the Gospel such are to be heard and received withall joy How beautifull are the feet of those that bring the glad tidings of the Gospel Rom. 10.15 and there is nothing that God doth so much curse as the prophane rejecting of his Word and Ministery Jerusalem was quite off and there was no more remedy left for her when she refused the Prophets rising early and delivering the message of God to them 2 Chron. ult The tree that had often culture and cost bestowed upon it and yet barren was at last to be cut down and burnt in the fire so then as the Ministers are to pray God would give them an open mouth so you hear also open eares and open hearts Shall the advice of the Physician for thy body and the advice of the Lawyer for thy estate be accepted and not the advice of the Minister of God for thy soul Hence they are called guides Now what disobedience is it when they would gu●d thee in the way of holiness they would lead thee out of the dangerous bogs and precipices thou venturest on yet thou will not follow Oh how will this cut thy heart one day that the Ministers of God would have guided thee in other wayes have lead thee to other actions but thou wouldst willingly fall in the ditch even into hell 3. You are not only to give them respectfull hearing and diligent waiting upon their Ministery but to obey and submit unto that work of the Lord which they enjoyn ●ou out of Gods Word Therefore twice in one Chapter Heb. 13.17 the Apostle calls on them To obey and submit themselves to such as watch for their souls and makes one of his Reasons this is good for you Prophane and proud men they are apt to scorn the truths we preach they will not submit to the doctrine we hold out but if they did rightly consider this is good for them how readily would they obey If therefore you become our living Sermons and turn the things you hear into practice though we shall rejoyce in it yet the advantage will be yours Oh then take heed how ye refuse to submit unto those things that out of Gods Word we enjoyne you If
we urge commandements of men if we come in our own name and not in Gods if the Word of God command not that which we command then it may be neglected but when we bring you clear Scripture and say Thus saith the Lord then how great is your disobedience Consider that Heb. 12.25 The Apostle aggravates the sinne of those that refuse Christ now speaking from heaven above those that refused Moses You may say who refuse Christ speaking from heaven Even such as obey not the Word delivered by the Ministers of God unto them How often hast thou heard Go away and sinne no more curse no more swear no more but yet thou hast not submitted to this 4. All this hearing love and obedience must be to them for the works sake This the Apostle urgeth and there is a greater matter in that Have them in all respect for their work sake 1 Thes 5 13. For many may carry it fair and respect the Ministers of God for other ends but it 's nothing if it be not for their workes sake now their work doth mainly consist in instruction and reproof and this is very distastfull and thankless to prophane and wicked men there is nothing men desire so much as to be pleased in their sinnes that we should heal their wounds slightly saying peace when there is no peace Now if we dare not do these things but discharge our work faithfully we are had in no respect and that for our very works sake so that the work of the Ministery informing reproving and powerfully terrifying for sinne and wickedness that ought to be esteemed by you 5. You ought to shew your spiritual respect and entertainment to the Ministery in avoiding all those evil and wicked wayes which may grieve and make sad the hearts of godly Ministers When Jeremiah saw his people walk so disobediently he said His soul should mourn in secret for them Jer. 13.17 Did not Christ weep over Jerusalem because she refused the Prophets that were sent to her And Paul pressing beleivers to unity and godliness he useth this Argument Fullfill ye my joy Phil. 2.2 and again We live if ye stand fast 1 Thes 3.8 So that all the impieties and errours that any of you shall runne into are like thornes in the eyes of a godly Minister this will make them give their account with greif as the Apostle saith Heb. 13 17. Oh that these wicked actions which greive the Spirit of God which greive the hearts of godly men and godly Ministers should not also greive thee Now let us consider when this respect may degenerate into sinful admiration And First When we set up the gifts and persons of men so as to neglect Christ working in and by them If it be so great a sinne in temporal and outward things to take of the glory due to God and attribute it to instruments how much more is this in spiritual things Therefore observe the Apostle he to cure this desease amongst them takes them off from instruments and bids them look up to God What is Paul and what is Apollo saith he but instruments by which ye beleive and God he only giveth the encrease though others may plant and water and that is the reason say some why in the first Chapter of this first Epistle he doth so often name Jesus Christ to take them off from instruments and to look more to him not that the instruments are to be excluded but God the principal agent is to be owned and honoured Rest not then upon excellent parts and powerfull preaching for it's God that worketh by these Secondly Then men sinfully admire when they set up the gifts and abilities of one to the contempt of others No doubt but God giveth variety of gifts and some are more eminent then other yet none are so to preferre the excellent as to contemne and discourage the weaker What the Apostle speaketh about the several members of the Church some are more excellent and honourable then others yet the meanest is not to be dispised is also to be done about the several gifts and parts of Ministers Thirdly Then men sinfully admire when their failings and errours they will follow and defend If these Corinthians that were for Peter should have been led aside as he did many to Circumcision this was their infirmity In primitive times Origen a famous and eminent man proved a great temptation to the Church for men had rather erre with him then think the truth with others Thus among the Sadducees and the Pharisees whatsoever the grandees of their sect taught them though it were that the left hand was the right yet they thought themselves bound to beleive it But of this more hereafter Let us make Vses First of exhortation to receive the Ministery of God with that spiritual respect as you ought to do The best praise and love you can have to the Ministers of God in their work is to turn all that is preached into practice there is no sinne for which God will sooner be avenged then this contempt of the Ministry What is a greater contempt then to be often invited often exhorted to forsake thy sinnes yet to retain them still You do not despise or reject men but God himself God did for many yeares bear with Jerusalem and was unwilling to give her up to total destruction till his Prophets were slighted and abused then they that would not have Ged rule over them had the greatest tyrants and proudest enemies to trample over them Now there are divers Motives to give this spiritual entertainment to the Ministery For 1. They are the Embassadours of God they come from God and declare his will Do not thou then harden thy self presumptuously against this way of God 2. The Ministery will judge thee at that great day You must give an account of all the pains and labour that hath been taken to reform thee 3. If you receive the Word you receive not that alone but all blessings with it When Obed-Edom hath the Ark then Gods blessings do manifestly accompany it Vse 2. Of Instruction Why the Devil in all ages hath still set himself against the faithfull Ministery It is because that is the great engine to destroy his kingdome As also this may informe us who are his instruments in this matter Even such as feel not the benefit of these Ordinances there is nothing that maketh a man to love the Ministery upon good grounds but the spiritual good they receive by it When these Corinthians slighted Paul and doubted about his call he proveth it by experimental works on them Conclude it therefore that all those men who cavil and oppose the Ministery they are such who know not what it was to get any spiritual good by that office For while one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollo are ye not Carnal These words you have heard prohibit a sinfull admiration of any mans person or gifts though he be an
built They are the Successours of Peter It 's the Patrimony of Peter They made him an Universal Head superiour to all other Apostles For the Fathers also it 's true many of them were of eminent parts and gifts yet all of them had their errours But how much hurt hath been done to the Church by setting them up as a Rule or infallible Judgers and Interpreters Therefore Austin good man as it were fore-seeing this disclaimeth it and saith He would have none read his or other mens books so as the Canonical Scriptures Soli Scripturae fides caeteris judicium Luther was afraid to leave any of his Works behind him lest they should draw men off from Scripture Thus the godly have been afraid with Paul lest any should idolize them We reade of a Dispute that the Arch-angel and the Devil had about Moses his body Some think it was this though other Interpretations are given God we know did wonderfully hide Moses his body when he was dead from the Israelites and the Devil would have it known and buried that so it might have been adored afterwards as in Popery What adoration what invocation and divine worship is given unto some Saints and to some that were no Saints but canonized by the Pope 2. The Devil worketh mischief to the Church even by the repute of good men when such opinions and doctrines are attributed to them as they never owned For as the Devil hath brought in his superstitions by pretended places of Scripture hence he wre●●ed Scripture when he tempted Christ so also he useth the names of eminent instruments of God to countenance falshoods Thus Paul writing to the Thessalonians 2 Thess 2.3 bids them Not be troubled as by letter or epistle from him as if the day of judgement were at hand It seemeth there were some that taught in those dayes that the day of judgement was immediately approaching and this did much trouble the godly for they believed it and why did they believe it Some pretended it was Pauls judgement they had a letter and an epistle from him to this purpose Here you see even in those dayes men to propaga●● or countenance their falshoods would abuse eminent men and so most of the Ancients have many spurious and counterfeit Tractates go under their name as Ignatius and Clemens and why so but that under this pretence many superstitious customes might be pleaded for Yea there is a Book called Enochs Prophecie and Barnabas his Gospel and many such pretended to be written by those that had divine inspirations and all are this grand Impostors Lastly The Devil brings hurt by good mens name when he s●weth discord and dissentions among them This makes the common enemy triumph Oh say the Papists if you Protestants have the Spirit why are there so many Sects Why doth the Lutherans spirit and Calvinists disagree Now although we might better retort on them Why have there been several Popes who have all said they determined infallibly and yet have condemned one anothers Canons And could this be by the same spirit Yet the answer is plain in the Parable when it was asked How came those tares seeing the Master had sown good seed The answer was The envious one hath sowed them Mat. 13. I might give Reasons for this As First The insatiable malice of the Devil against the Church of God He alwayes envieth the peace the good order and Ordinances of the Church and therefore when he could no longer raise up bloudy persecutions against the Church for Constantine was turned Christian then it was divided and miserably rent with heresies So that the Church hath alwayes been like Noahs Ark on the waters floating up and down Secondly The very name of Religion and piety hath such authority upon mens consciences that the greatest enemies of godlinesse have alwayes pretended to it If the Pharisees persecute Christ Oh they say it 's for his blasphemies he will not keep the Sabbath and because he said he was the Sonne of God This doth mightily justifie Piety and Religion that all men are fain to use the name of this for what they do Vse of Exhortation Take heed of two extreams either a prophane delight in wicked dissolute Ministers such who will never trouble thy conscience reprove thy sins Or the other extream of minding godly instruments so is not to look up to God The former is a general sinne For what people are there that would not have Ministers like themselves loose dissolute as they are Thus God of old complained of the wickednesse of Priests and the people love to have it so Oh that is too much Give them one that is not so strict that will do as they do Oh wretched men that think it not enough to be ungodly themselves but they would those also who are to be guides to them in the same manner people will be deceived and who can help it They will have those that shall speak peace to them give them comfort when yet the Lord hath commanded them to make the hearts of such sad 1 COR. 1.12 And I of Christ THat I may finish Pauls reproof from that Text 1 Cor. 3.4 concerning the Faction● and Divisions at Corinth I am necessitated to take in this Text for here is a larger enumeration than in that place for here is an addition of two persons more I am of Cephas I am of Christ By Cephas is meant Peter and because he was the Apostle of the Circumcision as Paul of the Gentiles Happily some of the believers who did too much cleave to those legal Ceremonies might advance him And if that opinion of some be true That in most Cities converted to the Faith there were two Churches the Gentile Christian Church and the Jewish Christian Church then this might foment the division more howsoever the Popish Interpreter laboureth under this difficulty how they could be guilty of sinfull factions who advanced Peter but they build upon a rotten foundation But I shall not consider any further this division that did exalt Instruments and Ministers too high I come therefore to those that did offend on the contrary way and that is such Who did so set up Christ as to neglect Paul Apollo and the Instruments of their faith For here two contrary factions are forbidden which are very frequent in the Church and oh that this age were not infected with this disease Some did glory in their teachers boasting of them in a contentious way to the contempt of others Others again they ranne into the clean contrary and contemned all Teachers all the Prophets and pretended to be taught by Christ onely And I of Christ To open the word we must acquaint you that many of the Ancients thought they that said thus I am of Christ were not to be reproved but are instanced in as an example that they all should follow Yea Chrysostom thinketh this to be Pauls words others said I am of Paul I am of Apollo but saith Paul
or rankes soever To hear and depend upon the Ministry To wait at the gates of wisdome To obey and submit themselves to such guides Heb. 13. Let no man think himself too great or too wise and learned or too holy and godly These are soul-destructive waies For as it is a wo to us if we preach not the Gospel so it must be a wo to you if you hear it not For the same command that commands the diligent dispensing of this Word of life doth also command to the constant receiving of it Thus you see God hath commanded it It is not indifferent whether you will hear or no He hath not given any exemption to any Secondly As God hath thus commanded so he hath also graciously promised to go along with it So that the Word works by reason of the Promise God speaks a word of command to the Ministry Let it pull down sinne Let it build up grace And then it prevaileth against all opposition Thus when Christ gave his Apostles Commission to make Disciples and to preach to all men he encourageth them with this That he would be with them to the end of the world Mat. 28.20 Thus in this Chapter Paul plants and Apollo watereth but God giveth the increase So then God hath commanded this way those meanes and hath promised to be powerfull in them And therefore it 's God that sanctifieth God that begetteth us God that saveth by the Word As you see the Husbandman he prepareth the ground he throweth in seed but he cannot make it grow In the Apostles time and the first age of the Church how wonderfull and admirable was the Word in propagating Faith In converting men from their sinne and lusts And all because God was mightily with them Thirdly The Ministry is a meanes to beget Faith and Conversion as it is accompanied with Arguments to convince the understanding and Consciences of men as also with Arguments of terrour or joy to move the affections For this you must know that although the Ministry works not by any inward power as natural Causes yet it is very sutable to work upon men by propounding Arguments and Motives And these being powerfully set home by God make a wonderfull alteration by conjunction of the judgment So we may read of Paul that he did by severall Arguments prove and demonstrate that Jesus was the Cstrist So that they could not gainsay him Whereupon they did either believe or prove obstinate opposers If you aske then How comes the Ministry to be thus Instrumental The Answer is By a potent and strong conviction of the Conscience declaring Grounds out of the Scripture So that the Ministry is called the Candlestick which holds out the light The Word indeed is a two-edged Sword dividing into the inwards But there must be an hand to weild and govern it The word is an hammer but there must be an arm to strike it home And certainly it 's a wonder of wonders that people should be led in such captivity and slavery to their lusts that though they sit and hear and are convinced yet they believe not How often have we demonstrated out of the Word that thy lusts and dissoluteness are sinnes And how often at the same time doth thy conscience joyne with the Word that thou art convinced It 's thy case and thou art the man yet thou art obstinate and dost not reforme Doth not the Word bind thee up take away all thy cavils stop thy mouth thou hast nothing to say yet thou wilt be wicked because thou wilt be and so the Word is instrumental to beget grace because it worketh upon the affections by the Ministery There are Arguments of fear and terrour on one side there are Arguments of love glory and immortality on the other Now if humane O●tours have been able to perswade their Auditours and Rhetorique hath made such changes in mens minds insomuch that some Heathens made Hercules so famous for strength the god of eloquence as if that were his his great might what shall we say of the Arguments and power of Gods Word which is above the hearts and consciences of men so that the Word workes faith and conversion by convincing the judgement and enflameing the affections As it is meanes or instrumental in this manner so there are these four Properties of this instrumental cause First The Ministery is the only ordinary way that God hath appointed either for the beginnings or encrease of grace For the beginnings Thus Faith is said to come by hearing Rom. 10.17 And God hath begotten us by his Word Jam. 1.18 And for the encrease Eph. 4. You may there see it is for the compleating of us in a full stature in Christ Thus as the ordinary way for a mans life is by outward food and sustenance so the ordinary meanes of all spiritual life is by the Ministery of the Word Indeed some propound particular cases as of Infants wh● cannot hear or of deaf men or of some persons by unexpected calamities cast where no Ministery is to be had but we do not now speak of extraordinary wayes we know God did feed the Israelites with Manna from heaven when they could have no ordinary food but in Gods ordinary way unless thou expect a miracle the Ministery is the instrumental publique meanes Indeed the godly example of others and afflictions these may much prepare the heart but the Ministery that is the proper instrumental cause Secondly Because it 's the ordinary meanes therefore it 's the necessary meanes to which all are tied We cannot be without it if a man enjoy it not his soul becomes like a barren wilderness yea like a noisome dunghill Hence the Ministers are compared to those servants that distribute convenient bread to others As a house or family cannot be without bread so neither can the Church without the preaching of the Word The Ministery is frequently compared to rain the same word in its root for to rain and to teach and the preaching of it to the plentifull seasonable showers that came upon the parched ground so that as ● Land or Kingdome cannot subsist without the rain from heaven so neither people without these meanes Isa 5. When God commanded the clouds to rain no more upon his vineyard his meaning was he would take away the Pastor and the Teacher from them and then woe be to that land Thirdly This instituted means is very unlikely for such glorious effects to a carnal●●ie Hereupon it 's very despicable and contemptible to humane reason The Apostle calls it the foolishness of preaching 1 Cor. 1.21 not that it is so indeed for ●t ' the wisdome of God to salvation but the Apostle calls it so according to the principles of humane wisdome For whether you do regard the matter or manner of preaching it 's both very unlikely ever to produce such effects The matter is high paradoxal incredible to flesh and blood The manner of delivering is plain without the
it but Faith would quickly dispossess these and make it clean for Christ to dwell in And then thy life How pure is that Dost thou talk of believing in Christ when thou hatest purity makes a scoff and a taunt at it I tell thee if thou didst believe thou wouldst be pure and strict also As Saul that went with no good will to the Prophets when he came to them the Spirit of God sell on him and he prophesied also Thus thou that art a malicious enemy a prophane scoffer at purity and holiness should the Spirit of God once fall upon thee thou wouldst become pure and strict also Know then a man can no more carry faith in his heart and this not reforme his life then oyntment about him and that not discover it self Secondly Where there is a true lively Faith that will make a stout though wise confession of the truth when God doth require it Rom. 10.10 With the heart man believeth with the mouth confession is made to salvation and the Apostle We believe therefore we speak 2 Cor. 4.13 Indeed there is a faith about some disputable poin●s in Religion that are not essential to salvation that the Apostle bids a man have it to h●mself Rom. 14. but for the main points the owning or not owning whereof is the owning or not owning of Christ Our Saviour speaks terribly to the not confession herein He that shall not confesse me before men though before a cro●ked and perverse generation him will not I confesse before my Father nor the holy Angels Mark 8.38 Thirdly Where faith is there it will carry a man out to the ready performance of all obedience justice temperance libera●ity equity and every good worke The Apostle James Jam 2. doth at large shew That that man is but a vain man and an hypocrite one who cousens his own soul that thinketh by faith to be saved when this is not incarnated and manifested in all godly conversation Yea faith puts all graces on working as Heb. 11. That seemeth to be the great wheel that sets all others on going Lastly He that doth truly believe is not discouraged from his duty because of any trouble or persecution in the world Christ prayed for Peter That his faith might not fail him No danger no fears could have drawn him into sinne had faith been active It was faith made Moses chuse reproaches and persecutions rather than the glory of Aegypt A man that liveth by sense and by worldly advantages he cannot but with the Chamelion turn into every colour of that object which is by him because worldly fear reigneth and ruleth in his heart but Faith that overcomes the world If it conquer Devils and Hell much more the world Yea it makes a man rejoyce in tribulations Vse of Examination Hath the Ministry had this effect to make you believe Oh you will say Who doubts of that Are we Atheists Do you make Pagans and Infidels of us Consider there is a great difference between the Title Name and Profession of a Believer and the reall Efficacy of it It 's said Simon Magus believed because he outwardly professed so yet he was in the state of gall and bitterness It 's said John 2. ult That many believed but Christ would not commit himself to them because he knew what is in man Therefore Do you really believe all that the Scripture saith And if so How darest thou lie swear deal unjustly No you flatter your selves The Faith of these things would make you tremble yea roar out Oh! What shall I do to escape this great wrath Therefore set Faith more on work from day to day I am no Atheist I am a Christian I believe a Day of Judgment Why then live I thus But Ministers by whom ye belived even as the Lord gave to every man We are come to the last Particular observeable in this Verse and that is the Efficient Cause of this Ministry and Service in the Church with the variety of the Gifts of those that are employed therein Even as the Lord gave to every man This the Apostle addeth still to take off all from the Instruments and give it to God They are indeed Pipes to conveigh Gods grace but they can no longer runne then this Fountain fils them They are indeed spiritual Trumpets to give warning of Gods wrath approaching but they cannot breathe forth any sound but what the mouth of the Lord doth first breathe into them So that although the Church of God in respect of the several Gifts God bestoweth on her Officers be like the Queens Daughter cloathed all in needle and embroidered work Even as the Kings Daughters were wont to go in parti-coloured cloathes Yet all this Ornament and comeliness is put upon her by God alone So that every Minister hath a peculiar Gift yet so as all comes from above from God to him Doct. That God hath given several Gifts and Abilities to the Ministers of the Church and thereby makes use of them all for his glorious ends The Apostle doth in many places delight to compare the Church to a mans body where there are several parts and every part hath its peculiar Office There is the eye the hand the foot and though all are not equally eminent yet all are equally necessary But 1 Cor. 12.4 5. you may see this excellently described I here are diversities of Gifts and of Administrations but all from the same Spirit the same Lord and all is for the same end The manifestation of the Spirit is to profit withall Whatsoever Abilities and Gifts God hath given they are not for vain ostentation They are not for humane applause but for use to profit withall Insomuch that if any man should should use his parts his abilities to propagate errour or to strengthen men in wickedness they did greatly abuse the good Gifts of God and turn wholesome meat into poyson To open this Doctrine you may consider That the Gifts of God to the Church are as to our purpose of two sorts Sometimes the very Office and Function it self is called a Gift To be an Apostle to be a Pastour to be a Teacher is a Gift Thus Ephes 3. Yea Christs Ascension He gave Gifts to men As Kings at their Coronations distribute large and plentifull gifts And what are these Gifts Apostles Evangelists Pastours and Teachers Thus the very Office is a Gift and that a great one too More then all temporal mercies though the ungratefull world cannot think so Thus the Psalmist speaking of the Word of God and the Ministry given to the Jews he addeth He hath not done so to every Nation Psal 147.20 Alas for temporal mercies he had he gave them peace quietness and plenty all aboundance and filled them with good things but this was nothing to the Ministry of the Word And certainly no plenty no quietness no abundance is a mercy equall to the Gospel Therefore Amos threatned the famine of the Word as more terrible
then that of Bread Amos 8.11 But when will swine prize a Pearl or carnal men the things that are spiritual But then Secondly The several Abilities and various Parts that Officers in the Church have while they discharge this Office This we commonly call such a mans gifts He hath a special gift in such or such a way The Apostle speaks of the Word of Doctrine some men hath viz. doctrinally to open the sense of the Scripture and solidly to confirm it And another man hath the Word of exhortation Rom. 12.8 His Ability is in applying throughly and powerfully the Doctrine confirmed to the Conscience of the Hearers And both these are admirably necessary This is to be a shining and burning light Shining by Doctrine and burning by Application Thus some have more Eloquent Gifts others more plain and solid Esay is full of Eloquence and Amos is more plain Austin said Qui dedit Petrum pisca●●rem dedit Cyprianum Rhetorem God hath called plain men yet inabled by Gifts to preach his Word and he hath also called eloquent men The Hen though with an hoarse voice can cluck her Chickens together as well as the Nightingale her young ones with a sweet voice In the next place This latter sort of Gifts are of two sorts Either Extraordinary such as the Spirit of God gave immediately without any humane industry or labour And thus in the Primitive Times of the Church their Gifts were extraordinary For though the Apostles were at first Tradesmen and illiterate yet ere they had a publique Commission to preach to all the world they had the Spirit of God extraordinarily descending on them in cloven Tongues That as diversity of Tongues did once destroy Babel so this variety of Tongues would destroy the Devils Kingdom So that the gifts of Tongues the gift of Interpretation and many of those things we read of 1 Cor. 12. they were extraordinary According to the Prophesie of Joel Act. 2. That God would pour his Spirit on them and their old men and young men should see Visions and dream Dreames These were extraordinary But because such extraordinary gifts were in the nature of Miracles to confirm the Apostles Doctrine and their Mission from God they now cease Therefore in the second place there are Ordinary gifts and they are such which by labour and study and praying we obtain at Gods hand For even these ordinary abilities of learning Parts and gift of Doctrine of Exhortation they come by the blessing of God And therefore when God is angry he blasts men and takes away their gifts from them Now these ordinary gifts the Appostle supposeth would be in Churches constituted after his departure Therefore it 's required of every Elder he should be apt to teach 1 Tim. 3.2 Yea those that had extraordinary gifts did make use of study and labour and diligent paines Thus Paul exhorts Timothy to give himself to reading that his profiting may appear to all men 1 Tim. 4.13 15. Yea Paul himself made use of his Parchments So that those Lamps which were inlighted by God himself did yet need the continuall oyl of their labour and paines And if this was true of those extrordinary gifted persons how much more of ordinary The Nurse that feeds not cannot long give milk so neither the Miinster that studieth not Now in the next place Consider the Ends Why all have not the same Gifts but some one way some another And First Hereby God doth declare his Wisdome His honour is magnified by these varieties It argueth there is plenty and fulness of the Spirit with him When God made the world how many several Species and kinds of Creatures did he make which no man can reckon up And then every individual in that Species different by some individual Properties from one another Every man hath a different face from another Which variety of the creatures doth wonderfully extoll the treasure of his wisdome The Musician sheweth his skill by his variety of Notes When the Tabernacle was to be built there was Aholiab and Bezaliel endowed with excellent wisdome for that purpose So that in this diversity of Administrations we may behold the wisdome of God and praise him much more in the Church Assemblies then in beholding the creatures Secondly God gives several Gifts that so the meanest may not be despised nor the greatest puffed up Because they did not only all come from God but they are in their harmony necessary The foot is a necessary member as well as an eye but the eye is more noble So that where the meanest gifts are if gifts when faithfully and conscionably imployed for the publique good they are not to be contemned because Gods Gifts And in this sense He that reproacheth the poor reproacheth his Maker Even as the least creature in the world is not without its proper use and office And then the greatest gifts they are but gifts and therefore we must not arrogantly be puffed up with them We must not take this wedge of gold and make an Idol of it and worship it Great parts and gifts have many times been great temptations and brought great misery As Matthew Paris speaks of one that having spent his time in his Lectures to prove that Christ was God and being greatly applauded for it he cried out and said O Jesus thou art beholding to me for thy Divinity this day Or to that effect Whereupon immediately this great Doctor was stricken with such ignorance and forgetfulness that for ever after he could not so much as say the Lords Prayer but as a little Child said it to him Let those then that have Parts take heed they do not promote the Devils Kingdom thereby and so at last be cursed by God Ornari à te Diabolus quaerit said Austin to an Heathen a great Scholar whose Conversion he endeavoured But Thirdly Gods main end of giving diversity of Gifts is that so if possible men may be converted and healed To one God gives Doctrine to another the Word of Exhortation and all is that if one prevail not the other may Thus there are some who are Sonnes of Thunder others that are Sonnes of Consolation that so both the way of terrour and the way of mildness may prosper So that the diversity of Gifts is a great demonstration of Gods willingness that men should repent and be healed Our Saviour comparing John's Ministry and his together Mat. 11.16 17 18. which seemed to differ exceedingly makes this use of it John came unto you in a strict extraordinary way he kept in the wilderness he went in rough garments And all this ridged way was to bring to repentance The Sonne of man he came eating and drinking viz. in a more familiar and conversing way And therefore he saith it was like the Childrens play We have piped to you and you have not danced mourned to you and you have not wept We have several waies treated with you But behold the wickedness
their ministerial actions to plant and to water To begin the foundation of Christianity and afterwards to build a superstruction So that Pauls planting supposeth the Corinthians to be a barren untilled and confused people like the world at first a Tohu and a Bohu a meer horrid wildernesse till the Gospel being planted among them they become a pleasant Garden and a fruitfull Field From whence we may observe That it's Gods unspeakable goodnesse sometimes to send his Word and plant his Gospel among a people that never heard or knew any thing before If you consider all the Countreys and Kingdomes wheresoever the Gospel hath taken effect since Christs time you shall find that they were thrones of Satan places where Idolatry reigned They were like those desolate places the Prophet speaks of where the Satyr and screech-Owl even all black and Heathenish confusion did exalt it self So that where God doth out of stones raise up children to Abraham turn a Paganish Heathenish people into a Church there is wisdome power and goodnesse no lesse yea more wonderfull than when he did out of that deformed confusion and chaos make a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a beautifull adorned world Even this England this ancient Britain was once a place of horrible Idolatry Paganism no knowledge of Christ nor his Gospel But served dumb Idols and walked according to the course of this world having the Prince of darknesse ruling over us as in other places So that the Gospel that is like the glorious Sunne and every Kingdome or Nation is like a do●esome black dungeon yea like an hell where Legion of Devils are till the beams of this light do enlighten them To amplifie this Doctrine many things are observable First That when the Apostle saith That he planted the Gospel it doth suppose all people to be a wilde barbarous people till the Gospel both civilizeth and sanctisieth them To plant is properly of Orchards and Gardens and Vineyards and supposeth the great care and skill of him that plants Thus God is said to plant Eden Gen 2.8 And so a people are made the Church and people of God by plantation by Gods goodnesse and power of themselves they are like wilde beasts not knowing the way of happinesse It was the custome of the Grecians and Romans because they had the culture of Arts and good Civil Government to call other people Barbari Barbarians And thus the Apostle opposeth the Grecians and Barbarians together Col. 3.11 Barbarous comes from the Hebrew Bar g●minated that signifieth a field untilled a desart so they looked upon all other men in the world But indeed even the Grecians and Romans were barbarous wild people comparatively till the Gospel came among them They had no true knowledge or understanding till the Word the Rule of all wisdome was discovered to them Oh how should this make us of England magnifie the goodnesse of God to this Land who once had no Ministry of Christ who were like so many lumps of earth that worshipped the Devil and the Idols of the world They had their Dryades wh●ch Julius Caesar speaks of that were like Witches serving for their Priests that lived up and down in woody places Why might not we have been born in those days while Britany was Paganish and Heathenish Antiquity in Religion is no good plea for here was Idolatry and the worship of the Devil before any knowledge of Christ It 's a great mercy to be born in such times in such an age and in such places where the name of Christ is published for this is wholly in Gods disposal he hath determined to all men the times of their life and habitations Secondly Consider That in the Old Testament God did limit his gracious presence to the Jews only In Judea only was salvation and the knowledg of God John 4 That was the Goshen where light was all the world else was darknesse Indeed some few particular persons that were forrainers and strangers became proselytes and gave up their names to God but there were no Countreys or Nations received the Word of God but Judea onely But when Christ came then that partition wall was broken down and after his death he gave a Commission to preach the Gospel to all the world And thus the Word like the Sunne in the Heavens went from one end of the world to another and none could hinder the course thereof Yea where Roman Emperours power and sword could not get dominion there the Apostles and their Successours conquered and prevailed And this and no other is the Universal Grace the Scripture speaketh of whereas formerly it was particular Then Christ the strong man came and bound the Devil who had possessed the earth and kept it in quiet slavery to him so that under the times of the Gospel Christ hath been made known where God hath sent his Word though it were into the utmost parts of the earth Thirdly Therefore that there might be spiritual plantations and holy Colonies the Lord Christ appointed extraordinary Officers furnished with extraordinary abilities to propagate the Gospel These were called Apostles It was for the Apostles and not ordinary Officers to plant Churches so that they had a Commission to go and preach to any people in the world They were not bound to keep residence at any one place but to go from Nation to Nation to disseminate the spiritual seed of the Gospel and that like mustard seed at first small and little presently grew up to a tall tree and spreaded its branches through the whole world And as the Apostles had this universal commission so they were endued with power to work wonderfull miracles for miracles were because of the Heathens and unbelievers By these they confirmed their Doctrine and calling to be of God immediately yet this was not so tied to the Apostolical Office but that in af●er ages many Countreys have received the Gospel by other means especially persecution and the patient sufferings of Christians did much help thereunto That as a captive Maid was a means to bring Naaman to the knowledge of God and his Worship so captive persons have been instrumental to make whole K●ngdoms acquainted with the Gospel of Christ Thus God hath alwayes disappointed the hopes of wicked men and that very way whereby they have thought to destroy the Gospel it hath flourished more It 's the Vine that by pruning hath increased As the grain of corn except it die cannot bring forth any fruit so is it with the Gospel These precious herbs the more they are pressed and pounced the sweeter smell they make Fourthly Gods severity and mercy hath been observable about the first planting of the Gospel For when a people have lived rebelliously and sinfully under it a long time then he takes it away and gives it to another Nation Thus God began with the Jews told them That to them the Word must be fi●st preached but seeing they had rejected the counsel of God they were to go
to the Gentiles And Rom 11. shews at large how that the breaking off of the Jews was the ingraffing of the Gentiles And thus if we consider those famous places where the Word was at first planted we shall see them for their barrennesse and unfruitfulnesse turned into a dung hill The seven Churches of Asia Where are they This Corinth What is become of it Those that would not obey Christ whose yoke was easie are forced to endure the iron chains and bonds of Mahom●t Rome in this Apostles time had her faith published over the whole world but is so apostatized that her Idolatry and Heresie is as much proclaimed Insomuch that the Epistle ad Romanos is now in or contra Romanos The Epistle to the Romans is an Epistle against them because of the grosse corruption of those main points of Predestination and Justification and other material points Thus you see how Gods administration is very various and dreadfull he gives it to one Nation and takes it from another It 's the judgement of some men That the Gospel will be taken from all these western parts of the world and given to the East Indies and other parts but how certain this is none can tell In these later dayes we hear not of any Heathenish Nation converted some glimmering light the Natives in New-England have received that is the most that hath been done lately For as for the Jesuites boasting of their conversion of the Indians the bloudy cruelty and horrible violence they have used deplored even by some of their own parties makes that but a fable It 's the opinion of all That Heathens and Pagans are not to be compelled to the true Faith because they are without the Church and she hath nothing to do with those that are without the Church Though Hereticks and such as are within may be compelled to the means of truth and salvation Why then in these later dayes Heathenish Nations do not receive the faith as in former times who can divine Only the fervour and zeal of propagating the Gospel is far lesse than formerly Insomuch that it is bewailed by a learned man Hornbeck that that injunction and command to go and preach the Gospel to all Nations is not enough laid to heart Fifthly In planting of Churches commonly their infancy and beginning hath been more pure and godly than the successive ages Take Rome in her nascent condition and their faith was eminent but in her crescent or growing estate she presently degenerated All Churches have been at first planted either by the Apostles themselves or Apostolical persons and they had purity of Doctrine and godlinesse of order and life onely then they were but few and obnoxious to persecution all which made them heavenly and holy but when they began to be numerous and prosperous and the meaning of the first planters was worne out then the Church grew not like her self One of the ancientest Ecclesiastical Historians Egesippus saith of a pure Virgin she presently became a Strumpet because of all that false and superstitious worship that crept into her Lastly Because of that pronenesse to degenerate and from gold to become drosse Hence God hath in mercy raised up Reformers and stirred up men with invincible zeal being full of the holy Ghost who have laboured to bring Churches to their first plantations and institution Thus the Jews a people planted by God yet many times so grosly corrupted through Idolatry and prophanenesse that the Governours thereof are called Princes of Sodom and Gomorrah Isa 1. Now to purge this fountain How many zealous Prophets did God raise up in his time And thus after Christs time when the wine of Gods Word began to be mingled with the water of mens inventions and all Religion was turned into a meer Pageantry as in Popery God then raised up Luther Melancthon Calvin and others by whose means Christ became known again Now there is a great difference between a plantation and a Reformation A Reformation doth not pretend to make new Churches to bring a new faith in the world as a plantation doth but only to file off all the rust that hath been by long custome upon the Church of God Plantation is to make Heathens and Pagans Christians but Reformation is to make degenerate Christians who have degenerated in their knowledge worship and life to make such remember their first in●titution such ignorance and prophanenesse was not at the first Vse of Instruction How much God may justly expect of us in England who have not only had a plantation of the Gospel many hundred years ago but after a deep apostasie a gracious Reformation also What manner of persons should we be Angli quasi Angeli it was said of old Certainly we should be so in respect of knowledge worship and godlinesse The Christian Faith was by some received long before we were called English for in the eight hundredth year after Christ Egbertus King of the West-Saxons having got all the dominion into his own hands almost made an universal sanction that the whole Nation should be called the English Nation being named Brittans before It is not my intent to enter into that Dispute of the learned who planted the Gospel in England As for the Papists who would make one Augustine to be our Apostle is so ridiculous that it cannot be believed for there were godly Christians already in the Island that refused him because he was a superstitious proud person saying The Spirit of God was not in him because there was not humility in him The Gospel was brought in here long before those dayes Some say Joseph of Arimathea Some say that Pudeus and Linus whom the Apostle salutes were Britains For Martial in his Epigrams mentioneth them as Britains This is clear that in Tertullians time the Gospel was spread in this Island and though unknown to the whole world yet the word of God found it out but to see our degeneration it may make us astonished especially in ignorance superstitious worship and prophanenesse Oh were we thus planted at first or were we reformed to be thus Do not many among us live like bruit beasts rather than Christians Setting aside the name what is there either for knowledg or life more than is in a meer Pagan or Heathen Oh the patience of God that should continue the Gospel thus long amongst us Was there more unworthinesse in Jerusalem in Ephesus in other Churches which yet God hath made desolate places Certainly we might well conclude That God would remove our Candlestick were there not a remnant that love the Gospel delight in it and labour to walk worthy of it How can prophanenesse and beastly courses be found amongst us when the light of God hath shined round about us Bring therefore forth fruit meet and worthy of such an heavenly plantation lest the same God that planted us do at last pluck us up For God he sometimes speaks to a Land to build it up and plant
it sometimes again to pull it up Oh fear lest that curse fall upon you yea that sentence be already come out Cut that unprofitable tree down and cast it into the fire Appolo watered This is the second main particular of the ministerial imploiment of Church-Officers To water 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he doth a little alter the metaphor for that is properly to give beasts water yet as those that have plentifully drunken are said irrigari so to give to drink may be said to water The Metaphor is taken from plants to mans soul as the Garden is of a wildernesse planted with sweet and precious herbs but this is not enough it is afterwards to be watered else all will immediately decay So it is here Though we have received the principles of Christianity and are setled therein yet if there be not continual watering and pains taking the Church of God will presently become like a wildernesse No Church is like Paradise at first which being once planted needed not any water from Heaven but rivers came from the midst of it to water it and make it fruitfull So that to water is no more then to use all those ministerial helps that Christ hath appointed that the spiritual seed once sown may grow up to a plentifull crop God Isa 5. compared his Church to a Vineyard which when he had bestowed much cost on and for their unfruitfulnesse was resolved to destroy it then among other things he commanded That the clouds should not rain on it So that for God to deny spiritual watering to a people once planted is a sad forerunner of future desolation The Doctrine is That it is not enough for a people once to receive the true Faith and principles of Religion but they need a further watering and quickning them up to grow If the Husbandman should sow his seed and never have any rain to drop fatnesse his seed would rot under the ground And the Gardener who hath set his plants hath had his water-pot to cherish and refresh his dried plants Now as the Apostles they planted so there were Evangelists who did either accompany the Apostles or went where they had already planted and further instructed them Sometimes we read Paul himself watering where he had planted And it 's the constant imployment of Ministers in a Church already setled to water that is to endeavour the further growth of their knowledge and graces First Let us consider Wherein this spiritual watering consists and then the grounds First It lieth in a more explicite and distinct instruction about the principles of Religion already received For there is no vessel that receiveth all this heavenly liqour at first Apollo himself was an eloquent man and potent in the Scriptures yet he that watered others did once need watering himself Priscilla and Aquila did further instruct him in the wayes of God Act. 18 26. As the Sunne doth not come to the vertical point immediately but by degrees so neither do a Church or people presently arrive to the fullness of knowledge in the things of Christ but they still grow in more understanding Thus the Apostle prayeth Eph. 1. for the Ephesians already converted and enlightened that they might have the Spirit of revelation and wisdome and may be able still further to know the depth and breadth of Gods love in Christ And the Apostle Peter commends Believers that they did still give heed to the Scripture till the day-starre did arise in their hearts 2 Pet. 1.19 Oh then Who can bewail the imperfect and defective knowledge that is every where The eyes that should have grown clearer and clearer are become blinder and blinder You consider not that much more even about the very principles of Religion is yet to be understood then most do understand The Heathen even dying would still desire to learn and know more how much rather should Believers seeing the objects to be known are so heavenly spiritual and necessary The Philosopher thought a little natural knowledge about the Heavens better then a great deal of knowledge about the nature of sublunary things how much then is the supernatural knowledge of heavenly things in a practical way to be esteemed which will bring us to life everlasting Know then it 's your great duty to come up to more understanding in Religion Shall a David that had more knowledge then his Teachers pray yet to have his eies opened Psal 119. What fervent and earnest prayers should thou then have that thou die not and be damned in ignorance Secondly This watering lieth not only in advancing our knowledge but in giving further and clearer Arguments to confirm our faith and to make us unshaken and stedfast Oh we see for want of this particular how many reeds there are that be shaken with every wind They were indeed planted but not well rooted and what hath not a deep root will immediately wither Thus the Apostle exhorteth often to stand stedfast and immoveable in the work of tho Lord How can that be but by being strengthened more and more in believing We read of the Disciples that sometimes when any great miracle was wrought by our Saviour it 's said His Disciples believed Joh. 2.11 Why did they not believe before Yes but now they were more confirmned establishment and confirmation either in the truth or in godliness is a great matter yea it is all in all We read of a glorious likely building but because it was upon the sands therefore it fell down immediately and the fall was great Mat. 7.27 The third kind of ground miscarryed after all the hopes it gave because it had no deep root Mat. 13. So that a choice part of the Ministers work is to see that whatsoever faith whatsoever holiness there is this be so confirmed that it waver or wither not We read of the Apostle going even to those places that were already planted that they might confirme those that believed Alas the things of Christ meet with so much subtilty to undermine them and so much open violence to prostrate them that there needs daily confirmeing and following them We are subject to many strong winds and violent blasts that unless deeply rooted we cannot subsist Thirdly This watering containeth direction about the beauty and order of Churches in the government thereof when once planted As Rome so neither Jerusalem is not built on a day The Church at her Infancy is not a prepared subject for those many duties that are required of her especially the Church being a society of men orderly knit together there is need of governement without which men instead of being Saints and Christians would be wild beasts and this must come in by degrees it 's an essential Church before it can be a political one Thus the Apostle Paul after he had planted this Church yet had not setled all things concerning the order of it especially he bewailed that irreverent and prophane receiving of the Sacrament which was amongst
whom no Dew fell Secondly You may ask If God onely give increase What means may we take to have God blesse us in this manner And First Do thou highly esteem and prize the Ministry God hath appointed expect not Gods increase where Apollo doth not water The Apostle you heard doth admirably joyn both these together mans Ministry and Gods Efficacy Think not then contemptibly and vilely of the means of grace But Secondly Lean not on it too much as if that of it self were able for any spiritual good He that watereth and he that planteth are nothing viz. comparatively and relatively to God We are apt to runne from one extream to another Some despise Ordinances and some relie on them and not Christ in them Christ said of his own flesh that it did not profit it was the spirit that quickned John 6.63 How much rather may we say it is not the Ordinance but the Spirit by it that doth quicken Thirdly Wouldst thou have God give the increase Fear then the miscarriage of it Be in daily trembling lest the Word should not prosper to thee Look upon it as the greatest judgement to hear and hear often and yet find no spiritual progresse The Apostle gives a terrible example and comparison in this case Heb. 6.7 and saith Such are nigh unto cursing Oh say Lord I tremble lest I am nigh to an everlasting curse because I find no increase Fourthly Make much of that which God hath bestowed on thee already To him that hath shall be given Mat. 25.29 The good hearer is compared to new born babes that greedily sucks down the milk 1 Pet. 2.2 Why should God give any more increase when thou hast abated from that former efficacy and vigour of grace We judge famine and decayes of trading hard and sad times but when God suffereth a spiritual decay and withering on mens souls this is more terrible Verse 7. So then neither is he that planteth any thing neither he that watereth but God that giveth the increase THese words are a Conclusion or Inference from the former Proposition They that plant only and water and do not give the increase they must not be rested on nor set up as Masters neither are factions to be made for them But thus Apollo and Paul and all the eminent ones do and no more Ergo. Therefore in this Conclusive Assertion let us consider 1. The Subject 2. The Predicate 3. The opposite Proposition The Subject is two-fold He that planteth and He that watereth You have heard these are such that lay down the foundations of Religion and afterwards build thereon This hath been already handled 2. The Predicate Is not any thing Any thing here as in other places signifieth no great thing it 's not able to do those things which the credulous Disciples are many times apt to believe And therefore when he saith They are nothing it is to be understood comparatively or relatively It is not any thing without God The Ministers of God are like Trumpets they make no sound if breath be not breathed into them They are like Ezekiels wheels they move not unlesse the Spirit move them They are like Elisha's servant whose presence doth no good except Elisha his spirit be there also Now although this verse and the former seem to contain no new matter yet as we must not think the holy Ghost hath vain repetitions or battalogies so neither will the enlarging of the same matter prove a needlesse repetition to you but I shall still amplifie it in new considerations Observe That the best and most able Ministry is nothing without Gods power giving the increase As in natural things the Sunne could not shine the fire burn without God the Authour of nature so neither in supernatural things can the Ministry enlighten or convert without God the Authour of grace You might wonder why the Apostle should in several verses presse this point But the necessity of it may justly challenge a frequent inculcation For even in our dayes we shall see that one main reason why Gods word doth not pluck up all sinne by the root and plant all godlinesse among a people it 's because men pray not to God seek not to God they provoke him by unfruitfulnesse by a prophane contempt of the means of grace and so he turneth even a garden into a wildernesse to them and bread into stones To open this First Let us consider What the Apostle doth not mean in saying The Ministry is nothing And First He doth not mean as if the Officers of the Church were not in their way and place necessary for then the Apostle in the same tongue should contradict himself for he saith We are workers together with God 2 Cor. 6.1 Yea this very Epistle might thereby be accounted nothing because though Paul wrote the Epistle yet it is God that giveth the successe unto it They are therefore in themselves the necessary institutions and means of grace And we are commanded to hear them to wait on their Ministry to submit unto them in the Lord. Do not therefore conclude from this the uselesnesse and unnecessarinesse of preaching Gods word For in other places when the Scripture speaks absolutely glorious and absolute effects are attributed unto it and it 's called no lesse than the Kingdom of Heaven And if there be so much ado for an outward Kingdome and earthly greatnesse how much rather should this be prized and received Secondly When the Apostle cals the Ministry nothing the meaning is not as if it were not sufficient in its kind to work those things for which it is appointed otherwise this would reflect upon the wisdom of God For as in natural things Frustra est illa potentia quae nunquam reducitur actum So in supernaturals also As we say the Sunne is sufficiently able to enlighten the whole world yet blind men would never get any good if the Lord did not open their eyes So it is here The Ministry faithfully discharged is sufficient to enlighten the minds and convert the hearts of all that hear No wickednesse so powerfull no sinne so rooted but that is able to conquer and remove it yet unlesse God mould the heart and give understanding they perish in their sinnes and take no warning Thirdly When the Apostle saith They are nothing This is to be understood of the Ministers of the Gospel and preaching of it as well as the Ministers of the Law and preaching that For you might say It is no wonder to hear Paul say That the Law is a dead letter that the ministration of the Law is killing 2 Cor. 3.6 but to have this true also that the Preachers of the Gospel are of themselves but dead and killing this seemeth very hard Now to answer this know That both the preaching of the Law and the Gospel if Christ do not enliven the Word are dead letters or dead preaching Hence those complaints of Stretching out the hands in vain and labouring
no more gainsay it Thirdly Lay aside all superfluity of naughtinesse Jam. 1 21. If Aristotle thought not a young man a fit Auditour for his Ethicks much lesse is a propane beast wallowing in his filth fit for the Word The ground must have all the bryars and thorns pulled up ere the seed sown can bring forth any fruit No lust no sinne lived in hath ears to hear When the Law was to be promulged what washings and preparations were there for several dayes together Thou that comest to the Ministry with all thy goar and filth upon thee thou art a loathsome and an abominable object Do men use to sow in bogs and quagmires So neither doth the Word thrive in men of loose and dissolute lives The Prophet in an indignation at the sinfulnesse of his people crieth out Hear ô Heavens and hearken ô Earth Isa 1.2 as if those insensible creatures would more attend than some men Vse of Exhortation Labour to find the Ministry something some great thing some terrible thing some comfortable thing to thee Oh how many are there to whom it 's nothing They make nothing of any Sermon they hear yea and people generally delight in such a Ministry that brings nothing to them They love not when it is like fire like a two-edged sword they love not when it troubles and disquiets them for sinne the more it 's nothing and passeth away as nothing the more contented they are Oh people prepared for destructon Oh people hated by God! For wherein doth God sh●w his love more to a people then by causing the Word to be like fire in the bowels Those whom God loveth they find the Ministery efficacious and vigorous they find it to come with power and autority they cry out great is the power of the Lord. Oh how it searcheth how it tryeth how it convinceth how it conquers nothing an stand before it Verse 8. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one THe Apostles scope is as you have heard to prevent factions and divisions both in Preachers and hearers to unite them together in love and agreement for which he hath used several Arguments And this eighth Verse beginneth a new Medium to prove the necessity of concord both among the Ministers themselves and the people What is said of men joyned in earthly power Erunt insuperabiles si inseperabiles the same is true both of the Officers and members in the Church of God Now the Argument the Apostle presseth is to this effect Those that are one ought not to be divided either by themselves or by their hearers But all the Officers in God● Church whether those that plant or water they are one Therefore they ought not to be divided So that you see though there is diversity of gifts and employmenss yet they all agree in one it 's unity therefore among Ministers and the people that is made the ground of concord This would be a very necessary subject in these times of multiplyed divisions it being very hard now a daies to say He that watereth and he that planteth are one But I shall pass it over briefly in one Sermon Now this phrase They are one is not to be understood essentially as if they were one nature in which sence 1 Joh. 5. it 's said There are three that bear witness is heaven and these three are one Nor secondly are they one in respect of labour and worth No Paul laboured more abundantly then they all and as the starres differ from one another so do the Ministers of God in worth and ability Therefore the Apostle prevents such thoughts by the words appendant Every man shall receive according to his own labour Vnum sunt non individuo non gradu non donis non vocatione non autoritate non tempore non labore nec non maerore saith Baldwin on the place But they are said to be one in regard of the scope and end for which the Ministery is appointed viz. to gather a Church unto God and to build them up in saith and godliness Observe That although there is diversity and variety in the gifts of the Ministers yet they all ought to agree in one They are to have the same mind the same ends the same mouth Hence is that expression According as he hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets which were from the beginning Luk. 1.70 All the Prophets ever since the world began had but one mouth He doth not say the mouths but the mouth To shew there was no contrariety no opposition but all agreed in this Thus it should be the mouth of the Ministers of Christ they should go the same way one should not preach contrary to the other one should not destroy what the other affirmes Hence our Saviour did so earnestly pray That his Disciples might be one Joh. 17. For what a scandal and offence would it have been if they who were to be Teachers of the Word and to lay the foundation of the Gospel should not have agreed among themselves So that whereas the Apostle pressing unity Eph 4.4 5. doth reckon up several kinds of unities One body one spirit one hope one Lord one faith one Baptisme so we may adde one Ministery so that divisions are a great argument of weakness and of errour fo● truth cannot be divided is not contrary to it self as errour is not that unity is a note of the true Church as Papists plead who yet have little cause to boast of it especially not unity in matters that are not fundamental and necessary The Apostle supposeth that when he saith If any be otherwise minded the Lord will reveal even this also to him Phil. 3.15 To open this The Ministery ought to be one First In respect of doctrine and true doctrine that is the soul and life of all 1 Tim. 1.3 Paul layeth a charge that they do not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 teach another doctrine Oh it 's a sad prognostique of ruine when some Ministers preach one doctrine as necessary to salvation others another now the true doctrine is revealed in the Word and whatsoever is another from that is not grounded there that is to be rejected Yea the Apostle would have us anathematize an Angel from heaven that should bring any other doctrine Gal. 1.8 And John would not have us so much as receive them in the house or bid them God speed 2 Joh ver 10 11. and who doth so he saith is partaker of all his evil deeds So then the Ministery ought to be one in respect of doctrine to preach one God one Christ one Faith one way to heaven for they are not to be inverters but keepers only of heavenly doctrine Keep that good thing committed to thy trust said the Apostle 2 Tim. 1.14 Secondly There ought to be unity in regard of their end and scope They all ought to shoot at the same mark which is two-fold 1. The glory of God to set up God and
this means they who are indeed of this building of this field they are more happy then all others in the world for God is in covenant with them To them only God is their God and they his people And when the Psalmist had spoken of all external felicity saying Happy are the people that are in such a case he addeth Yea happy are the people whose God is the Lord Psal 144.15 So then we cannot name a greater Prerogative and Priviledge then to be in such a relation all that God hath is their's his wisdom power and goodness Only by the way take notice that many are externally of this husbandry this building that are not internally and therefore such have not the Promises made good to them in all respects How hardly can we say of many people They are Gods building Yea they are rather the Devils Den and his Hell But more of this hereafter Fourthly It supposeth care love and protection This floweth from the other Propriety causeth care and love among men What cares a man for another mans Field another mans Corn but he looketh to his own He weedeth that he fenceth that he keepeth that from all violence And this certainly should encourage the godly in their conflict with sinne Oh! they complain of the weeds thornes that grow up in their heart that choak the good seed let them remember they are Gods as well as their own and it belongs to him It 's for his honour and glory to have these thornes pulled up It makes for Gods praise that thy heart be a room swept and kept clear for him to lodge in Oh! urge this in Prayer O Lord am I not thy husbandry Is not my soul thy building Why then lieth it thus ruinous Why is it neglected by thee It 's not only my comfort my happiness but thy glory and honour is interested in this Come we in the next place to consider the several similitudes And First Ye are Gods Husbandry Take notice that he doth not here speak of the invisible and mystical Church of Christ but as they were a visible Church at Corinth As there was a visible company of men openly and publiquely professing the Faith of Christ and joyning together in an external Communion in holy Ordinances Here is much in this for it sheweth how all our particular Congregations should be what manner of Societies even such as are Gods Husbandry Gods Tillage Building and House This is the great truth that people should hearken after that they walk worthy of such glorious Titles and Relations This Relation of being Gods Husbandry implieth something on his part and many things on ours On his part First That he finds all people of themselves like a barren wilderness and fruitless desert The Curse upon the ground is fulfilled in them to bring forth nothing but briers and thornes All the things of grace and godliness are not only above our natures but contrary to them Even as if a man should see a piece of ground like the very rocks that no Husbandry could ever do any good on it The same are all people when the Word comes at first to them In other expressions it 's called raising up Children to Abraham out of stones And as wild beasts delight to be in the wilderness that is their habitation Thus are all men till converted by the Word so many wild beasts carried away with bruitish lusts in the wilderness of the world which makes the Scripture compare them so often to such things Oh then bewail the roughness and obstinacy in thy heart to what is godly Secondly It supposeth that grace and godliness is wholly planted by God in their souls for this floweth from the other Seeing we are such a barren wilderness what fruit can ever be expected from us All the fruit then of righteousness and godliness doth come wholly from him We of our selves stand like so many rotten fruitless trees to be cursed by God and cut down for the fire but it 's the grace of God that works the beginnings and increase of all godliness in them Marvell not then if you see a people under the sweetest and best seasons of grace to be yet barren and unprofitable for this fruitfulness is only of God Oh we would wonder that a people who know so much who hear so much that have clouds so often raining on them should yet be like so many stones and rocks Oh this is the wrath and judgment of God to be trembled under it For he makes one to grow and not another He causeth grace to spring up in one and not another Thirdly This supposeth that God likewise giveth all the seasons and opportunities of growth and fruitfulness As the Gardiner he looketh to his times when he must water the Plants lest they die The season of the year helpeth to grow as well as the nature of the soil Annus non ager fructificat Hence God when he is angry he threatneth that he will command his clouds not to rain Isa 5. God threatens it as the greatest judgment to deprive a people of the Ministry and s●ason of grace how low and slight thoughts soever people have of it Observe that place Ezek. 7.26 Mischief shall come upon mischief one calamity upon another And what then They shall seek for a Vision of the Prophet but the Law shall perish from the Priest Thus Amos 8.11 When God will make a people a barren and desert Nation then he makes those spiritual heavens like brasse and iron Oh then know that as the natural seasons and times are of his appointment so much more the gracious ones On our parts who are the field to be tilled there are these things First A willingness to have the Word of God prepare and wound our souls even tearing our heart to pieces that so the Word as seed may fructifie This is that the Scripture cals plowing up the fallow ground Jer. 4.3 That is when the Law and Threatnings of the Word enter into our very bowels is like the Plough that makes deep furrows in the heart Oh then that the secure confident and quiet heart that hath thus many years layen quiet and at ease feeling no grief nor trouble may at last be wounded and cut assunder This is not an acceptable pleasing work to you but very necessary it is Could the ground be sensible it would feel the plow making torments and rents in the bowels of it Thus it is here the Law of God the Word of God that comes like a two-edged sword in thy bowels that bloweth like a strong tempest and shakes thy sinnes at the very root Oh expect not healing and peace and comfort till you have been thus disquieted Do not then quarrell at the Word of God but rather bless him for the power of it when it changeth the whole face of a Congregation filleth thee with many sad and anxious thoughts sends thee home enquiring Lord what shall I do What will
become of me The Psalmist complains of wicked men They made long furrows upon his back but this is happy when the word makes deep furrows in thy heart otherwise it 's but sowing upon the high-way which comes to no good Secondly This implieth that you should answer the satisfaction of that Husbandman whose Husbandry you are Who will bear that ground which after much labour and cost brings forth no fruit at all Now God hath greatly complained of this that when he looked for grapes behold wild grapes when he looked for righteousness behold Hemlock Oh this will confound you at the day of Judgment This will be your condemnation This you will never endure that God hath caused his seed to be sown given you an excellent seed-time precious seasons of grace but you for fruit have brought forth briers We read of Christ that when he looked for fruit on a Fig-tree and saw none he cursed it for ever although the Text saith it was not the time or season for figs Mat. 11.13 Oh then with what a grievous Curse may God curse thee when the time and season is of fruit and thou hast none Oh bethink your selves how you shall answer God in this matter Thirdly It supposeth a carefull improvement of all those means which God useth for our spiritual good If we be Gods Husbandry we are patiently to receive and fruitfully to improve whatsoever may make for our fruitfulness Now the meanes are of two sorts either essential and intire and perfect such as the hearing of the Word praying godly Communion or accidentall and occasional such as afflictions troubles and persecutions Even as the pruning of the Vine the burning of the Ground makes it fruitfull so all the troubles calamities and miseries that God brings on his Husbandry is to make them more fertile They need a Winter as well as a Sommer If thou then despisest the Ministry thou art careless under the means of grace no wonder if thou art no better then Heathens or Pagans that live in the wilderness Thou that art a tree planted by the River side yet bringest forth no fruit thy condemnation is near Lastly Consider how neer such a people are to utter ruine while you are but neer it there is some hope of scaping if you seek out who after all Gods Husbandry are the same ignorant and prophane people still The Apostle is plain in this The ground that often receives rain and yet brings forth nothing but briers and thornes is nigh unto cursing Heb. 6.8 It is nigh that is a mercy but at last it will be actually cursed and thrown in the fire Thou that art a wicked man in Gods field it will be worse with thee then all the wicked men in the world that are not Gods Church Let there be a weed in a Corn-field or a Garden it is sure to be weeded up whereas if it had been in the Heath or high-way it might have grown long enough Oh then say it cannot be that I should hold long with this wickedness in Gods field his judgments will overtake me Vse of Instruction Learn understanding by this familiar similitude You are Gods Husbandry The Spirit of God from the vocation and calling of many of you useth a comparison that so by earthly things you may come to heavenly What you would have your fields be to you after all your pain and cost the same be you to God Barrenness and unfruitfulness how doth it discourage you You care not for that Ground which never will yield a crop after all cost upon it How can God indure thee Thy soul is Gods field Oh what fruit what reformation shouldst thou shew forth Thus not only the Sabbath day but every day may be a Sabbath day Every field thou goest into Every goodly crop thou seest on the ground it may teach and preach unto thee As our Saviour said If I have spoken to you earthly things and you understand them not how then heavenly Joh. 3. If heavenly things be represented to you under the comp●rison of earthly things and you not receive them how then if spoken in their own nature Take heed then lest thou who art as yet Gods field by his love and care on thee do not by his just wrath make thee a field of blood yea the blood of thy own soul Ye are Gods building This is the later similitude which taken singly of it self affords many necessary considerations For still take this along with you that he speaks not here of the mystical and invisible Church but that visible Church which was at Corinth and you will conclude this is a great title If the Centurion said He was not worthy that Christ should come within his roof How much more unworthy then are a people to be made a constant dwelling house for Christ spiritually to reside there And as it is a Title full of glory so it is also full of duty What manner of persons ought they to be who may be called Gods house Gods building I need not enlarge my self further in the Preface The word hath no difficulty onely as the former similitude did seem to comprehend both the matter and Gods action about it So here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may take in both that we are the house of God and that the building also is of God that we are of God both in fieri and facto esse Doct. That particular Churches are or should be Gods house Gods building Gods house or a Church is not properly the building made of timber and stones When we call that place a Church or the house of God it is onely by a Trope the persons contained put for the place containing and we can hardly in the New Testament find it so called yea some learned men say not at all to be sure there is but one place 1 Cor. 11.22 contended for that Church is put for the place where believers meet It is true some other places are pressed for this sense but with great constraint But in our common speech we call the material building a Church figuratively as Civitas is sometimes put for the place whereas properly it signifieth the Community of men met together by some orderly way So Synagogue doth properly signifie the company gathered together or their gathering together though afterwards for the place as in the Scriptures often Thus custome hath authorized it about the word Church Now see what degeneration grew in time The Material building which they called the Church the House of God they gave a relative sanctity to they made it holyer then other places but a reall sanctity or personal holiness of those men who indeed were the Church and the House of God that they persecuted and destroyed Isidore Pelusiota in an Epistle of his speaketh excellently to this purpose reproving a Bishop that adorned the Church-building with Images and costly Ornaments but persecuted those that were the Church indeed The latter he calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the building 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So then take off your thoughts from all superstitious conce●●s about holiness in places Gods House Gods Church are the persons and men that do outwardly profess his way and live accordingly Whose House we are Heb. 3 6. With those God is present Indeed 1 Chron. 7. we read of a Temple a great stately House dedicated to God with a relative holiness with Prayers that God would be present there his eyes and his heart would be in that place But to argue from that Temple to our material Churches it 's very unsafe It is true Mr Made whose opinion about the relative holiness of Churches in Gospel times is publiquely known doth endeavour to answer this Argument thus viz. That though we have not such a command as the Jews had about the Temple for our Churches yet by Analogy such a Jewish command will bind c. But through this w●de gate the whole Jewish administration may croude in upon us c. For the Temple was typical of Christs body and therefore was destroyed with all the other significative Ceremonies So then they erre on one hand too rigidly who think we may not call this material building a Church for we may call it so by a figure which is ordinary about such things And they on the other hand who take of their thoughts from minding the true Church indeed and House of God by holiness and purity of life addicting themselves to curious building goodly Images and external worship But this occasionally only We see here the Apostle speaks of persons and not of places and he saith They are Gods building All our particular Societies should be of such men for knowledge and godliness that we may say they are Gods House not the Devils den Now this comparison of building supposeth these things First That a people of themselves are nothing but so much rubbish and sit fuel for Hell fire and that it's God who makes them this glorious building That as you see the Temple was built by excellent art The trees in the forrest and the stones in the quarrey could never have prepar'd themselves nor put themselves into so goodly a structure So it is here Men by their own power their own ability and strength could never become a fit habitation for the Lord to rest in We are not born but made the house and building of God so that although by our birth and education we may have many Church-priveledges being born of Christian Parents yet we have no saving priviledges till God hath wrought something upon every mans soul in particular that it may be his faith his godliness his patience and so indeed the Temple of the Holy Ghost Secondly It implyeth that the matter of this building should be sound precious and substantial The material Temple was built of the choicest stone and most excellent timber and the Apostle in this Chapter supposeth this house to be built of gold and stone and that the building of hay and stubble is very absurd and dangerous which although it be chiefly to be understood of the Doctrine yet it hath some relation also to the persons constituting a Church It 's the great Question in this age What is the matter of a Church What persons ought to be taken in to constitute a Church I shall not touch on that now It is one thing to say What should be and another thing What the Scripture fore-tels will be It 's true all that are of this building should be really and truly sound both in Doctrine and life and where any of heretical Doctrines or prophane lives have got into this house the Scripture commands such to be cast out as being a dishonour and a burden to the house but yet it also fore-tels that there will be tares among the wheat That in this house there will be vessels of honour and of dishonour But more of this anon This is certain we cannot sufficiently lament to see the ruines of Gods house in this spiritual sense As they wept to see Jerusalem the second time built because it came so short of the lustre and glory the former Temple had So may we mourn exceedingly to see what our particular Congregations are comparatively to primitive Institutions and the patern upon the Mount Indeed this Church had some weeds but how restlesse is Paul to pull them out Oh how desirous as he saith 2 Cor. 11.2 to present them a pure Virgin to Christ free from all false worship and all foul transgressions Oh that you would think of this what ye ought to be Holinesse to the Lord should be writ on your hands fore-heads and whole conversation Thirdly It implieth the gracious presence and power of God among his people An house is the place where a man dwels and continually resides and this is one great reason why God useth this Metaphor to shew with what re●t and delight he will take up his habitation in his Church Thus the Covenant of grace runnes from this when the Apostle 2 Cor. 6. had shewed That there ought to be no agreement between the Temple of God and Idols he addeth They are the Temple of the living God and therefore what he inferreth I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As the Apostle to describe the innate power of original sinne said It dwelled in him So it is here God to describe how intimate familiar and gracious his presence is saith He will dwell in them This particular then sheweth there are many in this house that are not of this house for how is Gods presence and power manifested in them Nay doth not the Devil and sinne discover themselves dwelling in them Do they manifest any thing but the blacknesse of darknesse in their words and works Glory not then of being in the house of God if you find not the powerfull presence of God in you which is two wayes by sanctification and consolation In these two wayes God doth discover himself he fils with grace and consolation he sanctifieth and comforts They are in Christ and Christ in them Fourthly This house or building doth imply God to be the Master therein that he only may prescribe the Laws and orders what shall be done and what not he appoints every one his work and his labour All the Officers in the Church are but servants None may take upon them to appoint what is to be believed How God must be worshipped This is of great consideration Christ is said to be more faithfull in this house than Moses in the former Heb. 3. Hence came the neglect of all true Worship and piety because the orders and laws of the Master are not followed Come then and be afraid thou that livest in prophanenesse and impiety what Law what order hath God for this in his house His House is
same necessary soul-saving things for the affections are slow to receive though the understanding be quick You are not weary of the same sun though it rise every day We proceed to the next particular in the Text viz. the Event or consequent of Paul's foundation Another buildeth thereon So then Paul and the other Apostles laid the foundation in that they planted Churches at first and all that are to come after are only to build on that They must not divulge any new necessary Articles of Faith we must rest content with what is done by them already Observe That people are not to expect that Ministers should bring any other Doctrine them what is laid by Christ and the Apostles already Religion is matter of Doctrine which we receive from the Scriptures not matter of invention that we make of our own head Thus even Timothy is commanded only to build upon not to lay any foundation O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy charge 1 Tim. 6.20 That good thing comitted to thy trust The necessary truths of salvation are deposited in the Scripture and committed to faithfull men Now they must look they deliver the same Aurum accepisti aurum redde as Lyriuens●s To open this consider That the Apostles sent by Christ made it their business to inform in all things necessary to be believed and done They declared the whole counsel of God by a lively voice preaching to those that lived in those daies It is true they likewise informed of many other truths and duties in Religion that were not fundamental but still wheresoever they came they preached Faith in Christ and Rpentance Faith in Christ that required the knowledg of things to be believed and Repentance that was about things to be done And indeed if the Apostles had not laid down all things necessary their Commission would have been very imperfect and it would have redounded to Gods dishonour to send such foolish builders that could not lay a sound foundation So that it is horrible presumption for any to think that God hath revealed more to them then the Apostles What the Apostles had not revealed to them as necessary we are not to think it necessary Therefore 2. When the Apostles were to leave the earth and could no longer by a living voice commend those necessary things to them it pleased God that what they had delivered by mouth should be commended to writing These things are written saith John that believing we might have eternal life So then the believing of things written is enough to bring eternal life Joh. 20 31. And Timothy is commended that from the youth up he was acquainted with the Scriptures which were able to make him wise to salvation 1 Tim. 3. Since therefore the Apostles were taken into Heaven the foundations that we have to build on are the Scriptures only Hence though Christ be here called the foundation yet the Apostles and Prophets also are called the foundation Eph. 2.20 upon which Believers are built viz. secondary foundations So that to expect necessary things beyond the Scripture is as vain as to look for another Messiah with the Jews He that cannot see with one sun would not see with an hundred 3. Although the necessary foundations be thus laid yet our preaching and your hearing is not in vain for there is this further work to be done First Those necessary things we are to explain more distinctly and confirm more plainly that so Faith may be the more setled Necessary Principles of Religion have many excellent conclusions latent in them as fire lyeth in a stone which doth not appear but by striking out The Ministry therefore is to explain and distinctly to interprete these things As the candle though of it self it hath light enough yet unless put on a candlestick it cannot enlighten the whole room so the Word of God though it be full of light yet there must be the interpretation and application of it Therefore they are commanded to divide the Word aright 2 Tim. 2.15 The bread must be broken and digested else it cannot nourish So that this building lyeth in the further explication of what is believed We do not preach nova but novè not new things but in a new manner Secondly Though we are only to build on this foundation and no new thing be expected yet matters of Religion may be said to be new in themselves or unto us In themselves and so certainly there can be no new thing preached for as there cannot be a new Christ or a new Scripture so neither any new Faith Yea the Apostles and Christ himself did not bring any new necessary matter of salvation to what the Patriarchs and Prophets had before The Old Testament and the New are the same for the substance of Salvation though there be new Rites and new Sacraments and a clear explication But in the second place things may be new to us As in Popery when the reformed Divines first preached Justification by Faith denyed the merit of works as also the Pope to be head of the Church These were said to bring a new Gospel but it was a slander it was new only to men corrupted with errors and living in ignorance as the sun is new to a man that was blind but hath received his sight Thirdly This building upon the foundation lyeth in the powerfull application of necessary truths to the hearts and consciencies of men For the Scripture that speaks generally the Ministry that is to come particularly that doth as Elisha laid himself upon the Child mouth to mouth and body to body that so life might be procured To do by particular application of what is spoken generally in the Word this is the Ministry Vse of Instruction That it is a fundamental miscarriage in Religion to affect any thing further then the Scripture and the Apostles have left to us To expect such new things as cannot be built on this foundation Oh take heed of being weary of any point in Religion because thou knowest it already There is a sinfull itching both in Preachers and Hearers many times in these things As they were weary of the Manna because used to it We are indeed to grow in knowledg and in light both Persons and Churches are to grow in a reformation yet they must grow within the same kind as a Child groweth in the parts of man-kind he doth not degenerate into another nature But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon We are now come to the later part of this verse which is Exhortatory Let every man take heed c. By this he sheweth that it 's a matter full of danger his losse may be exceeding great And then withall a man had need use much diligence and circumspection otherwise he may think ●he buildeth gold and silver when indeed it is nothing but drosse or lead And when he saith Every man his meaning is onely of Officers and Teachers he doth not speak
of the tongues observation of the peculiar phrases For whereas the matter is sometimes wholly new and supernatural so the words are not alwayes used in the same sense as humane Authours do Comparing also the Context is very usefull and parallel places consulting also with the gifts and abilities of others When Philip asked the Ethiopian Vnderstandest thou what thou readest How can I said he unless I have a guide Act. 8.31 Vse of Admonition to all who take upon them to give the sense and meaning of the word of God let this Text be as a pillar of salt to season thee it 's a dangerous thing to wrest Scripture Thou that puttest it upon the rack God will put thy conscience upon the rack Why dost thou so proudly so arrogantly so boldly meddle in this matter The people of God are not to be kept in ignorance that is a Popish principle but yet they must learn with humility and self-denial with the use of all means necessary He must not be his own master he that is so ●ath a fool to his scholar say the Rabbins and yet this must not be so interpreted but that he who brings truth may resist the whole world as one Paphnutius did an whole Council Vse 2. That it 's not enough to bring Scripture to name many Texts unless we find out also the true and proper sense This makes for the honour and dignity of the Scripture that all would fain authorize their tenents by that It 's no derogation to the Scripture neither may it be called a nose of wax therefore but it exalteth the Scripture the more Vse 3. Of Exhortation to you people as we are to take heed what we deliver so also what you receive what you believe It 's a very hard thing to reconcile these two things To give all the respect and obedience that is due and called for by God to your spiritual guides and teachers and yet to exercise your own faith and judgment likewise He that doth not run into one of these extreams either to neglect the Ministry and to use his own eyes only or else to put out them and rest only upon the eye of his guide is a wise and a solid man Be thou carefull to split upon neither of these rocks but be wa●y what you receive and how you believe Verse 11. For other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ THis Text is a Reason of that Caution delivered in the verse before Every man must take heed how he buil●eth Why Because there is no other foundation but Christ To set up any thing in Christs stead or to deliver any thing contrary unto Christ this is here reproved So that in the words Christ is described secondly the Ministers duty about him declared Christ is described 1. By his proper Name Jesus a Saviour of his people 2. By his Office Christ the Messiah the anointed one 3. Metaphorically the foundation sometimes Christ is called the foundation and sometimes the corner stone and all is to one sense to shew that he only supports the spiritual building whether we mean the Church in general or every soul in particular Now it 's true the Apostles Ephes 2. and Rev. 21. are called the foundation also but theirs is Fundamentum fundam●ntorum as Austin or fundamentum fundans and fundamentum fundatum The Apostles are only foundations that are built upon another foundation viz. Christ Or else the Apostles might be called a foundation because of their Doctrine in which sense Peter is called a rock And Christ saith he would build his Church on him viz. upon that Doctrine confessed by him Mat. 16.18 Though Cameron understandeth it of the person of Peter yet not in the Popish sense but because Peter was to be used as the first Person who should preach the Gospel to the Gentiles so that he is the rock of the Church because on his preaching first was built the declaration of the Gospel to the Gentiles But this I affirm not For you see here he is not only the foundation but the solitary foundation No other Secondly Their is the duty of the Minister Any other can no man lay Can none that is none ought Illud possumus quod jure possumus Observe That the Ministers of God ought to lay no other Foundation then Christ They are to build their people upon no other rock All is to referre to Christ All Threatnings all Promises all Commands all Duties they are to bring to Christ As every thing in the Temple was covered with gold so Christ is to cover all things To be in all things But how is this to be unnderstood We shall shew how many waies Christ is to be preached as a Foundation and you the Hearers are to make use of him in that sense First therefore He is to be laid down as the only foundation in respect of knowledge and instruction We are to preach and set up him as the great Prophet and Teacher of his Church He cals himself the light that came into the world Joh. 8.12 The Ministers they are light but as the Starres do lucere luce alienâ with a borrowed light from the Sunne so neither do the Ministers of the Gospel enlighten any other way but by light from Christ Hence he was prophesied of betimes as the great Prophet whom God would raise up for his Church and for this end he is so often called the Word because he doth reveal unto us Gods will and God from Heaven commanded all to hear him Mat. 17.5 All the Prophets were the Prophets of Christ all the Officers in the new Testament are the Officers of Christ So that we are to declare that all people who expect Instruction Reformation and any profit by the Ministry must not build on man but Christ And this is the chief scope here No man may lay any other foundation No man may set up any other Doctor or Teacher viz. principal but him as is to be seen in the former Chapter And that is the reason say some why Paul doth so often name Jesus Christ in that Chapter And no marvell if he be the foundation for none Teacheth as he both objectively and subjectively We all reveal the Object and propound the Doctrine to your ears though none did so objectively as he did but subjectively none can teach as he He giveth the understanding heart he opens the eyes to see and the ears to hear Never therefore expect the powerfull effect of the Ministry unless thou build on Christ more then the parts of a man The abilities of the man these are but like Gehazi with the Prophets staff they will not raise the dead Child unless Christ come himself It 's true we must not set up a teaching of Christ in opposition to the Ministry as some did They would have no Ministry at all but expect to be taught by him yet as we must necessarily use it so it
his nakednesse And 2. It shall be manifest to others to the whole world that they shall see a difference between truth and errour Even as you see the Magicians did such things as Moses and for a while there seemed to be no difference but at last there was a plain discovery which was of God and which was not Observe That all the hidden and secret wayes of false Doctrines God will one day make manifest God will raise a fire to consume hay and stubble it will be put to a touchstone whether gold or counterfeit This certainly should make us tremble about what we teach or preach it will all be examined again God will discover all the Errata's and that by a sharp fi●e if we build hay we shall suffer losse All that time labour and study will be wholly lost To open this let us consider What concerning errours will be made manifest And 1. The Causes and Ends of them 2. The Nature of them 3. The cunning Artifi●e in divulging of them And First God will manifest all those hidden causes and ends of thy false Doctrines Now the Scripture gives these causes 1. Pride and self-conceit or overweening of thy own abilities and sufficiency such a man is in the high way to all errours For the humble and meek God will teach Psal 25. The valleys are fruitfull when the high mountains are barren Therefore the Apostle in this Epistle and in many others beateth down pride and vain-glory H● that thinketh he knoweth any thing knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know 1 Cor. 8.2 Oh this is a golden truth A man must have that modestie that humility as to think himself a Disciple rather than a Teacher Paul that had such extraordinary Revelations God gave him a thorn in the flesh some extraordinary heavy temp●ation to humble him that he might not be lifted up 2 Cor. 12. Consider that God will make manifest all those secret works of thy heart Thou thinkest it zeal thou thinkest thou hast received greater abilities than others but God wil make it known whether it be no● thy self-confidence thy self-conceit or no. As in the Apostles times they had miracles to confirm their Doctrine and that they were of God they did heal the sick and raise the dead So I may now say humility is that miracle which may confirm our Doctrine If thou art of God if thy wayes are of God thou hast no glory no boasting in thy self above others Christs symbol was a Lamb and the Spirit of God appeared in the form of a Dove If thou hast the Spirit of God and Christ thou wilt be of a Lamb-like Dove-like disposition Take heed then of heart-pride and pride of gifts it 's worse than pride in cloaths or wealth This carrieth thee to the pinacle of a Temple sets thee on high and throweth thee headlong Vnlesse a man become as a little child he cannot be my Disciple Matth. 18 4. Here is a copy of humility and modesty to write after Many Heretiques have b●en bold self-conceited men the first that ever were almost in the Church called themselves G●ostici The knowing men as if none had knowledge or understanding but they but God will raise a tempest that shall discover this root under ground 2. Ignorance and weaknesse of judgement And truly this is the most innocent cause of errours when men through ignorance and weaknesse go in a false way yet this doth not excuse For Peter saith Even ignorant men wrest the Scripture to their own destruction 2 Pet. 3.16 Though ignorant or unlearned men yet that will not excuse them Thus the Disciples through weaknesse of ●heir faith and knowledge manifested very grosse errours about Christ and his Office till they were endowed with the Spirit of God from above And where there is a cordial and plain desire to know the truth they s●udy they reade they pray they do conscientiously make use of all means God hath appointed for t●at is a great matter to make use of all means what one opinion saith as well as another what one Tex● saith as well as another such I say as those are to be tenderly handled Rom. 15. Him that is weak 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 receive him lovingly In this case Saeviant illi qui nesciunt quantis gemitibus vel tantillum datur intelligere de vero as Austin of old When it 's not obstinacy perversnesse but meer ignorance and thou doest instantly day and night pray to God using all means this doth greatly extenuate though not totally excuse thy blindnesse may make thee fall in the ditch and God will have all this ignorance manifested to thee sometime or other it may be 3. Hypocrisie The Scripture brandeth that for a heavy cause sometimes of the errours and falshoods in Religion This indeed is a work that God only can manifest who knoweth the hearts and trieth the reins yet that this is the bitter root of many bitter errours the Scripture giveth pregnant instances The Pharisees were famous for building hay and stubble What trash and trumpery superstition and false worship did they introduce And now Christ who knew their hearts tels them it was nothing but hypocrisie It was not God nor a love to his truth or glory but their own credit and glory They do all things to be seen of men Woe be to you hypocrites said he often Ma●th 23.14 And Paul tels of men that taught lies in hypocrisie 1 Tim 4.2 Oh it 's a matter to be trembled at that such hypocrisie should ever fill a mans heart that we should scatter errours propagate falshoods to get our selves a name As they went to build Babel that they might have a name Search thy heart what moveth thee to hold any opinion if it be this hypocrisie God will bring hidden things to light and to have our portion with hypocrites is the highest condemnation Mat. 24 51. 4. Ambition and affectation of high places in the Church of God and to be above others This hath made men build hay and stubble This indeed is a daughter of pride and so is of the same nature yet it 's a distinct head for more bitter fruit hath grown on this root than upon most sinnes which made the Apostle James give that excellent Antidote Not to be many Masters James 3.1 Do not ambitiously affect places of trust and rule in the Church of God and thereupon he makes a large digression to shew the several wicked wayes of the tongue that is the unruly member that setteth all on fire If thou once hast a pronenesse to offend there look to it set a watch before thy mouth nature hath hedged it in by teeth and lips The Scripture also hath put many muzzles on thy mouth especially that My Brethren be swift to hear and slow to speak Jam. 1.13 You ought to be farre more desirous to hear than to speak If ambition and affectation to be above others provoke
more A poor man thinketh a little summe of money great treasures For the day shall declare it c. This Text you heard containeth the proportionable Effects or successe which builders wise or foolish have in Gods house And the Apostle first layeth down a general Proposition Every mans work shall be made manifest which hath already been dispatched We therefore now proceed and for this manifestation the Apostle informeth us of the time first and then the manner how The time first in these words For the day shall declare it and of this at this present All the doubt is What the Apostle doth mean by the Day There are some understand it of the Day of death when every man receiveth his particular judgement he shall then know whether his building will abide or no. Others understand it of the Day of Judgement which is called the day of the Lord and that day by an emphasis Bellarmine indeed is positive in this because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used with an Article which signifieth the Day of Judgment but that is false For the time of the Gospel is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 13.12 The night is past the day is at hand c. So that we cannot close with this interpretation because the Apostle carrieth it all the way for this life while we are in this world as will be shewed when we come to explain what is meant by the fire We take therefore Day for no more than Time such a day hath God in his wisdome appointed for the blowing away all this chaff As we see a covering of thatch doth not ordinarily hold long but fire or winde ariseth and cosumeth all Thus the Septuagint sometimes render 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Time So that the meaning is Howsoever these errours and false Doctrines may continue yet time at last will discover the vanity and weaknesse of them The Grecian said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Time was the Touchstone the trial of all things And the Latines say Veritas est temporis filia Truth is the daughter of Time The day will declare it that is time will make them manifest onely the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Day doth denote the appointed and set time which God hath for the taking of all such disguises whereas it is the clean contrary with truth The longer that lasts the more it is believed the sufficiency and evidence of it is the more entertained Now although we thus understand it of time in this world yet it cannot be denied but at the Day of Judgement there will be a full discovery of all the works and Doctrines of men Observe That God hath his time when he will discover the errours and falshoods of mens Doctrines A day shall declare it You have a parallel expression Their folly shall be made manifest and they shall proceed no further 2 Tim 3.9 he compareth false teachers to Jannes and Jambres as they did miracles like Moses for a while but at last their folly and sorcery were discovered So it 's here God will put a stop to the torrent of errours he will shew a great difference between his truth and mens inventions the one shall be received and the other rejected This Gangrene that spiritual Physician can stop from further contagion God that could stop the infection of the plague on a sudden that the arrow should kill no more at mid-day hath done this also wonderfully in his Church The day did declare Arianism Pelagianism Nestorianism and the like To enlarge this Doctrine consider these things First In that the Scripture cals the time of manifestation a Day wherein is light and the Sunne beams it doth excellently imply That all the while there are corruptions in Doctrine and Worship that time is a time of darknesse Let men never so much rejoyce in them and count them happy times yet the Scripture cals them dark times So that to take away the truths of God the pure worship of God is indeed Solem è mundo tollere to take the Sunne out of the firmament All the while the Church of the Jews was without the Law and the Prophet without true teaching of the Word of God they were in a worse condition than the Egyptians in their Egyptian darknesse for that hindred them onely in their bodily motions and outward accommodations but this tends to the destruction and damnation of soul and body The true Ministers of Gods word are compared to light and to salt Matth. 5 13. Nihil Sole sale utilius both are necessary and usefull They are called the Starres and it must needs be a dark night when no starres shine Since the Apostles times the Church of God hath many times come under such dark times that it hath been like the old Chaos when darknesse covered the deep Take we heed then of calling darknesse light there is a woe to those that do so Isa 5.20 as some do the times of Reformation the times of Deformation If these corrupt Doctrines which come from the prince of darknesse thou callest light as coming from the Father of lights Thou intitlest God to the Devils work and that is no mean ●in This should teach the godly what to think under the overflowing of errours to account them dark and sad times Secondly There are no foolish builders that thus deform Gods Temple but they are by Gods permission in his wrath and anger because men have abused his truth and waxed wanton under it therefore hath he sent the spirit of delusion and errours amongst men 2 Thess 2.10 For this you must know though God be not the Authour of any evil and it were blasphemy to ascribe sinne to him as the cause of it yet as a just Judge he doth not onely suffer but also order that heresies and corruptions shall be in the Church They are of the Lord by permission and ordination though not efficiency and approbation Thus in Deut. 13.3 If there arise a false Prophet I the Lord do it to try you And in Ahabs time you may reade of many lying spirits in the false Prophets yet they could not goe to delude such or such till God gave them leave 2 Chron. 18.21 Thus 1 Cor. 11. There must be heresies Why must there be so God to punish mens corruptions their pride their ignorance their wilfull abuse of his knowledge will suffer such things to be Though he hath a gracious end That the approved may be made manifest That as all the persecutions which have been in the Church were from God as a just Judge to exercise the patience of it So all the heresies and errours which have been were to exercise the wisdome and true faith of the Church So that howsoever times of overflowing of errours be dark and uncomfortable times yet to consider the cause is farre more uncomfortable for these came from mens corruptions and Satans instigations as also from a provoked God in Heaven who punisheth our former
much without Prayer to read much without Prayer is like the stomack that eats much but wants natural heat for digestion But you will say How is ●●a●s word a fire How doth that reveal when many very exp●rt in Scripture do yet runne into very many errours Do not those that build hay and stubble bring many texts of Scripture How can these be said to reveal Answer 1. The defect is not in the Scripture but in men themselves The Owle and Bat is made blinder by the Sunne-beames not through any defect in the Sunne A diseased stomack groweth worse by the good meat it eateth The Papists call the Scripture The Heretiques Book and Luther did so also but upon different grounds For the Papists they say the blame on the Scripture making it insufficient imperfect a nose of wax but Luther on mens corruptions that prophanely and presumptuously put that sense on it which it doth not own But Secondly Men swallow down first the sweet poison of errours from false Teachers and then they think every place in the Scripture makes for them And this is the main cause of errours They have mens persons in admiration they do not judge of persons by their Doctrine but their Doctrine by their persons and when they are thus prepossessed then they easily perswade every text is for them or at least not contrary to them A man that hath a noise of wind in his ears thinketh he heareth the like abroad and the distempered palate thinketh every sweet thing bitter Thirdly They do not attend to the whole Scripture They compare not place with place Mark any errours they fasten upon some places of Scripture and they do not wisely consider other texts as well If we take that place We are no more under the Law but under grace Rom. 6.14 here you would think the Law were quite laid aside but take ●●other place The law is good if a man use it lawfully 1 Tim. 1.8 And ●● we make void the Law God forbid Rom. 3.31 So then you see the Law hath its use still Lastly It 's not enough to have Scripture to have many texts but we are also to make use of those helps for the understanding of them which God hath appointed The Scripture is the only Rule but not the only Means for else there needed no praying there needed not the Spirit of God nor the Ministry but God hath appointed Ministers in his Church who by way of Office are to interprete and explain Scripture They are called eyes and Shepherds And the neglect of this may lead a man though perfect in the Scripture into errours I come to the second way Afflictions are Gods fire they will discover mens works by of preparation and fiting the heart to receive even as the plowing and harrowing of the ground makes it fit for the seed Many Psalms have this Inscription Maschil a Psalm of David that is a Psalm that giveth Instruction Now many have afflictions for their subject Hence is that old saying Schola crucis est Schola lucis We are careless proud wanton negligent and will not hear what the Word saith till God hath c●●stized us and therefore the Church of God was most Orthodox and the purest Virgin in times of persecution but in the times of prosperity then the most damnable heresies did overflow As in Summer the Snakes and Adders are busie but in Winter they do not stirre Vse of Instruction How much we are to blesse God for his Word and the pure preaching of it It 's that which preserve●h thee from swallowing down the damnable poison of thy soul It is that which keepeth thee from falling into the d●tch though now we are grown wanton under it We are weary of this Manna Yet when at first they came up out of Aegyptian Popery the pure preaching of the Word was accounted the greatest mercy There was a solemn day of rejoycing in Germany when the Bible was translated into the vulgar native tongue Observe the Devils methods when for a long time he destroyed men through ignorance and horrid blindnesse afterwards he did it through too much knowledge or rather abuse of that knowledge and light which shined upon them But let not the building though of hay and stubble be accounted a light matter it will cost fire It will not be a small matter to endure the burning in this Text. Verse 14. If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward THe Apostle you heard hath in a general manner treated of the time and manner how all the works of the builders in the Church shall be tryed which persisting in his Metaphor he cals fire He now comes to the application of this Allegory and to shew the particular disparity And 1. He beginneth with the wise builder and herein you have the good work supposed And 2. The good reward promised The good work supposed is If it abide If it can endure the fire and be not consumed by it for so all truth will The good thing promised is He shall receive a reward By the reward here promised to understand only that honour and dignity he shall have in the Church is to limit it too much we may take it for all the honour and blessing God will bestow on him here and eternal life hereafter Now why it 's called a Reward and the improvement of that hath been already considered we shall therefore pitch on the matter supposed If any mans work abide Now this must be understood supposing all the other conditions likewise required to salvation For if a man preach truth never so truly if he be never so Orthodox yet if his life be wicked he shall loose heaven for all that Therefore those who are Orthodox in their judgments and do not walk exactly in their lives are like those posts in the high-way as Austin said that direct passengers to go the right way but they themselves stand still The meaning then of the Apostle is That on his Doctrines part there shall be no impediment to his salvation If his life and if his aims and ends be gold likewise as well as his Doctrine he is sure to have a glorious Reward Now though this be a necessary point to shew that it 's not enough for such Officers to preach that which is truth but they ought to have such aims and ends and such an holy conversation also as the Word requireth else they but make Crowns of glory for others and they themselves shall be cast into eternal darknesse yet because it 's not intended here I wave it Again when it 's said If a mans work abide By work is meant Doctrine That you may not suck that poison which a Papist from hence inferreth That there are some works so pure that they can abide Gods tryal David thought otherwise when he said Enter not into judgment with thy servant O Lord c. Psal 143.2 From the matter then supposed
Thus Jude vers 23. speaking to this purpose of many people led aside with errours saith Save them with fear pulling them out of the fire They were in as great danger as a child fallen in the fire whom the father pulleth out with great fear and amazement Thus Joshua Zech. 3.2 is said to be a fire-brand pulled out of the fire that is delivered from great and imminent dangers The same expression is Amos 4.11 Ye were as a fire-brand pluckt out of the fire he speaketh of such who had escaped the pub●ick judgements o● God upon them This proverb the Latines and G●ecians also have e slammâ cibum petere This being so clear we would wonder what should make the Popish Interpreters dream of a Purgatory fire for they hold Purgatory a real fire even as that of Hell but the Apostles expression is As it were by fire which denoteth a meer similitude and comparison Gods examination and judgement as also the Word and heavy afflictions these are the fire which he must go thorow Besides many of them hold That the Apostle speaks of the Day of Judgement when all mens works shall be examined and judged so that this fire must not be till the Day of Judgement whereas they hold Purgatory fire presently upon a mans death and so necessarily before the Day of Judgement So that Austin long ago farre more probably interpreted it of afflictions in this life Even as a Merchant in a dangerous tempest throweth away all his goods and ●oseth all that he loved to escape with his own life So shall it be with any man that builds unsound and false opinions when God shall awaken him by t●●bulations he will be content to throw all away to lose all He will forsake all those Doctrines he was so dearly inamoured with that he himself may escape Now here may be a very profitable Question raised Whether there be any Doctor or Teacher in the Church of God yea or Church though never so reformed that doth onely build gold and silver and not some hay or stubble Answ To this onely in the general we say That setting aside the Apostles who were infallibly inspired and directed There is ignorance and sinfull affections cleaving to every man in part and so to every Church and therefore even the most excellent men and Churches have had their straw and stubble whereby even every mans salvation though never so eminent even on his Doctrines part not attending to his life is very difficult All the Fathers had their Navi their hay and stubble And this is true of all though never so eminent in after ages But from the first observe That every man will be altogether a loser in any errour or false way that he hath maintained He shall suffer losse Sometimes by false wayes men propound base carnal ends wealth riches honours and applause in the world sometimes they think of spiritual ends more comfort and peace of heart more enjoyment of God but what Doctrine or wayes are not of God a man is sure to be frustrated of his expectations if they have them for a while they will quickly vanish away as the crackling of thorns make a blaze but continue not In the first place we shall shew Wherein they shall be losers First If they thought by erroneous wayes to better themselves in an outward condition in this world in this they are sure to lose How many have turned from truth when persecuted to errours and false wayes only to have their lives and liberties and external comforts but in the issue have been deceived of all When the Turk so prosperously prevailed many Christians imbraced the Turkish Religion In Popery and times of bloody persecution men through fear and love of the world denied the truth asserted and maintained false Doctrines But what got they many of them Did not our Saviours Rule prove true He that will save his life shall lose it and he that will lose it shall save it Mat. 16.25 And doth not the Prophet Jonah tell us a good lesson They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy Jo● 2.8 They that would worship Idols or go into superstitious wayes they forsake that very mercy God hath provided for them otherwise Oh that this were well thought of by those who think to better themselves by those wayes that are not of God! Secondly If they looked for honour and outward dignity to be applauded and esteemed this also they shall be losers in For by the judgement of those Churches or persons that are orthodox they shall fall from all that repute and esteem they had The Church of Rome was set up like an high Mountain Did not all the people of the Christian world when there were breaches in Religion look upon her like a brazen Serpent thinking to be heard presently The repute and authority she had in all mens consciences made the politick Popes triumph over all the great ones of the world thereby and enlarge both Civil and spiritual jurisdiction But when her Idolatries and errours were discovered How odious and abominable is her very memory Now it 's the Sodom the Babylon the Aegypt John speaks of So that howsoever errours may have great applause and glory for a while yet God in time will make them vile as dung As of those corrupt Priests in th● worship of God God said He would spread dung upon their faces Mal. 2 3. The Ph●risees by their superstruction of hay and stubble they intended glory and honor of the people They did all things as men acting upon a Thea●re but when Christ came and preached the pure word of God and discovered all the●r vanity and hypocrisie then their esteem and honour fell immediately in●o the dust Mat. 5.19 Our Saviour speaking against false teachers sa●th If any teach the breaking of the least commandment he shall be called the le●st in the kingdom of Heaven The kingdom of Heaven is the Church in this life as some expound And he shall be called the l●ast that is He shall be of no repute and esteem Thus the names of all the Heretiques that have lived are they not of unsavoury memory And though some had excellent parts and held many truths yet this dead flie falling into their ointment marred all Thirdly They lose all their ministerial labour and study they used in building such stubble And truly this losse should much affect every man whether Minister or private Christian Some opinions thou hast thinking them truths but they being errours all thy preaching for them writing for them all thy indeavour to proselyte others to thee thy going farre and near to make others of thy mind all this is lost labour It will not have so much reward as a cup of cold water given ●n Christs name will have A Wasp is busie and flieth up and down as well as a Bee but a Bees businesse brings honey a Wasps doth nothing but a sting Thus it may be thou art
off every man from his dearest sinnes The Apostle speaking 2 Pet. 3.11 of this expectation and how the whole world shall be then on fire he cryeth out What manner of persons ought we to be For Heathens and Atheists that believe not this Day it 's no marvell if they eat and drink and take no care but how is it that thou a Believer of these things art not in Prayer often in fasting and humiliation in reference hereunto Vse of Instruction The reason of the deluge of all errours and prophanenesse is for want of good logick They do not inferre good conclusions from good Premises For to be a Church to be Christians to be Believers of such sure and certain things do not those inferre to all What manner of persons should we be in all godlinesse and holinesse of Conversation Do you not know these things Are not these things acknowledged by all How then can wickednesse and sinne be found in any mans life Oh men be either desperate Atheists or mad fools Atheists if we believe not these things fools if we believe yet our lives not answerable thereunto What wilt thou plead at the day of Judgment What will thy own conscience say for thee Wilt thou not become immediately speechlesse not able to open thy mouth when God shall command to take such a sinner such a wicked man and bind him hand and foot and throw him into Hell If these things be not true deny them if you cannot you dare not deny them then go home and mourn in secret and meditate in secret on these things Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God The Introductive Preface hath been dispatched we come to the Assertion it self and therein we are to consider the Subject who are compared And 2. To what they be compared And Lastly The ground or Reason of the comparison The Subject compared is Ye Ye are the Temple of God This Ye may be taken both Collectively as a Church a Community a Society as the Temple was not one stone but a multitude of stones artificially built together And Secondly Distributively Ye that is every man is the Temple of the Holy Ghost As 1 Cor. 6.17 Your bodies are the Temple of the Holy Ghost But the first sense is here chiefly to be retained he speaketh to them as a Church 2. Here is the Matter we are compared to The Temple of God I shall speak more of this in verse 17 Only the word Temple is used sometimes for that magnificent and glorious building of Jerusalem where God had appointed all his worship Sometimes it is used for Heaven as being that glorious Palace wherein the Majesty of God doth effectualy demonstrate it self The Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth any large Palace or Tower any Kingly House and is attributed to the Tabernacle 1 Sam. 1.9 It 's used for Heaven as Gods House Mich. 1.2 and Psal 11.4 From Templum comes that word Contempl●r because all behold the glory of the Heavens as also some say Considere from sidus But metaphorically the word signifieth First The Body of Christ Destroy this Temple said Christ and in three daies I will build it up Joh. 2.19 And if the Temple were holy because of the Schechinah the habitation of Gods presence there how much rather doth Christs body deserve to be called the Temple because the Godhead dwelled in it so fully for the company of Believers assembled and joyned together in the service and worship of God So that as God promised to commune with the people of Israel from between the Mercy-Seat and did there graciously exhibite himself so it is here Thus then as the Temple was a peculiar place dedicated to God wherein God promised his gracious presence so it is with a company of Believers joyned together in a Church way Concerning the holinesse of the Temple more in verse 17. Doct. That the People of God met together to worship him according to his way are the Spiritual Temple of God The ancient Temple was not more glorious and admirable to the humane eye then such Societies should be to the eye of Faith Thus Antichrist is said to fit in the Temple of God 2 Thes 2.4 that is in the Church of God where the true Church was And learned men think that latter part of Exekiel's prophesie though very obscure concerning the measuring of the Temple is nothing but the Promise of the building of the Church in the new Testament in an heavenly and glorious manner The Scripture delights to allude to those ancient usages in the Old Testament So that Evangelical Duties are sometimes called Sacrifices thus the people of God a Temple in this place To open this Doctrine let us consider what is in the Church allusively to the Temple And First The Materials for the Temple were to be polished and fitted by art ere they could be made part of the building The trees and timber of themselves the stones of themselves were not fit for that goodly structure but they had Instruments of art going over them to prepare them and thus it is ere a people come in to be made Members of a Church indeed there must be a Divine efficacy and power passing over them We of our selves have not Faith have not preparednesse for such Church duties till God doth enable us Look we therefore how we come into the Church of God How is it brought about that we are so If there be nothing but nature and custome or because we are born in such places if we have no more for our being Christians then Jews have for being Jews Turkes for being Turkes this is not to be Gods Temple indeed No that must be said to thee which was to Peter Flesh and blood hath not revealed this to thee Mat. 16.17 Hence the Church of God is compared to a Vineyard to a Garden all which are not naturally so but by art and industry are made such Thus it is here whatsoever our Societies and Meetings are in reference to God it is wholly of his making Secondly The Materials of the Temple were very excellent and precious of gold and silver c. not hay and stubble The best stone the best wood that would not putrifie and all things were covered over with gold and the gold was to be pure gold even the very snuffers were to be of gold Now what did this represent but to shew what kind of people those should be who were of the Church of God even as much differing from the others as gold and precious stones from pibble stones as precious wood from bryers So then if we be the Temple of God we ought to be a people of more noble and heavenly Conversation then the world can reach unto There ought to be no sinfull debasing waies amongst us As Michall though falsly said to David dancing before the Ark Thou hast made thy self like one of the vile fellowes of the Land it is
no Sunne beames to comfort and refresh Secondly Here only is the Foundation of all graces or the Mediatour by whom God is gracious to us As they say in Aegypt there is never any rain from Heaven so all that part of mankind which is without Christ partaketh not of gracious influences of Heaven God is a consuming fire to them There is no death of Christ no Ascention no Intercession no pleading for them they come into Gods presence without Beniamin Thirdly Only in the Church are such persons who are qualified for gracious Priviledges Here only is true Piety here only is Faith Repentance Here only men do in a right manner pray to God All those moral vertues and excellent endowments amongst the Heathens though gilded over were nothing but drosse Vse of Instruction Are the Churches of God thus Temples of God and should every one of us be thus in particular Oh then how holy how godly how orderly should all our Assemblies be What Jeremy can make Lamentations bitter enough to see how this Temple of God is made a dunghill How comes so much ignorance and prophanenesse to be amongst us Are we not places prepared rather for the Devil and his evil Spirits to dwell with us then Temples of the Holy Ghost Know this that your defilements are worse then those of Heathens and therefore it 's said Judgment should begin at the House of God 1 Pet. 4.17 And in Ezechiel's Prophesse The destroying Angel is commanded to begin at the Sanctuary Ezek. 9.6 Yet we sit and hear these things and do not fear and tremble Where is Gods gracious presence discovering it self How few are the men that have God and his Spirit dwelling in them but rather their souls are possessed with Devils Hence cometh that pride that malice that opposition unto all godlinesse Oh then let us so live that we may say Such men have God and his Spirit dwelling in them Be men affected with understanding of these things To see nothing but a man in you nothing of God yea to see nothing but a Beast or a Devil in you how contrary is it to that holy relation we stand in And that the Spirit of God dwels in you We have considered what that is to which the Church of Corinth is compared viz. The Temple of God what more is to be said of that will come in the next verse I proceed to the ground and reason of the Comparison Why they were the Temple of God and that followeth in the next words And that the Spirit of God dwels in you The particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath many significations or uses in the Scripture Here it is Causall as much as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ye are In many other places it 's so used Jere. 42. Thou art angry And We have sinned i. e. For Joh. 2. they staid not there many daies and the Passover was at hand i. e. For. So here you are the Temple of God for the Spirit of God dwels in you Thus you see it 's a causall Inference In the Reason consider the Person described Secondly His efficacy or operation The Person described is said to be the Spirit 2. The Relation to whom the Spirit of God Thirdly The operation or effect it dwels in you The Greek word Spirit as the Hebrew Ruach is of a vast signification in the Scripture I know none more boundlesse but when attributed to God it signifieth either absolutely the Divine Nature common to the three Persons Joh. 4. God is a Spirit because of his most pure and simple essence 2. It signifieth the Divine Nature of Christ as when it is said to be dead in the body but quickned in the Spirit 1 Pet. 3.18 3. Sometimes the anger of God and the effects of his wrath Thus we read of a Spirit of judgment and burning Isa 4. And a Spirit of giddinesse c. Lastly Relatively for the third Person in the holy Trinity Baptizing them in the Name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 And thus it 's used here because it 's called the Spirit of God Now this Texe doth two waies prove the Divine Nature of the Holy Ghost 1. From the Manner of argunig They were the Temple of God because the Spirit did dwell in them which could be no sound Argument were not the Holy Ghost God And 2. Partly Because Temples w●re built to none but God even as Sacrifices were offered to God only And this is so ingrafted a truth in nature and acknowledged so professedly by Papists that when they are charged for Idolatry in dedicating their Temples to such and such Saints they say Temples indeed are to be built only to God but they name such a Saint only for memorial not as a Person they dedicate them to But that distinction is a meer fig leaf if you consider their practice So that we have two Doctrines 1. That the holy Spirit of God is God 2. This Spirit of God dwels in the Church These Points will be very profitable For the first The Holy Ghost is God There have not only Heretiques of old as the Macedonians or of late in other Countries as Polonia and Transilvana Servetus and the Socinians but even some in this land very lately not only maintained privately but have published Books on purpose to prove the Holy Ghost not to be God of the same essence with the Father and the Sonne Indeed there was a long contention whether verball or real it 's disputed between the Greek Churches and the Latin Churches about the procession of the Holy Ghost whether from the Father and the Sonne also or Father only but no doubt at all about the Deity of the Holy Ghost I intend to handle this point Practically yet so as first Doctrinally to inform your judgments about the truth of it and that I may do it the more orderly you must know that those who have denyed the holy Ghost to be God have been divided into two waies Either First Such who have thought him to be no Person but to be an attribute or operation in and from God which in man we would call an accident So that as Gods wisdome Gods anger and power they do not make a distinct Person they say So neither doth this concerning the holy Ghost but is no more than the mighty power of God putting forth it self Secondly Others make him a Person yet not a God but in the fore-front of the Angels they make him the chief Angel as they say there is a Prince of Devils But the Scripture is very clear to overthrow those damnable Heresies And 1. That he is a Person not an attribute appeareth by all those personal operations that are given to him So that by what arguments we can prove God the Father or any man to be a Person by the same we may prove the holy Ghost to be a Person as that form in which we are baptized Into the name
this later way of Gods Spirit as formerly you heard dwelling in us is most comfortable and most to be regarded though the other be more admired The former did especially belong to the Church in its first plantation Hence Acts 2. we reade of the accomplishment of that glorious Prophecy Joel 2. To pour out his Spirit c. but now these miraculous operations are ceased Vse of Instruction What Congregations and what manner of persons we ought to be To be meer men cometh farre short of being spiritual men we ought to be above sense and all humane principles Take the most refined men for morality and civility the choisest for all humane abilities yet without the Spirit of God they are no more than Adams body till life was brethed into him no more than those bones in Ezekiel till the Spirit of God gathered them together Oh that our Congregations consisted of spiritual men Paul complained He could not preach to them but as carnal The Spirit of God would lift thee up to other affections other desires As the Spirit took some mens bodies and lifted them up into the air so would it doe to the soules of men they had the Spirit of God who said Our conversation is in Heaven They had the Spirit of God that did look for the coming of Christ They had the Spirit of God who had prayed with groanes unutterable and who had joy unspeakable But oh we poor worms and not spiritual men cold clods of earth destitute of Gods Spirit And that the Spirit of God dwels in you We have heard what this inhabitation of Gods Spirit in his Church doth imply and how he may be said to dwell in us In the next place let us consider the special Workes and Effects of Gods Spirit in his Church For therefore partly hath he the name Spirit because of that power and efficacy he hath in the Church Hence he came downe in a mighty rushing winde and cloven tongues of fire So that he is called the Spirit internally and externally internally for his personall character whereby he proceeds from the Father and the Sonne Externally because of those admirable effects and demonstrations of his presence in the Church Now I shall not speak of these operations which he hath as God in creating and conservating of the world but what are more peculiar to the Church in which sense he is called The Spirit of Christ Romans 8.9 because Christ by his death did purchase such gifts and graces for his people the efficient whereof in an appropriated manner is the Spirit of God And First The very ministerial functions and abilities to discharge them are of the Holy Ghost in the Church For although Ephesians 4.11 it 's said That Christ after his Ascension and triumph over Death and Hell Gave gifts unto men Even as great Emperours when they ride in glorious triumph after a final Conquest over their enemies use to distribute large favours and many bountifull signes of honour yet because upon his Ascension he promised the Spirit of God in his absence as the divine Vicar of Christ therefore 1 Cor. 12. we find all operations and diversities of them attributed to the holy Ghost And Acts 25. the holy Ghost is said To make those overseers in the Church of Ephesus So that what Church-officers or what Church-ordinances or order we have and what Gifts and Abilities likewise there are to discharge them These are all of the holy Ghost and of the holy Ghost three wayes 1. In respect of their Institution and being For although it 's by man that such and such persons are elected and ordained to this or that Office yet the Office of it self is of the holy Ghost They are not the Institutions of men nor may men appoint some Church-officers which God hath not because their end is wholly supernatural As it 's said 2 Cor. 12.28 God hath set in his Church such Officers even as he hath set the Sunne and starres in the firmament so that all Officers lawfully called are of the holy Ghost either immediately as at the beginning or else mediately by the order and designation of the Church And as for their gifts it 's plain the extraordinary and miraculous gifts in the primitive times were from Gods Spirit The Scripture often attributeth them to it Only now it may be doubted Whether we can say that the gifts and the abilities that Ministers have now are from the holy Ghost because they are got by humane study and industry And is there any more required to understand the Scripture than any other humane Authour Plato or Aristotle Those cursed wretches Julian and Porphyrius who wrote against the Scripture they understood what they were so invective against yet it cannot be thought they were inabled by the holy Ghost Now to answer this even those natural abilities and humane indowments that men obtain by study are a gift of God they are a blessing which we see God giveth to some and not to other It 's Gods mercy thou art not a natural fool a mad man but when thou hast more understanding and better intellectual abilities than other thou hast a greater gift from God than others Hence in our very ordinary phrase we say such an one hath an excellent gift in his memory in his elocution c. And the Scripture is clear James 1.17 Every good and perfect gift cometh from the Father of lights which is to be understood universally both of naturals and supernaturals And what hast thou thou hast not received 1 Cor. 4. Hence in the Parable all abilities whether gracious or natural are called Talents and are given by one Master That is the first thing even those excellent abilities which the greatest Heretiques and enemies to the Christian Religion had were of God though the sinfull use of them came from the Devil and their own corrupt hearts They were talents of gold and they made Idols of them 2. As the gifts and abilities Church-officers have are from God so the right understanding of the Scripture and believing the sense contained therein is in a more particular manner a gift of Gods Spirit For although the Spirit of God doth not give us the sense and meaning of the Scripture in an extraordinary manner viz. without the knowledge of the tongues the comparing of places together c. yet in and by these means the Spirit of God doth help us to understand the Scripture I do not here speak of a saving knowledge of the sense of the Scripture but a meer literal knowledge of the meaning thereof This is plain by the Apostle No man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Spirit 1 Cor. 12 3 The very historical believing of Scripture truths is from the Spirit of God So that here is required a more peculiar and particular assistance of Gods Spirit in ministerial abilities for the opening of the Scripture then for any humane Authour because the matter
for the most part is spiritual and supernatural and partly because as the Prophets and Pen-men spake or wrote as they were moved by the holy Ghost even to every syllable and word so the same Spirit of God is required though not in such a measure to the understanding of it Hence the Spirit of God is promised To lead us into all truth John 16.13 Alas the greatest men of parts and learning have many times been the greatest Heretiques and most ignorant of the Scripture because destitute of the Spirit Yet on the other side you must not runne into another extremity as if the Spirit alone without those helps God hath required would lead us into truth for that were to tempt God and to expect a miracle For give a Bible in Hebrew or Greek to a man though enjoying Gods Spirit yet he is not able to understand this or that Text without the interpretation of the language I have been more large on this because it 's necessary to shew with how much prayer and earnest application to the throne of grace the Ministers of God should addresse themselves to their work without the Spirit of God guiding and leading of them they are the ship that wants a winde yea though they have many excellent gifts and much humane learning They are but as a swift horse without a rider while they want Gods Spirit and the faster they runne the more they are out of the way So then put the Spirit of God and other helpes appointed by him together and then you will never split at any Rock Secondly As the gifts of the Ministry are thus efficiently from God So directively also they are from his Spirit The guidance and ordering of the whole Ministry is from the Spirit of God When Paul was resolved to go to some place to preach the Gospel he was sometimes forbidden by the Spirit and directed to go to others Acts 16.6 9. Thus in the word of God preached by the Apostles the Spirit of God did demonstrate it self because the Jews are said to resist it Acts 7.51 therefore though it was first dispensed to the Jews yet upon their neglect it was transplanted to the Gentiles And thus truly every Congregation every particular person may wonderfully observe the divine guidance of the Ministry that it should come to such a people and not to such that those who are unworthy and trample upon it as swine do the pearl should have it and many a poor hungring and thirsting people can never enjoy have or such a Ministry especially every godly hearer may observe a divine guidance of the Word in the matter preached how near and seasonably it comes to him The unbeliever that came to the Church ordinances saw his heart and thoughts so judged and discovered that he cried out Verily God is among you 1 Cor. 14.25 Thou sittest and wonderest how the Minister should fall on such a point how he should be directed to such a particular that doth so nearly concern thee this makes thee say Verily God is here Thirdly Which is the last and greatest The efficacy and spiritual benefit of the Ordinances and gifts of Officers is wholly from the Spirit of God Hence it is called the holy Spirit not only essentially as the other Persons are or by way of opposition to the unclean spirit the Devil but effectively because by way of title and Office as it were it belongs to him to sanctifie the gifts of the Minister and to make them powerfull in the hearts of the hearers So that although parts and abilities should be in the Officers choice and power yet the successe and benefit is not When Paul hath planted Apollo watered it 's God that giveth the increase 1 Cor. 3. And certainly if the Physician cannot give health the Gardener cannot make any fruit only disposeth and prepareth in these things much lesse can spiritual Officers in the Church cause the Word to open the eyes of the blinde or soften the heart of those that are hardened Thus we have seen how the Spirit of God dwels in the Church by reason of gifts only and to be more affected with this though that of Graces be more excellent consider First That the end of all these gifts thus vouchsafed by the Spirit is only to profit withall as the Apostle argueth 1 Cor. 12.7 They are not for vain oftentation neither are we to seek our selves by them but they are to be improved for edification Now that cannot be called profit which is onely to please the ear to tickle the fancy but what is to convince the conscience and change the heart and lives of men Oh that this were considered both by Minister and all people It 's spiritual profit that is to be looked at Hence the Word is compared to food which is not for the eye but the stomack The more usefull and profitable the gifts of any are either for instruction or reformation the nearer they come to their due end Secondly Consider the plenty of these gifts under the New Testament The Spirit of God inabled to all those gifts and graces in the Old Testament but because they were in a little pittance or measure therefore the Gospel is said to be The time of the manifestation of the Spirit So that it 's a great shame and sinne if both Ministers and people partake not more of the gifts of Gods Spirit than in the Old Testament and that so much grosse ignorance and beastly prophanenesse doth overflow is a great reproach unto the times of the Gospel Thirdly The variety of them is also very admirable The Apostle reckons up the diversity of them So that as it was an argument of Jacob's love to give Joseph a party-coloured coat Thus it is of Gods favour to bestow such diversity of gifts This makes the Church indeed to be in imbroidered garments Fourthly The wisdome of the Spirit is seen in that no one man hath all As all men have not the same face but some difference there is which makes Gods providence admirable in this particular So all have not the same gifts some are for the word of Doctrine some for the word of Exhortation and all this is that there being a mutual excelling of one another there might be no envy or schisme in the body Vse of Instruction What cause we Ministers and you people have to pray for this Spirit of God without which we preach in vain and you hear in vain As Moses said to God Vnlesse thou go along with us we will not go up O Lord if the presence of thy Spirit be not with us we cannot discharge those duties who is sufficient to preach Who is sufficient to hear Oh it should be like a sword in our bowels to think we feel no more of him in our Assemblies Arise O North winde and blow O South saith the Church that the spices may send forth their smell Cantic 4.16 Oh that the Spirit of God would thus arise
into the Temple The Greek words are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an elegant allusion The sinne and the punishment shall be both alike some have rendered it corrupt some vitiate others destroy This of our Translators is very good For seeing the truths of God and his Ordinances are pure then it followeth all errours and false Doctrines are a pollution as if you should put drosse to gold or cast mud into a pleasant spring Some Interpreters think the Apostle doth intend to an higher sinne then he named before For say they vers 15. he speaks of such false Doctrines that did not overthrow the foundation now such a man may be saved though difficultly but vers 17. he nameth such as strike at the very root and destroy the very Temple it self So that they make this the meaning If any man bring such corruptions of Doctrine as destroy the Temple of God overthrow Religion and make it no Church he shall not be saved at all There is no fire to cleanse him but to consume him Thus some But it 's more consonant to take the words more general and so they do better cohere And this destruction spoken of is to be understood unlesse he repent or pro subjectâ materiâ if it be onely hay and stubble then the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is no more than 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before a destruction partial not total but if they be damnable heresies than they meet with a total destruction Observe That those men who defile the Church of God with corrupt Doctrines do highly provoke God to punish them The Text is an Argument à minori ad majus If the defilers of the material Temple did not escape Gods punishments as Athaliah for prophaning the Temple and Belshazzar the holy vessels of the Temple then much lesse shall they escape who pollute the Church of God by any such falshoods And we reade that our Saviour did in this shew his anger and wrought a miracle by way of indignation and another particular namely cursing the fig-tree In these two cases did Christs miracles tend to destruction or punishment all the other were full of mercy and healing For when they had defiled the Temple and made it a den of thieves twice our Saviour made a whip and scourged them out which Hierom doth admire as a greater miracle than any other our Saviour did that a man unarmed and contemptible should chase away such a multitude of men and in that matter of their profit making no resistance but barely asking By what power he did these things No doubt the City of Jerusalem was then guilty of many horrible and grievous crimes of injustice adulteries but Christ takes no notice of that but goeth presently to the Temple to reforme there and this is attributed to the godly zeal that was in him which did even eat him up John 2.17 For the opening of the Doctrine let us consider Why false Doctrines are a defiling why they are called corruptions For so in the Old Testament Idolatry is often called men are said to have corrupted their wayes by false worship and this will be good to take off that lovely painting and alluring dresse which some would put upon their errors and superstitions Now they are called defilings and corruptions First From the pure nature of Gods truth and his worship which falshoods do staine and take away the glory of You see the Apostle compareth them to gold and precious stone Now to take these and to throw them into the dirt is a debasing of them Gods word is said to be more pure than gold seven times refined yea more to be desired than fine gold Psal 19.10 Christ commends his Doctrine under the notion of living water John 4.10 the pure running streams of the brook Now all false Teachers they throw in mud and dirt to these as the Philistims did earth into those Wells that Isaac digged for his cattel Every pure thing is made impure when mingled with any thing of a more sordid and inferiour nature as gold with leade wine with water water with mud So then though men give glorious Titles and Names to their falshoods as excellent Truths glorious Lights yet indeed they are no more than defilements and pollutions Oh then how humble tender and carefull ought men to be Are the Truths and Ordinances of God by institution and in their original so pure Come not then with thy soul hands to handle such precious things Secondly They are called defilements and pollutions Because the truths and Church of God are not only pure but dedicated and appropriated to him as the only object So that they are holy as well as pure and in this notion the Apostle considers them So that it 's a sacrilegious defilement to take the Truths and Ordinances or worship of God and by thy carnal and sinfull imaginations to pervert them And here we may say in another sense Thou that abhorrest Idols doest thou commit sacriledge Thou that art against Popery against the Idolatry of the Masse and other abominable things Doest thou sacrilegiously pervert the holy Truths and Ordinances of God by sinfull and corrupt opinions Certainly if this were believed men would not so prophanely dispute and dally in the holy things of God Thirdly Errours and heresies may well be called defilements Because they are a disease and so spread over the Church The Scripture compareth them not to every kind of disease but that which is most mortal and dangerous even a Cancer Thus Paul of Hymenaeus and Philetus Whose word eateth like a canker 3 Tim. 2.17 The Leprosie in the Old Testament of which Levit. 13. there is so much spoken is acknowledged by Divines to typifie heresie and errours and as that did infect and make the very garments unclean that they were to be washed or burnt so the Apostle alludes to this Jude vers 23. Hating even the garment that is spotted by the flesh See what thoughts we are to have of all errours and heresies we are no to touch the garment of the flesh that is we are not to come near such as it 's said Come out of Babylon because of her Church-corruptions and touch no unclean thing 2 Cor. 6.17 Thus you see that you are not only to take heed of def●●ng your selves with errours but because they are a Leprosie a spreading filthinesse you are not to come near the temptations be as much afraid of such an one as of one with a plague sore running upon him That very phrase Whose word eats like a canker should much terrifie women who by seeming pretences are apt to be mis-led What a dangerous thing is a canker in thy brest But as soon as thou hast received any errour thou hast got a canker in thy heart So that if it were onely a pollution it was not so terrible but here is a killing disease with this pollution If therefore thou lovest thy soul flee from
first from the Angels God spared not them but did cast them down into Hell and bound them in chaines of darknesse The Angels sinnes were sinnes of the mind they were intellectual substances and so heresies and their sinnes are much alike Do not then say Heresie is no drunkennesse no whoredome no bodily prophanenesse no more was the Angels sinne it was an intellectual sinne and yet for that they are perpetually condemned 2. The second instance of Gods Judgment is The Old World which God drowned with water All mankind had perverted its waies and even defiled the world and God washeth it with the waters of his Judgments So that the overflowing of heresies is like the corruption of the Old World Lastly He compareth them to the Cities of Sodome and Gomorrha whose sinnes were so great that God did rain Hell out of Heaven to be avenged on them Who then can excuse or plead for such defilements the sinners wherein are compared to those three who received the greatest expressions of Gods wrath most signally upon themselves Thus this Chapter is a Comment upon my Text. To open this Truth viz. God will destroy such a defiler First This is to be understood Conditionally unlesse that man see and bewail his errours and forsake them No doubt but Luther and many of the first Reformers who came out of Popery were great defilers of the Temple of God but when God did open their eyes and discover the truth then none were more zealous then they to make the Church that was a den of thieves an House of Prayer How often did Luther bewail that blindnesse and that damnable errour which was upon him in the time of his Popery and Melan●tho● also yet recovered from it So that this threatning is to be interpreted as all other places against any wicked man Ezek. 18.21 If the unrighteous or wicked man leave his sinnes he shall live God will not remember his former i●iquities Yea God many times taketh those who were once plunged into damnable waies and maketh them great Instruments to publish his truths As Paul once a blasphemous persecutor of Christianity afterwards a zealous prosecutor of it Austin once a damnable Manich●e afterwards escaping their snares was greatly instrumental to the Conversion of others from those damnable Opinions So that all those who lye in damnable heresies are not therefore desperate and hopelesse for the great Shepherd may reduce these wandering sheep Secondly It cannot be denied but that even a godly man may fall into ae damnable heresie and some time continue in it They may not believe some fundamentals in Religion for a while Thus the Resurrection of Christ is a main Pillar of Religion take this away and our resurrection and all our comforts fall to the ground yet many of the Apostles did not for a while believe it and generally they erred in this fundamental they took Christs Kingdom for a temporal one and looked for a temporal Restauration but yet the godly though at any time thus plunged into a damnable way have this difference from wicked men who are turned aside First There is a seed of grace within them which though for a while it lieth asleep yet at last will put forth it self He cannot sinne because the seed abideth in him 1 Joh. 3. As the spirits of Wine will at last work out all poison So that as a man who hath reason in him may be taught what he knew not when a bruit beast cannot because there is the seed of Reason upon which the teacher doth work So it 's here in a godly man there is the principle of grace and this spark will at last take fire though for the present it be much overwhelmed Secondly The godly though plunged into some damnable errour yet are under a Promise to recover them which will certainly take effect As Moses exposed to the water had his Mothers eye upon him to see he should not be drowned so though a godly man be plunged deep in evil waies yet there is Gods eye and Gods hand ready to deliver him If it were possible they should deceive the very Elect Mat. 24. If it were possible now what makes it impossible not the godly man himself Alas he hath so much ignorance pride and corrupt affections that by what reason they are plunged into any foul errour by the same they would alwaies continue therein and be for ever suffocated It 's only Gods gracious Promise He will leade them into the truth he will give them the spiritual Vnction Thirdly The godly mans heart is not commonly so obstinate and seared as the wicked mans is Those that brought in the doctrines of Devils into the Church are said to have a seared conscience 1 Tim 4.2 They felt nothing they did not doubt or suspect What if this be a damnable errour that thou maintainest What if thou art a means not only to damn thy self but many others No they are commonly men of a reprobate mind But the godly though grievously seduced yet sometimes they have struglings they have an holy jealousie over themselves they bewail their pronenesse to erre Even as it is in grosse sinnes the godly man sinneth not with that hearty and full consent that others doe A third thing to open this point is to consider a difference between the defilements of the Temple by false Doctrines Some are only in accessory and lesse prinpall things and such were those who built bay and stubble their errours were consistent with salvation He shall be saved but so as by fire But others are Fundamental destroying the very soul and essence of true Faith and true Piety Now the latter are such whom God will certainly destroy I know it is that Question which hath kept so many learned men like Abrahams Ramme in the thickets what are Fundamentals what points are necessary to Salvation and what not but though it be hard to parcell out the number yet that there are such the Scripture is plain in that it cals them first Principles and tels us of a Foundation which must be laid Of which formerly Fourthly In defiling the Temple of God here is great difference to be made between those that are the Seducers and the Seduced There was a vast difference between the rebellion of Absolom the head of it and such as followed him in the simplicity of their hearts Lyrinensis said That the Authours of many Heresies were damned whose Disciples or followers might be saved The Apostle Jude doth evidently make a distinction of persons that erre Of some have compassion making a difference Jude vers 22. Fifthly Church defilements make men further off or nearer to perdition as they enjoy the meanes and as they have opportunity to know better The Pharisees sins were so inexcusable because they had light insomuch that our Saviour saith If he had not come they had not had sinne Joh. 15.24 Therefore an Heretique after the first or second Admonition is to be
folly of wicked men that will drink swear and walk in all their bruitish lusts What hast thou not heard of this destruction from God What dost thou not believe that after all these pleasures of sinne God will destroy thee We would wonder what a senslesse bruitish and irrational a creature a wicked man is that should be no more afraid of this destruction Tell him of a temporal undoing he shall be undone in his estate in his life and you make his heart as cold as a stone within him but tell him soul and body shall be undone in fire and brimstone and that for ever he makes no matter of it And why is all this Either First Because of the Atheism and unbelief that is in men Though Christ hath again and again threatned such a place of torment yet they will not believe it O if we had but faith as a grain of mustard-seed it would remove these mountains of sinne Or Secondly If men do believe it yet because it 's apprehended as a farre off it 's not present and imminent upon us as many times temporal destruction is and therefore like bruit beasts they regard only the present Give me to day say they though to morrow I be damned for ever Thirdly Men are either plunged in besotting lusts or in the seducing temptations of the world Many men are become like beasts through sinne A beast will as soon understand things of reason as they of faith and salvation or else swallowed up in earthly cares and desires Now when thus lusts are within they forbid any outward good counsel to enter the heart For the Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are We now come to the Reason Why God is so exceedingly provoked against Temple defilers The ground is Because Gods temple is holy Holy things are not to be violated they are to be handled in an holy manner Sancta sanctè sanctis Holy things belong to holy men and are to be used in an holy manner by such 2. There is the Explication and application of this Temple If they object We have no such Temple as was at Jerusalem there is now no such thing under the Gospel as Gods temple He interprets his meaning This Temple is not wood or stone but ye believers who worship and serve God after his appointment Ye are his Temple In the Greek when he had said The Temple of God is holy then he addeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the plural number because it relates to the subsequent matter not Antecedent which is usuall among Relatives Observe The holy Temple of God under the Gospel is not any place though never so adorned or glorious but persons believing and worshipping of him according to his will This Doctrine hath its great use For once in Gods Church while Popery and her principles reigned all the holinesse spoken of preached for pleaded for principally was holinesse of things not persons holy Temples holy Altars holy Images but reall personal holinesse which God commands was despised and opposed The Kingdome of God doth not come by observation that is we are not to look for external sensible pomp and glory but it is within you saith our Saviour Luke 17.10 The Temple the Church of God are Persons believing The Image of God is righteousnesse and holinesse in our lives To open this consider First That God while the people of Israel were unsettled and their enemies were not fully conquered appointed an ambulatory Tabernacle for his worship This was the place to worship him in and the Ark in it was carried up and down likewise and none might carry it but men even the Levites So that when it was put on a Cart and so carried God was greatly displeased The reason say some why men onely were enjoyned to carry it was that it might not at any time fall For being a token of Gods presence and power if that had fallen it would have been a reproach to the God of Israel But when God came to settle the people of Israel and they had fully subdued their enemies and the Government of the Land was established then God would have a Temple setled And though David had a desire to build it yet because he had shed much bloud not innocent bloud though he did Vriahs but because he had fought many battels God would not have him do it but Salomon whose name signifieth Peace No hammer nor any noise might be heard in making the Temple Thus Christ was born in Augustus his time when Janus his Temple was shut and the world at peace though indeed in the second Temple there they did build with their tools in one hand and their swords in the other because of the opposition they had Secondly This Temple that was built it was very magnificent and glorious and was accounted equal to the seven great wonderous buildings of the world It was a great building and yet Solomon at the dedication of it removeth all carnal and low conceits from God as if he were circumscribed within that place For saith he The Heaven of Heavens do not contain thee much lesse this place 1 King 8 20. It was not therefore that God needed such an house or because he was contained in it but because he was a great God full of Majesty as Solomon sai●h and therefore according to the Jewish Pedagogie which consisted in external and sensible Rites and Administrations it was made so glorious Thirdly This Temple had a proper and peculiar holinesse a relative holinesse being dedicated by Gods command unto his worship and a typical holinesse It was typically holy because a type of Christs body Destroy this Temple said our Saviour and I will raise it up in thr●e dayes John 2 19. Now when Christ the fulnesse came this Temple was to be destroyed as the Altars and Sacrifices with the Levitical Priesthood even as the flower fals to the ground when the fruit comes in stead thereof It was relatively holy from two grounds 1. Gods Institution He commanded the building of it for his worship and every thing though never so little yet had it Gods command for it as also the Tabernacle had They were to do nothing of their own heads but according to the patern in the Mount And then 2. It was relatively holy Because of Gods special promise to be present there Hence because it was a prayer in that very place there was more acceptance of it with God therefore they did use to pray even their private prayers in this place as the Prophetesse Anna that departed not from the Temple but served God with fastings and prayers day and night Luke 2.37 Yea when they could not be bodily present they did direct themselves towards the Temple as we reade Daniel did and though it was in danger of his life yet he would open his window when he prayed and look that way Dan. 6.10 though in the Text it be said onely towards Jerusalem and therefore it
we called an house of prayer In Solomons prayer 1 Kings 8.48 the captives of Israel carried into another Land are supposed in their captivity to pray unto God with their face towards the Land of Israel and also towards the Temple Fourthly But from this Temple to argue for such holinesse in our Churches Yea and with Bellarmine and others to plead for private praying in the Church more than in other places as if there were more holinesse therein and for the places sake to have more acceptance is unjustifiable by Scripture John 4.21 24. The time is coming when they shall not worship in this mountaine or in Jerusalem but they shall worship him in Spirit and truth There is no Jerusalem now nor any place like Jerusalem and now God would have us in every place lift up holy hands in prayer 1 Tim. 2.8 It 's therefore unwarrantable by Scripture to pray in a Church for the places sake to have the prayer the more acceptable as Bellarmine pleadeth And indeed because there is no such peculiar institution nor no such peculiar promise therefore there cannot be such a relative holinesse Private prayers in the Church though pretended not to be done for the places sake while we are at the publick Ordinances are also incongruous and unwarrantable partly because they are against the nature of private prayer prescribed by our Saviour When thou prayest shut thy door after thee Mat. 6.6 Private prayer must be done in a private manner and partly because the Church is for publick Ordinances We meet together in spiritual communion and while the society is singing for thee to be privately praying is unsuitable to the duty in hand where there ought to be one heart one mouth and consent Fifthly Because the Temple was so glorious and Gods promise was in a special manner made to it therefore the Jews put all their trust and confidence in this though their lives were full of wickednesse and grosse impieties yet because they had the Temple that made them think themselves happy Hence the Prophet severely reproveth them for it saying Trust no more in lying words saying The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord are these Jer. 7.4 Hence at last God was so provoked that he gave it up to idolatrous Heathens to be destroyed that a stone should not be left upon a stone For Hadrian the Emperor quite demolished it and in stead thereof built a place with a new name calling it Aelia and upon the gate set the Image of a Swine by way of scorn and derision to the Jews to whom that beast was unclean And thus truly God hath done with many glorious spiritual Temples under the Gospel Where are the seven Churches of Asia And where is the pure Church of Rome now The present Governours of that Church glory of their succession to their former Worthies Whose faith was spread over the whole world but they succeed them as vespae apibus Wasps many times do Bees or as night doth the day Lastly Our Churches therefore do not resemble the Temple an holy place dedicated to God but their publick Synagogues where they met together to pray and reade the Word and have it expounded Some find fault that we call this material building a Church but use of speech doth fully justifie this It 's an ordinary figure to put the place containing for the thing contained Thus it 's said All Jerusalem went out And Oh Jerusalem that killest the Prophets Mat. 23.77 which is meant of the Inhabitants thereof Thus we call a City or a Town the people of the Town But of this we have spoken formerly But though there is no such relative holinesse in these places as was in the Temple neither are the duties regarded for the places sake but the place for the duties yet there is a moral and civil decency or respect to be had to them as we do unto places appointed for solemn meeting and therefore are unfitly compared to barns or stables or to be polluted like them not because of any holinesse in them more than in other places but from a civil respect But these things only occasionally by the way The next main thing is That believers joyned in a Church way according to Scripture are Gods temple and that requireth these things First Purity and an undefiled life from the wicked wayes of the world Though they be in the world yet not of the world This is called pure Religion to keep a man defiled from the world Jam. 1.27 And we must not be conformed to the fashion of this world Rom. 12.2 We are to be as Lot in Sodome so farre from having fellowship with it that we are to grieve in seeing and hearing the evil deeds of others We are to be like the three Worthies in the midst of the fire and yet our hair not singed thereby Do not thou then judge of thy self as the Temple of God when thou art like a dung-hill thy heart is not a sacred Temple but an open Inne or Market-place all strange lusts may lodge in thee thou art to take Christ for an example not the world Secondly Dedication and giving up our selves wholly unto God Thy soul and body are to be one Temple onely thy soul is the Saxctum sanctorum there should only be admitted choice and sanctified thoughts and intentions Shall I take saith the Apostle the member of Christ and make it the member of an harlot 1 Cor. 6.15 Shall I take the Temple of God and make it a publick stew for all lusts As they said of their Temples Procul ô procul este prophani So do thou of all noisome and filthy sinnes As there were constant Porters to watch the Temple so do thou continually set a watch before thy heart and soul that no unclean thing enter in Thirdly Here is implied Vnion of the members of the Church together The Temple was not one stone or a few stones scattered up and down but exactly and curiously joyned together The Churches are compared to a body where there are several organized members and all usefull one to another Lastly Communion Not onely internal by faith and love which we have with Christ the Head and so with all the members For this communion is invisible but external in a visible society and fellowship one with another in the publique worship Hence they are greatly reproved That forsook the assembling of themselves together Heb. 10.15 Visible communion in Church-Ordinances brings much glory to God and great edification to our selves Vse of Instruction What kind of societies we should be who are Gods temple Gods house Gods Church What enjoyment of God What effectual participation of his presence The body by its senslesnesse doth quickly discover whether a soul be in it and the soul will quickly manifest whether God and Christ be in it if the Temple of God What holinesse and purity ought to be in our lives Oh this is the glory of the Church
Let us not do at upon a meer feigned and invented holinesse of things and places but let us magnifie personal moral holinesse to this the promise is made This is the true and blessed glory This makes us like Angels and our Churches like Heaven Verse 18. Let no man deceive himself if any man seemeth to be wise in this world let him become a fool that he may be wise THe Apostle having sufficiently declared the sinfulnesse and punishment attendant of those who defile the Church of God by corrupt Doctrines he doth begin in this verse to remove those obstructions in the way that may hinder the good use of what he had said For though the food be never so good yet if the stomack be sick and undisposed we cannot look for good nourishment Now the first stone that was to be rolled out of the way there could be no sowing of this divine seed with hopefull successe till that was removed was the self-conceit of their own wisdome and the admiring of the worldly humane excellencies that they saw in their false teachers Till this Goliah be killed the Apostle doth not expect their obedience to what he had said Hence in this eighteenth verse he beginneth to dehort from all self-conceit and earthly wisdome and in the Text he declareth a two-fold pernicious and dangerous effect thereof First That it is a meer deceiving of a mans self Let no man deceive himself That which the proud wise men of the world applaud for gold will prove but drosse he will see it was a meer empty swelling not a man-child they travelled with Secondly The necessity of relinquishing and abdicating this wisdome as the great enemy to true and heavenly wisdome which is the other dangerous effect Let him become a fool that he may be wise So that this Text is an hammer to beat down all those high and lofty things that are in our carnal understandings and to lead all our thoughts and apprehensions captive into the obedience of faith Now this Dehortation doth belong both to the Teachers he had reproved and to the Auditors For if ye ask What made the Doctors defile the Temple with errours and heresies It was only humane wisdome and proud understandings And What made the Disciples so factiously preferre one above the other But still that doting upon humane and earthly wisdome Thus the Text is an excellent Antidote against the proud flesh or rather proud spirit that may be either in teacher or hearer For the first Effect A mans self-deceiving that is coincident with the other subject I am insisting upon therefore I wave it and come to the duty of Abdication and renouncing of this humane wisdome If any man seem to be wise let him become a fool This bunch upon the Camels back must be levelled ere it can go thorow the eye of a needle The first Doctrine which is implyed only shall be That humane and earthly wisdome is a great enemy to all the heavenly things of Christ The Kingdome of Heaven and the Ministry of the Gospel hath not a greater adversary in the world amongst mens corruptions then this This is the great mountain in our way Rom. 8 7. A carnal man is enmity against God A mind whose thoughts intentions and reasonings are wholly upon carnal motives it 's enmity in the very abstract it 's as bad as the Devil all that it hath and is is nothing but enmity and that against God the only wise the only great good the only God What hath thy earthy wisdome no other adversary to fall upon but the mighty wise God Yea it 's not only actually rebellious against Gods Law but it hath not the very power to be subject● There is no actual or potential subjection it cannot be Therefore our Saviour to demonstrate how farre such wise men of the world were from being his Disciples he takes a little child and setting him in the midst of them saith Vnlesse a man become like this child he cannot enter into the Kingdome of Heaven Mat. 18.2 3. Now the holy and heavenly things of Christ may be reduced unto three heads 1. The supernatural Matter and Doctrine to be believed 2. The Manner of promulgation of this in the holy Scriptures 3. The holy and spiritual Duties that are required of us In all these you shall see a man with no more than natural humane wisdom to be the greatest adversary therunto yea and the more parts and the more wisdom he hath the more indisposed subject he is to receive or believe supernatural truths Insomuch that wise men thought no man that had wisdome could ever acknowledge the Christian faith So Tertullian said the Heathens would wonder that such a man a good and a wise man would ever turn Christian Thus what Tertullian said excellently concerning Christs Incarnation in regard of the humane wisdome of the world That a God should be made man be crucified c. Prorsus credibile quia impossibile non pudet quia pudendum It 's true of many others doctrinals and practicals in Christs kingdome yet truly Divinity doth require of us no more than all humane Arts Discentem credere oportet If a man doth not believe before he understands he can never attain to knowledge and so saith Austin in Religion Non intelligendum ut credatis sed credendum ut intelligatis We must not understand to believe but believe to understand Let us consider First What an enemy to the Doctrine believed the fleshly humane wisdome of a man is And First This humane wisdome puffeth a man up with pride that he will not entertain such divine mysteries And this swelling or puffing up is immediately contrary to an act of faith For faith hath an obediential assent namely because God saith it let my understanding cavil and argue never so plausibly yet faith makes it obedientially yeeld unto the testimony and authority of God Wonder not therefore if humane wisdome be such an enemy to Christianity because faith and that are at immediate contrariety faith bids the mind stoop and yeeld humane wisdome bids it lift it self up Hence the Scripture cals it The obedience of or to faith and it 's the captivating of the understanding the beating down the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every high thing that exalteth it self 2 Cor. 10 5. So that faith is a kind of mental martyrdom it puts to death those high and lofty thoughts men naturally have Seeing then humane knowledge puffeth up and filleth a man with pride this putteth a man into an immediate contrariety unto believing which is the Christians knowledge Secondly Humane wisdome as it doth immediately oppose faith in its obediential assent so also humility which is the instrumental grace to receive all the mysteries of Christ Humility is not only a grace it self but a vessel to receive other graces The humble and meek he will teach his way Psal 25.9 I thank thee O Father that thou hast revealed these things
to babes and hid them from the wise men of the world said our Saviour with much hearty affection Matth. 11.25 The valleys they receive the drops of heaven and are more fruitfull than the mountains though high but barren So that humane wisdome is as great an hinderance as humility is a furtherance Lay down then all high and conceited thoughts when thou comest into Christs school yea unteach thy self all thy former opinions and arguments and be like an rasa tabula as Aristotle said the soul was for the Spirit of God to write divine truths upon thy heart Doth not the Wiseman tell us That he who is wise in his own eyes there is more hopes of a fool than him Prov. 26.12 Therefore saith he Leane not unto thy own understanding Prov. 3.5 Oh this humility would preserve against all heresies all dangerous opinions An humble man is like the Tree planted by the waters side God hath two places as it were to dwell in Heaven is one and the humble heart is another Isa 57.15 God by the Prophet in that place accounts of such an heart like as unto his glorious Throne in Heaven Thirdly Humane conceited wisdome must needs hinder the entertainment of Christs truth Because it sets it self on the Throne to be Judge and to determine truth or falshood according to her own principles It makes weights and a standard of its own and will weigh even what God and the Scripture saith by its own self yea humane wisdome doth not only thus intrude into the throne but hath her instruments the Socinians who plead to have her the Judge and the Determiner of all religious controversies What from Scripture hath by the Orthodox been asserted to be that these will put upon reason making it the rule of faith Hence there is no Trinity with them not three Persons and one God because it 's against their reason Christ is not truly and essentially God because against reason say they Christ was not a Mediatour by his bloud as a Sacrifice to expiate our sinnes because against their reason Thus you see what a direct adversary the reason of man as of it self is against divine truths whereas what the Apostle speaks of the woman He did not permit her to usurp Authority over her husband or to speake in the Church 1 Tim. 2.12 The same ought to be applied to humane wisdome not to usurp over faith or to speak authoritatively in the Church It 's true a mans reason or wisdome may be considered two wayes 1. As corrupt and darkened through original sinne And in this respect onely we speake of it as such an adversary to the mysteries of Religion 2. As enlightned and sanctified by the Word and the Spirit of God Now in this later respect though it be not a Judge but is to be judged yet it 's an excellent instrument to faith When faith hath first laid its foundation then reason and learning succeeding and building upon it is wonderfull serviceable for the explication and confirmation of divine truths I speake as unto wise men saith Paul Judge ye what I say 1 Cor. 10.15 Thus civil prudence and all humane literature while it 's a servant not a Mistresse is of wonderfull use but when with Hagar it will pride over Sarah then cast it out of doores That which some adversaries to learning object That learning is never sanctified is contrary to the instance of Moses who was skilfull in the Aegyptians learning which was the fountain and seminary of all learning to the world And thus the Apostle Paul as he sanctified some verses out of Heathen Poets as Tertullian expresseth it So God had also sanctified all his humane abilities But herein earthly wisdome is so repugnant because it 's apt to make it self judge And although nothing in Religion be against sound reason yet many things are above it such as it cannot reach unto Fourthly Humane wisdome is such an opposite to heavenly truths Because of its subtilty to finde out cavils and excogitate Arguments against the Truth Insomuch that the more learned and knowing men are the greater difficulty it is to believe men who have lesse parts and learning know not all those subtil and specious Arguments which Heretiques especially if learned and subtil do bring forth They know not what the Socinians have to say against the Trinity against the Deity of Christ What Arminians for Free-will What the Papists for many of their superstitious wayes and it 's well they doe not not but that the truth is evident against them onely it might shake and stagger their faith who are weak whereas men of knowledge exercising themselves in their Bookes that they may be able to confute them meet sometimes with specious colours yea even some seeming Anakims in the way Mans wisdome is farre more able Destruere falsa then probare vera we can better object against truth then by faith assent to it and then no wonder it be so apt to miscarry Lastly The more wisdome and knowledge men have the more busie the Devil is to make them on his side Because the Serpent was more subtil than other beasts of the field therefore the Devil used him Ornari à te Diabolus quaerit said Austin to a great Scholar whom he would gladly have converted Most Heretiques have been men of great parts of admirable eloquence to perswade and winne men Good Elocution and Rhetorique is so apt to beare all downe before it that Hercules was made the God of Eloquence by some Heathens as if it had as much strength as he Vse Then how much are men of parts and understanding to bewaile themselves God chooseth babes and simple ones rather than such Study humility renounce thy understanding become a little childe Oh it may be that which thou art so proud of so confident of will be the means to damn thee as Absolom's hair was his death If any man thinke himselfe wise let him become a foole that he may be wise The Doctrine observed is That humane and earthly wisdome is a great enemy to the things of God In the matter of Doctrine to be believed we have demonstrated it already The next thing in order is The manner of Declaration and Publication of it in the Scripture And here we shall find worldly wisdome to be a great adversary But I shall instance in one thing only about that and that is The simplicity and plainnesse of the style That whereas there are two things that are exceeding apt to take with the world The one with Rational men The other with Affectionate men The Scripture seemeth to be furnished with neither For with rational men strong demonstrations and scientifical probations prevail exceedingly they lay they are slaves to reason bring a rational argument and this is such a cord that the strongest Samson cannot break Now many times men of strong reason are no wayes Rhetorical As the earth where mines of gold are is barren of grasse and
unprofitable without any benefit or successe Hence is that phrase To labour in vain And thus the Philosophers also define vanity A frustration of our intended end Now in every thing that a man doth till made wise in an heavenly manner there is nothing but vanity there is no true profit or good successe but in all things he labours with wind and brings forth wind The Prophet Hosea expresseth it well They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Hos 8.7 If an husbandman in stead of committing seed to the ground should only cause a wind thinking to have a crop thereby would it not be folly but it 's not folly or losse only it 's destruction he reaps the whirlwind that is tempestuous and violent things arise on a sudden Oh this is a sad thing to consider when thou art dying I have lived in vain laboured in vain thought in vain spoke in vain I have no true good abiding by me of all that ever I did Fifthly Vanity is often used for that which is unstable uncertain and fading And thus the thoughts of wise men are vain subject to changes contradictions and at last vanish into nothing So that as our bodies are vain bodies and all the whole Creation is subject to vanity Thus are all the thoughts counsels and purposes of the wisest men subject to uncertainty only the creatures they groan under this vanity but so doth not man Do but observe your own thoughts Are they not as vain as the very dreams of feavourish men Mayest thou not say as the Prophet to the Church How long shall vain thoughts lodge in thee Jerem. 4.14 The Psalmist saith of some That they and their thoughts perish together Goe to the Graves and Tombes of the great men in the world who have been upon the earth like Leviathan in the waters and are not all their purposes and projects laid in the dust as well as their bodies Sixthly They are vain because they worke nothing but vain and absurd things What do vain thoughts produce but vain words vain gestures vain attire and fashions vain discourse in communication vain opinions and a vain worship Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts Mat. 15.19 They are the first sparks that flie out of this forge and from these vain thoughts cometh all the vanity that is in mens words gestures apparel yea and their Religion For in vain do they worship me saith our Saviour Matth. 15.9 And Idolatry is in a particular manner called vanity So that you see these vain thoughts are indeed ●he cause of all the outward vanity in the world Though they be subtil and insensible yet they produce and end in grosse actions As the vapours of the earth they are very subtil and hardly discerned yet turn into grosse and gloomy clouds Lastly They are vain because they are wholly wicked The imaginations of the thoughts of the heart are onely evil continually Gen. 6.5 And thus indeed God knoweth all the thoughts and imaginations of every man is only evil That as from the Spider and the Serpent come forth nothing but venome and poison so from every man floweth nothing but filthinesse and the more wise he is the greater enemy to God So that those thoughts of theirs are the irreconcilable enemy and adversary unto God they lift up themselves on high against him Vse of Instruction 1. That God doth not onely take notice of vain actions but vain thoughts yea these are as the fountain and the cause of all actions Thus Christ reproved the Pharisees for their thoughts and reasonings in their hearts Oh think not then that all wickednesse lieth in actions in external grosse sins No the thoughts of the heart are the womb to breed all thy wicked actions Do dot say they are free and none knoweth them for God knoweth them and will judge thee for them 2. Are all our thoughts vain Learn then Scripture-wisdome get Scripture-thoughts Alas thy own thoughts about God about Religion about salvation are altogether vain Lay them all aside We are not able to think one good thought of our selves What miserable wofull and wretched creatures are we of all those millions of thoughts not one is good Verse 21. Therefore let none glory in men for all things are yours THe Apostle in this Verse makes an heavenly and usefull improvement of his former doctrinal Discourse He was before upon the Didactical and Argumentative part now he is upon the Practical and Exhortatory The consequence is very genuine and natural Seeing all humane wisdome is thus earthly and vain abhorred so by God Therefore let no man glory in men In the words you have 1. A Duty injoyned And 2. The Reason of the Duty Of the Duty at this time which is expressed Negatively and by way of Prohibition Let no man glory in men Where you have 1. The Matter prohibited And 2. The Object of it The Matter prohibited is Not to glory What is implied in this will appear afterwards The word implieth such a glory that we make a boast and brag thereby The Object of the Matter is Not in men The Apostle before treated of a particular only humane wise men and his purpose is only concerning Doctors and Teachers in the Church yet he useth this general that his Argument may be the stronger Let no man glory in any Teacher or Doctor in the Church yea not in any man though never so great and so powerfull If you object that Paul saith 2 Cor. 1.14 That he was the Corinthians rejoycing or boasting for so the original word is and they were his yea that Paul often mentioneth his boasting of a people The Answer is That their boasting was principally and originally in God onely they rejoyced in men as instruments by which God did accomplish many comforts for them It was not men but God in men that was the motive of this boasting The Reason followeth of which afterwards Observe That it 's a great sinne to glory in men This sinne is not often preached upon yet no question Political and Civil Idolatry making men as gods to us hath done a great deal of hurt as well as Religious Idolatrie We may have in Heaven others beside God as the Papists Saints and Angels and we may have others in earth besides God as when we put our hopes and confidence in the great men of the world I shall treat on this subject as a General 1. Not in men Then 2. As a Particular Not in the Teachers of the Church Now these wayes we glory in men First When we joyn them with Christ as Mediatours and make them co-partners as it were in spiritual effects as well as temporal This is to glory in men even blasphemously And this kind of Idolatrical boasting reigneth in Popery Not only the Virgin Mary but several other Saints of the●r own canonizing are so exalted that those great effects which belong to Christ only are attributed to such What glorying in St. Francis
in the best Ministery and the most able Gifts in the world so as not to depend on God and pray to him For the best Ministery in the world worketh no otherwise than God blesseth it and shouldst thou every day hear Angels from Heaven preach unto thee yet if thy heart be not opened and God give thee not to understand they are but like musick to a deaf man It 's not this Sermon or the other though never so powerfull that can raise thee from the dead till Christ give thee life Thirdly Then we glory in men when we have the persons of some Teachers in such admiration that whatsoever they say or maintain without any search or dispute we believe The Disciples of Berea are commended for their noble disposition That they would search the Scriptures whether the things were so or no Act. 17.11 Whereas to be addicted unto a man so as ex personâ probare fidem and not ex fide personam is blind obedience and to offer a sacrifice without eyes Prove all things 1 Thess 5.21 And Try the Spirits 1 John 4 1. are rules given to all Christians The Apostle reproveth some erroneous persons for having their Teachers persons in admiration Jude vers 16. This slavery hath been alwayes Among the Jews there were the Disciples of Hillel and Sammai The Heathens have their Pythagoreans Epicureans Peripateticks to whom their Disciples were wholly captivated And it 's a very difficult thing to set judgement on work so as to be able to discern of things that differ Though there are many that abuse this priviledge allowed them by Christ under the pretence of trying They therefore grow Scepticks and because the Teachers are not infallible they believe themselves to be infallible Fourthly Then we glory in men when we preferre one before the other so as to make differences and schisms in the Church And this was that especially which Paul aimeth at in this place some were for one Teacher and some for another and by this means there were several factions and rents made in the Church Vse of Admonition To take heed of all humane boasting any kind of these wayes He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord. Yea saith Paul God forbid I should glory in any thing save in the crosse of Christ Gal. 6.14 Oh how vain a thing and wicked is it to boast in riches beauty outward greatnesse and any of these fading things David takes a better way My soul maketh her boast of God alwayes Psal 34.2 Thou art high minded and bearest up thy self from such and such earthly objects Is not all this to glory in men Did men create thee Can men save thee Can men pardon thy sinne Why then doest thou not trust in God only Cease you from man Isa 2.22 whose breath is in his nostrils It is quickly gone and thy hopes are as quickly For all things are yours In this Verse you heard was the Duty inferred from the doctrinal matter prescribed The Apostle squeezeth the honey from the honey-comb And to the Duty we have the Reason or Ground adjoyned For all things are yours On this we are now to treat Take the words as an Argument and they are very strong None are to glory in these things that are inferiour to them that are servants to them or below them But so are all things to the godly but God himself Therefore in God only they must glory Thus as they are an Argument But we shall consider them as an absolute Proposition Wherein take notice of 1. The Subject And 2. The Attribute The Subject is yours that is the Church the godly for those he meaneth The place is like that Rom. 8 28. All things work to the good of those that love God and are called after his purpose 2. The Attribute in the Universality All things are yours The Anabaptists in Germany did horribly abuse this place for hence they proved That no Magistrate if a wicked man was a true Magistrate and to be obeyed no rich man no noble man if he were not godly had not any right to their goods and estates And they taking themselves to be the righteous ones and to judge who were wicked killed many dispossessed of their goods and dominions The Papists charge Husse and Wickliff with this opinion But we have just cause to think that they were but meer slanders and calumnies cast upon them There is a two-fold Dominion 1. A Political or Civil which comes by the Laws of a Land where a man liveth as Austin saith Jure humano haec villa est mea And thus every man that doth not by theft or injustice obtain his estate is a lawfull and just possessor And that which he hath thus by a Civil Right he hath also by consequence with a Divine Right because God by that Commandment Thou shalt not steal doth approve all that Political and Civil distribution of meum and tuum which is by the Laws of a Land But 2. There is a Sanctified Right whereby a man doth acknowledge God thankfully in all that he hath and improveth all things graciously to the honour of God and his own salvation And thus only a godly man hath a sanctified right or rather use to all things To shew how a wicked man comes to have a lawfull civil right when Adam by sinne forfeited all and wicked men not being in Christ have not their title again to the world restored to them is a noble point But being not to my purpose I must passe it by And to speak the truth though some learned men bring in this Text when they handle the point of Dominion whether it be founded upon Nature or Grace yet indeed it 's nothing to that purpose Nor doth the Apostle aim at any such thing For all things may be said to be the godly mans two wayes Either 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In respect of Dominion Title and Possession And now to this sense the Apostle aimeth not neither would it be to his purpose 2. A thing may be said to be theirs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In regard of the Vse and End for which they are And thus all things are the godly mans all things in kind not in the individuals all things worke to the good of a godly man which the Apostle doth admirably enumerate all Persons or Officers in the Church all creatures in the world all Conditions and all Events But we shall take the sweetnesse of every particular after we have handled the general Observe That all things are for the spiritual good and advantage of the godly man There is nothing in the whole world nothing in the Church of God nothing that falleth out but one way or other the godly man may say This is mine this belongs to me this is for my good Now let us consider First In how many respect all things may be said to be the godly mans both in the Church and the world And First thus In that
a curse a punishment and so can be no more for good then hell and damnation can be Insomuch that to the wicked man death and hell are both alike they are of the same nature He can take no more comfort from one then from the other when death is approaching then also is hell and everlasting torments This is decreed immutably for every man once to die It was a vain boast of Paracelsus to think That if he had had the ordering of himself from his birth he could have preserved his life alwayes These are mad delusions Where sinne is there death followeth and it would be an excellent Antidote against sinne to consider what followeth it When th●u entertainest any sinne thou biddest death also come in at the door as pleasant and as delightfull as it is yet it brings death Thirdly Though death be in it self thus a curse and cometh as a punishment to wicked men yet unto the godly it is of a clean contrary nature The guilt and curse of it is taken away It 's no more the execution of that dreadfull sentence Thou shalt die but the chastisement of a loving Father because God loveth his children therefore they die death is made like Jacob's Chariot as the old man rejoyced when he saw that because it would carry him to see Joseph whom he so much longed for Thus doth death to the godly man It 's the glad messenger that comes to carry him to his Father to eternal glory It 's true the godly man dieth as well as the wicked he hath the same diseases the same paines but the Nature of them is farre different one is a curse to the wicked a beginning of hell and torments The other is a mercy to the godly and a passage to eternal glory Even as the afflictions which befall the godly they come from Gods love Whom I love I chasten Heb. 12. Thus it is also with death it self Lastly The ground why death is thus altered to the godly man why he should thus differ from the wicked men is wholly from Christ and his death as appeareth 1 Cor. 15.54 O death where is thy sting Death is swallowed up You would think the grave swalloweth up the godly man but his body swalloweth up the grave The sting of death is sinne if that be taken away the Snake cannot hurt now the guilt of sinne is removed by Christ Do not then think it impossible that ever such a terrible thing as death should be made lovely and the thoughts of it sweet and comfortable Yes by Christ all the terrour is done away As death had no power over him so neither shall it have over the godly These things premised Let us consider in how many particulars death is a godly mans it 's for his benefit and comfort And First In this respect Because by death he gaineth he is invested with greater glory joy and happinesse than this world can afford All the while a godly man liveth in this world he is a loser he is kept from his best treasures he is not enjoying his best blessings which will be vouchsafed to him This the Apostle you have admirably expressing Phil. 1.23 Paul is there in a great strait he knoweth not how to be content to live he can hardly satisfie himself to be kept from Christ so long To die is gain saith the Apostle and to depart and to be with Christ is farre better Paul is willing to live for the Churches good but yet that is not so good to him as to die Oh if a godly man could raise up his heart to such faith as Paul had he would even think this world an Aegypt this life a prison it 's to my losse to be here I might have better company better glory better joy every thing transcendently better Indeed we reade of Elisha and Jonah desiring death from impatiency because of the vexations upon them but that was sinfull But to long for and hasten the coming of Christ to be above the love of life and all outward comforts above the fear of death because of the heavenly affections the soul is transported with to Christ this is admirable Oh then that we were not such worms but like Larks could rise out of the earth and soar up into Heaven with holy joy and delight of spirit then death would be as a gain to us and life as a losse Yet this is not so to be understood as if death in it self were to be desired or to be prayed for for in it self it is a natural evil and so is only to be submitted to patiently not desired but the consequent of it viz. eternal glory this is to be prayed for as the Apostle doth fully expresse it 2 Cor. 5.4 We would gladly be cloathed with immortality yet to put off this mortal body is grievous as little children cry for their new garments and yet cry while they are putting them on Secondly Death is a godly mans Because it putteth a period to all those miseries and troubles he was here exercised with It 's the haven after all the tossings he had in this world If we had hope only in this life saith Paul 1 Cor. 15. we were of all men most miserable therefore death is that which makes them happy Alas were it not for death their reproaches would be eternal their persecutions would be everlasting Insomuch that death must be as welcome to them as the divisions of the waters of Jordan were to the Israelites to come out of Aegypt Mat. 24. Lift up your he●d for your redemption draweth nigh And Christs coming not only at the Day of Judgement but at the particular death of every godly man is the coming of the Bridegroom Then all tears are washed from their eyes Their happinesse doth not begin till death arrests them Now in this world for the most part the godly have the bitter things thereof Dives had the good things of this life when Lazarus had the bitter Besides the hatred and opposition in the world They groan under the guilt of sinne under the power of sinne Now death puts a stop not onely to worldly troubles but all spiritual diseases This flux of blood will run no more they shall have no more pride no more unbelief no more doubting about the pardon of sin in a moment their souls will be made like a paradise like the upper region no clouds no fears at all Thirdly Death is theirs Because it 's the finishing of all their worke and serv●ce and by that they come for their wages How doth the labouring man long for the end of the day or the week that he may come to receive his wages Thus is death God putteth all his children on work he giveth them all talents and he takes them not away till they have done their work for which he appointed them Thus Moses Gods servant dieth Thus David served in his generation Thus Paul finished his course When they have done all their
which have brought them thither Do they not curse and blaspheme the day they were born and that ever they hearkened to Satans temptations Verse 23. And ye are Christs VVE shall now come down from this Text this Mount of Transfiguration concerning which every believer might say It is good to be here and pursue the other matter that is behind Where we may observe the Apostle in a Climax rising higher All things are yours you are Christs and Christ is Gods So that the highest round in this ladder reacheth to Heaven as Jacobs did and the lowest one is in the earth So that you may observe the Apostle now changing his speech before all things are yours all in the Church and in the world is yours Now he doth not also say Christ is yours but you are Christs whereby we see that as the former things spoken of were not for themselves but the godly so neither are the godly for themselves but Christ Thus we have the Apostle mixing water with wine lest it should be too much drunk off and so make giddy All things are yours there is your Priviledge but you are Christs there is your Duty even to see that what ever you are or can doe it be in reference to him Even as at the first God created all the world with the creatures therein for man but man for himself so all things are for the godly and the godly is for Christ We may then observe the difference in this expression and sense between the former and the later First When he said All these things were the godly mans he meant it of spiritual use only not of dominion and power but when he saith We are Christs the meaning is We are wholly his creatures he hath absolute dominion and sovereignty over us And then Secondly All the things are a godly mans he is the end of them but he is finis indigentiae he needs them and wants them he could not tell what to do without them but Christ is Finis assimilationis they are for him not that he needs them but that he might make them more perfect in communicating his grace and holinesse unto them Observe then That a godly man in all that he is or can doe is wholly Christs Ye are Christs The Apostle driveth it to this that therefore they should glory onely in him They are not Pauls or Apolloes but Christs and therefore in him onely must they glory and judge themselves compleat To understand this Let us consider in what respects the godly man is Christs And First He is bought and purchased by his bloud so that he oweth all his being comforts and priviledges onely to Christ 1 Cor. 6.19 20. Ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price So then well may the godly man be said to be Christs for he cometh to be his at a dear rate Never did King yet subject or master a servant at so dear a prize as Christ obtained thee He did undergoe all that agony and shamefull death to free thee from the bondage thou wert in and to make thee his For you must know the clean contrary was true of the godly before made Christs they were the Devils they were wholly his Of him and through him and to him they lived from him all their thoughts affections and actions were from him who ruled in their hearts and they were to him because they wholly did his work and advanced his kingdome But now Oh wonderfull and happy change they are brought out of the dark prison they were in all the chains and fetters upon them are taken off and now they have the robes of Christ put upon them and are made free indeed Consider then how the godly become Christs it is by shedding his bloud we were Satans captives before and now made Christs Oh then why should the godly live to sinne or Satan or the world any more Were they crucified for thee Have they obtained thee at so dear a price as Christ hath Secondly The godly they are Christs Because by his Spirit they are made new Creatures They have a new being For it cannot be that any should be Christs who live in the flesh and are carnally minded Therefore the Spirit of Christ communicateth unto them a new being gives them an heavenly nature enables them to mortifie sinne in all the lusts thereof For this is a true Rule Christs merit and Christs Spirit goe together Where his death is effectual his Spirit is efficacious None can say they are Christs by his death for them that may not say they are Christs by his Spirit forming and fashioning of them Hence they are said To have his Spirit to be in the Spirit to walke in the Spirit to be led by the Spirit Oh then let carnal and earthly men stand aloof off This matter as it doth not belong to them so they understand it not If thou art Christs his Spirit dwels in thee leades thee guides thee enables thee quickens thee So that there are very few who can challenge an interest in Christ after this manner Are not most men destitute of Christs Spirit For the Apostle Romans 18. saith That if the Spirit of Christ be in us then as that raised up Christ from the grave so it would raise us from sinne Thirdly They are Christs Because he is the Alpha and Omega the first and the last the beginning and the end He is the Alpha he is the AVTHOVR and FOVNTAIN of all the spiritual good we have compared theerefore to the Head that gives of its fulnesse to every Member and to the Vine from which every Branch deriveth its nourishment And the Apostle cals him The Authour and finisher of our faith Heb. 12.2 It 's he that giveth life and motion and all spiritual strength to us Now every effect is more the causes then it is its owne Seeing therefore thou hast no good but what thou hast received from Christ thou art wholly to depend on him as the streame is on the fountain as the light is on the Sunne for take them away and these immediately perish Thus he is the Alpha and he is also the Omega and end We are not to live to our selves but to him Paul saith Gal. 3.20 He doth not live but Christ in him All our graces are to carry us out of our selves to Christ our faith in Christ our love and affections to be pitched on Christ If we preach it is to set up Christ if we eat or drinke it is thereby to strengthen us that we may the better serve him if what ever we doe or what ever we suffer it is to promote the glory and honour of Christ Fourthly We are Christs in that all our Christian compleatnesse is in him Colos 1.19 It pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwell And again Ye are compleat in him Colos 2.10 So Christ is said To be made unto us wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctification and
the world Adulterers and Adulteresses Jam. 44. For the heart of a man should be kept as the chast Wife to Christ and love no other but him Therefore when it le ts loose her desires to the creatures then it becomes guilty of Adultery then God is jealous Oh then make more account where thy heart is placed Look to that more diligently for it 's not fit any creature should be placed nearer to that then God himself Doth not our Saviour say He that loveth Father or Mother or life it self more then me cannot be my Disciple Thirdly Meditate on this That all those who ever loved the creature immoderately have at last found the vanity and unprofitablenesse of it They have been wearied and glutted with it As he said to that Tyrant Satia te sanguine quem sitiisti He gave him blood enough at last So commonly God in anger doth give thee abundance of such things as thou desirest but they are for thy hurt Thou desirest them as the hydropical man water or as the feavourish man Wine which things if they obtain their disease is the more encreased and they become the more dangerous The wise man observeth it of riches Eccles Chap. 5.13 he calls it a sore evil That riches are kept for the owners thereof to their hurt Now then is not this very dangerous to thee to place thy heart upon that which will be poyson and bane to thee This is true of honours preferments any creature if excessively desired will do a man hurt It 's like surfetting upon Honey And this is the reason why God keepeth his own children in so many streights and difficulties he doth not give them the things they desire Yea commonly God doth crosse them in all their earthly affections and undertakings so that they cannot have those mercies they would have And the Lord is herein very mercifull to them for that which is inordinately desired would be also immoderately possessed and so like too much blood it would quickly breed mortal diseases in thee So that that very consideration which often makes thee grudging and discontented may justly put thee upon thankfulnesse Thou maiest blesse God that he doth these things for thee which are ad Sanitatem non ad voluptatem It's Gods goodnesse that I have not the mercies I would have for then I should be undone And that even the godly are apt to seek immoderately after these earthly comforts appeareth in that reproof to Baruch Jer. 45.5 Seekest thou great things for thy self Seek them not Baruch an eminent man in godlinesse even in those daies when there was nothing but destruction universal threatned even then he was apt to seek great things for himself Yea the Apostle complaineth of the whole Church of God almost at Philippi Phil. 2.22 For all seek their own and not the things of Jesus Christ. This disposition being thus in the godly did not the Lord both quench the fire within by sanctifying grace and remove the fewel from without he would quickly be all in a flame Fourthly Consider that therefore it is God hath mingled gall with the honey of every creature That therefore it is every thing is obtained with difficulty and possessed with cares that so we might not rest upon the creature As God made Aegypt a place of oppressiion and misery to the Israelites that so they might willingly go out and seek for Canaan Thus the Lord hath made the world a valley of teares He hath caused every relation every conditon to have its great exercise that so God might be all in all That as you see out of the same root groweth both the Rose and the Prickels about it so likewise out of same creature out of the same condition cometh both Honey and a sting both that which is comfortable and that which is molesting Now Gods end in this is to make thee not with Peter to say It 's good to be here but to seek out for a better good Thou must therefore be very foolish and bruitish if this experience doth not teach thee Hath not Solomon made this Motto upon all the creatures That they are vanity and vexation of spirit Not only vanity but vexation Wilt thou therefore lay thy self down to sleep when there are so many bryers and thornes under thee Oh say This is not my rest Here is not all good There is a better place then this world and a greater happinesse then the enjoying of the creature Even the wisest the richest and most potent in the world have not had their content but thornes have been in their sides and their hath been two drops of gall to one of Honey That Starre called wormwood hath fallen into our waters and made them bitter What then should we learn from this but that it 's our best wisdome and our safest undertaking to look up unto God as the fountain of all happinesse As of him in whom we shall not have any occasion of wearinesse There will never be cause to complain that I find not God so full of comfort and blessednesse to me as I expected Yea God will be unto us above all that we can expect For it cannot enter into the heart of a natural man to conceive the fulnesse and excellency of God And therefore the natural men of the world are commanded to taste and see how good God is It 's for want of this spiritual and heavenly experience that we are so apt to be affected too much with the creature and nothing at all with God Fifthly Remember That these creatures whatsoever they are for comfort they are not originally and of themselves so but are only Instruments and Conduit-Pipes And therefore they are defective in these Particulars 1. They cannot give them any comfort or content of themselves They are not able to satisfie and quiet the heart For how many have been under the greatest mercies in the world and have enjoyed all the outward abundance that their hearts could desire and yet for all that have an unquiet discontented spirit And the reason is because it 's God only that fashioneth the heart It 's he that formeth the spirit And therefore under the saddest afflictions that can possibly befall we see God made David of a quiet and satisfied ●pirit he could lie down and tak● his rest when his own Son was up in armes against him and ready to deprive him both of life and Kingdom at once So it 's said David encouraged himself in his God when he was in that sad distresse at Zicklag So that it 's not the conditions without but the framing of the heart within that makes miserable or happy Is it not then folly as well as sinne to look after this or that creature inordinately which of it self cannot adde one Cubit to thy contentation Thou maiest be in a Prison yea in Hell while thou livest in a vast and large Palace and all this is because it 's not the creature not the
Happinesse p. 108 Houshold-Duties See Family House Gods People are his House p. 113 Of the Material House of God p. 117 See Churches Husbandry Gods People are his Husbandry p. 113 What that Implieth ibid. I Ignorance HOw the ignorance of people hinders the Ministry p. 2 Ignorance lamented and reproved p. 4 5 13 16 17 71 83 90 151 The Effects of Ignorance 16 Illumination Of the Illumination of the Spirit p. 90 Inconstancy Inconstancy in Religion reproved p. 18 Inducements Inducements to Holinesse p. 193 Infirmities Of the Infirmities of the Saints p 22 23 And why they are not quite freed from them p. 23 24 K Key OF the Key of Knowledge p. 9 10. Knowledge Knowledge of Principles necessary p. 15 Knowledge of the meaning of Scripture a gift of the Spirit p. 210 The duty of Growth in Knowledge p. 83 L Love LOVE praised p. 30 The only Motive of Love and Agreement is Godlinesse p. 33 Its Cause and End ibid. Live Godly men do only live p. 279 Wicked men do not live p. 281 M Ministers MInisters hindered by the incapacity of the People from Preaching many excellent sublime Truths p. 2 3 Wickednesse how hurtfull to the Church p. 54 What Prudence is requisite in their Preaching p. 9 10 In reference to the capacity of the Hearers p. 2 3 4. Work is two-fold viz. Teach Govern p. 9 10 Must divide the Word aright p. 9 Are not sinfully to be admired and how that is done p. 48 What hurt Satan doth by bad ones p. 54 In what cases they may praise themselves p. 137 Must preach no new Doctrine p. 139 Must preach Christ the Foundation p. 145 How Servants to the Church and how not p. 271 Faithfull seek not to win people to themselves but to Christ p. 63 May preach from a corrupt end or a good end ibid. And what those ends are ibid. Must not only plant but water p. 83 Cannot work grace p. 86 94 That is faithfull hath grounds of comfort under successelesse labours p. 89 Co-workers with God p. 109 How carefull they should be to lay a good foundation in the hearts of their hearers p. 125 How they should build upon the foundation p. 126 to 161 Ministry Ministry The ends and use of it p. 3 17 18 140 The great respect due unto it p. 46 Its successe from God p. 86 c. 94 Sufficient in its kind to effect its end ibid. The appointed Instrumental cause of Faith p. 67 How it is such a Cause p. 68 How not p. 67 The Properties of it as such a cause p. 69 How all are obliged to attend it ibid. How to profit by it p. 77 How blessed with increase by God p. 86 Is to continue to the end of the world p. 69 Why God will make use of it ibid. Ministerial Gifts Ministerial Gifts Why all not gifted alike p. 76 Though diversity of gifts yet all should agree in one p. 97 Whether from the Holy Ghost or no p. 209 The end of them p. 211 Merrit See Reward Members Members of the visible Church who p. 6. Distinguished ibid. Man Man according to man several significations of that phrase p. 42 To live as men what that implies p. 43 Meanes Meanes of Grace alwaies needfull to all p. 84 Manifest Manifest All sinne though never so secret shall be made manifest p. 165 N Name NAme Of peoples being called by the Names of eminent men in the Church p. 50 The Names that Christians have been called by in several Ages 50 c. What hurt the Devil doeth the Church by the Names and esteem of men p. 54 New New No New Doctrine to be expected O Order See Government Ordinances ORdinances The sinne of neglecting them p. 61 Officers See Ministers P Papists PApists as such have but a humane blind Faith p. 53 Perfection Perfectionists Confuted p. 8 22 Prayer Prayer for Gods Directing Ministers p. 12 Praise Praise In what cases Ministers or others may praise themselves p. 137 Preaching Preaching One manner of preaching censured and another commended p. 10 Presence Presence Of Gods presence with his Church p. 200 Pride Pride Of pride p. 34 Principles Principles of Religion first to be laid p. 13 Reduced to several heads p. 14 Are easie p. 15 17 Necessary p. 15 Priviledges Priviledges of the Church and every Believer p. 265 Are Obligations to duty 193 Profit Profit Rules or helpes to profit by the Ministry p. 77 88 93 96 112 Protestant Protestants agree in Fundamentals p. 41 Whence so called p. 51 Providence Providences All Providences for the good of the godly p. 286 Prudence Prudence requisite in a Minister in preaching such matter and in such a manner as is for the peoples good p. 9 Planting Planting the Gospel p. 80 Punishment Punishment of Losse and of Sense p. 223 224 Purgatory Purgatory An Argument against it from the great Text brought for it p. 177 Q QUarreling See Contention R Reformation REformation of the Church p. 81 175 Reigning-sinne Reigning-sinne That word explicated p. 23 Right Right or Title two-fold p. 264 Relation Relation-Duties p. 3 Reproof Reproof How to be performed p. 11 Riches Riches The Churches Riches ennumerated p. 265 Reward Reward two-fold of Debt and Promise p. 101 Of works p. 102 Essential and Accidental p. 105 Lawfull to encourage our selves in good Works from the promise of the Reward p. 150 Reward of Godlidesse in this life p. 106 In the life to come p. 107 The greatnesse of the Heavenly Reward and the vast disproportion that is between the Reward and the work p. 108 Respect Respect Of Respect to the Ministry p. 46 47 48 And how it may degenerate into sinfull Admiration p. 48 S Saints SAints How all things are theirs p 265 Secret Secret The most secret sinnes shall be brought to light p. 165 The Aggravation of secret sinnes p. 168 Self Self-seekers A lawfull self-seeking p. 105 Self-seeking in a Minister what p. 64 65 Sinne. Sinne Of the sinnes of the godly p. 12 Schisme Of Schisme and Division Civil Ecclesiastical p. 38 Its Nature and Ingredients p. 39 Its Causes p. 40 Slothfullness Of Slothfullness in Religion p. 13 Spirit Spirit How it works by and with the Word and the Ministry thereof p 86 The signification of the word when attributed to God p. 201 Its dwelling in the Saints p. 205 212 Its Effects in the Church p. 209 212 See Holy Ghost Spiritual Of a spiritual man p. 7 Strife Strife See Contention Strictness Strictness in Conversation how despised by the wise men of the world p. 241 Vindicated p. 241 Scripture Scripture A plea for its simplicity p. 233 Its sufficiency p. 139 The only Foundation of our Faith p. 126 Stedfastness Stedfastness in the Faith p. 83 T Temple TEmple The use of the word and its signification p. 197 Of Gods spiritual Temple p. 197 226 Compared to the material one p. 198 Believers joyned in a Scripture way are Gods Temple p 228
or The Agreement of the Associated Ministers of Worcestershire with Mr Baxters Explication of it A Defence of the Worcestershire Petition for the Ministry and Maintenance The Quakers Catechism An Apology against Mr Blake Dr Kendal Mr Lodovicus Molineus Mr Aires and Mr Crandon His Confession of Faith The Saints Everlasting rest The safe Religion a piece against Popery His present Thoughts about Perseverance Mr Lukin The Practice of Godliness Mr Langly His Catechism A Treatise of Suspension Dr Teate His Sermon at the Funeral of Sr Charles Coote Mr Dury The desires of forrain Divines of a Body of Divinity from English Divines with an Essay of a Modell Lib. 2. de Gener. cap. 10 Observ In what respects Ignorance is an impediment to the Ministers preaching What precious truths in Divinity the sinfulnesse of a people make them uncapable of Carnal The several significations it hath in Scripture Primitive Christians distinguished What it is to be a spiritual man Carnal or babes described and counselled The Ministers two-fold Work What wisdome is required in a Minister to choose out sound matter 1. For Information 2. For Consolation 3. For Reproof Reas 1. Reas 2. Reas 3. Observ Considerations abou● the principles of Religion and the knowledge and ignorance of them How necessary the Knowledge of the Principles of Religion is Observ What are those effects of the Ministry for the defect whereof a people may be severely blamed 1. Intellectual effects 2. Practical Effects Observ The imperfections and sins of the godly Whence it is that the godly do not fully conquer sin Envy its several acceptians Of sinfull Envy It s Original The Degrees of it What that is in others which is the Object of Envy The subject of Envy Who are prone to it The Aggravations of Envy Remedies aginst Envy A Case resolved The difference between Envy and zeal Observ Of strife and contention Godlinesse the only motive of love and agreement The agreement among the ungodly A two-fold striving I. Good II. Ungodly and that about a two-fold object 1. Civil The cause of sinfull strife and contention The effects of sinful strife and contention about worldly things The effects of sinfull strife about religious matters The aggravations of this sin Of Schisms and Divisions Observ Divisions divided 1. Civil 2. Ecclesiastical What it is that goes to the making of division or faction The causes of Divisions 1 Tim. 6.5 A Christian life must exceed a humane life What is implied in this phrase To live as men Observ Wherein the spiritual respect due to the Ministers of the Gospel doth consist Wherein our respect to the Ministers of the Gospel may run out into sinfull admiration Motives to give spiritual respect to the Ministery Quest Answ Observ Of being called by the Names of eminent men in the Church The Names that Christians have been called by Disciples Believers Whence the name Protestant came What great use the Devil makes of the names and esteem of men What is the common and most notorious way of Satans doing hurt to the Church of God 1. By corrupting the lives and conversations of the Ministry Tit. 1.7 2. By raising up Ministers full of superstition and doting upon traditions 3. By raising up all the power civil and ecclesiastical against the Church 4. By causing men to give them too much honour How the devil hurts the Church by godly men 1. When he tempts them away into any errour 2. Evil practic●● 3. Setting them up too high 1 John 4.1 Observ Of a sinfull setting up of Christ There are principal and efficient Causes of grace and subordinate and instrumental The cheif instituted instrumental causes of Grace The end of faithfull Ministers is not to win people to themselves but to Christ A twofold end of Preaching the Word A corrupt end A good end Characters of that Ministry that seeks not you to applaud them but to bring you to Christ Reasons why a faithfull Ministry doth thus The Ministry is the appointed means to work Faith and all other Graces in the Hearers How it is not an Instrumental Cause How it is a Cause The Properties of this instrumental Cause Observ Of Faith The nature of faith It consists in three Acts. 1. Knowledge 2. Assent 3. A resting on Christ The Effects of faith ad intra Ad extra Of diversity of Gifts in Ministry 1. The Office it self is a Gift to the Church 2. Their severall Abilities and various Parts that Officers in the Church have while they discharge their Office 2. And these are of two sorts 1. Extraordinary Why all have not the same Gifts Rules or Helps to profit by the Ministry Observ Of Gods planting his Gospel among a people Observ Wherein this spiritual watering or further quickning of Christians doth consist 1 Cor. 15. ult Why there is such daily need of these quickening graces God only gives success to the Gospel God works in and by the Ministery God works on whom and when he will Why God only gives the encrease What we must do that God may give the increase Wherein God giveth the Increase Why God only can give the increase John 11. Qu. What means must we use that God may give this increase Observa What the Apostle doth not mean in saying The Ministry is nothing Rom. 10.16.21 Directions how to hear the Word Observ Ministers should agre in one They should agree in Doctrine 2. In their end and scope 3. In Affection The sad effects of dis union in the Church What people sh●uld do when Ministers and Professors are divided Of Reward and Merit Observ Of Degrees of Glory All persons have work to do for God There is a two-fold doing of good works What it is to do a good work which God will accept and reward A lawfull self-seeking Mat. 6. The reward of godliness two-fold Wherein lie●h the reward of working for God 1. In this life 2. In the life to come The greatness of the heavenly reward The vast disproportion that is between the work and the reward Observ Of the Ministers being workers with God Why God wi●l work by the Ministry of men Observ The people of God are his husbandry and building What our being Gods husbandry and building joyntly considered implies What to be Gods Husbandry implies 1. On Gods part 2. On o●● part Of Gods house What Gods building and our being his house implieth Observ Of exalting free grace The Properties of praising Gods grace Why the godly are so sensible of Gods grace What Opinions are Co●●ers of this duty of giving thanks to free-grace Observ Of laying a good and sure foundation in Religion A two-fold foundation The Scripture and Christ Four unquestionable Scripture foundations The Scripture is the only foundation of our faith Reas 1. Reas 2. Four rotten weak and false foundations 1. The Authority of the Church 2. The Authority of the Civil Magistrate 3. Enthusiasm 4. Meer humane Reason The foundation of Gods Worship The necessity of
pure Worship because 1. God is greatly provoked by the contrary God may be provoked by sinfull worship three waies 2. Corrupt worship ●ends to the breach of Union between God and his Church 3. God looks upon corrupt worship as done to Devils 4. Men are prone to invent new worship Reasons to prove that all acceptable worship must have a Divine Command Quest Answ Of the foundation of practice The parts are 1. It 's directory Gods Word 2. The justifion of our persons 3. A receiving power from Christ 4. A renewed and sanctified nature Why we should be carefull of laying these foundations for every good action The ●o●ten foundations that men build upon in regard of practice Observ Of Ministers praising themselves In what cases Ministers may magnifie their Work and Office Observ Ministers are not to preach any new Doctrine The use of Preaching notwithstanding the fulness of the Scripture Observ Of Ministers building upon the foundation of Scripture by their preaching Gal. 3.15 A two-fold building upon the foundation Both the words of Scripture and the sense of Scripture must be attended unto Why Ministers must take heed how they build upon the true foundation 1. On Gods part 2. On the peoples part 3. On the Ministers part Directions to Ministers and people how to build aright upon the foundation Observ Of preaching Jesus Christ as the foundation How many waies Christ is to be preached as a foundation Reasons why Ministers are to lay no other foundation but Christ Object Answ Object Answ The great advantages which those people have who are built on Christ Observ What is implied by comparing the truths of Christ to gold and precious stones 1. In respect of the matter 2. In respect of the way and manner of preaching them Observ Errors not fundamental are hay and stubble Propositions to amplifie this point Why errors are called hay and stubble Wickedness in practice the fruit of errour in judgement Observ What secret sins shall be brought to light The aggravation of secret hidden sins Observ Hidden and secret wayes of false doctrine shall be made manifest What concerning errours shall be made manifest 1. The causes of errour shall be manifest 1. Pride 2. Ignorance 3. Hypocrisie 4. Ambition and affectation of high places 5. Discontent and imparience 6. Envy 7. Contemplative delight in a mans own notions II. The nature of errour shall be manifested III. The cunning subtilty in divulging them shall be manifested Observ That God hath his time for the discovering of errour Errors are spiritual judgements What is meant by fire The way God takes to bring people out of errour By the word and afflictions Which are both helpfull but differently in these respects How wandering sheep are reduced by the Word Object Answ How afflictions may help to reduce men from errour Observ Of the durable nature of Gods Truths Truth two-fold Increated and Created Created truths of two sorts Scripture truths reduced to four heads Truth willing to be tryed They grow more illustrious by the fiery Tryal The effects of truth also upon the heart will abide this tryal Object Qu. Whether any Ministers or Churches are quite free from building hay or stubble Observ Every man shal be a loser by what error soever he maintaineth Wherein they shall be losers Observ Errours in judgment may damn a man as well as a wicked life The several corruptions of the understanding that endanger a mans salvation The difference between errour and heresie The grounds of the Doctrin Observ The difficulty of salvation even to a godly man The Church is Gods Temple Observ Church Priviledges and Relations are great Obligations to Holinesse How the word Temple is used in Scripture What it doth signifie Of Gods spiritual Temple What there is in the Church alusively to the Temple Of Gods presence with his Church The significa of the word Spirit when attributed to God That the Holy Ghost is God and a Person That he is a Person That he is God Arguments Why the holy Ghost is called Spirit Of the Spirits dwelling in us What to have the Spirit dwell in us implieth The special works and effects of the holy Spirit in his Church Doubt Resolution Observ Of defiling Gods Church with errours Why errors are said to defile Gods Church How God will punish Heretiques A godly ma●n may fall into a damnable heresie How a godly man erring differeth from a wicked man Errour and erroneous persons distinguished Why God is so provoked with corruptions in Doctrine and Worship Observ Of Eternal Damnation The punishment of losse The pain of sense The aggravations of this destruction Eternal Universal Inevitable Observ Of the Temple of God Of the Jewish Tabernacle and Temple Believers joyned in a Church way according to Scripture are Gods temple Observ Of humane wisdome what an hinderance it is to the things of Christ Carnal wisdom an enemy to the Scripture Carnal wisdom an enemy to Christian duties Observ Humane wisdome nothing to Scripture-wisdome Scripture-wisdome excels speculative wisdome Scripture wisdome excels the moral or practical wisdome of the world Observ True wisdome is but folly in the worlds account The things to be believed have these seeming follies The hope of a Christian foolish in the judgment of the world The duties of Christians foolish in the judgement of the world Observ That true wisdom is only in the Church of God demonstrated Observ All worldly wisdom is folly before God And that whether considered actively or passively I. Active foolishnesse How worldly wisdome is foolishnesse in a passive sense God turning all their wisdome into folly A two-fold humane wisdome viz. good evil Observ How God takes the wise men of the world in their own craft Object Answ Observ Of vain thoughts In what sense the Scripture useth the word vain Observ Of glorying in men How many wayes we may be said to glory in men in the general How many wayes we may be said to glory in Doctors and Teachers Observ All things are the Saints In what respects all things may be said to be the godly mans Why God made all things for the godly Object Answ Object Answ Doubt Answ Object Answ Observ All Offices are for the Church In what sense the Ministers are not servants to the Church against Brownists In what sense they are the Churches The end for which they are the Churches Observ In what sense the world is said to be a godly mans Object Answ Observ Godly men only live In what respects it is true that the wicked do not live Observ The generation of death In how many particulars death is a godly mans Observ Observ Observ In what respects a godly man is Christs Characters of such as are Christs In what sense Christ can be said to be Gods Observ Of the Natures and Person of Christ and of the hypostatical Union How Christ as a man and as a Mediatour is Gods The general Character of the godly and the wicked All good the creature affords should lead us to God the universal good All naturally desire felicity The perswasi● of what is the best good and which is chiefly to be desired is wonderfully diversifyed according to the several inclinations humours and conditions of men How hardly this sin is discerned untill a man be enlightned by Gods Spirit All have lost the Image of God which alone did elevate the soul And Original corruption is come in the room of it If the godly man is yet conflicting with this sinne then it must needs reign in an unregenerate man The common gifts and graces of Gods Spirit never cures this evil The point is proved from the nature of Conversion And from the restlesse and unquiet heart of every natural man Their very approaches to God demonstrate that they prefer something before him The creature is unable to help us in our greatest exigencies Immoderate love of the creature is inconsistent with the love of God Is's a wofull snare and temptation The Word is unprofitable to a man while he preferres the creature It is a tormenting sinne All the things thus affected are vanities It 's direct Idolatry It 's a debasing of a man Such as prefer the world before God cannot Pray The heart is too noble for the creature Consider that all that have over-loved the creature have experienced the vanity of it Consider the re●s●● why God mingles gall with the Honey of every creature Consider how insufficient they are of themselves to help and comfort us Heaven and glory cannot be obtained without a preement and transcendent affection to all other things Consider how ● some Heathens and superstitious persons have trampled upon earthly things to attain a notable end What this phrase to lift up the light of Gods countenance upon a man implyeth I. Riches II. An untroubled Conscience is no Argument of Gods countenance 1. An untroubled Conscience may be a stupid seared Conscience 2. And may be accompanied with grosse sinnes 3. And without taking Gods way for the obtaining and preserving of it Causes of the eclipse of Gods face to the godly The nature of this joy How it exceeds all worldly Joy The wonderfull Effects of Faith in quieting the soul in Afflictions The Doctrine xplain ed. The Arguments by which Faith quieteth the Soul The Stoical Security The Mirth and jollity of most wicked men under Gods Judgements How it differs from a gratious Confidence God alone preserveth in safety I. II. God preserveth principally And by creatures instrumentally 1. Irrational 2. Rational men Angels III IIII. The several waies by which God preserveth his people in safety