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A14579 A testimonie of the true Church of God confirmed as well by the doctrine as liues of sundry holy men, both patriarkes, and prophetes, and also by the Apostles and their true successours. Wherein is manifestly shewed how that God hath in all ages raysed vp some, yea euen in most horrible darkenesse, which haue beene faithfull stewards, and true dispencers of his will, with a catalogue of their names. Translated out of French by William Phiston.; Discours sur le dénombrement des docteurs de l'Église de Dieu. English Devoyon, Simon.; Phiston, William. 1585 (1585) STC 24891; ESTC S119337 98,293 180

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the office vppon him and then the Emperour gaue thankes vnto God for that he had called this man from the gouernement of bodies vnto gouerning of soules Such was the election of the Bishoppes by the people Then within a while after Iustine hauing drawen his sonne Valentinian into his errour assayed to haue allured Ambrose also thereto but it was in vaine And albeit that one day a bande of soldiars did beset the temple for to make Ambrose come out he not withstanding was constant and made them a Bishoplike aunswere saying vnto thē that hee woulde not not so easily depart from that place neither that he would leaue the flocke vnto the power of Wolues nor yet the Temple vnto blasphemers That and if they were purposed to kill him they should doe it within the Temple and that hee woulde bee content to dye Looke Theodor. lib. 5. Chap. 3. 93 Vigilantius Bishop of Barcelon in Spaine was in the raigne of Theodosius the Emperour he stoode in defence against the idolatrie and worshipping of the bodies of Martyrs like as S. Hierome writing to Riparius maketh sufficient demonstration and saith that whilest we liue we should pray one for another but after that wee be deade our prayers cannot be hearde Moreouer he saide The commaundement of continencie or to abstaine from mariage is heresie and the séede of whooredome 94 In the yeare 380. was Appollinaire of Laodicia Bishop of Syria who wrote thirtie bookes against the madnesse of Porphirie and as Suidas saith hee translated into Heroick verses the most parte of the Hebrewe writings Some doe hold opinion that he did the like also with the Psalmes 95 In the yeare after the natinitie of our Lord Iesus Christ 390. was sainct Hierome the sonne of one named Eusebius of the citie of Stridon who made many bookes homilyes and commentaries vpon the holy Byble whose translation thereuppon we haue vntill this present time He dyed when he was 91. yeares olde The debate that was then betwixt Hierome and the aforenamed Vigilantius bishop of Barcelon in Spaine sheweth the superstition began long before Of which matter we may sée ynough how Vigilantius and other good Doctours of that time auouched that the adoration of the Saincts was drawne from the superstition of the Paganes In that time were also Seuerien who aboue all other things is praysed vnto the people because of his eloquence and worthie sermons made vnto the people also Theodorus a Moncke Lucian a Priest of Ierusalem Martin bishop of Tours and Seuerus Sulpitius 96 About the yeare 402. after the natiuity of our Lorde Iesus and in the reigne of Arcadus and Honorus Emperours was Chrisostome borne at Antioche the disciple of Libanus the Philosopher he was an Auditor of Andragatius the Philosopher who forsooke the estate of an aduocate and followed Euagrius with his other two companions Theodosius and Maximius who were afterwarde bishops after that they had profited well in the holy scriptures in the Monasteries For in those dayes the Monasteries were common schooles and the Abbots or Priours that were presidents there did teach publyckely the holy scriptures Chrisostome was bolde and free in rebuking sinnes especially in his publicke sermons and for that cause was he hated of the Cleargie He withstoode Gainas who requested of the Emperour that he might obtaine a Temple at Constantinople for his people Looke Hist tripar lib. 10. Chapt. 6 Whoso list to sée the life of Chrisostome Palladius hath composed it 97 S. Augustine was Bishoppe of Hippo and was raysed vp by the power of God for to refute the errours aswell of the Manichees as of the Pelagians who saide that Adam hurt onely but himselfe in sinning nothing his successours Then Sathan by this subtility made them thorow cloaking their disease to be incurable But heretikes being vanquished by manifest testimonies of the holy scripture that sinne was descended from the first man into all his posteritie they cauelled that it was descended by imitation and not by generation Wherefore the holy men of that time and amongst the rest S. Auguistine was forced to shewe howe that we are not corrupted by the wickednes which we drawe from others by example but that we bring our peruersitie euen from our mothers wombe Furthermore whereas they sayed that we are not iustified by the mercy of God thorough Iesus Christ without our owne merites and that by our owne workes and naturall vertues wee doe purchase true and entyre iustice before God It doeth appeare howe Saint Augustine shewed that by faith alone we bee iustified forasmuch as faith doth imbrace him that iustifieth to wit CHRIST our LORD with whome it vniteth and conioyneth vs in such sort that we be made partakers of him and of all the goods that hee hath and that all good workes ought to come thereof that is to say of Iesus dwelling in vs by the frée force and efficacie whereof we begin to will that which is good and to apply our selues thereto Nowe in what price and estimation we shoulde holde the bookes of Saint Augustine the reader may sufficiently discerne He dyed being 76. yeres of age in the time whē the citie of which he was bishop that is to say Hippo was besieged by the Vandales He gouerned the said Church 40 yeares Whoso will sée his life Possidonius hath written it 98 Vnder the Emperour Theodosius the yonger about the yeare 430. after the natiuitie of our Lord Iesus there were gouernours in the Church these good men Possidonius of Affrica Bishoppe of Calme Celestine Bishop of Rome who sent Palladius a Grecian and Patricius into Scotland Ireland for to preach the faith He sent also into England Saint Germaine Bishoppe of Auxerre againste the heresie of the Pelagians He ordeined that no shoulde not medle in the parish of an other Also that no Bishop shoulde be elected contrarie to the will of the people but that the consent both of the cleargie and of the people should be required The Church in that time was gretly troubled specially in Affrica the chiefest men of the church were sent to exile martyred by Gensericus king of Vandales Moreouer in that time was holden the councell at Ephesus in the which was Cyrillus bishop of Alexandria chiefe Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople was condempned by two hundred Bishops who forged two persons in Iesus Christ the one of man and the other of God and he coulde not abyde that men should call the Virgin Marie the Mother of God by communication of properties This councell was holden in the tenth yeare of Theodosius the yonger and in the yeare after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus 437. 99 Sedulius Possidonius Sozenus Socrates and Theodoritus were also in the time aboue named who set downe in writing the Churche matters Cassiodor us also made a briefe collection of their bookes and of the bookes of Theodorite the whiche haue bene chaunged by Epiphanius a schooler and he of these thrée hath made one
historie which is named Tripartite 100 In that time also was Eucherius bishop of Lyons who wrote many bookes and commentaries amongest others vppon Genesis and vpon the bookes of the Kinges which bookes are found extant vntill this present 101 In the yeare 440. or there aboutes after the natiuitie of our Lord Iesus in the raigne of Valentinian the Emperour Victor bishop of a citie in Numidia which is in Affrica called in latine Cartena cōposed a booke against the Arrians presented the same vnto Gensericus king of the Vandales Arrian Polichronius Bishop of Ierusalem was at that time driuen away out of his countrie He sold in the time of famine all his substance and gaue the price thereof to the poore Archadius Probus Paschasius were also at that time in great price reputation with the forsaide Gensericus but hee seeing that he could not persuade thē vnto the sect of Arrianisme after that he had cruelly abused them caused them to be at the last martyred with others some bishops he displaced and the bookes of religion and christian faith were burned 102 In the yeare 476 Honoricus Kinge of Vandales stirred vp greate persecutiō in Affrica against the Christians and foure thowsand nine hundred seuentie and sixe were sent to exile without sparing eyther age or sexe afterwarde in diuers times and by sundry kindes of torture they were put to death Some had theire handes cutt off others theire tongues Within a while after vnder the shadowe of councel he caused all the bishops to be assembled the doctours and other catholikes who to the number of thée hundreds twéenty fower as P. Diaconus wrot or as others witnes foure hundreds fortie foure were sent to exile and caused the Catholickes to be shut in the Temples and gaue them to the Arrians One Bishop named Latus was burned that he might giue example vnto others Eugenius the Bishop of Carthage with moe thē fiue hundreds of the Cleargie after grieuous tormentinges were committed to exile but within two yeares after the saide Honoricus died miserably with vermine and Gonthamundus succéeded him This Gonthamundus sent for Eugenius the Bishop of Carthage againe at whose request all the residue were called home againe and then the Churches also were open 103 In the raigne of the Emperous Martian Leo Zeno about the yeare after the natiuitie of Christe 490. were these good personages to wit Proterius bishop of Alexandria Paschasius Peter de Rauenna Gennadius minister of the Church of Marseille all which did confute the errours of Eutiches Also Prosper Saluian Sidonius Germaine Bishop of Capua Vaast Bishoppe of Arras Fulgence Bishop of Raspe in Affrica Autius Bishop of Vienna Solenus who preached Christ and was bishop of Charters Boetius a lerned man who was put to death by the commaundement of the Empepour Theodorike an Arrian Also in the same time was Epiphanius Bishop of Pauie a verie auncient man who brought into cōcorde and good quietnes the people of Liguria he also brought with him frō Burgonie many captiues aswell for money as by his good and holy life by which he obtained the redeeming of sixe thousande captiues Paule the Deacon Nauclerus after him 104 In the time of the Emperour Anastasius in the 494. yeare Gelasius of Affrica gouerned the Church of Rome 5. yeares His father was bishop named Valericus Nauclere Some do attribute vnto him the distinction of the Authentike bookes and of the Apocrypha He made mention of many bookes of Apocripha as the booke called the assumption of the virgin Marie Also the Canons of the apostles c. Look the first volume of Councels He composed fiue bookes against Nestorius and Eutyches Also two against the Arrians and one treatise of excommunication He restored againe Messenus the bishoppe after that he had knowen his penitence He excommunicated the Emperour Anastasius because that he fauoured Acatius other heretikes He commanded the Ministers that they should minister the communion but vnder both kindes not vnder one alone He declared at Rome in the middest of the councell that in the Eucharistie neither the substance of the bread and wine nor yet the nature were changed but that therein as in an image the flesh and bloud of our Lorde was represented and that in the sacrament they both were exhibited vnto the faithful He declared there also that those ought to be excommunicated which did not giue take the sacrament of the Eucharistie whole Looke the fist volume of councels Gennadius was in the time bishop of Marseille 105 In the yere 518 Hornusda borne in Freselande in the citie of Campania gouerned the church of Rome nine yeares He ordeined that mariages should be celebrated publikely and solemnely Suppl Chron. At that time was holden a councell at Rome against the Eutychians in which also it was ordeined that he which had made an honorable amendes should not be admitted to the ecclesiasticall ministerie Suppl Chron. Many Munks corrupted with the Nestoriā heresie because they woulde not be persuaded by the exhortations of Hormisda but rather sowed noisome and slaunderous speaches against him were banyshed out of Rome against whose hypocrisie he wrot He sollicited by letters Messingers Iohn bishop of Constantinople the companion of Acatius and the Emperour himselfe for to leaue the sect of Eutiches but Athanase not only despised his admonitions butsent his Ambassadours backe saying that it belonged to the Emperour for to commaund and not to the bishop of Rome Paule the Deacon addeth of the Emperour besides all that that he made them goe homewarde againe by sea into Italie in a shippe that was light and vnbalassed forbidding them to take lande in Grece but that they shoulde passe straight on being light without any carriage Anastase supporting the errour of Eutyches when he was 80. yeares olde dyed being stricken with lightening in the 25. yeare of his Empire Hormisda is renoumed for hauing done greate almes déedes for the poore and for that he condemned the heresie of the Manichées which had begonne to hudde and for burning their bookes 106 In the time of the Emperour Iustinian about the yeare 530. after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus Christ was Arator who composed the Actes of the Apostles in Hexameter verses and Gregory bishoppe of Langres who was married Fascicul Temp. The councel of Tours was holden at that time At the saide councel in the fift chapter it was ordeyned that euerie citie shoulde nourish the poore straungers as much as it was able so that the poore might not be constrayned to begge from place to place In the thirde chapter that euerie bishop shoulde kéepe his wife like as his sister and that he shoulde gouerne both his house and familie aswell as the Church so as there might be no suspicion of him 107 In the raigne of the Emperour Mauritius in the yeare 591. the Wisigots were conuerted vnto the catholike faith they left the heresie of the Arrians by the meanes
Firmicane the disciple of Arnobius 84 Eusebius Bishop of Cesaria in Palestine Reththius Bishop of Authun Methodius Athanasius Bishoppe of the citie of Alexandria 85 Eustache Bishop of Antioch Paphnutius of Egipt Maximus Macarius Bishop of Ierusalem Spiridion Bishop of Tremithe in Cyprus Nicholas Bishop of Mirrha in Lycia 86 Theodorike Bishoppe of Heraclia in Thrace Eusebius Bishop of Emesus Hillarie Bishop of Poityers in the Dukedome of Aquitaine in Fraunce 87 Liberius Bishop of Rome 88 Basile Bishoppe of Cesarea 89 Damasus borne in Spain Bishop of Rome succeeded after Liberius Anthon. 90 Vulphilas Bishop of Gothes in Sarmathia 91 Ambrose Bishop of Milaine 92 Vigilantius Bishoppe of Barcelon in Spaine 93 Apollinare of Laodicea Bishop of Syria 94 Hierome the sonne of one named Eusebius of the citie of Stridon 95 Chrisostome borne at Antioch and the disciple of Liberius Euagrius Theodolus Maximius were Bishops 96 Augustine Bishop of Hippo was diuinely raysed vp for to confute as well the errours of the Manichees as of the Pelagians and others 97 Possidonius of the countrie of Affrike bishoppe of Calme Celestin bishop of Rome Palades the grecian and Patricius were in Scotlād and in Ireland for to preach the faith Germaine Bishoppe of Auxerre Cirillus Bishop of Alexandrie 98 Sedulius Sozomenus Socrates Theodoritus Cassiodore 99 Eucherius Bishop of Lyons 100 Victor Bishop of a cytie in Numidia which is in Affricke called in latin Cartena Polichronius bishop of Ierusalem Archadius Probus Paschaius 101 Laetus bishop Eugenius bishop of Carthage 102 Proterius bishop of Alexandrie Peter of Rauenna Gennadius an elder of the church of Marseille Prosper Saluien Sidonius Germaine bishop of Capua Vaast bishop of Arras Fulgentius bishop of Ruspe in Affrike Autius bishop of Vienna Solemus bishop of Chartres Boetius a learned man Epiphanius Bishop of Phania 103 GElasius of Affrick bishop of Rome 104 Hormisda borne in Frese land in the citie of Campania gouerned the Church of Rome 105 Arator Gregorie bishop of Angres 106 Leander bishoppe of Seuille Serenus bishop of Marseillus 107 Isidorus the younger byshop of Hispalis Beda an English man 108 Theodorus Bishoppe of Rauenna Leger bishop of Authun 109 Willebroc bishop of Frisons 110 Boniface Archbishop of Mayence Burcardus Guntarius bishop 111 Alcuin Beda his scholar Felix bishop in Aquitain 112 Ansegisus who made 4. bookes of the decrees of Charlemaigne and of Lewis his sonne 113 Haymo the third Bishop of Albastat the disciple of Alcuinus Rabanus Strabus who collected out of the writings of the fathers and of the doctours the ordinarie glose 114 Bertrand a priest a learned man and well instructed in the true godlines 115 Vldriche bishop of Auspurge in Germanie which greatly resisted against the decrees of Pope Nicholas 116 Iohannes Scotus not Ihon the fiyer a learned man who wrote properly like as the foresaide Bertrande did concerning the bodie and bloud of Christ in the supper 117 Ratherius Bishop of Verone Aldeber of Bohemia Bishop of Prague 118 Burchardus bishoppe of Wormes who compyled the auncient canons 119 Berengarius borne at Toures Archdeacon of Anger 's mainteyned the opinion of the saide Bertrand and Iohannes Scotus 120 Sigebert who made a chronicle Hugo of the Saxon nation 121 Bernard of the countrey of Burgonia 122 Iohn of Saresburie Byshop of Charters stoode in defraunce against the wickednesse of the Popes and of the Cleargie 123 Arnolde bishop of Byxta 124 Waldo of Lyons of whō the Waldenses tooke their name like as of Luther came the Lutherians 125 Peter de vinca Chauncelor to the Emperour Fridericke the second did write many letters in the name of the Emperour complaining therein of the vnsatiable couetousnesse of the Pope 126 William de sainct Amour a Doctour of Paris a channon of Beauuais in his sermons cryed out against the hypocrisie of the prelates and other such like matters 128 Laurence an Englishman a doctour of Paris wrote a certaine booke against the monks the contents of which booke was that men should take heede of false prophets 129 Peter Cassiodorus an Italian well instructed in the worde of God 130 Dulcine of Nauarre who reproued the vices of the Churchmen 131 Arnoldus de villa nova who saide that in the sacrifice of the Altar the Priest did offer nothing vnto God 132 Wickliefe who seing true diuinitie to bee corrupted with a great many of rude questions and humaine inuentions was moued to remedie such a disorder 133 Sautree a priest inflamed with and pure religion 134 Iohn Hus of Bohemia 135 Hierome of Prague a Bohemian who was at the councel of Constance wheras was also Iohn Hus. 136 Clemangis a doctour of Paris Archdeacon of Baion wrote touching the corrupt estate of the church 137 Iohn Oldcastel knight of the order and one of the peeres of Englande who taught the courtiers a better manner of seruing Christ Iesus then they vsed 138 Grunelder of the order of priests Taylour an English man Radtgeber Drandorf Toraw All these were martyred for the maintenaunce of the trueth of the worde of God 139 Wyght an Englishman Richarde Houenden an Englishman martyred for the trueth of the gospell 140 Paul Crau of Bohemia Rhedon of the order Car melites in the kingdome of Fraunce Roger Dule Gentleman 141 Sauanarola al these were burned for mainteining the trueth 142 Luther necessarily raysed vp to reforme the church Zuinglius minister of the church of Zurich 143 Occolampadius minister of Basile 144 Bucer professour of diuinitie in England 145 Melancthon professour of Diuinitie at Wittenberge 146 Peter Martyr professour of diuinitie at Zurich Musculus at Berne Marlorate minister of the Church at Roan 147 Caluin minister of the Church at Geneua 148 FINIS
of of Recardus or Richarde their king and Leander bishop of Seuile The confession of their faith was sent vnto the councell of Tolete There happened in the time a great controuersie about the primacie of the church for Iohn Bishop of Constantinople was pronounced and declared in the whole Synode of the Grekes vniuersall Patriarch and Mauritius the Emperour commaunded Gregorie bishop of Rome to obey the saide Patriarche of Constantinople but Gregorie woulde not abide that any Bishop shoulde be vniuersall aboue all the rest whereof it came that they called themselues servauntes of the seruauntes of God Looke Gregorie in the 32. Epistle to Mauritius and 28. to Iohn the Patriarche Looke Iohn Caluin his Institution of Christian religion lib. 4. chapter 7. section 4. Some woulde name this Gregorie to be one of the foure Doctours of the Church with Augustine Hierome Ambrose but histories doe make sufficient demonstration what a Doctour he was séeing that he hath brought in a rablement of superstitiōs contrarie to the worde of God Concerning which matter I will not say that the others had such puritie of doctrine sucked and drawen out of the holy scriptures as they ought To conclude in the time of this Gregorie the ecclesiasticall doctrine had almost lost his puritie for it was imbrued and darkened with humaine traditions for monkerie did then take rote and beginne to flourishe and many and sundrie kindes of superstitions were dayly brought in And after the time of Gregorie the great there grewe on still more horible and bitter darkenesse notwithstanding the Lorde hath alwayes raysed vp some good persons that men might vnderstand that all ought to be cut away and forsaken that is contrary to the holy worde of God About this said time was Serenus Bishop of Marseille who caused the images of saints and of our Lorde Iesus Christ to be broken because hee sawe the people worshippe them Then Gregorie reproued him for breaking them but he praysed him for that he forbad the people to honour them Looke the register or booke of his Epistles 10. parte Epistle 4. and Polidore Virgill lib. 6. chap. 13. 108 During the raigne of the Emperour Phocas and in the yeare of our Lorde 604. the primacie of the Pope was established a little before that the abhominable secte of Mahomet beganne to spread the hornes abroad in Asia which being once published abroade farre ouer did corrupt obscure deface the true doctrine in manie places and regions Then albeit that after the time of Gregorie the great there arose vp great multitudes of Monkes some of them being more carefull of their bellyes then to labour for to vnderstande by the holy scriptures the puritie of that true seruice which GOD requireth of vs and although the wrytings of so great a multitude haue brought great plentie of darkenes rather then of light into the Church I will neuerthelesse in speaking of other good men in their order make mention of the most discréete amongst them who had some iudgement and doctrine with them in which notwithstanding were some errours by reason of the confusion of doctrines which had then great libertie Isidorus the younger Bishop of Hispalis composed many bookes Hée flourished in the yeare of our Lorde 630. Within certaine space after was Beda a priest and moncke who was an English man hee lefte behinde him a great multitude of bookes and made commentaries vppon the most part of the bookes of the holy scripture 109 In the yeare 684. and in the raigne of the Emperour Constantine the fourth was holden a generall councell at Constantinople of 289. bishops against the Monothelites who denyed two willes and natures in Christ George bishop of Constantinople forsooke his heresie But Macarius Bishop of Antioch did not leaue it wherefore hee was driuen from his bishoppricke In this councell the discension that was betwixt the East church and the West church was appeased There it was permitted vnto the ministers of Gréece for to haue wiues lawfully and to liue in mariage but not to the ministers of the west church The authour of the booke intituled Fasciculus temporum yeldeth a reason thereof saying that they had vowed chastitie of their owne accorde vnder Gregory but what shall they do then that haue not the gift of continencie And moreouer can they vowe for others that come after them Furthermore they vowed by constrainte and authoritie of the councels as it appeareth here before It was there also ordayned that none should carie any infant to bee baptized except he knewe the Lords prayer and the beliefe of the faithfull Looke the seconde volume of councels Also that they should make no vow against mariage and that the priestes who did separate themselues from their wiues because of their orders shoulde be excluded from the communion Looke Peter Viret in his Dialogue to them of Orbe In that time was Theodore Archbishop of Rauenna who was a great almes giuer and sought howe to kéepe the cleargie in good manners for which cause he was hated of them Naucl. Leger bishop of Authun was also at that time whom Chrion prince of the Pallaice of Fraunce in the time of Theodoricus caused his eyes to bee pulled out the soales of his féete to be cut his tongue and his lippes to be mangled after he caused his heade to be taken off Naucl. and Chron. Sig. This Chrion cast downe Lambert from the Bishopprick of Vtrech Aime byshop of Sens was banished by Chrion Chron. Sig. 110 In the yeare 694. after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus Christ and in the raigne of Iustinian the second the Saxons being yet Paganes receiued the Christian Faith by the meane of Sergius Bishop of Rome according to the saying of Sup. Chron. The saide Sergius sent Vmbred vnto the Frysons for to conuert them to the faith Rabod their Duke woulde not thereto agrée alleaging that it was better to follow many then a fewe But afterwardes he being vanquished in war by Pepin great maister of Fraunce the Frisons receiued the faith being taught by one Willebroc a bishop or by Clement as some say 111 In the raigne of Constantine the fifte Emperour of that name and about the yeare 742. was holden a councell in Fraunce by Boniface archbishop of Mayence Burcardus Guntarius other bishops which had not bene fourescore yeares before insomuch that it was saide that religion in Fraunce was cast vnder féete and wasted so saith Naucl. There it was ordeyned that they shoulde euery yeare haue a Synode in Fraunce the church men shoulde carrye no armour They were forbidden hunting that they shoulde kéepe no manner of hounds or hawkes That euery Priest and bishoppe shoulde kéepe himselfe within his parish and there should labour to roote out olde heresies of Paganisme and the errours of sacrificing for the deade the deuinations sorceries and other immolations that were vsed after the manner of the Pagans about the churches vnder the names of Martyrs and confessours vide Naucl.
knowe his true pathes by which this man retyreth out of darkenesse and endeuoureth to leaue off his wicked labours And that the vine which the right hande of GOD hath planted shal be filled with good braunches That he ought to take héede vnto the worde of God and to the Prophetie of Ieremie chap. 22. for to withstande such interprises who saith thus Thou O pastour which hast dispersed my people and hast cast them out of their habitations behold I wil visit vpon thée the malyce of thy enterprises and there shall not be a man of thy séede which shall sit vppon the seat of Dauid nor shall haue any more power in Iuda so that thy nest shal be a desert and ruinous as Sodome and Gomorra Also that if it happen he be not dreaded by these words nor leaue off from his enterprises nor make restitution of that which he hath taken that they finge for him that is so wickedly hardened the hundreth and eight Psalme As for vs wee will singe dayly prayses openly through Iesus Christ to him vnto whome all thinges do obey For to sée the course thereof more narrowely worde for word looke the saide Epistle the whiche hath beene writen out transtated out of an old booke founde in Englande in the Church of S. Alban He that woulde sée it perfectly let him reade the liues of the Bishoppes and Popes of Rome taken out of the great Catalogue of the writinges of England set forth by Iohn Bale 131 In the yeare 1314. or thereaboutes there was a man named Dulcin of Nauarre who blamed the vices of Churchmen and was executed with his wife Those that bee called Dulcins tooke their name of this Dulcin Naucl. They saide that the authority which Iesus Christ hath giuen to the Church was expyred because of the wickednesse of the Prelates and that the Church of Rome was reproued because it was become a whore Also that they were the Church and followed the rule of the Apostles That al the prelates since Pope Syluester haue bene preuaricatours because they lyued not in true humilitie and that therfore they ought to haue no tythes payed them Many of the adherents of Dulcin were taken about 144. persons dwelling in the mountaynes of Piemount 132 In the same time to wit 1315. and in the raigne of the Emperour Henry the seuenth of that name was a good and faithfull man Arnoldus de villa noua an expert Phisition and an excellent Mathematitian Some say that hee was of Chalons others of Narbonna He was at that time iudged an heretike because he saide that sathan had caused all Christian people to erre out of the right way That the faith of Christians then was none other but such a faith as deuils had That those which bee in the cloysters be out of charitie and doe condemne themselues in falsifying the doctrine of Iesus Christ and leading Christians vnto hell That the diuines haue maliciously and wickedly mingled the songes of Philosophers with the holy scriptures That in the sacrifice of the altar the Priest offereth nothing vnto God and that masses do neither profite the lyuing nor the deade He proued by Daniel and by Sybilla Erithrea that Antichrist in full tyrannie did persecute the faithfull Furthermore in his bookes which hee made of medicine hee wrote against the Iacopins that it was lawfull to eate fleshe A cutting sworde against the Thomistes an admonition of Iesus Christ vnto the Christians Of the craftinesse of false Prophets Of miserie of the Cymbals of the Church Of the consummation of the world other bookes He was iudged an heretyke by the Iacopins of Tarracon Lastly being sent vnto the Pope by Fredericke king of Sicilia he dyed in the way and was buried at Genes being a true champion of our Lord. In the yeare 1328. or there abouts Pope Iohn the 23. wrote vnto the gréekes that there was but one onely Church ouer which he was the head and vicar of Iesus Christ To whom the Gréekes aunswered in fewe wordes thus We doe verely beleue that thy power is very great ouer thy subiectes we cannot abide thy extreame pride nor satisfie thine auarice The deuill be with thée for GOD is with vs. By which breuitie of words they declared what was al the maner of the Popes liuing his estate looke thou Maundeuile lib. 7. Marsilius Patauinus compiled and exhibited vnto the Emperour Ludouike a worthy worke intituled Defensor Pacis written in the Emperours behalfe against the Pope Wherin both Godly and learnedly disputing against the Pope he proueth al bishops and Priests to be equal and that the Pope hath no superioritie aboue other Bishoppes much lesse aboue the Emperour That the worde of God ought to be onely the chiefe iudge in deciding and determining causes ecclesiasticall That not onely spirituall persons but lay men also being Godly learned ought to be admitted into generall councels That the Clergie and the Pope ought to be subiect vnto magistrates That the Church is the vniuersitie of the faithfull and that the foundation and heade of the Church is Christ and that he neuer appointed any vicar or Pope ouer his vniuersall Church That Bishops ought to be chosen euery one by their owne Church and Clergie that the marriage of priestes may lawfully bee permitted That S. Peter was neuer at Rome That the Cleargie and Synagoge of the Pope is a denne of théeues That the doctrine of the Pope is not to be followed because it leadeth to eternall destruction And the corrupte manners of the Christians doe spring and flow out of the wickednes of the churchmen c. he disputeth moreouer in an other worke of frée iustification by grace and extenuateth merites saying that they are no efficient causes of our saluation but onely fine qua non that is to say that workes be no cause of our iustification but yet our iustification goeth not without them for which his doctrine most sounde and Catholicke he was condemned by the Pope Anno. 1324. by the Popes decree extrauagant Chap. Licet intra Doctrinam Concerning the which man and his doctrine I thought good thus much to commit to writing to the intent men may sée that they which charge this doctrine nowe taught in the Church with the note of noueltie or newenesse how ignorant and vnskilfull they bee in the hystories and order of times forepast Iacobus Misnensis who wrote of the comming of Antichrist In the same hee maketh mention of a certeine learned man whose name was Militzius saith he which was a famous and worthy preacher in Perga He lyued about the yeare 1366. long before Hus before Wicklieffe also In the same his writing hee declareth howe the same good man Militzius was constrayned by the spirite of God to goe to Rome and there publikely to preach that afterwarde before the inquisitour he affirmed the same That the same mightie and great Antichrist the which the scriptures make mention of was alredie come He affirmed
Moyses gouerned the church 12 Moyses and Aaron great excellent restorers of the church of God 13 Iosue and with him was in the gouernement Ecclesiastical Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the priest Othoniel being dyuinely stirred vp at the prayer that the people made vnto God And likewise gouerned in the church 14 Debora a prophetisse and Barac had the like gouernaunce 15 Gedeon and others that followed by order the number of whom ye may find in the booke of the Iudges The gouerning of the patriarches endured aboute 850. yeares 16 The Prophets bee in the thirde order of the doctours of the Church of God and began at Samuel 17 Dauid a prophet and king and with him were deputed and apointed to the gouernment of the church of God the Prophets Nathan Gad and the high priests Sadoc and Abimelech 18 Salomon the son of Dauid succeeded his father Semeia the prophet Ado the prophet Iadi the prophet Ahias the prophet Hanani the prophet Azarias the prophet Iohn the Prophet Iosue the sonne of Nun the prophet All these prophetes haue reproued the Kinges and people for their Idolatries and abhominable misdeeds 19 Elie the Thesbite raysed vp by the power of God for to purge doctrine againe forthwith to kindle the lyght thereof 20 Elizeus substituted in the roume of Elie. 21 Isaias succeeded immediately after Elizeus and in his time were the prophets Amos Micheas Osee 22 Ieremie gouerned the church more then 40. yeres and in his time also were gouernours the Prophets Sophonie Abacuc and Abdie 23 Danyell was instructed by Ieremie gouerned the Church in his time 24 Ezechiel the Prophet 25 Osee the prophet 26 Ioel the Prophet 27 Amos the Prophet 28 Abdias the Prophet 29 Ionas the Prophet 30 Micheas the Prophet 31 Nahum the Prophet 32 Abacuc the Prophet 33 Sophonie the Prophet 34 Aggee the Prophet 35 Zacharie the Prophet 36 Malachy was the last propher that was amongst the Iewes before the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ This is the thirde order of the Doctours of the church of God to wit that of the Prophets the gouernement of whome endured about 600. yeares 37 The gouernours high priests be in the fourth rable and order of the the Doctours of the Church that were after the returne from the captiuity of Babilon vntill the comming of Iesus Christ the sonne of God Mardocheus 38 Iehosue or Iesus with the conductor Zorobabell 39 Ioachim Esdras Nehemias others that gouerned in the Church 40 Symon and Eleazar being brethren and the sonnes of Onias 41 Simon the iust 42 Matathias the high Priest 43 Iudas Machabeus being raised vp by the power of God 44 Ionathas the brother of Iudas Machabeus succeeded him 45 Simon the third sonne of Matathias 46 Iohn Hircanus the great 47 Mathan the graundfather of the virgin Marie Ioachim who also was named Elie father of the virgin Marie 48 Simeon Anna. Zacharie the high Priest 49 This is the fourth rablement and order of the gouernaunce of the Church since the returne from the captiuitie euen vntil Christ and this endured about 500. yeares The fift and last order of the Doctours of the Church of god is that whiche wee beginne from Iohn Baptist our Lord Iesus Christ Iohn Baptist the sonne of Zacharie the Priest 50 Iesus Christ the sonne of the eternall God tooke humain flesh vpon him of the virgin Marie c. 51 Now here be placed in the fift order the Apostles their disciples the Bishops the pastours the Doctours ministers the which the sonne of God hath raised vp in short space after vnto other ages for the conseruation and maintenance of the ministerie of the word and of his Church The first are the Apostles Peter the Apostle 52 Andrewe the brother of Peter the Apostle 53 Iames the sonne of Alphee the Apostle 54 Iames the sonne of Zebede the Apostle 55 Mathew the Apostle and Euangelist Bartholomewe the Apostle Mathias the Apostle Phillip the Apostle 56 Thomas the Apostle 57 Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist 58 Paul a persecutour conuerted vnto Iesus Christ made an Apostle 59 The second of the fift order be the disciples Amongst many Disciples of the Apostles these here named haued haue ben the principall Barnabas who was also named an Apostle Epaphroditus who was in like sort named an Apoof the Phillippians Andronicus and Iunia were reputed notable amongst the Apostles Simon which was called Niger Lucius Cyreneus Manahem Iudas Barsabas Silas S. Luke called them doctours and prophets Crescence Clement Trophimus 60 Luke the Euangelist and companion of S. Paul 61 Marke the Euangelist disciple of S. Peter 62 The third sort that were of this fift order be the Bishops Timothie bishop of Ephesus Titus bishop of Creete Apollo Aristarcus Gayus Derbe Iason Sosipater Tychicus Secundus Syluanus Tertius Quartus Sosthenes Epaphras Iesus the iust Demas Anthippus bishop of the Colossians Eubulus Pudens Linus Artenas Zenas Dyonise Areopagita bishop of the Athenians 63 Annianus the first bishop of Alexandrie 64 Ignatius the Disciple of sainct Iohn the Euangelist and seconde bishop of Antioch 65 Clement bishop of Rome 66 Anaclete bishoppe of Rome 67 Quadratus disciple of the Apostles bishop of Athens 68 Euaristus bishoppe of Rome 69 Policarpe disciple of S. Iohn the Euangelist was bishop of Smyrna 70 Mark being come of the Gentils was elected bishop of Ierusalem after the saccage made by Titus These succeeded then afterward Cassianus Publius Maximus Symmache Caius Iulian the 2. Capito 71 Melito of Asia bishop of Sardis Thophilus bishop of Antioch Apollinare Dyonise Bishop of Corinth Iustus bishop of Vienna Phillip bishop of Crete or Candie Egesippus Iustin the philosopher Modestus Musan 72 Eleutherius bishoppe of Rome 73 Ireneus scholar to Policarpus bishop of Lyons 74 Theodotian bishop of Ephesus Miltiades Apillonius Serapion Policrates 75 Victor bishop of Rome 76 Tertullian of the country of Affrica that is to say of Carthage 77 Leonides Amonius Origene Tryphon Minutius Felix Berille Hyppolitus Alexander bishop of Capadoce Iules the Affricane Gregory bishop of Pōtus Dyonise bishop of the citie of Alexandrie all these almost were the discyples of Origene 78 Vrbane bishop of Rome 79 Cyprian of the countrie of Affrike bishop of Carthage Whereas is spoken of those that in his time made abiuration denying againe the truth of the holy gospel what the iudgemente of God against them was and in like sort of them in our time Alexander Bishop of Ierusalem Babile bishop of Nicomedie Asclepiades of Antioch Theophilus Cesarius Vital Polichronius bishop of Babilone 80 Xistus of Athens bishop of Rome Laurentius the first of the seauen Deacons of the Church of Rome 81 Archelaus Bishop of Mesopotamia Anatholius 82 Anthimius Bishop of Nicomedie Albine greatlye renoumed who also receiued the the crowne of a martyr 83 Arnobius Pierius Melitius Lucien Phigeas the Egyptian These here mentioned were excellent doctours of the Church of their time Lactantius
the time of Traian the Emperour about the yeare of Iesus Christ 101. In that time were likewise other Bishops as Titus Bishop of Crete and others of whom mention is made in the Acts and in the Epistles of S. Paul that is to wit Apollo Aristarchus Gayus Derbée Iason Erastus Sosipater Tychicus Secundus Syluanus Tertius Quartus Sosthenes Epaphras Iesus the iust Demas Archippus Bishop of the Colossiās Eubulus Pudens Linus Artenas and Zenas and Dionifius Areepagita Bishop of the Athenians 64 In the yeare 65. Annianus was ordeyned Bishop of Alexandria and he gouerned the Church 22. yeares looke the historie Ecclesiasticus booke 2. chapter 23. In the yeare 66. beganne the first persecution which was in the 10. yeare of Nero and it abode vntill his death By the commaundement of this tyrant the citie of Rome was set on fire and for to shunne the report of such an act he laide the fault vpon the Christians and caused them to be executed with sundry kindes of death Those that named thē selues Christiās which name was thē so odious as if they had bene enimies to all mankinde and those that were accused hereof by the prisoners besides the other hurtes and abuses that they suffered abode this approbrie that being clad in beastes skinnes they were bayted torne in pieces with dogs some were attached and hanged on the crosse others burned in the fire so as of them were kindled fires for to giue light in the night Thus Cornelius Tacitus witnesseth 65 Ignatius a disciple of S. Iohn the Euangelist was ordeyned the second Bishop of Antioch he was caried prisoner vnto Rome for to be cast amongest the wilde beastes and to be made a spectacle vnto the people He going through Syria to Rome and passing through the countrey of Asia preached in all places where he went to the people and to the congregation the Christian faith and he exhorted the Christians to perseuere in the trueth and to beware of the infections of heretiques which then beganne to budde and that they should kéepe diligently the doctrine that they had receiued of the Apostles The cause of this persecution was for that hauing reproued in Antioch the idolatry of Traian he was apprehended as a seditious person and as being culpable lesae maiestatis and he was deliuered in charge to tenne souldiers or rather tormentors for to be caried to Rome and to be deliuered to the Lyons Whereof Ignatius him selfe saith I haue fought against beastes from Syria vnto Rome by sea and by land night and day among tenne Leopards c. Ireneus in his 5. booke speaking of Ignatius condemned to be cast vnto beastes affirmeth that he saide I am the wheate of Iesus Christ and I shall be ground with the téeth of beastes so as I may be made the bread of God 66 In the time of Domitian the Emperour who raised vp persecution against the Christians Clement Bishop of Rome which was martyred vnder Traianus instituted in his time Notaries for to write the actes of the martyrs their constancie and patience for an example and perpetuall memorie In the yeare of the Lord Iesus 88. Albilius was ordeyned Bishop of Alexandria and was Bishoppe there twelue yeares 67 Anacletus Bishop of Rome of the nation of Gréekes an Athenian gouerned the Church thrée yeares and two monethes He ordeyned that Ecclesiasticall persons should twise in the yeare haue a Synode or cōgregation for the affaires of the church He by his writings exhorted the people amongest other things that they should honor and reuerence their ministers Who so speaketh euill of the ministers saith he speaketh euill of Christ and he iudgeged him separated from Christ He was martyred in the reigne of Traianus Looke the first volume of Councels 68 Euaristus Bishop of Rome who was martyred in the last yeare of the Emperour Traian ordeyned that there should be elected seuen Deacons in euery citie the which should marke and watch the Bishop in preaching and teaching to the people and these he ordeyned for a testimonie of the worde of God and to the end that none should lay to his charge that he had preached euill and against the trueth He ordeyned that mariage should be openly celebrated in the Church That the Church should obey the Bishop and that the Bishop should neuer forsake his Church so long as he liued no more then the husband should forsake his wife or the wife her husband 69 Quadratus Bishop of Athens a disciple of the Apostles presented a booke of Apologie to Adrian the fiftéenth Emperour for the defence of the Christian faith Aristides an Athenian Philosopher being a faithfull man composed a like booke Wherevpon Adriā sent to Minutius Fondanus deputie in Asia that he should no more persecute the Christians but that if they did any thing contrarie to the lawes he would that iudgement should procéede according to the qualitie of the crime That if any body accused thē slaunderously he willed such a one should be punished for his maliciousnesse and that they shuld haue no harme 70 Polycarpus the disciple of Iohn the Euangelist and Apostle was Bishop of Smyrna in Ionia which is in Asia the lesse beneath Ephesus he liued till he was very olde Ireneus saith that he was ordeyned Bishop there by the Apostles it is very likely in déede that he beganne his ministerie in the second or thirde yeare of Traian S. Hierome in his catalogue saith that he was sent by Saint Iohn the Euangelist he offended in the 68. yeare after the passion of Christ as it is reported Ireneus saith of him that one day as Marcion met him he saide vnto him Take counsel and knowledge with vs Polycarpus aunswered him againe I knowe that thou art the chiefest sonne of Sathan The remnant of the life of Polycarpus was in the time of Marcus Antonius and of Lucius Verus the Emperours The chiefest gouernours of the Empire did then stirre vp such persecution against the christians that it extended to them of the citie of Smyrna whereof Polycarpus had bene Bishop long time and there he was burned when he had serued the Church of God about 70. yeares this was in the seuenth yeare of this saide Emperour As some say he was 80. yeares olde The prayer of Polycarpus that he made before his death is in the fourth booke of the Ecclesiastical historyes 71 In the time of Antonius Pius in the 10. yere of his raigne Marke comming from the Gentlyles was elected byshop of the Church at Ierusalem the which citie after the sacking and spoyle made by Tytus vntill that of Adrian had succéeding by order fiue chiefe Bishops Eusebius maketh mention of them in his third booke and first chapter Then after the spoyle made by Adrian there was no more any Church and congregation gathered together there saue of the Gentyls and they appointed Bishops amongst themselues for the Iewes then bearing armes against the Romaines were at the last discomfited and there were killed
at one onely battaile 58. thousand men as Nicephorus saith Anselme speaketh of 50. thousand and of fifty fortresses that were taken and 985. Villages destroyed both by famine and fire and bloudsheade And all the rest of the Iewes were driuen away from Ierusalem and solde into all partes of the worlde So terrible a destruction as they had by Titus might sufficiently teach them that the kingdome was taken away from them like as the Prophets had foretolde them but it came so to passe that they felt almost as great a punishment at the seconde time as they had at the first Then many Christians of the Gentyles gathering themselues together elected as before I was telling Marke for their Bishop who was the 16. Cassianus the 17. Publius the 18. Maximius the 19. Gayan the 21. Symmache the 22. Caius the 23. Iulian secundus the 24. Capito the 25. This is recorded of Eusebius lib. 5. Chap. 12. For asmuch as the Church of the Gentyles had then their habitation there the Lorde woulde declare that the true Messias was alreadie come and that they ought to looke for none other 72 In the time of Marcus Aurelius Antonius about the yeare 160. after the natiuitie of Iesus Christ Melito borne in Asia was Bishop of Sardis he wrote to the Emperour Marcus Aurelius concerning the Christian faith Theophilus bishoppe of Antioche wrote against Marcion Apollinaire Denis bishop of Corinth Iustus bishop of Vienna wer Martyrs for the faith There were also Philip bishoppe of Créete or Candie Egesippus Iustin the Philosopher Modestus Musan and certaine others of whose bookes we haue but fewe Eusebius doth partely and Hierome partely rehearse the bookes written by them 73 Eleutherius borne at Nicopolis in Gréece gouerned the Church of Rome 15. yeare and more in the time of Marcus Aurelius the 17. Emperour in the yeare of Christ 179. he gaue commaundement against the Seueriens herisie that then raigned Also that no Christian for any ceremong should forsake any kinde of meates accustomed to bee eaten 1. volume of councells 74 Ireneus the scholar of Polycarpus was ordeyned byshop of Lions after that Photin bishop of the said Church had suffered Martyrdome when he was 90. yeares old and with him a greate many moe Frenchmen Hee was in the time of Prince Commodus about 170. or a 180. yeares after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus It is saide that hée was put to death in the citie of Smyrna vnder the raigne of Maximine Hée lyued aboue fourescore yeares There was great persecution in the Church about that time and it lasted very long For the Paganes were offended because that the Christians reproued and sought to abolysh their olde accustomed manners of worshipping and the Religion of their auncestours And for this cause a great multitude of Christians were put to death all abroade in dyuers countryes and regions especially aboue all others the Doctours Bishops and Pastours of the Churches Nowe during these venemous rages and horible crueltie of the Deuil God preserued some faithfull Doctours and prolonged the liues of some others to the ende that by them the pure doctrine might be conserued and publyshed abroad amongst whiche were Polycarpus Ireneus and others 75 About this time or shortly after lyued Theodotion bishoppe of Ephesus of Alexandria Pautene Miltiades Appollonius Serapion and Policrates of whose liues Eusebius and S. Hierome make larger demonstration and of their bookes also All the which sustayned sundrie combattes against many heretykes to wit Marcion Montanus Valentinian and the Hermogenians and diuers others 76 Victor bishop of Rome gouerned the church 10. yeares in the time of Didius Iulianus Milancius Emperours Hée ordeyned that those which woulde not reconcile themselues shoulde be depriued of the table of the Lorde 77 About 200. yeares after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus in the raigne of Seuerus Pertinax Antonius Carcalla Emperours was Tertullian of Affrica of the citie of Carthage His bookes be nowe extant in which Cyprian tooke so great pleasure as saint Hierome wryteth that he woulde not passe ouer one day without reading some of his workes It is written of him that he lyued vntill the last age 78 Leonides the father of Origene was martyred for the faith he had his head cut off in the persecutions stirred vp against the Christians by the Emperour Seuerus in the tenth yeare of his Empyre Origene his sonne being then young of 17. yeares of age saide my father take héede that in no wise you change and swarue from the trueth you haue begon This Origene after that the goods of his Father were confiscate for the faith kept and mainteined his mother and brethren with teaching schole and being but eightéene yeares olde he was called by the Bishop of Alexandria in Egypte to the office of a Catechiser for to instructe children and straungers Out of his schoole came many Martyrs If any woulde sée what was his life his manners exercises writinges and bookes let him haue recourse to Eusebius in the ecclesiasticall historie in the sixt booke He lyued vntill the time of Gallus that is vntill the 70. yeare of his age Amonius the philosopher was his maister who perseuered in the Christian faith vntill he died Origene was 255. yeares after the natiuitie of our Lorde Suidas saith that he was buried in the citie of Cyr. In that time was also Tryphon Minutius Felix that was a Romain Berillus Hippolitus Alexander bishop of Cappadocia Iulius Affricanus Gregorie bishop of Pontus in Nercesarea Dionise bishop of the citie of Alexandria all which for the most part had béene the scholers of Origene 79 Vrbane a Romaine Bishop of Rome gouerned the Church 8. or 9. yeares in the time of the Emperour Heliogabalus Damasus saith that he was of a holy life so as he drewe certeine Gentlemen as Tyburtius and Valerian the husbande of S. Cecil to the Christian faith Moreouer Damasus saith that he ordeined that the Churches shoulde possesse landes farmes and other possessions and that the saide goods should be common and distributed for the sustenance of the mynisters the poore and the notaries called the protonotaryes who wrote the actes of the martyrs 80 Cyprian of the country of Affrica bishop of Carthage suffered martyrdom vnder the empyre of Valerian and Galerien in the yeare after the natiuitie of our Lord Iesus 260. Nowe in that time that is to say in the reigne of Dionisius the Emperour arose great persecution and thereof Nicephorus saith in his fifth booke and twenty Chapter that it is as easie to number the multitude of those that suffered in this persecution as it is to number the sande of the sea Alexander bishop of Ierusalem honourable because of his pietie and age was brought before the seat iudiciall in Cesarea and after that he had made confession of his faith he died in prison Babyle byshop of Nicomedie Asclepiades of Antioche Germane Theophilus Cesarius Vital Polichronius bishop of Babylon Serapion Apolline the
did contemne at these wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and essentiall as being straunge and not vsed in the holy scriptures The fathers shewed that they of necessitie were constrayned to vse these wordes for to signifie that the sonne was begotten of the substance of the father according to the whiche the sonne was consubstantiall with the father that is of the same essence and substance Moreouer they woulde then haue forbidden the ministers and Deacons for to dwell with their wiues But Paphnutius whom Constantine had in such reuerence that he woulde cause him oftentimes to come into his pallaice and imbrace him yea he would euen kisse the place whence he had his eye plucked out he rysing vp pronounced mariage to be honourable amongst all men and the bed vndefiled and he said that the company of a man with his wife is chastitie he perswaded the councell that they shoulde set forth no such lawes which shoulde giue occasion of fornication both to the men and to their wiues The councell liked his opinion and they ordeyned nothing concerning this but left vnto euery one lybertie to choose whither hee woulde marry or not according as he shoulde feele to be expedient for him or holsome whereby it was lawfull as before for the ministers to kéepe still their wiues and to marry But afterwards Syricius and Gregory the seuenth forbad such mariages whiche thing neuerthelesse the ministers of the East receiued not 87 During the Empyre of Constantius the sonne of Constantine the great in the yere 350. after the natiuitie of Iesus Christ there were also these greate personages Doctors in the Church Theodorus Bishop of Heraclia in Thrace Eusebius Bishop of Emesus Hillarie Bishop of Poitiers of Aquitaine in Fraunce who made a booke of the Trinytie against the Arrians many other bookes which are verie profitable 88 Liberius a Romaine borne was elected byshop in the yeare of Christ as S. Hierome writeth 352. and about the twelfe yeare of the Emperour Constance His confession was agréeable to the Catholike faith and hee wrote very Christianlike vnto Athanasius concerning God the father Iesus Christ and the holy Ghost as it may appeare by his Epistle which is ioyned with the workēs of Athanasius Athanase doth recorde in his Epistle made of them that leade a solitarie life that in the time of Constance the Emperour he sent to Rome one named Eusebius an Eunuke with letters by whiche he threatened him exile and on the other part offered him great giftes to allure him by that meanes to consent with Arrius and to subscribe vnto the condemnation of Athanasius but Liverius despysed both the threatnings and rewards as a sacrifice of blasphemie Whereupon the Emperour caused him to be brought out of Rome and comming towards him he menaced to put him to death But Liverius stoutly aunswered him I am readie to abide any thing rather then of Christians we should be called Arrians What art thou then saide the Emperour which with one naughtie fellowe troublest all the worlde Liberius saide vnto him The worde of faith dependeth not vpon a multitude Hée was then sent away againe by the Emperour Constance into Berchee which is a Citie of Thrace whereas when hee had béene two yeares hee was called for againe as witnesseth Theodoretus His restitution as some say was agréed vnto by the Emperour at the request of many of the citie of Rome and of the Bishops of the Weast The saide Athanasius saith in his Epistle aforenamed that Liberius after the two yeares of exile being brought in feare by threatnings feare of death yelded and subscribed to the condemnation of Athanasius 89 Basile bishop of Cesarea was also in the time of Valentinian and Valens Emperours whilest Valentinian liued the East Church was in rest agréeing to the decrées of the Synode of Nice but Valens made bulwarkes for to aduaunce Arrianisme withall against those that were called Homousiastes that is the true Catholickes and he styrred vp great persecutions especially in Antioch and in Laodicea His brother Valentinian reproued him therefore admonished him by letters as Zonoras wryteth but he was the more angrie therefore and minded to driue out of the country Basile bishoppe of Cesarea because that he woulde not at his commaundement communicats with Eudorius bishop of Constantinople an Arrian but the Lorde sent a sicknesse to his onely sonne the which he knowing to be the vengance of God conuerted from his wicked purpose and gaue eare certaine dayes vnto the sermons of Basile 90 Damasus borne in Spaine a Bishop of Rome succéeded Liberius in the yeare 363. in the raigne of Valence the Emperour for the wryting of Damasus looke Suidas and Hierome in his Epistle to Custach tome 4. which maketh mention of Damasus Of virginitie he saith reade the books the Damasus composed both in verse and prose He held in reuerence the Synode of Nicée condemned Auxentius Bishop of Millain an Arrian Theodor. lib. 4. Chap. 30. saith that with saint Ambrose hee stroue valiantly against heretykes condemning openly Sabellius Arrius Eunomius the Macedonians Marcellus the heresie of Apollinaris Hierome in the apologie against Iouinian calleth Damasus a singuler man and well learned in the scriptures and doctours of the church Athanase in his Epistle vnto the Byshoppes of Affrica calleth Damasus his most deare companion praysing his diligence for that he had assema Synode at Rome against the Arrians In the same time also was Anthonie who being a hundreth and fiftie yeares olde dyed He sawe in a dreame as it were hogges which trode vnder their féete the altars and waking said that the Church shal be once againe spoyled and dispersed by whoremongers adulterers monstrous men Melanchthon noteth this prophecy to be against the leacherous and voluptuous life of Priests and Monches 91 Vulphilas Bishoppe of Gothes in Sarmatia hist tripar lib. 8. translated the Bible into the Gothes language for the vse of his countrimen the like Hierome did in the Dalmatian tongue for the profite of the people there And in Croatia whiche is the lower Pannonia the Churches then the bishops vsed the holy scriptures translated into their vulgar languages 92 In the raigne of Theodosius and Valentinian Emperours in the yeare 386. Ambrose was Bishop of Milain His election was such that Aurentius an Arrian Bishop being gone from Milain there arose a great sedition betwixt the Arrians the catholickes concerning the election of the Bishop And at that time Ambrose being a Citizen was proconsul who considering this vprore because of his office went hastily vnto the Church whereas the people were assembled and after that hee had vsed many perswasions for to reuoke the people to a concorde there rose vp sodainly a common voyce with one consent that Ambrose must be Baptized who was alreadie cathechised and that after they shoulde consecrate him Bishop wherunto he would not agrée but by the commaundement of the Emperour Valentinian who incyted him thereto hee tooke
after Adrian was elected Pope he would neuer goe into the Church of Latran for to be consecrated except the saide Arnold were first banished the citie calling him heretike and a solicitour of the people of Rome for to maintaine their libertie In the same time was Peter de Blois who by his writinges touched the wickednesse of Church-men in a certaine epistle that he wrote to an officiall of a Bishop he exhorteth him to depart out of Babilon detesting the tyrannie of Bishops and of their officials calling them hellishe harpies who doe nothing else but pill and teare in peeces the Church of Iesus Christ He oftentimes named the eleargie Syria Edom the Calues of Bethel Idols of Egypt the fatte of Samaria Priestes of Baal and iudges that forge wicked lawes and by other like names he called them He saide thus of Rome all is subuerted at Rome through giftes the Monkes haue all libertie for siluer and redeme for yerely pensions all manner wickednes of the fleshe Their filthinesse beginneth to be song in the Tabernacles of Geth and in the streates of Ascalon Thus did the prince of Sodome and his disciples after him be set in the chaire of pestilence c. He that would sée more of him let him reade his writings 125 Then in the time afore mentioned being couered with darkenesse and horrible wickednesse as historiographers doe credibly reporte And then when as the Locustes and Vermines were flocked abroade in so great multitudes for to deuoure and eate vp that little greenenes that remained in the world we sée yet that the Lord hath raysed vp some good people for to go about to stoppe such gulfes in the middest of which raigned all infections and filthinesse in vnrighteousnesse and vngodlinesse Wherevpon we haue to consider that the Lorde doth not suffer such Monsters weout reprouing them for their horrible misdoinges and that hee will not wholy suffer the clearenes and puritie of his holy worde to be quenched albeit that the world deserue that it shoulde bee so because of the wicked fruites that the people doe bring foorth And also we may marke howe that by meanes in time and place hee bringeth againe as the dawning of the day his true light for the which at this time Waldo of Lions was also raised vp whose historie in this place it shall be good to consider The historie of Waldo 126 In the yeare 1160. or thereaboutes and in the raigne of the foresaide Emperour Friderike Barberosse Peter Waldo a citizen of Lyons a rich and learned man was astonied and brought into a trance in leaning to mans frailtie by meanes of a certaine man who at that time was with the saide Waldo and other the principall men of the foresaide citie of Lions recreating themselues and talking togither who sodainly fell downe dead in the presence of them all Which thing Waldo séeing amongest the rest wondered greatly and was stricken to the bottome of the heart so as he thought with himselfe that God did sufficiently declare to him by this example other like argumentes that he ought not so to grounde himselfe in earthly matters which be corruptible and frayle but that hee ought better then he had done afore looke vp on high to the heauenly life wherevnto he felte himselfe called by God And therefore he purposed with himselfe to regarde his life more narrowly and to repent and to meditate vppon true pietie And then he began to doe many almes deedes and to open his house to all men and to speake of repentance and true godlines to euery one that came to him about any businesse what soeuer it was This liberalitie drewe many poore and néedie so as they beganne to come by flocks vnto him and he dayly expounded vnto them somewhat out of the holy scriptures into the vulgar tongue for he was a learned man as the historie of that time and the Catalogue of the witnesses of the trueth doeth testifie The Bishop of that place and the prelates that doe carrie the keyes as they say and will not enter in themselues nor yet suffer others to enter beganne to murmure thereat that a lay or secular mā as they tearme them shoulde handle and declare the holy scriptures in the vulgar tongue and that he shoulde make assemblies in his house warned him vnder payne of excommunication to cease but for all that the zeale the Waldo had for the aduauncement of the glorie of God and the desire which the simple ones had for to learne was no whit diminished but on the contrary side the resistance and tyrannie of prelates gaue occasion to discouer the errours and superstitions of the Romaine see which were hidden in darkenesse The like thing happened in our time that is when as the Pope and the Priesthoode woulde not onely endure that Martin Luther shoulde reproue their indulgences they themselues were cause that their errours were more narrowly sought out and their abhominable blasphemies discouered It is easie then to consider that this traunce aforenamed which Waldo had was sent from God and the fruite and end also shewed the same for the traunce that moued Bruno to séeke for remedy and consolation at his owne fantasie without the word of God was of the Deuill and procéeded from his illusions And for to goe on further in speaking of Waldo of whom the Waldenses tooke their name He in the same time made a collection in his vulgare tongue of the places of the auncient fathers for to defende his adherents not onely by authoritie of the holy scriptures but also by testimonie of the doctours against the aduersaries It is verie likely by the historians yea by the writings of the aduersaries that this assemblie endured a certeine time as about the space of foure or fiue yeares that Waldo taught in the cytie of Lyons before that he was put to exile and banishment for inasmuch as he was mightie and had friends he was not so sone entrapped with daungers as after ward they were and thus the name of the poore in Lyons began to bee a byworde they were called Waldenses Lyonnistes Insabbati that is to say such as obserue no sabbothes nor feastes many other such names were deuised against them for to make them seeme detestable The doctrine of the Waldenses After that Waldo and his adherents were driuen out of Lyons some of them went backe into Lombardie whereas they multiplyed so that their doctrine began to bee spreade thorough Italy and came to Sicilia as the patents of Frederike the seconde conde set forth against them whilest he raigned do sufficiently declare By the recytal of those that haue writen against them and of Reinerius who lyued wrote shortly after that time it may bee gathered that their doctrine was this That we must giue credit to the holy scrptures onely concerning matters of saluation without staying vpon men That they do containe al whatsoeuer is necessarie for saluation that none other thing ought to be
receiued but that alone which god hath commaunded That there is but one onely mediatour therefore they not ought to call vpon saincts That there is no purgatorie but that all men that are iustified thorough Christ goe vnto eternall life That there is no thirde nor fourth place They receiue and allowe two sacraments only Baptisme and the Lords supper They say that all masses and especially those inuented for trespasses bee damnable and that they ought to be abolished That all humaine traditions must bee reiected and not be accounted any thing necessarie to saluation That singings and rehearsing of offices fastings tyed vnto a certein day superfluitie of feasts difference of meates so many degrées and orders of priestes Monckes and Nonnes so many blessings and consecrating of creatures vowes pilgrimages and all the confusion and great heape of ceremonies inuented heretofore ought to be abolyshed They deny the prymacie of the Pope and especially the power that they vsurpe ouer cyuill pollycies And they allowe none other degrées saue of bishops ministers and Deacons That the sea of Rome is the verie Babilon and that the Pope is at this present the fountaine of all euils That the marriage of ministers is good and necessarie in the Church That those that heare the word of God and vnderstande it aright be the true Church vnto whom Iesus Christ hath giuen the Keyes for to let in the shéepe and to driue away the Wolues Lo here is briefely the doctrine of the Waldenses the which the enemies of the puritie of the holy scriptures haue impugned against for the which by their owne testimonie they haue béene persecuted Mathias Illiricus in the Catalogue that he collected of the witnesses of the trueth speaketh of the consultations of certeine aduocats of Auignon Also of the thrée Archbishops of Narbonna of Arles and of Aix and likwise of the Bishop of Albanie about the rooting out of the Waldenses written thrée yeares past by which it appeareth that at that time and before were a great nomber of the faithfull dispersed here and there throughout all Fraunce It may also be gathered by the consultations of the saide thrée Archbishoppes that as the number was great the persecution also was very cruel for in the ende of them it is founde thus written Who is so young in Fraunce that hee knoweth not the condemnation of the heretikes called Waldenses executed of long time so iustly A thing so famous and so manifest which at so great costes and charges of the Catholikes was sealed with so many condemnations and the deathes of those wicked infidels can it bee called in doubt It appeareth then what bouchery was vsed at that time with the faithfull what crueltie the supposts of antichrist exercised then against the good which were willing to mainteine the puritie of the holy true seruice of God like as by his holy word he teacheth vs that he woulde be adored serued and honoured I will also recite some thing of that which is written of Albigeois or Albois a people that had receiued a beginning of the light of the trueth and stoode in contention against the Idolatrie of transubstantiation which thing first caused them to retyre from the Romish Church They inhabited the countrie about Tholouse Albi. S. Dominick author of that newe secte that call themselues preachers came out of Spaine and persecuted them greatly both in worde and déede Pope Innocent the thirde sent also in that time vnto them a legate Nicholas bishop of Thusculane who comming thither with foure horses two mules returned in short space with fiftie and with great pillage which hee brought thence hauing exercised great crueltie and tyrannie against these poore people whom also hee charged with horrible crymes thereby to make them odious to all the worlde The said Pope caused to be published a croisard against them and gaue ful indulgence and remission of sinnes vnto those that woulde make warre against them Simon Earle of Mountforde went against them and destroyed a great multitude of them neare Tholous a hundreth and fortie were burned in the diocese of Narbonna and 4. hundreds in the diocese of Tholous at sundrie times In this discomfiture of the Albigeois Peter king of Tarracon who had fauoured them was slayne in combat Simon de Mountford pursued his victorie Looke Mathew Paris the English historigrapher who was in that time 127 In the yeare 1240. was Peter de Vinea Chauncelour to the Emperour Frederyke the seconde of that name who wrote at that time many letters in the name of the Emperour of which some be in print till this present wherein hee complayneth that all the worlde cannot content the insatiable couetousnesse of the Pope That the beastlynes of the Cleargie is so filthie that it is a shame to bée named Hée openly mainteyned that the Pope hath neither by deuine nor humaine right any power of the sworde Guillame le Orfeure also in his time shewed that the Pope was Antichrist Rome Babylon the prelates members of Antichrist Cesarius in the 10. Distinct of his dialogues Then the fruite of the doctrine that the Waldenses at that time spread abroade appeared in manie who did set themselues against the fraudes and abhominations in the sée of Rome Robert Grosted sometime bishop of Lincolne 1253. a man famously learned as that time serued in thrée tongues both Latin Gréeke and Hebrew also in al other liberall sciences whose works to this day are extant this Godly and reuerent Byshop after dyuers conflicts and agonies sustayned against the bishoppe of Rome after the Example of Guliel de sainct Amour of Nico. Gallus and other afore mentioned at length after great labours and trauels of life finished his course and departed at Buckdoue in the moneth of October 1253. Math. Pariensiens Of this Robert Grosted writeth Cestrensis in the seuenth booke of his historie that partly for that it gréeued him to sée the intollerable exactions of the Pope in the Realme of Englande partly because he refused to admitte a certaine young Nephew of the Pope to be canon of his Church Hee therefore writing to the Pope and signifying that he coulde not admit any such persons into his Church which neither knewe themselues nor the tongue of the people nor the charges committed vnto them was called vp to Rome there excommunicated who then appealing from the Pope shortly after departed in the yeare aboue written It chaunced within two yeares after his decease that Pope Innocent being a sléepe a certein Bishop apparelled Bishoplike appeared vnto him and striking him with his staffe on the left side said Surge miser veni in iudicium that is rise wretch and come to thy iudgement The next day after the Pope was founde amased and greatly troubled 128 In the yere 1260. flourished Guil. de sainct Amour a doctour of Paris a Chanon of Bauuais In his sermons as he himselfe doth witnesse hee especially reprehended the Hipocrisie of Prelates saying that
also that the Church by their negligence shoulde become desolate and that iniquitie shoulde abound that is by reason of Mammon master of iniquitie Also he saide that there were in the Church of Christ Idols which shoulde destroy Ierusalem and make the Temple desolate but were cloaked by hypocrisie further that there bee many which denie Christ for that they kéepe silence neither doe they heare Christ whome all the worlde shoulde know and should confesse his veritie before men which also wittingly doe detaine the veritie and Iustice of God Hee taught openly that in the Pope Cardinals Bishops Prelates Priestes and other religious men was no trueth but that onely he and such as held with him taught the true way of saluation Mathias Parisiensis a Bohemian borne who about the yeare of our Lorde 1370. wrote a large booke of Antichrist and proueth him already come and noteth the Pope to be the same In this booke he doth greatly eniue againste the wickednesse of the cleargie and against the neglecting of their dutie in gouerning the Church The Locustes mentioned in the Apocalyps hee saith be the hypocrites raigning in the Church The workes of Antichrist he saith be these the fables and inuentions of men raigning in the Church the Images and fayned reliques that are worshipped euery where Item that men doe worship euery one his proper sainct and sauiour beside Christ so that euery man and citie almost hath his diuers and peculiar Christ He taught and affirmed moreouer that godlynesse and true worship of God are not bounde to place persons or times to bee hearde more in this place then in an other at this time more then at an other c. Hee was greatly and much offended with monks and friers for neglecting or rather burying the worde of Christ and in stéed thereof for celebrating and setting vp their owne rules and Canons affirming it to be much hurtfull to true Godlinesse for that Priestes Monkes and Nunnes do account themselues onely spirituall and all other to be lay and secular attributing onely to themselues the opinion of holynesse and contemning all other men with all their politicke administration and office as prophane in comparison of their owne He further writeth that Antichrist hath seduced al vniuersities and Colleges of learned men so that they teach no sincere doctrine neither giue any light to the Christians with their teaching Finally he forewarneth that it will come to passe that God yet once againe will raise vp godly teachers who being feruent in the spirite and zeale of Helias shall disclose and refute the errours of Antichrist alleadgeth the sayings and writings of the vniuersitie of Paris also the writings of Guliel de sanct Amour Henricus de Hassia an excellent learned and famous man He wrote an Epistle vnto Iacobus Carisiensis Bishop of Normacia inserted in his booke de erroribus Christianorum In the same Epistle the authour doth greatly accuse the spirituall men of euery order yea the most holiest of all other the Pope himselfe of many and great vices Hee saide that the Ecclesiasticall gouernours in the primatiue Church were compared to the Sunne shining in the day time and the politicall gouernours to the Moone shyning in the night But the spirituall men he said that nowe are doe neither shine in the day time nor yet in the night time but rather with their darkenesse doe obscure both day night that is with their filthy liuing ignoraunce impietie Hee citeth also out of the prophesie of Hildegardis these words Therefore doth the deuill in himselfe speake of you Priests daintie bankets and feasts wherein is all voluptuousnes doe I finde amongst these men In so much that mine eyes mine eares my belly my vaynes bee euen filled with the froth of them and my brestes stande astrout with the riches of them c. Lastly saith he they euery day more and more as lucyfer doe séeke to clymbe higher and higher till that euery day with him more and more they fall déeper and déeper Hee liued Anno. 1371. Nilus was Archbishop of Thessolonica and lyued 1380. He wrote a long worke against the Latins that is against such as tooke part helde with the Churche of Rome His booke first being written in Gréek was after translated into Latin and lately nowe into English in this our time In the first Chap. of his booke he layeth all the blame and fault of the discention and schisme betwene the East and the West Church vppon the Pope Hee affirmed that the Pope onely woulde commaunde what him lusted were it neuer so contrarie to all the olde and auncient Cannons That hee would heare and followe no mans aduise that hee would not permit any free Councels to be assembled c. In the second Chapt. of his booke hee purposedly maketh a verie learned disputation for first he declareth that he had no whit at all by Gods commaundement but onely by humaine Lawe any dignitie more then others Bishops which dignitie the Councels the fathers and Emperours haue graunted vnto him neither did they graunt the same for any other consideration more or greater ordinaunce then for that the same citie then had the Empery of all the whole world and not at al for that that Peter was there or not there c. 133 In the yeare 1383. Iohn wikliefe liued in England who hauing of long time made profession of diuinitie at Oxenforde a citte and vniuersitie in Englande and hee séeing that true diuinitie was vilely corrupted with much filthinesse of questions and inuentions set forth by the Pope he coulde not but lament in his hearte and determined to remedy such a disorder He sawe well that hee coulde not without great trouble remoue away abuses and that those that had so long time growen in the hearts of men could not easilie be rooted out on a sodaine And therefore he thought good to deale there with by little and little First he made this assaye against the aduersaries of the trueth that is he disputed against them of small matters that by that meane he might open an entrie to great things and amongest other hee had to deale with a certain monke named Iohn kenyngham Of these small beginnings they came to higher matters Hee at the last disputed concerninge the sacrament of the supper Therein this good man had great resistaunce affirming openlye in scholes that his principall intent was to take away idolatrie that raigned in the Church concerning this matter But marke what mischiefe happened a man coulde not so soone touth this wounde without causing great sorrowe to the worlde The monkes and especially the begging fort were in a furie the Bishops would haue knowledge of this matter He alleaged the authoritie of the auncient Doctours of the Church in those poyntes wherein they agréed with the holy scriptures declaring that there is no trueth but that which is contayned in them As for the decretistes he vtterly reiected them He stedfastly mainteined that in the sacrament
of the supper the accidents be not without the subiect that is to say that the whitenesse and roundnesse of the breade be not without the bread to wit that contrary to transubstantion which the priests haue forged the breade abideth bread and the wine contynueth in the proper substance Moreouer the conclusions proposed by him at the towne of Lambeth be these If that any Princes or Lordes or any others haue made any donations vnto the mynisters of the Church there is therin a secreate condition to wit that God shoulde be honoured and that the faithfull should be edified And if this condition ceasse then they may take away from wicked pastours that which they had giuen them any excommunication or other whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding That if these dealinges of men were let alone the cleargie which were of couetous persons will bring all the world into their hands Also that the Pope may lawfully be reproued by those whom he kéepeth in obedience vnder him and that for the vtilitie of the Church he may be accused both of the clearks and lay people That the Pope as great a Lord as he reporteth himselfe to be must thinke that he is a brother vnto others and that if he sinne he ought to be brotherly corrected and heare corrections brotherly And when as by the holy scripture his heresie or errour is shewed him he ought not to be obstinate And by many other conclusions he shewed euidently the abuse of the Pope and of the cleargy and how that their possessions of so great reuenewes be vniust To conclude he was assaulted by many and amongest others the begging monkes who rose against him by greate flockes But the Lorde gaue him for a protectour the Kinge Edwarde vnder whose raigne he had some lybertie to speake the truth Richarde the successour of the said Edwarde persecuted and banished him Within a while after he was called again from banishment and returned vnto the parrishe of whiche he was pastour and there like a lustie champion of the Lorde he aboade alwayes constant euen vntill the death he died in the yeare of our Lorde 1388. fortie and one yeares after his death he was digged vp againe by the commandement of the Pope and his bones were burned and the ashes thereof cast into the water but Iesus Christ dieth not in his faithful ones vse the tyrants what cruelty they can He composed many bookes the which were burned in the citie of Oxenford in the yere 1410. there be certaine notwithstanding reserued still for to declare that God hath alwayes some faithfull seruantes who doe resist the errours of the world Amongest his writinges there is an Epistle which he sent to Pope Vrbane He that woulde sée more at large of him and of his historie let him looke in the booke of Martyrs 134 In the persecution raysed vp against Wiclief and in the yere 1400. Sautree a priest imbraced with zeale of true pure religion craued and requested in the ful Parliament the audience might be granted him for the cōmon profit of all the Realme Then albeit that his request was honest and ciuill and that he gaue to vnderstande that he coulde bring great profite yet he was not hearde for the bishops perceiuing that he came caused him to be attached of heresie and for the seauen articles condemned disgraded and burned him Looke Fabius in his Chronicles and Iohn Crespin in the booke of martyrs William Thorpe an Englishman was also a valiant martyre of our Lorde Iesus Christ He sustayned great assaultes of many prelats of of the Church of Rome without forsaking his vocation which was to instruct the people according to the pure word of God And therefore he woulde not agrée to preach the superstitions and humaine inuentions which he declared to be contrarie to the institution of the holy scriptures he was condemned hauing yeelded a testimonie of his faith Nowe of many pointes well worth the noting vpon the interrogations propounded to him I will recite for to auoyde great prolixitie one onely that is that he being demaunded of the Archbishop of Canterburie primate of Englande and Chauncelour of the whole Realme what the Church did signifie he answered that it is Iesus Christe and the companie of saincts Which thing the said Archbishop confessed to be true in respect of heauen but he demaunded further what the Church was here below on earth It is deuided into two partes answered the said Williā Thorp the one of the two parts which is the better hath obtained victorie ouer the enemies and triumpheth nowe with Christe in great ioy the other part fighteth here still on earth by the sworde of faith against the continuall bulwarkes of Sathan of the fleshe and of the worlde There is no strength so violent no pompe so proud no fire of afflictions and persecutions so burning no tyrannie so cruel no reasons of Doctours so discording nor opinions so diuerse which can withdrawe them from the right rule of faith and of the holy scriptures For they be fortyfied by the worde of God in Christ and firmely stablished as vppon a sure rocke that can not be remoued Looke Iohn Crespin in his booke of martyrs Within a while after the death of Iohn Wiclief there arose greate persecution in Englande against the faithfull for the truth of the Gospell which then began to take déepe rooting The worthiest men in the Realme were not then spared the lord Cobham a knight of the order one of the peeres of England was there apprehended but he was executed after these that we nowe speake off And therefore according to the order of time we will hereafter speake of him more at large for he was an excellent martyr of our Lorde Iesus Christ King Henrie then by publike ordinaunce made an edicte and set foorth through the persuasions of the bishoppes and prelates terrible punishmentes for all them that should follow the doctrine of Wicliefe vsing so great seueritie against them that he helde them not onely for heretikes but also as guiltie of treason And for this cause it was ordeined that they should be punished with two sortes of punishmentes that is that they should be both hanged and burned and there was neither fréedome nor any priuiledge whereby they coulde enioye profite so maliciously were they bente againste the faithfull séeking all meanes againste them and in that time they called al them Wicleffians who read the scriptures in the vulgar tongue and which made their assemblies in secrete places in the darke preaching in woodes and bushes Then the Bishops being armed with this edicte of the king exercised great tyrannie against manie good people and many poore innocentes and amongest other against Roger Acton a knight of the order and a true nobleman adorned with great vertues he abhorred the wicked traditions of the Pope had his affections withdrawen from him and from all his assistants For that cause it is reported that he was hated amongest the
that he had subscribed to the condemnation of Iohn hus and had sayed many things against that good man and against Wiclief who hee saide had openly manifested by wordes the detestable liues of the Bishops and prelates had touched them to the quicke in their books hauing iustly writen and spoken of their misdéedes and peruerse traditions Wherfore he being now by the grace and goodnes of God brought to the same chaire againe he vtterly repented of that horrible sinne and declared that the subscription that he had made was voyde for they had verie wrongfully burned that holy man In the end he being willed to recant then immediately or else he shoulde be vsed as the other was he chose rather to dye And he was condemned to be burned hauing put on him a crown of paper like as Iohn Hus had wher on were painted diuels round about And he saide that Iesus Christe for the loue of him a poore sinner had borne a greater paine and that for the good will that he had shewed him he also woulde go willingly to execution and going he song with prayers himnes and calling vppon God And when the woode was set about him hee cryed with a loude voyce O Lorde into thy handes I cōmende my spirite if you would sée further of him looke Crespin in his booke of martyrs The Bohemians vnderstanding what was done at Constance against the doctours they sacked and spoyled the conuents and monasteries of that countrie and set them on fire and then they withdrewe them selues frō the subiection of the Pope of Rome Looke Naucl. 137 The Realme of Fraunce also at that time was not destitute of true doctours who faithfully executed their charge in declaring the light and the day of the Lord amongst whom Nicholas Clemangis a doctour of Paris and Archdeacon of Bayonna in the yeare 1417. hath left a certaine testimony in wryting touching the corrupt estate of the church shewing forth the fountaine of all mischiefes oppressions and calamities that the Church hath endured and that still it shall abide thorough the horrible violence crueltie tyrannie and insatiable rigour of him who calleth himselfe the heade on the the earth and of his members He saide that the sectes and seditions raysed vp against the Churches by the furies of hel do declare what peace fraternitie they haue amongst them And that the infernall and schismaticall hydra beginning at him that calleth himselfe heade of the Church and budding very abundantly and spreading the rootes by the furies hath infected al the colleges and assemblies thorough the séede of the Viper To conclude I knowe not how in so few words I shoulde comprehende in what a straunge sort hee speaketh of this fountaine and the horrible confusion of the Church of Rome He therefore that will sée more of the wrytings of the saide Nicholas Clemangis which are worthy to bee reade of all faithfull Christians let him looke in the last edition of Iohn Crespin his booke of martyrs fol. 60. Wherupon I say we must note that albeit God doth sufficiently declare vnto vs by his holy word the meane howe to beware of rauening Wolues clad in shéepes rayment and howe we may know them as well by their doctrine as by their works neuerthelesse he hath alwayes raysed vp some good men for to warne his shéepe the more to take héede of false pastours 138 There is no order nor condition of which god doth not know how to draw some to send them into the field to battaile to encounter with false pastours which would so stoutly earnestly maintein superstitions abhominable traditions repugning against his holy worde And amongst others of that time 1418. the history of one excellent Lord of Englande is worthy to bee recorded with the worthyest of the world to wit of Iohn Oldeastel Lorde Cobham knight of the order one of the péeres of England He was one of the chiefest doctours of his time who taught the courtiers that they shoulde serue Christ better then they did He was adorned with excellent vertues and for his noble and vertuous déedes he was promoted to great dignities and honours He had this gifte most excellent that hee cared not greatly for any glorie and honour of the world the which doth soone fade away but hee rather acrounted it all his diguity and felicitie that he might vndertake to doe seruice to the Prince of princes which is Iesus Christ the sonne of God The instructions of Wiclief stoode him in great steade He had such an vnderstanding of the true religion and Godlinesse that he made no difficultie to receiue vnder his protection al those the maintayned the good doctrine and were in daunger therefore Hee sustayned dyuers times great assaultes and daungerous and chiefely the Machinations and secreat practises of wicked Byshops King Henrie the fifte loued him greatly albeit that he knewe the most part of his dealing but at the last hee yelded to the Bishoppes thorough their false reportes and forsooke this noble knight as the furious appetite of the Archbishops and his complices required He was once or twice cyted by the Archbishop He of long time regarded not his curses and excomunications The king sent vnto him an Herault and immediately hee obeyed and went vnto the king He presented vnto him his confession written in which he reciteth by order the articles of the créede and vpon euery article a briese exposition The king wolde not receyue this confession other artycles be founde which he presented to the Archbishop contaning in somme foure poynts where of the one is that he beleueth that in the sacrament of the supper we receyue the body of Christ vnder the kindes forme of bread and wine the same body that was borne of the virgin Marie was crucified dead and buried and lastly rose againe the third day after his death and was exalted to the right hand of the father immortal and tryumpheth now for euer with him being partaker of his eternall glorie And as concernyng the sacrament that they call penitence or penaunce he hath written therof worde for worde his faith saying thus I beléeue that it is very necessarie for euery one that aspireth vnto saluation to wit that hee must repent of his life passed by a true confession and contrition vnsained that in such sort as is set forth in the holy scriptures otherwise there is no hope of saluation Concerning their thirde sacrament he saide touching images that it doth not appertaine to a true fayth true it is the since Christian faith was brought into the world they also were put in exercyse thorow permission to serue for a kalender as they call yt to the ignorant to the ende that by the view thereof they mighte the more easily see the passions holy examples as well of Christ as of his faythfull and holy seruantes but sythens that there is such abuse of that representation and that men do attrybute vnto the images of Saints that which is
rather shut it as the Pharisees did Cōcerning vowes he disputeth that such as be foolishe and impossible ought to be broken That the hearers ought to discerne and iudge of the doctrine of their prelates and not to receiue euery thing that they say without due examination 141 In these latter times many errours haue bene corrected in the Church and the pure doctrine of the true seruice of God hath beene restored again by Martine Luther and by other good and true seruantes of God And concerning Luther who was borne of honest and renoumed parentes in the yere 1483. and he was called Martin because he was baptised on the day which many do call S. Martins day He after that he had spent some time in studie of the ciuill lawe went contrarie to the opinion of his parentes and friendes to a conuent of Augustins In that monasterie he with fastings and praiers applyed himselfe to the studie of holy scripturs And within a while after he was called to reade diuinitie in the vniuersitie of Wittenberge Then while he was in this course He in the yeare 1517. withstoode the bull published by Pope Leo promising absolution from all sinnes and the kingdome of heauen for a certaine summe of monie that they should giue For to handle his purpose the better and with the more edification he wrote to the Archibishop of Mayence giuing him to vnderstande what these questours ment and complayned greatly that the people steedfastly beléeued the after they had bought these pardons they coulde not choose but be saued as though there were no sinne howe great soeuer it were but the vertue of those pardons could blot out and as though the soules formented in the fire of purgatorie shoulde then haue bene out of paine should flie streight away into Paradice as soone as the monie was put into the chest He declared that the commaundement of Christ was to teach the Gospell and that the proper office of Bishoppes is to instruct the people praying the Archbishop that according to his dutie hee woulde vse his authoritie in prohibiting certaine bookes the some had published in defence of the foresaide facte and that those preachers might followe a better kinde of doctrine He sent also with those letters 95. propositions the which he had not long afore published at Wittenberg for to dispute on in which he treated largely of purgatory of true repentance of the office and dutie of charitie and of indulgences and pardons impugning the vnreasonable sermons of the bribers and that they did all for to séeke again the pure veritie The Archbishop aunswered nothing thereto Also he resisted and spake against a Iacobin named Tekel who caused indulgences pardons to be carried and soulde al abroade in that countrie He wrote also to Pope Leo setting before him the follies that the bribers taught and the extortion they vsed in vsing or rather abusing his authoritie Loe here the beginninges in which Luther did not meane nor regarde any chaunge of ceremonies neither did hee then wholly reiecte indulgences but onely requested that they woulde obserue a meane But after that through vnderstanding of the holy scriptures he had further profited by the grace of God euerie day more and more and had perceiued that the doctrine which he had begon to teache was agreing with the holy scriptures he sustained with a valiant courage all the assaultes of the enemies and al the hatred of the worlde abiding as vmnoueable as a brasse wall and caring for no danger He hauing had marueilous assaultes and disputations and hauing writen many bookes and receiued commaundement and safe conduct from the Emperour Charles the fifth he refused not to appeare before his maiestie at Wormes and before al the princes electours all the estates of the Empyre although many woulde haue diswaded him because that his bookes had béen there burned afore hande alleaging also what had happened to Iohn Hus. He aunswered worthely in that excellent assembly yéelding a good reason for the bookes that he had composed he prayed and besought thē that if there were any man that had ought to say against the doctrine whereof he made profession that he would not dissimule it but that he woulde vtter shewe forth his fault by testimonies of the holy scripture that he woulde be no Schismatike but woulde rather be the first that shoulde set his bookes on fire He shewed that the trueth is cause of troubles And that our Lorde Iesus Christ said that it is natural for the Gospel to moue great debates and alterations amongest such as sticke ouer much to parentes and to their kinsefolkes Moreouer he there warned the Emperour and all the princes to thinke grauely and with aduisemente howe they ought to deale and foresee least in condemning the doctrine offered them through a singular benefite of God they shoulde cause a great plague to hapen vnto all Germanie After many aduertisementes and being demanded whither he would mainteine his bookes or not he aunswered by and by that he woulde not reuoke any thing of that whiche hee had either written or taught except he were vanquished by testimonie of the scripture The sentence of the Emperour was against him and so were the assembly of princes saying that his auncestours had obeyed the Church of Rome and so woulde he and yet in the meane while he kepte his promise made vnto Luther so he sent him agayne safe and sounde to the place where he abode Luther was kept secret by certaine of the worthiest princes He was accused that his bookes raised great troubles He was threatened that if he stoode stiffe in his opinions he coulde not soiourne in any place of Germaine but he feared not any of their meaninges nor for all the hurtes and offences that they sayde might by his meanes happen submitting himselfe to endure death rather then to forsake the worde of God so apparant Then he pronounced openly that he had not reproued all the councels as some reported but onely the councell of Constance because that it condēned the worde of God as appeareth in the article of Iohn Hus which was condemned that is that the Church of Iesus Christe is the communion of the predestinate The councell of Constance condemned this article and so by consequence condemned this article of our faith I beléeue the holy vniuersall Church protesting then that hee refused not to spend his life bloud so as he might not be brought to this necessitie for to denie the manifest worde of God for in mainteining thereof he must rather obey God then men Concerning offence he answered that is double to wit of charitie and of faith The offence of charitie consisteth in manners and in life and is vtterly to be shunned That of faith or of doctrine it lieth in the worde of God and it ought not to be feared séeing that the trueth and will of the heauenly father in that he hath commaunded ought not to be dissanulled although the