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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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by a statute for euer frō among the children of Israél 35 ¶ This is the anointyng of Aarôn and the anointyng of his sonnes concernyng the offrings of the Lorde made by fire in the daye whē he presented them to serue in the Priests office vnto the Lord. 36 The which portions the Lord commāded to gyue them in the daye that the anointed them from among the children of Israél by a statute for euer in their generacions 37 This is also the lawe of the burnt offryng of the meat offring and of the sinne offring and of the trespasse offring and of the consecrations and of the peace offrings 38 Which the Lord commanded Mosés in the mount Sinái when he commanded the children of Israél to offer their giftes vnto the Lord in the wildernes of Sinái CHAP. VIII 12 The anointing of Aarón and his sonnes with the sacrifice con ceinyng the same 1 AFterwarde the Lorde spake vnto Mosés saying 2 * Take Aarón and his sonnes with hym and the garments and the * anointing oyle and a bullocke for the sin offring and two rams and a basket of vnleauened bread 3 And assemble all the companie at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 4 So Mosés did as the Lord had commanded him and the companie was assembled at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregaciō 5 Then Mosés said vnto the companie * This is the thyng whiche the Lorde hathe commanded to do 6 And Mosés broght Aarón and his sonnes ād washed them with water 7 And put vpon him the coat and girded him with a girdel ād clothed him with the robe and put the Ephōd on him which he girded with the broydred garde of the Ephód and bonde it vnto him therewith 8 After he put the brest plate thereon and put in the brest plate * the Vrim and the 〈◊〉 9 Also he put the mitre vpon his head and put vpon the mitre on the fore fronte the golden plate ād the holy crowne as the Lord had commanded Mosés 10 Now Mosés had taken the anointing oyle and anointed the Tabernacle and that was therein and sanctified them 11 And sprink led thereof vpon the altar seuen times and anointed the altar and all hys instruments and the lauer and hys fote to sanctifie them 12 * And he powred of the anoynting oyle vppon Aarons head and anointed hym to sanctifie him 13 After Mosés broght Aarons sonnes and put coates vpon them and girded them with gir dels and put bonets vpon their heades as the Lord had commanded Mosés 14 * Then he broght the bullocke for the sin offryng and his sonnes put their handes vppon the head of the bullocke for the sinne offring 15 And Mosés slewe hym and toke the blood which he put vpon the hornes of the Altar round about with his finger ād purified the Altar and powred the reste of the blood at the fote of the Altar so he sanctified it to make reconciliation vpon it 16 Then he toke all the fat that was vpon the inwardes and the kall of the liuer and the two kidneis with their fat which Mosés bur ned vpon the Altar 17 But the bullocke and hys hyde and hys flesh and his doung he burnt with fire without the hoste as the Lorde had commanded Mosés 18 ¶ Also he broght the ram for the burnt offryng and Aaron and hys sonnes put their hands vpon the head of the ram 19 So Mosés killed it and sprinkled the blood vpon the Altar round about 20 And Mosés cut the ram in pieces ād burnt the head with the pieces and the fat 21 And washed the inwardes ād the legs in water so Mosés burnt the ram euerie whit vpō the Altar for it was a burnt offrynge for a swete sauour whiche was made by fire vnto the Lord as the Lord had cōmanded Mosés 22 ¶ * After he broght the other ram the ram of consecracions and Aarōn and his sonnes laied their hands vpon the head of the ram 23 Whyche Mosés slewe and toke of the blood of it and put it vppon the lap of Aarons ryght eare and vppon the thombe of his right hand and vpon the great toe of his ryght fote 24 Then Mosés broght Aarons sonnes and put of the blood on the lap of theyr ryght eares and vpon the thumbes of their ryght hands and vpon the great toes of their right fete and Mosés sprinkled the reste of the blood vpon the Altar round about 25 And he toke the fat and the rumpe and all the fat that was vpon the inwardes and the kall of the liuer and the two kidneis wyth their fat and the right 〈◊〉 26 Also he toke of the basket of the vnleauened bread that was before the Lord one vnleauened cake and a cake of oyled breade and one wafer and put them on the fat and vpon the right shulder 27 So he put * all in Aarons handes and in hys sonnes hands and shoke it to and fro before the Lord. 28 After Mosés toke them out of their hands and burnt them vpon the Altar for a burnt offryng for these were consecracions for a swete sauour which were made by fire vnto the Lord. 29 Likewise Mosés toke the breast of the ram of consecracions and shoke it to and fro before the Lord for it was Mosés * portion as the Lord had commanded Mosés 30 Also Mosés toke of the anointing oyle and of the blood which was vpon the Altar and sprinkled it vpon Aarón vpon 〈◊〉 garments and vpon his sonnes and on hys 〈◊〉 garments with him so he sanctified Aarón hys garments and his sonnes and his sonnes garments with him 31 ¶ Afterward Mosés sayd vnto Aarón and his sonnes Sethe the fleshe at the dore of the g Tabernacle of the Congregacion and there * eat it with the bread that is in the basket of consecracions as I cōmanded saying Aarón and his sonnes shal eat it 32 But that which remaineth of the fleshe and of the bread shal ye burne with fire 33 And ye shalte not departe from the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion seuen dayes vntil the dayes of your consecracions be at an end * for seuē daies said the Lord shal he consecrate you 34 As he hathe done thys day so the Lorde hathe commanded to do to make an atonement for you 35 Therefore shall ye abide at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion daye and nyght seuen dayes and shal kepe the watch of the LORD that ye dye not for so I am commanded 36 So Aarôn and his sonnes did all things whiche the Lord had commanded by the hand of Mosés CHAP. IX 8 The first offrings of Aarón 22 Aaron blesseth the people 23 The glorie of the Lorde is sheweth 24 The fire commeth from the Lord. 1 ANd in the eyght daye Mosés called Aarón and hys sonnes and the Elders of
thousand six hundreth and thirtie 41 These are the nōbers of the families of the sonnes of Gershon of all that did seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregacion whom Mosés and Aaron did nomber according to the commandement of the Lord. 42 ¶ The nombers also of the families of the sonnes of Merari by their families and by the houses of their fathers 43 From thirtie yere olde and vpward euen vn to fiftie yere olde all that entre into the assemblie for the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 44 So the nombers of them by their families were thre thousand and two hundreth 45 These are the summes of the families of the sonnes of Merari whome Mosés and Aaron nombred according to the commandement of the Lord by the hand of Mosés 46 So all the nombers of the Leuites whiche Mosés and Aaron and the princes of Israél nombred by their families and by the houses of their fathers 47 From thirtie yere olde and vpwarde euen to fiftie yere old euerie one that came to do his duetie office seruice and charge in the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 48 So the nombers of them were eight thousand fiue hundreth and foure score 29 According to the cōmādemēt of the Lord by the hād of Mosés did Aarō nōber thē euerie according to his seruice and according to his charge Thus were they of that tribe nōbred as the Lord cōmāded Mosés CHAP. V. 2 The Leprous and the polluted shal be cast forthe 6 The purging of sinne 15 The 〈◊〉 of the suspect wife 1 ANd the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Commande the chyldren of Israél that they * put out of the hoste euerie leper and euerie one that hathe * an issue and whosoeuer is defiled by * the dead 3 Bothe male and female shall ye put out out of the host shall ye put them that they defile not their tentes among whome I dwel 4 And the childrē of Israél did so and put thē out of the hoste euen as the Lord had commanded Mosés so did the children of Israél 5 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 6 Speake vnto the children of Israél * When a man or womā shal commit ame sinne that men commit and trāsgresse against the Lord when that persone shall trespas 7 Then they shall confesse their sinne whiche they haue done and shal restore the domma ge thereof * with his principall and put the fift part of it more thereto ād shal giue it vnto him against whome he hathe trespassed 8 But if the man haue no kinsman to whome he shulde restore the dommage the dommage shal be restored to the Lord for the Priests vse besides the ram of the atonemēt whereby he shall make atonement for him 9 And euerie offring of all the holy thyngs of the children of Israél whiche they bring vnto the Priest shal be * his 10 And euerie mans halowed thyngs shal be his that is whatsoeuer anie mā giueth the Priest it shal be his 11 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 12 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say vnto them If anie mans wife turne to euil and commit a trespas against him 13 So that another man lie with her fleshly and it be hid from the eyes of her housband and kept close and yet she be defiled and there be no witnes agaynst her nether she taken with the maner 14 If he be moued with a ielous minde so that he is ielous ouer his wife which is defiled or if he haue a ielous minde so that he is ielous ouer his wife whiche is not defiled 15 Then shall the man bryng hys wyfe to the Priest and bryng her offryng with her the tenth parte of an Epháh of barly meale but he shall not powre oyle vpon it nor put incens thereon for it is an offryng of ielousie an offring for a remembrance callynge the sinne to minde 16 And the Priest shall bryng her and set her before the Lord. 17 Then the Priest shal take the holy water in an earthē vessel of the dust that is in the floure of the Tabernacle euen the Priest shal take it and put it into the water 18 After the Priest shall set the women before the Lorde and vncouer the womans head and put the offryng of the memorial in her hand it is the ielousie offring and the Priest shall haue bitter and cursed water in his hand 19 And the Priest shall charge her by an othe and say vnto the woman If no man haue lien with thee nether thou hast turned to vnclēnes from thine housband be fre from this bitter and cursed water 20 But if thou hast turned frō thine housbād and so art defiled some man hath lien with thee beside thine housband 21 Thē the Priest shal charge the womā with an othe of cursing and the Priest shall say vn to the woman The Lord make thee to be accursed and detestable for the othe among thy people and the Lord cause thy thigh to rott and thy belly to swell 22 And that this cursed water maie go into thy bowels to cause thy belly to swell and thy thigh to rott Then the woman shal answer Amen Amen 23 After the Priest shall write these curses in a boke and shall blot them out with the bit ter water 24 And shall cause the woman to drinke the bitter cursed water and the cursed water turned into bitternes shall entre into her 25 Then the Priest shall take the ielousie offring out of the womans hand shall shake the offring before the Lord and offer it vpō the altar 26 And the Priest shall take an handful of the offring for a memoriall thereof and burne it vpon the altar and afterward make the woman drinke the water 27 When he hath made her drinke the water if she be defiled and haue trespassed against her housbād then shal the cursed water tur ned into bitternes entre into her her belly shal swel her thigh shal rott the woman shal be accursed among her people 28 But if the woman be not defiled but be cleane she shal be fre shal cōceiue beare 29 This is the lawe of ielousie when a wif tur neth from her housband and is defiled 30 Or whē a mā is moued with a ielous minde being ielous ouer his wife thē shal he bring the woman before the Lorde and the Priest shal do to her according to all this lawe 31 And the man shal be fre frō sinne but this woman shal beare her iniquitie CHAP. VI. 2 The lawe of the consecration of the Nazarites 24 The maner to blesse the people 1 ANd the Lorde speake vnto Mosés saying 2 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say vnto them When a man or a woman doeth separate thē selues to vowe a vowe of a
of man or beast shal be thyne but the firste borne of man shalte thou redeme and the firste borne of the vncleane beast shalt thou redeme 16 And those that are to be redemed shalt thou redeme frome the age of a moneth according to thy estimation for the money of fiue shekels after the shekel of the Sanctuarie * which is twentie gerahs 17 But the firste borne of a kowe or the firste borne of a shepe or the firste borne of a go at shalte thou not redeme for they are holy thou shalte sprynkle theyr bloode at the altar and thou shalt burne theyr fat it is a sacrifice made by fire for a swete sauour vnto the Lord. 18 And the fleshe of them shal be thyne * as the 〈◊〉 breaste and as the ryght shulder shal be thine 19 All the heaue offryngs of the holy thynges whyche the children of Israél shal offer vnto the Lord haue I giuen thee and thy sonnes and thy daughters wyth thee to be a duetie for euer it is a perpetual couenant of salt before the Lorde to thee and to thy sede with thee 20 ¶ And the Lorde said vnto Aarón Thou shalt haue none inheritance in their land ne ther shalt thou haue anie parte among them * I am thy parte and thine inheritance amōg the children of Israél 21 For beholde I haue giuen the children of Leui all the tenth in Israél for an inheritance for their seruice whiche they serue in the Ta bernacle of the Congregacion 22 Nether shall the chyldren of Israél anye more come nere the Tabernacle of the cō gregacion lest they susteine sinne and dye 23 But the Leuites shall do the seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregacion and they shal beare their sinne it is a lawe for euer in your generaciōs that among the childrē of Israél they possesse none enheritance 24 For the tithes of the children of Israél whiche they shall offer as an offrynge vnto the Lorde I haue gyuen the Leuites for an inheritance therefore I haue sayd vnto them Among the children of Israél ye shall possesse none inheritance 25 ¶ And the Lorde spake vnto Mosés saying 26 Speake also vnto the Leuites and say vnto them When ye shall take of the children of Israél the tithes whiche I haue giuen you of them for your inheritance then shalye take an heaue offring of that same for the Lord euen the tenth parte of the tithe 27 And your heaue 〈◊〉 shal be rekened vn to you as the corne of the barne or as the abundance of the wine presse 28 So ye shall also offer an heaue offryng vnto the Lorde of all your 〈◊〉 whiche ye shall receiue of the children of Israél and ye shal giue thereof the Lords heaue offring to Aarôn the Priest 29 Ye shal offer of all your gifts all the Lords heaue offrynges of all the fat of the same shalye offer the holy things thereof 30 Therefore thou shalt say vnto them When ye haue offred the fat there of then it shal be counted vnto the Leuites as the encrease of the corne floore or as the encrease of the wine presse 31 And ye shalt eat it in all places ye and your housholdes for it is your wages for your seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregaciō 32 And ye shal beare no sinne by the reason of it when ye haue offred the fat of it nether shall ye pollute the holy things of the children of Israél lest ye dye CHAP. XIX 2 The sacrifice of the red kow 9 The sprinkling water 11 He that toucheth the dead 14 The man that dyeth in a tent 1 ANd the Lord spake to Mosés and to Aarón saying 2 This is the ordināce of the lawe which the Lord hathe commanded saying Speake vnto the children of Israél that they bring thee a red kowe with out blemish wherein is no spot vpon the which neuer came yoke 3 And ye shall giue her vnto Eleazár the Priest that he may bryng her * without the hoste and cause her to be slaine before his face 4 Thē shal Eleazár the Priest take of her blood with his * finger sprinkle it before the Ta bernacle of the Congregacion seuen times 5 And cause the kowe to be burnt in his sight with her * skin and her flesh and her blood and her doung shal he burne her 6 Then shal the Priest take ceder wood hissope skarlet lace cast thē in the middes of the fire where the kowe burneth 7 Then shall the Priest wash his clothes and he shal wash his flesh in water then come into the hoste and the Priest shal be vncleane vnto the euen 8 Also he that burneth her shall washe his clothes in water and wash his flesh in water and be vncleane vntil euen 9 And a man that is cleane shal take vp the ashes of the kowe put them with out the hoste in a cleane place it shal be kept for the Congregacion of the children of Israél for a spriakling water it is a sinne offring 10 Therefore he that gathereth the ashes of the kowe shal wash his clothes remaine vncleane vntil euē it shal be vnto the children of Israél vnto the stranger that dwel leth among them a statute for euer 11 He that toucheth the dead bodie of anie man shal be vncleane euen seuen daies 12 He shall purifie him selfe there with the third day the seuēth day he shal be cleane but if he purifie not him selfe the third day then the seuenth day he shal not be cleane 13 Whosoeuer toucheth the corps of anie mā that is dead and purgeth not him selfe defileth the Tabernacle of the Lord that persone shal be cut of from Israél because the sprinkling water was not sprinkled vppon him he shal be vncleane and his vnclennes shal remaine stil vpon him 14 This is the 〈◊〉 Whē a man dyeth in a tent all that come into the tent al that is in the tent shal be vncleane seuen dayes 15 And all the vessels that be open whiche haue no coueryng fastened vpō thē shal be vncleane 16 Also who soeuer toucheth one that is slaine with a sworde in the sield or a dead persone or a bone of a dead man or a graue shal be vncleane seuen dayes 17 Therefore for an vncleane persone they shall take of the burnt ashes of the sin offring and pure water shal be put thereto in a vessel 18 And a cleane persone shal take hyssope dip it in the water and sprinkle it vpon the tent and vpon al the vessels and on the persones that were therein and vpon him that touched the bone or the slaine or the dead or the graue 19 And the cleane persone shal sprinkle vpon the vncleane the third day and the
haue handled of the Worde of life 2 For the life appeared and we haue sene it and beare witnes ād she we vnto you the eternal life which was with the Father and appeared vnto vs 3 That I say which we haue sene and heard declare we vnto you that ye may also haue felowship with vs and that our felowship also may be with the Father and with his Sonne Iesus Christ. 4 And these things write we vnto you that your ioye may be ful 5 This then is the message which we haue heard of him and declare vnto you that God * is light in him is no darkenes 6 If we say that we haue felowship with him and walke in darkenes we lye and do not truely 7 But if we walke in the light as he is in the light we haue felowship one with another and the * blood of Iesus Christ his Sonne clenseth vs from al sinne 8 * If we say that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and trueth is not in vs. 9 If we acknowledge our sinnes he is faithful and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes 10 If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lier and his worde is not in vs. CHAP. II. 1 Christ is our Aduocate 19 Of true loue and how it is tried 18 To beware of Antichrist 1 MY babes these things write I vnto you that ye sinne not and if any man sinne we haue an Aduo cat with the Father Iesus Christ the Iust. 2 And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole worlde 3 And hereby we are sure that we know him if we kepe his commandements 4 He that saith I knowe hym and kepeth not his commandements is a lier and the trueth is not in him 5 But he that kepeth his worde in hym is the loue of God perfite indede hereby we know that we are in him 6 He that saith he remaineth in hym ought euen so to walke as he hathe walked 7 Brethren I write no newe commandement vnto you but an olde commandement whiche ye haue had from the beginning the olde commandement is the worde whiche ye haue heard from the beginning 8 Againe a newe commandement I write vnto you that whiche is true in him and 〈◊〉 in you for the darkenes is past the true light now shineth 9 He that saith that he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkenes vntill this time 10 * He that loueth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of euil in hym 11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkenes and walketh in darkenes knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkenes hathe blinded his eyes 12 Litle children I write vnto you because your sinnes are forgiuen you for his Names sake 13 I write vnto you fathers because ye haue knowen hym that is from the beginnyng I write vnto you yong men because ye haue ouercome the wicked 14 I write vnto you babes because ye haue knowen the Father I haue written vnto you fathers because ye haue knowen hym that is frō the beginning I haue writen vnto you yong men because ye are strong the word of God abideth in you and ye haue ouercome the 〈◊〉 15 Loue not the worlde nether the things that are in the worlde If any man loue the*world the loue of the Father is not in hym 16 For all that is in the worlde as the luste of the flesh the luste of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the worlde 17 And the worlde passeth awaye and the luste thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth euer 18 Babes it is the last time and ye haue heard that Antichrist shall come euen now are there many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time 19 They went out from vs but thei were not of vs for if they had bene of vs they wolde haue continued with vs. But this commeth to passe that it might appeare that they are not all of vs. 20 But ye haue an ointement from hym that is Holie and ye haue knowen all things 21 I haue not written vnto you because ye knowe not the trueth but because ye know it and that no lye is of the trueth 22 Who is a lyer but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ the same is the Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Sonne 23 Whosoeuer denyeth the Sonne the same hathe not the Father 24 Let therefore abide in you that same which ye haue heard from the beginnyng If that whiche ye haue heard from the beginnyng shall remaine in you ye also shall contine we in the Sonne and in the Father 25 And this is the promes that he hathe promised vs euen eternall life 26 These things haue I writen vnto you concernyng them that deceiue you 27 But the anointyng whiche ye receyued of hym dwelleth in you and ye nede not that any man teache you but as the same Anointing teacheth you of al things and it is true and is notlying and as it taught you ye shall abide in him 28 And now litle children abyde in hym that when he shal appeare we may be bolde and not be ashamed before hym at his comming 29 If ye knowe that he is righteous knowe ye that he whiche doeth righteously is borne of him CHAP. III. 1 The singular loue of God towarde vs. 7 And how we againe ought to loue one another 1 BEholde what loue the Father hathe shewed on vs that we shulde be called the sonnes of God for this cause the worlde knoweth you not because it knoweth not hym 2 Dearly beloued now are we the sonnes of God but yet it doeth not appeare what we shal be and we knowe that when he shall appeare we shal be like him for we shall se him as he is 3 And euerie man that hathe this hope in him purgeth him self euen as he is pure 4 Whosoeuer committeth sinne transgresseth also the Law for sinne is the transgression of the Law 5 And ye knowe that he appeared that he might * take away our sinnes and in hym is no sinne 6 Whosoeuer abideth in hym sinneth not whosoeuer sinneth hathe not sene him nether hathe knowen hym 7 Litle children let no man deceiue you he that doeth righteousnes is righteous as he is righteous 8 He that * committeth sinne is of the deuill for the deuill sinneth from the beginnyng for this purpose appeared the Sonne of God that he might lose the workes of the deuill 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his sede
out of Babylon 〈◊〉 beso great that it shulde abolish 〈◊〉 of their deliueran ce from 〈◊〉 but he hathe here chiefly respect to the 〈◊〉 deliuerance vnder 〈◊〉 g 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 who shulde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 suche fort that if 〈◊〉 escaped the 〈◊〉 the other shulde take them h That is their sonnes daughters 〈◊〉 they offred to 〈◊〉 i He wondereth at the great mercie of God in this deliuerāce which shal not onely ex tend to the 〈◊〉 but also the Gentiles k Our fathers were most vile 〈◊〉 therefore it cometh onely of Gods mercie that he performeth his promes and hath not vtterly cast vs of l 〈◊〉 shal once againe fele my power mercie for their 〈◊〉 ce that they 〈◊〉 learne to 〈◊〉 me a The remēbrance of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of God can not passe albeit for a time he deferre the punishment for it shal be manifest to men and Angels b In stead of the Law of God thei haue 〈◊〉 ido 〈◊〉 all abominations in their heart c 〈◊〉 sinnes appeare in all the al tars that you haue 〈◊〉 to ido les d Some read So that their childrē remēber their altars 〈◊〉 is follow 〈◊〉 fathers wic kednes e zion that was my 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as a waste field f Because thou woldest not giue the land 〈◊〉 at such times 〈◊〉 and yeres as I ap pointed thou shalt here after be 〈◊〉 away it 〈◊〉 for lacke of laborers g The Iewes were 〈◊〉 to worlde lie policies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to make them selues 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 of the Egyptians Isa. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 an gers and in the meane season did not depend on God 〈◊〉 he denounceth Gods plagues agaīst thē shewing that they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 man to God which is 〈◊〉 Isa. 2 22. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6. h Read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wic ked haue euer some excuse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their 〈◊〉 he sheweth that their owne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 de ceiue thē 〈◊〉 them to these in 〈◊〉 but God wil examine their dedes by the malice of their hearts 〈◊〉 Sam. 16 7. 〈◊〉 chro 28. 9 psal 7 10. cha 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 20 12 Reuel 2 13. k As the patriche by 〈◊〉 ga thereth 〈◊〉 whiche 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche they so that she is not their dam so the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is forsaken of his ri 〈◊〉 because he cometh by them falsely l She wing that the 〈◊〉 ought to 〈◊〉 in nothing but in God who doeth exalt his and hath left a 〈◊〉 of his fauour in his Tēple m Their names snal not be registred in the boke of life n 〈◊〉 desireth God to preserue him that he fall not into 〈◊〉 considering the great 〈◊〉 of Godsworde and the multitude that fall 〈◊〉 God o The wicked say that my prophecie shal not come to passe because 〈◊〉 the time of thy vengeance p I am assured of my 〈◊〉 and therefore knowe that the thing which thou spea kest by me shal come to passe that I speake not of any worldelie 〈◊〉 q How soeuer the wicked deale 〈◊〉 withme yet let me finde comfort in thee r Read Chap. 11 20. s where as thy doctrine may be best vnderstand both of 〈◊〉 low t By naming the 〈◊〉 day he cōprehendeth the thing that is thereby signified for if they trāsgressed in the ceremonie they 〈◊〉 nedes be culpable of the rest read Exo. 20 8. and by the 〈◊〉 king of this one commandement he maketh them transgressors of the whole Lawe for as muche as the first and seconde table are contei nedherein * Chap 〈◊〉 4. a As the 〈◊〉 hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the clay to make what pot he wil or to breake thē when he hathe made them so ha ue I power 〈◊〉 you to do with you as semeth good to me Isa. 45 9. Wisd. 15 7. rom 9 20. b When the Scrip ture attribureth repentance vnto God it isnot that he doeth contrary to that which he hath ordeined in his secret 〈◊〉 sel but when he threatneth it is a calling to repentance and when he giueth māgra ce to repent the threatening whi che euer 〈◊〉 a condition in it taketh no place and this the Scripture calleth 〈◊〉 in God because it so 〈◊〉 to mans iudgement c As mē that had no remorce but were altogether bent to 〈◊〉 and to their own self wil. d As no mā that hathe thirst refuseth fresh cōduit waters which he hathe at home to go seke 〈◊〉 abroad to 〈◊〉 his thirst so theyought not to seke for helpe succour at 〈◊〉 leaue God which was present with them e That is the way of trueth which God had taught by his Law read chap. 6 16. f I wil shewe mine angre and not my fauour toward them g This argument the wicked haue euer vsed against the seruants of God The Church can not erre we are the Church therefore 〈◊〉 euer speaketh against vs they ought to dye 〈◊〉 King 22 24. cha 7 4 20 〈◊〉 mala 2 4 thus the false Church 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Church whiche standeth not in outward pompe and in multitude but is knowē by the graces of the holie 〈◊〉 h Let vs sclander him and accuse him for we shal be beleued i Seing the 〈◊〉 nace 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 which grewe daiely more and more the Prophet beingmoued with Gods Spirit without my 〈◊〉 affection 〈◊〉 for their destruction becau se he knew that it 〈◊〉 tend to Gods glorie and 〈◊〉 of his Church “ Or gate of the sonne a By Kings here and in other places are ment counsellours and gouernour of 〈◊〉 people which he called the 〈◊〉 vers 〈◊〉 b Read of this 〈◊〉 1. Sam. 3. 11. c Whereby is de 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what so euer is not 〈◊〉 by Gods word touching his seruice is 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 d Read Chap. 7. 〈◊〉 2 King 23. 10 Isa. 30. 33. Chap. 18. 16. 49. 30. 50. 13. 〈◊〉 28. 〈◊〉 Lament 4 10. e This 〈◊〉 le signe was to confirme them 〈◊〉 the assuran ce of this plague which 〈◊〉 Lord 〈◊〉 by his Prophet f He 〈◊〉 the greatrage of the 〈◊〉 which 〈◊〉 no place 〈◊〉 from their abomi nations inso muche as they 〈◊〉 their owne houses therewith aswe se yet amōg 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 g Read Deut. 22. 8. a Thuswe 〈◊〉 the thing 〈◊〉 nether the King nor the princes nor the people durst 〈◊〉 against the Prophet of God this priest as a chief instrument of Satan first 〈◊〉 read Chap. 18. 18. “ Or feare round 〈◊〉 b Which haue suf fred them selues to be 〈◊〉 by thy false prophecies c Herein appeareth the impacien cie which of tentimes ouercometh 〈◊〉 of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 se not 〈◊〉 labours to profite and also 〈◊〉 their owne weaknes read chap. 15 18. d Thou didest thrust me forth to this worke against my wil. e He sheweth that he did his office in that he reproued the people of their vices and threatened them with Gods iudgements but because he
it might be more manifestly knowen set before all 〈◊〉 eyes a He dyeth to sin ne in whome the strength of sinne is broken by the 〈◊〉 of Christ and so now 〈◊〉 to God Gal. 3. 27. Col. 2. 12. b Which is that growing together with him we 〈◊〉 rec̄eiue vertue to kill sinne and raise vp our new mā 〈◊〉 4. 23. Col. 3. 8. Ebr 12. 2. 2. 〈◊〉 2. 1. c The Greke worde meaneth that we growe vp together with Christ as wese mosse yuie misteltowe or such like growe vp by a treandare nou 〈◊〉 with the ioyse thereof d If we by hisver tue dye to sinne 1. Cor. 6. 14. 2. Tim. 2. 11. e The fleshwhere in sinne sticketh fast f Because that being dead we can not sinne g That he might destroy sinne in 〈◊〉 h And sitteth at the right hand of the Father i We may gather that we are dead to sinne when sinne beginneth to dye in vs which is by the participation of Christs death by whome also being quickened we liue to God that is to righteousnes Or instruments or armoure k In that ye are led with the Spirit of God l The minde first ministreth euil motions whereby mans wil is entised thence burst forthe the lustes by them the bodie is prouoked and the bodie by his actions doeth solicitie the mindet therefore he commandeth at the least that we rule our bodies m Which is the declaration of sin ne n Indewed with the 〈◊〉 of Christ. o Shewing that none can be 〈◊〉 which doeth not obey God p To conforme your selues vnto it q It is a most vile thyng for him that is deliuered from the selauerie of sinne to 〈◊〉 againe to the same r Leauing to speake of heauenlie things according to your capacicitie 〈◊〉 vse these 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and fredome that ye might the better vnderstād Iohn 8. 4. 2. Pet. 2. 19. s Or there warde recōpense t Sinne is cōpared to a tyrāt which reigneth by force who giueth death as an allowance to thē that were preferred by the Lawe a Meaning the moral Lawe 1 Cor. 7. 39. b Bothe in this first mariage and in the seconde the housband ād the wife must be considered with in our selues the first housbād was Sinne and our flesh was the wife their children 〈◊〉 the frutesof the flesh Gala. 5. 19. In the seconde mariage the Spirit is the housbād the new creature is the wife and their children are the frutes of the Spirit c Which is the Spirit or the seconde housband d VVhen we were destitute of the Spirit of God “ Or affections e Meaning to sinne our first housband f There is nothing more enemie to sinne then the Law if so be therefore that sinne rage more by reason thereof them before why shulde it be imputed to the Lawe which discloseth the sleightes of sinne her enemie h He thoght him sel to be aliue when he knewe not the Lawe Exod. 20 7. Dent. 5. 21. g VVhich is an in warde vice not openly knowen i Sinne being disclosed by the Lawe so muche more detestable because it turneth the goodnes of the Lawe to our destructiō 1. Tim. 1. 8. k So that it can iudge the affections of the heart l He is not able to do that which he desiret to do and therefore is farre from the true perfection m He doeth not excuse him self but sheweth that he is not able to accomplish that good desire whiche is in him n The flesh stayeth euen the moste perfect to runne forwarde as the spirit wisheth Or in my nature o That is in my spirit “ Or commaunde ment p Euen the corruption which yet remaineth q This fleshlie 〈◊〉 of sinne death r In that parte which is regene rate s Which is the parte corrupted a Thogh sinne be in vs yet it is not imputed vnto vs through Christ Iesus b He annexeth the cōdition lest we shulde abuse the libertie c The power autoritie of the Spirit that is the grace of regeneration d Whose sanctification is made ours “ Or of no strength e Christ did take flesh which of nature was subiect to sinne which not withstanding he sanctified euen in the 〈◊〉 instant of his conce ption and so did appropriate it vnto him that he might 〈◊〉 sinne in it 2. 7 Cor. 5. 21. “ Or by 〈◊〉 f That which the Law requireth g The worde comprehendeth all that which is moste excellent in man as wil vnderstanding reason wit c. “ Or his sobe “ Or 〈◊〉 h The Spirit of regeneracion which abolisheth sinne in our flesh not all at once but by de grees wherfore we muste in the meane time call to God through pacience i But to liue after the Spirit k So he nameth the holie Gost of the effect which he causeth in vs When he proposeth vs saluacion by the Law with an impossible condicion who also doeth seale our 〈◊〉 in our hearts by Christs fre adoption that we cōsider not God now as a rigorous Lord 〈◊〉 as a moste merciful Father l So that we haue two witnesses Spirit and ours who is certified by the Spirit of God m Frely made 〈◊〉 of the Fathers treasures Gala. 4. 5. “ Or of like value n The creatures shal not be restored before that Gods children be broght to their perfection in the meane season thei waite o That is to destruction because of mans sinne p He meaneth not the Angels nether deuils nor men q And yet are farre from the perfection r Which 〈◊〉 in the resurrectiō when we shal be made conformable to our head Christ. s By hope is mēt y thing which we hope for Luk. 2 28 t In that he stirreth their hears to pray and sheweth bothe whome to aske and how u He sheweth 〈◊〉 by the ordre of our election that afflictions are meanes to make vs like the Sonne of God Isa. 50 8. x Who pronoun ceth his iust in his Sonne Christ. y Where with he loued vs or God in Christ which 〈◊〉 is grounded vpon his determinate purpose and Christ is the pledge thereof Psal. 44. 23. z Which is to signifie the condicion of Christes Church a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 forthe by these wordes the wōderful nature of the spirits aswel the good Eph. 1. 21. col 11. as the euil spirits Ephes. 6. 12. col 2. 15. b That is wherewith God loueth vs in his Sonne Christ Iesus a As becometla him that 〈◊〉 en ceth Christ or whose tongue Christ ruleth and so taketh Christ for his witnes Act 9. 2. b He wolde redeme the reiection of the lewes with his 〈◊〉 damnaciō which 〈◊〉 his zeale towards Gods glorie read Exod. 32. 32. 1. Cor. 15. 8. c The Arke of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was a signe of Gods presence was called Gods glorie d The two 〈◊〉 of the couenant Deut. 11. 9. Chap. 2. 17. e Christ is verie God Chap. 2. 28. ” Greke 〈◊〉 away f That is of Iacob
euen before he came at them they conspired against him for to slaie him 19 For they said one to an other Beholde this dreamer commeth 20 Come now therefore and let vs slaye hym and cast him into some pit and we wil say A wicked beast hathe deuoured him then we shal se what wil come of his dreames 21 * But when Reubén heard that he deliuered him out of their hands and said Let vs not kil him 22 Also Reubén sayde vnto them Shed not blood but caste him into thys pit that is in the wildernes and lay no hande vpon hym Thus he said that he mightd eliuer him out of their hande and restore him to his father againe 23 ¶ Nowe when Ioséph was come vnto hys brethren they stript Ioséph out of his coat his party coloured co ate that was vpon him 24 And they toke him ād cast him into a pit and the pit was empty without water in it 25 Then they sat them downe to eat bread and they lift vp their eyes and loked and beholde there came a company of Ishmeelites from Gileád and their camels laden with spicerie and rosen and myrrhe and were going to carie it downe into Egypt 26 Then Iudáh sayd vnto his brethren What auaileth it if we slaye our brother thogh we kepe his blood secret 27 Come and let vs sel him to the Ishmeelites and let not our handes be vpon hym for he is our brother and our fleshe and hys brethren obeyed 28 Then the * Midianites marchant men passed by and they drewe forthe and lyft Ioséph out of the pit and sold Ioséph vnto the Ishmeelites for twentie pieces of siluer who broght Ioséph into Egypt 29 ¶ Afterwarde Reubén returned to the pit and beholde Ioséph was not in the pit thē he rent his clothes 30 And returned to hys brethren and sayde The childe is not yonder and I whether shall I go 31 And they toke Iosephs coate and killed a kid of the goates and depped the coate in the blood 32 So they sent that party coloured coate and they broght it vnto their father and say de This haue we founde se now whether it be thy sonnes coate or no. 33 Then he knewe it and said It is my sonnes coat a wicked beast hathe * deuoured him Ioséph is surely torne in pieces 34 And Iaak ób rent his clothes and put sackcloth about his loynes and sorowed for his sonne a long season 35 Then all his sonnes and al his daughters rose vp to comforte hym but he wolde not be be comforted but sayd Surely I will go downe into the graue vnto my sonne mourning so his father wept for him 36 And the Medianites solde hym into Egypt vnto Potiphár an Eunuche of Pharaohs ād his chief stuarde CHAP. XXXVIII 2 The mariage of Iudáh 29 The trespasse of Er and Onán and the vengeance of God that came therupon 18 Iudáh lycth with his daughter in lawe Tamár 29. 30 The birth of 〈◊〉 and Zarah 1 ANd at that tyme Iudáh wente downe from his brethren ād turned into a man called Hiráh an Adullamite 2 And Iudáh sawe there the daughter of a man called * Shuáh a Canaanite and he toke her to wife and went in vnto her 3 So she conceyued and bare asonne and he called his name Er. 4 * And she conceiued againe ād bare a sonne and she called his name Onán 5 Moreouer she bare yet a sonne whome she called Sheláh and Iudáh was at Chezib when she bare him 6 Then Iudáh toke a wife to Er his first borne sonne whose name was Tamár 7 * Nowe Er the first borne of Iudáh was wicked in the sight of the Lorde therefore the Lord slewe him 8 Then Iudáh sayd to Onán Go in vnto thy brothers wife and do the office of a kinsman vnto her ād raise vp sede vnto thy brother 9 And Onan knewe that the sede shuld not be his therefore when he went in vnto his brothers wife he spilled it on the groúde lest he shulde giue sede vnto his brother 10 And it was wicked in the eies of the Lorde which he did wherefore he slewe him also 11 Then sayd Iudáh to Tamár his daughter in law Remaine a widow in thy fathers house til Sheláh my sonne growe vp for he thoght thus Lest he die as well as his brethren So Tamár went and dwelt in her fathers house 12 ¶ And in processe of time also the daughter of Shuáh Iudahs wyfe dyed Then Iudáh when he had left mourning went vp to his shepe sherers to Timnáh he and his neyghbour Hirah the Adullamite 13 And it was tolde Tamar saying Beholde thy father in lawe goeth vp to Timnah to shere his shepe 14 Then she put her widowes garmentes of from her and couered her with a vaile and wrapped her selfe and sate downe in Petháh-enaim which is by the way to Timnáh because she sawe that Sheláh was growen and she was not giuen vnto him to wife 15 Whē Iudáh sawe her iudged her an whore for she had couered her face 16 And he turned to the way towards her and said Come I pray thee let me lye with thee for he knewe not that she was his daughter in lawe And she aunswered What wilt thou giue me forto lie with me 17 Then sayd he I will send thee a kid of the goates from the flocke and she said Wel if thou wilt giue me a pledge til thou send it 18 Then he sayd What is the pledge that I shall giue thee And she aunswered Thy signet and thy cloke and thy staffe that is in thine hand So he gaue it her and lay by her and she was with childe by him 19 Then she rose and went and put her vayle from her and put on her widowes rayment 20 Afterwarde Iudáh sent a kid of the goates by the hande of his neighbour the Adullamite for to receiue his pledge from the womans hand but he founde her not 21 Then asked he the men of that place saying where is the whore that sate in 〈◊〉 by the way side And they answered There was no whore here 22 He came therefore to Iudáh againe ād said I can not finde her and also the men of the place said There was no whore there 23 Then Iudáh said Let her take it to her lest we be shamed beholde I sent this kid ād thou hast not founde her 24 ¶ Nowe after thre moneths one tolde Iudáh saying Tamárthy daughter in law hath played the whore and lo with playing the whore she is greate with chylde Then Iudah sayd Bryng ye her forthe and let her be burnt 25 When she was broght forthe she sent to her father in lawe saying By the man vnto whome these thynges perteine am I with childe and sayd also Loke I praye thee whose these are the seale and the cloke and
that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite 30 In the caue that is in the fielde of Machpeláh besides Mamré in the lande of Canáan which caue Abrahám boght with the field of Ephrón the Hittite for a possession to bury in 31 There they buryed Abrahám and Saráh his wyfe there they buryed Izhák and Rebekáh his wife and there I buryed Leáh 32 The purchase of the field the caue that is therein was boght of the childrē of Heth. 33 Thus Iaakob made an end of giuing charge to hys sonnes and plucked vp his fete into the bed and gaue vp the gost and was gathered to his people CHAP. L. 12 Iaakób is buryed 19 Ioséph forgiueth his brethren 23. He seeth his childrens children 25 He dyeth 1 THen Ioséph fel vpon his fathers face and wept vpon him and kissed him 2 And Ioséph commanded hys seruauntes the phisicions to enbaume his father and the phisicions enbaumed Israél 3 So fourty daies were accomplished for so long did the daies of them that were enbaumed last and the Egyptians be wailed him seuenty daies 4 And when the daies of his mourning were past Ioséph spake to the house of Pharaóh saying If I haue now founde fauour in your eies speak I pray you in the eares of Pharaóh and say 5 My father made me * sweare saying Lo I dye buri me in my graue which I haue made me in the land of Canaan now therefore let me go I praie thee and bury my father and I wil come againe 6 Then Pharaóh said Go vp and bury thy father as he made thee to sweare 7 ¶ So Ioséph went vp to bury his father and with him went all the seruantes of Pharaóh bothe the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of Egypt 8 Likewise all the house of Ioséph and his brethren and his fathers house onely their childrē and their shepe and their cattel left they in the land of Goshen 9 And there went vp with him bothe charets and horsemen and they were an exceading great companie 10 And they came to Gōren Atád which is beyonde Iordén ād there they made a great and exceading sore lamētacion he mourned for his father seuen daies 11 And when the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land sawe the mourning in Gore Atád they said This is a great mourning vnto the Egyptians wherefore the name thereof was called Abél Mizráim which is beyonde Iordén 12 So his sonnes did vnto him according as he had commanded them 13 * For is sonnes caried him into the land of Canáan and buryed him in the caue of the field of Machpelah which caue * Abrahám boght with the field to be a place to bury in of Ephron the Hittite besides Mamré 14 ¶ Then Ioséph returned into Egypt he his brethren and all that went vp with him to bury his father after that he had buryed his father 15 And when Iosephs brethren sawe that their father was dead they said It may be that Ioséph wil hate vs and wil paye vs againe all the euil which we did vnto him 16 Therefore they sent vnto Ioseph saying Thy father commanded before his death saying 17 Thus shal ye say vnto Ioséph Forgiue now I pray thee the trespace of thy brethren their sinne for they rewarded thee euil And now we pray thee forgiue the trespace of the seruants of thy fathers God And Ioséph wept when they spake vnto him 18 Also his brethren came vnto him and fel downe before his face and said Beholde we be thy seruantes 19 To whome Ioséph said Feare not for am not I vnder God 20 When ye thoght euil against me God disposed it to good that he might bring to passe as it is this day and saue muche people aliue 21 Feare not now therefore I wil nourish you and your children and he comforted them and spake kindely vnto them 22 ¶ So Ioséph dwelt in Egypt he and his fathers house and Ioséph liued an hundreth and ten yere 23 And Ioséph sawe Ephraims children euen vnto the third generacion also the sonnes of Machir the sonne of Manaséh were broght vpon Iosephs knees 24 And Ioseph said vnto his brethren * I am ready to dye and God wil surely viset you and bring you out of this land vnto the land which he sware vnto Abrahám vnto Izhák and vnto Iaakób 25 And Ioséph toke an othe of the children of Israél saying God wil surely viset you and ye shal cary my bones hence 26 So Ioséph dyed when he was an hundreth and ten yere olde and they enbaumed him and put him in a chest in Egypt THE SECONDE BOKE of Mosés called Exodus THE ARGVMENT AFTER that Iaakób by Gods commandement Gen. 46. 3 had broght his familie into Egypt where they remained for the space of foure hundreth yeres and of seuenty persones grewe to an infinite nombre so that the King and the countrey grudhed and endeuored bothe by tyrannie and cruel slauery to suppresse them the Lord according to his promes Gen. 15. 14 had compassion of his Church and deliuered them but plagued their ennemies in moste strange and sondry sortes And the more that the tyrannie of the wicked enraged against his Church the more did his heauy iudgements increase against them til Pharaóh and his armie were drowned in the same Sea which gaue an entrie and passage to the childrē of God But as the ingratitude of man is great so did they immediatly forget Gods wonderful benefites albeit he had giuen them the Passeouer to be a signe and memorial of the same yet they fel to distrust and tempred God with sondry murmurings and grudgings against him and his ministers sometime moued with ambition sometime for lacke of drincke or meate to content their lustes sometime by idolatrie or suche like Wherfore God visited them with sharpe roddes and plagues that by his corrections they might seke to him for remedy against his scourges and earnestly 〈◊〉 them for 〈◊〉 rebellions and wickednes And because God loueth thē to the end whome he hathe once begonne to loue he punished them not according to their desertes but dealt with them in great mercies and euer with newe benefites labored to ouercome their malice for he stil gouerned them and gaue thē his worde and Law bothe concerning the maner of seruing him and also the forme of iudgements and ciuil policie to the intent that thei shulde not serue God after their owne inuentions but according to that ordre which his heauenlie wisdome had appointed CHAP. I. 2 childrē of Iaakób that came into Egypt 8 The newe Pharaóh oppresseth them 12 The prouidence of God towarde them 15 The Kings commandement to the mid wiues 22 The sonnes of the Ebrewes are commanded to be cast into the riuer 1 NOw these are the names of the childrē of Israel which came in to Egypt euerie man
But euerie seruant that is boght for money when thou hast circumcised him then shal he eat thereof 45 A stranger or an hyred seruant shal not eat thereof 46 * In one house shal it be eaten thou shalt cary none of the flesh out of the house * nether shal ye breake a bone thereof 47 All the Congregacion of Israél shal obserue it 48 But if a stranger dwel with thee and wil obserue the Passeouer of the Lord let him circumcise all the males that belong vnto him and then let him come and obserue it and he shal be as one that is borne in the land for none vncircumcised persone shal eat the reof 49 One law shal be to him that is borne in the land and to the stranger that dwelleth among you 50 Then all the children of Israél did as the Lord commanded Mosés and Aarón so did thei 51 And the selfe same day did the Lord bring the children of Israél out of the land of Egypt by their armies CHAP. XIII 1 The first borne are offred to God 3 The memorial of their deliuerance 8. 14 An exhortacion to teache their children to remembre this deliuerance 17 Why thei are led by the wildernes 19 The bones of Ioséph 21 The piller of the cloude and of the fire 1 ANd the LORD spake vnto Mosés saying 2 * Sanctifie vnto me all the first borne that is euerie one that first openeth the wombe among the children of Israél as wel of man as of beast for it is mine 3 ¶ Then Mosés said vnto the people * Remembre this day in the which ye came out of Egypt out of the house of bondage for by a mightie hand the Lord broght you out from thence therefore no leauened bread shal be eaten 4 This day come ye out in the moneth of Abib 5 ¶ Now when the Lord hathe broght thee into the land of the Canaanites and Hittites and Amorites and Hiuites and Iebusites which he sware vnto thy fathers that he wolde giue thee a land flowing with milke and hony then thou shalt kepe this seruice in this moneth 6 Seuen daies shalt thou eat vnleauened bread and the seuenth day shal be the feast of the Lord. 7 Vnleauened bread shal be eaten seuen daies and there shal no leauened bread be sene with thee nor yet leauen be sene with thee in all thy quarters 8 ¶ And thou shalt shewe thy sonne in that day saying This is done because of that which the Lord did vnto me when I came out of Egypt 9 And it shal be a signe vnto thee vpon thine hand and for a remembrance betwene thine eies that the Lawe of the Lord may be in thy mouth for by a strong hand the Lord broght thee out of Egypt 10 Kepe therefore this ordinance in his season appointed from yere to yere 11 ¶ And when the Lord shal bring thee into the land of the Canaanites as he sware vnto thee and to thy fathers and shal giue it thee 12 * Then thou shalt set a parte vnto the Lord all that first openeth the wombe also euerie thing that first doeth open the wombe and commeth forthe of thy beast the males shal be the Lords 13 But euerie first fole of an asse thou shalt redeme with a lambe and if thou redeme him not then thou shalt breake his necke like wise al the first borne of man among thy sonnes shalt thou bye out 14 ¶ And when thy sonne shal aske thee tomorowe saying What is this thou shal then say vnto him With a mightie hand the Lord broght vs out of Egypt out of the house of bondage 15 For when Pharaôh was hard hearted against our departing the Lord then slewe all the first borne in the land of Egypt from the first borne of man euen to the first borne of beast therefore I sacrifice vnto the Lord all the ma les that first opē the wombe but all the first borne of my sonnes I redeme 16 And it shal be as a token vpon thine hand and as frountelets betwene thine eies that the Lord broght vs out of Egypt by a mightie hand 17 ¶ Nowe when Pharaôh had let the people go God caried them not by the way of the Philistims countrey thogh it were nerer for God said Lest the people repent when they se warre and turne againe to Egypt 18 But God made the people to go about by the way of the wildernes of the red Sea and the children of Israél went vp armed out of the land of Egypt 19 And Mosés toke the bones of Ioséph with hym for he had made the children of Israél sweare saying * God wil surely visite you and ye shall take my bones away hence with you 20 ¶ So they toke their iourney from Succóth and camped in Ethám in the edge of the wil dernes 21 * And the Lord went before them by daye in a piller of a cloude to leade them the way and by nyght in a piller of fyre to gyue them lyght that they myght go bothe by day and by night 22 * He toke not away the piller of the cloude by day nor the piller of fyre by nyght from before the people CHAP. XIIII 4. 8 Pharaohs heart is hardened and pursueth the Israelites 11 The 〈◊〉 striken with feare murmure agaynste Moses 21 He deuideth the Sea 23. 27 The Egyptians followe and are drowned 1 THen the LORDE spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Speake to the children of Israél that they returne and campe before Pi-hahiróth betwene Migdól and the Sea ouer agaynst * Baal-zephón aboute it shall ye campe by the Sea 3 For Pharaóh will saye of the children of Israél They are tangled in the land the wilder nes hathe shut them in 4 And I wyll harden Pharaohs hearte that he shall followe after you so I wil get me honour vpon Pharaôh and vpon all his hoste the Egyptians also shall know that I am the Lord and they did so 5 ¶ Then it was tolde the Kynge of Egypte that the people fled and the heart of Pharaōh and of his seruants was turned agaynst the people and they sayd Why haue we thys done and haue let Israél go out of our seruice 6 And he made ready his charets and toke his people with him 7 And toke six hundreth chosen charets and all the charets of Egypt and captaines ouer euerie one of them 8 For the Lorde had hardened the hearte of Pharaóh King of Egypt and he followed after the children of Israél but the children of Israél went out with an hye hand 9 * And the Egyptians pursued after them and all the horses and charets of Pharaoh and his horsemen and hys hoste ouertoke them camping by the Sea beside Pi-hahiroth before Baal-zephon 10 And when Pharaoh drewe nie the children of
Edôm shal be amased trembling shal come vpon the great men of Moāb all the inhabitants of Canáan shall waxe faint hearted 16 * Feare and dread shal fall vpon them because of the greatnes of thine arme they shal be stil as a stone til thy people passe ô Lord til this people passe which thou hast purchased 17 Thou shalt bring them in and plant them in the mountaine of thine inheritance which is the place that thou hast prepared 〈◊〉 Lord for to dwel in euen the sanctuarie ô Lord which thine hands shal establish 18 The Lord shal reigne for euer and euer 19 For Pharaohs horses went with his charets and horsmē into the Sea the Lord broght the waters of the Sea vpon them but the children of Israél went on drye land in the middes of the Sea 20 ¶ And Miriám the prophetesse sister of Aarōn toke a timbrel in her hand and all the women came out after her with timbrels daunces 21 And Miriám answered the men Singye vn to the Lord for he hathe triūphed gloriously the horse and his rider hathe he ouerthrowen in the Sea 22 Then Mosés broght Israél from the red Sea aud they wēt out into the wildernes of Shur and they went thre dayes in the wildernes and founde no waters 23 And when they came to Maráh they colde not drinke of the waters of Maráh for they were bitter therefore the name of the place was called Maráh 24 Then the people murmured against Mosés saying What shal we drinke 25 And he cryed vnto the Lord and the Lord shewed him a * tre which whē he had cast into the waters the waters were swete there he made them an ordinance and a lawe and there he proued them 26 And said If thou wilt diligently hearken ô Israel vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God and wilt do that which is right in his sight and wilt giue eare vnto his commande ments and kepe all his ordinances then wil I put none of these diseases vpō thee which I broght vpon the Egyptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee 27 ¶ * And they came to Elim where were twelue founteines of water and seuentie pal me trees they cāped there by the waters CHAP. XVI 1 The Israelites come to the desert of Sin and murmure against Mosés and Aarón 13 The Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Manna 17 The seuenth day Manna colde not be founde 32 It is kept for a remembrance to the 〈◊〉 1 AFterward all the Congregacion of the children of Israél departed from Elim and came to the wildernes of Sin which is betwene Elim and Sinái the fiftenth day of the secōde moneth after thei departing out of the land of Egypt 2 And the whole Congregacion of the children of Israél murmured against Mosés and against Aaron in the wildernes 3 For the children of Israél said to them Oh that we had dyed by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt when we sate by the flesh pottes when we ate bread our bellies ful for ye haue broght vs out into this wildernes to kil this whole companie with famine 4 ¶ Then said the Lord vnto Mosés Beholde I wil cause bread to raine from heauen to you and the people shal go out and gather that that is sufficient for euerie day that I may proue them whether they wil walke in my Lawe or no. 5 But the sixt day they shal prepare that which thei shal bring home and it shal be twise as muche as they gather daiely 6 Then Mosés and Aarôn said vnto all the children of Israél At euen ye shal knowe that the Lord broght you out of the land of Egypt 7 And in the morning ye shal se the glorie of the Lord for he hathe heard your grudgings against the Lord and what are we that ye haue murmured against vs 8 Againe Mosés said At euen shal the Lord giue you 〈◊〉 to eat and in the morning your fil of bread for the Lord hathe heard your murmurīgs which ye murmure against him for what are we your murmurings are not against vs but against the Lord. 9 ¶ And Mosés said to Aarón Say vnto all the Congregaciō of the childrē of Israél Drawe nere before the Lord for he hathe heard your murmurings 10 Now as Aarón spake vnto the whole Congregacion of the children of Israél they loked toward the wildernes and beholde the glorie of the Lord appeared* in a cloude 11 For the Lord had spoken vnto Mosés saying 12 * I haue heard the murmurings of the children of Israél tel them therefore and say At euen ye shal eat flesh and in the morning ye shal be filled with bread ye shal knowe that I am the Lord your God 13 And so at euen the * 〈◊〉 came and coue red the campe in the morning the dewe laye rounde about the hoste 14 * And when the dewe that was fallen was ascended beholde a smale rounde thing was vpon the face of the wildernes smale as the hore frost on the earth 15 And when the childrē of 〈◊〉 saue it they said one to another It is MAN for they wist not what it was And Mosés said vnto them * This is the bread which the Lord hathe giuen you to eat 16 ¶ This is the thing which the Lord hathe commanded 〈◊〉 of it euerie man according to his eating an Omer for a man accor ding to the nombre of your persones 〈◊〉 man shal take for thē which are in his tent 17 And the children of Israél did so and gathe red some more some lesse 18 And when they did measure it with an Omer * he that had gathered muche had nothing ouer and he that had gathered litle had no lacke so euerie man gathered according to his eating 19 Moses then said vnto them Let no man reserue thereof til morning 20 Notwithstanding thei obeid not Mosés but some of thē reserued of it til morning and it was ful of wormes and stanke therefore Mosés was angry with them 21 And they gathered it euerie morning euerie man according to his eating for whē the heat of the sunne came it was melted 22 ¶ And the sixt day they gathered twise so muche bread two Omers for one man then all the rulers of the Congregacion came and tolde Mosés 23 And he answered them This is that which the Lord hathe said To moro we is the rest of the holy Sabbath vnto the Lord bake that to daie which ye wil bake and seche that which ye wil sethe and all that remaineth lay it vp to be kept til the morning for you 24 And they laied it vp til the morning as Mo sés bade and it stanke not nether was there any worme therein 25 Then Mosés said Eat that to day for to day is the
shalt make thee no grauen image ne ther anie similitude of things that are in heauen aboue nether that are in the earth beneth nor that are in the waters vnder the earth 5 Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nether serue them for I am the Lord thy God a ielouse God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children vpon the third generacion and vpon the fourth of them that hate me 6 And shewing mercie vnto thousandes to them that loue me and kepe my commandements 7 * Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy GOD in vaine for the Lord wil not holde him giltles that taketh his Name in vaine 8 Remembre the Sabbath daie to kepe it holy 9 * Six daies shalt thou labour and do all thy worke 10 But the seuenth daie is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do anie worke thou nor thy sōne nor thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy maid nor thy beast nor thy stranger that is within thy gates 11 * For in six daies the Lord made the heauen and the earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daie therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath daie and hallowed it 12 ¶ * Honour thy father and thy mother that thy daies maie be prolonged vpon the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee 13 * Thou shal not kil 14 Thou shalt not commit adulterie 15 Thou shal not steale 16 Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour 17 * Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house nether shalt thou couet thy neighbours wife nor his man seruāt nor hismaid nor his oxe nor his asse nether any thyng that is thy neighbours 18 ¶ And all the people sawe the thunders and the lightenings and the sound of the trumpet and the mountaine smokyng and when the people sawe it they fled and stode a farre of 19 And said vnto Mosés * Talke thou with vs and we wil heare but let not God talke with vs lest we dye 20 Then Mosés said vnto the people Feare not for God is come to proue you and that his feare may be before you that ye sin ne not 21 So the people stode a far of but Mosés drewe nere vnto darcknes where God was 22 ¶ And the Lorde said vnto Mosés Thus thou shalt say vnto the children of Israél Ye haue sene that I haue talked with you from heauen 23 Ye shal not make therefore with me gods of siluer nor gods of golde you shall make you none 24 * An altar of earth thou shalt make vnto me and thereon shalt offre thy burnt offrings thy * peace offrings thy shepe and thine oxen in all places where I shal put the remē brance of my Name I will come vnto thee and blesse thee 25 * But if thou wilt make me an altar of stone thou shalt not buylde it of hewen stones for if thou lift vp thy tole vpon thē thou hast polluted them 26 Nether shalt thou go vp by steppes vnto mine altar that thy filthines be not discoue red thereon CHAP. XXI Temporal and ciuile ordināce appointed by God touching seruitude murthers and wronges the obseruatiō wherof doeth not iustifie a man but are giuen to bridel our cor rupt nature which els wolde breake out into all mischief and crueltie 1 NOw these are the lawes whiche thou shalt set before them 2 * If thou bye an Ebrewe seruant he shal serue six yeres and in the seuenth he shal go out fre for nothing 3 If he came him selfe alone he shall go out him selfe alone if he were maried then his wife shal go out with him 4 If his master hathe giuen him a wife she hathe borne him sonnes or daughters the wife and her children shal be her masters but he shal go out him self alone 5 But if the seruant say thus I loue my master my wife and my children I will not go out fre 6 Then his master shall bryng hym vnto the Iudges and set him to the dore or to the poste and his master shall bore his eare through with a nawle and he shal serue him for euer 7 ¶ Likewise if a man sel his daughter to be a seruant she shal not go out as the men seruants do 8 If she please not her master who hathe betrothed her to him selfe them shall he cause to bye her he shal haue no power to sel her to a strange people seing he despised her 9 But if he hath betrothed her vnto his sonne he shal deale with her according to the custome of the daughters 10 If he take him another wife he shal not diminish her fode herrayment and recompence of her virginitie 11 And if he do not these thre vnto her then shall she go out fre paying no money 12 ¶ * He that smiteth a man and he dye shall dye the death 13 And if a mā hath not laied waite but God hathe offred him into his hand * then I wil appointe thee a place whither he shall flee 14 But if a man come presumpteously vppon his neighbour to slaye hym with guile thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may dye 15 ¶ Also he that smitteth his father or his mother shal dye the death 16 ¶ And he that stealeth a man and selleth him if it be founde with hym shall dyethe death 17 ¶ * And he that curseth his father or his mother shal dye the death 18 ¶ When men also striue together and one smite another with a stone or with the fist and he dye not but lieth in bed 19 If he rise againe and walke without vpon his staffe then shall he that smote hym go quite saue onely he shall beare his charges for his restyng and shall pay for hys healing 20 ¶ And if a man smite his seruāt or his mayd with a rod and he die vnder his hand he shal be surely punished 21 But if he continue a day or two dayes he shal not be punished for he is his money 22 ¶ Also if men striue and hurt a woman with childe so that her childe departe from her and deathe followe not he shall be surely punished accordyng as the womans housband shal appoint him or he shal pay as the Iudge determine 23 But if death followe then thou shalt paye life for life 24 * Eye for eye tothe for tothe hand for hand fote for fote 25 Burning for burning wonde for wonde stripe for stripe 26 ¶ And if a man smite his seruant in the eye or his maid in the eye and hathe perished it he shal let him go fre for his eye 27 Also if he smite
twined linen of broydred worke 7 The two shulders therof shal be ioined toge ther by their two edges so shal it be closed 8 And the embroydred garde of the same Ephod whiche shal be vpon hym shal be of the selfe same worke and stuffe euen of golde blewe silke ād purple and skarlet ād fine twined linen 9 And thou shalt take two onix stones and gra ue vpon them the names of the chyldren of Israél 10 Six names of thē vpon the one stone and the six names that remaine vpon the seconde stone according to their generacions 11 Thou shalt cause to graue the two stones ac cordyng to the names of the children of Israél by a grauer of signets that worketh and graueth in stone and shalt make them to be set and embossed in golde 12 And thou shalt put the two stones vpon the shulders of the Ephod as stones of remēbrance of the chyldren of Israél for Aarón shal beare their names before the Lord vpō his two shulders for a remembrance 13 So thou shalt make bosses of golde 14 ¶ And two cheynes of fine golde at the ende of wrethed worke shalte thou make them and shalt fasten the wrethed cheines vpon the bosses 15 ¶ Also thou shalte make the brest plate of iudgement with broydred worke lyke the worke of the Ephod shalt thou make it of golde blewe silke and purple and skarlet and fine twined linen 〈◊〉 thou make it 16 Foure square it shal be ād double an hand bred long an hand bred broad 17 Then thou shalte set it full of places for stones euen foure rowes of stones the ordre shal be this a ruby a topaze and a carbū cle in the first rowe 18 And in the seconde rowe thou shalt set an emeraude a saphir and a diamond 19 And in the thirde rowe a turkeis an achate and an hematite 20 And in the fourte rowe a chrysolite an onix and a iasper and they shal be set in gold in their embossements 21 And the stones shal be accordyng to the names of the children of Israél twelue according to their names grauen as signets euerie one after hys name and they shal be for the twelue tribes 22 ¶ Then thou shalte make vppon the brest plate two cheines at the endes of wrethen worke of pure golde 23 Thou shalt make also vpon the brest plate two rings of golde and put the two rings on the two endes of the brest plate 24 And thou shalt put the two wrethen cheines of golde in the two rings in the endes of the brest plate 25 And the other two endes of the two wrethen cheines thou shalte fasten in the two embossements and shalt put them vpon the shulders of the Ephod on the foreside of it 26 ¶ Also thou shalt make two rings of golde which thou shalt put in the two other endes of the brest plate vpon the border there of to ward the inside of the Ephod 27 And two other rings of golde thou shalt make and put them on the two sides of the Ephod beneth in the fore parte of it ouer against the coupling of it vpon the broydred garde of the Ephod 28 Thus they shal binde the brest plate by his rings vnto the rings of the Ephod with a lace of blewe silke that it may be fast vpon the broydred garde of the Ephod and that the brest plate be not losed frō the Ephod 29 So Aarón shal beare the names of the chil dren of Israél in the brest plate of iudgement vpon his heart when he goeth into the holy place for a remembrance continually before the Lord. 30 ¶ Also thou shalt put in the brest plate of iudgemēt the Vrim the Thúmim which shal be vpon Aarons heart when he goeth in before the Lord and Aarón shal be are the iudgement of the children of Israél vpon his heart before the Lord continually 31 ¶ And thou shalt make the robe of the Ephod altogether of blewe silke 32 And the hole for his heade shal be in the middes of it hauing an edge of wouen worke rounde about the coller of it so it shal be as the coller of an habergeō that it rent not 33 ¶ And beneth vpō the skirtes thereof thou shalt make pomgranates of blewe silke and purple and skarlet round about the skirtes thereof and belles of golde betwene them round about 34 That is * a golden bel and a pomgranate a golden bel a pomgranate rounde about vpon the skirtes of the robe 35 So it shal be vpon Aarón when he ministreth and his sound shal be heard when he goeth into the holy place before the Lord when he commeth out and he shal not dye 36 ¶ Also thou shalt make a plate of pure golde and graue theron as signets are grauen HOLINES TO THE LORD 37 And thou shalt put it on a blewe silk elace and it shal be vpon the mitre euen vpō the fore fronte of the mitre shal it be 38 So it shal be vpō Aarons forehead that Aarón may be are the iniquitie of the offrings which the children of Israél shal offre in all their holy offrings ād it shal be alwaies vpon his forehead to make them acceptable before the Lord. 39 Likewise thou shalt embroydre the fine linen coat and thou 〈◊〉 make a mitre of fine linen but thou shalt make a girdel of nedle worke 40 Also thou shalt make for Aarons sonnes coates and thou shalt make them girdels bonets shal thou make them for glorie and comelines 41 And thou shalt put them vpon Aarōn thy brother and on his sonnes with him shalt anoynt them and fil their hands sanctifie them that they may ministre vnto me in the Priests office 42 Thou shalt also make them linen breches to couer their priuities from the loynes vnto the thighs shal they reache 43 And they shal be for Aarón and his sonnes when they come into the Tabernacle of the Congregacion or when they come vnto the altar to minister in the holy place that they commit not iniquitie and so dye This shabe a lawe for euer vnto him and to hys sede after hym CHAP. XXIX 1 The maner of consecrating the Priests 38 The cōtinual sacrifice 45 The Lord promiseth to dwel amōg the children of Israél 1 THis thyng also shalt thou do vnto them when thou consecratest them to be my Priestes * Take a yong calfe and two rams without blemish 2 And vnleauened bread and cakes vnleauened tempered with oyle and wafers vnleauened anointed with oyle of fine wheat flower shalt thou make them 3 Then thou shalt put thē in one basket and present them in the basket with the calfe and the two rams 4 And shalt bryng Aarón and his sonnes vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion and wash them with water 5 Also thou shalt take
vppon the earth 47 That there maye be a difference betwene the vncleane and cleane and betwene the beast that may be eaten and the beast that ought not to be eaten CHAP. XII 2 A lawe howe women shulde be purged after theyr deliuerance 1 ANd the Lorde spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say When a womā hathe broght forthe sede and borne a manchilde she shall be vncleane seuen dayes like as she is vncleane when she is put a parte for her * disease 3 * And in the eyght day the foreskin of the childes flesh shal be circumcised 4 And she shall continue in the bloode of her purifiyng thre and thirty dayes she shall touche no halowed thyng nor come in to the Sanctuarie vntill the tyme of her purifiyng be out 5 But if she beare a mayde chylde then she shal be vncleane two wekes as when she hathe her disease and she shall continue in the blood of her purifiyng thre score and six dayes 6 Nowe when the dayes of her purifiyng are out whether it be for a sonne or for a daughter she shal bryng to the Priest a lambe of one yere olde for a burnt offrynge and a yonge pigeon or a turtle doue for a sin offryng vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 7 Who shal offer it before the Lord and make an atonement for her so she shal be purged of the issue of her blood this is the lawe for her that hathe borne a male or female 8 But if she be not able to bring a lambe she shal bring two * turties or two yong pigeōs the one for a burnt offryng and the other for a sin offring and the Priest shal make an atonement for her so she shal be cleane CHAP. XIII 2 What considerations the Priest ought to obserue in iudging the Ieprosie 29 The blacke spot or skab 47 and the leprie of the garment 1 MOreouer the Lorde spake vnto Mosés and to Aarón saying 2 The man that shall haue in the skin of hys fleshe a swellyng or a skab or a white spot so that in the skin of his flesh it be like the plague of leprosie then he shal be broght vnto Aarón the Priest or vnto one of his son nes the Priests 3 And the Priest shall loke on the sore in the skin of his fleshe if the heere in the sore be turned into white and the sore seme to be lower then the skin of his flesh it is a plague of leprosie therefore the Priest shalloke on him and pronounce him vncleane 4 But if the white spot be in the skyn of hys fleshe and seme not to be lower then the skin nor the heere thereof be turned vnto white then the Priest shal shut vp hym that hathe the plague seuen dayes 5 After the Priest shall loke vpon hym the seuenth daye and if the plague seme to hym to abide still and the plague growe not in the skin the Priest shal shut him vp yet seuen dayes more 6 Then the Priest shal loke on him againe the seuenth daye and if the plague be darcke and the sore growe not in the skin then the Priest shal pronounce him cleane for it is ask ab therefore he shall washe his clothes and be cleane 7 But if the skab growe more in the skin after that he is sene of the Priest for to be purged he shal be sene of the Priest yet againe 8 Then the Priest shal cōsider and if the skab growe in the skin then the Priest shall pronounce him vncleane for it is leprosie 9 ¶ When the plague of leprosie is in a man he shal be broght vnto the Priest 10 And the Priest shall se hym and if the swel ling be white in the skin and haue made the heere white and there be rawe fleshe in the swelling 11 It is an olde leprosie in the skin of his flesh and the Priest shal pronounce him vncleane and shall not shut him vp for he is vncleane 12 Also if the leprosie breake out in the skin and the leprosie couer all the skin of the pla gue from hys head euen to his fete wheresoeuer the Priest loketh 13 Then the Priest shall consider and if the leprosie couer all his flesh he shal pronounce the plague to be cleane because it is al turned into whitenes so he shal be cleane 14 But if there be rawe flesh on him when he is sene he shal be vncleane 15 For the Priest shall se the rawe flesh and declare him to be vncleane for the rawe flesh is vncleane therefore it is the leprosie 16 Or if the rawe fleshe change and be turned into white then he shal come to the Priest 17 And the Priest shall beholde hym and if the sore be changed into white then the Priest shall pronounce the plague cleane for it is cleane 18 ¶ The fleshe also in whose skin there is a bile and is healed 19 And in the place of the bile there be a white swellyng or a white spot some what reddish it shal be sene of the Priest 20 And when the Priest seeth it if it appeare lower then the skin and the heere thereof be changed into white the Priest then shall pronounce him vncleane for it is a plague of leprosie broken out in the bile 21 But if the Priest loke on it and there be no white heere 's therein and if it be not lower then the skin but be darcker thē the Priest shal shut him vp seuen dayes 22 And if it spread abroade in the 〈◊〉 the Priest shall pronounce him vncleane for it is a sore 23 But if the spot continue in hys place and growe not it is a burning bile therefore the Priest shal declare him to be cleane 24 ¶ If there be anie flesh in whose skin there is an hote burnyng and the quicke fleshe of the burnyng haue a white spot some what reddishe or pale 25 Then the Priest shalloke vpon it and if the the heere in that spot be chāged into white and it appeare lower then the skin it is a leprosie broken out in the burning therefore the Priest shal pronoūce him vncleane for it is the plague of leprosie 26 But if the Priest loke on it and there be no white heere in the spot and be no lower thē the other skin but be darcker then the Priest shal shut him vp seuen dayes 27 After the Priest shall loke on hym the seuenth daye if it be growen abroade in the skinne then the Priest shal pronounce hym vncleane for it is the plague of leprosie 28 And if the spot abide in his place not grow ing in the skin but is darcke it is a rising of the burnyng the Priest shall therefore declare hym cleane for it is the drying vp of the burnyng 29 ¶ If also a man or woman hathe
shall come and se that the plague hathe spred no further in the house after the house be plaistered the Priest after shal pronounce that house cleane for the plague is he aled 49 Then shal he take to purifie the house two sparowes and cedar wood skarlet lace and hyssope 50 And he shall kill one sparowe ouer pure water in an earthen vessel 51 And shal take the cedarwood the hissope and the skarlet lace with the liue sparo we and dip them in the blood of the slaine sparowe and in the pure water sprinkle the house seuen times 52 So shal he clense the house with the blood of the sparowe and with the pure water with the liue sparowe and with the cedar wood and with the hyssope and with the skarlet lace 53 Afterwarde he shall let go the liue sparowe out of the towne into the broade fieldes so shall he make atonement for the house and it shal be cleane 54 This is the lawe for euerie plague of lepro sie and * blacke spot 55 And of the leprosie of the garment and of the house 66 And of the swelling and of the skab and of the white spot 57 This is the lawe of the leprosie to teache when athing is vncleane and when it is cleane CHAP. XV. 2. 19 The maner of purging the vncleane issues bothe of men and women 31 The children of Israél must be sepa tate from all vnclennes 1 MOre ouer the Lord speake vnto Mosés and to Aarón saying 2 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say vnto them Who soeuer hathe an issue from his flesh is vncleane because of his issue 3 And this shal be his vnclennes in his yssue when his flesh auoideth his issue or if his flesh be stopped from his yssue this is his vnclennes 4 Euerie bed whereon he lieth that hath the issue shal be vncleane and euerie thing whe reon he sitteth shal be vncleane 5 Whosoeuer also toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes and wash him self in water and shal be vncleane vntil the euen 6 And he that sitteth on anie thing whereon he sate that hathe the issue shall washe his clothes and wash himself in water and shall be vncleane vntil the euen 7 Also he that toucheth the flesh of him that hathe the issue shal wash his clothes wash himselfe in water and shal be vncleane vntill the euen 8 If he also that hathe the issue spit vpon him that is cleane he shall wash his clothes and wash himselfe in water shall be vncleane vntil the euen 9 And what saddle soeuer he rideth vpō that hathe the yssue shal be vncleane 10 And whosoeuer toucheth anie thyng that was vnderhym shal be vncleane vnto the euen he that beareth those things shall wash his clothes ād wash him self in water and shal be vncleane vntil the euen 11 Like wise whomesoeuer he toucheth that hath the issue hath not washed his hands in water shall washe his clothes and washe him selfe in water and shal be vncleane vntil the euen 12 * And the vessel of earth that he toucheth which hath the issue shal be broken euerie vessel of wood shal be rinsed in water 13 But if he that hathe an issue be clensed of his yssue then shall he count hym seuen dayes for his clensing and wash his clothes and wash his flesh in pure water so shal he be cleane 14 Then the eight day he shall take vnto hym two turle doues or two yong pigeons and come before the Lord at the dore of the Ta bernacle of the Congregacion shall giue them vnto the Priest 15 And the Priest shall make of the one of thē a sinne offring and of the other a burnt offring so the Priest shall make an atonement for him before the Lord for his yssue 16 Also if anie mans issue of sede departe from him he shall wash al his flesh in water and be vncleane vntill the euen 17 And euerie garment euerie skin whereupon shal be issue of sede shal be euen washed with water be vncleane vnto the euen 18 If he that hath an issue of sede do lie with a woman they shall bothe washe them selues with water and be vncleane vntil the euen 19 ¶ Also when a woman shall haue an yssue and her issue in her flesh shal be blood she shal be put aparte seuen daies whosoeuer toucheth her shal be vncleane vnto the euē 20 And whatsoeuer she lieth vpon in her separacion shal be vncleane and euerie thyng that she sitteth vpon shal be vncleane 21 Whosoeuer also toucheth her bed shal wash his clothes wash him selfe with water and shal be vncleane vnto the euen 22 And whosoeuer toucheth anie thyng that she sate vpon shall wash his clothes wash him selfe in water and shal be vncleane vnto the euen 23 So that whether he touche her bed or anie thing where on she hathe sit he shal be vncleane vnto the euen 24 And if a man lie with her and the floures of her separacion touch him he shal be vn cleane seuen daies al the whole bed whereon he lieth shal be vncleane 25 Also whē a womās issue of blood runneth long time besides the time of her floures or when she hathe an issue longer then her floures all the daies of the yssue of her vnclennes she shal be vncleane as in the time of her floures 26 Euerie bed where on she lieth as long as her issue lasteth shal be to her as her bed of her separacion and whatsoeuer she sitteth vpō shal be vncleane as her vnclennes whē she is put a parte 27 And whosoeuer toucheth these thyngs shal be vncleane and shal wash his clothes and wash him selfe in water and shal be vncleane vnto the euen 28 But if she be clensed of her issue then she shall counte her seuen daies and after she shal be cleane 29 And in the eight day she shal take vnto her two turtles or two yong pigeons and bring them vnto the Priest at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 30 And the Priest shal make of the one a sinne offring of the other a burnt offring the Priest shal make an atonemēt for her before the Lord for the yssue of her vnclennes 31 Thus shal ye separate the childrē of Israél from their vnclennes that they dye not in their vnclennes if they defile my Tabernacle that is among them 32 This is the lawe of him that hathe an yssue and of him frome whome goeth an yssue of sede whereby he his defiled 33 Also of her that is sicke of her floures and of him that hathe a running issue whether it be man or woman of him that lieth with her which is vncleane CHAP. XVI 2 The Priest might not at all times come into the moste holy place 8 The scape goat 14
before you the land is defiled 28 And shall not the land spue you out if ye defile it as it spued out the people that were before you 29 For whosoeuer shall commit anie of these abominacions the persones that do so shal be cut of from among their people 30 Therefore shall ye kepe mine ordinances that ye do not anie of the abominable customes which haue bene done before you and that ye defile not your selues therein for I am the Lord your God CHAP. XIX 1 A repeticion of sondrie lawes and ordinances 1 ANd the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Speake vnto al the Cōgregacion of the children of Israél say vnto thē * Ye shal be holy for I the Lord your God am holy 3 ¶ Ye shall feare euerie man is mother his father and shall kepe my Sabbaths for I am the Lord your God 4 ¶ Ye shall not turne vnto idoles nor make you molten gods I am the Lord your God 5 ¶ And when ye shal offer a peace offring vn to the Lord ye shal offer it frely 6 * It shal be eaten the day ye offer it or on the morowe and that whiche remaineth vntill the third day shal be burnt in the fire 7 For if it be eaten the third day it shal be vncleane it shal not be accepted 8 Therefore he that eateth it shall beare his iniquitie because he hathe defiled the halowed thing of the Lorde and that persone shal be cut of from his people 9 ¶ * When ye reape the haruest of your land ye shal not reape euerie corner of your field nether shalt thou gather the glainyngs of thy haruest 10 Thou shalt not gather the grapes of thy vineyarde 〈◊〉 nether gather euery grape of thy vineyarde but thou shalt leaue them for the poore for the stranger I am the Lord your God 11 ¶ Ye shal not steale nether deale falsely netherlie one to another 12 ¶ * Also ye shal not sweare by my Name falsely nether shalt thou defile the Name of thy God I am the Lord. 13 ¶ Thou shalt not do thy neighbour wrong nether robbe him * The worckemans hire shal not abide with thee vntil the morning 14 ¶ Thou shalt not curse the deafe * nether put a stumbling blocke before the blinde but shalt feare thy God I am the Lord. 15 ¶ Ye shal not do vniustely ī iudgemēt * thou shalt not fauour the persone of the poore nor honour the persone of the mighty but thou shalt iudge thy neighbour iustly 16 ¶ Thou shalt not walke about withtalcs among thy people Thou shalt not stand against the blood of thy neighbour I am the Lord. 17 ¶ Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thi ne heart but thou shalt plainely rebukc thy neighbour suffre him not to sinne 18 ¶ Thou shalt not auenge nor be mindeful of wrong against the childrē of thy peo ple. * but shalt louc thy neighbour as thy selfe I am the Lord. 19 ¶ Ye shal kepe mine ordinances Thou shalt not let thy cattel gendre with others of diuers kīdes Thou shalt not sowe thy field with mingled sede nether shal a garment of diuers things as of linen and wollen come vpon thee 20 ¶ Whosoeuer also lieth medleth with a woman that is abonde maid affianced to a housbād not redemed nor fredome giuē her she shal be scourged but they shal not dye because she is not made fre 21 And he shal bring for his trespas offring vnto the Lord at the dore of the Taberna cle of the Congregation a ram for a trespas offring 22 Then the Priest shal make an atonement for him with the rā of the trespas offring before the Lord concerning his sinne which he hath done pardō shal be giuen him for his sinne which he hathe cōmitted 23 ¶ Also when ye shal come into the land and haue planted eucrie tre for meat ye shal counte the frute thereof as vncircumcised thre yere shal it be vncircumcised vnto you it shal not be eaten 24 But in the fourth yere all the frute there of shal be holy to the praise of the Lord. 25 And in the fift yere shal ye eat of the frute of it that it may yelde to youthe encrease there of I am the Lord your God 26 ¶ Ye shal not eat the flesh with the blood ye shal not vse which craft nor obserue times 27 * Ye shal not cut round the corners of your heades nether shalt thou marre the tuftes of thy beard 28 * Ye shal not cut your flesh for the dead nor make anie printe of a marke vpon you I am the Lord. 29 ¶ Thou shalt not make thy daughter commen to cause her to be a whore lest the land also fall to whoredome and the land be ful of wickednes 30 ¶ Ye shal kepe my Sabbaths and reueren ce my Sanctuarie 〈◊〉 the Lord. 31 ¶ Ye shal not regarde them that worke with spirits * nether sothesaiers ye shal not seke to them to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God 32 ¶ Thou shalt rise vp before the horehed and honour the persone of the olde man and dread thy God I am the Lord. 33 ¶ And if a stranger soiourne with thee in your land ye shal not vexe him 34 * But the stranger that dwelleth with you shal be as one of your selues thou shal loue him as thy selfe for ye were strāgers in the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God 35 ¶ Ye shal not do vniustly in iudgement in line in weight or in measure 36 * You shal haue iuste balances true weigh tes a true Ephah a true Hin I am the Lord your God which haue broght you out of the land of Egypt 37 Therefore shal ye obserue all mine ordinances and all my iudgements and do them I am the Lord. CHAP. XX. 2 They that giue of their sedeto Molech must dye 6. They that haue recours to sorcerers 19 The man that committeth adulterie 11 Incest or fornication with the kinred or affinitie 24 Israel a peculiar people to the Lord. 1 ANd the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Thou shalt say also to the children of Israel * Whosoeuer he be of the children of Israel or of the strangers that dwel in Israél that giueth his children vnto Molech he shal dye the death the people of the land shal stone him to death 3 And I wil set my face against that man cut him of from among his people because he hath giuen his children vnto Mō lech for to defile my Sāctuarie and to pol lute mine holy Name 4 And if the people of the landhide their eyes winke at that mā when he giueth his children vnto Mólech kil him
I am the lord your God which haue broght you out of the land of Egypt that ye shul de not be their bondmē I haue broken the bondes of your yoke and made you go vpright 14 ¶ * But if ye wil not obey me nor do all these commandements 15 And if ye shal despise mine ordināces ether if your soule abhorre my Lawes so that ye wil not do all my commādements but breake my couenant 16 Then wil I also do this vnto you I will appoint ouer you fearfulnes a consumption and the burning ague to consume the eies and make the heart heauie and you shal sowe your sede in vaine for your enemies shal eat it 17 And I wil set my face against you and ye shal fall before your enemies and they that hate you shal reigne ouer you * and ye shal flee when none pursueth you 18 And ifye wil not for these things obey me then wil I punish you seuen times more according to your sinnes 19 And I wil breake the pride of your power and I wil make your heauen as yron and your earth as brasse 20 And your strēght shal be spent in vaine ne ther shal your land giue her increase nether shal the trees of the land giue their frute 21 ¶ And if ye walke stubbernely against me and wil not obey me I wil then bring seuen times mo plagues vpon you according to your sinnes 22 I wil also send wilde beastes vpō you which shal spoile you and destroy your cattel make you fewe in nomber so your hye wayes shal be desolate 23 Yet if by these ye wil not be reformed by me but walke stubbern ely against me 24 Then wil I also walke* stubbernely against you and I wil smite you yet seuen times for your sinnes 25 And I wil send a sworde vpon you that shal auenge the quarel of my couenat and whē ye are gathered in your cities I wil send the pestilence among you and ye shal be deliuered into the hand of the enemie 26 Whēl shal breake the staffe of your bread then ten women shal bake your bread in one ouen they shal deliuer your bread againe by weight and ye shal eat but not be satisfied 27 Yet if ye wil not for this obey me but walk against me stubbernely 28 Then wil I walke stubberly in mine angre against you I wil also chastice you seuē times more according to your sinnes 29 And ye shal eat the flesh of your sonnes the flesh of your daughters shal ye deuoure 30 I wil also destroye your hie places * cut away your images and cast your carkeises vpon the bodies of your idoles my soule shal abhorre you 31 And I wil make your cities desolate and bring your Sāctuarie vnto noght and wil not smel the sauour of your swete odoures 32 I wil also bring the land vnto a wildernes and your enemies which dwel therein shal be astonished there at 33 Also I wil scatter you among the heathen and wil drawe out a sworde after you your land shal be waste and your cities shal be desolate 34 Then shal the land enioye her * Sabbaths as long as it lieth voyde and ye shal be in your enemies land then shal the land rest and enioye her Sabbaths 35 All the daies that it lieth voyde it shal rest because it did not rest in your Sabbaths when ye dwelt vpon it 36 And vpon them that are left of you I wil send euen a faintenes into their hearts in the land of their enemies the sounde of a leafe shaken shal chase them and they shal fiee as fleing from a sworde and they shal fall no man pursuing them 37 They shal fall also one vpon an other as before a sworde thogh none pursue them and ye shal not be able to stād before your enemies 38 And ye shal perish among the heathen the land of your enemies shal eat you vp 39 And they that are left of you shal pine away for their iniquitie in your ennemies lands for the iniquities of their fathers shal they pine away with them also 40 Then thei shal confesse their iniquitie the wickednes of their fathers for their trespas which they haue trespassed agaist me and also because thei haue walked stubbernely against me 41 Therefore I wil walke stubbernely against them and bring them into the land of their enemies so thē their vncircumcised hearts shal be humbled and thē they shal willingly beare the punishemēt of their iniquitie 42 Then I wil remembre my couenant with Iaakob and my couenant also with Izhak and also my couenant with Abraham wil I remember and wil remember the land 43 The lād also in the meane season shal be left of them shal enioye her Sabbaths while she lieth waste without thē but they shal willingly suffre the punishment of their iniquitie because thei dispised my la wes because their soule abhorred mine ordinances 44 Yet notwithstanding this whē they shal be in the land of their enemies * I wil not cast thē away nether wil I abhorre thē to destroy thē vtterly nor to breake my couenāt with thē for I am the Lord their God 45 But I wil remēbre for them the couenāt of olde when I broght them out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathē that I might be their God I am the Lord. 46 These are the ordinances the iudgements the lawes which the Lord made betwene him and the children of Israél in mount 〈◊〉 by the hand of Mosés CHAP. XXVII 2 Of diuers vowes and the redemption of the same 28 A thiug separate from the vse of man can not be solde nor redemed but remaineth to the Lord. 1 MOreouer the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Speake vnto the childrē of Israel say vnto thē If anie mā shal make a vowe of a persone vnto the Lord by thy estimaciō 3 Then thy estimaciō shal be thus a malefrō twenty yere olde vnto sixty yere olde shal be by thy estimaciō euen fifty shekels of siluer after the shekel of the Sanctuarie 4 But if it be a female then thy valuacion shal be thirty shekels 5 And from fiue yere olde to twenty yere ol dethy valuaciō shal be for the male twēty shekels for 〈◊〉 female ten shekels 6 But from a moneth olde vnto fiue yere ol de the price of the male shal be fiue shekels of siluer and thy price of the female thre shekels of siluer 7 And from sixty yere olde and aboue if he be a male then thy price shal be siftene shekels and for the female ten shekels 8 But if he be poorer then thou hast estemed him them shal he presēt him selfe before the Priest
Na zarite to separate him selfe vnto the Lorde 3 He shal absteine from wine strōg drinke and shall drinke no sowre wine nor sowre drinke nor shal drink anie licour of grapes nether shal eat fresh grappes nor dried 4 As long as his 〈◊〉 endureth shall he eat nothing that is made of the wine of the vine nether the kernels nor the huske 5 While he is separate by his vowe the * rasure shall not come vpō his head vntill the dayes be out in the which he separateth him self vnto the Lord he shal be holie shallet the lockes of the heere of his head growe 6 Duryng the time that he separateth hym selfe vnto the Lorde he shall come at no dead body 7 He shal not make him selfe vncleane at the death of his father or mother brother or sister for the consecracion of his God is vpon his head 8 All the dayes of his separacion he shal be holy to the Lord. 9 And if anie dye sodenly by hym or he beware then the head of his consecracion shal be defiled and he shal shaue his head in the day of his clensing in the seuenth day he shal shaue it 10 And in the eight day he shall bryng two turtles or two yong pigeons to the Priest at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 11 Then the Priest shall prepare the one for a sin offring and the othe for a burnt offring and shal make an atonemēt for him because he sinned by the dead so shal he halowe his head the same day 12 And he shall consecrate vnto the Lord the daies of his separacion shal bring alambe of a yere olde for a trespas offring the first dayes shal be voyde for his consecracion was defiled 13 ¶ This thē is the lawe of the Nazarite Whē the time of his consecracion is out he shall come to the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 14 And he shal bring his offring vnto the Lord an he lambe of a yere olde without blemish for a burnt offring and a she lambe of a yere olde with out blemish for a sin offring and a ram without blemish for peace offrings 15 And a basket of vnleauened bread of * cakes of fine floure mingled with oyle and wafers of vnleauened bread anointed with oyle with their meat offring their drinke offrings 16 The which the Priest shall bring before the Lord and make his sin offring and his burnt offring 17 He shal prepare also the ram for a peace offring vnto the Lord with the basket of vnleauened bread and the Priest shal make his meat offring and his drinke offring 18 And * the Nazarite shall shaue the head of his consecracion at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion and shal take the heere of the head of his consecracion and put in the fire whiche is vnder the peace offring 19 Then the Priest shal take the sodē shulder of the ram and an vnleauened cake out of the basket and a wafer vnleauened and put them vpon the hands of the Nazarite after he hath shauen his consecracion 20 And the Priest shall * shake them to and fro before the Lord this is an holy thyng for the Priest besides the shaken breast besides the haue shulder so afterward the Naza rite may drinke wine 21 This is the lawe of Nazarite which he hath vowed and of his offryng vnto the Lorde for his consecracion besides that that he is able to bring according to the vowe which he vowed so shal he do after the lawe of his consecracion 22 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 23 Speake vnto Aarōn and to his sonnes saying Thus shal ye blesse the childrē of 〈◊〉 and say vnto them 24 The Lord blesse thee an kepe thee 25 The Lord make his face shine vpon thee and be merciful vnto thee 26 The Lord lift vp his countenance vpō thee and giue thee peace 27 So they shal put my Name vpon the children of Israél and I wil blesse them CHAP. VII 2 The heades of princes of Israél offre at the setting vp of the Tabernacle 10 And at the 〈◊〉 of the altar 89 God speaketh to Mosés from the Merciseat 1 NOw whē Mosés had finished the setting vp of the Tabernaele and * anointed it and sanctified it and all the instrumentes thereof and the altar with al the instrumēts thereof and had anointed them and sanctified them 2 Then the princes of Israél heades ouer the houses of their fathers they were the princes of the tribes who were ouer them that were nombred offred 3 And broght their offring before the Lorde six couered charets and twelue oxen one charet for two princes and for euerie one an oxe and they offred them before the Tabernacle 4 And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 5 Take these of them that they may be to do the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion and thou shalt giue them vn to the Leuites to euerie man accordyng vnto his office 6 So Mosés toke the charets and the oxen gaue them vnto the Leuites 7 Two charets and foure oxen he gaue to the sonnes of Gershón accordyng vnto their office 8 And foure charets and eight oxen he gaue to the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 according vnto their office vnder the hand of Ithamár the sonne of Aarón the Priest 9 But to the sonnes of Koháth he gaue none because the charge of the Sanctuarie belonged to them which they did beare vpō their shulders 10 ¶ The princes also offred in the dedicacion for the altar in the day that it was anoin ted then the princes offred their offryng be fore the altar 11 And the Lord said vnto Mosés One prince one day and another prince another day shall offer their offryng for the dedicacion of the altar 12 ¶ So then on the first day did 〈◊〉 the sonne of Amminadáb of the tribe of Iudáh offer his offring 13 And his offring was a siluer charger of an hundreth thirty shekels weigh a siluer boule of seuenty shekels after the shekel of the Sanctuarie bothe ful of fine floure mingled with oyle for a * meat offring 14 An incens cup of golde of ten shekels ful of incens 15 A yong bullocke a ram a lambe of a yere olde for a burnt offring 16 An he goat for a sin offring 17 And for peace offrings two bullockes fiue rams fiue he goates ād fiue lambes of a yere olde this was the offring of Nahshôn the sonne of Amminadáb 18 ¶ The second day Nethaneél the sonne of Zuár prīce of the tribe of Issachár did offer 19 Who offred for his offring a siluer charger of an hundreth and thirty shekels weight a siluer boule of seuenty shekels after the shekell of the Sanctuarie bothe full of fine floure mingled with oyle for a meat
40 * And they rose vp earely in the mornyng and gat them vp into the top of the mountaine saying Lo we be ready to go vp to the place which the Lorde hathe promised for we haue sinned 41 But Mosés sayd Wherefore transgresse ye thus the commandement of the Lord it wil not so come wel to passe 42 Go not vp for the LORD is not among you lest ye be ouerthrowen before your enemies 43 For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you and ye shal fal by the sworde for in as muche as ye are turned awaye from the Lord the Lord also wil not be with you 44 Yet they presumed obstinatly to go vp to the top of the mountaine but the Arke of the couenant of the Lord and Mosés departed not out of the campe 45 Then the Amalekites and the Canaanites whyche dwelt in that mountaine came downe and smote them * and consumed them vnto Hormáh CHAP. XV. 2 The offrings whiche the 〈◊〉 shulde offer whē they came into the land of Canáan 32 The punishment of him that brake the Sabbath 1 ANd the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 2 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say vnto them * When ye become into the lande of your habitacions whiche I gaue vnto you 3 And wyll make an offrynge by fire vnto the Lord a burnt offring or a sacrifice * to fulfil a vowe or a fre offring or in your feastes to make a * swete sauour vnto the Lorde of the heard or the flocke 4 Then * let him that offereth hys offring vnto the Lord bryng a meat offryng of a tenth deale of fine 〈◊〉 mingled with the fourth parte of an Hin of yo le 5 Also thou shalte prepare the fourthe parte of an Hin of wine to be powred on a lambe ap poīted for the burnt offring or any offring 6 And for aram thou shalt for a meat offring prepare two tenth deales of fine floure mingled with the third parte of an Hin of oyle 7 And for a drynke offryng thou shalt offer the third parte of an Hin of wine for a swete sauour vnto the Lord. 8 And when thou preparest a bullocke for a burnt offrynge or for a sacrifice to fulfill a vowe or a peace offring to the Lord. 9 Then let him offer with the bullocke a meat offring of thre tenth deales of fine floure mingled with halfe an Hin of oyle 10 And thou shalt bryng for a drynke offryng halfe an Hin of wine for an offring made by fire of a swete sauour vnto the Lord. 11 Thus shal it be done for a bullocke or for aram or for a lambe or for a kid 12 Accordyng to the nōber that ye prepare to offer so shal ye do to euerie one according to their nomber 13 All that are borne of the countrey shall do these things thus to offer an offring made by fire of swete sauour vnto the Lord. 14 And if a stranger soiourne with you or who soeuer be among you in your generacions will make an offryng by fire of a swete sauour vnto the Lord as ye do so he shall do 15 * One ordināce shal be both for you of the Congregacion also for the stranger that dwelleth with you euen an ordinance for euer in your generacions as you are so shall the stranger be before the Lord. 16 One lawe one maner shall serue bothe for you and for the strāger that soiourneth with you 17 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 18 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say vnto them When ye become into the land to the which I bring you 19 And whē ye shal eat of the bread of the lād ye shal offer an heaue offring vnto the Lord. 20 Ye shal offer vp a cake of the first of your dowe for an heaue offring * as the heaue offring of the barne so ye shal lift it vp 21 Of the first of your dowe ye shal giue vnto the Lorde an heaue offring in your generacions 22 ¶ And if ye haue erred and not obserued al these commandementes whiche the Lorde hathe spoken vnto Mosés 23 Euen all that the Lord hathe commanded you by the hand of Mosés from the first day that the Lord commanded Mosés henceforward among your generacions 24 And if so be that ought be cōmitted ignorantly of the Congregacion then all the Congregacion shall giue a bullocke for a burnt offring for a swete sauour vnto the Lord with the meat offring and drinke offring thereto according to the * maner and an he go at for a sin offring 25 And the Priest shall make an atonement for all the Congregacion of the children of Israél and it shal be forgiuen thē for it is igno rance and they shall bryng their offryng for an offring made by fire vnto the Lorde and their sinne offring before the Lord for their ignorance 26 Then it shal be forgiuen all the Congregacion of the children of Israél the stranger that dwelleth among them for al the people were in ignorance 27 ¶ * But if anie one personne sinne through ignorance then he shal bring a she go at of a yere olde for a sinne offring 28 And the Priest shal make an atonement for the ignorant personne when he sinneth by ignorance before the Lord to make reconciliacion for him it shal be forgiuen him 29 He that is borne among the children of Israél and the stranger that dwelleth among thē shal haue bothe one lawe who so doeth sinne by ignorance 30 ¶ But the persone that doeth ought presumptuously whether he be borne in the land or a strāger the same blasphemeth the Lorde therefore that 〈◊〉 shal be cut of from among his people 31 Because he hath dispised the worde of the Lord and hathe broken his commandement that persone shal be vtterly cut of his iniqui tie shal be vpon him 32 ¶ And while the children of Israél were in the wildernes they founde a man that gathe red stickes vpon the Sabbath day 33 And they that foūde him gathering stickes broght him vnto Mosés and to Aarón and vnto all the Congregacion 34 And they put him in * warde for it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him 35 Then the Lorde said vnto Mosés This man shall dye the death and let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoste 36 And all the Congregacion broght hym without the hoste and stoned hym with stones and he dyed as the Lord had commanded Mosés 37 ¶ And the Lord speake vnto Mosés saying 38 Speake vnto the children of Israél and byd them that they * make thē fringes vpon the borders of their garments throughout their generacions and put vpon the frings of the borders a rybande of blewe silke 39 And shal haue the frings that when ye loke vpon then ye may
the Ahiramites 39 Of Shuphám the familie of the Shuphamites of Huphám the familie of the Huphamites 40 And the sonnes of Belá were 〈◊〉 and Naamán of Ard came the familie of the Ardites of Naamán the familie of the Naamites 41 These are the sonnes of Beniamin after their families and their nombers fiue and fourty thousand and six hundreth 42 ¶ These are the sonnes of Dan after their families of Shuhám came the familie of the Shuhamites these are the families of Dan after their householdes 43 All the families of the Shuhamites were after their nombers thre score and foure thousand and foure hundreth 44 ¶ The sonnes of Ashér after their families were of Iimnáh the familie of the Iimnites of Isui the familie of the Isuites of Beriáh the familie of the Beriites 45 The sonnes of Beriáh were of Hebér the familie of the Heberites of Malchiél the familie of the Malchielites 46 And the Name of the daughter of Ashér was Sárah 47 These are the families of the sonnes of Ashér after their nombers thre and fifty thousand and foure hundreth 48 ¶ The sonnes of Naphtali after their families were of Iahzéel the families of the Iahzeelites of Guni the familie of the Gunites 49 Of Iézer the familie of the Izrites of Shillém the familie of the Shillemites 50 These are the families of Naphtali according to their housholdes and their nōber fiue and fourty thousand foure hūdreth 51 These are the nombers of the childrē of Israél six hundreth and one thousand seuē hundreth and thirty 52 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 53 Vnto these the land shal be deuided for an inheritance accordynge to the nomber of names 54 * To manie thou shalt giue the more in heritāce and to fewe thou shalt giue lesse inheritance to euerie one according to his nomber shal be giuen his inheritance 55 Notwithstanding the land shal be * deuided by lot according to the Names of the tribes of their fathers they shal inherit 56 According to the lot shall the possession therof be deuided betwene manie fewe 57 ¶ * These also are the nombers of the Leuites after their families of Gershôn came the familie of the Gershonites of Koháth the familie of the Kohathites of Merari the familie of the Merarites 58 These are the families of Leui the familie of the Libnites the familie of the Hebronites the familie of the Mahlites the fami lie of the Mushites the familie of the Korhites and Koháth begate Amrám 59 And Amrans wife was called * Iochébed the daughter of Leui whiche was borne vnto Leui in Egypt and she bare vnto Amrā Aarón and Mosés and Miriám their sister 60 And vnto Aarôn were borne Nadáb and Abihú Eleazár and Ithamár 61 * And Nadáb and Abihú dyed because thei offred strange fire before the Lord. 62 And their nombers were thre and twenty thousand all males from a moneth olde aboue for they were not nombred among the children of Israél because there was none inheritance giuen them amonge the children of Israél 63 ¶ These are the nombers of Mosés and Eleazár the Priest which nombred the children of Israél in the plaine of Moáb nere Iordén toward Ierichô 64 And among these there was not a man of them whome Mosés and Aarôn the Priest nombred when they tolde the children of Israél in the wildernes of Sinái 65 For the Lord said of them * They shall dye in the wildernes so there was not left a mā of them saue Caléb the sonne of Iephunnéh and Ioshúa the sonne of Nun. CHAP. XXVII 1 The Lawe of the heritage of the daughters of Zelophehád 12 The land of promes is shewed vnto Mosés 16 Mosés praieth for a gouerner to the people 18 Ioshûa is appointed in his stede 1 THen came the daughters of * Zelophehád the sonne of Hépher the sonne of Gileád the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasséh of the familie of Manasséh the sonne of Ioséph the names of his daugh ters were these Mahláh Noáh Hogláh and Milcáh and Tirzáh 2 And stode before Mosés and before Eleazár the Priest and before the princes and all the assemblie at the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion saying 3 Our father * dyed in the wildernes and he was not amonge the assemblie of thē that were assembled against the Lord in the cōpanie of Kôrah but dyed in his sinne and had no sonnes 4 Wherefore shulde the Name of our father be taken awaye from amōg his familie because he hathe no sonne giue vs a possession among the brethren of our father 5 Thē Mosés broght their cause before the Lord 6 And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 7 The daughters of Zelophehád speak right thou shalt giue thē a possessiō to inherite amōg their fathers brethré shalt turne the inheritāce of their father vnto them 8 Also thou shalt speake vnto the childrē of Israél saying If a man dye and haue no sonne then ye shall turne his inheritance vnto his daughter 9 And if he haue no daughter ye shall giue his inheritance vnto his brethren 10 And if he haue no bretheren ye shall giue his inheritance vnto his Fathers brethren 11 And if his father haue no bretheren ye shal giue his inheritāce vnto his next kinseman of his familie and he shall possesse it and this shall be vnto the children of Israél a lawe of iudgement as the LORD hathe commanded Mosés 12 ¶ Againe the Lord said vnto Mosés * Go vp into this mount of Abarim and behold the land which I haue giuen vnto the children of Israél 13 And when thou hast sene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also * as Aarôn thy brother was gathered 14 Forye were * disobedient vnto my worde in the desert of Zin in the strife of the assemblie to sanctifie me in the waters before their eies * That is the water of Meribáh in Kadésh in the wildernes of Zin 15 ¶ Thē Mosés spake vnto the Lord saying 16 Let the Lord God of the Spirits of all fleshe appointe a man ouer the Congregacion 17 Who may go out and in before them lead them out and in that the Congregacion of the Lord be not as shepe whiche haue not a shepherd 18 And the Lord said vnto Mosés Take thee Ioshúa the sonne of Nun in whome is the Spirit and put thine hands vpon him 19 And set him before Eleazár the Priest before all the Congregacion giue him a charge in their sight 20 And giue him of thy glorie that all the Congregacion of the children of Israél may obeie 21 And he shall stand before Eleazár the Priest who shal aske counsel for him * by the iudgemēt of Vrim before the Lord at his worde they shal go out and at his worde they shal come in bothe he and all
go out to the sea 6 And your Westquarter shal be the great sea euer that border shal be your West-coast 7 And this shal be your Northquarter ye shal marke out your border from the great sea vnto mount Hor. 8 From mount Hor ye shal point out til it co me vnto Hamath and the end of the coast shal be at Zedad 9 And the coast shal reache out to Ziphrō go out at Hazar-enan this shal be your Northquarter 10 Andye shal marke out your Eastquarter from Hazar-enan to Shepham 11 And the coast shal go downe from Shephā to Riblah and from the Eastside of Ain and the same border shal descend and go out at the side of the Sea of Chinneréth Eastwarde 12 Also that border shal go downe to Iordén and leaue at the salt Sea this shal be your land with the coastes thereof round about 13 ¶ Then Mosés commanded the children of Israel saying This is the land which ye shal inherit by lot which the Lord commā ded to giue vnto nine tribes and halfe the tribe 14 * For the tribe of the children of Reubén according to the housholdes of their fathers and the tribe of the children of Gad according to their fathers housholdes halfe the tribe of Manasseh haue receiued their inheritance 15 Two tribes and an halfe tribe haue receiued their inheritance on this side of Iordén toward Ierichó ful East 16 ¶ Againe the lord speake to Mosés sayīg 17 These are the names of the men which shal deuide the land vnto you Eleazar the Priest and Ioshú a the sonne of Nun 18 And ye shal take also a prince of euerie tribe to deuide the land 19 The names also of the men are these Of the tribe of Iudah Caléb the sonne of Iephunnéh 20 And of the tribe of the sonnes of Simeón Shemuél the sonne of Ammihúd 21 Of the tribe of Beniamin Elidad the sonne of 〈◊〉 22 Also of the tribe of the sonnes of Dan the prince Bukki the sonne of Iogli 23 Of the sonnes of Ioseph of the tribe of the sonnes of Manasséh the prince Hanniél the sonne of Ephód 24 And of the tribe of the sonnes of Ephraim the prince Kemuél the sonne of Shiph tan 25 Of the tribe also of the sonnes of Zebulûn the prince Elizaphā the sonne of Parnach 26 So of the tribe of the sonnes of Issachar the prince Paltiél the sonne of Azzan 27 Of the tribe also of the sónes of Ashér the prince Ahihúd the sonne of Shelomi 28 And of the tribe of the sonnes of Naphta li the prince Pedahél the sonne of Ammihúd 29 These are they whome the Lord comman ded to deuide the inheritance vnto the children of Israél in the land of Canaan CHAP. XXXV 2 Vnto the Leuites agre giuen cities and suburbes 11. The cities of refuge 16 The lawe of murther 30 For one mās witnes shal no man be condemned 1 ANd the Lord spake vnto Mosés in the plaine of Moab by Iordén toward Ierichó saying 2 * Commande the children of Israél that they giue vnto the Leuites of the inheritance of their possession cities to dwel in ye shal giue also vnto the Leuites the suburbes of the cities round about them 3 So they shal haue the cities to dwe in and their suburbes shal be for their cattel and for their substance for all their beastes 4 And the suburbes of the cities which ye shal giue vnto the Leuites from the wal of the citie outwarde shal be a thousand cu bites round about 5 And ye shal measure without the citie of the Eastside two thousand cubites and of the Southside two thousand cubites of the Westside two thousand cubites of the Northside two thousand cubites the citie shal be in the middes this shal be the measure of the suburbes of their cities 6 And of the cities which ye shal giue vnto the Leuites * there shal be six cities for re fuge which ye shal appoīt that he which killeth may flee thither and to them ye shal adde two and fourty cities mo 7 All the cities which ye shal giue to the Leuites shal be eight and fourtie cities thē shal ye giue with their suburbes 8 And concerning the cities which ye shal giue of the possession of the children of Is raél of many ye shal take mo and of fewe ye shal take lesse euerie one shal giue of his cities vnto the Leuites according to his inheritance which he inheriteth 9 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 10 Speake vnto the children of Israél and say vnto them * When ye be come ouer Iordén into the land of Canaan 11 Ye shal appoint you cities to be cities of refuge for you that he slayer which slayeth anie persone vn warres may flec thither 12 And these cities shal be for you a refuge from the auenger that he which killeth dye not vntil he stand before the Congre gacion in iudgement 13 And of the cities which ye shal giue six cities shal ye haue for refuge 14 Ye shal appoint thre on this side Iordén and ye shal appoint thre cities in the land of Canàan which shal be cities of refuge 15 These six cities shal be a refuge for the chil dren of Israél and for the stranger for him that dwelleth among you that euerie one which killeth anie persone vn war res may flee thither 16 * And if one smite an other with an īstru ment of yron that he dye he is a murthe rer and the murtherer shal dye the death 17 Also if he smite him by casting a stone where with he may be slaine and he dye he is a murtherer and the murtherer shal dye the death 18 Or if he smite him with an hād weapon of wood where with he may be slaine if he dye he is a murtherer and the murtherer shal dye the death 19 The reuenger of the blood him selfe shal slay the murtherer when he meteth him he shal slay him 20 But if he trust him * of hate or hurle at him by laying of wait that he dye 21 Or smite him through enemitie with his hand that he dye he that smote him shal dye the death for he is a murtherer there uenger of the blood shal slay the murtherer when he meteth him 22 But if he punished him vnaduisedly and * not of hatred or cast vpon him anie thing without saying of wait 23 Or anie stone whereby he might be slaine and sawe him not or caused it to fall vpon him and he dye and was not his ene mie nether soght him anie harme 24 Then the Congregacion shal iudge betwene the slayer the auēger of blood according to these lawes 25 And the Gongregacion shal deliuer the slayer out of the hand of the auenger of blood and the Congregacion shal restore him vnto the citie of
his refuge whither he was fled and he shal abide there vnto the death of the hie Priest which is anoin ted with the holy oyle 26 But if the slayer come without the borders of the citie of his refuge whither he wasfled 27 And the reuenger of blood find him with out the borders of the citie of his refuge and the reuenger of blood slay the murtherer he shal be giltles 28 Because he shulde haue remained in the ci tie of his refuge vntil the death of the hye Priest and after the death of the hye Priest the slayer shal returne vnto the lād of his possession 29 So these things shal be a lawe of iudgemēt vnto you through your generacions in all your dwellings 30 Whosoeuer killeth anie persone the iud ge shal slay the murtherer through * wit nesses but * one witnes shal not testifie a gainst a persone to cause him to die 31 Moreouer ye shal take no recompēse for the life of the murtherer which is worthie to die but he shal be put to death 32 Also ye shal take no recompense for him that is fled to the citie of his refuge that he shuld come againe and dwel in the land before the death of the hie Priest 33 So ye shal not pollute the land where in ye shal dwel for blood defileth the land and the land can not be clensed of the blood that is shed therin but by the blood of him that shed it 34 Defile not therefore the land which ye shal in habite for I dwel in the middes thereôf for I the Lord dwel amōg the childrē of Israél CHAP. XXXVI 6 An ordre for the mariage of the daughters of zelophe had 7. The inheritance colde not be giuen from one tribe to another 1 THen the chief fathers of the familie of the sonnes of Gilead the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasséh of the families of the sonnes of Ioséph came and spake before Mosés and before the princes the chief fathers of the children of Is raél 2 And said * The Lord commanded my lord to giue the land to inherite by lot to the children of Israél and my lord was commanded by the Lord to giue the inheritāce of Zelophehad our brother vnto his daughters 3 If they be maried to anie of the sonnes of the other tribes of the children of Israél then shal their inheritāce be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers shal be put vnto the inheritance of the tribe where of they shal be so shal it be taken a way from the lot of our inheritance 4 Also when the Iubile of the children of Israél commeth then shal their inheritance be put vnto the inheritance of the tribe whereof they shal be so shal their inheri tance be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers 5 Then Mosés commanded the children of Israél according to the worde of the lord saying The tribe of the sonnes of Ioséph haue sayd dwel 6 This is the thing that the Lord hathe commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad saying They shal be wiues to whome they thinke best onely to the familie of the tribe of their father shal they mary 7 So shal not the inheritance of the childrē of Israél remoue from tribe to tribe for euerie one of the children of Israél shal ioy ne him selfe to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers 8 And euerie daughter that possesseth anie inheritance of the tribes of the children of Israel shal be wife vnto one of the fami lie of the tribe of her father that the children of Israél may enioye euerie man the inheritance of their fathers 9 Nether shal the inheritance go about frō tribe to tribe but euerie one of the tribes of the children of Israél shal sticke to his owne inheritance 10 As the Lord commanded Mosés sodid the daughters of Zelophehad 11 For * Mahlàh Tirzah and Hoglah Milcah and Noàh the daughters of Zelophehàd were maried vnto their fathers brothers sonnes 12 They were wyues to certeine of the fami lies of the sonnes of Manasséh the sonne of Ioséph so their inheritance remained in the tribe of the familie of their father 13 These are the commandemēts and lawes which the Lord commanded by the hand of Mosés vnto the children of Israél in the plaine of Moab by Iordén toward Iericho THE FIFTH BOKE OF MOSES called Deuteronomie THE ARGVMENT THe wonderful loue of God toward his Churche is liuely set forthe in this boke For albeit through their ingratitude and sundry rebellions against God for the space of forty yeres Deut. 9. 7. they had deserueth to haue bene cut of from the nomber of his people and for euer to haue bene depriued of the vse of his holy worde and sacramēts yet he did euer preserue his Church euen for his owne mercies sake and wolde stil haue his Name called vpon among them wherefo re he bringeth them into the land of Cánaan destroyeth their enemies giueth them their countrey townes and goodes and exborteth them by the example of their fathers whose infidelitie idolatrie adulteries murmurings and rebellion he had moste sharpely punished to feare and obey the Lord to embrace and kepe his lawe without adding ther vnto or dimi nishing there from For by his worde be wolde he knowento be their God and they his people by his worde he wolde gouerne his Churche by the same they shulde learne to obey him by his worde he wolde discerne the false Prophet from the true light from darknes error from knollage and his owne people from all other natiōs and infideles teaching them thereby to refuse detest destroy and abolish what soeuer is not agreable to his holy wil seme it other wise neuer so good or precious in the eyes of man And for this cause God promised to raise vp Kings and gouuernours for the setting for the of this worde and preseruacion of his Churche giuing vnto them an especial charge for the executing thereof whome the refore be willeth to exercise thē selues diligently in the continual studie and meditation of the same that they might learne to feare the Lord loue their subiects abhorre couetousnes and vice and whatsoeuer offendeth the maiestie of God And as he had to fore instructed their fathers in all things apperte 〈◊〉 bothe to his spiritual seruice also for the maintenant of that societie which is betwene men so he prescribeth here anewe all suche lawes ordināces which ether cōcerne his di uine seruice or els are necessarie for a comon weale appointing vnto euerie estate and degre their charge and 〈◊〉 aswel how to rule and liue in the feare of God as to nourish friendeship towarde their neighbours and to preserue that or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God hathe established among men threatening with all moste horrible plagues to them that transgresse his commandements and
27 Mosés is permitted to se the land but not to enter albeit he desired it 1 THen we turned and wentvp by the way of Bashán * and Og Kinge of Bashán came out against vs he and all his people to fight at Edréi 2 And the Lord said vnto me Feare him not for I will deliuer him and all his people and his land into thine hande and thou shalt do vnto him as thou diddest vnto * Sihôn King of the Amorites which dwelt at Heshbón 3 So the Lord our God deliuered also vnto our hand * Og the King of Bashán and all his people and we smote him vntill none was left him aliue 4 And we toke all his Cities the same tyme nether was there a Citie whiche we toke not from them euē thre score cities all the countrey of Argôb the kingedome of Og in Bashán 5 All these cities were fenced with hie walles gates and barres beside vn walled townes a great many 6 And we ouerthrewe them as we did vnto Sihôn King of Heshbòn destroying euerie citie with men women and children 7 But all the cattel and the spoile of the Cities we toke for our selues 8 Thus we toke at that time out of the hand of two Kings of the Amorites the lād that was on this side Iordén frome the riuer of Arnôn vnto mount Hermón 9 Which Hermón the Sidonians call Shiriôn but the Amorites call it Shenir 10 All the cities of the plaine and all Gileád and all Bashán vnto Salcháh and Edréi Cities of the kyngedome of Og in Bashán 11 For onelie Og Kynge of Bashán remayned of the remnant of the gyants whose bed was a bed of yron is it not at Rabbáth amonge the children of Ammon the length thereof is nine cubites and foure cubites the bredth of it after the cubite of a man 12 And this land which we possessed at that time from Aroér whiche is by the riuer of Arnón and halfe mount Gileád * and the cities thereof gaue I vnto the Reubenites and Gadites 13 And the rest of Gileád and all Bashán the kingdome of Og gaue I vnto the half tribe of Manasséh euen all the countrey of Argób with all Bashán whiche is called The land of gyantes 14 Iair the sonne of Manasséh toke all the countrey of Argôb vnto the coastes of Geshuri and called them after hys owne name Bashán Hauoth Iair vnto this day 15 And I gaue parte of Gileád vnto Machir 16 And vnto the Reubenites and Gadites I gaue the rest of Gileád and vnto the riuer of Arnón halfe the riuer and the borders euen vnto the riuer Iabbók which is the border of the children of Ammón 17 The plaine also and Iordén and the borders from Chinnéreth euen vnto the Sea of the plaine to wit the salt Sea vnder the springs of Pisgáh East warde 18 ¶ And I commanded you the same tyme saying The Lord your God hathe giué you this land to possesse it ye shall go ouer armed before your brethren the children of Israél all men of warre 19 Your wiues on elie and your childrē and your cattel for I know that ye haue much cattell shall abide in your cities whiche I haue giuen you 20 Vntill the Lord haue giuen rest vnto your bretheren as vnto you and that they also possesse the land which the Lord your God hathe giuen them beyonde Iordén thē shal ye * returne euerie man vnto his possessiō which I haue giuen you 21 ¶ * And I charged Ioshûa the same tyme saying Thine eies haue sene all that the Lord your God hathe done vnto these two Kings so shal the Lord do vnto al the kingdomes whither thou goest 22 Ye shal not feare them for the Lorde your God he shall fight for you 23 And I besoght the Lorde the same tyme saying 24 O Lord God thou haste begonne to shew thy seruant thy greatnes and thy mightye hand for where is there a God in heauē or in earth that can do like thy workes and like thy power 25 I pray thee let me go ouer and sethe good land that is beyonde Iordén that goodlie mountaine and Lebanôn 26 But the Lord was angry with me for your sakes and wolde not heare me the Lord said vnto me Let it suffice thee speake no more vnto me of this matter 27 Get thee vp into the top of Pisgáh and lift vp thine eyes Westward Northward and Southward and Eastward and behold it with thine eyes for thou shalt not go ouer this Iordén 28 But charge Ioshúa and in courage him bolden him for he shal go before this people and he shal deuide for inheritāce vnto them the land which thou shalt se. 29 So we abode in the valley ouer agaynste Beth-Peôr CHAP. IIII. 1 An exhortaciō to obserue the Law without adding therto or diminishing 6 Therein standeth our wisedome 9 VVe must teache it to our children 15 No image ought to be made to worship 26 Threatenings against them that forsake the Lawe of God 37 God chose the sede because he loued theyr Fathers 43 The thre Cities of refuge 〈◊〉 1 NOw therefore hearken ô Israél vnto the ordināces and to the lawes which I teach you to do that ye may liue and go in and possesse the land which the LORD God of your fathers giueth you 2 Ye shall put nothynge vnto the worde which I commāde you nether shal ye take ought there from that ye may kepe the commandements of the Lord your GOD which I commande you 3 Your eyes haue sene what the Lorde did because of Baal-Peôr for all the men that followed Baal-Peôr the Lord thy GOD hath destroyed euerie one from amōg you 4 But ye that did cleaue vnto the Lord your God are aliue euerie one of you this day 5 Beholde I haue taught you ordinances and lawes as the Lord my God commanded me that ye shuld do euen so with in the land whither ye go to possesse it 6 Kepe them therefore and do them for that is your wisdome and your vnderstanding in the sight of the people which shal heare all these ordinances and shall say Onely this people is wise and of vnderstanding and a great nacion 7 For what nacion is so great vnto whome the Gods come so nere vnto them as the Lord our God is nere vnto vs in all that we call vnto him for 8 And what nacion is so great that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous as al this Lawe whiche I set before you this day 9 But take hede to thy selfe and kepe thy soule diligently that thou forget not the things which thine eyes haue sene that they departe not out of thine heart all the daies of thy life but teache thē thy sonnes and thy sonnes sonnes 10 Forget not the day that thou stodest before the Lord thy God in Horéb
when the Lord said vnto me Gather me the people together I wil cause thē heare my words that they maye learne to feare me all the dayes that they shal liue vpon the earthe and that they may teache their children 11 Then came you nere and * stode vnder the mountaine and the mountaine burnt with fire vnto the middes of heauen and there was darcknes cloudes and mist. 12 And the Lord spake vnto you out of the middes of the fire and ye heard the voyce of the wordes but sawe no similitude saue a voyce 13 Then he declared vnto you his couenant which he commanded you to do euen the ten commandements and wrote them vpon two tables of stone 14 ¶ And the Lord commanded me that same time that I shulde teache you ordinances and Lawes which ye shulde obserue in the land whither ye go to possesse it 15 Take therfore good hede vnto your selues for ye sawe no image in the daye that the Lord spake vnto you in Horéb out of the middes of the fire 16 That ye corrupt not your selues make you a grauen image or representacion of anie figure whither it be the likenes of male or female 17 The likenes of anie beast that is on earth or the likenes of anie fethered foule that flieth in the aire 18 Or the likenes of any thing that crepeth on the earthe or the likenes of anie fishe that is in the waters beneth the earth 19 And lest thou lift vp thine eyes vnto heauen and when thou seest the sunne the moone and the starres with all the hoste of heauen shuldest be driuen to worshippe them and serue them whiche the Lord thy God hathe distributed to all people vnder the whole heauen 20 But the Lord hath taken you and broght you out of the yrō fornace out of Egypt to be vnto him a people and inheritance as appeareth this day 21 And the Lord was angry with me for your wordes and sware that I shuld not go ouer Iordén and that I shulde not go in vnto that good land whiche the Lord thy God giueth thee for an inheritance 22 For I muste dye in this land and shall not go ouer Iordén but ye shall go ouer and possesse that good land 23 Take hede vnto your selues lest ye forget the couenant of the Lord your God which he made with you lest ye make you any grauen image or likenes of anie thing as the Lord thy God hathe charged thee 24 For the Lord thy GOD is a consuming fire and a ielous God 25 ¶ When thou shalt beget chyldren and childrens children and shalt haue remayned long in the lande if ye corrupte your selues and make any grauē image or likenes of anie thynge and worke euill in the sight of the Lord thy GOD to prouoke him to angre 26 I call heauen and earth to record against you this day that ye shall shortely perishe from the land wherunto ye go ouer Iordē to possesse it ye shal not prolōg your daies therein but shal vtterly be destroyed 27 And the Lord shal scatter you among the people and ye shal be left fewe in nomber amonge the nacions whether the LORD shal bring you 28 And there ye shall serue Gods euen the worke of mans hand wood stone which nether se nor heare nor eat nor smel 29 But if frome thence thou shalt seke the Lord thy God thou shalt finde him if thou seke him with all thine hearte and with all thy soule 30 When thou arte in tribulacion and all these things are come vpon thee at the lēgth if thou returne to the Lord thy God and be obedient vnto his voyce 31 For the Lord thy God is a mercifull God he wil not forsake thee nether destroy thee nor forget the couenant of thy Fathers which he sware vnto them 32 For inquire now of the daies that are past which were before thee since the day that GOD created man vpon the earthe and aske frō the one end of heauen vnto the other if there came to passe suche a greate thinge as this or whether anie suche like thing hathe bene heard 33 Did euer people heare the voyce of God speakynge out of the middes of a fire as thou hast heard and liued 34 Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nacion from among nacions by tentacions by signes and by wonders and by warre and by a mighty hand by a stretched out arme and by great feare according vnto all that the Lord your God did vnto you in Egypt before your eyes 35 Vnto thee it was shewed that thou mightest knowe that the Lord he is God that there is none but he alone 36 Out of heauē he made thee heare his voice to instruct thee vpō earth he shewed thee his greate fire and thou heardest his voyce out of the middes of the fire 37 And because he loued thy fathers therfore he chose their sede after them and hathe broght thee out of Egypte in hys sight by his mighty power 38 To thrust out nacions greater and mightier then thou before thee to bring thee in and to giue thee their land for inheritance as appeareth this day 39 Vnderstand therefore this day and consider in thine heart that the Lord he is God in heauen aboue and vpon the earthe beneth there is none other 40 Thou shalt kepe therefore his ordinan ces and his commandements whiche I cōmande thee this day that it may go well with thee and with thy childrē after thee and that thou maiest prolonge thy dayes vpon the earth whiche the Lord thy God giueth thee foreuer 41 ¶ Thē Mosés separated thre cities on this side of 〈◊〉 towarde the sonne rising 42 That the slayer shulde flee thither which had killed his neighbour at vnwares and hated him not in time past mighte flee I say vnto one of those 〈◊〉 and liue 43 That is * Bézerin the wildernes in the plaine countrey of the Reubenites Ramôth in Gileád among the Gadites Golán in Bashán among them of Manasséh 44 ¶ So this is the lawe which Mosés set before the children of Israél 45 These are the witnesses and the ordināces and the Lawes which Mosés declared to the children of Israél after they came out of Egypt 46 On this side Iordén in the valey ouer againste Beth peôr in the lande of Sihón Kynge of the Amorites whiche dwelt at Heshbôn whome Mosés and the chyldren of Israél * smote after they were come out of Egypt 47 And they possessed his land and the land of * Og King of Bashán two Kings of the Amorites whiche were on this side Iordén toward the sonne rising 48 From Aroér which is by the banke of the theriuer Arnōn euen vnto mount Siōn which is Hermón 49 And all the plaine by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euē vnto the
now the Lord thy God hathe made thee as the * starres of the heauen in multitude CHAP. XI 1 An exhortacion to loue God and kepe his 〈◊〉 to The praises of 〈◊〉 18 To meditate continually the worde of God 19 To 〈◊〉 it vnto the children 26 Blessing cursing 1 THerefore thou shalt loue the Lord thy God and shalt kepe that which he cōmandeth to be kept that is his ordinances and his Lawes his commandements alwaie 2 And consider this day for I speake not to your childrē which haue nether know en nor sene the chastisement of the Lord your God his greatnes his mightie hand and his stretched out arme 3 And his signes and his actes which he did in the middes of Egypt vnto Pharaoh the King of Egypt and vnto all his land 4 And what he did vnto the hoste of the Egy ptians vnto their horses and to their charetes when he caused the waters of the red Sea to ouerfloe them as they pursued after you and the Lord destroyed them vnto this day 5 And what he did vnto you in the wildernes vntil ye came vnto this place 6 And what he did vnto Dathán and Abirám the sonnes of Eliáb the sonne of Reubén when the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them with their householdes their tents and all their substance that thei had in the middes of all Israél 7 For your eies haue sene all the great actes of the Lord which he did 8 Therefore shal ye kepe all the commandements which I commande you this day that ye may be strong and go in and possesse the land whether ye go to possesse it 9 Also that ye may prolong your daies in the land which the Lord sware vnto your fathers to giue vnto them and to their sede euē a land that floweth with milke and honie 10 ¶ For the land whether thou goest to pos sesse it is not as the land of Egypt from whence ye came where thou sowedst thy sede and waterest it with thy fete as a garden of herbes 11 But the land whether ye go to possesse it is a land of mountaines and valleis and drinketh water of the raine of heauen 12 This land doeth the Lord thy God care for the eies of the Lord thy God are alwaies vpon it from the beginning of the yere euen vnto the end of the yere 13 ¶ If ye shal hearken therefore vnto my cō mandements which I commāde you this day that ye loue the Lord your God and serue him with all your heart and with all your soule 14 I also wil giue raine vnto your land in due time the first raine and the latter that thou maiest gather in thy wheat and thy wine and thine oyle 15 Also I wil send grasse in thy fields for thy cattel that thou maiest eat and haue ynough 16 But bewarre lest your heart deceaue you and lest ye turne aside serue other gods and worship them 17 And so the angre of the Lord be kindled against you he shutvp the heauen that there be no raine and that your land yel de nother frute and ye perish quickely from the goodlād which the Lord giueth you 18 ¶ Therefore shalye lay vp these my wordes in your heart in your soule * binde them for a signe vpon your hand that they maie be as a frontelet betwene your eyes 19 And ye shal * teache them your children speaking of thē when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and whē thou liest downe and when thou risest vp 20 And thou shalt write them vpon the postes of thine house and vpon thy gates 21 That your dayes maie be multiplied and the dayes of your childrē in the landwhich the Lord sware vnto your fathers to giue them aslong as the heauens are aboue the earth 22 ¶ For if ye kepe diligently all these commandements which I commande you to do that is to loue the Lord your God to walke in all his waies and to cleaue vnto him 23 Then wil the Lord cast out all these naciōs before you ye shal possesse great naciōs and mightier then you 24 * Al the places wheron the soles of your fete shal treade shal be yours your coast shal be from the wildernes and from Leba nôn and from the Riuer euen the riuer Perâth vnto the vttermost Sea 25 No man shal stand against your for the Lord your God shal cast the feare dread of you vpon all the land that ye shal tread vpon as he hathe said vnto you 26 ¶ Beholde I set before you this day a blessing and a curse 27 * The blessing if ye obey the commandements of the Lord your God which I commande you this day 28 And the curse if ye wil not obey the commandements of the Lord your God but turne out of the way which I cōmande you this day to go after other gods which ye haue not knowen 29 ¶ When the Lord thy God therefore hathe broght thee into the land whether thou goest to possesse it then thou shalt put the * blessing vpon mount Gerizim the curse vpon mount Ebál 30 Are they not beyonde Iordén on that par te where the sunne goeth downe in the land of the Canaanites which dwel in the plaine ouer agaīst Gilgál beside the groue of Moréh 31 For ye shal passe ouer Iordên to go in to possesse the land which the Lord your God giueth you and ye shal possesse it and dwel therein 32 Take hede therefore that ye * do all the commandements and the lawes which I set before you this day CHAP. XII 1 Te destroy the idolatrous places 5. 8. To serue God where be commandeth and as he commandeth and not as men fantasie 19 The Leuites must be nourished 31. Idolaters burnt their children to theie gods 32 To addenothing to Gods worde 1 THese are the ordinances the lawes which ye shal obserue do in the land which the Lord God of thy fathers giueth thee to possesse it as long as ye liue vpon the earth 2 * Ye shal vtterly 〈◊〉 allthe places whe rein the nacions 〈◊〉 ye shal possesse ser ued their gods vpon the hie mountains vpō the hilles and vndereuerie grene tre 3 * Also ye shal ouerthrowe their altars and breake downe their pillers burne their groues with fire and ye shal hewe downe the grauen images of their gods and abo lish their names out of that place 4 Ye shal not so do vnto the Lord your God 5 But ye shal seke the place which the Lord your god shal * chose out of all your tribes to put his Name there and there to dwel and thether thou shalt come 6 And ye shal bring thether your burnt offrings your sacrifices your tithes the offring of
of her fote vpon the grounde for her softenes and tendernes shal be grieued at her housbande thatlyeth in her bosome and at her sonne and at her daughter 57 And at her afterbyrth that shall come out from betwene herfete and at her chyldren whiche she shal beare for when all thyngs lacke she shal eat them secretly duryng the the siege and straitnes where with thine enemie shal besiege thee in thy cities 58 ¶ If thou wilte not kepe and do all the wordes of thys Lawe that are written in thys boke and feare thys glorious and feare full name the Lord thy God 59 Then the Lord wil make thy plagues wonderfull and the plagues of thy sede euen great plagues and of long continuance and sore diseases and of long durance 60 Moreouer he will bryng vpon thee all the diseases of Egypt whereof thou wast afrayed and they shal cleaue vnto thee 61 And euerie sickenes and euerie plague whiche is not written in the boke of thys Lawe wil the Lorde heape vpon thee vntill thou be destroyed 62 And ye shal be left fewe in nomber where ye were as the * starres of heauen in multitude because thou woldest not obey the voy ce of the Lord thy God 63 And as the Lord hathe reioyced ouer you to do you good and to multiplie you so he wyll reioyce ouer you to destroye you and brynge you to noght and ye shal be rooted out of the lande whether thou goest to possesse it 64 And the Lord shal scatter thee among all people from the one end of the worlde vnto the other ād there thou shalt serue other gods whiche thou hast not knowen nor thy fathers euen wood and stone 65 Also among these nacions thou shalt finde no rest nether shall the sole of thy fote haue rest for the Lord shal giue thee there a trembling heart and lokyng to returne til thine eies fall out and a sorowfull minde 66 And thy lyfe shall hang before thee and thou shalt feare bothe nyght and daye and shalt haue none assurance of thy life 67 In the mornynge thou shalte saye Wolde God it were euenyng and at euenynge thou shalt say Wolde God it were mornyng for the feare of thine heart whiche thou shalte feare and for the sight of thyne eies whiche thou shalt se. 68 And the Lorde shall bryng thee into Egypt agayne with shippes by the way whereof I sayd vnto thee Thou shalt se it no more agayne and there ye shall sel your selues vnto your enemyes for bondemen and bounde women and there shal be no byer CHAP. XXIX 2 The people are exhorted to obserue the cōmandements 10 The whole people from the hiest to the lowest are cō prehēded vnder gods couenāt 19 The punishmēt of him that flatereth him selfe in his wickednes 24 The cause of Gods wrath against his people 1 THese are the wordes of the couenaunt whiche the Lorde commanded Mosés to make with the children of Israél in the lande of Moáb beside the couenant which he had made with them in Horéb 2 ¶ And Mosés called all Israél and sayd vnto them Ye haue sene all that the Lord did before your eies in the land of Egypt vnto Pha raóh and vnto all his seruaunts and vnto all his land 3 The great tentacions which thine eies haue sene those great miracles and wonders 4 Yet the LORDE hathe not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eies to se and eares to heare vnto this day 5 And I haue led you fourtie yere in the wildernes your clothes are not waxed olde vppon you nether is thy shooe waxed olde vppon thy fote 6 Ye haue eaten no breade nether dronke wine nor strong drinke that ye might know how that I am the Lord your God 7 After ye came vnto thys place and Sihón Kyng of Heshbón and Og Kyng of Bashán came out agaynste vs vnto battell and we slewe them 8 And toke their land and gaue it for an inheritance vnto the Reubenites and to the Gadites and to the halfe tribe of Manasséh 9 * Kepe therefore the wordes of thys couenant and do them that ye may prosper in all that ye shall do 10 Ye stand this day euerie one of you before the Lorde your God your heades of your tribes your Elders and your officers euen all the men of 〈◊〉 11 Your children your wiues and thy stranger that is in thy campe from the hewer of thy wood vnto the drawer of thy water 12 That thou shuldest passe into the couenaunt of the Lorde thy God and in to his othe whiche the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day 13 For to establish thee this day a people vnto himself ād that he may be vnto thee a God as he hathe sayd vnto thee and as he hathe sworne vnto thy fathers Abrahám Izhák and Iaakób 14 Nether make I this couenant and this othe with you onely 15 But as wel with him that standeth here with vs this day before the Lord our God as with him that is not here with vs this day 16 For ye knowe howe we haue dwelt in the land of Egypt how we passed through the middes of the nacions which ye passed by 17 And ye haue sene their abominacions and their idoles wood and stone siluer and golde which were among them 18 That there shulde not be among you man nor woman nor familie nor tribe whiche shulde turne his heart away thys day frome the Lord our God to go and serue the gods of these nacions and that there shulde not be among you i anie roote that bryngeth fourth gall and worme wood 19 So that when he heareth the wordes of this curse he blesse him selfe in hys hearte saying I shall haue peace althogh I walke accordynge to the stubbernes of myne owne heart thus adding dronk ennes to thirst 20 The Lord will not be mercyfull vnto hym but then the wrath of the Lorde and hysielousie shall smoke against that man and euerie curse that is written in thys boke shall lyght vpon hym and the Lorde shall put out his name from vnderheauen 21 And the Lord shall separate hym vnto euill out of all the tribes of 〈◊〉 accordyng vnto al the curses of the couenant that is written in the boke of this Lawe 22 So that the generaciō to come 〈◊〉 your children that shall ryse vp after you and the stranger that shall come from a farre lande shall saye when they shall se the plagues of this lande and the diseases thereof wherewith the Lorde shal smite it 23 For all that lande shall burne with brimstone and salt it shal not be sowen nor bring fourth nor anie grasse shal growe therin like as in the ouerthrowing of * Sodom and Gomoráh Admáh and Zeboim which the Lord ouerthrewe in his wrath and in his angre 24 Then shall all nacions saye * Wherefore hathe the Lorde done thus
vnto this lande how fearce is this great wrath 25 And they shal answer Because they haue for sakē the couenant of the Lord God of their fathers which he had made with them whē he broght them out of the land of Egypt 26 And went and serued others gods and wor shipped thē euen gods which they knewe not and which had giuen them nothing 27 Therefore the wrath of the Lorde waxed hote agaynst this land to bring vpon it euerie curse that is written in this boke 28 And the Lorde hathe rooted them out of their land in angre and in wrath and in great indignacion and hathe caste them into another land as appeareth this day 29 The secret thyngs belong to the Lorde our God but the things reueiled belong vn to vs and to our children for euer that we may do all the wordes of this Law CHAP. XXX 1 Mercie shewed when they repent 6 The Lord doeth circumcise the heart 〈◊〉 All excuse of ignorance is taken away 19 Life and death is set before them 20 The Lorde is their life which obey him 1 NOw when all these things shall come vppō thee ether the blessing or the curse which I haue set before thee ād thou shalt turne into thine heart among all the naciōs whether the Lord thy God hath driuē thee 2 And shalt returne vnto the Lorde thy God and obey hys voyce in all that I commande thee this day thou and thy children with all thine heart and with all thy soule 3 Then the Lorde thy God will cause thy ' captiues to returne and haue compassion vpon thee and will returne to gather thee out of all the people where the Lord thy God had scatered thee 4 Thogh thou werest caste vnto the vtmost parte of heauen from thence will the Lord thy God gatherthee ād from thence wil he take thee 5 And the Lord thy God wil bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed and thou shalt possesse it and he wil shewe thee fauour and wil multiplie thee aboue thy fathers 6 And the Lord thy God wil circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy sede that thou maist loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou maist liue 7 And the Lord thy God wil lay all these curses vpon thine enemies and on them that hate thee and that persecute thee 8 Returne thou therefore obey the voice of the Lord and do all his commandements which I commande thee this day 9 And the Lord thy God wil make thee plenteous in euerie worke of thine hand in the frute of thy body and in the frute of thy cattel and in the frute of the land for thy welth for the Lord wil turne againe and reioyce ouer thee to do thee good as he reioyced ouerthy fathers 10 Because thou shalt obey the voyce of the Lord thy God in keping his commandemēts and his ordinances which are written in the boke of this Lawe when thou shalt returne vnto the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule 11 ¶ For this cōmandement which I commande thee this day is nothid frō thee nether is it farre of 12 It is not in heauen that thou shuldest say * Who shal go vp for vs to heauen and bring it vs and cause vs to heare it that we may do it 13 Nether is it beyonde the sea that thou shul dest say Who shal go ouer the sea for vs and bring it vs and cause vs to heare it that we may do it 14 But the worde is verie nere vnto thee euen in thy mouth and in thine heart for to do it 15 Beholde I haue set before thee this day life and good death and euil 16 In that I commande thee this day to loue the Lord thy God to walke in his wayes ād to kepe his commandements and his ordinances and his lawes that thou maiest liue and be multiplied and that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in the land whether thou goest to possesse it 17 But if thine heart turne away so that thou wilt not obey but shalt be seduced and wor ship other gods and serue them 18 I pronounce vnto you this day that ye shal surely perish ye shal not prolong your dayes in the land whether thou passest ouer Iordén to possesse it 19 * I call heauen and earth to recorde this day against you that I haue set before you life and death blessing and cursing therfore chose life that bothe thou and thy sede may liue 20 By louing the Lord thy God by obeying his voyce and by cleauing vnto him for he is thy life and the length of thy dayes that thou maist dwel in the land which the Lord sware vnto thy fathers Abrahám Izhák and Iaakób to giue him CHAP. XXXI 2. 7 Mosés preparing him selfe to dye appointeth 〈◊〉 to rule the people 9 He giueth the I 〈◊〉 to the Leuites that they shulde read it to the people 19 God giueth thē a song as a witnes betwene him and them 23 God 〈◊〉 Ioshúa 29 Mosés 〈◊〉 them that they wil rebel after his death 1 THen Mosés went and spake these wordes vnto all Israél 2 And said vnto them I am an hundreth and twentie yere olde this day I can no more go out and in also the Lord hathe said vnto me * Thou shalt not go ouer this Iordén 3 The Lord thy God he wil go ouer before thee he wil destroy these naciōs before thee and thou shalt possesse thē * Ioshúa he shal go before thee as the Lord hathe said 4 And the Lord shal do vnto them as he dyd to * Sihôn and to Og Kings of the Amorites and vnto their land whome he destroyed 5 And the Lord shal giue them before you that ye may do vnto them according vnto euerie * commandement which I haue cōmanded you 6 Plucke vp your hearts therefore and be strong dread not nor be afrayd of them for the Lord thy God him selfe doeth go with thee he wil not fayle thee nor forsake thee 7 ¶ And Mosés called 〈◊〉 and said vnto him in the sight of all Israél Be of a good courage and strong for thou shalt go with this people vnto the land which the Lord hathe sworne vnto their fathers to giue thē and thou shalt giue it them to inherit 8 And the Lord him selfe 〈◊〉 go before thee he wil be with thee he wil not fayle thee nether forsake thee feare not 〈◊〉 re nor be discomforted 9 ¶ And Mosés wrote this Lawe and deliuered it vnto the Priestes the sonnes of Leui which bare the Arke of the couenāt of the Lord and vnto all the Elders of Israél 10 And Mosés cōmanded them saying * Euerie seuenth yere* when the yere of fredome shal be in the feast of the 〈◊〉 11 When
all Israél shal come to appeare befo re the Lord thy God in the place which he shal chose thou shalt read this Lawe before all Israél that they may heare it 12 Gather the people together men and women and children and thy stranger that is within thy gates that they may heare and that they may learne and feare the Lord your God and kepe and obserue all the wordes of this Lawe 13 And that their children which haue not knowē it may heare it learne to feare the Lord your God as long as ye liue in the land whether ye go ouer Iordén to possesse it 14 ¶ Then the Lord said vnto Mosés Beholde thy dayes are come that thou must dye Call Ioshúa and stand ye in the Tabernacle of the Congregacion that I may giue him a charge so Mosés and Ioshúa went and stode in the Tabernacle of the Congregacion 15 And the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle in the piller of a cloude and the piller of the cloude stode ouer the dore of the Tabernacle 16 ¶ And the Lord said vnto Mosés Beholde thou shalt slepe with thy fathers and this people wil rise vp and go a whoring after the gods of a strange land whether they go to dwel therein and wil forsake me breake my couenāt which I haue made with them 17 Wherefore my wrath wil waxe hote against them at that day and I wil forsake them and wil hide my face from thē then they shal be consumed and many aduersities and tribula cions shal come vpon them so then they wil say Are not these troubles come vpon me because God is not with me 18 But I wil surely hide my face in that day because of all the euil which they shal commit in that they are turned vnto other gods 19 Now therefore write ye this song for you and teache it the children of Israél put it in their mouthes that this song may be my witnes against the children of Israél 20 For I wil bring them into the land which I sware vnto their fathers that floweth with milke and honie and they shal eat and fil them selues and waxe fat then shal they turne vnto other gods and serue them and contemne and breake my couenant 21 And then when manie aduersities and tribulacions shal come vpon them this song shal answer them to their face as a witnes for it shal not be forgotten out of the mouthes of their posteritie for I knowe their imaginacion which they go about enē now before I haue broght them into the land which I sware 22 ¶ Mosés therefore wrote this song the same day and taught it the children of Israél 23 And God gaue Ioshúa the sonne of Nun a charge and said * Be strong and of a good courage for thou shalt bring the children of Israél into the land which I sware vnto thē and I wil be with thee 24 ¶ And when Mosés had made an end of writing the wordes of this Lawe in a boke vntil he had finished them 25 Then Mosés cōmanded the Leuites which barethe Arke of the couenant of the Lord saying 26 Take the boke of this Law and putye it in the side of the Arke of the couenant of the Lord your God that it may be there for a witnes against thee 27 For I knowethy rebellion thy stiffe necke beholde I being yet aliue with you this day ye are rebellious against the Lord how muche more then after my death 28 Gather vnto me all the Elders of your tribes and your officers that I may speake these wordes in their audience and call heauen and earth to recorde against them 29 For I am sure that after my death ye wil vtterly be corrupt and turne from the way which I haue commanded you therefore euil wil come vpon you at the length because ye wil commit euil in the sight of the Lord by prouoking him to angre through the worke of your handes 30 Thus Mosés spake in the audience of all the Congregacion of Israél the wordes of this song vntil he had ended them CHAP. XXXII 7 The song of Mosés conteining Gods benefites toward the people 15 And their in gratitude toward him 20 God menaceth them 21 And speaketh of the vocation of the Gentiles 46 Mosés commandeth to teache the Lawe to the children 48 God fore warneth Mosés of his death 1 HEarkenye heauens and I wil speake and let the earth heare the wordes of my mouth 2 My doctrine shal drop as the raine and my speache shal stil as doeth the dewe as the shoure vpon the herbes and as the great raine vpon the grasse 3 For I wil publishe the Name of the Lord giue ye glorie vnto our God 4 Perfect is the worke of the mighty God for all his wayes are iudgement God is true and without wickednes iust and righteous is he 5 They haue corrupted them selues toward him by their vice not being his children but a frowarde and crooked generacion 6 Do ye so rewarde the Lord ô foolish people and vnwise is not he thy father that hathe boght thee he hathe made thee and proportioned thee 7 ¶ Remember the dayes of olde consider the yeres of so manie generacions aske thy father and he wil shewe thee thine Elders they wil tel thee 8 When the most 〈◊〉 God deuided to the 〈◊〉 cions their inheritance when he separated the sonnes of Adám he appointed the borders of the people according to the nomber of the children of Israél 9 For the Lords porciō is his people Iaakób is the lot of his inheritance 10 He founde him in the land of the wildernes in a waste and roaring wildernes he led him about he taugh thim and kept him as the apple of his eye 11 As an egle stereth vp her nest flotereth ouer her birdes stretcheth out her wings taketh them and beareth them on her wings 12 So the Lord alone led him and there was no strange god with him 13 He caried him vp to the hie places of the earth that he might eat the frutes of the fields and he caused him to sucke hony out of the stone and oyle out of the hard rocke 14 Butter of kine and milke of shepe with fat of the lambs and rams fed Bashán and goates wyth the fat of the graynes of wheat and the red licour of the 〈◊〉 haste thou dronke 15 ¶ But he that shulde haue bene vpryght when he waxed fat spurned wyth hys hele thou att fat thou art grosse thou art laden with fatnes therfore he forsoke God that made him and regarded not the strong God of his saluacion 16 They prouoked hym with strange gods they prouoked hym to angre wyth abominacions 17 They offred vnto deuils not to God but to gods whom they knew not newe gods that came newly vp whome theyr fathers feared not 18 Thou
other side they slewe them so that they let none of them * remayne nor escape 23 And the Kynge of Ai they toke aliue and broght him to Ioshúa 24 And when Israél had made an end of slaying all the inhabitāts of Ai in the field that is in the wildernes where they chased them and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword vntil they were consumed all the Israelites returned vnto Ai smote it with the edge of the sworde 25 And all that fell that day bothe of men women were twelue thousande euen all the men of Ai. 26 For Ioshúa drewe not his hand backe againe which he had stretched out with the speare vntil he had vtterlye destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai. 27 * Onely the cattell and the spoyle of this citie Israél toke for a pray vnto them selues according vnto the word of the Lord which he commanded Ioshûa 28 And Ioshúa burnt Ai made it an heape for euer and a wildernes vnto this day 29 And the Kynge of Ai he hanged on a tre vnto the euening And assone as the sunne was downe Ioshúa commanded that thei shuld take his carkeis downe from the tre and cast it at the entring of the gate of the citie and * lay thereon a greate heape of stones that remaineth vnto this day 30 ¶ Then Ioshúa buylt an altar vnto the Lord God of Israél in mount Ebál 31 As Mosés the seruant of the Lorde had commanded the children of Israél as it is written in the * boke of the Law of Mosés an altar of whole stone ouer which no mā had lift an yron and they offred thereon burnt 〈◊〉 vnto the Lord sacrificed peace offrings 32 Also he wrote there vpon the stones a rehearsall of the Lawe of Mosés which he wrote in the presence of the chyldren of Israél 33 And all Israél and their Elders and officers and their iudges stode on this side of the Arke on that side before the Priests of the Leuites which bare the Arke of the couenant of the Lord aswel the stranger as he that is borne in the countrey halfe of thē were ouer against mount Gerizim and halfe of thē ouer against mount Ebál * as Mosés the seruant of the Lorde had commanded before that they shuld blesse the people of Israél 34 Then afterwarde he red all the wordes of the Lawe the blessings and cursings according to all that is written in the boke of the Lawe 35 There was not a worde of all that Mosés had commanded whiche Ioshúa red not before all the Congregacion of Israél * aswell before the women and the chyldren as the stranger that was cōuersant among them CHAP. IX 1 Diuers Kings assemble them selues against Ioshúa 3 The craft of the Gibeonites 15 Ioshúa maketh a league with them 23 For their craft they are cōdemned to perpetual sclauerie 1 ANd when all the Kings that were beyond Iordén in the mountaines and in the valleis and by all the coastes of the great Sea ouer against Lebanón as the Hittites and the Amorites the Canaanites the Perizzites the Hiuites and the Iebusites heard thereof 2 They gathered them selues together to fight against Ioshúa against Israél with one accord 3 ¶ * But the in habitants of Gibeōn hearde what Ioshúa had done vnto Ierichō and to Ai. 4 And therefore they wroght 〈◊〉 for they went and fained them selues embassadours and toke olde sackes vpon theyr asses and olde bottels for wine both rent and bounde vp 5 And olde shooes and clouted vppon their fete also the raiment vpon them was olde and all their prouision of bread was dried and mouled 6 So they came vnto Ioshúa into the hoste to Gilgál and said vnto him and vnto the men of Israél We be come frome a farre countrey nowe therefore make a league with vs. 7 Then the men of Israél said vnto the Hiuites It may be that thou dwellest among vs how thē can I make a league with thee 8 And they said vnto Ioshúa We are thy seruants Then Ioshúa said vnto them Who are ye and whence come ye 9 And they answered him From a verye far countrey thy seruants are come for the Name of the Lord thy God for we haue heard his fame and all that he hathe done in Egypt 10 And all that he hathe done to the two Kings of the Amorites that were beyonde Iordén to Sihōn King of Heshbōn and to Og King of Bashán whiche were at Ashtaróth 11 Wherefore our Elders and all the inhabitants of our countrey spake to vs saying Take vitailes with you for the iour ney and go to mete them and say vnto thē We are your seruants now therfore make ye a league with vs. 12 This our bread we toke it hot with vs for vitailes out of our houses the daye we departed to come vnto you but now behold it is dried and it is mouled 13 Also these bottels of wine which we filled were new and 〈◊〉 they be rent and these our garments and our shooes are olde by reason of the exceding great iourney 14 ¶ And the men accepted their tale cōcerning their vitailes and counseled not with the mouth of the Lord. 15 So Ioshúa made peace with thē and made a league with them that he wolde suffer them to liue also the Princes of the Cōgregacion sware vnto them 16 ¶ But at the end of thre daies after they had made a league with them they hearde that they were their neighbours and that they dwelt among them 17 And the children of Israél toke theyr iourney and came vnto their Cities the third day and their cities were Gibeōn Chephirah and Beerōth Kiriathiearim 18 And the children of Israél slewe them not because the Princes of the Congregacion had sworne vnto them by the Lord GOD of Israél wherefore all the Congregacion murmured against the Princes 19 Then all the princes said vnto all the Cōgregacion We haue sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israél now therefore we may not touche them 20 But this we wil do to them and let them liue lest the wrath be vppon vs because of the othe which we sware vnto them 21 And the Princes said vnto them agayne Let them liue but thei shal he we wood and drawe water vnto all the Congregacion as the Princes appoint them 22 Ioshūa then called them and talked with them and said Wherefore haue ye beguiled vs saying We are verie farre from you when ye dwelamong vs 23 Now therefore ye are cursed and there shal none of you be freed from being bondmen and hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of my God 24 And they aunswered Ioshúa and said Because it was tolde thy seruants that the Lord thy God had * commanded hys seruant Mosés to giue you all the lande
slewe She shái and Ahiman and Talmái 11 And from thence he went to the inhabitants of Debir and the name of Debit in olde time was Kiriath-sépher 12 And Caléb said He that smiteth Kiriath-sépher and taketh it euen to him will I giue Achsâh my daughter to wife 13 And Othniél the sonne of Kenáz Calebs yonger brother toke it to whome he gaue Achsáh his daughter to wife 14 And when she came to him she moued him to aske of her father a field and she lighted of her asse and Caléb said vnto her What wilt thou 15 And she answered him Giue me a blessing for thou hast giuē me a South contrey giue me also springs of water and Caléb gaue her the springs aboue and the springs beneth 16 ¶ And the children of 〈◊〉 Mosés father in lawe went vp out of the citie of the palmetrees with the children of Iudáh into the wildernes of Iudáh that lieth in the South of Arád and went and dwelt among the people 17 But Iudah went with Simeón his brother and they slewe the Canaanites that inhabited Zepháth and vtterly destroyed it and called the name of the citie * Hormáh 18 Also Iudáh toke Azzáh with the coastes thereof Askelōn with the coastes thereof and Ebrón with the coastes thereof 19 And the Lord was with Iudáh and he possessed the mountaines for he coldenot driue out the inhabitants of the valleys because they had charets of yron 20 And they gaue Hebrón vnto Caléb as * Mosés had said and he expelled thence the thre sonnes of Anák 21 But the children of Beniamin did not cast out the Iebusites that inhabited Ierusalém therefore the Iebusites dwel with the children of Beniamin in Ierusalem vnto this day 22 ¶ They also that were of the house of Ioseph went vp to Beth-él and the Lord was with them 23 And the house of Ioséph caused to vewe Beth-él and the name of the citie before time was * Luz 24 And the spies sawe a man come out of the citie and they said vnto him Shewe vs we pray thee the way into the citie * and we wil she we the mercie 25 And when he had shewed them the way into the citie they smote the citie with the edge of the sword but they let the man and all his housholde departe 26 Then the man went into the land of the Hittites and buylt a citie called the name thereof Luz which is the name thereof vnto this day 27 ¶ * Nether did Manasséh destroy Beth sheán with her townes nor Taanách with her tow nes nor the inhabitants of Dor with her townes nor the inhabitants of Ibleám with her townes nether the inhabitants of Megiddó with her to wnes but the Canaanites dwelled stil in that land 28 Neuertheles when Israél was strong they put the Canaanites to tribute and expelled them not wholly 29 ¶ * Likewise Ephraim expelled not the Canaanites that dwelt in Gézer but the Canaanites dwelt in Gézer among them 30 ¶ Nether did Zebulún expel the inhabitants of Kitrôn nor the inhabitants of Nahalol but the Canaanites dwelt among them and became tributaries 31 ¶ Nether did Ashér cast out the inhabitants of Acchô nor the inhabitants of Zidòn nor of Ahlâb nor of Achzib nor of Helbáh nor of Aphik nor of Rehôb 32 But the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites the inhabitāts of the land for they did not driue them out 33 ¶ Nether did Naphtali driue out the inhabi tants of Beth-shémesh nor the inhabitats of Beth-anáth but dwelt among the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land neuertheles the inhabitants of Beth-shémesh of Beth-anáth became tributaries vnto them 34 And the Amorites droue the children of Dan into the mountaine so that they suffred them not to come downe to the valley 35 And the Amorites dwelt stil in mount Héres in Aiialôn and in Shaalbim and whē the hand of Iosephs familie preuailed thei became tributaries 36 And the còast of the Amorites was frome Maaleh-akrabbim euen from Sélah and vp warde CHAP. II. 2 The Angel rebuketh the people because they had made peace with the Canaanites 〈◊〉 The Israelites fel to idolatrie after Ioshuas death 14 They are deliuered into the enemies hands 16 God deliuereth them by Iudges 22 why God suffred idolaters to remaine among them 1 ANd an Angel of the Lord came vp frō Gilgál to 〈◊〉 and said I made you to go vp out of Egypt and haue broght you vnto the land which I had sworne vnto your fathers and said I will neuer breake my couenant with you 2 * Ye also shall make no couenant with the inhabitants of this land * but shal breake downe their altars but ye haue not obeyed my voyce Why haue ye done this 3 Wherfore I said also I wil not cast them out before you but they shal be * as thornes vn to your sides and their gods shal be your destruction 4 And whē the Angel of the Lord spake these wordes vnto all the children of Israél the people lift vp their voyce and wept 5 Therefore they called the name of that place 〈◊〉 Bochim and offred sacrifices there vnto the Lord. 6 ¶ Now when Ioshûa had sent the people away the children of Israél went euerie mā into his inheritance to possesse the land 7 And the people had serued the Lord all the dayes of Ioshua and all the daies of the Elders that out lyued Ioshûa which had sene al the great workes of the Lord that he did for Israél 8 But Ioshûa the sonne of Nun the seruant of the Lord dyed when he was an hundreth ten yeres olde 9 And thei buried him in the coastes of his inheritance in Timnath-héres in mount Ephraim on the Northside of mount Gáash 10 And so all that generacion was gathered vn to their fathers and an other generacion arose after them whiche nether knewe the Lord nor yet the workes which he had one for Israél 11 ¶ Then the children of Israél thy wickedly in the sight of the Lord and serued Baalim 12 And forsoke the Lord God of their fathers which broght thē out of the land of Egypt and followed other gods euen the gods of the people that were round about them and bowed vnto them and prouoked the Lord to angre 13 So they forsoke the Lord and serued Báall and Ashtaroth 14 And the wrath of the Lord was hote against Israél and he deliuered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and he * solde them into the hands of their enemies round about them so that they colde no longer stand before their enemies 15 Whetherso euer they went out the hād of the Lord was sore against them as the Lord had said and as the Lorde had sworne vnto them so he punished them sore 16 ¶ Notwithstanding the
that cometh into thine house like Rahél and like Leáh which twaine did buyld the house of Israél that thou maiest do worthely in Ephráthah and be famous in Beth-léhem 12 And that thine house be like the house of Phárez * whome Thamár bare vnto Iudáh of the sede which the Lord shal giue thee of this yong woman 13 ¶ So Bóaz toke Ruth and she was his wife and when he went invnto her the Lord gaue that she conceiued and bare a sonne 14 And the women said vnto Naomi Blessed be the Lord which hathe not left thee this day without a kinsman and his name shal be continued in Israél 15 And this shal bring thy life againe and cherish thine olde age for thy daughter in lawe which loueth thee hathe borne vnto him she is better to thee then seuen sonnes 16 And Naomi toke the childe and layed it in her lap and became nource vnto it 17 And the women her neighbours gaue it a name saying There is a childe borne to Naomi and called the name thereof Obéd the same was the father of Ishái the father of Dauid 18 ¶ These now are the generacions of * Phá rez Phárez begate Hezrón 19 And Hezrón begate Ram and Ram begate Amminadáb 20 And Amminadáb begate Nahshón and Nahshōn begate Salmáh 21 And Salmón begate Bōaz and Bōaz begate Obéd 22 And Obéd begate Ishái and Ishái begate Dauid THE FIRST BOKE OF Samuél THE ARGVMENT ACcordyng as God had ordeined Deut. 17. 14. that when the Israelites shulde be in the land of Canáan he wolde appoint them a King so here in this first boke of Samuel is declared the state of this people vnder their firste Kinge Saul who not content with that ordre whiche God had for a time appointed for the gouernement of his Church deman ded a Kinge to the intent they myght be as other nacions and in a greater assurance as they thoght not because they myght the better thereby serue God as being vnder the safegarde of him whiche did represent Iesus Christ the true deliuerer therefore he gaue them a tyrant and an hypocrite to rule ouer them that they myght learne that the persone of a King is not sufficient to defend them except God by his power preserue kepe thē And therefore he punisheth the ingratitude of his people and sendeth them continuall warres bothe at home and abroad And because Saul whome of nothing God had preferred to the honour of a King did not acknoledge Gods mercie towarde him but rather disobeyed the worde of God and was not zealous of his glorie he was by the voyce of God put downe from his state and Dauid the true figure of Messiah placed in his steade whose pacience modestie constancie persecucion by open enemies fained friends and dissembling flatterers are left to the Church and to euery member of the same as a paterne and example to beholde their state and vocacion CHAP. I. 1 The genealogie of Elkanáh father of Samuél 2 His two wiues 5 Hannah was baren and prayed to the Lorde 15 Her answer to Eli 20 Samuél is borne 24 She doeth dedicate hym to the Lord. 1 THere was a mā of one of the two Ramathaim Zophim of moūt Ephráim whose name was Elkanáh the sonne of Ierohám the sonne of Elihu the sonne of Tohu the sonne of Zuph an Ephrathite 2 And he had two wiues the name of one was Hannáh and the name of the other Peninnáh and Peninnáh had children but Hannáh had no children 3 * And this man went vp out of his citie eue ry yere to worship and to sacrifice vnto the Lorde of hostes in Shiloh where were the two sonnes of Eli Hophni and Phine has Priests of the Lord. 4 And on a day when Elkanáh sacrificed he gaue to Peninnáh his wife and to all her sonnes and daughters porcions 5 But vnto Hannáh he gaue a worthy porcion for he loued Hannáh and the Lorde had made her baren 6 ¶ And her aduersarie vexed her sore for asmuche as she vp braided her because the Lord had made her baren 7 And so did he yere by yere and as ofte as she went vp to the house of the Lorde thus she vexed her that she wept and did not eat 8 Then sayd Elkanáh her housbande to her Hannáh why wepest thou and why eatest thou not and why is thyne hearte troubled am not I better to thee then ten sonnes 9 So Hannáh rose vp after that they had eaten and dronke in Shiloh and Eli the Priest sate vpon a stole by one of the postes of the Temple of the Lord 10 And she was troubled in her mynde and praied vnto the Lord and wept sore 11 Also she vowed a vowe and said O Lorde of hostes if thou wilt loke on the trouble of thine handmayd and remember me and not forget thine handmayd but giue vnto thine handmayd a manchilde then I wil giue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his 〈◊〉 * and there shall no raser come vpon his head 12 And as she continued praying before the Lord Eli marked hermouth 13 For Hannáh spake in her heart her lyppes dyd moue onelye but her voyce was not hearde therefore Eli thoght she had bene dronken 14 And Eli sayd vnto her Howe longe wilt thou be dronken Put away thy dronkenes from thee 15 Then Hannah aunswered and said Nay my Lorde but I am a woman troubled in spirite I haue dronke nether wine nor strong drinke but haue * powred out my soule before the Lord. 16 Count not thine handmayd for a wicked woman for of the abundance of my complaynt and my grief haue I spoken hitherto 17 Then Eli answered and said Go in peace and the God of Israéll graunt thy peticion that thou hast asked of him 18 She said againe Let thine handmaid finde grace in thy sight so the woman went her way and did eat and loked no more sad 19 ¶ Then they rose vp early and worshipped before the Lorde and returned and came to their house to Ramah Nowe Elkanah knewe Hannah his wife and the Lorde remembred her 20 For in processe of time Hannah conceiued and bare a sonne and she called his name Samuél Because sayd she I haue asked him of the Lord. 21 ¶ So the man Elkanah and all hys house went vp to offer vnto the Lorde the yerelie sacrifice and his vowe 22 But Hannah went not vp for she sayd vnto her housband I will tary vntil the chylde be weined then I wyll bryng hym that he may appeare before Lorde and there abide for euer 23 And Elkanah her housband said vnto her Do what semeth thee best tary vntyll thou hast weined hym onely the Lorde accomplyshehys worde So the woman abode and gaue her sonne sucke vntyll she weined hym 24 ¶ And when she had weined him she toke hī with her with thre bullockes an*
Arke of God is taken 18 ¶ And when he had made mencion of the Arke of God Eli fel from his seate backwarde by the side of the gate and his necke was broken and he dyed for he was an olde man and heauye and he had iudged Israél fortie yeres 19 And his daughter in law Phinehás wife was with childe nere her trauel and when she heard the report that the Arke of God was taken and that her father in lawe and her housband were dead she bowed her selfe and traueled for her paines came vpon her 20 And about the time of her death the women that stode about her said vnto her Feare not for thou hast borne a sonne but she answered not nor regarded it 21 And she named the childe Ichabód saying The glorie is departed from Israél because the Arke of God was taken and because of her father in lawe and her housband 22 She said againe The glorie is departed frō Israél for the Arke of God is taken CHAP. V. 2 The Philistims 〈◊〉 the Arke into the house of Dagón which idole fel downe before it 6 The men of Ashdód are plagued 8 The Arke is caryed into Gath and after to Ekrón 1 THen the Philistims toke the Arke of God and caryed it from Ebén ézer vnto Ashdōd 2 Euen the Philistims toke the Arke of God and broght it into the house of Dagōn and set it by Dagōn 3 And when they of Ashdōd rose the next day in the morning beholde Dagōn was fallen vpon his face on the grounde before the Arke of the Lord and they tokevp Dagón and set him in his place againe 4 Also they rose vp early in the morning the next day beholde Dagón was fallen vpon his face on the grounde before the Arke of the Lord and the head of Dagōn and the two palmes of his hands were cut of vpon the thresholde onely the stumpe of Dagón was left to him 5 Therefore the Priests of Dagón and all that come into Dagons house treade not on the thresholde of Dagón in Ashdód vnto this day 6 But the hand of the Lord was heauy vpon them of Ashdōd and destroyed thē smote them with * emerods bothe Ashdōd and the coastes thereof 7 And whē the men of Ashdōd sawe this they said Let not the Arke of the God of Israél abide with vs for his hand is sore vpon vs ād vpon Dagōn our god 8 They sent therefore and gathered all the princes of the Philistims vnto them and said What shall we do with the Arke of the God of Israél And they answered Let the Arke of the God of Israél be caried about vnto Gath and they caried the Arke of the God of Israél about 9 And when they had caried it about the hand of the LORD was against the citie with a very greate destruction and he smote the men of the citie bothe small and greate and they had emerods in their secret partes 10 ¶ Therefore they sent the Arke of GOD to Ekrōn and assone as the Arke of GOD came to Ekrōn the Ekronites cryed out saying They haue broght the Arke of the GOD of Israél to vs to slay vs and our people 11 Therefore they sent and gathered together all the princes of the Philistims said Send away the Arke of the God of Israél let it returne to his owne place that it slay vs not and our people for there was a destruction and death through out all the citie and the hand of God was very sore there 12 And the men that dyed not were smitten with the emerods and the crye of the citie went vp to heauen CHAP. VI. 1 The time that the Arke was with the Philistims whiche they sent againe with a gift 12 It commeth to Beth-shémesh 17 The Philistims offer golden emerods 19 The men of Beth-shémesh are stricken for loking into the Arke 1 SO the Arke of the Lord was in the countrey of the Philistims seuen monethes 2 And the Philistims called the Priestes and the soth sayers saying What shal we do with the Arke of the Lord tel vs where with we shall send it home againe 3 And they said If you send away the Arke of the God of Israél send it not away emptie but giue vnto it a sinne offring then shal ye be healed and it shal be knowē to you why his hand departeth not from you 4 Then said they What shal be the sinne offring which we shal giue vnto it And they answered Fiue golden emerods fiue golden mice according to the nomber of the Princes of the Philistims for one plague was on you all and on your princes 5 Wherefore ye shall make the similitudes of your emerods and the similitudes of your mice that destroye the land so ye shall giue glorie vnto the God of Israél that he may take his hand from you from your gods and from your land 6 Wherefore then shulde ye harden your heartes as the Egyptians and Pharaôh hardened their heartes when he wroght wonderfully among them * did they not let thē go and they departed 7 Now therefore make a newe carte and take two melche kine on whome there hathe come no yoke and tye the kine to the carte and bring the calues home from them 8 Then take the Arke of the Lord and set it vpon the carte and put the iewels of golde whiche ye giue it for a sinne offring in a coffer by the side thereof and send it away that it may go 9 And take hede if it go vp by the way of his owne coast to Beth-shémesh it is he that did vs this greate euil but if not we shall knowe then that it is not his hād that smote vs but it was a chance that happened vs. 10 And the men did so for they toke two kine that gaue milke and tyed them to the carte and shut the calues at home 11 So they set the Arke of the LORD vpon the carte and the coffer with the mice of golde and with the similitudes of their emerods 12 And the kine wēt the streight way to Beth-shémesh and kept one path and lowed as they went and turned nether to the right hand nor to the left also the princes of the Philistims went after thē vnto the borders of Beth-shémesh 13 Now they of Beth-shémesh were reaping their wheat haruest in the valley and they lift vp their eyes and spyed the Arke and reioyced when they sawe it 14 ¶ And the carte came into the fielde of Ioshúa a Bethshemite and stode stil there there was also a great stone and they claue the wood of the carte and offred the kine for a burnt offring vnto the Lord. 15 And the Leuites toke downe the Arke of the Lord and the coffer that was with it wherein the iewels of golde were and put them on the great stone and the men of
Israelites that were with Saúl and Ionathán 22 Also all the men of Israél whiche had hid them selues in mount Ephráim when they heard that the Philistims were fled they followed after them in the battel 23 And so the Lord saued Israél that day and the battel continued vnto Beth-áuen 24 ¶ And at that time the men of Israél were pressed with hunger for Saúl charged the people with an othe saying Cursed be the man that eateth foode til ny ght that I may be auēged of mine enemies so none of the people tasted anie sustenance 25 And all they of the land came to a wood where hony lay vpon the ground 26 And the people came into the wood and beholde the hony dropped and no man moued his hand to his mouth for the people feared the othe 27 But Ionathán heard not when hys father charged the people with the othe wherefore he put forthe the end of the rod that was in his hand and dipt it in an hony cōbe and put his hand to his mouthe and hys eyes receyued sight 28 Then answered one of the people and said Thy father made the people to sweare saying Cursed be the man that eateth sustenance thys daye and the people were faint 29 Then said Ionathán My father hathe troubled the land se now how mine eyes are made cleare because I haue tasted a litle of this hony 30 How muche more if the people had eatē to day of the spoile of their enemies which they founde for had there not bene now a greater slaughter among the Philistims 31 ¶ And they smote the Philistims that day from Michmásh to Aiialón and the people were exceding faint 32 So the people turned to the spoyle and toke shepe and oxen and calues and slewe them on the grounde and the people did eat them * with the blood 33 Then men tolde Saúl saying Beholde the people sinne against the Lord in that thei eate with the blood And he said Ye haue trespassed roule a greate stone vnto me this day 34 Againe Saúl said Go abroade among the people and bid them bring me euerie man his oxe and euery man his shepe and slaye them here and eate and sinne not against the Lord in eating with the blood And the people broght euery mā his oxe in hys hand that night and slewe them there 35 Then Saúl made an altar vnto the Lorde and that was the first altar that he made vnto the Lord. 36 ¶ And Saúl said Let vs go downe after the Philistims by night and spoyle them vntil the morning shine and let vs not leaue a mā of them And they said Do whatsoeuer thou thinkest best Then said the Priest Let vs drawe nere hither vnto God 37 So Saúl asked of God saying Shall I go downe after the Philistims wilt thou deliuer them into the hāds of Israél But he answered him not at that time 38 ¶ And Saúl said * All ye chief of the people come ye hither and knowe and se by whome this sinne is done this day 39 For as the Lord liueth whiche saueth Israél thogh it be done by Ionathán my sonne he shall dye the death But none of all the people answered him 40 Then he said vnto all Israél Be ye on one side and I and Ionathán my sonne will be on the other side And the people said vnto Saúl Do what thou thinkest best 41 Then Saúl said vnto the Lord God of Israél Giue a perfet lot And Ionathán Saúl were taken but the people escaped 42 And Saúl said Cast lot betwene me Ionathán my sonne And Ionathán was taken 43 Then Saúl said to Ionathán Tell me what thou hast done And Ionathán tolde hym and said I tasted a litle hony with the end of the rod that was in mine hand and lo I must dye 44 Againe Saúl answered God do so more also vnles thou dye the death Ionathán 45 Aud the people sayde vnto Saúl Shall Ionathán dye who hathe so mightelye deliuered Israél God for bid As the Lorde liueth there shal not one heere of his heade fall to the grounde for he hathe wroght with God this day So the people deliuered Ionathán that he dyeth not 46 Then Saúl came vp from the Philistims the Philistims went to their owne place 47 ¶ So Saúl helde the kyngedome ouer Israél and foght against all his enemies on euerie side against Moáb and against the children of Ammón and against Edóm and against the Kings of Zobáh and agaynste the Philistims and whethersoeuer he wēt he handled them as wicked men 48 He gathered also an hoste and smote Amalék deliuered Israél out of the háds of them that spoiled them 49 Now the sonnes of Saúl were Ionathán and Ishui and Malchishúa and the names of his two daughters the elder was called Meráb and the yonger was named Michál 50 And the name of Sauls wife was Ahinóam the daughter of Ahimáaz and the name of his chief captaine was Abnér the sonne of Ner Sauls vncle 51 And Kish was Sauls father and Ner the father of Abnér was the sonne of Abiél 52 And there was sore warre against the Philistims all the dayes of Saúl and whomesoeuer Saúl sawe to be a stronge man and mete for the warre he toke him vnto him CHAP. XV. 3 Saúl is commanded to slay Amalék 9 He spareth Agág and the best things 19 Samuél reproueth him 28 Saúl is reiected of the Lord and his kingdome giuen to another 33 Samuél heweth Agág in pieces 1 AFterwarde Samuél said vnto Saúl * The Lord sent me to anoint thee King ouer his people ouer Israél nowe therefore obey the voyce of the wordes of the Lord. 2 Thus saith the Lord of hostes I remember what Amaléh did to Israél * how they layed wait for them in the waye as they came vp from Egypt 3 Nowe therefore go and smite Amalék destroye ye all that perteineth vnto thé and haue no compassion on thē but slay bothe man and woman bothe infante and suckeling bothe oxe and shepe bothe camel and asse 4 ¶ And Saúl assembled the people and nōbred them in Tel aim two hundreth thousand fotemen and ten thousand men of Iudáh 5 And Saúl came to a citie of Amalék and set watch at the riuer 6 And Saúl said vnto the Kenites Go departe and get you downe from amonge the Amalekites lest I destroye you wyth them for ye shewed mercy to all the children of Israél when they came vp frome Egypt and the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites 7 So Saúl smote the Amalekites from Hauiláh as thou commest to Shur that is before Egypt 8 And toke Agág the King of the Amalekites aliue destroyed all the people with the edge of the sworde 9 But Saúl and the people spared Agág and the better shepe and the oxen
his hoste who dyed there 19 And whē all the Kings that were seruāts to Hadarézer sawe that they fell before Israél they made peace with Israél serued them the Aramites feared to helpe the children of Ammōn anie more CHAP. XI 1 The citie Rabbáh is besieged 4 Dauid committeth adulterie 17 Vriáh is slaine 27 Dauid marieth Bath-shéba 1 ANd when the yere was expired in the time whē Kings go forth to battell Dauid sent * Ioáb and his seruants wyth him and all Israél who destroyed the children of Ammōn and besieged Rabbáh but Dauid remained in Ierusalém 2 ¶ And when it was euenyng tide Dauid arose out of his bed and walked vppon the roofe of the Kings palace and frome the roofe he sawe a woman washing her selfe and the woman was very beautifull to loke vpon 3 And Dauid sent and inquired what womā it was and one said Is not this Bethshéba the daughter of Eliám wife to Vriáh the Hittite 4 Then Dauid sent messengers toke her awaye and she came vnto him and he laye with her now she was * purified from her vnclennes she returned vnto her house 5 And the womā cōceiued therfore she sent and tolde Dauid said I am with childe 6 ¶ Then Dauid sent to Ioáb saying Send me Vriáh the Hittite And Ioáb sent Vriáh to Dauid 7 And whē Vriáh came vnto him Dauid demanded him how Ioáb did how the people fared and how the warre prospered 8 Afterward Dauid said to Vriáh Go down to thine house wash thy feete So Vriáh departed out of the Kings palace and the King sent a present after him 9 But Vriáh slept at the dore of the Kynges palace with all the seruants of his Lord went not downe to his house 10 Then they tolde Dauid saying Vriáh went not downe to his house and Dauid said vnto Vriáh Comest thou not from thy iourney why didest thou not go downe to thine house 11 Then Vriáh answered Dauid The Arke of Israél and Iudáh dwel in tentes and my Lords Ioáb and the seruantes of my Lorde abide in the open fields shal I then go into mine house to eat and drinke and lie with my wife by thy life by the life of thy soule I wil not do this thing 12 Then Dauid said vnto Vriáh Tarie yet this daye and tomorowe I will send thee awaie So Vriáh abode in Ierusalē that day and the morowe 13 Then Dauid called him and he did eate drinke before him he made him drōke and at euen he went out to lie on his couche with the seruants of his Lord but wēt not downe to his house 14 And on the morowe Dauid wrote a letter to Ioáb and sent it by the hand of Vriáh 15 And he wrote thus in the letter Put ye Vriáh in the forefronte of the strength of the battell and recule ye backe from him that he may be smitten and dye 16 ¶ So when Ioáb besieged the citie he assigned Vriáh vnto a place where he knew that strong men were 17 And the men of the citie came out and foght with Ioáb and there fell of the people of the seruāts of Dauid and Vriáh the Hittite also dyed 18 Then Ioáb sent and tolde Dauid all the things concerning the warre 19 ¶ And he charged the messenger saying Whē thou hast made an end of telling the matters of the warre vnto the King 20 And if the Kinges angre arise so that he say vnto thee Wherefore approched ye vnto the citie to fight knewe ye not that they wolde hurle from the wall 21 Who smote Ahimélech sonne of Ierubésheth did not a woman caste a piece of a milstone vpon him from the wall and he dyed in Thebēz why went you nye the wal Then say thou Thy seruāt Vriáh the Hittite is also dead 22 ¶ So the messenger went and came and shewed Dauid al that Ioáb had sēt him for 23 And the messenger said vnto Dauid certeinly the men preuailed agaynste vs and came out vnto vs into the fielde but we pursued thē vnto the entring of the gate 24 But the shooters shot frō the wall against thy seruants and some of the Kings seruants be dead and thy seruant Vriáh the Hittite is also dead 25 Then Dauid said vnto the messēger Thus shalt thou say vnto Ioáb Let not this thing trouble thee for the sworde 〈◊〉 one as wel as another make thy battell more strong against the citie and destroy it and encourage thou him 26 ¶ And when the wife of Vriáh heard that her housband Vriáh was dead she mourned for her housband 27 So when the mourning was paste Dauid sent and toke her into his house she became his wife and bare him a sonne but the thing that Dauid had done displeased the Lord. CHAP. XII 1 Dauid reproued by Nathán confesseth his sinne 18 The child cōceiued in adulterie dyeth 24 Salomón is borne 26 Rabbah is taken 31 The citizens are grieúously punished 1 THen the Lord sent Nathán vnto Dauid who came to him and sayde vnto him There were two men in one Citie the one riche and the other poore 2 The richeman had exceding manye shepe and oxen 3 But the poore had none at all saue one litle shepe which he had boght nourished vp and it grewe vp with him with his children also and did eat of his owne morsels and dranke of his owne cup and slept in his bosome was vnto him as his daughter 4 Now there came a stranger vnto the riche man who refused to take of his owne shepe and of his owne oxen to dresse for the stranger that was come vnto him but toke the poore mans shepe and dressed it for the man that was come to him 5 Then Dauid was exceding wrothe with the man and said to Nathan As the Lorde liueth the man that hathe done this thing shall surely dye 6 And he shal restore the lābe * foure folde because he did this thing and had no pitie thereof 7 Then Nathan said to Dauid Thou art the man Thus sayth the Lord God of Israél * I anointed thee King ouer Israél and deliuered thee out of the hand of Saúl 8 And gaue thee thy Lords house and thy Lords wyues into thy bosome and gaue thee the house of Israél and of Iudáh and wolde more ouer if that had bene to litle haue giuen thee suche and suche things 9 Wherefore hast thou despised the cōmandement of the Lord to do euil in his sight thou hast killed Vriáh the Hittite with the sworde and hast taken his wife to be thy wife and hast slaine him with the sword of the children of Ammón 10 Now therefore the sworde shal neuer departe from thine house because thou hast despised me and taken the wife of Vriáh the Hittite to be thy wife 11 Thus saith
and Iehozabád the sonne of Shommér hys seruants smote him ād he dyed ād they buried hym with hys fathers in the citie of Dauid And Amaziah his sonne reigned in his steade CHAP. XIII 3 Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu is deliuered into the handes of the Syrians 5 He prayeth vnto God and is deliuered 〈◊〉 Ioash hys sonne reigneth in hys steade 24 Hazaél dyeth 26 Elisha dyeth 1 IN the thre and twentieth yere of Ioash the sonne of Ahaziah Kynge of Iudah Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu began to reigne ouer Israél in Samaria and he reigned seuentene yere 2 And he did euill in the sight of the Lord and followed the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat whiche made Israél to sinne ād departed not therefrom 3 And the Lord was angry with Israél and deliuered them into the hand of Hazaél Kyng of Aram and into the hand of Benhadad the sonne of Hazaél all his dayes 4 And Iehoahaz besoght the Lorde and the Lorde heard him for he sawe the trouble of Israél wherewith the Kyng of Aram troubled them 5 And the Lorde gaue Israél a deliuerer so that they came out from vnder the subiection of the Aramites And the childrē of Israél dwelt in their tentes as before time 6 Neuertheles they departed not from the sinnes of the house of Ieroboam whiche made Israél sinne but walked in them euen the groue also remained stil in Samaria 7 For he had left of the people to Iehoahaz but fiftie horsemen and ten charets and ten thousand fotemen because the King of Aram had destroyed them ād made them like dust beaten to poudre 8 Concernyng the rest of the actes of Iehoahaz and all that he did and his valiant dedes are they not writen in the boke of the Chro nicles of the Kings of Israél 9 And Iehoahaz slept with his fathers and they buryed him in Samaria and Ioash his sonne reigned in his steade 10 ¶ In the seuen and thirtieth yere of Ioash Kyng of Iudah began Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz to reigne ouer Israél in Samaria and reigned sixtene yere 11 And did euil in the sight of the Lorde for he departed not from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat that made Israél to sinne but he walked therein 12 Concernyng the rest of the actes of Ioash and al that he did and his valiant dedes and how he foght against Amaziah King of Iudah are they not writen in the boke of the Chronicles of the King of Israél 13 And Ioash slept with his fathers and Ieroboā sate vpon his seat and Ioash was buried in Samaria among the Kings of Israél 14 ¶ Whē Elisha fel sicke of his sicknes wherof he dyed loash the Kynge of Israél came downe vnto him and wept vpon his face ād said O my father my father the charet of Israél and the horsemen of the same 15 Then Elisha sayd vnto hym Take a bowe and arowes And he toke vnto him bowe and arowes 16 And he sayd to the Kyng of Israél Put thine hand vpon the bowe And he put his hande vpon it And Elisha put his hands vpon the Kings hands 17 And sayd Open the windowe Eastwarde And when he had opened it Elisha sayd Shote And he shot And he sayd Beholde the arowe of the Lordes deliuerance and the arowe of deliuerance against Aram for thou shalt smite the Aramites in Aphék till thou hast consumed them 18 Agayne he sayd Take the arowes And he toke them And he said vnto the King of Israél Smite the ground And he smote thrise and ceased 19 Then the mā of God was angry with him and said Thou shuldest haue smiten fiue or sixtimes so thou shuldest haue smiten Aram til thou hadest consumed it where nowe thou shalt smite Aram but thrise 20 ¶ So Elisha dyed and they buryed him And certeine bands of the Moabites came into the land that yere 21 And as they were burying a man beholde they sawe the souldiers therefore they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha And when the man was downe and touched the bones of Elisha * he reuiued and stode vpō hys fete 22 ¶ But Hazaél King of Aram vexed Israél all the dayes of Iehoahaz 23 Therefore the Lorde had mercie on them and pitied them and had respect vnto them because of his couenant with Abraham Izhák and Iaak ób and wolde not destroy thē nether cast he them from him as yet 24 So Hazaél the King of Aram dyed ād Benhadad his sonne reigned in his steade 25 Therefore Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz returned ād toke out of the hand of Ben-hadád the sonne of Hazaél the cities which he had taken away by warre out of the hand of Iehoahaz his father for thre times did Ioash beat him and restored the cities vnto Israél CHAP. XIIII 1 Amaziah the King of Iudah putteth to death them that slewe hys father 7 And after smiteth Edom. 15 Ioash dyeth and Ieroboam his sonne succedeth him And after him reigneth Zachariah 1 THe seconde yere of Ioash sonne of Iehoa haz King of Israél reigned * Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah 2 He was fiue and twentie yere olde when he began to reigne and reigned nine and twentie yere in Ierusalém and his mothers name was Iehoadan of Ierusalém 3 And he dyd vpryghtlye in the sight of the lord yet not like Dauid his father but did ac cording to all that Ioash his father had done 4 Notwithstanding the hie place were not taken away for as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense in the hie places 5 ¶ And when the kyngdome was confirmed in his hand * he slewe his seruāts which had killed the King his father 6 But the children of those that did slay him he slewe not accordyng vnto that that is written in the boke of the Lawe of Mosés wherein the Lorde commaunded saying * The fathers shal not be put to death for the children 〈◊〉 the children put to death for the fathers but euerie man shal be put to death for his owne sinne 7 He slewe also of Edom in the valley of salt ten thousand and toke the citie of Sela by warre and called the name thereof Ioktheél vnto this day 8 ¶ Then Amaziah sent messengers to Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz sonne of Iehu Kyng of Israél saying Come let vs se one another in the face 9 Then Iehoash the Kynge of Israél sent to Amaziah Kynge of Iudah saying The thistle that is in Lebanon sent to the cedre that is in Lebanon saying Giue thy daughter to my sonne to wife and the wilde beast that was in Lebanón went and trode down the thistle 10 Because thou haste smiten Edom thine heart hathe made thee proude brag of glorie and tarye at home why doest thou prouoke to thyne hurt that thou shuldest fall and Iudah with thee
of God 1 IN the twelfte yere of Aház Kynge of Iudáh began Hoshéa the sonne of Elah to reygne in Samaria ouer Israél and reygned nine yeres 2 And he did euill in the sight of the Lorde but not as the Kinges of Israél that were before him 3 And Shalmanéser Kynge of Asshur came vp against him and Hoshea became hys seruāt and gaue him presents 4 And the Kynge of Asshur founde treason in Hoshea for he had sent messengers to So Kyng of Egypt and broght no present vnto the Kyng of Asshur as he had done yerely therefore the Kyng of Asshur shut hym vp and put him in prison 5 Then the Kyng of Asshur came vp throughout all the land and went against Samaria besieged it thre yere 6 ¶ * In the ninth yere of Hoshéa the King of Asshúr toke Samaria and caryed Israél away vnto Asshúr and put them in Haláh and in Habór by the riuer of Gozán in the cities of the Medes 7 For when the children of Israél sinned against the Lord their God which had broght them out of the land of Egypt from vnde the hand of Pharaoh King of Egypt and fea red other gods 8 And walked according to the facions of the heathē whome the Lord had cast out before the children of Israél and after the maners of the Kings of Israél which they vsed 9 And the children of Israél had done secretly things that were not vpright before the Lord their God and throughout al their cities had buylt hie places bothe from the to wre of the wache to the defensed citie 10 And had made them images groues vpon euerie hie hil and vnder euerie geenetre 11 And there burnt incense in all the hie place as did the heathen whome the Lord had taken away before them and wroght wicked things to angre the Lord 12 And serued idoles whereof the Lord had said vnto them * Ye shal do no suche thing 13 Notwithstāding the Lord testified to Israél and to Iudáh by all the Prophetes and by all the Seers saying * Turne from your euil waies and kepe my commandements and my statutes according to al the Lawe which I commanded your fathers and which I sent to you by my seruants the Prophetes 14 Neuertheles they wolde not obey * but hardened their neckes lyke to the neckes of their fathers that did not beleue in the Lord their God 15 And they refused his statutes and hys couenant that he made with their fathers and hys testimonies where with he witnessed vnto them and they followe vanitie and be came vaine and followed the heathen that were rounde about them cōcerning whom the Lord had charged them that they shuld not do like them 16 Finally they left the commaundementes of the Lorde their God and made them molten images * euen two calues ād made a groue and worshiped all the hoste of heauen and serued Baal 17 And they made their sonnes ād their daugh ters passe through the fyre and vsed witch craft and enchantements yea solde them selues to do euill in the sight of the Lorde to angre him 18 Therefore the Lorde was excedyng wroth wyth Israél and put them out of hys sight and none was left but the tribe of Iudah onely 19 Yet 〈◊〉 kept not the commandementes of the lord their God but walked according to the facion of Israél which they vsed 20 Therefore the Lorde cast of all the sede of Israél and afflicted them and deliuered them into the hands of spoylers vntill he had cast them out of his sight 21 m For he cut of Israél from the house of Da uid and they made Ierobo am the sonne of Nebat Kyng and Ierobo am drewe Israél away from following the Lord and made thē sinne a great sinne 22 For the children of Israél walked in all the sinnes of Ieroboam whiche he did and departed not therefrom 23 Vntill the Lorde put Israél away out of hys sight as he had said by all his seruants the * Prophetes and caryed Israél awaye out of their land to Asshur vnto this day 24 And the Kynge of Asshur broght folke from Babél and from Cuthah and from Aua and from Hamath and frome Sepharuaim and placed them in the cities of Samaria in steade of the chyldren of Israél so they possessed Samaria and dwelt in the cities thereof 25 ¶ And at the begynning of their dwellyng there they feared not the Lord therefore the Lorde sent lyons among them whiche slewe them 26 Wherefore they spake to the Kyng of Asshur saying The nacions which thou hast re moued and placed in the cities of Samaria knowe not the maner of the God of the lād therefore he hathe sent lyons among them and beholde they slay them because they knowe not the maner of the God of the lād 27 Then the King of Asshur commanded saying Carye thether one of the priests whom ye broght thence and let hym go and dwell there and teache them the maner of the God of the countrey 28 So one of the priests whiche they had caryed from Samaria came and dwelt in Beth-él and taught them how they shuld feare the Lord. 29 Howbeit euerie nacion made their gods ād put them in the houses of the hie places whiche the Samaritans had made euerie nacion in their cities wherein they dwel 30 For the men of Babél made Succoth-Benoth and the men of Cuth made Nergal ād the men of Hamath made Ashima 31 And the 〈◊〉 made Nibhaz and Tartak and the Sepharuims burnt their children in the fyre to Adrammélech and Anammèlech the gods of Sepharuaim 32 Thus they feared the Lorde and appointed out Priests out of them selues for the hie pla ces who prepared for them sacrifices in the houses of the hie places 33 They feared the Lorde but scrued their gods after the maner of the nacions whome they caryed thence 34 Vnto this day they do after the olde maner they nether feare God nether do after their ordinances nor after their customes nor after the Lawe nor after the commandement which the Lorde commanded the children of Iaakōb * whome he named Israél 35 And with whom the Lord had made couenant and charged them saying * Feare none other gods nor bowe your selues to thē nor serue them nor sacrifice to them 36 But feare the Lorde which broght you out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched out arme him feare ye and worship him and sacrifice to him 37 Also kepe ye diligently the statutes and the ordinances and the Lawe and the commandement which he wrote for you that ye do them continually and feare not other gods 38 And forget not the couenaunt that I haue made with you nether feare ye other gods 39 But feare the Lord your God ād he wil deliuer you out of
Saneherib King of Asshúr departed and went his way and returned and dwelt in Niniuéh 37 And as he was in the temple worshiping Nisrōch his God Adramélech and Sharézer his sonnes slewe him with the sworde and they escaped into the land of Ararát ad Esarhaddōn his sonne reigned in his steade CHAP. XX. 1 Hezehiáh is sicke and receyueth the signe of his health 12 He receyueth rewardes of Berodách 13 Sheweth his treasures and is reprehended of Isaiah 22 He dyeth and Manasséh his sonne reigneth in his steade 1 ABout that time * was Hezekiáh sicke vn to death and the Prophet Isaiáh the son ne of Amōz came to him and said vnto him Thus sayth the LORD Put thine house in an ordre for thou shalt dye and not liue 2 Then he turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord saying 3 I beseche thee ô Lord remember now how I haue walked before thee in trueth with a perfit heart and haue done that which is good in thy sight Hezekiáh wept sore 4 ¶ And a fore Isaiáh was gone out into the middle of the court the worde of the Lord came to him saying 5 Turne againe and tel Hezekiáh the captaine of my people Thus sayth the Lord God of Dauid thy father I haue heard thy prayer and sene thy teares beholde I haue healed thee and the third day thou shalt go vp to the house of the Lord 6 And I wil adde vnto thy dayes fiftene yere and wil deliuer thee and this citie out of the hand of the King of Asshúr and wil defend this citie for mine owne sake and for Dauid my seruants sake 7 Then Isaiáh said Take a lompe of drye figs And they toke it and layed it on the 〈◊〉 and he recouered 8 ¶ For Hezekiáh had said vnto Isaiáh What shal be the sigue that the Lord wil heale me and that I shal go vp into the house of the Lord the third day 9 And Isaiáh answered This signe shalt thou haue of the Lord that the Lord wil do that he hathe spoken Wilt thou that the 〈◊〉 go forwarde ten degrees or go bicke ten degrees 10 And Hezekiáh answered It is a light thing for the shadowe to passe forwarde ten degrees not so then but let the shadowe go backe ten degrees 11 And Isaiáh the Prophet called vnto the Lord and he broght againe the shadowe ten degrees backe by the degrees 〈◊〉 by it had gone downe in the dial of Aház 12 ¶ * The same season Berodách Baladán the sonne of Baladán King of 〈◊〉 sent letters and a present to Hezekiáh for he had heard how that Hezekiáh was sicke 13 And Hezekiáh heard thē and shewed them all his treasure house to wit the siluer and the golde and the spices and the precious ointmēt and all the house of his armour and al that was founde in his treasures there was nothing in his house and in all his realme that Hezekiáh she wed them not 14 Then Isaiáh the Prophet came vnto King Hezekiáh and said vnto him What said thesemen and from whence came they to thee And Hezekiáh said They be come from a farre countrey euen from Babél 15 Then said he What haue they sene in thine house And Hezekiáh answered All that is in mine house haue they sene there is nothing among my treasures that I haue not shewed them 16 And Isaiáh said vnto Hezekiáh Heare the worde of the Lord. 17 Beholde the dayes come that all that is in thine house and whatsoeuer thy fathers haue laied vp in store vnto this day * shal be caried into Babél Nothing shal beleft saith the Lord. 18 And of thy sonnes that shal procede out of thee and which thou shalt be get shal they take away and they shal be eunuches in the place of the King of Babél 19 Then Hezekiáh said vnto Isaiáh The word of the Lord which thou hast spokē is good for said he Shal it not be good if peace and trueth be in my dayes 20 Concerning the rest of the actes of Hezekiáh all his valiāt dedes and how he made a poole and a condite broght water into the citie are they not writen in the boke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudàh 21 And Hezekiáh slept with his fathers and Manasséh his sonne reigned in his steade CHAP. XXI 3 King Manasséh restoreth idolatrie 16 And vseth great 〈◊〉 18 He dyeth and Amon his sonne succedeth 23 who is killed of his owne seruants 26 After him 〈◊〉 Iosiah 1 MAnasséh * was twelue yere olde when he began to reigne and reigned fiftie and fiue yere in Ierusalém his mothers name also was Hephzi-báh 2 And he did euil in the sight of the Lord after the abominacion of the heathen whome the * Lord had cast out before the children of Israél 3 For he went backe and buylt the hie places * which Hezekiàh his father had destroied and he erected vp altars for Báal and made a groue as did Aháb King of Israél and worshiped all the hoste of heauen and serued them 4 Also he * buylt altars in the house of the Lord of the which the Lord said * In Ierusalém wil I put my Name 5 And he buylt altars for all the hoste of the heauen in the two courtes of the house of the Lord. 6 And he caused his sonnes to passe through the fyre and gaue him selfe to witch craft and sorcerie and he vsed them that had fami liar spirits and were sothe sayers and did mu che euil in the sight of the Lord to 〈◊〉 him 7 And he set the image of the groue that he had made in the house where of the Lord had said to Dauid and to Salomōn his sonne * In this house ād in Ierusalém which I haue chosen out of all the tribes of Israél wil I put my Name for euer 8 Nether wil I make the feete of Israél moue anie more out of the land which I gaue their fathers so that they wil obserue and do all that I haue commanded them and according to all the Lawe that my seruant Mosés commanded them 9 Yet they obeyed not but Manasséh led thē out of the way to do more wickedly then did the heathen people whome the Lord de stroyed before the children of Israél 10 Therefore the Lord spake by his seruants the Prophetes saying 11 * Because that Manasséh King of Iudáh hathe done suche abominacions and hathe wroght more wickedly then all that the Amorites which were before him did and ha the made Iudáh sinne also with his idoles 12 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israél Beholde I wil bring an euil vpon Ierusalém and Iudáh that whoso heareth of it bothe his eares shal tingle 13 And I wil stretch ouer Ierusalém the line of Samaria and the plommet of the house of Aháb
the Kings house and set the King vpon the throne of the kingdome 21 Then all the people of the land reioyced the citie was quiet after that thei had sleane Athaliáh with the sworde CHAP. XXIIII 4 Ioásh repaireth the house of the Lord. 17 After the death of Iehoiadá he falleth idolatrie 21 He stoneth to death 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 25 Ioash is killed of his owne seruants 27 After him 〈◊〉 Amaziah 1 IOásh * was seuen yere olde when he began to reigne and he reigned fourtie yere in Ierusalém and his mothers name was Zibiáh of Beer-shéba 2 And Ioásh did vprightly in the sight of the Lord all the dayes of Iehoiadá the Priest 3 And Iehoiadá toke him two wiues and he 〈◊〉 sonnes and daughters 4 ¶ And after ward it came into Ioásh minde to renue the house of the Lord. 5 And he assembled the Priestes and the Leuites and said to them Go out vnto the cities of Iudáh and gather of all Israél money to repaire the house of your God from yere to yere and haste the thing but the Leuites hasted not 6 Therefore the King called Iehoiadá the chief and said vnto him Why hast thou not required of the Leuites to bring in out of Iudáh and Ierusalém * the taxe of Mosés the seruant of the Lord and of the Congregaciō of Israél for the Tabernacle of the testimonie 7 For wicked Athaliáh and her children brake vp the house of God all the things that were dedicate for the house of the Lord did thei besto we vpon Baalim 8 Therefore the King commanded * and they made a chest ād set it at the gate of the house of the Lord. 9 And they made proclamacion through Iudah and Ierusalém to bryng vnto Lorde * the taxe of Mosés the seruant of God laied vpon Israél in the wildernes 10 And all the princes and all the people reioy ced and broght in and caste into the chest vntill they had finished 11 And when it was tyme they broght the chest vnto the Kyngs officer by the hand of the Leuites and when they sawe that there was muche siluer then the Kings Scribe and one appointed by the hye Priest came and emptied the chest and toke it and caried it to his place againe thus they did day by day and gathered siluer in abundance 12 And the Kyng and Iehoiada gaue it to suche as did the labour ād worke in the house of the Lorde and hyred masons and carpenters to repaire the house of the Lorde they gaue it also to workers of yron and brasse to repaire the house of the Lorde 13 So the workemen wroght and the worke amended through their hands and they re stored the house of GOD to hys state and strengthened it 14 And when they had finished it they broght the rest of the siluer before the King and Iehoiadá and he made thereof vessels for the house of the LORDE euen vessels to minister bothe morters and incense cuppes and vessels of golde and of siluer and they offred burnt offrings in the house of the Lorde continually all the dayes of Iehoiada 15 ¶ But Iehoiada waxed olde and was full of dayes and dyed And hundreth and thirtie yere olde was he when he dyed 16 And they buryed him in the citie of Dauid with the Kings because he had done good in Israél and towarde God and his house 17 ¶ And after the death of sehoiadá came the princes of Iudah and did reuerence to the King and the King hearkened vnto them 18 And they left the house of the Lord God of their fathers and serued groues and idoles and wrath came vpon Iudah and Ierusalém because of this their trespasses 19 And God sent Prophetes among them to bring them againe vnto the Lorde and they made protestation among them but they wolde not heare 20 And the Spirit of God came vpon Zechariah the sonne of Iehoiada the Priest whiche stode aboue the people and sayd vnto them Thus saith GOD Why transgresseye the commandements of the Lorde surely it shall not prosper 〈◊〉 ye haue forsaken the Lord he also hathe forsaken you 21 Then they conspired agaynst hym and stoned hym with stones at the commaundement of the Kyng in the court of the house of the Lord. 22 Thus Ioash the Kyng remembred not the kindenes which Iehoiadá his father had done to him but slewe his sonne And when he dyed he said The Lord loke vpon it and require it 23 ¶ And when the yere was out the hoste of Arám came vp against him and thei came against Iudáh and Ierusalém and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people and sent all the spoile of them vnto the King of Damascus 24 Thoght the armie of Arám came with a small company of men yet the Lord deliuered a very great armie into their hand because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers they gaue sentence against Ioásh 25 And when thei were departed from him for thei left him in great diseases his owne seruants conspired against him for the blood of the children of Iehoiadá the Priest and slewe him on his bed and he dyed and they buryed him in the citie of Dauid but they buryed him not in the sepulchres of the Kings 26 And these are they that conspired against him Zabád the sonne of Shimráth an Ammonitesse and Iehozabád the sonne of Shim rith a Moabitesse 27 But his sonnes and the summe of the taxe gathered by him and the fundacion of the house of God beholde they are writen in the storie of the boke of the Kings And Amaziáh his sonne reigned in his stead CHAP. XXV 3 Amaziáh putteth them to death which slewe his father 10 He sen deth backe them of Israél 11 He ouercōmeth the Edomites 14 He falleth to 〈◊〉 17 And Ioash King 〈◊〉 Israél ouercometh Amaziah 27 He is slayne by a conspiracle 1 AMaziáh was fiue and twentie yere olde whē he began to reigne and he reigned nine and twentie yere in * Ierusalém and his mothers name was Iehoaddán of Ierusalém 2 And he did vprightly in the eyes of the Lord but not with a perfite heart 3 And when the kingdome was established vnto him he 〈◊〉 his seruāts that had slayne the King his father 4 But he 〈◊〉 not their children but did as it is writen in the Law and in the boke of Mosés where the Lord commanded saying * The fathers shal not dye for the children nether shal the children dye for the fathers but euerie man shal dye for his owne sinne 5 ¶ And Amaziáh assembled Iudáh and made them captaines ouer thousands and captaines ouer hundreths according to the houses of their fathers throughout all Iudáh and 〈◊〉 and he nōbred them from twentie yere olde and aboue and founde among them thre hundreth thousand chosen
men to go forthe to the warre and to hādle spea re and shield 6 He hyred also an hundreth thousand valiant men out of Israél for an hundreth talents of siluer 7 But a man of God came to him saying O King let not the armie of Israél go with thee for the Lord is not with Israél nether with all the house of Ephráim 8 If not go thou on do it make thy selfe strōg to the battel but God shal make thee fall before the enemie for God hathe power to helpe and to cast downe 9 And Amaziáh said to the man of God What shal we do then for the hundreth talents which I haue giuen to the hoste of Israél Then the man of God answered The Lord is able to giue thee more then this 10 So Amaziáh separated thē to wit the armie that was come to him out of Ephráim to returne to their place wherefore their wrath was kindled greatly against Iudáh and they returned to their places with great angre 11 Then Amaziáh was encouraged and led forthe his people and went to the salt valley and smote of the children of Seir ten thousand 12 And other ten thousand did the children of Iudáh take aliue and caryed them to the toppe of a rocke and cast thē downe from the toppe of the rocke and they all burst to pieces 13 But the men of the armie which Amaziáh sent away that they shulde not go with his people to battel fell vpon the cities of Iudáh from Samaria vnto Bethhorón and smo te thre thousand of them and toke muche spoyle 14 Now after that Amaziáh was come frō the slaughter of the Edomites he broght the gods of the children of Seir and set them vp to be his gods and worshiped them and burned incense vnto them 15 Wherefore the Lord was wroth with Amaziáh and sent vnto him a Prophet which said vnto him Why hast thou soght the gods of the people which where not able to deliuer their owne people out of thine hand 16 And as he talked with him he said vnto him Haue thei made thee the Kings counseler cease thou why shulde they smite thee And the Prophet ceased but said I knowe that God hathe determined to destroye thee because thou hast done this and hast not obeyed my counsel 17 ¶ Then Amaziáh King of Iudáh toke coun sel and sent to Ioásh the sonne of Iehoaház the sonne of Iehú King of Israél saying Come let vs se one another in the face 18 But Ioásh King of Israél sent to Amaziáh King of Iudáh saying The thistle that is in Lebanōn sent to the cedre that is in Lebanō saying * Giue thy daughter to my sonne to wife and the wilde beast that was in Lebanón went and trode downe the thistle 19 Thou thinkest lo thou hast smiten Edóm and thine heart lifteth thee vp to bragge abide now at home why doest thou prouoke to thine hurt that thou shuldest fall and Iudáh with thee 20 But Amaziáh wolde not heare for it was of God that he might deliuer them into his hand because they had soght the gods of Edóm 21 So Ioásh the King of Israél went vp and he and Amaziáh King of Iudáh sawe one another in the face at Bethshémesh which is in Iudáh 22 And Iudáh was put to the worse before Israél and they fled euerie man to histents 23 But Ioásh the King of Israél toke Amaziáh King of Iudáh the sonne of Ioásh the sonne of Iehoaház in Bethshémesh ād broght him to Ierusalém and brake downe the wall of le rusalém from the gate of Ephraim vnto the corner gate foure hundreth cubites 24 And he toke all the golde and the siluer and all the vessels that were founde in the house of God with Obéd Edóm and in the treasures of the Kings house and the children that were in hostage and returned to Samaria 25 ¶ And Amaziáh the sonne of Ioásh King of Iudáh liued after the death of Ioásh sonne of Iehoaház King of Israél fiftene yere 26 Cōcerning the rest of the actes of Amaziáh first and last are they not writen in the boke of the Kings of Iudáh and Israél 27 Now after the time that Amaziáh did turne away from the Lord * they wroght treason against him in Ierusalém and when he was fled to Lachish thei sent to Lachish after him and slewe him there 28 And thei broght him vpon horses and buryed him with his fathers in the citie of Iudáh CHAP. XXVI 1. 5 Vzziáh obeying the Lord prospereth in his enterprises 16 He waxeth proude and vsurpeth the Priests office 19 The Lord plagueth him 20 The Priests driue him out of the Temple and exclude him out of the Lords house 23. His buryal and his successour 1 THē * al the people of Iudáh toke Vzziáh which was sixtene yere olde made him King in the stead of his father Amaziáh 2 He buylt Elóth and restored it to Iudah after that the King slept with his fathers 3 * Sixtene yere olde was Vzziah when he began to reygne and he reygned two and fiftie yere in Ierusalém and his mothers name was Iecoliah of Ierusalém 4 And he dyd vpryghtlye in the sight of the Lord accordyng to all that hys father Amaziah did 5 And he soght God in the dayes of Zechariah whiche vnderstode the visions of God and when as he soght the Lord God made him to prosper 6 For he went forthe and foght against the Phi listims and brake downe the wall of Gath and the wall of Iabnéh and the wall of Ashdóh and buylt cities in Ashdód and among the Philistims 7 And God helped him against the Philistims and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbáal and Hammeunim 8 And the Ammonites gaue giftes to Vzziáh his name spred to the entring in of Egypt for he did moste valiantly 9 Moreouer Vzziáh buylt to wres in Ierusalém at the corner gate and at the valley gate and at the * turning and made them strong 10 And he buylt towres in the wildernes and digged many cisternes for he had muche cattel bothe in the valle is and plaines plowmen 〈◊〉 dressers of vines in the mountaines and in Carmél for he loued housban drie 11 Vzziáh had also an hoste of fighting mē that went out to warre by bandes according to the counte of their nomber vnder the hand of Ieiél the scribe and Maaseiáh the ruler vnder the hand of Hananiáh one of the Kings captaines 12 The whole nomber of the chief of the families of the valiātmen were two thousand and six hundreth 13 And vnder their hand was the armie for warre thre hundreth and seuen thousand fiue hundreth that foght valiantly to helpe the King against the enemie 14 And Vzziáh prepared them through out all the hoste shields and speares and helmets and brigandines and bowes and stones
Israél and that dwelt in Iudáh 26 So there was great ioye in Ierusalém for since the time of Salomō the sonne of Dauid King of Israél there was not the like thing in Ierusalém 27 Then the Priests and the Leuites arose blessed the people and theyr voyce was heard and their prayer came vp vnto heauen to his holyhabitacion CHAP. XXXI 1 The people destroye idolatrie 2 Hezekiáh appointeth Priests and Leuites 4 And prouideth for theyr liuyng 13 He ordeineth ouerseers to distribute to euerie one his portion 1 ANd whē all these things were finished all Israél that were found in the cities of Iudáh went out and brake the images and cut downe the groues brake downe the hie places and the altars throughout all Iudáh and Beniamin in Ephráim also Manasséh vntill they had made an end afterward all the children of Israél returned euerie man to his possession into theyr owne cities 2 And Hezekiáh appointed the courses of the Priests and Leuites by their turnes euerie man according to his office bothe Priests and Leuites for the burnt offring peace offrings to minister to giue thākes and to praise in the gates of the tents of the Lord. 3 And the Kings 〈◊〉 was of his owne substance for the burnt offrings euē for the burnt offrings of the mornyng and of the euening the burnt offrings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sabbaths and for the new moones 〈◊〉 the solemne feastes * as it is writen in 〈◊〉 Law of the Lord. 4 He commāded also the people that 〈◊〉 in Ierusalē to giue a parte to the Priests and Leuites that they might be encouraged in the Law of the Lord. 5 ¶ And when the commaundement was spred the children of Israél broght abundance of first frutes of corne wine oyle and honie of all the increase of the field and the tithes of all thynges broght they abundantly 6 And the children of Israél and Iudáh that dwelt in the Cities of Iudáh they also broght the tithes of bullockes shepe and the holy tithes which were cōsecrate vnto the Lord their God and laid them on many heapes 7 In the third moneth they began to lay the fundacion of the heapes and finished thē in the seuent moneth 8 ¶ And when Hezekiáh and the princes came and sawe the heapes they blessed the Lord and his people Israél 9 And Hezekiáh questioned with the Prests and the Leuites concerning the heapes 10 And Azariáh the chief Priest of the house of Zadók answered him and said Since the people began to brynge the offrings into the house of the Lord we haue eaten and haue bene satisficed and there is left in abundance for the Lord hathe blessed hys people and this abundance that is left 11 ¶ And Hezekiáh commanded to prepare chambers in the house of the Lord they prepared them 12 And caryed in the first frutes the tithes and the dedicate things faithfully ouer them was Conaniáh the Leuite the chief and Shimei his brother the seconde 13 And Iehiél and Azaziáh and Náhath and Asahél and 〈◊〉 and Iozabád and Eliél and Ismachiáh and Máhath and Benaiáh were ouerseers by the appointement of Conaniáh Shimei his brother and by the commandement of Hezekiáh the King and of Azariáh the chief of the house of God 14 And Koré the sonne of Imnáh the Leuite porter towarde the Easte was ouer the things that were willingly offred vnto God to distribute the oblations of the Lord the holy things that were consecrate 15 And at his hand were Edén Miniamin and Ieshúa and Shemaiáh Amariáh and Shechaniáh in the Cities of the Priestes to distribute with fidelitie to their brethrē by courses bothe to the great and small 16 Their daily porcion beside their generacion being males from thre yere olde and aboue euen to all that entred into the house of the Lorde to their office in theyr charge according to their courses 17 Bothe to the generacion of the Priests 〈◊〉 the house of theyr fathers and to the Leuites from twētie yere olde and aboue accordynge to theyr charge in their courses 18 And to the generacion of all their childrē their wiues and their sonnes and theyr daughters throughout all the Congregacion for by their fidelitie are they partakers of the holy things 19 Also to the sonnes of Aarōn the Priestes which were in the fields and suburbes of their cities in euerie citie the mē that were appointed by names shuld giue porcious to all the males of the Priests and to all the generacion of the Leuites 20 And thus did Hezekiáh throughout all Iudáh and did wel and vp rightly truely before the Lord his God 21 And in all the workes that he began for the seruice of the house of GOD both in the Lawe and in the commandements to seke his God he did it with all his heart prospered CHAP. XXXII 1 Sanneherib 〈◊〉 Iudáh 3 Hezekiáh prepareth for the warre 7 He exhorteth the people to put their truste in the Lord. 9 Sanneherib blasphemeth God 20 Hezekiah prayeth 21 The Angel destroieth the Assyrians and the King is slaine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not thankefull toward the Lord. 33 His death 1 AFter these thynges faithfully described * Sanneherib King of 〈◊〉 came and entred into Iudáh and besieged the strong cities and thoght to winne thē for him selfe 2 When Hezekiáh sawe that Sanneherib was come and that his purpose was to fight against Ierusalém 3 Then he toke counsel with his princes hys nobles to stoppe the water of the fountaines without the citie and they did helpe him 4 So many of the people assembled thē selues and stopt all the fountaines and the riuer that ran through the middes of the countrey saying Why shulde the Kynges of Asshúr come and finde muche water 5 And he toke courage and buylt all the broken wall and made vp the towres and another wall without and repared Millo in the citie of Dauid and made manye dartes and shields 6 And he set captaines of warre ouer the people and assembled them to hym in the broad place of the gate of the Citie and spake comfortably vnto them saying 7 Be strong and couragious feare not nether be afraied for the King of 〈◊〉 nether for all the multitude that is with him for there be mo with vs then is with him 8 With him is an arme of fleshe but with vs is the Lord our God for to helpe vs to fight our battels Then the people were cōfirmed by the wordes of Hezekiáh King of Iudáh 9 * After this did Sanneherib Kyng of Asshúr send his seruants to Ierusalém while he was against Lachish and all hys dominion with him vnto Hezekiáh King of Iudáh and vnto all Iudáh that were at Ierusalém saying 10 Thus saith Sanneherib the King of Asshúr Wherein do ye trust
that ye wil remaine in Ierusalém during the siege 11 Doeth not Hezekiáh en tice you to gyue ouer your selues vnto death by famine by thirst saying The Lord our GOD shall deliuer vs out of the hand of the Kyng of Asshúr 12 Hathe not the same Hezekiáh takē away his hie places and his altars and commāded Iudáh and Ierusalém saying Ye shall worship before one altar and burne incēse vpon it 13 Knowe ye not what I and my fathers haue done vnto all the people of other countreies Were the Gods of the nations of other lands able to deliuer their land out of mine hand 14 Who is he of all the Gods of those nacions that my fathers haue destroied that colde deliuer his people out of mine hand that your God shulde be able to delyuer you out of mine hand 15 Now therefore let not Hezekiáh deceiue you nor seduce you after this sorte nether beleue ye him for none of all the Gods of any nacion or kingdome was able to deliuer his people out of myne hand and out of the hande of my fathers how muche lesse shall your Goddes delyuer you out of mine hand 16 And his seruants spake yet more agaynst the Lord God and against his seruāt Hezekiáh 17 He wrote also letters blasphemyng the Lord God of Israél and speaking agaynste him saying As the gods of the nacions of other countreis colde not delyuer theyr people out of mine hande so shall not the God of Hezekiáh deliuer hys people out of mine hand 18 Then they cryed with a lowde voyce in the Iewes speache vnto the people of Ierusalém that were on the wall to feare them and to astonish them that thei might take the citie 19 Thus they spake against the GOD of Ierusalém as against the gods of the people of the earth euen the workes of mans hands 20 But Hezekiáh the King and the Prophet Isaiáh the sonne of Amoz praied agaynst this and cryed to heauen 21 And the Lord sent an Angell whiche de stroied all the valiantmen and the princes and captaines of the hoste of the Kynge of Asshúr so he returned with shame to his owne land And when he was come into the house of his God they that came forth of his owne bowels slewe him there with the sworde 22 So the Lord saued Hezekiáh and the inhabitants of Ierusalém from the hande of Sanneherib King of Asshúr and frome the hand of all other and mainteined them on euerie side 23 And many broght offrings vnto the Lord to Ierusalém and presents to Hezekiáh King of Iudáh so that he was magnified in the sight of all nacions frome thence forthe 24 * In those dayes Hezekiáh was sicke vnto the death and praied vnto the Lord who spake vnto him and gaue him a signe 25 But Hezekiáh did not rendre accordyng to the rewarde bestowed vpō him for his heart was lift vp and wrath came vppon him and vpon Iudáh and Ierusalém 26 Notwithstanding Hezekiáh humbled him selfe after that his heart was lifted vp he and the inhabitants of Ierusalém and the wrath of the Lord came not vpon them in the daies of Hezekiáh 27 Hezekiáh also had exceding much riches and honour and he gate him treasures of siluer and of golde of precious stones and of swete odours and of shields and of all pleasant vessels 28 And of store houses for the increase of wheat and wine and oyle and stalles for all beastes and rowes for the stables 29 And he made him cities and had possession of shepe and oxen in abundance for God had giuen him substance excedynge muche 30 This same Hezekiáh also stopped the vpper water springs of Gihón and led then streight vnderneth toward citie of Dauid Westward so Hezekiáh prospered in all his workes 31 But because of the ambassadours of the princes of Babél whiche sent vnto hym to enquire of the wondre that was done in the land God left him to trye him to knowe all that was in his heart 32 Concerning the rest of the actes of Hezekiáh and his goodnes beholde they are writen in the visiō of Ishaiáh the Prophet the sonne of Amóz in the boke of the Kings of Iudáh and Israél 33 So Hezekiáh slept with his fathers and they buryed him in the highest sepulchre of the sonnes of Dauid and all Iudáh the inhabitants of Ierusalém did him honour at his death and Manasséh his sonne reygned in his stead CHAP. XXXIII 1 Manasséh an 〈◊〉 9 He causeth Iudah to erre 〈◊〉 He is led awaye prisoner into Babylón 12 He praieth to the LORD and is delyuered 14 He abolisheth idolatrie 16 And setteth vp true religion 20 He dyeth and Amón hys sonne succedeth 24 whome his owne seruants slay 1 MAnasséh was twelue yere olde* whē he began to reygne and he reygned fiue and fiftie yere in Ierusalém 2 And he did euill in the sight of the Lorde like the abominacions of the heathen * whome the Lord had cast out before the children of Israél 3 For he went backe and buylt the hie places * which Hezekiáh his father had broken downe * and he set vp altars for Baalim and made groues and worshiped all the hoste of the heauen and serued them 4 Also he buylt altars in the house of the Lord whereof the Lord had said * In Ierusalém shal my Name be for euer 5 And he buylt altars for all the hoste of the heauen in the two courtes of the house of the Lord. 6 And he caused his sonnes to passe through the fyre in the valley of 〈◊〉 he gaue him selfe to witch craft and to charming and to sorcerie and he vsed thē that had familiar Spirits and sothesayers he did verye muche euyll in the sight of the Lord to angre him 7 He put also the karued image whiche he had made in the house of God whereof God had said to Dauid and to Salomón his sonne * In this house and in Ierusalē which I haue chosē before all the tribes of Israél wil I put my Name for euer 8 Nether will * I make the foote of Israél to remoue any more out of the lande whiche I haue appointed for your fathers so that they take hede and do all that I haue commanded them accordynge to the Law and statutes and iudgements by the hand of Mosés 9 So Manasséh made Iudáh and the inhabitants of Ierusalém to erre to do worse then the heathen whome the Lorde had destroyed before the children of Israél 10 ¶ And the Lord spake to Manasséh and to his people but they wolde not regarde 11 Wherefore the Lord broght vppon them the captaines of the hoste of the Kynge of Asshúr whiche toke Manasséh put him in fetters and bounde him in chaines and caryed him to Babél 12 And when he was in tribulacion he praied to the
the sonne of Hilkiah 2 The sonne of Shallum the sonne of Zadók the sonne of Ahitub 3 The sonne of Amariáh the sonne of Azariáh the sonne of Meraioth 4 The sonne of Zeraiah the sonne of Vzzi the sonne of Bukki 5 The sonne of Abisshua the sonne of Phinehás the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aarôu the chief Priest 6 This Ezrâ came vp from Babél and was a scribe prompt in the Law of Mosés whiche the Lorde God of Israél had giuen and the King gaue hym all his request accordyng to the hand of the Lorde hys God which was vpon him 7 And there went vp certeine of the children of Israél and of the Priests and the Leuites and the singers and the porters and the Nethinims vnto Ierusalém in the seuent yere of King Artah shashte 8 And he came to Ierusalē in the fift moneth whiche was in the seuent yere of the King 9 For vpon the first daye of the first moneth began he to go vp frome Babél and on the first day of the fift moneth came he to Ieru salém accordyng to the good hande of hys God that was vpon him 10 For Ezrá had prepared hys heart to seke the Lawe of the Lord and to do it and to teachethe precepts and iudgements in Israél 11 ¶ And thys is the copie of the letter that King Artah shashte gaue vnto Ezra the Priest and scribe euen a writer of the wordes of the commandements of the Lord and of his statutes ouer Israél 12 Artah shashte Kyng of Kynges to Ezrá the Priest and perfite scribe of the Lawe of the God of heauen and to Cheéneth 13 I haue giuen commandement that euerie one that is willing in my kyngdome of the people of Israél and of the Priests and Leuites to go to Ierusalém with thee shal go 14 Therfore art thou sent of the King and his seuen counselers to enquire in Iudah and Ierusalém according to the Law of thy God which is in thine hand 15 And to carie the siluer and the golde whiche the King and his counselers willingly of fer vnto the God of Israél whose habitacion is in Ierusalém 16 And all the siluer and golde that thou canst finde in all the prouince of Babél with the fre offring of the people and that whiche the Priestes offre willingly to the house of their God which is in Ierusalém 17 That thou maiest bye spedely with that siluer bullockes rams lambes with their meat offrings and their drinke offrings and thou shalt offer them vpon the altar of the house of my God which is in Ierusalém 18 And whatsoeuer it please thee and thy bre thren to do with the rest of the siluer and golde do ye it accordyng to the will of your God 19 And the vessels that are giuen thee for the seruice of the house of thy God those deliuer thou before God in Ierusalém 20 And the residue that shal be nedeful for the house of thy God whiche shal be mete for thee to bestowe thou shalt bestowe it out of the Kings treasure house 21 And I King Artah shashte haue giuen commandement to all the treasurers whiche are beyon dei the Riuer that whatsoeuer Ezrá the Priest and scribe of the Lawe of the God of heauen shall require of you that it be done incontinently 22 Vnto an hundreth talents of siluer vnto an hūdreth measures of wheat ād vnto an hūdreth baths of wine and vnto an hundreth baths of oyle and salt without writing 23 Whatsoeuer is by the commandement of the GOD of heauen let it be done spedely for the house of the God of heauen for why shulde he be wrath againste the realme of of the Kyng and children 24 And we certifie you that vpon anie of the Priests Leuites singers porters Nethinims or ministers in this house of God there shal no gouernour lay vpon them tolle tribute nor custome 25 And thou Ezrá after the wisdome of thy God that is in thine hand setiudges and ar biters which may iudge all the people that is beyonde the Riuer euen all that knowe the Lawe of thy God and teache ye them that knowe it not 26 And whosoeuer wil not do the Lawe of thy God and the Kings lawe let hym haue iudgement without delay whether it be vnto death or to banishment or to confiscation of goods or to imprisonement 27 Blessed be the Lorde God of our fathers whiche so hathe put in the Kings heart to beautifie the house of the Lord that is in Ierusalém 28 And hathe enclined mercye towarde me before the King and his counselers and before all the Kings mightie princes and I was comforted by the hand of the Lord my God which was vpon me and I gathered the chief of Israél to go vp with me CHAP. VIII 1 The nomber of thē that returned to Ierusalém with Ezra 21 He causeth them to fast 24 He admonisheth the Priests of their duetie 31 What they did when they came to Ierusalém 1 THese * are now the chief fáthers of them and the genealogie of them that came vp with me from Babél in the reigne of Kyng Arthshashte 2 Of the sonnes of Phine has Gersnóm of the sonnes of It hamar Daniél of the sonnes of Dauid Hattush 3 Of the sonnes of She ohaniah of the sonnes of Pharósh Zechariah and with him the counte of the males an hundreth and fiftie 4 Of the sonnes of Pahath Moáb Elihoenai the sonne of Zerahiáh and with hym two hundreth males 5 Of the sonnes of Shechaniah the sonne of 〈◊〉 and with him thre hundreth males 6 And of the sonnes of Adin Ebed the sonne of 〈◊〉 and with him fiftie males 7 And of the sonnes of Elám Ieshaiah the sonne of Athaliah and with him seuentie males 8 And of the sonnes of Shephatiáh Zebadiáh the sonne of Michaél and with hym foure scoremales 9 Of the sonnes of Ioáb Obadiáh the sonne of Iehiél and with him two hundreth and eyghtene males 10 And of the sonnes of Shelomith the sonne of Iosiphiah and with hym an hundreth and thre scoremales 11 And of the sonnes of Bebái Zechariáh the sonne of 〈◊〉 ād with him eight and twentie males 12 And of the sonnes of Azgád Iohanan the sonne of 〈◊〉 and with him an hundreth and ten males 13 And of the sonnes of Adonikam that were the last whose names are these Eliphélet Iehiél and Shemaiah and with them thre scoremales 14 And of the sonnes of Biguai Vthai and Zab bud and with them seuentie males 15 And I gathered thē to the Riuer that goeth toward Ahauá and there abode we thre day es then I vewed the people and the Priests ād founde there none of the sonnes of Leui. 16 Therefore sent Ito 〈◊〉 to Ariél to Shemeiah and to Elnathán and to Iarib and to Elnathán and to Nathán and to Zechariáh and to Meshullam the chief and to Ioiarib and
Nethinims the sonnes of Zihá the sonnes of Hashuphá the sonnes of 〈◊〉 47 The sonnes of Kerós the sonnes of Siá the sonnes of Padon 48 The sonnes of Lebaná the sonnes of Hagabá the sonnes of Shalmái 49 The sonnes of Hanán the sonnes of 〈◊〉 the sonnes of Gáhar 50 The sonnes of Reaiáh the sonnes of Rezin the sonnes of Nekodá 51 The sonnes of Gazzám the sonnes of Vzzá the sonnes of Paséah 52 The sonnes of Besái the sonnes of Meunîm the sonnes of Nephishesim 53 The sonnes of Bak búk the sonnes of Hakuphá the sonnes of Harhúr 54 The sonnes of Bazlith the sōnes of Mehidá the sonnes of Harshá 55 The sonnes of Barkós the sonnes of Sisserá the sonnes of Támah 56 The sonnes of Neziah the sonnes of Hatiphá 57 The sonnes of Salomons seruāts the sonnes of Sotái the sonnes of Sophéreth the sónes of Peridá 58 The sonnes of Iaalá the sonnes of Darkōn the sonnes of 〈◊〉 59 The sonnes of Shephatiáh the sonnes of Hattil the sonnes of Pochéreth of Zebaim the sonnes of Amón 60 All the Nethinims and the sonnes of Salomons seruants were thre hundreth ninetie and two 61 ¶ And these came vp from Tel-meláh Telhareshá Cherúb Addón and Immér but thei colde not slew their fathers house nor their sede or if they were of Israél 62 The sonnes of Delaiáh the sōnes of Tobiáh the sonnes of Nekodá six hundreth and two and fourtie 63 And of the Priests the sonnes of Habaiâh the sonnes of Hakkōz the sonnes of Barzillâi which toke one of the daughters of Barzillái the Giliadite to wife was named after their name 64 These soght their writing of the genealogies but it was not founde therefore they were put from the Priesthode 65 And the Tirshátha said vnto thē that they shulde not eat of the most holy til there rose vp a Priest with * Vrim and Thummim 66 All the Congregacion together was two and fourtie thousand thre hundreth threscore 67 Besides their seruants and their maids which were seuen thousand thre hundreth and seuen and thirtie and they had two hundreth and fiue and fourtie singing men and singing women 68 Their horses were seuen hundreth and six and thirtie their mules two hundreth fiue and fourtie 69 The camels foure hundreth and fiue and thirtie six thousand seuen hundreth and twentie asses 70 And certeine of the chief fathers gaue vnto the worke The 〈◊〉 gaue to the trea sure a thousand drammes of golde fiftie 〈◊〉 fiue hundreth and thirtie Priests garments 71 And some of the chief fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke twentie thousand drammes of golde two thousand and two hundreth pieces of siluer 72 And the rest of the people gaue twētie thou 〈◊〉 drammes of golde and two thousand pieces of siluer and threscore seuē Priests garments 73 And the Priests and Leuites and the porters and the singers and the rest of the people the 〈◊〉 and all Israél dweltin their cities and when the seuent moneth came the children of Israél were in their cities CHAP. VIII 2 Ezra gathereth together the people and readeth to them the Law 12 〈◊〉 reioyce in 〈◊〉 for the knowledge of the worde of God 15 They kepe the feast of Tabernacles or boothes 1 ANd all the people assembled them selues together in the streat that was before the watergate and they spake vnto Ezrá the scribe that he wold bring the boke of the Law of Mosés which the Lord had comman ded to Israél 2 And Azrá the Priest broght the Law before the Congregacion bothe of men and women and of all that colde heare and vnderstand it in the first day of the seuent moneth 3 And hered therein in the streat that was before the watergate from the morning vntil the midday before men and women and of them that vnderstode it and the eares of all the people hearkened vnto the boke of the Law 4 And Ezrá the scribe stode vpon a pulpit of wood which he had made for the preaching and beside him stode Mattithiáh Shêma and Ananiáh and Vriiáh and Hilkiáh and Maaseiáh on his right hand and on his left hand Pedaiáh and Mishaél and Malchiáh and Hashum and Hashbadāna Zecháriáh and Meshullám 5 And Ezrá opened the boke before all the people for he was aboue all the people whē he opened it al the people stode vp 6 And Ezrá praised the Lord the great God and all the people answered Amen Amē with lifting vp their hands thei bowed them selues and worshiped the Lord with 〈◊〉 faces toward the grounde 7 Also Ieshúa and Bani and Sherebiáh Iamin Akkúb Shabbethái Hodiiáh Maaseiáh Kelitá Azariáh Iozabád Hanán Pelaiáh and the Leuites caused the people to vnderstand the Law and the people stode in their place 8 And they red in the boke of the Lawe of God distinctly and gaue the sense and caused them to vnderstand the reading 9 Then Nehemiáh which is Tirshátha and Ezrá the Priest and scribe and the Leuites that instructed the people said vnto all the people Thys daye is holy vnto the Lord your God mourne not nether wepe for all the people wept whē they heard the wordes of the Law 10 He said also vnto them Go and eate of the fat and drinke the swete send parte vnto thē for whome none is prepared for this daye is holye vnto our Lord be ye not sory therfore for the ioye of the Lord is your strength 11 And the Leuites made silēce throughout all the people saying Holde your peace for the day is holy be not sad therefore 12 Then all the people went to eate and to drinke and to send away parte to make great ioye because they had vnderstande the wordes that they had taught them 13 And on the seconde day the chief fathers of all the people the Priests and the Leuites were gathered vnto Ezrá the scribe that he also myghte instructe them in the wordes of the Law 14 And they founde writen in the Law that the Lord had commanded by Mosés that the children of Israél shulde dwel in * boothes in the feast of the seuent moneth 15 And that thei shulde cause it to be declared and proclaimed in all their Cities and in Ierusalém saying Go for the vnto the mount and bringe oliuebranches and pine branches and branches of myrtus and palmebranches and branches of thicke trees to make boothès as it is writen 16 So the people went forth broght thē and made them boothes euerie one vpon the rofe of his house and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God and in the strete by the watergate and in the strete of the gate of Ephráim 17 And all the Congregacion of them that were come againe out of the captiuitie made boothes sate vnder the boothes for since the time of Ieshúa the sonne of Nun vnto this day had not the
people might se in fewe wordes the effect of the whole histories of the Bible ¶ A Psalme to giue instruction committed to Asáph 1 HEare my doctrine ô my people incline your eares vnto the wordes of my mouth 2 I wil open my mouth in a parable I wil declare high sentences of olde 3 Which we haue heard and knowen and our fathers haue tolde vs. 4 We wil not hide them from their children but to the generaciō to come we wil shewe the praises of the Lord his power also and his wonderful workes that he hathe done 5 How he established a testimonie in Iaakób and ordeined a Law in Israél which he commanded our fathers that they shulde teache their children 6 That the posteritie might knowe it and the children which shulde be borne shulde stand vp and declare it to their children 7 That they might set their hope on God not forget the workes of God but kepe his commandements 8 And not to be as their fathers a disobediēt and rebellious generation a generation that set not their heart a right and whose spirit was not faithful vnto God 9 The children of Ephráim being armed shooting with the bowe turned backe in the day of battel 10 They kept not the couenant of God but refused to walke in his Law 11 And forgate his Actes and his wonderful workes that he had shewed 〈◊〉 12 He did maruelous things in the sight of their fathers in the land of Egypt euen in the field of Zōan 13 * He deuided the Sea and led them through he made also the waters to stand as an heape 14 * In the daie time also he led them with a cloude and all the night with a light of fyer 15 * He claue the rockes in the wildernes and gaue them drinke as of the great depths 16 * He broght floods also out of the stonie roc ke so that he made the waters to descēd like the riuers 17 Yet they sinned stil against him and prouoked the Highest in the wildernes 18 And tempted God in their heartes in requiring meat for their lust 19 * They spake against God also saying Can God prepare a table in the wildernes 20 * Beholde he smote the rocke that the wa ter gushed out and the streames ouerflowed can he giue bread also or prepare flesh for his people 21 Therefore the Lord heard and was angrie and the * fyer was kindled in Iaakób and also wrath came vpon Israél 22 Because they beleued not in God and trusted not in his helpe 23 Yet he had cōmanded the cloudes aboue and had opened the dores of heauen 24 And had rained downe MAN vpon them for to eat and had giuen them of the wheat of heauen 25 * Man did eat the bread of Angels he sent them meat ynough 26 He caused the Eastwinde to passe in the heauen and through his power he broght in the Southwinde 27 He rained flesh also vpon them as dust and feathered foule as the sand of the sea 28 And he made it fall in the middes of their cāpe euen round about their habitations 29 So thei did eat and were wel filled for he gaue them their desire 30 They were not turned frō their lust but the meat was yet in their mouthes 31 When the wrath of God came euen vpon them and slew the strongest of them smo te downe the chosen men in Israél 32 For all this thei sinned stil and beleued not his wonderous workes 33 Therefore their daies did he consume in vanitie and their yeres hastely 34 And when he slewe them thei soght him and they returned and soght God early 35 And thei remembred that God was their strength and the moste high God their rede mer. 36 But thei 〈◊〉 him with their mouth dissembled with him with their tongue 37 For their heart was not vpright with him nether were they faithful in his couenant 38 Yet he being merciful forgaue their iniquitie and destroyed them not but of times called backe his angre and did not stirre vp all his wrath 39 For he remēbred that thei were flesh yea a winde that passeth cōmeth not againe 40 How oft did they 〈◊〉 him in the wildernes and grieue him in the desert 41 Yea they returned and tempted God and limited the Holie one of Israél 42 Thei remēbred not his hand nor the daie when he deliuered them from the enemie 43 Nor him that set his signes in Egypt and his wonders in the field of Zóan 44 And turned their riuers into blood their floods that thei colde not drinke 45 He sent a swarme of flies among them which deuo ured them and frogs which destroyed them 46 He gaue also their frutes vnto the caterpiller and their labourvnto the grashopper 47 He destroied their vines with haile their wilde figgetrees with the hailestone 48 He gaue their cattel also to the haile and their flockes to the thunderboltes 49 He cast vpon them the fiercenes of his angre indignation and wrath and vexation by the sending out of euil Angels 50 He made awaie to his angre he spared not their soule from death but gaue their life to the pestilence 51 And smote all the firstborne in Egypt euē the beginning of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham. 52 But he made his people to go out like shepe and led them in the wildernes like a flocke 53 Yea he caried them out safely and they fea red not and the Sea 〈◊〉 their enemies 54 And he broght them vnto the borders of his Sanctuarie euen to this Mountaine which his right hand purchased 55 * He cast out the heathen also before thē caused them to fall to the lot of his inheritance and made the tribes of Israél to dwell in their tabernacles 56 Yet they tempted and prouoked the moste high God and kept not his testimonies 57 But turned backe and delt falsely like their fathers thei turned like a deceit ful bowe 58 And thei prouoked him to angre with their high places and moued him to wrath with their grauen image 59 God heard this and was wroth and greatly 〈◊〉 Israél 60 So that he forsoke the habitation of Shiló euen the Tabernacle where he dwelt among men 61 And deliuered his power in to captiuitie and his beautie into the ennemies hand 62 And he gaue vp his people to thesworde and was angrie with his inheritance 63 The fyer deuoured their chosen men and their maides were not praised 64 Their Priests fell by the sworde and their widowes lamented not 65 But the Lord awaked as one out of slepe and as a strong man that after his wine cryeth 〈◊〉 66 And smote his enemies in the
and she is as the oile in his right hand that vttereth it self 17 Yron sharpeneth yron so doeth man sharpen the face of his friend 18 He that kepeth the figgetre shall eat the frute thereof so he that waiteth vpon his master shal come to honour 19 As in water face answereth to face so the heart of man to man 20 The graue and destructiō can neuer be ful so * the eyes of man can neuer be satisfied 21 * As is the fining pot for siluer and the fornace for golde so is euerie man according to his dignitie 22 Thogh thou shuldest braye a foole in a mor ter among wheat brayed with a pestel yet wil not his foolishnes departe from him 23 Be diligent to know the state of thy flocke and take hede to the heards 24 For riches remaine not alwaye nor the crowne from generation to generation 25 The heye discouereth it self and the grasse appeareth and the herbes of the mountaines are gathered 26 The lambes are for thy clothing and the goates are the price of the sield 27 And let the milke of the goats be sufficient for thy foode for the foode of thy familie and for the sustinance of thy maides CHAP. XXVIII 1 THe wicked flee when none pursueth but the righteous are bolde as a lyon 2 For the transgression of the land there are manie princes thereof but by a man of vnderstanding and knowledge a realme likewise end ureth long 3 A poore man if he oppresse the poore is like a raging raine that leaueth no foode 4 They that forsake the Law prayse the wicked but they that kepe the Law set them sel 〈◊〉 against them 5 Wicked men vnderstand not iudgement but they that seke the Lord vnderstād al things 6 * Better is the poore that walketh in his vprightnes then he that peruerteth his waies thogh he be riche 7 He that kepeth the lawe is a childe of vnderstanding but he that fedeth the gluttons shameth his father 8 He that increaseth his riches by vsurie and interest gathereth them for him that wil be merciful vnto the poore 9 He that turneth awaye his eare frome hearyng the Law euen hys prayer shal be abominable 10 He that causeth the righteous to go astray by an euil way shal fall into his owne pit and the vpright shal inherit good things 11 The riche man is wise in his owne conceit but the poore that hathe vnderstandyng can trye him 12 * When righteous men reioyce there is great glorie but when the wicked come vp the man is tryed 13 He that hideth his sinnes shal not prosper but he that confesseth ād forsaketh them shal haue mercie 14 Blessed is the man that feareth alwaye but he that hardeneth his heart shal fall into euill 15 As a roaryng lyon and an hungrie beare so is a wicked ruler ouer the poore people 16 A prince destitute of vnderstanding is also a great oppressour but he that hateth couetousnes shall prolong his daies 17 A man that doeth violence againste the blood of a persone shall flee vnto the graue and they shal not stay him 18 He that walketh vpryghtly shal be saued but he that is froward in his waies shal once fall 19 * He that tilleth his lande shal be satisfied with bread but he that followeth theylde shal be filled with pouertie 20 A faithfull man shall abounde in blessings and * he that maketh haste to be riche shal not be innocent 21 To haue respect of personnes is not good for that man will transgresse for a piece of bread 22 A mā with a wicked eye hasteth to riches and knoweth not that pouertie shall come vpon him 23 He that rebuketh a man shall finde more fauour at the length then he that flattereth with his tongue 24 He that robbeth his father and mother and saith it is no transgression is the companion of a man that destroieth 25 He that is of a proude hearte stirreth vp strife but he that trusteth in the Lorde shall be fat 26 He that trusteth in hys owne heart is a foole but he that walketh in wisdome shal be deliuered 27 He that giueth vnto the poore shall not lacke but he that hideth his eyes shal haue many curses 28 * When the wicked rise vp men hide them selues but when they perish the righteous increase CHAP. XXIX 1 AMan that hardeneth his necke when he is rebuked shall suddenly be destroyed and can not be cured 2 * When the ryghteous are in autoritie the people reioyce but when the wicked beareth rule the people sigh 3 A mā that loueth wisdome reioyceth his father * but he that fedeth harlots wasteth his substance 4 A Kyng by iudgement mainteyneth the countrey but a man receiuing giftes destroieth it 5 A man that flattereth his neighbour sprea deth a net for his steppes 6 In the transgression of an euil man is his snare but the righteous doeth sing and reioyce 7 The righteous knoweth the cause of the poore but the wicked regardeth not know ledge 8 Scornful men bring a citie into a snare but wise men turne away wrath 9 If a wise man contend with a foolish man whether he be angrie or laugh there is no rest 10 Bloodie men hate him that is vpright but the iuste haue care of his soule 11 A foole powreth out all his minde but a wise man kepeth it in til afterwarde 12 Of a prince that hearkeneth to lyes all his seruants are wicked 13 * The poore and the vsurer mete together and the Lord lighteneth bothe their eyes 14 * A King that iudgeth the poore in trueth his throne shal be established for euer 15 The rodde correction giue wisdome but a childe set at libertie maketh his mother ashamed 16 When the wicked are increased transgessiō increaseth but the righteous shal se their fall 17 Correct thy sonne and he wil giue thee rest and wil giue pleasures to thy soule 18 Where there is no vision the people decay but he that kepeth the Law is 〈◊〉 19 A seruant wil not be chastised with wordes thogh he vnderstand yet he wil not answere 20 Seest thou a mā hastie in his matters there is more hope of a foole then of him 21 He that delicately bringeth vp his seruant from yough at length he wil be euen as his sonne 22 * An angrie man stirreth vp strife and a furious man abundeth in 〈◊〉 23 * The pride of a man shal bring him lowe but the humble in spirit shal enioye glorie 24 He that is partener with a thief hateth his owne soule he heareth cursing declareth it not 25 The feare of man bringeth a snare but he that trusteth in the Lord shal be exalted 26 Manie do seke the face of the ruler but eue rie mans iudgement commeth from the Lord.
27 A wicked man is abominacion to the iust and he that is vpright in his way is abominacion to the wicked CHAP. XXX 2 To humble our 〈◊〉 in consideration of Gods workes 5 The worde of God is perfite 11 Of the wicked hypo crites 15 Of things that are neuer saciate 18 Of others that are wonderful THE WORDES OF AGVR THE SONNE OF IAKEH 1 THe prophecie which the mā spake vnto Ithiél euen to Ithiél and Vcál 2 Surely I am more foolish then anie man haue not the vnderstanding of a man in me 3 For I haue not learned wisdome nor atteined to the knowledge of holie things 4 Who hathe ascended vp to heauen and de scended Who hathe gathered the winde in his first Who hathe bounde the waters in a garment Who hathe established all the ends of the 〈◊〉 What is his name and what is his sonnes name if thou canst tel 5 * Euerie worde of God is pure he is a shield to those that trust in him 6 * Put nothing vnto his wordes let he reproue thee and thou be founde a lyer 7 Two things haue I required of thee deny me them not before I dye 8 Remoue farre frō me vanitie and lies giue me not pouertie nor riches fede me with foode conuenient for me 9 Lest I be ful and denie thee and say Who is the Lord or lest I be poore and steale and takethe Name of my God in vaine 10 Accuse not a seruant vnto his master lest he curse thee when thou hast offended 11 There is a generacion that curseth their fa ther and doeth not blesse their mother 12 There is a generaciō that are pure in there owne conceit and yet are not washed from their filthines 13 There is a generacion whose eyes are hau tie and their eye liddes are lifted vp 14 There is a generacion whose teeth are as swordes and their chawes as kniues to eat vp the afflicted out of the earth and the poo re from among men 15 The horse leache hathe two daughters which crie Giue giue There be thre thīgs that wil not be satisfied yea foure that say not It is ynough 16 The graue and the baren wombe the earth that can not be satisfied with water and the fyre that saith not It is ynough 17 The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother let the rauens of the valley picke it out and the yong egles eat it 18 There be thre things hid from me yea foure that I knowe not 19 The way of an egle in the aire the waie of a ser pent vpon a stone the waie of a shippe in the middes of the sea and the way of a man with a maide 20 Suche is the way also of an aduouterous woman she eateth and wipeth her mouth and saith I haue not committed iniquitie 21 For thre things the earth is moued yea for foure it can not susteine itself 22 For a seruant when he reigneth and a foole when he is filled with meat 23 For the hateful woman when she is maried and for a hand maid that is heire to her mastres 24 These be foure smal things in the earth yet thei are wise and ful of wisdome 25 The pismites a people not strong yet prepare they their meat in sommer 26 The conies a people not mightie yet make they their houses in the rocke 27 The greshopper hathe no King yet go they forthe all by bandes 28 The spider taketh holde with her hands and is in Kings palaces 29 There be thre things that order wel their going yea foure are comelie in going 30 Alyon which is strong among beastes and turneth not at the sight of anie 31 A lustie gray hound and a goat and a King against whome there is no rising vp 32 If thou hast bene foolish in lifting thy self vp and if thou hast thoght wickedly lay thine hand vpon thy mouth 33 When one churneth milke he bringeth for the butter and he that wringeth his nose causeth blood to come out so he that forceth wrath bringeth forthe strife CHAP. XXXI 2 He exhorteth to chastitie and iustice 10 And sheweth the conditions of a wise and worthy woman 1 THE WORDES OF KING Lemuél The prophecie which his mother taught him 2 WHat my sonne and what the sonne of my wombe and what ô sonne of my desires 3 Giue not thy strength vnto women nor thy wayes which is to destroy Kings 4 It is not for a King ô Lemuél it is not for Kings to drunke wine nor for princes stróg drinke 5 Lest he drinke and forget the decree and change the iudgement of all the children of affliction 6 Giue ye strong drinke vnto him that is readie to perish and wine vnto them that haue grief of heart 7 Let him drinke that he may forget his pouertie and remember his miserie no more 8 Open thy mouth for the domme in the cause of all the children of destruction 9 Open thy mouth iudge righteously and iud ge the afflicted and the poore 10 ¶ Who shal finde a vertnous womā for her price is farre aboue the pearles 11 The heart of her hous bád trusteth in her he shal haue no nede of spoile 12 She wil do him good not euil all the daies of her life 13 She seketh wooll and flaxe and laboreth cherefully with her hands 14 She is like the shippes of marchants she bringeth her fode from a farre 15 And she riseth whiles it is yet night and giueth the porcion to her housholde and the ordinarie to her maids 16 She considereth a field and getteth it and with the frute of her hands she planteth a vineyarde 17 She girdeth her loynes with strength and strengtheneth her armes 18 She feleth that her marchandise is good her candle is not put out by night 19 She 〈◊〉 her hāds to the wherue and her hands handle the spindle 20 She stretcheth out her hād to the poore putteth forthe her hands to the nedie 21 She feareth not the snowe for her familie for all her familie is clothed with 〈◊〉 22 She maketh her self carpets fine linen and purple is her garment 23 Her housband is knowen in the gates when he sitteth with the Elders of the land 24 She maketh shetes and selleth them and giueth girdels vnto the marchant 25 Strength and honour is her clothing in the latter day she shal reioyce 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdome and the law of grace is in her tongue 27 She ouerseeth the waies of her housholde and eateth not the bread of yldenes 28 Her children rise vp and call her blessed her housband also shal praise her saying 29 Manie daughters haue donevertuously but thou surmountest them all 30 Fauour is desceitful and beautie is vanitie but a woman that feareth the
of mine hand taught me that I shulde not walke in the way of this people saying 12 Say ye not A confederacie to all them to whome this people saith a confederacie nether feare you their feare nor be afraied of them 13 Sanctifie the Lord of hostes and 〈◊〉 him be your feare and let him be your dread 14 And he shal be as a Sanctuarie but as a stombling stone as a rocke to fall vpon to bothe the houses of Israél as a snare and as a net to the inhabitants of Ierusalém 15 And manie among them shal stomble and shal fall and shal be broken and shal be snared and shal be taken 16 Binde vp the testimonie seale vp the Law among my disciples 17 Therefore I wil wait vpon the Lord that hathe hid his face from the house of Iaakób and I willoke for him 18 Beholde I the children whome the Lord hathe giuen me are as signes and as wonders in Israél by the Lord of hostes which dwelleth in mount Zión 19 And when they shal say vnto you Enquire at them that haue a spirit of diuination and at the south sayers which whisper and murmur Shulde not a people enquire at their God from the liuing to the dead 20 To the Lawe and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this worde it is be cause there is no light in them 21 Then he that is afflicted and famished shal go to and fro in it when he shal be hūgrie he shal euen freat him self and curse his King and his gods and shal loke vp warde 22 And when he shal loke to the earth behold trouble and darkenes vexaciō anguish and he is driuen to darkenes CHAP. IX 1 The vocation of the Gentiles 6 A prophecie of Christ. 14 The destruction of the tentibes for their pride and cōtempt of God 1 YEt the darkenes shal not be according to the affliction that it had when at the first he touched lightly the land of Zebulún and the land of Naphtali nor afterward when he was more grieuous by the way of the sea beyonde Iordén in Galile of the Gētiles 2 The people that walked in darkenes haue sene a great light they that dwelled in the land of the shadow of death vpon thē hathe the light shined 3 Thou 〈◊〉 multiplied the nation and not increased their ioye thei haue reioyced be fore thee according to the ioye in haruest as men reioyce whē they diuide a spoile 4 For the yoke of their burden the staffe of their shulder the rodde of their oppres 〈◊〉 hast thou broken as in the day of Midiā 5 Surely euerie battel of the warriour is with noise and with tūbling of garments in blood but this shal be with burning and deuouring of fyre 6 For vnto vs a Childe is borne and vnto vs a sonne is giuen the gouernement is vpon his shulder he shal call his name Wonder ful Counseller The mightie God The euerla sting Father The prince of peace 7 The increase of his gouernement and peace shal haue none end he shal sit vpon the throne of Dauid vpon his kingdome to order it and to stablish it with iudgement and with iustice from hence forthe euen for euer the zeale of the Lord of hostes wil perfome this 8 ¶ The Lord hathe sent a worde into Iaakób and it hathe lighted vpon Israél 9 And all the people shal knowe euē Ephrá im and the inhabitant of Samaria that saye in the pride and presumption of the heart 10 The brickes are fallen but we wil buylde it with hewen stones the wilde figtrees are cut downe but we wil change them into cedres 11 Neuertheles the Lord wil raise vp the aduer saries of Rezin against him ioyne his ene mies together 12 Arám before and the Philistims behind and they shal deuoure Israél with open mouth yet for all this his wrath is not turned a waie but his hand is stretched out stil. 13 For the people turneth not vnto him that smitteth them nether do they seke the Lord of hostes 14 Therefore wil the Lord cut of from Israél head and taile branch and rush in one daye 15 The ancient and the honorable man he is the head and the prophet that teacheth lies he is the taile 16 For the leaders of the people cause thē to erre and they that are led by them are deuou red 17 Therefore shal the Lord haue no pleasure in their yong men nether wil he haue compassion of their fatherles of their 〈◊〉 for euerie one is an hypocrite and wicked and euerie mouth speaketh folie yet for all this his wrath is notturned awaye but his hand is stretched out stil. 18 For wickednes burneth as a fyre it deuou reth the briers the thornes wilkindle in the thicke places of the forest and they shal mounte vp like the liftning vp of smoke 19 By the wrath of the Lord of hostes shal the land be darkened and the people shal be as the meat of the fyre no man shal spare his brother 20 And he shal snatche at the right hand and be hungrie and he shal eat on the left hand and shal not be satisfied euerie one shal eat the flesh of his owne arme 21 Manasséh Ephráim Ephráim Manasseh and they bothe shal be against Iudāh yet for all this his wrath is not turned awaie but his hand is stretched out stil. CHAP. X. 1 Of wicked lawe makers 〈◊〉 God punish his people by the Assyrians and after destroye them 21 The remnant of Is rael shal be saued 1 WO vnto them that decre wicked decrees and write grieuous things 2 To kepebacke the poore from iudgement to take awaie the iudgement of the poore of my people that widowes maye be 〈◊〉 praie and that they maye spoile the fatherles 3 What wilye do now in the daye of visitation and of destruction which shal come from farre to whome wil ye flee for helpe and where wil ye leaue your glorie 4 Without me euerie one shal fallamong that are bounde and they shal fall downe among the slaine yet for all this his wrath is not turned awaye but his hand is stretched out stil. 5 ¶ O Asshúr the rodde of my wrath and the staffe in their hands is mine indignation 6 I wil send him to a dissembling nation and I wil giue him a charge against the people of my wrath to take the spoile and to take the praye and to treade them vnder fere like the myre in the strete 7 But he thinketh not so nether doeth his heart esteme it so but he imagineth to destroye and to cut of not a fewe nacions 8 For he saith Are not my princes all together Kings 9 Is 〈◊〉 Calnō as Carchemish Is
that were at Anathoth in the land of Beniamin 2 To whome the worde of the Lord came in the daies of Iosiah the sonne of Amōn King of Iudáh in the thirtenth yere of his reigne 3 And also in the daies of Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah vnto the end of the eleuenth yere of Zedekiáh the sonne of Iosiáh King of Iudáh euen vnto the carying awaie of Ierusalém captiuitie in the fift moneth 4 Then the worde of the Lord come vntō me saying 5 Before I formed thee in the wombe I knewe thee and before thou camest out of the wombe I sāctified thee ordeined thee to be a Prophet vnto the nations 6 Then said I Oh Lord God beholde I can not speake for I am a childe 7 But the lord said vnto me Saie not I am a childe for thou shalt go to all that I shal sent thee and whatsoeuer I commāde thee shalt thou speake 8 Be not afraied of their faces for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord 9 Then the Lord stretched out his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said vn to me Beholde I haue put my wordes in thy mouth 10 Beholde this daie haue I set thee ouer the nations ouer the kingdomes to plucke vp and to roote out and to destroy and throwe downe to buylde and to plant 11 After this the worde of the Lord came vnto me saying Ieremiáh what seest thou And I said I se a rod of an almonde tre 12 Thē said the Lord vnto me Thou hast sene aright for I wil hastē my word to performe it 13 Againe the worde of the Lord came vnto me the seconde time saying What seest thou And I said I se a seething pot loking out of the North. 14 Then said the Lord vnto me Out of the North shall a plague be spred vpō all the inhabitants of the land 15 For lo I will call all the families of the kingdomes of the North saith the Lord and they shall come and euerye one shall set hys throne in the entring of the gates of Ierusalém and on all the walles thereof round about in all the cities of Iudáh 16 And I will declare vnto them my iudgements touching all the wickednes of them that haue for saken me and haue burnt incense vnto other Gods and worshiped the workes of their owne hands 17 Thou therefore trusse vp thy loynes and arise and speake vnto them all that I comman de thee be not afrayed of their faces lest I destroye thee before them 18 For I beholde I this day haue made thee a defenced Citie and an yron piller and walles of brasse agaynste the whole land agaynste the Kings of Iudáh and against the princes thereof agaynste the Priestes therof and against the people of the land 19 For they shall fight against thee but they shal nor preuaile against thee for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord. CHAP. II. 2 God rehearseth his benefites done vnto the Iewes 8 Against the Priests and false prophetes 12 The Iewes are destroyed because they forsake God 1 MOreouer the worde of the Lord came vnto me saying 2 Go cry in the eares of Ierusalē saying Thus saith the Lord I remēber thee with the kindenes of thy youth the loue of thy mariage whē thou wētest after me in the wildernes in a land that was not sowen 3 Israél was as a thynge halowed vnto the Lord and his first frutes all they that eat it shal offend euill shall come vpon them saith the Lord. 4 Heare ye the worde of the Lord ô house of Iaakōb and all the families of the house of Israél 5 Thus saith the Lord What iniquitie haue your fathers founde in me that they are gone farre from me and haue walked after vanitie and are become vaine 6 For they said not Where is the Lord that broght vs vp out of the lande of Egypte that led vs through the wildernes through a desert and waste land through a drye land and by the shadowe of death by a land that no man passed through where no man dwelt 7 And I broght you into a plentifull countrey to eat the frute thereof and the commodities of the same but when ye entred ye defiled my land and made mine heritage an abominacion 8 The Priests said not Where is the Lord they that shulde minister the Law knewe me not the pastours also offēded agaīst me the prophetes prophecied in Báal wēt after things that did not profite 9 Wherefore I wil yet plead with you saith the Lord and I wil plead with your childrens children 10 For go ye to the yles of Chittim and beholde and sent vnto Kedar and take diligent hede and se whether there be suche things 11 Hathe anie nation changed their Gods which yet are no gods but my people ha ue changed their glorie for that which doeth not profite 12 Oye heauēs be astonied at this be afraied and vtterly confounded saith the Lord. 13 For my people haue committed two euils they haue forsaken me the fountaine of liuing waters to digge them pittes euen broken pittes that can holde no water 14 Is Israél a seruant or is he borne in the house why then is he spoiled 15 The lions roared vpon him and yelled they haue made his land waste his cities are burnt without an inhabitant 16 Also the childrē of z Noph and Tahapanés haue broken thine head 17 Hast not thou procured this vnto thy self because thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God when he led thee by the way 18 And what hast thou now to do in the way of Egypt to drinke the water of Nilus or what makest thou in the way of Asshūr to drinke the water of the Riuer 19 Thine owne wickednes shal correct thee and thy turnings backe shal reproue thee knowe therefore and beholde that it is an euil thing and bitter that thou hast for saken the Lord thy God and that my feare is not in thee saith the lord God of hostes 20 For of olde time I haue broken thy yoke and burst thy bonds and thou saidest I wil nomore transgresse but like an harlot thou runnest about vpon all hie hilles and vnder all grene trees 21 Yet I had planted thee a noble vine whose plants were all natural how then art thou turned vnto me īto the plāts of a strāgevine 22 Thogh thou wash thee with nitre and take thee muche sope yet thine iniquitie is marked before me saithe the Lord God 23 How canst thou say I am not polluted nether haue I followed Baalim beholde thy wayes in the valley and knowe what thouhast done thou art like a swift dromedarie that runneth
cōming in thereof and the whole facion thereof and all the ordinances there of and all the figures thereof all the lawes thereof and write it in their sight that thei may kepe the whole facion thereof all the ordinances thereof and do them 12 This is the description of the house It shal be vpō the top of the mount all the limi tes thereof round about shal be moste holy Beholde this is the descriptiō of the house 13 And these are the measures of the Altar after the cubites the cubite is a cubite and an hand breadth euen the bottome shal be a cubite the breadth a cubite and the bordre thereof by the edge thereofroūd about shal be a spanne this shal be the height of the altar THE FIGVRE OF THE ALTAR 14 And from the bottome which toucheth the ground to the lower piece shal be two cubi tes and the breadth one cubite from the litle piece to the great piece shal be foure cubites and the breadth one cubite 15 So the altar shal be foure cubites from the altar vpwarde shal be foure hornes 16 And the altar shal be twelue cubites long and twelue broade and foresequare in the foure corners thereof 17 And the frame shal be fourtene cubites lōg and fourtene broade in the foure square cor ners thereof the border about it shal be halfe a cubite the bottome thereof shal be a cubite about and the steppes thereof shal be turned towarde the East 18 And he said vnto me Sōne of man thus saith the Lord God These are the ordinances of the altar in the day when thei shal make it to offer the burnt offring thereon and to sprin kle blood thereon 19 And thou shalt giue to the Priests and to the Leuites that be of the sede of Zadok which approche vnto me to minister vnto me saith the Lord God a yong bullocke for a sinne offring 20 And thou shalt take of the blood thereof and put it on the foure hornes of it on the foure corners of the frame vpon the bordre round about thus shalt thou clense it reconcile it 21 Thou shalt take the bullocke also the sinne offring and burne it in the appointed place of the house without the Sanctuarie 22 But the seconde day thou shalt offre an he go at without blemish for a sin offring and they shal clense the altar as they did clense it with the bullocke 23 When thou hast made an end of clensing it thou shalt offer a yong bullocke without ble mish and aram out of the flocke without blemish 24 And thou shalt offre thē before the Lord the Priests shal cast salt vpō thē and thei shal offre them for a burnt offring vnto the Lord 25 Seuen dayes shalt thou prepare euerie day an he goat for a sin offring they shal also pre pare a yong bullocke and a ram out of the flocke without blemish 26 Thus shal they seuen dayes purifie the altar and clense it and consecrate it 27 And when these dayes are expired vpō the eight day and so forthe the Priests shal make your burnt offrings vpon the altar and your peace offrings I wil accept you saith the Lord God CHAP. XLIIII He reptoueth the people for their offence 7 The vncircumcised in heart in the flesh 9 Who are to be admitted to the seruice of the Temple who to be refused 1 THen he broght me toward the gate of the outwarde Sanctuarie which turneth toward the East and it was shut 2 Then said the Lord vnto me This gate shal be shut and shal not be opened and no man shal entre by it because the LORDE GOD of Israél hathe entred by it and it shal be shut 3 It apperteineth to the Prince the Prince him self shal sit in it to eat bread before the Lord he shal entre by the way of the porche of that gate and shal go out by the way of the same 4 ¶ Then broght he me toward the North gate before the House and when I loked behold the glorie of the Lord filled the house of the Lord and I fel vpon my face 5 And the Lord said vnto me Sonne of man marke wel and beholde with thine eyes heare with thine 〈◊〉 all that I say vnto thee concerning all the ordinances of the House of the LORD and all the lawes thereof and marke wel the entring in of the house with euerie going forthe of the Sanctuarie 6 And thou shalt say to the rebellious euen to the house of Israél Thus saith the LORD God O house of Israél ye haue ynough of all your abominacions 7 Seing that ye haue broght into my Sanctua rie strāgers vncircūcised in heart and vncir cūcised in flesh to be in my Sāctuarie to pol lute mine house when ye offre my bread euen fat and blood and they haue broken my couenāt because of all your abominaciōs 8 Forye haue not kept the ordinances of mi ne holie things but you your selues haue set other to take the charge of my Sanctuarie 9 Thus saith the Lord God No stranger vncircumcised in heart nor 〈◊〉 in flesh shal entre into my Sanctuarie of any strāger that is among the children of Israél 10 Nether yet the Leuites that are gone backe from me when Israél went astray which went astray from me after their idoles but thei shal beare their iniquitie 11 And thei shal serue in my Sanctuarie and kepe the gates of the House and minister in the House thei shal slaye the burnt offring and the sacrifice for the people and thei shal stande before them to serue them 12 Because thei serued before their idoles and caused the house of Israél to fall into iniquitie therefore haue I lift vp mine hād against them saith the Lord God and thei shal beare their iniquitie 13 And thei shal not come nere vnto me to do the office of the Priest vnto me nether shal thei come nere vnto any of mine holy things in the moste holy place but they shal beare their shame and their abominacions which thei haue committed 14 And I wil make them kepers of the watche of the House for all the seruice thereof and for all that shal be done therein 15 But the Priests of the Leuites the sonnes of Zadók that kept the charge of my Sanctuarie when the children of Israél went astray from me thei shal come nere to me to serue me and thei shal stand before me to offre methe fat and the blood saith the Lord God 16 Thei shal entre into my Sanctuarie and shal come nere to my table to serue me and thei shal kepe my charge 17 And when thei shal entre in at the gates of the inner court thei shal be clothed with linen garments and no woll shal come vpon thē while thei serue in the gates of the inner
shewe me the interpretacion thereof but they colde not declare the interpretacion of the thing 16 Then heard I of thee that thou coldest shewe interpretacions and dissolue doutes now if thou canst read the writing and shewe me the interpretaciō thereof thou shalt be clothed with purple and shalt ha ue a chaine of golde about thy necke shalt be the third ruler in the kingdome 17 Then Daniél answered and said before the King Kepe thy rewardes to thy self and gi ue thy giftes to another yet I wil read the writing vnto the King and shewe him the interpretacion 18 O King heare thou The moste high God gaue vnto Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdome and maiestie and honour and glorie 19 And for the maiestie that he gaue him all people nations and langages trembled and feared before him he put to death whome he wolde he set vp and whome he wolde he set vp and whome he wolde he put downe 20 But when his heart was puft vp and his minde hardened in pride he was deposed from his kinglie throne and they toke his honour from him 21 And he was driuen from the sonnes of mé and his heart was made like the beasts and his dwelling was with the wilde asses they fed him with grasse like oxen and his bodie was wet with the dewe of the heauē til he knewe that the moste high GOD bare rule ouer the kingdome of men and that he appointeth ouer it whome soeuer he pleaseth 22 And thou his sonne ō Belshazzar hast 〈◊〉 humbled thine heart thogh thou knewest all these things 23 But hast lift thy self vp against the Lord of heauen and they haue broght the vessel of his House before thee and thou and thy princes thy wiues and thy 〈◊〉 haue drunke wine in them ' and thou hast praised the gods of siluer and golde of brasse yron wood and stone which nether se nether heare nor vnderstand and the GOD in whose hand thy breath is and all thy wayes him hast thou not glorified 24 Then was the palme of the hand sent from him and hathe writen this writing 25 And this is the writing that he hathe writen MENE MENE TEKEL VPHARSIN 26 This is the interpretacion of the thing MENE God hathe nōbred thy kingdome and hathe finished it 27 TEKEL thou art wayed in the balance art founde to light 28 PERES thy kingdome is deuided and giuen to the Medes and persians 29 Then at the commandement of Bel shazzar they clothed Daniel with purple put a chaine of golde about his necke and made a proclamation concerning him that he shulde be the thirde ruler in the kingdome 30 The same night was Belshazzár the King of the Caldeans slaine 31 And Darius of the Medes toke the king dome being threscore and two yere olde CHAP. VI. 1 Daniél is made ruler ouer the gouerners 5 An acte against Daniél 16 He is put into adenne of 〈◊〉 by the commandement of the King 2 He is 〈◊〉 by faith in God 24 〈◊〉 accusers are put vnto 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 15 Darius by a decre magnifieth the God of 〈◊〉 1 IT pleased Darius to set ouer the kingdome an hundreth and twentie gouer nours whiche shulde be ouer the whole kingdome 2 And ouer these thre rulers of whome Da niél was one that the gouernours might giue accompts vnto them and the King shulde haue no domage 3 Now this Daniél was preferred aboue the rulers and gouernours because the spirit was excellent in him and the King thoght to set him ouer the whole realme 4 ¶ Wherefore the rulers and gouernours soght an occasion against Daniél concer ning the kingdome but they colde finde none occasiónor faute for he was so faithful that there was no blame nor faute founde in him 5 Then said these men We shal not finde an occasion against this Daniél except we finde it against him concerning the Law of his God 6 Therefore the rulers and these gouernours went together to the King and said thus vnto him King 〈◊〉 liue for euer 7 All the rulers of thy kingdome the officers and gouernours the counsellers and dukes haue consulted together to make a decre for the King and to establish a statute that whosoeuer 〈◊〉 aske a peticion of anie god or man for thirtie dayes saue of thee ô King he shal be cast into the den ne of lyons 8 Now o King confirme the decre and seale the writing that it be not changed according to the law of the Medes and Persians which altereth not 9 Wherefore King Darius sealed the writing and the decre 10 ¶ Now when Daniél vnderstode that he had sealed the writing he went into his house and his windowe being opē in his chamber toward Ierusalém he 〈◊〉 vpon his knees thre times a day prayed and praised his God as he did a fore time 11 Then these men assembled and founde Daniél praying and making supplication vnto his God 12 So they came and spake vnto the King concerning the Kings decre Hast thou not sealed the decre that euerie man that shal make request to anie god or mā within thirtie dayes saue to thee ô King shal be cast into the denne of lyons The King answered and said The thing is true according to the law of the Medes and Persians which altereth not 13 Then answered they and said vnto the King This Daniél whiche is of the children of the captiuitie of Iudáh regardeth not thee ô King nor the decre that thou hast sealed but maketh his peticion thre times a day 14 When the King heard these wordes he was sore displeased with him self and set his hearton Daniél to deliuer him and he laboured til the sunne went downe to deliuer him 15 Then these men assembled vnto the King and said vnto the King Vnderstand ô King that the law of the Medes and Persians is that no decre nor statute which the King confirmeth may be altered 16 ¶ Then the King commanded and they broght Daniél and cast him into the denne of lyons now the King spake and said vnto Daniél Thy God whome thou alway 〈◊〉 euen he wil deliuer thee 17 And a stone was broght and layed vpon the mouthe of the denne and the King sealed it with his owne signet and with the signet of his princes that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniél 18 Then the King went vnto his palace and remained fasting nether were the instruments of musicke broght before him and his slepe went from him 19 ¶ Then the King arose early in the morning and went in all haste vnto the denne of lyons 20 And when he came to the denne he cryed with a lamentable voyce vnto Daniél and the King spake and said to Daniél O Daniél the seruant of the liuing God is not thy God whome thou alwaie seruest able to deliuer thee from the lions 21 Then said Daniél vnto the King O King liue for euer
they shal heare Izreél 23 And I wil so we her vnto me in the earth and I wil haue mercie vpon her that was not pitied and I wil say to them which were not my people Thou art my people And they shal say Thou art my God CHAP. III. 1 The Iewes shal be cast of for their idolatrie 5 Afterwarde they shal 〈◊〉 to the Lord. 1 THen said the Lord to me Go yet and loue a woman beloued of her housband and was an harlot according to the loue of the Lord toward the children of Israél yet they loked to other gods loued the wine bottels 2 So I boght her to me for fiftene pieces of siluer ād for an homer of barlie and an halfe homer of barlie 3 And I said vnto her Thou shalt abide with me manie dayes thou shalt not play the harlot and thou shalt be to none other man I wil be so vnto thee 4 For the children of Israél shal remaine ma nie dayes without a King and without a prin ce and without an offring and without an image and without an Ephōd and without Teraphim 5 Afterwarde shal the children of Israél 〈◊〉 and seke the Lord their God and Dauid their King and shal 〈◊〉 the Lord his goodnes in the latter dayes CHAP. IIII. A complaint against the people and the Priests of Israél 1 HEare the worde of the Lord ye childrē of Israél for the Lord hathe a controuersie with the inhabitants of the land because there is no trueth nor mercie nor knowledge of God in the land 2 By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and whoring they breake out and blo od toucheth blood 3 Therefore shal the land mourne and euerie one that dwelleth therein shal be cut of with the beasts in the field and with the foules of the heauen and also the fishes of the sea shal be taken away 4 Yet let none rebuke nor reproue another for thy people are as they that rebuke the Priest 5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day and the Prophet shal fall with thee in the night and I wil destroye thy mother 6 My people are destroyed for lacke of know ledge because thou hast refused knowled ge I wil also refuse thee that thou shalt be no Priest to me and seing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God I wil also forget thy children 7 As they were increased so they sinned against me therefore wil I change 〈◊〉 their glo rie into shame 8 They eat vp the sinnes of my people and lift vp their mindes in their iniquitie 9 And there shal be like people like Priest for I wil visit their wayes vpon them and rewarde them their dedes 10 For they shal eat not haue ynough they shal commit adulterie and shal not increase because they haue leftto take hede to the Lord. 11 Whoredome and wine and newe wine ta ke away their heart 12 My people aske 〈◊〉 at their stockes and their staffe teacheth them for the spirit of fornications hathe caused them to erre and they haue gone a whoring from vn der their God 13 They sacrifice vpon the toppes of the 〈◊〉 and burne incense vpon the hilles vnder the okes and the poplartre the elme because the shadowe thereof is good therefore your daughters shal be harlottes and your spouses shal be whores 14 I wil not visite your daughters when they are harlots nor your spouses when they are whores for thei them selues are separated with harlots and sacrifice with whores there fore the people that doeth not vnderstand shal fall 15 Thogh thou Israél playe the harlot yet let not 〈◊〉 sinue come not ye vnto Gilgal 〈◊〉 go ye vp to Beth-áuen nor swea re The Lord liueth 16 For Israél is rebellious as an 〈◊〉 heiffer Now the Lord wil fede them as a lambe in a large place 17 Ephráim is ioyned to idoles let him alone 18 Their drunkennes stinketh they haue committed who redome their rulers loue to say with shame Bring ye 19 The winde hathe bounde them vp in her wings and they shal be ashamed of their sacrifices CHAP. V. 1 Against the Priests and rulers of Israél 13 The helpe of man is in vaine 1 OYe Priests heare this and hearken ye ô house of Israél and giue ye eare ô house of the King for iudgement is toward you because you haue bene a snare on Mizpáh and a net spred vpon Tabōr 2 Yet they were profounde to decline to slaughter thogh I haue bene a rebuker of them all 3 I knowe Ephráim and Israél is not hid from me for now ô Ephráim thou art become an harlot and Israél is defiled 4 Thei wil not giue their mindes to turne vnto their God for the spirit of 〈◊〉 is in the middes of them and they haue not knowen the Lord. 5 And the pride of Israél doeth testifie to his face therefore shal Israél and Ephráim fall in their iniquitie 〈◊〉 also shal fall with thē 6 They shalgo with their shepe with their bullockes to seke the Lord but they shal not finde him for he hathe with drawē him self from them 7 They haue transgressed against the Lord for they haue begotten strange children now shal a moneth 〈◊〉 thē with their porcions 8 Blowe ye the trumpet in Gibeáh and the shaume in Ramáh crye out at Beth-áuen after thee ô Beniamin 9 Ephráim shal be desolate in the day of rebuke among the tribes of Israél haue I caused to knowe the trueth 10 The princes of Iudáh were like them that remoue the bōdes therefore wil I powre out my wrath vpon them like water 11 Ephráim is oppressed and broken in iudge ment because he willingly walked after the commandement 12 Therfore wil I be vnto Ephráim as a moth and to the house of Iudáh as a rottennes 13 When Ephraim sawe his sickenes and Iudáh his wounde then went Ephráim vnto Asshúr and sent vnto King Iaréb yet colde he not heale you not cure you of your wounde 14 For I wil be vnto Ephráim as a lion and as a lions whelpe to the house of Iudáh I euen I wil spoyle and go away I wil take away none shal rescue it 15 I wil go and returne to my place til they acknowledge their fault and seke me in their affliction they wil seke me diligently CHAP. VI. 1 Affliction causeth a man to turne to God 9 The wickednes of the Priests 1 COme and let vs returne to the Lord for he hathe spoiled and he wil heale vs he hathe wounded vs and wil binde vs vp 2 After two dayes wil he 〈◊〉 vs and in the thirde day he wil raise vs vp and we shal liue in his sight 3 Then shal we haue knowledge
the consent of King Cyrus and if it seme good to the Lord our King let him make vs answer concerning these things 23 Then Kings Darius commanded to searche in the Kings libraries that were in Babylon and there was founde in Ecbatane which is a towre in the regiō of Media a place where suche things were layed vp for memorie 24 In the first yere of the reigne of Cyrus king Cyrus commanded the House of the Lorde at Ierusalém to be buylded where they did sacrifice with the continual fyre 25 of the which the height shuld be of threscore cubites the breadth of threscore cubi tes with thre rowes of he wen stones ād one rowe of newe wood of that countrey and that the costs shuld be payed out of the hou se of King Cyrus 26 And that the holie vessels of the House of the Lord 〈◊〉 those of golde as of siluer whiche Nabuchodonosor had caryed out of the house in Ierusalém and broght into Babylon shulde be restored to the House whiche is in Ierusalém and set in the place where they were afore 27 Also he commaunded that Sisinnes gouernour of Syria ād Phenice and Sathrabouza nes and their companions and those which were constitute Captaines in Syria and Phenice shulde take hede to refraine from that place and to suffer Zorobabel the seruaunt of the Lorde and gouernour of Iudea and the Elders of the Iewes to buyld that House of the Lord in that place 28 And I also haue commaunded to buylde it cleane vp againe and that they be diligent to helpe them of the captiuitie of the Iewes till the House of the Lord be finished 29 And that some parte of the tribute of Coelo syria and Phenice shulde be diligently giuen to these mē for sacrifice vnto the Lord and to Zoro babel the gouernour for bulles rams and lambes 30 Also corne and salte and wine and oyle con tinually euerie yere without faile as the Priests whiche are in Ierusalém shall testifie to be spent euerie day 31 That offrings may be made to the hygh God for the King and his children and that they may pray for their liues 32 Furthermore he commanded that whosoeuer shulde transgresse anie thing afore spoken or writen or derogate anie thing thereof that atre shulde be taken out of his possession and he be hanged thereon and that his goods shulde be the Kings 33 And therefore let the Lord whose Name is there called vpon destroye euerie King and nation whiche stretcheth out his hand to hinder to do euil to that House of the Lord which is in Ierusalém 34 * I Darius the King haue ordeined that is shulde be diligently executed accordyng to these things CHAP. VII 1 Sisinnes and his companions follow the Kings comman dement and helpe the Iewes 〈◊〉 buyld the Temple 5 The time that it was buylt 〈◊〉 They kepe the Passeouer 1 THen Sisinnes the gouernour of Coelosyria and Phenice and Sathrabouzanes ād their companions obeying Kyng Darius commandements 2 Assisted diligently the holie workes workieg with the Ancients and gouernours of the Sanctuarie 3 And the holie workes prospered by Aggeus and Zacharias the Prophetes whiche pro phecied 4 So they finished all things by the commandement of the Lord God of Israél and with the consent of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes Kings of the Persians 5 Thus the holie House was finished in the thre and twentieth day of the moneth Adar in the sixtyere of Darius King of the Persians 6 ¶ And the children of Israel and the Priests and the Leuites and the rést whiche were of the captiuitie and had anie charge and according to the things writen in the boke of Mosés 7 And they offred for the dedication of the Tē ple of the Lord an hundreth bulles two hun dreth rams foure hundreth lambes 8 And twelue goates for the sinne of all Israel accordyng to the nōber of the chief of the tribes of Israel 9 And the Priests and the Leuites stode according to their kinreds clothed with long robes in the workes of the Lord God of Israêl accordyng to the boke of Moses and also the porters in euerie gate 10 And the children of Israél offred the Passeouer together with thē of the captiuitie in the 〈◊〉 day of the first moneth after that the Priests and Leuites were sanctified 11 But all the children of the captiuitie were not sanctified together but all the Leuites were sanctified together 12 And they 〈◊〉 the Passeouer for all the children of the captiuitie and for their brethren the Priests and for themselues 13 Then all the chyldren of Israel which were of the captiuitie did eat euen all they that had separated them selues from the abominations of the people of the land and soght the Lord. 14 And thei kept the feast of vnleauened bread seuen dayes reioycing before the Lord. 15 Because he had turned the counsel of the King of the Assyrians towardes thē to strengthen their hands in the workes of the Lord God of Israél CHAP. VIII 1 〈◊〉 cometh from Babylonto Ierusalem 10 The copie of the commission giuen by Artaxerxes 29 Esdras 〈◊〉 thankes to the Lorde 32 The nomber of the heads of the people that 〈◊〉 with him 76 His prayer and confession 1 ANd after these things when Artaxerxes King of the Persians reigned Esdras the sonne of Sarias the sonne of Ezerias the sonne of Helcias the sonne of Salum 2 The sonne of Sadoc the sonne of Achitob the sonne of Amarias the sonne of Ezias the sonne of Memeroth the sonne of Zaraias the sonne of Sauias the sonne of Boccas the sonne of Abisū the sonne of Phinees the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron was the hie Priest 3 This Esdras went out of Babylon and was a scribe wel taught in the Law of Moyses giuen by the Lord God of Israél 4 Also the King gaue him great honour ād he founde grace in hys sight in all hys requestes 5 With hym also there departed some of the children of Israél and of the Priests and Leuites and of the holy singers and of the porters and of the ministers of the Temple vnto Ierusalém 6 In the seuenth yere of the reigne of Artaxerxes ād in the fiftmoneth this was the seuēth yere of the King for they went out of Baby lon in the first day of the first moneth 7 And came to Ierusalē according as the Lord gaue them speed in their iournay 8 For Esdras had gotten great knowledge so that he wolde let nothing passe that was in the Law of the Lord and in the commandements and he taught all 〈◊〉 all the ordinances and iudgements 9 So the commission writen by Kyng Artaxerxes was giuen Esdras the Priest and reader of the Law of the Lord the copie thereof followeth 10 King Artaxerxes to Esdras the Priest reader of the Law of the Lord Salutacion 11 Forasmuche as consider things with pitie I haue commanded that they that wil and de sire of the
the time which is long may be shortened the kingdome is already prepared for you watche 14 Take heauen and earth to witnes for I haue abolished the euil and created the good for I liue saith the Lord. 15 Mother embrace thy children and bring them vp with gladnes make their fete as fast as a piller for I haue chosen thee saith the Lord. 16 And those that be dead wil I raise vp from their places and bring them out of the graues for I haue knowen my Name in Israél 17 Feare not thou mother of the children for I haue chosen thee saith the Lord. 18 I wil send thee my seruants Esaie and Ieremie to helpe thee by whose counsel I haue sanctified ād prepared for thee twelue trees laden with diuers frutes 19 And as many fountaines flowing with milke and hony and seuen mightie mountaines whereupō there growe roses lilies where by I wilfilthy children with ioye 20 Execute iustice for the widdo we iudge the cause of the fatherles giue to the poore defende the fatherles clothe the naked 21 Heale the wounded and sicke laugh not a lame man to scorne defend the crepel and let the blinde come into the light of my clerenes 22 Kepe the olde and the yong that are within thy walles 23 * Where soeuerth ou findest the dead take them and burye them and I wil giue thee the first place in my resurrection 24 Abide stil ô my people and rest for thy quietnes shal come 25 Nourish thy children ô thou good nurse stablish their fete 26 None of the seruants that I haue giuen thee shal perish for I wil seke them from among thy nomber 27 Be not weary for when the day of trouble and 〈◊〉 commeth other shal wepe and be soroweful but thou shalt be mery and ha ue abundance 28 The heathen shal enuie thee and shal do nothing against thee saith the Lord. 29 Mine hands shal couerthee so that thy chil dren shal not se hell 30 Be ioyful ò thou mother with thy children for I wil deliuer thee saith the Lorde 31 Remember thy children that slepe for I wil bring thē out of the sides of the earth wil shewe mercie vnto them for I am merciful saith the Lord almightie 32 Embrace thy children vntil I come and she we mercie vnto thē for my fountaines runne ouer and my grace shal not faile 33 I Esdras receiued a charge of the Lord vpō the mount Horeb that I shulde go vnto them of Israel but when I came to them thei cast me of and despised the commandemēt of the Lord. 34 And therefore I say vnto yon ô ye heathen that heare and vnderstand Wait for your shepherd who shal giue you enerlasting rest for he is nere at hand that shal come in the end of the worlde 35 Be ready to the rewarde of the kingdome for the euerlasting light shal shine vpon you for euermore 36 Fle the shado we of this worlde receiue the ioye of your glorie I testifie my Sauiour openly 37 Receiue the gift that is giuen you and be glad 〈◊〉 thankes vnto him that hathe cal led you to the heauenlie kingdome 38 Arise and stand vp and beholde the nomber of those that are sealed for the feast of the Lord 39 Which are departed from the shadowe of the worlde and haue receiued glorious garments of the Lord. 40 Take thy nomber ô Sion and shut vp thē that are clothed in white which haue fulfilled the Law of the Lord. 41 The nomber of thy children whome thou longest for is fulfilled beseche the power of the Lord that thy people which haue bene called from the beginning may be sanctified 42 * I Esdras sawe vpon mount Siō a great peo ple whome I colde not nomber and they all praised the Lord with songs 43 And in the middes of them there was a yōg man hier in stature then them all and vpon euerie one of their heads he set crownes and was hier then the others which I much marueiled at 44 So I asked the Angel and said Who are the se my lord 45 Who answered and said vnto me These be they that haue put of the mortal clothing haue put on the immortal and haue confessed the Name of GOD now are they crowned and receiue the palmes 46 Then said I vnto the Angel What yong mā is it that setteth crownes on them giueth them the palmes in their hands 47 And he answered and said vnto me It is the sonne of God whome they haue confessed in the worlde Then began I greatly to commende thē that had stand so strongly for the Name of the Lord. 48 Then the Angel said vnto me Go thy way and tel my people what and how great won ders of the Lord God thou hast sene CHAP. III. 4 The wonderous workes which God did for the people are recited 31 Esdras marueileth that God suffreth the Ba bylonians to haue rule ouer his people which yet are syn ners also 1 IN the thirtieth yere after the fall of the citie as I was at Babylon I lay troubled vpō my bed and my thoghts came vpto mine heart 2 Because I sawe the desolacion of Sion and the wealth of them that dwelt at Babylon 3 So my spirit was sore moued so that I begā ne to speake fearful wordes to the moste High and said 4 O Lord Lord thou spakest at the beginning when thou alone plantedst the earth and ga uest commandement vnto the people 5 * And a bodie vnto Adā without soule who was also the workemanship of thine hands and hast breathed in him the breth of life so that he liued before thee 6 And leddest him into Paradise whiche thy right hand had planted or euer the earth broght forthe 7 Euen then thou gauest him commandemēt to loue thy way but he trāsgressed it and im mediatly thou appointedst death to him and his generacion of whome came nacions tribes people and kinreds out of nomber 8 * And euerie people walked after their own wil and did wonderful things before thee despised thy commandements 9 * But at the time appointed thou broghtest the flood vpon those that dwelt in the world and destroiedst them 10 So that by the flood that came to euerie one of them which came by death vnto Adam 11 Yet thou leftest one euen * Noe with his houshold of whome came all righteous mē 12 And when they that dwelt vpon the earth began to multiplie and the nomber of the children people and many nacions were increased they began to be more vngodlie thē the first 13 Now when they liued wickedly before thee * thou didest chose thee a man from among them whose name was * Abraham 14 Whome thou louedst and vnto whome one ly thou shewedst thy wil 15 And madest an euerlasting couenāt with him promising him that thou woldest neuer forsake his sede 16 * And vnto him thou gauest Isahac * vnto Isa
not 2 Tobit said Are they not mocked or is not Gabael dead and there is no man to gyue him the money 3 Therefore he was verie sory 4 Thē his wife said to him My sonne is dead seing he tarieth and she began to bewaile him and said 5 Now * I care for nothing my sonne since I haue lost thee the light of mine eyes 6 To whome Tobit said Holde thy peace be not careful for he is safe 7 But she said Holde thy peace and deceiue me not my sonne is dead and she went out euerie day by the waye whiche they went nether did she eate meate on the daye time and did consume whole nights in bewailing her sonne Tobias vntill the fourtene dayes of the wedding were expired which Raguel had sworne that he shulde tarie there Then Tobias said to Raguel Let me go for my father and my mother loke no more to se me 8 But his father in Law said vnto him Tarye with me and I wil send to thy father and they shal declare him thine affaires 9 But Tobias said No but let me go to my father 10 Then Raguel arose and gaue him Sarra his wife and halfe his goods as seruants and cattell and money 11 And he blessed them and sent them away saying The God of heauen make you my children to prosper before I dye 12 And he said to his daughter Honour thy father and thy mother in Law whiche are now thy parents that I maye heare good reporte of thee and he kissed them Edna also said to Tobias The Lord of heauen restore thee my dere brother and grante that I may sethy childrē of my daughter Sarra that I may reioyce before the Lord. Behold now I committe to thee my daughter as a pledge do not intreat her euil CHAP. XI 1 The returne of Tobias to his father 9 How he was receiued 〈◊〉 His father hathe his sight restored and praiseth the Lord. 1 AFter these things Tobias wēt his way praising God that he had giuen him a prosperous iournay and blessed Raguel Edna his wife and went on his way till he drewe nere to Nineue 2 Thē Raphaél said to Tobias Thou knowest brother how thou didest leaue thy Father 3 Let vs hast before thy wife and prepare the house 4 And take in thine hand the gal of the fish So they went their way and the dogge followed them 5 Now Anna sate in the way loking for her sonne 6 Whome when she sawe coming she said to his father beholde thy sonne cometh and the man that went with him 7 Then said Raphael I knowe Tobias that thy father shal receiue his sight 8 Therefore anoint his eyes with the gall and being pricked therewith he shal rub 〈◊〉 be and make the whitenes to fall away and shal se thee 9 ¶ Then Anna ranne forthe and fel on the necke of her sonne said vnto him Seing I haue sene thee my sonne frome hence forthe I am content to dye and they wept bothe 10 Tobit also went forthe towarde the dore and stombled but his sonne ranne vnto him 11 And toke holde of his father sprinkled of the gall on his fathers eyes saying Be of good hope my father 12 And when his eyes began to pricke he rubbed them 13 And the whitenes pilled away from the cor ners of his eyes and when he sawe his sonne he fel vpon his necke 14 And he wept and said Blessed art thou ô Lord and blessed be thy Name for euer and blessed be all thine holie Angels 15 For thou hast scourged me and hast had pitie on me for beholde I se my sonne To bias and his sonne being glad went in and tolde his father the great things that had come to passe in Media 16 Then Tobit went out to mete his daughter in lawe reioycing and praising God to the gate of Nineue and they which sawe him go marueiled because he had receiued his sight 17 But Tobit testified before them all that God had had pitie on him And when he ca came nere to Sarra his daughter in law he blessed her saying Thou art welcome daughter God be blessed which hathe broght thee vnto vs blessed be thy father and there was greatioye amōg all his brethren which were at Nineue 18 And Achia charus and Nasbas his brother sonne came 19 And Tobias mariage was kept seuen dayes with great ioye CHAP. XII 2 Tobias declareth to his father the pleasures that Raphaél had done him 5 The which he wolde recompense 11. 15 Raphaéldeclareth that he is an Angel sent of God 1 THen Tobit called his sonne Tobias and said vnto him Prouide my sonne wages forthe man which went with thee thou must giue him more 2 And he said vnto him O father it shal not grieue me to giue him halfe of those things which I haue broght 3 For he hathe broght me againe to thee in safetie and hathe made whole my wife hathe broght me the money and hathe like wise healed thee 4 Then the olde man said It is due vnto him 5 So he called the Angel and said vnto him Take halfe of all that ye haue broght and go away in safetie 6 But he toke them hothe a parte and said vnto them Praise God and confesse him giue him the glorie and praise him for the things which he hathe done vnto you before all them that liue It is good to praise God and to exalte his Name and to shewe forthe his euident workes with honour therefore be not wearie to confesse him 7 It is good to kepe close the secrets of a King but it is a honorable to reueile the workes of God do that which is good and no euil shal touche you 8 Prayer is good with fasting and almes righteousnes A litle with righteousnes is better then muche with vnrighteousnes it is better to giue almes then to laye vp golde 9 For almes doeth deliuer from death and doeth purge all sinne Those whiche exercise almes and righteousnes shal be filled with life 10 But they that sinne are enemies to theyr owne life 11 Surely I wil kepe close nothing from you neuertheles I said it was good to kepe close the secret of a King but that it was honorable to reueile the workes of God 12 Now therefore when thou didest pray Sarra thy daughter in lawe I did bring to memorie your prayer before the holie one and when thou didest burye the dead I was with thee likewise 13 And when thou waste not grieued to rise vp and leaue thy diner to burye the dead thy good dede was not hid from me but I was with thee 14 And now God hath sent me to heale thee and Sarra thy daughter in law 15 I am Raphael one of the seuen holye Angels which presēt the prayers of the Sain tes and which go forthe before his holye maiestie 16 Then they were bothe troubled and fell vpon their face for
as I must shewe my self and that I abhorre it as a menstruous cloth and that I weare it not when I am alone by my self 17 And that I thine hand maide haue not eaten at Amans table and that I haue had no pleasure in the Kings feast nor drunke the wine of the drin ke offrings 18 And that I thine hand maide haue noioye sence the day that I was broght hether vn til this day but in thee ô Lord God of Abraham 19 O thou mightie God aboue all heare the voyce of them that haue none other hope and deliuer vs out of the hand of the wicked and deliuer me out of my feare CHAP. XV. 1 Mardocheus moueth Esther to go in to the King and ma ke intercession for her people 9 And she performeth his request 1 MArdocheus also bade Esther to go in vnto the King and pray for her people and for her countrey 2 Remember saith he the daies of thy lowe estate how thou wast nourished vnder mine hand for Amā which is next vnto the King hathe giuen sentence of death against vs. 3 Call thou therefore vpon the Lord and speake for vs vnto the King and deliuer vs from death 4 And vpon the thirde day when she had ended her prayer she laid away the mourning garments and put on her glorious apparel 5 And decte her self goodly after that she had called vpon God which is the beholder and sauiour of all things and toke two hand maides with her 6 Vpon the one she leaned her self as one that was tender 7 And the other followed her and bare the traine of her vesture 8 The shine of her beautie made her face rose coloured and her face was chearful amiable but her heart was sorowfull for great feare 9 Then she went in thorow all the dores and stode before the King and the King sate vpon his royal throne and was clothed in his goodlie araye all glittering with gol de and precious stones and he was very ter rible 10 Then he lift vp his face that shone with maiestie and loked fiercely vpon her there fore the Quene fel downe and was pale faint and leaned her self vpon the head of the maide that went with her 11 Neuertheles God turned the Kings minde that he was gentle who being careful leaped out of his throne and toke her in his ar mes til she came to herself againe and cōforted her with louing wordes and said 12 Esther what is the matter I am thy brother be of good cheare 13 Thou shalt not dye for our commandement toucheth the cōmons and not thee Come nere 14 And so he helde vp his golden sceptre laid it vpon her necke 15 And kissed her and said Talke with me 16 Then said she I sawe thee ô lord as an An gel of God mine heart was troubled for feare of thy maiestie 17 For wonderful art thou ô lord and thy face is ful of grace 18 And as she was thus speaking vnto him she fel downe againe for faintnes 19 Then the King was troubled and all his seruants comforted her CHAP. XVI The copie of the letters of Artaxerxes whereby he reuoketh those which he first sent forthe 1 THe great King Artaxerxes whiche reigneth from India vnto Ethiopia ouer an hundreth and seuen and twentie prouinces sendeth vnto the princes and ru lers that haue the charge of our affaires Salutation 2 There be many that through the goodnes of Princes and honour giuen vnto them become very proude 3 And in deuoure not onely to hurt our subiects but not content to liue in wealth do also imagine destructiō against those that do them good 4 And take not onely all thākefulnes away from men but in pride and presumption as they that be vnmindeful of benefites thei thinke to escape the vengeance of God that seeth all things is contrarie to euil 5 And oft times manie which be set in office and vnto whome their friends causes are committed by vaine intisements do wrappe them in calamities that can not be remedied for thei make them partakers of innocent blood 6 And disceitfully abuse the simplicitie and gentlenes of princes with lying tales 7 This may be proued not onely by olde histories but also by those things that are be fore our eyes and are wickedly committed of suche pestilences as are not worthie to beare rule 8 Therefore we must take hede here after that we may make the kingdome peaceable for all mē what change soeuer shal come 9 And discerne the things that are before our eyes to withstand thē with gentlenes 10 For Aman a Macedonian the sonne of Amadatus being in dede a stranger from the Persians blood farre from our goodnes was receiued of vs. 11 And hathe proued the friendship that we beare towarde all nations so that he was called our father and was honored of euerie man as the next persone vnto the King 22 But he colde not vse him self soberly in this great dignitie but went about to depriue vs of the kingdome and of our life 13 With manifolde disceite also hathe he desired to destroye Mardocheus our preseruer which hathe done vs good in all things and innocent Esther the partaker of our kingdome with all her nation 14 For his minde was when he had takē thē out of the way to lày waite for vs and by this meanes to translate the kindome of the Persians vnto them of Macedonia 15 But we finde that the Iewes which were accused of this moste wicked mā that thei might be destroyed are no euil doers but vse moste iust Lawes 16 And that they be the children of the moste high and almightie and euer liuing God by whome the kingdome hathe bene preserued vnto vs and our progenitours in ve rie good ordre 17 Wherefore ye shal do wel if ye do not put in execution those letters that A man the sonne of Amadathus did write vnto you 18 For he that inuented them hangeth at Su sis before the gates with all his familie and God which hathe all things in his power hathe spedely rewarded him after his deser uing 19 Therefore ye shal publishe the copie of this letter in all places that the Iewes may fre ly liue after their owne Lawes 20 And ye shal aide them that vpon the thirtenth day of the twelfth moneth Adar thei may be auenged of them which in the time of their trouble wolde haue oppressed them 21 For almightie God hathe turned to ioye the day wherein the chosen people shulde ha ue perished 22 Moreouer among other solemne 〈◊〉 shal kepe this day with all gladnes 23 That bothe now and in time to come this day may be a remembrance of deliuerance for vs and all suche as loue the prosperitie of the Persians but a remembrance of destructiō to those that be sedicious vnto vs. 24 Therefore all cities and countreis that do not this shal horribly be destroyed with sworde and fyre and shal not
the good sharpe which can not be letted doing good 23 Courteous stable sure without care hauing all power circumspect in all things and 〈◊〉 through all intellectual pure and subtil spirits 24 For wisdome is nimbler then all nimble things she goeth thorow and atteineth to all things because of her purenes 25 For she is the breth of the power of God and a pure influence that floweth from the glorie of the Almightie therefore can no de filed thing come vnto her 26 For * she is the brightnes of the euerlasting 〈◊〉 the vndefiled mirroure of the maiestie of God and the image of his goodnes 27 And being one she can do all things and remaining in her 〈◊〉 renueth all according to the ages she entreth into the holie soules and maketh them the friends of God Prophetes 28 For God loueth none if he dwell not with wisdome 29 For she is more beautiful then the sunne is aboue all the order of the starres and the light is not to be compared vnto her 30 For night cometh vpō it but wickednes cā not ouercome wisdome CHAP. VIII The effects of wisdome 1 SHe also reacheth from one end to another mightely and comely doeth she order all things 2 I haue loued her and soght her frō my youth I desired to marye her suche loue had I vnto her beautie 3 In that she is conuersant with God it commendeth her nobilitie yea the Lord of all things loueth her 4 For she is the scholemastres of the knowled ge of God and the choser out of his workes 5 If riches be a possessiō to be desired in this life what is richer then wisdome that worketh all things 6 For if prudence worketh what is it among all things that worketh better then she 7 If a man loue righteousnes her labours are vertuous for she teacheth sobernes and pru dencie righteousnes and strength which are the moste profitable things that men can haue in this life 8 If a man desire great experience she can tell the things that are past and discerne things to come she knoweth the subtilties of wordes and the solutions of darke sentences she foreseeth the 〈◊〉 wonders or euer they come to passe and the succes of seasons and times 9 Therefore I purposed to take her vnto my companie knowing that she wolde counsel me good things and comfort me in cares griefs 10 For her sake shal I haue glorie among the multitude and honour among the Elders thogh I be yong 11 I shal be founde of sharpe iudgement so that I shal be marueilous in the sight of great men 12 When I holde my tongue they shal abide my leasure when I speake they shal heare di ligently and if I take muche they shal laye their hands vpon their mouth 13 Moreouer by her I shal obteine immortalitie and leaue an euer lasting memorial amōg them that come 〈◊〉 me 14 I shal gouerne the people and the nacions shal be subdued vnto me 15 Horrible tyrants shal be afrayed when they heare me among the multitude I shal be coū ted good and mightie in battel 16 When I come home I shal rest with her for her companie hathe no bitternes and her fe lowshippe hathe no tediousnes but mirthe and ioye 17 Now when I considered these things by my self and pondered them in mine heart how that to be ioyned vnto wisdome is immortalitie 18 And great pleasure is in her friendshippe and that in the workes of her hands are infinite riches and that in the exercise of talking with her is prudencie and glorie by cō muning with 〈◊〉 I went about seking how I might take her vnto me 19 For I was a wittie childe and was of a good spirit 20 Yea rather being good I came to an vndefiled bodie 21 Neuertheles when I perceiued that I colde not enioye her except God gaue her that was a pointe of wisdome also to knowe whose gifte it was I went vnto the LORD and besoght him and with my whole heart I said CHAP. IX A prayer of Salomon to obteine wisdome 1 O God of fathers and Lord of mercie whi che hast made all things with thy worde 2 And ordeined man thorow thy wisdome that he shulde haue * dominiō ouer the crea tures which thou hast made 3 And gouerne the worlde according to equitie and righteousnes and execute iudgement with an vpright heart 4 Giue * me that wisdome which sitteth by thythrone and put me not out from among thy children 5 For I thy * seruant and sonne of thine handmaide am a feble persone of a shorte time and yet lesse in the vnderstanding of iudgement and the lawes 6 And thogh a man be neuer so perfite among the children of men yet if thy wisdome be not with him he shal be nothing regarded 7 * Thou hast chosē me to be a King of thy peo ple the iudge of thy sonnes daughters 8 Thou hast commanded me to buyld a temple vpon thine holy Mount an altar in the citie wherein thou dwellest a likenes of thine holie Tabernacle which thou hast prépared from the beginning 9 And thy * wisdome with thee which know eth thy workes which also was when thou madest the worlde and which knewe what was acceptable in thy sight and right in thy commandements 10 Send her out of thine holy heauēs and send her from the throne of thy maiestie that she may be with me labour that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight 11 For she knoweth vnderstandeth all things and she shallead me soberly in my workes preserue me by her glorie 12 So shal my workes be acceptable and then shal I gouerne thy people righteously be mete for my fathers throne 13 For * what man is he that can knowe the coū sel of God or who can thinke what the wil of God is 14 For the thoghts of mortal men are feareful and our forecastes are vncerteine 15 Because a corruptible bodie is heauie vnto the soule and the earthlie mansion kepeth downe the minde that is ful of cares 16 And hardly can we discerne the things that are vpō earth ād with great labour finde we out the things which are before vs who cā then seke out the things that are in heauen 17 Who can knowe thy counsel except thou giue him wisdome and send thine holy Spirit from aboue 18 For so the wayes of them whiche are vpon earth are reformed and men are taught the things that are pleasant vnto thee and are preserued thorow wisdome CHAP. X. The 〈◊〉 of the righteous and destruction of the enemies cometh thorowe wisdome 1 SHe preserued the first father of the world that was formed and kept hym when he was created alone and broght hym out of his offence 2 And * gaue him power to rule all things 3 * But the vnrighteous in his wrath departed from her ād perished
For it is a feareful thing whē malice is con demned by her owne testimonie and a conscience that is touched doeth euer forecast cruel things 11 For feare is nothing els but a betraying of the succours which reason offreth 12 And the lesse that the hope is within the more doeth he esteme the ignorance of the thing that tormenteth him great 13 But they that did endure the night that was intollerable and that came out of the dungeon of hell which is insupportable slept the same slepe 14 And sometimes were troubled with monstruous visions and some time they sowned as thogh their owne soule shulde betray thē for a sudden feare not loked for came vpon them 15 And thus whosoeuer fel downe he was kept and shut in prison but without chaines 16 For whether he was an housband man or a shepherd or one that was set to worke alone if he were taken he must suffer this necessitie that he colde not auoide 17 For with one chaine of darkenes were they all bounde whether it were an hyssing win de or a swete song of the birds among the thicke branches of the trees or the vehemencie of hastie running water 18 Or a great noyce of the falling downe of stones or the running of skipping beastes that colde not be sene or the noyce of cruel beastes that roared or the sounde that answereth againe in the holow mountaines the se feareful things made them to swone 19 For all the worlde shined with clere light and no man was hindred in his labour 20 Onely vpon them there fel an heauie night an image of that darkenes that was to come vpon them yea they were vnto them selues more grieuous then darkenes CHAP. XVIII 3 The fyrie piller that the Israelites had in Egypt 8 The deliuerāce of the faithful 10 The Lord smote the Egyptiās 20 The sinne of the people in the wildernes 21 Aaron stode betwene the liuing and the dead with his censure 1 BVt thy Saints had a very great * light whose voyce because they heard and sawe not the figure of them they thoght them blessed because thei also had not suffred the like 2 And because they did not hurt them which did hurt them a fore they thanked them asked pardon for their enimitie 3 * Therefore thou gauest them a burning pil ler of fyre to lead them in the vnknowen way and madest the sunne that it hurted not them in their honorable iourney 4 But they were worthie to be depriued of the light and to be kept in darkenes which had kept thy children shut vp by whome the vncorrupt light of the Law shulde be giuen to the worlde 5 * Where as they thoght to slay the babes of the Saintes by one childe that was cast out and preserued to reproue them thou hast ta ken awaye the multitude of their children and destroyed them all together in the mightie water 6 Of that night were our fathers certified afo re that they knowing vnto what othes they had giuen credit might be of good chere 7 Thus thy* people receiued the health of the righteous but the enemies were destroyed 8 For as thou hast punished the enemies so hast thou glorified vs whome thou hast called 9 For the righteous children of the good men offred secretly and made a law of righ teousnes by one consent that the Saints shulde receiue good euil 〈◊〉 like maner that the fathers shulde first sing praises 10 But a disagreing price was heard of the ene mies and there was a lamentable noise for the children that were be wailed 11 For the * master and the seruant were punished with like punishment and the commu ne people suffred a like with the King 12 So they altogether had in numerable that dyed with one kinde of death nether were the liuing sufficientto burye them for in the twinckling of an eye the noblest of spring of them was destroied 13 So they that colde beleue nothing because of the inchantments confessed this people to be the children of God in the destructiō of the first borne 14 For while all things were in quiet silence and the night was in the middes of her swift course 15 Thine almightie worde leapt downe from heauen out of thy royal throne as a fierce man of warre in the middes of the land that was destroyed 16 And broght thine vnfained commandemēt as a sharpe sworde and stode vp and filled al things with death and being come downe to the earth it reached vnto the heauens 17 Then the sight of the feareful dreames vexed them suddenly and fearefulnes came vpon them vnawares 18 Then laye there one here another there hal fedead and shewed the cause of his death 19 For the visions that vexed them shewed thē these things afore so that they were not ignorant wherefore they perished 20 Now 〈◊〉 of death touched the righteous also and * among the multitude in the wildernes there was a plague but the wrath indured not long 21 For the blameles man made haste and defended them and toke the weapons of his ministracion euen prayer and the recōciliation by the perfume and set him self against the wrath so broght the miserie to an end declaring that he was thy seruant 22 For he ouercame not the multitude with bodelie power nor with force of weapons but with the worde he subdued him that punished alledging the othes couenant made vnto the fathers 23 For when the dead were fallen downe by heapes one vpō another he stode in the middes and cut of the wrath and parted it from comming to the liuing 24 * For in the long garment was all the ornamēt and in the foure rowes of the stones was the glorie of the fathers grauen with thy maiestie in the diademe of his head 25 Vnto these the destroyer gaue place and was afraid of them for it was sufficient that they hadtasted the wrath CHAP. XIX 3 The death of the Egyptians the great ioye of the Hebrewe s. 11 The meat that was giuen at the desire of the people 17 All the elements serue to the wil of God 1 AS for the vngodlie the wrath came vpō them without mercie vnto the end for he knewe what shulde come vnto them 2 That they when they had consented to let them go and had sent them out with diligen ce wolde repent and pursue them 3 For while yet sorow was before them and they lamēted by the graues of the dead they deuised another foolishnes so that they persecuted thē in their fleing whome they had cast out afore with prayer 4 For the destinie where of they were worthie broght them to this end and caused thē to forget the things that had come to passe that they might accomplish the punishment which remaineth by torments 5 Bothe that thy people might trye a marueilous passage that these might finde a strāge death 6 For euerie creature in his kinde
tymes brighter then the sunne beholdyng all the waies of men and the ground of the deepe and considereth the moste secret partes 20 He knewe all thyngs or euer they were made and after they be broght to passe also he loketh vpon them all 21 * The same man shal be punished in the strea tes of the citie and shal be chased lyke a yong horsefoale and when he thinketh not vpon it he shal be taken thus shal he be put to shame of euerie man because he wolde not vnderstand the feare of the Lord. 22 And thus shal it go also with euerie wife that leaueth her housband and getteth in he ritance by another 23 * For first she hathe disobeid the Law of the moste High and secondly she hathe trespaced against her owne housband and thirdly she hathe plaide the whore in adulterie and gotten her children by another man 24 She shal be broght out into the congregacion and examinacion shal be made of her children 25 Her children shal not take roote and her branches shal bring forthe no frute 26 A shameful reporte shal she leaue and her reproche shal not be put out 27 And they that remaine shal knowe that the re is nothing better then the feare of the Lord and that there is nothing sweter then to take hede vnto the commandements of the Lord. 28 It is great glorie to followe the Lord and to be receiued of him is long life CHAP. XXIIII 1 A praise of wisdome proceding forthe of the mouth of God 6 Of her workes and place where she resteth 20 She is giuen to the children of God 1 WIsdome shal praise herself and be honored in God and reioyce in the mid des of her people 2 In the congregacion of the moste High shal she open her mouth and triumph before his power 3 In the middes of her people shal she be exalted and wondred at in the holy assemblie 4 In the multitude of the chosen she shal be cō mended and among suche as be blessed she shal be praised and shal say 5 I am come out of the mouth of the moste High first borne before all creatures 6 I caused the light that faileth not to arise in the heauen and couered the earth as a cloude 7 My dwelling is aboue in the height and my throne is in the piller of the cloude 8 I alone haue gone rounde about the compasse of heauē and haue walked in the bottom of the depth 9 I possessed the waues of the sea and all the earth and all people and nacion and with my power haue I troden downe the hearts of all bothe High and low 10 In all these things I soght rest a dwelling in some inheritance 11 So the creator of all things gaue me a cōmā dement and he that made me appointed me a tabernacle and said Let thy dwelling be in Iacob and take thine inheritance in Israél and roote thy selfe among my chosen 12 * He created me from the beginning and be fore the world and I shal neuer faile * In the holie habitacion haue I serued before him so was I stablished in Sion 13 * In the welbeloued citie gaue he me rest in Ierusalem was my power 14 I toke roote in an honorable people euen in the porcion of the Lords inheritance 15 I am set vp on hielyke aceder in Libanus and as a cipers tre vpon the mountainès of Hermon 16 I am exalted like a palme tre about the bā kes and as a rose plante in Iericho as a faire oliue tre in a pleasant field and am exalted as a plane tre by the water 17 I smelled as the cinnamom and as a bagge of spices I gaue a swete odour as the best myrrhe as galbanum and onix and swete sto rax and perfume of incense in an house 18 As the terebinth haue I stretched out my branches and my branches are the brāches of honour and grace 19 * As the vine haue I broght forthe frute of swete sauour and my floures are the frute of honour and riches 20 I am the mother of beautifull loue and of feare and of knowledge and of holy hope I giue eternall thyngs to all my chyldren to whome God hathe commanded 21 In me is al grace of life and trueth in me is all hope of life and vertue 22 Come vnto me al ye that be desirous of me and fill your selues with my frutes 23 * For the remembrance of me is sweter thē honie and mine enheritance sweter then the honie combe the remembrance of me endureth for euer more 24 They that eat me shal haue the more hunger and they that drinke me shal thirst the more 25 Who so hearkeneth vnto me shal not come to confusion they that worke by me shal not offende they that make me to be know en shal haue euerlasting life 26 All these things are the boke of life and the couenant of the moste high God the knowledge of the trueth * the Law that Moyses in the precepts of righteousnes commanded for an heritage vnto the house of Iacob and the promises perteining vnto Israel 27 Be not weary to behaue your selues valiant ly with the Lord that he may also confirme you cleaue vnto him for the Lord almightie is but one God besides him there is none other Sauiour 28 Out of Dauid his seruant he ordeined to raise vp a moste mightie King that shulde sit in the throne of honour for euer more 29 He filleth all things with his wisdome as * Physon as Tygris in the time of the newe frutes 30 He maketh the vnderstanding to abounde like* Euphrates as Iorden in the time of the haruest 31 He maketh the doctrine of knowledge to appeare as the light ouerfloweth as Geon in the time of the vintage 32 The first man hathe not knowen her 〈◊〉 ly no more shal the last seke her out 33 For her consideratious are more abundant then the sea and her counselis profounder then the great depe 34 I wisdome haue cast out floods I am as an arme of the riuer I runne into Paradise as a watercondite 35 I said I wil watter my faire garden and wil water my pleasant grounde and lo my ditche became a slood and my flood became a sea 36 For I make doctrine to shine as the light of the morning and I lighten it for euer 37 I wil pearce thorow all the lower partes of the earth I wil loke vpon all suche as be aslepe and lighten all them that trust in the Lord. 38 I wil yet powre out doctrine as prophecie and leane it vnto all ages for euer 39 * Beholde that I haue not labored formy self onely but for all them that seke wisdome CHAP. XXV 1 Ofthre things which please God and of thre which he hateth 7 Of nine things that be not to be suspect 15 Of the malice of a
O Lord our God we haue sinned we haue done wickedly we haue offended in all thine ordinances 13 Let thy wrath turne from vs 〈◊〉 for we are but a fewe left among the heathen where thou hast scatred vs. 14 Heare our praiers ô Lord our peticiōs and deliuer vs for thine owne sake and giue vs fauour in the sight of them which ha ue led vs away 15 That all the earth may know that thou art the Lord our God and that thy Name is called vpon Israél and vpon their posteritie 16 Therefore loke downe from thine holy Temple and thinke vpon vs encline thine eare ô Lord and heare vs. 17 * Open thine eyes and beholde for the 〈◊〉 that are in the graues and whose 〈◊〉 sou les are out of their bodies 〈◊〉 giue vnto the Lord nether praise nor righteousnes 18 But the soule that is vexed for the greatnes of sinne 〈◊〉 he that goeth crokedly and weake and the eyes that faile and the hungrie soule wil giue thee praise and righ teousnes ô Lord. 19 For we do not require me 〈◊〉 in thy sight ô Lord our God for the righteousnes of our fathers or of our Kings 20 But because thou hast sent out thy wrath and indignacion vpon vs as thou hast spoken by thy seruants the Prophetes saying 21 * Thus saith the Lord Bowe downe your shulders and serue the King of Babylon so shal ye remaine in the land that I gaue vnto your fathers 22 But if ye wil not heare the voyce of the Lord to serue the King of Babylon 23 I wil cause to cease in the cities of Iuda and in Ierusalém I wil cause to cease the voyce of mirthe and the voyce of ioye and the voyce of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride and the land shal be desolate of inhabitants 24 But we wold not hearken vnto thy voyce to serue the King of Babylon therefore hast thou performed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruants the Prophetes namely that the bones of our Kings and the bones of our fathers shulde be caryed out of their places 25 And lo they are cast out to the heat of the day and to the colde of the night and are dead in great miserie with famine with the sworde and in banishment 26 And the Temple wherein thy Name was called vpon thou hast broght to the state as appeareth this day for the wickednes of the house of Israél and the house of Iuda 27 O Lord our God thou hast intreated vs ac cording to equitie and according to all thy great mercie 28 As thou spakest by thy seruant Moyses in the day when thou didest command him to write thy Lawe before the childrē of Israel saying 29 * If ye wil not obey my voyce then shal this great swarme and multitude be turned into a verie fewe among the nacions where I wil scaterthem 30 For I knowe that they wil not beare me for it is a stifnecked people but in the land of their captiuitie they shal remember them selues 31 And knowe that I am the Lord their God then wil I giue them an heart to vnderstād and eares 32 And they shal heare and praise me in the land of their captiuitie 〈◊〉 thinke vpon my Name 33 Then shal they turne them from their har de backes and from their euil workes for they shal remēber the way of their fathers which sinned before the Lord. 34 And I wil bring them againe into the land which I promised with an othe vnto their fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob they shal be lords of it and I wil increase them and they shal not be diminished 35 And I wil make an euerlasting couenant with them that I wil be their God they shal be my people and I wil no more driue my people of Israél out of the land that I haue giuen them CHAP. III. 1 The people continueth in their praier begon for their de liuerance 9 〈◊〉 praiseth wisdome vnto the people 〈◊〉 that so great aduersities came vnto them for the despising thereof 36 Onely God was the 〈◊〉 of wisdome 37 Of the incarnacion of Christ. 1 OLord almightie ô God of Israel the soule that is in trouble and the spirit that is ve xed cryeth vnto thee 2 Heare o Lord and haue mercie for thou art merciful and haue pitie vpon vs because we haue sinned before thee 3 For thou endurest for euer and we vtterly perish 4 O Lord almightie the God of Israel heare now the prayer of the dead Israelites and of their children which haue sinned before thee and not hearkened vnto the voyce of thee their God wherefore these plagues hāg vpon vs. 5 Remēber not the wickednes of our fathers but thinke vpon thy power and thy Name at this time 6 For thou art the Lord our God and thee ô Lord wil we praise 7 And for this cause hast thou put thy feare in our hearts that̄ we shulde call vponthy Name and praise thee in our captiuitie for we haue considered in our mindes all the wickednes of our fathers that sinned before thee 8 Beholde we are yet this day in our captiuitie where thou hast scatered vs to be a reproche and a curse and subiect to payments according to all the iniquities of our fathers which are departed from the LORD their God 9 O Israel heare the commandements of life hearken vnto them that thou maiest learne wisdome 10 What is the cause ô Israél that thou art in thine enemies land and art waxen olde in a strange countrey 11 And art defiled with the dead and art counted with them that go downe to the graues 12 Thou hast forsaken the fountaine of wisdome 13 For if thou hadest walked in the way of GOD thou shuldest haue remained safe for euer 14 Learne where is wisdome where is strēght where is vnderstāding that thou maist know also from whence cometh long continuance and life and where the light of the eyes and peace is 15 Who hathe found out her place or who ha the come into her treasures 16 Where are the princes of the heathen and suche as ruled the beasts vpon the earth 17 They that had their pastime with the soules of the heauen that hoorded vp siluer and golde wherein mē trust and made none end of their gathering 18 For they that coyned siluer and were so care ful of their worke and whose inuētion had none end 19 Are come to naught and gone downe to hel and other men are come vp in their steades 20 When thei were yong they sawe the light dwelt vpon the earth but they vnderstode not the way of knowledge 21 Nether perceiued the paths thereof nether haue their children receiued it but they were farre of from that way 22 It hathe not bene heard of in the land of Chanaan nether hathe it bene sene in Theman 23 Northe Agarines that soght after wisdome vpon the earth nor the marchans
of the people concerning Christ 〈◊〉 Iohn 20. Christ vp breadeth the vnthankful cities 〈◊〉 The Gospel is 〈◊〉 to the simple 28 They that labour and are laden 〈◊〉 Christs yoke 1 ANd it came to passe that when Iesus had made an end of commanding his twelue disciples he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities 2 ¶ * And when Iohn heard in the prison the workes of Christ he sent two of his disciples and said vnto him 3 Art thou he that shulde come or shal we loke for another 4 And Iesus answering said vnto them Go and she we Iohn what things ye haue heard and sene 5 The blinde receiue sight and the halt go the lepers are clensed and the deaf heare the dead are raised vp * and the pore receiue the Gospel 6 And blessed is he that shal not be offended in me 7 And as they departed Iesus began to speake vnto the multitude of Iohn What went ye out into the wildernes to se A reed shaken with the winde 8 But what went ye out to se A man clothed in soft raiment Beholde they that weare soft clothing are in Kings houses 9 But what went ye out to se A Prophet Yea I say vnto you and more then a Prophet 10 For this is he of whome it is written * Beholde I send my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before thee 11 Verely I say vnto you among thē whiche are be gotten of women arose there not a greater then Iohn Baptist notwithstanding he that is the least in the kingdome of heauen is greater then he 12 And from * the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto the kingdome of heauen suffreth violence and the violent take it by force 13 For al the Prophetes and the Law prophecied vnto Iohn 14 And if ye will receiue it this is * Elias whiche was to come 15 ¶ He that hath eares to heare let him heare 16 * But whereunto shall I liken this generation It is like vnto litle children which sit in the markets and call vnto their felowes 17 And say We haue piped vnto you and ye haue not danced we haue mourned vnto you and ye haue not lamented 18 For Iohn came nether eating nor drinkyng and they say He hathe a deuil 19 The Sonne of man came eatyng and drinking and they say Beholde a glotton and a drinker of wine a friend vnto Publicanes and sinners but wisdome is iustified of her children 20 ¶ * Then began he to vp braide the cities where in most of his great worke were done because they repented not 21 Wo be to 〈◊〉 Chorazin Wo be to thee Bethsaida for if the great workes whiche were done in you had bene done in Tyrus and Sidon they had repented long agone in 〈◊〉 and ashes 22 But I say to you It shal be easier for Tyrus and Sidon at the day of iudgement then for you 23 And thou Capernaum whiche art lifted vp vnto heauen shalt be broght downe to hell for if the great workes whiche haue bene done in thee had bene done among them of Sodom they had remained to this day 24 But I say vnto you that it shal be easier for them of the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement then for thee 25 * At that time Iesus answered and said I giue thee thankes ô Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and men of vnderstandyng hast opened them vnto babes 26 It is so ô Father because thy good pleasure was suche 27 * Al things are giuen vnto me of my Father and * no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father nether knoweth any man the Father but the Sonne and he to whome the Sonne will reueile him 28 Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden and I wil ease you 29 Take my yoke on you and learne of me that I am meke and lowlie in heart and ye shal finde * rest vnto your soules 30 * For my yoke is easie and my burden light CHAP. XII 3 Christ excuseth his disciples which plucke the eares of corne 10 He healeth the dryed hand 22 Helpeth the possessed that was blinde and domme 31 〈◊〉 34 The generacion of vipers 35 Of good wordes 36. Of idle wordes 38 He rebuketh the vnfaithful that wolde nedes haue tokens 49 And sheweth who is his brother sister and mother 1 AT * that time Iesus wēt on a Sabbath day through the corne ād his disciples were an hungred and began to plucke the eares of corne and to eat 2 And when the Pharises sawe it they said vnto him Beholde thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do vpon the Sabbath 3 But he said vnto them * Haue ye not red what Dauid did when he was an hungred ād they that were with him 4 How he entred into the House of God and ate the shewe bread which was not lawful for him to eat nether for them which were with him but onely for the * Priests 5 Or haue ye not red in the Law how that on the Sabbath dayes the Priests in the Temple * breake the Sabbath and are blameles 6 But I say vnto you that here is one greater then the Temple 7 Wherefore if ye knewe what this is * wil haue mercie and not sacrifice ye wolde not haue condemned the innocents 8 For the sonne of man is Lord euen of the Sabbath 9 * And he departed thence and went into their Synagogue 10 And beholde there was a man which had his hand dryed vp And they asked him saying Is it lawful to heale vpon a Sabbath day that they might accuse him 11 And he said vnto them What man shal there be among you that shal haue a shepe and if it fall on a Sabbath day into a pit wil not he take it and lift it out 12 How muche more then is a man better then a shepe therefore it is lawful to do wel on a Sabbath day 13 Then said he to the man Stretch forthe thine hand And he stretched it forthe and it was made whole as the other 14 Then the Pharises went out and consulted against him how they might destroye him 15 But when Iesus knewe it he departed thence and great multitudes followed him and he healed them all 16 And charged them that they shulde not ma ke him knowen 17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet saying 18 * Beholde my seruant whome I haue chosen my beloued in whome my soule deliteth I wil put my Spirit on him and he shal shewe iudgement to the Gentiles 19 He shal not striue nor crye nethershal anie man heare his voyce in the stretes 20 A bruised rede shal he
mother answered and said Not so but he shal be called Iohn 61 And they said vnto her There is none of thy kinred that is named with this Name 62 Then they made signes to his Father how he wolde haue him called 63 So he asked for writing tables and wrote saying His name is Iohn and they marueiled all 64 And his mouth was opened immediatly his tōgue losed and he spake and praised God 65 Then feare came on all them that dwelt nere vnto them and all these wordes were noised abroade throughout all the hil countrey of Iudea 66 And all they that heard them laid them vp in their hearts saying what maner childe shal this be and the hand of the Lord was with him 67 Then his Father Zacharias was filled with the holie Gost and prophecied saying 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel because he hathe visited * and redemed his people 69 * And hathe raised vp the 〈◊〉 of saluaciō vnto vs in the house of his seruant Dauid 70 * As he spake by the mouth of his holie Pro phetes which were since the worde began saying 71 〈◊〉 he wolde send vs deliuerance from our enemies and from the hands of all that hate vs 72 That he wolde shewe mercie towards our fathers and remembre his holie couenant 73 * And the othe which he sware to our Father Abraham 74 Which was that he wolde grante vnto vs that we being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies shuld serue him without feare 75 All the dayes of our life in * 〈◊〉 righteousnes before him 76 And thou babe shalt be called the Prophete of the moste High for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his wayes 77 And to giue knowledge of saluation vnto his people by the remissiō of their sinnes 78 Through the tender mercie of our God whereby * the day spring from an hie hathe visited vs 79 To giue light to them that sit in darkenes and in the shadowe of death to guide our fete into the way of peace 80 And the childe grewe waxed strōg in spirit was in the wildernes til the day came that he shulde shewe him self vnto Israel CHAP. II. 7 The birth and circumcision of Christ. 22 He was receiued into the Temple 28 〈◊〉 and Anna prophecie of him 46 He was founde among the doctours 〈◊〉 His obedience to Father and mother 1 ANd it came to passe in those dayes that there came a commandement from Augustus Cesar that all the worlde shulde be taxed 2 This first taxing was made when Cyrenius was gouernour of Syria 3 Therefore went all to be taxed euerie man to his owne citie 4 And Ioseph also went vp from Galile out of a citie called Nazaret into Iudea vnto the citie of * Dauid which is called Beth-lehem because he was of the house and linage of Dauid 5 To be taxed with Marie that was giuen him to wife which was with childe 6 ¶ And so it was that while thei were there the daies were accomplished that she shulde be deliuered 7 And she broght forthe her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and laid him in a cratche because there was no rowme for them in the ynne 8 ¶ And there were in the same countrey shep herds abiding in the field and keping watch by night because of their flocke 9 And lo the Angel of the Lord came vpon them ād the glorie of the Lord shone about them and they were sore afraide 10 Then the Angel said vnto them Be not afraide for beholde I bring you tidings of great ioye that shal be to all the people 11 That is that vnto you is borne this day in the citie of Dauid a Sauiour which is christ the Lord. 12 And this shal be a signe to you Ye shal finde the childe swadled and laid in a cratch 13 And straight way there was with the Angel a multitude of heauenlie souldiers praying God and saying 14 Glorie be to God in the high heauens and peace in earth and towards men good wil. 15 And it came to passe when the Angels were gone away from them into heauen that the shepherds said one to another Letvs go then vnto Beth-lehem and se this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hathe shewed vnto vs. 16 So they came with haste and founde bothe Marie and Ioseph and the babe laid in the cratche 17 And when they had sene it they published abroade the thing which was tolde them of that childe 18 And all that heard it wondred at the things which were tolde them of the shepherds 19 But Marie kept all those sayings and ponde red them in her heart 20 And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and sene as it was spoken vnto them 21 ¶ * And when the eight daies were accomplished that they shulde circumcise the childe his name was then called * Iesus which was named of the Angel before he was conceiued in the wombe 22 * And when the dayes of her purification after the Law of Moses were accomplished they broght him to Ierusalē to present him to the Lord 23 As it is writen in the Law of the Lord * Eue rie man childe that first openeth the wombe shal be called holie to the Lord 24 And to giue an oblation * as it is cōmanded in the Law of the Lord a paire of turtle doues or two yong pigeons 25 And beholde there was a man in Ierusalem whose name was Simeon this man was iuste and feared God and waited for the consolation of Israel and the holie Gost was vpon him 26 And a reuelation was giuen him of the holie Gost that he shulde not se death before he had sene the Lords Christ. 27 And he came by the motion of the Spirit into the Tēple and when the parents broght in the childe Iesus to do for him after the cu stome of the Law 28 Then he toke him in his armes and praised God and said 29 Lord now lettest thou thy seruant departe in peace according to thy worde 30 For mine eyes haue sene thy saluation 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people 32 A light to be reueiled to the Gentiles and the 〈◊〉 of thy people Israel 33 And Ioseph and his mother marueiled at those things which were 〈◊〉 touching him 34 And Simeon blessed them and said vnto Marie his mother Beholde this childe is ap pointed for the * fall and rising againe of manie in Israel and for a signe which shal be spoken against 35 Yea and a sworde shal pearce through thy soule that the thoghts of manie hearts
may be opened 36 And there was a Prophetesse one Anna the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Aser which was of a great age ād had liued with an hous band seuē yeres from her virginitie 37 And she was widowe about foure score and foure yeres and went not out of the Temple but serued God with fastings and prayers night and day 38 She then coming at the same instant vpon them confessed likewise the Lord and spake of him to all that loked for redemption in Ierusalem 39 And when thei had performed all things ac cording to the Law of the Lord they returned into Galile to their owne citie Nazaret 40 And the childe 〈◊〉 and vaxed strong in Spirit and was filled with wisdome and the grace of God was with him 41 ¶ Now his parents went to Ierusalem euerie yere * at the feast of the Passeouer 42 And whē he was twelue yere olde and they were come vp to Ierusalem after the custome of the feast 43 And had finished the dayes thereof as they returned the childe Iesus remained in Ierusa lem and Ioseph knewe not nor his mother 44 But they supposing that he had bene in the companie went a dayes iorney and soght him among their kinsfolke and acquaintance 45 And whē they founde him not they turned backe to Ierusalem and soght him 46 And it came to passe thre dayes after that they founde him in the Tēple sitting in the middes of the doctours bothe hearing thē and asking them questions 47 And all that heard him were astonied at his vnderstanding and answers 48 So when thei saw him they were amased his mother said vnto him Sonne why hast thou thus dealt with vs beholde thy Father and I haue soght thee with heauie hearts 49 Then said he vnto them How is it that ye soght me knewe ye not that I must go about my fathers busines 50 But they vnderstode not the worde that he spake to them 51 Then he went downe with them and came to Nazaret was subiect to thē and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart 52 And Iesus increased in wisdome stature and in fauour with God and men CHAP. III. 3 The preaching baptisme and prisonment of Iohn 15 He is thoght to be Christ. 21 Christ is baptized 23 His age and genealogie 1 NOw in the fiftenth yere of the reigne of Tiberius Cesar Pontius Pilate being gouernour of Iudea Herode being tetrarch of Galile ād his brother Philippe tetrarch of lturea and of the countrey of Trachonitis and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene 2 * When Annas Caiaphas were the high Priests the worde of God came vnto Iohn the sonne of Zacharias in the wildernes 3 * And he came into all the coastes about Iordan preaching the baptisme of repentance for the remission of sinnes 4 As it is written in the boke of the sayings of Esaias the Prophet which saith * The voyce of him that cryeth in the wildernes is Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight 5 Euerie valley shal be filled and euerie moun taine and kil shal be broght lowe croked things shal be made straight and the rough wayes shal be made smothe 6 And all flesh shal se the saluation of God 7 Then said he to the people that were come out to be baptized of him * O generations of vipers who hathe forewarned you to flee from the wrath to come 8 Bring forthe therefore frutes worthie amendement of life and beginne not to say with your selues We haue Abrahā to our father for I say vnto you that God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham 9 Now also is the axe laid vnto the roote of the trees therefore euerie tre whiche bringeth not forthe good frute shal be hewen downe and cast into the fyre 10 ¶ Then the people asked him saying What shal we do then 11 And he answered and said vnto them * He that hathe two coates let him parte with him that hath e none he that hathe meat let him do likewise 12 Then came there Publicanes also to be baptized and said vnto him Master what shal we do 13 And he said vnto thē Require no more then that which is appointed vnto you 14 The souldiers likewise demanded of him saying And what shal we do And he said vnto thē Do violence to no man nether accuse anie falsely and be content with your wages 15 As the people waited and all men mused in their hearts of Iohn if he were not the Christ 16 Iohn answered and said to them all * In dede I baptize you with water but one stron gerthen I cometh whose shoes latcher I am not worthie to vnlose he wil baptize you with the holie Gost and with fyre 17 * Whose fanne is in his hād he wil make cleane his flooer wil gather the wheat into his garner but the chaff wil he burne vp with fyre that neuer shal be quenched 18 Thus then exhorting with manie other things he preached vnto the people 19 * But when Herode the tetrarch was rebuked of him for Herodias his brother Philippes wife and for all the euils which Herode had done 20 He added yet this aboue all that he shut vp Iohn in prison 21 * Now it came to passe as all the people were baptized and that Iesus was baptized and did pray that the heauen was opened 22 And the holie Gost came downe in a bodlie shape like a doue vpon him and there was a voyce from heauen saying Thou art my beloued Sonne in thee I am wel pleased 23 ¶ And Iesus him self began to be about thir tie yere of age being as men supposed the sō ne of Ioseph which was the sonne of Eli 24 The sonne of Matthat the sonne of Leui the sonne of Melchi the sonne of Ianna the sonne of Ioseph 25 The sonne of Mattathias the sonne of Amos the sonne of Naum the sonne of Esli the sonne of Nagge 26 The sonne of Maath the sonne of Matta thias the sonne of Semei the sonne of Io seph the sonne of Iuda 27 The sonne of Ioanna the sonne of Rhesa the sonne of Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel the sonne of Neri 28 The sonne of Melchi the sonne of Addi the sonne of Cosam the sōne of Elmodā the sonne of Er 29 ¶ The sonne of Iose the sonne of Eliezer the sonne of Iorim the sonne of Mat that the sonne of Leui 30 The sonne of Simeon the sonne of Iuda the sonne of Ioseph the sonne of Ionan the sonne of Eliacim 31 The sonne of Melea the sonne of Mainā the sonne of Mattatha the sonne of Nathan the sonne of Dauid 32 The sonne of Iesse the sonne of Obed the sonne of Booz the sonne
VII 2 He healeth the captaines seruant 11 He raiseth vp the widowes sonne from death to life 10 He answereth the di sciples whome Iohn Baptiste sent vnto him 24 He commendeth Iohn 31 And reproueth the Iewes for their vnfaithfulnes 36 He eateth with the Pharise 37 The woman wassheth his fete with her teares and he forgiueth her sinnes 1 WHen * he had ended al his sayings in the audience os the people he entred into Capernaum 2 And a certeine Centurions seruāt was sicke and ready to dye which was dere vnto him 3 And whē he heard of Iesus he sent vnto him the Elders of the Iewes beseching him that he wolde come and heale his seruant 4 So they came to Iesus and besoght him instantly saying that he was worthie that he shulde do this for him 5 For he loueth said they our nacion and he hathe buylt vs a Synagogue 6 Then Iesus went with them but when he was now not farre from the house the Cen turion sent friends to him saying vnto him Lord trouble not thy self for I am not worthie that thou shuldest enter vnder my roōfe 7 Wherefore I thoght not my self worthie to come vnto thee but say the worde and my seruant shal be whole 8 For I likewise am a man set vnder autoritie haue vnder me souldiers I say vnto one Go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and to my seruant do this and he doeth it 9 When Iesus heard these things he marueiled at him and turned him said to the people that followed him I say vnto you I haue not found so great faith no not in Israel 10 And when they that were sent turned backe to the house they founde the seruant that was sicke whole 11 And it came to passe the day after that he went into a citie called Nain and manie of his disciples went with him and agreat multitude 12 Now when he came nere to the gate of the citie beholde there was a dead man caryed out who was the onelie begotten sonne of his mother which was a widowe and muche people of the citie was with her 13 And when the Lord sawe her he had compassion on her and said vnto her Wepe not 14 And he went and touched the coffin and they that bare him stode stil and he said Yong man I say vnto thee Arise 15 And he that was dead sate vp and began to speake and he deliuered him to his mother 16 Then there came a feare on them all and they glorified God saying A great Prophet is raised vp among vs ād God hathe visited his people 17 And this rumour of him wēt forthe through out all Iudea and throughout all the region rounde about 18 ¶ And the disciples of Iohn shewed him of all these things 19 So Iohn called vnto him two certeine men of his disciples ād sent them to Iesus saying Art thou he that shulde come or shal we waite for another 20 And when the men were come vnto him they said Iohn Baptist hathe sent vs vnto thee saying Art thou he that shulde come or shal we wait for another 21 And at that time he cured manie of their sickenes and plagues and of euil spirits and vnto manie blinde men he gaue sight 22 And Iesus answered and said vnto them Go your wayes and shewe Iohn what things ye haue sene and heard that the blinde se the halte go the lepers are clensed the deafe heare the dead rise againe and the poore receiue the Gospel 23 And blessed is he that shal not be offended in me 24 And when the messengers of Iohn were departed he began to speake vnto the people of Iohn What went ye out into the wildernes to se A rede shaken with the winde 25 But what went ye out to se A man clothed in soft raiment beholde they which are gor geously apparelled and liue delicately are in Kings courtes 26 But what went ye forthe to se A Prophet yea I say to you and greater thē a Prophet 27 This is he of whome it is writen * Beholde I send my messenger before thy face which shal prepare thy way before thee 28 For I say vnto you there is no greater Prophet then Iohn among them that are be got ten of womē neuertheles he that is the least in the kingdome of God is greater then he 29 Then all the people that heard and the Publicanes iustified God being baptized with the baptisme of Iohn 30 But the Pharises and the expounders of the Law despised the counsel of God against them selues and were not baptized of him 31 * And the Lord said Whereunto shal I liken the men of this generaciō and what thing are they like vnto 32 They are like vnto childrē sitting in the mar ket place crying one to another saying We haue piped vnto you and ye haue not danced we haue mourned to you and ye haue not wept 33 For Iohn Baptist came nether eating bread nor drinking wine and ye say He hathe the deuil 34 The Sonne of man is come and eateth and drinketh and ye say Beholde a man which is a glotten and a drinker of wine a friend of Publicanes and sinners 35 But wisdome is iustified of all her children 36 ¶ * And one of Pharises desired him that he wolde eat with him and he went into the Pharises house and sate downe at table 37 And beholde a woman in the citie which was a sinner when she knewe that Iesus sate at table in the Pharises house she broght a boxe of ointement 38 * And she stode at is fete behinde him weping and began to wash his fere with teares and did wipe them with the heere 's of her head and kissed his fete and anointed them with the ointment 39 Now whē the Pharise which bade him sawe it he spake within him self saying If this man were a Prophet he wolde surely haue knowen who what maner of woman this is which toucheth him for she is a sinner 40 And Iesus answered and said vnto him Simon I haue some what to say vnto thee And he said Master say on 41 There was a certeine lender which had two detters the one oght fiue hundreth pence and the other fiftie 42 When they had nothing to pay he forgaue them bothe Which of them therefore tell me will oue him moste 43 Simon answered and said I suppose that he to whome he forgaue moste And he said vnto him Thou hast truely iudged 44 Then he turned to the woman and said vnto Simon Seest thou this woman I entred into thine house and thou gauest me no water to my fete but she hathe washed my fete with teare and wiped them with the heere 's of her head 45 Thou gauest me no kisse but she since the time I came in hathe not ceased to
one of the seuen Deacons and abode with him 9 Now he had foure daughters virgines which did prophecie 10 And as we taryed there manies dayes there came a certeine Prophet from Iudea named Agabus 11 And when he was came vnto vs he toke Pauls girdle and bounde his owne hands ād fete and said Thus saith the holie Gost So shal the Iewes at Ierusalem binde the man that oweth this girdle and shal deliuer him into the hands of the Gentiles 12 And when we had heard these things both we and other of the same place besoght him that he wolde not go vp to Ierusalem 13 Then Paul answered and said What do ye weping and breaking mine heart For I am readie not to be boūde onely but also to dye at Ierusalem for the Name of the Lord Iesus 14 So when he wolde not be persuaded we ceased saying The wil of the Lord be done 15 And after those dayes we trussed vp our fardeles and went vp to Ierusalem 16 There went with vs also certeine of the disciples of Cesarea broght with thē one Mnason of Cyprus an olde disciple with whome we shulde Iodge 17 And when we were come to Ierusalem the brethren receiued vs gladly 18 And the next daye Paul went in wyth vs vnto Iames and all the Elders were there assembled 19 And when he had embraced them he tolde by ordre all things that God had wroght among the Gentiles by his ministracion 20 So when they heard it they glorified the Lord ād said vnto him Thou seest brother how manie thousand Iewes there are which beleue and they are all zealous of the Law 21 Now they are informed of thee that thou teachest all the Iewes whiche are amonge the Gentiles to forsake Moses and saist that they ought not to circumcise their children nether to liue after the customes 22 What is then to be done the multitude must nedes come together for they shall heare that thou art come 23 Do therfore this that we say to thee We ha ue foure men which haue made a vowe 24 Then take and purifie thy self with them and contribute with them that they maȳe* shaue their heades and all shall knowe that those things whereof they haue bene informed concerning thee are nothing but that thou thy self also walkest kepe it the Law 25 For as touching the Gentiles whiche beleue we haue written and determined* that they obserue no suche thinge but that they kepe them selues from things offred to idoles and from bloode and from that that is stangled and from fornication 26 Then Paul toke the men and the next daye was purified with them and entred into the Temple * declaring the accomplishment of the dayes of purification vntyll that an offerynge shulde be offered for euerye one of them 27 And when the seuen dayes were almost ended the lewes whiche were of Asia when they sawe hym in the Temple moued all the people and layd hands on him 28 Crying Men of Israel helpe this is the man that teacheth all men euery where againste the people and the Law and this place more ouer he hath broght Grecians into the Tem ple and hathe polluted this holie place 29 For they had sene before Trophimus an Ephesian with him in the citie whom they sup posed that Paul had broght into the Temple 30 Then all the citie was moued and the people ran together and they toke Paul and drewe him out of the Temple ād forth with the dores were shut 31 But as they went about to kill hym tydings came vnto the chief Captaine of the bande that all Ierusalem was on an vproare 32 Who immediatly toke the 〈◊〉 and Centurions and ran downe vnto them and when they sawe the chief Captaine and the souldiers they left beating 〈◊〉 Paul 33 Then the chief Captayne came nere and toke him ād commanded him to be bounde with two chaines and demaunded who he 〈◊〉 and what he had done 34 And one cryed thys another that amonge the people So when he colde not know the certeintie for the tumulte he commanded him to be led into the castle 35 And when he came vnto the grieces it was so that he was borne of the souldiers for the violence of the people 36 For the multitude of the people followed after crying Away with him 37 And as Paul shulde haue bene led into the castle he sayd vnto the chief captaine May I speake vnto thee Who sayde Canst thou speake Greke 38 Art not thou the* Egyptian who before these dayes raised a sedition and led out into the wildernes foure thousand men that were murtherers 39 Then Paul said Doutles I am a man whiche am a Iewe and citizen of* Tarsus a famous citie in Cilicia and I beseche thee suffre me to speake vnto the people 40 And when he had giuen hym licence Paul stode on the grieces and beckened with the hand vnto the people and when there was made great silēce he spake vnto them in the Hebrue tongue saying CHAP. XXII 3 Paul rendreth an account of his life and doctrine 25 He escapeth the whippe by reason he was a citizen of 〈◊〉 1 YEmen brethren and fathers heare my defence now towards you 2 And when they heard that he spake in the He brue tongue to them they kept the more silence and he said 3 I am verely a man whiche am a Iewe borne in* Tarsus in Cilicia but broght vp in thys citie at the fete of Gamaliel and instructed accordyng to the perfect maner of the Law of the Fathers ād was zealous toward God as ye all are this day 4 * And I persecuted thys waye vnto the death bindyng and deliuerynge into prison bothe men and women 5 As also the chief Priest doeth beare me witnes and all the state of the Elders of whome also I receyued letters vnto brethren and went to Damascus to 〈◊〉 them whiche were there bound vnto erusalem that they might be punished 6 ¶ And so it was as Iiourneid and was come nere vnto Damascus about noone that suddenly there shone from heauen a great light rounde 〈◊〉 me 7 So I fell vnto the earth and heard a voyce saying vnto me Saul Saul why persecutest thou me 8 Then 〈◊〉 aunswered Who art thou Lord And he said to me I am Iesus of Nazaret whome thou persecutest 9 Moreouer they that were withme sawe in dede 〈◊〉 and were afraid but they heard not the voyce of him that spake vnto me 10 Then I said What shal I do Lord And the Lord said vnto me Arise and go into Damascus and there it shal be 〈◊〉 thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do 11 So when I colde not se for the glorie of that lyght I was led by the hande of them that were with me and came into Damascus 12 And one Ananias a godlye man as
which haue bene baptized into Iesus Christ haue bene bapti zed into his death 4 * We are buryed then with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glorie of the Father so we also shulde* walke in newnes 〈◊〉 5 * For if we be grasted with him to the simi litude of his death euen so shal we be to the similitude of his resurrection 6 Knowing this that our olde man is crucified with him that the bodie of sinne might be destroyed that henceforthe we shulde not serue sinne 7 For he that is dead is freed from sinne 8 Wherefore if we be dead with Christ we be leue that we shal liue also with him 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dyeth no more death hath no more do minion ouer him 10 For in that he dyed he dyed once to sinne but in that he liueth he liueth to God 11 Likewise thinke ye also that ye are dead to sinne but are aliue to God in Iesus Christ our Lord. 12 Let not sinne reigne therefore in your mortal bodie that ye shulde obey it in the lustes thereof 13 Nether giue ye'your membres as weapons of vnrighteousnes vnto sinne but giue your selues vnto God as they that are aliue from the deàd and giue your membres as weapons of righteousnes vnto God 14 For sinne shal not haue dominion ouer you for ye are not vnder the Law but vnder grace 15 What then shal we sinne because we are not vnder the Law but vnder grace God forbid 16 * Knowe ye not that to whome soeuer ye giue your selues as seruants to obey his seruants ye are to whome ye obey 〈◊〉 it be of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnes 17 But God be thanked that ye haue bene the seruants of sinne but ye haue obeyed from the heart vnto the forme of the doctrine whereunto ye were deliuered 18 Being then made fre from sinne ye are made the seruants of righteousnes 19 I speake after the maner of man because of the infirmitie of your flesh for as ye haue giuen your members seruants to vnclennes ad to iniquitie to commit iniquitie so now giue your members seruants vnto righteousnes in holines 20 For when ye were the seruants of sinne ye were freed from righteousnes 21 What frute had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed For the end of those things is death 22 But now being freed from sinne and made seruants vnto God ye haue your frute in holines and the end euerlasting life 23 For the wages of sinne is death but the gifte of God is eternal life through Iesus Christ our Lord. CHAP. VII 1. 7 12 The vse of the Law 6. 24 And how Christ hathe de liuered vs from it 16 The infirmitie of the faithful 23 The dangerous fight betwene the flesh and the Spirit 1 KNowe ye not brethren for I speake to them that knowe the Lawe that the Law hathe dominion ouer a man as long as he liueth 2 * For the woman which is in subiection to a man is bounde by the law to the man while he liueth but if the man be dead she is deliuered from the law of the man 3 So then if while the man liueth she take another man she shal be called an* adulteresse but if the man be dead she is fre from the Law so that she is not an adulteresse thogh she take another man 4 So ye my brethren are dead also to the Law by the bodie of Christ that ye shulde be vnto another euen vnto him that is raised vp from the dead that we shulde bring forthe frute vnto God 5 For when we were in the flesh the motiōs of sinnes which were by the Law had force in our membres to bring for the frute vnto death 6 But now we are deliuered from the Law being dead vnto it wherein we were holdē that we shulde serue in newnes of Spirit and not in the oldenes of the letter 7 What shal we say then Is the Law sinne God forbid Nay I knewe not sinne but by the Law for I had not knowen glust except the Law had said * Thou shalt not lust 8 But sinne toke an occasion by the cōmaundemēt and wroght in me all maner of concu piscēce for without the Law sinne is dead 9 For I once was aliue without the Law but when the cōmandemēt came sinne reuiued 10 But I dyed and the same commaundement which was ordeined vnto life was founde to be vnto me vnto death 11 For sinne toke occasion by the cōmaundemēt disceiued me and thereby slew me 12 Wherefore the Law is* holie and the com maundement is holie and iust and good 13 Was that then which is good made death vnto me God 〈◊〉 but sinne that it might appeare sinne wroght death in me by that which is good that sinne might be out of measure sinful by the commaundement 14 For we knowe that the Lawe is spiritual but I am carnal solde vnder sinne 15 For I alowe not that which I do for what I wolde that do I not but what I hate that do I. 16 If I do then that which I wolde not I consent to the Law that itis good 17 Now then it is no more I that do it but the sinne that dwelleth in me 18 For I knowe that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to wil is present with me but I finde no meanes to performe that which is good 19 For I do not the good thing which I wolde but the euil which I wolde not that do I. 20 Now if I do that I wolde not it is no more I that do it but the sinne that dwelleth in me 21 I finde then by the Law that when I wolde do good euil is present with me 22 For I delite in the Law of God concernig the inner man 23 But I se another law in my membres rebel ling against the law of my minde leading me captiue vnto the law of sinne which is in my membres 24 Owreched man that I am who shal deliuer me from the bodie of this death 25 I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Then I my self in my minde serue the Law of God but in my slesh the law of sinne CHAP. VIII 1 The asseurance of the faith ful of the fruthe the holie Gost in them 3 The weakenes of the Lawe and who accomplished it 4 And wherefore 5 Of what sorte the faithful ought to be 6 The frute of the Spirit in them 17 Of hope 18 Of pacience vnder the crosse 28 Of the mutual loue betwitx God and his children 29 Of his
mothers wombe and called me by his grace 16 To reueile hys Sonne in me that I shulde preache hym * among the Gentiles immediatly I communicated not with fleshe and blood 17 Nether came I gayne to Ierusalem to them whyche were Apostles before me but I went into Arabia and turned againe vnto Damascus 18 Then after thre yeres I came againe to Ierusalem to visite Peter and abode with him fiftene dayes 19 And none other of the Apostles sawe I saue Iames the Lords brother 20 Nowe the thynges whyche I write vnto you beholde I witnesse before God that I lie not 21 After that I wente into the coastes of Syria and Cilicia for I was vnknowen by face vnto the Churches of Iudea whiche were in Christ. 22 But they had heard onelye some saye He whyche persecuted vs in tyme paste nowe 〈◊〉 the fayth whiche before he destroyed 23 And they glorified God for me CHAP. II. Confirming his Apostleship to be of God 3 He sheweth why Titus was not circumcised 〈◊〉 that he is nothing inferior to other Apostles II. Yea and that he hathe reproued Peter the Apostle of the Iewes 16 After he cometh to the principal scope whiche is to proue that iusti fication onely commeth of the grace of God by faith in Iesus Christ and not by the workes of the Law 1 THen fourtene yeres after I went vp again to Ierusalem with Barnabas toke with me Titus also 2 And I went vp by reuelation and communicated with them of the Gospell whiche I preache among the Gentiles * but particularly with thē that were the chief lest by any meanes I shuld runne or had runne in vaine 3 But nether yet Titus whiche was with me thogh he were a Grecian was compelled to be circumcised 4 For all the false brethren that crept in who came in priuely to spie out our libertie whiche we haue in Christ Iesus that they might bring vs into bondage 5 To whome we gaue not place by subiectiō for an houre that the trueth of the Gospell might continue with you 6 And of them which semed to be great I was not taught what they were in time passed it maketh no matter to me * God accepteth no mans persone neuertheles they that are the chief did cōmunicate nothing with me 7 But contrariwise when they sawe that the Gospel ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me as the Gospel ouer the Circumcision was vnto Peter 8 For he that was mightie by Peter in the Apostleship ouer the Circumcision was also mightie by me towarde the Gentiles 9 And when Iames and Cephas and Iohn knewe of the grace that was giuen vnto me whiche 〈◊〉 counted to be pillers they gaue to me and to Barnabasthe right hands of felowship that we shulde preache vnto the Gentiles and they vnto the Circumcision 10 * Warnyng onely that we shulde remember the poore whiche thing also I was diligent to do 11 ¶ And when Peter was come to Antiochia I withstode him to his face for he was to be blamed 12 For before that certeine came from Iames he ate with the Gētiles but when they were come he with drewe and separated hym self fearing them whiche were of the Circumcision 13 And the other Iewes dissembled likewise with hym in somuche that Barnabas was broght into their 〈◊〉 also 14 But when I 〈◊〉 that they went not the right way to the trueth of the Gospel I said vnto Peter before all men If thou being a Iewe liuest as the Gentiles and not like the Iewes why constrainest thou the Gentiles to do like the Iewes 15 We whiche are Iewes by nature and not sinners of the Gentiles 16 Knowe that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ euen we I say haue beleued in Iesus Christe that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the workes of the Law because that by the workes of the Law no flesh shal be iustified 17 * If thē while we seke to be made righteous by Christ we our selues are founde sinners is Christ therfore the minister of sinne God forbid 18 For if I buylde againe the things that I haue destroyed I make myself a trespaser 19 For I through the Law am dead to the Law and that I might liue vnto God I am crucified with Christ. 20 Thus I liue yet not I now but Christ liueth in me and in that that I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God who hathe loued me and giuen him self for me 21 I do not abrogate the grace of God for if righteousnes be by the Law then Christ dyed without a cause CHAP. III. 1 He rebuketh them sharpely 2 And proued by diuers reasons that iustification is by faith 6 As appeareth by the example of Abraham 10. 19. 24. And by the office the end bothe of the Law 11. 25. And of faith 1 O Foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye shulde not obey the trueth to whome Iesus Christ before was described in your sight and among you crucified 2 This onely wolde I learne of you Receiued ye the Spirit by the workes of the Law or by the hearing of faith preached 3 Are ye so foolish that after ye haue begonne in the Spirit ye wolde now be made perfite by the flesh 4 Haue ye suffred so many things in vaine if so be it be euen in vaine 5 He therefore that ministreth to you the Spirit and worketh miracles amōg you doeth he it through the workes of the Law or by the hearing of faith preached 6 Yea rather as Abraham beleued God and it was * imputed to him for righteousnes 7 Knowe ye therefore that they whiche are of faith the same are the children of Abraham 8 For the Scripture foreseing that God wolde iustifie the Gentiles through faith preached before the Gospel vnto Abraham saying * In thee shall all the Gentiles be blessed 9 So then they whiche be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham 10 For as many as are of the workes of the Law are vnder the curse for it is written * Cursed is euerie man that continueth not in all things which are written in the boke of the Law to do them 11 And that no man is iustified by the Law in the sight of God it is euident * for the iust shal liue by faith 12 And the Law is not of faith but * the man that shal do those thing 〈◊〉 shal liue in them 13 Christ 〈◊〉 redemed vs from the curse of the Law when he was made a curse for vs for it is written * Cursed is euerie one that hangeth on tre 14 That the
be made to obey for fear h Vnder this he conteineth al the corruption of Gods seruice and the transgressiō of the first table i Or contemne 〈◊〉 and this a perteineth to the seconde table k He 〈◊〉 all iniuries and 〈◊〉 l Meaning that helpeth not and conseleth not his neighbour m In committing vilenit against him n Meaning his wiues mother o For God that seeth in secret wil reueng it Ezek. 22. 12. Gala. 3. 10. Leu. 26. 3. a He wil make thee the moste ex cellent of all peo ple. b When thou 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thy selfe 〈◊〉 en c Tl. 〈◊〉 shalt liue welthely d 〈◊〉 children and succession c All thine entre p ises shal haue good successe f Meaning manie waies g God wil blesse vs if we do out 〈◊〉 and not be 〈◊〉 h In that he is thy God thou art his people i For nothing in the earth is profitable but when God sendeth his blessings from heauen “ Or the lowest Leu. 26. 14. Lament 2. 16. mala 2. 2. Baru 1 20. “ Ot store “ Or rebuke Leui. 16. 11. “ Or drought k It shal giue thee no more moysture then if 〈◊〉 were of brasse “ Or out of the ayre as dust raised with winde l Some read thou shalt be a terrour and feare when thei shal heare how God hathe plagued thee m Thou shalt be cursed bothe in thy life ād in thy death for the buryal is a 〈◊〉 of the resurrection 〈◊〉 signe for thy 〈◊〉 kednes 〈◊〉 lacke n In things moste euident and 〈◊〉 thou 〈◊〉 lacke 〈◊〉 and iudgement ” Ebr. make 〈◊〉 commune o Whē they shal 〈◊〉 frō 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p As he did Ma nasséh 〈◊〉 zedechias and others 〈◊〉 24. 9. 25. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6. 15. Ag. 1. 6. “ Or be shaken before thei be ripe q Vnder one kin de he conteineth all the 〈◊〉 Which 〈◊〉 the frutes of the land and this is an euident token of Gods curse r Gods plagues shal be 〈◊〉 signes that he is offended with thee “ Or barbarous cruel or impudent “ Or 〈◊〉 borne of thy bullockes “ Or gates Leui. 26 29. 2. kyng 6. 29. Lamen 4. 10. Baruk 2. 3. Chap. 〈◊〉 9. s As came to passe in the dayes of Ioram kynge of Israel 2. kyng 6. 29. and when the Romaines besieged 〈◊〉 t Hungre shal so bite her that she shal be ready to eat her childe be fore it be 〈◊〉 u For he that offendeth in one 〈◊〉 giltie of all 〈◊〉 2. 10. x Declaring that God hathe infinite meanes to plague the 〈◊〉 besides thē that are 〈◊〉 rie or 〈◊〉 Chap. 10. 22. y 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is a singular gift of God to be in a place where as we may worship God purely and declare our fayth and religion “ Or thou shalte be in dout of thy 〈◊〉 z Because they were vnmindeful of that miracle when the Sea gaue place for them to 〈◊〉 through a That is the 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 b At the first giuing of the Law which was fourtie yeres before c The 〈◊〉 of my power d He sheweth that it is 〈◊〉 in mans power to vnderstande the 〈◊〉 of God it 〈◊〉 be not giuen him from 〈◊〉 e Made by mans arte but menna whiche is called the breade of Angels Chap. 4. 6. f VVho knoweth your heartes ād 〈◊〉 ye may not thinke to dis 〈◊〉 with him g Alludynge to them that when they made a sure couenant deuided a beaste in 〈◊〉 and past betwene the par 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 〈◊〉 10. h Meaning their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Suche sinne as the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thereof myg 〈◊〉 choke and destroye you “ Or flatter k For as he that is 〈◊〉 desireth to 〈◊〉 muche so he that followeth his ap petites 〈◊〉 by all meanes 〈◊〉 yet can not be sa tisfied l Gods plagues vpon them that rebell agaynste hym shal be so strange that all ages shal be astonied Gene. 19. 〈◊〉 1. Fyng 9. 〈◊〉 Iere. 22 8. “ Or which 〈◊〉 not giue them a lande to possesse m Mosés hereby reproueth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which seke those things that are 〈◊〉 knowen to God and their 〈◊〉 that regarde 〈◊〉 that whiche God 〈◊〉 reueiled vnto thē as the Lawe a By callynge to remembraunce both his mercies and his plagues b In true repentance is none by pocrisie c Euen to the worldes end d And bring thee into thy 〈◊〉 e God wil purge all 〈◊〉 wieked affections which 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 in thine ow 〈◊〉 power to do f If we wil haue God to worke in vs with his holy Spirit we must 〈◊〉 againe to 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 g He meaneth not that God is subiect to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 to be sad but he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 that be 〈◊〉 vnto vs. h The Law is so 〈◊〉 that none can 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 10. 6. i By heauen and the 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 places most 〈◊〉 distant k 〈◊〉 the Lawe and the Gospel l By 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 m So that to 〈◊〉 and obey God is onely life and 〈◊〉 n He 〈◊〉 the septomises to signifie that it is for our profit that we loue hī and not for his Chap. 4 26. o That 〈◊〉 loue obey God which thing is not in mans power but Gods spiritonely worketh it in his elect a I can no 〈◊〉 execute mine office Nomb. 20. 12. Chap. 3. 26. Nombb 27. 18. Nomb. 21. 24. b Into your han des Chap. 7. 2. Or be of good 〈◊〉 c For he 〈◊〉 must gouerne the people 〈◊〉 nede to be 〈◊〉 to represse 〈◊〉 and constant to mainteine vertue d Signifying that man can neuer be of good courage 〈◊〉 he be persuaded of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and assistance Nehem. 8. 2. Chap. 15. 1. e Before the 〈◊〉 ke of the couenant which was the signe of Gods presence and 〈◊〉 figure of Christ. f Which were not borne when the. Lawe was giuen “ Or commande ment g In a cloude that was facioned like a piller h That is I wil take my fauour from them as to turne his face to ward vs is to shewe vs his 〈◊〉 i To preserue you your children from idola trie by 〈◊〉 Gods bene 〈◊〉 k For this is the nature of flesh no lōger to obey God then it is vnder the rod. l That these euils are come vpon thē because they for 〈◊〉 me 〈◊〉 1. 5. m Of thine 〈◊〉 when 〈◊〉 shalt turne away from the doctrine 〈◊〉 therein n As gouerners iudges and magi strates o By 〈◊〉 worshiping ima ges which are the worke 〈◊〉 your hands a As witnesses of this peoples ingratitude b He desireth that he may spea ke to Gods glorie and that the 〈◊〉 as the grene grasse may receiue the dewe of his 〈◊〉 c The Ebrewe worde is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that God 〈◊〉 is mightie faithful and con stant in his 〈◊〉 d Not according to the commune creation but by a new 〈◊〉 by his Spirit e When God by his prouidence deuided the worl de he lent
hathe 〈◊〉 vene Chap. 15 5. i He knewe that God had appeared vnto him in a dreame “ Or 〈◊〉 k By this exāple it appeareth that God kept promes with Salomon in granting him wisdome l She stale the quicke childe away because she might bothe auoide the shame and punishemēt m Except God giue iudges vnderstanding the impudēcie of the trespacer shal ouer throwe the iust cause of the innocent n Her motherly affection herein appeareth that she had rather en dure the 〈◊〉 of the lawe thēse her childe 〈◊〉 slaine a That is his chief officers b He was the sonne of 〈◊〉 and zadoks c Not Abiathár whome Salomō had put from his office Chap. 2 27 but another of that name Chap. 5 14. Or Elon in Bethauan “ Or to the plaine d which townes bare lairs name because he toke thē of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nob. 32. 41. e Salomon obserued not the diuision that Ioshua mad but deuided it as might best serue for his purpose f They liued in all peace and securitie Eccles. 47. 15. g whiche is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ” Ebr. Corim. “ Or Gaza h For they were all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to him i Throughout all Israél 2. Chro. 9. 25. Eccles. 47. 16 k Meaning great vndestāding and able to comprehend all things l To wit the phi losophers astro nomers which were iudged moste wise m which for the most parte are thoght to haue perished in the captiuitie of Babilon n From the hiest to the lowest “ Or 〈◊〉 2. Chro. 20. 2. “ Or his enemies a He declareth that he was bounde to set forthe Gods glorie for asmuche as the Lord had sent him rest peace 2. Sam. 7. 13. 1. Chro. 22 10. b This was hys equitie that he wold not receiue a benefite without some recompence c In 〈◊〉 is pre figurate the vocacion of the 〈◊〉 who shulde helpe to buylde the Spiritual tēple “ Or 〈◊〉 d 〈◊〉 my seruants are 〈◊〉 aboute thy busines ” Ebr. Corim. ” Or pure Chap. 3. 12. e As touching the furniture of wood and 〈◊〉 Chap. 4. 6. “ Or master of the 〈◊〉 f The Ebrewes worde is 〈◊〉 whiche some say were excelient 〈◊〉 2. Chro. 3. 〈◊〉 a VVhich 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 te of April and part of May. b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by is mēt the temple the 〈◊〉 c Or the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the people prayed whyche was before the place where the 〈◊〉 burnt off ings 〈◊〉 “ O o open and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ 〈◊〉 losts d 〈◊〉 God spake betwene the 〈◊〉 called also the moste holy place e Whiche were 〈◊〉 stones comming out of the wall as stayes for the beames to rest vpon “ Or gallerie f In Exodus it is called the Tabernacle and the tēple is there called the 〈◊〉 and the oracle the most holy place 2. Sam. 7. 13. g Accordynge as hepromised 〈◊〉 Moses Exo. 25. 22. h Meaning vnto the roofe whiche was also cieled i For when he spake of the house in the first 〈◊〉 he ment both the oracle and the Tē ple. “ Or wilde 〈◊〉 ” Ebr. he drewe through 〈◊〉 of golde before l Meaning thealtar of incense Exod. 30. 8. “ Or pine tree Exod. 25. 20. m For the other which Moses mad of beaten golde were takē a way with the other iewels by their enemies whome god permitted diuers tymes to ouercome them for their great sinnes n So that the facion of the 〈◊〉 worke might 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ Or solding o VVhere the 〈◊〉 were and was thus called in respecte of the great 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is called Act 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Salomon where the people vsed to pray p 〈◊〉 conteineth part of Octo ber and parte of Nouember a After he had 〈◊〉 the Temple Chap. 9. 10. b For the beautie of the place and greate abundance of cedre trees that went to the buylding thereof it was compared to mount Lebanon in Syria this house hevsed in sommer for pleasure and recreacion c 〈◊〉 were as many like proporciō on the one side as on the other and at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euen threin arowe one aboue another d Before the pillles of the house e For hys house which was a 〈◊〉 Chap. 〈◊〉 1. “ Or precious f VVhiche were rests and staies for the beames to lie vpon “ Or spanne g From the funda cion vp ward h As the Lordes house was buylt so 〈◊〉 this onely the great court of Salomons house was vncouered “ Or zor i 〈◊〉 whē God will haue his glorie 〈◊〉 for the he raiseth vp men giueth them excellent giftes 〈◊〉 the accomplishement of the same Exod. 31. 2. ” Ebr. the 〈◊〉 “ Or 〈◊〉 “ Or cordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 k As was sene cōmunely wroght in costelie 〈◊〉 “ Or 〈◊〉 about the middes ” Or beyonde ” Ebr. the seconde l VVhiche was in the 〈◊〉 courte 〈◊〉 the Tem ple and the ora cie m That is he will stablishe to wit his promes to warde this house n That is in 〈◊〉 meaning the power therof shal 〈◊〉 o So called for the hugenes of the vessel 〈◊〉 Chro. 4. 3. “ Or a spanne p Bath Ephah 〈◊〉 to be bothe one measure 〈◊〉 45 11. euerye Bath conteined about ten pottels ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 q The mouthe 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 base 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 entred into the chapiter or piller that bare vp the 〈◊〉 “ 〈◊〉 rings r VVhich was called the piller chapiter or sinale base Wherein the caldron stode s To kepe Waters for the vse of the sacrifices t To Wit of the Tēple or Sanctuarie u By this Name also Hirā the King of Tyrus was cal led “ Or thicke 〈◊〉 x This Was done accordyng to the forme that the Lorde prescribed vnto Moses in Exodus y Some take thys for some instrument of musike 2. Chro. 5. 〈◊〉 2. Chro. 5. 2. ” Ebr. Salomon a For Dauid broght it frome Obededom and placed it in the 〈◊〉 Which he had made for it 2 Sam. 6. 17. b Conteining part of S e ember and pa re of October in the Which moneth they helde th 〈◊〉 feasts Nom 29. 〈◊〉 c That is the Kohathi es Nō 4. 5. d Thei drew them onely 〈◊〉 so farre as they mighte be sene for they myghte not pull them altogether out Exo. 25. 15. e For it is like thatthe enemies When they had the Arke in their hands toke away the rod of Aaron and the pot With Man Exod. 40. 34. 2 Chro. 6. 1. f He spake according to the teno of Gods promes Which Was cōdiciona ly that they shulde serue him a right 2. Sam. 7. 〈◊〉 Ebr. confirmed g The two tables Wherein the articles of the couenant were Written 2. 〈◊〉 2. 〈◊〉 h 〈◊〉 and Without all hypocrysie 〈◊〉 1. 4. i He is rauished With the admira cion of Gods mer cies 〈◊〉 being incomp 〈◊〉 le and Lo d 〈◊〉 al Wil become familiar with men Deut. 12 11. “ Or from k To 〈◊〉 theindge or 〈◊〉 ” Ebr. the othe l
in all 〈◊〉 suppressed f They lament that they haueno Prophet among them to shewe them how long their miseries shulde endure g They ioyne their deliuerance with Gods glorie power know ing that the punishment of the enemie shulde be their deliuerance h Meaning in the sight of all the worlde i To wit Pharaohs 〈◊〉 k VVhiche was a great monstre of the sea or whale meanīg 〈◊〉 l 〈◊〉 destruction did reioyce them as meat refreshesh the bodie m Seing that God by his 〈◊〉 dence gouerneth and disposeth all things he gathereth that he wil take care chiefly for his children n He meaneth the Church of God which is exposed as a pray to the wicked o That is all places where thy worde 〈◊〉 not there reigneth 〈◊〉 and ambition p He sheweth that God can not suffer his Church to be oppressed except helose his owne right “ Or increaseth more and more a Read Psal. 〈◊〉 7. b He declareth how the faithful shal euer haue iust occasion to praise God for asmuche as in their nede thei shall fele his power 〈◊〉 hand to helpe them c when I se my time saith God to heipe your mi series I wil come and set all things in good 〈◊〉 d Thogh all things be broght to 〈◊〉 yet I can restore and 〈◊〉 serue them e The Prophet warneth the wic ked that they wolde not set them selues against Gods people seing that God at his time destroyeth them that rule wicked ly f Gods wrath is compared to a cup of strong delicate wine where with the wicked are made so 〈◊〉 that by drinking til they come to the veriedregs they are vtterly destroyed g The 〈◊〉 shal better prosper by their innocent simplicitie then the wicked shal by 〈◊〉 their 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 a He declareth that Gods power is euidently sene in preseruing his people and destroyng his enemies b which afterward was called Ierusalém c He compareth the kingdomes ful of exortation and rapine to the mountaines that are ful of 〈◊〉 beasts d God 〈◊〉 taken their spirits and strēgth from them as thogh their hands were cut of e God with a loo ke is able to destroye all the power and actiuitie of the 〈◊〉 were thei neuer so manie or mightie f To reuenge the wrongs downe to thy Church g For the end shal shewe that the enemie was able to bring nothing to passe also thou shalt bridle 〈◊〉 that they shal not compasse their purpose h To wit the Leuites that dwel about the Tabernacle or the people among whome he doeth dwell i The Ebrewe worde signifieth to vintage or gather grapes meaning that he shal make the counsels and entreprises of wicked tyrants foolish and vaine 1. Chro. 16 41. Psal. 39 62. a The Prophet teacheth vs by his exāple to flee vn to God for helpe in our 〈◊〉 “ Or mine hand was 〈◊〉 out b He 〈◊〉 that we must pa ciently abide althogh God deliuea vs not out of our troubles at the first cry c Meaning that his sorowes were as watch men that kept his 〈◊〉 from sleping d Of thankesgiuing whiche I was 〈◊〉 ned to sing in my 〈◊〉 e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 way I was 〈◊〉 and when my sorowes shulde ha ue an end f As if he shulde saye it is impossi ble wherby he exhorteth him selfe to pacience g Thogh I 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of my life yet considering that God had his yeres that is 〈◊〉 ge of times and was accustomed also to lift vp thē whome he hathe beaten I toke heart againe h 〈◊〉 is in heauen wherunto we must ascend by faith if 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 knowe the wayes of 〈◊〉 i He 〈◊〉 all that worship anie thing saue the onely true God whose glorie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 k He declareth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of God was declared when he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Sea l That is thundered lighte ed m Forwhen thou 〈◊〉 broght oner thy people the water returned to her 〈◊〉 and the 〈◊〉 that thoght to ha ue followed thē colde not passe 〈◊〉 Exod. 〈◊〉 19. a Read psalme 12. b The 〈◊〉 vnder the name of a teacher calleth the people his the doctrine his as Paul cal 〈◊〉 the Gospel his whereof he was but the preacher as Rom. 2. 16 and 16. 2 5. c Which were the People of God Deut. 6 7. d By the testimo nie and Law he meaneth the Law writen which they were commanded to teache their children e He sheweth wherin the children shulde be like their fathers that is in 〈◊〉 ning Gods pure 〈◊〉 f 〈◊〉 sheweth wherein the vse of this doctrine standeth in faith in the meditatiō of Gods benefites in obedience g Thogh these 〈◊〉 were the sede of Abrahā the chosen 〈◊〉 ple yet he sheweth by their rebellion prouocation false hode hypocrisie that the children oght not to followe their examples h By 〈◊〉 he meaneth also the rest of the tribes because thei were moste in nomber whose punishement de clareth that they were vnfaithfull to God and by their 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 had corrupt al others f 〈◊〉 sheweth wherein the vse of this doctrine standeth in faith in the meditatiō of Gods benefites in obedience i He proueth that 〈◊〉 onely the posteritie but also their forefathers were wicked rebel 〈◊〉 to God Exod. 14. 21. k Their wicked malice colde be ouer come by no benefites which were great and manie Exod. 14 24. Exod. 17. 6. l Then to require more thē is ne 〈◊〉 to separate Gods power 〈◊〉 his wil is to tempt God Nomb. 11. 1. Numb 20. 11. Psal. 105 41. 1. Cor. 10. 4. Wisd. 11 4. m Thus 〈◊〉 we giue place to sinne we are moued 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Gods power except he wil alwayes be ready to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 n That is in his 〈◊〉 lie prouidence whereby he 〈◊〉 for his and p 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 o So that thei had that which was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but their 〈◊〉 made them to 〈◊〉 that which thei knowe God had denied them Exod. 17. 6. Nomb. 20. 〈◊〉 p God vsed the meanes of the winde to 〈◊〉 them that all elements were at his commandement 〈◊〉 that no distance of place colde lethis working Psal. 105. 41. 1 Cor. 10. 4. Nomb. 11. 〈◊〉 q Suche is the na ture of concupiscence that the more 〈◊〉 the more it lusleth r Thogh other were 〈◊〉 spared yet 〈◊〉 thei 〈◊〉 whicht u sled in their strength against God Ioh. 6. 31. 1. Co. 〈◊〉 10. 〈◊〉 s Thus 〈◊〉 by continuance maket men insensible so that by no plagues thei can be amended t Such was their 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto God for 〈◊〉 of punishmēt thogh in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thei loued him not n That is in his 〈◊〉 lie prouidence whereby he 〈◊〉 for his and p 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 x Because he wolde euer haue some 〈◊〉 emnant of a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 raise his Name in 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 sinnes to ouercome his mercie y That is thei tempted him oft
trust onely in the Lord bothe for that his power is able to 〈◊〉 them from all danger and for his promes sake his wil is moste readie to do it e Whose faith pacience for a while he tryeth but at length he punis heth the aduersaries that he may be knowen to be iudge of the Worlde f Thogh he visit them by 〈◊〉 hungre imprisonmēt and suche like yet his Fatherlie loue and pitie neuer faileth them yea rather to his these are signes of his loue g Meaning all thē that are 〈◊〉 of wordelie meanes and succour h He assureth the Church that God 〈◊〉 for euer for the preseruation of the same a He sheweth 〈◊〉 we ought to exercise our selues 〈◊〉 to take our pastime to 〈◊〉 in praising God b Because the Lord is the founder of the 〈◊〉 it can not be 〈◊〉 thogh the mēbers the 〈◊〉 be dispersed and seme as it we 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a time to 〈◊〉 of c VVith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 d Thogh it 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ble his Churche being so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 can be to hard 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that can 〈◊〉 and name all the 〈◊〉 e For the more high that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 ter is 〈◊〉 fall in the end f He 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 examples of Gods 〈◊〉 pow er 〈◊〉 and wisdome that we 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wante moste iust occasiō to praise God g For their 〈◊〉 is as it 〈◊〉 a con fessiō of their nede 〈◊〉 can not be reliued but 〈◊〉 God onely then if God shew him self mindefull of the most contemptible foules cā he suffer them to dye with famine whome he 〈◊〉 assured of life euerlasting h Thogh to 〈◊〉 law ful meanes is both profitable pleaseth God yet to put our truste in thē 〈◊〉 to defraude God of his honour i He doeth not onely furnis he his Church with all things necessarie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also the 〈◊〉 maketh 〈◊〉 strong against all outward force Ebr. fat k His secret working in all 〈◊〉 es is as a 〈◊〉 to kepe them in ordre and to giue them mouing and 〈◊〉 l For 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resisting all things 〈◊〉 him m As 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 working in all his creatures 〈◊〉 word so he meaneth here by his worde the 〈◊〉 of life euerlasting whiche he hathe left to his Church as a moste precious treasure n The cause of this diff rēce is Gods 〈◊〉 which hathe elected 〈◊〉 in his Sonne Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and his iuste iudgement whereby he hathe appointed the reprobate to eternal damnation a Because they are members of the same bodie he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our eyes which 〈◊〉 most 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unto and by 〈◊〉 prompt 〈◊〉 teacheth vs to 〈◊〉 our 〈◊〉 b 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shineth in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this their 〈◊〉 is as a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of God c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 f 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 g 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h That is the 〈◊〉 power and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his Church i By 〈◊〉 of his 〈◊〉 made with 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 his rare 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fites 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 b In that that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it was 〈◊〉 a newe creacion and therfore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6 thei 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Go 〈◊〉 hands c For 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 soule and bodies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that his people 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto him as 〈◊〉 their most law 〈◊〉 King e This is 〈◊〉 accōplished in the kyngdome of 〈◊〉 when Gods people for iuste causes execute God 〈◊〉 against his enemies and it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to reuen 〈◊〉 theyr 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 f Not onelye the people but the Kings that were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be destroyed g Hereby GOD 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 handes and 〈◊〉 of all his to 〈◊〉 terprise no father then he 〈◊〉 That is in the 〈◊〉 For his wonderfull power 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 whiche in 〈◊〉 is called a streching out 〈◊〉 spreading abroad wherein the migh tie worke of God shineth c Exhorting the people onelye to reioyce in praising God he maketh mencion of those instruments which by Gods commandement were appointed in the olde Law but vnder Christ the vse thereof is abolished in the Church d He sheweth that all the ordre of nature is bound to this duetie and muche more Gods children who ought neuer to cease to praise him til they be gathered into that kingdome whiche he hath prepared for his where they shal sing euerlasting praise * This word 〈◊〉 or Parable signifieth a graue and notable sentē ce worthie to be kepe in memorie and is some tyme taken in the euill parte for a mocke or scoffe That is what we 〈◊〉 to knowe 〈◊〉 followe and that we ought refuse Meaning the orde of GOD herein is the 〈◊〉 true knowdge To learne to sub it our selues 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 correction of ose that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 By liuing justly 〈◊〉 rendring to 〈◊〉 ye man that 〈◊〉 apperteieth vnto 〈◊〉 To 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 discrecion to 〈◊〉 them selues As he sheweth 〈◊〉 these parables 〈◊〉 the efct of religion as u hing maners 〈◊〉 doctrine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 people so 〈◊〉 he declare 〈◊〉 the same is 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 that are wise 〈◊〉 learned h That is of the Church where in the faithfull 〈◊〉 by the incorruptible sede of Gods worde ” Ebr. increase of grace i To 〈◊〉 the wicked which haue not the feare of God k He 〈◊〉 not onely of the 〈◊〉 of blood with hand but of all 〈◊〉 practises which tende to the detriment of our neighbour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6. l As the graue is neuer 〈◊〉 so the 〈◊〉 of the wicked and their crueltie hath none end He 〈◊〉 this 〈◊〉 the Name of God which is the 〈◊〉 Father of alle 〈◊〉 or in the Name of the 〈◊〉 of the Churche who is as a father m He 〈◊〉 whereby the wicked are allured to ioyne together because they haue euerie one parte of the spoile of the innocent n That is haue nothing at all to do with them o He sheweth that there is no cause to moue these wic ked to spoile the innocent but their auarice and crueltie p VVhereby he 〈◊〉 cludeth that the 〈◊〉 man is a 〈◊〉 therer q This wisdome is the eternal word of God r So that none cā pretend ignorāce s VVisdome repro ueth thre kindes of men the foolish or simple whiche 〈◊〉 of ignorance and the mockers that can not suffer to be taught the fooles whiche are drowned in worldelie lustes hate the knowledge of godlines t This is spokē according to our capacitie signifying that the wicked which mocke and iest at Gods word 〈◊〉 haue the iuste rewarde of 〈◊〉 mocking u That is your 〈◊〉 whiche
then vsed to 〈◊〉 alone communely and disdained that anie shulde sit in their 〈◊〉 now to 〈◊〉 his power and how 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thy his enemie which then besieged Babylon he made a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vsed excesse in their companie which is ment hereby drinking wine thus the wicked are moste dissolute and negligent when their destruction is at hand ' Or ou 〈◊〉 with wine c Meaning his grand father d In contempt of the true God they praised their idoles 〈◊〉 that they thoght 〈◊〉 the golde or siluer were gods but that there was a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and power in them to do them good with is also the opinion of all 〈◊〉 e That it might the better 〈◊〉 f So he that before 〈◊〉 God was moued by this 〈◊〉 to tremble 〈◊〉 feare of Gods iudgements g Thus the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their troubles seke manie meanes who draw ethem from God because they seke not to him who is the onelie comfort in 〈◊〉 h To wit his grād mother 〈◊〉 nezzars wise which for her age was not before at the feast but came 〈◊〉 when she heart of these strāge newes i Read Chap 4. 6. and this declareth that bothe this na me was odious vnto him and also that he did not vse these vile 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he was not among them when all were called k For the idolaters thoght that the Angels had power as God therefore had thē in like estimation as they had God thinking that the spirit of prophecie and vnderstāding came of them l Before he red the writing he declareth to the King his great in gratitude toward God who 〈◊〉 not be moued to giue him the glotie considering his wonderful worke toward his grand father and so sheweth that he doeth not sinne of ignorance but of malice m After that God had so long time 〈◊〉 his angre and 〈◊〉 wai ted for thine amē dement n This worde is twise writen for the certeinitie of thing shewing that God had moste surely counted signifying also that God hathe appointed a terme for all kingdo mes and that a miserable end shal come on all that raise them selues against him “ Or wanting o 〈◊〉 sonne in lawe giue him this title of honour althogh 〈◊〉 in effect had the dominion a Read 〈◊〉 Chap 1 〈◊〉 ” Or not be troubled b This heathen King preferred Da niél a stranger to all his nobles and familiars because the graces of God were more excellent in him then in others c Thus the wicked can not abide the graces of God in others but sake by all occasions to de 〈◊〉 them 〈◊〉 re against suche assaltes there is no better remedie 〈◊〉 to walke vprightly in the feare of God and to haue a good conscience d 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 ned the wickednes of the King who wolde be set vp as a god and passel not 〈◊〉 wicked lawes he approued for the maintenance of the same e Because he wolde not by his silen ce shew that he cō sented to this wic ked decre he set opē his windowes towarde 〈◊〉 lém 〈◊〉 he pray ed bothe to 〈◊〉 vp him self 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Gods promises to his people when they shulde pray towarde that 〈◊〉 also 〈◊〉 others might 〈◊〉 he wolde nether consent in heart nor dede for these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thing that was cō 〈◊〉 to Gods glo rie f Thus the wicked 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 laws 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is of 〈◊〉 times 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or stubbernes when is the innocents the 〈◊〉 perish therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 re nor be ashamed to b. 〈◊〉 suche g This 〈◊〉 that Darius 〈◊〉 not touched with the true knowled ge of God because he douted of his power h My iuste cause vp 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 thing wherein I was charged is ap proued of God i For he did 〈◊〉 bey the Kings wic ked cōmandemēt to obey God and so did no iniurie to the King who oght to commande nothing whereby God shulde be dishonored k Because he 〈◊〉 him self wholy vnto God whose cause he did defend he was assured that 〈◊〉 but good colde co me vnto him 〈◊〉 rein we se the power of faith as Ebr 11. 〈◊〉 l This 〈◊〉 a terrible example against all the wicked whiche do against their conscience make c uel lawes to destroye he children of God and also admonis heth princes how to punish such when their Wickednes is come to light 〈◊〉 not in euerie point or with like circumstances yet to execute true iustice vpon them m This 〈◊〉 not that 〈◊〉 did wo ship God 〈◊〉 or els was 〈◊〉 for thē he wolde haue destroyed all 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not one ly giuen God the chief place but one ly haue set him vp and caused him to be honored 〈◊〉 to his worde 〈◊〉 this was a 〈◊〉 confession of Gods power whereunto he was compelled by this wonderful miracle n Which hathe not onely life in him self but is the onelie fountaine of life and quickeneth all things so that without him there is no life a VVhere as the people of Israél loked for a continual 〈◊〉 after these seuen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 had declared he 〈◊〉 weth that 〈◊〉 rest shal not be a 〈◊〉 from 〈◊〉 but a beginning ther 〈◊〉 mean aged them to toke or a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 by whome they shulde 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they shulde 〈◊〉 a certeine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the destruction of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kingdome b 〈◊〉 signified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shulde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 troubles and afflictions in the worlde in all corners of the worlde and at son 〈◊〉 times c Meaning the 〈◊〉 Caldeā 〈◊〉 whiche was moste strong 〈◊〉 in power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one come to their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thogh 〈◊〉 had had wings to 〈◊〉 ye their wings were pulled by the Persians thei went on thei fete were made like other men which is here 〈◊〉 by mans heart d Meaning the Persians which were barbarous and 〈◊〉 e Thei were 〈◊〉 in the beginning were shut vp in their mountaines and had no 〈◊〉 f That is destroyed many kingdomes was 〈◊〉 g To wit the Angels by Gods cōmādement who by this meanes punished the 〈◊〉 of the worlde h Meaning Alexander the King of Macedonie i That is his foure chief captaines whiche 〈◊〉 the empire among them after his death Seleueus had Asia the great Antigonus the esse Cassander and after him 〈◊〉 was King o Macedonie 〈◊〉 had Egypt k It was not of him self 〈◊〉 of his owne power that he 〈◊〉 all these countreis for his armie conteined but thirtie thousand men and 〈◊〉 ouercame in one battel Darius which had 〈◊〉 hundreth thousand when he was so 〈◊〉 with slepe that his eyes were se 〈◊〉 open is the stories reporte therefore this power was giuen him of God l That is he Romain em 〈◊〉 which was as a monster colde not be 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 beast because
the kingdome without the consent of the people t He 〈◊〉 that great forame powers shal come to helpe the yong sonne of 〈◊〉 against his vncle Antiochus and ye shal be 〈◊〉 u Meaning 〈◊〉 Philometor Philopaters sonne who was this childes cousin germaine is here called the prince of the 〈◊〉 because he was the chief and all other followed his conduit x For after the battel 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 vncle 〈◊〉 made a league y For he came vp on 〈◊〉 at vnwares and when he 〈◊〉 his vncle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 no 〈◊〉 z 〈◊〉 in Egypt a He wil content him 〈◊〉 with the smale holdes for a time but euer labour by 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 b He shal be ouer 〈◊〉 treason c 〈◊〉 his princes and the chief about him d Declaring that his soldiers shall brast out and vē 〈◊〉 their life to stay to be 〈◊〉 for the sauegarde of their prince e The 〈◊〉 and the nephewe shal take 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 toge ther yet in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they shall imagine mischief one against another f Signifying that it standeth no in the counsell of men to brynge things to passe but in the prouidence of GOD who 〈◊〉 the Kings by a secret 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cā 〈◊〉 what they 〈◊〉 them selues g VVhich he shal take of the 〈◊〉 in spoyling Ie rusalém and the Temple and this is tolde them before to moue thē to 〈◊〉 know ing al things are done by Gods prouidence h That is the Romaine power shal come against him for P. 〈◊〉 the ambassador appointed him to departe in the Romaines name to which thing he obeyed althogh with grief and to 〈◊〉 his rage he came against the people of God the 〈◊〉 time i VVith the 〈◊〉 whiche shall forsake the couenant of the Lord for first he was called against the Iewes by Iason the 〈◊〉 Priest ād this seconde time by 〈◊〉 k A great 〈◊〉 of the wicked Iewes shal holde with An iochus l So called because the power of God was nothing diminished althogh this tyran set vp in the Temple the image of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and so began to corrupt the pure seruice of God m Meaning 〈◊〉 as bare the name of Iewes but in 〈◊〉 were nothing lesse for they solde their 〈◊〉 and betrayed their 〈◊〉 for gaine n They that remaine constant among the people shal 〈◊〉 others by their example and edisie many in the true religion o VVhereby 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 althogh they shulde perish a thousand times and 〈◊〉 their 〈◊〉 indure neuer so long p As God wil not 〈◊〉 his Churche 〈◊〉 yet wil he not deliuer it all at once 〈◊〉 so helpe as they may still 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 vnder the crosse as he did in the time of the Maccabees whereof he here prophecieth q That is 〈◊〉 shal be euen of this 〈◊〉 nomber many hypocrites r To wit of them that feare God and wil lose their life for the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying also that the Church must continually betryed and purged and ought to loke for one 〈◊〉 after another for God hathe 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 therefore we must obey s Because the Angels purpose is to shewe the whole course of the persecutions of the Iewes vnto the comming of Christ he now speaketh of the 〈◊〉 of the Romaines whiche he 〈◊〉 by the name of a Kynge who were without all religion and concemned the true God t So long the 〈◊〉 shal 〈◊〉 le as God 〈◊〉 appointed to punish his people but he sheweth that 〈◊〉 is but for a time u The Romaines shall obserue no certeine forme of religion as other nations but shal chāge their gods at their pleasures yea continue them and prefer re them selues to their Gods x Signifyinge that they shulde be without al hu manitie for the loue of women is taken for singular or greate loue as 2. Samu. 1. 26. y That is the god of power and riches they shall 〈◊〉 theyr owne power aboue all theyr Gods and worship it z Vnder pretence of worshipping the gods they shal enriche their citie with the moste precious iewels of all the wotlde because that hereby all men shuld haue them in admiration for their power ād riches a Although in their hearts they had no religion yet they did acknowledge the gods worship ped them in their temples lest they shulde haue bene despised as athei stes but this was to increase their fame riches when they gate any 〈◊〉 they so made others the rulers thereof that the profite euer came to the Romaines b 〈◊〉 is bothe the Egyptians and the Syrians shall at length fight against the Romaines but they shal be ouer come c The Angel forewarneth the Iewes that when they shulde se the Romaines inuade them and that the wicked shulde escape their handes that then 〈◊〉 shulde not thinke but that all this was done by Gods prouidence for asmuche as he warned them of it so long a fore and therefore he wolde stil preserue him d Hearing that Crassus was staine and Antonius 〈◊〉 e For Augustus ouer come the Parthians and 〈◊〉 that whiche Antonius had lost f The Romaines after this reigned 〈◊〉 through all countreis and from sea to sea and in Iudea but at length for their crueltie God shall destroy them a The Angel here noteth two 〈◊〉 si 〈◊〉 that the Church shal be in great 〈◊〉 and trouble at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and nexte 〈◊〉 God will send his Angell 〈◊〉 deliuer 〈◊〉 whome here he 〈◊〉 Michael meaning 〈◊〉 which is publisned by the 〈◊〉 ching of the Gospell b Meaning all shal rise at the ge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche thing he here 〈◊〉 be cause the faithful shulde haue euer their respect to that for 〈◊〉 earth there shal be no sure comfort c VVho haue kept the true sea 〈◊〉 of God ād his religion d He chiefly mea neth the ministers of Gods word and next all the 〈◊〉 whiche 〈◊〉 the ignorant ād bring them to the true 〈◊〉 of God e Thogh themost part despise this prophecie yet kepe thouit sure and 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 f Till the tyme that God hathe appoīted for the full reuelation of these things and then many shall iunne o and fro to searche the knowledge of these mysteries whiche thinges they obteyne now by the light of he Gospel g VVhiche was 〈◊〉 h VVhiche was as it werea double o he and did the more conficme the thing i Meaning a long time a longer time ād at length a short time signifiyng that their troubles shulde haue an end k VVhen the Churche shal be seattered and diminished in suche sorte as it shal seme to haue no power l From the time that Christ by his 〈◊〉 shal take awaye the sacrifice and cer emonies of the Lawe m Signifying that the time shal be long of Christs seconde coming and yet the children of God ought not to be discouraged thogh it be differred n In this nomber he addeth a moneth and an halfe to the
10. Luk 18 1. 〈◊〉 18. 12. m Then is a man fully sanctified perfect when his minde thinketh no thing his soule that is his vnderstanding and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nothing nether his bodie doeth execute any thing contrary to the wil of God colos 4 3. Chap. 3 12. 1. cor 1 8. 1. Cor. 1 8. 1. Thess. 1. 2. a Whiche procedeth of your faith as a moste notable frute b The faithful by their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in a cleare glasse the end of Gods iust iudgement when as they shal reigne with Christ whiche haue suffered with him ād the wicked shal 〈◊〉 his extreme wrath and vengeance Iude. 6. c By whome he declareth hys might 1. 〈◊〉 4. 16. d As God is euer lasting so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 punishmēt be euerlasting as he is moste mightie of power so shal their punishment be moste sore e The frebeneuo 〈◊〉 of Gods goodnes compre hendeth his purpose his predesti nation vocatiō the worke of faith conteineth our iustification to the which God addeth glorification and al these he worketh of his mere grace through Christ. f Faith is Gods wōderful worke in vs. g As the head with the bodie a As false 〈◊〉 tion or dreames b Which are spo ken or written Ephes. 5 6. c A wonderful 〈◊〉 of the moste parte from the faith d This wicked Antichrist comprehendeth the whole succession of the 〈◊〉 of the Church all that abominable kingdome of 〈◊〉 whereof some were beares some lyōs others leopardes as Daniel describeth thē and is called the man of sinne because he setteth him self vp agaīst God e Who as he destroyeth others so shal he be destroyed him self f Because the false apostles had persuaded after a sorte the Thessalonians that the day of the Lord was nere and so the redemption of the Church Paul 〈◊〉 thē to loke for this horrible dissipation before and therefore rather to prepare them selues to patience then to rest and quietnes for as yet there was a let that is that the Gospel shulde be preached through out all g To wit 〈◊〉 and is therefore called a mysterie because it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h Which shal 〈◊〉 for a time i That is with his worde k Meaning the whole time that he shal remaine l Satans power is limited that he can not 〈◊〉 the elect to their destruction m Delited in false doctrine n The 〈◊〉 of our election is the loue of God the sanctification of the Spirit and beleuing the trueth are testimonies oft e same election 〈◊〉 24. 14. o Before the fundacion of the worlde p And Gospel q By our preaching Isay. 11. 4. r That is the doctrine 〈◊〉 s That is by my 3. 6. preaching of the Gospel * Thes. 2. 2 * Chap. Ephes 6. 〈◊〉 Colos. 4. 3. a Althogh they 〈◊〉 them selues there of b Frō the slaights of Satan c By the Worde of God d Which is to tra 〈◊〉 if he Wil eat Chap. 2. 〈◊〉 1. Cor. 4. 12. 1. Thes. 4 11. Act. 20. 34. 1 〈◊〉 4. 12. 1. Thes 2. 9. 1. Cor 11. 10 e Then by the Worde of God noneogh to liue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 him selfe to some 〈◊〉 to get his 〈◊〉 by to do good to others Galat. 6. 9. Mat. 18. 27. 1. Cor. 5. 9. f The end of excommunicacion is not to 〈◊〉 from the Church suche as haue fallē but to Winne thē to the Church by amendement g Whether they be mine Epistles or other mens “ Or ordinance a So called becau se he followed the simplicitie of the Gospel Colos. 1. 8. b Because these questionistes preferred their curious 〈◊〉 to all other knowledge and 〈◊〉 them with the Law as if thei had bene theverie Law of God S. Paul sheweth that the end of Gods Law is loue which can not be without a good conscience nether a good 〈◊〉 science without faith nor faith 〈◊〉 the wor de of God so their doctrine which is an occasion of 〈◊〉 is worth nothing “ Or of the Law Act. 16 〈◊〉 Chap. 4. 7. Tic. 1. 14. Chap. 6. 4. Rom. 13. 10. c Whose hearts God spirit 〈◊〉 direct to do that willingly which the Law requireth so that their 〈◊〉 affection is to thē as a Law without further 〈◊〉 d Suche as onely delite in sinning Rom. 7. 12. e Whiche steale away children or seruants f He declareth to 〈◊〉 the ex cellent-force of Gods Spirite in them whome he hath chosen to beare his worde althogh before they were Gods 〈◊〉 enemies to encourage hym in this battel that he shulde fight against al insideles hypocrites Chap. 6. 13. g Not knowing that I foght against God h Whiche chased away 〈◊〉 i Whiche ouercame crueltie Mat. 9. 13. Mar. 2. 17. Chap. 6. 12. k He brasteth forthe into these godlie affections cōsidering Gods greate mercie toward him l It appeareth that the vocatiō of 〈◊〉 was approued by notable prophecies which thē were reueiled in the primatiue Churche as Paul Bar nabas by the ora cle were appointed to go to the Gentles m That is sounde doctrine 1. Cor. 5. 5. n Excommunicate and cast out of the Churche a That is of euerie degre of all sortes of people b Althogh they 〈◊〉 the Churche of God so it be of ignorance els if they do it maliciously as Iulianus A 〈◊〉 they may not be praied for Galat. 5. 12. 1. Thes. 2. 16. c As Iewe Gē tile poore riche 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. 〈◊〉 2. Tim. 4. 14. 1. Iohn 5. 16. d Who wil reconcile of all nations people and 〈◊〉 to one god e Who being God was made man f He sheweth that there can be no 〈◊〉 or except he be also the redemer g Which shulde beleue h Which the 〈◊〉 testified that Christ shulde offre him self forthe redem ption of man at the time that god had determined 1. Pet. 3. 3. i As testimonies of a pure heart conscience 2. Tim. 1. 11. k The worde signifieth to plat to crispe to 〈◊〉 de to folde to bush to hurle or tolay it curiously whereby al 〈◊〉 pe wantonnes is condemned which women vse in trimming their heades Gen. 1. 27. l Read * Gen. 3 6. * 1. Cor. 14. 34. m The woman was first deceiued and so became the instrument of Satan to deceiue the man and thogh therefore God punis heth them with subiection and paine in their trauel yet if they be faithful and godlie in their vocacion they shal be saued n That is giltie of the transgression “ Or women a With a 〈◊〉 zeale to 〈◊〉 the Church of God whereso euer he shal call him Tit. 2. 6. b Whether he be Pastor or Elder c Bothe for the difficultie of the charge and also the excellencie thereof and the necessitie of the same d For in those countries at that time some men had mo thē one which was a signe of incontinencie “ Or reuerence e If it be requisite that a man shulde take
〈◊〉 ne the clearnes thereof so the hardenes whiche we cannot some time compas or perfectly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Scri ptures ought not to take away from vs 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 Or 〈◊〉 a That is Christ God 〈◊〉 b That is Christ being man c Which giueth 〈◊〉 and had it in him self Iohn 14. d Before all beginning e The effect of the Gospel is that we all being ioyned together in Christ by faith shulde be the sonnes of God Iohn 8. 18. f The frutes of our faith must de clare whether we beioyned in God or no for God being the verie puritie and 〈◊〉 wil not haue felowship with them which lie in sinne and darkenes h That is Christ with vs and we with our selues g In an euil conscience and with out the feare of God i If we be not ashamed earnest ly and openly to acknowledge our selues before God to 〈◊〉 sinners Ebr. 9. 14. 1. Pet. 1. 19. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 6. 1 king 8 46. 2. Chron. 6. 〈◊〉 Prou. 20 9. “ Or doctrine Eccle. 7. 20. a Christe is our 〈◊〉 Aduocate and 〈◊〉 for the office of intercession and redemption are ioyned together b That is of thē which haue embraced the Gospel by faith in all ages degrees places for there is no saluation without Christ. c That is by faith and so obey him for knowledge cannot be without obedience d Whereby 〈◊〉 loueth God so that to loue God is to obey his worde “ Or doctrine e When the Law was giuen f Louechy neigh bour as thy self is the olde cōmā 〈◊〉 taught in the Law but whē Christ saith So loue one another as I haue loued you giueth a newe commandement onely as touching the forme but not as touching the nature or substance of the precept g He namethall the faithful children as he being their spiritual father attributing to olde 〈◊〉 know ledge of greate things to yong men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 childrē 〈◊〉 and reuerence to their gouernours h For Christs sake Chap. 3. 14. “ Or the deuil “ Or the deuil i 〈◊〉 it is aduersarie to God Iam. 4. 4. k To liue in 〈◊〉 l 〈◊〉 m Ambition pride n Whiche of semed to haue bene of our nōber because for atime they occupied a place 〈◊〉 the Church o The grace of the holie Gost. p Which is Christ q In this Epistle Whiche I now write vnto you r He that taketh away 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ether of the natures in Christ or he that confoundeth or separateth them els he that putteth not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the per sone of the 〈◊〉 and also he that beleueth not to haue 〈◊〉 of sinnes by his onely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be the 〈◊〉 Messias s Then the inside les worship not the true God () But he 〈◊〉 cō 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 hathe also the Father t 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 him self vnto you teacheth you by the holie Gost and his 〈◊〉 “ Or in Christ. u By this name he meaneth the w 〈◊〉 Churche of Christ in general a Being made the sonnes of God in Christ he 〈◊〉 what qualities we must haue to be discer ned frō 〈◊〉 b That is Christ. c As the 〈◊〉 and head 〈◊〉 which make one perfect bodie d That is in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doeth reigne so that he seketh not be sanctified Isa 〈◊〉 9. 1. Pet. 2. 〈◊〉 Iohn 8. 44. e As 〈◊〉 by Adam f Whiche is the holie Gost. g He can not 〈◊〉 vnder the power of sinne because the Spirit of God correcteth hiseuil and corrupt affections h He descendeth from the first cable of the commandements to the seconde Iohn 13. 14. 15. 12 Gen. 4. 8. i This loue is the speciall frute of our faith a certeine signe of our 〈◊〉 Chap. 2 10. Leuit. 19. 17. Iohn 15. 13. Ephe. 5. 2. Luk. 3. 11. k whiche is not the cause wherefore we are the sonnes of God but a moste certeine signe l If our 〈◊〉 being giltie of any thing be able to condēne vs muche more the iudgemēt of God whiche knoweth our hearts better thē we our selues is able to cōdemne vs. Iohn 15. 7. 16. 23. Mat. 21. 22. Chap. 〈◊〉 24. Iohn 6. 29 17. 3. Iohn 13. 34. 15. 10 a Them whiche boast that they haue the Spirit to 〈◊〉 or ptophecie b 〈◊〉 being very God came frō his Father toke vpō him our flesh He that 〈◊〉 or preacheth this truely 〈◊〉 the Spirit of God els not c He began to builde the misterie of 〈◊〉 d Satā the prince of the worlde Iohn 8. 47. e With pute affe ction obediēce Iohn 5. 10. f Trueth it is that God hathe declared his loue in many other thīgs but herein hathe passed all other g By his 〈◊〉 death Iohn 1. 18. 1. Tim. 6. 15. h So that his con 〈◊〉 procedeth of faith “ Or towarde vs. i By inspiring it into vs. k Suche as shulde trouble the conscience l For god 〈◊〉 teth him self to vs in thē whiche beare his image Iohn 13. 43. 15. 〈◊〉 a Is regenerat by the vertue of his Spirit b The loue of God must go before or els we cā not loue a right Mat. 11. 30. c They are easie to the sonnes of God whiche are led with his Spi rit for thei delite there in 1. Cor. 15. 57. d That is regene racion e The water and blood that came out of his side de clare that we ha ue our sinnes wa shed by him ād he hath made ful 〈◊〉 for the same f Our minde inspired by the holie Gost. g VVhich 〈◊〉 our hearts that we be the children of God 〈◊〉 3. 37. “ of God Mat. 7. 7. and 21. 22. Chap. 3. 22. Mat. 12. 31. Mar. 3. 29. Luke 12. 10. h Althogh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be to death yet God through his mer cie pardonoth his in his Sonne Christ. i As theirs is whome GOD doeth so forsake that they fal into vtter dispaire k 〈◊〉 not him selfe so ouer to sinne that he forgetteth God Luke 24. 45. l Tak̄eth hede that he sinne not m That is Satan n VVith a mortal wounde o That is al men generally as of them selues lye as it were buryed in euil p Christe verye God q Meaning from euerie 〈◊〉 and facion of thinge whiche is set vp for anie 〈◊〉 to worship God “ Or worthie and noble b VVe can not re ceiue the grace of God except we haue the true knowledge of him of the whiehe knowledge loue procedeth c Accordyng to Gods 〈◊〉 Iohn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ Or 〈◊〉 d By 〈◊〉 our selues to be seduced e He that 〈◊〉 the limites of pu re 〈◊〉 Rom. 16. 17. f Haue nothinge to do with him nether shew him anie signe of 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 “ Or 〈◊〉 a That is in godlie conuersacion as they whiche haue bothe the knowledge and feare of God b By keping hospitalitie c If thou surnishest them with necessities towarde they iourney knowyng that the Lorde saith He that receiueth you receiueth