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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34757 The country-parson's advice to his parishioners in two parts ... 1680 (1680) Wing C6566; ESTC R15994 99,699 230

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not requiring the help of any Member of the Body may be intermixed with all thy ordinary Employments and if there be any of such a nature as will not admit them without some little stop as requiring a full application of thy mind yet that stop will be no hinderance but rather a mighty furtherance to them for whil'st thou do'st thus look up to God upon whom the success of every thing depends thou wilt be able to proceed more cheerfully in thy Employments and with greater Vigour through the confidence of his Blessing upon all that thou art a doing But there is one Advice more which shall conclude this part and may supply all that is wanting in it viz. CHAP. VI. Containing the last general Advice To commit our Souls to the Care and Conduct of Spiritual Guides with proper Directions relating to it 6. THat thou must commit thy Soul to the Care and Conduct of a spiritual Guide for the enforcing of this Advice much might be said and indeed the little account that most men make of their spiritual Guides in this Age requires much to be said but because I have set my self but short bounds and because I hope that thou art well disposed by the foregoing discourses to receive good Counsel I shall be as brief as possibly I can with respect to thy Good There are Three or Four things which are well known to Christians and I hope they will be readily acknowledged by thee for great truths which being well considered by thee will let thee know both how necessary and how beneficial this Advice will be to thee 1. Thou wilt acknowledge that Christ hath settled an Order of men as his Substitutes upon earth to take Care of Souls to the end of the World This we find him doing immediately before his ascension into Heaven Thus we read in St. Matthew's Gospel chap. 21.18 19 20. All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth go therefore and teach or disciple all nations baptizeing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them te observe whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you alwaies even to the End of the World And thus we read in the 16. c. of St. Marc. v. 15 16. Go ye into all the World and preach the Gospel to every Creature He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned And thus in the 21. c. of St. John's Gospel v. 21.22 23. As my Father hath sent me so send I you and when he had said this he breathed on them and saith receive ye the Holy Ghost whosevers Sins ye remit they are remitted unto them and whosoevers sins ye retain they are retained That our blessed Saviour said all this to his Disciples no Christian can doubt and that by these words he did commit that Power and Authority to them which he had received from his Father for the Good of mens Souls is not to be denied and if any Question be made whether this concerned the Apostles only and was confined by him to their own persons it may clearly be resolved by considering 1. The importance of those words I am with you alwayes even to the End of the World for how could he be with them to the End of the World if we suppose those words to concern their persons only they might be with him indeed but he could not be with them to the End of the World who were not to be or to exercise the Authority given them to the End thereof 2. By considering the necessities of the World for what an unhappy condition would they be in who were to live in succeeding Ages if no provision were made for their Instruction in the Christian Faith c. 3. By considering that the Apostles after they had received the Holy Ghost in an eminent and remarkable manner according to Christ's promise did understand the Commission otherwise and therefore we find that they did by Prayer and Imposition of hands the ordinary way of conferring offices among the Jews confer the like Power upon others as they saw good for the edification of the Church and those persons upon whom they conferred this Power are charged by them to take heed to the flock and to feed the Church of Christ and are said to be called and appointed thereunto by the Holy Ghost Act. 20.28 And further those persons that were thus ordained by the Apostles are charged by them to ordain others in the same way and directions are given them what manner of persons they were to ordain to so great an office Thus the Apostle St. Paul having put Timothy in mind of that Sacred office to which he had been ordained by imposition of hands 2 Epist chap. 1. v. 6. and of that form of sound words which he had heard from him in Faith and Love v. 13. chargeshim to commit the same to faithful men who might be able to teach others also chap. 2. v. 2. And the same Apostle tells Titus to whose Care he had committed the whole Church of the Island of Creete that he had left him there and appointed him to ordain Elders i.e. Bishops and Presbyters in every City chap. 1. v. 5. To these St. Paul gives directions how they should behave themselves in the Church of God as his expressions are 1 Tim. 3. c. 15. v. Not only as to the ordaining of others but likewise in many other things relating to the edification of the Church viz. 1. as to preaching that they should hold fast that form of Doctrine which they had received and teach that and none other 1 Tim. 6.14 and 2 Tim. 3.14.2 As to the publick Worship and Service of God 1 Tim. 2.1 2 3.3 As to Government and Discipline the holding of Ecclesiastical Courts the receiving of Accusations the conventing of the accused publikely the correcting of heretical and other disorderly persons the stopping of their Mouths and the Excommunicating them or casting them out of the Church charging them to prejudge no man's Cause and to do nothing for Favour or partiality 1 Tim. 5.19 20 21. v. and Tit. 1. c. 11. v. and chap. 3. v. 10. And so likewise as to the reconciling of Penitents and restoring them into the Communion of the Church and the hopes of Pardon 1 Tim. 5.22 v. By all which it appears plainly that Christ did not commit the Care of those Souls which He had redeemed with his most precious blood to those only who were in a particular manner called his Apostles in the words before set down but that he did there settle an Order of men and give Authority to that Order in a perpetual succession to watch over them and to see that none of them perish or fall short of that Happiness which he designed for them But 2. Thou must acknowledge likewise that this Order of men thus settled by Christ to take Care of Souls are authorized
and empowred by him to preach the Gospel to make known the Love of God as manifested in Christ to the World to receive those that do believe the Gospel into the Covenant of Grace and society of Christians by Baptism to instruct those whom they have baptized in the Will of God both publickly and privately to encourage them in their Obedience to it to excite and quicken them when they are dull and slothful to reprove and admonish them whtn they do amiss to restore them when they are fallen to comfort them in their Sorrows to pardon their Sins to feed them with the Body and blood of Christ to pray for them and bless them in Christ's Name to help them all the wayes they can in the whole Course of their Lives and to assist them in their last Agonies that so they may finish their Course with joy This thou wilt plainly see if thou wilt consider besides the places of Scripture already mentioned the following Texts Act. 20.20 21 26 27 31. 2 Tim. 4.1 2. Gal. 6.1 v. Luke 22.19 20. 1 Corinth 11.23 24. Jam. 5.14 15. 3. Thou must acknowledge that Christ hath promised to be with those his Officers and ministers and accordingly he hath is and will be with them in the Exercise of the several parts of their office to the end of the World i.e. He will assist them with special Illumination Direction and Power sufficient for the dispensation of the Gospel and the edification of the Church and according to the necessities and capacities of the Times wherein they are to live he will furnish them with all necessary and requisite Gifts will accompany their Endeavours with his Holy Spirit to make them essectual will hear their Prayers confirm their Censures protect their persons c. This we are plainly taught in several places of Scripture besides those already pointed to See John 14.16 and 26. Where Christ promises his Apostles a Comforter to be with them for ever and to teach them all things And see Ephes 4. c. Where the Apostles speaking of the several Officers that Christ hath appointed in his Church and of the Gifts and Graces which he doth furnish them withal does intimate that these shall be continued in the Church in such a manner and measure as is necessary till we all come that is both Jews and Gentiles into the Vnity of the Faith and unto a perfect man unto the measure of the Statute of the fulness of Christ i.e. to such prefection in Knowledge Wisdome and Good-uess as that there will be no further Danger of being like Childrent ossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of Doctrine v. 13 14. And further thou may'st observe That as they are called the Ambassadours of Christ and are said to beseech men in Christ's stead 2 Gorinth 5.20 So Christ is said to speak in them and by them 2 Corinth 13.3 Ephes 2.17 And to work mightily and effectually in them Gal. 2.8 And further they are said to be Workers together with Christ 2 Corinth 6. v. 1. And to be Ladbourers together with God 1 Corinth 3.9 God giving the Encrease whil'st Paul Planted and Apollos watered v. 6 7. of the same chapter and God opening mens hearts Act 16.14 which are said to be pricked by the Apostles Preaching Act. 2.37 Lastly see Revel 1.13 16. where to denote Christ's perpetual Presence Assistance and Protection to thesE his Ministers or Officers the appointed Guides and Governours of the Church after all the times of the Apostles John only excepted Christ is represented though in Glory yet walking in the midst of the seven Churches of Asia and holding the seven Stars i.e. the Angels or Bishops of those Churches v. 20. in his right hand 4. Thou must acknowledge likewise That as Christ hath appointed an Order of men thus to guide and govern his Church and hath charged them to attend unto it with all their Might upon pain of answering for those Souls that shall perish through their Neglect or Default See Ezek. 34.8 9 10. and Act. 20.26 27. so he hath charged all men to respect them as his Officers as the Guides and Governours of their Souls on Earth under him and to submit themselves to their Conduct and Government in all things relating to the Salvation of thier Souls and this upon Pain of losing all the Privileges Advantages and Benefits which they can hope for or pretend to upon the account of what he hath done and suffered for us Of this thou wilt see no Reason to doubt if thou wilt consider that this gracious provision which Christ hath made for mens Souls in appointing these Guides and Governours and vouchsafing them all necessary assistances for the discharge of their office will signify very little in case men be at liberty to submit to them or not and may be saved though refusing to submit to them But besides this to give thee all the satisfaction that may be in a matter which many are very unwilling to understand thou may'st consider some few places of Scripture which do plainly inform us of the Mind of Christ concerning it I omit what may be said out of the Old Testament and from the Priestly Power and Office under it as I have done all along because I design not a full discourse upon those things As God the Father was pleased tod eclare That he had constituted his Son Christ Jesus to be the supreme Guide and Governours of Souls and to charge all men to hear and obey him of which we have clear Testimony Math. 3.17 and Math. 17.5 So Christ hath lest to the World a clear Testimony that he did commit the Authority which he had received from his Father to his Apostles and their Successors John 20 21. As my Father sent me so send I you and that it is his Will that all must hear and obey them who will have any Interest in him or Benefit by him so in the places before-mentioned Math. 28.19 20. and Mark 16.16 Where giving Commission to his Apostles to preach the Gospel to all Nations and to receive those that should believe into that Covenant of Grace which he had sealed with his blood by Baptism he tells them He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned i.e. those that do heartily believe that Gospel which you preach and do profess so to do and do engage themselves to be my Disciples and to obey my Commands by receiving Baptism at your hands and do continue to learn from you what I have commanded compae these words with those in St. Matthew and practise accordingly in the whole Course of their Lives shall be saved but those that refuse to do this shall be damned to which words if we joyn those which he spake some time before to his Disciples when he sent them to preach to Gospel to the lost Sheep of Israel Luke 10.16 We shall understand his Mind more clearly He that
whose office it is to take Care of Souls And those that are ready to follow the Conduct and Counsel of every one that will take upon him to be their Guide or Instructor are not much less to be blamed than those that will commit their Souls to none and therefore thou art to take the greatest Care and to use the best Skill thou hast in the choice of thy Guide and because it is a matter of no little difficulty to make a right Choice it will not I hope be thought impertinent to give thee some assistance And 1. I advise thee to betake thy self to thy Closet and to beg of God to direct thee in thy Choice Though thou hast ever so much Skill in judging of men yet it is possible that in this Case thou may'st be deceived and the more thou trustest to thy own Skill the greater danger thou art in of being deceived God usually suffering those that have a great opinion of themselves to misearry in their best Undertakings and therefore in this as well as in other things thy security lies in an humble Confidence in God's direction which thou art to beg of him by fervent Prayer and though the Blessing be great yet thou hast no Reason to doubt but thou shalt obtain it if thou do'st ask aright for since he hath done so much for thy Soul already He will not deny thee any thing thou may'st be confident that he knows to be necessary for its Welfare and Happiness If any of you lack Wisdome saith St. James let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him chap. 1. v. 5. And what greater Wisdome can'st thou desire than that which may enable thee to chuse to good Guide except it be that which may enable thee to follow him when thou hast made Choice of him which thou art also to ask to God But then 2. Though thou must not confide in thy own Skill but in the Assistance and Direction of Almighty God yet since his Assistance and Direction can be expected only in a rational way it will behove thee to make Use of that Skill which God giveth thee and that with as much Care as if thy Success depended altogether upon it This in other matters thou thinkest thy self bound to do and I can see no Reason why thou shouldest not be of the same Mind in this Case Thou must therefore look out into the World and consider who among those Guides of Souls that are known to thee is most fit to be trusted and if thou do'st desire the opinion of some serious and discreet Friends as thou art wont to do when thou needest a Physitian for thy Body or a Lawyer for settling thy Estate I think thou wilt do very well only let me caution thee That thou do not presume to make Judgment of any one with whom thou art not throughly acquainted for otherwise though it is possible thou may'st hit right yet it is two to one that thou wilt be deceived which will be a fault that will admit of no Excuse And the same caution thou art to take in receiving the judgments of others which thou wilt not think to be needless if thou do'st consider That as some few have a better Repute in the World than they do deserve so others have a worse and it is commonly observed that many excellent men have suffered very much from many meerly because they have given Credit to the Reports of those who were never intimately acquainted with them and yet have presumed to pass their Censures on them But to help thee as much as I can in this matter which is really of very greato Importance to thee it will not be amiss to give thee a short Account of the Qualifications and Properties of a good Guide referring thee for further Instruction to the Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy and Titus And 1. A good Guide is one that hath received Authority from Christ to take Care of Souls not immediately from Christ but mediately i.e. by imposition of hands from some Bishop of the Church who in a constant Succession from the Apostles of our Lord had Authority to give it As for those that pretend to derive Authority immediately from Christ thou must look upon them as Impostors till they can shew those Testimonials of their Authority which the Apostles did viz. the Gifts of Tongues and Miracles and if their Learning and seeming Piety should chance to incline thee to believe otherwise of them it behoves thee to cal to Mind that Caution which Christ hath given thee Matth. 7.15 Beware of false Prophets which come to you in Sheeps-Cloathing but inwardly they are ravening Wolves And as for those that pretend to Authority derived by the hands of some of the Inferiour Ministers in the Church which are now and have been for many hundred years called Presbyters and by that name distinguished from Bishops thou may'st upon the same grounds on which thou hast received thy Christianity believe them to pretend to that which they have not for it is certain by unquestionable Records that for above fifteen hundred years there was no such Authority allowed or acknowledged in Presbyters by the Church of Christ and as for those in this last Age that did first pretend to this Authority and did take upon them to confer it upon others by imposition of their hands it is certain that all the Authority they had or could confer they received from Bishops which was only an Authority to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments according to the Rules of the Gospel the Canons of the Church and this in Subordination to their Bishops and not an Authority to ordain others in opposition to their Bishops and therefore if it be true That none can give that which they have not to give and that none can be presumed to have received that which was never given them as certainly it is thou hast great reason to believe that those persons whom I now speak of have no Authority from Christ to take care of Souls And then in the last place for those that call themselves the Ministers of Christ and pretend to have been so by the declared Consent of a small number of people combined together under the name of a Church thou mayest believe them to be what they call themselves when they can prove That the Apostles of our Lord were the peoples Ministers and not Christ's I mean That they did receive their Authority from the People and not from Christ Now if these men have no Authority from Christ they have no Promise of Christ's presence assistance and Blessing in those Exercises they take upon them to perform in his Name and if they have no Promise of Christ's Presence or Blessing thou hast no Reason to give up thy self to their Conduct Thou may'st perhaps hear them speak many good things of themselves and their followers and make great