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A19858 A treatise of the Church VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered. Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562. 1617 (1617) STC 6286; ESTC S117495 230,202 407

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religion from all those which make no such profession so are without the Church Thus the Iewes vntil the death of Christ were seperated from the Gentiles Thus in the Apostles time and after the Saints that is the professors of Christian Religion in Rome Corinthus Ephesus Galatia c. were sep●rated from their neighbours being heathens and infidels And thus are we seperated from all Pagans Turkes and Infidels Of this seperation the Lord speaketh Leu. 20. I am the Lord your God which haue seperated you from other people Ver. 26.24 that ye should be mine This seperation agreeth with the Scriptures and hath good warrant from the same and thus farre you and we agree But you rest not here but require besides a seperaration in the Church and among the aforesaid professors vrging and enforcing this that the godly in this societie must seperate from the wicked and haue no religious communion or fellowship with them Ephes 5.11 1. Cor. 5 9.1●.11 Herein we differ Yet wee confesse that the godly must be seperated from the euill manners customes and fashions of the wicked that they may not haue any fellowship with them in the vnfruitfu●l workes of darknesse neither may th●y haue them to be their familiars in these such like respects the righteous must seperate from the wicked in the Church and haue nothing to do with them But that they may not communicate together in diuine worship but must seperate in things concerning God this seperation is manifestly repugnant to the Scriptures as appeareth by the premises and shall further appeare hereafter In the meane season this I affirme that if this doctrine of yours were true then for as much as in all ages there were aboundance of notorious wicked men in the Church of the Iewes the Prophets Christ and his Apostles should haue had no communion with them at least in their Synagogues the contrarie wherevnto you both know and acknowledge Then also there ought to haue been a seperation made at Corinthus and in the Churches of Galatia not only from the Infidels and grosse Idolaters amongst whom they liued but also betwixt the Saints and professors of Christian Religion seeing among them there were diuers knowne wicked men as is in the next Chapter made manifest But wee read of no such seperation made or yet vrged by the Apostle either among the Corinthians or Galatians or any other of the Churches to whom hee writ Therefore there hath not been in former times nor ought to be such a seperation in the Church as you speake of to wit betwixt the godly and the vngodly If any obiect here 2. Cor. 6.14 c. I answere that the Apostle perswades the Christians at Corinth to seperate from and to haue no communion with the idolaters their neighbours in their false and idolatrous worship or idol feasts and not to a seperation among themselues The seperation pressed by Paul-was betweene them in the Church and those which bee without which we deny not and not a seperation in the Church betwixt the godly and the wicked there which is that you vrge and we gaine say But I returne to M. Ainsworth Counterp 133. A third argument for confirmation of the point now in hand hee hath in another place which may fitly be inferred here Seperation saith he from the vngodly vnto this day is resisted and pleaded against and the holy scriptures vnsufferably abused to maintaine a confuse mixed multitude of all sorts of people to be a true Church But Christ is no Mediator for such a mixture as himselfe said to his Father I pray not for the world c. Ioh. 17.16 Your reason is this Christ is the Mediator of euery true vis Church But Christ is not the Mediator of any confused and mixt company consisting of all sorts of people There●ore no confused and mixt company is a true visible Church Wee deny your Proposition and say That Christ is the Mediator of the inuisible and not of the visible Church but in respect of them in it that are of the inuisible You tell vs heere secretly and after in expresse words That Christ is the Mediator and Aduocate of the visible Church and for proofe thereof alledge Ioh. 17.9.16 and afterwards 1. Tim 2. ●5 1 Ioh. 2.1 Act. 4.12 Counterp 131. Note their peruerting of Scripture If this Proposition of yours be false as in the last Chapter of this booke is made manifest then are these Scriptures abused by you The 9. and 16. verses of the 17. of Iohn are spoken and meant of the eleuen Apostles The same you apply to the vis Church herein you abuse the Scripture though alwaies I confesse this holdeth not In the former of these verses of the eleuen Disciples Iesus saith thus I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen mee for they are thine Behold your proofe and how you doe vse the Scripture who tell vs so often of our abuse thereof Christ prayeth for or is the Mediator and aduocate of the Apostles Ergo he prayeth for and is the Mediator and Aduocate of the vis Church By world here all men of iudgement vnderstand the Reprobate for thereby must needs be meant those for whom Christ prayeth not and such are the reprobate generation you say thereby is meant a confuse mixed multitude wherein your selues acknowledge be many of Gods chosen I hope this also is an abuse of holy Scripture The words of the 16. ver are They are not of the world as I am not of the world Where our Sauiour affirmeth that to bee in part true of his Disciples vvhich vvas wholly and altogether and perfectly true of himselfe that though they were in the world yet they were not of it that is worldly minded affecting and chiefely desiring and seeking after the things of this world This testimonie of Iesus you produce to proue That a true visible Church is not a mixt company consisting of all sorts of people good and bad or That Christ is no Mediator for such a mixture For proofe of whether so euer of these you meane it who seeth not that this Scripture is likewise abused by you 1. Whether you or we then do vnsufferably abuse the Scriptures and namely touching the mixture of bad with good in the Church let the godly Reader now he hath heard vs iudge Oftentimes you tell vs of this abuse The word say you Counterp 171. pag. 171. is vnsufferably abused to the maintenance of the confusion that is among you This doth as ill beseeme you as a common Strumpet to call an honest and sober matron Whore But let vs heare what M. Ainsworth saith further against this confusion or commixture of all sorts in the Church Your church saith he hath the essentiall note of a false church Counterp 14. namely a confuse prophane worldly people Thus can I proue that the Church in Dauids time in Isaiah his time and other
vnwilling to passe by Maister Robison with silence who of late hath saide so much against our interpretation of it He beginneth thus The point is Maister Bernard following I confesse the most beaten way makes the fielde the visible Church and the tares scandalous offenders Iustificatiō 116 seene and discouered That which Maister Bernard calles the interpretation of learned and godly Deuines vniuersally both with vs Separatists Schisme 87. and beyond the Seas Maister Robinson not vnfitly calleth here the most bea en way but with all we may remember what he saith further of the said exposition that it is a prophane glose Iustification 116. 117. and againe that some are ashamed of the grossenes and indeede of the iniquitie of the saide exposition But leauing your reproachfull tearmes come we to the matter You must first then vnd●rst●nd that by tares we doe not meane scandalous and notorious offenders Iustif 118. or open wicked men onely as diuers times you charge vs nor yet hypocrites not so throughly discouered but thereby we doe vnderstand both these sorts of hypocrites and wicked men and so all the hypocrits and vngodly that be in the Church whosoeuer as well those that be not discouered as those that bee discouered and known by their open wickednesse to be hypocrites as well those vngodly that hauing a shew of godlines are reputed godly as those whose wicked and leawde conuersation declareth them to be vngodly For who can denie but that by tares Iesus meaneth all in the visible Church beside the godly resembled by wheate Againe Christ expounding the parable saith expressely vers 38. That the tares are that is signifie the children of that wicked one that is the diuell the enemy who sowed them but all hypocrites and wicked men both secretly and openly such are the children of the diuell Therefore by tares Christ meaneth all hypocrites and wicked in the Church whatsoeuer Adde hereunto that by tares are shadowed foorth all that shall bee burned in hell fire also all those which doe iniquitie as vers 41. That is all workers of iniquitie But all hypocrites and vngodly whatsoeuer whether openly or secretly such shall be damned and are workers of iniquitie Therefore all those Christ meaneth by tares This being true Iustif 118. these following lines of yours be vntrue Admit the field be the Church which Christ expounds the world then say I by tares in the field are meant not notorious offenders but hypocrites not so throughly discouered which by the enuy of Sathan are foysted into the Church These lines are false two wayes 1. As they haue reference to vs and our exposition of tares 2. As they haue relation to the Separists and their interpretation of the same word But proceede we now to the moued reason which you haue against our exposition Iustif 116. Whereupon meaning if the visible Church be the field and the tares scandalous offenders it must followe say you that as the Lord forbids the seruants to meddle with the tares or with the plucking them vp but will haue them and the wheate to growe together in the fielde till the haruest so Ministers and people are straightly inhibited and forbidden any way to admonish and censure wicked and scandalous persons in the Church but must let them there remaine without disturbance till the last iudgement I answer Some of the learned Diuines which you thus despise haue preuented this obiection and told you that to collect and reason from this Scripture as you doe is to abuse Scripture Cauendum ne his verbis abutamur contra doctrinam de disciplina Ecclesia c. Pisc●tor in hunc locum We must saith Piscator take heede that we abuse not these wordes against the doctrine of the discipline of the Church by which offences are to be taken away out of the Church as much as may be For Christ in this parable as appeareth by his exposion of it aymeth at no other thing then to comfort the godly against the grieuances which they haue by conuersing with hypocrites in the meane while he would haue nothing minished from the discipline of the Church as which he himselfe instituted after Chap. 18.17 By the like reason the vse of the sword should bee taken from the Magistrate which God would haue to be vsed as Paul testifieth Rom. 13. This parable then is not to be extended further then the scope thereof requireth Secondly I answere you Iesus heere speaketh of a perfect seperation betweene the wheate and tares that is the godly and vngodly such as shall leaue no tares not a tare I say among the whea●e For he speaketh of such a seperation as cannot be made without daunger to the wheate for which cause he forbids it as vers 29. Secondly of that seperation which shall bee made by the Angels in the end of the world vers 30.41 Now this letteth not nor forbiddeth a seperation in the meane season betwixt the cleane and those be apparently vncleane the holy and prophane the godly and notorious offenders which may be seperated and taken away from the godly without any daunger to them at all This reason likes you so well Iustif 120. that you vrge it the second time and thereunto adde two reasons more And that the Lord Iesus say you no way speakes of the tolleration of prophane persons in the Church it doeth appeare by these reasons First because as hath beene obserued he doeth not contradict himselfe by forbidding the vse of the keyes in one place which in another he hath turned vpon impenitent offenders Matth. 2. In the excommunication of sinners apparently obstinate with due circumspection and in the spirit of wisdome meekenesse and long suffering with such other generall Christian vertues as with which all our spirituall sacrifices ought to be seasoned what danger can there bee of any such disorder as the plucking vp of the wheate with the tares which the husbandman feareth vers 29. Lastly the Lord Iesus speakes of the vtter ruinating and destruction of the tares the gathering and plucking them vp by the rootes vers 28.29 And to this end they are reserued by the husbandman vers 30. euer presupposed they so continued but excommunication rightly administred is not for the ruine and destruction of any but for the saluation of the partie thereby humbled Your first reason in effect is this If Iesus speake heere of the tolleration of prophane persons in the Church then heere he forbids the weeding out or censuring of them whom in another place vz. Matth. 18.15 Hee commands to be weeded out or censured But Iesus doeth not contradict himselfe Therefore Iesus speaketh not here of the tolleration of prophane persons This reason being the very same with the former hath receiued answere The second argument is this Christ speaketh of and forbiddeth such a seperation as wherein there is danger of plucking vp the wheate with the tares But in the excommunication of sinners apparantly
this their error there was iust cause of the pursuing hereof to the full according as I was able Defence of the Churches and Ministers of England 7. Counterp 3. Your people saith M. Fr. Iohnson are not seperated from the world but stand in confusion with it and therefore cannot bee deemed a true church of God and the people of Christ But leauing this man let vs heare what M. Ainsworth saith thereunto in a booke lately published called the Counterpoyson We forsake saith he your church for this maine corruption that all sorts of prophane and wicked men haue ben and are both they and their seede receiued into and nourished within the bosome of your church contrary to the first couenant of our redemption wherein God with his own mouth pro●laimed a perpetuall enmitie and warre against the serpent and his seede which the woman and her seede should wage though with the bruysing of the heele thereof Gen. 3. Contrary also to the example of all Gods churches since the world began who alwayes were seperated from the vngodly as the Scriptures shewe Now that this is a corruption among you your selues haue taught saying and complayning that in the church are swarmes of Atheists Idolaters Papists sectaries witches charmers sorcerers murtherers theeu●s adulterers lyars c. This testimony being true I hope your selues now will be ashamed to pleade that such a people are Christians and to be communicated with or deny that we may seperate from them in things concerning God And a little after saying there are 4. causes of their seperation he telleth vs that the first of them concerning the people meaning because of the mixture of bad with good which is among vs. Seeing the falsehood and vanit●e of these and the rest of the lines here following doe manifestly appeare by the premises I wil not bee so vnwise as at large conuince you the second time onely by the way as it were I will say a word or two as I shall see cause That wicked men that is open wicked men for that is your meaning are not to be suffered to remaine in the church we acknowledge especially if they be very vile and abhominable dogges and swine and that where such a thing is endured it is a corruption and the sinne of that Church We likewise confesse that in our church are many open wicked So that in proouing that which we freely confesse to bee true where about M. Ainsworth hath spent a great part of his Counterpoyson you deale very childishly But if passing by this you hereafter prooue that we deny you shall quit your se●ues like men Gen. 3.15 In the meane season wee haue two proofes or arguments from you such as they are It is say you contrary to the first couenant of our redemption I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seede and her seede hee shall breake thine head and thou shalt bruise his heele The next t●me you write conclude from this Scripture that the being of open wicked in the Church doeth nullifie a Church and giue iust cause to the godly of seperation If this you cannot wherof I am very sure you abuse both this Scr●pture and the reader You imply here and teach expressely else where That the couenant of redemption and saluation God made with the visible church That this is false I haue made plaine hereafter and wil not therefore speake of it heere Note their peruerting of Scripture Where learne you by the woman and her seede to vnderstand Christ and the visible Church you haue not beene taught this of God Besides you contradict your selfe For in your confession of Faith you vnderstand this Scripture of the inuisible Church Art 5. Where for proofe of this that the Elect all and onely are redeemed you alleadge Gen. 3.15 I will put enmitie c. You intimate also that the perpetuall enmitie that is in the world for Religion is betweene them onely that are in the Church and them that are without and that there is no enmitie but all amitie and friendship among those that are in the visible Church They all beare vnfai●ed loue one to another as in your description of the visible Church you teach You might be of the Fami●y of loue Familists and not Brownists by this doctrine of yours The holy Scriptures shew vs the direct contrary That euen in the Church and betweene the members thereof there hath beene perpetuall enmitie and deadly hatred whence it hath alwayes beene that that some of the Church haue slandered raised vpon and saide all manner of euill against the godly and often times spoyled them not onely in their good name but also in their goods banished imprisoned and put them to death Caine belike had no enmitie to Habel nor Esau to Iacob nor Saul to Dauid nor the Scribes and Pharisees to the faithfull then liuing Your s●cond reason is That since the world beganne there was neuer in the Churches of God a mixture of wicked and prophane with the godly but the godly were alwayes seperated from the vngod●y And therefore ought to be so at this day Prooue the Antecedent and we will graunt you the conclusion Haue I not shewed that this mixture was in the families of Abraham and Isaack wherin the Church was shut vp for a time Also in the Church in Moses time in Dauids time and the ages succeeding him and lastly in the dayes of Christ Nay I haue made it plaine that in Dauid Isaiah Ieremiah Micah their times there were not only wicked men and open wicked but so many wicked and vngodly in the Church that there were scarce any godly to bee found Psal 12.1 according to that complaint of Dauid vnto God Helpe Lord for there is not a godly man left In like manner did the church swarme with wicked yea open wicked whē our lord Iesus was on earth as hereafter shal be made euident Counterp 23. How far are you then from the truth who teach That there neuer haue beene prophane and wicked men in the Church and that this is contrary to the example of all Gods Churches since the world began Obserue their abuse of holy Scripture who alwayes were seperated from the godly as you say and againe in these words They cannot shewe any true church since the beginning of the world but was of a seperated people Gen. 6.1.2 12. Leuit. 20.23.24 Ezr. 6.21 Act. 2.40.41 19.9 c. If for confirmation of this grosse and palpable error you should cote as many places of Scripture as there be heares of your head it would doe you no good but onely shewe that you feare not to peruert holy Scripture to take the name of God in vaine no more then a fish to drinke water And here marke I beseech thee Christian Reader wherein we and these Seperatists differ as touching seperation Wee acknowledge a seperation of the people of God and professors of true
rubbish bryers and brambles of the wildernesse fitter for burning then building nay I grant you all that you vpbraide vs with and obiect against vs that wee are such for the most part what then Are wee therefore a false Church This is that you doe from hence inferre and conclude O foolish men and vnwise Is euery one in the visible Church a liuely stone and all the matter thereof fit for building and none for burning This you here imply and Barrow plainely affirmeth Then in the visible Church there are no reprobates for they I am sure are fit for burning and not for building Prou. 16.4 Matth. 13.40 25.41 They are made saith Salomon for the day of euill And Iesus thus The tares are gathered and burned in the fire And againe depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire I hope the rubbish the bryers and brambles in our Church are no more vnfit for building nor more fit for burning then tares be which are so mixed among the wheat that without dāger to the wheat they cānot be weeded out nor seperated from it vntil the haruest But tel me I pray you whē the church was without this rubbish bryers and brambles you speake of It is cleere by the Scriptures not in the daies of the Apostles nor of our Lord Iesus not in Isaiah his time nor Ieremiah his time nor yet any of the Prophets Not in Dauids time nor in Moses time nor yet when the Church of God was shut vp in a Family for in Isaack his family there was an Esau as vvell as a Iacob and in Abrahams an Ismael as vvell as an Isaack nay there vvas some of this rubbish to be found in the Church when it consisted but of eight persons yea but of foure Nay this vvill proue your ancient Church at Amsterdam to bee Babylon at least if any credit be to bee giuen to the report of diuers vvho haue been in and of that Church to the printed bookes of M. White and G. Iohnson and that of late set forth by foure wherevpon some haue left and forsooke that Church and come backe to ours It may bee also M. Robinson that for this cause you your selfe haue left both M. Iohnsons Church then and M. Ainsworths also I will therefore say nothing of their Congregations but onely aske you a question or two concerning your owne Is your Church the Temple of God compiled and built of spiritually hewen and liuely stones and of the Cedars Firrs and thine trees of Lebanon Are there no dead defiled and polluted stones therein no rubbish but all liuely stones elect and precious No bryers nor brambles but all vines bringing forth pleasant Grapes No vvicked and vngodly men but all Saints sanctified by the Spirit of God who dwelleth in his Temple giueth life to euery stone thereof and causeth euery branch of the Vine to bring forth fruit Surely then are not ye also a true visible Church for it is a mixt company consisting of good and bad godly and vngodly as hath been proued at large But such a societie is not yours and therefore not a true visible Church At least this proueth you not to bee a true visible Church as you imply it vvould proue vs one if these things could be truely said of vs. For as a visible Church may be knowne and discerned by men and therevpon it is said to be visible so it is knowne to be a Church by such things as men can see that is know and discerne of But that yee all are liuely stones none dead none defiled among you and that in that vineyard of yours there groweth no bryers nor brambles but onely the pleasant and sweet grapes is more then men can possibly know or discerne yea that any of you is a liuing stone much lesse that you all bee such They may hope well of you giuing credit to the testimonie you giue of your selues which is suspitious but this is not knowledge This notwithstanding then your congregation also may bee no better then a false Church and a company of Schismatickes But you will say if there were but some bryers and brambles of the wildernesse in your Church it were to bee borne with but ye are such for the most part Bee it so this notwithstanding we may be a true Church for the Iewes in the times of Dauid Isaiah Ieremiah Micah and of Christ Iesus were for the most part no better then brambles and bryers and yet then a true Church Micah 7.1.5 The good man saith Micah is perished out of the earth and there is none righteous among men they all lye in wait for bloud euery man hunteth his brother with a net The best of them is a brier and the most righteous of them is sharper then a thorne hedge And here I demaund of you and the rest of your faction who condemne our Church for a false Church because there be in it many wicked and few godly whether the greatest part of the visible Church be not Reprobates Mat. 13.3 and by consequent wicked rubbish briers and brambles fit for nothing but the fire I know you will answere negatiuely otherwise you are conui●ced What say you then to the parable of the seede Mat. 22.14 and to that speech of our Lord Iesus so often vrged before by mee many are called but few chosen Thus wee see this allegorie of yours is not worth a bramble or is as a bryer or bramble compared with sweet flowers seruing rather to pricke annoy and hurt then to send forth a sweet sauour For the aboue named cause you account vs Babylon depart from vs and say That you take your selues rather bound to shew your obedience in departing from our Church then your valour in purging it If we be Sion then you slander a whole Church and Blaspheme in calling it Babylon and your departing from it is so farre from obedience that it is rebe●lion which is as the sinne of Witch-craft But you are bound you say to depart from vs. Who hath obliged you therevnto Not God in and by his word to whom onely wee stand bound and owe our selues and seruice Rom. 8.12 but M. Iohnson and M. Ainsworth or happely Browne or Barrow in and by their writings The holy Prophets Christ Iesus and his Apostles haue giuen you other example whom you should haue imitated As they did not forsake the Church because of the manifold corruptions therein but continuing in the same sought by all good meanes the purgation and reformation of it so ought yee to haue done Lastly you tell vs That as the hee goates flee before the flocks so doe you from our Church If from our Church you had crept with the Snaile you had made two much hast away But heare and consider what I say vnto you in the name of the Lord. Repent you of your lyes and errors of your slandering and blaspheming of the Church of Christ from which you haue so hastily
betweene vs and you eoncerning the same That little which is heere saide of our Ministery is as you may se● vpon occasion and by the way Truely I much desired to haue added something heere in d●fence of our Ministery and answere to your sophismes but for diuers reasons whereof some be mentioned in the epistles dedicatorie I thought good to forbeare and at this present to say no more CHAP. IX How the Separists to iustifie their separation from the Church of England doe shamefully peruert the holy Scriptures AS for the proofe of the particular points wherein wee and you of the separation doe differ you shamefully abuse and peruert the sacred Scriptures euen all of you without exception as manifestly appeareth by the premises so in the maine difference concerning the separating of your selues from our church you doe the like whereof I will giue the Reader likewise a tast For the iustifying of their separation they alleadge diuers places of holy Scripture and specially three which they take to be very pregnant for them One of them is taken out of the 19. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles The wordes bee these Vers 8. Moreouer he that is Paul went into the Synagogue and spake boldly for the space of three moneths disputing and exhorting to the things that appertaine to the Kingdome of God 9. But when certaine were hardned and disobeyed speaking euill of the way of God before the multitude he departed from them and separated the Disciples and disputed daily in the Schoole of one Tyrannus We answere These men from whom Paul and other Christians separate were open contemners nay blasphemers of the way of God Because of this open contempt of theirs for it is saide they spake euill of that way before the multitude the Apostle durst not Preach the word of God vnto them neither could haue done without sinning against God for our Sauiour hath fordidden to giue that which is holy vnto Dogges Matth. 7.6 and to cast pearles before Swine And least wee should thinke this were onely true of priuate admonition or reproofe wee may remember that to the 70 Disciples hee giueth the same commaundement concerning publike teaching saying to them when he sent them foorth to Preach by two and two Luke 10.10 But into whatsoeuer Citie yee shall enter if they will not receiue you goe your wayes out into the streetes of the same and say Euen the very dust which cleaueth on vs of your Citie wee wipe of against you Except therefore we be such despisers as these this Scripture maketh not for their Separation but is misapplied and wrested by them And notwithstanding S. Paul with the other Christians did well in separating from them aforesaide they doe sinfully in departing from vs. Another testimonie of Scripture and of all the most vsuall and principall they take out of the 6. Chapter of the second Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians Vers 14.15 Bee not vnequally yoaked with Infidels for what fellowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse And what communion hath light with darkenesse And what concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath the beleeuer with the infidell 16. And what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idoles for yee are the Temple of the liuing God as God hath saide I will dwell among them and walke there and I will be their God and they shall be my people 17. Wherefore come out from among them and separate your selues saith the Lord and touch none vncleane thing and I will receiue you 18. And I will bee a father vnto you and yee shall bee my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almightie Thus endeth the 6. Chapter and thus farre doe the Separists coate and vrge this Scripture but no farther But heereunto let vs adde the first verse of the 7. Chapter for that maketh greatly for the right vnderstanding of this Scripture Seeing then we haue these promises dearely beloued let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and Spirit and finish our sanctification in the feare of God By these words of the Apostle it should seeme that sundry Christians in Corinthus according to their accustomed manner before the time of their conuersion went sometimes to their idols Temples where were nothing but grosse and heathenish Idolatrie and their with their neighbours vvho were heathens and infidels did ioyne together in their idolatrous worship or at least in their holy feasts as is said 1. Cor. 8.10 which they did celebrate to the honour of their Idols and so were d●fi●ed with the worship of idols thinking with themselues that they might lawfully ioyne with them in externall idolatrie and thus farre yeeld with their bodies so long as they kept their soules pure to the Lord. The Apostle hearing of this great corruption among many others telleth them that they must withdraw themselues from this idolatrous worship and defilement and separate themselues For they cannot worship God and the Diuell they are so contrarie one to another euen as light and darkn●sse But if they thus worship idols they worship the Diue●l and there●ore so doing they cannot worship God That they who worship idols doe worship the Diuell hee hath shewed them in his former Epistle in these words What say I then That the idol is any thing 1. Cor. 10.19 Or that that which is sacrificed to idols is any thing Nay but that these things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to Deuils and not vnto God and I would not that you should haue fellowship with the Deuils Ye cannot be partakers of the Lords Table and of the table of Deuils And whereas they excused this fact of theirs thus as sundry doe their going to Masse at this day that now they went not with this minde as sometimes they did to giue honour to the idols for they knew well that an idol is nothing that is that there is not any God-head in an idol and therefore did keepe their soules pure from all pollution hee answereth that they whom God vouchsafeth this honour to be his children must keepe themselues pure not only in soule but also in body 1 Cor. 6.20 called h●re fl●sh glorifying God in their bodies and in their spirits for they are Gods that so they may be wholly pure Thus we see the occasion the scope and drift of the Apostle and the true sence and meaning of these words Whereby wee learne That the worshippers of the true God may not communicate with heathens and infidels in their idolatrous or idol worship which is no b●tter then the worship of the Diuell And to apply this That a Christian at this day being in Turkey may not pertake with them in their worshipping of Mahomet or beeing among heath●ns ioyne with them in their heathenish and idolatrous seruice Which maketh nothing for their separating from vs in the worship of the true God because of some corruptions therein Except it be all one when externall worsh●p in
part is corrupted as in some matter of circumstance or ceremonie and when it is corrupted in the whole substance and body thereof which no man sure in his wits will affirme These men in alleadging this Scripture for the iusti●ying of their Separation doe compare and equall first our publike worship of God with the Idolaters of Corinthus their publike worship Secondly those Idolaters with vs. And except there bee a likelihood and equalitie betweene these worships and worshippers this place of holy Scripture they peruert and abuse because otherwise it proueth not their Separation to bee lawfull Let vs therefore see the sweet harmony that is betweene these things and persons Wee in our Churches or Church-assemblies vvorship the true and liuing God and touching the substance according to his word Wee in our Temples haue the Word of God read and as soundly interpreted and ●ightly applyed as either is or euer hath beene in Christendome since the Apostles dayes with great power fruit and efficacie in the hearts of the hearers so as sinners are thereby conuerted from going astray themselues being iudges Wee in our publike assemblies call vpon the liuing God and that onely in the name of Iesus Christ and doe receiue onely the Sacraments which the Lord Iesus hath instituted But the Corinthians in their Temples fell downe before their Idols which vvere representations of their feined gods prayed before them and to a false God and together with their Idols worshipped the Diuell as wee haue heard And as for these Corinthians they were all Heathens and Infidels voide of all knowledge and profession of the true Religion whereas wee all professe the true religion and many of vs through the grace of God walke according to our ho●y profession Considering then the great difference and inequalitie betweene vs and them our worship theirs it may very well be nay is lawfull to communicate with vs in diuine worship and yet vtterly vnlawfull to partake with such grosse Idolaters as these Corinthians in their worship And what an absurd kinde of re●soning is this We may not ioyne with Heathens and Infidels in their idol-worship and seruice indeede of the Diuell Therefore not with Christians in the worship of the true God corrupted This testimonie of the Apostle proueth only this Antecedent or first part of this reason and the conclusion here is that which in the general you inferre of this Scripture Looke well I beseech you in the feare of God of this cons●quence and consider of the lightnesse and vanity thereof To alleadge this Scripture or any such like for the proofe of the aforesaid conclusion and the iustifying of your seperation is a very childish part and to no purpose and yet there is not any thing more vsuall with you If you will write and speake as beseemeth but men and to the point in hand shew vs where the Apostle moueth the Christians in Corinthus or elsewhere which were more holy and sincere then the rest to seperate from the other Christians because of some corruptions in the externall worship of God And this may aboundantdantly suffice for answere to this your second testimony of holy Scripture Wherein I haue been the larger because the wise and considerate Reader may from thence receiue an answere to the third place of Scripture here alleadged by you taken forth of the 18. Chapter of the Reuelation where thus S. Iohn speaketh Verse 2.4 And I saw another Angell come downe from heauen and he cryed out mightily with a lowd voice saying it is fallen it is fallen Babylon that great Citie and is become the habitation of Diuels and the hold of all foule spirits and a cage of euery vncleane and hatefull bird 4. And I heard another voice from heauen say Goe out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues Both these Scriptures teach and perswade though by diuers reasons one the same thing that is That wee must separate and goe out from idolaters and not communicate with them in their idolatrous or idol-worship and therfore one and the same answere may serue them both They differ onely in this that the one speaketh of heathen the other of Antichristian Idolatry and idolaters condemning all communion with them in externall worship And heare that which before we haue heard wee must againe remember and not forget That it is one thing when the worship of God is corrupted in the substance and whole body thereof as it is in the better of these worships and another thing when it is corrupted in part as vvith humane ceremonies or ordinances of lesser moment With the former of these kindes of worship we may haue no communion which these two places of holy Scripture doe directly proue but nothing else With the latter kinde of which our worship is vve may lawfully communicate Thus vve see how the principall testimonies vvhich out of the sacred Scriptures the Separatists produce to vvarrant their separation are falsely applyed miserably vvrested and peruerted by them The scope vvith the true sence applyed to a l●ke case is a true allegation of Scripture else it is but a wretched abuse thereof as one saith very well Nay you haue so accustomed your selues to sinne in your allegations and quotations of Scripture that oftentimes when you haue the truth in hand and goe about to confirme that by Scripture you are then also faulty herein vvhereof I vvill giue you and the Reader a taste Princip and Infer 12. The meanes say you of saluation are the Word Sacraments Prayers Censures and the ordinances of Christ for the dispensing of them all Rom. 3.2 4.11 Luk. 19.46 Mat. 18.15.17 Act 2.42 1. Cor. 11.23.26 Mat. 28.19 Psal 149 6.9 Who considering these manifold testimonies can otherwise thinke but that this proposition in euery part therof is soundly proued I deny not but acknowledge this to be an vndoubted truth but onely take exc●ption against your manner of prouing it You are to proue here and pretend to proue first that the word is a meanes of saluation To this end you send vs to Rom. 3.2 Vnto the Iewes were committed the Oracles of God Is not heere a goodly proofe of the aforesaid Proposition Tell me I pray you whether any place in Scripture wherein mention is made of the word of God be not as good a proofe as this produced by you Had you quoted Ioh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life Or 1. Pet. 1.23 Where the word of God is cal●ed immortall seede Or 1. Cor. 1.28 21. It pleaseth God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue those that beleeue Or any such as thes● whereof there be store in the booke of God then had your allegation b●en pertinent where now they be friuolous And what meane you to omit these vvitnesses which would speak materially and to purpose and instead of them bring forth such as doe not