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A27483 The acts and negotiations, together with the particular articles at large of the general peace, concluded at Ryswick, by the most illustrious confederates with the French king to which is premised, the negotiations and articles of the peace, concluded at Turin, between the same prince and the Duke of Savoy / translated from the original publish'd at the Hague.; Actes et mémoires des négociations de la paix de Ryswick. English. Selections. Bernard, Jacques, 1658-1718.; France. Treaties, etc. Savoy (Duchy), 1696 Aug. 29.; England and Wales. Treaties, etc. France, 1697 Sept. 20. 1698 (1698) Wing B1994; ESTC R10805 141,649 305

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and Vice-Prefectures therein comprised with all the Fortresses Cities Burroughs Towns Villages Hamlets Fiefs Funds and Rights according as they were surrendred by the Peace of Westphalia together with all Instruments Instructions and Acts taken away or plunder'd from the Archives or Records Chancery Court of Fiefs from the Chamber of Counts of Prefectures and other Palatinate Offices not any Place Effect Right or Document being excepted and as to what relates to the Claims and Rights of the Dutchess of Orleans it is agreed upon that the aforesaid Restitution being first made the Business shall be decided and judged in Form of Compromise by his Imperial Majesty and by his most Christian Majesty as Arbitrators which shall be decided according to the Imperial Laws and Constitutions But if they do not agree in their Verdict the Business shall be referr'd to the Pope to judge of it as Supreme Arbitrator Nevertheless they shall not forbear in the mean time endeavouring to procure an amicable Concord between the Parties and till such time as the Business be determined and ended the said Elector shall give every Year to the said Dutchess of Orleans the Summ of Two hundred thousand French Livres or One hundred thousand Florins of the Rhine in such manner and upon the same Condition as is specified by a particular Article of the same Power and Force as the present Treaty and that the Right of the two Parties as also that of the Empire shall remain intire in respect of the Possessor as well as Pretender IX There shall be restored to the King of Sweden in quality of Prince Palatine of the Rhine the County of Sponheim Veldents his ancient Dutchy of Deux Ponts intire and with all its Appurtenances Dependences and Rights which the Counts Palatines of the Rhine and Dukes of Deux Ponts Predecessors of his Swedish Majesty have enjoyed or may have enjoyed conformable to the Peace of Westphalia so that whatsoever the Crown of France hath hitherto pretended to as to this Dutchy in whole or in part by what Title soever may rightfully return to his Swedish Majesty and to his Heirs as being Counts Palatines of the Rhine There shall in like manner be restored all the Acts Documents Instructions concerning the said Dutchy together with the Artillery that was therein at the time when France seized upon it and all other Things agreed upon in the preceding Articles relating to Restitutions X. As to what concerns the Principality of Veldents and what the late Prince Leopold Lewis Count Palatine of the Rhine hath possest by virtue of the said Principality or of that of Lautrec it shall be restor'd in pursuance to the IV Article and to the Inventory or List exhibited by the Ambassadors of France saving only the Rights of each of the Pretenders as well in regard to the Possessor as to the Claimer XI There shall be restored to Prince Francis Lewis Palatine Great Master of the Teutonick Order and Bishop of Wormes all the Commands wholly without exception taken by France from the said Order and which have been assigned to him or which he hath anciently possest together with the Places Revenues and Rights and the said Order shall enjoy by vertue of the said Commands and Estates situate within the Dominion of France as well in respect of Collation as Administration the same Customs Privileges and Exemptions that it enjoyed heretofore according to its Statutes and Laws and which the Order of St. John of Jerusalem were wont to enjoy likewise all that hath been decreed in relation to Restitutions of Places Contributions and otherwise shall take place in behalf of the Bishop of Wormes and of other Churches of the said Prince XII There shall be restored to the Elector of Cologne in quality of Bishop and Prince of Liege the Castle and City of Dinant in the same Condition they were in when the French possest themselves of them together with all the Rights and Dependences and all the Artillery and Instructions that were found therein at that time As for the rest whatsoever hath been determined and regulated in the IV Article in relation to what hath been taken to Unions and Re-unions shall be look'd upon as repeated in particular in favour of the Churches of Cologne and Liege XIII The Family or House of Wirtemberg and particularly Duke George shall be re-established for him and his Successors with respect to the Principality and County of Monbelliard in the same Condition Rights and Prerogatives and particularly in the same Immediate Dependence upon the Roman Empire it hath heretofore enjoy'd and which the Princes of the Empire did enjoy or ought to have enjoyed making void and of none effect all Acknowledgment in quality of Vassal made to the Crown of France in 1681. And they the said Princes shall henceforward freely enjoy all the Revenues that depend upon the said Principality and County as well Secular as Ecclesiastick that they enjoyed before the Peace of Nimeguen as likewise all Fiefs that have been opened in favour of them or which they have made over or granted to others during the Detension of France excepting only the Village of Baldenheim together with the Appurtenances which the Most Christian King hath bestowed on the Commander of Chamlay Camp-Master-General to his Armies which said Donation ought still to subsist yet in such a manner notwithstanding that Homage be paid for it to the foresaid Duke of Wirtemberg and his Successors as to the direct Lord and that he be oblig'd to beg of him to be invested in it In like manner the said Princes shall be reinstated in the full and free Possession as well of their Inheritance possest in Burgundy of Clereval and Passevant as of the Lordships of Granges Herricourt of Blamont Chatelart and of Clermont and others situate and being in Burgundy and in the Principality of Monbelliard with all their Rights and Revenues intire and just in the same manner as they possest them before the Peace of Nimeguen abolishing totally all that has been done and pretended to the contrary under what Pretence at what Time and after what manner soever it may be XIV In like manner the Marquis of Baden's Family shall enjoy all the Right and Benefit of the present Treaty and consequently of that of Westphalia and Nimeguen and more particularly of the Fourth and Fifth Articles of the present Treaty XV. The Princes and Counts of Nassau of Hanaw and of Leininguen and all other States of the Holy Roman Empire who are to be re-instated by the Fourth Article of this Treaty and others shall likewise be re-instated accordingly in all and several the Estates and Dominions in the Rents and Revenues that depend thereon and in all the other Rights and Benefits of what nature soever they may be XVI And because for the better securing and confirming the Peace it hath been judged meet and expedient here and there to exchange some Countries his Imperial Majesty and the Empire do yield up
Most-Excellent and Mighty Prince Charles XI by the Grace of God King of Sueden Goths and Vandals but a sudden Death having frustrated the Hopes which all Europe had justly entertained of the happy Effect of his Counsels and good Offices their said Majesties still persisting in the Resolution to put a Stop assoon as possible to the Effusion of so much Christian Blood have thought they could not do better than to acknowledge in the same Quality the Most-High Most-Excellent and Mighty Prince Charles XII King of Sueden his Son and Successor who on his Part has also continued the same Endeavours to further the Peace betwixt their Catholick and Most Christian Majesties in the Conferences held for that purpose in the Royal Palace at Ryswick in Holland betwixt the Extraordinary Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries named on both sides to wit by his Catholick Majesty Don Francisco Bernardo de Quiros Knight of the Order of St. James one of the Members of the King 's Royal and Supream Council of Castille and the Sieur Lewis Alexander de Scockart Count of Tirimont Baron of Gaesbeke one of the supream Council of State of the Netherlands in Madrid and of that of State and Privy Council in the same Countries And by his most Christian Majesty the Sieur Nicolas Augustus de Harlay Knight Lord of Bonneuil Count of Cely Counsellor in ordinary to his Majesty in his Council of State the Sieur Lewis Verjus Knight Count of Crecy Counsellor in ordinary to his Majesty in his Council of State Marquis of Treon Baron of Couvay Lord of Boulay the two Churches Fort-Isle Menillet and other Places and the Sieur Francis Callieres Kt. Lord of Callieres of Rochechellay and Gigny who having first implored the Divine Assistance and communicated to each other their respective Full Powers the Copies of which shall be inserted Word for Word at the end of the present Treaty and duly exchanged the same by the Intervention and Mediation of the Baron of Lillieroot Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the King of Sueden who has discharged the Function of a Mediator with all the necessary Prudence Capacity and Equity they have agreed to the Glory of God and the Good of Christendom upon the following Conditions I. IT is agreed That for the future there be a good firm and lasting Peace and a perpetual Confederacy Alliance and Friendship between the Catholick and most Christian Kings their Children born or that shall be born their Kingdoms States Lands and Subjects that they shall love one another like good Brothers and that the one as far as in him lies shall promote the Interest Honour and Reputation of the other carefully and sincerely avoiding whatever may cause any Damage to each other II. That upon Account of this Peace and good Union all Hostilities shall cease betwixt the said Lords Kings their Subjects and Vassals as well by Sea and on fresh Waters as by Land and generally in all Places where War is made by their Majesties Arms both betwixt their Armies and the Garisons of their Places And if contrary to this Article any Place or Places should be taken either by Attack Surprize or Intelligence Prisoners made or any other Hostilities committed through Inadvertency or otherwise Reparation shall be made on both Sides with Honesty by restoring without any Diminution what shall have been taken and setting Prisoners at liberty without Ransom or Payment of Expences III. All Enmities and Causes of Misunderstanding shall be extinguished and abolished for ever There shall be on both Sides a perpetual Oblivion of the Injuries done or Damages suffered during this War or on Account of the same so that no Person shall hereafter be called to Account or be obliged to make any Restitution upon any Pretence whatsoever directly or indirectly by way of Justice or otherwise and their said Majesties their Subjects Servants or Adherents shall never shew a Resentment or demand any Reparation for the same IV. The Towns and Places of Gironne Roses and Belver shall be restored and left in the Possession Dominion and Sovereignty of his Catholick Majesty in the same Condition they were in when taken with the Artillery that was found in them at the same time and in general all other Towns Places Forts and Chastelenies whatsoever that have been possessed during this War by the Arms of his most Christian Majesty and since the Treaty of Nimeguen in the Principality of Catalonia or elsewhere in Spain their Appurtenances and Dependencies shall be restored in the Condition they are now in without any Reservation Diminution or Deterioration whatsoever Likewise shall be restored to the Power Dominion and Sovereignty of his Catholick Majesty the City of Barcelona the Fort and Fortifications belonging to it with all the Artillery in the Condition wherein they were found on the Day the same was taken with all its Appurtenances and Dependencies V. The Town and Fortress of Luxemburg in the Condition it is now in without demolishing altering diminishing weakening or deteriorating any of its Works Forts and Fortifications with the Artillery that was found in it when taken Together with the Province and Dutchy of Luxemburg and County of Chiny in all their Consistencies and all the Appurtenances and Dependencies belonging to them shall be faithfully resigned and restored to the Power Sovereignty Dominion and Possession of the Catholick King to be by the said Lord the Catholick King enjoyed as he has done or may have done at the time of and before the Treaty of Nimeguen without any with-holding or reservation except what has been yielded to his most Christian Majesty by the preceding Treaties of Peace VI. The Fortress of Charleroy shall likewise be restored to the Power and under the Sovereignty of His Catholick Majesty with its Dependencies in the Condition it is in at present without Breaking Demolishing Weakening or Deteriorating any thing in it together with the Artillery therein found when taken VII There shall also be restored to the Sovereignty Dominion and Possession of His Catholick Majesty the City of Mons Capital of the Province of Hainault with its Works and Fortifications in the same Condition they are in at present without Breaking Demolishing Weakening or Deteriorating any thing in them together with the Artillery found in it when taken and the Precincts Provostship Appurtenances and Dependencies to the said City belonging in all its Consistency and in the same manner as the Catholick King enjoyed it or may have enjoyed it at the time of and before the said Treaty of Nimeguen As well as the City of At h in the Condition it was in when last taken without Breaking Demolishing Weakening or Deteriorating any thing in its Fortifications with the Artillery therein found on the same Day together with the Precincts Chastelenies Appurtenances and Dependencies of the said City as they were yielded by the Treaty of Nimeguen except the places next following viz. the Burrough of Anthoin Vaux Guavrian Ramecroix Bethome Constantin the