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A54528 Heresiography, or, A discription of the hereticks and sectaries of these latter times by E. Pagitt. Pagitt, Ephraim, 1574 or 5-1647. 1645 (1645) Wing P175; ESTC R2783 113,990 184

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command the whole kind and therefore the holy Apostles baptized whole Families in which we find none excep●ed as St. Peter baptized Cornelius and his Family Acts 10. 48. St. Paul baptized the Jaylor and all that belonged unto him Acts 16. 33. Lydda and her houshold Acts 16. 15. The houshold of Stephanus 1 Cor. 1. 16 c. Again whereas our Lord commandeth Mark 10. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not How properly can an Infant come unto Christ but by Baptisme Repent they cannot beleeve they cannot as the Anabaptists affirm But by baptisme they may come where the Minister in Christs stend receiveth them and blesseth them and why all this Of such is the Kingdome of God and therefore saith our Lord Forbid them not St. Peter saith Acts 2. 39. The promise is mad to you and your children and therefore be baptized To whom the promise is made and covenant let no man forbid baptisme which is the seal of the Covenant Again the faith of the Parents may warrant their Infants baptisme yea though they have but an hystoricall faith and not a justifying if they can credere ad baptismum though not adsalutem this faith maketh their children capable of baptisme many in the Apostles time were baptized having onely an historicall faith as S●mon Magus and others Moreover these phrases Teach and baptize Repent and beleeve Beleeve be baptized are meant of such as were of riper years and made profession of the Christian faith or else the estate of Christian infants in the Gospel were much worse then the condition of the Israelitish Infants under the Law which to affirme is an horrible indignity offered unto Christ. Last of all most blasphemously they call baptisme of Christian mens children the mark of the Beast and to come from Antichrist and especially from Pope Innocent the third who lived about the yeare 1213. Learned Mr. Calvin affirmeth the baptisme of children to be a holy institution alwayes observed in Christ Church All the reformed Churches use it and it hath ben the practice of the universall Church The Greek Church who yearly excommunicate the Pope to whom St. Paul preched baptize their Infants as Gregory Nazianzen affirmeth And Origen who lived about the yeare 226 about 1000 yeares before Pope Innocent whom the Anabaptists would make the author of pedobaptisme The Russians who received the faith from St. Andrew the Apostle and account the Pope of Rome an Heretick hold a necessity of baptisme and put to death them that neglect and deride baptisme what would they doe with these men who blaspheme it The Abyssi●s or Ethiopians who received Christianity from St. Matthew the Apostle doe baptize their Infants viz. their male children at fourty dayes of age and their females at eighty The Armenian Christians to whom St. Barthoiomew preached the faith baptize their Infants Baronius writeth that these Christians had a thousand Bishops The Iacobites who are a numerous sort of Christians doe the same yea they mark their children with a hot Iron with the signe of the crosse alluding to the words of St. Iohn He shall baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire The Cophtie or native Christians of Egypt to whom Saint Mark preached baptize their Infants these Christians have no communion with the Pope of Rome The Indians to whom St. Thomas brought the faith do the like The Matacasion Christians in Africa affirme children dying without baptisme to be deprived of eternall beatitude The Melchites one of the greatest fort of Christians in the Orient as Boterus affirmeth do the same The Nestorians under the Patriarch of Muzal who as Cardinall Vitriacus affirmeth are more numerons with the Iacobites then the Christians of the Latin and Greek Church doe the same These account the Pope of Rome a reprobate Bishop The Circassians Mengrellians Georgians Maronites Cephalians with all the orthodox Christians in the Universe baptize their Infants Erasmus wondreth what evill Devill entred them who forbid the baptisme of children used by the holy catholick Church for above 1400. years Also the Britains to whom Simon Zelotes preached have alwayes baptized their children and have honourably esteemed of that Sacrament administred to their children until some of these hereticks fled hither out of Germany where they burnt hanged and drowned men of that Sect till they had suppressed them They came into England about the year 1535. and as they could be found we did the like to them burning some and banishing others but since the yeare of our Lord 1640. they have crept out of their holes lift up their heads chalenge our Divines to publick disputations preach in our Churches publish their blasphemies print their bookes seducing multitudes of people And moreover to speak of the curelty of these Sectaries who depriving Infants of baptisme put them all out of the estate of grace We read of Herod the Tyrant who destroyed all the children in Bethlehem and the coasts thereof is not this a far more cruell sentence to set all infants in no better state then Pagans and Infidels without Christ Aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel as strangers from the convenant of promise having no hope and without God in the world Can any sober Christian but think this to be a barbarous cruelty It is not lawfull to take childrens bread and give it to dogs but these conclude children to be no better then dogs The Propher Elisha wept when he look● upon Hazael fore-seeing that ●e should dash the Infants of Israel against the wall Hazael thought himselfe worthy to be so esteemed if ever he should ●●e any such things And certainly thus to deprive Infants of baptisme is a more cruell act then to dash their bodies against stones Let these men also consider how much they provoke Christs displeasure against themselves he was greatly displeased with his Disciples for forbidding little children to come to him and one day they shall find him much more displeased with them who with great violence oppose the bringing of children to Christ in this holy Sacrament and with wrong injury and slander prosecute the Ministers of Christ who administer this Sacrament to Infants condemning the●●or Ministers of Antichrist yea condemning all Churches ●or Antichristian who will not cast their children out of ●be covenant of grace The Lord open their eyes that they may see their errour and repent of it To conclude the baptism● of children is commanded in holy Scripture the holy Apostle baptized whole families the ancient ●athers testifie the same the holy Catholick Church of God alwayes used it Let not the Devill enter into the heart of any man to bel●●ve a f●●acick unlearned mechanick man not an Angel from h●aven that teacheth a contrary doctrine What greater mischiefe can the Devill and his Imps do then to make a schisme in the Church and rob Almighty God of all his Lambs● and cut off so many millions of
HERESIOGRAPHY OR A description of the Hereticks and Sectaries of these latter times By E. Pagitt The second Edition with some Additions as in the Folio following MATH 15. 17. Beware of false Prophets which come to you in Sheeps 〈◊〉 but inwardly are ravening Wolve● 1 TIM 4. 1. Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing Spirits and doctrines of Divils Speaking lyes in hypocrisie having their conciences seared with a hot Ir●n Imprimatur J A. CRANFORD LONDON Printed by VV. Wilson for Iohn Marshall and Robert Trot and are to be sold at their shops in Corn-hill over against the Exchange and under the Church of Edmond the King in Lombard street 1645. The names of the Sects viz. Anabaptists page 1. Brownists 48. Semi-separatists 75. Independents 76. Familists 81. Adamites 91. Antinomians 94. Arminians 10. 8 Socinians 122. Antitrinitarians 124. Millenaries 126. Hethringtonians 127. Anti-sabbatarias 128. Traskites 130. Jesuites 132. Muncerians 32. Apostolikes 33. Separatists 33. Catharists Enthusiasts Liberi Hutites Augustinians 34 Bewkeldians Melchiorites Georgians Menonists Pueris Similes Servetians 35 Libertines Denkians Semper orantes Deo-relicti Monasterienses Plunged Anabapt 36. Barrowists 69. Wilkinsonians Johnsonians 70 Ainsworthians Robinsonians Lemarists 71. Castalian familists 89 Grindletonians Familists of the mourtains 90. Of the valleyes Scattered flocke Caps Order c. The Addition The sum ●f a Treatise of M● Johnsons a-against Anabaptists 44 Of the Pelagins 138 Soule-sleepers 139 Denyers of the Scriptures 141 Expecters or Seekers Divorsers 142 Of the Papists 143 The Papists compared with other Hereticks 147 A Postscript 154 An Extract of the Acts of the National Synod of the reformed Churches of France 195 To the Right Honourable Thomas Atkin Lord Major of the Citie of London and to the Right Worshipfull Sir Nicholas Raynton Isaac Penington Lievtenant of the Tower Sir lo Woollaston Iohn Glyn Recorder Sir Iohn Cordell Sir Thomas Soame Sir Iohn Gayr Sir Iacob Garrat Thomas Adams Io warner Iohn Tous● Abraham Reynardson Sir George Garra● Sir George Clerke Iohn Langham Th●mas Andrewes Iohn Foulke Iames Bunce William Gibbs and Richard Chambers Sheriffes Samuel Warner W●lliam Barkely Thomas Foote Iohn Kendricke Thomas Culh●m Simon Edmonds Aldermen of the said Citie RIght Honourable and Right Worshipfull whereas I have lately published a Christianography or a description of many great Churches of Christians in the world some of which are for extent larger then the Church of Rome in Europe for time more ancient for succession as continual for faith more sound who believe with us the church of God to be Catholike as it is in the Apostles Creed and not as it is set downe in the new Trent Creed confined to Rome who renounce the Popes Supremacie some of them excommunicating him for a Schismatick and Heretick Who receive the holy Communion in both kindes they all drinke of Christs cup and abhor the Romish decree made contrary to Christs Institution Who make no Images to be worshipped Who doe not acknowledge the figment of Purgatory nor use any Prayers to be delivered from the fained paines thereof Who have their Prayers in their owne tongue and mutter them not in latine as the Romists doe Who forbid not Marriage the prohibiting of which is called by St. Paul the Doctrine of Divells Their Priests may and doe marry Who hold not popish Transubstantiation Who prohibite not Lay-men the reading of the holy Scriptures commanded by Christ himselfe Who doe not joyne with Christs Intercession the suffrages of Saints nor with his Justification the merit of workes nor with the Satisfaction Papall Indulgences These points with some others which the ambition and avarice of the Romists hath lately hatched they renounce with us This worke I purposing to perfect and consummate to the glory of God the great profit of the Church establishing of mens consciences they seeing the unity and agreement of the holy Churches in the world with us Behold suddenly a numerous company of other Hereticks stole in upon us like the locusts Rev. 9. As the unpure Familists who blasphemously pretend to be Godified like God whereas indeed they are divellified like their Father the Divell The illuminated Anabaptists who blasphemously affirme the baptisme of children to be the marke of the Beast and to come from Anti-christ The Donatisticall Brownists who in times past hid themselves in holes now lift up their heads and vent openly their errors infecting our people The Antinomians who teach as I find such a faire and easie way to heaven viz. That a man need not be troubled by the law before faith and that faith is not a going out of himselfe to take hold of Christ but onely a discerning that Christ is his and that after this such a man must see nothing in himselfe have nothing doe nothing need no sorrow nor repentance nor bee pressed to duties need never pray unlesse moved by the Spirit If hee fall into sin never the more disliked of God nor his condition the worse and that hee must abide in the height of comfort though hee fall into grosse sin The novelty of this doctrine takes so well or rather ill that multitudes of simple men and women dance after their Pipes they run after these men as if they were mad crowding the Churches filling their doors and windowes The Independents trouble also our poore Church who pretend that they have a perfect modell of Church● government which Almighty God hath revealed to them which many like better then the government of the Reformed Churches being perswaded that in Independency they may have liberty to doe what they list having no government hoging to be as free as their Teachers who will have none at all The Arminians also an after-brood of the Pellagiant broach their erroneous opinions The Sabbatarians affirm the old Jewish Sabbath to be kept and not the Lords day The Anti-sabbatarians would have no perticular Sabbath at all but every day to bee a sabbath to a Christian man The Traskites who would have us observe many Jewish ceremonies VVe have also Millenaries who affirm that before the day of judgment Christ shal come down from heaven and reign with the Saints upon earth 1000. years in which time they shall destroy all the wicked binding their Kings in chaines and Nobles in linkes of iron VVee have Hetheringtonians who hold a hodg-podg of many heresies troubling our peoples brains VVe have also Socinians who teach that Christ dyed not to satisfie for our sins and also his Incasnation to be repugnant to reason not to be sufficiently proved by Scrip●ture with many other abhominable errors Wee have Arians who deny the Deity of Christ. We have an Atheistical Sect who affirme that mens soules sleep with their bodies untill the day of Judgement Wee have Atheists too many as among others one was committed by a Justice of Peace who mock'd and jear'd at Christs Incarnation His Father was burnt at Thoelouze in
sholing together to infect one another Fire is dangerous many great Cities in Europe have been almost ruinated by it I have seen your dilligence and dexterety in quenching it in the beginning your breaking open your Pipes for water making floods in your streets your Engins to cast the water upon the houses your industry and paines is admirable Heresie is as dangerous as fire use your best endeavours to quench it before it consume us Thus not doubting Right Honourable Right Worshipfull of your best endeavours to suppresse these Heretikes and Sectaries by whom not only many poore soules are infected but also the holy name of God is blasphemed I cease most humbly entreating Almighty God to blesse this Citie and to give unto you the fruition of all temporall felicities in this life and the never-failing fulnesse of blessednesse in the life to come To the Reader THou which hast atender Conscience and desirest nothing so much as to know the right way to Heaven having many doubts which cause thee to leave thy own Pastor and runne not only to other publike Congregations but also to the private meetings of the Separatists and others for resolution For thy sake and safety I have published this Treatise in which thou maist discerne Truth from Error having their Errors set before thee with the confutation of them out of the holy Scripture OU● Lord and Saviour in his holy Sermon in the Mount telling his Disciples of the narrow way that leadeth unto life hee specially forewarneth them of false Prophets Beware of fals● Prophets which come to you in sheeps cloathing but inwardly they are ravening Wolves As if he should say my deare Disciples you hearing of the way to heaven wil be inquiring after it and especially of Prophets But let me forewarn you of false Prophets for in stead of directing you they will put you out of the way False prophets wil come they are not sent St. Paul asketh how they can preach except they be sent and this standeth with good reason every true Minister standeth in Gods room being the Lords Embassadour to deliver his will who dare to this unsent No man taketh this honour unto himselfe but hee that is called of God saith my Author to the Hebrews But whence come they now from the Schooles of the Prophets no many of them from mechannicke Trades as one from a stable from currying his horses another from his stal from cobling his shooes these sit down in Moses chaire to mend all as Embassadours of Jesus Christ as Heralds of the most high God these take upon them to reveale the secrets of Almighty God to open and shut heaven to save mens soules But to heare these fellowes to discourse of the holy Trinity of Gods eternall decree and other deep points of Divinity you may heare the mad men in Bedlam prate as wisely as they and are not their hearers that run after them as mad as they Are they not bewitched as St. Paul telleth the Gallatians To you that are my Disciples daily experience sheweth us whom the Anabaptists Brownists and other Sectaries go about to seduce viz. not drunkards Adultere●s Swearers and prophane persons whom the Devill hath ensnared already but such as are desirous of heaven They lead captive saith St. Paul silly women who are alwaies learning They come unto you in sheeps cloathing That is like Zealous and holy Christians For example the Devill turneth himselfe into an Angell of Light Baals Priests used long prayers the blasphemous Arrians as St. Bazill writeth were easily beleeved because of their counterfeit holinesse The Romish seducers pretend great Sanctimony the begging Fryers befool'd the Christian world with their pretended holinesse with which they 〈◊〉 their lewd lives Generally they come to you with outward sanctimony with a seeming contempt of the world with long prayers fasting teares ●lmes deeds seeming-zeale seeming-humi●●●y seeming harmlesnesse c. They come to you in sheepes cloathing insinuating themselves into you under colour of giving you good counsell as the Divell their chiefe counselling our first Parents to breake Gods Commandement promised to make them like God and tempring Christ in the ●●●dernesse promised to give him all the Kingdomes of the world and the glory of them And that you may the better avoyd their inchantments I will shew you the method they use in deceiving As first they indeavour to separate the sheepe from their Shepheards bringing them into contempt with their people ●ff●●ming them to be unprofitable unpowerfull taxing their conversations as prophane and doctrine as erroneous Thus smiting your Shepheards with their tongues they draw you to their Conventicles 2. To palliate their Errors they parvert the holy Scriptures as that Monster Arrius pretended to have 42 places of Scripture against the Deity of Christ and this he learnt of his father the Devill who perverted part of the 91. Psalme to tempt our Lord to cast himselfe downe from the pinacle of the Temple And for this cause these Heretikes are enemies to the ten Commandements being some of the Law to the Creed being a briefe of the Gospell and to the Lords Prayer being a perfect forme of Prayer containing all that can be asked or prayed against by which only a simple man may discerne any Heretick contradicting any Commandement of the Decalogue Article of the Faith Petition of the Lords Prayer And for this cause the Church of Rome teacheth the Laity them in Latine and also they leave out part of the decalogue in their Catechismes and for other He●etikes some doe null the whole Law some the Creed and others the Lords Prayer affirming it to be abhominable Againe whatsoever outward shew they make of holinesse they are indeed ravening Wolves therefore our Lord biddeth us beware of them The word beware precedeth danger As sheep are in danger among Wolves so are your soules in danger among false Prophets The j●urney of the Israelites to the earthly Canaan was a type of our journey to the heavenly And did not one false prophet Balaam doe them more mischiefe in their journey then Og the King of Bashan Sehon King of the Amorites all their enemies besides yea would the Devil himselfe in his own likenesse have been more noxious to the Church of God then some Hereticks have beene As one Heretick Arrius denying the Deity of Christ in a manner infected the whole world The like did one other Heretick Eutyches erring concerning his humanity affirming the immensity of Christs divine nature to have swallowed up his humane Now if Christ had not been man how could he have dyed for us sinners and if not God how could he have wrought the salvation of mankind Alas what danger are we in now being invironed with such a multitude of Here●ickes Our Lord telleth us againe by their fruits yee shall know them they pretend that they are led by the Spirit The workes of the Spirit S● Paul s●t●eth forth to bee love joy peace
long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meekenesse and temperance If they were led by the holy Spirit these would be their Characters But St. Paul telleth us that in the latter dayes there shall come men lovers of their own selves boasters proud cursed speakers disobedient to Parents unthankefull unholy Master Calvin that admirable man of God whose name is yet terrible in the Kingdome of Pope●y setteth down certaine Characters of these Impostors taken out of St. Augustine 1. Great Boasters making ostentation of their owne worth like Simon Magus who bewitched the people sayng that he himselfe was some great man Like the Gnostikes who had a high conceit of their owne knowledge as if they were the onely knowing men of the whole world their common talke is of their own worth and actions 2. Superbia tumidi blowne up with pride and among us many proud spirits having not these preferments which they thought themselves worthy of have forsaken our Church and gone to Rome and Amsterdam 3. Calum●ijs insidiosi deceitfull slanderers and in this faculty of all other Sects the Brownists excell The ●esuites are not so bitter against our Church as the Separatists compare their writings Michael the Arch-Angell durst not give the Devill such cursed speaking nor raile upon him as they doe upon us and Gods Church 4. Treacherously seditious not preaching peace as Christ commanded his Disciples to doe but division yea the Brownists arrogate to themselves the name of Separatists which well they may be●ng separated from their Mother Church from 〈◊〉 the Reformed Churches and malitiously divided amongst themselves 5. Lest they should seem to be destitute of the light of truth they arrogate to themselves the shadow of austerity and shew of holinesse 6. Sacri●egious what the appetite of all Schismaticks hath been in this way is notorious caring no● for the ruine of the whole Church upon condition that they might get somewhat They have so taught that some thinke there is no such sinne as Sacriledge at all Our Lord fore-warning us of false Prophets and so lively describing them and we having such Characters and markes to know them Thou understanding the Decalogue Creed and Lords Prayer if thou be misled thy sin will light upon thine owne head For is there any man so simple but can ●ell when their Doctrines they teach crosse any of these And one thing more will aggravate your defection before Almighty God viz. Your Covenant and Oath wherewith you bound your selves in the presence of God to suppresse all Errors Heresies and Schisme God forbid but that you should keep your Covenant which we ministred and you received with great alacrity To draw to an end Epiphanius writeth of the heresies of this time calleth his Booke Pae●arium that is a medicinable box containing saving medicaments against lying doctrine The end of my writing is not to hurt any man but to give warning to well minded soules and espesially to them that are entangled with Errors to pray to God to give them grace to see and ●enounce their errors and to acknowledge the truth that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil And if my paines shall do any good in the confirmation of any against seducers in forewarning them to beware of private Conventicles and to keep them close to the publick Ministery of the Word communion of Saints in Gods Church I shall thinke my labour well bestowed The God of peace grant that all they that confesse his holy Name may agree in the truth of his holy Word and live in unity and godly love Amen So prayeth thine in the Lord Old Ephraim Pagitt HERESIOGRAPHY OR A Description of the Heretickes and Sectaries sprung up in this latter Age c. Chap. I. Of the Anabaptists For the discovery of this Sect I purpose to set down 1. Their Originall and first Proceedings 2. Their Errors and Blasphemies 3. A Confutation of their Errors 4. The Orthodox Doctrine of the Church of England opposite to their Errors 5. The severall Sects of Anabaptists 6. Of their manner of Rebaptizing and other fashions 7. How Christian Princes Magistrates have suppressed them and especially how they have beene punished among us 8. Of their audacious boldnesse at this day to publish Bookes in defence of their Errors and to challenge our Protestant Divines to publike disputations and to intrude into our Pulpits to vent their Blasphemies 9. Their moderne Tenents which they owne 1. Of their Originall and first proceedings ABout the yeare of our Lord God 1521. Doctor Luther preaching the Gospel in Saxony Almighty God blessing his labour a new Sect among many others through the instigation of the Devill began to spring up in the said Coun●●y of certain fanaticall people who boasted that they talked with God and God with them who commanded them to kill all the wicked that is all that were not of their Sect and make a ●ew world in which the innocent and godly should live and reigne alone The Author of this Sect Melancton affirmeth to be one Nic●las Storke who would tell his followers that God spake to him by an Angell and revealed his will to him in dreames promising him the place of the Angell Gabrie● and the Empire of the whole world He affirmed the Saints must reigne in this world alone and that he must be their Leader to kill all the Kings and Princes of the wo●ld and to repurge the Church He tooke upon him also to have the gift of discerning spirits and to know the Elect. In this mans Schoole was one Thomas Muncer brought up who amplyfied much his Masters Doctrine Hee b●gan to preach at Alsted in Turingia where he made first an a●●ociation administring an oath to all that promised to assist him in killing the ungodly Princes and Magistrates So long as hee preached but his dreames and Fancies the Elector of Saxony bore with him but after he b●gan to preach killing of Princes and Rebellion he banished him from Saxony who 〈◊〉 to Nurenberg and being driven from thence to Mulhus in Tu●ingia to which place divers of his old Disciples resorted whatsoever he determined was received as an Oracle especially when he preached that all goods must be 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 men to be free and of equall dignity an acceptable Doctrine in those parts where the Nobility used their Tenants like slaves upon this his preaching about 40000. Bores and Trades-men rose up in Suevia and Franconia who tooke some of the Nobles r●nsacked plundered and burnt houses carrying all before them Muncer also having prepared Munition and raised a numerous multitude the meaner sort of people leaving their ploughes and loomes armed themselves to become adventurers in this holy war one Phifer a chiefe Associate of Muncers rusheth into the Countries adjoyning and destroyed many Towns burnt many houses and brought away some of the Nobles bound with a great Booty which good successe elevated the minds of these Sectaries and caused a
and challenging all such as stand against their Errors and Heresies Goliah like defying Israel yet saith my Authour their opinions are such as pervert the Gospell of Jesus Christ bereave the Church of the grace and favours of God to young and old c. First for his grounds and reasons for the Baptisme of Children he alleadged seven 1. Because it is the Commandement of God to give the signe and seale of his Covenant of grace to his people and their seed in their infancy throughout their generations Which Ordinance of the Lords hath never been repealed but abideth stablished upon a certain and perpetuall ground which is his Promise and Covenant of grace made with the faithfull and their seed for ever 2. Because Christ hath confirmed the same when he sent forth his Apostles and appoynted them to make all the Natitions Disciples and to baptize them into the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost For to make Gentiles Disciples is by the Gospel to bring them unto the Covenant of God made with Abraham the Father of many nations for salvatition through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Which being a Covenant everlasting and including the faithfull and their seed Baptisme which did now succed and seale it in stead of Circumcision was therefore by this appoyntment of Christ to be administred unto all that should be brought and comprehended under that Covenant of Grace and consequently both to such as were of yeares coming to the faith of Christ and to their children being yet Infants Otherwise the Gentiles should not with the Jewes bee made co-heriters and of the same body and joynt-partakers of the Promise of God in Christ as the Scripture teacheth 3. Because is was the Apostles practice at the publishing of the Gospell through the world to baptize both the house-holders themselves that believed and their housholds also Like as Abraham himselfe first believed and then was circumcis●d all his family with him and as the strangers of the Gentiles which received the faith of the Jewes was circumcised likewise with all the males that were his 4. Because Children of beleevers are holy and are Abrahams seed and heires by promise of the Kingdom of heaven And who can then with-hold the Baptisme of water from them to whom God vouchsafeth the baptisme of his Spirit and the blessing of Abraham to an inheri●ance everlasting 5. Because Baptisme is the Lords signe of his washing away of our sins receiving of us into the Church and incorporating of us into Christ for salvation by his death and resurrection Whereof the children of Believers are partakers as wel as they which be of yeares and therefore can no more be deprived of Baptisme then of remission of sins entrance into the Church ingraffing into Christ and salvation by his meanes 6. Because there is one Ba●tisme as there is one Body and one Mediator and confirmer of our covenant of Grace to the faithfull and their seed in all ages so as therefore one and the same Baptisme pertaineth to the children of the faithfull together with the Parents themselves as they ere also one and the same body with them having one and the same Mediator and ra●ifier of Gods Covenant of grace unto them even Jesus Christ the head and Saviour of his Church which is his body the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things 7. Because else the grace of God to his people is now since Christs comming in the flesh lessened and straitned more then before which to affirme is highly to derogate from the grace of God the fulnesse of Christ and his Gospel the comfort of Christians and contrary to that which is written Col. 2 2. That Baptisme received in the Apostaticall Churches of Christians as in Rome and the like is not to be renounced and a new to be repeated again 1. Because there is no precept nor example for and therefore not from heaven 2. Because there is one Baptisme as one Circumcision as in the apostasie of Israel Circumcision was not repeated again they returning In like manner Baptisme being once received in the Apostaticall Churches of Christians is not to be repeated 3. Because the Covenant of Gods grace in Christ is an everlasting Covenant 4. Because Christ dyed for sin once and being raised from the dead dyeth no more and we are buried with him by Baptisme into his death to be graf●ed with him in the similitude of his resurrection wherefore all that are once Baptized into his name ought still to retaine it and not repeat it any more 5. Because the Church of Rome was espoused to Christ in the Covenant of Grace by the Gospell of salvation having Baptisme and the rest of Christs Ordinances in the Apostles dayes and have ever since retained it with other grounds of Christian Religion notwithstanding all her adulteries and apostasies whereinto she is falne 6. Because God hath his people in the Romish Babylon and when he calleth them out from thence doth not enjoyne them to leave whatsoever is there had but requireth of them to have no communion with their sins Now Baptisme is not of her adulteries but of Christs O●dinance 7. Because else men might by the same reason also not retain the Articles of faith the learning of Scripture or the translations thereof and also be perswaded to d●ssolve such marriages which have been had by their Ministerie with other as strange consequences which to admit were unlawfull Now howsoever the Brownists comply with the Anabaptists in many things as you shall ●ee afterwards yet in these poynts Mr. Iohnson and some other of them disagree from them counting these their opinions abominable In describing of the Brownists I purpose to set downe 1. Their Originall and why called Brownists 2. Called also Separatists and why 3. Their agreement with the Donatists 4. Their agreement with the Anabaptists 5. Great In●ovators 6. Some of their errors set downe by Mr. White 7. They are bitter Railers 8. Magnifie their owne Sect. 9. Criminate the Dutch and French Churches 10. They pretend Scripture 11. Blame our Congregation for prophanenesse 12. The prophanenesse impietyl dissentions and lewdnesse of their own Sect. 13. Their equivocating and palliating their owne wickednesse 14. Blame the Conversations of our Ministers 15. Except against our Ministers Ordination 16. Noveltie of their Ordinations 17. Their singing of Psalmes 18. Their Prophesying 19. Their blaming set Prayers 20. Their blaspheming the Lords Prayer 21. The tyranny of the Separation 22. Divers sorts of Brownists 23. How great a sin Schisme is 24. How they have been suppressed and punished in times past 25. Mr. Scots description of a Brownist 26. Of the Semi-separatists 1. Their Originall THese Sectaries are called Brownists from on● Master
Robert Brown a Northamptonshire man who was Schoolemaster of the Free-Schole of St. Olaves in Southwark This Browne seducing certaine people preached to them in a gravel-pit neare Islington and by their Tenets was not the holy Catholike Church of God included at that time in the for●said gravell-pit Also when the whimseyes came first into his head he was advised by some of his friends to conferre with Master Fox and having been with him he reported that hee had been with a mad-man who thrust him out of his doores telling him that he would prove a fire-brand in Gods Church Before his departure out of the Kingdome he acquainted also one Mr. Greenham a pious Divine with his intentions who disswaded him from his Separation using many reasons to stay him among others that what grace he had received hee had it from the Church of England but finding him obstinate he told him that for himselfe he doubted not although he went away in his hot zeale but that being better informed he might returne againe unto his Mother Church but bad him bethinke himselfe what should become of those poore soules whom he had seduced and was carrying away Master Greenham's words preved true for Master Browne returned God giving him grace to renounce his errors and dyed lately a Member of the Church of England being Parson of a Church in Northampton shire But his Sect remaineth to the great disturbance of our Church For those errors that Browne recanted and vomited up many male-contented simple men supped up and swallowed downe poysoning their selves and others 2. Called also Separatists THese Sectaries are also called Separatists and this name they arrogate to themselves like the Pharisees of old and wel may they be called Separatists because they separate themselves not onely from their Mother-Church in which they were baptized and brought up and fed with the pure milke of Gods Word but also from all the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas for they carry their simple seduced people not to any of those holy Churches to bee members of their Congregations but to Conventicles for which they are termed by a learned man separata factio defectorum 2. They may also be called Separaticts not onely by reason of the separation they make from the Church of England and all other the Reformed Churches but also by reason of the grievous separations and divisions they make among themselves for example sake what an evill spirit of hatefull and fiery contention was raised between the Brothers the Iohnsons which burnt up both spirituall and naturall love as the one of them being the younger forgetting his profession and brotherly love became a Libeller loading his brother and others with reproaches shame and Infamy and that iin Print to abide for ever as Master Thomas White in his discovery of Brown●sme doth relate The other separated himselfe and broke fellowship with his brother and father and cursed them with all the curses in Gods Book This separation was confimed by the heavy sentence of Excommunication by which he ●id give his father and brother to the devill The Dutch and French Ministers in Amsterdam went about to reconcile Francis Iohnson and his Father as appeareth by their Letter Narravit-nobis Io●nnes I●●sonius Anglus se hominem septuagena●●um ex Anglia in hanc Vrbem difficili itinere venisse ut duos filios suos Franciscum Georgium dissidentes in gratiam reduceret c. But their labour was in vaine His sonne Francis pe●sisting obstinately untill the death of his Father sending him downe to the grave with a curse as if it were engraving the sentence of Excommunication upon his Fathers Tombe c. 3. Agree with the Donatists THe Separatists or Brownists agree in many things with the Donatists who confined the holy Catholike Church to a corner of Africa as the Brownists doe confine the Church of God to their Conventibles excluding all other Christians pale of the Church that are not o● their Sect. May not I say to these Brow●●sts as Constantine the E●perour to Acefius Capa scalas ascende coelum solus take ladders and mount heaven alone who dreame that t●ey have ladders or something else to en●er heaven alone They believe not with the Donatists the Article of faith viz. That ●he Church of God is Catholike but uncharitably put all the Christians of the world into the estate of damnation th●● are not of their Sect. Of their agreement with the Donac●sts Master Gifford late Minister of the Word of God at Malden hath set forth a Treatise at large which you may puruse if you please 4. They comply with the Anabaptists TH● Separatists doe comply in many things with the Anabaptists these Maximes following they have from them As they separate themselves from the Papists so also from all Protestant Churches They affirme that theirs is the true Church onely and the Gospell to be no where truely preached but by them To receive the Communion with prophane persons is to par●ake of 〈◊〉 prop●anenesse That all 〈◊〉 preach having gifts That in the Church there should be a par●ty They dislike marriages in Churches and to serve God in Churches that have been polluted by the Papists Whereas the Anabaptists forbeare one Petition of the Lords Prayer viz. Forgive us our trespassas the Brownists refuse the whole Lords Prayer Although they beare with temporall Magistrates yet they abhor spirituall government Lastly they like not payment of Tythes reserved by God himself for the for the maintenance of his Ministers paid before the Law commanded in the Law and allowed by Christ himselfe Matth. 23. But disallowed by the Anabaptists 5. They are Innovators MAy not these Separatists be also called Novat●res by reason of the great Innovations made by them they can not abide no old things heretofore used in Gods Church They cannot abide our Fonts nor our Churches steeple-houses some call them nor our Bels I hear of a Sect that are called together by a Sow-gelders horne nor our marriage nor our administration of the Sacraments in our Churches nor our burials nor our Prayers taken out of holy Scriptures and commanded by Christ himselfe as the Lords Prayer 6. Some of their Errors set down by Mr. White 1. THey hold it lawfull for a man to live with her that is not his wise ●ather then to reveale himselfe 2. That there are qualities in God no● essentiall and that love in God is not of his being but that the selfe same love that is in God is 〈◊〉 in us 3. That i● is not lawfull for the innocent parties to retain the offendor as the wife the husband or the husband the wife of either party that hath committed adultery though the innocent party upon the others repentance forg●ving the other sinne bee desirous still to live with the other party in marriage Covenant as before but have excommunicated the parties innocent for so doing 7. Bitter Railers THese new
under the feeding of Master Browne himselfe they were swept away as dung by the Testimony of Master George Iohnson and not one of them left alive that continued faithfull but became Apostates The second sort of Brownists may bee called Barrawists from their Protomartyr Barrow whose censures are more desperate then the former who say that the Church of England is Sodome Babylon and Aegypt and that shee was never the Lords wife nor he her husband but that she is at the best a murthering Step-mother Therefore they say what communion hath light with darknesse ●hrist with Belial Beleevers with Infidels And therefore they proclaime the former Sect for not judging the Church of England so desperately as they judge her to be partakers of her adulteries and that they must receive of her plagues Of this Sect Barrow was the Father afterwards Greenwood Brewer Bois Rutter A third sort of Brownists did arise from one Mr. Wilkinson whose Disciples in a short time grew so strong in the Spirit that they stoutly affirmed that they were Apostles as Peter Paul and the rest and therefore deny communion with all others that will not give them that Title A fourth sort of Brownists who say that there is not any one true Church in the world but themselves because they say that they are married to Christ by that one true Baptisme which consiste●h of persons confessing of faith and their sinnes and all other Churches that baptize Infants are but Synagogues of Satan and have never made covenant with Christ therefore they call the Brownists for retaining the Baptisme of children as very a Harlot as Rome or the Church of England So name they the Brownists Romes fairest daughter and proclaim that all that will be saved must come to them to be re-baptized and condemne all other worship to be Antichristian divellish and ob●oxious to the wrath everlasting Of these there are many Sects and Heresies you shall finde in the description of the Anabaptists Many other Sects of Bronists there are as the Iohnsonians and their Teners who commenced a ●uit in Amsterdam against the Ainsworthians for their Meeting House or Synagogne granted to the Brownists after the rending of that Conventicle asunder The Iohnsonians pleaded the Synagogue belonged unto them they being the ancient Brownists The Ainsworthians answered that the House belonged to them they being the true Brownists because they held the ancient faith upon which their Church was grounded from which Master Iohnson and his company had fallen into Apostacy and therefore could not bee the true Church and they set forth a writing of the Articles forsaken by Master Iohnson I might speake also of Robinson and his company which Robinson protesteth against both the former affi●ming Mr. Iohnso●s company to be bastardly runnaga●es miserable guides engrossers of the keyes arrogant Zidkias laying the corner-stone of Babylon Lucian or scoffing Atheists Schismaticks making the Church of God a cypher a Hangby wanting an honest heart like Chancellours and Officials captivating of the Church either marked servants of the Pope or such as care not what they say for some present advantage using a power more execrable and accursed Master Smith and his Disciples doe at once as it were swallow up all the Separation besides protesting against their false constitutions false worship false Ministers and false Governours I might here also set downe the Heresies of Mr. Thomas Lemar described by Mr. Padget with this Title The Monster of Lemarisme THis Monster is set downe with seven heads 1. Mahometanisme in that Lemar denyed the holy Trinity and eternall God-head of Christ. 2. Iudaisme in affirmiag that Christ should come shortly in his owne person to reigne here upon earth 3. Papisme affirming that a meere creature may bee worshipped 4. Lutheranisme in maintaining the Doctrine of Consubstantiation 5. Anabaptisme in affirming that Christ took not flesh of the Virgin Mary 6. Libertanisme in holding that there is no visible Church upon earth 7. Brownisme in holding the Doctrine of Separation who can recko● up their opinions they shifting daly Mr. Hancor will have a separation alone To confirm their several Sects divisions among themselves I might set down their uncharitable cursing one of another not to speek of the manifold curses that flew abroad in Mr. Barro●s time nor yet of the manifold curses which the company of Brownists remaining in London have oft laid upon one another consider but those that remaine in the low Countreys Mr. Iohnson and his company are now accursed and avoided by Mr. Ainsworth and his company Mr. Ainsworth and his company excommunicated by Mr. Iohnson and his company Mr. Smith and his company are rejected both of Mr. Iohnson and Mr. Ainsworth Mr. Robinson and his company holding Mr. Iohnson and his to be in apostacy And Mr. Iohnson him again for taking part in his Schisme against him and by this reckoning where is almost one of them free from the curse As for those stragling Brownists that walke alone as they avoyd all so they are avoyded and rejected by all the 〈◊〉 is not this saith my Author a cursing and a cursed Sect. 23. Schisme a great sinne I Ccould by way of counsell advise the●e Separatists who forsake the Church to consider how great a sin Schisme is viz. greater than murther a murther killeth one man or two but a Schismatick goeth about as much as in him lyes to destroy the Church of God To depart from the Church of England is a departing from the Church of God let them consider the Church of Corinth had many faults in it as many as the Church of England hath as great ones too yet was Gods Church for their faults St. Paul b●ames some there for their civill jars impetuously they traffering them and their suits to the Courts of Infidels 1 Cor. 6. 7. Others for their wicked connivence and indulgence towards the incestuous 1 Cor. 5. Others for their vile prophanenesse in their sacred Assemblies 1 Cor. 11. 32. Yea others for heresie 1 Cor. 15. Would any Brownist think this to be the Church of God but a Synagogue of Satan If our Apostle were alive now in which more light hath appeared he should be taught by Father Browne and his Disciples to give the Church of Corinth a new Title and not Paulan Apostle of Iesus Christ to the Church of God in Corinth But the example of Christ himselfe writing to the seven Churches of Asia may be our best direction charging five of them with severall faults and with crimes of a large size yet he doth call them Churches Moreover is not the forsaking the Church of God a forsaking of God himselfe And lastly is not excommunication one of the greatest punishments of the world by which a man is cast out of the Church St. Paul cals it a giving to the devill and doe not they in their separation cast themselves out of the Church and
this Sect. 7. The abjuration of certaine Familis●s at Pauls Crosse. THe first author was one David George of Delfe who fled out of Holl●nd●● Basill giving it our that he was banished out of the low Countreyes he changed his name called himselfe Iohn of Bridges he affirmed that he was that right David that was sent from God and should restore againe the Kingdome of Israel He wrote divers Books as one called the Wonder-booke he broached his damnable Heresiee as ● All the Doctrines taught by Moses the Prophe●s and Christ himselfe were not sufficient to salvation but only to keep the people in good order till the comming of David George but his doctrine was able to save all those that put their trust in him 2. That he was the right Messias the beloved Son of the Father not born of the flesh but of the Holy Ghost and that when Christ was dead according to the flesh the Spirit of Christ was left by the Fathers appoyntment untill the comming of this David George and given him 3. That he would set up the true house of David and the children of Levi must raise the Tabernacle of God through the Spirit of Christ not by the crosse and suffering but through meeknesse and love 4. That whosoever speaketh against this Doctrine shall never be forgiven in this world nor in the world to come he dyed the 16. of August 1556. at which his Disciples were much dismayed for he promised them that he should not dye or if he did that he should rise againe and fulfill all his former Promises whereupon some forsook his heresies The Magistrates being informed of his doctrine and manners caused his house the houses of such as were suspected to hold such errours to be searched his books to be burnt forseiting his goods and lands ●o the use of the Town causing his followers to recant After him rose one Henry Nicholas borne in Amsterdam a Towne in Holland of many called Henry of Amsterdam who took upon him to maintaine the same Doctrine yet not in the name of David but in his owne name as a Prophet sent to rebuke the world of sin and iniquity naming himself● rest●●r●to● mund● the restorer of the world Mr. Iessop describeth H. N. after this manner page 89. They call him the new man or the holy nature or holinesse which they make to be Christ and sin to be Antichrist because it is opp●●i●e to Christ. They say that when Adam sinned then Christ was killed and Antichrist came to live They teach the same perfection of holinesse which Adam had before he fell is to be obtained here in this life and affirme that all their Family of Love are as perfect and innocent as hee and that the Resurrection of the dead spoken of by St. Paul 1 Cor. 15. and this Prophesie then shall be fulfilled the saying which is written O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory is fulfilled in them and they deny all other resurrection of the body to be after this life They will have this blasphemer H. N. to be the Son of God Christ which was to come in the end of the world to judge the world and say that the day of judgement is already come and that H. N. judgeth the world now by his Doctrine so that whosoever doth not obey his Gospell in time shall be rooted out of the world and that this Family of Love shall inherit and inhabite the earth for ever world without end onely they say they shall dye in the body as now men doe and their soules goe to heaven but their Posterities shall continue for ever This deceiver describeth eight through-breakings of the light as he tearmeth them to have been in eight severall times from Adam to the time that now is which as he saith have each exceeded other The seventh he alloweth Iesus Christ to be the publisher of and his light to be the greatest of all that ever were before him and he maketh his owne to be the eight and last and greatest and the perfection of all in and by which Christ is perfected meaning holinesse he maketh every one of his Family of Love to be Christ yea and God and himselfe God and Christ in a more excellent manner saying that he is godded with God and co-deified with him and that God is hominified with him These horrible blas hemies with divers others doth this H. N. his Family teach to be the everlasting Gospell which the Angel is said to preach in the Rev. 11. 15. They professe greater love to the Church of Rom● and to all her Idolatries and superstitions then they doe to any Church else whatsoever except themselves They wickedly abuse these words of Christ I must walk to day to morrow and the third day I shal be perfected and say that by to day is meant the time of Jesus Christ his Apostles and by to morrow all the time of the Religion of the Church of Rome and by the third day this their day of H. N. and his Family wherein they will have Christ to be perfected And they doe compare all the whole religion of the Church of Rome to the Law of Moses affirming that as God did teach his prople by these shadowes and types till Jesus Christ came so hee hath taught the world ever since by the Images sacrifices and heathen Rites of the Church of Rome till this wretch H. N. came and now he must be the onely chiefe Teacher Gods obedient man yea his Son as they blasphemously call him hee by his Gospell must make all things perfect One Christopher Viret a Joyner dwelling in Southwarke who had been in Queen Maries dayes an Arian being infected with Hen Nocolas his doctrine poyso●ed first the English with this heresie he translated out of Dutch into English divers of the books of Henr. Nicholas as Evangelium regni out of which and others these errors are collected 2. Their blasphemous Errors 1. COncerning God That there is none other Deitie belonging unto God but such as men are partakers of in this life 2. Concerning Christ 1. That Christ is not God 2. Christ is not one man but an esta●e and con●●tion in men common to so many as have received H. N. his doctrine c. 3. Of Adam That Adam was all that God was and God all that Adam was c. 4. Concerning Baptisme That no man should be baptized untill he was 30 yeares old 5. Concerning the Word That there was never truth preached since the Apostles time before H. N. 6. Concerning the Resurrection 1. The resurrection of the body is a ●ising from sin and wickednesse 2. That the dead shall rise and live in H. N. and in the iluminated Elders everlastingly and reigne upon earth 7. Concerning the day of Judgement 1. That the day of Judgement is in this life 2. That the joyes of heaven are here upon earth 8. Concerning marriage The marriage of
gave them up to their owne hearts lusts to uncleannesse to defile their owne bodies between themselves which turned the truth of God into a lie They are like Priscillianus the Hereticke of whom H. N. borrowed not onely that villanous wresting of the Word by allegories as also the monstrous opinion that perj●ry and lying was lawfull and to be done with a good conscience to conceale Religion Priscilianus saith Daneus was put to death at Treversa a City of Germany confessing at his death what shameful villanies he had committed with the women of his Sect. The Familists talke of love and being in love and nothing but love but their love turneth into lust as one writeth of them Hen Nicolas as I finde written had in his house three women apparelled alike the one he affirmed to be his wife the other his sister the other his Cousin which Cousin of his falling sick and doubtfull of her life confessed to her neighbours who resorted to her in her sicknesse that H. N. had often abused her body and made her believe that she should never dye Complaint thereof being made to the Governour he came to the house to have apprehended him but he fled It was thought he was gone with Granvella unto Naples his goods were seized upon and carried to the Castle in Embden in the yeare of our Lord 1556. and in the 57. yeare of his age 5. Of divers sorts of Familists OF the Castalian Order which dissent from the doctrine of the Church of England opposing in every syllable and yet being notorious Hypocrites if they bee never so little questioned will make shew by outward seeming of conformity as if they did highly approve the doctrine of our Church Who hold that the Law of God may be perfectly fulfilled by men in this world Who tearme themselves Eagles Angels and Arch-Angels Lambes Doves c. who hope in a short time to be inspired with light and illumination as ever Paul or any Prophets were which allegorize the places of Scripture concerning Christ denying indeed that there was ever any such man as Christ dreaming onely of a sanctisying Christ abhorring a justifying Saviour expecting salvation by their owne works although they bee knowne to be co●rupt workers both in their Calling and Families holding that Turks and Pag●ns may be saved if they live well although they never heard of Christ. Of the Grindletonian Familists who hold 1. That the Scriptures are but for novices 2. The Sabbath to be observed but as a Lecture-day 3. To pray for the pardon of sin after he is assured of Gods love is to offer Christ again 4. That their Spirit is not to be tryed by the Scripture but the Scripture by their Spirit 5. That we must not goe by Motives but by Motions 6. That when God comes to dwell in a man he so filleth the soule that there is no more sinfull lusting 7. That they see no reason why Ministers should speak against the sins of the wicked seeing the wicked men can doe nothing but sin 8. Which boast and thank God that they have cast off praying in their Families repeating of Sermons and such like things long agoe 9. Which scoffe at such as make conscience of words with many other pernicious poynts 3. Of a third sort Familiests of the Mountains who say that they have cleane vanquished the divell and are pure from all sin and never so much as once tempted to doubt of their spirituall estate 4. Of a fourth sort Familistes of the Vallies who bring in their damnable doctrine with faire pretences of weeping sighing lifting up their eyes to heaven of patience of a smooth carriage and the like 5. Familists of the scattered flock who seduce by pretending themselves to be of them which feare the Lord when they are nothing lesse 6. Familists of Caps Order and of other ranks 6. How to discover Familists THey are saith my Author at this present so close and cunning that they can carry themselves being directed thereunto by their Master H. N. that ye shal hardly ever find them out They wll professe to agree in all things with the Church of England and also with the Church of Rome If they should be examined by them only they will not lightly deny their Mr. Henr. Nicolas nor speak evill of him nor of his writings if they should be put to it and there is no way but this to discover them I say to put them to the denyall and abjuring of him and his writings and to pronounce him a Blasphemer and his doctrines blasphemous this they will hardly doe unlesse they be not yet fully his Disciples 4. The abjuring of certaine Familists THe 12. of Iune 1575. stood at Pauls Croste five persons English-men of the Sect termed the Family of Love who there confessed themselves utterly to detest aswell the Author of that Sect H. N. as all his damnable errors and heresies Master Iohn Knewstub hath written a confutation of the monstrous and horrible heresies of the Family of Love Printed by Thomas Dawson 1575. Of ADAMITES AN old Heresie of which St. Augustine maketh mention but renewed by the Anabaptists in the assembly of the Adamites men women pray naked celebrated the holy Communion naked heare Sermons naked These Hereticks had their Conventicles in subterranean places called Hypocausta because that under the place of their meetings a Furnace of fire was kindled to warme the place of their Conventions for they uncloathed themselves when they entred into it and stood naked born men and women according to the similitude of Adam and Eve before their fall They call the place of their meeting Paradice I read in the History of the Anabaptists page 42. That in Amsterdam in a house seven men and five women had a meeting one of them called Theadoret a Taylor who bore himselfe a Prophet fell flat on the ground prayed with such vehemenacy that he scared all the assistants and rising as if it were out of an extasie I have seen said he God in his Majesty and have spoken with him I was taken up into heaven then I descended into hell and there scarched every corner the great day of the last judgement is comming At night they met againe in the same place and after four houres spent in praying and teaching the prophet being armed disarmeth himselfe and putteth off his garments to his shirt and throweth them in the fire then he commandeth the company in authority of a Prophet to doe the like and so they did women and all leaving not so much as a hai●elace to tye up their scattered haire no covering to the body no shelter for so was the Prophets pleasure that they should cast away all that came out of the earth and burn it as a Sacrifice of sweet favou unto God yet you may think saith my Author that the burning of so many clo●hes yeelded no very sweet favour for
was made easie if so no marva●l● so many like of it And this is the very reason besides the novelty of it that this kinde of Doctrine takes so well here in London and other parts of the Kingdome and that you see so many dance after this pipe running after such and such crowding the Churches and filling the doores and windowes even such carnall and vile persons many of them as care not to heare any other godly Ministers but onely their Leaders Oh it pleaseth Nature well to hav● Heaven and their lusts too How many of these opinions were I will not stand to number but how desparately eroneous they were I shall shew you in naming some of them First that the whole Letter of the Scripture holdeth forth ● Covenant of works contrary to 3 Iohn 16. 1 Tim. 1. 15. 11. Matth. 28. 8. Heb. 10 11 12. Secondly that in the ●aving Conversion of a sinner the faculties of the soule and working thereof are de●●●oyed and made to cease and the holy Ghost agitates in stead of them contrary to Luke 24 45. Iohn 21 12. 1 Thes. 5. 23. Heb. 9. 14. Iohn 14. 26. Thirdly That God the Father Sonne and holy Gh●st may give themselves to the soul● 〈◊〉 that the sou●e may have true ●mon with Christ true re●●●ssion of 〈◊〉 true marriage and fellowship● true san●●i●●cation 〈◊〉 the bloud of Christ and yet ●e an Hypocrite contrary to Eph. 4. 24. Fourthly That there is no 〈◊〉 righteousnesse in the Saints nor any in them but onely in Christ contrary to 2 Timothy 1. 5. ● Pet. 1. 4. 2 Tim. 1. 6. 1 Ioh. 16. Fiftly that the 〈◊〉 doth work in Hypocrites by gifts and graees but in God● children immediately contrary to Heb. 5. 15. 11. Heb. 17. Sixty That a man must take no notice of sin or repentance for it contrary to Psal. 51. Sevent●ly That it is a ●oule damning error to make Sanctification an evidence o● Justification contrary to Roman● 8. 1. Iohn 3. 10. Eghtly That the divell and nature may be the cause of good works An unsavory 〈…〉 to 〈◊〉 command Luke 4. 22. You may see a confutation of 82. of these Errors in Master Wells his Book Unsavory Speeches Confuted These that follow were adjudged by the Assembly aforesaid as unsafe Speeches 1. TO say we are justified by Faith is an unsafe speech wee must say we are justified by Christ. Answer 1. False for the co●●ant language of the Scripture is not unsafe but we are justified by faith is the constant language of the Scripture Rom. 1. 5. being justified by faith the righteousnesse of faith Rom. 10 31 32. Righteousnesse by Faith Phil. 3 9 10. 2. The distinct phrase of the Scripture used in distinguishing Legall and Evangelica●l righteousnesse is no unsafe Speech but such is this Rom. 9. 31 32. Israel found not righteousnes because they sought it of the Law not of or by faith So Rom. 10. 5 6. The righteousnesse of faith saith thus c. The Apostle makes these two so directly opposite as membra dividentia or contrary species that there is no danger one should be taken for another but that it 's so safe as that he that affirmes the one denyes the other yea in the most exact expression that ever Paul made to exclude whatsoever might be unsafe towards a mans justification you have this phrase yea twice in the same verse Phil. 3. 5. not having mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which 〈◊〉 through the faith of Christ And againe The righteousnesse which is of God by faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ergo it is no unsafe speech yea it must be said on the contrary from those grounds that to say a man is justified before faith or without faith is unsafe as contrarie to the language of the Scriptures And for the second part that we must say we are justified by Christ it is true so far as that it cannot be denyed nor is unsound or unsafe at all to speake but if it mean a must of necessity alwayes or only so to speak it as it is here set in opposition to the phrase of being justified by faith then it is utterly false for as much as the Scripture leads us along in the way of other expressions ordinarily the Apostle gives us the truth of Doctrine soundnesse of phrase together Rom. 10. 3. Christ is the end ●o the Law for righteousnesse to every one that beleeveth 2. To evidence justification by sanctification or graces favours of Rome Answ Not so 1. Rome acknowledgeth no justification in our common sense Scil by righteousnesse imputed 2. Rome denies evidencing of our justification and peace with God and teacheth Doctrine of doubting and professeth that a man cannot know what God will doe with him for life or death unlesse by speciall Revelation which is not ordinary but if they mean old Rome or Pauls Rome to which he wrote it 's true that it ravours of the Doctrine that they received as appeareth Rom. 8. 28. All things co● worke for good the evill of every evill being taken away which is a poynt of justification and this is propounded under the evidence of the love of God to them that love him because Rom. 8. 2. 9. 13 14. the evidencing of our beeing in Christ freedome from condemnation and adoption is prosecuted by arguments from sanctification as by having the Spirit being led by the Spirit walking after the Spirit mortifying the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit and if hereto were added the Doctrine of St. Iohn so abundant this way in his first Epistle whereof I have already made mention I doubt not but it was the faith of the Church of Rome that then was so that the speech is unsavory and casting a foule aspersion on a good thing expressed in the Scripture but as for the poynt it self that is included we referre it to its place to be discussed when it is ●ightly sta●ed 3. If I be holy I am never the better acc●pted of God if I be unholy● I am never the worse this I am sure of he that hath elected me must save me Answ. These words ravour very ill and relish of a carelesse and ungracious spirit for howsoever we grant that our acceptation 〈◊〉 justification is alwayes in and through Christ the same in Gods account yet this expression imports that though a mans conversation be never so holy and gracious yet be can expect never the more manifestation of Gods kindnesse and love to him contrary to Psal. 50. ult To him that orders his conversation aright I will shew the salvation of God and Iohn 14. 21. It implyes secondly that though a mans conversation be never so vile and sensuall yet he need not fear or expect any further expression of Gods displeasure and anger to breake forth against him or with-drawings of his favour from him● contrary to Psal. 51. 8 11 12. where God breaks Davids bones for his ●in and
be faire warnings to forwarne not only prophaners of the Sabbath but also all such as by their per●icious Doctrine teach men to prophane it Traskites SO called of one Mr. John Traske whom the Author knew well His opinions were that it was not lawfull to doe any thing ●orbi●den in the old Law nor to keep the Christian Sabbath One Theophilus Braborne endeavoured with him to bring back againe the Jewish Sabbath and to that purpose writ a Book in the yeare 1632. The Positions concerning the Sabbath by them maintained were these 1. THat the fourth Commandement of the Decalogue Remember the Sabbath day too keep it holy c. Exod. 20. is a divine precept simply and entirely Morall containing nothing legally Ceremoniall in whole or in part and therefore the weekly observation thereof ●●ght to be perpetuall and to continue in full force and vertue to the worlds end 2. That the Saturday or the seventh day of every week ought to be an everlasting holy day in the Christian Church and the religious observation of this day obligeth Christians under the Gospell as it did the Jewes before the comming of Christ. 3. That the Sunday or Lords day is an ordinary working day an it is superstition and will-worship to make the same the Sabbath of the fourth Commandement Of this opinion was Theophilus Braborne As the Anabaptists will have no children baptised because there is no expres●e command for it in Scripture so these Sabbatarians will have no Sunday because they can find no expresse Text for the alteration of it Iohn Traske for his Judaicall opinions was censured in the Star-chamber to be set upon the Pillory at Westminster and from thence to bee whipt to the Fleet there to remaine Prisoner three years after he writ a recantation of all his Schismaticall errors Also Theophilus Braborne had his doome in the Star-chamber and afterwards renounced his Errors by conference had with Doctor Vhite Lord Bishop of Ely which caused him to write a book of the Sabbath For the observation of the Lords day we read there is among others a Treatis● of Doctor Bonners called A profitable and necessary Doctrine wherein on the fourth Commandement Sunday is oft called by the name of Sabbath and thereon saith he we must have our mindes quiet and free from all worldly cares and give them entirly and wholly unto God both privately and publikely and that wee must occupy our selves in thought word and deed as may be to the glory of God with spirituall edifying both of our selves and also of our neighbours and that every one must instruct his children servants and family in vertue and goodnesse and as Saint Augustine saith Serm. 251. Let us marke and see that our rest be not vaine or fruitlesse but that wee being sequestred from all rurall workes and from all businesse doe from the evening on the Saturday untill the evening on the Sunday give your selves to divine service Onely and after such sort we doe duely or well sanctifie the Sabbath of our Lord And to prove the Sabbath day to be kept he cit●th Gen. 2. 5. Exod. 16. 25. Exod. 23. 12. Exod. 31. 14. Exod. 35. 2. Numb 15. 35. Some Some Christians there be that keep both Saturday and Sunday as the Ethiopians Of the Iesuites This sor● or Order is of a latter Edition then the Anabaptists and therefore not to be om●tted In descrebing of them I purpose to set downe 1. Their Originall 2. Their Government 3 Their Errors in which they doe not agree with other Papists 4. That they are of all Sects most pernicious and dangerous 1. FOR their Orignall the first Foundation was one Loyola a Spanish Souldier who was maimed by the French at the siege of Pampelona his right leg being broken by a shot and his left leg with a stone cast from the wall This Order boasteth much of heavenly visions and divine revelations not unlike the Coetanij the Anabaptists is that the blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Ignatius with her Son Iesus in her armes perswading him to erect this Order to which she promised to be propitious They will tell you that Ignatius was rapped up into heaven and that Almighty God shewed him the 〈…〉 or frame by which he created the world with many such like fancies Moreover whereas other orders beare the name of their founders as the Dominicans of Dominicke the Franciscans of Francis they beare the name of Jesus whereas saith my Author they came from the devill the father of lyes they being the last Engine and device of Satan to supplant the truth This Order was confirmed Anno 1540. by Paul the third Bishop of Rome Gregory the 13. Bishop of Rome gave to the Iesuites a place in Rome called the Island in which they demolished many houses turned many widdowes out of their dwellings and built themselves a most magnificent and sumptuous Colledge It is reported that it cost in building 25. Tun of gold in which the Pope placed 500. Jesuites of severall nations 2. For their government the Jesuites have a chife whom they call their Generall who attendeth upon the Pope in Rome their late General was Claudius Aquaviva his Office is to governe the whole Order and to make new orders and their Generalls commands the Jesuites receive as divine oracles They believe and obey their Generall as Christ himselfe Next their General they have foure Assistants who as their Generall attendeth the Pope so doe they attend their Generall The office of these four are to promote the Popes authority into the foure quarters of the world The Iesuites their Emissaries abroad signifie unto them in writing how Princes stand affected to the Church of Rome Moreover theie office is with the Generall to send Governors Visiters Recters and preachers to the whole Order and to send forth the inferiour Jesuites into all places of the world who take upon them all manner of fashions to doe mischiefe among souldiers they are arrayed like souldiers in Princes Courts like Noble-men attending forraigne E●bassadors in Ci●ies like Merchants yea sometimes they beg of Protestant Ministers as men banished for religion And all this to dive into the secrets of State and to disclose the Counsells of Princes 3. For their Errors Chemnitius setteth downe 26. some sew of which I purpose to relate and especially those in which they differ from other Papists First they presumptuously arrogate to themselves the name of Iesus which is a name above all names 2. They place their Generall in equall authority with Christ saying the voyce of our Generall is the voyce of Christ. 3. The Jesuites generally maintaine the Popes temporall power as well as spiritual that he may depose Kings and dispose of their kingdomes which the French Papists doe not allow of viz. Their decree set forth Anno 1611. and among us Hart Bartley Preston and others disclaime this power given by the Jesuites to the Pope 4. They deny the lawfulnes of the Oath of
also of power as Peter was called to the highest degree Eph 4. 11. Christ ascended up an high and gave gifts unto men as some to be Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors and Doctors Now howsoever one Apostle be not above another yet one Apostle is above another as an Apostle is above an Evangelist and an Evangelist above Pastors and Teachers And Peter being an Apostle was above all Evangelists and Pas●ors having the highest roome in the Ministery of the New Testament Secondly among the twelve Apostles Peter had a three-fold priviledge First of authority Cephas with Iames an● Iohn were called Pillers Gal. 2. 6. 9. Secondly of Primacy being first named The names of the twelve Apostles are these the first is Simon called Peter Thirdly of Principality in regard of the measure of grace in which he excelled Math. 16. 16. The difference is the Papists give to Peter and to the Bishops of Rome his successors a supremacy under Christ above all causes and persons which wee deny affirming Kings and Princes to bee supreme within their owne Dominions The nineteenth of the efficacy of the Sacraments Our consents We teach Sacraments to be signes to represent Christ with his benefits unto us 2. Instruments whereby God offereth and giveth the said benefits unto us The difference First that Sacraments are Physicall Instrements having force in them to give grace Secondly that the very action of the Minister dispensing the Sacrament as it is a worke done giveth grace if the party bee prepared We hold the contrary The twentieth poynt of saving Faith Our consent 1. They teach the property of faith to believe the whole Word of God and especially the redemption of mankinde by Christ. 2. They a vouch that they beleeve and look to be saved by Christ and by him alone and by the meere mercy of God in Christ. 3. The most learned of them hold and confesse that the obedien●e of Christ is imputed to them for the satisfaction of the Law and their reconciliation with God 4. They avouch that they put their whole trust and confidence in Christ and in the meere mercy of God for their salvation 5. They hold that every man must apply the promise of life everlasting by Christ unto himselfe Though in coloured termes they seem to agree with us yet indeed they abolish and deny the substance thereof namely the particuler and certaine application of Christ Crucified and his benefits to our selves The 21. poynt of Repentance Our consent 1. Conclusion that Repentance is the conversion of a ●inner and that it is passive or active passive is an action of God whereby he converteth a man being yet unconver●ed Active is an action of man whereby man being once turned of God turnes himselfe 2. Conclusion That repentance standeth In Confessing of the mouth Contition of the heart Satisfaction in deed 3. Conclusion that in repentance we are to bring forth outward fruits worthy amendment of life We dissent not from the Church of Rome in the Doctrine of Repentance but in their abusing of it 1. They place the beginning of repentance partly in themselves and partly in the holy Ghost 2. They take Repentance or Penance for that publike Discipline that was used against offenders in the open Congregation 3. They make it a Sacrament 4. They make it a meritorious cause of Remission of sinne and everlasting life and in these poynts saith my Author we dissent from the Church of Rome In the 22. place he setteth downe some sinnes of the Romish Church viz. Atheisme Idolatry and Adultery in permitting Stewes and Brothell-houses I pray God keep us in these distracted times from Atheisme and Sacriledge which ensu●th thereupon In Master Perkins Reformed Catholike you may see the confutation of the Popish errors before named at large A Review of the Sectaries comparing them with the PAPISTS FOr the Sacrament of Baptisme the Papists exclude those Infants heaven that are not Baptized and the Anabap●ists affirme the Baptisme of Children to be the marke of the Beast and Antichristian The Papists attribute too much to the Element of Bread in the holy Communion accounting him no good Christian that will not call it his Lord God Some of these Sectaries as the Brownists mocke and scoffe at the Sacrament of the Lords Supper calling it a two-penny Banquet For the number of Sacraments the Papists will have too ma-many and some of these Sectaries too few The Papists give too much reverence to the Blessed Virgin holy Apostles and Saints departed and some of these Hereticks blaspheme the holy Virgin whom all Nations should call blessed as the Melchiorists saying Maledicta sit caro Mariae The Papists are blamed for saying too often the Lords Prayer the Brownists and some of other Sectaries will not say the Lords Prayer at all some of them affirming it to be an abominable Idoll though it be commanded to be said by our Lord himselfe The Papists will not onely keep the Lords day but also many Holy-dayes some of these Sectaries will neither keepe Holy-dayes nor the Lords day as the Famalists and An●i-Sabbatarians The Papists confesse their sinnes and suppose they cannot enter heaven without a particuler confession of them some of these Hereticks will not confesse their sinnes at all affirming God can see no sinne in them as the Antinomia●s In equivocating they are alike Equivocation is a cunning colouring of a Lye which is against Scripture against the rule of equity an hindring of Justice the way to perjury the divills creature who is the Father of Lying a princi●pll proppe and pillar of Antichrists Kingdome For lying I know not whether Papists or Sectaries shall carry away the Bell they tell lyes they print lies they preach lyes they paint lies and both without controule Bullinger telleth us that the Anabaptists brought Cart-loads of lies to maintaine their detestable opinions Piae fraudes as the Papists have Piae fraudes to draw men to godlinesse as purgatory and such like so have the Sectaries and especially the Anabaptists have tricks and devises as Visions Revelations Dreames yea false miracles to maintain their cause For Hypocrisie they are both alike they come in sheepes cloathing but inwardly they are ravening Wolves The Anabaptists entred Munster like Lambes but became Wolves having gotten the upper hand For their uncleannesse the Papists permit Stewes ●but the uncleannesse of the Familists and Anabaptists in their spirit●all marriages and other abhominations are not with a modest tongue to be spoken For Churches the Papists spare no cost in erecting and trimming them they would make them if they could like heaven it selfe whereas some of these Sectaries would destroy and dem●lish them Last of all the Papists worship God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity and whereas some of these Sectaries blaspheme the holy Trinity their opinions being so Diabolicall and prodigiously impious that it