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A01449 A booke of angling, or fishing Wherein is shewed, by conference with scriptures, the agreement betweene the fishermen, fishes, fishing of both natures temporall, and spirtuall. By Samuel Gardiner Doctor of Diuinitie. Gardiner, Samuel, b. 1563 or 4. 1606 (1606) STC 11572; ESTC S115164 72,270 172

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often warred preuailed against the Christians wherefore wee are blind and see nothing if we make this a marke of the Church and we wish such with the Careat successoribus opto Quisquis ab euentu facta notanda putat We wish that such haue no successe That by euent of thinges doe gesse Of vnitie consent and multitude THere bee others as bold with God as the former intruding themselues into his libertie and peculier to determine who are and who are not of the Church making a seculer arme and iurisdiction and the consent of the greater number company the marke of their knowledge fancying the fondnes of the Israelites herein rūning with the Bias and stream of those times drawing this absurdity with cart-ropes of examples of their fathers Iere. 44.17 kings princes in the cities of Iuda and the streets of Hierusalem for this is their logicke which with such open mouth they lay out in Ieremie But how little pleasure their argument taken from the topick place of vnitie in matters of diuinitie Matth. Luke Gal. 2.11 doth the Popelings I pray you consider Did not the Pharisies Sadduces Herod Pilat diuided in opinions and affections among themselues combine and coniure themselues against Christ as a Iurie in a generall assise agreeth vppon one verdict Paul who dissented from Peter Barnabas who differed from Paul Acts. 15.39 1. Cor. 1.12.13 and the Church of Corinth which nourished in her bosome many bitter diffentions I trow were all members of the Catholick Church in the opinion of our aduersaries If they were their reason grounded vpon vnitie hath no great stabilitie Gen. 11.3.4 Did not the balde builders of Babel in one mind conclude to goe on with their worke Those Calues that worshipped their golden Calues Exod. sang all one song These are the Gods of Israel that brought thee out of the land of Aegypt The tenne tribes were in a league togeather to vphold superstition to set vp Idols in Bethel Psal c. The Psalmograph numbreth ten nations of one associatiō against the Church of God They were confederate together the tabernacles of the Edomites and Moabites The Hagarens the Philistims with them that dwell at Tyre Gebon Ammon and Amalech Assur also is ioyned with them and haue holpen the children of Loth. The Iewes with one mouth called vpon the Iudge to condemne our Sauiour Crucifie him crucifie him Matth. 27.22 The Mahometists The Mahometists are at a point with themselues with one assent and consent to main taine their blasphemies now I trust there is not a Christian that holdeth that they are of the Church Gen. 13.7.8 37.8 c. Difference sometimes amongst the Saints of God on earth Hier. c. Matth. 20.24 Gala. 2.11.12 Act. 11.2.3 The ancient fathers dissenting now and then one from another The members of the true Church are sometimes at oddes about outward matters Loth and his brethren differed for a time The brethren ioyntly did hate and intend much hurt vnto Ioseph The priests and Princes of the people very often seuered themselues from Prophets In the sacred societie of Christ there were emulations and distentions a very hotte garboile was among them for the primacie The other tenne disdained that the two brethren Iames and Iohn shoulde stand for it aboue others Paul withstood Peter to the verie head of him They of the circumcision came against Peter in open disputation A great contention among the primitiue Christians did arise concerning the annuall celebration of the feast of Easter Betweene the Bishops of Africa and Rome was great and long a doe about the baptisme of heretiques Hierome did absolutely oppose himselfe against Ruffinus So did Epiphanius against Chrisostome Betweene the East and the West Churches there was little trouble about rites and ceremonies Therefore let our aduersaries lay their handes vpon their mouthes and talke no more to vs of vnitie and multitude seeing it is laxate and palsie shaking logick Of Succession As that is also which is deriued from long cōtinued succession which they hold as an infallible note of their church For this their slauerie wee scatter in this wife If succession will serue the turne 2. King 20.21 and 21.3.16 c. Matth. 26.57 c. ●o conclude those that haue that of their side to be of the church Manasses and Caiphas may hold vppe their heades with the best of the bunch For the one succeeded Dauid in the ciuill gouernement and the other Aaron in the priestly regiment Our Romanists that looke so bigly vppon vs in their supposed priuiledge of succession Archidamus Hercules succeed Peter as Archidamus the Lacedemonian did succeed Hercules Nicostratus tolde him that hee could not come of Hercules as hee would haue the world thinke because their doings were so contrary the one killed those that were badde and the other killing the good when they are at the best they are but a broode and litter of Pharisees Iohn 8.44 Of the true and false whose tribe and cognation was hewed out of hell and were of their father the deuill howsoeuer they would seeme to deduce their stocke Church see Doctor Rainold his 5. 6. conclusion 1. King c. Mat. 13.48 lineage from Abraham But wee leaue further scanning of this question and as the two women that came before Salomon contending whose the liuing child should be whilest each of them claimed it to bee hers their strife was stinted by the sentence of his wisedome so the wisdome of God who searcheth all heartes shall end our quarrell shal one day discouer to the world who are his and none of his who are the elect and out-casts of Israel as the fisherman descrieth what fishes are in his nette when hee hath it on the land and taketh a full and perfect view of them 5. Matth. 13.47.48 49. The fishermon when he hath ended his fishing seuereth the goed from the bad euen so when the world endeth a separation shall be vntil which time c. The ordinarie fisherman when his fishing is done sundreth and seuereth the good from the bad vntill which time they are confusedly togeather in the net such men as are caught by the euangelicall fishermen by the dragge-net of the holy word must abide together in the Church of God with the refuse company vntill the end of the world which shall giue an end to our fishing at what time the almightie whose ministers wee are shall sort his fishes according to their kinds separate them while the world lasteth and so our fishing lasteth Matth. 25.1.32 1. Sam. 19.23.24 Matth. 22.22.11 there is no talking of this distinctiō For cockle darnell tares successiuely sprouteth out with the better grain weeds wil ouer-awe the best hearbes that be goats wil be amōg the flocks of sheep foolish virgins will keep cōpany with
siluer the basis and substance thereof being but copper As the Estrich hath the winges of a hawke but not the flight of a hawke so such deep dissemblers and double dealers haue but the colour and countenance of christians they haue not the condition of Christians to flie high by the winges of zealous religion Mat. 27.14 Gen. 25.27 27.1 c. They wash but their hands with Pilat and not their consciences They seeke with Esau that which is without outward estimation but the other with Iacob abide within they are inwardly holy and obtaine the benediction But when there shall be a seperation made of them 1. Co. we shal shew hereafter in his proper place In the meane while we are to cōsider how none can possibly escape this nette but that it taketh only one one way or other which way soeuer he turneth him either to life or death Iob. 40.21 Though no fisherman hath a nette or angle for the Leuiathan and as Iob saith Who can put a hooke in his nose or pierce his iawes with an angle yet the Lord as saith Isaiah will set for the great Dragon and draw vp the Crocodile in the water with his hooke The great mountaine before Zorobabell shall be leuelled and made plaine Isa 30.33 Iosu 7.1 Isai 22.18 Tophet is prepared euen for the King Theeues shall be taken in his nette as Achan was Corrupt officers shall be cut off as Shebua was Zach. 11.8 Idle ministers and desidious shepheardes come into this nette and they shall die the death as those three whom the nette of Gods iudgment snatched away in one moneth Leuit. 24.10 The blasphemer shall be caught with the rest as the Aegyptian was that was stoned to death It encreaseth false witnesses as it did the promooters and informers against Daniel Dan. 6.24 It draweth heretikes and idolaters whose parents by decree must doe thē to death Zach. 13.3 Shall schismatiks escape winde themselues in the weedes Num. 16.1.31 There is no such matter and that the iudgement done vpon Corah and his complices euidently enough sheweth And Hypocrites shal be hemmed in with the confused crowde Acts as the storie of Ananias and Saphi●a manifesteth The clefts of rockes shall not hide them Zeph. 1.12 the bushes and segge in the riuer shall not shrowd them for all of them shall be put out and the Lord with lanterns torch-light shall search for them But if our nets be not sound and whole wee marre all togeather and wee haue but our labour for our paines If our teaching bee not good grounded vpon the word we can doe no good Aug. Tom. 4. de fide et ope cap. 17. Retibus bonis capi possunt pisces boni et mali retibus autem malis capi non possunt pisces boni Quia in doctriua bona et bonus potest esse qui audit et facit malus qui audit et non facit In doctrina verò mala et quieam veram put ●t quāuis ei non obtēperat malus est et qui obtēperat peior est That is to say In good nettes fishes both good and badde may bee taken but by naughtie nettes good fishes will not be gotten Because by that doctrine which is good hee that heareth it and doth it is good and hee that heareth it and doth it not is euill But in euill doctrine he that conceiueth it to be true though he followeth it not is badde and hee that obeyeth it is worst of all But this nette of the gospel hath been miserably torne from time to time by erroneous spirites heretikes and scismatiques deceiuable teachers barterers of the bible and purloyners of sacred misteries Arrius was such a one who because hee might not speed in his sute to bee bishop of Alexandria kept reuell rout with this nette and mangled it without mercie Donatus was another who by a sawcie vnsufferable singularitie made such garbocles and tossed and turmoyled this nette in that wise as the rupture thereof was long in making vp hee deuided the nette and the garment of Christ without seame Mat. 27.35 Ioh. and more sauage thā the souldier brake the knees of Christ Of this brotherhood are our Popelinges who harme this net as much as they can and hinder those that woulde mend their breaches according to the puritie of the primitiue Church This hath beene alwaies the condition of the Church to bee pestred with such Epyphanius scoreth vp fourescore seuerall heresies of his time Augustine reckneth more which came vppe with the Gospell All these stand vpon the sufficiencie of their tewe and obiect Augustide bapt contra Donat. that they lay out as good nettes as we But bragges are no proofes The Donatists in Africa stood vpon their slippers suggesting that the Orthodoxall fathers of the Church made merchandise of the word and that they themselues were maintainers of it But Augustine telleth them that they were but conficti non conuicti traditores the parties they accused were onely but by confiction not any due conuiction deprauers of the scriptures Cypr● epist ad Iulianum 37. Dioscorus an arch-heretique openly at the counsell board at Chalerdon braued it thus Ego defendo dogmata sanctorum patrum I defend the doctrine of the antient fathers An Ape cladde in purple is but an ape no more is Nouatius arrogating to himselfe the authoritie of the Church Ebion though he was a Samaritan vp downe yet as Epiphanius saith he would goe for a Christian The Marcionites are as stiffe as any that they are the true Church of whom saith Tertullian Faciunt fauos et vespae faciunt ecclesias et Marcionite waspes make hony combs and Martionetes Churches Mat. 24.15 3.9 Iere. 7.4 Desolation standeth in the holy place a pirat will lurke priuely in the arke of Noah a Pharisee will speake biglie The temple of the Lord the temple of the Lorde and they boast themselues to be the seed of Abraham Iohn Reue. 2.9 But they are of their father the deuill as Christ answereth them and they are the synagog of Sathan as the Angell in the Reuelation tearmeth them Thus are all gatherings drawne in by this nette according to that which Christ saith of it It gathereth of all kind of things For God as he is impartiall and without respect of persons debarreth none Mat. 13.47 Some like flimy slipperie eeles no sooner find themselues entangled in the nette but they seeke to wind and straine out themselues seeking occasions and starting holes friuolous excuses Some not onely stippe out but breake the shales of the net with their strugling wringing and wronging the scriptures miserably with their contrarie constructions making them no more like themselues by that time they haue trimmed them than the counterfeit that Michol placed vpon the pileow was like vnto Dauid 1. Sam. 19.13.16
These make such an opening in the nette and thorough passage as others take the aduantage of escaping out of it Others there are so ouerlaiden in themselues in their earthly affections as they not onely way downe the nette but they draw it to their owne affections and if any scripture goeth but a mile with them they will make it goe twaine Finally there are a sorte of such that this net shackleth that seeme in outwarde sight to make a propper dish of fish Reue. 3.17 they seeme so sanctified and holy but they haue but a name that they line but they are twise dead vnseruiceable for God and in the sight of the world abhominable Ma. 13.47.48 good for nothing but to bee cast ouerbord In that the capacitie of the net is such as it containeth all kinds it sheweth the illimmited largenes of the church how it is not confined circūscribed or to any peculiar place tyed as the church of Rome would haue it hemming it in within the precincts of their dominatiō but that it spreadeth it selfe ouer the whole world His dominion saith the Psalmograph shall be from sea to sea Psal and from the riuers vnto the ends of the land They that dwell in the wildernesse shall kneele before him and his enemies shallicke the dust The kinges of Tarshish and of theyles shal bring presents the kings of 〈◊〉 and Seba shall bring gifts yea all kinges shall worshippe him all nations shall serue him The two endes of these neetes are fastned to the vtmost ends of this world to the East and to the West wherefore Christ saith Mat. 8.11 Many shall come from the East and West and shall sitte with Abraham Isaack and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen It must needes bee of vnmeasurable measure forasmuch as such a member without number is concluded in it Reue. 7.9 For while Iohn woulde take tale of them and score them vppe by their twelue thousands together hee commeth in at last with a reckoning without reckning saying I beheld to a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the Lambe clothed with long white robes palmes in their handes The difference betwixt the spiritual and the worldly net Herein therefore the spirituall differeth from the worldly nette that the one may be spanned and measured and is bounded but no line may take the length and compasse of the other and it may not bee appointed his boundes and borders The circuite 〈◊〉 the Persian and Median Empire stretched it selfe farre and wide The Persian and Median Empire The Grecians Romans c. hauing 120. … es in it yet it reached not through 〈◊〉 world The Grecians Romanes Babilonians were verie mightie monarckes yet by their mappes we may soone measure the borders of their kingdomes The Turke The Turke at this day who is the hammer of the nations who can sing and say with Dauid Psal Gilead is mine and Manasses is mine ouer Edom will I cast out my shoe Asia is mine Africa is mine ouer Europe will I cast out my shoe hath as wee know but his distinct dominions there being many kingdomes beside wherein hee hath nothing to doe onely the king God hath set ouer his holy hill of Sion Psal 2.6.8 ruleth ouer all to whome he hath giuen the heathen for his inheritance and the vttermost parts of the earth for his possession The agreement betwixt the spirituall and the worldly net But herein the nette of the word hath very sutably agreement with an ordinarie worldly nette in that it is oft remooued as the other As fishermen carrie their nettes from place to place as they please themselues according to the nature and conditiō of the places fishing there most where the skulls of fishes are so Christ as it best pleaseth him draggeth his nettes from streame to streame from one kingdome to another people where the best vaine is where there is a people prepared vnto God The Church was first planted in Paradice then it abode with Abel next it floted vppon the waters in Noas arke Gen. 1.26 c. Gen. 2.15 Gen. 4.4 Gen. 6.18 Gen. 12.1 Act. 2. Act. 7.2 Act. 12. God hath his netts Sathan and the world haue their netts then it remooued to Mesopotamia with Abraham and flitted with him to Canan Aegypt Canaan Afterward it was with Isac then with Iacob then with Ioseph with Ezechiah Iosiah with Christ with his Apostles Sometimes it was in Iurie at another time in Galile sometimes in the assēblie of the apostles sometimes in the house of Iohn Marke of late times in Germanie Fraunce and now in the kingdomes of England Scotland Ireland But as God hath his nettes so the deuill and the world haue their netts which drawe simple soules layden with sinnes and allured with pleasurable obiects into all infelicitie of which the Prophet Abacuc speaketh thus Abac. c. They take vp all with the angell they catch it in their nette Ahac c. Iob. 1.7 1. Pet. 5.8 and gather it in their yarne whereof they reioyce and are glad The deuili is Peripateticus semper ambulans alwaies walking going about seeking whome he may ensnare and all is fish that come into his nette and hee knoweth as well when wee are taken as any angler doth know when a fish is taken How the angler knoweth when a fish is taken For an angler though hee see not the fishe yet when the flote quill or corke sincketh hee is sure that the fishe is hooked whereuppon hee striketh him bringeth him into the boate So our hearts being deepe riuers How Sathan knoweth when be hath sped Sathans baits for seuerall kinds of people the deuill being no more able to descrie the thoughts therof than the angler can descrie what fishes are in the waters for the secrets of hearts are only knowne to God he baiteth a hooke for vs and by the going downe of the line he knoweth we are sped If hee seeth wee are couetously giuen he sets riches before vs and we bite by and by at them if we be ambitious he offereth titles and degrees of dignitie we lay hold of them presently if wee be enuious malicious he ministreth matter for this madnesse to worke vpon hee hath manifold netts of temptations sometimes besetting vs with vaine pleasures sometimes encircling vs with sorrowes sometimes fetching vs in with feare and sometimes againe pricking vs with pride and presumption as he findeth vs qualified so he siteth himselfe for vs and by our ready and greedy apprehension of his temptations he worketh our destruction How to a uoid the nets of Sathan and escape his bates Being entangled how to get out of Sathans nets and to breake of from his hookes Of repentance c. Therefore euerie baite that he layeth for vs being