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A83437 The casting down of the last and strongest hold of Satan. Or, A treatise against toleration and pretended liberty of conscience: wherein by Scripture, sound reason, fathers, schoolmen, casuists, Protestant divines of all nations, confessions of faith of the Reformed Churches, ecclesiastical histories, and constant practice of the most pious and wisest emperours, princes, states, the best writers of politicks, the experience of all ages; yea, by divers principles, testimonies and proceedings of sectaries themselves, as Donatists, Anabaptists, Brownists, Independents, the unlawfulnesse and mischeif [sic] in Christian commonwealths and kingdoms both of a vniversal toleration of all religions and consciences, and of a limited and bounded of some sects only, are clearly proved and demonstrated, with all the materiall grounds and reasons brought for such tolerations fully answered. / By Thomas Edvvards, Minister of the Gospel. The first part.; Casting down of the last and strongest hold of Satan. Part 1 Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647. 1647 (1647) Wing E225; Thomason E394_6; ESTC R201621 211,214 231

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contemned Fourthly Whereas punishment by the Magistrate and cutting off by death under the old Testament in cases of Apostasie Blasphemie c is made a Ceremonie and type of excommunication under the new Testament cutting off of casting out and of eternal damnation I may truly Answer this is gratis dictum said but not proved and therefore might deny it without giving any reason and bid the Patrons of Toleration prove it but that the Civill Magistrates punishing delinquents under the old Testament was no Ceremonie nor Type I shall give these reasons 1. Ceremonies shadowes Typical things under the old Law were either of things past or things to come the remembrances of things already done or the Praesignifications of future things but Ceremonies and Types were not the signification of things present and existent Now excommunication and eternal damnation were at that time under the old Law when those commands of punishing with death the Apostate faise Prophet c were given and in use That excommunication and cutting off from the Church were in the Church of the Iewe● in the times of the good Kings and Magistrates punishing Idolaters c with the Civil sword let the Reader Consult Aarons Rod blossoming 1 Book 4. 5 6 7. chapt That there was Hell and eternall damnation under the old Law as well as the new both before those commands in Deut. 13. 17. were given and all along after many places of Scripture show as Isaiah 30. 33. 2 Pet. 4. Jude 5. 6 7 that mention Hell for the evil Angels Sodomites the unbeleeving Israelites that came out of Egypt and the wicked Kings of Israel and Judah and therefore that which Hagiomastix saith that cutting off from his People under the Law it exchanged for casting out from his people under the Gospel is very false for there was casting out from the Church as well then as now yea cutting off spoken of in the old Testament in many places means nothing else but casting out of the Church by excommunication for full proofe of which I referre the Reader to Aarens rod blossoming 1. Book cap. 5. pag. 55. 56 57 58 59 As also that passage is not true that the expression of cutting off where ever t is found in the Gospel is m●tephorical and allusive only for cutting off is used in the new Testament for cutting of by bodily death as in Gal. 5. 12. and else where the proof of which I referre to the 20. Thesis where I shall handle it fully Secondly The same things may be said with as much reason against bodily outward punishments for breaches of the second Table Adultery Murder Theft as against outward punishing for Apostasie c and if they hold not good against the second Table neither do they against the first Thirdly The Civil Magistrates punishing for moral transgressions is no Ceremonie nor Type acts of morall justice though they may sometimes be extraordinary yet they never were accounted Typical or Figurative but by such as would transforme all the Scriptures into an Allegory and Master Cotton answering such a like evasion in the Bloudy Tenet saith Did ever any Apostle or Evangelist make the judicial Laws of Moses concerning life and death ceremonial and Typical Time was when humane inventions in Gods worship were accounted superstition But now humane inventions in Doctrine may passe for currant Evangelical Divinity And in another place To make a judicial Law a figure without some light from some Scripture is to make a mans selfe wise above that which is written Fifthly the making these expresse commands of God concerning punishing Idolaters false Prophets Blasphemers types and figures of spiritual and eternal punishments of excommunication damnation c is by turning the Scriptures into an Allegory and forsaking their literal sense against the rules of interpretation given by the most Orthodox Divines as Augustine and others a making them utterly void and as opening a wide doore to all errors and foolish conceits that as often as men know not how to answer the Scriptures that crosse their Opinions and lusts and yet have a mind to keepe their Opinions they may still fly to this and say This Scripture is not to be taken litterally but mystically and Allegorically Beza in that judicious Tractate of his De Haereticis a Magistratu puniendis in Answer to Montfortius a grand Patron of Toleration in those times who in many places of his writings made use of this Invention that corporall punishment under the old Law as stoning was no figure of any bodily punishment to be now inflicted but of eternal to which we ought to leave Hereticks or else of that punishment which is inflicted not by a corporal sword but a spiritual the lively word of God writes thus For this was the speciall subtiltie of Sathan of old which yet not one almost of the ancient Fathers observed that when he could not cast the Scripture out of the Church wholly yet by vaine Allegories he made the whole Scripture unprofitable and fabuloùs so as truely there was not one peice of Scripture left free of being contaminated with these Allegories which very course also the Anabaptists and Libertines take at this day But this I would that they should at length show us out of what place of Scripture they have learned that invention and device of the shadowes and figures of the judiciall Lawes Per in Ceremonies and so in some Histories from the Authoritie of Scripture I acknowledge these things But of judicial Lawes or corporall Idolatrie which might shadow out spirituall I remember not that I have ever read any thing But for further satisfaction in this particular I refer the Reader to the Tractate of Beza page 156. 167. Sixthly supposing all Hagiomastix saith were true that those bodily punishments commanded by God under the old Law to be inflicted upon false Prophets Idolaters Seducers Blasphemers had been in some sense typical and Praesignificative of those greater and more spiritual under the Gospel yet it followes not that they are ceased now and may not be lawfully practised for they may remaine and be made use of though the other sense intended be fulfilled too there is a compound sense of some Places of Scripture litteral and historical figurative and spirituall as Weems in his Christian Synagogue second Book page 223. 224 225 226 227 228 showes in which cases when the spiritual is fulfilled eminently the literal is not abolished of which I might give many instances but shall onely name one viz. that of Deut. 25. 4. Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the Oxe which treadeth out the Corne. Now though the spiritual sense of that place be the not muzling the mouth of the Ministers who labour in the Gospel 1 Cor. 9. 9. yet the litteral sense holds stil that a man should forbeare to muzzle the mouth of the Oxe which treadeth out the Cor●● or at least t is not unlawfull to forbeare besides by the
very uncertain doubtfull other things absurd and untrue As first that to be a Type of Christ is a sufficient ground of a Politicall Civill power over the Church and that typicalnesse qua typicalnesse gives those perso●s a power who otherwise have none the contrary unto which is in severall Reasons proved by Doctor Stewart in the second part of his Duply to M. S. page 22. and never yet answered by M. S. or any other though M. S. and many of his Brethren have written upon that argument since Secondly that he who was Head of the State was Head also of the Church in a typicall way whereas many great Divines are of another judgement and show that the Kings of Judah and the civill judicatures were formally distinct from the Ecclesiasticall and that he who was cheif in the State over civill matters was not cheif Iudge and Officer in the Church in an Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall notion of which point Master R●●herford and Master Gil●espie having written so fully lately I shall spare to speak any thing and referre the Reader to their learned Books enti●uled The Divine Right of Church Government Aarons Rod Blossoming Thirdly that the people of the Iewes were interchangably a Church and a Nation so that whoever was a member of the Church was a member of the Common-wealth and vice versa of which see the Book entituled The Antient Bounds or Liberty of Conscience seated page 60. Now Master Gillespie in his Aarons Rod blossoming Book 1. chap. 2. proves strongly that the Iewish Church was formally distinct from the Iewish State and that in seven particulars as in respect of distinct Lawes distinct Acts distinct Officers so in respect of distinct Members there being Members of the Church among them who had the name of Proselyti Iustitiae and were initiated into the Iewish Religion by Circumcision Sacrifice c. that neverthelesse were restrained and secluded from Dignities Government and Preferment in the Iewish Common-wealth and from divers matriages which were free to the Israelites Master SELDEN also in that learned Book of his De Jure Natur. Gentium lib. 2. cap. 4. lib. 5. cap. 20. speaks as much of those Proselytes Proselytus justitiae utcunque novato patriae nomine Iudaeu● diceretur non tam quidem ci● is Iudaicus simpliciter censendus esset quam peregrinus sempe● cui jura quamplurima inter cives Secondly how do they prove that Iehu Ioash Manasseh Asa Hezekiah Iebosophat Iosiah were Types of Christ and did execu●e typically the kingly office of Christ in his Church were Kings in an Ecclesiasticall notion an extraordinary way not ruling only for the Church but in the Church and over it as they say Moses Ioshua David Solomon were in their persons places and actions expresse types of Iesus Christ as 't is evident in the New Testament Pen-men also of Scripture besides Prophets as well as Magistrates and so were extraordinary men that every thing they did in Religion is not a binding example to Magistrates now as many Reformed Divines have showen against the Arminians and Erastians but that Asa Iosiah Hezekiah Iehosaphat were is gratis dictum not yet proved neither were these Pen-men of holy Scripture or Prophets extraordinarily inspired but these foure great Reformers as Kings were stirred up enquiring after and directed by Prophets as the Reader may finde clearly in the stories of them in the Chronicles and Kings Besides I finde not among Divines who have written of the Types of Christ or who grant Moses David Solomon to be expresse Types that they make Asa Iosiah c. to be Types Again of Types of Christ as Divines distinguish there are particular persons types of him as Adam Noah Isaac Joseph Moses Joshua Samson David Solomon Jonah and there are such rancks and orders of men as the First-born Kings Prophets c. Now though all of the first sort are speciall particular Types of him so that the speciall things done by them do typifie and set forth Christ in many particulars of his person actions and sufferings yet the rancks and orders of men as the First-born Kings Prophets may not be typicall in all the particular persons of those ranks and orders at least to the particular acts they do in those ranks and orders but 't is enough for many in those orders to agree in common as in being Kings and Prophets as Christ was there being some in all those orders and ranks appointed of God especially and peculiarly to be the Types which others are not and for whose sakes in those orders and ranks such orders of men were instituted by God to be Types of which many instances might be given with the Reasons thereof in some of the First-born Kings c. but I shall reserve the further handling of that to a second part upon this Subject Lastly supposing Asa Josiah and those godly Kings to be Types of Christ may it not be doubted whether Jehu Ieboash Ammon Ieroboam c. were Types of Christ and did execute his kingly office who yet were commended viz. the two fir●t for destroying false worship and reproved for not doing it constantly besides could those Kings of Israel and Iudah who yet were lawfull Kings that apostatised from all the whole worship of God the Ceremoniall Law that ordained the Types that destroyed Gods service and the Priesthood made Priests of the lowest of the people be Types of Christ and I desire to be resolved or M. S. the Author of the Antient bounds of Liberty of Conscience stated whether any wicked men were speciall Types of Christ and whether all persons who were Types of Christ were not saved Thirdly suppose these Kings of Iudah were Types of Christ in setting on the Thron of David and ruling over Iudah in Christ the King of his Church coming out of their loines yet they were temporall Kings had Civill authority Now how does it appear that what they did in punishing idolatrous Priests comm●nding their subjects to the true worship of God they did only as Types by vertue of that Notion and not as they were temporall Kings which must be proved before their examples can be made null and I am sure the Scripture no where faith that the Kings of Iudah and Israel in what they commanded in matters of Religion they did as Types of Christ and not as Civill Magistrates 'T is one thing to be a Type and another thing to doe such things meerly qua Types and what if Christian Magistrates leaning upon this broken staffe suffering all Herefies Blasphemies and Idolatries in their Kingdomes Christ at the last day when they stand before the judgement feat they objecting for themselves the Kings of Israel and Iudah were Types of Christ and all they did was by vertue of their typicall notion shal tell them no but as Magistrates entrusted by God with a power and authority how will they be then confounded will this distinction and notion
God for it p. 12 13 Magistrates and Judges before Moses time before the Judiciall Lawes or Levitical Priesthood did punish for matters of Religion and command men under their power to worship God p. 13 14 Other Kings besides those of Israel and Iudah used their Power for the worship of God against Idolaters Blasphemers c p. 14 15 16 That objection against the Kings of Israel and Iudahs power in matters of Religion that they were tipes of Christ and that Land typical answered at large in eight distinct Answers where divers things are opened concerning Types and of those Kings being Types and how actions may be Typical and yet morall from p. 16 to 27 Idolatry and Idolaters not the adaequate object of the Magistrates coercive power under the old Testament but the whole worship and truth of God from p. 27 to 34 The 17. of Deut. 18. 19. opened and proved to give Magistrates the care of Religion p. 34 35 36 37 Vnder the Father in the fourth commandement and under sanctifying the Sabbath the Magistrates dutie to see the publick worship of God observed by his subjects proved p. 34 40. 41 The Magistrates dutie qua Magistrate in matters of Religion proved and yet with a difference of the Christian and Heathen Magistrates power in such matters p. 42 43 44 The commands in the Old Testament for Magistrates punishing in matters of the first Table as Exod. 22. 13. Deut. 13. 1 2 5. Deut. 17. 1. 2 3 4 5. Levit. 24. 16. Deut 18 20. 22. with divers others laid down p. 44 45 46 Reasons laid down to prove these commands for punishing Idolaters false Prophets c. Morall of common reason and equity given to all Nations and for all Ages from p. 46. to 53. Of Judiciall lawes under the Old Testament being in force under the New how far and in what respects with the reasons thereof from p. 53. to 58. The Magistrates punishing of sinnes immediately against God as Blasphemy Apostasie c. is of the light of nature p. 58 59 60 61 72 73 The Magistrates coercive power in matters of Religion as necessary under the Gospel for the glory of God salvation of mens soules peace of Church and State as under the Old yea more reasons for it under the Gospel then under the Law p. 62 63 64 The Magistrates punishing false Prophets c. is an act of our love to God and our Brethren p. 66 67 68 69 70 71 The reasons of those commands in 13. and 17. chap. of Deut. concerning putting to death false Prophets Apostates have been were and are stil the same of a like nature and force both before the commands given by Moses in Moses time and now under the Gospel p. 76 77 78 An Answer to that objection that if Moses laws bind now then Moses is alive under the new Testament p. 79 80 A full Answer to that objection If the Law in Deut. 13. be in force now t is in force in all the particulars for the manner of the punishment for a whole City not only al the Inhabitants but the cattell also c. in which answer many things are opened and cleared what 's morall in that Deut. 13. and what ceremoniall and that the law concerning the destroying of a city cattell c. is no part of the command spoken of in the first part of the 13. chap of Deut. p. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87. 173 174 175. 195 196 An answer to that obiection If Moses lawes bind under the New Testament then every person in an idolatrous State is bound to seek the death one of another yea the Magistrate bound to sentence to death all his subiects practising idolatry without exception p. 90 91 92 93 A full answer to that Evasion of Hagiomastix against the Old Testament lawes that the reason why the Magistrates did then punish false Prophets Blasphemers c. was because the Jewes to whom these laws were given in all difficult cases about matters of Religion had the opportunity of immediate consultation with God who did infallibly declare his mind to them in which answer many questions are discussed and cleared severall texts opened as whether God gave answers by Vrim and Thummim in difficulties arising about morall transgression● against the first Table or rather whether those answers were not concerning the events of future things as about the successe of war c. as whether Infallibility or Fallibility be the proper grounds and reasons of punishing or not punishing in matters of faith and morall transgressions as whether there be not and how far and by what means an infallibility and certainty in matters of Religion now as well as under the Law as whether that Deut. 17. 8 9 10 11 12. be any proof for God giving answers by Vrim and Thummim or only a ground in difficult cases to go from lower Courts to higher and the highest of all who by reason of their number and abilities were more able from the law of God to resolve difficult cases then the inferior Courts with divers other particulars usefull to be known in these times from p. 95 to 165 A full answer to that Evasion brought by Hagiomastix and other Patrons of Toleration that the punishments under the Law were more bodily and afflictive to the outward man then under the Gospel and consequently were typicall Cutting off of Casting out now and typicall of eternall damnation and therefore by the comming of Christ ceased p. 165 166 167 168 169 170 A full answer to that objection That supposing all those lawes in Deut. 13. c. were morall and in force yet they could not reach to Hereticks and false Teachers among us as not being those false Prophets Idolaters Blasphemers spoken of in those lawes from p. 171 to 190 An answer to that objection That the Sadduces Herodians Pharises were tolerated by the Jewes and that Christ did never charge that Church and State with sin for not punishing them p. 29 30 compared with 190 191 192 193 194 Severall Reasons laid down to prove that if there were no commands nor examples in the New Testament to prove the Magistrates power of punishing Hereticks false Teachers yet the proofs of the Old Testament were binding p. 199 to 211 Besides all the Old Testament proofs some places of Scripture speaking of the dayes under the New Testament brought for Magistrates power in Religion and punishing false Teachers p. 212 213 214 215 Seven grounds from places of Scripture recorded in the New Testament proving Magistrates coercive power against false Teachers annd Hereticks laid down and cleared p 215 216 217 218. Published by Authority A TREATISE against the Magistrates Toleration And Permission of a Promiscuous use and Profession of all Religions Sects and Heresies and a partiall limited Toleration of some few Sects or of any one Sect way of Worship Church Government different from the true Religion established and setled HAving in my Preface and Prolegomena both
men that were put to the sword the Seducers and the Ringleaders he burned the Calfe ground it to pouder strowed it upon the water and made the children of Israel drink of it causing the Idol to passe from them among their excrements So 2 Chron. 15. 13. They that would not seek the Lord God of Israel whether small or great the little ones who could not be in●i●ers of Idolatry were to be punished Deut. 13. When one of the Cities of Israel was withdrawn to serve other gods then the inhabitants of the City the children as well as the grown men who could not withdraw from God were to be smitten And we shall finde it all along in the Book of the Kings and Chronicles among the Idolaters and false worshippers that there 's no such distinction made but some of whom no such thing expressed are removed and punished as those who may be supposed were inticers to Idolatry Fourthly As for that the Kings of Judah Asa Iosia c. never punished Pharisees Herodians or any other Sect in the profession of the Jewish Religion the reason is manifest because there was none such till many hundred of yeeres after these Kings for these Sects of Pharisees c. began very late not long before the coming of Christ and as for Herodian● they sprung up after Herod was King which showes the great ignorance of M. S. speaking as if there had beene Herodians in the dayes of Asa H●z●kiah c. but by the way if M. S. ●lias Cretinsis can prove there were such in the dayes of those good Kings I will undertake to prove that they used their co●rcive power towards them as well as towards Idola●ers and ●ndeed 't is evident by many passages that all kind of corruption and declination from the way of God was the object of Josiah● and other Magistrates Reformation and had there beene Sadduces Herodians c. viz. men that had held those Errors and wayes in those Kings times they could not have escaped their hands and this is thus proved because the high places not of Idolatry but of will-worship where they sacrificed to the Lord only as t is 2 Chron 33. 17. were put down and the worshippers and Priests suppressed and those good Kings who did not are upon record blamed which kind of worshipping was not so bad as the Herodians and Sadduces who held Herod for the Messias and denied Angels and Spirits and that I may come up yet more close to M. S. objection who saith nothing was done against Sectaries or Scismaticks I conceive they were to the Church of the Jewes as Sectaries and Scismaticks are now and their worship a Scisme worshipping the true God in a separated way apart from the publike place and Assemblies of Gods people as our Sectaries do now Fifthly the true reasons why when the Herodians Sadduces c. sprung up among the Jewes they were not suppressed not punished First in regard Religion was then mightily corrupted all things were out of order the Church of the Jewes did then hasten to their destruction and so no wonder if Heresies and false Doctrines were suffered in such a State as well as other things Secondly the Jewes were not then a free people neither had they the Civill power absolutely in their hands they had no truly Iewish King who cared for those things but Herod the Idumean and the High Priest then could do nothing Thirdly God permitted Iury to abound with diversity of Sects in the dayes of Herod as the Sadduces Essenes the Pharisees the Herodians because he had a purpose to destroy the Iewish Common-wealth and to bring all into subjection to Christ and the Toleration of divers Religions among them was the forerunner and preparer of the way for the ruine of the Iewish State as it hath beene of many States 6ly supposing the Kings of Iuda● and Israel de facto had never exercised any coercive power on any other objects but Idolaters and Idolatry and that all the commands in the Old Testament given to the Iewish Magistrates had beene in the letter of the text onely against Idolaters and Idolatry which is not true yet by vertue of those very commands and examples Magistrates might exercise a coercive power against evills of the like kind though not in the letter specified and the reason is this because the commands of God and the examples of good men accordingly recorded in Scripture might in the letter at least for the generality be expressed only against those evills and that kind and sort of them which were most in use in that age and time when they were given and yet other kinds of those sins or other sinnes as bad or worse which should arise afterwards were by just Analogie common equity by a Synecdoche usuall in such commands forbidden also As for example the second Commandement forbids only in the letter and by name graven Image and the likenesse of any thing and yet in that command all mediums of worships invented by men though not graven Images nor likenesse are forbidden under the title of graven Images and likenesse and that by a Synecdoche common in the Decalogue which because in those times of Moses they were the chiefe inventions of m●n corrupting the worship of God they are fitly put in the place of all humane inventions brought into the worship of God of which the Reader may finde more in Doctor Ames Medul Theolog. 2. Booke 13. chap. De Cultu Instituto So because Idolatry and Idolatry with Apostafie to serve strange Gods the Gods of those Nations whom God had cast out of the Land of Canaan there being many Cananites c. among them were the corruptions the Israelites were most in danger of the Idolatries most in use in those times and by the Nations round about them when they should come to Canaan as is evident by many places of Deutr. and the false Prophets and Seducers then went most about to seduce men in that way therefore God in the letter as it was most needfull spoke by name against such Prophets and such Idolatry as were most stirring in those times under which commands are forbidden by a Synecdoche and by Analogie other depravations of Gods worship and name that might arise in after ages for by the rules of Interpretation of Scripture given by Divines where a thing is forbid there all of that nature and sort are forbidden also as for example greater sinnes of that kinde then those expressed in the letter must needs be forbidden and so lesser also Now certainly where God hath given a command to Magistrates in the letter to punish such offences if his subjects commit greater and higher against God and his worship by the equity of this command he is to punish them if none in the letter for those as if there had been no command but against Idolatry of such Nations yet worshipping the Devill offering up children to Moloch blaspheming God and his worship with
that is handled is Politicall or Ecclesiasticall The Politicall is Criminall or Civill but the Ecclesiasticall is Ceremoniall So Lyra understands between blood and blood when one part of the Judges say that this shedding of blood is to be punished with death as being voluntary murder the other part sayes no it is but casuall Master Gillespie in his Aarous rod blossoming Book 1. chapt 3. showes t is agreed upon both by Jewish and Christian Expositors that this place holds forth a supreme Civill Court of Judges and that this text holds forth two sorts of causes some foren●icall betweene blood and blood some ceremoniall between stroak and stroake Now this Scripture speaking how that man shall die that will do presumptuously and will not hearken unto the Judge as well as he that will not hearken unto the Priest and speaking of matters of the second Table as well as of the first and the sentence of death here spoken of if immediate and infallible by Vrim extending equally to difficult cases in Civill matters as in matters of Religion or rather more there being divers particular instances in Scripture of Answers in Civill matters as of war and foretelling of some events in Civill affairs but none in matters of Religion if then the Magistrate because of his immediatenesse of consultation with God might punish in matters of Religion but not now that immediatenesse being ceased it will also follow he might then punish for bloud c because by Vrim hee might certainly know whether it was wilfull or voluntary but now he may not because t is possible and probable in doubtfull and difficult cases about mans life meum and tuum he may run into errors and mistake Sixthly this cleer Reason of Hagiomastixs making infallibility the ground of coercive Power and Fallibility a being subject to error and mistake the ground of the deniall of such a power is a fundamentall falsity and a grand mistake overthrowing equally all spirituall censures and punishments in cases of false Doctrines and Hereticks and all bodily outward punishments in Criminall Civill matters and so at once making void all the Civill Power of the Magistrate and all the Ecclesiasticall power of the Church For the Magistrate is not infallible absolutely free from all possibility of error and mistake in his judgement in matters of the second Table many Magistrates in those matters have and doe daily grosly mistake many innocent persons have suffered and doe daily and many guilty persons have and doe escape who does not see in Civill matters what mistakes there are and may bee both in point of law and matter of fact how Lawyers and Iudges are divided in their Opinions what controversies and difficulties arise upon cases what doubts and Scruples grow upon witnesses testifying quite contrary and other circumstances so that what Iudge can say hee is infallible and certaine that hee is not mistaken that hee saw such a fact committed that the accusers and witnesses have deposed nothing but truth I could Instance in a hundred particulars both in regard of the Law-Makers the Lawes the Jewry Witnesses the accused partie the Iudges themselves c wherein Magistrates are as fallible and as obnoxious unto error in matters of the second Table as in the first yea and in divers respects more but I must refer this to the second part of this subject where the Grounds for Toleration particularly that of no man being infallible in our dayes is to be answered Deut. 17. 8 9 10 11 12. showes us there are difficultcases and Controversies in matters of the second Table between blood and blood c and that among the Iudges themselves so that higher Courts are appointed to go unto and the highest of all the Councell of Seventie at Jerusalem Who sees not in Kingdomes about their Lawes and Civill Rights as high and great Controversies and Contestations as in matters of Religion each partie having great Lawyers and able men on their side So the Church with the best Councels and Synods are not infallible but may mistake and erre and in in some things have mistaken as many learned Protestants have shown against the Papists upon that question whether the Church may erre And therefore by this cleer reason of Master Goodwin it should not be only unlawfull for the Magistrates to punish for Idolatrie Blasphemie Heresie Scisme but for Murder Theft Polygamie Adulterie c yea as unlawfull for the Church to admonish and excommunicate for Idolatrie Heresie Blasphemie c as for the Magistrates to punish corporally But now M. S. Hagiomastix Ancient Bounds or Liberty of Conscieuce stated with divers of our Sectaries who write of this question yeeld the Magistrates power in matters of the second Table answering that of Rom. 13. 4. to be understood in things concerning the second Table and the Churches power in censuring for Heresies evading that of Revel 2. 20. to be meant of Ministers not Magistrates and of spirituall censures not Civill who yet are alike fallible and subject to error and mistake the Magistrates in Civill judgements and Ministers in spirituall as they are in punishing corporally in matters of Idolatrie Heresie and indeed considering the state of the question of Magistrates coercive Power in matters of Religion as I have laid it downe in the Prolegomena and so is to be understood viz. that the Magistrate is to doe it upon advice and after advice in all difficult doubtfull cases with the ablest Godliest Ministers in the Church by the advice of Synods with Solemne Prayers after meant of instruction and conviction used to the parties which means and helps being not in Civill causes nor in the censures of particular Churches are more liable to error and mistake then Magistrates So that if Magistrates and Churches may punish the one corporally in matters of the second Table the other spiritually in cases of both as is confessed by our grand Patrons of Toleration notwithstanding their fallibilitie and possibilitie of mistake then in difficult doubtfull cases Magistrates may punish in matters of the first Table notwithstanding they are men of very fallible judgements or in case the want of the Magistrates infallibilitie puts a supersedeas to his coercive Power in matters of Religion the same want deprives him of Power in Civill things and Ministers in Ecclesiastical because of their Possibilitie of erring in both By all which the Reader may see t is a very rotten foundation both to build upon or to take away the Power of censuring evill and erroneous persons upon the infallibilitie or fallibilitie of those who have Authoritie from God no certainly this Power and dutie of those who are in place both in Church and State are founded on the Ordinance and Institution of God in appointing such Offices and in the nature of the Crimes and offences and on the ends of vindicating Gods Glory and Name and preserving others from being ruined c but never on that that the persons who should
pronounced but as it was according to the Law There is an expresse limitation in the text in verses 10. 11. thou shalt doe according to the sentence of the Law which they shall teach thee In the Hebrew text t is twice written juxta os legis according to the mouth of the Law and the ordinary Glosse upon that place notes that t is not said unto them thou shalt obey unlesse they teach according to the Law these words according to the sentence of the Law doe signifie a condition not a promise as if God did promise the Priests they should never depart from the Law which our Divines observe against Bellarmine and other Papists yea Master Goodwin himselfe Sect. 107. of his Hagiomastix speaking of this place to be meant only of such a sentence which the Priest did upon enquiry by Vrim receive immediately or however infallibly from the mouth of God himselfe grants it and puts in the same Section this sentence of the high Priest under the Law and saith the command in that Scripture is with that Caution and limitation of going according to the sentence of the Law for proofe of which I shall quote his own words verbatim Thirdly nor doth God in this passage of Scripture speaking of Deut. 17. 12. expresly command without caution and limitation that even in this Controversie it selfe he that would not stand to the sentence of the Iudge or high Priest should be put to death but only then when the Priests the Levites and the Iudge should give sentence or informe them according to the sentence of the Law And for the Readers further Satisfaction of the Scope and meaning of Deut. 17. 8 9 10 11 12. to free it from Master Goodwins sense of only such a sentence which the Priest did upon enquiry by Vrim receive immediately by which he would evade all punishment from the Magistrate in matters of Religion though I have said much upon the place already I refer him to the first Tractate eight Question page 127. 128 129. of Rivets Catholious Orthodoxus 2. Then by miracles t is a saying of Chrysostome God hath left us the Scriptures more firme then any miracle where the word of God is for such a thing that thing is most true and certain the word of God standeth and ahideth for ever It is easier for heaven and earth to passe then one title of the Law to faile t is impossible for God to lie miracles accompanying Doctrines are not alwayes infallible proofes of the truth of them for false Prophets teaching false Doctrines may doe miracles and come with signs and wonders Deut. 13. 1 2 3. showes that false Prophets who say let us goe after other Gods may give signs and wonders and the signe or wonder may come to passe Matth. 7. 22 23. Christ tels us that many who prophecied in his Name plead they have cast out Devils and done many wonderfull workes were workers of iniquity upon which place * Maldonate though a Iesuite confesses those false Prophets of which Christ speakes wrought true miracles truely Prophecied truely Prophecied truely cast out Devils neither doth Christ answer them that they lied but that he knew them not although they had done such miracles and thereupon he grants there can be no necessary argument taken from true miracles to prove the truth of Doctrine So Matth. 24. 24. 2 Thes 2. 9. Revel 13. 13 14. fully set forth how false Prophets and Anti-Christ shall doe great miracles by means of which they shall deceive many In Augustines time the Donatists would alledge miracles done by them to prove the truth of their Church and Doctrine and so doe the Papists now against the Protestants making the glory of miracles a note of their Church but Augustine against the Donatists of his time and learned Protestants against the Papists upon that Question of the notes of the Church doe prove the word of God a surer note and Argument of the true Church and Faith then miracles as whoever consults the writings of * Augustine Whitaker Cameron Rivet Ames Willet Whites way to the Church and especially of learned Gerard shall find 3. The proofe of Doctrine by the Scripture is more infallible then the testimonie of one coming from the dead Luk. 16. 29 30 31. Mases and the Prophets for perswading to beleeve are preferred before one arising from the dead They who elude and wrest the Scriptures interpreting them according to their own iust if one should arise from the dead they would not believe him in what he said against their Opinions but would put off all one way or other Experience hath taught that as Maldon●ie observes Christ raised up Lazarus from the grave who as t is to be thought told the Scribes and Priests many things agreeable to those which Christ taught them and yet they were so farre from beleeving him that they would have killed him John 12. 9 10 So the Scribes and Pharisees after Christs resurrection from the dead beleeved him never a whit more then before 4. Then an Apostle for the Apostles notwithstanding the prerogative of infallibilitie their certaine and infallible knowledge of the Gospel by the immediate inspiration of the holy Ghost being infallible in their writings to the Churches and in those Doctrines of faith they preached to those to whom they were sent were in some things at some times subject to mistakes or errors Peter that great Apostle of the circumcision after the holy Ghost was given Acts 2. erred and mistooke in accounting the Gentiles at that time common and unclean as Acts 10. 13. 14 15 18 24 compared together fully showes and in the Doctrine of Christian Libertie compelling the Gentiles to live at the Jewes and not walking uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel for which Paul withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed Gal. 2. 11 12 13 14. But the Scriptures erre not at all are all fine gold without any drosse cannot deceive be perfect and glorious the Apostles themselves in their preachings and writings appealed to the Scriptures made them the chiefe rules of their Doctrines Acts 3. 21. Acts 4. 25 26. Acts 17 2 3. Acts 26. 22 23. Acts 28. 23 24 25 26 27. Rom. 1. 2. Rom. 3. 4. with many other places to the same purpose The 〈◊〉 are commended for that when Paul the Apostle preached to them they searched the Scriptures whether those things were so John the Baptist was sent from God 1 John 6. immediately inspired by the holy Ghost as well as the Apostles and yet Christ prefers the witnesse of the Scriptures before the Testimonie of John John 5. 34 36. 39. The Testimonie of the Scriptures is greater then the record of John of which see Willets Synops first general Controvers concerning the Scriptures quest fourth 5. Then an Angel Gal. 1. 8. But though wee or an Angel from heaven c. Paul prefers the Scriptures
of that knowne axiome A particulari ad universale non valet consequentia and therefore though that particular reason be ceased although I haue fully shown that never was any reason of those Laws under the old Testament for punishing of false Prophets but a meer device and a fancie t is no good consequence all the other reasons yea and the commands themselves should cease also Seventhly to that Hagiomastix saith that the punishments enjoyned by God then under the Law to be inflicted in his Church upon delinquents were more bodily and afflictive to the outward man then the punishments enjoyned under the Gospel and consequently were not only carnall or bodily but typicall also and prefignificative of those greater and more spirituall under the Gospel cutting off from his people then as of casting out from his people now cutting off under the Gospel being no where found to be used but in a metaphorical and allusive sense also to what Minus Celsus Senensis writes that that corporall punishment in Deut. 13. was a Type of eternall damnation and therefore that Law with all the rest given for the future signification of things by the comming of Christ ceased I answer as followes First I deny the punishments enjoyned by God under the Law to be inflicted in his Church upon delinquents to be bodily or afflictive at all to the outward man as by donfiscation of goods or by death but they were spirituall and inflicted upon the soules by suspension excommunication and such like spirituall censures as well as now under the Gospel T is true there were bodily outward punishments in the Civill Iudicatories inflicted then on the bodies of false Prophets Idolaters c but by the Magistrates the Civil Governors and not by the Priests the Ecclesiastical Governors in the Church of the Iewes For under the Law the Jewish Church and Common-wealth the Civil Government and Ecclesiastical the censures and punishments of Church and State were formally distinct as Master Gillespie hath fully and excellently proved in his Aarons rod blossoming in many places particularly 1. Book cap. 2. 3 4 5 and the Church of the Iewes proceeded then against false Prophets only with the sword of the Spirit and spirituall weapons and the State with the materiall Sword and bodily punishments Which truth is fully acknowledged also by Master Cotton however differing from Presbyterians about a National Church in his Answer to Master Williams Bloudy Tenet saying I should think mine eye not only obscured but the fight of it utterly put out if I should conceave as he doth that the National Church State of the Jewes did necessarily call for such weapons a speaking of a Sword of Iron or Steel to punish Hereticks more then the Congregetional State of particular Churches doth call for the same now in the dayes of the new Testament For was not the National Church of the Iewes as compleatly furnished with spirituall Armor to defend it selfe and to offend men and Divels as the particular Churches of the new Testament be Had they not power to convince false Prophets as Eliah did the Prophets of Baal Had they not power to seperate all evil doers from the fellowship of the Congregation what power have our particular Churches now which their National Church wanted or what efficacie is there found in the exercise of our power which was wanting to them It is therefore a Sophistical imagination of mans Braine to make a mans selfe or the world believe that the National Church State of the Iewes required a Civil Sword whereas the particular State of the Gospel needs no such helpe And was not the National Church of Israel as powerfully able by the same spirit to doe the same surely it was both spoken and meant of the National Church of the Jewes not by might nor by Power but my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts Zach. 4. 6. So that by what I have already said Hagiomastix must either I suppose recall what he hath written of carnal bodily punishments enjoyned by God then to be inflicted in his Church upon delinquents or else must joyne with the Erastians in holding the Iewish Church and Common-wealth their Governement and Censures all one and the same Secondly The foundation upon which Hagiomastix rears this building of outward punishments under the old Testament being typical of spiritual under the new viz the Land of Canaan with the external happinesse and peace there being typical and therefore reasons a compara●is and from the Analogie is sandie and unsound for the Land of Canaan with the external happinesse and long life in it whatsoever it was typical of was from what God had put into the Land being a Land healthful pleasant flowing with milke and honey abounding in excellent precious fruits the immediate blessings of God upon it and not from what came to it by the Magistrates Laws and their good Government for further satisfaction of which I wish Master Goodwin to resolve me this question whether the Land of Canaan were not typical as well in times of wars and troubles and under bad Princes as in dayes of peace and under good Princes and so to reason a comparatis to use his owne Phrase and adidem if temporall threatnings and bodily punishments inflicted upon delinquents under the old Testament were typicall and Praesignificative of greater under the Gospel they must be threatnings and bodily punishments inflicted from God upon false Prophets c not thoe executed by the Magistrates on them Thirdly Granting both Hagiomastixs foundation and the building reared upon it to be good yet they no whit prove bodily and outward punishments to be wholly taken away under the new Testament for suppose the temporal happinesse and the temporal punishments had typified more spiritual happinesse and lesse of the earth more spiritual judgements and lesse of outward or bodily sufferings under the Gospel yet it followes not they take away all outward happinesse and blessings and all outward bodily punishments there may be greater or lesser degrees of things under the old and new Testament suitable to some difference in the manner of Administration betweene the old and the new and yet not the substance of the things taken away These are knowne axioms Gradus non tollunt substantiam Magis Minus non variant speciem T is apparent by sense and experience that how much soever spirituall blessings and spiritual judgements in the dayes of the Gospel abound above the times under the Law yet they take not away all temporal outward blessings nor all temporal outward judgements but God for all that gives many outward blessings and sends many temporal judgements on the earth So supposing God should inflict more spiritual judgements on the soules of men under the new Testament and the Church greater spiritual censures then under the old it no way followes the Magistrates may inflict none at all especially when all spiritual judgements on the soule are slited and with a high hand
Prophets does not only signifie Prophets as Arias Montanus observes upon that place but foolish speakers and vaine talkers such namely who are the cunning devisers of vaine discourses and by the subtil illusious of words doe catch the people such as Peter speaks of 2 Pet. 2. false Teachers among the people who with fained words deceive among others such especially who when they are confuted by learned men by plain places of Scripture being destitute of all abilitie and means by which to defend them errors that they may delude weak people insolently hoast they have the Spirit all their discourses being full of the boasting of the Spirit their prayers disputations speeches to the People all full of that for which they thinke they should be more beleeved then for all reason testimonies imitating therein Mahomet that Prince of Hereticks who when be could not prove the things he taught then he fled to the authoritie of the Spirit saying the Spirit revealed those things to him Now all sorts of Hereticks and false Teachers besides those Prophets who say let us goe after other Gods are vain talkers and deceivers as they of the circumcision and others Tit. 1. 10. 3 In this place is understood Hereticks and false Teachers as well as false Prophets who teach the following after other Gods from the effects that follow upon the thrusting thorow in the 4. 5. 6. verses so Gualther upon the place saith that it ought to be understood of false Teachers out of what followes it shall be manifest as from saying I am no Prophet I am an but bandman for man taught me to keep cattell from my youth c. That is they shall ingenuously confessé their ignorance that they ought to be sent to the Plaw-taile and to keep cattel rather then to continue any longer in the Ministrie of the Church And this is fulfilled in our age in many Papists who have left many fat Livings and preferments to embrace the pure Doctrine of the Gospel and ●●bet in the Church of Christ by the labor of their hands to get their living then in the tents of Anti-Christ to enjoy the greatest means Now Papists and such others however they are false Teachers ven● corrupt unsound Doctrine yet they are not of those who deny the true God and Christ and perswade to serve strange Gods So that by all these places of Scripture opened wee may see fully proved against Hagiomastixs assertion by warrant of Scripture many corruptions in matters of Religion besides false Prophets publickly teaching Apostasie to false Gods outwardly and bodily punished as private Seducers though they pretend not to be Prophets as persons seduced not seducing as those who would not hearken to but contemne the sentence of the supreme Ecclesiasticall Assembly as Hereticks and false Teachers and whoever would see more of these instances of Magistrates punishing for corruptions of religion in points of wil-worship Sabboth breaking c let them look back to page 27. 28 29 of this present Tractate Secondly Supposing there had been no other commands nor examples for Magistrates under the old Testament putting to death for matters of Religion then those named by Hagiomast of false Prophets Apostates Blasphemers which is not true as I have now shown in this first Answer and page 28. of this present Book yet these were sufficient grounds to justifie the Magistrates punishing in like cases and that upon these Reasons 1. In all Laws and commands for the better knowing their nature what they require and would have t is good looking into the causes and reasons of them why such Lawes were given by God from the cause of making the Law the mind of the Law-giver is to be understood T is a knowne maxime Ratio legis est mens legis the reason of the Law is the mind of the Law Now the reasons and causes of both those commands both against false Prophets as also private Seducers in Deut. 13. from 1. to the 12 are 1. the seeking to turne men away from the Lord their God and thrusting them out of the way which the Lord commanded them to walke in 2. The putting away the evill from the midst of them that others may hear and fear and do no more any such wickednes among them these are the Spirit and substance of these commands that those are to bee punished who when they fal from God themselves tempt others to the like defection and therefore are to bee made examples that others may not doe the like And therefore whoever seeks to turne men away from the Lord God and thrust them out of the way which the Lord hath commanded them to walke in they come within the compasse of these commandements although they doe not tempt to goe after the false Gods of that time and those Countries which the false Prophets then enticed them to for the reason of the Law is expressed in a universall forme against those who seek to turne men away from the Lord their God and to thrust them out of the way which the Lord commanded them to walke in as Beza observes and therefore to be in force against those in generall who doe fal from the true Religion and enticers also which is done other wayes then by falling to the strange Gods in those times that Moses writ in yea the command it selfe verse 5. in the letter mentions as speaking to turne men away from the Lord their God so to thrust out of the way which the Lord their God commanded them to walke in which certainly in the Scripture sense and acception includes other Apostafie and Idolatrie then of other Gods and I aske whether Israels worshipping the golden calfe and the ten Tribes worshipping the golden calfe at Dan and Bethel though they worshipped Iehovah in and by them were not a going out of their way which the Lord their God commanded them to walke in Secondly It is common and usual that in the commands concerning the worship of God and in other places of Scripture where the worship of God is spoken of there are Synecdochicall speeches intending and containing many other things of like kind and nature although not formally and literally expressed Eliah whe he complained of the whole Covenant of God violated by the Israelites expresses it by a part thrown down thine Altars and slaine thy Prophets The Prophet Isaiah prophecying of Egypts embracing the true religion saith Egypt shall sweare to the Lord of hosts under that expressing the whole worship of God The commands of God are exceeding large and broad comprehending many things under one Rivet in his explication of the Decalogue among other Rules hee gives for understanding of the commandements hath this that in all the Precepts of the Decalogue we must acknowledge a Synecdec●e in which one kind being propounded all under the same genus are understood But that that Synecdoche may be rightly explained before all things the Scope of the Law-giver in
be remembred T is a frequent thing in the Prophets when they prophecie of Christs Kingdome to proclaime War to Idols and Images as in Micah 2 I will cause the Prophets to passe out of the Land he denounces destruction to the Prophets which is to be understood of false Teachers 3. I wil cause the uncleane Spirit to passe out of the Land that is all the workes of the Devil the uncleane Spirit often so called by which he withdrawes men from the true worship of God Upon which words Gualther writes The Prophet having spoken in the 1. v. of a full and absolute washing by Christs bloud both from original sin and the corruption of our nature under the name of uncleannesse and all actuall sins thoughts words and deeds under the name of sinne least any from hence should conceive a hope of carnall liberty and impunity he showeth this effect of the grace of Christ is yet to proceed further that by him also shall be taken out of the way from the midst of the Church whatsoever is against the true Religion and Word of God Zach. 14 20 21. In that day shall there be upon the bridles of the horses Holinesse unto the Lord and the pots in the Lords house shall be like the bowles before the Altar c. On which verses Gualter writes the summary meaning of all to be this That in those days of the Gospel all things shall be turned to the worship of God even those things which before have beene imployed to prophane uses and against him Now then there shall not be Holinesse unto the Lord written only on the forehead of the Priests but it shall appear eminently on the bridles of the horses And Horses are particularly instanced in Horses being in a special manner serviceable for War the horse is prepared for the battel saith Solomon to show that the Warrs under the Gospell should not be prophane and wicked such as are made by ambitious and covetous persons but such by which the worship and Church of God may be defended against wicked enemies by those whom God hath appointed nursing Fathers of his Church And such Warrs in times past Constantine made against Maxentius and Licinius and Theodosius against Eugenius and Arbogastus And for those words in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the House of the Lord of Hosts he show●s Canaanite signifies Merchant and that the Prophet speaks of those who sell and make merchandise of holy things as the false Teachers in Peter who made merchandise of the people These are to be driven away far from the Church because they both corrupt the worship of God subvert the faith of the simple and make void the merit of Christ these Christ sets not upon only with words or with denouncing woes but with a whip made of small cords as impudent greedy dogs he c●sts out of the Temple with publick disgrace By the Canaanite or Merchant in this place the Prophet seems to have a special relation to the abuse of merchandizing and selling which was used in the Temple Matth. 21. 12. 2. John 15. Malach. 3. 2 3 4 5 the Prophet in this chapter prophecying of Christs comming into the world least men in his comming should p●●●●ise to themselves an earthly Kingdome and a lawlesse Libertie of doing any thing without punishment he tels them what a one Christ is and for what end he comes and what kind of persons they ought to be who desire to be be saved by him Who may abide the day of his comming for he is like a refiners fire and like fullers sope and he shall fit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he shall purifie the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver c that is as those who deal in mettals doe not cease to melt and purge their mettals til they see all the drosse taken away nor fullers leave to wash and rub the garments till all the spots and dirt be washed out So Christ doth not cease using his fire and fullers sope till we be sanctified and cleansed throughout The use of this Doctrine to us ought to be least we abuse our pretence of beleeving in Christ to a Libertie of sinning but rather we should give our selves to him to be purged that we may be made such as he would have us to be But of the scope of the Prophet in these verses and how severe Christ under the Gospell will be against transgressors of the first Table as Sorcerers false Swearers under the last of which are contained all those who abuse the name of God that they may deceive others not only those who in Civill matters and bargains falsly pretend the name of God but also such who in teaching abuse it and vent the fictions of their owne brains for divine Oracle● the Reader may find more in Gualther upon the place So 2. The new Testament speaks of Christs comming to destroy the workes of the Devil 1 John 38. among which false Doctrins Antichristianisme and seducing are spoken of by the Apostle in that Epistle and the foregoing chapter as cheife and Christ is brought in Revel 2. 18 20. described in a most terrible manner speaking against Toleration of Heresies Th●se things faith the Son of God who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet like fine brasse I have a few things against thee because thou suffirest that woman Iesabel which calleth her selfe a Prophetesse to teach and to seduce my servants as also Christ and his Apostles in the new Testament in severall respects speak more against false Doctrines Herefies false Teachers Seducer● then against corrupt manners Neither can it be put off by saying that under the new Testament Christ hath brought Libertie a part whereof is the Toleration of Heresies c for the Apostle in Gal. 5. 1. where he exhorts Christians to stand fast in the Libertie wherewith Christ hath made them free expresly declares verse 13. this Libertie is not to be used for an occasion to the flesh which it must needs be if this Libertie were a Libertie of Heresies heresies being named in the same chapter a worke of the flesh verse 19. 20. Master Cartwright writing of certaine judiciall Lawes that cannot be changed as of putting to death a contemptuous Blasphemer and stubborne Idolater speaks thus of this pretended Ground of Christs comming As for that they alledge the cause of this Libertie now they are not to be put to death by reason of the comming of our Saviour Christ and his passion t is a weak one and injurious unto the comming and death of Christ for he appeared that he might destroy the workes of the Devil this makes our Saviour Christ to build againe that Kingdome of sin which he hath destroyed For when in common reason and by the manifest word of God the Lord giveth this blessing unto the punishment of such greivous offenders by death that
non est nobis Christianis ●ttendendum in religione quid dictitet lumen naturae sed quid nobis sanctae Scripturae praescribant quae ad hoc sunt datae ut ad omne bonum opus instructi red daemur licet 〈◊〉 in iis quae fidei nostra mysteria concernu●● non sit c●asulendu lex naturae sed magis sacrae Scriptura simul tamen conte●●i 〈◊〉 debent quae divi●oconsilio 〈◊〉 ●estric naturaliter ●sure● inscripta qualis est lex illa quam naturae vocamus cuj●● nobis directionem Prophetae Christus Apostoli commendant * O Vtinam bodie amputentur omnes illi falsi Doctores ac Pastores qui ●●●pus Ecclesiarum Christi sic occupant ut inde avelli non posse videantur nisi quemadmod●m ves●es ferro exciduntur abjiciuntur i●a ipsi quoque forti ●anu p●r Christianos Magistratus ●mputentur qu● salus fidelium quae peri●litatur recuper●tur * De Haeresi p. 611 612. De illis here●icis loquer qui et si graviter errent haud tame● blasphemi sunt adversus Deum Blasphemum lex Dei vivere non patitur * Musculus in qu●tum praecept pag. 81 82. non dico simpliciter ad solos Israelitas pertinere Decalogi hujus observantiam sed quate●us pertinet ad legem Mosaicam tabulas ●abet foederis à Deo cum Israele initi Hacte●us utique neque Gentes neque Christian●s constringit sed solos Israelitas quos legis hujus dispensatio peculiariter nominatim concernit Interea tamen sciendu● est quae in hoc Decalogo 〈◊〉 nentur quatenus in sesunt bona justa aequa pia ad legem naturae pertinent hactenus illorum observantiam pertinere ad omnes Quatenus Israelitis per Mosem legaliter est traditus solos Israelitas legaliter constringit quatenus vero cum lege naturae justitia equitate consentit non solos Israelitas sed omnes homines ad sui observantiam habet obnoxios Muscul de legibus 141 142. Episcop Winton opusc pag. 145. Ames lib. 5. cas consc cap. 1. Mepul lib. 2. cap. 13. * Judi●iales le●es proprie illae fuerunt quae cum non fuerunt caremoniales singularem populum Judaicum respectum habuere ita ut ratio causa fundamentum earū positū fuerit in illius populi peculiari aliqua çonditione Leges igitur illae quae judicialibus annumerari solent tamen in ratione sua nullu● singularem respectum habuerunt ad conditionem Judaeo●um magis quā aliorum populorum illae omnes sunt juris moralis ac naturalis omnium populorum communes * Kekerman lib. 1. cap. 7. D● praedicam Substantiae lib. 1. cap. 21. Burgerdis Institut Logic. l. 1. c. 13. c. 4. Seton Log. De Substantia Substantia quà substantia non variatur gradibus seu non recipit magis minus Substantia eadem numero permanens potest contraria accidentia in se suscipere Accid communia recipiunt gradus Accidens est quod adest abest sine subjecti interitu Accidentia sunt seperabilia à subjecto * Cas Cons lib. 5. cap. 1. De Jure * Zepperi Mosaic Leg. Forens explanat l. 1. c. 6 de varia legum mosaicarū composit pag. 36. 37. Decalogus sane ut nt mere moralis immutabilis perpetuus videri queat aliquid tamen cereminiale forense admixtū habet Quintum praeceptū morale est quatenus parentibus a liberis honorem exhiberi vult judiciale politicum quatenus terrae Chanaan benedictionis in illa promissionem continet Ceremoniale in super aliquid quatenus Chananaea terra typus erat caelestis illius patriae vid. ibi plura Rivet explicat Decal p. 12. promissio enim addi●a praecepto quinto expresse loquitur de terra-quam Deus erat daturus populo quae hoc tempore nos non respieit * Danaus in Tim. 2. Epistol Dedicat. in cap. 3. v. 15. cap. 5. v. 14. * Apologet Narration Meere circumstances we except or what rules the Law of nature doth in common dictate ☞ * The stoning to death with stones Idolaters false Prophets was not essentiall as Zach. 13. 3. showes who there prophecies they shall be thrust through not stoned ☞ * Beza De Haeret a Magistr Page 154. Judicialis autem L●xeam duntaxat justitiae aequitatis partē sigillatim explicat quae in iis rebus versatur de quibus judicia constituta sunt * Ames lib. 5. Cas Consc cap. 1. de jure ista Lex judicialis quae per Mosen traditae fuit Israelitis ut eorum propria fuit ipsis accuratissima determinatio accommodatio juris naturalis secundum illius populi singula●em determinationem Ista Lex ad Christianos pertinet tantum sub ratione doctrinae quatenus vel generali sua natura vel proportionis aquitate exhibet semper nobis optimam naturalis juris determinationem ☜ Calvin Refut●t errorum Serveti in Quaest an Christianis Judicibus H●reticos punire liceat p. 59● * Cretensis p. 11. * A letter by way of Answer to a letter of Mr. Vicars A candle to see the Sunne Apolog for some passages in Hagiomastix by divers Independents * Viz. that of Deut. 13. 5. 9 * Eusebii Eccles Histor lib. 7. cap. 29. * Rivet explicat Decal p. 209. * Theod. Hist Eccles lib. 5. cap. 20. * Appendix to Hagiomastix Apolog. of some of Mr. Goodwins Church for Hagiomastix A Candle to light the Sun Whitak disput de sacra Script contra Bellarm. Staplet De Scripturae authoritate perspicuitate interpretatione perfectione John Whites way to the true Church Rob. Baron Apodixis Catholica sive Apologia pro Disput. d● Firmali objecto Fidei Rivet Cathol Orth●dox Tractat. Prim. de Scriptura With divers Pamphlets of Saltmarsh and walwyn for liberty of Conscience ☜ * Juuius in locū Narratio de litis contestatione qua accusatur Jeremia v. 11. seipsum defendit Defensio Jeremiae juridicialis absoluta ut vocant Rhetores incipiens concludens a vocatione dei jure ab ipso factū afferens * See in Mr. Gillesp Aarons rod blossoming p. 18 19 20. * Aainsworth Annot. on Exod 28. 30. Numb 27. 21. Eleazar shal aske councell of God for Joshua in all doubtfull cases in all their warre c. Diodates Annot. on Numb 27. 21. 2 Sam. 21. 1. Annor of our English Divines on Exod 28. 30. Iuni● Annot. in Num. 27. 21. 1 Sam. 28. 6. * Petr. Mart. loc commun Class 1. cap. 7. Weems Christian Synagogue chap. 4. Theodoret. Quaest. in Exod quaest 60. Suara pectus erat Indumenti genus quod Rationale vecabatur tegens cor partem ration alem Quo quidem vestimento cognoscebatur victoria ne an clades bello immuneret ut perspicuum est ex Historiam Regnorum * Petr Mart loc commun Class 1. cap. 7. Hic ut inquit Chambi mos erat interrogandi