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A08269 A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections. 1569 (1569) STC 18602; ESTC S110162 92,217 282

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written or preached is lyke vnto the leafes which beyng well and reuerently receyued by the woorkyng of the holy Ghost is of muche importaunce and wayghtie healthfull strong and myghtie in operation muche lyke vnto the mustard séede Aboue all thyngs sayeth Zorob●bell is the Truthe moste strong and ouercommeth all For it is the wyll of the Lorde whiche neuer shall perishe This worde then I saye is so myghtie and victorious that the Congregation of Christe and true beléeuers what soeuer trouble persecution or violence they doe suffer shall yet euen in their extreme paine and distresse be comforted and quieted in cōscience and spirite be●ing well assured that God keepeth them as the very apple of his eie for they know ●hat they ar vnder his protection gouernance and that hereafter they shal inherite how contēptuously so euer they lyued here eternall glory felicitie and blessednesse in the presence of God in that new heauenly Ierusalem Of whiche glorie and blessednesse to make a discourse I shold labor in vain and bysides that neuer get my purpose nor finish mine enterprise For neuer no eare hearde it nor eye sawe it neyther came it into any heart And to say al neuer any man was able to comprehend it that God hath prepared for his elect that loue him Ye haue nowe gentle Reader sufficiently as I hope herd what wickednesse thraldome laboure paine and trouble couetousnesse concupiscence and ambition bringeth to them that loue it follow it wishe for it and séeke after it Lykewise ye may consider here howe and after what sort they draw man from God from naturall reason from all goodnesse and mutuall and brotherly loue vnto all kinde of iniquitie crueltie and vnnatural vices and oftentimes come so farre that they not onely bryng other men in great danger to attaine to their purpose but they themselues also body and soule Ye haue hearde also that the Deuill the Prince of this worlde is a father and the author of al wickednesse wicked doers and how that that mischeuous Antechrist whiche within a ●ew yeres hitherwards hath ben reueled did procéede and was borne of him as ye may see more euidently out of this Genealogie folowing The booke of the Generation of Antechrist the desolatour and childe of perdition FIrst the diuell begot Darknesse And darknesse begot Ignorance Ignorance begot error and his brethren Errour begot Freewill Ignorance and Selfe loue Frée will begot Merites Merites begot forgetfulnesse of the grace of God Forgetfulnesse of the grace of God begot Transgression And Transgression begot mistrust Mistrust begot Satisfaction Satisfaction begot sacrifice of the Masse Sacrifice of the Masse begotte Popishe Priesthode And popish priesthod begot Superstitiō Superstition begot Hipocrisie the Kyng And hypocrisie begot Lucre. Lucre begot Purgatorie And Purgatorie begot the Fundation of Pentions Fundation of Pentions begot Patrimonie of the church And Patrimonie of the church begot Māmon of iniquitie Mammon begot Abundance And Abundance begot Fulnesse Fulnesse begot Crueltie Crueltie begot Domination Domination begot Pompe Pompe begot Ambition Ambition begot Simonie Simonie begot the Pope and the Cardinals his brethren in the transmigration of Abhomination And after the Transmigration of Abhomination the pope begot the Mysterie of iniquitie And the Mysterie of iniquitie begot Diuine Sophistrie Diuine Sophistrie begot Reiection of holy Scripture Reiection of holye Scripture begot Tyrannie And Tiranny begot murther of Saincts Murther of saints begot dispising of god Dispising of God begot Dispensation Dispensation begot Licence to sinne And Licence to sinne begot abhominatiō Abhomination begot Confusion And Confusion begot Trauail of y e spirit Trauaile of the spirit begot Disputation and matter to séeke for the veritie by the which that desolatour Antechriste hath bene reuealed You haue heard● also gentle Reader howe that the Diuell wyth all hys adherents accordyng to the veritie of Gods holy word and his righteous iudgement shal be ●hrowen and cast into the pit of eternall pardition of vnquenchable fire which hath ben prepared for him and hys angels hys s●ruauntes and followers marked with his marke from the beginning of the worlde where shall be gnashyng of téeth and wringyng of the handes eternally Moreouer it hath ben said howe that neyther hée nor all hys membres are able to do any thing against Ies● Christe nor agaynste hys kyngdom● or Churche Which bicause they are not of the world there●ore the world and all that belongeth to ●he world haue from the beginning hated them persecuted and afflicted them as well Sathan himself as the world and y e worldly minded as it is séene dayly and shal be so long as the worlde continueth notwithstanding there hath bene sometime a little quietnesse séene and shall be it is possible yet namely so long as the malice and violēce of Sathan and his membres be bridled tied shorte so long shall the godly people haue peace quietnesse and shal sée some yeares of grace Furthermore it was shewed you how that Christ Iesus became man for vs and is now in eternall glory in the kingdome of his father with al his Apostles his chosen with all suche as beléeue through them in him whiche hathe bene prepared for them from the begynning where is and shall be vnspeakable ioye Here you may sée and iudge of God and the deuil Christ and Antechrist the kyngdome of God and of Sathan the Churche of Christe and the synagoge of Rome or the assemblie of the reprobate the broade waye and the straite gate heauen and hell eternall lyfe and euerla●tyng death Nowe t●en if euery one might choose the one or the other of these two wayes I beleue that no man would be so foolishe or ignorant that would not choose rather saluation than condemnation to ascende into heauen than to goe into hell Neuerthelesse those that will be saued and are desirous to be accompted vnder the numbr● of the elect muste diligentely take héede that they wander not nor bée deceyued by euery wynde of doctrin For lyke as cou●tousnesse pride arrogancie ease of the body voluptuousnesse and plesure of the worlde hath chased and dryuen away all maner of deuotion zeale and godly exercises pertayning vnto true christian religion at the primitiue churche In lyke m●ner shall the Dyuell not yet ceasse or leaue o● to raign and rule in his membres notwithstanding that the childe of perdition that Antechrist is already manyfested and openly shewed yea he attemp●eth yet daily by the meanes of suche vices a little before mentioned to rayse vp euen in the reformed Churches among the brethren dissention and trouble And it is to be feared that in the ende he shall preuaile more and more For it is writtē that ini●quitie shal abounde and haue the vpper hande and the charitie of many
beast in setting of hir image vp I Saw a Woman sitting on a beast Before mine eyes of Orenge colour hew Horrour and dreadfull name of blasphemie Filde hir with pride And seuen heads I saw● Ten hornes also the stately beast did beare She seemde with glorie of the s●arlet faire And with fine perle and golde puft vp in heart The wine of hooredome in a cup she bare The name of Mysterie writ in hir face The bloud of Martyrs dere were hir delite Most fierce and f●ll this woman seemde to me An Angell then des●ending downe from Heauen With thondring voice cride out aloude and sayd Now for a truth great Babylon is fallen THen might I see vpon a white horse set The faithfull man with flaming countenaunce His head did shine with crounes set therupon The worde of God made him a noble name His precious robe I saw embrued with bloud Then saw I from the heauen on horses white A puissant armie come the selfe same way Then cried a shining Angell as me thought That birdes from aire descending downe on earth Should warre vpon the kings and eate their flesh Then did I see the beast and Kings also Ioinyng their force to slea the faithfull man But this fierce hatefull beast and all hir traine Is pitilesse throwne downe in pit of fire I Saw new Earth new Heauen sayde Saint Iohn And loe the sea quod he is now no more The holy Citie of the Lorde from hye Descendeth garnisht as a loued spouse A voice then sayde beholde the bright abode Of God and men For he shall be their God And all their teares he shall wipe cleane away Hir brightnesse greater was than can be founde Square was this Citie and twelue gates it had Eche gate was of an orient perfect pearle The houses golde the pauement precious stone A liuely streame more cleere than Christ all is Ranne through the mid sprong from triumphant s●●● T●ere growes lifes fruite vnto the Churches good A BRIEFE DEclaration of the Authour vpon his visions takē out of the holy scriptures and dyuers Orators Poetes Philosophers and true histories Translated out of French into Englishe by Theodore Roest WAying and considering that many which are grieued and sore vexed in their myndes grudgyng and leding an vnquiet life do not onely for the most part mislike of their owne estate and calling but enuiously such is our frailtie go about to enter into other men● lyuings so that now a days the fewest numbre of men are cōtented with their vocation and callyng wherof we haue dayly too too much experience As for example Many souldiers desire to be merchants again many merchants loue warfare for all that they 〈◊〉 what inconueniences folow oftentimes● Lawyers woulde be husbādmen agayn● men of the countrey commende the voca●tion of Iudges Many maried folks wold be vnmaried other not maried and single persons trauaile to be Poore men couet to be riche the riche desireth more and more and euery man laboureth to aduaunce him selfe A knight or a gentleman would gladly be some great Lorde or Earle An Earle loketh to be a Duke or prince a Duke or prince séeketh to become King A King contentyng hymself yet least studieth by what meanes he may amplifie his realme and ioyne vnto it townes cities and countreys so to increase his dominions daily that at length he might attaine to the Monarchie of all Europe and then to become Lorde of the whole worlde Briefly the hearts of carnall voluptuous men are neuer at rest haue neuer inough but be driuen by the meanes of concupiscence which reigneth in them always to be careful to watche to toyle and moyle to wishe to mistrust to sue and busily to be occupied For an ambitious and couetous carnal person is neuer contented with that he hath for if he haue bene busy but ten dayes for that he hath he will not refuse to woorke ten times ten other to attaine to that which he desireth and gapeth for● although it be not pro●●table either for body or soule This time of our pilgrimage is graunted of God to learne to knowe him to serue and honor him to laude and magnifie his name to put oure whole confidence in hym to leade oure life accordyng to hys blessed will and to séeke our whole felicitie and blessednesse only in hym Finally to acknowledge without the whiche also the condition of man is worse thā is of brute beasts with heart tong al goodnesse to procéede of him This time I say for this purpose gyuen vnto vs those mē aforesayd consume and spend in vnquietnesse to the seruice of wicked Mammon and other vnlawfull and gréedie desires of earthly and transitorie riches losing and forgoing therby the ioy quietnesse of the spirite and conscience and most of al true christian libertie Wherfore with all righte they may be compared to the Dog wherof Esope speketh which going ouer a bridge with breade in his mouth spying his shadow in the water thought to haue seene some other Dogge wyth a greater piece of bread in his mouth wherfore enticed by glutt●ny and enuy he let fall that that he had and snatchyng after his shadowe was fowly deceyued of al. In like maner I say hapneth to those that are so wholy gyuen addicted vnto those worldly and transitorie riches that notwithstandyng they see ●hem to be but vaine and idle yet doe they prefer them aboue the perpetuall and heauenly I put case there were an image made of clay outwardly decked and layde ouer wyth gold very finely but thinly that it might séeme to be altogether of the fynest and purest gold that can be so that euery mā woulde trauaile and end●uor to get it to him selfe one comming breaketh a little piece of it and so by that meanes the● hidden deceipte being knowne I doubte whether any woulde be so foolishe as to make much a do about a thing so vile and vnprofitable but that he woulde bestow● his time to a farre better vse Therefore hopyng to moue such as doe vnderstand a right how deceitfull worldly things be to auoyde them the rather and to couete after the eternall and euerlasting I haue thought it good so compendiously as possibly I may to shewe how vaine transitorie deceitfull vnprofitable and vncertain worldly things be and that heauenly things only are euerlasting immortal excellent good and most to be desired euen as God him self is the fountain of all goodnesse and perfect in all things which can be desired yea more a greate deale than oure vnderstandyng is able to vtter or to comprehende to this ende and purpose that men conuertyng vnto the Lorde in hym o●ely séeking their whole saluation and perfect blysse myght leade their life paciently with a good conscience in all quietnesse of minde and spirite and so to enioy the true christian libertie and spirituall gladnesse here in thys worlde that in the worlde to come they might be inheritours by grace of the euerlasting ioyes
time many other realmes as of the Chaldes and great Cart●age and other ar likewyse perished So Rome neuer obtained the like estimation since as it had before being in his floure as it is to be séene yet by some auncient monuments buildings columnes walles which appere there as yet to beare witnesse of Gods vengeance which came vpon them for their sin and wickednesse to the ende that all godly and well disposed persons mighte perceiue that God can and will perfourme his promises the which he hath thretned in his worde Besides all this the Romaine Empire hath ben without an Emperour .iij. hundred twentie yeares nam●ly since Augustus vntill Charlemayn In the meane time the Bishop of Rome began to forget all maner of simplicitie humblenesse and pouertie and to neglect the seruice and administration of a true pastoure and to put his minde vpon temporall dominion and rule beginning so through the liberalitie of many great Princes as King Pepin and manye other great Lordes which he inchaunted vnder the pretence of holinesse to become so great that at length he hath set him selfe in the cha●re as soueraigne aboue all the rest that euen Emperoures were at his commaūdement elect and deposed For the feruent zeale deuotion was in many Christians already cold many of them were addicted and giuen to worldly quietnesse great estate and all maner of intēperancie and voluptuousnesse so that they had more mind to securitie and idlenesse than to labor and paine to sleepe than to work to take than to giue to banquet than to preache and had rather to take their pleasure in this wicked world than to enioy the heauenly pleasures in the world to come After this dissention rose amongst them for the supremacy then sought they ambitiously to rule and gouerne euer all the whole world They wold wel be confessors as they termed them but few or none woulde be Martirs for preachyng was cast aside and pride had occupied the roum of it wherupon did folow of necessitie as Scripture speaketh where as Gods word is not preached ther the people perish many and diu●rs heresies schismes and sects as Sabellians Arrians Emonians Macedonians Priscellians Nestorians and Eutichians which diuers and sundry wayes erred in the doctrine and faith cōcerning the diuinitie The Mani●hes contempned and made light of the olde Testament The Donatis●s did holde it necessary to be rebaptised again The Pelagians taught that men could deserue heauen by merits without grace other like to thē Amongst the Bishops was discorde in all places In the R●mish church were many mutations about their el●ction Betwene Liberius Feliciꝰ was great dis●ord about y ● popeship Likewise was it betwéen Damasiꝰ Vrcisiꝰ Boniface Aulatiꝰ Simache and Laurence Boniface and Dioscore Constātine and Philip Eugenius and Sisine Formosie and Stephē S●rgie and Christopher Benedict and Leo Gregorie and dyuers other Amongest which many were accused of heresies some of incest and some of other kyndes of euill of whiche some were banished some deposed some s●landred some had their eyes put out other some miserably slaine and murdered no practises fraudes guiles nor violence or oppression was left behind to none other ende than to attaine vnto promotion honor dignitie and great estate and to obtaine their malicious purpose After this sorte did the bishops procéede in al kindes of vanitie and idlenesse to become loytering prelates puffed vp in pride and presumption wherby veritie and truth was defaced and quite abolished The Sunne began nowe to be darkened and become blacke as a hairen cloath and the Moone like vnto bloud the starres of heauen to fall downe For they dayly practised to get newe and more dominions they attempted by al means possible to increase their aucthoritie and power all their whole study and labour was to aduaunce their h●nour and dignitie héere vpon the earth not without scattering of the commons and innumerable murthers of the people Iohn Archbishop of Constantinople debated to be Primate and soueraign of all other Patriarkes Boniface the third of that name Bishop of Rome tooke vpon him to raigne and rule ouer all and to be the lieuetenāt of God vpon earth Again Mahomet comming afterward would be adored as a great prophet and messanger of God So that by the meanes of couetousnesse ambition and carnall concupiscence the truth is darkened the church of Christ moste miserably scattered and dispearsed The I●wes by a craftie sleight wrested the scripture to maintaine their Talmuith the Sarazens their Alcorane and these prelates and Bishops their Decretals and all other errors and herisie● which were vnder that false prophet Mahomet in Asia and Affricke and vnder the Pope in Europe with all their curssed traditions and trifles They haue banished abolished Christe and his doctrine euery where preferryng their owne ambition profit cōmoditie ease Whervnto to obtain it the rather they haue brought in many superstitions traditions of men as Latin seruice bicause y e comon people should not vnderstād their doings bells organs play cymbales incense palmes candles tapers purgatori● masses for al soules diriges obsequies Pilgrimages indulgences to deliuer the soules out of purgatorie after thei haue gotten money inough Item church holy days Rogatiō dayes Relikes yea coales wherwith S. Laurence was broyled Iosephs ●osen the armes of S. Cornelis with many more trifles and other relikes They proc●ed further to the forbidding of mariage meate egges butter in lyke manner images and crucifixes were sette vp woorkyng thereby false miracles alwayes foreseing to their Mao●in that is great shops churches temples chapels and Altars where they might sell their trumperie fréely not without great gain yea so wel that they were mounted ●o hie in power riches and voluptuousnesse as we haue se●ne by experience and dayely is to be seene in places where they are that they rule aboue emperors kings princes all this vnder a shewe of pietie and holynesse as we heretofore haue say●e Of these S. Iohn in his reuelation doth warn vs in his sixte chapiter where he sayeth manifestly that whē the lambe had opened the seuēth seale he saw a pale horse and he whiche satte vpon it was named death for this cōgregation of hipocrites notwithstanding their copper faces and carbuncled noses through their vnmeasurable gluttony and dronkennesse are yet in their soule pale deadish black and blew as vnholsom dead bodies for th●i haue no true life within thē nor y e blessednesse that co●sistet● in Christ Iesu his holy word And he which sate on it was death Their doctrine and teaching is nothing but death and damnation For hypocrisie eng●ndreth nothing but des●ruction of saluatiō their f●uits are shame and confusion For hell foloweth them to destroy those that are seduced by them Daniel and Paule they haue foretold that Antechrist shoulde be borne of the subuersion of the Empire and
con●ession or at the least the fashion of it and other more superstitions For the beast seketh al meanes to recouer yea hath brought to passe that the eyes of many learned ministers and pastors waxe dimme and as it were asléepe so that they do not narowely searche or diligently trie euery matter by the onely touchstone of Gods holy word but weigh them rather by deceiuable custome and take their course to the fathers and their good intents Although they are sure and throu●hly persuaded the Pope to be very Antechrist that these names are put out of their bookes yet are these ceremonies before of no value or at the least indifferent nowe of necessitie to be obserued and kepte as godly rites honorable and singular ornaments Although they say the Masse to be of no value in Latin yet in their own language to be a sacrifice propiciatorie other haue a greate trust and confidence in saying Dimitte nobis or any other like thing not vnderstanded Some will vpholde and maintaine the free wyl in man Other some wyll not bee Papistes but are well halfe yea and worse than Papistes Also the wounded head of the beast is healed and redressed in some places by force and power of worldly princes the whiche muste fight for the Pope and in suche tyme and place as it se●meth him good slaying kyllyng and burnyng all such as he commaūdeth destroying their owne realmes murtheryng and banishing their good and true subiects bicause they séeke the honoure of GOD and to serue hym arighte These Princes bée as it were bewitched and drawne by a subtill kinde of flattery in calling them ignominiously most christen princes defendours of the vniuersall and catholike fayth meanyng the Romish decrées And after thys sorte is healed and cured the wounde of the Beast by the meanes of these oyntmentes and Chirurgians And the whole worlde sayeth S. Iohn did wonder at the beast c. The foolish people worldly and carnall minded not vnderstanding the wysedome of the holy ghost imbracyng all those glorious and ioylye sightes as godly meritorious and spirituall matters and wondryng at them worshypped exalted and made muche of it yea aboue the things ordeined and instituted of GOD. whose blyndenesse is growne to suche grossenesse that they wyll not nor can forsake theyr olde and more than outragious kynde of worshippyng whiche is rather custome than religion For whē they haue any hope that theyr wicked custome shal continue they clap their handes and crie oute ●or ioye with Baals priestes Gaudeamus And they worship the Dragon who gaue power to the beast that is to say they reioyce in their mindes hoping that their kingdome shall abide and stande chiefly when they sée his head againe whole and sounde that is their gouernour the godly prechers burned the Instructers of the people slayne or banished persecuted and put to silence as it hath ben practised in our natiue coūtrey of low Germanie All those that worshyp the Dragon worship the beast also for as those whiche honour Christ honor hys father also in lyke maner all those whiche adore Antechrist that is to say consent and holde of his traditions masses and ordinaunces all those I saye worship the diuel of whom they haue receyued all his wickednesses Who is like vnto the beast namely in out ward shew of holynesse or obseruation of false rites and Ceremonies Who is able to warre against him say they consyderyng that worldly princes are readie to defend his quarrell and take his parte The papists goe about by all meanes possible be it by crafte or subtiltie by force or violence to maintain their adulterous fained disguised churche in hir diseased estate power and holy shewe no kinde of wickednesse craftinesse or policie leaue they vnassayed or vnattempted to make them to bée regarded of the people for holy and spiritual men of gret power worthinesse and estimation It foloweth in our text And there was giuen vnto him a mouthe to vtter great and blasphemous things When Gods truth was reueled vnto them they thāked him not but became vain in their imaginations and therefore God gaue them ouer to vncleane lustes of their owne hearts blinded with vnbeliefe and peruerted minds so y t whē they thought to be very wise becam then stark fooles Now vtter they in their counsells consistories sermons blasphemies agaynst God and his Christ. They make the people by straight lawes to cleaue to them and all their Romishe and beggerly ceremonies and vile borrowed trumperies be it neuer so great a grief to them The holy and sacred scriptures may not once be red neither may it be had in the mother tong For the Scripture say they must be expoūded as pleaseth them according as they think good for their own aduantage And how trow ye could thys wound of y e beast else wel be healed for the infallible word of God which be the Scriptures hath giuen him this wound They wyll not that Christe be our alone and sufficient Sauior without our owne merits deseruings The Lords supper whiche in holy Scripture is called the Communion of the body and bloude of Iesus Christ must be wyth them a new crucifiyng of hys bodie Wherin as in a play or Comedie one creature alone playeth fiue or sixe personages or players partes namely of Iudas Anna Cayphas Herode Pylate and the Iewes We●lorke is called of them vncleane notwithstandyng it was instituted as a good and vndefiled ordinaunce of God him selfe no papistica● vowes of Monkes and Friers may be broken although it be sufficiently proued to be most wicked and diuelish and hath ingendred a thousande Sodomites Again that without the blind mumbling and laying on of the priests hande synnes can not be forgyuen as they say for in déede by this one vowe their kyngdome is maintained And more other abhominations are vttered by his mouth y●t dayly be of which to make it shorter and not to trouble the reader ouermuch I wyll leaue rehearsing of them yet muste I néedes touche by the waye the great blasphemie whiche they commit in saying that the entryng into the holy Church cōsisteth onely by the meanes of their greasing shauyng excluding herewithall all other of what estate or condition soeuer they be calling them lay mē and vnder the pretence of this false title they take vppon them to bée sauiours of mens soules affirmyng their Masses to be sacrifices propiciatorie for the quicke and the dead iustifiyng helping and comfortyng and ex opere operato sauing and redéemyng man And ouer their abhominable and stinkyng troupe of Antechristes they create make Emperours and kings chiefe gouerners only to be maintained and defended by them in their malicious wickednesse Kings princes are ordeined of God to be heades and rulers in ciuile and pollitike matters but God forbid that a godly and vertuous Prince whom they disdayn and are rebellious disobedient vnto should be called their head and claym● a
their honour profite more than the aduauncement of Gods truthe lette them not persuade them selues to bée worthy of his grace for they must worshyp the beast whose deadly wounde was healed hys olde and abolyshed Relygion polyshed and vernyshed vp a newe and hys woren Romyshe trashe p●tched and newly redressed embrace vpon payne of death To those hellishe dogges and infernall Cerberus must be rendred and giuen for a time more honour reuerence and worshyp than to GOD hym selfe Their wicked and moste fylthie traditions must now be more in our countrey sette by than the pure worde of God and the eternall veritie And why should it not be so Haue not they erected a new sinagoge and congregation wherein the wounded head of the beast is nowe altogether cured and made whole They haue amended botched and renued agayne their Idols to some they hau● made a newe nose hand arme or legge other some are paynted vp or coloured vernyshed and made a new so that they now more like mad men do carrie them rounde aboute the Citie in Procession honouryng the same images which they ●aue so newly arayed and decked wyth silke veluet golde pearles and precious stones beades gyrdles purses flowers greene bowes and all manner of swéete herbes with song and sundry musicall instrumentes torches candles offerings and all other kynde of seruice and knéelyng before them bare headed they worship serue and holde vp theyr handes to them They keepe and obserue nowe againe their diuelyshe feastyng solemne processions and church holy dayes They eate they drinke they laugh they quaffe and run after whoores they fight and pike quarels their stewes are furnished wyth whoores ruffians and bauds are nowe good vittaylers and are haunted fréely yea all manner of filthynesse iniquitie and wickednesse are cōmitted with al greedinesse Briefly the kingdom of Sathan is in all things newly erected fortified and established the head of the beast wel annointed and redressed so lōg as the popish church stādeth so long must they obserue his comaundementes of his religion and maintaine and vpholde his customes so long shall the true seruauntes of God the good Christians be persecuted bannished blamed slaundered mocked and scornefully intreated cried out vpon taken imprisoned killed myserably slayne and burned in suche sort that their corpses are cast here and there abrode hanged on trées g●bets and bushes and no man will burie them But thys diuelysh generation and fleshly mynded and wycked people clappe their handes together in token of greate ioy they daunce and leape they make mery and are gladde they make great diners and sende presentes one to an other being wonderful wel disposed bicause they sée those that dyd rebuke them of their wycked conuersation and vngodly behauioures so irkesomly intreated they sing and make ballettes they compose in metre and sette forth bookes of greate slaunders blasphemies and lyes against GOD his Christe and his Churche whyche thyng surely dothe sufficientely proue the wickednesse of their hearts they rage and fume they are woode lyk● bloud thyrstie Tyrantes they gnashe as fierce and cruell Lyons and they are very sorie that any shoulde escape theyr bloudy handes Thys may those testifie whiche haue hearde the Sermons of one B. Cornelis y ● Hisper at Bruges B. Iohn vanden Hagen at Gaunt and that worthie knaue that preached at S. Goule whiche for his behauiour was banyshed oute of the Haghe in Hollande as the rest of them were woorthie to bée But God be thanked that the Papistes of oure countrey can none otherwyse clense them selues than wyth suche ●oule and filthie dishe cloutes and fyght wyth such darts wherwyth they hurte them selues And it was permitted to hym to gyue a spirite vnto the image of the beast so that the image of the beast shoulde speake After thys sorte come they then hauyng receyued power of the diuell flatteryng to the Image to maynteyne their malycious wickednesse saying after thys manner Your maiestie is the most vertuous the most gratious the most valiant the most wisest the most puissant the most noble the most blessed and most learned of all Christian Princes and Potentates all other are but Asses yea nothing in comparisō of your highnesse If it please your maiestie to cōmaund this or that or establish ordaine any thing in your realme and iurisdiction who is he that dare withstād your maiestie yea if it were against the commaundementes of God twentie times it must be obserued and kept Upholde then the old Catholike religion of our mother the holy Church of Rome against these Heritickes so can ye not doe amisse God shall prosper you in all your affaires Command therfore throughout all your dominion and straightly charge them by law and Proclamation sending one vpon an other so straightly as it is possible to shew manifestly that you are the liuely Image of the Pope It is our duetie to make the Image of the beast to speake Therfore lift vp your voice speak out with a corage commaund and charge that against the word of God our old Decrées traditions and Ceremonies be obserued let them be published and cried abrode in your name and authoritie in euery streate and cause euery one of your subiects to keepe your placate vpon paine of death And albeit other Realmes or Princes blame or check you for that you gouerne not well and according to equitie make ye no account of them neither regard their sayings but go forward stil and obstinately persiste and stand to that which séemeth good in your owne eyes Giue ye straight charge that all be put to death that wil not worship the Image of the beast or how their knees before it and keepe all his ordinaunces Thus doing ye shal be our welbeloued sonne Let no man escape your hāds Let none of them liue but slay and kill them either by fire water sweard rope or any other torments spare no man neither olde nor yong rich nor poore great nor small man nor wife maried nor vnmaried yōg man nor maiden for they al speak against vs and oure Dragon wherby our kingdom should fal we should lose our best profits and suffer great damage and losse Cause also that all and euery one great and small riche and pore bond or free be marked on their right hand or on their forehead And aboue this that al Massemongers Monks Friers and Priestes be shauen their fingers greased and then holding vp theyr right hād which they are not ashamed to call it the second baptisme promise and swear by othe to obey and reuerence the Pope and the Romish Church and there to vowe chastitie Moreouer that Emperoures Kings and Princes Archbishops Bishops and Doctors scholes and all estates receiue also a token by oth which they sweare to him that they shall take nothing in hande which is agaynst the Pope and his Decrees lawes and ordinaunces his Seat and priueledges yea that all men receiue this marke in the forehead For he that
it nor beleeue any parte of it so long as it agréeth not wyth the doctrine and gaye Ceremonies of our holy father the pope our mother the Romish churche Vpon the .xij. Sonet or vision I saw sayth S. Iohn a woman sit vpon a scarlet colored beast This woman did a far off seeme to be honest vertuous but in deede she was farre otherwise as ye shal heare This beast is that great Antechrist of whom we haue spoken right now or rather the bodie of the diuel containyng within him the Pope Cardinals patriarkes legates bishops doctors abbots priours chanons Monkes friers prebendaries priests indulgences bulles Nonnes and the reste of all suche diuelyshe sectes beyng full of hypocrisie and dissimulation reignyng wythin the whole Popedome In lyke manner all Magistrates and secular powers that fortifie and defende as well the Pope him selfe as also the abhominations and detestable idolatrie which the Romishe church doth vse be he Emperoure King or Prince Duke Earle or Lorde Maior Iudge Chauncellor Bailie Constable or whatso●uer that maintaine defende and vpholde by force and violence any thing against God and his truth Of whose number I my selfe haue bene sometime and that to myne owne great griefe be it spoken thorough méere ignorance thinkyng to do God great seruice Wherof I am now ashamed and most ●arnestly repent me and am sory for it And I pray God that this nor any of the rest of my sinnes be layde vnto my charge but that he will pardon me thorough hys infinite goodnesse and mercie in the name of his dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christe oure onely Sauioure and redéemer And I thanke hym from the bottome of my hearte that it hathe pleased hym of his mercie without my deseruings to haue called me wyth the Apostle S. Paule out of the shadowe of death and the companie of hys enimies to the knowledge of his eternall wisedome in the felowship of his true spouse his churche Of these I say which seeke not themselues nor any thing in this worlde but seeke the glorie of him that bought them and the accomplishment of his kingdom● counted in the sight of the world as outcastes but glorious in the sight of God This beaste is whole of the colour of scarlet reddish in token of greate tyrannie sheddyng of bloud and murthers which they cōmit against those which will not agree to their wicked diuelish institutions She is also ful of ignominious blasphemous names as your holynesse your clemencie your lordship your fatherhod your mastership your serenitie your worthinesse honour reuerence magnificence bounty vicar of God● spiritual lord phisition of the soule defen●er of the faith supreme head of the church and many ot●er as it is se●ne dayly by their letters and writyngs Moreouer their too too mu●he know●e trumperies and Iack an Apes plays are no lesse blasphemous than processions confirmations greasyngs purgatorie Masses for al soules pilgrimages pardons mattins Aue Maria stella or Salue regina Placebo Candlemasse Palm sonday c. This beast had seuen heades and ten hornes signifiyng all his subtil practises his craftie fetches and false conspiracies therby to impeche and withstande the graces of God and giftes of the holy Ghost And vnder a cloke of authoritie through tyrānish violence resist the commaūdements of God And this woman was aray●d in purple and gilded with golde and precious stones and pearles Which signifieth their coapes of gold corporal stoales staues miters c. and other like trumperies of silk purple crimosin sattin redde coloured bordered wyth golde pearles and precious stones and aboue this their counterfaite pietie and shewe of holinesse This painted pampred vp and so gaily decked Romish churche bragged and boasted muche of hir Gospel and hir Apostles of golde siluer wood or stone decked and arayed wyth all kinde of costlynesse whiche is but an outwarde appearaunce for they looke for nothyng lesse than to imitate or follow and to expresse them in their conuersation She had a cup of golde in hir hande full of abhomination and filthinesse of hir fornication This cup is hir false and cursed Religion whiche she dayly communicateth distributed aboute the Chalice whiche hir Merchauntes doe so wickedly abuse It containeth all kynd of false and dyuelish doctrine all kinde of erroures lyes and beastlynesse all manner of craftie workes of hypocrites all manner of inuentions of fleshly wysedome all mans wittie deuises eyther by crafte arte or otherwise inuented as also all straunge kinde of worshippyng of idolatrie fornication Sodometrie and all other kynde of iniquitie Outwardly she séemeth to be gilded she reporteth yea boasteth to sette forth the glorie of God namely the magnfying of the name of Christ. They say they preache the sacred Scripture they lyue in chastitie and all is nothyng else but a false a counterfaite and deceiptfull shewe of holynesse full of hypocrisie and dissimulation a couer or cloke of all mischiefe and abhomination it is but the bare letter and the onely name as the rest of all their doings are And in hir forhead was a name written a mysterie great Babylon A name declaring what manner of woman she is She is knowne wel inough by hir naughty fruites of such as are skylful of godly knowledge and haue also the spirite of vnderstandyng So that they b●yng illuminated conducted and ledde by the spirite of GOD maye easily perceyue iudge and knowe accordyng vnto the Scriptures that shée is nothyng else but an vnshamefaste and pestyferous whoore full of all iniquitie abhomination and wyckednesse But thys iudgement is hydden from the Infidels the whyche are so bewitched and inchaunted by the meanes of their fayre outwarde shewe their humble knéeling creepyng and gaye Ceremonies that what soeuer she doth speaketh or commaundeth and taketh in hand they make muche of it worship and imbrace it as holy honest perfect good which thing God permitted for theyr vnbeliefs sake She is called mother of whoredomes and abhominations of the earth muche passyng the towne of the Chaldees in all kinde of wickednesse for she is the mother and fountaine both of spiritual and carnall whordome and abhomination And I saw that she was the maried wyfe of the deuyll For I saw hir dronke of the bloud of Sainctes and with the bloud of the martyrs of Iesus which she outragiously and most seuerely hath persecuted and slayne And when I saw hir so I maruelled with great maruell not onely bicause I saw hir defiled and sprinkled of murther and sheding of innocent bloude but also bicause of hir greate and abhominable blasphemies And most of al I was aboue measure amazed and maruelled that almightie God coulde or woulde suffer or permit so long hir intollerable wickednesse and detestable and horrible impietie This woman is called of the Angell the great whore that great Citie which ruled ouer the kings of the earth namely Rome It is no meruaile though she be called that
troubled you scornefully intreated yea and by hir Traditions iudged and condemned you euen vnto death so nowe do ye likewise rebuke hir and exhorte hir of hir wyckednesse iudge hir like a very harlot and condemne hir by the mightie and true worde of God to euerlasting fire whiche can not be quenched And giue hir double according to hir workes And in the cup that she hath filled to you fill hir the double That is render vnto hir double in all punishmentes and giue vnto hir euen for worldly punishements whiche she hath brought vpon the elect of God hellishe torments For corporal and bodily troubles and vexations eternal pains and torment of the minde for the blame and ignomynie of thys worlde perp●tuall shame and confusion for temporall death euerlastyng damnation both of body and soule And the cup. c. That is al kinde of troubles aduersities and miseries whiche she filled to you out of hir cup that is caused to come vpon you shal be doubled to hir againe for as it is sayd she shall receyue for temporall euils euerlasting The holy Ghost calleth here double that which is withoute comparison euen as a little tyme to no time or euerlastingnesse Hir pleasure and ioy shall be conuerted into sorowes and griefes hir mery and pleasaunt talke hir iestyngs and laughyngs into weepyng mournyng wringyng of handes and gnashyng of teeth Hir commaundings shal be turned into crauings hir reuerence into contempt hir honoure into shame c. For she hathe pretended moste faynedly an holy kynde of priesthode she boasteth and braggeth much o● that whiche they are furthest from She hath vsurped and wrōgfully taken vpon hir and proudely claimed vnto hir a royall maiestie and highnesse Whiche two kynde of dignities she hath yet worse vsed lette hir there●ore wayte and attende on the plagues and punishementes due vnto hir pernicious temeritie and arrogancie Take away hir pleasaunt Euphrates wyth the spoyle and greate reuenues wherewithall she hath hytherto so vniustly maintained and kepte hir selfe and throw hir in the deepe pit of all mis●ries and wretchednesse For she sayth in hir heart I sitte being a Queene enuironned with ioy and pleasure I am the chiefe of the vniuersall worlde on me dependeth the Catholike and holy Churche I haue authoritie and power in Heauen earth and Hell I haue also might to binde and to loose to saue and condempne It standeth not with me as it doth with th●se that be not of this worlde for all thyngs here are at my commaundement I am no widowe I am not d●solate The hyghest powers and gouernours of thys worlde do assiste and defende mee putting to death al those that lay against me Nero Domitian Traian or Maxence were neuer more addicted to the defence of my predecessours than are now adays the Princes of our tyme readie to maintaine wyth fire and faggot my Decrées Traditions and Ceremonies Therefore I shall see no mournyng I shall continue alwayes I shall be called Madame at all tymes my kyngdome shall abyde for euer my seate shall no man take awaye from me I shall neuer fall nor any euil can come vppon mée After thys sorte boaste wyth no small presumption our Papistes also saying That the lyttle vessell of Sain●● Peter may wel by the reason of weather and tempeste be shaken and with the waues of the sea troubled but neuer can be ouerwhelmed or perishe hereby goyng aboute to proue that theyr superstitious and Romyshe churche should abyde styll and neuer be ouerthrowne But they consider not of what abilitie and power the Lambe is whiche abideth vppon the mount Syon against whom they stick and make warre against continually whose congregation and little flocke they persecu●e daily with great tyrannie crueltie and rigorousnesse Therfore shal hir plagues come at one day God shall once poure vpon this wicked race malignant ●hurch Death sorowes hunger and sw●rde● euen as he dyd sende vpon the ●ynfull Cities ●ire and Brymstone They shal be depriued for euer of the life w●iche is in Christe Iesu they shall remaine in sobbes and teares t●ey shal not ceasse to mourne to wring their handes and gnashe their teeth they shall be inheritours o● eue●lastyng darkenesse theyr worme shall neuer die they shall hunger and neuer be sati●fied And this whoore with the whole generation of hypocri●es shall be burnt with vnquencheable fyr● pr●pared for the deuyl and his au●gels This sent●nce is not so seuere as true for the Lorde who shal iudge them is of power and might he is holy and fait●ful in mercie true in his worde and promise maruellous in all his workes fearefull terrible and righteous in his iudgement● against the wycked No man then shall be able in those dayes to withdrawe any part of the threatned vengeaun●e of hys wrath from the euill doer Neither oure Lady with castyng of hir b●ades into the ballaunces of S. Michaell neyther S. Iohn Baptist with hys lambe holdyng a crosse neyther S. Peter wyth hys Key nor S. Paule wyth his sworde as they vse to make them yea and if Moyses Samuel and the rest of the Prophetes with Noe Dauid and Iob would make intercession yet shoulde they not be hearde And the Kings of the earth namely the worldly and carnall Princes whiche haue committed fornication and lyued in pleasure with hir in all vncleannesse and filthynesse shall bewaile hir when they shall see hir ouerthrowen and so yll intreated it shall grieue them sore that they may or can not maintaine and defende hir with water fyre and sworde against ●od and hys saincts for they shall be nothyng well pleased with the ordinaunces and institutions of Christe bycause they doe hate nothyng more than the workes of the spirite that is to frame theyr liues according to the will of God It shall anger them to the hearte that they are not able to burne still and slay all those that speake write or preache agaynst the deedes of the fleshe and do reproue them of their fornication adulterie and theyr mischeuous and inordinate lyfe and rebuke them of theyr moste abhomynable idolatrie And lamente ouer hir when they shall see the smoke of hir burnyng And shall stande a farre of for feare of hir tormentes crying and saying Alas alas that greate citie Babylon that m●ghtie Citie Alas our mother the holy Churche of Rome so many holy fathers Popes Cardinalles and Byshops Alas for our Monkes Chanons and Friers with their so holy so deuoute and straight lyu●s and rude garmentes Alas for so many Pardons Indulgences and confessions so many principall bye Feastes Holy dayes and gay Coapes and Garmentes Alas for oure holy Water holy Candelles holye Palmes holye Ashes hallowed Belles organs play and prick song and the res● of our so gay ceremonies With these and the lyke wordes shall they bewayle hir trembling and quakyng for feare crying out on this maner Wo wo to that
as are not afrayde of this worde but obstinatly cleaue faste to their false doctrine and ordinaunces also those whiche beyng striken of this sworde and beléeue not nor repentyng them of their misdedes frame their lyfe accordyngly shall perishe without doubt with this sword for euermore And all the foules are folkes whiche God of hys mercie hathe chosen and plucked from these worldly pleasures and naughtie desires shall be howesouer the matter goeth filled with their fleshe whether they be saued or damned For if they be saued these shall be gladde bycause that theyr numbre is increased Againe on the other syde shall they reioyce when that they sée the wicked and obstinate through th● iuste iudgement of God punished The righteous sayeth Dauid séeing the vengeaunce of God shall reioyce and shall washe their féete in the bloud of the wicked Euen so shal the vngodly which resist God and his holy worde with al their vainglorie and pompe sodainly and with a greate noyse perishe The Lorde shall destroy them for euer The wicked doers sayeth Dauid fall they are cast downe and are not able to stande Agayne he sayeth As for the vngodly they shal perishe and come to naught and when the enimies of the Lorde are in theyr floures they shall vanishe yea euen as the smoke shall they consume away They shall perishe in their wickednesse like a shadow and wither away as the thistle and lyke the chaffe and dust which the winde scattereth away from the grounde so lykewise the way of the vngodly shall perish This wyll su●ely come vpon the wicked as it hath done in al ages and as we haue séene it with our eyes and dayly shall ●ée it more and more But they which feare God and loue hym shall obtayne hys grace and mercy and shal enioy his faith●ful promises the inheritance of his euerlasting kyngdome as ye may heare nexte folowing I saw● sayth S. Iohn a newe heauen● and a new earth S. Peter sayth also that euery thing going before the iudge shal be clensed and purified and not consumed for al things must be changed and made cleane of all corruptiblenesse He meaneth not sayeth Aretes that the creatures shoulde consume away and be no more but onely y t they seruing to a better vse shoulde be renued so the godly and chosen shall be deliuered two maner of wayes that is to say Here in this worlde from sin hereafter of death damnation so shall be led conducted vnto the true libertie ioyfull inheritance of y e children of God The first heauen defiled with the pryde of the angels and the fyrst earth corrupted with the manyfolde wyckednesses of man were passed away altogether and shall be no more not that the veritie of them shall vanishe but the nature complection and qualitie of them shal change and turne into sinceritie and perfection And there was no more sea● y t is y ● vaine inconstāt people were no more for al prickings remorse of conscience al desperation mistrustfulnesse doubt shall be taken quite from y ● godly chosen All kind of anger sorow aduersity shal be turned into ioye and peace of the holy Ghost all hindrance feare persecution tyrannie violence and aduersitie whyche we endure héere in the troublous sea of thys worlde shal ceasse at the day of the lord when we shall sée hym face to face And the sea shall be no longer subiect to vanitie than all other creatures but shall be purified from all corruption and shall henceforth be so cleare as any christall although it remaineth the same substāce And I Iohn sawe by reuelation and permission of God the holy Citie new Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen By good reason is this holy Citie the congregation and churche of God called newe Ierusalem come downe from God hir Creatour and maker for she is holy not of hir self but of him that made hir and chose hir to be his welbeloued spouse prepared lyke a bride ●●immed for hir husbande for she is purified and made newe againe as the well trimmed bride for hir husband the lambe Christ Iesus This bride shall hereafter through regeneration and renuing of the holy Ghost shew glorious perfect holy so long as she cōtinueth here she maketh no accompt of any thing in this worlde but doth gouerne hir selfe accordyng to that rule which he hir husband hath lefte hir namely his holy woord But héerafter shall she being deliuered frō sinne wretchednesse and all kinde of corruptions more perfectly follow his steppes She is called new héere on earth for so much as she hath laide off and put away throughe the vertue of Gods holy spirite the olde man with all his lustes and hath no fellowship with the vnfruitefull workes of darknesse But heereafter shal she be new by his fauoure and grace for so muche as she shall be deliuered from sinne deathe and all manner of corruption She is called the new Ierusal●m both héere and hereafter bicause that all their Citizens are of one beliefe yet shall they be heereafter of like glorie and vnitie Héere hir Citezens are among the Sainctes and the familie of God and there shall they be both children and inheritors with Christ she came downe from god out of heauen hir Christian faith is neither of fleshe nor bloud but by the gratious Reuelation of the heauenly father But Ierusalem sayth S. Paul which is aboue is frée and mother ●uer vs all She is that Citie which God hath builded She is furnished with the gift of faith and w t the fountaine of life prepared and trimmed to be a faire and glorious churche without any spotte or wrinckle She is clensed from hir sinnes through his bloud she is very costly and wel fauoredly adorned beautified with ioy peace long suffering pacience and other more vertues of the spirit euen as an honest and true Bride is dressed and trimmed for hir louing deare husband The bride sayth Dauid standeth on thy right hand in a vesture of fine gold But hir raiments so long as she is on earthe are inuisible they are spiritual iewels of the soule and m●nde and not of the body And I heard sayth S. Iohn in the midst of this last vision a mightie voice out of the heauen the euerlasting and onely throne of GOD a voyce saying after this sort ●nto me Loke vp and beholde for your owne and al other belé●uers cōmoditie and instruction the holy Tab●rnacle of the Lord which shall be with the chosen for euer is also héere wyth the Militant Church vpon earth Moreouer consider that euery beleeuing soule is a Temple of the holy Ghost As Christ him selfe testifieth He that loueth me and keepeth my word I and my father will come to him and dwell with him In like manner speaketh God
with grace in your hearts giuing thanks always to god the father of our Lord Iesus Christ submitting your selues one to the other in the feare of God Wiues submit your selues vnto your husbandes as vnto the Lord for the husband is the heade of the wife euen as Christ is the heade of the Church and is the sauioure of his bodie Therefore as the Church is in subiection vnto Christ Euen so let the wiues be to their husbandes in euery thing Ye husbands loue your wiues dwel with them as men of knowledge giuing honor vnto the woman as vnto the weaker vessell euen as they which are heires togither of the grace of life Euen as Christ loued the Church and gaue him selfe for it that he might sanctifie it and clense it and make it vnto himself a glorious Church without any spot or wrinckle but that it should be holy and without blame So ought men to loue their wiues as their owne bodies for he that loueth his wife loueth him self For no man euer yet hated his owne flesh but nourisheth cherisheth it as the Lord doth his Churche for we are members of his bodye of hys flesh and of his bones For this cause shal a man leaue father and mother and shall cleaue to his wife and they twaine shall be one flesh Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right Honour thy father and mother which is the first cōmaundement with promisse Againe ye Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in instructiō information of the Lord. Ye seruauntes must obey vnto them that be your bodily maisters according to the flesh with fear trembling in singlenesse of your heart as vnto the Lord. Not with seruice to the eye as men pleasers but as the seruants of Christ doing the wil of God from the heart with a good will seruing the Lord not men being well assured that whatsoeuer good thing any mā doth that same shall he receiue of the lord whether he be bonde or free Therefore ye maisters doe the same thing vnto them putting away threatening knowing that you haue a maister also in heauen with whom there is no respect of persons Finally I beséech you all indifferent of what estate condition or calling so euer ye be that ye wil shew your self an ensample in word and conuersation in all good workes kéeping your selfe alwayes vnder discipline and true doctrin without any damage of preiudice to any keeping the word whole irreprehensible y t the aduersaries might be ashamed hauing no occasion to speake euill of you with the truthe Therefore submit your selues to Princes rulers and powers and be readie to euerie good worke Accuse or blame no man be ye not spiteful cōtentious or wrathful but amiable and peaceable shewing louing kindnesse and courteousnesse to all men Girde the loynes of your heart Stande manfully and put your whole trust and cōfidence in the grace which is now offered Let your loue be vnfained Abhorre that which is euill and cleaue to y t which is good Be affectioned to loue one an other with all reuerence Be not slouthful or negligent to do seruice but be feruent in spirite Frame your se●fe according to the time Reioyce in hope be patient in tribulation cōtinue in prayer distribute vnto the necessitie of the Saintes giuing your selfe to Hospitalitie Blesse them which persecute you blesse I say ●ursse not if it be possible as much as in you is Haue peace wyth all men Be all of one minde of one concorde and one iudgement That nothing be done throughe contention or vaine glory● but that in méekenesse of minde euery man estee●e other better than him selfe Let no man séeke his owne but the profite of other men Be ●eruent in loue haue brotherly loue among you without the which al other things are nothing to speake of of what faith so euer we boast our selues to haue Loue is courteous long suffering not enuious not guileful nor puffed vp desireth no dishonestie It séeketh not ●ir owne is not prouoked to anger it thinketh no euill it delighteth not in vnrighteousnesse but reioyseth in the truthe endureth all things hopeth in al things and neuer faileth Through very lo●e and charitie is Christ Iesu become man for vs and hath humbled him selfe in al kind of obediēce through loue and suffered death on the Crosse to saue vs. So then let vs abide in charitie and doe well without wearinesse for that which man soweth that same also he shal reape If he sowe in the fleshe he shall reape againe of the fleshe perdition But if he sowe in the spirite he shall reape of the spirite life Therefore continue in wel doing although ye suffer rebuke and ignominie of the world Be humble and méeke with Abraham Moyses and Dauid Be long suffering and pacient with Iob and Thobie in al kind of troubles aduer●ities tribulations The Lord alwayes vseth to send his rods first of all ouer his house therfore when he chastneth vs for our sinnes which we haue done in times past we must paciently beare it It must be of necessitie that the godly suffer persecution to exercise their faith and shew their loue and feruencie Abraham was proued héere of the Lord Iob troubled and molested and were both found faithful and cōstant The Apostles were mery and glad that they were foūd worthy to suffer iniurie wrong contempt hatred for y e name of Iesu Christ. The Lord trieth and proueth the godly as golde in the fornace He chasteneth al them which hée loueth and scourgeth euery sonne which he receiueth It is only faith which ouercommeth all euill and obtaineth victorie through pacience The fruite springing vnto eternall life is maruelously assaulted in the godly whilest we be héere in this world The things must néedes fall vpon vs séeing we are vnperfect Let vs therefore be stedfast and vnmoueable hauing a good hope alwayes in our affliction trouble or persecution in the losing forgoing be it of our friends or goods yea our bodies y t we shal be recōpēsed greatly for a litle trouble which we heere indure God wil proue trie vs and receiue vs if so be we abide constant as an acceptable sacrifice of swe●te sauoure Let vs then depend wholy vpon him and he shal kéepe vs let vs hope and trust vpon him and he wil not forsake vs let vs stedfastly cleaue vnto him he shall not leaue vs destitute Therefore my deare brethren let vs consider and ouerrunne al ages and times and diligently marke if at any time any one was put to confusion and shame which trusted in the Lorde He which called vpon him in faith and confidence was he euer forsaken or contempned of him