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A07768 The mysterie of iniquitie: that is to say, The historie of the papacie Declaring by what degrees it is now mounted to this height, and what oppositions the better sort from time to time haue made against it. Where is also defended the right of emperours, kings, and Christian princes, against the assertions of the cardinals, Bellarmine and Baronius. By Philip Morney, knight, Lord du Plessis, &c. Englished by Samson Lennard.; Mystère d'iniquité. English Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; Lennard, Samson, d. 1633. 1612 (1612) STC 18147; ESTC S115092 954,645 704

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a greater and more diuine power granted vnto them from aboue for further edification and not for destruction they were the deepelier engaged to exclude and extirpate such bloud-suckers out of the Church of God And so inferring that his commaundements were of this nature and therefore not Apostolicall For this saith he would be but either a manifest defect corruption or abuse of his sacred and absolute power or an absolute recession from the glorious throne of our Lord Iesus Christ and a present accession to the pestilentiall chaire of infernall torments intimated in the two forementioned Princes of darkenesse Neither can any subiect or faithfull one vnto that seat in immaculat and incontaminat obedience and no wayes by schisme disseuered nor rent from the same bodie of Christ and the same holie seat obey the same precepts commaundements or iniunctions from whence soeuer they come yea though it were from the highest order of Angels but of necessitie he must needs with his whole power contradict oppose them For the sanctitie of the See Apostolicall can enioyne nothing but that which tends to edification and not destruction for herein consists the fulnesse of power That all things may be done to edification and these things which are tearmed Prouisions tend no way to edification but to manifest destruction Wherefore the blessed seat Apostolicall may no wayes entertaine them because flesh and bloud which shall not inherit the kingdome of heauen hath reuealed these things and not the father of our Lord Iesus Christ who is in heauen Vpon the receit of these letters Innocent so stormed as he vowed by Peter and Paul That if a certaine naturall clemencie did not dissuade me I would bring him to such a confusion that he should be an example terrour prodigie and a verie fable to all the world Is not the king of England our vassall nay and to say more our bondchild who at a becke of our finger can imprison and impose vpon him any reproach or shame And the Cardinals could hardly assuage his furie by saying How it was not conuenient to denounce any hard Decree against the Bishop for to confesse but truth said they these things are most true which he inferreth Condemne him we cannot he is a Catholike nay and a most holie one more holy more religious and more excellent than our selues and of a farre better life so as it may hardly be beleeued that amongst all the Prelats there is any one better or equall to him This the whole French and English Clergie know and therefore our contradictions would but little auaile and so the truth of this Epistle which peraduenture is well knowne to many may excite and stirre vp many against vs For he is reputed a great Phylosopher absolutely learned in the Geeeke and Latine tongues a louer of iustice a publike Reader in Diuinitie Scholes a Preacher to the people a louer of chastitie and a persecutor of Symoniacks This was vttered by the Lord Aegidius a Spanish Cardinall and others who seemed to be touched euen in their owne consciences And so they aduised our Lord the Pope conniuently with dissimulation to passe ouer all these matters not raising any stirre or tumult thereupon But obserue the reason which he annexed to all the former allegations Especially saith he because it is knowne that a departure must one day happen That departure foretold by the Apostle in the second to the Thessalonians cap. 2. Antichrist himselfe being to be the author hereof whom they expected and looked for not as they would haue it beleeued from Babylon but euen out of the heart of the Church from Rome it selfe And hereupon grew Innocents mortall hatred to Lincolne But this verie yeare he fell sicke in his house at Buckdon where speaking to Frier Iohn of S. Giles one of the Predicant Order he both sharply reprehended him others of his institution vowing pouertie That they did not reprehend the sinnes of great men with whom they were familiar yea though it were of the Pope himselfe who committed the care of soules to his owne vnworthie kinsmen that were both ignorant and greene in yeares this being a true heresie contrarie to sacred Scripture which commaunds vs to ordaine fit and conuenient Pastors and therefore the Pope was an heretike in doing so and they in conniuing thereat being both worthie of eternall punishment Then calling about him his Clergie and mourning for those soules which perished through the auarice of the Court of Rome Christ said he came into the world that he might gaine soules and therefore whosoeuer feares not to loose soules he may not worthily be tearmed an Antichrist God in six dayes created the whole world but for mans redemption he trauelled and suffered therein more than thirtie yeares may not therefore a destroyer of soules be thought to be the enemie of God and Antichrist The Pope impudently annihilates the priuiledges of the holie Roman Bishops his predecessors with this Prouiso Non obstante c. Grant that any of those Popes were saued and God forbid the contrarie doth not our Sauiour say He that is least in the kingdome of heauen is greater than Iohn Baptist a greater than whom there was neuer any amongst the sonnes of women Is not then such a Pope who was a giuer and confirmer of priuiledges greater than this man liuing Wherefore doe they then that follow root vp the foundations laid by their predecessors Many Apostolicall persons confirmed diuers priuiledges which had formerly in pietie beene granted Are not many alreadie saued through diuine grace of farre greater authoritie than one who yet hangs in danger From whence then proceeds this iniurious temeritie to frustrat the priuiledges of so many auncient Saints And here hee spake liberally against the rapines and simonies of the Roman Church which enioyned the Friers Mendicants to be alwayes neere at hand to those who were departing the world to the end to persuade them to bequeath a part of their goods by Will and Testament for the aid of the Holie Land or if they recouered health to vow a journey thither They sold the Croisado to lay persons euen as they were woont to sell oxen and sheepe in the Temple they sold many things and these peraduenture to be appropriated to their owne vses And we also viewed the Popes letter wherin we found written That they which made such Testaments tooke vpon them the crosse or affoorded any aid or succour to the Holie Land the more money they bestowed the more plenarie Indulgence they should receiue In briefe Eius auariciae totus non sufficit orbis Eius luxuriae meretrix non sufficit omnis The whole world not suffic'd his auarice to content Nor harlots all his lust so ill his mind was bent And it was in this that he did manifest by what meanes the Roman Court like as Behemoth in Iob promised to swallow vp all Iordan in his throat might vsurpe vnto her selfe the goods of all intestates and
of his mouth water after the woman like a floud that shee might be carried away of the floud But there were then giuen to the woman two wings of a great Eagle that shee might flie into the wildernesse And of a flight in the ayre there remaines no trace In such sort that we are not bound to search after it much lesse to shew it accounting it sufficient that we beleeue the Scriptues That God knoweth who are his That the Church is knowne vnto God as in the time of Eliah though vnknowne to the Prophet whereof after so many ages past there is no reason why any account should be demaunded of vs. But I will not deale so rigorously with you will you know where and what manner of Church ours was in all your time Our Church was that Primitiue Apostolike Church inspired with the holie Ghost grounded vpon the word of God which hath left vnto vs the Canon of the holie Scriptures the rule of our faith and life the Symboll of the Apostles the badge of our Christian warfare To vs therefore that embrace all these and to hold and defend them reject all humane inuentions stoppe our eares against the voice of a stranger the societie of this Church spread farre and wide through the world and as our Sauiour saith continuing to the last day of the world cannot be denied But on the other side against you is that curse threatened by S. Paule who besides and against this preach another Gospell If we or any angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise let him be accursed Our Church is that which hath continued with this Gal. 1. v. 7.8.9 yea hath been euer ioyned vnto it shining with so manie and so great miracles made red with so many and glorious martyres For these are the miracles that witnesse the truth of this Gospell Martyrdomes that gaue testimonie to Christ the onely begotten sonne of God the onely redeemer of mankind Mediator Sauiour the only true Priest of the new Couenant which we onely vrge refusing all other and are readie to seale it with our bloud Ours therefore are these miracles and these Martyrdomes since we are incorporated with them by one and the same faith into one and the same Church Now tell me I pray haue your traditions beene confirmed by these miracles Can you or dare you affirme that any of your martyres haue suffered for the Papacie for the Popish doctrine for the adoration of Images the worship of Saints the traffike of Purgatorie the sacrifice of the Masse Transubstantiation By what right then doe you arrogate vnto your selues the miracles and martyrdomes of that Church by what right nay rather what wrong doe you take them from vs the true heires of their faith I would to God wee could as truely say of their constancie Againe our Church is that that heretofore confuted and confounded Arius Macedonius Nestorius Eutiches Pyrrhus yea Pope Honorius himselfe who called into question the diuinitie of the onely begotten sonne of God and of the holie ghost and the two natures and two wils in one Christ Ours are those generall Councells of Nice Constantinople Ephesus Chalcedon and others In which they with theirs were condemned and ouerthrowne Forasmuch therefore as we approue and embrace all these and consequently the Catholike Church represented in them as we neuer wandred in any thing from their doctrine so are we not to be seperated from their bodies Tell me againe whether you dare to say as much And if for shame you will seeme to dare See ye not that your Pope is to be brought into order that he is presently to fall to the ground Find you any where in any of those approued and auncient Councells any place for those your inuentions And yet these bring vs to the six hundreth yeare after the natiuitie of our blessed Sauiour In all which time if those points of doctrine which we affirme are confirmed by the holie Scriptures Symboles Myracles Martyres decrees of Councels and contrarily those things we denie doe no where appeare nay are not so much as affirmed may we not by good right and reason professe that Church to be ours And with better reason aske you where your Church was for those six hundred yeares together Vbinam Gentium for to say the truth there shee was there shee fed Not vpon the hill of Sion but the little hils and groues of Garisim the mountaines of Seyre the pastures of Paganisme From whence ye haue gathered whatsoeuer either the proud schoole of the Pharisies brought into the Sinagogue or the vaine superstition of the Greeke Philosophers into their Academy From thence-forward the authoritie of one man by the contempt of the word of God gathering strength in the Church of Rome the Princes likewise according as it was foretold striuing to giue their assistance he made and vnmade lawes at his owne pleasure preferring humane inuentions before the diuine oracles his decrees before the Canons of Councells Nouelties before antiquities things profane before holie borrowed from elsewhere before his owne adulterat before lawfull superstition before religion and all this furniture of Paganisme before Christian simplicitie by which meanes the Church by degrees fell into this corruption and languishing consumption In such sort neuerthelesse that in the middest of this corruption this confusion a part of our selues did still remaine and that in a twofold manner This Church was a part of our selues though corrupt cloked and couered with wood and hay and stubble yea in a manner ouerwhelmed 1. Corinth 3. so long as shee stood vpon her onely true foundation Christ Iesus so long as the saluation of man depended vpon him onely his merit the bloud of his crosse Not vpon our owne or other mens workes not vpon Popish absolutions and indulgences and other blasphemous toyes of that nature And as it falleth out that the wind changing the wether altereth so for a time the matter hung in an equal ballance vntill impietie ouer-weighing the mind of man by a kind of selfe-loue being prone to human inuentions true pietie was taken away Againe this Church was a part of our selues and the purer part inasmuch as many excellent men famous for their pietie and learning sprung vp therein almost in euerie Nation lifting vp their heads in the middest of this darkenesse Assemblies of Bishops and whole vniuersities striuing with all their force against that swift and violent streame shewed thereby the newnesse of the doctrine But striuing in vaine broke out into mournings and clamours and complaints calling heauen and earth to witnesse against the Popes and their followers who speaking with so cleere and audible a voice being so manie in number and in so manie places and that not out of any compact or agreement but a common sence of that publike calamitie is it not to be presumed that manie held their peace for feare possessing their pure soules in silence Such of whom the Lord speaketh by Eliah I haue
satisfie thee herein if I can Thou wouldest know when Antichrist inuaded this chayre which for a long time hee coueted and now possesseth It was necessarie that the Palladium le Garde corps of the Church should first be stollen before he could be receiued before that fatall horse could be admitted The word of God the Candlesticke of the holie Scriptures must first bee hid vnder a bushell before the theefe durst creepe in or make any assault vpon the Church which still continuing in force in vaine could that sinke of superstitions besiege it but we kept it farre off from our Troy our rampiers our territories much more from the porch the Temple the Sanctuarie of the Lord. That old Dragon vnder the colour of a not written word cunningly and closely brought in Traditions to betray the Church which the wisedome of the flesh their neere alliance better agreeing with carnall reason did willingly and with good countenance receiue equalled them with the Written word the sacred oracles made them sit cheeke by cheeke with them This law of equalitie being often attempted in the seuenth age and seuenth Idolatrous Synod it was established yea and by vertue thereof Traditions preferred before the Word opposed against it Then Simon rather vnder the name than shape of Simon began to appeare by diuers cunning deuices couering his treacherie persuading vs to receiue that dangerous engine that Troian horse that Epitome as it were of all the Painims impieties into the place of our Palladium the word of God Capis then and diuers others who were of a sounder iudgement fearing their subtilties and finding them cried out to haue it burnt The most famous Fathers of the Church throughout the world foretold threatened the euill to come resisted banded themselues against it But you vnaduised or rather ill aduised ita ferentibus fatis being necessarie that the Prophesies should be fulfilled in their due time Diuiditis muros moenia panditis vrbis Et licet Vtero sonitum quater arma dedêre Diuide your walls and make them plaine euen with the ground Though foure times the armor in his bellie did sound Nothing regarding either the aduertisements of the Apostles the counsell of the Fathers of the Church or the suspitions that it gaue of it selfe But Instantes operi immemores caecique furore Hoc monstram infoelix sacrata sistitis Arce Blind with furie the more is the pitie You place this monster within your citie From thence forward he put all to fire and sword in the citie ransacked the Church polluted the holie things left nothing vntouched with the infectious hands of his Harpies powred out of that fatall horse all manner of superstitious seruices in the Church calling this horse although a marke of the Greekes the Troian horse These superstitions Catholike Orthodoxall because consecrated and hallowed these are their owne words by the Popes though from their bginning they were Heathenish and Idolatrous Now in the middest of this fire this vniuersall confusion thy neighbours house being on fire nay thine owne nay thy beard being singed thou gapest stretchest thy selfe as if thou were halfe asleepe thou cauillest and disputest where it first tooke fire where it began and in the meane time thou burnest thy selfe Wise Antenor deuout Aeneas did not so but breaking through the Grecian troupes got themselues out of the citie with their fellowes gathered together what they could and to sea they goe and putting themselues into the first ships they met with hoyse vp sayles to seeke a new countrey and find it and there they settle being stil Troians whither soeuer they went in what place soeuer they rested carrying with them their houshold gods and the ensignes of their countrey Being still Christians professors of the Catholike faith carrying with them the word of God vntouched by the fire of the Greeks keeping the Sacraments of our Lord sound and pure The Grecians are no Troians though they hold the place and possesse it whatsoeuer title they alledge neither art thou that hast yeelded thy selfe forsaken thy countrey a true Christian since the enemie is where Troy was Antichrist where Christ was furious in the middest of the Temple as once Antiochus was sacrilegious euen betweene the Altars the sacrifices Doe you yet doubt my brethren heare what S. Iohn saith Apocal. 13. v. 5. 2. Thess 2. v. 4. And there was giuen vnto him a mouth that spake great things and blasphemies S. Paule likewise Hee doth sit as God in the Temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God Hearken now and behold Paul 5 your Pope at this day Lib. Benedicti de Benedictis Bononiae excusus Anno 16●8 Jtem Thes Caraffae Neapoli excusae 1609. He is placed in the beginning of the books lately printed counterfeited as it were in a table euen to the life with this inscription PAVLO V. VICEDEO to Paule the 5 Gods Vicegerent The inuincible Monarch of the Christian Commonwealth and the most valiant Protector of the Pontificall power And in the same stile we read at Tolentine To Paul 3 The most great and excellent God on earth The scepters and diademes of Princes Kings and Emperours are his Trophes who stand about him beholding him with astonishment bowing downeward strooken with his lightning adoring him with this inscription ouer his head His countenance presageth an Empire The word of God soundeth on euery side but God knowes strangely wrested and applyed The nation and kingdome which will not serue him I will visit saith the Lord with the sword and with the famine and with the pestilence Ierem 27. That which was once foretold of Nabuchadnezzar the destroyer of the Church he like another Caiphas applyeth to himselfe and will haue it fulfilled in him the Alastor and vsurper of the Christian Church Againe He gaue him dominion and honor and a Kingdome and all the people shall serue him his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away and his Kingdome shall neuer be destroyed Dan. 7 With their faces towards the earth they shall licke the dust of thy feet Esay 49.23 That which was spoken of Christ onelie the eternall sonne of God gouerning his Church and to be applied to no man else is without blasphemy communicated to others These things were done by the commaund of the Superiors and printed at Bononia and at Naples And that not rashly or by the priuat endeuors and inconsiderat zeale of some priuat men but by a decree of the Popes Senat the matter solemnly deliberated and in Loco Maiorum in the presence of Paul himselfe in a famous assembly of Cardinals and a great concourse of people disputed and determined Here Reader thou beginnest to bend thy browes but they are not secrets that I vtter Rome knowes these things and these monsters are set out to the view of euery man And thou art a great stranger in thine owne Church if thou knowest them not a traytor to thy selfe if knowing them
of some spirituall tyrannie neither let anie man thinke that this is a chicke of my ●a●ching but the interpretation of the most auncient Fathers which in all likelyhood receiued it by hand from the Apostles for to haue named the destruction of the Romane Empire had in those dayes beene a capitall offence and therefore S. Paule to the Thessalonians Cap. 2. Remember yee not saith he how that when I was with you I told you of these things he told those things to the disciples in plaine words which he would write but in cipher and S. Iohn sayth A mysterie that great Babylon c. and Here is vnderstanding who hath wisdome c. And they which came after recounting the euents as they fell out could more plainely decipher this secret Caball and drawing wide the curtaine see more clearely into this prophesie than they which went before them But before we goe anie farther let vs here take a view and see what was the opinion of the ancient Fathers and Doctors concerning the person of Antichrist the time of his appearing and the place of his residing As touching the first namely whether Antichrist be a Man or else an Estate or Kingdome a Tertul. de Resurrectione cap. 25. Tertullian calleth him Ciuitatem prostitutam a People prostituted vnto whoredome meaning no doubt that spirituall whoredome which is Idolatrie And S. b Ambros in Apocal. cap. 17. Ambrose tearmeth it the Citie of the deuill and Rome the harlot c Hieron ad Marcel viduā S. Ierome stileth it by the name of Babylon and of Rome and the verie Church it selfe of Rome d Augustin Hom. 10. in Apocal. idem Homil. 11. S. Augustine brandeth it with the title and appellation of the wicked Citie and corporation of wicked ones fighting against the Lambe e Idem lib. 13. de Ciuitat Dei cap. 2. lib. 20. cap. 19. A people contrarie to the people of God which together with their Head is called Antichrist an hereticall Church in name Christian but indeed Infidell meaning Rome that second Babylon f Gregor in Moral lib. 33. cap. 26. S. Gregorie calleth it a multitude or companie of the Preachers of Antichrist Adde we vnto these our moderne Doctors g Tho. in Apocal cap. 13. Thomas Aquinas sayth That Antichrist is a Bodie or Corporation and not a Man h Gloss ordinar ib. the ordinarie Glosse The whole Antichrist consisteth of a Bodie and a Head and lastly i Hugo Cardin ib. Hugo Cardinalis sayth That it is an Vniuersitie that is a Communaltie or People and in like sort speake manie others Concerning the second point which is the time of his reuealing they say that it shall fall vpon the decline of the Romane Empire whose ruines he shall appropriate to himselfe First k Tertul. de Resur carnis c. 24. Tertullian Antichrist sayth he shall not come Donec é medio fiat vntill he be taken out of the way who sayth he but euen the Romane Empire which once comming to be distracted into ten kingdomes shall draw Antichrist after it at the heeles And thence it was that those old Christians to put off this lamentable time of Antichrist from their dayes were wont in their ordinarie Liturgie to pray l Idem in Apologet cap. 32. ad Scapul ca. 1. Pro mora finis that it would please God to deferre the fall of this Empire And after him m Hieron ad Algasiana S. Ierome sayth That Antichrist shall not come vntill the Romane Empire be first rased to the ground and that the Nations be first wholly reuolted from it which S. Paule durst not speake openly because they tooke it to be an eternall Empire fearing to draw on a persecution vpon the tender blossome of the Church to wit vnder pretence of treason against the State and n Ambros in 2. ad Thessalon cap. 2. S. Ambrose vseth almost the same words vpon that place to the Thessalonians so doth o Augustin de Ciuitat Dei lib. 20. cap. 19. S. Augustine interpreting the same words of the Apostle in his 20 booke de Ciuitate Dei And p Chrysost in 2. ad Thessal cap. 2. Chrysostome giueth a reason of his not comming sooner For sayth he so long as the feare of this great Empire shall endure no man shall willingly subiect himselfe to Antichrist but so soone as that shall fall he shall inuade the vacant Empire and shall appropriate to himselfe the authoritie both of God and man that is the temporall power in consequence of the spirituall As for his Seat we say he shall haue it in the most eminent and conspicuous place of the visible Church q Orig. in Matt. tract 27. Origen saith That he sitteth vpon the chaire of the Scriptures whence he taketh the proofes of his false doctrines He sitteth vpon the buildings of the Scriptures and vaunteth himselfe as if he were God And whence I pray you doth Antichrist in these dayes take his proofes to shew that all power is giuen him both in heauen and in earth but from the Scriptures r Hieron ad Algasiam Saint Ierome expounding that place He shall sit in the temple of God that is saith he either at Ierusalem as some thinke but we know that according to the prediction of our Sauior there is now not one stone of that citie left vpon another or as we thinke more properly in the Church And ſ Chrysost in 2. Thess c. 2. Hom. 3 Chrysostome more resolutely Not saith he at Ierusalem but in the temple of the churches and the Scholiast speaketh after the same maner And againe t Idem in opere impers Hom. 49. That wicked Heresie That armie of Antichrist shall sit in the holie places of the Church and shall possesse them and then he that will know where the true Church of Christ is where should he find it but in the Scriptures And u Hilar. contra Auxentium Saint Hilarie Doubt you saith he that Antichrist shall sit vpon the buildings of the Church The wild forests prisons and dungeons and hollow dennes of the earth where sometimes the Prophets prophesied are to my seeming lesse to be feared than the churches And w Theodor. in epitome diuin decret lib. 2. in 2. ad Thess c. 2 Theodoret though so farre off yet saw most cleerely into this point The Apostle saith he calleth the Church the Temple of God wherein Antichrist shall take vnto himselfe the Prime seat seeking to make himselfe to be reputed and taken as a God And x Oecumen Oecumenius also speaketh after the same manner And y et Theophil ib. Theophilact Not properly sayth he in the Temple which is at Ierusalem but in the churches and in euerie holie temple And z Thomas ib. Aquinas In the temple saith he that is in the churches rather than at Ierusalem And S. Augustine goeth farther Shall Antichrist saith he
Paul and borrowing as Saint Iohn speaketh the hornes of a Lambe that is as a seruant of God and vnder colour of his seruice for otherwise euerie man would haue shut gates against him And this is that which all the Fathers aimed at Origen in Matt. tract 27. Origen saith Antichrist hath nothing of Christ but the verie ●ame he neither doth his deeds neither teacheth his doctrine Christ is truth it selfe Idem in Matt. tract 24. and Antichrist a counterfeit And to the end saith he that he may haue some colour to exalt himselfe aboue God he taketh the testimonies of his false doctrines out of the Scriptures to deceiue those who will not otherwise be satisfied Hee taketh possession of the chaire of the Scriptures he builds vpon them and from thence sheweth himselfe as God Which when and so often as I read me thinke I heare him come in with his Tibi dabo with his Pasce oues meas with Oram pro te Petre and the like Saint Ciprian also He shall teach saith he infidelitie vnder a shew of faith Cypr. epist 7. the night for the day destruction for saluation and Antichrist vnder the name of Christ August in Apocal Hom. 11. And we read saith Saint Augustine in the Apocalips that the Beast hath two hornes like a Lamb that is two Testaments like the Church thereby the more easily to shed out the poyson of Antichrist vnder the name of Christ And Saint Ierome yet more particularly Hieron in Dan. c. 13. according to the interpretation of Symmachus saith That Antichrist shall speake as God He shall attribute to himselfe as well the words as the power of his Maiestie Hee shall goe about to change the lawes and ceremonies instituted by God to enthrall all religion to his owne authoritie And in another place He shall change saith he Idem in 2. ad Thessal c. 2. and seeke to encrease the Sacraments of the Church Now therefore seeing that the Pope maketh himselfe to be called The most holie Father seeing he deposeth kings new moulds at his pleasure all Religion all Commaundements all Sacraments instituted by God may we not say that Saint Ierome prophesied And thus you see how these predictions of Saint Paul and of Saint Iohn were vnderstood by the ancient holie Fathers of the Church This Mysterie therefore of iniquitie which our age now beholdeth in her height and exaltation began to worke and to set it selfe forward euen in S. Paules time This monster of pride was alreadie conceiued in the mind of Satan shewing it selfe in mens ambition From hence proceeded those sidings in the Church I am of Paul I am of Apollo I am of Cephas and I am of Christ And what 1 Cor. c. 1. v. 12. 13. sayth Paul Is Christ diuided or was Paul crucified for you The like would he haue said of Cephas and Cephas of himselfe But Paul to reserue all entirely vnto Christ speaketh cleerly and saith He that planteth is nothing and he which watereth is nothing Ib. c. 3. v. 7. 8. but God which giueth the encrease as for those others they were all one and seruants in the same degree And farther to cut off all pretence of inequalitie Gal. 2. v. 6. I was nothing different saith he from those which seemed to be some bodie They which seemed to be great added nothing to me aboue that which I had before and who were they but Iames and Cephas and Iohn which were accounted pillars of the Church Who also acknowledged saith he that the Gospell of the vncircumcision was committed vnto me as the Gospell of the circumcision was vnto Peter and therefore gaue vnto me and vnto Barnabas the right hand of fellowship in all which no one jot of superioritie is to be found And farther in another place he saith From Hierusalem to Illiricum Rom. c. 15. v. 19. 20. I haue made to abound the Gospell of Christ and not there where he had beene alreadie preached that I might not seeme to haue built vpon another mans foundation much lesse therefore did he preach by another mans commission And Cephas himselfe that is Saint Peter putteth off from himselfe and others this claime of superioritie where he saith I beseech the Elders which are among you 1. Pet. 5. v 1.2.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I that am a fellow Priest or Elder with you And againe Feed saith he the flocke committed to your charge c. not domineering ouer the heritage of the Lord But that yee may bee ensamples to the flocke decked as he speaketh afterward with humilitie because God resisteth the proud and giueth grace to the humble Math. cap. 20. vers 25. 26. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Baron Annal. to 1. an 34. art 275. idem an 57. to 1. art 39. As well remembring the lesson of his Lord whose tearme he vseth You know saith Christ that the Princes of the earth lord it ouer them but saith he it shall not be so with you you shall not doe so ouer my Church ouer mine inheritance Far and wide is this from that claime which Baronius maketh in the Popes behalfe where he saith That Christ after his resurrection translated vpon the Popes both Priesthood and Kingdome and that this was signified by that shadow of Saint Peter whereby the sicke were healed namely that the Popes should alwayes haue the same power which Saint Peter had though neuer so farre different from him in life and conuersation because they should euer retaine the shadow And what is it now that they would conclude out of this shadow no power to heale the sicke but to destroy kings and kingdomes for what other miracles haue they wrought these thousand yeares But shortly after the death of the Apostles this ambition began to sway more violently in the Church And true in this poynt as also in many others is that saying of Hegesippus Euseb lib. 3. c. 26. lib. 4. c. 21. as Eusebius reporteth him That to the times of Traian or thereabouts the Church continued cleane and vndefiled as a virgine but since that sacred companie was taken out of the world the conspiracie of iniquitie began to worke with open face And this fell out about the yeare one hundred since which time what progression this Iniquitie hath made vntill these our dayes we will here set downe as we find recorded in the Histories of the times 1. PROGRESSION Of the difference which fell betweene the Churches of the East and of the West con●erning the obseruation of Easter day ABout the yeare 195 touching the Feast of Easter whether it should be held vpon the foureteenth day of the Moone after the Iewish manner or rather vpon the Sunday following diuers Synods were assembled and different decisions made those of Palestina Rome Corinth France Osroene and Pontus held for the Sunday and those of the lesser Asia for the foureteenth day of the Moon the first pretending
an Apostolicall tradition the other an obseruation receiued from Saint Iohn the Apostle in Ephesus and so continued vnto their dayes This was a difference about a thing in it selfe indifferent and therefore not worthie to disturbe that happie quietnesse and to dissolue the vnion of the Church Polycrates B. of Ephesus in Asia defended his cause by a certaine Epistle registred in Eusebius grounded as he saith vpon holie Scriptures vpon the example of S. Iohn and many other renowned martyrs as also vpon the long continued and vniforme obseruation of the Churches of all Asia It would haue troubled Victor as it shold seeme to haue answered the reasons of this Epistle what doth he therfore Victor saith Eusebius Euseb Hist Ecclesiast lib. 5. edit Latin c. 22.23.24 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who was then President of the Church of Rome went at one blow to cut off from that common vnion the Parishes of all Asia with the neighbouring Churches as men of a different opinion in religion setting them by his Epistles as it were vpon a scaffold to the view of all the world and proclaiming excommunicated all the brethren which there inhabited OPPOSITION But this saith Eusebius this attempt of Victor pleased not all the Bishops as if he had said That he did this rather of his owne head and fancie than by authoritie of the Synod wherein it was decreed nay rather they exhorted him Ruffinus translateth it inhibebant they commaunded him to seeke the peace loue and vnitie of his brethren The sayings of sundrie Bishops vttered vpon this occasion saith Eusebius are yet rife in mens remembrance whereby they sharpely reproued Victor Among the rest that of Ireneus writing to him in the name of the Churches which he gouerned in France to this effect That true it was the mysterie of our Lords resurrection ought not to be celebrated but on the Sunday and so are they at a point with him about the thing in question but that for the obseruance of a tradition or auncient custome Victor in duetie ought not to cut off whole Churches condemning thereby the abuse of his authoritie And note here that the interpreter of Eusebius maketh Ireneus to say That Victor should not cut off whole Churches from the bodie of Christs vniuersall Church as if Ireneus had held the Church of Rome for such Whereas in Eusebius it is onely thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. whole Churches of God And his drift herein is cleere by the whole tenor of that Epistle The Priests saith he vnto Victor which before Soter presided in that Church which you now gouerne namely Anicetus Pius Higinus Telesphorus and Xystus neither obserued that day themselues nor suffered others to obserue it yet maintained they peace with those which came vnto them from the Parishes and Churches where it was obserued neither did they euer reiect anie by occasion of this formalitie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But the Priests which were before you sent vnto them the Eucharist and communicated with them in Sacrament So fared it betweene Polycarpus and Anicetus Priest i. Bishop of Rome whom though Anicetus could not persuade to depart from that which he had euer before obserued as being a disciple of S. Iohn yet parted they in peace and all the Church continued in good accord as well they which did obserue the foureteenth day as they which obserued it not And in this manner wrote Ireneus not onely to Victor but also to sundrie Bishops of other Churches Yet Bellarmine telleth vs Bellarm. lib. 2. cap. 19. de Rom. Pontif. that Victor did well and wisely in so doing to preuent Iudaisme but Ireneus by his leaue shall weigh heauier in the scales with vs than he so also shall our Churches of France who concurring with Victor in the matter yet condemned the manner of his proceedings so shall Eusebius who hauing no part in the brawle yet affirmeth that Ireneus justly reproued Victor And Wicelius in our time sayth boldly See Wicelius That in the Bishops before Victor the spirit abounded but in those which came after him the flesh began to haue the vpper hand and Ireneus himselfe seemeth to touch vpon this string where he speaketh of those Qui Principalis consessionis tumore elati sunt Lib. 4. cap. 4. i. who swell with the pride of the Principall or Prime See from whom we ought to seperate our selues But here Baronius maketh himselfe ridiculous in his Historie whiles he would persuade vs Baronius tom 2. An. 198. art 2 3 4 5 9. that Theophilus bishop of Caesarea assembled the Councell in Palestina which was held vpon this occasion by commission from Victor Bishop of Rome alledging for his author Beda in his booke of the Vernall Equinox written seuen hundred yeres after Iudge the reader what credit this ought to haue in prejudice of Ireneus Polycarpus and Eusebius himselfe Euseb li. 5. c. 25. Histor Eccles who sayth plainely in this manner speaking of that Synod At this day there is extant a certaine writing of the Bishops then called together in Palestina among whom Theophilus presided 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as also another writing of those of Rome mentioning Victor their Bishop where we find no trace of anie prerogatiue at all Neither sticketh he to tell vs as much of the Synod of Asia as if Polycrates had held it in qualitie of Pope Victors Legat because forsooth he telleth him in his Epistle that he had called together those Bishops Euseb lib. 5. ca. 21. 22. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Baron to 2. an 198. art 2 3 4. which he entreated him to assemble as if Popes prayers and requests were to be construed and interpreted for commaunds absolute and proceeding from a soueraigne authoritie All which is founded vpon an idle supposall that the bishop of Rome was euen in those dayes reputed and generally taken as vniuersall Bishop and Pontifex Maximus i. High Priest or Pontife Let vs therefore now see the grounds of this supposall and the proofes of this assertion First then Baronius alledgeth a certaine Epistle of Sixtus the first wherein he calleth himselfe the vniuersall Bishop of the Apostolicke Church But who knoweth not that the most learned euen among themselues haue euer discarded these Epistles as false and counterfeit But aboue all this hath the markes of the forge where it was hammered bad Latine not answerable to the puritie of those times and ill befitting a Bishop of the Latines with a false date of the Consuls Adrianus and Verus who raigned long after in the yeare 137 which might well make this grand Annalist to blush for shame We could as well crie quittance with him and for our purpose alledge an Epistle decretall of Pope Eleutherius to the Bishops of France Onuphrius in Fastis Pontif. where he telleth them That the vniuersall Church of Christ is committed to their charge this being an Epistle of as good pistoll proofe as
the Churches Editio Parisien Epist 18. Pa. mel 55. but Cyprian complained thereof vnto Cornelius as of a wrong and in barre of such proceedings pleaded the lawes and constitutions of holie Church These fellowes saith he after all this presume to passe the sea c. For seeing sayth he that by vs all it hath beene alreadie ordained according to rules of equitie and iustice That euerie ones cause should be heard in the place of the fact committed and that to euerie Pastor should be allotted his proper portion of the flocke which he was to ouersee and for which he should stand answerable vnto God it is not fit that those ouer whom we are set should run from place to place to make the Bishops who are at vnitie among themselues to square and fall foule one of another for example Cornelius and Cyprian but that euerie one answere for himselfe in the place where the defendant may haue both accusers and witnesses face to face vnlesse perhaps these few desperate companions thinke the authoritie of the Bishops of Africa who haue condemned them to be lesse meaning lesse than that of Cornelius to whom they fled By all which it euidently appeares that it was the least part of Cyprians thought to acknowledge anie right of appeale to the See of Rome Bellarm. de Pontif. Rom. lib. 2. cap. 33. Wherefore when Bellarmine sayth that the constitution alledged by S. Cyprian That euerie cause should be heard in the place of the fact committed is to be vnderstood onely of the first instance the words themselues and those which follow are too too cleere against him The cause sayth Cyprian hath beene heard sentence is passed it is not fit that a censure of Priests or Bishops should be retracted as rash and vnaduised And as friuolous is that which he sayth that the word lesse is not spoken in comparison of the Pope but of the cause for those words vnlesse they thinke the authoritie of the Bishops of Afrike to be Lesse must necessarily be vnderstood in comparison of them with other Bishops of those against whom they complained with him to whom they sayled that is vnto Cornelius And all this suiteth with the veine of Cyprian as also doth that in his Treatise of the vnitie of the Church The other Apostles sayth he were the same that S. Peter was of like honour of equall authoritie and power but the beginning proceedeth from vnitie to shew that the Church is one where yet to bolster out this pretended Primacie one or other hath corrupted the text in sundrie places contrarie to the truth of manuscripts acknowledged in the Paris edition by the learned Turnebus For betweene these words Pasce oues meas and Et quamuis either Pamelius or some other before him hath inserted these Super vnum illum aedificat ecclesiam suam illi pascendas mandat oues suas that is He hath built his Church vpon him alone i. S. Peter and him hath he commaunded to feed his sheepe And whereas Turnebus readeth Tamen vt vnitatem manifestaret vnitatis eiusdem originem ab vno incipientem sua authoritate disposuit i. yet that he meaning Christ might declare this vnitie he hath declared by his authoritie that this vnitie should take her beginning from one alone Pamelius with like honestie as before betweene these words manifestaret and vnius hath thrust in these Vnam Cathedram constituit i. he hath established one Chaire Likewise after those words before mentioned The Apostles were all the same that Peter was c. after the word proficiscite he addeth Primatus Petro datur The Primacie is giuen vnto Peter And againe vnto these words vt vna Christi ecclesia monstretur he addeth Cathedra vna i. and one Chaire And to conclude where S. Cyprian sayth Qui ecclesiae renititur resistit in ecclesia se esse confidit i. He which resisteth the Church can he hope that he is in the Church Pamelius betweene these words resistit and in ecclesia foisteth in these Qui Cathedram Petri super quam ecclesia fundata est deserit i. he which forsaketh the Chaire of Peter vpon which the Church is builded And the like doth he in manie other places of this Treatise which additions how incompatible are they with the sence and scope of the text it selfe where it is said The Lord hath giuen after his resurrection equall power to his Apostles and againe They were all the same that Peter was as also with that Nullitie pronounced elsewhere against appeales made ouer the sea Cyprian in Concil Carthagin siue de sentent Episcop 73. editio Parisiens Cyprian de Al●ator and diuers other places of the same Author None of vs sayth he hath made himselfe a Bishop of Bishops through feare and tyrannie to force his Collegues to his obedience The heauenlie goodnesse hath bestowed vpon vs the ordering of the Apostleship and hath by his heauenlie fauour dignified the Vicars seat of the Lord Christ said to all the Apostles and in them to all Bishops which should succeed them in their Vicariall ordination He which heareth you heareth me Idem ad Puppien Epist 66. editio Parisien so that sayth he one of vs may not iudge another but we attend he excepteth none the iudgement of our Lord Iesus who alone hath power Vnus solus to ordaine vs to the gouernment of his Church and to iudge our doings Thus farre Cyprian immediately vpon whose death the Church of Afrike to cut off all claime of this pretended jurisdiction decreed That the Bishop of the first See should not be called Prince of Priests or chiefe Bishop Idem in Concil Carthag siue de sentent Episcop epist 73. Concil Afric art 6. Capitu. Carol. Magn. li 7. c. 17. Bochell Decret Ecclesiae Gallic li. 5. tit 5. cap. 1. or by any other like name Which decree our French Church heretofore vnderstood expressely of the See of Rome And now let the indifferent Reader judge which edition that of Pamelius or this of Turnebus sorteth and suiteth better with these sayings of Cyprian and consequently whether these are not Harpyes clawes which thus defile the pure foord of the Fathers writings to our hands and what they haue done in this Epistle who can warrant vs that they haue not done in the other writings of the same Father and of all other Fathers But here may we see as in a glasse the audaciousnesse of Baronius Baron to 1. an 33. art 21 an 34. art 203. passim who would make vs beleeue that the meaning of S. Cyprian was cleane contrarie for first he sayth That S. Cyprian acknowledged S. Peters Chaire as supreme Iudge ouer all Churches in the world grounding himselfe vpon the Epistle before rehearsed and so notoriously corrupted which yet he is not ashamed so often to repeat as if it were as true as Gospell and who cannot make his owne cause seeme good if he may be
turbulent Bishop and one who ordered Church matters by force and violence Last of all this Leo writing to the Emperours Idem in Epist 12. ad Theodos ad Pulcher. assumed the title sometimes of Pope of the Catholike Church of the citie of Rome and sometimes of the Roman Catholike Church and in the end of Vniuersall Bishop And because by vertue of the second generall Councell of Constantinople the Bishop of that citie tooke vpon him some authoritie in the East he caused his Legats to be present at the generall Councell of Chalcedon giuing them expresse charge to oppose against it by vertue of the Canon of the Nicene Councell to which saith he no man may presume to adde Idem Ep. 55. ad Pulcher. August falsly grounding his pretence vpon this Councell as his predecessors had done before him But now commeth the question to be decided How farre forth the Fathers of Chalcedon gaue way to his demaunds and chalenges OPPOSITION First therefore Leo himselfe tempereth his stile in many places with sober language Vpon this rocke will I build my Church that is saith he Leo. serm 2. in Natali Apostolor Petri Pauli Vpon the sound foundation of this faith my Church shall raise and exalt it selfe and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against this confession and the bands of death shall not restraine it Which confession surely was proper to no one man but common to all the Apostles and all the Orthodox Churches And would God he had staied here and not suffered himselfe to be carried downe the streame of his owne ambitious humors in claiming his pretended priuiledge Secondly vpon the complaint which hee made to Flauian Bishop of Constantinople Flauian gaue him the reasons of his proceedings and why he could doe no lesse than excommunicat Eutyches for his heresie But saith he this I doe to the end that your Holinesse hauing knowledge what hath passed in this matter might be pleased to signifie as much to your inferiour Bishops that they by letters or otherwise ignorantly admit of no communion with him Which was nothing else in effect but to request him to execute his sentence for him within the limits of his jurisdiction as in the like case he would haue done for him And we must farther vnderstand that Eutyches seeing himselfe condemned had presently recourse by way of supplication vnto Leo wherein he gaue him to vnderstand That he had appealed from Flauian and from the rest of the Bishops of the East vnto him requesting him to take his cause into his own hands which made Leo to demurre vpon the cause And thereupon Flauian shewed him that as in other things so also in this Eutyches had abused him with a tale Flauian apud Leon. Epist 9. giuing him thereby to vnderstand that in his countrey men scarce knew what these appeals meant and therefore saith he as it becommeth thy Priesthood and as thy maner is so make the common cause thine owne and confirme euen by thy writings his condemnation so canonically pronounced against him Wherefore though we should grant that Eutyches did appeale yet it appeareth that Flauian neuer gaue way thereunto no more than the Fathers of the African Councel did before in the case of the Pelagians Thirdly though we haue nothing concerning this Hilarius but what we haue from his opposite and aduersarie Leo yet is it euident that he bent himselfe against this pretended Primacie For saith Leo this man cannot endure to be subiect to Saint Peter Leo. Epist 89. ad Episc per Viennens prouinc constitut and why because saith he he presumeth to ordaine Bishops in France And againe He derogateth saith he from the reuerence of Saint Peter c. whose Primacie whosoeuer shall denie that man is filled with the spirit of pride and hath plunged himselfe into the pit of hell Whereas indeed the question as it appeareth was touching the Primacie either of the Pope in generall or of Leo in his particular not at all of the dignitie of Saint Peter And these demaunds were euer made at the solicitation of certaine Bishops which complained to him of the censures of their owne Prouinces which they requested might be reuoked at Rome as appeareth by the Epistle of Leo himselfe who yet euer vseth this protestation that he thereby pretended no right in himselfe to ordaine Bishops in their Prouinces as Hilarie would persuade them but onely sought to maintaine them in their owne against nouelties and vsurpations of others and that such a presumptuous fellow might no longer continue to breake and violate saith he our priuiledges Which he sought vnder the name of Saint Peter to extend to all causes whatsoeuer yet this I find that all his plottings had not much preuailed here in France about the elections of our Bishops in the yeare 478 An. 478. Sidon Apollin in Concion quae sequitur Epist 9. for we find in Sidonius Apollinaris Bishop of Clermont in Auvergne that the choise of the Metropolitan of Bourges being by common consent of the Bishops of that Prouince after the death of Eubodius referred vnto him he nominated absolutely Simplicius to succeed in his roome hauing first made a verie solemne oration to the Bishops in these words In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost Simplicius is the man whom I nominat to be Metropolitan of our Prouince Summum Sacerdotem and High Priest of your citie and therefore was not Simplicius to hold his See in fee from the Bishop of Rome or to doe homage for it And it is pretie to obserue how this canting of Rome was not vnderstood in those daies in France seeing that he himselfe writing to Lupus Bishop of Troies in Champagne calleth him our Lord the Pope directing his letter Domino Papae Lupo this title being at that time common to all Bishops not proper to any one and which is more he calleth him Father of Fathers and Bishop of Bishops which watcheth ouer all the members and parts of Gods Church What wonder then if we find that Stephen a simple Archdeacon wrot so to Damasus or Isidore to Hormisda Bishop of Rome Fourthly this question concerning the Primacie was cleerely decided by occasion of the claime which Leo made thereunto in the generall Councell of Chalcedon where he thought to haue set the Bishop of Constantinople cleane beside the cushion and these are the verie words of the Canon taken out of the Greeke copies of that Councell Concil Chalced. can 28. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Can. 28. The decree of the maior part of voyces of that holie Synod made concerning the prerogatiues and degree of the See of the most religious Church of Constantinople Following in all poynts the decrees of the holie Fathers and acknowledging the Canon of 120 religious Bishops now read in our hearing We here assembled vnder Theodosius of holie memorie late Emperour of this royall citie of Canstantine called new
Pope the people refused to communicat with them and the other Bishops would not receiue them 21. PROGRESSION That Iohn the fourth Bishop of Constantinople made meanes to be called the Vniuersall Bishop AFter Pelagius the second succeeded Gregorie surnamed the Great An. 590. about the yeare 590 at which time Iohn the fourth Bishop of Constantinople stood stiffely in the maintenance of his vsurped title God in his wonderfull prouidence hauing so ordained that this question should be now argued and debated to the full to the end that the Popes of ensuing ages might be condemned out of the mouth of their predecessors and especially of this Gregorie so eminent and renowmed a man among them Now this Iohn was borne out by the Emperour Maurice who made Constantinople the ordinarie place of his abiding and sought by this meanes to win the greater credit and authoritie to that Citie and therefore wrot his letters to Gregorie commaunding him to maintaine peace and to joyne in Communion with Iohn but Gregorie vnder a colour of humilitie sought to enlarge the bounds of his owne jurisdiction the most that possibly he could as we shall see hereafter OPPOSITION Gregor li. 4. ep ●4 Gregorie much offended with those letters wrote presently both to the Emperour Maurice himselfe and to Constantia the Empresse To the Empresse that Maurice indeed had done like a godlie and religious Prince in commaunding the obseruance of such Christian duties to men of the Church But farre be it saith he that your time should be thus defiled by the exaltation of one man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alluding manifestly to him which is said to be exalted or lifted vp in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians cap. 2. neither may it euer be said that you gaue way to this crooked name of Vniuersall And againe It is an insufferable thing that he should seeke to be called the Sole Bishop By which it appeareth that to be called Vniuersall Bishop and Sole Bishop was all one in his construction And he addeth farther By this arrogancie and pride saith he what else is portended but that the time of Antichrist is now at hand in that he imitateth him Lucifer who making light of that happinesse which he possessed in common with the whole Armie of the Angels would needs aspire to a singularitie aboue all the rest saying as it is in the 14 chapter of Esay I will exalt my Throne aboue the starres of heauen c. and will be like to the Almightie And to the Emperor he wrote much after the same manner Epist 32. All those saith he which haue read the Gospell know well what the Lord said vnto Peter c. The Care and Primacie of the whole Church is committed vnto him yet is he not called the Vniuersall Apostle and yet behold my fellow Priest Iohn seeketh to be called the Vniuersall Bishop Consacerdos meus Iohannes I am now forced to crie out O the times and O the manners of men Europe is now exposed for a prey to the Barbarian and yet the Priests who should lie along in the dost vpon the pauement weeping and rolling themselues in ashes seeke after names of vanitie and boast themselues of their newfound prophane titles By which words he plainely condemneth this title of Vniuersall as well in all others as in Iohn and thereupon in opposition to him he tooke vnto himselfe first of all the Appellation of the Seruant of Seruants which title his successors after him haue vsed vntill this day But Gregorie proceeded yet farther and joyned to him Eulogius Bishop of Alexandria and Anastasius of Antioch as in a common cause requiring them to helpe stop this breach against the torrent of this his pride and eleuation And he would faine haue persuaded them that the Councell of Chalcedon did offer that title to the Bishop of Rome Epist 36. which yet we haue formerly shewed out of the whole proceedings of that Councell to be notoriously false but that none of his predecessors would accept of so prophane a title And God forbid saith he that this should euer enter into the heart of a Christian requesting them neuer hereafter to call anie man by that name in their Epistles and repeateth that saying of Pelagius That he of whom it is written This is he which is King ouer all the children of pride is neere at hand And that Iohn by thus exalting himselfe maketh himselfe his forerunner and assumeth to himselfe that which belongeth onely to the Lord Iesus And vsing no lesse libertie of stile he wrot vnto Iohn himselfe When thou wert called saith he to the office of a Bishop thou saidst that thou wert not worthie to be called a Bishop and now thou wouldest haue none a Bishop but thy selfe c. What wilt thou answer vnto Christ who is the true Head of the Vniuersall Church in that day of iudgement seeing that by this name of Vniuersall thou seekest to enthrall all the members of his Bodie vnto thy selfe whom doest thou imitate herein saue onely him who in contempt of those Legions of Angels which were his fellowes sought to mount aloft to the top of singularitie where he might be subiect to none and all others subiect vnto him that is to say Lucifer And he doubteth not to applie vnto him that which is said in the 14 of Esay Verily saith he the Apostle Peter was the principall member of the Vniuersall Church as for Paule Andrew Iohn and the rest what were they but onely the chiefe of their particular assemblies and yet all they members of the Church vnder one Head c. yet would none of those presume to call himselfe Vniuersall neither doth anie other assume that name vnto himselfe who is truly holie c. and consequently neither S. Peter himselfe nor the Bishop of Rome who claimeth from him But heare what followeth My little children saith he this is the later time which Christ himselfe foretold the pestilence and the sword now deuoure the earth c. all prophesies are now fulfilled the King of Pride is at the gates and which I dread to speake Sacerdotum an armie of Priests or Bishops standeth readie to receiue him for they who were appointed to chalke out the way of meekenesse and of humilitie are now in pay vnder that necke of Pride which lifteth it selfe vp Ceruici militant elationis meaning by the King of Pride Antichrist who relieth vpon the strength of his gard which are the Clergie of whose eleuation S. Paule had spoken in the second to the Thessalonians cap. 2. and Gregorie in this and sundrie other places speaketh after him and by warrant from him And we must here note that he charged his Deacon Sabinian not to communicate with Iohn if he renounced not this pretended title of Vniuersall Bishop And when Cyriacus who succeeded vnto Iohn persisted in the waies of his predecessor he wrote againe to Anastasius Bishop of Antioch in this manner I
to famble with children but ought not to be drawne in consequence of doctrine in the Church That in such matters euerie one might abound in his owne sence and to conclude That he was just of opinion with Sergius that is to say a pure Monothelite Yet Bellarmine Onuphrius and others of that whet seeke to justifie him but alas they cannot vnlesse they will first condemne this Councell If they say that the copies were corrupted by the Greekes we answere that we take them as we find them in the Latine where we farther find that the copies of his letter were compared with the Originall it selfe taken out of the Librarie of Constantinople and the sentence passed vpon that letter saith That it swarued from the doctrines of the Apostles and holie Synods and that they contained hereticall positions and as such are worthie of execration That they execrated and accursed the authors of all such doctrines and cast their names out of the Church and for that cause they there pronounce Anathema against Honorius as following in euerie point the drifts and purposes of Sergius Cyrus and other complices in this Heresie all which is to be seene more at large in the Bodie of that Councell But which is more Honorius for this verie Heresie was afterward againe excommunicated in the seuenth Generall Councell and last Action Synod Nicen. 2. act vlt. 3. Synod Constant 8. Vniuers act 7. 3. 6. Beda de sex aetatib Liber Pontific in vita Leonis Psellus de septem Synodis and in the eight by Pope Adrian the second himselfe and by diuers others And of this Beda and the Pontificall Booke for the Westerne Churches and for those of the East Psellus and for these later times Melchier Canus though our aduersarie beareth record and is all this so easily puffed off by saying That the Greekes perhaps did corrupt the copies or that I know not who hath thrust these words into Beda Had Pope Agatho known the contrarie or had the least doubt therof what conscience had he had to hold his peace Is it ynough to say that he did it to auoid farther brable Or should not the zeale of his See rather haue moued him to speake For whereas they tell vs a tale of one Maximus out of the Popes Librarie we answere That such a domesticke witnesse ought not to be admitted without better caution for his honestie no more may Nicholas the first who liued two whole ages after this time and is a Pope produced for a Pope neither yet Emanuel Galleca who liued no lesse than 500 yeares after And by the way it is to be obserued That the Legats of Pope Agatho assisted at the condemnation of Honorius with 289 other Bishops Concil Tolet. 4. Can. 16. as also that at this verie time the fourth Councell of Toledo decreed That the Apocalyps should be read in time of Masse that is of full seruice betweene Easter and Whitsunday with Anathema to him which should faile herein as wel perceiuing that the time now approached when all men had need to arme themselues against that Antichrist who is in that booke plainly foretold and by many circumstances most graphically described which gaue life to the Beast which was dead that is to the Roman Empire in that downfall of the temporall Estate as S. Gregorie himselfe had mentioned An. 633. 680. art 17. Here Baronius grindeth his teeth contesting violently That Honorius was not an Heretike he turneth and windeth new casteth and mouldeth the words to saue him thereby from this imputation For what likelihood saith he seeing that the Councels held vnder Martin at Rome make no such mention and seeing that Pope Agatho himselfe pronounceth so peremptorily That it was neuer knowne that the See of Rome did erre c. But what shall we hearken to those forced interpretations which Baronius maketh of his words rather than to those which two generall Councels made of them when all matters were either present to their view or at least fresh in memorie vnto them or because the Pope said That they neuer erred must we therefore needs beleeue them contrarie to the authoritie of generall Councels and contrarie also to some of themselues And when Pope Agatho by his Legats condemned him and his memorial after him in the sixt generall Councell shall it be ynough for them to say That the Greekes added this parcell and the two Sessions following and thus to put off whatsoeuer they are not able to defend or may not we rather thinke and say That those other passed it ouer with silence because they had not what to say in excuse thereof Giue way to this and what Councell can stand for good In the end he telleth vs That one Theodorus Bishop of Constantinople Ib. art 17. an 680. being himselfe an Heretike and one of those which should haue beene condemned in the same sentence giuen by the Synod caused Honorius his name to be put into the scedule in stead of his owne Base shift for where doth he find Theodorus so much as named in all that Session or must so many authorities so many pregnant proofes giue place to his bare coniecture what printed author what manuscript doth he alledge But the truth is Gratulabor mihi tibique this man desireth not to be releeued but vpon almes Reader saith he if thou wilt accept of this I shall be glad that I haue not lost my paines if not neuerthelesse Honorius shall be still a good Catholike And this is all the fruit of 50 pages which he had spent vpon this argument Now after Honorius succeeded Seuerin the first At that time saith Blondus the manner was Blond li. 9. Deca 1. That the Pope elected was not crowned till the Exarch would come from Rauenna to confirme him And Isaac who was Exarch at that time deferred his comming to Rome one whole yeare and a halfe Platina in Seuerino and so also saith Platina Here Beronius obserueth That the decree of Phocas was obserued in certaine places And we denie not that this Mysterie had his proceedings for one Sergius Archbishop of Cyprus writing vnto Pope Theodore inscribeth his letter To Theodorus the Vniuersall Pope and so much the rather because he was at variance with the Bishop of Constantinople Summo omnium Praesulum Pontifici So likewise a genernll Synod of Afrike writing to Pope Martin inscribeth their Epistle To the Soueraigne Pontife ouer all Bishops though they might peraduenture meane it onely as to the chiefe Patriarch and consequently a Contutor in the gouernement of the Vniuersall Church as wee haue said before But Victor Bishop of Carthage a man much renowmed in that Synod when vpon his election he sent his confession to Theodorus kept the old stile and wrot onely To the most blessed Lord and our honourable holie brother Pope Theodore beginning his Epistle with these words The good workes of your holie Fraternitie c. and so
that Hincmar of Laon appeare before our clemencie and that his accuser appeare also with him c. a stile not vsed heretofore by our predecessors when they wrot to ours And although we perceiue that you goe about to bring into the Church of God instead of the cleere light of simplicitie and humilitie the thicke mist of the pride of this world yet will we haue a better opinion of your will and meaning considering that a man as a man may doe that in hast which vpon better consideration ●● would wish vndone againe But where doth your Secretarie find That the Apostolike See may commaund a king who by his office is a correcter of the faultie a chastiser of offenders and by all law both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall a reuenger of crimes committed to send an offendor to Rome condemned alreadie by due course of law and according to the Canons for his disorders and one who before his depriuing was conuicted before three seuerall Synods to haue endeuoured the disturbance of the common peace and tranquilitie and since his depriuing hath persisted in his obstinacie by himselfe and others c. Know therefore saith he as we haue alreadie written vnto you That we Kings of France and of royall ofspring Non Vicedomini sed terrae domini are not to be reckoned as Vidames and Vicegerents of Bishops but Lords of the Earth And so goeth hee on to proue by the testimonies of holie Scriptures out of the mouth of our Sauiour and his Apostles and by the sayings of Augustine Leo and of the Synod of Rome it selfe what is due from all men and from Bishops themselues to the royall dignitie And saith he if you search your offices you shall find that our auncestors neuer receiued any such commaunds from your predecessors not Theodoric and Theodobert from Saint Gregorie when he wrot for Vrcism of Turin But if saith he it be true to wit that he was deposed contrarie to the Canons we intreat you that of your owne accord in reuerence of the Church and regard of equitie you would be pleased to grant our request Neither vsed he any other stile when he wrot to the Ex●rch who yet was inferiour to our ranke in the cause of Blondus Bishop of Ortona whom the Ex●rch held prisoner at Rauenna We cannot beleeue saith he that your Excellencie holdeth him there without some probable cause and therefore it is fit his cause should be heard in a Synod to see whether his fault be such as may deserue depriuation to the end we may put another in place Thus spake he of Bishops not yet deposed for their crimes and therefore iudge Whether in the case of one which hath beene legallie and orderlie depriued for his enormities by the iudgement of a Synod he would haue commaunded vs as you haue done Vt eum nostra fretum potentia Romā mittamus That by our power we should send him to Rome Saint Augustine saith vnto Ianuarius All these things which are not contained in the holie Scriptures nor ordained in the Councels of Bishops nor confirmed by generall custome I thinke fit they should be taken away Where then did your Scribe find this law which neither the Lord hath written with his owne finger nor inspired to bee written which he neuer ordained in the hand of a Mediator which no Painim euer commaunded no Christian euer proposed nor any Church-man hath decreed by which he commaundeth me to be a fauourer of a man condemned and excommunicated by the Church Me I say a King established by God girt with a two-edged sword a reuenger of the wicked and defender of the good when he bids me send Hincmar to Rome one that hath broken the lawes disgraced the Priesthood and wronged the Royall Dignitie a troubler of the State a periured person a mutiner a scourge of his Church sacrilegious scandalous to the countrey wherein he liueth not caring to crosse one of his deeds with another nor to doe contrarie to his owne hand writing and who seeth not that this law was vomited out of the bottome of hell it selfe c. But the holie Scriptures chalke vs out the way which we must walke against such lawes Christ the power and wisedome of God saith By me Kings raigne and by me Princes decree iust things The holie Councels also shew what is to bee done namely that of Afrike c. Likewise the Emperours Valens Gratian Valentinian Iustinian and others Which lawes ought to be obserued not onely by other Bishops but also by the Popes themselues Which Leo the Pope writing to Leo the Emperour well acknowledged so did Gelasius to Anastasius as by their words may and doth appeare And therefore saith he we hold vs to that for the Lord telleth vs by his Prophet That the lips of the Priest shall preserue knowledge and men shall seeke the law at his mouth And therefore you may not suffer any man in your name to write that to vs which is not contained either in the holie Scriptures indited by the wisedome of God or at least in the holie Canons published by his spirit For the Prophet saith to the Priest which commandeth Thou shalt declare to them that which thou hast heard of me Of me saith he not of thy selfe and they are blamed who speake of their owne mind because he that speaketh of himselfe seeketh his owne glorie Let no man in your name write vnto vs visions threats of excommunications contrarie to the beaten way of the Scriptures the writings of the Fathers the sacred Lawes and holie Canons For you know and so doe we that whatsoeuer is repugnant to this is void and of none effect It was said to S. Peter saith S. Leo To thee will I giue the keyes c. The right of this power passed to all the Apostles and this decree to all the chiefe of the Church c. and consequently this prerogatiue of Saint Peter is common to euerie one which iudgeth according to the equitie of Saint Peter For when it is said Vbicunque as no place it excepted so likewise is no Bishop which iudgeth according to the equitie of Saint Peter As on the contrarie no Bishop is commended which iudgeth contrarie to the same He should haue said no not the Bishops themselues of Rome And whereas the Pope gaue order That together with Hincmar should come a competent accuser to haue the whole cause reuiewed in his presence Although saith he this be grounded vpon no reason yet if you thinke Hincmar to be lawlesse and if your Emperour my nephew will be content that I shall passe through Italie to Rome I will not faile to be there so soone as by the grace of God I shall be able to set my realme in some good order against the Painims And because my selfe accused him in open Synod I will be there in person a competent accuser against him in many causes and we will bring so many and so great accusers of all sorts
now a common brothell-house cannot conceale his good friend the sister of Stephana his fathers concubine Witnesse the absence of all women besides the Romanes who durst not visit the Churches of the holie Apostles to doe their deuotions because that not manie dayes before they had heard of married women widowes virgins that had been forced by him Witnesse the Churches themselues where the raine doth not onely fall by drops but ouerfloweth the whole altars These hainous crimes were objected against him whereof he was afterward accused and conuicted as by little and little shall appeare Platina in Iohan 13. Sigon lib. 7. de Reg. Jtal. insomuch that Platina could not conceale That from his youth he was polluted with all manner of wickednesse and vncleanenesse Neither doth Onuphrius dissemble it and as for Sigonius His Popedome saith he as the entrance was shamefull and villanous so it had a sorrowfull end with the great offence of the whole Church and the molestation of all Italie which a certain tempest that rise this yeare did portend wherein a stone of huge greatnesse in the thunder fell from heauen which ouerthrew manie Churches and slew some of their Priests Rolwinke the author of Fasciculus temporum entring into this age crieth out Alas alas ô Lord God how is the gold darkened the good colour thereof changed what scandales read we of in these times euen in the Apostolike Seat what contentions emulations sects enuyings ambitions intrusions persecutions O miserable times in which holie men languish and decay and truth it selfe is banished from amongst the sonnes of men c. These eight Popes successiuely following one the other held their Seat but a small time I can report nothing of them that is notable because I haue found nothing but matter of scandale in them by reason of such a contention in that holie Apostolike Seat of one against another as hath not formerly beene heard of For Stephen confirming the Acts of Iohn the eight condemneth Formosus and declareth his Acts to be of no force and disgraced his dead bodie and cutting off two of his fingers commaunded his hand to be cast into Tibet shewing himselfe thereby vngratefull towards him that had made him Bishop of Anagnia But Theodorus shortly after disalloweth the Acts of Stephen and approued those of Formosus c. And so of the rest He affirmeth Platinae in vita horum Pontificum that Sergius the third beheaded Formosus being dead and adorned with priestlie garments but Platina speakes more mildly saying that he proceeded against him by course of law and condemned him to lose his head as if he had beene aliue But yet to all these he leaues a marke of reproach when he saith of Formosus That he was raised to the Popedome rather by gifts than by vertue of Stephen the sixt by mony and corruption of Roman the first that he enuied the honours of all others as they vse to doe that are polluted with all kind of wickednesse of Theodore the second that he followed the steps of his seditious predecessors of Christopher the first that he cast Leo into prison which could not be done without great sedition and the vtter destruction of manie of Iohn the eleuenth that he was a man of warre rather than religion and this he speakes perhaps seeing as much as we see more mildly than was fitting Of the rest in these times he spake more generally Consider I pray saith he how much these haue degenerated from their ancestors for they like holie men contemned dignities when they were freely offered them giuing themselues to prayer and the studie of diuinitie but these seeking the Popedome by briberie and ambition and gaining it laying aside all diuine worship like cruell tyrans exercised their malice the one towards the other glutting themselues afterward the more securely with their owne pleasures when there were none that had power to punish their insolencies For saith he the Pontificall dignitie first encreased without riches among so manie enemies and obstinat persecutors of the name of Christ by learning and holinesse of life which are not attained but with great labors and much vertue shortly after so soone as the Church of God began to grow wanton with wealth her worshippers being turned from austeritie of life to wantonnesse this licence to sinne begot vnto vs there being no Prince to punish the wickednesse of men these monsters by whom the most holie Seat of Peter by ambition and briberie is rather occupied than possessed This saith he describing the liues of the Popes of this time insomuch that we need no other witnesse What then shall we say if Cardinall Baronius notwithstanding his seatlet robe hath beene ashamed of this foule wickednesse when he knew not how to begin without a Preface wherein he confest to the Reader that he was now to see abhominationem desolationis in Templo Dan 9. Baron an 900. art 1 2 3. foretold by Daniel and afterward by our Sauior himselfe What then should the faithfull doe but by the commaundement of our Sauior ad montes fugiamus and let vs depart from Babylon and her vncleanenesse when againe ●e acknowledged that these Popes were proh pudor proh dolor sayth he like horrible monsters intruded into this Seat venerable to the Angels themselues And how manie euils saith he haue proceeded from them and strange accomplished tragedies Whereby it is come to passe that the Church without spot or wrinckle hath bin sprinkled with or dares infected with stench polluted with villanies darkned with perpetuall infamie Of Sergius namely of Theodora his harlot after he had quoted the place of Luitprand he saith Baron to 10. an 908. art 5 6 7. Hast thou heard gentle Reader the lamentable state of this time when Theodora the elder a noble harlot obtained the Monarchie in the Citie of Rome and by this word they commonly vnderstand the Church But how came so infamous a woman to so great dignitie sayth he This harlot was a noble woman of Rome and of a great house and of excellent beautie and wit who by her adulterer Pope Sergius sibi Monarchiam peperir she obtained this Monarchie And note here the succession This wicked woman by this art obtained the dominion and to continue it to her posteritie prostituted her daughters to the Popes to the inuaders of the Apostolicall Seat to the Marquesses of Tuscan by which means the Empire of these harlots so much encreased that at their pleasure they remoued those that were lawfully created and thrust into their places men polluted with all manner of wickednesse and of this miserable estate of the Church which God permitted saith he to be dishonored at the pleasure of wicked persons let vs say with S. Iohn of the great where her Empire spreadeth it selfe through the whole world OPPOSITION Now if Luitprand Deacon of the Church of Pauia dare speake so freely as we haue heard before it is not to be doubted
herein than the rest That oath which he made Richard Prince of Capua to take Gregor 7. in Epist post 21. l. 1. l. 8. post Epist 10. is verie notable I Richard by the grace of God and Saint Peter Prince of Capua by what diuinitie doth he couple the creature and the Creator together from this houre and euer hereafter will be faithfull to the holie Church of Rome and to the Apostolike See and to thee a helper to hold obtaine and defend the royalties of Saint Peter and his possessions with a true faith against all men and I will giue my best assistance that thou maist securely and honourably hold the Popedome of Rome and the dominions of S. Peter These clauses according to his owne interpretation goe farre And I will neither seeke to inuade or obtaine thy principalities nor presume to rob or wast them without the leaue and licence of thee and thy successors that to the honor of S. Peter shall enter What other words could he vse to a captaine of theeues But to King Henrie when I shall be admonished by thee or thy successors I will sweare alleageance reseruing still my fidelitie to the holie Church of Rome These things fell out about the yeare 1073. And the same oath tooke Robert for Apulia and Calabria doing his homage Gregor l. 2. Epist 71. And if we may beleeue the Epistle of Gregorie the seuenth in the yeare 1073 there came to Rome in pilgrimage the sonne of Demetrius king of Russia whom he inuested into his kingdome in the name of S. Peter Vndoubtedly affirming that this his petition should be ratified and confirmed by the consent of his father if he should possesse his kingdome by the gift of the See of Rome Thus abusing as it appeareth by the stile the sottish deuotion of this young man In like manner in the yeare 1081 was the Earle Bernard besotted who gaue for the remission of his sinnes the earldome of Prouence As for the donation of the Countesse Mathilda we shall speake thereof in his due place But it is worthie the consideration from what ground it should arise that he writes to Philip K. of France daring to promise him remission of his sinnes if he would take part with him We will An. 1080. saith he and in the name of the Apostle we commaund that thou hinder not in any sort that election which the people and Clergie of the Church of Rheimes are to make whereby it may be thought lesse canonicall but if any man shall goe about by any endeuor whatsoeuer to hinder it thou shalt giue thy best helpe to withstand him Goe forward therefore that we may not be thought in vaine to haue spared the sinnes of thy youth and to haue expected thy amendment but especially endeuour to make S. Peter thy debtor that is Hildebrand who makes himselfe Peters successor in whose power is thy kingdome and thy soule who can bind and loosse thee in heauen and in earth by which thy diligence and execution of iustice thou maiest deserue his eternall grace and fauour Here I may aske who discernes not the voyce of the diuell tempting our Sauiour in the Gospell But the Aphorismes which they call the Popes Dictats published by him about the yeare 1076 lay him open to the view of euerie man That the Church of Rome hath no other foundation but from God Why then alledge they Peter That the Bishop of Rome onely is by right called Vniuersall and therefore he alone hath right according to S. Gregorie the Great to be either the forerunner of Antichrist or Antichrist himselfe That he alone may depose and restore Bishops what then shall we say of so many Bishops that in the Church for so many yeares and ages in so many countries haue beene lawfully by good and worthie lawes without any respect of him nay in despight of him placed and displaced That his Legat though otherwise inferiour in degree must take place aboue all other Bishops in Councels and may denounce the sentence of deposition against them The reuerend generall Councels therefore in which diuers Bishops haue beene Presidents and taken the vpper place and pronounced sentence in the presence of his Legats yea many times against them too whither are they now gone That the Pope may depose such as are absent And this saith Baronius is to cut off occasions and excuses from our aduersaries yea the Emperor himselfe who being absent he had excommunicated why then doe they so much wonder that he should vse the same law against him That we must not remaine in the same house with such as he hath excōmunicated What is this but like the Pagan high Priests to interdict fire and water Greg. l. 2. Epist 37. But how happie is it for Christendome that few beleeue it To conclude That it is lawfull for him onely according to the necessitie of the time to make new lawes to ordaine colonies of a religious house to make an Abbie and contrarily to diuide a rich Bishopricke and to vnite the poorer That he onely may vse the Imperiall ensignes That all Princes are to kisse the feet of the Pope onely That his name onely is to be recited in Churches That no generall Synod is to be called without his commaund That no booke may be accounted canonicall without his authoritie That all causes of greatest importance of what Church soeuer must be referred to him That he may absolue subiects of their allegeance towards their Prince That he can iudge of all men and no man can iudge of him And all this because the Church of Rome hath neuer erred nor as the Scripture witnesseth shall euer erre That the Pope of Rome if he be canonically ordained is vndoubtedly made holy by the merits of S. Peter That there is but one onely name in the world that is the Pope he had almost said that which the Apostle speaks of our Sauiour A name aboue euery name Phil. 2.9 Acts 12.4 the onely name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Now gentle Reader what doest thou expect but that ouer and aboue all this he should adde Because the Pope is Christ he is Antichrist himselfe But before we come to the chiefe Oppositions we are to note some particular things not to be contemned Leo the ninth saith the Abbot of Vrsperg being at Menze and the Archbishop himselfe celebrating Masse An. 1052. it fell out that a certaine Deacon called Hunibert read a lesson that made not for the Pope Leo being admonished hereof by one of his friends commaunded him twice or thrice to bee silent who neuerthelesse proceeded The lesson being ended he called him before him and presently degraded him Wherewith the Archbishop being offended and much moued protested That neither he nor any man else should end the seruice at that time except his Deacon were restored vnto him in the same state he was in before in so much that the Pope to satisfie
worshippers of false gods were woont to doe he vsurpeth both the Empire and the Popedome c. He resisteth the diuine maiestie and the most Christian King ordained from aboue and inaugurated by God himselfe he impugneth And cunningly and craftily and closely he goeth about in a sheepes skin and vnder the title of Christ to get into his hands the Empire of the whole world For these causes the Emperour the Bishops the Senat the people pronounce him deposed being vnwilling to commit the flocke of Christ to the gard and custodie of such a wolfe And so both those pretended heresies of Simonie and Nicholaisme with one consent they ouerthrew and this verie Decree not onely the Bishops of Germanie and France but of Italie it selfe in a Synod holden at Pauia did vnder their Seales and by oath confirme They writ likewise by the authoritie of the Synod of Wormes to Hildebrand that he should giue ouer the Popedome and betake himselfe to a priuat life and also to the Clergie and people of Rome that according to the Law of their auncestors they should chuse another but yet so as that they should lay no violent hands vpon the person of Hildebrand but leaue him to the iustice of God Amongst all these Bishops there was not any that contradicted the decree but Albert of Wirthsbourg and Herman of Metz who likewise were soone persuaded by the admonitions and reasons of William of Vtrecht to be of the same opinion and to subscribe with the rest Gregorie so soone as hee vnderstood hereof is nothing at all discouraged but borrowing a great summe of money of Mathilda distributeth it amongst the people with the poore mens money payed his souldiers wages flattereth the people of Rome setting before their eyes their auncient renowme and giues them hope of libertie and so calls a Councell at Rome where in a full assemblie in the name of the Synod of Wormes one Rowland a Prelat of Parma vpon the suddaine stands vp and without any duetie done vnto him speakes vnto him in these words Our most Christian Emperour and the reuerend Bishops of Italie Germanie and Fraunce commaund thee to resigne that charge which thou hast vsurped by subtilty money and fauour For it is not lawfull for thee against their willes and the authoritie of the Emperour and decree of the Church of Christ to meddle with the Sheepefold of Christ And presently turning himselfe towards the assemblie Most holie brethren saith he chuse according to your owne Law a Pastor which choice of yours the sacred Consull Tribune and your Prince according to the maner of your auncestors will authorise For this Hildebrand is neither Pastor nor Father nor Pope but a theefe a wolfe a robber and a tyran Whereupon they rushed vpon him and he wanted not much of being ouerborne by the people In the Letters which he deliuered there were these words Because thine entrie began with so many periuries and the Church of God by the abuse of thy nouelties hath beene endaungered in this so great a tempest and hast dishonoured thy whole life by thy infamous conuersation as we haue promised vnto thee no obedience so will we neuer performe any to thee Gregorie therefore returning the fault vpon themselues the day following depriued Henrie as much as in him lay of the kingdome of Germanie and Italie discharged the Princes of their oath of allegiance excommunicateth Sigefrid Archbishop of Mence and the Bishops of Vtrecht and Bamberge threatning to proceed in like maner against the rest if they came not to Rome to purge themselues In which decree let the Reader note the cunning he speakes to Peter as to his reuenger Heare me saith he O Peter Prince of the Apostles thou and thy brother S. Paule can best witnesse for me besides others that I was drawne against my will to the gouernement of thy holie Church and therefore I persuade my selfe that it pleaseth thee that I should rule the people of Christ committed by God especially to thy charge c. Being therefore confident herein for the honour of thy Church in the name of the omnipotent God the Father sonne and holie Ghost and by right of thy authoritie I interdict Henrie the King the sonne of Henrie the Emperour who by a straunge pride the like whereof was neuer heard of hath risen against the Church all the Kingdome of Germanie and Italie c. To the end all people may see and vnderstand that thou art Peter super tuam Petram and vpon thy rocke the sonne of God hath built his Church c. These selfesame words hath Sigonius and not vpon this rocke And some denying that the King could be subiect to the Popes curse or excommunications Thinke you saith he that God when thrise together he committed the charge of his Church to S. Peter saying feed my sheepe that he excepted Kings And so what he would he obtayned Thus Hildebrand being by the Bishops of Italie Germanie and Fraunce deposed in a Councell at Wormes and Henrie excommunicated and depriued his kingdome by Hildebrand and the Clergie at Rome they both endeuour to strengthen their owne part But forasmuch as such Kingdomes as are long time gouerned vnder a minoritie are seldome or neuer without factions there arose presently against Henrie many Princes of Germanie to whom Hildebrand alledged that Pope Zacharie had deposed Childerick king of Fraunce onely for his negligence and placed Pepin in his Throne Why then should it not be lawfull for him to do the like against whomsoeuer should rebel against S. Peter And they on the other side vnder his patronage are content to comfort and to flatter their consciences with these toyes Of this number was Hugh Duke of Alsatia who was growne far in debt Rodulphus Duke of Sueuia the Emperors brother in law fed with the hope of the Empire Bertholdus Duke of Zaringia his sonne in law Welfo Duke of Bauaria the Bishops of Mence Mets and Wormes and certaine Abbots eyther stroken with a feare of the excommunication or for some speciall causes bound to these Princes who with one consent reuolt from the Emperour ioyne their counsels and forces to the Saxon rebels and fill all Germanie with robberie sword and fire Insomuch that the Historiographers of those times want words to expresse the horror and abomination of that disordered confusion which by all good men was imputed to Gregorie who crie out against this vnworthie and wicked act in their sermons curse Gregorie wish all ill to Hildebrand publish him to be Antechrist vnder a shew of pietie say they he exerciseth his furies with honest words he makes shew of seeking the publike good vnder the title of Christ he playes the part of Antechrist in Babylon he sits in the Temple of God and extolleth himselfe aboue all that is worshipped as if he were God he glorieth that he cannot erre and for the greater increase of his glorie he takes vpon him to make an Emperor at his pleasure
of this inuestiture hee had made himselfe the doore Epist Paschalis ad Henric. Regem Anglorum data Beneuenti That they who entred not by him forsooke God who is the true doore and were theeues and robbers applying that vnto himselfe which our Sauiour spake of himselfe and was to be communicated to no other putting himselfe thereby into his place This saith he is to handle the Church as a handmaid not as a spouse This repugneth the Canons of the Apostles and the Synod of Antioch And yet was there euer word spoken hereof By which allegations neuerthelesse he abused the ignorant and simple people 45. PROGRESSION Of the strange pride of Calixtus the second and of his barbarous crueltie towards Gregorie the eighth Of the degrading of maried Priests and of that which happened to Cardinall Iohn of Creme the Popes Legat comming into England to put downe the mariage of Priests IOhn of Gaieta succeeded Paschal called Galasius the second being created without the knowledge of Henrie who remained at Pauia but vnderstanding hereof went directly to Rome wherewith Galasius being amazed fled by sea to Tarrachina and there caused himselfe to be consecrated by the Bishops of his owne faction at the same time that Henrie caused Mauritius Burdinus to be consecrated at Rome who crowned him the second time and was called Gregorie the eighth Whereupon Galasius excommunicated them both being vpheld and defended by the Princes of Apulia He restored to Gualterus Archbishop of Rauenna the jurisdiction ouer the Bishops of Aemilia whom his predecessors had taken away that he might draw him away from the Emperour And yet neuerthelesse finding no safetie in Rome by reason of the Frangepanes was resolued to leaue there the Bishop of Port An. 1119. and to goe into France where in the yeare 1119 he held a Councell at Vienna but died soone after at Clugni in whose place the Cardinals that were there present with the helpe of the Clerkes and Laitie of Rome chose Guido Bishop of Vienna the brother of Stephen Duke of Burgondie vncle to Baldwin Earle of Flanders and a neere kinsman of Henries who was called Calixtus the second but it is to be doubted whether their great affinitie could support him in the Popedome D. 12. c. Non Decet which otherwise would be verie feeble and subiect to ruine But let the Reader note touching their pretended succession what this election might be without Rome in a monasterie made by the followers and traine of a Pope newly dead and a few others although the Romans afterward gaue their consent thereunto Hauing saith Auentine Auent l. 6. corrupted the Romans with money he bestowed vpon them which he had borrowed and begged of his friends In the meane time Cunon Bishop of Prenest the Legat of Galasius continued his practises in Germanie withdrawing vnder the shadow of excommunication the Princes from the seruice of Henrie and to this end holding diuers Councels at Cologne Fritzlare and elsewhere alwayes vnder a pretence to reconcile the kingdome with the Priesthood that is to say to draw to the Popedome the authoritie of the Empire So that in the end in a Councell at Wormes in the yeare 1122 An. 1122. the Emperour wearied with so many molestations and seeing no other end but the ruine of the State granted to Calixtus whatsoeuer he would The forme of whose agreement written by Vrsperge is as followeth I Henrie Abbas Vispergens●in Chron. Krantz Saxon. l. 6. c. 41.42.43 Sigon de regno Italiae l. 10. by the grace of God Emperour Augustus of the Romans for the loue of God and the holie Church of Rome and our Lord Pope Calixtus and for the soueraigne good of my soule I leaue to God and to his holie Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paule and to the holie Catholike Church all inuestiture by the ring and the staffe and I grant election and consecration to be made in all Churches See here for what Gospell these Popes did striue Calixtus in like sort I Calixtus c. grant that the election of the Bishops and Abbots of the kingdome of Germanie be done in thy presence without simonie and violence c. but let him that is chosen receiue his inuestiture of thee by the Scepter except in all thinges which are knowne to belong to the Church of Rome and doe all things which by right belongs vnto thee But in token of this insolence the Legats of Calixtus would that these letters should be published with a lowd voice in the open fields neere the Rhene where were assembled people from all parts But Calixtus when they were brought to him caused them to be hanged in the church of Lateran to the end that all men might behold them But Otho of Frisingens saith Otho Frising l. 7. c. 16. That the Romans boasted that this agreement was but onely for Henrie and not for his successors by which couenant saith he the Church vnder Calixtus the second in magnum montem creuisse encreased to a great height Whereupon this was written of him at Rome Ecce Calixtus honor patriae decus Imperiale Burdinum nequam damnat pacemque reformat Behold Calixt our countries honour worth Imperiall That wicked Burdine punisheth and peace reformes with all Neither did his affaires lesse succeed at Rome for Gregorie the Antipope vnder the fauour of certaine Earles was maintained at Sutri But Calixtus returning out of France to win his fauour they deliuered him into his hands And here the notable insolencie of Calixtus is recited by the Abbot Suggerus Abbas Suggerus in vita Ludouici Crassi in the life of Lewis the Grosse They put saith he this Antipope or rather Antichrist ouerthwart the backe of an ill fauoured Camell clothed with raw and bloudie Goats skinnes and the better to reuenge the ignominie of the Church of God they carried him through the middest of the citie Calixtus condemning him to perpetuall prison in the mountaines of Campania and to preserue the memorie of so great a reuenge they painted him in the chamber of the Palace troden vnder the feet of Calixtus This Gregory neuerthelesse held the See of Rome three yeares D. 12. c. 1. but no fault was imputed to them when Calixtus was not ashamed to write to all the Bishops It is not lawfull in the least point to wander from the rules of the Apostolike church that is the Roman for as the sonne of God came to doe the will of his father so fulfill you the will of your mother whose head is the Church of Rome The Reader may note in this comparison not so much the absurditie as the blasphemie when neuerthelesse this Canon did still continue reformed in a Decree by Gregorie the thirteenth and strengthened by a lye For whereas the old Decree said simply Calixtus Papa omnibus Episcopis that he might make this Gregorian Canon more auncient by a thousand yeares saith Calixtus Papa primus and addeth in the first Epistle
belong to that Court that vseth to commaund both Emperours and Kings And Baronius hath set downe this excellent Apothegme in great letters Baron an 1169. art 11. By the pride of the seruant we may iudge the modestie of the Master Doubtlesse the wisest of this world judge otherwise of the power and authoritie of the Pope Otho Bishop of Frisinghen saith Otho Frisingens in prologo l. 4. Chron. Two persons are constituted in the Church by God the Priestlie and the Princelie the one hath the administration of the Sacraments of Christ and to exercise Ecclesiasticall descipline with the spirituall sword the other carieth the materiall sword against the enemies of the Church defending the poore and the Churches of God from the oppression of the wicked punishing euill doers and exercising secular iudgement These are the two swords whereof we read in the Passion of our Sauiour but Peter is said to vse but onely one Therefore euen as to the spirituall sword spirituall possession belong that is to say the tithes the oblations of the faithfull and others of like sort so to the materiall are subiect all worldlie dignities as Duke domes Earle-domes and the like Now God would that these things should be in his Church orderly and not confusedly that is to say not in one person alone but diuided betweene two as I haue formerly named Euen as these persons therefore that carrie the materiall sword are not to meddle with those things that are spirituall so is it not fit for the spiritual to vsurp the other And to make good this saying many testimonies of the Scriptures and of our Lord himselfe besides the example of Saints may be alledged as that Gospell that saith Giue vnto Caesar the things that belong vnto Caesar and vnto God the things that are Gods That which our Lord Iesus Christ had deliuered in words he declared also by effects when yeelding tribute to whom tribute belonged he gaue tribute for himselfe and Peter And S. Paul acknowledged that we ought to yeeld honour to whom honour belongeth considering that all power is from God who being brought to iudgement did not appeale to Saint Peter who then possest the chaire at Rome but to Nero a most impious and a wicked man ordained by the will of God King of the whole world And thus much touching the honour of Kings But he goeth about to defend the Pope by some poore weake reasons but in the end concludeth I confesse I know no other refage but this that we haue known holie men both of Apostolike faith and merit as Syluester Gregorie Vlric Boniface Lampert Gothard and diuers others that haue had these things but for my selfe to speake my owne opinion I doubt whether this exalting of the Church in these dayes be more acceptable to God than the humilitie of former times Verily it seemeth that state was the better this the happier Neuerthelesse I agree with with the Church of Rome c. That is to say to be rather temporally happie with the one than spiritually happie with the Apostles and the holie Fathers and shortly after he hides not from vs vpon what foundation he groundeth his reason That all scruple saith he of that controuersie being resolued by his authoritie and example is againe secretly signified by that which was sayd to S. Peter Duc in altum lanch into the deepe and cast your nets to take fish Luke 5. yea it is so secret that for the space of 500 of the first and best yeres none of the auntient Doctors could perceiue this mysterie Jdem l. 3. Chron. 1.3 But the same authour speakes more openly in another place After the donation of Constantine the Church of Rome affirmeth that all Realmes of the West belonged to it by the gift of Constantine this he refuteth himselfe In token whereof it doubted not to exact tribute euen to this present of all those except the two Kingdome● of the French that is to say the Gaules and the Germans which hee would gladly draw into his Net if they would suffer him But in our France at the verie same time they that were called Waldenses or Albienses earnestly set against the Church of Rome condemning all the traditions thereof rejecting the ceremonies and declaring it in expresse words to be that Babylon in the Apocalyps the mother of fornications and the Pope verie Antichrist the man of sin foretold by the holie Scriptures These people maintayned the puritie veritie and simplicitie of the Christian Religion in all the Countries both on the mountaines and vallies of Daulphine Prouence Languedoc and Guyan where the corruptions and papall inuentions could not so easily penetrat no otherwise than as we see the Tongues customes and habits of nations to be preserued in Countries more remote against the inundation and mingling of the people as the originall Tongue of Spaine in the mountaines of Biscay and the auntient Tongue of the Brittons in Wales with their manners and customes also and so likewise of others For that so great a multitude of people spread from the Alpes euen to the Pirence by the instruction of Waldo had beene as it were hatcht vp in one day exceedeth all beliefe all reason Contrariwise he that would retire himselfe from the world seriously to contemplate his owne saluation it is likely he rather learned it of them and afterward taught at Lyon where for the renowne of the citie they that were his followers or affected his doctrine were called Waldenses as they who preached in the citie of Alba ware called Albienses and not many yeres before Peter Bruitzius Henrie his disciple publiquely teaching at Tholouse were called Tholousians and so likewise were they called at the Councell of Lateran held vnder Alexander the third Of this antiquitie to the end we need not doubt thereof the aduersaries themselues auouch the truth amongst whom Frier Rainerius who writ about the yeare of our Lord 1250 Among all the sects that are saith he or euer will be none can be more pernitious to the Church of God than that of Lyons An. 1250. Frater Rainerius de Waldensibus for three causes the first because it hath continued a longer time than any some say that it hath beene euer since the time of Syluester others say from the time of the Apostles that is to say inasmuch as integritie euer went before corruption and the same maintayned by them as it is said of the true Church in the Apocalyps that it was preserued euen in the desart The second because it is more generall for there is not almost any Countrie where into this sect hath not crept whereas in the meane time they aske vs where our Church then was The Third because all the other procure horrour by their blasphemies against God this of the Lionists hath a great apparence of pietie in as much as they liue vprightly before men and put their trust in God in all things and obserue all the Articles
expoundeth against the old Testament the Apostles and Euangelists These Decrees Innocent the fourth made to be compiled into one volume by one Raymund a Iacobin Frier and wil haue them to be accounted authenticall and is that which is named Decretals The Councell of Lions promised a great reformation to the Church and here it is That Cardinals from thenceforth should weare red hats and scarlet cloakes and should ride through the citie on horses well caparisonned for the honour of their dignitie Thinke that Christendome was hereby wonderfully well restored And this is spoken to shew who haue beene inuentors of this pompe as also of the superstitious deuotions at this day held in so high accompt OPPOSITION Who will thinke it strange if no man dare resist a pride so inueterat a possession of so long time taken to rule the world at his pleasure to condemne to hell whosoeuer resisteth him And yet euen in this most desperat wicked age there hath not wanted some that haue opposed themselues against the exactions violences and corruptions of the Church of Rome In England they thought all things lawfull for them boasting themselues to be Soueraigne Lords thereof vnder colour of the Charter of king Iohn who had submitted himselfe to their homage There we shall see a piece of their gouernement wherby we may judge into what ruine they wold haue brought the church if they had bin left to their owne will The BB. of England were reuolted against their king at the Popes instigation So that peace being made betweene king S. Lewis and Henrie the third king of England they see themselues excluded they therefore haue recourse to the Pope to be restored Among these was Henrie Bishop of Lincolne of whom Honorius exacted a thousand markes of siluer and so of the rest according to that proportion Such saith the Author was the Spirituall dropsie of the Court of Rome He also calleth him Leonem feritate sanguisugum auaritia a Lion in fiercenesse a bloud-sucker in couetousnesse This Pope sendeth Otho his Legat into England who in full Councell produceth the Popes letters in which he is not ashamed to alledge the scandale of the holie Church of Rome and her most antient opprobrie namely the staine of concupiscence the root of all euils and in this chiefely that none can dispatch any businesse in the Court of Rome but with great expences of money and giuing of gifts And because saith he that pouertie is the cause of this infamie children of a good nature ought to helpe the necessitie of their mother And note the remedie that he bringeth for this That of all the Cathedrall Churches two prebends should be giuen him one of the Bishop another of the Chapiter and in like manner of Abbayes and Monasteries promising if this be graunted to doe them iustice without rewards The Clergie of England thereupon assemble and vpon the reading of the Popes letters looke one vpon another admiring the couetousnesse of the Romans who had not learned this morall distich Quòd virtus reddit non copia sufficientem Et non paupertas sed mentis hiatus egentem Vertue not plentie makes man rich indeed A greedie mind though rich is still in need But the king by the aduice of the Prelats and Nobles of the realme answered That this businesse concerned all Christendome in the vtmost skirts whereof hee was that like as he should see other Estates gouerne themselues erga tales exactiones towards such exactions the Pope should find him readie to follow their example And indeed our Frenchmen being assembled in Councell vpon the same matter at Bourges the king being present where sat Romanus the Popes Legat to whom they propounded so many reasons partly in refutation partly in derision of the proposition he made in the Popes behalfe and of the commoditie he promised the world thereby that he himselfe was euen ashamed therewith the conclusion was in these words So much wealth would make the Romans madde and so betweene the diuers kindreds among them would arise so many seditions of which now already they are not free as the ruine of the whole citie might iustly be feared This is not the meanes to drie vp the spring of couetousnesse that which they now doe by themselues they then would doe by others and would procure to giue more rewards to their partakers than now they doe After which the Archbishop of Lyons said My Lord wee will euer haue friends in the Court of Rome and therefore we haue need of aboundance of gifts But my Lord let the Zeale of the vniuersall Church moue you and of the holie See of Rome for if there were an vniuersall oppression of all there would be cause to feare ne immineret generalis discessio least a generall reuolt or Apostasie were at hand which God forbid That reuolt is foretold by the Apostle speaking of Antichrist 2. Thessal 2. Hee therefore protested that he had neuer consented thereunto and that hee had receiued commaundement of the Pope being now entred into France whereat he greatly grieued Gregorie is no sooner come to the Popedome but following the steps of his predecessors he sendeth into England his Nuntio and Chaplaine who being heard in the assemblie of Prelats produceth the Popes letters whereby he openly demaunded the tenths of all the moueable goods as well of the Clergie as of the Laitie for the extermination of Frederick The king who had alreadie by his solicitors engaged himselfe to Rome held his peace as being become a staffe of a reed to them that trusted in him But the Earles and Barons and all other lay persons absolutely declared That they would in no wise suffer that their Baronies and lay possessions should be in any sort obliged to the Church of Rome In like manner also the Prelats and whole Clergie who yet three dayes after waxed calmer fearing a sentence of excommunication which the Legat was found to haue in commission from the Pope and indeed hee imployed it against all them that made difficultie to obey and of th●se tenthes which he exacted with threats for feare of the excommunications hee agreed and made part with one Stephen Segraue a Counsellor of the king in so much that he tooke the tenth of the fruits of Autumne which was yet but in the blade and for to haue readie money he constrained the Churchmen to sell Chalices siluer pots and other vessels of the Altar the Land is filled with continuall but secret maledictions all people curse both the exactions and the exactors exactio suis nunquam exactoribus fiat fructuosa yea the Pope himselfe that it might neuer prosper with him And after that time England was no more seene without forraine vsurers from beyond the Alpes who vnder the name of Marchants made gainful vse of the extorsions of the Court of Rome Whereby in a short time after the subiects of the kingdom as well noble as ignoble were brought to that desperate extreamitie that to seeke
and least of all ouer the Maiestie Imperiall and if he vsurpe the same they are bound by diuine lawes to resist him therein by word by deed by all meanes and all endeuours and not doing so they should be vniust and iniurious to God as on the contrarie they that fight for him and these false prerogatiues may be reputed to be the diuels champions That the Emperours confirmation belonged not to the Pope much lesse his election nay and this manner of his coronation by reason of many abuses growing from the same brings some danger to the Empire But so on the contrarie the Emperour being a Christian Prince by the consent of the Clergie and people may nominat a Pope and the partie being absent confirme him nominated If he be accused or obiected against he may reduce him into the true way and judge him by a Councell That Peter when he liued as he was a man might fall nay and erre neither was the Pope by any priuiledge exempted from error And whereas it was said to Peter Oraui pro te this may be extended likewise to the rest of the Apostles therfore he could be no surer of his faith constancie than the rest of the Bishops That only the Canon of the sacred Bible is the fountaine of truth in whose disesteeme wee must neither beleeue the Pope nor the Church That we ought not to beleeue the Popes and Cardinall onely about the sence and meaning of the Scriptures or any principall poynt of faith because verie often by their wicked interpretations and opinions they haue led miserable men to hell That the Christian Church is properly the generall bodie and number of the faithfull not the Pope or the Cardinals no not the Roman Church it selfe and the same is truely represented in a lawfull and general Councel of the Churches which was to be called by the Emperour with the consent of other Christian Princes and in times past was so perpetually called And surely my verie conscience vrgeth me to comprehend as briefly as I can what hee speakes of these things because neuer any man more plentifully displayed by what degrees and pretences the Popes haue attained to this height of tyrannie As also I would request the Reader not to thinke it tedious to read ouer the booke it selfe especially speaking of the Court of Rome Marsil Pataui part 2. c. 24. Those saith he which haue visited the Roman Court or to speake more significantly a Staple of traffickes more horrible than a denne of theeues Or they who haue not seene it may vnderstand by the report of a multitude of men worthie of credit that it is at this day become the verie receptacle of all bad and wicked practicioners both spirituall and temporall For what other thing is it than a concourse of Simoniacks What other than an harsh rude bawling of Barretters an Asylum for slaunderers and the trouble and vexation of honest men There the innocents iustice is hazarded or at least so long protracted if they be not able to compasse it by money and bribes that at last exhausted and toyld with innumerable disturbances they are enforced to let fall their miserable and tedious suites For there indeed humane lawes reecho and sound out but diuine precepts are are silent or seldome heard There are counsels and consultations of inuading Christian Princes by armed and violent power conquering and taking the same from them to whose custodie and iurisdiction they were lawfully committed but for purchasing of soules there is neither care nor counsell taken Whereunto we may annexe That there no order but perpetuall horror and confusion inhabites And as for my selfe that haue seene and beene present me thinkes I behold that fearefull statue which in the second of Daniel was represented to Nabuchadnezzar in a dreame hauing an head of gold armes and breast of siluer bellie and thighes of brasse yron legs and the feet one part yron and the rest of earth And so applying it in euerie part Brasen breasts and thighes saith he because of the shrill and large promises and the vocall though fallacious absolution from sinnes and penalties and the vniust and terrible maledictions and condemnations of such as but defend their owne libertie or obserue due fidelitie to their Soueraignes though through Gods protection all this rage and tumor is but vaine and innocuous And no maruell it is that the Index Romanus forbad all men the reading thereof Iohn de Iandun a Gantois maintained the same propositions who also was comprehended in the same sentence of condemnation a man of rare learning in those tempestuous dayes as may plainly be collected by his workes printed both at Venice and Florence Also Leopald of Bebemburg Doctor of the lawes and Bishop of Bamburg who handled the same argument namely That the Emperour had absolute power of gouerning the Empire presently after his election and the Popes coronation added nothing to him to whom he was neither vassall nor feudatarie He also conuicted Constantines donation to be a mere fable The title of the booke is De translatione Imperij printed at Paris anno 1540 but Michael of Cesenna Generall of the Franciscans spake much more broadly and confidently for he said expresly The Pope was Antichrist the Roman Church Babylon which was drunke with the bloud of the Saints And therefore Antoninus placeth him among the Fratricelli or poore Friers of Lyons who as formerly wee saw were the verie progenie of the Waldenses This man and his followers particularly auerred That Pope Iohn was an heretike and all the Popes and Prelats that should come after him Antonin parte 3. tit 21. c. 5. sect 1 And diuers saith Antoninus were burnt in sundrie parts of the world that stood firme in this opinion He also notes That long time after the Marquisat of Ancona Florence it selfe was full of them from whence being expelled they dispersed themselues ouer the countries of Greece as also that Lewis of Bauaria the Emperour was a supporter of these opinions and amongst others he makes mention of one Iohn Castiglio and Francis de Harcatara Franciscans Paulus Aemilius in Carolo Pulchro who were burnt Hereupon our Paulus Aemilius descends into these words Vnder king Charles the Faire there liued many admirable wits and most learned men This age flourished in learning Some of them were verie holie men and some contending ambitiously to excell others exceeding a meane grew to be wicked and impious Others there were of whose manners and intentions a doubtfull coniecture may bee made Good men grieued for the euils of the times and silently lamented And they who were called Fraterculi condemned both by deed and writing Ecclesiasticall wealth and opulencie and preached That riches the purple robe and domination were vnbeseeming and vnproper for religion c. But in the life of Philip de Valois we learne both out of him and other French writers That Pope Iohn what need soeuer he had of our
of Iuda is written with an yron penne with the point of a Diamant as if he should say it is indelible But all these things pretend not impossibilitie but onely difficultie because the peruerse are hardly corrected or reformed For in the third of Ionas it is sayd Who knowes whether he may be conuerted and acknowledge God It is therefore said in the 26 of Ieremie Doe not withdraw the word for it may be they will heare and euerie one may be conuerted from his euill way At last he concludes with a serious exhortation to repentance conuersion and amendment of life This is that Nicholaus Oremus who by Charles the fift his persuasion our king and surnamed the Wise turned the whole Bible into the French Tongue Many copies of the same are to be found at this day in the libraries of the noble families of this land but especially there is one in the kings librarie wherein Charles testifies by his owne hand writing That this Bible was translated by his commaundement And here we may fitly set downe That Charles the Sage was the Author of a booke written by Alanus Charterius his Secretarie whose title was Somnium Viridarij The Gardens Dreame printed at Paris aboue an hundred yeares since against the Papall tyrannie both spirituall and temporall That booke stifly maintaines and so consequently our king Charles That the Roman Church from Constantines dayes had obtained prioritie through a silent and voluntarie consent of the Churches not that it had any authoritie properly ouer them as also because there did reside in that place many famous men who out of their charitie were verie carefull to admonish brotherly the other faithfull and these men againe embraced their admonitions as the rules and precepts of learned men which seemed wonderfull beneficiall and profitable They also were subiect to their censures to preserue the vnitie of the faithfull and this their voluntarie obedience was in stead of a formall election though no wayes by any diuine or humane lawes they were no more tyed to the commaunds and institutions of the Roman Church or the Pope than the Pope himselfe was to him or his Churches And the reason hereof certainely was because they had not yet ouer them any supreme Christian Prince to comprehend and keepe them within order and vnitie the which is most plaine and perspicuous because we cannot gather out of any place of the holie Scriptures That by the commaundement of Christ of any one of the Apostles or of any primitiue Councell that the Churches or Bishops in generall were subiect to the Church or Bishop of Rome no not in those things that appertaine to rites Ecclesiasticall Which in no apparance Christ and his Apostles would haue omitted if it had concerned the saluation of the faithfull much lesse in that which concernes iura coactiua lawes of constraint not onely ouer Clerkes but ouer secular Princes themselues the which the Popes take vpon them against the expresse precepts and iniunctions of Christ and his Apostles And therefore the Church and Bishops of Rome obtained prioritie out of the commendable ends aboue mentioned from Constantine the first Christian Emperour which afterwards they persuaded the world but most falsly that they held ex iure diuino by law diuine further extending the same ouer all Kings and Princes as also that they are to gouerne during a vacancie in the seat Imperial Which the later Popes haue presumed to ratifie by many Decretalls by which out of a plenarie power they pretend to create or depose kings and they not obeying their Decree in this poynt are subiect to interdict and excommunication All which propositions are sharpely refuted in that booke the Pope being reduced to these tearmes That both he and the Church of Rome had no further authoritie ouer other Churches than what by the same Churches was voluntarily conferred vpon them Hereunto let vs annex That Edward the third king of England after he had oftentimes complained in vaine to the Popes of the exactions wherewith the Churches of England were continually pressed hee at length determined to free England from that jurisdiction which the Pope vsurped in England Wherefore in the yeare 1374 he ordained An. 1374. That the Bishops afterwards should be created by himselfe and so other inferiour Ministers by the Bishops and thereupon not long after it came to passe that the Pope lost the tenthes which before time he vsed without checke or controll to impose vpon the Clergie As also it was prohibited vnder grieuous paines That for the obtaining of any benefice in England no man should repaire to the Pope wheresoeuer he were and the Peter pence which were yearely payed to Rome were quite put downe The which when Gregorie the eleuenth vnderstood he was mightily vexed and exclaimed That this was nothing else but to diuide the Christian Church to annihilat Religion and to cut off all lawes both diuine and humane Wherefore he first dealt with Edward to reuoke this law but after this Popes death Polidorus l. 19. schisme arising in the Church saith Polidore there was no other of his successors that minded this matter till Martine the fift wrot letters of great vehemencie and persuasion to king Henrie the sixt but both the one and the other receiued a like answer which was That the Decree of a Councell or Parliament that is of England could not be abrogated without the authoritie of another Councell or Parliament which he would presently cause to be summoned the which notwithstanding was neuer performed At this verie time S. Bridget and Katherine of Sienna were celebrated for Saints both supposed to haue receiued diuine reuelations from aboue and therfore they were canonized both of them notwithstanding conceiuing verie well what manner of monster the Pope was And Bridget being borne in Scotland and maried in Suethen came to see Vrban the fift who was then at Montefiascone neere Rome supposing by her journey to haue gained great Indulgences And yet in her reuelations she calls the Pope a murderer of soules the disperser and deuourer of Christs sheepe more abhominable than the Iewes more despightfull than Iudas more vniust than Pylat worse than Lucifer and that his seat should sinke like a weightie stone the Apocalyps sayes like a mill-stone and that his assistants should burne in a sulphurous and inextinguishable fire Afterwards she reprehends the Bishops and other Priests that through their default the doctrine of Christ is cleane neglected and almost abolished the diuine wisedome and knowledge was by the Clergie conuerted into wicked and vaine sciences That they were leapers and dumbe men turning all Gods commaundements into one onely saying Da pecuniam giue money To conclude she affirmes that she saw the blessed Virgine speaking thus to her sonne Rome is a fertile and plentifull field when Christ made answer So indeed it is but of Cockle and Darnell But yet she said she was admonished in a vision to go to Rome rather to
iust Abel whom carnall Kaine murdered it hath euer beene and will be to the worlds end These are they who for temporall commodities flie to the Church and liuing like secular men couet and scrape and rob desiring to beare rule but not to serue glorying in their superioritie oppressing their inferiours reioycing in their owne pride and luxurie They account gaine godlinesse and are alwayes readie to doe and endure whatsoeuer for the encrease of their temporalties howsoeuer they are gotten scorning and laughing at those that are willing to liue iustly holily chastly innocently spiritually To be briefe they thinke none other learned men to be profitable to the Church but such as haue learnt profitable sciences With such the Church at this day is full that almost in euerie Chapter and Colledge none other can hardly be found Since therefore no other are accounted in these dayes wise in the Church but these temporall persons and all things are swayed according to their disposition if any are to be sent either to the Court of Rome or of any other secular Princes or to the Councell in hope of greater preferment after which they gape by fauours and intercessions with great importunitie they labour to be sent For what doe these temporall men but seeke for temporall things thinke of temporall gaine Can we thinke that such will endeuour the reformation of the Church in manners and discipline and honestie of life who thinke that reformation their greatest calamitie and desire nothing so much as that it may be lawful for them to doe whatsoeuer pleaseth them freely without feare of punishment c. And here hee describe them at large But what concludes he hereupon Truely since the Prophet saith Vpon whom shall my spirit rest but vpon the humble and him that trembleth at my words wee must not looke that these Councels should be ruled by the spirit of God where the Decrees depend vpon voyces where for the most part carnall ambitious contentious persons puffed vp with vaine knowledge where subiects ill prepared to receiue the spirit of God where the workes of the flesh contentions emulations clamors beare sway since it is sayd quite contrarie The eyes of the Lord are vpon the righteous Yea since our auncient Fathers when they went about to celebrat a Councell to the end they might the better obtain the assistance of Gods spirit therein prepared themselues with prayer fasting teares contrition of heart humilitie of spirit searching and inquiring into the verie inward parts of their selues least they should offend any way therein that might auert his presence and whereby he should not speake more in them than they themselues If saith he they had by experience found that they could not be deceiued in those matters for which they were assembled what need was there of such diligence c. Since therefore the whole congregation assembled doth many times depend vpon the voyce and opinion of one man why as that one man may be deceiued in his iudgement may not likewise the whole multitude especially if out of humane presumption or any other grieuous crime it deserue to be deceiued Is it not onely proper vnto God to doe all things rightly and neuer to be deceiued But thou repliest saith he That in that the Councell cannot erre it proceedeth not from humane infirmitie but the power of the holie Ghost Doe thou tell me againe how thou knowest that the holie Ghost will alwayes giue his asststance to the greatest part c. especially since the greatest part is commonly the worse c. In the Councell of Achab the holie Prophet of the Lord Micha was present who without feare spake that which the spirit of God suggested vnto him but yet could persuade nothing with the king and the rest of the false Prophets who spake out of their own spirit and vnderstanding c. Read in the Prophesie of Ieremiah what the Lord spake of his Temple against those who falsely persuaded themselues that God would neuer forsake it for their iniquities Trust not in lying words saying It is the Temple of the Lord c. Therefore this house is made a denne of theeues whereupon my name is called before your eyes Behold what I did to Shilo for the wickednesse of my people Now therefore because ye haue done all these workes and haue not heard me I will doe vnto this house wherein ye trust as I haue done vnto Shilo and I will cast you out of my sight c. Now what is the Temple of the Lord but the Church of God For notwithstanding these things were spoken to the Iewes and written for them yet according to the Apostolicall tradition in a figure they are spoken to Christians But perhaps thou wilt yet say That promises of God can neuer faile where he hath bound himselfe to bee with his Church to the end of the world I confesse indeed that God can neuer faile of his promise but where and with whom he is by grace in his Church it is not for vs but for him to know God knoweth saith the Apostle who are his but we how should we know it The Church by grace may remaine in one simple woman as it is sayd to be in the Virgine onely at the time of the Passion Hath a Councell of Bishops in these times a greater authoritie and prerogatiue than the congregation of the Apostles who all declined and went astray Nay hath it a greater prerogatiue than the whole militant Church which S. Augustine sayth cannot accomplish that which the Apostle saith Offer it selfe a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle but onely in the celestiall Ierusalem where that shall be true that is written They are without spot before the throne of God What other cause can wee thinke there was why those foure Councels the Nicene Constantinopolitan first Ephesine and that of Chalcedon are accounted more holy and had a greater veneration than the rest but because they were assemblies of holie men and such as came thither were so accounted and therefore in them and by them God manifested his holie will c. Such the spirit of God assembleth such he assisteth and is in the middest of them At the last to shew that such euents must not be looked for from contrarie persons he reciteth the historie related by vs in the former Progression of the Owle that in the Councell at Rome celebrated by Iohn the foure and twentieth appeared after the inuocation of the holie Ghost Thus did Clemangis write to this Scholeman who was present at the Councell of Constance To conclude in his Epistles hee calls the Church of Rome a house of theeues no otherwise to be purged than with a whip as the Temple once was for what doth he differ from a theefe who being entred by the breaches and ruines to steale brings others in by the same way meaning the Pope Truely the Church at this day is made a shop of ambition trafficke theft The Sacraments Orders yea
some the three and twentieth sat neere to his heart who had found meanes for the price of thirtie thousand Crownes to redeeme himselfe out of the hands of the Palatine who had him in custodie departing thence visited his antient friends throughout Italie for that it seemed to portend vnto him a new Schisme yet he commeth to him to Florence and saluteth him humblie trusting in the friendship and faith of Cosma de Medicis who had all power and authoritie in the citie though it were a free citie Martine therefore made him Cardinall of Tusculum where a few daies after he dyed Peter de Luna called Benedist the thirteenth raigned yet imaginarily in his rocke of Arragon with some of his Cardinals and Alfonsus king of Arragon was offended against Martin for that to his prejudice he had declared king of Sicilie Lewis of Anjou adopted by Queene Ioane In the meane season fell out the time appointed for the Councell of Pauia which hee could not with honestie shift off though Alfonsus threatned to oppose Benedict against him He therefore sendeth thither Peter Donatus Archbishop of Candie with some Cardinals to begin the Councell at Pauia then after by reason of the pestilence transferreth it to Siena to which place resorted a greater number of all Nations than to Pauia Neither wanted there the Embassadours of Alfonsus to prolong the Councell till he might with bountious gifts promote the businesse of Benedict But Martin thinking it good to preuent the worst suddenly breaketh vp the Councell and putteth it off for seuen yeares And therefore Antoninus saith it was onely held perfunctoriè for fashion sake Till at last Martin is deliuered of this feare first by the death of Benedict in the yeare 1424 An. 1424. Antonin tit 22. cap. 7. hauing surpassed the yeares of S. Peter for the full measure saith the Authour of his damnation but not in the seat of S. Peter to whom neuerthelesse his Cardinals created a successor named Clement the 8. But afterwards the sayd Clement renouncing the Popedome in the yeare 1428 An. 1428. whom Martin compelled so to doe he being forsaken of most of his Cardinals and giuing him the bishopricke of Maiorca and reseruing to the Cardinals that were about him their dignities and furthermore hauing also before all things appeased the mind of Alfonsus when he perceiued that the warres of Lewis had no good successe at Naples then Martin being receiued at Rome bendeth his care to the re-edifying and repayring of the buildings and the Cardinals by his example euerie one in their parishes did the like and that was sayd instaurare to restore or repaire the Church He gaue himselfe also to the gathering of money on all sides For saith Antoninus this thing common report reproued in him that he too greedily laboured to heape vp money so that he was in no wise able to say with the chiefe Apostle Siluer and Gold haue I none But that his exceeding great temporall treasure was consumed by the hands of his kinsmen and chiefely of his nephew the Prince of Salerne to whom it fell by his death in bestowing it on hired souldiers and enemies against the Church And in the yeare 1431 he dieth happie in this that thereby he escaped the Councell of Basill which fell out at the same time and was so much the more to be feared for that the Fathers of the Councel of Constance had made a law both by word and in effect wherby it was decreed That a generall Councell is aboue the Pope This is that Pope of whom Angelus de Clauasio a Frier Minorite authour of the Angelicall Summa writeth on the word Pope Hauing communicated the matter with his Doctors he gaue to a certaine man leaue to marrie with his owne sister And this Angelus flourished almost about the same time vnder Sixtus the fourth Now he had alreadie assigned this Councell at the instance of Sigismund and for to hold it ordayned Legat Iulian Cardinall of S. Angelo who had alreadie begun it and hauing had but bad successe of the warres in Bohemia had graunted in the Councels name a safe conduct to the Bohemians and Morauians to come thither with all assurances requisit But it was to be doubted whether Cardinall Condelmero his successour called Eugenius the fourth would continue it and so much the rather for that in the second Session it had beene deceed these words That the Synod gathered together by the assistance of the holie Ghost making a generall Councell and representing the Church militant hath power immediatly from Christ Concil Basiliensi Sess 2. whereunto all men of what estate or dignitie soeuer yea be it the Pope himselfe is bound to obay in those things that pertaine vnto Faith and he that shall disdaine to obay the statutes vnlesse he repent Monstrelet vol. 1. An. 1431. let him be duely punished And indeed hee endeuoured alreadie to put it off for a yeare and a halfe longer and to transferre it to Bononia that thereby as he sayd the Greekes might more easily repaire vnto it For which cause Sigismund fearing delay wrot vnto him verie vehemently That vnder pretence of the Greekes he ought not deferre the peace of the Church among the Latins That the Bohemians had alreadie accepted of the safe conduct of whose conuersion there was some good hope which if it would not be they would then ioyntly take counsell together of the meanes to destroy them That seeing they professe to proue their doctrine by the holie Scripture if the Councell should either be dismissed or deferred till another time they would say that the Fathers could not aunswer them and that the Catholikes themselues to whom so long time Reformation was promised frustrate of that hope at Pisa and at Constance would verily deeme all to be but mockerie and collusion That the Princes also neighbours of the Bohemians would make truce with them as some alreadie haue done and it may be would ioyne together with them both in their minds and forces Therefore that he should giue commission to the President Cardinall Iulian to continue the Councell otherwise it were to be doubted that the delaying of the Councell would prouoke the Laitie to play the mad-men against the Church Moreouer That the Councell it selfe would by no meanes consent to the dissoluing of it and in that behalfe should be followed and out-borne by the greatest part of the Kings Princes Prelats and of all in generall who would hold him by good right for an authour and fauourer of heresies and schismes among Christians whereby he would be an occasion of a new disobedience in the Church and of new troubles and that it would be much better if he himselfe were present in person Eugenius was yet but young in the Popedome and had not as yet ynough tried his strength at Rome also was disagreement betweene him and the Colonni whom he had diuersly molested for to recouer of them the money of Martin which as
Constance sayd Although Christ hath instituted the holie Supper vnder both kinds c. Yet notwithstanding c. These of Basill say hauing well examined the Diuine Scriptures and the doctrines of the holie Fathers That the faithfull of the Laitie or of the Clergie communicating are not bound by the commaundement of the Lord to receiue the Sacrament of the Eucharist vnder both kinds of bread and wine altering and wresting the decision beside the purpose whereas indeed the Bohemians complayned not that they were constrained to a whole Communion by the Romish Church but that they were excluded from it And what greater necessitie can there be to a Christian man than to sticke vnto the precept and prescript rule of his Sauiour These are euer their subtile deceits Lastly this Councel of Basil had forbidden to exact or pay Annates vnder pain of Simonie Eugenius who willingly wold loose nothing complaineth as of an iniurie done to the Church That this could not neither ought to haue beene done without hauing first consulted with Eugenius and his Colledge of Cardinals Respons factae per Domin Anton Auditorem pro parte Eugenij If any pretended abuses in them they ought to haue prouided against them without priuation of the substance that so Iustice and peace might meet each other euidently abusing the Scriptures For said he whence shall the Apostolike See defray charges in prouiding for the necessities and commodities of the vniuersal Church and for those things that belong vnto peace and the extirpation of heresies and errors And with the same reason ouerthroweth he that which they had ordained concerning indulgences election causes and vacations of Scribes and Abbreuiators of the Court of Rome and other like pillages And this was not the least cause why he would dissolue the Councell An Authour of those times not to be suspected saith That he was so prodigall of Indulgences that the Englishmen Thomas Gascoigne in Dictionario Theologico who perceiued it commonly sayd Rome commeth now to our gates The church of Rome is a great harlot for now she prostituteth herselfe to euerie one that offereth money And all being full of pardons the Popes negotiators at length gaue indulgences for a supper for a lodging for a draught of wine or beere for tennis play and sometime for brothelrie or leacherie We are not to omit that Eugenius who from the time of Martin his predecessour had accustomed himselfe to warfare and all the time of his Popedome had beene entangled in warre made such a wound in Christendome as hath bled euer since Vladislaus king of Hungarie had made peace with the Turke Eugenius sendeth vnto him Cardinall Iulian who promising vnto him some succours and a Nauie at Sea to stay and incumber the enemies persuadeth him to breake that peace seeing that it could not subsist with the enemies of Christ without his commaundement whereupon ensueth a bloudie battaile in which the Turkes had the victorie Aeneas Syluius l. 1. Epist 81. for to shew vs saith Aeneas Siluius after Pope Pius the second That oaths ought to be kept not onely with the domestick friends of faith but also with the enemies thereof In that battaile was slaine king Vladislaus a patterne of singular valour and of renowned Nobilitie Cardinall Iulian was wounded and in his retiring is slayne of the Christians themselues as Author of this miserable discomfiture by the desloyaltie of which he was instrument And from this misfortune arose others without end and without number so daungerous is it for any to enterprise any thing against faithfulnesse and beyond his vocation Memorable against perfidious persons Bonfinij Hist Hungar. Dec. 1. lib. 6. is that which we read in the Hungarian Historie When Amurath beheld his armie put to flight by king Vladislaus not without great slaughter pulling forth of his bosome the Articles of peace solemnely sworne vnfoldeth it and lifting vp his eyes stedfastly vnto heauen saith These are O Iesu Christ the couenants of peace which thy Christians haue made with me they haue holily sworne by thy Diuine Maiestie and haue violated the faith giuen in thy name they haue perfidiously denied their God Now O Christ if thou be God I beseech the reuenge here these thine iniuries mine and to them that as yet acknowledge not thy name shew the punishment of violated faith Scarcely had he said these words who expected the last of extremities against himselfe when the battell which before had beene doubtfull enclined towards his side c. This happened in the yeare 1444 An. 1444. from which time the state of Christendome could neuer well recouer it selfe More our the Councell of Basill or at leastwise they which in their name wrot against the Bohemians on their part set forward the progresse of abomination For when those Churches had determined not to admit any doctrine that was not grounded on holie Scripture Cardinal Cusan was charged by letters to confound them with this Axiome which they were not ashamed to maintaine That the Scriptures can by no meanes be of the essence of the Church either begun or continued but onely of the seemely order thereof Item That the Church is not knowne by the Gospell but the Gospell by the Church Item That so much the more worthily is the word of God giuen of God by how much the farther off it is from all Scripture yea and from all vocall word That by this reason he might reduce all things to the Church which they call Catholike from the Catholike to the Roman and at last draw them from the Roman to their Councell And when those Churches replied That that was not the mind nor voyce of the auntient Church which had otherwise celebrated the holie Eucharist and had in another sence interpreted the Scripture than now in these dayes it is Cardinal Cusanus Epist 2 3. ad Bohemos Let not this moue thee saith he that in diuers times diuerse are the ceremonies of Priests and that the Scriptures be found applied to the time and diuersly vnderstood so that in one time they be expounded according to the vniuersall ceremonie then currant but the ceremonie being changed the sence thereof again is changed Wherfore although of the same precept of the Gospel the interpretation of the Church be other than in times past yet this sence now currant in vse inspired for the gouernement of the Church ought to be receiued as befitting the time and as the way to saluation The reason followeth because the iudgement of the Church being changed the iudgement also of God is changed And by this accoūt whether it be their Church or their Councell it is not onely extolled aboue the holie Scripture but also aboue God himselfe who is held if we beleeue them to change his counsell after their pleasure of which doctrine truely euen the Iewes in their Thalmud and the Turkes in their Alcoran would be ashamed And when afterwards the Popes haue reduced the
the begging Friers ought to be bridled being burdensome to the people dammageable to spittles and hospitals and to other truely poore and needie wretches preiudiciall also to the Curats and poore of Parishes and likewise if it be well considered to all estates of the Church Those Preaching money-gatherers aboue all because they defile the Church with their lyes and make it ridiculous and the office of Preaching contemptible Monkes after the Canon of Chalcedon to be restrained in their monasteries to fastings and prayer excluded from Ecclesiasticall and secular affaires and to be debarred from all studies Diuinitie excepted seeing it is euident That the Court of Rome in contemning Diuines haue preferred to all Ecclesiasticall degrees the students of gainefull sciences when neuerthelesse the Primitiue Diuines haue edified the Church which some wrangling Lawyers haue destroyed and now seeme to bring to extreame ruine so that now this horrible prouerbe is vsed of some That the Church is come to that state that it is not worthie to be gouerned by any but reprobats Neither doe they withdraw themselues from the jurisdiction of Ordinaries against the holie Decrees by humane priuiledges obtained by importunitie For it is not a little to be doubted saith hee whether such men are in state to be saued All which things although they respect more the circumstance than the substance of Christian religion yet are they in no sort touched in that Councell Moreouer Petrus de Alliaco in Vesperijs this same Peter de Alliaco in his Questions hath disputed Vtrum Petri Ecclesia lege reguletur Whether the Church of Peter meaning the Roman may be ruled by a law where he concludeth affirmatiuely and subiecteth both the Pope and the Roman Church to a Councell Yet there wanted not at the same time euen in France it selfe busie spies of the Pope who maintained contrarie positions for in the yere 1429 one Frier Iohn Sarazenus of the order of Preachers durst teach and maintaine these same that follow First That all powers and iurisdictions of the Church which be other than the Papal power are from the Pope himselfe as touching their institution and collation 2. Such like powers are not de jure diuino of diuine right nor immediatly instituted of God 3. It is not found that Christ hath expressed such powers to wit different from the Papall but only that supreme power to whom hee hath committed the foundation of the Church 4. Whensoeuer any Statuees are made in any Councell the whole authoritie giuing force to those Statutes resideth in the Pope alone Fiftly It is not expresly shewed by the text of the Gospell That the authoritie of iurisdiction was bestowed on any of the Apostles sauing onely on Peter Sixtly To say that the power of iurisdiction of inferiour Prelats whether they be Bishops or Curats is immediatly from God like as is the Popes power is after a a sort repugnant to the truth Seuenthly Like as no flower no bud neither yet all flowers and buds together can doe any thing in the tree which are all ordained for the tree and deriued from the tree so all other powers can de jure by right doe nothing against the chiefe Priesthood or Priest being instituted by him Here after is said that the Spirituall power is the Pope as sayd Hugo de Sancto Victore 2 De Sacramentis out of which it may seeme that here by chiefe Priesthood hee meaneth the Pope Eightly That the Pope cannot commit Canonicall simonie prohibited by the positiue law The professors of Diuinitie in Paris being solemnely assembled on the eighth day of March and hauing duely weighed these positions condemne them publikely and compell the said Iohn to abiure them and force him to answer vnto others contrarie which here doe follow First That all powers of iurisdiction of the Church which are not the Papall power are from Christ himselfe as touching their primarie institution and collation but from the Pope and from the Church as touching their limitation and ministeriall dispensation Secondly Such like powers are de jure diuino of diuine right and immediatly instituted by God Thirdly It is found in holie Scripture that Christ hath founded the Church and hath expresly ordained the powers diuers from the Papall Fourthly Whensoeuer in any Councell any Statutes are made the whole authoritie giuing vigour to the Statutes resideth not in the Pope alone but principally in the holie Ghost and in the Catholike Church Fiftly By the text of the Gospell and by the doctrine of the Apostles is expresly shewed That the authoritie of iurisdiction was bestowed on the Apostles and on the Disciples sent of Christ Sixtly To say that the power of iurisdiction of inferiour Prelats whether they be Bishops or Curats is immediatly from God is consonant to the Euangelicall and Apostolicall truth Seuenthly Any power that is to say of the Church by right may doe something and in certaine cases against the Pope Eightly Any whosoeuer that is but meere man hauing the vse of reason of whatsoeuer dignitie authoritie and preheminence yea though he be a Pope may commit simonie Lastly If I haue vttered or written any other things which seeme contrarie to the foresayd truthes or which are otherwise written I will not stand in them but will and entreat that they be accounted for not sayd or written and all other things whatsoeuer which may seeme to yeeld occasion of scandall or errour The Acts of all which are solemnely kept in the Arches of the Sorbone The Councell of Basil was able perhaps to take in hand a reformation with more courage than that of Constance but it had Eugenius to contend with who as before we haue seene defended stoutly euen the least articles so that by admonitions gaine sayings and oppositions he left nothing vnattempted Notwithstanding the historie of the Councell of Basil written by Aeneas Syluius then Clerke of the Ceremonies who was there present and since Pius the second and therefore a most fit witnesse assureth vs that many things were there grauely pronounced according to the truth although he plainely sheweth that Eugenius had intruded into it many of his which were incorporated and had taken oath in the Councell and yet neuerthelesse in all things tooke the part of Eugenius who were vulgarly named the Grisean sect An. 1438. In the yeare then 1438 when Eugenius had assigned his Councell at Ferrara to the preiudice of that of Basil the Emperour Albert came in betweene to be a mediator of peace and for that intent assembled a Parliament first at Norimberg and after at Mentz wherein were present the Deputies of the Councell of Basil of all nations in Eugenius name appeared none in shew yet verie many in deed who set forward his intention The Fathers of Basil consented that for the commoditie of the Greekes the place of the Councell should be changed Eugenius for to retaine his authoritie would haue the Councell of Basil bee dissolued In the meane
the Bishops to be there and the other exhorting them to their duetie and commaunding the Lay-men to be present Ibid. c. 15. And that indeed the Pope chalengeth not the conuocation of them to himselfe alone but affirmeth that it ought not to be held without his authoritie yet so as that the Emperour in case the Pope bee negligent in it may and ought to commaund and assigne a Councell praeceptiuè with authoritie That the Emperour did euer sit chiefe in them assisted with fifteene or twentie of the greatest Noblemen of his Court to whom he commaunded place to be giuen Ibid. c. 16. 20 yea he himselfe also and his Lieutenants propounded such things as seemed to make for the peace and profit of the Church That whatsoeuer the Church possesseth in temporall things is come from the benefits of Emperours Kings and Princes Jbid. c. 21. 28. 30. Dist 63. c. in Synodo who to cloath him haue stripped themselues And here he exclaimeth What doe the temporalties of Churches profit the Commonwealth what the Empire what the subiects Surely little or nothing Otho was enioyned to giue the inuestitures of Bishops without money Wee haue seene whether the Pope hath taken away from the Emperour the sole inuestiture because the Bishop of Rome hath not onely drawne to himselfe the meere inuestiture without receiuing money but also onely for money so that throughout all Germanie all complaine that they are not onely grieuously burdened but euen destroyed An enraged desire after the earthly possessions of the Church at this day possesseth ambitious Bishops so that wee see them seeke after those things after they are promoted as they did before all their care is for temporall things none of sprituall Such was not the intention of the Emperours their will was not that the temporall things that they gaue them for their further maintenance should swallow vp the spirituall Of the Cardinall de Alliaco we haue seene what Articles of reformation he exhibited in the Councell of Constance And in the Preface he saith he hath written more concerning that matter Petrus de Alliaco in Encomio Theologico Jdem in conclusionibus But in his Encomium Theologicum expounding these words Vpon this rocke will I build my Church vpon Christ and his word saith he As also in his conclusions he tieth the Church to the holie Scripture maintayneth that the Church of Rome may erre and taketh away the temporall Monarchie from the Pope Panormitan de Electionib c. signific Likewise Panormitan though the champion of Eugenius in the Councell of Basil A priuat faithfull man is more to be beleeued alledging reason or authoritie out of the Scripture than all a Councell or than the Pope himselfe because a Councell may erre as at other times they haue erred c. Also hee concealeth not That the Popes in his age liued in such sort that they made it euidently appeare that they beleeued not there was another life after this resurrection or judgement Against the luxurie also pride and tyrannie of the Pope and his Clergie is extant a booke of one Alain Chartier Secretarie to king Charles the seuenth which saith That he expected euerie day when a thunder-bolt would fall from heauen on the Roman Church But Thomas of Redon a Carmelite and famous Preacher durst doe yet more Antonin part 3. Tit. 22. ca. 10. he had euer in his mouth the abominations of Rome which had need of great reformation He saith Antoninus when he had for many yeares preached through Fraunce with verie great concourse of people making good motions vnto good though not according to knowledge he commeth to Rome with the Embassadours of the Venetians by whom he is recommended to the Pope But by the Popes commaund he was apprehended at the instigation and instance of William d'Estouteuille Cardinall of Rouan then Vice-Chauncellour and of the Proctour of the order of the Carmelites and as an Apostate was solemnely degraded and burned Monstrelet commendeth his pietie and holinesse Monstrelet volu 1. Baptista Mantuan lib. de vita beata cap. vltimo Mantuan also in his Booke De vita beata so that he bringeth him in as a true Martyr of Christ in whose heart was resident the auntient feruencie of faith whom enuie by manifest in justice deliuered to the cruel fire I make no doubt saith he but that the flames of this man may be compared to the fire not of Scaeuola but of S. Lawrence There are also read verses in his praise in which are celebrated his holinesse myracles and martyrdome among which are these that follow Nicholaus Harlemens in Collectaueis Lippis Lux oculis nocuit non substinuere Viuere tam sanctum foeda Romana cohors Their poor-blind eyes could not endure the light Nor filthie Rome that holie man in sight Antonin part 3. Tit. 22. cap. 7. parag 8. And almost the like had happened a little before to Manfred of Verfeil Manfred saith Antoninus a man of venerable life religious of the order of Preachers was learned and feared God he preaching in the parts of Lombardie led by I know not what spirit told the people That the comming of Antichrist was neere and as if he were to be in his time he brought in for this his reasons out of the Scriptures chiefely out of the Apocalyps c. He gathered together therefore about foure hundred persons of euerie age and sex and Pope Martin would haue dissolued this assemblie but he could not doe it because their conuersation had gained a good opinion among all men though he forbad any thing to bee giuen them that through need they might be compelled to returne home They come then to Bononia Florence and at last to Rome where verie many of them died expecting the manifestation of Antichrist but saith Antoninus without seeing him he should rather haue sayd without knowing him And Manfred some time after died at Rome vnder Eugenius who commaunded Frier Barnardine that monster of superstition to write against him And Manfred on the other side reproued his superstitious doctrine in many points In our Fraunce Charles the seuenth in the yeare 1438 Paulus Aemilius in Carol. 7. Epist ad Episcop Lauzanens in volum Concil in Appendice Concil Basiliens commaunded a Councell of the French Church to be held at Bourges in which vnder the title of the Pragmaticall sanction was read and approued the acts of the Councell of Basil and by this the collations of the benefices of Fraunce and appeales to Rome were cut off Whereunto belongeth an Epistle which we haue in the Councels directed to the bishop of Lauzanne with which were sent vnto him the decisions of this Councell by him whom the Councel of Bourges had sent Embassador to Rome He signifieth to the bishop of Lauzanne that he hath in charge with one consent from the French Church that whatsoeuer the Pope endeauours to the contrarie he should in no wise
consent to the dissolution of the Councell of Basill And if any be moued at it that they are readie to aunswer actum est ne agas That hee hath that promise from the Chauncellour of Fraunce that they had heard that the kings Embassadours allured with certaine promotions made great shew that the king would consent to the dismission of the Councell but that they had resolued to resist him to his face And there we haue a Treatise concerning that matter written in the yeare 1434 by Iohn Patriarch of Antioch An. 1434. which he caused publiquely to be pronounced in the great hall of the Couent of Franciscan Friers in Basill That a generall Councell is aboue the Pope It beginneth Ad ostendendum Where out of the Fathers and by the Decrees he bringeth it to this In 3. vol. Concil in Append. Concil Basiliens ad ostendend That the Pope is the seruant of the Church to be chastised by it if he doe his duetie amisse and confuteth at large whatsoeuer is alledged to the contrarie Let the Reader see the booke it selfe in the Councels At the same time whilest the Popes boasted that the Greekes did acknowledge obedience vnto them are published two bookes of Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica against the Primacie of the bishop of Rome In the first booke he sheweth Nilus Archiepisc Thessalon de Primatu That the principall controuersies between the Greeke and Latin Church proceed from this that the Pope will not be judged by an vniuersal Councell but contrariwise as a master among his disciples will be Iudge in his owne cause whereas he ought to be ruled by the prescriptions of the Councel and contain himselfe within the Decrees of the Fathers That the bishop of Rome hath not the same power ouer other bishops as a bishop hath ouer his Diocesans but hath onely the prerogatiue of the first seat to be higher than other And here hee enlargeth himselfe to shew the commoditie and authortie of Councels In the second book he teacheh That the bishop of Rome hath not the right of Primacie from Christ nor yet from S. Peter nor from the Apostles but that the Fathers for some causes haue giuen vnto him the first seat That he is not the successour of S. Peter but inasmuch as he is a bishop by which reason also all other bishops are his successors That he is not an Apostle much lesse prince of the Apostles That in those things which pertain to the rules of faith they may haue often erred That he hath no right to alledge his Tu es Petrus because that promise respecteth the Church of Christ and not S. Peter and much lesse him whom they would haue to be his successours That though we yeeld him to be first in order yet he is not therfore to beare domination ouer others this Primacie not inferring an order aboue others but a co-ordination with others Moreouer he rejected these presumtions of the Bishop of Rome That he is the Iudge of all to be judged of none That he is not bishop of a certaine place but absolutely bishop That he alone by his owne right ought to assigne an vniuersal Councell and the like seeing that the Primacie or rather first Seat was granted to him onely propter vrbis principatum because Rome was the first or chiefest in order among cities We need not here repeat how openly and as they speake formally the greatest part of the kingdome of Bohemia opposed themselues earnestly desiring reformation of the Church according to the holie Scriptures exhibiting to this end a confession of their Faith to their King to the Emperour and to the Councell and preaching the same publikely in the Temples which by publike authoritie were then granted vnto them Also after faith was broken with Iohn Hus how stoutly they defended it by just and necessarie armes God from heauen fighting for the safegard of that poore people vtterly frustrating all the endeuours of the Emperour and of the Popes against them as we haue aboue shewed out of Aeneas Syluius for they haue continued without interruption vntill these our times But it is worth the adding That those Waldenses who some ages before had brought this light of the Gospell into Bohemia abode still in the mountaines of Languedoc and Prouence and in many places within the Alpes and there kept themselues safe from the persecution of Popes and Papists In Lombardie also as witnesseth Antonine vnder the name of Fratricelli were some knowne to the time of Eugenius But in England especially the seed of Wickliffe was largely propagated where without repeating any thing of Sir Iohn Oldeastle of whom wee haue before spoken we read of verie many to haue suffered martyrdome for the same doctrine William Taylour Priest and professor of Artes in the Vniuersitie of Oxford An. 1422. An. 1428. in the yeare 1422 and William White in the yeare 1428 Author of many Treatises vpon matters controuerted in that time was burned for thirtie articles which by word and writing he had defended He taught among other things That the Roman Church was that withered fig tree which the Lord had cursed for barrennesse of faith That the Monkes and Friers were the annoynted and shauen souldiers of infernall Lucifer That against these the Bridegroome when he shall come will shut the gate for that their lampes are out With the same mind also Alexander Fabritius in his Treatise intituled Destructorium vitiorum wrot many excellent things against the corruptions of the Romish Church against the antiquitie of which he opposed this saying of S. Cyprian If Christ alone saith he ought to bee heard we are not to attend what men before vs haue thought fit to bee done but what Christ first before all hath done If Christ had knowne that man might more easily get eternall life by the lawes of Iustinian than by the law of God he would haue taught them vs with his owne mouth and would haue let goe the law of God till another time which notwithstanding he hath taught with great diligence and wherein is contained all the doctrine requisit to saluation Againe He is a betrayer of the truth who openly speaketh a lye for the truth and he which doth not freely pronounce the truth the Pastors of the Church which refuse to pronounce the truth of the Gospell and by their euill examples slay such as be vnder them are traytors and most manifest Antichrists The Pastors and Prelats of the Church take great paines in these dayes for the obtaining of dignities one in the kings kitchin another in the Bishops Court another in seruice of his Lord but none in the Court of the Law of God Proud Priests and Prelats against the doctrine and example of Iesus Christ doe beare dominion as the kings of the Gentiles Being vniust they oppresse theirs with superfluous traditions vniust constitutions These moderne Priests doe whatsoeuer flesh and bloud reuealeth vnto them therefore are they cursed
letters which he had written to them of Norimberg Our Sauiour said Pius substituted Peter Prince of the Apostles to the gouernement of the Church Who knoweth not answered Heimburg That Iesus commaunded all the Apostles That they should goe to preach faith baptisme and saluation through the world Who knoweth not That the promise was made to all That whatsoeuer they did bind on earth shuold be in heauen In which words he plainely taketh away the Popes Primacie Insomuch saith he that to this day the Catholike Church prayeth to be kept by the continual protection of the Apostles whom our Sauiour himselfe hath appointed to rule Pastours and Vicars of so great a worke And therefore who doubteth but that the holie Councels represent the place of Christ which haue succeeded the assemblie of the Appostles seeing that the world is greater than a citie Pius said againe That it is a vaine thing to appeale to a Councell which is not and which cannot bee aboue the Pope To which hee replieth The assemblie of the Apostles was aboue S. Peter and like as appeale may bee made to the Apostolike seat vacant so to a Councell not yet gathered c. This is a slauish seruice which he exacteth of vs and not a filiall reuerence c. He calleth me heretike because I say That a Councell of all Christendome is aboue the Pope but I say The Pope is an heretike who holdeth the contrarie c. He commaundeth my goods to be confiscat and giueth them to whosoeuer will enter vpon them willing them therein to doe the worke of Catholike men This word were verie daungerous but that the Popes fond trifling is before alreadie well knowne vnto vs when he made at Mantua so large and so loud a discourse in the behalfe of incestuous embracements and vices enemies to publique honestie Lastly Pius sayd That the Church is not assembled Hee aunswereth It is he that hindereth and distrubeth it by his factions in me is no let not any fault c. One Theodore bishop of Feltre aunswered him in the behalfe of the Pope heaping together all the places and reasons whereby the Canonists are woont to defend that fulnesse of power which Popes doe arrogate to themselues And this againe Gregorie de Heimburg confuted from point to point in an Apologie made expresly against the detractions and blasphemies of Theodore In this particularly he reproached him That Pius after he had exhausted Christendome by his Iubilie would in the Councell of Mantua wring out the verie last drop by forging new exactions vnder colour of making warre against the Turkes And that he and his Cardinals laughed at it when he propounded vnto them what great prouisions were needfull for such a warre because hee had another thing in his mind And hence is that wrath of Pius which hee now vomiteth forth against him Wherefore saith he Your money vnder colour of a militarie expedition against the Turke shall be conuerted into a wicked and damnable vse in succour of Ferdinand conceiued by the damnable embracement of Alphonsus sometime king of Arragon against Renatus lawfull heire of the kingdome of Sicilie and that noble Duke of Calabria the ornament and inimitable patterne of Christian nobilitie and of militarie glorie And therefore saith the Pope that Gregorie de Heimburg was borne of the Diuell because hee is not of the damnable seed but lawfully begotten for the Pope is a hater of such a fauourer of bastards in whose fauour he made a verie large Oration almost three houres long and made all Mantua ring with the praises of the bastard Ferdinand But as touching the question of the Popes Primacie I entreat the Reader to peruse the Apologie it selfe Gregor Heimburg in tractat de Primatu excuso Magdeburgi in Antilogia Basil 1555. Item Francofurti apud Wolfang Richesterum an 1607. In another Treatise of his also against the Primacie he calleth the Roman Synagogue Babylon and the Harlot And after he had proued that it hath no ground in sacred Scripture nor in the writings of the Fathers yea that all these things are of meere vsurpation contrarie to the institution of Christ and against the commoditie of the Church he pronounceth that such tyrannie is not to be endured and exhorteth euerie one as it is commaunded in the Apocalyps to depart from it Which that it might be more easily be discerned he framed a most exquisit antithesis of Christ and the Pope whereby he manifestly sheweth him to be Antichrist He accuseth also the Doctours who either for hope or feare not daring to contradict his errours confirme him the more by their silence At last he bursteth forth into this Thas for these many yeares it is more free for a man to dispute and call into doubt the power of God than of the Pope For men saith he are drunken with the wine of the said harlot and inspired with the sweetnesse of this woman they flatteringly expounded the Scriptures wresting it for confirmation of errour And because that Emperours and Kings either through ignorance for want of accustoming themselues to studies and sciences or by reason of too much worldlie vanitie that possesseth them haue not beene able to see it they haue beene brought to so great a seruitude that they are compelled to beleeue for a point of farth necessarie to saluation That Christ hath giuen the Pope such a fulnesse of power that he may dispose of all things which are on the earth after the pleasure of his owne will neither shall any dare to say vnto him why doest thou so seeing that the Pope himselfe hath power to commaund the Angels In this our age there could hardly be said any thing more cleerely But the controuersie of Diether of Mentz troubled all the Empire hee had beene chosen Canonically by the Canons yea his election confirmed by Pope Pius himselfe but he was not sound verie readie in buying his Pall or in paying his Annates but the principall clause was That he opposed himselfe against the Popes exactions of money vnder colour of the holie warres whereupon being vexed by Pius he appealed to a Councell saying he loued better the wealth of the Germans than the defence of the Faith Further he refused to sweare to the Pope That he should neuer assemble the Estates nor the Electors of the Empire without consulting first his intention either for the election of a new Emperour or for to obtaine a Councell or for any other affaire of importance He therefore reuoked his confirmation and transferred his Bishopricke to Adolfe of Nassau his competitor and excommunicated Diether and Frederick the Palatine his fauourer Hereupon the friends of both parties take armes Frederick surnamed the Victorious and Lewis Duke of Bauaria for Diether Albert Marquesse of Brandeburg Charles Marquesse of Baden Iohn Bishop of Metz his brother Vlric Earle of Wirtemburg and Lewis Niger of Bauaria for Adolfe The battell was fought wherein Diethers part had the victorie most of the
it was afterwards printed by it selfe at Basil in 8o. in Italian Latine French The title of the booke is Francisci Guicciardini loci duo c. which it were not labour lost to read Baptista Mantuanus a Carmelite a man famous for his learning in those times in many places but especially in his ninth Eclogue freely describeth the state of the Church of Rome in his time which he saith was in such sort degenerated that the shepheards and their dogs were become rauening wolues and those whom they should feed and defend they deuoured But let that which he hath in his third booke of Calamities be to vs in stead of the rest Petrique domus pollûta fluente Marcescit luxu nulla hîc arcanareuelo Non ignota loquor licet vulgata referre Sic Vrbes populique ferunt sic fama per omnem Iam vetus Europam mores extirpat honestos Sanctus ager scurris venerabilis ara Cynaedis Seruit honor andae Divum Ganimedibus Aedes Quid miramur opes recidiuaque surgere tecta Thuris odorati globulos cinnama vendit Mollis Arabs Tirij vestes venalia nobis Templa Sacerdotes Altaria sacra Coronae Ignis Thura preces coelum est venale Deusque And Peters house defil'd pines with excesse I name not things vnknowne nor secrets I rehearse Things common let me speake all countries say the same Yea through all the parts of Europe it is the same That honestie from Rome is fled that holie place Serues jeasters buggerers the Altars doe disgrace The houses of the gods with Ganimedes are fild Why doe we admire their wealth the houses they build Arabia Frankincense and Cinamon sells The Tirians goodlie garments Rome all things else Temples and Priests Altars and Crownes they fell for pelfe Fire Frankincense prayers heauen and God himselfe And all this in Italie Neither were they silent in Germany for it is noted that about these times the prouerbes were verie common The neerer to Rome the worse Christian In the name of God begins all mischiefe for this was the beginning of their Bulls He that goes once to Rome sees the man of sinne he that goes twice knowes him hee that goes thrice brings him home with him that is to say being neere the man of sinne is made like him But among the learned many haue left behind them a good testimonie of their conscience Iohn of Vesalia a Doctor and Preacher at Wormes was accused before the Inquisitors for holding these propositions That Prelats haue no authoritie to ordaine new lawes in the Church but to persuade the faithfull to the obseruation of the Gospell That the best interpreters of the Scriptures expound one place by another because men obtaine not the spirit of Christ but by the spirit of Christ That the Doctors be they neuer so holy are not to be beleeued for themselues and the Glosse as little That the commaundements of the Church bind not to sinne That the elect are saued by the onely mercie of God That the Popes Indulgences are vaine and so are the Chrisme Lent difference of meats holie-dayes auricular confession pilgrimages to Rome c. But for as much as he impugned the opinions of Thomas the Frier-Preachers who were of the Inquisition were moued against him Diether also Archbishop of Meniz to auoyd that suspition of heresie the Pope had of him was enforced to yeeld vnto them in so much that without any respect of his yeares or his long sicknesse they proceeded against him whereby he was enforced to reuoke his opinions He that writ his examination which bare date the yeare 1479 saith and takes God to witnesse That he was compelled to that recantation that he made and the burning of his bookes Examen Magistrate Iohannis de Vesalia Moguntia 1479. M. Engeline of Brunswic a great Diuine and M. Iohn Keiserberg withstanding it both men learned and free addicted to neither part especially it seemed to M. Iohn Engeline that they had taken too precipitat a course with so great a personage yea he feared not to affirme that most of his articles yea the greatest part might verie well be defended There are many bookes of his extant and among the rest a Treatise of Indulgences where he peremptorily affirmeth That the supremacie of the Pope is a humane inuention That the Church militant may erre That all things necessarie to saluation are contained in the Scriptures There liued at the same time but somewhat younger Doctor Wesellus of Groning called The Light of the world who in a certaine Epistle of his saith That he did expect that the Inquisitors hauing condemned Vesalius would haue come vnto him hauing defended his opinion both at Paris and at Rome against diuers articles of the Church of Rome And he feareth not to say That many of the Court approued it though it differed not much from the opinion of the Waldenses as we may gather by his writings Iohan. Wesellus de subditis superioribus In his booke of Subiects and Superiors he affirmeth That the Pope can erre and that erring we ought to resist him That by his simonie and wicked gouernement he made it to appeare that he had no care either of God or the good of the Church That his commands bind no farther than they are agreeable to the word of God That his excommunications are no more to be feared than those of any other learned and godlie man for so did the Councell of Constance hearken rather to Iohn Gerson than Iohn the 24 and all good and godlie men to S. Bernard sometime than to Pope Eugenius the third Philip. Melancton in vita Rodolfi Agricolae His workes are to be read printed by pieces at Leipsic Antuerpe Basill Also in this countrie his familiar friend Rodolphus Agricola was verie famous a man worthily accounted one of the lights of this darke age who was of the same opinion And Iosquin of Groning then yong witnesseth That he had often seene them both send forth many a sigh and grone to thinke of the doctrine of the Church so much deformed Gocchius Pupperus a Priest and Curat of Malin in Brabant taught the same reformed doctrine almost in all the Articles especially in that of the free justification of a sinner by the bloud of Christ rejecting all the glosses of Sophisters and Schole men betaking himselfe wholly to the Scriptures and namely to that which S. Paule teacheth vs That those interpretations which they commonly alledge differ from the word of God and smel of the heresie of Pelagian That they haue turned Christianitie into Iudaisme and Pharisaisme His bookes are Printed in Germanie namely Of grace faith the dignitie of the holie Scriptures and others In the Vniuersitie of Tubingue Paulus Scriptoris a Doctour in Diuinitie expounding the fourth booke of the Master of sentences openly condemned transubstantiation as not being grounded vpon the holie Scriptures whom the Augustinians the Disciples of Iohn Stauffich Prouinciall followed with diuers
auntient times except onely saith he in one kind of men who must in no wise be excepted These are the Priests whom now almost alone next after Kings and Princes we see to be the richest and most giuen to riches Here must I needs exclaime O wretched as well as fortunat Fraunce Is it possible thou shouldest striue now to abolish by wicked ambition the institutions of thy Elders confirmed by so many holie Decrees and approued by the continuance of so many yeares And now by the abuse of a fauourable law shouldest make hast to loose a singular prerogatiue not obtayned by flattering the Pope by wresting or by begging it but required as a recompence of the merit of our Elders that thou mightest vse in the establishment of sacred things that auntient and peculiar right proceeded à majorum gentium Pontificibus from those Bishops of the Primitiue Church And with what face then alledgest thou that peculiar Sanction whereof thou so much boastest as of a certain honor of Religion Whence hast thou the libertie or confidence to cal thy selfe Most Christian vnlesse thou wilt keepe it by the same Religion whereby thou hast gotten a glorious name and a law witnesse of thy pietie O fault pleasing to those thine enemies who enuie this Palladium of thy felicitie and perhaps of the Kingdome as a gift come downe from heauen which being either taken away or cut off thou withall canst bee then no longer fortunat Take heed I pray thee thou beleeue not too much those earth borne men whom antiquitie therefore called Giants who heaping vp large Titles vpon Titles after the example of the Aloidae seeme to warre against God and thinke to climble vp into heauen to offer violence to the inhabitants there And hee leaueth not for vs to ghesse whom hee meaneth For of these things saith hee publique consent layeth the blame on the Head of Christendome who if hee be not well conditioned the inferiour members draw from him the causes of diseases Wherefore wee see it to bee the wish of godlie men so oft as that indignitie is set before their eyes that God would either fashion better the Pillar of the Church or place some fitter in his roome Neither yet sayth hee am I ignorant that the Church is builded vpon a most firme Rocke by a cunning hand so that it cannot bee ouerthrowne by any force neither ayrie nor earthlie c. But now pietie and religion the gardians of this house complaine with a loud crie that the proportion which the hands of the Architect did modell forth at first is not now kept which is a notable dishonour for the head The cause of this vnseemely disproportion they lay vpon the Merchant Mercurie to wit the Pope who since the time hee gouerned the light of the world and began to bee the chiefe coach-man hee did not burne the world as Phaeton is said to haue done but rather ouer shadowed it with most horrible thicke darkenesse So that from thenceforth it commeth to passe that in the holie Camp that is in the Church is nothing done rightly nor in order And here hee putteth himselfe forth to speake of the abuses of the Church namely them that proceeded from sale whence he shewed that the present gouernement was nothing like to the institution of Christ that if any man cast his eyes on the vniuersall face of the Clergie on their pompous prouision and their designes hee is presently constrained to say that the Spouse hath renounced her bridegroome and denounced vnto him that he is to keepe houshold by himselfe And there againe he maketh a comparison of Christ and the Apostles with the Pope and Court of Rome And then hee passeth to the discipline of the Church violated by them who ought to preserue it from all impuritie Who will beleeue sayth hee that these men that doe thus know what is the good and right faith And who knoweth not that the chosen stones of the Sanctuarie not long agoe haue beene so dispersed and cast downe that the Maiestie of the Church is decayed and now the Spouse of God herselfe as forgetfull of her coniugall faith hath not onely turned aside from her bridegroome but euen without any respect of modestie licentiously wandred about by the high-waies and by the streets and prostituted herselfe for money in euerie Prouince Who remembreth not that the Pastors as fugitiues are become not onely forsakers of the flock but driuers and stealers of it away And haue wee not seene the chiefe Heads of Prelates behaue themselues so preposterously and impurely as in steed of ordering things in good seemelinesse and teaching the daunce called Emmelia to mollifie mens hearts and make their mindes gentle they lead them the warredance Pyrrhicha in armour altogether abhorring the holinesse of order hee meaneth Iulius They which should bee the chiefe annointers of the Champions for the holie Combates and who ought to bee the Authors of waging godlie warre for their altars and bounds against prophane peoples and Infidels are not they themselues the butchers of Christian forces setting them at warres one against the other to the destruction of that sacred name And there hee declareth the wrath of God fallen both vpon Alexander and him What hope saith hee of saluation can these men haue who beeing chiefe Priests gouerning the sterne of the Ship at noone day runne it against the rockes of impietie And when they which ought by their good life to shine and giue light to the Lords familie strike into our eyes the horrible darkenesse of error and blindnesse of mind c. Can I beleeue that they haue the knowledge of good faith who holding the Altar and sacred things vnder the Lords mantle yea and kissing the Lord himselfe as Iudas did neuerthelesse make no account of his Precepts and Institutions and embrace things directly opposite and contrarie c. And what man is there I pray you who if hee consider the state motion course habitude inward and outward affections and the verie Sessions of the Church such as wee haue seene them of late can iudge that they make any account at all of the sacred Oracles and monuments to wit of the holie Scriptures For we see that the Pontificall iurisdiction hath so degenerated from the auncient charitie that there where was woont to be the bosome of equitie and benignitie is now found to be a shop of contentions and of impious snares to intrap Thence are those pit-falls of Processes and cautions of Pontificall rites of purpose set forth for to deceiue the Lords familie There are the profits of amerciaments on Prelats which plainely augment the pages of receits Thence againe the sacrilegious faires of those things which cannot without impietie be in humane commerce I omit now to speake of tesseras non modo veniales sed etiam vaenales Indulgences set to sale which giue largely by a sordid or filthie bountie impunitie of wickednesse and absolution for breach of sacred lawes Therefore
he describeth a woman sitting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apocal 17. v. c. vpon a skarlet coloured beast commaunding an Empire adorned meerely with scarlet shee herselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 arayed in purple and scarlet and guilded with gold and pretious stones and pearles and in her forehead in titulo in title these words a name written a Mysterie that great Babylon not really that auntient Babylon but in a Mysterie that mother of whoredomes and abhominations of the earth carnall aboue all measure spirituall beyond all shame What shall I neede to name him seeing he manifesteth himselfe and speaketh heere sufficiently And doth it not seeme that Satan hath taken pleasure to performe this worke that he might shew vnto the world a Master-peice of his art and as it were reproach vnto as our blindnesse when he brought forth as it were on a Theatre this Man that of so long a time before so plainely so clearly the spirit of Almightie God by the mouth of his Prophets and Apostles hath fore-warned vs of the comming of Antichrist of his conditions doings behauiour seat apparell and furniture Who would euer haue beleeued that he now comming directly in the same habit in the same posture and manner should so farre preuaile with vs that any man should receiue him that any should worship him and for so many ages and Satan himselfe in him And moreouer all these circumstances are described in the Ceremoniall booke of the Popes printed at Venice in Nouember 1516 and dedicated to Leo the tenth Now at that very time Martin Luther after many others being impatient of the blasphemies ouerflowing all Europe in Germanie thundered out against the Pope that Augustine Monke Doctor of Diuinitie of meane parentage of no authoritie in the end of the world accompanied with some few men of the same condition carried with the same zeale and moued with the same spirit at whose voyce the voyce certainely of almightie God thundering by them innumerable people throughout all Europe were stirred vp who either being made drunken slept the sleepe of death or being yet halfe asleepe had need of these instruments to awake and animate them These men durst amidst so great splendor of his Babylonish pompe and pride and so great painted brauerie call the Beast by his proper name in the midst of swords waters and fires of the rigor of magistrats furie of the people and rage of officers Whereupon all nations young and old women and children by their meanes openly professed and maintained the same they astonished beat downe and confounded with their humilitie his pride with their patience his crueltie and with the puritie of their doctrine by the great grace of God they restored the Gospell to light and in the constancie of their martyrdomes they brought as it were to life againe the faith of the Primitiue Church In so much that in a short time whole nations departed from the Roman Seat many Kings and Princes euen of them who had most contributed to that monstrous building now triumph loden with his spoyls There appeared from all parts godlie and learned men who kindled with the zeale of God with their labours stoutly endeuoured to cast downe to the ground that tottering pile and brought it neere to an vtter ruine 2. Thess 2. v. 8. Is not this according to that of S. Paule And then shall the wicked man be reuealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth Of Saint Iohn also Apocal. 17. v. 16 Those Kings shall hate the Whore and shall make her desolat and naked and shall eat her flesh and burne her with fire Yet this Whore endeuoureth to take courage Apocal. 18.7 and set an impudent face on the matter She saith in her heart I sit being a Queene and am no widow and shall see no mourning I cannot erre whatsoeuer they say my filthinesse is elegancie and the blaines budding forth from my vnchastitie pearles and precious stones She multiplieth so much the more her blasphemies against Christ the Sonne of God she rageth against his sacred word she adiudgeth it of insufficiencie of imperfection of ambiguitie dangerous deceitful and worse if may be making it wonderfull inferiour to the Roman Church the same Church in the meane time of which the Pope maketh himselfe superior alone greater than is represented in generall Councels How much superiour and higher will he haue it aboue the holie Scripture the word of God and consequently God himselfe And thereby he appeareth the more euidently to bee the same whom we seeke the Antichrist poynted out by the Apostles Therefore after we would haue applied Balme for her sore if she might perhaps be healed which shee obstinatly refused wee haue laboured to procure a holie reformation in the Church against which the Papacie is so much the more enuenomed with rage bringing in worse Popes of purpose in hatred thereof and vttering more absurd assertions as the infallibitie of traditions and the vprofitablenesse of the word written with the finger of God and inspired into his Prophets and Apostles May we not lawfully now say with the Prophet Ierem. 51. v. 9.10.11 We would haue cured Babel but she would not be healed forsake her and let vs goe euerie one to his owne countrey Let vs now wash our hands of her and expect what God hath determined of her especially seeing her iudgement is come vp vnto heauen on the contrary the Lord hath set forth our righteousnesse And what then doe we wait for from the same counsell the same prophesie and therefore from the same certaintie but that those Kings and the same States who haue worshipped her finish the worke of God Apoc. 17. v. 17 who will put into their hearts to fulfill his will and his pleasure to execute his sentence And let not the present state of things astonish vs in one day in one houre Apoc. 18. v. 8. in a moment are his workes performed and this worke without doubt must be performed And long agoe as of a thing alreadie done neere at hand and most certaine the Angell cried out and redoubled it It is fallen it is fallen Babylon Apocal. 18.2.4 But God forbid also that wee should neglect that other crie that followeth Goe out of her my people we to whom God hath giuen to know her yee which know her but too well take heed it bee not to your damnation Can any man now pretend an excuse That ye be not partakers of her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues least being defiled by the contagion of her Idolatrie and enchauntments yee be made partakers of the sentence long agoe pronounced against her of eternall fire which remaineth for her But because we are for the most part incredulous and stupide let vs pray vnto God of his meere mercie to draw vs as a Lot out of this spirituall Sodome as S. Iohn calleth it to pull vs to himselfe by the hand of his Angels to grant vnto vs that wee looke not backe againe and that we may before he powre downe his judgements on Babylon get to his holie mountaine to that little Segar his Church how small and contemptible soeuer it be in the eyes of the world Is it not a little one saith Lot and my soule shall liue Now to him Father Sonne and holie Ghost for the bottomelesse depths of his judgements and of his graces be prayse and glorie world without end Amen ❧ Errata Fol. Lin. Fol. Lin. 214 25 more pernitious traditions 474 42 succeed to 263 37 Tarracina 473 18 in his owne presence 272 1 imploreth his helpe 475 3 he that would but know 278 4 night of my 481 3 spittle of their 309 24 giue thee his 506 16 as it was thought 311 3 acknowledged 545 38 concourse of people 378 2 at Douer 559 45 decreed in these words 378 47 a longer day 586 8 Corpus Christi 388 42 after riches 593 14 excommunicated 401 18 to wauer 594 36 might more easily be discerned 401 39 Abbot of S. Albons 609 45 his successor 417 vlt. not so much 612 43 he being 441 vlt. and by their digressing 615 21 as visited 446 40 of the eternall judgement 629 vlt. or if he had had more care FINIS
is it that the Popedome hauing swallowed vp this poore Church at the word of the Lord in these later times should cast it out againe that so the Gospell might be preached more gloriously than before euen to your selues But now giue me leaue to aske thee againe In all this long space of time where was thy Church and of all loues answer me In those six hundred yeares next after Christ in the whole world was there any that was thy Church and that worshipped burnt incense adorned adored and inuocated Images Doubtlesse there was none such except thou seeke it among the Heathen with Simon Magus not Simon Peter In a whole thousand yeares was there any Church that called the Hoast Lord thought it a god adored it In a whole thousand two hundred yeares that shut it vp in a box carried it about appointed vnto it a proper feastiuall day set it out with pomp to be gazed vpon by the people as in a publike Theatre Againe in a whole thousand yeares after Christ was there any Church howsoeuer otherwise corrupted that placed Christ the sonne of God betweene the hands of a Priest yea created him that sold his sacrifice for money to be offered at all times yea euerie moment of time and in all places That abolished the auncient institution of Christ and Communion of the faithfull bringing into the place thereof their solitarie Masses for the liuing and the dead mumbled vp in a corner That depriued the people of the Cup of the Lord to feed them with the smoke of this pretended sacrifice And since I am entred into it to lay open these monstrous abuses to the view of the world Was there any Church that accused the Scriptures of insufficiencie or imperfection writing bookes to that purpose That forbad the reading of them as being daungerous and deadly vpon paine of grieuous punishment and that by a publike Decree Againe was there any Church in the whole world for six hundred yeares after Christ that beleeued the Pope of Rome to be the Vniuersall Bishop an earthlie Prince armed with both swords spirituall and temporall That for a thousand yeres out of Rome acknowledged him to be Pope and Emperour the Lord of the world the true Spouse of the Church That for twelue hundred yeares did affirme him to be aboue generall Councels the Catholike Church the Scriptures That did affirme or teach That he had power to dispose of the state of our soules by his Indulgences That he could shut Purgatorie open heauen canonize for a Saint or damne to hell at his pleasure whom it pleased him commaund the Angels abrogat the lawes of God and therefore a god and aboue God Adde if you will to make vp the matter What Church in those ages euer knew those multitudes of Monkes the foure Orders of begging Friers the scarlet Cardinals this Pontificall pompe his Ianizaries and Mamalukes and lastly his Iesuites who are as it were the rereward of the Popes armie And yet of these doth your Church now consist and they must be beleeued vpon paine of damnation Herein Bellarmine and Baronius spend their labours and he that abates but a haire of that they affirme let him bee accounted as a Heathen or Publican That man on the other side that beleeues all this especially all those poynts that concerne the Pope though he be otherwise an heretike a prophane person an Atheist yet he is a good Catholike and in the right way It is now then your part to proue this your Church out of the Fathers Councels Histories yea euen your owne for I refuse not any But perhaps thou wilt aske though against the rules of disputation By what apparent reason it appeares that your Church hath erred and how it should bee likely that it hath hitherto receiued Christ his enemie for Christ his Vicar and how and in what part that corruption thou speakest of hath crept in Hearken my friend let not this preposterous presumption deceiue thee the Angels in heauen haue erred our first parents in Paradice haue erred Iacob amongst so many visions of God Israel in the desart in the middest of so many myracles haue erred the Church the Spouse of God vnder the Iudges the Kings in the presence of the Arke in that holie land though reproued by the Prophets verie often in the time of the first Temple and as often vnder the second and that which is more puffed vp with the doctrine of the Law euen to the forsaking of Christ himselfe the crucifying of him with her owne hands and consequently in her owne saluation hath erred What then should hinder but that it may now likewise erre euen to the receiuing of Antichrist that man of sinne the sonne of perdition and the adoring of him since both the one and the other proceed from the same spirit of presumption not to erre both the one and the other foretold by the same mouth by the spirit of God in his word and therefore of like certaintie Doubtlesse the Church then hath erred erred by neglecting the word of God and shall erre as often as she shall forsake the sea-mans compasse without which all things are to it vncertaine the heauens the sea the earth In so much that being left to her own discourse her owne cogitations it is no maruell if she haue erred if she doe erre yea rather it were a wonder and more than a wonder if without that compasse she should hold her course but a moment of time and not bee split in peeces against some rocke or suffer shipwracke vpon some vnknowne shore But whereas thou desirest to know the moment of time when this accident happened vnderstand my friend that this Mysterie was wrought in the darke for Antichrist is compared to a theefe that digs through the wall in the dead time of the night At what watch therefore he began his worke it is your part to know and to tell vs that stand sentinell that haue so long time before beene forewarned by God himselfe by whose either negligence or treacherie he hath inuaded the Roman castle and therefore your Church But thou art perhaps sicke of a dropsie thy bellie is swolne as big as a tunne thy bloud turned into water and yet thou wilt not hearken to the Physitian change the course of thy life vntill he tell thee the verie instant time when thy liuer began to be distempered to bee inflamed to grow drie and to be hardened into a Schyrrus whereas thou shouldest haue beene the first that should haue knowne that if it might be because there is no man so neere vnto thee as thy selfe There is nothing more ridiculous than to thinke that another should know it before thy selfe especially considering it is one of those diseases according to Hypocrates that at the first is most hardly knowne most easily cured afterwards by tract of time the symptomes or accidents belonging thereunto encreasing it is easily knowne hardly cured But yet I will not refuse to
thou dissemblest it These Iuglers in the meane time are nor ashamed to tell vs in bookes printed to that purpose That Antichrist is borne at Babylon with the teeth of a Cat with rowling eyes growen to his full stature in an instant made knowen by his miracles and presently marching towards vs with a huge armie What opinion haue these men either of your sottishnesse or their owne sufficiencie that they should thinke to blind you with these fooleries How long shall they with their brazen faces goe scotfree or you euen with the losse of your owne soules with your leaden minds Shall they alwaies lull you asleepe with these fables and will you neuer find a time to awaken neuer haue vnderstanding to discerne them Let me therefore speake vnto you O ye people why doe ye still make delaies Being so often deluded why doe ye not obey the voyce of God thundering from heauen Apoc. 18. v. 4. 9. Goe out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues And O ye kings so long made drunken why stand ye at a gaze not executing the counsell of the Almightie which cannot be made frustrat nay which in a manner is alreadie fulfilled why doe ye not rather make that beast desolat and naked Apoc. 17. v. 16. and eating her flesh burne her with fire In danger otherwise to lament before her to be partakers of hir punishment her ruine since you haue so long enioyed her pleasures and committed fornication with her But thou O my Sauiour in the middest of this cunctation or rather carelesse securitie awaken and rise vp and come downe and behold the sinnes of this spirituall Sodome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they are now consummat and come to their ful height Tread the wine presse alone though none of the people none of the kings ioyne with thee Esay 63.3 Gird thy sword vnto thee euen thy two edged sword wherewith that man of sinne shal be slaine the spirit of thy mouth thy holie word And let the wicked at the last cry out standing a farre off for feare of her tormonts Alas alas the great citie Babylon Apoc. 18. v. 10. the mightie citie for in one houre is thy iudgement come Let the godlie sing together and let them repeat it againe and againe Halleluiah Saluation and glorie and honour Apoc. 19. v. 2. and power be to the Lord our God for true and righteous are his iudgements for he hath condemned the great Whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and hath auenged the bloud of his seruants shed by her hand And let me O Lord sing with old Symion being wearie of this world full of yeres and thirsting after thee Luk. 2. v. 29.30 Now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation The saluation and deliuerance of thy Church from the hands of her enemies the Lambe victorious and triumphant shortly celebrating the mariage of thine elect with the immaculat Lambe Christ Iesus to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen ❧ To the Reader POpe Paule the fift caused himselfe to be pourtrayed in the first page of diuers Bookes dedicated vnto him printed at Rome and at Bolognia as hath beene sayd in the Preface The first words of the Latine inscription are PAVLO V. VICEDEO take the numerall letters and you shall find the number of the Beast Apocal. c. 13. v. 18. PAV 5. L 50. O V 5. V 5. I 1. C 100. ED 500. EO 5. 50. 5. 5. 1. 100. 500. 666. THE MYSTERIE OF INIQVITIE That is to say The Historie of the Papacie Declaring by what degrees it is now mounted to this heigth and what oppositions the better sort from time to time haue made against it THE PREFACE Of the person of Antichrist of the time when and of the place where he was to be reuealed THe Mysterie whose proceedings we here intend to set downe in writing is none other than that which was foretold by S. Paule in his second Epistle to the Thessalonians and the second chapter and more particularly by circumstances and signes described by S. Iohn in the thirteenth fourteenth seuenteenth and eighteenth chapters of his Reuelation which Mysterie time it selfe from age to age hath euer interpreted by euents till now at length all prophesies fulfilled we see it clearely reuealed in these our dayes 2. Thess cap. 2. S. Paule therefore telleth vs That that day of Christ meaning that glorious day of his last comming shall not come vnlesse there first come that Apostasie and notable reuolt that is vnlesse some great part of the Church first fall away from the pure and vndefiled seruice of Christ and vnlesse that man of sinne be first reuealed that sonne of perdition which shall be ringleader and chiefe director in this desperate reuolt lost in himselfe and cause of perdition vnto others and is therefore called by S. Iohn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say a Destroyer Apocal. 9. vers 11. And to the end that none should take offence when these things should come to passe he forewarneth vs of the greatnesse of this reuolt by representing it to our vnderstanding vnder the name of Babylon and of an Horrible confusion comparing him who was to haue the chiefe direction and commaund in this worke Apocal. 17. vers 3. to a woman sitting vpon a Beast of scarlet colour eminent and in euerie respect glorious and consequently admired of all those who should behold her Ibid. vers 8. saue onely those whose names are written in the booke of life insomuch that euen Kings those I meane whom she shall make drunke with the wine of her abhominations shall giue her their authoritie and power to helpe warre vpon the Saints and that Peoples and Nations shall serue her for a seat to sit vpon Ibid. vers 13. The waters sayth he on which she sitteth are Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues So that that Apostasie and that man of sinne make both together a kind of Estate or Kingdome whereof the Apostasie is the Bodie euen the Papacie which hath long since degenerated from the true doctrine of Christ drenching the world with Idolatrie and Superstition and that Man of sinne is the Head euen the Pope or Romane Bishop in whose person all this power and authoritie is combined and in his name executed Apocal. ca. 13. vers 12. And for this cause maketh S. Paule mention of an Apostasie and of a man of sinne and S. Iohn of a second Beast and of a Whore By which second Beast which exerciseth the authoritie of the first what can be meant but the Romane Hierarchie which hath deriued vpon her selfe all the authoritie of that ancient Commonwealth making the earth to adore the first Beast in the second that is the old
bee so muzled by these excommunications for first Cyprian in his Epistle to Pompeius Cypria in Epist ad Pomp. 74. Among other things saith he which our brother Stephen hath written vnto vs either insolently or vnfittingly or contrarie to himselfe hee hath also added this If any man come to vs for what heresie soeuer making no difference betweene heresie and heresie which yet the Councell of Nice afterward thought fit to make let him receiue imposition of hands in penance nay farther saith he his obduratnesse of heart and obstinacie is such as to presume to maintaine That by the baptisme of Marcion Valentin and Appelles children may be borne vnto God Thus he spake and this he maintained in heat of contention contrarie to what the Church afterward defined because these retained not the forme of baptisme But saith he a Bishop should not onely teach but also learne and he is the best teacher of others who is himselfe euerie day a learner As if he had said That Stephen should doe well to learne religion by conferring with his Collegues not to lay his authoritie vpon them vnder a pretence of custome which not grounded vpon truth saith he Cyprian Epist 71 is nought else but an aged errour Saint Peter saith he the first chosen of our Lord vpon whom also hee built his Church when Saint Paul disputed with him vpon the poynt of circumcision carried not himselfe in this manner neither boasted he that the Primacie was giuen vnto him hee told him not that he was an after commer and that foremost must take vp hinder most or disdained him for that he had beene a persecutor of the Church but submitted himselfe with all willingnesse to truth and reason giuing vs thereby an example of patience not to be selfe-willed in louing that which proceedeth from our selues but rather to account all that as our own which our brethren shal teach vs for our good saluation of our soules And vpon these and the like tearmes he euer holdeth him But Stephen staied not here for he had alreadie written to the Easterne Bishops Euseb l. 7. c. 4. who held opinion with Cyprian declaring vnto them That hee could no longer hold communion with them if they persisted in that opinion as appeareth by that Epistle which Dionysius Alexandrinus wrot vnto Xystus who succeeded vnto Stephen and yet more plainly by that which he wrot to Firmilianus Helenus and others to whom also Cyprian had alreadie dispatched Rogatian his Deacon And the Easterne Bishops vpon the intimation giuen them from Cyprian grew much offended with the insolencie and pride of Stephen and therefore in their answer vnto Cyprian We say they haue cause indeed to thanke him for that his inhumanitie hath giuen vs large testimonie of your faith and wisedome yet deserueth not Stephen any thankes for the good he hath done vnto vs no more than did Iudas for that by his treason he became an instrument of saluation vnto all the world But let this fact of Stephen passe least the remembrance of his pride and insolencie put vs farther in mind of his greater impietie And a little after comming to the fact it selfe Although say they in diuers Prouinces many things are diuersly obserued yet no man by occasion thereof euer departed from the vnitie of the Catholike Church which yet Stephen now presumeth to doe breaking that league of peace with vs which his predecessours so inuiolably obserued He markes not what a flaw he makes in this precious gemme of Christian veritie when he betrayeth and forsaketh vnitie And yet say they Stephen all this while vaunteth himselfe to haue Saint Peters chaire by succession And this no doubt was that which animated him to presume so farre vpon the Churches But made they any whit the more reckoning of his excommunications therefore or did they not rather tell him That thereby he had excommunicated himselfe Surely say they a man full of stomacke breedeth strifes and he that is angrie encreaseth sinnes How many quarels hast thou O Stephen set on foot throughout the Churches and how much sinne hast thou heaped vp vnto thy selfe in cutting thy selfe off from so many flockes For so hast thou done seeing he is a right scismatike which departeth voluntarily from the vnitie of the Church Cyprian Ep. 4. And thou whilest thou wentest about to seperat others from thee hast seperated thy selfe from all other Churches c. Walke saith the Apostle in your vocation in all humilitie of mind in meekenesse and patience supporting one another in loue endeuouring to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the band of peace c. And hath not Stephen well obserued this precept thinke you when hee breakes off now with all the Churches of the East and anone with those of the South Or hath not he with great patience and meekenesse receiued their embassadours who vouchsafed not to admit them to ordinarie talke giuing order with great humilitie that no man should receiue them vnder his roofe and was so farre from giuing them the Pax that he forbad any man to affoord them lodging Can such a man be of one bodie or of one spirit who is scarcely of one soule in himselfe And see whither this grew in the end He is not say they ashamed to call Cyprian false Christ and false Apostle and a deceitfull workeman For finding his owne conscience surcharged with all these imputations he wisely began to obiect that to another which others might farre more iustly haue laid vpon himselfe Thus then wrot the Churches of the East vnto Saint Cyprian as much offended with the insolencie which Stephen had vsed vpon this occasion so that Pamelius had reason I confesse to say as he did That he would willingly haue left out this Epistle as Manutius had done before him but that Morelius i. Turnebus himselfe had printed it in his edition How farre is all this short of that mild and temperat humour of Saint Cyprian Cyprian Epist ad Inbaianum Edit Paris 70. in Edit Pamelij 73. We saith he will not fall at variance with our Collegues and fellow Bishops for the Heretikes sakes We maintaine in patience and meekenesse the loue of heart the honour of our societie the band of faith and Priestlie vnitie And for this cause at this present by the inspiration of God haue we written a treatise of the Benefits of Patience And at the same time for a lenitife of this sharpe humour he wrot another booke of Zeale and Enuie Such were the essayes of the Bishops of Rome euen in the heat of persecution and such were the wiles of Satan to serue his owne turne and to set forward his worke by their ambition and bad carriage of a good cause But Constantine comming shortly after to restore peace vnto the Churches and as it were to shed forth the sweet influence of his liberalitie and fauour vpon them these sparkes of ambition fostered by his bountie and no waies restrained by
Councell of Nice calling thither the Bishops out of all parts and he calleth this dispatch of the Emperor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a precept or commaund and in the title it is said Theodoret. l. 1. c. 7. Sozom. l. 1. c. 16. That he enioyned And Theodoret The Emperour saith he not able to compose matters in Alexandria 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 assembled that great Councell And Sozomen vseth the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. he called them together Also the Synod it selfe writing to the Churches Acta Concil Nicaen vol. 1. We say they here assembled by the grace of God and fauour of Constantine our Prince beloued of God c. And likewise writing to the Churches of Aegypt they vse these words By the grace of God and commaundement of the Emperour Socrat. l. 1. c. 5. Gelaz Cyzicen l. 1. Likewise Socrates and Cyzicenus vse the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. he gathered or assembled them together as Eusebius had done before them Neither is there any Father or Historian of the Church which speaketh in other manner Baron an 324. art 131. to 3. Concil Rom. 2. c. 1. And all this done by Constantine after the time that Baronius acknowledgeth him to haue beene a good and a perfect Christian and withall most forward to aduance the Church to wit after his baptisme and a whole yeare after that supposed donation of his What now will he say to this seeing the whole Church hath euer held this for a most holie and lawfull Councell backe againe to his old ward and to his conjectures The Councell of Rome saith he was held one yeare before vnder Syluester ad Traiani Thermas and why not at Lateran if that had beene his owne palace as he said before Constantine and Helena his mother were there present But will this Cardinall stand to this Councell where the Priests of Rome now called Cardinals stood behind the place where the Bishops sat Baron an 324. But to the matter Who dareth to doubt saith he but that Syluester and Constantine at this Councell concluded to call that other afterward at Nice And we aske againe Who dareth to affirme it seeing there is no such thing mentioned in the Councell nor the Arrians there so much as named A silly ghesse as euer was But if Baronius will needs stand to ghesses why may not wee doe the like and say Who doubteth but that it was there accorded that Constantine himselfe should call it seeing that indeed he did call it as all histories record and that without contradiction of any for aught that yet appeareth to the contrarie Yet is not Baronius ashamed to build hereupon as vpon an vndoubted veritie Baron an 325. art 13. sequent And if all faile at least saith he this is sure that Hosius presided there as Legat of the Bishop of Rome Let vs therefore see if he proue his embassage here any better than hee did that other at Alexandria before mentioned Euseb de vita Constant lib. 3. Edi● Lat. c. 7. Ib. c. 11. Eusebius in the life of Constantine speaketh in this manner He which presided ouer the Imperiall citie meaning the Bishop of Rome was not in this assemblie by reason of his age but his Priests there present supplied his roome Now Victor and Vincentius are named for such in the acts of the Councell but of Hosius who should least of all haue been forgotten there is no mention made to any such effect Why then saith he Athanas Apoleget 1. did Hosius first subscribe before all the rest I answer Because he was principally imployed by the Emperour for the composing of this difference in regard whereof he did the like also in the Councell of Sardica And seeing that Victor and Vincentius wrot in this manner We haue subscribed for the reuerend Syluester our Pope and Bishop Acta Concil Nicaen why did not Hosius the like if he were also his Legat Why subscribed hee in his owne name I Hosius Bishop of Corduba of the Prouince of Spaine doe so beleeue for so we find it euen in the old Roman Code it selfe Baronius replieth out of the title of a certaine Epistle written as he saith from the Councell vnto Syluester by his Legats Baron an 325. art 2. which is nothing else but to presuppose the thing in question the title therefore is this To Syluester the most blessed Pope of old Rome Hosius Bishop of Corduba a Prouince in Spaine and Macarius Bishop of Constantinople and Victor and Vincentius Priests of Rome appointed or ordained by your direction Not to say that this Epistle with that which followeth are both noted in the verie acts of this Councell to be of little credit I aske onely Whether he will haue Macarius also to be one of the Popes Legats and whether that word Direction ought not to be restrained to Victor and Vincentius as Eusebius would haue it But the truth is Baron an 325. art 54. that Baronius when he alledgeth this title leaueth out Macarius to blind his reader and to saue himselfe from this absurditie Last of all if Hosius had been his Legat should not he also haue opened the Councell which yet he did not The Bishop Theodor. l. 1. c. 7. sayth Eusebius which sat vppermost vpon the right hand standing vp made a short speech to the Emperour and rehearsed a certaine hymne to giue thankes to Almightie God and this was Eustathius Bishop of Antioch because the Bishop of Alexandria stood now as a partie against Arrius Fiftly Baronius groweth verie cholericke to see the Bishop of Rome ordered by the sixt Canon of this Councell as the other Bishops of Alexandria Antioch and Ierusalem were he saith That these Canons are mangled and must be corrected by those of Chalcedon And if they were so yet might Baronius put all that he should gaine thereby in his eye and doe himselfe no harme as we haue alreadie shewed against Bellarmine Ruffinus of all the rest sticketh most in his stomacke for bounding the Popes jurisdiction with these words Ruffin l. 1. c. 6. Suburbicariarum Ecclesiarum curam gerat i. That he should take care of the Churches neere about the citie And Baronius telleth vs that Regiones Suburbicariae and Vrbicariae Baron an 324. art 54. in the Imperiall lawes of those times were all one And that Regiones Vrbicariae comprised besides Italie the isle of Sicilie Afrike Aegypt and many other countries Forgetting in his choler that the verie Canon it selfe now in question assigneth Aegypt to the Bishop of Alexandria and consequently not to him of Rome Author for this assertion he hath none nor reason more than this Lib. 14. Cod. Theodos l. 6. tit de Canon frumentar vrbis Roma that these Prouinces were called Vrbicariae which we denie not and the reason may be because they yeelded a yearely reuenew of corne Vrbi to the citie of Rome according to the
rate set downe in the Code of Theodosius But grant we that Regiones Suburbicariae and Vrbicariae were all one what getteth hee for Constantine in the third law de Annona Tributo sheweth plainely that by Regiones Suburbicariae were meant onely those which lay within Italie and were neere adjoyning vnto Rome where he speaketh in this manner Anatolius late Consul certified vs that he hath taken away the frauds of the a Tabulariorum Lib. 8. de Annon Tribut l. 3. 11. in Cod. Theodos Collectors per suburbicarias Regiones Which course saith he we commaund also to be held throughout all the other Regions of Italie so that the more remote regions of Italie it selfe are not comprised vnder this name of Suburbicariae Regiones but commaund giuen that these should be ordered after their example So likewise would Baronius faine comprise Sicilie and Afrike vnder the appellation of Vrbicariae Regiones Lib. 11. de Extraord sord muner But the words of Constantine and Constantius in the same Code giue him the lye where it is said That lands of inheritance and fee farme throughout Italie shall be free from all extraordinarie taxes paying only their customarie rates as the lands in Afrike doe The reason followeth For not onely in Italie but also in vrbicarijs Regionibus and in Sicilie lands of inheritance and lands held in fee farme must be rated according to their abilities Whereby it appeareth that Italie was to be eased after the example of Afrike and both Italie and Afrike and Sicilie it selfe distinguished from those which were properly called Vrbicariae Regiones So likewise in that law of Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius it is said by the Emperours vnto Probus Grand Master of the houshould in this manner Let thy sinceritie and vprightnesse obserue an equalitie throughout Italie Tit. Si per obreptionē l. vnic Cod. Theodos as likewise in the Regions of Afrike and those which are called Vrbicariae and throughout all Illyria where again he distinguisheth them both from Italie and also from Afrike Now if he will aske what those Suburbe cities were that law of Gratian Theodosius teacheth vs L. 1. de Indulgent debit in Cod. Theodos We commaund say they that Picenum and Thuscia now called La Marca d'Ancona and Tuscanie and yet not all Tuscanie neither being the suburbe Regions shall beare the seuenth part of the tribute not comprising therein so much as Campania now a parcell of the kingdome of Naples nor other Regions of like distance And now let Baronius cast vp his reckonings and see what hee hath gotten by quarelling that place of Ruffinus But be this what he will can he denie that the Bishop of Rome was here ordered and confined as well as the rest As for that Canon which he would put vpon vs Art 57. sequent That from all Churches a man might appeale vnto Rome besides that there is no historie that reporteth it no not Gelasius Cyzicenus himselfe I would aske Whether this sixt Canon be not vtterly repugnant thereunto And farther let him say when men were long after this time sent of purpose to search the Archiues of the Churches of Constantinople Alexandria and Antioch to decide the controuersie betweene the Churches of Carthage and of Rome whether there were any such Canon there found or can he produce any one appeale made to Rome in all that time As for that goodlie Canon of the Councell of Rome which he would thrust vpon vs in these words The first See let no man iudge Baron to 3. an 324. art 130. because all other Sees seeke for equitie at her hands as of the chiefe neither may the Iudge be iudged by any Clergie Emperour or King or people whatsoeuer who is so ill aduised as to beleeue them in their owne cause or who seeth not that this is a meere tricke and g●llerie put vpon the reader For what kings could they meane if Pagans what can be more ridiculous if Christians where were any in those dayes and consequently what more vaine moreouer doe we not see the contrarie practised in the Nicene Councell immediatly ensuing And why is he not then ashamed to cousen the world with a false coyne so apparently discouered and bored thorough by all Historians and writers It is said in the acts of that Synod That there were 139 Bishops ex vrbe Roma aut non longè ab illa i. out of the citie of Rome or not farre from thence What were there more Bishops than one at Rome and where I pray you should a man find so many Bishops so neere to Rome It is also there said That Helena the mother of Constantine was there and subscribed to the acts And what had they so soone forgotten the saying of the Apostle That it is not permitted to a woman to speake in the Church Constantine also is there called Domnus which is meerely Gothish and joyned in Consulship with Priscus which was neuer heard of He should not for shame haue alledged this Synod seeing that the verie barbarousnesse of the stile is ynough to conuince it of open forgerie Last of all he saith That the Fathers of the Nicene Councell wrot to Syluester to craue his confirmation of their acts and decrees alledging for proofe hereof the acts of Pope Syluester and not remembring how oft himselfe in other places hath condemned them as false and counterfeit The truth is this that vpon any question arising about religion the Fathers assembled in Councel were wont to send their Synodal Epistle throughout all parts of Christendome Ruffin l. 1. c. 13. and some particulars among them to write their priuat letters to some chiefe and principal Bishops of other countries to acquaint them with the tenor of their acts and to request them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. to giue their suffrage and approbation thereunto 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So also were they wont to addresse another Epistle to the Emperour to entreat him to confirme and ratifie their acts and to cause them to be receiued of both which sorts we haue examples in this very Synod of the one in that Synodall Epistle which they wrot to the Church of Alexandria and the rest in Aegypt in which manner they wrot also another Epistle to all Churches in generall without attending any leaue from the Bishop of Rome of the other among the patents of Constantine who was present at this Councell which Epistle we haue in Eusebius Socrates Gelasius Theodoret Euseb de vita Constant lib. 13. Socrat. lib. 1. and others whereby he ordained That Easter day should be kept vpon the day which they appointed and that the bookes of Arrius should bee burnt in all places Which decree was published onely to authorise and to put in execution the Canons agreed vpon and enacted in the Councell And those patents of the Emperour were directed sometimes to the Bishops and people and sometimes to the Churches
Bishop Hilarie a Priest and Pancrace a Deacon Epist Liberij ad Constantium to the Emperour Constans who as we hope sayth he shall easily obtaine of thy clemencie that a Councell may be called for the peace of the Churches Catholike meaning whether there should happily be occasion to assemble the Bishops of the East and West as in a Generall Councell or onely of sundrie prouinces as in that of Sardica of which Councell Athanasius speaking saith That there were there present from Iulius Athanas Apolog. 2. Archidamus and Philoxenus Priests whom Baronius would faine put into scarlet onely to make Legats of them And a maruell is it that because Hosius is there a chiefe speaker he maketh him not chiefe Legat also Baron to 3. an 347. art 10. But hauing no author for that After the Legats of Iulius sayth he Hosius Bishop of Corduba and Protogenes Bishop of Sardica tooke the chiefe place in this Synod as Sozomene reporteth How manie lyes is poore Baronius faine to coyne onely to colour one For Athanasius who was there present and had good cause to know reciteth their names which subscribed in order following Hosius of Spaine Iulius of Rome by Archidamus and Philoxenus Priests Protogenes of Sardica c. Neither is it probable that he would not haue named Hosius for a Legat if he had beene such but it is cleare that this prerogatiue was giuen him for the worthinesse of his person As for Sozomene whom he alledgeth he speaketh plaine in this manner Hosius and Protogenes who were the chiefe and principall of those which met at Sardica out of the West c. And therefore that reseruation of our Annalist Post Legatos i. after the Legats where is it to be found And farther if those Priests had beene receiued in this pretended qualitie should Hosius haue opened the Councell and proposed all matters as he did And if Hosius did this in what qualitie did he it if not in his owne priuat qualitie and in regard of that great sufficiencie which the world tooke notice to be in him Which made Athanasius and after him Theodoret to say Where is that Synod Theodor. l. 2. c. 15. ex Athanas wherein Hosius hath not presided and where is that Church which hath not the memorials of his presidencie Whence it is also that Theodoret himselfe calleth him The great and venerable Sire iustly called Hosius which is by interpretation Holie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and excellent aboue all other men Well sayth Baronius yet this is euident Baron an 341. art 18. That if anie found himselfe wrongfully condemned by the Bishops of his owne Prouince the partie grieued might appeale to Rome The words verily of the Canon are these Hosius the Bishop said Concil Sardic c. 3. 4. If any Bishop be condemned in anie cause if the partie condemned thinke he haue iust cause not to stand to the sentence if it please you let vs yeeld this honour to S. Peter let the matter be signified by letter to Iulius Bishop of Rome to the end that he with other Bishops of his dioces may enter againe into the knowledge of the cause And Balsamon vpon this place affirmeth That the like priuiledge was graunted to the Bishop of Constantinople But come we to the point And first it was Hosius which proposed it and he proposed it as a new and extraordinarie antidot against a poyson considering that the Bishops of the East were for the greatest part at that present infected with Arrianisme and his purpose was that if anie found himselfe oppressed and aggrieued by the Arrians he might by vertue of this Canon haue recourse to Rome and to the Bishops of Italie who continued at that time sound in the Orthodox profession restraining it to the person of Iulius and would no doubt haue done otherwise in the person of Liberius successor vnto Iulius and a professed Arrian notwithstanding that pretended chaire of S. Peter And secondly note these words If it please you let vs honour the memorie of S. Peter For had this beene an auncient right should he not rather haue said Let vs obserue the commaundement of the Lord or the auncient order of the Church or the Canon of the Nicene Councell whereby it is ordained That men might appeale to Rome In stead whereof he speaketh as of a new proposall extraordinarie and arbitrarie at their pleasures Thirdly is it reason that a Canon of a Nationall Councell should conclude and bind the Church in generall Or can Baronius reckon this for a Generall Councell without ouerthrowing all Histories and inuerting the whole order of the Councels as they are alreadie placed For if we number this for one where then shall those of Constantinople of Ephesus and of Chalcedon stand Or because Athanasius calleth it a Great Councell is it therefore a Generall one Is not the first Councell of Arles called a Great one because there met in it the Bishops of sundrie Prouinces which yet was neuer numbred among the Generall Councels And doth not the Decrete it selfe D. 16. can 10. 11. authorized by the Popes ranke it with the Nationals And to conclude seeing that his reasons whereon he groundeth his assertion namely because it was called by the Bishop of Rome and because his Legats were there present are found to be false what credit can the assertion it selfe deserue Fourthly this Canon so made vpon the present occasion was neuer practised and was afterwards in expresse tearmes reuoked Neither can it be denied but that at that instant and shortly after there were manie Bishops deposed in the East Churches as well as before But did euer anie claime the benefit of this Canon Or is it likely that they would haue omitted such a meane of their restitution if anie such had beene of force And reuoked it was as I haue said in expresse tearmes namely in the Councell of Constantinople Can. 3. and in that of Chalcedon Can. 28. both of them being Councels Generall as Baronius himselfe acknowledgeth and both of them graunting equall priuiledges to the two Churches of Constantinople and of Rome in all respects sauing alwaies to the Bishop of Rome his precedencie which could not haue beene had the Easterne Churches beene alwaies tyed to answer to appeales at Rome and we shall see hereafter how the Churches of Africa would neuer be drawne to yeeld thereunto Whence it appeareth that that Canon was neuer meant but onely in case of destitution or restitution of certaine Bishops then being who were by this Canon ordered to referre their differences to the Bishop of Rome who was not tainted with Arrianisme as some of the Easterne Bishops were And this is the first place in all Antiquitie where mention is made in proper tearmes of an Appeale 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which word yet is vsed onely in the narratiue part of the Canon proposed by Hosius not in the decision of the Fathers in fauor of
Iulius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which onely permitteth him to take knowledge of the cause anew which in the fift Canon is qualified with this Particle as if say they the Bishop deposed As appealing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall flie for refuge to the Bishop of Rome and as the third Canon so this in the decision concludeth onely for a reuiew of the former sentence so little was this matter of formall Appeales meant or vnderstood in this Councell And this fellow which standeth so much vpon his knowledge of Antiquitie and hath written so manie volumes of it should in all reason haue produced some Canon of the Apostles some Constitution of Clement or of some precedent Councell or some example out of the Historie of the Church and not haue grounded himselfe wholly vpon a certaine Appeale made de facto by Martian Valentinian Fortunatus or some such like heretike and make that his onely title to claime by especially considering that the Councell of Nice setteth downe another order in expresse tearmes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Concil Nicen. can 4. Concil Antioch can 4. sequ namely this that the power of ratifying for so doth the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there vsed signifie in good Greeke should belong to the Metropolitan in euerie Prouince where there is no superiour appointed ouer the Metropolitan no not the Patriarch himselfe at that time and yet was the question at that time properly concerning the ordination of Bishops And the Councell of Antioch which was held but a little before that of Sardica giueth to a Bishop deposed by his own Synod no other remedie but onely a reuiew in another Synod And farther all Antiquitie forbiddeth euerie Bishop or Metropolitan to receiue anie Bishop or Priest deposed without those solemne letters certificatorie called Formatae from his owne Metropolitan or Bishop which absolute and generall Law were to little purpose if this Law of Appeales did stand in force And hence came the vse of those Formata which were of so great weight and moment and were neuer granted forth but vpon mature aduise and long deliberation Fifthly here may we see how Baronius abuseth a certaine place of Theodoret Theodor. l. 5. c. 9. where he sayth That Iulius hauing receiued letters from Eusebius the Arrian of Nicomedia who made him Iudge following the Law or Ordinance of the Church commaunded him to come to Rome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and cited Athanasius to appeare there also that is saith Baronius a Canon of the Nicene Councell now lost whereby it was enacted that men might from all parts appeale to Rome so small a piece of ground will serue their turne to found the tyrannie of the Pope vpon for what likelyhood thereof doe they find in anie Historie Wherefore it is more probable to say that seeing this was before that Canon of the Councell of Sardica it was meant rather of the common practise of the Church in those dayes when one Bishop oppressed was wont to flie for reliefe to some other of greater dignitie to cleare himselfe before him who thereupon vsed to call his aduersarie and to heare the cause betweene them according to that vniuersall Bishopricke whereof as sayth S. Cyprian euerie one did administer his portion by himselfe yet so as that no man neglected the whole Bodie or any particular member thereof the Church being a Bodie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sozom. l. 8. c. 13. i. which liued but by one and the selfesame breath As appeareth in the example of Ammonius and Isidore who finding themselues wronged by Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria fled to Chrysostome who receiued them and examined their cause and finding them to haue a right and Orthodox opinion concerning the Deitie wrote to Theophilus to receiue them to Communion if not and that he would yet draw the cause to a farther hearing that then he should send some one or other to make himselfe a partie in it The like was in Athanasius flying to Pope Iulius And yet did not Chrysostome hereupon ground anie pretence either ouer Theophilus in person or ouer the dioces of Alexandria The like was also in Liberius whom the Churches of the East assembled in the Syrmian Councell recommended to Pope Felix and to the Clergie of Rome requiring them to admit him as Collegue in that See which also they obtained And thus you see what that pretended Appeale was Baron an 349. art 6. vnlesse yet perhaps some man may thinke that foolerie of Baronius worth the answering where he sayth that Athanasius calleth the Church of Rome The Church Athanas Apolog 2. idem ad solitarios by excellencie without addition The words of Athanasius are these The Emperour sayth he sent me letters hauing receiued them I went vp to Rome with purpose to visit the Bishop and Church there Who seeth not that this word Rome was omitted in this last place onely to auoid an vnnecessarie repetition of what was necessarily implied Now if we would vrge a saying of the same Father where he calleth Milan the Metropolis of all Italie what rejoinder would he make Nay we may say farther that this Councell had beene ill aduised to draw all to one mans authoritie seeing that Hosius the proposer of this Canon a while after fell away from the true and Orthodox doctrine and that Liberius next successor to Iulius fell vnto Arrianisme excommunicating Athanasius and being therefore himselfe without regard to his pretended supremacie excommunicated by our S. Hilarie Baron an 347. art 25. an 352. art 14. to 3. Baronius seeing the consequence which this Historie draweth with it would faine make it trauersable and sometimes flatly denieth it to be true and which is more enrolleth him in the Catalogue of Saints as he did afterwards the good Hildebrand called Gregorie the seuenth But leaue we him to debate this question with Athanasius and Hilarie with Liberius himselfe whose Epistles Nicholas Faber his trustie friend lately published with the fragments of Hilarie with Bellarmine who as hath beene alreadie shewed so clearely condemneth him and lastly with himselfe for as much as he vseth these fragments of Hilarie so farre forth as they serue his own turne for from thence taketh he a Synodicall Epistle Baron an 357. art 26. written to Iulius from the Councell of Sardica and therefore ought in reason to admit also of that Epistle of Liberius found in the same volume but we need no argument in a thing which himselfe affirmeth so plainely as he doth Baron vol. 4. an 365. art 1 2 3 4 5 sequent By all these things saith he taken partly out of histories partly out of the writing of the Fathers partly out of his owne letters it is impossible to free Liberius from that imputation of communicating with Arrius and of ratifying the sentence by them giuen against Athanasius And if saith he there were no other proofe his owne letters are sufficient to put
and I will quickly make my selfe a Christian And that in Tertullians time also the Pagans were wont causlesly to blame the prodigalitie of the Christians You accuse saith Tertullian Tertul. Apoleget 39. our poore suppers of prodigalitie as if that saying of Diogenes might well fit vs The Megarenses feast to day as if they should dye to morrow And what of all this for were those Caenulae those little banquets which Tertullian speaketh of and these profuse feasts mentioned in Marcellinus all one And for whom were those suppers which Tertullian speaketh of prouided for euen poore and indigent people not for Consuls and Gouernours as Baronius reporteth And is not this falsely to alledge Authors But let vs see what Hierosme himselfe saith concerning these times OPPOSITION Hieron ad Marcell viduam Hierosme maketh Paula and Eustochium to write vnto Marcella in these words Read say they the Apocalyps of Saint Iohn and marke what is there said of the woman clothed in scarlet of blasphemies written in her forhead of the seuen mountaines c. There no doubt is the holie Church there are the trophies of the Apostles and Martyrs there is the confession of Iesus Christ But there is also saith he ambition and tyrannie which keepe men backe from doing good And in another place Luxurie of the bellie and of the throat seeke to ouerthrow the power of the Crosse And to the end that no man may say that he spake this of the Citie not of the Church of Rome in his Preface to that booke of Dydimus of the Holie Ghost hee expoundeth himselfe When I liued saith he in Babylon an inhabitant of that purple Whore liuing after the lawes and customes of the citizens of Rome I had a determination to write somewhat of the Holie Ghost and to dedicate the treatise to the Bishop of that Diocesse And behold that seething pot which Ieremie saw looking out of the North after the rod of the Almond tree began to boyle and the Senat of the Pharisies to crie out together neither was there so meane ascribe of that whole faction of ignorance who did not eagrely conspire against me As soone therefore as I was returned to Ierusalem as out of banishment and after that cottage of Romulus and those Lupercall sports saw againe that Inne of Marie and the caue of our Lord and Sauiour c. In these words therefore what doth he call Babel but the Clergie it selfe of Rome That Senat growne alreadie Pharasaicall and a verie faction and league of ignorance And now tell me whether he goeth not farther in this testimonie than Marcellinus doth As for the preheminence of Bishops according to the greatnesse of the cities If there be question saith he to Euagrius Orbis maior est vrbe Hieron in Epist ad Euagr. of authoritie the world is greater than the citie so called they Rome why doest thou then enthrall the whole Church to a few men And whence commeth this presumption For wheresoeuer there is a Bishop whether at Rome or at Eugubium whether at Constantinople or at Rhegium marke how he confoundeth the greater cities with the lesser he is of the same dignitie and Priesthood Riches and pouertie make not one lesse or greater than another for they are all successors of the Apostles And so are these words inserted into the decree And speaking in another place of Bishops in generall Hieron in Epist ad Heliodo to 1 It is no easie matter saith he to stand in the place of Paul and to maintaine the dignitie of Peter that is to be a Bishop reckoning all Bishops to be successors of Paul and Peter Basil Epist 55. speaking in the same sence in which Saint Basil spake when he said That Ambrose was called to the Apostolicall gouernement when hee was made Bishop of Milan And doe you thinke that this holie Father Basil can passe ouer with silence the pride of Rome or if he happily let flie some words shall we therefore condemne him as a Pagan So it was that in those lamentable combustions of the East he thought to haue found some comfort in the West but he quickly found himselfe in an errour For if the anger of God saith he continue still vpon vs what comfort will the pride of the West affoord vs who neither doe know neither yet will haue the patience to be rightly informed of the truth of things as lately appeared in the case of Marcellus being euer prepossessed with vaine surmises and idle iealousies For my owne part I was once minded to haue written a priuat letter to their Captaine meaning Damasus not concerning any Church affaires Coryphaeo Basil Epist 10. but onely to let him vnderstand That they neither rightly vnderstood the state of our cause nor tooke the course to bee duely informed of it In briefe That they ought not to bruise a broken reed nor oppresse those who were alreadie humbled by affliction nor yet reckon their pompe for honour seeing that that verie sinne is ynough alone to set a man at enmitie with God And this he wrot to that great personage Eusebius Samosatenus who carried on with an incredible zeale ran from countrey to countrey seeking to repaire the decayes and ruines of the Church whilest Athanasius and Basil trauelled in the East opposing themselues against the Arrians and praying in aid from the Churches of the West and from Damasus himselfe who hand in bosome lightly regarded them conceiting out of hare-brained humor which proceeded from his pride that Basil himselfe was an heretike and therefore would not forsooth vouchsafe him an answer Whereupon Basil and his fellowes sent letters to the Bishops of the West by name to those of Italie and France It being impossible say they Basil Epist 70. that they should be ignorant of our miserable estate so well knowne throughout the world and yet they receiued no comfort from them And farther they requested them not Damasus to joyne with them for the procuring of a lawfull and free Synod After this they redoubled their letters Idem Epist 78. coniuring them to informe the Emperour of these troubles in the East from whom and not from Damasus they hoped for redresse And by a third dispatch sent by Dorotheus a Priest Basil reproacheth them for their want of charitie in not daining to visit and to comfort them in their afflictions offering if any imputation lay vpon him to cleere himselfe when and wheresoeuer they should appoint him At last in a fourth letter he breaketh forth into these tearmes We haue saith he venerable brethren set our eyes vpon you Basil Epist in Addition Ep. 1. but our hope hath proued vaine so that we may now sing I haue looked for one that would sorrow with me but no man came vnto me for one to comfort me but I found none for our afflictions are such as that they which dwell euen in the vtmost borders of the West should in duetie ere this haue
last Will and Testament Which Law Ambrose caused shortly after to bee somewhat mitigated Such a doe they had euen in those dayes to intrench and fortifie themselues against their greedie auarice 7. PROGRESSION Of the vsurpations of Pope Damasus vpon seuerall Churches DAmasus if we will stand to the Epistles which goe vnder his name though a man commended for some good parts and qualities which were in him yet treading the path of his predecessors sought to establish a Primacie in his owne person especially in that Epistle which hee wrot to Stephanus Archbishop of Mauritania wherein he pretendeth that all the greater sort of causes ought to be referred vnto his hearing and that they could not be decided but by his authoritie as also that the prouision of Bishops belonged to him And Isidorus Mercator would yet farther persuade vs that Aurelius Bishop of Carthage sent to entreat of him the decrees of the Roman Church to gouerne his owne thereby Baron vol. 4. an 314. art 10. But Baronius himselfe blusheth at this for that in all the time of Damasus this Aurelius was onely a simple Deacon OPPOSITION But the practise of the Church was cleere against the vsurpation of Damasus seeing that all the greater offices and dignities of the Church haue in all times and places beene bestowed by those which were of the same place without asking the Popes aduise or leaue therein And seeing that the Fathers assembled at Constantinople openly declared vnto him Theodor. l. 5. c. 9 That there was an ancient law and decision of the Nicene Councell that the Bishops of euerie Prouince with those which dwelt neere vnto them should ordaine their owne ministers That by vertue of this decision Nectarius was ordained at Constantinople Flauianus at Antioch and Cyril at Ierusalem which they there tearme the mother of all other Churches Requesting him to reioyce for companie as for a thing rightly and canonically done And that he would not suffer any humane affection to carrie him beyond the bounds of reason Neither doe they addresse their letters to him alone but also to Ambrose to Britto to Valerian to Acholius and others assembled in the Synod of Rome And seeing also that Ambrose himselfe was elected Bishop of Milan by the suffrages of the people and that the Emperour Valentinian immediatly vpon the newes receiued Ruffin l. 2. c. 11. gaue order for his installation without sending to Rome And which is more about the yeare 381 Damasus then sitting Pope An. 381. Socrat. lib. 4. c. 24. 25. this second generall Councell of Constantinople was held and two yeares after was receiued and acknowledged by the Synod of Rome which Councell Theodosius the elder called and Nectarius Bishop of Constantinople ordered Onuphr in Fast without any Legat from the Bishop of Rome and there also these Fathers trod the path of the Nicene Councell diuiding the Prouinces for the auoidance of confusion in such sort That the Bishops of one Diocesse should not offer to goe vnrequested into the Diocesse of another there to giue orders vnto any which yet saith Socrates was in former times tolerated in the Church because of persecutions Concil Constant can 5. 7. can Graec. 3. And that if in anie Prouince a matter of difference happened to arise it should be decided by the Synod of the same Prouince As for the Bishop of Constantinople it was ordained that he should haue his prerogatiue of Precedencie next to the Bishop of Rome all which to stand for good if the Emperor were so pleased without anie reference at all vnto the Pope And both Socrates and Sozomen giue the reason of this equallising of them Socrat. Histor Eccles l. 5. c. 8. Sozom. l. 7. c. 9. because that Constantinople had not onely the name of Rome with like Senat and other magistrats but bare also the same Armes and held all other Rights and Honors which belonged to old Rome which reason is apparantly grounded vpon a ciuile respect and policie not vpon any precept of the Gospell Bellarm. in Recognit p. 46. Yet must Bellarmine needs tell vs that these Fathers writing to Damasus acknowledged that they were assembled by his appointment intimated to them by the Emperor and he citeth to this purpose Theodoret lib. 5. cap. 9. where the words themselues make cleane against him shewing That they had bin formerly inuited to come to Rome by the Emperor and were after that called to Constantinople by letters which the Synod of Rome after that of Aquileia sent to Theodosius not that Damasus gaue forth anie summons for their assembling And Bellarmine himselfe in his Recognitions acknowledgeth That this Epistle was neuer written by the Fathers of Constantinople and so it maketh not to the question now in hand But yet he addeth farther Bellarm. de Roman Pontif. l. 2. c. 13. That they acknowledged the Pope for their Head and themselues as members of that Head Here againe is a bundle of manifest vntruths for first the letter was not directed to Damasus neither yet to the Church of Rome but to the Synod of the Bishops of the West assembled that time at Rome to whom they vse indeed these words following You haue inuited vs thither as members of your Bodie shewing thereby your brotherlie affection whereby they acknowledge not anie Head but onely declare that all Christian Congregations are each others members and therefore hauing signified vnto them That according to the ancient Canons especially that of the Nicene Councell they had prouided their own Churches they conclude in maner following Wherefore we thus agreeing and being established in one faith and mutuall loue will now no longer vse that saying condemned by the Apostle I am of Paule I am of Apollo and I am of Peter but knowing that we are all of Christ who is not diuided in vs will by the grace of God keepe that Bodie of the Church vnrent and so appeare with confidence before the Iudgement seat of Christ not to say that it is found written in some copies at the foot of this Epistle Reuerend sonnes we pray God to preserue you In these dayes who durst speake so vnto the Pope In the meane time Pope Leo the Great Leo. ep 55. Theodor. l. 5. c. 10. a strong maintainer of this Primacie quarrelleth the authoritie of this Councell making the world to beleeue that he would hold himselfe wholly to the Councell of Nice which as we haue alreadie proued maketh as little for his purpose as the other But he cannot denie that his predecessor Damasus rested satisfied therewith and wrot backe vnto the Fathers in that Councell his kind and louing letters without euer calling the authoritie thereof into question though yet to retaine a respect and reuerence to his owne person or happily to crie quittance with them he also calleth them in his letter His much honored sonnes and telleth them in the verie beginning of his letters that indeed they had
of the Church the schisme of Donatus and the heresie of Pelagius where both were condemned and Pelagius concerning whose doctrine Pope Innocent thought fit to suspend his judgement was excommunicated And all this done without consulting the Bishop of Rome onely sentence being alreadie passed he was entreated to joyne his authoritie and voyce with theirs for so goe the words of those Fathers in a letter which they sent vnto him reported by S. Augustine We haue say they Concil Carth. ad Innocent to 1. pa. 469. August Epist 90 by common consent pronounced Pelagius and Caelestius to be excommunicated c. for the amendment if not of them yet of those whom they haue seduced Which done we haue thought good deere brother to signifie so much vnto thee to the end that vnto this ordinance of our mediocritie thou shouldest ioyne the authoritie of the See Apostolike So that here we see a sentence plainely and absolutely giuen and yet vnder these tearmes of humilitie there is no disparagement or inequalitie to be obserued In like sort the Fathers of the Mileuitan Councell Concil Mileuit in Epist ad Innocent to 1. Concil apud August Epist 92. Concil Mileuit c. 3. Seeing say they that the Lord of his speciall grace hath placed thee in that Apostolike See being such a one as that our negligence would be condemned if we should conceale anything from thee which maketh for the good of the Church rather than our feare excused as if we doubted of thy good acceptance we therefore entreat thee to vse thy Pastorall care and diligence in these so great perils and dangers of the members of Christ c. Their meaning was that hee should doe in these cases of heresie within the limits of his jurisdiction in the West as they had alreadie done in the East But when they saw that vpon their round dealing with them in the East he was the rather inclined to absolue them in the West they made short worke and passed this decree in full Synod Whosoeuer shall say that the grace of God in which we are iustified by Iesus Christ is auailable onely for the remission of sinnes past and that it is no helpe to vs against sinne hereafter let him bee Anathema And thereupon adde they farther This errour and impietie which hath euerie where so many followers and abettors ought also to be Anathematised and condemned by the See Apostolike As if they should haue said It is high time Innocent that now you shew your selfe and doe your duetie All which Innocent as one not willing to breake with them passed ouer and seemed not to vnderstand but as if they had fled to him as to their superiour frameth them an answer onely to futher his owne ambition Apud August Epist 90. to 1 Concil apud August Epist 91 You haue saith he well obserued the ordinances of the ancient Fathers and not troden vnder foot that which they not in humane wisedome but by diuine order haue established namely that whatsoeuer is done in places though neuer so remote should for finall conclusion be referred to the audience of the See of Rome And againe You haue Apud August Epist 92. saith he had due regard of the Apostolike honour I say of him which hath the charge and care of all other Churches in asking aduise of him in these perplexities and intricate causes Following herein the ancient Canon which you as well as my selfe know to haue beene obserued in all the world And where I pray you good Innocent and when was it so obserued for saw you not the contrarie in Afrike it selfe and in these two last Councels practised But let vs see whether they vse him any better in his matter of Appeales The Fathers of the Mileuitan Councell spake plainely Concil Mileuit Can. 22. It hath beene say they thought fit in the case of Priests Deacons and other inferiour Clergie men if in their causes they complaine of the wrongfull iudgement of the Bishop that then the next adioyning Bishops shall heare and end their cause by the consent of their owne Bishop And if they thinke fit to appeale from them also yet that they appeale not but onely to the Councels of Afrike or to the Primate of the Prouince But if any shall presume to appeale beyond the seas that no man presume to receiue that man to his communion And it is verie probable that the like decrees were made in other Churches of the West howsoeuer Gratian 2. q. 6. c. 35. to saue the Popes jurisdiction addeth these words Vnlesse saith he they appeale to the See of Rome whereas it was properly against that See that they raised this countermure and bulwarke of defence Bellarmine yet goeth more finely to worke and saith That this Canon concerneth only the inferior Orders But the Canon next precedent which properly prouideth for the cases of Bishops is linked with this as wel in reason as in order the conclusion is general Whosoeuer shall offer to appeale beyond the sea c. without any distinction betweene Priest and Bishop Concil Carthag apud Balsam Can. 31. ex Concil African and in the margent there is noted this diuers lection Aliàs That they appeale not beyond the sea but to the Primates of their Prouinces as it hath often beene ordained in case of Bishops and so are all sorts of Clergie men comprised And in like manner is this Canon read in the Greeke copies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And to conclude this point we may not forget that Saint Augustine himselfe was present at this Councell All these things standing as they doe let vs now see what arguments Baronius hence draweth to the preiudice of the Churches of Spaine and Afrike in fauour of the Pope And first saith he in the third Councell of Carthage Baron to 5. an 497. art 55. can 48. it is decreed That concerning the baptisme of the Donatists Syricius Bishop of Rome and Simplicianus of Milan should be consulted The one saith he as head of the Church the other for the worthinesse of his person whereas the Fathers themselues make no such difference but say they we haue thought good to consult our brethren and fellow Priests Syricius and Simplicianus and no maruell seeing that Aurelius Bishop of Carthage wanting fit ministers to furnish his Churches wrot ioyntly to Anastasius Bishop of Rome and to Venerius Bishop of Milan to supplie his want calling them Holie Brethren Secondly Concil Carthag 3. ca. 26. Distinct 99. ca. primae sedis he taketh on because we alledge the Canon Primae sedis That the Bishop of the first See should not be called Prince or the Chiefe of Priests or High Priest or by any such like name And I would know whether these are not the verie words of the Canon it selfe or are they not so reported by Gratian in the Decrees Yea but he wil not that we should extend them to Rome especially
those last words viz. Baron an 397. to 5. art 48. That the Bishop of Rome himselfe shall not be called the Vniuersall Bishop For what likelihood saith he that Afrike would presume to prescribe titles to the Bishop of Rome adding farther That out of doubt they are Gratians owne words and that they are not found in the Canon it selfe which he alledgeth Nay rather say we seeing that they are in Gratian Concil Carthag prouincial 4 in Praesat Concil African who will warrant vs their honestie and that they themselues are not the men which haue torne it out of the Councels And why is it vnlikely that those poore Africans should vse those words more than these which they cannot denie That no man should appeale beyond the sea that is to Rome For though it be true Concil Carthag can 33. that these Africans could not as Baronius saith dispose of what was done at Rome yet might they wel take order against his vsurpation and encroaching vpon their Church and liberties at home and cause that no man there should attribute to him those titles of insolencie and ambition Thirdly because Aurelius Bishop of Carthage Baron to 5. an 401. art 9. at the opening of the Councell of Carthage caused a certaine letter of Anastasius to be there openly read wherein he forewarned them to beware of the cunning sleights of the Donatists he therefore concludeth That this Councell was assembled and held by order from Anastasius and that Aurelius acknowledgeth him for no lesse than a Father and consequently for a Head But why did he not rather obserue that he calleth him also Brother and fellow Priest must his aduise giuen be induced to proue his mastership The Synod of Afrike in the yeare 407 seeing a fell contention risen betweene Innocentius of Rome and Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria made a decree in manner following It seemeth good to vs Concil Afric 68. that as touching the dissention now fallen betweene the two Churches of Rome and Alexandria we write to the holie Father Innocentius to admonish him that either Church keepe that peace which the Lord commaunded Shall now this brotherlie admonition of theirs be interpreted to proceed from a right of jurisdiction or of soueraigne commaund Fourthly in the cause of the Priscillianists of Spaine Such as were fallen saith the Councell of Toledo if they come to penance shall not be receiued vnlesse the See Apostolike write in their behalfe And thereby saith he you may plainely perceiue Acta Concil 1. Tolet. Baron an 405. art 52. vol. 5. that no man might communicat with one which had fallen vnlesse the See of Rome had first approued of his reduction and communicated with him But why should he put vs to read the acts of this Councell seeing that he himselfe in other cases refuseth to admit of them They tell vs indeed That the Churches of Spaine much infested with this heresie sent to be aduised by Saint Ambrose and that they gouerned themselues by his directions which he denieth not but saith that Ambrose himselfe medled not but by expresse order from Syricius for saith he the words are We had great patience hoping that according to the letters of Saint Ambrose of blessed memorie if we condemned that which they had done amisse and observed the condition specified in his letters they would returne to peace Added hereunto what Syricius of blessed memorie had aduised vs to doe And must then this accessarie carrie with it the principal or this Parenthesis be interpreted for a Commission directed to S. Ambrose Let them rather take the paines and read a little farther where they shall find it said in this manner Concil Taurin can 5. We expect say they what the Pope and Simplician Bishop of Milan and other Bishops of the Churches will write in answer to our letters much after the manner of the Councell of Turin in the same cause Aut Romanae Ecclesiae Sacerdotis According say they to the letters of the venerable Bishop Ambrose or of the Priest of the Church of Rome What would or rather what would not Baronius say if he had the like aduantage 10. PROGRESSION Pope Zozimus seeketh to draw all causes to Rome by vertue of a Canon of the Nicene Councell BVt Zozimus successor vnto Innocent would not be so answered wherefore at the sixt Councell of Carthage An. 417. which was held the yeare 417 and where were assembled 227 Bishops of Afrike whereupon also Saint Augustine calleth it a full and a grand Councell Zozimus sent thither Faustus Bishop of Potentia Plenarium Concilium August Ep. 47. Ep. Concil African ad Bonifac. in to 1. Concil pa. 519. a. Faustin in Commonit ad Can. 1. Synod Carchag apud Balsam ex editio Herueti pag. 305. and Philippus and Asellus Priests of Rome qualified as Legats from him to require in precise tearmes That the Bishops of Afrike should appeale to the Bishop of Rome which matter they proposed to the Councell in these words Those who in the Nicene Synod gaue their sentence concerning the Appeales of Bishops said in this manner If a Bishop shall be accused and the Bishops of his owne Prouince shall therevpon condemne and degrade him and if he thinke fit to appeale and thereupon flie to the most holie Bishop of Rome and he be pleased to haue a new hearing and examination of the cause the said Bishop of Rome shall be pleased to write to certaine Bishops next adioyning to the end that they may informe themselues aright of the cause and then do as reason and equitie shall require Wherefore if any be desirous to haue his cause new heard and by way of request shall moue the Bishop of Rome to send his Legat à Latere that it be at his pleasure to doe what he will and as he in his iudgement shall thinke fittest to bee done OPPOSITION Ibid. This matter so proposed by the Legats Alyppius Bishop of Theagast protesting openly That he intended to hold himselfe in all poynts to the Nicene Councell began to make question of this pretended Canon We haue saith he alreadie promised to maintaine the Canons of the Nicene Councell but this is that which troubleth me that when we come to consult the Greeke copies I know not how it should come to passe but we find no such Canon there In Can. 135. sub fin And againe We haue seene diuers copies and yet could neuer find this Canon in any of them no not in the Roman copies neither yet in the Greeke copies sent vnto vs from the Apostolicall Sees Whereupon Aurelius Bishop of Carthage and President of that Councell notwithstanding that the Popes Legats were there present pronounced That they would forthwith dispatch messengers and letters to the Bishops of Constantinople Alexandria and Antioch with request That they would be pleased to transmit vnto them the acts of the Nicene Councell fast closed and sealed vp thereby to take
which fled vnto them for protection And this is that which the Fathers call Typhum seculi in Ecclesiam Christi inducere Typho isto to bring in worldlie pride and arrogancie into the Church of Christ which they doubted not to speake vnto Boniface himselfe saying We beleeue that seeing thou sittest in the Romane Church we shall no longer be oppressed with this vaine pride calling him alwaies Domine frater For whereas they triumph in this word Sanctitati vestrae i. your Holinesse they must vnderstand that the Popes themselues vsed the same stile and gaue the same title to them and to all other Bishops as Zozimus writing to these verie Africans We are persuaded sayth he that your Holinesse hath beene informed touching the proofe and triall which we haue made of Caelestius his absolute and sound faith and so likewise to others Against this maine wall of truth and veritie Baronius opposeth the brittle glasse of his owne fancie seeking to darken this cleare light with the smoake of his vaine discourse howbeit like a bird in a net the more he striueth the more he is intangled and the reader may easily obserue that he spendeth himselfe in vaine talke and sophistrie And first it much offendeth his patience that we say that those three Popes produced the Canon of Sardica vnder the name of the Councell of Nice for if it were done by error where is their infallibilitie if of malice where is then their sanctitie But saith he it may be that the text was corrupted Baron vol. 5. an 419. art 70. sequ and this word Nicene put for Sardican and I am forced to beleeue that these acts are not reported truly and as they ought to be Tell me reader whosoeuer thou art will such a shift serue in a matter of this importance Idem ib. art 87. Secondly saith he what aduantage was there to be gotten in alledging the one for the other for was not the Sardican Councell as good as the Nicene or are they not both Generall Councels and we haue alreadie proued that the Sardican Synod was neuer reckoned among the Generall neither did Innocent euer plead for himselfe other than the Canon of Nice vnder colour of this glorious name to dazzle the eyes of men and to abuse the world Thirdly saith he what likelihood that the Africans would withstand these Appeales seeing they had beene vsed from all antiquitie the onely thing which they misliked was the forme What need of answere to this argument more than the bare recitall of the argument it selfe and who doubteth of their presumption and arrogancie Or who knoweth not that euill manners giue commonly occasion of good lawes that vsurpations cause orderings and that if injustice were not we should not need the knowledge of the lawes Thou tellest vs that Celestius a companion and an abettor of the heretike Pelagius was condemned in Afrike August contra duas Pelagij ep l. 2. c. 3. Epistola Zosim ad Aurel. Carthag episcop that he appealed from this sentence to Zozimus Bishop of Rome that he admitted of the appeale and that this was but the yeare before true and Baronius you may perceiue that this proceeded of that Papall humor to admit of all plaintifes suffering themselues with flatterie and faire words to be abused oft times by the most dangerous heretikes But say I pray you what followeth Is it not that the Africanes complained of these wrongs that Zozimus carried it not farre that he was regulated and ordered the next yere following Augustin epist 261. edit Plantin Yea but saith he Doe you not see so and so manie examples of these Appeales mentioned in S. Augustine and thereupon alledgeth his 261 Epistle all at large Annalist would be as he is Doth he not see that all these examples were before the law was made and that they were the proper occasion and cause of this Decree and doe men in Commonwealths matters ground themselues vpon abuses or rather vpon Lawes vpon that which de facto is done or rather vpon that which of right ought to be done The truth of the cause is this Anthonie Bishop of Foussall in Afrike being deposed by the Bishops of his owne Prouince got letters of commendation from the Primat of Nicomedia to Zozimus Bishop of Rome by meanes whereof he found accesse to Zozimus and after him to his successor Celestin who bad man as he was went about to restore him by force of armes Whereupon S. Augustine who was present at his condemnation wrote to Celestin in this manner We are threatened saith he with a Posse comitatus and force of armes to put the sentence of the Apostolike See in execution and so shall we poore Christians stand in greater feare of a Catholike Bishop than the heretikes themselues doe of a Catholike Emperour Let not these things so be I doe coniure thee by the blood of Christ and by the memorie of the Apostle S. Peter who warneth those which are set ouer the Christian assemblies not to dominiere with violence ouer their brethren What could this holie Bishop doe more to stay the course of his rage and madnesse but in that great Synod of Carthage he with a multitude of other worthie persons layed the axe to the verie root of his pretended soueraignetie by their sentence there pronounced against him Now tell me whereas Baronius in this cause of Antonie Bishop of Foussall crieth out O admirabilem Dei prouidentiam c. O the wonderfull prouidence of God Ib. art 76. in matters concerning the Catholike Church at that verie time when controuersie was betweene the Fathers of Afrike concerning the Canon of Nice God would haue it that a cause should fall out by occasion whereof Saint Augustine himselfe who was present at that Councell was euen compelled to record vnto posteritie so manie examples of those who had recourse and did appeale to the Church of Rome Tell me I say whether we haue not farre greater cause to prayse his goodnesse in that out of these enormities and abuses he was pleased to direct this Councell to set downe a rule and a certaine order by which the Churches of Afrike might from that time forward for euer be directed Baron vol. 5. an 419. art 92. Fourthly will you see saith he how much they attribute and yeeld to the Church of Rome When they went about to set downe a certaine Canon of the Bible they consulted Boniface thereupon requesting him to confirme it and what likelyhood that they would not vse the like submission in the rest of their Canons But the verie reading of that Canon is a refuting of this assertion Concil Carthag Can. 47. It seemeth good vnto vs say the Fathers in that Canon that nothing be read in the Churches but onely the holie Scriptures which are these Genesis Exodus Leuiticus c. Wherefore their resolution and decree was absolute without anie reseruation both that the Scriptures onely should
be read and also which bookes they are which ought to be accounted for Canonicall onely for correspondencies sake they adde farther in these words We will also that this be signified to our companion in Priesthood Bonifacius and others to the end that they may confirme it for so haue we receiued from the Fathers that these onely ought to be read in Churches Now if the Popes authoritie alone had beene necessarie to the validitie of this Canon what needed they to signifie it vnto others This therefore was nought else but a testimonie of their mutuall loue and charitie Baronius here stormeth because we say That by occasion of that forenamed Canon the whole Church of Afrike was cut off from the Communion of the Church of Rome because it thence followeth that S. Augustine and such a multitude of other holie Fathers died out of the Communion of the Church of Rome and excommunicated by the Pope and thereupon seeketh by all meanes to discredit that Epistle of Bonifacius the second which testifieth that they were not reunited till a full hundred yeares after I confesse that whereas it is there said Vnder the reigne of Iustin the mistake was easier of Iustin for Iustinian than that of Nicene for Sardican and the inconuenience thence arising is verie great for what then shall become of so manie Martyrs put to death during those hundred yeares vnder the persecution and tyrannie of the Vandales But they themselues must looke to that Sure I am that this is none of their greatest cares witnesse the poore Grecians in these dayes who haue now lyen groning vnder the yoke of the Turks so manie yeares And if this Epistle was not written by Bonifacius they may thanke themselues who haue inserted it in the bodie of the Councels Bellarm. de Bontif Rom. l. 2. c. 24. Let the reader now judge what reason Bellarmine had to say that those Fathers neuer intended to forbid their Bishops to appeale to Rome seeing they name Bishops in expresse tearmes and ordaine that all causes should be determined within the same Prouince Or what conscience when he saith that S. Augustine vnderstood that Councell otherwise in his 262 Epistle August ep 262. because he there saith that Caecilian needed not to care for the conspiracie of his aduersaries seeing himselfe ioyned in Communion with the Church of Rome and with all other countries whence the Gospell first came into Afrike where he would be alwayes readie to plead his cause if his aduersaries should seeke to alienate those Churches from him For what can he gather from thence but onely this that it was no hard matter for him to purge himselfe vnto those Churches in case he had been traduced for if he thence conclude That therefore he might appeale to Rome as much may be said and concluded of all other places But he was wise not to quote the place for there is nothing and he knew it well ynough which maketh for his purpose And farther here obserue that S. Augustine was present at this Councell as appeareth by his 207 Epistle Also we read An. 431. that about the yeare 431 the Generall Councell of Ephesus was assembled against Nestorius where we find not this pretended Primacie in anie sort acknowledged For as touching the calling thereof Socrat. l. 7. c. 3. the Bishops saith Socrates assembled themselues together out of all quarters vnto Ephesus by order from the Emperour And Euagrius and Nicephorus say Euagr. l. 1. c. 3. Nicephor l. 14. c. 34. that they were assembled by the letters of the Emperour directed to the Bishops of all places And the Synod it selfe in more than twentie seuerall places vseth these words By the will of the most religious Kings meaning Theodosius and Valentinian Acta Concil Ephesin in 1. to Concil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. 1. to 2. cap. 17 18 19. passim Ib. pa. 99. 177. 201 202. Bellarm. l. 1. de Concil c. 19. Acta Concil Ephes c. 17. And the Acts all along speake in this and the like manner Whom your Maiesties commaunded to come to Ephesus c. and Their letters commanded vs so c. and By vertue of the Edict of the most religious Emperors c. And so likewise wrote Theodosius vnto Cyrill that he had appointed the Bishops to assemble at Ephesus out of all parts at Easter And Caelestin Bishop of Rome writing to Theodosius Wee yeeld saith he our presence in the Synod which you haue commaunded by those whom we haue sent As for the Presidencie in that Synod it is a matter questionlesse and not denied by our aduersaries That Cyrill Bishop of Alexandria presided onely they say that he was Vicegerent to Pope Caelestin hauing no other colour for their assertion but this That the Pope requested him to execute his sentence giuen in the Synod at Rome against Nestorius But the Synodall Epistle to the Emperour euidently sheweth that that was done long before this Counsell at Ephesus was called And the truth is that the Popes Legats there present were neuer called to preside which yet they should haue beene had they beene collegues with Cyrill but at a pinch a forgerie must helpe A certaine moderne Writer in his abridgement of the Councels sayth That in this Councell presided the blessed Cyrill Bishop of Alexandria Isidor Decret Paris impres an 1524. pa. 79. To. 1. Concil in Concil Ephes Colon. an 1551. Which sentence he tooke out of Isidore but he addeth of his owne head these words In the place of Pope Calestin which are not to be found in Isidore and Bellarmine himselfe is more than halfe ashamed of it Now let vs see what aduantages Baronius here taketh and first Nestor epist ad Caelestin ex Co. Anto. August apud Baron to 5. an 430. art 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Epist Cyrilli ad Calest in Act. Graec. pa. 141. Baron vol. 5. an 430. art 11. When Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople had broached his heresie against the vnion of two natures in Christ Cyrill Bishop of Alexandria tooke him to taske and then they went each of them to make his partie the strongest and to haue a Bishop of Rome on his side was thought no small aduantage therefore they both wrote vnto him Nestorius was the first Fraternas nobis inuicem debemus colloquutiones c. We owe saith he each to other brotherlie communications and Cyrill much after the same manner The auncient customes of the Church aduise and counsell vs to take instruction one of another c. And hence it is that Baronius concludeth That no matter of Faith could be questioned without the Bishop of Rome yet how manie heretikes haue we alreadie seene condemned sometimes without him and sometimes in despight of him Secondly Caelestin vpon this alarme giuen him by Cyrill called a Synod at Rome and from thence wrot a long Epistle to Nestorius willing him to hold fast the faith of the Church of Rome of
letters at the suit of Leo they request Theodosius That vpon this Appeale in writing he would be pleased that Leo in a Synod of Bishops assembled out of all quarters of the world in some place within Italie might take knowledge of this matter And Galla in her letters plainely sheweth that this was the drift and purpose of Flauian Who saith she hath alreadie sent his libell to the See Apostolike and to all the Bishops of these quarters by them whom the Bishop of Rome had sent to the Councell at Ephesus This Appeale therefore was put in as well to them as to the Bishop of Rome saue onely that he was the more eminent person and was to be heard and determined by them all in the Councell which was to be assembled as Galla in her Epistle concludeth That the matter saith she may be ended in a Councell and by the See Apostolike So that all this was no legall and formall Appeale nor made vnto the Pope otherwise than as to a promoter and furtherer of the calling of this Councell And it is worth the remembrance that in these verie Epistles which Baronius maketh so much account of Valentinian speaking of the Bishop of Rome saith as hath beene alreadie alledged That Antiquitie was it which gaue him the Primacie or chiefe place among the Priests And Galla in her Epistle It is fit saith she that we reserue in all poynts that respect which is due vnto this citie as to the Ladie of all other cities And like tearmes vseth she vnto Pulcheria whence it followeth An. 451. that this Primacie was taken as founded vpon the positiue law of man and that the claime from S. Peter commeth but as accessarie to the principall And that Flauian had no other purpose appeareth by the proceeding of this cause for the yeare following at the suit of Leo Martian the Emperour appointed a generall Councell to be held at Chalcedon wherein are to bee seene the traces of the former Synod and the whole cause opened in a second hearing to the confusion of Eutyches and shame of all his partakers and abettors and to the iustifying of Flauian and of his memoriall after him in the presence of the Popes Legats who there saw the Church of Constantinople before their face equalled with that of Rome by an expresse Canon made in confirmation of that other of Constantinople And let our aduersaries now shew vs any one Appeale after this made from Constantinople to Rome Eightly Baronius is faine to make the best of a bad cause He now telleth vs Baron vol. 6. an 451. art 149. that this Canon was made vnder the correction and good leaue of Leo Grant it were so and that the Synod in their Epistle required his confirmation and thereupon after his manner maketh a great flourish Seest thou O Reader saith he how these six hundred Fathers thought this Canon though resolued on in two general Councels yet to be of no force and vertue without the authoritie of Leo and indeed a man not acquainted with his trickes might haply suffer himselfe to be lead away with his discourses but the Canon it selfe is too plaine and the continuall practise of the Church sheweth that the validitie of that Canon neuer depended of his confirmation True it is that they were willing to draw Leo to some reason by faire words and remonstrances which they made vnto him and this was the drift and purpose of that Epistle But as we haue often said tearmes of courtesie and of honour vsed to the Pope were euer by them drawne to some farther tye of seruice And yet this verie Epistle determineth and decideth the question in many places though Baronius who commonly spareth for no paper to set downe things in the largest size concealeth one part thereof but thus run the words of the inscription The holie Oecumenicall Synod assembled by the grace of God and by the commaundement of the most religious Emperours at Chalcedon to Leo Archbishop of the Romans Whence it appeareth that this Synod was not called by his authoritie neither was he accompted for Vniuersall Bishop by that Synod as Baronius would make the world to beleeue Baron ib. Confirmauimus and as for the prerogatiue of the Church of Constantinople the words vsed in that Canon are precise and formall We haue say they confirmed the Canon of 150 Bishops meaning of the second generall Councell and therefore after this confirmation of 600 Bishops Baronius should a little blush to bring such cold coniectures And againe We haue so defined say they thereby to cut off all confusion and to establish the order of the Church And in the end they vse these tearmes Vouchsafe holie Father to imbrace this our decree as is fit and seemly for the loue that ought to be between vs. And what reason then hath Baronius of a sentence definitiue to make an interlocutorie especially seeing that they so often repeat the same thing We beleeue say they that the honour of the See of Constantinople was confirmed in a generall Councell we now intreat you to honour our iudgement by your Decree to giue your consent and to hold your selfe content with that which we haue done And the cause why they sent him the Acts was this That he might thereby perceiue that they were led in all their consultations by diuine instinct which they neuer expected to be sent from Rome neither did they looke to haue their doings reformed there Martianus apud Palladium We read indeed that the Emperor by whose commaundement they were there assembled confirmed their Acts The things saith he Per nostra precepta stabilita sunt agreed vpon in the Councell of Chalcedon are established by our authoritie neither shall they goe vnpunished who shall in any point contemne this law And indeed after this time matters passed according to the tenor of this decree doe Leo what hee could to the contrarie who yet did openly beare out the Bishops of Antioch and Alexandria but in the Church men gouerne themselues by law not by example measuring their actions not after the long elne of one Bishops insolencie and pride but according to the true rule of order and discipline established in a lawful Synod Vol. 6. an 457. art 23. Ninthly and lastly Baronius saith That in the Epistle which the Clergie of Alexandria oppressed by Timotheus wrot to the Emperour Leo they request that his impieties might be made knowne to the Roman Pontife and to others But why doth he not speake plainely and say as indeed it is As to others for they make no distinction betweene him and others The words are these Vouchsafe we pray you to write to the Bishop of Rome also to the Bishops of Antioch of Ierusalem of Thessalonica of Ephesus and others as your Mightinesse shall thinke fit and they adde For our cause hath beene alreadie manifested to Anatolius Archbishop of this royall citie meaning Constantinople which they
did by vertue of that Canon of Chalcedon Extat inter Epist Illustr Concil Chalced. And the truth is that this Anatolius in the Epistle which hee wrot to the Emperour Leo vpon this occasion brandeth Pope Leo with the marke of an heretike and censureth him to be vnworthie of the Priesthood 12. PROGRESSION Of sundrie variances which fell out betweene the Churches of Rome and Constantinople by occasion of the Canon of Chalcedon AFter this Canon of Chalcedon there was euer debate continuing betweene the two Churches of Rome and Constantinople the one refusing a superiour the other not admitting of an equall the one seeking to stretch the wings of his authoritie and jurisdiction ouer the East the other ouer all And this was the cause why the Bishops of Antioch and of Alexandria seeking to crosse the attempts of the Bishop of Constantinople who was lately start vp to this authoritie and was therefore the more obnoxious to hate and enuie had recourse oftentimes to him of Rome and as it had beene in despight of the one subiected themselues to the tyrannie of the other Baron vol. 6. an 482. art 1. Whence the Pope himselfe and Baronius his champion for him take no small aduantage for if we will beleeue them Simplicius hereupon gaue confirmation to Calendinus Bishop of Antioch Simplicius Epist 14. hauing no other proofe or ground than this That Simplicius in a certaine Epistle of his to Acatius Bishop of Constantinople saith That he had receiued vnder the wing of the See Apostolike Euagrius li. 3. c. 10. the Priesthood of Calendius But Euagrius an Historian of that time saith simply without any reference vnto any That Calendius vndertooke the sterne of that See and persuaded all which came vnto him to pronounce Anathema against Timotheus as against one which troubled the Church of Alexandria and whose predecessor Stephen was notoriously installed by Acatius as Baronius himselfe affirmeth but he addeth farther That Simplicius had made Acatius his Vicar generall in the East His reason is for that Simplicius vpon the troubles of the Church of Alexandria Simplic Epist 17 Delegatum tibi munus attendes sensus tuos prudenter attolle complaineth to him That he had not aduertised him therof willing him to behaue himselfe wisely in the charge which was delegated vnto him Committed then it was but by whom must we needs vnderstand that by him and why not as well either by the Church or by the people seeing nothing is expressed And farther these are Simplicius his own words And if he did delegate such a charge vnto him yet where shal we find that the other accepted of it as from him Acatius in Epist ad Simplic And I would know whether in his Epistle to Simplicius he euer calleth him by any higher Title than the Archbishop of Rome and in the cause of Timotheus he professeth That as for his so great a dignitie he held it onely from Christ the Prince of Priests And a man may easily perceiue by the complaint which Simplicius made vnto him Simplic Epist 1. that if euer he did make him offer of such an office hee made but little reckoning of his kindnesse And the like may be said when he offered to make Zeno Bishop of Seuile his Vicar in those parts Simplicius also in his Epistle to Acatius speaking of one Iohn who was elected in the roome of the said Timotheus It remained only saith he that after our thanksgiuing vnto God he should by the assent of the See Apostolike receiue his desired confirmation Whereupon Baronius setteth his marke in the margent Baron an 482. vol. 6. art 14. with these words It belongeth to the Bishop of Rome to confirme the Patriarches and doest thou see O Reader saith he that the ancient custome was that the election neither of the Bishop of Alexandria neither yet of Antioch was held for good without the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome and yet he produceth no one Canon to this purpose or any one case wherein it was so practised Nay we find that when Acatius made light of his commaund and when he was willed by the Emperour Zeno to beare out Petrus Moggus against Iohn who was an Orthodox Bishop he qualified his stile with faire words and reasons It was reason saith he that one condemned by publike decree meaning this Petrus Moggus should also be acquited in a common assemblie Where was then this omnipotencie of the Pope when he spake in this manner Yea but in the end saith Baronius when this Iohn was deposed be appealed to the Bishop of Rome as Athanasius had done before him and for proofe hereof voucheth Liberatus the Archdeacon Liberatus in Breuia c. 18. who dwelt too farre off to be a good witnesse in this cause But if his appeale was no other than was that of Athanasius we are at an accord for we haue alreadie proued that Athanasius did not appeale in forme of law as we commonly call Appeales but had onely recourse vnto him and so Euagrius expoundeth it vnto vs Iohn saith he as Zacharie reporteth Euagr. Histor Eccle. c. 12. 15 hauing giuen a summe of money contrarie to his oath taken to the Emperour was chosen Bishop of Alexandria whence the Emperour commaunded him to be banished who flying thence went vnto old Rome where he made much trouble saying that for obseruing the decrees of Leo and the Canons of Chalcedon he had beene deposed from his See Where you see there is no mention of any appeale or of judiciall proceeding For saith he Simplicius moued with these words wrot vnto Zeno thereupon who sent him word againe That he was deposed indeed but that it was for periurie And shortly after Simplicius died and Iohn withdrew himselfe into Italie where the Bishopricke of Nola was conferred vpon him And Liberatus also saith That Acatius by his letters required the See of Rome That if any of his Clergie fled vnto him Ad eundem confugerint he would be pleased not to receiue them which are the proper tearms vsed in these and the like cases OPPOSITION All these contentions about jurisdiction proceeded from that Canon of Chalcedon An. 472. to which the Popes would by no meanes stand and yet they neuer talke vnto vs but of Councels especially of those foure first generall Synods which they vse commonly to paralell with the holie Scriptures But in the meane time came forth a certaine Edict from Leo the Emperor Leo Imperat. li. 16. c. de Sa●ros Eccles in this maner We decree and ordain That the holie Church of this most religious citie Mother of our pietie and of all Christians whatsoeuer of the Orthodox religion and the most holie See of this royall citie meaning Constantinople in regard that she is the royall citie shall haue all priuiledges and honours concerning the creation of Bishops and taking of place before all others and all other poynts whatsoeuer which they now
Church together with their power that at this time came in the inuocation and adoration of Saints and Martyrs in stead of the gods the verie ground-plot of Heathenisme to erect the building of Christianitie vpon OPPOSITION Such were then the proceedings of the Popes yet when he presumed to passe his bounds too farre there neuer wanted some one or other to lay a blocke in his way which we should now more clearely discouer had the writers of those daies beene as carefull to record vnto posteritie the oppositions of the one part as they were to set downe the attempts of the other But this appeareth that Leo his pretencions were euer opposed by the Churches and we may perceiue by Symmachus his owne Epistle that in Sclauonie Dardanie and Dace Symmach in ep ad Presbyt Illyr Dardaniae Daciae his authoritie was little esteemed And in Rome itselfe his owne Clergie accused him to Theodoric at what time he was wiser than to replie as now they doe that no man may presume to aske him Domine cur ita facis Neither did his predecessor Anastasius the second find the Bishops of France and Germanie ouer gentle in taking their bitt into their mouths when they wrot vnto him in the time of Clouis the first and first Christian King of Fraunce that memorable Epistle whereof we will here insert some few of the most important clauses Non putatiuè sed veracitèr affirmant Episcopi that is The Bishops doe constantly and truly affirme Epist episc Gol. German ad Anastas 2. in Collecta Auentin that a Councell is of greater authoritie than is a Pope Anastasius Paule the Apostle which crieth out Be ye followers of me resisted Peter who was chiefe of the Apostles because he was to be reproued c. This is indeed a verie fountaine and nurserie of scandales to the people when the Bishops of the Church rise in dissention against each other among whom there should be a full and a perfect peace c. And againe Our weake wit say they cannot conceiue what this new kind of compassion meaneth which these Phisitians of Italie vse in the cure of the disease of France They who pretend to cure our Bishops are themselues shaken with a continuall feauer they who promise sight to vs are themselues blind they take vs to be crouchbackes and haue themselues such a bunch of auarice growing on their backes that it will not suffer them to enter in at the narrow gate they let their owne sheepe goe astray and call our Shepheards into the way of truth going about to persuade vs that the physicke of spirituall diseases the absolution of soules is at Rome c. But if they will needs applie their searing yrons to our wounds they shall quickly feele our French truth which they without a cause prouoke against themselues c. And if they say yet farther That the Bishops of France are spiritually sicke let them remember the commaundement of our Sauior and visit vs in our sicknesse for the sicke must not runne to the Physitian but the Physitian come vnto the sicke which if they refuse to doe then let them know that we haue of our owne a perfect good Antidot euen the Gospell of the Sonne of God to expell all venome from our hearts that is to say We haue no need of your Treacle Let them take this for a warning not to make shew of too great zeale of iustice thereby to draw vs into the snare of their King like iudgements least we answere them as it is in the Gospell Let him of the Bishops of Italie which is without sinne cast the first stone at vs. All which we say to this end that they in the hardnesse of their heart may not offer to lay their pretended authoritie vpon our Bishops For it is not impossible that the stone which they cast at vs may flie backe in their owne faces for our men vse not to be afraid of feathers Let them rather this day confesse before Christ that they are a sort of miserable comforters those properly whom S. Iohn saw in Pathmos of whom he saith He sent the Dragon and he drew the third part of the starres c. The stinke of their ill name is spred to the vtmost borders of the earth They which dwell beyond the mountaine of God that is they which will make themselues gods shoot their arrowes beyond the stone of saluation because they are not planted in the house of the Lord after the order of Melchisedech c. that is are not called by a lawfull vocation And although say they by the shaking of our Oxen of France the Arke of our couenant should be like to fall yet it belongeth to our Bishops to hold it vp and not to them But if they by their euill speaking slander the Arke of our Church the like mischiefe befall them as befell Vzzias the Leuit. To conclude let them learne this Syllogisme If there be equall power in all Bishops then is it equall in euerie one but it is equall in all ergo in euerie one And by this you may see what reckoning the Bishops of France made of the Bishops of Rome in those daies 15. PROGRESSION That Pope Hormisda tooke vpon him to constitute diuers Vicars of his See in the West AFter Symmachus succeeded Hormisda who would lose no time If we may beleeue his Epistles he made diuers Bishops his Vicars in sundrie Prouinces of the West as Auitus Bishop of Vienna in the Prouince of Narbona Iohn of Arragon in Spaine on this side the riuer Betis and on the other side Salust Bishop of Seuile These Bishops accepted of this title thereby to aduance and to set themselues aloft aboue their brethren and the Pope cunningly soothed them in their ambitious humor thereby to enlarge the precincts and limits of his owne authoritie And in the East also vnder colour of composing a certaine difference in religion concerning the Chalcedon Creed he sent his Legats to the Emperour Anastasius who would not receiue it The Pontificall Booke sayth That he did it by the aduice and counsell of Theodoric forbearing to say By his permission D. 50. c. Si ille qui. though indeed it had beene farre more honourable for the Pope to haue beene the author of so good an aduise himselfe And yet how earnest soeuer he would seeme to be in the defence of this Councell it is euident that he renounced one of the principall Canons thereof concerning the place and ordering of Bishops seeing that he protested though vpon another occasion that he receiued nothing but what was contained in the Councell of Nice for feare of broaching himselfe vpon the Canons of those two Councels of Constantinople and of Chalcedon both which equall in all points the priuiledges of the Church of Rome and of Constantinople And it is sport alone to see the instructions which he gaue vnto his Legats how he setteth downe how farre they should goe and
Church to that of Rome or rather to make them equall each to other For whereas the Countie Iustinian tearmeth the Bishop of Rome Arch Pontife which importeth no more as Baronius himselfe confesseth than Archbishop this argueth not any superioritie but onely a Primacie of this See Neither doe those words in the letters of Pompeius Archbishop of the Vniuersall Church make any thing at all for Baronius his cause as if the Popes had at that time beene taken for Vniuersall Bishops 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For it is in the Greeke onely of the Catholike Church a Title long before giuen as alreadie hath bin declared vnto Basil and to Athanasius and to sundrie other Bishops Because as Saint Cyprian saith the Church is but one of which euerie Bishop gouerneth his part or portion alone without a consorts and the Bishop of Rome had at that time a great part vnder him For I would know when Pope Agepete consecrated Mennas by the name of Vniuersall Bishop whether he purposed to make him Pope or no and Dorotheus Bishop of Thessalonica though inferiour in degree to the Patriarches yet calleth he the Bishop of Rome Father and fellow Minister and Companion in seruice Fourthly wee shall best judge of the cause by casting our eye vpon the effects It sell out therefore that one of Hor●isda his Legats had been foulely outraged at Thessalonica Dorotheus which had euer much fauoured them before was accused as author of that outrage Whereupon Hormisda sent vnto his Legats That they should be instant with the Emperour that Dorotheus might be deposed and banished into some farre countrey or otherwise sent to Rome vnder sure and sufficient gard and withall that one Aristides who was supposed to haue had a finger in that businesse should not succeed him The Emperour his answer was That there was no reason why he should be sent to Rome to be heard there where they might easily acquit themselves for want of an accuser And so all his punishment was to be sent for a few dayes to Heraclea and then was he restored to his See againe How farre are these proceedings from that power which the Pope pretendeth And yet haue we no more of all this matter than we find in an Epistle of one of those Legats to Hormisda Here Baronius Baron vol. 7. an ●19 art 140. as his manner is crieth out Is it possible that Iustice vnder an Emperor who taketh his name from Iustice should be thus forestalled through money in the cause of the holie Father for that was the imputation which Iohn one of the Legats laied vpon the Emperour But if somewhat staieth Baronius his stomacke that the Emperour shortly after consulted the Pope vpon certaine points of faith And what of that for his place considered what more vsuall or what would he inferre thereupon Moreouer he pleaseth himselfe much in a certaine sentences taken out of a certaine letter which he wrot vnto Hormisda which sentence hee causeth to bee printed in great letters Ib. art 98. We beleeue and hold for Catholike that which was intimated to vs by your religious answer O how dangerous a thing it is to deale fairely with this kind of people And what shall we oppose this faire dealing against all those proceedings formerly by vs declared And yet he cutteth off this sentence with an c. whereas commonly he is no niggard in reciting whole Epistles and therefore we haue reason to suspect that something followeth which if it were knowne would ma●e his cause especially considering that these Epistles are taken out of the Vatican and the greater part of them as yet remaine vnprinted Fiftly and lastly he maketh much of one Possessor a Bishop of Afrike who sent a certaine commentarie which he had composed vpon the Epistles of Saint Paul vnto Hormisda and complaineth that he could receiue no answer The reason was saith he Ib. an 52● art 12 13 14. because hee well knew that the Catholike Church admitteth of no interpretation of holie Scriptures but onely such as were first approued by the Apostolike See And where I pray you can he shew vs that Saint Cyprian Hilarie Ambrose Augustine Ierome Chrysostome and others euer sent their bookes to him for his approbation or what should they haue done to haue gotten their bookes approued when Pope Marcellinus sacrificed vnto Idols and when Liberius became an Arrian and when many of the rest turned Heretikes To what purpose therefore serueth all this discourse of Baronius but onely to busie and to abuse mens thoughts with childish vanities 16. PROGRESSION That Iohn Bishop of Rome was sent embassador from Theodoric to the Emperour Iustine and what honour the Emperour there did vnto him An. 524. ABout the yeare 524 when Iustine the Emperour had depriued the Arrians of those Churches which they had in Constantinople Theodoric then king of Italie and a professed Arrian tooke offence thereat and sent Iohn Bishop of Rome his embassadour vnto him The Popes now vse to send kings in their errands assisted with certaine Senators to intreat him to restore them to their Churches if not to tell him That he purposed to serue the Catholikes throughout Italie with the same sauce Liber Pontif. in Iohan. 1. And the Pontificall booke saith That they entreated the Emperour with many salt teares and that in the end they obtained their request Which he repeateth two seuerall times howsoeuer Baronius would faine disguise the matter And Nicephorus reporteth That when Iohn Bishop of Rome was brought to an equall seat where Epiphanius Bishop of Constantinople was to sit side by side with him for he neuer contested with him for the precedencie he was not therewith content but required to bee placed vp aboue Epiphanius in a throne by himselfe which perhaps was granted vnto him in regard of his qualitie of embassadour And Marcellinus speaking hereof saith That dexter dextero Ecclesiae assedit solio ●eaning that Epiphanius gaue him the right hand which if we will credit Baronius in many places of his booke is the lesse honourable place But the Pontificall booke maketh sure worke and saith That the Emperour Iustine in honour vnto God prostrated himselfe before the Pope and adored him OPPOSITION Theodoric though an Arrian yet much commended for his great moderation whether it was because he could not endure this pride or whether he had beene informed that he had suffered himselfe to be led away by those extraordinarie honours which Iustine had done vnto him immediatly vpon his returne to Rauenna chipt him vp in prison where he continued to his dying day Which made the Popes for a while after not to carrie themselues so bri●kly as before Yet persuaded they the common people Paul Diac. l. 25. that a certaine good man had seene the soule of Theodorie caried betweene this Iohn and Symmachus the chiefe Senator whose head he had taken off into the isle of Lipara by Sicilie there to be cast headlong into
to the Communion of the Church Which Church of Carthage the Popes had excommunicated long before for that those 227 Fathers of Afrike assembled in the sixt Councell of Carthage had decreed as hath beene alreadie declared That they had no need of their Legats à Latere nor yet of Appeales to Rome and that they were able ynough by the grace of God and by the assistance of his holie Spirit to decide their owne controuersies by themselues at home For saith he Aurelius Bishop of Carthage that was he which presided in the said sixt Councell of Carthage with his Collegues so many great personages as there were and among them Saint Augustine himselfe by the instigation of the diuell in the time of our predecessors Boniface and Caelestine began to exalt themselues against the Church of Rome But Eulalius now Bishop of Carthage seeing himselfe through the sin of Aurelius to stand separated from the communion of the Roman Church hath repented him therof intreating to be receiued to peace and communion with her And by a certaine writing signed by himselfe and his Collegues hath condemned by the Apostolike authoritie all and euery such books written by what spirit soeuer against the priuiledges of the Church of Rome This poore Eulalius brought to this extremitie by the eagre pursuit of these holie Fathers of Rome who would neuer let goe their hold but tooke their aduantage of the miserable estate which those poore Churches were in being spoyled by the Vandals and oppressed by the Arrians so that they were neuer after able to hold vp their head Bellarmine therefore Bellar. de Rom. Pontif. l. 2. c. 25. who would needs persuade vs that the variance betweene those Popes and these poore Africans was not such as the world taketh it to haue bin let him tell me seeing that by occasion of that variance Rome did excommunicat them whether they could esteeme it as a light occasion and if it were or if they so esteemed of it what conscience then to excommunicat them for it such multitudes of people so many worthie Bishops and Saint Augustine himselfe being all dead in state of excommunication which was thundered our against them in a time when they were alreadie vexed with the heresie of the Pelagians and oppressed with the schisme of the Donatists and wholly ouerrun with that inundation and deluge of the Hunnes and Vandals and other barbarous nations Baronius to saue themselues from this scandal of excommunicating Saint Augustine condemneth this Epistle as forged and consequently staineth the credit of him which compiled all their Councels his reason is onely this That it is directed to Eulalius Bishop of Alexandria whereas Timotheus was at that time Bishop of that See and not Eulalius But Harding one of his strongest pillars Harding de prima Papae sect 28. answereth for vs That it was directed to Eulalius at that time Bishop of Thessalonica Wherefore let them agree among themselues as they will it is ynough for vs that wee haue it from them though indeed to justifie this Epistle we may farther say That it is taken in among their owne Decrees and standeth for good in the late edition of Gregorie the thirteenth ca. Ad hoc 7. with these words This chapter is read word for word in the Epistles of Boniface to Eulalius then Bishop of Thessalonica which may serue for an answer to all these friuolous coniectures of Baronius Moreouer Baronius thinketh that he hath gotten a great catch in that the Emperor Iustine and after him Iustinian sent vnto the Pope a confession of their faith which was a custome vsed by the Emperours vpon their installation in the Empire and not onely to the Pope but also to sundrie other Bishops of the better sort to the end that they should publish to the people That they were of the Orthodox faith because there had beene many Arrian Nestorian and Eutychian Emperors elected who had caused no small trouble in the Church OPPOSITION But that the Emperors meaning was not thereby to acknowledge him as Vniuersall Bishop besides that they did the like to other Patriarches An. 533. appeareth moreouer in this that they speake alwayes with reference to the Councell of Chalcedon which we haue heretofore spoken of as it is euident both out of their confessions and also by the Nouell Constitution 131. But to come to the matter Nouell 131. no law could be a bridle strong ynough to hold in that head-strong and vnrulie ambition of the Popes We haue alreadie scene the lawes of Odoacer and of Theodoric and Athalaric who succeeded after Theodoric was faine to doe the like For when as vpon the death of Boniface there went an open and a violent canuasse throughout the citie wherein some were neither ashame nor afraid to offer the Senators themselues money for their voyces the Se●at tooke high displeasure at these proceedings and thereupon they passed a certaine Decree which wee read in Cassiodorus in these tearmes Whosoeuer for the obtaining of a Bishopricke Cassiod li. 9. Epist 15. shall either by himselfe or by any other person be found to haue promised any thing that contract shall be deemed and held as execrable He that shall be found to haue beene partaker in this wicked act shall haue no voyce in the election but shall be accounted a sacrilegious person and shall be forced by course of law to make restitution of it Moreouer the Senat complained of this great abuse to the king Athalaric and the Defendor of the Roman Church joined in petition with them to the king who ratified their Decree by an ordinance of his owne directed to Pope Iohn The Defendor saith he of the Roman Church came lately to vs weeping and shewed vnto vs that in the late election of a Bishop of Rome some men making their benefit of the necessitie of the time by an vngodlie practise had so surcharged the meanes of the poore by extorted promises that the verie vessels of the Church was by that occasion set to sale But the more cruell and vngodlie this act is the more religious and holie is our purpose to cut it off by due course of law And a little after hauing mentioned the aboue named decree he addeth For this cause all that which is contained in that decree we commaund to be obserued and kept to all effects and purposes against all persons which either by themselues or others shall haue anie part or portion in those execrable bargaines What a pitie was it that the Defendor of the Church should be constrained to lay open this filthie nakednesse of the Church vnto an Arrian Baron vol. 7. an 533. art 32. seq But Baronius to make the best of a bad cause sayth That he did it by the exhortation of Pope Iohn but the Reader may obserue that neither in the Historie neither yet in the ordinance it selfe there is anie such mention made The conclusion is as followeth Our will and
pleasure is Cassio lib. 9. variar epist ep 16. that this our Ordinance be intimated to the Senat and people by the gouernour of the Citie to the end that all may know that we are desirous to find out those who run a course so contrarie and repugnant to the Maiestie of God and you also saith he shall intimate the same to all Bishops which by the grace of God are vnder your commaund and gouernment Which words are plainely directed to the person of Iohn but in that which he wrote to the gouernour of the Citie he addeth farther and sayth To the end that this benefit of ours may continue firme and stedfast in time to come we ordaine That as well this our Ordinance as the said Decree of the Senat be deepely grauen in tables of Marble and set vp as a publike testimonie before the Porch of S. Peters Church A great honour no doubt vnto the Prince himselfe but an euerlasting blemish and reproach to the Clergie of tha● time L. 8. Co. de summa Trinit But in the vsages of Iustinian the Emperour towards Iohn the second Baronius imagineth that he findeth much for the Popes aduantage It is certaine and we haue often said as much that the Emperours being now retyred into the East had need to hold intelligence with the Popes of Rome by their meanes to find alwaies a dore open into Italie Wherefore this Emperour being newly come vnto his Crowne sent an honourable embassage vnto him to assure him of his true faith and Orthodox religion And Baronius obserueth in his Epistle that he sayth in this manner We are all carefull to aduertise your Holinesse of all such things as concerne the estate of the Church with those other words following To submit and to vnite to your Holinesse all the Bishops of the East c. Your Holinesse which is the Head of all the holie Churches And thence he concludeth that the Emperour acknowledged this full and absolute authoritie of the Pope and consequently that all the Churches of the East did the like not caring how manie pages he filleth with this argument But to let passe that the most learned Ciuilians of our time hold this Constitution as neither lawfull nor legitimate it would trouble his conscience to haue all this Epistle construed according to the letter For first the inscription is onely this To the holie Iohn Archbishop of Rome and Patriarch as the Emperour Iustin his predecessor had stiled him before Doth this title I would know import an vniuersall charge and authoritie ouer all But what then shall we say when we see this verie Emperour writing to Epiphanius Bishops of Constantinople to vse these tearmes following L. 7. 8. Co. de summ Trinit To the most holie Archbishop of this royall Citie and Oecumenicall that is to say Vniuersall Patriarch What would Baronius haue said had the Emperour so written to the Bishop of Rome And farther doth he not vse the same tearmes vnto him which he doth vnto the other We will sayth he that your Holinesse know all matters which belong to the State Ecclesiasticall and we haue written to the same effect to the Pope of old Rome And all this we read in an Epistle which Baronius himselfe acknowledgeth to haue passed in nature of a publike Edict Wherefore Baronius hath nothing to stand vpon but this that the Emperour saith We endeuour to submit and to vnite vnto your Holinesse all the Bishops of the East Which words Pope Iohn layed hold on with both his hands in his answer to this letter where he telleth him that among other his vertues this was most eminent that he subiected all things to the See of Rome And tell me I pray you when he expoundeth this word subijcere by that other word vnire doth he not sufficiently explaine his meaning which was to reduce them not vnder the same dioces but vnder the vnion of the same faith and true doctrine which the Church of Rome had kept and such is the drift of this whole Epistle Yea but he calleth it the Head of all the holie Churches true but so doth he likewise and that not by letter onely but by an expresse law pronounce the Church of Constantinople the Head of all other Churches and Zeno the Emperour doth the like Caput l. 16. Co. de sacros eccles l. 24. ibid. Baron vol. 7. an 534. art 36. But had either of these therefore anie purpose to subject the Church of Rome to that of Constantinople And if Baronius replie that their meaning was of all the Churches of the East Why may not I as well say that the other was likewise meant of all the Churches in the West And because he will needs interpret this place by the 131 Nouell I would know what he can thence gather more than this Nouel 131. that the Bishop of old Rome should hold the first place and he of Constantinople the second which we denie not but it followeth not that therefore the one is subject to the other But both of them stand vpon equall ground by the Canons of Constantinople and of Chalcedon to the which the Emperour from the beginning promised to hold himselfe For whereas he farther alledgeth the ninth Nouell directed to Iohn the second wherein he graunteth this priuiledge to the Church of Rome that she shall not be prescribed but by an hundred yeares calling that Citie the Foundation of Lawes and Fountaine of the Priesthood not to say Nouel 10. in ed. Holoan that this Nouell is not found in the Greeke he should rather haue obserued that he is there called onely The Patriarch of the Citie of Rome that he distinguisheth in expresse tearmes betweene the Churches of the East and of the West and graunteth the same priuiledge to them both and had graunted into the Church of Constantinople seuen yeares before the other Likewise that which he enforceth out of the 42 Nouell directed to Mennas Patriarch of Constantinople Nouel 42. which he here alledgeth before the time That Pope Agapete had deposed the Patriarch Antymus because he agreed not with the Church of Rome is not truly alledged and therefore it is that he doth not alledge the text it selfe The truth is that Agapete being then at Constantinople presided in the Councell wherein Antymus was deposed And this is that which the Emperour meaneth when he saith That he was put from his See by Agapete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who then held the first See in the old Rome But how was he deposed it is there said By the common suffrage of him and of the Synod there assembled And the reason is also added for that he vsurped the place contrarie to the holie Canon and had departed away from the sound doctrines of the holie Councels And this deposition of him was also authorized by the Emperour in his 42 Nouell directed to the said Mennas who is there againe qualified with the name
certainely tooke not the See of Rome much lesse euerie one that should come to sit thereon as infallible in points of faith seeing that Pelagius himselfe was faine for his owne discharge to send vnto them the confession of his faith as it appeareth by that Epistle As for those other Bishops of Venetia and Istria they proceeded so farre as to constitute and ordaine the Bishop of Aquileia Ouerseer of their Church by the name of Patriarch a knot which the Popes were neuer afterward able to vndoe Baron vol. 7. an 570. art 11. and Baronius himselfe giueth that Patriarchship no other beginning than this As for France he was as little obeyed there as in any place whatsoeuer For the second Councell of Tours saith Iuxta conniventiam That they were there assembled by the sufferance and permission of the most renowmed king Cheribert and the fift of Orleans That they were assembled by Childebert to learne from the mouth of these Fathers what was holy Pela in Epist ad Childibert in 2. tom Concilio And the like is to be seene in the second Councell of Paris where Pelagius writing vnto Cheribert then king What paine saith he ought wee to take to free our selues from scandall and suspition by presenting to you the obedience and dutie of our confession that is to giue them an account of their true beliefe and Orthodox profession adding a reason farre different from the learning of these times For that saith he the holie Scriptures doe commaund that we also be subiect to higher powers Which Epistle is also taken into the Decret And to conclude the first Councell of Paris decreed That so often as Bishoprickes fell void Synod Paris ca. 8. to 2. Concil Satisdandum 25. q. 1. prouision should bee made by the joynt election of Clergie and people and that the Metropolitan assisted by the Bishops of his owne Prouince or of some Prouince next adjoyning should consecrate and ordaine him according to the ancient Canons without any reference at all to Rome though we find that euen at this verie time Iohn the third successor to Pelagius pursued the chase of his predecessors writing not only to the Bishops but to all in generall in France and Germanie in manner following We will and commaund that you and euerie of you all Bishops also and Priests whatsoeuer to obserue all the Decretals and ordinances of our predecessors in matters belonging to the Church And if any shall attempt the contrarie let him know that there is no place for repentance left vnto him Yet we find Greg. Turon l. 8. c. 20. that Vrsicin Bishop of Cahors at that verie time was excommunicated in the Synod of Mascon which was there called by the commaundement of king Gontran for entertaining Gombalt who then stood out in rebellion against him and that vpon his humble confession and penitent acknowledgement of his fault they enjoyned him not to cut either his haire or his beard neither yet to drinke wine nor to eat flesh nor to celebrate the office neither yet to minister the Communion during the space of three yeares An euident token that these Bishops assembled in Synod held still in their owne hands an absolute authoritie ouer their delinquent brethren And no maruell if these Bishops which dwelt so farre off made so light of the Popes commands seeing that euen vnder his nose the Archbishops of Aquileia Rauenna and Milan held their owne against him especially he of Rauenna which citie the Emperor Honorius and his successors had made the seat of the Empire from thence to looke a little neerer and to see what was doing in the East and where at that time Iustinus the second had commaunded Longinus his Exarcke or Vicar generall of the Empire in Italie to reside with power to commaund ouer all Dukes and other officers of those Prouinces who vpon the first entrance of the Lombards into Italie planted strong garrisons in euerie citie of defence especially in Rome and Rauenna Whence it ensued that the Pope could doe nothing in temporal matters by reason of the presence of the Exarck who did all in all and in spirituall affaires he was faine to keepe himselfe within his owne bounds because he saw that his spirituall authoritie which as a shadow followeth euer the bodie of the temporall power grew towards the wane and minished as that other of Rauenna encreased Neither was that his power at all acknowledged at Aquileia and Milan Sigon de Regno Italiae li. 1. where the Archbishops pretended That they held not of the See of Rome not at Aquileia because as Rome gloried in Saint Peter so did she in the Euangelist Saint M●●ke as first founder of her Church which had since that time beene ennobled with sundrie holie Bishops and Martyrs Not at Milan because her Church was first founded by Barnabas the Apostle and after that honoured by the Bishoprick of Saint Ambrose and had either of them a multitude of Suffragant Bishops vnder them and peraduenture they thought that tradition of Saint Peters chaire not to be all of the truest and easier to be said than proued And this is that which Sigonius reporteth though a writer of their owne Guicciard Histor li. 4. and which Guicciardine also deliuereth in these words In this time saith he meaning of the Exarchat the Bishops of Rome had nothing to doe in matters temporal and because the beautie of their ancient manners and pietie was now decayed men had them not in such admiration and reuerence as before but they liued vnder the commaund and subiection of the Emperours and Exarchs without whose leaue and licence they might not accept or presume to execute the office of the Bishopricke though chosen by the Clergie and people of the Citie and which is more the Bishops of Constantinople and of Rauenna because the Seat of Religion vsually followeth the Seat of the Empire began now to contest and to quarrell him vpon the point of Primacie And of this we shall find examples in that which followeth 20. PROGRESSION That Iohn Bishop of Constantinople assumed to himselfe the name of Vniuersall Bishop THe two generall Councels of Constantinople and Chalcedon had as we haue alreadie declared An. 580. in all points of prerogatiue equalled the two Bishops of Rome and of Constantinople sauing alwaies the prioritie of place to him of Rome This much offended the Bishop of Rome who neuer looked with a good eye vpon an equall neither could the other brooke the dealings of him of Rome as loth to acknowledge a superior Wherefore when the Bishop of Rome carried himselfe in the nature of an Vniuersall Bishop as farre as men would suffer him Jeuinator Iohn the fourth surnamed the Faster Bishop of Constantinople thought to preuent him by assuming to himselfe the title of Vniuersall Bishop about the yeare 580 being the more emboldened thereunto because he saw the seat of the Empire established at Constantinople the
seat of the Exarchat or Lieutenantship of Italie planted at Rauenna the Citie of Rome besieged by the Lumbards and consequently the Bishop of that Citie brought to a low ebbe insomuch that Pelagius the second who was elected during the siege after the death of Benedict the first could not send to the Emperor for his approbation and when the siege afterward broke vp by reason of the wet Gregorie who was at that time but a simple Deacon was faine to take a journey to Constantinople to pacifie the Emperor Plat. in Pelag 2. because saith Platina his election made by the Clergie was of no validitie and force without the good liking of the Emperour first had and obtained thereunto And this attempt of the Bishop of Constantinople we haue thought fit to reckon among the proceedings of the Papall Tyrannie because the succeeding Popes of Rome vsed this vsurpation of the other and made it serue to their owne aduantage and furtherance of their long intended Tyrannie OPPOSITION This Pelagius therefore so soone as the siege was broken vp tooke heart and wrote his letters 2. To. Concil in decret Pelag. 2. directed To all the Bishops who by the vnlawfull calling of Iohn the Patriarch for so he speaketh of him were assembled in Synod at Constantinople wherein hauing flourished a while with his Tu es Petrus at length he telleth them That they ought not to assemble themselues without the authoritie of this See That their present assemblie without him was no Councell but a verie Conuenticle That therefore they should presently breake vp that meeting vnlesse they would be excommunicated by the See Apostolike to conclude That they ought not to acknowledge Iohn as Vniuersall Bishop vnlesse they purposed to depart away from the Communion of all other Bishops And let no Patriarch saith he vse so prophane a title for if the chiefe Patriarch meaning himselfe should be called Vniuersall the name of a Patriarch should thereby be taken from all others But God forbid that it should euer fall into the heart of a Christian to assume anie thing vnto himselfe whereby the honour of his brethren may be debased For this cause I in my Epistles neuer call anie by that name for feare least by giuing him more than is his due I might seeme to take away euen that which of right belongeth to him Which clause is word for word inserted by Gratian into his Decrees saue only that in stead of S●●inus Patriarcha that is Chiefe Patriarch as it is in the Epistle he hath Vnus D. 99. c. Nullin 4. And yet the summarie of that verie chapter euen in the late edition of Gregorie the thirteenth is this That the Bishop of Rome himselfe may not be called Vniuersall But Pelagius goeth on and giueth the reason of that his saying For saith he the diuell our aduersarie goeth about like a roaring Lion exercising his rage vpon the humble and meeke hearted and seeking to deuoure not now the Sheepcoats but the verie principall members of the Church c. And Consider my brethren what is like to ensue c. For he commeth neere vnto him of whom it is written This is he which is King ouer all the children of pride which words I spake with griefe of mind seeing our brother and fellow Bishop Iohn in despight of the commaundement of our Sauior the precepts of the Apostles and Canons of the Church by this haughtie name to make himselfe his forerunner that is of Antichrist alluding manifestly to that place of the Apostle in his Epistle to the Thessalonians where he calleth him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say Lifted vp or which lifteth himselfe vp aboue all that is called God or Deitie And farther he addeth a second reason which our best disguisers cannot put off which is Vniuersa omnia quae soli vni capiti cohaerent videlicet Christo That hereby Iohn went about to attribute to himselfe all those things which belong properly to the Head himselfe that is Christ and by the vsurpation of this pompous title to bring vnder his subiection all the members of Christ which as he saith proceeded from the Tempter who tempted our first father by casting vnto him the like bait of pride And now tell me whether all that which the Bishops of Rome haue since that time attempted in like manner can proceed from anie other spirit But he goeth on willing them to take heed least the poyson of this word proue fatall in the end to the poore members of Christ for that if this title be once graunted to him there are no longer anie Patriarchs left in the Church and so it might come to passe that if Iohn himselfe should happen to die in this his error there should not be left a Bishop in the Church persisting in state of truth c. That they must beware that this tentation of Sathan preuaile not ouer them to conclude that they neither giue nor take his title of Vniuersall Bishop And yet euer by the way he putteth them in mind of the Canons of Nice in fauour of the Primacie of his owne See to which all matters of importance saith he ought to be referred and yet as we haue alreadie declared no such matter And Gregorie at that time his Deacon Gregor li. 4. ep 38. l. 7. ep 69. and afterwards his successor in the Popedome in his Epistle which he wrote to Iohn vpon this verie argument Thou saith he which acknowledgest thy selfe vnworthie to haue beene made a Bishop doest thou in disdaine of thy brethren make thy selfe sale Bishop in the Church Intimating thereby that there is no difference whether we call him Sole or else Vniuersall Bishop And concerning the Councell held at Constantinople in the case of Gregorie Bishop of Antioch Propter nefandum elationis vocabulum Pelagius saith he disannulled the Acts of that Synod because of this execrable name of pride and forbad the Archdeacon which according to the custome he sent Ad vestigia Dominorum i. to the feet of the Lords i. the Emperours let the Reader obserue these words to celebrate the solemne seruice of Masses with thee And in like manner wrote he also to the Bishop of Thessalonica And this is that which passed in those daies betweene the two Bishops of Rome and of Constantinople Where we obserue that Pelagius absolutely condemneth both the name and office of an Vniuersall Bishop which none offereth to vsurpe and take vnto himselfe but onely he which is the forerunner of Antichrist as being an honour due to Christ to whom onely and properly it doth appertaine An. 580. Moreouer we may obserue that about this time when Chilperic King of France had assembled a Synod of Bishops at Paris to judge of the cause of Praetextatus Bishop of Rouen whom he had formerly exiled vntill the next Synod which should be called he declared openly vnto them that he had cause ynough to condemne him
especially out of the letters of the Emperour to Domnus and Agatho Bishops of Rome as also to George Bishop of Constantinople to whom he wrot to the same effect with the like respect honour and Title as to the other saue onely that he called the one Vniuersall Patriarch and the other Vniuersall Pope Likewise out of the Synodicall Suggestion for so is it called which Pope Agatho sent vnto the Emperours where we find this superscription Agatho Bishop Seruant of the Seruants of God with all the Synods which are vnder the Councell of the See Apostolike as also out of that Epistle which he wrot to the Emperors vpon the receit of their Patent where he repeateth againe the Mandat of the Emperour vnto him De familiari Cler● for the sending of deputies to the Synod assigned as well of the Synod which was held not far off from the Apostolike See as of his own particular Clergie And yet we find none subscribed but Italians and Agatho himselfe signeth in these tearmes Act. 4. With the generalitie of the Councell of all the Apostolike See that is of all his jurisdiction Act. 17. And in the subscription of the seuenteenth Action the Legats of Pope Agatho and of the Bishops of Alexandria Antioch and Ierusalem stile themselues Lieutenants of the Apostolike See meaning euery one of his own Church And Abundantius and Iohn both Bishops subscribe in particular by the name of Legats of the whole Councel of the holie Apostolike See of Rome This Councel therefore represented his See and his See was according to his owne definition bounded within the precincts of Italie And in like tearms doth the Emperor Constantine make answer to Agatho and to his Synod in the 18 Action Thirdly Act. 18. in all the Actions of this Synod things are generally noted to haue beene done Praesidente Constantino c. where also all the Nobilitie and Senators who assisted are euer named before the Popes Legats who are there said sometimes to Reside and sometimes to Preside as in the sixt and seuenth Actions And in the Emperours absence those said Senators Presided in the Councell gathered the voyces and gaue direction concerning the Action then in hand as may appeare by those words which we find in the 12 13 15 16 and 17 Actions Proposito venerando sessu pijssimi Imperatoris c. Ex persona ipsius secundum iussionem eius praesidentibus audientibus Wherby we see Lib. Pontif. in Agatho that the Pontificall went about to abuse the Reader through the likenesse of the word when he saith in the life of Pope Agatho That his Legats were receiued Rsidente sub Regali cultu Imperatori not daring to say Praesidente with like honestie as before where he maketh the Bishop of Constantinople writing to Vigilius in stead of Residente nobiscum to say Praesidente nobis vestra Beatitudine thereby to get an authoritie for the Presidencie of the Pope the word Residere being frequently vsed in this sence and to this purpose as we may find more than once in one leafe of the life of Pope Agatho Residere praecepti vna cum nostris c. Residente Synodo cum eius pietate Residente vna cum principe and so throughout in this whole Councell By which we may perceiue with what face Bellarmine affirmeth That Agatho his Legats presided alledging for proofe Zonaras whereas yet he saith in expresse tearmes That the Legats of Agatho 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Gregorie of Constantinople and Theophilus of Antioch were chiefe Leaders in this Councell where as you see he joyneth them all together Fourthly the Synod contrarie to that which Agatho had formerly boasted of concerning the infallabilitie of his See condemned Honorius one of his predecessors of Heresie and that in the face and presence of his Legats hauing first seene and compared the copies of his letters with the originall it selfe and declared him to haue beene Fautorem concursorem Action 12. 13. 17. 18. confirmatorem A fauourer a concurrent and an abettor of the Heresie and impietie of the Monothelites and consequently an instrument of Satan to whom with sundrie others they deliuer him ouer and damne the memoriall of him for euer Which sentence was first published in full Councell and afterwards ratified by expresse letters sent from Leo the second his successor Epist Leo. in 6. Synod vniuers D. 19. c. Sicut omnes Which ouerthroweth that goodlie Canon of Pope Agatho Sicut omnes which saith That all the Decrees of the Bishops of Rome ought to be kept and obeyed as the voyce of Saint Peter himselfe And as for the ranke and place of the Pope they bring him backe againe to the ancient Canons of the second Councell of Constantinople and of Chalcedon ordaining 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Concil Constant vniuers 6. in Trullo Can. 56. C. Habeo librum C. Placuit D. 16. Concil Nicae 2. vniuers 7. Action 2. 4. That the See of Constantinople should haue equall priuiledges with that of Rome and in all Church matters should be honoured as much as the other as being next in order after her Neither is it ynough to replie That this Councell made no Canons and that therefore this is false for it hath beene elsewhere sufficiently declared and Gratian himselfe affirmeth as much That this Synod was assembled at two seuerall times and that at the second assembling they enacted an hundred and three Canons as Onuphrius himselfe acknowledgeth which were afterwards authorised by the second Councell of Nice being the seuenth Vniuersall Synod Act. 14. in the presence of Pope Adrian his Legats the said Canons being by the Fathers at their second meeting vnder Iustinian the second after that he had quieted the troubles of the Empire taken out of the Records of the first meeting As for the temporall Estate Agatho before acknowledged That Rome was the seruile Citie of the Emperour Lib. Pontifical in Agatho and as a great and high fauour obtained of him a Release or discharge of a certaine summe of money which the Bishop of Rome was wont to pay into the Emperours coffers for his ordination yet with condition still D. 63. c. Agath 21. That his election should neuer passe vnto ordination without the Emperours priuitie and expresse commaund as the auncient manner was And this Law hath Gratian himselfe inserted in the Decrete So that it is no great wonder if their power reached not altogether so farre as their desire in the ordination of others which we haue heretofore obserued in the Councell of Chaalons held here in France and in the 7 8 9 and 10 Councels of Toledo as also we may now obserue in the 12 of Toledo Concil Tolet. 12. Ca. 6. which was held in the time of this Agatho of whom we speake where we find that the Prince appointed those for Bishops which were elected by the Prouince and if they happened to let the
against those Rome-wandrings or Pilgrimages made to Rome Jonas l. 3. aduers Claudi Turinens That it was a follie to run thither for penance or there to seeke remission of their sinnes That the saying of our Lord Vpon this stone will I build my Church was meant of the Confession not of the Person of S. Peter That the keies power of binding and losing had another meaning That none but ideots had recourse to Saints and relikes That the place and See was nothing That he was not to be deemed Apostolicall who sat in the Chaire of an Apostle but he that did the office of an Apostle And more no doubt should we learne of him if we had his books themselues for now we haue no more of them than we find in the inuectiues of those that write against him and no maruell since the Councell of Tours before mentioned complained of these abuses and faine would haue found a remedie against them As for the spirituall power the Emperour Constantine and Irene his mother sought the most they could the fauour of the Popes Concil Nicen. 2. in princ to 2. Ib. in epist ad Iohan. Presby yet as touching the second Councell of Nice they say in their Patent That they themselues called it by their commaundement at the suit of Tharasius Patriarch of Constantinople c. And in the Acts of that Councell it is said This Synod assembled by their religious Decree in this famous Citie of Nice So likewise speaketh the Synodall Epistle directed as well to the Emperours in speciall as to all Bishops in generall and so doth the said Patriarch Tharasius writing vnto Iohn the Priest Zonaras sayth Zonar to 3. pag. 95. By the permission of the Emperours and Theophanes The Empresse Irene saith he assembled all the Bishops to celebrate the Councell at Nice and which is more Pope Adrian himselfe writing to the Emperours acknowledgeth as much requesting them vpon his knees and prostrat at their feet to reestablish Images by the authoritie of that Councell As for the Presidencie though the Popes Legats were indeed there present being summoned as other Patriarches were and though they had their prioritie of place Concil Nicaen 2. Act. 3. yet it no where appeareth of their presiding The Patriarch Tharasius most commonly propounded gaue order spake last and concluded as appeareth in the third Action And when any Decree was to passe it passed alwayes vnder the name of the whole Synod The Synod saith it The Synod ordaineth it And when the Councell was broken vp Those saith Zonaras who were of it came to Constantinople Zonar to 3. pa. 95. and there in open Court the Emperours presiding read the Acts of that Councell in the eares of all men which Acts were there approued authorised and subscribed by the Emperours Adrian in Epist ad Tharas in Synod Nicaen 2. Action 2. And Adrian himselfe writing to the said Tharasius in the second Session of this Councell stileth him by the Title of Vniuersall Patriarch Bellarmine saith That the Emperour did nothing there Nothing at Nice I confesse for he was not there and yet it cannot be denied but that he sent thither the Proconsull Petronius Bellar. de Concil li. 1. c. 19. and other Senators to see good order kept Bellarmine addeth That vndoubtedly the Popes Legats Presided there his reason is because they are named first and first subscribed Wherein as euer he confoundeth Preseancie or prioritie of place with Presidencie But what will he say if a man tell him That the Bishops of Sicilie at the entrie of the Synod make this proposall as of a matter fit and conuenient That the Soueraigne or Supreme Pastor of the Imperiall citie of Constantinople should make the ouerture of this Synod Concil 7. vniuers Action 1. Aperiat Ianuam and the Synod ordaineth That it should be done according to the desire of those holie Bishops and so it was As for the Westerne Emperour and the Councell which was held at Francford there is no colour of controuersie whether we speake of the calling of it or of the presidencie in it though the Bishops of Italie and Adrians Legats were there present For the Epistle of Charlemaine to Elipand Archbishop of Toledo Iussimus speaketh plainely saying We haue commaunded a Councell to be assembled of all the Churches of our Prouinces of Germanie France Spaine England and all the Prouinces of Italie which he there specifieth inuiting thither by his speciall mandat the Patriarchs of Milan Aquileia and others immediatly from himselfe and by absolute authoritie True it is as himselfe saith that he had sent thrice or foure times to Adrian Bishop of Rome to haue his opinion concerning the Heresie of Elipand but he presently addeth That he had likewise called certaine personages out of England for the same purpose well seene and conuersant in the discipline of the Church the one and the other to assist with their skill and knowledge neither of them to supplie any want of authoritie in himselfe And as he in person presided so is the Synodall Epistle sent forth in his name And as was this of Francford so likewise were all those Councels of Germanie and France held at Arles Aix Tours Chaalons and Meuce all I say assembled by the authoritie of the Emperour with these words By the commaund By the iniunction c. of the most glorious king or Emperour Charles Neither can that Councell held at Rome shield it selfe from this authoritie seeing that both Yuo and Gratian speaking thereof say as before That Charles appointed to be held that Councell with Pope Adrian in the Patriarchat of Lateran D. 6. c. Adrianus in the Church of S. Sauiour celebrated with fiftie three holie Bishops and Abbots If then the Pope could not of himselfe call a Synod in Rome what could he doe in other countries who though he had shaken off the yoke of the Emperour of the East yet by a kind of continuation of respect dated alwaies his Councels by the yeare of his raigne So did Pope Zacharie that Councell which he held at Rome wherein were condemned Adelbert Godescale An. 745. and Clement bearing date Imperante Domino Pijssimo Augusto Constantino Imperatore anno 26 Imperij eius c. so did they certaine ages after To be short at this time Princes euery where according to the exigencies and necessities of their seueral Churches assembled Synods by their owne authoritie which Synods if need then were prouided for the vacancies reseruing alwayes to the Prince the right of consent and approbation of them in regard of the great possessions lordships which euen thē they stood seised of So that where it is said in that Synod of Rome That the Bishops should receiue inuestiture from the Emperour it was no nouell constitution but onely a renouation of an old ordinance of long time suppressed by the Popes but vsed in France and Germanie since the
time of their first Christian Princes Waltram Bishop of Naumbourg to this purpose speaking Gregorie the Great saith he wrot to Theodoric and to Brunichild To grant inuestitures of Bishops without simonie so that this right began in the first race of the kings of France And it followeth That long time before that decree of Adrian and his successors the kings once annointed and the Grand Master of their houshold Waltramus apud Naumburgensis granted inuestitures of Bishoprickes as did Dagobert Theodobert and Sigebert by whom were in throned Remaclus Amandus Audomarus Antpertus Eligius Lampertus and other holie Bishops c. We also find in histories how the Bishops of Spaine Scotland England and Hungarie came in alwayes by the authoritie of the kings following the ancient custome vntill this present noueltie meaning which the Popes brought in about the yeare 1100 So that where we read That about the yeare 779 Charl●maine would haue Turpi● or Tilpin Archbishop of Reims to accept of the Pallas Pope Adrians hands wee must take it for a speciall fauour which he meant to doe him at their present and which he knew well how to restraine when he saw himselfe at an end of his purposes which he had in hand Adde we hereunto That both Pepin and Charles made lawes meerely Ecclesiasticall not concerning Church gouernment onely but also concerning points of doctrine whereof we haue the articles to this day Capitularia and at Modena saith Sigonius are those lawes yet kept by which he fashioned the State of the Church after a new order whereof he alledgeth the pr●●me onely but thereby by appeareth that he purposed seriously to execute his power mentioned in the chapter Hadrianus in reforming the Church and 〈◊〉 Apostolike See it selfe But no cable could hold the violent ruine and corruption of that Church and all his diligence serued onely to their greater condemnation For the Scripture must needs be fulfilled That this ambition must raise it selfe vpon the ruines of whatsoeuer was good just or holy As indeed their 〈◊〉 deuotions and whatsoeuer seemed in them to participat most of the spirit had ouer reference to some worldly respect and purpose Gregorie the second and third sent Boniface into Germanie where they found Christian Churches of long continuance yet they call Boniface the Apostle of the Germans as if he had first co●●ed them to Christ For what his chiefe drift and purpose was we may learne by the oath which he tooke to Gregorie the second at his going in these words I doe promise to S. Peter and to you his Vicar c. that with all integritie I will serue and bend my course to the behoofe and profit of thy Church c. If I shall otherwise do let me in the day of iudgement incurre the punishment of Ananias and Saphira and he deliuered him this oath signed with his owne hand And yet Gregorie writing to the Germans saith That he sent him for the illumination of the Gentiles promising to whomsoeuer that should assist him place with the blessed Martyrs 2. To. Concil in Decret Greg. 2. and threatning euerie one that should resist him with Anathema who yet preached nought vnto them but the authoritie of the Pope and Romish inuentions The like may we learne by the letters of Gregorie the third to Boniface Ib. in Epist ad Epist Praebyt Diac●n wherein he rejoyceth with him for that God had opened to him among these nations the way of saluation and the doore of mercie and had sent his Angell before him to prepare his way This Angell was Charolus Martellus who fauoured him and the cause why we haue seene before Neither doth he sticke to tell vs in this verie Epistle To. 2. Concil in Epist 2. ad Bonifac what this way of saluation was to wit the Apostolicall Tradition of creating Bishops there ex nostra vice that is in true construction after his owne mind and humor Neither did Boniface faile one jot of his promise as we may farther learne by his Epistle to Zacharie Ib. Epist Decret Zachar. wherein hee protesteth That looke how many auditors and disciples God had giuen him in this his embassage bee had not ceased to draw them euerie one to the obedience of his See As also by that Epistle of Zacharie to the Bishops of France and Germanie wherein he congratulateth them not for the vnion which they had with him in Christ but that they were conuerted to Saint Peter whom God had appointed as a fauourer and master ouer them that is That they acknowledged the Bishop of Rome deliuering them withall a doctrine no doubt verie necessarie to saluation to wit That Christians aboue all must beware of eating Gaies Dawes Storkes Beauers Hares wild Horses c. with such like fooleries for more necessarie doctrines of saluation shall you there find none referring himselfe for the rest to the sufficiencie of Boniface in these matters Ib. Epist Greg. ad Bonifac. to whom he writeth and holie brother saith he thou art well instructed in all things by the holie Scriptures Yet could not the Popes effect all that they attempted in France and Germanie for all their support by Princes For Gregorie the second is faine to write to Charolus Martellus vpon the information of Boniface and to request That hee would represse a certaine Bishop accused of some idlenesse in his charge And Zacharie was not well content with the Bishops of France for that contrarie to promise they regarded not the Pall when it was sent vnto them It may be hee tooke too deepe of them as he can hardly denie in his Epistle to Boniface but in the end If they will not saith he aduise them But which is more Carloman himselfe in the Synod which he assembled in his kingdomes assisted by Boniface saith in expresse words By the aduise of our Bishops and great men we haue appointed Bishops and for Archbishop ouer them Boniface Missum Sancti Petri. Synod Franc. sub Carlomanno An 742. the messenger or deputie of Saint Peter by which it appeareth That Carloman himselfe prouided or appointed them And this is the first time that we euer find a Legat of Rome assisting in any of the Councels of France namely in the yeare 742. To be short if Boniface sought to blemish any of the Bishops whom he found there at his comming they died not in his debt calling him Auenti Annal. ●oior li. 3. The author of lye● the disturber of peace pietie and the corrupter of Christian doctrine who yet were Monkes and the most learned of those times Clemens and Sampson of Scotland Adelbertus of France disciples of Beda and others whom they seeke to staine by sundrie imputations But if any angred him or seemed to be more learned than himselfe his next way was to accuse him of Heresie to make the Pope damne him for an Heretike and the Prince to bee ill persuaded of him As for example Virgilius a
in an abridgement of the historie Author Coaetaneus apud Vigner pa. 214. saith in expresse words That after many mischiefes done vpon the people of Rome they made them sweare fealtie to the Emperour and confirmed Sergius in his See againe as not holding his Title of the Popedome for good before much lesse of the Seigneurie of Rome And Anastasius doth not sticke to tell vs That the Popes authoritie was then and there questioned and debated for saith he Drogo Archbishop of Metz and other Archbishops and Bishops gathered together against this Vniuersall Church and Head of all other Churches without the leaue of their Metropolitan and did euerie day make new quarels against our most holie Pope and his Bishops And if you aske who they were that joyned with Drogo he telleth you That they were Gregorie Archbishop of Rauenna Anguilbert of Milan Ioseph Bishop of Iuree Agin of Verona Almaric of Coma Norchauld of Verseils Saufredus of Rhegium Toringar of Concorda Odelbert of Aqui Ambrose of Luques Iohn of Pisa Peter of Volaterra Gauspran of Pistoria Cancio of Sienna Lupus of Textina Sisimond of Aprusia Pico of Scolana Fratellus of Camerin Gisus of Ferma Racipert of Nocera Amadis of Pinna Donate of Frisoli and others and with them the Counts Boso Adelgisus Iohn Guido Vernard Wifrid Maurinus and others that is the better part of the Bishops of all Italie Insomuch that Anguilbert Archbishop of Milan separated himselfe wholly from the Roman Church which one of his predecessors had newly acknowledged some sixty yeres before And this separation dured as the sequell of this historie will declare two hundred yeres Sigonius obserueth this separation but concealeth the cause which was the pride of that See Simonie other disorders there vsed in the time of Sergius Besides that Theodorus Abbot of Fulden reporteth of this Anguilbert That he was much affectioned to the memorie of good S. Ambrose whose liturgie continued in the Church of Milan at that day and long after To go on with the time Baronius vpon the yere 839 produceth out of the Vatican a certaine Epistle of Gregorie the fourth An. 839. written to the Bishops of France Germanie of Europe and of all Prouinces he might haue made shorter work and haue written to all the world wherein vpon the complaint of Aldric Bishop of Mans made of the wrongs done vnto him by the other Bishops he giueth them to vnderstand That according to the ancient Canons an Appeale from them lay to Rome or to his Legat à Latere exhorting them in all hast to take horse and come away to him This pretence of the Popes was no newes to them and wee haue said alreadie That Charlemaigne was content to sooth the Popes in their humor But Baronius telleth vs not what became of this letter or whether the Bishops of France gaue way to this Appeale or no and it is verie likely that no for had there beene any thing for his purpose or not something against it we should haue beene sure to haue heard of it Baronius told vs before That Charlemaigne disposed not of the Empire as properly depending of the Popes election and we there shewed the contrarie Loe now Lewis surnamed the Courteous Charlemaines sonne he from whom they claime that goodlie donation who disposeth absolutely of the Empire and of Rome it selfe Thegan de gest Ludouici as we haue alreadie declared And farther Theganus saith That he named his sonne Lotharins after his decease to receiue all the kingdomes which God had giuen him by the hands of his father Nomen Imperium Nitard li. 1. and to haue both the name and Empire of their father which the other sonnes much stormed at And Nitard saith That he diuided his whole Empire among his sonnes in such sort that Pepin should haue Gascoine Lewis Bauiere but Lotharius after his decease should haue the whole Empire and suffered him in his life time to beare with him the name of Emperour And when the brothers after many hot bickerings Helmold l. 1. c. 4 came at last to an agreement In the end saith Helmoldus by the mediation of Pope Sergius this discord was appeased and the realme diuided into foure parts in such sort that Lotharius had Rome with Italie Lorraine and Burgundie for his part Lewis the riuer of Rhine and all Germanie Charles France and Pepin all Guiene both which were writers of that time or not long after 30. PROGRESSION That Leo the fourth was consecrated without the Emperours leaue and how the matter was excused An. 847. WHen Lewis was returned into France Pope Sergius the second dyed in the yeare 847 and the same day was elected Leo the fourth and presently consecrated contrarie to the law and without expecting the pleasure of the Prince The people excused their doing by reason of the Sarasens who at that time pressed sore vpon them and Leo his sufferance as being forced thereunto by the people Anastas in Leo. 4. who yet as Anastasius reporteth liued in feare of Lewis his second returne to Rome vpon the like occasion as feeling their wounds yet bleeding of his first being there And farther he obserueth That they carried him to the Patriarches Palace of Lateran and there after the ancient custome kissed his feet And yet all the antiquitie of this custome was but since the time of Valentine who as himselfe reporteth was the first author of it and liued some thirtie yeares past And for the rest this was that Leo which walled and fortified the Vatican against the Sarasens OPPOSITION An. 854. Leo about the yeare 854 cried for helpe to Lotharius against the Sarasens who presently sent his sonne Lewis with an armie into Italie but withall because he was informed That the discipline as well of the Church as Estate of Italie established heretofore by his father and grandfather was much fallen to decay he commanded him as soone as the warres would giue him leaue to call together the Bishops and the chiefe men of Italie to aduise of some course for the restoring thereof Lewis hauing assembled them at Pauia and calling vnto him Anguilbert Archbishop of Milan he who as we haue alreadie said separated himselfe from the Roman Church judge Reader by that which followeth how farre the regall authoritie then reached and Andrew Patriarch of Aquileia signified vnto them That his pleasure was to take a particular account of the liues and dueties of the Bishops and the rest of the Clergie of their sermons of the rep●●ation of Churches and Hospitals of the regularitie of Monkes of the jurisdiction of the Counties De Iurisdictione Comitum and to reforme in euerie person and degree what he could find amisse commaunding those two to make relation of what he had said vnto the other Bishops who were so farre from declining his jurisdiction that they yeelded him a particular account vpon euerie of the said articles humbly requesting him to grant such as
had beene faultie and negligent sometime to amend their manners confessing that sermons had been a long time omitted Sigon de Reg. Ital. lib. 5. through the negligence partly of the Prelats partly of the people who by hauing priuat chappels adioyning to their houses neglected the frequentation of the publike Churches with many other matters of like nature all which he tooke order to redresse as to him seemed best sitting in his palace and by the aduise of his priuie Counsel And whereas there was one Gratian a Master of the campe and a man of great credit and authoritie who sought to sow discord betweene the Temporall Estate and the Clergie practising vnder hand to translate the whole Empire backe vnto Greece againe Lotharius hearing hereof sent to his sonne Lewis to march immediatly vnto Rome and there to preuent such inconuenience And Platina reporteth That Leo the Pope was accused as partie in this conspiracie But in the end Lewis hauing hanged one Daniel who had falsely accused him Pope Leo wrot to Lotharius That he did and euer would obserue the behests and commaundements of his progenitors Requesting him withall That the Roman law might still take place as now and heretofore And we haue the extract of that letter in the Decret of Gratian in these words De Capitulis vel praeceptis imperialibus vestris D. 10. c. 19. vestrorumque Pontificum praedecessorum irrefragabilitèr custodiendis quantum valuimus valemus Christo propitio nunc in aeuum modis omnibus nos conseruaturos profitemur Et si fortasse quilibet vobis alitèr dixerit vel dicturus fuerit scias eum pro certò mendacem Where Baronius after Isidore in stead of vestrorumque Pontificum readeth nostrorumque Baron an 853. art 17. contrarie to the credit of all copies and glosses onely to auoid Leo his tying himselfe to the obseruation of such Edicts and Iniunctions as our kings shall make in the assemblies of their Bishops in their dominions Capitularibus And how farre kings of those dayes proceeded in matters of this nature we can learne no whence better than from the Decrees and ordinances of Charles and Lewis Capitulos and those which we haue also of the Synod of Soissons alledged by Baronius himselfe and called Capitula Charoli Calui The Iniunctions of Charles the Bauld which concerned the whole policie and discipline of the Church And the same Leo in another Epistle speaketh to the Emperour as humbly as in the former In the proceedings of this cause saith he we haue done some things incompetently not obseruing in your subiects causes the ordinarie course of law we are readie to reforme what euer is amisse as you and your Commissioners shall thinke fit c. Wherefore we earnestly intreat your clemencie and greatnesse That you would send some such into these parts to take knowledge of these matters c. and of all matters great or small which any man hath informed you of concerning vs c. By which we may easily perceiue what hand the Emperor in those dayes bare ouer the Bishops of Rome Yet Baronius contesteth That Leo withstood Lotharius and Lewis the Emperors in the claime which they made to their right of confirmation vpon the election of Popes and that hee preuailed so farre that the election from that time should be made according to the Canons meaning that Canon by which they pretend That Lewis the first Emperor renounced all right in the election But for proofe he alledgeth naught but a Palea of the Decret which is vnable to stand against the current of all Histories besides And yet the words of that Palea import but this That betweene the Emperours and the Pope it was accorded That the election and consecration of the Bishop of Rome in time to come should not be made but iustly and canonically which no Logicke can wrest to proue what he intendeth And these words are noted for a Palea in the verie edition of Gregorie the thirteenth Hincmar Epist ad Charol Ca●n de Episc Syluanectensi Idem ad populū Bellouacensem Liberam Regularem Electionem This Leo as he could not keepe himselfe from encroaching so met hee sometimes with rubs in his way Charles the Bauld raigned at that time in France The order was when a Bishopricke fell void that the Clergie and people joyned in petition to the king to grant them leaue to make a free and a regular election and that he would send thither according to the holie Canons a Visitor to assist at the election And thereupon did the king signifie to the Metropolitan which of his Bishops he would haue to assist as Visitor to see the election in all points canonically made yet so as without any preiudice of his owne Canons By which it was ordained That in euerie such election the consent of Clergie and people should concurre it being the principall cause why the Prince would haue a Visitor to assist to see his Canons duely and carefully obserued All which we may learne out of sundrie Epistles of Hincmar Archbishop of Reims but especially out of that which he wrot to Charles the Bauld touching the vacancie of the Bishopricke of Senlis himselfe being chosen Archbishop in a Synod held at Beauuais in the place of Hebo which rebelled against the Emperor Lewis And though there be one which writeth That at the entreatie of Lotharius he receiued the Pall at Leo his hands to weare euerie day a priuiledge which the Pope said he would neuer grant to any other yet Hincmar himselfe holding this Pal for a badge of honour Idem ad Cler. pleb Cameracensem Idem ad Laudunenses c. 6. rather than for a marke of subiection spareth not to say openly That it was not lawfull for the inferiour Bishops vpon any publike or generall occasion to consult the Pope vnlesse they had first aduised thereof with their owne Archbishops and yet the question was onely of consulting That it was needlesse for Archbishops to expect resolutions from the See of Rome concerning such things as were alreadie sentenced in the holie Scriptures in the Councels in Canons and Decrees of the Church And thereupon inhibiteth his nephew Hincmar Bishop of Laon to Appeale to Rome declaring the letters monitorie Ib. c. 34. by which the Pope warned him to appeare before him to be void and of none effect forbidding him to obey his summons and expounding these words Tues Petrus c. in this manner Vpon this sure and solide confession of faith which thou hast made will I build my Church And as touching the power of binding and loossing he spareth not to write to the Pope himselfe Idem in Epist ad Hadrian 2. telling him out of the writings of Leo the first That that power was passed and deriued from Saint Peter and from the rest of the Apostles to all the chiefe Heads of the Church meaning to all Bishops and consequently to
Greeke Author was not ignorant of this report though farre from such affections He describing the election of Popes as it was wont to be made in his dayes writeth in this manner After that the voices are gathered and the Pope declared they keepe him that is elected in the house meaning where the Election is made if the house be otherwise fit for such a purpose and then pronouncing him Pope they make him sit downe in a bottomelesse chaire to the end that some one appointed for this purpose may touch his priuities whereby it may appeare that he is a man For it is certaine that there was a woman made a Pope by error of her sex because it is the fashion of the Italians to weare their beards shauen and this woman being begot with child as she went in procession was deliuered in the middest of her deuotion in the sight of all the people And therefore to auoid the like inconuenience and to be sure of what they goe about one toucheth the priuities of the Pope and he that handleth them crieth out Mas nobis dominus est i. We haue a male creature to our Lord and Master and so goeth on with the other ceremonies obserued in that election Baronius in the meane time is well holpen vp to send vs to Remondus who sayth That all this was added by his interpreter Clauserus but without all authoritie or other proofe saue onely that Viginer who translated him into French hath indeed left it all out in fauour of the Popes But that they may not say that Laonicus onely of the Greekes reporteth it Barlaamus in dialog de principat Papae I can bring you another Barlaamus a Greeke writer in his Dialogue touching the Primacie of the Pope maketh mention also of a strumpet woman who was made a Pope yet Onuphrius followeth the chase and Baronius commeth to the rescue And first he objecteth That Nicholas the first which came shortly after this time would not writing to Michael the Emperour haue said so boldly as he doth Our predecessors of happie memorie Leo and Benedict who had had a fit occasion to run vpon him in tearmes if anie such matter had beene So likewise had Photius Archbishop of Constantinople and a mortall enemie to the Pope of Rome We say that what answere the Emperour made him we cannot tell for want of his Epistle and for ought we know he did not spare to tell the Pope of one that was betweene those his two predecessors And it is likely that he did for it appeareth by the replie which Pope Nicholas made vnto his answere that he had stung him seeing that he reproacheth the Emperour for beginning his letters with iniurious and opprobrious speeches against the mother of all other Churches and excuseth himselfe for not answering to manie points of his letter containing blasphemie against the holie See written saith he with the poyson of a Serpent rather than with inke and that therefore he chose rather wisely to contemne them c. And therefore we may thinke that in so long a letter or rather a volume such a matter as this could not be forgotten and who knoweth not that Nicholas whom it concerned to suppresse the memorie of this infamie and to raze it out of all Registers was no wayes bound in his answere to name it anie more Againe we say That Stephen the fourth might well haue written Our predecessors of happie memorie Stephen and Paule skipping ouer Constantine who yet reigned a whole yeare and vpward Baron vol. 10. an 868. art 39. because his Acts were all pronounced to be void and his name razed out of the Catalogue And Baronius himselfe teacheth vs That in the yeare 868 Adrian the second successor vnto Nicholas the first obtained of the Emperour Basilius successor vnto Michael that the booke of Photius might be sent to Rome in which that Epistle of Michael was contained and which was by a decree of the Synod publikely burned with all that which they had published against the See of Rome Baron to 10. an 854. art 9. to blot out the memorie thereof for euer Againe saith Baronius it may be that Marianus who first mentioned this shee-Pope had heard say of one Cyrillus a mignion of the Emperour Michael whom he would oftentimes make to play the Patriarch in scorne of holinesse and holie things insomuch that once he deceiued the old Empresse his mother and that what was done at Constantinople he reported as done at Rome that of a mignion he made a woman and of this play of a Patriarch a shee-Pope But how should this poore Monke make so manie metamorphoses Who could tell him what passed in Greece And seeing this mockerie of Michael was two hundred yeares before his time whence should he know it but by the Historie Was the memorie hereof so fresh after two hundred yeares If by the Historie had he had none other but that of Curopolates he might there haue found all these circumstances and consequently could not so haue mistaken the one for the other for Cyrillus maister Iohn for a male a female And whereas it is said Baron to 10. an 853. art 58. Leo. 9. epist 1. c. 23. That in the time of Marianus Leo the ninth in an Epistle which he wrote vnto Michael Patriarch of Constantinople reproacheth him for that contrarie to the Nicene Canons they elected Eunuchs to their See and that there was a report that they had also beene cousened with a woman to say nothing that the most part of these Epistles are forged what probabilitie that Marianus hearing speech of such a thing done at Constantinople in his time should report it as done at Rome so manie yeares before And where was either his wit or his honestie when he so precisely quoted the yeares moneths and dayes Or what meaned other men when they so particularly speake of her being with child her trauaile death and other circumstances Let Cassius his law take place and let vs aske Cui bono to what purpose to faine such a tale of a woman especially Monkes who wrote the Histories for the most part of their owne times and to whose trust and keeping the report of these things was committed seruants and creatures as themselues confesse of the Pope What should they get by this report Or rather what might they not feare for reporting it Could they hope that so prodigious a matter would euer be beleeued vpon their relation if the truth had not justified it selfe to all men So manie circumstances so cleare so precise some of which remaine vnto this day what fancie could inuent them Or what could make them credible saue onely the euidence of the truth What shall we say of the Imagerie of the Popes to be seene in manie of the greater Churches of Italie namely at Siena where she hath her place among the Popes where by a continued tradition euerie child can point at her and tell what she
the other there reuersed their sentence declaring them to be degraded of all their Ecclesiasticall preferments tearmed the Synod of Metz An Assemblie of Theeues and Bauds Latrocinium prostibulum This done in the yeare 866 he sent Arsenius his Legat vnto Francford An. 866. to will Lotharius to abandon Waldrada and to receiue Thietberga to his bed againe and in case of default declareth him and all that followed him Excommunicat in so much that Lotharius durst not stand against him This was the first act of Excommunication and Interdiction that euer the Popes exercised vpon our kings animated thereunto partly by continuall jarres in the linage of Charlemaigne partly by their faults for which they stand registred in so many of the Popes Decrees especially this Lotharius D. 63. c. Relatum est 2. qu. 1. c. Qua Lotharius where he presumeth writing to the Bishops of Italie France and Germanie to vse these words The King Lotharius if he may be rightly tearmed a King And in the Canons Praecipuè Ita Corporis 11. q. 3. 24. q. 3. An non districta directed to his owne person Yet may we see that this Nicholas was moued to doe what he did in zeale of policie rather than of religion who at that verie instant tooke into his protection at Rome Baldwin Earle of Flanders which had rauished and carried away Iudith daughter to Charles king of France writing to the king himselfe Nicol. Epist 30. 32. and to Hincmar Archbishop of Reimes and to the Synod of Senlis in his behalfe vntill in the end hee got the mariage to be ratified the parties to be receiued vnto fauor not blushing to say That a predecessor of his had done as much in the time of Lotharius the Emperour and that a king must not thinke much to remit a small debt to his fellow seruant who hath peraduenture himselfe need that that Master of Masters should acquit him of ten thousand talents It so pleasing him to shew his omnipotencie in his ouer-rigorous proceeding against the one and his too great indulgencie towards the other By these defaults of our Kings and Princes the Popes grew bold vpon our Bishops admitting of all Appeals made from them so that if any one had beene legally condemned by his Metropolitan in a Prouinciall Synod if he Appealed to Rome made his Metropolitan a partie to the suit he was sure to be heard and his cause to be reuiewed and his Metropolitan to be Interdicted if he appeared not to the summons And seldome should you find the sentence of a Metropolitan not reuersed in fauour of the Appellant One example for all of Rothard Bishop of Soissons which Appealed from the sentence of Hincmar Archbishop of Reimes 2. q. 6. c. Arguta who would not giue way to the Appeale Whereupon Nicholas wrote vnto him That hee should not haue beene so vnmindfull of the priuiledges of the Apostolike See to whom the venerable Canons giue power to iudge of the censures of the whole Church Which Canons yet he could hardly haue found if he had beene put to seeke them With like presumption wrot he to the Archbishops and Bishops of France D. 19. c. si Romanor De Consecr D. 1. in Eccles 17 q. 4. e. Nemini 25. q. 2. si quis 6. q. 5. c. Quod bene That it belonged to his See to iudge of the writings of all Authors and that what he reiected or approved that also ought generally to be reiected or approued of all Likewise to the Clergie of Vienna That a new Church could not be built without his speciall leaue and licence had thereunto And to all Bishops in generall That no man in regard of his Primacie might offer to iudge of him or to retract a sentence which he had giuen vnder paine of excommunication And in a letter which he wrot to Charles the Bauld king of France he saith That what is once well decreed may not afterward be called into question with this limitation vnlesse it be in presence of a greater power Innuendo that this greater power was his own This is bad ynough but that which followeth is more horrible Baron vol. 10. an 865. art 13. 14. And Baronius himselfe deserueth to be commended for a steadie countenance in not blushing when he reporteth it For in an Epistle of his written to our Bishops of France wherein he argueth against those who wold not admit of all the Decretal Epistles which he produced meaning against Hincmar Archbishop of Reimes and others who for their defence alledged That they were not to be found in the Code of the Canons he is not ashamed to ranke them with the Old and New Testaments making these to depend of the same authoritie with the Decretals or rather indeed to be subordinat to them A matter worthie the Readers obseruation For what saith he shal wee stand any longer to dispute whether it ought to be done or no meaning whether no Decretals ought to be receiued but such as were in the Code of Canons For by the same reason we should not receiue the Old and New Testament for neither the one nor yet the other is found in the Code of the Church Canons As if those Testaments tooke not their authoritie from the holie Ghost who inspired them from the Sonne who vsed them against the false Doctors and Sathan himselfe and from the Father who hath so liuely and so deepely imprinted his marke vpon them But if saith he they shall replie for he maketh them as honest men and as learned in Diuinitie as himselfe That among the Canons there is one of Innocentius his making A nobis vtrūque testamētum iam esse recipiendū by which it is ordained That the two Testaments from this time forward ought to be receiued though in the first Canons neither of them be receiued I answer saith he That if the Old and New Testaments are to be receiued not for that they are in the Code of Canons but because Innocent hath decreed that they ought to be receiued It therefore followeth That the Decretall Epistles of the Popes ought also to be receiued though not inserted in the Code of the Canons because it is manifest that among other Canons there is one of Pope Leo wherein it is commaunded to obserue all the Decretall ordinances of the Apostolike See So that if any man shall attempt any thing against them he must know that there is no hope of pardon left for him First then I aske Had the Old and New Testament no authoritie in Christs Church but by vertue and since the date of that Decree of Innocent Was the Church foure hundred yeares and those the best because the first without knowledge of the Scriptures Secondly Whether Leo in those verie words of his which Nicholas alledgeth speaketh not onely De Ecclesiasticis ordinibus Canonum disciplinis i. Of Church discipline and policie We see then
to arise concerning the Church of Rome the Church her selfe should be reuerently consulted thereupon That they should receiue her answere and doe accordingly without passing anie bold sentence or decree in preiudice of the soueraigne Pontifes of old Rome and this is the 21 Canon And further note that this is the first Generall Councell wherein the Popes Legats presided which they mention almost in euerie line so great need had this wretched Emperour to seeke their fauour And these you see were the meanes they vsed to set forward their authoritie in the East neither were those anie better which they vsed in the West namely in our Fraunce where besides the continuall jarres which they alwaies maintained in the race of Charlemaigne they euer cherished those Bishops who were most engaged in them namely the Archbishop of Bourges vpon the controuersie which he had with Hincmar and which was debated in the Synod at Troies in Champaine alluring him by the profer of a Pall and Actard though not yet prouided of anie Bishopricke to make them sure on his side against Hincmar the defendor of the Liberties of the French Churches whom himselfe in his letters commendeth for his sanctitie of life The renowme of thy sanctitie saith he is neuer without commendation and againe Persuade your selfe sayth he that we beare as great loue vnto you as if we had conferred together a thousand times c. and yet ceased not to persecute him with all extremitie and violence OPPOSITION But to returne to this falsely so called the eight Generall Councell notwithstanding that Basilius were verie desirous to oblige Adrian to him yet would he not forgoe his right in calling the Councell for in the Preface thereunto he vseth these words To. 4. part 11. editio Venet. apud Binnium part 2. to 3. pag. 886 892 900. The diuine bountie saith he hauing committed vnto vs the sterne of the vniuersall ship meaning thereby the Church we haue speciall care aboue all other things to breake the tempests of the Clergie Neither was this anie controuersed point betweene them for the Bishops themselues there assembled in the sixt Action say That the Emperour crowned of God hath called this holie Generall Councell And in the seuenth He hath vsed all diligence say they to summon thither the Legats of the other Patriarcha●s and hath so farre preuailed as to make it a Generall Councell And Pope Stephen himselfe in his letter to Basilius Wherein sayth he hath the Church of Rome offended Hath not she according to the auncient custome of the Synods of Constantinople Te imperante at thy commaund sent thither her Legats And thus much for the calling of it As for the manner of proceeding Anastasius telleth vs That the Bishops hauing committed that grosse fault in setting their hands vnaduisedly to the Articles came weeping to the Emperour and told him That by their subscription they had put the Church of Constantinople in subjection vnder the Church of Rome That all the Decrees of this Councell ought to be reuised that they would take out their bookes againe that otherwise it was impossible to recouer their lost libertie So that they got some part of their bookes againe notwithstanding the anger of Basilius who stood wholly for the Church of Rome But the mischiefe was that the Popes Legats forecasting this inconuenience had gotten into their hands the papers of the most principall among the Bishops wherein they vsed the helping hand of one Sypon the archminister and of Anastasius himselfe And hence it is that the Grecians no waies hold this Councell as Generall saying That all things therein were carried by oppression and violence Jouerius in v●litati de octa Synodo and therefore they call the Councell of Florence held fiue hundred yeares after the eight vniuersall Councell and that other a Prouinciall onely and called not vpon anie question of faith but onely to bring in the authoritie of the Pope for the deposing of Photius in fauour of the Emperour And our Aimonius speaking of this Councell according to the judgement no doubt which men had of it in Fraunce in those daies speaketh in this wise Hauing sayth he assembled a Councell which they that were at it called the eight vniuersall Councell they tooke away the schisme concerning the deposition of Ignatius and the election of Photius restoring Ignatius and pronouncing Anathema against his competitor In this Synod they decreed concerning the adoration of Images otherwise than the Orthodox Fathers had aunciently defined Aimoni. Monachus l. 4. c. 28. besides some thing which they there decreed in fauour of the Pope in regard that he had concurred with them in the adoration of Images some things also did they ordaine contrarie to the auncient Canons and some things contrarie to their owne Synod as he shall easily perceiue that will but take the paines to read this Councell yet was he a Monke that spake these words Baron vol. 10. an 869. art 59 62 63. And shall Baronius be admitted to say that this was one of those old doting Frenchmen which could not away with Images yet can none of all these things be found now in the Tomes of the Councels And Bartholmew Caranza a Iacobin sayth That he found the Latine copies of this Councell so false that he knew not which to chuse and that he could not find anie Greeke copie to correct them by so that the case thus standing they may put anie thing vpon vs. Baronius to proue vnto vs that this is one of the Generall Councels telleth vs That the Popes were wont at their election to take an oath for the obseruance of the Generall Councels amongst which this is reckoned the eight in order But who seeth not that they did so for their owne proper interest and yet can he not pardon the Cardinall Iulian who presided in the Councell of Florence as Legat to the Pope for that vpon the reasons vsed by Marc Bishop of Ephesus he consented to haue this Councell discarded I will free you saith he speaking to the Greeke Bishops of this feare there shall no one word of this Councell be recited c. And againe We care not for this Councell whereas saith Baronius to goe from this Councell were to cast away both sword and buckler of the Church of Rome In which Councell yet there were but 101 Bishops and all corrupted by Adrian and Basilius Now in stead of repressing the impietie of this Emperour they made good vse of it for to make it yet more euidently to appeare that they aimed at no other marke but onely at the greatnesse of the Clergie in the 14 Canon it is thus ordained That Bishops should not goe forth to meet Princes and that when they happened to meet with them they should not alight from their Mules or Horses That Princes and Emperors should hold them as fellowes and equall to themselues If anie Bishop shall liue base and meanely or rustically after
the old fashion that he shall be deposed for a whole yeare if the Prince be cause of his so liuing that he be excommunicated for two yeares And the 17 Canon forbiddeth Princes and Emperours to be present at Synods vnlesse it be at generall Councels And the 22 disableth them and all Laies whomsoeuer to be present at the election or promotion of anie Patriarch Metropolitan or Bishop vnder paine of excommunication whereby no doubt the Popes Legats thought they had shut the Emperours of the West cleane out of their Conclaues vsing one Emperour as a rod alwaies to scourge the other As for the point of Appeales to Rome they could not effect it for the 26 Canon is plaine That who so findeth himselfe aggrieued with his Bishop shall appeale to his Metropolitan and from the Metropolitan to the Patriarch à quo litibus finis imponatur who shall make a full end of the controuersie and therefore meant not to run to Rome as Nicholas would haue had them And it was euen at the instant when the Articles were offered them to subscribe that they made their protestation against them In this Synod there appeared yet another notable ambition of the Popes for the Bulgarians being formerly Painims receiued Christianitie in the time of Nicholas who sent them Bishops for their instruction Michael their Prince sent his embassadors to the Synod who comming before them That we may not say they seeme to erre in our owne opinions we desire to be informed by you which supplie the places of the Great Patriarches to what Church we are to belong The Popes Legats replied presently That they ought to belong to the Roman Church The Bulgarians requested That the matter might be resolued and agreed vpon with the Legats of other Patriarches there present The Romanists replied That there was no more to be done with them and therefore without euer putting it to the Synod pronounced absolutely That they must belong to Rome The Easterne Bishops put this question to the Bulgarians When you first tooke the countrey said they from whom tooke ye it and the Priests which you found there were they Greekes or Latines They answered That they tooke the countrey from the Grecians and that they found there none but Greeke Bishops Whereuppn the Easterne Bishops inferred That they were doubtlesse ordained at Constantinople and so consequently should belong to that Church Thereupon the Legats replied That Churches were not bounded by the diuersitie of tongues That kingdomes and Sees differed in their jurisdictions That they had the presumption on their side who had giuen them their first Bishops That all Epirus Thassalie and Dardania had bin euer belonging to their jurisdiction The Easterne Bishops on the contrarie demaunded vpon which of these they would principally stand In the end the violence and pride of the Roman Legats ouerswayed who told the Synod That the Church of Rome held not that Councel for a competent Iudge of her controuersies who was her selfe by speciall prerogatiue to iudge of all other Churches That decree they what them lusted it should be as little regarded as it was lightly enacted That from this present time they by the authoritie of the holie Ghost pronounced a nullitie in whatsoeuer they should decree vntill the See of Rome had determined thereof And so the holie Ghost who was to Preside in the Councell Resided onely in their persons And they farther adiured the Patriarch Ignatius by the authoritie of the Apostles and of Adrian who had restored him to his See not to suffer Bulgaria to be taken from them Who made them a doubtfull answer telling them That he was neither so young as to be lightly deceiued neither yet so verie a dotard as to do that himselfe which he found fault withall in others And there rested this contestation betweene them being questionlesse a great scandall to the consciences of these poore conuerts who saw at first that these men sought not the enlargement of Christs kingdome but of their owne jurisdiction and iniurious to the Emperour who offended with these proceedings though dissembling it tooke no order for their passe and safe-conduct into their countrey So that hauing been certaine dayes at sea they fell into the hands of the Sclauons who stript them of all that euer they had took away the original of the Councell with the subscriptions of the Bishops and left them nothing but the copie of Athanasius and had peraduenture lost their liues but that some of their companie escaping the Sclauons feared the matter might come to light and they one day receiue the like measure The issue of all was That doe Adrian what he could the Bulgarians put out the Latine Priests and sent for others in their roomes to Constantinople and so remained they in obedience to that Church Whereupon they grew so odious to the Popes that they called that sinne condemned from heauen after their name Bulgarie thereby to make them odious and abhominable to all men And this was the end of Adrians enterprises in the East 33. PROGRESSION Of the attempts of Pope Adrian both vpon the Clergie and also vpon the kings of France LEt vs now see whether he sped any better in the West Hincmar Bishop of Laon nephew vnto Hincmar Archbishop of Reimes the most learned Bishop of France had surrendred certaine Church goods into the hands of Charles the Bauld to bestow them vpon a certaine Norman captaine Aimon li. 5. c. 24 from whom he would needs shortly after take them away againe and because the Norman would not resigne them but into the hands of the king from whom he had them therefore Hincmar excommunicated him for which in a Synod held at Vernons he was reproued and sharpely censured he thereupon appealed to Rome but they refused to grant him any letters dimissorie yet he continued still in his stubbornnesse vntill at length there was assembled another Councel at Attigni consisting often Prouinces where he was againe condemned and thereupon promised to submit himselfe to the good pleasure of the king and of Hincmar his Metropolitan and vncle and yet vnder hand signified the matter vnto the Pope procuring him to euocate the whole cause to Rome and himselfe to be serued with Processe to appeare there at a day making the best of his owne cause to Adrian Whereupon Adrian wrot vnto king Charles who yet would not license the other to goe to Rome and then did Adrian write him that bloudie letter calling him Tyran periured perfidious and a spoyler of the Church goods and what not And for conclusion as well to him as to Hincmar the Metropolitan We saith he by authoritie Apostolike will and commaund That thou cause Hincmar of Laon and his accusers to come before our Clemencie to the end that we may pronounce our sentence of his cause And wee shall see anone how well he was obeyed But not long after he made a farre more violent attempt vpon him The Emperour Lewis hauing as
we haue alreadie said quietly swallowed the election of Adrian made without calling his Lieutenants to it made the Pope to like well of him and gaue him an appetite to trie his authoritie somewhere else It came to passe about this time that Lotharius king of Lorraine died and Charles king of France and Lewis of Germanie both vncles to the deceased intending to succeed in his inheritance Adrian set vp Lewis of Italie Emperour thundering more violently than euer had done his predecessor wrot to all Kings Barons and Prelats of France namely to Hincmar of Reimes That none should presume to inuade or take vnto him the kingdome of Lotharius deceased nor yet his subiects and vassals because saith he it appertaineth to the Emperour Lewis his spirituall sonne by right of inheritance and ought to fall vnto him by the others decease And if any officer shall presume the contrarie he declareth him Anathema no longer to be called a Christian and to dwell for euer with the diuell if he be a Bishop and hath in any sort consented thereunto or winked thereat declareth him to be no longer a Pastor but an hireling and as one that hath no care of his sheepe depriued of his Pastorall dignitie and honour Yet Charles hearing of the death of Lotharius remoued into Lorraine and being receiued by the Barons and Prelats there as their lawfull king was crowned at Metz by Hincmar Archbishop of Reimes So that Adrian pursuing his point charged him by his Legats vnder paine of excommunication to forbeare and Hincmar to pronounce the censures of the Church against him and to separat himselfe from him and not to say so much as Good morrow to him And this was a great way gone in a little time But let vs see what answer our French made hereunto OPPOSITION Hincmar Epist ad Adria Extant etiam apud Baron an 861. art 93. sequent to 10. Hincmar therefore Archbishop of Reimes answered him That as touching Hincmar of Laon He had no power without expresse order from the king to send him or any other Bishop of his diocesse to Rome or to any other place much lesse the Bishops of other Prouinces and that himselfe without leaue from the king might not offer to set foot out of the realme The kings answer though it be long as taking vp after his owne account foure leaues of paper and therefore not fit to be inserted into this discourse yet shall it not be amisse to alledge the chiefe points and principall causes thereof which are as followeth We read saith he in the booke of Paralipomenon That the children of Israel went forth to battell with a quiet mind because they were not to fight in malice or enuie for reuenge but with a desire in hope of peace And we let you to know you which by letters your little befitting the authoritie of a king much lesse the humble modestie of a Bishop haue disgraced vs by reproches that you make vs write vnto you otherwise than we would to the end that you may perceiue that we are a man though subiect to mens passions yet one that walketh in the Image of God not void of common sense raised to this kinglie throne by the grace of God and by right of succession to our father and grandfather and which is more than this a Christian a Catholike an obseruer of the Orthodox and true religion brought vp from our cradle as well in knowledge of the Scriptures as in the vnderstanding of good and wholesome lawes both Ecclesiasticall and Ciuile not accused either Legally or Canonically in any Episcopall audience much lesse conuicted of any publike and notorious crime who yet haue not beene able to preuaile so farre by our honourable letters as to receiue any reasonable answer from you nor yet to haue that respect and due regard as was wont to passe betweene your predecessors and ours c. In the entrance of your letters you commend indeed our wisdome but presently you charge vs in shew more fairely in effect more grieuously with murmuring repining grutching against your Fatherhood with sundrie other reproaches and imputations In your former letters you called vs Tyran periured and spoiler of Church goods whereas we haue neither confessed any such thing against our selfe neither by any course of law haue any such crimes beene proued against vs And in this other which you haue sent by Actard one of our Bishops you accuse vs of murmuring and mutinie For our owne part wee would not beleeue that those letters came from you because the holie See hath euer beene woont to correct euerie man according to his qualitie and ranke with good sobrietie and discretion Now if we haue spoken euill beare witnesse of the euill but if well why grow you into such choler against vs Abraham could say vnto God and God tooke it not in ill part Wilt thou destroy the iust with the wicked and yet you grow much offended when we tell you That you ought not to pronounce any man guiltie of a crime without either confession of the partie or conuiction by course of law much lesse vse a king as a priuat person and condemne him as conuicted You are not ignorant how great a sinne it is to say vnto his brother Racha how much greater to say so to a king both by the doctrine of the Apostle and by the practise of Dauid in the person of Saul though a reprobat from God And yet in your letters you aduise vs to receiue ioyfully and with an humble heart all that commeth from the Apostolike See of Rome Is it your meaning then that we should so wel relish these tearms of Tyran periured and perfidious person or must we needs say of you with the Poet Quicquid calcaueris Rosa fiat Whereuer you tread red Roses grow Or may we not rather say with the Prophet Woe be to them which call that sweet which is bitter c. Or if we should hold our peace and winke at this should wee not confesse our selues fallen from this royall dignitie and from the communion of the Catholike Church c. Write you vnto vs things befitting our calling and yours and then will we as you did receiue them with a willing and a thankfull mind As for your letters at least those which come vnto vs in your name they euer charge vs with some fault without either proofe or inquest yet the Apostle giueth you a rule in these cases Argue obsecra increpa Argue beseech reproue in all patience and doctrine And saint Augustine saith That the Apostle would not that one man should condemne another vpon suspition neither yet should run to extraordinarie proofes but rather after the law of God and order of the Church either confessing of himselfe or conuicted by his accuser And afterward comming to the matter concerning Hincmar of Laon You write saith he vnto vs in you letters in this manner We will and command by Apostolike authoritie
with vs that we will very sufficiently proue that he was lawfully and orderly accused and conuicted To conclude because you haue ouershot your selfe in what is alreadie past we now entreat you for the honour of God and in reuerence to the holie Apostles that from hence forward you send no such mandats either to vs or to our Prelats or to the great men of our kingdome least we be enforced to dishonour them and those which bring them Which we tell you of beforehand for the honour of your priuiledge because we desire to be obedient vnto you in all things that are fitting as vnto the Vicar of Saint Peter But you must also take heed that you driue vs not to take that course which is both approued and commended in the fift generall Councell concerning the Apostolike authoritie and in the Synodall Epistle of Saint Gregorie to the foure Patriarches and the foure precedent Epistles all which treat of the ordering and limiting of Ecclesiasticall powers and jurisdictions which we would not insert into these our letters till we might see whether we may bend you to mitigat the rigour of your commaunds For looke what is sent vnto vs in the name of the See Apostolike according to the holie Scriptures and the preachings of our auncestors and the Decrees of the Orthodox Fathers we know we ought to follow But what euer commeth besides come it from whom it will we know how to reiect and to controll it Last of all if in this answer there be any thing misbeseeming me or you you haue forced me thereunto Such were the letters which passed betweene king Charles the Bauld and Adrian the second though he had giuen him not long before some hope to make him Emperour though any other would giue him bushels of gold Baron vol. 10. an 871. art 79. offering him indeed an Empire but as he did in the desart vpon condition That he would fall down and worship him And this Charles was he which a few yeares before An. 853. first made a breach vpon the liberties of the French Synods when about the yeare 853 hauing held a Synod at Soissons two or three yeares after he sent the Acts thereof to Benedict the third thinking onely to gratifie him and neuer considering vnto what consequence his successors might draw the same Our French Bishops wrot much after the same maner vpon the same argument vnto Adrian being assembled in Synod at Dousy wherein they call him Primae Sedis Papam complaining That they were vtterly mistaken and casting the fault vpon his multitude of other businesses that he had not more maturely considered of their Acts which were in all points agreeing with the holie Canons As for the Excommunication which Adrian thundered out against this Charls we could wish we had his owne Epistle in answer to it but Hincmars the Archbishop of Reimes we haue who receiued command from the Pope to pronounce it and we will here produce the principall clauses thereof And first of all hauing complained of many grieuous reproofes and menaces receiued he declareth vnto him That he had imparted the tenor of his letters to the great ones and Prelats of the kingdome and which was more had caused them to be openly read in an assemblie of Bishops of France and Lorraine and had shewed Lewis king of Germanie the aboue mentioned letter wherein he was commaunded by Adrian to excommunicat by his authoritie all those who attempted any thing vpon the kingdome of Lotharius deceased I vnderstand saith he Qui de regno eius estis that like letters haue beene sent to the glorious king Lewis and to the great ones and Bishops of his kingdome which you who are his naturall borne subiect should best know But comming afterwards to the matter he letteth him to vnderstand That he is informed by diuers that the two kings had agreed to diuide this kingdome equally betweene them without which the people had long ere this beene vp in armes That therefore hee knoweth not what to doe seeing he must either disobey his commaund or disallow of the treatie and accord made betweene the two kings That whereas he saith That no man better than himselfe knoweth the great wrong which Charles doth herein he plainely telleth him That in case he did know yet would hee not thereupon doe any thing seeing that Charles confesseth no such matter of himselfe neither standeth he legally or canonically conuict thereof But rather protesteth and many there are which beare him witnesse That this part of the kingdome of Lorraine was by the consent and assent as well of the Bishops as of the great ones of the Empire giuen him by his father Lewis and confirmed to him by oath by his brother Lotharius That therefore he taketh that Canon of the Councell of Afrike to be spoken to him as well as to all other Bishops whereby men are forbidden to lay a crime to a mans charge which he is not able to euict by proofes because as S. Augustine who was there present saith Manie things are true which yet a Iudge may not beleeue without sufficient proofes That he hath no power to put anie man from the Communion for a crime neither confessed by the defendant nor proued by the informer That otherwise they should make themselues both judges and accusers which were not lawfull alledging for his authoritie the rule of the Apostle and the practise of the Church with sundrie places out of Augustin Gelasius Boniface and others And whereas he is charged by him as a partaker or rather author of this vnjust inuasion because he held his peace and stirred not as he was commaunded his answere is That Adrian should remember that it was written The cause which I vnderstood not I searched out with diligence and that Gregorie sayth That God to whose eyes all things are open yet in the verie case of Sodome sayth Descendum videbo I will goe downe and see to teach vs to be well informed before we beleeue a fault And whereas he commaundeth him to seperate himselfe from Charles and not to bid him so much as Good morrow whereas yet he desireth to be receiued to the Communion of Adrian that this toucheth him to the heart and that manie men of great sort both secular and Clergie now met at Rheimes hauing heard this commaund say that the like was neuer heard of to be sent from Rome though in their dayes there had beene warres before this time not onely betweene confederat Kings but also betweene the brothers and betweene the father and the sonnes That for his owne part he must needs thinke that this displeasure is befallen him for his other sinnes seeing it fareth better with some others who haue not doubted to call Charles into the kingdome of Lorraine That for the rest the Parliament of that kingdome sayth That Popes and Bishops excommunications are no titles to claime kingdomes by That the Scripture teacheth that
the Popish Histories doe witnesse That the Clergie of Rome were growne to that passe and so ambitious in those dayes that they made no conscience to obtaine the Popedome by fraud by force or by corruption it being an ordinarie practise for the successor to reuerse the Acts of his predecessor thereby reuenging the delay of his owne aduancement Platina in Stephan 6. whereof we need no other author but Platina himselfe But what thinke we did the Christian world then say when they saw one Pope dig another out of his graue degrade those Bishops which another had consecrated the Acts which one made by another disallowed all ordinances vocations missions and the whole administration reuoked and vtterly abolished and one Synod to contradict and ouerthrow another and yet both the one and the other boldly and peremptorily vsing these words Per sancti Spiritus iudicium edicimus interdicimus c. We say and vnsay commaund and forbid by the sentence of the holie Ghost The Spirt of God then if you beleeue them must be contrarie to it selfe and so must the truth And neuerthelesse they sticke not boldly to affirme D. 19. c. Enim vero Luitprand l. 1. c. 8. That whatsoeuer the Church of Rome doth appoint or ordaine must be for euer and irreuocably obserued of all Luitprand being greatly offended with the fact of Formosus ingeniously acknowledgeth the errour of Stephen Most holie Father saith he hereby you may know how wickedly he dealt that is to say to abrogat all those ordinances that were made by Formosus because they that receiued the Apostolicall benediction of Iudas before his treason were not after it depriued thereof except it were by their owne sinnes for that benediction that is giuen by the Ministers is not infused by that Priest that is seene but by him that is inuisible Iesus Christ our Lord. Bellarmine goes about to salue the matter saying That he degraded not those that were ordained by Formosus by a formall decree but that onely de facto he made them to be reordered A commaund saith he Bellarm. l. 4. de Rom. Pont. c. 12. that did not proceed of ignorance but of hatred against Formosus But yet wee find by their owne Authors that this was done by the authoritie of a Synod celebrated at Rome and by an expresse Decree But if such tergiuersations may serue turne what wickednesse is there that cannot be defended This Heresie of Stephen yea of the Councell of Rome was it but small when Stephen in his Synod declared Formosus neither to be nor to haue beene Pope who I say made himselfe the Head of the Church being deceiued in his knowledge of the Head of the Church let any man looke into his conscience and his knowledge whether he fell into a light Heresie or no. But here he will follow Sigebert for his Author An. 902. Sigebertus in Chron. That notwithstanding the contradiction of the greater part Stephen the sixt degraded those that had been ordained by Formosus And is he not therefore so much the more an Heretike by how much the more obstinat he was to be ordered by the counsell of his brethren But Sigebert in the yeare 902 peremptorily affirmeth That all his ordinances were to be made void and did other things against him horrible to be spoken This then was a decree An. 903. and in the yere 903 speaking of the Synod held by Pope Iohn at Rauenna the Archbishops of France being present Before them saith he was the Synod burnt which Stephen had made for the condemnation of Formosus This decree was concluded in the next full Synod and in the yeare 900 he affirmed That by this occasion this question had beene for manie yeares disputed in the Church not without great scandale the one part iudging the consecration of those that Formosus had ordained to be nothing the other by a more holie counsell iudging them to be of force This was a question of law not of fact and consequently the solution of Bellarmine altogether void Baron to 10. an 897. art 4. an 900. art 2 3 4. Truly Baronius speaking of these times is strucken with a kind of horror and cals them infelicissima luctuocissima ecclesiae Romanae tempora The most vnfortunat and lamentable times of the Church of Rome worse than the persecutions of the Pagan Emperours Heretikes Schismatikes But he layed the fault vpon the Tusculan princes then powerfull in Rome as if the other part had yeelded Popes more holie and as if both the one and the other had not entred by theft and consequently come in at the window and not at the dore When sayth he the Church of Rome suffered the Princes of Tuscane to beare rule whether by money or by armes ouer the people and Clergie of Rome they thrust into the Chaire of Peter the throne of Christ men monstrous and infamous in their liues dissolute in their manners and wicked and villanous in all things and then the Queene of Nations so he calleth the Church of Rome being robbed of the garments of her glorie and ioy sits in heauinesse mourning and lamenting Let the Reader here note what helpe they giue vs to argue against the perpetuitie of their pretended succession when by his owne confession he here spake of ten Popes that did immediatly succeed one another but he addes that God would haue it so to giue the world to vnderstand that the Church as a Commonwealth dependeth not vpon the wisdome or vertue of those which gouerned but from the efficacie of the promise of God which makes it firme and constant for euer Why then should it seeme strange that there should be anie interruption in this personall succession For hath he euer seene families continued by monsters And when they happen in the Church as he acknowledgeth is not the mercie of God to be acknowledged therein which euen of stones raiseth seed vnto Abraham and beateth downe Antichrists sitting in the seat of Christ with the breath of his mouth Jbid. art 6. Moreouer Baronius acknowledgeth that whilest Stephen digged vp the carkas of Formosus the Church of Latran the chiefe seat of the Pope by the diuell was vtterly ouerthrowne to the ground from the Altar to the gates euen that saith he in which Pope Stephen kept his residence Which is an argument vnto vs that we are admonished by this destroying Angell that we are hereafter to seeke here the rubbish of the Church Neither let vs forget that Stephen for his wickednesse was strangled in prison and neuerthelesse Iohn the tenth his successor cals him Stephen of happie memorie in the acts of the Councell of Rauenna which saith Baronius was done in reuerence of his predecessor Baron vol 10. an 904. art 4. We may rather say because all impietie was with them pietie that vertue and vice were with them onely measured by commoditie But at this time Theophilact the Archbishop of the Bulgarians
priuiledge of the Imperiall dignitie Krantzius l. 4. c. 10. Saxoniae And also Krantzius with this clause verie perfectly relateth vnto vs That this Councell ought to be inuiolably obserued vnder the paine of excommunication of the Vniuersall Church Insomuch that it was necessary to put again in force the law of Charls the Great to bridle the monstrous lasciuiousnesse of the Clergie Which law neuerthelesse as they obeied it vnwillingly so vpon euerie light occasion they were ready to abrogat it so impatient were they of all good discipline For so soone as the Emperour had dismist his forces they recall Iohn who assembled another Synod deposeth Leo cancelleth his Acts condemneth the Synod holden by him forbiddeth it to be called a Synod but Prostibulum fauens adultris A stewes in fauour of adulterers Sigebert and as many as Leo had Ordered hee degraded whom An. 963. to the end they might signifie to the world That they had receiued nothing from Leo hee commaunded them alwayes to haue this word in their mouthes My father had nothing Luitprand l. 6. c. 11. and gaue me nothing At the last vpon a certaine night as Pope Iohn lay with another mans wife without the citie of Rome he was so stroken of the diuell that within eight dayes following he died of the same wound And here the Author crieth out O eternall God Fascicul tempo how different are these from those of former time O the bottomelesse depth of the iudgements of God who can find them out Some say he was slaine by the husband of the said wife And then the Romans contrarie to their oath chose one Benet without the consent of Otho or his sonne Wherewith the Emperour being much offended besieged the citie and tooke it in despight of the Romans dispossest Benet not onely of his Popedome but degraded him of his Priestlie Orders after he had acknowledged his offence reestablished Leo the eigth By which occasion it so came to passe that Leo to render some gratuitie to the Emperour made a resignation for euer both to him and to his successors Emperours and Kings of Italie of all the donations granted to the Church of Rome whether by any manifest deed or any Imperiall Patent or in any other manner whatsoeuer by Charles the Great Pepin his father Aribert king of Lombards or Iustinian taking as it were to witnesse the books of the holy Euangelists many reliques the holy crosse the hose vnseamed coat of our Lord the bodie of holie Saint Peter with many profound oathes taken before him and his Cardinals and by the consent and authoritie of all the people of Rome as well the Clergie as the Laitie of all degrees and of euerie Prouince being present and confirming the same In this resignation are specified seuerally all the Prouinces Isles Cities Townes Castles which are recited in the donation of the Emperor Lewis without any exception and also many others which were not there named And all this saith he take and possesse for the vse of your Court and militarie affaires to make warre and to fight against the Painims and against the rebels of the Roman Empire Adding besides That if any will attempt to hinder the effect thereof let him know That by the law Iulia he incurreth the punishment of high treason and purchaseth to himselfe the displeasure of Saint Peter c. At the last after a solemne Fiat Fiat all Archbishops Bishops Cardinals Priests and Deacons and all the principall officers of the Court of Rome besides the Consuls Exconsuls Senators and others that might adde any strength to the authoritie of this Bull subscribed name by name All this besides what is found in diuers auncient libraries with that other before spoken of is wholly related by Theodore of Nyem the Popes Secretarie whatsoeuer Baronius cauilleth to the contrarie For whereas in this Charter there were nominated foure Bishops of Italie which in the Synod the yeare before were called by other names that is to say of Alba Preneste Tiburtina and Nerni is it any wonder if among so many Bishops that were at this Synod foure should die within the space of a yeare and in the middle of so many confusions change their place Fasciculus temporum in sexta aetate 964. Fasciculus temporum seemeth to haue seene both the one and the other who briefely like himselfe saith thus This Leo ordained That no Pope should be made without the consent of the Emperour in malice towards the Romans who by force thrust in their owne friends and kindred Also he resigned to Otho and his successors all the donations of the Church made by Iustinian Charles and others to the end he might defend Italie from all inuaders thereof This he addeth of his own opinion That holinesse was departed from the Popes and come to the Emperours in those times And these things reach to the yeare 964. Neither is it to be omitted That this Iohn the thirteenth aliàs the twelfth who hath held vs too long and whom Platina calleth Sceleratissimum hominem vel potius monstrum A most wicked man or rather a monster was according to the saying of Onuphre the first who changed his name and gaue example thereby to others to follow him whom I wish in many things and euen in the worst they had not too much imitated An. 966. Now according to this order Leo the eigth being dead in the yeare 966 the Romans sent Ason chiefe Secretarie and Martin Bishop of Sutrie to Otho into Germanie to consult vpon the election of a successor who presently dispatched away Ogier Bishop of Spire and Linson of Cremona to Rome in whose presence the people and Clergie nominated Iohn Bishop of Narnie the sonne of one Iohn a Bishop the which according to Platina was the foureteenth of this name according to Onuphrius the thirteenth But not without tumult of the Romans who impatiently bearing a strange yoke cast him into prison and enforced Otho to returne into Italie to reforme their disorder Supplimentum Reginon anno 967. Sigon l. 7. De regno Italiae Otho 3. in Diplomate Donationis quod Asisij Seruatur But he in fauour of this Iohn by him created and to get the greater good will in Italie gaue vnto him saith Reginon the citie and territorie of Rauenna and many other things taken away from the Bishops of Rome by Berengarius Sigonius addeth That he confirmed by a new Charter the old donation of Pepin Charls Lewis but without author For of this verie time we wil vse no other witnesse but himselfe for writing to the yeare 973 thus he saith Though Italie were possest by a King and he an Emperor and by the Pope yet there was not in both of them the same authoritie the Pope had Rome and Rauenna and the other territories rather by authoritie than Empire because the cities acknowledged the Pope as Prince of the Commonwealth the King as the chiefe Lord
they teach that which they neuer learned And so examining all the Canons and Decrees alledged by the defendants he sheweth them That nothing hath bin done in prejudice of them setting before their eyes many examples of the same case of one Aegidius Archbishop of Reimes deposed in the citie of Metz by the Bishops of France and being confined to Strasbourge Romulph was made his successor because contrary to his faith giuen to king Childebert he had joyned in friendship with Chilperie And yet neuerthelesse saith he Gregorie the Great an earnest defender of the priuiledges of the Roman Church neuer spake word for or against these The same he affirmeth of Hebbo Archbishop of Reimes deposed for treason by the BB. of France at Thionuille c. What then saith he if our passage to Rome should by the swords of Barbarians be intercepted or that Rome it selfe seruing a Barbarian his couetousnesse and ambition mouing him thereunto in aliquod regnum efferatur note efferatur should be raised against any Realme shall there be in the meane time either no Councels or shall the Bishops of the whole world to the hurt or ouerthrow of their owne kings seeke for counsell and the calling of generall Councels at the hands of their enemies especially seeing the Nicene Canon which the Church of Rome acknowledgeth to be aboue all Councels and Decrees hath ordained That two Councels must be held euerie yeare and withall forbiddeth any respect to be had to the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome And to proue that the Churches were now in that state that they needed not any more to haue recourse to Rome To speake more plainely saith he and to confesse openly the truth After the fall of the Empire this citie hath vndone the Church of Alexandria and lost that of Antioch and to say nothing of Africa and Asia Europe it selfe is departed discedit For the Church of Constantinople is retired and the inward parts of Spaine know not her iudgements There is made therefore a departure as the Apostle speaketh not onely of nations but of Churches because the ministers of Antichrist who is now at hand haue alreadie possessed France and with all their force begin to presse vs too And as the same Apostle saith now the Mysterie of Iniquitie worketh onely that he that now holdeth may stil hold vntill he be taken away to the end that the sonne of perdition might be reuealed the man of sinne who opposeth himselfe and is exalted aboue the name of God and his seruice which now begins to be discouered in that the Roman powers are shaken religion ouerthrowne the name of God with oathes and blasphemies troden vnder foot and that without punishment and religion it selfe and the seruice of God contemned by the chiefe Priests themselues and that which is more Rome it selfe now almost left alone is departed from her selfe By this his speech giuing them plainly to vnderstand That then there was no respect had nor is now to be had of the Church of Rome but as it shall be seene to flourish with men of worth and learning at whose hands they were to seeke for counsell and if such be wanting then to seeke it elsewhere in Flanders Germanie or the vtmost parts of the world being tied to no particular place in the world A matter formerly concluded by many other Churches and therefore to be the rather executed by them because they felt more neerely the tyrannie of Rome now no more the seat of Peter whose memorie they did honour but of Antichrist himselfe Intreating them for a conclusion That since Rome had beene consulted by them but yet no forme of iudgement from thence had beene pronounced Cap. 29. 30. that they would aske counsell of the Canons By how many Bishops a Bishop conuicted of a crime may be heard and what sentence he is to receiue who refuseth to appeare to defend his owne cause Hereupon were read the tenth and seuenth Canons of the Councell of Carthage to which the defendants of the partie accused yeelding themselues the Bishop is sent for and commaunded by the Synod to take his place he presently either denying all or endeuouring to couer it Arnulph Bishop of Orleans made him presently to blush conuicteth him with his owne words confronted him with his owne domesticall seruants who were readie to go through fire water to make good their testimonie It was requested by some of the Abbots That he might haue libertie giuen him by the Synod to make choyce of whomsoeuer he liked best to be aduised by which was granted Whereupon he maketh choice of Siguin Bishop of Sens Arnulph of Orleans Cap. 30. Bruno of Langres Godzman of Amiens in whose absence many Canons were read that concerned this question In the end being pressed after many tergiuersations partly by the force of such proofes as were brought against him partly by the pricke of his owne conscience Arnulph of Reimes breaketh out into an open confession of his sinnes with teares and gronings confessing much more than they knew and acknowledging himselfe vnworthie of his Priesthood Whereupon the Bishops of the Synod were sent for that being his owne witnesse and his owne judge he might before the multitude relate his owne cause Wherefore by his owne consent nay himselfe desiring it he was depriued of his Bishopricke Cap. 49. 50. onely there was a question of the forme for which they searched the auncient Councels And whilest diuers thought diuersly thereof some pitying him for his race some for his youth and the Bishops themselues moued with the ruine of their brother and that scandall that hereby fell vpon the Priestly dignitie in came the Kings and Peeres of France who putting themselues into that holy assemblie thanked the Bishops for their justice and that zeale and care they had shewed in this their Councell for the good and safetie of their Princes and withall desired to be further satisfied touching the whole course of their proceedings which presently was performed by Arnulph Bishop of Orleans And then the better to discharge the Synod of enuie and partialitie the partie accused was brought in to pronounce his owne condemnation with his owne mouth which he did in expresse words requiring neuerthelesse Arnulph of Orleans because shame stopped his owne mouth to relate the whole matter at large which hauing performed he asked him Whether he would confesse that which he had hitherto spoken of him which he affirming to be true the Bishop of Orleans willed him to cast himselfe downe before his Lords and Kings whom he had so hainously offended and confessing his fault to beg his life at their hands who being bent to mercie Let him liue say they for the loue of you and remaine vnder your custodie fearing neither yrons nor bands vpon condition that he offer not to saue himselfe by flight Whereupon that heigth of honours that by degrees he had attained vnto
by degrees he put off and resigning to the king that which he had receiued from him and deliuering the ensignes of his Priestly dignitie into the hands of the Bishops he recited with his owne mouth the forme of the deposition in the middest of this assemblie according to the example of his predecessor Hebo which was there read word by word and by all the Bishops that were present subscribed all of them saying vnto him Cap. 54.55 according to thy profession and subscription cease from thine office Which being done they discharged the Clergie and people from their oath they had made vnto him that it might be free for euerie man to subiect himself to the authoritie of any other man And here the Synod ended which we haue thought good to repeat the more at large that it might appeare with what grauitie wisedome moderation circumspection our Fathers of France haue proceeded in this businesse all of them with one accord speaking by the mouth of Arnulph Bishop of Orleans and withall what they thought and judged of Rome and the Bishop thereof Sixtly Pope Iohn hereupon waxeth angrie and full of discontent in so much that he threateneth his excommunications against the Kings But Hugh least his competitors should thereby take aduantage sendeth him the whole course of proceeding in writing and withall sends him letters to this effect We know we haue done nothing against your Apostolike See and if you vouchsafe not to giue credit to vs that are absent being present your selfe learne the truth of those that are present Grenoble is a citie situat vpon the confines of Italie and France where the Bishops of Rome were wont to meet the Kings of France If it shall so please you you may doe the like or if it shall content you better to visit vs and ours we will receiue you at the foot of the Alpes with all honour and follow you with all due obseruances both staying here and returning backe This we speake from the bottome of our hearts that you may know and vnderstand that neither we nor any of ours wil refuse your iudgemēt But Iohn resolued rather to send Legats And in the meane time whilest these things were thus delayed Gerbert afterwards Pope Siluester the second writ an Epistle to Siguin Archbishop of Sens who to the Pope seemed to fauour Arnulph the man accused and now condemned Which Epistle was read at the end of this Synod Gerbertus in Epist ad Siguinum Senomens Your wisedome saith he should haue auoided the wilie subtilties of craftie men and haue hearkened to the voyce of the Lord which saith If they shall say vnto you Here is Christ and there is Christ follow them not It is said that he is at Rome who iustifieth that which you condemne and condemnes that which you take to be iust and we say that it is God and not man that condemnes those things that seeme iust and to iustifie that which seemeth euill c. God saith If thy brother haue sinned against thee goe and reproue him c. How then doe these that emulate vs say That in the deposing of Arnulph we were to expect the iudgement of the Bishop of Rome Can they teach vs that the iudgement of the Bishop of Rome is greater than the iudgement of God when the first Bishop of Rome and the Prince of the Apostles tels vs that we must rather obey God than men yea the great Doctor of the world Saint Paul telleth vs That if any man shall preach vnto you any other doctrine than that ye haue receiued though he be an Angell from heauen let him be accursed Thinke you that because Pope Marcelline burnt incens to Idols therefore all the Bishops must doe so too I dare boldly say that if the Bishop of Rome shall sinne against his brother and being often admonished shall refuse to heare the Church this Bishop of Rome I say by the commaundement of God is to be accounted as a Heathen or Publican For by how much higher his degree is by so much greater is his fall And if he shall therefore account vs vnworthie his communion or fellowship because none of vs consent vnto him against the Gospell yet he cannot therefore seperat vs from the Communion of Christ A Priest if by his owne confession or otherwise he be not conuicted cannot be put from his office especially since the Apostle himselfe saith Who shal seperat vs from the loue of Christ Iesus And againe Sure I am that neither life nor death c. The priuiledge then of S. Peter saith Leo the great is not in force wheresoeuer iudgement is not executed according to equitie And therefore we are not to giue occasion to those that emulate vs to thinke that Priesthood that is euerie where one as the Catholike Church is in all places one should in such sort be subiect to one onely man though he be corrupted with money fauour feare or ignorance none may be a Bishop but only he that is commended for such or the like vertues Let the Canon Law of the Catholike Church the Apostles the Prophets the Canons ordained by the spirit of God and consecrated with the reuerence of the whole world the Decrees of the Apostolike See not disagreeing from them c. Fare ye well and depend not vpon holie mysteries But Pope Iohn in the meane time hardly enduring these things appointed a Synod sometimes at Rome sometimes at Aix where our Bishops pretending that they were not bound to goe forth of the realme would not be found at the last at Mouson vpon the borders of France where onely Gerbert whom Hugh had nominated Archbishop of Rheimes appeared and in the presence of Leo Abbot of S. Boniface the Popes Legat many of the Bishops of Germanie and Italie assisting he defended the cause of the Fathers of France in such sort that the Legat durst not proceed any farther before he had consulted with the Pope and therefore referred the determination thereof vnto another Synod at Rheimes but yet in the meane time he forbad Gerbert to vse his Episcopall function who not fearing to answer him to his face told him That it was not in the power of any Bishop Patriarch or Pope to remoue from the communion any of the faithfull who hath not been conuicted or of his owne accord confessed the fact or hath not refused to come vnto the Councell but of all these three was none that might hinder him since he had neither confessed nor was conuicted and had onely amongst all the Bishops of France appeared at this Councell But in the meane time Gerbert went into Germanie to the Emperour Otho the third with whom he had been formerly brought vp who shortly after made him Archbishop of Rauenna perceiuing wel that our kings not yet setled in their new kingdomes nor approued by all did much feare to offend the Pope and indeed he saw that whatsoeuer our Bishops could alledge to the contrarie in the
second Synod at Rheimes that foresaid Arnulph was restored to his Bishopricke which it is likely Leo the Popes Legat obtained because Iohn had confirmed the mariage of king Robert as appeareth in a letter that Gerbert sent to queene Adeleide Gerbertus in Epist ad Adelaidam Reginam Adde hereunto That Gerbert would not hold the Bishopricke vpon such conditions as were proposed vnto him But it seemeth by an Epistle of Hughes which is read among the Epistles of Gerbert that this mariage was that of king Robert with Bertha the sister of Rodolph king of Burgonie which afterward was dissolued by reason of a spiritual kindred joyned to that of their bloud It falling out many times that circumstances ouerthrow the substance This Gerbert could not bridle himselfe but that he must needs write an Apologie of the Church of France in an Epistle to Wildered Bishop of Strasbourge wherein he proueth out of the auncient Canons of the Church the just proceedings of our Bishops in these words Gerbertus in Epist ad Wilderodonem Episc Argentinensem The silence of the Pope or his dissimulation or his new constitutions are preiudiciall to the lawes established but this is but a cauill of wicked men c. Thou sayest that Arnulph practising seditions treasons captiuities the vtter ouerthrow of his kings the betraying of his countrey contemning all lawes both diuine and humane is neither to be depriued of the communion nor by the power of his Prince to be cast out without the commaund of the Bishop of Rome And the Apostle sayth That the Prince carrieth not the sword in vaine but for the punishment of the wicked and the preseruation of the good Fauour me all ye that haue promised faith and loyaltie to your Kings and haue a purpose to keepe it who haue not betrayed nor purpose to betray the Clergie and people committed to your charge you I say who haue abhorred and detested such wickednesse fauor those that obey God commaunding that the sinner listening not to the Church should bee held for a Heathen or a Publican who crieth vengeance vpon you Scribes and Pharises which transgresse the commaundement of God to establish your tradition c. To the end that no man here charge vs of enuie derogating from the priuiledges of the Church of Rome S. Hierome the Roman Priest telleth thee If it be a question of authoritie Orbis major est vrbe the world is greater than a citie and if one Priest be not sufficient then let great Pope Leo come The priuiledge saith he of S. Peter holds not good where a man iudgeth not according to the equitie of S. Peter c. To what end are matters iudged and determined if matters to be iudged are not thereby informed Those 318 Fathers of the Councell of Nice how made they eternall lawes if it be in the power of one onely man to abrogate them at his pleasure Apiarius the Priest is condemned by the Africans and restored againe to the communion by the Romans The Bishops of Africke writ to Pope Celestine That this was contrarie to the Councell of Nice Our false accusers after the same manner say That Arnulph a chiefe Bishop ought not to be iudged but by the Soueraigne Bishop of Rome And Saint Augustine saith of Cecilian the Metropolitan Bishop of all Africke That if his accusers could ouercome or vanquish him after his death of that which they could not proue during his life that after his death without retractation they would pronounce him accursed Surely then it hath beene lawfull for vs to pronounce against Arnulph liuing confessing conuicted as against a Heathen and Publican it hath beene I say lawfull for vs to follow the Gospell the Apostles the holie Councels the Decrees of Apostolike men so we disagree not from these foure c. Truely the Church of France is wholly opprest with tyrannie and by those of whom a man should hope for helpe But thou art O Christ the onely comfort of man This Rome that was heretofore held for the mother of all Churches is said now to banne the good and blesse the wicked to communicat with those to whom a man ought not to say God speed and to condemne the worshippers of thy law abusing that power to bind and vnbind which it hath receiued of thee This Gerbert in the meane while a Monke of the Abbie of Fleurack not verie happie as he saith for his race nor his plentie of wealth yet esteemed for his wisedome and capacitie of men of greatest worth and nobilitie An. 1000. And here we come to the thousand yeare But least any man should thinke that we or such Authors as we haue alledged should speake of the Church of Rome out of passion or discontent it shal not be amisse to insert the judgement of Cardinall Baronius himselfe touching these times who in the tenth tome of his Annales hath these words Baron Annal. to 10. An. 912. art 5. What was then the face saith he of the Roman Church How foule was it when strumpets no lesse powerfull than vncleane and impudent bare rule at Rome At the will and pleasure of whom the Sees were changed Bishoprickes giuen and that which was horrible and detestable to heare their louers false Popes were thrust into the Seat of Peter who were put into the Catalogue of the Popes of Rome to no other end but to make vp the number and lengthen the time For who can say that they were lawfull Popes of Rome that by such strumpets were thrust in without law There is no mention any where made of any Clergie chusing them or consenting to their choyce The Canons were silent the Decrees of Popes forgotten auncient traditions and old customes in the election of the Pope quite banished holy rites and ceremonies extinct Thus had lust and couetousnesse drawne all vnto it selfe emboldened by the secular power and carried by a furious desire of bearing rule Then as it appeared Christ Iesus slept in the ship a profound sleep when with the blasts of winds so violent it was ouerwhelmed with waues he slept I say not seeming to see these things and suffering them to be done in that no man rose vp to reuenge them And that which seemed worst of all there wanted Disciples to awaken our Lord with their cries thus sleeping yea quite contrarie all lay snorting in a dead sleepe What maner of Cardinals Priests Deacons thinke you were chosen by these monsters since there is nothing so naturall as for euerie thing to ingender his like And who in the meane time can doubt that they consented in all things to those by whom they were chosen who will not easily beleeue that they followed their steps and who knowes not that they endeuoured nothing more but that our Lord should still sleepe and neuer rise vp to judgement neuer awaken himselfe to know and to punish their wickednesse Now from this onely place let the Reader judge by what law that
succession of the Bishops of Rome which they so much boast of may be defended We must not forget that Baronius reprehendeth our Historiographer Glaber in one poynt wherein neuerthelesse hee expresseth to the life the beleefe of our French Church The Earle Foulke of Anjou hauing built a Church went himselfe to Rome with a great summe of money which he deliuered to Iohn the seuenteenth to the end he would send a Legat to consecrate the place Whereunto he agreed and sent thither a Cardinall with direction to doe whatsoeuer Foulk should commaund But saith Glaber the Prelats of France hearing thereof Glaber Historiar lib. 2. c. 4. Baron to 10. an 996. art 21. 22. 23. 24. iudged it to be sacrilegious presumption proceeding from blind ambition c. being a thing too vndecent that he that ruled the See Apostolike should be the first that did transgresse the Apostolicall and Canonical order especially being aunciently confirmed by many authorities Multiplici authoritate that not any Bishop should presume to exercise any such power in anothers Diocesse except it were at the request or by the permission of him to whom it appertained yea not excepting the Bishop of Rome himselfe whose Diocesse they held not to be the whole world But thus he proceedeth An innumerable multitude of people being gathered together in a cleere and quiet day to see the dedication of this Temple a sudden tempest arose out of the South which in a moment beat downe the Temple to the ground Which strange accident being spread abroad through the whole countrey there was no man that doubted that the insolent boldnesse of this presumption had made vaine the vow of Foulk and was a manifest warning to all that were present and to come neuer to attempt the like For though the Bishop of Rome for the dignitie of the Apostolike See was had in greater reuerence than all other in the world yet it was neuer permitted that he should transgresse in any thing the order of the Canonical gouernment For as euerie Bishop and spouse of the true Church hath some vniformitie in his seat with the Image of our Sauiour so generally it becommeth no man to doe any thing ouer boldly in the Diocesse of another Now from the opinion of this Monke let vs know what the judgement of our Church should be 39. PROGRESSION Of Inchantments and the art of Nigromancie practised by the Popes to attaine the Popedome and vsed by them for other wicked and vnlawfull purposes How the diuill deceiued Syluester the second touching the time and place of his death Of Benedict the ninth his sacrifices to the diuell who in the end strangled him in the forest and of his strange apparitions after his death THe Age that followeth mends but a little and therefore a Carthusian noteth That in the yeare 1000 we enter into a monstrous time infamous for Magicke artes and all maner of wickednesse his words are these and not without cause There began about the yeare of our Lord 1000 an effeminat time Fascicul Tempor An. 1000. wherein the Christian Faith began much to decline from her first virilitie as appeareth in the prophesie of S. Hildegard c. men betaking themselues to sorceries and inchantments and the Priest was as the people After Iohn the seuenteenth succeeded Gregorie the fift by countrey a Saxon created by the Emperour Otho the third and chosen out of his companie at Rauenna who being sent to Rome to be consecrated the Emperour not long after receiued the Crowne from his hands But he had no sooner turned his face towards Germanie but that Crescens a Consull constrained him to leaue the citie and set vp against him another Pope in such sort that at the request of Gregorie Otho was enforced to returne to Rome where he vsed much seueritie in punishing the authors of that sedition But shortly after Gregorie being dead Otho the Clergie and people being assembled together chose for his successor that Gerbert of whom we haue spoken so much before who in his youth was his tutor and was called Siluester the second A man as appeareth by many of his owne writings still kept in diuers Libraries that had penetrated euen the depth of all profound learning especially the Mathematikes but yet blamed by many Authors for eleuated spirits neuer keepe a measure in any thing for that his studies extended to Nigromancie it selfe by helpe whereof he made his way to the Popedome A matter so little doubted of by those that were best acquainted with the secrets of those times that they constantly beleeued that whosoeuer affected the Popedome in those dayes made profession of this art and thereby attained thereunto Martinus in Chron. Galfridus in supplement Sigiberti Malmesburiensis l. 2. Hist Angl. Anton. Archiep. tit 16. part 2. sect 18. Vincent l. 24. c. 98. Henric. Erford in Chron. Plat. in Siluestr Iohannes Stella ibid. I should be ashamed to alledge it but that Martinus Polonus Vincent of Beauvois Malmesburiensis Anthonie the Archbishop Henrie of Herford Carthusianus Platina Stella and others goe before me and the most part of them doe absolutely affirme That Gerbert had learnt this art in a booke which he stole from Seuille in Spaine that he did homage to the diuill and had in his closet a brasen head by which the diuell gaue him answers With whom consulting about the time of his continuance in that See answer was giuen him That hee should not die vntill he had celebrated Masse in Hierusalem a voyage farre from his thought to haue euer vndertaken and therefore he promised to himselfe a long life But falling sicke of an ague at Rome in the church of the holie Crosse called Hierusalem whilest he was celebrating Masse in Lent by a strange noyse of diuels he perceiued his death was at hand and began to see the doubtfull meaning of the Oracle Whereupon being moued with the horror of his sinnes he discouered it to some of the Cardinals and desired them that for a satisfaction his carkasse after his death should be put into a chariot drawne with two horses and there buried where the horses of their owne accord should draw him Which desire of his being performed it fell out that the horses carried him to the church of S. Lateran where the Cardinals buried him And his sepulchre say they by the noyse and ratling of the bones and the sweating of the sepulchre did presage a long time after the death of the Popes This historie neuerthelesse by some in these dayes is called into doubt and especially by Baronius because there is no mention made of any such matter by Glaber and Dithmarus but quite contrarie he is commended by them for his almes-deeds and charitie towards the poore But the Monke of Malmesburie speakes thereof as of a matter beyond all controuersie and describeth all the circumstances yea he affirmeth That he had an auncient book by him wherin the names of all the Popes were registred
not beene the custome of the world in our times but these are but small matters in respect of those we shall see if God preuent it not Of Siluester he expresly saith he entred not by the gate but by the posterne like a theefe and robber And yet these were the men that managed the affaires of the Church and therein did beare rule at their owne pleasure euen to the vttermost bounds of the earth yea they disposed of kingdomes and Empires according to their own lusts that that Prophesie might be fulfilled That they should make drunken the kings of the earth with the wine of their cup. And therfore Benedict the ninth according to Glaber was not afraid to make this Decree Glaber l. 1. in fine That no man should be said or held for Emperour but whom the Pope should chuse and for his honestie and sufficiencie should thinke fit for the Commonweale and to whom he had committed the Imperiall Ensigne that is saith the same Author a golden globe or apple which he caused to be made of purpose enriched with many pretious Iewels with a crosse fastened on the top thereof The Empire likewise being vacant by the death of Conrade he offered it by his Legats to Peter king of Hungarie with a Diadem whereon was this inscription Petra dedit Romam Petro tibi Papa Coronam The Rocke gaue Rome to Peter the Pope to thee the Crowne For such Princes as were farthest from them were fittest for their purpose but yet euer with that condition that they should confirme their donations But let vs now see what the Church thought of these confusions OPPOSITION All this we haue learnt from none other but Monkes for they were the onely writers in these times and therefore their testimonie must needs be beyond all exception being taken as it were out of their owne bosome Glaber therefore the Monke of Clugnie An. 1047. and writer of these times in his historie dedicated to Odibo the Abbot brings in the Emperour Henrie the second speaking to the Archbishops and Bishpos assembled together Glaber Hist li. 6. c. 5. in these words All Ecclesiasticall degrees from the Pope to the Porter are oppressed with the price of their owne damnation and in all according to the word of our Sauiour spirituall theft is verie cruell The Author addeth And this iniquitie was not onely sprung vp among the Bishops of France but was farre worse in Italie for all Ecclesiasticall offices were at that time as vendible as other wares in a market place The Bishops astonished and confounded herewith had no other refuge but to his mercie He for their comfort gaue them this answer Glaber li. 5. c. 4. Goe your wayes saith he and what you haue vnlawfully receiued endeuour to vse lawfully and so he made a law for the repressing of such sales Of the See in particular he saith The See of Rome which is held by right to be the vniuersall Church of the whole world had for the space of fiue and twentie yeares beene miserably sicke of this aforesaid pestilent disease for there was chosen to that See an infant of twelue yeares of age against all law and equitie whom gold and siluer had more commended than age or sanctitie of life who as he had an vnhappie entrance so he had a worse departure The foulenesse of his conuersation it is a shame to relate In another place the aforesaid Glaber saith At that time the whole gouernement both of the secular power Glaber li. 4. c. 5. and Ecclesiasticall religion consisted in the person of a child For the sinnes of the people that saying of Salomon was then verified Woe be to the earth For the vniuersall Pope of Rome who was then chosen by the Romans was the nephew of two that were his predecessors Benedict Iohn a child of ten yeares of age and that by the helpe of a great summe of money who being often reiected and dishonestly receiued againe ruled with no power And as wee haue partly touched before the rest of the Prelats of the Church in those times preferred gold and siluer before merit Out and alas of these the Scripture speaketh plainely or rather the mouth of God himselfe Principes extiterunt non cognoui He speaketh likewise of Siluester the third He telleth vs in another place That the auarice of Rome was growne to such a height that it contended with ambition in such sort that about the yeare 1024 certaine Legats being come from the See of Constantinople to Rome An. 1024. with wonderfull rich presents as well of the Emperour Basilius as the Patriarches to intreat that by the consent of the Pope the Church of Constantinople might be taken for the vniuersall Church of the East as the Roman of the West there wanted but little but that Iohn the one and twentieth had yeelded thereunto And the Greekes saith the Author Glaber li. 4 c 1. with a dagger of gold had broken a wall of yron For he addeth That though auarice for a time might be called the Queene of the whole world yet she had placed at Rome her insaciable couch for they had no sooner seene the glorious lustre of those riches the Greekes brought vnto them but their hearts were wholly bent to deuise new fraudes and deuises how they might priuily yeeld vnto that that they desired But the businesse being come to the cares of diuers who opposed themselues against it the Greekes departed not doing any thing William an Englishman and Monke of Malmesburie sets before our eyes how bad the state of all things was at Rome in these times speaking thereof as of a publike robberie What shall I say saith he of that citie that was heretofore the habitation of sanctitie Willielm Malmesb l. 2. de Gestis Regum Anglor It is now the place where theeues robbers walke in open market place a wicked and a craftie generation If any man come to Rome euen with the danger of his life to visit the Churches of the Apostles he falls into the hands of these kind of people and seldome or neuer returnes without the losse either of his goods or his life Vpon the bodies of the holie Apostles and Martyres vpon the holie Altars swords are drawne and oblations are no sooner offered but their hands are vpon them who take and spend them in banqueting with their whores Such a tempest of euills troubled the Popedome of Gregorie which could not be remedied with Excommunications the Cardinals themselues withstanding him the whole time of his abode in that See Fasciculus Temporum Rolwinck in his Fasciculus Temporum speakes of the pluralitie of benefices which in those times grew to be verie common and so continued afterwards Of the lamentable ambition and simonie of the Prelats notwithstanding there were found many writings of the Fathers that bewrayed how much they had in detestation these abuses Note also that there were some poore Clergie men
and Doctors that reprehended the pluralitie of benefices and the pompe of the Clergie vntill occasion was giuen them to part stakes with them and to tast the benefit of such pluralities and then couetousnesse blinded them too It is written of a great learned Master that solemnely disputed against the riches and pride of Prelats as being altogether vnlawfull to liue in such a fashion Which the Pope being giuen to vnderstand merily answered Let vs bestow vpon him some good Priorie and such and such benefices and he will be quiet ynough which was speedily done and so presently he changed his opinion saying Vntill now I neuer vnderstood this matter c. But he compareth the state of the Church in these times to those of Hieroboam when he set vp the golden calues in Israel Many holie men saith he did commonly affirme that the same was to be feared in the Ecclesiasticall State and now we see it performed in many parts of the world The Clergie who should possesse nothing but that which in reason was competent for them nor intermeddle with the affaires of the Temporaltie will take vpon them to possesse and to gouerne all things and therefore as S. Bernard saith such as obserue no order hasten thither where dwelleth eternall horror c. Good Reader take heed thou follow not this dangerous custome neither excuse thy selfe with the Popes dispensation but follow the counsell of those that are in the heauens aboue with God least with the golden calues thou burne in hell fire An. 1046. In the meane time in the yeare 1046 the Emperour Henrie the second taketh his journey into Italie partly to take possession of the Empire partly at the persuasion of diuers to procure some remedie against those confusions which had beene brought into the Church by three Popes Benedict Siluester and Gregorie the one troubling and contending with the other and within the walls of Rome making barricadoes one against the other Siluester at S. Maria major Benedict at the palace of S. Lateran and Gregorie at S. Peters whereupon these verses were sent by a Hermit to Henrie Otho Frisingens l. 6. c. 31. Gregor Hemburg in admonitione de vsurpat Paparum Roman Imperator Henrice Omnipotentis vice Vnica Sunamitis Nupsit tribus maritis Dissolue connubium Et triforme dubium An. 1461. Herman contract Carthusian Sigibert in Chron. Platina in Gregor 6. Siluest 3. Great Emperour Henrie who in Gods stead must be The Church who is but one is maried to three Dissolue thou the knot and the doubt trebled will be Platina calls them three wicked monsters and in his historie of Siluester the third saith We are like to see worse matters than all these if God preuent them not since the good being opprest he onely riseth to promotion that excels in bountie and ambition not in learning and sanctitie of life They vse not saith he in these dayes to enter by the doore but the window like theeues and robbers and of diuers others in this Age hee affirmes as much Now by this onely disorder how many other may we imagine He therefore being receiued King in Lombardie before he came to Rome held a Councell of many Bishops at Sutri wherein Gregorie the sixt being conuicted for obtaining the Popedome with money by consent of them all was deposed and in like sort were the other two reiected being deposed saith Martine Canonica imperiali censura by a Canonicall and Imperiall censure And the Romans being altogether ignorant whom vpon the sudden they might nominat to bee Pope the Emperour proposed vnto them Suitger Bishop of Bamberge one of his owne followers and a man for his honestie and learning well spoken of whom he compelled them to approue This is he that was called Clement the second Sigon l. 8. de regno Ital. Martinus in Chron. The Church saith Sigonius hauing beene now sicke for the space almost of two hundred yeres the disease grew so desperat that it required violent remedies yea sword and fire medicines that belong to diseases incurable Whereupon saith Martin per vim substituit he gaue them a successor by force the Romans promising vnto him and swearing That they would neuer chuse Pope without his consent Leo Ostiens c. 80 Leo the Cardinall of Ostia speaking in his Chronicle of these disorders more briefely saith Pope Benedict hauing held the See at Rome twelue yeares was deposed by the Romans and Iohn Bishop of Sabins who was called Siluester substituted in his place non tamen gratis but yet not freely But three moneths after this Benedict with the aid of the Tusculans his kinsfolke draue away Siluester and by force repossessed the See of Rome But neuerthelesse perceiuing himselfe to be odious to all he deliuered the Popedome to Iohn the Archpriest who was accounted as it were the more religious and retired himselfe to his fathers house that there with better libertie he might fulfill his owne lusts and practise his wickednesse He could not in better words haue affirmed That he that of the three was accounted the best was starke naught But Henrie the Emperour saith he the sonne of Conrade his nefandis auditis hearing of these execrable things in the Apostolike See inspired from heauen in the yeare 1047 comming into Italie went to Rome desirous to purge the Apostolike See of these spots Whereupon he stayed at Sutri where deliberating vpon this great and necessarie businesse statuit he appointed there a general Councell to be called of all Bishops There being therefore gathered together at his commaund a great multitude of Bishops Abbots and other religious men he likewise inuited thither the Pope of Rome to be chiefe in that Councell What should I say more The Councell being held Gregorie being by their Synodall Canons and sentence conuicted of simonie of his owne accord rising from his seat and putting off his Pontificall habit humbly and prostrat vpon the ground asked pardon for that he had prophaned that dignitie Leo therefore we see agreeth not in opinion with Baronius who saith That it is not lawfull for an Emperour to intermeddle with the affaires of the See of Rome for he saith quite contrarie That he came inspired by God to that end yea and he addeth withall That he procured vnto him a successor And because these things were done with so prosperous and good successe Sigon l. 8. de regno Italiae the Romans gaue vnto the sayd Henrie the honour of a Patriciat as they did sometimes to Charles the Great and decreed that besides the Crowne of the Empire he should weare a Chaine This selfesame yeare in hope or rather vnder some shew of a reformation of the Church a Synod was held where first a question was made concerning simonie which sin was then growne to such a height saith Sigonius the Popes either winking at it or no way hindering the course thereof that it was a vsuall thing for Bishops to sel
Simons and Magitians together But they made the signification of this word Simonie to extend verie far including within the compasse of that sinne the Princes who joyned their authoritie in the election of the people and Clergie and inuested Bishops into their dignitie whom they likewise held to be heretikes because they had receiued their inuestiture from Princes thereby stirring vp the ill humors of both States the people to murmure against their Bishops the Nobles to rebell against their Princes The other was the Heresie of the Nicholaits directly whether by errour or subtiltie against the truth of the historie of Nicholas who being a Deacon in the Primitiue Church was therefore reprehended because vnder a colour of continencie he forsooke his wife and afterwards betooke himselfe to a more licentious and vncleane life as we haue elsewhere shewed out of Epiphanius But of that sinne there were none more guiltie than the Roman Clergie the Popes themselues of the precedent world frequenting common brothel-houses at Rome as we haue seene But they wresting it otherwise will haue vs to vnderstand and include vnder the name of Nicholaits those Bishops and Priests who according to the law of God and rule of the Apostles and custome of the Primatiue Church and Decrees of the first generall Nicene Councell and diuers others doe allow of lawfull mariage and liue with those women whom they haue maried in the face of the Church Both the one and the other was the inuention of Hildebrand or rather of his master who sometimes by the one sometimes by the other bewitched the people troubled the Princes traduced the Bishops But the end of all was this to ouerthrow their Empire and to bring all power and authoritie to their See which others afterwards did by this example As touching the first Leo the ninth being chosen Pope by Henrie the second others call him the third and being then in Germanie adorned with his purple robe it hapned that taking his way through France he passed by Clugnie where he saw Hildebrand who told him That it was vnlawfull to enter violently into the gouernement of the Church by the hand of a lay man But if he would follow his counsell he would shew him a way how the libertie of the Church should be preserued in the Canonicall election and yet no occasion of offence giuen to the Imperiall Maiestie and that was To put off his purple robe and to goe to Rome in the habit of a Pilgrim Leo yeelds to his aduice and Hildebrand betakes himselfe to the journey with him and caused him againe to be chosen by the Clergie and the people Some adde that he set before his eyes Damasus the second Otho Frisi●g l. 6. c. 2● who by the just judgement of God liued but a few dayes but he opened not vnto him the mysterie that is That he had found the way to shorten his life which Benno before gaue vs to vnderstand Leo dyeth in the yere 1054 An. 1054. Sigon de Regno Ital. l. 8. and the Romans partly fearing the Emperour and partly saith Sigonius not finding any man amongst them worthie the succession sent Hildebrand vnto him to intreat him in the name of the people and Clergie of Rome to nominat one vnto them This was Guebhardus the Bishop of Eichstat who was Victor the second who by an art familiar in those dayes was poysoned by his Subdeacon in his Challice And so this man left all things in their former state and condition An. 1056. But about the yeare 1056 Henrie the second died leauing Henrie the third his sonne about the age of fiue yeres and vnder the tuition of his mother Agnis and in the yeare 1057 Victor the second died at his returne from Germanie wherupon the Romans assembled themselues to chuse a successor and as it were by force consecrated the Cardinall Fredericke the sonne of the duke of Loraine and presently by a Legat signified all they had done to Agnis who was not hardly intreated to approue their choyce and this was Stephen the ninth according to Baronius the tenth who as he prepared himselfe to goe to Henrie the third to be inuested which they called simonie departed this life and presently there succeeded him by the faction of the Tusculan Earles partly by buying voyces partly by threatning open violence Iohn Bishop of Velitre Sigon de Regno Ital. their kinsman being altogether ignorant as Authors report of all manner of good learning and constrained Petrus Damianus Bishop of Ostia notwithstanding his protestations to consecrat him and afterward offer him to the people corrupted with gifts to be adored This was Benedict the tenth Now consider how much they abused their pretended libertie and by what law they accused the Emperours of simonie whereas contrarily they made choyce of the most worthie men in authoritie and learning they could find out But because the Clergie had promised to Hildebrand That if the See should be void to chuse no man in his absence he shortly after sets vp an Antipope Gerardus Burgundus Bishop of Florence who was Nicholas the second to whom Benedict the tenth rather moued with shame than conscience gaue place But he tooke assistant vnto him Hildebrand by whose helpe he might be eased in his greatest affaires And therefore by his counsell a Synod was held at Lateran vnder pretence to preuent those precedent inconueniences but indeed it was to supplant the Emperours For in that Synod it was ordained D. 23. C. In nomine That the Pope dying first the Cardinall Bishops should diligently inquire and consider of the election of a successor then ioyne vnto them the Cardinall Clerkes and so the rest of the Clergie and people should consent to the new election That he should be chosen out of the bosome of the Church of Rome if any bee found fit if not out of some other But there was added for a fashion Hauing euer a due respect to the honour and reuerence of our beloued sonne Henrie who at this present is held for King and hoped hereafter by Gods permission to be Emperour as we haue granted vnto him and to his successors who from this Apostolike See haue obtained that right Whereas before the approbation of the Pope was in the Emperour and it was necessarie vnder paine of high treason to attend his commaund and consent before he were consecrated and he in the meane time to be accursed and declared Antichrist that by any other meanes shall be placed in that throne After this Decree before attempted by Iohn the ninth but with ill successe the authoritie of the Cardinals began to encrease in so much that Petrus Damianus of these times began to say The Cardinals principally doe both chuse the Bishop of Rome and in some prerogatiues they are not onely aboue the law of all Bishops but of the Patriarchs and Primats too These are the eyes of that onely stone the candles of that onely
him by bloud only So that they renounced not what they had done but with this art that they might attaine their purpose did they thinke to hide their councels and intentions But the decision of this matter was put off to another Councell held at Mantua which place was chosen because it was vnder the power of the countesse Matilda who tooke part with Alexander There it was graunted at the instance of Hanno that he should purge himselfe by oath that he had not obtained the Popedome with money by which meanes he was confirmed by all and the decree against simoniacal persons is renewed in the same sence that it was before and presently he sends Petrus Damianus his Legat into Germanie to signifie to Henrie the third and not without some threats that if he would not be perswaded by councell he must necessarily adde his Ecclesiasticall censures so presently he cites him to Rome there to giue account of the whole matter vpon paine of excommunication Thus by the aduantage of his minoritie they easily get the vpper hand And that they might the better blind the eyes of the people these men who thought of nothing but the world and the things that belong thereunto become workers of miracles Alexander at Cassin dispossessed one of a Diuell going to Aquin did helpe one that was lame by giuing him the water to drinke wherewith he washed his hands after the sacrifice And to what end were these miracles what law doe they confirme or what gospell or doe they not rather serue onely to vphold their ambition friuilous therefore they are and childish yea though we did yeeld them to be true yet are they lyes and proceeding from the father of lyes because the vpholders of a lye At the last in the yeare 1072 Alexander being dead An. 1072. the Roman Clergie commaunded Hildebrand to succeed hauing alreadie vnder three or foure Popes beene throughly acquainted with the Papall subtilties and himselfe therein a verie good scholer and we may say more than a Pope since Damianus calls him Dominum Papae the Master of the Pope and is not ashamed to say Papam ritè colo sed te prostratus adoro Tu facis hunc Dominum te facit ipse Deum I honour the Pope thee prostrat I adore Thou makest him a Lord he thee a god or more In so much that though he were Pope yet he depended vpon him and his counsell but he being nourished in pride left nothing vndone that might enlarge his territories And thus with a false pretence of simonie they encreased their power Neither were the definements of the Popes lesse furthered in these times vnder the colour of the Nicholaits The Church of Milan did then in Italie hold the second place being made more eminent by the suppression of Rauenna There were in it eighteene Bishops Suffragans two and twentie ordinarie Cardinals twelue Canons whom they called Decumans and many other officers of good place The king in such a manner instituted the Archbishop that he was not bound to goe to Rome and he contrariwise consecrated the king to bring him in the way to the Empire Wherefore this mote as it were in his eye the Pope did hardly beare with and so much the rather because the Bishop and Clergie of Milan would hold nothing of him in so much that their libertie being many times attempted by the Popes they could neuer make any breach thereinto Wherefore in the yere 1059 Stephen the ninth being Pope Arialdus a Decuman Clerke An. 1059. who agreed not well with Wydo his Archbishop conspired against him with Landolfus Cotta the gouernour of the people and this he doth vnder a pretence of deposing maried Priests in execution of the Papall Decree many times reiterated as we haue said before and for his better helpe herein he hath recourse to Stephen Wydo held a Councell at Fontanet neere to Nouaria where by the consent of all the Suffragan Bishops it was ordained That the Clergie men of what Order soeuer might lawfully marie wiues and in the citie the matter was decided with much controuersie the common people taking part with Landolfe the Nobilitie with the Archbishop An. 1059. Landolfe therefore in the yeare 1059 sends Arialdus to Nicholas the second to signifie vnto him the obstinacie of the Church of Milan and to intreat that there might be Iudges appointed to determine of this pretended heresie who presently not willing to omit so good an occasion dispatched away Petrus Damianus the Cardinall of Ostia with all the power and authoritie he could giue him who took for his assistant in this his legation Anselmus Bishop of Lucques who was afterward Alexander the second and so they came to Milan There what was done by Damian we cannot better learne than of himselfe who particularly sets downe the whole progression of his legation Hee had no sooner deliuered his charge touching the deposing of maried Priests as heretikes but presently the people began to be moued saying That the Pope had no authoritie ouer the Church of Milan and that they would not dishonourably lose that libertie which their auncestors had gotten and they had hitherto maintained and subiect themselues to the yoke of another Church and therefore at the ringing of a bel and sound of a trumpet they gathered themselues together to which they were the more animated because Petrus Damianus had placed the Bishop of Milan on his left hand and Ambrose of Lucques his assistant on his right The tumult neuerthelesse being pacified beginning his Sermon with the Supremacie of the Church of Rome and the absolute power thereof he told them That all other Churches were ordained of men but the Church of Rome onely had her foundation from God himselfe and therefore from her all other but especially the Church of Milan had taken their first beginning and rudiments of discipline to which likewise and to the Bishop thereof it was necessarie to be subiect because at his pleasure the heauens themselues were opened and shut and therfore he that should derogat any thing from his priuiledge should presently be censured for an Heretike Iudge therefore gentle Reader how well he had beene receiued by Saint Paul if he should haue said That those famous Churches which he founded from Ierusalem to Sclauonia had taken their beginning from man and not from God As for the Church of Milan he said That Nazarius a renowmed Martyr had receiued S. Peters Baptisme Petri Baptisma of Linus his successor and afterward with Celsin was martyred at Milan Sicut Scripturae testantur As the Scriptures beare witnesse And that the holie Martyrs Protasius and Geruasius whose bodies they did there worship had beene the Disciples of S. Peter as Ambrose himselfe witnesseth and therefore the Church of Milan as a daughter of the Roman Church did owe vnto her obedience as to her mother This conclusion is of the same nature as the rest before that is friuolous false blasphemous For
the Archbishop was enforced to restore him againe with all his habiliments Here saith the Author Abbas Vrsperg in Chronico in this thing we are to consider the Prelats authoritie and the Popes humilitie whilest the one contended to defend the dignitie of his office the other though his dignitie were greater yet thought it fit to yeeld to a Metropolitan in his owne Diocesse Baron an 1052. art 16.17 Idem an 1053. art 53. se But Baronius growes into choller against the Abbot and censures him and in like manner against Petrus Damianus though verie jealous of that See because he did not allow that the Pope should intermeddle with matter of armes and likewise because he durst to say That an Emperour was to doe that which became an Emperour and a Pope that which was befitting a Pope Petrus Damianus in Epist ad Firmin For saith Damianus in his Epistle to Firminus as the sonne of God himselfe ouercame all the obstacles of this furious world not by a reuengefull and strict examination but by an inuincible maiestie of vndaunted patience so he teacheth vs rather willingly to beare the furious rage of this world than to raise armes and to answer wrongs with wrongs especially since betweene a Kingdome and a Priesthood their proper offices are distinguished a King must vse the arms of this world a Priest gird himselfe with the spirituall sword which is the word of God c. And to this purpose he alledgeth many places of Scripture with other reasons and examples yea he extendeth this law euen to the Pope and particularly to Leo himself If any man shall obiect against this I haue said saith he that Pope Leo doth often trouble himselfe with warlike affaires yet I affirme that which I say to be true because Peter obtained not the chiefe place among the Apostles because he denied Christ nor Dauid was therefore a Prophet because he defiled another mans bed for good and bad actions are not iudged according to the merit of the persons but their owne proper qualities Haue we euer read that Gregorie euer did this or by his letters taught it who endured so many wrongs and violences by the raging crueltie of the Lombards Did Ambrose make warre against the Arrians who cruelly vexed him and his Church Or haue we read of any of the holie Popes that haue risen vp in armes Let the lawes therfore decide all Ecclesiasticall causes or the Edicts of Councels least that which should be determined in place of iudgement being decided by warres turne to our greater shame and reproach What then saith Baronius Baron an 1053. art 14.15.16 sequent The Maximes of Damianus are contrarie to those of the Catholike Church which condemne those of Heresie who attribute not both swords to the Pope and so of a worthie Cardinall because he diued into this mysterie he makes him an Heretike but by what judges Gregorie the ninth and Boniface the eigth who were long after him than whom there was neuer more insolent tyrans who in their owne proper causes and the heat of their furie vomited out their Decrees against the Emperours He that knowes but the principles of Logicke will here presently obiect Principij petitionem He addeth againe That the vse of the Church approueth this doctrine What will he say if we replie Not the vse but the abuse the corruption And here hee alledgeth certaine places of S. Gregorie exciting those that were called to armes by the commaund and authoritie of the Emperour against the Lombards But did he make warre with his owne powers Did he proclaime warres Did he goe into the field in his owne person He replieth Neither did Pope Leo fight but was onely present at the warres and when they came to joyne battell he withdrew himselfe out of the field where with safetie he might attend the euent and so of this his Monarch he maketh a Trumpeter or an inciter vnto warre Here let the Reader note this mans impudencie who feared not to accuse Damian of the heresie of Tertullian who dissuaded Christians from warre or rather of Iulian the Apostata who commaunded Christians according to the Gospell to suffer all manner of wrong and violence without resistance Is therefore the vocation of all Christians one and the same By that argument a Captaine may be permitted to say Masse as well as a Priest by which it is made lawfull out of Baronius for the Prince of Priests to make warres or to be a Leader in the field But the state of the Court of Rome we may no where better learne than out of Damianus who in horrour of the abhominations thereof of a Cardinall became an Hermit and being drawne from thence vpon some pretence of seruice to be done to the Pope he seemes to be brought into hel againe and expostulats this great wrong done vnto him with the Pope and Hildebrand Writing therefore to Hildebrand though he tooke part with Alexander against Honorius But it may be saith he that this flattering tyran who with a Neronian pietie condoles my estate strokes me when he buffets me handles me gently with the talants of an Eagle that is to say the Pope that he might retaine him at Rome and get him thither againe will complainingly breake out into these speeches Behold how he seekes a lurking corner vnder colour of penance forsakes Rome he goes about to gaine idlenesse by his disobedience and whilest others run into the field to fight he seekes to hide himselfe in the darkenesse of a degenerat ignoble shadow c. And he protesteth to his holie Diuell for so he calls the Pope that he will euer be readie vpon all occasions to assist him against Honorius vpon condition that he may returne againe to his hermitage What then moued him hereunto Doubtlesse if we beleeue him the lasciuious life of the Clergie of Rome from which he did flie as from a pestilent infection that inuaded his bowels his heart his mind Petrus Damianus in Epist ad Alexand. Hildeb which he expresseth in all kind of actions and speeches vnworthie Church-men From which grieuous enormities saith he if we striue either for shame or feare to free our selues presently we are iudged to be rude and vnciuile descended from the tygres of Hircania but I stay my pen. And speaking of their excesse and superfluitie There are euerie day kinglie feasts daily preparations nuptiall banquets whilest the poore abroad dye for hunger c. And that which is worse than all the rest and more than diabolicall is that hauing spent their reuenues at the warre they lay their hands vpon the tithes and make them temporall too To conclude speaking of the generall corruption It is such saith he that the Spiritualtie is discerned from the Temporaltie by the shauing of their beards onely not the sanctitie of their actions neither doe they meditate vpon the sacred Scriptures but vpon the ciuile lawes and controuersies of temporall Courts The
of the Pope and inuestiture of the Bishops and declare his children to be no successors of his by right of inheritance for that he had euer in his mind And shortly after he sent vnto him in signe of his confirmation the Imperiall Crowne with this inscription Petra dedit Petro Petrus Diadema Rodolpho This change neuerthelesse was so odious that Sigefridus Bishop of Mence annoynting him the citizens rose in armes against them as traitors to their countrey and faith-breakers to their Prince and after much effusion of bloud on both sides Rodolph and his followers were compelled to saue themselues by flight in the night time and to retire themselues into Saxonie In the meane time Henrie partly instigated by this great dishonour the Pope had done vnto him and partly by those his followers whom to purchase his own grace he had left as a prey to the Pope resolues with himselfe to shake off this yoke calls his friends about him and by all the meanes he could reconciled himselfe to his c●●●●●●s and by the indignitie of the fact stirres vp all that had good minds and co●●●gious hearts to indignation and so shortly after brings his armie into the field ●●●ets Rodolph giues him battell puts him to flight and with a great slaughter of his men giues him the ouerthrow There dyed in the field amongst others Bernard Archbishop of Magdeburg the author of the ciuile warre the great Duke of Saxonie and Herman his vncle Sigefride the Bishop of Mence who consecrated Rodolph and Warnerus of Me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being dragged to the gallowes by the souldiers were fre●d from their 〈◊〉 Henrie not suffering any man in so just a warre to be slaine the battell being ended From thence forward Rodolph not know● 〈◊〉 to renew his forces vpon the sudden Henrie is not idle in vsing his 〈…〉 welcome this newes was to Gregorie let the Reader judge who 〈◊〉 ●ing the Crowne to Rodolph vsed these words In our name of Saint Peter and Saint Paul I giue to all those that shall keepe faith and loyaltie to Rodolph remission and pardon of all their sins both in this life and in the life to come And as I haue deposed Henrie from his royall dignitie for his pride so I haue placed Rodolph for his humilitie and obedience in his throne And with this assurance he expressed his law in harder tearmes If any hereafter shall receiue a Bishopricke or an Abbotship or other Ecclesiastical dignitie of any lay man let him not be numbred among the Bishops or Abbots neither let any doe obedience vnto them as to a Bishop or Abbot and let him be interdicted the grace of Saint Peter and entrie into his house And if any Emperor King Duke Marquesse Earle or other secular power or person shall bestow any Bishopricke or other Ecclesiasticall dignitie let him be subiect to the same sentence At the humble intreatie therefore of Rodolph he excommunicateth Henrie againe vnder pretence That against his oath he had taken into his hands the ornaments or marks of the Empire All those that follow Rodolph he freeth from hell and placeth in heauen and whatsoeuer may make for the strengthening of their warres as fire and sword and the like he assureth vnto them but all that take part with Henrie and refuse to fall from him and to ioyne with his enemie he accurseth to hell and damnation c. But all this saith Auentinus to most of the Bishops and all learned and honest simple people except those that were of the conspiracie seemed a new doctrine and the most dangerous heresie that euer troubled the Christian Church On the other side there assembled together in the yeare 1080 the Bishops of Italie Germanie France An. 1080. at Brixen in Bauaria and condemne Hildebrand againe of ambition heresie impietie sacriledge Because say they he is a false Monke a Magitian a Diuiner an expounder of dreames and prodigious wonders hauing an ill opinion of Christian religion he hath bought the Popedome against the order of his auncestors and the wills of all good men and in despight of vs and as the Lord of the whole earth endeuoreth to keepe it c. He is a sworne enemie to the Commonwealth Empire and Emperour who hath oftentimes offered peace to him and his followers He lyeth in wait for the bodies and soules of men Diuine and humane lawes he peruerteth For truth he teacheth lyes allowes for good periurie falsehood homicide yea and commends them and giues incouragement thereunto According to his manner he defends a perfidious tyran sowes discord among brethren friends kindred Procures diuorcements betwixt maried couples Denies those Priests that are lawfully maried to chast and sober matrons to sacrifice and admits whoremasters adulterers and incestuous persons to the Altar We therefore by the authoritie of Almightie God pronounce him deposed and remoued from his Popedome And if whensoeuer he shall heare hereof he shall not willingly depart but refuse to obey this our Decree we iudge him excluded and withstand his entrance Sigonius reciting this Decree addeth He was a manifest Negromancer possessed with a Pythonicall spirit which is worth the noting because of that which shall hereafter be spoken of his 〈◊〉 But being famous in the art of Diuination the better to giue heart to 〈…〉 the Saxons he tels nay assures them as saith Sigebert Histor Saxon. that he knew by reuel●●●●● That the false King must this yeare dye whom he interpreted to be Henrie which 〈◊〉 it proue not to be true saith he and that this my prophesie haue not effect before the ●●●st aforesaid account not me for Pope Rodolph trusting to this Oracle makes warre the second time and the third and euer 〈◊〉 happie successe and the fourth time resoluing to trie the vtmost he is not onely ouerthrowne but his right hand by which hee had plighted his faith to the Emperour being cut off he 〈◊〉 his life Gregorie presently thinkes of a successor like vnto him and thereof 〈◊〉 writes to the Bishop of Passaw and the Abbot of Hirtzaugen his faithfull friends That they should with mature deliberation prouide that there should be no Prince chosen that was not true and faithfull to the Church of Rome An. 1081. or lesse true than he that was lately dead and withall sends the forme of an oath as followeth which they should enforce him to take From this houre and euer after Gregor li. 5. Epist 3. I will be faithfull in all true loyaltie to Saint Peter the Apostle and his Vicar Saint Gregorie who now liues and sits in his chaire and whatsoeuer he shall commaund me vnder these words Per veram obedientiam By true obedience I will faithfully as becomes a Christian obserue As touching the ordination of the Churches and the lands and reuenues which either Constantine the Emperor or Charles gaue to Saint Peter and all the Churches and lands that haue beene at any time offered or granted by any men or women
they are all sheepe That whom God hath made a ruler ouer things Celestiall he hath made him much more ouer things terrestrial and therefore the Pope had power ouer all Hereupon they alledge or rather abuse the examples of some Princes that haue beene censured by the Pastors of the Church Such as tooke part with Henrie on the other side replied that Chilperick was deposed by the common consent of the States of the Realme and not by the Pope that it is the office of a Pastor to feed not to kill to instruct not to destroy that the examples that were alledged by them were either false or impertinent That Henrie refused not to doe any thing nay had performed whatsoeuer belonged to his place That Gregorie on the other side carried himselfe as an actor not as a Iudge That God onely ruleth Kings and Kingdomes and those subiects that God hath giuen them no man can absolue of their oath allegiance This they confirmed by places of Scripture and the testimonies of the Fathers wherupon they conclude Gregorie to be Antechrist who taking vpon him the name of Christ did vtterly ouerthrow the Lawe of Christ and his doctrine But this is nothing among the rest they strongly maintained that the Catholike Church is not with him that destroyes the Church and that the title of Catholike belongs not to him or his followers who speake and hold against the holie Scriptures against the Gospell of the sonne of God But rather according to S. Iohn he and his societie are Antichrists qui Iesum soluunt betray Christ offer him violence whilest they violently wrest the Scriptures And it is well noted of a learned Historiographer of our time Vignier in Hist Ecclesiast that in this whole controuersie there is no mention made by the Gregorians either for the donation of Constantine or the renunciation of Lewis A manifest proofe vnto vs that there was no such thing as yet found out But there is none that better layeth open vnto vs the mysteries of the iniquitie of Hildebrand then Cardinall Benno the Roman Arch-priest As touching his Magick all writers display him to be skillfull in this art as likewise that truely diabolicall Oracle wherewith he deceiued Rodolph and was himselfe deceiued by the diuell for which qualitie also he was condemned in many Synods by innumerable Bishops of France Germanie Italie in the Councels of Wormes Pauia Brixen and Rome where in the sentence it selfe in verie significant words he is called a Magitian a Diuiner a Southsayer possessed with a Pithonicall spirit a Negromancer And if this had not beene apparent ynough they had spoken doubtlesse much more there wanting not matter to obiect against him But Benno who penetrated into the hidden secrets of Gregorie sets downe all circumstances That he had learnt Magick of Theophilact who was Pope Benedict the ninth of Laurence his companion and of Iohn the Archpriest of S. Iohn Port Latin afterwards Gregorie the sixt who by his commerse with diuels and the singing and flying of birds told of those things that were done in farre countries of the euent of warres and the death of Princes That he whilest they liued yea euen in the Popedome was the chiefe instrument and companion of all their wickednesse yea the heire of Gregorie the sixt not onely of his money but his perfidious treacherie That he enforced Pope Nicholas by fearing him with strange apprehensions of death and presenting before him horrible visions to make him Archdeacon That none of the Cardinals subscribed to his election all forsaking him but he was created by the open force of the souldiers That comming one day from Alba to Rome he had forgot a certaine booke of Negromancie without which he seldome or neuer went which he in his journey remembring at the entrance of Portlateran he hastily called vnto him two of his familiar friends and faithfull ministers of his wickednesse commanded them with all speed to fetch that booke vnto him and withall terribly threatned them not to presume to open the booke vpon the way but by how much the more they were prohibited by so much the more were they kindled with a curious desire to prie into the secrets of that book In their returne therefore vnclasping the booke and curiously reading the precepts of that Diabolicall art there appeared presently before them certaine of the diuels angels whose multitude and horror so frighted these young men that they were almost beside themselues Benno Cardin. in vita Hildeb c. And these are the verie words of Benno That it was a common thing with him to shake sparkles of fire out of his sleeue and with these and the like myracles to blind the eyes of the simple as if they were signes of sanctitie That he sent two Cardinals Alto and Cuno to S. Anastasia to performe a fast of three dayes euery one euery day to sing a Psalter and Masses to the end that God might shew a signe which of the two thought more truely of the bodie of our Lord the Church of Rome or Berengarius which neuerthelesse came not to passe That he consulted the Sacrament it selfe as it had beeene an Oracle against the Emperour and the Cardinals withstanding him cast it into the fire That he had layed a trap for the Emperour in the Church of S. Maries in Mount Auentine and obseruing the place wherein he commonly stood or kneeled he commaunded a great stone to be laid vpon the beames of the Church ouer his head that being let fall vpon his head whilest he was praying might dash out his braines But the stone with the weight thereof bare downe with it the instrument of this villanie who by the just judgement of God was bruised to peeces vpon the pauement and for as much as this succeeded not wel he suborned murderers to kill him In the meane time whilest he deposed the Emperour vnder a pretence of Simonie he had no sooner depriued those Bishops of whom he complained of their authoritie but he restored it to them againe thereby binding them vnto him and against the Emperour In honour of Pope Liberius who was an Arrian he ordained a Feast and committed many outrages besides against all law and equitie murders oppressions violences which it would be too long to relate For which cause saith he the bloud of the Church crieth out against him c. I could wish the Reader would read the booke But here we must answer to the obiections of Bellarmine who striues to affirme that this booke is not to be beleeued First because it is likely to be suborned by some Lutheran or other R. If he had said of some malicious person it might haue beene borne with but I referre it to the judgement of any Reader that can discerne the stile weigh the circumstances consider of the phrase and I thinke there is none to be found that will take it to be suborned Secondly some man perhaps faith he in
important causes being enforced to returne into Germanie he left his eldest sonne Conrade in Italie whom he had destinated to be his successour him Mathilda wonne partly by flatterie partly by terrifying him that he should neuer possesse the Empire if he had not the grace and fauour of the Pope and so promising an assurance thereof vpon his submission to the Pope made him to rebell against his owne father And to make this band of amitie more firme married him to the daughter of Roger King of Sicilia Dodechin an 1093. Sigonius after Dodechin saith that Conrade was enforced thereunto because his father commaunding him he would not abuse his mother in Law Adelheida by which meanes he would haue defamed her and so conceyuing hatred against his sonne forsooke him Auentin l. 5. But Auentine hath no such matter but quite contrarie saith he There are certaine crimes obiected against Henrie whose names are vnknowne to all Frenchmen and Germans and are no where to be found but amongst those that haue red the liues of the Emperours according to the description of Suetonius Neither doth Sigonius himselfe beleeue it since he saith that the rebellion of Conrade was both godlie and necessarie as seruing much to the setling of the Popes affaires Neither doth he dissemble that he fled to Mathilda who joyned him in mariage with the daughter of Roger King of Sicilia her selfe perhaps beeing taken with his loue according to that which his father Henry spake in an assemblie at Cologne Auentin l. 5. My sonne being intangled with the allurements of a woman endeuoureth to depriue me both of my dignitie and life Vrban in the meane time absolues him of all duetie and obedience towards his father and vpon condition that he do him homage he promiseth him all helpe and assistance to obtaine the Empire It was therefore a matter of no great difficultie for him staying some yeares in Italie to win vnto him such as were friends to the Empire to settle his affaires there Henrie had created Arnulph Archbishop of Milan Berthold in Chron. and according to the custome inuested him by the ring and the staffe But for as much as the Bishops made a question of his consecration he retired himselfe into a Monasterie Vrban in fauour of Conrade went to Milan and there tooke him out of the Monasterie made him Gouernour of his Church and adorned him with the Pall but yet vpon condition for nothing came freely that the Church of Milan shold be subiect to the Church of Rome which hitherto had neuer acknowledged him There was also at that time an occasion offered of the recouerie of the Holie Land by means of one Peter an Hermit Picard Vrban who cold not stay at Rome tooke this occasion to passe the Alpes Partly saith William of Malmesburie to solicit the Churches on the other side the mountaines to reuerence him partly and this was the counsell of Boemond that all Europe being busied about the expedition into Asia in so great a tumult the forces of all Prouinces being dispersed Vrban might make himselfe master of Rome and Boemond inuade Sclauonia and Macedon which countries and all besides that lye from Dyrrachium to Thessalonica his father Guischard had vsurped against Alexius Emperour of Constantinople vpon which title Boemond challenged them to be his by right of inheritance But for as much as he knew that there were none more willing to vndertake this enterprise than the French men to the end that by their example he might put courage into others he calls a generall Councell of the whole West at Cleremont in Auernia there in the yeare 1095 An. 1095. in his owne person he layed open his purposed enterprise to the whole assemblie the conclusion of his speech was this We release all faithfull Christians that shall beare armes against the Infidels of great and infinite penance for their sinnes and receiue them vnder the defence of the Church and the protection of S. Peter and S. Paul as true and obedient sonnes whereupon many of all sorts of people tooke to them the crosse the badge or ensigne of the armie But in the meane time vnder this pretended zeale he forgets not to set forward his owne affaires for in stead of pacifying all quarels at home that he might the better proceed in this high enterprise abroad he continueth his old grudge and malicious exploits against Henry euen to his death An. 1099. which was in the yeare 1099 An. 1100. Sigon l. 9. de regno Jtaliae whom his sonne Conrade succeeded in the yeare 1100 for this expresly commended by Sigonius That hee neuer departed from the counsels of Mathilda and Vrban All this while Clement the third held the seat at Rome whereby any man may judge how diuersly mens consciences were distracted when he saw their Councels one contradicting the other Clement vndoing that at Rome that Vrban had done at Placentia one pronouncing the others Bishops heretikes the other condemning those Bishops that were his followers and sealing their condemnation with his owne hand both of them casting each others acts into the fire And one there was who affirmed that he saw Hildebrand and his followers burning in hell and another that he saw some of Clements Cardinals there too Matters thus standing they both called a Councell Vrban at Clermont Clement at Rome where the one excommunicated cursed degraded the other made voyd each others consecrations and ordinations and consequently condemned the Baptisme the Chresme the Sacraments administred by one part and the other yea cities regions nations families bedfellow maried couples were by this schisme diuided among themselues And some there were that allowed of neither part seeing nothing to beare sway on either side but ambition and malice And to say the truth in the Synod at Clermont Vrban shewes sufficiently that he troubled his head but a little for the recouerie of Ierusalem for the principall articles were these Let the Catholike Church be chast in beleefe the interpretation followeth free from all seruitude that no Bishops Abbots or Clergie men shall receiue any Ecclesiasticall dignitie from the hands of a Prince or lay or secular persons That whosoeuer shall take the goods of Bishops or Clergie men shall be accursed That whosoeuer shall flie to any Church or to the Crosse shall be redeliuered to iustice but yet with immunitie of his life and members Others adde That faith giuen to heretikes bindes not As for Henrie the Emperour and Philip king of France and whosoeuer should call them Kings he put them all in the number of heretikes And there is a Canon alledged by him out of Gratian 15. Q. 6. l. Iuratos that differs not much Such as are sworne souldiers to the Earle Hugh let them not serue him so long as he stands excommunicated And speaking to the Bishop of Gap he saith If they pretend oathes let them be admonished that they must rather obey
giue Lawes to the Church of Rome To what end then are Councels held But contrarily saith he all Councels by the authoritie of the Church of Rome are called and haue their force and in all their Statutes the authoritie thereof is manifestly excepted But where can they shew one sillable OPPOSITION Platina in Paschaū 2. Prodigious spectacles in the ayre the earth and the sea still continued obserued by all the writers of these times Neither was Paschal moued with these saith Platina because he beleeued them to be wrought by nature nay hee could not indure that others should obserue them but there was no prodigious wonder that so much troubled the world as himselfe which no man could deny that saw him entring into his Popedome with this belt whereon hung the seuen keyes and the seuen seales play so formally the part of Antichrist whether it were to attribute vnto himselfe all that was proper vnto Christ alone or to represent in his person that Abbadon described vnto vs in the Apocalyps And this no doubt moued the Bishop of Florence in the yeare 1106 publikely to preach Acta vitae Paschalis that Antichrist was borne which Paschal vnderstanding of and being much grieued therewith tooke the paynes to goe in person to Florence and there held a Councell to stop the mouth of this Bishop being content neuerthelesse fearing to stirre in the matter too much to admonish him openly to desist from this bold enterprise that is to say Sigon l. 9. de regno Jtal. least the matter should more apparently breake out The Emperour Henrie as we haue seene retired himselfe to Liege Sabellici Aenneade 9. Platina in Paschali 2. which Paschal could not endure wherefore vnder a shew of congratuling Robert Earle of Flanders beeing happily returned from Hierusalem to his Countrie he writ this vnto him It is the part of a loyall and lawfull souldier to pursue the enemies of his King by all possible meanes We giue thee therefore thankes for executing our commaund in the Diocesse of Cambray and we commaund thee to doe the like vpon the excommunicated people of Liege who falsly terme themselues Clerkes c. And not onely in those parts but euerie where else when thou canst with thy whole power to persecute Henrie the head of the heretikes and his followers Thou canst offer no sacrifice vnto God more acceptable than to withstand him who rayseth himselfe against God and his church c. This we commaund thee and thy souldiers to doe in remission of your sinnes c. Hereby making this his reuenge equall both in right and merit with that famous expedition to the holie Land But what doe the Bishops Canons and Clergie of the Diocesse of Liege There is the second volume of the Councels both the Epistle of Paschal to them and their aunswere to him Epist Leodiens Cleri in 2. vol. Concilior Edition Coloniens apud Quiritel pag. 809. I crie saith the Church of Liege with sighs and astonishment as the Prophet Esay speaketh who exaggerating the burden of the desart Sea crieth out As the Whirle-windes in the South vse to passe from the wildernesse so shall it come from the horrible Land a grieuous vision was shewed vnto me He that vnderstood not hetherto what this desart Sea was by heresay let him now vnderstand it by the eye It is not onely Babylon but the world and the Church c. The Church sigheth to see herselfe abandoned and forsaken by the holie Councels and Prelats for was there euer greater confusion in Babylon than there is at this day in the Church In Babylon the languages of Nations were confounded in the Church the tongues and minds of beleeuers are diuided S. Peter saith in his Epistle 1. Petr. 5. The Church that is at Babylon elected together with you saluteth you Hetherto I interpreted it that Peter would therefore by Babylon decipher Rome because at that time Rome was confounded with all Idolatrie and all manner of wickednesse But now my griefe enterpreteth it vnto me that Peter by a propheticall spirit foresaw the confusion of that dissention wherewith the Church at this day is torne in pieces c. What those whirle-winds are that come from Africa we rather learne by suffering than by reading from that horrible Land that is the Church of Rome a grieuous vision is shewed vnto me from thence commeth a whirle-wind as a tempest from Africa For the Bishop of Rome the father of all the Churches hath written Letters against vs to Robert Earle of Flanders And so they insert the Epistle What is he whose reynes reading these letters are not filled with sorrow not for the horror of the daunger but the horrible noueltie of the thing That a mother should write such lamentable Letters against her daughters yea though they had offended In that iudgement of Salomon is exprest the greatness of a mothers loue because Salomon giuing sentence that the infant for which they contended should be diuided with a sword the true mother chose rather that her child should liue with a stranger Esay 21. than be slayne with the sword The Prophet Esay saith speaking of Babylon The might of my pleasures is turned into feare vnto me But I say Rome my beloued mother is turned into feare vnto me For what is more fearefull nay what more miserable Dauid saw once the Angell of God standing with his sword drawne ouer Hierusalem wee the daughters of the Church of Rome see the Pope of Rome who is the Angell of the Lord for the place he supplieth with his sword drawne ouer the Church Dauid prayed that his people might not be slayne But our Angell deliuers the sword to Robert and prayes him to kill vs. From whence hath our Angell this sword There is but one sword of the spirit which is the word of God c. There is another sword of the spirit wherewith the sinnes of the flesh beeing mortified we buy the crowne of Martyredome The Apostles therefore receiuing of the Lord onely two swords from whence comes this third to the Apostolicall that is the Pope which he hath deliuered to Robert against vs Ezechiel 21. Perhaps he hath recourse to the Prophet Ezechiel that taking a third sword out of his hand he might goe to the right hand and to the left killing both the righteous and the wicked c. This is the sword of occision with which Ezechiel makes me astonished for what heart faints not to thinke that he that is annointed to giue life should be girt with this third sword to kill vs c And if it be lawfull to speake it with reuerence of the Apostolicall dignitie he seemeth to vs to haue beene a sleepe yea all his Counsellers slept with him when he hired at his charge a destroyer of the Church of God S. Paule commaundeth that the word of a Bishop be sound and irreprehensible we therefore reprehend not the word of the Bishop of
Bishops but because he that is Apostolicall should not wander from the Apostle we humbly in euerie particular circumstance enquire whether these words of this Apostolicall person sauoring the grauitie of the Apostle be sound and irreprehensible He promiseth Apostolike benediction to Robert but doth he commaund him to doe that that should obtayne benediction c. who hath euer persecuted the Church of God without punishment And here are alledged many examples out of the Scriptures See here the workes of iust malice that this father ordayneth for his sonnes to come to the heauenlie Hierusalem by impugning the Church of God We giue thankes to thy wisedome saith the Church for that thou hast done at Cambray who can thinke of the ruine and desolation of that Church without teares I a daughter of the Church of Rome did condole their estate for that brotherhood that was betwixt vs but now hearing that all these mischiefes haue lighted vpon them by the Apostolike authoritie I grieue the more because I feare least that should light vpon my mother Esay 10. that the Lord saith by the mouth of his Phrophet Esay Woe vnto them that decree wicked Decrees and write grieuous things to keepe backe the poore from iudgement c. That there should be such desolation of the Church such oppression of the poore and widowes such crueltie such rapine and which is worse such effusion of bloud without respect of good and euill and all this and worse than all this done by the commaund of the Pope who would beleeue it if his owne mouth had not spoken it We remaine astonished with the noueltie of these things and wee enquire from whence this new example should come that the Preacher of peace with his owne mouth and the hand of another man 2. Tim. 4. should make warre against the Church of God c. For Apostolike men improoue rebuke exhort offendors with all long suffering and doctrine c. And Christ saith Math. 8.15 If thy brother trespasse against thee goe and tell him his fault betweene thee and him c. And here they alledge the example of S. Gregorie towards the Bishop of Salonne reprehending the Emperour Maximus for that he vsed force against Priscillian and his fellows He say they that condemned Itachius their accuser for the death of Heretikes doubtlesse if he were now aliue he would not commend Paschal by whose commaund so many people are murdered for the cause of Cambray c. We commaund the like to be done saith he against the excommunicat falsly called Clerkes of Liege And why excommunicated we are all baptised in one spirit into one bodie c. when hath the Church of Rome heard that there are contentions amongst vs we thinke and say of Christ one and the same thing we doe not say I am Paules I am Cephas I am Christs Are we excomunicated for this our concord c Because we keep the law of God they obiect against vs that we transgresse their new traditions But God saith vnto them wherefore doe you transgresse the commaundement of God by your traditions God commandeth vs to giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars and to God that which is Gods which S. Peter and S. Paule doe likewise teach Honor the King Let euerie soule be subiect to the higher powers c. He that commaunds euerie soule to doe this whom doth he exempt from this earthlie power Because therefore we honour the King and serue our Lords and masters in the simplicitie of our hearts are we therefore excommunicated But we are simoniacall persons No we auoyd all such and those we cannot by reason of the time and place we tollerate and we no lesse flie those who couer their auarice with an honest title and vnder the name of charitie boast themselues to giue that freely which in effect they sell dearely and like the Montanists vnder the name of oblations they cunningly receiue gifts Alas with griefe we wonder why when and by whom we are excommunicated we know we are not excōmunicated by our Bishop by our Archbishop and we thinke much lesse by the Pope because he cannot be ignorant of that which Nicodemus saith Our Law iudgeth no man before he be heard Johan 7. Genes 18. neither had God condemned the Sodomites except he had first come downe to see whether they had done altogether according to that crie which came vp vnto him Seeing therefore he hath heard nothing of vs neither hath beene sollicited by the Bishop or Archbishop against vs who would euer beleeue that he would excommunicate vs c. But perhaps you will say that therefore he doth it because we fauour our Bishop who takes part with the Emperour This is the beginning of our sorrow and that which may make the cause of the wicked to blush because Satan being let loose and walking through the earth hath now diuided the Kingdome and the Priesthood Forasmuch therefore as the Diuell came vnto vs Apocal. 20. hauing great wroth as it is in the 20 of the Reuelation we pray to our father which is in heauen for this especially that he lead vs not into this temptation but that hee deliuer vs from the euill thereof c. But who can reprehend a Bishop for keeping his faith and loyaltie to his Prince And yet they that teare in sunder the Kingdome and Priesthood with new schismes and new traditions promise to absolue those from the sinne of periurie that break their faith to their King c. Hereby let all men iudge who of the two deserueth punishment he that giueth vnto Caesar according to the decree of God himself those things that belong vnto Caesar or he that dishonoreth his King and takes that name of God in vayne by which he plighted his faith to the King See here the reason why we are excommunicated and why we are called false Clerkes who liuing Canonically deserue by our liues and conseruations to be called Clerkes He is I say no part of Gods lot alluding to the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clerkes that is to say he hath no portion in his inheritance who will exclude vs out of his inheritance where then doth he place Paschal It is an iniurie which out of his wicked heart he vomiteth against vs as old witches vse to do S. Peter teacheth vs not to rule as Lords in Clero ouer Gods heritage 1. Peter 5.3 Galla. 4.19 but that we may be examples to the flocke And S. Paule My little children of whom I trauell in birth againe in in the Lord. These should be examples for Paschal to imitate or rather admonishers and not impious raylers and slaunderers The curse of excommunication our Lord Paschal hasteneth vpon vs but aboue all we feare that which the spirit of God by the mouth of the Psalmist hath sayd Cursed are all they that decline from his commaundements That curse of excommunication that Hildebrand Odoardus and this third haue by a new
tradition indiscreetly brought in we wholly reiect and we hold and reuerence those first holie Fathers vnto this day who by the motion of Gods spirit not carried by their owne affections haue otherwise ordayned Our Bishoppe communicateth with his King and Emperour to whom for those Royalties he holds from him hee hath sworne fidelitie It is a long time since this custome began and vnder the same many holie and reuerend Bishoppes haue departed this world giuing vnto Caesar that which belongs vnto Caesar and vnto God those things that are Gods And here they produce many places out of Ambrose and Augustine Now behold saith the Church of Liege why wee are held for excommunicats euen because wee hold and to our vttermost power doe imitate the holie and moderate auntient Fathers We hold with our Bishop and Archbishoppe our prouinciall and conprouinciall Synod according to the auntient tradition and whatsoeuer is there determined by the holie Scriptures we goe not to Rome but for such matters as are not determined by the Scriptures And as for those Legats a Latere who runne through the world to fill their purses wee wholly reiect them according to those Councels of Africa held in the times of Zozimus Caelestnius and Boniface For that we may know them by their fruites there proceeds from their Legations no correction of manners or amendement of life but the slaughters of men and the spoyle of the Church of God Forasmuch therefore as we sticke to the auntient rule are not caried with euerie wind of doctrine we are called excommunicats false Clerkes c. But rather let Paschal lay aside his spirit of presumption and let him aduisedly consider with his Councellors how from Siluester to Hildebrand the Popes haue obtayned the Chaire at Rome what and how many outrages haue beene committed by the ambition of that See how they haue beene defined by the Emperours and the false Popes condemned and deposed and he shall easily see that the imperiall power preuailed more than the excommunication of Hildebrand of Odoardus and of Paschal c. Paule the Apostle resisteth Peter the Prince of the Apostles to his face and therefore laying aside the wind of the Roman ambition why should not the Bishops of Rome be reprehended and corrected for great and manifest offences He that refuseth to be corrected is a false Bishop a false Clerke but we who by the mercie of God are obedient and corrigible according to the rule by the assistance of Gods spirit will auoyd Schismes and simonie and excommunications in all things c. Which if we were to be destroyed it were to be done by the edict of Kings and Emperors who beare not the sword in vayne But Sathan is let loosse Apocalip 12.12 hauing great wrath whom the powerfull hand of God will put to flight c. Alluding to that place in the Apocalips of the church persecuted by Sathan The authoritie of the Romans will free vs from excommunication Pope Hildebrand who was the Authour of this new Schisme and the first that raysed the Priestlie launce against the Princelie Diademe did first excommunicat those that indiscreetly fauoured Henrie but condemning himselfe of intemperancie he excepted those out of that excommunication that by a necessarie and lawfull subiection and no desire to doe ill tooke part with the Emperour And this hee set downe for a Decree c. Hee still proceedeth in the examination of this Epistle to Robert Persecute Robert the head of the heretikes and his maintayners thou canst offer no sacrifice more acceptable vnto God c. When Alaricus King of the Gothes went to take Rome being admonished by one of the seruants of God to desist from so wicked an enterprise I goe not willingly saith he to Rome but a certaine man doth daily vrge me to destroy it By this example doth the Pope vrge his Esquire to wast and ouerrunne the whole kingdome which cannot be done without slaughter and bloud and the ruine of the Church of God Alaricus was more mild who hauing taken Rome spared the Churches of God and abstained from the slaughter of men Now nothing is excepted but Robert is sent by the Pope not onely to ruinate those of Cambray and Liege but to indeauour wholly the destruction of all Who will crie out now with Esay How beautifull are the feet of those that preach peace c Doubtlesse that Zeale which S. Peter had when he cut off the eare of Malchus the same hath the Vicar of Peter in cutting off the eare of an hereticall King but he that will imitate Peter in wounding let him imitate likewise in putting his sword into his sheath c. Suppose our Emperour be an heretike as you would haue him yet he is not to be repelled as such a one by vs by taking armes against him but by prayer vnto God Against Pharao whose heart was hardned against God Moses brought frogges and flies and grashoppers and bayle These onely plagues he could no way auert but by praying with stretched out hands to heauen Ieremiah prayed for Nabuchad-nezzar and Paule for Nero c. And these examples he relateth more at large Which of the Popes of Rome hath by his Decrees giuen authoritie that a Bishop should vse the sword of warre against offendors Gregor l. 7. Regist c. 1. Gregorie the first Pope of that name telleth vs what all the Popes before him did thinke hereof all that succeeded him should think writing to Sabian the Deacon c. All contented with this example from Gregorie the first vsed the spirituall sword alone vnto the last Gregorie who was the first that armed himselfe and by his example others with the sword of warre against the Emperour c. You say with Gregorie howsoeuer the Shepheard bind let the flocke feare the band of the shepheard that is his censure Gregor Homil 26. And we say with Gregogorie that he depriueth himselfe of the power of binding loossing that bindeth loosseth not according to merit but his owne will You say likewise that be a man excommunicated for what cause soeuer if he die in that state he is damned The authoritie of the Church of Rome helpes vs in this For Gregorie the first hath authorised by writing and deed that the Pope of Rome hath power to absolue any man vniustly excommunicated by any man If then the Bishoppe of Rome can doe it who will say that God cannot absolue whomsoeuer the Pope hath vniustly excommunicated No man can be hurt by another that is not first hurt by himselfe But Robert can offer no sacrifice more acceptable vnto God than to persecute vs. I demaund of thee my mother the Church of Rome Can that sacrifice please God which is not cleane and without spot How then should this sacrifice of warre be acceptable vnto God which cannot be but vncleane full of murder rapine And this he amplifieth with many places of Scriptures And this saith he we commaund thee
and thy souldiers to doe in remission of your sinnes c. Here I know not what I should say or whether to turne my selfe For if I should turne ouer the whole volume of the old and new Testament and all the auntient expositers that writ thereupon I should neuer find any example of this Apostolike commaund Only Pope Hildebrand hath offered violence to the sacred Canons whom we read commaunded the Marquesse Mathilda in remission of her sinnes to make warre against Henrie the Emperour And so hauing discoursed out of the Scriptures and some places of Gregorie of the true manner and meanes of the remission of sinnes and shewing to a sinner his sinnes and making him to confesse them to feele the burthen of them to bee sorie for them to seeke the remedie by a liuelie faith in Christ Iesus the church of Liege concludeth in these words This manner of binding and loossing thou hast heretofore held and taught vs O my mother the Church of Rome From whence then comes this new authoritie by which there is offered to offendours without confession or repentance an immunitie from all sinnes past and a dispensation for sinnes to come what a window of wickednesse doest thou hereby set open to men The Lord deliuer thee ô mother from all euill Let Iesus be the doore vnto thee let him be the Porter that no man enter into thee but to whom be shall open He deliuer thee I say and thy Bishop from those who as the Prophet Michah speaketh seduce the people of God that bite with their teeth and yet preach peace This was the letter of the church and Clergie of Liege to Pope Paschal the second fortified with the testimonies of the holie Scriptures and authorities of the Fathers Neither need we doubt that such in those times was the voyce of the greatest part of the Churches of Christendome who consequently acknowledged Satan to be let loose wasting the Church of God in the person of Antichrist sitting in his Throne which the Emperour Henrie instructed by his Prelats spake plainely in his Epistle to the Christian Princes exhorting them to haue regard to their posteritie the royall Maiestie Auent l. 5. and the saluation of all Christian people because saith he the Pope vnder the honest title of Christ goeth about to oppresse the publike libertie of all Christian people whom Christ hath bought with his bloud and indeauoureth day and night to bring vpon all Christians a slauish seruitude except the Kings and Princes of the earth preuent it neither will he cease to doe it vntill like Antichrist he sit in the Temple of God and be worshipped of all as if he were God These and the like letters saith Auentine are to be found in many antient Libraries written to the kings of France Denmarke England and to other Kings and Princes of Christendome who neuerthelesse became not the more strange vnto him but being rather sorie for this his condition detested the author An. 1104. It was at this time that Yuo Bishop of Chartres writ a letter to Richard Bishop of Alba the Popes Legat who would censure his Clegie of simonie whom he openly giueth to vnderstand that he had done his best endeauors to mend that fault but all in vayne because they maintained it by the custome of the Church of Rome You Epist 133. If the Deane saith he and Chapter or other officers doe exact any thing of those that are made Canons my selfe forbidding it and persecuting the fault they defend themselues by the custome of the Church of Rome wherein they say the Chamberlaines and other officers of the Palace doe exact much of such Bishops and Abbots as are consecrated which they couer vnder the name of oblations or benedictions for there they say neither penne nor paper will be had without money and with this collop they stop my mouth not hauing any other word to answer them but that of the Gospell Doe that which they say that is to say the Pharisies and not that which they doe If therefore I cannot pluck vp this plague by the root impute it not onely to my weakenesse because from the first growth of the Church of God the Church of Rome hath been sicke of this disease nor to this houre cannot free herselfe of those that seeke their owne gaine Moreouer the same man being much molested by the Clergie at Rome makes a grieuous complaint vnto Paschal against the Appeales to Rome which are the cause of much disorder rebellions in the Clergie against their superiours whom abusing that libertie they slaunder at Rome Epist 75. he neuerthelesse not long before in the cause of Godfrey appealed to Rome whose place by the authority of the Pope he supplied out of the selfesame humor as aboue acknowledging reason and justice when it made for their owne purposes 43. PROGRESSION Of the turbulent estate of the Church and Common-wealth through the factious pride of Pope Paschal NOw to follow againe the course of our Historie Auentine concealeth not ratiunculas some smal reasons as he calleth thē why these Popes since Hildebrand pretended a right to deiect from their Throne vel potentissimum Imperatorem any Emperor how mightie soeuer That all power had been giuen of God to Christ and from Christ vnto S. Peter and to the Bishops of Rome his successors vnto whom by Religion of oath all Christians were bound perpetually to obey and to other Princes onely a limited time and vnder condition so long as it shold please them That therefore it was lawfull for the Pope if the Emperour disobeyed him who represented Christ on earth to excommunicate and depose him no lesse than any other Christian insomuch as he raigneth but by precarie right and holdeth the Empire in homage of him That in case he should rebell he might root him out of the Common-wealth as a Tyran by any meanes whatsoeuer And the people saith he bewitched by Hildebrand with such reasons as they are subiect to let themselues be carried away with euerie wind of doctrine Fraunce Italie and Germanie were pierced to the heart for the space of three and thirtie yeares Namely Paschal following from point to point this instruction who seeing his enemie dead reenforced the rigor of his Decrees and will not receiue to absolution the inhabitants of Liege till they had taken him out of the Sepulcre where they had layed him when Henrie also his sonne demaunded permission of him to giue him buriall he flatly refused him saying that the authoritie of holie Scriptures and of diuine miracles and of the Martyrs receyued vp into heauen repugned thereunto This writeth Peter the Deacon l. 4. ca. 38. And Auentine noteth expresly that till that time the Bishops of Rome had accustomed to date their Bulls Epistles and other affaires from the yeres of the Emperours raigne which he first ceased to doe and began to date from the yeare of his Popedome He was also the first that gaue
sufficient for euery man if he confesse his sinnes priuatly to God That Baptisme ought to be done with common water without the mixture of oyle That Churchyards haue been inuented for gaine for the earth is all one euery where to burie in That the world is the temple of God and that they that builded Churches Monasteries and Oratories would reduce the maiestie of God into a narrow strait as if a man should find his diuine goodnesse more propitious there than else where That the Priests vestments that ornaments of the altar robes caps Chalices dishes and other the like vessels are little worth and of no moment That a Priest in what place or time soeuer may consecrate the body of Christ and administer the same to others vsing only the words of the institution of the Sacrament That it is in vaine to implore the fauour of Saints who raigne in heauen with Christ who can no way helpe That a man loseth his time in singing or saying his Canonicall houres That no day a man may cease from his labour except the Sunday and not the feasts of Saints That to obserue the fasts ordained by the Church is of no merit Which opinions the Author who had looked more inwardly into them carried by that malice he bare towards them setteth downe maliciously ynough in his owne words but being rightly vnderstood nothing differed from the true doctrine if distinctly set downe as well in their confession as in ours At the least they free themselues from their false accusations which charge them with errours against the due obedience to Magistrats and against a lawfull oath and diuers others mentioned by Rainerius And much more they defend themselues from the sorceries or diuinations by lots which the malice of the time had blazed abroad although sorcerers wicked persons were and also are in diuers Prouinces called Waldenses and from that putting out of candles to commit whoredome one with another auncient subtilties of the diuel to defame the first Christians and by him renewed againe when it pleased God to send the light of the Gospell Frederick the second therefore in the costitutions which he made against them accused them not but for seperating themselues from the Church of Rome and from the ceremonies and seruices thereof without imputing any other crime vnto them Petrus de Vineis li. 1. c. 25.26.27 as appeareth in the Epistles of Peter of Vineis his Chancelor And also Claudius Seisellienses Archbishop a man of great credit vnder Lewis the twelfth although he had written a booke expresly against them he acknowledgeth them to be a good people vpright and honest innocent and irreprehensible in their conuersation and obseruations of the commandement of God Notwithstanding they were excommunicated by Iohn de Bellamaine Archbishop of Lyon at the commaundement of Alexander the third and soone after were summoned to the Councel of Lateran but they would not appeare because they knew they should haue the Pope both their judge and aduersarie Guido de Perpinian pag. 79. de haeresibus Whereupon he proceeded against them with all persecutions as warres slaughter spoils massacres and whosoeuer could most cruelly pursue them obtained forgiuenesse of all their sinnes But at length through the great prouidence of God it came to passe that through their dissipation and scattering abroad were gathered together a great number of Churches ouer all Europe as shall bee hereafter declared We may adde That some writers of this Age albeit aduersaries tell vs that there was held a conference at Realmont among the Albienses where disputed on their side Ponticus Iordanus Arnoldus Aurisanus Arnoldus Otho Philibertus Caslienus and Benedictus Thermensis On the other side Peter de Castro nouo a Monk of the order of the Cistertians and the Popes Legat and also Rodolphus deputed by the Pope Didacus Bishop of Erenenses and Dominicus a Canon of the same Church both Spaniards And there were chosen as Arbitrators two of the Nobilitie Bernard of Villa noua and Bernard of Arre and of the Comminaltie Raimond Godeus and Arnold Riberia There they say Guilielm de Podio Laurentij Noguier en l'historie Tolouse that these Doctors of the Waldenses did constantly affirme That the Church of Rome was not the holie Church nor the spouse of Christ but a Church polluted with the doctrine of the diuell and that Babylon whom S. Iohn describeth in his Apocalyps the mother of fornications and abhominations ouerwhelmed and drowned in the bloud of Saints That the Masse was not instituted by Christ nor his Apostles but a humane inuention and many the like things and so departed not agreeing vpon any thing 49. PROGRESSION The contentions and seuerall differences betweene the Emperour Frederick Pope Lucius the third Of the voiage to the Holie Land by the Emperour and the Christian Princes for the recouerie of Hierusalem from the Souldan with the death of the said Emperour and of the troubles that afterward arose to his sonne Henrie The solemnitie and manner of the coronation of the Emperour ALexander the third held the seat two and twentie yeares which happeped to few either before or since and in all this time it fell out so happily for him that the Antipopes liued not long so that by these mutations he aduanced not a little his owne affaires Foure the one after the other had opposed themselues against him whereof euerie one being entred the throne labored with new slights either to doe or vndoe The onely power of Frederick made head against him being often disturbed as wel in Germany as in Italie through the rebellions which Alexander had stirred vp against him whereby the cities and Princes tooke occasion vnder the colour of his Ecclesiasticall reformations to reuolt Neither did the ambition of his sonne Henrie lesse troble him who at what price soeuer would be King of Italie yet feared least the death of his father then engaged in the Popes warres might surprise him in that estate and so much the rather because the Popes seemed to be Arbitrators of the greatest part of the Empire of Italie Alexander therefore being dead and Hubald Cardinall of Ostia named Lucius the third elected in his place according to the order decreed in the Councell of Lateran by the Cardinalls onely without the consent of the Clergie and the people Henrie to persuade his father to be at peace with Italie omitted no meanes or opportunitie whatsoeuer but first of all remouing all lets procured the friendship of Lucius the third who hauing a desire to gratifie the citie of Lucca where he was borne Frederick at his request soone granted that no other money should be currant through all Tuscane Marchia Romania and Campania but that which should be coyned in Lucca in the Emperours name Lucius in the meane time did no better agree with the Romans than his predecessors who when hee sought to put downe the Consuls they cruelly chastising his faction and threatning himselfe worse
commended by all Histories for his pietie vertue clemencie forgetfulnesse of all iniuries whereby he left a desire in all men of his continuance yet no man euer endured greater more vnjust dealings by the Popes Through his death arose many molestations to his son Henrie as well in Germanie as in Italie But the thing that most troubled him was to get into his possession the kingdome of Sicilie in the right of Constance his wife by the death of William the which Pope Clement for want of an heire male challenged to belong to the church and had sent his forces to inuade it if the States and gouernours thereof had not opposed against him one Tancred the Bastard son of Roger by which meanes the inuasion of Clement being delayed Henrie had the better opportunitie to prouide for himself Thus did he obserue the promise made by his predecessor to those that went into the holie Land to defend and protect their estates and rights in that state they should leaue them Platina in Clement 3. Frederic being dead in this expedition his sonne Henrie besides the griefe for the losse of his father through so extraordinarie and vnexpected an accident was no lesse diuersly disquieted and disturbed in the kingdome of Germanie But Clement while he was endeauouring to put by Henrie from the imperiall Diademe died in Aprill in the yeare 1191 whom Cardinall Iacynthus succeeded a Citizen in Rome and was called Celestine the third By this change Henrie sped the better and with all diligence came to Rome where he was crowned by Celestine whom hee had before bound vnto him Naucler vol. 2. Gener. 40. by restoring into his hands the citie of Tusculus which had been deliuered into his protection a meanes for Celestine to gratifie the Romans because that for the space of 50 yeares before it had beene either the cause or pretence of many dissentions and brawles betweene them and the Popes Vignier ex Chron. Germā manuscr Baro an 1191. Sect 1. 10. ex Rogero authore Coaetaneo parte posteriore in Richardo primo But as soone as hee had restored it vnto them hee refrained not any kind of crueltie that he might practise against those miserable people But the manner of his coronation is worthie to bee noted After the Emperour had taken his oath to defend the Church and the patrimonie of Saint Peter and to restore whatsoeuer belonged to the Church whole and entire if any thing were withheld or detayned from it the Emperour and the Empresse are brought into the Church by the Pope and Masse being solemnely celebrated by him he annoynteth first the Emperour with words instituted to that purpose and afterward the Empresse Then sitting downe in his pontificall Chaire holdeth the imperiall Crowne betweene his feet and the Emperour bowing downe his head and likewise the Empresse receiue it from his feet And after this immediatly the Pope striking the Crowne with his foot kickes it from his head to the ground in token hee hath power if his merits so deserue to depose him then the Cardinals standing round about receiue the same Crowne and reuerently puts it vpon the heads of the Emperour and the Empresse Baronius himselfe is the Author and likewise Ranulph in the same words Ranulph in Polycr l. 7. ca. 26. Thus this proud mysterie did still rise by degrees Now by the death of the Bastard Tancred it was the easier for Henrie to make his peace with the kingdome of Sicilia But Celestine was now readie to excommunicate Henrie and also his brother Philip if his death had not preuented it by an auntient pretence wherby he had vsurped the possessions of the Countesse Mathilda though before to the end that Henrie should ruinate and destroy Tancred whom hee saw now established by the States hee had inuested the sayd Henrie into these dominions as his feudatarie But Henrie dying in the yeare 1197 left onely a sonne by Constance his wife of the age of one yeare and the troubles that euerie-where rise about the succession gaue Celestine meanes or rather a fit opportunitie to his successour Innocent the third to doe whatsoeuer they would in prejudice of the Empire For as Philip the brother of Henrie and Otho Duke of Saxonie striued for the Kingdome of Germanie Innocent taking an oath of faithfull homage of the Gouernour of the Citie of Rome inuadeth the Dukedome of Tuscane which Henrie had giuen to Philip his brother and sending to the Bishoppes of Germanie commaundeth them to deliuer the hostages which Henrie had brought out of Sicilia with him namely Sibilla the widow of Tancred his children and the Archbishoppe of Salerne Butt if Vezilus de Berco their keeper should refuse to deliuer them then they should excommunicate him by which meanes he seemed to haue composed the businesse of Sicilia to his owne desires The verie same way partly by force and partly by excommunication hee chased away Marcoaldus out of Romania and Conradus out of the Dukedome of Spoleto whom Henrie had inuested and interdicted all the Cities that any whit fauoured them and strengthened and confirmed the Cities of Lombardie in their societie to remayne free in such sort that the Emperours who afterward came into Italie found they had no authoritie left vnto them Furthermore hee enforced Constantia the widow of Henrie to take an oath to hold of him and his successours in homage Apulia and Calabria paying yearely sixe hundred squifats and for the Countrie of Mercia foure hundred vpon condition that her sonne comming to age shall take the same oath And as Constancia not long after chaunced to dye hee tooke vpon him to bee the Tutor and Gardian of the child who was Frederic the second and by these cunning sleights hath made himselfe Arbiter of the Kingdome Againe in Germanie he refused the election of Philip brother of Henrie as excommunicated by him and approued that of Otho Duke of Saxonie thereby taking from his pupill the support and helpe of the Vncle neither doth hee dissemble it that what hee did was in hatred of his predecesours who had opposed themselues against due See of Rome that is to say for defending the rights of their Empire And here the Reader may see the care they had of the affaires of the East that whilest they were bent wholly to the care of themselues all things went to ruine And here we make an end of the twelfth age OPPOSITION I willingly omit those frequent contentions betweene the Emperours and the Popes in these times contenting my selfe to haue noted here what the better sort haue thought of the Church of Rome Clement the third solicited the kings of Fraunce and England to the voyage of the holie Land who for the differences that grew betweene them thought it not fit and conuenient for them to go forward into a strange Countrie vnlesse the cause of the discord were first taken away and it seemed to Clement that Philip the second our king was
that iudge the world saith he let them see and iudge these things least wrong should seeme to proceed from whence equitie and iustice should be had We shall bee condemned of rashnesse and said to open our mouthes against heauen but we write not these things out of a spirit of pride but with the inke of griefe wee feele our owne priuat miseries and deplore the publike c. The Apostle speaking to the Romans saith Euerie creature ought to be subiect to the higher powers If the Apostle so writ to the Church of Rome who in the Church of Rome will presume to contradict this Apostolicall doctrine c. Some Angels are greater and higher in dignitie than others yet they admit not the pride of emancipation or freedome the one aboue the other One of them long since would be freed from the power of God and of an Angell became a diuell by these extraordinarie liberties now adayes are wrought the vtter ouerthrow of many But to dispute of the doings of the Pope is held they say for sacriledge besides the disputation is not equall where it is not lawfull for the defendant to answer neither is it a quarell when thou strikest and I onely must endure the blowes In the same sence in the Epistle 158 to Iohn Bishop of Chartres and vpon the same subiect which was then pleaded by the Author before the Pope he saith All the lawes and the Canons and whatsoeuer we could alledge out of the word of God Petrus Blaesens Epist 158. to affirme and make good our cause Maiores inter caeteros the greatest haue held detestable and sacrilegious and did publikely iudge vs enemies to the Church of Rome vnlesse we would relinquish these word by which we endeuoured to proue the Church of Saint Augustine which they affirme particularly to be his to be subiect to the Church of Canterburie c. For hauing no regard of the losse of soules they permit in the Monkes all vnlawfull things to cast off the yoke of all discipline to follow all pleasures of the flesh and to pay for their riot and excesse through the whole yeare an annuall pension Wee hauing then beene publikely forbidden to produce in this cause either Canons or Lawes but onely priuiledges if we had any readie at hand whereof they knew none we had at that time saw that in this respect we were destitute of all humane comfort and they being resolued to prouide a lay man and not learned but rich ynough to purchase honors who had bought this Abbie by simonie not priuily but publikely and as it were in open market I put my selfe forward to accuse him and to make my selfe a partie against him but when I layed open manifest and notorious things they whom he had made friends with the Mammon of iniquitie poured wine and oyle into the wounds of his infamie Moreouer hauing gotten much money from the Marchants of Flanders and in a manner drawne them drie notwithstanding borrowed an infinit quantitie of gold of the Romans so by this meanes the Doues wings were all siluer and the hinder parts of her backe glittering all in gold in such sort that they would heare no more of the libertie and dignitie of the Church of Canterburie for the which the Martyr Saint Thomas fought euen vnto death This pretended Martyr notwithstanding suffered for the Popes authoritie who as Peter of Blois here tells vs according to the example of the Pharisies gilded his sepulchre that he might the better rob his Church Neither are we to forget also That in his treatise of the Institutions of a Bishop written to Iohn Bishop of Worcester he attributeth to euery Bishop that authoritie which the Church of Rome restraineth to the Popes as successors of Saint Peter We read saith he that our Sauiour said to Peter Petrus Blaesens de Institutione Episcopi If thou louest me feed my sheepe thou art the heire and Vicar of Peter feed my sheepe In being an Euangelist doe the workes of an Euangelist and of a Pastor be not ashamed of the office of a Pastor Thy ministerie hath more charge than honour if thou affect honour thou art mercenarie if thou wilt imbrace the burthen the Lord is strong to encrease his grace that profit may come by profit and gaine by gaine But if thou canst not endure the burthen and knowes thy selfe insufficient it is too late to complaine He said before Take heed by all meanes thou wrap not thy selfe in secular affaires for there is no agreement with the spirit of God and the spirit of this world persist in thy vocation the world is wholly giuen to wickednesse And this hee afterward recited Animabus Praelatus es non corporibus Thou hast the charge of soules and not of bodies Nihil Praelato commune est cum Pilato A Prelat hath nothing common with Pilat thou art Christs Steward Peters Vicar thou art not to make an account to Caesar but to Christ of that iurisdiction that is committed vnto thee And by these and the like places we may judge what he thought of the Popes who so violently drew all secular power vnto them But he was constrained verie often to temper his stile according to the tyrannie of those times Petrus Blaesens in Tractatu de Peregrinat Hierosolimit as when he said The sword wherewith Peter cut off these seruants eare exceedeth in these daies according to all mens opinion the weapons of Alexander and Caesar Abbas Vrsperg Let vs now come to Innocent the third The Abbot of Vrsperge tells vs of his entrance into the Popedome I haue heard in those times saith he things incredible to be related and hard to be beleeued that the same Pope said That he would take away the Kinglie Diademe from Philip or that Philip should take from him the Apostolical Ensigne Now albeit it were not to be beleeued that he would prefer his will before the will of God neuerthelesse it appeareth that he was at all times contrarie vnto him But God foreseeing from aboue permitted not that through all Germanie his diuine seruice and the Ecclesiasticall dignitie should perish which continued there more permanent than in other countries albeit much corrupted and depraued through the instigation of sinne and chiefly carnall pleasures And he noteth especially that Innocent opposed the authoritie of the Apostolike See against Philips Vt regium genus deperiret To ruinat the royall race But Auentine saith That he raised cognatas acies Auent l. 7. brother to fight against brother and the sonne against the father and the one to pollute himselfe with the bloud of the other and then crying out Who saith he can giue any other reason of the discord among Christians but the spectacle of the Roman Bishop quasi paria componentis taking pleasure to see and to cause them like Fencers to murder one another euen so the Christian people were slaine the Bishops of Rome encouraging the one against the
Frederick but Ricobaldus discouers the ground of this malice That wheras Gregorie was desirous to make Frederick more firme vnto him by an alliance of mariage this offer was reiected by the Emperors children and Frederick was afraid least in his absence hee should inuade the kingdome of Sicilia Abbas Vrsperg The Abbot of Vrsperge being a man of note in that age hath giuen this judgement of him This Gregorie saith he being a proud man in the first yeare of his Popedome began to excommunicat Frederick the Emperour vpon false and friuolous causes and contrarie to all order of iudicious proceeding He vpbraided him That the Church of Rome vnder the tuition of Innocent the third had been a mother vnto him Frederick answers That she was rather a stepmother being the root and fountaine of all his troubles And therefore hee sets before the eyes of Princes her rapines sacrileges simonies and iniurious attempts against kings and kingdomes alledging for instance how cruelly shee dealt with Iohn king of England and others Math. Paris in Henrico 3. concluding at the last That it was to be feared least the Church whose foundation was layed in pouertie and simplicitie should by her wealth and aboundance be brought to ruine and that therefore it is high time for them that see their neighbours house on fire to looke to their owne Let vs note by the way that the Popes earnest soliciting of this voyage to the Holie Land promising pardon of all their sinnes to such as should goe thither was suspected by those of best judgement which did not onely foresee the mischiefe that would follow thereof but felt the present euill which alreadie it had wrought Abbas Vrsperg The same Abbot saith thus Cardinall Conradus Bishop of Portua when he went Embassadour into Germanie to aduance the seruice of the Croysado as they call it and did appoint Preachers for the publishing thereof Then a certaine frier predicant called Iohn comming from Strasbourge preached daily and earnestly laying mens sinnes to their consciences with great vehemencie and for the intangling of their soules broached certaine doctrines before vnheard of which albeit in some sort they might be maintained yet it was found by experience that much euill ensued thereof being misconceiued by the hearers who were thereby incouraged to commit many enormous crimes and offences for at that time Engilbert Archbishop of Collen was slaine by his owne kinsmen and many Priests murdered For some damnable companions said I will commit villanies for by the taking of the crosse I shall be not onely absolued from them but shall also deliuer the soules of many wicked men Whereupon Auentine speaking of the same Iohn and such like saith Auent l. 7. That to incourage men to vndergoe the hazard of this dangerous warre they deliuered many strange doctrines That whatsoeuer sin a man had committed were it parricide incest or sacriledge as soone as he had sowed a crosse vpon his coat he was presently absolued both from the fault and punishment And for proofe hereof he brought many examples Let vs now returne to Frederick Gregorie vpon that day which is commonly called Coena Domini excommunicats him The Frangipanes being an honourable familie in Rome taking offence thereat incite the people against him and droue Gregorie out of Rome who retired himselfe to Perusia Now Frederick hauing setled his affaires in Sicilia with as much speed as he could to the end hee might approue his actions to the whole world vpon Christmas eue he arriued with his whole armie in Palestina and therefore Gregorie might well haue pacified his anger had not somewhat else than the zeale of Christ inflamed him But Sigonius himselfe tells vs That Gregorie was so much the more incensed against him that he durst vndertake that voyage before he was reconciled to him Wherefore taking opportunitie of his absence vnder the conduct of Iohannes Bremensis he inuades Apulia stirres vp the confederat cities of Lombardie against Frederick diuides or rather rents asunder all Italie into the factions of the Guelfes and Gibellines the one holding for the Pope the other for the Emperour that scarce any citie or towne was to be found where the higher part against the lower one quarter against another the commons against the nobilitie the nobility against the commons did not exercise hostilitie with all manner of crueltie so that this fire could scarcely be quenched without the vtter ruine of Italie Frederick for all this desisted not from his purpose which he so effectually pursued that he did not so much as thinke of Italie before he had recouered the citie of Hierusalem But so soone as he had taken the citie and caused himselfe to be crowned King of Hierusalem and had setled his affaires there being informed that the Pope played rex in his dominions for redresse thereof in the yeare 1229 he returnes into Italie Mathew Paris a writer of that age though fauouring Gregorie saith thus Matthaeus Paris in Henric. 3. Hee taking it in euill part that the Emperour of Rome being excommunicated and rebelling against him went to the Holie Land did not a little despaire of his repentance and satisfaction and returning againe to the vnitie of the Church and therefore he determined to depose him from his Empire for his contumacie and rebellion and to place in his roome some other that would bee a peaceable and obedient sonne vnto him And yet a little before he had told vs that Frederick at his arriuall in the Holie land found them in such a desperat case that the Templers Hospitallers at his comming adored him vpon their knees kissed his knees Moreouer he produceth a letter of the Earle of Aterne aduertising Frederic that Iohannes Bremensis his father in law by the instigation of Gregory had inuaded his dominions set on fire his townes and villages c. And if any man made mention of the emperor vnto him he said there was no other emperour but himselfe Your friends saith he wonder hereat most mightie emperour especially those of the Clergie vpon what ground and with what conscience the Pope can doe thus Cuspinian in Frederico Abbas Vrsperg Collenutius l. 4. Neapol Histor. and warre against Christians The Abbot of Vrsperge and some other say further that Gregorie to the end he might weaken the forces of Frederic in the holie land forbad those of the Croysado in Apulia and Lombardie to goe thither and caused the Lombardes in their journey thitherward to be ransackt and spoyled and that he might crosse the good successe of these warres scattered letters in Fredericks campe admonishing his soldiers to take heed of him moreouer that he did write to the Souldan to be of good courage and not to restore any thing to Frederic Whereupon this good Abbot breakes out into these speeches Who would not saith he both bewaile and detest these dealings which are manifest forerunners and prodigious signes of the Churches ruine He saith further
that when it was written vnto him of the recouerie of Hierusalem Nazareth Ioppa and other places he cast away the letters in a rage Now whilest the poore afflicted Christians were so ouerjoyed saith Mathew Paris as they thought themselues to be in heauen Gregorie causeth the messengers that brought this newes to be surprised and slaine and to blemish Fredericks reputation giues it out that the emperour was dead Whereupon the cities that were yet subiect to the emperour resolued to yeeld themselues to the Pope and most cruelly wickedly to murder all the Germans that returned from the holie land and remayned in Apulta had not God of his mercie preuented it And hereby let euerie man judge whether Frederic had cause to hasten his returne who notwithstanding with all humility and obedience sent to the Pope for absolution The Souldan himselfe vsed Frederic more kindly than either the Pope or the Patriarch Temlers of Hierusalem that were his followers For Mathew Paris thus witnesseth The Templers and Hospitalers Cuspinianus in Caesarib Hieronimus Marius in Eusebio saith he enuying the emperors proceedings took heart against him by reason of the difference betweene the Pope and him and craftily and treacherously gaue notice to the Souldan of Babylon that the emperour purposed to goe to the riuer where Christ was baptized by Iohn Baptist where he might either take him prisoner or kill him at his pleasure Which when the Souldan vnderstood and had receyued a letter to that effect the seale whereof was familiarly knowne vnto him he detested the falshood malice and treacherie of the Christians especially of those that carried the habit of religion and wore the crosse and calling to him two of his most trustie and wisest counsellors he deliuered the whole matter vnto them shewing them both the letter and the seale and sent the letter to the emperor c. And this was the originall of the malice betweene the Emperour the Templers and the Hospitalers Who saith he to couer their treason procured Giraldus the Patriarch one of their confederats to write letters into the West tending to the disgrace of this poore Prince the copie whereof he produceth The Abbot of Vrsperge toucheth this in a word saying That he endured much by the perfidious treacherie of the Templers Now Gregorie seeing him returned after hee had made truce with the Souldan for tenne yeares to his great aduauntage and therefore the lesse obliged to returne thither againe and perceiuing he was readie to reuenge the wrongs done vnto him in his absence willingly made peace with him and released the excommunication against him in the citie of Anania whether he was retired neuerthelesse on condition Platina in Gregorio 9. that he should pay vnto the Pope 120000 ounces of gold for the damages done to the territories of the Church and also should assist him with his forces to reduce the Romans to obedience which he exactly fulfilled But it is obserued by an Historian of these times that of this enteruiew remained to him a perpetuall rancour of mind Continuator belli sacri l. 3. c. 11. for that when the Pope presented to him his foot to kisse as the manner is the Emperour had kissed but his knees and scarsely with the top of the lip which neglect was so deepely fixed in the Popes mind that he could neuer forget it Therefore when he saw Frederick resolued to appease the tumults of Lombardie which he euer maintained against him he sent his Legats thither vnder pretence to persuade them to submit themselues vnto Frederick whereas it was indeed to encourage them vnder-hand against him And in this businesse he also imployed certain preaching Friers and Minorites and among others one Frier Iohn who after he had amidst the Caroches and standards of all the confederat Cities begun his Sermon in these words of our Sauiour Peace I giue vnto you Author Jtal. Apud Vigner p. 440. my peace I leaue with you Specifying saith the Authour the drift of his preaching concludeth that whosoeuer should in word or deed adhere or take part with the Emperour should be adiudged rebells to the Church and so he ended namely Apud Sigon l. 17. de regno Jtal interpreting this peace to be a generall conspiracie vnto which he inuited and induced all the Cities and bound them by mutuall othes to the vtter ruine of Frederick and his Posteritie There remained that he should trouble him in Germanie it selfe which he also failed not to do For after the example of his predecessors by sending his Legats he stirred vp against him a great conspiracie of his Princes and induced his sonne Henrie to be head of the same against his Father the Citizens of Milan offring vnto him the Crown of Italie which they had denied his Father if he would come and succour them But the most renowned Lords of Germanie as well Ecclesiasticall as secular went into Italy to reproue Gregorie heereof Bertald Patriarch of Aquileia Otho Lord of Dalmatia and of Istria his brother Eberard Archbishop of Saltzburge Sigifride of Regensburge who spake in the name of the rest so that he was constrained for shame to reuoke his commandements Meane time Frederick hauing straitly besieged his rebellious sonne brought him to that extreamitie that prostrate at his feete he desired pardon and hauing conuicted him of going about to poison him he gaue him his life but sent him prisoner into Apulia Thus are we come to the yeare 1235. In the yeare following 1236 Frederick being weary of the rebellions of Italy An. 1235. An. 1236. and especially of Lombardie requested Gregorie the like good turne he had done him namely that as he had assisted him to bring the Romans to obedience so he would not denie him his aide in compelling the Lombards and chiefly them of Milan whom he could not but know to take part with the Albienses and Waldenses and therefore it was a cause wherein himselfe and the Church of Rome was interessed Gregorie answereth that he should take heed he entred not Italy with armes nor inuade the Lombards but rather should prepare himselfe to passe againe into the holy Land where the truce within two yeares would be expired If notwithstanding he had ought to demand of them that he should referre the matter to him as Iudge and he would willingly take notice thereof To which pride Frederick answered both prudently saith the Historie and modestly Matthaeus Paris in Henrico 3. in this manner Italy is mine inheritance and that is known to all the world to aspire to other mens and to leaue a mans owne were extreame ambition especially seeing that the Italians and chiefly them of Milan haue prouoked me by their insolence in nothing rēdring me due reuerence Intimating that it was no equity to put to compromise as a thing in controuersie that which euidently pertained to him as his own Gregorie therupon raised new tumults against him in Germanie the Duke of Austria among
length the Seat remaining vacant for the space of one and twentie moneths they not finding any sparke of charitie at least vnder the ashes were on the o●●●●t vrged by the Emperour who to take away all excuse from them sent them backe the said Cardinals hauing taken their oath That they should procure the peace of the Church and of the Empire and the more eagrely to stirre vp the Romans he wasted and spoyled their countries On the other side by the French men who boldly declared vnto them That if they did not the sooner prouide they would elect a Pope for themselues according to the auntient priuiledge granted by Pope Clement to S. Denis who gaue vnto him the Apostleship of the Westerne people So that in the yeare 1243 they chose Signibard of Flisque An. 1243. a Genoway named Innocent the fourth whom straight the Emperour sent to congratulat by Peter de Vineis his Chancellor but as he was a prudent Prince hee foresaw what would be I haue lost saith he a Cardinall my friend and haue gotten a Pope mine enemie assuring himselfe that being come to the Popedome he would be no lesse his aduersarie than the others had beene As indeed he straight renewed the excommunication against him and after some speeches of peace enterchanged by Frederick on which they could not agree because the Pope would absolutely be beleeued Frederick would not submit himselfe thereto but Praecognitis causis praeuisa via omnibus conditionibus But with knowledge of the cause meanes and conditions Innocent priuily departed Italie in the Genoway gallies passed into France and came to Lyons there to hold a Councell which began in the yeare 1245 in shew for the Holie Land but indeed as the effect proued against Frederick Thither notwithstanding he went in person was alreadie at Thurin when he heard that Innocent had excommunicated him and that he would not heare his embassadour Thaddeus of Suisserland a man of qualitie requesting he would stay a little neither would he condescend to the intreaties of S. Lewis king of France and Henrie king of England and the embassadours of other Princes Which stayed Frederick from passing any further neuerthelesse he offered that he might haue peace of the Church to defend Europe from the Tartarians to free the Holie Land at his owne charges from the Sarasens to vnite the Greeke Church to the Roman But the Pope answered These are but words and demaunded of his embassadour what securitie he could giue The two kings saith he of France and England We will not answered the Pope because if he should faile his couenants neither can we otherwise beleeue we must turne our selues to chastise them so for one enemie we should haue three than whom in the secular power are none greater neither yet equal The Pope therefore proceedeth to excommunicat him to depose him from the Empire to absolue for euer his subiects from their oath of fidelitie and to excommunicat all them that should acknowledge him Emperour The forme of which is read in most proud tearmes in the histories of those times and in the Acts of the Synod of Lyons Mathew Paris particularly noteth That when king S. Lewis set before his eyes the danger of the Holy Land which could not humanely be preserued by any but by Frederick and requested him to receiue this great Prince into fauour being readie to vndergoe so great a humilitie in the name of Iesus Christ and according to the Lords example and precept to open the bosome of mercie to a sinner euen vntill seuen times seuentie times he answered him absolutely That he would not doe it It is also worthie obseruation That when Innocent had sent to publish this excommunication throughout all Europe and particularly in France the Princes in the end requested That time might be granted Frederick within which he might personally be present in the said Councell The Pope answered Farre be that from me I feare the snares that I haue escaped for if he should come I would presently depart I wish not yet the shedding of my bloud neither doe I feele my selfe disposed to martyrdome or imprisonment And so in the end pronounced sentence A certaine Curat of Paris acquited himselfe well towards his parishioners in these words Giue eare saith he I haue receiued commaundement to pronounce the solemne sentence of Excommunication against the Emperour Frederick candles put out and bells ringing Now not knowing the cause deseruing it yet I am not ignorant of the great quarell and inexorable hatred betweene them I know also that one of them doth iniure the other but which it is I know not So farre forth then as my power doth extend I excommunicat and pronounce excommunicated one of the two namely him that doth the iniurie to the other and absolue him that suffereth the iniurie which is so hurtful vnto all Christendome In like manner Krantzius telleth vs that many Princes and Barons exclaimed against this sentence It pertaineth not to the Pope to ordaine or degrade an Emperor but only to crowne him that is elected by the Princes In a word the Author aboue cited saith That all men for the consequence of the matter were wounded and grieued iudging well that in time the Pope would grow to that exceeding height of pride that he would for euery light cause when it pleased him depose Catholike Princes innocent and iust We haue will they say troden vnder feet that great Emperour Frederick and who is he henceforth that can resist vs And so the mightiest men beeing prouoked will lift vp their heele against him and God being the auenger the authoritie of Rome may come to nought This was the judgement of all men concerning this Excommunication which though it were grounded on pretence of Heresie yet could there none bee found but in this That he lightly regarded the Popes friuolous and vaine Excommunication But Innocent passeth further for he will ordaine an Emperour after his owne fantasie and therefore sendeth word to the Princes that they should proceed to a new election and also appointeth the Electors that should haue to doe in it namely the Dukes of Austria of Bauaria of Saxonie and of Brabant the Archbishops of Colonia of Mentz and of Saltzburg the most part of them sworn enemies to Frederick who were to passe into an island of Rhine no man following them to determine of the matter meane time he recommendeth vnto them by the Bishop of Ferrara his Legat Henrie Lantgraue of Turing whom also they for his sake choose But Frederick nothing astonished for all that The Pope saith he in his Councell hath depriued me of my Crowne Whence hath he so great presumption whence such rash boldnesse But in this I am in better condition than afore for I was bound in some things to obey him at least to reuerence him but now I am absolued from the bond of honour and of all kind of obedience towards him And yet he
be the better aided of the Pope for the strengthening of his new Empire and there rested onely to agree the controuersies of religion Therefore Germane Patriarch of Constantinople writeth vnto Gregorie That he desired nothing more than to enter into conference about them being readie old as hee was to resort to any place where need should be to that effect But saith he because no man euer can see the spots of his owne face vnlesse hee looke himselfe in a glasse or be certified by some other whether his face be spotted or not so we haue many great and shining myrrors namely the Gospell of Christ the Epistles of the Apostles and the bookes of the Fathers let vs looke into them they will shew vs how euerie man beleeueth siue nothè siue legitimè falsely or truely The same also to the Cardinals but that he passeth further There is a scruple of offence bred in our minds that gaping onely after earthlie possessions yee gather together the gold and the siluer that yee can from any place extort yet say yee are the disciples of him to wit Peter that said Siluer and gold haue I none Yee make kingdomes tributarie vnto you yee multiplie moneyes by negotiations yee vnteach by your actions that which yee teach with your mouth Let temperance moderat you that yee may be to vs and to all the world an example and paterne c. But Gregorie answereth him with his Tu es Petrus thinking to put him downe with the onely name of Primacie And indeed Germane said vnto them The diuision of our vnitie proceeded from the tyrannie of your oppression and of the exactions of the Church of Rome which of a mother is become a stepdame To this Gregorie answereth That to him alone belongeth the decision of the questions of faith moreouer that to the Pope of Rome belongeth both the swords materiall and spirituall by the testimonie of the Gospell where it is said Ecce duo gladij behold two swords consider I pray you what a goodly course he taketh to conuert the Greeks These admonitions being heard but not yeelded to the Grecians submitted not themselues to the Church of Rome Fortè saith the Author tyrannidem auaritiam ejus pertimescentes Fearing perhaps the tyrannie and couetousnesse thereof the Pope and Cardinalls hauing a diligent treatie thereupon they resolue to turne the whole armie of crossed souldiers against them And a publication thereof being made many are crossed to goe against the Greekes and chiefely them of Constantinople He addeth This was the seed of schisme betweene the Roman and the Greeke Church A certaine Archbishop canonically chosen to a noble Archbishopricke in Greece went to Rome to be confirmed but could not obtaine it vnlesse he would promise infinitum aurum aboundance of money for the same But hee without doing any thing returned detesting the simonie of the Court and told it to all the Nobilitie of Greece And others that had beene at Rome witnessed the like and worse actions and so all in that Gregories time departed from the subiection of the Church of Rome Hereupon the Authour giueth his judgement The Greeke Church hauing seene so much malice and oppression rise vp against the Roman and expelling their Emperour obeyed onely their Archbishop Germane of Constantinople Not long after the Patriarch of Antioch also followed the same steps and proceeded so farre as to excommunicat Gregorie Solemnely preaching That he and his Church in time and dignitie was to be preferred before the Pope and the Church of Rome and that it was more excellent than the Roman Church because the Apostle Peter had first gouerned with great honour the Church of Antioch the space of seuen yeeres and there was receiued with all due reuerence and likewise established in the Chaire whereas at Rome he was manifoldly vexed with many iniuries and reproaches and at length suffered vnder the Emperour Nero a cruell death with his fellow Apostle S. Paul the speciall Doctor of the Gentiles The power of binding and loossing he rather bestowed on the Greeke than on the Roman Church which is now manifestly defamed with the spots of simonie vsurie couetousnesse and other enormities And these things passed in the East What shall we say then if the Romans themselues haue not been able to hold their peace When Gregorie went about to excommunicat them they spake against him maintaining That for no cause the citie ought to be subiect to his interdict And the Pope replied That he was lesse than God but greater than any man whatsoeuer therefore greater than any citizen yea than any King or Emperour Secondly the Magistrats and Senators exacted a yearely tribute of the Roman Church which they of new and auncient right were euer in perpetuall possession of vntill Gregories time He answered That this was a free gift which the Church vnder persecution was woont to giue for to redeeme their peace which ought not grow into a custome seeing for so many ages there had beene no persecution at Rome but that which the Popes themselues vsed against others If this right had had none other foundation who can doubt but that many ages afore that they would haue exclaimed against it and abolished it Thirdly the Romans extended their countie or bounds of their jurisdiction so that they included therin Viterbe Montalto and other towns castles which were pretended to belong to the Church He answered That this was to vsurpe another mans right and that Christ on the crosse by his bloud had made the citie of Rome so free that the gates of hell could nothing preuaile against it Note gentle Reader the pleasant diuinitie of this Pope For these causes therefore contentions being debated betweene the Pope and the Romans he with his Cardinals depart the citie and withdraw themselues to Perousa thence he thundereth forth an excommunication against them whence came as the same Author saith warres and many conflicts and great effusion of Christian bloud for many yeares And for this cause Innocent his successor set no firme footing at Rome but assigned a Councell at Lyons and also by his Embassadors requested Henrie the third king of England That he might with his good leaue soiourne at Bourdeaux because the brethren of king S. Lewis being prisoner among the Infidels did vehemently presse him to make peace with Frederick But the wisest men of England saith Mathew feared such a guest Because from thence he might soone passe by ship into England and by his presence make it worse and defile it And this is that which Cardinall Iohn the Cistertian Monke said in his admonition to Innocent aboue recited We are in exile chased from the Papall seat from Rome it selfe yea and from Italie But as in Germanie their venome did chiefly spread it selfe so it is worthie our obseruation to see what strong resistance the force of nature made against that strange force And Gregorie the ninth as we haue seene had taken vpon him to
souldiers against Albert. Wherefore the Duke of Bauaria himselfe with whom he was retired began to faint especially vpon the receit of the Emperour Fredericks letters out of Italie by which he was commaunded to chase him away as guiltie of high treason All which the Pope was aduertised of by a deuout old woman named Katherine Begute and a certaine young stripling called Henrie oftentimes sent from Albert into Italie In this extremitie they haue recourse to superstition Agnes the Dukes wife was religious he might haue said more truely superstitious Albert deceiueth her by Henrie the Dukes Secretarie Prouost of Munster and Theodoric Otholim her houshold Chaplaine they affirming vnto her That on the feast eue of Saint Philip and Iacob whilest they were in their quiet sleepe they saw twice a sword let downe from heauen to Albert the Virgine mother of God and the Apostles of Yuorie with inscription in letters of gold That they approued and confirmed all the actions of Albert and made themselues authors of all that he should take in hand Whereupon he boldly commaunded the Bishops of Ausbourg and of Eichstat That they should depriue from the communion of the Church all the cities of their diocesses that had sent men of warre to Frederick but none obeyeth him Then he calleth them together to Landshut yet no man also appeareth At last the Pope in his fauour sendeth to the Canons and religious persons that they should chuse themselues other Prelats neither are yet these any thing moued He citeth to Rome out of euerie diocesse them that Albert designed vnto him but no man prepareth himselfe to goe thither In the meane time Eberard Archbishop of Saltzbourg and Radiger Bishop of Bathaw goe to Otho Duke of Bauaria admonish him of his duetie promise him the Emperours fauour and intreat him to be present in their assemblie at Ratisbone there with a great number of Bishops to treat of the affaires of the Commonwealth which he granted them Then Eberard Archbishop of Saltzbourg opened his bosome in an Oration which we haue at length set downe in Auentine where after he hath said vnto them for Preface That Christ had left vnto vs for his badge whereby we may be discerned from others the duetie of loue and peace He earnestly also saith he admonisheth vs that we should auoid false Christs and false Prophets who couered with sheepes skins that is vnder the name of a Christian and title of Pope seeke to haue dominion ouer vs and delude vs. Whom he teacheth vs to know by their thornes and workes namely couetousnesse excesse contention hatred enuie warres discord desire of domination ambition With what words could the Emperour of heauen more plainely haue demonstrated vnto vs the Scribes and Pharisies of Babylon If we be not blind we may discerne vnder the title of Soueraigne Bishop in Pastors clothing a most cruell Wolfe The Bishops of Rome take armes against all Christians make themselues great by presuming deceiuing and sowing warre out of warre They kill the sheepe destroy peace driue concord out of the land draw out of hell ciuile warres and domestick seditions c. They prouide not for their flocke after the manner of a Bishop but rather after the manner of tyrans they licentiously rage in crueltie Iustice goeth to nothing but impietie couetousnesse desire of honours loue of money and lust grow apace c. And here he amplifieth his discourse vpon this confusion of things Hildebrand about an hundred and seuentie yeares agoe vnder shew of religion first laid the foundation of the Empire of Antichrist first began the horrible warre which his successors haue continued euer since till now At first they excluded the Emperour from the election of Popes and transported it to the people and Clergie And afterwards hauing had both these in mockerie and scorne they now also labour to constraine vs to subiection and seruitude that they may raigne alone and being now delighted with the custome of commaund and hauing often weighed their owne and their aduersaries forces they vse the specious colour of Ecclesiasticall libertie for an occasion of violently taking to them domination and of oppressing Christian libertie Beleeue him that hath experience of it They will not cease till they haue brought the Emperour vnder dissipated the honour of the Roman Empire oppressed the true Pastors which feed taken away the dogs that can barke that after this manner they may extinguish and destroy all things They would therefore confound all things together in vprores yet euen in despight they contend for dominion Paul the storehouse of Philosophie commaundeth Be yee subiect one to another in the feare of Christ c. That supreme Maiestie tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant that he might serue his Disciples and wash their feet The Bishops of Babylon couet to raigne alone they cannot endure any equall They will not giue ouer till they haue troden all things vnder their feet and sit in the Temple of God and be exalted aboue all that is worshipped Their hungring after riches and thirsting after honors cannot be filled the more is giuen them the more they desire reach to them a finger and they will couet the whole hand This seruant of seruants coueteth like as if hee were a God to be Lord of Lords He despiseth the sacred assemblies and Councels of his brethren yea of his Lords He feareth least he should be constrained to render an account of those things that he doth daily more and more against lawes and commaundements ingentia loquitur he speaketh great things as if he were a God meditateth new counsels in his breast that he might get an Empire to himselfe He changeth the lawes establisheth his owne He polluteth teareth asunder spoyleth defraudeth killeth This is that sonne of perdition whom we call Antichrist in whose forehead is written this name of contumelie I am God I cannot erre He sitteth in the Temple of God and hath dominion farre and wide but as it is in the mysterie of holie Scriptures Let him that readeth vnderstand The learned shall vnderstand but all the wicked shall doe wickedly and shal not vnderstand And here he briefely noteth vnto them what of these things is said in the Reuelation which he applieth to the present state of the world and chiefely to the corruption of Rome then by and by after hee saith The Emperour is but a vaine name and onely a shadow There are ten kings likewise which haue diuided the whole earth sometime the Roman Empire not for to gouerne but to consume it The tenne hornes which seemed incredible to Saint Augustine to wit the Turkes Grecians Aegyptians Africans Spaniards Frenchmen Englishmen Germans Sicilians and Italians possesse the Roman Prouinces and in these failed the Roman Colonies And the little horne alluding to the place of Daniel hauing growne vp vnder these which hath eyes and a mouth speaking great things holdeth vnder and constraineth to serue him the three kingdomes especially of Sicilie
paine of deposition from his Crowne and State with which summes of money the Pope being backed he leuied an armie Conrade on the other side was no whit hereat dismayed but intended to resist the Pope and therefore he the more encouraged his nobles and subiects And here our Historiographer a Monke bursts out into these words Whether the Pope did well herein or no let the Iudge of all Iudges decide But for an abridgement of this warre this miserable Prince had poyson presented him who wasting away by little and little when he drew neere to his last breath in complaining manner he vttered these words The Church which should bee a mother to my father and me is rather a stepmother and so he left behind him a sonne who was but two yeares old Some impute this poyson to a brother of his others to the Popes ministers which of the two were most likely as may be presumed by the state and condition of the present affaires Mathew saith That hauing heard this newes with great ioy of heart cheerefulnesse of countenance and eleuation of voice he vttered these words I reioyce certainely and so let all the vpholders of the Roman Church exult together with me because two of our greatest enemies are now dead one Ecclesiasticall the other of the Laitie Robert Bishop of Lincolne and Conrade king of Sicile He therefore embracing this opportunitie found it an easie matter to recouer into his hands Naples Capua and a part of the kingdome But Manfred being assisted by the nobles of the kingdome he both crossed him in this prosperous course of his proceedings and daring to wage battell vanquished and ouerthrew him in the same and so his last errour was worse than the first Whereupon Innocent tooke such sorrow to heart that within a few dayes after he dyed at Naples suruiuing Conrade but a few moneths and being molested by the Bishop of Lincolns meanes euen to his last gaspe as in proper place shall plainely appeare These things occurred in the yeare 1254 An. 1254. in the moneth of December And so both the king of Englands treasure and ambitious designes perished together with him The volume of the Decretals is ascribed to this Innocent wherein his drift and maine scope was That whatsoeuer had beene by his predecessors out of wonderfull pride digested and decreed against the temporall Monarchie by them it might be ratified and made authenticke as also whatsoeuer profane or sacrilegious act they had performed against the Spirituall it might be in them as it were hallowed and consecrated To him also the Canonists haue reference ouer whom hee was head and principall hauing promoted them to some of the highest dignities of the Church and many of them also he raised to the Cardinalls hat out of which fountaine sprung that hideous gulph of forensiall contentions and first of all that detestable clause of Non obstante of which Mathew so often makes mention after the induction whereof all the auncient Canons of the Councells and Decrees of the old Popes as also the verie liberties and priuiledges of the Churches began at length to bee put downe So that this abuse breaking afterwards into the ciuile Courts it wrought wonderfull subuersions of equitie and justice From hence proceeded that common complaint Out alas alas why looked we after these dayes Behold the Courts ciuile are now corrupted according to the example of the Ecclesiasticall and the riuers are poysoned by a sulpherous fountaine Now the manner was that the money ordayned for warre in the Holie Land and the Indulgences of the Croysadoes were then in their vse by the Popes diuerted against the Emperours and other Princes This man that he might exceed all others divulged out of the Pulpit That whosoeuer tooke vp armes against Conrade he should obtaine more ample remission of sinnes than if hee fought against the Souldan So that if any man were crossed against Conrade both he his father and mother should gaine full pardon of all their sinnes He maried also his neeces verie highly and amongst the rest one he maried to Henrie Fredericks sonne and nephew to the king of England that thus hee might be adopted a sonne of the Church Which seemed a thing maruellous strange to all the Nobles of the Empire That a Pope said they would presume so to disparage a noble royall gentleman In conclusion he so pilled and polled the Christian Commonwealth as vpon due competation made it was found saith our Author and that most truely and exactly that this present Pope Innocent the fourth had more impouerished the Church vniuersall than all his other predecessours from the time of the primitiue Papacie and the reuenues of the Clergie by him alienated in England which had aunciently beene endowed therewith by the Church of Rome amounted to more than seuentie thousand markes whereas the kings meere reuenue could not be valued at a third part so much OPPOSITION And for that same Robert Bishop of Lincolne whom we formerly spake of it should seeme Innocent had commaunded him to performe some wicked office Which saith Mathew he did both to him and diuers other Prelats of England Wherefore he made answer by an Epistle which he produceth whole and entire in this tenor Health Your discretion shall vnderstand Matth. Paris in Henrico 3. that deuoutly and reuerenly I obey with filiall affection the Apostolicall iniunctions and so affecting reuerent honour I oppugne and resist such as are opposit to commaunds Apostolicall for to both these courses I am obliged by commaundement diuine The Apostolicall commaunds neither can be nor are any other than the doctrine of the Apostles and of our Lord Iesus Christ Master and head of the Apostles whose figure and person our Lord the Pope specially representeth in the Hierarchie of the Church being consonant and conformable And there he enters into a detestation of that clause Non obstante From whence springeth vp saith he the head and fountaine of inconstancie boldnesse and obstinacie of shamefull lying deceiuing distrustfully beleeuing or giuing credit to another and so from these a number of other subsequent vices which doe but disturbe and coinquinat the puritie of Christian religion and the peace and quiet of ciuile conuersation Furthermore saith he next to the sinne of Lucifer which shall be the same of Antichrist the sonne of perdition in the end of times whom God shall destroy with the breath of his mouth there neither is nor can be any kind of sinne so opposit and contrarie to the doctrine Euangelicall and of the Apostles and to the same our Lord Iesus Christ so odious detestable and abhominable as to kill and destroy soules by defrauding them of Pastorall offices and ministeries c. The introductors of such manquellers and butcheries amongst the sheepe in the Church of God are worse than the murderers themselues neerer both to Lucifer and Antichrist and particularly they are worse in this degree in that being supereminent of place out of
distinct legacies and for the more licentious performance hereof how she might draw the king to be a pertaker and consort with her in her rapines For said he the Church shall neuer be freed from her Aegyptian seruitude till she embrue her sword in bloud But towards the end of this prophesie being much pressed with sobs and teares this same holie Bishop of Lincolne Robert the second left the banishment of this world which he neuer loued who was a seuere reprehender of our lord the Pope and the king a reformer of Prelats a corrector of Monkes the director of Priests an instructer of Clerks a supporter of schollers a preacher to the people a persecutor of incontinent men a carefull searcher of diuers Scriptures and the verie mallet and beater downe of the Romans Innocent notwithstanding out of an obstinat will against all his Cardinals consent caused his bones to be throwne out of the Church and that hee should be proclaymed ouer all the world for an Ethnick disobedient and rebellious and such a letter he caused to be written and sent ouer to the king of England in that he knew the king would willingly assume any occasion of rigour towards him and to prey vpon the Church But the night following the Bishop of Lincolne appeared to him in his Pontificall roabes and so with a seuere countenaunce and ghastly aspect he approached and spake to the Pope in a lamentable and mournefull voyce as he lay in his bed taking no rest and giuing him a forcible push on the side with the point of the Pastorall staffe he carried on his shoulder saying vnto him Senebald thou miserable Pope from whence proceeds it that thou determinest to cast my bones out of the Church both to mine and the reproch of my Church of Lincolne It were more fit that thy selfe being exalted and honoured by God thou shouldest likewise respect and esteeme Gods louers though dead and buried God will suffer thee in no wise to haue any power ouer me I writ vnto thee in the spirit of humilitie and loue that thou wouldest correct and amend thy frequent errors but thou with an obdurat heart and proud looke didst contemne my healthfull admonishions Woe be to thee that contemnest shalt not thou also be dispised And so Bishop Robert going backe he left the Pope who when he was pushed as I told you lamented wonderfully as one pearced through with a lance halfe dead sighing and sobbing with a submisse and deploring voice so as they of his Chamber hearing the same and being astonished they demaunded the reason thereof the Pope with sobs and sighes made answere and sayd I haue beene mightily vexed with visions of the night and there is no meanes for me to be absolutely restored to my former state out alas alas how my side torments me which was goared through with the launce of a Ghost So as he neither eat nor drunke all that day but fained himselfe to be grieued with the feauer asmaticall and againe that he was sicke of an incurable plurisie neither did the Pope euer after this liue one good or prosperous day while the night or one night while ●he day but altogether without rest and much disturbed and molested till his whole armie was difcomfited and then his sadnesse conuerting into deepe and growen melancholie he ended his life at Naples when perceiuing his kinsmen to lament and houle renting their garments and tearing their haire for griefe lifting vp his eyes which were almost drowned in death he sayd Poore miserable soules why doe you lament doe not I leaue you all rich What would you haue more and instantly vpon the words he gaue vp the Ghost his soule being to vndergoe the strict and seuere sentence of the euerliuing God Auent l. 7. Auentinus obserues thus much in few words that Innocent entending to deuoure and swallow vp the kingdome from Conrades son of 2 yeres old was suddenly taken away in a day diuinely prescribed vnto him as we find in the Annales by the supreame and highest Iudge Caestr l. 7. Caestrensis saies that the same night he died a voyce was heard in the Popes Palace Veni miser ad Iudicium and a pale deadly wound was found in his side But the vision of a certain Cardinal which happened the same week is worthie of speciall note and Matheus conceales his name for some purpose He though the was in heauen before the Maiestie of the euerliuing Lord sitting on the Tribunal on his right hand stood the blessed Virgin and on his left a certain noble Matron verie venerable both in bodie and in habit who stretching out her right arme ouer her left hand she supported as it were a Temple on the Frontispice of which Temple was written in golden letters Ecclesia and Innocent the fourth prostituted before his diuine Maiestie with hands ioyned and erected and bended knees requiring pardon and not iudgement But this noble Matron contrariwise said Most iust Iudge giue a iust iudgement for I accuse him in three points first when thou laidst the foundation of thy Church on earth thou diddest endow it with liberties which proceeded from thy selfe but this man hath made her a most contemptible bondmaid secondly thou diddest found thy Church for the saluation of sinners that so she might gaine the soules of miserable caitiues offenders but this man hath made it a table of money changers thirdly the Church was founded in constancie of faith iustice truth but this man hath made both faith good to maners wauer and fleet he hath remoued iustice ouershadowed veritie yeeld me therefore iust sentence Then the Lord sayd well depart and receiue the reward of thine owne demerits and so he was taken away But when the Cardinall out of the terrour of the sentence awaked he was almost out of his sences and all his men supposed him to be mad At last his distraction being mitigated he began more at large to explaine his vision so it came to be published ouer all those parts Of the same kind was that of Alexander his successor who saw him in this state and a beautifull woman expostulating with him before God on his throane in these words Dissipasti Ecclesiā Dei dū viueres carnalis penitus factus c. And he heard God denouncing the same sentence formerly related whereupon saith the author being vehemently terrified for the space of certaine daies he could not well come to himselfe again therfore one presenting him a gift to obtain frō him a grant of a certain church he made answer No brother the Church seller is dead but it is thought that if out of the astonishment of this vision he doe not amend he will be more seuerely taken vp before God All which things haue some reference to Robert of Lincolnes Historie whom he of all Ecclesiasticall persons tooke to be his greatest enemie although he is celebrated by writers of those time to haue beene a
man most renowned both for sanctimonie and miracle Matheus auers that diuers excellent men were also of this opinion whom he had both seene and heard in Fraunce as the Abbot of Flaie of the Cistertian order Iames de Vitry Robert Curkham and others The same Author also makes mention of an Epistle written by Innocent from Lyons to the bishop of S. Albones in England wherein he intreated him nay and by authoritie Apostolicall commaunded him to inuest one Iohn de Canecaua his nephew and chaplaine in the Church of Wengrade ouer which hee was Patron but so that he might change the same for another whensoeuer the same Iohn or any procuror of his should desire it that of Wengrade being perpetually notwithstanding reserued to his donation non obstante the priuiledge indulgence graunted to the English That no benefices should be immediatly conferred vpon Italian Priests And this we thought good saith he to insert into this booke that the Readers may discerne with how many iniuries and oppressions the Court of Rome surchargeth vs miserable English but this was that the threatning saying of the Apostle might be fulfilled Except first a departure come the sonne of iniquitie shall not be reuealed Behold here the cause behold here the matter why hearts though not bodies fall away from our father the Pope who growes austere and rigorous like a stepfather and from our mother the Roman Church who persecuteth and vexeth like a stepmother And on this all men fix their eyes Let vs now come to France We see how Innocent excited and stirred vp the Croisado against Conrade the Emperour Fredericks sonne promising larger indulgences to them that would serue against him than to those that should goe into Palestina for remission of sinnes was not granted onely to euery one of the Croisado but further to their parents and kinsfolkes also yea and that euen at the same time saith Mathew when S. Lewis lay distressed for all necessarie things at Caesasarea the which he intimated to his mother brethren and faithfull subiects in a lamentable Epistle But when Madam Blanch heard of this who swayed the French gouernment beyond feminine force or abilitie she conuocated all the nobles of the kingdome to aduise seriously on this affaire and in this treatie much murmuring and anger occurred they alledging how our Lord the Pope excited a new and intestine warre which within the confines of Christendome raised Christians against Christians and preaching to this end to men ordained for Gods seruice for the augmentation of his dominion hee shewed himselfe carelesse and forgetfull of our Lord the King who sustained for the Christian faith so many discommodities and aduersities For now his foresaid sermon was divulged ouer all the French confines Blanch being therefore herewith much moued because this murmure grew not without iust cause she tooke into her hands the lands and possessions of all them of the Croisado she alledging They that serue the Pope let them liue on the Popes meanes and so be gone without returning any more All the Potentates in like manner bordering on France in whose countries this sermon had signed all to this warre did the like And thus the sermon grew inualidious and the signed were reuoked as also the Predicants and Minorites who had so highly aduanced this affaire were verie seuerely reprehended by the nobles they obiecting We build you churches and houses we educat entertaine apparell and feed you what benefit reape you from the Pope He disturbeth and exacteth of you he makes you his toll-takers and so you become odious euen to your owne benefactors To whom they replyed Meere obedience moues vs hereunto From that time forward the Pope blushing for shame listened to treaties of peace In the meane while vnder pretext of such great obedience to this warre S. Lewis his succours were cut off his armie defeated all Palestina exposed to spoyle and prey and himselfe was taken by the enemie whereupon he conceiued such an irradicable griefe and sorrow that for a certaine time after his libertie procured he would not be comforted The Friers Mendicants as hath formerly beene said were either chiefe ministers or in a great part authors of these calamities whereupon they grew so powerfull that the rest of the Clergie began to be afraid while by their confessions they diued into the peoples hearts beat the Popes eares with continuall flatteries and at length depriued all ordinarie ministers of place and function whom they tearmed Blind Matthew Paris in Henrico 3. and leaders of the blind which neuer studied in the Decretals nor had learned so much as to resolue one doubt not shaming to demaund of many Are you confest to whom if they answered Yea they would aske Of whom Why by my parish Priest And who is that ideot I thinke he neuer heard of Diuinitie Confesse hardily vnto vs to whom you both see and heare such authoritie is granted Wherefore many of the Nobles and their wiues contemning their proper Priests and Prelats were confessed by these Predicants And here againe courteous Reader obserue the forme and expresse Idea of these times The matter grew to such an head as the Pope himselfe perceiuing them transported so headlong to ambition was forced to suppresse it What means this brethren said he where is your humilitie your vow of pouertie And hereupon the Vniuersitie of Paris began first to stirre oppose but especially because with their subtilties and sophistries they had adulterated the true Christian doctrine teaching first That the diuine essence was neither beheld by angell nor glorified man Secondly That though the liuelie diuine essence be one and the selfesame in the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost yet as it comes within the reason and compasse of Forme it is one in the Father and the Sonne and not alike vnto these in the holie Ghost and yet Forme is the same thing with diuine Essence Thirdly That the holie Ghost as he is Loue and connexed doth not proceed from the Sonne but onely from the Father Fourthly That neither the glorified soule nor purified bodie shall be in the Imperiall heauen with the angels but in the watrie or Crystaline heauen which is aboue the firmament the which they also affirmed by the blessed Virgine Marie Fiftly That the euill angell was euill at the verie instant of his creation and how he neuer had been good Sixtly That there were many verities from eternitie which were not God Seuenthly That an angell at the same instant could be in diuers places and that euerie where if it so pleased Eightly That beginning present time creation and passion is neither Creator nor creature Ninthly That the euill angell neuer had the meanes to stand no nor yet Adam in his state of innocencie Tenthly That he who hath the best naturall gifts must of necessitie receiue most grace and glorie All which positions the Ecclesiasticall Prelats together with the Vniuersitie of Paris being assembled expresly condemned in these
scantly satisfie their ambitious thirst to which the Legats and Mendicants were like cloukes and talons to gripe and fasten on their prey For first Princes feared their censures not so much out of religion as that they feared least their people would be abused by these stratagems or that ambitious neighbours vnder this pretext might make some vse of them for their owne auarice and greedinesse And yet there wanted not those that opposed and withstood them euen as aboue all others our king S. Lewis who shined in an example herein beyond all the rest in that his pragmaticall sanction which discreetly runnes in this manner Bochellus l. 4. Decret Gallican p. 647. We will and commaund that the pestiferous crime of simonie which defaceth and ruinates the Church be vtterly banished and extirpated out of our kingdome As also we will in no wise permit any such exactions and grieuous pecuniarie impositions laid or to be leuied vpon our Church by the Court of Rome whereby our kingdome is miserably impouerished or that hereafter shall be imposed and layd to be leuied or collected except vpon a reasonable pious and verie vrgent occasion or ineuitable necessitie and that by our owne voluntarie expresse consent as also by that of the Church of our whole kingdome He likewise reformed the location of benefices called Prouisiones according to the auncient Canons of the Church expresly forbidding the transporting of any money to Rome Matth. Paris in Henrico 3. for the confirmation of Prelats either electiue or presentatiue But the Clergie of England were yet somewhat more bold for seeing the Legats neuer came thither but to pill and poll the kingdome and the Clergie they humbly intreated the king That according to the auncient lawes and priuiledges of England no Legat might be suffered to crosse the seas without expresse leaue and permission first demaunded They likewise instantly required That the like Decree might be enacted about the Mendicants Predicants and Minorites especially those who are vulgarly called Legatos sophisticos sophistical Legats and no doubt they had obtained this suit but that they light on a king who was ready to joyne hands with the Pope that so by a common accord they might both glib and euen flea the people Rustand the Popes Legat vrging a most tyrannicall and cruell exaction whereto the king gaue his consent steeming out of the sulphurie fountaine Oh miserable of the Roman Church Fulco Bishop of London in a verie solemne assembly said Before I will agree to such a seruitude iniurie to the Church I will by intollerable oppression yeeld first my head to be cut off Then followed the Bishop of Worcester who spake in a lowd voyce Before holie Church shall be subiect to such corrodiation and vtter subuersion I will be hanged on a gibbet Rustand replied All Churches were vnder the Pope when master Leonard modestly made this exception Tuitione non fruitione in tuition not in fruition not to be ruined but preserued The king to whom the Legat had granted a share in this gaine threatned the Bishop of London with seuere punishment as he that instigated the rest when he replied and said The Pope and the King who are stronger than I may take away my Bishoprick which notwithstanding by no equitie they can doe they may take away my Myter but yet I shall haue an head-peece left All this occurred vnder Alexander the fourth to which the people added This is the Pope who at his first comming to the chaire caused prayers and supplications to be made to God for him that hee might raigne and gouerne well how can it be that he should performe worse things than all the rest God forbid But no man bore himselfe herein more stoutly than Seuual Archbishop of York of whom S. Edmond Archbishop of Canturburie out of whose schole he came had presaged so many excellent things This man perceiuing how the Pope with his prouisions left nothing throughout his whole Archbishoprick vnharrrowed he with a noble constancie oppugned his proceedings First because he placed all the Ecclesiasticall benefices in Italians that were about himselfe and so consequently were leauers of their flocks and secondly in that he commanded all the Prelats of England to passe personally ouer the Alpes to be confirmed at Rome Our Lord the Pope therefore bare an heauie hand ouer him Math. Paris in Henrico 3. and procuring him ignominiously to be excommunicated all England ouer with lighting of tapers and ringing of Bels that by this terrible and fearefull forme he might quaile and daunt his constancie but he no wayes dispaired of comfort to be sent downe to him from heauen patiently vndergoing the Popes tyrannie neither would he suffer the large reuenewes of his church to be conferred vpon vnworthie and vnknowne Transalpineans nor yet leauing the letter of strict equitie and right effeminatly stoop to the Popes will and pleasure Wherefore the more he was cursed by the Popes order commandement the more the people blessed him although closely for feare of the Romans Flying out of this worldly prison he ascended into heauen while most constantly with his whole power he stoutly defended his Church from the tyrannie of the Roman Court and so being depressed and vext with many tribulations for this earthlie life as all men firmely beleeued he purchased the kingdome of the highest heauens And here it must not be omitted that S. Edmond was euer wont to say vnto this his deare and speciall disciple O Seuual Seuual thou must leaue this world a Martyr eyther by the sword or else ouerlayed and euen killed with insuperable and grieuous worldlie afflictions Yet let him be thy comfortor who inspired that saying into his Psalmist Multi tribulationes iustorum de quibus quandoque liberabit omnibus eos Dominus Many are the tribulations of the righteous but God shall deliuer them out of all The same Author also recounteth that perceiuing himselfe approching to death lifting vp his watrie eyes vnto heauen he burst out into these words I call the Pope by appeale before the supreame and most incorruptible Iudge and both heauen and earth shall be my witnesses how vniustly he hath prosecuted and scandalized me with sundrie important oppressions Wherefore in this bitternesse of soule after Robert the bishop of Lincolns example he by letters layd down to the Pope all his enormious actions and that he would obserue his admonitions in abandoning his accustomed tyrannies and returning againe into the humble pathes of his holie predecessours For the Lord sayd vnto Peter Feed my sheepe doe not sheare or flea them doe not euiscerat and by continuall deuorations consume and destroy them But our Lord Pope scoffing and deriding hereat conceiued no small indignation that they would breake out into such a presumption and rashnesse as to dare in any wise to sollicit and moue him and therefore he stopped his eare to the healthfull admonitions both of Archbishop Seuual as also of Robert of
contemners of ordinarie Pastors and their supplanters creepers into royall chambers and adulterators of confessions as they that roaming ouer vnknowne Prouinces administred a libertie and boldnesse of sinning All these complaints being heard the Pope commaunded that this new booke which they called The eternall Gospell should secretly and with as little scandall as could be to the Friers be burnt with some other inuentions which were said to proceed from Ioachims erronious braine This execution therefore was closely and priuily performed and with as little scandall as possible might be to the Friers through the speciall diligence of Cardinall Hugo and the Bishop of Messina both which were of the Predicant Order so as this tumult at that time ceased and slept The opinions of this Gospell were these That God the Father raigned vnder the Law and the Sonne vnder Grace but by the rising of the foure Orders Mendicants the holie Ghost began then to raigne and so should doe while the end of the world and that from this time forward they onely should be saued that beleeued in this new Gospell That Christs Gospell was not true perfect nor sufficient to saluation as also his Sacraments were of little esteeme but if this new one were compared with that it as farre exceeded it as the Sunne doth the Moone and so consequently that the Church which should be grounded on this new Gospell would in the same proportion excell the other precedent The authors notwithstanding of these inuentions which were to be extirpated the Pope did tollerat and support because any thing whatsoeuer seemes just and equall to them so it make for their prerogatiue and power and they were afraid especially least these their hucksters should grow out of grace with the people by whose tongues and talons so much good bootie and spoyle came vnto their hands Wherefore that same William of S. Amors one of wonderful estimation amongst good men both preached writ against them declaring in his sermons That he affected aboue all other crimes to be zealous in discouering of hypocrisie because this brought more damage and preiudice to true pietie than all the other besides as also in that the Church was now ouergrowne with the same sinne and no bodie for feare of the Pope and Prelats durst lay hand to the irradication of it Amongst others wee read at this day a booke of his intituled De periculis mundi seu nouissimorum temporum which begins thus Quia nos vacantes sacris Scripturis Matth. Paris in libro de Antichristo c. printed at Basil in the yeare 1555 and no wayes to be suspected of falsitie seeing Mathew Paris in a great volume that he writ against Antichrist comprehends the same wholly and entirely ascribing it to the Vniuersitie of Paris and this questionlesse because it was made and publisht by authoritie thereof especially in that hee alwayes speakes in the Plurall number In which booke he conuinceth them That they preached vnsent or at least without a Mission canonicall against and contrarie to the veritie of the sacred Scriptures and fraudulently concealing that which should most principally be deliuered That they crept into houses and insinuated into the peoples priuities by confessions Gulielmus de Sancto Amore lib. de periculis mundi edito Basileae An. 1555. whom by this means they bring vnder their power the easier to commaund and rule them And they call themselues Generall aiders and supporters of the Church preferring themselues before all men euen before the religious Orders themselues And to appeare the more holy they deuise new and superstitious traditions That they loued the highest places at inuitements the chiefest chaires in Synagogues reuerences and low bowings in the open market places and of men to be called Rabbies That they vaunted of the great good they did in the Church of God boasted of their owne and their followers myracles and chalenging the prayse of that they neuer performed That vnder pretext of humilitie they insinuated themselues into the Courts of Princes and affect to be reputed Courtiers That they smoothed the defects of men and arrogantly assumed a farre greater zeale than that of ordinarie Pastors That at first men entertaine them joyfully but at last they grow wearie of them the which happened quite contrary with the true Apostles That they asked with importunitie and receiued indifferently not to releeue necessities but to prosecute their delights and pleasures To conclude That they solicited and sued to obtaine letters commendatorie from great men And here the Reader may obserue the maners and carriage of these Neotericke Pharisies The same man deliuered in a certaine sermon Duo Conciones Gulielmi de Sancto Amore in Antilogia Basileae edita An. 1555. That Christ chose plaine and simple men to preach but Antichrist on the contrarie for the propagation of his falsities and errours made election of men of a double heart subtile and expert in worldlie policies and not onely Antichrist himselfe made choyce of such but also his members and champions No maruell therefore though they persecute the professors of the Christian faith to death seeing Iohn saith in his Apocalyps I saw a beast rise out of the sea that had seuen heads and seuen hornes this beast was intended by Antichrist and his followers And certaine yeares after Iohn de Poliaco Williams disciple and Laurence an English man defended these propositions publikely in Sorbon In a sermon of his he particularly admonished the Church Laurentius Anglicus in defensione Gulielmi de Sancto Amore Tractat. Cauendum esse à Pseudoprophetis Serm. 2. in die Philippi Jacobi Thomas Cantipratensis in Apibus mysticis That a great danger hung ouer her head by the Monkes That they were the seducers and ministers of Antichrist of Antichrist who was hard at their doores But when the Pope had suppressed the scandall of this new Gospell least it might haue prejudiced his affaires taking an occasion of reuenge against William of S. Omers and some other his like for the denunciation of these truthes whether by right or wrong he published and declared him for an heretike as also he complained of him to our Princes that had need of his helpe and fauour and caused him to be expelled out of the Vniuersitie which remained as it were desart and forsaken exciting in like manner Thomas Bonauentura and others to write against him so as all true Diuinitie yeelded to Sophistrie and Paul to Aristotle But so the Mendicants on the other side euen seazed on the Diuinitie Scholes and the Canonists on the Ciuilians chaire that so all points were decided by Gratian and Lombard and of the holie Scriptures there was not so much as any mention in scholes Out of their studies therefore from this time forward came bookes easie to be smelt by their verie titles as Summae Repertoria Quodlibeta Rosaria Legendae Specula in Sententias Decreta Ordines Monachorum Regulas Confessiones Tractatus de
ingratitude of Boniface But aboue all others Colenucius speakes plainely to the poynt and auers That he cruelly caused him to be put to death in prison His Papacie afterwards exceeded in all kind of iniustice and violence so as not without cause Langius Monachus Citicensis said of him Langius ad An. 1295. Tyrannizing rather with a Lyon-like mind than Papizing he sought to strike a feare and terrour of himselfe in all the world Being jealous of Iames and Peter Colonna Cardinalls as also of the whole familie of the Colonesi he raised the Croysado against them so as they were driuen to retire into Preneste which then was held by Sarra Colonna their vncle This towne he presently besieged with the Croysadoes who to escape his hands left the towne and the same afterwards being driuen to yeeld in reuenge and hatred to them he vtterly demolished it extending the same furie and rage to Zagaruolo and other places whither they fled Afterwards he depriued both the Cardinals of their hats he excommunicated and banished out of Rome the Church the whole familie and Sarra by name their vncle as Petrarch sayes hee droue to such plunges as he was constrained to roue priuily vp and downe the woods and desarts not daring to commit his life into any ones hands for feare of being betrayed vnto Boniface They complained to all Christian Princes of this violence offered them which he stucke not to insert into the sixt booke of Decretals which he then published glorying therein as in a thing honestly and justly performed With the same furie and intemperance he proceeded against all the Gibellines and allies of the Empire Blondus Decad. 2. l. 9. Ex Petrarcha And here we will make mention of a stratageme well beseeming and worthie of this prophane Pope Porchetto Spinola one of the Minorites Order was nominated to succeed Iames Varagine Archbishop of Gennes for his confirmation he came to Rome on an Ashwednesday amongst many others Porchetto also fell down at his feet Blondus ibid. to be signed on the forehead with a crosse of Ashes when Boniface Carmine mutato changing the words of that Scripture Remember saith he that thou art a Gibbeline and with the Gibbellines thou shalt returne to ashes and so casting ashes in his eyes the same day he depriued him of his Archbishopricke The Reader may hereby euidently judge in what esteeme and reuerence he held his owne ceremonies and afterwards in the yeare 1300 An. 1300. celebrating the jubilie whereof he was the inuentor he vsed no better respect being the first according to Historiographers that opened the golden gate a gate at the opening whereof there is such a concourse of people from all parts of the world as if by this they expected infallible saluation and plenarie remission of sins the which he ordayned to be opened euerie hundreth yere Krantzius in Saxon. l. 8. c. 36. And let but the Reader here obserue how this sacred ceremonie was derided and mocked euen by the Author and inuentor thereof Before him saith the Historiographer the Popes neuer dreamt of troubling Christendome with such glorious festiuitie to shew his pompe and maiestie in this Iubilie which then was celebrated in Rome he is reported to haue shewed himselfe on the first solemne day to all the people in his Pontificalibus bestowing vpon them his Apostolicall benediction but the day after Krantzius ibidem John Marius Belga lib. antiq quinto Liberties of the French church Extra Tit. de moioritate obedientia C. vnam sanctam Ecclesiam he presented himselfe in imperiall habit which was verie resplendent and remarquable in an imperiall Diadem when hauing a naked sword borne before him and sitting on a throne he vttered with a loud voyce Behold here two swords And now Authors exclaime Here O Peter thou seest thy successour and Sauiour Christ thou maist here discerne thy Vicar The which words notwithstanding many father vpon himselfe See to what height the pride of the seruant of seruants is mounted vnto And because he would not be satisfied in these extremities he prosecuted the matter hotly in effect For he published a decretall which is in the extrauagants wherein he peremptorily declared That faith vrging vs thereunto we were bound and obliged to beleeue one holie Catholike Church and that to be Apostolicall And from this he brings vs to the Roman Church to obey one Pope to whom in the person of Peter it was sayd Feed my sheepe so as whether they were Grecians or others they were not to be accounted Christs sheepe except they obayed him In this and his power saith he are comprehended two swords that is the temporall and spirituall as in the sayd gospels we are taught For the Apostles saying to our Sauiour Behold here two swords that is to sway in the Church when the Apostles thus spake our Lord did not answer It was too much but It was sufficient And questionlesse he that denies the temporall sword to bee in Peters power ill vnderstands our Lords words when he saies Put thy sword into the scabberd Arguing out of these words quite contrarie to the Fathers sence made thereof That both the materiall and spirituall sword was in the Churches power but the one to be vsed for the Church the other of the Church one by the hand of the Priest the other by the hand of Kings and souldiers but this by direction and permission of the Priest that is of the Pope but saith he one sword must be vnder another and the authoritie temporall must be subiect to that spirituall For when the Apostle saies there is no power but of God and that power which is is ordayned of God and ordayned it should not be except one sword were vnder another and as the inferiour were not by another reduced to supremest power And here againe shamelesly against his owne vnderstanding and conscience he cites the Apostle in these words behold the place Let euerie soule be subiect to the higher powers for there is no power but of God and whatsoeuer power is is ordained of God In which words by all the Fathers explications it is manifest that the Apostle in this place meant temporall powers he in those generall words excepting no man from their obedience of what qualitie or order soeuer he were Then he goes forward affirming That we must needs confesse the spirituall power so farre in dignitie and worth to excell the temporall as things spirituall goe beyond things temporall and thus the prophesie of Ieremie is verified in the power of the Church and persons Ecclesiasticall Behold this day I haue set thee ouer nations and kingdomes with the rest which ensues If therefore any temporall power erre and offend he must be iudged by the spirituall but if the spirituall inferiour swarue or erre he must be tryed by his superiour Which sence of that place none of the Auncients euer applied to the Pope and thus he might easily be
spirited man to see the places infernall and a Palace wherein was a firie bed on which this the Popes nephew lay All which being related to the Pope he was neuer after seene to be merie but within a while departed Whose bodie being layd in a certaine Church with many lights about it in the night the Church was burnt with fire and his bodie from the loynes downe to the feet Clement l. 2. tit 11. de sententia re iuditata C. Pastoralis And yet this is he which in his Clementine Pastoralis We as well out of the superioritie which vndoubtedly we haue ouer the Empire as out of the power by which in the Empires vacancie we are to succeed the Emperour but more especially out of the fulnesse of that power which hath pleased Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords in the person of blessed S. Peter to conferre vpon vs c. doe decree and ordaine May we not rather beleeue by the poynts aboue mentioned that hee tooke his power from him that sayd to the Lord I will giue thee all these kingdomes if falling downe thou wilt worship me This is he also that commaunded Corpus Christi day to be kept holie of all men in a Councell at Vienna which was first instituted by Vrban the fourth and then afterwards came to be neglected againe and therefore he granted new Indulgences which is to say Lib. 3. Clementinarum tit 16. de reliquijs veneratione sanctor To all saith he penitents and confessed which shall be present at the Matines of this feast in the same Church where it is celebrated shall haue 100 and he that is present at Masse as many as also they that were present at the first beginning of Euen-song of the same feast 100 and they that were at the second as many and they that were present at the offices of the first third sixt and ninth houres and at those completorie for each of the houres he had graunted fortie Indulgences And to him that was present at the Matines of the Octaues of that feast and the Masses of the foresayd houres he obtained an hundred for euery day of those Octaues And trusting the mercies of God we release him of all enioyned penances Can we better judge of these inuentions than by the inuentors themselues who made but laughter and scorne of these things whether in life or death And yet abusing the reuerence falsly by them vsurped they dare presumptuously vpon any occasion offered most vnworthily dare and prouoke Princes and Emperors This was the Pope amongst others who being angrie with the Venetians for taking of Ferrara exposed them all both in generall and particular to bootie and spoyle so as they might haue beene brought vnder slauerie and seruitude To be redeemed from which miserie they sending Francis Dandulo to require absolution in their names after many detractions delayes the matter was thus concluded That he lying prostituted at his feet so long as the Popes pleasure was to obtaine the same he was enforst with a coller of yron about his necke by way of penance like a dog to lye under his table and therefore amongst his countrymen he was tearmed Canis a Dog And yet Baronius would needs excuse the crueltie of Alexander the third against Frederick the first Because saith he to be true it digresseth too much from the accustomed clemencie of the Popes OPPOSITION When Clement published the Councell of Vienna to giue some hope of Church reformation he commanded Durandus Auditor of the Rota and Bishop of Mende a French man vulgarly called the Visitor or Examiner to digest certaine principall heads thereunto tending to bee propounded in this Councell There is a treatise yet extant whose title is The celebrating of a Councell printed at Paris Anno 1545 this booke began with a sharpe reprehension of the Roman Clergie with an intention if he might haue beene heard or beleeued not to haue spared them a iot They follow saith he the way of Balaam of Bosor who loued the reward of iniquitie and bore the chastisement of his owne madnesse for a dumb she Asse speaking to him in a mans voyce discouered the Prophets follie and impietie The same happens amongst vs at this day seeing so many foolish and dissolute parts are played in the Church of God by the sayd Ecclesiastical persons who should be a light vnto others as candles set on candlestickes according to that which the Lord sayth as that they dull and amaze the sence both of Iewes and Pagans yea and they who are altogether depriued of the vnderstanding of diuine wisedome doe detest their follie and their by and digressing steps from Gods pathes they correct and conuince by a sounder vnderstanding And therefore he briefly sets downe what course must be held to effect a reformation Tit. 2. By a sacred Councell saith he both Kings and Popes ioyning their hands together we must haue recourse First to the Law to the Gospell and to the Councels approued and confirmed by the instinct of the holie Ghost as also to good and wholesome humane lawes And whatsoeuer we find to the contrarie to haue beene attempted in worldlie gouernement let it be reformed and amended as well as may be and the contrarie no wayes permitted to escape vnpunished Let all abuses customes dispensations priuiledges liberties and exemptions which are opposit to the same reformation be remoued being to be reputed but meere deprauations and corruptions Tit. 2. Secondly Let the Popes themselues conforme their words and deeds both to diuine and humane lawes submitting themselues thereunto for imitation sake and setting forth examples of those things to be performed in themselues for their followers and subiects to imitate and behold but otherwise if they themselues swarue and digresse from lawes and precepts desiring rather to ouerrule and commaund than to aduise and counsell their subiects Their honour will swell vp into pride and what was ordained for concord will turne to offence and discord Thirdly It cannot be denied but that the Roman Church hath in many things declined from the Institutions of the sacred Primitiue Church and from the sentences and approbations of the holie Fathers Councels and Decrees So as it appeares to haue vtterly forgotten the first Institutions although wee should prefer the truth of the holie Scriptures before any custome how auncient soeuer Fourthly That the Popes should not easily permit causes and controuersies to be transferred out of their Prouinces to be decreed in the Court of Rome That Ecclesiasticall gouernement was manifestly confounded when the Popes place benefices depending on the Bishops yea and that before their vacation so as it is to bee feared that the Roman Church hooking all to her selfe will giue an occasion to verifie the prouerbe Qui vult totum perdit totum All craue nothing haue And here he inueyed against the promotion of strangers whose voice the subiects could not heare they neither vnderstanding the people
nor the people them being therefore vnworthie blind leaders of the blind And thus the whole Church may come to be ouerthrowne Fiftly He spake also against Simonie which in the Roman Court so raignes saith he as if it were no sinne Parte 2. tit 2. Titul 32. eiusdem partu 4. Plurarilitie also of benefices he reprehended and Cardinals pensions wherewith the Bishoprickes were charged as also other benefices perpetuated to the Popes nephewes and kinsmen which neuer dye nor are vacant and that Saint Gregorie the Great refused the title of Vniuersall Bishop neither would haue had any other to assume this nomination Further That the old Popes in their Epistles were woont to preferre other Bishops before themselues which hee proueth by examples and therefore the Church of Rome was so to be honoured that the reuerence and honour due to other Churches might not likewise be abridged he auerring That the Canon of the Councell of Miletum was to be confirmed Vt vnaquaque causa in sua prouincia terminetur Sixtly That it seemed very behouefull in this Councel to allow the mariage of Priests seeing hitherto they had idly and in vaine bin vrged to chastitie the Priests of Greece being permitted to marie as also it was vsed in the Apostles time Seuenthly That hand-labour was to bee imposed vpon Monkes conformable to the customes in times past in the Churches of Aegypt who would by no meanes receiue any Monke which had not learnt some trade or mysterie marie aboue all the rest it was no wayes to be suffered that they should discharge pastorall Offices minister the Sacraments visit the sicke or burie the dead Part. 2. Tit. 53 Part. 3. Tit. 16. 28. Part. 2. Tit. 57. Part. 3. Tit. 15. 16. and much lesse therefore the Mendicants Eightly That the abuse of Images was necessarily to be suppressed and the sale of indulgences and penances as also the vagrant libertie and rouing of Monkes in their Sermons who leaue the sacred Scriptures to preach the mere inuentions of men Ninthly Returning euer to the first poynt That there was no hope nor meanes of reforming the Church either in policie discipline or manners except that of Rome would begin with an example whose corruptions in euerie respect he displayed except the Pope before all others prescribed a Law to himselfe and were comprehended within sacred Lawes both diuine and humane affecting nothing in any wise to the contrarie nor performing nothing without the aduise and direction of his fellow Bishops seeing they hold the place of Apostles on whom Christ conferred equall power and dignitie with Peter not on the Roman Courtries Except also the primacie of the Roman Church might be distingusht by Ecclesiasticall and secular Lawes and that the Pope would forbeare to be called the highest Priest of the Church vniuersall taking this person vpon himselfe which Gregorie vtterly forbad But saith he Part. 3. Tit. 32. The Church vniuersall suffers much scandall by the bad examples of the Roman Church and the whole people in generall are infected the rulers of the people according to Esay tollerating by this meanes the name of the Lord to be blasphemed For according to S. Augustine nothing more confounds or hurts the Church of God than when it is sayd That the Clergie is worse than the Laietie And from hence he proceeds to the rapin of Legats Nuntios and of al the Popes Ministers the exactions of indulgences of priuiledges of dispensations the excesse and pride of the Pope and his Prelats by many degrees surmounting that of any King or Prince as also therewithall the ignorance and negligence of a number whereby innumerable soules perish And then here againe he exclaimes casting away all hope as in case of a most desperat disease Part. 3. Tit. 28. seq Oh what a griefe is this saith he for the saying of the Prophet Esay seemes now to be verified euen in the Church it selfe Chap. 34 in the figure of the Citie of Babylon glorious aboue other Kingdome and renouned for the pride of the Chaldees of whom it is sayd It shall be a denne of Dragons a pasture for the Estriges the Diuels shall there meet and the Onocentaures the hairie Hobgoblins shall crie out one to another the Sorceresse shall there haue her couch there the Scrich-Oule shall haue his nest and bring vp his young ones there the Kites assemble meet one with another Also I would the words of the Prophet Esay might not be verified vpon the Clergie when he sayd Part. 3. Tit. 28. 50. This people honors me with the lips but their hearts are far from me with many other places occurrring in this treatise which is verie worthie to be wholly read ouer neither will the Reader repent his paines taken But in the meane while these good admonitions brought forth no fruit Contrariwise in this Councel that Decretall came forth which begins Pastoralis c. wherein Clement magnifies himself far boue the Emperors seeing he was Vicar to the King of kings no other reformation was wrought than that which proceeded from the ridiculous Law whose beginning is set downe in the Clementines I came out of Paradise I sayd I would water the garden of plants saith that heauenlie husbandman who was the true fountaine of wisedome the word of God proceeding from the Father in the Father remayning begotten from all eternitie c. But in vttering these words see what he adds That is to say this garden is the sacred order and institution of the Friers Minorites which being immured round about with the walls of regular obseruance and satisfied onely within it selfe with Gods comforts is wonderfully adorned by the new plantations on initiants and nouices which throughout all this prolixe Bull he studies and contends to ordaine that so those weightie scruples might be remoued wherewith they appeared to be vexed as whether they were bound to obserue all the commaundements comprehended in the Gospell as also whether all the Councels or some onely and particularly the precepts of vestments what stuffe or cloth they should be of what colour what length what breadth what forme Profound mysteries doubtlesse of the Christian religion and worthie the discussion of a generall Councell of which notwithstanding he so ambiguously determined as not long after by new Decrees they were driuen to prescribe and order them Dant the Florentine Poet flourished also in that time who amongst the writers of the same age obtained the prayse both of pietie and learning hee writ a Tractate whose title was Monarchia wherein he proued that the Pope was not superiour to the Emperor hauing no right nor prerogatiue ouer the same which is diametrally opposit to that Clementine Pastoralis wherein the Pope peremptorily arrogates to himselfe both the one and the other hee proceeding thus much further when in his Canto of Purgatorie he sayes Di hoggimai che la Chiesa di Roma Per confonder in
or weakened the same especially the first and second which touch the deprauations and corruptions of Regulars and Seculars because our Sauiour himselfe being the foundation of the Church both by his owne and by the words of his Heraulds foretold expresly That this should come to passe in those times and that not onely in the Canonicall Scriptures but further as much hath beene exhibited to vs in the reuelations of the holie Church by many sacred persons of both sex and kind which the holie Popes with singular zeale and deuotion haue reserued in secret Records of the Apostolicall See Euen as saith he I haue seene and handled with these my hands in the soueraigne citie For the third point of the negligence and carelesnesse of the See Apostolicall That which our Sauiour Christ did in his owne time and would shortly againe performe might satisfie him he formerly did it in that he twice commaunded That the See Apostolicall should be taxed with a diabolicall Apostasie first vnder Boniface the eighth and lastly vnder Benedict the eleuenth and that sometimes with plenitude of directory light For saith he the denouncer declared first that the things he denounced proceeded not from himselfe neither was he stirred vp by any motiue of his owne to declare these things but by the illumination and precept of the Lord of lords And so he laid open vnto them both the place time and meanes he meant to make choyce of in the declaration of them Secondly he denounced vnto them a deceitful snare of Sathan layd for their seduction in so much that openly these two things were inculcated to them First That they had counsellors and assistants about them who were the Angels of Sathan who vnder shew of religion and a cloke of true zeale should endeuor to mislead them from the sifting clensing of the aboue mentioned Decrees Statutes Thirdly he declared to them That if they should neglect to execute this message God would make them tast a presagement of he eternall iudgement so as it was told Boniface in writing that he ●hould fall into such and such a danger and confusion and hee tooke no heed thereof till he tasted the same As also the like in writing was insinuated to Benedict That if hee neglected the same hee should swiftly bee throwne downe from his seat and from the day hee read this hee sat not aboue fiue and thirtie dayes more So as neither the things written to him nor the fearefull euents of his predecessour could moue him to beleeue but hee contemned all things Fourthly for illumination and motiue many diabolicall and abhominable deprauations were declared particularly vnto them of many of that state formerly mentioned which is to say That those things aboue expressed were verie seuerally layed open and moreouer other things in this forme Certaine pestilent men disseuer and rend the Citie of the celestiall Lambe especially in the State which so much glories of the hight of all Euangelicall perfection they subuert veritie Euangelicall and ouerthrow the edifice thereof in the people not onely by peruerse workes and examples but by corruption of doctrine in their Sermons and preachings For they preaching in the delusion and subtiltie of malignitie doe sometimes alledge indirectly otherwhiles impertinently and peruersly applie and sometimes sophistically distinguish and most improperly expound And thus the truth of the Scriptures was by them darkened and not clearely deliuered to the Auditors but Gods sayings they did adulterat and falsifie And in the spirit saith he of Antichrist they endeauour to diuert the people from excellent ordinarie Priests and to plucke the Sheepe from their owne proper Pastours by so many meanes and in such sort as particularly are expressed in the writings reserued to this day in the treasurie of the See Apostolicall Fiftly the same writings obiected vnto them the diuelish plague of the inquisitors of that State and others That is those who bought these offices in Prouinces not for the reducing of those that erred into the way but rather that by mere calumniation and slaunder they might thrust the man righteous and of good conuersation into the furious oppressions of diuels and Tyrans where hee enueyes mightily against diuers coinquinations which raigned commonly amongst them as also the frauds and deceipts wherein they maintayned themselues which being prolix and long I would rather referre to the Reader to peruse them in Arnold but yet these things ensuing by him prosecuted are no wayes to be omitted They burne and condemne the Scriptures saith he as superstitious and erronious expressing the veritie Euangelical declaring the mysteries of the sacred texts and touching too nerely to the quicke their transgressions and vncleanesse not vpon any erronious or false but onely for some ambiguous and doubtfull saying They forbid all the Colledges of that state to read or studie the foresayd holie Scriptures vnder payne of death and so by damming vp the well of the water of life they denie the vnderstanding of the holie Oracles and this water of life to those that are thirstie and crie out for the same Sixtly because the Popes were by this denunciation enjoyned to reueale these things in the behalfe of God vnto men which plainely appeares out of such writings which the holie Fathers left both at Rome and in the auntient Monasteries but they beeing wholly oppressed with spirituall lethargie would giue no eare to any good thing or to extirpat Christs opprobrie on earth but beeing bewitched as they were made choyce rather to embrace most palpable and euident lies than the mysterie of the truth and of the Gospell And therefore the whole Church was so infatuated by these seducers as that she tooke the disordered multitude which supplanted and rooted out the Gospell to be a Religion and Order Seuenthly That this denouncer exciting the vniuersall Church in these instigations That she would preuent the Gospels extirpation all notwithstanding out of consent and compact turne aside her eare either condemning the message or raging against the Herault That amongst them all not one arose vp endewed with Catholicall veritie armed with justice Euangelicall and encouraged by the equitie and righteousnesse of this celestiall warfare who would so much as say This man is zealous for the honour and glorie of Christs spowse and the saluation of soules Let vs therefore examine and diligently by experience make triall whether those things hee speakes and declares tend to the conuersation or corruption of the Gospell But the Senat was all mute and onely because he reuealed the blemishes and defects of the spowse vnto the Bride-groome out of a zeale obscuring and healing these wounds he was whipped And they that bore the colours of Euangelicall sanctitie persecuted him more cruelly than any other strangers not onely in renouncing the rules of equitie and charitie but moreouer laying apart the bridle of all humane modestie they laboured to pollute innocencie and to destroy the innocent He concludes notwithstanding That Fredederick should
before his consecration at Rome might execute all his authoritie and prerogatiues and whosoeuer thought otherwise were traitors and heretikes Of which kind also that information is De nullitate processu Iohan. 22 whether Marsilius Patauinus or Ockam be Authour thereof Wherein Lodouike appeales from a Citation vnduely made in Auignion vnto a generall Councell conuocated in some safe and secure place with due forme and according to the sacred Canons and after a lawfull Appeale hee auerres that no place remaines for any Excommunication or Interdict And thus it was enacted against Iohn the two and twentieth or according to Platina the three and twentieth Furthermore Trithemius in Chronic. Hirsaugiens the Diuines and Ciuilians of these times argued this question by way of Thesis De potestate Imperiali Papali earumque distinctione Of the Emperours and Popes power and their seuerall distinction For to omit what Vldarick the Emperour Lewis his Chancellor Apologia Ludovic 4. contra Ioh. 22. publicē proposita wrot to Iohn in certaine letters directed to him in his Masters name wherein amongst other things he calls him Bestiam illam de mari ascendentem That beast arising out of the sea of which mention is made in the Apocalyps an Apologie was publisht in Lodouikes behalfe by the Diuines whereby they stifly affirme Quod nullus Papa potestatis plenitudinem in temporalia sibi arrogare potest That no Pope could arrogate to himselfe any plenarie power in temporall things much lesse in the Empire and yet much more lesse such an one as Iohn a man most vnworthie of the Papall chaire as also that the Pope swaruing from the Faith might haue a superiour on earth which is the whole Church represented in a generall Councell which out of their authoritie may judge him and to which for this cause it was lawfull to appeale And the same we read printed at this day But beyond all others out of doubt William Ockam a Franciscan an Englishman borne being a verie wittie and learned Doctor assayles him verie stoutly Defend me Caesar saith he with thy sword against the Popes iniuries and I will by word writing and irrefragable reasons maintaine thee against him the which indeed he performed while he liued hee constantly auerring That the Pope was an heretike and schismatike whose censures were nothing at all to be esteemed From hence came those Dialogues of his Pro Ludouici defensione Liber nonaginta trium dierum pro Michaele Caesennate Generall of the Franciscans excommunicated for the same cause Errores Iohannis 22 Dialogus inter Clericum militem and other such like In which he debates this poynt with so vnanswerable arguments as no man need to call his opinion into doubt or question The principall heads were these That the Pope ex iure diuino hath no Primacie That Peter neuer had nor neuer sat at Rome and therefore the Pope cannot haue it That the Pope may erre yea and the whole Roman Church and therefore ought to be liable to a Councell Concerning the controuersie betwixt the Pope and the Emperour he discusseth eight seuerall questions First Whether the Imperiall and Pontificiall dignities might be joyntly discharged in one man Secondly Whether Caesar onely receiued his authoritie from God or from the Pope of Rome also Thirdly Whether by any authoritie from Christ the Pope and Church of Rome haue power to confirme Caesar and other kings in the exercise of royall jurisdiction Fourthly Whether Caesar being elected hath at the same instant absolute right to gouerne the Commonwealth Fiftly Whether other kings besides Caesar and the king of Romans being consecrated by Bishops receiue any authoritie from them Sixtly Whether such kings are in any sort subiect to those which consecrated them Seuenthly Whether if they should vse any other rite or solemnitie or assume another Diademe they lost in so doing their royall title and prerogatiue Eightly Whether the seuen Electors conferre as much right vpon the Emperour elected as other Kings and Princes haue by lawfull succession All which questions he arguing on both sides he determines in the greatest part for the ciuile Magistrat I meane for Kings and Princes vtterly ouerthrowing by the way the Extrauagants of Iohn the two and twentieth as false hereticall and by many condemned Whosoeuer thinke otherwise they may be numbred amongst them of those times whereof the Apostle to Timothie admonisheth vs 2. ad Timoth. c. 3. v. 3. 4. The time will be when they shall not giue eare to sound doctrine but according to their owne lusts they shall seeke out for teachers that may delight their eares which themselues shall stop against all truth and open wide vnto fables For this is the state of the present time that all men in a manner enquire not what was the doctrine of Christ of the Apostles or of the Fathers but onely they listen what the Pope wills and commaunds them Ascentius in his Preface sayes That he writ six other Tractats which he wittingly omitted because they were somewhat too sharpe and bitter against the Pope of Rome Editus Basiliae Marsilius Patauinus the Author of that golden Treatise whose title was Defensor Pacis of the authoritie of the Emperour and of the Pope writes much out of the same veine where out of the holie Scriptures the Lawes the Canons and both the sacred and ciuile historie he affirmes and auerres these propositions ensuing That Christ was the onely head and foundation of the Church and not Peter That he constituted none of the Apostles no not Peter himselfe Vniuersall Vicar and head of the Church and that by as good right any one else may vsurpe to himselfe this title That Peter was neuer Christs generall Vicar neither did Christ appoynt the other Apostles to be subiect vnto Peter How it was most probable that Peter was neuer at Rome much lesse that there hee held his seat who as the rest of the Apostles had no peculiar seat That the Pope labouring to confirme his Primacie by succession hath no right at all and therefore it is not validious That he hath no greater authoritie than other Bishops no not in that which appertaines to Indulgence and remission of sinnes and that otherwise by diuine right all men are equall with him the Bishops of Magunce Collen and Treuer are Primats as well as he That the plenarie power attributed to him was a manifest lye an execrable title and the verie originall of all euils and the vse thereof was to be interdicted the Popes by some good generall Councell But concerning temporall things Christ whose Vicar he would be thought to be neuer exercised any temporall authoritie vpon earth but contrariwise both himselfe and the Apostles submitted themselues to the ciuile Magistrat and after his ascention into heauen they both obeyed Princes and enioyned their disciples to this obedience and therefore that no temporall jurisdiction did any wayes belong to the Pope ouer any man much lesse ouer Princes
see Rome againe whether Charles the Emperour with the Empresse came to salute him and then againe to remoue all suspition three moneths after hee departed out of Italie One onely thing Charles performed in this journey for hee caused the Pope to seeke for Peter and Paules heads amongst the old ruines and rubbish which saith our Authour beeing by Gods fauour and furtheraunce found hee put them in an eminent place in Saint Iohn Laterans Church adorned with much siluer gold and many gemmes Let the Reader but marke well this imposture what probabilitie or likelihood there is That after the reuolution of a thousand and three hundred yeares they could be discerned or distinguished from other sculls The Pope during all this was not idle for besides Carillaes erecting of cittadels in all the strong places of Romania Vrban particularly bent his whole studie to build palaces at Oruietto and Montefiascone for the Cardinalls Transalpines thither to retire in time of immoderat heat least complaining of distemperature of ayre they might make this an occasion to depart farre from the citie whither he meant to haue reduced them but that in his returne into France he died at Marselles These things occurred in the yeare 1371 when Peter Beaufort a Lymosine and nephew to Clement the sixt was created Pope by the name of Gregorie the eleuenth At which time Rome was gouerned by a Senator who by the Popes order was to be changed euerie sixt moneth and the gard of the citie was committed to certaine Banderets which is to say to diuers captaines of seuerall wardes or quarters so tearmed of certaine Banners or Colours which euerie one had And this order tooke place since vnder Vrban the fift certaine noble strangers being preferred to the dignitie Senatoriall as Rubeus Tissius a Florentine a Guelph out of Prato and Bolsena and Boniface and Richard out of Pistoria which I deliuer to this end because the Banderets to the yeare 1400 possessed the greatest part of the Roman State Italie moreouer was euerie where tumultuous with factions but especially the Florentines made some signe of affecting libertie whither many cities from all other parts sent their ayd and not being able to maintaine themselues they forraged all ouer the territories of the Church The Popes could not digest the Emperour neither at Rome nor in Italie and therefore Gregorie determed to reduced againe at length his See to Rome Blondus relates That a Bishop being admonished by him to repayre into his owne diocesse he made this answer And you holie Father why goe you not to your owne Church Others say he did this being persuaded in reuelations by S. Briget and Katherine of Sienna But when he saw this was dipleasing to the French Cardinalls and also to his neere kinsmen he caused a number of Tryremes to be priuily built vpon the Rhodan and so with such as he made priuie to his resolution he was in them first conueyed to Genoa from thence to Coruetto and so in the yeare 1376 in the moneth of Ianuarie he came to Rome by land Thus after seuentie yeares continuance his seat at Auignion came to an end But Gregorie not long after dying there began the most grieuous schisme that euer was in the Roman Church And at his first accesse Gregorie was entertained by the Romans with great applause they supposing that together with him wealth and riches would enter into their citie But when Gregorie seemed to terrifie the whole world with his thundrings and excommunications that he sent forth neere at hand among the rest excommunicating the Florentines by the meanes of Bernabo Visconti they drew thither one Iohn Haucut and English captaine a man of great fame for his martiall prowesse with his forces and nothing respecting the Popes interdict but contemning his censures they enforced the Priests to celebrate sacred offices and the Genowayes themselues permitted the vse of all holie functions to those Florentines which were fled into their citie though they were generally interdicted wheresoeuer they liued they therefore called likewise vpon themselues the Popes interdict And Bernabo whom he held for a friend afarre off comming neerer hand draue Gregorie into some suspition and jealousie least vnlookt for hee might procure him one disturbance vpon another Now therefore he began to repent himselfe of his returne and being at poynt of death in the yeare 1378 An. 1378. he aduised the Cardinals that they should no more giue any credit to reuelations seeing he being deceiued by the persuasions of S. Briget and Katherine of Sienna returned into Italie with such disastrous and ominous successe Amongst other Doctors Gerson notes this in his treatise De examine doctrinarum Machiauel l. 3. de Historia Florentino Machiauel is the Author that writes how this Cregorie while he liued in Auignion gouerned Italie by Legats who through their wonderfull auarice and pride ouerthrew many cities one of which had his seat at Bologna who abusing to his owne purposes the famine and dearth of an hard yeare attempted to make himselfe Lord of all Tuscan and namely of Florence by reducing them to such an extreame miserie and famine From whence sprung the originall of that warre aboue mentioned All which his designes notwithstanding fell to the ground For other matters these good Popes were euer hammering of some deepe mysterie Gerson in Tractat de examin doctrinarum for Innocent the sixt instituted a feastiuall day in memoriall of the launce and nailes wherewith our Lord was pierced and by the same Theologie I pray you why may not Caiphas and Pilate be put into the Legend of Saints And Pope Vrban the fift consecrated that Sonday which is called Laetare Rosa which hymne was first sent to Ioan queene of Sicilia that famous harlot who killed her husband Then after him all his successors continued the custome euerie Lent to gratifie one Prince or other with this donatiue Aurea illa Rosa With that golden Rose which they consecrated in a Masse with wonderfull pompe diuers prayers annoynted ouer with Balsamum scattered with powdered Muske sprinkled with holie water and lastly fumed with Frankencense in signe say they both of triumphant and militant Ierusalem in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost For Antichrist Christs Ape must needs haue his Sacraments apart which Ierome foresaw would come to passe At the same time also came forth those Sigillaries certaine Formularies in the Roman Church called Agnus Dei which are vsually hallowed of the Popes in the first yeare of their Papacie and are also renewed in the seuenth yeare the prayers by which they are consecrated being altogether execrable and accursed By their veneration and honour blot out the sinnes of vs thy seruants let the spots of our offences be cleansed pardons obtained graces conferred and at length let them deserue to enioy eternall life together with thy Saints and elect Of Christ the true Lambe of God what could be spoken more
remoue than confirme the opinion she formerly conceiued of it Katherine also gaue the like censure of the state of the Roman Church nay and if we may beleeue Antoninus she presaged That euen then the Churches confusion was at hand and that presently a reformation would ensue When she heard of the Perugians rebellion against the Pope Begin not your lamentation saith she so soone for you shall haue weeping too much for this you now see is but milke and honie in respect of those miseries to ensue Thus doe the Laitie and presently you shall see the Clergie will doe worse for they shall giue a generall scandall to the whole Church of God which like an hereticall pestilence shall disturbe and dissipate the same It shall not properly be an heresie but as it were an heresie and a certaine diuision of the Church and all Christendome This saith Raimond who writ her Legend we see accomplished in the schisme that followed vpon Gregories death For when the schisme began Raymond told her That what she had prophesied was now come to passe and she replied Euen as then I told you that the present molestations were but milke and honie so I say vnto you That this you now see and behold is but childrens sport in comparison of future miseries especially in adiacent and bordering Prouinces Which we haue seene come to passe saith he ouer all Italie and Sicilia whereunto wee may worthily annex France which neuer felt a more sharpe and terrible warre than at this instant Then Raymond againe prosecutes Being curious saith hee to demaund of her what would follow after this wonderfull agitation and reuolt because it manifestly appeared that shee entertained celestiall reuelations she replied God shall purge his Church from all these tribulations and miseries by a meanes altogether inperceptible and vnknowne vnto men and after this shall occurre such a wonderfull reformation of Gods Church and a renouation of sacred and holie Pastors that through the cogitation thereof onely my spirit euen reioyceth in the Lord. And as otherwhiles I haue many times told you the spouse that now is deformed and rent shall then hee adorned with goodlie and precious iewels and all the faithfull shall exult for being honoured with such holie Pastors Antoninus addes further What this sacred virgine foretold of schismes and tribulations we haue seene them cleerely and euidently come to passe but for that shee denounced touching good Pastors and the Churches reformation that hath not yet beene effected And yet he wrot in the yeare 1450 after the schisme extinguished and the dissolution of the Councels of Constance and Basil the which as it seemes he thought had not sufficiently prouided for the reformation of the Church conformable to this virgines predictions neither can it any wayes be perceiued in the Church of Rome or in the Popes whether you consider doctrine or manners so as this prophesie may verie well be applied to that reformation that began not long after which purged both the errors of doctrine and the abuses of discipline through the diligence and zeale of those godlie ministers which God stirred vp in the age following by a meanes as she said inperceptible of men the which was then a preparing before his death In Bohemia mention is made of one Militzius a famous Preacher of Prage whom Iacobus Misnensis tearmes renowmed and venerable This man declared how against his will he was enioyned by the holie Ghost to search out of the holie Scriptures the comming of Antichrist whom he found to be now alreadie come the same spirit conducting him he was constrained to go to Rome where he preached publikely and afterwards before the Inquisitor he confirmed That the great Antichrist of whom the Scriptures doe prophesie was already come The same man said That in the Church Idols should be erected which would destroy Ierusalem and make desolat the Temple but that they were couered with hypocrisie That many know the truth and yet through iniustice suppressed it and therefore in this silence they renounced Christ and durst not auouch his truth before men He also inueyed particularly against many abuses as we may see in Iacobus Misnensis his treatise de Aduentis Antichristi which he wrot about the yeare 1410. An. 1410. We find also a Bull of Gregorie the eleuenth directed to Iohn Archbishop of Prage wherein he is commanded to excommunicat and persecute Militzius and his auditors who were taught and instructed by him That the Pope and his companions were Antichrists That there was no truth amongst them vndepraued So as it is manifest that the Church in Bohemia came to haue some reformation and so much the rather because the Waldenses as we formerly saw fixed here their habitations long time before In these verie dayes about the yeare 1460 one Iohn Wickliffe An. 1460. a man of singular vnderstanding began to lift vp his head who was trayned vp at Oxford in all learning and science being both a famous Diuine and Philosoph●● who was for these parts highly honoured and esteemed of all the Faculties and Degrees in that Vniuersitie This man questionlesse charged the Roman Church on euerie side verie stoutly for not satisfying himselfe in shewing the Pope to bee an Heres●arch the Antichrist deciphered in the Scriptures the abhomination of desolation in abstracto in abstract brought in by Sathans guile and their Churches impostume and that he conuinced him to be the same both by the Scriptures the course of all histories diuers preualent reasons and his owne proper actions but further he assaileth the inward poynts of his doctrine taxing it with vanitie superstition and idolatrie reprehending the seruice of the creator conuerted to the creature to mortall men to Saints to reliques to images That the Sacrifice of the Redeemers Passion was turned into the foolish spectacle and mummerie of a Masse the benefit of the death and passion of Christ the sonne of God into dispensations absolutions pilgrimages and indulgences the benefits or rather inchauntments not of a pure but most impure man The people were fallen away from the incomparable merits of Christ our Sauiour to their owne workes from the firme tuition and defence of Christs crosse to the shaken reed of their owne demerits To conclude from God the generall creator to a ridiculous host which must bee worshipped as God though it were knead and made with mens hands And for the furtherance of this so high a worke of Gods he translated the whole Bible into the vulgar Tongue all those heads of doctrine he deliuered to the learned in Latine and to the ignorant in the vulgar Tongue In publique lectures at Oxford he was a Doctor in ordinarie Sermons of the Church a Pastour putting on a brasen forehead against the shamelesse strumpet and a breast of Diamant against the power and violence of the whole Clergie thundring the like euen into the eares of Edward the third then raigning in England and he drew vnto himselfe the attention
to the Popedome but that all things brake forth into vnbridled licentiousnesse so that in the tenne moneths that hee raigned he brought more infamie to the seat than others in so many yeares The sayd Pope also inserted in the signature of the Roll that he made for the familiars of Cardinals that he had made that signature so largely because that euerie one of the same Lord Cardinals in the Conclaue had promised That if he were chosen Pope he would graunt all things that their familiars should request Which he particularly describeth the Reader may see further there So hard a thing it was euen in a matter so long consulted of after so great a confusion of all things to find an honest man among so many of the Roman Court and to proceed in election without manifest Symonie Now he died at Bononia the third of May 1410 and here Theodorick finisheth that Historie Baptista Panaetius of Ferrara a Carmelite telleth vs that Balthasar Cossa Monstrelet vol. 1. cap. 62. Baptista Panaetius Ferrariens Serm. 56. the inward familiar of Alexander who after was Iohn the three and twentieth or as some others say the foure and twentieth neuerthelesse that he might succeed him poysoned him by Marsilius de Parma his Phisition hired with abundance of money and that being nere his death hee sayd to his Cardinals that which Christ had to his Apostles My peace I giue vnto you my peace I leaue with you How could this slaue of Sathan Prince of the world giue that peace which the world cannot giue who in that verie little space of time had banded and opposed Wenceslaus king of Bohemia against the Emperour Robert in Germanie and in Italie had crowned Lewis of Aniou king of Sicilie and sent him against Ladislaus by his own absolute power without any forme of law But it may be they will be more wise and circumspect in chusing his successour Being then at Bononia where that Balthaser resided as Legat or rather ruled as Lord he commaundeth the Cardinals to elect a Pope that should be to his liking And they offered vnto him many of which he thought none fit enough Johan Stella in Pontificibus till at last they requested him plainely to expresse his opinion Giue me saith he the cloake of S. Peter and I will giue it to him that is to be Pope which done he put it on his owne shoulders and sayd vnto them Papa su●●ego It is I am Pope How farre from Christ whose Vicar he maketh himselfe I am not come saith he of my selfe And though the Cardinals did in no sort approue the same yet none durst at that time speake against it But he fearing least in tract of time they should attempt something against him dispatcheth Legats presently into Germanie to the Princes to entreat them that the Emperour Robert being deceased they would chose for king of the Romans Sigis●●nd king of Hungarie whom to that ●nd hee commendeth for all kind of vertues requisit Which hauing obtayned hee assigneth a Councell at Rome vnder colour to set the Crowne on his head but indeed that by his ayde whom thus hee had obliged vnto him hee might firmely establish his seat Memorable is that which Nicholas Clemang●● Archdeacon of Bayeux a man famous in those times hath left written in a certaine Epistle of his Almost foure yeares agoe saith he at the great instance of some that most perfidious Balthasar lately deposed from Peters seat which he most filth●lie defiled had assembled a Councell at Rome in which were verie few strangers held some sessions with some Italians and courtiers wearing out the time in matters superfluous and nothing belonging to the profit of the Church And when before the first meeting of the Councell Masse was celebrated after the accustomed maner for to inuocat the holie Ghost when the Councell was set and Balthasar himselfe in a chaire prouided for him higher than the rest behold a direfull and deadly Owle the messenger as they say euer of death or calamitie comming forth of her lurking holes suddenly with a horrible voyce flew and sat vpon the middle beame of the Temple with her eyes directly fixed on Balthasar All began to wonder that this night-bird which shunneth the light was come in full day light into the middest of a companie and not without cause tooke this prodigie for a presage of euill lucke Behold said they with a low voyce one to another the spirit is present in forme of an Owle And whilest they beheld Balthasar and one another they could hardly refraine themselues from laughter Balthasar himselfe vpon whom onely the Owle had bent the sight of her eyes blushing with shame began to sweat to be troubled in mind and to burne within himselfe and at length not finding any other meanes whereby to helpe himselfe from this confusion he brake vp the Councell rose and departed There followed afterward a second Session in which againe in like manner as before the Owle failed not to come without being called I beleeue turning her sight euer towards Balthasar who seeing her come againe was with good cause troubled with greater shame than before and not being able to endure her looke any longer he commaunded she should be driuen away with frighting clamours and with staues but she would not be feared neither with showts nor other disquietings till being grieuously stricken many blowes with staues she fell downe dead in the sight of them all This saith he I learned from a faithfull friend of mine who in those dayes came directly from Rome and being adiured by me with all vehemencie when by reason of the rarenesse I had begun to doubt of the matter he confirmed the things he had vttered to be most true He added also That all they that were present there were brought into great contempt and derision of this Councell and by little and little the whole Councell being dissipated nothing fruitfull was there at all enacted But they thinke it sufficiently prouided for when they caused this place and the like to be quite raced out of bookes yea whole bookes according to their accustomed good faith In the meane time Benedict and Gregorie retained still on both sides the Papall dignitie notwithstanding their condemnation the one at Rimino in Romania the other at Perpignan in the frontire of Spaine each accompanied with their Cardinals and vpholden by the Princes aboue mentioned and all Christendome was exceeding wearie of so long a schisme whereunto after so many yeares they had in vaine sought remedie in the Councell of Pisa Wherefore the Emperour Sigismund vndertooke to call a Councell and the better to induce all Christian Princes to embrace the same he taketh paynes to ride about almost all Europe and visit them in person that by communicating his mind vnto them he might remoue out of the way the difficulties that might hinder so great a worke Neither did Pope Iohn seeme to be against it either because he hoped he should
the support of Ladislaus king of Sicilie Charles Malatesta his Proctor appeared in Councell hauing on him the Pontificall robes which in token of renunciation he put off before all the assemblie But Benedict hauing beene verie oftentimes cited in vaine by sentence of the Councell is declared to be a periurer Session 11. a scandalizer of the Church a fautor and entermedler of schisme an heretike straying out of the way of faith and for these causes is depriued of his Papall dignitie and cut off from the Church as a withered and dried member forbiddeth all men therefore from obeying him vnder paine of excommunication And though he were almost of all men forsaken yet he continued still in obstinacie Idolum cum idolis suis Cardinalibus saith Krantzius An Idoll with the Idols his Cardinalls Krantzius in Metrop l. 9. c. 1. An. 1414. Yea being at poynt of death in the yeare 1414 he adiureth the Cardinals which remained with him in the castle of Paniscola that they should incontinently chuse him a successor which was Giles Munion Canon of Barcelon by them called Clement the eighth who the fourth yeare after renounced his charge Of this Benedict was that saying of Gerson verie often repeated in Councell There will be no peace to the Churches till Luna be taken away So much did Luna darken the Sunne so much also had these good Popes their hearts set on the vnion of the Church It was meet that impietie of doctrine should grow after the measure of the abuse of power Paulus Aemilius in Carolo 6. Therefore we read that this Benedict the thirteenth was the first that instituted That the Sacrament of the bodie of Christ should be carried before him for the safegard of his bodie that so he might seeme to haue a protector against his aduersaries on earth whom he beleeued to be none in heauen which without doubt he had inuented by the example of the kings of Persia who made their god be caried before them Alexander the fift also because he was a Minorite that he might gratifie the Friers of that Order Theodor. à Nyem l. 3. c. vltim who wonderfully reioycing at his creation ran about the streets euerie day verie many in troupes together as if they had beene mad men made a law That all Christians should be bound to beleeue the wounds of S. Francis and in veneration also of those wounds instituted a feast These things as we haue said before although they are judged doubtful yet are found in their owne Histories of those times So Iohn the foure and twentieth Waldensin Fasciculo for that Wicklif had translated the holie Scriptures into the English Tongue would needs haue that translation of the Bible into the vulgar Tongue to be heresie in England But our wise king Charles the fift was of another mind when a little before he commaunded that the sacred Bible should bee translated into the French Tongue for his owne and his peoples vse And let the Reader judge of the inuentions by the pietie and honestie of the deuisors In the meane time the Councell of Constance it selfe whilest it arrogateth power aboue the Pope doth not withall omit in emulation of Popes to extoll it selfe aboue the Lord Christ For when many nations complained vnto them That against the expresse institution of Christ in the participation of the Eucharist the cup of the Lord was taken away from them the Fathers of this Councell feared not to publish a Decree commaunding it seuerely to be excuted which was conceiued in these execrable words Concil Constant Session 13. Although Christ after supper hath instituted and administred to his Disciples this venerable Sacrament vnder both kinds of bread and wine yet notwithstanding the authoritie of the sacred Canons the laudable and approued custome of the Church hath obserued and doth obserue that this Sacrament ought not to be finished after supper c. And seeing that this custome hath beene according to reason brought in and a long time obserued by the Church and holie Fathers it is to be held for a law In which words this clause Non obstante notwithstanding so odious as we haue seene to the Church in former ages for that by it added to the Popes Bulls no lawes so holy but were reuoked now by the authoritie of this Synod manifestly abrogateth not only the vse of the Primitiue Church but the expresse commandement of the Lord himselfe in instituting a Sacrament of so great moment And these things extend to the yeare 1417. An. 1417. OPPOSITION Let vs now consider what the Christian Church thought hereof being distracted and as it were torne in peeces by two sometimes three Popes openly warring one against the other We haue alreadie noted something out of the historie of Theodorick Theodor. à Nyem l. 1. c. 7 8. who was successiuely Secretarie to Vrban Boniface Innocent Gregorie and Alexander Neither doth he conceale from vs the murmure and distraction of minds that then was in the whole world whilest some take part with one others content with the conduct of their owne Bishops hold with neither from whence in the meane time this benefit did arise vnto vs in this so great mischiefe That by occasion of this schisme there was a way made vnto the truth and the mouth thereof in diuers things opened And therefore he confesseth ingeniously that it is agreeable vnto reason that the Roman Emperour with the Prelats and Christian people as the spirituall sonne of the Church whose power is immediatly from God should by his authoritie appease these troubles and that they are fooles and flatterers that say That the Pope or Church hath two swords the temporall and the spirituall which great errour being brought into the Christian Church they raise a perpetuall emulation and discord betweene the Pope and the Emperour trampling vnder their feet the Imperiall authoritie to the great hurt of the whole Commonwealth That it appeareth out of the Decrees themselues that whensoeuer any schisme shall arise in the Church that the Emperors are bound and by law haue power to prouide a remedie Which he likewise proueth by the example of Theodoricus the king taken out of the Decree it selfe and is much offended that the Emperor Robert did so flatter and gently intreat Gregorie the twelfth who should haue compelled both parts to haue restored the peace of the Church D. 17. C. Consilia Theud l. 3. c. 9. 10. That the power of the Emperour doth especially tend to the repressing of a wicked and incorrigible Pope scandalizing the Church as it appeareth out of the acts of the Roman Emperours and kings where he alledgeth the example of Otho the first who came out of Germanie to Rome to chasten the disorderly stubborne behauior of Iohn the 13 whom by the authoritie of the Councell notwithstanding he were vpheld by his kindred and friends at Rome he deposed For saith he in those daies the
Iohn the three and twentieth for an expedition beyond the sea whereupon some Popes afterwards vnder other pretences would haue continued them but the cause of them ceasing they were to cease too neither could they be any longer tollerated especially at this time wherein Italie France Germanie and England were at peace and amitie one with the other And here they spent much time in the vnfolding of those exactions that were then in force Where they proue That neither the Pope nor the Church of Rome could by law impose any thing vpon Churches or Churchmen since he was not their Lord but Christ onely That these exactions are contrarie to the minds of their founders whose successors complaine vnto the king That the goods giuen to Churches are transferred to other vses yea to the vtter ouerthrow of Church and Commonwealth and all orders therein concluding in the end That the whole nation would neuer pay them vnder what pretence soeuer they were demaunded It were too tedious a thing here to repeat all their reasons the principall are these Annuities seeme to bind men to fall into heresie taking the word in the larger sence that is to say That it is lawfull to buy things spirituall or for spirituall to giue siluer or things temporall c. Item He that is so promoted seemeth to commit simonie and periurie Which they proue by that obligation that was required of Patriarches Archbishops Bishops c. You c. by the Apostolike permission and authoritie granted to you in that behalfe doe freely offer and promise of your own wills to giue for your common seruice to the Chamber of your most holie Father and Lord in Christ Pope Alexander and the holie and sacred Colledge of reuerend Fathers and Lords in Christ of the Church of Rome that is to say the Cardinals c. so many Florins of gold of the Chamber of good and lawfull weight c. with diuers other clauses verie strait which they were to sweare vpon the Euangelist and vnder paine of excommunication c. There flourished in these times the Cardinall Zabarella a famous Lawyer Zabarella de schismate circa annum 1406. who writ of schisme he feareth not to say That the defenders of the Pope had so corrupted the Canon law with their Glosses that there was nothing so vnlawfull which they thought not lawfull for them to doe in so much that they extolled him aboue God himselfe making him more than God From whence sprang infinit errors the Pope chalenging vnto himselfe a right ouer all inferior Churches and making small account of all inferiour Prelats in so much saith he that if God giue not his helping hand to the present state of the Catholike Church it is in danger of an vtter ouerthrow But at the next Councell it shall be necessarie to restraine this power and to confine it to that which is lawfull since it is a power subiect to that of the Church as it appeares in the fifteenth of the Acts wherein and not in him doth the fulnesse of power reside and in a generall Councell which representeth the Church In so much that the Church neither can nor euer could transferre that power in such sort to any one but that it euer remained wholly in her selfe not in the Pope whom she had euer power to depose And therefore it is vaine that they commonly boast of That he that is judged by the Church cannot be judged by men but by God alone It is in the power of the Emperor saith he to call Councels which plainely appeareth by the example of Constantine Iustinian Charles who did preside and were chiefe Iudges ouer them as it appeares by the first vniuersall Nicene Councell and others where when matters of faith were treated of the lay people were likewise present Neither is it lawfull for the Pope to hinder the calling of Councels by the intermission whereof the Church incurreth great danger whilest the Popes gouerne it after the manner of secular Princes not Ecclesiasticall Prelats And that which is more the Emperour if hee doubt thereof may demaund of the Pope a reason of his faith and if he be accused of any manifest crime proceed likewise against him by a course of law and to depose him he being the principall Aduocat and defender of the Catholike Church As touching the pretended fulnesse of power he saith That Saint Peter neuer had it but that he was one of the chiefe Apostles and ministers to whom in as much as he bare the person of the Church the keyes were deliuered For as well at Antioch as at Rome he tooke vpon him the administration of his part or portion no otherwise than the rest did And therefore the Pope commaunding nothing but what is just and lawfull is to be obeyed But whereas it is said that he is solutus legibus not subiect to lawes it is to be vnderstood of his owne lawes and not the law of God whereunto he is bound as well as others We must therefore beware least that honour be done vnto him whereby we may make him equall with God nay in any sort to adore him since S. Peter himselfe would neuer endure it but vtterly refused it Acts 10. And whereas it is commonly said That the Church cannot erre he saith it can no way be vnderstood of the Pope or of the Church of Rome but of the Church of Christ and the congregation of the faithfull And that euerie particular member of the Church is bound to be carefull for the preseruation of the Catholike faith And this he saith he hath presumed to write in this manifest danger of the Church moued onely with a zeale of God and his glorie and not any hope or expectation of reward In like manner writ our Clemangis Archdeacon of Bayeux in his booke Of the corrupt estate of the Church which was produced in the Councell of Constance where he setteth downe by what degrees the Church rose to her temporal height and her spirituall declination at one and the same time and by what subtilties the Pope got all to himselfe and fatted himselfe by staruing others Afterwards comming to particular corruptions Nicholaus Clemangis in lib. de corrupto Ecclesiae flatu They beare more patiently saith he the losse of ten thousand soules than of ten shillings what say I more patiently yea they beare the ruine and losse of soules without any motion of the mind whereof there is with them not onely no care but no thought at all whereas for their owne priuat domesticall losses they presently grow furious He saith likewise a little after The studie of Diuinitie and such as make profession thereof are made a mocke and ieasting stocke which is most monstrous to the Popes themselues who preferre their owne traditions farre before the commaundements of God Now that worthie and excellent function of preaching sometimes attributed to Pastors onely and proper vnto them is of that base account with them that they
thinke nothing more vnworthie or more vnbefitting their dignitie The Monkes are rauening Wolues in sheepes clothing diuels transformed into Angels of light Scribes Pharisies hypocrites painted sepulchres to whom hee applies that prophesie of Paul against false Prophets in the last times 2. Timoth. 3. and the like places The Monasteries of men and women are so many brothell houses their diuinitie meerely scholasticall and that properly which S. Paul would decipher in these words Jdem in Epist de Theolog. studio They dote about questions and strife of words c. Their fruits are like those of the lake of Sodome outwardly faire but inwardly smoke and ashes Ecclesiasticall persons are simoniacall no man hath Orders without argent no man put backe that brings money be he neuer so wicked To such an excesse are they growne in lasciuious wantonnesse that their people the better to defend their wiues chastitie will haue no Priests except they haue concubines The traditions of men euen the least are more esteemed than the lawes of God which whosoeuer shall omit or commit any thing against them shall bee grieuously punished The Legends of Saints are read in stead of Scriptures and consequently the Saints brought into the place of God But because all these corruptions diuers other the like are defended vnder the onely name of the Church he ouerthroweth this foundation Idem in Tractatu contra Simoniacos Notwithstanding saith he the authoritie of the Church militant be great because founded vpon a firme rocke c. yet we are not to attribute vnto it the titles of the Church triumphant That it cannot be deceiued That it cannot sinne for many times it deceiueth Idem contra noua Sanctorum festa and is deceiued I doe not say in matters of faith c. but of fact or manners or iudgement c. And writing to a scholer of Paris touching certaine ordinances of the Councell of Constance Truely saith he it seemeth not conuenient to me to proue the Acts of the Councell by the Councell Jdem ad Scolasticum Parisicus c. but if all the Acts of the Councell be definitions of faith when some produce many Decrees of the holie Fathers and Synods on the contrarie part see what a thing it is this schisme still hanging and in so great varietie of things and opinions and controuersies of learned men to ordaine so many articles of faith whereas it seemeth vnto me to be not onely conuenient but necessarie that those other constitutions or determinations which they affirme to be alledged by others in the contrarie part should be interpreted in behalfe of the truth and of faith and proued not to be contrarie to these least otherwise the Church might seeme to erre in matter of faith determining the contrarie And whereas you say That the Decrees of the Fathers are not woont to depend vpon reason Truely with your good leaue be it spoken if the question be of faith or matter in controuersie it is their manner to rest themselues vpon reasons especially drawne out of the Scriptures or the definitions of the holie Fathers from whose footsteps they depart not without great reason c. And as for that place of Saint Augustine which you alledge c. I should not beleeue the Gospell if the authoritie of the Church did not compell me Truely it seemes strange at the first view that he should seeme to preferre the authoritie of the Church trauelling vpon the earth before the authoritie of the Gospell since in many things that may be deceiued this neuer and that the authoritie of the Church as touching the root and foundation thereof consists principally of the Gospell neither can the institution power edification thereof be drawne from any other so expresly and certainely as from the Gospell especially since Paul himselfe saith thereof If an Angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise let him be accursed otherwise that is a contrarie Gospell He therefore answereth That S. Augustine neuer thought any such thing but was to deale with the Maniches who had their Scriptures proper to themselues and receiued not ours As if he should say It is not out of mine owne particular iudgement that I receiue the Gospell for Canonicall Scripture but the authoritie of the Church which hath acknowledged it to be such That is to say of the Primitiue and Apostolike Church which hath appointed the Canon of the Scriptures some of those being yet liuing that writ them Apostles Euangelists Disciples of the Apostles who could giue testimonie to the truth of these Scriptures that this or that man was the Author of this or that booke being directed by the spirit of God which being inspired from aboue ought to be the rule of our faith and Church To be briefe saith he thou art not ignorant that both Christ our Law-maker and his Apostles preaching the law and faith vnto vs alledged many times their proofes out of the old Testament and the sayings of the Fathers and Prophets to confirme their owne than which we can propose vnto our selues no example more certaine for our imitation since his actions are a most infallible instruction of our manners and actions c. And therefore it is not their parts who hold the Councell by a certaine bolnesse and libertie to doe what pleaseth them to thinke with themselues Wee are the generall Councell let vs carrie our selues boldly we cannot erre They that were at the Councel of Pisa defined and caused it to be published That they by a new election at the instance of certaine ambitious men had taken away the schisme and restored the peace of the Church And yet who is so blind in the Church that by experience of things apparently seeth not how much this opinion deceiued both themselues the whole Church For saith he of what kind of men for the most part doe Councels consist doubtlesse of Lawyers Canonists rather than Diuines of temporal persons whose care is of the things of this world not spirituall How then canst thou hope for a reformation of the Church from them If then saith he they assemble themselues for the recouerie of the temporall peace of the Church there is no necessitie that we should presently beleeue that they are come together in the name of Christ First because they know not whether it be expedient for the health of the Church and that Christ hath determined by this meanes to heale this diuision For what else are temporall afflictions wherewith the Church is oppressed but bitter potions and medicines whereby temporal auarice pride and wantonnesse is beaten downe And who will say that they are assembled in the name of Christ who with this mind seeke the vnitie of the Church who neuerthelesse are so many that they can hardly be numbred These carcall sonnes of the Church doe not onely not care for spirituall things nor haue any feeling of them but persecute those that are according to the spirit as since the time of
and bound to the holie Scriptures Gerson de examine doctrinar consid 5. tom 1. Neither is it saith he in the power of the Pope or Councell to change traditions giuen by the Euangelists and Paul as some doe dote Yea we are to giue more credit in a case of doctrine to the assertion of a simple man learned in the Scriptures than the declaration of the Pope For it is manifest that we are rather to beleeue the Gospell than the Pope In so much that any such learned man being present at the Councell ought to oppose himselfe against him if hee shall perceiue the greater part against the Gospell either by malice or ignorancee to decline from the truth And touceing that place of Augustine I would not beleeue the Gospell but that the authoritie of the Church moueth mee thereunto He meaneth sayth he the Primitiue congregation of the faithfull who had seene and heard Christ and were witnesses vnto him Neither is it in the power of Pope or Bishop of a proposition not hereticall or not Catholike to make it hereticall or Catholike All which Theses destroy the tyrannie of the Pope and the Church of Rome with those inuentions likewise and vsurpations which vnder the cloke of his pretended authoritie they brought into the Church Let the Reader here note Vide Tractatū de Ecclesia That this was then the doctrine of the Vniuersitie of Paris yea the Sorbonists themselues We haue elsewhere quoted many places by which it may appeare how much they despaired of the reformation of the Church by reason of the malignitie of the Popes and Prelats Touching Indulgences he saith Iohan. Gerson in Tractat. de Indulgentijs Christ is the onely Pope that can grant those Indulgences for a thousand thousand dayes and yeares c. Againe Perhaps such enormous graunts haue beene inuented by wicked men who seeke their owne gaine And againe The graunt of Indulgences will hardly be taken away c. since it is most certaine that Purgatorie ends with the world Idem de absolutione sacramentali consequently the daies of their punishments Again Those institutions of Indulgences for twentie thousand yeares and the like to him that shall say fiue Pater nosters before such an Image c. are sottish and supersitious and contrarie to the truth c. At these fooleries all men in those dayes began to bend their browes But in this sermon intituled Of the ruines of the Church he manifestly proueth the fearefull judgement of God to be then at hand The signes which he setteth downe are these First 2. Thessalonians 2. The dissipation of the Roman Empire betwixt which and the persecutions of Antichrist following therein S. Hierome he setteth downe no distance of time And now saith he the state of the vniuersall Church is so doubtfull that it knoweth not on which side the See of Rome is except perhaps God should reueale it to some one or the iudgement of Salomon touching the diuiding of the infant into two parts giue vs to vnderstand who is the true mother Secondly Impudencie wherein as touching maners it is worse than the Synagogue when the ruine thereof approached for that permitted Pigeons to be sold in the Temple and this sells Spirituall charges for money that honoured God but with the lips onely this dishonours God both in word and deed taking no care at all to couer her owne shame Thirdly Inequalitie or rather Iniquitie the like whereof was neuer amongst the ministers of the Church the vnworthie being exalted the worthie trod vnder foot some set aboue Princes others more contemptible than the basest of the people And from hence arise schismes in the Church Fourthly The pride of the Prelats which purchaseth rather hatred than reuerence And from hence arise schismes in the Church Fiftly The tyrannie of those that beare rule who feed not the flocke but themselues they deuour the flesh and plucke off the skinne Sixtly The troubles of Princes and commotion of the people which we haue experience of in so many kingdomes and Prouinces Seuenthly The refusal of correction in the Principall of the Clergie who detest those that reprehend them hold the Scriptures for a fable and those that meditate thereupon for fantasticall persons Eightly Noueltie of opinions from whence arise heresies schismes are defended and being defended take root c. And this he applies to those that accommodat the Scriptures to their owne affections make them speake according to that loue or hatred hope of aduancement or reuenge wherewith they are carried And some of them vpon euerie light occasion call them heretikes whom they neuer knew to be tainted with heresie All which signes he rehearseth Gerson de signis ruinae Ecclesiae and compareth them with others of former times which being confirmed by the examples of his age and the threats of the auncient Prophets he applieth to the present state of the Church Of the same opinion were diuers others in diuers parts of the world In Germanie Theodoricus Vrias an Augustine in his worke of the consolation of the Church especially in his third book Theodor. Vrias in consolatione Ecclesiae lib. 3. Idem apud Paulum Langium in Chron. Citizensi where inueying against the wickednesse thereof the whoredome simonie ambition contempt of the word of God neglect of the saluation of mankind he pronounceth the Pope to be the forerunner of Antichrist Yea wee haue his verses recited by Paulus Langius in his Chronicle not vnworthie the reading in number eighteene whereof these are the first Papa stupor mundi cecidit secumque ruêre Coelica templa Dei membra simulque caput c. The Pope the worlds astonishment is dead With him are falne Gods house members and head c. Wherein he describeth how the Pope hath drawne the whole Church with himself into ruine supplying the place of Simon Magus not Simon Peter That the Churches vnder his gouernment were fairs of treacherie wherin the Sacraments and all holie things were put to open sale That the Church of Rome grew euerie day worse worse of a golden Church was become a siluer of a siluer an yron of an yron an earthly durtie Church in so much that nothing now remained but that it wold likewise turne into a stinking dung-hill And yet such a Church it was at that time when neuerthelesse it made a beautiful a glorious shew There was likewise another Theodor. Minorita in prophetia vna cum pluribus alijs rithmicis impressa one Theodoricus a Minorite Bishop of Croatia who foretold in a certaine prophesie written in verse That this See polluted with so much corruption should shortly come to naught and the Pope be vtterly ouerthrowne euen by those that had extolled him and that contrarily the Church and in her true pietie should recouer her pristinat beautie more than before Petrus Dresdensis likewise and Iacobus Misnensis the Disciples of the auncient Waldenses were for this
Legats of the other Easterne Patriarches of the Archbishops and Prelats euerie one in his order And hence may the Reader discerne what the Patriarch might judge of the pride of the Latine Bishop But what may we say of Baronius who in diuers places contesteth That the left hand in Councels was euer the more honourable As touching the matter it selfe for the concluding of the controuersies of the Latine and Greeke Churches is made an instrument of a vnion Laetentur coeli wherein they agree on both sides That the holie Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne That the Sacrament may be indifferently made of leauened or vnleauened bread That the soules of the faithfull that haue not yet satisfied for their sinnes goe to Purgatorie That the Pope of Rome is Head of the vniuersall Christian Church All which articles the Greeke Emperor causeth to be approued by the most part of his hoping he should haue assistance against the Turkes But Michael Bishop of Ephesus with some others doth euer withstand the same reiecting especially the two later Which is more when Ioseph Archbishop of Constantinople was dead Eugenius would haue them proceed before him to the chusing of another promising against his disposition to ordaine him without money yea to giue them some if need were and to depose him that did obtaine with him the place of Patriarch which he would not doe if they deferred his election till they came into their countrey The Greekes perceiuing whereto he tended namely that he might enter possession of the supreme power in the Church by that meanes and that with their consent answer him with one accord That their Patriarch cannot bee by their laws chosen any where else than at Constantinople That it is their custom he should be chosen and consecrated in his owne Church That the Emperour who was not ignorant of these ceremonies would not suffer it to bee otherwise Which the Pope vnderstanding Concisium Florent Sess vltim though much against his mind with gracious words he let them depart Now they were no sooner returned into their countrey but they were reiected of their Churches in this especially that they had admitted the supreme authoritie of the Pope of Rome whose pride being more neerely looked into they at last refute it in their writings published notwithstanding that he had endeuoured to bind vnto him some of the best learned as Isidore Bishop of Russia and Bessarion Bishop of Nicea to whom he had giuen a Cardinalls hat which he chose rather to weare in Italie than in Greece And from that time forth were by the Popes neglected the affaires of Greece and abandoned to the furie of Infidels But it is in no wise here to be omitted That during the time that Eugenius held his Councell partly at Ferrara and partly at Florence hee published diuers writings against that Decree of Basil That a Councell is aboue the Pope in which he did not sticke to affirme That so farre was it off that he ought to obey generall Councels that then he most merited when he contemned the Decrees of the Councell and which is more he declareth this proposition to be hereticall The Councell is aboue the Pope although both then and euer since it was held and affirmed by all the Vniuersities of Christendome Whence it came that whilest the Roman Church sayd she is superior to all other Churches and the Roman Bishop to all other bishops by this decree of Eugenius should the Bishop of Rome be made superiour or of higher authoritie than the Vniuersall Church and consequently that pretended infallibilitie of the Church shold be deriued not now to the Romish Church but to one onely man which is the highest degree of Antichrist in the Church according to that of S. Augustine in his booke of the citie of God August de Ciuitate Dei l. 18. cap. 2. That Antichrist should not onely sit in Templo Dei in the Temple of God but as Saint Paule hath it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Templum into the Temple as if he himselfe were the Temple it selfe he alone the Church In the meane time let the Reader judge of that Infallabilitie of the Church represented in a Councel by these Councels which at one same time and in one same matter doe decree things directly contrarie As touching the affaires of the Bohemians for which particularly the Empeperour Sigismund had so instantly requested the Councell the most part of the Churches terrified with the perfidious treacherie vsed towards Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prague refused to send any one thither but the principall of the Nobilitie ouer-ruled the matter that some should appeare for to render a reason of the innouation in religion imputed vnto them So soone as they came thither they were receiued verie curteously by Cardinall Iulian the Legat who was not yet called backe Then in the Councell he maketh an Oration wherein he bringing in the Church of Rome speaking to them in his words and attributing to it selfe alone all that is spoken in holie Scripture concerning the Church the Spouse of Christ and presupposing that which is chiefely in question flattereth himselfe in this perpetual Elenche Sheweth that in her power are the keyes of the kingdome of heauen That she is without spot or wrinkle That whosoeuer departed from her was an Heathen and a Publican That the decrees of Councels are her decrees which are no lesse to be beleeued than the Gospels seeing they giue authoritie to the Scriptures To this the Bohemians in few words That they despised neither the Church nor Councels that they had beene condemned at Constance without being heard Oratio Iulian. Cardinal Legati in Append. Concilij Basiliens notwithstanding that they affirmed nothing but by the holie Scriptures and then they propound their Articles And on both sides were chosen such as shold enter into conference The disputation lasted fiftie dayes and after many spent on this side and on that it was thought best to leaue Theologicall questions and prouide for the Common wealth and to send some thither who hauing made search how matters stood might compound with them Here was the policie To permit the Communiō vnder both kinds to such as in other things would submit themselues to the Councell and proceeded with all rigour to the rest that embraced not the same condition These were the auntient Waldenses and their Disciples who requested that the Church might be reformed in most of the Articles which are conteined in their and our confessions who for this cause suffered much both by the warres that Sigismund made vpon them and by the diuision and back-sliding of their companions Yet doe we see their Churches outliue so many miseries vntill these times consist and continue most flourishing and largely propagated As touching the Fathers of the Councell of Basill they seeme to be somewhat ashamed of that Decreee of Constance concerning the Communion vnder both kinds And whereas they of
vniuersall authoritie both of Councels and of the Church it selfe to the person of the Pope alone Eugenius in the Councell of Florence Pius the second in his eloquent bull on that matter and others afterward it followeth that the Pope is exalted aboue the holie Scriptures yea aboue God himselfe and is therfore to be accounted for him of whom the Apostle speaketh 2. Thes 2. He exalteth himselfe against all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sitteth in the Temple of God as God who dare correct God alter the sence of his word after his owne pleasure commoditie And thus Reader thou seest how this Mysterie of Iniquitie still aduaunceth forward OPPOSITION The precedent progression is intermixed with so many and mightie oppositions that there seemeth to be no need of any other notwithstanding as sighes encrease according to the euill so in this place aboundeth vnto vs verie manie The Emperour Sigismund had framed certaine Articles of reformation to be exhibited to the Councell of Constance diuers others also in diuers Nations had conceiued also some patternes M. Peter de Alliaco Cardinal of Cambray is particularly commaunded to write these things for to shew them to the Councel in the yere 1415 An. 1415. the first of Nouember foure monthes after that Iohn the foure and twentieth had renounced the Popedome the Seat being vacant two yeres before Martin was chosen to succeed during which space this matter of reformation seemed fittest of all to be thought vpon The Preface of his discourse is by a place of S. Bernard vpon the Canticles Sermon 33. A rotten vlcer spreadeth it selfe at this day ouer all the bodie of the Church so much the more desperat by how much the more it is farre and wide extended and by how much the more it is inward so much the more it is dangerous For if an heretike enemie should openly arise he might be cast out and so wither if a violent enemie she might perhaps hide her selfe from him but now whom shal she cast out or from whom shall she hide her selfe All are friends and all enemies c. they are the minister of Christ and serue Antichrist c. The wound of the Church is inward and incurable therfore in peace her bitternesse is most bitter And this place haue we aboue alledged at length out of which he draweth this conclusion Seeing that the Church from henceforth was fallen from euill to worse vnlesse betimes it be looked to and preuented after the horrible darknesse of so many schismes much more horride things were in very few daies to be expected He prosecuteth afterwards by degrees those things that he thinketh doe belong to reformation of the vniuersall body of the Church First That it is necessarie there shold be eftsoons held generall and Prouinciall Councels for the correction of abuses especially generall which can with greater authoritie correct both all sorts of persons and all things Neither are we to expect remedie from the Church of Rome as if it were able to satisfie all cases that fall out Many saith he suspect that she hath dissembled these things and for this cause hath neglected the holding of Councels that she might the more fully beare dominion according to her owne lust and pleasure and vsurpe the more freely the rights and prerogatiues of other Churches That before the time of Constantine because the Church might not with free libertie hold Councels it hath fallen into diuers heresies therefore no maruell if in these later times through neglect of Councels it fall into diuers schismes and innumerable other euils ad haereses disponentia which dispose it to heresies That generall Councels are first of all necessary for the reformation of the body of the Church Dist 19. C. Anastas ibid. Glossa Archid dist 15. especially of the Roman which is de arduis pertinentibus ad fidem difficult in things pertaining to faith in as much as that which the Glosse saith That the Pope ought to require a Councel when matters of faith is debated is not to be referred onely to the articles of faith but to those things that belong to the state of the faithfull Church whereas otherwise it would be too dangerous a thing to commit our faith to the judgement and fancie of one man alone Lastly that now if euer was a fit opportunitie either to procure the vnion of the Greekes with the Latines or to represse the designements of the Turks who after they haue rent and torne in peeces the Empire will with all violence rush vpon the Church and so make way for Antichrist And already saith he many very godly deuout men not without cause doe feare praesentialiter presently both the one and the other ruine namely of the Empire by the Turks and of the Church by Antichrist 2. For the reformation of the Court of Rome That for the auoiding of schismes which proceed from the factions of the Cardinals it is sufficient to haue of euery each Prouince but one onely Cardinall Also that the Pope ought to prouide remedies cut off the grieuous burdens wherwith the Roman Church oppresseth other Churhces seeing that the Greeke Church is alienated from it because of her exactions excommunications and statutes and that to take away those exactions it were meet she should abate of her pompe of her excesse and of the number of the Cardinals Excommunications which after the example of the Primitiue Church for to make them the more to be feared ought not come forth but for graue and weightie causes whereas in these dayes they are thundered forth for verie light and for the most part temporall causes and the Anathemaes themselues whereupon they are growne into contempt with all men That there be a meane vsed in Statutes Canons and Decrees which oblige to mortall paines and of which may be said that of our Lord to the Pharisies They lay burdens on mens shoulders which they wold not touch with the top of the finger And this article reached very farre 3. For the Prelats That they should be chosen capable in doctrine exemplarie in manners resident in their charges moderat in diet and expence abstaining from corporall armes from secular affaires cutting off all simonie That it was necessarie to declare that many obseruations are of that kind that they are rather counsels than precepts He bringeth for example Lent to be moderated out of the circumstances the Seruice to be abridged to a deuout and entire breuitie the varietie of Images in Churches to be repressed a meane and bounds to be set in new Holidayes Churches and Saints on Sondayes and solemne feasts onely to abstaine from labour and out of the Diuine Seruice to banish and put forth all Apocripha Scriptures new prayers and to be short all nouelties 4. For religious persons That their great number and diuersitie is altogether pernitious whilest the one boasteth and is proud in his Rule against the other aboue all
with him into hell yet is it lawfull for none to say vnto him what or why doest thou so doe most shamefully flatter him That those decrees are the words of the Popes themseues labouring to enlarge the fringes of their garment That those places also of Scripture Thou shalt be called Cephas c. I will giue vnto thee the keyes c. I haue prayed for thee c. Feed my sheepe c. Launch forth into the deepe and the like are induced against the true meaning of the holie Scripture which they proue both by forcible reasons and by good and well applied places of the Fathers That the Pope if he obey not the Church may be deposed by it seeing he is not the naturall head thereof but grafted in which may no lesse be cut off than the rest of the members if hee ill execute his charge if he be for the destruction or dammage thereof be cast into the fire if he bring not forth good fruit and be troden vnder foot in the street if he be vnprofitable Which is the opinion of S. Hierome interpreting the vnprofitable salt That the Prelat foolish and vnsauorie in preaching chiefely in Peters chaire is to be cast forth of doores that is to be deposed that he may be troden vnder feet of swine that is of Diuels which beare rule ouer the euill Prelat as ouer a beast of their flocke And this not onely for heresie but for whatsoeuer crime whereby the Church is scandalized And this so much the more truely for that the Pope to speake properly is not the Vicar of Christ but of the Church and the Lord and Master may by all right depose his Vicar or Lieutenant whose power ceaseth when the Master is in presence so likewise doth the power of the Pope when a Councell is gathered wherein remaineth fulnesse of power Here this doubt came in their way But the calling of a Councell doth it not belong to the Pope alone Yea saith he if that haue place who seeth not that the ruine of the Church is neere at hand and will presently ensue For who knoweth not that hee which will sinne will sinne without punishment And who wil beleeue that a Pope will assigne a Councell for to represse and reforme himselfe Neither doe I find saith he either by histories or by the Acts of the Apostles themselues that Popes alone haue assembled Councels The first of all Councells where Mathias is substituted in place of Iudas I find to be gathered not by the commaundement of Peter but of Christ who commaunded his Apostles that they should not depart from Hierusalem but should expect the promise of the Father The second for the election of Deacons was not assembled by Peter alone but by the twelue Apostles for it is written Then the twelue called the multitude together The third for the taking away of Circumcision and other legall rites was gathered by commune inspiration as it is written The Apostles and Elders came together The fourth for the permission of certaine legall things seemeth to be assembled by Iames the brother of the Lord. The same was also in the Primitiue Church and since by the authoritie of the Emperours yet so as that the Popes consent was requisit according to reason but on condition that the greater part carrie it away And much more the Councell being once assembled cannot be by the Pope reuoked seeing he himselfe is a part of it which ought to giue place to the greater and from it to depart maketh him guiltie of schisme And thus much for the first Truth whereon the second dependeth That the Pope cannot dissolue a Councell otherwise at the first word he should heare of correction he would bethinke himselfe of this remedie There remained the third Whether this of Catholike faith is so to be beleeued Which they shew affirmatiuely because we are held to beleeue whatsoeuer is in the Gospell now in it say they is dic Ecclesiae on which words the Councel of Constance hath grounded this Decree That the power of a Councell is aboue the Pope vnder paine of heresie And so these three first Conclusions rest most firme by consequence of which the others also are approued Now this decision was to be applied against Eugenius and part of them who had consented in these Truthes desired that the sentence should be deferred some hoping they should haue better of him others by reason that many Bishops yet stayed in the Parliament of Mentz famous men whose Suffrages might seeme to be expected And Panormitan tooke occasion thereupon to inferre That the Bishops ought to be stayed for and that inferiours haue not in Councell a Suffrage decisiue but onely consultatiue Vnto which added Ludouicus Romanus That argument is not to be taken out of the Acts of the Apostles whose examples were rather to be admired than imitated neither is it there manifest that the Apostles had called the Elders out of their duetie there is onely declared that they were present out of which nothing can be inferred Which speech all wondering at in so great a man crie out Blasphemie Then therefore Lewis Cardinall of Arles A man of all other most constant and borne to the gouernement of generall Councels taking vp the words of all the Orators that had spoken declareth That all these doubts were without cause That these Conclusions had beene maturely determined and weighed That the embassadours of all the Princes had giuen vpon these their sentence which were the chiefest men in the Church That the Bishops were in fault that they were not present That to such as were present greater reuerence was giuen than in any Councell before and indeed greater authoritie for so much as their prerogatiues are fully restored vnto them whom they placed in their former state and haue made them which were not Bishops but shadowes to be true Bishops That euen they which now do most draw back haue in their writings auouched the same Truthes meaning by those words of Panormitan and Ludouicus Romanus But saith hee the Presbiters are not so to be put downe who in the Councell of the Apostles had a decisiue voyce and in like sort also in the auncient Councels That in time past the Bishop and the Presbiter or Priest was but one and the same in so much that S. Augustine saith on these words I will giue vnto thee the keyes c. That our Lord gaue judiciariam potestatem iudiciarie power to Bishops and Priests especially seeing they haue more done their duetie in the Councell than the Bishops these fearing to lose their dignities and their delights those for so just a cause not dreading any losse nor yet death it selfe That the Councell hath now sat eight yeares so that there cannot be pretended any headlong proceeding nor any ignorance And moreouer the threats of some Princes are inferred beside the Purpose who are wiser than to attempt any thing in preiudice of the Councell and they themselues also being
on either side with musick of diuers sorts There were seene also wild men couered with iuie which with a wonderfull art seemed to meet with Lyons Bears c. all the Temple being likewise spread with scarlet He also canonized S. Katherine of Sienna Platina noteth this among his Apophthegmes That mariage had beene for great reason taken away from Priests but that for greater reason it should bee restored to them But Onuphrius according to his ordinarie custome raced this out of his edition and others after him but we find it in the first edition of Platina printed by Iohn de Colonia in the yeare 1479 and in many others how he is praysed by many Volateran writeth That his vnmeasurable ambition stayned all his vertues Kliberius his Epitaph was this Frigida membra Pij retinet lapis iste loquacis Qui pacem moriens attulit Italiae c. Vendider at pretio Gentes crimina multa Virtutis specie gesserat ille Pius c. Here doe the bones of talking Pius lye Who by his death brought peace to Italie c. Nations he sold and many crimes vnfit He vnder shew of vertue did commit And he presently addeth the reason Nam scelus orbis erat For he was the wickednesse of the world Now in the yeare 1494 Peter Barbo a Venetian the sisters sonne of Pope Eugenius is created his successor by the name of Paul the second Hee was no sooner entred into the Popedome but in recompence of the benefits hee had receiued of Pius the second hee putteth downe all the Abbreuiators by him created without hearing them and vnder pretence of ignorance whom Pius for their learning had drawne vnto him out of all parts of the world vtterly depriuing them of their office without the repaiment of any money Some tried him by supplication beseeching him to referre their cause to the Auditors of Rota and Platina who was one of them spake for all but he answered Doest thou thus call vs vnto Iudges saith he as if thou knewest not that all lawes are lodged within the closet of our breast Thus is our sentence Let them void the place let them goe whither they will I passe not for them I am Pope and it is lawfull for me to disannull or approue the acts of others according to my owne pleasure Pius the second who reduced the whole Church to one only man and they also that haue subiected the holie Scripture vnto him to wrest it into whatsoeuer sence he pleaseth may perceiue into what danger they cast vs when these men after their owne lust destroy each other and either for pleasure or hatred ouerthrow all things both diuine and humane They solicit night and day that at least they may be heard and being reiected they haue recourse to a letter Being reiected of thee Platina in Paul 2. and disgraced with so notable contumelie we wil disperse our selues to the Kings Princes in all parts will exhort them to call a Councell wherein thou mayst be constrained to render a reason why thou hast stripped vs of our lawfull possession And this had Platina himselfe both written and signed But he was presently cast into prison fettered with yrons and declared guiltie of high treason for hauing sowed a slanderous libell and made mention of a Councel Platina defendeth himselfe That a libell hath no name set to it but to this on the contrarie he had set to his name That he thought not that it was a crime to speake of a Councell seeing that Councels are in all ages instituted by the holie Fathers as in time past the Censorship among the Romans least iniurie should be done to any But he was so much the more straitly kept and sharply vsed vntill at the end of foure monethes by the entreatie of Cardinall Gonzaga he was deliuered on condition that he should not stirre out of the citie Paul had for competitor vnder Eugenius whilest he was in minoribus the Cardinal Aloisio of Padoua whose grace and fauour did much offend him he died leauing great wealth behind him which he bequeathed by testament with the consent of Paul himselfe to the Scarampi his brethren He seised vpon all for himselfe and retained the Scarampi till the things which had beene transported to Florence were brought backe to Rome Out of these particular actions may be judged what was the conscience of this man on whose will they will haue the commonwealth depend Iames Picinin a famous captaine retained king Ferdinand yea and Paul himselfe in their duetie Francis Sforza Duke of Milan his father in law sendeth him to the king vnder faith giuen That whensoeuer he would he should returne againe safe Ferdinand casts him into prison with his sonne and a while after put him to death saying That he falling downe in the prison it selfe brake his leg whilest he beheld at a window more attentiuely than heedfully the kings gallies returning with victorie from Ischia It was thought of some that Paul had a hand in that treacherie seeing that in those dayes the Bishop of Milan went verie often to and fro betweene the Pope and the king and Paul himselfe said when he heard of his captiuitie That the Iudge of Appeales was taken out of the way A while after he entred into a conceit That one Callimachus a Roman had conspired against him whereupon as his fantasie led him he taketh hold of all that stand in reach committeth them to prison and that so much the more eagrely for that it was told him that Lucas Tortius a gentleman of Rome banished to Naples was seene thereabouts with some troupes And Platina himselfe came into his mind taking a felicitie in his suspitions whom being apprehended he commanded should presently be put to the rack Although a few dayes after he vnderstood that this Lucas had not stirred one foot and certainly knew that this pretended conspiracie was altogether vaine and without ground Yet he would needs make shew that there was some hidden cause least he should be accused of lightnesse Wherefore many in the midst of their torments died men of good note whose names and dignities the Author setteth downe twentie within the space of two dayes were called in question and sifted to the vtmost Platina among others Whilest saith he I did hang in these torments naked rent as a theefe and murderer Vianensius handling the bracelets of Sanga de Cioggia his companion asked him what wench had giuen him that for a fauor He sitteth as another Minos on spread carpets as if he were at a wedding or rather at the supper of Atreus and Tantalus Speaking of loue he turneth to me vrging me to vnfold the order of the conspiracie or rather fable inuented of Calimachus Consider here in so seuere an act the grauitie of this man of a Church-man especially whom the sacred Canons forbid to be present at such executions least if death should follow he should become irregular and impious He asketh
it for which it had need to be commended It was apparant that hee required it not for desire of good worke but for couetousnesse In comming therfore to speake their opinions the Cardinall de Porto who was next to the Cardinall of Hostia I feare Holie Father saith he that verie shortly we shall heare that al the Abbayes in France will be in Commenda so that there will not any remain that hath an Abbot for whatsoeuer we ordayne there is nothing else but Commenda's That kingdome will one day when we least looke for it rise against vs and not beeing able to endure our vnprofitable ministerie will attempt some great matter against thy seat The Pope approued his iudgement and added That from the Popedome of Calixtus till that day he thought there were more than fiue hundred Monasteries giuen in Commenda that is in lesse than nine yeares And yet in his Epitaph among his triumphes is obserued this exploit Platina in Pio 2 Pragmaticam in Gallia abrogauit hee abolished the Pragmaticall sanction Wherefore Pius beeing dead who in foure yeares space had taught Fraunce sufficiently what great dammages would ensue thereupon complaints for the Pragmaticall sanction are redoubled whereupon the king commaunded his Court of Parliament to set downe vnto him in writing the causes of this complaint which it did and deliuered them vnto him againe in eightie sixe Articles vnder this Title For the libertie of the French Church against the Court of Rome The principal Articles are the 14 15 16 17 18 in these words Whereas many things had been decreed in the holie Councels of Constance and Basill consonant or agreeable to the auntient Canons and to the royall ordinances abouesayd King Charles the seuenth the king who then was Dolphin being present together with the Princes of the bloud Royall the Prelats and the Colledges Ecclesiasticall and Scholasticall and in the hearing of the Embassadours both of the Pope of Rome and of the holie vniuersall Councell at length he receiued those Decrees and confirmed them by his Edict which commonly wee call Pragmaticall And these things were done a Bourges in the yeare 1438. This sanction therefore was euer held to be of so much the more authoritie because it had the originall from the holie Councels in which the Pope or his Legat sat President For there had beene neuer any law made in Fraunce before that time which had authoritie and force from the vniuersall Church 16. From that time forth the kingdome better prospered and had greater authoritie and glorie than ever before and more plentie and abundance of all things Guienne and Normandie can witnesse what terrour it was to the enemies out of which places they were expulsed and cast out 17. The obseruation of this sanction dured the space of twentie and three yeares and now since hath ceased these foure yeares When in the meane time men of excellent probitie and grauitie haue gouerned and ruled the Churches without molestation and disturbance of which some for the singular sanctitie of their liues after their decease were had in reputation for miracles as Michaell Bishop of Anger 's the Archbishop of Arles and many others 18. Contrariwise of the abrogation of these Canons Decrees and Constitutions innumerable inconueniences would arise which seeme may be referred to foure kinds Those same which were obserued in the admonition afore mentioned But the king being troubled either with continuall warres or with suspitions from time to time put off the businesse to a generall assemblie Yet saith Monstrelet in the yeare 1467 Paule the second being Pope Monstrelet es Chronologiques the king graunted his letters to his Legat being come from Rome in the moneth of September for the abrogation of the Pragmaticall sanction which were exhibited and published in the Chastellet of Paris without any contradiction or disturbance But he addeth on the first day of October following M. Iohn Balue who after was Cardinall came to the hall of the Palace royall at Paris to procure the publication of the same in Court Where he findeth M. Iohn de Saint Romain the kings Atturney generall who verie stoutly opposed himselfe against the execution of the said letters whereat Balue was verie much displeased Balue threateneth him That the king would not be well content with it and would displace him from his office But he despising his threats answered That the king might take away his office from him yet neuerthelesse he was resolued rather to lose it than he would either doe or suffer to be done any thing against his conscience or to the detriment and dishonour of the king and kingdome And to Balue he said That he might blush for shame for hauing vndertaken the dispatch of such a businesse And after that the Rector of the Vniuersitie of Paris and the Deputies of the same came to the Legat himselfe and appealed from him and from the effect of his said letters to the Councell and in whatsoeuer place it should be made They also went to the Chastelet where they requested that their opposition might be inregistred there These are the words of Monstrelet and it is not to be omitted That this Iohn Balua being Bishop of Eureux was made a Cardinall and a little after conuicted of treason against the king and kingdome The yeare following one M. Iohn Loyre by vertue of certaine Bulls from the Pope interdicted the citie and Diocesse of Niuers vsing the authoritie of the Officiall of Besanson But by the sentence of the Court it was decreed the twelfth of December at the suit of the kings Atturney generall and of M. Peter Chartres Doctor and Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Paris That notwithstanding the Interdict the Diuine Seruice should be continued and the Churchmen compelled vnto it being by the kings power set into their temporalties That also the said Loire and Officiall should be layd hold on and be held to procure at their owne charges the abrogation of the Bulls Neither wanted there in all places some who in the middest of the tyrannie powred forth their sighes euen before the Popes Dominicus Bishop of Brescia in Italie wrot a Treatise which he directed to Pius the second and intituled it The Reformation of the Court of Rome truely mild ynough according to the times and yet sometime not without a sting If saith he we consider the former Popes and their Acts the Cardinalls the Bishops Protonotaries and other Prelats Penitentiaries Subdeanes Auditors Clerkes of the Chamber Acolythes or vnder ministers Chamberlains Aduocates Proctors and others appointed in diuers degrees and offices wee shall surely weepe with Ieremie Lament 4. Oh how is the gold become so dimme the most fine gold is changed the stones of the Sanctuarie that is the Prelats are scattered in the corner of euerie street that is of the broad wayes which lead to destruction in the corners whereof they are as Gregorie expoundeth it Her Nazarites were purer than snow and whiter
to the contrarie but let that saying cease which is verie erronious to affirme The state of the Church was neuer in so great daunger from the beginning of the world as it is to be seene at this present There haue been indeed greater persecutions and vexations of the Church but there were euer holie and deuout men who endued with the grace of the holie spirit comforted the faithfull instructing and strengthening them And now the Chruch seemeth to be set in securitie but such holie men are nowhere to be seene Therefore the Church decreaseth in faithfull men and in kingdomes it pineth away in persons notwithstanding the libertie it hath And before when it enioyed not so great libertie but was furnished with those holie men it dayly encreased and augmented as to him that will search the Histories will plainely appeare These things Saint Barnard partly noted in his time in his foure and twentieth Sermon and vpon the 72 Psalme They are the Ministers of Christ but serue Antichrist Which places because we haue aboue coted them in needlesse here to trouble the Reader withall Stephan Brulifer de timore seruili de paupertate Christi cum sermonibus varijs apud Andream Bocord Paris an 1500. Jdem in 4. lib. sentent Bonavent Basil per Jacob. de Pfortzeim 1501 In Fraunce Stephan Brulifer Doctour of Sorbonne of the order of Franciscan Friers whose bookes were Printed at Paris and at Basill in the yeares 1500 and 1501 taught publiquely in lectures in disputations and by writings That neither the Pope nor a Councell nor the Church can prescribe an Article statute or ceremonie which bindeth the conscience of a Christian That their power consisteth onely in this to take care that the commaundements of God bee kept to preach his word to administer the Sacraments so as hee hath instituted them taking heed that they bring in nothing besides that which hee hath commaunded As touching justification which is attributed to merits that it is a diuelish doctrine seeing that the Lambe sacrificed hath satisfied Gods justice for vs of which S. Iohn crieth Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world But when the Sorbonne would not endure him he committed himselfe to the protection of Diether Archbishop of Mentz And what shall we say of Platina Platina in Marcelino that famous Historiographer of Popes not speaking of Paule the second his Master which perhaps might bee imputed to some hatred but of the Popes and Chruch in his time plainely without spleene In the life of Marceline speaking of the persecution of Dioclesian Eusebius saith he sheweth That God permitted that calamitie which they suffered because of the maners of Christians corrupted by too much libertie and indulgence principally of the Churchmen whose peruersenesse the iustice of God would bridle by this persecution seeing dissimulation to be in their countenance guile in their heart and deceit in their words For these striuing who should excell each other in enuie pride enmities and hatreds seemed to sauour rather of tyrannie than Priesthood being altogether forgetfull of Christian pietie and prophaning rather than celebrating the diuine mysteries But what thinke wee shall become of our age wherein our vices are encreased so exceedingly that hardly haue they left any place of mercie for vs with God How great is the couetousnesse of Priests and chiefely of them which haue soueraigne power how great their lust appeareth euerie where how great their ambition and pompe how great their pride and sloth how great their ignorance both of themselues and of Christian doctrine how little their religion and rather in shew than in truth how corrupt their manners which euen in prophane men whom they call seculars were detestable there is no need to speake it They commit sinnes so openly and in sight its if they sought prayse thereby There will come beleeue mee there will come the Turke the enemie of the Christian name more violent than Diocletian and Maximian he alreadie knocketh at the gates of Italie We negligent and sleepie attend a common destruction prouiding rather for priuat pleasure than for common vtilitie In the life also of Stephen the third Pietie and religion is now become so cold Platina in Stephan 3. that they will not pray to God I say not bare-footed but hardly in their hose and buskins Speaking of a certaine procession from Lateran to S. Peters They weepe not as they goe or during the time of Diuine Seruice as those holie Fathers but laugh and that impudently I speake euen of them whose scarlet robes makes them more obseruable They sing not hymnes for that seemeth to them seruile but ieasts and tales they tell among themselues to stirre vp laughter What need many words The more talkative any is and the more wanton the greater prayse he deserueth thereby in that corruption of manners This our Clergie feareth seuere and graue men Why so because they had rather liue in so great licentiousnesse than obey him that admonisheth them or constraineth them to doe well and for this cause Christian religion groweth daily worse and worse The like wee read in many places whereby he left inregistred what he judged of his times not daring so freely to doe it in the liues of them that then raigned or had left after them their creatures as they call them of whom he might receiue iniurie Let vs adde Anthonie de Rosellis a Tuscan a famous Doctor both of the Ciuile and Canon law who in his learned bookes concerning that matter teacheth That no temporall jurisdiction belongeth to the Pope and in spirituall he subiecteth him to a Councell Which bookes were printed at Venice in the yeare 1487 but by their Index Expurgatorius they haue caused them to be raced out It remaineth to say something of thee that spake openly being sequestred from the Pope Platina in the life of Paul the second telleth vs That in the towne of Poli neere Rome were detected many heretikes and the Lord of the place with eight men and six women was taken who being brought to Paul were verie ignominiously vsed And behold the heresie They were saith hee of that sect which wee say is of a peruerse opinion of mind for that they sayd That none of them which haue beene since Saint Peter was truely Christ Vicar sauing onely they who haue imitated Christs pouertie Let the Reader note here the stile of Platina which sheweth that he speaketh out of other mens judgement And as for the Bohemians in the beginning of the Popedome of Pius the second they set forth their Apologie and Confession of Faith against the calumnies wherewith they were traduced among the people which were too long here to be inserted But they are conformable to the doctrine of the reformed Churches of this kingdom and are defended by the same places and reasons both of the holie Scriptures and Fathers But this fell out well for them that after diuers miseries was chosen king with
common consent of the States George Prodebraccius a great captaine and a professor of their religion who restored the condition and sliding state of these Churches And as he constantly perseuered therein notwithstanding the threats of the Emperour and Pope hee was excommunicated by Paul the second and his Estate exposed to the first inuaders thereof Matthias king of Hungarie tooke vpon him the conquest of this Prouince by the instigation of Rodolfe the Popes Legat with the approbation of the Emperour Fredericke the third and by the fauour of many of the great men of the kingdome But after many battels fought with variable successe he could not bring his purpose to passe And in the meane time this valiant Prince was thereby hindered from the necessarie warre which he had prosperously made against the Turkes being accused of ingratitude for that he had set vpon George to whom he was verie notably obliged for hauing generously set him free out of prison without any ransome and also giuen him his daughter in mariage when he was chosen king of Hungarie In hatred of which fact euen after the death of George when Matthias was declared king by the Pope the States of the kingdome of Bohemia would neuer giue their consent vnto it but preferred before him Vladislaus sonne of Casimir king of Polonia who although he was oftentimes instigated by the Pope against George yet would neuer be persuaded to take armes against him judging it a thing vnworthy vnder pretence of the Catholike Faith to violat the faith giuen to each other And this bringeth vs to the yeare 1470. 64. PROGRESSION The Atheisme of Sixtus the fourth and his abhominable and wicked life whom Innocent the eighth succeeded both in the Popedome and in all impietie Of Alexander the sixt by what diuellish meanes he attained the Popedome and of his abhominable incestuous life and miserable death Charles the French king passeth into Italie with a mightie armie and of his valiant proceedings there NOw it was thought that the Popes were come to that height of impietie and tyrannie that they could hardly ascend to a higher step and yet by that which followeth we shall easily perceiue that they found meanes to adde both a ridge and pinnacles to that building It is beyond all beleefe especially we reporting it had we not their owne Authours to witnesse it against them In the yeare 1471 Francis de Rouere borne in Sauoy Generall of the Franciscans got the Popedome who was called Sixtus the fourth Of this man Onuphrius giues this testimonie That for his great learning as long as hee was Cardinall all questions that concerned matter of Faith were committed to him Where let the Reader note from that which followeth vpon whose faith the Catholike Faith depended At the first onset he made shew of calling a Councell at Lateran vnder a twofold pretence The reformation of the Church and The holie Warres The causes were both verie plausible both for the allaying of the grieuous gronings of good men and the freeing them of their feares But the place was not thought so fitting being that out of which there neuer came any thing profitable to the Church The Emperour Frederick desired that it might be in the borders of Germanie and at the instant request of the Archbishop of Carnie who gaue his best assistance to forward the Reformation the Emperour and Princes called an assemblie of many Bishops at Basil But Sixtus hearing thereof Stumfius in Histor Heluetia sent Angelus the Bishop of Suesse to the Senat of the citie threatening to interdict them if they sent not the Archbishop to Rome bound hand and foot accounted not the rest of the Bishops that were with him for excōmunicat persons But the Senat of Basil not enduring that so great a wrong shold be offred vnto them in a free city the Legat excommunicating them departed in choler Frederic neuerthelesse persisted in his purpose but yet the better to pacifie Sixtus he desired that the Councel might be called at Vtina in Friuli a countrey in Italie but that pleased him not neither This difficultie so soone as he saw he had ouercome withall established his seat with the mutuall Legations of Princes hee bent all his endeuours to the encrease of the honour and greatnesse of his friends and kindred Volateran Onuphr Volateran and Onuphrius say in expresse tearmes That he was accounted by the iudgement of all verie louing and indulgent towards his kindred for whose sakes hee had done and granted many things praeter fas jusque against all lawes humane and diuine Hee created therefore two Cardinals and that not without a mysterie Peter Riere whom hee had brought vp from a child with his brother Ieronimo and Iulian his brothers sonne who was afterward Iulius the second Peter being in a short time strangely inriched became so sumptuous that he seemed to be borne to spend money for he consumed in those two yeares wherein he liued a Cardinall two hundred thousand crownes in his ordinarie houshold expence left fortie thousand crownes in debts and other infinit riches and mouable goods He died weakened and worne out with pleasures But neuerthelesse a Legat a mad choyce it was in Italie It is he whose prodigious prodigalitie Baptista Fulgosius describeth to be such Baptista Fulg. dict factor memorab l. 9. Baptista Mantuanus in Alphonso l. 4. that hee vsually gaue to Tiresia his harlot pantofles wrought all ouer with pearle of whom likewise Baptista Mantua writeth these verses wherein Iupiter thus saluteth him in hell At tu implume caput cui tanta licentia quondam Foemineos fuit in coitus tua furta putabas Hic quoque praetextu mitrae impunita relinquit Sic meruit tua foeda Venus c. But thou O Bauld-pate who once mightest freely Glut thy desires with womens companie Thinkst thou thy Myter can here thy thefts defend Such hath the desert of thy leacheries been c. To the reproach and ignominie both of Pope Sixtus and himselfe Of Iulian we shall speake hereafter in his place Hauing prouided for these two that were neerest vnto him both in bloud and affection he bent his endeuours to the promotion of the rest of his kindred He made therefore his brother Ieronimo brought vp with him the Prince of Forlie and Imola whether by right or wrong hee regarded not whom he maried to Catherina the bastard daughter of the Duke of Milan hauing first bestowed a hat vpon Ascanius the Dukes sonne to get his fathers consent Presently after he raised Leonard his brothers sonne whom he maried to a bastard of king Ferdinands and made him Gouernour of Rome He made Iohn also the sonne of Cardinall Iulian Prince of Soria and Senogallia who maried Ioan the daughter of Frederick of Montefeltro Duke of Vrbin from whom came Franciscus Maria who his vncle dying without heires male obtained the dukedome and in this manner did he exalt diuers others He was so liberall say
Sic moriens nullos credidit esse Deos. As Sixtus when he liued mockt God so he When that he died beleeu'd no God to be Trithem de scriptorib Eccles Fra. Leandro Alberti de vi●is illustribus Ordinis Praedicatorij Alani de Rupe Compend Psal terij Mariani de Myrac Rozarij liber vnus An. 1483. And yet this good man in the meane time writ bookes of the conception of the Virgine Marie authorised that execrable booke of Alani de Rupe a German and Dominican Frier forged and preached for Gospell a certaine Rosarie gathered out of the Virgine Maries Psalter and thereupon instituted a new Societie for the credit whereof Iames Sprenger Prouinciall of Germanie deuised certaine myracles which Sixtus approued and defended with his Bulls and Indulgences There was likewise a booke printed in the beginning whereof we read That the Virgine Marie entring into the cell or chamber of this Alani the doores being locked and hauing wouen a ring with her haire maried her selfe therewith vnto him offering her selfe vnto him to be kissed and her breast to bee handled and sucked in as familiar manner as a wife to her husband Many other the like blasphemies there were in that booke by which let the Reader consider in what a bottomelesse gulfe of impietie the superstitious minds of men were by these Atheists ouerwhelmed Innocent the eighth a Genowais of the familie of Cibo succeeded in the yere 1483 after such a predecessor it was a hard thing to bee thought execrable and yet he was no whit better than the former that he should fill Rome with seditions Italie with fire and sword it was nothing strange since it was a matter long since determined That there was no mischiefe that befel Italie but through the Popes He tooke from Virginius Vrsinus the gouernement of the Apostolike Palace to gratifie Cardinall Iulian who then began to shew his force whereby the citie was brought into great danger Yea he troubled all Italie by defending the Earls of Aquila against Ferdinand their King and Lord Onuphr in Innocent 8. Enforced thereunto saith Onuphrius by the counsell of men ill aduised whereby he got nothing but charge ruine and dishonour Seeking therefore a meanes to supplie his wants and to fill his treasurie he followed the steps of Sixtus He ordained fiftie two Plumbatores Bullarum Bullists by which meanes he got six and twentie thousand crownes Certis Ecclesiae prouentibus attributis As a subsidie out of the reuenewes of the Church He added six and twentie Secretaries who paid euery one as it were for a fine two thousand fiue hundred crownes which came to sixtie thousand crownes He put to sale the office of the President de Ripa and created thirtie officers who payed two hundred crownes apeece and this was said to restore the Church He made peace with Ferdinand because he could not otherwise chuse whom neuerthelesse vnder a pretence of non-payment of tribute he excommunicated depriued him his kingdome and pronounced Charles king of Fraunce who had promised him to come presently with his armie the lawfull heire which he afterward in his owne person performed grounding himselfe vpon the last will and testament of Renat king of Sicilie and of Charles the Earle du Maine his brother who transferred all the right they had vpon him But Innocent had no other purpose but by this meanes reuersing all the Bulls of his predecessours to be reuenged vpon Ferdinand As touching his priuat life let vs giue credit to Volateran though in tearms somewhat too honest he expresse his dishonestie Iohn Baptista Cibo a Genowais after the death of Sixtus sat in the chaire and was called Innocent the eight He was heretofore a poore boy brought vp with the seruants of Alphonsus king of Sicilia but yet of excellent beautie From thence he came to Rome where he was receiued into the familie in Contubernio of Philip Cardinal of Bononia Afterwards he was made Bishop of Sauona and then of Melfe and Dataire of Sixtus who made him in the end Cardinall for his sweet and ciuile cariage wherein he exceeded all men vsque ad vitium euen in vice it selfe For he many times embraced men of basest conditions Is the Popedome to be gotten by such meanes and manners He had before his Popedome sixteen children eight sonnes and eight daughters of which there were onely two lyuing when he obtayned the See whom he endeauoured to raise to the charge of the Church distributing saith the Historie a great masse of money gathered by his indulgences for an imployment against the Turke to his children and kinsfolke Others add That he was the first of all the Popes that openly made his boasts of his bastards and contemning all auntient discipline tooke care to enrich them Onuphrius saith That his sonne Frauncis and his daughter Theodorina his bastards hee enriched beyond reason To Frauncis he gaue certaine Townes neere the Citie and married him to the daughter of Lawrence de Medices and Theodorina to Gerard Vsumar of Genoa a man verie rich Hereupon saith Marullus in an Epitaph Quid quaeris testes sit mas an foemina Cibo Respice natorum pignora certa gregem Octo nocens pueros genuit totidemque puellas Hunc merito poterit dicere Roma Patrem Why seekest thou witnesse to proue Cibo a man Looke on his brats faire gages deny 't if thou can Eight bastard sonnes he got and as many daughters Worthily then may Rome count this man a Pater His Epigrams alwayes alluding to that triall of the sex ordayned after the deceipt of Pope Ioane But he concludeth Spurcities gula auaritia atque ignauia deses Hoc octaue iacent quo tegeris tumulo Vncleanesse auarice sloth gluttonie Are here Octaue intombd where thou doest lye And least there should be no place left for superstition they made men beleeue at that time when Petrus Consaluus de Mendoza repayred the Church of the holie crosse that there was a fragment of the title of the crosse of Christ written in three Tongues found inclosed in the wall This cosinage the letters themselues bewraied for in stead of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it was barbarously written 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with an e in the accusatiue case plurall were all those famous Roman Antiquaries blind At that verie time Baiazet the Emperour of Turkie sent vnto him for a present the poynt of that speare of Longinus wherewith the side of Christ was wounded that he might thereby win him to set a surer gard ouer his brother Gemes whom he had then in his power of that Longinus whose name they deriued from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Who knowes not these fooleries and knowing them can endure them From hence there sprung a wonderfull haruest of indulgences vnder Alexander the sixt his successour Summa constitut in Bulla cuius initium admirabile sacrament Bulla cuius initium Apostolicae camerae in sum constitut Hieron Marius in Euseb cap. Onuphr
caetera diuina in the Church of the holie Crosse of Hierusalem said to be found in the time of Innocent the eighth Can any man doubt but that hee hereby mocked the Crosse of Christ That man who in the yeare 1494 in his rage published with his owne mouth a pardon for thirtie thousand yeares to as many as would say a certaine prayer before the Image of Saint Anne the mother of the blessed Virgine Benedicta sit sancta Anna mater tua ex qua sine macula peccato processisti c. Where were now the Dominicans who preached a contrarie doctrine This is that man who diuided the world amongst the Princes gaue to Ferdinand of Aragon and to Isabel of Castile the West Indies discouered at that time by Colombus But by what right if not by that wherewith he bound himselfe before to the Prince of the world euen to him that said vnto Christ All this will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship me OPPOSITION Now in the Historie of these three Popes described by their owne friends and followers wee haue a kind of hidden or rather publike Opposition against their tyrannie For is there not here a liuelie picture of Antichrist whose name onely as Painters vse to doe they haue concealed Al●eric de Rozate in● bene a Zenon ●●ol 6. num 18. c. de Quadrie●●●i praescriptis leauing to vs not onely to diuine who he should bee but to pronounce this verie man to be the man of sinne euen Antichrist himselfe Let vs neuerthelesse see amongst other Authors of that age whether it will not more manifestly appeare Albericus de Rozate an excellent Lawyer defendeth as many had done before That the Empire depended not vpon the Pope That the Emperour needed not his confirmation That they who thought otherwise were guiltie of treason and their goods to bee confiscated That the Popes Jdem in verbo Romae according to the present state of their affaires haue sometimes exalted sometimes depressed the Empire to the end they may get vnto themselues a power both ouer temporall and spirituall And these are his verses Curia Romana non petit ouem sine lana Dante 's exaudit non dantibus ostia claudit The Courts of Rome without the wooll refuse the sheepe Giuers they heare against no giuers the doores they keepe As likewise that of the Donation of Constantine I haue heard of men of great credit that there was then heard a voyce from heauen saying To day is the poyson of Aspes sowed in the Church of God and they say that this is to be found in the auncient authentique writings and so doth the said M. Iohn of Paris report in his booke of the Papall and imperiall power C. 21. Hieronimus Paulus Catalanus a Canon of Barcelone and Doctor of both lawes Chamberlaine to Alexander the sixt in his booke of the practise of the Apostolike Chauncetie feares not to say That the Donation of Constantine was not de facto Read Laurentius Valla and Pope Pius in his Dialogue neither haue I read any thing of any such Donation in any approued writer especially those that haue written that age or the next vnto it For neither doth Eusebius who was a diligent writer and enquirer into Christian affaires make mention thereof c. nor Ierome nor Augustine nor Ambrose nor Basil nor Iohn Chrysostome Amian nor Beda nor Orosius And it is apparent that for aboue three hundred yeares after Constantine the Emperours had the gouernement of the citie by Dukes Presidents and Exarches vntill the time of Innocent the second as it plainely appeareth in the Histories and Chronicles To which purpose he alledgeth many places out of the Digests the Code and the new Constitution And in the life of Phocas the Emperor we read that Pope Boniface obtained the Panteon of him Which is that Church that is called Maria retunda If therefore you will know from whence the Church had her lands and reuenues see the Acts of Charles the Great of Pipin and of Pius in the sayd Dialogue and the collections newly gathered by Bartholmew Platina the Liberarie keeper in one great volume wherein he hath gathered all the instruments appertaining to the state of the Church as touching their temporalties especially the acquisition of their lands reuenewes and rights vnto them vpon the reuiew whereof I haue likewise bestowed some paines Of the sayd Donation and cure of the leprosie of Constantine read that which Remus the Bishop of Padua hath writ at large in his historie of the liues of the Popes Both the one and the other the Donation and the Cure grounded vpon one and the same vanitie Hieron Marius in Eusebio Captiuo Mancinellus was yet more bold who vpon a solemne day about the houre of procession mounting vpon a white horse according to the custome made an Oration at Rome before all the people against Alexander the sixt openly reprehending his abuses his scandalous life and foule abhominations and hauing ended his speech exemplified it before their eyes Alexander therefore caused him to be apprehended and commaunded both his hands to bee cut off which were no sooner healed but vpon another feastiuall day with the like boldnesse he spake againe But by the commaundement of Alexander his tongue was presently cut out Machiauellus Historiae Florentin l. 1. whereof he died Machiauel the Secretarie of Florence in his historie saith plainly That vntill the time of Theodoricus king of Lombardie the Pope had no temporall jurisdiction yea was hardly acknowledged to haue any superioritie in causes Ecclesiasticall aboue the Church of Rauenna but that power and authoritie that it hath it got afterwards by diuers guiles and subtilties sometime taking part with the Greekes sometimes with the Lombards vntill they had ouerthrowne both the one and the other But especially their greatest power they attained vnto by the wicked abuse of their excommunications indulgences and publication of the Crosse but yet so that at what time they thundered most in countries and kingdomes most remote they were in greatest contempt at Rome hauing much adoe to reside there notwithstanding they promised not to intermeddle with ciuile causes but Ecclesiasticall onely Hee likewise saith That they were the authors of all the warres in Italie after the time of Theodoricus king of the Gothes and in his owne time of all those troubles that were in Italie That the Cardinals were but simple Curats of the Parishes in Rome increasing afterwards by little and little in wealth and honour and pride and titles and habiliments as the Popedome and the contention for the Popedome increased And in the handling of this subiect he concludeth the first booke of his Florentine historie which it shall not bee amisse for the Reader to take a view of Guicciardine also the Standard-bearer of the Church of Rome writ the like discourse in the fourth booke of his histories but the place was carefully rased out but
Sermons publiquely foretold That Italie should be inuaded by foraine powers with so great astonishment that neither Councell nor walles nor armes should be able to resist them And this he did for fifteene yeares together whilest he liued at Florence But saith he when Charles was returned into Fraunce and the Pope freed from his feares he began to remember Hieronimus who hauing beene long before accused vnto him for inueying against the Clergie and Court of Rome not without the great scandall of them both for nourishing discords at Florence for preaching doctrines that were not Catholike was for these causes many times cited to Rome but he refused to appeare and therefore in the yere 1479 he was excommunicated But he still continuing in his preaching his aduersaries by the authoritie of the Pope getting the vpper hand drew him out of the Monasterie of S. Mark where he liued cast him into the common prison-house In which tumult the kinsfolke of those who the yeare before lost their heads slew Franciscus Valori an excellent citizen and his chiefe patron This saith Guicciardine Sauanarola was examined with tortures vpon which examination a processe was published which discharging him of those calumnies which were imposed vpon him touching his auarice his dishonest behauiour his secret practises with foraine Princes tended onely to this that such things as he had foretold were done not by Diuine reuelation but out of his owne opinion grounded vpon the doctrine and obseruation of the Scriptures And that he was not moued thereunto for any ill intent or out of couetousnesse to obtayne any ecclesiasticall dignitie but this one thing he onely respected that by his meanes a generall Councell might be called wherein the corrupt manners of the Clergie might be reformed and the degenerate estate of the Church of God as farre forth as was possible might be reduced to the similitude of that it was in the Apostles times or those that were neerest vnto them And if he could bring so great and so profitable a worke to effect he would thinke it a farre greater glorie than to obtaine the Popedome it selfe because that could not proceed but from excellent learning and vertue with a singular reuerence of all men whereas the Popedome is obtayned for the most part either by wicked meanes or the benefit of fortune Here let the Reader judge how great a sinne it is with them to desire or to forward the reformation of the Church by a generall Councell and to make it conformable to that of the Apostles times Hauing confirmed this processe in the presence of diuers religious of the same order he with two others his fellowes was depriued of his holie orders by the sentence of the Generall of the Dominicans and the Bishop Romolin who was afterward Cardinall of Surrenta deputed Commissaries by the Pope This being done he was left to the power of the secular Court by the iudgement whereof they were first hanged and then burnt which their deaths forasmuch as they did constantly endure the diuersitie of iudgements and opinions of men still continued for diuers there were that thought him an Impostor and abuser of the people others were of opinion that that confession that was published was forged or that being a man of a weake constitution it was extorted from him by torments against the truth excusing his fragilitie and weakenesse with the example of the Prince of the Apostles who being neither imprisoned nor constrained by torments or any extraordinarie force but onely terrified with the words of a simple maid denied himselfe to be the Disciple of his master notwithstanding he had heard many of his godlie admonitions and seene his miracles And hereby are those slaunders sufficiently disproued which we read in Nauclerus to be imputed vnto him Naucler Genar 50. Guicciardine charging him with no other crime but that those predictions which before he affirmed to proceed from diuine reuelation being neere his death he acknowledged to be gathered from the obseruation and interpretation of the Scriptures no doubt of the Apocalyps which sound no other things but reuelation and which no man doubts but they are written by the penne of the holie Ghost Flaminius a famous Poet of Italie in his Epitaph thought farre otherwise Dum fera flamma tuos Hieronime pascitur artus Religio fleuit dilaniata comas Fleuit ô dixit crudeles parcite flammae Parcite sunt isto viscera nostra rogo B Whilest furious flames O Ierome thy bodie weare Religion weepes and teareth her haire She weeps and cries O cruell flames O stay your ire O stay our bowels burne in this same fire Now if any man shall aske what points of Religion he desired to haue reformed in that Councell he so much thirsted after it sufficiently appeares in his bookes wherein hee ouerthroweth as much as in him lyes all humane traditions placeth all his hope in the free iustification by faith in Christ Iesus stickes onely to his passion acknowledgeth Christes merits onely maintaineth the communion vnder both kinds thundreth against indulgences and as well for life as doctrine acknowledgeth Antichrist in the Court of Rome The doctrine especially of free iustification is excellently handled in his meditations vpon the thirtieth and fiftieth psalme which Posseuinus acknowledgeth to bee composed the night before his punishment As for his sermons and other bookes the Romane Index hath purged them according to their maner But if vnder that yoake of oppression to thirst after a reformation were heresie and worthie fire and fagot doubtlesse he was not onely faultie onely in daunger for Europe was then full of excellent men whose vowes and praiers vnto God tended to the same end Neither wanted there those who foretold a reformation at hand so plainely that there was no man but saw that it proceeded from diuine inspiration We haue spoken before of Wesselus of Groening called the light of the world Iohn Ostendorp a Canon of the Church of Deuentrie visiting that reuerend old man Gerad Nouiomagus in Historia hee sayd vnto him Young man thou shalt liue to see the day wherein the doctrine of these moderne contentious diuines Thomas and Bonauenture and others of that stamp shall bee contemned and hissed at of all diuines that are truely Christian Tilemanus Spengerberg speaking to his children and neighbours Shortly saieth hee this religion which now florisheth shall grow into contempt then shall yee see the Priests and Monkes for their wickednesse auarice hatred vncleanenesse cast out of the Temples and Monasteries and another true religion shall bee reestablished For God will no longer suffer the corrupt manners of these men teaching no one word of the Gospell and leading a life worse then Painims Paulus Scriptoris a Doctor of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Tubingue spake likewise to that purpose so did Iohn Keiserberg a preacher at Strasbourg and an Author of certaine diuinitie bookes There shall one come saith hee raised by God that shall establish it
wishing verie earnestly that hee might bee his disciple A certaine ecclesiastical person in the citie of Coire a countrie of Grisons speaking to his fellowes You haue saith he cast S. Paule vnder the bench but a time shall come when hee shall come forth and put you where yee placed him Andreas Proles the Prior of the Augustines at Leipsic in his Lectures was wont to say You heare bretheren the testimonie of the Scriptures that by grace wee are whatsoeuer wee are and by grace wee haue whatsoeuer wee haue From whence then is there so much darkenesse such horrible superstitions O my brethren the state of Christendome hath need of a great and a seuere reformation which I now see to bee neere at hand But his brethren demaunding of him why hee beganne not this reformation and opposed not himselfe against these errours his aunswere was this You see my brethren that I am old and weake of bodie and I confesse my selfe for my learning industrie and eloquence insufficient to performe so great a worke but the Lord will raise a man fit and able for his age his strength his industrie his learning wit and eloquence who shall beginne the reformation and oppose himselfe against all errours God shall giue him a heart to withstand the mightie men of the world and you shall find his ministrie by the great grace and goodnesse of God profitable vnto you All this is reported by Heningus an Augustine Monke in the monasterie called The gate of heauen neere Weringherad whereof this Proles was Prior whom the Pope afterwards excommunicated because he opposed himselfe in the Councell of Lateran against a certaine new feast alleadging that the people of God deliuered from bondage by the bloud of Christ were too much oppressed with multitudes of traditions from which opinion he could neuer be withdrawne Iohn Hilten a Monke in Henac of Turingia beeing cast into prison for reprehending some Monasticall abuses beeing verie sicke called the Gardian or keeper and said vnto him Philippus Melanthon in Apologia Cap. de votis Monasiticis I haue said little or nothing against our Monkish Societie but there will come one in the yeare 1516 who shall ouerthrow them all whose proceedings they shall not bee able to withstand And that verie yeare Luther began to preach which did farre excell any humane diuination Diuers like vnto him did euerie where appeare who out of the palpable darkenesse of those times as if the dawne of the day did approach began to discrie the light of the Gospell after which all the people of God had a long time longed in such sort that Paulus Langius a Monke of Citique Paulus Langius Citicensis Monachus in in Chron. the disciple of the Abbot Trithemius about the time of Luthers first appearance though he had not yet left his Monasterie gaue him this excellent testimonie Martin saith hee is a perfect diuine profound incomparable he endeauoureth to bring diuinitie to her first fundamental dignitie and puritie and to her Euangelicall sincere and simple innocencie altogether banishing all prophane Philosophie Againe In imitation of that most Christian Diuine Simon de Cassia who florished about the yeare 1340 contemning all Philosophie hee handled and taught the Scriptures purely bringing into the light euerie day many venerable and almost vnknowne mysteries of the word of God beeing for the greatnesse and dexteritie of his wit famous through the whole world notwithstanding with S. Ierome hee wanted not the malice of his Competitors that is the persecution of Schole-diuines who frame the Scriptures to the rule of Philosophie In an other place about the yeare 1503 hee ioined vnto him Carolostadius and Melanthon They handle and teach the studie of Diuinitie and the wheat of the word of God purely without the mixture of any Chaffe that is of humane Philosophie and Syllogismes tying themselues wholy to the Gospell of Christ and to his Apostle S. Paul whom they take for their Patron and foundation with the Studie of learning sowing by their preaching the seed of all vertue and by their example pen in the hearts of their Disciples the feare of God And least thou shouldest replie that this was before Luther began his warre with the Pope heare what he saieth about the yeare 1520 hauing before discoursed of the abuse and excesse of Indulgences Hee saith he by his admirable learning and preaching brought to nothing the force of all Indulgences called them into question and dissuaded the people from buying of them affirming them to bee no way necessarie to saluation that they were no remission of sinnes but a neglect of repentance a hinderance and relaxation from good workes and a vice And that the merits of Christ and the Saints were not the foundation and treasurie of these indulgences since in the primitiue Church and a thousand yeres after we find nothing written of them by the holie Doctors of the true Church neither was there any such opinion or esteeme had of them as now there is for the loue of that money that is gotten by them Moreouer affirming and prouing that the Church of Rome by the law of God is not the head of all others c. And therefore hee saith againe Vntill this time they haue by all meanes like another Athanasius persecuted him especially for defending this Thesis That the Pope by the law of God is not the head of the Church and some other rare and high points of doctrine which not onely the Romans doe still impugne but diuers other learned men especially the Thomists Neuerthelesse this Martin the prince of all the Diuines of this age fortifying and approuing his doctrine with the testimonies of the Scripture and of S. Paul as also with the originall authorities of the auncient fathers hath hitherto continued vnconquered not wanting in the meane time in other nations diuers learned Doctors in Diuinitie who stucke vnto him and consented with him as that most learned and eloquent interpreter of the Scriptures Erasmus Roterodamus Iohn Reuschlin Iacobus Stapulensis Idocus Clithoueus and diuers others And thus much saith the Monke non assertiuè saith hee but admiratiue not by way of affirmation but admiration suspending his iudgement according to the manner of diuers others vntill it were determined by a generall Councell what is to bee held in a matter of this difficultie But it is now time to see what hath passed in our Fraunce in these times Pius the second as wee haue seene before had shaken the Pragmaticall sanction vnder king Lewis the eleuenth which neuerthelesse partly hee liuing the Court of Paris had maintained and partly vnder Paul the second his successor by the mediation of the Vniuersitie did throughly restore Sixtus the fourth comes who againe impugned it for this was then the principall marke they shot at and had beene then quite ouerthrowne had not Lewis the eleuenth being then in his owne power and withall offended with the wicked cariage of Sixtus vndertaken
who seeth not that the sacred Canons made in better times to direct as the rules of the Clergie and to fashion posteritie by the prescriptions of the Fathers are now become leaden rules such as in times past as sayth Aristotle were the Lesbian rules of building For as leaden rules and soft giue not euen direction for the right frame of building but being flexible are applied according to the commoditie and pleasure of the builders so we see that the Popes Canons by vse of the Rulers of the Church are made flexible as lead or wax so that now of a long time the Institutions of the Fathers and Decrees of Popes are not vsed for the gouernement of manners but applied for the getting in of money But the Iesuites thought they had found out a fit remedie when by their Spanish Index Expurgatorius Index Expurgat Hispan fol. 97. Budaeus de Tranlat Hellenismi l. 2. they commaunded all these places to be rased out But wee will adde yet this ouer and aboue out of another Treatise The auncientnesse or rather worme-eatennesse of the Canons is now of no more vse but as a doting old woman is cast out of the pleading place and reiected to the deskes of Libraries for the Canonicall discipline of the holie Ghost is long agoe cast downe from the bridge of our assemblies he alludeth to the Latine prouerbe being more than sixtie yea than six hundred yeares old c. Would to God that of this faith now almost buried we held at least but the reliques and ashes in regard of which faith God called the dispensers and disposers thereof his faithfull who inspired of God full of godlie zeale of the spirit and of God himselfe in times past were the pillars honour and ornament of the Church now and of a long time hardly retaineth it tectorium inane Ecclesiae a slight plaistering ouer of the Church the colour and image of religion instituted and taught by Christ if wee will iudge of the whole by the greatest part And he had told vs a little before the reason The ship of sociable and ciuile discipline hath beene left vnto vs by Christ the builder of the Church which hath been furnished by him or by his authoritie and direction with all manner of necessarie prouision and he hath promised vs wind in the poupe to bring the passengers to their wished hauen if the Church had continued to hold the rudder vpright and to receiue into her sayles the blowing of the spirit namely consulted the Scriptures which proceeded from the holie spirit Among the Italians was then admirable Iohn Picus Earle of Mirandula whose workes were printed in the yeare 1504 An. 1504. Joh. Picus in Conclus secund Thom. 14 20 Secund. Scotum 15. Picus in Apologia cap 3. Among the nine hundred Propositions which he publikely disputed at Rome are these The true bodie of Christ is locally in heauen sacramentally on the Altar By the power of God one same bodie cannot be in diuers places at one time to wit because there would be implication of contradiction which he maintained out of Thomas Aquinas Also according to Scotus By these words precisely This is my bodie without expressing the words going afore to wit The day before he suffered consecration cannot be made because consecration dependeth not of certaine words but on Christs institution And when the Doctors of Paris had reprehended this his Proposition Neither the Crosse nor any Image is to bee worshipped with the worship of Latria also in that manner that Thomas setteth downe In his Apologie he maintaineth that the same is Catholike and the contrary false When also they had condemned his Theses of the Eucharist he vnderttook to defend That without conuersion of the bread into the bodie of Christ and the annihilation of the same the bodie of Christ is present according to the truth of the Sacrament Yet euer to keepe himselfe from being mistaken he spake of what is possible not of what is done No doubt if he had beene free he would haue spoken more freely In a certaine Epistle of his to the Emperour Maximilian in the yeare 1500 Alexander the sixt raigning Pope he sheweth indeed with what feruentnesse he was carried to a reformation I beseech thee saith he by the faith and pietie I possibly can that thou accomplish that thy most holie purpose of setting the Christian Commonwealth into her auntient libertie so soone as possibly may be It is shaken by outward enemies rent in peeces by inward and this sheepe-fold enclosed about and consecrated by the bloud of Iesus Christ hath suffered and doth daily suffer much worse from wolues in sheepes cloathing than from the wolues that assaile it in their owne skinne Set therefore your hand vnto it most excellent Emperour and excite thereunto by all meanes the Christian kings shew thy selfe a faithfull minister to Christ the King of kings who will presently deliuer his sheepe both from enemies and from perfidious Pastors But the euent answered not his prediction Ioh. Franc. fide ordine credēdi Iohn Francis also his brothers sonne degenerated not from him In that conflict betweene the Councell of Pisa and of Lateran handling this question In matters of Faith which is to be preferred the Pope or the Councell he answereth out of the Decree it selfe It is written in the Glosse of the Decretalls Distinct 19. The Pope is bound to require a Councell of Bishops when matters of faith are treated of and then the Councell is greater than the Pope Wherupon the Archdeacon of Bononia approuing this Glosse saith It were a dangerous thing to commit our faith to the iudgement of one man And S. Bernard speaketh in the same sence saying What greater pride can there be than that one man should preferre his iudgement before a whole congregation as if he alone had the holie Spirit And after he had sayd that the greater number ought to carrie it away from the lesser caeteris paribus But sayth he if the greater part would decree any thing against the diuine Scriptures and against those things that cannot be violated without grieuous sinne the rest which are the lesser part holding the contrarie the lesser number ought to be stucke vnto as it happened in the Councell of Arimini and in the second Ephesine Councell Yea which is more a plaine rusticke fellow children and sillie old women are rather to be beleeued than the Pope and a thousand Bishops if these speake against the Gospell and those for the Gospell Handling also this question Theorem 4. Whether Councels or Popes may erre out of him is easily decided seeing he presupposeth that they might erre from the holie Scriptures hee sheweth that many Councels haue erred many Popes fallen into heresie and it hath often fallen out that he which was accounted chiefe President of the Church either did not preside or gouerne by right or else could not preside at all For saith he Historie teacheth
the Reader may judge worthie the reading wherein he shall find the same doctrine which wee hold and defended by the same arguments wherewith we maintaine ours There is onely this one difference that by the grace of God both they and we haue profited in his knowledge in tract of time hauing learned by vexations and conflicts to expresse the same more clearely Also in the mountaines of Languedoc Prouence Dauphinie valleys of Piedmont and other places continued in the same faith puritie and simplicitie the Churches of the antient Waldenses whose footsteps we haue followed clearely traced out for the space now of more than 300 yeares These were accused to our good king Lewis the twelf by some Cardinals Prelats of most enormous vices and of most wicked opinions and thereupon they incited the king their cause vnheard without any forme of law to exterminat them as sorcerers incestuous and heretikes But they being aduertised of this sent from amongst them their deputies in all humilitie to his Maiestie to declare vnto him their innocencie And the Prelats conuicted in their consciences of the calumnie were instant vpon the king not to heare them but the king made them answer That if he were to make warre against the Turke he would first of all heare him Caroli Molinaeus de Monarch Francorum Vpon the declarations therefore of the said deputies hee sent into the places namely of Merindol and Cabrieres M. Adam Fumee his Master of Requests and one Doctor Parui a Iacobine Frier his Confessor to search and enquire both into their life and religion who related in that whole discourse which they made plaine out of their acts That infants were baptized the articles of faith were taught the Lords prayer the ten commaundements the Saboth day obserued the word of God preached no shew of wickednesse or fornication to bee perceiued onely they would admit no Images into their Churches nor ornaments belonging to the Masse which being vnderstood the king did sweare That they were better than himselfe and the rest of his subiects And the same testimonie of their innocencie euen at the same time Claudius Seisselius Archbishop of Turin yeeldeth of them albeit he writ against their doctrine To conclude there were not wanting in all places such as for this profession constantly offered themselues to the fire as in England Thomas of Bongay N. of Eccles Iohn Frith William Tindall men greatly commended both for their doctrine and sanctitie of life and others of whom mention is made in books which expresly handle the same subiect And these things bring vs euen to the preaching of Martin Luther who as yee shall hereafter heare being stirred by the spirit of God caused at this verie time the sound of the Gospell to ring through all Europe CONCLVSION THese are the Progressions of that Mysterie of Iniquitie whereof the Apostle Saint Paule foretold 2. Thess 2. Apoc. 17.5 That it began to worke euen in his time that it did insensibly creepe into the Church by secret and indirect passages by fraud and wicked meanes till at length it should bee as a frontlet vnto her couering her countenance and taking from her all shame vntill her pride ascend to that height wherein the Apostle Saint Iohn in his Reuelation describeth the Roman Church in whose forehead is written A Mysterie Great Babylon 2. Thess 2. the mother of whoredomes and abhominations of the earth and all this saith S. Paul 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 according to the operation or efficacie of Satan working and exercising his power in his ministers with signes and lying wonders Adde also that God did send 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 strong delusions to those who receiued not the loue of the truth and pleased themselues in iniquitie not obeying those Admonitions and Oppositions which from time to time were iterated vnto them by his seruants that they should beleeue lyes because it was foretold that an Antichrist should come that there should bee a great Apostacy or reuolt that the kings of the earth should with one accord agree thereto Apoc. 17. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to giue their power to the Beast for so doth the Apostle call her yea rather saith he because the counsell of God which worketh all things to his glorie would haue it so That they should conspire together and giue their kingdomes to the Beast vntill the word of God should be fulfilled That the whole world may the rather know that the endeuours and counsels of the world or the Princes thereof are able to doe nothing against God and how farre soeuer they seeme to wander from his prouidence yet will they nill they must they submit themselues to his jurisdiction and all their endeuours tend to his glorie when he shall see the conspiracie of the sonne of perdition with his kings as that of Iudas the sonne of perdition with the Pharisies to redownd to the victorie of the Lambe and the saluation of all his and as it were to be recapitulated by the vertue and conduct of the supreme and soueraigne counsell whereof S. Peter saith to the Iewes Act. 2. v. 23. Him haue you taken that is Christ by the hands of the wicked and haue crucified and slaine him But being deliuered by the determinat counsell and foreknowledge of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 No otherwise than as S. Iohn speaketh here of Antichrist or the man of sinne God hath put into their hearts to doe his will and pleasure 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But what is that that they should giue their kingdome to the Beast to consent to his exaltation against the Lambe To the end it may not seeme wonderfull or strange to any that hauing ouercome and troden vnder foot all obstacles which from time to time be opposed against him he make his owne way as S. Paul saith because it was necessarie he should ascend to that height it was as necessarie as S. Iohn saith That the word of God might be fulfilled And God by that selfe same power which remoueth all impediments shall with the like facilitie end the remainder of his worke in his time Now then we haue declared the Progressions or proceedings and that by the degrees obserued in historie or out of the bookes and instruments common to vs both or from their owne Authors and especially the writings of Monkes of them for the most part which applied their ministerie to this Mysterie for there were none other that wrot for many ages together but onely they The Oppositions also we haue poynted at from time to time according as it pleased God to stirre them vp either from among themselues or from elsewhere who set themselues either against the oppressors or corrupters of the Church being themselues in the meane time forced and carried away for the most part either by the violence of the streame or by the forcible endeuors of the aduersaries Because it was so foretold and that this victorie was reserued
the small reckoning they made of holie Scripture thereby to aduance the credit of their owne Decretall Epistles But no maruell since he is not afraid to attribute to himselfe the verie name of God and that in a certaine Decret canonized by Gratian It is plaine ynough saith he D. 96. ca. Satis euidentèr 7. that the Pope can neither be bound nor loossed by any secular authoritie whom it is euident that the godlie Prince Constantine called by the name of God seeing that it is a point without contradiction That God cannot be bound For if the name of God be taken in both places in one the same sence i. for the Euerliuing God then he calleth himselfe The true God if otherwise then are there foure terms in his Syllogisme therefore it concludeth not and so stil there is in his words either fraud or blasphemie Adde we hereunto That he is false in his allegation for Constantine as all Historians report spake those words of all the Bishops assembled at the Councell of Nice and by the same reason all they were not to be judged by men least of all by the Pope who was not in that companie and therefore had no part in that saying of his but onely as he was of their Order For Syluester was at Rome whiles the Fathers were at Nice And yet Nicholas his successor attributeth those words to himselfe in preiudice of and excluding all other Bishops to whom it was spoken Gloss ib. And the Glosse vpon that Canon well obserueth That after this reckoning a Bishop could not iudge his Clergie vnder him and we may say after him That much lesse then may a Pope judge the Bishops For saith the Glosse 11. q. 1. c. Sacerdoti Omnes Clericos this saying of Constantine is to bee vnderstood of all Ecclesiastikes in generall meaning in that sence in which Saint Gregorie speaketh saying That all Priests in holie Scripture are called sometimes Gods and sometimes Angels The words of the Canon Futuram though falsely attributed to Miltiades 12. q. 1. c. Futuram Quorundam Clericorum are these Constantine the Emperour Presiding ouer the Councell of Nice seeing the complaints of certaine Clerkes brought vnto him sayd vnto them You can be iudged of none because you are kept to be iudged by God alone seeing you haue bin called Gods and so they destroy one the other Thus much for the Policie As for the Doctrine I haue elsewhere declared That this was that Nicholas who most violently put in execution the Law of Caelibate or Single life among Church-men threatening Anathema to those which withstand it whereof ensued much trouble in the Westerne Churches But before we proceed any farther we must first see whether he carried all these attempts without resistance or no. OPPOSITION And first as touching the Reduction of the Church of Rauenna to the obedience of the See of Rome That Heresie for which the Archbishop was accused Author Coaetaneus in Appendice Historica is at large set downe by an Author of that time in manner following The Emperour saith he not to surcharge with taxes those which had beene alreadie pilled and spoiled by the Sarasens demaunded helpe of Rauenna and Venice by their meanes to succour Apulia by sea At that time Iohn was Archbishop of Rauenna who seruing the Emperour in house was verie familiar with him Whereupon Pope Nicholas moued with a spirit of enuie grew into great choler against him and went about to call him to Rome by a tricke purposing if he could catch him there to conuent him in an Ecclesiasticall Court and to condemne him and to put another in his roome Iohn hauing a wind of this practise fled to the Queene Enguilberta who sent her embassadours to the Pope requesting him to receiue the Archbishop to his fauour But failing in her suit she humbly entreated the King her husband to receiue the Archbishop into his protection and to stand betweene harme and him Inaudito Principe and to forbid the Pope to meddle with him And because the Pope had excommunicated him without hearkening to the Prince therefore was there great heart-burning betweene them till in the end the Regall Honour stood vp against the Apostolike Dignitie putting him in mind of the ancient lawes and statutes of the Church by which a Prelat might not excommunicat a Bishop without the aduise of a Synod and that the calling of a Synod did not belong to the Pope but to the Emperour Whereupon grew sundrie dammages vnto the Pope For in Romania and la Marche the Emperour bestowed Church benefices vpon his followers Ordines beneficiales commaunding them to pay nothing to Rome c. seised of many of the Popes lands in Campania to his owne vse and of such as were about him c. and in a word by the aduise of the Nobilitie of Rome established in Rome one Arsenius for their Bishop a man of great sanctitie and much learning Legat of the See of Rome and gaue him for his assistant Iohn the Deacon chiefe Chancellor and a Secretarie of his own which afterwards was made Bishop of Rieta This was as you see all that damnable Heresie which the Pope pretended and this was the order which the Emperor tooke in Rome it selfe So that saith the Historian when the Emperour saw fit time he came to Rome where he was honourably receiued by great and small the Archbishop of Rauenna came also with him not fearing the Popes threats which strooke yet a greater heat betweene the Emperour and the Pope For the Emperor taking vp his lodging at Saint Peters Palace and the Pope lying at the holie Apostles when he saw that whateuer he attempted against the Royall Dignitie came to naught he appointed certaine Monkes and Nunnes these were their old prankes of the Monasteries about Rome who euerie morning by way of deuotion went saying the Letanie round about the walls and singing Masses against bad Princes The great ones about the Emperour vnderstanding hereof went to the Pope entreated him kindly to forbid such doings but not able to preuaile with him went their wayes discontent It fell out shortly after that some of the souldiers going to Paules lighted vpon these Letanies who through the instigation of the old enemie were thereupon moued to choler and in duetie to their Lord reuenged them of these wrongs done vnto him wounded many of them and made all take their heeles and run away casting downe Crosses and Images which they carried in procession after the manner of the Greekes whereof some were broken and others trampled vnder foot The Emperour hereupon grew much offended and the Pope somewhat calmer than before and went to the Emperours lodging to entreat for those of his companie who had committed that offence and hardly could obtaine for them And from that time forward they grew more familiar than before But the Imperiall authoritie was still maintained at Rome Thus we see how
the nomination of the Occidentall Babylon Know saith he in briefe Petrarch Epist 8. that neither mine nor Ciceroes penne himselfe if he were aliue would suffice to decypher it Whatsoeuer we read of the Aegiptian or Assyrian Babylon whatsoeuer of the foure Laberinths of the mouth of Auerne of the groues infernall or of the marish of Sodome being paralelled with this hell they are all but fables and bables Here is tower-topping and blaspheming Nemrod Here is Symiramis and her quiuer Here inexorable Minos and Radamant Here is all-deuouring Cerberus Pasiphae prostituted to a Bull and here is the mixed kinds and prodigious progenie of Minotaurus Here are the execrable delineations of variable and wicked Venus To conclude whatsoeuer confused hideous or horrible forme was euer poetically imagined and fained may here be really seene and discerned Surely thou hast heretofore beene happie for thy vertues but now thou art much more happie in thy absence and remotion Take you this to be the same citie that you saw it sometimes heretofore to be Fie no it is sure another farre vnlike to the same Questionlesse that then was verie bad and those times most defiled and polluted but this moderne Rome is not a citie it is an habitation for spirits and diuells and to speake in a word the sinke of all sinne and licentiousnesse and that same hell and gulph of the liuing described by the mouth of Dauid so long time before it was founded or knowne Ah how often doe I call to mind that same fatherlie voyce and healthfull admonition when vpon my departure thou saydst vnto me Whither goest thou What doest thou intend What headlong ambition makes thee so vnmindfull of thine owne safetie Questionlesse hee that hee writ to whom he calls Father must needs be a man of some eminent note in those times In his ninth Epistle to the same partie he subscribes himselfe an exile from Ierusalem amongst and vpon the riuers of Babylon Epist 9. alluding to the hundred thirtie and seuenth Psalme where the Psalmist deplores the state of the Church and his own condition in the Babylonian captiuitie And in his tenth Epistle he layes open his reason You maruell saith he at the subscriptions of my letters and not without cause in that you haue onely read of two Babylons one in times past amongst the Assyrians where Symiramis liued with so great renowme and another amongst the Aegiptians which flourisheth still in this our age But cease to admire saith he for this part of the earth hath also her Babylon Auignion for where I pray you may the citie of confusion be better seated than in the quarters of the West By whom it was built is verie vncertaine but by whom it is inhabited is manifestly knowne by people certainely who in all right may giue her this name And if you please beleeue me Here dwells puissant Nemrod on earth the strong and mightie Hunter conspiring against the Lord and with his ayrie towers aspiring vnto heauen Here also abides a more furious Cambyses than he of the East nay than the Turke himselfe Doe but consult with Catholike Authors but especially with Saint Augustine and you shall find what this name of Babylon meanes which hauing read you will then say it belongs no lesse to Rodanus than to the riuers of Euphrates and Nilus You may also peraduenture greatly wonder at the fiue Labyrinthes when amongst other writers you find no mention made but of foure this fift being the worst and most inextricable whether it then were not or as yet was not knowne Whosoeuer would truely view and peruse it let him come hither here wants no horrour of imprisonment no errour of palpable darkenesse no fatall Vrnes shuffling together the lots and destinies of mankind and to conclude no Imperious Minos no tearing Minotaures nor lasciuious pourtraitors of damned Venus are rare and scarce All hope of saluation lyes in gold the cruell king with gold is pacified the prodigious monster by gold is subdued for gold the web of saluation is wouen onely for gold the hard thresholds of this gate are showne for gold barres and stones are broken with gold the grizlie Porters mouth is stopt for gold heauen lyes open and what needs many words Christ himselfe for gold is sold And in the eleuenth Epistle protesting what danger hung ouer his head for speaking truth Epist 11. Euen as saith he without the kingdome of vertue veritie was alwaies feeble and weake being destitute of any aid or helpe what must needs happen doe you suppose where vertue lyes cleane extinguished and deepely buried There veritie no question is a most capitall crime and onely of it selfe sufficient to acquire many mens hatred where one mans loue shal be sought with many obsequies flatteries c. Where no faith no charitie no pietie remaines but rage enuie excesse and auarice raigne with all their artes and falsifiers where euerie bad man is exalted the greatest thiefe extolled to heauen and the iust poore man flatly oppressed Where simplicitie is called madnesse and malice sapience Where God is contemned and money adored lawes troden vnder foot and good men laught at so as now there are almost no more left for them to laugh at I would willingly exempt one from this deluge of impietietie and I confesse he would well deserue it but then me thinkes it would be ridiculous to cut off so solid and generall a rule for one nownes exception And therefore here no Noah nor no Deucalion shall float vpon the water and suppose that Pyrrha made no more happie nauigation and escape than the rest for a mightie floud of obscene sensualities did ouerflow the citie a wonderfull rage and tide-gate of feminine delights together with a foule and vncleane shipwracke of chastitie without any exception at all of virginitie and modestie This little of a great deale more Truth dares relate Then he concludes To this Epistle I haue neither set to my hand nor my seale neither time nor place you know where I remaine and can vnderstand mee well ynough by my words Then in his twelfth complaining in his heart to God for the miseries of the time Epist 12.13 in the thirteenth he does particularize the same That renowmed Court of Christ saith he that famous Propugnacle of diuine worship in times past our sinnes being the occasion thereof being now destitute of heauenlie aid and potection is become a denne of vncleane theeues And the originall of all these euills proceeds from one onely fountaine though many other lesser heads and springs rise out of the same from whence a raging floudgate of all manner of miseries breakes in wherein we cannot but perish and be ouerwhelmed in the surges of extreamest mischiefes and if the mercie of heauen preuent not humane transgression and enormitie the Church doubtlesse is like to suffer a most lamentable and fearefull shipwracke How different are liues and manners and how discrepant the minds of some that build and
others that ruine and plucke down The Almightie God prouide speedily for the safetie of his holie house Certainely I plainely discerne a farre off yet dare no wayes meddle nor disturbe and therfore if I could would not see at all the cruell and infamous treacheries by which that same Ecclesiasticall Dionysius seekes to molest and deface our Syracusa In regard of the Church comparing the Pope to that monstrous tyran of Sicil. I see with what a Myter though counterfeit Symiramis adornes her head by what artes she inchaunts the eyes of the beholders and being polluted with incestuous imbracements treads vnder foot men of constant disposition and manners alluding to the Harlot in the Apocalyps I perceiue by what artes and stratagems our Pericles defends himselfe that he may not be vrged to render the account he is not able iustly to giue vp as also his Alcibiades that runnes violently headlong into all wicked deuises and practises Wherefore he confounds and turnes all things topsie turuie and for what cause may you suppose Why questionlesse that like a Iugler or Mountibanke with an haire or small thread not seene or a counterfeit wound hee may the more artificially delude his owne fraud and deceit lying couered and hid vnder the gloomie shadow of a tumultuous Commonwealth And surely for the scope and end of his determinations he vseth stratagems that are neither new nor strange for the Fowler loues the woods the Fisherman troubled waters and the theefe darkenesse and for vs what could I wish to happen vnto vs more base or abiect than alwayes to remaine like to our selues before a vigilant adulterer blowing and puffing ouer the cup being ignorant I must needs confesse whether his impudence or our patience is more seruile and deiected Then in the 14. What hath a vertuous man to doe with bad places Epist 14. or what commerce hast thou with Babylon We read that the more magnanimious and valiant Romans vsed to shun and auoid Baia in Campania though a verie healthfull and pleasant place but where little honestie many pleasures and delights offered themselues all other respects laid aside so bent and intentiue they were on the studie and prosecution of vertue If this be so who would not flie Rhodanus Who I pray you will not shun Babylon the dolefull habitation of all vices toyle and miseries Whereof me thinks you should haue some experience I speake of things seene with mine eyes not heard of with mine eares c. Pietie there is none nor charitie nor faith no reuerence nor feare of God nothing iust nothing equall nothing vpright nor so much as ciuile and humane Loue modestie seemelinesse and true honestie are from thence exiled Of veritie I may well be silent for what place can truth haue there where all parts are replenished with lyes the ayre the house the turrets the villages adiacent the Courts the streets the porches the lobbies inward chambers the rafters the creuises of walls the windings and passages of the edifice the secretest parts of the Temples the seats of the Iudges and the Popes throne and in briefe mens mouthes beckes gestures words countenances and hearts Then he delineats their hypocrisie to life it selfe propounding many examples and instances thereof But my singular louing Father conuerting now my stile to thee I pray beseech entreat and euen coniure thee no otherwise than by thy selfe to whom if thou beest deere or still retainest the accustomed vigilancie and care ouer thy soule that it neuer hereafter enter into thy heart to goe thither from whence neuer any returned by example bettered but innumerable multitudes depraued and corrupped In his fifteenth Epistle he concludes That God was no lesse angrie with them than with Aegipt and Pharaoh Epist 15. and that he would lay vpon them the plagues of his indignation wrath displeasure tribulations and the emission of euill Angels finally That Daniels imprecation could not more aptly be applied to any than to them Let them be like dust before the face of the wind and the Angell of the Lord driuing them Let their wayes be darke and slipperie and the Angell of the Lord persecuting them vnlesse therefore God take him from thence Epist 16. who can escape In the sixteenth he heartily congratulates with a friend his departure from the Popes Court If there be any presagements true then Gods reuenge must needs be nere at hand God giue and retribute plentifully to the proud doers for it is his owne iustice and reuenge c. I cannot but call to mind what many yeares past I sayd to a friend of ours which of all that wicked number might well be reputed the best to whom you were tyed in consanguinitie and I onely in familiaritie That the fatall day of this mans ruine drew neare wherein the patience both of God and men being wearie of supporting his pride and insolencie he should perish and fall when he with a smile mixt tempred with choler wisht vnto me rather Tiresius blindnesse than his gift of prophesie answering me with that saying of the Gospel Symon I haue prayed for thee that thy faith may not faile and I freely replyed That I spake not of the defect of faith but of their ruine that were the ouerthrowers of the same whereby faith would rather be augmented and then turning towards me with a serious and knit brow Be silent said he and though this be true let not vs be the Authours thereof At length he concluded All things will they nill they retourne againe to their proper place and center and no question the end of long and perpetuated delusion is at hand which if I may but see I shall thinke I haue liued long enough And euen so all the godlie in those times with sobbes and sighs groaned after the Churches restauration Epist 17. and Babylons ruine In his seuenteenth Epistle the same friend notwithstanding his owne admonition to the contrarie would needs enter into the like discourse concurring then with him in the same judgement that the infernall riuers there had their course and whatsoeuer wickednesse had euer beene in the world it ran and fell thereinto as into the center and gulfe of such innundicities wherefore that he might not perish therein If saith he thou worshippest Christ which you alwaies most religiously haue done let the beholding of his enemies impietie lend an hand to thy zeale and be as a spur to thy faith For thou obseruest a people not only aduerse and contrarie to Christ but which is far worse seruing vnder his verie colours and yet are rebellious vnto him standing for Sathan being filled and swolne with Crists bloud and saying Our lips are our owne who is our Lord An hard harted and wicked people proud beggarlie thirstie of a puffed vp countenance sharpe teeth hooked talentes slipperie feet stonie brest hearts of brasse leaden willes and mellifluent tongues A people with whom not onely that of the Euangelist and Prophet fitly concurs This
Nation differeth neuerthelesse from them in his life and conuersation Know that this flight suffiseth so long as the force of the furie compelleth not a man to wickednesse and so long as Gods mercie tollerateth the sinnes of the place not yet growne to their full height of corruption But where their state is desperate and past hope of amendement they admit no counsell no remedie no wholsome helpe whatsoeuer but refusing to be cured they rage like madd men and from all parts they send vp a continuall crie vnto God for the destruction of that place whosoeuer therefore he bee that abideth long time in that place and feareth not that vengeance of God that hangeth ouer that place how different soeuer hee be in manners hee is madd Neither is it lawfull for him that differeth in manners to liue there where the plague of corruption is growne to that strength that all are infected with the contagion thereof especially the cure being remedilesse Is he different in manners that hauing drunke of the cup of Babylon beene corrupted with her poyson polluted with her sinnes carried with her rage is constrained to appproue with commendation consent imitation those things that are done by wicked men not daring to open his mouth to the contrarie or to oppose himselfe with any freedome of conscience Thou askest whither thou canst goe where thou shalt not find a confused Babylon and thou seest no quiet resting place or contented abode for a peaceable mind as if Babylon were not in thy mind too For what mind canst thou euer make me instance of so peaceable setled and contented in which I will not say sometimes or often but euerie day and houre there is not some iarre some conflict wherein the tempestuous stormes of perturbations doe not arise which the blustering winds of pride doe tosse the murmuring noyse of diuers passions doth not disquiet and wherein there are not many times horrible and furious tempests in so much that it is needfull for vs daily to crie out Lord saue vs we perish Thence it was that one speaking of a mind meditating heauenly things and not earthly which therefore he called heauen sayd and not ineligantly though in meetre Confusa sunt hic omnia Spes metus moeror gaudium Vix hora vel dimidia Fit in coelo silentium All things are confused here Sorrow ioy hope and feare Scarce for a moment of time Peace in heauen can we find If thou seeke here an assured setled rest in all respects thou seekest a knot in a rush Gerson in Tractat de potestate Ecclesiastica consid 10. 11 as one said and thou shalt neuer find it either within or without thee All things are full of warre confusion danger euerie thing compassed with snares and subtilties neither canst thou retire thee within thy selfe but they follow thee In Tractat. de Anseribilitate Papae consid 4.9.10 Jtem in propositione facta coram Anglicis euntibus ad Concil consid 4. Jtem in Tractatu an liceat in causis fidei appellare Papae Item in Tractatu de examine doctrinarum But yet notwithstanding though there be something of Babylon euerie where yet that Babylon is not euerie where that is the mother of the fornications and abhominations of the earth whose iudgement as Iohn saith is ascended vp to the heauens which hath made drunken all the nations with the wine of her whoredome and constraineth all her inhabitants to commit fornication to blaspheme to eat things sacrificed to Idols to worship the dragon With which impieties whosoeuer is polluted how can he find peace within himselfe except he hate the fornications of that whore forsake condemne detest them to which whosoeuer shall adhere is made one bodie with her because so long as he conuerseth with her hee cannot bee freed from her manners being by force and furie drawne vnto them But if thou flie the habitation of cities and the course of people as being infected with a Babylonish contagion there are secret places seuered from cities fit for the seruice of God religions approued deuout Monasteries sauouring rather of Ierusalem than Babylon To bee briefe Item in propos vtilib ad extirp schismat if thou feare all humane companie there are solitarie places wherein thou mayest dwell with thy selfe and retire thy selfe to thine owne heart liue to thy selfe haue onely God to be a witnesse and companion of thy life Item in regul moral where at the last thou mayest more easily and more happily find that peace of thy mind which thou professest is so much to thy desire In the same stile writ master Iohn Gerson the Chauncellor of the Vniuersitie who was likewise present at that Councell Item de loco Pauli ad Thessal in Tractatu de signu ruinae Ecclesiae for I leaue to speake of his inuectiues in many places Against humane traditions because we haue spoken thereof elsewhere and likewise against the corruption of Ecclesiasticall discipline and the simonies of the Court of Rome in selling graces and dignities which they call spirituall because all these are couered vnder a pretext of the infallibilitie either of the Church or of the Pope Gerson de vita spirituali aiae Lect. 2. Corol. 7. to 3. num 61. But this in diuers his treatises he closely yet elegantly teacheth That the Pope can erre and abuse that power committed vnto him to the ruine of the Church That he can prostitute and oppresse it fall into schisme heresie idolatrie in which case he may bee corrected by the meanest Lay-man that professeth the Gospell That hee may be reproued repressed deposed by a Councell representing the Church Item in Tractatu an liceat in causis fidei à summo Pontific appellare propos 3 tom 1. num 14. sub finem since the Church saith he can subsist without the Pope without his ministeriall head and yet bee gouerned well ynough by Christ the Spouse of the Church For it is not sayd saith he When you are assembled in the name of Peter or of the Pope but In my name c. And this doctrine hath displeased many but the Councells of Constance and Basil haue freed the Church from this pernitious heresie which placeth the Pope aboue the Church So farre hee proceedeth by reason of those inconueniences he found thereby that hee alledgeth some cases wherein it is lawfull to make an assault vpon his owne person But because hee handleth these propositions in whole Treatises we will content our selues with the quotations in the margent Touching the question Whether the Pope be aboue the Councell and the Church he peremptorily saith Gerson de examine doctrinar That it is as much as if one should aske Whether the part bee greater than the whole That the Pope is subiect to the Church That the keyes are properly giuen to the Church and not to Saint Peter much lesse to the Pope The Church in the meane time subiect