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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02895 The pageant of popes contayninge the lyues of all the bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, archbishops, and popes, vvhereof the two first are contayned in two bookes, and the third sort in fiue. In the vvhich is manifestlye shevved the beginning of Antichriste and increasing to his fulnesse, and also the vvayning of his povver againe, accordinge to the prophecye of Iohn in the Apocalips. ... Written in Latin by Maister Bale, and now Englished with sondrye additions by I.S.; Acta Romanorum pontificum. English Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Studley, John, 1545?-1590? 1574 (1574) STC 1304; ESTC S100602 276,183 440

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stil in his Apostelship at Hierusalem and not in his pontificall dignitie at Rome But here it may be fayde that S. Hierome and diuers other whiche followe him do recken that this synode was helde Anno domini 51. and do grounde it vpō the foresaid wordes of Paule ▪ for where as Paule speaking of his conuersion at Damasco sayth that after three yeares he came to Hierusalem and then after fourtene yeres he retourned agayne to Hierusalem this is to be vnderstoode not xiiii yeares from his conuersion but from his former being at Hierusalem and so cōsequently in the xvii yere of his conuersion whiche should be also the ix yeare of the raigne of Claudius This is the computation of Hierome but this is easely disproued for in the ninth yeare of Claudius the Iewes were all banished from Rome because saith Suetonius they made tumultes Impulsore Christo by meanes of Christe And at this time Paule was at Athens as Vspergensis writeth and it appeareth like wyse by the history of the Actes for Paule departing from Athens went to Corinth where he met with Aquila and Priscilla who saith the text were lately come frō Italy because Claudius had commaunded that all Iewes should depart from Rome This being euident that Paule was at this time at Athens it is further to be considered whether he might not be at Hierusalem the same yeare at the counsell or no. Moste certaine it is that Paule was at the counsell and that it was held before his comming to Athens and that so long time that the onely consideration thereof might be sufficient to proue that the same synode was not helde the same yeare For those questiōs being discussed about which they were assembled Paule and Barnaba with certaine other returned with letters from Hierusalem to Antioche where they stayed and taried preaching and teaching for a tyme till at the length Paule agreed with Barnabas to go visite the brethren in those cities wher they had taught the gospell So that Paule passed from Antioche to Syria Cilicia confirming the churches Afterwarde he came to Derba and Lystra where he founde Timothie and hauing circumcized him he toke him with him and as they passed forth saith Luke from citie to citie they gaue vnto them the institutions of the Apostles and Elders of of Hierusalem that they should obserue them so that the churches were confirmed in faith and encreased daily Also they walked throughout Phrygia and Galacia and being forbiddē by the spirite to preache in Asia they went to Nysia from thence to Troada from thence to Samothracia then to Neaples and so to Philippis and stayed there certayne daies from thence to Thessalonica where Paule preached three wekes from thence he went to Beraea and there preached with great fruite till the Iewes came thether from Thessalonica to disquiet him and from this Berea Paule was conueied to Athens Nowe let the diligent reader cōsider all these iourneies with other circumstances as continuance of time and distance of place and Paules abiding in euery place to preache diligently and then iudge whether the forsayde synode could be held this same yeare that Paule came to Athens Waying also that many more notable cities are in these coūtreies Galacia Mysia Phrigia and the rest visited by Paule but not spokē of in the Actes Againe considering that the Apostle traueled by lande all moste altogether that by leasurable iourneyes on foote he could not finishe thousandes of miles in short time but that it were very harde for him to come to Athens the same yere Beside al this if it were to be vnderstode as Hierome maketh it then if ye accompt it in the table ye shall finde it to be one yeare further that is the yeare 52. and it is plaine to be more vntrue for then by this time Paule had continued a yeare in Corinthe and so had not bene in Hierusalē in two yeares before The conclusion therefore is that the said counsell could not be holdē according to the accompte made by Hierome ▪ and therfore S. Paules wordes must be vnderstoode as I sayde before namely of fourtene yeares after his conuersion and then it is euident that Peter was yet in Hierusalem in the yeare 49. But to procede it may be demaūded where Peter was from the time of his deliuery out of pryson at Hierusalem to the time of this synode that is from the fourth yeare of Claudius to the seuenth yere of his raigne Perhaps Peter went to Rome at some time betwene those yeares Nicephorus sayth that in the fifth yere of Claudius Peter was at Hierusalem at the death of the virgin Mary But if we weigh diligently the history of the scripture conferring one place with an other it shall appeare that although it be not specified in the actes yet Peter was at Antioche in this time For Paule in the secōd to the Gallathians saith that Peter came to Antioche whiche could not be at anye time before this time of his deliuery out of pryson as may appeare by the former part of this discourse Againe diuerse reasons there are whiche moue me to thinke that it was before the tyme of this counsell for first Peter being at Antioche Paule sayth of him self that he reproued Peter euen to his face because that he did eate with the Gentils till certaine came from Iames from Hierusalem and then Peter being afrayde to offende those circumcised did shrinke away from the Gentils And the rest of the Iewes yea and Barnabas also fell into the same dissimulation with them This dissembling of Peter is one reason to proue that it was before the counsell for it semed to Peter a doubtfull matter whether he might be conuersaunt with the Gentils whiche if it had bene as it was afterwarde by the counsell determined that circumcision was not necessary then had Peter bene out of doubt what to do therein and would haue delt plainely according to the truth which he had knowen manifestly Agayne if it had bene after the counsell the matter being discussed and agreed vpon Peter should not haue had any cause to dissemble for feare of offending them in that point that came from Iames neyther neded he to haue mistrusted that they would mislike of that whiche should haue bene allowed by the churche neither would Peter haue regarded more their vniust offēce then the decre of the counsell Last of all in the beginning of the 15. of the Actes Luke maketh mencion of suche that came from Hierusalem and troubled the churche at Antioche about circumcision and howe Paule and Barnabas stoode against them and hereupon ensued the said counsell And thus it appeareth that Peter was at Antioch at this time and hetherto therfore to the yeare of the incarnacion 49 he came not within a thousand miles of Rome ¶ Anno Domini 50. and 51. IN the latter yeare of these twayne being the ninth yeare of Claudius al the Iewes as is proued
and vniust dealinge which the Popes haue vsed seing that seate of Rome hath sustaind within so fevve yeares so manye leude persons tyrantes theues filchers robbers rebels adulterers and open purloyners of Church goodes And who in Gods name vvill reuerence that as holye which receiueth so many plagues but as yet the nomber of the wicked ones is not fulfilled as shal follow immediatlye c. The ende of the fourth Booke THE FIFTE BOOKE contayninge the thirde diuision of the thirde order of Popes or Romaine Antichristes in the kingdome of the greate Dragon which is the deuill and sathan Apocalips 20. vnto the time of Innocentius the fourth FRō Ioan the eighte who was an harlot for the space of 146. yeares to this yeare being the thousand yere from Christe his incarnation Antichrist raigned like an harlot in the Churche of Rome pretending chastity in the meanetime Yet we see howe here the prophecye in Daniel 11. concerninge Antichriste was fulfilled contayned in these words And Antichrist shal be in the cōcupiscence of women We see in these former historyes howe these Popes haue liued in wantonesse royat whoredome and worse thē whoredome incest pride ambition robbinge and riflinge Churches coniuringe treason rebellion discention murders poysoninges such other detestable enormities So that according to the saying of Esaie they deserue rather to be called the Princes of Sodom thē the elders of the Church Consequentlye after the thousande yeare after Christes byrth it was prophesyed that the deuil should be let loose and this shal be called the kingdome of the great Dragon wherin the actes of the Popes do wonderfully aunsweare vnto it both in Syluester the second who wyth his Necromancye raysed the deuill from hell and hauinge coniured him vp did compounde wyth him for the Popedome And againe in Benedict the ix who made sacrifyce vnto the deuill in woodes and vppon mountayne toppes In Hildebrand or Gregorie the seuenth who toke counsaile of euill spirites and vsed other diuelish charmes beside other 81. Syluester the second SYluester the seconde was a Frenchman in profession a monke and called Gilbert before he was Pope He was of S. Benedicts order in an abbey at Florence where he being a yonge man and addicted whollye to deuilishe artes betoke himselfe to the deuill both bodye and soule Afterward forsaking that abbey he went into Spaine delightīg much in prophane sciences came to Hispalis vnto a certaine Philosopher being a Sarracen and expert in Magick of whom he learned much both sorcerye and ambitiō and began to deuise howe he might attaine to greate honour riches and thought in deede that coniuringe and Necromancye were the meetest wayes to come by hys purpose He had espyed before in the house of his host a certaine cōiuring booke and did his endeuour to steale it awaye but the Magician kept it so deuoutlye that Gilbert coulde not come by it therfore he inueigled the Magiciās doughter wyth whom beinge in the house he had good acquaintance ●o steale her fathers booke and let him haue a sight thereof the mayde fulfilled his request so he obtayned his purpose He hauing the booke went about to depart by stealth but fearing least this might endaunger his life for stealing the booke he gaue himselfe to the deuill vppon this condition that he should warrant him to passe safelye into Fraūce and to obtayne great dignityes He came into Fraunce taught the liberal Sciences so as many had him in admiration wherby he had a nomber of scholers and auditors some of great calling that learned the former artes of him as Cōstantine abbot of Maximin Lotharius Archbishop of Seuen Otho the Emperours sonne Roberte kinge of Fraunce wyth sondrye other bishops prelats priestes of Rome By the procurement of these parsons he was made first bishop of Remen afterward by his leude artes he obtayned to be Archbishop of Rauenna Last of all he obtayned to be Pope of Rome by the helpe of the deuill whom he w t coniuration raysed out of hell according to the xx of the Apocalips For Peter Praemonstratensis other wryters saye that he was made Pope in the Thousande yeare of our Lords Incarnation In the which yere sayth Masfeus was a great and terrible earthquake and a blasinge starre horrible to loke vppon the xiiii day of December In his Popedome he concealed his coniuring and dissembled that familiarity which he had with the deuill but yet he kepte in a certaine secrete place a brasen heade of which when he demaunded anye thinge hee receyued aunsweare of an euil spirit At the length in his pontificality he would needes demaūde of the deuil how longe he should be Pope the deuill aunswered doubtfullye and misticallye sayinge he should not dye vntill he sayd Masse in Hierusalem He therfore conceyuing good hope of longe life began to ware carelesse thinking to take heede enoughe of comminge in Hierusalem But the vse was that on a certaine day of stations in the Lent time the Popes should say masse at Rome in the Pallayce of the holy Crosse which was called Hierusalem wherevppon Syluester not fearinge his life nor heedefull enoughe to forecast the deuils despite accordinge to custome said masse in the same Chappel And by by a terrible shyueringe and quakinge came vppon him wyth a great feuer and by the rumbling noyse of deuils as Peter Praemōstratensis Platina say he perceyued his death was at hand and that he must paye the deuill his fee. And thus bewayling lamenting openly the abuse of his charmes he confessed his fault til he perished miserablye And sayth Benno he commaunded his tongue and his handes to be cut of wherewith he had blasphemed God in sacrifisinge vnto deuils thus he dyed Anno 1003. The reporte is that the tombe of this Syluester doth euer since prognosticate the death of the Pope by the ratlinge of the bones and the gushing out of water that ryseth out of the groūd about it as also sayth Platina is testifyed by the Epitaphe written on his graue 82. Iohn the 19. IOhn the 19. an Italian did likewise succeede Syluester and gat to be Pope by the deuils ayde for sayth Benno the scholers of the sayde Syluester being coniurers euerye one gaped for the Popedome This Iohn did take from the people the election of the Pope sayinge in behalfe of his doing that the clergye must teache the people but not followe them And againe the lawe which is ruled by Gods spirite is more worthye then that which is mans lawe He allowed commaunded to establishe in all Churches the feast of al soules at the motiō of one Odiloe abbot of Clunie whoe dreamed that soules were deliuered oute of Purgatorye by vertue of the masse and sayd that he harde the deuils houle and roare while the soules were takē frō them through dirges trentalles After he had raigned 5. monthes he was poysoned by his owne frendes In his time the name of Cardinals began to grow