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church_n apostle_n appoint_v bishop_n 3,573 5 5.9455 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19669 A sermon made in the chappel at the Gylde Halle in London, the. xxix. day of September, 1574 before the Lord Maior and the whole state of the citie, then assembled for the chusing of their Maior that shuld then succede in the gouernme[n]t of the same citie. Concionatore Roberto Croleo. Perused and licenced, according to the Queenes Maisties iniunction. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1575 (1575) STC 6092; ESTC S120719 15,206 56

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them to whom it belongeth to elect or admit anye to serue in the common wealth in any publicke callyng The persons that shal be elected or admitted must first consider in them selues whether they be such in deede as they be supposed to be and whether those qualities be in them that be required in those persons that should supply such places as they be called or admitted vnto And if they shall not fynde them selues to be such or that the qualities required be not in them then must they if they wyll not prouoke the heauye wrath of God agaynst them selues either seeke by earnest and continuall praiers to God and by all other meanes to bee made such and to obtaine those qualities that they lacke or els vtterly refuse to take vpon them to supply a place for which they knowe them selues to be so vnmeete And if when they haue examined them selues they shall fynde that they bee in all poyntes meete for the places that they bee chosen or admitted to they must in the feare of God consider what dutye thei haue to do in these places and consecrate them selues to bee occupied continually in doing those duties and not onely begge at Gods hand his holy spirite to direct and strengthen thē therin but earnestly desire that all the people amongest whom they are appointed to serue doo in all their prayers commende them to God wythout whose conduct ayde they cannot bee able to discharge any part of their duty And according to the example of the Prophet Dauid these men must hate all them that hate the Lord that is all such as geue ouer them selues to serue syn For those persons do loue synne and none can loue syn but the same must needes hate the Lord who hateth synne With such hatred therfore as the Lord hateth syn and such sinners the Prophet hated them that in his daies were suche synners and therfore hated the lord And euerye one that is elected or admitted to serue in anye publike place must in lyke maner hate all them that he shall see to be such synners If his calling be Ecclesiasticall he must reprehend rebuke and enstruct them And if that wyll not helpe he must lay before them the horrible threatnynges of Gods wrath against them And thys he must do as Dauid dyd without any feare fauour hatred or other fleshly respect that they might bee moued to haue towards their persons They must alwaies haue in mynde whose ministers they be whose worke it is that they haue in hand And they must neuer forget that who so doth the Lordes worke negligently is accurssed of the Lord. More ouer they must styll beare in mynde the woordes which the Lord spake to Ezechiel the Prophet saying thus Take good heede to the wordes of my mouth and geue them warning at my commaundement If I say vnto thee concernyng the vngodly man that without doubt he must dye and thou geuest him no warning nor speakest vnto hym that hee maye turne from his euyll waye and so lyue then shall the same vngodly man dye in his own vnrighteousnes but his bloud wyl I require of thine hand Yea he must alwaies be myndfull of the wordes of Paule to Timothie where he saith thus A Bishop that is a Church Minister must be without fault c. And of the wordes of the same Apostle to the Elders of Ephesus when hee sayth thus Take heede to your selues and to the whole flocke wherein the holye Ghost hath appointed you to bee ouersears to gouerne the Church of God which hee hath bought with his owne bloud And aboue all thinges he must take heede of that pestilent roote couetousnes whych if it doo once take hold in his hart it wyll bryng forth such fruit as wyl turne al the wholsome wyne of hys good doctrine to most pernicious poyson For he shall neuer be satisfied with liuing Yea though he haue a great deale to much wyth more charge then many more able then hee can be able to discharge yet wyl he stil desire more for that desire of more can neuer saye inough but styll it cryeth for more Out of this pestilent roote sprang all the Popes Dispensations hys Vnions his Pluralities hys Trialities and his Totquots His dispensation of Non residens his Impropriations and what soeuer els hath bene deuised for the augmenting of the lyuing of his Prelates The Minister of Christes church therefore must neuer forget these wordes which Paule wrote to Timothe Thou man of God flee from these thinges and followe thou righteousnes faith loue pacience and meekenes And he must print in memorye the wordes of Christ which saith First seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof and all these thinges shall be ministred vnto you To conclude he must haue written in his hart the words of Christ to Peter whych are theese Peter doest thou loue me Feede my lambes feede my sheepe feede my sheepe And the wordes of the same Peter to al his fellow Elders which are these Feede the flocke of Christ as much as lyeth in you takyng the ouersyght of them not as compelled thereto but wyllingly after a godly sort not for the desire of filthye lucre but of a good mynde not as though ye were Lordes ouer the Parishes but that ye be an ensample to the flock and that with good wyll c. But if his callyng be Ciuile hee must vse the swoorde in punishyng synne accordyng to the lawes of his Countrye remembring alway that hee is appointed by God hymselfe to be the reuenger of his quarell vpon earth And therefore hee must euer be myndfull of the cursse that Ieremie hath pronounced against all that woorke the Lordes woorke negligently He must also be myndfull of the wordes of Esay which sayth of the Rulers of Ierusalem in this wyse Thy Princes are the companions of theeues for they loue brybes and they hunt after rewards And the consideration of these wordes must moue him to hate all maner of briberye and bribers as haters of God. Moreouer hee must not forget the wordes of Moses who sayth thus Bribes do blynde the eyes of the wyse and peruert the sentence of the ryghteous And in iudgement he must neither feare the face of the mightye nor pity the case of the myserable for iudgement is the Lordes Thus muche I haue thought meete to adde in order of Appendix to that Sermō which I made the .29 of Septēber .1574 as afore in the title Beseching the almighty in mercy towards his Church to moue the mindes of his reuengers vpon earth that they maye bende them selues in al that they are able to reforme first in them selues and after in all other all maner of corruptiōs in elections both of church Ministers of ciuill officers also So maye we hope to see all corruption banished out of all maner ministration and Gods glory aduaunced therby which he graūt for his mercies sake to whom be all honour and glory for euer Amen Psal 139 Mala. 1. 1. Reg. 16. Deut. 17 Psal 82. Roma 13. Iohn 10. 2. Thes 2 Prouer. 8 Psal 75. Exod. 18. Psal 111. Ecclesi 2. 1. Iohn 4. Prou. 10. Luke 12. Eccle. 10. Ephesi 5. Tim. 6. Ecclesi 2. Exod. 20. Psal 50. Math. 5. Roma 13. Ierem. 48 2. Cor. 3. Roma 8. Actes 1. Deut. 18. Exod. 17. Ezechi 3. 1. Timo. 6 Math. 6. Iohn 21. 1. Peter 5. Roma 13. Ierem. 48 Esay 1. Deut. 16. Exod. 23. ❧ Imprinted at London by Iohn Awdeley dwellyng in little Brittaine streete without Aldersgate 1575 The .7 day of Ianuary