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A43536 Erōologia Anglorum. Or, An help to English history Containing a succession of all the kings of England, and the English-Saxons, the kings and princes of Wales, the kings and lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight. As also of all the arch-bishops, bishops, dukes, marquesses, and earles, within the said dominions. In three tables. By Robert Hall, Gent. Peter Heylyn, 1600-1662. 1641 (1641) Wing H1713; ESTC R216457 108,040 378

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Rolls L. Chan. 1486 28 Joh. Alcock Master of the Rolls 1501 29 Rich Redman 1506 30 James Stanley * 1515 31 Nicolas West 1534 32 Tho. Goodrich L. Chan. 1554 33 Tho. Thirlby 1559 34 Rich. Cox Alm. Chan. Oxford Vacat sedes Annos 20. 1599 35 Martin Heton 1609 36 Lancel Andrewes Alm. transl to Wint. 1618 37 Nicolas Felton 1627 38 Joh. Buckeridge 1631 39 Francis White Bishop Almonor 1638 40 Mat●hew Wrenn Deane of the Chappell now Bishop of Ely 1641. EXETER and the Bishops there THe Diocese of Exeter containeth that in it which was once two Bishopricks For at the first planting of the Church in these westerne parts it was thought convenient to erect two Bishops Sees the one for Cornwall at S. Germans the other for Devonsh at Cridington now Kirton a small Village But that of Cornwall being annexed to Cridington about the yeere 1032. both were not long after removed to Exeter the most noted City of these parts where it still continueth Now for the Church of Exeter it was once a Monastery founded by King Athelstane and by him dedicated unto Saint Peter Edward the Confessour removing all the Monkes from hence to Westminster which he had newly founded and endowed made it the Bishops See for Devonsh and Cornewall then united The Church as now it standeth doth owe it selfe to severall Patrons the Quire to Bishop Warlwast the body of the Church to Bishop Quivil the side Isles to Grandison that which is now our Ladies Chappell being a remn●nt of the old fabrick The Patrimony thereof once very large was wasted and destroyed by Bishop Voisie who being made Bishop here by King Henry 8. ●ate out the residue of his raigne and all K. Edwards and some part of Queene Maries also For whereas at his comming hither he found the Church possessed of 22. goodly Manors and 14. Mansion houses richly furnished he left not above seven or eight of the worst Manors and those let out in long leases and charged with pensions and not above two houses both bare and naked of which see Bishop Godwins Catalogue and Powels History of Wales This Diocefe hath yeelded to the Realme of England three Lord Chancellours two Lord Treasurers one Lord President of Wales and to the University of Oxford one Chancellour It containeth in it the two Counties of Devon and Cornwall and in them 604 Parish Churches whereof 239. are impropriate for government whereof it hath foure Arch-Deacons viz. of Cornwall Exeter Barnestable and Tawton The Bishoprick was once valued at 1566. li. 14. s. 6. d. But since the diminution or destruction rather made by Bishop Voisie it is now valued at 500. l. just The Clergies tenth here very high or mounting to the sum of 1240. li. 15. s. 2. d. ob Now for the mar●halling of the Bishops of this once divided Diocese we will present you with those of Devonshire and Cornwall columne-wise one against the other according to their time and order untill wee meere them both in the Church of Exeter Bishops of Devonsh A. Ch.     905 1   Eadulphus 906 2 Putta 910 3 Eadulfus II. 932 4 Ethelgarus 942 5 Algarus 952 6 Alfwoldus 972 7 Alfwolfus 981 8 Sidemannus 990 9 Alfredus 999 10 Alfwoldus II. 1014 11 Eadnothus 1032 12 Liningus who after the death of Burwoldus Bishop of Cornwall procured that Bishoprick to bee annexed unto his owne which was no sooner done but that his next successour removed both to Exeter since when the Bishops have beene called Cornwall 905 1 Athelstan   2 Conanus   3 Ruidocus   4 Aldredus   5 Britwinus   6 Athelstā II   7 Wolfi   8 Woronus   9 Wolocus   10 Stidio   11 Aldredus   12 Burwoldus the last Bishop of Cornwall Bishops of Exeter A. Ch.     1049 1 Leofricus who removed the See to Exeter 1079 2 Osbernus 1107 3 William Warlewast 1122 4 Robert Chichester 1150 5 Robert Warlewast 1159 6 Bartholm Iscanus 1186 7 Johannes 1191 8 Henry Marshall * 1206 9 Simon de Apulia 1224 10 Gul. Brewer 1245 11 Richard Blondy 1257 12 Walter Bronescomb 1280 13 Peter Quivill 1293 14 Thomas Button 1307 15 Walter Stapleton L. Treas 1326 16 James Barkeley * 1327 17 John Grandison * 1370 18 Thomas Brentinsham L. Treas 1395 19 Edm. Stafford L. Chan. * 1419 20 John Ketterich 1419 21 John Carie. 1420 22 Edm. Lacy. 1455 23 George Nevill L. Chan. and Chan. of Oxford tr to Yorke * 1466 24 John Boothe 1477 25 Peter Courtney tr to Winton * 1486 26 Richard Foxe tr to Weles 1492 27 Oliver King tr to Welles 1495 28 Richard Redman 1501 29 John Arundell 1504 30 Hugh Oldham 1519 31 John Voysie L. Pres. of Walles 1551 32 Miles Goverdale 1556 33 James Turberville 1560 34 Gul. Alley 1570 35 Gul. Bradbridge 1579 36 John Woolton 1594 37 Gervase Babington 1598 38 Gul. Cotton 1621 39 Valentine Cary. 1627 40 Joseph Hall now Bishop of Exeter 1641 GLOCESTER and the Bishops there GLocester was anciently the seate of a British Bishop whose stile sometimes occurres in the subscriptions of Synodicall Acts by the name of Cluviensis this towne being formerly called Clevid as Camden noteth And I remember that I have seene in the Palace of Glocester the name of ✚ ✚ ✚ said to bee Bishop there in the Britons time But whether it were so or not or whether Glocester were a Bishoprick in those dayes of old is not materiall to our purpose For that which was was brought to nothing by the Saxons and when they entertained the faith of Christ it was first under the authority of the Bishops of Lichfeild as afterwards of those of Worcester But in these later dayes it was dismembred from that Diocese and by King Henry 8. made a Bishops See what time the rest of new erection were by him founded as we have spoke before when we were in Bristol Now for the indowment of this Bishopricke by him erected besides a Chapter of a Deane and sixe Prebendaries by him so founded he assigned over all or most of the lands unto the ancient Monasteries here once belonging which being first built by Aldred Arch-Bishop of Yorke and Bishop of Worcester and afterwards repaired by Hanley Farley Mo●went Herton Trowcester and Sebroke severall Abbats here became in fine to be what it still continueth one of the fairest Fabricks in the Realme of England The Diocese containing onely Glocester shire hath in it 267. Parishes whereof 125 are impropriations and one Archdeacon being called of Glocester Valued it is in the Kings bookes 315. li. 17. s. 2. d. according to the estimate thereof at the first foundation though in two vacancies which it had in Queene Eliz. time much of the lands were taken from it for which see what was said before in the case of Ely And for a tenth of all the Clergie pay unto the King 358. l. 15. s. Bishops of Glocester A. Ch.     1541 1 John
or the Welsh continuing for a long time after under the rule and government of their owne Arch-Bishop but in the ●nd were a●so brought to yeeld obedience to the See of Canterbury The Church thus brought into a settled forme and order became forthwith of such esteeme at home that they have long time beene accounted Peeres of the Realme and are by writ summoned unto all Parliaments as are the temporall Barons and of such reputation and fame abroad that the Arch-Bishops of both Provinces were adjudged to be Legatinati the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury having a superintendencie over all the Irish Bishops as he of Yorke had a direct primacie over those of the Church of Scotland And in the Councell held at Constance what time the Fathers there assembled were for the better dispatch of businesse divided into severall Nations the English Nation Anglicana natio was reckoned amongst the chiefest At this time since this Church was manumitted from the Pope it may be warrantably said to bee the most exact and perfect of the Reformation keeping a constant continued succession in the holy Hierarchy and consequently also in all holy Orders and whatsoever else is necessary either in doctrine government or ceremony unto the constitution of an Apostolicall and Orthodax Church As for the method which we meane to use in this following Catalogue it is briefely this we will begin first with the Province and See of Canterbury and those particular Sufragan Bishops which owe obedience thereunto which we will marshall in the order of the Alphabet those of Wales included For howsoever they had once the honour to have an Arch-Bishop of their owne yet being now reputed members of the Province of Canterbury we will dispose of them accordingly That done we will proceed unto the Province and See of Yorke and those few Bishopricks which are now remaining of the same which as the rest before we will also take along according to the order of the Alphabet And this we take to be the easiest order for the Reader that of the Antiquity of the Sees being very intricate and perplext and that of the Antiquity or consecration of the men themselves both changeable and uncertaine For if we went according to the way of precedencie which is now in use established by Act of Parliament 31. H. 8. c. 10. we should dispose them in this manner viz. First the two Arch-Bishops of Canterbury and Yorke next the three Bishops of London Dunelm Winchester and last of all the residue of the Prelates according to the Seniority of their consecrations This is the order of precedencie which is now in use which yet is no new order in regard of London and Winton who anciently had place before the rest in all assemblies of the Clergy but this being changeable and uncertaine as before was said we shall make use rather of the other Now in each See and Diocese we will keep this course First we will shew you the antiquity and ordination of each together with the foundation of their Cathedrall Churches what Counties each of them containeth what priviledges anciently they enjoyed and still claime to have how many Parishes there be in every Diocese by what Arch-Deacons they are governed what is the tenth of the whole Clergie in every Diocese and how much in the Kings bookes is every Bishoprick We shall observe also what and how many of the Prelates have beene extract from honourable houses whose names shall be distinguished by a little Afterisme thus * as also how many of them have beene canonized and accounted Saints who and how many of them have beene made Cardinals in the Church of Rome what honourable Offices have beene borne by any of them in the civill state In the performance of the which S. shall stand for Saint and Card for Cardinall L. Ch. shall signifie L. Chancellour L. K. Lord Keeper L. Tr. Lord Treasurer L. Pr. Lord President Ch. J. Chiefe Justice M. Ro. Master of the Rolls and Ch. Ox. Chancellour of Oxford as Ch. Ca. of Cambridge By which it will appeare most plainely what a perpetuall Seminary this our Church hath beene of able and of learned men not onely for discharge of Ecclesiasticall but even temporall businesse Which being premised once for all we now proceede unto our Catalogue beginning with the Province and See of Canterbury and following in the order before proposed THE FIRST PART OF THE CATALOGVE OF BISHOPS CONTAINING THE SVCCESSION of the Arch-Bishops and Bishops of the Province of CANTERBVRY Printed at London 1641 CANTERBURIE and the Arch-Bishops of it THe See of Canter was first founded with the plantation of religion the amongst English Austin the Monk who first did preach the Gospel to the one being the first Arch-Bishop of the other The Chaire hereof originally fixt in the City of Canterbury which being once the Regall City of the Kings of Kent wa● by King Ethelbert on his conversion bestowed on Austin the Arch-Bishop and on his Successors for ever The Cathedrall having beene a Church before in the Brit●ns time was by the same Arch-Bishop Austin repaired and consecrated and dedicated to the name of Christ which it still retaines though a long time together it was called Saint Thomas in honour of Saint Thomas Becke● who was therein slaine The present fabricke was begun by Arch-Bishop Lanfranc and William Corboyl and by degrees made perfect by their Successo●●●● Take Canterbury as the seate of the Metropolitan and it hath under it 21. suffragan Bishops of the which 17. are in England and 4. in Wales But take it as the seate of a Diocesan and it containeth onely some part of Kent to the number of 257. Parishes the residue being in the Diocese of Rochester together with some few particular Parishes dispersed here and there in severall Dioceses it being an ancient priviledge of this See that wheresoever the Arch-Bishops had either Manors or Advowsons the place forthwith became exempted from the Ordinary and was reputed of the Diocese of Canterbury The other priviledges of this See are that the Arch-Bishop is accounted Prima●e and Metropolitan of all England and is the first Peere of the Realme having precedencie of all Dukes not being of the Royall bloud and all the great Officers of the State He hath the title of Grace offered him in common speech and writes himselfe divina providentia where other Bishops onely use divina permissione The Coronation of the King hath anciently belonged unto him it being also formerly resolved that wheresoever the Court was the King and Queene were speciales domestici Parochian● Domini Archiepiscopi the proper and domesticall Pariihioners of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury It also did belong unto him in former times to take unto himselfe the offerings made at the holy Altar by the King and Queene wheresoever the Court was if he were present at the same and to appoint the Lent Preachers but these time hath altered and the King otherwise disposed of Abroad
but that now otherwise disposed of Finally what for priviledge and what for large possessions it was prized so high that Henry of Bloys he was the brother of King Stephen once Bishop here had got a faculty from the Pope to make it an Arch Bishops See seven of the Suffragans of Cante●bury being allotted thereunto And William de Edington one of the Bishops of this Church being elected unto Cante●bury re●used it saying though Canterbury had the highest rack yet Winchester had the deep●st manger The Diocese hereof contained of old the Counties of S●rrey and Sou●hampton and the Isle of Wight to which was added in Qu. Elizabeths time the Islles of Iarsey Garnsey Sack and Alderney once members of the Bishoprick of Constance in Norma●dy Of these the English Isle and Counties containe 362. Parishes of which 131. impropriate the Isle of Iarsey 121. and Garnsey with the other two as many more For government of the English part there are two Arch-Deachns the one of Winchester and the other of Surrey Iar●●y is governed by a Deane or Commissary according to the manner of the English Church and Garnsey with the Isles appendant follow the fashions of Geneva The Bishoprick was anciently valued in the Kings books 3885 li. 3. s. 3. d. ob q. now at 2793. li. 4. s. 2. d. qa. q. lesse by a thousand pounds then before it was which plainely sheweth that there hath beene a great abatement of the old revenue The tenth of the Clergy amounteth unto 846. li. 12. d. Finally this See hath yeelded to the Church seven Saints and to Rome two Cardinals to England one Lord Chiefe Justice sixe Lord Chancellours two Lord Treasurers one Lord Privie Seale one Chancellour of the University of Oxford another of the Exchequer and 21. Prelates of the Garter whose names are to be found among●t these following Bishops of Winton A. Ch.       1 Wina   2 Eleutherius 673 3 S. Headda 704 4 Daniel 744 5 Humfridus 756 6 Kinchardus   7 Hathelmardus tr to Cant.   8 Egbardus   9 Dudda   10 Kinebertus   11 Alhmundus   12 Wighthenius   13 Herefridus 834 14 Edmundus 15 Helmstanus 837 16 S. Swithinus L. Chan. 863 17 Adhferthus 871 18 Dumbertus 879 19 Denewulfus   20 S. Athelmus alias Bertulfus 905 21 S. Frithstanus 931 22 Brinstanus 946 23 Elpheus Calvus   24 Elssinus alias Alf●us 958 25 Brithelmus 963 26 S. Ethelwoldus 984 27 S. Elphegus 1006 28 Kenulphus 1008 29 S. Brithwoldus 1015 30 Elsmus 1038 31 Alwinus 1043 32 Stigandus tr to Cant. 1070 33 Walkelinus Vacat sedes Annos 10. 1107 34 Gul. Giffard 1129 35 Henricus Blesensis * Vacat sedes Annos 3. 1174 36 Richard Toclivius 1189 37 Godfr de Lucy 1204 38 Petr. de Rupibus L. Ch. Justice 1243 39 Gul. de Ralegh 1249 40 Ethelmarus Vacat sedes Annos 4. 1265 41 John Oxon. 1268 42 Nicolas Eliensis 1280 43 John de Pontisara 1304 44 Henry Woodlock 1316 45 John Sandal Chan. of the Exch. L. Chan. and L. Treas 1320 46 Reginald Asserius 1323 47 John Stratford L. Chan. L. Treas tr to Cant. 1333 48 Adam de Orlton 1345 49 Gul. de Edingdon L. Treas and the first Prelate of the Garter 1365 50 Will. de Wickham L. Chan. 1405 51 Henry Beaufort Card. L. Ch. * 1447 52 Will. de Waniflete L. Ch. 1486 53 Peter Courtney * 1493 54 Tho. Langton 1502 55 Rich. Foxe L. Privie Seale 1530 56 Tho. Wolsey Card. L. Chan. 1534 57 Stephen Gardiner displaced 1549. 1550 58 John Poynet who being removed Bishop Gardiner was restored 1553. and made L. Ch. 1556 59 John White 1560 60 Robert Horne 1580 61 John Watson 1584 62 Thomas Cowper 1595 63 Will. Wickham 1595 64 Will. Daye 1596 65 Tho. Bilson 1617 66 James Montagu Deane of the Chap. 1618 67 Lancel Andrewes Deane of the Chap. 1628 68 Rich. Neyle tr to Yorke 1632 69 Walt. Curle now Bishop of Winton Prelate of the Garter and Bishop Almoner 1641. WORCESTER and the Bishops there THe Bishoprick of Worcester Wigorniensis in the Latine was founded by Etheldred King of the Mercians Anno 679. and taken out of the Diocese of Lichfeild of which first it was The Cathedrall Church here by him also built but afterwards repaired or new built rather by severall Bishops of this See Oswald the eighteenth Bishop here did first undertake it and casting out the married Priests first brought in the Monkes Anno 96● but his foundation being ruined by the Danes the Church was brought to that perfection wherein now it standeth by Bishop Wulstan about the yeere 1030. Since when it ha●h enjoyed a flourishing and faire estate and which is very rare can hardly make complaint of any vacancie save that on the exauctoration of Bishop Heath it was assigned over in Commendam to Master Hooper then Bishop of Gloucester But it held not long This Diocese containeth in it the County of Worce●ter and part of Warwickshire and therein ●41 Parishes of which 71. impropriate for these there is but one Arch-Deacon which is called of Worcester Valued it is in the Kings bookes 1049. li. 17. s. 3. d. ob q the Clergy paying for their tenth 228. li. In point of honour it may pleade thus much that in the flourishing times of the See of Canterbury the Bishops here were the peculiar Chaplaines of the Metropolitans and by their Office to say Masse in all assemblies of the Clergy wherein he was present As also that it hath yeelded to the Church foure Saints five Chancellours to the Realme of England and one to Normandy Lord Treasurers three one Chancellour to the Queen then being one L. President of Wales and one Vice-President whom with the residue of the Bishops take here in order Bishops of Worcester A. Ch.     679 1 Boselus first Bishop of W●rcest   2 Ostforus 693 3 S. Egwinus 714 4 Wilfridus 717 5 Milredus   6 Weremundus 778 7 Tilherus 781 8 Eathoredus 799 9 Denebertus 822 10 Eadbertus 844 11 Alwinus 872 12 Werefridus 911 13 Wilfreth 915 14 Ethelhunus 922 15 Wilfreth II. 929 16 Kinewoldus   17 S. Dunstanus tr to London 950 18 S. Oswaldus 971 19 Adulfus   20 Wulfstanus   21 Leossius 1033 22 Britteagus 1038 23 Livingus 1049 24 Aldredus 1060 25 S. Wulfstanus 1097 26 Sampson 1115 27 Theolphus 1125 28 Simon Chan. to Qu. 〈◊〉   29 Aluredus   30 John Pagham   31 Rogerus 1181 32 Baldwinus tr to Cant. 1189 33 Gul. de Northale 1191 34 Robertus   35 Henricus 1196 36 John de Constantiis 1200 37 Maugerus 1212 38 Walt. Grey L. Ch. tr to Yorke 1216 39 Silvester 1218 40 Gul. de Bloys 1237 41 Walt. de Cantilupe * 1268 42 Nich. de Ely L. Chan. translated to Wint. 1269 43 Godsr Giffard L. Chan. 1302 44 Gul. de Gainsburgh 1308 45 Walt. Reynold L. Chan. and L. Treas tr to Cant. 1313 46
to are onely these Earles of Anglesey ●624 1 Ch●●stop Villiers brother of Geo. D. of Buck. created F. of Angles Sept. 24. ●630 2 Charles Villiers now living 1641. ARundell is the name of an ancient towne and Castle in the County of Sussex pleasantly seated neare the river of Arun whence it was called Arundale or A●untina va●●●● in some Latine Authors The Castle of great fame and strength but farre more famous for the Lords and Earles therof then the strength or beauty A place in this farre different from the rest of England the title of the Earle of Arundell being annexed unto the Castle honour and signeurie of Arundell and going along with the possession of the same as was adjudged in that great controversie between Sir Iohn Fitz-Alan being in possession of the Castle against Iohn-Mowbray● of Norfolke being the right heire in the nearest degree The Earles here of in regard that by ancient Charter they had had the ●ertium denarium or the second penny of the Plees of Sussex and that they sometimes had their residence and abode in Chichester as the chiefe City of that County are in some old Charters ●alled Earles of Sussex and in some others Earles of Chichester That which was theirs most properly hath stayed longest by them and is of late increased by the addition of th● titles and dignities of the Baronies of Fitz-Alan Clun Oswaldstree and Mal●raver● with divers other lands tenements and here ditaments annexed unto the title name an● dignity o● Earle of Arundell by speciall Act 〈◊〉 Parliam An. 3. Car. R. the noble personage which have borne this title are these that fol●low Earles of Arundell 1067 1 Rog. Montgomery 1091 2 Hugh de Montgomery 1098 3 Rob. de Montgomery devested of this honour An. 1102.     ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚   4 William de Albeney 1189 5 Will. de Albeney 1196 6 Will. de Albeney 1199 7 Will. de Albeney 1224 8 Hugh de Albeney died 1243.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1289 9 Rich. Fitz-Alan descended of the Lady Isabell sister of Hugh de Albeney 1301 10 Edm. Fitz-Alan 1326 11 Rich. Fitz-Alan * 1375 12 Rich. Fitz-Alan L. Tr. L. Adm. 1397 13 Tho. Fitz-Alan L. Tr. died 1416. * 1434 14 John Fitz-Alan L. Mal●ravers * 1439 15 Will. Fitz-Alan * 1487 16 Tho. Fitz-Alan 1524 17 Will. Fitz-Alan * 1543 18 Henry Fitz-Alan Ch. of Oxford *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1579 19 Philip Howard son of Tho. D. of Norfolk the La. Mary Fitz-Alan 1604 20 Tho. Howard now E. of Arund and Surry and E. Marshall of Engl. Anno 1641. AVmerle or A●bemarle is the name of a small town and territory in the Dukedome of Normandy It belonged heretofore to Stephen the sonne of Odo des●●nded from the Earles of Champagne whom William the Conquerer made Earle of Albema●le as being the sonne of his halfe sister by the mothers side and gave unto him for the further maintenance of his estate the territory of Holder●●sse in Yorkeshire This title hee enjoyed and left the same to his posterity who enjoyed it also And when his issue failed the Kings of England honoured others with it though they had long since lost their estate in Normandy the Dukes and Earles whereof take thus in order Dukes and Earles of Aumerle 1095 1 Stephen sonne of Odo Earle of Bloys 1128 2 Will. le Gros.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1182 3 Will. de Magnaville E. of Essex Hawys daught of Will le Gros.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1191 4 Will. de Fortibus 1196 5 Will. de Fortibus 1244 6 Will. de Fortibus 1258 7 Tho. de Fortibus     ✚ ✚ ✚   8 Tho. of Woodstock D. of Gloc. *     ✚ ✚ ✚   ✚ ✚ ✚ 1378 9 Edw. Plantagenet D. L. Adm. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1412 10 Tho. D. of Clarence E. *     ✚ ✚ ✚   11 Rich. Beauchamp E. of Warwick created Earle of Aumerle by King Henry 6. BAnbury is a towne in Oxfordshire the second both for wealth and beauty in all that County Most famous in our common Chronicles for the great battell there-by fought betweene the two great houses of Lancaster and Yorke in which the victory fell to the Eare of Warwick then chie●e of the Lancastrian party who forthwith tooke King Edward prisoner of that name the fourth now forlorne and hopelesse It was not long since much wasted by a devouring fire but very well repaired and beautified and still is as it hath beene anciently cas●o conficiendo notissimum as Camden notes it a towne much famed for the best and most delicate sort of Cheeses It never had but one Earle and he 1626 1 William L. Knollys Visc. Wallingford created E of Banbury Aug. 18. and died Anno 1631. BAthe is the fairest and the principall City in all Somersetshire seated in a very low Plaine and round about environed with hils very high and steepe from whence come many rivulets and fresh-water springs to the great commodity of the people But that which brings most wealth unto the place are not the waters from without but those waters which are within sending up from them much thinne vapours and a strong sent withall which springs are very medicinable unto many maladies Three of these springs there are in all the waters of the which being received in large and fitting receptacles for the publick use they call the Kings Bath the crosse Bath and the hot Bath From bathing in these waters it was called the Bath and thence Batho●ia in the Latine unlesse perhaps you rather thinke that bathing tooke its hint from hence and that this place tooke name from Badon or mons Bado●icus not far off as certainely Caer Badon the old Britain● called it The Greeks and Latines gave it names according to the nature and condition of the waters or the Baths there being it being called by Ptolomee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hot waters by An●oninus ●quae solis the waters of the Sunne on ●he selfe same reason Of the ●aire Church here we have spoke already in our description of the Bishoprick which being ruined amongst other Monasteries in the time of K. H. 8. hath of late times beene as it were reedified but certainely repaired and beautified and made 〈◊〉 for use by the great costs of Bishop Montague a late Bishop there Earle it had none untill the time of H. 7. since it hath had divers whose names and times we now present you Earles of Bathe 1486 1 Philibert de Chandew     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1536 2 John Bourchier Lord Fitz-Wa●in created E. of Bathe by H. 8. July 10. 1539 3 John Bourchier 1561 4 William Bourchier   5 Edward Bourchier 1638 6 Henry Bourchier now E. of Bathe Anno 1641. BEdford is one of those three Counties which anciently were possessed by the Cattieuc●lani the Countrey indifferently well provided of all necessaries both for foode and fewell It taketh denomination from the chiefe town thereof called Bedford or
ΗΡΩΟΛΟΓΙΑ ANGLORVM OR An help to English History CONTAINING A succession of all the Kings of England and the English-Saxons the Kings and Princes of Wales the Kings and Lords of Man and the Isle of Wight As also of all the Arch Bishops Bishops Dukes Marquesses and Earles within the said Dominions In three Tables By Robert Hall Gent. LONDON By T. and R. Cotes for Henry Seile and are to be sold at his shop in Fleet-streete over against Saint Dunstans-Church 1641. TO THE MOST EXCELLENT PRINCE CHARLES PRINCE OF WALES Heire-Apparent to the Monarchy of Great Britaine c. Most Illustrious Sir I Doubt not your Closet already abounds and is daily replenished with volumes of English History as those Mirrours in whose Reflections your Royall Ancestors you may best discover Theirs and direct your owne Actions I therefore humbly addresse this piece to your Highnesse not as a Booke but as an Index which cannot offer the Pompe of● a Volume yet may yeeld the profit of a Manuall The work is Posthumus bereav'd both of the Author and protection and had it not desired to live under the Patronage of so clement a Prince was willing to dye in the Cradle rather then be expos'd to theadventures of a distempered Age. I referre its merits to the judgement of the Publique to whose use it affords it selfe but humbly begges that being an Orphan its Fatherlesse condition may finde succour and countenance from the splendour of your goodnesse under which it hath beene first brought ●orth into the world Vouchsafe ● therefore Great Prince to cast a gracious Eye on this deserted●Object and the poore Oblation of Your most humbly devoted servant and Subject HENRY SEILE A GENERALL PREFACE Touching the use of these three Catalogues or Tables HAving a purpose to peruse our English Histories and those of forraine Nations which had any intercourse or commerce with the affaires either of this Realme or Church of England I found it no small trouble to me to know the names of those whose actions I encountred within the said perusall For whereas commonly great persons are not called by the names of their Families but of their Dignities it was a matter of no meane difficulty to finde out what and who they were who were presented to us by their Dignities as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall Upon this ground to save me from that troublesome inquirie for the time to come I set my selfe to draw up a complete and perfect Catalogue of all the persons of chiefe ranke in this Realme of England from Earles inclusively and upwards so farre as any light of story and warrantable ascent would direct and guide me And having formed it in that frame and order as hereafter followeth found manifestly that that paines it cost me was not ill bestowed because of that great ease it did me being once composed For then no sooner did I meete in any story with any either Prince or Prelate of or in this Nation but I could forthwith turne unto him and by computing of the times finde out exactly who he was And yet me thought it was not perfect till I had added to the same all those Soveraigne Princes which have borne rule in all or any part hereof the names and actions of the which occurre as well in our owne Chronicles as forraine stories That done I thought it not amisse to note and adde according as I met it in my course of reading what Kings and Prelates of this Nation have beene ennobled in the Church with the stile of Saints as also what great offices any of the Arch-Bishops Bishops Dukes Marquesses and Earles had severally borne in the Civill State By doing which as I received great ease and benefit as before is said so I was easily intreated to let all such partake thereof who thinke it may be either profitable or usefull to them and for that cause have suffered it to come abroad that they that will may take the benefit of my poore endeavours And this I have the ra●her beene intreated to to satisfie the mindes of those if any thing will satisfie them that either are the enemies of Regall or Episcopall power For whereas some conc●ive that Kings were instituted by the people on ●ight perhaps of such confusions as had beene noted and observed in a popular government these following Catalogues will make it evident and apparent that in this Countrey there was never any other government then that of Kings either in any part thereof or the whole together And whereas it is factiously given out by others that the Episcopall authority and regiment in and of the Church is not the proper and peculiar government of the same but violently obtruded on it by the power of man the Tables of Episcopall succession will make it evident that the said forme of Government is of as long a standing as the Church it selfe Religion and Episcopall jurisdiction being brought into this Land together Lastly if any such there be as have beene formerly that would crie downe Nobility and that precedencie and power which som● men have above the rest they may here see that from the first setling of this Monarchie in the Norman Race that Kings of England have advanced to place and dignity whom they thought most fit and did it sans controule of inferiour people And so they did no question in the Saxons times and those before them of which if we have no such cleare and evident succession as in the rest of later ages it is because their digties and honorarie titles were rather personall then hereditary Now in these Catalogues I shall begin as reason is with that of Kings from the first entrance of the Romans to this present time to which I shall adjoyne the Kings and Princes of Wales as also the Kings and Lords of Man and the Isle of Wight● assigning unto every one his time according to the computation of our best Historians The Catalogue of the Bishops I shall bring along from the first planting of Religion here amongst the Saxons since which we have a cleare and undeniable succession in the holy Hierarchy the former times under the Empire of the Britons having transmitted to our hands onely some fragments of antiquity by which we may perceive that the Episcopall government was here received together with the faith it selfe but cannot gather from the same a constant and continued succession of the persons governing Then for the third Catalogue that of the Nobility we have continued that from the first entrance of the Normans to this present day that at one view a man may see the quality and antiquity of those noble families which are now both an honour and an ornament to this flourishing Kingdome I shall not neede say more in this generall Preface having prefixed particular Prefaces to each severall Catalogue to which I rather shall referre the Reader then detaine him here THE FIRST TABLE OR A CATALOGVE OF All the Kings which have reigned in
was Bishop here about the yeare 516. which being cruelly defaced by that wretched Rebell Owen Glendowr was afterward repaired by Henry Deane who was once here Bishop The ruine of this Bishoprick came in the time of Bishop Bulkeley who not content to alienate and let out the lands made a sale also of the Bels and going to the Sea-shoare to see them shipped in his returne was smitten with a sudden blindnesse This Diocese containeth in it the entire County of Carnarvon wherein Bangor standeth and the whole Isle of Anglesey together with parts of Denbigh Merioneth and Mountgomery and in them to the number of 107 Parishes whereof 36. impropriated It hath moreover in it three Arch Deaconries viz. of Bangor A●glesey and Merioneth one of the which is added to the Bishoprick for support thereof The Bishoprick is valued in the Kings bookes 131. li. 16. s. 4. d. and answereth for the Clergies tenth 151. li. 14. s. 3. d. q. Bishops of Bangor A. Ch.     516 1 S. Daniel     ✚ ✚ ✚   1 Hernaeus translated to Ely 1120 2 David 1139 3 Mauritius   4 Gulielmus   5 Guido alias Guianus 1195 6 Albanus 1197 7 Robertus de Salopia 1215 8 Caducan 1236 9 Howel   10 Richardus 1267 11 Anianus 1306 12 Caducan II. 1306 13 Cryffith 1320 14 Ludovicus 1334 15 Matthaeus 1358 16 Thom. de Ringsted 1367 17 Gervasius de Castro 1370 18 Howell II. 1374 19 John Gilbert tr to S. Davids 1376 20 John Cloven●is   21 John Swaffam 1400 22 Richard Young tr to Rochester   23 Ludovicus II. 1408 24 Benedict Nicols tr to S. David 1418 25 William Barrow tr to Ca●lile   26 Nicolaus 1436 27 Thomas Cheriton 1448 28 John Stanbery tr to Hereford   29 Jacobus 1464 30 Thomas Ednam 1496 31 Henry Deane tr to Salisbury 1500 32 Thomas Pigot 1504 33 Joh. Penvy tr to Carlile 1505 34 Thomas Skeving●on 1534 35 John Capon tr to Salisbury 1539 36 John Bird tr to Chester 1541 37 Arthur Bulkeley 1555 38 William Glynn 1559 39 Rowland Merick 1566 40 Nicolas Robinson 1585 41 Hugh Bellott tr to Chester 1595 42 Richard Vaughon tr to Chester 1595 43 Henry Rowlands 1616 44 Lewys Bayly 1632 45 David Dolbin 1633 46 Edward Gryffith 1637 47 William Roberts Sub-Almoner now Bishop of Bangor 1641. BATH AND WELLES and the Bishops of it THe Diocese of Bath and Welles although it hath a double name is one single Bishoprick The Bishops seate originally at Welles where it still continues and in respect whereof this Church is called in some Writers Fontanensis Ecclesia The stile of Bath came in but upon the by The Church of Welles first built by Ina King of the West-Saxons Anno 704. and by him dedicated to Saint Andrew after endowed by Kenu●●e an other King of the same people Anno 766. and finally made a bishops See in the time of Edward the elder Anno 905. the first that bore that title being Adelmus before Abbat of ●lastenbury The present Church in place where that of Ina had stood before was built most part of it by Bishop Robert the eighteenth Bishop of this See but finished and perfected by Bishop Ioceline sirnamed de Welles Iohannes de villula the sixteenth Bishop having bought the towne of Bath of King Henry the first for 500. markes transferred his ●eate unto that City 1088. Hence grew a jarre betweene the Monks of Bath and Canons of Welles about the election of the Bishop At last the difference was thus composed by that Bishop Robert whom before I spake of that from thence forward the Bishop should be denominated from both places and that precedencie in the stile should be given to Bath that in the vacancie of the See a certaine number of Delegates from both Churches should elect their Prelate who being elected should bee installed in them both both of them to be reckoned as the Bishops Chapter and all his Grants and Patents confirmed in both And so it stood untill the reigne of King H. 8. what time the Monastery of Bath having beene dissolved there passed an Act of Parliament for the Deane and ●hapter of Welles to make one sole Chapter for the Bishop Anno 35. H. 8. c. 15. But to proceed this Diocese hath yeelded to the Church of Rome one Card. and to the civill state of England sixe Lord Chancellours five Lord Treasurers one Lord Privie S●ale one Lord President of Wales one principall secretary of Estate The Diocese containeth in it the whole County of Somerset and in that 388. Parishes whereof 160. are impropriate It hath moreover three Arch-Deaconries of Bath Welles and Taunton is valued in the Kings bookes at 533. li. 1. s. 3. d. and answereth for the Clergies tenth 353. li. 18. s. ob q. Bishops of Welles A. Ch.     905 1 Adelmus translated to Cant.   2 Wulfelmus translated to Cant.   3 Elphegus   4 Wulfelmus II. 955 5 Brithelmus 973 6 Kinewardus 985 7 Sigarus 995 8 Alwinus   9 Burwoldus 1002 10 Leoningus translated to Cant.   11 Ethelwinus   12 Brithwinus   13 Merewith 1031 14 Dudoco alias Bodeca 1059 15 Giso Bishops of Bath and Welles 1088 16 Johannes de Villula 1123 17 Godefridus L. Chancel 1136 18 Robertus Lewensis 1174 19 Reginald Fitz-Joceline translated to Cant. 1192 20 Savaricus who removed the See to Glastonbury 1205 21 Joceline de Welles 1224 22 Rogerus 1247 23 Gul. Button L. Chan. and Treas 1264 24 Walt. Giffard transl to York● 1267 25 Gul. Button II. 1274 26 Rob. Burnell L. Chan. and L. T● 1292 27 Gul. de Marchia L. Treas 1302 28 Walt. Haselshaw 1310 29 Joh. ●roken●●ord L. Treas 1329 30 Radulphus de Salopia 1336 31 Joh. Barne● transl to Ely 1366 32 Joh. Harewell 1386 33 Walt. Ski●law transl to Durham 1388 34 Radulph Erghum 1401 35 Henry Bowet transl to Yorke 1408 36 Nic. Bubwith 1425 37 Joh. Stafford L. Chan. and Treas transl to Cant. * 1443 38 Thomas Beckington 1465 39 Robert de Stillington L. Pr. Seale and afterward L. Chan. 1491 40 Rich. Fox transl to Durham 1495 41 Oliver King principall Secretary 1505 42 Adrian de Castello Card. 1518 43 Tho. Wolsey changed this See for Durham L. Chan. 1523 44 John Clarke Master of the Rolls 1541 45 William Knight 1549 46 William Barlowe 1554 47 Gilbert Bourne Lord President of Wales 1559 48 Gilbert Barkely 1584 49 Thomas Godwin 1592 50 John Still 1608 51 James Montagu 1616 52 Arthur Lake 1626 53 William Laud trans to London 1628 54 Leonard Mawe 1630 55 Walter Curle trans to Winton 1632 56 William Piers now Bishop there 1641. BRISTOL and the Bishops thereof THe Bishoprick of Bristol is of new erection first ●ounded by King Henry 8. who having had the spoile of the Monasteries and religious houses was pleased to refund some of it backe againe upon the Church for the incouragement of learning and
Chapter unto the Bishop in which the Prior of Coventry should be the principall man And so it stood till that the Priory of Coventry being dissolved by King Henry 8. the stile or title of the Bishop continuing as before it did there passed an Act of Parliament 33. H. 8. c. 29 to make the Deane and Chapter of Lichfeild the sole Chapter for the Bishop The Cathedrall Church here first built by Oswy King of the Mercians about the yeere 556. who gave unto the Bishops many faire possessions But that old Church being taken downe by Roger de Clinton the 36. Bishop of this Diocese that which now standeth was built by him in place thereof Anno 1148. and dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Saint Chad. In following times and almost in the infancie thereof the revenues of it were so faire that Lichfeild was thought fit to be the See of an Arch-Bishop And one it had no more his name Adulfus Anno 783. the Bishops of Winton Hereford Sidnacester Dorchester which two now make Lincoln and those of Elmham and of Dunwich both which now make Norwich being appointed to him for his Suffragans But with him and King Offa who procured it this great title died And now it is content to be a Bishoprick the Diocese whereof containeth the whole Counties of Darby and Stafford together with a good part of Warwickshire and Shropshire In these are comprehended 557. Parishes of which 250. are impropriate for better government whereof it hath foure Arch-Deaconries viz. of Stafford Darby Coventry and Shrewsbury It is valued in the Kings bookes 559. li. 18. s. 2. d. ob q. and for the Clergies tenth it commeth unto 590. li. 16. s. 11. d. q. and finally hath yeelded to the Church three S. to the Realme one Chancellour and three Lord Treasurers to Wales three Presidents one Chancellour to the University of Cambridge and to the Court one Master of the Wardrobe Arch-Bishops and Bishops of Lichfeild A. Ch.     656 1 Dwina   2 Cellach   3 Trumher   4 Jarumanus 669 5 Saint Chad or Cedda tr to York 672 6 Winfridus 672 7 S. Sexulfus 692 8 Headda alias Eatheadus 721 9 Aldwinus 733 10 Witta   11 Hemel 764 12 Cuthfridus   13 Berthunnus 785 14 Higbertus 793 15 Aldulphus the Arch-Bishop●   16 Humbertus   17 Merewinus   18 Higbertus II.   19 Ethelwaldus 857 20 Humbertus II. 864 21 Kinebertus 872 22 S. Cymbertus●   23 Tunbright   24 Ella 928 25 Alfgar 26 Kinsey   27 Winsey   28 Elphegus   29 Godwinus   30 Leofgarus   31 Brithmarus 1039 32 Wolfius L. Chancell 1054 33 Leofwine 1067 34 Petrus who removed the See to Chester Bishops of Coventry and Lichfeild 1088 35 Robert de Limesey removed the See to Coventry 1117 36 Robert Peccham 1119 37 Roger de Clinton * 1149 38 Walter Durdent 1161 39 Richard Peche 1182 40 Gerardus la pucelle 1186 41 Hugo Novant 1191 42 Galfridus de Muschamp 1210 43 Walter Grey translated to Worcester 1215 44 William de Cornhull 1220 45 Alexander de Savensby 1240 46 Hugh de Pateshul Lord Treasurer 1245 47 Roger de We●●ham 1257 48 Roger de Longespee 1295 49 Walter de Langton Lord Treasurer 1322 50 Roger de 〈…〉 Master of the Wardrope and Lord Treasurer 1360 51 Robert Stretton 1385 52 Walter Skirlaw transl to Welles 1396 53 Richard Scrope tr to Yorke * 1399 54 John Burghill 1415 55 John Ketterich 1419 56 Jacobus Carie. 1420 57 Gul. Heyworth 1447 58 Gul. Boothe 1452 59 Nicolas Close Chancellour of Cambridge 1453 60 Reginald Butler 1459 61 John Hales 1492 62 Gul. Smith tr to Lincoln 1496 63 John Arundel tr to Exeter 1503 64 Geofry Blythe L. Pre● of Wales 1524 65 Roland Lee L. Pres. of Wales 1543 66 Richard Sampson L. President of Wales 1555 67 Radulph Bayne 1559 68 Thomas Bentham 1578 69 Gul. Overton 1609 70 George Abbot tr to London 1610 71 Richard Neile tr to Lincoln 1614 72 John Overall tr to Norwich 1618 73 Thomas Morton tr to Durham 1632 74 Robert Wright now Bishop of Coventry and Lichfeild 1641. SAINT DAVIDS the Arch-Bishops and Bishops of it SAint Davids now the seate of a Suffragan Bishop was once a Metropolitans S●e in the Brit●sh Church and long time the supreme Ordinary of the Wel●h In the first planting of the Gospel in King Lucius time wee shewed that there were three Arch-Bishops seates appointed viz. at London York and of Caer-Leon upon Vsk. That of Caer-Leon upon Vsk was in the time of Arthur King of the Britons translat●d further off from the Saxons furie to a place called Men●w Menevia is the Latine name but since in memory of David the Arch-Bishop who so translated it by us called Saint Davids From the first name it is these Bishops use to stile themselves Menevenses When Austin the Monk first entred England the Metropolitan of Saint Davids had th●n remaining under his jurisdiction seven Suffragan Bishops all which gave meeting to the said Austin and his Associates for the composing of some differences which were between the old and the new-come Christians viz. the Bishop of Worces●er Wicctor●m Llandaff Bang●r Hereford Llan-Elwy or Saint As●p● Llan-Badern called in Latin Paternensis a place in Card●gan shire the last is called in Latin Morganensis which possibly might have his seate in Margan of Glamorgan shire a place still so called Of these Llan Badern and this Morganensis are quite extinct and have long so beene Hereford and Worcester a long time reckoned as English Bishopricks and so none left unto the Metropolitan of S. Davids but Llandaff Bangor S. Asaphs Now for these Bishops of Saint Davids we finde that 26. of them retained the title of Arch-Bishops The last whereof was Sampson who in a time of pestilence transferd the Archiepiscopall Pall with the same the Archiepiscopall dignity to Dole in Bretagne yet his successours though they lost the name reserved the power of an Arch-Bishop nor did the residue of the Welch Bishops receive their consecration from any other hand then his till in the time of H. 1. Bernard the 46. Bishop of this See was forced to submit himselfe to the Church of Canterbury For the Cathedrall here it had beene oft spoyled and ruined by the Danes Norwegians and other Pirats as standing neare the Sea in the extreme corner of Pembroke shire That which we now see is the worke of Bishop Peter he was the 48. Bishop of this Diocese and by him dedicated by the name of Saint Andrew and Saint David though now Saint Andrew be left out and David onely beares the name This See hath had the greatest number of Bishops of any in England 91. in all and amongst them the Church hath had one Saint the Realme of England three Lo●d Treasurers one Lord Privie Seale the Un●versity of Oxford one Chancellour and the Queene another The Dioce●e containeth the whole Counties of
Wakeman last Abbat ● Tewkesbury 1550 2 John Hooper 1555 3 James Brookes Vacat sedes Ann. 3. 1562 4 Kichard Cheinie Vacat sedes Ann. 3. 1581 5 John Bullingham 1598 6 Godfr Goldsbourgh 1604 7 Thomas Ravys tr to London 1607 8 Henry Parry tr to Worcest 1611 9 Giles Tomson 1612 10 Miles Smith 1624 11 Godfr Goodman now Bishop there 1641. HEREFORD and the Bishops there HEreford also was of old one of the Bishopricks erected in the Britons time first under the Metropolitan of Caer-Leon upon Vske of Saint Davids afterwards and when these parts were conquered by the Saxon Kings it came to be a member of the Province of Canterbury The Cathedrall Church here founded first by Milfride one of the Noblemen of this County in honor of Ethelbert King of the East Angles treacherously made away by the Queene of Mercia his intended mother in law That which now standeth oweth the most part of it selfe to Bishop Reinelm and what he lived not to performe was finished by his successours as they had either meanes or opportunity The Diocese hereof containeth the County of Hereford and part of Shrop-shire wherein it hath 313. parish Churches of which 166. are impropriations and for the government hereof hath two Arch-Deacons viz. of Hereford and Salop. It hath afforded to the Church one Saint to the state two Chancellours and three Lord Treasurers one Deputy to the Realme of Ireland two Chancellours to the University of Oxford and one unto the Queenes of England Finally it is valued in the Kings bookes 768. li. 10. s. 6. d. ob q. the tenth of the Clergy comming unto 340. li. 2. s. 2. d. ob Bishops of Hereford A. Ch.     680 1 Putta   2 Tirtellus   3 Torteras   4 Wastoldus 740 5 Cuthbertus   6 Podda   7 Ecc●   8 Cedda 857 9 Alber●us   10 Esna 885 11 Celmund   12 Utellus   13 Wulfehard   14 Benna   15 Edulfus   16 Cuthwolfus   17 Mucellus   18 Deorlaf   19 Cunemond   20 Edg●r   21 Tidhelm   22 Wulfehelm   23 Alfricus   24 Athulfus   25 Athelstan 1055 26 Leovegard Vacat sedes Ann. 4. 1060 27 Walterus 1079 28 Robert Losinga   29 Gerrardus tr to Yorke 1107 30 Reinelmus Chan. to the Queene 1115 31 Galfredus de Cliva 1120 32 Richardus 1131 33 Robert de Betun 1149 34 Gilbert Foliot tr to London 1162 35 Robert de Melun 1174 36 Robert Foliot 1186 37 Gul. de Vere * 1200 38 Egidius de Bruse * 1216 39 Hugh de Mapenore 1219 40 Hugh Foliot 1234 41 Radulph de Maydestone 1239 42 Peter de Egueblanc 1268 43 John Breton the geat Lawyer 1275 44 S. Thomas Canterupe Chan. of Oxford and L. Chan. 1282 45 Richard Swinfeild 1317 46 Adam de Orlton L. Treas transl to Worcest 1327 47 Thomas Carlton Deputy of Ireland and L. Treas 1344 48 John Trilleck 1361 49 Lud. Charlton 1369 50 Gul. Courtney tr to London * 1376 51 John Gilbert L. Treas tr to S. Davids 1389 52 John Tre●●ant 1405 53 Robert Mascall 1417 54 Edm. Lacy tr to Exeter 1420 55 Tho. Polton tr to Chichest 1422 56 Tho. Spofford 1448 57 Rich. Beauchamp tr to Sarum * 1450 58 Reginald Butler * 1453 59 John Stanbery 1574 60 Tho. Milling 1492 61 Edm. Audley tr to Sarum * 1502 62 Adrian de Castello tr to Welles 1504 63 Rich. Mayo Chan. of Oxford 1516 64 Charles Boothe 1535 65 Edward Foxe 1539 66 John Skipp 1553 67 John Harley 1554 68 Robert Per●ewe 1559 69 John Scorie 1585 70 Herbert Westfaling 1602 71 Robert Bennet   72 Francis Godwin 1633 73 Augustin Lindsell 1634 74 Matthew Wrenn 1635 75 Theophilus Feild 1636 76 Geo. Cooke now Bishop 1639. LLANDAFF and the Bishops there LLandaff is one of the most ancient Bishops Sees either in England or Wales and claimeth a direct succession from the Arch-Bishops of Caerleon upon Vske as unto the Bishopricke though for the Metropolitan dignity it bee content to let S. Davids have what is left thereof The first Bishop here of whom is any good record is S. Dubritius consecrate Bishop of this places by Lupus and Germanus what time they came hither out of France for the extirpation of the Pelagian heresie The Church here dedicated to S. Thelians the next successour to S. Dubritius founded upon the River Taffi and thence called Llandaff Llan in the Welch tongue signifying a Church a Church very well endowed by the munificence and piety of great persons in those times so well that as it is affirmed by Bishop Godwin were it possessed now of the tenth part onely of what once it had it might be reckoned one of the richest Churches in all Christendome The ruine of it came in the time of Bishop Dunstan alias Kitchin who thereupon is called fundi nostri calamitas by Bishop Godwin The Diocese containeth onely part of Glamorganshire and part of Momnouthshire though the most of each and in those parts 177. Parishes whereof 98. impropriations and for them one Arch-Deacon which is called of Llandaff The Bishopricke is valued in the Kings bookes 154. li. 14. s. 1. d. the Clergy paying for their tenth somewhat neere that summe viz. 155. li. 5. s. 4. d. It is to be observed or may be if it please the Reader that neither here nor at Saint Davids there is any Deane nor never was in any of the times before us the Bishop being head of the severall Chapters and in his absence the Arch-Deacon here as is the Chanter at S. Davids Bishops of Llandaff A. Ch.       1 S. Dubritius 522 2 S. Telian alias Eliud   3 S. Oudoceus   4 Ubilwinus   5 Ardanus   6 Elgistil   7 Lunapejus   8 Comegern   9 Argwistill   10 Garvan   11 Guodloin   12 Edilbinus   13 Grecielus   14 Berthgwen   15 Trychan   16 Elvogus   17 Catgwaret   18 Cerenhit 19 Nobis   20 Gulfridus   21 Nudd   22 Cimelianc   23 Libian   24 Marcluith   25 Pater 982 26 Gogwan 993 27 Bledri 1022 28 Joseph 1056 29 Herewaldus 1107 30 Urbanus Vacat sedes Annos 6. 1139 31 Uhtred 1148 32 Galfridus 1153 33 Nicolas ap Gurgant 1183 34 Gul. de Salso Marisco   35 Henricus 1219 36 Gulielmus 1229 37 Elias de Radnor 1244 38 Gul. de Burgo 1253 39 John La Ware 1256 40 Gul. de Radner 1265 41 Gul. de Brews * Vacat sedes Annos 9. 1296 42 John Monumeteus 1323 43 John Eglescliffe 1347 44 John Pascall 1362 45 Roger Cradoc 1383 46 Thomas Rushooke translated to Chichester 1385 47 Gul. de Bottlesham translated to Rochester 1389 48 Edm. Bromfeld 1391 49 Tidemannus translated to Worcester 1395 50 Andrew Barret   51 John Burghill translated to Lichfeild 1399 52 Thomas Peverell translated to Worcester 1408 53 John Zouch * 1423 54 John Wells 1441 55 Nicolas Ashby 1458
56 John Hunden   57 John Smith 1478 58 John Marshall   59 John Ingleby 1504 60 Miles Salley 1516 61 George Athequa 1537 62 Robert Holgate translated to Yorke 1545 63 Anthony Kitchin Vacat sedes Annos 3 1566 64 Hugh Jones 1575 65 Gul. Blethin 1591 66 Gervase Babington translated to Oxford 1595 67 William Morgan tr the Bible into Welch 1601 68 Francis Godwin tr to Hereford 1618 69 George Carleton tr to Chich. 1619 70 Thoph Feild tr to S. Davids 1628 71 John Murrey Bishop of Kilfanore in Ireland 1639 72 Morgan Owen now Bishop there 1641. LINCOLN and the Bishops there THe Bishopricke of Lincoln like that of Exeter was once two Dioceses the Bishops of the which had their severall seates the one at Dorchester now a private Village seven miles from Oxford the other at Sianacester not farre from Gainsburgh as Camden thinkes in the County of Lincoln the ruines of the which are now invisible But Sidnacester being in little time united unto Dorchester the Bishops See was not long after removed to Lincoln and that by reason of a Canon made about that time viz. An. 1075. by which all Bishops were enjoyned to live in the most famous and conspicuous place within their Dioceses Which was the cause why many of our Bishops did about this time remove their Sees as we have seene already and shall see hereafter For the Cathedrall Church here it s of no more standing then the removall of the Bishops See to this place from Dorchester that which was once here founded by Paulinus Arch-Bishop of Yorke having beene long before this time quite ruined But when Remigius translated hither the Episcopall Chaire hee also built this Church for receipt thereof Which being not long after defaced by fire was for the most part repaired and beautified by Bishop Alexander one of his successours but brought unto that state in which now it is by Hugh of Burgundy and certaine other of the Bishops the Church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and All-Saints As for the Diocese it is the greatest still for jurisdiction and was once one of the greatest for revenue in all the Kingdom But for the jurisdiction that hath been shortned though at severall times the Bishoprick of Ely being taken out of it by King Henry the first as those of Peterburgh and Oxford by King Henry 8. yet still it is the largest Diocese in all the Ki●gdome containing the whole Counties of Lincoln Leicester Huntingdon Bedford Buckingham and part of Herefordshire In which great quantity of ground there are 1255. Parishes whereof 577. are impropriations for government of which under the Diocesan there are sixe Arch-Deacons viz. of Lincoln Leicester Bedford Buckingham Stow Huntingdon The Clergies tenth is answerable unto this great extent of jurisdictiō being no lesse then 1751. li. 14. s. 6. d. The Bishoprick being valued at 894. li. 10. s. 1. d. ob in the K. bookes Now for the dignity of this seate wee will adde but this that it hath yeelded to the Church three Saints and to Rome one Cardinall unto the realme of England sixe Lord Chancellours and one Lord Treasurer and one Lord Keeper foure Chancellours to the University of Oxford two to Cambridge And that the B●shops here were heretofore Vice ● Chancellours to the See of Canterbury Which being thus premised I shall proceede in ordering the Bishops here as I did at Exeter Bishops of Sidnacester A. Ch.     678 1 Eadhedus   2 Ethelwinus   3 Edgar   4 Kinelbertus 733 5 Alwigh 751 6 Eadulfus 764 7 Ceolulfus 787 8 Eadulfus II. after whose death this Church being a long time vacan● was joyned to Dorchester Bishops of Dorchester 635 1 Birinus 650 2 Agilbertus   ✚ ✚ ✚ 737 3 Tota 764 4 Edbertus   5 Werenbertus 768 6 Unwora 816 7 Rethunus 851 8 Aldredus 873 9 Ceolredus   10 Halardus   ✚ ✚ ✚ 905 11 Ceolulfus 12 Leo●winus who first united the See of Sidnacester unto that of Dorchester 960 13 Ailnothus   14 Ascwinus   15 Alshelmus   16 Eadnothus 1016 17 Eadhericus 1034 18 Eadnothus II. 1052 19 Ulfus Normannus 1053 20 Wulfinus after whose death Remigius his successour removed the Bishops See to Lincoln who from hence forward are to be entituled Bishops of Lincoln 1070 21 Remigius de Feschamp S. 1092 22 Robert Bloet L. Chan. 1123 23 Alexander L. Chan. 1147 24 Robert de Chesney Vacat sedes Annos 17. 1183 25 Walter de Constantiis L. Chan. 1186 26 S. Hugh 1203 27 Gul. Blesensis Vacat Annos 3. 1209 28 Hugo Wallis L. Chan. 1235 29 Robert Grosthead 1254 30 Henry Lexington 1258 31 Benedict de Gravesend 1280 32 Oliver Sutton 1300 33 John Aldbery 1319 34 Thomas Beake 1320 35 Henry Burwesh L. Treas * 1341 36 Thomas Le Beck 1351 37 John Sinwell 1363 38 John Bokingham 1397 39 Henry Beauford * 1405 40 Phil. de Repingdon Card. Ch Ox. 1420 41 Richard Flemming 1431 42 Gul. Grey 1436 43 Gul. Alnwick 1450 44 Marm. Lumley Chan. Camb. 1452 45 John Chadworth 1471 46 Thomas Rotheram Lord Chancel and Ch. Cambr. 1480 47 John Russell Lord Chan. and Chan. Oxford Vacat Annos 5. 1495 48 Gul. Smith Chan. Oxford 1412 49 Thomas Wolsey Almoner trransl to Yorke 1414 50 Gul. Atwater 1521 51 John Longland Chan. Oxford 1547 52 Henry Holbech 1552 53 John Tayler 1553 54 John White 1557 55 Thomas Watson 1559 56 Nicolas Bullingham 1570 57 Thomas Cowper tr to Winton 1584 58 Will. Wickham tr to Winton 1594 59 Will. Chadderton 1608 60 Will. Barlowe 1613 61 Rich. Neyle tr to Durham 1617 62 Geo. Monteine tr to London 1921 63 John Williams L. Keeper now Bishop of Lincoln 1641. LONDON and the Bishops there LOndon was heretofore the principall of the three Arch-bishopricks amongst the Britons and by Pope Gregory was intended to have beene so too amongst the English but that Saint Austin whom hee sent to convert the Saxons liking of Canterbury well resolved to set his staffe up there without going further This had before beene prophecied by Merlin that Dignitas Londoniae adornaret Doroberniam and was now accomplished What and how many were the Arch-bishops here we have no good Constat Sixteene are named by Bishop Godwin but with no great confidence but howsoever doe not come within my compasse who have confined my selfe to the Saxons time in the first infancie of whose conversion this City was designed for a Bishops See The Cathed Church built also in those early dayes by Ethelbert the first Christian King of all the English but afterwards much beautified and enlarged by Er●enwald the fourth Bishop Which Church of theirs being 500. yeeres after destroyed by fire that which now stands was built in the place thereof by Mauritiu● Richardus his successour and certaine others of the Bishops a great part of it at their owne charge the residue by a generall contribution over all the Kingdome And when it was
defaced by fire in the late Queenes time An. 1561. the Qu. forthwith directed her letters to the Major of London willing him as Iohn Stowe the City Chronicler reports it to take order for speedy repairing of the same which was done accordingly The Bishop of this Diocese hath precedencie before all Bishops of the Realme next the two Archbishops together with the dignity and place of Deane unto the Metropolitan See of Canterbu●y The nature of which office is not onely to preside over the rest of the Bishops at Synodicall meetings in case the Metropolitan be absent but to receive his mandats for assembling Synods and other businesse of the Church and having so received them to intimate the tenour and effect thereof to the Suffragan Prelates Examples of the which see in the Acts and Monuments And for this Diocese it selfe it containeth in it the two Counties of Middlesex and Essex with that part of Hertfordshire which is not in the Diocese of Lincoln wherein are reckoned 623. Parishes and of th●m 189. impropriated for government whereof there are five Arch-Deacons viz. of Lo●don Middlesex Essex Colchester and Saint Al●ans Valued it is in the Kings bookes 1119. li. 8. s. 4. d. the Clergies tenth amounting to the summe of 821. li 15. s. 1. d. Finally th●s See hath yeelded to the Church three Saints to the State nine Lord Chancellours sixe Lord Treasurers one Chancellour of the Exchequer two Masters of the Rolls besides foure Almoners to the Court and two Chancellours to the University of Oxford whose names occurre amongst these following Bishops of London 606 1 S. Melitus tr to Cant.     ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ 654 2 Ceadda 666 3 Wina 665 4 S. Erkonwald 685 5 Waldherus   6 Ingualdus   7 Egwolfus   8 Wighed   9 Eadbright   10 Edgarus   11 Kenwalchus   12 Eadbaldus   13 Hecbertus 801 14 Osmundus alias Oswinus 833 15 Ethelnorthus   16 Ceolbertus   17 Renulfus alias Ceonulfus   18 Suithulfus 851 19 Eadslanus 860 20 Wulfius   21 Ethelwardus   22 Elitan 898 23 Theodredus   24 Walstanus   25 Brithelmus 958 26 Dunstanus S. tr to C●nt 962 27 Alfstanus   28 Wulfstanus   29 Alhumus   30 Alwy   31 Elfwardus 1044 32 Robert Normannus 1050 33 Gul. Normannus 1070 34 Hugo de Orevalle 1087 35 Mauritius L. Chan. 1108 36 Richard de Beaumis 1128 37 Gilbertus Vacat sedes Annos 7. 1140 38 Robert de Sigillo 1151 39 Richard Beaumis II 1161 40 Gilbert Foliot 1189 41 Richard Nigellus L. Trea● 1199 42 Gul. de S. Maria. 1222 43 Eustatius de Falcon bridge Chan of the Exchequer and L. Treas * 1229 44 Roger Nigor 1244 45 Fulco Basser * 1259 46 Henry de Wingham L. Treas 1261 47 Richard Talbot 1263 48 Henry de Sandwich 1274 49 John de Chisul L. Chan. and L. Treas 1280 50 Richard de Gravesend 1305 51 Radulf de Baldock L. Chan. 1313 52 Gilbert Segrave 1317 53 Richard Newport 13●8 54 Stephen Gravesend 1338 55 Richard Bentworth L. Chan. 1339 56 Radulf Straford 1355 57 Nicol. Northbrooke 1361 58 Sim. Sudbury tr to Cant. 1375 59 Gul. Courtney Chan. Ox. transl to Cant. * 1381 60 Rob Braybroke 1404 61 Roger Walden L. Treas 1406 62 Nicolas Bubweth Master of Rolls and L. Treas 1407 63 Richard Giffard 1421 64 John Kemp. L. Chan tr to Cant. 1426 65 Cul. Grey tr to Lincoln 1431 66 Robert Fitz-Hugh * 1435 67 Robert Gilbert 1449 68 Thomas Kemp. 1489 69 Richard Hill 1497 70 Thomas Savage 1500 71 Will. Warham L. Chan. transl to Cant. 1505 72 William Barnes 1506 73 Richard Fitz-James 1522 74 Cutbert Tunstall tr to Durham 1530 75 John Stokesley 1540 76 Edm. Bonner displa by K. Edw. 6. 1549 77 Nicolas Ridley displaced by Qu. Mary and Bonner restored againe 1553. 1559 78 Edm. Grindall tr to Yorke 1570 79 Edwin Sandis tr to Yorke 1576 80 John Elmer Bishop Almoner 1594 81 Richard Fletcher Bishop Almoner 1597 82 Richard Bancroft tr to Cant. 1604 83 Richard Vaughan 1607 84 Thomas Ravis 1609 85 George Abbot tr to Cant. 1611 86 John King 16●1 87 George Monteine Bishop Almoner 1628 88 Will. Laud. Ch. Oxford transl to Cant. 1633 89 William Juxon Bishop of London and L. Treas 1641. NORWICH and the Bishops there THe Diocese of Norwich like those of Exeter and Lincoln was once two Bishopricks the one of Suffolk whose seate was Dunwich on the Sea shoare the other of Norfolk whose See was at North-Elmham now a poore Village not farre from Repeham The Bishop of the first was Felix a Burgundian who first converted the East-Angles The third from him was Bisus who finding himselfe by reason of his age too weake for so great a burden divided his Diocese into two making North Elmham the Episcopall seate for that part of the whole which we now call Norfolke Both of them lay long dead in the times of the Danish furie that of North-Elmham after an hundred yeeres desolation ●eviving onely the other laid to rest for ever North Elmham thus possessed of the whole jurisdiction could not hold it long the Bishops See being removed to Thelford first by Herfastus as afterwards from thence to Norwich by Herebert Losinga There it hath since continued till these very times though nothing else continue of it but the See alone For all the lands thereto belonging were taken from it by King Henry the 8. those which did formerly appertaine unto the Monastery of Saint Bennets in the Holme by that King dissolved being assigned unto it by exchange For which consult the Statute 32. H. 8. 47. in the which Statute it is said that the lands given in recompence were of a greater yeerely value then those taken from it So that the Bishop as it seemes got in revenue then though he lost in priviledge For whereas the Bishops here had the fi●st f●uits of all the Benefices within the Diocese by an ancient custome that was united to the Crowne by Act of Parliament 26. H. 8. c. 3. Now for the Church of Norwich it was founded first by him who first remo●ed hither the Bishops See even by Herebertus Losinga and by him dedicated to the blessed Trinity Which being much defaced by fire which was it seemes a common calamity of all the Churches of those times was afterwards repaired by Iohn of Oxford the third after him and once againe being fire-touched by Bishop Midleton who brought it to that state in which now it stands This See hath yeelded to the Church two Saints to the Realme five Chancellours one Lord Treasurer and one Lord Chiefe Justice one Bishop Almoner to the Court and to the King one principall Secretary of State The Diocese containeth in the two Counties of Norfolke and Suffolke 1121. Parish Churches whereof 385. impropriate for better ordering of the which it hath foure Arch-Deacons viz. of Norwich Norfolke Suffolke and Sudbury Finally this Bishoprick is
valued in the Kings bookes 899. li. 18. s 7. d. ob The tenth of the whole Clergy amounting to the summe of 1117. li. 13. s. ob Now for the line of Norwich it is thus drawne downe Bishops of the East-Angles A. Ch.     630 1 S. Felix 647 2 Thomas Diaconus 652 3 Bregilfus 665 4 Bisus by whom this Diocese was divided into those of Elmham 1 Bedwinus 2 Northbertus 3 Headulacus 734 4 Eadilfredus 5 Lanserthus 6 Athelwolfus 7 Alcarus 8 Sibba 9 Alherdus 10 S. Humbertus after whose death both Sees lay vacant for the space of 100. yeeres Dunwich 1 Acca 2 Astwolfus 3 Eadfarthus 4 Cuthwinus 5 Aldberthus 6 Aglafius 7 Hardulfus 8 Aelphunus 9 Thedfridus 10 Wer●undus 11 Wilredus the last Bishop of Dunwich 955 11 Astulphus Bishop of both Sees   12 Alfridus   13 Theodredus   14 Athelstan   15 Algarus 16 Alwinus   17 Alfricus 1038 18 Alifrejus   19 Stigandus tr to Winton 1043 20 Grinketell 1047 21 Ethelmar   22 Herfastus who removed the See to The●ford L. Chan.   23 Gul. Galsagus L. Chan. after whose death the Bishops See was removed to Norwich and his successours thence intituled Bishops of Norwich 1088 24 Herebert Losinga L. Chan. 1120 25 Everardus 1151 26 Gul. Turbus 1177 27 John Oxford 1200 28 John G●ey L. Chiefe Justice Vacat Annos 7. 1222 29 Pandulphus 1226 30 Tho. de Blundevi●le 1236 31 Radulphus Vacat Annos 3. 1239 32 Gul. Ralegh tr to Winton 1244 33 Walter de Sufeild 1253 34 Simon de Wantam 1268 35 Roger de Skerwing 1278 36 Gul. Middleton 1288 37 Radul Walpoole translated to Ely 1299 38 John Salmon L. Chan. 1325 39 Robert Baldock Lord Chancellour 1325 40 William Ayermyn Lord Keeper and L. Treas 1337 41 Ant de Beck   42 Gul. Bateman 1354 43 Tho. Percy * 1370 44 Henry Spencer 1408 45 Alexander 1413 46 Richard Courtney * 1416 47 John Wakering 1426 48 Gulielmus Alnwick translated to Lincoln 1436 49 Tho. Browne 1445 50 Walter Hart. 1472 51 James Goldwell principall Secretary 1499 52 Tho. Jan. 1500 53 Richard Nix 1536 54 Gul. Rugg alias Reppes 1550 55 Thomas Thirleby translated to Ely 1554 56 John Hopton 1560 57 John Parkhurst 1575 58 Edm. Freke translated to Worcester 1584 59 Edm. Scambler 1594 60 Gul. Redman 1602 61 John Jegon 1618 62 John Overall 1619 63 Sam. Harsnet tr to Yorke 1628 64 Fr. White Almoner tr to Ely 1632 65 Richard Corbet 1635 66 Matthew Wrenn Deane of the Chappell tr to Ely 1638 67 Richard Montague Bishop of Norwich died 1641. OXFORD and the Bishops there THe Bishoprick of Oxford is of new erection first founded by King Henry 8. and by him endowed out of the lands belonging to the late dissolved Monasteries of Abingdon and Osney It was before a part of the Dio●ese of Lincoln and being now made a Bishoprick had first the Abbey Church of Osney being some halfe a mile from Oxford for its Cathedrall Anno 1541. from whence it was removed to Oxford about five yeeres after That which is now the Cathedrall was anciently dedicated to Saint Frideswide but being by King Henry made the Bishops See was entituled christ-Christ-Church the Chapter there consisting of a Deane and eight Prebendaries by him also founded part of the lands which had been purchased or procured by Cardinall Wolsey for the indowment of his Colledge being allotted thereunto This Bishoprick was founded then An. 1541. and from that time unto the yeere 1603. when Doctor Bridges was made Bishop are 63 yeeres onely or there abouts of which it was kept vacant above 40 yeeres even almost all the long raigne of Queene Eliz●beth to the impoverishing of the Church before well endowed The Diocese containeth onely the County of Oxford and therein 195 Parish Churches of which 88. are impropriated It hath but one Arch-Deacon which is he of Oxford is valued in the Kings bookes 354. li. 16. s. 4. d. ob the Clergies tenth comming unto 255. li. 8. s. Bishops of Oxford A. Ch.     1541 1 Robert King last Abbat of Osney Vacat Ann. 10. 1567 2 Hugh Curwyn Vacat Ann. 20. 1589 3 John Underhill Vacat Ann. 11. 1603 4 John Bridges 1619 5 John Howson tr to Durhum 1628 6 Richard Corbet tr to Norwich 1632 7 John Bancroft died Bishop of Oxford Anno 1640. PETERBURGH and the Bishops there THe Bishoprick of Peterburgh is of new erection and taken also out of Lincoln as Oxford was The Cathedrall Church was anciently a Monastery the place or towne of old called Medeshamstede but on the building of the Abby-Church founded by Wol●her King of the Mercians Anno 633. and by him dedicated to Saint Peter it gained the name of Peterburgh This Church by him thus built was after ruined by the Danes and againe built and beautified by Ethetwoldus Bishop of Winton Anno 960 or there abouts upon whose mediation it was exceedingly liberally endowed by Edgar then King of England Adulph then Chancellour to that King giving unto it also his whole estate Thus it continued in a flourishing and faire estate untill King Henry dissolved it and having so dissolved it did by his Letters Patents make it a Bishops See and founded also here a Chapter consisting of a Deane and sixe Prebendaries The Diocese hereto allotted containeth the two Counties of Northhampton in the which Peterburgh standeth and Rutland and in them both 293. Parishes whereof 91. are impropriate It hath but one Arch-Deacon which is entituled of Northhampton is valued in the Kings bookes 414. li. 19. s. 11. d. the Clergy paying for their tenth 520. li. 16. s. 8. d. Bishops of Peterburgh A. Ch.     1541 1 John Chamber the last Abhat of Peterburgh 1557 2 David Poole 1560 3 Edm. Scamber tr to Norwich 1584 4 Richard Howland 1600 5 Thomas Dove 1630 6 Gul. Pie●s tr to Welles 1632 7 Augustine Lindsell tr to Heref. 1634 8 John Dee of Chichester 1638 9 John Towers Dean of Peterburgh now Bishop here 1639. ROCHESTER and the Bishops there THe Bishoprick of Rochester is the most ancient next to Canterbury of all in England a Bishops See being here erected by that S. Austin who first did preach the Gospel unto the Saxons Anno 606. which was about ten yeeres after his entrance into England The Cathedrall Church here first ●rected by Ethelbert King of Kent when it was first made a Bishops See and by him dedicated to Saint Andrew which growing ruinous and dedicated was afterwards repaired by Gundulp●us one of the Bishops of the same about the yeere 1080. This Bishoprick was anciently and a long time together in the immediate Patronage of the Arch-Bishop of Cauterbury who did dispose thereof as to them seemed best and so continued till under the pretence of free and capitular elections the Popes had brought all Churches into their owne hands However after this the Bishops of Rochester owed more then ordinary
Werstanus 918 15 Ethel●aldus   16 Sigelmus II. 934 17 Alfredus 940 18 Wulfeinus 958 19 Alfwoldus 978 20 Ethelricus   21 Ethelsius   22 Brithwinus 1009 23 Elmerus   24 Brinwin   25 Elfwoldus after whose death Hermannus who had be fore beene Bishop of Wilton and resigned that Church because the Monkes of Malmesbury would not give him leave to remove his See Episco pall unto their Abby was made Bishop of Sherborne and having joyned both Sees together did shortly after remove both to Salisbury of which himselfe and his successors were afterwards entituled Bishops of Wilton 905 1 Ethelstanus   2 Odo 934 3 Osulphus 970 4 Alsstanus 981 5 Alfgarus   6 Siricus tr to Cant. 989 7 Alfricus tr to Cant. 998 8 Brithwoldus 1045 9 Hermannus the last Bishop of Wilton Bishops of Salisbury   26 Hermannus the 26 Bishop of this Diocese and first that had his See at Sarum 27 S Osmundus L. Chan. 1107 28 Rogerus L. Chiefe Justice Lord Chan. and L. Treas 1139 29 Jocelinus Vacat sedes Ann. 4. 1189 30 Hubertus Walter tr to Cant. 1193 31 Herebertus Pauper 1●17 32 Richard Poore 1229 33 Robert Bingham 1247 34 Gul. Eboracensis 1256 35 Egidius de Bird-port 1263 36 Walter de la W●le 1274 37 Robert de Wike-hampton 1284 38 Walter Scammell 1287 39 Henry de Braundston 1289 40 Gul. de la Corner 1291 41 Nicolas Longespee * 1298 42 Simon de Gandavo 1315 43 Roger de Mortivall 1329 44 Robert Wivill 1375 45 Radulph Erghum tr to Welles 1388 46 John Waltam Master of the Rolls and L. Treas 1395 47 Richard Metford 1407 48 Nicolas Bubwith tr to Welles 1408 49 Rob. Hallam Card. Chan. Oxford 1417 50 John Chaundler 1427 51 Robert Nevill * 1438 52 Will. Aiscoth Clerk of the Coun. 1450 53 Richard Beauchamp first Chan. of the G. * 1482 54 Lionell Widdeville Chancel Oxford * 1485 55 Tho. Langton tr to Winton 1493 56 John Blythe Master of the Rolls Chan. of Cambridge 1500 57 Henry Deane tr to Cant. 1502 58 Edmund Audley * 1524 59 Laurence Campejus Card. 1535 60 Nicolas Shaxton 1539 61 John Salcot alias Capon 1559 63 John Juell 1571 64 Edm. Gheast Bishop Almoner 1578 65 John Piers Bishop Almoner tr to Yorke Vacat Ann. 3. 1591 66 John Coldwell Vacat Ann. 2. 1598 67 Henry Cotton 1615 68 Robert Abbot 1618 69 Martin Fotherby 1620 70 Robert Tonson 1621 71 John Davenant died Bishop of Salisbury 1641. WESTMINSER Bishops Deans and Abbats THe Bishoprick of Westminster as it related to the Saxons was of late erection and being so erected was of small continuance but anciently in the Britons time the Church there was the See for the Arch-bishop of London For whereas some had found in some Record that the Arch-Bishops See was planted in the Church of Saint Peter in Cornhill certaine it is that that was a mistake for Saint Peters in Thorney Now Thorney is the ancient name of that which is since called Westminster and being an ancient Saxon name was farre more likely to be meant by the first reporter then that of Cornehill which is meerely moderne But this Arch-Bishoprick being brought to nothing by the Saxons Sebert the first christned King of Essex erected here a Church where the former was and dedicated it unto Saint Peter as was that before which standing Westward of Saint Pauls was by the common people commonly called Westminster This Temple of King Seberts being in tract of time growne ruinous and almost de●erted Edward the Confessour againe rebuilt and liberally endowed and stored with Monkes by him removed hither from Exeter After King Henry 3. taking downe the fabrick of the Confessour erected it as now it standeth save that the Abbats much enlarged it towards the West and that King Henry 7. built that most goodly Chappell at the East end thereof The Abbats here had Archiepiscopall jurisdiction within their liberties and had the keeping of the Regalia and a chiefe service in the Coronation of the Kings of England and place in Parliament in all which rights save that of Parliament the Deanes now succeed them For when this Monastery which at the suppression was valued at 3977. li. was dissolved by King Henry 8. first he erected here a Deanrie Anno 1539. then added to the Deane a Bishop Anno 1541. Thi●leby the Bishop having delapidated all the Patrimo ny to his See allotted and robbed S. Peter to pay Paul as the saying is was removed to Norwich and so the Bishoprick determined having continued nine yeeres onely and Middlesex which was the Diocese thereof was restored to London Queene Mary afterwards brought in an Abbat and her foundation being dissolved by Queene Elizabeth the made it a Collegiate Church consisting of a Deane and 12. Prebendaries as it still continues The Bishop Deanes and Abbat of Westminster A Ch.     1539 1 Gul. Benson the last Abbat and first Deane 1541 2 Thomas Thirleby the one and onely Bishop of Westminster tr to Norwich 1550. 3 Richard Coxe Deane after Bishop of Ely 1553 4 Hugh Weston Deane 1556 5 John Fechnam Abbat 1560 6 Gul. Bill Deane 1561 7 Gabriel Goodman 1601 8 Lancelo● Andrewes after Bishop of Chichester c. 1605 9 Richard Neyle after Bishop of Rochester c. 1610 10 George Monteine after Bishop of Lincoln c. 1617 11 Robert Tonsou after Bishop of Sarum 1620 12 John Williams Lord Keeper Bishop of Lincoln and Deane of Westminster 1641. WINCHESTER and the Bishops there THe Bishoprick of Winchester Wintoniensis in the Latine is of good antiquity and never changed the See since the first foundation as all the rest have done in the South-West parts The City once the Regal seat of the West Saxon Kings The Cathedrall Church first founded and endowed by Kingil or Kinegilsus the first Christian K. of West-Sax who gave unto it all the land within seven miles of Winchester Kinelwalchin son unto this Kingil went forwards with his fathers fabricke ratified his donation and added to it amongst other things the Manors of Alresford Downten and Worthy The Church now standing was begun by Bishop Walkelin the worke pursued by his successors but yet not finished till the time of William de Wickham who built the greatest part of the West end thereof The Chappels on the East end beyond the Quire had their severall founders The whole Church dedicated first unto Saint Amphibalus then to Saint Peter after unto Saint Swithin once Bishop here and last of all unto the blessed Trinity as it still continues The Bishops here are Chancellours to the See of Canterbury and Prelates of the most noble order of Saint George called the Garter which office was first vested in them by King Edward 3. at the first foundation of that Order and hath continued to them even since They were reputed anciently to be Earles of Southampton and are so stiled in the new Statutes of the Garter made by Henry 8.
Walt. Maydestone 1317 47 Thomas Cobbam 1327 48 Adam de Orlton tr to Wint. 1333 49 Simon de Montacute * 1337 50 Tho. Hennyhall 1342 51 Wulstan de Brandford 1349 52 Joh. Thursby L. Ch. tr to Yorke 1352 53 Reginald Brian 1362 54 Joh Barnet L. Treas tr to Welles 1363 55 Gul. Wittlesey tr to Cant. 1368 56 Gul. de Lynne 1375 57 Henry de Wakefeild L. Treas 1395 58 Tideman de Winchcomb 1401 59 Rich. Clifford tr to London 1407 60 Tho. Peve●ell 1419 61 Phil. Morgan Chan. of Normandy tr to Ely 1426 62 Tho. Polton 1435 63 Tho. Bourchier tr to Ely * 1443 64 John Carpenter 1476 65 John Alcock L. Chan. tr to Ely 1487 66 Robert Morton 1497 67 John Gigles 14●9 68 Silvester Gigles 1521 69 Juliu● de Medices after Pope Cle●ent the 8. * 1522 70 Hieron de Nugutiis an Italian 1535 71 Hugh La●●mer 1539 72 John Bell. 1543 73 Nico● Heath displaced by King Edward 6. and the See put over in 〈◊〉 to Master Hooper Bishop of Glocester but restored after by Queene Mary 〈…〉 L. pres of Wales tr to Yorke 1554 74 Richard Pates 1599 75 Nich. Bullingham 1576 76 John Whi●gift Vice-President of Wales for Sir H. Sidney transl to Canterbu●y 1584 77 Edm. Freake 1593 78 Rich. Fletcher tr to London 1596 79 Tho. Bilson tr to Winton 1597 80 Gervase Babington 1610 81 Henry Parry 1617 82 John Thornborough now Bishop of Worcester 1641. THE SECOND PART OF THE CATALOGVE OF BISHOPS CONTAINING THE SVCCESSION of the Arch-Bishops and Bishops of the Province of YORKE Printed at London 1641. YORKE and the Arch-Bishops there YORKE is the ancientest Metropolitan See at this time in England so made at the first generall admittance of the Gospel in the time of Luctus the first Arch-Bishop by him here established named Sampson and he who held out last in the Britons time being called Tadiacus We have a constat onely of two more viz Taurinus and Pyrannus of all the rest no name or memory to be found amongst our writers On the conversion of the Saxons this See was by Pope Gregory designed to its former honour which not long after took e●●ect when as Paulinus was made Arch-Bishop of Yo●ke Anno 622. In which designment of the said Pope Gregory the Metropolitan of Yorke was to have as many Suffragan Bishops as he of London for there the See was to be placed by Pope Gregories order to either of them twelve apeece which if they ever were erected in this Northerne Province were certainly of meane estate not able to support the honour and consequently swallowed up by the greater Churches of Yorke and Durham which two were onely left here a long time together untill Carlile first was made a Bishopricke by K. Henry the first as Chester afterwards by K. Henry 8. But that which was the greatest addition to the Province of Yorke was the direct and Metropolitan jurisdiction which it claimed and had over all the Bishops of Scotland who did from hence receive their con●ecration and swore Canonicall obedience unto this See In this regard and that it was conceived that by Pope Gregories institution he of the two Arch-Bishops which was first confirmed should have precedencie over the other there grew a great contention there abouts betweene them and much recourse was made to the Court of Rome At last it was determined in favour of the See of Canterbury yet so that still it might he lawfull to the Arch-Bishop of Yorke to write himselfe Prim●te of England as the other taking to himselfe the stile of Primate of all England as it still continueth The next misfortune which besell the See and Metropolitan of Yorke was that the Bishops of Scotland did in fine withdraw themselves from his obedience and had Arch-Bishops of their owne This hapned whilest George Nevill was Arch-Bishop here who was advanced unto this See An. 1466. not above ninescore yeeres agoe and then upon pretence that in consideration of the many and most deadly warres betweene both Realmes the Metropolitan of Yorke could beare no fatherly affection to his sonnes of Scotland However the Archbishop still retaines his●wonted place having precedencie before all Dukes not being of the royall bloud as also before all the great Officers of state except the Lord Chancellour For the Cathedrall Church of Yorke it was first built or begun rather by King Edwyn King of the North-Humbers Anno 627. but finished by King Oswald who succeeded him and dedicated to Saint Peter But this of their foundation being destroyed by fire and by the fury of the Danes at the first entrance of the Normans that which now standeth was erected in the place thereof by Arch-Bishop Thomas the 25. of this See and after by degrees adorned and beautified by his successors The Diocese hereto belonging containeth in it the two Counties of Yorke and Nottingham and in them both 581 Parishes of which 336. are impropriations For government whereof it hath foure Arch-Deacons viz. of Yorke Cleveland East-riding and Nottingham This Bishoprick was at the first rated in the Kings bookes 2035. li. 14. s. 6. d. but now since the great diminution made by King Henry 8. 1609. li. 19. s. 2. d. And for the Clergy of the same their tenth amounteth unto 1113. li. 17. s. 9. d. ob q. To draw unto an end this See hath yeelded to the Church eight Saints to the Church of Rome three Ca●dinals unto the Realme of England twelve LL. Chancellours and two LL. Treasurers and to the North of England two Lord Presidents The Bishops write themselves in Latine Eboraunses of Eborum and are these that follow Arch-Bishops of Yorke A. Ch.     622 1 S. Paulinus died 644. Vacat Annos 20. 666 2 Cedda   3 Wilfridus   4 S. Bosa 687 5 S. John of Beverley 718 6 S. Wilfridus II. 731 7 S. Egber●us 767 8 Adelbertus 781 9 Eanbaldus 797 10 Eanbaldus II.   11 Wolsius 832 12 Wimundus 854 13 Wil●erus 897 14 Ethelbaldus   15 Lodewardus   16 Wulf●tanus 955 17 Oskitellus 972 18 Athelwaldus 972 19 S. Oswaldus 993 20 Aldulphus 1003 21 Wulfstanus II. 1023 22 Alfricus 1050 23 Kinsius 1061 24 Aldredus 1070 25 Thomas I. 1101 26 Girardus 1109 27 Thomas II. 1119 28 Thurstan 1141 29 Henry Murdac 1153 30 S. Gulielmus 1154 31 Rogerus Vacat sedes Annos 10. 1191 32 Geofr Plantagenet L. C●an * Vacat sedes Annos 4. 1217 33 Walter Grey L. Chan. 1256 34 S. S●wa●u● 1258 35 ●od●●ey ●e Kinton 1265 36 Walter ●iffard L. Chan. 1279 37 Gul. Wickwane 1285 38 John Romanus 1288 39 Henry de Newark 1299 40 Tho. Corbridge 1305 41 Gul. de Greenfeild L. Chan. 1317 42 Gul. de Melton L. Ch. L. Treas 1342 43 Gul. Zouche L. Treas * 1352 44 John Thursby L. Chan. 1373 45 Alexander Nevill 1388 46 Tho Arundel L. Chan. tr to Cant. * 1396 47 Robert Waldby 1397 48 Richard Scrope * 1406 49
Henry Bowet 1425 50 John Kemp L. Chan. tr to Cant. 1453 51 Gul. Boothe 1466 52 George Nevill L. Chan. * 1477 53 Lawrence Boothe 1480 54 Thomas Rotheram L. Chan. 1501 55 Thomas Savage 1508 56 Christopher Bambridge Card. 1515 57 Thomas Wolsey Card. L. Chan. 1531 58 Edward Lee. 1544 59 Robert Holgate Lord Pres. of the North. 1553 60 Nicolas Heath L. Chan. 1560 61 Tho. Young L. Pres. of the North. 1570 62 Edm. Grindall tr to Cant. 1576 63 Edwyn Sandys 1588 64 John Piers. 1594 65 Matthew Hutton 1606 66 Tobias Matthewes 1627 67 George Monteine 1628 68 Sam. Harsnet 1631 69 Richard Neyle who died Octob. 31. 1640. CARLILE and the Bishops there THe most of that which doth now make the Diocese of Carl●●e was in the infancie of the English Church as I conceive it part of the Diocese of Whit herne or Casa Candida in the Province of Galloway now reckoned as a part of Scotland but then a parcell of the Kingdome of the North-Humbers But when the Scots had mastred all those countries beyond Tweede and Solway the towne of Carlile with the County of Cumberland in the which it standeth were severed from that Diocese Carlile with 15. miles about it being bestowed upon S. Cutbert Bishop of Lindisfarne by Egfride King of the North-Humbers Anno 679 the residue of the Countty submitting to the jurisdiction of the Arch-Deacon of Richmond then being subordinate the See of Yorke Thus it contin●ed till the yeere 1133. what time a Bishops See was here first established and by that meanes another Suffragan Bishop ●dded to that Metropolitan The Cathedrall Church he●e had beene founded not long before by Walter Deputy of these parts for King William Rufus and by him dedicated to the honour of the blessed Virgin but finished and endowed by King Henry the first out of that wealth which the said Walter had amassed for that very purpose by the perswasion of Athulphus or Athelwolfus whom aft●rwards hee made the first Bishop there The Diocese containes the County of Westmorland and most part of Cumberland and therein onely 93. Parishes but those as all the Northerne are exceeding large and of them 18. are impropriate Arch-Deacon here was never any the jurisdiction being claimed by him of Richmo●d as anciently to him belonging The Bishoprick is valued in the Kings bookes 530 li. 4. s. 11. d. ob the Clergies tenth amounting onely unto 161. li. 1 s. 7. d. ob And yet this little See and so farre remote hath yeelde● to this Kingdome one Chancellour and two LL. Treasurers besides three Chancellours unto the University of Cambridge Bishops of Carlile A. Ch.     1133 1 Athelwolsus or Athelwardus   2 Bernardus died Anno 1186. Vacat sedes Ann. 32. 1218 3 Hugo 1223 4 Walt. Mau-Clerke L. Treas 1247 5 Silvester de Everdon L. Chan. 1255 6 Tho. Vipont * 1258 7 Rob. Chause 1280 8 Rad de Ireton 1288 9 John de Halton 1318 10 John de Rosse 1332 11 John de Kirkby 1353 12 Gilbert de Welton 1363 13 Tho. de Appleby 1396 14 Robert Reade 1397 15 Tho. Merkes 1400 16 Gul. Strickland 1419 17 Roger Whelpdale 1423 18 Will. Barrowe 1430 19 Marm. Lumley L. Ch and Ch. Ca. * 1450 20 Nith Close tr to Lich. 1452 21 Gul. Percy Chan. of Camb. * 1362 22 John Kingscore 1464 23 Richard Scrope * 1468 24 Edw. Storey Ch. of Camb. 1478 25 Rich. Dunelmensis 1496 26 Gul. Sever tr to Durham 1503 27 Roger Leibourne 1504 28 John Penny 1520 29 John Kite 1537 30 Robert Aldrich 1356 31 Owen Ogilthorpe 1561 32 John Best 1570 33 Rich. Barnes tr to Durham 1577 34 John Mey 1598 35 Henry Robinson 1616 36 Robert Snowdon 1620 37 Rich. Milborne 1624 38 Rich. Senhouse 1628 39 Francis White tr to Norwich 1629 40 Barnabas Potter now Bishop of Carlile 1641. CHESTER and the Bishops there THe Bishoprick of Chester as it is here to be considered is of new erection one of those founded by King Henry 8. whereof we spake before when we were in Bristol Anci●ntly it was in the Diocese of Lichfeild one of the Bishops of which Church removing his See hither Anno 1075. as to the more remarkable and noted place occasioned that his successours many times were called Bishops of Chester But being severed from that Diocese by King Henry 8. it was erected into an Episcopall See made up of the revenue and jurisdiction of the two Arch-Deaconries of Richmond and Chester of which the first had jurisdiction over Richmondshire and part of Cumberland the other over Lanca-shire and Chest-shire It was at first ●oundation ordained to be of the Province of Canterbury and that in the letters Patents of the ●oundation of the same 33. H. 8. But the King taking into minde as well the long distance of the same from the See of Canterbury as also that the Arch Bishop of Canterbury had a sufficient number of Suffragans before whereas the Arch-Bishop of Yorke had but onely two did in the Ianuary following by Act of Parliament annex the same for ever to the Province of Yorke 33. H. 8. c. 31. The Cathedrall Church here was once a Monastery founded by Leofricus once an Officiary Count in these parts and by him dedicated to Saint Wereberg but repaired beautified endowed and stored with Monkes by H●gh sirnamed Lupus the first Earle of Chester These Monkes being ejected by King Hen●● 8. he brought into their place a Deane and Prebendaries and made it of a Monastery a See Episcopall Whose Diocese containeth in the Counties before remembred 256 Parishes of which 101. are impropriations The Bishoprick is valued in the Kings bookes 42● li. 1. s. 8. d. and for a tenth unto the Crowne the Clergy pay the yeerely summe of 435. s. 12. The Bishops of Chester A. Ch.     1541 1 John Bird removed hither from Bangor 1556 2 John Cotes 1556 3 Cuthbert Scott 1561 4 William Downeham 1579 5 William Chadderton tr to Lincoln 1595 6 Hugh Biller 1597 7 Ri●h Vaughan tr to London 1604 8 George Lloyde 1616 9 Tho. Morton tr to Lichfeild 1618 10 John Bridgeman now Bishop of Chester 1641. DURHAM and the Bishops there THe Bishops See now fixed in Durham was first placed in Lind●●arne a little Iland on the Sea-coast of Northumberland and there placed by the first Bishops of this Northerne region because of the primacie and solitude thereof which made it thought more fit and proper for devotion But both the Bishop and his Monkes being driven from thence by the mercilesse furie of the Danes who here raged extremely about the yeere of Christ 800. they wandred up and downe from place to place for 200. yeeres not finding any place where they might repose themselves in safety till in the end they sate them downe in Durham Anno 990. or there abouts where it hath ever since continued The Church here dedicated to Saint Cuthbert the 6. Bishop of Lindisfarne a man
which our Soveraigne Lord now reigning conferred that title on 1628 1 Rob. L. Dormer of Wing created E. of Carnarvon 4. Car. Aug. 2. now living Anno 164● CHESTER CHester is the principall City of Cheshire antiently part of the Cornavii The Country not so plentifull in corne as in fish and cattell but fruitfull in no one thing more than the production of ancient Gentry of which it can still shew more antient Families than any one County in the Kingdome The City built in form of a quadrant fouresquare is enclosed with a wall that taketh up more than 2 miles in compasse and hath 11 Parishes the houses being very faire and well built and having all along in the chief streets before the doors a kind of galleri● through which a man may walk dry from one end to the other Seated it is upon the river of Dee on which to shew his splendor and magnificen●e K. Edgar was once rowed by 7 petie ●ings of the Scots and Britans to the great joy of the beholders The Earles hereof were anciently accounted Palatines William the Conquerour giving this Earldome to Hugh Lupus a noble Norman to be holden as fre●ly by his sword as the King himselfe held England by his own And though it be now and hath long beene incorporated into the Patrimony regall yet it still holds the rights and privileges of a County Palatine and hath for the administration thereof a Chamberlaine a Iustice for the Common● plees of the Crown two Barons of the Exchequer a Sheriffe an Eschetour and other Officers to the great case of all the countryin expedition of their businesse The Palatines hereof before it came into the Crown are these here following Earles of CHESTER 1067 1 Hugh sirnamed Lupus 1103 2 Richard son of Hugh     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1120 3 Randolph de Meschines 1129 4 Randolph de Gernoniis 1153 5 Hugh Kivilioc son of Randolph 1181 6 Randol Blondeville son of Hugh     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1233 7 Iohn le Scot sonne to the Lady Maud eldest sister of Randolph     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1245 8 Edw. eldest son of K H. 3.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1255 9 Simon de Montford Earle of Leicester after whose death Chesler was laid unto the Crowne and hath beene since united to the Principality of Wales so that who list to see the residue of the Earles of Chester shall find them in the former Catalogue of the Princes of Wales which have beene of the Royall bloud of England CHESTERFEILD CHesterfield is a town of Darbysh commonly called Chester●eild in Scardale A towne which by the ruines of it doth seem to be of good antiquity and therefore likely to have had some more ancient name which seemes to be now buried in those ruines or by continuance of time quite worne out and lost It glorieth much of being made a free Burrough in the time of K. Iohn and for the battaile fought hard by between K. Henry the 3 and his rebellious Barons in which Rob. de Ferrers Earle of Darby being taken prisoner lost his Estate and Dignity though not his life But that in which it hath most cause to glory is that from an ordinary Market Town it is become the seate of an Earldome the stile and title of Earle of Chesterfeild being conferred by our dread Soveraigne now being upon 1628 1. Philip Lord Stanhop of Shelford or Earle of Chesterfeild 4 Car. Aug. 4 and is now living Anno 1640. CLARE CLARENCE CLare is an ancient Town on the edge of Suffolk where it joyneth to Essex seated not far off from the banks of the river Stoure by which the Counties are divided A Town that hath not any thing whereof to boast the Castle and the Collegiall Church being both in rubbish but that it gave both name and title unto that noble Family si●named De Clare who in their times were Earles of Hartford Clare and Gloucester But the male issue of these Clares being failed Lio●el the 3 sonne of K. Edw. the 3. having married the sole daughter and heire of William de Burgh E. of Vlster in Ireland begotten on the body of Elizabeth one of the sisters and coheires of Gilbert de Clare who died Anno 1291 the last E. of Clare and Glocester of that name was made Duke of Clarence the termination of the title being only changed not the place denominating And from the change thus made which I note only by the way the second king of Armes is surnamed Clarentieux as apperteining formerly to the Dukes of Clarence whom with the Earles preceding and succeeding take in order thus Dukes and Earles of Clarence 1139 1 Gilbert E. of Clare 1152 2 Roger de Clare 1174 3 Richard de Clare after whose death this title lay long drowned in that of Gloucester     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1362 4 Lionel D. of Clarence 2 son to K. Edw. the 3.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1411 5 Tho. D. of Clarence 2 son to K. H. the 4. L. Admirall     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1461 6 Geo. D. of Clarence brother to K. Edw. the 4 L Constable     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1624 7 Iohn Hollys Lord Houghton cr E. of Clare Com. Suffolk 22. Iac. Nov. 2. 1638 8 Iohn Hollys now Earle of Clare 1641. CLEVELAND CLeveland is a wapon-take or hundred in the northriding of York-shire taking that name as Camden tels us of the steepe banks which we call Clyffes which run all along the side thereof and at the foot of which the Countrey spreadeth into a plaine ful of fertile fields It seemeth to be a place of a faire extent as being one of those 3 Arch-deaconries into which the whole County is divided and doth give the title of an Earle to 1625 1 Thomas L. Wentworth created E. of Cleveland 1 Car. Feb. 7. who doth still enjoy it An. 1641. CORNWALL COrnwall is the most western part of England and takes denomination from the shape and fashion of it being like an horne which the old Britans called Kern as now the Welch call the countrey Kernaw The people of it are a remainder generally of the antient Britans whose language for much of it they do still retaine although by intermixture of the Saxons not easie to be understood by the Welch themselves The Countrey very mountainous as Wales is also and therefore of the lesse accesse to the Conquering Saxons but the sea-costs well beautified with goodly townes able to set to Sea a good Fleet of shippes And for the mountaines they doe recompence their defects without by their abundant wealth within as being very full of mines of tinne which yeelds great profit to the Countrey and furnisheth most parts of Christendome with that commodity The Earles of Cornwall heretofore gave great immunities and liberties to those that laboured in these mines and when this Earldome fell again unto the Crown Edw. the 3 erected a L. Warden of the Stannaries to have the government thereof And at that time of its reverting to the Crown
of graine plentifull in saffron wel wooded and wel watred also that not only by the Sea and the River of Thams which washeth all one side thereof but with faire and fresh and fishful Rivers which do afford no smal commodity unto it The greatest want it hath is of sweet fresh aire those parts thereof which lye along upon the Thames which they call the hundreds being very aguish and unhealthy This County conteineth in it 415 Parish Churches whereof 21 are Market Townes of which Colchester is farre the richest fairest and best traded Yet in regard it standeth in the extremity of all the Countrey the Sessions and Assisses are held most commonly at Chelmesford which is almost in the middle of it But it is time to leave the Countrey and come unto The Earles of Essex   1 Geofrey de Mandeville   2 Geofrey de Mand. 1166 3 Wil. de Mand. 1199 4 Geof Fitz-Piers L. Ch. Iustice. 1213 5 Geof de Mand. 1216 6 Wil. de Mand.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1228 7 Humfrey de Bohun E of Hereford who married Maud sister and heire of Wil. de Mand. 1234 8 Humf. de Bohun L. Con.   9 Humf. de Bohun L.C. 1298 10 Humf. de Bohun L.C. 1322 11 Iohn de Bohun L.C. 1336 12 Humf. de Bohun 1361 13 Humf. de Boh. L.C. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1461 14 H Visc. Bourchier L. Ch. L. T. * 1483 15 Hen. Visc. Bourchier *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1539 16 Tho. L. Cromwell *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1543 17 W.L. Parre Marq. of Northamp *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1572 18 Walt. d'Evreux L Ferrars descended by the Bourchiers from the Bohuns * 1576 19 Rob. d'Evreux master of the horse B. Marsh and Ch. of Cam. * 1604 20 Rob. d'Evreux now E. of Essex 1641. EXETER EXeter is now the chiefe City of Devonshire as heretofore of the Danmonii by Ptolomy called Isca and so by Antonine but that the Copies are mistaken in which instead of Isca Danmoniorum we read Isca Dunmoriorum A faire and goodly Town it is seated upon the Easterne banke of the river Ex from whence it had the name of Excester In circuit it conteines within the wals about a mile and a halfe besides the suburbs which every way stretch out to a great length and in that circuit there are numbred 15 Parish Churches besides the Cathedrall The whole enviro●ed with deep ditches and very strong wals having many towrs therin very well disposed and yet the animosity of the inhabitants is a greater strength unto it than the wals or ditch●s whereof they have given notable proofe in these later times But for that I refer you to the common Chronicles and now present you with the Dukes Marq. and Earles of Exeter 1389 1 Iohn Holland E of Huntingdon made D. of Exeter by K. Rich. 2. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1416 2 Tho. Beaufort E of Dorser L Ch. And Adm. made D. of Exeter by K. H. the 5.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1444 3 Iohn Holland D.L. Adm. * 1474 4 Hen. holland D.L. Adm.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1525 5 Hen. Courtney E. of Devonsh cr Marq. of Exeter by K. H the 8. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1605 6 Tho Cecill L. Burleigh cr E. of Exeter 3 Iac. May 4. * 1623 7 Wil Cecill 1639. * 1640 8 David Cecill now E. of Exeter 1641. FLINT F●intshire is one of the old shires of Northwales and though augmented somewhat by K. H. the 8. what time the March-ground was appropriated unto severall shires for which see 37. H. c. 26. Yet it is still the lest of all as not containing above 2● Parishes and of them only one market town The Countrey not so mounteinous as the rest of Wales exceedingly well furnished both with corne for men and grasse for cattell of which it hath good store for number though for bulke but litle It tooke denomination from the Castle of Flint begun by H. 2 but finished by K. Edw 1 for a goodfence against the Welch This Country hath been always held to bee an appendant on that of Chester and doth ad gladium Cestriae pertinere as the old books ●ay but both united now unto the principality of Wales Edward of Windsore eldest son of K. Edw. 2 was summoned by his father to the Parliament by the name of E. of Chester and Flint since which it hath continued as a title in the Princes of Wales and there you shall be sure to find who were Earles of Flint GLOCESTER GLocester●shire antiently was part of the possessions of the Dobuni A fruitful and a pleasant Countrey being honoured with a full course of the river of Severne and the originall or fountaine of the River of Thames That part thereof which is beyond the Se●erne is overspread with woods all which included in one name make the Forrest of Deane That part that butteth upon Oxfordshire is swelled up with hils called the Cotswold hils but these even covered as it were with sheep which yeelds a wooll of notable finenes●e hardly inferiour to the best of England Between those two is seated a most fruitfull Vale fruitfull to admiration of all kindes of graine and heretofore of Vine● and Vineyards the want of which is now supplied by a drink made of Apples called Syder which here they make in great abundance In this so fruitfull Vale stands the City of Glocester denominating all the Countrey and taking name from the old Glevum herein placed by Antonine for Gleaucester the Saxons stiled it A fine and neate city I assure you t is daintily seated on the Severne with a large Keye or wharse on the bankes thereof very commodious to the Merchandise and trade of the place The streets are generally faire and the town well built And which addes no smal lustre to it Richard the 3 once Duke hereof by laying unto it two of the adjacent hundreds made it a County of it selfe calling it the County of the City of Glocester A City finally it is as worthy to denominate so rich a Countrey as is the Countrey to give title to those eminent persons that in their severall times and ages have been the Dukes and Earles of Glocester 1100 1 Rob. base son of K. H. 1. E. 1147 2 William     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1188 3 Iohn sans Terre son to K H. the 2 who married Isabel daughter and coheire of Wil. E. of Gloce.     ✚ ✚ ✚   4 Geof de Mandeville E. of Essex 2. husband of Isabel.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1216 5 Abmeric de Evreux son of Mabell another coheire of E. Wil.     ✚ ✚ ✚   6 Gilbert the Clare son of Amice another of the Coheires 1230 7 Rich. de Clare 1262 8 Gilb. de Clare who married Ioane of Acres daughter to K. Edw. 1.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1297 9 Ralph de Monte Hermer 2 husband of Ioane of Acres     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1314 10 Gilb. de Clare son
E. of Kingston upon Hull 4. Car. Iuly 25 who is now living Ann● 1641. LANCASTER LAncashi●e or the County Palatine of Lancaster was heretofore a part of the Brigants and lieth upon the Irish●ea ●ea to the North of Ch●shire The ground accounted not so fert●le as in other places fitter for oates and such leane corne than wheate or barley And yet it is observed with all that in t●ose parts thereof in which the husbandman is not wanting to it in cost and labour that there it yeldeth corne in a very good measure The ayre ther●of may seem to be very healthfull and one would easily co●jecture so by the complexion of the people which ar● faire and beautifull And yet the Country is not much inhabited as in the n●ighbouring shires about them there being in so large a quantity of ground as this shire con●aines not above 36 Parishes though indeed many Chappel● of Ease equall to P●rishes elsewhere for multitudes of people It takes name from the Town of Lancas●e● or more truly L●ncaster seated upon the banks of the river L●nc whence it had the name the Saxons adding Ceaster as in other places for the ●ermination The Town not very well peopled nor much frequented and yet of that authority and credit that it gives name to all the County and hath obteined this priviledge from K. Edw. the 3 that the Sessions and Assises should be held in no other place What Lords and Governours it had in the former times we regard not here The first time it became an Earldome was when K. H. 3 conferred that title on his 2 son Edm. and it was destin●te to greatnesse in the first foundation there being layed unto it at the ve●y first besides this County the whole con●iscated estates of the E●rles of Leices●er and Darby and the B●rony of Monmouth And into this by marriages accrewed in time the great estates of Wil. de Fortibus E. of A●merl● and Lord of Holdernesse 〈◊〉 and other goodly lands in Frances the Earldome of Lincoln and good part of that of Salisbury the Lorships of Ogmore and Kidwelly in Wales which were once the Chaworths Iohn of Ga●nt a d●d hereunto the Castles and Honours of Hertford and Thickhill and his son B●lling broke a moyetie of the lands of ●ohun being ● of Here●ord Essex and Northampton so that it was the greatest patrimony as I verily thinke of any subject Prince in Christendome Lancaster finally was made a County Palatine by K Edward the 3 and hath been hounoured with the●e Dukes and Earles of Lancaster 1267 1 Edm. ●lantagenet 2 son of K Hen. the 3 E. of Lanc. 1295 2 Tho. Plantagenet 1324 3 Hen. Planta 1345 4 Hen. Planta first D of L.   ✚ ✚ ✚ 1361 5 Iohn of Gaunt son of K. Edw. the 3 married the La. Blanch daughter of H. D. of Lanch ●399 ● Hen. of Bullingbroke son of Iohn of Gaunt after K. of Eng. by whom this County Palatine and all the lands and honors belonging and incorporate into the Dutchy of Lancaster were brought unto the Crown of Eng. though governed as an Estate apart then by its proper Officers as it continued til the time of K. Edw. the 4 who did appropriate it to the Crown and dissolved the former government thereof to which it was restored again by K. H. 7 and so still remaineth under the guidance of the Chancellor and other Officers of the same LEICESTER LEicester-shire is a part of the Coritani and ●ooke that name from Leicester the chiefe town thereof a town indifferent large and of a reasonable handsom building and as wel●raded as most inland towns that want as this the benefit of a navigable river It had once a very faire Collegiate Church within it a faire Abbey close unto 〈◊〉 and a strong Castle therewithall but all these the iniquity and inju●y ●f time hath ruined Only the Hospitall of all the antient edifices stands still undefaced As for the Countrey hence denominated it beares corne good pl●nty but is bare of woods the want of which is well supplyed with pit-coale with which the North part of the Country doth store al the rest It cō●eineth in the whole 200 Parishes and of them 12 are market Towns the biggest as in bulke being Leicester so in title too as that which hath beene honored even before the ●onquest with the stile and reputation of an Earldome and hath continued it till now in the names and families of these Earles of Leicester 1057 1 Algar the Saxon.   2 Edwyn died 1071.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1103 3 Rob. de Bellomont 1118 4 Rob. de Bellomont 1167 5 Rob. de Beaumont L. S●ew 1190 6 Rob. de Beaum. L. high Stew.     ✚ ✚ ✚   7 Simon de Montf married Amicia sister and coheire to the last E. Ro. E. of Lei. and L high Stew. 1239 8 Simon de Mont. L. high St●w     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1267 9 Edm. E. of Lanc. L. high Stew. 1295 10 ●ho E. of Lanc. L. high St●w 1324 11 Hen. ● of Lanc. L. high Stew. 1345 12 Hen. D. of Lanc. L. high Stew. ✚     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1360 13 Wil of Bavaria E. of Heinalt married the La. Maud of Lanc.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1361 14 Io. of Gaunt D. of Lan. L. Stew. ✚ 1399 15 Hen. D. of Lanc. L. high Stew. ✚     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1564 16 Rob. Dudley L. Denbigh L. S. and of the house to Q. E. died 1588. ✚ 1618 17 Rob Sidney Vise Li●le descended of a sister of the last Rob. E. of Leicest was by K. Iames cr E. of Leic. Aug. 2.   18 Robert Sidney now Earle of Leices Ambassadour extraordinary with the K of France Anno 1641. LINCOLN LIncoln-shire antiently belonged to the Core●ani A very large and spacious Countrey extending almost 60 miles in length and some 30 in breadth within which compasse are included 630 Parish Churches and of them 30 market Towns It is accounted very kindly ground for the yeeld of corn and feeding of cattell and furnished in the lower part thereof with good store of fowle which from hence are conveied to London in great abundance It takes name from the principall City by Ptolomy and Antonin● called Lindum and after by the Saxons Lind●colline either because it stands on so high an hill from the Latine Collis or that it had been formerly some Roman Colony A Town of great renown and strength in the times of the Britans and in the Normans time as saith William of Malmesbury it was one of the best peopled Cities of England a place of merchandise and traffick for al commers both by sea and land insomuch that 〈◊〉 then Bishop of Dorc●s●er thought fitting to translate hither his Episcopall see From this opinion it then had first began the Proverb that Lincoln was London is c. The Bishops of Lincoln what and how they were we have seen already We will now look a while on the Ea●les of Lincoln ●140
cr E. of Norwich a Car. Aug. 24. Mort sans issue masle NOTTINGHAM NOttinghamsh antiently was a part of the Coritani well watred with the river of Trent and many other pleasant streames The people generally divide it into the sand and the clay that being the E. part taking up the forrest of Sherwood famous for Rob. Hood and his companions this being the South and Eastern part more fruitfull and more fit for corne and throughout well furnished both with wood and coale It conteineth in it 168 Parishes of which the chiefe and that from whence the shire takes name is Nottingham A Town well seated on the Trent though very high up on an hill which overlookes it for buildings and faire streets and a spatious market place not giving way to many Cities But that which gave the greatest ornament unto it was indeed the Ca●●le a Royall and magnificent building which for strength statelinesse and command of prospect may justly challenge the precedency of the best in Eng. Of Mortime●s hole there who was hence haled to his executiō and of the long imprisonment which David K. of Scots here suffred the people are as good as a common Chronicle and intermixe too not afew Fables with the truth of story But that which we have good record for without fraud or fiction is that it hath af●orded in successive Ages these Lords and Earles of Nottingham   1 Wil. Peverell L. of the honour of Nottingham   2 Wil. Peverell L.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1141 3 Rob. de Ferrers married Margar. daughter of Wil. Peverell     ✚ ✚ ✚   4 Iohn after K. of Eng.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1377 5 Iohn L. Mowbray 1382 6 Tho. Mow. E. Mar. after D. of Nor. 1400 7 Tho. Mow. E. M. and D. N. 1405 8 Iohn Mow. E. M. and D N. * 1432 9 Iohn Mow. E. M. and D. N. * 1461 10 Iohn Mow. E. M and D. N. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1475 11 Rich. D. of York 2 son of K Edw. 4 married the La. Anne sole child of Iohn D of Norf. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1483 12 Wil. L. Berkley descended from the L Isab. daugh of Tho. 1 D. of Nor. E. of Nott. 1597 13 Charles L. How of E●●ing L. Adm. de●cended by the house of Nor. from the Mow.   14 Charles How now E. of Nottin Anno 1641. OXFORD OXford-shire is a part of the Dobuni situated North-ward of the Thames which parteth it all along from Berkshire A plentifull and fruitfull Countrey wherein the plaines are garnished with cornefields and meadows the hils well covered with woods and the downes with sheep and wanting in no kind of pleasure which either hawke or hound can afford a Gentleman It conteines in it being no great circuit 270 Parish Churches and 10 market townes the chiefe of which in name and beauty giving denomination to the County is the famous City and Vniversity of Oxford A faire and goodly City both for site and building whether one look on the magnificence of the publique structures or the compacted uniformity of private houses And sure it may be said without immodesty and heard without dislike or envy that for the statelinesse of the Schooles and publique Library the bravery and beauty of particular Colledges all built of faire and polished stone the liberall endowments of those houses and notable incouragements of industry and learning in the salary of the Professors in most Arts and Sciences it is not to be parallelled in the Christian world and for the number of her studens and the well ordering of those Students by good laws and ordinances not to be equalled by any but her sister Cambridge From whence it had the name of Oxford is adhuc sub judice whether of Vadum Isidos the ford of Ouse or Isis on whose banks it stands and so called Ousford or Vada boum the ford of Oxen as the Greeks had their Bosphori in former times I determine not Suffice it that this name is very antient and that it antiently hath beene an Vniversity or seat of learning in which respect it hath co-evity with that of Paris if not priority above it as being refounded by K. Alf●ed Anno 806 after it had been overborne a while by the Danish fury Colledges it conteine●h in all 18. Hals for students 6 and about 13 Paris● Churches It is moreover a see 〈◊〉 and it hath withall received no small honour from the noble 〈◊〉 of the Veres who now for 20 generations 〈◊〉 been Earles of Oxford 1067 1 Edgar Atheling     ✚ ✚ ✚   2 Aubrey de Ver● L. high Chamb. 1146 3 Aubrey de Vere L. high Ch. 1214 4 Rob. de Vere L. high Ch. 1233 5 Hugh de Vere L. high Ch. 1263 6 Rob. de Vere L. high Ch. 1295 7 Rob de Vere L. high Ch. 1331 8 Iohn de Vere L. high Ch. 1358 9 Tho. de Vere L high Ch. 1310 10 Rob. de Vere D. of Ireland 1393 11 Aubrey de Vere 1400 12 Rich. de Vere * 1415 13 Iohn de vere 1462 14 Iohn de Vere L. high Ch. * 1512 15 Iohn de Vere L. high Ch. 1526 16 Iohn de Vere * 1539 17 Iohn de Vere L. high Ch. 1562 18 Edw de Vere L. high Ch. 1604 19 Hen. de Vere L. high Ch. 1624 20 Rob. de Vere 1632 21 Aubrey de Vere now Earle of Oxon 1641 PEMBROKE PEmbrok-shire was inhabited of old by the Dimetae a Countrey quite surrounded by the Sea save where it joyneth unto Cardigan and Carmarthen shires A Countrey plentiful in corne and Cattell not destitute of pit-coale and which is far above the rest as Giraldus tels us considering that it is so neare to Ireland of a temperate and wholesome Aire It conteines in it 140 Parish Churches and 5 Markets that which is most of note being Milford renowned for its safe and capacious haven But that from which it takes denomination is the town of Pembrok seated upon a forked arme of Milford haven and in the best part of all the Countrey A town consisting principally of one long street on a long narrow point of rock and hath within the wals there of two Churches The Earles hereof in former times were County Palatines and passed al things that concerned that County under the seale of the Earldom And it continued so untill the reigne of H. 8. when as Wales was reduced to England and the authority of the great Lords there dissolved by Parliament Since which the Earles of Pembrok have been meerely titular as of other places and of each sort were these in their severall Ages the Marq. and Earles of Pembrok 1139 1 Gilb. de Calre 1149 2 R●c de Clare sirnamed Strongbow     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1199 3 Wil. Mar. married Isabel daughter and heire of Rich Strongbow 1219 4 Wil. Marsh and L. chiefe Iustice. 1231 5 Ric. Marsh. 1234 6 Gilb. Marsh. 1242 7 Walt. Marsh. 1245 8 Anselm Marsh.     ✚ ✚ ✚
1247 9 William de Valence halfe brother to King Henry the 3 whose wife was daughter of a sister of Ans. Marshall 1296 10 Aymer de Valence     ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ 1341 11 Lawrence Hastings who married the Lady Isabell de Valence 1348 12 Iohn Hastings * 1373 13 Iohn Hastings     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1414 14 Humf. D. of Glocester     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1447 15 Wil. de la Pole D of Suff.     ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ 1452 16 Iasp. of Hatfeild half brother to K. H. 6 after D. of Bedf. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1468 17 Wil Herbert * 1469 18 Wil. Herbert   ✚ ✚ ✚ 1479 19 Edw. Prince of Wales son of K. Edw. 4.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1532 20 Anne Bolen Marchionesse of Pemb. wife of K. H. 8.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1551 21 Wil. Herb. L. Steward crea E. of Pemb. by K. Edw. 6. * 1570 22 Hen. Herbert * 1601 23 Wil. Herb. L. Steward and Chan. of Oxon. * 1630 24 Philip Herb. now E. of Pembrok and Montgom and L. Chamberlaine 1641. * PETERBVRGH OF Peterburgh as it is an Epi●copall see we have spoke already and have not much to adde of it as it hath the title of an Earldom It standeth in the very nooke or angle of Northampton-shire where formerly had been a gulfe or whirle poole of exceeding depth but made firme ground by Wolpher K. of the Mercians when with great paines and diligence he laid the foundation of the Church A Town but for the Church of no great note as standing out of the way for trade and traffick and seated in no plausible place whether one look to health or pleasure Yet by occasion of the Abbey in the former times and now by reason of the Bishop there it drawes resort of people for dispatch of businesse hath a large marketplace a faire Parish Church and 2 handsome streets Of late unto the Ecclesiasticall relation of it is joyned an honourary it pleasing he Kings Majesty that now is to create 1627 Iohn L. Mordant E. of Peterburgh 3 Car. March 9. who now enjoyes that title Anno 1641. PORTLAND POrtland was once a little Island but now adjoyneth to the mainland of Dorset-shire lieth full against the good town of Weymouth and seemes to take th●s name from Port a noble Saxon who about the yeare 703 infested and annoyed these Coasts and made here his station It is not above 7 miles in compasse and very scatteringly inhavited but plentifull enough of corne and good for pastures On the East side it hath a Church on the North a Castle which seems to guard the entrance of Weymouth haven But however it was in former times it is now remarkable it gave and gives the stile of Earle 1632 1 Richard Lord Weston L. high T● created Earle of Portland Feb. 15. 8 Car. 1635 2 Hier. Weston now E. of Portland Anno 1641. RICHMOND RIchmond-shire is no County of it selfe but a part of York-shire lying towards the North-west with rugged rocks and swelling mountaines whose sides in some places beare good grasse the bottomes underneath not being unfruitfull and in the hils themselves are found good mines of lead and pit-coale The chiefe Town of the whole is Richmond of a small circuit in the wals but by reason of the Suburbs lying out in length very well peopled and frequented A Town first built by Alane E. of Bretagne the first E. here after the entrance of the Normans who fenced it with a wall and a most strong Castle the better to assure these parts against the English and having finished the same according to his own content gave it the name of Richmount as a place equally participating of strength and beauty It standeth on the banks of the river of Swale which with a mighty noise runneth underneath it A River reputed very sacred by antient English for that in it Paul●nus the first Archb. of ●orke baptized in one day above 100●0 men besides women and children The Earles of Bretagne for a long time together continued in the title and possession of this Cou●trey Since it hath been bestowed upon other Families who in their severall times have been adorned with the stile of Dukes and Earles of Richmond   1 Alan the Red E. of Bretagne 1093 2 Alan the black E. of Breta   3 Steph. E. of Bret. 1104 4 Alan E. of Bret. 1166 5 Conan D. of Bret.     ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ 1170 6 Geof Plantag son of K. H. 2 married Const. daught of Conan 1186 7 Arthur the son of Geof     ✚ ✚ 1201 8 Guido Visc. of Touars 2 husband of Constance     ✚ ✚ ✚   9 Randolph of Chester 2 husband of Constance     ✚ ✚ ✚   10 Peter of Dreux D. of Bret.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1241 11 Pet. of Savoy unckle to Qu. Eleon wife of H. 3.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1268 12 Iohn de Dreux D. of Bret. 1305 13 Iohn de Dreux D. of Bret.   14 Iohn de Bret. E. of Richm. 1334 15 Iohn de Dreux D. of Bret.   16 Iohn de Montf D. of Richm.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1341 17 Iohn of Gaunt after D. of Lanc.     ✚ ✚ ✚   18 Iohn de Montf sirnamed the valiant D. of Bret. and E. of Rich.     ✚ ✚ ✚   19 Ralph Nevill E. of Westm. cr E. of Rich for term of life *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1425 20 Iohn D. of Bedford *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1452 21 Edm. of Haddam halfe brother to K. H 6.   22 Hen. E. of Rich. after K. of Eng.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1525 23 Hen. Fitz-Roy base son of H. 8. D. of Rich. and Somerset L. Adm. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1613 24 Lodow. D. of Lennox crea E. of Richm. 11 Iac. Oct. 9. and after D. of Rich. 1623 May L. Stew. RIVERS THe title of Earle Rivers is of different nature from all the rest of England those being locall that of E. Marsh. excepted and this nominall those taking their denomination from some speciall place and this from an illustrious Family The antient name was Redve●s or de Ripariis thence it came to Rivers At first they were but Barons of Plimpton in the County of Devon after they came to bee Earles of Devonsh which title 8 of them enjoyed successively and then the masculine issue failing the name and patrimony both were lost amongst the females or heires generall From some of these as I conjecture came S. Rich. Woddeville whom first K. H. 6. advanced unto the honourable title of L Rivers and after Edw. 4. marrying his daughter advanced him higher and made him E. Rivers Which title ending in the 3 E. of this name and Family was since again revived in the honourable houses of Darcy and Savage this last deriving a descent hereto by the line of Worcester Huntington from one of the daught and coheires of the first E. Rivers whom and his successors
take in order thus 1466 1 Rich Woodville L. Tr. and L. Con. father of Qu. Eliz. wife of Edw. 4 1469 2 Ant. Wood. 1483 3 Rich. Wood.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1626 4 Tho. L. Darcy Visc. Colch cr E. ●●vers 2 Car. Nov. 4. 1639 5 Iohn Savage son of Tho. Visc Sav. and Eliz. his wife eldest daught and one of the coheires of Tho. E. Riv. by vertue of a speciall entaile in the said creation succeeded him in the titles of Earle Rivers and Visc. Colchester is now living 1641. RVTLAND RVtland for quantity is the least Country of Eng. for quality not inferior to the very best as being a pleasant and fruitfull Countrey especially about the vale of Catmosse The earth thereof is generally very red of colour so red that even the fleeces of the ●heep are coloured with it in which regard it had the name of Rudland the Saxons calling that Rud which we now call Red as we retaine the use of Ruddy still in the selfe-same sence Heretofore it was reckoned for a part of Northampton-sh not made a County till of late and now again is laid unto Northampton-sh the better to make up a Diocesse for the see of Peterburgh It contineth in it but 48 Parish Churches in the whole the chiefe of which are Vppingham and Oakham two small market towns of which the last is the shire town for the Assises Sessions and all publique businesses Yet small and little though it be can shew the seats and titles of 4 Parliamentary Barons and besides that hath honored many a noble person with the name and title of Earles of Rutland 1390 1 Edw. Planta eldest son of Edm. of Langley D. of York *     ✚ ✚ ✚   2 Edm. Plantage 2 son of Rich. D. of York     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1525 3 Tho. Mannours L. Roos descended by the La Anne his mother from the said Rich D. of York cr E. of Rutland by K. H. 8. * 1543 4 Hen. Man * 1563 5 Edw. Man * 1586 6 Iohn Mann 1587 7 Rog. Man 1612 8 Franc. Man 1632 9 Geor. Man 1641 41 Iohn Man now Earle of Rutland 1641. SALISBVRY SAlisbury is the chiefe City of Wil●sh antiently called Sorbio●unum which name it held untill the entrance of the Saxons who gave new names and laws to all parts of Eng. ●t was at first seated high upon an hill as being a place designed for strength and war yet honored for a while with a Bishops see and a faire Cathedrall But the Bishops and the Clergy finding no good quarter amongst the Souldiers which were there in garrison and being destitute of water on so dry an hill about the time of Rich. 1 began to leave it and plant themselves down lower by the water side Being once setled there and raising a new Minster for Gods publike service the people also followed after and left old Sarum to it self which in short space became so totally deserted that now the ruines of it are hardly visible But for new Salisbury that grew up presently into great renown plea●antly seated on the river which watreth every street thereof and for the populousnesse of the place plenty of provision a spacious market place and a faire Townhall is esteemed to be the second City of all this Tract And which addes no small lustre to it a place that hath been very fortunate in those eminent persons on whom the Kings of England have bestowed the title of Earles of Salisbury   1 Patrick d'Evreux 1168 2 Wil. d'Ev.     ✚ ✚ ✚   3 Wil. Long-espee base son of K. H 2 who married Ella daughter of Wil. d● Ev. 1225 4 Wil. Long-espee     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1333 5 Wil. de Montacute * 1343 6 Wil. de Mont. 1396 7 Iohn de Mont. 1400 8 Tho. de Mont. *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1428 9 Rich. Nevill who married Eleanor daughter of Th. Mont. L. Ch. * 1460 10 Rich. Nevill E. of Warwick *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1472 11 Geo. D. of Clarence who married Isab. daugh of Rich. E. of War *     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1477 12 Edw. eldest son of K. Rich. 3. and Anne the 2 daugh of Rich. Nev.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1514 13 Marg. daugh of Geo. D. of Clar. cr Countesse of Salis● by K. H. 8.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1605 14 Rob. Cecil Visc Cranborn cr E. of Salisb. 3 Iac. May 4 L. Tr. * 1612 15 Wil. Cecil now E. of Salisbury and Captain of the Pensioners 1641. * SHREWSBVRY SHrewsbury is the principall town in Shropshire called by our Ancestors the Saxons Scrobbesbyrig for that it was of old a very thicket of shrobs A place that rose out of the ruines of old Vriconium seated not far off but grew not into any great request till the Norman Conquest The town stands nea●ly on a hill and is almost incompassed round by the river Severn that part thereof which is not fenced by the River being fortified with a very strong Castle built by Roger de Montgomery the first E. hereof A faire and goodly Town it is well traded and frequented by all sorts of people both Welch Eng. by reason of the trade of cloth and other merchandise this being the common mart or empory between Wales Eng. It standeth in the very midst or center as it were of the whole County which generally is inferiour unto none about it for delight and plenty and for the number of Townes and Castles ' standing exceeding thick on every side as having formerly been a frontier-Country very far above them It belonged antiently to the Cornavii and presently on the Norman Conquest was bestowed on Roger de Montgom whom before I spake of who and his successors and since them the honorable Family of the Talbots enjoyed the stile and title of Earles of Shrewsbury 1067 1 Rog. de Montgomery 1093 2 Hugh de Montg 1098 3 Rob. de Montg     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1442 4 Iohn Talbot Marsh. of France cr E. of Shrewsbury by K. H. 6. * 1453 5 Iohn Talbot L. Tr. * 1460 6 Iohn Talbot 1473 7 Geo. Talbot * 1541 8 Francis Talbot * 1559 9 Geo Talbot * 1590 10 Gilb. Talbot * 1616 11 Edw. Talbot 1618 12 Geor. Talbot 1630 13 Iohn Talbot now E. of Shrewsbury 1641. SOMERSET SOmersetsh antiently was inhabited by the Belga A Country of a fertile soyle hoth for corne and pasture exceeding populous ●as comprehending in the whole 385 Parish Churches whereof 33 are market towns furnished also with commodious havens for trade and traffick A Country howsoever pleasant in the Summer season yet in the Winter time so deep miery that it is scarce passable from whence the people have a proverb that it is bad for the Rider but good for the abider Yet in some parts the●eof those specially which are towards Wiltsh it is both hilly and stony but in the bowels of those hils particularly in those of Mendip they find rich veines of lead to the
great enriching of the Country and benefit to all the Kingd It took this name from Somerton once the most famous and considerable in all the County now a small market Town of no note nor credit but for a faire of Cattell which is kept there yearely in which respect Ass●rius calls it Comitatum Somertunensem or Somertonsh But by the name of Somerset it is now best known and by that name hath given the honorary title of Dukes and Earles to   1 Wil. de de Mohun E.     ✚ ✚ ✚   2 Wil. Long-espee E. of Salisb. and Somerlet     ✚ ✚ ✚   3 Reginald de Mohun     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1396 4 Iohn Beaufort eldest son of Iohn of Gaunt by his 3 wife E. 1409 5 Henry Beauf. 1419 6 Iohn Beauf. D. of Somer 1442 7 Edm Beauf. E. and D. 1454 8 Hen. Beauf. D. 1462 9 Edm. Beauf.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1499 10 Edm. 3 son of K. H. 7.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1525 11 Hen. Fitz-Roy base son of K. H. 8. D. of Somer Rich.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1546 12 Edw. Seym L. Pro. of K. E. 6. D.     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1614 13 Rob. Carre Visc. Rochester cr E of Somer 12 Iac. now living 1641. SOVTHAMPTON SOuthampton is the 2 Town of Hamp-shire in bignesse and circuit but not inferiour to the first for wealth and riches A Towne commodiously seated on an arme of the sea and capable of ships of burden to the very Keie the opportunity whereof hath made it very faire and populous as having in it 5 Churches for Gods publique service fenced with strong wals and a double ditch and to secure the haven with a right strong Castle which now time hath ruined It standeth on the banks of the river of Anton which rising about Andover runs here into the Sea from whence it had the name of Southampton and by that name hath given denomination to the whole Countrey though generally it be called Hamp-shire A Country rich in all commodities both of sea and land and in the upper parts thereof those which are farthest from the sea of a very pure and excellent aire It conteines in it 253 Parishes many of which have Chappels of ease as big as Parish besids those in the Isle of Wight which is reckoned for a part of Hantshire To return back unto the Town which though it bee within the County yet is a County in it self for which it stands beholding to K. H. 6. And both before and since hath been counted worthy to be the highest honourary title of Dukes and Earles to 1067 1 Beauvois of Hampton that famous Soldier so much talked of     ✚ ✚ ✚ 1●27 2 William Fitz-Williams Lord Adm. *   ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ 1547 3 Thomas Wriothe●●ey Lord Chancellour created Earle of South by K. Edw. 6. * 1550 4 Henry Wriothesley 1581 5 Henry Wriothesley * 1624 6 Thomas Wriothesley now Earle 1641. STAFFORD STaffordsh apperteined antiently to the Cornubii a potent people in these parts which afterwards by Beda were called Angli mediteranei or the midland Englishmen A Countrey on the north part full of hils and woods on the South stored with coales and mines of iron and in the middle part where it is watred with the Trent bravely adorned with meadows faire fields of corn It conteineth in it 120 villages with Parish Churches the City or Episcopal see of Lichfeild 12 other market Towns of which the chief is Staff on the river of Owe the head Town of the shire which from thence taketh name A Town exceedingly beholding to the Barons of Staf. who were once Lords hereof and were hence denominated who both procured it to be made a Burrough with ample priviledges by K. Iohn and also fenced it with a wall save where it was secured by a large poole of water on the East and North. And on the other side the Town by way of thankfull retribution honored that noble Family with the stile of E. who were from hence entituled in their severall ages Earles Lords and Visc. of Stafford 1353 1 Ralph Stafford E. * 1372 2 Hugh Staff 1383 3 Tho. Staff   4 Wil. Staff   5 Edm. Staff * 1403 6 Hen. Staff D. of Bucking * 1444 7 Hum. Staff E. 1460 8 Hen. Staff D. of Buck. * 1486 9 Edw. Staff D. of Buck. * 1521 10 Hen. Staff L.   11 Edw. Staff L.   12 Hen. Staff L. who dying An. 1639 the Family of the Staffords died also with him and is quite extinguished 1640 13 Wil. How Knight of the Bath 2 son of Tho. E. of Arundel and Surrey having to wife a sister of the last L. Staff was by his Majesty now being cr Visc. Staff in Nov. 1640 and is now living Anno 1641. STAMFORD STamford is the hithermost Town of Lincoln-sh seated upon the river W●lland by which it is there parted from Northampton-sh It standeth in that part thereof which is called Kesteven of which it is the principall town A town well peopled and of great resort conteining about 7 Parish Churches But that wh●ch gives it most renown is that upon some quarrell and contention between the Southern and Northern men in the Vniversity of Oxford the Scholle●s in the reign of King Edw. 3 removed hither and here held publiqueschooles of al sorts of learning Nor did they leave the place or return again untill they were commanded so to do by the Kings Proclamation and thereupon it was ordeined in the Vniversity that the ●chollers in the taking of their degrees should make oath not to reade publiquely at Stamford to the prejudice of Oxford Neverthelesse the Town still flourished in trade and merchandise and doth now give the title of an Earle to 1628 Hen. L. Grey of Groby cr E. of Stamf. 3 Car. March 26 now living Anno 1641. STRAFFORD STrafford or Strasforth is the name of a Wapontake or hundred in the West-riding of York-shire and lieth on the South therof where it abutteth on the Counties of Nottingham and Darby A territory of a large extent conceived to be almost as big as the whole County of Rutland and in it comprehending the good towns of Sheafeld Rotheram Doncaster and the honour of Tickhil besides many smaller Villages and Hamlets The antient Family of the Wentworths out of which cometh the Earle of Cleveland have long flourished here and have their seate at Wentworth-Wood house and many a faire and large possession in this Wapontake In which consideration it was selected purposely for the highest title of 1639 Tho. Visc Wentworth L. Newmerch and ●versley and L. Deputy of Ireland cr E. of Stafford and Baron of Raby with great solemnity at Whitehall 15 Car. Ian 12 and shortly after L. Lieut. of Ireland SVffolk was antiently part of the Iceni and afterwards together with Cambridg-sh and Norfolk made up the Kingdome of the East Angles of which this being the Southerne part gave to the Count. and the people