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A09376 A cloud of faithfull witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan, or, A commentarie vpon the 11 chapter to the Hebrewes preached in Cambridge by that godly, and iudicious divine, M. William Perkins ; long expected and desired, and therefore published at the request of his executours, by Will. Crashawe and Tho. Pierson, preachers of Gods Word, who heard him preach it, and wrote it from his mouth. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1607 (1607) STC 19677.5; ESTC S2273 415,205 614

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sacraments of the old as also of the new Testament all aymed at these two ends to shew vs our sinnes and our miserie by sinne and to foretell or represent our reconciliation by Christ. Which being so our lesson is this Wee haue all receiued those two Sacraments the first once the second often Now if they haue beene duly receiued of vs they ought to haue this double vse vnto vs 1. To cause vs to make a search of our owne sinnes and of our miserie by sinne and seeing it to be cast downe and humbled considering how corrupt our hearts are and how wicked our liues And secondly when this is so then to make vs seek for reconciliation with God by faith in Christ to make vs desire it loue it and pray for it aboue all things in the world Abell not onely offred but offred so as that it put him ●n minde of his sin and of his redemption by the death of the Messias to come So wee must not onely outwardly receiue the Sacraments but so receiue as that wee may see and be humbled for our sinne and seeke to be reconciled to God in Christ. Such vse also ought we to make of hearing the word and not to be content with bare hearing of it or to get a generall knowledge out of it but it must giue vs a speciall sight of our owne estate by sinne and vrge vs forward to seeke the fauour of God in Christ. Religion stands not in hearing the word and receiuing the Sacraments with the congregation though it be done neuer so often and neuer so formally But so to heare and so to receiue as that they may worke in vs those two things and that is the pith and life of religion And whosoeuer he be that professeth religion and sheweth not the fruit of it in these two that mans profession is in vaine and it wil go for no payment at the day of iudgement Thus we see they offred and what they offred It followeth A greater sacrifice then Cain The third last point is the difference of these sacrifices For although Cain offred as well as Abell and offred sacrifice as well as Abell yet was there a difference in their sacrifices for Abels was better then Cains This is the chiefe point for this sets downe what was that excellency of his faith for which he is here commended Abell is not commended for offring by his faith for so did Cain that had no faith nor for offring sacrifice by his faith for so did Cain that had no faith but because that by his faith he offred a better sacrifice then Cain could The holy Ghost calls Abels a better or greater sacrifice because Abell brought the best and fattest of his sheepe and so bestowed the most cost hee could as signifying that hee would haue bestowed more cost had hee knowne how to haue done it For he that giues as he hath would giue more if he had it And he that doth the best he can in any thing it is certaine hee would doe better if he could Cain contrariwise brought not the best of his fruites but either the worst or whatsoeuer came first to hand as thinking that whatsoeuer hee brought was good enough therefore worthily is Abell saide to haue offred a better sacrifice then Cain And further this holy practice of Abell came to be a law written euen one of the commaundements of the Ceremoniall law namely that the first borne should be offred to God Exod. 34.19 And the first fruites of the corne Leuit. 23.10 c. And that nothing that was lame blind maymed or had any blemish in it should be offred to the Lord. Deut. 15.21 Abell here did euen that which these lawes commaunded and these lawes commaunded the same that he did Thus God vouchsafed to honour his seruant Abell for his obedient and honest heart euen to make his practice the ground and beginning of one of his owne lawes that so the Israelites in all their generations might in their daily practices remember this worthy deede of holy Abell to his perpetuall honour Now for vs the truth is this law bindes vs not for it was a ceremonie and is ended in Christ. Yet the equity and vse of it reacheth euen to vs namely it teacheth vs when we will giue any thing vnto God to giue the best we haue This is the equity of all those lawes ceremoniall which commaunded them to giue to the Lord their first borne and their first fruites and the fattest of their cattell and so much of them do still binde vs. Now from this rule are taught diuers duties 1. To the Parent Hast thou many children and wilt giue some to the Lord namely to serue him in the ministerie The practice of the world is to make the eldest a Gentleman the next a Lawyer the next a Merchant hee that is youngest or least regarded or that hath some infirmity in wit or deformity in body set him to schoole let him be a Minister But Abels sacrifice controlles this profane course of the world Learne therefore by him whomsoeuer of all thy children thou findest fittest in gifts and graces of body and minde whom thou louest best and most esteemest he is fittest for the Lord and the Lord is most worthy of him consecrate him to the Lord for his seruice in the ministerie 2. To the young man He being in the strength and ripenesse of wit senses memory capacity and in the best of his age he saith I will take my pleasure now I am fittest for it I will repent at the end of my dayes and that is a fitter time This is a vile policie of the diuell to dishonour God and to cast away their soules What a griefe is it to giue the diuell his young yeares the strength of his body and wit and to bring his withered old age vnto God nay be sure God will not accept thy rotten sacrifice of old age but rather giue thee vp to the diuell that hee may haue thee altogether which hath had the best then follow rather Salomons counsell Eccles. 12.1 Who bids thee remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth Remember Abels sacrifice it was of the best So thou hast no sacrifice but thy selfe to offer offer then the best thy young yeares is the best time giue them vnto God 3. To all Christians Abell offred the best it teacheth vs all if wee will professe and serue God not to doe it by the halfes or for shew and fashion sake or negligently as not caring how Thus to do is but to offer the sacrifice of Cain and that makes the most professors goe away with their seruice vnaccepted as Cains was for God will haue all or none he is worthy to haue no partner hee must be serued with all the heart with soule and body so that a man must consecrate himselfe wholly vnto him 2. Kings 23.25 It is the speciall commendation of good King Iosias That hee turned vnto the Lord
some lesse because some are greater and some lesser than others Whence this rule may be set down that when 2. Comm. of God crosse one another so as a man obeying one breakes another then a man must preferre the greater As for example this is Gods Comm. Honour God commanded in the first table Again the 5. Comm. saith Honor Parents Magistrates Now if parents or magistrates cōmand any thing the doing wherof would dishonor God being contrary to the first table then the 5. Comm. giueth place vnto the first and a man must rather disobey magistrates and parents than dishonour God for the maine duties of the first table take place before the maine duties of the second And therfore Christ saith If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother wife and children brethren and sisters yea and his owne life also he cannot be my disciple meaning that if father or mother wife or childrē would drawe vs frō God we must hate them rather then disobey God Againe a commandement ceremoniall and a commandement of loue and mercy concurre together and it so falleth out that they should be both kept and cannot in this case therefore the ceremoniall Law of the first table must giue place to the Law of Charitie and Loue in the second table Because the ceremonies are the inferiour duties of the first but charity and mercy the principal duties of the second table for example the Lord inioyneth vs in the fourth cōmandement to rest on the Sabaoth day Now it falls out that my neighbours house is on fire vpō the Sabaoth day whether then may I labour with my neighbour that day to saue his house Answ. I may for the strict obseruation of rest on the Sabaoth day is a ceremonie but the quenching of fire in my neighbours house is a work of mercy and a maine duty of the second table and therfore must take place before a ceremonial duty of the 1. table Thirdly God hath giuen vs ten commandements containing all ordinary duties both of piety and of mercy yet if God giue vs a particular and speciall commaundement contrary to any of the ten that must stand and the ordinarie commaundements must giue place and yeeld vnto it as for example the second commaundement forbiddeth any man to make any grauen Image yet Moses by a speciall cōmandement made a brasen serpent in the wildernesse to be a figure of Christ. So the sixt cōmandement Thou shalt not kill is an ordinary cōmandement and bindeth the conscience of euery man to obay the same yet God comes with a special cōmandement to Abraham saith Abraham kill thy son therefore the ordinary commandement of the 2. table giueth place for the time And so goe all the cōmādements thou shalt do thus thus vnlesse God cōmand otherwise for God is an absolute Lord and so aboue his owne Lawes hee is not bound vnto them but may dispence with them and with vs for the keeping of them at his will and pleasure And thus was Abraham warranted to sacrifice his Sonne namely by vertue of a speciall and personall commaundement to himselfe alone But if Abraham had not had this particular commaundement the sacrificing of Isaac had beene vnlawfull and abhominable for the killing of a man is a hainous sinne much more is the killing of a mans owne sonne without a speciall commaundement for that is against nature and therefore the Lord by Ieremie doth seuerely condemne the Iewes for burning their sonnes and daughters in sacrifice Ier. 7.31 without any warrant from him though it may be they would pretend their imitation of Abraham in the sacrificing of Isaac yea and to shew his detestation of that fact he changeth the name of the place calling it the valley of slaughter verse 32 and in the new Testament it is vsed to signifie hell Math. 5.29.30 And because this sinne is so odious it is rather to be thought that Iephte did not kill his daughter in sacrifice to the Lord as some thinke hee did especially being a man commended for his faith by the holy Ghost but hereof we shall speake when we come to his example verse 32. Thus we see Abraham had ground for this fact to doe it by faith euen Gods speciall commaund But here it will be said that Abraham did not offer vp his sonne indeede for though he had bound him and laid him on the Altar yet when he lifted vp the knife to haue killed him the Angell staid his hand and suffered him not Gen. 22.11.12 How then can it be true which is here said that he offered him vp for the writer of a Story must make true reports but it seems the writer hereof is deceiued in the very principall point affirming Isaac was offered when in truth he was not Answer God is the Author and inditer of this Storie and in Gods sight and estimation he was offered though not in the worlds and therefore it is so said in regard of Gods acceptance because Abrahams purpose was to haue done it and if hee had not beene staide hee had done it Where we note a point of speciall comfort to wit that God in his children and seruants doth accept the will for the deede so S. Paul saith 2. Corinth 8.12 If there be a willing minde it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not speaking of their releeuing of the poore he telleth them that GOD regardeth not so much a mans worke as the heart wherewith hee doth the work And therefore the poore widowe in the Gospell Luk 21.3 is saide by our Sauiour Christ to haue cast more into the treasurie though it were but two mites then many rich men that cast in great aboundance more in heart not in substance This serueth to stay the heart of many a man that is found bruised in conscience for seeing his weake obedience and the greatnesse of his sinnes past he begins to call his election into question now what must a man doe in this case Answer Surely he must goe on forward in obedience and endeauour himself to continue therein and then though he faile many times through infirmity yet for his endeauour GOD will accept of him and be pleased with the same This doctrine is very comfortable to a distressed conscience but yet it must not make any man bolde to sinne for many abuse this Doctrine and say that though they liue in sinne yet God will accept of them for they loue GOD in their heart But they deceiue themselues for this mercifull dealing of God in accepting the will for the deede is onely towards those that endeauour themselues sincerely to leaue their sinnes to beleeue in God and to walke in obedience but such as flatter themselues lying in their sinnes God will not be mercifull vnto them Deut. 29.19.20 Here further it may well be demaunded How Abraham could take Isaac and binde him and lay him on the altar to haue
his life and when he dieth he shal be able to worship praise God On the other side take notice of it he that liues in couetousnes in profanenesse in fornication and wantonnes for the most part so dies Come to a couetous man at his death and talke with him and you shall finde nothing in him ordinarily but rauing talking about his bargaines his billes and indentures other worldly things And so wee may say of other lewd liuers looke what minde they had while they were liuing that shall you find most in their mouthes while they are dying which shewes plainely that as men liue so they die But some will say that oftentimes the godly man raues and speakes lewdly and it may be profanely before his death Ans. It is true indeed the best man is not freed from any kind of bodily sicknesse but is subiect to them as well as the wicked as to burning feuers and such like by the violence and rage of which diseases they are often driuen to raue to speake fondly and sometimes lewdly yea it may be profanely But what is that to the purpose for thogh a godly man for the time of his fit cannot expresse the grace of his heart but rather the corruption of his nature yet whē he hath recouered himselfe he is sory for the same is then ready willing to praise God with all his heart So that if wee would die well as Iacob did praising God then let vs lead our liues as he did namely by faith and the direction of his word and promises Then come death when it will and how it will wee may indeede be sore assaulted by sickenesse and temptation but yet we shall neuer be ouercome for God is faithfull that hath promised an issue to his children in temptatiō 1. Corinth 10.13 Lastly whereas Iacob worshipped God at his death Here we learne that sound zeale will neuer decay Many men haue zeale indeede but it comes onely from the strength and soundnesse of their bodily constitution and looke as strength decaies so doth that kind of zeale But sound zeale will not decay and weaken with the body but as Dauid saith of the righteous Psal. 92.13 15. will flourish like a palme tree and growe like a Cedar in Libanon it shall still bring forth fruit in a mans age and flourish This wee see was true in Iacob for though he were old and feeble with sicknesse yet he sheweth forth sound zeale in his heart at the houre of his death Euen so will it be with vs that professe religion if zeale be sound in our hearts it will shew it selfe and the older wee are the more fruits of grace wee shall bring forth and then shew forth more true zeale than in yonger yeares For though bodily strength decay yet sound zeale will neuer decay but when strength faileth then will zeale flourish if it bee sound like to the palme tree which will bud and sprout though the roots of it bee cut off Wherefore if wee would shew forth zeale in our age we must get soundnesse of it in our youth for that will put forth it selfe in the time of death And thus much of Iacobs example Iosephs Faith VERSE 22. By faith Ioseph when he died made mention of the departing of the children of Israel and gaue commandement of his bones WEe haue heard in the former verses the seuerall examples of the faith of the three Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Iacob Now in this verse the holy Ghost setteth downe the example of Iosephs faith The words in this verse are plaine and easie neede no exposition They are a plaine and briefe summe of the ende of the 50. Chapter of Genesis Let vs therefore come to the points of doctrine and instructions which are to bee learned and gathered forth of the words First note in generall the great resemblance of this example with the former of Ioseph a godly sonne with Iacob a godly father for both of them shew forth their faith when they die For it is said of both By faith when hee died So that in ground and circumstance of time they both agree Herein we may obserue first that the good examples of Superiours vvhether they be ciuill or Ecclesiasticall are of great force to bring other men on and to make them forward in the duties of religion their zeale as Paul saith to the Corinthians in the case of almes prouoketh many Iacob the father beeing a worthy Prophet and Patriarch giuing an holy and blessed example vnto Ioseph and his children doth shew forth at his death most notable behauiour wherein hee worthily expresseth the trueth of his faith Now his example works with Ioseph and he in his death behaues himselfe in the same manner that his godly father did before him and therfore superiours must look to all their sayings and doings carefully that they may bee worthy examples to their inferiours to drawe them on in religion and in the feare of God Secondly hence inferiors also must learne to follow the godly holy and religious examples of their gouernours and superious whether they be ciuill or Ecclesiasticall as we may see in this place Ioseph doth imitate the godly example of his father Iacob Hereof Saint Paul giueth straite charge vnto the Philippians saying Brethren be followers of me and looke on them which walke so as ye haue vs for an example Phil. 3.17 And in the next Chapter exhorting them to honest conuersation hee biddes them doe those things which they had heard receiued and seene in him But are these duties practiced among vs bee the elder sort teachers of good things to the yonger doe the yonger follow their elders in wel-doing nay verily but such are our times too many among vs both those that giue and those which follow good examples are as signes wonders as the Prophet speaketh they are made a reproach a by-word among men and are foully disgraced by odious tearmes Isay 8.18 But this indeede is a practice of Ismael that mocked Isaac Genesis 21. ver 9. And we againe must vndoubtedly know that vnlesse it be reformed that hand of God which hath beene stretched out against vs in manie fearefull iudgements will not be pulled backe but stretched out still till it bring vs to destruction for God will not suffer his ordinances to be contemned and his holy ones to be abused hee looketh for better fruites at our hands and therefore wee must learne of these godly Patriarches both to giue and to followe good examples In the example of Ioseph more particularly wee are to obserue two points 1. Iosephs faith 2. The actions of his faith whereby it is commended For the first it is saide that by faith Ioseph when hee died c. Ioseph for ought wee finde in Scripture had not such meanes to come by faith as his Auncestors had before him For the three Patriarches Abraham Isaac and Iacob had otherwhiles the appearance of GOD vnto
should come forth and incourage the people that their hearts might not faint nor feare nor dread their enemies because of the powerfull presence of God fighting for them The Papists obiect this by way of reproach against Zwinglius who was one of the restorers of the Gospel That hee died in the fielde among Souldiers But this indeed is no reproach but rather a matter of great commendation vnto him in that for the increase of faith and knowledge in them that were weake Christians about him hee was content to hazard his owne life And thus much of the eight effect The ninth effect of faith for which these worthy men are commended is this They turned to flight the Armies of the Alients This may be vnderstoode of the most of the Iudges and of the good Kings of Iuda and Israell But I will make choyse especially of two Gedion and Iehosaphat for Gedion one of the Iudges with three hundred Souldiers Iudges 6. and 7 altogether vnweaponed onely with light pitchers in their hands put to flight a mighty huge Armie of the Midianites And Iehosaphat a godly King being assaulted with a mighty and great Armie of Moabites Ammonites and men of mount Seir knew that by force of armes hee could not withstand them and therefore by faith makes a worthy prayer vnto the Lord and the Lord heard him and set his enemies one against another and so did he put them to flight which hee could neuer haue done by any strength of his owne Heere wee may learne how Kingdomes and people may become able to put to flight their enemies The best way is to put in practice their faith in God by humbling themselues truly for their sinnes past with vnfained confession of them vnto God praying withall earnestly for the pardon of them and for Gods aide assistance protection against their enemies The power of this meanes is euident in Scripture and therefore when Eliah was taken vp Elisha cried My Father my Father the Chariot of Israell and the horse-men thereof 2. Kings 2.12 giuing him this notable commendations that he was as good to Israell by meanes of his faith as all their Chariots and Horse-men Question How could that possibly be true Answer If we reade the Story wee shall finde it to be most true that by his prayers which he made in faith he did as much or more then al the strength of the Land could doe And so it shall be with all Christian Kings and people if they can shew forth their faith by prayer vnto God they shall doe wonderfull much hereby in subduing of their enemies To apply this to our selues wee haue had many and dangerous assaults from Popish enemies both domestical and forraine who haue of long time and no doubt stil doe purpose our ouerthrowe Now how shall wee be able to withstand their might and to escape their malice True it is Christian policy and warlike prouision must be vsed yet our stay and rest must not be thereon but wee must stirre vp our faith both Magistrates and Subiects Prince and people and first of all humble our selues for our sins and shew forth our repentance by new obedience in time to come and then pray for a blessing vpon the outward meanes which shall be vsed This is the right practice of faith in the case of danger by our enemies which we shal finde if we exercise it vnfainedly to be a surer meanes of safety and victory against our enemies then all worldly munition and policie For hereby we shall haue the Lord for our protection and his blessing vpon the outward meanes giuing strength and good successe thereunto when as omitting this duty the Lord will not be with vs and then we shall finde that vaine is the strength or wit of man Let vs not therefore betray our selues wilfully into our enemies hand but by this practice of faith enable our selues against all our enemies whatsoeuer otherwise wee may iustly feare to be deliuered into their hands for a prey vnto their teeth And therefore if we loue our owne safetie and the wel-fare of our Land let vs practice this duty For the prayer of faith auaileth much with God if it be feruent and therefore the Lord saith to Moses when he fell down before him to turne backe the wrath that was broken-in vpon the people Let me alone as though Moses had held or bound the Lords hand by his prayer that hee could not smite his people And thus much for the ninth fruite of faith The faith of the widowe and the Shunamite VERSE 35. The women receiued their dead raised vp to life THis is the tenth and last fruit of their faith which must be vnderstood of these two women especially the widow of Zarephath and the Shunamite The widow of Zarephath giuing entertainment o Eliiah in the great famine had this blessing vouchsafed vnto her for her faith that her dead sonne was restored to life by the Prophet And the Shunamite that prouided lodging for the Prophet Elisha had her onely son restored to life from death by the Prophet through faith Now heere we must obserue that these two women did not only beleeue in the true God but more particularly that God would vse these his seruants as meanes to restore to life their two children that were dead as appeares by this that both of them made means to the Prophet for the reuiuing of their children which they did by faith But some wil say This last effect of faith may seeme to crosse the Scripture else-where which saith that Christ is the first fruites of them that sleepe How then could these that were before Christs incarnation be restored from death to life Answer Saint Pauls meaning is this that Christ is the first of all those that rose from death to life to die no more but to liue for euer So indeede Christ is the first fruites of them that sleepe for he rose to liue for euer As for these two and some other mentioned both in the olde Testament and the new that were raised from death to life they rose not from the sleepe of death to liue for euer but to die againe In this tenth fruite of faith all Parents may learne their duty towards their children in the case of sicknesse or such like They must follow the example of these two godly women and labour especially to shew forth their faith in such duties as God requireth in such a case to wit they must humble themselues for their owne sinnes and for the sinnes of their children and family praying earnestly to God for the pardon of them for GOD may visite the iniquity of the Parents vpon the children in bodily iudgements and entreating the Lord to restore them to health and liberty and withall they must vse the ordinarie lawfull meanes of recouerie in physicke and such like praying to God for a blessing thereupon This is their dutie but alas the manner and practice of
world yea and the first of all that had this true faith as the onely meanes of his saluation For as for Adam he afore his fall had not this faith neither should it haue saued him but when the first meanes failed him then came this faith as the second and more effectuall meanes of his saluation But Abell was neuer in possibility to be saued by any thing but by this faith And therefore Abels faith hath the first place of commendation and that in this verse Abels faith is here commended for three things 1. In that hee offred by it a greater sacrifice then Cain 2. By it he obtained testimonie with God 3. By it dead Abell yet speaketh The 1. effect of Abels faith is thus set down by the H. Ghost By faith Abel offred vnto God a greater sacrifice then Cain The ordinary Exposition of those words is this that Cain and Abell comming to offer there was no difference in the matter of their sacrifice but onely in the manner of offring in that Abell offred by faith and so did not Cain This Exposition though it be good yet it fits not the scope of this place nor the fourth of Gen. The right sense therefore seemes to be this Abell hauing faith this faith moued him to testifie his thankfull heart to God This hee did by offring vnto God the best and costliest sacrifice that he could namely the first fruites and fattest of his sheepe Whereas vnbeleeuing Cain hauing no loue to testifie vnto God brought onely of the fruite of his ground not of the best as Abel did but whatsoeuer cam first to hand This being the true meaning of the whole let vs come to the particular points laid down in this effect and they are three 1. That Cain and Abell offred that is serued God 2. That they offred Sacrifices 3. That Abell offred a better then Cain The first point containes their seruice in generall the second their seruice in particular the third the difference of their seruice wherein especially will appeare the excellencie of Abels faith First Abell and Cain the two first brethren in the world offered sacrifice to the true God How learned they this for they had no Scripture it was penned many yeeres after namely by Moses first of all I answer When their Parents Adam and Eue had fallen God gaue them of his infinite goodnesse a couenant of grace that the seede of the woman should breake the serpents head Genes 3.15 Wee doubt not but our first Parents receiued this couenant and beleeued the promise and this their faith taught them how to worship the true God aright You wil say thus Adam Eue learned of God but how came this to Cain Abell I answer When they had beene thus instructed of God Adam as a faithfull seruant of God taught the same religion and deliuered the same doctrine to his children and by it they were taught what to whom and in what manner to offer sacrifice And thus they did it neither by Scripture nor reuelation nor their own inuention but by the instruction of their Parents Hence let all Parents learne a lesson of Adam the first parent that was in the world namely to procure the good of their children he nourtered his children excellently 1. He prouided for them til they came to age 2. Then he left them not but appointed them their callings For one was a husbandman and the other a Shepheard 3. Not thus onely but he taught them to worship the true God both in their callings in the practice of religion and therefore he taught them to offer sacrifice in way of thankfulnesse vnto God all this did Adam So must thou do with the children which God hath giuen thee 1. Prouide for them carefully till they be of age take ●eed they miscarie not any way for want of things needfull 2. So bring them vp as that they may be apt to liue in some godly calling whereby to serue God and to doe good in his Church and that calling thou must appoint him according to the fitnesse of his gifts Adam appointed them not both one calling but diuerse callings according to the diuersity of their gifts and thou must see it be a lawfull and honest calling for so are both these Then 3. the greatest matter of all these teach them religion and the true manner of fearing worshipping God that as by the two first thy child may liue well in this world so by this he may be made an heire of the kingdome of heauen Adam was the first father father of vs all let all then follow him in this practice if we follow him in one follow him in both Diuerse wil be as careful for their bodies for their callings as Adam was but how few are as carefull to teach them religion for the prefermēt of their soules to life eternall But parents must haue care of both these else they shal answer for their child at the day of iudgemēt though he perish in his own sin yet his bloud wil God require at the Fathers hands For God made him a father in his room and he discharged not the duty of a father vnto their child Secondly in that Cain offered as well as Abell Hence we learne diuerse instructions 1. It is a common opinion that if a man walke duly and truly in his calling doing no man harme but giuing euery man his owne and so doe all his life long God will receiue him and saue his soule but the truth is this If men do thus it is good and commendable and they must be exhorted to continue but if they stand vpon this for saluation they cast away their soules For mark here Cain was a man that walkt in an honest calling and more then that he tooke paines laboured in it which all men doe not which haue honest callings And more then all these when Abell offred hee came and worshipped God also and hee did outwardly in such sort as no man could blame him but onely God that saw his heart And for all this yet is he a wicked Cain and that is all that the word of God giues him 1. Iohn 3.12 Then it is manifest that to walke in a mans calling iustly and vprightly doing no man harme wil not serue the turne Cain did it and yet was cursed wee must then goe further then Cain else wee shall goe with Cain to the place where he is Reason not with thy selfe I worke hard and follow my calling I hurt no man thus could Cain reason and yet but cursed Cain Thou must then beside these get that that Cain did not Learne in thy conscience to see and feele thy sinne to be grieued for it so as thou maist say My sicknesse my pouerty my crosses grieue me but nothing so much as my owne sinnes these trouble me aboue all this griefe swalloweth vp all the rest And there is another thing which I seeke aboue all not
hee will take heede what he doth and that God heareth him hee will temper his tongue and that God beholdeth all his dealings in the world hee will take heede how hee borroweth lendeth buieth or selleth and what hee doth in all his actions and the very cause of all carelesnesse in these and all other duties in the world is because men are perswaded God seeth them not To vrge vs therefore to this excellent dutie we haue First Gods Commaundement Walke before mee and be vpright saith God to Abraham and in him to all the children of his faith Againe wee haue the examples of Gods children who are renowned for the obedience of this Commaundement Henoch here after him Abraham and after him Dauid who testifieth of himselfe I will walke before God in the land of the liuing Thirdly as it is both commaunded by precept and practiced by exsample so the proofe of it is most comfortable to all that practice it for it will make them prosper in all they goe about For as hee that is alwaies in the Kings presence and companie cannot but bee in his fauour and therefore cannot but succeede well in all his affaires so hee that walkes with God cannot but prosper in whatsoeuer hee sets his heart and hand vnto Blessed Abraham found this most true when he assured his seruant whom he sent to prouide Isaac a wife in a long and doubtfull and dangerous iourney The Lord before whom I walke will send his Angell with thee and prosper thy iourney and euen so may euery child of God say with confidence The Lord before whom I walke will send his Angell with mee and prosper mee in my proceedings Fourthly this walking with God is a good meanes to make a man beare the crosse with patience For if hee be perswaded that God seeth how wrongfully he is persecuted or oppressed and that Gods prouidence is alwayes present so as no affliction can com vnto him but by his appointment and againe that his prouidence disposeth of all things to his good how can he but receiue with patience that portion of afflictions which God shall lay vpon him For as hee that walkes with the King who dare offer him wrong so he that walkes with God what euill can touch him This is Iosephs argument to his brethren when they were discomforted and feared he would punish them after their Fathers death Feare not saith he for am not I vnder God as though he had said Doe not I walke in Gods presence and acknowledge my selfe vnder his power and that God when you thought euill against me disposed it to good where the ground of Iosephs reason is that he walking with God his affliction turned to his good Lastly this is a meanes to bring a man to make conscience of all sinne in thought word and deede and in all his dealings when he perswades himselfe to walke in the presence of God When Ioseph was allured to sinne by his Mistresse his answere was How shall I commit this great wickednesse and so sin against God The bridle that restrained him was the feare of that God in whose presence he walked And because hee walked with God he would not walke with her in her wicked way and because he kept a holy company with God therefore he would not keepe her company nor be allured by her temptations So then seeing this way of walking with God is euery way so excellent and so profitable let vs learne it not in iudgement and knowledge onely to be able to talke of it which is soone learned but in conscience and practice as dutifull children doe before their parents so let vs in a heauenly awe a child-like reuerence walke before God labouring for a true perswasion of his presence and prouidence to be alwayes ouer vs and our whole liues The want hereof is the cause of all sinne And if we doe thus walke with God and so please him as Henoch here did then shall wee be sure though not after the same manner that Henoch was yet in soule first and afterwards in soule body both to be translated into eternall life But if we will not walke this way with Henoch in this life let vs neuer looke to liue in heauen with him but assure our selues that as the way of holinesse is the way to glory so the way of wickednesse is the way to eternall perdition And thus much of the second degree But without faith it is impossible to please God These words containe the third degree or the third part of the reason And this degree consists of a generall Maxime or Canon of Diuinitie and the holy Ghost first layeth it downe and then because it is one of the waightiest principles in religion he proueth it substantially in the words following In the Canon it selfe let vs first examine the meaning and then vnfold the manifold vse of it Without faith By faith is meant here the same faith as afore namely true sauing faith in the Messias And without this sauing faith It is impossible to please God Impossible how not in regard of the absolute infinite and indeterminable power of God which hath no limits but his owne will but in regard of that order of the causes and meanes of saluation set downe by God in his word which is this 1. Man by sinne hath displeased God 2. God must be pleased againe else a man cannot be saued 3. He that will please God must please him in Christ the Mediator else he cannot therefore he that wil please God and be saued must needes beleeue in Christ. And thus by this order it is impossible We denie not but in regard of Gods absolute power hee could saue a man without faith as hee can lighten the world without the sunne But as if he keepe that order of nature which his owne wisedome hath appointed it is impossible to giue light to the world without the sunne so if he keepe that order for saluation which his own Iustice hath appointed it is impossible to please God without faith in Christ. So then the meaning is laide downe and now appeares the strength and force of the holy Ghosts argument Hee that will be saued and come to heauen must first please God But without faith it is impossible to please God Therefore without faith no man can be saued nor come in heauen and by consequent therefore Henoch being taken into heauen must needes be taken away by faith Now the vse of this Canon rightly vnderstood is manifold and of great profit First here wee learne that faith is simply and absolutely necessarie to saluation and most necessary of all other giftes and graces of God whatsoeuer And though many be required yet amongst all holy graces this is the principall and more necessarie in some respects then any other For howsoeuer hope and loue and zeale and many other graces of God are required to make the state of a Christian complete and
for examples wee haue too many To som God saith Leaue thy priuate care which is for none but thy selfe be a Magistrate and vndertake the publike care of the common-wealth but they as though they were born for themselues will not imploy themselues in publike seruice To some God saith Leaue thy ease and thy care of worldlie credit and vndertake the teaching of my people and care not for the contempt of that calling so thou maist saue soules but their carnall carnall credit and ease is more deere vnto them then Abrahams kindred is to him they will not forsake them These and all that doe so may make what shew they will but they are not children of Abraham seeing they want his faith and they want in his faith because they faile in his obedience they must therfore learne to yeeld when God calleth and not to stand vpon such base allegations of wordly matters when Abraham left Country and kindred to obay God Secondly such men as respect not Gods calling but look what the swinge of their natures or the course of the wicked world carie them vnto they presently yeeld and obay not regarding whether it be Gods calling or no. Three sorts of men are most faulty in this kinde First such as are content to grow in wealth either by oppression as vsurie or extortion or by craft and dissembling or by any other such indirect course whereby their brother is hurt looking onely at gaine but not regarding whence it comes Secondly such as liue by dicing carding or by playes and Enterludes thinking any trade lawfull that brings in wealth or that gets money neuer caring whether God allow the calling or no. Thirdly such as liue in no calling but spend their time in eating drinking sleeping and sporting because they haue liuings of their owne and lands left by their parents All these and all such like doe obay indeede but whereunto not vnto Gods calling for alas he neuer called them to these courses but hath often recalled them from it therefore this is the obedience not of faith but of corruption and of the world which is a plaine disobedience vnto God For as the wisedom of the flesh or the world is foolishnesse with God Rom. 8 so obedience to the flesh or the world is disobedience and rebellion against God All such men must know that they are not the children of Abraham because they are not children of his faith Nor can they be heires of his faith because they practice not his obedience for Gods calling and no other rule for our liues must Christian men admit When he calleth they must obay and when he calls not or allowes not a course of gayning or a trade of life though all the world allowed it we must not follow it this will honour them and their profession before God Abrahams faith iustified him before God but his obedience iustified his faith obedience saith Samuel 1. Sam. 25.22.23 is better then sacrifice but disobedience is as the sinne of witchcraft Therefore let all Christians approue their faith by their obedience hanging on Gods mouth and attending on Gods calling for directions of their whole life and resolue with Dauid Psal. 119.105 Thy word is a lanterne to my feete and a light to my pathes When Kings may not liue but by this light of Gods calling and Gods word it is shamefull presumption for ordinary men to frame their liues by lights of their owne making In the second place out of Ahrahams obedience let vs marke By what meanes obayed he by faith Learne here the true nature of true faith it brings forth true obedience where euer it is and therefore Christian obedience is called the obedience of faith Rom. 1.5 And these two cannot be seperated no more then light from the sunne or heate from fire For as the sunne naturally and necessarily giues light and the fire heate no lesse doth true faith yeeld true obedience to Gods commaundements Which being so it teacheth vs for the vse First how our Church and doctrine are slaundered by the Papists who please themselues in saying Wee looke to be saued by sole faith and without workes For we teach that though a man be iustified without respect to his workes yet no man was euer iustified whose faith did not bring forth good and holy workes and wee teach that none is heire of Abrahams faith which is not also of his obedience Therefore God will reward their lying tongue Secondly this teacheth vs that Abrahams faith is rare in these dayes Many make profession of Abrahams religion but it seemes they are as farre deceiued as the Iewes were Iohn 8.39 The Iewes would be Abrahams children because they were of his flesh and men now will be so because they are of his profession but both are farre wide for wee must be children of faithfull Abraham But if we will be like him in faith we must be like him in obedience also when God calls vs to any duty we must forsake our owne natures and denie our owne affections and crosse our owne corruptions to follow Gods calling and to doe our duties So shall wee be true children of Abraham when we are like our Father in his best vertues Thus wee see his obedience laied downe generally Particularly In his Obedience there are laid downe three points 1. The matter of his obedience all which are layde downe directly in the Text. 2. The end of his obedience all which are layde downe directly in the Text. 3. The manner of his obedience all which are layde downe directly in the Text. For the matter of his obedience it followeth in these words To goe out into a place c. The particular matter wherein Abrahams obedience cōsisted was this At Gods commaundement he went out of his owne Country into another for one which hee should inherite he left that which he did inherite Heere many points of good instruction may be learned First see here the power and strength of true faith It was a wonderfull hard thing for Abraham to do thus For first hee was well striken in yeeres 75. yeeres olde Young men delight to be stirring but men growen into yeeres doe loue to settle themselues as birdes in their nests and it is grieuous vnto them to think of remouing or taking long iournies Secondly he must leaue his owne Country where hee was bred borne and brought vp which all men generally doe loue by nature Thirdly hee must leaue his goods and lands and liuings which no doubt were great for hauing liued so long in his natiue Country and being born as he was his estate doubtlesse was very great Fourthly he must leaue his acquaintance with which hee had liued all his life yea his owne kindred and must goe liue amongst strangers These foure considerations were so manie hindrances to his obedience and strong temptations to make him haue looked backward but such is the power of his faith hee is commaunded of God therefore hee obayeth and
liue by faith in all our actions from one day to another meditating daily on Gods promises and beleeuing them and relying on them and applying the generalls to our owne selues and practicing faith by making conscience of sinne and inuring our selues to patience and long suffering Thus doing we shall be children of faithfull Abraham who first by faith left his owne Country and then by faith also dwelt still in the Land of Canaan And thus much for the action of his faith Hee abode in the Land of Promise Now followe the circumstances of the action which are two 1. The manner how 2. The Persons with whō The manner is laid downe in two points 1. As a stranger 2. As one that dwelt in tents The first point for the manner is laide downe in these words As in a strange Country The meaning is he esteemed it a strange Country to him and accounted himself a stranger in it Against which it may be obiected that he was familiarly acquainted with Mamre Aner and Eshcol three great mighty men of that Country then he they were confederates together Gen. 14.13 therfore it seemes he liued not like a stranger in the Country Some answere that these three were not Cananites but neere a-kinne to Abraham and had other names but the Text is plaine in that place that Mamre was an Amorite and the other two were his brethren Therefore the answere is that in all likelyhood they three were Proselites and that by Abrahams godly perswasions they had renounced Idolatry and were come to the knowledge of the true God and that they ioyned with Abraham in the worship of the true God and so were his conuerts whereupon Abraham as he might lawfully conuersed with them as his familiar friends And hereof there are two Inducements First it is said Gen. 14.13 that they were confederates with Abraham and it appeared so by their deedes for they ioyned their powers and assisted him in the warre against the the Kings Gen. 14.24 Secondly it is said Gen. 14.13 That Abraham dwelt on the Land of Mamre he was his Tenant or Farmour Now it is more then likely Abraham would not haue so farre beene beholden to them but that they were true Christians and of his owne religion Therefore this hinders not but hee might be a stranger notwithstanding vnto the body of the people and that it is true that Abraham saith of himself vnto some of them Gen. 23.4 I am a stranger and Soiourner amongst you But it may be then demanded Why did Abraham liue amongst them as a stranger and in that Land as a Soiourner I answer the reasons were diuers First he had title giuen to that Land but no possession he therefore contented himselfe with that that God gaue him and chalenged not any possession all the dayes of his life but bought or borrowed of Mamre the place where he liued and dwelt Gen. 14.13 and of the Hittites a place of buriall Gen. 23.3 c. This may teach all men not to be too hasty in seeking for that that it may be is their right let not men prescribe their owne times nor be their owne caruers but leaue their affaires to Gods disposing and enter no further then they see God goeth afore them Abraham must be a stranger in his owne land and thou sometime must be content for a time to be a stranger to that which is thine owne Secondly they were all of them for the most part heathen Idolaters amongst whom Abraham would not conuerse but as sparingly as might be Now if Abraham would be a stranger in his own Country rather then liue familiarly with Idolaters It sheweth how little faith and lesse conscience they haue who can be content to liue in the midst amongst Idolaters where they haue nothing to doe and can conuerse with them in all familiarity without any scruple of conscience Abraham made himselfe a stranger at home to auoide Idolatry but they will make themselues at home in a strange Country to intangle themselues in Idolatry these men will hardly proue the children of Abraham These reasons Abraham himselfe had in this his so doing There is a third a more spirituall or mysticall reason and that reason God had in making Abraham liue in Canaan as a stranger Namely to teach all Christian men their duty to the worlds end Abraham is the Father of the faithfull Rom. 4.11 And this is our honour to be the children of Abraham we must therfore follow our Father in his faith and in the practice of it we must liue in this world as Pilgrimes and Strangers euen in the midst of all our peace prosperity of all our liberty riches lands and possessions yea of all our friends worldly acquaintance If it seeme strange how this can be I answere the practice of it consists in six actions First we must not bathe our selues in the pleasures of this world Pilgrimes take but little delight in their iourneyes because they thinke themselues not at home This is S. Peters argument Dearely beloued as strangers and pilgrimes abstaine from fleshly lusts which fight against the soule 1. Pet. 2.11 For too much delight in fleshly pleasures smothers the grace of God in vs and le ts loose all sinnes and giues life vnto all corruptions Secondly we must vse this world as though we vsed it not that is euen the necessary comforts delights thereof they be the very words of the Apostle 1. Cor. 7.31 For so the Pilgrime when he passeth through a strange Country hath not his minde troubled with looking or thinking on the goods or cōmodities of that Country where he is but vsing as much thereof as is necessary for him all his thoughts are on his owne Country So should we when we are in our best estates in our greatest iollity in the midst of our wealth and abundance of pleasures cast our mindes from them haue our thoughts euen then conuersing in heauen where is the place of our abode This is likewise the Apostles exhortation Philipp 3.20 Worldly men make their belly their God that is drowne themselues in carnall pleasures so farre as they forget any other God any other heauen But we must not doe so our conuersation must be in heauen from whence wee looke for our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Thirdly wee must haue a serious care and endeuour to please God for all the earth is his and wee are but soiourners in his sight therfore as the Pilgrime is carefull to please the Lord of the Country by whose leaue he trauels through it so must we be to please the Lord seeing as God saith Leuit 25.23 The land is his and we are but strangers and soiourners with him And hereunto adde a fourth which is neere a-kinne vnto it We must cast all our care on God seeing that he is Lord of the earth we are but Pilgrimes and Soiourners Dauid saith Psal. 24.1 The earth is the Lords and all that therein is
Parents prolong their childrens dayes by blessing them that is by teaching and instructing them in religion and by praying vnto God for a blessing vpon them that hee would blesse them Secondly there is a publike kinde of blessing which is done by the minister of GOD in the name of God And after this sort Melchisedech blessed Abraham as he returned from the slaughter of the Kings Heb. 7.1 and without all contradiction saith the Author of this Epistle the lesse is blessed of the greater Verse 7 Further these publike kinde of blessings are of two sorts either ordinarie or extraordinarie An ordinarie kinde of publike blessing is that which is pronounced and vttered out of Gods word by an ordinary minister vpon the people Example of this we haue in the ordinary Priests in the olde Testament whose duty was in the seruice of God to blesse the people before their departing And the forme of blessing which they should vse is prescribed vnto them by Moses after this manner from the Lord Thus shall ye blesse the children of Israell and say vnto them The Lord blesse thee and keepe thee the Lord make his face to shine vpon thee and be mercifull vnto thee The Lord lift vp his countenance vpon thee and giue thee peace Where wee see the manner of the Priest was to blesse the people not in his owne name but in the name of God stretching out his hand ouer the heads of the people This kinde of blessing was then ordinarie and yet some way figuratiue signifying vnto them the blessings which Christ Iesus the Mediatour God and man should not onely pronounce but euen giue vnto the Church in the new Testament which our Sauiour accordingly performed to his disciples at his Ascension For the Story saith When he was risen againe he led them to Bethania where he ascended and lift vp his hands and blessed them And S. Paul declareth this blessing of Christ more at large saying Ephes. Christ ascended on high led captiuity captiue and gaue gifts vnto men some to be Apostles some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and teachers for the gathering together of the Saints for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the body of Christ. Where we see that our Sauiour Christ did not onely pronounce a blessing vpon his Church but was also the author thereof from God his father And as the Priestes in the old testament had an ordinary kinde of blessing the people so the ministers of GOD in the newe Testament they haue the same in substance for the ministers may blesse their people two waies First by praying vnto GOD for them Secondly by pronouncing a blessing vpon them according to GODs holy word A forme of this blessing wee haue from the Apostle Saint Paul who blessed the Corinthians after this sort The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the communion or fellowshippe of the holy Ghost be with you all 2. Corinthians 13.13 Secondly an extraordinary kinde of blessing is when an extraordinary Prophet or seruant of GOD doth set downe and pronounce a blessing vnto any and foretelleth their estate from GOD. Thus did Noe blesse his two sonnes Shem and Iaphet Gen. 9.25 26 27. and pronounced a curse vpon wicked Canaan This hee did not as an ordinary father but as an extraordinarie Prophet not onely praying for a blessing vpon his two sonnes but also foretelling them what should be their condition or estate afterward So in this place whereas Isaac blesseth Iaacob and Esau it is no priuate blessing but a publike and yet indeede not an ordinary publike blessing but extraordinary by telling vnto Iaacob and Esau before hand what should be their particular estates and conditions and what blessings they should haue from GOD both in this life and in the life to come For wee must not here conceiue of Isaac as an ordinary father but as a holy Patriarch and Prophet of the Lord and an extraordinarie man foreseeing foretelling by the spirit of prophecie the particular estate of his two sonnes and also what particular blessings they and their posteritie should receiue from God The meaning then of these words Isaac blessed Iaacob Esau is this that Isaac beeing a Prophet an extraordinary man and a famous Patriarch did by the spirit of Prophecie foresee and set down and tel before hand what should be the particular estate of his two sonnes Iaacob and Esau and as hee did foretell it so likewise hee praied vnto God that the same might come to passe as it did afterward And thus much for the meaning Nowe though this were an extraordinary kinde of blessing which Isaac vsed yet from hence we may all of vs learne an ordinary duty for looke as Isaac blessed his two sonnes so wee by his example must learne to abstaine from all wicked speeches as cursing and banning and exercise our tongues in blessing not making them the instruments of sinne to curse and reuile as many doe for vengeance is mine saith the Lord Hee must curse that hath absolute power and authoritie to inflict the same when hee will But wee are not absolute Lords ouer any man or any creature and therefore we must remember Saint Peters lesson 1. Pet. 3.9 Wee must not render euill for euill nor rebuke for rebuke But contrariwise blesse and he rendreth a reason Knowing that wee are thereunto called to bee heires of blessing Farre be it from vs therfore to open our mouthes to curse either men or any of Gods creatures and indeede vile and abhominable is the practice of many who exercise their tongues in cursing and banning not onely men but also other creatures of God But let such as feare God both learne and practice the contrary The second point to be considered is the cause of this blessing to wit Isaacs faith By faith Isaac blessed Iaacob and Esau. Here first wee are to consider how Isaacs faith blessed Iaacob and Esau surely thus He did most notably gather together all the promises of God made to him and to his two children which were specially three First I will be thy God and the God of thy seed 2. God had promised that he and his seed should possesse the promised Land of Canaan 3. That his two children should be two mighty Nations and that the elder should serue the younger Now Isaac doth not consider these blessings a-part one from another but hath them all in memory and on them all receiuing them by a liuely faith he builds his blessings for by faith in these promises hee did certainly fore-see what should be the future estate of his two sonnes and accordingly doth hee pronounce particular blessings vpon them both But it may be thought that Isaac did not blesse his sonnes by faith for if we reade the History in Genesis wee shall see that he blessed them by errour and was deceiued therein for hee was purposed to haue blessed Esau onely
will counsell in a speciall manner vnto them that be his children As in this place he reuealeth vnto Iacob the particular estate of the two sonnes of Ioseph In like manner when God was to destroy the Sodomites Shall I hide saith the Lord from Abraham that thing which I do seeing that Abraham shall be indeede a mighty Nation for I knowe him that he will commaund his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord. And the Prophet Amos saith Surely the Lord will doe nothing but he reuealeth his secrets to his seruants the Prophets So saith our Sauiour Christ to his Disciples Ye are my friends and he giueth a reason because saith he I haue reuealed vnto you all that I haue heard of my Father Iohn 15.15 So that those which are in Christ the friends of God they shall in a particular and speciall manner knowe those things which God will not reueale vnto others And looke as this is here verified to Iacob in a speciall manner so it is true generally in all Gods seruants children hee reuealeth some particular things vnto them more then hee doth vnto others For besides that generall knowledge which they haue in his word he reueales particularly vnto them the knowledge of their owne election of their iustification sanctification and glorification to come though not by way of prophecie yet by the working of his spirit in the ministerie and meditation of his word And thus much of the blessing Now followe the Circumstances The 1. Circumstance to be considered is the time when Iacob blessed the two sonnes of Ioseph noted in these words when he was dying that is being ready to die not in the act of dying In this circumstance wee may learne two especiall duties one for masters of families the other for the Ministers of Gods word for here Iacob beares the person not onely of a Father but of a Prophet First Masters of families are here taught to set in order their houses and families whereof they haue charge before they die for Iacob hauing a great charge and many children calls for the sonnes of Ioseph Ephraim Manasses before his death and makes them his owne to perfect his family Quest. How will some aske must a man set his house in order when he dies Answer By doing two things after Iacobs example for first he disposeth of his temporall things and distributeth his temporall inheritance in the Land of Canaan Secondly he giues them charge of some duties concerning himselfe and some others especially concerning religion and Gods worship and then he dies as it is said When he had made an end of giuing charge vnto his sonnes he plucked vp his feete into his bed and gaue vp the ghost Genesis 49.33 So likewise Masters of families they must set their houses in order by the like two duties 1. By a due disposing of their temporall goods and possessions and 2. by giuing exhortation and charge vnto their children and family concerning the worship of GOD and the practice of true Religion This as wee may also reade 1. Kings 2 was the practice of good King Dauid when he was about to die and as he saith to goe the way of all flesh hee calls for Salomon his sonne and makes him King in his stead and giues him a most notable charge concerning Gods worship Verse 3 reade the place it is worth the marking So the Prophet Isaiah when he comes to Hezekiah from the Lord hee aimes at these two and bids him set his house in order for hee must die and not liue Isay 38.1 and so ought euery Master of a familie after their example both learne and practice these two duties Secondly Gods Ministers must hence learne their dutie for Iacob was a notable Minister and Prophet in Gods Church which was then in his family Iacob he blesseth the sonnes of Ioseph that he might receiue them into his family and into the couenant that so hee might continue and preserue the Church of God after his death for looke as Isaac his Father did call him into the couenant and blessed him so dealeth hee with the two sonnes of Ioseph And accordingly euery Minister of GOD in his place ought to haue speciall care to conuay and deriue true religion and the Gospel of Christ from hand to hand so much as they can while they liue that so after their death it may be published and maintained In the new testament we haue a worthy commandemēt for this purpose S. Paul hauing instructed taught Timothy in the waies of godlines and religion chargeth him that what things he had heard and learned of him the same he should deliuer to faithfull men which should be able to teach other also that so Gods Gospel and religion going on from hand to hand from person to person might increase from time to time S. Peters practice herein was notable 2. Pet. 1.15 I will endeauour therefore alwaies that yee may bee able to haue remembrance of the things of God after my departure hauing professed before that while he liued he would stirre them vp by putting them in remembrance v. 13. And in like sort all Gods faithfull ministers must doe their whole endeauour before they die that the Gospel may be preached when they are gone 2. Circumstance By what meanes did Iacob blesse the two sonnes of Ioseph Ans. By faith in the promises of God so the text saith By faith Iacob blessed the two sonnes of Ioseph And if we consider the matter well wee shall see it was a notable faith for hee was now a poore pilgrime in Egypt and yet by faith giues them portions in the Land of Canaan Quest. Why will some say did hee not keepe himselfe in the Land of Canaan Answ. Iacob indeede dwelt there for a time but yet as a soiourner hauing no more liberties than hee bought for himselfe no not so much as water for his camels or a place to bury the dead and besides he was driuen out of this his own Land by famine and was faine to flie into Egypt for food and sustenance and there to liue as a poore pilgrime and stranger forth of his owne countrey And yet for all this extremitie as though he had bin some mighty potentate of the world or some Emperour hee makes his Will bequeathes vnto his children the Land of Canaā allotting to euery one his part portion which must needs be a worke of a notable faith wonderfully apprehending applying the promise of God In his example wee are taught a notable dutie in the matter of our saluation When as any of vs by reason of the rigorous temptation of sinne and Satan and by their assaults shall seeme to our selues to bee as it were thrust out of our inheritance in the heauenly Canaan what must we doe We must not despaire but euen then set before our eies and call to remembrance the promises of God made vnto vs in
did the Gadarens there was set before them Christ Iesus the Lord of life and their hogges and cattell Now they prefer their hogges before Christ A most miserable and senselesse choice And is it not as ill with vs There is set before vs on the one side heauen and on the other side hell but men for the most part chuse hell forsake heauen Ciuill worldly men whose delight is all in riches they prefer earth before heauen the seruice of sinne which is the greatest slauerie before the seruice of GOD which is perfect freedome and glorious liberty of the Saints in light and thus doe all men without Gods speciall grace Whereupon Paul prayes in his Epistles for the Churches that God would giue vnto them the spirit of wisedome that they may be able to iudge betweene things that differ And this wisdom we must labour for that when these different things are set before vs we may make a wise choise otherwise we shew our selues to be like brute beasts without vnderstanding do quite ouerturne our owne saluation In the Ministerie of the word we haue life and death good euill set before vs as Moses said to the people Deut. 30.15 19. Let vs therfore endeuour our selues to chuse life by embracing and obeying the word of God so shall we followe both his precept and practice To suffer aduersity with the people of God Heere wee may obserue what is the ordinarie state and condition of Gods Church and people in this world namely to be in affliction and vnder the crosse Hence Paul saith That we must come to heauen through manifold afflictions Acts 14.23 The Lord knoweth what is best for his seruants and children and therefore he hath set downe this for a ground that all that will liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer persecution 2. Tim. 3.12 Thus the Lord dealeth with his children for speciall causes for first all crosses as losse of goods friends liberty or good name they are meanes to stirre vp and awake Gods people out of the slumbring fit of sinne for the godly are many times ouertaken this way The wise virgines sleepe as well as the foolish Now afflictions rouze them out of the sleepe of securitie See this in Iosephs brethren who went on a long time without any remorse for selling their brother But when they were stayed in Egypt then they are rowzed vp and can say Genesis 42.21 This trouble is come vpon vs for selling our brother Secondly afflictions serue to humble Gods children Leuiticus 26.41 So the Church of God speaketh I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him Micah 7.9 Thirdly they serue to weane the people of God and to driue them from the loue of this world for if men might alwaies liue in ease they would make their heauen vpon earth which may not be And heerein GOD dealeth with his children like a Nurse when shee will weane her childe she layes some bitter thing vpon the pappes head to make the childe to loathe the pappe so the Lord to draw our hearts from the world and to cause vs to loue and seeke after heauen and heauenly things hee makes vs to taste of the bitternesse of affliction in t●is worlde Fourthly afflictions fer●e to make Gods children to goe out of themselues to seeke sincerely vnto GOD and to relie onely vpon him which in prosperity they will not doe This Paul confesseth of himselfe and others Wee saith hee receiued the sentence of death in our selues because wee should not trust in our selues but in God 2. Corinthians chapter 1. verse 9. So good King Iehosaphat when hee was compassed of his enemies Hee cried to the Lord and said Lord wee knowe not what to doe but our eyes are towards thee 2. Chronicles chapter 20. verse 12. Yea the rebellious Iewes are heereby driuen to seeke the Lord whom in prosperity they forsooke as wee may see at large Psal. Lastly afflictions serue to make manifest the graces of GOD in his children The Lord saith Iob knoweth my way and trieth me Iob 23.10 Deuteronomie 8.2 Remember all the way saith Moses to the Israelites which the Lord thy GOD ledde thee this fourtie yeares for to prooue thee and to knowe what was in thine heart Hence Iames calleth temptations the triall of faith Iames chapter 1. verses 2.3 And Paul makes patience the fruite of tribulation Romanes chapter 5. verse 3. For looke as the showers in the spring time cause the buds to appeare so doe afflictions make manifest Gods graces in his children Patience hope and other vertues lie close in the heart in the day of peace but when tribulation comes then they breake forth and shew themselues Hence wee learne that it is not alwayes a token of Gods wrath To suffer affliction If any man or people be laden with crosses it is no argument that therefore they are not the children of GOD for as Peter saith Iudgements begin at Gods house 1. Peter chapter 4. verse 17 and any crosse vpon a people family or particular persons if it bring forth the fruite of grace in them is a true signe they belong to GOD. Yea when men wander from God by an euill way these afflictions are meanes to call them home to GOD. Psalme 119.67 Before I was afflicted I went astray And they that forsake their sinne and returne to GOD in the time of affliction are certainly Gods people for the wicked man fretteth and murmureth against God when a crosse commeth and he cannot abide it But the godly man is humbled therby and it makes him more obedient in all duties vnto God This wee should consider for by an outward profession wee beare the world in hand that we are Gods children and therefore wee come to heare Gods word and to learn how to behaue our selues as beseemeth his children But if we would be knowen to be Gods children indeede then when any of Gods iudgements doe befall● vs wee must make this vse of them namely labour thereby to be humbled for our sinnes and to forsake our sinnes and to make conscience of all bad wayes for euer afterward and then wee shewe our selues to be Gods children indeede but if vnder the crosse or after the crosse wee be as dissolute as euer wee were and still followe our olde sinnes then wee cannot be iudged to be Gods people and children but rather a wicked and stubborne generation which the more they are corrected the worse they are like a stithy the more it is beaten the harder it is Let vs therefore by the vse of Gods iudgements shewe our selues to be Gods children so shall wee say with Dauid with much ioy and comfort It is good for vs that wee haue beene in trouble Psal. 119.71 Thus wee see what Moses chose now come wee to the thing he refused To enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season By pleasures of sinne wee must vnderstand the riches and dignitie that Moses
it may be asked who they were that heere passed through by faith The answere is the Israelites But some will say wee reade in the Historie that when the people came to the red sea they were wonderfully afraide and murmured against Moses saying That it had beene better for them to haue liued in the bondage of Egypt then to come into the Desart and there die Now how can they murmure impatiently and fearefully and yet passe through by faith Answere At the first indeede they murmured when they saw the danger they were in hauing the huge Armie of Pharaoh following them and the red sea before them and hills and mountaines on each side But howsoeuer they murmured at the first yet when Moses spake words of comfort vnto them in the name of the Lord bidding them not to be afraid c and when he held vp his rod and entred into the red sea before them then they followed him by faith and heereupon the holy Ghost giues vnto them the title of true beleeuers Heere we may learne that true faith in Gods children is mingled with vnbeliefe The Israelites faith was true faith but yet it was very imperfect and weake for if it had beene perfect sound faith they would neuer haue murmured nor haue beene impatient and fearefull But looke as it is in nature so it is in grace In nature we cannot passe from one contrary to another but by the mixture of the contraries As in light and darknesse the one doth not followe the other immediatly but first there is a mixture of them both in the dawning of the day and closing of the night and so it is in other contraries euen in those which concerne the soule Vnbeliefe is a sinne faith is a vertue and grace contrary to it Now vnbeliefe cannot be expelled by faith before there be a mixture of them both and so when faith preuaileth vnbeliefe decayeth neither can faith be euer perfect because it is euer mingled more or lesse with vnbeliefe This plainely ouerthrowes the opinion of the Church of Rome who say that after a man is regenerate and beleeues there is nothing in him that God can hate For they imagine that he is so throughly sanctified that there is nothing in him which may properly be called a sinne but here we see their doctrine is false seeing faith vnbeliefe are alwaies mingled together Secondly as it falls out with faith so it is with the rest of Gods graces looke as faith is not perfect but mixed with vnbeliefe so are all other graces of God whatsoeuer The feare of GOD is not perfect in a man nor the loue of God for the feare of GOD is mingled with the feare of men and the feare of GOD for his mercy is mingled with the feare of GOD for his iudgements And heereby many are deceiued for when they feare GOD for his punishments they thinke themselues to be most miserable and voyde of grace but they deceiue themselues For there is no man vpon the earth that feareth GOD onely for his mercies and doth not feare GOD also for his punishments in part for Gods graces in this life are euer mingled with their contraries And therfore to imagine that a man may feare GOD for his mercies onely and not for iudgements also is to conceiue of such a man as none is nor can be in this life for the best feare that is in any man liuing is a mixt feare Further when Moses had spoken words of comfort vnto them the vnbelieuing and fearefull Israelites do stir vp their hearts to belieue So wee accordingly must labour and striue against that in-bred vnbeliefe which is in vs for euery man hath innumerable sinnes in him that resist faith and if they bee not checked and suppressed they will master his faith but hee that would haue faith to continue and last must striue against natural vnbeleefe as the Israelites do in this place and as the man in the Gospel Mark 9.24 when hee said to Christ Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe knowing that his vnbeleefe did suppresse his faith And so did the Disciples of our Sauiour Christ when they prayed Lord increase our faith Luk. 17.5 And Dauid beeing oppressed with deadnesse of heart stirres vp his faith saying Why art thou cast down my soule c. waite on God Psalm 42. v. 11. For he that hath faith is troubled with vnbeleefe and the more it troubles him the lesse he beleeueth vnlesse hee striue against it manfully 2. Quest. But how many of the Israelites beleeued and went ouer by faith Ans. Not all for Paul saith With many of them God was not well pleased for they were ouerthrowen in the wildernesse 1. Cor. 10.5 Which shewes that all that passed ouer had not true faith for some beleeued and by the force of their faith all went ouer safely Hence wee note this which hath beene often taught vs that an vngodly man receiueth many temporal benefits by the societie of Gods people which beleeue as here the vnbeleeuing Israelites had this benefit to goe through the redde sea safely by reason of those that beleeued And in the former example the brute beasts were freed frō killing by the Angel because they belonged to the host of the Lords people Now shall a brute beast haue benefit by beeing with GODs people and shall not a man much more Yes vndoubtedly for so wee may reade that for Pauls sake all the Mariners and Souldiers that were in the Shippe were saued from drowning Act. 27.24 This point must perswade euery one of vs to make choyce of the godly for our societie and company with whom we liue and conuerse for by them we reape many benefits and freedome also from many heauy iudgements The third point is this When did the Israelites beleeue This circumstance is worth the marking They beleeued when they passed through the redde sea for they beleeued not onely in generall that GOD was their GOD as hee had promised to their fathers but they beleeued that GOD would bee with them and giue them life in the middle of the redde sea A notable point They beleeued as it were in the middle of their graues for so might the redde sea be well called that GOD would giue them life euerlasting and preserue them safely through the sea and from their enemies In their example wee are taught the same dutie to doe as they here did The childe of GOD in this life hath innumerable causes of desperation and sometimes his owne conscience wil take part with Satan in charging the soule to bee in state of damnation In this heauie case what must bee done Surely at this time when a man is a cast-away in himselfe he must euen then beleeue beeing in hell as it were hee must beleeue that God will bring him to heauen It is nothing for a man to beleeue in prosperitie and peace but in time of desperation to beleeue that is a most worthy faith and indeede then
and lip-faith and to be endued with true sauing faith whereby we may profitably heare the word and receiue the sacraments and so enioy Gods most excellent promises in Christ. Men may lie and be deceiued but God is truth it selfe and cannot lie and therefore as he hath made his promise of life to beleeuers and to no other so will hee surely accomplish the same to them and to no other Wherefore if we loue our soules and desire life let vs get into our hearts the grace of faith And thus much of the third effect of their faith The fourth and fift effects which I will handle together are these Stopped the mouths of Lions Quenched the violence of the fire For the fourth Whereas some of these persons are said to haue stopped the mouthes of Lions it is to be vnderstood of Daniel as appeareth in the 6. Chapter of that booke For Daniel through the malice of others that incensed the Kings wrath against him was cast into the denne of hunger-bit Lions But Daniel euen then beleeued in the Lord and put all his trust in God and for this cause the Lord by his angel stopped the mouthes of the Lions and as it were sealed vp their pawes that they could not hurt him The fift effect in quenching the violence of the fire must bee vnderstood of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the companions of Daniel which three as we may read Dan. 3. refused to worship the golden image which Nabuchadnezzar had set vp For which cause they were cast into an hot burning Ouen but they put their trust in God and claue fast vnto him in obedience euen to the hazzard of their lyues Whereupon the Lord by his omnipotent power did most miraculously preserue them by staying the rage of the fire contrary to the nature thereof that it had no power ouer their bodies nay it did not burne the haire of their heads nor cause their garments to smell And therefore they are said to haue quenched the violence of it because it had no power ouer them thogh it burned most fiercely but was to them as though it had been quite put out and quenched Now ioyn these two effects together they affoord vs good instructions First here wee learne how to behaue our selues in time of danger and at the point of death Euen as these foure men did so must we from the bottome of our hearts forsake our selues and put all our trust in Christ. This did Daniel when he was in the Lions den and this did the 3. Children in the hot fiery furnace And this hath beene alwaies the auncient practice of Gods children in all ages At the very point of death and in the extremitie of all danger they rested themselues wholly vpon the mercifull promises of the true God The time wil come vpon vs all wherein wee shall be called to the practice of this duty for we must all passe the doore of death once lie in the pangs thereof Now what shall we doe when we lie halfe dead gasping panting for breath able to speake to no man nor to heare any speaking to vs when all comfort of the world failes vs Surely we must then at that very instant labour to leaue our selues and this world and yeeld vp our selues by faith into the hands of GOD and cleaue fast vnto Christs Passion from the bottome of our hearts and he will surely deliuer vs from the danger stopping the mouth of Satan that roaring Lion quenching the fire of hell that it shall not touch vs. But some will say if this be all we must doe then all is well for this I can soone doe when time serues and therefore I will take no care till then Answer Beware of spirituall guile for it will be found a most hard matter for a man to rely and cast himselfe wholly vpon Christ in the houre and pang of death For then aboue all times is the diuell busie against vs then will the conscience stir if euer and the body being tormented the soule must needes be wonderfull heauie This we may see by the state of our Sauiour Christ in his agony and passion and therefore wee must not reckon so lightly of this duty Question But if it be so hard a thing how could Daniell and the three children doe it Answer They were prepared for it for they rested vpon God in the time of peace and so were enabled to rely vpon him in time of perill Euen so if we would beleeue in God when wee die then shew forth our faith we must while we liue put our trust in him and shew it by obedience for rare it is to finde a man that liues in vnbeliefe to shew forth faith at his end And therefore while wee haue health strength and peace wee must labour to beleeue and then shall wee finde the comfort of it in time of perill and of death Secondly from these two effects of faith wee obserue further that Gods diuine prouidence doth firmely rule and gouerne the whole world Ordinarily God gouernes the world by secundarie causes setting one creature ouer another and ordaining one to doe this thing and another that and accordingly they worke but we must not thinke that God is bound to any of these meanes but is most free to vse them or not to vse them Ordinarily he executeth this or that punishment by this or that creature and so by meanes conuayes his blessings but yet he can work without them as here we see For he preserues his creatures against the ordinary meanes as Daniel from the Lions whose nature is to deuoure and against the nature of fire he saued the three children in the fire So that God worketh by meanes but yet freely because he can work at his pleasure either without or against meanes and his powerfull hand sauing against meanes shewes his ruling and disposing prouidence ouer all things Thirdly by these effects of their faith wee learne that Gods goodnesse and mercy towardes beleeuers is farre greater and more vnspeakeable than euer he promised or they could exspect This point is carefully to be considered of vs all for it is of singular extraordinary vse especially in time of perill and trouble and yet we see it is the plaine truth of God and therefore Paul giues thanks and praise vnto God who is able to do for vs exceeding aboundantly aboue all that wee aske or thinke Daniel put his trust in the Lord when he was in the Lions den and what doth he obtaine for his labour the Lord neuer promised to stop the Lions mouthes neither did Daniell euer presume vpon that deliuerance and yet the Lord saued him And so the three childrē though they made no account of their liues because God had not promised to keep them frō burning yet they com out in safety For God in mercy so quenched the heat of the fire vnto thē that thogh it burnt to death those that cast them in yet
Peter exhorts the Christians to haue their conuersation honest among the Gentiles that they which speake euill of them as of euill doers might by their good workes which they should see glorifie God in the day of their visitation 1. Pet. 2.12 And he bids godly wiues so walke that their husbands may be wonne without the word by beholding their pure conuersation which is with feare 1. Pet. 3.1.2 And Paul bids the Philippians to walke blamelesse in the middle of a wicked and crooked nation as lights in the middle of the world Phil. 2.15 that those which were to be conuerted by their good conuersation might be wonne to the truth GOD sent a floud vpon the world for the greeuousnesse of mans sinnes Now why doth hee not still send more flouds are not men now as wicked as they were then Yes vndoubtedly man for his part deserues it now as well as they did then and therfore our Sauiour Christ saith as it was in the dayes of Noah so shall it be in the dayes of the sonne of man so that euery day we deserue a new floud but yet the Lord stayes the execution of his iudgements for a time that his elect may bee gathered and conuerted And so soone as that is done heauen and earth shall goe together and God will not stay one moment for all the world besides So that euery nation and people in the world haue benefit by Gods children because for their sakes doth the Lord stay his wrath and deferre his iudgements euen the great iudgement of fire wherewith the world shall be consumed at the last day These things the world should take notice of as well to moue them to repentance of their sinnes whereby they are made vnworthy the presence of a godly man as also to perswade them to better behauiour and cariage towards the godly by whom they are so many wayes blessed The holy Ghost addeth that they wandred in wildernesse and mountaines and donnes and Caues of the earth These were desolate places and not inhabited and yet for the wickednesse of the world GOD will haue these beleeuer● here to wander Wee must not thinke that they betooke themselues voluntarily to this solitary life but onely vpon necessity being constrained by persecution to flie into the wildernesse for the sauing of their liues and the keeping a good conscience This serues to descry vnto vs the blinde errour of many ages afore vs wherein it hath beene thought and is by Papists at this day to bee a state of perfection to liue a Monke or Hermite out of all societies in some desert place and there to spend the whole life in contemplation onely that voluntarily and they magnifie this estate so much that heereby they thinke to merit eternall life at the hands of God But these beleeuers did neither voluntarily nor with opinion of merit betake themselues to this solitarie life but on necessity And indeede this kinde of life hath no warrant in Gods word for euery Christian is a member of two Kingdomes of Christs Kingdome of grace and of that particular state where he dwelleth and by reason heereof hath a two-folde calling a temporall and a spirituall calling In both of which he must walke diligently so long as hee can doing the duties both of a childe of God and of a member of that common-wealth where hee liueth Now when a man goes voluntarily to leade a solitary life he forsakes his temporall calling altogether and performes the other but negligently for hee withdrawes himselfe from many duties of piety whereby the people might be furthered to God-ward which none can do with a good conscience Further obserue the places where they are constrained to wander to wit in Wildernesse Caues and Dennes places where wilde beasts haue abode and recourse and yet heere they liue when as men will not suffer them to liue among them Where note that many times more mercy may be found among wilde and sauage beasts than with some men so mercilesse are the wicked when God forsakes them and leaues them to themselues The Lions entreate Daniel better than Darius Courtiers and seruants doe Daniel chapter 6. And Lazarus findes more kindenesse with the dogges at Diues gates then with him and all his family besides Luke chapter 16. verse 21. The consideration whereof must teach vs to nippe sinne in the head at the beginning and not to suffer it to growe for if it get a head and raigne in vs it will make vs worse than brute or sauage beasts and cruell as the Diuell himselfe as wee may see in the worldes vsage of these beleeuers Thus we see the state of true beleeuers vnder many and greeuous miseries which wee must well obserue to arme our selues against the times of aduersities which GOD may sende vpon vs. VVee must not iudge it a cursed estate to bee vnder the Crosse for heere wee see the faith of his seruants is commended for suffering nine seuerall kindes of miseries If wee shall thinke that these were but a fewe wee must knowe that in them the holy Ghost setteth down the state of his Church vnto the end for these things were written for ensamples vnto vs. And therefore if calamities come and such miseries befall vs as doe driue vr toward distrust as though God had forsaken vs we must remember that God did not forsake these his children in their calamities and therefore also will not forsake vs. And thus much for this last example VERSE 39. And these all through faith obtained good report and recei-not the promise THe holy Ghost hauing set down at large a worthie and notable Catalogue of examples of faith in sundry beleeuers that liued from the beginning of the world to the time of the Maccabees doth now for a further commendation of their faith rehearse the same things that before he had said in the 2. and 13. verses of this chapter In saying that by faith they all receiued good report his meaning is that they did beleeue in the true Messias and looked for saluation in him alone whereupon they were approoued of God himselfe who gaue testimonie hereof partly by his word and partly by his spirit in their consciences and partly by his Church by all which they were commended and assured to be Gods seruants And yet notwithstanding this good report they receiued not the promise that is the promise of Christs incarnation in their daies They receiued Christ truely by faith and so saw his day but his actual incarnation in the flesh they liued not to see Whereas it is said That by faith they obtained testimony Here first obserue that there is nothing in man that makes him acceptable to God but faith onely GOD regards no mans person hee accepts not of a man because he is a King or because he is wise or rich or strong c. But if a man beleeue then the Lord is ready to giue testimony of him that hee likes well of him In regard
sinnes and the infusion of inward righteousnesse standing in hope and charity especially And the second wherby of a good man one is made better and more iust and this they say may proceede from the merite of a mans owne workes of grace and hereby they hold a man stands righteous before God But looke how it standes with grace in vs in this life so likewise shal it stand with the same graces at the last day if they bee imperfect now and so not able to iustifie vs before GOD they shall also be found imperfecte then to that purpose and effecte But now they are imperfect as hath beene shewed and therefore cannot then stand for our righteousnesse vnlesse we will imagine that God will then accept of an imperfect Iustice. Wherefore their Doctrine is erroneous a doctrine of all terrour and desperation for who dare aduenture the saluation of his soule vpon his owne righteousnesse Wee denie not but that God accepteth of our sanctification yet not as the matter of our iustification vnto life that onely is the obedience and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ accepted of God for vs and made ours by faith for that alone is aunswerable to the rigour of the Law Thirdly this also sheweth the errour of those who hold that concupiscence or originall sinne is not a quality but an essence or substance liuing and subsisting by it selfe For here wee see a plaine difference betweene a mans body and soule and originall sinne that compasseth them else the holy Ghost would not bid vs to cast off this sinne for that which is of the substance of man cannot by man bee cast off And to make this more plaine we must knowe that in man descending from Adam there be three things 1. The substance of his soule and body 2. The powers and faculties in them both 3. The corruption or bad disposition in those powers and faculties whereby a man is vnconformable to the will of his Creator and prone to that which is euill And this third thing is it which is here spoken of different from mans substance and faculties and so is not a substance in man or mans nature corrupted but an ill disposition therein Fourthly hence also wee learne what a regenerate man doth most feele in himselfe namely originall sinne the corruption of his nature for that hangs on fast and hinders him in the practice of all good duties This Paul knew well and therefore confesseth that hee saw another Law in his members rebelling against the Law of his minde and leading him captiue vnto the Law of sinne which was in his members Rom. 7.23 This caused him to leaue vndone the good which he would haue done and to do the euill which he would not doe Verse 19. And Dauid felt the same thing when he saide I will runne the way of thy commaundements when thou shalt enlarge my heart Why doth Dauid speak of the enlarging of his heart Surely he felt in himselfe this originall sinne which did streicten his good affections so as hee could not put them forth so much as hee would toward the Law of God And when hee saith Psal. 51.12 Stablish me oh Lord by thy free spirit he would giue vs to vnderstand that by originall corruption hee was restrained of his Christian liberty and hindred in all good affections holy actions and heauenly meditations which causeth him to pray for liberty and freedome by the spirit So that it is plaine the seruant of God feeles this corruption clogging and hindering him from all good duties 1. This serues to admonish all secure persons which neuer felt sinne to bee a clogge or burthen vnto them of their fearfull and dangerous estate For to euery childe of God originall corruption is a grieuous burthen Now conferre with a natural man and aske him what imperfections and wants he feeles in himselfe his answer is he neuer was hindered by any corruption in all his life he neuer felt doubting or want of loue either to God or to his brethren he feeles no pride of heart no guile or hypocrisie nor vaine-glory c. If wee take these men vpon their words they are Angels among men but indeede they are blinde and ignorant and wonderfully deceiued by Satan for all Gods seruants in this life doe continually bewaile the corruption of their nature crying out against originall sinne that it hinders them in doing the good things which they would doe and causing them to doe that euill which they would not These men therefore that are neuer troubled with corruption but to their owne thinking haue grace at will are in a fearefull case their mindes are still blinded and their hearts hardned they are dead in sin abiding in darknesse vnto this houre And if they goe thus on to death they shall finde that sinne will vnvizor himselfe and then they shall knowe what sinne meanes and finde the terrour and feele the burthen of it when it is too late like the foolish virgines that knew what the want of oyle meant when the doores were shut Secondly this shewes vnto vs what is the state and condition of the childe of God in this life He is not heere a Saint feeling no corruption perfectly sanctified freed from all sinne but such a one as feeles the burthen of corruption hindering him in his Christian course vnder which hee sighes and groanes labouring by all good meanes to bee disburthened and to cast it off It is indeede a matter of great comfort for a man to feele Gods graces in himselfe as faith loue repentance sanctification and such like but no childe of GOD can alwayes or alone feele the comfort of grace most commonly hee shall be troubled with sinne if he be Gods childe Now if feeling it hee dislike himselfe and striue to bee eased of it this is a sure argument of his happy estate Fiftly this commaundement to cast away sinne that presseth downe teacheth euery childe of GOD to labour earnestly for the gouernment and direction of Gods spirit for wee haue within vs originall corruption that like an armed man besets vs about and hindereth vs in euerie good thing wee take in hand Wee must therefore pray vnto GOD daily that hee would guide vs by his good spirit for by reason of the corruption of our nature and the deceitfulnesse of sinne wee shall vtterly faile vnlesse Gods spirit gouerne vs both in the thoughts of our hearts in the words of our mouthes and the actions of our liues This Dauid knew well and therefore prayeth to the Lord for his good spirit to leade him into the Land of Righteousnesse Psal. 143.10 Lastly seeing wee haue this corruption of nature in vs wee must keepe our hearts with all diligence and set watch and ward about them So Salomon saith Counterguard thy heart my sonne Prouerbs 4.23 Why doth Salomon giue this commandement Surely for special cause for euery man while he liues on earth is compassed about with his owne corrupt nature which like a
many Parents is farre otherwise for whereas they should first seeke vnto the Lord and come to his Prophet they either runne first to the ordinary meanes of physicke or being worse disposed seeke help of wizards blessers by their charmes and sorceries forsaking GOD and running to the Diuell Indeede the vse of lawfull meanes is not to be discommended simply but this preposterous course is blame-worthy and depriues many of Gods blessing in the meanes That they seeke helpe of Physick before they haue sought to the Lord in this holy practice of faith Quest. But how can the parents faith benefit the childe Answ. It cannot procure vnto it eternall life for euery one must bee saued by his owne faith in Christ. And yet the childe receiues many a good blessing at Gods hand by meanes of the Parents faith as namely the benefit of the couenant of grace in the seales thereof besides the fruition of many temporall blessings as life it selfe in this place The consideration hereof must mooue all parents aboue all things to labour for true faith for by the practice hereof they shall be able to bring the greatest blessing vpon themselues and their children and vpon the lawfull meanes which they shall vse for their good Say the Lord shall lay his hand vpon children and seruants in a family what must parents and masters doe Surely the best way for helpe is the practice of faith in true humiliation for sinne and prayer to God for mercy and for a blessing vpon the meanes which they shall vse In all societies this is true that by the faith of the gouernors many curses are remooued and many blessings procured God sends his Iudgements among vs daily and we knowe not when other moe shall befall vs but for the remoueall and preuēting of them we must giue our selues to true humiliation and praier and so shal we finde the Lords mercy towards vs as these two women did And thus much of this tenth fruit of faith and of them all seuerally Now from them all ioyntly together obserue this speciall point That faith is such a grace of God as doth bring downe from heauen vpon euery beleeuer all Gods blessings that are needfull for him Who is hee that desires not to bee made partaker of GODs blessing● needfull for him both in soule and body Well the onely way and meanes hereto is to get a true and liuely faith and to put the same in practice in all such duties as God shall require at our hands The worthy men before named obtained al the former most wonderfull blessings by meanes of their faith By it they scaped the edge of the sword they quenched the violence of the fire waxed mighty in battel c. as wee haue heard Now if faith be such a notable grace of God then aboue all things in this world let vs labour for it We must not content our selues with lip-faith and so presume vpon Gods mercies but wee must labour for a true and liuely faith in Christ which may purifie our hearts and bring forth fruit in our lyues Here are strong motiues to perswade vs hereunto for what doe wee desire riches honour or fauour and grace in the world would wee haue health and strength nay the fauour of God which is all in all then looke to get true faith for in the practice thereof thou shalt obtaine of God all needfull blessings both temporall and spirituall Many toyle themselues exceedingly by worldly meanes to get temporall blessings as health wealth honour c. and yet neuer attaine thereto because they seeke them not by faith I confesse naturall men get many good things but to them they are no blessings because they want faith both in getting and keeping of them for they lay all religion aside and toyle themselues wholly in worldly meanes This course the childe of God must beware of Say that a Prince bids one of his seruants goe to his Treasurie and there inrich himselfe with Iewels with gold and siluer and with whatsoeuer he lacketh what will this man doe Surely first hee will call for the keyes wherby he may vnlocke the doors and chests for else he can get nothing Behold in the Ministerie of his word God shewes vs his full treasury wherin wee may inrich our selues with all his blessings Now wee must not with the foole runne without the key but labour first for true faith which is that key whereby Gods heauenly treasures are opened vnto vs and we must be sure that we haue a sound key that is a true and sound faith which may strongly turn about the lockes of Gods treasury For this is most certaine he that doth vnfainedly beleeue shall neuer want any thing either in body or soule that is good for him to haue Euery one will say hee beleeues but the truth is that true faith is rare for mens hearts are not purified nor their lyues changed but they remaine as sinnefull as ever they were which causeth Gods iudgements to be rife among vs. Wherefore as we desire our owne good both in soule and body so let vs labour for true faith and shewe forth the power of it in our lyues And thus much of these Iudges and Prophets and of the fruits of their faith Beleeuers vnder the Maccabees VERSE 35. Others also were racked and would not bee deliuered that they might receiue a better resurrection IN these words the author of this Epistle proceedes to the fourth order of Examples of faith contained in this Chapter wherein as in the former lastly handled hee proceedes briefly heaping vp in fewe words many worthy exāples of faith cōcealing the names of the parties onely setting downe those things for which their faith is commended vnto vs. And this fourth and last order of examples comprehendeth such beleeuers as liued vnder the regiment of the Maccabees and afterward to the comming of Christ. For of beleeuers in former times it cannot be vnderstoode because there is a manifest distinction put betweene these beleeuers and the former Iudges Kings and Prophets in these words others also whereby it is plaine that heere he propounds examples of beleeuers different from those which hee mentioned before And it is also plaine that these beleeuers liued before the comming of Christ. For howsoeuer the Christians in the Primitiue Church were racked scourged and tormented after this sort yet of them this place cannot be vnderstoode because they enioyed the promise of the Messias but these heere mentioned enioyed not that promise in their dayes but wayted for it by faith and therein died Verse 39. And indeede in the time of the Maccabees the Church of the Iewes was wonderfully persecuted by Antiochus about two hundred yeares before Christ as we may see 2. Maccabees 4. and 6. chapters Question Where had the Author of this Epistle this large narration of these strange persecutions seeing they are not registred in the bookes of the olde Testament Answere Wee may iudge that hee