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A91192 A Gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulnes & continuance of the ancient setled maintenance and tenthes of the ministers of the Gospel: proving, that there is a just, competent, comfortable maintenance due to all lawfull painfull preachers and ministers of the Gospel, by divine right, institution, and expresse texts and precepts of the Gospel: that glebes and tithes are such a maintenance, & due to ministers by divine right, law and Gospel: that if subtracted or detained, they may lawfully be inforced by coercive laws and penalties: that tithes are no reall burden nor grievance to the people; the abolishing them, no ease or benefit to farmers, husband-men, or poor people, but a prejudice and losse. That the present opposition against tithes, proceeds not from any reall grounds of conscience, but base covetousnesse, carnall policy, &c. and a Jesuiticall and Anabaptisticall designe, to subvert and ruin our ministers, Church, religion. With a satisfactory answer to all cavils and materiall objections to the contrary. By William Prynne of Swainswick, Esq; Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1653 (1653) Wing P3971; Thomason E713_12; ESTC R203238; ESTC R26600 128,273 175

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cannot deny The sole question then is what this share or portion ought to be and who shall determine it in point of difference I confesse the Apostle doth not decide either of these in Terminis those Texts being General and all in the plural number All good things your carnall things comprising all such things out of which Tithes predial mixt or personal as Canonists and Lawyers distinguish them are or may be paid Wherefore every faithfull Christian and spiritual Son of God and of faithfull Abraham whose footsteps and prefidents they are to follow in all doubtfull cases admit this one to satisfie his conscience and judgement in this case must and will resort to the prefidents of the Eminentest Saints in former ages and Gods own prescripts in other expresse Texts and there finding the very Father of the faithfull Abraham giving and his Grandson Jacob vowing A TENTH OF ALL GOOD THINGS from his own people for the maintenance of his Priests and Levites under the Law and they cheerfully rendring it untill and in Christs own time and that the very Pharisees and Scribes though Hypocrites were so just as to pay tithes of all and Christ resolving that they ought to do it and not leave it undone and that none before the Apostles dayes ever gave lesse than a Tenth part as the premises largely evidence must and will necessarily conclude from all these sacred Directories that the ordinary and constant standing Portion and proportion of all his goods and carnal things here prescribed and intended by Gods Spirit in the tenth part and in extraordinary cas●s more when Gods glory the Ministers Necessities the Defence or Propagation of the Gospel require it and when he shall further read in the Gospel it self that speech of Zacheus the converted Publican Luke 19. 8. Behold Lord THE HALF OF MY GOODS I give to the poor And how the first converted Christians and Jews in the Apostles dayes sold their Lands and Houses and brought and laid the money at the Apostles feet Act. 4. 5. His conscience which must not guide the Word and Spirit of God as most mens consciences do now but the word and spirit it and him too will and must from thence conclude that he must not give his faithfull Minister lesse than a Tenth part of all and in cases of extraordinary necessity share even half his goods yea the price of all his Lands and Houses between the Ministers and poor Saints of God specially in times of persecution when as he ought to hide and feed them too as godly Obadiah did an hundred of the Lords Prophets in the dayes of Jezabel at his own charge with the hazard of his Office and Life 1 Kings 18. 4. 13. And if any mans conscience in a settled Christian Realm or State be so obstinate or froward as not to submit to the lowest proportion of a tenth which all Ages and most or all setled Christian Realms have unanimously agreed upon and confirmed by publike Edicts as well Civil as Ecclesiastical whereof there are neer thousands in print the Christian Kings and Magistrates who are to determine all controverfies of this nature and state the due just proportion of this Debt and Duty between the Minister and the people where it is not publikely decided and may justly enforce the due payment of it when and where it is determined by positive publike Laws as a just Debt as they do in all other civil Debts and Accompts in controversie before them as I shall prove in due place even by these very Texts though John Canne denies it in his VOX praeterea NIHIL p 14. To these I shall subjoyn that noted Text in 1 Cor. 9. 13 14. which John Canne cites by piece-meal as the Devill did scripture leaving out the principall branch Mat. 4. 6. Do ye not know that they which Minister about holy things live of the things of the Temple and they that wait at the altar are ●artakers with the altar EVEN SO HATH THE LORD ORDAINED this Canne omits that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel I have urged this Text before for proof of the first I shall here apply it only to the second Propositions confimation as to Tithes 1. Then we have here A DIVINE GOSPEL ORDINANCE made by the LORD OF HOSTS himself not repealable by any Army or Powers on Earth as well as PARLIAMENTARY ORDINANCES for the Maintenance of the Preachers of the Gospel and let Canne the poorest Preacher of the Gospell ever yet knew in England except one of his fraternity who heard him once preach an assize and Fast Sermon too at Chard deny our Ministers to be able Preachers of the Gospel at the peril of his Soul though he denies them to be lawfull Ministers of Christ and censures them as ANTICHRISTIAN and POPISH But why so Because forsooth they had their Ordination from Rome and by consequence are TRAYTORS and FELONS too by the Statute of 27 Eliz. c. 2. for which they might be legally executed for Treason and Felony if the State were pleased to interpret the Statute contrary as he conceives to the Letter and form of it the words whereof he both curtals and misrecites just as he did this Text p. 5. To do him and his b●st friends a kindnes vindicate the lawfulnesse of our Mi●isters calling again●● this ordinary slander and convince him of his grosse mistake I shall truly recite the Statut● Thus intituled JESUITES and PRIESTS in England shall depart and NONE SHALL COME INTO THIS REALM If so then many Dippers and Speakers Administrators Members in Anabaptisticall Congregations many New-lights and Gifted-brethren in separate Congregations many Shakers Quakers Ranters Broachers of new Notions Errours Blasphemies throughout the Realm many new-Polititians Levellers Agitators and Soldiers in the Army if not some Officers all the late converted pretended Jews dipped in Anabaptisticall Congregations discovered and known to be disguised Jesuites purposely sent from Rome by the greatest sticklers against our Ministers Tithes and Calling must presently depart and none of them return into the Kingdome as many have lately done or else be executed for Traytors But why so what is their crime work and imployment here and by what marks or fruits shall we know and discover both them and their confederates Let the words of the Statute compared with all our late troubles and changes resolve the ignorant and incredulous that there are many such amongst us and of John Cannes fraternity W●ereas divers persons called or professed JESUITES these Canne wittingly conceals and therefore is a Felon by the law SEMINARY PRIESTS and other Priests which have been and from time to time are made IN PARTS BEYOND THE SEA BY OR ACCORDING TO THE ORDER and RITES OF THE CHURCH OF ROME and when Canne can prove that all or any of our Ministers were thus made as he hath confidently averred in print to those he cals the Higher Powers and Supream Authority of the Nation Let them
his reigne by the Councell of his Barons through all the Counties of England caused 12. men of the most Noble wise and skilfullest in the Law to be sunm●ned out of every Shire that he might learn th●ir Lawes and Customes from them and gave them this Oath That proceeding in a right path without deel●ning to the right hand or the left to the best of their power they should make known to him the Customes and Sanctions of their Lawes pretermitting nothing adding nothing and altering n●thing in them by prevarication which they accordingly performing a●d King William intending to alter the Law only in one particul●● according to the Lawes of Norway from wh●nce he and his N●●●●ans desee●ded all the Barons and Grand English Enquest w●o presented him their Lawes on Oath being much grieved at it unanimosly besought him that he would permit them to enjoy their pr●pe● Lawes and ancient Customes under which their Fathers lived and themselves had been borne and educated because they deened it very hard for them to receive unknown Lawes and to judge of those things they knew not importunately beseeching him for the sou● of King Edward WHO HAD GRANTED TO HIM THE CROWNE and KINGDOME AFTER HIS DEATH and whose Lawes they were that he would not compell them to persevere under the Lawes of any Forainers but their owne Country Lawes alone Wherefore the King taking advise consented to the request of his Barons confirming all their Lawes and Customes in Parliament without any alteration or diminution as they presented them Whereof this is the very first Law concerning the preservation of the Churches rights and Scholars from rapine Every Cleargy-man and likewise all Scholars and all their Goods and Possessions wheresoever they are shall enjoy the Peace of God and of holy Church free from all forfeiture and Seisure and if any shall lay hands on that which Mother Church shall require LET HIM RESTORE THAT WHICH HE SHALL TAKE AWAY and likewise one hundred shillings in the name of a sorfeiture if it be from an Abby or Church of Religion and 20. s. if it be from a Mother Parish Church and 10. s. if it be from a Chappell After which follow 6. other Lawes concerning the Churches peace and priviledges and then these two Lawes concerning TITHES Of the TITHES of the Church Of all Corne the tenth Sheaf is given to God and therefore to be paid If any shall have a ●erd of Mares let him pay the tenth colt he who shall have onely one or two let him pay a penny for every colt Likewise he who shall have many Kine let him pay the tenth calfe he who shall have but one or two let him pay a penny for every calfe and he who shall make cheese let him give the tenth to God and if he shall make none the milke every tenth day Likewise the tenth Lambe the tenth Fleece the tenth Butter the tenth Pig Of BEES and all lesser TITHES In like manner also of Bees the tenth of the profit and also of Wood of Meadowes Waters and Mils and Ponds and Fishings and Copses and Orchards and Gardens and Negociations wherein Souldiery and all other Professions are included and all things which the Lord shall give THE TENTH PART IS TO BE TENDRED TO HIM WHO GIVETH THE NINE PARTS TOGETHER WITH THE TENTH And he who shall detain it SHALL BE COMPELLED TO RENDER IT BY THE JUSTICE OF THE BISHOP and OF THE KING IF NEED BE For these things St. Augustine hath prea●hed and taught and THESE THINGS ARE GRANTED BY THE KINGS and BARONS and PEOPLE But afterward let our Tith oppugners and detainers marke who is their originall Tutor BY THE INSTINCT OF THE DEVILL many have detained Tithes and rich negligent Priests do not care to prosecute them because they had sufficient necessaries for their life for in many places now there are three or four Churches where at that time was only one and so they began to be diminished This is that William the Conquerour whom our Officers Souldiers with the Levellers and Anabaptists most virulently reproach and raile against in their Discourses and silly ignorant scurrilous Pamphlets for an Invader Vsurper ROBBER TYRANT and subverter of our native Lawes and Liberties c. when as he claimed the Crowne onely by Gift and Title confirmed all our ancient Lawes and Liberties Civill and Ecclesiasticall without any alteration or diminution put never a Noble man or other person to death who rebelled or tooke up Armes against him all his reign but such who were actually slain in Battle was the gallantest Souldier and best Justiciary of any in his age as some Historians then living attest and not only much devoted to Religion frequenting the Church both morning and evening but likewise very industrious and bountifull to promote it honouring and richly endowing the Cleargy that lived according to their rule and profession but being very rough and hard hearted to the licentious and scandalous degrading his own Vnkle Malgerius Archbishop of Rhoan and many English Bishops for their dissolute lives founding no lesse then three Churches and Abbies of chief note whereof that of Battle was one endowing them with large Possessions and Priviledges according to the piety of those times out of his Conquests and confirming all the Clergies Tithes Rights Priviledges by the recited Lawes If those Officers and Souldiers who now pretend themselves Conquerers and us a Conquered or cousened Nation will really imitate his Justice Piety Bounty in these recited particulars no man will thenceforth bestow such reproachfull termes of Invaders Vsurpers Robbers Tyrants Subverters of our Lawes Liberties c. as they do usually on this first Norman King but repute them reall Saints and Patrons of Religion Ministers and the Church yea Sonnes of faithfull Abraham who gave the tenth of the Spoyles of war to God whose example with all the rest here recited in justice and conscience rather obligeth them to imitate his and their footsteps as the premises evidence then to spoyle our Ministers and Churches of their Tithes and Materials And so much in Answer of the first Evasion respecting our Army Officers and Souldiers only Object 1 The second Evasion of Abrahams Precedent is made by Country Farmers Tradesmen and their Advocates who alleage That Abraham gave the tenth only of his spoyles gained in Warre to Melchisedec but not of his Corn Wine Cattle and other Goods therefore this example bindes only Souldiers to pay personall but not them or any others to pay any such prediall mixt or personall Tithes as now they do by coercive Lawes and Ordinances against Law and Gospell To which I answer Answ 1. That the expresse words of Moses Gen. 14. 20. are And he gave him Tithes OF ALL. Which being universall not confined by him to the spoyles taken in War must be taken and intended in the largest sense that is of all his Substance or Encrease as well as of the spoyles then wonne 2. The
be hanged for Traytors and Antichristian Ministers in good earnest else l●t him be hanged in their steed for this his impudent slander of them all as well Independents as Prebyterians Have of late years come and been sent into this Realme of England and were any of our Ministers such and not rather Canne himself coming hither from Amsterdam for the purposes following and other the Queens Dominions OF PURPOSE AS IT HATH APPEARED as well by some of their own examinations now out of date as by divers other Manifest means and proofs more visible of late years than ever not onely to withdraw her Highnesse subjects from their due obedience to her Majestie but also to st●r up and move Sedition Rebellion and open Hostility within the same her Highnesse Realms and Dominions to the great indangering of the safety of her most Royall Person and to the utter ruine desolation and overthrow of the whole Realm now effected as a Realm if the same be not the sooner and now pray God it be not over late by some good means foreseen and prevented For reformation whereof be it ordained c. That All Priests and Jesuits Canne cannot spy such good friends within the Act but deletes them out of it Seminary Priests and other Priests whatsoever made and ordained out of the Realm of England c. under the penalties therein mentioned Had Canne pressed this Statute to those he dedicates his Pamphlet for the speedy execution of it against those many Jesuites and Seminary Priests now in England for their traiterous Practises and Designes therein mentioned of late and now driven on and almost compleated by them it had been a commendable zeale but to write one word or syllable against these Romish Vermine arch-Engineers Janizaries of the Romish See now swarming among us to rui●● our Kingdomes Parliaments Laws Liberties Church Ministers Ministry Religion forreign Protestant States Churches now engaged by them in bloudy wars both by Land and Sea and to omit th● very name of the Jesuits the first Popish Agents mentioned and chiefly intended in this Act and presse it onely against our Ministers Calling Ministry Tithes and Maintenance of purpose to ruine them and theirs and by consequence our Church and Religion the Designe and scope of his whole Pamphlet is such a malicious unchristian Antichristian Practise as proclaims him to all the world either a new converted Jesuite or Romish Factor under the Garb of an old Anabaptist or an over-grown cankered Anabaptist void of Piety Honesty and inspired by the very Father of Lyes For not one of our English Ministers I know or hear of except two or three Jesuits and Priests crept into Livings in Staffordshire and elsewhere very lately I know not by whose favour or negligence was ever ordained by any such Jurisdiction or authority as is here mentioned which all our Ministers and their Ordainers too whether Prelates or Presbyters particularly and publickly abjured both at the time of their respective Ordinations and admissions to their Benefices and likewise when they took any Degree of Learning in our Vniversities by the two known famous Oaths of SUPREMACY and ALLEGIANCE purposely made and ratified by * sundry zealous Protestant Parliaments against the usurped Papal Jurisdiction and authority of the See of Rome and the Popes Jesuits and Papists practises to blow up and destroy our Protestant Kings Parliaments Laws Liberties Religion and subvert our Kingly Government whole State and Common-wealth for the better discovering of them yet lately suspended abrogated as dangerous unlawfull Oaths by some of Cannes good friends who would be reputed Zealots against the Popes Jurisdiction and his Creatures too Now how those Ministers of our Church who thus abjured the Jurisdiction of Rome at the time of their very Ordination and their Ordainers too before them and since have don● the like in their Solemne League and Covenant can without the highest slander be said to derive their Ministry from it and that by Canne his Jesuiticall Anabaptistical Fraternity who never took one of these Oaths or the Covenant and revile repeal them as unlawful out of love to the Popes Jurisdiction Jesuits Priests c. or for want of zeal against them Let the world and this slanderers own Conscience if he have any left determine Besides who knows not but this Ignoramus that the Rites and Ceremonies of Ordination in the Church of Rome recorded at large in Ceremoniale Pontificiale Pontificum Romanorum and the ends of Ordination likewise viz. to say Masse create their Creator offer up Christ in Sacrifice at the altar to his Father Invocate Saints adore Images yield Canonicall obedience to the Pope and his Supremacy c. are far different from the form and ends of our Ministers Ordination in the Church of England prescribed by the Parl. 5. 6. Ed. 6. c. 1. ratified by the Statutes of 1 Eliz. 2. c. 1 2. 5 Eliz. c. 1. 8 Eliz. c. 1. and 39 Eliz c. 8. made onely by Protestant Parliaments as they particularly condemne renounce the Popes power and Jurisdiction so they declare and resolve our Ministers Ordination to be lawfull and them in very deed to be Ministers and rightly made ordained and ●onsecrated according to Gods word without any derivative power or Ordination from the Church of Rome And therefore for this New pander for the Whore of Rome to averre they receive their ministry and ordination thence is a NOTORIOVS LYE yea but saith he Francis Mason of Consecration and Mr. Yates in his Modell of Divinity prove and confesse That the Ministry of the Church of England established by the Law of the Land IS DERIVED FROM THE POPE and ROME True but in what sense onely by way of Succession as his own Ministry and Faith if he hath any were derived from John of Leyden or just as our Bibles Religion Baptisme Churches were derived thence and all now living with Canne himself derived from Popish Ancestors many even from Popes Popish Priests Prelates Friars by naturall generation God used the Popes of Rome and their Instruments to convert the Britains and Saxons from thei Paganisme to the Christian not Papal or Roman Faith which through Gods mercy hath continued amongst us ever since yet mixed of later times with manifold Popish Errors and Superstitions These Errors and Superstitions our godly Martyrs and by them our Kings and Parliaments discovering did thereupon by speciall Acts of Parliament abolish as derived from the Church of Rome together with the Popes usurped power and Gain which they served onely to support retaining onely the Scriptures Sacraments Soul-saving Doctrines thence derived by succession onely but authoritatively and originally from God and Christ himself with such Godly Orthodox Bishops and Ministers who though first ordained in the Church of England when Popish did yet renounce all the Popish Errors Corruptions with the Popes Supremacy and all Popish additionall Rites to the form of their Ordination and
farre from being unlawfull that it is a sacrifice well pleasing unto God 3. That Ministers deserve not only obedience but maintenance from the people 1. Because they have the rule over them 2. Because they watch for their souls 3. Because they must give an account to God for them 4. Because it will be a great encouragement to them to discharge their duty with joy not with grief 5. Because the not doing it will both grieve the Ministers and be unprofitable to the people in regard of their soules and spirituall estate and also cause God to curse and blast them in their temporall estates Mal. 3. 8 9 10 11 12. whereas the doing thereof will be advantagious to them in both Powerfull reasons and motives to convince all of the justice of our Ministers maintenance and to induce them chearfully to render it unto them though due by Law as we know it is XIII The very Gospell enjoynes all Christians Rom. 12. 20 21. To distribute to the necessity of the Saints and to be hospitable not only to those we know but even to strangers Heb. 13. 2. And if our enemy hunger it comm●nds us to feed him if he thirst to give him drink and Not to be overcome with evill but to overcome evill with good seconded Mat. 5 44 45 46 47 48. Luke 6. 32. to 37. P●ov 25. 22. whence thus I argue I● Christians must distribute to the necessities and be hospitable to Saints and others who are m●er strangers to them yea give meat and drink to their very enemies and overcome their evi●l with goodnesse Then it necessarily followes they must much more distribute to the necessities of and be hospitable liberall and give meat drink and maintenance to their own faithfull preaching Ministers and recompense their good with good again else they shall be worse then Publicans and sinners who do good to those that do good to and for them XIV This is evident by the practise of the primitive Saints and Christians recorded in the Gospell for our imitation who though they paid all civill Tributes Customes Duties to the civill Magistrates and likewise Tithes and other duties to the Jewish and Pagan Priests under whom they lived yet they likewise freely and liberally ministred and contributed of their substance and temporall estates towards the maintenance of Christ and his Apostles and the Ministers of the Gospell Hence we read Luke 8. 2 3. That Mary Magdalen Joann● the wife of Cuza Herods Steward Susanna and MANY others of our Saviours auditors ministred to him of their substance put it seems into a common purse for the maintenance of Christ and his Apostles which Judas kept wh● provided bread meat and other necessaries out of it as is evident by Joh. 4. 8 31. 12. 5 6. 13. 29. 6. 5 7. compared together After our Saviours resurrection when the multitude of beleevers at Jerusalem were much increased it is expresly recorded Act. 4. 32 to the end 5. 1 to 10. That they were of one heart and of one soul and oh that we were so again neither said any of them that ought that he possessed was his own but they had all things common neither was there any amongst them whether Apostle Minister or Beleever that lacked For as many as were possessors of Lands or Houses SOLD THEM not purchased them as many do now who say they imitate the primitive Christians and brought the prices of the things that were sold and LAID THEM DOWNE A● THE APOSTLES FEET and distribution was made unto every Man therefore to every Apostle and Minister of the Gospell as well as others according as they had need Amongst others Joses a Levite of Cyprus having Land so●d it and brought the money and LAID IT AT THE APOSTLES FEET The like did Ananias with Saphira his wife but bec●use they brought a certain part thereof and laid it at the Apost●es feet and kept back part of the price of the Land which is lesse then to keep back Tithes when due by sundry Lawes and Ordinances and thereby lyed not unto Men only but to God they both fell down dead sodainly at the Apostles feet in a miraculous manner and were carried forth and ●uried And great fear came upon a● the Church and as many as heard thereof We finde in 2 Cor. 11. 7 8 9. That though Paul preached the Gospell at Corinth freely yet HE ●OOK WAGES OF OTHER CHVRCHES at the same time TO DO THEM SERVICE And when he was present with them and wanted that which was wanting unto him the Brethren that came from Macedonia SVPPLIED that in all things he might keep himself from being burdensome to the Corinthians for reasons expressed by him In which respect of not ministring to him of their substance he writes THEY WERE INFERIOR TO OTHER CHVRCHES 2 Cor. 12. 13. How bountifull the Church and Saints of Philippi were to Paul not only whiles present with them and preaching among them but also absent from them preaching the Gospell in other places and how pleasing this their liberality was to God he thus records Phil. 4. 10. to 21. But I rejoyced in the Lord greatly that at last your care of me is revived wherein ye were also CAREFVLL but ye lacked opportunity Not that I speak in respect of want for I have learned in whatsoever estate I am therewith to be content c. Notwithstanding YE HAVE WELL DONE that ye did communicate with my affliction Now ye Philippians know also that in the beginning of the Gospell when I d●parted from Macedonia no Churches communicated with me as concerning GIVING and RECEIVING BVT YE ONLY For even in Thessalonica YE SENT ONCE and AGAIN TO MY NECESSITY Not because I desire a gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your accompt But I have received all and A●OVND and AM FVLL having received of Epaphroditus THE THINGS SENT FROM YOV AN ODOVR OF A SWEET SMELL A SACRIFICE AC●EPTABLE WELLPLEASING TO GOD. But my God shall supply all your needs according ●o his riches in glory by Jesus Christ Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever Amen And in 2 Tim. 1. 16 17. 18. He makes this memorable Testimony and prayer for Onesiphorus The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain But wh●n he was in Rome he sought me out very diligently and found me The Lord grant unto him that he may ●inde mercy of the Lord in that day And in HOW MANYTHINGS HE MINISTRED VNTO ME AT EPHESUS thou knowest very well From all which precedents coupled together these conclusions naturally and necessarily arise 1. That it is not only the practise but duty of the Saints and Christians under the Gospell chearfully and liberally to contribute to the Apostles and Ministers of the Gospell and that not only whiles they are actually preaching and resident amongst them but whiles absent preaching the Gospell in
used and will still use this power that we might be chargeable yea very chargeable to every of you Therefore no wonder our Ministers in their affected sense do the like by their example in exacting of their Tithes and Dues till they disclaime the use of their Iron Power in imposing levying new Taxes and Excises on Ministers as well as people in strange untroden wayes to pay their own and Souldiers salaries to support their self-●reated Power in the highest strain of Exercise which they condemne in Ministers in a far more inferior degree who questionlesse may lawfully make use of it as Paul himselfe might have justly done as he resolves though he suspended its naturall exercise 3. Paul records 4 speciall reasons why he made no use of this his Evangelicall power but laboured with his hands 1. That he might not hinder the Gospell of Christ among the Corinthians 1 Cor. 9. 12. they being then most of them Pagans the rest but newly converted to the Gospell by his preaching and all of them very worldly and ●ovetous as he insinuates 1 Cor. 4. 12 13 14. 7. 30. 31 32. 11. 7 8 9. 12. 10 to 21. 2. That he might not seem to abuse his power in the Gospell in the opinion of these covetous worldlings 1 Cor. 9. 18. 3. That he might adde to his glory in undergoing necessities for Christ wherein he gloried and adde to his future reward 1 Cor. 9. 15 to 27. 12. 10 to 13. 4. And principally To cut off occasion of slander and reproach from some false Apostles and deceitfull workers and Ministers of Satan transforming themselves into Angels of Light who sought occasion to slander him counting his preaching very contemptible him to be none of Christs and a very reprobate 2 Cor. 10. 7 10 12. 13. 6 7. as some now esteem our Ministers seeking a proofe of Christ speaking to him c. 13. 3. as they do in our Ministers glorying as some of the same Tribe do now that they preached the Gospell freely and wrought with their own hands whereupon he addeth that wherein they gloryed they might be found even as he 2 Cor. 11. 12 13 14. Which false Apostles and dissembling Hypocrites for all their brags did yet enslave take of them fleece and abuse them more then any faithfull Ministers and yet they patiently endured it as he there thus insinuates v. 20. FOR YE SVFFER IF A MAN BRING YOV INTO BONDAGE IF A MAN DEVOVR YOV IF A MAN TAKE OF YOV IF A MAN EXALT HIMSELFE IF A MAN SMITE YOV ON THE FACE taxing their wisdom for ●his Asinine sottish stupidity when as neither Paul himselfe nor Titus nor any other of those Ministers he sent unto them did either burden or catch them with guile or make a gain of them as these false Apostles domineering Hypocrites and Ministers of Satan did 2 Cor. 12. 16 17 18. These were the reasons expressed by him why he took no wages of the Corinthians and supported himselfe with his own labor But this is not our Ministers case after our so long enjoyment of the Gospell and their enjoying of a setled maintenance by Tithes and Glebes about 800. years space so long since setled on them by our devout Saxon Kings and continued ever since When our Ministers have the self-same reasons as Paul had to move them to pursue his objected practise I doubt not but they will chearfully imitate it for the advancement of the Gospell and winning souls to Christ The reason why he exercised not this power among the Thessalonians labouring amongst them night and day to support himselfe was much different from the former thus recorded by him 2 T●●ss 3. 7 to 15. When he was among them he heard that there were some who walked disorderly WORKING NOT A● ALL BVT WERE BVSY BODIES just such as o●●●●ew preaching Weavers Ginger-bread-makers Smi●h● Souldiers and other Mechanickes are who give over thei● Trades and working to busie themselves only in gathering new Conventicles new moulding our Church State and Preaching openly and in corners every wh●re to carry on their own worldly designes Whereupon he then commanded them THAT IF ANY such busie-bodies WOULD NOT WORKE but forsake his calling NEITHER SHOULD HE EAT A very good Gospell-law if duly executed to quell all such busie-bodies and upon this occasion not because he had not power BUT TO MAKE HIMSELFE AN EXAMPLE FOR THEM TO FOLLOW and encourage these busie-bodies with all other loyterers to labour he refused to eat any mans bread freely but wrought with labour and travell night and day that he might not be chargeable to any of them And b●cause this his example did not reforme whiles he was present but some such idle bodies still continued their practise notwithstanding he gives them this new Precept in and by this Epistle vers 14. Now them that are such WE COMMAND and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ and O that our prating busie-bodies who step out of their own callings into other mens and Ministers too would hearken and obey him that they with quietnesse worke or do their own worke as some Translators render it not other mens and eat their own bread not live upon other mens trenchers sweat or labours as thousands do now And if any obey not our word signifie or note that by an Epistle and have no company with him then he will be a Separatist in good earnest that he may be ashamed yet count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a Brother If our Ministers working with their own hands at our preaching M●chanicks Trades would reduce them to follow their Trades and give over busying themselves in Ministers and other mens publick callings and State-affaires I presume many of them would fall a working for a time for such a good end But ●ince P●uls own example in this kind did not reclaime such busie-bodies then whereupon he prescribed another more effectuall remedie if duely put in execution by Ecclesiasticall and Civill Magistrates Our Ministers who have lesser hopes to reclaim them now by such a practise which would give scandall unto many and make them neglect their proper function have neither reason nor precept to follow this his singular voluntary Precedent upon this ground of his which is no way●s binding to them 4. Though Paul himselfe then laboured among the Corinthians and took no wages from them yet he received wages from other Churches at the same time to supply their lacke of Service unto him 2 Cor. 11. 8 9. Which by way of Sarcasme to upbraide their covetousnesse tenacity and ingratitude towards him he calls Robbing of other Churches because it was to doe them service not those Churches Not that it was robbery indeed as some ignorant asses judge it who understand not Rhetorick and Eloquence for in the next verse he styles it A supply and Phil. 4. 10 15 18. a Communicating to his Nec●sities a well-doing a fruite abounding to their account as well as to
his rejoycing an odour of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable and well-pleasing unto God and wages in the self-same Text therefore no unlawfull robbery 5. Though the niggardly Co●inthians saved their purses by Pauls labour and free preaching yet they gained no honour but disgrace and sharp censures from him for it witnesse 1 Cor. 4. 11 12 14. Even unto this present houre we both hunger and thirst and are naked and are buffeted and have no certain dwelling place and labour working with our own hands c. I write not these things TO SHAME you but as my beloved sonnes I admonish you of their harsh ingrate despitefull carriage towards me which makes my condition so uncomfortable which he thus seconds 2 Cor. 11. 7 8. Have I committed an offence in a●asing myselfe that you might be exalted because I have preached the Gospell of God freely I robbed other Churches taking wage● of them to do you service And ch 12. 12 13 14 15. T●uly the signes of an Apostle were wrought among you in all patience in signes and wonders and mighty deeds For what was it WHEREIN YE WERE INFERIOR TO OTHER CHVRCHES except it be that I my self was not burdensome to you FORGIVE ME THIS WRONG Behold the third time I am ready to come to you and I will not be burdensome to you for I seek not yours but you c. And I will very g●adly spend and be spent for you though the more aboundantly I love you THE LESSE I BE LOVED Whence all may learn that it is a great disparagement stain and certain signe of want of love both to the Ministers and Ministry of the Gospell for any Church or people to suffer or enforce their Minister to hunger thirst be naked and to have no certain dwelling place and to labour working with his own hands that he may preach the Gospell freely to them and such kinde of ungratefull ungodly people who cause Ministers thus to spend and be spent for them will be so far from loving or respecting them for it that the more they love them in this kinde the lesse they will probably love them again as the Corinthians did Paul who traduced and slandered him as no true Apostle a weake contemptible Preacher and a very Reprobate in stead of commending him for his extraordinary paines and cost in preaching freely to them 2 Cor. 10. 10. 12. 11 12. 13. 6 7 9. Who then would hearken to or gratifie such perverse Beasts and unthankfull Hypo●rites though appearing in the shapes of Saints and notion of the godly party or rather un●odly faction against our Ministers and their maintenance 6 Though Paul thus laboured night and day with his own hands to maintain himself and preach the Gospell freely yet it followes not hence that all other Ministers now should do it 1. Because he being an inspired Apostle and able to preach by immediate inspiration and revelation from God without study or premeditation as is probable his labour in this kinde was no hindrance to his diligent constant powerfull preaching But no Ministers now being thus immediately inspired must study and meditate day and night for what they preach and examine their Doctrines seriously by Gods word before they vent them whence Paul enjoynes even Timothy himself 2 Tim. 3. 13 15 16. To give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine to meditate upon these things and give himselve WHOLY TO THEM that his profi●ing might appeare to all men and to take heed unto his doctrine which he could not do if he should labour night and day with his hands as Paul did to support himselfe and preach gratis wheresore he tels him 2 Tim. 2. 4. That no man that warreth a spiritual warfare as he and other Ministers do intangleth himself with the affaires of this life that he may please or serve him who hath chosen him to be a Souldier A direct inhibition to Ministers to follow Pauls Precedent who cannot serve and please God in their Ministry if they labour day and night in Mechanick trades for their living And upon this ground which is very observable the very Apostles themselves Act. 6. 3 4 5 6. Calling the multitude to them said IT IS NO REASON pray marke it that we should leave the Word of God and serve Tables much lesse worke day and night at a Mechanick trade wherefore br●thren looke ye out seven men of honest report full of the holy Ghost and wisdome whom ye may appoint over this businesse BVT WE WILL GIVE OVR SELVES CONTINVALLY TO PRAYER and TO THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD And THE SA●ING PLEASED THE WHOLE MVLTITVDE From which Texts it is clear 1. That the Apostles themselves resolve that they could not exercise the very antient office of a Deacon in serving Tables and attending on Widowes and other poor aged impotent Saints without neglecting or giving over preaching of the Word much lesse then can Ministers labour day and night with their hands at some Trade to maintaine themselves and Families without neglecting and desisting the Ministry 2. That the Apostles and Ministers ought to give themselves wholly and continually to prayer preaching meditation reading and their Ministeriall duties and must not therefore attempt or intermeddle with secular Imployments and Callings 3. That the Apostles themselves have punctually resolved and all the primitive Christians unanimously assented to it that IT IS NOT REASON that they should leave preaching the word of God so much as to wait upon Widowes and poor people at their tables whereupon they elected seaven Deacons to discharge that office Therefore it is far lesse reason and they are most wicked and unreasonable men without faith or charity from which God deliver us and all his Ministers 2 Thess 3. 2. who urge it to enforce all our Ministers to neglect and forsake their Ministry Preachings Studies now to follow handicraft Trades to get their livelihood that so they might preach freely to the people without any recompence 2. All godly Ministers and people in all ages and the very Objectors themselves of late years have extremely condemned censured our Bishops and Prelaticall Clergy together with Popes Popish Prelates and Clergy men for intermedling with and executing civill Offices Imployments and worldly affaires which necessitated them to neglect the preaching of the Gospell and their Ministeriall duties whereupon not only many ancient and late Councels Synods but Acts of Parliament have specially prohibited them to be Privy Counsellers of State Judges Justices of the Peace Lord Chancellers Treasurers Keepers of the Privy Seal Stewards of Courts Commissioners and our very last Parliament by severall late Acts disabled all Bishops from sitting as Peers in Parliament and them with all other Clergy men to execute any temporall Office as incompatible with their spirituall Function and an impediment to their Ministry according to the old proverbiall verse Pluribus intentus minor est adsingula sensus Which I have proved at large by testimonies in all
of the Gentiles and his companions Timothy and Titus who took nothing of the Corinthians 2 Cor. 12. 14 15 16 17 18. seeing Gajus was not St. Pauls companion sometimes being converted and baptized by him Act. 19. 29. 20. 4. 1 Cor. 1. 14. but expresly styled by him Rom. 16. 23. Gajus MINE HOST and OF ALL THE CHVRCHES living then at Corinth where Paul preached freely to whose Precedent I have given a sull satisfactory answer already 2. It is evident that this Gajus for some time at least lodged Paul and other Brethren and was not only faithfull but charitable and liberall towards them though the other Corinthians were not 3. St. John addes vers 8. WE THEREFORE OVGHT TO RECEIVE SVCH that WE MIGHT BE FELLOW HELPERS TO THE TRVTH wherein he concludes it to be a duty incumbent upon all Christians to receive encourage accompany and be charitable and liberall to the Apostles and Ministers of the Gospell thereby to be fellow-helpers to the truth which otherwise they shall much hinder So as this Scripture fully warrants my Proposition not oppugnes it Object 4 The fourth objection is the opinion of our famous English Apostle John Wickliffe who held Tithes and Ministers maintenance to be meer almes whose opinion is largely defended by eminent John Hus in Mr. Fox his Acts and Monuments Edit 100. vol. 1. fol. 602 to 605. Therefore not due to Ministers but detainable or payable only at the meer wils of the people as meer almes to Beggers are which are arbitrary Whereto I answer Answ 1. That Tithes and Ministers maintenance are not pure almes nor so styled by Wickliffe Hus or Augustine or Chrysastome whom Hus citeth as if Ministers had no right unto them for their paines as a just debt hire or Wages or as if men might detain them at their pleasure since we are expresly not only exhorted but commanded both in the Law and Gospell to give almes to those that want them and that as Debters to them so far as our Abilities and their Necessities require Rom. 12. 10 13 20. 15. 27. 1 Cor. 16. 1 2. 2 Cor. 8. 9. throughout Heb. 13. 16. 1 Tim. 6. 17 18 19. Ephes 4. 28. Luke 18. 22 23. 19. 8. Gal. 2. 10. compared with Deut. 15. 4 to 12. Exod. 23. 11. Levit. 19. Deut. 24. 19. Prov. 19. 19. 22. 9. 28. 27. 31. 20. Eccles 11. 1. Dan. 4. 27. Yea the Lawes and Statutes of our Land expresly enforce and compell men to contribute to the Poor as they shall be assessed as well as to pay Tithes or Taxes as you may read in Rastals Abridgement and Daltons Justice of Peace Title Poor But they are styled Poore Almes in three other respects 1. Because they were originally given by people to the Ministers that mere needy out of charity and compassion FOR GODS SAKE as well as for their work sake 2. Because Ministers after their own wants supplyed did use to distribute part of them to the poor and needy as almes and are obliged still to do it 3. Because they are poor almes in respect of God as all other goods of fortune are which we both begge and receive from God And in this respect they write evrry man as well Kings as Emperours as Ministers and Priests are beggers of God 2. As they styled Tithes Almes in these respects so they likewise granted Almes to poore people and Tithes likewise to be A DEBT for every man duly giving almes DOTH AS HE OUGHT TO DO and so he that giveth Tithes 3. Whereas they alledge That neither doth Debt utterly exclude the purity of Almes before God and that it is no. Argument that if the Curate do performe his corporall Ministry that he ought therefore to challenge Tithes by any civill title Because that as well on the behalfe of him that giveth the Tithes as also in the behalfe of the Curate every such Ministry ought freely to be given and not by any civill exchange I conceive it both a fallacy and errour in them being a just debt which may be demanded by a Divine and Civill right too when and where setled by a civill law though freely to be given to the Minister without coertion or suit of Law both in point of conscience and by way of civill exchange too out of a civill compact or contract And thus much in confirmation of the first Proposition and refutation of all Arguments I yet know made against it CHAP. II. I Now proceed to the proof of the 2. Proposition wherein the Hinge and Marrow of the Controversie concerning Tithes is included That the maintenance of the Ministers of the Gospell and of Places and Houses for Gods publick worship by Tithes Glebes Oblations yea and spoyles won in battle by Generals Collonels Captaines and Souldiers is not only lawfull and expedient but the most fitting rati●nall and convenient Maintenance of all other warranted by direct Precepts and Precedents both before and under the Law which doth no wayes abolish or condemne but approve and confirme this way of Maintenance Before ever the Leviticall or Ceremoniall Law was instituted as the godly Patriarchs built Al●ars and Houses for publick worship unto God Gen. 4. 3 4. 8. 20. 12. 7 8. 13. 4 18. 22. 9. 26. 25. 28. 20 21 22. 33. 20. 35. 1 3 7. So they likewise gave Tithes to the Priests of God The very law of Nature engraven in their hearts before any written Morall or Ceremoniall law dictating thus much to them That as there was a God who created them in whom they lived moved and had their being so likewise this God was to be solemnly worshipped by them as well in publick as private by way of homage gratitude and bounden duty Psal 95. 1 to 8. 100. 1 2 3 4. Isa 17. 7 8. Act. 17. 26 27 28. Which worship of his expecially when men multiplyed into great and many families Villages Cities Kingdomes Republicks could not be decently orderly and constantly performed in publick without appointing some certain Times and Places of worship some certain holy persons and Priests to discharge the publick duties and Solemnities of their worship and some convenient certain portion out of their Estates for the maintenance and encouragement of those Priests in the execution of their Office on which they were to give attendance Upon which grounds as the Patriarchs before the Law from the very Creation as ●any Divines infer from Gen. 2. 2 3. Exod. 6. 22 to 27 20. 11. 31. 17. Deut. 5. 14. Heb. 4. 4. dedicated every seventh day to Gods peculiar worship by his example and prescription so they likewise offered a certain portion of the fruits of their Ground Fields and Flockes to God in Sacrifice as a Tribute due to him by and from whom they received enjoyed all the rest they had Whence the Scripture expresly records of Cain and Abel the two first borne of the
DIVINE RIGHT they ow wages to the Ministers of the Gospel And if so then 5. It follows inevitably that there being no other setled way of maintenance particularly prescribed for them in the Gospel and convenient Houses Glebes for them their families and necessary Cattle and Tithes of the increase of the fruits of the earth and Cattle of all sorts being as necessary and requisite for the habitation food clothing support of them their Ministry families and supply all their necessaries with as little charge or trouble as may be as for the Priests and Levites under the Law that Godly Christians cannot pitch upon any equaller fitter juster better wiser rational or convenient way of maintenance for them than that of necessary Houses Rectories Glebes in every Parish and Tithes of all things needfull for food and raiment it being the constant standing setled maintenance which the most wise just and holy God invented prescribed for his own Priests and Levites maintenance amongst his own people when setled by him in the land of Promise and that which all setled Christians Empires Kingdoms States Churches generally through the Christian world have pitched upon as most agreeable to Gods will and word under the Gospel which no wayes repeals nor contradicts his own former prescriptions of this kinde 6. That the Glebes and Tithes of the Priests and Levites under the Law were reserved by God himself the Supream Land-lord of all kingdomes Countries Nations Churches People in the world and the special God Lord King Father Saviour and Preserver of his own people as a Sacred Holy Tribute Rent Portion and Homage due unto Himself from poor Creatures Servants Vassals who are no true Proprietors but onely Stewards and Tenants at will of all the Lands Goods earthly blessings and possessions they enjoy The earth being the Lords and the fulnesse thereof and the Corn Wine Cattle fruits and earthly creatures we possesse not really ours but Gods own 1 Chr. 29. 11. to 17. Psal 24. 1. Psal 97. 5. Psal 50. 9 10 11 12. E●ech 16. 18 19 20. Hos 2. 8 9. Dan. 4. 32 35. Mat. 6. 10. 11. The use and possession of which tribute He allotted to the Priests and Levites under the Law for their maintenance salary and reward of their labour in his service for the advancement of his worship glory honour and his peoples spiritual good reserving the inheritance and right thereof alwayes to himself as the premises sufficiently evidence Now God himself to whom alone Tithes and Glebes were originally impropriated not to the Levitical Priest-hood being unchangeable without any variableness or shadow of turning Jam. 1. 17. Psal 102. 26 27. Mal. 3. 6. and Jesus Christ to whom Tithes were first paid by Abraham in the person of Melchisedeck having an unchangeable Priest-hood and being a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck Heb. 7. And all Christians whatsoever under the Gospel being as much his absolute Creatures Vassals Servants Stewards and Tenants as well as the Israelites under the Law and all their Lands Goods Earthly blessings Corn Wine Cattle and imployments his in right and not their own as well as theirs too why they should not all render to him the self same sacred Tribute holy Portion Rent Homage of Glebes and Tithes of all they have as well as they though the Levitical Priest-hood be abolished they being so specially reserved and consecrated to himself for the support maintenance reward encouragement of his faithfull Ministers under the Gospel imployed in his Service for his honour glory and their everlasting salvation Let John Canne and all presumptuous peremptory tith-oppugners answer me yea this their Soveraign Land-lord and Creator if they can who will one day call them to a strictaccompt for detaining this due Rent Tribute Homage from him and may justly dispossesse and strip them naked of all they have for this their ingrate contemptuous carriage towards him as he hath done many of late by fearfull fires and other judgments as well as heretofore Mal. 3. 8 9 11. 7. That as the Gospel it self succeeded the Levitical Law and Baptisme and the Lords Supper Circumcision and the Passeover So the Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel succeed the Priests and Levites under the Law in their Ministerial function in the Church of Christ by Gods appointment their Ministry and Office being both the same in substance even to worship praise and honour God according to his revealed word and will and instruct exhort direct and guide his people in the way of salvation though differing in some circumstances of lesser moment abolished by Christs death It is therefore most reasonable just equitable convenient they should receive and enjoy the like setled maintenance by Glebes and Tithes as their predecessors did God hav●ng prescribed none other kinde of reward or subsistence for them in the Gospel that any can shew me It is usuall in all Kingdomes States Nations where there are any publike setled offices and Officers for any persons who succeed others in those Offices to enjoy the self same Salaries Houses Lands Fees and Revenues as their Predecessors lawfully received unlesse there be some special Laws to alter their Stipends This we see verified in all Civil Military and Ecclesiastical Officers yea in the times of greatest publike charges that ever befell the Nation those whom most yet call Judges Sheriffs Majors Generals Colonels Captains and Governours of Forts c. though their Commissions be altered in some things and themselves in more do yet receive the self same Salary pay and maintenance annexed to their Offices as their lawfull predecessors did yea to come closer home All our Protestant Ministers since the reformation of Religion have generally enjoyed the Gl●bes and Tithes as the Parishioners enjoy and frequent the Churches as their popish predecessors did before them though the one of them just like the Levitical abolished Priests made it their chiefest businesse and part of their calling to say Masse and offer an unbloudy Sacrifice as they falsely termed it on their Altars both for the quick and dead and the other who succeed th●m make it their principall work to preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments according to Christs institution Since then the Ministers of the Gospel succeed the Levitical as well as the popish Priests as the Gospel doth the Law and the Christian Sacraments the Jewish and we with all converted Gentiles engraffed into Jesus Christ and the Church of God succeed the Jews who were broken off from their own Olive Tree that we might be engraffed in their places who now partake of the root and fatnesse of their Olive Tree as the Apostle resolves Rom. 11. 16. to 25. Why the Ministers of the Gospel should not likewise succeed the Leviticall Priests as well as the popish in the enjoyment of their setled maintenance by Glebes Tithes being not meerly ceremonial as I have proved and all believing Gentiles who succeed the believing Israelites in Gods Church succeed
them likewise in the due and just maintenance of their Ministers by Tithes and Glebes reserved to and prescribed by that true holy just and righteous God who is not only the God of the Jews but of the Gentiles also Rom. 3. 19. Let any rational Christian now resolve his own Conscience and mine from friends or Scripture Reason or equity if he can God having given us a Land flowing with milk and honey and as fit as able to render Glebes and Tithes of all things in kinde as he did unto the Jews It is a received maxime in our Law Quod venit in loco alterius est de natura Prioris If this be Gospel as it hath been h●ld both Law and reason under the Gospel I need add no more to this Aphorisme to prove the lawfulnesse and equity of our Ministers Glebes and Tithes and to continue as well for the future as heretofore by a divin● Right 8. That all Christian Churches and pious Christians generally throughout the world from the Apostles dayes till now have unanimously resolved both in point of Piety Justice Conscience and right Reason that they are bound to consecrate and render unto God the sel●same weekly portion of time for his publick worship as the Israelites and Jews under the Law were obliged to do to wit one day in seven though they differ in the circumstance onely of the day they observing the seventh day from the Creation every week in memory of the Creation and Gods rest thereon for their Sabbath prescribed by speci●ll Lawes and we the first day of every week in memoriall of our Saviours Resurrection thereon by the Generall Morall Equity of these Laws warranted by Apostolicall practise only without any special Gospel-precept Let then the whole Army of Tithe-Oppugners render me one dram of Reason or shadow of answer if they Canne why all Christian Realms Churches Nations in the world may not should not by the self same rule of Piety Justice Equity and proportion continue and render the like proportion of Glebes Tithes to God and his Ministers under the Gospel as the Jews did to him his Priests and Levites under the Law as well as they render to him the self same Proportion of time for his Weekly publick Service and why payment of Tithes under the Gospel to God who gives us both them and the residue of our Estates and encrease out of his own meere free grace for the maintenance of the Ministers of the Gospel and support of his publick Worship on the Lords Day should be more Judaicall Vnchristian Antichristian Superstition as Canne and others stile it than the dedicating and appropriating of the Lords Day to Gods publick Worship and Honour who hath given and allowed us the other fix for our imployments when as he might have justly reserved the nine parts of our Lands and goods to himself had he pleased instead onely of the Tenth as well as the six dayes in lieu of the seventh wherrewith he is content which Divines usually urge men to induce men to the more chearfull Sanctification of the Lords Day and some Scribler● against Tithes as well as others 9. That Christians under the Gospel are bound in Justice Equity and Conscience to give their hired Servants Labourers their due and deserved Wages and not to detain it from them even under the Gospel and that by vertue of Gods command recorded in the Leviticall and Judiciall Law Levit. 19 13. Deut. 14. 14 15. approved in the Gospel Col. 4. 1. and to allow their Beasts and Oxen that plow and tread out their Corn Straw and Provender without muzling up their mouths by vertue of a like precept recorded Deut. 25. 4. twice repeated and urged by the Apostle in the new Testament to prove the lawfulnesse of Ministers maintenance under the Gospel 1 Cor. 9. 8 9 10. 1 Tim. 5. 18. and that without the least suspition of Judaisme or Antichristianisme therefore they may and are also bound in Justice equity Conscience not onely to settle Glebes upon but likewise to pay Tithes to the Ministers of the Gospel as a due Wages Hire and Reward for their Labour in the Ministry as well as the Jews did to their Priests and Levites without the least tincture of Judaisme or Antichristianisme since Christ in the Gospel resolves Math. 10. 10. Luke 10. 7. and 1 Tim. 5. 18. That Ministers being Labourers are worthy of their Meat Hire and a competent Maintenance suitable to their pains and Function as well as any other hired Servants or Labourers in the Fields or as our labouring Oxen or Horses are of Straw and Provender 10. We read it recorded 1 Sam. 8. 11 15 17. That this would be the manner of the King that should reign over the Jews that amongst other things He will take the Tenth of your Seed and of your Vineyards and the Tenth of your Sheep give them to his Officers and Servants In imitation wherof the Kings of England in ancient Parliaments and of late times have usually demanded and received by Grant in Parliament a Decime or Tenth of the Goods and Estates of their Subjects for their Supplies and likewise a Tenth of their Merchandise exported and imported for Tonnage and Poundage as our Parliament Records Histories and Rastall in his Abridgement of Statutes Tithes Taxes and Tenths attest If then our lawfull Kings Princes and Governours under the Gospel may justly demand and receive by Grantia Parliament the Tenth of all our Goods Corn Wooll Sheep Estates Merchandise for their necessary supplies and the Defence of the Kingdome and some who are no Kings and have engaged against Kingship as Tyrannicall do the like without a Parliament being not only a Tenth of all our Estates but a double and treble Tenth of all mens yearly Revenues and Estates and of Ministers Tithes besides for the Maintenance of themselves and the Army without the guilt of JVDAISME or ANTICHRISTIAN TYRANNY OPPRESSION OR SVPERSTITION Why our faithfull Ministers may not likewise demand and enjoy their Glebes and Tithes not onely granted but confirmed to them by our Ancestors in successive Parliaments from the first planting of the Gospel in this Nation till the Reformation all our Protestant Parliaments since the Reformation and by sundry Ordinances in the very last Parliament to which some now in highest Power gave their cordiall Votes for the Preaching and propagating of the Gospel and saving of mens Souls without the like Brand of Judaisme and Antichristianisme let John Canne resolve me when he can who most falsely scandalously and unchristianly brands both the last and all Protestant Parliaments confirming Tithes for Popish Idolatrous Parliaments acting against the Lord Jesus and our Ministry for ANTICHRISTIAN MINISTRY Who certainly was in his Cannes or Cups when he writ and published such palpable Scandalous untruths to the dishonour of our Church Parliaments Nation Religion But such Cretians are alwayes LYARS EVIL BEASTS SLOW BELLIES wherefore they need a sharp rebuke
this very case of Tithes If not then why should not Tithes and Glebes which many Ministers and we have vowed and devoted to God continue and still be paid under the Gospel without superstition sin or Judaisme as well as other Vows Oaths and the religious observation of them Upon these Considerations all or most Christian Kingdomes States Churches upon the very first preaching and embracing of the Gospel amongst them not onely edified Churches and Chappels for Gods worship and publike Assemblies but likewise endowed the Ministers thereof with convenient Glebes and Tithes as Eusebius Socrates Scholasticus Theodoret Nicephorus Calistus the Century Writers Baronius Spondanus with other Ecclesiastical Historians and Hospinian De Origine Templorum prove at large for forraign Parts and our own ancientest Annualists with Antiquitates Ecclesiae Brittanicae Sr. Henry Spelman Concilium Angl. Tom. 1. and learned Dr. Vsher in his Britanicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates manifest for our own Nations and Realms Now because John Canne out of his ignorance hath newly published in his Second Voyce from the Temple or Ale-house rather for which Cannes are more proper That Pope Gregory the tenth was the first that ordained Tithes to be paid to Priests in the year 1214. and that the Customs for paying Tithes at this day were setled upon the Kingdome by the Popes Legates in Provinciall and Synodall Constitutions about the time of Henry the third and Henry the fifth Vouching Thorpe and Ridley the Civilian to prove it I shall give you a brief touch concerning the Original of Churches Glebes Tithes in this our Island About the year of our Lord 48. as our Historians record Joseph of Aramathaea who interred our Saviour with XI more Disciples were sent into Britain to preach the Gospel by Philip the Apostle in the raign of Arviragus who arriving here were courteously entertained by this Pagan King and preaching the Gospel to him and his people he perceiving the purity of their Doctrine and the holinesse of their Conversation gave them twelve Hides of land in the Isle of Avalon since called Glastenbury for to build a Church and support them till this day called and known by the Name of the twelve Hydes of Glastenbury where they built the first Church erected for Gods worship in this Isle made of Wattle and Reed and there continued together preaching the Gospel and living upon this their Glebe now of great value which was afterward confirmed to them and the Ministers of the Gospel there succeeding them both by Marius and Coilus next successors to Arviragus whom they instructed in Christian Religion to which they were well affected albeit neither of them nor Arviragus himself proceeded so far as to be baptized for fear of displeasing their Pagan subjects though Harding in his Chronicle chapter 48. against the stream of our other Historians writes that King Arviragus himself was Baptized by Joseph of Arimathaea After this Lucius King of Britain being converted to the Christian Faith and Baptized his subjects and many other petty British Kings about the year of our Lord 176. by Faganus and Domianus sent to him at his earnest request by Elutherius then Bishop of Rome long before Pope or Popery were there erected or known in the world he upon the reception of the faith builds and ●ndows Ch●rches throughout his Dominions with Glebes and Tithes to support the Ministry whence our ancient Poets thus write of him Lueius in Christum credit Christoque dic●tas ECCLESIAS DOTAT DISTINCT AS ORDINAT VRBES Many of our ancient Historians adde that in his time there were 28 Flamins and three Ar●h Flamines in Britain endowed with great Revenues for the Service of their Idoll gods to whom they had erected so many faire Temples and that Lucius after his conversion Turned these into 28 Bishopricks and three Arch-Bishopricks and purging these polluted Temples from their Idols and heathenish pollutions dedicated them to the Service of the true God which Sr. Henry Spelman Dr. Vsher Godwin and the most judicious of our later Antiquaries justly reject as fabulou● After Lucius Churches were here and in other places endowed with Glebes and Bishops with rich Lordly possessions by Constantine the great And about the year of Christ ●12 the Christians being here and elsewhere restored to peace and freed from persecution by Constantine began to build and repair those Churche● which Dioclesian and other persecutors had rased to the ground and to endow them with maintenance for the Ministry In succeeding times the English Saxons who at their first arrival being bloudy Pagans cruelly wasted the British Churches and butchered their Ministers Schollers Saints being converted to the CHRISTIAN FAITH by Augustine sent hither for that purpose by Pope Gregory the first who disclaimed that Papall Supremacy his Successors since challenged Aethelbert King of Kent and his Saxons being baptised by Augustine about the year of Christ 603 thereup they began to repair the old ruinated Churches and to build new throughout his Dominions this King turning his Royall Palace at Canterbury into the Church of Christ and that City the Seat of his Kingdome into a Bishops See and bestowing them on Augustine who converted him and his Subjects to Christianity whom he made Archbishop of Canterbury and endowed with large Possessions Not long after divers other Saxon Kings and their Subjects being converted and baptised built endowed sundry other Churches both with Glebes Possessions of good value and likewise with Tithes And in anno 854. Aethelwolf King of the West Saxons considering the perillous times then fallen upon him and his Realm by reason of the burnings of the Wars the Plunders of the Goods the devastations of the Territories of his Kingdome by the most cruel depredations of barbarous Enemies and Pagan Nations and the manifold Tribulations afflicting him and his people even to their destruction he thereupon summoning a general Councell or Parliament at Westchester in which himself Bernredus King of Mercia and Edmund King of East Angles with all the Prelates and Nobles of England were present did by their wholesome Counsel for redresse of these evils by his Charter ratified in and by this Councell Give the Tenth part of all his own Lands in perpetuity to God and his Servants free and exempt from all Secular Services and also from all Royall Tributes and Taxes Great and Small and from all Military Expedition Building of Bridges and GVARDING OF CASTLES that so they might the more diligently powre forth their prayers unto God for him without ceasing who had in some part thus eased them of their servitude from which Grant of his Sir Henry Spelman conceives the Parsonage House Rectory and Glebes in every Parish of his Realm had its Originall though afterwards increased by the munificence of the Patrons And this shall suffice touching the true Original and progresse of our Churches Rectories and Glebes in the beginning of Christianity both amongst the Britains and Saxons of
Baptisme which made neither of them void in Substance no more than their annexing of the Apocrypha to the Canonicall Scriptures made them uncanonicall These afterwards ordained other Bishops and Ministers without any Popish Rites in such manner as the Gospel prescribes which Mr. Mason and Yates prove against the Papists to be a lawfull Ordination though not made by the Popes Authority or according to former Popish Ceremonies In this Sense onely they write the bare Succession not the Office and Calling of our Ministers as this woodden Canne mistakes was derived from the Church of Rome but their Ministry it sel● from Christs own Institution And if this makes them Popish and Antichristian then all our Protestant Kings Parliaments Magistrates Judges Officers of all sorts must be Popish too If not Paganish because their Predecessors were such and all Officers Souldiers of the Army and Anabaptisticall Saints too who have purchased any Lands or Revenues of Abbies Priories Archbishops Bishops Deans Chapters must likewise be both Antichristian and Popish because their Predecessors who first enjoyed and from whom they do derive them were such I hope therefore they will all now renounce these their Purchases to avoid the Guilt and high Scandall of Popery and Antichristianisme or disclaim this Second Loud-lying Voice against our Ministers and their Ministry as a Voice onely from a prophane empty Canne and not from a Sacred Temple But to return from the Lawfullnesse of our Ministers Calling and to their Tithes We have Secondly in this Text a Gospel Ordin●nce for their very Tithes confirmed by the old Lev●ticall Law and grounded on its Equity But how doth this appear By these emphaticall words EVEN SO HATH THE LORD ORDAINED in the Preterperfect Tense That they which Preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel but where hath the Lord ordained this The Apostle thrice resolves expressely that he hath done it in the Leviticall Law ● 9. For it is written in the Laws of Moses Deut. 25. 4. Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the Corn doth God take care for Oxen Or saith ●e it TOGETHER FOR OVR SAKES FOR OVR SAKES NO DOVBT THIS IS WRITTEN that he that ploweth should plow in hope and he that thresheth in hope SHOVLD BE PARTAKER OF HIS HOPE which he again recites 1 Tim. 5 18. It this Precept concerning the meat and maintenance of Oxen onely in the Letter though part of the Levitical Law was doubtlesse written for and really intended of the Ministers of the Gospels food and Maintenance and in full force under the Gospel as the Apostle resolves then à fortiori the Precepts of the Law concerning the food and Livelyhood of Gods Priests and Levites under the Law by Gl●bes and Tithes not purely Ceremoniall as I have already proved must doubtlesse be intended of them and be in full force likewise in their naturall equitable Sence and Proportion in relation to their Livelyhood for preaching of the Gospel there being a greater Analogy and Proportion between them and Preachers of the Gospel than betwixt them and Oxen And to put it out of doubt he subjoyns Do not ye know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the Temple and they which wait at the Altar are partakers with the Altar To wit by Go●s expresse Ordinance in the Leviticall Law which ye know and therefore I need not particularly cite the words as I did the other of not neglecting the Ox c. which was more obscure and needed my former Paraphrase on them but thus mind you of in the Generall and then he inferres and subjoyns Even so hath the Lord ordained to wit by the very naturall moral Equity of the Lawes and Ordinances he made for the Priests and Levites Maintenance by Tithes and Glebes and Free-will-offerings for officiating in the Temple and at the Altar under the Law that the Preachers of the Gospel who now succeed and supply their places though in different Services in the Churches of Christ under the Gospel should live of the Gospel even so fully comfortably and in such sort as they did under the Law And to make this out more fully and clear it from the Censure of Judaisme take notice of these four particulars 1. That in the Holy Ghosts and Gospel phrase and Language there is a Temple among and for Christians under the Gospel as well as among for the Jews under the Law else Cannes Voice from the Temple if there be no such place must be thus amended in his next Edition A Voice from the Canne or Alehouse and that this Temple is nothing else but the Church and Saints of Christ 2 Cor. 6. 16. 1 Cor. 3 16 17. chap. 6. 19. Ephes 2. 21. 2 Thess 2. 4. Rev. 3. 12. chap 7. 15. chap. 11. 1 2 19. chap. 14 15. chap 15. 5 6 8. chap. 16. 1 17. 2 That Christians under the Gospel have likewise an Altar as well as the Jews though different from theirs Heb. 13. 10. We have an Altar whereof they have no right to eat which serve the Tabernacle mentioned oft Rev. 6. 9. chap. 8. 3 5. chap. 9. 13. ch 14. 18. often coupled with the Templ● Rev. 11. 1. Rise measure THE TEMPLE OF GOD AND THE ALTAR 3. We have Sacrifices to be offered on the Altar as well as the Jews in theirs 1. The Sacrifice of Prayer Rev. 8. 3 4 5. 2. The Sacrifice of Praise Heb. 13 15. 3. The Sacrifice of Charity alms and good works Heb. 13. 16. 4. Our own bodies which we must present as a living Sacrifice holy acceptable unto God by serving him according to his word as rationall men not beasts that were both slain and sacrificed under the Law Rom. 12. 1. 4. We have Priests likewise to offer up these Spirituall Sacrifices 1 Pet. 2 9. Rev. 1. 6. chap. 5. 10. chap. 20. 6. And these are three 1. Every sanctified Christian who must offer up the Sacrifices of Prayer Praise alms and his own body to God in his private Closet and Family 2. The Ministers of the Gospel who must continually offer up these Sacrifices in the peoples behalf in publick here on earth now the T●mple for which we are to render them not onely Tithes and Glebes but a Freewil offering of bounty and charity besides a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God Phil. 4. 16. 3. Christ Jesus himself our altar and High Priest too now in heaven Heb. 13. 15. cap. 2. 17. c. 4. 14 15. c. 5. 10. c. 6. 20. c. 7. 17 20 21 22 27 28. c. 8. 1. c. 10. 21. And if Christians have even under the Gospel a Temple an Altar and spiritual Sacrifices to offer them to God in publike as well as the Jews Why the Priests who minister about holy things in this Evangelical Temple wait continually at this spirituall Altar and offer these spirituall sacrifices publikely unto God thereon and preach the Gospel likewise as the Jewish Priests and
heaven whence they are stiled HEIRS and INHERITORS OF THE KING-DOME Jam. 2. 5. Gal. 3. 27. Rom. 8. 17. Titus 3 17. Heb. 1. 14. chap. 6. 17. 1 Pet. 3. 7. Mat. 25. 34. and this Kingdome THE INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS Col. 1. 12. Ephes 1. 11. 14 18. 1. Pet. 1. 4. Acts 20. 32. an unanswerable argument that Heirship and Birthright is the best Surest Jestest Honourablest Lawfullest Title of all other to Crowns Kingdomes and Possessions on earth being the very Title of Christ himself to his everlasting Kingship and Kingdome and of the Saints in and by Christ to the Kingdome of heaven it self and Crown of Glory so the Seat and Throne of this His Kingdome is said to be Zion and Jerusalem most emphatically expressed Isa 24. 23. The Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem before his Ancients gloriously A typ● of the Church of God under the Gospel first planted in and propagated from thence throughout the World according to the Prophesies Isaiah 2. 3. Michah 4. 2. Whence the Church under the Gospel is called the New Jerusalem c. Rev. 3. 12. chap. 21. 2 10. Gal. 4. 26. Heb. 12. 22. 2. That the Ministers of and under the Gospel are expresly stiled in these prophesies Priests and Levites severall times 3. That their Office under the Gospel in a mysticall sence is to offer bu●nt-offerings to bake or kindle Meat-Offerings to do Sacrifices continually and to Minister unto God 4. That these Priests and Levites should be taken out of the converted Gentiles and Isles afar off whereof our Isle was chief 5. Priests and Levites should never fail cease nor want a man under the Gospel and that would multiply them as the Host of Heaven as well as the Seed of David 6. That they should convert and bring their brethren for an offering out of all Nations and the Isles afar off to Gods Mountain and House in Jerusalem as the children of Israel used to bring their Offerings thither Since therefore the Ministers of the Gopel in these prophesies are thus expressely stiled Priests and Levites and are to offer burnt-Offerings Meat-Offerings Sacrifices and Oblations to God in his Mountain and House at Jerusalem c. under David their King in an Evangelicall sence without any Judaisme or denying of Christs coming in the flesh they may undoubtedly in the self same sence and Right receive all Glebes Tithes Oblations and other dues from Christians and converted Jews under the Gospel as the Priests and Levites did at Jerusalem under King David and his Successors seeing they succeed them in their Office in an Evangelicall sence according to these prophesies which as strongly confirm the Maintenance of their Priestly Function their Tithe● as their Evangelicall Priesthood 7. Although Christ his Apostles and the Ministers of the Gospel in the Primitive times whiles the Church was in the Wildernesse under grievous blo●dy Antichristian Kings Magistrates Persecutours by reason of the present persecution neither did nor could receive Tithes and Gleb●s for their Maintenances from the persecuted Christians and therefore were necessitated to live by private Contribution and extraordinary wages in that case of extremity yet it no wayes follows that therefore all Ministers of the Gospel afterwards shall do so in setled Kingdomes States Nations converted to the saith where Kings Magistrates People doe all generally embrace and professe the Gospel and where Churches are established and Ministers Glebes and Tithes are or may be confirmed by setled Laws which I shall irrefragably prove by these instances 1. The Priests and Levites under the Law had no Glebes or Tithes at all whiles the Israelites wandred 40 years together in the wildernesse though they had then a La● and right to receive them Will the Objectors thence inferr● Therefore they ought to have no Tithes nor Glebes when the Israelites were possessors of and setledin the Land of Canaan in peace when they enjoyed both without dispute 2. The Priests and Levites had no Tithes nor Glebes in the Realm of Israel under the Vsurper Jeroboam and his Idolatrous successors who deprived them of their possessions Cities Suburbes Tithes and Priest Office too 2 Chron. 11. 13 14. c. 13. 9. Therefore the Priests and Levites in the Kingdome of Judah might not lawfully claim nor enjoy any Glebes or Tithes nor Ministers under the Gospel nor yet those in Israel under David and Solomon who were no Persecutors but Patrons of them 3. When both these Kingdoms with their Priest and Levites were carried away captives into Assyria and Babylon the Priests and Levites during the 70 years captivity enjoyed neither Glebes nor Tithes Will it them follow Therefore they might lawfully enjoy neither after their restitution to their Country and execution of their Priestly Function and the reedifying of the Temple as we read they did Neh. 10. 38. c. 12. 44. c. 13. 1. to 13. and the people charged with robbing of God when they neglected to pay Tithes and Oblations to them Mal. 3. 7 8 9 10. 4. Christ himself so soon as born was forced to fly out of his Country into Aegypt by bloudy Herod and to remain there till after his death Mat. 2. 13 14 15. After which he complained That Foxes had holes and Birds of the ayre nests yet he had not where to lay his head Mat. 8. 20. Luke 9. 58 And at last he was apprehended mocked reviled crowned with thorns crucified by the malicious Jews and SOLDIERS who parted his Garments among them and cast Lots upon his Vesture The Evang●lists closing up the Tragedy of his Passion with this perpetuall brand upon the Domineering cruell Soldiers THESE THINGS THEREFORE THE SOLDIERS DID John 19. 24. For which and for reporting a Lye to smother the truth of Christs Resurrection the High Priest GAVE LARGE MONEY TO THE SOLDIERS besides Matt. 28. 12 15. Will Canne therefore hence conclude theresore our Souldiers now must force our Ministers to fly into Aegypt-till Herods death leave them neither Rectory Personage house or Vicarge nor yet so much as a Bed Bolster Tith-Hay or Straw whereon to lay their heads and naile them to the Crosse pierce their sides with spears-points revile deride them and at last part not only all their Glebes Tithes and Goods but their very Garments and Gowns between them Surely if they must and shall do so let them beware of another perpetual memento like the former These things therefore The Soldiers did So the Soldiers took the mony and did as they were taught by Canne and Popish Priests and Jesuits 5. The Apostles who succeeded our Saviour in those dayes of persecution were thus handled by Pauls own relation 1 Cor. 4. 9 c. We are made a spectacle unto the world unto Angels and to men we are fools for Christs sake we are weake we are despised even to this present houre we are hungry and thirst and are naked and are buffeted and have no certain dwelling place we are