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A19694 A treatise of faith wherein is declared how a man may liue by faith and finde releefe in all his necessities : applied especially vnto the use of the weakest Christians / by Ezekel Culvervvell. Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1623 (1623) STC 6113.5; ESTC S4074 171,849 534

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make our vse of all these three benefits by afflictions 1. That they be sent from God to be trialls to discover to our selues and others godly and wicked what strength of grace and sinne doth remaine in vs which is many waies profitable 2. To be effectuall purgations to wast and weaken those speciall corruptions which most hinder our soules health 3. And lastly to quicken all saving graces in vs and so every way to make vs better both to glorifie God in this life and to be glorified of him in the life to come The least of all which fruits of afflictions Vse of all these benefits by afflictions though it went alone if the profit and comfort it bringeth might be well prised would moue any good heart if lawfully they might to desire afflictions at least to be glad of them when the Lord our loving Father and wise Physitian doth send them to vs how much more then when as all these shall be joyned together should we rejoyce and blesse God for them There is no good Christian but he greatly desires to be more humbled in the sight of his manifold sinnes and to be comforted with the sweet feeling of Gods graces in him Yea much more desires he to be purged from these spirituall corruptions which take away his stomacke and strength that he can neither feed nor worke as his place requires And aboue all doth he covet spirituall graces that he might shine out in a godly life to the honour of his profession the winning of oothers and making sure his calling and election All which seeing they be procured by afflictious and hardly or never without them as that place 1 Pet. 4. 18. proveth And if the righteous be scarcely saved And this is the chiefe cause why none of Gods children are without them as Heb. 12. 6. 7. 8. me thinkes there is great reason why we should be thankfull to God for them and so labour to reape this fruit by them that we may say and sing with the Psalmist as it is sweetly expressed in the Meeter O h●ppie time may I well say when thou didst me correct For as a guide to learne thy lawes thy rod●●d me direct So little cause haue Gods children to thinke their condition miserable because of afflictions that if we will beleeue and practise what the Apostle Paul professed and performed we must in a holy manner boast of our afflictions Rom. 5. 3. as a Souldier of his scarres got in battell And as a little before we heard 2 Cor. 12. 10. Paul did take pleasure in reproches in necessities in persecutions in distresses f●● Christs sake Thus we see what comfort we may get out of Gods Word fitly applyed vnto vs by faith for the better bearing of all afflictions of what sort soever I might gather many other fruits of afflictions as some haue done but if all be well wayghed they may be referred to one of these three and so having sayd sufficient of the three former grounds of comfort in afflictions I will come to the fourth and last The fourth ground of comfort in afflictions which is to set out what helpe God hath promised vs in all our troubles that we may be able to beare them and in due season to giue vs a good issue out of them Concerning which it will be profitable to obserue that the Lord knowing our great weaknes to beare the crosse and how full of distrust we be that God will not be ready to helpe vs at least as we would both which are so often to be found in the liues of Gods faithfull servants in all ages as needs no further proofe the Lord I say well acquainted with this frailtie of his children hath most plentifully provided all sufficient helpe to support them and therefore made so many promises to be with them in all their troubles and succour them in all extremities that they shall never perish but in the end find a good end and issue out of them to his glory and their endlesse comfort Having pervsed these promises and gathered them out of the Scripture I may boldly say they doe farre exceed in number all the former so that it would be too tedious to set them down all I will therefore make choice of some of the chiefe that we may haue them ready for our vse against time of need Among all that is exceeding full of comfort which is written Rom. 8. 26. In which chapter the Apostle intending to teach that nothing should hinder the happines of those that be in Christ whereas there be but these two corruption and affliction hee first confutes the one from verse ● to ●7 and secondly the other concerning afflictions from verse 17. to 31. And whereas it might be obiected that though afflictions were profitable to those that could endure them yet oft they be so heauie that we cannot so much as cry to God for helpe as we ought hee answers that even then the spirit helpeth our infirmities c. meaning that when we begin to sincke as not able to stand vnder the burthen then Gods Spirit puts vnder his hand to support vs. Which is in so many words said Psal 37. 24. Though he f●ll he shall not vtterly be cast downe for the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand Which is when hee doth by his Spirit strengthen vs with faith and patience to waite for Gods helpe one way or other either to rid vs out of our afflictions or make vs quietly to bea●e them so long as shal seem good to his heavenly wisedome to continue them For which cause our Saviour Christ fortelling his Disciples of many afflictions Iohn 14. 15. 16. which should befall them in the worlde among other incouragements hee oft tels them that he will send them his holy Spirit to be their comfo●●r who shall be stronger in them then all their adversaries And to the same purpose 16. 33. telling them that in the world they should haue tribulation he bids them bee of good cheare for hee hath overcome the World Likewise the Apostle 2. Cor. 1. 3 4. to hearten the Corinthians to indure all troubles calleth God the God of all comfort who comforted him and all others in all their tribulations that they might be able to comfort others which are in any trouble The like is to be seene almost in all the holy Epistles in which the Saints be incouraged to suffer afflictions patiently But to proceede exceeding many be the places in which God promiseth to his people that he wil be a sure and speedy help in all troubles in due season ready to be found David had great experience thereof The booke of the Psalmes is full of those speeches God ●s my 〈◊〉 my tower my refuge my shield and buckler my health and strength and many moe all tending to this that looke what helpe any man in danger may find in any earthly meanes what soever God is the same much more
better want them then haue them as health wealth peace and all earthlie blessings yea many common gifts of the Spirit at least the measure of them as excellent wit memorie knowledge of heauenlie things courage liberalitie gentlenesse c. all of these be promised with limitation With limitation so farre as they be good for vs and no further and so farre onely are to bee desired and beleeued Another needfull consideration of Gods promises that wee may better make our vse of them is this that God doth proclame in the Gospell his Sonne Christ and all his benefites generally to all Generall promises offered to all and euery soule to whom the Gospell comes so that euery one who heareth the Gospell ought to beleeue which if he doe not which none can without speciall grace yet this is his sin and shall be his condemnation for wilfull refusing mercie offered And therefore euerie one that will not perish must beleeue that there is such mercie in God as he offereth and that God is able willing and faithfull to performe his promise that so beleeuing hee may enioy the benefite of which otherwise hee depriueth himselfe This therefore I doe before hand make knowne that seeing many worthie promises be thus generally propounded and set out that wee might by beleeuing bee made partakers of Christ therefore none doe shut out themselues and so bring vpon themselues more iust damnation as Iohn 3. 18. is plainlie expressed Hee that beleeues not is condemned alreadie ver 19. This is the condemnation that light is come into the world c. There bee also many speciall promises made to speciall persons performing such duties as to Faith and trust in God to confession of sinne to prayer and so to all obedience for God requires no dutie but there is a Reward belonging thereto though not alwaies expressed which reward though it may moue the heart to desire it yet it cannot beget Faith but the truth of the promiser must draw vs to beleeue and our beliefe of hauing the reward which we desire will moue to obedience And therefore euerie one who heares such rewards promised must bee thereby moued to beleeue Secondly to obey as was before said These well considered will better guide the weaker sort to applie and make the right vse of all the promises in the Scripture which may any way concerne them Now then because these promises be exceeding many wee must needs bring them to some order and that as plaine and short as may be lest the weaker memories be ouer-loaden and so their vnderstanding confounded by many diuisions as is too oft seene I cannot thinke of any more easie way to teach the full vse of our faith in euery part of our liues then to laie open the most principall matters in which we are most subiect to doubt and feare that seeing our diseases we may more fitly applie the remedie Ouerlooking the whole course of life Order I obserue these sixe speciall occasions of doubting wherein we haue most need to be releeued by Faith 1. First and aboue all 6. Choise heads we are most subiect to doubt whether we be in the state of grace and so of the number of those that shall be saued by Christ 2. Secondly how wee shall be able to ouercome our strong corruptions and temptations 3. Thirdly how to get grace to praie heare the word and to performe all duties to God and man in faith so as God will accept them 4. Fourthly how to endure and profite by all afflictions and persecutions 5. Fiftly how to be prouided for of all things needfull for this naturall life 6. Sixtly how wee shall hold out to the end All which may bee drawne to two heads first for our spirituall life secondly for this bodilie life In both which were wee so strengthened in Faith as to rest vpon God for all sufficient releefe I well see not what might be much wanting to make vs reioyce alwaies in the Lord and sure I am no other state in this life herewith were to be compared Let vs therefore come to particulars and see how in all of these wee may gather out of Gods word strength of Faith and so comfort to our soules for the better finishing of our warfare in this life and more full assurance of our finall victorie and glorie hereafter in and through our Lord Iesus And now to begin with that First point wherein we liue by Faith is for assurance of our saluation which as it is first in order so is it in degree aboue all to be most sought for seeing vpon it all the rest doe depend and yet we are vsually in nothing more wanting namely to be sure of our saluation by Christ vnder which I doe containe especiallie our Iustification by which we be made Gods children All which as wee haue alreadie heard is to be had alone in Christ and to be made ours only by Faith Titus 3. 5 not by any workes of righteousnesse which wee haue done Whereof although there hath beene in the former part of this Treatise so much said as might suffise for this point to shew how this Faith is attained yet seeing the Lord hath left vs so many promises in the holie Scriptures speciallie in the new Testament wherein Christ who was before shadowed in Types is more cleerelie reuealed for which cause I doe chiefly cite these And seeing this is my maine scope to teach the weake beleeuer how hee may by these promises dailie nourish his faith specially in time of tentation I hope it will be found no lost labour to gather some store of these promises and to shew the right vse of them To come then to the practise of this first point how wee may dailie come to more certaintie that wee bee reconciled to God and so his adopted children and heires of saluation we are to remember Double ●ertentie that there is a twofold certaintie or assurance of Gods fauour 1. Of faith one the certaintie which comes by Faith alone 2. Sense the only staie wherof is Gods word The other is the certaintie of sense when as we haue some spirituall feeling of Gods fauour manifested to vs by his manifold graces bestowed on vs which be so many tokens and testimonies of his Fatherlie loue A cleare resemblance whereof may bee that which Ioab said to Dauid 2 Sam. 14. 22. To day thy seruant knoweth that I haue found grace in thy sight my Lord O King in that the King hath fulfilled the request of his seruant Wherein wee see Ioab was more assured of the Kings fauour by granting his request Both these assurances be expresly coupled in that one sentence of the Apostle Iohn 1 Iohn 2. 3. And hereby wee doe know that wee know him if wee keepe his Commandements Meaning that the conscionable indeuour to keepe Gods Commandements makes vs to know certainely that wee truely beleeue and haue the true certaintie of
God the father mooued by nothing but his free loue to mankinde lost hath made a deed of gift and grant of his Sonne Christ Iesus vnto mankinde that whosoeuer of all mankinde shall receiue this gift by a true and liuely faith hee shall not perish but haue euerlasting life which the same Apostle expresly saith 1. Ioh. 5. 11. This is the record that God hath giuen to vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne meaning that this it is which God hath witnessed for vs to beleeue which hee that doth not makes God a lyar and shall most iustly be condemned therefore this then is the first thing in true faith to be considered that euery soule to whom God sendeth this message of the Gospell doe truely beleeue and giue credit vnto it to bee true that God hath made grant of Christ to sinners so that if he accept this grant he shall bee saued This is that faith which in schooles is called historicall because it goeth no further then to giue assent and credit to the story of that which God speaketh to be true which one may beleeue for another and therefore this cannot be true iustifying faith and this may be in those that knowe they are bidden to the wedding yet refuse to come So that though this bee necessary to true iustifying faith yet it is not sufficient therfore in iustifying faith there is required another and more speciall work namely to receiue Christ and life in him offered in the Gospell which was the second generall point to bee considered in the nature of this iustifying faith Namely that beside the assent of the mind and iudgment to the truth of the Gospell The second speciall worke of faith is to receiue Christ offered vs in the Gospell wee giue consent with our heart and will and so willingly and gladly accept Gods gift of Christ whereby indeede he is become ours and we his and so we in him be made partakers of all things pertaining to life and godlinesse 2. Pet. 1. 3. as the Apostle Peter speaketh where I would haue this specially to be marked that hee saith this is by the knowledge or acknowledging of him which I vnderstand to be by true faith whereby we know and acknowledge Christ to be ours This I the rather obserue for that I see some honestly minded herein beguiled to imagine that a man may be a true member of Christ and so be iustified before he thus actually beleeue and thereby apprehend Christ I deny not but that some weake in faith may feare that they do not beleeue and that they haue not apprehended Christ when in deede they haue apprehended him though they feele it not who may be discerned partly by their heauinesse for want of sense of faith but especially by their loue they beare to God shewed manifold waies whereof we shall here more in the triall of faith But that he who neuer apprehended Christ by beleeuing should ordinarily bee a member of Christ I cannot see sure I am the Scripture constantly speaketh otherwise as Iohn 12. As many as receiued him Gal. 3 26. to them hee gaue power to bee the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name Gal. 2. 20. And to like effect often that we are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus That wee liue by faith of the Sonne of God That Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith Eph. 3. 17. In which and the like many it is euident that faith is the Instrument whereby wee receiue Christ our righteousnes and life And this is the constant opinion of all found Diuines so farre as I know Thus then we see that the very nature of faith consisteth in the true acceptation of Christ proclaimed in the Gospell How faith is gotten Now followeth to be considered how this faith is to be obtained and increased that so we may liue by it wherein wee haue these two points to be obserued 1. First 2. point what is the ground of faith 1. 2. Secondly 2. how faithis hereon builded But before this blocke at which so many stumble is to be remooued That wee yet speake not how a man that hath faith may know it to bee so whereof more in his place but how one that indeede hath not apprehended Christ by faith may attaine vnto it So that here onely we seeke the causes which beget this faith not the effects of faith which only prooue we haue it Many not discerning this difference doe much mistake Causes and effects of faith differing and being asked what caused them to beleeue they say because they haue truely repented and changed their course of life which if it proceede not from faith is not so much as a sound proofe of faith much lesse can it bee any cause to drawe them to beleeue By which mistaking it comes to passe that such persons building their faith vpon their life which is subiect to many changes can neuer haue sound and stedfast faith but a staggering vnconstant opiniō at the best We haue neede therefore to looke for a more sure ground whereon to build our faith which must stand against so many and mighty stormes wherewith it is so vsually assaulted The onely firme ground of this sauing faith is Gods truth reuealed in his word The onely ground of faith is Gods truth Reason why as is plainely taught Rom. 10. 17. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God And so likewise it is saide of the Ephesians 1. 13. That they by hearing the word of truth the Gospell of saluation beleeued which is as manifest to reason in that there is not any thing in heauen or in earth which can testifie to vs such good will in God to saue vs but wee must haue Gods owne word to witnesse this vnto vs and all little enough It is a matter so incredible that the holy and iust God who cannot abide any iniquity Heb. 2. 2. but will certainely giue to euery sinne his due punishment yet of his owne free mercy hath giuen and granted to poore sinners eternall life Therefore hath the Lord so often and so euidently spoken no lesse that hee might thereby mooue vs to beleeue as 1. Ioh. 5. 11. expresly affirming This is that which is testified That God hath giuen vs eternall life and this life is in his sonne For our further confirmation wherein it is saide vers 7. that this is witnessed both by three witnesses in heauen The first the father the second the word that is the sonne of God the second person in Trinity the third the holy Ghost which three be one diuine nature and testifie the same things as also by three witnesses on earth all which be in euery true beleeuer and none els The first the spirit the second the water the third the blood which agree in one witnessing the same things wherby are meant By the first
to al his people in all their necessities bodily or spirituall Because the fai●hfull in all ages haue stood in need of this comfort therefore is this so oft repeated that we in our generation may looke for the like helpe in our neede To the same intent be many other like speeches That God will lighten our darkenesse hee will keepe the feete of his Saints he will not forsake them nor forget their complaint That they shall not be confounded In time of trouble he will hide them His Angels shall pitch about them He wil heale them and take all sicknesse from them They shal not feare their enemies but God will make their enemies afraid of them Be avenged of their enemies That God wil repent him of the evill pronounced against them with many other of like sort and oft more specially of removing warre pestilence c. The summe of all which is Application that into whatsoever calamitie or distresse Gods children shall fall though the Lord doe leaue them for a season as though he did not regard it yet hee will be with them by his Spirit to helpe them that they shall not vtterly perish yea rather that they shall be able with patience to hold out till God send them a happy end and issue out of all That this hath beene Gods dealing with his beloved in all ages needs no proofe it is so manifest Ioh David and Paul may be sufficient to witnesse this how wonderfully God was with them in al their tryals The other branch of this last ground of comfort is this God will deliver that the Lord will not onely assist his vnder the burthen of their afflictions with all needefull helpes that they may be able to beare them but will in due season fully deliver them out of them all which being so hardly beleeved especially in great and sore afflictions therefore the Lord hath very often renewed his promise of delivering his out of all their troubles All of which for the most part being the fame both in sense words a few may suffice for many David had great proofe hereof and therefore after a mighty deliverance and that by a hard shiftfull of infirmitie hee composed that excellent Psalme 34 where magnifying Gods mercy for so great deliverance hee riseth higher to set out the like goodnes of God to all the faithfull saying verse 7. The Angell of the Lord 〈◊〉 round about them that feare him and delivereth them and verse 17. speaking of the righteous he sayth they cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles and verse 19. many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of all so Psalme 27. 39. 40. But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord is their strength in the time of trouble And the Lord shall helpe them and deliver them he shall deliver them from the wicked and saue them because they trust in him These shall suffice in so cleere a point for there are none that be any whit exercised in the Scriptures but may finde like testimoninies and proofs of the truth though not alwayes in the same words It is fully to the same purpose that the Apostle ● Cor. 10. 13. comforteth them with this amongst other Arguments that God will with the tentation make away to escape●… 〈◊〉 ye may be able to beare it and that of Ieremy 29. 11. For I know the thoughts that I thinke towards you saith the Lord thoughts of peace to giue you an expected end By these and very many other the like it is cleere that this is Gods wonted favour towards his Children that though for sundry and those most iust causes he lead them into troubles and oft leaues them a long time vnder them yet he never finally forsakes them but when the time to haue mercy is come Psal 102. thē the Lord will surely succour all his and deliver them by one meanes or other such as shall make most for his glory and the good of all his All of which being so certaine Application that how many and great soever and of long continuance the afflictions of Gods children shal be yet the Lord will never leaue nor forsake them but will be a present helpe in time of neede ministring all needefull comforts both outward helpes and inward graces to support them and in the end will one way or other fully set them free and quite deliver them out of all their feares and troubles we may see what small cause wee haue to be discouraged by our afflictions or to fret and repine at them yea rather wee haue most iust cause to reioyce in thē to blesse God for them and to labour both to beare them and to profit by them that God may haue glory thereby our selues may reape the benefit by them and others may profit by our example And thus laying all together which hath beene sayd of afflictions we shall find that they be no lets but special helps as to godlinesse in this life so to happines in the life to come Thus much for this fourth point how to liue by faith in all afflictions of what sort soever THE FIFT GENERALL HEAD OF living by FAITH is for earthly blessings THvs haue we in these foure points handled how wel God hath provided for our spirituall life all needfull blessings that whatsoever our condition shall be yet we may comfort our selues in God who as he hath promised so will he performe that we shall not want any thing that is good And whatsoever doth befall vs though never so hurtfull in it selfe yet it shall turne to our good in the end Now we are come to the fift generall head of this Treatise of living by faith which concernes all earthly blessings how we may be provided of all things needfull for this naturall life which being so necessary as we well know that we cannot be without them we be naturally so addicted to them that nothing doth more take vp our minds and hearts Care for earthly is a hinderance to spirituall then our care labour for these neither doth any thing more hinder our spirituall life All which the Lord our God well considering hath herein most bountifully provided for vs and promised vnto vs all needfull blessings for this life in such sort that were we wise to see and imbrace this bountie of the Lord we should not onely be freed from a world of cares and troubles wherewith most men be vsually so incumbred that they can find or spare no time nor travell to seeke after the things which belong to a better life but we should be so furthered by our contentment in those outward and earthly blessings that with more chearfulnesse we should run our race of Christianitie and be every way more fit to all holy duties Let vs then heare and consider what the Lord saith vnto vs in this behalfe Generall promises for earthly blessings