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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06134 The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time. VVherein is also set downe the beginning, continuance, succession, and ouerthrowes of kings, kingdomes, states, and gouernments. By Lodovvik Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16619; ESTC S108762 565,858 746

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much as the Image of Iupiter This could not be suffered and therefore Caesars Image was taken away for this cause and others which Caligula supposed against the Iewes for that he hated them extreemely Great slaughter was in Ierusalē Agrippa being cast into close prison by Tiberius is now not onely released and set at libertie but also made king of Lysania and chiefe in the Tetrarchie in the place of Herode before him but both Herod and Agrippa were exalted into these great honours as scourges and tortures to the Christians whom they persecuted to the death for now the Apostles were dispersed preaching the Name of Iesus in all countreys Iohn in Asia Andrew in Scythia Thomas in Parthia Peter in Gallatia Bythinia Pontus and Cappadocia Paul also after his conuersion doubted no danger feared no death but boldly and constantly preached In omnem terram exiuit sonus eorum that many godly men were stirred by their preaching to followe Christ first at Caesarea and then at Antioch for there were first Christians conuerted Many wonders were done by the Apostles through the name of Iesus the more that tyrants persecuted them the more increased the doctrine of the Church the more they were slaine by the sworde the more they increased in nomber by the word for at the stoning of Stephen the first Martyr many dispersed themselues into sundrie places At the beheading of Iames the brother of Iohn at the hanging of Philip the Apostle at Hieropolis at the martyring of Iames sirnamed the Iust called also the brother of Christ in Iudea these with infinite more Martyrs in the first persecution made the whole worlde amazed at their constancie and faith though the deuil stirred his apostles and sent them abroade likewise as aduersaries to the Church of God Simon Magus the Samaritane sorcerer flourished at Rome vnder Claudius the Emperour hauing all diuine honours attributed vnto him with his Image set vp and his Epigram Simoni deo sancto hauing before seduced many in Samaria and in other places from the trueth This Simon Magus the first causer of heresie after whom succeeded a monster likewise of Samaria professing himselfe to be the Messias whom the Iewes looked for saying that he came from heauen to earth to saue mankinde with such other blasphemies as Eusebius setteth forth at large Of these and of others I shall speake when I entreate of heretiques among whom Simon was the first fountaine and chiefe head of heresie so that Satan did set forward his church with al care and trauaile obiecting himselfe with his disciples against our Sauiour in all doctrine as long as it pleased God to licence him This time Tiberius Claudius raigned the first Emperour in Rome and in like order as his predecessor Caligula persecuted the Church Vnder this Emperour great famine happened in all parts of the world at what time Paul and Barnabas relieued the brethren at Ierusalem and in other places persecution grew more and more euen then in somuch that Paul and Peter were pursued from place to place vntill they came to bee martyred at Rome the one beheaded and the other hanged yet had they established the Church before their death Marcus the Euangelist and the disciple of Peter preached Christ in Egypt and taught in Alexandria so that many were conuerted and beleeued Hee was the first bishop of Alexandria and taught in the regions about vntill Pentapolis and after was lead with a halter about his necke and burned by Idolaters vnder Traiane the Emperour Matthewe being before one of the 70. disciples and after ioyned by drawing of lots into the nomber of the twelue Apostles in the place of Iudas the traitor taught and preached to the sauage people in Aethiopia about the riuer Phasis where hee left his bones in testimonie of the Gospel in the citie of Sebastopolis by the temple of the Sunne Euen so Luke borne in Antioch a Phisition by profession a follower of Paul by whose admonition hee wrote the Actes of the Apostles preaching and teaching the Gospel euery where died at Ephesus So that in those dayes the Apostles and the other disciples which then followed the Apostles were so persecuted by tyrants that mightily trauailed among the people of God to reduce them from the Church as Aegyptus a false prophet who by subtiltie and craft of the deuill seduced thirtie thousande Iewes and brought them from the wildernesse where hee taught them into mount Oliuet thinking thereby to laye siege and to take the citie by the sworde but hee was preuented by Felix the Romane Of this Aegyptus Paul was cried out vpon when the sedition was in Hierusalem Reade the one and twentieth of the Actes when Paul was brought before Felix And now in the time of Domitius Nero vnder whome the second persecution beganne they were more wearie of their slaughter of Christians and of their tyrannie towardes the Church then able to wearie those whome God raised as defenders and gouernours of his people for while this cruel Emperor Nero raigned Felix ruled in Iudea at what time beganne betweene the bishops and the hie Priestes against the people and against the chiefe Citizens of Hierusalem a newe sedition in the which many of the Iewes perished amongst whome Ionathas was slaine The like happened as you heard in the time of Claudius about the feast of Easter that thirtie thousand Iewes were slaine This Nero armed against God and settled to some in Christian blood first charging Felix to kill to murther and to persecute all sort of people but specially the Iewes After he sent Festus to succeede Felix and after Felix Albinus a cruel man by whom much blood was lost was sent from Rome to Ierusalem all persecuters and tormenters of the faithfull in somuch that the congregation of the faithfull at that time in Ierusalem were warned to remooue to Pella a village beyonde Iorden to auoyde the furie and hot persecution of that time for this cruel Nero was not onely contented to be a tyrant farre from Rome but also in the citie of Rome he would see the people of God so martyred before his face some with the sword some with fire and some otherwayes that he was most meerie when he saw much blood and yet was not satisfied vntil he saw Rome on fire it selfe he is named amongst some writers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for while this Emperour raigned in Rome Peter and Paul were martyred But his tragicall actions had their iust reward euen in Rome where hee was Emperour after that he had raigned almost 14. yeeres The contempt of Christ Iesus grew such in Iudea though the Prophets before he was borne preached vnto them the danger of their incredulitie and the Apostles after he was borne taught them and shewed the workes of Christ and Christ him selfe while yet hee liued among them wrought miracles and wonders yet the Iewes in
admonished to stand to his faith most stoutly and dyed for the same This time againe another sedicion began in Alexandria for sooner the great Ocean could be emptied from water then Alexandria purged from sedicion Of this sedicion Dionysius wrote to Hierax byshop of Egypt and also a terrible sicknesse that then reigned in Alexandria for the rewarde of their persecution which so long and so vehement endured which was warre hunger and pestilence that they were so plagued in Alexandria for their crueltie against the Church of Christ as Egypt was for their tyrannie shewed to the Israelites These and many other things wrote Dionysius into Egypt into Affrike and to al Asia to instruct the brethren of the tumults sedicion and persecution in Alexandria and after of the warres hunger and plague that ensued the same Nowe a Synod was called at Rome to consult of the heresie of Paulus Samosatenus who denied the Diuinitie and Eternitie of our Sauiour Christ for at that time Paulus Samosatenus succeeded Demetrianus in Antiochia and for that he thought so impiously of Christ affirming in all pointes that hee was but a man a Synod also was called at Antiochia where diuers learned byshops and other godly preachers came together amongst whom Firmilianis byshop of Caesarea in Cappadocia Gregorius Nazianzenus and his brother Athenodorus which were byshops in Pontus Helenus byshop of Tarsus Hymeneus byshop of Ierusalem and Theolecnus with Maximus the one byshop of Caesarea in Palestina the other byshop of Bosteana in Arabia with many more which for breuitie sake I omit where Samosatenus was confuted by Malchion a reader of the Greeke lecture in Antiochia a subtill schooleman and a perfect good Christian so that at length Samosatenus was condemned as a heretike and driuen out of his bishoprike by the commaundement of Aurelianus the Emperour This time began one other heretike called Manes to sowe the seede of Satan of whom sprang those heretikes called the Manichees and as persecution seased some time so heresie at that very time beganne to encrease Nowe reigned this time these byshops in Rome Alexandria Antiochia and in other places 1 First in Rome after Stephanus reigned Xistus 23. Byshop of 2 Rome after him Dionysius the 24 Byshop after Dionysius 3. 4. Felix the 25. then Eutichianus the 26. Byshoppe and 5 Gaius the 27. Byshop In Alexandria after that godly Dionysius of whome you 6 heard of succeeded Maximus after Maximus succeded 7 Theonas After Demetrianus in Antioch fourteene Bishops This Paulus Samosatenus being as an Heretike condemned succeeded him Domnus Demetrianns sonne After him succeeded Timaeus After Timaeus succeeded that great and famous scholler Cyrillus In Laodicea Eusebius a learned man was Byshop and many other Byshops in other places as Hymeneus and Labdas two Byshops of Ierusalem CHAP. IIII. From Dioclesian vnder whom the vehementest persecutions of any reigned vntill the reigne of Alexand. Seuerus by whose good meanes and great trauatle persecution somewhat slackt at what time diuers Heresies beganne fresh in many places of Asia and Europe NOwe Dioclesianas the Emperour beginneth to reigne in Rome vnder whome the greatest perseucution of all fell for the like against the Christians was at no time seene for some rest they had in all places by meanes of learned mens Epistles to other emperors before this but now were Churches throwen downe sacred bookes burned and godly learned Byshops persecuted in such sort that I wish them that desire to knowe the miserie and aflictions of Christians of that time to reade Eusebius his eight booke of his Ecclesiasticall histories and there he shall reade howe that in Palestina and in Phoenicia Christians were throwen most cruelly to bee deuoured of beastes which beasts though they were such as were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet had no power to touch them though they were lyons beares wilde bulles and such others which made the people amased which thing being certified vnto the Romane magistrate Viturius he commaunded them to be slaine with the sword and their bodies to be throwen into the sea The like persecution fell in Egypt where an infinite number were haled and drawen by the head by the feete some hauing their bones broken some their sinowes stretched some hanged aliue to famine by their legges vpwarde some tortured sundry wayes in the fire with diuers other inuentions of torments that some dayes tenne some dayes twentie some thirtie and some dayes a hūdred were persecuted most tyrannically which continued not for dayes but for yeeres for it was lawful for any other man to abuse to punish and to compell Christians to Idolatrie and to obey their religion The persecution was so sore in his time that 1700. were martyred and slaine in thirtie dayes and they were the best and chiefest men in Palestina Phoenicia Egypt so was Philoromus a gouernour and a magistrate in Alexandria Phileas Bishop of Egypt and these whose names among thousands I pickt out for that they are great men and magistrates and gouernors 1 Authimus Byshop of Nicomedia 2 Lucianus Byshop of Tyrus 3 Senobius one of the elders of Sidon 4 Syluanus Byshop of Emisa who in the very towne where he was Bishop with diuers other Martyrs with him were made as baites and prayes for rauening beastes 5 Another Syluanus who was martyred with 39. other Martyrs of Palestina this Syluanus was Byshop of Gaza 6. 7. Pelus and Nilus two Byshops of Egypt with many moe were martyred with diuers torments and at last burned Pamphilus an Elder the very ornament of Caesarea died a most constant Martyr Out of Alexandria were martyred most cruelly for their profession and faith many graue learned Byshops and Elders of the Church of Christ as Petrus then Byshop of Alexandria with whome dyed Faustus Dicius and Ammonius three of the most learned and vertuous Elders of that Church After these Phileas Hesicheus Pachimius and Theodorus 4. godly Byshops ouer the Churches of Egypt perfect Martyrs of Christ Iesus and of his Church What shoulde I rehearse millions more that constantly professed Christ refused no death no torments for his sake such was the mercie of God towarde his Church that the more that tyraunts persecuted Christians to death the more the number multiplied their faith encreased and the Church florished insomuch that a noble man of Nicomedia perceiuing the tyrannie and the affliction of the Christians and the vehement persecution that nowe endured in the time of Dioclesian being a Magistrate in the very face of the Romanes brake in pieces the Emperours letters and his decree concerning further punishment of the godly though in Nicomedia then were two Emperours yet this noble man feared not for IESVS sake and his saintes not onely to breake the commaundement of Caesar his lord and Emperour but also most boldly stood to it to the death Besides diuers others at that time in Nicomedia suffered most willingly