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A44364 The spirit of the martyrs revived in a brief compendious collection of the most remarkable passages and living testimonies of the true church, seed of God, and faithful martyrs in all ages: contained in several ecclesiastical histories & chronological accounts of the succession of the true church from the creation, the times of the fathers, patriarchs, prophets, Christ and the Apostles. Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1664 (1664) Wing H2663A; ESTC R224173 399,190 375

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do against me So I remained a Prisoner about ten daies in Coventry being never called to my Answer contrary to Law they having no Warrant to apprehend me but my elder Brother God lay not their extream doing against me to their charge at the great Day The second day after the Bishops coming to Coventry the Goaler was ordered to carry me before him when I came before the Bishop he said he was my Bishop for lack of a better and willed me to submit my self I said I am not come to Accuse my self what have you to lay to my charge He asked me whether I was learned I answered smally learned The Chancellor standing by said I was a Master of Art Then the Bishop laid to my charge my not coming to Church Here I might have dallied with him and put him to his proofs knowing that none of the Citizens were able to prove any such matter against me but I answered I neither had nor would come at their Church as long as their Mass was used there to save if I had them five hundred lives I willed him to shew me one jot or tittle in the Scripture for the proof and defence of the Mass He answered he came to teach and not to be taught I was content I said to learn of him so far as he was able to teach me by the Word of God Bishop Who shall judge the Word Glover Christ was contend the People should judge of his Doctrine by searching the Scriptures and so was Paul I am content the Primitive Church next the Apostles time shall judge betwixt you and me But he refused to be judged by these Then he said I am your Bishop and therefore you must believe me Glover If you say black is white must I say as you say Here the Chancellor noted me to be arrogant because I would not give place to my Bishop Glover If you must be believed because you are a Bishop why find you fault with the People that believed L●timer Ridly and Hooper who were Bishops Bishop Because they were Hereticks Glover And may not you err To which the Bishop instead of making answer asserted his Authority c. The next day after I was had to Liechfield which at first discouraged me considering my weakness of body until I considered the same God that had preserved me was able to preserve me there so long as I put my trust in him When I came to Liechfield the same night I was put in a Prison where I continued until I was condemned in a place next to the Dungeon a narrow Room strong of building and very cold with small light and there I was allowed a bundle of Straw instead of my Bed without any thing to sit down upon but God of his great Mercy through prayer gave me great patience that night so that if it had been his pleasure I could have been contented to have ended my life the Bishops man came to me in the morning who was my Keeper to whom I said this is a great exteamity God send us patience and no more Then they were content that I should have a Bed of my own procuring but I was allowed no help night nor day nor company of any man notwithstanding my great sickness nor yet Paper Pen or Ink or Books save my new Testament in Latine and another little Book which I got in privately About two dayes after the Chancellor and one Temsey a Prebendary came to me to the Prison and exhorted me to conform to the Bishop and to the Church I said I refused not to be ordered by that Church that was ordered by the Word of God Chancellor How know you the Word of God but by the Church Glover said to the Chancellor The Church sheweth which is the Word of God therefore the Church is above the Word of God This is no good reason in Learning for its like unto this John shewed the People who was Christ ●ergo John was above Christ The Chancellor said he came not to reason with me so I remained without any further Conference with any man by the space of eight dayes till the Bishop came in which ti●● I gave my self continually to prayer and meditation I found in my self daily an amendment of health in my body and increase of peace in Conscience and many consolations from God by the help of his holy Spirit and sometimes a taste and glimmering of the Life to come though the Enemy ceased not many times sundry wayes to assault me When the Bishop came to Liechfield I was had before him in a by Chamber next my Prison when I came and saw none but his Officers Chaplains and Servants except and Old Priest I was partly amazed and lifted up my heart to God for his mercifull help and assistance Some discourse at that time the Bishop had with this faithfull Martyr concerning the Sacrament and Confession the usual Snares but his last Examination when he was condemned I do not find upon Record but this I find noted that after Condemnation this Servant of the Lord was under some exercise of heaviness and dulness of Spirit and desolate of all Spiritual Consolation and full of much discomfort and unaptness to bear the bitter Cross of Martyrdom ready to be laid upon him Whereupon he fearing in himself lest the Lord had utterly withdrawn his wonted favour from him made his condition known to one Austen Bernher his faithfull Friend how that he had earnestly prayed day and night to the Lord and yet could receive no motion nor sense of any comfort from him Austen exhorted him patiently to wait the Lords pleasure and howsoever his present feeling was yet seeing his Cause was just and true to stick constantly to the same and not to doubt but the Lord in his good time would visit him and satisfie his desire with plenty of Consolation the next day as he was going to the place of Execution he was so mightily replenished with holy Comfort and Heavenly Joyes that he cryed out to Austen Bernher and said Austen He is come he is come In the same Fire with him was burned Cornelius Bongey of Coventry Cornelius Bongey burned and condemned by the said Radulph Bishop of Coventry and Liechfield The 9th day of the Moneth called October were condemned to be burnt William Woolsey Will. Woolsey and Rob. Pygot Martyrs and Robert Pygot of Wisbidge in the Isle of Ely by John Fuller the Chancellor to the Bishop of Ely and others Doctor Fuller and some others coming to visit William Woolsey in Prison VVilliam heard all they had to say to him and then spake these words W● be unto you Scribes and Pharisees ye Hypocrites for ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven before men ye your selves go not in neither suffer ye them that come to enter in Not long after the Doctor came to VVilliam again and said to him thou troublest my Conscience wherefore I pray thee depart and rule thy Tongue so
and so godly in his life and so constant to the death that he shined as a Star most clear in the Church by his Example But to the Relation of his Sufferings his Trouble first began for refusing to sprinkle his Child after the Papistical manner for which the Earl of Oxford to whose family the said Thomas Hawkes had not long before been a retainder being apprehended and brought before the said Earl he forthwith sent him to Bonner to London with a Letter signifying his Crime his Examinations and Answers before the Bishop are very long and therefore I have thought meet to insert only some of the chief or most principal matters contained therein Being brought before the Bishop the first question he askt him was Why he left his Child unchristned so long Hawkes Because I am bound to do nothing contrary to the Word of God Bonner Why Baptism is commanded by the word of God Hawkes His Institution therein I do not deny Bonner What deny you then Hawkes I deny things invented and devised by men Bonner What things are those that so offend you Hawkes Your Oyle Spittle Cream Candle and Conjuring Water Bonner Will you deny that the whole World and your fore-Fathers were contented withall Hawkes What my Father and all the World have done I have nothing to do with but what God hath commanded me to do to that I stand Bonner The Catholick Church hath taught it Hawkes What is the Catholick Church Bonner It is the Faithful Congregation wheresoever it be dispersed throughout the World Hawkes Who is the head thereof Bonner Christ is the head thereof Hawkes Are we taught in Christ or in the Church now Bonner In John It s said he would send the Comforter which should teach you all things Hawkes I grant the Comforter was to lead into all Truth but that was not to teach a New Doctrine Bonner Ah Sir you are a right Scripture man you will have nothing but the Scripture there are a great number of your Country men of your Opinion and askt him if he knew one Bagget He said Yea. Whereupon Bagget by the Bishops order was called the Bishop telling Hawkes in mean time that he was a proud stubborn man It seemeth so to you said Hawkes because I do not bow to you Then Bagget appearing the Bishop said Do you know this man Bagget Yes Bishop He refuseth to have his Child Baptized after the custom now used in the Church what say you to it Bagget I say nothing thereto said the Bishop I le make you tell me whether it be laudable and ought not to be used in the Church Bagget I beseech you parden me he is old enough let him answer for himself Bonner Ah Sir Knave are you at that point go call me the Porter said the Bishop Thou shalt sit in the Stocks and have nothing but bread and water I perceive I have kept you to well have I made thus much of you and have I you at this point The Porter being not in the way the Bishop took him aside and bid one of his men talk with Thomas Hawkes the while who enquired of Hawkes whom he knew in Essex and who were his Teachers Hawkes replyed when I see your Commission I le make you answer and then returned the Bishop again and sitting under a Vine in his Orchard called for Bagget and Hawkes to him and to Bagget he said How say you now to Baptism Ought it to be used as now it is in the Church To which Bagget said yes it is good Bonner I befool your heart could you not have said so before you have wounded this mans Conscience Then the Bishop turned to Hawkes and said How say you now Sir this man is turned and Converted Hawkes I build my Faith neither upon this man nor upon you but upon Christ only Bonner I perceive you are a stubborn Fellow I must work another way with you to win you Hawkes Whatsoever you do I am ready to suffer it for I am in your hands and must abide it Bonner Well you are so come on your wayes you shall go in and I will use you Christian-like you shall have meat and drink but in any wise talk not Hawkes I purpose to talk nothing but the Truth Bonner I will have no Hercsie talkt on in my House Hawkes Why Is the Truth become Heresie Bonner If you will have my favour take my counsel Hawkes then let your Doctors and Servants give me no occasion for if they do I will surely utter my Conscience After Dinner some of the Chaplains fell in discourse with Thomas Hawkes and whilst they were reasoning in came the Bishop who said Did not I give you a charge not to talk Hawkes answered Did not I desire your Servants should give me no occasion Then went he into his Orchard After he had been a while in the Orchard they went to the Chapple and had Hawkes with them and took his Doctors and Hawkes with him to whom he spoke to this effect Bonner Will you be content to tarry here and your Child shall be baptized and you shall not see it so that you will agree is it Hawkes If I would have done so I need●d not to have come to you for I had the same counsel given me before Bonner Do you not think that the Queen and I cannot command it to be done in spite of your Teeth Hawkes I shall not question what the Queen can do but my consent you get never the sooner for that Bonner Well you are a stubborn young man I perceive I must work another way with you Hawkes You are in the hands of God and so am I. Bonner Whatsoever you think I would not have you speak such words to me thou art a proper young man God hath done his part unto thee I would be glad to do thee good thou knowst that I am thy Pastor and one that shall answer for thee if I do not Teach thee well Hawkes That I have said I will stand to it God willing there is no way to remove it Bonner Nay nay Hawkes Thou shalt not be so wilful remember Christ bid two go into his Vineyard the one said he would and went not the other said he would not and went Hawkes The last went Bonner Do thou likewise and I will talk Friendly with thee How sayst thou It is in the sixth of John I am the Bread of Life and the Bread that I will give is my Flesh c. Do you believe this Hawkes I must needs believe the Scripture Bonner Then I hope you are sound concerning the Sacrament Hawkes I beseech you put no more to my Conscience then what I am accused of to you Bonner Well well let us go to Evensong with that Hawkes turned his back to go out of the Chappel Bonner Why will you not tarry Hawkes No I will not It will not edifie me Then said the Bishop I pray you tarry you may pray by your self He
Benden one of the seven being brought before one Roberts of Crambrook who askt her Why she would not go to Church because Seven more burnt at Canterbury said she I cannot with a clear Conscience there is so much Idolatry committed there against the glory of God for the which she was committed to Prison but her Husband being troubled at it got a Certificate from some of the chief men of Staplehurst to the Bishop of Dover desiring her liberty When she came before the Bishop he askt her If she would go home and go to Church she said If I would have so done I need not to come hither Well said the Bishop Go thy wayes home and go to Church when thou wilt thereupon she was set at Liberty but shortly after she was again committed for the same cause and her Husband went again to desire her liberty but the Bishop told him She was an obstinate Heretick and therefore he could not deliver her then her Husband desired the Bishop that he would keep her Brother from coming to her for said he he relieves her and comforts her and perswades her not to recant this request was no sooner made but it was granted by the Bishop who commanded that she should be put into a place called Mundayes-Hole being a Vault under ground and gave a strict charge that if her Brother came at her he should be apprehended however he used what means he could to find where she was and to get at her and one morning hearing her voice as she was pouring out her sorrowfull complaints unto the Lord he invented a way how he might relieve her which was by putting Money in a loaf of bread and sticking the same upon a pole and so reaching it to her and this was five weeks after her coming thither all which time no Creature was known to come at her except her Keeper her Lodging in this Vault was only upon a little Straw between a pair of Stocks and a Stone-wall being allowed three farthings a day that is half Peny Bread and a Farthing Drink neither could she get any more for her Money wherefore she desired to have her whole allowance in Bread and used Water for her drink and thus she lay nine weeks without shifting her apparel all the time at her first committing to this place she much lamented her condition dolefully mourning that the Lord should so sequester her from her Friends but in the midst of her Supplications she considered the Right hand of the most high could change all and received comfort therein shortly after she was called before the Bishop again who askt her Whether she would go home and go to Church she replyed your extremity towards me hath thorowly satisfied me that you are not of God who seeks my utter Destruction shewing him how lame she was with lying in the cold and for lack of Food then the Bishop sent her from that filthy hole to Westgate Prison and shortly after she was called before the Bishop and others who condemned her and committed her to the Castle Prison where she continued till the 19th day of the Moneth called June and then with six others aforementioned was burnt in Canterbury The Substance of the Examinations and Answers of Matthew Plaise Weaver of the Parish of Stone Examination of Matthew Plaise in the County of Kent before Thomas Thornton Bishop of Dover and others When he came before the Bishop he askt him where he dwelt he answered at Stone in Kent Then said the Bishop You are indicted by twelve men at Ashford at the Sessions for Heresie Matthew That 's sooner said then proved and said let me hear it and I will answer to it Then the Bishop said He would not do so but you shall answer to the Article against you yea or nay Matthew answered he could not for I was not at Ashford said he but I perceive you go about to lay a Net for my Blood Arch-Deacon said Peace Peace we do not desire thy Blood and said you are suspected of Heresie and therefore we would have you confess what you believe concerning these Articles and the Bishop charged him again in the King and Queens Name to answer yea or nay to the Articles Mathew Then I commanded him in his Name that should come in Flaming Fire with his mighty Angels to render Vengance to the Disobedient and to all those that believed not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which should be punisht with Everlasting Damnation that he should speak nothing but the Truth Grounded upon Christ and his Apostles and then I would answer him or else not Then the Bishop was angry and said If you will not answer I will condemn you Matthew Well said I if you do you shall be guilty of my blood and prove your self a Murderer The Bishop further Examined him concerning the Catholick Church and said Tell me whether is the King and Queen of that Church or not Matthew Well said I now I perceive you go about to be both mine Accuser and Judge contrary to all right I confess Christ hath a Church upon Earth which is built upon the Apostles and Prophets Christ being the Head thereof and as touching the King and Queen I answer I have nothing to do with any mans Faith but mine own Then said the Bishop Is there no part of that Church here in England Matthew Well I perceive you would fain have something to lay to my charge I will tell you what Christ saith where two or three is gathered together in his Name there is he in the midst of them Then the Arch-Deacon stood up and in a mocking manner said You have no wit to think that we have been deceived so long time Q. Mary An. 1557. and that the Truth is only made known to half a dozen of you in a Corner and read the Article of the Sacrament and said you deny the real Presence to be in the Sacrament after Consecration much talk they had about this point but at last the Bishop was so angry that he said If you will not answer yea or nay I will condemn you Mathew said I have answered and if you condemn me my life is not dear unto me and I am sure you shall not escape unpunished for God will be revenged upon such Murderers Then the Deacon entreated him to be ruled by him and take Mercy while it was Offered for if you are condemned you must be burnt And whether he died in Prison or was burnt no mention is made in the Register Ten persons burnt in Sussex On the 22th day of the Moneth called June in the year 1557. Ten persons were burnt for Religion in Lewis in Sussex viz. Richard Woodman George Stevens William Mainard Alex. Hoseman's Servant Tomazin Wood Margery Morris James Morris her Son Dennis Burgis Ashdon's Wife and Grove's Wife The Sufferings and Principal Heads and Matter of the Examination of Richard Woodman being written by his
and Daughters saith the Lord Almighty For neither Eye hath seen nor the Ear hath heard neither can it enter into the heart of man what good things the Lord hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2. Ye are brought neither with Silver nor Gold but with the pretious Blood of Christ 1 Pet. 1. There is none other Name given to men wherein we must be saved Acts 4. So fare ye well Wife and Children and leave worldly care and see that ye be dilligent to pray Take no thought saith Christ Mat. 6. saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewith shall we be clothed for after all these things seek the Gentiles for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of these things but seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and the Righteousness thereof and all these things shall be ministred unto you The Sufferings of Cicely Ormes Wife of Edmund Ormes of Norwich Worsted-Weaver burnt about the twenty third day of September The occasion of her first apprehending was for that she being persent at the death of two Martyrs burnt in the Lollards-pit Ci●ely Ormes Martyr without Bishops-gate in Norwich for that she said she would pledge them of the same Cup that they drunk of she was apprehended and had before the Chancellor who Examining her concerning the Sacrament of the Altar He askt her What it was the Priest held over his head she replyed It was Bread and if said she you make it any better it is worse Whereupon the Chancellor with threatning words sent her to the Bishops Prison shortly after she was brought before him again who offered her If she would go to Church and keep her Tongue she should be at liberty but she refusing his offer he past Sentence of Death upon her and delivered her to the Sheriff to see her burnt when she came to the Stake she said Welcome the sweet Cross of Christ and when the Fire was kindled about her she said My Soul doth Magnifie the Lord and my Spirit rejoyceth in God my Saviour and so finished her Testimony in patience At this time the rage of Persecution was very hot in many Counties and many were Persecuted at Litchfield and about seventeen were put to death in Sussex in the Diocess of Chichester a particular Relation whereof there is little left upon record to make manifest but the Popes Tyranny was great in many Counties in England in this Queens time The Examination of Thomas Sprudence before the Chancellor of Norwich Chancellor askt him Whether he had been with a Priest and confest his sins Tho. Spancer Martyr He replyed I have confest my sins to God and that is sufficient for me Then said the Bishop Wilt thou be sworn to the Pope as supream head of the Church No said he not as long as I live for you cannot prove by the Scripture that the Pope is head of the Church Yes said the Bishop As the Bell-weather which weareth the Bell is head of the Flock of Sheep even so is the Pope the head of the Church of Christ and now good fellow thou hast wandered long out of thy way like a scattred Sheep therefore hear this Bell-weather and come home with us to thy Mother the true Church again Thomas answered All this is but Natural reason and no Scripture Oh said the Bishop I see you are stout and will not be answered therefore you shall be compelled by Law Thomas replyed So did your Fore-fathers intreat Christ and his Apostles they had a Law and by their Law they put him to death and likewise you have a Law which is Tyranny and by that you would force me to believe as you do but I trust the Lord will assist me against all your beggerly Ceremonies and make your Foolishness known to all the World Then said the Bishop When were you at Church Thomas said Never since I was born How old are you then said the Bishop I think said he about forty Then the Bishop not well understanding him he explained himself saying never since I was born anew for Christ said unto Nicodemus Except you be born again you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Then the Bishop told him He was a stubborn Fellow and an Heretick and speaking to him of Obedience to the Laws of the Realm Thomas relyed You must consider that I have a Soul and a Body and my Soul is none of the Queens but my Body and Goods is the Queens and I must give God my Soul and all that belongeth unto it that is I must obey the Laws and Commandments of God and whosoever commandeth obedience to Laws contrary to Gods Laws I may not obey them lest I loose my Soul but must rather obey God then man and further told the Bishop that their graven Images and Ceremonies were but the Inventions and Imaginations of their own brain Then one standing by said to the Prisoners Are you wiser then all men Will you willingly cast away your selves My Lord would fain save you therefore chuse some man where you will and take a day my Lord will give it you Then Thomas replyed If I save life I shall lose it and if I lose my life for Christs sake I shall find life Everlasting and if I take a day when the day cometh I must say then even as I say now except I will lye and therefore that needeth not Well then said the Bishop Have him away and after he had been kept some time a Prisoner in Bury in Saffolk he was burnt in November In the same Moneth were three persons put to death in Smithfield viz. John Hallingdal William Sparrow and Richard Gibson Three persons burnt in Smithfield they were several times brought before Bonner who produced several Articles against them and used Arguments to perswade them to recant before he past Sentence upon them to which John Hallingdal replyed Because I will not come to your Babylonical Church therefore you go about to condemn me then the Bishop askt him Whether he would persevere in his Opinions He replyed He should persist in them until the death whereupon Bonner read the bloody Sentence against him William Sparrow being asked the same Question by the Bishop he made answer to this effect That way which you call Heresie is good and godly and if every hair of my head were a man I would burn them all rather then go from the Truth and said their Laws and Mass was naught and abominable whereupon the Bishop Immediately read the Sentence of death against him and delivered him to the Secular Power who sent him again to Prison After the Bishop had ministred several Articles against Rich. Gibson the said Richard proposed several Articles to him to answer yea or nay or else to say he could not tell viz. Whether any man by the holy Ordinance of God ever was is or shall be Lord over mens faith And by what Lawfull Authority any man of what
Persecution against the Christians Orosius lib. 5. and not only in Rome but in all the Provinces thereof thinking thereby to abolish the Name of Christians in all places In this Persecution the Apostle Peter suffered death Hien lib. de viris just with many more Christians as Hierome said Simon Peter the Son of Jona of the province of Galilee and of the Town of Bethsaida the Brother of Andrew about the year 44. after Christ's birth came to Rome to withstand Simon Magus in the time of Nero and was crucified with his Head downwards and his Feet upwards himself so requiring because said he I am unworthy to be crucified after the same manner as the Lord was Paul the Apostle after his great travail and labours in preaching the Gospel in divers Countries at last suffered Martyrdom in this first Persecution under Nero and was beheaded some writers say on the same day on which Peter was Crucified although not in the same year but in the next year following which was the thirty seventh year after the Passion of Christ that which he spake at his death is written as followeth Paul being delivered by Nero bound unto Longimus and Magistus the cheif Officers and Acestus the Centurion that they should lead him without the City and cause him to be beheaded and Paul being full of the holy Ghost spake the words of Eternal life that both Nero and all should believe in Jesus Christ who was King of Heaven and Earth who would destroy the glory of the world with fire when they had led him away Longimus Magistus and Acestus began to say unto him Tell us O Paul where is that King and where will he appear unto you and how will you know him and what will he give unto you or what good will he bestow upon you that you Christians so mightily love him that by no means you will consent unto our Religion that you may live and enjoy the good of this life but rather then all the pleasures of delight to be led to die for him with divers Torments for this seems to us to be a great error to hate this joyfull life and to imbrace with all your desire punishment and death Paul therefore said O ye wise men and flourishing in knowledge depart out of the darkness and error wherein the nobility of your understanding is clouded with darkness lest you should see the Truth which lyeth hid in you return the eyes of your minds to the Eternal true Light that ye may be able first to know your selves and so come to the knowledge of that King with gladness and to be saved from the fire which is to came upon the world and to remain unhurt for we do not War as you think for some earthly King but the living God the Kingdom without end who by reason of the Iniquities that is done in this World he will come a Judge and will judge it by fire happy will that man be who will believe in him he shall have Eternal life and shall live World without end and most unhappy is he who dispising the Riches of his Bounties and long Suffering will not return unto him for he shall Perish Eternally The first Persecution beginning under Nero as aforesaid ceased under Vespatian who gave some rest to the poor Christians after whose reign was moved not long after the second Persecution by the Emperor Domitian Brother of Titus his Tyrany was unmeasurable he put to death all the Nephews of Jude called the Lords Brother and caused to be sought out and to be slain all that could be found of the Stock of David In the time of this Persecution Simon Bishop of Jerusalem after other Torments was Crucified to death In this Persecution John the Evangelist was Banished into Pathmos for the Testimony of the Word and after the death of Domitian in the Reign of Pertinax the Emperor he came to Ephesus being released in the year 100. He lived to a great age some write till he was 120. And this was his constant practice to his dying day when age weakness grew upon him at Ephesus Hierom Comi● in C. 6. ad Galat Tom. 9. p. 200. that he was no longer able to Preach to them he used at every Publick Meeting to be led to the Meeting and say no more to them then Little Children love one another He expressed great care for the good of souls unweariedly spending himself in the service of the Gospel and to beget People to the Truth Euseb lib. 3. Chap. 10. p. 92. witness one instance in his visitation of the Churches neer Ephesus he made choice of a young man of goodly body gratious face and fervent mind whom with a special Charge for his Instruction and Education he commited to the Bishop of that place so John returned to Ephesus But in process of time the young man became very dissolute perniciously accompanied himself with idle dissolute persons of ill behaviour who put him in a way to steal and rob so after he forsooke the right way he brought himself unto a bottomless Pit of all misorder and outrage and a rout of Theeves being gathered together he became their Captain which John at his return understanding was sorely troubled and said I have left a wise keeper of our Brothers soul prepare me a Horse and let me have a Guide he hastned and rode in post being come to the place appointed he is straitwayes taken of the Theevish watch he neither fled nor resisted but said bring me to your Captain who in the mean time as he was armed beheld him coming but as soon as he saw his face and knew it was John he was striken with shame and fled away the Old man persued and cryed my Son why fleest thou O Son tender my case be not afraid as yet there remaineth hope of Salvation I will undertake for thee with Christ I will die for thee if need be as Christ did for us which words seized so on the young man that his Countenance changed and he shook off his Armor and trembled and wept bitterly and imbraced the Old man and answered as well as he could for weeping so afterwards the Apostle brought him into the Church again Ex Niceph●ro Lib. 3. Chap. 32. Yet notwithstanding all these continual Persecutions and horible Punishments the Christians daily encreased deeply rooted in the Doctrine of the Apostles and watred plentiously with the Blood of Saints as saith Neceph●rus Everastu● pers●●●ed Everastus Bishop of Rome was Martyred under Trajanus in the year 102. after Christ and Ignatius Bishop of Anti●ch was Martyred in his Regin with many more Christians This Trajanus was very impious towards the Christian Religion and cruel towards the Christians and caused the Third Persecution in which Persecution Pliny the second a Heathen Philosopher a man learned and famous seeing the lamentable Slaughter of Christians and moved therewith to pity wrot to Trajanus of the
set in on the Fire bind the Rebel hand and foot and when the Grate is red hot on with him roast him broyl him toss him turn him upon pain of our high displeasure do every man his office Oh ye Tormentors Immediately his command was obeyed and after many cruel handlings this meek Lamb was laid on the Gridiron but what he indured was with such patience that the Emperour seemed to be tormented more then him though his Flesn broyled the other 's Heart burned and when he had been pressed down with Forks for a great space in the mighty Spirit of God he spake to the Tyrant thus This side is now roasted enough turn up Oh Tyrant great Assay whether roasted or Raw thou thinkst the better Meat Dioniceous writeth that the number of those that suffered Martyrdom about that time was great Men Women young Men Maidens old Wives and Men of all sorts and ages of whom some with Scourgings and Fire and some with the Sword abtained the V●ctory and got the Crown neither saith he to this day doth the President cease cruelly Murdering such as be brought before him tearing some with Torments Imprisoning others and commanding that no man should come to them yet God with the daily resort of the Brethren doth comfort the afflicted Not long after this time the Church had Peace for about the space of forty four years during which time it did mightily encrease and flourish and divers of the Christians were preferred both to Court and elsewhere but through this great prosperity the Christians began to degenerate and to grow Idle striving and contending among themselves upon every occasion with railing words bespattering one another in a despiteful manner Bishops against Bishops and People against People moving hatred and sedition each against other besides cursed Hyposrisie and Dissimulation more and more by reason whereof Gods Judgments brake forth against them the Pastours being inflamed in mutual comtempt against each other then did the Lord raise up Adversaries against his People then did Dioclecian the Emperour raise a great and grievous Persecution against the Church commanding all the Meeting places of the Christians to be spoiled and cast down and the Book of the Scripture to be burnt which was executed with all rigour and contempt that might be giving out Edicts for the displacing of all Christian Magistrates and for Imprisoning of the Elders and Bishops and a great Persecution ensued But the Christians manfully passed through exceeding bitter Torments by Scouging Whipping and Racking and being put to death so that it cannot be expressed what number of Martyrs suffered what Blood was shed through all Cities and Regions for the Name of Christ in this Emperours time by divers Torments some being hanged up by the Feet and by the smoke of a small Fire strangled One Peter was hoysted up naked and so beaten and torn with Whips that his Bones might be seen then they poured on Salt and Vineger and after Roasted him with a soft Fire Also many Christians being met together Maximinian the Emperour sent some to burn the Meeting place and burn them all but first they commanded a Cryer to Proclaim that whosoever would have life should come out and sacrifice to Jupiter otherwise they should be all burnt then one steping up boldly in the name of all the rest said We are all Christians and believe that Christ is our only God and King and we will sacrifice to none but him hereupon the Fire was kindled and many Men Women and Children were burnt in that place And the punishments these Christians endured were so great and horrible as no Tongue is able to express as Whippings Scourgings Rackings horrible Scrapings Sword Fireship-boats whereinto many were put and sunk into the Sea as also hanging upon Crosses binding some to the bodies of Trees with their Head hanging downwards hanging others by the middles upon Gallowses till they dyed of hunger throwing divers alive to Bears Leopards wilde Bulls pricking others with bodkins and tallens of Beasts till they were almost dead The Christians being assembled at Antioch where one Romanus ran to them declaring to them that the Wolves were at hand which would devour them yet he exhorted them not to fear A Band of armed men were sent against them but they kept their Faith whereupon the Souldiers sent word to their Captain that they could not force the Christians to deny their Faith by reason of Romanus who did so mightily encourage them The Captain commanded that he should be brought before him which was done accordingly What saith the Captain Art thou the Author of this Sedition Art thou the cause that so many lose their lives Roman●● Persecuted by the Gods I Swear thou shalt answer for them all and shalt suffer those Torments that thou encouragest them to undergo Romanus answered Thy Sentance O Emperor I willingly embrace I refuse not to be sacrificed for my Brethren and that by as cruel Torments as thou canst invent The Captain being much enraged with this his stout answer commanded him to be trust up and his bowels drawn out whereupon the Executionor said not to Sir this man is of noble p●rantage and therefore be may not be put to so ignoble a death scourge him then quoth the Captain with whips having knobs of lead at the end but Romamus song all the time of his whipping requiring not to favour him for nobilities sake not the blood of Progenitors saith he but the Christian Profession makes me Noble Then did he deride their Idol Gods which inraged the Tyrant so that he commanded his sides to be lanced with Knives till the Bones were laid open yet still did the holy Martyr preach the living God and the Lord Jesus Christ to him for which the Tyrant commanded them to strike out his teeth also his face was buffetted his Eye-lids torn his Cheeks gashed with Knives the skin of his Beard pulled off yet the meek Martyr said I thank thee O Captain that thou hast opened to me so many Mouthes as Wounds whereby I may Preach my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Look how many Wounds I have so many mouths I have landing and praising God The Captain astonished at his constancy bad them give over tormenting him yet he threatned to burn him reviled him and blasphemod God saying Thy crucified Christ is but a yesterdayes God the Gods of the Gentiles are of greatest Antiquity But Romanus taking occasion from hence declared to him the Eternity of Christ withall saying give me a Christian Child of seven years old and thou shalt hear what he will say hereupon a Boy was called out of the Multitude to whom Romanus said Tell me my pretty Babe whether thou think it reason that we worship Christ and in Christ one Father or else that we worship infinite Gods the Child answered that certainly what we affirm to be God must needs be one which with one is one and the same and inasmuch as this one is
of Penance were nongth and that he would have none of them and likewise that the Colledge of Carpinals were Limbs of Antichrist and the Priests the Synogogue of Satan and that the Doctors of the Church had Subverted the truth of Holy Scripture expounding it after their own minds and that he should say he would abide by these Doctrines and dye for it and wisht there were twenty thousand of his Opinion to witness against them Scribes and Pharisees For his constant persevereing in these Principles Doctors Head Vicar-general past sentence against him as an Heritick and so delivered him to the Sheriffs of London to be openly burnt in Smithfield Thomas man martyr The next that suffered was Tho. Man who for saying the Popish Church was not the Church of God but a Synagogue and for holding several other Articles contrary to the Popish Church he was a long time imprisoned but through frailty and fear having an oppertunity he fled the Diocess of Lincoln but not long after was again apprehended and brought before the Bishop of London and was shorty after delivered by Dr. Head to the Sheriff of London to be presently burnt with this protestation that he might not consent to the death of any This Popish Chancellor would not seem to consent to his death Note but yet sent him to the Shambles to be Killed for these were the words he sent to the Sheriff Receive this Person and we desire in the bowels of our Lord Jesus Christ that the punishment and execution of due severity of him and against him in this part may be so moderate that there be no rigorous Rigor nor yet no dissolute mansuetude but to the health and wealth of his Soul c. Thomas Man was burnt by the Sheriff without any warrant for Head delivered him to the Sheriff in Paternoster-Row protesting he had no power to put him to death and therefore desired the Sheriff to see him punisht et tamen citra mortem that is without death but the Sheriff had him to Smithfield and there caused him to be burnt This Tho. Man after he had escaped out of the Diocess of Lincoln traveled about in divers places and Counties in England and instructed many into the Truth as at Amersham London Bi●●erycay Chelmsford Stratford Uxbridge Henly Newberry Suffolk and Norfolk and divers other places and he teftified himself that as he went westward he found a great Company of well disposed persons of the same Judgment with him especially at Newberry where he said were a glorious and sweet Society of faithful favourers three or four of which were burnt for Religion And he travailed divers other places where he found many faithful Brethren who at that time were called by the name of Known Men or Just Fast Men. This Thomas Man confessed as it is Registred in the Bishops Book that he had turned seven hundred People to his Religion for which he thanked God which People were afterwards called by the name of Protestants William Sweeting and James Brewster had the like Catholick Charity shewed to them by the Bishop who being imprisoned for their Zeal to the Truth and Religion being surprised with fear said they submitted themselves to the mercy of Almighty God and to the favourable goodness of the Judge upon which submission the Popish Fathers were contented to give out a Sollemn Commission to re●●ase and pardon them from the Sentence of Excommunication but immediatly the Bishop pronounced upon them the Sentance of death and condemnation whereupon they were both delivered to the Secular power and both burnt together as one Fire in Smithfield I find further upon Record that as the Light of the Gospel began more and more to appear and the number of the Professers thereof to grow so Persecution increased and the Bishops bestired themselves to keep the Truth from increasing and growing whereupon ensued great Persecutions and grievous Affliction upon divers in several Counties especially about Buckinghamshire Norfolk Suffolk and Essex but although they were thus afflicted outwardly yet their inward fervency and zeal for the Truth was very great as appeared by their sitting up all Night in Reading and Hearing and by their Expences in giving great prizes for a few Chapters of James and Paul in English And further their great Travails earness Seeking their burning Zeal their Reading their Watchings their sweet Assemblies their Love and Concord their Godly Living their faithful Marrying only with the faithful all which it is written that they were faithfully practising and observing being noted or known among themselves by the name of Known Men or Just fast Men the Bishop of Lincoln in his Inquisitions and Examinations of those Known Men was so strict and cruel that he caused the Wife to detect the Husband and the Husband the Wife the Father the Daughter and the Daughter the Father Brother against Brother and Neighbour against Neighbour to witness one against another and that to death causing them to Swear upon the Evangelists whether they knew the persons to be Known Men. Agnis Ashford being one of the said People for preaching these words following was Articled against viz. We be the Salt of the Earth if it be putrified and vanisht away it is nothing worth a City set upon a Hill may not be hid ye light not a Candle and put it under a Bushel but set it on a Candle stick that it may give a Light to all in the House so shine your Light before men that they may see your works and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven And further she did teach saying Jesus feeing his People as he went up a Hill was set and his Disciples came to him he opened his Mouth and taught them saying Blessed be the poor men in Spirit for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs blessed be mild men for they shall weld the Earth For teaching this Doctrine the Bishop strictly enjoyned and commanded her to teach no more such Lessons to any man especially to her Children There were three persons accused for sitting up all night reading in a Book of Scriptures in the House of one Durdant in Iven Court near Stanes either were accused for having of certain English Books as Wickliffs Wicket in which was contained how that man could not make the Body of Christ which made us another Crime was for having fome part of the New-Testament and a Book called The Prick of Conscience for these and such like Allegations did these men greatly suffer but the Lords Hand did work marvelously amongst them so that in a short space they did exceedingly increase in such sort that the Bishop was driven to make his Complaint to the King to require his aid to suppress them the King being then young and easily incensed with the Bishops Suggestions and cruel Complaints sent Letters to the Sheriffs to aid the Bishop against these Known Men whom he termed Hereticks upon the Kings Letter he renewed his former sierceness and began
Flesh and Blood of Christ And for saying That he would never vail his Bonnet to it if he burnt therefore And for saying That if he heard Mass he should be damned For these things he was accused of his Master and Mistress and sent up by them to the Bishop of Canterbury with Letters desiring that he might be severely punished for the same but no mention is made of his Execution and so that may be past by and return may be to give a short account of the Reformation in this Kings time and how far it extended Injunctions were set out in his time viz that Bibles in English should be placed in some convenient place in the Church so called that the People might read in them when they pleased and rather be furthered to read them then hindred by the Priests or Curates And the Priests or Curates should not at any time haunt Taverns or Ale-houses neither spend their time Idly in unlawful Games but should give themselves to read and hear the Scriptures read and every Benificed-Preacher to preach twice a year and that all Monuments of Idolatry in Churches so called and Houses and Windows should be taken away and that Homilies should be read every Sunday He took away and abrogated all Acts made by former Kings for reformation of Hereticks and Lollords and the Act of the six Articles and all Acts published prohibiting the speading the Scriptures in English He also sent out a Letter to the Arch-Bishop signed by the Council to abolish Images and that the Altars should be taken down and a Table set up instead thereof Though this may be acounted but a little Reformation to what is since yet it so troubled the Popish Adversaries that they sought all the wayes and means they could to hinder its further proceeding and growth and would not be satisfied untill they had found out a way to answer their Wicked purposes And now the old Adversary of all good put it in the Heads of the Popish Party to charge the Duke of Somerset the Kings Vncle and Protector of his Person and the Realm as that he was the occasion of all the Sedition that had happened in the Realm c. And though he was in a high state yet that could not nor did not preserve him and indeed it is a vain thing for man to put Trust or Confidence upon the brickle Pillars of Worldly Prosperity how high soever it seemeth considering that where vertue is most prefect it is there most envied by Wicked men as in the Example of this Duke appears This Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset being Protector had a Brother who was high Admiral of England these two Brethren so long as they were knit and joyned together in Love and Concord preserved themselves the King and whole Common-Wealth from the Violen●e and Fear of Danger of all their Adversaries But the old Subtil Serpent alwayes envying mans felicity through Slanderous Tongues sought to sow matter first of discord between them then of Suspition and last of all of Extream Hatred insomuch that the Protector suffered his Brother being accused whether true or false the Lord knoweth to be Condemned and to lose his Head whereby it came to pass that not long after he himself was over-matched by his Adversaries and overthrown by them and being cast into the Tower at last lost his Head also to the great Lamentation of many good men and so the fall of one Brother was the Ruin of the other for it was not long after the Admiral was beheaded but that Insurrections began in several parts of the Kingdom but after they were subdued several of the Lords assembled at Baynard Castle and at the Mayor of Londons House and had great Consultations against the Protector who was then with the King at Hampton Court which the King hearing of sent the Secretary to them with a Message to which they made no answer and not long after published a Proclamation in the City against the Protector charging him with divers Crimes as that he should be the chief Occasion of all the Sedition that had of late happened in the Kingdom and that he did what in him lay to cause Variance between the King and the Nobles and desired the City to aid them the King also sent the Mayor and City a Letter requiring aid likewise This made the Mayor and Citizens in a strait some being for helping the King and some on the other side for helping the Lords and against the Protector the Recorder prest the Citizens to assist the Lords against the Protector who he said had abused the King and the whole Realm and prest the Common Council for an Answer and that they would declare what they would do but they were silent in the matter until one Ge●rge Stadlow stood up and told them It is good to consider of things p●st to avoid dangers in things to come and then related to them what inconveniences damage befel the Citizens in assisting the Barons in their Wars against King Henry the third In conclusion the Lords hearing what past in the City assembled in the Star-Chamber next day sent a Messenger to the King to VVindsor who so ordered his matter with the King that the Protector was apprehended and shortly after was had to the Tower in London and there was charged with several Articles and a terrible Proclamation put out against him but through the Kings Love and labouring in his behalf he was shortly after let out of the Tower and the Proclamation called in again after which trouble he continued two years at Liberty though not restored to his former Office But after this respite he was again apprehended and committed to the Tower from whence he was in a short time after convey'd through the City with the Tower-Ax carried before him to VVestminster and there tryed by the Peers where in a quiet patient and Suffering Spirit he Modestly Behaved himself shewing himself an Example of Meekness yea wisely replying to the Articles objected against him and was at last cleared of the Treason laid to his charge which the People understanding were greatly rejoyced at but his Adversaries quickly found out another Snare for they charged him with Felony for intending and purposing the death of the Earl of Northumberland which was by them adjudged Felony according to a Law wherein it was enacted That it should be Felony for any Subject to seek or procure the death of any P●●●y Councillor and being condemned he was again conveyed to the Tower and shortly after from thence was had to the place of Execution where neither his Voice nor countenance changed but after his usual manner he spake to the people to this effect Dearly beloved Friends I am brought hither to suffer death though I never offended the King neither in Word nor Deed and have been always as faithful and true to this Realm as any man hath been And after other words he said morecover Dearly beloved
Vestry and cut off his Right Hand then he was had into the Market-place and there they cut off his Left Hand then his Arms were bound behind him and his Feet under the Horses Belley and so was carryed to the place of Execution where he was let down by a pulley into the Fire and then pluckt up and let down again all which cruelty he endured with a constant Spirit saying O Eternal God Father of all Mercies look down upon thy Servant and with patience he suffered till at last the Rope burning he fell down into the Fre and was consumed This was in the year 1552. Persecutions in the Reign of Queen Mary beginning Anno 1553. After the Death of Edward the fixth Queen Mary succeeded and after the was setled in her Throne a Sinod was assembled for consulting about matters of Religion and the point especially of the real Presence in the Sacrament after a long Disputation where Reason and Scriptures were not so much weighed as Voices numbred the Papal side as having most voices carried it and thereupon was that Religion again restored and the Mass commanded again in all Churches so called to be celebrated after the ant●●● m●●● And shortly after Cardinal Poole and English man that 〈◊〉 fed to Rome for Succour in the former time Q. Mary was sent for over again to England by the Queen who was no sooner come but the Attaindor upon Record against him was by Act of Parliament taken off and he restored and a few days after coming to the Parliament before the Queen and both Houses assembled after the Bishop of VVinchester who was Chancellor had made a short speech to them signifying the presence of the Cardinal and that he was sent from the Pope as his Legate for their good and benefit Then the Cardinal stood up and made a long Oration to them thanking them for restoring him whereby he was made a Member of their Society Then Exhorting them to return into the Bossom of the Church for which end he was come not to Condemn but to Reconcile not to compell but to call and require and for their first work of Reconcilement requiring them to repeal and abrogate all such Laws as had formerly been made in derogation of the Catholick Religion After which Speech the Parliament going together drew up a Supplication which within two dayes after they presented to the King and Queen wherein they shewed themselves to be very penitent for their former Errors and humbly desired them to interceed for them to the Cardinal and the See Apostolick that they might be pardoned of all they had done amiss and be received into the Bossom of the Church being themselves most ready to abrogate all Laws prejudicial to the See of Rome This Supplication being delivered to the Cardinal he then gave them Absolution in these words We by the Apostolick Authority given unto us by the most holy Lord Pope Julius the third Christs Vicegerent on Earth do absolve and deliver you and every of you with the whole Realm and Dominions thereof from all Heresie and Schism and from all Judgments Censures and Pains for that cause incurred and also we do restore you again to the unity of our Mother the holy Church The report hereof coming to Rome was cause that a solemn Procession was made for Joy of the Conversion of England to the Church of Rome And now all Bishops which had been deprived in the time of Edward the sixth were restored to their Bishopricks and the new removed and all that would not turn and forsake their Religion were turned out of their Livings and Stephen Gardner and Bonner became again to be had in favour and were restored to their former places and several old Laws were again revived by Act of Parliament for the tryal of Heresie and Commissions and Inquisitors were sent abroad into all parts of the Realm whereupon many were apprehended and brought to London and there Imprisoned and afterwards most of them burnt to death or else through cruel usage died in Prison and were buryed in Dunghils in the Fields to the Number of near three Hundred Persons Men and Women in the short Reign of this Queen And now Bonner being re-invested into his Bishoprick he sends forth Injunctions that six in every Parish upon their Oaths should present before him such as would not conform and soon after about threescore Inhabitants of the City of London were apprehended and imprisoned for dispersing and selling certain Books sent over into England out of Germany and other Countries About this time the people going a Procession in Smithfield and the Priest being under the Canopy with the Box John Street persecuted according to the usual Custom one John Street a Joyner in Coleman-Street going by in haste about his business by chance went under the Canopy by the Priest at which the Priest was so surprized and overcome with fear that he let the Pix fall down the people being amazed presently apprehended the poor man and committed he was to the Compter and the Priest accused him to the Council as if he came to slay him from the Compter he was removed to Newgate where he was cast into the Dungeon and there chained to a Post and so miserably used till he lost his Sences and then they sent him to Bedlam Roods Commaded to be again set up in the places called Churches These were but in the beginnings of Bonners Cruelty in this Queens time the next thing he did was he put out a Mandate to the Curates within his Diocess requiring them to abrogate and blot out all Scripture Texts wrot upon the Walls in Churches so called in Edward the sixths time which he said was opening a Window to all Vice and further commanded that comely Roods should be again set up in all Churches The same Injunction for setting up Roods was published in other Diocesses at this time for at Cockram in Lancashire the Parishoners and Wardens had agreed with a Carver to make them a Rood and to set it up in that they called their Church at a certain prise which the Carver did but the Rood being made of an ugly grim Countenance they disliked it and refused to pay the Work-man that made it whereupon by Warrant he brought them before the Mayor of Lancaster who was a favourer of the Protestants and a man against Images when they came before the Mayor he askt them Why they did not pay the man according to their Agreement they replyed they did not like the grimness of its Vissage saying they had a man formerly with a hansome Face and they would have had such another now well said the Mayor though you like not the Rood the Poor-mans Labour has been never the less and its pity he shold loose but I tell you what you shall do pay him the Money you promised him and if it will not serve you for a God you may make a Devil of it at which they
replyed I will not Pray in this Place nor in no such Then said one of the Chaplains let him go my Lord and he shall not pertake with us in our prayers Hawkes I think my self best at ease when I am furtherst from you So to prayer they went and Tho. Hawkes walkt in a Court between the Hall and the Chappel till they had done and then he was called up into the Bishops Bed-Chamber where he examined him concerning the Sacrament saying you could not have your Conscience examined any further then in that you were accused of Hawkes I thought you would not be both my Accuser and Judge And the Bishop speaking further of the Sacrament of the Altar Hawkes said I do not know it Bonner Well we will make you know it and believe in it too before we have done with you Hawkes No you shall never do that Bonner Yes a Fagot will make you do it Hawkes No no a point for your Fagot what God thinketh meet to be done that shall ye do and more shall ye not do Bonner How say you to the Mass Sirrah Hawkes I say it is Destable Abominable and Profitable for nothing Bonner What nothing Profitable in it what say you to the Epistle and Gospel Hawkes It s good if it be used as Christ left it to be used Bonner Well I am glad that you somewhat Recant Hawkes I have not nor will not Recant Bonner How say you to Confiteor Hawkes I say it is Abominable Detestable and Blasphemy against God and his Son Christ to call upon any to turst to any or to pray to any but to Christ Jesus The next day he was brought before Bonner and another old Bishop to whom Bonner said This young man hath a Child and will not have it Christened and was very angry with Tho. Hawkes calling him Fool. Hawkes meekly replyed A Bishop ought to be blameless sober discreet no Chider nor given to Anger Then said the old Bishop that stood by Alas young man you must be taught by the Church and by your Antients and do as your forefathers have done before you Then said Bonner No no he will have nothing but the Scriptures and them he understands not he will have no Ceremonies in the Church what say you to holy Water Hawkes I say to it as to the rest and to all that be of his making that made them Bonner Why the Scriptures allow it and we read that Elisha threw Salt into the Water Hawkes It 's ture Elisha threw Salt into the water and the water became sweet and good which before was Corrupted when our waters are corrupted if by throwing in your Salt you can make them sweet and wholsome we will believe better of your Ceremonies Bonner You believe no Doctrine but that which is wrought by Miracles Hawkes No these tokens said Christ shall follow them that believe in me they shall speak with new Tongues they shall cast out Devils and if they drink any deadly Poyson it shall not hurt them Bonner With what new Tongues do you speak Hawkes Whereas heretofore I was with my Tongue a foul Blasphemer a filthy Talker since I came to the Knowledge of the Truth I have praised God and given thanks to him Is not this a new Tongue Bonner Did you ever drink any deadly Poyson Yes that I have for I have drunk of the Pestilent Traditions and Ceremonies of the Bishop of Rome Bonner Now you shew your self to be a right Heretick you shall be burnt if you continue in this Opinion Hawkes Where prove you that Christ or his Apostles did kill any man for his Faith Bonner Did not Paul Excommunicate Hawkes Yes but there is a great difference between Excommunicating and Burning Bonner Have you not read of the Man and the Woman in the Acts of the A●ostles whom Peter destroyed Hawkes Yes I have read of one Annanias and Saphira his wife who were destroyed for Lying against ●he holy Ghost which serveth nothing to your purpose After some other words the Bishop went to Dinner and Hawkes to the Porters Lodge After Dinner the old Bishop by Bonners advice took Hawkes into his Chamber and sitting him down in his chair said to him I would to God I could do you some good you are a young man and I would not wish you to go too far Hawkes I will bear with nothing that is contrary to the Word of God And he looked that the old Bishop should have made him an answer but he was fallen fast asleep then Hawkes departed our of the Chamber and went to the Porter's Lodge again The next day Fecknam camo and discoursed with him Fecknam How say you Christ took bread and brake it and said take cat this is my body Hawkes Is every word to be understood as Christ spake it Christ said I am a door a Vine I am a King away c. Fecknam Christ spake these words in para●les Hawkes And why spake he these in P●rables more then when he said take eat this is my Body for after the same phrase of speech that he said the one he said the other Then Fecknam stood up and said Alas these places serve nothing for your purpose I perceive you build upon them at Oxford Hawkes I build my Faith upon no man for if those men and as many more should recant and deny that they have said or done yet will I stand to it and by this shall you know that I build my Faith upon no man Bonner If any of those recant what will you say to it Hawkes When they recant I will make you an answer Then Fecknam departed and Hawkes went to the Porters Lodge again The next day Doctor Chadsey and the Bishop entered discourse with him he told Chadsey this man is Stubborn and will not Christen his Child but is against the Ceremonies of the Church Bonner He thin●eth there is no Church but in England and Germany Hawkes And you think there is no Church but the Church of Rome Chadsey What say you to the Church of Rome Hawkes I say it is a Church of a Sort of vicious Cardinals Priests Monks and Fryars which I will never credit nor believe after much more discourse Chadsey at his parting said it is pity thou shouldst live or any such as thou art Hawkes answered In this Case I desire not to live but rather to die The next day Chadsey was to preach in the Bishops Chappel where Bonner would have had Thomas Hawkes to have gone in to hear him but he would not go into the Chappel but stood at the Door After Dinner the Bishop askt him How he liked the Sermon To whom he replyed as I like all the rest then said the Bishop it was made on purpose for you Said Howkes I am sorry he should bestow so much labour upon one that so little regarded it The next day the Bishop called him into his Chamber and said you have been with me a great while and you are
never the better but worse and worse and therefore I will delay the time no longer but send you to Newgate Hawkes You can do me no better pleasure Bonner Why would you so fain go to Prison Hawkes Truly I did look for none other when I came to your hands Bonner Come on your wayes you shall see what I have written And then shewed him several Articles he had drawn up against him whereupon he thought he should have been carried to Prison the next day and so he had but that he was kept till Doctor Harpsfield had some discourse with him who began to perswade him concerning the Sacrament and the Ceremonies and after much talk he said That the Sacrament of the Altar was the same Body that was born of the Virgin Mary which did hang upon the Cross Hawkes He was upon the Cross both alive and dead which of them was the Sacrament Harpsfield Alive Hawkes How prove you that Harpsfield You must believe he that believeth not is condemned already Hawkes John saith he that believeth not in the Son of God is condemned already he does not say he that believeth not in the Sacrament is condemned already Harpsfield There is no talking with you Then said Hawkes Why is the Roodloff set between the Body of the Church and the Chancel Harpsfield You have askt a question you cannot answer your self Hawkes Yes that I can for this saith one of your own Doctors that the Body of the Church doth present the Church Millitant and the Chancel the Church Triumphant and so because we cannot go from the Church Millitant to the Church Triumphant but that me must bare the Cross of Christ this is the cause of the Roodlof● being between the Body of the Church and the Chancel Harpsfield This is well and Clarklike concluded Hawkes As all the rest of your Doctrines and so the discourse ended and Thomas Hawkes returned again to the Porters Lodge The next day being the first day of the Mon●th called July the Bishop went to the Porters Lodge himself and called Thomas Hawkes to him and commanded him to make ready to go to Prison and writ a Warrant and sent two men with him to the Gate-house at Westmenster in the Warrant he writ to this effect to the Keeper to keep him safe Prisoner and let none speak with him for that said he he is a Sacramentary and one that speaketh against Baptism a seditious and perilous man some dayes after his commitment the Bishop sent two of his men to see how he did and whither he was the same man still to whom he answered I do like a Prisoner and am not changed They said my Lord would be glad that you should do well If he will do me any good said Hawks let him suffer my Friends to come to me so they departed but Hawkes heard no more of the Bishop till the third day of the Mon●th called September following And then Bonner brought a charge against him and required him to set his hand to it but he refused saying I shall set my hand to nothing of your making or devising then the Bishop in great anger thrust him on the breast and said he would be even with him and with all such proud Knaves in Essex Hawkes You shall do no more ther God shall give you leave And as for your Cursings and Railings I care not for them for I know the Moths an● Worms shall eat you Bishop I w●●● be even with you when time shall come Hawkes You have been even with some of us already you may in your Mallice destroy a man but when you have done you cannot do so much as make a finger Bonner If I do thee any wrong take the Law of me Hawkes Soloman saith Go not to Law with a Judge for he will judge according to his own honour Bonner Soloman saith Give not a Fool an answer and I count thee a Fool and so dost thou me but God forgive thee Hawkes Thought is free Then took Bonner the Bill of Articles and read it again when he saw he could not have Hawkes hand to it he bi● him take it into his hand and give it him again Hawkes What needeth that Ceremony It shall neither come into my hand nor heart After these private Conferences between the Bishop and Thomas Hawkes the Bishop seeing no hopes to win him to his Wicked Wayes he was fully bent to proceed openly against him and to that end caused him to be brought to the publick Consistory where Bonner brought the Articles he refused to sign against him the Bishop adding four more to them to the which Hawkes answered publickly then the Bishop exhorted him to return to the Mother Church but in a constant resolution he satisfied them he should never recant so long as he lived whereupon Bonner past the Sentence of Death upon him and shortly after he was delivered to the Sheriff of Essex and burnt at a Town called Coxhall This following Epistle he wrote to the Congregation An Epistle written by Thomas Hawkes Grace Mercy and Peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ be alwayes with you all My Dear Brethren and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ for ever and his holy Spirit conduct and lead you in all your doings that you may alwayes direct your deeds according to his holy Word that when he shall appear to reward every man according to their works you may as Obedient Children be found Watching ready to enter into his Everlasting Kingdom with your Lamps Burning and when the Bridegroom shall shew himself ye need not to be ashamed of this life that God hath lent you which is but transitory vain and like unto a vapour that for a season appeareth and vani●heth away so soop passeth away all our terrestial honour glory and felicity For all Flesh saith the Prophet is grass and all his glory as the Flower of the Field which for a season sheweth her beauty and as soon as the Lord bloweth upon it it withereth away and departeth For in this transitory and dangerous Wilderness we are as Pilgrims and Strangers following the foot-steps of Moses among many unspeakeable dangers beholding nothing with our outward man but all vanities and vexation of mind subject to hunger cold nakedness bonds sickness loss labour banishment in danger of that dreadfull Dragon and his sinfull seed to be devoured tempted and tormented who ceaseth not behind every Bush to lay a bait when we walk awry to have his pleasure upon us casting abroad his Apples in all places times and seasons to see if Adam will be allured and enticed to leave the Living God and his most holy Commandments whereby he is assured of everlasting life promising the World at will to all that will fall down in all Ages and for a mess of pottage sell and set at nought the Everlasting Kingdom of Heaven so ●rail is Flesh and Blood and especially Israel is most ready to walk awry when
call it Have ye n●● had my Brother Tomkins before you whose hand when you had burned most cruelly ye burn also his body and not only him but a great many of the numbers of Christ men that feared God and lived Vertuously and also the Queens true Subjects and seeing to these Saints you have shewed so little mercy shall it seem to my Lord and this Audience that ye shew me more favour no no my Lord but if you mean as you say why then examine you me of that I am not bound to answer you unto Bonner Well what sayest thou by the Sacrament of the Altar is it not the very body of Christ Flesh Blood and Bone as it was born of the Virgin Smith I have answered that it is none of Gods order neither any Sacrament but mans own vain invention and shewed him the Lords institution But when he was so earnestly before the Audience declaring that we knew nothing bringing out his hoc est Corpus meum to lay in my dish I proved before the Audience that it was a dead God declaring the distinction appointed between the two Creatures of Bread and Wine and that a body without Blood hath no life at which Harpsfield found himself much offended and took the Tale out of my Lords mouth saying Harpsfield I will prove by the Scriptures that you blaspheme God in so saying for it is given in two parts because there is two thing shewed that is to say his Body and his Passion as saith St. Paul and therefore is the Bread his Body and the Wine the representation of his death and blood shedding Smith You falsify the Word and rack it to serve your purpose for the Wine was not only the shewing of his passion but the Bread also for our Saviour saith so oft as you do this do it in remembrance of me and St. Paul saith so oft as you eat of this Bread and Drink of this Cup you shall shew the Lords death till he comes and here is as much reverence given to the one as the other Then rose up the Lord Bishop and the Lord Mayor desired me to save my Soul To whom I answered I hope it was saved through Christ Jesus desiring him to have pity on his own soul and remember whose Sword he carried At which I was carried into the Garden and there abode until the rest of my Friends were Examined and so were we sent away with many foul farewels to Newgate again the Lord Bishop giving the Keeper a charge to lay me in Limbo The Substance of another Examination of Robert Smith before the said Bishop Upon Saturday at Eight of the Clock I was brought to his Chamber again and there by him examined as followeth Bonner Thou Robert Smith sayst that there is no Catholick Church here on Earth Smith You have heard me both speak the contrary and you have written it as a Witness of the same Bonner Yea but I must ask thee this question how sayst thou Smith Must you of necessity begin with a Lye it maketh manifest that you determine to end with the same but there shall no Lyars enter the Kingdom of God nevertheless if you will be answemed ask mine Articles that were written yesterday and they shall tell you that I have confessed a Church of God as well in Earth as in Heaven and yet all one Church and one mans Members even Christ Jesus Bonner Well what sayest thou to Auricular confession is it not necessary to be used in Christs Church and wilt thou not be shriven of the Priest Smith It is not needful to be used in Christs Church as I answered yesterday but if it be needful for your Church it is to pick mens purses and such pick-purse matters is all the whole rabble of your Ceremonies for all is but money matters that ye maintain Bonner How art thou able to prove that Confession is a Pickpurse matter Art thou not ashamed so to say Smith I speak by experience for I have both heard and seen the fruits of the same for first we see it hath been a bewrayer of Kings secrets and the secrets of other mens Consciences who being delivered and glad to be discharged of their sins have given to Priest great sums of money to absolve them and sing Masses for their Souls health and began to tell him an Example of a Gentleman in Norfolk who being bound in Conscience through the perswasion of the Priest gave away a great part of what he had the which thing when his Brother heard he went to London and declaring it to the Council how that by subtilty the Priest had robbed his Wife and Children he recovered a great part again to the value of two or three hundred pounds as I was relating this the Bishop saw it savoured not to his purpose but began to revile me and said By the Mass if the Queens Majesty were of his mind I should not come to talk before any man but should be put into a Sack and a Dog tyed unto the same and so should be thrown into the Water Smith To which I answered again saying I know you speak by practice as much as by speculation for both you and your predecessors have sought all means possible to Kill Christ secretly Witness M. Hunn whom your predecessors caused to be thrust in at the Nose with hot burning needles and then to be hanged and said he hanged himself and also a good Brother of yours a Bishop of your profession having in his Prison an Innocent man whom because he saw he was not able by the Scriptures to be overcome he made him privily to be Snarled and his Flesh to be torn and p●●kt away with a pair of Pinsors and bringing him before the People said the rats had eaten him Thus according to your Oath is all your dealing and hath been and as you taking upon you the Office do not wit●out Oaths open your Mouths no more do you without Murther maintain your Traditions Bonner Ah you are a Generation of Lyars there is not one true Word that cometh out of your Mouthes Smith Yes my Lord have said that Jesus Christ is dead for my sins and risen for my Justification and this is no Lye Bonner How sayst thou Smith to the seven Sacraments believest thou not that they be Gods order that is to say the Sacrament of c. Smith As for the Sacrament of the Altar and all your Sacraments they may well serve your Church but Gods Church hath nothing to do with them neither have I any thing to do with them nor you to examine me of them Bonner Why is Gods order changed in Baptism in what point do we differ from the Word of God Smith First in Hallowing your Water in Conjuring the same in Baptizing Children with Annointing and Spitting in their Mouths mingled with Salt and with many other lewd Ceremonies of which not one point is able to be proved in Gods order Bonner By the
Mass this is the most unshamfaced Heretick that ever I heard speak Smith Well sworn my Lord you keep a good Watch. Bonner Well Mr. Controler you catch me at my Words but I well Watch thee as well I warrent thee John Mordant being by said By my Troth my Lord I never heard the like in all my life but I pray you my Lord mark well his answer for Baptism he disalloweth therein holy Oyntment Salt and such other laudable Ceremonies which no Christian man will deny Smith That is a shameful Blasphemy against Christ so to use any mingle-mangle in your Baptism Bonner I believe I tell thee that if they die before they are Baptized they are damned Smith You shall never be saved by that belief but I pray you my Lord shew me are we saved by Water or by Christ Bonner By both Smith Then the Water died for our Sins and so must you say that the Water hath life and it being our Servant and created for us is our Saviour Bonner Why how understandest thou these Scriptures except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God And again suffer saith our Saviour these Children to come unto me if thou wilt not suffer them to be Baptized after the laudable order thou lettest them to come unto Christ Smith Where you alleadge except a man be born c. And will thereby prove the Water to save The Apostle asked the Calathians whether they received the Spirit by the deeds of the Law or by the Preaching of faith And where you say I let the Children from coming unto Christ it is manifest by our Saviours Words that you let them to come that will not suffer them to come without the necessity of Water for he saith suffer them to come unto me and not unto Water and it is not saith St. Peter the washing away of the filth of the Flesh but in a good Conscience converteth unto God and to prove that the Water only bringeth not the holy Ghost it is written that Simon received Water and would have received the holy Ghost for Money and many received the holy Ghost before Baptism and to Judge Children damned that be not Baptized it is Wicked Mordant By our Lady Sir but I believe that if my Child dye without Water he is damned Bonner Yea and so do I and all Catholick men good Master Mordant Smith Well my Lord such Catholick such Salvation Bonner Well Sir what say you to the Sacrament of Orders Smith You may call it the Sacrament of Misorders for all orders are appointed of God but as for your Shaving Anointing Creasing Poling and Rounding there are no such things appointed in Gods Book and therefore I have nothing to do to believe your orders and as for you my Lord if you had grace or intelligence you would not so dis-figure your self as you do Bonner Sayst thou so now by my Troth and I will go shave my self to anger thee withall desiring me before he went to answer to these Articles Bonner What say you to the holy Bread and holy Water to the Sacrament of Anointing and to all the rest of such Ceremonies of the Church Smith I say they be Baubles for Fools to play withall and not for the Children of God to exercise themselves in and therefore they may go among the refuse Then went away M. Mordent and my Lord went to shaving leaving there certain Doctors as he called them to assay what they could do of whom I was baited half an hour of whom I asked this question where were all you in the dayes of King Edward that you spake not that which you speak now Doctor We were in England Smith Yes but then you had the Faces of men but now you have put on Lyons Faces again you shew your selves as full of malice as may be for you have for every time a visor yea and if another King Edward should arise ye would then say down with the Pope for he is Antichrist and so are his Angels Then they reviled me and had me away but brought me before them again and one of them asked me if I disallowed confession Smith To whom I answerd look in my Articles and they will show you what I allow Doctor In your Articles you confess that you allow not auricular Confession Smith I allow it not because the Word alloweth it not nor commandeth it not Doctor Why it is written thou shalt not hide thy Sins and Offences Smith No I do not when I confess them to Almighty God Doctor Why you cannot say that you can hide them from God and therefore your must understand the words are spoken to be uttered to them that do not know them Smith You have made a good answer then must the Priest confess himself to me as I to him for I know his faults and secrcets no more then he knows mine and David said I will confess my Sins unto thee Lord And after some more words passed between me and the Doctors came in the Bishop from shaving and asked me How I liked him Smith Forsooth you are even as wise as you were before you were shaven Bonner Well How standeth it Master Doctors have you done any good Doctor No by my Troth my Lord we can do no good Smith Then it is fulfilled which is written How can an evil Tr●● bring forth good Fruit Bonner Nay naughty fellow I set these Gentlemen to bring thee home to Christ Smith Such Gentlemen such Christs and as truly as they have that Name from Christ so truly do they teach Christ Bonner Well wilt thou neither hear them nor me Smith Yes I am compelled to hear you but you cannot compel me to follow you Bonner Well thou shalt be burnt at a Stake in Smithfield if thou wilt not turn Smith And you shall burn in Hell if you repent not But my Lord to put you out of doubt because I am weary I will strain Curtesie with you I perceive you will not with your Doctors come unto me and I am not determined to come unto you by Gods Grace for I have hardned my Face against you as hard as Brass Then after many railing sentences I was sent away And thus have I left the Truth of my Answers in writing being thereunto desired by my Friends that you may see how the Lord hath according to his promise given me a Mouth and Wisdom to answer in his Cause for which I am condemned and my Cause not heard The Substance of the last Examination of Robert Smith before Bishop Bonner with his Condemnation in the Consistory The second day of July I was with my Brethren brought into the Consistory and mine Articles read before the Mayor and the Sheriffs with all the Assistants unto which I answered as followeth Bonner By my faith my Lord Mayor I have shewed him as much favour as any man living might do but I perceive all is lost both in him
Hereticks Philpot God hath appointed a day shortly to come in the which he will surely Judge us with righteousness howsoever you judge of us now After some further discourse with him he was with four others had to the Keepers House in Paster-noster-row where the Arch Deacon of Londons Servant Q. Mary An. 1555 in his Masters name offered John Philpot a Bed for that night To whom he gave thanks but said it would be a grief to him to lie well one night and the next night worse wherefore said he I will begin as I am like to continue and take such as my Fellows do whereupon they were brought to the Bishops Cole-house unto which is joyned a little blind house with a pair of Stocks where they found one person sitting with his hand and foot in At his fifth Examination as he was going to the Cole-house he met with Bonner who said to him Philpot If there be any pleasure I can shew you in my house I pray you require it and you shall have it Philpot The pleasure that I require of you is to hasten my Judgment which is committed unto you and to dispatch me forth of this miserable World unto my Eternal rest Note for all this fair Speech I could never attain hitherto this fortnight space neither Fire nor Candle nor good Lodging Another time being sent for before Bonner Bonner said I charge you to answer to such Articles as my Chaplain and my Register have from me to object against you Philpot Omnia Judicia debet esse publica All Judgment ought to be publick therefore if you have any thing to charge me lawfully withal let me be in Judgment lawful and openly called and I will answer otherwise in Corners I will not At which the Bishop was angry and called him foolish Knave and bid them put him in the Stocks Philpot Indeed you handle me with others like Fools and we must be content to be made Fools at your hands Stocks and Violence is your Bishop like Almes so he was put in the Stocks alone in the house seperate from his Fellows for which he praised God that he thought him worthy to suffer any thing for his Names sake Not long after the Bishop coming to view the Cole-house saying he was never there before and his coming then was for no good for he thought the place too good for John Philpot and called for the Keeper and caused him to put the said John Philpot in another place by himself where the Keeper pluckt off his Gown and searched him and took away his Pen and Ink and Papers At another Examination the fourth of December Chadsey said You shall be constrained to come to us at length whether you will or no. Philpot said Hold that Argument fast for it is the best you have for you have nothing but violence Soon after Bonner pronounced the Sentence against him and then delivered him to the Sheriffs whose Officers had him to Newgate in his way he said Ah good People Blessed be God for this day At Newgate he was cruelly handled by the Keeper having Irons put on because he had not wherewithal to satisfie the unreasonable Goalers demand for Fees Upon the 17th day of December the Sheriff sent a Messenger to him to bid him make ready for the next day he should suffer and be burnt at a Stake He answered I am ready God grant me strength so he went into his Chamber and poured out his Spirit unto the Lord God giving him thanks that he of his mercy had made him worthy to suffer for his Truth and when he came into Smithfield he kneeled down saying these words I will pay my Vows in thee O Smithfield and so died a constant Martyr The death of the Persecuting Bishop of Winchester About this time died one of the great Persecutors viz. Stephen Gardner Bishop of Winchester at his House in Southwark of whose death its memorable that the same day in which Ridley and Latimer suffered at Oxford he would not go to Dinner till four a Clock in the after-noon though the old Duke of Norfolk was come to Dine with him the reason was because he would first hear of their being burnt and as soon as word of that was brought him he presently said now let us go to Dinner where sitting down and eating merrily upon a suddain he fell into such an Extreamity that he was fain to be taken from the Table and carried to his Bed where he continued fifteen dayes without voiding any thing either by urine or otherwise which caused his Tongue to swell in his Mouth and so he died ●556 Seven Martyrs burnt in Smithfield About the 27th of January were burned in Smithlfield London these seven persons hereafter following viz. Thomas VVhittle Bartelet Green John Tudson John VVent Thomas Browne Isabel Foster Joane VVarren alias Lashford At which seven as they were burned together in one Fire so were they likewise upon one sort and form of Articles condemned in one day This Thomas VVhittle one of these Sufferers was the person that Jo. Philpot found in the Stocks when he was put into the Bishops Cole-house Thomas Whittle was sorely beaten and heardly used by the Bishop for two nights he lay on a Table without Bed or Straw the Bishop telling him he should be fed with Bread and Water the Bishop sometimes giving him fair words and sometimes threatning him and Doctor Harpsfield perswaded him very much to forsake his Opinions Thomas answered he held nothing but the Truth but he had made a Bill for Thomas to subscribe to this effect that he should detest all Errours and Heresie against the Sacrament of the Altar and other Sacraments and to believe the Faith of the Catholike Church and live accordingly Now after he had signed it he was under great condemnation as appears by this Testimony under his hand the Substance of which is as followeth To the Bill I did indeed set my hand being much desired and counselled so to do and the Flesh being alwayes desirous to have liberty I considered not throughly the inconveniences that might come thereupon and respite I desired to have had but earnestly they desired me to subcribe Now when I had so done I had little joy thereof for by and by my Mind and Conscience told me I had done evil by such a slighty means to shake of the sweet Cross of Christ and yet it was not my seeking as God he knoweth but altogether came of them O the crafty Subtilty of Sathan in his Members let every man that God shall deliver into their hands take good heed and cleave fast to Christ for they will leave no corner of his Conscience unsought but will attempt and guilefull and subtil means to corrupt him to fall both from God and his Truth The night after I had subscribed I was sore grieved and for sorrow of Conscience could not sleep for in the deliverance of my Body out of Bonds which
was dead Richard Yeoman was removed to Norwich Prison where after close Imprisonment for some time being Examined and Required to submit himself to the Pope he said I defie him and all his detasteble Abominations whereupon he was condemned and burnt There was also a Young man one Joh. Alcock a Sheer-man by Trade who being in the Market at Hadley and Newall the Priest coming by with procession because he would not move his Cap nor shew any sign of reverence he catcht hold on him and called for a Constable and said Here 's an Heretick and a Traytor have him to the Stocks and afterwards he was committed to Prison and shortly after carried him up to London where he was long time kept Prisoner in Newgate where after many Examinations and Troubles for refusing to submit to the Romish Religion he was thrown into the lower Dungeon where falling sick he died in Prison Thomas Benbridge Martyr Thomas Benbridge of the Diocess of VVinchester a Single man and one called a Gentleman who thought he might have enjoyed the pleasures of the World if he would have conformed yet he rather chused quietness and peace of Conscience and therefore manfully withstood the Popish Doctrines and was therefore condemned by Doctor VVhite Bishop of VVinchester but being brought to the Stake they used many insinuations to cause him to recant to whom at first he said Away Babyloaon away the Fire being kindled he was suprised with fear so that he cryed out I recant but before they would take him from the Stake his Adversary caused him to subscribe Articles upon a mans Back and then he was taken from the Stake and committed to Prison where being troubled in Conscience that he had subscribed the Articles he signified so much unto his Enemies who about a week after brought him again to the Stake and there burnt him In this same Year which was the last Year of Queen Mary Jo. Cook a Sawyer Robert Miles a Sheer-Man Alexander Lane a Wheelright and James Ashly a Batchellor they were all four Examined before Hopton Bishop of Norwich Edward VValgrave Knight and others the chief thing they demanded in there Examination was to know why they refused to go to Church so called to which they answered to this effect that it was against their Consciences and that they could not follow false Gods after their Examination they were all four condemned and burnt at Edmundsbury about the beginning of the Moneth called August which was not long before Queen Mary fell sick Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver Martyrs In the Month called November following Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver suffered at Ipswich The Woman in her Examination Smiling upon Doctor Spencer that examined her he said Woman why dost thou laugh us to scorn She replyed whether I do or no I may well enough to see what Fools you be Then the Chancellor askt her Wherefore she was brought before im Alice Driver Wherefore said she I think I need not tell you that for you know it better then me and if you know not you have done me much wrong to keep me in Prison and know not the cause why Chancellor Woman Woman What sayst thou to the blessed Sacrament of the Altar To which she made no answer till he askt her the second time and then she told him she knew not what he meant thereby having not read in all the Scriptures of such a Sacrament and askt him what a Sacrament was The Chancellor replyed It is a Sign and another Doctor standing by said It was a Sign of an holy thing Alice answered It s true it is a Sign indeed and therefore cannot be the thing signified thus far we do agree The Doctor standing by said Christ said to his Disciples Take eat this is my Body Ergo. Alice Driver Whether was it Bread he gave unto them Doctor No It was his Body Alice Then was it his Body they did eat over night Doctor Yes it was his Body Alice What Body was it then was crucified next day Doctor It was Christs Body Alice How could that be when his Disciples had eaten him over night except he had two Bodies then the Chancellor commanded the Goaler to take her away Alice Now you are not able to resist the Truth you command me to Prison again well the Lord in the end shall judge our cause and to him I leave it The next day she was brought before them again The Chancellor askt her What she said to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar Alice I will say nothing to it for you will neither believe me no● your selves for yesterday I askt you what a Sacrament was and you said it was a sign and I agreed thereto and now you ask me again of such a Sacrament which I never read of in the Scriptures Chancellor Thou naughty Woman thou lyest we did not say it was a Sign Alice Why are not you the men that you were yesterday will you eat your own words are not you ashamed to lye before all this Multitude here present who heard you speak the same The Doctor that sat by told her she was deceived there was three Churches Alice said Is there mention of so many in the Scripture shew me the place where it is written The Doctor feeling for a Bible but had none Alice said you are a good Doctor to sit here a Judge and have not the Book of the Law by which you should Judge Doctor Have you one No said she Then said he I am as good a Doctor as you Alice I had one but you took it from me as you would take me from Christ if you could Then the Chancellor having no more to say rose up and read the Sentance in Latine against her and committed her to the secular Power and shortly after A. Gouch and she were burnt together at Ipswich Shortly after Philip Humfrey John David and Henry David his Brother were all three burnt in Bury in Suffolk for the cause of Religion being prosecuted by Clement Higham Knight the same Month that Queen Mary died About this time also suffered at Exeter a poor Woman whose name was Prest this Woman going into Peters Steeplehouse in Exeter and seeing one making new Noses to certain Images which were disfigured in King Edwards time she reproved him saying what a mad man art thou to make them new Noses which within a few dayes shall all lofe their heads for these words she was clapt fast and close in Prison this poor Woman was by many wayes tryed both by hard imprisonment throatnings taunts and scorns but neither frowns nor flatteries would prevail to move her from her profession but she continued an Example of Constancy to all that professed the Truth which her Enemies perceiving they removed her from the Bishops Prison to Guild-Hall where she was exhorted to leave her fond Opinions telling her she was not fit to meddle with such high matters Though I am not said she yet with my death
Then Story sent for him again and calling him into the Garden before a Chaplain and two others who said The Book had both Treason and Heresie in it and asked Thomas Green What he said of it he said He knew no evil by it The Doctor in a chafe said He would hang him up by the hands with a Rope and cut out his Tongue and out off his Ears and called him Heretick and bid Cluney lay him fast in the Cole-House where he was kept alone without Company in a place caled the Salt-house having upon his Leg a Bolt and a Fetter and his hands manackled together with Irons Q. Mray An. 1558. and there continued ten dayes having nothing to lye on but bare Stones or a board Whilest he lay there in Prison two women being brought in he was carried to the Lollards Tower and put in the Stocks and there kept night and day more then a Moneth and none suffered to come to him or speak with him but the Keeper who brought him meat shortly after he was sent for before one Hussey who threatned him he should be whipped So Thomas thanked him and went away with his Keeper to the Lollards Tower again where he remained two or three dayes and then was brought to the Gray-Friers now called Christs-Hospital where he was whipt and delivered him to the Portor who put him into a stinking Dungeon after he had remained a Prisoner a Moneth Dr. Story came to him and calling for two Beadles and Whips to Whipt him and caused him to be stripped and to be Whipt with Rods the Doctor standing by commanded to give him one hundred stripes crying If I might have my will I would cut out his Tongue But upon the intreaty of some that stood by who had more pity then the Doctor he received not so many stripes and then after they had Whipt him they bid him go his wayes About his time one William Living and John Lithal suffered deeply in the Cause of the Gospel William Living being brought before Bonner's Chancellor where after short Examination he commanded Cluny to take him to the Cole-house and took from him his Purse Girdle and New-Testament and put him in the Stocks saying Put in both your Legs and your Hands also and except you pay your Fine I will put a Collar about your Neck What is the Fine said William Forty Shillings said the Keeper I am never able to pay it said VVilliam A Kinswoman seeing him in this condition gave the Keeper forty pence to take him out of the Stocks he took her Money and let him out to eat his Supper and at seven of the clock he put him in the Stocksagain and so he remained till two of the clock the next day The Thursday following in the afternoon he was had to the Lollards Tower and there put in the Stocks having the favour to put his Legs in the same holes that John Philpots leg had been in and so lay all night no body coming to him either with meat or drink and shortly after two men were surety for him and paid his Fees and he was discharged When John Lithal was Examined before the Chancellor who asked him What Church he was of and why he came not to his Parish Church Lithal answered I am of the Church of Christ the Fountain of all goodness He was used with great extreamity and cruelly by Cluny the Keeper at Lollards Tower who hanged him in a great pair of Stocks where he lay three dayes and nights till he was so lame that he could not stir nor move In the time of his great suffering several of his Neighbours Importuned the Chancellor for his deliverance whereupon the Chancellor sent for him and spake to him to this effect will you that your Neighbours enter into Bonds for you or not Lithel By my mind they shall not wherefore I defire you that you would not bind me Q. Mary An. 1558 but let me serve God with my Conscience freely for it is written they that lead into Captivity shall go into Captivity and they that strike with a Sword shall perish with the Sword I desire you said he that be my Neighbours that you would not enter into bond for me it goeth against my Conscience that you should Chancellor I will not bind you to do any thing against your Conscience Then the Bond was made but he would not seal it wherefore the Chancellor said its pity thou hast so much favour shewed thee for these honest mens sake I will discharge thee The Examination of Elizabeth Younge before M. Hussey He Examined her of many things First Where she was born and who was her Father and Mother Elizabeth Younge Sir all this is but vain talk and very superfluous I think you have not put me in Prison to know who was my Father and Mother but I pray you go to the matter that I came hither for Hussey Wherefore wentest thou out of the Realm Elizabeth To keep my Conscience clear After some other discourse he asked her What age she was of she replyed forty and upwards Hussey Twenty of those years thou wentest to Mass Elizabeth Yea and Twenty more I may and yet come home as wise as I was at first for I understand it not Hussey Why wilt not thou go to Mass Elizabeth My Conscience will nor suffer me for I had rather all the World should accuse me then my own Conscience Hussey But why wilt not thou swear upon the Evangelist before a Judge Elizabeth Because I know not what a book Oath is Hussey Woman thou art come from beyond Sea and hast brought books with thee of Heresie and Treason and thou must confess to us who translated them and printed them and who sent them over else thou shalt be racked Inch-meal thou trayterous Whore and Heretick but thou shalt swear before a Judge before thou go yea and thou shalt be made to confess how many Books thou haft sold and to whom Elizabeth I understand not what an Oath is and therefore will take no such thing upon me Then said Docter Martin to her who had formerly delivered her being brought before him at Westminster I delivered thee said he and thy Husband and I thought thou wouldest have done otherwise then now thou doest for if thou hadest been before any Bishop in England and said the words thou didest before me thou hadst fryed a faggot and though thou didst not burn then thou art like to burn or hang now Elizabeth Q. Mary An. 1558. Sir I promised you then that I would never be fed with an unknown Tongue and no more will I yet Dr. Martin Thou shalt be fed with that which shall be smally to thine ease Elizabeth Do what God shall suffer you to do for you shall do no more Martin charged the Goalers Wife to give her one day bread and another day water Elizabeth If you take away my meat I hope God will take away my hunger and
against the Mass and Antichrist the people in a rage fell upon him beating and bruising of him and he was forthwith bound and set upon an Ass and the Executioners with lighted Torches burnt his Face Mouth and Tongue first when the flames came overthwart his Cheeks he was heard to cry Lord forgive them they know not what they do and then they consumed his body with Fire to Ashes And herein the Reader hath seen the invinceable Constancy of these Martyrs who in their burning Zeal for Religion dryed up the Rivers of Persecution and were never tyred in Suffering until the Persecutors swords were blunt with the slaughter Blessed are they that are Persecuted for Righteousness sake for their is the Kingdom of Heaven Part IV. Q. Eliz. An. 1558. Containing an Account of such as suffered Persecution and Martyrdom under Episcopacy c. I Am now come to the Reign of Queen Elizabeth in whose first year the Parliament restored the first fruits and tenths to the Crown and the Protestant Religion was again established the Bishops that refused the Oath of Supremacy were removed and others put in their rooms in this Queens time about the Eleaventh year of her reign arose a People making a Profession of the Pure Religion and would allow of nothing but what was directly taken out of the Scriptures openly condemning the received Discipline of the Church of England together with the Liturgy and the very calling of the Bishops as savouring too much of the Romish Religion declaring it to be an impious thing to hold any thing common with the Church of Rome and used all diligence to have the Church of England reformed in every point according to the rule of the Church of Geneva amongst these Dissenters were Coleman Burton Hallingham and Benson whom the Queen commanded to be committed to Prison yet it is a thing almost incredible how on a suddain their Followers encreased known by the envious name of Puritans who preached nothing more then Evangelical Purity crying down the Ecclesiastical Form of Government as a thing poluted with Roman Dregs setting out Books in Print to the same effect refusing to go to the publick Worship as it was then used whereupon many endeavours were used to suppress them and the Law was commanded to be put in Execution which required Uniformity and the Books wrote by the Puritans to be delivered into the Bishops hands on pain of Imprisonment by these courses of persecution and force they were kept down for a time the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury using his utmost endeavours to settle an uniformity in Ecclesiastical Discipline according to the Laws which he saw lay gasping if the Puritans encreased and thereupon provided Articles for all Ministers to subscribe but he found great opposition or disturbance in this his Design both at home and abroad for one Robert Brown a young man of Cambridge from whom a People called Brownists took their name and one Rich. Harrison a School master these set forth Books in Zealand dispersed them over England condemning the Church of England for no Church these Books were by Authority prohibited and several of the chief of these Brownists were executed at Bury in Suffolk as the Reader shall understand more particularly in this following Discourse Q. Eliz. An. 1558. as far as I can give a discovery by the Authors I could procure As I have said though by the forciable course the Bishops took these People were kept under at times yet in the one and thirtieth year of the Queen the Pur̄itān̄s Flames brake forth again and Books were written by the names of Martin-Marprelate and another Book by Penry and Udal against the Government of Bishops and Barrow and Greenwood wrote a short Treatise called a Plat-Form in which was contained sharp reproofs to the Clergy saying That all false and Antichristian Ministers ought by the Princes Authority to be rooted out and that their Antichristian and Idolatrous Livings ought to be converted to chartiable Civil-uses and are not to be appropriated or given to Gods true Ministry for the maintenance thereof neither ought it to receive the same for it stands not with the honour of God that Bethel Gods House should be garnished and supported with the things belonging to or taken from Bethaven the House of Idols as if the Almighty wanted other means for support of his own House and must needs be beholden to the House of Idols to help him and his For these and such matters by them openly divulged they were imprisoned and all that would not bow the Bishops resolved to break them to pieces on the other hand the more hotly they were persecuted by the Bishops the more the Zeal stirred in them to oppose strengthening themselves daily through their diligence in Reading the Scriptures that they might be enabled to oppose the Clergy whose Reformation they said was no more then casting out the name and Persons of the Pope and Papists and yet reserved all their Livings and Priviledges even all the fat and gainful Ware of Amaleck unto themselves But in the end of these things as it seldom hath been known so far as I have observed that whensoever the Truth appeared though in the least Measure but it cost some Blood which should make men love it the better So in these times this Barrow Greenwood and Penry and several others sealed their Testimony first by hard Imprisonment and at last by death it self as in the sequel will appear and if what I find upon record be true as I have no cause to believe otherwise the chief Instruments of their deaths were the Clergy and not the Queen For when the Queen asked Doctor Raynolds what he thought of those two men meaning Barrow and Greenwood he answered It would not avail any thing to shew his Judgment concerning them seeing they were put to death and being loath to speak his mind further the Queen pressed him and charged him to speak whereupon he answered that he was perswaded if they had lived they would have been two as worthy Instruments for the Church of God as hath been raised up in this Age The Queen sighed and said no more But after that riding to a Park by a place where they were executed called to mind their suffering of death and being willing to have further information concerning them demanded of the Earl of Cumberland that was present when they suffered what end they made he answered a very godly end and prayed for your Majesty and the State moreover one Philips a famous Preacher having both heard and seen Barrows Speeches and Preparation for death said Barrow Barrow my Soul be with thine And now before I give Account of the places where these persons were executed it will be necessary to insert their Complaint to the Parliament relating their hard usage in Prisons a Copy of which is as followeth The Humble most earnest and lamentable Complaint and Supplication of the Persecuted and Prescribed Church and
Then thou art an Heretick and shalt be burnt but who hath taught thee this Heresie Boy You. Chancellor Where I pray thee Boy Even in yonder place pointing towards the Pulpit the Court being held near it Chancellor When did I teach thee so Boy When you Preached there upon the Sacrament you said the Sacrament was to be received Spiritually by Faith and not carnally as the Papists have heretofore taught Chancellor Then do as I have done and thou shalt live as I do and escape burning Boy Though you can so easily dispence with your self and Mock with God the World and your Conscience yet I will not so do Chancellor Then God have Mercy upon thee for I will read the Sentance against thee Boy Gods will be fulfilled And soon after he and Thomas Croker were both burnt in Gloucester Tho. Spicer John Dunny and Edmund Fools Martyrs About the Moneth call May Thomas Spicer of Winston John Duny and Edmund Poole being brought to Examination before Duming Chancellor of Norwich who objected against them the common Articles and after they had answered because they would not recant he read the condemnation and delivered them to the Secular power and about the 21th of the aforesaid Moneth they were all burnt for their Testimony in one Fire in Beckless in the County of Suffolk In this Moneth William Slech Prisoner in the Kings-bench for the Confession of the Truth there died On the sixth day of the Moneth called June there were four persons burnt at Lewis Sufferers in Sussex in Sussex for the Profession of the Truth viz. Thomas Harland of Woodmancet Carpenter John Oswald of the same Husband-Man Thomas Auington of Ardingly Turner and Thomas Read These four after a long Imprisonment in the Kings-Bench Suffered at the aforesaid place John Oswald denied to answer any thing until his Accusers were brought face to face before him and said Fire and Faggots could not make him afraid but as many good men were gone before him he was ready to Suffer and follow after In the same Moneth and in the same Town of Lewis were burnt Thomas Wood and Thomas Mills William Adheral and John Clement being Prisoners died in the Kings-Bench about the 24th day of the same Moneth The 26th day of the same Moneth a Young man-servant to a Marchant was burnt by the Papists at Liecester The 27th day of the same Moneth there suffered thirteen Persons at one Fire at Stratford near Bow by London cleaven Men and two Women the cleaven Men were tyed to three Stakes and the two Women were loose in the midst without any Stake In the company of these thirteen were three more condemned to die viz. Thomas Freeman William Stamard William Adany The Names of the thirteen that were burnt were as followeth Ralph Jackson Henry Adlington Lyon Cawch Wil. Halnoell George Searles John Ronth John Darisall Henry Wye Edmund Hurst Lawrence Parnham Thomas Bowyer Ellis Pepper Agnes George After they were condemned the Dean of Pauls declared in his Sermon that they held as many Opinions as there were persons wherefore they drew up a Declaration of their Faith to which they all signed some particulars of which were That the Sea of Rome was the Sea of Anti-christ the Congregation of the Wicked c. Whereof the Pope is head under the Devil Also that the Mass was not only a prophanation of the Lords Supper but a Blasphemous Idol That God was neither Spiritually nor Corporally in the Sacrament of the Altar and there remaineth no Substance in the same but only the substance of Bread and Water for these Articles of our Belief said they we being condemned to die do willingly offer our corruptible Bodies to be dissolved in the Fire all with one Voice assenting and consenting thereunto When they were fixamined before the Bloody Bishop and said they would believe all he or they could prove by Scripture he said he would not stand to prove it with Hereticks but said they were the holy Church and you ought said he to believe us or else be cut off like withered Branches About this time Thomas Parres Martin Hunt and John Norrice died Prisoners in the Kings-Bench who were all buried in the back-side of the Prison Three burnt at Edmundsbury The 30th of the Moneth called June there were three persons burnt in one Fire at Edmundsbury in Suffolk whose names were Roger Bernard Adam Foster and Robert Lawson When Roger Bernard came before Doctor Hopton Bishop of Norwick upon Examination the Bishop askt him Whether he had been with the Priest at Easter to be shriven and whether he had received the Sacrament of the Altar or no Bernard said No I have not been to confess to the Priest but I have confessed mysinsto Almighty God and I trust he hath forgiven me wherefore I shall not need to go to the Priest for such matters who cannot help himself Bishop Surely Bernard thou must needs go and confess thy self unto him Bernard That shall I not do by the Grace of God while I live Bishop What a stout Boyly Heretick is this How malipertly he answereth Bernard It doth not grieve me I thank God to be called Heretick at your hands for so your Fore-fathers called the Prophets and Confessors of Christ long before this time After some other words past between them the Bishop rose up sore displeased and Commanded the Goaler to take him away and lay Irons enough on him for said he I will tame him ere he go from me The next day being brought before him again Bishop asked him if he remembred himself since the day before Bernard said Yes I remember my self very well for I am the same man I was yesterday and I hope shall be all the dayes of my life concerning the matter you talked with me of Then one of the Guard being by undertook to Examine him who had him to an Inn where many Priests were assembled together who first began to flatter Roger Bernard and then seeing that would not do they threatned him with Whipping Stocking Burning and such like Bernard tenderly replying said Friends I am no better then my Master Christ and the Prophets which your Fore-fathers served after such sort and I for his Names sake am content to suffer the like at your hands if God shall so permit trusting that he will strengthen me in the same according to his promise When they saw he would not relent or yield they said behold a right Schollar of John Fortune whom they had then in Prison so they carried him again to the Bishop who immediately condemned him as an Heretick and delivered him to the secular power he was a single man a Labourer dwelling in Fransden in Suffolk and was first apprehended for refusing to go the Church so called A Relation of the Examination of John Fortune of Hintlesham Suffolk Black-Smith about in the 20th day of the Moneth called April before ' Doctor Parker and the Bishop written with his own
hand This John Fortune was a man of a Zealous Spirit and ready in the Scriptures in Christs Cause Stout and Valiant and no less patience in his wrongful Suffering then constant in his Doctrine The Examination is as followeth First Doctor Parker asked How I believed in the Catholick Faith Fortune I asked him which Faith he meant whether the Faith that Stephen had or the Faith of them that put Stephen to death Parker being moved said What a naughty Fellow is this you shall see anon he will deny the blessed Sacrament of the Altar and said How sayest thou by the blessed Mass Fortune And I stood still and made no answer Then said one Foster Why speakest thou not and make the Gentleman an answer Fortune I said Silence is a good answer to a foolish Question Parker I am sure be will deny the blessed Sacrament of the Altar Fortune I said I knew none such Parker You deny the order of the seven Sacraments and why dost thou not believe in the Sacrament of the Altar Fortune Because it is not written in Gods Book Foster You shall be Whipped and Burnt for this Fortune If you knew how these words do rejoyce my heart you would not have spoken them Away with him said he for he is ten times worse then Samuel and so he was carried away to Prison again At the second Examination Bishop asked me If I did not believe in the Catholick Church Fortune I believe that Church whereof Christ is the head Bishop Dost thou not believe that the Pope is Supream head of the Church Fortune No Christ is Head of the true Church Fortune Then I asked him whether the Pope were a Spirtual Man To which he said Yea. Fortune I said They are spightfull men for in seventeen Months there were three Popes one Poisoned another for that presumptous seat of Anti-chhist Bishop It is Malishiously spoken for thou must obey the power and not the man well said he What say you to the Ceremonies of the Church Fortune All things that are not planted by my heavenly Father shall be blucked up by the roots saith Christ Bishop They are good and godly and necessary to be used Fortune Paul called them weak and beggerly At the third Examination Bishop How believest thou in the Sacrament of the Altar Dost thou not believe that after the Consecration there is the real substance of the Body of Christ Fortune That is the greatest Plague that ever came into England Bishop Why so Fortune If I were a Bishop and you a poor man as I am I would be ashamed to ask such a Question for a Bishop should be apt to teach and not to learn Bishop Is it Idolatry to Worship the blessed Sacrament or no Fortune God is a Spirit and will be Worshipped in Spirit and Truth At another Examination Bishop asked me If I would stand to my Answers that I had made him before Fortune Yea for I have spoken nothing but the Truth And after that he made a great Circumstance upon the Sacrament Then I desired him to keep to the Text and he read the Scripture which said I am the Bread which came down from Heaven believest thou not this Fortune Yea truly Bishop Why dost thou deny the Sacrament Fortune Because your Doctrine is false Bishop How can that be false which is spoken in the Scripture Fortune Christ said I am the Bread and you say the Bread is he therefore your Doctrine is false Bishop Dost not thou believe the Bread is he Fortune No. Bishop I will bring thee to it by the Scriptures Fortune Hold that fast for that is the best Argument you have yet Bishop Thou shalt be burnt like an Heretick Fortune Who shall give Judgment upon me Bishop I will judge a hundred such as thou art and never be shreven for it Fortune Is not there a Law for the Spirituality as well as for the Temporality Clement Higham said Yes what meanest thou by that Fortune When a man is perjured by the Law he is cast over the Bar and sitteth no more in judgment and the Bishop is a perjured man and ought to sit in Judgment of no man Bishop How provest thou that Fortune Because you took an Oath in King Henry's dayes to resist the Pope so both Spiritual and Temperal are perjured that here can be no true Judgment Bishop Thinkest thou to escape Judgment by that no for my Chancellor shall judge thee he took no Oath for he was then out of the Realm Clement Higham It is time to Weed out such Fellows as you be indeed The Bishop commanded the Bailiff to take him away thus much touching the Examination of this man but whether he died by Fire or were otherwise prevented by Death is not recorded only his Sentence of Condemnation was drawn up and registred by the Register of Norwich but most certain it is he never recanted John Careless Examined before Doctor Martin Martin askt him Where he was born Careless said John Careleses Examination At Coventry Martin said How camest thou hither Careless By a Writ Martin Thou art a hansom man and its pity but thou shouldest do well and play the Wise mans part Careless I put you out of doubt that I am most sure and certain of my Salvation by Christ Jesus so that my Soul is safe already whatsoever pains my Body suffer here for a little time After much more discourse between them about predestination Martin said The Lord knows that I would gladly make some means to preserve thy life but thou speakest so much of the Lord the Lord How sayest thou wilt thou be content to go into Ireland and serve the Queen there Careless I am ready to do service to the Queen or her Officers but if they require me to do any thing contrary to Christs Religion I am ready also to do my service in Smithfield for not observing it as other my Brethren have done He endured Imprisonment two whole years in Coventry and the Kings-Bench where at last he died and was buried in a Dunghill in the Fields Sentences taken out of a Letter written by John Careless in the time of his Suffering and Imprisonment To my most dear and faithful Brethren in Newgate condemned to die for the Testimony of Gods Everlasting Truth The Everlasting Peace of God in Christ Jesus the continual Joy Strength and Comfort of his most pure Holy and Mighty Spirit with the increase of Faith and lively feeling of his Eternal Mercy be with you my most dear and faithful loving Brother Tyms with all the rest of my dear hearts in the Lord you faithful fellow Souldiers and most constant Companions in bonds yea of men Condemned most cruelly for the sincere Testimony of Gods Everlasting Truth to the full finishing of that good work which he hath so gratiously begun in you all that the same may be to his glory the commodity of his poor afflicted Church and to your Everlasting comfort in him
miserably Also one named Claude De Astes a Councellor in the said Court the same day he gave his Opinion and Consent to burn a faithful Christian albeit it was not done indeed as he would have it after he had dined committed Whoredom with a Servant in the House and even in doing the Act was stricken with a disease called an Apoplexia whereof he died out of hand Peter Lyset chief President of the said Court and one of the Authors of the aforesaid burning Chamber was deposed from his Office for being known to be out of his right wit and bereaved of his understanding Also John Moren Lievtenant Crimnel of the Provost of Paris after he had been the cause of the Death of many Christians was finally stricken with a disease in the Legs called the Wolves whereby he lost the use of them and died also out of his wits many dayes before denying and blaspheming God Likewise John Andrew Book-Binder of the Palace a spie for the President Liset and of Bruseard the Kings Soliciter died in a Fury of Madness The Inquisitor John De Roma in Province his flesh fell from him by piece-meal and so stinking that no man might come near him for the smell thereof Also John Minerius of Province who was the cause of the death of a great Number of Men Women and Children at Cabriers and at Merindol died with bleeding in the lower parts the Fire having taken his Belly blaspheming and despising God besides many other whereof we might make recital which were punished with the like kind of death It may please your Majesty to remember your self that ye had no sooner determined to set upon us but new troubles were by and by moved by your Enemies with whom ye could make no Agreement which God would not suffer forasmuch as your Peace was grounded upon the Persecution which ye pretended against Gods Servants as also your Cardinals cannot let through their cruelty the course of the Gospel which hath taken such root in your Realm that if God should give you leave to destroy the Professers thereof you should be almost a King without Subjects Tertullian hath well said that the blood of Martyrs is the Seed of the Gospel wherefore to take away all these evils coming of the riches of the Papists which cause so much Whoredom Sodomitry and Incest wherein they wallow like Hogs feeding their idle Bellies the best way were to put them from their Lands and Possessions as the Old Sacrificing Levites were according to the express Commandment given to Joshua for as long as the Commandment of God took place and that they were void of Ambition the purity of Religion remained whole and perfect but when they began to aspire to Principallity Riches and worldly Honours then began the Abomination of Desolation that Christ foretold It was even so in the Primitive Church for it flourished and continued in all pureness as long as the Ministers were of small wealth and sought not their particular profit but the Glory of God only but since the Pope began to be Prince like and to usurp the Dominion of the Empire under the colour of a false Donation of Constantine they have turned the Scriptures from their true sence and have attributed the service to themselves which we owe to God wherefore your Majesty may seize with good right upon all the Temperallities of the Benefices and that with a safe Conscience to Employ them to their true and right use First For the finding and maintaining of the faithful Ministers of the Word of God for such Livings shall be requisite for them according as the case shall require Secondly For the entertainment of your Justices that give Judgment Thirdly For the relieving of the poor and Maintenance of the Colledges to instruct the poor Youths in that which they shall be most apt unto and the rest which is infinite may remain for entertainment of your own Estate and Affairs to the great easment of your poor People which alone bear the Burden and possess in manner nothing In this doing an infinite Number of men and even of your Nobility which live of the Crucifex should imploy themselves to your Service and the Common Wealths so much the more diligently as they see that ye recompence none but those that have deserved whereas now there is an infinite Number of men in your Kingdom which occupy the chiefest and greatest Benifices which never deserved any part of them c. And thus much touching the Superfluous Possessions of the Popish Lordly Clergy Now proceeding further in this Exhortation to the King thus the Letter importeth But when the Papists see they have not to alledg for themselves any reason they say to make odious to your Majesty the Lutherans as they call us and say if their sayings take place ye shall be fain to remain a private person and that there is never change of Religion but there is also change of Princedom a thing as false as when they accuse us to be Sacramentaries and that we deny the Authority of Magistrates under the shaddow of a certain furious Anabaptist which Sathan hath raised in our time to Darken the Light of the Gospel for the Histories of the Emporors which have begun to receive the Christian Religion and that which is come to pass in our time shew the contrary Was there ever Prince more feared and obeyed then Constantine in receiving the Christian Religion Was he therefore put from the Empire No he was thereby the more confirmed and established in the same and also his Posterity which ruled themselves by his Providence but such as are fallen away and followed mens Traditions God hath destroyed and their Race is no more known in the Earth so much doth God detest them that forsake him and in our time the late Kings of England and Germany were they constrained in reproving Superstitions which the wickedness of the time hath brought in to forsake their Kingdoms and Princedoms All men see the contrary and what honour fidelity and obedience of the people in our time that have received the Reformation of the Gospel do under their Princes and Superiours yae I may say that the Princes knew not before what it was to be obeyed at that time when the rude and ignorant people received so readily the dispensations of the Pope to drive out their own Kings and Natural Lords The true and only remedy Sir is that ye cause to be holden a holy and free Council where ye should be chief and not the Pope and his who ought but only to defend their causes by the holy Scriptures that in the mean while ye may seek out men not corrupted suspected nor partial whom ye may charge to give report faithfully unto you of the true sence of the holy Scriptures and this done after the Example of the good King Jehosaphat Hezekias and Josi●● ye shall take out of the Church all Idolatry Superstitions and Abuse which is found directly
contrary to the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testimament and by that means ye shall guide your People in the true and pure Service of God not regarding in the mean time the cavelling pretences of the Papists which say that such Questions have been already answer'd at General Councils for it is known well enough that no Council hath been lawful since the Popes have usurped the Principallity and Tyranny upon mens Souls but they have made them serve to their Covetousness Ambition and Cruelty and the contrariety which is among those Councils maketh enough for their disproof beside a hundred thousand other absurdities against the Word of God which be in them the true proof for such matters is in the true and holy Scriptures to the which no times nor Age hath any prescription to be alledged against them for by them we receive the Councils founded upon the Word of God and also by the same we reject that Doctrine which is repugnant And if ye do thus Sir God will bless your enterprise he will encrease and confirm your Reign and Empire and your Posterity if otherwise Destruction is at your Gate and unhappy are the People which shall dwell under your Obedience there is no doubt but God will harden your heart as he did Pharaohs and take of the Crown from your head as he did to Jeroboam Nadah Baza Ahab and to many other Kings and give it your Enemies to triumph over you and your Children And if the Emperor Antonyne the meek although he was a Pagan and Idolator seeing himself bewrapt with so many wars ceased the Persecutions which were in his time against the Christians and determined in the end to hear their Cause and Reasons how much more ought you that bear the name of most Christian King to be careful and diligent to cease the Persecutions against the poor Christians seeing they have not troubled nor do trouble in any wise the Sate of your Kingdom and your Affairs Considering also that the Jews are suffered throughout all Christendom although they be mortal Enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ which we hold by common accord and consent for our God Redeemer and Saviour and that until you have heard lawfully debated and understand our Reasons taken out of the Holy Scriptures and that your Majesty have judged if we be worthy of such punishments for if we be not overcome by the Word of God the Fire the Sword nor the cruel Torments shall not make us afraid these are Exercises that God has promised his the which he fortold should come in the last times that they should not be troubled when such things came upon them Translated out of the French Book intituled Commentaries of the State of the Church and Publique Weale page 7. Notwithstanding the Letter and warning the King no whit abated his cruel Persecution against the Lords People but rather was the more hardened in heart and inflamed against them pouring out great Threatning against them But the Lord in whose hand the hearts of Kings are caused him to stoop for shortly after in a publick Triumph or Jusling Mountgomery and the King met together so stoutly that in breaking their Spears the King was stricken with a counter blow right in one of his Eyes and the shivers entered into his Head so that his Brains festered and perished and no remedy could be found but he dyed having reigned twelve years three moneths and ten dayes Amongst others it is not to be forgoten the Example of Gods just Scourge upon Sigismundus the Emperor A just Judgment upon Sigismundus the Emperour who after his wrongful condemnation of John Husse and Hierome of Prage nothing afterwards went prosperous with him but all contrary so that he died without issue and in his wars he ever had the worst and not long after Ladis Laus his Daughters son King of Hungary fighting against the Turk was slain in the Field so that in the time of one Generation all the Posterity and Off-spring of this Emperor perished besides this Barbara his Wife came to such ruin by her wicked Lewdness that she became a shame and slander to the name and state of all Queens whereby all Christian Princes may be warned how they defile themselves with the blood of Saints an Martyrs And thus the Reader may see all along throughout the Scriptures and by the record of Antient Histories The Conclusion how God hath avenged the the Cause of his People against all Persecutors for Conscience sake of every Age almost from the beginning unto these Times and now these Examples may be a Warning to the Persecutors of this Age who have made Spoil of the People of God and have the Spoil in their Houses and though such Oppressors may be lifted up because Judgment is not speedily executed yet let such consider their wayes and repent before it be too late for the Lord is at the Door and beholds the Actions of such as grind the face of his People and though he hath long forbearance yet his Judgments will come if there be not repentance in time Return therefore whilst ye have time O ye Persecutors and wicked Men for the day of the Lord is at hand It shall come as a Destruction from the Almighty therefore shall all hands be faint and every mans heart shall melt and they shall be afraid Pangs and Sorrows shall take hold upon them they shall be in Pain as a Woman that travelleth they shall be amazed one at an other their faces shall be as Flames Behold the day of the Lord cometh cruel both with Wrath and fierce Anger to lay the Land desolate and he shall destroy the Sinners thereof out of it and will punish the World for their Evil and the wicked for their Iniquity and will cause the arrogancy of the Proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the Terrible A Christian Plea AGAINST PERSECUTION For the Cause of CONSCIENCE Grounded Upon Scripture Reason Experience and Testimonies OF Princes and learned Authors Acts 5.38 39. Now I say unto you Refrain from these Men and let them alone for if this Counsel or this Work be of Men it will come to nought but if it be of God you cannot overthrow it lest happily you be found Fighters against God Printed and Published for the Service of Truth The Contents I. REason against Persecution is because it is Contrary to the Scriptures II. Reason against Persecution for the cause of Conscience is because it is against the Profession and Practice of Famous Princes III. Reason against Persecution is because it is condemned by the antient and the later Writers IV. Reason It s no prejudice to a Kingdom or Common-wealth if Liberty of Conscience be suffered to such as fear God as is or will be manifested i● such mens Lives and Conversations as Scripture-Examples Testifie V. Several Testimonies shewing that Conscience ought to be free and not to be imposed upon and no person