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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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vs But afterwards they say that it is our vocation to teach the first principles of Christian doctrine and that the very mysteries of the scriptures are reueiled vnto them from aboue by God himselfe and that they are called for this purpose that they should open them to the world After this maner doth the Deuill hinder the course of the Gospell both on the right hand and on the left but more on the right hand as I saide before by building and correcting then on the left by persecuting and killing Wherefore it behoueth vs to pray without ceasing to reade the holy scriptures to cleaue fast vnto Christ and his holy word that we may ouercome the Deuils crafte and subtilties with which he assaileth vs both on the righte hande and on the lefte For vve vvrestle not against flesh and bloud but against rule against povver against the vvorldly gonerners the Princes of the darkenes of this vvorld against spirituall vvickednesses in heauenly things Verse 7. VVhich is not an other Gospell but that there be some vvhich trouble you Here againe he excuseth the Galathians and most bitterly reproueth the false Apostles As though he would say Ye Galathians are borne in hand that the Gospell which ye haue receaued of me is not the true and sincere gospell and therefore ye thinke ye do well to receaue that new gospell which the false apostles doe teach and that it is better then mine I doe not so much charge you with this fault as those disturbers which trouble your consciences and pull you out of my hand Here you see againe how vehement and hoate he is against those deceauers and with what rough and sharpe words he painteth them out calling them troublers of the Churches which doe nothing else but seduce and deceaue innumerable poore consciences geuing occasions of horrible mischiefes and calamities in the congregations This great mischiefe we also at this day are constrained to see to the great griefe of our hartes and yet are we no more able to remedie it then Paule was at that time This place witnesseth that those counterfait Apostles had reported Paule to be an vnperfect Apostle and also a weake and erroneous preacher Therefore here on the other side he calleth them troublers of the Churches and ouerthrowers of Christes gospell Thus they condemned eche other The false Apostles condemned Paule and Paule againe the false Apostles And the like contending and condemning hath euer bene in the Church specially when the doctrine of the gospell hath flourished to wit that wicked teachers doe persecute condemne and oppresse the godly and on the contrary part that the godly doe reproue and condemne the vngodly The Papists and bragging spirites do at this day hate vs deadly and condemne our doctrine as wicked and erroneous Yea moreouer they lie in wait for our goods and liues And we againe doe with a perfect hatred detest and condenme their wicked and blasphemous doctrine In the meane while the miserable people are at a stay wauing hether and thither as vncertaine and doubtfull to which part they may leane or whom they may safely follow and this is because it is not geuen to euery one to iudge Christianly of such great and waightie matters But the ende will shew which part teacheth truely and which of them doth iustly condemne other Sure it is that we persecute no man oppresse no man put no man to death neither doth our doctrine disquiet mens consciences but deliuereth them out of innumerable errours and snares of the Deuill For the truth hereof we haue the testimonie of many good men who geue thankes vnto God for that by our doctrine they haue receiued certaine and sure consolation to their consciences Wherfore like as Paule at that time was not to be blamed that the Churches were troubled but the false Apostles so also at this day it is not our fault but the fault of the Anabaptists and such fantastical spirits that many and great troubles are in the Church Marke here diligently that euery teacher of workes and of the righteousnes of the law is a troubler of the Church and of the consciences of men And who would euer haue beleeued that the Pope Cardinals Bishops Monkes and that whole Sinagoge of Satan specially the Founders of those holy religious orders of which number neuertheles God might saue some by miracle were troublers of consciences Yea verely they be yet farre worse then were those false Apostles For the false Apostles taught that besides faith in Christ the workes of the law of God were also necessary to saluation But the Papistes omitting Faith haue taught mens traditions and workes not commaunded of God but deuised by themselues without and against the worde of God and these haue they not only made equall with the word of God but also exalted them farre aboue it But the more holy that the heretikes seeme to be in outward shew so much the more mischeefe they doe For if the false Apostles had not ben endued with notable giftes with great authoritie and a shewe of holines and had not vaunted themselues to be Christes ministers the Apostles disciples and sincere preachers of the gospel they could not so easily haue defaced Paules authoritie and led the Galathians out of the way Nowe the cause why he inueyeth so sharply against them calling them the troublers of the Churches is for that besides Faith in Christ they taught that Circumcision and the keeping of the law was necessary to saluation The which thing Paule him selfe witnesseth in the fifte Chapiter following And Luke in the fiftenth of the Actes declareth the same thing in these wordes That certaine men comming dovvne from Iudea taught the brethern saying Except ye be circumcised after the custome of Moises ye can not be saued Wherfore the false Apostles most earnestly and obstinately contended that the law ought to be obserued Vnto whom the stifnecked Iewes forthwith ioyned them selues and so afterwardes easily perswaded such as were not stablished in the Faith that Paule was not a sincere teacher because he regarded not the law but preached such a doctrine as did abolish and ouerthrow the law It seemed vnto them a very straunge thing that the lawe of God should vtterly be taken away and the Iewes which had euer vntill that time bene counted the people of God to whom also the promises were made should be now reiected Yea it seemed yet a more straunge thing vnto them that the Gentiles being wicked Idolaters should attaine to this glory and dignitie to be the people of God without Circumcision and without the works of the law by grace onely and Faith in Christ These things had the false Apostles amplified and set forth to the vttermost that they might bring Paule into more hatred among the Galathians And to the ende they might set them the more sharply against him they sayd that he preached vnto the Gentiles fredome from the law
meditation of the worde And when we haue striuen neuer so much yet shall we haue enough to keepe vs occupied For we haue to doe with no small enemies but strong and mighty and such as are in continuall warre against vs namely our owne flesh all the daungers of the world the law sinne death the wrath and iudgement of God and the Deuill himselfe who neuer ceaseth to tempt vs inwardly by his fierie darts outwardly by his false Apostles to the ende that he may ouerthrow if not all yet the most part of vs. This argument therefore of the false apostles had a goodly shew and seemed to be very strong Which also at this day moueth many namely that the Apostles the holy fathers and their successours haue so taught that the Church so thinketh and beleeueth Moreouer that it is impossible that Christ should suffer his Church so long time to erre Art thou alone say they wiser then so many holy men wiser then the whole church After this maner the deuil being chaunged into an Angell of light setteth vpon vs craftely at this day by certaine pestiferous hypocrites who say We passe not for the Pope nor for the Bishops those great persecutors and contemners of Gods word we abhorre also the hypocrisie deceitfulnes of Monkes such like but we would haue the aucthoritie of holy Church to remaine vntouched The Church hath thus beleeued and taught this long time So haue all the Doctours of the primatiue Church holy men more auncient and better learned then thou Who art thou that darest dissent from all these and bring vnto vs a contrary doctrine When Satan reasoneth thus conspiring with the flesh and reason then is thy conscience terrified and vtterly despaireth vnlesse thou constantly retourne to thy selfe againe and say Whether it be Cyprian Ambrose Augustine either S. Peter Paule or Iohn yea or an Angell from heauen that teacheth otherwise yet this I know assuredly that I teach not the things of men but of God that is to say I attribute all things to God alone and nothing to man. When I first tooke vpon me the defence of the Gospell I remember that Doctor Staupitius a worthy man sayd thus vnto me This liketh me well that this doctrine which thou preachest yeldeth glory and all things else vnto God alone and nothing vnto man for vnto God there can not be attributed too much glory goodnes mercie c. This saying did then greatly comfort and confirme me And true it is that the doctrine of the Gospell taketh from men all glory wisedom righteousnes c. and geueth them to the creatour alone who made all things of nothing We may also more safely attribute too much vnto God then to man For in this case I may say boldly Be it so that the Church Augustine and other Doctours also Peter and Apollo yea euen an Angell from heauen teach a contrary doctrine yet my doctrine is such that it setteth forth and preacheth the grace and glory of God alone and in the matter of saluation it condemneth the righteousnes and wisedom of all men In this case I can not offend because I geue both to God and man that which properly and truely belongeth vnto them both But thou wilt say The Church is holy The Fathers are holy It is true notwithstanding albeit the church be holy yet is it compelled to pray forgeue vs our trespasses So though the fathers be holy yet are they saued through the forgeuenes of sinnes Therfore neither am I to be beleued nor the Church nor the Fathers nor the Apostles no nor an Angell from heauen if we teach any thing against the word of God but let the vvord of God abide for euer For else this argument of the false Apostles had mightely preuailed against Paules doctrine For in deede it was a great matter a great matter I say to set before the Galathians the whole Church with all the companie of the Apostles against Paule alone but lately sprong vp and of small authoritie This was therefore a strong argument and concluded mightely For no man sayth willingly that the Church erreth and yet it is necessary to say that it erreth if it teache any thing besides or against Gods worde Peter the cheefe of the Apostles taught both in life and doctrine besides Gods word therfore he erred and was deceaued Neither did Paule dissemble that errour although it seemed to be but a light fault because he sawe it would turne to the hurt of the whole Church but vvithstoode him euen to his face because he vvalked not after the truth of the Gospell Therefore neither is the Church nor Peter nor the Apostles nor Angels from heauen to be heard vnlesse they bring and teach the pure word of God. This argument euen at this day is not a little preiudiciall to our cause For if we may neither beleeue the Pope nor the Fathers nor Luther nor any other except they teach vs the pure word of God whom shall we then beleeue Who in the meane while shall certefie our consciences which part teacheth the pure word of God we or our aduersaries For they bragge that they also haue the pure worde of God and teach it Againe we beleue not the Papistes because they teach not the word of God neither can they teach it Contrariwise they hate vs most bitterly and persecute vs as most pestilent heretikes and seducers of the people What is to be done in this case Shall it be lawfull for euery fantasticall spirite to teach what him selfe listeth seeing the world can neither heare nor abide our doctrine For although we glory with Paule that we teach the pure Gospell of Christ vnto which not onely the Emperour Pope and the whole world ought to geue credite but also ought gladly and thankfully to receaue and embrace it yea and diligently to prouide that it be taught in euery place and if any should teach the contrary were he the Pope an Apostle or an Angell from heauen to holde him accurssed together with his Gospell yet for all that we profite nothing but are compelled to heare that this our glorying is not onely vaine rash and arrogant but also Deuilish and full of blasphemie But if we abase our selues and geue place to the rage of our aduersaries then both the Papists and Anabaptists waxe proud The Anabaptists wil vaunt the they bring and teach vs some straunge thing which the world neuer heard of before The Papistes will set vp againe and stablishe their olde abhominations Let euery man therfore take hede that he be most sure of his calling and doctrine that he may boldly say with Paule Although vve or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you othervvise then that vvhich vve haue preached vnto you let him be accursed Verse 13. For you haue heard of my conuersation in times past in the Ievvish religion hovv thar I persecuted the Church of God
which they could not denie Verse 2. This onely vvould I learne of you Receaued ye the spirite by the vvorkes of the lavv or by the hearing of faith preached He speaketh these words with a certaine indignation and contempt of the false Apostles If I had nothing els against you but euen your owne experience saith he yet haue I enough As if he should say Goe to now aunswere me I pray you which am your scholler for ye are so sodainly become doctors that ye are now my masters and teachers Receaued ye the holy ghost by the vvorkes of the lavv or by the preaching of the gospell With this argument he so conuinceth them that they haue nothing to replie againe For their owne experiēce is altogither against them to wit that they had receaued the holy ghost not by the works of the law but by the preaching of the gospel Here againe I admonish you that Paule speaketh not onely of the ceremoniall lawe but of the whole lawe For he groundeth his argument vpon a sufficient diuision If he should speake but only of the ceremoniall lawe it were no sufficient diuision It is therefore a double horned argument standinge vpon two partes whereof the one must needes be true and the other false That is either ye haue receaued the holy Ghost by the law or by the hearing of faith If it be by the lawe then is it not by the preaching of faith If it be by the preaching of faith then is it not by the law There is no meane betwixt these two For all that is not the holy Ghost or the preaching of faith is the law Here are we in the matter of iustification But to come to iustification there is no other way but either the voice of the Gospell or the voice of the law Wherefore the lawe is here taken generally as wholy separate from the Gospell But it is not onely the ceremoniall lawe that is separate from the Gospell but also the morall law or the ten commaundementes therfore Paule speaketh here of the whole lawe His argument therfore is grounded vpon a sufficient distinction after this sort Tell me sayth he Receaued ye the holy ghost by the vvorkes of the lavve or by the preaching of the Gospell Answere me to this Ye can not say that this was done by the lawe For so long as ye were vnder the lawe and did the workes therof ye neuer receaued the holy ghost In deede ye taught and heard the lawe of Moses euery Sabboth but it hath not bene heard or seene that euer the holy ghost was geuen to any either teacher or learner through the preaching of the lawe Moreouer ye haue not onely taught and heard the lawe but also ye haue laboured with all your power to performe the same by your workes wherby ye should most of all haue receaued the holy ghost if he had bene geuen by the lawe seing ye were not onely teachers and learners but also doers of the law and yet ye cannot shew me that this was done at any time But as soone as the hearing of faith or the gospell came vnto you by and by ye receaued the holy Ghost by the only hearing of faith before ye had done any worke or shewed any frute of the gospell For as Luke witnesseth in the Actes at the onely preaching of Peter and Paule the holy ghost came vpon those vvhich hearde the vvord through vvhome also they receaued diuers giftes so that they spake vvith nevve tonges It is manifest therefore that by the onely preaching of faith ye receaued the holy ghost before ye did any good worke or brought forth any frutes of the gospell On the other side the accomplishing of the lawe neuer brought the holy ghost much lesse could the onely hearing of the lawe doe it Therfore not onely the hearing of the lawe but that affection and zeale also wherby ye goe about to performe the lawe by your workes is vtterly vnprofitable Wherefore although a man attempt to doe all things that is to say although he haue a zeale of God and with all endeuour goe about to be saued by the lawe and exercise him selfe day and night in the righteousnes therof notwithstanding he doth but labour and consume himselfe in vaine For they that are ignorant of the righteousnes of God seeke to establish their owne righteousnes as Paule sayth in an other place are not subiect to the righteousnes of God. Againe Israell vvhich follovved the lavv of righteousnes attained not to the lavve of righteousnes c. Now Paule speaketh here of the manifestation of the holy ghost in the primatiue church For the holy ghost came downe in a manifest likenes vpon those that did beleue and by this signe did plainly witnes that he was there present at the preaching of the Apostles Also that they which heard the word of faith preached by the Apostles were accepted as righteous before God for else the holy Ghost would not haue come downe vpon them The argument of that booke which containeth the Actes of the Apostles We must therefore diligently consider the force of this argument which is so often repeated in the Acts. Which booke is written to confirme and establish this argument For it teacheth nothing else but that the holy Ghost is not geuen by the lawe but by the hearing of the gospell For when Peter preached the holy ghost forthwith fel vpon all those that heard him and in one day three thousand which were present at the preaching of Peter beleeued receaued the holy ghost Act. 2. So Cornelius receaued the holy ghost not by his almes which he gaue but when Peter had opened his mouth and was yet in speaking the holy Ghost fell vpon all them which with Cornelius heard the worde Act. 10. These are manifest arguments experiences and diuine workes which can not deceaue vs. And Luke wryteth of Paule in the 15. of the Actes that where he had preached the gospell together with Barnabas among the Gentiles and was returned to Ierusalem he set him selfe against the Phariseis and disciples of the Apostles which vrged circumcision and the keping of the law as necessary to saluation whose mouthes he so stopped saith Luke in shewing what things he and Barnabas had done amongest the Gentiles that the whole church was amazed at the hearing therof especially whan they heard that God had wrought so many and so greate miracles and wonders by them among the Gentiles and when they which bare a zeale to the lawe did greatly wonder how it could be that the vncircūcised Gentiles not doing the law nor the workes therof nor hauing the righteousnes of the law should notwithstanding attaine to this grace to be iustified and receaue the holy Ghost as well as the Iewes that were circumcised here Paule and Barnabas did alledge nothing els but manifest experience wherwith they were so confounded that they had nothing
diligently teach we sustaine the hatred and cruell persecution of the Deuill and of the world For Sathan feeleth the power and fruite of this Article And that there is in deede no more sinne death or malediction since Christ nowe raigneth we confesse daily in the Creede of the Apostles I beleue that there is an holy Church Which is in deede nothing else but as if we should say I beleue that there is no sinne no malediction no death in the Church of god For they which do beleue in Christ are no sinners are not giltie of death but are holy and righteous lordes ouer sinne and death liuing for euer But Faith onely seeth this for we say I beleeue an holy Church But if thou beleue reason and thine owne eyes thou wilt iudge cleane contrary For thou seest many things in the Godly which offend thee Thou seest them sometime to fall into sinne and to be weake in Faith to be subiect vnto wrath enuie and such other euill affections therefore the Church is not holy I deny the consequēce If I looke vpon mine owne person or the person of my brother it shall neuer be holy But if I behold Christ who hath sanctified and clensed his Church then is it altogether holy for he hath taken away the sinnes of the whole world Therfore where sinnes are seene and felt there are they in deede no sinnes For according to Paules Diuinitie there is no sin no death no maledictiō any more in the world but in Christ who is the Lambe of God that hath taken away the sinnes of the world who is made a Curse that he might deliuer vs from the Curse Contrariwise according to Philosophie and reason sinne death and the Curse are no where else but in the world in the flesh or in sinners For a Sophisticall Diuine can speake no otherwise of sinne then doth the Heathen Philosopher Like as sayeth he the colour sticketh in the wall euen so doth sinne in the world in the flesh or in the conscience therfore it is to be purged by contrary operations to witte by charitie But true Diuinitie teacheth that there is no sinne in the world any more for Christ vpon whom the Father hath cast the sinnes of the whole world hath vanquished and killed the same in his owne body He once dying for sinne and raised vp againe dieth nowe no more Therefore whersoeuer is a true faith in Christ there sinne is abolished dead and buried in deede But where no Faith in Christ is there sinne doth still remaine And albeit the remnaunts of sinne be as yet in the Saintes because they beleue not perfectly yet are they dead in that they are not imputed vnto them because of their Faith in Christe This is therfore a strong and a mighty argument which Paule here prosecuteth against the righteousnes of workes It is not the lawe nor workes that doe deliuer vs from the euerlasting Curse but Christe alone See therefore good Christian reader I beseech thee that thou distinguish Christ from the law and diligently marke how Paule speaketh and what he sayth All sayth he which doe not fulfil the law are necessarily vnder the Curse But no man fulfilleth the law therfore all men are vnder the Curse He addeth moreouer an other proposition Christ hath redemed vs frō the Curse of the law being made a Curse for vs It followeth then that the lawe and workes doe not redeeme vs from the Curse but doe bring vs rather vnder the Curse Charitie therefore which as the Schoolemen say geueth forme and perfection vnto Faith hath not onely not redemed vs from the Curse but rather it wrappeth vs more and more in the Curse This text then is plaine that all men yea the Apostles Prophets and Patriarks had remained vnder the Curse if Christ had not set him selfe against sinne death the Curse of the law the wrath and iudgemēt of God and ouercome them in his owne body for no power of flesh and bloud could ouercome these huge and hideous Monsters But now Christ is not the law or the worke of the law but a diuine and humane person which tooke vpon him sinne the condemnation of the lawe and death not for him selfe but for vs Wherfore all the weight and force hereof consisteth in this word For vs. We must not thē imagine Christ to be innocent as a priuate person as doe the Schoolemen and almost all the Fathers haue done which is holy and righteous for him selfe onely True it is in deede that Christe is a person most pure and vnspotted but thou must not stay there for thou hast not yet Christe although thou knowe him to be God and man but then thou hast him in deede when thou beleeuest that this most pure and innocent person is freely geuen vnto thee of the Father to be thy high Priest and Sauiouer yea rather thy seruaunt that he putting off his innocentie and holines and taking thy sinnefull person vpon him might beare thy sinne thy death and thy Curse and might be made a sacrifice and a Curse for thee that by this meanes he might deliuer thee from the Curse of the lawe Ye see then with what an Apostolike spirite Paule handleth this argument of the Blessing and of the Curse whilest he not onely maketh Christ subiect to the Curse but sayth also that he is made a Curse So in the. 2. Corrin 5. he calleth him Sinne when he sayth He hath made him to be Sinne for vs vvhich knevv no sinne that vve shoulde be made the righteousnes of God in him And although these sentences may be well expounded after this maner Christ is made a Curse that is to say a sacrifice for the Curse and Sinne that is a sacrifice for sinne yet in my iudgement it is better to keepe the proper signification of the words because there is a greater force and vehemencie therin For when a sinner cometh to the knowledge of him selfe in deede he feeleth not onely that he is miserable but misery it selfe not onely that he is a sinner is accursed but euen sinne and malediction it selfe For it is in deede a great matter to beare sinne the wrath of God malediction and death Wherefore that man which hath a true feeling of these things as Christ did truely effectually feele them for all mākinde is made euen sinne death and malediction it selfe Paule therefore handleth this place with a true Apostolicall spirite There is neither Sophister nor Lawyer nor Iew nor Anabaptist nor any other that speaketh as he doeth For who durst alleage this place out of Moises Accursed is euery one that hangeth on tree and applie it vnto Christ Like as Paule then applied this sentence to Christ euen so may we apply vnto Christe not onely that whole 27. chap. of Deuteronomie but also may gather all the Curses of Moises lawe together and expound the same of Christ For as
the morall lawe before Faith. Verse 5. That vve might receaue the adoption of the sonnes Paule setteth forth amplifieth very largely this place of Gen. 22. In thy Seede shall all the natiōs of the earth be blessed A litle before he called this Blessing of the seede of Abraham righteousnes life the promise of the spirit deliuerance from the law the testament c. Here he calleth it the adoption and inheritance of euerlasting life All these this word Blessing doth comprehend For when the Curse which is sinne death c. is abolished then in the stede thereof succedeth the Blessing that is righteousnes life and all good things But by what merite haue we receaued this Blessing that is to say this adoption and inheritaunce of euerlasting life By none at all For what can men deserue that are shutte vnder sinne subiect to the curse of the lawe and worthy of euerlasting death We haue then receiued this Blessing freely and being vtterly vnworthy therof but yet not without merite What merite is that Not ours but the merite of Iesus Christ the sonne of God who being made vnder the lawe not for him selfe but for vs as Paule sayd afore that he vvas made a curse for vs redemed vs which were vnder the lawe Wherfore we haue receaued this adoption by the onely redemption of Iesus Christe the sonne of God which is our rich and euerlasting merite whether it be of congruēce or worthines going before grace or comming after And with this free adoption we haue also receaued the holy Ghost which God hath sent into our hearts crying Abba Father as foloweth Verse 6. And because you are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne into your hearts The holy ghost is sent two maner of wayes In the primatiue church he was sent in a manifest visible appearāce So he came vpon Christ at Iordane in the likenes of a Doue and in the likenes of fire vpon the Apostles and other beleuers And this was the first sending of the holy Ghost which was necessary in the primatiue church for it was expedient that it should be established by manifest myracles because of the vnbeleuers as Paule witnesseth 1. Cor. 14. Straunge tongues sayth he be for a signe and a token not to them that beleue but to them that beleue not But after that the Church was gathered together and cōfirmed with those myracles it was not necessary that this visible sending of the holy Ghost should continue any longer Secondly the holy Ghost is sent by the word into the hearts of the beleuers as here it is sayd God sent the spirite of his sonne c. This sending is without any visible appearance to witte when by the hearing of the externall word we receaue an inward feruencie and light wherby we are chaunged become new creatures wherby also we receaue a new iudgement a new feeling a new mouing This chaūge this new iudgemēt is no worke of reason or of the power of mā but is the gift operation of the holy Ghost which commeth with the word preached which purifieth our hearts by faith and bringeth forth in vs spirituall motions Therefore there is a great difference betwixt vs those which with force subteltie persecute the doctrine of the gospell For we by the grace of God can certainly iudge by the word of the will of God towardes vs also of all lawes and doctrines of our owne life and of the life of others Contrariwise the Papists and Sectaries can not certainly iudge of any thing For they corrupt they persecute and blaspheme the word Now without the word a man can geue no certaine iudgement of any thing And although it appeare not before the world that we be renewed in spirit and haue the holy Ghost yet notwithstanding our iudgemēt our speech our confession do declare sufficiently that the holy Ghost with his giftes is in vs For before we could iudge rightly of nothing We spake not as now we doe We confessed not that all our works were sinne and damnable that Christe was our onely merite both before grace after as now we doe in the true knowledge and light of the Gospell Wherefore let this trouble vs nothing at all that the world whose workes we testifie to be euill iudgeth vs to be most pernicious heretikes and seditious persons destroyers of religion and troublers of the common peace possessed of the Deuill speaking in vs and gouerning all our actions Against this peruerse and wicked iudgement of the world let this testimonie of our conscience be sufficient wherby we assuredly know that it is the gift of God that we doe not onely beleue in Iesus Christ but that we also openly preach and confesse him before the world As we beleue with our heart so do we speake with our mouth according to the saying of the Psalm I beleued therfore haue I spoken Moreouer we exercise our selues in the feare of God and auoide sinne as much as we may If we sinne we sinne not of purpose but of ignorance and we are sory for it We may slippe for the Deuill lieth in wait for vs both day and night Also the remnantes of sinne cleaue yet fast in our flesh therefore as touching the flesh we are sinners yea after that we haue receaued the holy Ghost And there is no great difference betwixt a Christian and a ciuill honest man. For the workes of a Christian in outward shew are but base and simple He doth his duetie according to his vocation he guideth his familie he tilleth the ground he geueth counsell he aideth and succoureth his neighbour These workes the carnall man doth not much esteme but thinketh them to be common to all men and such as the heathen may also doe For the world vnderstandeth not the things which are of the spirite of God and therefore it iudgeth peruersly of the workes of the godly But the monstrous superstition of hypocrites and their will workes they haue in great admiration They count them holy works spare no charges in maintaining the same Contrariwise the workes of the faithfull which although in outward appearance they seeme to be but vile nothing worth yet are they good works in dede and accepted of God because they are done in Faith with a cherefull heart and with obedience and thankfulnes towards God these works I say they do not onely not acknowledge to be good works but also they despise and condemne them as most wicked and abhominable The world therfore beleueth nothing lesse then that we haue that holy Ghost notwithstanding in the time of tribulation or of the crosse and of the cōfession of our faith which is that proper principall worke of those that beleue when we must either forsake wife children goodes and life or else deny Christ then it appeareth that we make confession of
vehemēt flames of carnall lust in Hierome The flesh is to be subdued not killed Ephes 5.29 1. Cor. 7.9 The godly feele the concupiscence or lust of the flesh Psal. 4.4 The faithfull haue flesh vvhich resisteth the spirite Rom. 7 1● The godly feele the terrours and captiuitie of sinne The Monkes such other cloisterers neuer had experience of any spirituall tentations Christ our righteousnes Rom. 9.33 The outvvard righteousnes of the faithfull The godly feling the corruptions of the flesh must not despaire The battell of the flesh and the spirite in the godly To vvalke in the spirite Let all troubled consciences comfort them selues by this example of Martin Luther and say as he said Stanpitius a godly learned man of vvhom he made mention before A holy desper●tion ● Psal 143.2 Psal. 130. ● VVhat the godly must do vvhen they feele sinne The conflict battell of the flesh and the spirite in the children of God. Rom 1. ●8 A Christian a maruellous vvorkman Read more hereof before in the lease 246. and in the line 32. The children of God do fele the rebellion of the flesh against the spirite To vvhom God doth not impute sinne Rom. 14.23 The errour of the Sophisters or Scholemen The vvisedom of the godly The godly only feele sinne Rom. 1.14 Galath 5.24 Rom. 8.12 Sentence pronoūced agaīst such as obey the lusts of the flesh The true Sainctes of God. Psal. 32.5.6 Psal. 143. ● To be led by the spirite Galath 4.4 VVhat it is to be led by the spirite Hovv a troubled minde is to be comforted Novv the lusts of the flesh must be ouercome The great and vehement tentations of Luther Not to be vnder the lavve Math. 7.10 Hypocrites mingled amongst the godly Euery age of man hath his peculiar temptations * That is a secrete contempt of God vvherof Dauid speaketh Psal. 3.2 Some are exercised vvith greater tentations and some vvith lesse Luke 2.48 2. Cor. ● 5 Rom. 7 2● VVhom the Stoickes coūted vvise mē VVho they be vvhich Christ and his Apostles cal saīcts VVho be true Sainctes The vveaknes of Faith. Al the faithful be Sainctes A holy life I beleue that there is a holy Church I do not see but I beleue Hypocriticall holines The church is holy The church prayeth that her sinnes ma● be forgeuen To feele the vnclennes of the flesh is profitable To the godly those things vvhich are euil turne vnto good Christian doctrine raiseth vp and comforteth vveake and troubled consciences VVhat Paule meaneth by flesh Idolatrie or Idoll seruice Carthusians or charterhouse mo●k● The false and true vvorshipping of God. Idolatrie is vnknovvne to the vvorld The Masse horrible idolatrie and blasphemie against Christ Flesh. The vvorkes of the flesh as the Papistes define them Reason estemeth idolatry and heresie for most excellent vertues VVitchcraft Idolatrie Iusticiaries or iustifiers of themselues The Pope an Archheretike No vnitie or concord in the Popish church Drunkards surfetters The most sobre and temperate are many times most assailed vvith tentations Hovv the burning heat of lustes may be quenched An horrible sentence pronounced by Paule The fruites of the spirite Rom. 12.10 The scripture exhorteth vs to reioyce in God. The ioy of the spirite Lōg sufferāce or perseuerance The gentlenes and mildnes of Christe Ex libro Clementis ad Iacobum fratrem Domini Chastitie The lavv is abolished to the beleuers in Christ VVhat it is to crucifie the fle●h The armour of God. * After the cōmon diuision this is the .25 verse of the former chapter Vaineglory a detestable vice and most pernicious to the church of god Tit. 1.7 Hovv great a mischefe vain glory is Ouide Horace Rom. 12.10 Vaineglory a common vice in the church Math. 9. ●8 2 Cor. 11 15. The nature of false teachers 1. Timo. ● ● 〈◊〉 ● ●0 Rom 10 1● The authoritie of the false apostles The false apostles despised Paule Such as thrust them selues into the ministerie The ende of vaineglorious teachers Phil. 3.19 Psal. 1.4.5 VVhat vve ought to seke in the gospell Rom. 1.32 Iohn 7 1● VVhat it is to vvalke in the spirite VVhy God layeth the crosse vpon the preachers of the gospel Rom. 14.16 Rom. 12.10 VVhen men be praised the flesh vvaxeth proud 2. Sam. 14.17 2. Cor. 6.8 VVho vvalke in order and vvho do not Galath 1.5 1. Cor. 4.7 Priuie open enemies of the Gospell VVe must not be proud of our spirituall giftes Luke 12 4● Ephes 4.12 Actes 10.34 Vainglorious spirites Galath 4.17 Rom. 3.25 The praise of the person of the ministerie Rom. 14.16 2. Cor. 6.3 The effect and fruite of vaineglory Galath 2.5 VVhat offences are to be forgeuen Leuit. 6.3 Gal. Sathan lieth in vvait both against purity of doctrine life Hovv pastor● ought to deale vvith them that are fallen The Pope and his bishops are tormētors of mens cōsciences Sayings of Pope Gregorie 2. Thes 2.3 By vvhat meanes the Pope establisheth his tyrannie and povver Hovve they that are falne ought to be intreated The spirite of mekenes Ezech. 34.4 Ex libro de vitis patrum Math. 7.3 1. Cor. 10.12 2. Sam. ●1 Loue. 1. Cor. 13.4 Rom. 13.9 VVhose burdens are to be borne 1. Tim. 5.22 The authors of Sectes painted out ī their right colours Mat. 18.24 ●1 Deceauers of themselues Apoc. 3.17 Desire of vain-glory Vainglorious heades Three vices of the vaineglorious linked together Phil. 2.27 The people delited vvith nouelties He shall lacke no praise that preacheth the Gospel purely The ende of the ministerie of the vvord 2. Tim. 4.5 To haue praise in himselfe VVhat is the glory of heretikes The glory of the godly I●hn 16.32 Phil. 4.4 The vvorld dishonoreth the godly ministers of the vvord 1. Cor. 6.3 The Gospell is the vvord of the crosse and offence 1. Cor. 1.18 The disciples of the gospel VVhat it is for a man to proue his ovvne vvork Exod 20 7. 1. Sam. 2.30 1. Cor. 4.2 The vvorke of euery mans calling Phil. 3.19 2. Tim. 3.9 Psal. 37.6 In death and in the day of iudgement other mennes praises profit not Rom. 2.16 A comparison betvene good vvorkes and hypocriticall vvorke Vaineglory A commaundemēt for the nourishing of the ministers of the vvord of God. The ministers of Sathā haue plētie but the ministers of Christe doe vvant Luke 2.7 Luke 9.58 Iohn 19. ● Cor. 8. 9. 1. Tim. 4.1 Sathā oppresseth the gospell tvvo vvaies M●●h 1.7 Fulnes of Gods vvord bringeth lothing 1. Cor. 9.11 The vvorld lodeth the ministers of Sathan vvith all vvorldly good things The punishment of vnthankfulnes In all good things Gentlemen citizens and husbandmen despisers of Gods ministers Luke 10. ●6 1. Sam. 8.7 Psal. 34.10 Psal. 37.19 Reuerence necessary liuing due to the ministers of the vvord 1. Cor. 9.13.14 Exod. 3. ●● VVhat it is to sovve in the spirite The heretikes called Encratites VVhose errour the Papistes haue reuiued as touching matrimonie and therfore they may cruely be called nevv Encratites VVe must doe good vvithout vveerines Iohn 9.4 Iohn 12.35 The houshold of faith The motherly affection of Paule Enormities in the false apostles Galath 1.8 Phil. 3.19 Gen. 17.10 14. Gen. 17 1● Phil. 2.21 The lavv is not accomplished vvith outvvard vvorkes Rom. 14 2● VVorks done vvithout faith are sinnes The peril that follovveth ambition and vaine glory * That is they do but kepe your flesh in a seruile and slauish exercise The glory of the Christians Actes 5.41 The faithfull suffer for Christe Math. 5.11.12 The glory of the vvorld The crosse of Christ 2. Cor. 1.5 Col. 1.24 The afflictiōs of the godly are the afflictiōs of Christ Actes 9.4 Zach. 2.1 The feeling of the head is most sensible The crosse of the godly i● svveete 2. Cor 1.5 Psal. 44 22. Math. 11.30 To glory in the crosse of Christ Rom. 5.3 2. Cor. 7.5 1. Sam. 22.22 Zach. 2. ● Iohn 15.19 To be crucified to the vvorld The contrary iudgement of the faithful of the vvorld as concerning true doctrine 1. Cor. 2.13 1. Iohn 3.8 Iohn 8.44 The vvorld condemneth the life and doctrine of the godly Psal. 139.22 Ephes 6.16 2. Cor. 1● ● Christiā righteousnes 1. Cor. 1. ● 1. Cor. 2.14 VVithout Christ there is no saluation Vncircumcision signifieth all the Gentiles Circumcision all the Ievves Lavves be good The vse of ceremonies and lavves 1. Cor. 14.40 Gal. 3.5 Eph. 4.24 A nevv creature Actes 15.9 The renevving of the members of the body folovv the renevving of the minde The Papists imagined God to be a marchaunt and to sell his grace for vvorkes and merites A right rule Eph. 4.24 The righteousnes of Monkes Peace Mercy Rom. 9.4.5 Rom. 9.7 8. Ephes 1.16 1. Cor. 4.9 1. Cor. 2. Cor. 2. Cor. 11 2●.24.25 ●● The markes vvhich vve beare at this day Ephes 6.16 Math. 26.41
the whole kingdom of hell the power and wisdom of the world and against the Deuill and his apostles Verse 2. And all the Brethern vvith me This maketh much for the stopping of the mouthes of these false Apostles For al his arguments tend to the aduauncing magnifying of his ministerie contrariwise to the discrediting of theirs As if he should thus say Although it be enough that I through a diuine calling am sent as an Apostle by Iesus Christ God the father which hath raised him vp from the dead yet lest I should be alone I adde ouer besides which is more then needeth all the brethern which are not Apostles but fellow souldiers they wryte this Epistle as well as I and beare witnes with me that my doctrine is true godly Wherfore we be sure that Christ is present with vs that he teacheth and speaketh in the middest of vs and in our church As for the false Apostles if they be any thing they be but sent either of mē or by men but I am sent of God the Father and of Iesus Christ who is our life and resurrection My other brethern are sent from God howbeit by mā that is to wit by me Therfore lest they might say that I onely set my selfe proudly against them I haue my brethern with me all of one minde as faithfull witnesses which thinke wryte teach the selfe same thing that I doe Thus much concerning the title of the wryter Now to the parties to whom he wryteth Verse 1. Vnto the Churches of Galatia Paule had preached the gospell thorow out all Galatia and albeit he had not wholy conuerted it vnto Christ yet he had many Churches in it into the which the false Apostles Satans ministers had crept So likewise at this day the fantasticall Anabaptists come not to those places where the aduersaries of the gospel beare rule but where Christians and good men are which loue the gospel With such they wind in themselues euen in the dominions of tyrans and persecuters of the gospell where they creeping into houses vnder craftie pretence poure out their poyson to the subuersion of many But why goe they not rather into the cities countreis and dominiōs of the papists and there professe mainteine their doctrine in the presence of wicked Princes Bishops and Doctors in the vniuersities as we by Gods helpe assistance haue done These tender Martyrs will aduenture no perill but they resort thither where the gospel hath an harborow already where they may liue without daunger in great peace quietnes So the false Apostles would not endaūger thēselues to come to Ierusalem to Caiphas or to Rome to the Emperour or to other places where no mā had preached afore as Paule the other Apostles did but they came into Galatia which was wonne vnto Christ already by the labour trauel of Paule into Asia Corinth such other places where good mē were professed the name of Christ persecuting no mā but suffring al things quietly Ther might the enemies of christes crosse liue in great security without any persecutiō And here we may learne that it is the lot of all godly teachers that besides the persecution which they suffer of the wicked vnthankfull world and the great trauell which they sustaine in planting of churches they are compelled to suffer that thing which they of long time before had purely taught to be quickly ouerthrowne of fantasticall spirites who afterwards reigne and rule ouer them This greueth godly ministers more then any persecution of Tyrants Therefore let him not be a minister of the gospell that is not contēt to be thus despised or is loth to beare this reproch or if he be let him giue ouer his charge to an other We also at this day finde the same thing true by experience We be extreamly despised and vexed outwardly by Tyraunts inwardly by those whom we haue restored to liberty by the gospell and also by false brethern But this is our comforte and glory that being called of God we haue a promise of euerlasting life looke for that reward which eie hath not seene nor eare hath heard nor hath entred into the harte of man. For when the greate shepard Christ shal appeare we shall receaue an incorruptible crowne of glory who here also in this world will not suffer vs to perish for hunger Ierome moueth here a greate question why Paule calleth those churches which were no churches Is it saith he because Paule writeth to the Galathians that were peruerted and turned backe from Christ and from grace vnto Moises and the law Herevnto I answer that Paule calleth them the Churches of Galatia by putting a part for the whole which is a common thing in the scriptures For writing in like maner to the Corinthians he reioyseth on their behalfe that the grace of God was geuen them in Christ namely that they were made rich thorow him in all vtterance and knowledge and yet many of thē were misled by false Apostles and beleeued not the resurrection of the deade Allbeit then that the Galathians were fallen away frō the doctrine of Paule yet did baptisme the worde and the name of Christ remaine among them There were also some good men that were not reuolted which had a good opinion of the word and sacraments and vsed them rightly Moreouer these things could not be defiled through them that were reuolted For baptisme the gospell other things are not therfore made vnholy because many are polluted and vnholy and haue an euil opinion of them but they abide holy and the same that they were whether they be among the godly or the vngodly by whom they can neither be polluted nor made holy By our good or euil conuersation by our good or euill life and maners they be polluted or made holy in the sight of the heathen but not afore god Wherefore wheresoeuer the substance of the word and sacraments remaineth there is the holy Church although Antichrist there reigne who as the scripture witnesseth sitteth not in a stable of Feends or in a Swinestie or in a company of Infidels but in the highest and holiest place of all namely in the temple of god Wherefore although spirituall Tyraunts reigne yet there must be a temple of God and the same must be preserued vnder them Therefore I aunswere briefly to this question that the Church is vniuersall throughout the whole world wheresoeuer the Gospell of God and the sacraments be The Iewes the Turcks and other fantasticall spirites are not the church because they fight against these things and do deny them Now followeth the greeting of Paule Verse 3. Grace be vvith you and peace from God the father and from our Lord Iesus Christ I hope ye are not ignoraunt what grace and peace meaneth seeing that these termes are common in Paule and nowe not obscure or vnknowne
to be briefe all things goe forward prousperously This most happy course of the gospell some madde head would soone stoppe and in one moment would ouerturne all that we in many yeres with greate labour haue builded Euen so it befell to Paule the electe vessell of Christ He had wonne the churches of Galatia with greate care and trauel which the false Apostles in a short time after his departure ouerthrew as this and diuers other of his Epistles doe witnesse So greate is the weakenes and wreatchednes of this present life and we so walke in the middest of Satans snares that one fantasticall head may destroy and vtterly ouerthrow in a short space al that which many true ministers labouring night and day haue builded vp many yeares before This we learne at this day by experience to our great greife and yet we can not remedie this enormitie Seeing then that the church is so softe and so tender a thinge and is so soone ouerthrowne men must watch cherefully against these fantasticall spirites who when they haue heard a few Sermons or haue read a fewe leaues in the holy scriptures by and by they make themselues maisters and controulers of all learners and teachers contrary to the authoritie of all men Many such also thou maiest finde at this day among handicrafts men bold and malapert fellowes who hauing bene tried by no temptations haue neuer learned to feare God nor haue had any taste or feeling of grace These for that they are void of the holy Ghost teach what liketh them selues such things as are plausible to the common people Then the vnskilfull multitude longing to heare newes doe by and by ioine them selues vnto them yea and many also which thinke themselues well seene in the doctrine of faith and after a sort haue bene tried with temptations are seduced by them Sith Paule therefore by his owne experience may teach vs that congregations which are wonne by exceeding greate labour are easily and soone ouerthrowne we ought with singular care to watch against the Deuil raunging euery where lest he come while we sleepe and sow tares among the wheate for though the shepardes be neuer so watchfull and diligent yet is the Christian flocke in daunger of Sathan For Paule as I said with singular studie and diligence had planted churches in Galathia and yet he had scarsly set his foote as they say out of the dore but by and by the false Apostles ouerthrew some whose fall afterward was the cause of greate ruines in the churches of Galatia This so sodaine and so greate a losse no doubt was more bitter vnto the Apostle then death Therefore let vs watch diligently first euery one for him selfe secondly all Teachers not onely for them selues but also for the whole church that we enter not into temptation Verse 6. Ye are remoued avvay Here once againe he vseth not a sharpe but a most gentle word He sayeth not I maruell that ye slide so soone backe that ye are so disobedient light inconstant and vnthankfull but that ye are so soone remoued away As if he would say Ye are altogether patients or sufferers For ye haue done no harme but ye haue suffered and receaued harme To the intent therefore that he might call backe againe those backesliders he rather accuseth those that did remoue then those that were remoued and yet very modestly he blameth them also when he complaineth that they were remoued As if he would say Albeit I embrace you with a fatherly affection and know that ye are deceaued not by your owne fault but by the fault of these false Apostles yet notwithstanding I would haue wished that ye had growne vp a litle more in the strength of sound doctrine Ye tooke not hold enough vpon the word ye rooted not your selues depe enough in it and that is the cause that at so light a blast of winde ye are carried away and remoued Ierome thinketh that Paule ment to enterprete the name of the Galathians by alluding to the Hebrew word Galath which is as much to say as falne or caried away As though he would say Ye are right Galathians both in name and in dede that is to say falne or remoued away Some thinke that we Germans are descended of the Galathians Neither is this diuination perhaps vntrue For we Germans are not much vnlike to them in nature And I my selfe also am constrained to wish to my cuntreimen more stedfastnes and constancie For in all things that we doe at the first brunt we be very hotte but when that heate of our first affections is alaied anone we become more slacke and looke with what rashnes we beginne things with the same we geue them ouer and vtterly reiect them At the first when the light of the gospel after so great darknes of mens traditions began to appeare many were zelously bent to godlines they heard Sermons greedely had the ministers of Gods word in reuerence But now when the doctrine of pietie and godlines is happely reformed with so great encrease of Gods word many which before seemed earnest disciples become contemners and very enemies Who not onely cast of the studie and zeale of Gods word and despise the ministers therof but also hate all good learning and become plaine hogs and bellie Gods worthy doutles to be compared vnto those foolish and inconstant Galathians Verse 6. From him that hath called you in the grace of Christ This place is somewhat doubtfull and therfore it hath a double vnderstanding The first is From that Christ that hath called you in grace The other is From him that is to say from God vvhich hath called you in the grace of Christ I embrace the former For it liketh me that euen as Paule a litle before made Christ the Redemer who by his death deliuereth vs from this present euill world also the giuer of Grace and Peace equally with God the father so he should also make him here the caller in grace For Paules speciall purpose is to beat into our minds the benefite of Christ by whom we come vnto the father There is also in these wordes From him that hath called vs in grace a great vehemencie Wherin is contained withal a contrary relation As if he would say Alas how lightly do you suffer your selues to be withdrawne and remoued from Christ which hath called you not as Moises did to the law workes sinne wrath and damnation but altogether to grace So we also complaine at this day with Paule that the blindnes and peruersnes of men is horrible in that none will receaue the doctrine of grace and saluation Or if there be any that receaue it yet they quickly slide backe againe and fall from it whereas notwithstanding it bringeth with it all good things as well ghostly as bodely namely forgeuenes of sinnes true righteousnes peace of conscience and euerlasting life Moreouer it bringeth light and sound
and a defence of his doctrine to the ende of the second chapter This he vrgeth this he standeth vpon with an oth confirmeth it that he learned not his gospel of any man but receaued the same by the reuelation of Iesus Christ And in that he sweareth he is constrained so to do that the Galathians may beleue him and also that they should geue no eare to that false Apostles whō he reproueth as liers because they had said that he learned receaued his gospel of the Apostles Where he sayth that his gospell is not after man he meaneth not that his gospell is not earthly for that is manifest of it selfe and the false apostles bragged also that their doctrine was not earthly but heauenly but he meaneth that he learned not his gospel by the ministerie of men or receiued it by any earthly meanes as we all learne it either by the ministery of men or els receaue it by some earthly meanes some by hearing some by reading and some by writing but he receaued the same onely by the reuelation of Iesus Christ If any man list to make any other distinction I am not against it The Apostle sheweth here by the way that Christ is not onely man but that he is both very God and very man whan he sayth that he receaued not his gospell by man. Now Paule receaued his gospell in the way as he was going to Damascus where Christ appeared vnto him and talked with him Afterwardes also he talked with him in the temple at Ierusalem but he receaued his gospel vpon the way as Luke reciteth the storie in the .9 of the Actes Arise sayth Christ and goe into the Citie and it shall be told thee vvhat thou must doe He doth not bid him goe into the citie that he might learne the gospel of Ananias but Ananias was bid to goe and baptise him to lay his hands vpon him to commit the ministerie of the word vnto him and to commend him vnto the Church and not to teach him the Gospel which he had receaued afore as he glorieth in this place by the onely reuelation of Iesus Christ And this Ananias himselfe confesseth saying Brother Saule the Lord vvhich appeared to thee in the vvay hath sent me that thou mightest receaue thy sight Therfore he receaued not his doctrine of Ananias but being already called lightned and taught of Christ in the way he was sent to Ananias that he might also haue the testimonie of men that he was called of God to preach the gospell of Christ This Paule was constrained to recite to put away the sclaunder of the false Apostles who laboured to bring him into hatred among the Galathians saying that Paule was inferiour to the rest of the Apostles schollers who had receaued of the Apostles that which they taught and kept whose conuersation also they had seene a long time and that Paule him selfe had also receaued the same things of them although he did now deny it Why then would they rather obey an inferiour and despise the authoritie of the Apostles themselues who were not onely the fore elders and teachers of the Galathians but also of al the Churches through out the whole world This argument which the false Apostles grounded vpon the authority of the Apostles was strong mighty wherby the Galathians were sodenly ouerthrowne especially in this matter I would neuer haue beleued had I not ben taught bp these exāples of the Churches of Galatia of the Corinthians others that they which had receaued the word of God in the beginning with such ioy among whom were many notable men could so quickly be ouerthrowne Oh good God what horrible and infinite mischeefes may one onely argument easily bring which so pearceth a mans conscience when God withdraweth his grace that in one moment he loseth altogether By this craftie pretence then the false Apostles deceaued the Galathians being not fully stablished and grounded but as yet weake in the Faith. Moreouer the matter of iustification is brickle not of it selfe for of it selfe it is most sure and certaine but in respect of vs Whereof I my selfe haue good experience For I know in what houres of darknes I sometimes wrastle I know how often sodenly I lose the beames of the gospell and grace as being shadowed from me with thicke and darke cloudes Briefly I know in what a slippery place euen such also do stand as are well exercised and seeme to haue sure footing in matters of faith We haue good experience of this matter For we are able to teach it vnto others and this is a sure token that we vnderstand it But when in the very conflict we should vse the gospell which is the word of grace consolation and life there doth the law the worde of wrath heauines and death preuent the gospell and beginneth to rage and the terrours which it raiseth vp in the conscience are no lesse then was that horrible shew in the mount Synai So that euen one place out of the scripture containing some threatning of the law drowneth and beareth downe all consolations besides and so shaketh all our inward powers that it maketh vs to forget Iustification Grace Christ the gospell and altogether Therfore in respect of vs it is a very brickle matter because we are brickle Againe we haue against vs euē the one halfe of our selues that is to say reason all the powers therof Besides all this the flesh resisteth the spirite which can not beleeue assuredly that the promises of God are true It fighteth therfore against the spirite and as Paule sayth it holdeth the spirite captiue so that it can not beleeue so stedfastly as it would Wherefore we teach continually that the knowledge of Christ and of Faith is no worke of man but simplie the gift of God who as he createth Faith so doth he kepe it in vs And euen as he first geueth Faith vnto vs through the word so afterwardes he exerciseth encreaseth strengtheneth maketh perfect the same in vs by the word Therfore the greatest seruice that a man can doe vnto God the very Sabboth of Sabboths is to exercise him selfe in true godlines diligently to read and to heare the word Contrariwise there is nothing more daūgerous then to be wery of the word He therfore that is so cold that he thinketh him selfe to know enough and beginneth by litle and litle to lothe the word that mā hath lost Christ and the gospel and that which he thinketh him self to know he attaineth onely by bare speculation And he is like vnto a man as S. Iames sayth VVho beholding his face in a glasse goeth his vvay and by and by forgetteth vvhat his countenaunce vvas Wherefore let euery faithfull man laboure and striue with all diligence to learne and to keepe this doctrine And to that ende let him vse humble and hearty prayer with continuall studie and
inestimable treasure freely bestowed vpon vs the Gospell properly preacheth vnto vs. Wherfore it is a kind of doctrine that is not learned or gotten by any studie diligence or wisdome of man nor yet by the lawe of God but is reueiled by God himself as Paule saith in this place first by the eternal word then by the working of Gods spirite inwardly The Gospell then is a diuine word that came downe from heauen and is reueiled by the holy Ghost who was also sent for the same purpose yet in such sort notwithstanding that the outward word must goe before For Paule himselfe had no inward reuelation vntil he had heard the outward word frō heauen which was this Saule Saule vvhy persecutest thou me First therfore he heard the outward word thē afterwards folowed reuelations the knowledge of the word faith and the giftes of the holy Ghost Verse 16. That I should preach him among the Gentiles It pleased God sayth he to reueale his sonne in me To what purpose Not onely that I my selfe should beleue in the sonne of God but also that I should preach him among the Gentiles And why not among the Iewes Loe here we see that Paule is properly the Apostle of the Gentiles albeit he preached Christ among the Iewes also Paule comprehēdeth here in few words as he is wont his whole diuinitie which is to preach Christ amōg the Gentiles As if he would say I will not burden the Gentiles with the law because I am the Apostle and Euangelist of the Gentiles and not their law geuer Thus he directeth all his wordes against the false Apostles As though he would say O ye Galathiās ye haue not heard the righteousnes of the law or of workes to be taught by me for this belongeth to Moises and not to me Paule being the Apostle of the Gentiles For my office and ministerie is to bring the gospell vnto you and to shew vnto you the same reuelation which I my selfe haue had Therfore ought you to heare no teacher to teach the law For among the Gentiles the law ought not to be preached but the Gospell not Moises but the sonne of God not the righteousnes of workes but the righteousnes of Faith. This is the preaching that properly belongeth to the Gentiles Verse 16. Immediatly I communicated not vvith flesh and bloud In that he maketh mention here of flesh and bloud he speaketh not of the Apostles For by and by he addeth Neither came I againe to Ierusalem to them vvhich vvere Apostles before me But this is Paules meaning that after he had once receaued the reuelation of the gospell from Christ he consulted not with any man in Damascus much lesse did he desire any man to teach him the gospel Againe that he went not to Ierusalem to Peter and the other Apostles to learne the gospell of them but that forthwith he preached Iesus Christ in Damascus where he receaued baptisme of Ananias and imposition of handes for it was necessary for him to haue the outward signe and testimonie of his calling The same also wryteth Luke Act. 9. Verse 17. Neither came I to Ierusalem to them that vvere Apostles before me but vvent into Arabia and turned againe vnto Damascus That is I went into Arabia before I saw the Apostles or consulted with them and forthwith I toke vpon me the office of preaching among the Gentiles for thervnto I was called and had also receaued a reuelation from god He did not then receiue his gospell of any man or of the Apostles them selues but was content with his heauenly calling and with the reuelation of Iesus Christ alone Wherefore this whole place is a confutation of the false Apostles argument which they vsed against Paule saying that he was but a scholler and hearer of the Apostles who liued after the law moreouer that Paule himselfe also had liued according to the law and therfore it was necessary that the Gentiles them selues should kepe the law and be circumcised To the ende therfore that he might stop the mouthes of these cauillers he rehearseth this long historie Before my conuersion sayth he I learned not my Gospell of the Apostles nor of any other of the brethern that beleeued for I persecuted extremely not only this doctrine but also the Church of God and wasted it neither after my conuersion for I preached straight wayes not Moses with his law but Iesus Christ at Damascus consulting with no man neither as yet hauing seene any of the Apostles Verse 18. Then after .iij. yeares I came againe to Ierusalem to visite Peter and abode vvith him .xv. dayes And none other of the Apostles savve I saue Iames the Lordes brother Paule graunteth that he was with the Apostles but not with all the Apostles Howbeit he declareth that he went vp to Ierusalem to them not commaunded but of his owne accorde Moreouer not to learne any thing of them but to see Peter The same thing Luke also wryteth in the ninth chapter of the Actes that Barnabas led Paule to the Apostles and declared to them how he had seene the Lord in the way and how he spake vnto him Also how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Iesus This witnes beareth Barnabas of him All his words therfore are so framed to the purpose that they proue his gospell not to be of man In deede he graunteth that he had seene Peter and Iames the brother of our Lord but none other of the Apostles besides these two and that he learned nothing of them He graūteth then that he was at Ierusalem with the Apostles and this did the false Apostles truely report He graunteth moreouer that he had liued after the maner of the Iewes but yet onely among the Iewes And this is it which he sayth in the. 1. Cor. 9. vvhen I vvas free from all men I made my selfe seruaunt to all men that I might vvin the moe To the Ievves I became as a Ievve that I might vvin the Ievves and I vvas made all things to all mē that I might by all meanes saue some He yeldeth then that he was at Ierusalem with the Apostles but he denieth that he had learned his gospell of them Also he denieth that he was constrained to teach the Gospell as the Apostles had prescribed The whole effect then of this matter lieth in this word to see I went sayth he to see Peter and not to learne of him Therefore neither is Peter my master nor yet Iames. And as for the other Apostles he vtterly denieth that he saw any of them But why doth Paule repete this so often that he learned not his gospell of men nor of the Apostles them selues His purpose is this to perswade the churches of Galatia which were now led away by the false Apostles and to put them out of all dout that his gospell was the true word of God and for this cause he repeteth it so often And if he
had not preuailed herein he could neuer haue stopped the mouthes of the false apostles For thus they would haue obiected agaīst him We are as good as Paule we are the disciples of the Apostles as well as he Moreouer he is but one alone and we are many therfore we excell him both in authoritie and in number also Here Paule was constrained to boast to affirme and sweare that he learned not his gospell of any man neither receaued it of the Apostles themselues For his ministerie was here in great daunger and al the churches likewise which had vsed him as their cheefe pastor and teacher The necessitie therfore of his Ministerie and of all the Churches required that with a necessary and holy pride he should vaunt of his vocation and of the reuelation of the Gospell made open vnto him by Christ that their consciences might be thorowly perswaded that his doctrine was the true word of god Here had Paule a waightie matter in hand namely that all the Churches in Galatia might be kept in sound doctrine and to be short the matter was concerning life death euerlasting For if the pure and certaine word of God be once taken away there remaineth no more consolation life or saluation The cause therfore why he reciteth these things is to retaine the Churches still in true doctrine and not to maintaine his own glorie as Porphirie and Iulian doe falsly sclaunder him His purpose is then to shew by this historie that he receaued his gospel of no man Againe that he preached for a certaine time namely the space of three or foure yeares the selfe same Gospel that the Apostles had preached by reuelation from God both in Damascus and Arabia before he had seene any of the Apostles Verse 20. And novve the things vvhich I vvrite vnto you he hold I vvitnes before God I lie not Wherefore addeth he an oth Because he reporteth an history he is constrained to sweare to the ende that the churches might beleue him and also that the false Apostles should not say who knoweth whether Paule speaketh the truth or no Here you see that Paule the elect vessel of God was in so great contempt among his owne Galathians to whom he had preached that it was necessary for him to sweare that he spake the truth If this happened then to the Apostles to haue so mighty aduersaries that they durst despise them and accuse them of lying what maruell is it if the like at this day happen vnto vs which in no respect are worthy to be compared with the Apostles He sweareth therfore in a matter as it seemeth of no weight that he speaketh the truth namely that he taryed not with Peter to learne of him but onely to see him but if you way the matter diligently it is very weighty and of greate importance as may appeare by that is said afore In like maner we sweare after the example of Paule God knovveth that vve lie not c. Verse 21. After that I vvent into the coastes of Syria and Cilicia Syria and Cilicia are countreys neare situate together This is it that he still goeth about to perswade that as well before he had seene the Apostles as after he was alwaies a teacher of the Gospell and that he receaued it by the reuelation of Christ and was neuer any disciple of the Apostels Verse 22 23. For I vvas vnknovven by face vnto the churches of Iudea vvhich vvere in Christ But they heard onely some say he vvhich persecuted in times past novv preacheth the faith vvhich before he destroied And they glorified God. This he addeth for the sequele and continuance of the history that after he had seene Peter he went into Syria and Cilicia and there preached and so preached that he wonne the testimony of all the churches in Iudea As though he would say I appeale to the testimony of all the churches yea euen of those which are in Iudea For the churches doe witnesse not onely in Damascus Arabia Syria and Cilicia but also in Iudea that I haue preached the same faith which I once withstoode and persecuted And they glorifie God in me not because I taught that circumcision and the law of Moses ought to be kept but for the preaching of faith and for the edifying of the churches by my ministery in the Gospell Ye therefore haue the testimony not onely of the people of Damascus and of Arabia but also of the whole Catholike or vniuersall church in Iudea The second Chapter Verse 1. Then fourtene yeares after I vvent vp to Ierusalem PAVLE taught that the Gentiles were iustified by faith onely without the works of the law This doctrine when he had published abroad among the Gentiles he commeth to Antioch and declareth to the Disciples what he had done Then they which had bene trained vp in the old customes of the law rose against Paule with great indignation for that he preached to the Gentiles libertie from the bondage of the law Wherevpon followed greate dissention which afterwards stirred vp new troubles Paule and Barnabas stoode strongly to the truth and testified saying wheresoeuer we preached among the Gentiles the holy Ghost came and fell vpon those which heard the word and this was done through out all the churches of the Gentiles But we preached not circumcision neither did we require the keping of the law but we preached onely faith in Iesus Christ and at this preaching of faith God gaue to the hearers the holy Ghost The holy Ghost therefore doth approue the Faith of the Gentiles without the law and Circumcision For if the preaching of the Gospell and faith of the Gentiles in Christ had not pleased him he had not come downe in a visible shape vpon the vncircumcised which heard the word Seing then by the only hearing of faith he came downe vpon them it is certaine that the holy ghost by this signe hath approued the faith of the Gentiles For it doth not appeare that this was euer done before at the preaching of the law Then the Ievves and many of the Phariseis which did beleue and notwithstanding bare yet a greate zeale to the law earnestly striuing to maintaine the glory thereof sette themselues fiercely against Paule who affirmed that the Gentiles were iustified by faith onely without the works of the lawe contending that the lawe ought to be kept and that the Gentiles ought to be circumcised for otherwise they could not be saued And no maruell for the very name of the lawe of God is holy dreadfull The heathen man which neuer knew any thing of the law of God if he heare any man say This doctrine is the law of God doubtles he is moued How thē could it be but that the Ievves must nedes be moued vehemently contend for the maintenāce of the law of God which euen from their infancie had bene nusled and trained vp therein We see at this day how obstinate the
To whom be glory for euer This bewitching and sorcerie then is nothing else but a plaine illusion of the Deuill printing in the hearte a false opinion of Christ and against Christ and he that is deluded with this opinion is bewitched They therfore that haue this opinion that they are iustified by the workes of the lawe or traditions of men are bewitched for this opinion is against faith and against Christ Paule vseth this word bevvitching in contempt of the false Apostles which so vehemently vrged the doctrine of the lawe and workes As if he should say what a deuelish bewitching is this For as the senses are peruerted by bodely witchcrafte so are the mindes of men also deluded by this spirituall with craft Verse 1. That ye should not obey the truth The Galathians at the first did gladly heare and obey the truth Therfore where he sayth VVho hath bevvitched you he sheweth that they were bewitched by these false apostles and were fallen away from that truth which they before did obey But this seemeth yet a more bitter and vehement kinde of speech when he sayeth that they doe not beleeue the truth For he signifieth by these wordes that they are bewitched and that he would deliuer them from this witcherie and yet they will not acknowledge nor receaue this benefite For it is certaine that he did not reduce all from the errour of the false Apostles vnto the truth but that many of them remained yet still bewitched Therfore he vseth these sharpe and vehement wordes VVho hath bevvitched you As if he would say Ye are so deluded and bewitched that nowe ye can not obey the truth I feare lest many of you are vtterly lost and so falne away that ye will neuer returne againe to the truthe Here haue ye yet an other goodly commendation of the lawe and mans owne righteousnes that it so bewitcheth men that they can not obey the truth Hereof the Apostles and the fathers of the primitiue Church did oftentimes make mention There is a sinne vnto death for vvhich I say thou shouldest not pray 1. Iohn 5. And againe It is impossible that they vvhich vvere once lightned and haue tasted of the heauenly gift and vvere made pertakers of the holy ghost and haue tasted of the good vvorde of God and of the povvers of the vvorld to come if they fall avvay should be renued againe by repentaunce c. Heb. 6. These wordes sound at the first as if some Nouatian had spoken them But the Apostles were constrained to speake after this maner because of the Heretikes And yet notwithstanding they did not hereby denie but that they which were fallen might returne againe to the fellowship of the faithfull After the same manner must we also speake at this day because of the authors and maisters of errours sectes that such shall neuer retourne to the truth Notwithstanding some there are which doe retourne but such as are not greatly bewitched or strongly deluded But the captaines and the authors of this sorcerie doe neuer retourne For to them we may well attribute this title which Paule here geueth vnto them that they can not heare nor abide the truth but studie rather how they may resist it Verse 1. To vvhom Iesus Christ before vvas described in your sight It was bitterly spoken where he said before that they were so bewitched that they could not obey the truth But it is more bitterly said when he addeth that Christ was so liuely described before them that they might handle him with their handes and yet they would not obey the truth Thus he conuinceth them euen by their owne experience As though he would say Ye are so bewitched and deluded with the deuillish opinions of the false apostles that now ye will not obey the truth And wheras I haue with great trauel and diligence set forth Christ plainly before your eyes yet doth this profit you nothing at al. In these wordes he hath respect to the former arguments wherby he proued that to those that will be iustified by the lawe Christe is but the minister of sinne that such doe reiect the grace of God and that to them Christ died in vaine Which arguments he had before more vehemently prosecuted and more largely amplified in their presence as if a painter had purtred Christ Iesus before their eies Now being absent he putteth them in minde of the same things saying To vvhom Iesus Christ vvas described in your sight As if he said There is no painter that with his colours can so liuely set out Christ vnto you as I haue painted him out by my preaching and yet notwithstāding ye still remaine most miserably bewitched Verse 1. And vvas among you crucified What did I then paint out Euen Christ him selfe How was that done In this sort that he is crucified in you or among you He vseth here very rough and sharpe wordes Before he said that they sought righteousnes by the lawe reiected the grace of God and that to them Christ died in vaine Now he addeth moreouer that they crucifie Christ who before liued raigned in them As if he should say Ye haue now not onely reiected the grace of God not onely to you Christ died in vaine but also he is most shamefully crucified among you After the same maner he speaketh Heb. 6. Crucifying to them selues againe the sonne of God and making a mocke of him c. If a mā do but heare the name of a Monke of his shauen croune of his cowle of his rule it should make him to tremble howe much so euer the Papists doe adore these abominations and bragge that they are perfect religion and holines as I and others did iudge of them before God reuealed his Gospell vnto vs for we were brought vp in the traditions of men which darkened Christ and made him vtterly vnprofitable vnto vs when he heareth Paule say as here he doth that euen they which seeke to be iustified by the lawe of God be not onely deniers and murtherers of Christ but also they doe most wickedly crucifie him againe Nowe if they be crucifiers of Christ which seeke to be iustified by the righteousnes of the law of God and the works therof what are they I pray you which seeke saluation and eternall life by the dregges and filthie dunge of mans righteousnes and by the doctrine of Deuils But who could euer beleeue or thinke that it was so horrible and so abhominable a sinne to be made a religious man for so they call thē namely to be made a Massing priest a Monke a Frier a Nunne Doutles no man Yea they them selues say moreouer that Monkerie is a new baptisme Can there be any thing more horrible then that the kingdome of the Papists is the kingdome of such as spitefully spitte in the face of Christ the sonne of God and crucifie him againe For in deede they crucifie him a fresh who
yet continue still in their sinnes These men haue their iudgement already They that liue after the flesh shall die Also The vvorkes of the flesh are manifest vvhich are adulterie fornication vncleannes vvantonnes idolatrie vvitchcraft hatred debate emulations vvrath contentions seditions heresies enuie murthers drunkennes gluttonie and such like vvhereof I tell you before as also I haue told you that they vvhich doe such things shall not inherite the kingdom of God. Hereby we may see who be the very Saincts in dede They be not stocks stones as the Monkes and Scholemen dreame so that they are neuer moued with any thing neuer feele any lusts or desires of the flesh but as Paule sayth their flesh lusteth against the spirit and therfore they haue sinne and both can doe sinne And the .32 Psalme witnesseth that the faithfull doe confesse their vnrighteousnes pray that the wickednes of their sinne may be forgeuen where it sayeth I vvill confesse against my selfe my vvickednes vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne Therefore shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee c. Moreouer the whole Church which in deede is holy prayeth that her sinnes may be forgeuen her and it beleueth the forgeuenes of sinnes And in the .143 Psalme Dauid prayeth O Lord enter not into iudgement vvith thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified And in the .130 Psalm If thou O Lord shouldest straitly marke iniquities Lord vvho shall stand in thy presence But vvith thee is mercy c. Thus doe the cheefest saincts and children of God speake and pray as Dauid Paule c. All the faithfull therfore doe speake and pray the same thing and with the same spirit The popish Sophisters read not the Scriptures or if they read thē they haue a veile before their eyes and therfore as they can not iudge rightly of any thing so can they not iudge rightly either of sinne or of holines Verse 18. If ye be led by the spirite ye are not vnder the lavve Paule cannot forget his doctrine of Faith but still repeateth it beateth it into their heades yea euen when he treateth of good works Here some man may obiect How can it be that we should not be vnder the law and yet thou notwithstanding O Paule teachest vs that we haue flesh which lusteth against the spirit fighteth against vs tormēteth vs and bringeth vs into bondage And in deede we feele sinne and can not be deliuered from the feeling therof though we would neuer so faine And what is this else but to be vnder the law But sayth he Let this nothing trouble you onely doe your endeuour that ye may be led by the spirite that is to say shew your selues willing to folow obey that will which resisteth the flesh and doth not accomplish the lustes thereof for this is to be led and to be drawne by the spirite then are ye not vnder the lawe So Paule speaketh of himselfe Rom. 7. In my minde I serue the lavve of God that is to say In spirit I am not subiect to any sinne but yet in my flesh I serue the law of sinne The faithfull then are not vnder the lawe that is to say in spirite for the law can not accuse them nor pronounce sentence of death against them although they feele sinne and confesse them selues to be sinners For the power and strength of the lawe is taken from it by Christ vvho vvas made subiect to the lavve that he might redeme them vvhich vvere vnder the lavve Therefore the lawe cannot accuse that for sinne in the faithfull which is sinne in deede and committed against the lawe So great then is the power and dominion of the spirite that the lawe cannot accuse the godly though they commit that which is sinne in deede For Christe is our righteousnes whom we apprehend by Faith he is without all sinne and therfore the law can not accuse him As long as we cleaue fast vnto him we are ledde by the spirite and are free from the lawe And so the Apostle euen when he teacheth good workes forgetteth not his doctrine concerning Iustification but alwayes sheweth that it is impossible for vs to be iustified by workes For the remnants of sinne cleaue fast in our flesh and therefore so long as our flesh liueth it ceaseth not to lust contrary to the spirite Notwithstanding there cometh no daunger vnto vs thereby because we be free from the law so that we walke in the spirite And with these wordes If ye be ledde by the spirite ye be not vnder the lavve thou maist greatly comfort thy selfe and others that be greeuously tempted For it oftentimes commeth to passe that a mā is so vehemently assailed with wrath hatred impatiencie carnall desire terrour and anguish of spirite or some other lust of the flesh that he can not shake them of though he would neuer so faine What should he doe in this case Should he despaire No God forbid but let him say thus with him selfe Thy flesh fighteth and rageth against the spirite Let it rage as long as it listeth onely see thou that in any case thou consent not to it to fulfill the lusts therof but walke wisely folow the leading of the spirit In so doing thou art free from the law It accuseth and terrifieth thee I graunt but altogether in vaine In this conflict therfore of the flesh against the spirit there is nothing better then to haue the word of God before thine eyes and therin to seeke the comfort of the spirite And let not him which suffereth this temptation be dismayed in that the Deuil can so aggrauate sinne that during the conflict he thinketh him selfe to be vtterly ouerthrowne and feeleth nothing else but the wrath of God and desperation Here in any wise let him not folow his owne feeling and the iudgement of reason but lette him take sure hold of this saying of Paule If ye be led by the spirite that is to wit if ye raise vp and comfort your selues through faith in Christ ye be not vnder the lawe So shall he haue a strong buckler wherewith he may beat backe all the fierie dartes which that wicked feende assaileth him withall How much so euer then the flesh doe boyle and rage yet can not all her motions and rages hurt cōdemne him for as much as he folowing the guiding of the spirite doth not consent vnto the flesh nor fulfill the lustes thereof Therefore when the motions of the flesh doe rage the onely remedie is to take to vs the sword of the spirite that is to say the word of saluation which is that God would not the death of a sinner but that he cōuert liue and to fight against them Which if we doe let vs not doubt but we shall obtaine the victorie although so long as the battaile endureth we feele the plaine
trust in his death and victorie theyr strait and painfull life auailed them nothing at all These things sufficiently declare who be the true Sainctes in deede and which is to be called a holy life Not the life of those which lurke in caues dennes which make their bodies leane with fasting which weare hear and doe other like things with this perswasion and trust that they shall haue some singular reward in heauen aboue all other Christians but of those which be baptised and beleue in Christ which put of the olde man with his workes but not at once For concupiscence and lust remaineth in them so long as they liue the feeling wherof doth hurt them nothing at all if they suffer it not to raigne in them but subdue it to the spirite This doctrine bringeth great consolation to godly mindes that when they feele these dartes of the flesh wherewith Sathan assaileth the spirite they should not despaire As it hapneth to many in the Papacie which thought that they ought to feele no concupiscence of the flesh where as notwithstanding Hierome Gregorie Benedict Barnard and others whom the Monks set before them as a perfect example of chastitie and of all Christian vertues could neuer come so farre as to feele no concupiscence or lust of the flesh Yea they felt it and that very strongly Which thing they acknowledge and plainly confesse in diuers places of their bookes Therfore we rightly confesse in the articles of our beleefe that we beleue there is a holy Church For it is inuisible dwelling in spirit in a place that none can attaine vnto and therefore her holines can not be seene For God doth so hide and couer her with infirmities with sinnes with errours with diuers formes of the crosse and offences that according to the iudgement of reason it is no where to be seene They that are ignorant of this when they see the infirmities and sinnes of those which are baptised which haue the word and beleue it are by and by offended and iudge them not to pertaine to the Church And in the meane while they dreame that the Heremites the Monks and such other shauelings are the church which honour God with their lippes and worship him in vaine because they folow not the word of God but the doctrines and commaundements of men teach others to doe the same And because they doe certaine superstitious and monstrous works which carnal reason magnifieth and highly estemeth therfore they iudge them only to be Saincts and to be the church And in so doing they chaunge and turne this article of the Faith cleane contrary I beleue that there is a holy church c. and in the steede of this word I beleue they put in I see These kinds of righteousnes holines of mans owne deuising are nothing else but spiritual sorceries wherw t the eyes minds of mē are blinded led frō the knowledge of true holines But thus teach we that the Church hath no spot nor wrinkle but is holy and yet through Faith onely in Christ Iesus Againe that she is holy in life and cōuersation by abstaining from the lusts of the flesh and exercise of spirituall works but yet not in such sort that he is deliuered from all euill desires or purged from all wicked opinions and errours For the church alwayes confesseth her sinnes prayeth that her faults may be pardoned Also she beleueth the forgeuenes of sinnes The Saincts therfore doe sinne fall and also erre but yet through ignorance For they would not willingly deny Christe forsake the Gospell c therefore they haue remission of sinnes And if through ignorance they erre also in doctrine yet is this pardoned for in the ende they acknowledge their errour and rest onely vppon the truth and the grace of God offered in Christe as Hierome Gregorie Bernard and others did Let Christians then endeuour to auoide the workes of the flesh but the desires or lustes of the flesh they can not auoide It is very profitable therfore for them to feele the vncleane lustes of the flesh lest they should be puffed vp with some vaine wicked opinion of the righteousnes of their owne works as though they were accepted before God for the same The Monks being puffed vp with this opinion of their owne righteousnes thought thēselues to be so holy that they solde their righteousnes holines to others although they were cōuinced by the testimony of their owne hearts that they were vncleane So pernitious and pestilent a poyson it is for a mā to trust in his owne righteousnes to thinke himselfe to be cleane But the godly because they feele the vnclennes of their owne harts therfore they cānot trust to their own righteousnes This feeling so maketh thē to stoupe so hūbleth them that they cannot trust to their owne good workes but are constrained to flie vnto Christe their Mercy seat and onely succour who hath not a corrupt and sinfull but a most pure and holy flesh which he hath geuen for the life of the world in him they finde a sound and perfect righteousnes Thus they continue in humilitie not counterfet and Monkish but true and vnfained because of the vncleanes which yet remaineth in their flesh for the which if God would straitly iudge them they should be foūd giltie of eternal death But because they lift not vp thē selues proudly against God but with a broken a cōtrite heart humbly acknowledging their sinnes resting wholy vppon the benefite of the Mediatour Christ they come forth into the presence of God and pray that for his sake their sinnes may be forgeuen them God spreadeth ouer them an infinite heauen of grace and doth not impute vnto them their sinnes for Christes sake This I say to the end that we may take heede of the pernicious errours of the Papists touching the holines of life wherin our minds were so wrapped that without great difficultie we could not winde our selues out of them Wherfore doe your endeuour with diligence that ye may discerne and rightly iudge betwene true righteousnes or holines and that which is hypocriticall then shall ye behold the kingdom of Christ with other eyes then carnall reason doth that is with spirituall eyes and certainly iudge those to be true Sainctes in deede which are baptised and beleue in Christe and afterwardes in the same Faith wherby they are iustified and their sinnes both past and present are forgeuen doe abstaine from the desires of the flesh But from these desires they are not thorowly clensed for the flesh lusteth against the spirite Notwithstanding these vncleane rebellious lustes doe still remaine in them to this ende that they may be humbled and being so humbled they may feele the sweetenes of the grace and benefite of Christe So these remnauntes of vncleane lustes and sinnes doe nothing at all hinder but greatly furder the godly For the more they feele
gathered together to be mine so that I must needes confesse either all or perhaps more to haue bene vttered by me in this publike treatise For in my heart this one article raigneth euen the faith of Christ From whom by whom and vnto whom all my diuine studies day and night haue recourse to and froe continually And yet I perceaue that I coulde not reache any thing neare vnto the heighte bredth and depth of suche highe and inestimable wisedome onely certaine bare and poore beginnings as it were fragments doe appeare Wherfore I am ashamed that my so barren and simple Commētaries should be set forthe vpon so worthy an Apostle and elect vessel of god But when I consider againe the infinite and horrible abuses and abominations which alwayes haue raged in the Churche of God and yet at this day cease not to rage against this onely and grounded rocke which we holde to be the article of our iustification that is to say howe not by our selues neither by our workes which are lesse then oure selues but by an other helpe euen the sonne of God Iesus Christ we are redemed from sinne death the deuell and made partakers of eternal life I am compelled to cast of all shame to be bolde aboue measure This rocke did Sathan shake in paradise when he perswaded our first parents that by their owne wisedome and power they should be like vnto God forsaking true Faith in God who had geuen them life and promised the continuaunce therof By and by after this lier and murtherer which will be alwayes like vnto him selfe stirred vp the brother to the murthering of his brother and for none other cause but for that his godly brother by Faith had offered vp a more excellent sacrifice and he offering vp his owne works without faith had not pleased god After this against the same Faith followed a most intollerable persecution of Sathan by the sonnes of Caine vntil God was euen cōstrained at once by the floud to purge the whole world and to defend Noe the preacher of righteousnesse This notwithstanding Sathan continued his seede in Cham the third sonne of Noe. But who is able to recken vp all examples After these things the whole world waxed madde against this Faithe finding out an infinite nombre of idolles and straunge religions wherby euery one as S. Paule sayth walked his owne way trusting by their workes some to pacifye or please a God some a Goddesse some Gods some Goddesses that is to say without the helpe of Christ by their owne workes to redeme them selues from euils and from their sinnes as all the examples and monuments of all nations doe sufficiently witnesse But these are nothing in comparison of that people and congregation of God Israell which not onely had the sure promise of the fathers and afterward the lawe of God geuen vnto them from God him selfe by his angels aboue all other but alwayes and in all things were also certified by the present sayings miracles and examples of that prophets Notwithstanding euen amonge them also Satan did so preuaile that is to say the madde outragious opinion of their owne righteousnes that afterwardes they killed all the prophets yea euen Christ him self the sonne of God their promised Messias for that they had taught that men are accepted into the fauour of God by grace only and not by their owne righteousnes And this is the summe of the doctrine of the deuill and of the world from the beginning We will not seeme to doe euill but yet whatsoeuer we doe that must God allow of all his prophets must consent to it which if they shall refuse to doe they shall dye the death Abell shall dye but Cain shall florishe Let this be our lawe say they and euen so it commeth to passe But in the Church of the Gentiles the matter is and hath beene so vehemētly handled that the fury of the Iewish Sinagoge may wel seeme to be but a sport For they as S. Paul sayth did not knovv Christ their anoynted therfore they crucified the lord of glory But the church of the gentiles hath receyued confessed Christ to be the sonne of god being made our righteousnes this doth she publikely record reade and teach And yet notwithstanding this confession they that would be accounted the church do kill and persecute continually rage against those which beleeue and teach and in their deedes declare nothing els but that Christ is the selfe same thing that they them selues though with fayned wordes and hipocriticall deedes are constrained mawgre their heads to allow and confesse For vnder the name of Christ at this daye they reigne And if they could without the name of Christ hold that seate and kingdome no doubt but they would expresse him to be such a one openly as in their hartes they esteeme him secretly But they esteeme him a great deale lesse then the Iewes doe which at the least thinke him to be Thola that is to say a theefe worthely hanged on the crosse But these men account him as a fable and take him as a fayned God amongest the gentiles as it may plainly appeare at Rome in the Popes court and almost throughout all Italie Because therefore Christ is made as it were a mocke amongest his Christians for Christians they wil be called and for that Cain doth kill Abell continually the abhomination of Sathan doth now chefely raigne it is very necessary that we should diligently handle this Article and set it against Sathan whether we be rude or eloquent learned or vnlearned For this rocke must be published abrode yea though euery man should holde his peace yet euen of the very rockes stones them selues Wherfore I doe most willingly heerein accomplish my duetie and am contented to suffer this long Commentarie and full of wordes to be set forth for the stirring vp of all the brethren in Christ against the sleights and malice of Sathan which in these dayes is turned into suche extreame madnesse against this healthfull knowledge of Christ now reuealed and raised vp againe that as hetherto men haue seemed to be possessed with deuels and starke madde euen so nowe the deuils them selues doe seeme to be possessed of farre worse deuels and to rage euen aboue the furie of deuils which is in deede a great argument that that enemie of truth and life doth perceaue the day of iudgement to be at hand which is the horrible day of his destruction but the most comfortable day of our redemption and shall be the end of all his tyrannie and crueltie For not without cause is he disquieted when his members and powers are so assailed euen as a theefe or an adulterer when the morning appeareth and discloseth his wickednesse is taken tardie and apprehended for the same For who euer heard to passe ouer the abhominations of the Pope so many monsters to burst out at once into
require to all manner of burdens and daungers of this present life because he knoweth that this is the will of God that this obedience is acceptable vnto him Thus farre as concerning the argument of this Epistle which S. Paule hath taken in hand to entreate of taking occasion of false teachers which had darkened this righteousnes of faithe amongst the Galathians against whom he commendeth his authority and office The first Chapter Verse 1. Paule an Apostle not of man neither by man but by Iesus Christ and God the father vvhich hath raised him from the dead NOwe that we haue declared the argument and summe of this Epistle to the Galathians we thinke it good before we come to the matter it selfe to shewe what was the occasion that S. Paule wrote this Epistle He had planted among the Galathians the pure doctrine of the gospell and the righteousnesse of faith but by and by after his departure there crept in certaine false teachers which ouerthrew all that he had planted and rightly taught among them For the Deuill can no otherwise doe but furiously impugne this doctrine with all force and subteltie neuer resteth whilest he seeth one sparke therof remaining We also for this onely cause that we preach the gospel do suffer of the world the deuill his ministers bothe on the left hand and on the right all the mischeefe that they can worke against vs. For the gospell is such a doctrine as teacheth a farre higher matter then is the wisedome righteousnes and religion of the world that is to say free remission of sinnes through Christ c. It leaueth these things in their degree to be as they are and commendeth them as the good creatures of god But the world preferreth these creatures before the creator and moreouer by them would put away sinne be deliuered from death deserue euerlasting life This doth the gospel condemne Contrariwise the world can not suffer those things to be condemned which it most esteemeth and best liketh of and therfore it chargeth the gospel that it is a seditious doctrine and full of errors and that it ouerthroweth common wealthes countreis dominions kingdomes and Empires and therfore offendeth both against God the Emperour abolish●●h lawes corrupteth good manners and setteth all men at libertie to doe what they list Wherfore the world in his moste feruent zeale and high seruice of God as to him it seemeth persecuteth this doctrine and abhoreth the teachers and professors therof as the greatest plague that can be in the whole earth Moreouer by the preaching of this doctrine the deuill is ouerthrowne his kingdome is destroyed the lawe sinne and death wherwith as most mightie and inuincible tyraunts he hath brought all mākinde in subiection vnder his tyrannie are wrested out of his handes Brefely his prisoners are translated out of the kingdome of darknes into the kingdome of light libertie Should the deuill suffer all this Should not the father of lies employ all his force and subtile policies to darkē to corrupt and vtterly to roote out this doctrine of saluation and euerlasting life In deede S. Paule cōplaineth in this and all other his Epistles that euen in his time the deuill shewed him selfe a cūning workeman in this businesse We thought good to shewe heere by the way that the gospell is such a doctrine as condemneth all manner of righteousnes and preacheth the onely righteousnes of Christ and to them that embrace the same it bringeth peace of conscience and all good thinges and yet notwithstanding the world hateth and persecuteth it most bitterly I said that the occasion why S. Paule wrote this Epistle was for that by and by after his departure false teachers had destroyed those thinges among the Galathians which he with long and greate trauel had builded And these false Apostles being of the circumcision secte of the Phariseis were men of great estimation and authoritie which bragged among the people that they were of that holy chosen stock of the Iewes that they were Israelites of the seede of Abraham that they had the promises and the fathers and finally that they were the ministers of Christ and the Apostles schollers with whom they had bene conuersant had seene their miracles and perhaps had also wrought some signes or miracles them selues For Christ witnesseth that the wicked also doe worke miracles Moreouer these false Apostles by all the crafty meanes they could deuise defaced the authority of S. Paule saying Why doe ye so highly esteeme of Paule why haue ye him in so great reuerence Forsoth he was but the last of all that were conuerted vnto Christ But we are the disciples of the Apostles were familiarly conuersant with them We haue seene Christ working miracles heard him preache Paule came after vs and is inferior vnto vs and it is not possible that God should suffer vs to erre which are of his holy people the ministers of Christ and haue receaued the holy Ghost Again we are many and Paule is but one and alone who neither was conuersant with the Apostles nor hath seene Christ yea he persecuted the church of Christ a great while Would God thinke ye for Paules sake onely suffer so many churches to be deceaued When men hauing such authoritie come into any countrey or citie by and by the people haue them in greate admiration and vnder this coulour of godlines religion they doe not onely deceaue the simple but also the learned yea and those also which seeme to be somewhat confirmed in the faith especially when they bragge as these did that they are the ofspring of the Patriarks the ministers of Christ the Apostles scollers c. Euen so the Pope at this day when he hath no authoritie of the scripture to defend him selfe withal vseth this one argument contenually against vs The church the church Thinkest thou that God is so offended that for a few heretikes of Luthers secte he will cast of his whole church Thinkest thou that he would leaue his church in error so many hūdreth yeres And this conclusion he chiefly standeth vpon that the church can not be ouerthrowne Now like as many are moued with this argument at this day so in Paules time these false Apostles through greate bragging and setting forth of their owne praises blinded the eies of the Galathians so that Paule lost his authoritie among them his doctrine was brought into suspition Against this vaine bragging and boasting of the false Apostles Paule with greate constancie boldnes setteth his apostolical authority highly cōmending his vocation defending his ministery And although elswhere he neuer doth the like he will not geue place to any no not to the apostles them selues much lesse to any of their schollers And to abate their pharisaical pride and shameles boldnes he maketh mention of the history done in Antiochia where he withstode Peter himselfe Besides this
not regarding the offence that might rise therof he saith plainly in the text that he was bold to accuse reproue euē Peter him self the chiefe of the Apostles who had seene Christ and had bene most familiarly conuersant with him I am an Apostle saith he and such a one as passe not what others are yea I was not afraid to chide the very piller of all the rest of the Apostles And to conclude in the first two chapters he doth in a manner nothing els but sette out his vocation his office and his gospell affirming that it was not of men and that he had not receaued it by man but by the reuelation of Iesus Christ Also that if he yea or an Angell from heauen should bring any other gospel then that which he had preached he should be holden accursed The certaintie of calling But what meaneth Paule by this his boasting I aunswere This common place serueth to this end that euery minister of Gods word should be sure of his calling that before God and man he may with a bold conscience glory herein that he preacheth the gospell as one that is called and sent Euen as the Embassadour of a King glorieth and vaunteth in this that he commeth not as a priuate person but as the Kings Embassadour and because of this dignitie that he is the Kings Embassadour he is honored and set in the highest place Which honour should not be geuen vnto him if he came as a priuate person Wherefore let the preacher of the gospell be certaine that his calling is from god And it is expedient that according to the example of Paule he should magnifie this his calling to the end that he may winne credite and authoritie among the people like as the Kings Embassadour magnifieth his office and calling And thus to glory is not a vain but a necessary kinde of glorying because he glorieth not in him selfe but in the King which hath sent him whose authoritie he desireth to be honoured and magnified Likewise when Paule so highly commendeth his calling he seeketh not his owne praise but with a necessary and holy pride he magnifieth his ministery As to the Rom. 11. he sayth For as much as I am the Apostle of the Gentiles I will magnifie mine office that is to say I will that men receaue me not as Paule of Tharsus but as Paule the Apostle or Embassadour of Iesus Christ And this he doth of necessitie to maintaine his authoritie that the people in hearing this might be more attent and willing to geue eare vnto him For they heare not onely Paule but in Paule Christ himselfe and God the father sending him out in his message whose authoritie and maiestie like as men ought religiously to honour so ought they with greate reuerence to receaue and to heare his messengers bringing his word and message This is a notable place therefore wherein Paule so glorieth and boasteth as touching his vocation that he despiseth all others If any mā after the manner of the world should despise all others in respect of him selfe attribute al vnto him self alone he should not only shew him self a very foole but also greuously offend But this maner of boasting is necessary and pertaineth not to the glory of Paule but to the glory of God whereby is offered vnto him the sacrifice of praise and thankesgeuing For by this boasting the name the grace the mercy of God is made knowne vnto the world Thus then he beginneth this Epistle Verse 1. Paule an Apostle not of men c. Here in the very beginning he toucheth those false teachers which boasted them selues to be the disciples of the Apostles and to be sent of them but despised Paule as one that was neither the Apostles scholler nor sent of any to preach the gospell but came in some other way and of his owne head thrust him selfe into that office Against those Paule defendeth his calling saying My calling seemeth base to your preachers But whosoeuer they be which haue come vnto you are sent either of men or by man that is to say they haue entred either of them selues being not called or els called by others But my calling is neither of men nor by man but it is aboue all maner of calling that can be done by the Apostles for it is by Iesus Christ and by God the father c. Where he saith of men I meane such as cal thrust in themselues when neither God nor man calleth nor sendeth them but they runne speake of them selues As at this day certaine fantastical spirits which either creepe in corners and seeke places where they may powre out their poyson and come not into publike congregations or els they go thither wher the gospel is plāted already These I cal such as are sent of men But where he saith by man vnderstand such as haue a diuine calling but yet by man as by meanes God calleth then two maner of wayes by meanes and without meanes He calleth vs to the ministery of his worde at this day not immediatly by him selfe but by other meanes that is to say by man But the Apostles were called immediatly of Christ him selfe as the Prophets in the old time were called of God himselfe Therefore when Paule saith Not of men neither by man he beateth downe the false Apostles As though he would say Albeit those vipers bragge neuer so much what can they bragge more then that they are either come from men that is to say of them selues with out any calling or by man that is to say sent of others I passe not vpon any of these things neither ought you to regard them As for me I am called and sent neither of men nor by man but without meanes that is to witte by Iesus Christ him selfe and my calling is like in all points to the calling of the Apostles and I am in deede an Apostle Paule therefore handleth this place of the calling of the Apostles effectually And elswher he seperateth the degree of Apostleship from others as in the first to the Corinth cap. 12. and in the fourth to the Ephesians where he saith And God hath ordained some in the Churche as first Apostles secondly Prophets thirdly teachers c. setting Apostles in the first place so that they be properly called Apostles which are sent immediatly of God him selfe without any other ordinary meanes So Mathias was called onely of god For when the other Apostles had appoynted two they durst not choose the one nor the other but they cast lots prayed that God would shew which of them he would haue For seing he should be an Apostle it behoued that he should be called of God. So was Paule called to be the Apostle of the Gentiles Hereof the Apostles also are called Sainctes For they are sure of their calling and doctrine and haue continued faithfull in their office and none of
them became a cast away saue Iudas because theyr calling is holy This is the first assault that Paule maketh against the false Apostles which ranne when no man sent them Calling therfore is not to be despised For it is not enough for a man to haue the word pure doctrine but also he must be assured of his calling and he that entreth without this certaintie entreth to no other ende but to kill and to destroy For God neuer prospereth the labour of those that are not called And although they teach some good and profitable matters withall yet they edifie not So our fantasticall spirites at this day haue the wordes of Faith in their mouthes but yet they yeelde no frute but their cheefe ende and purpose is to draw men to their false and peruerse opinions They that haue a certaine and holy calling must sustaine many and great conflictes as they must do whose doctrine is pure and sound that they may constantly abide in their lawfull calling against the infinite and continuall assaultes of the Deuill and rage of the world Heere what should he doe whose calling is vncertaine and doctrine corrupte This is then our comforte which are in the Ministerie of the worde that we haue an office which is heauenly and holy to the which we being lawfully called doe triumph against all the gates of hel On the other side it is an horrible thing when the conscience saith This thou hast done without any lawfull calling Herein such terrour shaketh a mans minde which is not called that he would wish he had neuer heard the word which he teacheth For by his disobedience he maketh all his workes euill were they neuer so good in so much that euen his greatest workes and labours become his greateste sinnes We see then how good and necessary this boasting and glorying of our ministerie is In times past when I was a yong deuine and teacher me thought Paule did vnwisely in glorying so oft of his calling in all his Epistles but I did not vnderstand his purpose For I knew not that the ministerie of Gods word was so waightie a matter I knew nothing of the doctrine of faith and a true conscience in deede for that there was then no certaintie taught either in the Schooles or Churches but al was ful of Sophistical subtilties of the Schoolemē And therfore no man was able to vnderstand the dignitie and power of this holy and spirituall boasting of the true lawfull calling which serueth first to the glory of God and secondly to the aduauncing of our office and moreouer to the saluation of our selues and of the people For by this our boasting we seeke not estimation in the worlde or praise among men or mony or pleasures or fauour of the world But for as much as we be in a diuine calling and in the worke of God and the people haue great neede to be assured of our calling that they may know our word to be the word of God therfore we proudly vaunt and boast of it It is not then a vaine but a most holy pride against the deuil and the world and true humilitie before God. Verse 1. And by God the Father vvhich hath raised him from the dead Paule is so enflamed heere with zeale that he can not tary till he come to the matter it selfe but forthwith in the very title he bursteth out and vttereth what he hath in his heart His intent in this Epistle is to treate of the righteousnes that cometh by faith and to defend the same Againe to ouerthrowe the lawe and the righteousnes that cometh by workes Of such cogitations he is full and out of this wonderfull and exceeding great abundance of the excellent wisedome and knowledge of Christ in his heart his mouth speaketh This flame this great burning fire of his heart cā not be hid nor suffer him to hold his tongue and therfore he thought it not enough to say that he was an Apostle sent by Iesus Christ but also addeth by God the Father vvhich raised him vp from the dead But the adding of these words And by God the father c semeth not necessary But because as I sayd Paule speaketh out of the abundance of his heart his minde burneth with desire to set forth euen in the very entrie of his Epistle the vnsearchable riches of Christ and to preach the righteousnes of God which is called the resurrection of the dead Christ who liueth and is risen againe speaketh out of him and moueth him thus to speake therfore not without cause he addeth that he is also an Apostle By God the father vvhich hath raised vp Iesus Christ from the dead As if he would say I haue to deale with Satan and with those vipers the instrumēts of Satan which go about to spoile me of the righteousnes of Christ who was raised vp by God the to spoile me of the righteousnes of Christ who was raised vp by God the father frō the dead by which alone we are made righteous by which also we shal be raised vp in the last day from death to euerlasting life But they that in such sort goe about to ouerthrow Christes righteousnes do resist the father and the sonne and the worke of them bothe Thus Paule euen at the first entrance bursteth out into the whole matter wherof he treateth in this Epistle For as I sayd he treateth of the resurrection of Christ who rose againe to make vs righteous and in so doing he hath ouercome the lawe sinne death and all euels Christes victorie then is the ouercōming of the law of sinne our flesh the world the deuil death hel all euils and this his victorie hath he geuen vnto vs Although then that these tyraunts and enemies of ours do accuse vs and make vs afraid yet can they not driue vs to despaire nor condemne vs For Christ whom God the father hath raised vp frō the dead is our righteousnes and victory Therfore thanks be to God who hath geuen vs victorie by our Lord Iesus Christ Amen But marke how fitly and to the purpose Paule here speaketh He sayth not by God that hath made heauen and earth which is Lord of the Angels which commaunded Abraham to goe out of his owne coūtrey which sent Moises to Pharao the king which brought Israel out of Egypt as the false Apostles did who boasted of the God of their fathers the creator maintainer and preseruer of all things working wonders among his people but Paule had an other thing in his hart namely the righteousnes of Christ therfore he speaketh words that make much for this his matter saying I am an Apostle neither of men nor by men but by Iesus Christ and God the father vvho hath raised him vp from the dead Ye see then with what feruencie of spirit Paule is led in this matter which he goeth about to establish and maintaine against
to bring into contempt yea and vtterly to abolish the law of God and the kingdom of the Iewes contrary to the law of God contrary to the custome of the Iewish nation contrary to the example of the Apostles and to be short contrary to his owne example Wherefore he was to be shunned as an open blasphemer against God and a rebell against the whole common weale of the Iewes saying that they themselues ought rather to be heard who besides that they preached the Gospell rightly were also the very disciples of the Apostles with whom Paule was neuer conuersant By this policie they defamed and defaced Paule among the Galathians so that by this their peruerse dealing of very necessitie Paule is compelled with all his mighte to set him selfe againste these false Apostles whom he boldly reproueth and condemneth say-ing that they are the troublers of the Churches and ouerthrowers of Christes gospell as followeth Verse 7. And intendeth to peruert the Gospell of Christ That is to say they doe not onely goe about to trouble you but also vtterly to abolish and ouerthrow Christes Gospell For these two things the Deuill practiseth most busily First he is not contented to trouble and deceaue many by his false Apostles but moreouer he laboureth vtterly to ouerthrow the Gospell by them and neuer resteth till he haue brought it to passe Yet such peruerters of the Gospell can abide nothing lesse then to heare that they are the Apostles of the Deuill nay rather they glory aboue others in the name of Christ and boast themselues to be the most sincere preachers of the Gospell But because they mingle the law and the Gospell together they can not but be the peruerters of the Gospell For either Christ must remaine and the law perish or the law must remaine and Christ perish For Christ and the law can by no meanes agree and raigne together in the conscience Where the righteousnes of the law ruleth there can not the righteousnes of grace rule And againe where the righteousnes of grace raigneth there can not the righteousnes of the lawe raigne for one of them must needes geue place vnto the other And if thou canst not beleeue that God will forgeue thy sinnes for Christes sake whom he sent into the world to be our high priest how then I pray thee wilt thou beleeue that he will forgeue the same for the works of the law which thou couldest neuer performe Or for thine owne workes which as thou must be compelled to confesse be such as it is impossible for them to counteruaile the iudgement of God Wherefore the doctrine of Grace can by no meanes stande with the Doctrine of the Lawe The one must simplye be refused and abolished and the other confirmed and stablished For as Paule sayeth here to mingle the one with the other is to ouerthrow the Gospell of Christ And yet if it come to debating the greater parte ouercommeth the better For Christ with his side is weake and the Gospell is but a foolish preaching Contrariwise the kingdome of the world and the Deuill the prince thereof are strong Besides that the wisedom and righteousnes of the flesh cary a goodly shew And by this meanes the righteousnes of grace and Faith is lost and the other righteousnes of the law and workes aduaunced and maintained But this is our comforte that the Deuill with all his limmes can not doe what he would He may trouble many but he can not ouerthrow Christes Gospell The truth may be assailed and may come in daunger but pearish it can not It may be assailed but vanquished it can not be For the vvord of the Lord indureth for euer It seemeth to be a light matter to mingle the lawe and the Gospell faith and works together but it doth more mischiefe then mans reason can conceaue For it doth not onely blemish and darken the knowledge of grace but also it taketh away Christ with all his benefits and it vtterly ouerthroweth the Gospell as Paule saith in this place The cause of this great euill is our flesh which being plunged in sinnes seeth no way how to get out but by works therefore it would liue in the righteousnes of the lawe and rest in the trust and confidence of her owne works Wherefore it is vtterly ignoraunt of the doctrine of faith and grace without which notwithstanding it is impossible for the conscience to finde rest and quietnes It appeareth also by these words of Paule And intend to peruert the Gospell of Christ that the false Apostles were exceeding bolde and shamelesse which with all their might set them selues against Paule Wherefore he againe vsing his spirite of zeale and feruencie and being fully perswaded of the certaintie of his calling setteth him selfe strongly against them wōderfully magnifieth his ministery saying Verse 8. But though that vve or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you othervvise then that vve haue preached vnto you let him be accursed Here Paule casteth out very flames of fire and his zeale is so feruent that he beginneth also almost to curse the Angels Although sayth he that we our selues euen I and my brethren Timothy and Titus and as many as teach Christ purely with me I speake not now of those seducers of cōsciences yea or if an angel from heauen preach vnto you c. notwithstanding I would rather that I my selfe my brethren yea the very Angels from heauen also should be holden accursed then that my Gospel should be ouerthrowen This is in deede a vehement zeale that he dare so boldly curse not onely him selfe and his brethren but also euen an Angell from heauen The Greke word Anathema in Hebrew Herem signifieth a thing accursed execrable and detestable which hath nothing to doe no participation or communion with god So the citie Hierico saith Iosua shal be accursed for euer that it neuer be builded vp againe And in the last of Leuiticus it is written Nothing separate from the common vse vvhich shal be separate from man shal be redemed but die the death vvhether it be man or beast So God had appointed that Amalech certaine other cities accursed by gods owne sentence should be vtterly rased and destroied This then is Paules minde I had rather that my selfe and other my brethren yea and an Angell from heauen should be accursed then that we or others should preach any other Gospell then that which we haue preached already So Paule first curseth him selfe for cunning artificers are wont first to finde faulte with themselues that they may the more frely and sharply afterwards reproue others Paule therfore concludeth that there is no other Gospell besides that which he himselfe had preached But he preached not a Gospell which he had him selfe deuised but the same which God promised before by his Prophets in the holy scriptures Rom. 1. Therefore he pronounceth him selfe and others yea euen an Angell from heauen
to be vndoubtedly accursed if they teach any thing contrarie vnto the first Gospell For the voice of the Gospell once sent forth shall not be called backe againe til the day of iudgment Verse 9. As vve said before so say vve novv againe if any man preach vnto you othervvise then that you haue receaued let him be accursed He repeteth the selfe same thing onely chaunging the persons Before he cursed him selfe his brethren and an Angell from heauen Here if there be any saith he besides vs which preach vnto you any other Gospell then that ye haue receaued of vs let them also be accursed Therefore he plainly excommunicateth and curseth all teachers in generall him selfe his brethren an Angell moreouer all others whatsoeuer namely all those false teachers his aduersaries Here appeareth an exceeding greate feruencie of spirite in the Apostle that dare curse all teachers thorow out the whole world and in heauen which peruert his Gospel teach any other For all men must either beleue that Gospel that Paule preached or els they must be accursed and condemned O would to God this terrible sentence of the Apostle might strike a feare into their harts that seeke to peruert the Gospel of Paule of which sorte at this day the more it is to be lamented the world is full The chaunging of persons is here to be marked For Paule speaketh otherwise in his first cursing then he doth in this second In the first he saith If vve or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you any other Gospell then that vve haue preached vnto you In the second then that you haue receaued And this he doth of purpose lest the Galathians should say We o Paule do not peruert the gospell that thou hast preached vnto vs we vnderstood thee not rightly but the teachers that came after thee haue declared vnto vs the true meaning therof This saith he wil I in no case admitte They ought to adde nothing neither to correct it but that which you heard of me is the sincere word of God let this onely remaine Neither doe I desire my selfe to be an other maner of teacher then I was nor you other disciples Wherefore if ye heare any man bringing any other Gospel then that ye haue heard of me or bragging that he will deliuer better things then ye haue receaued of me let him and his disciples be both accursed The first two chapters in a maner containe nothing els but defences of his doctrine and confutations of errours For in the ende of the second chapter at the last he beginneth to handle the article of iustification Notwithstanding this sentence of Paule ought to admonish vs that so many as thinke the Pope to be the iudge of holy scripture are accursed Which thinge the Popes Scholemen haue wickedly taught standing vpon this ground The church hath allowed foure Gospels onely therefore there are but foure For if it had allowed more ther had ben more Now seeing the Church might receaue and allowe such and so many Gospels as it would therefore the Church is aboue the Gospell A goodly argument forsoth I approue the scrpture Ergo I am aboue the scripture Iohn Baptist acknowledgeth and confesseth Christ and pointeth to him with his finger therfore he is aboue Christ The Church approueth the Christian faith and doctrine therefore the Church is aboue them For the ouerthrowing of this their wicked and blasphemous doctrine against God thou hast here a plaine text like a thunderbolt wherein Paule subiecteth both him selfe and an Angell from heauen and Doctours vpon earth and all other teachers and maisters whatsoeuer vnder the authoritie of the scripture For they ought not to be maisters iudges or arbiters but onely witnesses disciples and confessours of the Church whether it be the Pope Luther Augustine Paule or an Angell from heauen Neither ought any doctrine to be taught or heard in the Church besides the word of God that is to say the holy scripture Otherwise accursed be both the teachers and hearers together with their doctrine Verse 10. For novve preach I mans doctrine or Gods These words are spoken with the same vehemencie that the former were As if he would say Am I Paule so vnknowen amongest you which haue preached so openly in your churches Are my bitter conflicts and so many sharpe battails against the Iewes yet vnknowne vnto you It appeareth I thinke sufficiently vnto you by my preaching by so many and great afflictions which I haue suffered whether I serue men or God. For all men see that by this my preaching I haue not onely stirred vp persecution against me in euery place but haue also procured the cruell hatred both of mine owne nation and of all other men I shew therefore plainely enough that I seeke not by my preaching the fauour or liking of men but to set forth the goodnes and glory of God. Neither doe we be it spoken without bragge seeke the fauour of men by our doctrine For we teach that all men are wicked by nature and the children of wrath We condenme mans freewill his strength wisedome and righteousnes and all religion of our deuising And to be shorte we say that there is nothing in vs that is able to deserue grace and the forgeuenes of sinnes but we preach that we obtaine this grace by the free mercy of God onely for Christes sake For so the heauens shevv forth the glory of God and his vvorkes condemning all men generally with their works This certes is not to preach for the fauour of men and of the world For the world can abide nothing lesse then to heare his wisedome righteousnes religion and power condemned And to speake against those mighty and glorious gifts of the world is not to flatter the world but rather to procure hatred and indignation of the world For if we speake against men or against any such things as pertaine to their glory it can not be but that cruell hatred persecutions excommunications murthers and condemnations therevpon must needes follow If then saith Paule they see other matters why see they not this also that I teach the things that are of God not of men that is to say that I seeke no mans fauour by my doctrine but I set out Gods mercie offred vnto vs in Christ For if I sought the fauour of men I would not condenme their workes Now for as much as I condemne mens workes that is to say because I shew Gods iudgement out of his word whereof I am a Minister against all men how that they are sinners vnrighteous wicked children of wrath bondslaues of the deuill and damned and that they are not made righteous by works or by circumcision but by grace onely and faith in Christ therfore I procure vnto my selfe the deadly hatred of men For they cā abide nothing lesse than to be taken for such maner of men nay rather they would be
extremely and vvasted it And profited in the Ievvish religion aboue many of my companions of mine ovvne nation This place hath in it no singuler doctrine Notwithstāding Paule alledgeth here his owne example saying I haue defended the obseruations of the Phariseis and the law more constantly then ye and all your false teachers Wherfore if the righteousnes of the law had bene any thing worth I had not turned backe from it in the keping wherof notwithstanding before I knew Christ I did so exercise my selfe and so profite therin that I excelled many of my companions of mine owne nation Moreouer I was so zelous in defence of the same that I persecuted the church of God extremely wasted it For hauing receaued authoritie of the high priests I put many in prison whē they should be put to death I pronounced the sentēce and punishing them thorow out all the Sinagoges I compelled them to blaspheme was so exceding mad vpon them that I persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities Verse 14. And vvas much more zelous of the traditiōs of my fathers He calleth not here the Pharisaicall or humane traditions the traditions of his fathers for here he treateth not of the Pharisaicall traditions but of a farre higher matter and therefore he calleth euen that holy law of Moises his fathers traditions that is to say receaued and left as an inheritaunce from the fathers For these sayth he vvhē I vvas in the Ievvish religion I vvas very zelous He speaketh after the same maner to the Philippians As concerning the lavv sayth he I vvas a Pharisee cōcerning zeale I persecuted the church and as concerning the righteousnes of the lavv I vvas vnrebukeable As though he would say Here I may glory and may cōpare with the whole nation of the Iewes yea euen with the best and the holiest of all those which are of the Circumcision Let them shew me if they can a more zelous and earnest defender of Moises law then I haue bene This thing O ye Galathians ought to haue perswaded you not to beleue these seducers deceauers which magnify the righteousnes of the law as a matter of great importaunce when as if there were any cause to glory in the righteousnes of the law I haue more cause to glory then any other In like maner say I of my selfe that before I was lightned with the knowledge of the gospel I was as zelous for the papistical lawes and traditions of the fathers as euer any was most earnestly maintaining defending them as holy and necessary to saluation Moreouer I did my endeuour to obserue kepe them my selfe as much as was possible for me to do punishing my pore body with fasting watching praying other exercises more thē all they which at this day do so bitterly hate and persecute me because now I take frō them the glory of iustifying For I was so diligent and superstitious in the obseruation hereof that I laid more vpon my body then without daunger of health it was able to beare I honoured the Pope of mere conscience vnfainedly not seking after prebēds promotions liuings but whatsoeuer I did I did it with a single hart of a good zeale for the glory of god But those things which then were gainfull vnto me now with Paule I count to be but losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Iesus Christ my lord But our aduersaries as idle bellies tried with no tentations beleue not that I and many others haue endured such things I speake of such as with great desire sought for peace quietnes of conscience which notwithstanding in so great darknes it was not possible for them to finde Vers 15.16.17 But vvhen it had pleased God vvhich had separated me from my mothers vvombe and called me by his grace to reueale his sonne in me that I should preach him among the Gentiles immediately I communicated not vvith flesh and bloud Neither came I againe to Ierusalem to them vvhich vvere Apostles before me but I vvent into Arabia and turned againe vnto Damascus This is the first iourney of Paule And here he witnesseth that straight way after he was called by the grace of God to preach Christ among the Gentiles he went into Arabia without the aduise of any mā to that vvorke whervnto he was called And this place witnesseth by vvhom he was taught by what meanes he came to the knowledge of the Gospell and to his Apostleship VVhen it pleased God saith he As if he would say I haue not deserued it because I was zealous for the lawe of God without iudgement nay rather this foolish and wicked zeale stirred me vp that God so permitting I fell hedlong into more abhominable and outragious sinnes I persecuted the church of God I was an enemy of Christ I blasphemed his Gospell and to conclude I was the author of sheding much innocent bloud This was my desert In the middest of this cruell rage I was called to so great inestimable grace What was it because of this outragious cruelty No forsoth But the aboundant grace of God who calleth and sheweth mercy to whom he will pardoned and forgaue me all these blasphemies and for these my horrible sinnes which then I thought to be perfect righteousnes an acceptable seruice vnto God he gaue vnto me his grace the knowledge of his truth and called me to be an Apostle We also are come at this day to the knowledge of grace by the self same merits I crucified Christ daily in my monkesh life and blasphemed God through my false faith wherin I then continually liued Outwardly I was not as other men extorcioners vniust whoremongers but I kept chastitie pouerty and obedience Moreouer I was farre from the cares of this present life I was onely geuen to fasting watching praying saying of Masse and such like Notwithstāding in the meane time I fostred vnder this cloked holines and trust in mine owne righteousnes continuall mistrust doubtfulnes feare hatred and blasphemy against god And this my righteousnes was nothing els but a stinking puddle and a pleasant kingdome of the Deuil For Sathan loueth such Saincts and accomteth them for his deare darlings who destroy their owne bodies and soules and depriue themselues of all the blessings of Gods gifts In the meane time notwithstanding wickednes blindnes contempt of God ignorance of the gospel prophanation of the sacraments blaspheming and treading of Christ vnder foote and abuse of all the benefits and gifts of God raigne in them at the full To conclude such Saincts are the bondslaues of Sathan and therefore are driuen to speake thinke and doe whatsoeuer he will although outwardly they seeme to excell all others in good works in holines and streitnes of life Such were we vnder the Popedome verely no lesse if not more contumelious and blasphemous against Christ and his Gospell then Paule himself and especially I for I did
were in the middes of the Apostles and all the faithfull where this question was so vehemently debated was not yet constrained to be circumcised This victorie Paule carieth away sayth that in this conference it was decided by the consent of all the Apostles the whole Church also approuing the same that Titus should not be circumcised This is a strong argument and maketh very much against the false apostles And with this argument Neither vvas Titus compelled to be circumcised Paule was able to represse and mightely conuince all his aduersaries As if he should say Why doth these counterfait apostles so falsely report of me saying that I am compelled to keepe circumcision by the commaundement of the Apostles seeing I haue the witnes of all the faithfull in Ierusalem and moreouer of all the Apostles them selues that by my pursute and trauaile the contrary was there determined and that I did not onely there preuaile that Titus should not be circumcised but that the Apostles did also approue and ratifie the same Your counterfet apostles therfore do lie deadly which sclaūder me vnder the name of the Apostles and therby deceaue you for I haue the Apostles and all the faithfull not against me but with me And this I proue by the example of Titus Notwithstanding Paule as I haue often sayd did not condemne circumcision as an vnprofitable thing nor constrained any man therevnto For it is neither sinne nor righteousnes to be circumcised or vncircumcised as it is neither sinne nor righteousnes to eate or drinke For vvhether thou eate or eate not thou art neither better nor vvorse But if any mā should adde therto either sinne or righteousnes and say If thou eate thou sinnest if thou abstaine thou art righteous he should shew him selfe both foolish and wicked Therfore to ioyne ceremonies with sinne or righteousnes is great impietie As the Pope doth who in his forme of excommunication threatneth to all those that doe not obey the law of the Bishop of Rome Gods great curse and indignation and so maketh all his lawes necessary to saluation Wherefore the Deuil him selfe speaketh in the person of the Pope in all the Popes decrees For if saluation cōsisteth in keping of the Popes lawes what neede haue we of Christ to be our iustifier and Sauiour Vers 4.5 For all the false brethern that crept in vvho came in priuely to espie out our liberty vvhich vve haue in Christ Iesus that they might bring vs into bōdage To vvhom vve gaue not place by subiection for an houre that the truth of the Gospell might continue vvith you Here Paule sheweth the cause why he went vp to Ierusalem and there conferred his gospell with the other Apostles and why he would not circumcise Titus Not that he might be the more certaine or confirmed in the gospell by the Apostles for he nothing doubted thereof but that the truth of the gospell might continue in the Churches of the Galathians and in all the Churches of the Gentiles We see then that this busines of Paule was no light matter Nowe where he speaketh of the truth of the Gospell he sheweth that there be two gospels a true and a false gospell Indeede the gospell of it selfe is simple true and sincere but by the malice of Satans ministers it is corrupt and defaced Therfore where he saith The truth of the gospel he would haue vs to vnderstād also the contrary As if he would say The false apostles do also preach a faith a gospel but they are both false Therfore haue I set my selfe so constantly against them and in that I would not geue place vnto them I haue brought to passe that the truth of the gospell continueth with you So the Pope and the Anabaptists doe bragge at this day that they teach the Gospell faith in Christ True it is but with such frute as the false apostles once did whom Paule calleth before in the first chapter troublers of the church and subuerters of the gospell of Christ On the other side he sayth that he teacheth the truth of the gospell As if he should say Those things which the false apostles teach bragge they neuer so much that they teach the truth are nothing else but starke lies So all Heretikes pretend the name of God of Christ and of the Church Also they pretend that they will not teach errours or lies but most certaine truth and the pure Gospell of Christ Now the truth of the gospell is that our righteousnes cometh by Faith only without the workes of the law The corruption or falshode of the Gospell is that we are iustified by Faith but not without the workes of the lawe With the like condition the false apostles also preached the Gospel Euen so doe our Papists and craftie Sophisters at this day For they say that we must beleue in Christ and that Faith is the foundation of our saluation but it iustifieth not except it be furnished with charitie This is not the truth of the Gospell but falshode and dissimulation But the true Gospell in deede is that works or charitie are not the ornament or perfection of faith but that faith of it selfe is Gods gift and Gods worke in our hearts which therefore iustifieth vs because it apprehendeth Christ our redemer Mans reason hath the law for his obiect thus thinking with it selfe This I haue done this I haue not done But faith being in her owne proper office hath no other obiect but Iesus Christ the sonne of god deliuered to death for the sinnes of the whole world It loketh not to charitie It sayeth not what haue I done what haue I offended what haue I deserued but what hath Christ done what hath he deserued Here the truth of the gospel answereth thee he hath redemed thee from thy sinne from the Deuil from eternall death Faith therefore acknowledgeth that in this one person Iesus Christ it hath forgeuenes of sinnes and eternall life He that turneth his eyes away from this obiect hath not true Faith but a fantasie and a vaine opinion and turneth his eyes from the promise to the law which terrifieth and driueth to desperation Wherfore those things which the Sophisters Scholemen haue taught cōcerning the iustifying faith being furnished with charitie are no thing else but mere dreames For that faith which apprehēdeth Christ the sonne of God is furnished with him is the same faith that iustifieth and not that faith which includeth charitie For a true a stedfast faith must lay hold vpon nothing else but Christ alone and in the afflictions and terrours of conscience it hath nothing else to leane vnto but this Diamond Christ Iesus Wherfore he that apprehendeth Christ by faith although he be neuer so much terrified with the law pressed downe with the weight of his sinnes yet may he be bold to glory that he is righteous How or by what meanes Euen by that
brethren were crept in to espie out their liberty and would haue constrained Paule to circumcise Titus Paule perceauing this constraint and necessity would geue no place no not for one hower but strongly resisted them And therefore he saith Neither Titus vvhich vvas vvith me being a Gentile vvas compelled to be circumcised If they had required this in the way of brotherly charitie doubtles he would not haue denied it But seīg they would haue done it as a necessary thing and that by compulsion to the ill example of others to the ouerthrowing of the Gospell and to bring mens consciences into bondage therefore he setteth himselfe mightely against them and preuailed so that Titus was not circumcised It may seeme to be but a small matter to be or not to be circumcised But when a man hath an affiance in keping or is in feare for not keping of it here God is denied Christ is reiected the grace and all the promises of God are refused But if circumcision be kept without this addition there is no daunger If the Pope would in this sort require of vs the keping of his traditions as bare ceremonies it should not be greuous vnto vs to kepe them forasmuch as we also doe vse ceremonies but to binde mens consciences to these ceremonies and to make of them an high and acceptable seruice vnto God yea and moreouer to adde that life and saluation or death and euerlasting damnation consisteth in the obseruation hereof is a deuilish superstition and full of blasphemie Who so will not crie out against this accursed be he Verse 6.7 And of them vvhich seemed to be great I vvas not taught vvhat they vvere in times past it is no matter to me c. This is a vehement and a stout confutation For he geueth not to the true Apostles themselues any glorious title but as it were abasing their dignitie he saith vvhich seemed to be great that is which were in authoritie vpon whom the determination of all matters depēded Notwithstanding the authoritie of the Apostles was in deede very greate in all the churches And Paule also did not seeke any whit to diminish their authoritie but he thus contemptuously aunswereth the false Apostles which set the authoritie dignitie of the Apostles against Paule in all the churches that therby they might weaken his authority bring his whole ministery into contempt This Paule might not suffer To the end therfore that the truth of the Gospell and liberty of conscience in Christ might continue among the Galathians and in all the churches of the Gentiles he aunswereth stoutly to the false Apostles that he passed not how greate the Apostles were or what they had bene in time past and wheras they alleadged the authority of the name of the Apostles against him it toucheth him nothing at all He confesseth that the Apostles are in deede somewhat and that their authority is to be reuerenced Notwithstanding his Gospell and ministery ought not to be ouerthrowne for the name or title of any whatsoeuer be he an Apostle or an Angeil from heauen And this was one of the greatest arguments that the false Apostles vsed against Paule The Apostles said they were familiarly conuersant with Christ for the space of three yeares They heard and saw all his preachings and miracles Moreouer they themselues preached wrought miracles whiles Christ was yet liuing in the world whom Paule neuer saw in the flesh as touching his conuersion it was long after the glorification of Christ Wherefore they should now consider which of these they ought more to beleue Paule which was but one and alone and also but a disciple yea and one of the last of all or the cheifest and most excellent Apostles which long before Paule were sent confirmed by Christ himselfe To this Paule aunswereth what of all this This argument concludeth nothing Let the Apostles be neuer so greate yea let them be Angels from heauen it is no matter to me The question is not here cōcerning the excellency of the Apostles but concerning the word of God and the truth of the Gospell Herein consisteth all the weight of the matter that the Gospell may be preserued pure and vncorrupt which also aboue all things ought to be preferred Therefore how greate Peter and the other Apostles haue bene what greate miracles they haue wrought it is no matter to me This is it that I onely seeke euen that the truth of the Gospell may continue among you This seemeth to be but a slender aunswere of Paule when of purpose he so contemneth the authoritie of the Apostles which the false Apostles alledged against him and geueth no other solution to their mighty argument then this it is no matter to me Notwithstanding he addeth a reason of the confutation Verse 6. God accepteth no mans person This place he alledgeth out of Moses who vseth the same not once but many times Thou shalt not accept in iudgemēt the persō of the rich man or of the pore And this is a principle of diuinitie God is no acceptor of persons With the which saying he stoppeth the mouthes of the false apostles As though he would say Ye set those against me which seeme to be somewhat but God careth not for such outward things He regardeth not the office of Apostleship It is not the dignity or authority of mē the he loketh vpon And in tokē hereof he suffered Iudas one of the chiefest Apostles Saul one of the greatest kings yea the first of all to fall away to be damned Ismaell also Esau he refused being both first born So shal you find throughout al the whole scripture that god oftētimes reiected those which in outward shew were very good holy mē And in these exāples God semeth sometimes to be cruel but it was most necessary that such feareful exāples should be shewed also be writē For this vice is naturally grafted in vs that we highly esteeme that persons and outward appearance of men and more regard the same then the word of god Contrariwise God will haue vs to fixe our eies and to rest wholy vpon the word it selfe he will not haue vs to reuerence and adore the Apostleship in the persons of Peter and Paule but Christ speaking in them and the word which they bring and preache vnto vs. This the naturall man can not see but the spirituall man onely discerneth the person from the word the veile of God from God himselfe Now this veile of God is euery creature Moreouer God here in this life dealeth not with face to face but couered and shadowed from vs that is as Paul saith in an other place vve se him novv as it vvere through a glasse and darkely Therefore we can not be without veiles in this life But wisedom is here required which can discerne the veile from God himselfe and this wisedom the world hath not The couetous man hearing
call himselfe the Apostle of the Gentiles and Peter with the other the Apostles of the circumcision This question is not hard Paule here hath respect vnto this that the other Apostles remained specially in Ierusalem vntil God called them vnto other places Thus stoode the matter then for the time that whiles the politicall state of the Iewes continued the Apostles still remained in Iudea but when the destruction of Ierusalem approched they were dispersed throughout the whole world But Paule as it is written in the Actes by a singular vocation was chosen to be the Apostle of the Gentiles and being sent out of Iudea he traueled through the countreys of the Gentiles Now were the Iewes dispersed almost throughout the whole world and dwelt here and there in cities and other places amongs the Gentiles Paule comming thether was wont as we read in the Actes to goe into the Sinagoges of the Iewes and by this occasion he first brought vnto them as the children of the kingdom this glad tidings that the promises made vnto the fathers were now accomplished by Iesus Christ When they would not heare this he turned to the Gentiles as Luke witnesseth where he bringeth in Paule thus boldly speaking against the Iewes It vvas necessary that vve should first preach the vvord of God vnto you but seing ye reiect it iudge your selues vnvvorthy of euerlastīg life loe vve turne to the Gentiles And in the Actes Be it knovvne therfore vnto you that this saluation of God is sent vnto the Gentiles and they shall heare it Wherefore Paule was sent specially vnto the Gentiles But because he was a detter vnto all and became all things vnto all mē therfore occasion being offered he went into the Sinagoges of the Iewes where not only the Iewes but also the Gentiles heard him preaching Christ Otherwhiles he preached publikely in the market place in houses and by the riuers sides He was specially then the Apostle of the Gentiles as Peter was of the Iewes who notwithstanding preached Christ to the Gentiles also when occasion was offered And here he calleth vncircumcision the Gentiles and circumcision the Iewes by a figure named Synecdoche which vnder part comprehēdeth the whole which figure is commonly vsed in the scripture The gospell then ouer vncircumcision is that which should be preached to the Gentiles This gospell he sayth was committed vnto him as the gospell ouer circumcision was vnto Peter For as Peter preached the gospell among the Iewes so did he among the Gentiles This he often repeteth that Peter Iames and Iohn which semed to be the pillers of the church taught him nothing nor committed vnto him the office of preaching the Gospell as hauing authoritie and rule ouer him But they them selues sayth he did see that the gospell was committed vnto me but not by Peter For as I did not receiue or learne my gospel of man so did I receiue no cōmaundement by man to preach the same but both the knowlege and the cōmaundement to preach it amōg the Gentiles I receiued immediatly from God like as the charge was geuen of God vnto Peter to preach the same among the Iewes This place witnesseth very plainly that the Apostles had like calling like charge and all one Gospell Peter preached no other Gospell then the rest of the Apostles did neither did he appoynt to others their charge and office but there was an equalitie among them all for they were all taught of God that is both their vocation and charge was wholy and immediatly from god There was none therefore greater then other none that had any prerogatiue aboue other And therefore where the Pope vaūteth that Peter was the chiefe of the Apostles that thereby he might confirme and stablish his vsurped primacie it is an impudent lie Verse 8. For he that vvas mightie by Peter This is a confutation of an other argument of the false apostles Why doe the false apostles boast sayth he that the Gospell of Peter was mightie that he conuerted many that he wrought many and great miracles raised vp the dead and with his shadow cured the sick I graunt all these things to be true but Peter receiued this power from heauen God gaue a vertue to his woorde that many did beleeue him and great miracles were wrought by him The same power had I also which I receiued not of Peter but the same God and the same spirite which was mightie in Peter was mightie in me also I had the same grace I taught many I wrought many miracles and through my shadow also I cured the sicke And this Luke testifieth in the .19 of the Actes in these wordes And God vvrought no small miracles by the handes of Paule so that from his body vvere brought napkins and handkercheefes and the diseases departed from them and the euill spirites vvent out of them Read more hereof in the . of the Actes To conclude Paule wil be counted in no poynt inferiour to the rest of the Apostles and herein he standeth with a godly and a holy pride For he was compelled of necessitie to take vpon him stoutly against Peter and the zeale of God constrained him to be proud whether he would or no. Certaine prophane spirites as Iulianus and Porphirius not considering this thought it to be but a carnall pride that caused Paule thus to doe such as at this day we see in the Pope and his generation But Paule had not here his owne busines in hand but a matter of Faith. Nowe as concerning Faith we ought to be inuincible and more harde if it might be then the Adamant stone But as touching charitie we ought to be soft and more flexible then the reede or leafe that is shaken with the winde and ready to yelde to euery thing Therefore the controuersie was not here touching the glorie of Paule but the glory of God the word of God the true worship of God true religion and the righteousnes of Faith to the ende that these things might still remaine pure and vncorrupt Verse 9. And vvhen Iames and Cephas and Iohn knevv of the grace that vvas geuen vnto me vvhich are counted to be pillers they gaue to me and to Barnabas the right hands of felovvship that vve should preach vnto the Gentiles and they vnto the circumcision That is to say when they heard that I had receaued my calling and charge from god to preach the gospel among the Gentiles that God had wrought so many miracles by me moreouer that so great a nomber of the Gentiles were come to the knowledge of Christ through my ministerie and that the Gentiles had receiued the holy Ghost without the law and circumcision by the onely preaching of faith they glorified God for this grace which was geuen vnto me He calleth grace here what so euer he had receaued of God to wit that of a persecuter and waster of the Church he
was made an Apostle was taught by Iesus Christ enriched with spiritual gifts And heerewithall he sheweth that Peter gaue testimonie vnto him that he was a true Apostle sent and taught not by hym selfe nor by the other Apostles but by God alone and not onely acknowledged the ministerie and authoritie of Paule and giftes of the spirite which were in him as heauenly things but also approued and confirmed the same and yet not as a superiour and ruler but as a brother and witnes Iames and Iohn did ●●●●wise the same Wherefore he concludeth that they which are esse●●● for the cheefe pillers amongst the Apostles are wholy with him and not against him Verse 9. The right handes of felovvship As if they should haue sayd We O Paule in preaching the gospel doe agree with thee in all things Therefore in doctrine we are companions and haue felowship togither therin that is to say we haue all one doctrine for we preach one gospell one baptisme one Christ and one faith Wherefore we can teach or enioyne thee nothing since there is one mutuall consent betwixt vs in all things For we doe not teach any other or more excellent things then thou doest but the same giftes which we haue we see to be in thee also sauing that to thee is committed the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision as the Gospell ouer the circumcision is vnto vs But we conclude here that neither vncircumcision nor circumcision ought to hinder our societie and felowship since it is but one gospell which we both preach Hetherto Paule hath proued by manifest witnes not only from god but also frō man that is to say the apostles that he had truely faithfully preached the gospel Therfore he sheweth that what so euer the false apostles sayd to diminish his authority is but fained and forged matter and that the testimony of the Apostles maketh for him not for the false apostles But for that he is alone without witnes therfore he addeth an oth calleth God to record that the things which he hath spokē are true Verse 10. VVarning onely that vve should remember the poore vvhich thing also I vvas diligent to doe After the preaching of the Gospel the office and charge of a true and faithful Pastor is to be mindful of the poore For where the Church is there must needes be poore who for the most part are the onely true disciples of the Gospell as Christ sayth The poore receiue the glad tidings of the Gospell For the world and the Deuill do persecute the Church and bring many to pouertie who are afterwardes forsaken and despised of the world Moreouer the world not onely offendeth herein but is also carelesse for the maintenaunce and preseruation of the gospell true religion and the true seruice of god There is none that will now take any care for the nourishing of the ministers of the Church and erecting of scholes but for the erecting and stablishing of false worship superstition and idolatrie no cost was spared but euery man was ready to geue largely what so euer could be made And hereof came vp so many Monasteries so many cathedrall Churches so many Bishopprickes in the Popes church where all impietie raigned with so great reuenues prouided for their sustentation where as now a whole Citie thinketh it much to finde one or two poore ministers and preachers of the Gospell which before whiles the Pope and all impietie raigned was charged and burdened with finding so many Monasteries and infinite swarmes of massing Priestes To be briefe true religion is euer in neede And Christ complaineth that he is hungrie thirstie harbourles naked and sicke Contrariwise false religion and impietie flourisheth aboundeth with all worldly wealth and prosperitie Wherfore a true and faithful Pastor must haue a care of the poore also and this care Paule here confesseth that he had Verse 11. And vvhen Peter vvas come to Antiochia I vvithstoode him to his face for he vvas to be blamed Paule goeth on still in his confutation saying that he not onely hath for his defence the testimonie of Peter the other Apostles which were at Ierusalem but also that he withstoode Peter in the presence of the whole Church of Antioche He sheweth here a matter not done in a corner but in the face of the whole church For as before I haue said he hath here no trifeling matter in hand but the chiefest article of all Christian doctrine The value and maiestie where of who so rightly estemeth to him all other things shall seeme but vile and nought worth For what is Peter what is Paule what is an Angell from heauen what are all other creatures to the article of Iustification which if we know then are we in the cleare light but if we be ignoraunt therof thē are we in most miserable darknes Wherfore if ye see this article impugned or defaced feare not to resist either Peter or an Angell from heauen following the example of Paule who seing the maiestie of this article to be in daunger for the dignitie of Peter did nothing regard his dignitie estimation that he might keepe the same pure vncorrupt For it is wrytten He that loueth father or mother or his ovvne life more then me is not vvorthy of me Wherefore we are not ashamed for the defence of the truth to be counted and called of the hypocrites proud and obstinate such as wil be onely wise will heare none will geue place to none Very necessary it is here to be inflexible obstinate For the cause why we offend man that is to say tread downe the maiestie of the person or of the world is such that the sinnes which the world iudgeth to be most hainous are counted singular vertues before god In that we loue our parentes honoure the Magistrate shew reuerence to Peter and other ministers of the word we doe well But here we haue in hand the cause neither of Peter nor parēts nor Magistrate nor of the world nor of any other creatures but of god him selfe Here if I geue no place to my parents to the Magistrate or an Angell from heauen I doe well For what is the creature in respect of the creator Yea what are all creatures cōpared vnto him Euen as one droppe of water in respect of the whole sea Why then should I so highly esteme Peter which is but a droppe and set God aside which is the whole sea Let the droppe therefore geue place to the sea and let Peter geue place vnto god This I say to the ende that ye should diligently weye and consider the matter wherof Paule entreateth For he entreateth of God who can neuer be magnified enough And here of purpose he addeth this clause to his face against the venemous vipers and apostles of Satan which sclaunder those that are absent and in their presence dare not once open their mouth as the false apostles
of faith where neither the law nor reason do shine but onely the light of Faith which assureth vs that we are saued by Christ alone without any law Thus the gospell leadeth vs beyond and aboue the light of the law and reason into the inward and deepe secretes of Faith where the lawe and reason haue nothing to doe Notwithstāding we must hearken also vnto the law but in place and time Moises whiles he was in the mountaine where he talked with God face to face had no law made no law ministred no law but when he was come downe from the mountaine he was a lawgeuer and gouerned the people by the law So the conscience must be free frō the law but the body must be obedient vnto the law Hereby it appeareth that Paule reproued Peter for no light matter but for the chiefest article of all Christian doctrine which by Peters dissimulation was in great daunger For Barnabas and the other Iewes dissembled togither with him which did all offend not through ignorance or malice but for feare of the Iewes wherby their hearts were so blinded that they did not see their sinne And certainly it is much to be maruelled that such excellent men as Peter Barnabas and others should so sodenly and so lightly fall especially in that thing which they knew to be well done had also before taught vnto others It is a perilous thing therefore to trust to our owne strength be we neuer so holy neuer so well learned and although we thinke our selues neuer so sure of that we know For in that wherof we thinke our selues most sure we may erre and fall bring our selues and other into great daunger Let vs therefore diligently and with all humilitie employ our selues in the studie of the holy scriptures and let vs heartely pray that we neuer lose the truth of the gospell Thus we see then that we are nothing with all our giftes be they neuer so great except God assist vs When he leaueth vs to our selues our wisedom and knowledge is nothing For in the houre of tentation it may suddenly come to passe that by the subteltie of the Deuil all the comfortable places of the scripture shal be taken out of our sight and such places onely as containe threatnings shal be set before our eies shal oppresse vtterly confound vs Let vs learne therfore that if God withdraw his hand we may soone be ouerthrowne Neither let any man vaunt and glory of his owne righteousnes wisedome and other gifts but let him humble himselfe and pray with the Apostle Lord encrease our faith Verse 14. But vvhen I savv that they vvent not the right vvay to the truth of the Gospell This is a wonderfull example of such excellent men and pillers of the church There is none but Paule that hath his eies open and seeth the offence of Peter Barnabas and the other Iewes which dissembled with Peter On the other side they doe not see their owne offence nay they rather thinke that they doe well in bearing with the infirmitie of the weake Iewes Wherefore it was very necessary that Paule should reproue their offence and not dissemble it and therefore he accuseth Peter Barnabas and other that they went not the right way to the truth of the Gospell that is to say they swarued from the truth of the Gospell It is a greate matter that Peter should be accused of Paule as one that was falne from the truth of the Gospell He could not be more greuously reprehended Yet he suffered it patiently and no doubt but he gladly acknowledged his offence I sayde before that many haue the Gospell but not the truth of the Gospell So Paule saith here that Peter Barnabas and other of the Ievves vvent not the right vvay to the truthe of the Gospell that is to say they had the Gospell but they walked not vprightly according to the Gospell For albeit they preached the Gospell yet through their dissimulation which could not stand with the truth of the Gospell they established the law but the establishing of the law is the abolishing of the Gospell Who so then can rightly iudge betwene the lawe and the Gospell let him thanke God and know that he is a right Diuine In the time of tentation I confesse that I my selfe doe not know how to doe it as I ought Now the way to discerne the one from the other is to place the Gospell in heauen and the lawe on the earth to call the righteousnes of the Gospell heauenly and the righteousnes of the law earthly and to put as greate difference betwene the righteousnes of the gospell and of the law as God hath made betwene heauen and earth betwene light and darknesse betweene daye and night Lette the one be as the light and the day and the other as the darkenes and the night And would to God we could yet further separate the one from the other Wherefore if the question be concerning the matter of faith or conscience let vs vtterly exclude the law and leaue it on the earth but if we haue to doe with works then let vs lighten the lanterne of works and of the righteousnes of the law So let the Sunne the inestimable light of the Gospell and grace shine in the day and the lanterne of the law in the night Wherefore if thy conscience be terrified with the sense and feeling of sinne thinke thus with thy selfe Thou art now remaining vpō earth there let the Asse labour and trauel there let him serue and carry the burthen that is laid vpon him that is to say let the body with his members be subiect to the law But when thou mountest vp into heauen then leaue the Asse with his burthen on the earth for the conscience hath nothing to doe with the law or works or with the earthly righteousnes So doth the Asse remaine in the valley but the cōscience ascendeth with Isaac into the mountaine knowing nothing at all of the law or workes thereof but onely looking to the remission of sinnes and pure righteousnes offered and freely geuen vnto vs in Christ Contrariwise in ciuill policy obedience to the law must be seuerely required There nothing must be knowne as concerning the Gospell conscience grace remission of sinnes heauēly righteousnes or Christ himselfe but Moses onely with the law and the works thereof If we marke well this distinction neither the one nor the other shall passe his bounds but the law shall abide without heauen that is without the heart and conscience and contrariwise the libertie of the Gospell shall abide without the earth that is to say without the body and members thereof Now therfore as soone as the law and sinne come into heauen that is into the conscience let them by and by be cast out For the conscience being feared with the terrour of the wrath and iudgement of God ought to know nothing of the
may see how farre from the truth these blinde guides and leaders of the blinde haue strayed and how by this wicked and blasphemous doctrine they haue not onely darkned but taken away the Gospell and buried Christ vtterly For if I being in deadly sinne can doe any litle worke which is not onely acceptable in Gods sight according to the substaunce but also is able to deserue grace of congruence and when I haue receaued this grace I may do workes according to grace that is to say according to loue and gette of right and duetie eternall life what neede haue I now of the grace of God forgeuenes of sinnes of the promise and of the death and victorie of Christ Christ is now to me in vaine and of none effect For I haue freewill and power to doe good works wherby I deserue grace of congruence and afterwards of duety and by the worthines of my worke eternall life Such monstrous horrible blasphemies should be set forth rather to the Turkes and Iewes then to the church of Christ And this plainly declareth that the Pope with his Bishops Doctors priests with all his religious rable had no knowledge or regard of holy matters and that they were not careful for the health of the seely and miserably scattered flocke For if they had seene but through a cloud what Paule calleth sinne and what he calleth grace they would neuer haue compelled the people to beleue such abhominations execrable lies as they haue done By deadly sinne they vnderstoode onely the externall worke committed against the law as murther theft and such like They could not see that ignoraunce hatred and contempt of God in the heart ingratitude murmuring against God and resisting the will of God are also deadly sinne and that the flesh can not thinke speake or do any thing but that which is deuelish and altogether against god If they had seene these mischeefes fast rooted in the nature of man they would neuer haue deuised such impudent and execrable dreames touching the desert of congruence and worthines Wherefore we must properly and plainly define what a wicked man or a deadly sinner is He is such a holy and bloudy hypocrite as Paule was whē he went to Damascus to persecute Iesus of Nazareth to abolish the doctrine of the gospel to murther the faithful vtterly to ouerthrow the church of Christ And who will not say but that these were horrible sinnes Yet could not Paule see them For he was so blinded with a peruerse zeale of God that he thought these abhominatiōs to be perfect righteousnes and high seruice vnto God and shall we say that such as defend these horrible sinnes to be perfect righteousnes doe deserue grace Wherfore with Paule we vtterly deny the merite of congruence worthines and affirme that these speculatiōs are nothing else but mere deceites of Satan which were neuer done in dede nor notified by any examples For God neuer gaue to any man grace and euerlasting life for the merite of congruence or worthines These disputatiōs therfore of the Scholemen touching the merite of congruence worthines are nothing else but vaine toyes dreames of idle braines to no other end and purpose but to draw men from the true worship of God. And herevpon is the whole papacie grounded For there is no religious person but he hath this imagination I am able by the obseruation of my holy order to deserue grace of congruence and by the workes which I doe after that I haue receiued this grace I am able to heape vp such treasure of merite as shall not onely be sufficient for me to obtaine eternall life but also to geue or sell vnto others Thus haue all the religious orders taught and thus haue they liued And to defend this horrible blasphemie against Christ the Papists doe at this day attempt against vs what they can And there is not one of them all but the more holy hypocrite and meritemunger he is the more cruell and deadly enemy he is to the Gospell of Christ The true vvay to Christianitie Now the true way to Christianitie is this that a man aboue al things doe acknowledge him selfe to be a sinner by the lawe and that it is impossible for him to doe any good worke For the lawe sayth Thou art an euill tree and therefore all that thou thinkest speakest or doest is against god Thou canst not therefore deserue grace by thy workes Which if thou goe about to doe thou committest yet a more greeuous offence For since thou art an euill tree thou canst not but bring forth euill frutes that is to say sinnes For vvhat so euer is not of Faith is sinne Wherfore he that would deserue grace by workes going before Faith goeth about to please God with sinnes which is nothing else but to heape sinne vpon sinne to mocke God and to prouoke his wrath When a man is thus instructed by the law then is he terrified humbled then he seeth in deede the greatnes of his sinne and can not finde in him selfe one iote of the loue of God therefore he iustifieth God in his word and confesseth that he is giltie of death and eternall damnation The first part then of Christianitie is the preaching of repentance and the knowledge of our selues The second part is If thou wilt be saued thou maist not seeke saluation by works for God hath sent his onely begotten sonne into the world that we might liue through him He was crucified and died for thee and offred vp thy sinnes in his owne body Here is no congruence or worke done before grace but wrath sinne terrour and death Wherfore the lawe doth nothing else but vtter sinne terrifie and humble and by this meanes prepareth vs to iustification and driueth vs to Christ For God hath reueled vnto vs by his word that he will be vnto vs a merciful father without our desertes seing we can deserue nothing wil freely geue vnto vs remission of sinnes righteousnes life euerlasting for Christ his sonnes sake For God geueth his gifts freely vnto all and that is the praise glory of his diuinitie But the Iusticiaries will not receaue grace euerlasting life of him freely but wil deserue the same by their workes For this cause they would vtterly take from him the glory of his Diuinitie To the ende therfore that he may maintaine and defend the same he is cōpelled to send his law before which as a lightning and thundring from heauen may bruse and breake those hard rockes This briefly is our doctrine as touching Christian righteousnes against the abominations and monstrous dreames of the Papists concerning the merite of congruence and worthines or workes before and after grace For a sort of idle monks which neuer had any regard of God or his glory nor of the health of their owne soules which were neuer exercised with any tentations neuer had
treasure which is Christ and apprehend him in our heartes by Faith although we feele our selues to be full of sinne These words therfore of the Apostle that vve might be iustified by faith and not by the vvorkes of the lavve are very effectual and not in vaine or vnprofitable as the Scholemen thinke and therefore they passe them ouer so lightly Hetherto ye haue heard the wordes of Paule which he spake vnto Peter wherein he hath briefly comprised the principall article of all Christian doctrine which maketh true Christians in deede Now he turneth to the Galathians to whom he wryteth and thus he concludeth Since it is so that we are iustified by faith in Christ then by the workes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustified Verse 16. Because by the deedes of the lavve no flesh shall be iustified Flesh in Paule doth not signifie as the Scholemen dreame manifest and grosse sinnes for those he vseth to call by their proper names as adultery fornication vncleanes and such like but by flesh Paule meaneth here as Christ doth in the third chapter of Iohn That vvhich is borne of flesh sayeth he is flesh Flesh therfore signifieth the whole nature of man with reason and all other powers what so euer doe belong to man This flesh sayth he is not iustified by workes no not of the lawe Flesh therefore according to Paule signifieth all the righteousnes wisedome deuotion religion vnderstanding and will that is possible to be in a naturall man So that if a man be neuer so righteous according to reason and the lawe of God yet withall his righteousnes workes merites deuotion and religion he is not iustified This the Papistes doe not beleue but being blinde and obstinate they defend their abhominations against their owne conscience continuing in this their blasphemie and hauing yet still in their mouthes these execrable wordes He that doth this good worke or that deserueth forgeuenes of his sinnes who so euer entreth into this or that holy order and kepeth his rule to him we assuredly promise euerlasting life It can not be vttered what an horrible blasphemie it is to attribute that to the doctrine of Deuilles to the decrees and ordinaunces of men to the wicked traditions of the Pope to the hypocriticall workes and merites of Monkes and Friers which Paule the Apostle of Christ taketh away from the lawe of god For if no flesh be iustified by the workes of the lawe much lesse shall it be iustified by the rule of Benedict Fraunces or Augustine in which there is not one iote of true Faith in Christ but this onely they vrge that who so euer kepeth these things hath life euerlasting Wherefore I haue much and often marueled that these sectes of perdition raigning so many yeres in such great darknes and errours the Church could endure and continue as it hath done Some there were whom God called by the letter of the Gospell and by baptisme These walked in simplicitie and humblenes of heart thinking the Monkes and Friers and such onely as were anoynted of the Bishops to be religious and holy and them selues to be prophane and secular and not worthy to be compared vnto them Wherfore they finding in them selues no good workes to set against the wrath and iudgement of God did flie to the death passion of Christ and were saued in this simplicitie Horrible and vnspeakeable is the wrath of God in that he hath so long time punished the contempt of the Gospell and of Christ in the Papistes and also their ingratitude geuing them ouer into a reprobate sense in so much that they blaspheming and denying Christ altogether as touching his office in stede of the gospell haue receaued the execrable rules ordinaunces and traditions of men which they haue deuoutly adored and honoured yea and preferred the same farre aboue the word of God vntill at length they were forbidden to marry and were bound to that incestuous single life wherein they were outwardly polluted and defiled with all kindes of horrible wickednes as adultrie whoredom vncleanes Sodomitrie and such other abominations This was the frute of that filthie single life So God punishing sinne with sinne inwardly gaue them ouer into a reprobate minde and outwardly suffered them to fall into such horrible abominations and that iustly because they blasphemed the onely sonne of God in whom the father would be glorified and whom he deliuered to death that al which beleue in him might be saued by him and not by their owne execrable rules and orders Him that honoureth me sayth he I vvill honour Nowe God is honoured in his sonne Who so thē beleueth that the sonne is our Mediatour and Sauiour he honoureth the father and him againe doth God honour that is to say adorneth him with his giftes forgeuenes of sinnes righteousnes the holy Ghost euerlasting life Cōtrariwise They that despise me sayth he shall be despised This is then a generall conclusion Because by the deedes of the lavv no flesh shal be iustified The law of God is greater then the whole world for it comprehendeth all men and the works of the law do farre excel euen the most glorious wilworkes of all the Meritmongers and yet Paule sayth that neither the lawe nor the workes of the law do iustifie Therfore we conclude with Paule that faith only iustifieth This proposition he goeth about to confirme in this maner Verse 18. If then vvhile vve seeke to be made righteous by Christ vve our selues are found sinners is Christ therefore the minister of sinne God forbid If this be true sayth he that we are iustified by Christ then is it vnpossible that we should be sinners or should be iustified by the lawe On the contrary if this be not true but that we must be iustified by the lawe and the workes of the lawe it is then vnpossible that we should be iustified by Christ One of these two must needes be false Either we are not iustified by Christ or we are not iustified by the lawe But the truth is that we are iustified by Christ therefore we are not iustified by the lawe He reasoneth therefore after this maner If then vvhile vve seeke to be made c. That is If we seeke to be iustified by Christ and so being iustified we are yet foūd sinners hauing neede of the lawe to iustifie vs being sinners If we haue neede I say of the obseruation of the lawe to iustifie vs so that they which are righteous in Christ are not righteous but haue yet neede of the lawe to iustifie them Or if he that is iustified by Christ must yet further be iustified by the lawe then is Christ nothing else but a lawgeuer and a minister of sinne Therfore he that is iustified and holy in Christ is not iustified or holy but hath yet neede of the righteousnes and holines of the lawe But we are in deede iustified and made righteous in
Christ For the truth of the Gospell teacheth vs that a man is not iustified in the lawe but in Christ Nowe if they which are iustified in Christ are yet found sinners that is doe yet still belong to the lawe and are vnder the lawe as the false Apostles teach then are they not yet iustified For the lawe accuseth them and sheweth them to be yet sinners It requireth of them the workes of the lawe as necessary to their iustification and so it foloweth that Christ is not a iustifier but a minister of the lawe With these wordes he vehemently chargeth the false Apostles and all Meritemongers that they peruerte altogether for they make of the lawe grace and of grace the lawe of Moses Christ and of Christ Moses For they teach that besides Christ and all the righteousnes of Christ the obseruation of the lawe is necessary to iustification And thus we see that by their intolerable peruersnes they make the lawe Christ for by this meanes they attribute that to the lawe which properly belongeth vnto Christ If thou doe the workes of the lawe say they thou shalt be saued but if thou doe them not thou shalt not be iustified although thou doe beleue in Christ neuer so much Now if it be so that Christ iustifieth not but is the minister of sinne as it must needes folowe by their doctrine then is Christ the lawe for we haue nothing else of him seeing he teacheth that we are sinners then that we haue by the lawe So Christ being the minister of sinne sendeth vs to the lawe and to Moses as to our iustifier It can not be therfore but that the Papists and all such as are ignorant of the righteousnes of Christ or haue not the true knowlege therof must nedes make of Christ Moses and the law of the law Christ For thus they teach It is true say they that faith in Christ iustifieth but withall we must needes kepe the commaundements of god For it is wrytten If thou vvilt enter into life kepe the commaundementes Here euen at the first dash Christ is denied and Faith abolished because that is attributed to the commaundements of God or to the lawe which belongeth to Christ alone For Christ according to his true definition is a Iustifier and a Redemer from sinnes If I attribute this to the lawe then is the lawe my Iustifier deliuering me from my sinnes because I do the workes therof and so nowe the lawe is Christ and Christ vtterly loseth his name his office and glory and is nothing else but a minister of the lawe reprouing accusing terrifying presenting and sending the sinner to an other that may iustifie him which is the proper office of the lawe But the proper office of Christ is after the lawe hath pronounced a man to be giltie to raise him vp againe and to loose him from his sinnes if he beleue the Gospell For to all that doe beleue Christ is the ende and full finishing of the lavve vnto righteousnes He is the Lambe of God that taketh avvay the sinnes of the vvorld But the Papistes and Anabaptistes because they vnderstand not this doctrine doe peruert altogether making of Christ Moses and of Moses Christ And this is in deede although they will say otherwise their principall proposition That Christ is Moses Moreouer they deride and mocke vs because we doe so diligently teach and so earnestly require Faith. Ha ha say they faith faith wait thou the time vntil thou come to heauen by faith Nay thou must striue to doe greater waightier matters Thou must fulfill the law according to that saying Doe this and thou shalt line Faith which ye so highly extoll doth nothing else but make men careles idle and negligent Thus are they become nothing else but ministers of the law and laweworkers calling backe the people from baptisme faith the promises of Christ to the law and workes turning grace into the law and the law into grace Who would euer beleue that these things could so easily be confounded and mingled together There is no man so vnsensible which dothe not perceaue this distinction of the lawe and grace to be most plaine and manifest For the very nature and signification of the wordes maketh this distinction and difference For who vnderstandeth not that these words Lavve and grace do differ in name and signification Wherefore it is a monstrous thing that this distinction being so plaine the aduersaries should fall to such deuelish peruersenes so to mingle together the lawe and grace and to transforme Christ into Moses For this cause I do often repete and teach that this doctrine of faith is very plaine and that euery man may easely vnderstand this distinction of the law and grace as touching the wordes but touching the vse and inward practise it is very hard The Pope and his Scholedoctors doe plainly confesse that the lawe and grace are diuers and distinct things and yet when they come to the vse and practise thereof they teach cleane contrary Faith in Christ say they whether it be gotten by the strength operation and qualities of nature or whether it be Faith infused and poured into vs of God yet is it but a dead Faith if charitie be not ioyned therewith Where is nowe the distinction and difference of the lawe and grace In deede they doe distinguish them in name but in effect they call grace charitie Thus doe all they which so straitly require the obseruation of the lawe and attribute iustification to the law and works Wherfore who so euer do not perfectly vnderstand the article of iustification must needes confound and mingle the lawe and grace together Let euery man therfore diligently learne aboue all things to put a difference betwene the lawe and grace in deede and in practise not in words onely as the Pope and the fantasticall Anabaptists do Who as touching the words doe confesse that they are two distinct things but in very deede as I haue sayd they confound mingle them together for they will not graunt that faith iustifieth without workes If this be true then Christ profiteth me nothing For though my faith be neuer so perfite yet after their opinion if this faith be without charitie I am not iustified And thus Christ apprehended by faith is not a iustifier grace profiteth nothing neither can faith be true faith without charitie or as the Anabaptistes say without the crosse without suffering and effusion of bloud but if charitie be ioyned withall then is it true faith and iustifieth With this doctrine these lying spirites and sects of perdition doe darken againe the benefite of Christ at this day they take away from him the glory of a iustifier and make him a minister of sinne They are in all things like to the false Apostles For euen as they throughout all the Churches did require circumcision and the obseruation of the lawe besides faith in
righteousnes should feare vs and make vs to abhorre it And here with this thunderbolt falleth downe all the orders of Monkes and Friers with all the rablement of such supersticious religion For who will not detest his owne vowes his cowle his shauen croune all mens traditions yea the very law of Moses also if he heare that for these things he reiecteth the grace of god and maketh the death of Christ vnprofitable The world hearing this doth not beleue that it is true It thinketh that such horrible wickednes can not enter into any mans heart that he should reiect the grace of God esteme the death of Christ as a thing of nought And yet this sinne commonly reigneth For whosoeuer seeketh righteousnes without Christ either by workes merites satisfactions afflictions or by the law reiecteth the grace of God and despiseth the death of Christ whatsoeuer he protesteth with his mouth to the contrary The third Chapter Verse 1. O foolish Galathians PAVLE here sheweth his Apostolicall care and feruent zeale which he beareth to the church so that in disputing and confuting he intermixeth sometimes gentle exhortations and sometimes he sharply chideth according to his owne rule geuē to Timothy Preach saith he the vvord be instant in season and out of season Improue rebuke exhort 2. Timot. 4. Here the simple reader haply may be deceaued if he be not circumspect to thinke that Paule in teaching keepeth no order at all And surely after the maner of the Rhetoricians he obserueth none but as concerning the spirite he vseth a goodly order Now after that he hath sufficiently proued and with two strong arguments confirmed this article that Christian righteousnes cometh not by keeping of the law but by faith in Christ and withall hath confuted the doctrine of the false Apostles in the middes of this discourse he turneth his talke to the Galathians and reproueth them saying O ye foolish Galathians c. As if he should say Alas from whence are ye falne O ye miserable Galathians I haue most carefully and diligently taught you the truth of the Gospell and ye also haue receaued the same of me with feruent zeale and greate diligence How then cometh it to passe that ye are so suddainly falne away from it who hath bewitched you He rebuketh the Galathians very sharply as it seemeth when he calleth them fooles bewitched and disobedient to the truth Now whether he did this of zeale or compassion I will not here contend both may be true A carnall man would interprete this to be a reuiling rather then a godly reprehension Did Paule then geue an euill example or was he spitefull against the churches of Galatia because he called them foolish and bewitched No not so For with a Christian zeale it is lawfull for an Apostle pastour or preacher sharply to reproue the people committed to his charge and such reprouings are both fatherly godly So parents of a fatherly and motherly affection do sharply reproue and rebuke their children which they would not beare if an other should doe it The Scholemaster sometimes is angry with his scholler he rebuketh him and beateth him with roddes all which he taketh in good parte and would not beare it at the handes of his equall The magistrate likewise is angry he reproueth and punisheth such as are vnder his charge And this discipline is not onely good but also very necessary without the which nothing can be well done Wherfore vnlesse the magistrate the minister the father and mother be angry and vse to reproue or rebuke when case requireth he is vnprofitable and neuer shall discharge his office rightly Wherfore sharpe chidings bitter words are as necessary in euery kind of life as any other vertue els Yet notwithstanding this anger must be so tempered that it procede not of any enuy or malice but onely of a fatherly affection and Christian zeale that is to say it ought not to be childish or womanlike seking reuenge but onely for the correcting of the faulte As the father correcteth not his childe with desire to reuenge but only that the childe therby may be the better And these kindes of anger are good and are called in the scripture ielousies or zeales For in chastising my brother my child my scholler or subiect in this sort I seeke not his destruction but his profite and welfare It may be then that Paule here rebuketh the Galathians either of a very zeale not to destroy them but by this meanes to reduce them into the way againe and to amend them or els of pitie and compassion as it were by way of complaint for that it greueth him that the Galathians should be so miserably seduced As if he should say I am sory and ashamed to heare of this your miserable case your wretched doings c. In like maner doe we also reproue the miserable not that we treade them downe or vpbraide them with their misery but as hauing compassion on them and seeking their amendment This I say lest any man should cauill that Paule railed vpon the churches contrary to the rule of the Gospell In like maner Christ rebuketh the phariseis calling them serpents the generation of vipers the children of the deuil But these are the rebukings of the holy Ghost They are fatherly and motherly and as the chidings of a faithfull frend As it is said also in the prouerbes Better are the vvoundes of a frend then the kisses of an enemy Thus one and the selfe same rebuke if it come out of the mouth of a father may be a great benefite but if it procede out of the mouth of our equall or enemy it is a spitefull reproch When two men doe both one thing in the one it is commendable and in the other it is cleane contrary When Christ and Paule doe reproue it is done with singular vertue and commendation but when a priuate man shall doe the like in him it is a greate vice Therfore one and the selfe same word in the mouth of Paule is a great vertue and a singular benefite but in the mouth of an other it is a shamefull reproch Here is a great vehemencie to be noted in this word Galathians For he calleth them not brethren as els where he is wont to doe but he calleth them by the name of their coūtrey And it should seeme that it was the naturall vice of that nation to be foolish like as it was the fault of the Cretenses to be liars As if he should say As ye are called euen so are ye in deed and so ye continue that is to say foolish Galathians and this ye proue euen now in this busines of the Gospell wherin notwithstāding ye ought to haue shewed your selues most wise but ye continue still in your old nature and shew your selues no changelings Thus Paule by way of correction putteth them in mind of their corrupt nature Moreouer we are here admonished
sorte vnderstandeth the righteousnes of the lawe which also it teacheth and vrgeth and imagineth that the doers of it are righteous but it vnderstandeth not the office and ende of the law Therfore when it heareth this sentence of Paule which is straunge and vnknowne to the world That the lavve vvas geuen for transgressions thus it iudgeth Paule abolisheth the lawe for he sayth that we are not iustified through it Yea he is a blasphemer against God which gaue the lawe whē he sayth that the lavve vvas geuen for transgressions Let vs liue therfore as Gentiles which haue no lawe Yea let vs sinne abide in sinne that grace may abounde Also let vs doe euill that good may come therof This happened to the Apostle Paule and the selfe same happeneth at this day vnto vs For when the common people heare out of the Gospell that righteousnes cometh by the mere grace of God through Faith onely without the law and without workes they gather by and by of it as did the Iewes in times past If the lawe doe not iustifie then let vs worke nothing and surely they performe this excellently well What should we then doe This impietie doth in deede very much vexe vs but we can not remedie it For when Christe preacheth he must nedes heare that he was a blasphemer and a seditious person that is to say that through his doctrine he deceaued men and made them rebelles against Caesar The selfe same thing happened to Paule and all the rest of the Apostles And what maruell is it if the world in like maner accuse vs at this day Let it accuse vs let it sclaunder vs let it persecute vs and spare not yet must not we therefore hold our peace but speake freely to the ende that afflicted consciences may be deliuered out of the snares of the Deuill And we must not regarde the foolish and vngodly people in that they do abuse our doctrine for whether they haue a law or no lawe they can not be reformed But we must consider how afflicted consciences may be comforted that they pearish not with the multitude If we should dissemble and holde our peace pore afflicted consciences should haue no consolation which are so entangled and snared with mens lawes and traditiōs that they can wind them selues out by no meanes As Paule therefore seeing some to set themselues against his doctrine and others some to seeke the libertie of the flesh and therby to be made worse comforted him selfe after this sort that he was an Apostle of Iesus Christ sent to preach the Faith of Gods elect and that he must suffer all things for the elects sake to the end that they also might obtaine saluation euen so we at this day do al things for the elects sake whom we know to be edified comforted through our doctrine But as for the dogges swine of whom the one sort doth persecute our doctrine and the other sort doth tread vnder foote that libertie which we haue in Christ Iesus I am so offended with them that in all my life for their sakes I would not vtter so much as one word but I would rather wish that these hogges together with our aduersaries the dogges were yet still subiect to the Popes tyrannie rather then that the holy name of God should be so blasphemed and euill spoken of through them Therfore albeit not onely the foolish ignorant people but they also which seeme in their owne conceits to be very wise do argue after this sort If the law do not iustifie then is it in vaine vnprofitable yet is it not therfore true For like as this consequence is nothing worth Money doth not iustifie or make a mā righteous therfore it is vnprofitable the eyes do not iustifie therfore they must be plucked out the hands make not a mā righteous therfore they must be cut of so is this naught also The lawe dothe not iustify therfore it is vnprofitable for we must attribute vnto euery thinge his proper effect and vse We doe not therfore destroy condemne the lawe bicause we say that it doth not iustifie but we answere otherwise to this question To vvhat end then serueth the lavv then our aduersaries doe who doe wickedly and peruersely counterfet an office vse of the law which belongeth not vnto it Against this abuse and forged office of the lawe we dispute and aunswer with Paule that the law doth not iustifie But in so saying we affirme not that the lawe is vnprofitable as they doe by and by gather If the law doe not iustifie say they then is it geuē in vaine No not so For it hath his proper office vse but not that which the aduersaries do imagin namely to make mē righteous but it accuseth terrifieth and condemneth them We say with Paule that the lawe is good if a man doe rightly vse it that is to say if he vse the law as the law If I geue vnto the lawe his proper definition and keepe it within the compasse of his office and vse it is an excellent thing But if I translate it to an other vse and attribute that vnto it which I should not then doe I not onely peruert the law but also the whole Scripture Therfore Paule fighteth here against those pestilent hypocrites who could not abide this sentence The lavve vvas added for transgressions For they thinke that the office of the lawe is to iustifie And this is the generall opinion of mans reason amōg the Sophisters and throughout the whole world that righteousnes is gotten through the workes of the lawe And reason will by no meanes suffer this pernicious opinion to be wrested from it because it vnderstandeth not the righteousnes of Faith. Hereof it cometh that the Papists both foolishly and wickedly do say The Church hath the lawe of God the traditions of the Fathers the decrees of Councels If it liue after them it is holy No man shal perswade these men that when they keepe these things they please not God but prouoke his wrath To conclude they that trust in their owne righteousnes thinke to pacifie the wrath of God by their wilworship and voluntary religion Therefore this opinion of the righteousnes of the lawe is the sinke of all euils and the sinne of sinnes of the whole world For grosse sinnes and vices may be knowen and so amended or else repressed by the punishment of the Magistrate But this sinne to witte mannes opinion concerning his owne righteousnes will not onely not be counted sinne but also will be estemed for an high religion and righteousnes This pestilent sinne therefore is the most high and soueraigne power of the Deuill ouer the whole world the very head of the Serpent and the snare wherby the Deuill entangleth and holdeth all men captiue For naturally all men haue this opinion that they are made righteous by keeping of the lawe Paule therefore to
his chiefe end and office it humbleth a man and in humbling him it maketh him to sigh and grone and to seeke the hand and aide of the Mediatour and maketh his grace and his mercy exceeding sweete comfortable as is saide Psalm 109. Thy mercy is svveete and his gifte precious and inestimable And by this meanes it prepareth vs and maketh vs apte to apprehende and to receaue Christe For as the Poete sayeth Dulcia non meruit qui non gustauit amara that is He that hath not tasted the things that are bitter Is not vvorthie to taste the things that are svveeter Hunger is the best Cooke Therefore like as the drie earth doth couet the raine euen so the lawe maketh troubled and afflicted soules to thirst after Christe To such Christe sauoureth sweetely to them he is nothing els but ioy consolation and life And there beginneth Christ and his benefite rightly to be knowne This is then the principall vse of the law namely when a man can so vse it that it may humble him make him to thirst after Christ And in deede Christ requireth thirsty soules whom he most louingly and graciously allureth and calleth vnto him when he saith Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauy loden and I vvill refresh you He deliteth therefore to water these dry groundes He powreth not his waters vpon fatte and rancke groundes or such as are not dry and couet no water His good things are inestimable and therefore he geueth them to none but vnto such as haue neede of them and feeling the greate neede they haue thereof doe earnestly desire them He preacheth glad tidings to the poore he geueth drinke to the thirstie If any thirst saith Iohn Let him come vnto me c. He healeth the broken harted c. that is he comforteth those that are brused and afflicted by the law Therefore the law is not against the promises of God. Verse 21. For if there had ben a lavv geuen vvhich bringeth life surely righteousnes should haue ben by the lavve By these wordes Paule signifieth that no lawe of it selfe is able to quicken or geue life but onely killeth Therfore such works as are done not onely according to the lawes and traditions of the Pope but also according to the very law of God doe not iustifie a man before God but make him a sinner they doe not pacifie the wrath of God but they kindle it they obtaine not righteousnes but they hinder it they quicken not but they terrifie Therfore when he sayeth If a lavv had ben geuen vvhich could haue brought life c. he teacheth plainly that the lawe of it selfe iustifieth not but that it hath a cleane contrary effect Although these words of Paule be plaine enough yet are they obscure and vtterly vnknowne to the Papists For if they did vnderstand them in deede they would not so magnifie their freewill their owne naturall strength the keping of the Counsels the works of supererogation c. But left they should seeme to be manifestly wicked plaine Infidels in denying the words of the Apostle of Christ so impudently they haue this pestilent glose alwayes ready wherby they peruert the places of Paule concerning the lawe which reuealeth sinne and engendreth wrath that is to say the .x. commaūdemēts that Paule speaketh onely of the ceremoniall and not of the morall law But Paule speaketh plainly when he sayth If a lavve had ben geuen c. and he excepteth no lawe Wherfore this glose of the Papists is not worth a rush For the lawes of the ceremonies were as well commaunded of God and as streitly kept as the morall lawes The Iewes also kept circumcision as precisely as they did the Sabboth day It is euident enough therfore that Paule speaketh of the whole lawe These words of the Apostle are song said in the Papacie and in all their churches and yet notwithstanding they both teach and liue quite contrary Paule sayth simplie that no law was geuen to quicken and to bring life but the Papistes teach that many lawes are geuen to bring life Although they say not this in plaine words yet in very deede such is their opinion as their Monkery doth plainely witnes besides many lawes and traditions of men their workes and merites before grace and after and innumerable wicked ceremonies and false worshippings which they haue deuised of their owne heads and those onely haue they preached treading the Gospell vnder their feete and assuredly promising grace remission of sinnes and life euerlasting to all such as should kepe obserue the same This that I say cā not be denied for their bokes which are yet extāt geue certaine testimony therof But contrariwise we affirme with Paule that there is no law whether it be mans law or Gods law that geueth life Therfore we put as great a difference betwene the law righteousnes as is betwene life death betwene heauen hell And the cause the moueth vs so to affirme is that plaine euident place of Paule where he sayth that the law is not geuen to iustifie to geue life and to saue but onely to kil to destroy cōtrary to the opinion of all men for naturally they can iudge no otherwise of the law but that it is geuen to work righteousnes to geue life saluation This difference of the offices of the law and the gospel kepeth all Christian doctrine in his true proper vse Also it maketh a faithfull man iudge ouer all kindes of life ouer the lawes decrees of all men and ouer all doctrine whatsoeuer and it geueth them power to trie all maner of spirites On the other side the Papists because they confoūd mingle the law the gospel together cā teach no certainty touching faith works the states conditiōs of life nor of the difference of spirits Now therfore after that Paule hath prosecuted his confutations and arguments sufficiently and in good order he teacheth that the lawe if ye consider his true and perfect vse is nothing else but as a certaine Scholemaster to lead vs vnto righteousnes For it hūbleth men maketh them apt to receaue the righteousnes of Christ whē it doth his own proper worke and office that is when it maketh them giltie terrifieth and bringeth them to the knowledge of sinne wrath death and hell For when it hath done this the opinion of mans owne righteousnes holines vanisheth away and Christe with his benefites beginneth to waxe sweete vnto him Wherefore the law is not against the promises of God but rather confirmeth them True it is that it doth not accomplish the promise nor bring righteousnes notwithstanding it humbleth vs with his exercise and office and so maketh vs more thrifty and more apte to receaue the benefite of Christ Therefore saith he if any lawe had bene geuen which might haue brought righteousnes and through righteousnes life for
our Faith that we confesse Christ and his word by the power of the holy Ghost We ought not therfore to dout whether the holy Ghost dwelleth in vs or not but to be assuredly perswaded that we are the temple of the holy Ghost as Paule sayth For if any man feele in himselfe a loue towardes the word of God willingly heareth talketh wryteth thinketh of Christe let that man know that this is not the worke of mans will or reason but the gift of the holy Ghost For it is impossible that these things should be done without the holy Ghost Contrariwise where hatred and contempt of the word is there the Deuill the God of this world raigneth blinding mens heartes and holding them captiue that the Gospell the glory of Christe should not shine vnto them Which thing we see at this day in the most part of the commō people which haue no loue to the word but presumpteously contemne it as though it pertained nothing at all vnto them But who so euer doe feele any loue or desire to the word let them acknowledge with thākfulnes that this affection is powred into them by the holy Ghost For we are not borne with this affection and desire neither can we be taught by any lawes how we may obtaine it but this chaunge is plainly and simply the worke of the right hand of the most highest Therfore when we willingly and gladly heare the word preached concerning Christe the sonne of God who for vs was made mā and became subiect to the law to deliuer vs from the malediction of the law hell death damnation then let vs assure our selues that God by and with this preaching sendeth the holy Ghost into our hearts Wherfore it is very expedient for the Godly to know that they haue the holy Ghost This I say to confute that pernicious doctrine of the Papists which taught that no man can certainly know although his life be neuer so vpright blameles whether he be in the fauour of God or no. And this sentence commonly receaued was a speciall principle and article of Faith in the whole Papacie wherby they vtterly defaced the doctrine of Faith tormented mens consciences banished Christ quite out of the Church darkened and denied all the benefites of the holy Ghost abolished the whole worship of God set vp Idolatrie cōtempt of God and blasphemie against God in mens heartes For he that doubteth of Gods good will towards him and doth not assure him selfe that he is in the fauour of God this man can not beleue that he hath forgeuenes of his sinnes that God careth for him or that he shall be saued Augustine sayth very well and godly that euery man seeth most certainely his owne Faith if he haue Faith. This doe they deny God forbid say they that I should assure my selfe that I am vnder grace that I am holy and that I haue the holy Ghost yea although I liue godly and doe all good workes Ye which are yong and are not infected with this pernicious opinion whervpon the whole kingdom of the Pope is groūded take heede flie from it as from a most daungerous plague We that are old men haue ben trained vp in this errour euen from our youth and haue ben so nusled therein that it hath taken deepe roote in our hearts Therefore it is to vs no lesse labour to vnlearne and forget the same then to learne and lay hold vpon true Faith. But we must be assured out of dout that we are vnder grace that we please God for Christes sake and that we haue the holy Ghost For if any mā haue not the spirite of Christ the same is none of his Wherfore whether thou be a Minister of Gods word or a Magistrate in the common wealth thou must assuredly thinke that thy office pleaseth God but this canst thou neuer doe vnlesse thou haue the holy Ghost But thou wilt say I doubt not but that my office pleaseth God because it is Gods ordinaunce but I doubt of mine owne person whether it please God or no. Here thou must resort to the word of God which teacheth and assureth vs that not onely the office of the person but also the person it self pleaseth god For the person is baptised beleueth in Christ is purged in his bloud from all his sinnes liueth in the communion and felowship of his Church Moreouer he doth not onely loue the pure doctrine of the word but also he is glad and greatly reioyceth when he seeth it aduaunced and the nomber of the faithfull encreased Cōtrariwise he detesteth the Pope all Sectaries with their wicked doctrine according to that saying of the Psalme I hate them that imagine euill things but thy lavve doe I loue We ought therefore to be surely perswaded that not onely our office but also our person pleaseth God Yea whatsoeuer it sayth doth or thinketh particularly the same pleaseth God not for our owne sakes but for Christes sake who was made vnder the law for vs Now we are sure that Christe pleaseth God that he is holy c. For as much then as Christe pleaseth God and we are in him we also please God and are holy And although sinne doe still remaine in our flesh and we also daily fall and offend yet grace is more aboundant and stronger then sinne The mercy and truth of the Lord raigneth ouer vs for euer Wherfore sinne cā not terrifie vs and make vs doutfull of the grace of God which is in vs For Christe that most mighty Giaunt hath quite abolished the law condemned sinne vāquished death and all euils So long as he is at the right hand of God making intercession for vs we can not doubt of the grace and fauour of God towardes vs. Moreouer God hath also sent the spirite of his sonne into our hearts as Paule here sayth But Christe is most certaine in his spirite that he pleaseth god c therefore we also hauing the same spirite of Christe must be assured that we are vnder grace for his sake that is most assured This I haue sayd concerning the inward testimonie wherby a Christian mans heart ought to be fully perswaded that he is vnder grace hath the holy Ghost Now the outward signes as before I haue said are gladly to heare of Christ to preach teach Christ to render thanks vnto him to praise him to confesse him yea with the losse of goodes and life Moreouer to doe our duetie according to our vocatiō as we are able to do it I say in faith ioy c Not to delite in sinne nor to thrust our selues into an other mans vocation but to attend vpon our owne to helpe our needy brother to comfort the heauy harted c. By these signes as by certein effects cōsequēts we are fully assured confirmed that we are in Gods fauour The wicked also do imagine that they haue the same signes but they
because thou hast led them out of Egypt Besides all this the people cried out against him saying Were there no graues in Egypt Thou hast brought vs out that we should die here in the wildernes Had it not bene better for vs to haue serued the Egyptians then here wretchedly to die in the wildernes The holy Ghost was not here in Moises by bare speculation and knowledge onely but truely and effectually who made intercession for him with an vnspeakeable groning so that he sighed vnto the Lord and sayd O Lord at thy commaundement haue I led forth this people helpe vs therfore This groning or sighing vnto God the scripture calleth a crying This matter I haue the more largely prosecuted that I might plainly shew what the office of the holy Ghost is and when he specially exerciseth the same In temptatiō therfore we must in no wise iudge therof according to our owne sense feeling or by the crying of that law sinne the Deuill c. If we then folow our owne sense beleue those cryings we shall thinke our selues to be destitute of all helpe and succour of the holy Ghost and to be vtterly cast away from the presence of god Nay rather let vs then remember what Paule sayth The spirite helpeth our infirmities c. Also it crieth Abba Father that is to say it vttereth a certaine feeble sighing and groning of the heart as it seemeth vnto vs which notwithstanding before God is a loud crie and an vnspeakeable groning Wherfore in the middes of thy temptation and infirmitie cleaue onely vnto Christe grone vnto him he geueth the holy Ghost which crieth Abba Father And this feeble groning is a mighty crie in the eares of God and so filleth heauen and earth that God heareth nothing else and moreouer it drowneth the cries of all other things whatsoeuer Thou must marke also that Paule sayth that the spirite maketh intercession for vs in our temptation not with many wordes or long prayer but onely with a groning which notwithstanding can not be expressed and that he crieth not a loud with teares saying Haue mercy on me O God c. but onely vttereth a litle sound and a feeble groning as Ah Father This is but a litle word and yet notwithstanding it comprehendeth all things The mouth speaketh not but the affection of the heart speaketh after this maner Although I be oppressed with anguish and terrour on euery side and seeme to be forsaken and vtterly cast away from thy presence yet am I thy childe and thou art my Father for Christes sake I am beloued because of the beloued Wherfore this litle word Father conceaued effectually in the heart passeth all the eloquence of Demosthenes Cicero and of the most eloquent Rhetoricians that euer were in the world This matter is not expressed with words but with gronings which gronings cā not be vttered with any wordes or eloquence for no tongue can expresse them I haue vsed many wordes to declare that a Christian must assure him selfe that he is in the fauour of God and that he hath the crying of the holy Ghost in his heart This haue I done that we may learne to reiect and vtterly to abandon that deuillish opinion of the whole kingdom of the Pope which taught that a man ought to be vncertaine and to stand in dout of the grace and fauour of God towards him If this opinion be receaued then Christ profiteth nothing For he that douteth of Gods fauour towardes him must needes dout also of the promises of God and so consequently of the will of God and of the benefites of Christe namely that he was borne suffered died and rose againe for vs c. But there can be no greater blasphemie against God then to deny his promises to deny God himselfe Christ c. Wherfore it was not onely an extreme madnes but an horrible impietie that the Monks did so earnestly entice the youth both men and women to their Monasteries to their religious and holy orders as they called them as to a most certaine state of saluation and yet when they had thus done they bad them doubt of the grace and fauour of God towards them Moreouer the Pope called all the world to the obedience of the holy Church of Rome as to an holy state in the which they might vndoutedly attaine saluatiō and yet after he had brought them vnder the obedience of his lawes he commaunded them to dout of their saluation So the kingdom of Antichrist braggeth and vaunteth at the first of the holines of his orders his rules and his lawes and assuredly promiseth euerlasting life to such as obserue and kepe them But afterwards when these miserable men haue long afflicted their bodies with watching fasting and such like exercises according to the traditions and ordinaunces of men this is all that they gaine thereby that they are vncertaine whether this obedience please God or no Thus Satan most horribly dallied in the death of soules through the Pope and therefore is the Papacie a slaughterhouse of consciences and the very kingdom of the Deuill Nowe to establish and confirme this pernicious cursed errour they alleaged the saying of Salomon Eccle. 9. The iust and the vvise men are in the handes of God and yet no man knovveth vvhether he be vvorthy of loue or of hatred Some vnderstand this of that hatred which is to come and some againe of that which is present but neither of them vnderstand Salomon who in that place meaneth nothing lesse then that which they dreame Moreouer the whole Scripture teacheth vs especially and aboue all things that we should not dout but assure our selues vndoutedly beleue that God is mercifull louing and patient that he is neither dissembler nor deceauer but that he is faithfull and true and kepeth his promise yea and hath performed that he promised in deliuering his only begotten Some to death for our sinnes that euery one that beleueth in him might not perish but haue euerlasting life Here we can not dout but that God is pleased with vs that he loueth vs in dede that the hatred and wrath of God is taken away seeing he suffered his sonne to die for vs wretched sinners Although this matter be sette out and often repeted thoroughout the whole Gospell yet it profited nothing at all This one saying of Salomon peruersly vnderstand did more preuaile especially among the votaries and hypocrites of the straiter religion then all the promises and consolations of the whole Scripture yea then Christe him selfe They abused the Scriptures therfore to their owne destruction and were most iustly punished for despising the Scriptures and reiecting the Gospell It is expedient for vs to know these things First because the Papistes vaunt of their holines as if they had neuer committed any euill Therefore they must be conuinced by their owne abhominations wherewith they haue filled the whole world
Monke if he kepe his order and performe his vowes But all these are deceaued and become vaine in their owne cogitations as Paule sayeth Rom. 1. not knowing what pleaseth or displeaseth God therfore in steed of the true and naturall God they worship the dreames and imaginations of their owne heart This is it that Paul meaneth whē he saith vvhē ye knevv not God that is when ye knew not the wil of God ye serued those which by nature were no gods that is to say ye serued the dreames imaginatiōs of your owne heart wherby ye imagined without the word the God was to be worshipped with this or that worke with this or that rite or ceremonie For vpon this proposition which all men doe naturally hold namely that there is a God hath sprong all Idolatrie which without that knowledge of the Diuinitie could neuer haue come into the world But because men had this naturall knowledge of God they conceaued vaine and wicked imaginations of God without against the word which they esteemed and maintained as the very truth it selfe and so dreamed that God is such a one as by nature he is not So the Mōke imagineth him to be such a God as forgeueth sinnes geueth grace and euerlasting life for the keping of his Rule This God is no where to be foūd therfore he serueth not the true God but that which by nature is no God to witte the imagination and Idoll of his owne heart that is to say his owne false and vaine opinion of God which he dreameth to be an vndoubted truth Now reason it selfe will enforce vs to confesse that mans opinion is no God. Therfore who so euer wil worship God without this word serueth not the true God as Paule sayth but that which by nature is no God. Therfore whether ye call rudiments here the lawe of Moises or else the traditions of the Gentiles albeit he speaketh here properly and principally of the rudiments of Moises there is no great difference For he that falleth from grace to the law falleth with no lesse daunger then he that falleth from grace to Idolatrie For without Christ there is nothing else but mere Idolatrie an Idoll and false imagination of God whether it be called Moises law or the Popes ordinance or the Turks Alcoran c. Therfore he sayth with a certaine admiration Verse 9. But novv seing ye knovv God. As though he would say This is a maruelous thing that ye knowing God by the preaching of Faith doe so suddainly reuolt from the true knowledge of his will wherein I thought ye were so surely established that I feared nothing lesse then that ye should so easily be ouerthrowne doe now againe by the instigation of the false Apostles returne to the weake and beggerly ceremonies which ye would serue againe afresh Ye heard before by my preaching that this is the will of God to blesse all nations not by circumcision or by the obseruation of the law but by Christe promised to Abraham They that beleue in him shall be blessed with faithfull Abraham they are the sonnes and heires of God. Thus I say haue ye knowen God. Verse 9. Yea rather are knovven of god c. He correcteth the sentence going before But novv seing ye haue knovven God or rather turneth it after this maner yea rather ye are knovven of God. For he feared lest they had lost God vtterly As if he would say Alas are ye come to this poynt that now ye know not God but returne againe from grace to the law Yet notwithstanding God knoweth you And in deede our knowledge is rather passiue then actiue that is to say it consisteth in this that we are rather knowen of God then that we know him All our doing that is all our endeuour to know and to apprehend God is to suffer God to worke in vs He geueth the word which when we haue receiued by Faith geuen from aboue we are new borne and made the sonnes of god This is then the sense and meaning Ye are knovven of God that is ye are visited with the word ye are endued with Faith and the holy Ghost wherby ye are renewed c. Wherfore euen by these words Ye are knovven of God he taketh away all righteousnes from the law and denieth that we attaine the knowledge of God through the worthines of our owne workes For no man knovveth the father but the sonne he to vvhom the sonne vvill reueale him Also He by his knovvledge shall iustifie many because he shall beare our iniquities Wherefore our knowledge concerning God consisteth in suffering and not in doing He much meruelleth therfore that seing they knew God truely by the Gospell they returned so suddenly backe to weake and beggerly rudiments by the perswasion of the false apostles As I my selfe also should greatly maruell if our Church which by the grace of God is godly reformed in pure doctrine and Faith should be seduced and peruerted by some fond and frantike head through the preaching of one or two sermons that they would not acknowledge me for their pastour any more Which thing notwithstanding shall one day come to passe if not whilest we liue yet when we are dead and gone For many shall then rise vppe which will be maisters and teachers who vnder a colour of true religiō shall teach false and peruerse doctrine and shall quickly ouerthrow all that we in so long time and with so great trauel haue builded We are not better then the Apostles who whiles they yet liued sawe not without their great griefe and sorow the subuersion of those Churches which they thēselues had planted through theyr ministerie Therfore it is no great maruell if we be constrained to behold the like euill at this day in those Churches where Sectaries doe raigne who hereafter when we are dead shall possesse those Churches which we haue wonne and planted by our ministerie and with their poyson infect and subuert the same And yet notwithstanding Christe shall remaine and raigne to the end of the world and that maruelously as he did vnder the Papacie Paule seemeth to speake very spitefully of the lawe when he calleth it rudiments as he did also before in the beginning of this chapt and not only rudiments but weake and beggetly rudiments and ceremonies Is it not blasphemie to geue such odious names to the law of God The lawe being in his true vse ought to serue the promises and to stand with the promises grace But if it fight against them it is no more the holy law of God but a false and a deuilish doctrine and doth nothing else but driue men to desperation therfore must be reiected Wherefore when he calleth the lawe weake and beggerly rudiments he speaketh of the lawe in respect of proud and presumpteous hypocrites which would be iustified by it and not of the law being spiritually vnderstand which engendreth wrath
still an eye to moe workes and so by heaping vppe of workes he goeth about to appease the wrath of God and to iustifie him selfe vntill he be driuen to vtter desperation Wherfore whosoeuer falleth frō Faith and foloweth the law is like to Esopes dogge which forgoeth the flesh and snatcheth at the shadow Wherfore it is impossible that such as seeke righteousnes saluation by the lawe wherevnto men are naturally enclined should euer finde quietnes and peace of conscience yea they doe nothing else but heape lawes vpon lawes whereby they torment both themselues and others and afflict mens consciences so miserably that through extreme anguish of heart many die before their time For one lawe alwayes bringeth forth ten moe and so they encrease without number and without ende Now who would haue thought that the Galathians which had learned so sound and so pure a doctrine of such an excellent Apostle and teacher could be so suddenly ledde away from the same and vtterly peruerted by the false Apostles It is not without cause that I repete this so often that to fall away from the truth of the Gospel is an easie matter The reason is because men doe not sufficiently consider no not the very faithfull what an excellent and a precious treasure the true knowledge of Christ is Therefore they doe not labour so diligently so carefully as they should doe to obtaine to retaine the same Moreouer the greater part of those that heare the word are exercised with no crosse or affliction they wrastle not against sinne death the Deuill but liue in securitie without any conflict Such men because they are not proued and tried with tentations and therefore are not armed with the word of God against the subtilties of the Deuill neuer feele the vse and power of the word In dede whilest they are among faithfull ministers and preachers they cā folow their words say as they say perswading themselues that they perfectly vnderstand the matter of iustification But whē they are gone wolues in sheepes clothing are come in their place it hapneth vnto them as it did to the Galathians that is to say they are suddenly seduced easily turned backe to weake and beggerly rudiments Paule hath here his peculier maner of speech which the other Apostles did not vse For there was none of them besides Paule that gaue such names to the lawe to witte that it is a weake and a beggerly rudiment that is to say vtterly vnprofitable to righteousnes And surely I durst not haue geuen such termes vnto the lawe but should haue thought it great blasphemy against God if Paule had not so done before But of this I haue entreated more largely before where I shewed when the lawe is weake and beggerly and when it is most strong and rich c. Now if the law of God be weake and vnprofitable to Iustification much more are the lawes and decrees of the Pope weake and vnprofitable to Iustification Therefore we geue sentence against the ordinaunces lawes and decrees of the Pope with such boldnes assurance as Paule did against the law of God that they are not onely weake and beggerly rudiments and vtterly vnprofitable to righteousnes but also execrable accursed deuilish dānable for they blaspheme grace they ouerthrow the Gospel abolish faith take away Christ c. For as much then as the Pope requireth that we should kepe his lawes as necessary to saluation he is very Antichrist and the Vicar of Sathā And as many as cleaue vnto him cōfirme his abhominatiōs blasphemies or kepe them to this ende that therby they may merite the forgeuenes of their sinnes are the seruaunts of Antichrist of the Deuil Now such hath the doctrine of the Papisticall church ben of a lōg time that these lawes ought to be kept as necessary to saluatiō Thus the Pope sitteth in the temple of God vaunting him selfe to be God he setteth him selfe against God and exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God or worshipped c And mens consciences more feared reuerenced the lawes and ordinaunces of the Pope then the word of God his ordinaūces By this meanes he was made the Lord of heauen of earth and of hell and bare a triple crowne vpon his head The Cardinals also Bishops his creatures were made Kings Princes of the world And therfore if he did not burden mens consciences with his lawes he could not long maintaine his terrible power his dignitie and his riches but his whole kingdom would quickly fall This place which Paule here handleth is weightie and of great importance and therefore the more diligently to be marked to witte that they which fall from grace to the law doe vtterly lose the knowledge of the truth they see not their owne sinnes they neither know God nor the Deuill nor them selues and moreouer they vnderstand not the force and vse of the lawe although they bragge neuer so much that they keepe and obserue the same For without the knowledge of grace that is to say without the Gospell of Christ it is impossible for a man to geue this definition of the lawe that it is a weake and a beggerly rudiment and vnprofitable to righteousnes But he rather iudgeth quite contrary of the law to witte that it is not onely necessary to saluation but also that it strengthneth such as are weake and enricheth such as are poore and beggerly that is to say that such as obey and obserue the same shall be able to merite righteousnes and euerlasting saluation If this opinion remaine the promise of God is denied Christe is taken away lying impietie and idolatrie is established Now the Pope with all his Bishops his Schooles and whole Sinagoge taught that his lawes are necessary to saluation Therfore he was a teacher of weake and beggerly elements wherwith he made the Church of Christ thorow out the whole world most weake beggerly that is to say he burdened and miserably tormented the Church with his wicked lawes defacing Christ and burying his Gospell Verse 9. VVhervnto ye vvill be in bondage againe This he addeth to declare that he speaketh of proud and presumpteous hypocrites which seeke to be iustified by the law as I haue shewed before For otherwise he calleth the law holy and good As 1. Timot 1. VVe knovv that the lavv is good if it be rightly vsed to witte ciuily to bridle euill doers and spiritually to encrease transgressions But whosoeuer obserueth the lawe to obtaine righteousnes before God maketh the lawe which is good damnable and hurtfull vnto him selfe He reproueth the Galathians therefore because they would be in bondage to the lawe againe which doth not take away sinne but encreaseth sinne For whilest a sinner being weake and poore of himself seeketh to be iustified by the lawe he findeth nothing in it but weakenes and pouertie it selfe And
sawe not the condition that was annexed If ye kepe my commaundementes it shall goe vvell vvith you c. Therfore Agar the bondmaid bringeth forth but a bond seruaunt Ismael then is not the heire although he be the naturall sonne of Abraham but remaineth a bondman What is here lacking The promise and Blessing of the word So the lawe geuen in mount Sina which the Arabians call Agar begetteth none but seruauntes For the promise made as concerning Christ was not annexed to the lawe Wherfore O ye Galathians if ye forsaking the promise and faith fall backe to the law and works ye shall alwayes continue seruaunts that is ye shall neuer be deliuered from sinne and death but ye shall alwayes abide vnder the curse of the lawe For Agar gendreth not the seede of the promise and heires that is to say the lawe iustifieth not it bringeth not the adoption inheritance but rather it hindreth the inheritance and worketh wrath Verse 25. And it ansvvereth to Ierusalem vvhich novv is and she is in bondage vvith her children This is a wonderfull allegorie As Paule a litle before made Agar of Sina so now of Ierusalem he would gladly make Sara but he dareth not neither can he so doe but is compelled to ioyne Ierusasalem with mount Sina For he sayth The same belongeth to Agar seeing mount Agar reacheth euen to Ierusalem And it is true that there be continuall mountaines reaching from Arabia Petrea vnto Cades Bernea of Iurie He sayth then that this Ierusalem which now is that is to say this earthly and temporall Ierusalem is not Sara but pertaineth to Agar for there Agar raigneth For in it is the law begetting vnto bondage in it is the worship and ceremonies the temple the kingdome the Priesthoode and whatsoeuer was ordained in Sina by the mother which is the lawe the same is done in Ierusalem Therfore I ioyne her with Sina and I cōprehend both in one word to witte Sina or Agar I durst not haue bene so bolde to handle this allegorie after this maner but would rather haue called Ierusalem Sara or the new Testament especially seeing the preaching of the Gospell began in it the holy Ghost was there geuen and the people of the new Testament were there borne and I would haue thought that I had found out a very fitte allegory Wherfore it is not for euery man to vse allegories at his pleasure for a goodly outward shew may soone deceaue a man and cause him to erre Who would not thinke it a very fitte thing to call Sina Agar and Ierusalem Sara In deede Paule maketh Ierusalem Sara but not this corporall Ierusalem which he simplie ioyneth vnto Agar but that spirituall and heauenly Ierusalem in which the law raigneth not nor the carnall people as in that Ierusalē which is in bondage with her children but wherein the promise raigneth wherin is also a spirituall and a free people And to the ende that the lawe should be quite abolished and that whole kingdom which was established in Agar the earthly Ierusalē was horribly destroyed with all her ornamēts the tēple the ceremonies c. Now although the new testament began in it so was spread through out the whole world notwithstanding it appertaineth to Agar that is to say it is the citie of the law of the ceremonies of the priesthoode instituted by Moses Briefly it is gendred of Agar the bondwoman and therfore is in bondage with her children that is to say it walketh in the works of the lawe and neuer attaineth to the libertie of the spirite but abideth continually vnder the lawe sinne an euil conscience the wrath and iudgement of God and vnder the gilt of death and hell In deede it hath the libertie of the flesh it hath a corporall kingdom it hath magistrates riches and possessions and such like things but we speake of the libertie of the spirit wherby we are dead to the law to sinne and death and we liue and raigne in grace forgeuenes of sinnes righteousnes and euerlasting life This can not the earthly Ierusalem performe and therefore it abideth with Agar Verse 26. But Ierusalem vvhich is aboue is free vvhich is the mother of vs all That earthly Ierusalem sayth he which is beneath hauing the policie and ordinances of the law is Agar and is in bondage with her children that is to say she is not deliuered from the lawe sinne and death But Ierusalem which is aboue that is to say the spirituall Ierusalem is Sara albeit Paule addeth not the proper name of Sara but geueth her an other name calling her the free woman that is to say that true Ladie and freewoman which is the mother of vs all begetting vs vnto libertie and not vnto bondage as Agar doth Now this heauenly Ierusalem which is aboue is the Church that is to say the Faithful dispersed thorow out the whole world which haue one and the same Gospell one and the same Faith in Christe the same holy Ghost and the same Sacraments Therfore vnderstand not this word Aboue of the triumphant Church as the Schoolemen do which is heauen but of the militant church in earth as they call it For the godly are sayd to haue theyr conuersation in heauen Philip. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen not locally but in that a Christian beleueth in that he layeth holde of those inestimable heauenly and eternal gifts he is in heauen Ephesians 1. VVhich hath blessed vs vvith all spiritual blessing in heauenly things in Christ We must therfore distinguish the heauēly spiritual Blessing from the earthly For the earthly Blessing is to haue a good ciuill gouernment both in common weales families to haue children peace riches frutes of the earth and other corporall commodities But the heauenly Blessing is to be deliuered from the law sinne and death to be iustified and quickened to life to haue peace with God to haue a faithfull heart a ioyfull conscience and spirituall consolation to haue the knowledge of Iesus Christe to haue the gift of Prophesie and the reuelation of the Scriptures to haue the giftes of the holy Ghost and to reioyce in god These are the heauenly blessings which Christ geueth to his Church Wherfore Ierusalem which is aboue that is to say the heauenly Ierusalem is the church which is now in the world and not the citie of the life to come or the Church triumphant as the idle and vnlearned Monks and the Schooledoctors dreamed which taught that the Scripture hath foure senses the literall sense the figuratiue sense the allegoricall sense and the morall sense and according to these senses they haue foolishly interpreted almost all the wordes of the Scriptures As this word Ierusalem literally signified that citie which was so named figuratiuely a pure conscience allegorically the church militāt morally the celestiall Citie or the church
triumphant With these trifeling and foolish fables they rent the Scriptures into so many and diuers senses that seely poore consciences could receaue no certaine doctrine of any thing But Paule sayeth here that the olde and earthly Ierusalem belongeth vnto Agar and that it is in bondage with her children and is vtterly abolished But the new and heauenly Ierusalem which is a Queene and a freewomā is appoynted of god in earth and not in heauen to be the mother of vs all of whom we haue bene engendred and yet daily are gendred Therefore it is necessary that this our mother should be in earth among men as also her generation is Notwithstanding she gendreth by the holy Ghost by the ministery of the word and sacraments and not in the flesh This I say to the ende that in this matter we should not be caried away with our cogitations into heauen but that we should know that Paule setteth the Ierusalem which is aboue against the earthly Ierusalem not locally but spiritually For there is a distinction betwene those things which are spirituall and those which are corporall or earthly The spirituall things are aboue the earthly are beneath So Ierusalem which is aboue is distinguished from the carnall and temporall Ierusalem which is beneath not locally as I haue sayd but spiritually For this spirituall Ierusalem which tooke her beginning in the corporall Ierusalem hath not any certaine place as hath the other in Iudea but it is dispersed thorow out the whole world and may be in Babylon in Turkie in Tartarie in Scythia in Iudea in Italie in Germanie in the Isles of the sea in the mountaines and valleis and in all places of the world where men dwel which haue the Gospel and beleue in Iesus Christ Wherfore Sara or Ierusalem our free mother is the Church it selfe the spouse of Christe of whom we all are gendred This mother gendreth free children without ceasing to the ende of the world as long as she exerciseth the Ministerie of the word that is to say as long as she preacheth and publisheth the Gospell for this is truely to gender Now she teacheth the Gospell after this maner to witte that we are deliuered from the Curse of the lawe from sinne death and all other euils through Iesus Christ not by the law neither by workes Therefore Ierusalem which is aboue that is to say the Church is not subiect to the law and works but she is free and a mother without the law sinne and death Now such a mother as she is such children she gendreth This allegorie teacheth very aptly that the Church should doe nothing else but preach and teach the Gospell truely and sincerely and by this meanes should gender children So we are all fathers and children one to an other For we are begotten one of an other I being begotten by other through the Gospell doe now beget other which shall also beget other hereafter and so this begetting shall endure to the ende of the world Now I speake of the generation not of Agar the bondmaid which gendreth her bondseruauntes by the lawe but of Sara the freewoman who gendreth heires without the law and without mans workes or endeuours For in that Isaac is heire and not Ismael albeit notwithstāding that both of them were the naturall sonnes of Abraham Isaac had the inheritaunce by the word of promise namely Sara thy vvife shall bring thee a sonne and thou shalt call his name Isaac This did Sara well vnderstand and therefore she sayeth Cast out the bondvvoman and her sonne And Paule also aledgeth these words afterwards Wherfore as Isaac hath the inheritance of his father onely by the promise and by his birth without the law and without works euen so we are borne through the Gospel of that freewomā Sara true heires of the promise She that is to say the church enstrueteth vs nourisheth vs and carieth vs in her wombe in her lappe and in her armes she formeth and fashioneth vs to the image of Christe vntill we grow vppe to a perfect man c. So all things are done by the ministerie of the word Wherefore the office of the freewoman is to gender children to God her husband without ceasing and without end that is to say such children as know that they are iustified by Faith and not by the lawe Verse 27. For it is vvrytten Reioyce thou barren that bearest no children breake forth and crie thou that trauailest not for the desolate haue many moe children then she vvhich hath an husband Paule aledgeth this place out of Esay the Prophet which is altogether allegoricall It is wrytten sayeth he that the mother of many children and she which hath an husband must be sicke and die and contrariwise that the barren she which hath no children must haue aboundance of children After the same maner Hanna singeth in her song out of that which Esay the Prophet tooke his Prophesie 1. Sam. 2. The bovve and the mightie men are broken and the vveake haue girded them selues vvith strength They that vvere full are hired forth for bread and the hungrie are no more hired so that the barren hath borne seuen and she that had many children is feeble A maruellous matter sayth he she that was frutefull shal be made barren and she that was barren frutefull Moreouer such as before were strong full rich glorious righteous and blessed shall become feeble hungrie poore ignominious sinners subiecte to death and damnation And contrariwise the feeble and hungrie c. shal be strong and satisfied c. The Apostle sheweth by this allegorie of the Prophet Esay the difference which is betwixt Agar and Sara that is to say betwixt the sinagoge and the church or betwixt the lawe and the Gospell The lawe being the husband of the frutefull woman that is to say of the sinagoge begetteth very many children For men of all ages not onely idiotes but also the wisest and best that is to say all mankinde except the children of the freewoman doe neither see nor know any other righteousnes then the righteousnes of the law much lesse doe they know any which is more excellent Wherefore they thinke them selues righteous if they folow the lawe and outwardly performe the workes thereof Now although these be frutefull haue many disciples and shine in the righteousnes and glorious workes of the lawe yet notwithstanding they be not free but bondseruauntes For they are the children of Agar which gendreth to bondage Nowe if they be seruauntes they can not be pertakers of the inheritance but shall be cast out of the house for seruauntes remaine not in the house for euer Yea they are already cast out of the kingdom of grace and libertie For he that beleueth not is iudged alreadie They remaine therefore vnder the malediction of the lawe vnder sinne and death vnder the power of the Deuill and vnder the wrath and iudgement of
God. Now if the Morall lawe it selfe or the ten commaundementes of God can doe nothing else but gender seruauntes that is to say can not iustifie but onely terrifie accuse condemne and driue mens consciences to desperation how then I pray you shall the lawes of men or the lawes of the Pope iustifie which are the doctrines of Deuils They therefore that teach and sette forth either the traditions of men or the lawe of God as necessary to obtaine righteousnes before God doe nothing else but gender seruauntes Notwithstanding such teachers are counted the best men they obtaine the fauoure of the world and are most frutefull mothers for they haue an infinite number of disciples For mans reason vnderstandeth not what Faith and true godlines is and therefore it neglecteth and despiseth it and is naturally addicted to superstition and hypocrisie that is to say to the righteousnes of workes Nowe because this righteousnes shineth and flourisheth euery where therefore it is as a mighty Emperesse of the whole world They therfore which teach the righteousnes of workes by the lawe beget many children which outwardly seeme to be free and haue a glorious shew of excellēt vertues but in conscience they are seruauntes and bondslaues of sinne therfore they are to be cast out of the house and condemned Contrariwise Sara the freewoman that is to say the true church seemeth to be barren For the Gospell which is the word of the crosse and affliction which the Church preacheth shineth not so brightly as the doctrine of the law and workes and therfore she hath not so many disciples to cleaue vnto her Moreouer she beareth this title that she forbiddeth good workes maketh men secure idle and negligent raiseth vp heresies and seditions and is the cause of all mischeefe and therefore she seemeth to bring no successe or prosperitie but all things seeme to be full of barennes desolation and desperation Therefore the wicked are certenly perswaded that the church with her doctrine can not long endure The Iewes assured themselues that the church which was plāted by the Apostles should shortly be ouerthrowne the which by an odious name they called a Sect. For thus they speake to Paule in the .28 Chapter of that Acts. As concerning this Sect vve knovv that euery vvhere it is spoken against In like maner how often I pray you haue our aduersaries ben deceaued which somewhiles appoynted one time somewhiles an other when we should be certainly destroyed Christ and his Apostles were oppressed but after their death the doctrine of the Gospell was further spred abrode then it was during their life In like maner our aduersaries may oppresse vs at this day but the word of God shall abide for euer How much so euer then the church seeme to be barren and forsaken weake and despised and outwardly to suffer persecution and moreouer be compelled to heare this reproch that her doctrine is heretical and seditious notwithstanding she alone is frutefull before God she gendreth by the ministerie of the word an infinite number of children heires of righteousnes and euerlasting life And although outwardly they suffer persecution yet in spirite they are most free who not onely are iudges ouer all doctrines works but also are most victorious conquerours against the gates of hell The Prophet therefore confesseth that the church is in heauines for else he would not exhort her to reioyce He graunteth that she is barren before the world For else he would not call her barren and forsaken hauing no children but before God he sayth she is fruteful and therfore he biddeth her reioyce As though he would say Thou art in deede forsaken and barren and hast not the law for thy husband and therefore thou hast no children But reioyce for although thou hast not the lawe for thy husband but art forsaken as a virgine that is ready to marry for he will not call her widowe which should haue an husband if she were not forsakē of him or if he were not slaine thou I say which art solitarie forsaken of thy husband the law and not subiect to the mariage of the lawe shalt be a mother of innumerable children Wherefore the people or the Church of the new Testament is altogether without the lawe as touching the conscience and therefore she semeth to be forsaken in the sight of the world But although she seeme to be neuer so barren without the law and without workes yet notwithstanding she is most frutefull before God bringeth forth an infinite nombre of children not in bondage but in freedome By what meanes Not by the lawe but by the word and spirite of Iesus Christ which is geuen by the Gospell through which she conceaueth bringeth forth and nourisheth her children Paule therefore plainly sheweth by this allegory the difference betwixt the law and the Gospell First when he calleth Agar the olde Testament and Sara the newe Againe when he calleth the one a bondmaind the other a freewoman Moreouer when he sayeth that the maried frutefull is become barren and cast out of the house with her children Contrariwise the barren and forsaken is become frutefull bringeth forth an infinite nōber of children those also inheritours By these differences are resembled the two sortes of people of Faith of the law I meane The people of Faith haue not the lawe for their husband they serue not in bondage they are not borne of that mother Ierusalem which now is but they haue the promise they are free and are borne of free Sara He separateth therefore the spirituall people of the new Testament from the other people of the lawe when he sayeth that the spirituall people are not the children of Agar the bondmaid but of Sara the freewoman which knoweth nothing of the law And by this meanes he placeth the people of faith farre aboue and without the law Now if they be aboue and without the law then are they iustified by the spirituall birth onely which is nothing else but Faith and not by the lawe or by the workes thereof Now as the people of grace neither haue nor can haue the lawe so the people of the lawe neither haue nor can haue grace for it is impossible that the lawe and grace should stand together Therfore we must be iustified by faith lose the righteousnes of the law or else be iustified by the law and lose the righteousnes of Faith. But this is a fowle and a lamētable losse to lose grace and to returne to the lawe Contrariwise it is an happie and blessed losse to lose the lawe and lay hold of grace We therefore folowing the example and diligence of Paule doe endeuour as much as is possible to set forth plainly the difference betwixt the lawe and the Gospell which is very easie as touching the wordes For who seeth not that Agar is not Sara and that Sara is not Agar
vpō this their fall vnlesse they repented This fatherly and Apostolicall care and admonition of Paule moued some of them nothing at all For many of them acknowledged Paule no more for their teacher but preferred the false apostles farre aboue him of whom they thought them selues to haue receaued the true doctrine and not of Paule Moreouer the false apostles no doubt sclaundered Paule among the Galathians saying that he was an obstinate and a contentious fellow which for a light matter would breake the vnitie of the churches and for no other cause but that he alone would be counted wise and be magnified of them Through this false accusation they made Paule very odious vnto many Some other which had not yet vtterly forsakē his doctrine thought that there was no daunger in dissenting a litle from him in the doctrine of iustification Faith. Wherfore when they heard that Paule made so hainous a matter of that which seemed vnto them to be but light and of small importance then maruelled and thus they thought with themselues Be it so that we haue swarned something from the doctrine of Paule and that there hath bene some fault in vs yet that being but a small matter he ought to winke thereat or at least not to vehemently to amplifie it lest by the occasion thereof the concord of the Churches should be broken Wherevnto he answereth with this sentence A litle leuen leueneth or maketh sovver the vvhole lumpe of dough And this is a caueat or an admonition which Paule stādeth much vppon And we also ought greatly to esteme the same at this day For our aduersaries in like maner obiect against vs that we are contentious obstinate and intractable in defending our doctrine and euen in matters of no great importance But these are the craftie fetches of the Deuill whereby he goeth about vtterly to ouerthrow our doctrine To this we answer therefore with Paule that a litle leuen maketh sovver the vvhole lumpe In Philosophie a small fault in the beginning is a great and a foule fault in the ende So in Diuinitie one litle errour ouerthroweth the whole doctrine Wherefore we must separate life and doctrine farre asunder The doctrine is not ours but Gods whose ministers onely we are called therefore we may not chaunge or diminish one tittle therof The life is ours therefore as touching that we are ready to doe to suffer to forgeue c. what so euer our aduersaries shall require of vs so that Faith and doctrine may remaine sound and vncorrupt of the which we say alwayes with Paule A litle leuen leueneth c. A small mote in the eye hurteth the eye And our Sauiour Christ sayeth The light of the body is the eye therefore vvhen thine eye is single then is thy vvhole body light but if thine eye be euill then thy body is darke Againe If thy body shall haue no part darke then shall all be light By this allegorie Christe signifieth that the eye that is to say the doctrine ought to be most simple cleare and sincere hauing in it no darknes no cloud c. And Iames the Apostle sayth He that faileth in one poynt is giltie of all This place therfore maketh very much for vs against these cauillers which say that we breake charitie to the great hurt and damage of the churches But we protest that we desire nothing more then to be at vnitie with all men so that they leaue vnto vs the doctrine of Faith entire and vncorrupt to the which all things ought to geue place be it charitie an Apostle or an angell from heauen Let vs suffer them therfore to extoll charity and concord as much as they list but on the other side lette vs magnifie the maiestie of the word and Faith. Charitie may be neglected in time and place without any daunger but so can not the word and Faith be Charitie suffereth all things geueth place to all men Contrariwise Faith suffereth nothing geueth place to no man Charitie in geuing place in beleuing in geuing and forgeuing is oftentimes deceaued and yet notwithstanding being so deceaued it suffereth no losse which is to be called true losse in deede that is to say it loseth not Christe Therefore it is not offended but continueth still constant in well doing yea euen towards the vnthankfull and vnworthy Contrariwise in the matter of Faith and saluation when men teach lies and errours vnder the colour of the truth and seduce many here hath charitie no place For here we lose not any benefite bestowed vppon the vnthankfull but we lose the word Faith Christe and euerlasting life Let it not moue vs therfore that they vrge so much the keping of charitie and concord For who so loueth not God his word it is no matter what or how much he loueth Paule therfore by this sentence admonisheth as well teachers as hearers to take heede that they esteme not the doctrine of Faith as a light matter wherw t they may dally at their plesure It is as a bright sunne beame comming downe from heauen which lightneth directeth and guideth vs Now like as the world with all the wisedom and power thereof is not able to stoppe or turne away the beames of the sunne comming downe from heauen directly vnto the earth euen so can there nothing be added to the doctrine of Faith or taken from it for that is an vtter defacing and ouerthrowing of the whole Verse 10. I haue trust in you through the Lord. As if he would say I haue taught admonished and reproued you enough so that ye would hearken vnto me Notwithstanding I hope wel of you in the lord Here riseth a question whether Paule doth wel whē he sayth he hath a good hope or trust of the Galathians seing the holy Scripture forbiddeth any trust to be put in men Both Faith and charitie haue their trust and beleefe but after diuers sorts by reason of the diuersitie of their obiectes Faith trusteth in God and therfore it can not be deceaued charitie beleueth man and therefore it is often deceaued Now this Faith that springeth of charitie is so necessary to this present life that without it life can not continue in the world For if one man should not beleue trust an other what life should we liue vpon earth The true Christians doe sooner beleue and geue credite through charitie then the childrē of this world doe For faith towards men is a fruite of the spirit or of christian Faith in the godly Herevpon Paule had a trust of that Galathians yea though they were falne frō his doctrine but yet through the lord As if he should say I trust vnto you so farre forth as the Lord is in you ye in him that is to say so farre forth as ye abide in the truth From which if you fall away seduced by the ministers of Sathan I will not trust vnto you any more Thus it is
and peace with them but also we offer our selues to be their seruauntes and to doe for them what so euer we are able If not lette them perish and be cast downe into hell and not onely they but euen the whole world also so that God and his pure word doe remaine For as long as he remaineth life saluation and the faithfull shall also remaine Paule therefore doth well in cursing those troublers of the Galathians and in pronouncing sentence against them to witte that they are accursed with all that they teach and doe and in wishing that they might be cutte of especially that they might be roted out of the church of God that is that god should not gouerne nor prosper their doctrine nor their doings And this malediction procedeth from the holy ghost As Peter also in the .8 of the Actes curseth Simon the Sorcerer Thy money and thou perish together And the holy Scripture oftentimes vseth cursing against such troublers of mens consciences and chiefly in the Psalmes as Psal. 55. Let death come vpon them let them goe quicke into the pitte of corruption Also Let sinners be turned dovvne into hell and all they that forget God. Hitherto Paule hath fortified the place of Iustification with strong and mightie arguments Moreouer to the ende he might omit nothing here and there he hath intermingled chidings praisings exhortations threatnings and such like In the ende he addeth also his owne example namely that he suffereth persecution for this doctrine thereby admonishing all the Faithfull not to be offended nor dismayed when they shall see such vprours Sectes and offences raised vppe in the time of the Gospell but rather to reioyce be glad For the more the world rageth against the Gospell the more the Gospel prospereth and goeth happely forwardes This consolation ought at this day to encourage vs for it is certaine that the world hateth persecuteth vs for none other cause but for that we professe the truth of the Gospell It doth not accuse vs for theft murder whoredom and such like but it detesteth and abhorreth vs because we teach Christe faithfully and purely and geue not ouer the defence of the truth Therfore we may be out of all doubt that this our doctrine is holy and of God because the world hateth it so bitterly For otherwise there is no doctrine so wicked so foolish and pernicious which the world doth not gladly admitte embrace and defend and moreouer it reuerently entertaineth cherisheth and flattereth the professours thereof and doth all that may be done for them Onely the true doctrine of the Gospell life and saluation and the ministers therof it vtterly abhorreth and worketh all the spite that may be deuised against them It is therfore an euident token that the world is so cruelly bent against vs for no other thing but onely because it hateth the word Wherfore when our aduersaries charge vs that ther riseth nothing of this doctrine but warres seditions offences Sectes and other such infinite enormities let vs answere Blessed be that day wherin we may see these things But the whole world is in an vprour And wel done For if the world were not so troubled if the Deuil did not rage and stirre vp such broiles we should not haue the pure doctrine of of the Gospel which can not be preached but these broyles tormoiles must nedes folowe Therefore that which ye count to be a great euill we take to be a speciall happines The Doctrine of good workes Now folow exhortations and precepts of life good works For it is the custome of the Apostles after they haue taught Faith and in structed mens consciences to adde preceptes of good works wherby they exhort that faithfull to exercise the dueties of charitie one towards an other And reason it selfe after a sort teacheth and vnderstandeth this part of doctrine but as touching the doctrine of Faith it knoweth nothing at all therof To the end therfore that it might appeare that Christian doctrine doth not destroy good workes or fight against ciuill ordinaunces the Apostle also exhorteth vs to exercise our selues in good workes and in an honest outward conuersation and to keepe charitie and concord one with an other The world can not therefore iustly accuse the Christians that they destroy good works that they are troublers of the publike peace ciuile honestie c for they teach good works and all other vertues better then all the Philosophers Magistrates of the world because they adioyne Faith with their doings Verse 13. For brethern ye haue bene called vnto libertie onely vse not your libertie as an occasion vnto the flesh but by loue serue one an other As if he would say Ye haue now obtained libertie through Christe that is to say ye be farre aboue all lawes as touching conscience and before God ye be blessed and saued Christ is your life Therfore although the lawe sinne and death trouble and terrifie you yet can they not hurt you nor driue you to despaire And this is your excellent and inestimable libertie Now standeth it you in hand to take good heede that ye vse not that libertie as an occasion to the flesh This euill is common and the most pernicious of all others that Sathan stirreth vp in the doctrine of Faith namely that in very many he turneth this libertie wherwith Christe hath made vs free into the libertie of the flesh Of this the Apostle Iude also complaineth in his epistle There are crept in certaine vvicked mē sayth he vvhich turne the grace of our God into vvantonnes For the flesh is vtterly ignorāt of the doctrine of grace that is to say it knoweth not that we are made righteous not by workes but by Faith onely and that the lawe hath no aucthoritie ouer vs Therfore when it heareth the doctrine of faith it abuseth and turneth it into wantonnes and by and by thus it gathereth If we be without law let vs thē liue as we list let vs do no good let vs geue nothing to the nedie and let vs not suffer any euil for there is no lawe to constraine vs or binde vs so to doe Wherfore there is daunger on either side albeit the one is more tolerable then the other If grace or Faith be not preached no man can be saued for it is Faith alone that iustifieth and saueth On the other side if Faith be preached as of necessity it must be the more part of men vnderstand the doctrine of Faith carnally and draw the libertie of the spirite into the libertie of the flesh This may we see in all kinds of life as well of the high as the low All boast themselues to be professors of the Gospell and all bragge of Christian libertie and yet seruing their owne lustes they geue themselues to couetousnes pleasures pride enuie and such other vices No man doth his duetie faithfully no mā charitably serueth
waked and stirred vppe to Faith and to call vppon Christe And by this occasion a Christian becommeth a mighty workman and a wonderful creatour which of heauines can make ioy of terrour comfort of sinne righteousnes and of death life when he by this meanes repressing and brideling the flesh maketh it subiect to the spirite Wherfore let not them which feele the lust of the flesh despaire of their saluation Lette them feele it and all the force thereof so that they consent not to it Lette the passions of lust wrath and such other vices shake them so that they doe not ouerthrow them Let sinne assaile them so that they doe not accōplish it Yea the more godly a man is the more doth he feele that battaile And hereof come those lamentable complaintes of the faithfull in the Psalmes and in the whole Scripture Of this battaile the Heremites the Monkes and the Schoolemen and all that seeke righteousnes and saluation by workes know nothing at all But here may some man say that it is a daungerous matter to teach that a man is not condemned if by and by he ouercome not the motions and passions of the flesh which he feeleth For when this doctrine is taught amongst the common people it maketh them carelesse negligent and slouthfull This is it which I sayd a little before that if we teach Faith then carnall men neglect and reiecte workes If works be required then is Faith and consolation of conscience lost Here no man can be compelled neither can there be any certaine rule prescribed But lette euery man diligently trie him selfe to what passion of the flesh he is most subiect and when he findeth that lette him not be carelesse nor flatter him selfe but lette him watch and wrastle in spirite against it that if he can not altogether bridle it yet at the least he doe not fulfill the lust therof This battell of the flesh against the spirit all the children of God haue had and felt And the selfe same doe we also feele and proue He that searcheth his owne cōscience if he be not an hypocrite shall well perceaue that to be true in him selfe which Paule here saith that the flesh lusteth against the spirit All the faithfull therfore do feele and confesse that their flesh resisteth against the spirit and that these two are so contrarye the one to the other in themselues that doe what they can they are not able to performe that which they woulde doe Therefore the fleshe hindreth vs the we cannot keepe the commaundementes of God that we can not loue our neighbours as our selues much lesse can we loue God with all our heart Therefore it is impossible for vs to become righteous by the works of the law In deede there is a good will in vs and so must there be for it is the spirit it self which resisteth the flesh which would gladly doe good fulfill the lawe loue God and his neighbour and such like but the flesh obeyeth not this good will but resisteth it and yet God imputeth not vnto vs this sinne For he is mercifull to those that beleue for Christes sake But it foloweth not therefore that thou shouldest make a light matter of sinne because God doth not impute it True it is that he doth not impute it But to whom and for what cause To such as repent and lay hold by Faith vppon Christe the Mercyseat for whose sake as all their sinnes are forgeuen them euen so that remnants of sinne which are in them be not imputed vnto them They make not their sinne lesse thē it is but amplifie it set it out as it is in dede for they know that it can not be put away by satisfactions works or righteousnes but only by the death of Christe And yet notwithstanding the greatnes and enormitie of their sinne doth not cause them to despaire but they assure thēselues that the same shall not be imputed vnto them or laid vnto their charge This I say lest any man shoulde thinke that after faith is receaued there is litle accoūt to be made of sinne Sinne is truely sinne whether a man commit it before he hath receaued the knowledge of Christe or after And God alwayes hateth sinne yea all sinne is damnable as touchinge the facte it selfe But in that it is not damnable to him that beleueth it commeth of Christe who by his death hath taken away sinne But to him that beleueth not in Christe not onely all his sinnes are damnable but euen his good workes also are sinne according to that saying VVhatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne Therefore the errour of the Scholemen is moste pernicious which do distinguish sinnes according to the fact and not according to the person He that beleueth hath as great sinne as the vnbeleuer But to him that beleueth it is forgeuen and not imputed To the vnbeleuer it is not pardoned but imputed To the beleuer it is veniall to the vnbeleuer it is mortall and damnable Not for any difference of sinnes or because the sinne of the beleuer is lesse and the sinne of the vnbeleuer greater but for the difference of the persons For the faithfull assureth him selfe by Faith that his sinne is forgeuen him for as much as Christe hath geuen him selfe for it Therfore although he haue sinne in him and daily sinneth yet he continueth godly but contrariwise the vnbeleuer continueth wicked And this is the true wisedome and consolation of the godly that although they haue and commit sinnes yet they know that for Christes sake they are not imputed vnto them This I say for the comfort of the godly For they onely feele in deede that they haue and doe commit sinnes that is to say they feele that they doe not loue God so feruently as they should doe that they doe not beleue him so hartely as they would but rather they oftētimes dout whether God haue a care of them or no they are impatient and are angrie with God in aduersitie Hereof as I haue sayd proceede the sorowfull complaintes of the faithfull in the scriptures and specially in the Psalmes And Paule him selfe complaineth that he is solde vnder sinne And here he saith that the flesh resisteth rebelleth against the spirit But because they mortifie the deedes of that flesh by the spirite as he sayth in an other place also in the ende of this chapiter They crucifie the flesh vvith the desires and lustes thereof therefore these sinnes doe not hurt them nor condemne them But if they obey the flesh in fulfilling the lustes thereof then doe they lose Faith and the holy Ghost And if they doe not abhorre their sinne and returne vnto Christ who hath geuen power to his church to receaue and raise vppe those that be falne that so they may recouer Faith and the holy Ghost they die in their sinnes Wherefore we speake not of them which dreame that they haue Faith and
chastly that they should be no adulterers no fornicatours no wantons and if they cannot liue chastly he would haue them to marrie Also that they should not be contentious or quarellers that they should not be geuen to drunkennes or surfetting but that they should abstaine from all these things Chastitie or continencie containeth all these Hierome expoundeth it of virginitie onely as though they that be married could not be chast or as though the Apostle did wryte these things onely to virgines In the 1. and .2 Chapt. to Tit. he warneth also Bishops yong women and maried folkes both man and wife to be chast and pure Verse 23. Against such there is no lavve In deede there is a lawe but not against such As he sayth also in an other place The lavve is not geuen to the righteous man. For the righteous liueth in such wise that he hath no neede of any lawe to admonish or to constraine him but without constraint of the lawe he willingly doth those things which the lawe requireth Therefore the law cannot accuse or condemne those that beleue in Christe In deede the law troubleth and terrifieth our consciences but Christ apprehēded by Faith vanquisheth it with all his terrours threatnings To them therefore the lawe is vtterly abolished and hath no power to accuse them for they doe that of their owne accord which the law requireth They haue receaued the holy Ghost by Faith who wil not suffer them to be idle Although the flesh resist yet doe they walke after the spirite So a Christian accomplisheth the law inwardly by Faith for Christ is the perfection of the lawe vnto righteousnes to all that doe beleue outwardly by workes and by remission of sinnes But those which performe the workes or desires of the flesh the law doth accuse and condemne both ciuily and spiritually Verse 24. For they that are Christes haue crucified the flesh vvith the affections and lustes thereof This whole place concerning workes sheweth that the true beleuers are no hypocrites Therfore let no man deceaue him selfe For whosoeuer sayeth he pertaine vnto Christe haue crucified the flesh with all the vices and lustes thereof For the Sainctes in as much as they haue not yet vtterly put of the corrupt and sinnefull flesh are enclined to sinne and doe neither feare not loue God so perfectly as they ought to doe Also they be prouoked to anger to enuie to impatiencie to vncleane lusts and such like motions which notwithstanding they accomplish not for as Paule here sayeth they crucifie the flesh with all the affectiōs and lusts therof Which thing they do not onely when they represse the wantonnes of the flesh with fasting and other exercises but also as Paule sayd before when they walke according to the spirite that is when they being admonished by the threatnings of God wherby he sheweth that he will seuerely punish sinne are afeard to commit sinne Also when they being armed with the word of God with faith and with prayer doe not obey the lustes of the flesh When they resist the flesh after this maner they naile it to the crosse with the lustes and desires thereof so that although the flesh be yet aliue yet can it not performe that which it would doe for as much as it is bound both hand and foote and fast nailed to the crosse The faithfull then so long as they liue here doe crucifie the flesh that is to say they feele the lusts therof but they obey them not For they being furnished with the armour of God that is with Faith hope and the sword of the spirite doe resist the flesh and with these spirituall nailes they fasten the same vnto the crosse so that it is constrained to be subiect to the spirite Afterwardes when they die they put it of wholy and when they shall rise againe from death to life they shall haue a pure and vncorrupt flesh without all affections and lustes The sixth Chapter If vve liue in the spirite let vs also vvalke in the spirite THE Apostle reckened before amongst the workes of the flesh heresie and enuie and pronounced sentence against those which are enuious and which are authors of Sectes that they should not inherite the kingdom of god And now as if he had forgotten that which he sayd a litle before he againe reproueth those which prouoke and enuie one an other Why doth he so was it not sufficient to haue done it once In deede he doth it of purpose for he taketh occasion here to inueigh against that execrable vice of vaineglory which was the cause of the troubles that were in all the churches of Galatia and hath bene alwayes most pernicious and hurtful to the whole Church of Christe Therefore in his Epistle to Titus he would not that a proud mā should be ordained a Bishop For Pride as Augustine truly saith is the mother of all heresies or rather the headspring of all sinne and confusion Which thing all histories as well holy as prophane doe witnesse Now vainglory or arrogancie hath alwayes ben a common poyson in the world which the very Heathen Poetes and Hystorigraphers haue alwayes vehemently reproued There is no village wherin there is not some one or other to be found that would be counted wiser and be more estemed then all then rest But they are chiefly infected with this disease which stand vpon their reputatiō for learning and wisedom In this case no mā wil yeld to an other according to this saying Ye shall not lightly finde a man that vvill yeelde vnto others the praise of vvitte and skill For it is a goodly thing to see men poynt at one and say this is he But it is not so hurtful in priuate persons no nor in any kind of magistrate as it is in them that haue any charge in the church Albeit in ciuile gouernment specially if it be in great personages it is not onely a cause of troubles and ruines of common weales but also of the troubles and alteration of kingdoms and Empires Which thing the hystories both of the Scripture and prophane wryters doe witnesse But when this poyson creepeth into the Church or spirituall kingdom it can not be expressed how hurtfull it is For there is no contention as touching learning witte beautie riches kingdoms Empires and such like but as touching saluation or damnation eternall life or eternall death Therfore Paul earnestly exhorteth the ministers of the word to flie this vice saying If vve liue in the spirit c. As if he should say If it be true that we liue in the spirite let vs also procede and walke in the spirit For where the spirite is it reneweth men and worketh in them new motions that is to say wheras they were before vaineglorious wrathfull and enuious it maketh them now humble gentle and patient Such men seeke not their owne glory but the glory of God they doe not prouoke or enuie one
an other but geue place one to an other in geuing honour preuēt one an other Contrariwise they that be desirous of glory enuie one an other may bost that they haue the spirite and liue after the spirite but they deceaue themselues they folow the flesh and doe the workes thereof and they haue their iudgement already that they shall not inherite the kingdom of God. Now as nothing is more daūgerous to the Church then this execrable vice so is there nothing more common For when God sendeth forth labourers into his haruest by and by Sathā raiseth vp his ministers also who wil in no case be coūted inferiour to those that are rightly called Here straightwayes riseth dissension The wicked wil not yeld one heares breadth to the godly For they dreame that they farre passe them in witte in learning in godlines in spirite and other vertues Much lesse ought the godly to yelde to the wicked lest the doctrine of Faith come in danger Moreouer such is the nature of the ministers of Sathan that they can make a goodly shew that they are very charitable humble louers of concord and are indued with other fruits of the spirit also they protest that they seeke nothing else but the glory of God the saluation of mens soules and yet are they ful of vainglory doing all things for none other ende but to get praise and estimation among men To be short they thinke that gaine is godlines and that the ministerie of the word is deliuered vnto them that they may get fame and estimation therby Wherfore they can not but be authors of dissension and Sectes Forasmuch then as the vaineglory of the false apostles was the cause that the Churches of Galatia were troubled and forsooke Paule therefore in this Chapter specially his purpose was to suppresse that execrable vice yea this mischeefe gaue the Apostle occasion to wryte this whole Epistle And if he had not so done all his trauell bestowed in preaching of the Gospell among the Galathians had bene spent in vaine For in his absence the false apostles which were men in outward shew of great authority raigned in Galatia who besides that they would seeme to seeke the glory of Christe and the saluation of the Galathians pretended also that they had bene conuersant with the Apostles that they folowed their footesteppes saying that Paule had not seene Christe in the flesh nor had bene conuersant with the rest of the Apostles therfore they made no accoūt of him but reiected his doctrine boasted their owne to be true sincere Thus they troubled the Galathians and raised Sectes among them so that they prouoked and enuied one an other which was a sure token that neither the teachers nor hearers liued and walked after the spirit but folowed the flesh and fulfilled the workes thereof and so consequently lost the true doctrine Faith Christ and all the giftes of the holy Ghost and were now become worse then the Heathen Notwithstanding he doth not onely inueigh against the false apostles which in his time troubled the Churches of Galatia but also he foresaw in spirite that there should be an infinite numbre of such euen to the worlds end which being infected with this pernicious vice should thrust them selues into the Church boasting of the spirite and heauenly doctrine and vnder this pretence should quite ouerthrow the true doctrine and Faith. Many such haue we also seene in these our dayes who haue thrust them selues into the kingdom of the spirit that is to say into the Ministery of the word by this hypocrisie they haue purchased vnto thē selues fame estimation that they were great doctours pillers of the Gospel such as liued in the spirite and walked according to the same But because their glory consisted in mennes mouthes and not in God therefore it could not be firme and stable but according to Paules prophesie it turned to their owne confusion and theyr ende was destruction For the vvicked shall not stand in iudgement but shall be taken avvay like chaffe and scattered abrode vvith the vvinde The same iudgement remaineth for all such as in preaching the Gospell seeke their owne profite and not the glory of Iesus Christe For the Gospell is not deliuered vnto vs that we should thereby seeke our owne praise and glory or that the people should honour and magnifie vs which are the Ministers therof but to the end that the benefite and glory of Christe might be preached and published and that the father might be glorified in his mercy offred vnto vs in Christ his sōne whom he deliuered for vs all and with him hath geuen vs all things Wherfore the Gospel is a doctrine wherin we ought to seeke nothing lesse than our owne glory It setteth forth vnto vs heauenly and eternall things which are not our owne which we haue neither done nor deserued but it offereth the same vnto vs to vs I say which are vnworthy and that through the meere goodnes and grace of god Why should we then seeke praise and glory therby He therfore that seeketh his owne glory in the Gospell speaketh of him selfe And he that speaketh of him selfe is a lier and there is vnrighteousnes in him Contrariwise he that seeketh the glory of him that sent him is true and there is no vnrighteousnes in him Iohn 7. Paule therfore geueth earnest charge to all the ministers of the word saying If vve liue in the spirite let vs vvalke in the spirite that is to say Let vs abide in the doctrine of the truth which hath ben taught vnto vs in brotherly loue and spirituall concord let vs preach Christe and the glory of God in simplicitie of heart and let vs confesse that we haue receaued all things of him let vs not thinke more of our selues than of others let vs raise vp no Sectes For this is not to walke rightly but rather to raunge out of the way and to sette vp a new and a peruerse way of walking Hereby we may vnderstand that God of his speciall grace maketh the teachers of the Gospell subiect to the crosse and to all kindes of afflictions for the saluation of them selues and of the people for otherwise they could by no meanes represse and beate downe this beast which is called vaineglory For if no persecution no crosse or reproch followed the doctrine of the Gospell but onely praise reputation and glory amongst men then would all the professors thereof be infected and perish through the poyson of vainglory Ierome sayth that he had seene many which could suffer great inconueniences in theyr body and goodes but none that could despise their owne praises For it is almost impossible for a mā not to be puffed vp whē he heareth any thing spoken in the praise of his owne vertues Paule notwithstanding that he had the spirite of Christe sayth that there was geuen vnto him
scholer abide in his vocation and do his duetie therein faithfully not troubling him selfe with those workes which pertaine not to his vocation he may glory and reioyce in himselfe for he may say I haue done the workes of my vocation appoynted vnto me by God with such faithfulnes and diligēce as I was able Therfore I know that this worke being done in faith obedience to God pleaseth god If other speake euill of it I passe little thereof For there be alwayes some which despise and sclaunder the doctrine life of the godly but God hath threatned to destroy all lying lippes sclaunderous tounges Therfore whilest such men doe greedely seeke after vaineglory and with lies and sclaunders goe about to deface the godly it hapneth to them as Paule saith vvhose glory is their shame And in an other place Their foolishnes shal be knovvne to all mē By whom Euen by God the righteous iudge who as he will vtter their false accusations and sclaunders so will he reueale the righteousnes of the godly like the none day as it is said Psal. 17. This clause in himselfe to touch this also by the way must so be vnderstand that God be not excluded That is that euery man may know in what godly state of life so euer he be that his worke is a diuine worke for it is the worke of his vocation hauing the cōmaundement of God. Verse 5. For euery man shall beare his ovvne burden This is as it were the reason or confirmation of the former sentence lest any man should leane to other mens iudgement in praising commending of him As if he sayde It is extreme madnes for thee to seeke glory in an other not in thy selfe for in the agony of death and the last iudgement it shall nothing profite thee the other men haue praised thee for other men shall not beare thy burden but thou shalt stand before the iudgement seat of Christ shalt beare thine burden alone There thy praisers shall nothing helpe thee For when we die these praises shall cease And in that day when that Lord shall iudge the secretes of all harts the witnes of thine owne conscience shal stand either with thee or against thee Against thee if thou glory in other men with thee if thou haue it in thy selfe that is to say if thy conscience beare thee witnes that thou hast done thy duetie in the ministerie of the word or otherwise according to thy calling sincerely and faithfully hauing respect to the glory of God onely and the saluation of soules And these words Euery man shall beare his ovvne iudgement are very vehement and ought so to terrifie vs that we should not be desirous of vaineglory And this moreouer is to be noted that we are not here in the matter of iustification where nothing auaileth but mere grace and forgeuenes of sinnes which is receaued by faith alone where all our works also yea euen our best works and such as are done according to Gods calling haue nede of forgeuenes of sinnes But this is an other case He treteth not here of the remission of sinnes but cōpareth true works hypocritical works together These things therfore ought thus to be taken that although that work or ministery of a godly pastor is not so perfect but that he hath nede of forgeuenes of sinnes yet in it selfe it is good perfect in cōparison of the ministerie of the vainglorious mā So our ministery is good sound because we seeke therby the glory of God the saluation of soules But the ministery of these fantastical heads is not so for they seke their owne praise Albeit therfore that no works cā quiet the conscience before God yet is it necessary that we should perswade our selues that we haue done our worke vprightly truly according to Gods calling that is that we haue not corrupted the word of God but haue taught it purely faithfully This testimony of cōscience we haue neede of that we haue done our duety vprightly in our function calling led our life accordingly So farre ought we then to glory as touchīg our works as we know thē to be cōmaūded of God that they please him For euery one in the last iudgemēt shal beare his owne burden and therefore other mens praises shall there nothing helpe or profit him Hetherto he hath spoken against that most pestilent vice of vain-glory for the suppressing wherof no man is so strong but that he hath nede of continuall praier For what mā almost euen among the godly is not delited with his owne praises Only the holy Ghost can preserue vs that we be not infected with this vice Verse 6. Let him that is taught in the vvord make him that teacheth him partaker of all his goodes Here he preacheth to the disciples or hearers of the word cōmaunding thē to bestow al good things vpō those which haue taught instructed thē in the word I haue somtime maruelled why the Apostle cōmaunded the churches so diligētly to nourish their teachers For in Popery I sawe that all men gaue abundantly to the building maintaining of goodly tēples to the encreasing of the reuenues liuings of those which were apoynted to their idolatrous seruice Hereof it came that the estimation riches of the bishops and the rest of the Clergie did so encrease that euery where they had in possession the best and most fruteful grounds Therfore thought I that Paule had commaunded this in vaine seeing that all maner of good things were not only abundantly geuen to the Cleargie but also they ouerflowed in wealth and riches Wherfore I thought that men ought rather to be exhorted to withhold their hands from geuing then encouraged to geue any more for I sawe that by this excessiue liberalitie of men the couetousnes of the Cleargie did encrease But now I know the cause why they had such abundance of all good things heretofore and now the pastors and ministers of the word doe want Before time when nothing else was taught but errours and wicked doctrine they had such plentie of all things that of Peters patrimonie which denied that he had either siluer or gold and of spirituall goods as they called them the Pope was become an Emperour the Cardinals and Bishops were made kings and Princes of the world But now since the Gospell hath bene preached and published the professors therof be as rich as sometime Christe and his Apostles were We finde then by experience how well this commaundement of nourishing and maintaining the pastours and ministers of Gods word is obserued which Paule here and in other places so diligently repeateth and beateth into the heads of his hearers There is now no City which is knowen vnto vs that nourisheth and maintaineth her pastours and preachers but they are all entertained with those goodes which were geuen not vnto Christ to whom no man geueth any thing for
game and therefore they goe about especially the Gentlemen to make their pastours subiect vnto them like seruaunts and slaues And if we had not so godly a Prince and one that so loueth the truth they had ere this time driuen vs out of the countrey When the pastours aske their dutie or complaine that they suffer penurie they cry out the priestes be couetous they would haue plentie no man is able to satisfie their vnsatiable couetousnes if they were true Gospellers they should haue nothing of their owne but as poore men ought to folow poore Christ to suffer all aduersities c. Paule horribly threatneth here such tyrannes such mockers of God who so carelesly proudly doe scorne the miserable preachers and yet will seeme to be Gospellers and not to be mockers of God but to worshippe him very deuoutly Be not deceiued sayth he God is not mocked that is to say he doth not suffer him selfe to be mocked in his ministers For he sayeth He that despiseth you despiseth me Also he sayeth vnto Samuel They haue not cast thee avvay but me Therfore O ye mockers although God differre his punishment for a season yet when he seeth time he will finde you out and will punish this contempt of his word bitter hatred which ye beare against his ministers Therfore ye deceiue not God but your selues and ye shall not laugh at God but he will laugh at you Psalme 2. But our proud Gentlemen citizens and common people are nothing at all moued with this dreadfull threatning Neuertheles they shall feele when death approcheth whether they haue mocked thēselues or vs nay rather not vs but God himselfe as Paule saith here In the meane time because they proudly despise our admonitiōs with an intollerable pride we speake these things to our cōfort to the ende we may know that it is better to suffer wrong than to do wrōg for patience is euer innocēt harmles Moreouer God will not suffer his ministers to starue for honger but euen when the rich men suffer scarsitie and honger he wil feede them and in the dayes of famine they shall haue enough Verse 7. For vvhatsoeuer a man sovveth that shall he reape All these things tende to this purpose that ministers should be nourished and maintained For my part I doe not gladly interprete such sentences for they seeme to commend vs and so they doe in dede Moreouer if a mā stand much in repeting such things to his hearers it hath some shew of couetousnes Notwithstanding men must be admonished hereof that they may know that they ought to yelde vnto their pastours both reuerence and a necessary liuing Our Sauiour Christe teacheth the same thing in the .10 of Luke Eating and drinking such things as they haue for the labourer is vvorthy of his revvard And Paule sayth in an other place Doe ye not knovv that they vvhich sacrifice in the tēple liue of the sacrifices that they vvhich serue at the altare are partakers of the altare euē so hath the lord ordained that they vvhich preach the gospel should liue of the Gospel It is good that we also which are in the ministerie should know these things lest for our labour we might with euill cōscience receaue the stipend which is geuen vnto vs of that Popes goods And although such goodes were heaped together by mere fraud disceit yet notwithstanding God spoyling the Egyptians that is to say the Papistes of their goods turneth them here amongst vs to a good and holy vse not when noble men and gentlemen spoile them and abuse them but when they which sette forth Gods glory and bring vppe youth vertuously are maintained therewith Let vs know then that we may with good conscience since God hath ordained and commaūded that they which preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell vse those things that are geuen vs of the Church goodes for the necessary sustentation of our life to the ende we may attend vpon our office the better Let no man therefore make any scrupule hereof as though it were not lawfull for him to vse such goodes Verse 8. For he that sovveth in the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption but he that sovveth in the spirite shall of the spirite reape euerlasting life He addeth a similitude and an allegorie And this generall sentence of sowing he applieth to the particular matter of nourishing and maintaining the ministers of the word saying He that sovveth in the spirite that is to say he that chearisheth the teachers of Gods word doth a spirituall worke and shall reape euerlasting life Here riseth a question whether we deserue eternall life by good works for so Paule seemeth to auouch in this place As touching such sentences which speake of workes and the reward of them we haue treated very largely before in the .5 chapter And very necessary it is after the example of Paule to exhort the faithfull to good workes that is to say to exercise their faith by good workes For if they folow not faith it is a manifest token that their Faith is no true faith Therefore the Apostle sayth He that sovveth in the flesh some vnderstand it in his owne flesh that is to say he that geueth nothing to the ministers of Gods word but onely feedeth and careth for him selfe which is the counsell of the flesh that man shall of the flesh reape corruption not onely in this present life but also in the life to come For the goods of the wicked shall wast away and they them selues also at length shall shamefully perish The Apostle would faine stirre vp his hearers to be liberall and beneficiall towards their pastours and preachers But what a misery is it that the peruersenes and ingratitude of men should be so great that the churches should neede this admonition The Encratites abused this place for the confirmation of their wicked opinion against mariage expounding it after this maner He that soweth in the flesh shall reape corruption that is to say he that marieth a wife shall be damned Ergo a wife is a damnable thing and mariage is euill for as much as there is in it a sowing in the flesh These beastes were so destitute of all iudgement that they perceiued not whereabout the Apostle went I speake this to the ende ye may see how easily the Deuill by his ministers can turne away the heartes of the simple from the truth Germanie shall shortly haue an infinite number of such beastes yea and already hath very many For on the one side it persecuteth and killeth the godly ministers and on the other side it neglecteth and despiseth them and suffereth them to liue in great penurie Let vs arme our selues against these and such like errours and let vs learne to know the true meaning of the Scriptures For Paule speaketh not here of matrimonie but of nourishing the ministers of the church which euery mā
that is endued but with the common iudgement of reason may perceaue And although this nourishing is but a corporall thing yet notwithstanding he calleth it a sowing in the spirit Cōtrariwise when men greedely scrape together what they can seke only their owne gaine he calleth it a sowing in the flesh He pronoūceth those which sowe in the spirite to be blessed both in this life and in the life to come and the other which sowe in the flesh to be accursed both in this life and in the life to come Verse 9. And let vs not be vveery of doing good for in due time vve shall reape vvithout vveerines The apostle intēding to close vp his Epistle passeth from the particular to the generall and exhorteth generally to all good workes As if he should say let vs be liberall and bountefull not onely towardes the Ministers of the word but also towardes all other men and that without weerines For it is an easie matter for a man to doe good once or twice but to continue and not to be diseouraged through the ingratitude and peruersenes of those to whom he hath done good that is very hard Therfore he doth not onely exhort vs to doe good but also not to be weery in doing good And to perswade vs the more easily thervnto he addeth For in due time vve shall reape vvithout vveerines As if he sayd wait and looke for the perpetuall haruest that is to come and then shall no ingratitude or peruerse dealing of men be able to plucke you away from well doing For in the haruest time ye shall receaue most plentifull encrease and frute of your seede Thus with most swete words he exhorteth the faithfull to the doing of good workes Verse 10. Therefore vvhile vve haue time let vs doe good vnto all men but specially to those that be of the household of Faith. This is the knitting vp of his exhortation for the liberall maintaining and nourishing of the Ministers of the word geuing of almes to all such as haue neede As if he had sayd Let vs doe good while it is day for when night cometh we can no lōger worke In deede men worke many things when the light of the truth is taken away but all in vaine for they walke in darkenes and wotte not whether they goe and therfore all their life workes sufferings and death are in vaine And by these wordes he toucheth the Galathians As if he should say Except ye continue in the sound doctrine which ye haue receaued of me your working of much good your suffering of many troubles and such other things profite you nothing as he sayd before in the .3 chapter Haue ye suffered so many things in vaine And by a new kinde of speech he termeth those the houshold of Faith which are ioyned with vs in the felowship of Faith among whom the Ministers of the word are the chiefest and then all the rest of the faithfull Verse 11. Behold vvhat a letter I haue vvrytten to you vvith mine ovvne hand He closeth vppe his Epistle with an exhortation to the faithfull and with a sharpe rebuke or inuectiue against the false apostles Behold sayth he vvhat a letter I haue vvryttē vnto you vvith mine ovvn hand This he sayeth to moue them and to shew his motherly affection towardes them As if he should say I neuer wrote so long an Epistle with mine owne hand to any other church as I haue done vnto you For as for his other Epistles as he spake other wrote them afterwardes he subscribed his salutation name with his owne hād as it is to be seene in the end of his Epistles And in these words as I suppose he hath respect to the length of the Epistle Other some take it otherwise Verse 12. As many as desire to please in the flesh compell you to be circumcised onely because they vvould not suffer the persecution of the crosse of Christ Before he cursed the false apostles Now as it were repeating that same thing againe but with other words he accuseth them very sharply to the ende he may feare and turne away the Galathians from their doctrine notwithstanding the great authority which they seemed to haue The teachers which ye haue sayeth he are such as first regard not the glory of Christe and the saluation of your soules but onely seeke their owne glory secondly they flie the crosse thirdly they vnderstād not those things which they teach These false teachers being accused of the Apostle for three such execrable enormities were worthy to be auoided of all men But yet all the Galathians obeyed not this warning of Paule And Paule doth the false apostles no wrong when he so vehemently inueyeth against them but he iustly condemneth them by his Apostolike authority In like maner when we call the Pope Antichriste his bishops and his shauelings a cursed generation we sclaunder them not but by Gods authoritie we iudge them to be accursed according to that which is sayd in the first Chapter If vve or an angell from heauen preach othervvise then vve haue preached vnto you accursed be he For they hate persecute and ouerthrow the doctrine of Christ Your teachers sayth he are vaine heads and not regarding the glory of Christ and your saluation they seeke onely their owne glory Againe because they are afraid of the crosse they preach circumcision and the righteousnes of the flesh lest they should prouoke the Iewes to hate and persecute them Wherfore although ye heare them neuer so gladly and neuer so long yet shall ye heare but such as make theyr belly their God seeke their owne glory and shunne the crosse And here is to be noted a certaine vehemencie in this word compell For circumcision is nothing of it selfe but to be compelled to circumcision and when a man hath receaued it to put righteousnes and holines therein and if it be not receaued to make it a sinne that is an iniurie vnto Christ Of this matter I haue spoken largely enough heretofore Verse 13. For they them selues that are circumcised doe not keepe the lavv but they vvould haue you circumcised that they might glory in your flesh Is not Paule here worthy to be called an heretike For he sayth that not onely the false apostles but all the nation of the Iewes which were circumcised keepe not the law but rather that they which were circumcised in fulfilling the lawe fulfill it not This is against Moises who sayeth that to be circumcised is to keepe the lawe and not to be circumcised is to make the couenaunt voide Gen. 17. And the Iewes were circumcised for none other cause but to keepe the lawe which commaunded that euery malechild should be circumcised the eight day Hereof we haue before entreated at large and therfore we neede not now to repeate the same againe Now these things serue to the condemning of the false apostles that the Galathiās may
quieted VVhat peace Paule vvisheth to Christians Psal. 2.2 Iohn 10.23 Iohn 14.27 Peace of the vvorld The grace of te vvorld VVhy this is added and frō our Lord Iesus Christ Exod. 23 ●0 That Meritemongers or such as seeke to iustifie thē selues by thē selues shutte out Christ and vvill only haue to doe vvith God. The Alcoran is a boke containing the Turkes religion receaued frō Mahomet a false prophet that vvas among them The vvill of God is to be sought in Christ 1. Cor. 1.21 The fall of Lucifer VVhat God is in his ovvne nature 1. Cor. 1.13 VVhere the vvil of God is to be sought Iob. 36.23 24.25 Esaias 2 10. Prouerb 25 27. 2 Esdras 12 4. 2 Esdras 13.52 Eccles 3 22. Rom. 12 3. Io. 14 6. Christ the vvay the truth and the life The afflicted conscience vvrestling vvith the iudgment of God by faith onely in Christ is comforted Mat. 11 28. Coloss 2 3.2 9. Mat. 11.27 Io. 10.15 Genes 28.12 Christian diuinitie beginneth at Christ lying in the lappe of the virgine Mary Io. 1.18 Christ God. The deuill an aduersarie to faith 1. Iohn 5.4 The povver of the father and of Christ equall Esaias 42.8 Hovve Christ giueth grace and peace The vvorks of Christ are diuine and proper to God. One and the self same Godhead of the father and of the sonne Arrians Mahomet The vvorkes of Christ VVhich hath geuen himself Iohn 1.36 The greatnes of sin is to be vveied by the greatnes of the price Rom. 17 14. Sinne a puisāt tiraunt holding all men captiues The iudgemēt of the Godly A great vehemencie alvvayes to be marked in pronovvnes Mans reason doth extenuate and lessen sinne The hypocrits vvould that these vvordes vvere rather spoken to shevv the humilitie of Paul then the greatnes of our sinnes for that they can not heare The picture of the Iusticiaries and meritmongers Luke 1● 11 The cheefe vvisedom of Christians Sinnes against the first table Satan is vvōt to chaūge our righteousnes into sinnes Hovv vve must ansvver the deuil reasoning vvith vs. Io. 5.24 Io. 11.25 1 Io. 4.9 Esaias 53.6 Esaias 53.8 The proper and true definition of Christ Galat. 1.4 Ebr. 10.10 Colos 2.14 Let euery man learne to apply this pronovvne our to him selfe The true picture of Christ VVhat snares Sathan layeth for vs. This sentence is diligently to be vrged vvhich gaue him selfe for vs. VVhy Paule doth call this vvorld present and euill Io. 12.31 1. Iohn 5.19 That the vngodly vvith al their gifts doe serue the Deuill They that knovve not Christ the more vvise and righteous they are the more do they hate and persecute the gospell Galat. 1.4 The vvhite deuill Spirituall vvhoredomes the most abhominable Christ only deliuereth vs out of this present euell vvorld The vvorld obayeth his prince the deuill VVhat sinnes are in the vvorld VVhat the vvorld is vvith all his vertues and righteousnes Phil. 3.8 Esay 64.6 The kingdom of the vvorld The kingdom of Christ Colossa 13. Iohn 3.16 Iohn 4.10 Iohn 8.16 It is a great consolation to knovv that Christ is geuē for vs by the vvill of his father God is a common father both to Christ and to vs. Iohn 10.17 VVhat knees vve ought to bovve vvhen vve mention the name of God. Gal. 1.8.9 Galat. 5.10 Hovve Preachers ought to behaue thē selues in bringing backe such as are gone astray and falne through vveakenes The studie of Bishopes to maintaine their Lordeship and soueraintie 1 Cor. 10.12 VVhat an hard thing it is to plant a church That vvhich in long time of godly preachers if builded vp of one vvicked teachers is quickly destroied The Church is a most tender thing He speaketh of the Anabaptistes The right picture of fantasticall spirites The churches are ouerthrovvne vvhile the teachers sleepe 1. Peter 5.8 Math. 13.25 Vvhat Hierom vvould that Paule should meane by calling them Galathians The dispositiō of the Germaines This may vvel be said of vs English men for our heat is sone cooled and that may appeare by our cold proceedings at this day A double exposition vpon this place VVhat good things the doctrine of grace bringeth vvith it The vvorld hateth the light and loueth darknes Io. 1.9.10 VVhat revvard the vvicked vvould repay to Christ for his benefits Io. 1.5 The calling of Christ The vvhite Deuill The blacke Deuill Sathan chaūgeth himselfe into an Angel of light The false Apostles condemne Paules doctrine Acts. 15.5 The nature of heretiks liuely painted out The Deuill vvill not be blacke in his Ministers A prouerbe among ths Germains The Deuill doth more hurt on the right hand then on the left Ephes 6.22 The troublers of the church Hovve the false Apostles had slaundered Paule That vngodly teachers condemne and persecute the godly Euery one that teacheth vvorkes is a troubler of mens consciences The Papistes vvorse then the false Apostles amōg the Galathians Actes 15.1 False Apostles brag of their ovvne doings and dispraise other mens False Apostles trouble and ouerthrovv the gospell of Christ The most vvicked teachers vvould be taken for holy instructers The righteousnes of the lavv and the righteousnes of grace are contrary They that mingle the righteousnes of the lavve and grace together are subuerters of the gospell of Christ The discommodities that follovv the mingling of faith and vvorks together The vehemēt zeale of Paule against the false Apostles Iosua 6.26 Leuit. 16.29 Exod. 17.14 The Gospell of Paule Acts. 13.2 Rom. 1.2 Deut. 18.15 Act. 3.22 The vehemencie of Paule against the false Apostles An horrible sentence against the Papistes The contents of the tvvo first chapters The reason of the Papists to proue that the Church is aboue the scripture The vvord of God must only be taught in the church VVhat revvard Paule receaued for his paines taking VVhat the ministers of God ought to seeke Ephes 2.3 The summe and effect of the doctrine of the Gospel Psal. 19. ● To teach the things that are of God Iohn 7.7 VVhy the vvorld hateth Christ Iohn 3.19 Signes that testifie Paules doctrine to be true False Apostles seeke to please men Teachers of mens traditions doe please men The revvard of godly teachers The revvard of false and vngodly teachers Mat. 6.2 Io. 5.44 Verse 11. Lies and sclāders deuised by the false Apostles against Paule Acts. 16.5 Acts. 18.13 Acts. 21.24 1 Cor. 15.1 Acts. 9.1 The chiefe purpose of Paule in this disputation Paules doctrine vvas not after man. Christ both God and man VVhere Paule receaued the Gospell Acts. 9.71 Verse 1● The argument of the false Apostles takē from the authoritie of the Apostles So great is the vveaknes euē of the godly that they are hardli dravvn to Gods promises though they be most certaine The office of the lavv Exod. 19.18 He alludeth to the geuing of the lavv in mount Synai The conflictes of the godly Galat. 5.17 Rom. 7.23 Faith is the gift of God. The cheefe seruice of God. VVhat inconueniences follovv the lothing of Gods vvord ‖
Speculatiō is a naked knovvledge vvithout practise Iam. 1.23.24 The doctrine of true godlines is kept by prayer and earnest studie of the vvorde The enemies of the godly The reason vvhich at this day is vsed against vs and preuaileth vvith many The Deuils argument Doctour Staupitius a fauourer of Luthers doctrine vvhē he began to preach The doctrine of the gospell attributeth all things vnto God and nothing to man. Mat. 1 1● Neither Angels nor Apostles or any other to be beleued if they teach any thing against the vvord of God. The errour of Peter Galat. 2.11 A chefe argument against vs. A preacher must be sure of his calling and doctrine Galat. 1.8 The zeale of Paule Actes 8.1 Actes 9.12 Actes 16.4 Rom. 9.3 VVhat Paule calleth the traditions of the fathers Phil. 3.5 Phil. 3. ● The first iourney of Paule Paules merite or desert By vvhat deserts vve attaine to grace VVhat maner of Saincts the Deuill loueth Iohn Hus. Publicans and sinners are farre better then merit-mongers Our desert The Papistes a bloudy generation By vvhat deserts vve attaine grace 2 Pet. 1. ● Mat. 12.45 The deserts of S. Paule Paules doctrine The definition of the Gospel 1 Cor. 1.30 The craftie Sophists haue turned the Gospell into the lavve of loue and Christ into Moses Heb. 10.10 The Gospell is not learned by any studie of man but is taught from aboue of God. Acts. 9.4 Paule is the Apostle of the Gentiles Ro. Paules diuinitie The office of Paule to the Gentiles The confutation of the argument of the false Apostles Paule became all things to all men 1. Cor. 9.20 VVhy Paule glorieth so much that he hath not learned his gospel of any man. Paule svveareth The testimony of all the churches in Iudea for Paule Paules doctrine Contention of such as vvere turned from the Ievves against Paule Acts. 15.89 The declaration of Paule and Barnabas as touching those things vvhich vvere done among the Gentiles VVhat they aunsvvere to Paule in this disputation vvhich are so earnest for the lavve They that vvere conuerted from among the Ievves hardly forsooke the lavve Custome is a double nature God alvvayes beareth vvith the infirmities of his people 1 Reg. 8.21 Exod. 34.6.7 VVhat they had to say for themselues that resisted Paule Paule taketh vnto him vvitnesses Barnabas and Titus Barnabas Not as hauing any soueraintie othervvise then an Euangelist or chiefe of the eldershippe of the churches 1 Tit. 1.5 Paule so defendeth the gospel that he vvill haue all things geue place vnto it Actes 13 3● The question that vvas hādled in the meting of the Apostles * The practise of the church in the time of the Apostles as touching Synodes and conferences teach vs novv to vse the same vvhen vve haue any controuersie VVhy Paule sayth lest I had run in vaine VVhat vvas decreed in this conference Hovv Paule refused circumcision 1. Cor. 7.18 Hovv vve teach fasting and other Christian exercises novv a dayes VVhat vvas determined in that meting of the Apostles Actes 15. ●0 VVhy Paule vvould not suffer Titus to be circumcised The obstinate aduersaries defend their vvicked blasphemies by tyrannie and violence Math. 6.9.10 The victorie of Paule against the fals Apostles 1. Cor. 8.8 The Pope putteth righteousnes in the keping of his traditiōs and damnation in breaking of them The gospell of the false apostles The gospell of the Pope and other heretikes the Anabaptistes Verse 7. Of preachers vvhich preach Christ corruptly The truth of the gospell vvhat it is The corruptiō of the gospell The doctrine of the Papistes concerning faith The obiect of reason The obiect of faith is the thing vvhervnto the eie of faith loketh vvhich is Christ Faith adorned vvith charity True faith Sleights practised of the false apostles against Paule * These be the corruptions vvhich Luther here sayth that he tolerateth more then he ought to do but the safest vvay is quite to reiect them The Popes thunderbolts It is a point of true godlines to be stout against the merit-mongers for keping our Christian liberty VVhen faith is sound all things are safe The holy obstinacie and stoutnes of the Godly The doctrine of the lavv The doctrine of the Gospel Galat. 2.3 They are to be restrained to such as serue to edification or els vve ought to leaue them VVhy Paule geueth not vnto the apostles any glorious title The argument of the false Apostles against Paule The vvord of God to be preferred before all titles and persons vvhatsoeuer God respecteth no mans person Deut. 10.17 2 Chron. 19.7 Rom. 2.11 Eccles 35.16 Acts. 10.34 Ephes 6.9 Colos 3.26 Iudas Saule Ismaell Esau Mā regardeth the person Euery creature of God may be called the veile of God because God is as it vvere couered and shadovved vnder it * 1. Cor. 13.12 Deut. 5.10 Mat. 4.4 Mā trusteth to the veiles of God and not to God himselfe The outvvard veiles are Gods good creatures but vve must not trust in them vvhich is vvicked God suffreth his deare sainctes to fal into great vices that vve shuld not cleaue to their persons * 2. Sam. 11.4.17 * Mat. 26.69 Marke 14.66 Luke 22.55 Iohn 18.25 Men are but men Paule calleth the Apostleship the person of man. The outvvard person is not to be looked vpon in iudgement Deut. 1. VVhat can the Pope othervvise do being Antichrist but take vpon him dominion such as Gods vvord neuer allovved of Marke vvhat seruitude Luther vvas cōtent to endure so that he and others might enioy the liberty of conscience Acts. 4.19 The dominion of the Pope intolerable Rom. ● 9.10 VVhat Paule did in that conference The holy pride of the godly against the Pope VVhy●e the godly are proude against the Pope * The Pope is no povver ordeined of God. This is impossible for Antechrist the sōne of perdition to acknovvledge 1 Cor. 13.7 Loue suffereth all things but faith can beare nothing 2 Pet. 1.4 To Peter is cōmitted the Gospell ouer circumcision and to Paule ouer vncircūcision Actes 10.17 1. Peter 1.1 Actes 9.20 Mat. 23.9.10 Marc. 16.15 Coloss 1.5.6 Actes 13.1.2 Peter the Apostle of the Ievves and Paule of the Gentiles Actes 9.20 Paule preached also to the Ievves Act. 13.45.46 Math. 10.6 Actes 28 2● Rom. 1.14 Vncircūcisiō Circumcision Paule receaueth not his gospel of the other Apostles The Apostles calling equall Equalitie among the Apostles Actes 15.14 The Gospell of Peter mightie Actes 19.11.12 The stoutnes of Paul is not carnall VVhat Paule calleth grace in this place Peter alovveth the ministerie of Paul. Paule and the other Apostles taught all one gospell A good minister must be carefull for the poore Esay 61.1 Math. 11.1 Luke 4.16 The vvorld is forvvard to geue for the maintenaunce of vngodlines but it careth not for Gods ministers Math. 25 3● The maiestie of this article of iustificatiō Mar. 10.39 Math. 16.25 It behoueth vs to be obstinate in Gods matter A Christian vvill openly reproue vices in his brother The Prophets and Apostles
geueth to the lavv 1 Cor. 15.56 The commendation of the lavv Rom. 7.12.14 The lavve is good and the lavv is euill Galat. 4.3 The lavve and Christe are tvvo vvhich can not stand together Esay 28.20 VVhy Paule calleth the lavv the elements of the vvorld 2. Cor. Rom. 7.12.14 2. Cor. The lavve is holy and righteous and yet is it the administration of death Galath 3.5.9 1. Cor. 15.56 2. Cor. 3.6 Paules maner of speaking must be marked Actes 9.15 The person office of Christ VVhy Paule calleth the mother of Christ a vvoman and not a virgin Iohn 1. ● 14 The errour blasphemie of the Papistes and Turkes The true picture of Christe Iohn 1.15 Iohn 3.17 The office of Christe A false opinion of Christ is not easely cast of The iudgemēt of naturall reason concerning Christ The sentences vvhich set out Christ plainly ought alvvais to be before our eyes Faith is our victorie 1. Iohn 5.4 The conflictes of the godly The vvrastlīg of the flesh against the spirite in the Sainctes Gala● 5.17 The maner of our redemption Galat. 3.23 Rom. 5.12 Ephes 2.3 1. Pet. 2.20 Math. 26.65 Luc. 23.5 Luke 22.44 Luke 23.24.33 A maruelous combate betvvene the lavv Christ Ephes 2.3 The lavve ruleth all mankinde Math. 11.28 The lavv condemned and killed by Christe Christ by double right hath conquered the lavve * Prosopopoeia is a figure vvherby things that haue no life are fained personally to speake or to be spoken to Ephes 2.16 Ephes 4. ● c. Psal. 68.18 Rom. 8.3 Christ hy his victorie hath deliuered vs frō the terrors of the lavv The offence of the lavve agaīst Christ can not be forgeuen 1. Cor. 15.57 That vve be made righteous by Faith. The lavve by his iudgemēt killed the son of God. Coloss 2 1● Christe vvas made vnder the lavve Christe suffered all the tyrannie of the lavve Christe came not to make lavves but to take the lavve cleane avvay The ministerie of Moises Galath 3.13 It is not the proper office of Christe to teach the lavv The particuler benefites of Christe Iohn 14.12 Christ is God by nature The true picture of Christe 1. Cor. 2.14 The obediēce of the lavv is in the righteous Genes 22.18 In thy Seede Galath ● ●3 The Papistes merite ex congruo condig●o The holy Ghost is sent tvvo maner of vvayes Math. 3.16 Actes 2.3 1. Cor. 14.22 Actes 15.5 Signes of renevving of the mind in the Godly Christe our onely merite of congruence and vvorthines both before grace and after 1. Cor. 1 1● Philip. 1.29 Psal. 116.10 The remnants of sinne in the Sainctes Smal differēce in outvvard shevv betvvene a christian and a mā that is but outvvardly and ciuily righteous 1. Cor. 2.14 1. Cor. ● 16 Signes of the presence of the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 4.4 The doctrine of the Sophisters teaching that no man could knovv vvhether he vvere in the fauour of God or no. VVe must assure our selues that vve are vnder grace Rom. 8.9 Psal. 119.115 Grace is more strong and mighty then sinne Rom. 1.34 Psal. 5.9 Psal. 10.7 VVeaknes of Faith in the godly The full assurāce of Faith. Galath 4.4 Esay 53.11 Psal. 51.10 Rom. 8.26 1. Pet. 5.8 The Deuils roring Ephes 6. ●6 The cry of the holy ghost in the hearts of the godly Ephes 6.16 Esay 42.3 Rom. 8.26 c. The profit of temptations Galath 3.13 Heb. 2.14 Rom. 3.27 Hovv vve are affected in the true triall and terrours of conscience 1. Cor. 12.9 The groning of the heart is a crie Luke 18.6.7 The vveapons of the godly vvhervvith they ouerthrovv the kingdom of the Pope c. Exod. 14.15 The crie of Moses at the red sea The office of the holy ghost In vvhom the holy Ghost doth his office and at vvhat time The tentation of Moses at the red sea Exod. 14 13.1● The gronings of the faithful before God are great cries Psal. 31.1 Ah Father The Pope taught that vve must dout of Gods fauour tovvardes vs He speaketh not here of that douting vvhich sometimes riseth of infirmitie in the godly but of vvilful douting vvhich the Papistes teach maintaine The Pope kingdom The Papacy is a very slaughterhouse of consciences Eccle. 9. ●● The chief drift of the Scripture to make vs certaine of the mercie of God tovvard vs Rom. 4.25 Iohn 3.16 One sentence out of the boke of the Preacher not vvell vnderstand vvas of more force in the Papacie then all the promises of the scripture Doutfulnes of saluation in th Papacie Hovv vve mai knovv that are ī gods fauour and haue the holy Ghost The doctrine vvhich vve professe is certaine The true meanīg of the sentence out of the .9 of Ecclesiastes VVhat thanks the vvorld geueth to them that deserue vvell of it Hovv vve must ouercome vnthākfulnes Psal. 109.3.4 The vvill of God is seene in his vvord By vvhat meanes the adoption cometh vnto v● Galath 3.28 Galat. 4.3 VVhat Paule meaneth by a seruaunt in this place Rom. 3.20 Rom. 4.15 Galath 3 2● The lavv must not be suffred to rule in the conscience Reuelat. 10.3 The lavv hath no povver ouer the conscience but ouer the flesh Gen. 22.4.5 VVhat the adoption bringeth 1. Cor. 13 1● 1. Pet. 1.23 The vvord of God is the vvombe of God. Philip. 1. ●1 The godly haue nede of the comfort of the holy Ghost Rom. 7.24 Galath ● ●7 In this life vve haue but only the first fruits of the spirite Rom. 8.23 Paule hath alvvayes the name of christ in his mouth 1. Pet. 1.9 To slide in Faith is an easie thing The sleightes of the deuil to bring men frō Faith to the lavve VVhy Paule sayth that the Galathians returned back to vveake and beggerly elements God is knovven by Christe onely Iohn 1.18 Rom. 8.32 The true knovvledge of God. The highest vvisedom of reason Luke 15.11.12 1. Cor. 1.14 Rom. 3.11 There is no difference betvvene the Turks Ievves and Papists The imagination of all the meritmongers alike All meritmongers honour a God vvhich by nature is no God. God abhorreth vvil vvorshippings and vvorkes de●●sed by man. Doctrine concerning the true God. To vvhat euils they be subiect vvhich destroy the doctrine of faith Rom. 1● 5 Rom. 4.15 Rom. 1● 4 God is not knovvne and the Blessing geuē through the lavv but by the gospel Genes 22.18 Rom. 2. ●2 The Gentiles Idolatry vvas grose Cōtrarivvise the Ievves Idolatry vvas outvvardly holy and therefore more hurtfull Rom. 1.19.20 A generall particular knovvledge of God. Rom. 3.11 Iohn 1.18 No man hath sene God. The diuers opinions of men concerning the vvill of god Rom. 1.22 VVhence idolatrie came The opinion of the Monke as touching Gods vvill VVorshippers of God vvithout his vvord VVithout Christe all vvorshippīgs and all lavves are Idolatrie The vvill of God. Galath 3.9 Galath 4.7 Ye are knovvn of God. Math. 11.17 Esay 53.11 The Apostles euen in their life time savv the subuersiō of those churches vvhich
The heauenly Ierusalem vvhich is yet vpon earth The heauenly Ierusalem is set against the earthly not locally but spiritually The spirituall Ierusalem dispersed thorovv out the vvhole vvorld The Church begetteth children by teaching Isaac is heir through the promise Genes 17.19 Ephes 4.13 Esay 54.1 Esay 54. The song of Anna. 1. Sam. 2.4.5 The differēce betvvixt the sinagoge and the church Iohn 8 3● Iohn 3.18 1. Timot. 4.1 The teachers of the lavve gender bond-seruaunts Reason is taken vvith hypocrisie The church seemeth to be barren 1. Cor. 1.18 The Gospell hath but fevv disciples Actes 21.22 Hovv many yeares dayes times haue our Papistes appoynted vvhen the gospel should be ouerthrovne and they receaue their idolatrous Masse other abhominations againe The church in heauines The church barren before the vvorld The people of grace The difference betvvixt the lavv and the gospell The people of grace vvithout the lavve and the people of the lavv vvithout grace The lavve is abolished to all christians Esay 54.1 The church is barren and forsaken before the vvorld The childre● of the bondvvomā vvith their mother are cast out of the house Rom. ● 4.5.6 Math. 10.12 The people of the lavv laborious and painfull The vvhole lavv is abolished A godly man feeleth the terrours of the lavve but by faith in Christ he is comforted Rom. 3.1 Iohn 3.36 The lavve hath no povver ouer a hose that beleue 1. Cor. 1.30 Galath 3.13 The outvvard abolishment of the lavve The gospell doth not release vs from all lavves * He speaketh of such gouernment as God hath appoynted vvhich no priuate man may contēne vvith out the br●ch of conscience 1 Pet. 2.13.14 Rom. 13 5. The ceremonies of Moses lavv doe not bind vs much lesse the ceremonies of the Pope 1. Cor. 14.40 Tvvo things to be taken hede of in the keping or cōmaunding of ceremonies the offence of the vveake the pernicious opinion of merite The church is barren * No spirituall birth vvhich is vvrought by the vvord and spirite of God. * That is their regeneration in Christe by Faith and the holy Ghost Ioh. Of children some be as Ismael some as Isaac The children of the promise The iudgemēt of the vvorld concerning the gospell VVhat the faithfull must be content to be called in this vvorld Iohn 16.2 VVhat folovved the preaching of the Gospell Psal. 2.2.3 Psal. 2.2.3 Psal. 2.4 The blindnes of the aduersaries Iohn 16.2 Rom. 9.1 Luke 9.26 Paule a pestiferous felovv Actes 17.6.7 Actes 24.3 Actes 16.20 Luke 11 21.2● Luke 12.49 Hovv Christ comforteth him selfe against the euils that shuld folovv his preaching 2. Cor. 4.4 * He meaneth the Deuill Iob. 41.14.22 The faithfull see infinite profites by the Gospell Psal. 91.13 The article of iustification comforteth vs against al sclāders and tentations 1. Cor. 2.12 The vvorld cā not but be offended at the preaching of the Gospel VVhy our aduersaries doe condemne vs. Greefe after the flesh and glory after the spirite Rom. 5.3 Gene. 21.9 The expositiō of the Ievves VVhat maner of man Ismael vvas Ismael vvould be preferred before Isaac for tvvo causes Ismael alvvayes persecuteth Isaac The spirituall persecution The Deuil persecuteth the church by violence subteltie Ephes 6.16 The spirituall and corporall persecution of the godly Iohn 1.44 1. Cor. 11.19 False brethrē at the first are frendes but aftervvardes they become most deadly enemies The brethern borne after the flesh must persecute the brethern that are borne after the spirit Psal. 41.9 The true doctrine of the gospel is the cause of persecution Christe comforteth his against the hatred and persecutions of the vvorld Iohn 15.19 Math. 10.24 Iohn 15.20 The name of Christe is the cause vvhie the vvorld rageth against the godly Iohn 16.33 Christ remaineth king and conquerour though the gates of hell fight against him Gen. 21 2● Gen. 21.11 God cōfirmed the sentence of Sara Gen. 21.12 The sentence pronounced against the Ismalites is effectuall c. The vaine hope of hypocrites in condemning others The children of the bondvvoman haue no inheritāce vvith the children of the freevvoman Iohn 10.35 The vineyard shal be let out to other husbandmen They that are borne of the bondvvoman are borne seruaunts of the lavve The Pope and all that seeke righteousnes by vvorkes are children of the bondvvoman Philip. 3.19 The vvorld embraceth the righteousnes of vvorks and condemneth the righteousnes of Faith. A comparison of the old Papacie and of the Papacie at this day The Iusticiaries make such a shevv of holines as if they vvere angels and no men Coloss 2. ●● The contemplatiue life of Monkes and such other vvhich sequestred themselues frō the vvorld and all vvorldly affaires The deuotion and discipline of the old Poperie No holines of life can be set against Gods iudgement The Papistes at this day do not defend their vvicked life but their doctrine The Papists diuide the Gospell into precepts and coūsels The precepts they are boūd to kepe say they but not the counsels and therfore if they kepe them it is a vvorke of superogation that is more then nedeth Bernards confession Phil. 3.9 The children of the bondvvoman are vnder the lavv The children of the bondvvoman shall at length be cast out Math. 25.29 Christian libertie Rom. 9.23 Paule trieth euery vvay to kepe the Galathians in the liberty of the Gospell 1. Pet. 5.3 ● The godly must stād fast that they lose not their libertie in Christe Satan deadly hateth the light of the Gospell The freedome of the Papists The fleshly libertie The Anabaptists and Libertines vvill be free to doe vvhat they list Freedom from the vvrath of God to come To haue God fauourable vnto vs for Christes sake is an incomprehensible freedome 1. Cor. Freedom from the lavv sinne and death c The fruites of Christian liberty are not easily felt and laid hold of in tentations A remedy against the terrours of the minde in tentations Esay 54.8 Luke 11 28. Iohn 13.17 Christian libertie Liberty is frely geuen vnto vs for Christes sake Iohn ● 36 Math. 9. ● Iohn 5.24 Hypocrites bragge of God. Actes 15. ●0 Actes 10.43 The lavve is a yoke of bondage Galat. 4.10 Thei that seke righteousnes by the lavve are compared to oxen tied to the yoke No greater bondage then the bondage of the lavve VVho be the Deuils Martyrs Iohn 16.23 The corporall libertie of the Papistes This may truely be said also of our Libertines and carnal gospellers at this day Galath 6.6 The iudgemēt of the godly touching all doctrines religions and ceremonies VVho they be to vvhom Christ is vnprofitable Nothing is more hurtfull then the doctrine of mens traditions vvorkes Coloss 2.3 Coloss 2.9 The lavve of God the yoke of bondage Good vvorks are not condemned but confidence in good vvorks is cōdemned Reuel 12.10 VVhat vve must ansvver the Deuill vvhen he accuseth and tempteth vs. The true picture of Christ Math. 12.20 Esay 42.3 Math.
11.28 Math. 9.13 Math. 9.2 Iohn 15.33 Luke 19.10 The doers of the lavve doe not the lavve Verse 12. Verse 10. The consciēce is not quieted and pacified vvith the obseruation of mans traditions Confidence in vvorks vtterly taketh avvay Faith or at least hindreth it in vs. Iusticiaries meritmongers vvill be recōpensed for their vvorkes vvith euerlasting life He that receaueth Moises in one poynt must receaue him in all Christians are free from the policie of Moises as touching their conscience Deut. 34. They that seke to be iustified by the lavve deny Christ Gal. 3.14 1. Cor. 1.12 Paule condēneth not circumcisiō but to trust in circumcision is that vvhich he condēneth Christe and the lavve can not dvvell together True Faith. VVe must either forgoe Christ or the lavve Deut. 27.26 The doctrine of the Pope led vs quite avvay from Christ and made him altogether vnprofitable to vs. VVhat daunger it is to seeke righteousnes by the lavve Iohn 3 3● Iohn 5.18 The Popes kingdom is grounded vpon mens traditions 1. Cor. 4.7 VVhat he loseth thrt falleth from grace Math. 15 1● Verse 3. Vers 14.25 Rom. 8.24 Rom. Rom. 7.23 The righteousnes of the faithfull standeth not in feeling Faith hope differ in respect of their subiect Exod. 25.20 The differēce betvven faith and hope in their office The difference as touching the obiect Difference in order Rom. Difference in vvorking The differēce betvven faith and hope in diuinitie is the same that is betvvene fortitude and prudence in policie As soone as vvee begin to lay hold on Christ our enemies the fle●h the vvorld the Deui●l rise vp against vs but hope vvr●s●l●th against them all Psal. 116.10 Rom. 15. ● Rom. 5.1 Rom. 1.24 The true knovvledge of Christ is not vvithout the crosse Faith. Hope Charitie of loue 1. Cor. 13 1● VVhatsoeuer the vvorld estemeth to be good and holy vvithout Christe is sinne A svvete consolation in anguish trouble of conscience Psal. 51.17 Psal. 51. Our righteousnes consisteth not in feeling but in beleuing Ephes 5. ●6 Rom. 5.8 Rom. 5.34 Rom 14.9 1. Cor. 15.3 Esay 66.2 Math. 11.28 Esay ●2 3 The treasure of the Faithfull 2. Cor. 6.7.10 A true and a liuely Faith. Paul shutteth all hypocrites out of the church of God both on the right hand on the left The vvhole life of a Christian The christian life is a course or a race That vvhich seemeth to vs to creepe runneth svviftly in Gods sight Math. 5.4 Luke 6.21 Rom. 8.28 Galath 3.1 False doctrine bevvitcheth men Falling in doctrine cometh of the Deuil The authority of the false apostles A consolation for them vvhich conceaue a false opinion of Christe Christe is set out in the Scriptures as a gift and as an example Coloss 2.3 1. Cor. 1.30 Rom. 10.4 To vvhom Christ must be set out as a gift and to vvhom as an example Math. 11.28 Iohn 6.27 Math. 3.17 1. Pet. 1.17 Coloss 1.13 The false apostles misreported Paule to the churches Doctrine and life must be separate farre a sunder The doctrine of Faith. Luke 11.34 Luke 11.36 Iam. 2.10 Charitie suffereth all thīgs but Faith suffreth nothing 1. Cor. 13. ● Charitie may be deceaued but faith cannot VVhen vve must exercise charitie and vvhen not VVhether vve may trust vnto men VVicked teachers are troublers of mens consciences The aucthoritie of the false apostles Galath 1.8 ● The differēce betvvixt doctrine life No errour in the doctrine of Faith. Actes 13.50 Actes 17.4 The false apostles enemies of the crosse of Christ Gal. 6.12 The doctrine of Faith. 1. Cor. 1.17 2. Pet. 1.11 The church is in best case most flouri●heth vnder the crosse Esay 3● 17 * He meaneth that God somtimes in punishing shevveth him selfe as though it vvere not he but Satan and contrarivvise Satan vvhen he flattereth shevveth him self as though he vvere God and not Satan Esay 53.12 The vvorld hath no pitie vpō the godly Iohn 16.2.3 VVhat the vvorld loketh for by the death of the godly Math. 5.10 Marke 9.10 Luke 14.34 Actes 5.41 1 Pet. 3.14 1. Pet. 4.14 Luther vvil be at no vnitie vvith the enemies of the Gospell The Gospell setteth forth the glory of God and discloseth the craftes of the Deuill Math. 5.12 Paul vvisheth that the false apostles vvere cutte of VVhether it be lavvful for Christians to curse Galath 1.3.4 The Maiestie of Gods vvord is highly to be aduaunced Actes ● 20.21 Psal. 54.5 Psal. 55.15 * As Corah Dathan and Abiron Paules example in suffering VVhat the vvorld condemneth in godly teachers An obiection The Apostles after the doctrine of faith adde precepts of good life Philip. 1.21 Iude. 1.4 Carnall men vnderstād not the doctrine of Faith. The saying of the vvicked The greatest part of men vnderstād the doctrine of Faith carnally The profite of tentations 1. Pet. 2.16 The godly are free accordīg to the spirite but bond seruaunts according to the flesh Gal. 5.17 Carnall men abuse Christian libertie Christian libertie must be taught though men abuse it Coloss 1 1● They vvhich vnderstād the Christian libertie serue one another through loue 1. Cor. 3 11.1● Leuitis 19 1● Meritmōgers hypocrites vnderstād not the doctrine of faith and of good vvorks 1. Cor. 3.12.15 Galath 4 1● Reason is naturally delited vvith superstition No mā loueth his neighbour as himselfe Naturall corruption superstition remaining in the faithfull A saying of Hierome Paul teacheth good vvorks and condemneth euill vvorkes 1. Sam. 31.6 Math. 12.3 ●● Math. 22 2● Ephes 1.2 A brief summe of all Moises lavves The shortnes of the doctrin of all true christianitie To serue our neighbour through charitie A description of an hypocrite Charitie the bright sunne of all good vvorkes A briefe exposition of this commaundement Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Hovv our neighbour ought to be loued Charitie a singular vertue VVho is our neighbour The cōmaundement of charitie 1. Cor. 13.7 The doctrine of faith and charitie the shortest and longest The vvay hovv to kepe concord The ende of the authors of vvicked opinions Hovv the doctrine of faith and of vvorks is to be taught An obiection Galat. 2.16 Galat. 3.10 Arguments from precept to vvorke So euill consequence of the Sophisters It is vvryttē therfore it is done The Loue of our selfe corrupt Sinne is not here layed to our charge because of our Faith in Christe 1. Cor. 13 1● Charitie can not pacifie God. Apoc. 21.27 Esay 53.9 1. Pet. 2.22 1. Iohn 3.2 * He alludeth to the place of Exodus Chapt. 13.21 1. Cor. 13.12 Faith adorned vvith charitie is the papistes righteousnes Rom. 1.23 Deut. 6.5 Math. 22 3● Marke 12 2● Luke 10.27 Perfect loue God first loued vs. 1. Iohn 4.10 Galath 2 4. Galath 4.4.5 Galath 5.17 Desires and lustes of the flesh euen in the godly To vvalke in the spirite VVhat the cōcupiscence or lust of the flesh is after Paule Beleuers are both sinners righteous Hierome The