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A05090 A plaine refutation of M. G. Giffardes reprochful booke, intituled a short treatise against the Donatists of England Wherein is discouered the forgery of the whole ministrie, the confusion, false worship, and antichristian disorder of these parish assemblies, called the Church of England. Here also is prefixed a summe of the causes of our seperation ... by Henrie Barrovve. Here is furder annexed a briefe refutation of M. Giff. supposed consimilituda betwixt the Donatists and vs ... by I. Gren. Here are also inserted a fewe obseruations of M. Giff. his cauills about read prayer & deuised leitourgies. Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593.; Greenwood, John, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1523; ESTC S104500 292,873 278

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administration gouernment cannot be said the right and true established Churches of Christ. Neither may anie faithfull man ioyne vnto them in this administration gouernment without heynous impietie and denying the faith The more perticular proofe aswell of these Arguments as of these transgressions insue hereafter in this treatise These reasons all men may see proue directly these Parish assemblies not to be the true established Churches of Christ to which anie faithfull christian may ioyne himself in this estate especially when all reformation vnto the rules of Christs Testament is not only denied but resisted blasphemed persecuted How then are M. Giffardes eies bound and couered with the spirit of slumber that still dreameth of a true Church ministrie sacraments worship gouernment in this estate and will not be wakened by these reasons or anie thing that can be said or aledged against their vngodly doings though he can neither approue these his strong cōceiued imaginations by the rules of Gods word nor disproue these euident charges in the fower principall transgressiōs by vs aledged against their parish assemblies Which yet he indeuoreth to put away shift off by shameles sclanders opē vntruthes gyuing out That we condempne a Church for that wicked men come with the godly to the publique exercises of religion For that there are some vngodly men of the church For that there are some wantes in the calling of the Ministers and in the outward discipline As also some imperfections or corruptions in the worship which are not fundamentall The vntruth wherof our verie Propositions though we should no furder answere sheweth to his face Where we charge and the word of God condempneth their assemblies for that they consist of prophane multitudes neuer orderly gathered vnto or walking in the faith There shall whilest the Church consisteth of mortall men alwayes be wicked in the Church But Christ hath his fanne in his hand to make cleane his barne flore And hath gyuen power commandement to his Church to cast out the wicked from amongest them We acknowledge that the Prince ought to compell al her subiects to the hearing Gods word in the publique exercises of the Church yet cannot the Prince compell anie to be a member of the Church or the Church to receiue anie without assurance by the publique profession of their owne faith or to retaine anie longer then they continue walke orderly in the faith Againe we condempne not their assemblies for some faltes in the calling of the ministrie but for hauing reteining a false antichristian ministrie imposed vpon them Such we here proue their whole ministrie to be in Office Entrance Administration In like maner we forsake not their assemblies for some faltes in their gouernment or Discipline but for standing subiect to a popish and antichristian gouernment And such we here proue theirs to be in the officers Courtes proceadings Neither refreigne we their worship for some light imperfections as he saith but because their worship is superstitious deuised by men idolatrous according to that patched popish portesse their seruice booke according vnto which their sacraments and whole administration is performed not by the rules of Christs Testament Such we here proue their booke worship and ministration to be We also before set downe vnto him sondry popish idolatrous blasphemous abuses in their worship ministration As their Idoll Lent Ember Eaue Fastes their Idoll Feastes popish Iewish Easter Pentecost Christmasse their Idoll Ladie dayes Sainctes dayes Innocentes dayes Angells dayes Soule dayes Their false maner of administ●ing their Sacramentes with such idolatrous Popish ceremonies trinckets the Font signe of the Crosse Gossips c Their midwiues baptisme Confirmatiō Their hous●ing the sick with the other sacramēt Their Iuish Popish ceremonies vestures c Their Purificatiō Offertories Crismes c Their marijng burijng limiting or coniuring the fieldes made a parte of the publique worship and of y e Pastors office c. These abhominatiōs M. Giff. will at no hād haue called popish idolatrous or blasphemous We impudently lye vnsufferably sclander in so faijng He therfore indeuoreth to pourge them of all popish superstitious opinions abuses shewing how cleare the Church of England is of the same Yet will not M. Giff. be thought to plead for or iustifie anie publique abuse of the Church but only to plead against the Brownists that speake worse of these things then they are For these are no fundamental errors such as polute the worship but only light imperfections c. Well we will refer the discussing of the nature of them how heinous they are vnto their due place Only here we would know of M. Giff. what foundation these things themselues haue in the word of God and what warrant he can there shew for them If he can iustifie them by the word of God then verely our offences are no lesse then he hath said that blame them to be idolatrous popish blasphemous But if these trumperies haue no foundation or commandemēt in Gods word but are the deuises of men then we would know whither God requireth or accepteth such worship at their hādes And whither being made the publique worship of God and administration of their Church they be not idolatrie And then how they may offer or the faithfull be constrayned to such idolatrie to such worship as God neither requireth non accepteth And with what conscience he can or how he dare stand a minister of that Leitourgie and worship which the cannot approue by the word of God and which he would not be thought to allowe of the abuses therof being so manifest odious in his owne eies Especially now with what conscience he can thus blaspheme condempne vs for refreining that worship which he cannot approue and doth not alowe Or how he can so earnes●ly inueigh against those most forward and zealous hearers who though they will heare their sermons yet withdraw from the booke seruice for the errors and euills they see therin This M. Giff. in the Epistle to his second booke saith is a more grieuous sinne then they suppose In deed if the poore soules knew what they did or ought to doo in refreining the publique false worship of the Church they would and could haue no spirituall communion with those ministers or people that still exercise and will not be withdrawen from the same false worship which they condempne forsake nor yet would or might they heare their learned sermons that are ioyned conformed to the same idolatries and abuses But to the matter vntill M. Giff. can proue by the word of God this publique worship and administration according to their seruice booke in those poinctes wherin we blame them there is no cause he should exercise it himself allure others thervnto or condempne vs for refreigning the same as we are commanded of God in as manie places as true worship is inioyned and false worship forbidden In all this then
multitudes without exception anie one person are with them receiued into and reteined in the bozome of the Church 3 FOR that they haue a false Antichristian Ministerie imposed vpon them reteined with them and maintained by them 4 FOR that these Churches are ruled by and remaine in subiection vnto an Antichristian and vngodly gouernment cleane contrarie to the institutiō of our Sauiour CHRIST VVhen these things stand thus let him that readeth consider THE first Article is that which all Christians doo seek in dead but the kingdome of CHRIST or the kingdome of God as CHRIST saith is within men Yt consisteth in righteousnes peace ioye in the holy Ghost For the preseruation of this CHRIST hath ordeined a Church gouernmēt They sinne against God which do not couet and according to their calling labour to haue so great a help But to transport the name of Christs kingdome which is spirituall which is in the heart vnto this which is but a part and as though the kingdome of God could not be in anie vnlesse they haue this so they do not wilfully despise yt I say is false and the contrarie to be proued by the Scriptures OVR Article being by you confessed to be the bounden dutie of al true Christians we see not with what equitie you can in this maner cauil at our wordes or with what conscience you can misconstrue and constreine them as you doo seeking therby to retract by sleight what you cannot gainesay in truth And taking occasion to contend about wordes Namely the kingdome of CHRIST You make yt only inward and vse CHRIST as one of the Phisitians planitarie signes assigning to him in hipoctisie your heart soule to rule whilst in y e meane time you yeild your bodies and whole assemblies to the obedience and rule of Antichrist making no cōscience to obey his lawes openly and to transgresse Christs thinking belyke Christs kingdome so inward and spirituall as that he requireth no bodily or outward obedience or because yt consisteth of righteousnes and peace and ioye of the holy Ghost that ther may be peace without righteousnes or ioye without peace or inward righteousnes where is such outward disobedience and wilfull transgression But al this is couered and cured at once if so be you couet labour in your calling to haue CHRISTS outward gouernment c. To discusse here how far euerie Christians dutie calling extendeth herein vvere to dismisse all your answers at once and to pluck away the mantle of shame wherwith you couer your nakednes your negligence and all your abhominations In this place therfore we will only ask you these 2 questions First whither anie which haue their calling of Antichrist or be his marked Ministers or waged seruants can truly and vprightly couet labour for the sincere gouernment of CHRIST which is his whipp wherwith he ●kourgeth out all thieues intruders and idle-bellies out of his house The next question is Whither to remaine wittingly and seruilely in the bondage and yoake of Antichrist 29 yeares be to seek labour for the gouernment of Christ faithfully in your callings or to vphold and vndershore the kingdome of Antichrist rather But to transport the name of Christs kingdome which is chiefly spirituall and in the heart vnto that which is but a part c. How diuerslie the kingdome of God is read in the Scriptures we will not contend with you although it were not hard to shew either your ignorance or forgetfulnes herein Only this we say our words can carie no such construction muchlesse such an erronious opinion as you abounding in your owne sense haue not only collect but confuted In the first our words being That we seeke the kingdome of Christ Iesus our Lord cannot be thus restreined to Christs outward orders and gouernment in his Church especially if you had pondered that which followed where in the ● Article after your diuision we haue expressed this point in perticular Neither if we should admit you y● interpretation could you collect from thence that the kingdome of God could not be in anie vnlesse they haue this But as we vsually reade in the olde and new Testament Christs kingdome to be taken for his true visible Church here in earth so we acknowledg his vniuersall Church kingdome to extend to all such as by a true faith apprehend confesse Christ howsoeuer they be scattered or whersoeuer dispersed vpon the face of the earth Yet both with this interim without true faith obedience can be no true Church no true Christian. THE 2 Article ought all men that will please God to approue THIS Article you say ought al that wil please God to approue How then seek you to please God vvhich continue in Idolatrie are a Minister therof vvhich prophecie in Baall plead for Baall Or how approue you yt when you condempne vs of schisme and heresie because we forsake your false antichristiā worship and seek to worship Christ according to his word THE 3 Article if it be taken in this sense that yee dare set vp a societie seperated from all others vvithin this land vvhich make publique profession then I see not when you haue gon by your selues set vp your Officers how you will cleare your selues from Donatisme If theirs were a damnable fact which God did accurse then take heed to yours for if it can be shewed that their heresies are not holden I will chang my minde THE words of our Article being That we seek the fellowship and communion of Christs faithfull obedient seruants cleare vs of all schisme heresie So that if you would convince vs of these crimes it had bene expedient you had first proued your assemblies as they generally stand by the euidence of Gods word to be true churches of Christ rightly entred keeping couenant with the Lord continuing in the order and obedience of his word c and that we preposterously haue departed from you and vncharitably haue forsaken your fellowship But as soone as you shall shew vs such a church emōg you by the grace of God we wil shew you how free we are of schisme As likewise when you shall lay open our errors vnto vs how farr we wil be frō heresie In the meane time we will not cease to pray vnto God for you that he will not lay these sinnes vnto your charge which in your ignorant zeale you commyt but in mercy shew you the feareful estate you stād in and giue you an heart vnfeinedly to repent speedely to turne vnto him THE 4 Article ought all men to practise so far forth as the limitts of their calling doo extend But let it be shewed that euer priuat men did take vpon them to reforme when things were amisse in the Church or that anie of the Prophetts did wil them to take the matter in hand or shew your warrant that you be not priuat men
profession of their owne faith obedience they cannot be receiued as members or haue communion with the Church Then vntil Mr. Giffard proue that the prophane multitudes and open wicked which neuer made anie voluntarie profession of their owne faith and obedience may be receiued as members into the Church he cannot iustifie these Parish assemblies of England or convince vs. Furder we graunt that wicked men such as fal away from their profession and obedience shal daylie arise in the church ells there should be no cause of Excommunication But when their sinne is publicke then ought the Church to cēsure it and if they be founde obstinate to caste them out ells were there no vse of Excōmunication We graunt also that the Church sometymes of negligence delaying in due tyme to caste out such wicked is notwithstanding if they amend vpon admonition to be held the true Church of God And this our aduersarye himself Pag. 56. acknowledgeth that we confesse although now forgetting himself his heart being fraught with malice he bursteth foorth in the gall therof accusing and sclandering vs to hold these heresies That where any wicked and open sinners worship together with the Church as members of the Church there the Couenant is disanulled with the whole Church Againe that where corrupt maners breake forth in those that professe the Gospell they be not only vtterly voyde of fayth which offende but also all they that worship together with them though neuer so much grieued at their sinnes are fallen from the Couenant Thirdlie that we make the stablenes of Gods Couenant to depend vpon the worckes of men and not of the free grace and mercie of God How could this accuser drawe these heresies from this assertion It is the Church of CHRIST vvhich hath the power to Excommunicate though it fault much by negligence in executing the same Doth not the expresse contrarie herein appeare How can he then reconcile these chardges of his vnto this proposition of ours Or can he produce any one sentence that euer we wrote or spake conteyning such odious doctrines as these Yf not these heresies must stil retourne to his owne throate as to the sepulchre frō whence the sprange these chardges must remayne vpon his reckoning not vpon ours WE hold that the open prophane and wicked such as were neuer caled vnto the faith cānot be receiued into the Church as members before they make open and voluntarie profession of their owne faith and obedience He that hath from the beginning distinguished light from darcknes hath alwaies made difference and separation betwixt the world the Church caling the one the Sonnes of God the other the daughters of men preseruing the one in his Arcke drowning the other in the floode he chose and separated to himself out of the whole world one peculiar Nation and people to be his visible Church to whom no prophane which made not professiō of the same faith might be admitted or ioyned in their worship The worde Ecclesia or Church we knowe to be a companie caled forth from the world as were CHRISTS Disciples and the faithfull in all places at the first gathering of the Church Againe we hold that such as are dulie entred into the Church falling from their profession and after due admonition remaine obstinate and hardened in their sinne ought by the Church to be excommunicate And if the Church being admonished stirred vp vnto their duetie refuse to obey execute the commandemēt of God that then vnto the faithfull it ceaseth to be the true Church of God and ought to be auoyded vntil they repent The Church of CHRIST must euer be obedient vnto CHRISTS voyce which voyce when they openlie despise wilfully resist they are a companie of rebells not a companie of Sainctes When they fal away from the faith they fal away from the Couenant of God when they obstina●lie persist in sinne wilfully despise Gods voyce they fal away from the faith Faith belieueth reuerenceth and obeyeth Gods worde so far as yt is reueled vnto them and neuer wilfully despiseth or reiecteth anie anie part of the same God can neuer be seuered from his worde they that despise reiect Gods worde despise reiect God himself Christ ruleth and reigneth by the scepter of his owne worde they that are not subiect vnto but wilfully disobey that word are not subiect vnto Christ haue not him a Kinge but a Iudge ouer them Seuere lawes iudgments are set downe in God his worde against presumptuous sinne yea against al sinne wherof they denie to repent God hath executed these iudgments vpon the Angels that sinned vpon the original world vpon the Nation of the Iewes Neither wil anie vayne titles of Church Couenant c. excuse or deliuer them being founde in the like transgressions from the like iudgments God is iust his iudgments are alike pronounced executed against al as against one being founde wilfully remayning in the transgression of his lawe Nowe then vvhilest vve conclude that vvhere the people were neuer rightly caled vnto the faith or gathered vnto CHRIST and orderly ioyned together in Christ But multitudes of prophane al sortes of vvicked persons idolators Atheists c euen the whole land without any choice any separation receiued into their Church as members without any voluntarie profession of their owne faith that in this estate they cannot be esteemed the true planted Churches of CHRIST With what conscience or truth can this vngodly man herevpō defame divulge vs to hold this heresie that where corrupt maners breake forth in those that professe the gospell they be not only voyde of fayth which offend but all they also which worship together with them though neuer so much grieued at their sinnes are falen from the Couenant How can he liken these rowtes of prophane Atheists and wicked persons of the world to the faithful seruantes of CHRIST in his Church or compare their open wickednes which they commit even with greedines to the faultes eskapes of frailety or negligēce in y e Sainctes Againe whilest we affirme That where open obstinacie is ioyned vnto publick sinne whether yt be in the whole Congregation or in any perticular member there that Congregation or that member cannot by vs be iudged faithfull or within the outward Couenant vntill they repent with what feare of God or shame of men cā this mā publish vs to hold that where any open grosse sinne is committed by anie and they stil through ignorance or negligence are suffred in the Church there the Couenant to be disanulled with the whole Church And so we to fall into this heresie To make the stablenes of God his Couenant not to depend vpon mercie and free grace promised and bownde with an oathe but vpon our worckes yea vpon the worckes of other whom we must iudge THis heresie after he himself hath deuised in our name he procedeth to cōfute yt with manie wordes shewing the stability
Martyres will not approue the antichristian offices gouernment of these Prelates nor yet iustifie the publick worship ministrie confusion sacriledge of the Church of England Mvchlesse wil these two lame propositions of M r. G. his final argument beare vpp his forged conclusion where he concludeth the Brownistes hereticks c Because they condemne a Church as quite deuorced separate from Christ For such imperfections corruptions in Gods worship as are not fundamental nor destroy the substance For that wicked men come with the godly to the publicke exercises of religion For some wantes in calling ordayning Ministers And for some wantes in ecclesiastical discipline If M r. GIF had taken the wise mans councel he should not haue answered a matter before he vnderstood it much-lesse would he if he had bene ledd by the spirit of God haue blasphemed the truth or cōdemned the innocent without cause But as he began his booke without councel cōtinued it without grace and ended it without truth so hath he herebie but purchased to himself shame and brought vpon his owne head the iudgments due to an accuser a blasphemer a false witnesse and iudge What opinion the Brownistes hold of the Church of England their worship people ministrie gouernment we neither knowe nor regard neither is there cause whie we should be chardged or condemned for their errors faultes For which themselues and this Church of ENGLAND that receiueth and nourisheth all sectories hereticks wicked and abhominable persons whatsoeuer shall accompt For vs whom it pleaseth M r. G. to terme Brownistes and whome he endeuoreth to confute in this treatise we neuer condemned any true Church for anie fault whatsoeuer knowing that where true faith is there is repentance where true faith and repentance are there is remission of all sinnes Far be it from vs to condemne anie whom CHRIST iustifieth 1. And for the Church of ENGLAND we neither did or doe condemne yt as this accuser suggesteth for such imperfections and corruptions in their worship as be not fundamentall or destroy the substance but we condemned the publick worship of their Church of ENGLAND presently inioyned receiued and vsed as deuised by men popish superstitious idolatrous abhominable not such as God commandeth requireth or accepteth and therfore not such as anie faithfull christian may offer vp vnto God be compelled or consent vnto This wee shewed in the first PRINCIPALL TRANSGRESSION this we haue proued in the first part of this treatise 2. Secondly wee condemne not the Church of England as separate from CHRIST for that wicked mē come with the godly to the publick exercises of religion But rather as neuer rightly gathered to CHRIST for that al the prophane and wicked ar receiued and retayned as members of their Churche Wee gladlie acknowledge that CHRIST came a light into the world to offer saluation vnto all men to haue built his Church vpon an hil there to be lifted vp by the preaching of the word as a standard to al people and passengers there to haue made a feast to al natiōs and thither to inuite them Neither were we euer so enuious of the saluation of others or of the glorie of God as hauing founde mercie and being entred our selues to shut the doore or stop the fountaine of Gods grace against others yea God is witnesse with what heartie desire we long after them all that they euen our greatest persecutors might be partakers of the same saluatiō ioy comfort happines with vs And howe wee intermit not much-lesse exclude anie meanes thervnto that God putteth in our power though it were with the hazarde of our owne lyues to bring them of the water of the wel at Bethelem But now though we affirme that al the vnbelieuing prophane not onlie may but ought to resort to the publick exercises of religion in the Church as the most excellent meanes to call them to the faith yet do we not therfore belieue or affirme that the prophane or vnbelieuing may be receiued or admitted as mēbers of the Church before they haue made voluntarie publick profession of their owne faith and obedience Or being entered by such profession be permitted longer to stand or remayne of the Church then they contynue orderlie to walke in the same faith and obedience And therfore we blamed these parish assemblies of England as consisting of a confuse multitude of al sortes of prophane and wicked people in differentlie where they are al receiued nourished and retayned as mēbers of y e Church though they were neuer called gathered by the power of the worde entered receiued by the profession of their owne faith neither walke orderlie in the faith or in anie duties either publick or priuate And so are al guiltie of most high sacriledge prophanatiō of the holy things of God No such assemblie or communion of Sainctes as Christes faithful seruantes ought to repaire or ioyne vnto This wee shewed in the second PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION This we haue lardgly proued in the secōd part of this treatise 3. Thirdly we condemne not the Church of England for some wantes in calling and ordayning Ministers But for hauing maintayning and retayning a false and antichristian ministrie imposed vpon them with a false antichristian calling ordination euen the self same that the Pope vsed left in this Realme which false offices and ministrie cannot be ioyned vnto or exercised in the true Church of CHRIST This wee shewed in the thirde PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION this we proued in the third part of this treatise And therfore with an euil and corrupt conscience hath Mr. G. sought to hide this transgression vnder some vvantes in the calling and ordaining Ministers and thus boldlie and falselie thervpon to accuse vs. Wee knowe there may be faultes either of ignorance or negligence in the calling ordination c yet these not to disanul the action much-lesse the Couenant so longe as they are not obstinatlie held and persisted in But our assertion and controuersie here is not of a faultie ministrie caling ordination c but of a false ministrie caling ordination c which we haue proued theirs to be and that no such belongeth vnto may be imposed receiued or retayned in the Church of CHRIST 4. Fourthly in like maner wee reason not of some wantes in the gouernment and order of their Church but of a false and antichristian gouernment set ouer the Church Neither condemne we the Church of ENGLAND for some faultes in a true ecclesiasticall gouernment but for hauing and standing vnder a false and antichristian gouernment euen the self same Hierarchie Officers Courtes Cannons Customes Priuileges Proceedings that the Pope vsed and left This wee also haue shewed in the 4 TRANSGRESSION and haue nowe in this fourth parte and through this booke fullie proued their present ecclesiastical gouernment to be To which fower principall transgressions a willfull obstinacie an open reiecting resisting the truth al reprofe a violent and most hostile
Church whereof they were Ministers And yet to stop his mouth farder if the Martyres and first witnesses had a true ministrie such also haue sondrie of vs whom he termeth Brownistes c yea by so much a better as he holdeth the ministrie of the Churche of England better then the ministrie of the Church of Rome Yea if M r. G. his owne ministrie be good such the same haue diuers of vs had and are as yet vndisgraded otherwise then by vnfaigned repentance of so detestable a Ministrie So that if they lost not their ministrie by forsaking the Churche they receaued it of and exercised it in why shoulde M r. G. be so seuere to iudge others that may make the same plea If they saye they left not the Church of Rome but the corruptiōs therof what should let vs to alleadge the same nowe against them if we would stand vpon those shiftes doublings But we vse no such coloured excuses neither relye vpon mens persons and doinges wee haue the expresse commandement of God for our warrant of al those thinges we doe or refuse to doe and stand to make proofe tryal therof by the same word gladly submitting our selues al our actions and whole faith vnto this tryal Although also we haue and vse th'examples and practize of these faithful that first came out of the popish Churche and enterprised the erection and practize of Christes Ministrie ordinances amongst themselues according to that measure of knowledge God gaue them Whose errors though wee shunne neither will mainetayne our owne when they shalbe shewed vs cleauing onlie to the true paterne of Gods word yet make we their presidēt a bulwark for vs against these cauilling enimies Who must for doing these thinges either condemne them and so themselues and their whole Church and doings with them Or ells with no shame or iustice condemne vs of heresie schisme sectes presumption intrusion rebellion c for doing the self same thinges they did or at the least professed to doe yea for doing them better nearer the true paterne then they did If they in this doing neither intruded without caling nor presumed aboue their caling Why are we iudged for this doing to doe both yea for this saying to haue put an halter about our neckes Doth not this our hange-man executioner that with ioye speaketh of the chaynes and fetters that these bloodie Bishopps lay vpon the faithful seruantes of Christ for leauing their antichristian yoke and seking Christs heauenlie gouernment put with the same hande and trise the halter about these godlie Martyres neckes yea about his owne and his Lorde Bishops neckes and al the Ministers neckes of the land that haue no other defence for their vngodly ministry and doings then the erroneous practize of these godly Martyres who as hath bene proued were but priuate men at their first cōming out of popery erection of these Churches as we now be Mr. GIFF. had not best shew vs manie of these trickes of legier du main lest he ensnarrle choke himself with the same halter he would cast about our neckes and kil himself his whole Church with that sharpe weapon wherwith he would kill vs at once in his furious moode For sure if it be vnlawful for priuate men to assemble and in this estate to proceede to the election ordination of Ministers then by the same lawe was it vnlawful for them so to doe Then are all these Bishops Ministers priuate men vsurpers no more true Ministers then such a one as the mutinous prentices should make Maior were a true Maior Yea let me goe furder if the Church consisting of priuate men may not in this estate erect and ordaine Christes true ministrie amongst them then is there no true ministri vpon earth neither euer can be vntil God raise vp new Apostles and Euangelistes and buildeth a new Church vpon a new foundation which shalbe when vve haue a newe Christ. And then Mr. G. shal haue his dreame For he saith that vvhen God vvill haue his vvorke donne he vvill raise vp extraordinarie workemen thervnto But where read Mr. G. this positiō if not amongst the Anabaptistes Sure he neuer founde it in the new Testament vvhere vve haue the minde of Christ a perfect foundation an accompleat ministrie vntil Christes comming So that we neede not to say in our heartes who shall ascend vp to heauen for vs or descend from heauen vnto vs or goe ouer the sea for vs to bring or teach vs the Commandement of our God when the worde is so neare vs euen in our mouthes and in our heartes for to doe yt Therfore when Mr. G. shall make his proofe of this assertion And shew his warrant and promise that God will now raise vp to his Church extraordinarie worckmen and that til then no priuate men ought to proceede to the choice and ordination of Ministers but to tarye and expect this promise of the Lorde Then surelie we will acknowledge him no false Prophet no Anabaptisticall dreamer and that we haue presumed ouer far vpon the Lordes authoritie and commandement giuen to his Church vnto the worldes end to chuse and ordaine his ministerie and to practize amongst them whatsoeuer he hath commanded But nowe because this were to bring Christ from aboue and againe from the deade because also we haue Gods direct commandement to goe out of the false Church being come out to assemble and ioyne together and being so ioyned to proceede to the erection of his ministrie and practize of his ordinances and haue his aucthoritie promise of blessing to these proceedings because we haue the practize of Christes Apostles in planting the primatiue Churches and now latelie th'examples of such as endeuored to build this Church they liue in we dare not by any vayne hope or threates of this false Prophet be drawen to neglect so great saluation to continue either in apostasie or disorder and to transgresse or neglect the Lordes commaundement THe next obiection against vs is drawen from an especiall obseruation in our first Article where we confessed the vniversal Church and kingdome of CHRIST to extend to all such as by true faith apprehend and confesse CHRIST IESVS howsoeuer they be skattered and wheresoeuer dispersed vpon the face of the whole earth Hence Mr. GIFF. concludeth that seing the faithfull may be in state of grace and haue CHRIST their Kinge though they liue not vnder that gouernment order that CHRIST hath established in and to his Church therfore it is not necessarie for priuate men to set yt vp Sure this is a weake argument and not worth half the noting obseruation he hath made of yt we must for all this denie yt and finde no more consequent then if he had therfore concluded that the communion of Sainctes the ministrie and ecclesiasticall gouernment of CHRIST are not to be sought of the faithfull because some faithfull may be saued that liue not in an
he but bewraieth his owne shame hipocrisie in condempning blaspheming vs for doing the will of God in aluring others to false worship idolatrie and in doing that himself for filthie lucre feare of the world which he for shame of the world dare not alow neither can iustifie Yea whatsoeuer he colourably pretendeth aledgeth in his second Booke to couer excuse the shame infamie of his former yet is he become an earnest pleader for all the corruptions and abuses of his Church not granting vnto vs anie one of the abuses we reproue to be vnlawfull vngodly lest we should thervpon vrge him to haue y e same left refreined though not publiquely put downe reformed as he accuseth by the faithfull and so they should be condempned for the practise and we iustified for the refreining these things Therfore he is driuen to plead for mitigat excuse to tollerate with his vttermost shiftes cauills all these abhominatiōs whatsoeuer Which yet are so heinous and of so high a nature as no pretexts of the Princes or churches power of ceremonies of things indifferent no distinctions of substance forme of fundamental and not fundamental errors corruptions c can hide but the are found heinous transgressions of the law of God detestable abuses of the worship of God And he in practising and pleading for them is found but as the Dogge reto●ned to his owne vomit as y e false Prophet that teacheth y e Prince to set a scandall before the people and that seduc●th the people to eate their Idolothites Yea he is yet furder driuen openly to iustifie the ministrie and regiment of these Arch Lord Bishops and their hierarchie to be of Christ against which he erewhile also amongest the rest of that faction was an earnest ●utor to the Parliamēt to haue them vtterly remoued out of the Church and abolished their Offices Ministrie Courtes Gouernment which could not be done without most heinous impietie open barbaritie violence to the Church and vnto Christ himself if they had bene of Christ as he now pretendeth Againe if they were not of Christ but of Antichrist as they all of that sect then vpon certeine knowledge and assurance affirmed how and with what conscience could the Reformists themselues submit vnto their decrees power gouernment receiue their ministrie of them exercise their ministrie vnder them sweare performe their canonical obedience vnto them Let M. Giff. with all his cōning reconcile this in truth good conscience howsoeuer he hath reconciled himself to that apostatical throne from which he was reuolted And in testimonie of his vnfeined fidelitie and in hope of some promotion hath written these blasphemous bookes in ●his gracious Lords defence against the Brownists yea and rebuked in the Epistle to his second Booke al such as speake against the Bishopps c. which yet shall neuer be able to hide or excuse his open cōtrarietie perfidie apostasie yea that which yet is more fearefull his open restreint blasphemie and despight of that truth which he sometimes gladly acknowledged professed Vnto all which he is driuen by opposing himself against these Brow●ists in the defence of their worship Leitourgie ministrie which al should fal to be the ground with their Lords the Bishops throne For if they fall out to be antichristian no true ministers according to the rules of Christs Testament thē must that ministrie which is made by them standeth subiect vnto them c need● be antichristiā also Then haue they their ministrie not to intermedle with the gouernment administratiō of Christs church much lesse to make them lawes a Leitourgie worship Neither staieth M. Giff. himself here in the defence of this present worship Leitourgie Hierarchie Courtes their procedings ministrie and their administration but yet is dryuen for the defence of all these to iustifie the Church of Rome euen in their greatest deepest aposta●ie to be the true visible established Church of Christ to haue the true seale of the Couenant c. And in deed this it standeth him vpon to proue seing their whole ministrie were immediatly deriued receiued from their mother of Rome as also their whole gouernment Courtes c and no smal parte of their worship ministration togither with the whole people Parishes Synagogs as they now stand He wanteth not learned proues to bring this abought As that the Apostasie should arise and Antichrist sit in the Church of God Yea he proueth both the Church of Rome of England at once by the schisme of Israell the apostasie of Iuda c which yet in those estates were pronounced Churches by the Prophetts He proueth them within the Couenant by the second Commandement where the promise is made to the thousand generation As also by the greatest corruptions and faltes that he can anie where reade of the primatiue Churches These miserable reasons examples are the maine pillers ground-worckes of al their buildings and his writings which being pulled downe their whole frame falleth to the ground at once and is irreparable For this I refer the Reader to their due place in the second Transgression where they are largely refuted answered An other pitifull reason he bringe●h in his Proeme to the Reader of an humane bodie cōsisting of maimed or deformed members Which yet so long as life remaineth in it is said an humane bodie So the Church though it cōsist of mained deformed members yet whilest it hath the life viz. true faith in CHRIST in it yt is to be held a true Church I will not here stand to shew how vntowardly he hath drawē this comparison beyond the Apostles scope proportion Rom. 12. Nor yet how manie errors inconveniences would insue of such racking of Allegories Only to his reason we answere that if in his first Proposition he meane by deformed members such as haue not their right true shape y t God hath appoincted to humane members but a strange diuerse forme as the feet of a Beare the mouth teeth of a Lion though it haue the face of a man the haire o● a woman c then hold we it not a naturall but a monstrous bodie So we say that to the heauenly body of Christ may no monstrous deformed strange members be ioyned but only such members vnto the publique ministrie as are described Rom. 12. Neither may that heauenly edifice be built of any other the lyuing holy precious stones 1 Pet. 2. or be built in anie other forme then that Christ hath prescribed and the maister builders left vnto vs in his Testament 1 Cor. 3. They that misbuild the Temple of God destroy yt And they that destroy the Temple of God them shall God destroy Now then to his inference of instance We denie this body of their Church to consist of these true members spoken of Rom. 12. Neither of those liuing precious stones
1 Peter 2. Neither to be built according to the true Apostolike patterne 1 Cor. 3. But to consist of those monstrous members Reuel 9. Reuel 13. and of those prophane multitudes Reuel 17. 18. Remayning in confusion disorder Reuel 18. 2. And therfore not to be held the heauenly body of Christ but that monstrous body of that Beast Not that holy Spouse of Christ but that adulterous harlot Not that compact Citie that heauenly Ierusalem but that confuse Babilō Furder to that faith life of the Church he speaketh of we confesse indeed to the stopping of his sclanderous mouth that so vntruly chargeth vs that no sinne or sinnes in anie Church or Christian can disanull the Couenant where this true faith is found But this we say that true faith may not be s●uered from true repentance euen of all things ●hey see to be contrary to Gods word True faith may neuer be seuered from true obedience of whatsoeuer is shewed to be the will of God in his word Faith without workes is dead Now then to the faith of the Church of England we finde yt without workes we find yt without repentance In their worckes as the Apostle saith they denye God howsoeuer in words they confesse him in their deeds they are abhominable vnperswaded to euerie good worke howsoeuer they make a shew of godlynes they denye the power therof Yea so far are they from suffring their workes to burne being shewed and reproued vnto them by the word of God as they smite persecute and blaspheme with all hostilitie and reproch those that but shew and reproue their sinnes How then should they be thought to haue this true faith this true life in them But the faith of their Church remaineth to be furder examined discussed in this Booke whither I refer for furder triall And now if this verbal faith confession of iustification by CHRIST only make a Church a Christian though they erre transgresse in manie yea in anie other thing as the life doth make a man c how may we that professe this faith make this confession be by M. Giffard accused pronounced cōdemned divulged as damnable Heretikes Brownists Se●ismaticks c Shall this faith giue life vnto them and not vnto vs Or will he slay them that Christ gyueth life vnto And that before anie due conviction of anie one error or transgression deseruing these hard censures sentences May he not euill accuse vs of rash furious disorderly dealing that thus vncharitably accuseth condempneth smiteth before anie triall Yea that thus presumptuously runneth before and forestalleth the iudgment of their owne Church pronouncing divulging vs damnable heretikes schismatickes before their Church had detected convinced reiected vs for anie one errot As to the heresies he accuseth vs of Namely to hould an 〈◊〉 perfectiō in this life immunitie frō sinne from the superior powers y t God hath set ouer vs. When he shall be able to shew by anie one sentence in our writings or but necessarily to infer from the same that we hould these heresies Let vs then be held such and M. Gi●●ard no accuser and sclanderer But if the contrarie appeare in all our writings and doings then is it euident that he hath most maliciouslie sclandered vs to bring vs in hatred with our souereigne Queene the whole Land We may euill be accused to hould the error of perfectiō for blaming their Church for such heynous transgressions Or of Anabaptisticall freedō for not being subiect to their antichristian yoake Or for vsing the 4 5 Chap. of the Epistle to the Ga●●at against their burdenous and vngodly traditions These causes scriptures wil not beare vp M. G. his malicious suspicions chardges Neither if we held these detestable heresies could our sinns or errors either excuse or lessen these trāsgressions of theirs It is a bad foundation to build his credit vpon the ruines of other mens especially by such detraction sclander The Schisme he chargeth vs with hath as litle ground or colour of truth We willed him long since to proue these Parish Assemblies in this estate true established Churches and then we would shew him how free we are of schisme We depart not from anie part of the truth or from anie that will walke holily orderly in the same The cause● of our seperation from these Parish assemblies we haue shewed to be such as proue them no true established Churches of Christ or such where the faithfull may abide with anie promise or comfort In seperating from them then we haue not rent our selues from the Church or body of Christ but rather seperated the Church from them and obeyed the commandement of God that calleth vs out from emongst them Againe whilest M. GIFF. standeth so much vpon the name of a Church and giueth the same to the Romish Sy●●gog in their deepest apostasie how will he escape himselfe or cleare the Church of England from the blot of Schisme for seperating and withdrawing from the Church of Rome Anie excuse that he can make or deuise wil cleare vs as wel as theselues Let him looke therfore to y e measure he meateth lest it be measured vnto him againe with the same not ōly in this matter of Schisine but euen in that especial poinct of Donatis●rie which he of a singular iudgment aboue all others of this time hath espied out and taken no small paines to compare and liken vs vnto them from poinct to poinct Forgetting in this heate of zeale and acu●●inat pregnacie of his how the Papistes haue cōtinually battred them with the ●ame ordinance with much greater aduantage then he hath vs In asmuch as he confesseth the Church of Rome the true established Church of Christ with the true ministri and true seale of the Couenant c And in that they still reteine the same ministrie Gouernment Courtes Officers Canons Orders Parishes People Synagogs c that the Papi●tes vsed left in this Land as the Douatists did Wheras we on the contrarie do not seperate for the same causes neither doo iustifie or reteine the same ministrie worship Leitourgie Officers Ordinances Gouernment Parishes Synagogs that they vse c as the Donatists did Neither do we hold such errors concerning the Magistrates or ministrie c as the Donatists did as is here more perticularly shewed in a peculiar treatise whither I refer Only here obseruing how the malicious man still by the iust iudgment of God falleth into the same pitte which he digged for the innocent For whilest he would accuse vs to derogate from the Princes authoritie in not allowing her to make lawes for the Church And greatly to blemish her ●ame diminish her loue emongest her subiects whilest we denie these Parishes to be true established Churches of Christ He himself layeth vpō her al these popish trumperies idolatrous reliques antichristian enormities abuses of their church and distaineth her
willinglie gladlie accept of it and wil refuse no indifferent godlie conference which we yet this time expected and to that end wrote at certeine of your chief Ministers requests these Articles which you haue takē vpō you to answere In the rest though you haue most rashlie most vnchariblie reproched condempned vs alredie contrarie to all truth order or equitie euen for telling you the truth Yet if hereafter you can beware of rash iudgment we shall reioice Likewise if you can escape Gods iudgments for these your heinous transgressions or make anie better plea for them then as yet we haue heard or can perceiue we shall not be sorie but much glad if you would preuent the wrath that hangeth ouer your heads for them by vnfeigned repentance spedie amendement THE 4 fault is in the subiectiō to Antichristian gouernment Let it be admitted that ther is some yoake of Antichristian gouernment vnder which the poore Church doth grone as it is her lot to be oppressed with outward bondage to be made to keepe the vineyeard which is not her owne to be beaten of the watchmen to haue her vaile taken from her is she therfore no longer the Spouse of Christ BVT o how far are you from this which winke with your eies stop your eares hardē your hearts which cānot endure so much as to heare of your feareful esta●e which you see not no nor suffer your sores which you see to be touched but seeke rather to cloake hide them both frō God men yea to mitigate tollerate iustifie them Seeke you not here to mitigate that heauie apparant Antichristiā yoak your Churches stand vnder wherof heretofore you haue complained in Parliaments tearming yt some yoake being now peraduenture through long custome growen lighter vnto you and more easie then Christs yoake at the least thē Christs Crosse. And yet this some yoake is yeilded but by waie of admition to be retracted at your pleasure if either aduantage arise to vs or danger grow to you therby Further you haue added to this your hipocrisie Blasphemie tearming the yoake of Antichrist the lott of the Church which she must beare by the will of God wherof in due place Now to shew this some yoake you speake of according to the indignitie therof in euerie perticular would make a volume Yea onlie to recite y e seuerall enormities therof would require a discourse which is neither our purpose at this time neither haue we skill or experience therin Only this we see and testifie that your churches stād whollie vnder the yoake of Antichrist you still reteining his Worship his Lawes his Ordinances his Officers his Courtes euen the whole gouernment that the Pope somtime committed to his faithfull seruants your Bishops which now haue takē his power into their owne hands What a sort of stagelike Antichristian Courtes haue you As first that great Court of your high Cōmission the Court ex officio in euerie Bishops house the Court of Arches the Court of Delegates the Court of Faculties Not to speak of your inferiour Courtes in the Contrie as your Commissaries and Officialls Courtes your Scenes such like What a rabble of Officers attendants are vnto the●e belonging Aduocates Doctors Proctors Registers Scribes Pursiuants Who can number all their Antichristiā Cannons Lawes Rites Ceremonies Priuileges Dispensations Licences of all sortes Probations Inhibitions c which require but the whole age of a man to reade But now who can recount the perticular mischiefs enormities that ensue flow from them euen ouer the whole land Or who yeildeth not to this Antichristian iurisdiction Doo not you your whole Parishes without exception of one bowe downe to this Beast and take the marke of his subiection or the print of his lawes vpon you euē in your foreheads in your handes What libertie haue you to refreine frō these abhominations without present persecution Or what powre haue you to execute and practize Christs lawes Call you this but some yoake The holie Ghost hath taught vs to call you his ●eruants to whome you obey So we finding you vnder the obedience of Antichrist cannot compt you the seruants of Christ vnlesse you can proue that you can serue two cōtrarie Maisters faithfullie at once Christ Antichrist are at perpetual war ther is no cōmunion betwene them So that it is impossible that the Church of Christ can carie the yoake of Antichrist without breach of wedlock euen of the Couenant as appeareth plentifullie in all the Prophets Christs loue being not bound to her anie longer then shee keepeth faith to him Againe ther is continuall war betwene the true Church and Antichrist which were at an end if she should yeild vnto him or carie his yoake as you suppose But if you had learned to put difference betwene persecution and bondage you could not in this matter haue runne into this blasphemous error as to say it is the lot of the Church to be oppressed with outward bōdage and to be made to keepe the vineyeard which is not her owne Persecution in deed is the lott of the Church here is this world as he that was borne after the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the Spirit But bondage is the badge of Antichrist the marke of the Beast wherby his souldiours are discerned frō the souldiors of Christ and the children of mount Sina from the childrē of Hierusalem which is aboue free euē the mother of vs all for whome our Capitaine Christ hath purchased a full a perfect libertie at a deare precious price which libertie once lost ther remaineth no more ransoms to make vs free It behooueth therfore all the children of the free woman to stand fast in the libertie wherwith Christ hath made thē free and not to be intangled againe with the yoake of bondage Neither can these places of the Songe which you haue falsified peruerted anie way carie this doct●ine you would build vpon them or cōstruction you make In the first place though the Church confesseth her owne vnworthines deformitie borne in originall sinne which conceiued and brought out in her manie actuall sinnes which being kinled in her against her oftē enticed her prouoked her to keepe their vines wherby she neglected to dresse and keepe her owne vine Yet from hence it followeth not that because she was sinfull negligent that therfore she was obstinate incortigible the contrarie appeareth in that she thus humblie modestlie confesseth her faultes Or because she kept not her owne vine as she ought to doo that therfore she kept Antichrists vine which shee ought not to doo What a bolde falsifijng of this place is this to all edge y ● the Church was made to keepe the vineyeard which is not her owne in stead of this that she kept not her owne vine If you had looked vpon the two next verses following you could neuer thus groslie
whither the Fig-tree put forth and the Vine florish bud her small grapes Then will he prepare and make al things in a readines for that great solemne day of the consummation of his mariage The Lord grant we may likwise prepare be in redines trimmed prepared that we may meete him with ioye to our euerlasting comfort Amen And the Lord shorten that day and hasten his comming Amen Euen so come Lord IESVS come quicklie Amen So be it A PLAINE REFVTATION OF Mr. Giffard his reprochful Booke intituled a short treatise against the Donatistes of Englande c. YOV were before shewed that we iudged none otherwise no furder thē th' expresse worde of God teacheth vs to iudge of you That is to knowe the tree by the fruicte and the fruicte by Gods worde You were there shewed That we iudged not of Gods secret election which he hath in al places amongst all sortes of men but of the apparant odious sinnes of your Congregations from which whilest you wil not be purged we may haue no spiritual fellowship or communion with you in this estate We shewed you that notwithstanding all your wicked●es we neuer doubted but the foundatiō of God stood firme the Lord hauing manie thowsandes of his elect amongst you knowen to himself though not apparant to to our eies whom he in his good time will call more neare vnto him And therfore we with extreame longing loue towardes you sought desired your conuertion that we might see that seale of Gods grace vpon your foreheades wherwith all that name the name of Christ are sealed vzt To depart from iniquitie To this end we did and stil doe reproue in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST these heinous transgressions in your publique assemblies lying in your miserable Prisons the Lordes witnesses against the same To this end we exhort al mē by al meanes and admonished you of your present euil estate as also blamed you for your former vngodlie false ●urmises collectiōs chardges wresting deprauing our wordes contrarie to al sense equitie and conscience We hoped that this thus far forth had sufficed especiallie seing you rested in silence more then two yeares without anie replie or contradiction Vntil now at length vpō your submissiō made and consultatiō had with your Ordinarie you disclosed this Coca●rice egge which you had so long sit vpon and all to sprinckled vs with the viperous poyson therof Terming vs at the first dash Donatists Brownists Anabastites Hereticks Schismaticks with infinit reprochfull horrible adiectiues ioyned to the same which you haue aboundantly drawen out of the euil treasurie of your owne wicked heart without cause giuen by vs or shewed by you Continuing stil and more more abounding in the gall of bitternes still chardging vs with intollerable pride presumption intrusion into Gods iudgement feate in falselie chardging accusing condemning your Christian assemblies that professe the Gospel c notwitstanding al we haue said to cleare our selues of those crimes and to proue in perticular the thinges we chardged you with the truth wherof remaineth now to be skanned In which blasphemous vayne of wryting you but fulfil the measure of your sinne and those prophecies you were foretold of They shall drincke be moued be madd c. They shal gnawe their tongues for grief and blaspheme the God of Heauen for their paines for their soares and not repent of their worckes FIRST then to this worde Principal wherat you so stomble and from which you draw such heretical conclusions We giue you to vnderstand that we vsed yt onely to signifie and expresse vnto you the fowre cheif heades frō whence flowe and whether may be reduced all these seueral infinite enormities abuses which aboūde in your church As to the nature qualitie of these 4. how far they extend let the word of God iudge Yea let anie by the same worde iudge 1. Whether such assemblies as were neuer dulie gath●red vnto CHRIST but all the prophane and open wicked of the land receaued by constrainte into the bodie of your Church as members of the same immediatlie from opē idolatrie and apostasie without the preaching of the Gospel going before to call them to the faith or anie voluntarie profession made by themselues in perticular of their owne faith whether such Congregations as these may in this confusion be held esteamed the true rightly planted Churches of CHRIST 2. Also let anie by the worde of God iudge whether those Congregations which haue not that ministerie of the Gospel that CHRIST hath in his Testament instituted to his Church but haue retaine an other strange and Antichristian ministerie euen that the Pope vsed left in the Land may be held the true and rightly planted Churches of CHRIST 3. Moreouer let anie iudge whether those Congregations which haue not those orders and gouernement which our Sauiour CHRIST hath ordained and commaunded vnto his Church vnto the worldes end but reiecting that haue retaine an other strange Antichristian gouernment euen that Antichristian Hierarchie the Pope vsed and left in the Land may be held the true rightly established Churches of Christ. 4. Finallie let anie in whom is anie sparke of light iudge Whether those Congregations that retaine vse an other Leitourgie that is an other forme of publique administration and worship then Christs Testament especiallie such a patched erroneous idolatrouse blasphemouse thing as theirs is and will not be reformed or withdrawen from the same may be esteamed the true and rightly established Churches of Christ such as Christes faithful seruantes may haue communion fellowship with in their administration of prayers and Sacramen●s But now where all these faultes concur and haue not onelie obstinacie but tyrannie and persecution ioyned to the same who can doubt of the matter Whether also your Churches can remaine in these transgressions or you maintaine the same and not depart from the groundes and principles of Christian religion and faith which you boast to keepe let anie which is anie thinge exercised in the worde of God iudge And thus by these few wordes are not onelie your 3. ineuitable dangers into one of which you would needes shoue vs but euē your whole blasphemous Booke auoyded at once For whie should we now ether maintaine this heresie 1. That where the true faith is ther can breake forth no great faultes errors and abuses Or this absurde maner of speache 2. That all errors deformities in Religion be heresies blasphemies and abhominations Or ells confesse 3. That with intollerable pride presumption and intrusion into Gods iudgment seate we haue taken vpon vs to iudge and condemne whole assemblies which professe the faith of CHRIST sincearelie in all fundamentall poinctes For holding that yt cānot be held the true church of CHRIST rightlie planted and established where the people were receaued into the bodie of the Church before they were dulie caled vnto
the faith or had made profession therof where they haue not the true ministrie of CHRIST but a strange antichristian ministrie imposed vpon them vvhere they haue not the gouernement of CHRIST but of Antichrist ouer them where their administration worship is not after the Gospel of CHRIST but after their popish idolatrous Leitourgie Al this may safely be defended without falling into anie such inconvenience as M r. Giffard threatneth AS to the heresie he speaketh of we doubt not nether euer thought but the best Church that consisteth of mortall men may fall ether of negligence or of ignorance into greiuous offences and dangerous errors Yea we doubt not but that some famous Churches Christians may fall into such errors as he termeth fundamentall the holding wherof should vtterly subuert the faith As in the Church of Corinth Galatia Asia there where that denied the resurrectiō That reuiued the Ceremonial ●awes That held the doctrines of Balaam and Nicholas But this we hold withal that no true Church or Christian will maintaine anie sinne or error whē yt is euidentlie shewed cōvinced vnto them by the worde of God much lesse persecute such as reproue admonished them as you doe Or if they doe whilest they remaine in that estate they are not of vs to be held the true Churches of CHRIST TO your second chardge we answeare That we haue learned to put difference betwixt error heresie All good men as is said doo may erre but no good man wil defend or persist in his error when yt is shewed and conuinced vnto him Obstinacie ioyned vnto error after yt is dulie convinced maketh heresie Furder we say That anie error being obstinatly holden and taught after it is duelie convinced reproued vnto him maketh an hereticke and heresie in that partie or in that Congregation that so holdeth and teacheth it and doth separate from the faith communion of Christ. Wherfore we can but wonder at your ignorance who stād for a Teacher in your church and yet hold some errors obstinatlie held taught against the truth of God not to be heresies or at the least not to be fundamental though you see by expresse rule euerie hereticke after one and the second admonition to be shunned Yet say we not that though euerie error thus obstinatlie held be heresie and euerie transgressiō against the lawe be sinne that therfore all sinnes are equal or all errors of like indignitie The lawe and iudgments of God teach vs to put difference NEther is ther cause whie you should chardge vs or we confesse our selues guiltie of pride presumption intrusion into Godes iudgment seat for condemning those assemblies which the whole worde of God condemneth in all their doings Greater is your pride presumption c that in this maner condemne and blaspheme the truth and seruantes of God for reprouing your sinnes that thus plead for and coulor these filthie abhominations of your Church which are most odious to euerie good conscience But this knowe for certaine howsoeuer the Shipmasters Maryners and Marchantmen of these wares howle and crye out howsoeuer the false Prophet labour to gilde and adorne the false Church with the iewells ornamentes and titles that belong to the true Church how much soeuer the Harlot doe glorifie her self and say in her heart that she sitteth as a Queene and is no widowe and shall see no sorrowe Yet shal her plagues come in one daye death and sorrowe and famine and she shalbe burnt with fire because the God that condemneth her is a strong Lorde IN that you chardge vs with the breach of the rule Math. 18. vnto you this still proceedeth of your former vayne conceipt arrogating vnto your Churches such names titles prerogatiues duties as belong and are only giuen to the true Churches of CHRIST Not being able no● endeuouring to approue your Churches by the Testament of Christ although you were often required and vrged by vs so to doe wherby all contention should soone haue ceased you beene cleared iustified we iustlie conuict and chardged In the meane while we affirme vnto you That these golden rules onlie belong vnto the true Chur●h of CHRIST and that the Court without the Temple vvhich is giuen to the Gentiles is to be cast out and not to be measured The Cannons of the POPE which your Church imbraceth more fitly agree vnto you then the rules of Christs Gospel which your Church reiecteth and blasphemeth But that we maie the sooner see our fault shew vs we pray you how we might execute this rule vnto you how we might tel yt to your Church how we might be heard and haue redresse For if by your Church you meane the Convocatiō house you see how they haue often openly reiected this sute If you meane by your Church the Bishops whom you cal the cheif gouernours of your Church you see they blaspheme this truth caling the order of Christs gouernmēt intollerable dāgerous to the subuertion of Prince state they hate persecute imprison al that speake for or seek the same But if nowe you meane by Churches your Parish Churches alas you see they want power they can mend nothing be yt neuer so heinous or hereticall they must receaue what their Lordes the Bisshops impose and endure til they redresse How then to whom or to what end would you haue vs complaine vnto your Church in this estate Or with what equitie and conscience can you thus reuile and cōdemne vs for breaking Christs order towardes your Church when you see your Church wil not be subiect vnto Christes order but persecuteth vs and al such as reproue their faultes and seek to doo Christes will because their worckes are euil and wil not endure the light when they are neuer so litle examined therbye As shal furder appeare but by a cursorie touching of these principal transgressions following THE FIRST PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION VVHERVVITH YOVR CHVRCHES ARE CHARDGED IS THAT they worship GOD after a false maner Their worship being made of the invention of man euen of that man of sinne erroneous and imposed vpon them We leaue your first answeare vnto this Transgression and our replie vpon your said answeare to be pervsed and compared by the indifferent Reader and now addresse our selues vnto this your second defence FIrst to make our a●cusatiō his answere more cleare M r. GIF trāslateth our Propositiō into a Sylogisme thus VVhatsoeuer assemblies worship the true GOD after a false maner their vvorship being made of the invētion of mā euen of the mā of sinne c the same are not the true Churches of GOD. But th' assemblies as they generallie stād in England doe vvorship the true GOD after a false maner their vvorship being made of the inventiō of man c Therfore the assemblies of Englād be not the true Churches of GOD. We finde M r. Giffard so ful of legier du main that we had neede looke narrowlie
of the Sacraments was perfect and fullie sufficient Yf they so thincke of yt Whether they iudge it lawful for anie mortal men or the whole Church willingly wittingly to alter or add anie thing to or plucke anie thing from the said institution of our Sauiour in the Sacraments Or if they so add Whether our Sauiour doth accept and blesse yt as his owne institution And if God doe not accept or blesse such Sacraments where his institution is thus wilfullie violated and changed Howe such ●dulterate Sacraments may be said the true seales of Gods Couenant especiallie where such a blasphemous horrible popish idolatrous ceremonie is vsed as Mr. Giffard cōfesseth this signe of the crosse to be except yt be better with them then it was with the Papistes Or howe may the faithful in this estate ioyne vnto them And nowe yt would be knowen of Mr. Giffard seing he in his owne iudgment condēneth these Symbolical Seremonies howe he dare thus presumtuously breake CHRISTES institution in deliuering them after the maner prescribed and ioyne vnto those men that enioyne those ceremonies against such of CHRISTES faithful seruants as reproue them stand and suffer againgst them Is not this most fearefully and presumptuously to tempt God to sinne against his owne cōscience It is no excuse vnto him to saye the best reformed Churches doe vse witnesses he meaneth God-fathers and God-mothers in baptisme For his owne conscience knoweth and iudgeth that the best Churches doe erre in so doing Furder Baptisme being publique to be deliuered openlie in th'assemblie when the whole Churche is mett together what neede more witnesses of the matter then the whole Congregation But howe wicked and impious is that lawe of their Church which forbiddeth the Parents to answere and vndertake for the bringing vp their owne children in the true faith and feare of God and driueth them to bring Popish Gossips or sureties who must both vndertake vowe and answere for their childe That he doth forsake the Deuil his workes c. What can be more vaine folish and ridiculous TO the Baptisme by weomen you answeare That it is both cōdemned by the cheif Gouernours of your Church and is not practized except it be among the popish superstitious ignorāt sort First we must oppose the publique lawe of your Church against those your gouernours who we suppose as confidentlie as you speake wil not proue in the plural nomber when the pointe cōmeth to scanning Your lawe in 3. places of your Portesse doth not onlie allowe the baptisme by weomē but publiquelie iustifie it and maketh a kinde of necessitie of such priuat baptisme Saijng that if the child be in danger they may baptise yt at home without a Minister and that in this case they haue donne wel according to due order concerning the baptisinge of this childe which being borne in original sinne in the wrath of God is nowe by the lauer of regeneration in baptisme receyued into the nomber of the children of God and heires of life euerlasting Wherin besides that they most highlie breake prophane th'institutiō and ordinances of Christ cōcerning the publique seale of this holie Couenāt in deliuering yt without a lawful Minister priuatelie in a house rashlie and vnreuerently without due order c they also consequētly maintaine teach these popish blasphemous errors therbye That if the childe had dyed vnbaptized yt had bene damned And that baptisme is of necessitie to saluation For ells what needed so great feare haste that they would not staye to bring the childe to the publique Congregation no no● so much as for the Minister to baptise yt Or how could there he so great cause and so greate necessitie in the matter as their booke mentioneth if they thought that the saluation of the childe honge not vpon the Baptisme Wherbie is manifestly cōuinced as also by their wordes not secretlie implyed That they hold Baptisme the cause and not the seale of saluation For ells to the infant nowe dying what good could baptisme doe Or which waye could yt be a Laver of regeneration vnto yt or receiue yt into the nomber of Gods children We had thought that the saluation of the childe had onlie honge vpon th'eternal election and predestination of God And that the seale of the Couenant had belonged ynto yt by reason of the Parents faith and is administred not as anie helpe or present benefite to the newe borne infant so much as when yt commeth to ryper age to be a contynual comfort help vnto yt BIsshopping Mr. Giffard saith is litle vsed or vrged in the Church of Englād being loath belike to make anie defence therof Yet it is certaine that the Priest is in his Portesse enioyned to commaund That the children be brought to the Bisshop to be confirmed so soone as they can saye in the vulgare tongue the articles of their faith c. Also in an other place of their said seruice-booke there is an expresse lawe That none shalbe admitted to the holye Communion vntil such time as he can say the Catechisme and be confirmed Howe accorde these lawes to Mr. Giffards saying that yt is litle vsed But what a monstrous matter is this confirmation of their Church where the Baptisme of CHRIST is to be confirmed of a wretched man if he were as he is nothing lesse a seruant of CHRISTE Yea that Christes faithful seruāts whom CHRIST hath alredie publiquely baptised receyued and engrafted vnto himselfe should be kept from the comfortable table of the Lorde vntil they haue a popish Bisshop his confirmation Not here to mention the binding of the faith of the whole Church to an Apocrypha Catechisme Yet to make this their confirmation either of greater estimation or more execrable with all men they add in the second cause manie speciall vertues therof Namely that by their imposition of handes and praier such as are so confirmed by them maye receaue strength and defence against all temptations to sinne and the assaultes of the VVorlde and the Deuil Surely if this be true great is the Bisshops faulte to neglect the practise the●of but howe great then our sinne to blame and condemne such a wonderfull excellent ordinance But doubtles this is either too good or too bad to be true If al they vpon whom these Bisshops shall laye their hādes praye ouer shal receaue strength and defence against al temptations to sinne and the assaults of the worlde and the deuil then shal al they that receaue this Confirmation be vndoubtedlie saued Yea if anie of them whome the Bisshop shal thus confirme shal receiue this strength and defence c then haue the Bisshops greater power and their prayers more vertue then eue● God g●ue to anie mortal man yea then euer he gaue to our Sauiour CHRIST himself with whom though Iudas were contynuallie conuersant his most Heauenly doctrines and holie prayers yet the Deuil entred into him and preuayled against him Though Peter were a
be fayne to returne back againe into his owne heart where they were forged and whence they proceded Our former Argument being reduced into forme was to this effect Into what Congregations all are receiued as members and the said Congregations haue not the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to caste out anie by excommunication there al the prophane multitudes without th'exceptiō of any one person are receiued into retayned in the bozome and bodie of that Church or of those Churches But in those special Congregations he spake of where the Pastor doth repell from the Sacrament al are receiued as members and the Parson whole parish Or all those Pastors and their flock●s haue not the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to cast forth anie by excommunication Therfore euen in those speciall parishes where the Priest by their seruice-booke repelleth from their Sacrament are all the prophane multitudes without th'exceptiō of any one person receiued into reteined in the bozome bodie c. Here Mr. GIFFARD finding the Maior or first Proposition irrefragable The Minor thus proued vnto him because al in these parishes are baptized and the Parsons suspention is not CHRISTS excommunication hath sought to escape by changing falsifijng our reason which otherwise he was neuer able to answeare He hath quite chaunged yt by putting in a newe Minor Proposition Namely for these peculiar Congregatiōs wherof he made instance he hath put the whole Church of England as they stād one bodie altogether And is now driuē to mingle these his select Cōgregations with the other Most parte of Churches Ministers whom erewhile he condemned graunted guiltie of this transgression and also to praye in ayde appeale vnto the popish excommunication of that antichristian Hierarchie of their Church Gouernours And this by furder falsifijng our wordes in both his propositions vizt Where we said haue not CHRISTES power to cast forth anie by excommunication he saith haue no power to cast forth anie by excommunication We neuer doubted but the Church of England as also her mother of ROME hath a false kinde of excommunication exercised in the power of the Dragon of the Beaste but we stil denie that they haue that true Excōmunication which is exercised in the name power of CHRIST which only belongeth to the Church of CHRIST Thus if the man had takē his worcke before him and proued as he had gonne happely his triumphant conclusions would not so sast haue followed Then should he haue had lesse to feare and more to reioyce of his doings wheras now his reckonyng iudgment are yet behinde But if Mr. GIFFARD would vouchsalf to take his aduersaries into the field with him before the fight and giue them leaue to bring and vse their owne vveapons then seing he vvill needes haue the question now generall of the whole Church of England and our argument after a scholastical maner let yt be thus touching this Second Transgression Where all the prophane and vngodly are receiued into and reteined in the Church as members therof there cannot be said the true established Church of CHRIST But in the Church of ENGLAND all the prophane multitudes vngodly of the land were receiued into are reteined in their Church as members therof Therfore the Church of ENGLAND in this estate cannot be saide the true established Church of CHRIST THe first Proposition is cōfirmed through the whole Bible from the beginning to the end The Church of God hauing alwaies consisted of a select peculiar people caled separated from the prophane of the worlde None entring into CHRISTS Church but by a voluntarie profession of their true faith and obedience Or standing longer there then they keepe the same faith obedience The second Proposition may be proued by way of argument thus Where all were receyued into the Church without any separation at the first gathering therof and they haue not the power of CHRIST to caste forth any by orderly excōmunication there all the prophane multitudes may iustly be said to be receiued into and reteined in the bozome and bodie of the Church But in the Church of England al the prophane multitudes of the land were together without difference or separation receiued into the Church neither haue they the power of CHRIST orderly to cast forth any by true excommunication Therfore al the prophane multitudes are truly said to be receiued into and to be reteined in the bozome and bodie of their Church This aucthor his two exceptions to the first Proposition of the repelled from the Sacraments and such is depart of them-selues no waye diminish the truth or hynder the course therof For the suspended they still remaine members of their Church For such Papists Hereticks Schismaticks as depart of themselues though they ought also to be cast out by orderly Excommunication yet are they not nor can be in this their Church so cast out howe infectious and wicked soeuer they be because they haue not the power and excommunication of CHRIST amongst them So that nowe all the controuersie wil be about the second Proposition whether the Church of England haue receaued in al the prophane whether yt haue the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to cast forth any by true excommunication Thus far forth it is manifest cannot be denyed That the whole land euē al the Queenes subiects at the beginning of ouer Queene ELISABETHES reigne were all at one instant receyued as members into this Church this Ministrie Worship Sacraments Ordinance c set ouer them indifferently Since al their seede without exception of any whether Papiste Heretick Atheist Witch Coniurer c are baptized in this their Church What then should let vs to affirme and conclude That all the prophane of the lande are receyued into the bodie of bozome of this Church if so be that there then were at the beginning of her Maiesties reigne or now are anie prophane in the land Wherfore he must either mainetayne that there haue not beene since this our Queenes reigne and now presently are not any prophane open vngodly in the land Or ells cōfesse his Church guiltie of this Transgression for receyuing in al the wicked propha●e into their Church Neither wil all the Deuils sophistrie his ra●ling accusing blaspheming of Christs faithful seruantes witnesses of heresie intrusion into Gods iudgmēt seate sauadge and desperate rending vp the Lordes tender plantes yea of whole christian assemblies help the matter excuse him or chardge vs. We hold al such prophane as either are not yet come to the true faith obedience of Christ by outward profession or are departed from the true faith and obedience of CHRIST remayning obstinate and hardned in transgression or error And this second sort although the Church should neglect or refuse to cast them out by excommunication We hold that only such as voluntarily make a true profession of faith and vowe of their obedience and
as in the same faith obedience seeke the cōmunion and fellowship of the faithfull are to be receaued as members into the Church And that only the child●en of such by the one Parent are to be baptized We hold furder that howsoeuer the dearest children of God doe may fal yet are they still ●enued by repentance And that all such as continue obstinate in their sinne after due admonition are not by vs to be esteemed faithfull but to be held wicked prophane although the Church should refuse to cast them out This vve hope in anie christian or sober iudgment will not be founde To call all suche prophane and to condemne them as infidells which professe the faith truly and cōtinue outwardly obedient although in some weaknes and infirmities as this malitious accuser falsly sclandereth vs. Nether shall we be founde to intrude into Gods iudgment seate to rend and teare vp the weake plantes in desperate and sauadge maner vvhilest we affirme those rowtes and multitudes of Atheistes Papists Idolatros heretickes blasphemers extortioners wronge-doers couetous proude vayne and light persons glottons dronckardes adulterers bawdes whores and whoremasters theiues murderers and other such like flagitious vngodly persons which were receiued into and are retayned in their Church as members to be esteamed amongst the wicked and prophane of the world and not as the right plants true members of the Church in this estate We are taught to knowe and iudge the tree by the fruictes and easily can discerne these Vines of SODOME from the Lordes Vines these stincking weedes these nettles thornes thistles from the Lordes pleasant plantes the sweet incense trees oliue pome-granate figge trees of the Lordes walled Orcharde of his Church We cannot mistake the mountaines of these Leopardes and Wolues for CHRISTES sheepfold the cages of these vncleane and hatefull birdes for the holie assemblie of Sainctes Neither may vve nowe flatter and dissemble contrarie to the evident truth of God and our owne conscience to iu●tifie and blesse the wicked to call the churle liberall to saye to the wicked they are righteous and to them that despise the Lorde they shall haue peace as this vvretched man doth for his bellye Who being in league with his Ordinarie and in couenante with Hell is not ashamed to stand a Priest of all these abhominations to the most abhominable seeking to pleade for and iustifie both terming these rowtes of all sortes of wicked vngodly persons the Sainctes the assemblies of them the Church and sheep-fold of CHRIST calling the most hateful and horrible sinnes they daylie commit but their infirmities and weaknes the most execrable blasphemies and idolatries but the spotts bleamishes of their Church What then shall we iudge of their sinners and sinnes if these be their Saincts infirmities bleamishes But there are none so bad as we that speake against these holie assemblies of these Sainctes and that for these their bleamishes infirmities c. Al that feare God may tremble at our intollerable wickednes Mr. Giffard saith That teare vp these weake plātes yea whole assemblies that vnfeinedly sorrowe and mourne for their sinnes and studie to please God We are they that take vpon vs to plucke vp al the darnel though we be commaunded the contrarie lest we plucke vp the wheate Math. 13. What spirit leadeth vs and possesseth him and his Church as also how they sorrowe and mourne for their sinnes Let th'ocasions of these controuersies betwixt vs their tyrannie our sufferings and this his present writing declare Wee blame and witnesse against manie most heynous horrible sinnes So far are they from acknowledging the same that they wil not be confessed amongst the bleamishes of his Church Yea insteade of repētance they persecute he blasphemeth and in euerie sentence of his booke casteth at vs in his furie these his fire-brandes poysoned arrowes and deadly dartes wherwith his whole Booke is seasoned insteade of better grace and al for shewing admonishing them of their sinnes Vnto this place Mat. 13. which he bringeth against vs for plucking vp the tares he must acknowledge these his weake plātes euen al the prophane multitudes deluge of people to be those tares or ells he cannot vse yt against vs or blame vs for plucking them vp This if he confesse then can they not be held in this estate the children of the kingdome that tender wheate that blossomed and made fruite Then hath he granted vs as much cōcerning this poynte as we require yea and iudged them as far as we iudge which is not concerning their future but their present estate Their election or reprobation we leaue to that great hous-holder the maker and iudge of all conteyning our selues within the rules of his reuealed worde whose iudgmēts we cannot lighten or pronownce the wicked innocent against whose iudgmēts who so spurne or resist but stomble at that rocke which wil grind them to powder If Mr. Giffard vnderstand the field in this place to be the Church he choseth rather to insist in the errour of others then in th'exposition of our Sauiour himself who saith verse 38. That the field is the worlde the good seede are those Children of the kingdome but the tares are the Children of the wicked one If yt should be vnderstoode of the planted Church then were al the rules ordinances censures and gouernment of the Church vtterly abolished Thē might al be receiued in and none at anie tyme for anie offence cast out of the Church c. Then also could not the ciuile Maiestrate put anie offendor to death for that were to roote out the Tares Neither can these Tares be vnderstoode of those hypocrites whose sinnes appeare not for then could not the Disciples discerne iudge and seeke to roote them vp Or being so vnderstoode be compared to those multitudes of prophane whose heynous sinnes are manifest Let the Tares then be the children of the wicked one and not the Sainctes of CHRIST Let the tares be in the worlde and not in the Church seing our Sauiour himself so pronounceth them and instructeth his disciples so to thinck of them Yet let not his disciples in anie inordinate zeale seeke to roote them vp seing they haue nothing to doe to iudge them that are without But let them rather by al meanes seeke their ingrafting in instructing them inal gentlenes if so be that God at anie tyme wil giue them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they also may be partakers of the like mercie and grace with them WHat then hath Mr. Giffard gayned by this place That the opē prophane such as neuer made true voluntarie profession of their owne faith other then that prescript verbal confession which is enioyned to them al in their Seruice-booke which a childe of 4. yeeres olde may say after the Priest as wel as they may be receaued into the Church Or that al sortes of open wicked grosse
impenitent offendors may be reteyned in the Church as members This he must proue or ells all that he saith is nothing to the purpose seing we chardge their Church as heynously guilty of and wilfully obstinate in these transgressions But insteade of prouing he slilie seeketh to chāge the question by turning yt from these open prophane and wicked to Hypocrites wicked persons which remaine in the Church whose children he saith ought to be baptized Wherin besides ●hat he beggeth the question assuming in a stronge imagination that which he shal neuer be able to proue That these parish assemblies are the true plāted and established Churches of CHRIST and these vngodly multitudes true members therof he furder so doubleth and windeth betwixt these two starting holes the hypocrites and the prophane as one cannot knowe whereto find him or wherof he affirmeth It being graunted that the children of hypocrites ought to be baptized he wil ●hervpon conclude that the childrē of the prophane also Which if yt be denied then he wil make no conscience to giue out that we denie baptisme to the seede of Hypocrites in the Church Thus standing vpon no grownde he flitcheth fleeteth vp and downe seeking in an euil consciēce to shifte off the truth wherwith he is pressed First presupposing that al these multitudes of prophane wicked are within the Church Then endevouring to proue that al the children of such prophane and wicked as he termeth within the Church and to professe Christ ought to be baptized Wherin before we come to the consideration of his reasons we must note vnto the reader in his Proposition expresse contrarietie error and sacriledge Contrariety in that he with the same mouth in the same sentēce pronounceth them as prophane wicked and also as faithful and members of the Churh such to whom the Covenante and the seales therof belonge Error in that he thus iudgeth and blasphemeth them if they be faithful members of the Church As on the contrarie if they be prophane wicked to iustifie their profession whilest they are obstinate in such sinnes Yea furder to harden them therin to giue the seale of the Couenante vnto their children in respect of their profession which cānot be donne without open wilful sacriledge for if they be to be iudged prophane wicked then are their children also vntil they make profession of their owne faith to be held of vs as prophane the deuised writtē professiō of their Church cannot sanctifie or iustifie either the one or the other vnto vs. Moreouer the Church cannot denie to receaue those Parents or that Parent vnto the communion of the Supper whose infantes they baptize in that estate And thus by Mr. Giffards diuinitie may the bodie and bloude of Christ be prostitute to the open prophane and wicked whom he thus proueth within the Couenant THe interest of Gods Couenant saith he doth not depend vpō their next Parents but vpon the antient christiās their fore-Fathers For when God saith I wilbe thie God and the God of thie seede the promise is made to a thousand generations Exod. 20 So Leui paied tithes vnto Melchi-sedec because he was the loynes of Abraham Yea al the whole nation of the Iewes were in the loynes of Abraham and therfore holie within the Couenant For if the first fruictes be holy so is the lumpe if the roote be holy so are the boughes Rom. 11. Yea though manie of them were wicked idolatros reprobates yet euen in the worst tymes were they Circumcised and yt was not disalowed But the Lorde caleth the children of those wicked idolators his children Thou hast taken thie Sonnes thie Daughters which thou broughtest fourth vnto me and sacrificed vnto them to be consumed thou hast slaine my Sonnes and giuen them by causing them to passe through vnto them Ezech. 16. 21. BEhold into how manie errors mischieues and blasphemies they fal which in this maner spurne striue against the truth euerie worde becomming a snare vnto them to hold drawe them vnto their greater iudgments If th'interest in Gods Couenant as being the seed of the faithful vnto the sight of the Church depend not vpon the faith of the next parents but vpon the antient christians their fore-Fathers within a thow●and generations c Then ought al to be receaued and none to be kept or caste out of the Church Then is the whole world within the Couenant of the Church holie al being ●pronge within far lesse then a thowsand generations of manie faithful and lineallie come from the Patriarck Noah Then ought by this rule the Israelites vnder the lawe to haue circumcised all their captiue Can●●nites and heathen that came into their power Then ought the Church nowe also to baptize all the seede euen of the most wicked and vngodlie whether Turcks Papists Idolators c because they are all ●pronge of faithful Parents within lesse then a thousand generations But because we reade in the Scriptures that Gods Couenant only belongeth vnto the faithful and the seales of his couenant are nowe only committed to his true established Church Seinglawes rules are giuē by God vnto the Church to whom and how to administer the faid seales Seing none can enter into this Church but by this true outward profession of faith obedience neither anie remaine lōger there thē they keepe the said faith and obedience outwardly Seing baptisme only belongeth and is giuen to the members of this Church and vnto their ●eede and can to none other be giuē without heynouse sinne and sacriledge We doubt not to pronownce and reiect these doctrines of this false Prophet as most blasphemous and diuelish As ●ending to the open breach of al Gods lawes and ordinances to th'vtter abolishing of the truth and feare of Gods iudgments to the taking away of al faith and godlines out of the earth to the bringing in of al Atheisme confusion to the prostituting and prophaning of the holie things of God And therfore al true Christians by the commandment of God are to auoide and hold accursed the aucthor and bringer of such doctrines and so much the rather in that he so wretchedly and bouldly falsifieth dismembreth peruerteth and abuseth the holie Scriptures thervnto AS to proue that the Couenant dependeth not vpon the outward faith of the parents but vpon the faith of their godlie ancestors he voucheth Exod. 20. I wil be thy God and the God of thy Seede the promise is made saith he to a thousand generations But he wittingly suppresseth the next wordes of the sentence of them that lo●e me and Keepe mie Commandements which shewe to whom this Couenant is made and belongeth and the conditiō on our part As the former part of this sentēce verse 5. sheweth howe we may forfeite this Couenant Namelie by breaking and cōtemning the lawe of God in whose loue we cannot remaine except we remaine in his obedience Iohn 14. 21. 15. 10. So that the Lorde
Idols be placed together If they that worship the Beast his Image may be said to be in the Church of God and their seede outwardly within the couenant Thē the most abhominable and execrable may be said in this estate members of Christ washed purged with Christ his bloude sanctified and led by his Sprit in assurance of saluation For none can be said to be within the Church but the members of the Church And whomsoeuer we may affirme to be within the Church those so longe as they contynue in that estate we are also to iudge assuredly saued for anie thing to vs reuealed or knowen to the contrarie But if al these be most diuelish heresies directly contrarie to the whole truth of God if they be most execrable blasphemies such as christians abhor but to heare Thē let the aucthors and spreaders of these doctrines tremble for feareful iudgments remayne them HIs slie distinctiō or euasion rather wherby he diuideth the Church of Rome into two parts the Pope and his adherents And the nations vnder the tyrannie of the Pope doth rather bewray the thick darcknes of his heart wherin he is held with chaynes vnto iudgment and his giddye amazednes then anie way clea●e him of these heresies and blasphemies aforesaid His first vnderstāding of the Church of Rome is the Pope his lawes his worship which hath bene deuised by himself his adherents and al that worship him or receiue his marcke These he saith are the Apostasie seduced to damnation and not the Church of CHRIST otherwise then thus that the Pope the Cardinals and al that worship the Bea●t be false christiās by profession bredd in the Church and contynuing in yt their seede not excluded from the Couenant What a delphick Orakle is this What strange repugnancie contradiction is here betwixt euerie worde of this his cleare Proposition How can the Pope and his adherēts be said to be that Apostasy seduced to damnation not the Church of CHRIST and yet by the same mouth in the same sentence at one and the same instant be pronownced to contynue in the Church and their seede not be excluded from the outward couenant Can they be said to be vtterly departed from the faith from Christ from his Church which is meant by this word Apostasy and yet to remaine in the Church How hangs this together May they be pronounced seduced to damnation and not the Church of Christ and yet both they remayne in the Church and their seede not to be excluded from the seale of the couenant There ought none to remayne in the Church but such as are by outward profession and obediēce members of the Church Neither ought the childrē of anie be baptized in their infancie except one of their Parents be a member of the Church The Pope then his Cardinals and adherents remayning in the Church their seede thus baptized as members seing none ells may either remayne in the Church or be baptized How may they thus be pronounced seduced to damnation and not to be the Church seing they are confessed to be outward members of the Church THe second vnderstanding of the Church of Rome is of al those compaines of people ouer whom the tyrānie of the Pope hath hertofore extended and doth at this daye Or those things which were giuen by CHRIST which remaine in the same this he saith is not the Church of Rome but the Church of God If by the people and tyrannie he here meane such persons as though their bodies were vnder the cruel hādes of the Pope his Bishops or Prelates yet they kept their bodies soules vndefiled with their idolatries and abhominations and free from their antichristian yoke counterfeite Ministrie and ministration and haue on the other side faithfully kept practized the things which are giuē by our Sauiour CHRIST in his Testament these people indeed can at no hand be said the Church of Rome these are the true Church and seruants of Christ witnessing fighting through the faith of the Gospel against the Pope the Church of Rome and al their antichristian cleargie and religion But what is this to proue the kingedome of ENGLAND or other nations which haue beene and are defiled with the idolatries and abhominations of the Church of Rome in that estate to be the true Church of God but rather the quite co●trarie seing these faithful witnesse against them and haue no fellowship or communion with them The Church of Rome we reade Reuel 17. to be caled that great whore that sitteth vpon manie waters That great Babylon the mother of whoredomes abhominations of the earth with whom the Kings of the earth haue committed fornication and th'inhabitants of the earth haue bene droncke with the wyne of her fornications mingled vnto them in her golden cup. We reade there verse 15. that the waters where the whore sitteth are people multitudes natiōs tongues We reade also that the Beast the false Prophet shal deceaue y e people of the earth and cause thē to set vp worship the image of the Beast and to slaye al that wil not so doe And cause al both smale and great riche poore free bonde to receaue a marcke in their right hādes or in their fore-heades And that no mā might buy or sel saue he that had the marcke of the Beast Wee reade furder more That all that receaue the Beastes marcke that worship him or his image shal drincke of the wyne of the wrath of God With what shame then cā this marcked Priest goe about to proue the Church of Rome to be y ● true Church of God Or those nations which haue cōmitted fornication with her receaued her Ministrie wares abhominations that haue receaued the marcke and erected the image of the Beast and worshipped the Beast and his image in this time of their poperi● to be esteemed the true Church of CHRIST His 3 stowte reasons wil not al proue this poynte Though they held many poyntes of true and sounde doctrine yet the many heresies they held those as this man himself in an other place of his booke confesseth Fundamental doe poyson and leauen the whole lumpe There is no heretick that holdeth not some truth As to their holy Sacrament of Baptisme yt being deliuered by a false ministrie after a false maner with new adulterate elements of salt oyle chreame c with their magical incantations signes c and that to opē idolators can no waye giue them christendome as this Popish Priest supposeth Or if this Baptisme in the Popish Church be an holy Sacrament true seale of the couenant then would we knowe of Mr. GIFFARD or his learned abettors whie their other Sacrament of the Supper or Altare should not also be held in the same accompt Or how the Church may be said to haue one true holy and auaileable Sacrament to be receaued an other so blasphemous and execrable as is
to be abhorred at the same instant Or what kinde of Couenant this is that hath one true authenticke seale an other forged and adulterate annexed vnto yt Furder also we would knowe if the baptisme of the Church of ROME be a true and holy Sacrament whie they should inhibit any from fetching the same there and how they dare schisme from that Church that hath the Couenant sealed and confirmed vnto them His second reason of some in al kingdomes that hold the faith is aboue shewed not to iustifie but to condemne the Church of ROME But all those that had any communion with them in their worship c in the tyme of Poperie cannot in this estate be said to hold the true faith or to be members of the Church of CHRIST His third reason concerning the infantes is yet as false fonde as the rest For neither are the infants of these idolators by vs to be iudged holy or to receaue baptisme as he himself Pag. 49. confesseth Neither can these infantes anie waie iustifie their wicked Parents or the open idolatries c of the Romish Church Againe although it be most true that the truth was before error and apostasie yet herevpon it followeth not that error apostasie are of in the truth as this man would conclude of Antichrist That because he is said to rise in the Church of God and to sit in the Tēple of God Therfore the place where he now raigneth rageth is the Church of God But by all these rules of the word of God we finde the Sinagogues that Antichrist hath erected to be of the false malignant Church and the Church of ROME pronownced by God himself to be that great Whore Howsoeuer then Antichrist might haue his original and worcke in his mysterie in the visible Church yet as soone as his wickednes brake out and was apparant he forfeited his place was to be caste fourth as the Angells that sinned were precipitate out of heauen and cast headlong into Hel. Yea those Churches that neglected thus to doe and spared him in the iust iudgmēt of God lost their happie estate became guiltie of his sinne and partakers of his iudgment and fel away with him So then this phrase of Antichrist his sitting in The Temple of God might be much better vnderstoode then thus grosly to affirme thervpon that A●tichrist now sitteth in the Church of God Whether we vnderstand this his sitting in the Temple of God as in regarde of his original before he was reueled Or in that he should sit where sometimes the true Churches of CHRIST had bene which he should so destroy waste as there should be no shape or steppes of any of them left vpon the earth as it was foretold Math. 24. 29. Reuel 6 14. Or ells of those counterfeight names and titles of the Temple Church of God which the false Church should arrogate and take vnto her self Howsoeuer nothing is more sure then that all these abhominations cannot remaine in the Church of God And in that it is in the same verse said that Antichrist shalbe lifted vp aboue all caled God or that hath veneration This cannot be donne by any Minister in the Church seing euerie soule must be subiect Furder also that he should shewe himself that he is God If this also should be lite●ally vnderstoode what blasphemie will not ensue And aswel might it from the same verse be enforced that Antichrist is God as that the place where he raigneth is the Temple of God THus hauing finished his● cardinal reasons of Israel in their schisme Iuda in their apostasie and this vniuersall falling away and corruption in the time of Poperie to prooue the Church of England aswell as these the true Church of God he at length addeth a conclusion in this authenticall assertion of his owne The Church of England in the tyme of Poperie was a member of the vniuersall Church and had not the being of a Church of CHRIST from ROME nor tooke not her beginning of being a Church by separating herself from the Romish Sinagogue c. If he here meane that the Lord had his secret ones chosen and knowen vnto himself in England in the tyme of Poperie which were members of the vniuersall Church vve graunt vvel But what were this to approue the generall estate of England in the tyme of Poperie when they were throughly infected with the apostasie and idolatrie of the Church of ROME to be a visible member of the vniuersal church So that albeit they had not their being a Church from ROME yet they had their not being a Church from ROME when they were defiled with their apostasie and idolatrie Wherfore to haue this conclusion passe yt had beene needfull that Mr. GIFFARD had approued made euident demonstratiō by the Scriptures that the Church of ENGLAND was rightly gathered vnto and established in that holy faith and order which CHRIST hath left vnto his Church in vniuersall and perticular according to the rules and examples in his Testament Then that in tyme of Poperie they fel not away from this holy faith and order And that nowe they contynue and faithfully walke in the same faith and order This if he had donne then had he proued that which now he beggeth and assumeth Then had he powerfully convinced and stopped the mouthes of al Schismaticks and gaynesayers for euer But with al his learning and labour he hath not enterprised neither euer is able to proue this by Christes Testament The tyme past estate present of their Church of England witnesse the contrarie vnto his face and shew vnto all men how dieplie yt hath bene and still is infected with the Romish idolatries apostasie from the Testament of Christ and in what sort they haue at this daye caste forth the tyrannie yoak of Antichrist with his abhominations idolatries heresies false Worship false Ministerie and false gouernement c. He therfore in steade of approuing his Church by the rules of Christs Testament striueth to proue yt a true Church though yt consist of prophane multitudes neuer as yet rightly gathered vnto or established in the fait● and order of Christ though yt haue not Christs Ministrie and Officers which he hath appoynted vnto the Church but that false and ant●christian M●n●strie which the POPE erected vsed and left Though yt be gouerned not by the rules of Christes Testament but by the POPES Courtes Cannons c and such lawes as these Romish Bishopps doe deuise Though yt worship God after a Popish and most idolatrous maner though yt reiect the truth of God and persecute all such as call them vnto or stand for the same And this most barbarous and diuelish assertion he striueth to confirme by the schisme of Israel the apostasie of Iuda and the vniuersall defection and corruption of Poperie Vnto which our finall answere is that if anie of these 3. be iustified and finde mercie before the
in the faith notwithstanding that grieuous sinnes brake out amongst them so long as they despised not admonition and refused not to repent were to be still held and esteemed as the true Church of CHRIST who if we confesse our sinnes is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all iniquitie But as we haue often said this maketh against Mr. GIFFARD because the Church of ENGLAND was no such true Church before that and wherein these faultes were and are committed Vnto his second allegation that all shewed not repentance for the vncleannes fornication and vvantonnes vvhich they had cōmitted We acknowledge it as the Apostle recordeth it to be a great fault in the whole Church That they did not more diligently search out the sinne and speedely caste out the sinners that remayned impenitent Yet was this in the Church but a fault of negligence and not of anie obstinacye they neither contemnded admonition neither spurned against their admoni●hers Yet euen this slacknes and negligence the Apostle thus sharplie seuerely reproueth threatning if they amend not to come with a rodde and with the power of CHRIST against them He neither iustified nor flattered them in their sinnes as this false Prophet doth who hath no better argumentes to pleade for o● iustifie this apostasie and obstinacie of the Church of England then the greatest sinnes and odious faultes of other Churches But to such a height measure is their wickednes encreased as all the sinnes of all Churches in all ages are too narrowe to couer the bedd of their fornicatiō Neither can those fearefull breaches lamentable ruines in the Churches of Asia heale the wounde of the Church of England If God so threatned or menaced those Churches to come and feight against them to remoue their candle-sticke c vvhat shalbe the iudgmentes of the Church of England what can she expect whose sinnes so far exceede which taketh boldnes to contynue in sinne and pleade for the same from these examples which the Lord hath lefte as monumentes of terror to all posterities Yet in all these desolations of these Churches can there be no comparison betwixt these barbarous confuse assemblies and those Churches which sometymes were rightly gathered and established vnto the faith and into the order of CHRIST and so all Mr. GIFFARDS labour and paynes herein is lost Neither will this conclusion followe That because yt ceaseth not to be a Church by and by where the open wicked are not separated because the Church sometimes may fall into such sinnes of ignorance or of negligence Therefore the godly are not defiled which communicate with these open wicked in prayers sacramentes and other spirituall exercises Might he not aswel conclude that because yt ceaseth not to be a Church herevpon therfore yt is no sinne But if yt be a sinne in the whole Church then is the whole Church guiltie of defiled with that sinne NOwe as Mr. GIFFARD laboureth to drawe this conclusion so striueth he to proue this proposition That the admission of the open vvicked impenitent to the table of the Lorde doth not defile either the Sacrament or the faithfull receiuers Herevnto he hath gathered a fewe stale reasons 1. As that the wickednes of the Minister doth not difile the holy thinges of God Iudas Ely his Sonnes the Scribes Pharasies were wicked mē yet were the thinges they administered holie 2. Then that the godly communicant toucheth not the sinnes of others but the holie thinges of God because there cannot be a separation from the wicked in bodie or bodily thinges alwaies but they which touche not their sinnes obey the commandement Come out from amonge them separate your selues touche none vncleane thing That the blame of receiuing such wicked resteth only vpon such as haue the power of the discipline in their handes and not vpon priuate members which mourne lament to see such fowle matters wincked at which mourners are cleared Ezech. 9. TO discuse these pointes in perticular would make this discourse ouer long breiflie therfore this we say To the first that difference must be put betwixt hypocrites whose wickednes is onlie knowē vnto the Lord and such wicked whose sinne is knowen vnto the Church The publicke ministrie of secret hypocrits that are rightly caled to a lawful office and execute their office without fault or blame is holie blessed and profitable to the whole Church which can but looke vpon and iudge the outwarde action and estate and not the hearte and conscience of anie yet this their ministerie is vnavayleable to themselues and maketh to their owne greater condemnation But where the Minister is detected of and remayneth obstinate in anie transgression his ministration is not acceptable to the Lord neither ought to be suffered or ioyned vnto of the Church The Lord willbe sanctified of all that come neere vnto him Vnder the lawe he required an holie ministerie to serue in the priestes office without outward mayne or bleamish lest he defiled the holie thinges of the Lorde The offerings of anie other were not acceptable to the Lorde It is also written that the sacrifice of the wicked is an abhomination to the Lord as if they cut off a dogges heade or offred swynes bloode They haue nought to doe to declare the Lords ordinances that hate to be reformed and caste his worde behinde them The Church ought not onlie to forbid such to administer but to cast them out of the fellowship which if the Church neglect and refuse to doe them are they guiltie of the open or wilful breach of Gods holie ordinances in suffring his holie name and ministerie to be prophaned yea in ioyning thervnto and reioycing therin The examples by him alleadged no waye help him Iudas whilest he remayned with our Sauiour was an hypocrite his sinnes vndiscoured yea vncommitted so longe in that estate his publicke ministerie was lawful holie and acceptable vnto others The ministerie of the Sonnes of Eli after their wickednes was publick wea abhominable vnto God to be detested of all the faithful yet was the sinne of the people verie great who vpon and for the sinnes of these wicked prestes abhorred the offringes of the Lorde which were euer to be esteemed most holie being lawfullie administred otherwise they are not the offrings of the Lord. The people then as nowe grewe into Atheisme and all impietie abhorring all Gods worship and refusing to be at anie chardge louing the creatures better then the Creator by seing the great insolency and inreverence of the prestes Touching the Scribes and Pharasies we haue alreadie said enoughe TO his other allegations that the faithful are not defiled by communicating with the open and obstinate wicked in the Supper of the Lorde and other spiritual exercises because they touche not the sinne of the wicked but the holy thinges of God c Surelie this is verie odd diuinitie contrarie to al the groundes of scripture that we haue read of We had
al these Parsons stand subiect hauinge sworne their Canonical obedience to their Courtes Cannons commādements to their sommance censure controlement for al their actions ministrie conversation to be made Ministers deposed from their ministrie silenced sequestred suspended by them The true christian Pastor as by vertue of his office intangleth not himself neither intermedleth with ●iuile actions and affayres But these parrish Parsons especialie these of the Countrie are busied and almost wholly entangled with renting tithing prowling their Parrishners whether faithfull or vnfaithfull riche or poore Widowes or O●phanes they marrie they burie c by vertue of their office and are ●o all outwarde seeming and iudgment rather Rieues and Bayliffes then Ministers of the Gospel Yea if it be true which some writers of no smale accompt both olde and new haue written of them these parrish Parsons were at the first deuised and brought in to serue the Metropolitanes in the offices of Rieues and Bayliffs to gather vp their rents c. Againe the true christian Pastors office cannot be possessed by anie ciui●e person But the parrish Parsons office may be and often is bestowed vpon Ci●ilians Phis●●ons who if they weare the Priestes weedes inioyned It sufficeth Not here meaning or speaking of impropriatio●s which haue no office and chardge of anie Ministrie yt being transferred to a Vicare endo●ed Moreouer the christian Pastors office cānot be kept or executed by a man absent or by anie other in that Congregation wherof he is chosen then by the elect of that Congregation But the Parrish Parsons office may be kept by a man absent executed by an Attourney or Curaeie Finnaly euerie true christian Pastor is by that his officie a Bishop But no Parrish Parson is by vertue of that his office a Bishop Therfore and for al these reasons abouesayd the parrish Parsons office can in no iuste intendement be held the true christian Pastors office NOwe let vs procede to their entrance this being first a position perpetual That euerie true Minister of the Churche must not onlie be caled to a true office but must haue a true right caling vnto that his office otherwise he is no true Minister but an vsurper an intruder a theife a murderer Euerie true Minister then by the rules of the worde ought to be thus caled Euerie perticular Congregation being a faithfull flocke destitute of some Minister for example of a Pastor ought to make choice of some one faithful christian of whose vertues knowledge iudgment fitnes and conversation according to the rules in that behalf prescribed they haue assured proofe and experience in some christian Congregation or other where he hath liued Such a one the whole Congregation being gathered together in the name of God with fasting prayer for the especial assistance of his holy spirite to be directed to that person whom the Lo●de hath made meete and appointed vnto them for that high chardge and Ministrie In which Election euerie perticular member of the said Congregation hath his peculiar interest of assent or dissent shewing his reasons of dissent in reuerent maner not disturbing the holie and peaceable order of the Church Whose exceptions and reasons are to be considered of and compared to the rules of the worde if they be founde peremptorie and true As the partie to be of no founde iudgment in the faith of no sufficient knowledge in the scriptures a drunckarde a smiter coveteous one that ruleth not wel his owne house wife children thē yeildeth the whole Church to their reasons or rather to the word of God But if their exceptions be vnsufficient or vntrue then procedeth and stand●th their Election and the persons that take them are publicklie reprou●d according to their offence This choice thus made accepted and determined the elect is to be publicklie ordayned and receiued in and of the same Congregatiō wherof and whervnto he is chosen If there be an Eldership in that Congregatiō by them as the most meete instruments with fasting prayer exhortations c if not then by the help of the Elders of some other faithful Congregation one Churche being to help and assist an other in these affaires But if the defection and apostasie be so generall as there be not anie where anie true Elders to be founde or conveniently to be had yet then hath the Church that hath power and commandemēt to chuse and to vse Ministers yea that only hath that most high and great spirituall power of our Lorde Iesus Christ vpon earth committed vnto their handes power also to ordaine their Ministers by the most fit members and meanes they haue For the Eldership doth not add more power but more helpe and seruice to the Church in this action Neither doth this action which is but a publishing of that former contract and agreement betwixt the whole Church and these elect the Church giuing the elect receiuing these offices as by the commandement of God with mutuall couenant and vowe each to other in al dueties belonge to the Elders onlie as separate from the Church but to the Elders as the most fit members and instruments of the Churche to doe yt for and in the Churche Otherwise when the true ministrie ceased as in the generall apostasie they could neuer againe be recouered in the Church because they cannot haue this ordination of true christian Elders and so must the ministrie sacraments and ordinances of Christes Testament cease for euer and the true established Churche neuer be seene againe vpon earth Vnlesse with the Papistes they ●il make a personal successiō of Ministers in some place euer since the Apostles tyme. Or with Mr. Giffard make a true publick ministrie sacramēts c in the Church of Rome in the diepest apostasie Which yet of al other is the most absurd Propositiō that euer I suppose was vttered by anie man or published and allowed by anie Churche contrarie to al the rules of Gods worde and euē to it self For how can there be by anie reasonable man immagined or seene publicke apostasie and publick faith in the same estate at one and the same instant Likewise if of necessity the ordinatiō must always be donne by a christian Presbutrie or Eldership we woulde then knowe of them by what Elders Mr. Luther Mr. Ca●uine or our Englishe Bishopps in K. EDVVARDES daies were ordayned Other Elders then of the Popish Churche there were not then to be founde Now these are sure groundes that cannot be doubted of The true ministrie of Christ doth not belonge vnto and may execute no ministrie in the false Churche Neither yet hath the execrable ministrie of the false Church anie thing to doe to ordaine the true ministrie of CHRISTES Churche neither is their Ordination auaileable If then the Churche of Rome and the ministrie therof were false and antichristian then cannot the ministrie of these men which was then in that estate giuen and
this tyme after that Gods spirit had wrought effectuallie in their and our hearts and opened our eyes to see part of his holy truth as also some of the heinouse abhominations committed defended and wilfullie persisted in in the false Church and ministrie constantlie euen to death bandes to witnesse against the same and to forsake the false Church notwithstanding al the pretextes g●oses and arguments the falfe Prophet shal adorne the Harlot with or make for his Ministry So deare is the loue of God of his holy truth vnto vs as we can suffer our selues neither by men or Angels be drawen into anie seene or willing transgression of his holy word And as for these arguments of Mr. Giffard what other are they then the Papistes haue brought against the first faithfull witnesses Iohn Husse Ierome of P●●ge Luther Caluine Frith ●indal c Or may bring at this daye against al the Churches that are departed from them Vnto the execution of our Ministery is ioyned the effectual grace power blessing and operation of the holy Ghoste to the true convertion of some mens soules Therfore our Ministrie is not of the diuil or Antichrist but indeed the true ministry of Christ. Ells al that haue liued thus manie hundred yeeres before you in our Church and knew not these newe learninges you hold are damned Ells all that haue died in our Church are damned yea ells you must hold al the Kinges and Princes Nobles Pieres and people in our Church reprobates c. But let vs come to your selues ye that are the aucthors of this Schisme Where had you your faith your first knowledge of God and of Christ if not in this Church by our ministrie we haue the true scriptures amongst vs we teache truly concerning the Godhead and the thee persons therof God the Father God the Sonne and God the Holy Ghost though distinct in persons yet one God c We preach Christ in his two natures verie God and verie man That he came into the world for the saluation of al mankinde That God so loued the world that he gaue his only begottē Sonne that whosoeuer belieueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting Wee preach Christ crucified for our sinnes dead buried risen againe ascended glorified We preach him in his three offices to be our King Priest and Prophet Wee preach al the fundamental articles of our christian faith and as wee preach so you belieue al these Yea and we appeale to your consciences whether you haue founde ioy and comfort in your owne soules at the preaching of these doctrines Againe we preach the lawes of God in the tables and beate downe such sinnes as wee see to be contrarie to the same in such sort as manie are drawen to repentance to hatred sorrowe and remorce for sinne And these againe wee raise vp with comfort and hope of forgiuenes and with the promises of eternal life These things if ye schismaticks feele not yet vnto many others which by our preaching are converted vnto the Lorde indeed which vnto feare trembling doe feele the power sweetnes of the liuely worde we may say as the Apostle vnto the Corinthians in like case If I be not an Apostle vnto others yet ame I one vnto you ye are the seale of mine Apostleship in the Lord. And as for you Lutherans if you contynue not that is not our default if you fal from grace It is enough for vs that you haue felt this maiestie of the worde and it sufficeth to proue our ministrie that the power of the holy Ghost goeth with y● when men haue bene so moued though they contynue not seeing the reprobate may feele this power and taste this sweetnes for a tyme. Now then our ministry being thus proued by the law and the Gospel and by the testimony of the holy Ghost in these powerful effectes How can you thus separate from the meanes of your saluation from that ministry which hath begotten in you or at least doth begeat in others this knowledge faith comfort c Our ministrie thē being thus proued our Church must needes followe for a true ministrie doth not belong neither is at anie time founde in a false Church Yea you must graunt that whilest we hold the true foundation wee are the true Church though we erre in matters of circumstance other doctrines as you thincke yet that taketh not away our beeing of a Church The Churches at Corinth Gallatia Asia abounded with many faults errors corruptions as we reade yet are saluted by the Apostles recorded by the holy Ghost as true Churches Now that we hold the foundation our confession of the articles of our christian faith the ten cōmandementes the Lordes prayer c. which you also confesse and vse shewe Therfore whilest you depart from vs you depart from the true Church Herevpon they might also vse those rethoricall flowers of Mr. GIFFARD his diuinitie to rayle reproach and invaye That they are ranck Donatistes Lutherans ignorant furious franctick schismatickes yea damnable heretickes forsaking the ministerie and truth of God condemning the Church of God bringing the holie ministerie thereof into contempt and so bring in flat atheisme barbarisme rebellion against Magistrates c. Howe thincketh Mr. Giff. would not these argumentes fit the Papistes aswell against them as they do him against vs Is he not driuen to hard shift when he must borrowe weapons of them to defend himself his Church ministrie worship gouernment They must needes stand fast when they are built vppon their groundes Let him then first answeare the Papistes to these reasons before he bring them against vs and then if he be not satisfied he shall heare what we can say to them For sure if they be not of force to bring them home againe to their Mother of ROME they wil neuer perswade vs to goe backe to them In the meane time Mr. Gif we signifie vnto you concerning this reason which you vrge and dilate That it is a ground of Anabaptistrie to iustifie open transgression by inwarde motions It is a grounde of Atheisme to pleade for or tollerate sinne because of such good effectes as you imagine to procede therof Mr. GIFFARD his next argument is drawen from our confession VVe confesse that they vvere blessed Martyres that suffred in Q. MARIES daies But thei were converted by the same ministe●ie vvhich vve haue now They had the same motions at the preaching of Latimer Hoper Taylor Bradford which our people haue no● at our preaching and Sacraments touching saith repentance and resolution to die for the testimonie of the Lorde Therfore let the Brownistes and al other wicked schismaticks barck that vve h●●e no ministrie c. This reason hangeth vpon the same thread with this other last before and is built vpon the same popish and Anabaptistical grounds Touching the persons of these Martyres we haue alreadie in our first replie vnto your answeare set downe our christian opinion and iudgment Yet
true seede they that are borne after the fleshe persecuting them that are borne after the spirit It was shewed that wee are his seruantes and subiects to whom wee obeye That this yoke and bondage of Antichrist breaketh the wedlocke breaketh the Couenant with CHRIST CHRISTES loue and Couenant beeing no longer bounde or plight to vs then wee keepe faith to him which faith is forfeited and warre ended by yeilding and standing in bondage to Antichrist by taking and bearing his yoke which bondage and yoke was shewed and proued to be the badge of Antichrist the marcke of the Beaste which al the miserable multitudes vpon which the Harlot the false Church sitteth are compelled to receiue in their foreheades or in their handes wherbie the children of mounte Sina are knowen from the children of Ierusalem that is aboue and is free with al her children For al which children our Sauiour Christ hath purchased a ful and perfect libertie at a deare and pretious price hauing giuen vnto al his children the arrhabon of his spirit not the spirit of bondage but the spirit of adoption as sonnes And where this spirit is there is libertie For if wee be sonnes then are wee free and no bond seruantes For the bond seruāt abideth not in the house for euer but the sonne abideth for euer It was also shewed him to be a blasphemous error to say That to beare Antichristes yoke and gouernement is the lot of CHRISTES Church To conclude it was made plaine vnto him how fowllie he misvnderstoode abused falsified and peruerted those places of the Songe by him alleadged to proue that blasphemous error So that if Mr. G. would either haue bene aduertised or advised to make and put difference betwixt ciuile bondage and subiection and an antichristian bondage and yoke betwixt bodilie oppression and spiritual subiection Or would dulie haue pondered our opinions reasons and proues Or would haue bene admonished of his former dotages and errors he could not againe in these poyntes thus boldlie haue r●sisted the euident truth turned away the direct scriptures vniustlie chardged and blasphemed vs persisted in his old d●●est●ble errors tunne headlong into newe more and vnsufferably abused and peruerted the holy scriptures therevnto WE neuer denied and therfore may euil be chardged to hold That the Church might not be held in ciuile bond●ge bodily oppression persecution c by wicked vngodly guides both ciuil and ecclesiastical But what of this may it herevpon he concluded that therfore the Church may be held vnder Antichristes yoke in ecclesiastical or spiritual bondage There is no such consequēce of this yet this is the state of the question propounded by Mr. G. in his first answeare And this he there endeuored to proue by this reason as also by the places of the Songe And nowe againe laboureth to bring to passe by an odde subtile di●tinction or diuision of his owne deuising and by sondry moe places of scripture He diuideth this antichristian yoke into two sortes a strict yoke and a lardge yoke His strict or proper yoke he saith is only spiritual and inwarde where the faith and conscience are burdened be in subiection to receiue Antichrist his lawes and worship The lardger yoke is when the Pastors of the Church doe vsurpe more then they ought in externall gouernment or tyrannously abuse the power committed into their h●nds This he calleth som antichristian yoke The first he saieth cannot be borne without falling from the freedome we haue in CHRIST The second as the lot of the Church may be willinglie suffred and wittinglie borne and yet remayne the Church of CHRIST and this by sondrie places of scripture he endeuoreth to proue First vnto his distinction or diuision of an antichristian yoke into straight and lardge outward and inwarde we acknowledge yt without the compasse of our reading or vnderstanding Wee stil affirme that no yoke or gouernement but only Christes may be borne or receiued of the true Church We furder saye and already haue proued that al the lawes and ordinances of Christes Testament howe outwardly and smale soeuer they may seeme concerne the conscience and that the wilfull omission and transgression therof bondeth both bodie and soule vnto iudgment without repentance So likewise we hold that euerie antichristian yoke chardgeth and bindeth the conscience both bodie and soule It being opposite vnto and a transgression of CHRISTES lawes and ordinances And therfore wonder how these Academical diuines these pleaders for iniquitie d●re hatch vs these poysoned distinctions of lardg and straight antichristian yokes the one binding the other not concerning the conscience Except they can shewe Gods lawe Or ells some transgression of Gods lawe that bindeth and chardgeth not the conscience Vntil Mr. Gif can doe this he must giue vs leaue not to receiue his curious distinction of lardge and straight yoke outward and inward Wee thincke also his reason somewhat hardlie constrayned when he concludeth because Antichrists yoke is spiritual Therfore onlie inwarde Wee call yt spirituall because yt commeth as also Antichrist himself doth by the effectual worcking of Sathan As also because it is wholly about spiritual and ecclesiastical actions and procedings But shal we therfore say yt is onlie inwarde Might not by these reasons the whole visible Church yt self al the publicke ministration actions and ordinances therof as also euerie person member therof be said only inward because they are al said spiritual Againe it semeth that Mr. G. litle vnderstandeth what an Antichristian yoke is that termeth euerie sinne and disorder arising in the Church an antichristian yoke We confesse the Church may transgresse of negligence or ignorāce yea so suffer such vngodlie presumptuous persons Ministers to abuse their power for a ceason yet this is not willingly to beare or wittingly to receiue anie antichristian yoke neither cease they herevpon to be true Churches whilest they despise not admonitiō neither refuse to repent being reproued Yet this we saie the Church greatlie sinneth in suffring such presumptuous inordinate persons whom they ought to cast out And if so be the Church either want wil and refuse to cast them out being admonished or want power and be not able to cast them out being discouered but it brought in subiection remayneth in bōdage to these guides yt ceaseth in this estate vnto our iudgment to be the true Church of Christ. And nowe to the scriptures Mr. G. bringeth that the true Church may wittingly and willinglie be brought into bondage of some antichristian yoke Ezech. 34. Ierem. 5. 31. Ier. 20. 1. Ioh. 7. 13. Iohn 9. 22. First wee say that these Ministers were by office and caling true Ministers of the Temple but their Ministers by office and calling are not and so no comparison Then we say that these were now so wholly degenerate and apostatate in Iehoiakim and Zedechiahs tymes and the whole state so corrupted and fallen from God into
thinges they wil doe vnto you because they haue not knowen the Father nor me I hope these are no marckes of the true Church not to knowe God nor Christ or to vse such barbarous hostilitie towardes the disciples and faithful seruantes of Christ. If then these marckes this tyrānous vsage the bloode of the Sainctes be founde vpon the Church of England they shal by this glasse and place descrie her to be the malignant persecuting Synagogue and not that persecuted Church consisting of Christes true disciples and faithful seruants witnesses As to his other shoteancker and fundamental vsual place at al assaies 2 Thess. 2. v. 4. from whence he draweth a maine argument from the Church of Rome and of England to proue them both the Churches of God Because it is there said that Antichrist shal sit in the Temple of God And Antichrist sitteth in the Church of Rome and England Therfore the Churches of Rome and of England are the Churches of God I doe refer the reader to the seconde transgression for answeare which place and argument he shal there find lardglie handled and discussed IN the next poincte Mr. G. in his bad conscience finding the litle consequent from ciuile to antichristian bondage quite forgeteth forsaketh tourned the questiō And would now make vs or at least make others belieue that we hold that the Church maie be in no outwarde bōdage wheras we hold yt may not beare Antichristes yoke or be brought into anie antichristian bondage Hauing fullie set downe this opinion as ours he pronounceth vs. Anabaptistes and wondreth how so prowde a spirit could be in rotten flesh so flatlie to contradict the spirit of God in these places Genes 15. Exod. 20. and al the places of the Prophets where the Lorde threatneth that they should be ledd into Babilon be there in bondage To take awaye his wonder though not his follie We giue him againe and againe to vnderstand That we neuer denied but that the Church might be in ciuile bondage in bodilie oppression but neuer might be brought into anie antichristian bondage either lardge or straight outward or inwarde as he distinguisheth And therfore willed him to put difference betwixt ciuile and antichristian bondage betwixt bodilie oppression persecution c and anie ecclesiastical antichristian yoke Wee acknowledge the Church to haue bene in ciuile bondage in great persecution and bodilie oppression in Egipt Babilon But that they were there in anie ecclesiastical bōdage or receiued anie antichristian yoke we vtterlie denie And demande of Mr. G. where he can shew that anie of that faithful there bowed downe to their idolatries receiued anie newe lawes and ordinances at those tyrantes for the worship of God the administratiō and gouernmēt of the Church Or if he can shew that anie did thus whether those persons were by the worde of God to be esteamed members of the Church And as to the place by him alleadged 1 Corinth 7. 21. 22. Art thou caled a bond seruant care not for it For the bond Seruant cal●d in the Lord is the Lordes freeman yt fullie sheweth that difference which we are driuen so often to inculcate vnto him betwixt ciuile and antichristian bondage The one here shewed to be an holie estate and calling no preiudize to the kingdome of God or to the libertie of the Sainctes The other in al those places aboue recited to be contrarie to the kingdome of CHRIST to our christian libertie and faith to be intollerable and not to be borne or suffred of the Church or anie member of CHRIST In as much as Antichrist is an aduersarie an opposite and lawlesse fellowe that lifteth himself vp not onlie against but aboue God shewing himself that he is God 2 Thess. 2. causing al both smale and great riche and poore to receiue his marcke Reuel 13. which marcke we haue declared from sondri places to be bondage and subiection to his statutes and decrees euen as christian libertie is the marcke of the children of the free woman of the heauenlie Ierusalem Which bondage and subiection being the marck of the Beast all the men that receiue the same either vpon their fore-heade or vpon their hād shal drinck of the wyne of the wrath of God of that pure wyne mixt in the cup of his wrath and shalbe tormēted in fire brimstone before the holie Angells before the Lambe and the smoke of their torment shall ascend euermore and they shall haue no rest day nor night which worship the Beast his image and whosoeuer receiueth the prynt of his name Reu. 14. And it followeth immediatlie Here is the patience of the Sainctes here they that keep the commandements of GOD and faith of IESVS Wherevpon we may cōclude that no antichristian yoke not euen in the least things is to be borne or suffred in Christes Church by waye of subiection not for the space of one hower But all thinges rather to be vndergonne then to stoope downe to the Beast to beare his marcke or worship his image BY this tyme Mr. Gif hauing shot off al his newe ordināce to litle purpose retireth himself againe to his old skonce wil by no meanes be driuen from his two places of the Songe Wherbie when he before so missed to proue the Church in anie antichristian bondage he nowe letteth that matter fal and bringeth these places to proue the Church to stand in outwarde bondage Which doctrine thoughe it was neuer by vs denied but that the Church might be in ciuile bodily bōdage yet wee affirme nothing lesse to be proued by these places In the first vvee hope Mr. G. wil not be so grosse to take those vineyardes for locall vineyardes and that setting or putting to keepe them for ciuile or bodilie bondage for besides that nothing could be more grosse or diuers from that heauenlie spirituall argument of Salomon in that songe Soe would CHRIST neuer wil the Church or anie member of the Church to shake off anie lawfull or ciuile yoke in that maner to depart from their earthlie Lords Masters to refuse such lawfull seruice honest labour as they shoulde enioyne them Likewise to the seconde place There may great differēce be put betwixt bondage and persecution or oppression That the Church there was in grieuous persecutiō is euident but that yt was in anie bondage we cānot by that text or anie circumstāce therof perceiue Thus Mr. G. euerie way misseth his marcke and as a giddye droncken man he reeleth from one side to the other Sometimes endeuouring by these places to proue the Church in bondage to some antichristian yoke yet not daring to affirme those vineyardes which her mothers sonnes put her to keepe to be Antichristes vineyardes which if affirme and proue not there is no antichristian yoke to be dreamed on in that place al the strength of his reason or rather delusion lijng in these wordes The Sonnes of my Mother vvere incensed against me they set
me the keper of the vineyardes mie vineyarde that to me I kept not The true interpretation whereof it here booteth not to stande vpon sufficeth that no antichristian yoke or bondage can from this place or from anie one worde therof be drawen and inforced But yet Mr. G. doth herein presse vs vvith these places of the songe in that the faithfull did not here separate themselues from vnder these euil pastors and gouernours as herestickes and schismatickes doe And this he againe proueth by th' example of our Sauiour and his Disciples who did not separate themselues from the high Priestes Scribes and Pharasies so long as the vineyarde was not takē from them c. To which proof he hath in the SECOND TRANSGRESSION his ful answere To these places In the first the Church hath an absolute and direct commandemēt from God himself To goe foorth not to staye in the steps of that flocke to feed her kids aboue the tabernacles of those sheepheardes In the second we can but wonder to see Mr. G. so insensate grosse to imagine that these persecuting watchmen were Ministers or members of the true Church Especiallie seing the two Churches so liuelie in that place described The one malignant persecuting the other the true Church and persecuted Betweene which I weene there is as great a separation as betwixt light and darcknes betwixt hel and heauen Neither did the Church there staye with or was stayed by those watchmen but went to the Daughters of Ierusalem to seek and enquire for Christ much-lesse as this man doteth stayed in their fould in their tentes Or remayned vnder the gouernment and bondage of those persecuting watchmen that openlie opposed against Christ and could not endure that the Church should seek him Neither can anie thing be imagined more false or contrary to the argument of that heauenlie songe then that the Church of Christ may at anie hand beare or stand in anie bondage to the yoke of Antichrist Whose necke Christ adornes with chaynes and she againe her doore postes with garlandes for him Song 1. 9. 6. 13. Vnder whose heade CHRITES left hand alwaies is and his right hande embraceth her Song 2. 6. Song 3. Shee layethe holde of CHRIST and bringethe him into her Mothers house into the chamber of her that conceiued her There also is his bedde set vp muche more glorious then the marriage bedde of Salomon about which bedd sixtie valiant men of the mightie men of Israel are said to stand and guarde all of them handling the sworde expert in warre with his sworde vpon his thinge from the feare by might Song 4. The necke of the Church is likned to the tower of Daniel built for the armorie where a thowsand shieldes doe hange al the targetts of the stronge men And Song 8. Christ saith his vineyard is allwaies wholly before him he chalendgeth and gathereth al the revenues therof himself he diuideth them not nor imparteth th●m to anie other as Salomon or other earthlie Princes are constrayned to doe What part or right then what honor or homage especiallie what bondage is left here to Antichrist But thus they are broken that thus wilfullie of set purpose stumble at the worde as this man doeth YEt procedeth this graceles man furder And is not afraide to affirme That the Church euerie member therof is in some spiritual bondage to sinne and draweth an argument from this position That therfore much more may yt be in some outward bondage to Antichrist This execrable position and argument the holie Bishops and learned Priestes of England are cōtent to let publiquelie passe from their viewe and correction because yt pleadeth for the antichristian vsurpation of the one and the seruile bondage of the other But when this argument shal neuer so litle by the worde of God be skanned yt shalbe found most heretical and blasphemouse For verilie if after our faith in Christ wee be now left in anie bondage to sinne then doth sinne stil liue and raigne in vs and we stil bounde vnto and with yt then hath not Christ fullie freed vs from the curse of the law Death and Hel. Thē was not Christes death a sufficient ransome for neither extēded to al our sinnes neither hath he subdued or set vs free from al our enimies neither haue we as yet anie perfect peace or reconciliation with God And then was his comming vayne then can no flesh be saued therbie then must wee looke for an other redeemer or ells looke for him to come againe to dye for our sinnes that remaine and raigne in vs. For the rewarde of the least sinne is death being a transgression of Gods lawe And if wee be in bondage to sinne then are we not Kinges and Priestes vnto God Is not this a meete Minister of the Gospel that knoweth not yet the worck of our redemption the benefite of Christes death the priueledge of the Sainctes that cannot and will not learne to put difference betwixt the frailtie or pronenes to commit sinne which is in this mortal flesh of all the faithful and that bondage and subiection to sinne which is neuer founde in anie of the faithfull after they haue once trulie acknowledged and embraced Christ Howsoeuer the ministrie of the Church of England may allowe publish these doctrines yet are they most odious execrable to the soule and conscience of all that knowe feare or loue the Lorde IESVS CHRIST NOwe at length we are come to the second proposition of our argument or rather to the fourth TRANSGRESSION wherewith their Church of England is chardged vzt That their Churches are ruled by and wilfully remaine in subiection vnto an antichristian and vngodly gouernment contrarie to the institution of our Sauiour CHRIST This wee shewed in our first writing by the publicke and present estate of the Church of England in their whole ministrie worship administration ordinances ceremonies censures cannons customes Courtes to be antichristian euen the same yoke and gouernment that the Pope sometimes exercised by those his naturall children and vnfaithful seruants the Bishopps who nowe haue gotten this power into their owne handes Most of these if not all haue bene alreadie in this present treatise declared and proued to be idolatrous popish blasphemous false and antichristian wholly swarued from the rules of Christes Testament Anie of these howe M r. G. hath by the worde of God approued let the vnpartial reader iudge This their ecclesiasticall gouernment which nowe is in question he faith is the same in matter though yt varie in forme f●om CHRISTES gouernment Wherof nowe is arisen a great question in their Church Whether that Apostolicke forme of discipline which they prescribed to the Churches should be perpetuall or variable The Reformistes that hold yt perpetuall sue and complaine to the Parliaments for the same Apostolicke forme to be established and to haue this present gouernment of these Bishopps and their false hierarchie with their Courtes and offices
ioyned together with y e actiō by the same aucthoritie neither may by any mortal man be changed or separate from the same So y ● M r. G. his owne cōfession in that their gouernmēt wanteth the true forme for here we reason not of faultes in a true forme but of a diuers false forme is reason enough to shew that it is not that true gouernment which Christ hath instituted And then must yt needes followe to be a false and antichristian gouernment And consequently all that stand vnder yt to stand vnder the yoke of Antichrist and not to haue Christ their kinge gouernour Moreouer the Brownist with whom he hath to doe hath learned doth fully belieue That CHRIST ruleth in his Church by his owne officers and lawes and not by any such popish Officers Courtes and Cānons as these BBs doe in the Church of England All which he hopeth M r. G. will not say to be of the forme of discipline For sure he holdeth a true ministrie and the rules of the Bible to be of such necessitie as the true Church may neuer receiue anie other Ministers or lawes for their administration and gouernment We haue likewise lardglie alreadie proued this whole ministrie administration ordinance and maner of gouernmēt not to be according to the rules of Gods worde but forged popish and false Only in this place we would knowe of M r. G. if the Bishopps and their false Hierarchie Courtes iurisdiction gouernment were of God how thē these learned Reformist Preachers may sue seeke to haue them vtterly remoued out of the church I would not here be vnderstood of their persons wherof might be some colour reason enough but of their offices Courtes iurisdiction gouernment Al which they would haue vtterly abolished taken away which if they were of Christ could not be donne without most heynouse impietie sacriledge without a most grievous woūde mayme in the body of Christ by cutting off such pretious and principal members and officers of Christ and that for euer If those BB s their accomplices Courtes and gouernment were of Christ then are these Reformistes which sue and labour to haue them remoued and abolished most dangerous and pestilent seducers that perswade the Prince and realme to doe this violence to the bodie of Christ his Church to reiect the holy gouernmēt and ministrie of Christ which who so despiceth or putteth away despiceth putteth away Christ himself and so perswad and drawe they their Prince and the whole land into the assuted wrath and vengeance of God ●ut nowe on the contrarie if these Bishops officers courtes gouernmēt be not of Christ then belong they not vnto neither haue anie thing to doe or to intermeddle with the ministrie or gouernmēt or anie action of the Church of Christ. How great then on the other side is the perfidie apostasie of these Reformistes that knewe and pronounced in open Parliament that they were not of God and sought to haue them vtterlie remoued Yet now for filthie lucre for feare of persecution subscribe sweare and submit to their antichristian Hierarchie power courtes iurisdiction to al the detestable enormities that flowe from their throne That diriue their ministrie from exercise yt vnder them yea that exercise their ministrie keep the whole land vnder their yoke and so in the knowē wrath of God How odious is the hypocrisie apostasie of this graceles ma● that somtymes knewe stood against these enormities yet now as a withered fruictlesse tree twice deade plucked vp by the rootes is fallē apostatat from al faith light sauoure consciēce feeling as that starre wormewood that poysoneth maketh bitter deadly al the waters he faleth into now pleading fighting for that apostatical throne of iniquitie terming that nowe the gouernment power of Christ in matter and effect which he himself Page 56. 58. of his booke cōfesseth not to binde in heauē not to be iust as in respect of them that doe excōmunicate c colouring al the abominations that flowe from this throne and al the controuersies about their gouernment with a diuers outward forme I hope he wil admit the Testamēt ministrie of Christ to be of the matter substāce And thē shall his halting on both sides double dissimulatiō appeare to al mē that durst not set downe so much as the cōtrouersie amongst thēselues trulie which yet T. C. his Lord of VVinchester dealt more rowndly in flatlie denijng the Apostolick discipline to be either perpetual or necessarie but especially elections excōmunication c by the people to be either expedient or tollerable bringing sondrie fleshly reasons politicke incōueniences impedimēts to the contrarie the refutation of whose blasphemies belōgeth to an other place But this mā thincking to keepe in with both sides setteth downe the controuersie to be onlie about the forme not about the matter of discipline although the Bishops abash not in playne wordes to the veiwe of the world to the face of Christ to denie the verie matter yt self As both sides also doe in deedes effect whilest they acknowledg that Christ hath giuen vnto his Church the power of elections censures yet both of them withdraw this whole power frō the Church The one into their sequestred Synodes the other into their popish Courtes If so be this power wilbe graūted to be of the matter of discipline But this questiō is soone put to an end whilest the Bishops denie the Apostolick discipline yt self as tollerable in the common wealth and flatlie denie Christ to reigne ouer them or ouer this Church by his owne officers lawes And therfore except he wil giue their persons accōplices and trayne an immunitie from al ecclesiastical censures not to be subiect for anie transgressiō or error to the reproof or power of the Church yea except he wil resigne his right into their handes and giue them leaue to reigne rule ouer al the Churches in this lād and that by their owne officers courtes cānons constitutions iniunctions c he is no Kinge or Christ for them Nay if he wil not bowe downe to al these and take their yoke vpō him he is no subiect for them he may not buy and sell nor liue in this market in this Church Which Officers Courtes Cannons c if Mr. G. had proued to haue bene of the matter of Christes discipline for of the forme we wil al graunt him they are not and had approued iustified them by the worde of God then had he some colour to aske this question whether some faultes in their discipline should make yt antichristian But seing these Bishopps their Courtes Officers Cannons c were by vs affirmed vnto him to haue no foundatiō or mention in Gods worde no place nor vse in Christs Church but to be contrarie to the one most preiudicial dāgerous to the other And
continueth in this estate a true established visible church within y e outward Couenāt of God so far as we may ought to iudge by his worde thē doubtlesse for mie part I wil graunt yt a sounde Maior proposition And if he shal bring the church of Rome for instance in the Minor I must then yeild to his argumēt Because y● church at Rome was sometimes rightly gathered established and within the couenant Yet euen then I suppose yt wil be harde for him to make the like assured proof that euer her daughter of England was rightly established into that christiā order within the couenant But I doubt rather and by her present estate iudge that she was among the childrē of her Mothers fornications and therfore without the Couenant To the second reason it will also hardly followe that because some faithful men haue bene called to some generall knowledge of God and of Christ in this estate and because they in their ignorance cotynued in the same estate that this should therfore iustifie the outward estate of the Church which the worde of God condemneth or prooue yt in this estate the true established Church of Christ when they haue nothing aright according to Christes ordinance as we haue prooued in this treatise whether I refer for a more ful answeare of these reasons hasting to the second poyncte Wherein I before shewed how God commandeth al his faithful seruantes of what estate or degree soeuer to flee out of Babilon the false Church and being escaped not to stand still to remember the Lord a far off to let Ierusalem come into their minde to goe vp to SION to seeke out and to repaire vnto the place where God hath put his name To seek the Church and the kingdome of CHRIST to take his yoke vpon them to assemble together in his name with his promise of direction and protection and with his authoritie to establish his offices and ordinances amongst them giuen by him to the ministrie and gouernmēt of his Church vnto the worldes end there to leade their liues together in all mutuall duties in his holie order faith and feare Now as we shewed all perticular and priuate men whosoeuer to be called out of the false Church from confusion and out of the world from dispersion vnto the true Church vnto order So likewise shewed we that all these faithfull persons whosoeuer were as yet but priuate men at their first comming out of the false Church and gathering together none of them being as yet called to anie ecclesiasticall office or function in the Church yt not being as yet established into order Wherevpon we concluded and still of necessitie enforce That seing God calleth all his seruantes out of confusion and will not haue them liue in dissipation or disorder but only in this order which he hath prescribed in his worde And hath giuen his Church aucthoritie and commandement to erect retaine and obserue this order vnto the worldes end And seeing in this estate the Church now consisteth but of priuate men That therfore the faithfull being as yet but priuate men ought by the commandement of God to assemble ioyne themselues together in the name faith of Christ and in all mutual dueties orderly to proceede according to the rules of the worde to a holy choice vse of such offices ordinances as Christ hath ordayned to the seruice gouernment of his Church And sure were not Mr. G. as forgeatful as he is ignorāt of the scriptures he could not but haue seene by the verie phrase the first proposition confirmed by many scriptures The secōd by many prophecies of this general defection and if not verified in these present tymes yet he cannot denie but some former not long sithence Therefore whilest he fighteth with the conclusiō he but spurneth against the prickes bewraieth the folly of his owne heart and no waye auoydeth or defendeth the daunger therebie His best answeare to this reason or rather manie reasons summed vp is as he thinketh to tourne it away by two questions and by manifold contumelies against our poore persons or to say as yt is by inaudible blasphemies against the Church of God likening the assemblie of the faithful gathered in the name and ioyned together in the faith of Christ proceding to th'establishing and exercise of Christes or dinances to the rebellious company of Corath Dathan Abyram to a rowte of mutynous prentices assembled without leaue of their Prince to chuse a Lorde Maior c. His first question is That if all were priuate at the first comming out of the false Church who they were that caled them together Or whether their cōming together doth make them otherwise then priuate We answeare that for anie thing we can see or may iudge by the word they were but priuate men that first caled them out of the false Church and that caused them to assemble together howsoeuer peraduenture indued with more excellent giftes and more rare graces then other Furder that being thus assembled they ceased not to be priuate men vntil they were lawfully caled vnto some true ecclesiastical office in and by the Church Yet al this notwithstanding the Church in this estate nowe consisting onlie of priuate men ought to procede to a right choice of Ministers c according to the commandement of God His next stombling-block or question is VVho should ordaine these Pastors Elders And whether we euer read of any ordained but by Apostles Euangelistes Pastors Teachers and Gouernours And vvhether that power vvas not at the first deriued from th'extraordinarie Ministers to the Ordinarie To this we haue aboue answered where wee entreated of the ordination of the Ministers of England and here againe doe answere That the Church had alwaies the power to chuse and ordaine their owne Ministers wherevnto yt ought to vse the most fit instruments whether these Pastors Teachers Elders if such be to be had or ells where they be not to be had to vse the fittest meanes and instrumentes that God exhibiteth For this power of ordination is not as Mr. G. and the vnruly cleargie of these dayes suppose deriued from the Apostles Euangelistes vnto the permanent ministrie of Pastors and Elders neither belongeth yt by anie peculiar right to their offices and persons segregate from the Church But yt is giuen by Christ and properlie belongeth vnto the Church wherevnto their Ministrie and persons also belonge and are by the Church to be vsed vnto this worck as occasion is administred And thus if a vaile were not laid ouer Mr. G. his heart at the reading of the scriptures he might finde that those cheife builders the Apostles Euāgelistes themselues vsed this power not to take yt from the Church but therein to assist the Church As we reade Act. 13. Where the Church being assembled vnto fasting prayer and other holy exercises yt is there said also that they layde handes vpon the Apostles and sent them
established church vizt such as are in captiuitie sicknes age or in such times place as they knowe not where to finde one day of the Sonne of man He might aswell conclude that because God is able doth saue some in the false Church Therfore priuate mē ought not to forsake the false Church God is able to saue some in dispertion out of the established Church Therfore priuate men ought not to seek the established Church THe last greatest matter is that we runne before the Princes commandement whose dutie it is to reforme Churches Priuate men might not so much as sweepe them much-lesse build them For this is to erect a state gouernmēt because the power of the Church is both publicke greate We haue aboue shewed that y e Church hath Gods cōmandement authoritie alwaies to erect Christes ministri gouernment amongst them That the Church in this estate consisteth only of of priuate men neither are there anie true Ministers anie where to be found vpon the earth neither any extraordinarie Ministers to be looked for seing they are long since ceased Therfore the Church in this estate consisting only of priuate men ought to erect this ministerie and gouernment ells should they also cease and neuer be had againe vpon the earth and so should there neuer be any established Church ministrie Sacramentes c agayne in this world yet here must be noted by the way that Mr. G. runneth too much vpō and wresteth too far these wordes priuate men when we speake of the Church consisting only of priuate men Now vnto his crimination the Church hauing this cōmandement aucthoritie giuen of God vnto the worldes end we before shewed him that no Prince might take it away or without great wronge hinder them from the performance hereof yea that the seruantes of God ought not to be staied from doing the cōmandements of God vpon anie restrainte or persecution of any mortall man whosoeuer For this we alleadged the examples and practize of the Apostles who then had bene guiltie of the same disobedience rebellion if Princes in this busines had bene to be stayed for or their restrainte had bene a sufficent let yea that persecution and the crosse of Christ were vtterly abolished if the Church and faithfull were not to proceede in their dueties vntill Princes giue leaue We shewed also that the obedience and practize of Gods will was no disobedience or prei●dize to the Prince That we attempted nothing beyonde our calling neither transgressed in our calling We medled not with the reformation of anie publick abuse either in the common wealth or in their Church otherwise then by prayers vnto God and godly exhortation We only according vnto Gods commandement refrained from their idolatrie and other publicke euils and assembled together in all holy and peaceable maner to worship the Lord our God and to ioyne our selues together in the faith vnto mutual duties This we shewed to be the duetie of euerie priuate man that would be saued to leaue the false Church and to seeke the true Church And being thus assembled ioyned in the faith we shewed it to be their dutie together to seeke that ministrie and gouernment which Christ hath left vnto his Church and for the Church to erect the same VNto the Apostles proceeding without the licence of Princes he maketh a double answere One in respect of the persons of the Apostles that they were furnished with a special cōmission and authoritie from CHRIST himself to set vp his kingdome which commission and power the Pastors and Teachers successiuely receiued deliuered ouer to others so that priuate men may not haue this power The other in respect of those Princes in the Apostles tyme which were all heathen and therfore it had bene bootlesse to sue to them But where there is a christian Prince that holdeth the fundamentall poynctes of the christian faith though otherwise this christian Prince doe erre in some matters of doctrine or touching the rules of discipline euerie godly priuate man is to keepe a good conscience not breaking the vnitie and peace of the Church But not to take publicke authoritie to reforme THese instances of the persons of the Apostles and Princes as they are litle to the purpose so doe they him as litle good If the commandement of God were sufficient warrant to the Apostles to doe their worke though al the Princes of the world resisted then must the commandement of the same God be of the same effect to all other instrumentes whom it pleaseth the Lorde to vse in their callings to his seruice also though all the Princes in the world should withstand and forbid the same For neither dignitie of the persons that are vsed make the commandement of God of more authoritie or necessitie to be donne neither yet the greatnes or the goodnes of the persons that withstand this commandement of God make yt of lesse authoritie or necessitie Onlie let the seruantes of God be sure to haue the commaundement and calling of their God for that they doe and then they neede not feare the Powers that are placed of of God for the praise and not for the punishment of the good Our question then is not whether priuate men may doe that which is not their dutie to which they haue no commanndement as this accuser surmizeth to bring vs into danger and hatred But whether they may not doe that which God commanndeth them within the limites of their caling As to for●ake idolatrie and the false Church to seke the true worship of God in the true Church though all the Princes of the world whether belieuers or infidels should forbid the same And this we affirme to be the duetie of euerie perticular person whosoeuer forbid We say not now that priuate men may reforme the false Church abolish publick idolatrie or depose a false ministrie that the Kinge setteth vpp This were to breake the boundess of their calling to intrude vpon the Princes office and great cause had they then to feare for he beareth not the sworde in vayne Againe our question is not whether it is the office and dutie of Princes to see abuses reformed both in the Church and common Wealth which we thinck no man to be so ignorant or barbarous to denie except the Anabaptistes But vvhether the Church ought not now amongst themselues freely to practize CHRISTS Testament either in erecting his officers and ordinances or in reforming or correcting anie fault or abuse that ariseth amongst them vvithout staying for the Princes licence yea though the Prince should vpon the paynes of death forbid This we affirme to be the dutie of euerie perticular Congregation CHRIST hauing therfore giuen vnto each and all of them his sacred power and aucthoritie to binde and to loose in earth and to doe all thinges whatsoeuer he hath commaunded them vvith promise to be with them vnto the end of the world He hath giuen them the
saith it is Christs ordinance that an holie assemblie should iudge in such cases Howe will this agree with the office of your Arch-Bishop Further as a mā ignorant in the scriptures he would haue the people excluded in their Synods The holye Ghost setteth before vs another order Acts. 15. And for a christian trial of our cause wee haue euerie way sought it by supplication and all maner of wayes but could neuer obteine it But your whole broode haue not only refused it and shewed al exquisit tyrannie vpon our bodies so farr as they had powre by close emprisonment rending vs from our trades and families and al ordinary meanes of liuehood but set their Priestes eueriwhere to crye out in their pulpits gyuing out lyes and sclanders openly secretly in Articles in printed Bookes in priuate complaints and false suggestions wherin M r. Giffard hath not bene behinde yet neuer vouchsafed vs free conference nor haue or can conuince vs of crime or error maintayned by vs. In whom then is this furor dolus tumultus now found but in these godlesse Priestes that cānot abide the light because their workes are euill HE procedeth now to shew what tryalls were granted the Donatists before the Emperour and by his apointment Wherein there wil be found litle consimilitude betwene our estate and theirs for these Antichristā Bishops vsurpe such powre as the magistrate may not cal their actions into question shutting vp the benefit of the common lawe against vs suffring no Iurie to passe vpon those they murther in pryson nor no bayle for anie they commyt I meru●l you could set forth these ●rialls alowed the Donatistes without blushīng and make such hauock amongst Gods children now without anie trial granted them Further it is rehersed how these men the Numidian Bishopps and their companie condemned all Churches through the worlde as wrapped together in the guyltines of those Churches of Africa al polluted al vncleane al fallen from the Couenant of God through such as had committed sacriledge and were not separated They said there was no true ministerie no true Church no true sacramentes To which wee answere that wee are not to pleade the Donatistes cause but setting their persons and causes aside I trust it will be granted me that the def●ctiō Apostasie vnder Antichrist was generall in which defection you wil stil remaine in obstinate confusiō not only retayning that ministerie worship lawes offices c but reiecting Christs prescribed and for euer commanded in his Testament which your ministerie lawes worship gouernmēt we are able to prone false Antichristian So that there is no consimilitude in the Donatistes separation and ours in this poinct their matter being about sinnes cōmitted in the Church where there was lawful office worship gouernment as they did not denie and our cause being about the not hauing of a Church gathered vnto CHRIST from the Apostasie from all them that remaine vnder that Apostatical ministerie gouernment and worship and in that confusion we haue warrant to separate Reuel 18. 3. 4. Now to the poinct These Numidian Bishops taught that so manie as would saue their soules must separate themselues M r. GIFFARD wil graunt I doubt not that if there were no true Church true ministerie nor no true sacramentes it was tyme to come out from amongst them and haue no cōmunion with the tables of Diuells as the Apostle reasoneth 1 Corint 10. If the Donatistes separated from the true Church we do not so but we separate according to Gods cōmandement from the false Church false ministerie worship and Sacramentes Proue your Church therfore a true Church or our separation is iust and holy and the only way to saluation In the meane tyme let the Papist reason thus with you You separate from our Church therfore you are Schismaticks Donatistes Heretickes If M r. GIFFARD say no we hold you the true Church to haue the seales of the Couenant to hold many doctrines of faith to be the Temple of God then we may lawfully hold you still Daughters of that damnable harlot murderesse of the Saintes so often accursed in whose cupp of fornication you are dru●ken If he say separation from the false Church is a commandement of God and that they haue made a kinde of separation then all are not Donatistes that make a separation but the cause must be considered from whome for which in what maner and to what we separate or ioyne Where he alledgeth that Augustine thought it an vnequall thing to condemne as they did at the first all the world for one mans sinne namely for the sinne of this Caecilianus and they therevpon tooke on hand to affirme that as the Church of Carthage and the Churches elswhere in Africa were fallen from God by the pollution of the sacriledge of Caecilianus and others so all other Churches in the world were destroyed by the like sacriledges committed in the dayes of persecution There is litle consimilitude betwene the Dona●●stes and vs therein For we separated not at the first for one mans sinne neither do since condemne the Churches we know not but for the whole ministerie of CHRISTS Testament worship lawes and ordinances which you reiect deface and peruert standing subiect vnto administring in the Apostaticall orders and offices of Antichrist do wee separate But to answere your perticulars as you haue filled the printe with rayling lying and vnfrui●tfull and impertinent matters were but to trouble the Reader and maintaine strife You bring a storie of their comparison betwene Caecilianus Iudas-Iscariot whether should be greater sinner a repetition of Caluines Institutions histories out of Augustine Tertu●lan c which your labour as yttendeth but to a shadowe of defence of your rayling so I will leaue their writings and you to the iudgment seate of God where euerie one must answere for himself and breiflie proceed to your perticular accusations falsly fathered vpon vs most of them THus we see saith he that the Donatistes departed disorderly out of the Church not condemning yt for anie poincte of doctrine for therein they did not disagree Herein then we cannot be compared till you haue prooued your parish assemblies the true Church and we holde that you haue poysoned all the fountaines of sincere doctrine and peruert the whole Testament and turne away the practize thereof by your damnable false expositions yea that you teach not one poincte sincerely Againe where you say afterward that you will affirme the worship in the Churches from which the Donatistes separated as corrupt as yours and here say they agreed in all poinctes of doctrine we wonder what your make your worship to be some things indifferent as reading for prayer mens writings for scriptures homilies for interpretation but no doctrine conteined in your worship And where you affirme that the Donatistes cryed out all was polluted because such as reuolted from the faith in time of persecution returned and were againe reco●●ed into the Church you know we hold
betwene the Donatistes cause ours I would if he would forbeare to conclude me a Donatist for this poinct demaund this question in their cause if their accusation had bene true Namely whether one that hath professed the faith and after so foully apostatat as to accuse his bretheren denie the faith persecute the truth he sometimes professed may without repentance be receiued into the Church againe Then whether though he repent and be receiued he be euer capable of the ministerie or no. Then whether he alone may ordaine an other Minister or no if hee do whether the other be a lawful Minister or no. But in such cases in the Churche I could like well to here some man to perswade to repentance or to cast out the obstinat by due order and neither Augustine nor Angell from heauē to plead for a tolleration of open transgression which pleading for sinne maketh vs suspect the matter verie deeply iustifijng neither Their similitudes the riuer from the fountaine the members the head the stock and the plant in their application wee approue not but hold the doctrine erronious that they thought anie thing could be ordeyned from the person of the man in that sort But your discent from Antichrist and pedegree in that kingedome is an other thing if you would please to conceiue it namely that your office names liuinges entrāce administration c is of the Pope of Satan and that whē his kingdome shalbe abolished your office name entrance Vicarage leitourgie and all shalbe cast with the great milstone vpon them with all such trafique into the bottome of the sea Herevpon it is we say your discent is from the Pope within few degrees being the childrē of these Antichristian Bishops which are the creatures of the Pope who is the eldest sonne of Sathā and his vicar generall vpon earth whose image marke power and life you beare and together with him lyue reigne stand and fall as the branches with the tree for when the power decrees gouernment offices worship c of Antichrist is gone all your ministerie is vanished for euer The Lorde therfore put in her Ma ties heart to extirpate the same and to aduāce CHRISTS lawes ordinances ministerie worship c as he is worthie that euery knee may bowe vnto him But Mr. Giffard affirmeth we shal not be able to proue our accusation of their Ministerie that yt is by discent from Antichrist his reason is ther is no Minister in England by the Pope c. We shal not here need to seek out a Pope in England If hee will learne to distinguish betwene the Popes person and his decrees Canons orders after the Popes orders of priesthood he must be driuen to confesse their whole ministerie office entrance c to be drawen by discent and wee thinck Mr. Giff. will not hang the life and vertue of holy thinges vpon mens persons but vpon the ordinances of God lest he be a Donatist Hee further affirmeth the ministerie of publishing the Gospel delyvering the sacramentes is not the deuise of man but Christs ordinance Do you thinke Mr. Giff. can begg the question to affirme a Ministerie whose office entrance c is of Antichrist doth publish the Gospel Againe that they receiue yt as Christs Ministery when it is from point to point wholly found to be after the orders of Antichrist And when no shift wil help him out he is faine to affirme valiantly that the ministery was not vtterly destroyed in popery for there remained the Sacrament of Baptisme See here how he hath plunged himself into the sea of poperie and ouertumbled y e doctrines of his learned Fathers T. Co. saith from Malachie that the ministerie is not tyed to the succession of mens persons but to the law ordinances and what ministery the Popes is reade Reuel 9. c. You charge her Ma tie verie far to haue cast out y e true ministeri out of the lād for putting our Pope Cardinal shauē crowned Priest Fryer Monke Abbot And if y e Baptisme could not be a true Sacramēt without a lawful Minister then your ministerie being vnlawful ther is no seale w t promise no true church c. Seeing then the holy Ghost hath described that Church to be the Harlot sitting vpon many waters the mother of fornications confused Babel murderesse of the Saintes an holde of vncleane spirits and a cage of euerie vncleane and hatefull birde neither ministerie Sacramentes worship or anie thing remayneth there according to Gods ordinance and at the best you make your self this whole land Scismaticks from the true Church Ministeri Sacramentes if it so stand with the Church of Rome ministeri therof and of necessitie you are al Donatistes by your reasoning though my purpose is not to defend and proue in this discourse but to call a fewe notes to your memorie I will conclude this point that you are driuen to the Popes ministerie for your orders now desiring you to satisfie vs next time concerning the Popes damnable masse or Sacrament of the Altar if they be true Ministers whether the Church cā haue one Sacrament good and in other euil one with promise the other damnable blasphemous and accursed for I take it they cannot be true Ministers at the Font and sacriledgious massmongers at the Altar Weigh these things more cōsideratly before you publish such doctrines in England againe To the Sacramentes THe Donatistes did hold that the Sacramentes or efficacie of them depend vpon the worthines and holynes of the mā that administreth But the Brownistes are not of that minde To this obiection hee verie charitablie answereth that in this great ranke point of donatisme hee can finde no difference at all Let the wordes and meaning of both be skanned and it shall appeare manifestly that they hold the self same thing neither more nor lesse but like euen bretheren or ells Mr. Giffard wil be found a common lyer and sclanderer This mā may not be suspected of anie malitious practise to deface the truth yet is found to make his comparison by his false sclanders and not of anie direct sentence of ours What sinne hee is fallen into that so often dirideth the word bretheren let the godly consider The Donatistes held that if the man being a lawful Minister were a sinner the Sacrament delyuered by him was no true Sacramēt Mr. Giffard confesseth we hold no such thing where is then the consimilitude The Donatistes held that the faith or conscience of the gyuer did giue faith vnto purge make cleane the conscience of the receiuer and so of the contrarie the guyltines which doctrine we holde to be blasphemous it is only y e holy Ghost that worketh faith and purgeth from an euil conscience The Donatistes held that if he which did administer were an open sinner he was no Minister and so no Sacrament We do not hold that euery opē sinne maketh the Minister no Minister seing the high Priest manie times sinned vnder
ROME and yet keepe their gouernment worship therfore the Church of England are Schismamatickes and Donatistes and an other poinct that ther can be no true Sacramentes no true Church vnder a false gouernment And Mr. GIFFARD is yet further out of his way To the Argument of manie Churches HE granting that we herein differ from the Donatistes in that they condemne all Churches in the world we do not will needes notwithstanding haue vs Donatistes in this poinct also For saith he though they shoote not their arrowes at them yet their arrowes strike them their Argumentes vpon consequence will reach so far yea runne thorough the sides of all Churches This we answere you must first cleare your selues of those thinges wherwith you are chardged and pressed and trouble not your self with other mens matters seing you make this but a cloke for your wickendnes to shrowde your self vnder other mēs persons with whome we haue not to deale We vtterly refuse to enter into this controuersie of the estate of other Contries we know the word of God is neere vs thankes be to God by which if your cause be good suffer it to be tryed As for the consequence of our Argumentes they are but your owne collections to passe ouer your owne sinnes and sett the strife betwene vs and other Churches which we wil not be drawen vnto And all men may here behold this sower of wordes and strife maker will counterfeit not only consequence but Argumentes of his owne head to raise quarrell In all which he hath forgotten his promise to compare our writinges and theirs together and flyeth to his owne collection In this part of his stage-play he beginneth thus The Church of ENGLAND is esteemed reuerenced emongst the Churches as a sister and so cōmunicated with yet they all know what her faultes be in her assemblies in her worship in her ministerie gouernment in asmuch as they are apparant Vnto the first we suppose your worship ministerie Church gouernment are not so apparant vnto them as you gyue out Secondly we doubt yea I may say it is vntrue that they iustifie your ministerie worship or gouernment Thirdly admit they should thus sinne either of ignorance negligence or infirmitie standing otherwise orderly gathered to the practize of CHRISTES ordinances they are not for this sinne till after due convincement and admonition they remaine obstinat to be presently iudged no Churches But what I thinke of their estate you shall here pardon me I wil not intermedle till I be called As for your harmonie of Confessions if it be not the harmonie of the Prophets CHRIST and his Apostles it skilleth nothing vs what cōsent you make Againe it is not an accord in certeine general Articles that can satisfie this matter when in the perticulars you discent to the ouerthrow of al Such an harmonie you may very wel make with your mother Church of ROME and a great deale more large Neither do their Confessions agree with you in the estate of the ministeri Church gouernment nor worship Scotland Geneua France c haue an other ministerie offices choise ordination and ministration an other gouernment worship but it were too large to discusse And now hold to your Argument and see what wil follow The Church of ROME haue the same confession of faith which you call your Apostolick Crede that you haue yea the Lordes prayer as you cal it Athanasius Crede c therfore they and you agreeing in this harmonie of confession are one body one Church Againe these Churches you say hold you the Church of God and you hold the Church of ROME to be the Church of God therfore you are one body al and then you al the Churches Schismatickes from your mother Church If the Church of ENGLAND be Antichristian idolatrous and worship the Beast c then the Churches which perfectly know the same and yet acknowledg her a sister are partakers of her sinne and so to be condemned with her The same Argument we thus returne you If the Church of ROME be Antichristian idolatrous worship the Beast thē the Church of ENGLAND which perfectly knoweth the same yet acknowledgeth her a sister as Mr. GIFFARD doth say is partaker with her sinnes and so to be condemned with her Al those Churches saith he which know the Church of ENGLAND in this estate do yet reuerence her as a true Church of CHRIST do cōdempne those as heretical Schismatickes which cal yt Antichristian separat themselues from yt We answere that all those Churches he speaketh of do not approue the church of ENGLAND in this estate neither condempne vs in the thinges we withstand therein and receiue it againe thus At the first cōming out of papacie all the Churches in the world did approue the Church of ROME and condempne those as heretical Schismatickes which caled it Antichristiā separated from yt Let Mr. Giffard put to what conclusiō he wil. I take it Mr. Giff. must now leaue the bare title of Church ministerie c and flee to the proofe of their profession orderly walking by the word of God which if he do not yet do we buyld therevpon as vpon a most sure foundation As to Mr. CALVINE we refer you to his confession of faith printed in the latter end of his owne Catechisme and if he be cōtrarie to himself in his other writinges look you vnto it we do not for the holynes of the man iustifie anie of his errours as no man is without neither for his errors reiect any truth he held knowing of the one God hath had mercy as we hope and for the other Gods word approueth it so that we beleiue not any thing because such a man said so but because by the word Spirit we heare CHRIST himself speak And you do greatly abuse his writinges in vsing them after your owne ●ense in his name contrarie to his minde and purpose and by your leaue wrasting them to your owne iudgment deceiuing others therby In his confession he affirmeth ther is no true Sacrament with promise as I do remember but where the Minister hath a lawfull office and outward calling to administer so that all his Argumentes must be vnderstood of such a Church as haue a lawful ministerie in office entrance and administration and cannot be applyed to yours Moreouer he reasoned against the Anabaptistes and such as held an integritie and perfection in the Church and separated for euerie sinne cōmitted without due seeking of redresse And if he erred in these or anie other doctrines we do not therfore hold them presently to be no Church in which he was Minister or which did in like ignorance receiue the said doctrines it is obstinacie in error that only deserueth casting off and that by due order As for most of your places expoūded by his mouth now receiued by you to maintaine open sinne to cōmunicate with the open knowne transgressours they are so cōmon
nations that were gathered togither by the false Prophet into battell against Christ his armie how he should smite the heathē with the sharpe sword that issueth out of his mouth rule them with a rod of yron and tread thē in the wine-presse of his fierce wrath how he should giue the flesh of all this people with their Kinges Capitanes and mightie men as a praye to the fowles the vncleane spirites and how he should take the Beast and with him the false Prophet that wrought signes before him wherein he deceiued them that receiued the Beastes marck and worshipped his Image and cast these both aliue into that lake of fire burning in brimstone Who now if not such to whome the scriptures are hidden and this Booke sealed could in this generall falling away from the gospel this generall departure of the true established Churches out of the inhabited this vniuersall corruption confusion of all estates degrees persons callings actions both in the Church commune welth in this estate in this defection seeke for or pleade for a true visible established Church the true ministerie of the gospel true worship ministration sacraments gouernment order Or who that were not droncke and had all their senses bound intoxicate with the whores cuppe could affirme this cōfuse Babel these cages of vncleane birdes these prisons of foule hatefull spirits to be the Spouse of Christ the cōgregatiōs of the Sainctes the true established and rightly ordered Churches of Christ Is it likely that these men haue as yet read the whores misterie written in her forehead or as yet know what belongeth to the true established Church worship administration sacraments ordinances gouernment of Christ though they haue in his Testament which is dayly read amongest them an exact absolute parterne of al these things before their eies And haue not in their Churches anie one thing in their practise and proceedings not one pinne naile or hooke according to the true patterne Yea though they heare the trompets of the Lord blowen against them though they see the viallz of the Lords wrath powred vpon them and all their doings yet stop they their eares wincke with their eies lest they should see with their eies and heare with theire eares and vnderstand with their heartes and be conuerted healed And therfore are so farr from finding place to repentance that they opē their mouthes into blasphemie and railings especially these men that haue the marcke of the Beaste vpon whome that euill malignant sore is fallen as you dayly see and heare in their bookes pulpets And how well these gouernours mariners merchantmen and all that trafique on this sea can endure the borning of these their pleasant gainefull wares how they waile howle and crye out when this heauenly fire is cast out into their shippes Let the behauiour of these Bishopps their hierarchie and Priestes towards the seruants of God that speak against their Antichristiā proceadings shew and how they bestir them to quench the burning of the harlot smiting rending Christs poore witnesses with tongue tooth and naile casting out of their mouthes a flood of raylings reproches sclanders criminations against thē of poysoned bitters waters corrupt doctrines blasphemous opinions vnsufferable peruerting abusing the scriptures to hide tollerat or defend the antichristian forgeries abhominations disorder enormities of their Church ministrie that are discouered condempned by the word of God in the mouthes of vs his simple witnesses Of this sort amongst manie other such like are two bookes notoriously infamous lately published by one George Giffard a Priest of their orders against certeine christians whome he calleth Brownists Donatiste In the one of these Bookes he laboureth to defend cleare the parish assemblies of the Church of England of such heinous crimes as the said christians obiect against them and forsake them for witnessing suffring in bandes persecution against the same vnder the handes of those popish Prelats Romish Priestes In the other Booke he indeuoreth to recouer the blame he iustly suffred in the first for reproching sclandering blaspheming accusing these faithfull and innocent christians applijng himself to proue them Donatists by comparing together them from poinct to poinct Both which Bookes are here answered and now at length published to the pervsing iudgment of al men Where they shal see how well he hath delyuered and acquitted their Church in the first As also how iustly he hath proued his charges accusations and blasphemies in the first second The ●ower principall transgressions wherwith we charge and for which we forsake these parish assemblies Namely the prophanenes wickednes confusion of the people which are here receiued reteined nourished as members The vnlawfullnes of their whole ministrie which is imposed vpon them reteined mainteined by them The superstition idolatrie of their publique worship in that deuised Leitourgie which is imposed vpon them And the forgerie of their antichristian ecclesiasticall gouernment to which al their Churches stand subiect are such and so apparant as not only proue these parish assemblies not to be true established Churches of Christ But if it were admitted which can neuer be proued that they somtimes had bene true established Churches yet these transgressions obstinatly stood in and defended are sufficient causes of our seperation from them in this degenerate estate For where such prophane cōfuse multit●des without anie exception seperatiō or choice were all of them immediatly from publique idolatrie at one instant receiued or rather compelled to be members of this Church in some Parish or other where they inhabited without anie due calling to the faith by the preaching of the gospel going before or orderly ioyning togither in the faith there being no voluntarie or perticular confession of their owne faith and duties made or required of anie and last of all no holy walking in the faith found amongst them Who can say that these Churches consisting of this people were euer rightly gathered or built according to the rules of Christs Testament Or who can say that this people in this estate are the communion of Sainctes Or who without sacrilege in this estate can administer the holy things of God vnto or in the same communicate with this people Likewise where these parishes haue a false antichristian ministerie imposed vpō them who can say that they are the true established Churches of Christ to the building ministerie wherof Christ hath ordeined instituted and prescribed a certaine ministrie vnto the worldes end Or who without sacrilege may ioyne vnto or communicate with a false antichristian ministrie Christ also hath gyuen vnto his Church perpetuall and alsufficient rules in his holy word for the whole administratiō gouernmēt of his established churches to which they are bound wherby they ought to buyld proceede and walke Those Churches then that receiue an other Leitourgie an other foundation other rules for their
THIS Article you first alowe and after restreyne to we wot not what limits of calling But if you grant it the dutie of euerie true Christian to seek to establish obey the ordinances lawes of Christ left in his Testament to the gouerning of his Church without altering c it is as much as we indeuour or purpose Otherwise we allowe not that which the law of God condempneth either intrusion without lawfull calling either transgression in calling or presumption aboue calling Our purpose is not to medle with the reformation of the state otherwise then by our prayers vnto God and refreining from al things that are cōtrarie to Gods lawe Neither indeuour we to reforme your Babilonish deformities or to repaire the ruines of Hierico or dawbe the wall of A●tichrist with you This trash we know to be deuote to execratiō by the Lords owne irreuocable sentence and therfore we leaue the reformation of them to the Lords visitation in iudgment holding it our dutie without al delay to obey the voice of God which calleth vs out of all places where he is not truly worshipped according to his word where his lawes are wilfully broken Antichrists lawes obeyed And this to be the commandement of God in the law by his Prophets Christ himself and his Apostles is euerie where in the scripture manifest without exception of person or restreint of calling euen vnto euerie one that wilbe saued In the rest whatsoeuer you surmise of vs we arrogat no swelling titles we are as we professe to be simple hearted Christians which seek to worship and obey Christ as our only King Priest and Prophet And to our Prince we are humble obediēt subiects in all things which are not repugnant to Gods lawes IF a man hath the truth it is good to stand vnto yt to the death rather then denie yt as our Church in the same estate it is in now yeilded many blessed cōstant Martirs But if a man hath not the truth it is a great obstinacie to die for yt as sondrie Anabaptists and other hereticks haue shewed Euerie true Christian will rather die then denie the discipline which Christ hath left But you must shew that God commandeth priuat men to set yt vp THE word of God your owne mouth hauing approued our desires in these Articles we cannot be moued with Satans olde tentation to doubt of the Lords vndoubted truth or call his commandements into question with if it be true c. Neither can we be remoued by that olde popish reason which you bring of certeine blessed Martires that died in this estate your Church is now in This is not to approue the estate of your Church by Christs Testament Which vntill you doo though all the men in the world should die both in yt for yt yet could they not iustifie that God condempneth But in deed the holy Martirs you speak of neither died in yt nor for yt Not in yt being by Gods great mercy depriued and discharged by their enimies Not for yt but for the truth of CHRIST they most constantly gaue their lyues Neither can it be shewed where euer they resisted the truth being shewed them or denied to heare yt at y e most simple mās mouth or euer yeilded to anie corruption or yoake that God gaue them sight of contrarie to their owne cōsciences as you doo in these dayes Therfore so far are they from iustifi●ng you in this your general apostasie as that they being found faithfull in that litle in the twilight shall rise in iudgmēt with this generation in this great light with al the giftes they boast of Euerie true Christian you say will die rather then denie the discipline that Christ hath left With what conscience then can you esteeme emong the wicked Anabaptists and condempned dampned hereticks that suffer in their obstinacie vs that cast off the yoak of Antichrist seek suffer for the true worship holy gouernmēt of Christ Or how can you flatter your selues in the fearful estate you stand in drawing so euen by long custome in Antichrists yoake not only in deed and practise denijng the gouernment of CHRIST but to your vtmost indeuour by contumelious reproches vniust sclanders and open persecution seek to resist and suppresse yt But we must shew that God commandeth priuat men to set yt vp First God commandeth in his law euerie one to seek the place where he putteth his name CHRIST in the Gospel to seek the kingdome of God to take his yoake vpō them c. Againe CHRIST hath left but one forme of gouernment in his last Will and Testament vnto his Church which he hath fealed with his blood and therfore not left yt arbitrable at y e pleasures of Princes or pollicies of tymes to be done or vndon but made yt by a double right inuiolable both by his word and his Testament so that the Church of God cā neither be gouerned by anie other lawes or gouernment neither ought yt to be without this for God holdeth them all in the estate of enimies which haue not his Sonne to reigne ouer them Now then the faithfull are cōmanded to gather togither in CHRIST his name with promise of direction protection and with authoritie not only to establish his lawes ordinances emongst them but faithfully to gouerne his Church therby For the kingdome of God consisteth not in word but in power Now this assemblie of the faithfull before they be planted established in this order consisteth hitherto but of perticular priuat persons none as yet being called to office or function Therfore we may well conclude that God cōmandeth his faithfull seruants being as yet priuat mē togither to build his church according to the true patterne of Christs Testament without altering changing innouating c. And for this we haue the example of the primatiue Churches for our patterns and warrant which sued not to Courtes Parliaments nor wayted vpon Princes pleasures when the stones were in a redines but presently hauing receiued y e faith of Christ receiued likewise the ordinances of Christ and continued in the same Againe if they should tarie Princes leisuers where were the persecution you speake of Princes neuer punish them that obey their hestes And thus because you cānot endure the fierie triall of persecution you vtterly by your perfidous tolleration abrogate at once the crosse of Christ. And that you might enioy this worldly peace fleshly pleasure for a season you care not to make Christ attend vpon Princes and to be subiect to their lawes and gouernment But alas it were fitter with a loude voice to call you out of Babilon thē thus to sing you hebrue songes in Babilon THIS Article mentioneth 4 principall Transgressions wherin the assemblies in England are iudged and affirmed to be heinouslie faultie and wilfully obstinate Elias did see outward idolatrie practised and did see none that did mislike and
to make hauock of them and excōmunicate at his pleasure But al theis transgressions and enormities whatsoeuer you thinke to heale or hide at the least with these 2 drye wythered fig-leaues The one That you cannot remedie the matter Thother Priuate mē may not reforme In the first you cōfesse your selues depriued of that powre which Christ vnto the worlds end hath left vnto his Church to reforme redresse things amisse In tho'ther depriued of al christia libertie will so much as to saue your owne soule and to come forth of this Babilonish bondage you stand in still dreaming of the reformatiō of your idolatrous Sinagogs and seeking to heale the wounde of the Beast comparing them to the Temple of God and still begging the question frame your Arguments as though your people were faithful and your prayer holie Alas it were better you toke example by the fearefull iudgmēts of God vpon y e Temples and learned of the faithfull seruants of God which in the idolatrous dayes of Achas 〈…〉 c ref●eined from that they could not amend rather then in this ●rantick maner to blaspheme the name of Christ whervpon we are called by comparing vs to Anabaptists Heretiks for obeying the voice of God that calleth vs from emong you and for telling you the truth THE 3 fault is A false Antichristian ministrie imposed mainteined Here is no reason rendred whie it is a false Antichristian ministerie which is imposed Yf yee be Prophetts raised vp of God we must belieue that which you say but they did not lye in anie matter but euerie man may see that you haue in the former Article lied We may not therfore giue credit to your imaginations We haue more to proue that ther be manie faithfull Ministers of Christ in the land then that anie shalbe able to ouerthrow This I would wi●h that simple men would haue thus much wisdome as to suspend their iudgment if they be in doubt and so enquire if ther be anie churches of Christ vnder heauen what they do iudge of the Minist●rie churches of England For if ther be no Church of Christ nor ministerie and all the famous men in all the Churches say we be knowing our estate as they doo right well then be they all guyltie then where shall we finde the Church Shall we seek yt emongst a few vncharitable men which cannot shew anie Church which agreeth vvith them so nerely as the Anabaptists Donatists Let it be set downe vvhat maketh a true Minister of Christ and then if that be not found in manie Ministers in England let them be condemned Antichristian It is the part of euerie godly christian man to haue the matter throughly tried before he pronounce sentence if it were but against one man he should sinne grieuouslie to doo otherwise much more when the sentence is against the whole Church HERE you say is no reason rendred by vs vvhie yt is a false and Antichristian Ministrie which is imposed But if you had better vveighed these two former Transgressions vvherwith we charge you or dulie considered of your owne answere before you had put penne to paper you might haue gayned this labour you haue taken the shame you are like to suffer by theis your friuolous indirect answers Or if you had consulted with your learned bretheren vpon the matter to whome this promise which you haue intercepted more nerely by many rightes apperteined they would haue coūselled you to haue vsed your discretion rather in the pulpit as they doo where you may say what you list without controlement thē thus bewray your follie in writing which lyeth subiect to the censure of all men in all ages They consider that an euill and corrupt matter ought rather to be couered then raked in lest yt become more odious Now we were perswaded by the word of God that the true Minister of Christ could not be a Minister of idolatrous false worship Such in our first cause of our comming out from emong you we proued the worship in your assemblies to be Then we were perswaded by y e word of God that a true Pastor could not stand a heard to the Lords goates and swyne blessing them with the blessing of the faithfull and deliuering them the holy things of God as the Sacraments c. Such in our second cause we proued both you and your people as they generally stand in your Parishes to be And now in this third cause your self by but repeating part of our words doo giue a strong sufficient reason Namely that your Ministrie is thrust imposed vpō your Churches not freely chosen by the Lords faithful people according to Christ his ordinance in his Testamēt You know our Sauiour Christ his iudgmēt of such as come into the shepefolde by in●rusion or ascend vp anie other way So then wee seeke not that you should credit vs or hold vs for Prophetts But if this wee speake be that vvhich God by them hath vttered then you deride not vs so much as them nor them so much as the Spirit of God that spake in them But the Prophetts of God lied not in anie thing but euerie man may see that wee haue in the former Article lied The Deuill is the author of lies sclaunders false accusations against the Saincts c and therof hath his name All that make or loue lies are his childrē and shalbe shut off the Citie of God This chardge wee haue repelled in the 2. Transgression where wee proued all receiued into your Church by Baptisme and are reteined in your Churches because you haue not the powre of Christ to excommunicat anie Thus still you fall into the pitte you make for vs by Gods iust iudgmēts and shall by the same receiue the reward of a liar a false vvitnesse a false Prophet if God giue you not grace to repent which wee shall more ioye in then in your confusion Of the great store of reasons you haue to proue your Ministrie to be of Christ your selues faithfull you might haue bestowed one of your store either for pitie or for loue vpon vs who you see are fully perswaded that ther is not one such Minister among you all at least for sauing your self from the blame you layde vpon vs one reason vvould haue done vvel But chiefly for confirming your Ministerie to be of Christ one at the least had bene more then necessarie For otherwise wee may not belieue your bare affirmation before Christs negatiue In whose Testament wee finde neither the names you carie the Offices you beare the maner of your entrance of your administration neither of your support maintenance Your discent and pedegree is within few degrees deriued from the Pope you being the children of your Antichristian Bishops which are the creatures of the Pope who is the eldest sonne of Sathan and his Vicar gennerall in earth whose image marke powre and life you
haue mistaken the matter In y e 6 ●erse the Church prayeth vnto Christ that he would shew her where he feedeth and where he lieth at noone For saith she whie should I be as she that turneth aside to the flockes of thie companions This is not to grone vnder Antichrists yoake nor to remaine with the flockes of these presumptuous Sheepheards which wilbe Christs cōpanions which set their owne lawes ouer the Church reigne in mens consciences imposing their heapes of burdenous traditions c. But here all the faithful are taught to flie vnto Christ by feruent and faithfull praier and not to cease vntill he shew them the place where he feedeth his flocke and where he resteth at noone There shall thei finde a comfortable shadowe in the greatest heate of persecutiō and a safe refuge in the greatest storme tempest that Satan can raise Againe If you had considered Christs answere in the 7 verse where he instructeth her yea cōmandeth her and all his faithfull seruants with her to come forth not to stay in the stepps of that flock but to feede her kyddes aboue the tentes of other shepherds you would neuer haue vsed this place to proue that it is the lott of the Church to be oppressed with outward bondage and to be made to keep the vineyeard which is not her owne Christ here as you see cōmanding the expresse contrarie Neither haue you applied that other place of the 5 of the So●ge with better successe For if it be duelie weighed trulie applied yt will to the life shew forth what Church you are and your behauiours dealings with the Church of God First therfore emong diuerse sondrie notes set downe here by the holie Ghost wherby to discerne the true Church from the false we obserue especiallie these The true Church though she dailie fall into sondrie sinnes yet lieth not she still in them nor despiseth the voice calling of Christ But as you see here awaketh repēteth ariseth openeth soroweth seeketh giueth not ouer for griuous woundes persecutions and blasphemies neither by them is turned backe to the easie bed of wordlie peace and fleshlie quiet from whence she arose c but cōtinueth sorowing seeking vntill she haue found the daughters of Hierusalem the children of the free woman to whome she communicateth her sorowes her desires to them she preacheth praiseth Christ to them she recōmendeth her estate chardging them to shew it her beloued by praiers c. On the contrarie we find here the malignant Church fast asleepe in worldlie peace and fleshlie ease frozen in the dreggs of their sinnes such as wil not be wakened and so far f●ō opening the doores vnto Christ that they barre the doores against him yea persecute him from their doores cast him out of their Citie yea out of the world if thei could and with him all such as seeke to serue him with an vpright heart according to his word and will not cōtinue with them in their sinnes securitie Now let your Church be examined by these workes without partialitie and it shall easelie appeare of what sort it is though we saie nothing whither yt be the Church persecuting or the Church persecuted and so in the rest Likewise if you your learned Brethren be founde in all poinctes like these wretched Watchmē by the description of the holie Ghost in this place we doubt not but the most simple by the euidence therof shalbe taught both to discerne iudge you And the greatest Clearke emong you be taught hereafter how to abuse the Scripture for a cloke to couer your sinnes First therfore these Watchmen were appointed approued of the secure wicked Citie Then thei were in al things cōformable to these corrupt times and ministring to those times Thē thei stood Pastors Watchmen to the whole Citie hand ouer hand as thei dwelt in the Parishes therof being called the Watchmen of the Citie Then these Watchmen held the people in diepe peace and securitie as appeareth by the generall sleep Then thei held the people in ignorāce blindnes as appeareth both by the night their sleep Then these Watchmen gat all the powre into their owne hands as appeareth by the generall sleep of all others their watching and persecuting Then these Watchmen not onlie sought not Christ themselues but suffred not others that would Then these Watchmen not onlie shewed not the waye to such as sought Christ but sought with one consent to turne thē backe againe c by persecution Whilest the church continued in the bed of securititie and wordlie ease with the rest and looked not for these heauenlie things but trusted the Watchmen with all such matters euen with her saluation she was at good peace with them and we reade of no violence or force offred vnto her But after she was called awaked by Christ After she had risen opened sought called him but found him not After she perceiued that he was departed thence and had fullie resolued to giue her self no rest vntill she had found him Then these Watchmen thought it hie time to bestir thē and to stop this gap And therfore what thei could not perswade thei sought by force persecuted wounded her rent away her vaile by railings reproches euen the name of Christ by which she is called c. Stands it not thus in all these poincts with our Watchmen Let the times declare whither thei agree not to them in their entrance administratiō and in their persecutions s●landers exceed them Our purpose is not to make perticular applicatiō the matter being so euident Onlie this litle is said to redeeme the places from such violence and corruption as is offred vnto them and by the same places to giue a glymse to such as the Lord hath opened the eies of their vnderstanding to discouer and search out the false dealing of their Watchmen whom they too long too far haue credited and to warne al that tender their owne saluation to open their eares and their hearts to Christs voice in his word that calleth them out of this sinfull easie couch wherin their Watchmen haue held them all too long and that forsaking the tentes of these presumptuous shepeherds they seek Christ whilst and where he may be found and together with the Daughters of Hierusalem the children of the free woman the heires of the promises seek preach and praise CHRIST Then no doubt they shall finde him to their vnspeakable comfort Then will he be as a Roe from the mountaine of Bether redie to help succer and susteine them with his Flagons Then will he come to his Palme tree and take holde of her boughes Then wil he come into his Garden and blowe vpon yt and water yt that the spices therof may flowe forth and that he may eate the pleasant fruictes therof Then shall he descend into the Orchard of sweete fruictes Pomegranats and see
to his fingers lest by his sophistrie diepe schole learning he beguile vs as the Serpent by his craftines deceaued Euah and turne vs not onlie from the ture state of our controuersie but from the simplicitie that in CHRIST M. Giffard as yt should seeme finding these Propositions as they were deliuered him al to hard and heauie for him hath sought to lighten his burden by leauing out such matter words as pressed him most sore and then would runne away with the rest as you see The words he hath left out ought to haue ioyned to euerie Transgression are these willfully obstinate as appeareth in the verie next words immediatly going before these 4. Propositions Furder in repeating vrdging the Transgression he hath purposely left out these wordes and imposed vpon them and in their places hath set c. which serueth not the tourne half so wel These words we can at no hād spare him and therfore must entreate him to add them to both his first and second Proposition which if he doe he shall then finde the fearful cōclusion to followe faster then he with al his logique cā auoide For if they remaine obstinate and incorrigible yea incurable in their sinnes disobedient to the voyce of CHRIST skorning his reprof despising his grace refusing to repent hauing nether wil nor power to amend be their sinne as smale in their owne eies as they can imagine as litle as by their learned distinctions of Fundamental c. they can anie way make it yet it being a transgression of Gods most holie lawe bringeth death and being holden after this manner abouesaide bringeth euerlasting death and doth in this estate separate them from the loue fauour and mercie of God so far as we can iudge Ther can be no remission without repentance nether can anie be said to repent whilest they obstinatlie persist in wilful trāsgression nor the Lord in that estate to accept anie offring at their hands be their offrings otherwise neuer so perfect and according to the lawe as the scriptures plentifullie witnesse So then if M. Giffard had taken the matter with him he should not thus haue altred the whole state of our Propositiō in steade of clearing it nether should haue had anie cause thus to chardge yt with heresie after his accustomed maner or to haue produced his scholastical or as he vseth it we might more rightlie saye papistical distinctions of fundamental errors and transgressiōs Wherbie what ells should he inferr or doth he labour to proue if not That some errors sinns are as the Papistes saye mortal others not deadlie Or ells that which is more grosse That some error or transgression might be built vpon the foundation Because some errors and sinnes are of higher nature and offence then other or because that the best men and Churches may fal into greiuous errors and sinnes which as we neuer denied so we stil to the stopping of our aduersaries vngodlie mouthes affirme Yet hence it followeth not that because the best men and Churches that hold the foundation may erre and sinne therfore anie error or sinne is of the foundation or is not a transgression from the foundation The writtē worde of God deliuered by the Prophets and Apostels is the foundation CHRIST IESVS himself being the cheif corner stone Euerie part of the scripture is a like true inspired of God giuen to our direction and instruction in all thinges No error or transgression can be ioyned vnto or built vpō this foundation no more then light darkenes can be mingled The least departure from Godes worde is an error the least transgression of Gods lawe is a sinne the rewarde of the least error or sinne is eternal death if the mercy of God and merites of CHRIST come not betwixt which mercy and merites belong not vnto the impenitent and obstinate Therfore they that obstinatlie hold anie error or transgression and wil not by repentance be purged from the same lose CHRIST and so hold not the foundation Now then seing Mr. Giffard hath a special phantasie to drawe this Transgression more then anie of the .3 Prinsipal Transgressions following into forme of argument because in his bad conscience he did foresee they would presse too sore let the first Propositiō be drawē into forme of Argument thus Whatsoeuer assemblies worship GOD administer according to an idolatrous Leitourgie imposed vpon thē and continue wilfullie obstinate in the said sinnes are not in that estate to be esteamed or cōmunicated with as the true Churches of God But your publique assemblies in Englād doo worship God and administer according to such an idolatrous Leitourgie imposed vpon them and continue wilfullie obstinate in the saide sinnes Therfore the publique assemblies of England are not in this estate to be held or cōmunicated with as the true Churches of God BVt let vs now retorne againe vnto that Argument which you haue taken such paynes to drawe and to confute in our names The second or minor Propositiō therof you denie vzt That the Church of England doth worship God after a false maner their worship ●eing made of affirming your worship to be the embracing of the holie Bible and by the doctrine therof c. Wel let the holie Bible be iudge betwixt vs in al our controuersies and let your writing shewe how wel you haue approued your worship in those perticular pointes which were recited reproued vnto you But in our iudgmēt you flee from this issue before you beginne in that you make so lardge an exception of imperfections wātes spots blemishes faultes which destroy not the worship of God otherwise you saye your Church doth worship God aright without heresie blasphemie or idolatrie Nowe surelie this is the odd onlie exception that euer we heard of Whie if al imperfections wātes spots blemishes faultes were taken away we durst ioyne in the rest of your worship to you or the Pope either The rest that remaineth must then needes be free and pure from heresie blasphemie or idolatrie It were a wonderful apostasie or heresie where were no truth especially when al corruption should be purged away But if you meane that these faultes thus reproued by vs and holden by you doe not corrupt Gods worship amongst you for the trial of this let the nature and qualitye of them be dulie examined by the word of God and we doubt not but a litle of such leauen shalbe fownd to make sowre the whole lumpe Yea that these spots and bleamishes you speake of being loked in that pure glasse wil appeare the olde runing issues incurable botches of Egipt which they haue deriued from their mother of Rome Euen of those malignant vlcers that are founde vpon the men which haue the marcke of the Beast and vpon them which worship his image for anie defence that you haue or can make for them YEt vnto the 4. apparant reasons
in our general positiō of this transgression to proue your worship false and idolatrous your peremptorie answere is That they but make apparāt our vanitie and Anabaptistical error Our vanitie in that the 3. first 1. of the invention of man 2. of that man of sinne 3. erroneous are al but one Our Anabaptistical error is in the 4. in these wordes imposed wherin we chalendge such a freedome to the Church as that nothing may be imposed vpon the flockes that the Church-gouernours shal decree by the worde The 3. first of these reasons whereby his worship was proued to be idolatrous he quietlie suffring to passe and carry their conclusion laboureth to proue al but one Because saith he whatsoeuer mā inventeth in the worship of GOD is erroneous And whatsoeuer is erroneous therin was invented by man For al false worship is mans invention whether it be the invention of the man of sinne or anie other it is al one before God vvho respecteth not persons but the vvickednes of the sinne Wel howsoeuer we might insist and shew difference betweene that mā of sinne that Antichrist and others that haue not such cursed marckes vpon them howsoeuer also we might shew differences betwixt the deuises of other more godlie men which deuises peraduenture in themselues conteine no errors vntil they be abused set vp enioyned and read in the church c and the Popes Portesse from which execrable plāt al these idolatrous graftes are fetched Yet wil we not stand vpon lighter matters with you contending whether the reasons may be said three or one It sufficeth vs and we content our selues to haue proued obteined That the worship of your Church is erroneous yt being made of the invention of man And your self hath confessed That vvhatsoeuer man inventeth in the vvorship of God is erroneous Nowe we may furder conclude from the second Commandment That whatsoeuer worship is deuised by man and whatsoeuer deuise of man is put into the worship of God is idolatrie But a great part if not the whole worship of your Church is deuised by man euen by the man 〈◊〉 c. Therfore the worship of your Church is idolatrie Let y●●r Seruice-booke proue our ●i●or Proposition or your answers to the perticulars disproue it And we in the meane time will procede vnto your answere vnto the .4 part of our Proposition imposed vpon them Wherin you chardge vs with this Anabaptisticall error That we should chalendg such a freedome as nothing might be imposed vpon the Church which the Church gouernours should decree by the worde It should seeme certeinly you knowe not what truth or error meaneth Or ells are so possessed with malice as you make no consciēce what truth you cal heresie or heresie you cal truth as appeareth by your vniust chardging of vs and your vngodlie defending al the abhominations of the tymes Who but you could drawe this hereticall collection from our wordes we in the same sentence and in the verie next worde immediatlie going before hauing protested your worship to be erroneous How maie it followe that because we denie errors to be imposed vpon the Church Therfore we denie that such thinges as the Elders shal determine of by y e worde of God may be imposed vpō the Church Whie what the Elders decree by the worde of God cannot be said to be the invention or the commandement of man but of God by whose direction they but pronounce and performe the will of God But no error can be said to be of the worde of God and euerie invention of man by your owne confession is erroneous Therfore we may stil againe here conclude that seing the worship of your church of England is made of the invention of man euen of the man of sinne erroneous and imposed vpō them yt is false idolatrous and such as no true Elders may impose or the true Church of Christ receaue Furder we say that no true Elders of the Church nor y e whole Church yt self may decree or impose anie thing by way of lawe which Christ hath not decreed imposed in his worde And if you hold otherwise as your popish phrases Decree impose vpon the flockes seeme to import then we affirme that you both hold a Papistical Anabaptistical error and vtterlie not onlie corrupt the worship gouernment of Christ but bring in a new worship gouernment by bringing in setting vp your owne decrees deuises as the Papistes Anabaptistes doe NOw cōmeth their Leitourgie or Seruice-Booke which cōtaineth the publique worship administratiō of their Church to be examined by the word of God The defence wherof Mr. GIFFARD though he be a sworne Priest after vnto the orders therof yet he verie loathlie and doubtfullie vndertaketh at the first entrance as one that carieth a witnesse and a iudge that could tell an other tale in his owne conscience He confesseth that as no mans workes are per●ect so there are manie and great faultes in this Booke though as yt should seeme none of those perticulars which we recited vnto him onlie the baptisme by weomen excepted seing the laboureth to defend all the rest But we which for some errors and spots hould it to be an idolatrous booke and the worship therof idolatrie fal into that foule and detestable heresie of perfectiō And in that we affirme yt to be a pregnant Idoll ful of errours blasphemies and abhominations vve doe falslie accuse and impudentlie sclander These great wordes nether convince vs nor cleare you let them therfore remaine vpon your accompt The truth of our chardges and the qualitie of your transgressions shall by and by appeare by the discussing the perticulars And for all your greate threates of heresie we still for the faultes we haue alleadged though there were no more as by your owne confession ther are both manie more and greater dare affirme your worship to be false idolatrous and abhominable The vvorde of God caleth him an heretick that obstinatelie holdeth anie one error after due conviction though be hold much truth besides There is no heretick that doth not hold some yea much truth The word of God pronounceth them idolatours that obstinately contynue in anie idolatrous and false worship though they doe manie other things according to the rules of the worde ells were not the Papistes to be iudged Idolatours or Heretickes Shall all they now that iudge according to the worde of God be guiltie of that detestable heresie of perfection What is this but to accuse God of heresie whose iudgments these are Because we cannot be perfect here therfore we ought not to contend towards perfection by leauing that which is euill as yt is shewed vnto vs and endeuouring to do that which is good Might not the Masse-booke and the most vile heresies be thus defended and iustified Because they are not perfect therfore they not euill Because they cannot be perfect therfore they will leaue none euil This is Mr.
GIFFARDS best diuinitie he hath to defend the worship of his Church But let vs nowe come to the perticular defaults in their worship by vs obiected and by him defended Mr. GIFFARD being demanded vvhere he founde in the new Testamēt the Romish Fastes of his Church As their Embers Sainctes Eaues and Lent first confesseth that in the whole Bible he can find no vvarrant for anie Romish fastes But afterwardes lest he should be vnlike himself sayth that vve iniuriouslie sclander and belye their Church in matching them vvith the blasphemouse Synagogue of ROME Seing they place not in abstinence from meates ether the vvorship of God remission of sinnes nor merite Seing they condemne the doctrine of Deuils c. Whie should we by his rayling and subtile cauils be withdrawē from our present question which because he dare not answere and cannot approue his Embers Sainctes Eaues and Lent Fastes by scripture he seeketh to turne away and to cauile about other doctrines as the putting holines merit c in the abstinēce and the restraint of meates vvherwith he was not chardged by vs yet wherof happelie if he were narrowlie sought and followed he could not so wel cleare his Church as he supposeth We onlie made question of thinges done and of the present practise of their Church Namelie how he could approue their Embers Sainctes Eaues and Lents which vve caled Romish fastes by the worde of God At which wordes he picketh a quarrle that he might not be vrged to proue his Embers Sainctes Eaues Len● fastes by the Scripture But let him cauil as much as he list at this worde Romish Whersoeuer and whensoeuer they were invented yt is certaine they were brought into and left in the Church by the POPE and are stil vsed though not altogether after so idolatrous a maner at the same holie tides as they were and are in the Romish Church and therfore are still to be caled vpon his name what Prince soeuer after commaund them or vvhat Church soeuer vse them And euill prouide they for their Princes honor that make her the author of such abhominable idolatrous stuffe as these Romish fastes your Embers Sainctes Eaues Lents are which he can no way colour or excuse by anie politicke lawes or transfer the blame from their Church therbie No politick lawes can make that lawfull which the word of God condemneth No politick lawes can excuse the Church from breaking the Commandements of God Nether may these fastes be esteemed ciuill actions because the Princes lawe commandeth them For so might all their vvorship of God be held ciuill actions because the Princes lawes in like maner commandeth them But these fastes are commanded and solemnly proclaimed in their Church and that by the Priest as he is directed by his Rubrick orderly as they arise in their Calendare The people are sommoned to the Sinagogue vnto publique prayer al commanded to fast c shall we call this a ciuile action Nay sure yt must be as much and as well ecclesiasticall as anie other part of the vvorship and administration of your Church Well and besides that you haue receaued and deriued these fastes from the Church of ROME let your special Collects vpon your Sainctes Eaues your bitter commination and special communion vpon your Ash wednesday with your Epistle out of Ioel 2. 12. Tourne you vnto me with all your heartes vvith fasting vveeping and mourning c your Gospell out of Matthew 6. 16. VVhen you fast be not sad as the Hipocrites c Likewise your Collect and Gospell vpon the first Sundaye of your Lent making mention of CHRISTS 40. dayes fast in the wildernes desiring that your 40. dayes fast may subdue the flesh c. Let this your apish or rather popish counterfeighting Let your special communions in your Passion weeke your Maundy Thurs-daye your Good friday c shewe how popishlie you keepe these your fastes Furder let your generall inhibition of flesh and of mariage at these Pope-holie tides and your Bisshops speciall dispensation for both by their licences for money shew how popishlie your Church of England keepeth these idolatrous execrable fastes and whether herein your Church maintayneth not the doctrines of Deuills To conclude let anie man by the Testament of CHRIST iudge whether these annuarie prescribed fastes by waye of lawe vnto all Congregations from yeare to yeare at set tymes and ceasons without anie present occasion so vrging be anie thing like those holie Christian fastes which the primatiue Churches vsed ether according to their general or perticular occasions NExt ensue your idoll feastes your Al-Hallowes Candlemas seueral Ladie daies Sainctes daies and dedicating your Churches vnto Sainctes Here you say we thunder out terror as if the Church of England did worship Idolles and celebrate feastes in the honor of false Gods and yet all is but a starck lye and a wicked sclaunder Here your euill conscience fearing the blowe before yt come can prouide no warde but your accustomed rayling which is the way to make it more heauie soare If you had according to our requestes approued your feastes holie dayes of your Church c by the Testament of Christ vve had yeilded thervnto or howsoeuer you had therby beene freed from these feares iudgmēts that pursue your euill conscience Then had you not vpon this occasion needed or vsed these vayne protestations how you hold but one only God and one Mediator betweene God man the man Iesus Christ That God onely is to be worshipped through the mediation of Christ That Sainctes are not to be worshipped no dayes to be celebrated in their honor nor Churches dedicated vnto them How bitterlie then do you sclāder That you keep no such Feastes dedicate Eaues Daies and Churches in their name you cā with no shame denie for the present practize of your church through euerie moneth in y e yeare sheweth this true Onely nowe yt remayneth in question whether these Feastes c be consonant to Christes Testament or idolatrous And you being requested ought to haue prooued this keeping these Feastes these holie Cessations by way of lawe this dedicating Eaues Dayes and Churches in Sainctes names by the euident testimonie of Gods word before you had thus reuiled vs. But surelie as you are more thē loath to be drawen to the triall proofe of this stuffe so take we no delight to rake in this most noysome dounge of your solemne Feastes vaine worship which you as sweete odoures offer vp vnto God in the name mediation of his Sonne Christ Iesus What wil you answeare vnto God though you wil vouchsalf vs none answeare when he shall aske you who hath required these thinges at your handes What will you then pleade for your Iewish feastes of E●ster P●nticoste If you saye you keep them not after the maner of the Iewes yet can you not be said to keep them according to Christes Testament for there you haue no warrant for such feastes What
Past●rs and there al are admitted he that admitteth them being the worst in the companie These assemblies as openlie guiltie of this confusion sacriledge wilful prophanatiō of the holie things of God he would not then defend But now vpon better aduise the world being greatly changed with the reforming Priests since that tyme and no hope left for that sect to preuaile aganst the Bisshops he hath changed his copie quite building againe those Romish abhominatiōs he had before destroyed as in the Transgression aboue handled appeareth And nowe in this Transgression as one greatly greiued that such large wordes had escaped him he seeketh to retract them in the best maner he may and to salue al againe by saying That the Church of England doth neither approue such admission of prophane men to the Sacrament nor yet suffer it in practize wholie howsoeuer they are admitted through the negligence of the Ministers c. Where this high sacriledge is wittingly wilfully committed by the most of the Ministers seene and suffred by al the Gouernours of the Church who haue made and doe maineteine such wicked Ministers where most of the people of the land consent ioyne in this sinne where that lesser part of Ministers people he speaketh of that doe not the like haue made no separatiō frō these wicked Gouernours Ministers and People that thus wilfully contynue in this pres●mptuous sinne sacriledge but ioyne vnto them in the communiō of their prayers Sacramens Here we would knowe whether the Church of England may not iustly be reproued for suffring approuing this sinne Ells th'Apostle faulted for reprouing the whole Church of Corinth for suffring not casting out th'incestuous person although no doubt there were in the Church of Corinth that vtterly disliked condemned the offence That all the Gouernours of your Church thus approue mainetaine these wicked Ministers whō they haue made is manifest in that they doe not censure thē for their heinous offences That these Ministers cōmit this sacriledge your self hath in your former answere cōfessed terming them vngodlie and iudging them the worst of the companie Where by the waye not to hinder the matter in hand we must advertise you that you haue highly broken the rules of christian order and charitie towards these your bretheren fellowe Ministers thus to publish and condemne them and that to such as you hold hereticks and schismaticks from your Church before your Church had censured them or you for the Churches wilful default had forsaken either the Church or thē If they be to be esteamed the true Ministers of CHRIST which office they professe to beare in your Church then great is your sinne thus disorderlie to blaspheme iudge and publish them If they be not to be esteamed the true Ministers of CHRIST thē as great is your sinne in ioyning vnto them in communion of prayers and Sacraments c and in not separating from them and from that Church which thus presumptuouslie doth make impose and mainetaine such an antichristian vngodly Ministerie Thus your disorderlie and vnchristian behauiour towardes your bretheren yea the Ministers of your Church wherof your self by profession standeth as yet a Minister and member might be greatly agrauate and more iustly charged with those faults you lay vpon vs of accusing condemning whole assemblies of Christ of rending and tearing vp the tender plants in most desperate and sauage maner And al this before the Church of England hath censured these Ministers and assemblies If we would be so friuolous we could throughly wound you with your owne weapons But we remitt you to the iudgment and vengeance of the Lord for all your blasphemie and cursed speaking stil witnessing against the sinnes of your Church prouing if God at anie tyme wil giue you repentance FVrder in your former answeare you affirmed that you knewe manie Congregations in England where the Pastor repelled th'vnworthie from the Sacraments c. We replyed That euen in those special Congregations all the prophane and their seede were at the first receyued as in all your other Congregations And that this Suspention of the Pastor wherbie he repelled was popish and Antichristian euen the instrument of that idol shephearde rebated without edge or poynte of no value or power c and therfore this could be no separation seing the suspended stil remayned of and in your Church That al without exception were receiued in these Congregations we proued because all without exception of anie were baptized That none were or could be there put out we proued because the Parson and his whole flocke or al these special Pastors or flockes together haue not that power which our Lorde IESVS CHRIST hath giuen vnto his Church vnto the worldes end to caste out the wicked by excōmunicatiō and the other Congregations by his owne confession did not caste them out All this notwithstanding Mr. Giffard before he hath either proued the orderly gathering communiō of these Congregations at the restoring from apostasy or that they nowe had the power of Christ amongst them to excommunicate the wicked wil needes by this idol popish Suspension iustifie these Congregations and convince vs of falle accusation And thus euerie where he administreth weapons vnto vs to wound beate himself with his owne wordes according to the prouerbe in the mouth of the foole the staffe of pride BVt at length to reconcile himself againe with those most part of Cōgregations Ministers which he before cōdemned he hath changed peruerted and subtilely sullected our reason which we brought against those speciall assemblies which he endenoured to iustifie and turned yt against the whole Church of England thus Where all are receaued in by Baptisme and no povver to cast forth anie by excommunicatiō there all the prophane multitudes are without exception of anie one person receiued into retained in the bozome bodie of the Church But in the Church of ENGLAND all are receiued in by baptisme aud there is no povver to ●ast forth anie by excommunication Therfore in the Church of ENGLAND all the prophane multitudes without the exception of anie one person are receiued into and reteined in the bozome and bodie of the Church THus after he hath manifestly falsified our wordes and changed our whole reason framing yt in his owne cōceipt as he might best deale withall he then procedeth with all might mayne to refute this Argument and to convince vs. Which being donne he followeth the chace so whotely spending opening his mouth freely into all maner blasphemie as he driueth vs into sondrie heresies c. But now if we might be so bolde to awaken the man out of his cholerick dreame and to call him backe againe to our former reason after all this conflicte pursute and triumph he shalbe founde to haue skirmished all this while but with his owne shadowe and neuer to haue comen neare our Argument and so all his reproches and heresies must
not forbidden circumcision Should we also collect and conclude because the Lorde Ezech. 16. 20. 21. caleth the children of those Idolators whom they offred to M●lech his Sonnes and Daughters That therfore the kingdomes of Israel Iuda whilest they remayned in these horrible sinnes were outwardly in that estate the true Church of God Or is this great Prophet so inconversant in the Scripture that he yet vnderstandeth not this vsuall kinde of phrase and maner of speaking where the Lord in sondrie places caleth them his sonnes daughters and people in respect of their first caling whom in regard of their present euill life he pronownceth not to be his As Deutronomie 32. the 19. and 5 verse Micha 2. 7. 8 9. Amos. 8. 2. and no where more plainely then in this Ezech. 16. as were easie to demonstrate by the least touching of the argument of that chapter The Lorde there setting before their face by sondry Allegories their estate euen from their original vnto that present time Of what parents the● by nature sprange in what plight he founde them at the first all embrued in their mothers and their owne guiltines their navel vncut vnwashed vnsalted vnswaded caste out into the open field no hand to help no eye to pitie vnable to help themselues vntill the Lord shewed mercye tooke them vp chearished nourished them entred into couenant and sware vnto them so that they grewe vp into riper yeeres then he spredd his garment ouer them washed and anoynted them clothed them with broydred garmentes fyne lynnen silck skarlet adorned them with gold siluer pretious stones fed them with meale wyne oyle set a beautifull Crowne vpon their heade and maried them openly vnto himself and spredd their name amongest the heathen But nowe Israel waxed proude of her owne beautie plaid the Harlot built high places and decked them with her garments and plaid the whoore vpon them made images of th'instruments and of the Lordes gold and siluer which he gaue them and committed fornication with them offring the Lordes meate flower oyle vnto them as a sweet sauour yea sacrificed their owne Sonnes and Daughters vnto them committed fornication with the Egiptians Assi●ians Caldeans and that in most shamefull sorte and vilely hyring them with the Lordes gold siluer of his Temple c. Wherfore the Lord doth pronownce and repudiate them as an Harlot as a most filthie poysonous monstruous whore and denownceth iudgments against them as against murtherers and adulterers and these iudgments to be executed by these their louers who should breake downe their Cities and high places and slay them with the sworde the Lorde not only comparing them but shewinge them to excede SODOME and SAMARIA in sinne iniquitie c. Who then but this perverse fellowe could thus stomble and cauill at these wordes My Sonnes and my Daughters and vvrest them not onely against the whole scope of that Chapter but euen of the whole Bible Whether these wordes be to be vnderstoode of all their seede which were at the first together with them receiued into the Lordes Couenant or of their first borne only which by a peculiar right lawe were reserued vnto the Lorde Exod. 13. 2. which first borne they are blamed in the 20. Chapter of the same prophecie verse the 26. and 31. to haue offred vnto Idols may be some question Yet with no sense or truth they may be vnderstood as of the Lordes elect and adopted childeren or pronownced that holie seede being the children of such rebellious obstinate idolators How often doth the Lord call them by his Prophets rebellious children an adulterous Nation should vve therefore conclude that they vvere the Lordes children the Lordes spouse Or rather pronownce from the iust lawes of the Lorde That rebellious children and th'adulterous wife ought to be produced repudiat and put to death Deut. 21. 18. Leu. 20. 10. Furder we reade the Lorde to denownce extraordinarie speedie iudgments not only against them that offer of their ●eede vnto Moleth but against that whole Nation that dissembleth or suffreth that sinne amongst them Leuit. 20. How then could this ignorant Priest collect cōclude from these wordes My Sonnes my Daughters which were spoken but to convince agrauate their sinne and iudgment to stimulate and wounde their conscience that these children of these idolators thus offred to Molech were of vs to be iudged the holy seede of the Lord within his couenant Or these idolators in this estate to be iudged the true Church of God Can they together serue God and Idols together breake and keepe the Couenant If Mr. GIFFARD can by his learning proue this true then peradvēture we shal beliue him that y ● kingdome of Israel in their schisme defection hauing erected new Temples Priests Altars Lawes were defyled with all the abhominations of the heathen despised persequ●ted the Lorde his Prophets which were sent to them c were to be held of vs the true Church of God Then peraduenture he might persuade vs that the kingdome of Iud● in this apostasye hauing as this Prophet Ezech. sheweth in his 8. Chapter brought al maner abhomination into the Temple defiled the whole land as we reade in the rest of his prophecie was also by vs to be esteemed the true Church of God Is it a good reason for Mr. Giffard to say because the whole land was so throughly defiled that it could neither by ecclesiasticall censures nor by ciuile iudgmentes be purged that therfore yt remayned still the Church in that estate Is not this to say they had not thus sinned because their sinnes were incuriable That they had not committed adulterie murder idolatrie because they were not presently stoned slayne by the sworde burned But howsoeuer they their false Prophets blessed themselues in these sinns boasting of vaine titles of The Temple and People of the Lord yet the Lorde for those sinnes did in his due tymes execute these iudgmentes vpon the whole Land and in the meane tyme his lawe Prophetes spake plainely That these iudgmentes were due vnto them in this estate And as wel might this false Prophet iustifie the Iewes nowe to be the true Church of God in this time of their Apostasy wherof he speaketh because the Lorde nowe amongst and in the loynes of these wicked ones reserueth to himself an holy seede a remnant It wil not help him to say That the vyrie-yarde was not then vtterly take from the Iewes as it is now For though the Lordes time to abolish that material Ierusalem that he might bring in erect the Spirituall was not as then accomplished Though y ● Lord in his wisedome mercy and patience and for causes knowen to himself doe oft deferr his iudgmentes yet may not we therby flatter our selues or iustifie our estate whilest we remaine vnder the condemnation of his written lawe and in open wilfull breach of his Couenant Yea howsoeuer the Lorde nowe hath
vtterly broken off the Iewes for their sinnes infidelitie that the Gentiles might be gathered and grafted in by faith Yet is the Lord in his greatest wrath alwaies mindeful of his mercy and hath set a tyme whē to cal ingraff againe the Iewes that al Israel might be saued and brought into one shepefold as yt is written But in the meane tyme it is no reason to say That because the Lorde euen in the worst tymes alwaies reserueth a remnāt in his mercy Therfore these wicked people in those euil tymes are his visible Church Or because the Lorde in the Loynes af the most wicked hath a holie seede according to his secret election That therfore these wicked parents are in the visible Church or their ofspring vnder the outward couenant Yet are these Mr. Giffards best Argumēts to proue Israel in their open schisme idolatrye and Iuda in their open Apostasy and idolatrie to be the true outward Church whervnto the Seales of the outward couenant belonged and were giuen euen to the seede of the greatest Idolator Yea the schisme apostasy idolatry prophanation of the holie things of God amongst these Iewes Israelites are the best and onlie groundes he hath or bringeth to approue iustifie the corrupt estate of the Church of ENGLAND and that the seed of their prophane Idolators ought to be baptized Saue that at lēgth he hath founde out a merueylous knot in a rush and of the same made such a share for his Br●wnistes as they must needes either confesse the baptisme of their Church to be a signe of the couenant And so they all from their ancestors and their whole Church are within the couenant Or ells if they denie it fal into the heresie of the Catabaptistes and make themselues also without the couenant or ells to haue a couenant without seales But now if he wil giue vs leaue to vnlose this knot we must desire him to learne to put a difference betwixt false Sacraments and true Sacraments and againe betwixt false Sacraments and no Sacramēts The false Church hath her hyd bread and stollen waters her false Sacramēts The Israelites in their schisme and the Iewes in their apostasie stil had and vsed Circumci●ion This Circumcision was no true Sacrament vnto them neither sealed the Lordes couenant vnto them in that estate Yet was this circumcision true circumcision concerning the outward cutting and was vpon their repentance and retourne neither defaced nor reiterat but they were restored againe to the Temple and receiued to the Passouer As wee reade in Ezechias and Iosiahs tymes as also after the retourne out of Babilon In like maner in this general apostasie and defection from the Gospel so much fore-told in CHRISTES Testament the baptisme contynued and vsed in these Apostatical and false Churches cannot in this estate thus administered c be said a true Sacrament or seale of Gods couenant vnto them Yet concerning the outward washing yt is true baptisme and vpon their repentance and restoring to the Church the outward actiō need not ought not to be againe repeated after th'abuse therof in the false Church is purged away by true repentance Yet iustifie we not hereby anie thing donne in the false Church but cal all men by all meanes from the same willing their whole worship to be repented of left and forbidding al men vpon incurring the Lords heauie indignation to offer bring their children vnto the false Church to be baptized exhorting them rather patiently to expect and diligently to seeke out repaire vnto the true Church of CHRIST where at the handes of Christes true Ministers they may receiue the true seales of his couenant vnto their comfortes Yea assuring them that whilest they refreyne from that which they knowe to be euil and with true heartes sprinckled from an euil conscience diligently seeke to doe the wil of God as he offreth meanes they their seede are within the couenant of God although through the iniquitie of the tymes they be stil restreyned for a ceason from hauing outward baptisme so that they neither neglect or contemne much lesse abuse and prophane of heauenly an ordinance THus this learned Diuine hauing as you haue heard bestowed all his labour and long studie to proue the kingdomes of Israel and of Iuda in their schisme and apostasy to be the true Church yet to make the matter more clea●e and the more easie for the Church of England he wil also proue her mother of Rome to be the true Church of CHRIST Because the Brownis●es hold that this land in the tyme of Poperie was not the true Church of CHRIST and that nowe they are but confuse multitudes not rightly ●ntred into couenant with God This that he may doe he holdeth it not enough to affirme with other learned Diuines That the invisible Church of GOD is in the Papacye as in all other places of the world because God hath his elect there and in al other places But he to be singular inverteth the Proposition and saith That the Papacy with the whole apostasie and all their abhominations and al that receiue the Beastes marcke and worship his image are in the Church because Antichrist doth sit in the Temple of God Thus whilest he without al vnderstanding or feare after his accustomed presumption peruerteth and wresteth the Scriptures from their holie sense according to his owne lust no merueile though GOD giue him vp into a reprobate sense and suffer him to drawe these heretical doctrines and damnable conclusions from the same to the destruction of himself and of as manie as receiue his doctrines If Antichrist may be said to sitt reigne and remaine in the Church of God Then CHRIST is not made heire and Lorde of all and set as Kinge vpon Mounte Sion Then CHRIST is either cast out of his house or made subiect vnto ANTICHRIST or diuideth with him Then the Church of CHRIST maie remaine subiect vnto and be gouerned by Antichrist Then the Church of Christ may stand vnder be subiect vnto two heades CHRIST and Antichrist Then CHRIST is not the onlie head of the Church If Antichrists Ministers marcked seruants maie be brought into set ouer the Church of God then is not CHRISTS Ministrie which he hath instituted to his Gospel and his Church permanent vnto the worldes end but variable at the wil of man Then may the Church of God caste out Christes Ministrie and receiue Antichrists If Antichristes doctrines lawes may be brought set vp remaine in the Church Thē Christ is not the onlie Prophet Lawegiuer Then may the Church be builte vpon an other foundatiō then vpon Gods worde If al Antichristes abhominations heresies idolatries may be brought into remaine in the Church of God Then no blasphemie heresie apostasie or anie thing that man cā commit or deuise cā breake the couenant Thē may the Church of God
Lorde then hath their Churche of England also occasion to reioyce But if the Prophets euerie where haue denownced the fearefull iudgments of God against them then will not their false Prophets vntempered plaisters and lying diuinations of peace help them in that daye BVt nowe Mr. GIFFARD procedeth to the second part of th'assumption which he first forged and now refuteth in our name Wherin he wil needs make vs to say though it neuer entred into our thought That their Church of England hath no power to caste forth anie by excommunication and herein he saith we speake verie falslie For the Church of England hath some power to excommunicate We haue alreadie shewed how he hath chaunged and falsified our reason leauing out altering what he liste and taking no more of yt then he thought himself able to deale withal But if he had made his answere to our wordes as he receaued them then he should haue proued that the Church of England especially those select congregations whose Pastors vsed to repel the vnworthy from the Sacraments had the power of our Lord Iesus Christ to caste forth by true excommunication before he had chardged vs with lyes or absurdities FOr vs we neuer doubted or denied that their Church of England had power to excōmunicate euē that power throne and great authority which the Dragon gaue the Beast We take their excommunication to be the self same which was vsualy exercised in this land in the tyme of Poperie dōne by the same Officers Courtes as the Bishop the Arch-Deacon or Commissarie In latine in maner of a write in the Bishops sole name and that not for anie offence transgression of Gods lawe or heresie how pernitious damnable and detestable soeuer but only for contumacye or contempt of their Courts As for not appearing or not paying such mulctes and exactions as those Birdes with ●ingers enioyne exact Vnto al this busines is neither the parish-Priest Questmen Sidemē or anie of the parish caled yt nothing concerneth them The Priest he must of force pronownce yt and the parish allowe of yt how vniust soeuer yt be or disorderly donne This is the only excommunication of the Church of England other then this they haue not THis Popish thunderbolt canot be defended or mistakē for that holie reuerend Excommunication giuen by God vnto and vsed in the Church of CHRIST against euerie obstinate offender vnpartially orderly according to the rules thervnto prescribed the whole Church with one consent in the name power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST giuing vp such a one vnto SATHAN for the destructiō of the flesh that the spirit might be saued in y e daye of the Lord and this publiquely in the opē church when the whole Congregatiō is gathered together Neither may such excommunicat be receaued againe but of the whole Congregation vpon his publique repentance in the assemblie IT were needles to demonstrate the mōstrous abuses of this their popish excōmunication in perticular and how contrarie yt is in euery pointe vnto the ordinance of CHRIST seing this may readily be donne of the reader by comparing their descriptions together especially seing this aduersarie himself dare not vndertake the defence therof But saith that though their excommunication doth not binde in heauen yet yt is of force to remoue from the societie of their assemblies which proueth our accusation false because we reason about this outward remouinge Verie good but may this outward remouing or casting out of the Church be without the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST or by any other power Or are not such as are caste out by the power of CHRIST bownde in heauen Can any other power in heauen or in hel separate any of God his childeren from the loue of CHRIST and cut off any of CHRISTS members from his bodie Or may the Church be subiect touching these spirituall iudgmentes aud censures to anie other power or voyce then vnto the power and voyce of CHRIST execute or confirme anie other iudgments then th● indgmentes of Christ Or may any mortal man thus presume into the verie throne and office of CHRIST Doe not al the Elders in the Church of God caste downe their crownes before the throne of the Lambe Do not all the Sainctes execute ratifie all the iudgments of God that are written How then dare these Lucifers these POPES rather then popish Bishopps thus presume to bring in this popish excommunication in place of Christes and thereby in their owne romish courtes name and power without due order or cause without the consent or priuity of the Congregation or anie of the Congregation to cut off and caste out of the Church at their pleasure Or how dare these wicked priestes pronownce these accursed antichristian excommunications and expel from their publique exercises prayers and sacraments such excommunicate Or the parrish thus receaue and ratifie this diuelish proceding Is it to be thought that that man which either taketh this for Christs or christian excommunication knoweth what christian excommunication is and what it is to cut off anie member of Christ Or thincketh he to hide the horrible tyrannie and blasphemie of the Bishops or his owne fellowe Priests perfid●e and treason in yeilding his flocke vnto these greiuous wolues or the miserable seruitude spiritual bondage of their whole Church that thus are held wittingly stand vnder Antichrists yoke by caling yt an outward remouing Is it not all the exommunicatiō their Church hath Doth it not remoue from the publique exercises prayers Sacramēts of their Church c And would he make vs belieue that this is but an outwarde remouing hath the Church of Christ anie other or furder power thē outwardly to remoue from their fellow●hip and communion Or may their Church outwardly remoue anie by publique censure from their prayers sacraments c and yet the partie excommunicate be in this estate esteemed a member of Christ or they haue anie communion with him Then this excommunication of theirs being founde a meere popish forgerie and presumptuous blasphemie directlie contrarie in euerie poynte to the rules and institution of Christ cannot be saide to binde in heauen because God ratifieth nothing there whether it be donne by mā or Angel but what he here cōmaundeth and we doe according to the rules of his worde This then being so contrarie to the worde of God cannot be ratified in heauen and so it is apparant not to be donne in the power of our Lorde IESVS CHRIST but in the power of Antichrist Sathan Their Church therfore hauing none other excommunication then this cannot be said to haue the power of Christ to caste out anie by true orderly excommunication And seing they do exercise this popish blasphemous excommunication which is not donne in the power of Christ we may iustlie conclude that their Church doth caste forth Sathan in the power of Sathan to which power their whole Ministerie and people stand and contynue
in subiection ANd now this aucthor not being able to iustifie the publique excommunicatiō of their Church of England seketh to withdrawe vs from the present question by mouing two newe questions And from those after his accustomed maner laboureth to confute vs. Because the Assumption euen as he himself with longe studie had changed contriued and framed yt could not yet serue his tourne His first questiō is this If the Bishop with sondrie other Ministers of the Gospel do dulie excōmunicate an obstinate wicked man is he not excommunicate before God We first answeare That the Bishop or the Church of Englād doth not excommunicat for anie wickednes or crime whatsoeuer be yt neuer so heynous though obstinacie be ioyned thervnto as for Adulterie murder witchcraft c but only for contempt of their Courtes for not appearing or not paying their exactiōs The we answeare that the Bishop neuer caleth anie other Ministers to this actiō of excōmunication Furder we answeare that this Lorde Bishop is no Minister of the Gospel or Church of Christ and therfore he hath nothing to do with th' excommunication of anie member of the visible Church Neither may or wil anie true Ministers of the Gospel ioyne vnto the Bishop in this busines But if they should we say that such excommunication is not allowed before God because it is founde contrary vnto his worde Yet this we say that the obstinate wicked are bounde and excommunicate before God whilest they continue in y t estate albeit the Church here should neglect or refuse to cast them out For the iudgments of God do neither take effect by man neither depend vpon man or stay of man but the iudgments decreed are accomplished and the wrath of God is reueled from heauen against al impietie and vnrighteousnes of men that are contentious disobey the truth Finally though it were admitted which can neuer be proued that the Bishop and these Priestes were true Ministers of the Gospel yet wee say that this excommunication donne by them in their priuate assemblie or consistorie as they cal yt is contrarie to the rules of Christs Testament and vnlawful For there we finde this power committed giuē vnto the whole Church by our Sauiour Christ who sendeth al mē to tel the Church Math. 18. 17. There we finde the execution and publishing of this performed in by the Church 1 Cor. 5. We find also the remitting receauing in againe of such excommunicate to belong to be referred vnto the whole Church 2 Cor. 2. 6. 7. 8. Furder we there finde the iudgmēts of God denownced against y e whole Church and euerie member of that Church where this censure of excommunicating the wicked is neglected reiected 1 Cor. 5. 2. 6. To these if we add the peculiar interest that euerie member hath in the worde doctrine and faith of Christ and in al the publique actions of the Church As also the perticular dueties that euerie member oweth vnto the whole Church together with the sondrie charges exhortatiōs euerie where in the Scriptures giuen them to watch to admonish to exhorte and that not onlie the priuate members but euē the greatest officers of the Church To marcke them diligently that cause diuisions offences cōtrarie to the doctrine that they haue learned and to auoide them Rom. 16. 17. 2 Iohn 10 To take heed what and whom they heare To hold such accursed be they men or Angels that preach vnto thē besides that they haue receaued Gal. 1. 9. To admonish Archippus Col 4. 17. To withdrawe themselues from euerie brother that walketh inordinately and not according to the tradition they haue receaued 2. Thess. 3. 6. To note such as abey not the worde and not to be cōmingled with them that they may be ashamed 2 Thess. 3. 14. Yf their brethren sinne to rebuke them if they repent to forgiue them if not to retaine their sinne Luke 17. 3. 4. And to procede according to the rule Math. 18. 15. 16. 17. These perticular dueties chardges dulie considered there can be no doubte but euerie christiā is a King● Priest vnto God to spie out censure cut downe sinne as yt ariseth with that two edged sworde that proceedeth out of Christs mouth As also that th'excommunication of anie member belongeth to the whole Congregation the whole bodie together seing al the members haue like interest each in other c Albeit the Church thus assembled be to vse the help or Ministerie of the most fit member for the pronowncing of this excommunication c. HEre then fal to the grounde those 4. false interpretations of Math. 18. 17. Tel the Church 1. Some vnderstanding by the Church the Pope who they say is Christes Vicare general and supreame head of the Church 2. Others would vnderstand it of the Lord Arch-Bishops grace or of the Lord Bishops who apart may excommunicate absolue for the whole church 3. Some others there are that vnderstād by this word Church the companie of Elders aparte from and without the people which companie they cal the Consistorie and this ought to excommunicate c. 4. The last sorte are in a quite cōtrarie extremitie and these would haue the people without the Elders to excommunicate elect c and that by pluralitie of voyces THe two first sortes depend of one lyne and builde their preheminēce vpō the promise made to the Apostle Peter Mat. 16. 18. 19. where the keyes of the kingdō of Heauen are giuē him And vpon the Apostle Paule his example who deliuered Himeneus Alexander vnto Sathan 1 Ti●oth 1. 20. They bring also the commaundement of Paule vnto Timo●hy To rebuke the Elders that sinne opēly 1. Tim. 5. ●0 and the commādemēt vnto Titus to reiect an hereticke Titus 3. 10. Touching the power of the keyes we haue aboue in the handling of the Priestes absolution shewed yt not to depēd vpō the dignitie of mēs persons or offices but vpō the vertue truth of God his worde from which whē Peter or the Pope himself departeth his worde not onlie bindeth not but is lyable vnto reprofe bownd by the worde Which worde is giuē not to Peter onlie but to the whole Church that is builte vpon that rocke and to euerie member therof and hath like power to binde or to loose in the mouth of the least as in the mouth of the greatest For it is impossible that the word of God should be made of none effect As to Paules exāple we suppose they can euil shewe any such authenticke warrant for their Apostolike aucthority ouer al Churches persons or such measure of grace as Paule had therfore we thinck they ought quietly to remaine within such lawes and limits in their calings as Paule hath left order For the commaundments giuē to Timothy Titus they can neither proue that they executed them in such pōtifical maner as they do or in
so were it againe a most monstruous confusion high rebellion on the other side if the people should thus expulse and shut out their gouernours and guides those most fit members that God hath giuen them to these actions from amongst them and then decide and determine causes by pluralitye of voyces What can be deuised more barbarous and vnworthie the Church of CHRIST then this Were not this as if the bodie should offer violence vnto or laye aside the eyes and then diuide yt self into factions and partes for the busines yt hath to doe This balloting by suffrage or plurality of voyces might well be a custome amongst the heathen in their popular gouernmentes but yt is vnhearde of and vnsufferable in the Church of CHRIST whatsoeuer some dreame vnto themselues therof There all from the highest to the lowest in all actions enquire the will of God which being knowen they all then walke by the same rule and with one consent doe the will of God accordingly There is no diuision in that bodie neither anie thing donne according to the will of man but according to the will of God only all hauing receiued of and being guided by one and the same spirit euen as God is one and CH●IST not yea and naye Now though all the members haue receiued of this spirit of God yet haue not all receiued in like measure Though all the bodie be light yet is not all the bodie an eye But God that hath made the bodie to consist of diuers members hath distributed diuers giftes in diuers measure vnto them Some he hath giuen Pastors some Teachers c for the helpe and seruice of the whole which members the whole bodie vseth according to their gifts office and function The whole bodie asketh instruction of their Teachers councel of their Elders c. The people are commanded to obey their leaders and to submit to acknowledge to hono● them and to haue them in super-aboundant loue These are of God set ouer the flocke to watche to instruct admonish exhort rebuke c yet not to plucke awaye the power liberty of the whole Church or to translate and assume the publicke actions of the whole Church into their owne handes alone They are men and may erre They themselues euen for al their doctrines and actions are subiect to the censure of the Church or of the least members of the Church if in any thing they be founde to erre or transgresse Yea if they remaine obstinate that Congregation wherof they remaine Ministers members is to procede against them to excōmunicate them as any other member For as it hath bene said the iudgments of the Church are not the iudgments of men but of God to which al the members of the Church must alike be subiect Which iudgmentes as they are committed to the whole Church with perfect rules for their maner of proceding in euerie circumstance so is the Church herevnto to vse such members as God hath giuē made most fit For Paule Apollo and Cephas are theirs And this doth no way diminish the power interest of the Church in this action Or translate these publick affaires frō the whole vnto these Elders whose coūcel directiō and seruice the Church vseth herein no more then a Prince or State may be said not to doe those thinges wherevnto they vse the aduise seruice of their Councel By the Church then here we vnderstand euerie perticular Congregation subsisting of al the members Euerie of which Congregations hath equall interest in the worde promises iudgments and power of Christ. CHRIST hath giuē vnto al Churches the same testament ministrie lawes and ordinances with like chardge aucthoritie to obserue the same He hath giuen them the same order and communion in all places one and the same rule to walke by towardes them within the faith as also to auoide cast out such as depart from the faith or walke inordina●ly Neither hath CHRIST giuen vnto anie one Church more power or prerogatiue then vnto al other Or set one Church aboue ouer an other otherwise then to wish seke the good each of other of al to admonish exhort stirr vp each other as occasiō requireth And vnto this euerie member of Christ is also bounde in his caling but not to intrude encroach vpon the publicke actions duties of the whole Church or the perticular functions offices of others As to Pastors Elders their office extendeth but vnto those flockes wherof the holy Ghost hath set thē Ouerseers and not vnto all Churches in this maner to which their ministrie neither doth nor can extend Agayne Excōmunication is no part of their ministrie Neither hath God tyed it vnto the office of any but left it a publick dutie of the whole Congregation to be donne of al with one cōsent How presumptuous then is he y t vsurpeth this power ouer yea of other Congregatiōs to excōmunicate absolue elect depose c for them yea that thus plucketh frō them that power chardge which Christ hath giuen vnto them But how monstruous intollerable were the pride of that Consistory which consisting but of a few perticular members shal assume the power duties of so many Churches into their owne handes We are of minde that the best and learnedst of them shall finde their owne perticular offices in their owne perticular flockes as much as they can well performe and dischardge though they should not thus encroach vpon and assume the publick duties of the whole Church much lesse of m●nie Churches And sure if this Consistory should duely intend all the seueral occasions complaintes and matters of offence that howrely arise in so manie sondrie Congregations especially where all the multitudes are receiued in as members they should doe nothing ells through their whole life but sit in this Consistory yea their whole liues would not suffice to a litle part of this chardge where al th'offences of these multitudes both publick and priuate were duly admonished and prosecuted according to the commandement of God And so should these Pastors Elders neuer be able to exercise their owne ministri officers in those peculiar Congregatiōs where they are chosen to serue Againe if euerie Congregation should be thus posted ouer and sent to this Consistory for the censuring of euerie pe●ticular offence offender howe manifest soeuer c manifold inconveniences and mischieues would thervpon ensue As that they must be driuen oft-tymes to receaue and ioyne vnto the most wicked abhominable in their prayers sacraments yea if the Pastor himself should fal into some sinne heresie they must of force suffer him to administer vntill this Consistory had caste him out Many were the reasons more the inconveniences that might be alleadged against this presumptious irregular Consistory which hath no grownde in the worde of God but vtterly
Christ and his Church Or how dare he vndertake to offer vp their prayers in this estate vnto God whom for their notorious sinne and impenitencie he hath repelled from the communion of Christes bodie and bloode Thincketh he that Christ cā be a Priest for anie at the golden Altare to offer or receiue the ince●se and odoures of their prayers vnto whom he refuseth to be a sacrifice at the brazen Altare Or hath he not some Popish conceipt of more holines in the outward elements of the breade wyne in this Sacrament then there is in the fellowship of the holie prayers and administration of Gods worde in the Church els whie should he more repel for notorious sinne wickednes from this Sacramēt then from the communion of the prayers and ministrie of the Church Our Sauiour Christ doth commaund that whē the sinne is publick brought vnto the Church thē if the offender heare not the Church but remain impenitent he should without delaye or partialitie be cut off and caste out as a withered branche and be deliuered vnto Satha● for the humbling of his flesh that the spirit might be saued in the daye of the Lord. The parish Priest in the Church of England insteade of excommunicatiō doth suspend such notorious wicked and impenitent from the Table of the Lorde yet admitteth he them stil to the prayers and ministrie of the Church in this estate and holdeth them stil mēbers as before The Lord saith that excommunication when the sinne is publicke and the offender obstinate is the only remedie that we can administer for the salvation of the partie and the preservation of the whole Church The Church of England saith that Excommunication is to rough and seuere to cut him quite off and caste him quite out at once and therfore hath deuised this temperate middle course to cut him half off and caste him half out Is not this to iudge their owne wayes equal and the Lords wayes vnequal Is it not to esteeme thēselues more merciful iust and wise then the Lord himself Ells would they not say that Excommunicatiō were to rough when the sinne is notorious and the offender obstinate Ells would they not in place of excommunication bring in their owne deuised Popish Suspension Wherby besides that they controle God and breake his commandement in sparing where they should smite cut off and in suffring when they should caste out they furder bring the whole Church into the cōtagion of these sinnes and into the iudgmēt wrath of God for the same if so be it be true that is writtē that a litle of such leauen maketh sower the whole iumpe or that the wrath of God for such offences burneth-against the whole Church Moreouer it would be knowen of this discipliner this suspender in what estate we might esteeme hold this notorious wicked person thus suspended whether as a brother or as an heathen If a brother how may he then be repelled from the communion with Christ and his Chu●ch Whie should he being a member hauing made professiō of his faith and not yet excommunicate be denied those heauenly comforts helpers of his faith If he be not to be held a member whie is he not then according to the commandement of God publickely caste out that al men might know how to esteeme of him and how to walke towards him For surely except it were the Popes purgatorie we neuer hearde of such a middle meane estate as this Neither euer in Christes Testament haue we read of such a sensure as this idole suspe●sion they vse Neither for anie thing by him alleadged can we perceiue anie warrant that the Priest may in this maner by his sole aucthoritie reiect anie from the communion table It followeth not because he is to looke that he giue not holie things to doggs to beware of publick offence and that he bring not the holie mysteries into contempt that therfore of his sole aucthoritie he may repela●ie from the Sacrament that hath before receiued yt The meanes for him to auoyde offences to preserue his ministeri● from contempt is to kepe the commandements of God The Lorde hath commanded that when anie that is caled a b●other faleth into open sinne and remaineth obstinate and hardened therin so that he refuseth to heare the Church that such an offender in open Congregation by the whole Church be caste out deliuered to Sathan in the name of our Lorde IESVS CHRIST No where is there in all Christes Testament anie commandement that the Minister of his sol● aucthoritie should reiect anie from the communiō of Christ of the Church especially in this conterfeite maner The way then for the ministrie to auoyde offence to preserue the holy mysteries from contempt is to cause the Church according to the commandemēt of God to reiect caste out such offenders wicked persons so shal he be sure not to deliuer the holy things of God vnto doggs Yea if the Church should refuse to caste them out then ought he to staye his ministerie and not to communicate with other més sinnes or in this estate to execute the ministerie of Christ vnto them whilest they refuse to obey Christs voyce But instead hereof this sacrilegious Priest his compaignions are not afraide to prostitute sel the bodie bloude of Christ to the open prophane notoriously wicked skorners and contemners for their wage offrings tithes thus trampling the Sōne of God vnder their feete and compting the bloode of the Testament a common thing What florish soeuer they may seeme to make with this their wooden dagger of suspension which rather manifesteth their follie and presumption thē anie waye cleareth them of this sacriledge great is their presumption in that they take vpon thē this absolute power ouer the whole Church and ouer the Table of the Lord to repel whom they liste of their owne sole aucthoritie from the communion of CHRIST and of his Church wherof they are but Ministers and perticular members in the best accompt and not Lords sole rulers And yet greater is their presumption in that they dare thrust out the holie ordinance of God namelie publick Excommunication and in place therof set vp their owne deuised idole suspension which what kinde of censure it is may appeare by that which hath bene said Yt hath no foundation or warrant in CHRISTS Testament but possesseth the place of that yt is not namely of ture excommunication therfore yt must needes be that idole instrument of that foolish shephearde which the Lorde setteth ouer those sheepe with whom he hath disanulled the couenant The aucthoritie of their Portesse their seruice-booke wil no way iustifie either them or yt The abhominatiōs of that booke haue bene a little touched yet is not this wretched man ashamed to stand vnder that monstruous idole and to professe that all the Ministerie of England vse that booke in the publick prayers and
administration of prohibition from the Sacraments The vanitie and follie of this idole suspension most plainely appeareth vnto al men by the litle good it doth in anie of these Parrishes where al prophanenes and iniquitie stil aboundeth The Bishop his Chauncelor or Commissary may with one worde of their mouth heale the greatest wounde the Parrish-Priest can make with this Suspension whatsoeuer Mr. Parson saye They haue power to absolue anie that he bindeth and how cheape their absolutions are is not vnknowē to anie whore master in al the Parrish The Bishop hath power to make and to depose Ministers at his pleasure he hath power ouer the whole ministration he prescribeth howe whē to whom they shal administer What truth then is in these wordes that the Bishop cannot take away that power which their seruice-booke giueth them when he may absolue the partie disanul the suspension depose the Minister c. In that he saith the Bishop is but a Minister and no Lord ouer their faith and conscience The same will euerie Popish Priest say of their soveraigne Lorde the POPE to preserue the dignitie of their ministerie The POPE writeth himself but the seruant of the seruants of God What Lordlie authoritie the Bishop hath exerciseth and in what seruile subiection the Priestes all the Parishes stand vnto their Courtes iurisdiction shal hereafter more appeare when we come to the discussing of those poyntes In the meane while we willingly assent vnto Mr. GIFFARD that the christian reader shall iudge whether their seruice-booke be not a fit Portesse for such Priestes and this suspension a fit toole for such worckmen Still affirming euen with wonder that if the iudgmentes of God were not vpon their right eye and vpon their right arme they might perceaue how their Lordes the Bishops dresse them and how this weapon they allowe them wanteth both edge and poynte c. Thus hauing finished his answeare to our assumption he procedeth to a former answeare where he denied the Consequence That where wicked prophane men are receiued into reteyned in the bozome of the Church there the couenant is disanulled with them and they are no longer Godes people but a false antichristian Sinagogue To disproue this he alleadged that there were but fewe true worshippers that frequented the Temple amongst multitudes of prophane vngodly men To this he now addeth the examples of the Church at Corinth and of the seuen Churches in Asia c. We before answeared stil answeare that there is no comparison betwixt or Argument to be drawen from those Churches which were rightly gathered established and these confused Bibilonish Synagogues of theirs The Israelites were a peculiar separated people vnto the Lorde from the worlde The people of these other Churches were wonne caled and gathered vnto CHRIST by the preaching of the Gospel euery one entred into the Church by the voluntarie professiō of his owne faith No vncircumcised or Gentile might enter into the Temple to offer any gift there All nor yet the greater part of the Citie of Corinth nor of these other parts of Asia were not receiued into the Church as members But here in their Church of England al the whole land is receiued in and that immediatly from open idolatrie without any voluntarie professiō of their owne faith by the people in perticular yea without the preaching of the Gospel going before to call them vnto the faith Therfore in these reasons he but beggeth the questiō and assumeth that which he ought to proue Namely That these multitudes of all the prophane al sorts of wicked persons were sometymes rightly gathered vnto and entred couenant with the Lorde hauing the true ministrie gouernement of CHRIST set ouer them and nowe being fallen into some sinnes are not cast out but stil retayned in their Church This if he had donne then had there bene some cause y ● he might haue brought against vs th'examples of these Churches Then should not we haue needed to haue shewed him his follie twise Yet this if he had donne the contrarie wherof is manifest to al that remember the beginning of her Maiesties raigne or but behold the present estate in the same or rather in more confusion sinne being more encreased Yet then we should easily haue put difference betwixt those Churhes that amēded at the Apostles admonition and these which reiect all the rules ordinances ecclesiastical of CHRISTS Testament as pernitious and intollerable to th'estate of this land and persecute al such as admonish them of and will not partake with them in their idolatrie sacriledge WE also in our former writing shewed him how the faithfull seruants of God in the idolatrous dayes of Kinge ACHAS MENASSE AMON IEHOIAKIM c refrayned from the Temple being so polluted and defiled and mixed not themselues with the wicked in idolatrous worship This Mr. GIFFARD confesseth to be true and that it was theire duetie so to doe But he saith we do not argue whether the godly did ioyne with the wicked in idolatrie but whether the wicked were suffred and did ioyne with the godlie in true worship To the question we haue aboue spoken Only this by the waye we drawe from his owne confession That if the godly in those dayes did wel in separating from not cōmunicating with the wicked in those times of publick idolatrie then cānot we be blamed which separate withdrawe our selues from these prophane assemblies where such abhominable idolatrie and sacriledge is publickly vsed and enforced as we haue aboue proued and thus are we by him cleared and iustified Againe we convince him of his owne mouth thus If the faithfull did well in those tymes to withdraw and separate themselues from the wicked in their idolatrie which then was publickly set vp Then was not the publick estate of the Iewes in those tymes of vs to be held the true Church of God For the godly maie at no tyme separate from the true Church of God nor repayre vnto the false Church And thus by himself is an end put at once to all his cauils wherbie he hath endeuored to prooue the Iewes in these most corrupt tymes to be the true outwarde church of God and to accuse vs of heresie that affirme where such heynous transgressions are obstinatly defended persisted in by the whole Church there the Couenant vnto the iudgmēt of the faithful is disanulled there the faithful may not communicate And verie ignorant is Mr. Giffard if he thinck that the wicked and prophane may either be receiued into the Church or retayned in the Church as members The wicked prophane which were neuer entred into the Church may ought to be caled to heare the ministrie of the worde of God in the Church as the meanes wherbie they may be caled vnto the faith and so vpon their profession be receiued as members into the fellowship cōmunion of the Church But vntil they make open voluntarie
of Gods promises the greatnes of Gods mercie that remembreth his Couenant in his greatest indignation wrath as also the smale beginnings and daylie growth and proceadings of our sanctification in this life As though we euer doubt or denied that the Lord our God his couenant was made established and preserued vnto vs in his CHRIST only without any worckes or merite in vs present or to come to deserue or to retaine his fauour the least minute Alas our miserable forlorne estate even from our Mothers wombe before we knowe the Lorde yea our contynual transgressions defections euer since we knewe the Lorde whē we behold our liues in that sparckling glasse of his lawe do shew vs that we are not saued be worckes but by the free grace mercie of God through faith in CHRIST and that not of our selues but by the gift of God whose worcke we are created in CHRIST IESVS vnto good worckes which God hath fore-ordayned y t we should walke in them But now whilest we acknowledge the whole worcke of our saluation from the beginninge to the end to be of God and not of our selues to procede from to be established vpon his free grace mere mercy and loue and not from or vpō any goodnes in vs fore-seene or subsequent Yet make we not therby the grace of God and his holy spirit which he hath giuē to al his elect to be idle vayne or fruictlesse in any of them but to regenerate chaunge enlighten and sanctifie them to bring all their affections into and to keepe them in the loue obedience of the truth By the profession of which truth they are knowen receiued as members of the visible Church made partakers of the commune comfortes couenant of the Saincts From which profession when they fall away and will not be reduced by the voyce of the Church or renued by repentāce but remaine obstinate hardned in their sinnes then are they by the commandement power of CHRIST to be cut off as withered branches to be cast out from the fellowship of the saincts and all interest in CHRIST to be deliuered vnto Sathan c. The same rules faith saluation iudgments we haue aboue shewed to belong vnto al and vnto euerie one vnto al as vnto one being founde in the same faith or in the same transgressions Now then whilest the whole Congregation or anie member therof shall remaine hardened in sinne deni●ng to obey Christes voyce refusing to repent who can say that this Church or man in this estate can by vs which iudge see but according to the rules of the worde be affirmed held the true Church of Christ within the outward Couenant when Christ himself commandeth vs to deliuer them vp to Sathan in his name to haue no fellowship with them This cānot be dōne of vs vnto any whom we may affirme within the outward couenant God his secret electiō councels wherin he hath determined from before al worlds who shalbe saued how far the faithful shalbe tryed fal and when he wil raise them againe belōge not vnto vs to iudge of Onley this is most sure they y t thus fal away are hardened are not of vs to be held esteemed within the outwarde Covenāt or receiued vntil they as publickly repēt How thē can this wicked sclāde●er drawe this gracelesse collection damnable cōclusiō from this holie doctrine That where obstinacie is ioyned vnto publick sinne there the outward Covenant is brokē no communiō to be held vntil repentance be made Therfore we holde that the stablenes of Gods Couenāt with his Church depēdeth vpon the worcked of mē Because we say that God sanctifieth al that he saueth Therefore we hold salvation by workes Because we hold that faith which is without fruictes to be deade worthles Therefore we hold salvatiō by workes Because God requireth obediēce of al his seruants that enter into or remaine in his house and commandeth them to haue no ●ellowship with anie lōger then they cōtynue in the same fayth obediēce Therfore we make the stablenes of Godes Covenāt to depēde vpon our workes yea vpon the workes of others whom we must iudge What heretick or peruerted spirit could more highlie abuse deface the holy doctrines of Christ Is Mr. Giffard a teacher of the Church of England and cannot yet put difference betwixt the worcke of our salvatiō by Christ for vs the worke of Gods holy spirit the fruicts of Gods grace in vs That cannot put difference betwixt obedience mercie but that he wil make y e worck of Gods grace to abrogate Gods grace That cannot discerne betwixt the secret electiō of God Christes visible Church betwixt the temporarie iudgments of Christes Church according to the rule of Gods word and the final doome of God in his determinate councel Thus not knowing what either Gods Covenant Christes Church the communion or excommuniō therof meaneth this impious man vpō these dotages seeketh to convince vs of his surmized heresies because we blame forsake these Babilonish confuse assemblies where al sortes of prophane and wicked are gathered together without faith or order bownde sed and suffred together in al impietie mischief and licentiousnes without censure or controlement vnto whome he for the wage of Balaam is powred forth and most sacrilegiously selleth them his pretended Sacraments for their two pennie shot or offring HE laboureth to defend this sacriledge confusion by th' examples of other Churches vnder the Lawe vnder the Gospel He beginneth with the estate of the Church vnder Moses where the rebellious Israelites whose carkases fel in the wildernes of whom the Lorde sware that they should not see his rest yet were not cast out of th' assemblie nor separated so longe as they liued nor their seed reiected So that he still beare in minde that he but beggeth the question so ofte as he compareth these confuse prophane assemblies that were neuer rightly gathered vnto nor established in the faith vnto true Churches vnto this place we answeare That he moste ignorantlie boldlie affirmeth an vntruth We reade Exod. 33. after the Israelites had made their Calf and committed idolatrie that Moses both did execution vpon the chief Idolators and with-drewe his tent and separated from the rest vntil they were reconciled vnto the Lorde Furder we reade that vpon publick notorious transgressions the Lorde executed publick iudgments sondrie tymes wherby the chief were taken away the rest brought to repentance Numb 12. 14. 39. and 25. and 21. 6. 7. We reade of separation from those of Corathes conspiracie c Numb 16. 21. 24. 26. verses We reade also Numb 12. that Miriam was separated out of the hoste vntill she was healed Likewise we reade of sondrie perticular iudgments for perticular transgressions As for breaking the Sabaoth for blaspheming c Num. 15. Whereby his impudencie is convinced But nowe if it were graunted him then which nothing
can be more vntrue that these multitudes of prophane rebells were not separated out of the hoste yet except he can proue that they were receiued during these sinnes vnto the Tabernacle of the Congregatiō which he can neuer shew because it were so directlie against those lawes prescribed vnto and by Moses yt can help him nothing The wicked may remaine in the common wealth which yet ought to be caste out of the Church In that he alleadgeth the seed of the wicked were not reiected we first answeare that we find an outwarde repentance made by the offenders in the places aboue recited Furder we find that circumcision ceased al the tyme they traveyled in the wildernes vntill they came to Gilgal 40. yeeres Iosh. 5. Wherfore this example nothing helpeth their wilful sacriledge in the Church of England As to the other tymes when idolatrie was publickly set vp by the kinges of Iuda Ahas Manasses Amon Iehoiachim Zedechiab we haue alreadie proued that they were not in that estate the true visible Church of God and that those faithful amōgst whom the Lord preserued his Church neither might neither did communicate with them in their publick worship and idolatrie Which those places of Isay Ieremias Ezechiel doe euidētly proue both in manifesting the sinnes of those tymes and taking awaye all vaine titles and pretextes shewing that the name of Temple Couenant Ierusalem c could no more aualye them then the Arck at Shilo and the like titles did them in the tyme of the Iudges The Prophet Ieremiah in his lamentations doth no where iustifie their publick estate so much as euerie where lament the desolation of Sion which name may much rather be vnderstoode of the former prerogatiues and dignity of that natiō place and people which were chosen and separated to the Lordes seruice and worship then of that most corrupt estate of that sinful generation As to the tymes after their returne out of captiuitie whē they mixed themselues with the heathen and brake the Sabaoth we reade they made notable repentance when they were admonished Ezra 10. Nohem 9. and 13. So that these tymes verie euil fit Mr. Giffard Fvrder if vve come to the tyme that our Sauiour was exhibited in the fleshe vve reade at the tyme of his birth of sundrie iust holie men both Priestes and others and how al thinges were performed by them according to the lawe of the Lorde But afterwardes when they would not be instructed nor reformed by our Sauiour Christ but with one consent despised blasphemed reiected and persecuted him and all that belieued on him Then were they not the true Church of God but the persecuting malignant Synagogue Except Mr. GIFFARD hold not our Sauiour Christ his Disciples the true Church Or that there may be two true Churches one opposite vnto an other ledd by two diuers contrary spirites Or that God may be diuided from Christ Or the Church in Couenant with him without Christ. Also in that he affirmeth That our Sauiour Christ commanded his Disciples to worship together with them in this estate to heare the Scribes Pharasies teach expounde the lawe although they taught corruptly leauened the doctrines therof though they were hypocrites blinde guides couetous and ambitious and verie reprobates yea though some of them vvere not of the tribe of LEVI only because they were Ministers sate in MOSES chayre What execrable heresies and horrible blasphemies doth this wretched man runne into whilest he seeketh to iustifie their heynous sacriledge opē idolatrie and confusion by our Sauiour Christes example Doth he not hereby make our Sauiour Christ guiltie of the open breach of Gods lawes and the destruction of al the people Doth not God in as manie places as he commandeth to heare true Prophets forbid to heare false Prophets as he commandeth to obey his lawe and commandements forbid all humane deuises traditions Is there not a prescript lawe Deut. 13. That they ought not to hearken to the wordes of that Prophet that teacheth other doctrine and seeketh to seduce though he had the power to do miracles worke wonders Doth not SALOMON by the holie Ghost cōmand all the children of the truth not to hearken to th' instruction that causeth to erre from the wordes of knowledge Prou. 19. 27 And againe in the first Chap. of his Song is not the Church councelled by Christ himself not to staye in the steps of that flocke but to feede her kiddes aboue the tentes of those Shepheardes How plentifull are all the Prophets in this argument Ieremie 23. Ezech. 13. zecha 13. To which concorde all the Doctrines of the new Testament Math. 7. 15. and 15 14. and 16. 6. Iohn 10. 5. Rom. 16. 17. Gal. 1. 8. 1 Tim. 6. 3. 2. Iohn 10. 2 Peter 2. Was there not also expresse lawes that the Priestes which drawe neare vnto the Lorde should be holie and not such open reprobates as he now acknowledgeth these to be And also that the Lorde had only separated chosen to himself the tribe of Leui to serue administer before him in the Tabernacle of the Congregation and that no stranger might presume into that office yet is not this blinde guide afraide to affirme That the Pharasies not being of the tribe of Leui were Ministers and sate in the chaire of MOSES and therfore our Sauiour commandeth his Disciples to heare them were they neuer so wicked of life or corrupt teachers Math. 23. In which place our Sauiour hauing to deale with the persons of the corrupt teachers first seketh to reserue the dignitie of his Fathers lawe ministrie then sheweth these present teachers to be degenerate from both being fallen into all maner of vice pride vayne-glorie hypocricie sectes schismes calling them false teachers corruptours of the lawe blinde guides such as shut vp the kingdome of heauē before men neither entring in themselues nor suffring them that would deuowring widdowes houses cunning seducers making their proselytes the children of Hel like themselues Killers and murderers of the seruants of God that are sent vnto them so that in conclusion he there leaueth sondrie woes all the bloode of the righteous euē the Maranatha vpon them Now is yt likely or may it without blasphemie be thought that our blessed Sauiour CHRIST would cōmit his Fathers Lawe Ministrie vnto these wretches or the soules of his deare Disciples to be instructed kept by these murderous blinde guides yet these blasphemies doth this wicked man publish his Ordinarie all the Cleargie of England allowe suffer to passe in print Againe if the Disciples in that place be commanded to heare the Ministerie of the Pharasies then are they there commanded to obserue all the humane deuises traditions so contrarie to the lawe of God which they most zealouslie taught and enioyned which our Sauiour himself openly brake reiected and gaue often warning vnto his Disciples or them and such
like false Prophets commanding them to take heede of them teaching them howe to knowe them by their fruictes Math. 7. 15. 16 willing them to let them alone as the blinde l●aders of the blinde vsing an argument of the ineuitable peril If the blinde leade the blinde both shall fal into the ditch Math. 15. 12. 13. 14. chardging them to beware of the leauen of the Pharasies Math. 16. 6. which leauen verse 12. they found to be the doctrine of the Pharasies To these if sondrie other places of his conflictes with these Scribes Pharasies be added it wil euidently appeare that he withdrewe his Disciples from their doctrines pronouncing euerie where woes iudgmentes against them That he made also a separation and especiall choise of his Disciples from the wicked people of the Iewes euidently appeareth by the office and ministerie of Iohn the Baptist. vvhom he sent as an Heralde before him to prepare his waye to proclaime his kingdome to call the people to repentance and to make readie a people to receiue him lest when he came he should smite the earth with cursing Mightely did Iohn refute all these vayne arguments allagations that Giffard alleadgeth of the seede of Abraham the outward Couenant Nation Temple c. Shewing them that God was able of stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham calling those boasting Pharasies the generation of vipers shewing them that only those trees that bring forth good fruicte are the plantes that shall stand and growe in the Lordes Orchard that the other shalbe hewen downe and caste into the fire and that the Lordes axe is nowe laide to the roote Shewing them that the Messiah of whom they boasted and whom they looked for should come with his fanne in his hand to clēse his barne floore to preserue his wheat in his granarie and to burne the chaffe with vnquenchable fire baptising none but such as cōfessed their sinnes The same course toke our Sauiour CHRIST sending forth his disciples to preach the gospel of the kingdome who receiued and baptized none but such as repented of their euill life and gaue obedience to their doctrine these our Sauiour acknowledged receiued taught instructed guided as his owne peculiar flocke But al the other as the sheepe of distruction he gaue ouer to be spoyled and deuoured of their owne rulers and one of an other to be guided by those wicked and idoll sheepheardes vvhose soule abhorred him and his soule loathed them Yea how ful a separation there was betwixt these sheepheardes and these flockes the hostilitie they shewed vnto our Sauiour and his Disciples by excommunicating persecuting blaspheming him and his rounde reprouing them euerie where in the historie of his life doth appeare Furder that he communicated not with them in their feastes offrings and worship in this their sinne and obstinacie appeareth as plentifully He a longe season when the Iewes laid wayte to kill him refrayned Iudea and Ierusalem At other tymes when he came thither it was not to keepe the feastes together with them so much as to take occasion vpon such concurse of people to instruct them and to call them vnto himself He sometimes went not at all sometimes went at the mid-feast And when he was there he kept not the Paschal together with them before the Temple according to the lawe Deutronomie 12. 5. Leuit. 17. But he kept yt apart with his Disciples in a priuate chamber As when there was no publicke assemblies as in Egipt or when the Temple was shut or polluted and the vvorship corrupted Exod. 12. 2 Chron. 35. yea he kept yt vpon an other daye namely vpon the 14. of the first moneth according to the lawe and not vpon that daye the Iewes kept theirs which was a daye after as appeareth euidently by the historie Math. 26. For the Iewes solemne feast or cessation ought by the lawe to haue bene vpon the 15. daye the next day after the Paschal vpon which daye they crucified our Sauiour and kept their feaste vpon the Sabaoth deferring the Paschal by their tradition one daye longer then the lawe commanded Leuit. 2. 4. 5. 6. Numb 28. 17. by all which reasons circumstances and places it is euident that our Sauiour and his Disciples did not communicate with but withdrewe from the Iewes and their worship in this their sinne and obstinacie By whose example this great Clearke Mr. GIFFARD hath endeuoured to confute the Brownistes of heresie and to prooue that the open wicked and prophane may be kept in the Church and communicated with and yet neither the Church therefore cease to be a true Church nor the faithfull which together with these prophane ioyne in the worship of God and the Sacraments be defiled therbie Yet to make the matter more sure he bringeth certaine Churches planted by the Apostles As the Church at Corinth and the Churches of Asia In the Church of Corinth were factions and schismes corruption in the teachers negligence in the Gouernours th' incestuous person suffred contentions among the people and that vnder heathen Iudges They feasted in idoll temple they prophaned the Supper of the Lorde they abused spirituall giftes some denied the resurrection of the deade yet the holie Ghost vouchsaueth them the name of the Church of God Well what of all this Therfore the wicked prophane multitudes which were neuer rightly gathered to the faith may be receiued as members into the Church We see no such consequent The Church of Corinth was orderly gathered by the Apostle vnto the faith none receiued but such as belieued and made open profession of their faith and obedience Sainctes by calling Agayne the Church of Corinth was rightly established into that order and had such Ministers Officers and ordinances as CHRIST in his Testament had assigned and th' Appostle instituted so hath not the Church of England but popish and antichristian Therfore no comparison thus far foorth betwixt the Church of Corinth and the Church of England Neither can these faults wherein he compareth the Church of England to the church of Corinth and wherein it is founde like vnto or rather far without all comparison to exceede them make the Church of England the true Church of God What is yt then this learned man would conclude from thence That the open prophane and obstinate wicked may be retained in and by the Church wittingly and willingly after admonition and yet that Congregation not cease to be the true Church of CHRIST This he striueth to proue And therfore where it is alleadged that the Church of Corinth repented at the Apostle his admonition and is by the Apostle himself said to haue shewed them selues pure in that busines 2. Corinth 7. he maketh vnto this a double answeare One that they were Godes true Church before they repented The other that all did not shewe repentance as appeareth 2. Corinth 12. 20. 21. To the first we answeare and neuer denied That they being rightly gathered vnto the faith and orderly established
paynes he hath taken to defend their apostatical throne procedings which these his writinges are so far from defending iustifijng as they manifest vnto al men that they cannot be defended or iustified TO our present purpose in this 3. PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION yt remayneth that we nowe prooue this Ministrie of the Church of England to be false antichristian Which that it may the sooner be donne we are to enquire what kinde of ministrie CHRIST hath instituted and left vnto his Church Of which sort if we finde not these then may we with assurance from Gods owne worde pronownce them false and antichristian For as there is but one God one CHRIST one Spirite so is there but one true Church ministrie ministration CHRIST being ascended gaue vnto his Church Apostels Prophets Euangelistes Pastors Teachers Elders De●cons widdowes The 3. first Apostes Prophets Euangelistes being instituted but for a time hauing finished their ministerie ceased For the foundation being now fullie laide the worde perfectlie exhibited the gospel throughlie and sufficientlie confirmed and ratified the whole frame of the building set vp and erect and now a most perfect and absolute patterne left vnto all Churches to what purpose should there nowe be Apostles to lay the foundation to giue the worde againe Prophets to ratifie and cōfirme the same Euangelistes to deliuer and shew the Apostles rules vnto the Church Besides that the Lord hath euidētly shewed by the ceasing of th'extraordinarie calings and giftes vnto these offices that they are nowe perimplished and ceased as might also by sondrie other testimonies and direct scriptures be proued if yt were needful in so plaine a poynte Nowe then there remaine by a perpetual decree these Offices to the ministrie gouernement and seruice of the Church Pastors Teachers Elders Deacons Relieuers Vnto these distinct offices are fit and distinct members dulie chosen and ordayned by each seueral Congregation vpon due proofe according to the manifestatiō of the spirit in each member so elect according vnto the rules prescribed in Christes Testament in which offices is required of them that they diligently and faithfully administer which whilest they doe they are honored obeyed prouided for of the flock with al reuerēce care loue Nowe let the ministrie of the Church of England be compared vnto and examined by these rules of Christes Testament in their office entrance administration maintenance In al which we before affirmed them to varie from the Testament of Christ and to haue no place or mention there requiring of this Aucthor some proofe of his ministrie in these pointes by the worde of God In steade wherof wee haue his bare affirmations to approue their ministrie and his most bitter raylings to convince and perswade vs after his accustomed maner which euil either satisfie vs or approue themselues to all mens consciences such as they would be thought to be We had thought our demaunde herein had bene so iust and reasonable as no true Church or Minister could or would haue denied And wonder that in this flourishing estate of their Church which ouer-floweth with so great learning aboundeth with so manie writers that not one of them should vndertake to approue the ministrie of their Church directlie by the rules of Gods word in their Office Entrance Administration Maintenance Wherbie they might iustifie themselues of such crimes wherof they are chardged convince their aduersaries al gaine-sayers and put an end to these controversies and debates after a most christian and peaceable maner much better beseeming the Gospel and the ministers therof then prisons iudgment seates sclaunders accusations blasphemie which hitherto haue bene theire only Arguments But now howsoeuer they be loth will by no meanes be entreated or vrged to this sober course direct proof by writing or vnto anie christian free conference where these matters might be discussed and decided by the worde of God peaceably Let vs yet seing occasion is here administred and as our present purpose wil permit shew some causes of our dislike whie we iudge them not the true Ministrie of the Gospel by shewing such apparnt discrepance as may declare vnto all men that they were neuer cast in that moulde And this but by a cursorie briefe examinatiō leauing the more exact discussing perfect demonstration of the forgerie abuses and enormities of this Antichristian ministrie to the furder diligence of others endued with greater measure of giftes and iudgment WE finde the permanent offices which CHRIST hath instituted for the ministrie of his Church few in number easilie recited diuided and distinguished The offices as hath bene said are these of the Pastor Teacher Elder Deacon Relieuer These are diuided into Ouerseers whom wee call Bishops Episcopoi and into Deacons The Ouerseers are againe diuided into teaching gouerning Elders and into such Elders as only by office attend vnto Gouernement Of the first sort are the Pastor and Teacher Of the second such Elders as are elect to the ouersight gouernment of the Churche These offices are distinguished one from an other in their seueral functions by the Apostle Roma 12. and in sondrie other places of scripture The Pastor to attend to exhortation The Teacher to doctrine The Elder to gouernement The Deacon to collect and distribute the benevolence contribution of the Saincts The Relieuers to attend to the sicke impotent c. But the offices of the Ministerie of the Church of England wee finde so manie intricate as are harde to be recited diuided or distinguished and require greater skil then I haue therevnto Yet so my simple conceipt preiudize not others of better iudgment for memorie sake and to avoide prolixitie they may thus bee diuided and recited at once First more generallie into Reigning gouerning 2. Collegiate or idle and 3. Seruile or mercenary The Reigning or gouerning may be diuided into 1. Bishops their assistants and substitutes 2. Certaine Commissioners and certaine 3. delegate Doctors c. These Bishops may be diuided in 1. Arch-Bishops 2. Palatine Bishops and. 3. ordinarie Lord Bishops Nowe the Arch-Bishops may be diuided againe into the .1 Primate Metropolitane of al England and the 2. Metropolitane of the North. partes The Raining ministerie thē of the Church of England as I suppose vnder correction and better information may be summed into these offices of Arch-Bishops Lord Bishops Chauncelors Commissaries Arch-Deacons High Commissioners Ciuile Doctors with their Courtes and attendants Aduocates Proctors Registers Notaries Purseuants Somoners The idle or Collegiat Ministrie as I take it are partlie in the Colleges of the Vniversities As Masters of houses Presidents Bowsers Fellowes Or more generallie according to their degrees Doctors of diuinity Bachelers of diuinity Masters of Arte Bachelers of arte Clarkes These hitherto without certaine office place or chardge in the Church And partlie in their Cathedral Churches As L. Bishop Deane Sub-deane Prebendaries Cannons Peticannons
they haue left as an absolute patterne for al actions of the Church vnto the worlds end and to hold them accursed men or Angels that teach any thing besides that or to varie from the same Neither what signes or miracles soeuer they shall doe may we hold them Prophe●s seing they persuade yea enforce to idolatrie apostasie as by their publick worship appeareth And as to Euangelistes that office is too meane base for these fellowes The Euangelistes toke their caling sending and whole directiō from the Apostles neither swarued from the same in any thing but faithfully deliuered to the Churches those rules they receiued and assisted thē in the practize therof These men in that they haue no such caling to their office neither doe so execute yt not caling the Church vnto or helping them in but drawing them from vtterly forbidding them the practize of those rules ordinances the Apostles left teaching bringing in setting vp and inforcing their owne or other humane deuises ordinances vpō y e church in stead therof and that in such high waightie matters as the bringing in a new strange Ministrie Ministration Worship and Gouernement For all which causes reasons many other which might be drawen from the rules of CHRISTS Testament and their whole worke and doings which in nothing accordeth to the true patterne we must hold them false Apostles and Prophets counterfeite Euangelistes deceiptful worckmen builders Neither yet if we but as fleightly examine them by compare them vnto the rules of Christes Testament shall we finde them to execute any of the ordinarie permanent offices of the Bishops belonging vnto Christes Church as the Pastors Teachers Elders office A true christian Pastor ought to be chosen of some one peculiar flocke where after due proofe he is to be publickly ordeined receiued Vnto which peculiar flocke he is bownde by couenāt to administer attend Neither doth his Pastorall dutie ministrie and chardge extend to more flockes or Churches at one tyme then that one wherof he is chosen Pastor Neither may a true Pastor aduance himself either in titles or power aboue or ouer other christian Pastors his fellowe bretheren howsoeuer he haue receiued a greater measure of giftes by so much he ought to behaue himself the more lowly and to apply himself the more carefully diligently to serue the Lord with the same according to his pleasure appoinctment within the limites of his caling wherin if he behaue himself faithfully he receiueth praise if not reproofe censure of the whole flock accordingly But now these Arch and Lord Bishops neither haue any certaine ministrie ouer or in any one peculiar flocke neither anie such 〈…〉 by or in any one Congregation but are elected either by the 〈◊〉 Colledge of the Deane Chapter or ells by the Prince consecrate invested inthronised or instawled with I know not how manie popish rites trincketes ceremonies belonging thervnto whose verie ordinarie attire is so popish ridiculous and f●nde as they passe not in the streates without the wonderment skorne of young and olde Their ministerie also is not limited and tyed to one certaine office or to one certaine flocke but as they exercise sondrie offices so doe they it ouer in sondrie Churches preaching administring the Sacraments where and when they liste of their pontifical aucthoritie and ceasing againe from preaching c. at their owne pleasures when how longe they list Againe some of them exerciseth absolute aucthoritie ouer al no one of them but ouer many hindreth Churches Ministers ouer all causes and doctrines to cite sommon suspend silence excommunicate absolue emprison ●equester con●iscate at their pleasure whom and wherfore they liste without accompt or controlement no not by the Princes royall Writts and Courtes to which euery soule ought to be subiect They impose vpon all Churches and Ministers their owne deuises for the publicke worship administration stinting and limiting the Pastor what wordes to reade and say what scriptures to reade on this and that daye through the yeere They limite and restraine the doctrine of the Pastor from speaking against anie thing by publick aucthoritie commanded They determine and dispose of all the doctrines and causes of all Churches at their owne will no man so hardie to gai●e say or to cal in question anie thing they affirme or to denie anie thing they commande or forbid There is nothing iudged error in the Church of ENGLAND but what they iudge to be error be yt neuer so grosse popish blasphemouse nor anie thing compted truth which they pronounce error be yt neuer so holy sounde and warranted by Gods worde The whole ministrie doctrine publick administration causes and censures of the Church of ENGLAND are wholie in their handes to commande restraine or execute vpon al persons and they themselues subiect to no reproofe liable to no censure Now let any iudge that knoweth what belongeth to the office entrance and administratiō of the Pastors office whether these Bishops possesse this office be rightly caled and entered to the same and faithfully administer execute the same The teachers office for the reasons aboue-said they cannot hold or chalendge both in regarde of the fastuous titles inordinate power and aucthoritie which they vsurpe exercise ouer all the ministerie euen such as they cal Pastors and ouer all Churches causes censures c which can at no hand be ioyned or agree vnto the christiā Teachers office As also for that they their ministrie and office belongeth not to any one peculiar Congregation The like reasons maie be drawen from their Popish entrance and administration seing they take vpon them to deliuer the Sacraments and attend not vnto doctrine only or diligently giuing ouer ceasing to preach whē they list neither submit the doctrines they teach to the cēsure tryal of other Prophets by the Scriptures For al which reasons and sondrie other they cannot be said to haue or exercise the christian Teachers office Last of al the office of gouerning Elders they haue not for all the same reasons In that they are not chosen of belong not vnto any perticular Congregation to which they should be bownde by duetie to attend Neither euer did we reade in al Christes Testament of any Bishops or Ministers setting aside those temporarie offices of Apostles Prophets Euangelists that where chosen did attend or minister vnto diuers or more then one Congregation or office at one time Certaine rules being there giuen for their election ordination and administration of in one Congregation with manifold admonitions exhortatiōs to sture them vp vnto diligēce labour and watchfulnes in that office place they are caled vnto as a worke enough for him that thinketh himself most able to dischardge it And sure most monstruous impossible it were for one man faithfully to attend diuers Congregations Except they can also
shew that one sheepheard at one the same time can diligently feed guide two or many flockes far distant in place Or that one candle may be put into two candlesticks and giue light vnto two seueral houses far distant asunder at one the same instant If the one be impossible so is the other Yet stand these men Bishops or Ouerseers not only to manie Churches each one of them But their Primate giueth or rather selleth licēces to other inferior Priestes some one of them to stand a Minister to two yea peraduenture to three seueral flockes This is an vsual matter and passeth by way of sta●ute lawe amongst the Chapleins Doctors of the Church of England who may haue be Non Resident some of them from two some from three Congregations or benefices especially all his Graceless Chaplaines by a singular prerogatiue But to retourne againe to our purpose these Arch and Lord Bishops cannot be said to haue this office of gouerning Elders for that they professe to be Ministers of the worde Sacramentes which duetie belongeth to the Pastors office And because they exercise absolute power ouer Pastors Churches and causes to depose excommunicate absolue and determine in their owne sole name power which no true Elder Minister or mēber of Christ may do Reasons also might be drawen from their sitting chandging aspiring to the richer higher roomes Frō their Princely Lordly flate pompe trayne reuenues pallaces wherin they liue in all wordly excesse pleasure idlenes to which thinges whilest they attend it is impossible they should faithfully execute dischardge any ministrie in the Church From y e apparāt odious sinnes of their persons liues that appeare and breake out in their conversatiō which is most vnchristian fleshly and vnholy As coueteousnes oppressiō extortion open wrong doing v●u●ie ambition pride idlenes louers of pleasure such as cannot gouerne their wiues children and families in the feare of God sobrietie or common honestie but nourish and bring them vp in pride vanitie idlenes superfluitie voluptuousnes gaining chambering and w●ntonnes yea peraduēture vnchasti●g and that not vnknowen to the inselues who also themselues are not all of them of the most chaste and temperate life some of them being giuen to wyne strikers ●orcerers blasphemers skorners and deriders of the most holie exercise of the preaching of Gods worde causing their counterfeight and natural fooles openly in their owne house at 〈…〉 feastes to make a ●ermon o● 〈◊〉 or fallie in the most high despight of God and of his blessed ordinance Not here to perticulate the sondrie heresies contrarie to the truth and blasphemies of the truth holdē amōgst them the least of which faultes publickly knowē are enough to di●able the best of them from exercising any publicke ministrie to the Lorde in his Church if we may belieue the Apostle To conclude this one reason if there were no more might shew and proue them to be no christian Bishopps in that they exercise some ciuile office or offices together with this their pretended ministrie Which is not only expresly forbidden vtterly vnlawful by the worde of God but also impossible for any man to performe both or either of both faithfully whilest he keepeth both God himself hath made two distinct and seueral offices and appoincted vnto them two distinct seueral persons for Ministers It being no more lawfull for a Bishop to execute the ciuile Magistrates office then for the ciuile Magistrate to administer the Sacraments What mōstruous parsons then are they which thus confounde commingle in their owne persons these two diuers and distinct offices and powers Might not they that assume both the swordes into their handes carry them acrosse also in their cote armour aswel as their holie Father the POPE What a monstrous confusion and perturbation make they both in Church and common wealth herebie disturbing the holie order that God himself hath set for the gouernement both of the Church and common wealth in this worlde remouing yea vtterly breaking downe therbie all the limites and bowndes which God hath set and established for all estates degrees offices callinges actions so that no man by this meanes either knoweth his duetie or orderly walketh within the bowndes of his calling wherbie it is come to passe that the whole land ouer-floweth with all impietie violence cruelitie and iniquitie as in the dayes of NOE Thus by al these reasons haue we proued and al that haue not vtterly made shipwrack of faith good cōscience or that stand not vowed bond seruantes to their apostaticall throne must confesse That these Arch Lord Bishops are no true christian Bishops according to the Gospel of CHRIST neither haue or exercise any lawful office or ministri of or in the Church of CHRIST If then they be not members of that body belōging to that heade CHRIST IESVS it must needes followe that they their offices ministrie are false antichristiā belonging to an other head an other bodie euē Antichrist and that whoore the false Church his spouse If their inordinate power and irregular ministrie be found contrarie to al the rules and ordinances of Christes Testament then can yt not be of God belong vnto or vsed in Christes Church or be blessed to the gouernement or saluation of his people Then must it needes be the power and throne of Sathan giuen to the Beast accursed giuen to seduce and to drawe all the children of wrath to distruction Neither shal Mr. Giffard or all the false Prophets belonging to their throne be able to tourne away or withstand those iudgments and plagues which are powred out of the Lordes viall vpon the throne of the Beaste or with their soft tongues to licke whole the woundes of the Beaste that are giuen with that two edged sword that procedeth out of CHRISTES mouth It shal not help them though they raile and blaspheme and gnawe their tongues for grief For their kingdom shal wax darke and Antichrist shal cōsume be abolished as he is reueiled euē by y e same light the Lord himself hath spoken yt How weake nowe sclender are Mr. Giffards defences for these his Lordes the Bishops That the Bishops haue not their caling consecration or power from the Pope but from their Church That they haue by oath renownced the Popes vsurped power and tyrannie That they do not maintaine or defend the religion and lawes of Antichrist but professe and aduance the gospel of Christ and by the liuely word cut downe all idolaitre heresies abhominations That they vsurpe not a Lordship ouer the faith and consciences of men but their peculiar power is onlie in the administration of external discipline Therfore we vvith manifest and vvicked sclander call the Bishops Antichristian If you demande the proofe of al this wee refer you to Mr. Giffards bare affirmation without anie one reason in his learned answeare to the Brownistes Page 75. If he were himself
sometime of an other minde you must thincke it was before he had so neere friendship with or was imployed in such trustie seruices by his Lord of Londō Who as also his Lords grace must not be driuen to proue euerie thing they affirme that were enough to put young diuines vnto their pontifical mouth is sufficient warrant to all the Churches in England Yet I would of their curtesie they would giue vs their Schismatiks that cannot be so satisfied leaue to doubt though we wil not contēd whether their Caling Consecration and this their Power first came not from the Pope For albeit we haue heard that the offices of Prouincial Bishops Arch Bishops Metropolitanes where almost when this general defection from the gospel so much foretold of began to breake out and appeare longe before the Pope obtayned his Supremacie ouer al other Churches and Ministers Yet might it be that this maner of their caling solemne consecration and lardge irregular power of his Lords Grace Lord Bishops sprong from their vnholie Father the Pope Who when he was inthronized by Sathan had receiued the Dragons high commission to be his Vicare general in earth could not of his fatherhoode but prouide for these his natural childrē and bestowe them in his garrison Cities as his Tetrarches Lieutenants Tribunes with magnificent titles priuiledges power and authoritie to rule in his name and absence euen as his owne engrauen image ouer all Realmes Countries Territories within their Fathers dominiōs For as we haue also crediblie hearde there was neuer a Lorde Arch-Bishop or Lorde Bishop with such titles priuiledges power hearde of before the Pope created them Notwithstanding because wee haue these thinges but bie hearesay and would be lothe to affirme of things so vnsure we wil content our selues to haue proued and shewed the Arch Lord Bisshops to be no true Ministers of the gospel and Church of CHRIST and therfore of themselues antichristian from whom or howsoeuer they rise it skilleth vs not Neither shall it auaile them though they haue broken their faith and schismed from the Pope cast off his yoke renownced his vsurped power and tyrannie when they themselues are rounde to vsurpe retaine and exercise if not the same yet as antichristian enormous a power as the Pope retayning the same Courts Officers Cannons constitutions priuileges ouer all Churches Ministers causes doctrines censures they themselues not being subiect to the censure of anie Church exercising their aucthoritie and commandementes contrarie vnto and aboue all lawes both of God and of their Prince whose Royall Courts and writts are not of power to baile anie one committed by the leaste of their hierarchie assuming vnto themselues both the swordes exercising together and at once both ciuile and ecclesiasticall offices c. How well they aduance the Gospel of CHRIST that blaspheme the same and pronounce the rules ordinances and ministrie therof intollerable and persecute all such as either speake against them or for yt Let the tyrannous hauocke they make in the common wealth of poore christians in the prisons of the land shewe How wel by the liuelie worde they cut downe all idolatrie heresies and popish abhominations let the seruice-booke and publick worship of their Churche shewe Which whilest with a stronge hande they obtrude vpon euerie conscience as also impose vpon the Church is not this to tyrannize and exercise a Lordship ouer the faith and conscience Or to speake as he doth is this nothing but to execute the external discipline to make and impose a newe Leitourgie for the whole administration of the Church Or is it likelie that this marcked Minister of ANTICHRIST knewe what the outward gouernment of CHRIST in his Church meaneth that saith yt concerneth not the conscience Is there anie more dreadful or reuerend action on earth amongst men then the iudgmentes of CHRIST in his Church which are al most holie and true Or doe not these concerne the conscience Doth not euerie action of which there are such certaine lawes set by CHRIST himself nearelie concerne the conscience to doe it according to the same when the least abuse neglect or swaruing from the rule euen in the least circumstance that is enioyned in the least censure doth so deface the action is so offensiue preiudicial do not those actions which are donne for the saluation of soules that are said to binde in heauen not concerne the conscience Or doe not those rules which are giuen for the direction and preseruation of the publick communion of the whole Church and priuate conuersation of euerie member therof without the obseruation of which rules there can be no order no dutie either publick or priuate no holie walking in anie caling kept concerne the conscience Except Mr. Giffard can imagine such a Congregation and such members therof as either neuer sinne and so need no watching ouer admonition reproof Or ells such a Church and members therof as make no conscience of anie thing as when they sinne will not amend wil not heare admonition or suffer reproof which is the meanes giuen of God to bring them to amendement Yet Mr. Giffard maketh this holie outward gouernment of CHRIST ouer and in his Church not to concerne the conscience the myserable diuines of this age not to be of necessitie to the beeing and preseruation of a Church the blasphemous Bisshops of this land not to be a thing tollerable with manie other reprochfull blasphemies of the same which are not of anie christian almost to be hearde or repeated much lesse pronounced and defended These husbandmen are they that caste the Sonne and heyre out of the vineyarde that wil not haue him reigne ouer them but take the regiment into their owne hands deuising and erecting a newe forme of gouernement vnto the Church as these their popish Courtes Cannons Customes Officers declare and persecuting with al hostility and tyranny all such as pleade for Christes gouernement and wil not subiect their bodies and soules vnto their antichristian yoke But yet for all this they exercise no Lordship ouer the faith and conscience though they vsurpe exercise and impose this strange ministrie ministration and gouernement in and ouer the Church All this saith Mr. Giffard is but th'administration of exernall discipline and concerneth not the conscience especiallie if it be seared with a whote Iron as Mr. Giffard is Wherfore we doe impudentlie and wickedlie sclander when wee therfore conclude that the Bishops be antichristian and whosoeuer is ordayned by them hath his ministrie from Antichrist and from the Deuil What kinde of ministrie your Lord Bishops exercise and aucthoritie they vsurpe by that which is alreadie written the reader may iudge or at leaste hath a direct way shewed furder to examine What kinde of rule they keepe or as you call it discipline they execute remaineth to be tryed in the fourth principal transgression Where if you make not a better defence for it then you haue donne for their
worde of affirmatiō neuer a place of scripture he proueth in lesse then one page of his booke He affirmeth their names to be Ministers of the Gospell Pastors and Teachers That the names of Parsons Vicares are not to make any distinction of the ministrie but of the maintenance annexed to the same That the Offices they beare are to teach instruct their flockes by the wholesome worde of God to administer the sacramentes and to make publick prayers These he is sure are prescribed in CHRISTES Testament and if our eye were not malignant we might espie them there THAT these names offices of Pastor Teacher with this administration spoken of are in CHRISTS Testament we neuer doubted or made question but now whether these Parsons Vicares Cura●es Hired Preachers carie trulie haue and execute the names offfices and functions of these christian Pastors Teachers all the doubt is And more then Mr. GIFFARD his bare worde we as yet haue not to assure vs therof although we haue even with importunitie begged and vrged him or any of his fellowes either directly to approue their ministrie by the rules of CHRISTS Testament in their Office Entrance and Administration Or ells to prooue vnto vs by the worde of God that such Offices Entrance vnto and Administration in their offices is not now necessarie and of necessitie in the Church of CHRIST but that the Prince whose honorable name they ouer much abuse to the patronizing of all their abhominations or rather the POPE to whose kingdome this antichristian ministrie serued hath power to erect a newe other ministrie in office entrance and administratiō vnto the Church then that of Christes Testament In al which if this ministrie of England cannot by th'expresse rules of the word be iustified al the powers in earth or Hel cannot make them the true Ministers of the Gospel For other ministrie offices of y e gospel is not giuē or to be giuē vnto the Church then those CHRIST hath instituted in his Testamēt Neither may any other Entrance or Administration be ioyned to that Ministrie those offices then is in CHRISTS Testament appoynted If therfore we shew that these Ministers haue not those offices that entrance or administratiō mentioned in Christes Testament it shal be enough to shew them conterfeite strange and antichristian First then by Mr. Giff● his leaue we must a litle insiste euen vpon these strange names of Parson Vicare which were giuē by their first founders creators at the erection of their ministrie offices and are not read of in all the booke of God Neither are any of those names which our Sauiour Christ hath giuen knyt vnto his ministrie for y e distinguishing expressing of their seueral offices and therfore cā at no hand belong vnto the ministri of the Gospel Neither may any mortal man be so presumptions to giue other names denominations vnto his reuerend ministrie holie offices then the Lord of the house himself hath giuen Neither may or will the true Ministers of Christ carye any other names or titles as in regarde of their ministri or office then Christ hath giuen to their ministrie office But Mr. Giff. denieth these names to make any distinctiō of their ministri but only of y e state of maintenāce annexed vnto the same Let vs thē aske him one question what difference is there betwixt the Arch and Lord Bishops and the parish Parsons and Vicares of the Church of ENGLAND in respect of their ministrie if these names be not giuen to put difference betwixt and distinction of the● office ministrie I trust he will not say these Lord Bishops Parsons haue al one office ministrie in their Church I belieue his Ordinarie wil hardly agree to him in this poynte Let him finde therfore a newe distinction to help this matter Againe we could say to M. Giffard that these names of Parsons and Vicares do not only distinguish their ministrie from their Lord Bishops Arch-Deacons Deanes c but yet maketh a distinction euen amongst themselues betwixt them such of their other rouing Ministers which haue no certaine flocke or chardge but as sone as they are made Ministers vnto and of any one certaine flock then take they forthwith their denominatiō of that flocke or towne as the Bishops doe of the greate Cities and are then not before called Parsons or Vicares of such a Towne To conclude these names of Parson Vicare being distinct names and hauing distinct liuings appropriate vnto them belonging also to one the same church or Towne and being giuen to two diuers men so possessed at one and the same tyme cannot but belong to two diuers offices of their Church Except two mē may also haue execute one the same office at the same instant as wel as one man may execute two or moe diuers offices of their Church at one instant But sure these Paradoxes are so inaudible incredible yea so impossible in the Church of CHRIST as I see not how all Mr. Giffard his logique and learning can reconcile them to the Testament of CHRIST But to come to the offices of these Parsons Vicares Mr. Giff saith if we may belieue him they are Pastors Teachers yet setteth vs not downe who be the Pastors who be the Teachers of their Church It should seeme by his speach that these two the Parson and Vicare are one office namely Pastors and that such hireling Predicantes as himself are the Teachers of this Church of England Let vs first consider of their Pastors by comparing them to the Pastors office The true christian Pastor is placed of God in his house his church as a Steward both to diuide the portion and to ouersee take chardge looke to the order gouernement of that Church wherof he is chosen made a Minister of al the publicke actions therof togither with the other Elders But these Parsons by vertue of their office ministrie are not bounde to labour in the worde otherwi●e then to preach 4. sermons in the yeere either by himself or by his substitute and that not by law except his benefice exceede a certaine annual somme in the Queenes booke Otherwise they are but bounde to reade the seruice pre●cribed in the common booke at such tymes and tides as is there inioyned to weare the Priestes attire to reade iniunctions and homelies c. Neither are they permitted or by vertue of their office may intermeddle with the ouersight order and gouernement of that flocke wherof they are Parsons CHRIST nowe in his Church hath instituted no ecclesiasticall office aboue the Pastors office Neither may anie true christian Pastor stand or exercise his office vnder anie such false ecclesiasticall office as CHRIST hath not instituted But there are sondrie offices in the Church of England aboue the Parsons office Vnto which superior offices
receiued be esteamed the true ministrie of CHRIST belonging to his Church But now if they hold the Church of Rome the true Churche and her Elders true Ministers of Christ then is it vtterly vnlawfull to with-drawe depart or separate from the true Church at anie tyme And then were al these and are al they in a most deadlie schisme Mr. Caluins distinction that he separated from the corruptions of the Churche of Rome and not from the Churche of Rome wil not here stand For therby they confesse the Churche of Rome the true Church and that they for the corruptions of the Church departe Which corruptions if they be not such and so incurable as to make the Church of Rome no Churche then is it not lawfull for anie such corruptions to depart from and to forsake the true Church and then are they all stil in schisme by their owne doctrine and so no true Ministers This I haue thus lardglie written of the true Election and Ordination of Ministers because I finde so great ignorance and error amongst the Diuines of the Churche of ENGLAND therin Some of them as the most reformed that seeme to seeke CHRISTES Discipline as they cal yt holde that Elections and Ordinations ought to be donne by the Presbutrie at the least the ordination allwaies of necessitie Others of them the more grosse of the common sorte that holde with the time giue the Election to the Patrone the Ordination to the Bishop onlie LEt vs now come to the election probation ordination of this parte of the ministery of the Church of Englād which exactly to set downe in euerie perticularlie circumstance I cannot not hauing their booke of Consecration Election of their Ministrie for anie thing that euer I could heare they haue none only the Bi●hop appoynteth a certaine day and place when he will giue or rather sel Orders Thither then repaire vnto him all such as want other meanes to geate their liuing poore idle inordinate walkers to whom the ministrie is an vl●●um refugiam None here staying for the caling of God in his Church but running before they be sent Hither to this market these hungrie foxes flocke There they are by certaine of the Bi●hopps substitutes examined if so be that they be vnder the degree of Masters of their Artes for al double graduates neede no probation their hoodes of both shoulders shewe that they haue learning diuinitie enough And as for proofe of their honestie and vertue that is not material that is not required or looked after in this busines except they be so euill beloued as some come to crye shame of them at that verie tyme Which if they doe yet must the matters be too badd and broade that wilbe receiued there And as to this probation that is there made it is but to know whether they haue the latine tongue and how they can construe some sentence of some aucthor If they be not prompt they shall be holpen or haue more easie questions or tyme giuē them if so be they haue anie fauour with Mr. Examiners they are verie meane clarkes which are there refused or sent away if they bring money in their purse without which there is no ministrie to be had in the Church of England Such other as yet cannot endure this seuere tryal hauing only their mother tongue are to resorte to their Lord Bishop at his house more secretly where if they can make anie friēd vnto him they shal not misse of their desire for the Bishop maie or at least doth make Ministers aswel privatlie in his owne house as publickly at this sollemne tyme place But these approued they are brought arayed in their white Ministeriall vesture vnto the Bishops chayre where he solemnelie sitteth in his pontificalibus At whose feete these Ministers that woulde be are caused to kneele downe where hauing certaine articles read vnto them vnto which they are sworne subscribe then are they by the Bishops owne mouth made and pronounced Ministers vzt Deacons certaine chapters of the Bible enioyned them as a taske to reade euerie daye as also certaine bookes to studie diligētly his orders also with the Bishops great seale at them in a Boxe are deliuered them for which they must paye full sweetlie Thus is he made half Priest to reade the booke and serue a Cure but not to enterprise to preach without the Bishops special licence written sealed and wel paied for thervnto neither may he administer the sacraments vntil he haue his ful orders and be made ful Priest Yet nowe is he a fit Curate for anie parish a fit Clarke for anie benefice come by yt where he can For here is he made Minister of the Church of England in general without certaine flock or chardge and is sent into the wide worlde with his licence to geat him a liuing where he may Wherbie sondrie of them by reason of the multitudes that are dailie made are driuen to make verie harde shifte to teach young children or to become house-Priests I meane not nowe Chaplains for they are rufflers for verie meane wage Yet must I needes saye the Bishop taketh an especiall care to preuent this for he hath certaine of their sufficient friendes to be bounde I thincke or ells to testifie that they haue 5. poundes by yeere to liue vpon lest indeede the Bishop himself shoulde be after chardged to finde them by an especiall Cannon made in the behalf of poore Priestes and Ministers Wel being nowe stepped into the ministrie it is not longe for the most part especiallie if anie benefice befal them before they be made full Priestes either by the Bishop priuately or publickly at such day place aboue-said Where they are againe examined how they haue performed their taske enioyned and how they haue profited in the studie of diuinitie Wherein being approued they are in maner attire abouesaid placed at the Bishops feete who now layeth his handes vpon them deliuereth them the Bible and breathing his vnholy spirit vpon them giueth them the holy Ghost as he blasphemously saith and sendeth them foorth vnto all people to preach and deliuer the sacraments for as yet there is no certaine chardge of flocke mentioned Where these Priestes hauing sworne their Canonical obedience and againe Subscribed paying for his Orders al other fees are now made ful Priestes in any ground in England This common sort thus Priestified either serue Cures or by some meanes or other geat a benefice by Presentation or Resignation c. And here must the Patrone that oweth the Advowson present him to the Bishop as his Clarke To whom this Priest must yet againe subscribe and then receiueth the Bishopps institution in writing with his seale thereat which must be well paied for also This Priest thus instituted cometh with his letters and seales to his parish and taketh possession of his parsonage where he must be inducted an other Priest deliuering him the keye of the Church doore which he
condition not to preach against any thing by publick aucthority established how vngodly and enormous soeuer they be And also haue submitted their whole doctrines persons to these their Ordinances not to teach anie truth or against anie error that they inhibite to preach or cease to preach to administer or cease to administer at their direction and inhibition And for their priuate estate by them to be enioyned what kind of apparel to weare whē they ride walke abroade or administer Not to marrie without their knowledge consent or licence euen to this or that perticular woman c. Must not this needes be an excellent ministrie and ministration of the Gospel that is thus mancipate to and by these slaues that is thus bought and solde limited prescribed restrayned when they can proue that the Gospel may be in this maner vsed in the true Churche of CHRIST or preached by the true Ministrie of Christ we wil then yeild to their whole ministration and acknowledg them the true Ministers of Christ. But in the meane while because this is impossible and cannot without blasphemie be enterprised without sinne be thought because also we finde vpon this present Ministrie of theirs euen al the markes of the false Prophet that are written in the booke and al the markes of the Beast we must hold them as they are except we wil with them condemne the truth of God and call CHRIST execrable Neither yet is this their preaching considered euen in yt self set apart from all the abuses and enormities aboue recited such as they glorie of abounding with such great learning excellēt giftes and rare graces of the spirit or answearable to that heauenly exercise of prophecie in Christes Church Of their education and learning euen from the grammer schole to the pulpit you haue alreadie hearde as also their Diuinity to be traditional wholly deriued from other mens writinges and books both for the vnderstanding diuiding and interpretation of al scriptures as also for all doctrines questions and doubtes that arise and not springing from the fountaine of Gods spirit in thēselues according to the measure of knowledge faith and grace giuen them So that these dumbe blinde guides and watchmen doe but see with other mens eyes but speake with other mens mouthes and as one of their chief aucthors saith of them without these bookes they as are blinde as molles as mute as fishes not able of themselues to decide open and interprete almost anie scripture Or to discusse iudge or decide anie doubt or controversie with assurance And therfore when anie newe question vnwritten of before ariseth they are either al at a full poyncte not knowing what to saye to the matter Or ells whē they speake so manie opinions and sentences as speakers Yea euen in the thinges they reade and teache there being so great diuersitie contrarietie amongst these Writers their aucthors there also ensueth great difference contrarietie in their doctrines which they publicklie deliuer One teaching one thing in one place an other the quite contrarie in an other And this not onlie in interpretation and vnderstanding of sondrie yea almost all places of scripture but euen in most waightie and as they call them fundamentall poynctes of doctrine As whether the Church of Rome be to be esteemed a true Churche or no The Sacraments there deliuered and the Ministrie there ordayned be ●o be held true sacraments and a true Ministrie or no. Also if the ordinances order and outward gouernment of Christes Church left in Christes Testament be perpetual of necessitie to be obserued c. And al this diuersitie cōtrarietie of iudgmēt publickly taught in their Church must be coloured and passed ouer with this sweete sentence of Mr. Giff. That they are but brotherly dissentiōs they agree in al fundamentall doctrines A happie tourne it were that those fundamental doctrines were once agreed vpon and set downe that wee might then knowe which part of CHRISTES Testament is fundamentall and of necessitie and which is accidental and not necessarie but variable and at mans wil. In the meane while wee must stil belieue that CHRIST is not yea and naye of one minde in one place of an other ells where Neither that the spirite of God can rule in both places where such contrarie doctrines are taught and maintayned We also are taught that howsoeuer bretheren through ignorance maie doubt and differ in iudgment for a ceason yet are they no there vpon to teach such thinges as they are not assured of lest they publish and sowe errors Which who so doth be he man or Angel that teacheth any other thing or otherwise then Christ. and his Apostles haue taught and deliuered or causeth diuision dissention contrarie to their doctrine or commeth not to the wholesom wordes of our Lord Iesus Christ c wee are to hold them accursed to watch and auoide them Likewise the maner of their pulpit preaching nothing 〈◊〉 to the order of Christes Church where the Prophets I meane such as are knowen to haue the gift of interpretatiō of scriptures haue al of them libertie to speake what God reueileth vnto them besides that which hath bene deliuered so that they neither hinder disturbe or interrupte the publick ministerie of the Churche but vse their libertie opportunely holily to edification They haue libertie also yea their especial dutie it is to obserue and publickly to reproue anie false interpretation or false Doctrine deliuered publicklie in the Church by whom soeuer Yea this power hath the least member of the Church in due order and place if the Prophets and Elders should ouersee omit neglect or refuse The whole Church also euen euerie peculiar Christian Congregation hath power in yt self to censure not onlie anie doctrine deliuered but the person of anie member or Minister of the same congregation But here in these Babilonish Synagogues one Priest climbeth vp into their pulpits for orations and possesseth the place alone where he declameth deliuereth his studied tale to the howre-glasse which being runne out he must make an end for troubling his auditory and leaue no place or tyme of addition assent or dissent to anie other al the people hasting awaye In his pulpit after he hath read his text he may diuide teache or hadle yt leaue or take yt corrupt falsifie wrest or peruert yt at his pleasure In that his priuileged tubbe he may deliuer what doctrines he liste be they neuer so currupt false blasphemous None of his auditore whatsoeuer they be hath power to cal them into questiō cerrect or refute the same presently and publickly for that is by lawe forbidden But the Church is driuē to their Lord Ordinarie to cōplaine and except or vntil he redresse they must hold vse him stil as their Minister In that priuileged tubbe he may inve●ghe accuse sclander deuounce against anie truth or person that witnesseth against their kingedome or against anie publicke
witnesseth Then it taketh awaie or extinguisheth all those mutuall and contynuall dueties beneuolence loue care labour c betwixt the flocke and the ministerie The flocke therbie not knowing or hauing meanes to doe their duetie vnto their ministerie The Ministers therbie so hindered incombred and with-drawen as they either slack or neglect their dutyes to the flocke By this corrupt custome also sondrie intollerable inconueniences grieuous mischieues doe ensue This setting out land or certaine rates by way of lawe or bargaine in euerie parrish or Congregation to the Minister doth hinder the Church from the choice vse of such other Ministers as Christ in his Testament hath ordained to the gouernement and seruice of his Church the parrish or Congregation neither indevouring to haue more neither indeed suffred to haue more or by this meanes able or willing to keep more This setting out landes tithes c to the Minister by way of lawe doth alwaies presuppose of necessity a true established Church and true Minister in those parrishes vnto the worldes end those landes and tithes being appropriate bounde thervnto and hauing none other owners Which cōfirmeth and establisheth those grosse popish errors of a personal and continuall succession of Ministers and local contynuance of a visible Churche Againe when this liuing is thus by lawe giuen to a Priest for terme of his life be he neuer so vnable vnworthie or negligent the parrish is so long bounde vnto him and can by no meanes get rid of him yea be he neuer so bad his faultes errors neuer so fowle they cannot without or vntil their Lord Bishop wil geat rid of him they must mainetaine him and receiue his Ministry whether they wil or no. Furder these annual liuinges by lawe and set stipendes by rate presuppose alwaies one permanent and certaine estate both of the Parrishoners Ministers The one euen euerie person euer to be able to pay so much The other neuer to need more or lesse Yea that alwaies to the worldes end all the Parsons al the Parrishoners of that towne shal neuer need or be able to giue more or lesse whether the Lorde send scarcity of plētie dearth or cheapnes sicknes or health losse or aduātage childrē or no chardge c. Againe such vnreasonable inequalitie is vsed in the distribution of these liuinges the Parson of some one litle Hamblet where are not twētie houses hauing one hundreth or two hundreth-pounds by yeere to liue on an other of a much greater towne not hauing twentie poundes yea peradventure ten poundes by yeere for that chardge he hath to liue vpon And this for euer without regarde of the needes or laboure of them it being alike to them their successors whosoeuer To conclude the tithes set stipēdes of these Parrish Priestes being of the goods of the prophane most wicked and vngodly euen of al their parrish indifferently yet are more odious vnmeet for anie christian Ministers who are not to stande hierdes to such dogges swine to administer to them the gospel and sacramentes for their goods and hire It was not lawfull for the Priest vnder the lawe to receiue the offring of anie stranger from the faith such might not enter into or offer in the Temple Neither nowe vnder the Gospel maie the vnbelieuing haue anie fellowship with the Church or communicate in or intermeddle with anie actiōs of the Church But this contributiō is an action of the Church a communion dutie of the Sainctes How execrable thē is this their sacriledge coueteousnes that thus make marchādize of y ● holie thinges of God and let out themselues to hire euen to the prophane for filthie lucre The true Ministers of Christ may not be suspected much lesse openly ●aynted of such peremptorie faultes as these which disable him from all ministrie in the Churche and are euerie-where set downe as vndoubted markes of a false Prophet By al which then as by al other arguments of their antichristian office entrāce and administration we may still and yet more strongly concl●de them not to be the Ministers of Christ. Seing neither the office they execute their entrance vnto their office their administration in their office nor yet their maintenance can be ioyned vnto the Church Ministrie or Gospel of CHRIST THere yet remaine a few base stragling offices of their Church vzt Their Church-wardēs Questmē Parish Clark These are al lay mē as they call thē yet intermeddle they with ecclesiastical affaires their offices perticularly I can neither describe nor yet wel distinguish The Church-wardēs are as yt seemeth an other kinde of Deacons They gather and keepe the Church stocke and treasurie and also the penalties of such as come not to their diuine seruice and also distribute the same vnto the poore the reparations of the Church c they keep one of the keyes of the towne cheste The Quest-men are liker vnto Elders these I suppose they looke to the order and gouernement of the Church as wel Priest as People That the Priest vse his ministerial vestures vessels and trincketts reade his seruice homelies iniunctions orderlie That the people do not bargaine talke or walcke in the Church and Church yarde during the tyme of diuine seruice They also must looke to the ale-houses that there be no tipling or playing during the said tyme and who be absent from their Parrish Church and present such defaltes at Masse Commissaries Courte accordinglie The Parrish Clarck he is the Priestes Accol●●th to help him to say his Mattens and Euen-songe with his due versicles Resp●nse to help him at his Sacraments Marriages Church-goings Visitations Dirges Rogations at all assayes He ringeth their bells to and after their seruice their knells and soule-peales he keepeth the Church doore keye he sweepeth and ●rimmeth the Church he nurtureth the boyes and dogges that they be not to lowde at seruice tyme yea he may doe yet manie things more if he haue the Bishops letter as in tyme of neede to christen children and to reade diuine seruice in the absence of the Priest c. To stand to shewe the forgerie seuerall defaultes or dissimilitude of these offices from the Deacon or Elders that God hath appoyneted were tedious and needlesse they hauing neither mention nor vse in Christes Testament and Church Thus now haue we summarily pervsed al this rable of the Ministery of the Church of England and haue not founde anie one of them right or almost in anie one poyncte according to the rules of Christes Testament they are all strangers there they belonge not to Christes bodie his Church neither are they knit as members vnto that heade But out of the smoke of the bottomlesse pit they came when that fallen Starre Antichrist had the key thereof giuē him to his bodie his kingdome the false Church they haue alwaies belonged alwaies serued to him in his seuerall shapes they haue alwaies bene knit as the members to the heade from him
and not from CHRIST we all with our bodily eyes see the Church of ENGLAND hath receiued them We see they beare not CHRISTS but Antichrists image marcke life power What then should hinder this assertion that they together with Antichrist their heade doe growe liue raigne stand and fal as the branches with the tree Should a revoulte diuision and schisme in a kingdome within yt self No this but hasteneth the Lordes iudgmentes the sooner to make it desolate Can this revoulte and schisme either transforme or reforme this ministerie Let their present estate iudge Should Antichristes changing his shape from his mysterie to his exaltation from his exaltation to his Consumption Or his Ministers transforming and masking themselues vnder shewes and visardes of righteousnes make them euer the better or hide and defend them from the light No all thinges when they are reprooued of the light are manifest The light of the Gospel shal discouer and abolish Antichrist As he rose by degrees so shall he by degrees vanish As he and his trayne rose out of the smoke of the bottomlesse pit Reuel 9. so shall they all goe into vtter darckenes euen thether againe The Beast and the false Prophet shalbe taken by him that rideth on the white horse and his holie armie these both shal aliue be cast into that lake of fire burning in brimstone The Lord himself hath spoken yt Reuel 19. NOwe let vs see what arguments Mr. GIFFARD after more then two yeeres studie hath brought vs to approoue his ministrie by He told vs erewhile that they were true Ministers of the Gospel Pastors Teachers had a true calling and ordination Nowe come his proues The ministerie of the Gospell vvhich bringeth the vvorde of faith and reconciliation betwixt God and the vvorld is the true ministerie of CHRIST for the Diuel and Antichrist ordaine no such ministerie Nowe the ministerie of the Church of England doth bring no vvorde nor doctrine but the sacred Scriptures yt preacheth faith in God through CHRIST and the doctrine of repentance deliuering the holie Sacraments as seales to confirme the same Let all the schismaticks of the vvorlde barck c. I am lothe to take Mr. GIFF. in a Parologisme at the first where reasons are so geason lest hereafter we haue no more especially lest we haue more varyance about the forme then about the matter in this yet when he shall haue reduced it to right forme he shall then but haue begg●d that which we demanded and still looke that he should prooue vzt That their ministrie is the true ministrie of the Gospell This because euerie true ministrie of the Gospell is in some office vnto which office there must needes be a true and lawfull calling therefore we desired him to prooue their ministrie in the office entrance c by the scriptures Mr. GIFF. giuing vs his bare worde that they are Pastors Teachers making no proofe thereof quite ouerskippeth their office and entrance and prooueth them Ministers because they doe administer As if a priuate person should reason thus I haue knowledge of the lawe I administer true iustice and iudgment Therfore I am a true Iudge a lawfull Magistrate Doth he thinck that this reason wil excuse this vsurper either before God or his Prince If he then wil haue anie better speede let him prooue his ministerie directly and plainely by the scriptures first in the office he chalengeth then in his caling vnto his office as al the Apostles and true Ministers of CHRIST haue donne and ought to doe And then if he can iustifie his administration and be founde faithfull he shall haue praise with God and man Otherwise by this balcking and begging that he should and hath bene so often vrged to prooue he but manifesteth his weaknes and forgerie in those poynctes and but to loseth as many of these preposterous argumentes as he bringeth Yet that he be not too far conceipted or any other deceiued with this argument against his next booke we giue him to wiete That the second part of his argument is a false and impudent assumption The Church of ENGLAND bringeth and emposeth an other worde and other ordinances then the holie scriptures as that deuised abhominable Leitourgie their idoll seruice-booke the rule and foundation yea the verie matter substance of their publick worship and administration their popish superstitious ceremonies and trincketts their vngodly and antichristian ordinances ministrie and gouernement To all these abhominations they ioyne or rather subiect and abuse the Gospell And therfore preach not faith in God nor CHRIST neither the doctrines of repentance truly and sincerely but denie God in their workes and CHRIST in his offices They beare the yoke of Antichrist drawe all the people vnto them souder them euen the most wicked impenitent in their sinne and iniquitie with their prayers preaching and sacramentes Not suffring any to forsake these seene sinnes and abhominations or to come vnto CHRIST but drawing and holding all the land vnder the wrath of God c. NExt he by the way maketh a learned apologie for y e dumbe Pastors of the Church of England his bretheren against whom if yt be obiected that their ministrie is not the ministrie of reconciliatiō because they cannot preach the Gospel He here setteth downe a learned note by way of two rare distinctions We must first he saith distinguish betwixt the ministrie the Minister The man may be of the Diuel and yet his ministrie of God Then we must distinguish betwixt the function yt self and the execution of the same As when the office is laide vpon one that cannot preach the function it self is entire the defect only in the execution therof Therfore the ministrie of the Church of England is the ministrie of the Gospell though some doe not and others cannot preach Sure this is so subtily contriued as men of meane iudgmēt capacitie shall neuer be able to perceiue how it is or may be brought about The first Distinction is graunted so the sinne of the Minister be secrete or not such as disableth him to the ministrie But what of this may any open vnworthie or insufficient person be a Minister Or is the ministrie of such a one good acceptable Ther is no such consequence from hence to be gathered To the second in like maner it followeth not because we may distinguish and put difference betwixt the office yt self and the execution of the office that therfore any office of the Church may be giuen to anie open vnsufficient or vnworthie person Or if yt be that the ministrie of such a one is good or acceptable For the calling of the Church cannot enhable such open insufficient to the ministrie whom God refuseth or make acceptable that ministration which God disaloweth Nowe then these dumbe Pastors that cannot preach are apparantly insufficient and incapeable of that office therfore no calling of men can make them true and lawfull
Ministers And being no true or lawfull Ministers their ministration is then vnlawfull accursed abhominable to God men These then being allowed Ministers and their ministration publiquely by lawe approued and receiued in the Church of England we may conclude the publicke ministrie and ministration of the Church of England to be vnlawfull accursed and abhominable thus far foorth notwithstanding Mr. Giffardes payre of distinctions Otherwise if he laboured to prooue the ministerie of the Gospell to be in yt self alwaies entire holie and blessed notwithstanding the infirmities faultes of mē this all men will graunte and needed not his learned distinctions to prooue the same But what is this to prooue the ministrie of these dumbe Pastors Or the other ministrie of the Church of England to be that ministerie of the Gospell which we for all the reasons aboue alleadged confidently denie HIs second reason Such as haue the caling ordination of the Church haue the ministrie of CHRIST For it is giuen to the Church to cal ordaine Ministers In the next sectiō his Minor followeth In Englād the Ministers haue their caling ordination by the Church of GOD Therfore c. To the Maior he addeth a clause that yt may be a true caling notwithstanding some faultes of ignorāce or otherwise So he vnderstand this otherwise to be of negligence and not of anie wilful obstinate transgressiōs Or not any of those perēptorie faultes excepted by the holy Ghost which disable the elect disanul the electiō then we thus far assent But whē we reason of the caling of the ministri of England we speake not of a true caling though vnperfect with some faultes of ignorāce or negligence but of a false counterfeit antichr●stiā caling which we haue proued affirme theirs to be The caling of the Church ought alwaies to be yt caling of Christ prescribed in his Testament which theirs is not To his Minor now first we denie the Churche of England to be the true established Churche of Christ. He prooueth it thus That people vvhich hath forsaken heresies and false vvorship and imbraced the doctrine of the Gospell hath in it the true Church vvhich hath the power Wee obserue much subtiltie and feare in this position For whereas he ought to haue affirmed Are the true Church and haue the power he fearefullie subtilly saith hath in it the true Church which hath the power not daring to iustifie or ioyne issue of their outward estate but leauing himself a starting hole to flee to such secret ones as God may call and haue amongst them We doubt not but God hath in Turckye or Persia yea in the Church of ROME manie deare elect but should we therfore say that Turcky Persia Rome are the true Church We affirme also will approue against al the false Prophets of the world that in this land the Lord hath such a people that haue thus forsaken heresies false worship embraced the Gospell and haue this power of CHRIST But we denie this their Church to consist of this people to haue forsakē heresies false worship to haue truly embraced the Gospel or to haue this power of CHRIST to elect ordaine excōmunicate or to redresse anie enormitie but are dryuen to these antichristian Bishopps for al these Who receiue not power of the Church but vsurpe and exercise absolute power ouer the Church yea the whole power of the Church as hath bene shewed Which is vnlawfull either for the Church to giue or for any true christian to receiue or execute Neither can th'aucthoritie of anie mortall men or Parlament make that lawfull which God in his worde condemneth and forbiddeth And so euen by this his owne allegation all this ministrie made by standing vnder this vsurped inordinate antichristian power of the Bishopps are also vnlawfull To which if we add the vnlawfulnes of the office these Ministers are called vnto and execute the vnlawfulnes of their calling in the whole maner therof vnto by and in no flocke certaine the vnlawfulnes of the ordayners as also of the ordayned their open ambition greedines and insufficientcy their false maner of probation and ordination with all the vngodly and execrable ceremonies vowes othes subscriptions vsed to the same none can mistake this caling and ordination of the Ministers of ENGLAND for that true holie election and ordination of the Church of CHRIST without which true caling there can be no true Minister No true Church may vse or can iustifie anie such false caling as theirs And so still we must leaue Mr. GIF to proue the office caling of his ministrie THis Clarke procedeth to an other reason That ministrie is of God which is to bring men to the faith and to build vp the bodie of CHRIST The ministrie of England is to none other end Therfore c. The Minor he proueth Because the whole drift scope and burden laide vpon them is to feede vvith vvholesome doctrine to guide in the waies of godlines the sheepe of CHRIST walking before them in godlie conuersation Mr. G. said erewhile that the Ministers of England were no intruders But sure vt seemeth they are verie nimble leapers which skippe ouer the hatch into the house wil not stay vntil the Master of the house cal vntil the Porter of the house open but without any lawfull calling or entrance wil needes thrust themselues Ministers vpon the Lord and his Church whether he and they wil or no. Yea Mr. Giff. wil proue himself these his presumptuous companions true Ministers without this caling or entrance by the endes of their administration although the Lorde of the house neuer caled them to be builders or cōmitted vnto them the worcke and ministrie of his house The deceiptfulnes and disorder of these kinde of argume●ts wee haue aboue shewed and with the same general answeare might dismisse this Saue that by the way wee must giue him to vnderstand That his Assumption is a shamelesse presumption They build not vpon but destroye the house of God the bodie of Christ. This their worcke the present estate of their Church witnesseth to their face and sheweth what maner of worckmen they are where we finde not one pinne nayle or hooke in due order and proportion according to the true paterne They feed not the Lordes sheepe but the Lordes goates and that not with wholesome foode with sincere milke that they might growe and be encreased therby as the generall sinne prophannes and ignorance of al estates both Priestes and people declare Neither guide they in the way of godlines but in the wayes of destruction and calamitie They haue al declined bene made together vnprofitable And the way of peace they haue not knowen And as for the conuersatiō of these Priestes it may wel be an example to the flock in al idolatry superstition impiety vnfaithfulnes apostasie halting and dissembling with God and man worldlines coueteousnes deceipt and what not So that the
our owne Iudges in this case but al stāding to the iudgment of God by his worde ought to haue bene more soberlie and reuerentlie handled Wherein what Mr. G. hath failed wee leaue him to his accomptes before that dreadfull Iudge where the consent and applausion of the Bishops and cleargie of England shall not excuse him for al or anie of these despiteful reproches and fowle sclāders that he hath brought vp and published in these his blasphemouse bookes vpon the Lords faithful seruantes and poore witnesses in bandes against this antichristian ministrie and their vngodly proceedings Which if here with all the deipe learning of Sathan cannot be hid or defended how should they stand before his face that hath his eyes like a flambe of fire that searcheth the hartes reynes and giueth euerie man according to his worckes And for vs seing wee finde this their whole ministrie by examining them by and comparing them vnto the rules of Christes Testament to be false forged and antichristiā in their office entrance administration and maintenance to haue no place or mētion in Christes Church Seing vve before our eyes see them to haue serued in and belonged vnto Antichristes euen the Popes kingdome and throne the false Church with all the abhominable idolatries therin wee dare boldlie affirme and conclude That they keeping these offices cannot nowe belong vnto or serue in Christes kingdom his Church neither be kint vnto Christ as their heade But as the Holie Ghost wittnesseth of them they haue a Kinge ouer them the angel of the bottomelesse pit whose name in hebrewe Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon in all languages and places the Destroyer And as we finde them so according to the cōmaundement of God we leaue and auoide them turning our eye and speach now a litle to the fourth principal cause of our dislike of and separation from the Church of England THE FOVRTH PRINCIPAL CAVSE OF OVR SEPERATION FROM THE Church of England is 4 FOR that their Churches are ruled by and remaine in subiectiō vnto an Antichristian vngodly gouernmēt cleane contrarie to the institution of our Sauiour Christ. FRom this proposition is this argument manifestlie and directlie drawen No true established Church of Christe may vvillingly receiue or vvittinglie stand subiect vnder anie other ecclesiasticall gouernment them Christ hath prescribed and instituted But the Church of England vvillinglie receiueth and vvittinglie standeth subiect vnder a strange ecclesiasticall gouernment other then that Christ hath prescribed and instituted Therfore the Church of England is not the true established Church of CHRIST The chardge argument being so euidient ineuitable as Mr. G. in his first answeare whilest he stoode of the Reformistes side a sutor for Reformation durst neither for shame denie not yet for feare affirme he sought by mouing and after his maner prouing a newe question to obscure and tourne away at the least vntil he sawe furder howe the tymes would goe to shift off the present proposition that pressed so sore with such ambiguous doubtful delphicke words speaches as might be interpreted in what sense himself list And he salfly tourne to that side that were likest to preuaile carrie the creadit in the world First by way of Supposition and Admission in these wordes If it were admitted that there is some yoke of antichristian gouernement Vnder which the poore Church may groane is yt therfore no longer the spouse of CHRIST Mr. Giff hauing thus entrēched himself might issue out of this sko●ce and turne to which side he would As wel might he from hence haue stoode of the Reformistes faction by saying that he neuer sought to plead for or to defend this gouernemēt of these Prelates but euen in these wordes he doth affirme and pronounce yt to be a yoke of antichristian gouernement a bondage an oppression of the Church c. As now being reuoulted to the Pontifical side he saith he did but propounde it by way of question supposition admission For the present gouernment he holdeth yt the true very gouernment of Christ in substance matter howsoeuer yt haue not the same forme and be not executed in that maner which Christ hath prescribed Of which forme there is great question whether it be permanēt or variable Neither wil he meddle with the discussing therof because he wil displease neither side But this he held and holdeth That the true Church may be oppressed and remaine vnder some yoke of antichristian gouernmēt That it is the lot of the Church to be oppressed with outward bondage to be made to keep the vineyarde which is not her owne to be beaten of the watch mē c. Mr. Gif was answered vnto these That there is great difference betwixt ciuile bondage and ecclesiastical bondage Betwixt outward oppression or persecution and an antichristian yoke or gouernment That the Church had beene or might be in ciuile bondage vnto outwardly oppressed and persecuted by either ciuile magistrates as Pharao Nebuchadnezzar c Or by false ecclesiastical Ministers proud antichristian vsurpers as P●shur Caiaphas Annanias c. But yet that the Church of God may neuer by the one or the other sorte be brought into bondage of and wittingly remaine in subiection vnto anie yoke of antichristian gouernement not euen to the least lawe tradition or deuise of man which they see to be contrary to the word of God For this was shewed to be a losse of christian libertie if they should by the will or power of anie mortal man or men whosoeuer be againe entangled in any yoke of bondage or brought in subiection of anie lawe deuise or tradition of man seeme yt neuer so holie or expedient be yt Circumcision Daies Feastes Fastes Meates c To be so cōtrarie to the Gospel as the truth therof should not contynue amōgst them if they should giue place to anie man in the least of these thinges by way of subiection for the space of an howre Gal. 2. 4. 5. To add vnto the worde of God to superordeyne vnto the Testament of Christ yea to abrogate the Testament of Christ. Gal. 3. 15. To worship God in vayne Mat. 15. 9. Not to hold the head but to be rashlie puffed vp in the sense of their owne fleshe Coll. 2. 18. 19. It was shewed that Christ is the onlie lawe-giuer Kinge Husband and Lord of in his Church That one kingdome cānot receiue two kinges One marriage bed two husbāds One house two Lordes so contrarie as Christ and Antichrist at on and the same instant And that one neck cannot be said to beare two yokes and drawe in them both at one instant Neither one person be a faithfull subiect wife seruant to two so diuers and contrarie Kinges Husbands Lords as CHRIST and Antichrist are CHRIST diuideth not neither hath part fellowship or communion with Antichrist There is contynual warre betwixt their kingdomes and subiectes betwixt the false and true Church the false and
most execrable idolatries as they were not to be held the true Churches of God but were pronownced by the holy Ghost whores murtherers idolaters so commanded to be iudged esteamed and forsaken of al the faithful As euerie where in those prophecies of Ezechiel Ieremiah appeareth we haue lardglie in y e SECOND PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION proued And himself in that estate confessed that they ought to be abandoned by the godlie For the generall estate in the time of our Sauiour CHRISTS Ministrie and suffringes wee haue also proued that they were that malignant persecuting Church which did excommunicate CHRIST and al that confessed and belieued in him from whom our Sauiour and his Disciples separated And now to the place of the third epistle of Iohn I vvrote to the Church but of them Diotrephes louing the primacie receiueth vs not For this if I come I vvil bring to remembrance the vvorkes vvhich he doeth prating against vs vvith malitious vvordes and not content in these neither himself receiueth the bretherē and them that vvold he forbiddeth and casteth them out of the Church These verses I haue thus englished to the worde because me thinckes the vsuall translation though in yt selfe not euil seemeth a litle too much to nourish some false collections which neither the wordes nor circumstance of the text wil beare But now what wil Mr. G. gather or conclude from this place Diotrephes he saith abused the power of gouernment ambitiouslie If he meane the power of the whole Church the power of communication it would be shewed and proued wherein If he say in that he cast the bretheren out of the Church We would first knowe of him what bretheren the Apostle there speaketh of whether those strāgers or such members of that cōgregation as were willing to receiue those strāgers and whether they were caste out by waye of excōmunication If he say those members that were willing c we affirme the whole context the argument of the Epistle precedent the faultes of Diotrephes reckoned vp the admonition subsequēt to shew the cōtrarie that he meaneth of the other godlie strangers Gaius in the premises being cōmended for interraignement of those strangers Diotrephes here blamed for these faultes Of an ambitious humor louing aspiring to be chief or first and could not endure to be vnder the Apostles 1. Therfore he receiued not the Apostles letter 2. He pratled against them with euil wordes 3. neither himself receiued these strāgers 4. But forbad them that would 5. And so kept or caste them out of the Church The admonition was that they should not imitate euil but good c. Manie reasons might be drawen from these circūstances from sondrie wordes in the original but especially by the right diuiding of these two verses it wil appeare not to be meant of the abuse of anie censure of the Church of excōmunication As also by the exhortation drawen from these faultes For how could Gaius or anie other of the Church imitate him in this when there was no more Pastors of that congregation but Diotrephes if he were a Pastor as they suppose and by their rule onlie the Pastor maie excōmunicate But what now if it were admitted which can neuer by this scripture be proued that Diotrephes did both vsurpe abuse the power and gouernment of the Church what wil Mr. G. collect and enforce from hence First that this tyrānous oppression did not make them to be no longer Christes Church which remayned vnder him Wel and what wil he cōclude hereupon That these Parishes which wittinglie remaine in bondage vnder the yoke of these popish Prelates which receiue this false antichristian ministrie this popish idolatrous worship ordināces c. are the true Churches of Christ As ther is no consimilitude except in this one poincte of euil wherin yet these Parishes far exceed so is ther no consequent or comparison betwixt a Church no Church a true Church ministrie and a false Church ministrie Neither haue we a better argumēt in al Mr. G. his booke to approue the ministrie procedings of the Church of England thē the most odious sinnes faultes of other Churches which were not recorded by the holy Ghoste for vs to imitate or to pleade for sinne by so much as left for examples and as yt were lande markes to flee sinne by Againe this Church here remayned not wilfullie vnder this tyrannie of Diotrephes They neuer had bene reproued and admonished therfore Howsoeuer we iustifie not or tollerate the least sinne that God condemneth in his worde yet we make not anie sinne vntil impenitēcie and obstinacie be ioyned thervnto to disanul and breake the Couenant with God Neither doe we make euerie inordinate and presumptuous part when the Ministers of the Church extend themselues beyonde their lyne and the limites of their office straight waye an antichristian yoke if they be not seene or repressed at the first For as it is said both the Church and Ministers may sinne in such thinges and transgresse the rule of ignorance or of negligence And so what wil this example helpe their Church which standeth wilfullie and wittinglie in seene bondage vnto these antichristian Prelates But Mr. G. saith the Apostle did not will the faithful to separate themselues or not anie longer to obeye Diotrephes in anie thing wel and euen this his owne fonde collection doth shewe that Diotrephes sinne was neither so preiudicial heynouse or publicklie knowen to the Church as he would make yt For if Diotrephes had either vsurped the whole power or abused the publique gouernment of the Church so far as to caste out of his owne sole aucthoritie in his owne name what bretheren he luste yea those of the most vertuous and charitable he had not to haue bene suffred in the Church muchlesse to haue remayned a Minister with such publicke heynouse sinnes vpon him This had bene contrarie to the lawes and rules of Christes Testament to the practize and procedings of the other Apostles to the safetie of the Church To al which it is not credible or audible that this Apostle would be so contrarie neither may it be inferred from this place without grieuous peruerting the scriptures and iniurie to the holy Ghost If Diotrephes fault had bene in this nature so heynouse and publick what needed the Apostle to say If I come I will declare or bring his worckes to remembrance the Greeke worde is hupomneso submonebo I will submonish Againe the begining of the. 10. verse Dia touto propter hoc for this sheweth an other cause an other mattter an other fault Mr. Giffardes other place Iohn 16. v. 2. serueth his tourne as euil They shal caste you out of their Synagogues yea the hower cometh that euerie one that killeth you shal thinck he doth GOD good seruice It is strange that Mr. G. should thincke and vse this as spokē of the true Church whē the verie next verse hath these wordes And these
quite remooued out of the Church and abolished The Prelates that holde yt arbitrable at Princes pleasures according to the variable estate of tymes and Countries holde fast that popish inordinate vsurped power which they haue gotten into their handes and therbie incarcerate silence seque●ter depose al such of the contrarie faction as speake against their power and present gouernment with al possible hostilitie yet al this deadlie debate M r. G. couereth in a worde calling it but a questiō about the outward forme of discipline As also hideth all the other most heynouse and detestable enormities that arise and flowe from their monstruous antichristian gouernment vnder the same title of outward forme of discipline For both sides he saith doe agree in the matter That CHRIST hath left a power to his Churche to chuse to trye and to ordaine Pastors and Teachers And likewise that he hath giuen the power of admonition suspension excommunicatiō Onlie here is the difference that th'one side woulde haue this power exercised by Presbiteries of Pastors Teachers Elders as in the Apostles tyme The other hold it the more salf and quiet waye to commit this power to the handes of the Bishop Which side holdeth the truth you shall hereafter knowe M r. Giffard● minde when the battell is fought he wil then tell you of which side he wilbe Till then he wil take the Bisshops side against the Brownists tooth nayle and affirme their gouernment to be the holie gouernment of Christ and the defaultes therof not such as make yt to become antichristian or a yoke of bondage as the Brownist with open throte exclaymeth And for the other side wherof he sometyme was they howsoeuer they woulde haue yt remoued yet are far from the Brownistes opiniō for they for the peace of the Church had rather stād vnder yt then vnder Christs crosse by witnessing against yt Concerning the opinions of both these sides for the execution of this discipline they speake of wee haue alreadie shewed both sides to erre and fully refuted their seueral opinions by the way in the SECOND PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION where we haue declared that th'execution of the cēsures power of the Church belongeth neither to such a sequestred withdrawen presbiterie Nor yet to anie one mā but vnto the whole Churchioyntlie c. We haue also in that Second Transgression shewed the forgerie of their idol Suspension and of the popish Excommunicatiō of these Bishops And how the Church of England hath no power to excōmunicate any person for any sinne or heresie whatsoeuer but only abuse this most high iudgment of God vpon earth to their filthie lucre and pompe excommunicating for nothing but for contempt of their antichristiā Courtes Or for not paying their rauenous fees and extortions as also absoluing them for money when they please Whervpon whilest they want this power of excommunication it followeth that admonitions were vayne fruictlesse amongst them whē they cānot haue their due power processe and effect sondrie of them also as these Bishops the whole rabble of their false hierarchi● and Priestes being incorrigible such as wilbe subiect to no censure neither receiue admonitiō but be more readie to smite blaspheme such as reproue them Moreouer in y e THIRD PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION we haue shewed how their Churches haue no power in themselues to elect or ordaine them any Ministers but are inforced to receiue them from the Patrone the Bishop whether they will or no. Where we haue also set downe the counterfeight and false maner of the ordination and institution of their Ministers or Priestes Whereby euidentlie appeareth what kinde of gouernmēt this their discipline of the Church of England is So that here remayneth the lesse to be spokē of this poyncte the chief matters being alreadie handled Onlie here we wil a litle entreate of this controuersie betwixt these Bishops and Priestes about their forme of Discipline and somwhat generallie of their Courtes in fewe wordes and so put an end to this poyncte THis controuersie M r. G. affirmeth to be about the forme not about y e matter of discipline wherin both sides agree That Christ hath lefte a power to his Church c. Doth not M r. G. deserue high cōmandations that with one logicall distinction can both defend all the Popes hierarchie Courtes Cannons c. and make also these two opposite factions the Bishops Priestes to agree in matter So that now belike al this long bitter hostilitie contention and controuersie amongst them hath bene about no matter And then wil not this rare distinctiō hide or excuse the blame of either partie Againe saue that we wil haue no strife about inanitie of wordes we alwaise tooke the forme to haue giuē the beeing to the thing and to haue bene so principal a parte therof as yt might neuer be seuered from the same howsoeuer in vvay of discourse the forme and the matter may for argument sake be distinguished For euen common sense teacheth that no man or creature may be separate from their peculiar and natural forme or shape Neither anie member of them from that forme place and office which God hath giuen appoyncted to that member But al mē hould yt monstruous to haue a mixte or false shape How much more impossible intollerable were it but to admit anie other forme or to change that forme which God hath giuē apoincted to anie actiō of the Church Either that forme which God hath giuen prescribed is no true and right forme Or ells those actions without that true and right forme cannot be said those true actions of the Churche Howe monstruous then is their presumption that dare vndertake to change yea to abrogate those formes rules ordinances that Christ hath prescribed to his Church in his Testament Howe shamelesse and blasphemouse their ●mpudēcie that dare pronownce this adulterate mōstruous discipline of their Church the same in matter and effect with that gouernment Christ hath prescribed Is not this of the one sort to sit in the Temple of God as God to change the ordinances c Is it not in the other with the false Prophet to dawbe and vphold the throne of the Beast If God vnto MOSES prescribed an exact paterne in al thinges that belonged to that Tabernacle euen to the least pinne tape hooke vtilence with the due forme shape measure waight place tyme v●e c and left nothing to his wil or discreatiō but his praise was that he was founde faithful in al the Lordes house and had made and donne all thinges according to the paterne shewed him in the mounetaine If that worde spoken by Angels was made firme and euerie transgression and disobedience receiued iust retributiō of reward How shal they escape and where shal they stand that neglect yea reiect that heauenlie arch-type and onlie perfect paterne of CHRISTES Testament deliuered by the holie Ghost to the Apostles by the Apostles to the Churches confirmed
by the death of CHRIST and by diuers signes wonders from heauen that take boldnes to innouate change alter the inuiolable perpetual ordinances of CHRISTES Testament and to set vp a n●we Leitourgie and to bring in a newe ministrie and gouernment according to the same If God were so iealous ouer the ordinances and vtilences of that material Temple which cosisted but of wood and stone that he permitted not anie thing to those excellent seruantes Moses Dauid Salomon in al that busines which they receiued not by diuine oracle from his owne mouth Neither suffred wilful transgression in anie that drewe neare to administer before him but executed most fearefull exāples vpon sondrie as Nadab Abihu Corath vzzah vzziah c. How much more iealouse and seueare shall he be ouer the ordinances and administration of this spiritual house which consisteth of the soules and bodies of men ouer that kingdome of his Sonne which cannot be shaken ouer that Tabernacle which cānot be remoued the stakes wherof can neuer be takē away neither shall anie of the cordes therof de broken for euer Shal not the Lord destroye them which thus misbuilde and dest●oy his Temple Can they thinck themselues wiser or more in fauour with God their Moses Dauid Salomon To haue greater priueledge then the Apostles who deliuered not anie thing which they had not receiued And bownde all builders and Churches to that which they deliuered vnto the worldes end teachinge them to obserue all thinges whatsoeuer Christ had commaunded them to keepe the true paterne and that holie commandement vndefiled and without blame vntil that appearing of our Lord IESVS CHRIST yea can they thinck themselues wiser and fuller of eyes within and without to haue greater sight and prouidence of thinges present and to come thinges inwarde and outwarde then the Lorde and builder of the house himself That they dare thus presumptuouslie violate and innouate the ordinances the outwarde forme of gouernment administration to vse their owne wordes which he hath instituted for his Church kingdome Thinck they these of lesse momēt value thē those ordināces ●utward formes belōging to the Tabernacle Tēple vnder y e lawe Or is not this to perfer that material Temple the ordināces therof to the spiritual Temple the Testamēt of Christ The person ministrie of Moses to the person ministrie of Christ To make Moses more faithful absolute in his house then Christe In as much as the ordināces of the Temple were perfect and inuiolable such as no Prince or Priest might add to alter innouate or breake the least of them But the ordinances formes of Christ in his Church so imperfect weake insufficient yea so incōgruent vnmeete as they are left arbitrable at the discreation of men conformed to the wil of Princes to polecies times and states yea doe not these men that hold the forme or maner of the administration of Christes discipline as they terme yt variable and arbitrable and that ●resume to prescribe an other maner of executing the same hold their owne waies deuises more wise equal and conuenient thē the Lords waies and thrust their owne into the place of the Lords which formes deuises of theirs can no more agree or be ioyned to the Lordes ordinances in his gouernmēt order administratiō then heauē earth can be mingled Neither may they without sinne be compared togither The Lords forme that he hath giuen disposed to euerie part actiō and exercise of his Church only best fitting agreeing to the same neither suffring or receiuing auy other For as it is writtē the forme of this Citie is fowre square most firme immoueable and proportionable the height length and breath therof being equal Yea as our Sauiour pronounceth with his owne mouth most gratiously oftē in the Songe Al the mēbers features and proportiōs of his Church are most beautifull amiable and euen rauishing the senses to behold as we see there from top to toe described not only in the seueral partes members and ioyntes but euē in the proper peculiar formes proportions features of each How wicked then diuelish is the opinion of these Bishops their side that hold the formes order and maner of the actions administration gouernment of the Church prescribed in Christs Testamēt and together ioyned cōmanded with the actions c not to be perpetual alwaies meete or convenient but to be variable at the dispositiō will of men But how monstruous is their presumption and barbarous their hauocke that dare not only to bereaue the Church of that heauenly forme which Christ hath prescribed in his Testament but in stead therof set vp impose their owne L●ito●rgie their owne ougly deformed and monstruous shapes which cā no more agree to the offices actions of Christes Church then the pawes of a Beare the mouth of a Lyon c can agree be ioyned to an humane bodie which strange shapes ●alse members agree belong rather to the mōstruous bodie of that Beast then vnto the heauenly bodie of CHRIST For if the great Creator haue not permitted or giuē power to any mortal man to make or giue shape to the least member or part of an humane natural bodie not to make one hayre or being made to giue yt colour or sharpe white or blacke short or long Muchlesse thē hath the Lorde great Architect of the church his spiritual bodie giuē power to any Angel or mortal creature to make or change the least part or action therof in matter or forme But as he hath not called anie man to councell concerning these thinges but hath deliuered vnto all men a perfect paterne in his worde where we haue his whole minde howe he will haue all thinges donne in his Church so it behoueth al men soberly to rest in and carefully to beware not to change transgresse or swarue from the same at any hand willingly knowing that euen the Lorde our God is a consuming fire and wilbe serued also of vs in this his kingdome to his owne good liking with reuerence feare Now seeing we finde the forme paterne which Christ hath instituted giuē most perfect absolute such as cānot be corrected or amēded by anie humane deuise or ingenie such as cannot be separate from the partes actiōs vnto which Christ hath ioyned them neither may those places or actiōs receiue anie other forme but that therbie they become adulterate displeasing to God pernitious to mē It is euident that this gouernment which the Bishops exercise ouer the Church cānot be the true gouernmēt or discipline of Christ because by their owne confessiōs yt is executed after an other forme maner then Christ hath instituted Seing as we haue by manie reasons expresse Scriptures proued the forme is inioyned
hatched brought vs foorth this worthie reason to rest vpon If the execution of discipline by Bishops be the yoke of Antichrist and if all the Churches vvhich doe stand vnder the same doe vvorship the Beast and be not christians it must needes follow that such as did euer execute this power were Antichristes and no children of GOD at that time or before thei repented But by your owne confession manie of them died blessed Martyres I conclude therfore That the Brownistes cannot but vvith heresies and most heinous iniurie inordinate dealing condemne a Church as quite diuourced separate from CHRIST for such corruptions imperfections in Gods vvorship as be not fundamentall nor destroy the substance for that wicked men come vvith the godly to the publick exercises of religion for some wantes in calling ordaining Ministers and in ecclesiastical discipline BElike Mr. GIF is hard driuē when this old popish reason alreadie by vs answeared and now by him not ouer wel repayred is fayne to become his cheif corner stone to approue this Church in all these chardges and the only reason he can bring for the Hierarchie regiment of the Church of England By this reason his holie Father the POPE was wonte to defend his triple Crowne apostaticall Chaire Because in the same haue sit manie godly Bishops blessed-Martyres c so that if the office power and dignitie of his Popedome be antichristiā then must all these godly learned men that haue executed the same needes be Antichrists and not true members of CHRIST vntill they repent But they neuer were founde to haue repented these thinges yet are confessed by al that knewe them in that age to be learned godly Therfore M r. G. and all this horned Cleargie and Lordly hierarchie of England cannot without schisme reuoult from without heresie pronownce this holie Sea office antichristian c. Let M r. G. now he seeth the fordge issue bind or loose followe or leaue this argument at his owne pleasure perill If he suppose to escape by shewing discrepance betwixt these godly predecessors vngodly successors in manie circumstances and vertues And so thinck this reason wil not presse him half so sore as it doth vs yet let him consider though I will not be the POPES aduocate that they here reason of the same office and not of the same circumstāces and that these godly predecessors executed the self same office with these their bad successors Yea so might th'example be put as yt should be without anie great difference in circumstance also And as to the difference betwixt the persons of the one and of the other if that may be a solution to this argument we shall not greatly need to feare finding this viperous generation these idle proude wordlie fleshlie persecuting blasphemous Prelates nothing so like these their godly predecessors these Martyres in laboures humilitie bowntie spiritual holie conuersation faith patience loue of the truth of the Sainctes of CHRIST c as they are in that which is euill in these antichristian titles offices Courtes iurisdiction reuenues pompe c. Which as we before said vnto you so say we againe that no men or Angels can iustifie where Gods worde condemneth though all the Martyres in the worlde should dye in and for them We may not be leed or drawen by the examples persons of men how good soeuer from one iote of Gods reueiled truth The best men we see doe erre and sinne there neuer was or shalbe anie man that erreth and sinneth not in manie thinges But should we because good men haue donne euill and erred therfore iustifie sinne and error That were high presumption greiuouslie to tempt God and to abuse the holie Scriptures which recorde not mens faultes to that end What sinne or error might not so by th'example of some good man or Church be iustified yet these are M r. GIFF. his best reasons for his Church ministrie c. and here his only reason to approue the gouernment of these Bishops and hierarchie But now as we here iustifie allowe not any sinne by the examples persons of the godly so condemne we not these godly mens persons for sinne error vntil obstinacie be ioyned thervnto which M r. GIFF. cannot shew in these holie Martyres And therfore we denie the consequent of his Maior or first Proposition That because the office iurisdiction they executed were Antichristian therfore the men that exercised them were Antichristes and not children of God We may vtterly condemne the sinne and yet not so peremptorily condemne the sinner It is a sure position that euerie sinne is of the Deuil yet is there no consequence therof that euerie one that sinneth is of the Deuil we see no such necessitie as M r. G. would persuade of that matter The godly may sinne of ignorance of negligence of fraylety yet not thervpon vntill obstinacie be added vnto sinne cease to be christians These godly Martyres so lately escaped out of that smokie fornace of the popish Church could not so clearely discerne and sodenly enter into the heauenly beautiful order of a true established Church It is more thē one dayes worcke to gather to plante and establish a Church aright much more so manie thowsand seuerall Churches as are supposed in this land It can be no wonder that those godly men being so vnexpert and vnexercised in his heauenly worcke neuer hauing liued in seene or hearde of any orderly cōmunion of Saīnctes anie true established Church vpon earth of so many hundreth yeeres euer since the general defection vnder Antichrist so much foretold of in the Scriptures no maruaile I say if they erred in setting vp the frame But what then should we therfore iustifie or persist in their errors especially should we reiect the true paterne of CHRISTS Testamēt which reproueth our workes and sheweth vs a better course should we not suffer our worckes to burne after the maner of these deceitful workmen of these tymes God forbid For thē should we receaue their reward perish with our worckes Now to the second propositiō of this argument we haue alreadie expressed our minde concerning the suffringes faith and death of these Martyres We finde them obstinatly to haue resisted no part of Gods worde or truth he gaue them sight of at anie tyme but to haue bene verie faithfull constant euen vnto bandes death in that truth they were come vnto Furder we doubt not but they truly repented them of al their sinnes knowen and faithfully laid hold of Gods mercie in Christ Iesus for al their secrete vnknowen sinnes Gods grace we are assured is so much greater then all our sinnes as the sea is greater then one dropp of water Therefore we doubt not of their happie and blessed estate all their sinnes these false offices ministrie which they executed in their ignorance amōgst the rest being forgiue them Th'example then errors of these
persecution of all such as either refraine speake against or reproue their cōmunion ministrie worship gouernment being ioyned We may by all these reasons seuerally and haue by them altogether proued these Parrish assemblies in this estate not to be the true established Churches of Christ to which the faithful seruants of Christ ought to resort and ioyne So then all men maie see how falsly this accuser hath sclandered vs and howe far he hath strayed from the present matters and transgressions in question both through his whole booke and in this conclusion of his booke where he chardgeth pronownceth and condemneth vs as heretickes c for condemning a Church for some light imperfections in their worship wantes in their discipline c wheras we for their idolatrie confusion sacrilege false and antichristian ministrie and gouernment obstinacie in all these sinnes hatred of the truth and persecution of CHRISTES seruants haue proued the Church of ENGLAND not to be the true but the malignant Church Therfore wee condemne no true Church as he accuseth neither for such causes as he surmiseth Nor yet do wee but rather God himself condemne them Wee but discouer their sinnes and shew them their estate by the worde of God refrayning and witnessing against their abhominations as we are commāded by that voyce from heauē Go out of her my people that ye communicate not in her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues c. In the same loue knowing this terror and irreuo●able decree of the Lorde against the false Church and all her children wee most earnestly exhorte and instantlie beseech euen so manie to whom the truth of the Lorde and their owne saluation is deare to flee out of the middest of her and to saue themselues from this peruerse generation and to deliuer euerie man his soule from the fierce wrath of the Lord according to the councel of the Prophets and Apostles of God And not to be stayed by the vayne persuasions titles and promises of these false Prophets of thinges present as of the Church worde ministrie Sacraments c or deluded by their vayne hope of things to come as reformation saluation c or deterred with their vayne threates of schisme heresies daunger persecusion c from obeying the voyce of God whilest he yet speaketh and calleth vnto you and offreth grace lest you despise the acceptable tyme of the Lorde the day of his saluation and he sweare in his wrath that you shal not enter into his rest for your disobedience and then hereafter your flight be in the wynter or on the Sabboth when the wrath of God is come vpon you and there be no meanes or way to escape For the vaine boastings of these Prophetts of things present and promises of things to come reade Reuel 18. where the Holie Ghost sheweth their Church to become the habitation of Diuells the prison of euerie vncleane spirit the cage of euerie vncleane and hatefull birde howsoeuer she boast her self a Queene to be no Widowe to see no sorrowe For this in one day shal her plagues come death and sorrowe and famine and she shalbe burnte in fire because the God that cōdemneth her is a mighty Lorde You there reade how neither her shipmasters marchantmē Princes or multitudes shalbe able to reserue her wares or preserue her from the burning of this heauenly fire No lamentation cā ease or diminish her sorrowe and grief No balme can cure her woundes no arte reforme or repaire her breaches nor arme or power shield her from the weight of that great milstone that shall presse her and all her children to the deapth of hell being lifted vp ouer her by that mightie Angel The Lord hath pronownced his decree is irreuocable The voyce of his heauenlie harpers musitions the psalmes spiritual songs laudes of his Saincts shal neuer be heard in her anie more the skil and art of any heauenlie artificer worckman or builder shall neuer be found in her any more the voyce of the milstone that grindeth foode for the soule shal neuer be heard in her any more the light of a candle muchlesse the burning lamps of Gods spirit shal neuer shine in her any more to keepe out darcknes the heauenlie and comfortable voice of the Bridegome and of the Bride of CHRIST speaking to his Church in instruction exhortation comfort of CHRISTES Church speaking to him in prayers prayses c shall neuer be heard in her anie more Let her Ship-masters then her Mariners Marchantmen Enchanters and false Prophets vtter and retayle her wares deck and adorne her with the skarlet purple gold siluer iewels and ornaments of the true Tabernacle Let them in her offer vpp their sacrifices their beastes sheepe meale wyne oyle their odors oyntements and franckencense Let them dawbe and vndershore her builde and reforme her vntil the storme of the Lordes wrath breake foorth the morning wherof al these Diuines shal not foresee much-lesse eschue or withstand the terror therof vntil the wall and the dawbers be no more But let the wise that are warned and see the euill feare and depart from the same so shall they preserue their owne soules as a praye And the Lorde shall bring them amongst his redeemed to Sion with praise and euerlasting ioy shalbe vpon their heades they shall obtaine ioy and gladnes and sorrowe and mourning shal flee away FINIS AS WE shewed in these 4. PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSIONS in y e worship cōmunion ministri gouernment of the Church of ENGLAND the causes of our separatiō from their publick assemblies in this estate So at their instance we in like maner set downe vnto them our purpose intent what we now indeuored meant to doe in certaine breife Articles Of those transgressions chardges how this Champion hath defended cleared their Church by that which hath bene written now on both sides may appeare The articles of themselues are so iust and holie as no Diuel can impugne or denie no man of religion conscience or shame gaynesay or resist anie one of them yet hath Mr. GIFFARD instigated by the spirit of vayne-glorie and envie in a singular zeale enterprised to answere and confute them all as you may see in his first writing The cauills and vanitie wherof as also his vniust suspitions calumniations reproches against vs thervpon being layd open in our first reply vnto him so far hath he bene from desisting to sporne against the prikes to sclander accuse and rayle on vs or to take a more sober and christian course for the discussing and deciding these controuersies betwixt him and vs as he hath burst forth yet into furder malice and madnes blaspheming vs in euerie sentence of this his second answere to these our articles with such store of contumelious and odious wordes as if that corrupt synck of his heart could neuer be emptied the malice of his minde and venome of his tongue neuer satiate or vttered
against vs euen now as fresh as if he had not rayled enough or all in his writings and booke before But seing his reproches want both profe and truth they deserue neither refutation nor repetition Neither can they preiudize our holie profession or vs or anie way iustifie or excuse him before God or man but rather add to his feareful accompt before God and euidently shew vnto all men by what spirit his heart and pen were guided at the writing of these contumelious answeres Wherein yet most strange it is how he could take occasion to ●ade vs with all this vituperie for propounding these godly articles holy duties especially hauing shewed withall such iust causes of our separation from their assemblies But let vs nowe take a viewe of his reasons wherewith he hath disproued our endeuours in these articles and see whether they be of as great validitie as those wherewith he hath approued their assemblies in the transgressions by vs obiected The articles answeres and our former replie I will not here againe insert referring to the copies aboue HIs cauilling trifling about these wordes CHRISTES Kingdome in his former answeare to our first Article together with his hypocrisie in seeming to labour for CHRISTES gouernment were by vs layde open in our replie as also his vniust surmize that we should hold that CHRISTES Kingdome could not be in anie except they had that his outward ecclesiasticall gouernment was there by vs fullie answered and cleared He nowe in his second answere as vaynely endeuoreth to cleare himself of his former cauilling and hypocrisie by denijing the necessarie sense of his former wordes and by propounding two newe questions vnto vs instead of answering our two questions vnto him which we rather expected Let the indifferent reader iudge whether to all intendement he made not CHRISTES Kingdome only inwarde and his ecclesiasticall gouernment but an help for the preseruation of his inward kingedome in the first parte of his former answeare howsoeuer afterward he vouchsalfed yt to be a part of his Kingedome Vnto his contumelious blasphemous questions we answere That when he shall haue dulie conuinced vs of heresies or schisme to haue condemned a true ministrie to haue falslie accused a true Church then we will confesse our selues to be more then ignorant and rash till then all these reproches shall but followe his other sinnes into Gods sight to hasten his owne iudgment Our questions also whilest they remaine vnanswered and as we thinck vnanswerable must still lay open their bad estate and hypocrisie In that whilest they remaine antichristian Ministers in the false Church And haue so longe continued vnder Antichristes yoke and ecclesiasticall gouernment they cannot be said either to haue or sincerelie to labour for CHRISTS ecclesiasticall gouernment as he and they then pretended And here by the way I must drawe two dangerous positions and in the same obserue great contrarietie in Mr. G. vnto himself First in that they and he pretended to laboure and had so longe sued to Parliamentes for CHRISTES gouernment or discipline they confesse the absence and wante of the same For a fond thing it were to labour and sue for that which alreadie they haue Then if they wante and haue not CHRISTES ecclesiasticall gouernment and receiue an other ecclesiasticall gouernment ouer their Church and ministrie which is not his yt must needes be a false and antichristian gouernment And so they and their whole Church by their owne confession stand vnder Antichristes yoke and gouernment and haue not CHRIST their King to rule ouer them except they can shew that CHRIST doth rule in his Church by Antichrists officers and gouernmēt which I thinck will be harde to prooue and then are they and their Church in a bad estate As also Mr. G. herein contrarie to himself who erewhile affirmed this present gouernment of these BB s. their hierarchie and Courtes to be the true ecclesiasticall gouernment of Christ. And that they were not antichristian Furder he hath obserued reserued one special poyncte in our replie That the kingdome of God may be in the scattered faithfull which as yet haue not the ecclesiasticall discipline This we graunt neuer denied although Mr. G. whatsoeuer he now say then surmized the contrarie of vs or ells had smale cause so vehemently to haue refuted this opinion But we are content that yt shall now remaine to his vse THe second article of seeking Gods true worship he granteth that al men ought to approue Being demanded in our Replie howe then he cōtinued in idola●rie a Minister of idollatrie prophecied in BAAL and pleaded for BAAL Or howe he could approoue our article and yet condemne vs of schisme and heresie because we forsake their false deuised idolatrous worship and seek to worship God according to his worde To those he answereth that when we haue proued their worship to be idolatrie and that they prophecie in BAAL and pleade for BAAL then he is content that men take vs for no schismatickes or hereticks And this I hope we haue in this treatise donne hauing shewed their worship to be deuised by man idolatrous abhominable their ministrie to be as false diriued from and exercised vnder their BAALS these Bishops And how earnestly Mr. G. hath pleaded for these Baals their throne and all the enormities proceding from the same these his owne bookes shall testifie So that I hope we are now cleared with all men and shal hereafter be spared of him from the odious accusations of schisme and heresie THe 3. 4. and 5. Articles after Mr. G. his diuision tending to one effect and begetting but the same cōmon difficulties may together be handled The chief controuersies about the same are these two 1. Whether these publicke assemblies of their parishes be antichristian Babilonish 2. Then whether the Church consisting but of priuate men may in this estate erect establish amongst them such offices ordinances of CHRIST as he hath instituted to the ministri gouernment of his Church Of the first both Mr. G. I haue now lardgly set downe our mindes so that I leaue yt as fitter for iudgment then anie furder discussing in this place The reasons here repeated 1. How their Churches are from antient discent within the Couenant 2. And how their Church in this estate hath begotten and nourished children vnto God as the Martyres haue bene alreadie often propounded and vrged by him in his book I hope by that time he hath wel considered of the heresies sacrilege and absurdities of the first and of the vayne assumption and litle consequence of the second as they are set downe in our answeres he shal haue litle cause to vse them so often or to vrdge them with such confidence bitterness For when Mr. G. shal prooue that a Nation so highly apostatate fallen from the faith so deiply plunged into such execrable idolatries abhominations hardnes of heart as in the papistical corruptiō stil
out though wee doubt not the Church did it by some one or moe of the Prophets or Elders and vnto the Church at their returne the Apostles declared the successe of their iourney In which iourney also the Apostles ordayning or rather helping the Churches to chose and ordaine Elders the word cheirotonesantes lifting vp handes whereby the whole action of chusing ordeyning is expressed doth clearly giue the propertie and right therof vnto the Churches and not vnto the Apostles only who as also the Euangelistes did but instruct direct help and assist the Church herein and not pluck away this power from the Churches Likewise the rules for the choice and ordination of Ministers in the Epistles to Timothie Titus and other places of y e scripture as Rom. 12. 1 Cor. 12. Eph. 4. are not perticularly directed or committed to the cōsistorie of Elders as they cal yt sequestred withdrawen from the Church but vnto the Church consisting of al the members which is therevnto to vse as in all other publicke waighty causes such meet fit instruments as the Lorde affordeth and apoyncteth Neither is this action of approbation and acception or ordination of Ministers so seuered or disioyned from the election as these men dreame Or so tyed to the office or persons of the Elders as the Church might either not ordeyne or not ordeyne without Elders And aswel might y ● Elders take into their hands the elections excommunications c of the Church as the ordinatiō in this maner Againe if the ordination were thus of necessitie tyed to the handes office of Elders how thē should the Church after this general defection corruption vnder Antichrist where al the starres were fallen to the earth and the whole shape of the heauen departed away as a booke wrapped vp a new strange ministry brought out of the bottomlesse pit with him as wee reade euer recouer or haue anie true Ministrie againe in this world where should they haue true Elders to ordaine their Ministers In the false and papisticall Church there can be no true Elders or Ministers of Christ The true members of Christ can not be made the members of that Beaste the members of that Harlot The true Ministers of Christ cannot belong vnto neither can administer in the false Church but only belonge vnto and administer in the true stablished Church of Christ. But now in the tyme of this general apostasie and papistical corruption Mr. G. cannot shewe anie where anie true visible established Church vpon earth with the true ministrie gouernment worship sacraments ordinances of Christ howsoeuer in a singular conceipt of his owne he haue pleaded the Church of Rome and her daughters in their deipest apostasie to be in the true Church they and al theirs within the Couenant from antient discent to haue the true seale therof namelie baptisme there giuen vnto them all Yet here not being to be founde anie true christian Ministers or Elders who shal now ordaine their Ministers at their first comming out of popery departing from the Romish Church For nowe we wil transfer the case from our selues who are so odious in Mr. G. his eyes as no good thing wilbe allowed in or to vs vnto themselues When they first came out of poperie were they then Corah his companie an assembly of mutinous prentices Were they not all priuate men Or which of them was otherwise Ordinary or permanent Ministers they could not be because there was no true visible established Church vpon earth and for a thowsand reasons that might be drawen frō the forgery of their office administration c in y e popish Church Extraordinarie Ministers Apostles or Euangelistes the could not be because as we haue aboue proued they were ceased after y e foundatiō was once laide and y e work rightly erect according to the true paterne Neither finde we to any one established Church the offices of Apostles or Euangelistes perticularly giuē belonging or erected in anie of them as a ministri of contynuance Neither had these mē the caling due to Apostles Euangelistes Nor yet did they chalendge or execute anie such office as appeareth by their writings and profession where they would not haue bene ashamed of y e ministry God had caled them vnto to haue published themselues such as they were But if so be they had donne this yet their practize being so discrepant from the Apostolike paterne worke of the former Euangelistes we might not at any hand accept them for such Thus then at their first comming out of the false Church and gathering together they were but priuate men What then were they hereticks schismaticks for departing out of the false church were they cōuenticlers sectories c for assembling together were they vsurpers and intruders without caling mutiners rebels against Princes and abridgers of their power aud withdrawers frō their obedience allegeāce for dissuading the people frō the false Church the yoke of Antichrist al their detestable idolatrys and enormities for caling them to the communion of Sainctes to procede to the choice of Ministers and to the practize of Christes Testament as the Lorde shoulde reueale vnto them Al this they did or at the least professed endeuored to doe Yet I hope M r. G. that so buildeth their Tombes and garnisheth their sepulches wil not thus say of them howsoeuer he rayle on vs that doe and protest to doe no whit more If they were faithful Christiās such are we holding the same commune faith with them al Sainctes not as yet truly chardged or duly conuinced of any one error contrary to the faith They left the false Church so do we They assembled ioyned together in the faith of Christ so do we or at y e least would doe They were but priuate men and so are we They herein are not iudged to haue offended God or their Prince and why should wee for the same They herein did more then to come out of Babilon They did more then sweepe or repaire the house for they proceeded to the choice ordination of Mi●●sters to the building of the house c Or ells Mr. G. by his owne reasons must condemne them the Church and al the ministrie of the land yea of all Europe as wel as vs. IF he alleadge that though they left their popish administration and to administer in the popish Church yet they left not that ministerie they there had Wee answere as we haue answered that they receiued no better ministrie in the false Church then the false Church could did giue them neither could they bring anie better out thē they there receiued But the true ministerie belongeth not to the false Church neither cā the false Church ordaine true Ministers Againe whoseuer leaueth the publick administration of his Ministrie forsaketh his Ministrie But they left the publick administratiō of their ministrie The like argument may be drawen for leauing the
two edged sworde of his mouth to cut downe all sinne The mightie spirituall weapons of his worde to bring in captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of CHRIST to to the ouerthrowing of all munitious reasonings and sublimitie lifted vp against the knowledge of God and to haue in a readines to reuendge all disobedience To cast sinne into the Epha and the talent of Gods iudgment vpon yt and to remoue yt out of the Church with all power and celeritie with the vvinges of a Storke and the wynde vnder their vvinges and to lift vp the Epha betwixt the heauen and the earth in the eyes of all men CHRIST hath giuen this aucthoritie to his seruantes whom he hath left in his house and hath commanded them all therfore to watche together To obserue and avoide them that cause anie diuisions or offenses contrarie to the doctrine that they haue learned To contende for the maintenance of the whole faith Not to intermit or to be withdrawen from anie part of the same by anie man or Angell for persecution or anie thing that man can doe vnto them euerie where vvarning instructing and exhorting his seruantes not to feare persecution for righteousnes sake to take vp and beare his crosse daylie c Likewise for the neglect of those thinges God reproueth and stirreth vp the Churches To repent and to doe the first workes or ells he wil come against them speedily and remoue their candlestick To repent or ells he wil come against them speedily and fight against them with the sworde of his mouth Commending those Churches that kept that they had the worde of his patience in persecution promising them the Crowne of life if they remaine faithfull vnto the death to make them that ouercome pillers in the Temple of God c. M r. Giffard he is contented that vnder heathen or popish Princes the Church now may reforme or proceed in the practize of the whole will of God but at no hand where the Prince posesseth the faith in the fundamental poinctes though otherwise he erre and mis-leade the whole Churche in some matters of doctrine or touching the rules of discipline In these abuses and corruptions euerie priuate man is to keepe a good conscience but none to take publick aucthoritie to reforme Because these Kinges are principal members of the Church c. What cleare conscience any priuate man that yeildeth to these publick seene errors or transgressions Or the whole Church whilest yt wittinglie doth or suffreth these thinges to be donne can keepe we haue aboue shewed in the SECOND PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION How expreslie contrarie this leauened traditionall proposition of M r. G. is to all these Scriptures and doctrines aboue recited is so euident to all men as yt needeth no furder or lardger refutation If God haue committed his whole worde vnto his Church as the foundation of their faith and of euery action they doe commanding them to stand to the death for the maintenance of the whole truth and the holy practize of the same and to cast out in his name and power all that publicklie and obstinatlie hold anie opinion or that so commit anie transgression contrary to his worde If God for the neglect hereof haue menaced to come in iudgment and exhorteth the Churches vpon the first discouerie hereof to speedie repentance Howe can M r. G. persuade the Churche to contynue wittingly in open errors publick transgression or in this estate promise them peace The holie Ghost hath not set downe this as a note of a true Prophet Neither hath God promised anie peace to thē that wittingly contynue in any error or transgression vntil they repent Doth not one deade flie putrifie and cause to stincke the whole oyntment of the Apothecary A litle leauen make sower the whole lumpe Wee would knowe of him therfore whether that diuelish distinction of fundamental errors and transgressions and such errors and transgressions as he holdeth not fundamentall wherebie he turneth away the practize of what part of Gods worde he lusteth and iustifieth or at the least tollerateth what open errors publick transgressions of Gods worde he lusteth will excuse him or anie that wittinglie breake the least of Gods commandements And whether the aucthoritie or christianitie of anie Prince wil in that daye excuse before the Lorde anie man that hath at the Princes commandment committed much more contynued to committ anie transgression without vnfaigned repentance But if the least error be contrarie to true faith the least transgression sinne and no knowen sinne or error to be committed or continued in howe can he persuade the Churche to commit or to contynue in anie error or transgression so highly to tempt and prouoke the Lorde And now to the poynct we would know of him whether anie Prince much-lesse a christian Prince may abrogate the commandement of God or take away that power and aucthoritie that God hath giuen to the Church vnto the worldes end If not but that the commandements of God remaine alwaies the same and the Churche hath the same power vnder a christian magistrate that vnder a heathen why then yt ought not to proceede to the obedience and practize of Gods worde whether in correcting and redressing faultes or in going forewarde in the wayes of God as they are reueiled vnto them as well and freelie vnder a Christian Prince as vnder an heathen Is it because a Christian Princd is the principall and greatest member of the Church why by so much the rather ought and the better may the Church doe it hauing now such a singular help and rare accomplement of so pretious a member Euerie true member is giuen for the help and comfort and not for the hindrance and hurt of the body Wee may then much better conclude that the Church vnder a christian Prince may procede with all freedome in the sincere practize of CHRISTES Gospel because he is a member of CHRIST of the Church then vnder an infidel Prince that is an enimie to CRHIST and to the Church ANother reason he bringeth whie the Churche vnder a christian Prince may not reforme without his licence or vntill hee will because it is the office of a christian Prince to reforme the Church and therfore the Church in taking such a publicke worke vpon them shoulde but vsurpe and encroch vpon his office Because wee are so apt to mis-vnderstand one an other and to take words in too lardge or straight a sense it were good wee set downe what is meant by this reformation here spoken of before we proceede Wee meane then by reformation to reduce all thinges and actions to the true antient and primatiue paterne of Gods worde This we graun to be the office and duetie of the Prince to doe aswel in the Church as in the common Wealth The Princes eye may suffer no transgression of Gods lawe he is to ouersee and see euerie one to doe their dueties in the office
and caling God hath placed them Yet is this no preiudize to the Christian libertie and power of the Church no impediment to anie member therof but rather a singular preseruation of all dueties and an excellent instigation of them all to doe the wil of God in their calings For in all this here is no power giuen the Prince to restraine anie iore of the libertie and power of the Church or to with-hold anie one person from doing the whole will of God in their caling Much-lesse is here anie power giue the Prince to drawe or compel the Church or any member therof to the least transgression or error yea when the Prince shall in anie thing be founde contrarie to God God is then to be obeyed rather then man And this is no disobedience to the Princes soueraigne and supreame power ouer al persons and causes ecclesiastical or ciuile is no preiudize or impediment to the Church or to anie member therof from doing the whole will of God in their calings So in like maner are not the proceedings of the Church according to CHRISTES Testament any derogation from or enchrochment of the royal power and prerogatiue of Princes as this false Prophet out of the mouth of Sathau woulde perswade but rather a singular preservation and most rare illustratiō therof Whose reignes are neuer so glorious as when or glorious but when God is worshipped and obeyed according to his reueiled worde and those most chearished and fauored that are most faithful therin In the Church of CHRIST are al duties most faithfullie taught and no knowen transgression of anie knowen duetie suffred either to God or man Howe then can Sathan himself say that the proceedings of the Church or rather or Christ in his Church are contrarie to or derogate from the royall power of Princes They cannot be of God that thus set at variance these blessed powers which God hath so conioyned and contempered for the mutual help each of other and the seruice of his glorie No it is the false Church and this antichristian hierarchie that are preiudicial vnto enchroch vpon and vsurp the Royall aucthoritie power iurisdiction titles honors prerogatiues lads palaces pompe c of Princes The true Church both knoweth howe to obey the Lorde and their Prince in the Lorde They vsurpe not the Princes office when they reforme anie publick fault in the worship administration gouernment ecclesiastical c but execute their owne office For this is not the Princes office to doe in person but to commande the Church to doe it by such instrumentes as God hath ther vnto ordayned This commandment of the Prince doth neither giue the Church more power or make the action more lawful Neither doth the prohibition of anie Prince take away this power of the Church that God hath giuen or make the action that God hath commanded more vnlawful How then doth the Church more sinne in doing these duties in reformation and correctiō of publick faultes and proceeding in the practize of Gods will which God hath commanded to be donne by his Church then anie priuate man sinneth when he correcteth anie fault in himself or in his family or beginneth to doe anie duetie which he before neglected without his Princes lycence Seing the Princes eye power and office extendeth aswell to ciuile as to ecclesiastical dueties aswell to priuate as to publick reformation yea the Princes licence in al Christian consideration extendeth to al godly duties honest actions euen to as many things either to be donne or to be left vndōne as the cōmandements of God extend vnto For he is the Minister of God for y e praise of them that do wel and for the punishment of them that doe euill when the Prince resisteth or suffreth not the worde of God to haue free passage he sinneth doth not his duety But this cā be no excuse for vs to cease to doe the wil of God or to intermit our duetie If he drawe the sword and smite vs for wel doing that but augmenteth his sinne and the blessing of God resteth vpon vs that suffer for righteousnes sake wee may not for feare of persecution or for the indignation of Princes leaue the commandements of God vndonne For that were with this false Prophet to mancipate the lawe of God to the wil of Princes and vtterly to abolish the crosse of Christ out of the world For Princes neuer punish mē for obeying but for breaking their hestes Beastly then hellish is the speach of this mā That saith the Church refuseth the peace of their Prince and prouoketh him to strike when they either reforme such faultes as are in the Church or proceed to doe such things as God hath commanded them though the Prince forbid and wil not giue licence But especiallie where the blasphemer is not afraid to say that the Church when it procedeth to the establishing and practize of Christes ordinances erecteth a state gouernment of their owne Doe they erect anie thing of themselues or that CHRIST himself hath not erected Is not this to accuse CHRIST of treason because he saith he is a Kinge And his seruants of sedition because they set vp his kingdome without the licence and against the will of Princes though it cost them their liues for the same Is not this man a faithful seruant of CHRIST a faithfull subiect to his Prince that so reprocheth CHRISTS heauenlie kingdom reiecteth his ordinances and commandments to make them depend vpon the wil of Princes that so seduceth his Prince and would drawe her into battell against God almighty and his Church Yea if to set vp Christes kingdome in a christiā estate without the leaue or licence of the Prince or state be rebellion and disobedience a derogation from their sacred power an intrusion into their high office how then will he excuse our Sauiour CHRIST himself who being borne in the flesh but in th' estate of a subiect and a priuate man hee neither being Minister of the Temple nor magistrate in the commō Wealth and that in a godly state vnder faithful magistrates as himself acknowledgeth did notwithstāding by al meanes in deuour to set vp his kingdome preached baptized caled al men vnto him although the whole state and gouernours earnestly sorbad and resisted him Those gouernours were to be obeyed and he himself was obedient in al things as became a true subiect If it be answered that he did it by the especial commission and commandment of God Wee readilie graunt that a sufficient warrant vnto him before God and men as also vnto all others that haue the commandement of the same God for that they doe But what is this to our question Whether the Church or such as haue aucthoritie from God ought to be stayed from doing the commandment of God by the inhibition of a christian Prince or state Wee graunte it high sinne and intollerable presumption for anie that haue not aucthoritie of God to enterprise to doe anie thing
in the Church whether with or without their Princes licence But if yt be vnlawful for the Church or such as haue aucthoritie of God without the licence of their christian Prince or gouernours Then verilie our Sauiour his Disciples offended herein who stayed not to doe the will of his heauenlie Father for the threates laying wayte of the Rulers Furder if it be vnlawfull derogatorie to a Christian Princes office aucthoritie for anie to doe Gods wil in their callings and for the Church to proceede in the practize of CHRISTES Testament though against his wil Then is it also vnlawfull vnder a heathen Prince For the christian and heathen Princes haue one and the same aucthoritie office duetie to see all thinges both in the Church and in the commune Wealth donne according to the wil of God There is the same reuerence and obedience though I say not the same bowells of loue due to the heathen that is due to the christian Prince in regarde of their office The heathen Prince shall answere aswell as the christian for the neglect of their duetie for the abuse of their power and place And thus also if M r. G. doctrines be sownd the Apostles likewise sinned against the aucthoritie of Princes in erecting CHRISTS kingdome and the Churches in proceeding to receiue the same and to doe the wil of God without their Princes licence and notwitstanding their prohibition Seing that the vnbeleeuing Princes haue the same place office and aucthoritie and ought to haue the same obediene in respect thereof that christian Princes haue or ought haue And sure most diuelish and detestable are these two published and generallie receiued opinions of these contrarie factions of our English Cleargie men The one giuing out that the forme of ecclesiasticall gouernment prescribed in CHRISTS Testament practized by the Apostles and primatiue Churches in the tymes of persecution is not nowe necessarie or tollerable vnder a Christian Prince The other giuing out that those ordinances and that gouernment which they acknowledge CHRIST to haue instituted and prescribed to his Church vnto the worldes end may not nowe vnder a christian Prince be put in practize by the Church if he forbid the same as they might ought and were vnder heathen Princes by the faithful in all ages With the one of these blasphemous positions the Prelates defend their outragious gouernment and all their antichristian proceedings with the other the tyme-seruers these counterfeite Reformistes colour and defend their perfidie not witnessing vnto and practizing the Gospell of Christ and their seruile subiection to the gouernment of Antichrist By which positions both sides most impiously abrogate the heauenlie gouernment and ordinances of Christ in his Church and intollerably seduce and abuse that most blessed and comfortable ordinance of the christian Magistracie Both of them hereby shut vp the kingdome of heauen against all men neither entring themselues nor suffring such as would but holding the whole land vnder the enormous gouernment of Antichrist in the wrath of God whose iudgment therfore sleepeth not YEt remayneth an other dangerous error which Mr. G. hath picke● out of a certaine answere made by me HENRIE BARROVVE to three greate Bishops of this land where being demaunded whether the Queene may make lawes for the Church which are not contrarie to the worde of God I seeing wherat they aymed vzt to maintayne al these popish reliques deuises tromperies c wherwith their worship Church is pestered answered as I remember to this effect That no Prince neither al the mē of the world not the Church yt self could make any lawes for the Church other then CHRIST hath left in his worde But I thought it the dutie of euerie Prince especially of euerie christian Prince to enquire out renewe the lawes of God and to stir vp all their subiects vnto more diligent careful keeping of the same This answere M r. G. after his accustomed maner pronownceth Anabaptisticall de●ijng and cutting off a great part of the power God hath giuen vnto Princes and a great part of Discipline Proof of these chardges he maketh none except we must take these two assertions in way of proofe vntill he bring better The first is that CHRIST hath giuen general lawes or rules for matters of circumstance that be indifferent variable in the perticulars and so to be altered and abolished as the peace and edification of the Church shall require And therfore that Princes with the Church are to ordaine to establish such orders by those generall rules as may afterward for iust cause be altered M r. G. his antecedent here is so general extendent his conclusion so doubtful and indefinite taking such roome to himself in both to escape euade as except he drawe nearer and in his next booke take the paynes to set downe what he meaneth in his proposition by general lawes rules and by matters of circumstance And in his conclusion what kinde of orders those such orders are the Prince should ordeine establish he shalbe so far from distressing or convincing me as I shall neuer perceiue where he is or where about he goeth This when he shal doe then I shall knowe what to answere him In the meane tyme I confesse manie thinges of circumstance as the tyme place of assembling what scriptures to reade or to interprete how longe to continue in prayer or prophecie c to be left in libertie at the discretion of the Church to be wisely vsed according to their present occasions to edification order decencie Of these sondrie such like the Lord in wisedome sawe it not good to set downe positiue or permanent lawes for all Churches and tymes because the present estate and diuers occasions of all Churches yea of anie one Church are so diuers variable that prescript definitiue lawes could not be set of such things in perticular for the space of one moneth without manifold incōveniences great preiudize to the Church Of such things then as the Lord for these wise endes waighty causes hath left in the libertie discreation of the Church to be vsed and ordered according to the present estate and occations therof c may man make no prescript positiue lawes in perticular to enioyne therby this forme this tyme c vpon all or vpon anie one Church without restrayning that which God hath left at libertie yea without cōtrolling contrarijng the wisdome of God which no doubt is most excellently perfect euen in the least thinges and without manie other grieuous inconveniences intollerable preiudize to the Church of God Much better therfore should the Prince prouide for the Church to see them duly to obserue the lawes that God hath giuē and to vse their libertie aright Or where they transgresse in either of these to reprooue or to correct accordingly then to make and enioyne new lawes of his owne deuising so contrarie to the libertie yea euen to that order
discipline CHRIST hath giuen which cannot be ioyned vnto exercised or preserued by anie other lawes then God hath made as by due examination in perticular of the least or best thing they thus deuise and enioyne will appeare CHRIST that great Architect of his house hath left vs a most absolute exact paterne of all things belonging therevnto vnto which no humane deuise can more be added or ioyned then heauē earth can be commingled Wherefore we may by better right esteeme M r. G. a corrupter of CHRISTS discipline or rather a fordger of a newe discipline for making bringing in new lawes into the church other then Gods lawes Then he may pronownce vs denyers cutters off of CHRISTES discipline for allowing and receiuing no lawes for anie action in the Church but Gods lawes HIs other reason is this Princes ought to establish the whole christian religion to punish idolaters wicked despisers heretickes schismaticks blasphemers But this cānot be donne but by lawes made established Therfore Princes ought to make lawes for the Church And I in denijng this denie a great part of that power which God hath giuen vnto Princes His first proposition is no more then I haue professed in mine answere If he vnderstand his second proposition of other lawes then God hath made I then denie yt as most false vntrue whereof vntill he make proofe he hath not obtayned his purpose nor convinced mine answere And therfore til then must withdrawe his triumphant conclusions I hold that Gods true religiō is only founded vpon and established by his owne holie worde lawes and not vpon or by mans lawes And that the Prince may aswel make a newe religion as newe lawes for religion Furder as I hold in Gods worde sufficient rules directions for all actions of the Church So hold I in the same most iust iudgments meete punishments to euerie transgressiō So that the Prince can no way better advance establish true religion then by yea can no way establish by but yt the promulgation and due execution of Gods lawes calling all men of all degrees to the hearing sincere practize thereof in their calings and dulie punishing al such as transgresse the same after such order proclamed established God hath incommended inioyned the booke of his lawe to all Princes therbie the gouerne both the Church common Wealth in al things as we plentifullie reade Deut. 17. 18. 19. 5. 32. 29. 9. c. and 4. 6. Ioshu 1. 8. 1 Kinges 2. 3. 1 Chron. 28. and in sondrie other places The Kinge is not made the Lord but the Minister of Gods lawe to which he is bownde and for the transgression therof shall answere vnto God as anie other person He is placed in the seate of God and the worde of God committed vnto him not to alter or neglect the least part thereof Not to make newe lawes but to keepe see obserued those lawes which God hath made Greate then is their ignorance that thincke not that God hath giuen sufficient instruction direction in his holie worde for all actions of his Church And greater their wickednes that knowing this dare giue mortal men leaue to make lawes for Gods Church If they say that the Princes lawe must be consonant to Gods lawe Then I answere they haue warrant groundworke in Gods worde which if they haue then are they Gods not mans lawe For Gods lawe extendeth as farr as the equitie of his law extendeth But what lawes soeuer haue no warrant of groundworke in Gods worde those cannot be said to be cōsonant to Gods wil because there we haue the whole minde of CHRIST and so are to be auoyded as superfluous burdenous and contrarie to Gods word how necessarie or expediēt soeuer they may seeme to humane wisdome AND now let the christian reader iudge what cause M r. GIFFARD had to pronownce this mine answere to the Bishopps question Anabaptistical when I therein acknowledged the whole lawe of God the place office and whole power of Princes that God hath giuen them all which the Anabaptistes vtterlie denie Or with what conscience he hath chardged vs as seduced by Brownes writing And to hold that Princes ought not to compel their Subiectes to the true worship of God Neither ought to reforme the Church All which sclanders this my answere which he here endeuoreth to confute refuteth to his face FINIS A BREIFE REFVTATION OF Mr. GEORGE GIFFARD HIS SVPPOSED CONSIMILItude betvvene the Donatists and vs wherein is shewed how his Arguments haue bene and may be by the Papists more iustly retorted against himself and present estate of their Church Mr. GIFFARD a man inexpert in discerning the times seasons hauing long skirmished with vaine titles and assuming the matter in question vndertaketh now to deface all Gods inuiolable ordināces with a certayne dialogue betwene Augustine and the Donatistes and to make CHRISTS ordinances and our persons odious as he supposeth to all men therby to heale the wounde of the Beaste and dawbe vp the whole rable of the Romish Ministerie lawes worship gouernment which al men of anie iudgment know to be receiued from the Pope He taketh vpon him to compare vs to the Donatistes and without considering the causes persons from which and from whome they separated as also the times and ages He sclanderously wresteth some perticular doctrines about separation and wee therevpō must needes be Donatistes But we haue learned that we ought al to take heede to the most sure word of God and that he that speaketh ought to speake as the wordes of God and to this lawe and this testimonie if anie speake not it is because there is no light in him We refuse vtterly to be drawen into this kinde of fruictlesse strife and will not intermedle either with the Donatistes not Augustines persons nor yet with their causes or maner of pleading them but only shewe in a fewe breif notes how vniustly this godlesse quarrelous man hath dealt herein euen in the thinges he hath set downe leauing the better veiwe thereof to such as will bestowe their tirne that waye and those to due consideration and vnpartiall triall by the worde and spirit of God AT his first entrance into his discourse he denyeth vs to be Christians saying all that are gathered by CHRISTS doctrine only vnto Christ alone as yt is written one is your Doctor euen CHRIST Math. 23. are only by his title called Christians But we are wicked Schismatickes therfore we must be called by the first Aucthors or chief maintayners thereof To which we answere that M r. Giffard his Collegiates haue giuen out for vndoubted doctrines that such as hold the fundamental doctrines of iustification by faith in Chr●st alone are to be holden Christians and to cleare our selues a litle further we seeke to be gathered and ruled by Christs doctrine only and by Christ alone as our King Priest and Prophet yea
therfore we suffer because wee wil not denie this faith But by his owne argument he hath turned himself and their whole Church and Priesthood out of the folde whiles they are not gathered vnto CHRIST alone by his doctrine only but maintaine Antichristes lawes orders his seruantes they are to whome they gyue themselues to obey To proue his former reason hee aledgeth the custome of the olde time in Gods Church and the scripture yt self Reuel 2. where the Nicolaitanes are mētioned Arians of Arius Montanistes of Montanus Nouatians of Nouatus Pelagians of Pelagius Donatistes of Donatus The doctrine we do graunt that wicked Heretikes Scismatikes may iustly be named of the aucthors and leaders But heresie and schisme we denye to be maintayned by vs And you hauing neuer conuinced vs of heresie neither can proue your Churche to be the true apparant established Church of Christ must gyue accompt for your malitious sclandering of vs and numbring vs among such hatefull heretickes as the Arians c. If wee be Christians then must you gyue accompt for this offence which is not only done to vs but to his truth and to himself You affirme in an other place that you had rather gyue accompt for to much charitie shewed to the wicked yea for iustifijng an euil man then for cōdemning the iust being iguorāt that the woe is pronounced against both But here you haue forgottē your self herein and by sclandering the truth you know what danger you incurre Luke 17. 1. 2. Math. 18. 7. He draweth the original of Brownisme as he termeth yt from Donatus and sayth Browne was the cheife renewer therof yet afterward saith ther was a Church of them eighteene yeeres agoe in London wherin one Bolton was a cheife doer whose fearful end is not forgottē For the original of our profession we fetch yt from Christ and his Apostles practize of the Church in the Apostles time as all the Martyres from time to time haue done according to the light they sawe For Donatus and Browne they must answere for themselues We are buylt vpon the foundation of the Apostles Prophetts IESVS CHRIST being the chief corner stone Other foundation then this can no man lay wee offer our workes to be tryed hereby It is Mr. Giffard himself that so wel may remember the fearfull end of Bolton for yt is true that as I haue heard he stood against your ministerie for Cappes Surplus Crosse with many other your Romish trynckets as I haue heard your self haue done after reuolting and become a conformable member of your Churche hanging himself yt is a remembrance for Apostates Donatisme saith he in old time about twelue hundreth yeeres past was condemned as approued detestable schisme heresie The Brownistes and Donatistes shal appeare to agree together as two peices of cloth that are of the same woll same threed colour working and bredth If this man had read with iudgment the holy scripture as concerning the general defection Apostasie with the encrease decrease of Antichristes kingdome hee would haue blushed to haue entred this comparison For the Donatistes wee haue not to deale yet if the right eye were not blinded hee might haue considered better the Donatistes causes of separation and ours and it woulde not haue seemed so like together the times causes persons from whome and maner of their separation must be better weighed which because he hath taken in hande to perticulate afterward I wil only shew one here wherin we make such a difference as al his other are but trifles The Donatistes held still the same worship gouernment offices officers entrance and the same administration of sacraments c that the other did from whome they did separate and as it seemeth receiued whole Cities and Contries to be the Church as before so that their separation was more like the sectes and schismes amonst your selues you from the Papists the Martinistes from you the forward Predicants as they are called from the Bishops then any such separation as we by the cōmandemēt of God make from false Church false ministerie false Sacraments Antichristian gouernment c vnto the true ordinances of Christ Heretickes and Sectaries make schisme but this true conuertion from the euill to the good from the false to the true fewe finde yt although it be the plaine commandement of God Reue. 18. 4. and the way to saluation Acts. ● 40. For indeed it is not enough to forsake the false wayes but to seeke the antient wayes of the Lord and to walke in them that wee may finde rest to our soules Mr. Giffard his setting downe of the causes of the Don●●istes separation bewrayeth himself to seeke onlie the defamation of the truth without shew of reason First he sayth that in the persecutions by the Romish Emperours manie being as they were then termed proditors and traditors of the Bookes of God the holy vessells their bretheren c there was a rumor that such offences had b●ne committed by some Nowe saith he there came certeine Bishops from Numidia to Carthage a famous Citie in Africa to ordeyne a Bishop and found Cecilianus alredye ordeined and placed in the seate c. Thus farre I trust it will be granted me his peeces of cloth are not both of a woll for the difference I refer to the obstinate heynouse trāsgressions wherwith we haue chardged these parrish assemblies Further the Brownistes as he in the spirit of blasphemy termeth them approue of no such Bishop or Bishoprickes no such seate nor ordination as they came about Well the Bishops of Numidia were wroth that they could not ordeine In this poinct his threeds are not proportionable Wee thrust not our ●elues beyond our lyne in these actions neither do any thing in the high matters of God through ambition These things are all founde amongst your selues the kingdome through enuie diuided for al your chiefest strife hath bene whither a Sinode of parrish Priestes or a Lord Bishop should create your Priestes this being your principal contention the one side must needs be Donatistes He procedeth and saith thes● Bishops of Numidia ioyned together and layed a crime vpō ●●●cilianus they say his Ordeyner delyuered the holy books was a Traditor wherevpon they would haue Caecilianus reputed no Minister of CHRIST but the sonne of a traditor In this M r. Giff. discerneth not colours The Brownistes separate not for anie one mans person through envie they shewe other causes whie they repute your whole ministerie to be a false and Antichristiā ministerie and not the true ministerie of the Gospel they allowe not ordination by one man but proue the offices entrance and administratiō of your ministerie to be wholly Antichristian and herevpon wee repute them no true ministerie of Christ. For the triall of this matter saith hee there was no assemblie of learned Pastors to iudge in this case according to Christs ordinance but furor dolus tumultus did beare the swaie Here M r. Giffard
no such doctrine but all that God gy●eth grace to returne by repentance ought to be receiued though no Apostate ●uer to beare office in the Church yet such we take to be wholly purged in the blood of CHRIST by repentance which your parish assemblies neuer did But this setting their persons aside we take to be an vndoubted truth of God that where no separation is made from Idolatrous prophane Atheistes Heretickes tyrannicall persecutors nor no couenant entred by the faithfull vnto the obedience and orderly practize of CHRISTES ordinances but a generall commixture with the world in sacriledge in false worship vnder a false ministerie such assemblies are no true Churches orderly gathered or established Now looke saith he vpon the Donatistes of England Antichrist hath bene exalted according to the prophesie of Paule he hath sat in the Temple of God c. This man by his whole former discourse present Argument it semeth herein chiefly compareth vs to the Donatistes that as they made all their quarrell for Caecilianus his vnmeetnes for his office so we make our quarrell for that Antichrist reigned or doth reigne as h● after expoundeth it in the Church of God wherein he affirmeth that they which submitted or stand still in subiection vnto his decrees iurisdictiō ordinances ministerie are yet notwithstanding the true apparant Church of God First we answere that we take not the word Antichrist to be vnderstood of one mans pe●son but of all the falsly called Fathers of the Sea of ROME and more generally of all that exalt themselues aboue the ordinances of CHRIST and his Church establishing their owne deuises in place thereof or giue life vnto the image of the Beast for if the same markes of pride blasphemie and tyrannie erection of a strange ministerie lifting vp themselues aboue CHRISTS Testament ordinances and worship be sound emongst your spirituall Lords in England we see not but Antichrist spoken of by Paul may be also found amongst you Now if M r. GIFFARD had considered Caecilianus his estate who at the hardest was but vncapable of that lawfull office and to that lawfull administration as it was on both sides supposed and concerning the outward order or maner lawfully ordeyned there can be no comparison betwene him and Antichrist And for Antichristes sitting in the Temple of God M r. GIFFARD must know that manie times the Church is called the Church not because yt remayneth still vnder the outward couenant but because yt sometimes did so yea and at the first creeping vp of that man of sinne while the iniquitie wrought in a mysterie yt was the Church out of which he sprang and in which he sometimes sat The holy Ghost giueth vs then hereby to vnderstand that this Antichrist who should change the holy ordinances should be an Apostata he should be neither Turke nor Pagan but the bottomlesse pit should be opened by him in more subtile and strange delusions out of which smoke all your ministerie is proceeded But when he had changed the ordinances destroyed euery greene thing caused all high and low rich and poore to receiue his marke in their hande or foreheade and suffred none to buye and sell which would not fall downe and worship him the sunne now couered with sackcloth the Moone turned into blood the starrs fallen from heauen the true worshippers murthered if any one stood vp Gods curses threatned to all that worshipped the Beast or his image or receiued his marke in their hand or foreheade we hope this man will not say yt was now the apparant Church of God lest he cōdemne not only the scriptures but al whome God commanded to come out of her calling her the mother of fornications the harlot that sitteth vpon many waters hold of all vncleane spirits cage of all vncleane and hatefull birdes confused Babell c. So that if M r. GIFFARD had anie salt of grace he would better pervse the booke of Reuelations which with all the prophesies of the Prophets of CHRIST himself and of his Apostles make manifest this generall Apostasie and defection vnder Antichrist and not now tell vs a tale of Caecilianus Doth he not see in the whole Booke the false Church true lyuely described the one worshipping the Beast the other following the Lambe the one persecuted the other persecuting in most bloody murder of the Sainctes Well saith he but Antichrist is disclosed by the glorious light of the Gospel his damnable doctrine cursed idol●trie and vsurped tyrannie are cast forth of this land the true doctrine of faith is published c. First we must here demaunde whether these assemblies were then the true Church when they were ledd by those damnable doctrines and lyued in that cursed idolatrie bowing downe to the Beast and persecuting the Sainctes Secondly as we are not vnthankfull for the abandoning of the POPES person supremacie with much of his damnable wares we demaund of you what you thinke of those persons which set opē his shoppes againe keepe his Courtes and exercise like vsurped power and tyrannie that was before But to answere directly Antichrist is not discouered in your assemblies his dānable doctrines cursed idolatries vsurped tyrannie are not cast forth the doctrine of faith is not sincerely published Againe what is al this to the prouing of a true Church a lawfull ministerie true worship and holy gouernment of CHRIST Your parish assemblies were receiued from the Popes hand without anie conuersion by repentance or orderly gathering by doctrine into any communion the Popes ministerie set ouer them the worship though a litle changed out of latine into english some of theirs left out but al y t remayneth either takē frō his Portesse or mens deuises these assemblies still gouerned by those Courtes Officers and Canons that before What place hath now Christes Testament amongst you how is Antichrist discouered or his damnable wares cast forth Is it not made subiect to these Antichristian ordinances ministerie worship gouernment It is not limited stinted and aportioned no further to be opened then to vphold these execrable orders idolatries sacrileges yea is not only the bare name therof vsed as a stale and doctrine therof peruerted to the deceiuing of the people in this estate Moses law was read euerie Sabboth day in their Synagogs when they crucified CHRIST But you should haue proued you had such assemblies such a ministeri such a worship such a gouernmēt as the Gospel prescribeth Being then the same assemblies contynuing in false worship vnder the same ministerie gouernment al the Atheistes Papistes Hereticks Antichristian officers c in one cōmixture that the POPE left we may wel affirme you to remaine stil the marcked seruantes of Antichrist not speaking here how many Antichristes are here exalted leauing the damnable doctrines cursed idolatrie false preaching of the Gospell to our lardger discourse in due place But now M r. GIFFARD beholding these things that they haue made no separation nor drawē the people vnto the ordinances
of the Gospel is compelled to runne backe againe to iustifie the Church of ROME and to maintaine that these assemblies were the true Churches of Christ in the deepest defection vnder Antichrist The Apostasie hauing invaded the Church yt contynued euen then the Tēple of God in which Antichrist did sit and that the very Idolators were sealed with the seale of Baptisme professed CHRIST in some poinctes rightly their childrē from antient discent within the Couenant the ministeri so far remayning as yt was the authentick seale delyuered by them the Brownistes not vnderstanding the scripture thus in mad furie lyke blynde hypocrites condemne c. Let vs reason a litle more coolely rage will not serue to carie the matter We will here take it granted that your parishes ministerie c cannot now be proued the Church and ministerie of Christ except they were so in the time of poperie We see further how wel the Gospel is opened or Antichrist discouered with you whē such a famous Prophet hath not learned to reade the mysterie writté in that Womans forehead which the holy Ghost recordeth to be this grea●e Babilon the Mother of whoredomes and abhominations of the earth Reuel 17. Againe the scripture saith Cap. 14. If any man worship the Beast his image and receiue a marke in his forehead or on his hand the same shall drincke of the wine of the wrath of God Who wil M r. Giffard make this Woman if not the Church of Rome sitting vpō the people tongues and nations that were seduced or are seduced in this Apostasie And howe hath he read the scriptures that saith the seales of the Couenant belong to open blasphemous Idolators their seede God saith hee will punish the transgression vnto the third and fourth generation He saith nay though they be the childrē of Idolators and contynue in their Fathers steppes they ought to haue the seals of the Couenant Againe if he say the seale of Baptisme in the false Church belongeth vnto that adulterous seede howe wil he denie that blasphemous sacrifice and bread God against which so manie witnesses haue gyuē their lyues which is plainely denijng of Christ to be come in the flesh and imagining him a fantastical body to be in euery place How can M r. Giffard yeild them one Sacramēt and not the other Fu●ther how ignorantly he speaketh of the Couenant and of a Sacramēt made by that ministerie it were too long to discusse Wel in al this he hath forgotten his comparison betwene the Donatistes and vs they had no such controuersie with Caecilianus but now pervse one of Mr. Giffards The Church of papacie in the deepest defectiō was the visible Temple of God hauing the true seales of the Couenant I then reason thus The Church of of Ge●eua Scotland lowe Contries France c. haue separated from the Church of Rome which is the apparant Church of God for none haue the true ministerie the true authentick seales of the Couenant but the true Churche Therefore they are Schismaticks Donatistes Brownists Hereticks Againe Geneua Scotland c condemne the Church of Rome by separating from yt therefore they do also condemne the Church of England which approueth of and communicateth with the Papistes Moreouer howe wil he answere this Her Ma ●ie hath expelled the Pope his ministerie his doctrine and idolatrous worship therfore she hath expelled the ministerie and worship of the true Church And what followeth by Mr. Giffard his collections think you they that reiect the ministerie of Christ reiect Christ himself But these Brownis●es condemne the reformation by Magistrates c. No it is a false sclander We only put difference betwene the reformation by the Magistrates sworde and the reformation by doctrine and he is a false Prophet that either goeth about to set these at variance or confoundeth them The Magistrat suppresseth the euill within the Church without the Church in their Dominions by bodily punishmēts in equitie and defendeth the godly The ministerie of the word gather●th guydeth ordereth c a people vnto and vnder the true ordinances of Christ by the Word and Spirit The Prince may and ought suppresse all false vvorship false ministerie idolatrous assemblies and proclaime and commaund true worship orderly assemblies true ministerie c. But the workmanship hereof is spiritual by doctrine c to be accomplished in due order according to the rule of the word Stil wee vrge you therfore to shewe vs this gathering ordering and gouerning of a true Church in these parrish assemblies by the word of God In the meane time you bestowe but your oyle meale and your whole ministerie and guystes to dawbe vpp Idolatrie confusion sacrilegde Neither doth the word reforma●ion agree to your Church for cursed is he that buyldeth the walles of Iericho not one stone of Babel wil serue for a foundation What comparison is there then betwene your reformation and the reformation by Ios●as shew the perticulars we wil answere Ells it shall suffice that he sacrificed the Priestes of BAAL vpon the Altar reduced the people to the true ministerie and ordinances of the Temple If the Priestes did not this according to Gods worde then they were guyltie and to be punashed by his sword So that these false Prophets Inchanters counterfeit time-seruers which extol her Ma ti● for hauing grāted the freedome of the Gospel true ministerie true worship gouernment c and yet themselues do misleade the people in a false way to pe●dition shall not only lye open to the Magistrates sworde when God shall put in their heart to execute his wil but answere before the Lord for al this confusion sacriledge Idolatrie and filthines maintained by their deceitful tongues I do not pleade to haue them put to death because they neuer knew or prof●ssed the truth but to haue their false offices abolished and they compelled to some lawfull calling in the Church or common wealth as they should be therevnto founde meete and be lawfully called Wee are not deceiued then in imagining that you woulde make vs belieue the Princes did compell them to be a Churche which were no Church before without any orderly gathering guyding and ordering of them by Christes lawes worship ministerie and ordinances for wee deny y t your parrish assemblies were in time of popery true Churches or haue nowe forsaken all false worship Proue your asseitions and what discipline belongeth to the false Church iudge you Of the pollution by communicating with open sinners WHere hee maketh the cause of our separation and as hee calleth it our accusing of these parrish assemblies to be vtterly fallen from the Couenant of God to be for that they are polluted with communicating with open sinners he mistaketh and I feare purposly fal●ifieth our minde writings for we haue added to this an obstinate wilful retayning of al sortes of prophane as members of your Church gyuing them the Sacraments c. But as I haue donne before so must
you here take my answere that vve deny these parrish assemblies to be true Churches or to haue anie power or aucthoritie to cast our any according to Christes ordinance so that wee cannot reason vvith you as to make the controuersie of open sinners in the Church but as a confused assemblie not being euer gathered vnto Christ or guyded by his ordiances We know that in the true Church are shalbe opē sinners yet ther are rules lawes by due censure to bring them to repentance or els to cast them out if they remaine obstinate in anie open grosse sinne of which things we wil not enter into discourse with you denijng you to haue eyther true Church or power to redresse abuses in your parrish assemblies And where he demandeth vvhat order of discipline wee haue obserued in our separation We haue learned that no other censures belong vnto the false Church then powring forth the vialls into the ayre waters sunne c. For this wee haue the direction and commandement of God Reuel 16. 18. 6. Againe where should we finde your Synod of Pastors in the whole tayle of the Dragon you haue no such order as you prate of vnskilfully your L. Arch-B or Ordinatie can teach you otherwise then plead for Synods of Pastors For anie Christiā or equal triall either in free conference by the Scriptures or triall by the cōmon law we haue vpon the dispence of our lyues long sued for it and cānot obtaine anie as vvee haue said and finde nothing but furor dolus tumulius amongst your broode Now after his former discour●e he will from poinct to poinct proue vs to agree with the Donatistes First saith he the Donatistes did accuse and condemne the Churche and ministerie of the Churches most falslie And I say saith he the Brownistes are as false accusers as they and condemne as iniustly in all crimes Here are bold and sore chardges but Mr. Giffards bare word wil not stand The Donatistes cause was not about the orderly gathering of a true Church but for the casting out of the vnworthie not about the office entrance or administration of the ministerie but about the sinnes of such as were in that office So that if Mr. Giffard would looke againe of the cause he should finde no cause to keepe this stirr as vpon a stage to no end or edifijng Wee haue often told him in our former writinges that our matter is not about offenders in the Church but about the beeing or not beeing a Church In the meane time he handsomly layeth vpon their owne filthines saying companies and swarmes of drunckardes gluttons whoremasters couetous worldlings greedie vsurers extortioners oppressours bribers defrauders lyers backbyters and sclanderers envious hateful and contentious persons swearers and cursers are suffred and admitted to the Lords Table this saith he in manie or in most of their parrish assemblies And many of their ministeri such Where admit them a Church in his owne cōceit let him ad now this more which is as true that they haue no power to redresse these euils by due censure for that they thus cōtynue after they haue bene long oftē reproued for this sacriledge and we are bold to pronoūce the Priest as the people a dēne of theiues a cage of vncleane spirits as the harlot that receiueth all commers cast together into Iesabels bed Hee further confesseth that the threatnings of the Prophets against Israel are due vnto them Whereby hee confesseth these assemblies not to be the Churches of God For all the Prophets that prophesied against Israel in the defection pronounce her not to be the Churche of God reade Hosea 1. 2. Ieremie 3. Ezechiell 23. But saith he might not the Donatistes haue pleaded that there were manie wicked people wicked Ministers in those Churches from which they separated We answere that is not questiō For first we denie you to haue anie Church orderly gathered vnto the ordinances worship gouernment of CHRIST which they did not And againe we haue not to reasō what they might haue excepted against those assemblies or ministers but what they made the cause of their separation wherein you trouble but your self and with odiouse names deceiue the ignorant to make anie shewe of agreement betwene our cause and theirs It wil be demanded saith he whither Cyprian the rest of the godly did worship together with those open sinners in their dayes ioyning with them in prayer and in the sacramentes c. No the question shalbe Mr. Giffard Whether if they did communicate with the open transgressions of the lawe in their time they did wel and lawfully therein or no for I trust you will graunt that the Church hath alwayes power to cast out the obstinate offenders reade then the ● of the 1 to the Corinth a litle more cōsideratly and tel vs whether they faulted not in keeping in their fellowship the incestious person and for not purging out the leauen from amongst them for what saith the text Now I write vnto you that you companie not together If anie that is called a brother be a fornicator or an Idolator or railer or a drunckard or an extortioner vvith such an one eate not Where the words me synanamignysthai be not together commingled and after vvith such an one eate not sheweth a plaine inhibition of communicating with the open prophane or impenitent offendors For where is this commixture or commixion if not in that holy banquet and coniunction in the communion and supper of the Lorde and if Mr. Giffard could discerne the spiritual things he might see the outward signes of bread and wyne to be tokens not only of our vnion with Christ and benefit of his death but also of our communion vvith the members of his bodye spiritually as the holy Ghost reasoneth saijng The cup of blessing vvich vvee blesse is yt not the communiō of the blood of CHRIST and the bread vvhich vve breake is it not the commanion of the bodie of CHRIST for vve that are manie are one bread and one bodie because 〈◊〉 are partakers of one bread For vs then to come together in this banquet and spiritual reioycing with the members of CHRIST to our iudgment we haue true comfort one with another But with the open prophane or obstinate open knowen transgressor ther cā be no good reioycing fellowship or communion for besides the vvicked Priest that presumptuouslye blesseth where God curseth and committeth sacriledge in delyuering the signe of Gods Couenant with his people in CHRIST to the treaders vnder their feete of his body and blood so the whole Congregation and euery one that participateth with those open wicked transgresse in not admonishing casting out the leauen against so manie rules as command admonition excommunication by due order and partake with y e wicked against God by their reioycing with them as bretheren But as I haue stil pleaded with you we know better order then blinde separation in pride for the sinnes
committed in the Church denijng to reason with you what is to be done in the Church till you haue proued your Church to be a true Church established guyded by the officers and lawes of CHRIST so that all your matter is but the fighting with your owne shadowe and flying the question in hand But my purpose is not to follow your gameplay either to iustifie the Donatistes or those learned Pastors neither to reiect the truthes nor maintaine the errors of either of both sides we haue a better foundation to buyld vpon and a surer word to trust vnto it is because you haue no furniture on your self that you set forth this shew and fight vnder other mens names Your sauour is lost if euer you had salt Looke on one of your Arguments how well it wil prooue your matter The Brownistes vse 5. or 6. places of scripture which the Donatistes vsed therfore the Brownistes be Donatistes Let the Brownistes answere for themselues but sure I must deny both Proposition and Consequence For neither do we agree in the application of these with them neither do we aledge all the same places because we alledge some which they alledged for excōmunication of the open knowen obstinat wicked in the Church or separation from the false Church Neither doth it follow that because we alledge some places they did that therfore we are Donatistes If you allow anie separation from Turke or Pope you must agree with Donatistes in some of these scriptures Esaias 52. 2 Corixth 6. And in this your exquisit search you haue had one place alledged yet now which if you had well looked vpon you would haue bene ashamed to haue compared vs to the Donatistes It is written Reuel 18. 2. 3. 4. 5. verses c where your mother Church of ROME with all her Daughters is proclaymed no longer to be rested in or communicated with If your assemblies be such a cage stand in such confusion haue the same ministerie lawes worship c then we must come out of her Where in consideration that you would conningly turne away all places that commaund a separation by other mens expositions and haue not managed your cause in your owne name I will brieflie demaunde whither you wil maintaine these doctrines or no For the convincing whereof I shall either refer you to our hādling of the 4. transgressions or els gyne you answere when you deale perticularly in your owne name First beginne to set downe vnder your owne hand that these scriptures Come out frō emongst them Depart out of her Separate your selues c are not vnderstood of a separation both of bodye and minde Secōdly that the Minister being a swearer drunkerd couetous worldling c he continuing obstinate in his sinne in that estate may be suffred to administer and the godly may cōmunicate with him in sacramentes and prayer Thirdly that it is lawful for the Minister to delyuer the parties to receiue the people to cōmunicate with open knowen vnrepentant professed whoremasters multitudes of wicked Fourthly that open sinne may be tollerated in the assemblie Fiftly that when open sinners be common and such persons manie it were no safe to vse the censures of the Church Sixtly that ther may be a separating in heart and cōming out from them in minde with whome we cōmunicate in the Church That ther is no polution participation or cōmunicating with other mens sinnes but either by doing the same euill or consenting in heart to the euill and though they remaine in their open filthines vnrepentant our communicating with them in the sacrament or prayer or the priestes delyuerie of the Sacrament vnto them is no reioycing with them in their sinne no communicating with other mens sinnes no allowance or consenting or approuing of them in euill nor no sinne or transgression in vs. That they which are the Temple of the lyuing God and in the middest of a crooked peruerse nation apearing as lightes in the world hauing the word of life nothing can infect them which they tollerat for vnities sake neither are they put vp in anie straight because God dwelleth in them and walketh amongst them That to separat from such a peruerse and crooked generation were dangerous lest we should separat in spiritual separatiō from the good such separation were seditious That Dauid was not separat in body from the open wicked vncleane in the sacrifice in his dayes That Is●ias himself in one Congregation with them did touch the vncleannes which he reproued in the people That the Apostle Paule the Church of Corinth did tollerate communicate with such as cōmitted fornicatiō though they repented not but continued in their sinne after due admonition That in policie for feare of schisme excommunication may not be vsed against open obstinat sinners but they may be tollerated communicated with of the godly That when he which for some notorious crime is reprehended hath the multitude his companion it is not healthful to reprehend or excōmunicat but to tollerat That the cause person of the tares being vnderstood of the open wicked and vnrepentant doth not preiudicate the cause and person of the wheate growing together in the field and whither you will interpret this of the Church That the cause person of the chaffe doth not preiudicat the cause and person of the corne being together in the same floore vntil the last wynowing the same of the goates sheepe in the pastures the fishes good bad in the net the vessells of honour dishonour The causes person of the chaffe bad fishes goates vessells of dishonour being vnderstood of the open knowē wicked whore-masters murderers heretickes Idolators c and the field floore pastures net howse c of the apparant Church and make the inhibition of plucking vp the tares a cōmandement then is not only the censures of the Church admonition excommunication c but the vse of the magistrats sword not only needlesse but vtterly vnlawfull to be exercised against anie transgression Let Mr. GIFFARD see how he is plunged in Anabaptistrie Athisme and blasphemous contradiction of the whole reueiled will of God for the cutting downe of sinne But let Mr. GIF or his Ordinarie in their owne name subscribe these foresaid Positions and he shal heare our answere We wil not confute them in the persons of dead men We then conclude this point thus that Mr. GIFFARD hath ignorantly skambled about the sinnes arising in the Church and the order of reprehension when all our question is of a separation from a false Church consisting of the world of Athiestes Papistes heretickes and all sortes of prophane not gathered vnto CHRIST So that he hath but fought with his owne shadow in comparing vs to the Donatistes in this poinct Againe al Augustines reasons are against separtiō in y e Church without discreet and orderly vsing of the power of CHRISTs by the censure of excommunication wheras you all confesse you haue no
discipline to execute neither belong CHRISTS ordinances to your Antichristian ministerie Babilonish assemblies which we denie to hold the head CHRIST in this their subiection to Antichristes ministerie ordinances worship It is but then your ignorance to make comparison betwene the Donatistes and vs. To the Worship THat the Donatistes did separat themselues from as corrupted a worship as the Brownistes doe Mr. GIFFARD wil stand to affirme Saith he there were prayers oblations for the dead then significatiue ceremonies superstitious signing of themselues with the signe of the Crosse c. To which we answere that Mr. GIFFARD affirmed in the 6. page of his booke that the Donatistes departed disorderly out of the Church condemning yt not for any poinct of doctrine for therein the other Churches they did agree Now here he would make comparison betwene them vs in disalowing the worship But it seemeth Mr. GIFFARD holdeth not anie doctrine to be contayned in the worship which indeed ought to cōteine nothing els and sure it is a strang worship that is not grounded vpon doctrine The second thing in this place we will note is the time of these corruptions in the worship namely as he reckoneth within two hundreth yeares after CHRIST If their worship were then as corrupted as ours is now we merueil how you will defend the platforme of your Church gouernment from that tyme that was so corrupt calling yt the primatiue Church Your fellow Priests Argumentes from the primatiue Church as thy falslie call those times will be of small weight if you make their worship as corrupt as this deriued from Antichrist In the 44 page he graunteth as much of the gouernment that it was then thus corrupt when our tyme-seruers will only cleaue to that paterne and neither he nor they to the Testament of CHRIST Thirdly he hath forgotten his scope Argument He should by his promise haue prooued that the Do●●tistes we were of one iudgment in this poinct and that they made the false worship one principal cause of their separation as we do so that he hath forgotten himself in this place as a man not knowing where to make shew of somthing Next where Mr. GIFFARD grantes that in those assemblies where the worship is idolatrous it is lawfull to separat a mans self he contrary to those expositions of the 2 Corinth 6. and other places to that effect now granteth a separation in body and minde both I will not rebuke him nor charge him of inconstancie because I perceiue him to contradict his holy Pastors of these tymes where he seeth them to erre But he by and by returneth to his vomit againe thus Ther are many great corruptions in the worship before it come to that where certeine fundamental poincts of doctrine are holden the worship cannot be idolatrous but in the deepest defection in poperie ther were certeine fundamentall poincts holden as he faith in an other place wherby they were stil in the Church and vnder the Conenant therfore ther is no idolatrous or blasphemous worship that may in the Papistes Church be separated from Mr. GIFFARD may be a good subiect but sure his groundes of doctrine are popish and pernitious We here demaund of Mr. GIF whither such corruptions errours as he speaketh of might be of the godly that knew them such be offered vp by themselues or communicated with in the Church And Mr. GIF must giue vs leaue to say it cannot be their worship was so corrupt as yours consisting of so manie patched deuises of your learned Popes so long hatched and by so manie heades as haue out of that fordge of Sathans minting howse contriued yt euen out of Antichristes treasurie of deceites As for errours that haue no good foundation we may shew him twentie for one Hitherto then Mr. GIFFARD his bretheren that haue separated from the Church of ROME as they would pretend yet retayning still that worship are bretheren with the Donatistes as he pleaseth to deride that holy name of bretheren To the Ministerie THe Donatistes cried out that the Churches from which they separated had no true Ministers but that they were all false Prophets Iudasses persecutors of the iust generations of vipers because they said they had their ordination from them that were such The Brownistes lift vp their voyces with all their might call vs Baalls Priestes the marked seruantes of Antichrist false Prophets seducers and such lyke because as they say we are ordeyned by Antichristian Bishops therfore we be Donatistes Mr. GIFF. his Argument is denyed Ieremie our Sauiour Christ and diuers of the Prophets against Israell did in this maner pull off the visardes of the false Prophets disclosing their wickednes to y e people were they therfore Donatistes or Schismatickes Calvine all of you cry out against the Popes ministerie at ROME are you therfore Donatistes and Schismatickes The matter then must be considered for which they so called them The Donatistes for no other cause then for that some of them were ordeyned by Iudasses and traytours the Brownistes for that these are ordeyned by Antichristian Bishopps which exercise an other spirituall gouernment then CHRISTS Wherein if you had eyes to see there is no comparison betwene their cause ours First the person that did ordeine sat● in a lawful office as the Donatistes supposed did also ordeine as they thought in maner according to the rule of the word the partie that was ordeined meete for the ministerie the office to which he was called lawfull the administration wherein he was to administer holy and good for anie thing they sawe The contrarie of all which we finde in your ministerie and the thing wherein you would haue vs likened together was neuer our reason which is the wickednes of the mans person that doth of his sole authoritie ordeine for manie Churches which we neither approoue in the Donatistes or you Our exceptions in this case I say hath neuer bene against the person of your Ordinarie although we might iustly Take next time your matter together and looke whose kingdome you administer in what calling office Leitourgie flock and be ashamed of your comparison by so much as your ministeri is more wicked Again you here put the cause of our casting of the Bishops their traine into the lake to be for that they exercise an other discipline then CHRISTES as though this were some small matter which if you put the word gouernment of the Church you shall finde it the denial of CHRIST to reigne in his kingdome a suppression of at his lawes ordinances euen the whole Testament and erection and practising of an other Let him that readeth consider what state all stand in that remaine in this kingdome erected against Christ and what ministerie the seducers in this foraigne priesthoode exercise of God or of the Deuill for CHRIST hath but one ministerie one Gospell one gouernment ouer his Church Now seeing ther is no comparison
the law yet his office still retained but we hold that the Minister ought to repent his sinne before he administer and the Church to admonish him of his knowen sinne before they suffer him to administer and not cōmunicat with him if he be obstinat If the Church neglect their dutie he and they transgresse yet do we not say that it is no Sacrament that he deliuereth or that his ministerie is disanulled But we must put Mr. Giffard in minde how far he is gone from our cause in this comparison We neuer disalowed their Sacramēts as being administred by a lawful Minister in a lawful office yet the man a sinner But of such counterfeites as haue neither lawfull office entrance c but stand enchanters in Antichristes kingdome so that these are not the personal sinnes of a Minister in the Church wherin Mr. Giff. wickednes appeareth to make the questiō of the mans person or his sinne when it is the ministery office entrance administation al which wee hold to be Antichristian and to haue nothing to do with the seales of Gods Couenant in this estate not here to speake of the altering of the institution in the maner of administring yt vvhich the Donatistes neuer either had cause or made question of as it seemeth And whether anie promise is made to the elementes abused in the false yea whether to the elementes or to the keeping of the lawes and ordinances in the true Church let Mr. Giffard make answere Further when we affirme the Sacramentes of the false Church to be no true seales of the Couenant because they are Idolatours and Idolatrous the Lordes ordinances prophaned and lawes wholly violated wee do not therby conclude it to bee no Baptisme concerning the outwarde washing for wee can put difference betwene a false and none a false Sacrament or counterfeit signe and none for the false Church is saide to haue her peace offringes And although wee holde them highly to tempt God to their owne condemnation if they repent not that wittingly prophane or of wilfull ignorance transgresse those high ordinances as in the false Church to be superstitious of the element where the lawe and Couenant is broken yet do wee not therevpon affirme wee neede anie reiterating of the outward signe as the Donatistes but hold this false signe nowe a true signe sufficient to vs concerning the outward washing Circumcision in the Apostasie of Israel which was without promise to the receiuers in that estate and nothing but sinne in yt yet stood for a sufficient outward cutting whē anie of them returned to the Church and ate of the Passouer wherof it was not lawfull for any vncircumcised to eate how the signe might haue bene reiterated if need had so required we may see by that of y e Apostle 1 Cor. 7. for gathering againe their circumcisiō if it might be gathered againe then secondly cut Where Mr. Giffard then in stead of performing his comparison saith that the Donatistes in rebaptising did better of both because he that is not baptised ought to be baptised he bewrayeth his ignorance that cannot put difference betwene a false Sacrament and none a false signe and none The grossnes also he supposeth to haue bene in vs is found in himself that lest he should make the false and counterfeit washing in the false church to be none runneth to iustifie the Church ministerie sacramentes c at ROME and so must conclude himself of necessitie a Schismaticke or a popish Priest which he will And where he demandeth whether he that knoweth he was neuer baptised can be saued if he seek not to be baptised when he may haue yt We demande againe how euer true baptisme should be restored if the false signe of baptisme which was then without promise in the false Church should not now be sufficient concerning the outward signe To the Government IN the principle of principles that I say not the verie summe of all causes of our separation from these assemblies namely the gouernment which Mr. GIFFARD termeth discipline he can not finde any cōsimilitude betwene the Donatistes and vs for the confesseth he hath not read that they did take anie exception against it in that tyme. Take your word discipline for al the meanes that CHRIST hath apointed by his lawes ministerie censures to keepe guyde gouerne his Church ioyntly and seuerally to be instructed in their duties and see what a dilemma you are come vnto this being grāted that herein ther is no agreement seeing the chief cause of our controuersie with you is for the rable of this Antichristian and pse●dohierarchie Courtes c which haue no place in the Church of God where CHRISTS officers offices lawes censures ought to gouerne and guyde his Church But here according to your accustomed maner you goe about to say there were faultes to be found in their gouernment then yea as well as in their worship c which you affirmed to be as corrupt as yours is now wherein if ante regard were to be had of your words you would not only make those Bishopps in as euill state as these that Church as yours now but haue cast into the fire al the platformes that your learned Reformistes haue pleaded for from that falsly so called Primatiue Church Well I haue told you the question is not whether they had the true gouernment or no whether in that gouernment there were corruptions defaultes or negligences but whether the Donatistes separated therfore or no they had the same offices officers lawes censures that the other so that you speak not only false in saying they might haue had as iust cause in this respect of separation as we but also bring the Argument to confound your self with your whole Church wherin you stand a Priest Thus you are separated from the Church of ROME but retaine still the same hierarchie worship gouernment that they vsed and haue as the Do. of the Churches from which they separated therfore you in this as in the rest of your Argumentes conclude your selues Donatistes Heretickes and Schismatickes from the Church of ROME But Mr. GIFFARD will denie that the Donatistes had as great cause to separate from those Churches frō which they separated as those English Priestes from their Graundfather the Pope for it was not so corrupted The same we answere to you for your gouernment how then shall we end this matter I take it thus that the Priestes of England despise the Popes person and yet keepe the same orders lawes officers offices that he erected So the Donatistes kept stil the orders of gouernment that the Churches they separated from Now if we can cleare our selues that we retaine not the same gouernment amongst vs that the Church doth we separat from which I thinke cannot be denyed then Mr. GIF hath in a chief principle put himself and this whole laud into the number of Donatistes The Argument is now this The Church of England separateth from the Church of
stale that euery infant in the faith can shew you your vanitie if in your owne name you durst propound them Your learned bretheren haue gyuen them ouer as sclender collections you will now reuiue them put them in your owne name ells we haue nothing to say the man being dead whose steppes God giue you grace to follow in that which is good But this is a simple course to iustifie your owne wayes by mens names and writinges when Gods word convinceth you of sinne and wickednes For that place of the Epistle to the Corinth 11. Let a man examin himselfe and so let him eat of that bread drink of that cup yt doth not discharge vs of any dutie to others by admonition due censure for the same God hath said Admonish one another tell thy Brother his fault if he repent forgiue him goe first● reconcile thy self to thy Brother then bring thine offring If anie that is called a Brother be a fornicatour c be not com●ingled together with such an on● eat not So that our examination must be whether we do follow these rules also and Mr. CALVINE himself saith it is sacriledg for the Pastor to gyue the Sacrament to the opē vnworthie What cōmunion is ther then betwene him that openly standes vnder the wrath of God the Minister that cōmitteth sacriledge and vs in that banquet We may better reason thus then we are cōmanded to examine our selues and so eat therfore I must examine my self also with whome what and howe I do come to receiue But what haue wee to do to reason what is to be done in the Church to the preuenting of Gods wrath and reprofe of sinne when our question is of the vtter forsaking of the false Church with all her wares and stolen waters So that wee conclude al Mr. Calvines Argumentes must be enforced against such as separate themselues from the true Churche otherwise himself and you all shall be found Schismaticks from the Church of Rome As for the Church of Corinth and Churches of ●alatia they were separated from Idolatours orderly gathered established and governed by CHRISTES lawes true Ministerie worship and stood not obstinatly to maintaine and retaine open grosse sinne and to murder the messengers sent early and late to reproue them as you doe So that ther is no comparison to be made betwene you and them for thus the Papist might pleade with you Ther were sinnes and corruptions in the Churches of Corinth and Galatia but it was not lawfull to separate from them therfore it is not lawfull to separate from the Church of Rome wherein stil you see your selues concluded Schismaticks Donatistes But because wee will not intermedle with Calvine nor other Churches Let vs returne againe to your comparison betwene the Donatistes vs from which you are so farr and so long digressed as a man litle regarding wherein hee busieth himself Concerning the Magistracie IN this matter he first termeth vs Donatistes for that we crye out of persecution and of the false Prophets that incence the Magistrates herevnto Wee answere wee complaine not of impatiencie nor yet for revenge only as duty bindeth vs wee seeke to the lawfull Magistrates for some redresse of our miseries which wee wrongfully sustaine and shewe the people the vngodlynes of their woefull guydes or rather wolues and if you had anie grace you would rather be moued with pitie then compare vs to either Schismatickes or hereticks for our iust complaintes But herein our cause differeth from the Dona●istes that wee are persecuted by the Clergie which is armed according to the order of their bloodie predecessors with ciuile power together with their popish ecclesiasticall iurisdiction both in one person contrarie to the lawe of God which vnlawfull power they only vsurp to keep CHRIST out of his office suppressing his lawes offices people worship with al force in all vnmercifull crueltie so far as their hornes will reach pushing poore Israel And howsoeuer her Ma ●●e and her honorable Councill see not their wickednes or suffer them and winke at their doinges which God grant it be not layd to their chardge yet wee finde this Antichristian prelacie both the false accusers and hatefull molestours of Gods children so that the persecution is chieflie by that broode And whether haling vnto and shutting vp in most straite close imprisonment till they haue murdered them without trial whom they get into their clawes neuer loosing their hold till eyther they dye in prison or reuolt from the truth so that manie are made to blaspheme denie the holy wayes of God though their mercilesse tyrannie whether this kind of tyrannising without anie free conference or iudicial proceeding thus pulling the husband from the wife Father from children seruant from master c al from their lawful callings trades be not barbarous persecution let al men consider If we diserue death let vs dye in due execution if banishment banish vs but first by order convince vs of some crime or errour worthie therof if you will cleare your selues Mr. Giffard after this Ismalitish derision of our persecution proceedeth to accuse vs of some doctrines derogatorie to the Princes aucthoritie As first that Princes may not make lawes 2. that wee should hold the Prince ought not to reforme the Church by their authoritie 3. That none of the godlye Kinges of Iuda did compel anie to the Couenant 4. That the people of CHRISTES kingdome be spoutanei c. In al which besides that ther is no comparison betwene the Donatistes and vs in these poinctes hee doth but followe the steppes of that olde peruerter of the truth We wil thē first shew briefly how we hold this doctrine and how far we are from that hee would insinuate into the Magistrates eares as though we sought to diminish their lawful iurisdiction power or rule For lawes making we hold that Princes are limited by the law of God as he himself in an other place confesseth ought not to proclame any law that hath not warrāt from Gods law either in expresse words or necessary collection from general rules stil keeping within the equitie For reforming we hold that y e Prince ought to supresse all transgressiō of Gods law and punish al persons without partialitie according to the offence within the Church or without the Church within their owne dominions as wel for the transgression of the first Table as the second and to defend the obseruers therof in al equity and y t whiles we walke in the wayes of God we are not afraid of y t powre but gyue God glorye them due obedience whether they be of the Church or no. To the 4. we hold that none can be receiued into the Church but y t willingly maketh publick confessiō of his faith for neither may the Church receiue nor they be holden of the Church without this repentance and confession Yet we grant that the Prince may cōmand and compel her subiects to
is not vvritten in Hebrew or Greek and mens vvritinges not to be grounded or rested vpon vvhere shall our assurance stand And might not Mr. Giff. as vvel say the Hebrew and Greek Copie are but paper and ynck many faults and errours by the print in vowells accents letters and so conclud vve had not Authentick or canonical scriptures at al except mēs erronious vvritings might be of equall authoritie in the assemblie that the scriptures must he not beare vvith mee in accompting him an Atheist or Libertine in thus reasoning Hence then vve see vvhiles you go about to abase the Canonicall scriptures and extol your patched Leitourgie you fall into manie blasphemies as I haue before told you Wee hold yt the vvord of God in vvhat language soeuer stil reiecting the errours in the print in the translations as they are knowne vnto vs and not to the vvord yt self for the imperfections or errours in the translation and print Now vvhen you can so reiect the errours in mens writings as you can make that vvhich remayneth the vndoubted vvorde of God not agreeable only but an Authentick approued Canonicall scripture authorised from God to be the verie eternall foundation and rules limitts and lawes giuen by himself vnto his people you may lift vp your stumped Dagon into this place if there be some truth in their vvritings as vvhat mens vvritings haue not some and the holy name of God verie much yet is that truth in the Scripture yt self here so mingled vvith chaffe that it vvere not only vnprofitable a hinderāce of the true vse of Gods vvorde but an abolishing and defacing of the vvord yt self the maiestie vvhere of ought to terrifie you from this presumption And vvhere you say that you decide not controuersies by anie translation but by the Authentick Copies of the Hebrew and Greke I trust you speak only of such as are able by the interpretation therof so to decide controversies and holde it not vnlawfull for anie such as haue not that help to cōvince errour by the powre of the vvord and conferring one place vvith an other in anie translation according to the analogie of faith though I grant vve ought to vse y ● best approued But if this vvere not lawfull surely no mā might prophesie in the Church vvhich hath not the gift of interpretion of the tongue neither might any affirme any scripture to be true but they vvich haue knowledg of tongues How blasphemous is this geare vvhiles you are ignorant of the powre wisdome and agreement of the word and spirit and diuersitie of giftes giuē vnto men the Word the Spirit approue ech other and beare witnesse ech of other in what language soeuer God giueth yt to our vnderstanding Prophesie knowledg of tongues are two seueral giftes not alwayes giuen to one member but distributed as God in his wisdome hath appointed 1 Cor. 12. and prophesie cōmanded for the more excellent Cap. 14. But this is sufficient in this place that the word of God is the word of God in what language soeuer and to accompt yt being verbatim translated or at least so far fo●rth faithfully translated mans writing were blasphemie but mens writings can neuer be so holden the authentick scriptures of God how agreable to the word soeuer they be My Argument is then firme and thus left vpon you Those writings which be not the word of God being imperfect neuer without error may not be imponed as lawes Canons vpon the publick assemblies or there be read or i●●erpreted or offred vp in worship But such are almens writings that be not the authentick word or God yt self The publick assemblies are only bound to the reading interpretation of the Scriptures which God hath ordeined to be read in a knowne language and for prayer prophesie hath ordeined the liuely voice of his owne graces in the mouth of such as he hath appointed to be the mouth of the Congregatiō vnto him and his mouth vnto them So y ● your pa●ched Leitourgie paraphrases songes in rime homelies and al your dead mens writings are cast forth of the publick assemblies and manifest to be Idols whē they are thrust into that place Now where I alledged that the binding of the publick assemblie yea of all assemblies to certaine writings of men euerie day yeare their number portion of words daylie monthly yearely in al assemblies the same matter an words reiterated in stead of powring forth their hearts vnto God according to their present needs and occasions was a setting of themselues in Gods seate and taking the office of his Spirit which only knoweth the wantes of the seueral assemblies according to their diuerse occasions he runneth away from the matter as one vnwilling to heare of this their 〈◊〉 counterfet babling demanding whether euerie one should vtter their owne perticular wantes in the publick assemblie or should pray nothing but that euerie one feeleth the present want of in himself or should tell the Minister before hand what euerie one of their wantes were then how the Minister should remēber al. Are these any thing but mere canils can any of these follow vpō the former doctrine And let him looke againe whether he that is the mouth of the Cōgregatiō vnto God in publick prayer must not cōsider the present publick occasiōs of that publick assemblie and thereafter frame his prayers all the people ioyning in heart to his words of petition or thanksgyuing saying Amē to so much as he asketh according to the wil of God neede of the time yea if they haue not feeling in such prayers they are vnfeeling members yet neither doth he intermedle with priuate or secret wantes neither neede they tell him them he is sent for the publick affaires of the Church to cōmend the seueral actiōs general publick vnto God And as they are diuerse in euerie assemblie so must he be a man of wisdome to know see and cōsider them lest they al rashly step into the house of God to offer vp the sacrifice of fooles make a coūterfeit babling Eccle. 4. Yet the sinne of this is nothing cōparable to th● doung your Priests cast forth by pratling ouer your English Portuis which y●● Lord wil one day cast in your faces As then in priuate prayer we are to lay forth our owne wantes estate of our owne soule which cannot be done by reading an other mans writings alwayes singing one song customably repeating in superstitiō certaine words our hearts neuer ripped vp examined nor the diseases therof layd open vnto God seeking due cure So the man that is the mouth of the whole assemblie prayeth as the mouth of one bodie for al their open publick present wantes occasions Which occasions considering the persons actions are diuerse cānot be writtē for one assemblie before hand muchlesse for all assemblies in a whole kingdome neither by man nor Angel See then the
mock erye of your seruice booke and what Idolatrie is cōmitted by yt to the abandoning true prayer according to the present wantes occasion The next thing to be cōsidered is about making of lawes in the worship of God Where he would persuade vs that their whole Leitourgie conteining al their publick worship gouernment offices ordinances of their Church be but matters of order conveniencie Then the compelling teaching the publick assemblie to reade ouer mens writings both as Canons lawes in the Church and publickly priuately to offer them vp in stead of true prayer holy invocatiō is a matter of comelines conveniencie In the meane time it must be a turning away of the whole order ordinances of God For what is the whole Testament of Christ but an order for euerie office person action in the Church if he wil haue it taxis and then must confesse their Leitourgie an other order of publick administration and so as I haue said an other Gospel an other Testament a setting vp an other worship And herevpon I trust I may cal al this an adding to the word of God yea I wil go a litle further an abolishing disabling dishonoring of the word yt self graces of his spirit And whither all this smoke of the bottomlesse pyt may not be reproued with these scriptures not only Prouerb 30 verse 5. 6. Deut. 4. verse 32. but also Reu. 22. verse 18. 19. let the godly ponder and search and let the fearefulnes of the threats deterre all flesh from presuming to alter the ordinances lawes worship of the most high God And that the verie reading of an other mans writing for my owne praier or the prayer of the Church in stead of powring foorth our owne hearts is a changing of the whole worship into the making mens writing an Idoll which is by these places condemned as an accursed sinne let the most hard text as he in carnall wonder exclaymeth be looked into Reuel 22. verse 18. 19. The words are plaine If anie man put or add any thing vnto these or if anie man take away from these words he shalbe iudged as followeth Now if the adding an other whole Worship and suppressing of that God hath apointed be not an adding to these things writtē gyue sentence as you wil answere O saith he but it is said God wil add vnto such al the plagues written in this booke and there is in this booke mentioned the lake of fire As though the lake of fire is not due for euery sinne and yet not euery one that committeth sinne to be condemned what sinne is it that deserueth not the eternall wrath of God yet not euery one that sinneth giuen ouer to that iudgmēt for either yt may be of ignorance or of negligence and washed away by repentance in the blood of Christ or it may be repented of left whē wee see yt Mr. GIFFARD hath read wel the curses of the law all the curses due for sinne that seeth not how many curses the law the Prophets pronounced vpon sinne to call the persons themselues to repentance shewing together the equitie of Gods law yet withal the free mercye of God to al y t truly repent their euil wayes Al that receiue the Beastes marke in their hand or forehead are thretned to be cast with the Beast and false Prophet into that lake yet I doubt not but manie that haue bene so seduced into that sinne shal by repentance be saued Not that I encourage anie to cōtinue in such fearful estate to hardē their hearts against the threatnings of God but that I would haue Mr. GIFF. to put difference betwene the curse layd to the sinne and the condemnation of the person sinning And seeing he taketh that lake a perticular seuere threat to the Apostasie vnder Antichrist I would he had the grace to consider how it lyeth vpon him whiles he speaketh out of y e mouth of the Beast if he repēt not to turne from his euil wayes Let it further be weighed how ignorantly he chargeth me to cōdemne al Churches for this smale examplifying of this Egiption darknes Idolatrous worship and exalting mens writings into this defacing of Gods word and true worship they neither being guylty of such a sacrilegious Leitourgie as this Egiptian Calf hatched at ROME neither are to be presently iudged no Church for others sinne till they ioyne obstinacie to their transgressiō But shift the matter as you wil or rather as you cā apeare before God I wil not make lesse the sinne or the iudgmēt due to sinne for mēs persons no not of whole Churches if they shal be guilty therin My desire is by discouerie of the sinne to bring men to repentance and vnto the awe of God in his worship who are guyltie besides your selues in such sacriledge as to abrogate the Leitourgy of Christ set vp an other or to restraine Gods true worship to giue life to y e image of the Beast it skilleth me not let sinne be sinne and God righteous and thē examine your selues if they or you be cleare I reioyce neither do I think or cā charge them with such Idolatrie as is here erected I take it you wil be found y e sclāderer of other Churches to hide your owne filthines But saith Mr. Giff. those scriptures are against the adding of humane preceptes lawes to be kept as partes of Gods worship to bind y e cōscience to seek righteousnes y e forgiuenes of sinnes or y e merit of eternal life in them or against such rules of gouernmēt as God hath to be perpetual In which we must take your meaning to be this that you grāt where anie humane precepts lawes be enforced as a part of Gods worship or as lawes to bind the conscience or when righteousnes is sought in them and forgiuenes of sinnes by obseruing of them or merit by them or if they be against such rules of gouernment as God hath set to be perpetuall if the additions or constitutions be such as anie of these then such lawes and constitutions are against the perfection of the word of God against Christian libertie and in the chief things which con●erne Gods worship against the ground and foundation of our faith and so a thing most detestable accursed which our Sauiour CHRIST refused iustly to obserue with the blinde Phariseis wherein you haue granted as much as I euer affirmed For is not your whole Leitourgie being an other then CHRISTS Testament your whole reading mens writings in place and in stead of laying forth your owne present wantes and occasions in prayer to God humane constitutions and made a parte of Gods worship at least such pretended vvorship as you thinke good enough for him Weygh the matter vprightly Againe whither your whole Antichristian gouernment offices Courtes and ministerie be not constitutions and ordinances against such rules of CHRISTS gouernmēt as be perpetual and an
18. Reuel 16. 2. Reuel 12. 15 Reuel 13. Reuel 9. Reuel 17. Rom. 2. 〈◊〉 2. Tit. 1. 16. 2 Tim. 3. 5. 1 Cor. 3. G. G. to the fi●st Article ● B. his replie 〈…〉 They have no 〈◊〉 to excuse themselues but to accuse the estate which 〈…〉 they obey 〈…〉 A kin●ome no● 〈◊〉 against 〈…〉 G. G. to the 2 Article H. B. his replie G. G. to the 3 Article H. B. his replie G. G. to the 4. Art H. B. his replie Sodom Babilon 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 The best way to 〈◊〉 others is 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 our selues G. G. to the 5 Article H. B. his replie 〈…〉 G. G. to the 6 Article H. B. his replie G. GIF his answere to the first principall Transgression H. BAR his replie The Church-vvardēs svv●●ue to see the booke vsed The Gospel of Christ cannot be ioyned to this stuffe G. G. his answere to the 2 principall Tra●sgressiō H. B. his replie 〈…〉 Priuate men may refraine ●dolatrie though they cannot reform● G. G. his answere to the 3 principal Transgressiō H. B his replie They promise● vs before the 〈◊〉 of the e Articles to ans●●ere or 〈◊〉 The same ●easons that o●erthrov● the Pope ouerthrovv their 〈◊〉 〈…〉 If the light 〈◊〉 is in you be darkne● o hovv great is that darknes God 〈◊〉 your bless●●gs therfore he blesseth your cu●sings G. G. his answere to the 4 principal Transgressiō H. B. his replie The true Church neuer vvithout christia● libertie and christiā povver Christ diuideth not vvith A●tichrist Songe 〈◊〉 The Church da●ly praieth 〈◊〉 forgiuenes of 〈◊〉 Notes of the true Church The false Ch●rc● One bed cannot hold Christ and An●●christ The Watchmē punished not sinne vvhich before the● suffred in the Church but Christ vvhom they cannot suffer 2 Tim. 2 ● 9. Math. 12. 34. 35. 1 Cor. 15. Gal. 3. and 4 Chap. Reuel 2. 14. 15. Titus 3. 10. 11. Ro● 16. 17. 1 Tim 6. 3. c. Deut. 17. 12. Reue. 18. Reue. 11. Hebru 2. 2 1 Sā 15. 23 Rom. 6. 23 Ezech. 18 Esai 57. 21 Prou. 21. 27 Ephe. 2. 20. 1 Corin. 3. 11 ● Tim. 3. 16 2 Pet. 1. 19 Mat. 5. 19. Iam. 2. 10 1 Ioh. 1. 6 Gal. 5. 9 Ec●l 10. 1 Reue. 16. 2 Rom. 12. 9 Math. 15. 8. Gala. 4. 9. Iere. 44. Collos. 2. 18. 19. Exod. 32. 5 Psal. 16. 4. ●●●har 11. Luk. 12. 14 1 Cor. 9. Gal. 6. 6 1 Tim. 6. 8 Mat. 10. 2 Cor. 11. 20 1 Thes. 2. 5 2 Pet. 2. 15 ●●d 11. 12. 13 N●m 18 Hebr. 7. 12 Gal. 5. 3. 4 Phil. 3. 2 Luk. 17. 3. Rom. 16. 17. 1 Tim. 5. 20 Psal. 149. 1 Cor. 11. 20 Deut. 7. 2 king 18. 4 Rom. 14. 1 Cor. 8. 1 Cor. 6. 12. Gal. 5. 1. M. Giff. here confesseth both some members of their Church to be popish superstitious ignorant And also this baptisme of their Church to be such Rom. 16. 17. Gal. 1. 8. Ezech. 16 44 Esay 50. 11 1 Corinth 5 Prou. 14. ● Exod. 2. 5. 6. 1 Pet. 2. 9. Ioh. 15. 19. Act 2. 〈◊〉 Math. 3. 6. Acts. 2. 41. 1 Cor. 7. 14. 1 Cor. 6. 9. 10. 11. Cant. 4. 13. 14. E●ay 60. 21. Cant. 4. 8. Reuel 18. 2. Esay 32. 5. Prou. 24. 24. Ezech. 13. 18. Ierem. 18. 1. Cor. 5. 12. 13. 2. Tim. 2 25 Gal. 1. 8 ● Ihon. 10 Exod. 19. 5. 6. Rom. 9. Iohn 8. Rom. 4. Rom. 2. 25. Genes 17. Deut. 29. 19 Psal. ●0 16. Esay 1. and 66. Genes 9. Deut. 22. 22 Ier. 9. 13. 14. 15. Ier. 7. 4. Ier. 28. 8. 9 Rom. 11. Prou. 9. 2 Cr●● 30 〈◊〉 5 Hebr. 1. Psal. 2. 1. Cor. 6. 15 Eph. 1. 21 Eph. 4. Rom. 12. Hebr. 12. 28 Deut. 18. Eph. 2. 20 Esa. 57. 21 1 Cor. 10. 20 Reu. 14. 9 10. Reue. 21. 8 Reu. 22. 15 Rom. 8. 1 Cor. 7. 14 Reu. 13. Reu. 14 2 Thes. 2. 7. Reuel 9. 1. Reu. 12. 10. 11. 12. Reuel 12. 4. Reuel 18. 7. Rom. 13. Reuel 13. 2. 1 Cor. 5. Reuel 4. 10 Psal. 149. 〈◊〉 9. 31 Esa. 57. 21 Deut. 29. 19 20. 21. Esa. 34. 16 Rom. 1. 18 Rom. 2. 8. 9 1 Thes. 5. 14 Mar. 13. 34 37. Hebr. 10. 24. 25. ● Pet. 4. 10 〈◊〉 Reu 1. 6. Psal. 149● 1 Tim. 3. Tit. 1. 5. 3 Ioh. 9. 2 Cor. 11. 20 1 Pet. 5. 3. 1 Cor. 12. 19 Ephes. 4. 7. 16. Rom. 12. 3. 1 Cor. 14. 33 1 Cor. 11. 16. 1 Cor. 14. 24. 25. 〈◊〉 8. 19. Phil. 3 16. Phil. 2. 2. 3. ● C●rinth 12 Rom. 1● 4. 5. 6. 1 Th●s 5. 12. 1● Hebr. 13. 17. 2 Tim. ● 1. 2 Acts. 20. 28 3 Iohn 9. Rom. 16. 17. ●al 1. 8. 9. Col. 4. 17. Tit 3. 10. 2 Thes. 3. 14 1 Cor. 3. 22. 23. Acts. 20. 2● 1 P●t 5. 2. Acts. 15. Acts. 15. Math 18. 17 ● Cor. 5. ● Timo. 5. 21 Iohn 15. 6. Leu 20. 4. 5 Nomb. 35. ●3 34. Ier. 3. 1 1 Corin. 5. 6 1 Corin. 4. ● Hebr. 3. 2 ●ach 11. Deu. 29. 29 Isa. 59. Ezek. 8. Ier. 7. ●uk 1. 6. 2. 25. 〈…〉 N●mb 3. 18. zech 11. Leu. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 21. 22 Chapters Hag. 2. 12. 13. 14. 15 vers ● Corinth 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Cor. 11. Reu. 16. 13. Prou. 26. 2. Deut. 18. 22 Pro. 24. 24 Iosh. 4. 1 King 9. 20. 21. Hebr. 3. Ephes. 4. These two were Mr. FLOVD Mr. CHATTERTON These two were Mr. FENNE Mr. EGERTON Eph. 4. Rom. 12. 1 Corinth 3 Hebr. 2. 2 Pet. 1. 2 Timoth. 3 Acts. 20. 33 1 Corinth 12 Acts. 14. 23 1 Timoth. 3 Tit. 3. 1 Corin. 4. 2 1 Thes. 5. 12. 13. 1 Timo. 5. 17 Phil. 1. 1 A●ts 20. R●m 12. 8 1 T●●o 5. 17 Act. 6. ● Timoth. 5 Reu. 13. 1. 17. 3. Mat. 28. 19 Acts. 1. Iohn 20. 21 22. Math. 10. Acts. 4. 30 5. 12. 1 Cor. 3. 11 2 Cor. 11. 13. 2 T●es 2. 9. 10. Reu. 13. 14. Gal. 1. Deut. 13. 1 Tim. 1. 2. Tit. 1. 4. 1 Cor. 4. 17. Phil. 2. 22. 2 Tim. 4. 5. Act. 14. 23 Tit. 1. 5. Acts. 20. 21 1 Tim. 3. 〈…〉 Math. 20. 25. 26. Luk. 12. 14. 2 Thes. 2. 8. M●th 18. 1. Corinth 5. Math. 21. Luk. 19. 14 Colloss 18. ● 1 Cor. 12. 27 Acts. 6. Rom. 12. 8. 1 Tim. 3. Rom. 1. 24 Tit. 1. 7. Math. 24. 45. Marc. 13. 34 1 Tim. 5. 17. Heb. 13. 17. Rom. 12. Gal. 2. 4. 5. Iohn 10. 12 Acts. 20. 29 3 Iohn 9. 10 2 Tim. 2. 4 Acts. 6. 2 1 Pet. 4. 15 1 Tim. 3. 3 Ezek. 13. Mat. 23. 14. Phil. 3. 18. 19. Acts. 20. 1 Tim. 3. T●t 1. H●b 5. 4 Iohn 10 Nomb. 16. 5. 40. 1 Tim. 3. Tit. 1. Acts. 14. These men by this office ordination and sending should be Apostles Mat● 28. 18. 19. Io● 20. 21. 22. And what high office then exerciseth the Bishop that ●aketh sendeth foorth Apostles giueth them the Holie Ghost Rom. 12. 5. 1 Cor. 12. 2 Tim. 4. 3. Rom. 16. 18 Phil. 31. 19. Acts. 20. 27 Gal. 5. 11. Gal. 4. 17. 1 Thes. ● 3. 4. 5. 6. Ezek. 13. 18. Ier. 23. 30. Math. 23. ● Tim. 3. 1 Cor. 3. G●l 6. 12. I●de 11. 13 verse Iere. 23. 2● Gal. 1. 10. 〈◊〉 Gal. 2. 4. 5 2 Cor. 1. 1● Gal 1. 8 Rom. 16. 17. 1 Tim. 6. 3 1 Corin. 14. 29. 30. 31. 32. Rom. 12. 6 1 Pet. 4. 10. 11. Nomb. 18. Heb. 7. 12. Gal. 4. 5. Chapter Collos. 2. 20 ● Chr●n 31. 1 Cor. 9. Gal. 6. 6 1 Cor. 16. 1. 2. Mich. 3. Ezek. 34. 1 Sam. 2. Math. 23. 23 Leu. 22. 25. Hab. 1. Math. 23. 14. Esa. 30. 24 Ezeck 13. 4 19. 2 Tim. 2. 4 Phil. 4. 10. ● 〈◊〉 13. 16 2 Cor. 9. Phil. 4. Reuel 9. 13. and 16. 17. and 18. Chap. Luk. 11. 17. 2 Thes. 2. 7. Reuel 13. 2 Cor. 11. 13. 14. 15. Ephes. 5. 13. 1 Cor. 3. 13. 14. 15. 2 Thes. 2. ● Reuel 16. Act. 20. 32 Iam. 1. 21 Rom 11. 16 Heb. ●0 24. 25. 1 Thes. 5. 1 Cor. 14. Acts. 8. 4. 11. 19. c. 2 Thes. 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. Esai 66. 3. 4. Ie●● 6. 19. 20. 〈◊〉 Pet. 2. Reuel 2. Reuel 9. 11 Gal. 4. 9. 10. c. Gal. 5. 1. c Col. 2. 2 Cor. 6. 15 Reu. 11. 12. Chap. Gal. 4. 20 Io● 15. 18. c. and 16. 2. 3. Math. 6. 24 Rom. 6. 16 Reu. 13. 15 16. 17 and 17. 15 Gal. 4. 26 5. 1. 2 Iohn 8. 32. c. Ro. 8. 14. 15 2 Cor. 3. 17 Iohn 8. 35 Coll. 1. 12. 13 Cant. 1. Cant. 5. Exo. 25. 4● Hebr. 8. 5. Hebr. 3. 5. Hebr. 2. and 12. 25. c. 1 Chron 28 ●1 c. 1 Kings 6. and 7. chap. Leu. 10. Nomb. 16. 2 Samu. 6. 2 Chron. 26 Heb. 12. 28. Esa. 33. 20. 1 Cor. 3. 17. 1 Cor. 11. 1 Cor. 4. 17. Mat. 28. ●0 2 Tim. 1. 1● 1 Tim. 6. 13. 14. Zech. 3. 9. Hebr. 3. 6. Reuel 21. 16 ●ant 4. 6. 1. Chap. Reuel 13. Esay 14. 13. 14. 15. Rom. 11. 34. 1 Cor. 2. 16. 2 Tim. 3. 16. 17. Act. 20. 32 Heb. 12. 28. 29. Tit. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 4. 20 Luk. 19. 14 c. Math. 21. 33 Reu. 13. 17 Act. 4. 19 Mat. 10. 28 ● Pet. 2. Reuel 17. Reuel 13. 15 Zech. 11. Psal. 2. 〈◊〉 18. 2 Cor. 6. 17. 18. Acts. 2. 40. Iere. 50. 51. Chap. Zach. 2. 7 Ezech. 13. Esay 47. Prou 1. 24 c. Article 1. Article ● Art 3. 4 Reu. 17. 2. Deut. 23. 2. Act. 14. 26. 27. Act. 14. 23. Reu. 6. 12. 13. 14. Reu. 9. Deut. 30. 11 12. 13. 14. Rom. 10. 6. 7. 8. Luk. 17. 22. c. Rom. 13. Math. 18. 28. 20. 2. Cor. 10. I●●b 5. Marck 34. c. Rom. 16. 17. Iude. 3. Gal. 1. 8. Reu. 2. 10 3. 10. c Deut. 13. Ier. 6. 8. 23
he in all this space could bring vs no defence for them Wee cannot see by his owne reason seing they haue neither the true matter nor the forme of CHRISTES gouernment howe their gouernment should be held and esteamed the true and holie gouernment of Christ And then must that sequel which he so feareth needes followe that yt is an antichristian gouernment yoke such as the true Church seruantes of Christ may not beare and wittinglie stand vnder To perticulate all the seuerall corruptions abuses enormities of the gouernment of these antichristian Bishops is not in mie skil or power not knowing in anie measure their Cannons customes orders priueledges proceedings Onlie this in general I may affirme that of such pompeous stagelike popish mixt Courtes handling both ciuile ecclesiastical causes iudiciallie I neuer read through al the book of God or to belonge to Christes Church Especiallie exercising such absolute power iurisdiction ouer al Churches causes and persons ecclesiastical yea vsurping assuming and executing the whole power offices and dueties of al Churches yea euen the proper prerogatiues priuiledges only belonging to Christ himself To make impose or abrogate lawes To giue or rather sel licences dispensations to haue more benefices then one to marrie to eate flesh at tymes of restrainte c To cal sommon and fetch by cōstrainte al causes persons of the Church before them There to determine decree to censure silence suspēd sequester depose incarcerate punish by mulct what Minister or mēber of the Church they lust of their owne absolute aucthoritie without any controlement reprose or redresse The Church hauing no power or libertie to reprooue or refuse no not so much as call into question anie thing they do or decree to rebuke or censure these inordinate lawlesse fellowes for anie thing they doe either publickely or priuatly The Church must receiue obey as most holie whatsoeuer they decree or impose with al reuerence as the oracles of God though they be neuer so contrarie to the worde of God The Church or any other member of the Church in these Courtes be not permitted so much as to propounde or pleade their owne cause But are by them cōpelled to their romish litigious course procedinges To speake pleade by a feed Advocate or Proctor after their popish order and custome Where for bribes fees al causes be they neuer so fowle corrupt are handled pleaded and proceede that I say not succeede And without such bribes fees no cause be yt neuer so iust and y e partie neuer so poore or innocēt hath audience or help Here being so many officers catchpolles attendantes to be feed pleased To all these rauenous Birdes with fingers the suetors sommoned become a pray But especially the faithful such as speak against and will not of conscience and faith vnto God stoope downe vnto their antichristian power or obey their vngodly decrees These shalbe worse vsed then any trayterous Papists or facinorous persons whatsoeuer who shall all of them by their purse or freindes escape well enough find fauour when these poore soules shall neuer geat out of their handes without wrack either of bodie or soule either death or denying the faith These though there be no direct matter euidence witnesses or accusers against them yet shall themselues be inforced to a corporal oth as they call it vpon and by a booke to answeare directly and truly to such articles and poyncts as shalbe propownded vnto them If they denie or make conscience either of the maner or matter of this oth then instead of godly instruction or christian persuasion they are forthwith committed to prison yea for the most parte to close prison there to remaine shut vp from al ayre exercise friendes dueties callings c vntill they either yeild to take this idolatrous blasphemous and impious oth or dye vnder their handes No baile maineprise help benefite or redresse by lawe by the Queenes Royal writtes or Courtes allowed to any that are committed by the leaste of this hellish Anarchie Whose lawlesse and insolent dealinges oppressions iniuries violence may not be caled in question or examined by anie ciuile Magistrates or Courtes All which they patronize by her Ma ties high or especiall Commission vnto them Although her Ma tie suffreth her Roial Prerogatiue to be handled considered of in some of these ciuile Courtes yea graunteth to all her free borne subiectes the benefite free vse of her Highnes lawes euen in anie cases or causes betwixt her Highnes and them according to the great Charter in the Magna Charta whervnto her Ma tie is sworne which Charter also these lawlesse Prelates most presumptuouslie and tyrannously violate breake vnder colour of her Ma ties Commission thus setting her Ma ties Commission against her Ma ties Prerogatiue Courtes Royal against that great Charter of the land against all her Highnes lawes yea against al the lawes of God the Testamēt Kingdome of Christ. But to say as it is their procedinges are both against ther cōmission if they might be dulie examined conferred thervnto and against her Ma t●es meaning Whose milde preceable iust gouernmēt in al causes that procead from her self assure vs that She would neuer wittingly graunt such a commission as shoulde be so preiudicial to her owne Crowne Royal dignitie to the estate of the Church and of the whole common wealth as this wherby these Prelates beare themselues their vngodly procedings is That power graunted vnto her Ma tie by Parliamēt to appoinct aucthorize whom she shal thinck meet to execute vnder her al maner iurisdictiōs priuiledges and preeminēces concerning ecclesiastical causes to her belonging is as also al other her Princely power aucthoritie alwaies to be vnderstood in the Lord so far as shalbe found consonant to his word For neither is there giuen neither may or wil her Ma tie take or exercise any furder or other power then the Lord her God giueth her In whom Kinges reigne of whom their power is diriued and holden by whom yt is circumscribed and limited to whom they shal as anie other persons accompt If then these Prelates and their antichristian Hierarchie these romish Courtes and their popish procedinges in the same be not fownde to be of God to haue anie warrant in his word or to belong to the ministrie gouernment of Christes Church then can no commission or humane aucthoritie whatsoeuer make them lawfull impose or enioyne them vpon the Church Neither ought anie Christian to obey them at the Commandmēt of any mortal mā Men must alwaies be obeyed in the Lord. Vnto whom when or wherein they be fownd cōtrarie or opposite there must God rather then mē be obeyed His indignation that cā cast both body soule into hel fire is more to be feared thē theirs that can but touch the body only To obey Gods commaundements and to refrayne