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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10557 The Christian divinitie, contained in the divine service of the Church of England summarily, and for the most part in order, according as point on point dependeth, composed; and with the holy Scriptures plainly and plentifully confirmed: written for the furtherance of the peoples understanding in the true religion established by publike authoritie, and for the increase of vnitie in that godly truth eternall. By Edmund Reeve Bachelour in Divinitie, and vicar of the parish of Hayes in Middlesex. Reeve, Edmund, d. 1660. 1631 (1631) STC 20829; ESTC S115773 277,054 457

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Acts 15.13 In the second part of the Homily of Repentance it is s●gnified that Iames was only Bishop of the Church ●●erusalem See Act. 12.17 Acts 21.18 Gal. 2.9 Tom. 2. p. 266. abide in the land of Iewry ouer-seeing and looking to the Church there which Iesus Christ the first ſ Heb. 3 1. Apostle from God his Father had planted If he or some other Apostle or Apostles did then the Apostolicall gift or grace was also to be employed in a Church already planted and not to cease when Churches were planted It is also here to be noted that the name Apostle vsed in the new Testament doth imply two degrees Whence it is thought meete to translate it sometimes by the word t Phil. 2.25 2. Cor 8.23.1 2. Cor. 11.5 Gal. 2.9 messenger And whereas there is in Scripture mention of the chiefest Apostles it implyeth that there was some disparity among the Apostles And what degree or order is that inferiour if it be not that w 2. Tim. 4.5 Euangelistship which is aboue the Pastorship which Timothy had who was also called Bishop yea * Phil. 1.1 Bishop not onely ouer lay people but ouer y 1. Tim. 1.3 Ministers Priests Elders or Pastours also Truely therefore and properly in the Diuine Seruice are Bishops signified to be the Apostles of Christs Church as where it is sayd in the Seruice of Confirmation We make our humble supplications vnto thee for these children vpon whom after the example of the holy Apostles we haue laide our hands to certifie them by this signe of thy fauour and gracious goodnesse toward them So in the Diuine Seruice for the consecration of Bishops where it is sayd by the Archbishop Brethren it is written in the Gospell of Saint Luke that our Sauiour Christ continued the z Luke 6.12.13 whole night in prayer or euer that hee did choose and send foorth his twelue Apostles It is written also in the Acts of the Apostles that the Disciples which were at Antioch did a Acts fast and pray or euer they laide hands vpon or sent forth Paul and Barnabas Let vs therefore b 1. Cor. 11.1 following the example of our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles first fall to prayer or that wee admit and send forth this person presented vnto vs to the worke whereunto wee trust the Holy Ghost hath called him CHAP. 38. Of Prophetship that euery kind thereof is not for euer ceased WHereas the Church both in the prayer afore the ordering of Priests and also in the prayer afore the consecrating of Bishops mentioneth That Christ hath giuen Prophets to his Church together with the diuerse orders of the constant Ministery it is necessary to consider what kind of prophetship that is Saint Paul sayth to the Corinthians c 1. Cor. 14.3 He that prophesieth speaketh vnto men to edification and exhortation and comfort Insteed of which prophesying then ordinarily vsed in the Church of Corinth there is now vsed the exercise called Preaching And therefore because preaching now is to the same effect as the ordinary prophecying then in the congregation was therefore the word for prophecying is somtimes rendred * As in the margent of the Geneua Translatiō of 1. Cor. 11.3 preaching But the Prophetship mentioned in the aforesayd prayers appeareth to be a greater gift in that it standeth in the second place Yea Paul himselfe in an other place sayth d 1. Cor. 12.28 God hath set in the Church first Apostles secondly Prophets thirdly Teachers c. As e Ephes 4.11 Christ gaue some to be Apostles some to be Prophets● some to be Euangelists some to be Pastors and some to be Teachers So in the Church of the Iewes afore Christs Incarnation there was an high Priest f Math. 2.4 chiefe Priests Priests of the g 1 Ch●or 24. second Order and Leuites and also Prophets And of such as were called Prophets some were of greater gifts than other In the new Testament after Christs Ascension some are named Prophets as h Act. 11.27 28 Agabus i Acts 21.10.11 Iudas Silas c. Agabus foretold there should be a great dearth throughout all the would which came to passe in the dayes of Claudius Caesar He foretold also to Saint Paul that the Iewes should deliuer him into the hands of the Gentiles Iudas and k Act. 15.32 Silas are sayd to haue exhorted the brethren in Antioch with many words and to haue confimed them l Act. 17.10 Silas afterward accompanied Paul and laboured with him in publishing the Gospell In the writings of the Euangelists and Apostles there is nomention that Prophets were made by ordination but all whom it is sayd the Church did ordaine were either to serue as Apostles or Euangelists or Elders or as Deacons It is written that there hath beene times when no Prophet was in the Church As in the Booke of the Psalmes it is sayd m Psal 74.9 We see not our signes there is no more any Prophet neither is there among vs any that knoweth how long It appeareth to be so in the dayes of the Maccabees when as it was sayd n 1. Mac. 4.46 1. Mac. 14 41. The stones of the Altar were layd vp in the mountaine of the Temple in a conuenient place vntill there should come a Prophet to shew what should bee done with them The principall Prophets or such as were endued with the measure of grace which for the dignity thereof obtained the greatest account next vnto those of the highest degree in the Ministery of the Church seeme to be men of a singular diuine vnderstanding o Ier. 1.9 10. raised vp of God for p Hag. 1.1.2 spirituall occasions in speciall times And this may be obserued not only out of the beginning euen of euery Prophets Booke in the Bible but also out of many places in Scripture where mention is of Prophets and their Prophesying For this present there shall be no mention of what Prophets Christ hath giuen to his Church since the first Apostles dayes but onely of the * The Church in her 30. Canō termeth them Great Diuines Fathers in the Apostolicall Church of England who liued when the Reformation was well forwarded Were not those holy men endued with a certaine measure of propheticall grace or of the Holy Ghost or of heauenly light in the knowledge of the true Christianity more than were the Fathers of the Church generally which liued for many ages afore them in that they obserued a spirituall darknesse to haue couered most people whereof former times tooke none or very little notice and in that also they composed three bookes for Diuine Seruice wherein there is so glorious and so plenteous a deliuery of the true Apostolicall Diuinity and of the true Christian Religion as the like no Fathers in any Church of Christendome euer afore set forth And if the sayd bookes were now to be composed none were
to give diligent eare with all reverence and silence c. And in the last * P. 10. part thereof it is saith Thus yee have heard dearely beloved out of Gods word what reverence is due to the Holy house of the Lord how all godly persons ought with diligence at times appointed thither to repaire how they ought to behave themselves there with reverence and dread before the Lord what plagues and punishments aswell temporall as eternall the Lord in his holy word threatneth as well to such as neglect to come to his holy house is also to such who comming thither doe unreverently by gesture or talke there behave themselves Holy Church hath also made a Constitution or * Canon 18. Canon concerning reverence and attention to bee used within the Church in time of divine Service saying In the time of Divine Service and of every part thereof all due reverence is to bee used For it is according to the Apostles rule c 1 Cor. 14.40 Let all things bee done decently and according to order Answerable to which decencie and order wee judge these our directions following No man shall d 1 Cor. 11.4.7 Omnis vir prophetans nempe ut inquit Iun. in annot ad 1 Cor. 11.4 memoriter aut de scripto enuncians verbum ipsum Dei sermone aut cantu nam etiam Prophetae Cymbolis et Levitae olim in templo instrumentis musicis personantes in testamento vetere dicti sunt prophetare aut mente enunciantem sequens ut priva●● in ecclesia faciunt cover his head in the Church or Chappell in the time of Divine Service except hee have some infirmity In which case let him weare a e Mal. 1.6 night-cap or Coife All manner of persons then present shall reverently kneele upon their knees when the generall Confession Letanie and other Prayers are read shall stand up at the saying of the Beleefe according to the rules in that behalfe prescribed in the Booke of Common prayer And likewise when in time of Divine Service the Lord Iesus shall bee mentioned due lowly reverence shall be done by all persons present as it hath beene accustomed * Consider now unpartially that each of the reverences is prescribed for a godly signification Testifying by these outward Ceremonies and gestures their inward humility Christian resolution and due acknowledgement that the Lord Iesus Christ the true and eternall Sonne of God is the onely Saviour of the world in whom alone all the mercies grace and promises of God to mankinde for this life and the life to come are fully and wholy comprised As the Church hath thus zealously and holily prescribed that Almighty God may have due reverence of people assembled before him for to worship so there was not long agoe set forth an Advertisement hereto by the late most Reverend Father in God George Archbishop of Yorke being then Lord Bishop of London The which being a delivery ever memorable it hath seemed good for to adde here and it is as followeth To all and every the Ministers Church-wardens and Side-men within the City Suburbs and Diocesse of London VVHereas I am daily advertised by the relations of many honest and Religious persons of a generall misbehaviour in most Churches in and about the Citie of London in time of Divine Service Men and Boyes sitting then covered with their Hats on their heads without all shew of reverence or respect either of that holy place or action the one being the house of Almighty God the other a continued vicissitude as it were of speech betweene God and his people The due consideration whereof might easily induce any well disposed Christian to use such outward Posture and gesture of his body as becommeth that sacred place and the great Majestie of that God to whom they come at that time professedly to performe a divine worship I have therefore thought it my duty instantly to recommend to you the Ministers Church-wardens and Side-men the reformation of this profane abuse scandalous to our Religion against an expresse Law in that case provided and condemned by the contrary practice of all Christians in all ages in their like solemnities and assemblies praying and requiring you to joyne together your utmost and best endeavours to effect the same for which purpose it shall bee necessary for you the Church-wardens and Side-men during the time of Divine Service diligently to looke about the Church and where you see any covered if Boyes or of the younger sort these to shame openly by pulling off their Hats and chastice with such discipline as you have been laudably accustomed to inflict upon such rude and unmannerly fellowes If of the elder or better sort though I well hope that none of that condition out of their owne judgement will hereafter offend in this kinde those to admonish gravely of their duety representing unto them the inconveniences of this their ill example and how directly repugnant it is to the Apostles rule of decency in the Church thus to celebrate Diuine Seruice and to performe a professed and Religious worship of Almighty God After which your admonition if any shall obstinately refuse to uncover his or their heads in Service time you shall then present them to mee or my Chancellour to the end that they by the severity of censures may bee amended by whom brotherly and gentle perswasions have beene contemned Moreover also I am certainely informed that the publike Service of Almighty God in the Churches is much omitted and thereby come to neglect and almost scorned forasmuch as the Ministers reade not Divine Service the first and second service before their Sermons according to the order of our Church Liturgie and the Canon in that case provided I doe therefore hereby require all the Parsons Vicars and Curates in my Diocesse to take care that they offend not in this kinde strictly likewise requiring you the Church-wardens and Side-men that according to your oathes you present to me or my Chancelour those Ministers that shall be faulty in this kind c. The Law of the Lord is Yee shall keepe my Sabbaths and f Lev. 19.30 reverence my Sanctuary The Prophet David saith God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the Saints and to be had in g Ps 89.7 reverence of all them that are about him The Lord by his Prophet Malachi complaineth that reverence is not done unto him saying A son honoureth his Father and a servant his Master If then I be a Father where is mine h Mal. 1.6 honour And if I bee a Master where is my feare saith the Lord David therefore saith Serve the Lord in feare and rejoyce unto him with i Ps 2.11 as in the divine Service translation Of putting and keeping off or not wearing the common uppermost covering of the head in time of divine Service reverence S. Paul saith to the Corinthians I would have you know that the head of every man