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A38422 England's remembrancer being a collection of farewel-sermons preached by divers non-conformists in the country. 1663 (1663) Wing E3029; ESTC R36570 328,646 530

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but Bochim's Humble your selves under the mighty Hand of God in your Debasements Do not rise against them whom the mighty Hand of God hath exalted lest haply ye be found sighters against God Plotting and Fighting will not bring Mercies again that a People have sinned away God needs none of our sins to advance his Sons Kingdom When God hath softened our hearts by his sweet Grace he can and will if he see it best tender the hearts of our Superiours to pitty us by his most powerful Providence How did these Mourners at last find an heart touched by a mighty Hand that called them out of their Graves and made open Proclamation for their return as you read 2 Chron. 36.22 23. Secondly Neither is it any part of the business of this Doctrine to embitter you into Schism and sepation from the Assemblies that through Mercy are yet continued which I for my part dare not but call or at least some of them Solemn Assemblies Church Assemblies though perchance in my eye they may want something of that Solemnity Majesty Purity and Power which I and you could desire they had If you may not hear me yet it is some mercy that you and I may hear some others I would not so mourn for what is not as to forget to bless God for what yet is I hope there are yet them to be found that preach Christ of good will and in the simplicity of their hearts continue in their work though many of God's willing Servants have not freedom so to do Take heed of extreams It is the ordinary temptation in a time of Differences to think we cannot run too far from them we differ from and so whilst we decline one Rock we split our selves upon another Remember the old Non-conformists were equal enemies to Superstition and Separation Maintain I beseech you sober Principles such as these are that every defective Ministry is not a false Ministry That sinful Super-additions do not nullifie Divine Institutions That Impurities do not make Ordinances Nullities no more than Leprosie doth unman him that hath it That sinful defects in Ordinances do not hinder the saving Effects of them The seed may come up that is sown by a leprous-hand That there is a difference betwixt directing a Worship prescribing things simply evil and manifestly Idoltrous and directing about Worship things doubtfully good being enjoyned but the unquestionable substance of Worship being maintained This latter doth not justifie separation If Corruptions in Worship I mean such do unchurch a Church it will be hard to find when there was a true Church or where one will be found That the Church of England was a true Church a true reformed Church though not a full compleatly reformed Church is acknowledged by most sober Spirits A man of name amongst the Brethren of the Congregational Perswasion speaking of the Church of England and its first Reformation hath these words As for the great things of the Gospel matters of Faith or Doctrine the Reformers had so happy an hand therein that there is to be found little if any hay and stubble therein But in matters of Order which concern Worship and Discipline let it be enquired into whether they were so exact therein Although this must be said that God did take care for all fundamental Ordinances of Worship And it is a bitter Error and full of Cruelty to say That we have had no Churches no Ministers no Sacraments but Antichristianal So far Dr. T. Goodwyn Fast Serm. before Parl. on Zech. 4.6 7 8. Now me-thinks if it was a True Church notwithstanding some supposed Corruptions retained it should be to still notwithstanding those by some reputed Corruptions returned for if the Disease do not unman a man his Relapse into it after a recovery cannot We have still that Doctrine professed we have still those fundamental Ordinances maintained And methinks where a Church as to the main keeps the Form of found Words and the Substantials of that Worship which is Christ's some adjudged defects in order cannot justifie Separation I dare not dismember my self from that Church that holds the Head I think whilst Doctrine is for the main sound Christ stayes with a Church and it is good staying where he stays I would follow him and not lead him or go before the Lamb. That speech of the beloved Disciple 2 John 9. may without wrong be applied to a Church He that abides in the Doctrine of Christ hath both the Father the Son It may be some may think that these Times that are gone over us have left an obligation upon us in an orderly peaceable way to endeavour Reformation I have no call here to debate that but this I am sure of they have withal brought forth many sad warnings against separation in the sad Apostacies both in judgment and practise which many of that generation of men have been left unto Therefore 1. Maintain communion as far as you can 2. Crave indulgence where you cannot 3. Mourn in secret over what in pulick you cannot help let that which upon good grounds you judge a corruption have that work upon you which Peninnahs provocations had upon Hannah make you weep sore and pour out your hearts before God if there be any smoak in God's Temple let it be smoak to your eyes 4. Enlarge your care and pains in your preparations a right stomach makes good nourishment of an indifferent meal You may be warm though in a colder air and room than you have formerly been if you will but put on more cloaths before you come 5. Watch your hearts more narrowly and speak you things to your hearts more than ever you have done you will not so well know what to do with your hearts if you do not increase own your watch and pains It is the wise man's speech Eccl. 10.10 If the Iron be blunt and he doth not whet the edge then must he put to more strength Now 3. I come to tell you what the errand of this my Doctrine is And it is an exhortation first to all upon whom at this day any measure or degree of this affliction lies And then secondly to some who have a larger share in this affliction than others First then You that are losing or have lost your Solemn Assemblies know that you have a loud call unto mourning The Wayes of Zion mourn after a manner Lam. 1.4 let us mourn after a Godly manner who are the Inhabitants of Zion because the channels of comfort that have releived our souls are gon or going far from us Such dews should fall at or after Sun-setting Jeremiah puts this into his Lamentation that God had violently taken away his Tabemacle as of a garden He hath destroied his places of Assembly The Lord hath caused the solemn Feasts and Sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion Lam. 2.6 Mercies use to be most lovely when they have their backs upon us and we best see the worth in the want of
reason and manner of things except they may see things plainly they will not believe Yet there is no sound Christian but he believes all Divine Truth implicitely that is he believes the Scriptures to be most certainly true and all things therein contained though there are many things to be found there which he hath no distinct knowledge of I pray mistake me not I am not for a Popish implicite Faith a believing as the Church believes but for our giving an assent universally to all that God hath said As there is a general repentance and humiliation for unknown sins so a general implicite belief of unknown Truths And further the true Christian hath an explicite belief of all Fundamental necessary Truth He must first stedfastly believe ere he can sincerely make a profession of the Truth or chearfully suffer for it Again some are unresolved concerning the present Truth As the times vary so doth mens opposition against the Truth Sometimes one Truth mainly opposed and sometimes another Now it is of very great consequence to be setled in the Truth of the Season As the Apostle Peter sayes of those to whom he writes 2 Pet. 1.12 that they were established in the present Truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i.e. in the Truth of the Gospel Non tantum promissa sed reipsa exhibita as Beza Christ was the Truth and substance of those Types and Shadows under the Law but he was further off from them then he is from Beleivers under the Gospel Therefore those legal Types and Shadows give place the Body and Truth being come This is one sense given of that passage But there is another interpretation given of it which is to my present purpose established in the present Truth i. e. in that Truth which at this present time is most under debate As that was the great question of those dayes Whether the way of the Gospel the Christian Religion or Judaism was the true way And thus several ages have raised controversies about Religion In every age there is some special Truth which is as a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Shiboleth a mark of distinction betwixt sound Professours and such as are spurious As v. g. this Truth That Jesus is the Christ was the tryal of men at first when the world stormed at him and at all that confest his Name Afterwards when Arrianism sprung up and prevailed in the world the Deity of Christ His being one in essence with the Father was the touch-stone whereby Professors were tried Where Arminianism is rife the point of special Free Grace becomes a main note of discovery Sometimes that false and absurd Opinion of Christ's real corporal presence in the Sacrament hath been cried up by men of corrupt minds as their great Diana and persecution set on foot and raised up against those who would not come over to that grosse conceit then those that were sound in the Faith would be at more then ordinary pains to be clear in the Doctrine of the Sacraments Where Popery prevails and mens traditions and inventions are set up in the room of and as of equal credit or profit with the Ordinances and Institutions of our Lord Christ the Authority and absolute perfection of the Sacred Scriptures together with the Glorious Offices of Jesus Christ are plainly struck at desperately undermined Which points if men be not clear and stedfast in when the temptation comes they will easily be carried away with the error of the Wicked It is nothing to condemn old errors that are laid in their graves long since while one is not established in the present Truth Either not to hold this or to hold it loosely is of very dangerous consequence Only I grant in controversies about lesser matters men of sober and pious spirits may be either at a stand in the dark or of different apprehensions Yet it is to be noted that where such are in the dark and doubtful they would gladly be informed heartily pray for satisfaction and would be as thankful for it if once obtained so what opinion such embrace or receive it is not because such an opinion would some way accord with their worldly interest but because in their apprehension it looks likest to Truth A sound Christian receives the Truth in the love of it and you need do no more to work him to the entertaining of any truth in Religion then only satisfy his judgment that it is a truth He receives not Divine Truths for self-ends or by-respects neither dare he out of respect to carnal self reject any Truth But for any to cherish doubts in their minds upon design that they might have something to say for their parting with the Truth when it is dangerous to hold on in the profession of it to adventue no farther to Sea then if a storm should come they might soon get to shore again to engage no further in the profession of the Truth then they might face about and make a fair retreat when this meets with opposition though the men of this world will judge it a point of Policy yet indeed it is an argument of base hypocrisie and treachery And such studied Scepticks in Religion are next neighbors to downright Atheists But a thin mud-wall betwixt them that is soon broken down But so much of halting in principle Again there is halting in practice Unevenness in conversation when that is not ordered aright Now it must be acknowledged the best men on earth walk not so evenly with God as they ought But here take a distinction or two There is an halting in some particular steps or acts and in ones ordinary in a continued course I say 1. There is an halting in some particular steps or acts This is incident to the Saints themselves Such as walk uprightly in the main yet at one time or other have their sinful slips Faithful Abraham halted before Abimelech Yea that Grace which seemed strongest even his Faith was sinew-shrunk sometimes As Job's patience was otherwhiles sinking under his burdens So David the man after God's own heart turned aside once shamefully in the matters of Vriah Peter halted with the Jews Gal. 2. He is there charged amongst others that he did not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 foot it aright Thus the best of God's Saints have sometimes trod awry 2. But then there is halting in a continued course This is worse than the former The Faithful too oft meet with rubs in their way that for the present stop them but they recover themselves again and proceed on in a right course Whereas all natural men are quite upon a wrong byass Their heart is bent to backsliding from God As there is a phrase Isa 44.20 A deceived heart hath turned him aside Hypocrites have a corrupt byass within that is still drawing them aside into crooked paths And the double-minded man is unstable even in all his wayes Again there is an halting through infirmity from the remainders of corruption and a resolved deliberate
of inward troubles Thus Conscience is gauled Halting in the body you know is very troublesom and painful Great peace have they that love God's Law and walk on evenly with upright hearts in that plain path they shall find his wayes wayes of pleasantness and his paths peace Whereas they that leave the paths of uprightness walk in wayes of darkness Prov. 2.13 where they shall meet with little quiet or comfort Light is sown for the Righteous and gladness for the Upright in heart yea unto the Upright there arises Light in the darkness In midst of outward troubles he hath still much inward joy and peace This is our rejoycing the Testimony of our Conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the Grace of God we have had our conversation in the world This was a comfort to holy Job Job 23.10 11 12. To the Faithful Psal 44.17 18. But halting in ones course uses to bring great inward troubles Daved's fall wounded his conscience and a good while after that he bled inwardly and complained Psa 51. that he went with broken bones What followed Peter's halting in the High-Priest's hall He went out and wept bitterly Others that have forsaken the Truth to avoid Sufferings have thereupon been arrested with those terrors of conscience and haunted with those inward horrors in comparison of which the greatest sufferings from men were light and easie to be born as it was with Francis Spira 3. Halting in Religion exposes and enclines one to fall further and more fouly if not to fall quite away See what followed upon David's halting in the matters of Vriah Alas he was not set sound he went not upright again for many months after It was a great while ere he was fully recovered and cured of it Peter giving a little way to sin and consulting more his outward safety than his inward peace soon halted down and fell into a shameful denial of his Master even with cursing and swearing as if he would that way seem to have been rather trained up in the Devil's School than in the School of Christ O Sirs how sad it is to be halting in Religion to be winding and turning here alas such know not what they may turn to at last As when a man begins to fall down a steep hill he knows not where he shall stop he may fall to the bottom and for any thing he knows be crushed in pieces with his fall Thus some who carried fair sometimes after they began to halt and decline in Religion have proceeded from evil to worse Some have fallen from one Errour to another till at last they have come to be meer Scepticks and Seekers to be any thing and just nothing Others have fallen from a plausible profession first to immoderation in the use of lawful things to a pampering of the flesh and an over-eager pursuit of their outward pleasures and vain recreations and from thence to down-right prophaness visible ungodliness and so at last into plain Atheism Ah Beloved what need to look well to our feet here Halting in Religion is next step to Apostacy falling off from Religion If this halting be not cured it will end in Apostacy will turn 〈◊〉 quite out of the way Heb. 12.13 Now lay all these things together and sure it will appear very evil to halt in Religion 1. If we look at the thing it self it is directly contrary to God 1. To his Nature and Attributes 2. to his Mind and Will 2. If we look to the causes of it 1. It argues great corruption of the judgment 2. A corrupt heart An evil heart of unbelief hypocrisy c. 3. If we look at the effects and consequences both in respect of God of the Godly of sinners and of our selves Use 1. For Instruction Seeing it is so exceeding evil for men to halt in Religion 1. It should teach us to be very cautious how we censure others to halt here without ground We should fear to lay such an heavy charge as this upon those that are innocent How ill the Lord took it from Job's Friends that they were so rash in their censures of him Gal. 2.14 When I saw that they walked not uprightly I said unto Peter before them all c. When Psaw So the matter must be evident And when it is so then let men tax then reprove and spare not The case was plain here before Elijah that the People were drawn off from God and running after Baal This I thought good to note here to prevent the mis-application of the Doctrine To hold Communion in publick Worship which is the Worship of God for substance though there are corruptions in the manner of administration when Christians are careful not to communicate in those corruptions but mourn at groan under them breath after pray for purity in God's Worship I say to joyn in publick worship that hath corruptions in it with these qualifications is unjustly censured as halting betwixt God and Baal While all necessary Fundamental Truth is publickly professed and maintained in a Church is taught and held forth in publick Assemblies and the corruptions there though great yet not such as make the Worship cease to be God's Worship nor of necessity to be swallowed down if one would communicate in publick Worship while any Christian that is watchful over his heart and carriage as all ought ever to be may partake in the one without being active in or approving of the other there God is yet present there He may be spiritually worshipped served acceptably and really enjoyed The Sacrifice of a faithful Israelite an Elkanah was pleasing to God even when Hophni and Phineas were Priests And no doubt it was written for our instruction our Lord Christ who is and ought to be a Christians pattern who could never be charged with the least halt in his course who never trode one step awry who was as zealous for purity in God's Worship as much against corrupt mixtures of mens inventions there as any can pretend to be Nevel was there any in the world of whom that was true The Zeal of thine House hath eaten me up Yet we find He used to attend on the publick Worship in his time notwithstanding the many corruptions brought into it and notwithstanding such formalists and superstitious ones as the Scribes and Pharisees who were ready to magnifie their traditions above the Word of God though such as these did officiate in it Luke 4.16 That He went into their Assemblies not to joyn in any worship they had amongst them but only to bear witness against their corruptions is no where written but rather the contrary i● held forth in Scripture where he acknowledgeth himself a member of the Church of the Jews and approves of and justifies their Worship as right for the substance that Salvation might be attained therein which he denies to be attainable in any other way of Worship then used among the Gentiles John 4.22 Ye
is the singular goodness of God to his People in blessing them where no hope is and his remarkable Judgement upon the Wicked their Oppressors in making void their great hopes and frustrating their wicked works by making his Church the true Palm-tree Quae sub pondere crescit The more load you lay on the less they feel it Nay instead of groaning under it they grow under it So that it seems that Promise made to the Church Mat. 16.18 The gates of Hell shall not prevail is a meiosis They shall not only not prevail against it but it shall even prevail against them That Promise in Mark 10.30 is not made good only to the Children of God in their comforts but even to the Church of God in its Children an hundred fold with persecution I know not what power there is in sufferings over the spirits of men but I believe it may be said of some Martyrs as of Sampson that he killed so that they have converted more at their death than in their lives The Book of Martyrs is not wanting in examples of that kind And as their sufferings work by way of affecting so their courage and constancy in suffering work by way of convincing convinces the very Adversary of the goodness and righteousness of their cause All men will wonder and judge it a strong delusion indeed if men should adventure to dye for Humour or Fancy However though the way how it comes to pass is not so clear yet the thing is undeniable And when we have done our best to find out the reasons of it yet the Hand the extraordinary Hand of God must be owned and confessed to be in it 2. That the afflictions that are upon a Believer do alwayes fall out to his advantage 1. To the advantage of his comforts Tribulation doth at some distance work Hope Rom. 5.3 4. Now Hope is accompanied with great Consolation Believers are bidden to rejoyce when they are made partakers of Christs sufferings 1 Pet. 4.13 And to count it all joy when they fall into divers temptations Jam. 1.2 And sure I am the Children of God have found by experience that as God hath encreased their Afflictions so he hath sensibly multiplied their Comforts which sayes Dr. Preston somewher● is the meaning of that Promise Mark 10.30 they shall receive an hundred fold with Persecutions i. e. the more their Tryals abound the more their Comforts shall abound It is ordinary with our gracious God to make up outward and temporal losses with inward and spiritual supplies and to recompence outward trouble and affliction with inward refreshings and consolations He usually appeareth most to his People when the world and the good things thereof are least in sight Though he may seem to speak roughly to them many times by his providences as Joseph to his brethren yet at the same time he puts corn into their sacks comfort into their souls yea and that so much the more comfort too 2 Cor. 1.5 as the sufferings of Chr●st abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ 2. To the advantage of their Graces These God exerciseth confirmeth and enlargeth by afflictions Tribulation worketh Patience Patience Experience Experience Hope Rom. 5.3 by this lust comes to be purged out Psa 116.67 Temptations resisted Sin prevented Duty performed Earth despised Heaven desired Self denied and Christ Exalted The enemies of God's People hack and hew them by oppression reproaches persecutions Why this doth but furbish their Graces square and fit them to be a spiritual building unto God The Devil tempts them to destroy and damn them And hereby they are brought nearer to God set upon the greater watchfulness gain the better experience and are brought into an higher esteem of the blood of Christ Afflictions do one way or other fall out to the advantage of a Believers Graces 3. To the advantage of their Glory Though God do not properly reward men for their suffering yet happily it may be said he will reward according to their sufferings If we suffer with Christ we shall reign with him saith the Scripture and it seems that according to degrees of sufferings God will give degrees of Glory What shall we have says Peter that have suffered such things that have forsaken all and followed thee verily says our Saviour every one that hath forsaken houses c. shall receive an hundred-fold and shall inherit everlasting life but ye shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel Matt. 19.27 28 29. It will not repent thee Christian of thy low mean despised afflicted condition in the world when every affliction thou hast suffered for Christ shall be as a Sparkling-Jewel to give a luster to thy Crown of Glory Doubtless if there be degrees of Glory as we have reason to conclude there are Gods suffering Servants and amongst them especially his Martyrs shall sit down in the chiefest Mansions and the highest Rooms in the Kingdom 3. That the sufferings of Gods Ministers in the general do many times fall out to the furtherane of the Gospel Here are two things that I might speak to 1. Afflictions make them the better Christians It may be that through great intentness upon publick administrations and constant cares and pains in feeding the Flock the Shepherds may sometimes have neglected themselves and the state of their own souls It may be they may not have studyed their own hearts nor attended the particular concernments of their own souls so as they might have done as though one should say in Solomons words whether it be the direct meaning of them I do not say Cant. 1.6 They have made me keeper of the Vineyard but mine own Vineyard have I not kept And it may seem good to God by afflictions to bring them home to set them a task to do in their own hearts to quicken them to the study of their own souls 2. Affliction makes them the better Ministers And that will be for the advantage of the Gospel No such Ministers as they that are train'd up in the school of affliction It was meet says the Apostle that the Captain of our salvation should be made perfect through sufferings Heb. 2.10 And indeed to allude to that even these Captains in the Church-militant even our Ministers are much perfected and qualified for their work by sufferings How shall he be touched with a feeling of the infirmities of others who is not tempted as they are to allude to the Apostle Heb. 4.15 Spiritual afflictions conflicts temptation do excellently qualifie a Minister of the Gospel and enable him to comfort the afflicted succour the tempted strengthen the weak answer objections resolve doubts and to rescue from Satan those that are taken captive by him And troubles from without these do also through the blessing of God and the Spirit of God sanctifying them make the better Ministers too Who can instruct unto Faith and Patience and Hope better than they whose condition in the world hath
a great energy 1. This is to commit you to the Captain of the Church The Church is compared to an Army with Banners and Christ is the Captain General of that Army John 5.13 14 this Captain is wise and pollitick to find out and disappoint the cruel Stratagems and bloody Designs of his Churches Enemies Psal 33. He bringeth the Counsel of the Heathens to naught and maketh the Devices of the People of none effect He is prudent in managing all the Affairs and Concernments of the Church and orders them for his Peoples advantage because He is Wonderful in Counsel and Excellent in working Isa 28.29 As the Captain of his Church He goes before them in all their dangers He a bates the Fury of the Adversary he blunts the Sword he will make way for his People to follow him through the greatest difficulties He stops the mouths of hungry Lyons cooleth a Fiery-furnace makes a Jordan and a red Sea passable He hath tasted of every cup hath taken away the Poyson of it and makes it medicinal and sweet in the issue hence called The Leader and Commander of his People Isa 55.4 As your Captain he will succour you with new supplies of Strength and Courage in all your combatings with Corruptions Temptations and Satan and restore you when you are near vanquished his Grace is sufficient for you 2 Cor. 12. As your Captain he encourageth you by his Word Isa 41.13 14 15. Mat. 10.28 Luke 12.32 John 14.27 Rev. 2.10 by his Example Heb. 12.1 2 3. by promise of Reward that the Dunghil of your sufferings through perseverance and uprightness shall be turned into a Throne of Glory Be thou faithful unto the death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Rev. 3.10 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my Throne even as I overcame and am sate down with my Father on his Throne Rev. 3.21 As our Captain he conquers all our Eenemies Sin Satan the World and crowns us with Victory Rom. 8.37 We are more than Conquerors through Christ that loved us And hence the Apostle triumphs O Death were is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory The sting of Death is Sin and the strength of Sin is the Law but thanks be to God that giveth us the Victory through Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 15.55 56 57. 2. He is the King of his Church Psal 2.6 called the King of Saints Rev. 15.3 stilled the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19.16 As King he will effectually call you and all others that belong to the Election of Grace into a state of Salvation Thy People shall be a willing People in the day of thy Power Psal 110.3 He will redeem you from the Thraldom of Sin and Satans Vassalage turning Darkness to Light from the Power of Satan to the Power of God Acts 26.18 Kings are the Refuge of their distressed Subjects like the Tree in Nebuchadnezzars Vision in whose branches the Birds builded their nests and under whose shadows the Beasts rested and secured themselves Dan. 4.12 So God is the great Refuge of his Church of his People Thy Name is a strong Tower and the Righteous fly thereunto and are safe Prov. 18.10 If you will be true Christians you must expect to meet with stormy and windy dayes within you and by corruption without you by wicked men and infernal Spi●its expect to be persecuted pursued with temptations stung with sin and buffeted by Satan but here is your Refuge Isa 32.2 A man shall be an hiding place from the wind and a covert from the storm and the shadow of a great Rock in a weary Land This King of the the Church is glorious in Power fearful in Praises doing Wonders He is the Sole Soveraign of the three Kingdoms Heaven Earth and Hell and governs all the Creatures therein and disposeth their actions according to his will He stills the raging Sea turning the storm into a calm and limits the foaming and furious waves so far shalt thou go and no further He binds up the four Angels at the River Euphrates and looseth them at his pleasure and limits their rage i. e. He binds up and looseth and limits the Turkish Fury for an hour for a day for a month for a year which like mighty Seas break out and bear down before it mighty Nations and Kingdoms drowning them in the Floods of hostile Invasions and Miseries Rev. 9.14 15. This King binds up the Devil in the Chains of his Power and Providence that he cannot tempt you touch an hair of your head nor a Swine of your herd unless God give him leave and if he give him leave yet he limits for duration of time and measure so that your enemies shall neither sooner nor longer nor more afflict you than God gives them leave This King will subdue and conquer his Churches Enemies He will break them with a Rod of Iron and dash them in pieces like a Potters vessel Psal 2.9 He will strike through Kings in the day of his wrath Psal 110. they shall be before him as Dust before the Wind as Briars Thorns Stubble before the Fire Isa 27.4 This King is wonderfully rich and multiplies great Gifts and Priviledges upon his Church and People He is a Sun and Shield he will give Grace and Glory and no good thing will he withhold from you if ye live uprightly Psal 84.11 12. He will abundantly recompence all you works losses sufferings for him with an incorruptible Crown of Glory 1 Pet. 1.4 In a word in the day of his glorious Royalty when he comes to judge the World he will wipe off all the soot and blackness of Reproach and Sufferings and invest with an admirable Glory shining like the Sun in the Firmament 3. Jesus Christ is his Churches Shepherd Isa 40.11 He shall feed his Flock like a Shepherd And God promiseth that he will set one Shepherd over them and he shall feed them even his servant David i. e. Christ of the Seed of David Ezek. 34.23 And Christ assureth us that he is the good Shepherd John 10.11 14 16. What a Shepherd is to his Sheep the same is Christ to his Church he will provide Pasture for his People He maketh me saith David to lye down in green Pastures and leads me beside the still Waters Psal 23. These green Pastures and still waters are Gospel Ordinances where his People feed and drink The variety of Ordinances shew the variety of feeding the richness and fulness of the Ordinances shew the plentifulness of feeding Here is Milk for Babes Wine for the Faint Water for the Scorched strong Meat for strong Christians Isa 55.1 2. He hath provided his Body and Blood to feast and feed you to Life Eternal He knows the number of his Sheep and their particular persons from other men John 10.14 I am the good Shepherd and know my Sheep The Foundation of the Lord standeth sure having this seal The Lord knoweth them
is pure enlighteneth the eyes Psal 19.8 This is the Chariot wherein the Sun of Righteousness rideth and by which he will arise and shine in the Horizon of your Souls and turn you from Darkness to Light This Light will guide you in all your wayes and actions a Light unto your feet and a Lanthorn unto your Paths Psal 119.105 This Light will discover Satans Temptations the Worlds Allurements and direct you how to avoid the precipices of Prophaness the sinks of Sin and how to walk in the Way of Purity and Peace This Light will direct and comfort you in the darkest Night of Affliction 2. It is a Touch-stone to try Doctrines whether false or true When you suspect a piece of money you will bring it to the touch-stone to try it that you be not deceived and take Brass for Gold Guilt-Tin or Copper for pure Silver so you are to bring all Doctrines to the tryal and touch-stone of the Word Isa 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no Light in them And John adviseth us not to believe every spirit but to try the spirits whether they be of God or no because there are many false Prophets gone out into the world 1 John 4.1 Take heed of Doctrines that hold a strickness above what is written as the Popish doctrines of Self-whippings voluntary Poverty Vows of Continency The Apostle gives an Antidote against these and many such-like Col. 2.18 to 23. Reject doctrines that set up our own righteousness whether of Morality or Sanctification in the room of Christs Righteo●●ness that place good works in the Throne of Christ doctrines contrary to Godliness opening a door to Libertinism Prophaness crying down the Morality of the Sabbath and Family-duties reject for the Doctrine of the Gospel is a Doctrine according to Godliness Tit. 1.1 a Mystery according to Godliness 1 Tim. 3.16 Doctrines crying up the Traditions of men placing Purity and Worshiping of God and Religion in them but neglecting the Commandments of God for such worshiping of God is a vain worship Mark 7.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Doctrines crying up Purity to the ruine of Unity reject for the Gospel calleth for Unity as well as for Purity Ephes 4.3 4 5 6. And Christ prayed for the Unity as well as for the Purity of the Church John 17.21 22. Time will not permit me to give you any more instances but I commit you to this true infallible Touch-stone of God's Word and see that you be like those noble Bereans searching the Scriptures daily whether these things you hear be so Acts 17.11 3. This is a Weapon to defend you When the Souldier is to fight with his enemies he arms himself and takes his weapon in his hand You Sirs are the Lord's Souldiers to fight his battles against Sin and Satan you have innumerable Enemies to encounter with and overcome before you can wear or obtain a Crown of Glory The Israelites must conquer and kill the Canaanites before they could possess the Land of Canaan Heavens Way and the Crown of Glory is beset with many Enemies enemies within you enemies without you so many sins lusts and corruptions so many Enemies so many Temptations so many Enemies so many Devils so many Enemies and all these must be conquered before we can be saved Now the Weapon by which you must conquer them is th● Word of God's Grace the Sword of the Spirit Ephes 6.17 This is the Sword whereby the Captain of our Salvation conquered our Grand Enemy the Devil in all his attempts Mat. 4. His Practice calls for our imitation his Conquest is our Encouragement Are we tempted to Pride this tells us God resisteth the Proud and gives Grace to the humble Jam. 4.6 Are we tempted to comtemn Reproof this tells us Such as harden themselves being often reproved shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy Prov. 29.1 Are we tempted to Drunkenness to Whoredom and Uncleanness this tells us None such enter into the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6.9 10. In a word face and affront all Temptations to Sin with the Threatenings of God and with his Judgments upon wicked men Doth the World and Devil promise thee great Preferments and Riches if thou wilt follow them tell them God doth promise greater better and more durable Riches and Dignities Doth he tempt thee to dispair tell him of the Fulness and Freeness of God's Grace the Fulness and Freeness of God's Promises the Greatness and Value of Christ Sufferings And by a faithful and skilful managing of this Weapon you shall overcome Resist the Devil and he will fly from you 4. This Word is a spiritual Rain Deut. 32.2 My Doctrine shall drop as the Rain my speech shall distil as the Dew as the small rain upon the tender herb and as the showres upon the tender grass What rain is to the E●r●● and fruires thereof the same is this Word to the Godly Christian when you are enflamed with Corruption pursued with Satan scorched with the Frownings of the Almighty this as a pure Chrystal Stream will cool you and refresh you As the Hart the chasted Hart painteth after the Water-brooks so doth my soul after God after the Ordinances of God Psal 42.1 This will soften your hard hearts Isa 66.2 2 Kings 22.11 19. As rain this will wash you clean when you are defiled Sanctifie them through thy Truth thy Word is Truth John 17.17 This Word as rain will make you fruitful and recover your decaying withering Graces and Comforts and make them fresh and flourishing like Trees planted by the Rivers side Psal 1. Isa 61.3 5. This Word is a Comforter unto you In all your Sorrows and Sufferings this Word affords suitable and seasonable Comfort to you Are you with David in great straits and exigencies and your thoughts and debatings within you like a troubled Sea you know not what to resolve on which way to take this will then afford you comfort Psal 94.19 In the multitude of my thoughts thy Comforts delight my soul O God And again Thy Statutes have been my songs in the House of my Pilgrimage Psal 119.54 Are you filled with sorrow concerning your sins here are Promises assuring your Scarlet-dyed sins shall become as white as Snow Isa 1.18 Here is a Sea of Mercy that can swallow Mountains as well as mole-hills Mich. 7.18 19. Are you troubled about the wants of Grace here are gracious Invitations for every one that will come and take of the Waters of Life freely Rev. 22.17 Are you troubled about the weakness of Grace he hath promised not to break the bruised reed nor quench smoaking flax Mat. 12.20 Are you troubled concerning Temptation he hath promised his Grace is sufficient for you to lay no more on you than you are able to bear and glorifie his Strength in your weakness 1 Cor. 10.13 2 Cor. 12. Are you afraid you shall not persevere this