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A90952 An answer to Grifith Williams Lord Bishop of Ossorie his book, intituled, The great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity. Pressick, George.; Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672. Great antichrist revealed, never yet discovered, and proved to be neither pope, nor Turk, nor any single person, nor any one monarch or tyrant in any polity. 1660 (1660) Wing P3294A; ESTC R182040 110,354 119

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be that such things as was in difference might be ended he also writ another Epistle to Alexander Bishop of Alexandrea about contentions that arose in that Church But notwithstanding the Emperours godly endeavours these contentions ceased not but rather increased whereupon he called the Councel of Nice in which Council after they had determined the businesse about the Co-essentiall nature of the second person in the Trinity and made the confession of Faith against the Arian Heresie They addresse themselves to make Canons whereby the Ecclesiasticall Discipline should be governed where the Bishop of Rome was made Primate and Metrapolitan of the first See and that the Bishop of Alexandria should have power over all the Churches of Egypt or Libea and Pentapolis because the Bishop of Rome had the like priviledge and so the Church of Antioch and others every one had their honour and dignity appointed them and what other Bishops and Churches should be under their Jurisdiction c. Now Josealil to the Reader whether here began not all the misery where they thought to end it so great difference there is between the ways of God and the ways of men for here at this time was the very first birth of Antichrist the Bishop and Pope of Rome the Primate and Metrapolitan of the first See this was his beginning for the Bishops before the council by their contentions and the Bishops in the council both falling away and departing from the sincerity of the Gospel and from the institutions of Christ and his Apostles and making new officers and orders in the Church with new titles of Primacy and Metrapolitans and Diocesans with a number more that depend upon them as is shewed in the former part of his book one hundred and fifty by name Here was the birth of Anrichrist of severall Titles and Religious Orders now in the Church of Rome and not one of them of Jesus Christ nor his Apostles institution but all of humans invention without any president precept or example or any Text in the New Testament to ground them upon the original and chief Titles of all was devised and decreed in this council for making the Pope of Rome Primate and Metrapolitan of the first fear from this Title and Jurisdiction then given him he took occasion thereby from that very time to advance himself and to claim authority over all other Churches and as I said above Antichrist had his conception long before for Rome being the chief City of the Empire and above all other Cities so the Bishop of Rome thought to be above all other Bishops and the Apostle tells us 2 Thes 2.7 That the mystery of iniquity did even then begin to work in his time Antichrist had this conception then and he grew biger and biger in the womb of the Church until this Council sate and then this Council was as the Midwise to his birth to bring him forth and so by the power he received by that decree he was nursed up and grew stronger and stronger until the year 606 and then he came to the full strength of a man or rather a Beast for so the Scriptures terms him Rev. 17. And the man of sin 3 Thes 2.4 For then he obtained the Title of universal Bishop and after in the year 684. he obtained to be called Christs Vicar so that now he was armed with Titles and Authority to make him the complear Antichrist to act against Jesus Christ so as never none before him nor since did nor could do for none had the like Authority Power and Preheminence as this Council of Nice gave unto him and that by their falling away and departing from the Apostolical institutions and Gospel puriey so that from the time of this Council every age grew more corrupt then the former as shall appear in several particulars For first Whereas in the first Primitive Church according to the appostolical institutions Bishops or Pastors and other Officicers of the Churches they were elected and chosen by the believing Church or Churches to whom they were to officiate for we see the Apostles themselves even when they were altogether in Council had more authority then ever any man or council had since yet durst not they as Arelatenses said in the council of Basill they durst not nor would not take the power that belonged to the believing Church from them no not to appoint inferiour officers of the Church much lesse Bishops or Pastors as you may see Acts the 6.2 c. The Twelve called the multitude of the Disciples unto them and said look ye out seven men among you of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdome whom we may appoint over this businesse and the saying pleased the whole multitude and they chose Steven a man full of faith and of the holy Ghost and Philip c. The salling away from Gospel institutions whom they set before the Apostles and when they had prayed they laid their hands on them and the word of God increased and the number of the Disciples multiplied that is they multiplyed while they walked in Gods way in divine institutions but this way the Bishops before and also the council of Nice were fallen away from and then and ever since Bishops or Pastors and other Officers of the Churches are not elected and chosen by the believing Disciples of the Churches but are chosen by Money and Friendship as Pope _____ before mentioned sould for Money three hundred of the best Benefices in England at once unto the Romans to place their Friends and Children in Thus you see what the falling away of these Bishops and council from the Apostolical institutions brought to passe together with their new devised Titles and Jurisdictions given to Bishops c. Secondly As the Bishops and after the council were fallen away from the Apostical institution as to the election of Inferiour Officers of the Church so also they were fallen away from the order of electing of Bishops or Pastors of the Church you shall see this in Acts the first when they were to chuse one in Judas place Acts 1.15 In those dayes Peter stood up in the middest of the disciples and said the number of the names were about an hundred and twenty men and brethren this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas which was guide to them that took Jesus c. wherefore of these men that have accompanied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out amongst us beginning from the Baptisme of John unto the same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witnesse with us of his resurrection and they appointed two that is I conceive 120 of the Church as they did the Deacons Act. 6. The Church elected and appointed two Josephs called Barsabas who was surnamed Justas and Matthias and they prayed that is the Apostles and the
120 and said Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen that he may take part with this Ministry and Apostleship and they gave forth their Lots and the Lot fell upon Matthias and he was numbred with the Eleven Apostles mind this beloved Christian Friends for thus it appears by these two places that by the Apostolical institutions Bishops ought first to be elected by the believing Churches to whom they are to officiate and to elect two or more and bring before other Bishops who have been elected in like manner and then after prayer and supplication to God their Lots to be given out Election and Lots would end all strife that God who knows the hearts of all men may make his choice which he in his wisdome knows is most fit for that office for the Lot is cast into the Lap but the whole disposing thereof is from the Lord Prov. 16.33 And also the Holy Ghost saith Prov. 18.18 The Lot causeth contention to cease and parteth between the mighty if this order were observed our contentions would cease if Bishops and other Church Officers were elected and chosen according to the Apostles institutions then every man would think himself bound in conscience to own and obey them which perhaps do now think otherwise because the Gospel order is not observed for since the falling away of the Bishops before the council of Nice and the falling away of the council of Nice from the Apostolical institutions and first primitive purity and their making and giving of new Orders and Officers in the Church with new Titles and Jurisdictions which was never of Christs institution nor never heard of nor known in the first primitive Church and which is the very falling away the Apostle speaks of 2 Thes 2 3. which was to make way for the great Antichrist whereby he was not only brought forth to the birth but hath been nursed up until he came to his full growth and so hath continued this 1300 years and hath been the occasion of all the slaughter blood and burnings vexation and martyrdome that hath befallen the Christian Churches to this da● by falling away from the Apostles institutions and setting up Bishops and others for Money and favour of Friends and those to whom they should officiate that ought to elect and chuse them to their offices and after been confirmed by the Supreme Magistrate they are rejected and cast off and Gods ways and institutions rejected and neglected and mens humane inventions and institutions is followed and practised and this hath been and is the cause of difference And thirdly they fall away from the Apostolical institution of electing members to sit in council for though it belong to the Supreme Magistrate to call a council or S●nod and to order the time and place for their meeting and sitting ye I have not found in all that I have read in my life that either this council of Nice or any other council or Synod since that the members that sate were elected and chosen according to the Gospel order and institution so that it seems the falling away of the Bishops by their pride and covetousnesse mallice and envy contention and strife which occasioned the calling of this councell together with the falling away of the councel by their acting and decreeing so contrary to the Apostles institutions as is said above and also the members sitting in Councel not being elected to sit according to the Apostles example in the like case and the practise of the first primitive Church who can deny but this was the greatest falling away that ever hath been since the Apostles days unto this day considering as we shall hear after the things that followed after and doth still continue occasioned by this their falling away And that the Members of this Councel nor of any other Councel or Synod since as farre as I can learne was not elected nor chosen according to the institutions and example of the Apostles and first Primitive Churches it will appear very plain from Acts 15. that the believing Church as is shewed above by the Apostles order had their votes in electing and chusing First Of Bishops Acts 1. Secondly Of Inferiour Church-officers Acts 6. Thirdly Of Members to sit in Councel as here Acts 15. The Apostle Paul and Barnabas who I dare say had as much Authority and more and more lawfully called to their Authority then any Pope and Prelate in the world Members of Synod ought to be elected yet durst not they when the difference fell out in the Church of Anteoch about which they had no small disputation go to the Councel about that question without a lawful call until they were lawfully elected and chosen by the believers the Church of Antioch as ver 3. They determined that is the Church determined to send Paul and Barnabas and certain other of the brethren to go up to Jerusalem unto the Apostles and Elders Mark here the Elders sate in Councel with the Apostles about this question which was such another question as was disputed in the Councel of Nice but neither Paul nor Barnabas nor the other members of the Church would offer to go until they were elected and appointed by the Church to go and when they came to Jerusalem they were received of the Church and of the Apostles and Elders where you see the Apostles and Elders are not here called the Church as some do vainly think that the Apostles and Elders are the Church they indeed are members of the Church but not the Church it self for here the Church is spoken of distinctly from the Apostles and Elders they were received of the Church that is of the Congregation or body of believers and of the Apostles and Elders and thus our Nineteenth Article of the Church of England discribes the visible Church of Christ to be a Congregation of faithful men c. But I have discoursed more largely of this in the former part of this book and therefore will say no more here And it cannot be doubted but these brethren of the Church of Antioch though Laymen that were elected by the Church of Antioch to go with Paul and Barnabas to the councel at Jerusalem but they were permitted to sit in councel with the Apostles and Elders that as well as to acquaint the councel with the state of the Church that had elected and sent them so also that their vote and conscience might go along in the determination and according to this Arelatenses disputing against Lodovicus and Paenormetan in the Council of Basill saith that the dignity of Fathers is not to be respected in the Council but onely reason nor any thing more to be looked after then Truth neither saith he will I prefer a lye of a Bishop though he be never so great before the Truth of a poor Priest neither ought a Bishop to disdaine if a man be unlearned for wisdome dwelleth oftner under
thousand is there that work not at all but are busie bodies going a begging from house to house and do not walk according to the gospel rule nor example of the Apostles Alexander Rosse saith there was from the year 1211. to 1384. that is 169 years erected in Christendome 1500 Monasteries of the order of St Frances and page 304. he saith in the time of Sabellicus about the year 1494. there was reckoned 4143 Monasteries of Dominicans besides divers Cloisters of them in Arminia and Aethiopia and 150 Covents of Dominican Nuns what may be thought there was then of all the rest of their Orders that live in idlenesse contrary to Pauls command ver 10. that if any would not work neither should they eat and ver 14. if any man obey not our word by this Epistle note that man set a mark or brand upon him and have no company with him much more must we not submit to his Traditions but these devourers of the fruits of the earth and the labours of the poor observe the Popes Rules and Commands but not the Rules and Commands of Jesus Christ nor his Apostles and upon this account they are all against and therefore so many little Antichrists under their great Lord and Master the Pope who is the great Antichrist and man of sin and sonne of perdition for he I mean the succession of Popes have confirmed all these inferiour Antichrists in their several Orders and appointed them their work who will pay their wages they will know in time 2 Thes 2.2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind nor troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as that the day of Christ is at hand These words doe sound as if some false Teachers or Seducers did counterfeit letters and send from one to another in the Apostles name pretending as they had been his which did disquiet the peace of the Church for it seems by the Text as if the effect of these letters and teaching should be that the day of Christ was near at hand as Hemeneus and Philetus disturbed the peace of the Church of Ephesus teaching that the resurrection was past 2 Tim. 2.18 So here it should seem in this Church of Thessalonica was some counterfeit false Teachers that did counterfeit letters as from the Apostles as that the day of Christ was at hand against which the Apostle doth exhort them not to be shaken in mind nor troubled neither by spirit or false revelations nor by word of false teachers nor by letters from any counterfeits pretending as from us as if the day of Christ is at hand let no man saith he deceive you by these or any means for the day of Christ shall not come except there come a departing or falling away first and that man of sin be revealed even the son of perdidition what the meaning of these words is the day of the Lord being at hand I will not undertake to determine whether by it be meant the day of Judgement or the day of the Jews conversion which must be before the general Judgement and Christs revealing himself to his people in the unvailing of the misteries of the Gospel wherein as the Prophet saith Dan. 7.27 The Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the kingdome under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high And Isa 6.12 The Nation and Kingdome that will not serve the Lord shall perish and shall be utterly wasted which of these two is meant I will not possitively determine but I rather think the latter is meant but our main businesse now is in the next verse that That day shall not come except there come a departing or falling away first and that man of sin which is the great Antichrist be revealed by his falling away which must make way for Antichrists appearance I do conceive is meant both the Apostacy of many in the Church to Heresie and the Apostacy of the Church from the right manner of Government and Discipline which was instituted by Jesus Christ and his Apostles The Apostacy to prepare the way for Antichrist was double I take this Apostacy here to be meant of both these forthe first the greatest Heresie and that did the most hurt was the Arian Heresie which began about the year 290 and over spread a great part of the Christian world there was other Heresies at that time but this was the most destructive to the Christian Faith about the year 300 when the Churches began to have some rest from persecution and so from that time forward Bishops had some care of preaching but Mr. Brightman saith the doctrine was much defiled in many heads of it and Reliques began to be of great account in the Church and all kind of superstition increased and pride in Bishops Church dignities were increased and all things sought for that might make for outward pomp and glory in the world more then truth was sought for and Bishops began to be at variance one with another as appears by Constantines Epistle to Miltiades Bishop of Rome about the year 310 thus he writing Constantine the Emperour unto Miltiades Bishop of Rome and Marcus sendeth greeting in so much as many such Epistles are brought unto me from Alininus Livel of Africk in which it is said that Cicelianus Bishop of Carthage is reprehended in many things and this seemeth unto me very grievous c. That among Bishops there should be such disagreeing and variance it seemed good unto me that Cecilianus himself together with the Ten Bishops that seem to reprehend him and Ten other Bishops whom he thought expedient in the behalf of this Cause do saile into Rome that there in the presence of you all together c. By this it appears here was an Apostacy from the primitve purity even among the Bishops as well as by Hereticks and this dicension and difference increased daily more and more Bishops striving for preheminence and augmentation of their Revenues The beginning of the conception of Antichrist for honours and dignity power and command that the institutions of Christ and his Apostles their example and practise in Government and Discipline was laide aside and forgotten and new inventions brought into the Church and new Titles Jurisdiction and power granted to the Bishops by the Councel of Nice which was unknown and unheard of before in the primitive Church which Apostacy from the Apostolical Goverment and diception if I mistake not was a greater advantage to Antichrist and made more way for his appearance then all the Heresies did for this pride and contention and striving for preheminence and jurisdiction increased still until the calling together of the Councel of Nice at which very time Antichrist had his Birth and first bringing forth into the world for there he received his first authority of preheminence above other Bishops and Churches he was conceived long before and was growing in the womb of the Church for the
a bare and ragged cloak then in rich Ornaments and Apparel wherefore saith he I pray you my Lord Bishops do not so much contemne your Inferiours for the first that dyed for Christ and opened the way of Martyrdome was no Bishop but a Levite but if we repeat the example of old Councels we shall find that the inferiours were always present with the Bishops in Councels and what is more comely saith he for us to follow then the doctrines and customes of the Apostles as it is said Acts 15. It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to us that is the Apostles and Elders with the Church and the word it seemed good signifieth in this place not only consultation but decision and determination whereby it appears that others besides Apostles or Bishops had determinating voyces in Councels and in another place saith that is Acts the 6. which is spoken to above saith he when the Apostles would intreat of any weighty matter Lay-men a Ministers ought to in Counce with Bish they durst not determine by themselves but the twelve called together the multitude And seeing all things were written for our learning it seem the Apostles would give us example that in such weighty matters we should admit our inferiours as Athanasius in the Councell of Nice who then was but a Priest yet he did manfully withstand the Arrians Also in the Councel of Calcedon which was counted one of the four principall Councels there was present four hundred Priests and we have most evident testimony for inferiours in Councels for the chiefe and principal of all the divines St. Augustine saith upon these words where Christ saith to Peter I will give thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven he saith by these words judiciall power was given not only to Peter but also to the other Apostles and also to the whole Church Bishops and Priests If therefore Priests have a judicial power in the Church what should let but that they also may have determinate voyces in the Councels and Synods and saith he if Abbots who were not instituted by Christ have their determinate voices in Councels as they alwaies have why should not Priests have the same mark here the Councel confesseth that Abbots are not of Christs institution see for this the Acts and monuments of the Primitive Church page 624. Thus you see what the practise of the Apostles was and their admiting of Ministers and Lay-men that were godly and lawfully elected into their councels and which was also practised in ancient councels though since this councel of Nice I do not read that Lay-men have been admitted though hear in this councel of Basill God stirred up this man to contend for the truth but the occasion of this dispute in the councel of Basill was not about Lay-men but the Bishops would have had Priests and Deacons and all excluded from having a determining Vote but onely Bishops and I think they have had it so ever since both in Councels and Synods except it were some of their own creatures that would say as they say but as to the due election of members to be in the councels according to the Apostolical institution that hath been altogether neglected this 1300 years since the councel of Nice through the pride and presumption of Bishops and the prevalence of Antichrist then brought forth by that councel which practise you see is contrary to the Apostles institution and example and is also contrary even to reason and to the practise of Kingdoms in civil affairs as Parliaments that give and make Laws for the Government of the Kingdome in civil affairs they are elected and chosen by the countrey so that what Lawes they make as to the Government of the outward man they are bound to stand to and obey for it is their own act they elected and intrusted them to make such Laws as should be for their wealth and safety And can any man be so bruitish as to think that believers who are the misticall body of Jesus Christ and who alone are the Church in Scripture sense can any man think that Christ would have them excluded from medling with the affairs of the Church which particularly belongs unto them and which Church they are is there not as much reason that they should have their Vote in electing them that are to sit in councels or Synods to make Laws to bind their conscience as to have a vote in electing those in Parliament that make Laws to bind the outward man and are not these examples and practises of the Apostles and first primitive Church in these three several points spoken to above as sure and safe rules to walk by as can be shewed for any other assembly or meetings to make Laws by c. For can it be thought that Jesus Christ would appoint for such a work Necromancers Witches Conjurers Sorcerers Astronomors Simoniacks Sodomites abusers of themselves with mankind incesteous persons and covetous Idolaters Lyers Swearers Judge if these be sit to make Laws for the Church of Christ Sabboth-breakers Murtherers Per jured persons full of Wrath and Strife Mallice and Envy Sedition and Heresie Adulterers Fornicators Drunkards abounding in all the works of the flesh as a great part both of Popes and Prelates have been and are that these and such like should give Lawes to his Church and Spouse that their acts and determinations should be reputed and taken for the acts and determinations of the Church who are not as I have proved in the former part of this Book so much as true members of any particular rightly constituted Church of Jesus Christ in Scripture sence themselves and who never had a right call to their office nor to sit in councel nor Synod according to the Scripture order as is shewed above they came not in at the door but at the window like thieves and robbers that these should make Laws for Christs Spouse to bind their consciences to Superstitious and Idolatrous Observations and will-worship contrary and against the written word of God and by their magnificent outward power and authority to compel men to obedience against their conscience and restraine them from worshipping God according to his own institutions Beloved such wayes and doings as these are not of God consider it in time and lay it to heart for the Lord is a God of Judgement by him actions are weighed and thus all these things said together and justly weighed in the ballance of the Sanctuary it will appear that this Apostacy and falling away of the Bishops before the councel of Nice and of the Bishops in the councel of Nice to be the greatest Apostacy and falling away from the institutions and example of Jesus Christ and his Apostles and of the longest continuance that ever was in the world this 1660 years for it is of 1300 years continuance and the greatest evil and mischief it hath produced to the Churches of Jesus Christ for the Arian Herefie is gone
and other Herefies are gone but the effects of this falling away continues still O ye Christian Princes An admonition to Christian Princes into whose hands God hath put the Sword of Justice you see by what is said above that there is an absolute necessity of a Reformation according to the word of God and you bear not the Sword for nought O therefore set upon this good work of Reformation happy and blessed will he be both by God and Men that first begins an effectual Reformation God expects your endeavours in it for he works by means and you are the persons prophesied of that must do it Rev. 17.16 and who knows how near this prophesie is to be fulfilled For her Plagues shall come suddenly Rev. 18.8 and the holy Ghost shewes the reason why it shall so come to passe For strong is the Lord that judgeth her therefore whatsoever your hands finde to do do it with all your might for cursed is he that doth the work of the Lord negligently Try all things by the word of God so as nothing may be done against the word as it is in our 34 Article of the Church of England For it is not lawfull saith the 20 Article to ordain any thing that is contrary to the word of God written nor it hath neither strength nor authority saith the 21 Article unlesse it may be declared that they be taken out of holy Scripture and the good Lord direct you according to that rule for then you will have the prayers and assistance of many Thousands whose hearts now are made sad because of these abominations But yet a word or two more to shew how great this Apostacy and falling away of the Bishops was before the councel of Nice Alexander Bishop of Alexandria wrote in an Epistle to his brethren and fellow Ministers through the Churches after this manner But in as much as Eusebius now Bishop of Nicomedea supposeth the whole state of the Church to be under his Jurisdiction by which you may see what contention and strife there was amongst them for superiority and preheminence and for that he is become the Patron and Ringleader of Apostacies I think it necessary c. The first Book of Socrates Chap. 3. And this was a little before the councel of Nice which falling away of the Bishops appears further by the Testimony of Constantine the Emperour for besides his Epistles I have already spoken of which shews that the Bishops contentions was the cause of calling the councel of Nice and the next day after the councel met the Emperour in the councel made an Oration and exhorted them to concord and agreement and to remove from their minds all private malice and grildge which they had one towards another for divers of them had accused one another and the day before had put up Libels to the Emperour against one another See Socrates first book Chap. 5. See also Chap. 22. At another councel at Tyrus where thus he writes Verily I know not what matters Assembly through Tumult and Troublesome stirre hath decreed Methinks the truth it selfe you have in a manner subverted The Apostacy of the Bishop a very great Apostacy by means of your Hurleburly and kindled heat of contention for you prosecute your private spite and hatred one towards another and seem to neglect the service of God and furtherance of truth and after he chargeth them that seeme to maintaine the holy Misteries of Christs Church that they do practise nothing else but that which breedeth discord and discention to be short that which tendeth to the utter overthrow and destruction of mankind by all which it doth manifestly appear that this Apostacy and falling of the Bishops and the councel was a very exceeding great falling away from the Apostles institutions and example and most like of any to be that very falling away that the Apostle spake of 2 Thes 2.3 With the which the great Antichrist and man of sin should be ushered in So that it is manifest all the evil and misery that hath befallen the Christian Churches ever since by the prevalency of the Pope the great Antichrist came in by the falling away of the Bishops What evil the Decree of Nice producued and by the falling away of the Councell for that decree of Lord Primats Metrapolytans and Lord Diocesans c. and giving them such large Jurisdiction and Authority over others their equals though they might pretend that these should sit as in so many watch towers to oversee the rest and to keep out Heresie and Schisme but how fair a pretence soever they or any else can devise to excuse their doings it may teach us how dangerous a thing it is to step aside out of Gods way for their decree being a humane instituion and a falling away from the institutions of the Apostles as you heard above the event that it produced was not only the bringing in of Antichrist but a multitude of Heresies more and the increasing of those Heresies that then was I think you may easily read the sin in the punishment as you shall hear anone for Eusebius Bishop of Necomedia and Theognis Bishop of Nice and Marris Bishop of Calcedone c. all Arian Bishops they also were enabled and authorized by this decree of this councel with such power and jurisdiction in their Provinces over inferiour Bishops c. that they compelled the other Bishops to side with them or else they cast them out that in short time this Heresie overspread a great part of the Christian World for they called Synods and councels in their own jurisdictions and condemned and excommunicated the Orthodox Bishops and Pastors the other party again condemned and excommunicated them so that these councels and Synods cursed and excommunicated one another as I have shewed in the former part of this book of above Twenty councels that cursed and excommunicated one the other And Athanasius who was a great stickler in the Nicen councel in making that decree he felt the effect of what it produced for he was five or six times banished into Exile and forced by Hereticks to fly for to save his life and thus persecution began again for many tumults and bickrings there was and great slaughter made and cruel Tortors and Torments devised and executed upon such as would not be of their side so that the persecutions is said by some to be as cruel as the former only it had changed the name for the former persecutions was by Heathens and this was by pretended Christians thus it appears in part what misery that decree and falling away from the Gospell institutions did bring forth for it furnished the Pope with authority to make him the Antichrist he took occasion from these broyls and discentions to hear and determine causes of both sides whereby he ever after clamed a Supremacy over all other Churches and at last attained it that decree also furnished and inabled Arians Masidonians Novisians and
other Hereticks to work their feats so that soon after this councel had made that decree Heresies never came in to the Ghurch half so fast neither before nor since as at that time for the space of 30 years For Pope Liberus about the year 352 was an Arian and Pope Felix about 358 was also an Arian so that this falling away of the Bishops and councel was exceeding great and hath produced so many new inventions in Religion and so many ceremonies and that is another part of their falling from the examples of the Apostles Acts 15.28 Their care was to abolish ceremonies and lay no heavier burthen upon them but necessary things but the Pope and Prelates hath burthened the Church with unnecessary ceremonies and with above 150 Religious Orders that not one of them is of Divine institution to all which this Councel of Nice in that decree laid the foundation But this was not all that followed upon that new decree and bumane institution Bishops Authority cannot keep out Heresie for immediately followed a number of Heresies more which that decree made way for that every Bishop in his own Province might make what Lawes he pleased As first the Photiniuns about the year 323 Photinus was Bishop of Syrmium the Luciferians in 333 there was another sort of them called Homonymians the Jovinians in 335 the Aetians in 331. Aetius was a Deacon the same time the Eunomians whose Author was Bishop of Cyzicum the Audians in 338 and were after called Anthromorphets the Semarians the Author was Bishop of Cesaria in the year 330. the Meletians from Meletus a Theban Bishop a little before the Councel of Nice the Manichees of which came the Catharists and Macarii in 340 the Donatists from Donatus who because Cecilian was preferred to be Bishop of Carthage before him he turned Heretick so ambitious were they of honour and jurisdiction in 348 from him sprang the Parmetiaists and Montenses the Priscilliunists in 348. the Apollinarists in 350 the Antedico Marianits and the Heluidians 355 the Messalians in 341. whose Heresie was divided into several Sects as Martyrianies Inthuaste Euphemite Satanici the Metangismonits in 341. the Proclianits and Patricians in 387. the Collyridians and the Paterniani in 357. the Aerians in 340. the Abolenite 370. the Pilagians in 382. The Predestinati and Timotheans about the same time there was also the Enstathius who renewed the Heresie of Sabilecus and Paulus Somosatenus and the Ancyrogalatian the Patropassians the Nestorians and Eutichians Theodotians and many others here is 40 odd of which there was about 55 of these Heresies came rushing into the Church in Twenty years time after the Councel of Nice whereby the Church was almost as much distressed if not altogether as it was under the Heathen Persecutors The Judgement that befel the Church after the decree of Nice that however the Councel and others since may pretend that these new Officers and Offices invented by them of Pope and Lord Primate and Lord Metrapolitan and Lord Dioceasan c. together with their large Jurisdiction and Authority given them with preheminency of priority superiority was the way to keep out Heresie yet that God might let both them and us see how dangerous it is to leave his divine institutions and imbrace or devise novelties in any part of his Worship or Service though upon never so faire pretences how suddenly after did all these Heresies arise in the Church to let them see both their sinfulnesse and foolishnesse in forsaking the institutions and rules laid down in the Scriptures for us to walk by the forsaking whereof with what it produced which continues to this day may convince us both of the sin and shew us the punishment and it is not to be past over without taking notice of that the City of Nice where first this wicked decree was made it was the very first City that was given up into the hand of the Oramen Family which now we call Turks as a punishment upon the very place as we have ground to think This Nicen Councel Mr. Brightman saith did sit under the blowing of the second Trumpet the effect of which is that a great mountain burning with Fire was cast into the Sea and the third part of the Sea became blood c. by the Sea he understands the Doctrine of the Gospel in it's purity and by a third part becoming blood is meant the mingling of Prince-hood and Lord Primacy with the Doctrine of the Gospel and institutions of Christ and his Apostles which was done by this Councel as you have heard above that through the pride of Bishops striving for dignities they were embroiled in bloody wars and Persecutions Mingling Doctrines of men with the Gospel as then it came to passe and by Mountaines is meant in Scripture Princes and Peers and Great Men as Isa 2.12.14 The day of the Lord of host is upon all that are proud and haughty and upon all the high Mountains and upon the Halls that are lifted up and which may well be applyed to the pride of Popes and Prelates and by the 3d part of the creatures in the Sea dying if by the Sea we understand with Brightman the Doctrine of the Gospel then by the 3d part dying in the Sea we may understand the destruction of the multitude that have received the doctrine of that humane decree of Nice and mingled it with the pure doctrine of the Gospel and the doctrines of the Popes and Prelates and all the rabble of Monks and Fryers c. that mingle their inventions of doctrine and discipline ceremonies and the like with the institutions of the Gospel of which a third part died So insatiable they were of honour and to have preheminency that in the next age following that three most holy Popes who no doubt could not erre which was Zozimus Boniface and Celestine yet were all three convicted of Forgery for falcefying the Act of the Nicen Councel to exable their Principality though the Councel of Nice had given them more before then Christ had left them but what authority the Councel had given them they laboured to improve and did until they accomplisht their desire to have a universal power over all Churches and this made them the great Antichrist and man of sin other wise he could not have been Antichrist for it was foretold of him that he should exalt himself above all that was called Gods that is above all Magistrates and Officers who are called God Psal 82.6 I said ye are Gods c. Therefore the Councel of Carthage writ to Celestine and admonished him not to commit such a sin as to bring in the Smoke and and Swelling pride of the world of Antichrist they might have said into the Church of Christ and thus in time their impudence grew up to its height you may see from hence how dangerous it is to bring innovations into the Church of Christ to mingle mens institutions with Gods institutions to
make and institute Officers and Offices in the Church which Christ ordained not nor will not own but will say unto them Get ye behind me or depart ye cursed I know ye not by these Lordly Titles and Jurisdictions that you have exercised I ordained them not for will any man fearing God that is in his right wits think that Jesus Christ and his Apostles who had an immediate call from Christ to their office and were endowed with an infallible and unerring spirit that they did not know better then any Pope or Prelate councel or other what Officers and order was best for the Church but that men dare presume to reject and neglect Christs order and institutions and make orders and institutions of their own it is good to draw neer to God but it is dangerous to go from him and run out of his way that he hath prescribed for us to walk in it is said Rev. 2.1 That Christ holdeth the stars in his right hand by stars is meant the Pastors of the Church which while they walk in Gods way Christ holds them in his right hand to keep and direct them as it is said He shall keep thee in all thy wayes and he is a powerfull keeper and a faithful maintainer of all his faithful servants but those that walk out of Gods way have no promise of protection in such cursed crooked ways Thus having hitherto set down the manner of the great Antichrists appearance how he came to his Throne by the removing of the Heathen Emperours which was it that hindred until it was taken out of the way and also of the falling away of the Bishops before the councel and of the Bishops in the councel of Nice how both fell away from the institutions and example of Christ and his Apostles and the first primitive purity both as to the election of Bishops and other Church Officers and as to the election of membert to sit in councels all which rules is laid down in the Scripture for us to walk by which the Bishops and councel not only fell from but they made new institutions and canons of their own without and contrary to the Scripture which was both as Midwife and Nurse to bring forth and Nurse up Antichrist to his full strength c. And now I come to speak of the thing that Antichrist should do after he is come and the Apostle saith 2 Thes 2.4 That he should oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God How Antichrist exalteth himself above all Gods or that is Worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God Bellarmine to excuse the Pope that he should not be Antichrist saith from this Text That Antichrist shall not suffer any God either true or false nor any Idol to be worshipped but only himself but this cannot be here meant by this Text for the Text saith He shall sit in the Temple of God the Scriptures notes out Antichrist to be a false Prophet now a Prophet whether true or false must be a Prophet to some God and when he sits in the Temple of God let Bellarmine tell us whether this must be in the Temple of another God or in his own Temple if in anothers Temple then he must own a God above him if in his own Temple then the Apostle spake improperly for he should not have said He sits in the Temple of God as God but rather He sits in his own Temple as God and how should Antichrist be known by this sign when it is not known what manner of Temple he should have but we will take the words as they are in the Text and leave Bellarmines deceitful Glosse St. Hierom interpreteth Antichrists sacrilegious pride to be a kind of immoderate power over all Religion for thus he saith Autichrist shall war against the Saints and overcome them and shall be puffed up with so great pride as he shall attempt to change Gods Laws and Ceremonies subjecting all Religion to his own will In which he points out the Pope of Rome to the life to be the great Antichrist for that humane Authority the Councel of Nice gave him he hath improved that in the present Church of Rome and so far as the Popes power extends the Laws of God are almost abolished and new instituted Orders Officers and Discipline is established and almost all things is become new as is shewed in the former part of this book yea 150 new Religious orders and not one of them of Christs institution and many more things the like so that by the Testimony of St. Heirome the Pope of Rome must be the great Antichrist and man of sin and son of perdition that exalts and opposeth all that is called God that is Psal 82.6 all earthly Magistrates I said ye are gods but ye shall die like men c. and it is manifest that the Pope of Rome doth claim and excreise authority over all Emperours Kings and Princes who are earthly gods and over all authority Civil and Ecclesiastical and he hath promo●ed and established false worship and siteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God that is he sits both in his own person and by his power and authority in the Christian Congregations shewing himself that he is god that is an earthly god and the greatest of all earthly gods by his commanding power over other earthly gods and that Christian Assemblies where the Pope exerciseth his power is called the Temple of God see the Ephes 2.22 In whom you also are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit and 1 Cor. 3.16 17. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and if any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy Look to thy self Pope and all Popelings for●ve have defi●ed the Temple and Church of God and him shall God destroy for the Temple of God is Holy which Temple are ye that is all true believers and 1 Cor. 6.19 What know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price Let the Pope and his Prelate then take heed how they defile these Temples that God hath bought with so dear a price that they defile them not with their humane institutions and ceremonies c. So that as it is said of the Pope of Rome in his extravigance that he is neither god nor man but a middle person between both so he sits in the Temple of God as god over all Emperours Kings and Princes c. He sits in the Christian Assemblies and Congregations which is the Temple and House of Gods there he sits claiming and exercising a power over them all as a God thus you see how lively the Holy Ghost in this Text hath Pictured out the Pope of Rome to be the great Antichrist and man of sin sitting
as a god over all other earthly gods that is worshipped with a civil outward worship But what lesse then divine worship was it that was given to the Pope and which he did arrogate to himself when the Ambassador of the Emperour of Sicily lay grouling up on the ground and cryed to the Pope The blasphemous honour given to the Pope Thou that takest away the sins of the World have mercy upon us Thou that takest away the sins of the World grant us thy peace See Paul Amicla Book 7. also Simon Bigimus Bishop of Modrusium speaking to Pope Leo in the Councel of Latteran ses 6. Behold saith he speaking of the Pope Behold the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah the root of Jesse we have waited for thee O blessed Leo to be our Saviour O wicked blesphemous Bishop and wicked blasphemous Pope to receive such Worships unto these we may joyne Cornelins Bishop of ●●pontum who laid open his blockishnesse in wondring at this Beast the Antichrist in the Councel of Trent in these words The Pope is come a light into the world and men love darkness more then light out pon you blasphemous Claw backs saith Mr. Brightman Is it not enough for you to adore the man of sin with the praise of the Saints but you must rob God and give that honour to Antichrist that is proper only to Jesus Christ Gregory saith in his 4th Book Chap. 38. What answer wilt thou make unto Christ the head of the Vniversal Church when thou shalt be examined at the last Judgement that thou hast called thy self the only Bishop and goest about by the name Vniversal to make all his members subject unto thee and in another place I speak it boldly saith he whosoever calleth himself universal Bishop or in the pride of his heart desireth so to be called he is the fure-runner of Antichrist The testimony of ancient writers against the Pope and I have shewed you that before the Councel of Nice they were aiming at such a thing as Alixander Bishop of Alixandrea write to other Bishops and Churches That Eusebius Bishop of Necomedia supposed the whole state of the Church to be under his Jurisdiction whereby you may perceive Bishops had aspiring thoughts that was as John Bishop of Constantinople writ to Pope Gregory That he might be called Vniversall Bishop c. Armulphus in the Councel of Remes saith thus speaking of the Pope What think ye Reverend Fathers of this man siting on high in his Throne glittering in purple and cloth of Gold what think ye him to be Verily if he be void of Charity and blown up with pride then is he Antichrist siting in the Temple of God and shewing himself that he is God Bernard speaking of that time saith The Bishops who new have charge of Gods Church are not Teachers but Deceivers they are not Feeders but Beguilers they are not Prelates but Pilates and in Vincicto Remancie he saith Ye are called Bishops but ye are Raveners O my Brethren Jesus at this time hath chosen unto him many Divels to be Bishops they are not Feeders but they are Traytors but Fernard mistook for they were not of Jesus Christs chusing Christs institution was cast aside for if they had been chosen as they ought to be by Lot as Matthias was Acts the first Jesus Christ would have made a better choice but they were chosen by men that had not right to chuse them and that was the reason that they were such a plague to the Church as they were Abertus in his 10 Chap. speaks to the same purpose they saith he that now governt the Church for the most part be Thieves and Murtherers more catchers then feeders more spoylers The Fathers testimony concerning Antichrist then defenders more killers then keepers more deceivers then Doctors more boguilers then guids these be the fore-runners of Antichrist and the subverters of the sheep of Christ See for this Bishop Jewels book against Harding what need we any further witnesses to prove what is said above and to prove the Pope to be Antichrist for he hath already been set out by such marks of Scripture and by the Testimony of these Authors so proved against him and which cannot properly be applyed to any but the Pope of Rome that no man need be any longer in doubt but that we have found out both who Antichrist is and where he is and when he first appeared namely that the succession of the Popes of Rome is the great Antichrist and that he had his first birth in the first Councel of Nice there he drew his first breath which hath been so contagious that it hath insected almost all the Christian world In the first book of Socrates Chap. 5. it is said That there was in the Councel of Nice certain Logicians who were ready to defend each others part that came in controversie but a Lay man one of the number of Confessours of a simple and sincere mind set himself against them and told them in plain words that neither Christ nor his Apostles had delivered unto us the Art of Logick neither vain Fallacies but an open and plain mind to be preferred of us with faith and good works which when he had spoken all that were there present held with his sentence and the Logicians quieted and setled themselves aright It seems that the primitive order of admitting Lay-men into the Councel was not altogether laid aside by this Councel of Nice though the primitive order as-to the election of members to sit was neglected and also the manner of acting for the Apostles in their councel did abolish ceremonies Acts 15.28 this councel and others since have burthened the Church with unnecessary ceremonies which hath been a clog to many a tender conscience so that all things duely considered this falling away hath been the greatest that ever was since Jesus Christ lived upon the earth the effect whereof hath not only brought forth Antichrist but hath been his support to this day even he whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes Amichrist deceitful workin● and lying wonders and with all deceiveableness of unrighteousnesse in them that perish and I pray you what is this power and deceit that Antichrist works by is not the power of the councel of Nice that first set him up and gave him his Authority that he works by and which hath been confirmed to him since by other councels that if any question his authority is not that his refuge such and such councels saith thus and thus to confirm my way and what I do and all these councels had their original from this of Nice and from that apostatising decree that furnished them all with authority and they have been such apt Scholars they have ever since writ after their copy the Arian Apostacy and all the Hereticks that have been since putting them all together could never have served Antichrists turn to bring him forth
Sun and the Air so corruption in Doctrine and Superstitious Idolatrous worship doth darken and Eclips the heavenly light of Gods truth and there was never in the world such a great over-spreading Heresie as popery is as is proved before that the present Church of Rome is both Heretical Blasphemous and Idolatrous there was some smoke and darkness before the Councel of Nice The Pope of Rome the greatest Hererick in the world among the Bishops and in the Councel of Nice an Heresie in falling away from the institutions and example of Christ and his Apostles but now the smoke and darknesse grew both thicker and spread further by reason of this universal Title and Jursdiction obtained by Phocas the Traytor and Murtherer it was unlikely to be any profit to the Church of Christ that was brought forth by such an instrument indeed the Councel of Nice laid the foundation hereof but the Popes were never able to accomplish what they desired and aimed at until now and from this time the smoke and darknesse grew Thicker and Thicker for this Popes next Successor Pope Boneface the 4th The Temple called Pantheon Dedicated to all the Heathen Gods this abominable stye of wickednesse this Pope converted to the honour of all Saints and ordained a yearly Feast to be kept to it and to exercise the same impiety as the Heathens had done but under another name but no more command or precept in the word of God for the one then for the other and therefore no more pleasing to God and as the Heathen had their Idoll Gods to pray unto so these had their Idol Saints to pray unto to whose honour the Idol Temple was appointed c. Then come in the shaving of Crouns the Chanting in Quires the forbidding of Priests marriage the Lattine Masse and Kissing of the Pax and soon after the varnishing of Images with a number more the like whereby the smoke and darknesse increased more and more the next Successour to this Pope Theodotus and decreed that parents who had been witnesses together to any Children in Baptisme should not live any longer together in marriage but must be separated and the Woman have her Dowry againe and a year after have liberty to Marry another this was a strange kind of incesse by means of a spiritual Kindred being witnesses together in Baptisme which the Pope found out that God had no knowledge of when he made Lawes concerning incesse and unlawful Marriages Levit. 18. Boneface the 5th which was the next Pope that succeeded after him added to these That men are delivered by Christ from Originall sin which is the Doctrine of some of the Anabaptists he added moreover That the Law doth require no more of a man then what he is able to perform by his own strength or at least by the help of Gods grace And the next that succeeded was Pope Honorius who was censured by the third Counsel of Constantinople to be a Monothelite that is to ascribe onely one will and one nature unto Christ Thus you see after the receiving of the Key of the bottomlesse pit what a smoke came out under these five popes after one an another and so continued whereby the darknesse did so increase that the light of the Sun of the Gospel is almost quite obliterated and put out to be short it came to this at lasts to bring every mans neck under this yoak that every soul that meant to be saved ought to professe the form of the Romish Traditions and to acknowledge the decrees of the Pope were to be received and believed as if they had been confirmed by a divine voice c. And there came out of the smoke Locusts upon the earth and what are these but all the whole crue or spawne of Religious orders in the Church of Rome of which I have named in the former part of this book one hundred and fifty orders and all of humane invention and institution for the brood must be like the dam for after men attributed their salvation to their own meritorious works and new devised ways of will-worship there was daily new Religions and new Religious orders and ways of worship invented all men desire salvation and when once they were perswaded by their Leaders that it was in their own power in observing such things as they could easily perform there could be no Superstition devised from which they would hold back their hands so that one man is not more commonly begotten of another then these orders of locusts were increased and multiplyed and one order divided into several branches out of this smoke to such members that one general of the Minorites promised the Pope towards the leavying of an Army against the Turks thirty thousand tall Warriers out of the family of Franciscans what an infinite number was there then of all the rabble of other orders These kind of Vermin are called Rev. 16.13 Three unclean spirits like Froggs coming out of the mouth of the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet they are the spirits of Divels working miracles and which go unto the Kings of the earth to gather them to battel c. The Dragon that is the Devil by which was understood the Heathen Emperours for their rage and madnesse against the Church of Christ for they acted the Devils part and when the Devil saw that he must be cast our that Diocleasian and Maximinian must be gone the Devil made sure to provide himself of a successor sending the Beast the Pope into his seat before for Dioclesian lived at Nicomedia and Maximinian at Mediolanum when they gave over their Empires leaving Rome empty for the Beast to domineer and play rekes in for saith the Text Rev 13.2 The Dragon gave him that is the Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns The Pope proved to be the dragon beast and false Prophet the Dragon gave him his power and his Throne and great Authority and when Constantine came in to be Emperor and see the seat taken up by the Pope Constantine got him away to Byzantum now called Constantinople and there made himself a place so that Antichrist the Pope of Rome is in this sense called the Dragon the dragon gave him his power and throne and authority from whence we learn by whose power and authority it is that the Pope of Rome acts by namely the Devil the Dragon and the Beast and the false Prophet is one and the same Antichrist as he hath a double power both spiritual and temporal he is the Beast in respect of his civil power and the false Prophet in respect of his ecclesiastical power out of whose mouth these unclean spirits like Frogs are said to come forth these three unclean spirits do signifie all the Popes Clergy especially the three orders of Dominicans Franciscans and Jesuits from whom the greatest part of their other orders doe proceed They are compared to Frogs because as Frogs delight in miery filthy places of dung
Hunnes so that in 132. years Rome was taken and ransackt five times and Odoaces that took it the fourth time reigned there fourteen years and if you look Socrates seventh Book ch 10. you shall see that this Alaricus that he speaks of his taking Rome the first time he ransackt and spoiled both Town and Country as he went at length he took the City of Rome and ransackt the City defaced and fired many Monuments and violently spoiled the Citizens executed many of the Emperor and if you look the 7th book of Evagrius Scholasticus chap. 7. you shall finde that Rome was taken by Gensericus being a Barbarian who set the City on fire carried away the spoil took away Eudoxia the Empress and her two daughters with him to Libia This was the very time of the beasts being wounded as it were unto death And about this time Heresie did more prevail than at any time before or since as above is shewed and that the Barbarians Goths Vandals and Hunnes who were Heathens had the upper hand how then should Atheism Heathenism and Idol-worship be fully destroyed in Rome and Christianity be victorious as he saith let the Christian Reader judge whether the Bishop be not mistaken or not though perhaps he will not own it for he is resolved before hand that no man shall convince him for he will be singular all other Authors are but Novices to him In the 10th page he saith That Bishop Mountague sets down Reasons which this Bishop complyes with why the Turks should rather be Antichrist than the Pope and his first Reason is the Turks apostacy from the Doctrin and Gospel of Christ I answer I dare not betray my Master Christ his truth and therefore must make bold to tell both the Bishops that their first Reason hath no reason in it for the Turk did never own Jesus Christ as he is truly Christ to be King Priest and Prophet to his Church the which ●hing the Turk did never own and therefore it cannot properly and truly be said that the Turk did fall and apostatize from the Doctrin and Gospel of Christ because he never did receive it nor own it as the Doctrin and Gospel of Christ as King Priest and Prophet but hath alwayes denyed it and been an Adversary unto it But the Pope and Church of Rome hath outwardly in words though they deny it in their Deeds as is proved be● fore yet in outward profession they own Christ as King Priest and Prophet but are apostatized from the doctrin and institutions o● Christ and therefore the Pope is the great Antichrist Page 14. He saith It is agreed of all sides not only by Bellarmin a●● other Popish Writers but also the most learned Protestant Divine● That as Darnel grows among Wheat so Antichrist should arise out 〈◊〉 the truest and purest Church of Christ and if so and that he will ha● the Pope to be Antichrist then the Church of Rome not only was 〈◊〉 must be confessed to be and continue stil the truest Church of Christ a● so Calvin and others are out of the true Church in separating from t● Church of Rome I answer That for the agreement of the Writers I shall n● say much but I find no Scripture that saith it neither doth 〈◊〉 prove it for as to Darnel growing among Wheat it no more relat● to Antichrist than to any other wicked mans being in the outward visible Church and suppose that Antiochus be a type of Antichrist as you say yet that proves nothing as to the place where he shall arise only it types out what he shall do when he is come But suppose I grant that Antichrist should a●ise out of the purest Church and so catch you in your own Snare it is easily proved that the Church of Rome was once the truest Gentil Church that was in the World and that when the Apostle writ his Epistle to the Romans as Rom. 1.8 I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all that your Faith is spoken of through the whole World which commendation is not given to any other Church in the World therefore by your own Argument Antichrist was to arise in the Church of Rome for it was the truest and purest Church but that it should so continue and be the truest Church at the time when Antichrist should appear is but yours and Bellarmin's c. fancy without Scripture or reason to ground upon For if the Church where Antichrist did arise had been the purest Church when he did arise Antichrist would then soon have been discovered and opposed and hissed at he could not have shrowded himself and his hypocritical waies but would have been discerned neither do you nor can you prove that the Church of Rome being once a true Church that it should so continue still and that we are Schismaticks for departing from it This is fine Prelatical Popish Doctrine without proof of Scripture but if you or Bellarmin or an Angel from Heaven saith the Apostle teach any other Doctrine than we have received in the Scripture let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 The seven Churches of Asia and many more besides them were true Churches but are not so now And so the Primitive Church of Rome the first hundred or two hundred years was a true Church but is not so now as is proved in the former part of this Book at large But besides these Reasons I will come a little nearer to you by Scripture proof that Antichrist should arise out of a Church which at that time of his rising should be a corrupted Apostatized Church 2 Thes 2.1 2 3 verses Consider whether the words of men or Scripture is fit to be believed I beseech you Brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not shaken in mind nor troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter from us And I may adde nor by Bellarmin●e nor Bishop Williams's Interpretations as if the day of Christ were at hand for that day shall not come except their come a falling away first and that man of sin which is Antichrist be revealed Here you see in this Text is plainly held forth that the Church where Antichrist should arise should be one that was a true Church but should fall away from the Truth and that Antichrist could not come untill first the Church where he should arise did fall away from the Truth and then Antichrist should be revealed that so in this apostatized Church he might the more covertly work his feats and not be discerned Now here is set before you Truth and Error chuse whether you will believe a poor man confirming what he writes by Scripture or believe Cardinal Bellarmin or a Bishops words without Scripture Page 15. he saith but I do not believe him That it is agreed of all sides and by all Interpreters old and new Papists and Protestants that the great Antichrist should come toward
Antichrist that changes Laws yea even the Law and Word of God utterly abolish the second commandement and making another Commandement into two assuming to himself an universal authority over all Churches as head thereof as if the whole state of the Church did hang so upon the Pope that if there were no Pope there were no Church or that if the Pope were not the Pope the Church were not the Church Page 27. He demands if they be rightly applyed Whether all Notes Acts Arguments and Testimonies of Scripture that are set down as marks of Antichrist are not all to be found in the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. And it is answered That they are not for the long Parliament and Presbyterians c. did never forbid Marriage nor 2ly they never commanded abstinence from Meat 3ly they did not exalt themselves above all that are called Gods as the Pope doth though they exalted themselves here yet not above other Emperors and Kings 4ly they did not delude with lying Miracles Signes and Wonders 5ly the key of the bottomlesse pit was not given to them to let out the Locusts 6ly they did not deny Jesus to be Christ in his three Offices of King Priest and Prophet 7ly they had not their seat and residing in the City built upon seven Hills or Mountains which reigneth over the Kings of the earth 8ly they could not properly be said to be the Beast that was and is not and yet is 9ly they were not the seventh head which John spake of saying five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come 10ly they are not the Beast that had the wound of a Sword and did live 11ly nor the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns 12ly they did not shed the bloud of all the Saints and Martyrs as Revel 18.24 though I must needs say they shed too much but all these and many more are applycable to the Pope and cannot properly be applyed unto them That which the Apostle in the 2 Thes 2 calls a falling away or apostacy he perverts the Text and calls it a Rebellion and because he would excuse the Pope from being Antichrist where the Apostle speaks of an Apostacy before Antichrist should be revealed in his 34th page he saith We find no rebellion in the Church of Rome against their Governors but saith he the Leaders of the Church de●ive the Church and so her Apostacy is the more excusable and less abominable to God Observe here how he contradicts the truth and himself both for page 31. he speaks of the Heresies that was in the Church of Rome and he names the Nicolaitans the Ebionites Cerinthians Montanists Valentinians Arians Nestorians Eutyehians Pelagians Manicheans and Donatists and many others whom he saith rebelled against their Governors and here he saith there was no rebellion in the Church of Rome and I have in the former part of this book shewed that there was twenty times two Popes at once one rebelling against another and many times the pople rebelled and deposed one Pope and set up another Thus you see he shames not to write any thing so he might defend and excuse the Pope not to be Antichrist Besides take notice he saith The Leaders of the Church deceive the Church therefore their Apostacy is the more excusable I beseech you whether is the greater Apostacy of the Leaders of the people that should know the truth and teach others for them to apostatize and draw multitudes after them and for most part sin against the light of their own Consciences or for ignorant common people to apostatize and sin through ignorance is not the apostacy of the Governors of the Church the greater and doth the more mischief and leads the more astray and yet this Bishop saith the apostacy of the Governors of the Church is more excusable and lesse abominable in the sight of God It seems he thinks that God seeth as he seeth I will not say that this What less than Blasphemy and some other things we have spoken of are blasphemy against God and his Truth but I refer it to wise men to judge There is little more of account to take notice of until the 58th page where in a sort he contradicts himself in what was said last viz. that Governors apostacy are more excusable than others and here he tels us That the Church of Rome compelleth all men to submit unto her more with the Sword of the Magistrate than with Aarons Rod witnesse their cruelties to the poor Indians their massacres in France their inquisition in Spain and their unmerciful persecution in England in King Henry the 8th and Queen Marys dayes and the Gunpowder-treason and then he tels of the cruelty of the Arians against the Orthodox was more than barbarous they infected and afflicted the Church most grievously being armed with several weapons and he tels us that Novatus exceeded all the rest for he would neither give his Father bread when he was ready to starve nor bury his corps when he was dead he spurned his own Wife out of doors being with child and killed the child in her belly these are the Bishops own words but he saith above that 〈◊〉 prove it for as to 〈◊〉 growing 〈…〉 Apostacies are more excusable because they were guides of the Church Page 59. he saith The most learned of the Jesuits do confesse the Assirian Babylon to be the type and figure of the Italian Rome and is so understood by the Apostle 1 Pet. 5.13 The Church that is 〈◊〉 Babylon salute you I Answer If in this Text as is granted by Babylon Italian Rome is understood then we must in all those places in the Revelation where Babylon is spoken of understand Rome which if it be granted as the Bishop doth grant it here and saith that the most learned of the Jesuits do grant it then must Babylon which is Rome be the Seat and Throne of Antichrist which Rev. 1● 5 is called mistery great Babylon the mother of whoredom and abomination of the earth And Chap. 18.2 It is fallen it is fallen Babylon that great City the habitation of Devils and the hold of all foul spirits and a Cage of every unclean and hateful Bird for all Nations have drunk of the Wine of the wrath of her Fornication c. this notes out her utter ruine and destruction And this is Rome as Rev. 16.19 And that great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the Cup of the fierceness of his wrath Yet neverthelesse he hath said above that by Babylon is meant Rome so self willed and self-conceited is our Bishop that he flies off again page 61. and saith that what is said Rev. 17.18 cannot be understood of Rome without trope or figure for that it is said that in Babylon was found the blood of the Prophets and Saints and all that were slain upon Earth which cannot saith he be referred to any one City in the World but only
Antichrists Doctrine is described to be a dying Doctrine a falling from the faith a Hypocriticall and Divilish Doctrine carried on with deceite and fraud The Popes ●ivellish do●rine of for●idding Mar●●age all which doth ●minently appear in the Pope of Rome for who is there in all the world besides the Pope and his Clergy that teacheth this Divilish D●ctrine to forbid Marriage to those whose age and temper may require a help meet for them but the Pope who is that Man of sin and Antichrist of Rome which the Apostle here charges to be the Doctor that teacheth this Divilish Doctrine of forbidding Marriage which is a holy Ordinance of God instituted in Paradise and allowed in all Nations and to all persons whose age and temper doth require it as 1 Cor. 7.2 to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife c. and it was so until this Imposter and seducing spirit the Pope prohibited it unto the Clergy and this is one way of his exalting himself not only above earthly Gods as Magistrates but above the God of Heaven for what God allows this Antichrist the Pope disallows and that for bad and wicked ends As first To bring a Revenue into his Treasury by allowing Brothel Houses or Stewes which paies him yearly no small Rent for in Pope Paul the first his time which was 976 years since that Pope had upon Record in his Register the number of five and forty thousand Whores in the stewes that paid him Rent for liberty to play the Whore as Mr. Beard saith in his book of the Delusions of Antichrist and there his Clergy c. to whom he denies Marriage have liberty to go for their recreation and because the Pope allows them it is not accounted any sin And Secondly by this means he hath all the Clergy at his beck to send when he will and where he will to act their Father the Devils part by their Hypocritical lies to seduce the Nations and Kingdomes of this world for they would not be so willing to rainge abroad in such swarmes in every Kingdome if as other men they had wives and children to provide for at home Peter Marter Chap. 16. saith How are the stews punished at Rome Whores in Rome attended like Ladies by Cardinals instead of punishment they dwell in the fairest houses they are carried with honour through the City as if they were Ladies they are mounted on ambling palfries they are arraid with Chains of Gold attended with persons disguised and sometimes with Cardinals and especially in the night season in the Citie of Rome the Stews or Courtezans pass through the streets or ride on Mules like honest Matrons or Ladies in the midst of the day Noblemen Cardinals and Priests attend upon them we never saw such corruption but only in this City this info●m●tion was presented unto Pope Paul the Third saith Bishop Jewel against Harding also Luit Prandus in his sixth book Chap. 6 saith the Popes Palace at Lateran sometime the harbour of holy Saints is now become a stew of Whores Amphilocheus that wrought the life of Thomas Becket reports a woman called Emphrosyna that dwelt 36 years in a Monkes apparel among the Monks likewise Marina a woman lived many years in an Abby as a Monk in Monks apparel and this is the cause of the Popes divilish doctrine in forbidding marriage and herein lies another part of his deceit and hypocrisie in making them believe that he can pardon them and perswades them that it is lesse sin for a Clergy man to have a Whore which the Law of God forbids then to have a Wife which the law of God allows and all because they could not be so fit to send for his purpose abroad Now Bishop Williams did ever the Presbyterians or Independants or Long-parliament fulfil this Prophesie in teaching this Doctrine of Divels to forbid marriage which is one mark or Character of the great Antichrist and not the least mark and let the Readers Judge by this mark whether they or the Pope be most like Antichrist now this doctrine of Divils forbidding of Marriage and which is the doctrine and practise of the Church of Rome only and no other Church that I have read of and which occasious so much uncleanness and ungodliness and that with toleration and allowance who can doubt that the Popes who are the Authors of this divi●ish doctrine successively one after another but he is the great Antichrist that was prophesied that he should come into the world and that man of sin and son of perdition and who exalts himself above God in this particular doctrine in forbidding of Marriage to those whom Gods allows to marry Forbidding marriage the doctrine of devils and which doctrine the holy Ghost in the word of truth tells us is the doctrine of Divels that is of Popes succeeding one another and teaching that doctrine and that they that teach it are apostatized and fallen from the true faith and are hypocritical liars and seducers of Millions of souls and all to establish himself in his cursed Throne those that think the Pope not to be Antichrist I desire them to rouse up their spirits and rub the scales from their eyes and observe how lively here and else where as shall be shewed how the Apostle hath drawn Antichristes Picture in every point and limb so just like the Pope that all men that reads may say this is he That marriage instituted of God in innocency honoured by Christs presence at Canaan in Galile the seed plot of the Church the allowed remedy against incontinency and lust and which the the Apostle commands as honourable in all men Heb. 13.4 and yet forbidden by the Pope the Scarlot Strumpit of Rome to all the whole Clergy Wherein besides the divilishness of the Doctrine denying men subject to sinful lust the lawful remedy which God allows them and so cast men upon a necessity of sinning they teach this Hypocritical lie with a seared Conscience for with what Conscience saith Mr. Anderson can they make marriage a Sacrament in Lay-men and sacriledge in the Clergy with what Conscience permit Stews and forbid marriage with what Conscience confess fornication to be a sinne against the Law of God and Priests marriage onely against the Law of the Church and yet make Priests marriage a fouler sin then for a Priest to commit fornication or incesse is not this to make the transgression of the Popes laws a greater sin then the transgression of Gods laws with what Conscience to forbid lawful marriage to some and yet by dispensation to allow unlawful marriage in others who but Antichrist doth such things therefore the Pope that doth them must be the great Antichrist and man of sin for the Long-parliament nor Presbyterians nor Independents c. never did those things to forbid marriage and the like which the Apostle layes down as a Character or mark to know Antichrist by and we have reason to believe the
Scriptures before Bishop Williams A second Mark or Character the Apostle layes down to know Antichrist by is that as he forbids marriage So secondly He commands abstinence from meats which God hath created to be received with thanks-giving c. which words declare thus much unto us that neither Marriage nor Meats nor any other Creature nor Ordinance of God is to be refused upon any tye of Conscience provided they be received with thanks-giving of them that believe and know the truth with such other requisite conditions as becometh Christians in 1 Cor. 10 25. the holy Apostle bids us Whatsoever is sold in the Shambles that eat asking no question for Conscience sake c. and Titus 1.15 To the pure all things are pure so that to forbear the use out of a tye of Conscience or a Superstious Opinion as being unlawful at such or such a time it is against Christian libert either to charge the use of them with sin or to place holiness in abstaining from the use of them It is the Doctrine you see the Apostle tells of that Antichrist should teach and this is the Pope of Rome's doctrine for he saith it is a sinne deserving death to eat of meats prohibited by the Church they teach that fasting consists only in abstinance from meats and not from drink I have seen them that upon one of their Superstitious fasting dayes they would eat no meat but they would eat plentifully of Fruit Raisons of the Sun and Figs and the like and drink largely of Wine Ale and Beer and such kind of Fasting with them is esteemed satisfactory for sin and meritorious of eternal Life and this is another Hypocritical mark or Charracter of Antichrist for such Hypocritical lyes as these passeth currant among them for sound doctrine from their holy Father the Pope so seared is his Conscience as with a hot Iron for with what Conscience doth the Pope allow an ordinary Priest to absolve for Murther Adultery Fornication or perjury but the great and hainous sinne of eating flesh upon a Friday or Ember-days is left to the censure of a plenepotentiary as being beyond the power of an ordinary Priest to grant absolution for as being a greater sin because it is against the Law of the Church then Murther or Adultery c. is which are sins against the Law of God or with what Conscience can the Pope make the tasting of the coursest flesh A Popish Lent Fast a breach of Lent-fast and surfeiting upon the delicatest Fish to be no breach of Lent-fast and with what conscience can he forbid the use of such and such meats for the taming of the flesh when he allows the use of those things which are more nourishing of the flesh and more provoking to fleshly lusts as strong Wines and such like with what conscience can he enjoyne fasting for penance and then presently release that penance for a penny the Glosse upon the Canon saith That he who gives a penny to redeem his penance fast though he give mony for a spirituall thing yet he doth not commit Simony because the contract is made with God that is the excuse though the contract be made with the Priest and the Money come to the Priests pocket well did the holy Ghost say that Antichrist should teach lies with a seared Conscience for if the Pope and Cardinals Prelates and Priests c. if all their consciences were not seared they would not use such pretences to varnish over their Hypocritical lies and errours to damn so many thousand souls and thus you see what marks and characters the holy Ghost hath laid down to know the great Antichrist and man of sin by which things the Parliament nor Presbyterians c. were never guilty of The next Text I shall handle that shews us who this great Antichrist is we have in the 2 Thes 2. to the 12. verse where first the Apostle earnestly beseecheth the Thessalonians Church not to be shaken in mind nor troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us saith he as if the day of Christ were at hand here we have in this verse such a plain demonstration of Antichrist in his cheating deluding cousoning practises as we can scarce find the like What is meant by spirit word and letter for by spirit word and letter I conceive the Apostle means all false ways that Antichrist shall make use of to deceive as false Teachers signs lying Miracles Inthusiasts such as pretend to have the spirit to work miracles as your Priests that pretend to cast out Divels 2 Cor. 11.13 which transform themselves as the Apostles of Christ as all the Popes houlings which pretend to imitate the Apostles of which I have hinted in the former part of this book there is no lesse then 150 several Orders or Degrees of them and all pretending to holinesse both in Doctrine and Discipline and yet not one of them of Divine institution but are all popish and Antichristian humane inventions and institutions of men and this is one main argument that the Pope is the great Antichrist that he sets up so many Orderers Officers and Offices in the Church of Christ against Christ in as much that Christ did never institute nor ordain them and to bind mens consciences to submit to them and other of his humane institution and that under such penalties as is shewed above that he makes the breach of his own Laws which he calls the Laws of the Church a greater crime then the breach of the Law of God who then can deny the Pope that thus acts to be the great Antichrist and all these several Orders to be the limbs and members of Antichrist and Seducers who in their several places make it their whole business to keep people in obedience to this Antichrist their great Lord and Master by their lies and lying doctrines and lying wonders exalting and extolling the reliques of Saints and Martyrs and the instituters of their Orders the holinesse and sanctity of their habits and the like which things are more preached and praised and cryed up among them then Christ Jesus is preached or cried up And to gain credit to their delusions they report what miraculous things have been done by the vertue of St. Austins Lethern Girdle for curing diseases and easing of pains c. Satans delusion to deceive And indeed it is possible that God may suffer Satan by weak means to do some such cures which the Devil may by permission be the Author and cause of the disease himself and by his withdrawing his operation and working the disease or paine may cease and all this to make good what the Apostle in this Chapter foretold should come to passe that because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved therefore God shall send them strong delusions to believe lies that all they may be damned which believe not the truth but have pleasure in
unrighteousnesse Another story goes that St. Katherine Girded her selfe with an Iron chain so close that it cut her flesh and that she used to chastise her selfe three times a day with that chain an hour and an half at a time until the blood run from her shoulders to her feet those that can believe it If Christ were married why may not Priests marry See for this Hospinian Antonius Franc. Modeus are more credulous then I can be many strange stories are recorded of her as that Christ appeared and married himself to her with a Ring it may be that was the reason of using the Ring in marriage but if they believe their own doctrine that Christ took St. Katherine to Wife why doe they hinder the Priests c. from Wives will they not give them leave to follow Christs example in such a thing to as is so easie to follow him and that Christ opened her side and took out her old heart and put in a new one instead of the former if that be the way of giving a new heart then certainly all Papists hearts are old ones there 's not one of them new and that he cloathed her with a bloody coloured garment drawen out of his own side so that she never felt any cold afterward Some say this order began 1372. They also teach that he that dies in the habit of St. Frances shall not be overtaken with an untimely death and yet Fryer Barnwell hanged himself in an Apple tree hard by Dublin in St. Frances habit see Paul Harris book of Friers be sober and they teach that he that dies in the habit of a Capouchan he shall not be in Purgatory but till the fourth Saturday after his death and the Pope hath granted the Carmalites the priviledge The priviledge of Friers that they shall not be in Purgatory but till the Saturday after their Death it seems by this that Saturday is the day of Goal delivery and the Cardilians have priviledge granted them to draw a soul out of purgatary by saying five pater Nosters and five Ave Maries but if the Pope have this priviledge to give this power to others as he pretends he hath then why doth he not draw them all out of purgatory but suffer his servants and children to lie in a burning fire so many hundred years but this is another of their Jugling Deceitful tricks to get money for no money no pater Noster to fetch any out of purgatory and these are some of the great Antichrists hypocritical lies and damnable doctrines which they pretend that they are such spiritual men that they can do all this I have named and much more but the Apostle warns the Thessalonians that they be not removed from the truth nor troubled in mind by such spirits Secondly Nor by word nor by letter as from us by word I understand traditions the Apostle by the inspiration of the holy Ghost did foresee that Antichrist would intrude upon the Church his unwritten traditions and urge their observation of them and expect as due obedience to be given to them as to the written word of God and so it is at this day in all the Roman Churches the Popes Traditions is received and observed with as much if not more care and diligence as any precept of the word of God as for example the second Commandement forbids Idols and Image worship the Pope by his Traditions received from his predecessors commands Image Worship and Adoration and his command is obeyed and Gods neglected God requires that prayer should be made unto him only O or because thou that hearest prayer unto thee shall all flesh come Psal 65.2 Nay that they shall not saith the Pope they shall pray to the Virgan and St. Dominick and St. Frances c. The Apostle fore-seeing this warnes believers not to be troubled nor turned aside from the truth neither by deluding spirits nor by words of traditions saith he as from us for they will pretend that they received their tradition as from us therefore saith he ver 14. Irrethren stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught whether by word or our Epistle as if he should say Brethren what traditions you have received from us by word and what you have received in our Epistle that observe and do but go no further to any other traditions but what you received from us for if an Angel from Heaven shall teach you any other Gospel then what ye have received from us let him be accursed and this Anathama excludes all unwritten Traditions and all humane institutions and inventions of men in point of Gods Divine Worship but what we have precept or example for from Christ and his Apostles let the Pope and his prelates and all his followers brag as much as they will for their traditions and ceremonies let men observe the Scriptures that cannot deceive Isa 8.20 to the Law to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no truth nor no true light in them they either are blind and ignorant in the wayes of God or else they fight against their own light for we ought not to swerve from the written word Phil. 4.9 These things saith the Apostle which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you he doth not bid them follow what they should hear and see done by the Pope or any other that should come after him for he saith Act. 20.29 That he knew after his departure there would grievous Wolves enter in among them not sparing the flock and that from among themselves would men arise speaking perverse things which things we find true by woful experience and so again in the same Epistle 2 Thes 3.4 We have confidence The tryal of Traditions by Gospel rule saith the Apostle in the Lord touching you that you both do and will do the things which we command you and we command you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye withdraw your selves from every brother that walkes disorderly and not after the traditions which ye received from us see how careful and earnest the Apostle was least the Church should be drawen away with any other traditions then what you received saith he from us the the Apostles Traditions was sutable to the Gospel rule and institutions of Jesus Christ and we ought not to follow any Traditions of men that do not in all things sute with the Gospel-rule and institutions of Christ clearly deduced from the Scriptures for your selves know saith he how ye ought to follow us not the Pope nor his Prelates but to follow us as you have us for an ensample For we behaved not our selves disorderly among you nor eat any mans bread for nought but wrought with labour and travell night and day But the Pope with his new Traditions and new Orders of Fryers how many hundred
souldiers compassed it about and burnt it to Ashes and the Men Women and Children that were in it and besides the demolishing of Churches and burning the Scriptures and Slaughter and other Tortures of Christians there came forth another Prolamation to attath the Governours and Pastors of Churches and compell them to sacrifice to Idols here many held out manfully and suffered Martyrdome others with terrour were like blocks and became feeble and out of heart at the first onset saith Eusebius in his Eighth Book Chap. the Third so that the whole Church was covered over with blacknesse that it did scarce appeare any where And now follows the last act of this Tragedy in the 15 and 16 verses of this 6 Chapter of the Revelations And the Kings of the Earth and the great Men and rich Men and the chiefe Captains and the mighty Men and every bond Man and every free Man hide themselves in Dens and the rocks of the Mountains and said unto the Mountains and Rocks fall on us and hide us from the Face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is coming and who shall be able to stand And here we have reason to stand admiring at the wonderful grace and mercy of God who by his spirit in his servant John 1. hath so punctually set down these passages throughout the whole Revelation whereby we may find out the great Antichrist the man of sin and when he first appeared in the world for all these passages relate to Antichrists appearance as Aretus said though he missed of the time for observe here in the fight of these calamities how Jesus Christ the Lamb that sits upon his Throne put forth his divine power from Heaven and suddenly alayes these Tempests that these persecuting Emperours and Nobles should flie at his appearance for what other thing could it be that forced these two Tyrant Emperours Diocleasian and Maximinian when they both were at the top of honour and so raging mad with desire to root out Christianity that they both should so suddenly and voluntarily put themselves out of their Empires and betake themselves to a private life Eusebius in his 8 Book Chap. 14. and Ignatius to the same purpose saith that it is a marvellous matter and to this time the like unknown that both these Emperours should give up their Empires and return to a private life being not opprest with old age nor difficulty and greatness of matters but some impute it to Frensie and Nicephorus saith it was rage and madnesse because they saw they took pains in vain to root out Christianity but they mistook the matter for we may learn from these Texts that the true and real cause was only this that the Lamb that sits upon his Throne and who is the deliverer of his Church did smite them with inward terrour wounding them with the sting of conscience for their wickednesse and with fear of Gods vengeance that they were ready to cry to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb and as he is a Lamb to his Church so he is a Lyon the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah who when he begins to reckon with his Enemies he will teare them in pieces and rent the Gall from the Liver and accordingly the Lamb shewed himselfe a Lyon in this respect and smote the chiefest of these persecuting Emperours Maximinius as Eusebius saith in his 8 Book and Chap. 17. That a plague from above light on him The dreadful Judgement of God upon the persecutors First taking root in his flesh and after proceeded even unto his soul for there arose in the secret parts of his body an impostume or running sore afterwards in the lower parts of his privities a botch corrupt boyle with a fistula whence issued corrupt matter eating up the inward bowels and an unspeakable company of Lice swarmed out with such a stinck that the Physicians were not able to abide it nor able to help with any Physick therefore they were cruelly executed and the Tyrant in this loathsome condition died Dioclesian in like manner pined away with diseases and Maximinian hanged himself and you must think though Histories mention it not that these three Emperours did not feel the stroke of Gods hand alone but as the Text saith The chief Captains so also the great Men and rich Men and bond-men and free were all driven to their wits end with this stroke that they were ready to cry to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb for some write that besides the pining diseases that Dioclesian had to hid himselfe from the Lambs wrath he drank poyson and Gelerius ran into the bottom of the River Tyber to hid himself Thus these Heathen persecuting Emperours which hindred the great Antichrists coming to his Throne 2 Thes 2.7 being as the Apostle saith taken out of the way Constantine the great a Christian Emperour came in their place about the year of Christ 306. this Emperour put an end to the Heathen persecution That which hindred was removed he sent out his edicts to encourage the Christian Assemblies and to build the Churches the former Tyrants had caused to be demolished but after a while now the Churches having rest the Bishops were set on Fire by spiteful contentions among themselves striving for dignities and preheminence and also about several points of the Christian faith it is conceived by some that what is said Rev. 8.3 Of the Angell with the golden Viol that offered odors with the prayers of the Saints upon the Golden Altar which was before the Throne that this is meant of such as were sou●d in the Faith that their prayers was to this effect that it would please God who had so wonderfully appeared for his Church and people in removing the persecuting Emperours that he would not suffer the truth which now for a short time had triumphed to be clouded againe by the pride and contention of the Bishops c. but that some way might be found out to establish the truth and that those that did outwardly professe themselves to be of the houshold of Faith and yet made such dissention in the Church that some way might be found out to stay such strife and controversies and indeed Constantine the Emperour used his endeavour to calm and quiet these contentions for besides the Epistle I mentioned before that he wrote to the Bishop of Rome that Cecilianus Bishop of Carthage and the ten Bishops that were against him and ten Bishops more that he should chuse of his side c. should meet before the Bishop of Rome about that controversie he also write another Epistle to Christus Bishop of Syracusa where he intimates to him that he had commanded divers Bishops out of sundry Provinces to meet at the City of Orleance where he requires him also to
and to furnish him with such authority as the falling away of the Bishops and the councel of Nice hath furnished him withal for the Arian falling away was palpable and known to the world therefore men were more shie of it neither would it serve Antichrists turne to shelter himself under it for Antichrist was to be one that should pretend to truth but by deceit now this falling away of the Bishops and the councel fitted them to the life for they as he pretended to the truth and as grosse as their actings and falling away was comparing it with the Gospel institutions as above from which they fell yet few hath discerned it if they have they have been so over-powred that they durst not mutter against it and the acts of that councel hath been cryed up as lawful acts of a lawful councel whereas you see by these four Scriptures above mentioned neither was the councel lawful nor their act lawful and so undiscernably it was the bringer forth of Antichrist that man of sin and son of perdition which hath been 1300 years in the world and yet was so covertly brought forth that men will not yet believe he is come The next Text I shall treat of for the discovery of the great Antichrist is Rev. 9. For I shall but give a hint at some of the chief ver 1. And the fifth Angel blew the Trumpet and I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the Earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the pit and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnice and the Sun and the Air was darkned by the smoke of the pit and out of the smoke came forth Locusts upon the Earth and to them was given power as the Scorpions of the Earth have power and in the 11 ver it is said That they have a King over them which is the Angel of the bottomlesse pit whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in the Greek Apollyon which Expositors say doe both signifie destroying By a Star falling from Heaven to Earth is meant some eminent person in the Church falling from heavenly things to earthly things which some think is meant of some Master of an Heresie but Joachimus Abbas thinks it to be some Clergy-man and both is true and may easily be found in one man namely the Pope of Rome the great Antichrist for he is both a Clergy-man and a Master of Heresie yea and of more Heresies then ever one man was Master of For as I have proved in the first part the present Religion of the Church of Rome is composed of above forty several Heresies and this Star falling from Heaven to earth cannot so fitly be compared to any man upon the earth as to the Pope for this Trumpet is thought to blow about the year 607. at which time Pope Boneface the Third obtained of Phocas the Traytor and Murthering Emperour who murthered his master granted the Pope to be called universal Bishop to get the Popes favour to help to uphold him in his usurped Throne of Murther and he again as a requiral confers upon the Pope this usurped and Heretical Title of universal Bishop over all other Churches other preceding Popes had been striving long to obtain that dignity of universal Bishop but could not obtain it till now also John Bishop of Constantinople sought for it upon which account Gregory the great did write in his Fourth book Epistle the 34. By this pride saith he what thing else is signified but that Antichrist is at hand and again in the same book saith he The King of pride meaning An●●christ is near coming to us and which is not lawful to be spoken there is an Army of Priests ready to fight his battels that is these Locust here spoken of that when the Pope the fallen Star opened the bottomlesse pit the Locusts came out of the smoke of the pit which is these Priests Gregory saith should fight Antichrists battels for when the Po●e received this Title of Universal Bishop he also received the Key of the bottomless pit to let out these Locusts for now his authority and jurisdiction was inlarged I hope Gregory being a Pope himself and in a manner prophesied of this but about three or 4 years before it came to passe methinks Bishop Williams and others might give some credit to it seeing it did come to passe so soon after and should not thus fight against the truth as he doth c. The Key was given to the Pope after this manner the Emperour by his Edict decreed that the Pope of Rome should have full power to call and dismiss Synods to confirm or abolish whatsoever was decreed in the Synods at his pleasure and that the City of Rome should be the head-s●ring from whence all Ecclesiastical government and orders should issue and how forth whereas before that Constantinople was so accounted because there the Emperour had his feat unto whom those prerogatives did formerly belong as Pompon letus saith in the history of Phocas Antichrist hath the Keys of Hell not of Heaven and what was there then that this Key could not open after he had received this power there was other Popes that fell before this as lesser Stars we may count them because their fall was not so great Antichrist was but then in his groth but now he was grown up to his full Stature This Pope was the great Star to whom the Key of the bottomlesse pit was given for now he was furnished with compleat Authority every way to do all the works that belonged to Antichrist to do he brags indeed that he hath the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven but you see the Holy Ghost tells us that he hath the Keyes of the bottomlesse pit of Hell and calls him the King of the Locusts which come out from thence and so he is for all the rabble of the popish Clergy are at his command for when the order of Jesuits which doth exceed the rest for Learning c. were confirmed it was ordained that they should be at the Popes command to undertake any service that he should require of them in any Kingdome and that readily and willingly without puting him to any charge or asking a question or reason of the thing commanded this shews his Kingly power over these Locusts for as Solomon saith Who may say unto the King what doest thou thus you see how lively the Holy Ghost hath set forth the Pope by what his practise now is to be the King of the bottomless pit see for proof of this Christianus Franken Colloq Surius and Hospinian This King of pride Antichrist the Pope he opens the bottomlesse pit and there arose the smoke of the pit Mr. Brightman saith by this smoke is meant the over-spreading of Heresie both in Doctrine and Superstition in Worship and we may well take the words in that sense for as a great smoke doth darken the
but upon this account the Holy-Ghost did foresee the Pope would cast off the Ordinances and institutions of Jesus Christ and would devise and institute new Ordinances Offices and Officers in the Church as I have named before a hundred and fifty new religious orders and not one of them of divine institution which are as so many names of blasphemy whereby Christs Institutions his Laws his Truths his Ordinances are rejected and blasphemed by their Idolatry and Superstition besides the blasphemies named before of the Embassador of Cicily who cryed to the Pope thou that takest away the sins of the world have mercy upon us and grant us thy peace and the Bishop of Modrusium in the Councel of Lateran calling the Pope the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah The Popes blasphemous names and their Saviour and the Bishop of Bepontum who called this Beast the light of the World all which blasphemous titles the Pope applyed to himself and many more the like so that he is full of these and such like names of blasphemy and as for his scarlet colour by it may be meant his abominable wickedness in sheding the bloud of the two Witnesses and other of the saints and servants of God of which monstrous murthers both the Whore and the Beast are guilty and also his Cardinals and Prelats they are said to be drunk with the bloud of the Saints Martyrs of Jesus Christ as if they had died their Robes in the bloud of Martyrs for they have all their scarlet Robes as badges of the scarlet coloured Beast that they may be known to whom they do belong each one resembling the children of Kings Judg. 8.18 nay Cardinals peark up above Kings Lord Metropolitans above Earls and Lord Diocesans above Barons and every one in their order above those that are in civil honour Bellermin in his third Book of the Pope Chap. 13. doth confess that by the Whore in this place is meant Rome but he would have it understood of heathenish Rome the first 300 years from Christ and not of Rome as Christians but that cannot be for then Antichrist came while heathenish Rome stood and in so saying they contradict themselves for they say that Antichrist shall not come till three years and an half before the last Judgment but this is most false For first how should Antichrist do all that is to be done by him in three years and a half Secondly Rome is not the Whore at any time but when the Beast hath his residence there for she is to sit on him and Antichrist could not be there while Rome was heathenish for then Antichrist had been come and gone long before but this is the Beast and Antichrist that now fits Pope in Rome I think it is sufficiently proved that this Beast is the Pope the great Antichrist whose seat and throne is the seven hilled City of Rome which is so clearly described and set out by several marks and characters in the Scriptures that he neither hath been nor never will be found in the world if not in Rome for these things cannot properly be applyed so universally to any c●ner place in the world as to Rome nor to any other person so as to the Pope who by the true applications of all these prophecies is the great Antichrist and man of sin and Rome is not the Whore of Babylon at any other time before until Antichrist the Pope had his residence there It is he that teacheth the Doctrine of Divels forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from meats usurping authority over the consciences of men which is the greatest tyranny in the world laying impurity upon those things he sorbiddeth as marriage and meats which God allows of both and annexing an operative holiness and power both satisfactory and meritorious to the observation of the things he enjoineth though it be contrary to what the Law of God alloweth and this very thing if there were nothing else proves the Pope to be the great Antichrist for herein he is honoured and obeyed before Christ and above Christ The Popes trial proving him to be Antichrist for Christ's precepts and his word is rejected and the Popes words and orders his canons and institutions is observed and obeyed let the Bishop of Osserie and the Pope and all his Conclave deny it if they can that this very one thing makes him to be the great Antichrist and this thing cannot properly be applyed to any one else in the world besides him It is this Antichrist that took his beginning from the falling away of the Bishops by their pride and contention before the Councel of Nice and the fall of the Bishops in the Councel of Nice falling from the primitive institutions to human institutions this is he that came to his Throne upon the removal of the Heathen persecuting Emperors which hindred his revealing as 2 Thess 2.7 8. this is the great Antichrist who had his first birth and bringing forth about the year 328 in the Councel of Nice this is he that exalteth himself above all that is called God c. this is the Antichrist that intrudes his unwritten traditions upon the Churches of Christ with more vehemency than Canonical Scripture this is he that falcified the decrees of the Nicen Councel to establish his own principality over all other Churches this is the Antichrist that assumes to himself a divine power and is honoured with divine honour which he received from the Embassador of Cisily the Bishops of Modrusium and Bepontum c. this is he that hath a hundred and fifty religious orders in his Church and not one of them of Divine institution which also shews that he is before and above Christ for number of Officers and Offices in the Church and therefore he is the great Antichrist Let Papists if they can find these marks in any other besides the Pope this is he whose Religion is composed of above forty several Heresies this Popish Antichrist is the Star that fell from Heaven to Earth Revel 9.1 unto whom was given the Keys of the Bottomless-pit c. This is he that challengeth an universal power as head over all Churches as Christs Vicar this is he out of whose mouth came three unclean spirits like frogs which are the spirits of Devils working miracles he it is who is the Patron of all the legends of Lies and fained Miracles this Pope and Antichrist it is to whom the Dragon gave his Power his Throne and great Authority this is he who is the King of the bottomless Pit who hath the Locusts and Frogs at his command as his subjects this is he that made war with the Saints and killed the Witnesses of Jesus Christ and took away the life and authority of the Scriptures in the Councel of Trent This is he that for money hath tolerated forty five thousand Whores at once for himself and his Clergy at Rome and allows of Sodomy c. This is he who hath
the end of the World and at the last period of the last times as the Scripture he saith doth evidently testifie I answer that these Scriptures he means to prove it by is yet unwritten for I am sure he never read them for though he quote 1 Tim. 4.1 that Text makes directly against him and nothing for him For saith the Apostle Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits What is meant by latter times and Doctrines of Devils and those devilish Doctrines are said verse 3 to be the forbidding of Marriage and commanding to abstain from meats c. I am glad the Bishop doth confess this Text to be meant of Antichrist But because the Apostle speaks of the latter times must it therefore needs be understood as he saith of the last period of the last times or as he saith in the 30. pape of his 2d Book That Antichrist shall reign but three years and a half or much about that time and very shortly after must be the last Judgment But let us see what other Scriptures say that we may expound Scripture by Scripture Gen. 49. Jacob called his Sons together that he might shew them what should befall them in the last daies surely this is not meant three years and a half before the end of the World as he calls it the last period of the last times c. Verse 19. Gad a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last So Daniel 4.8 and 1 Peter 1.20 and so Matth. 26.60 By the last times in these Texts is understood the fulnesse of the time appointed and determined of God for the affecting and bringing to passe what God hath intended to have done and the time he hath appointed and so that Text before 1 Tim. 4.1 in the latter daies that is the daies before determin'd and appointed that Antichrist should forbid marriage and meats and it is now 980. years since marriage was forbidden in the Council of Constance ●nd Antichrist doth reign still this is a long three years and an half that is stretched out to more then three times three hundred years since Antichrist preached that Dectrine and yet the Bishop either cannot or will not see his mistake Page 16. he saith He cannot sufficiently wonder at M● Meade Marefius Tilenus the Synod of Gappe and other Divines aforesaid that they should imagin that God would be so regardlesse so unmindful and so severe though in Justice he might as to suffer the great Antichrist to reign and rage against his Saints so many hundred years as they prescribe that makes the Pope Antichrist I answer Who can sufficiently wonder that a man of such a place and dignity as a Bishop should be so far mistaken himself as in writing lesse than half one Leaf so grosly to contradict himself The Bishop contradicts himself c. For even now he said that it was agreed upon by all Papista and Protestants old and new that Antichrist should come towards the end of the World and now he confesseth that Mr. Mead Maresius and Tilenus and others afore-named which was above twenty are of contrary opinion and the Synod of Gappe to boot who can to use his own words sufficiently wonder at this so great a Doctor a finder out of a new Antichrist which the world never dreamed of but besides his slighting the Judgment of so many Authors before-named by himself together with the Magde●urgerses and Synod of Gappe who can sufficiently wonder that he should charge God to be regardlesse and unmindful of his Saints to suffer Antichrist so many hundred years to tyrannize over them as if Gods Actions were to be measured by his Reason he hath forgotten that God suffered all Nations except the Jewes and some few Proselites to walk in their own waies almost four thousand years For with him a thousand years is but as one day c. And as is said above the Beast that is the seventh Head When he cometh he must continue a short space Rev. 17.10 and yet this short space was 87. years before he received his wound and then was 132. years after before the wound was fully healed which was but a short space in comparison of the time that Antichrist hath reigned was ever the Church of God without enemies since the Creation that you should count it a greater wonder now then it was in former Ages but I let this passe Page 17. he tells us That the Apostle shewes but he neither doth nor can tell us where the Apostle shewed it nor to whom that God would raise up Reformers to root out Errors out of the Church and to prescribe a Form of Godliness these are his very words A Form of Godlinesse and then follow● or a Set-form of God's Worship whereby the Church should be guided in the true Faith and these Reformers he saith are stiled I Answer I do not read of a Form of Godlinesse in any place of Scripture but in 2 Tim. 3.5 in which Text the holy Apostle doth admonish us to turn from such as have no more than a Form of Godliness And in the four foregoing Verses what manner of persons they would be that would set up a Form of Godlinesse That perillous times should come A Form of Godliness for the Government of the Church of Christ that men should be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud cursed speakers disobedient to Parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce-breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of them that are good traytors heady high minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God having a Form of Godlinesse but denying the power thereof from such turn away or because they are such therefore turn away from such Is such a brood as this Sir your Reformers to root out Heresie as you say and to settle a Form of Godlinesse whereby the Church of Christ should be guided a woful condition is that Church in who have such Reformers and such Guides The Apostle branches them into eighteen several ranks or qualities of which I dare say there was never a one of them that ever was a good Refomer of the Church of Christ but rather Deformers And as for that Text you bring which you say calls such Reformers good men as they were indeed say you But I know not who will believe it for under favour I must tell you it is falsly applyed for the Apostle there is foretelling what Antichrist should do when he came into the World viz. That he should depart from the true Faith and be a seducing spirit that he should be a lyer an hypocrite that his conscience should be seared or benumbed in the practice of wickednesse that he should teach the Doctrine of Devils as the forbiding of marriage and commanding to abstain from meats which may be received with thanksgiving of them that believe and know the Truth And
Idolatry nor Infidelity nor blasphemy but the highest degree of man-slaughter or the unjust murthering of an innocent Person Page 80. and page 82. he saith it is worse than Adams sin and page 87. he further saith this sin is a judicial condemning of an innocent Person or Persons their superiors as Christ was unto death and that by a representative of a whole Kingdom I Answer first to the latter part how or by what Scripture or what authority can be produced for proof of what he saith page 80. and 82. and 87 for his bare word is not sufficient ground for any man to pin their faith upon without either Scripture or reason to confirm it but such fancies or fictions as these you may remember that in his 65. page he calls them new delivered truths and therefore saith we should recide from former errors or opinions though never so generally embraced by former Authors for he is the only man for to find out a new Antichrist and to clear the old Antichrist from that stain and polution if any man will believe him But secondly how can any man of any indifferent knowledge believe any thing that he writes who doth so often as you have heard contradict himself and the Scriptures also and so again here in this place where he saith the Apostle gives us to understand in that 2 Thes 2. that Antichrist shall commit one singular peculiar sin that should only and properly be the sin of Antichrist and none else whereas neither that text nor any other in the whole Scriptures doth speak of any singular or peculiar sin that makes him to be Antichrist but the Scriptures speak of many sins in many several places that should declare him to be the great Antichrist as is shewed in many places of this Book and even in this Text from whence he would gather his assertion His contradicrion of Scripture the Text speaks the absolute contrary as first that Antichrist shall exalt himself above all that is called God Secondly that he should sit in the Temple of God Thirdly that he should shew himself that he is God that is the highest God on earth above all other Gods either in Church or State Fourthly that his coming should be after the working of Satan with power and that is shewed above how he claims and exerciseth a power above all c. Fifthly that he should come with sigus Sixthly with lying Seventhly with working wonders with deceit and unrighteousness Eightly that he should forsake the truth and not receive it in love besides several sins spoken of 1 Tim. 4. and 1 John 2. and all along in the Revelations and elsewhere of many sins that Antichrist should be known by and this man rejects all and will have him known by one singular peculiar sin which no Text in all the Scripture nor no Author that ever did write did particularly point him out by for if that had been the peculiar sin to know him by then should they have been Antichrist that crucified Christ the Apostle would not after have writ of another Antichrist and which the same sin should make him Antichrist which never can the like be committed with such a height of rebellion against God and with such a rage reaching up to Heaven by any other rebellion or murther neither by Parliament nor Phocas or any else And as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was put to death by a Roman Power and Authority I think we may upon better grounds than you bring argue that it may imply thus much that Antichrist should have his rise seat and residence in that very place from whence the power and authority came that crucified our Lord Jesus Christ and though there be no Text of Scripture to prove this except perhaps it might be proved by consequence comparing Scripture with Scripture yet I will not be curious to search into it but leave it to the judgment of others however if I mistake not it it seems to carry more force in it than all the new fangle stories you tell us of Page 95. he draws a conclusion from the writings of Tremellius and Beza that Antichrist shall exalt himself above the Bishops and indeed in this I grant that he saith very true for the Pope of Rome hath so exalted himself by his universal Priest-hood as head of the Church and Christs Vicar and Peters Successor that he claims an authority over all the Bishops in the World and doth exercise that authority in many Kingdoms more than any one doth besides and therefore by the Bishops own argument the Pope of Rome is the great Antichrist and man of sin c. for the Pope saith it standeth upon necessity to salvation that every humane creature be subject unto him and therefore requisite and necessary for men that will be saved to know the dignity of his See and excellency of his Dominion for his Priest-hood was prefigured in Aaron and other Bishops under him was prefigured by the Sons of Aaron to be under him thus he exalts himself above the Bishops as is said before Page 99. he saith that the denying Jesus to be the Christ is the proper note and undeniable mark of the great Antichrist who is the head of all other inferiour Antichrists as 1 John 2.22 Who is a lyer but he that denyeth that Jesus is Christ the same is Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Son I answer I shall not trouble the Reader to relate what the Bishop saith from this Text to the purpose he aims at but I shall as I have done by other Texts and Arguments shew you how undeniable this Text rightly applyed doth prove the Pope to be Antichrist first he is said in this Text to be a lyar and so in the Text before named 2 Thes 2.9 that is a crafty deceiver of the People by granting pardons and indulgences and many other priviledges which are so well known I need not repeat them and which are all as so many lies for there is no truth in them nor no Scripture to prove that he hath any such power or authority but that by his lies he causeth the People to believe him and he is a lyar also in professing outwardly in words what he denieth in his practice as might be made appear in many several things and as appears in the former part of this Book he is a lyar that denies Jefus to be Christ Jesus signifies a Saviour thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sine and Christ fignifies anointed that is to be King Priest and Prophet to his Church a King to rule and govern his Church to appoint Laws and Officers and Ordinances in the Church a Priest to offer Sacrifice for the sins of the People and that he did especially when he offered himself Heb. 9.13 If the blood of Bulls and Goats and the ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh
how much more shall the blood of Jesus Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God cleanse your consciences from dead works to serve the living God 3ly He is a Prophet to teach instruct his Church every man would be content to have him for their Jesus to save them from their sins but few are willing to have him for their Christ that is to be their King Priest and Prophet to rule and govern c. And first the Pope denies Christ his Kingly office in his Church to rule and govern it by his own instituted Ordinances and Officers c. for the Pope hath in his Church one hundred and fifty several Orders of Church-Officers and religious Orders which not one of them is of Christ nor his Apostles institution which in the former part is nominated by their names Secondly the Pope denies Christ his Kingly office in challenging an universal Power and Authority over all Churches which Power and Authority belongs only unto Christ The Pope denying Christ his Kingly office and not to any man upon earth Thirdly in making his Laws and Decrees equal or rather above the Decrees and institutions of Christ for the Popes Laws are observed as forbiding marriage and commanding to abstain from meats and many other the like and Christs Laws are rejected that doth allow of these things which the Pope prohibits and forbideth many things as invocation of Saints worshiping of Images Adultery and Fornication and many the like which the Pope alloweth thus Gods Law is neglected and the Popes observed Fourthly the Pope denies Christs Kingly office in his instituted Ordinances by establishing his own humane inventions of Masses Crosses Crucifixes Prayer upon beads and in an unknown tongue Pilgrimages Conjuration or exorcism and the like and seting up a religion composed of above forty heresies as is named and shewed before And fifthly in denying and bloting out the second Commandment that forbids the worship of false Gods or of the true God in a false way and giving the worship and honour that is due to God to the Virgin Mary to Saints and Images all which is a denying of Christ his Kingly rule and Government and which makes the Pope of Rome to be the great Antichrist here spoken of in this Text as well as in others before named Secondly The Pope of Rome denies Christ the exercise of his Priestly office for first whereas it is said Heb. 9.25 26. that Christ is entred into Heaven to appear in the presence of God for us not that he should offer himself often for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world and Chap. 10.14 for with one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified but this the Pope denies in his practice The Pope denies Christ in his Priestly office that Christs once offering himself is satisfactory to take away sin and therefore he is offered again by the Papists every day and sometimes in many thousand places in one day in their Idolatrous Masses from which practice of theirs I shall propound one question viz. where or what Text of Scripture can they or any man bring to prove that either the Pope or any of his shaveling Priests Jesuites or Friers are commanded to offer Jesus Christ an unbloudy propitiatory Sacrifice for the quick and the dead or in what part of Scripture are the massing Priests called Sacrificers in the New Testament and authorized to sacrifice Jesus Christ or did ever the Apostles offer Jesus Christ a Sacrifice for the quick and dead if these things cannot be proved by Scripture to be of Christs institutions then it cannot be denyed but the Pope doth deny Christ both of his Kingly and Priestly offices and so he is the great Antichrist and man of sin that was prophecyed of to come into the world Secondly the Pope and all Papists deny Christ his Priestly office in offering up their prayers to God in any other name or by any other intercessor or mediator but Jesus Christ only John 16.23 verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he will give it you and 1 John 5.14 this is the assurance that we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us but we have no assurance in any text of Scripture to be heard in the name of the Virgin Mary nor any other Saint nor no Scripture to prove that to ask in their name or to make them mediators or she Mediatrix as they call the Virgin no Scripture proves it to be according to his will and therefore have no promise to be heard with acceptance for there is no other Mediator between God and man but the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 so that by these Scriptures it is clear that the Pope doth reject and deny Jesus Christ in his Priestly office and not only so but the Pope is guilty of the sins of many hundred thousands more whom he doth make to deny Christ in his Kingly and Priestly offices and leads them without repentance to destruction with himself Thirdly the Pope of Rome denies Jesus to be Christ in denying Christ the exercise of his Prophetical office to teach and instruct his Church for whereas all the Service and worship that is given and done to God ought in every thing to be performed both as to the matter and the manner of performance according to the word of God and the example of Christ and his Apostles and their institutions both for Ordinances Officers and Offices the Pope of Rome and Church of Rome doth not so far as I know perform any one part of Gods worship and service in any one Ordinance Pope de●● Christ 〈◊〉 Propheti●● office nor with any one Church Officer rightly elected to his Office according to Jesus Christ and his Apostles examples and institutions in their preaching they come the nearest but both their Sermons are stuffed with many foolish fictions and fables so that a man may justly say they do not preach but prate for no man preacheth but he that preacheth Christ and their Preachers even those that are esteemed the best and greatest Schollars are not of divine institution no more than Anabaptists and lay Preachers their Eucharist their Baptism their Prayers their Masses name what you will there is so much of human invention mixed with it that bring it to the touch-stone of the word of God and divine institution and it will upon tryal prove so full of drosse that it will not hold out weight in the B●●lance of the Sanctuary therefore the Pope of Rome is Antichrist Did ever Christ or his Apostles institute any one of 150 neligious Orders they have in their Church or did they eestablish a Religion and force men with fire and sword to the observation of it and that composed of above forty Heresies did they ever in Baptism use Crism Spittle Oyl Salt or
holy or conjured Water to scare the Divel did they ever use such Vestments with Crosses in Banners Tapers Altars c. after Christs ascention did they hold black and green white and red colours more sacred than others did they observe canonical hours pray for the dead go processions keep 86 holy daies in a year besides the Sabaths did they ever use relicks of Saints c. Pictures Images Crucifixces Crosses Agnus Dei or such like did they say Masses to deliver souls out of Purgatory or teach that there was a Purgatory or that men might merrit salvation by their works and not only so but do works of super-errogation to be by the Pope converted into payment for others and the like did they ever teach that the Cordilians should draw a soul out of Purgatory for saying five Pater nosters and five Ave Maries with more the like did the Apostles ever worship the Crosse or teach others to worship it with the same worship that God is worshipped with as Thomas and other Popish Doctors teach or did they ever pray in any Language that themselves did not understand or pray upon a string of Beads or did they ever teach abstinence from marriage or meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving or did they forbid marriage and allow Whores and Sodomy as the Popes have done dare any man say that these are the Ordinances and Institutions of Jesus Christ and his Apostles are they not more like the Doctrines of Devils and those that teach and practice them the Slaves and Vassals of the Devil to do his drudgery If these things cannot by Scripture be proved to be the Ordinances of God instituted by Jesus Christ and his Apostles then it cannot be denyed but the Pope who is the Author ●he Papists who are the practisers of these things they do ●ll reject and deny Jesus to be Christ in all his three Offices ●f King Priest and Prophet and will not suffer him to rule ●●m as their King nor to be their alone and only Mediator 〈◊〉 Intercessor between God and man as their Priest nor ●o be their Prophet to teach them the Laws and Ordinances 〈◊〉 Church nor the Officers and Offices in his Church c. I therefore the Pope as chief Author of these things doth deny Jesus to be Christ and upon that account cannot be denyed to be the great and abominable Antichrist that was prophecied should come into the world for this is the plainest Text in all the Scriptures to prove who is the great Antichrist 1 John 2.22 namely he that denies Jesus to be Christ that is to be anointed King Priest and Prophet and to confess that in words and deny it in deeds is no more than the Devil doth for he will confess it in words and how it is proved that the Pope denies it in deeds you have heard how he is the great Lyer professing Christ in words to be King Priest and Prophet and denying it in deeds who is a lyer but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son for in denying the Son he denieth the Father also for that follows in the next vetse whosoever denieth the Son the same hath not the Father therefore the Pope denieth both he is the great Antichrist c. These as you have heard are some of the Doctrines and of their practice whereby Antichrist the Pope doth in a most high and contemptuous manner rejects and denie Jesus to be the Christ and will not allow of those Ordinances and Officers of the Church which Christ hath taught us in the New Testament and instituted for the Churches use Antichrist sound out who he is but Antichrist the Pope hath framed a new form of worship with new Ordinances and Officers teaching for Doctrines his own precepts and inventions so that now we have found out the great abominable Antichrist that doth in the highest and most contemptible manner of any one in the world reject and deny Jesus to be the Christ annointed of the Father King Priest and Prophet to his Church and therefore we may conclude that the Pope of Rome is the great lyar and the Antichrist In the 7. page of his second Book he saith that the 1260 daies spoken of Revel 11.3 they are to be understood of so many years which in the 8. page he saith that the 1260 years began at the year 382. and ended in the year 1642. during which time he saith the Orthodox Bishops in all the Christian Kingdoms of Spain France Germany England S●●land Ireland and others had full power and free liberty 〈◊〉 preach the Doctrine of faith and they were not only pr●●cted from wrongs and violence of their opposers but 〈◊〉 were also assisted to reduce all transgressors to repeutar And in the 27. page he saith that Ecclesiastical Histories do undoubtedly declare that from the Reign of Teodosius for 1260 years until the year 1642. the Churches of God had rest and was freed from any bloudy persecution for any profession of the true faith and the right service of God and the two Witnesses of Christ the Kings as chief and the Bishops and Preachers in their Cloisters and Monasteries as in in a Wilderness secluded from all Worldly affairs had free liberty through the protection and assistance of nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers to publish the mysteries of our Christian Religion and the truth of the two Testaments and Doctrine of Faith c. I answer first by comparing together what the Bishop saith in these two places we must examine what he means by Orthodox Bishops whether Protestant Bishops or the Papist Bishops which he saith in all Christian Kingdoms of France Spain c. had free liberty to preach the Doctrine of Faith and were protected from the violence of their opposers The Bishop hath now confessed himself a Papist certainly he means the Popish Bishops for who else could they be for 1260 years which was he saith from the year 382. unto the year 1642. that could or had liberty freely without persecution to preach the Doctrine of true Faith in that 1260 years but Papists and be protected from all violence of opposers for he saith further in the 27. page that these Orthodox Bishops were one of Christs Witnesses which he describes to be Bishops and Preachers in their Cloisters and Monasteries which must be understood of Bishops Priests Friers and Jesuites for these live in Cloisters and Monasteries and not our Protestant Bishops and Preachers and these Orthodox Bishops and Preachers in their Cloisters and Monasteries were saith he secluded from the world and protected in our Christian Religion where by our Christian Religion it must be supposed he means his own Religion together with those that are of the same opinion with him and that is the Bishops in Cloisters and Monasteries who are Papists so that now at last he hath openly declared himself 〈◊〉 be
a Papist if they be Papists that live in Cloisters and Mo●●steris secluded as he saith from the world who did preach the true Faith and right Service of God and published our ●●●istian Religion in which word our Christian Religion includes himself for one of that Religion preached by the Cloisterers c. for the space of one thousand two hundred and fixty years free from any bloudy persecution for the profession of their faith which no Church in Europe was but the popish Church therefore seeing it is thus that we have now found him out what he is we need no longer wonder why he misapplyeth Scripture and forsaketh the opinion of all other Writers to find out a new Antichrist and to stickle so hard to excuse and defend the Pope And that it may clearly appear that he takes the Papist Church of Cloisterers c. to be the true Church and their Doctrine to be the Orthodox Doctrine and their Faith and Service of God to be the true Faith and right Service of God as in his 27. page so in the 7. page speaking of one of the Witnesses which he saith is these Orthodox Bishops and of the Witnesses prophecying in sackcloath 1260 years by his own interpretation he saith their prophecying in sackcloath doth signifie their conforming themselves unto the Doctrine that they preached not their mourning for the polution of the true Church which saith he during that time of 1260 years of their Prophecy was not poluted as Mr. Mead and others do suppose a strange interpretation differing from all men that ever I read or heard of that the true Church of Christ should be without any bloudy persecution and without any polution The Church saith the Bishop without trouble 1260 years for the space of 1260 years and yet the Witnesses of Christ to be all that time clothed in Sackcloath which is a mourning weed and did alwaies signifie that those that wore it were in a sad and low condition a deformed and mournful estate stripped of all their glory as those are that go in black mourn at Funerals whereas if the Bishop's interpretation of the glory and beauty of the Church had been true that it had been without trouble and without polution the Witnesses should rather have put on their glorious and beautiful garments and have rejoiced in the prosperity and glory and purity of the Church which he saith was without polution but the word of God tels us another story of the cause of the Witnesses wearing Sackcloath Revel 17.7 8 that the Beast that cometh out of the bottomless pit should make war against them and overcome them and kill them and their corps should lie in the street without burial c. and was this a time in which the Church was not poluted 〈◊〉 the Witnesses and faithful Worshippers persecuted wh● they must be slain and their bodies lie without burial I leave it to the godly-wise to judge how the Bishops interpretation can be true that is so contrary to the Scriptures And whereas he saith the true Church of God had rest and was freed from any bloudy persecution for the profession of the true Faith and right Service of God for 1260 years beginning the year 382 the quite contrary will appear to be most true for as ancient Histories do relate the Apostolical Protestant Religion Of the first planting the Gospel in England was settled in England in the later end of the reign of Tyberius the Emperor under whom Christ suffered Gildas saith that Joseph of Aramathea was sent by Phillip the Apostle into Brittain who here laid the foundatiou of Christian Religion Origin in his fourth homily on Ezechiel saith that the true Faith of Christ was in Brittain before Elutherius was Bishop of Rome which was about the year 180 after Christ Nicephorus in his second Book Chap. 40. saith that Simon Zelotes did also preach the Gospel in Britain by all which it doth appear that England received the Christian Faith long before Austin was sent hither by Gregory the great for he indeed sent him hither to settle Popery 600 years after Christ but not to settle the Gospel of Christ for that was settled before as doth appear in the beginning of this Book At a treaty between the Nobility of England and Hingist King of the Saxons about the year 460. where neither party was to have any weapons Hingist secretly ordered the matter his men had every one a long knife in his hose that upon the watchword given every man should kill him he talked with so that there was murthered that day upon the place of English Nobility some stories say 460 by the Saxons the King was taken prisoner for whose ransom London York Lincolne Winchester with other strong holds being granted the Saxons made havok of the English Nation destroyed the Citizens pulled down Churches killed the Pastors of the Churches burned the Books of holy Scriptures and all this and more to be done by Heathens upon Christians it seems is no bloudy persecution in Do●●or William's account the Church had free liberty c. saith he This persecution continued in Brittain for in the 〈◊〉 568 Ministers were driven out so that the Arch-Bishop London and York were both forced to fly into Wales but fore this there was eleven thousand Christian Virgins murthered there was about this time above two thousand Monks at the Abby of Bangor in Wales who were driven out of Brittain who all lived by the sweat of their brows and labour of their hands these men differed nothing from other ordinary men but only in strictness of life and were such as now are called Puritans or Round-heads for Augustine saith ●imative ●onks were such as now are called Puritans c. there was such as were called Monks that were but lay-men only led a more severe and strict kind of life than others in his Book De moribus Ecclesioe Chap. 13. also Hierom ad Heliodorum one thing saith he appertains to Monks another thing to them of the Clergy and in the 4. Canon of the Councel of Calcedon it is provided that Monks should not meddle with matters of the Church Sozomen saith in his 3. Book Chap. 16. speaking of Monks of that time which lived in Cities and had several Mansions and differed nothing from other men but that they were of a stricter life which since by their enemies have been called by other names as names of infamy as some in our time are called Puritans which if saith he taken in the right sense if they deserve it tends to their comfort and prayers Athanasius a man to be credited of all in his epistle de Dracontium saith that he knew both Monks and Bishops married men and had Children and such were the Protestant Monks of Bangor this is shewed more fully in the beginning of this Book About the year 833 the Danes invaded England spoiled Churches murthered Ministers with men women and children after a
most barbarous cruel manner the space of 255 years and after them William the Conqueror slew of the English 66654 about the year 1264 was four bloudy battels in England between the King and his Barrons also between King Edward and the Scots was slain in two battels of the Scots besides English 57000 about the year 1295 and 1298. and was all this nothing with you was there none of your Orthodox Bishops in all these broils were they free from bloud and persecution What say you then to the Wars among the Popes and Emperors Pope Alexander the second and another Pope set up by the Emperor about the year 1062 they had two great Battels and many slain of both sides but the Pope brought it at last that he set his foot upon the Emperors neck an Pope Hildebrand by giving the Empire from the Emperor Henry to Rodolphus there was four bloudy Battels fought between their Armies and by means of Pope Pascalus there was two great Battels between Henry the 4. and his own Son in 1102. and about the year 1234 there was such Wars between Pope Gregory the 9. and the City of Rome that there was 30 thousand of the Cittizens slain in one battel and about the year 1251 the Sarazens slew of English French and other Nations 80 thousand also there was great War between the Pope and Fredrick the Emperor and in 1255 the Pope having Wars with the Apulians the Popes Army was utterly destroyed but only the Family of Marchisius in 1241 a great Army of Sythians invaded Europe in two places and at the same time an Army of five hundred thousand of Tartarians who spared neither sex nor age about the year 1409 King Henry the fourth of England wrote to Pope Gregory about the division between the two Popes which then had continued 29 years intimating to the Pope that he had received intelligence that there had been slain in the Wars between the two Popes two hundred and thirty thousand men and Pope Julius who died in the year 1513 it is related by Writers The Bishops mistake as to the Witnesses prophecying in Sackcloath that there was slain in his Wars two hundred thousand more and Sir is all these nothing with you that by the divisions of three or four Popes that four hundred and thirty thousand men should be slain besides all other Popes and Emperors Wars and these of your Orthodox Cloisterers c. and yet you are not ashamed to write and print that the Church was at this time at rest and free from any bloudy persecution for 1260 years together and could these murthers and slaughters banishment and riping of women with child as was in England c. be without persecution I could produce more the like if I were minded but I think here is enough to let others see your mistake if you will not see it your self I could add to this the burning and martyrdom of many hundred thousands more in England Scotland France Spain Germany Tholose Piedmond Waldensea Albe●ences and many other Countries in Alsatia one hundred ●artyred in one day for defending the truth and much more might be said to prove the direct contrary to what you 〈◊〉 said to be true namely that the 1260 years of the ●●●nesses prophecying in Sackcloath that it was a mournfull time of the persecutions of the true Church of Jesus Christ and not a time of freedom and liberty of the Churches enjoyment of the Ordinances of Jesus Christ in their purity and that with protection and defence against all their opposers as you pretend In the 24. page he compares the light that was held forth to the Church of Christ by the ministery of the 12 Apostles but to the light of 12 stars but after the year 382 spoken of before the ministery held forth by Hierom Ambrose Augustine Basil Gregory Nazianzen Epiphanius and Cirillus he saith was as the light of the Sun in the firmament I answer we need not now so much wonder at the corruption of the Church of Rome who equal their Mass with the Gospel of Christ and the Popes unwritten traditions with the Canons of the Scripture The Bishop saith the Ministery of the Apostles was 〈◊〉 the Stars and the ministery of the ●ncient Fathers as the Sun when our Bishop so much undervalues the doctrine and ministery of the Apostles who had an imediate call from God to their ministery and were guided by the Holy-Ghost in their ministery and what they writ was left unto us as the athentick Word of God for our istruction and testified by the Apostle Peter 2 Pet. 1.20 that it is not of any privat interpretation but holy men of God spake as they were endowed by the Holy-Ghost and yet that these servants of Jesus Christ that their ministery should be but compared to the light of the Stars and the ministery of Herom Ambrose c. should be compared to the light of the Sun so far exceeding the ministery of the Apostles as the light of the Sun exceeds the light of the Stars for that is the meaning it is such a Doctrine as I think was never taught by an English or Irish Bishop before that ever I read of nor I hope the like will never be taught again a man would think that upon a review of what he hath don he should own his mistake for if these be not mistakes I know not what is but I must correct my self and remember what he confesseth of himself before as to the freedom and liberty of the Orthodox Bishops in their cloisters and Monasteries the 126 years which he further speaks of in his 44. page and saith that the two Witnesses were furnished with a larger measure of Gospel-light to enlighten the Church being fled into the Wilderness from the face of the Dragon and to govern the Church in a far better manner than ever they did or could do before but this is strange if it could be so in their Sackcloa●● and mournful condition and he further saith that when Phocas the Traytor the murthering Emperor granted the pre heminency to Pope Boniface the third to be universal Bishop then the Sword of Satan he saith had neither edge strength nor abilitie to suppresse the Word of God nor to abate one jot of the power of the Witnesses but that the Church was freed from all fear and tyranny c. this I confesse is true understanding it of the Pope and Papist Church which I never knew any but Papists yet that ever took it in that sence as the Bishop doth for as is shewed above that time of the Church being in the Wildernesse was the time of the Churches affliction and persecution and Phocas granting that power to the Pope instead of blunting Satans Sword it sharpened his Sword and made it cut both waies so that he ceased not until he had gotten both Civil and Ecclesiastical Government into his hands and suppressed the Word of God as is shewed above
I shall take away their sins Lactantius saith in his 7. Book Chap. 15. the Romish name and authority wherewith the world is now ruled my heart trembleth to speak it but yet saith he I will speak it because it is a thing that shall one day be taken away from the earth and the Empire shall return into Asia and the east shall have the dominion once again and the West shall be in subjection you see how his words doth agree with the Scriptures that that prophecie of the downfall of Rome and of the glory of the eastern Church when the Jews shall be converted and therefore they carry the more force I think it not amisse in this place to shew how great a hinderance the Idolatry of the Roman Church is to the convertion of the Jews to set down one thing I have observed in a narrative written by Mr. Samuel Brette an English man and a Traveller concerning the proceedings of a great Councel of three hundred Rabbies of the Jews assembled in the plain of Ageda the 12th of October 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ he saith that the seventh and last day of their Councel the question was if Christ were come then what was the rules and orders he left his Church to walk by whereupon two Jesuites two Friers of the order of Saint Augustine and two of the order of Saint Frances sent thither by the Pope these being admitted into the Councel began to open unto them the Rules and Doctrine of the Church of Rome instead of the Rules of Christ which they magnified to be the holy Catholick Church of Christ and their Doctrine to be the infallible Doctrine of Christ and their Rules to be the Rules which the Apostles left to the Church for to be observed and that the Pope is the holy Vicar of Christ and the Successor of Saint Peter they affirmed the reall prelence of Christ in the Sacrament the religious observation of their holy daies the invocation of Saints praying to the Virgin Mary and spoke of her commanding power in Heaven over her Son of the holy use of the Crosse and Images with the rest of their Idolatrous superstitious worship all which they commended to the Assembly of the Jews for the doctrines and rules of the Apostles But as soon as the assembly of the Jews had heard these things they were generally exceedingly troubled thereat and fell into high clamours against them and their religion crying out no Christ no woman God no intercession of Saints no worshiping of Images no praying to the Virgin Mary and cried out aloud blasphemy blasphemy and rent their cloaths and cast dust upon their heads and upon this the Gouncel brake up the Relator saith he doth believe there was many Jews there that would have owned the Lord Jesus if it had not been for these Jesuites and Friers and that there had been Protestant Ministers in their stead thus it appears what hinderance the idolatry of the Roman Church is to their conversion Page 31. he saith that Antiochus who is the most lively type of Antichrist that is to be found in the Scriptures reigned but just three years and a half and so the persecution of Antichrist should be but three years and an half I answer that what is said before might be a sufficient answer to this but besides I shall disprove what he saith in the first Chapter of the first book of Maccabees for Antiochus Epiphanes after he came to reign he made war against the King of Aegypt and wone many strong Cities and took away the spoil of the Land and returned in the year 143 and went up against Jerusalem verse 21 22. and Chap. 3. verse 37. the King took the half of the Hoast and departed from Antiochia his royal City in the year 147. and Lyfias whom the King left Overseer of his business at the same time sent Ptomeas Nicanor and Gorgius with forty thousand footmen and seven thousand Horsemen into the Land of Juda which Army was defeated then Chap. 4.28 the next year following gathered Lysius threescore thousand footmen and five thousand horsemen to fight against Jerusalem and Chap. 6.16 Antiochus died in the 149. year of his reign that was six years he reigned after he made war against Jerusalem besides the time he reigned when he made war against Aegypt and took many Cities and brought away the spoil and this is but all three years and an half with our Bishop if you will believe him which these chapters makes it appear to be fix years Much more such like stuff might be shewed but I forbear thus far I thought good to answer him in his folly lest he should be wise in his own conceit and I thought not fit to answer him any further lest I should be like him and my book is swelled biger already than I intended it at first and although it be but small yet it is biger than I can well spare money to pay for the printing to bring it forth to light By GEORGE PRESSICK FINIS