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A16518 A booke called the treasure for traueilers deuided into fiue bookes or partes, contayning very necessary matters, for all sortes of trauailers, eyther by sea or by lande, written by William Bourne. Bourne, William, d. 1583. 1578 (1578) STC 3432; ESTC S104686 168,398 248

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are to be seene on the Sea and the Sea Coastes and the cause of Rockes and sandes in the Sea and the cause of the ebbyng and flowyng of the water and the cause of currantes in the Sea with such other like matters c. Being very necessary for al sortes of Trauaylers either by Sea or by lande to knowe c. Wrytten by William Bourne To the Reader GEntle Reader it is possible that some wyll thinke that I haue taken vpon mee to meddle with those causes that are past my capacity for that this fyfth and last boke is as concerning the naturall causes of Sands in the Sea and riuers and the cause of marish ground and Cliffes by the sea Coasts and rockes in the Sea and also the cause that the sea dooth ebbe and flow and the cause that the water in the Sea is salt and the cause of Earth quakes with other matters And for that my opinion dooth differ from some of the auncient writers in naturall Phylosophy it is possible that it may be vtterly dislyked of and condemned to be no trueth But yet notwithstanding they may geue such credit vnto it as the sequell of the reasons shall support vnto them for that they bee but my simple opinions wherfore they may beleeue them as they lift Therfore gentle Readers I desyre you to beare with me for that I am so bolde to shew my simple opinion vnto the world for it is possible that some people may mallice me for that I am so bolde to deale in these causes consydering what a great number of so excellent learned menne there are in Englande bothe in the Vniuersyties and in diuers other places in this Lande The fifth Booke of the treasure for trauailers The fyrst Chapter of the fyfth Booke sheweth the naturall causes how Sandes and Bankes are ingendered or made both in the Sea and Riuers NOw beginneth the fifth Booke which is concerning the naturall causes of sundry things that are to bee seene in traueilyng vppon the face of the earth And although there bee nothing that happeneth but the prouidence of almightye God dooth bring it to passe yet notwithstanding it hath a naturall cause why it is so although it seemeth supernaturall or vnpossible for that God dooth woorke all thinges by a meanes and yet doth come to passe by some naturall cause And fyrst of the naturall cause of Sandes and Bankes in the Sea and ryuers my opinion is this that whereas a great number of Sandes and Banks are many times seene at the mouthes and entraunce of many great riuers both into the Sea and also vp into the riuer that it happneth by this meanes by the shalownesse of those seas and the great indraft of the Ryuer And then by the meanes of the soyle of the Countrye in the riuers beyng a good distaunce from the sea and especially after any great raine dooth bring downe the soyle for all the lande water dooth alwaies runne downe towardes the sea where as it dooth ebbe and flow and sometime the water ouerfloweth the banks and then the swiftnes of the running of the water dooth fret away the bankes and sometime it happeneth in the winter after a great frost And such other lyke causes sometyme from sandye grounde sometime from clay grounde sometime stony grounde other good moulde dooth fall into the Ryuer and so is myxed and tumbled too and fro with the water and is alwayes caried towardes the sea by the violence of the streame for that alwaies where it doth not ebbe flow the streame runneth towards the sea wheras it doth ebbe flow there the ebbe doth runne both swifter longer then the floods doo so by that meanes it is alwayes caried towardes the sea also any thyng is apter to rolle or runne down the hyll rather then agaynst the hyll And thus the soyle of the countrey beyng tumbled too fro in the water is washed and soked in such sorte that the water is made thycke therewith and the fat or clammye substance become owes but the greety or sandy or grauelly substāce doth alwaies keepe towards the bottome for that it is more pōderous or heauier then the fatty or clammy substance and then this grauelly or sandye substance beyng dryuen downe towardes the sea by the violence of the streame goyng by the bottome then where it dooth find any place to staye at by the way there it resteth and so groweth more and more and so becommeth a sande and then the Tyde by the meanes of ebbing and flowyng dooth make or scoure out a chanel or pasadge betweene one sande or bancke and another And alwayes thys happeneth whereas the Sea is but shalowe and the Ryuer or hauen hath a great indraught that is to say to run a great distāce into the lande whereby there is much soyle brought downe by the meanes afore rehearsed And then the Sea beyng but shallowe it hath no great descent to runne downe the hyll And then by the meanes of the floods the bellowes of the Sea dooth cause it to be stayed although that sometyme it happeneth that one sande or bancke doth decrease and weare away and another dooth increase and waxe bigger and many tymes the chanels doo alter sometymes deeper and sometymes shallower and sometymes whereas a chanel was becommeth a sande sometyme whereas a sande was is become a chanel as experience hath many tymes shewed which happeneth manye tymes by some stormes or great wyndes sometymes from one quarter of the world and sometyme from another quarter And by that meanes the greatnesse of the bellowes of the Sea dooth beat or washe awaye the sande from one place and so dooth rest vppon another place and then the Tyde or streame doth scoure or frette a newe Chanell betweene one sande and another c. As we maye see by experience in dyuers places as the mould of the Ryuer of Thames and Humber and the Ryuer of Roane and suche other lyke places whiche I doo omitte at this tyme. The seconde Chapter sheweth the natural cause of Marish ground and other plaine meadowes or ground by the sydes of Ryuers c. AND furthermore as touching the naturall cause of Maryshes or Marish grounde and other playne and leuell grounde that is by the sydes of great Ryuers c. and in such other lyke places mine opinion is this as in the Chapter before is expressed by the bringing downe of the soyle of the countrey which is ground or earth of al kinde of sorts whiche is fallen into the water and brought downe by the streame And as before is rehearsed the grauelly or sandye substance dooth dryue with the streame by the bottome but the fatty or clammy substance is mingled with the water for although you shoulde take any earth or substance and washe it and tumble it in water neuer so much yet notwithstanding it cannot be consumed all away but if you doo let it stande styll then it
wyl settle it selfe vnto the bottome and you shall fynde the substance agayne So although the earth is mingled with water by the meanes of the fretting of the streame and the Tide and also the soussyngs of the bellows in great winds tossyng it to fro in stormy weather yet notwithstanding in fayre and calme weather in such places whersas there dooth not runne a great Tyde or streame then that earthye substance doth settle it selfe agayne on such places as are defended by some Naase or poynt and in some Bay or place that the grating of the Tyde or streame dooth not greatly trouble it is then called Owes or as the common people that be not neare dwellers vnto such Ryuers doo call it Durt Myre or Mud. And then in such places where it dooth ebbe or stowe being setled nowe a litle and then a litle the winde and the Sunne doo somethyng harden it vntyll at the last through the setling nowe some and then some and styll dryed with the wynde and the Sunne that it is as high as the common foule Seas and then it will beginne to beare some greene thyng and so it wyl become Marishe ground in tyme and so is ouerflowed in the spring tides but in the Neape Tydes it is bare at a full Sea And then many tymes it happeneth that those that are the dwellers there aboutes or els the Lordes of those soyles doo Inne that same grounde and make the walles for the defence thereof And in processe of tyme it becommeth maine lande and by this meanes commeth all your playne and leuelled groundes neare vnto Riuers sides And this kinde of grounde must needes be verye fertyle and riche so that it be not ouerflowed with salt water for that all the stonye and sandy substance is washt out thereof and it must needes bee playne and leuell for that it is braught to be leuell with the water at a ful Sea c. And furthermore it happeneth diuers times as in the Chapter before is rehearsed by great wyndes and stormes in sundrie ages of the worlde that the Channel● doo alter by the washyng or fretting away of some poynt or firme lande or Naase and then that which hath been many yeeres before mayne grounde may be fretted awaye and be ouerflowen agayne And the substance of the grounde maye be landed in some other place as by experience in manye places hath beene seene so that that place that hath beene before meayne grounde hath become Sea and water and that place that hath beene before sea and water hath become drye lande And these things haue happened in pracesse of tyme by the meanes of the chaunging of the chanels which doo alter the setting of the Tydes in Ryuers and Hauens whose principal cause hath happened as before is rehearsed by frettyng awaye some Naase or poynt and then some Naase or poynt hath turned the Tyde some other waye and so worne or fretted a newe chanell so that whereas the Tyde or streame hath runne most swiftest hath become an eady and so in processe of tyme grounde in lyke manner c. The thyrde Chapter sheweth the naturall causes of the hyghe clyffes by the Sea coastes c. AND furthermore as touchyng the naturall causes of clyffes that are by the Sea coastes as wee maye see some of harde stone and some of Chaulke and of a monstrous height and some of Claye and other of earth c. My opinion is thys as the age of the worlde is of no small tyme so in processe of tyme the often sufferynges of the bellowes of the Seas haue beaten away the feete of those hilles that are by the sea coastes And so vndermyning it although it were of harde stone yet the wayght of that which was vndermined hanging ouer in rayny wether or after great frost must needes fall downe into the Sea And then that sayle or substaunce that fell downe in processe of time was beaten or washed away agayne by the often soussing of the bellowes of the sea in the time of great wyndes and stormes And then the stuffe so fallen down being washed and consumed away the sea doth begin to vndermine it agayne by litle and lytle tyll at the length by the meanes before rehearsed there falleth downe an other portion of the sayde substaunce or stuffe from the hyll so that in the ende they become such monsterous Cliffes as wee may see by experience are on the sea coastes in a number of places And thus they do were away by litle and lytle vntil that an other place is become aforelande without that lande that is to say an other Naase or head land to stande further out into the sea then that dooth and then that Clyffe wyl stay without fallyng downe any more of the substaunce or stuffe of long time by the meanes of some beache or shingle or sande or stones that shall be brought thither by the cossing to and fro of the bellowes of the sea and that shall lye there and defende the foote of the sande cliffe as by experiēce we may see in a nūber of places by the sea coasts and then doth we are away an other Cliffe in some other place of the sea coastes for it happeneth many times in sundrye ages that at one time one place dooth were awaye and an other dooth increase agayne and in an other age agayne that whiche dyd increase shal weare away and the other shal stay or perhaps increase agayne by the meanes there is some head land or Naase without that which dooth breake away the fretting or gratyng of the tyde For many times it happeneth vpon the sea Coastes through some great and huge storme that maketh a breache by the monstrousnesse of the great bellowes that teareth away some great quantitie of ground from some one place in short time and the bellowes of the sea shall dryue or bring it or lande it in some other place yea euen in a short space as experyence hath many tymes shewed it and as it many tymes hapneth that in one age of the world that the great huge windes or stormed doo happen sometime in one quarter of the Worlde and at an other time in an other quarter For as we may see that in some yeares the most great winds and stormes doo blow in the East quarter of the worlde and in other yeares in the West quarter of the world and in other yeres in the South quarter of the worlde and in other yeares in the North quarter of the worlde c. By which meanes it fretteth at one time away the substaunce or stuffe from one place and then the bellowes of the sea doo driue or force it to lande in an other place and so it continueth for a certayne time vntill such tyme that the great windes or stormes doo blowe in a contrary quarter of the world and then the stuffe or subtaunce is beaten by the bellowes of the Sea and dryuen and
forced from that place and so is landed in an other place And it is possible to bee forced or landed at the place that it fyrst came from although it may be 20. or 40. myles distance asunder And thus those that are neare dwellers vnto the sea coastes doo see the great and mighty workes of God wrought by his greatnesse and almighty power the great or huge bellowes or waues or knots of the sea in great winds and stormes or tempestes For euen those things that shew or seeme vnpossible he bringeth to passe as by experience hath beene seene at sundrye times c. The fourth Chapter sheweth the naturall cause why that the beache and the great bolder stones on the sea coastes are become rounde and smooth without any edges or corners NOw furthermore as touching the natural causes why that the Beache and the great bolder stones in the sea and the other small shingle are all smooth and rounde without corners or sharpe edges and yet they be of all kindes and luites of stones as Marble stone and Flynt and other hard stone c. For they bee of those substance natures as the Cliffes that are neare vnto those partes as in the Chapter goyng before is declared by vnderminyng of the hilles or bankes with the bellowes of the Sea the substaunce falleth downe into the Sea what soeuer manner of stuffe it bee according vnto the mineralles of those groundes or hylles that falleth into the Sea whether it be hard stone or Marble stone or Flynt or what stuffe els soeuer it bee accordyng vnto the vaines of the mineralles in the grounde that so by that meanes before rehearsed do fall into the sea Then when it is forced or brought to lande vpon any place of the Sea coast it is all smooth without any corners or sharpe edges The cause therof commeth to passe by this meanes for when it doth fyrst fall out of the Cliffe into the sea then it hath the fashion and forme as those haue that are digged forth of the grounde but after it is fallen into the sea hath had any continuance there so tossed to fro by the waues and bellowes of the sea a great number of them together the one doth so fret and rubbe or grinde against the other that it must needs rubbe or fret away al the sharpe edges of those stones how hard soeuer the stone is for the soussing of the bellows of the sea doth neuer forget it self to stand styl neyther is euer wery nor desyreth rest but is alwayes labouring and tossing that is in it to and fro according vnto the bignesse of the winde c. as by experience vpon the sea coast may be seene the great and mighty force of the bellowes in the soussings and forcing of the Beach a shore in the time of any great windes or stormes amongst the Beache shingle for you shal heare the soussing of the bellowes of the sea amongest the Beache as though it weee the powring downe of a thousande Carte loade at once So that you may heare it two or three miles from the place wher as it is yea and sometimes after a Storme you may see Stones that waygh a pounde wayght throwne from the full sea marke into the landewardes two or three rods by the very meanes of the soussing of the bellowes or waues of the sea as those that doo occupy the sea coastes doo see by experience c. The fyfth Chapter sheweth the naturall cause of the Rockes in the Sea c. AND yet furthermore as concernyng the naturall causes of Rockes and pinacles that doo stande in the sea very strangelye vnto suche as doo beholde and see the same in sundry places in the sea and some on the sea Coastes and some in Hauens harborows that are adioyning vnto the sea And this is generall for euer that looke whereas there is any great store of rockes it is a token of a deepe sea it is a token of a shallow Sea that hath many sands And the cause of rocks in the sea in mine opinion is this as it is knowne vnto all persons that the age of the world is of no small time so that I am of that opinion that the Rockes that are now standyng in the sea haue beene parcell of the maynelande or at the least some Ilandes standyng in the sea of long time agoe although there bee no mention made of any suche Ilandes standyng in the seas in those dayes The cause thereof might be this for that they that were of long time agoe made no accoumpt of any small Ilandes that were towardes our West Occian For these west partes in those dayes were scant peopled as Ireland and Englande and Scotlande and Brytayne the west part of Fraunce For it is no long time agoe that Irelande hath beene throughly well peopled although it bee a long time agoe since the fyrst entraunce of Brute yet it was long since the Incarnation of Christ before that this Countrye became throughly peopled as it dooth appeare both by the Chronicles and other ancient hystories And also in those dayes Nauigation was not so much vsed in these our West Occian Seas for the Sea was litle vsed in these our partes except it were by small Botes to goe a fishing and to transport people from place to place as wee doo see by experience Yet in these dayes those that doo inhabit and dwell vppon the Coast of Afryca to the West Occian doo occupye no shypping vnto the Sea except small Cannoses to goe on fishing and such other lyke as al Barbary and Ginny which were countryes well people before these Northwest parts were peopled as it dooth appeare by Histories And furthermore in the olde time those people that were the dwellers in these Northwest partes were very simple and ignoraunt as touchyng the drawing of Plats and Cardes whether they were Cardes Geography or Hidrographie c. Although that Pitholomias made Tables as touching the description of the Countries yet hee dyd not manyfestly or plainly shew the Ilandes in the sea not to this west Occian as they bee now well knowne And furthermore it is but a very short time agoe since that Englishe menne did muche occupie the sea to trauaile on long voiages neyther dyd fewe or none know or vnderstande the vse of their Sea plats called Cardes Hydrography for within these three score or foure score yeares it hath been thought a great long voiage for to goe into Spayre and then when they dyd go into Spayne they went al alongst by the coast of France and so to the coast of Byskey c. But thankes be vnto God now in these dayes Englishmen are as sufficient to trauaile in long voiages as any other nations be But now to returne to our former matter as concerning the causes of Rocks in the sea and as I haue sayde before that the Rocks haue beene parcell of the mayne lande or els
Amerrica or Bay of Mexico and so reuerseth backe agayne and so thorowe the Cannel or Chanell of Bayhaina between the Cappe of Terra Florriday the great Ilande of Coba goyng from the West into the East which is the cause that those that doo go into the West Indies doo fyrst goe to the Cannaries and so to the Westwardes to the intent to haue the currant to the Westwardes into the Bay of Mexico and then when they doo returne home then they doo go by the North part of the Bay of Mexico through the chanel of Baphamea for that the currant dooth reuerse backe from the West into the East so that they haue the currant or streame to help them backe home agayne c. And thē in lyke maner partlye the currant that commeth about Cape bone sperance being beaten by the mayne lande of America as is sayde before part runneth or goeth thorowe the strayght of Magalenus and partly thorowe the great Golfe or Bay of Mexico as before is rehearsed and part dooth reuerse or goe backe alongest the coast of the South land that lyeth on the South side of the straightes of Magalenus where the South pole or pole Anterticke is raysed more thē .50 degrees and so goeth backe from the West into the East alongest the South Coast vntyl it dooth come into the East Occian sea agayne c. And this is the principallest currant as those that doo occupie those partes by sea doo knowe and these currantes are wel knowen to runne continually alwayes one way c. The seconde sort of currantes or streames is this as it is seene in dyuers places that they shall haue a currant or streame where it dooth not ebbe flow that alwayes doth goe vnto the windewards But that neuer happeneth but in the tyme of great wind and the cause thereof is this that the sea beyng wrought or troubled with great stormes of wynd dooth rayse great bellowes or waues or great knottes in the sea and that runneth rollyng with the wynde and dooth cause the water too bee vnleuell or vneuen as it is the nature of water to seeke to the lower partes tyll that it doth come vnto his leuel so by that meanes as the wind beareth the water in the sea with great waues or bellowes so the currant in the water dooth goe agaynst the wynd to come vnto his leuel againe as the experience thereof is seene in dyuers places where it dooth not ebbe and flowe as in the myddle earth sea or leuant seas and within the Soūd that is to say within Elson Nore that hath narrowe enterances and yet is great seas within which dooth take away the effect of ebbing and flowing for that the straight is not sufficient to let in water ye●●ugh for to cause it too ebbe and flowe And this effecte in lyke manner is many tymes seene sometyme on the coast of Barbary and in such other lyke places where it dooth not ebbe and flowe c. The thirde sort of currants or streames that runneth in the Sea where it dooth not ebbe and flowe as by experience is seene in diuers places is caused by the sailyng into the Sea of some great and myghty Ryuer that the lande water commyng forceably downe the Ryuer and so emptyeth or runneth into the Sea dooth cause a currant to goe in the sea agaynst the mouth of the Ryuer as it is seene in the middle earth Sea agaynst the mouth of Nilus and also it is many tymes seene in the North partes at the spryng of the yeare when the Snowe and the Ise is melted or consumed into water And then agaynst the mouthes of such Ryuers as doo emptye them into those seas dooth cause a great currant to runne a great distance from the lande in such places as this effect happeneth in those seas c. The eyght Chapter sheweth the cause that the waters of the Sea are salt c. AND furthermore as touchyng the naturall cause that the water of the Sea is salt whereas the opinion of some Authors is as Aristotle other that it is made salte by the powers of the Sunne by the drawing of the fyne substance of the water vp into the ayre the Sea is made salt by that meanes Then if that were the whole cause thē the water of the Sea shoulde be most saltest vnder or neare the Equinoctiall For that the Sunne hath a greater force by the meanes of the direction of the shadow of the Sunne whereby the Sunne shoulde drawe or distil it more faster then it dooth in any of the other Clymates Yet notwithstandyng it is seene by experience that the water of the Sea is as salte in the Latitude of .60 degrees in the Occian Sea as it is vnder the Equinoctiall And as some haue sayde it is as salte in Iselande and at the North Cappe which is within the Polle or Cyrcle neare fyue degrees And there the Sunne cannot haue any great power for that the Sunne hath but a very glaunsyng shadowe in Iune And in the Wynter part of the yeare the Sunne wyll not appeare or ryse vnto them in the space of tenne Weekes And furthermore if the water of the sea were made salte onely by the powers of the Sunne then those seas must needes become freshe by another great cause and that is this For in the Spring of the yeare in the meltyng of the Snowe and the Ise there falleth such abundance of freshe water that it would make it freshe and yet the water is verye salt insomuch that in dyuers places in the North parte they doo make salt of the sea water although that it is not made by the heate or powers of the Sunne as it is made in Spayne and in Fraunce for that they doo make it in Scotlande with the heate of the fyre so as some haue sayde it is made in Rosey not farre from Sainct Nicolas And furthermore as it may be prooued the water is not made salt by the power of the Sunne for that the heade of the great Ryuer Nylus that commeth from the Mountaynes of the Moone hath Latitude beyond the Equinoctial twelue degrees And so in sundry places standeth in sundry great pooles not farre from the Equinoctial and so passeth from vnder the Equinoctiall vnto the Northwards and dooth empty it selfe in the middle earth sea and yet that water is fresh and not salt So that it is manifest that the powers of the Sun are not altogether the cause that the water of the sea is salt Wherfore in mine opinion the water of the sea is become salt by the Minerals or substance of the nature of the ground which is salt properly of it self and so mollified or soked that it turneth vnto water hauing anye moysture or lyquor to come vnto it As for an ensample that in sundrie places it is knowen that there is Salt found and dygged out of the ground and is perfect Salt and
A booke called the Treasure for traueilers deuided into fiue Bookes or partes contaynyng very necessary matters for all sortes of Trauailers eyther by Sea or by Lande written by William Bourne ¶ Imprinted at London for Thomas Woodcocke dwelling in Paules Churchyarde at the sygne of the blacke Beare 1578. VIRTVS IN ACTA ¶ To the Right worshipfull syr William Winter Knight Maister of the Queenes Maiesties Ordinaunce by Sea Suruaior of her highnesse marine causes c. William Bourne wisheth increase of woorship vnto the state of honour and true felicitie WHat great commoditie and profit Right worthy worshipfull Knight hath alwaies redownded vnto the common weale and gouern ours of the same which in martial affaires and warlike discipline haue chiefely delighted and taken great paines and care in the same and vnto what excellent fame and renowme it hath alwayes brought and exalted vnto high dignitie those that haue taken vpon them for their Prince and Countries prosperitie great exploytes rather putting them selues in daunger of their liues then their Prince and Country shoulde bee dishonoured Then I may say without any obiection or doubt that your woorship is one For I my selfe can witnesse and of my owne knowledge know that no person in this Land hath such great iudgement and knowledge in martial affaires by Sea both touching the shipping for that purpose and also the prouision for the same as your woorship hath and as for your courage valiantnesse and wisdome which is not vnknowne vnto the worlde whereas I being most symple haue written this base and rude volume whiche I doo call a Treasure for Trauaylers am so bolde to dedicate it vnto your worship not for that the Booke is worthy to be preferred vnto so worthy a person but for my bounden duetyes sake to acknowledge my good wyll towardes your worship for that I haue most largelye tasted of your beneuolence towards mee being as a poore Gunner seruing vnder your worthinesse hoping that your woorship will take this simple woorke in good part the which woorke is deuided into fiue Bookes the fyrst is Geometrie perspectiue the second Booke is appertainyng vnto Cosmographie the thirde Booke is Geometrie general the fourth Booke is Statick and the fyfth and last Booke is appertayning vnto natural Philosophie as the contentes of the matter doo appeare in the Tables of the Bookes hoping that your worship wil take this simple thing as a true token of my good will towardes you although the thing it selfe be but rude simple And thus I ceasse to trouble your worship any longer at this time beseeching the liuing God to prosper you in al your affayres in perfect health with all your children and familie Amen By your worships at commaundement William Bourne The Preface to the Reader COnsideryng with my selfe gentle Reader with howe infinite paynes and labour dyuers heretofore men of most excellent wittes and of passing knowledge haue compiled their Bookes and with what heede and circumspectnesse they haue examined and perused theyr trauayles and with what feare and warynesse they haue published the same and not without good cause why for thereby they haue opened them selues theyr name and fame to no small daungers and harzardes namely to the veiwe iudgement and report of all menne For which cause nowe seeyng I haue taken vpon me at this time a harde enterprise a burthen too heauy for mee to beare or sustaine who haue at length shewed my selfe so hardly as to publish this litle Treatise I being altogether vnlearned and hauing no helpe of any other learned persons being of my selfe altogether destitute both of knowledge and learning Wherefore I desyre thee gentle Reader to beare with my rudenesse and consider that it is the good wyll which I beare vnto my natyue Countrey for to profyte the common wealth as much as lyeth in me although that it be not learned lyke yet I pray thee holde me excused beyng altogeather ignorant lacking the capac●●e both of knowledge and eperience who hauyng taken vppon me to publyshe this to the scannyng and trying of so many touchestones and daungerous crimes that I beyng so simple should enterpryse so farre to take vpon me to open any Science But notwithstanding I doo see that it is so needful a matter to be knowen vnto a number of persons that doo desyre for to haue instructions in those causes that are conteyned in this symple volume the which booke I doo call A Treasure vnto Trauaylers and is diuided intoo fyue Bookes And the fyrst booke conteyneth the particuler conclusions of the Skall Quardrant or Astrolobe and in the like maner the particuler conclusion of the Crosse staffe c. Also the vse of the Horizontall or flatte Sphere whereby to drawe or take the platte of any countrey c. The Seconde booke dooth shewe vnto you if that you doo knowe the Longitude and the Latitude of any place truly then howe to knowe the distance in myles from you or any place assygned and by what poynt of the Compasse that it is from you And because that London is the most famous and the most principall place here in Englande I haue haue named certayne principal places here in Europe and also in Africa and in Asia and also in America with some of the principallest Ilandes in the worlde both their Longitude and Latitude and their distance from the citye of London and by what poynt of the Compasse that it is from London and also how much that the Moone doth chaunge rather or later then it doth at the citie of London and what length their longest day is of c. The third booke is as touching the measuring of Superficials and sollid bodies and howe to augment them or diminish them vnto what proportion or bignes you list whether that it be the tonnage of any shyppe or the bignesse of any kaske c. The fourth boke is as touching the Art Statical as to know the waight of any shyp swimmyng on the water and such other like c. The fifth or the last boke is as touching the natural causes of sand and rockes in the Sea and diuers such other like causes as it doth appeare in the table of the contentes of the Bookes c. The which things in my opinion are very necessarie for al maner of persons and especially vnto such as be Trauaylers which causeth me to geue the booke vnto name A Treasure vnto Trauaylers For what thing can there bee more better vnto a Trauayler either by Sea or by Lande Golde Siluer onely excepted then to know the distances from place to place and to haue capacity to know the height and the lownes of any thing how to make a Plat or Carde for any countrey c. which is declared in the first booke And also how necessary a thing it is for a Trauailer to know vnto what quarter of the worlde any place dooth beare from him what the distaūce is
opinion is this by the meanes before rehearsed that there may be some vaynes in the grounde that may be of the substance of salt as before is rehearsed and yet may be inclosed with other mynes rounde about it as we may see by experience howe often that the vaines of the ground may alter and in a smal circuite as in some place may be hard stone and in another place chalke and in another place claye or sande or the oure of diuers kyndes of mettalles with a number of sundry sortes of substances that I doo emyt c. Now this myne or substance of salt being inclosed round aboute with other substances or stuffe as before is sayde and the springes of water in the grounde comming vnto it both soke it molifyeth it that it is turned vnto water then being water it is apt to runne in the vaynes of the ground yet it can not depart to go from that place vntyl that it doth draw ayre thither And looke as the aire doth fynd ●ent thorow the powers in the ground doth repaire vnto that place so the water doth decrease rūneth in the vaines of the groūd vnto other places thus in proces of tyme the substāce of salt being turned vnto water shal be diminished or gon and the roome thereof fylled full of ayre and yet the grounde aloft shall stande fyrme and fast for that it is borne vp or supported by rocky or stony substaunce c. Now it is possible that some will make argument and say how shoulde ayre come thither for that it is so low in the ground and that there is no place open vnto the ayre wherby it may come thyther But they doo not consyder this that no place can bee vacant but that it is furnished with somwhat either with earthy substance or water or ayre or Fyre euery one of thē is finer in substaunce then the other as the earthy substance is grosse and harde so the watry substaunce is thinner and yet ponderous and heauy so that there can be no place hollow or concaue in the earth but it is filled with water or ayre For the water by his ponderousnes dooth descend and seeke to the lower parts And then looke where as the water is not sufficient to fyll the hollow place then ayre dooth repayre thyther to fulfyll the rest takyng his place next aboue hym as we may see by experyence that if wee doo dygge in the grounde wee shall meete with Sprynges of water as by the ensample of the digging of Wels in the grounde that when they haue dygged so low and haue founde but a small spryng then letting it stande a certayne time thither wyl repayre a great quātitie of Water afterwardes And then this being true that the water dooth fynde passage through the vaynes in the grounde then it is a playne case that ayre must the rather fynde passage for that it is an Element more thinner and subtyller then water and wyll soke through any small thing sooner For the nature of ayre is to descende very deepe into the earth if it bee not fylled with other substaunces So in lyke manner water although it be ponderous and heauy wyll ascende vpwardes yf the ayre cannot come thyther by the meanes of the closenesse or thightnesse of the thing that the water is inclosed aloft or ouer it and also the water wyll not descende or fall downe sodaynlye although the ayre be vnder it being inclosed in it that the water by his ●underousnesse or waight dooth cause the ayre to seeke through the water which wyll be a long time except the water and the ayre bee be styred by some accidentall cause And now to returne to the cause of Earthquakes my simple opinion is this The ayre being inclosed in the bowels of the earth which hath happened by the meanes before rehearsed or by diuers other meanes which I am not able to rehearse that the ayre may bee inclosed in the grounde or earth and then when it shal please almighty God to bring it so to passe for God is the worker of all thinges either by one meane or another that the waters may arise and encrease in the grounde and especially after any great and continuall rayne and the water being ponderous and heauy dooth seeke into the earth expelling or thrusting out the ayre that is neare the superficiall part of the earth and so by his ponderousnesse setleth it selfe lower and lower and then the great and continuall rayne dooth lode the superficiall face of the earth with water and dooth cause the earth to swel and shutte it selfe close aloft on the vpper part of the earth and that water in the earth by setlyng it selfe lower and lower and the earth by his closenesse wyll not suffer the ayre to depart out of the earth so that there is no roome in the earth to holde or contayne both the Ayre and the water but that the ayre in the earth is forced to rent the earth to haue roome sufficient And also at that time the earth is more apter to seperate it selfe then it is at any other time for that the earth is soked and made soft by the great moysture that is in it And by this meanes in such places whereas this cause dooth happen that the grounde dooth quake and tremble and the buildings that are neare thereabout vntill such time as the ayre doth fynde passage to get out of the ground and if that it cannot fynde passage then it dooth split and rent the grounde casting al things that are ouer it or in the way of the ayre that breaketh so out of the ground ouer it and possible to turne the buildings vnderneath the earth or grounde to the great and maruaylous destruction both of the people and buildinges where this happeneth c. And by this meanes those places that haue beene Lande may become Water being neare vnto the Sea or any great Ryuer And in lyke manner whereas there haue bene any Pooles or Ryuers may be dryed vp as cleane as though there had neuer beene any Poole or Ryuer or water there by this meanes for after that the ayre in the earth hath rent the earth to seeke passage out then this thing happening there or neare vnto the water may run or descende into that place wheras the ayre was before and also in the turning vp or splitting of the grounde there may bee some hilles or cliffes standyng vp much higher then the grounde was before And so by this meanes the places that haue bene dry land may become sea and water and in lyke manner that place that hath beene water may become dry lande c. And furthermore in lyke manner there may by this meanes before rehearsed be Ilandes cast vp in the sea by the meanes of the ayre breaking out of the earth c. for that is the propertie of ayre to runne and to seeke into all places that is not
he may do good either to defend the common weale or els to profyt it some otherway and not to be idle and to seeke to liue easily whereby the common weale may be the better mayntayned the Prince the better serued and our Countrye the better furnished with such persons as are able to defende the Prince Crowne and dignytie as well in their good counsel and also in their acts and deeds And also in my opinion they are very necessary members in the common weale in diuers respectes that are Trauaylers into other Countries and they are able to profyt theyr owne Countrie in diuers respectes for that hee is able to geue iudgement by his owne Countrie of other whether it bee as touching the gouernement of the common weale in the executing of their lawes of the manner of traffick and in the vsage and nature of the people bothe in their Cities and Townes and in their Countrie and what manner of commodities they haue and of the situation of their Townes and in their fortifycation and also of what strength and force other Princes and states are of and of the order and manner of vsyng them selues in martial affayres in the warres and what their Artillerie is and how they are weaponed and armed and furnished in euery respect which is very necessarie to bee knowne vnto the nobilitie for that they may prouide them selues and their Countrie for their better safetie and also they shall knowe what thing shall annoy their enemies most Then it is a playne case that Trauailers into other Countreies doo much profyte the common weale For suppose this that if we or any Country dyd liue in that order that we did trauaile into no place or Countrie neither no nation vnto vs then in processe of time wee should beecome barbarous and sauage Therfore the Trauaylers are much to bee commended in diuers respectes Wherefore I wyll shewe you my opinion what manner of people are meetest to bee trauaylers For a number of people haue trauayled and when they haue come home they haue had no iudgement of their trauayle but haue beene vtterly ignoraunt of suche thinges as were most meetest of a Trauailer to be noted and partlye some of them were not capable in those causes and some of them many times their heades are occupied with other vaine and foolish causes c. as this fyrst those people that are able to benefyt their country by their trauaile when they are come home ought not to bee to young for commonlye a young man his head is occupyed with euery vaine and light cause as with banketting and play and game daunsing and dalying with women and gazing vpon vaine toyes c. So that his head is occupyed with no other thing but all pleasaunt matters Therefore he that is sent to be a Trauailer to the ende to profyt his Country ought to be a man that hath a stayed a modest head and such a one as is capable and hath a good witte with him and learned And if hee bee seene in the Mathematical Science it is all the better For then hee shall the sooner conceaue any matter And also he ought not to be either to young nor to olde but betweene the age of .40 and 56. or 57. yeares c. And these bee the principallest poyntes that a trauailer should consider of First to consider what maner of Nation he is entred into whether they bee politicke or wise or Ciuill people or whether they be a rude or barbarous nation and so in his trauailing to frame his vsage accordingly as neare as he can that the people may like well of him ▪ for in so doing he should vnderstande the better of the state and commoditie of the Country Citie Towne or place and when that you do come into any Citie or Towne view of what maner of grounde it standeth vpon and what it may be or is subiect vnto and in like maner how it is fortifyed and prouided and how it is maintayned and whether it standeth vpon any hauen or riuer that hath vent vnto the Sea or any water that hath no vent or passage vnto the Sea but thorow or by some other Citie or Towne before it commeth vnto the Sea And also vnder whom it is and howe it is gouerned and what theyr Lawes and Ordinaunces bee And what notable Monuments of buildyngs there be and any other rare and notable thing that is not common And also to learne what nation Country Citie or Towne that may most annoy them and also what Countrye Citie or Towne dooth most pleasure them and what trade or Marchaundize they are principallest maintayned by and what commodities are most plentiest and what commodities or things necessariest are most scantest and what the nature of the soyle or ground is thereabouts that is to say what the ground is most aptest to bring foorth or most vnapt as touching Corne Trees and such other lyke whatsoeuer it bee And al●o what maner of Money and coyne is vsed both in Siluer and Golde and other base Money in Copper if they haue any And also what the people hath most pleasure in and what they do most abhorre or hate and whether the Countrye bee a playne and champion Countrie or Hils and Mountaynes or lowe marsh or marishe grounde and whether it be full of Riuers or not and also how the Princes or the other Gouernours doo leuey their Souldiours in the time of their warres how they doo arme them and weapon them and furnish them in euery respect and what duties or customes or tolles or suche lyke charges are payd whether it be of them selues or vpon strangers or any other kinde of goodes or marchandize and what thing it is they make most store of that they wyll not haue passe out of their Countries with all such other lykenes that for breuitie I doo omit And now such persons as haue noted these causes at their returne home are able to profyt much the common weale in diuers respects and are persons of great valure vnto theyr Countrye for that they are able to profyt the state and the common weale of their Countrye in diuers respectes For all those persons are of great valure and price and are as special Iewels vnto their Country and in the common weale that are politick cunning and valyaunt in mar●hall affayres for thereby their Countrye is defended and preserued from the forrayne enemies For looke what Country is riche and welthye then other Princes are desyrous therof for to haue the spoyles and the benifyts of it wherfore by polycie and manlynesse they must be defended Therefore men expert in marshall affayres are very necessary in a common wealth And furthermore all those persons that are wise and sober and discreet in the good gouernemēt of the common weale such as doo maintayne vertue and suppresse vice are persons of great valure to their Countrie and also those persons are able by their wisdome
of the Astrolobe to knowe the true wydenesse of any Water or howe farre that anye Shyppe is of from you or to take anye great distaunce by layinge the Astrolobe flatte beefore you with the Skall vpwardes The Eight Chapter sheweth vnto you if that you doe knowe the distaunce then you maye knowe whether it bee higher grounde or lower then the place that you are vpon how much both by the partes of the Skall and by the degrees and also you may know whether that one Ship be hygher then another The ninth Chapter sheweth the makinge of a Crosse-staffe that in some cases is better then the Skall of the Astrolobe or Quadrant The tenth Chapter sheweth how for to vse the crossestaffe for to knowe the length of any wall or the distaunce betweene any 2. markes and also the distance from you vnto any wall or marke The eleuenth Chapter sheweth you how for to take the length of a wall when that you haue not grounde large yenough for your .2 stations or standings The twelfe Chapter sheweth you howe for to know the distaunce vnto any 2. markes or to the 2. endes of any wall by the extracting of the square roote The thirteenth Chapter sheweth howe for to knowe the distaunce vnto any marke with the Crossestaffe without the extracting of the roote and also howe for to take the height of any thing with the Crossestaffe The fourteenth Chapter sheweth vnto you howe that you shall know the distaunce of any shippe from you and you being in another shippe and both the shippes vnder sayle and goyng by the crosse staffe The fifteenth Chapter sheweth vnto you how that you shall make an instrument whereby that you you maye describe a region or countrey whiche you may call a Horizontall and also howe for to take the plat of any ground The sixteenth Chapter sheweth you howe to make a Trounke or Skall of measure in a Mappe or Carde whereby you maye knowe the distaunce in myles that it is from one towne to another The seuenteenth Chapter sheweth vnto you howe you may make a Carde or mappe for any countrey placing in it the true longitude and the true latitude and also howe for to knowe the true longitude and the true latitude The eyghteenth Chapter sheweth vnto you howe you may place all the principall riuers or waters truely in anye Carde or Mappe Finis The Argument of the seconde Booke of the Treasure for Trauailers The second booke of the Treasure for Trauaylers shewing howe by the longitude and latitude of any Cytye Towne or place for to knowe the distance in myles vnto them and also by what poynt or winde of the compasse they be from you And also there is shewed in this booke how dyuers notable Cyties Townes or places doe beare from the Citie of London both in Europe Africa Asia and America with sundry principall Ilands in the sea both by what distance they be in myles from London and what winde or poynt of the compas they are frō Londō also theyr longest day the diuersitie aspect that is to say howe much the Moone shal chaūge rather or later then it doth at the Cytie of London being very necessary for all sortes of traualers eyther by Sea or by Lande Written by william Bourne ¶ To the courteous Reader FRiendely Reader there is conteyned in this seconde Booke how by the longitude and the Latitude to knowe the distance vnto what quarter of the worlde that anye place assigned is from you that is to saye how many miles according vnto our english accoumpt and by what poynt of the Compasse anye Citie or Towne or any other notable Place is from you wheresoeuer you bee vppon the face of the whole Earth And for that the Citie of LONDON is the most notable the famousest place heere in ENGLANDE therfore I haue thought it good to assigne the Citie of London to be the place appoynted how farre sundrye notable Cities and Townes and other places worthy of memorye are from the citie of Londō both their distance in miles vnto what quarter of the world they doe beare from the Citie of London according to their longitude and latirude accordingly as sundrye authors haue set downe their longitude and latitude and also there is contayned in this second Booke the diuersitie aspecte that is to saye how much that the Moone shall change rather or later then it doth at London according vnto the Longitude of the places that are mentioned in this second Booke and also the length of the longest Sommer day at the places named in this secōd Booke according vnto the latitudes of the places sette downe in this seconde Booke And for that there is no person that hath trauailed generally through the face of the whole earth therefore they must needes of force folowe such authours as haue written therof whether they be true or not and therefore you must needs take thē as they be for otherwise I know not how it is possible for to doe it but onely to folowe the best and most Learned authors that haue written in those causes And yet the learned men that haue bene afore time must of force folow those that haue giuen vnto them the notes of the longitude and the Latitudes of any places that they haue not bene at them selues whether they be true or not And there bee a number of persons who if they doe fynde but a small fault in any Booke then by that meanes they will goe about to discredit the whole matter often repeatinge the matter yf they doe fynde any errour in it as who shoulde saye what a cunning man he is although in all the rest of the whole booke hee is not able to say any thing thereunto And it may bee possible that hee may haue no iudgement in the rest of the causes how necessarie so euer the rest of the substance of the matter is Wherefore gentle Readers if you doe finde any fault in this Booke then gently geue me warning thereof and if you doe amende the faultes therin contayned then I shall bee the more beholding vnto you c. For as touching the longitude and the latitude of places men must credit those that haue beene there for the trueth of the matter and yet euery man that hath bene at any place cannot do it for the .100 person that hath trauailed vnto places is not able to take the true latitude but much lesse the longitude of any place And furthermore as touching the true distaunce vnto any place assigned that cannot bee by any one poynt of the Compasse as is declared in this Booke c. And thus gentle Readers I betake you vnto the almightye God for euermore ¶ The second booke of the treasure for Trauaylers The first Chapter of the Second booke shewing you how for to know the distance vnto any Towne vpon the face of the earth and what is to be considered in the doing thereof c. NOwe
beginneth the second booke shewing by longitude and by latitude the dystance vnto any Towne or Citie or place vpon the face of the earth keping one poynt or winde ouer the Sea and LANDE although that it be not the very nearest way for the very nearest way ouer the Sea and Land can not be by one poynt of the Compasse except it be vpon the Meridian lyne that is due South or due North from you or being vnder the Equinoctial to be due East or West But if it be in any other place from vnder the Equinoctiall although it be due East or West both the places to be vnder one Paralell yet in the going due East and West is not the nearest way ouer the Sea and Land but the next way ouer the Sea and Lande is by diuers wyndes or poyntes of the compasse and the further frō the Equinoctial to eyther of the two poles the greater chaunging of the poyntes of the compasse For the next way ouer the Sea and the Land vnto any place is to goe by the great circle which is equall vnto the Equinoctiall or the Meridian circle which will not be according vnto any one poynt of the compasse but vnto dyuers as for proofe thereof you shall haue this for an ensample thus that in the latitude of .60 degrees that there were two Townes or places in that paralell the one being opposite or right against the other that is .180 degrees and a degree in that paralel doth containe .30 myles And nowe to goe iust East or West in that paralel to come vnto the place assigned it is .5400 myles as for proofe therof multiply .180 tymes .30 but that is not the next way vnto the place assygned but the next way is to goe by the Merydian lyne that is to say to goe due North vntill you do come ryght vnder the pole and then to goe by that Merydian due South tyll you haue that latitude agayne and then it is but .3600 myles as you may knowe by playne multiplycation as it is from the latitude of .90 degrees vnto the pole to go due North .30 degrees and from the pole Southward agayne other .30 degrees that is in all .60 degrees and then to multyply .60 tymes .60 it sheweth the true dystance which is but .3600 myles And to goe by the paralell lyne that is due East or West then it is .5400 myles that is halfe so much more as by playne proofe you may know But if the two places be both vnderneth one paralel be shorter thē 180. degrees asūder thē it requireth to go by diuers points of the compasse and not by the Meridian according vnto the passing of the great circle which doth conteine in circumference 21600. myles which is the greatest compasse of the earth and not according vnto moe paralels then one which is the Equinoctial nether vnto no one poynt of the compasse for any poynt of the Compasse will bring you vnto the poles of the worlde or verye neare excepte those that be pararel which is East or West as all ryght lynes drawe being extended exceptynge lynes paralell will Crosse the other in the ende so all the poyntes of the Compasse doe winde vntyl they doe come vnto the poles or very neare the poles of the world as they be all Hilicall or Spherall lynes Wherefore there is no one poynt or wynde that can be prescribed to be the next way by that poynt vnto any place assygned but onely the Meridyan lyne or lynes and to goe East and West then to be vnder the Equinoctiall for the nexte way els is by sundry poyntes of the compasse c. Wherefore I omitte to say any more thereof but onely to shew vnto you how for to know the dystance vnto any Towne or place situated vpon the lace of the whole earth by any one assygned poynte of the compasse then for to knowe the true distaunce ouer the Sea and the lande And I doo shewe it thys waye for two causes the first is this for that it is not possible to passe the next way by the meanes of the frozen Zone Wherfore it is supposed that it is not nauigable in those Seas neyther passageable by lande in those Countreys and the seconde cause is this as before is declared in the goyng the next waye it dooth require to goe by sundry poyntes of the compasse which woulde be but a confused matter for the most part of those persons that doo desire to knowe the distaunce vnto any place assigned neyther shall he knowe so readily which way it standeth or beareth from him And furthermore in the knowing the distaunce vnto any place assigned and by what poynt of the compasse it beareth this is to be considered that the Longitude dooth begin at the Meridian of the Cannary Iland and so to follow vnto the Eastwardes and so ending at .360 againe at the Cannary Ilandes as I doo shewe in my booke called the Regiment for the Sea The second Chapter sheweth vnto you howe you may knowe the distaunce vnto any Towne situate vppon the face of the whole earth so that you do● knowe the true Longitude and the true Latitude of them NOw furthermore if that you doo know the Longitude and the Latitude of any towne or townes situate vppon the earth you may know the distaunce vnto them as before is declared as thus If that the towne be iust East or West from you that is to say that your towne or place is vnder the Paralel that the other towne is that is to say that the Pole artike of that towne or place is so manye degrees aboue the Horizon as your towne is both in degrees and minutes then shall you seeke how many degrees of Longitude the other towne dooth differ frō yours then you shall seeke how many myles that one degree shal answere vnto it in that paralel and then you shall multiplie the one by the other that is to say the degrees by the myles and that summe which commeth of that multiplication shal be the distance betweene the two townes as for ensample thus by the Citie of London Answerpe in Brabant which differeth but .4 minutes in Latitude for at London the Pole is raised .51 degrees .32 minutes and at the Citie of Antwerpe the Pole is raised .51 degrees .28 minutes therefore we be both vnder one paralel Now the Longitude of London is from the Cannarie Ilandes .19 degrees and .54 minutes and Antwerpes Longitude is .26 degrees .36 minutes so that Antwerpe standeth East from London .6 degrees .42 minutes Now must I know how many miles a degree conteineth in that paralel and of that I doo make mention in my booke called The Regiment for the Sea in the .16 Chapter and that I doo finde to be .37 myles to one degree Thē I multiplie .6 times .37 because that it is .6 degrees .37 myles to one degree and of
Englande is inuironed rounde about with the Sea so that no other Nation or Countrye can come vnto vs neither we vnto them but only by sea Scotlande only excepted Therfore it standeth vs most principally in hande too bee moste skilfull in shipping for that it is our most principall force and for that it is a very necessary matter for to know how to cauke a Shyppe or to stop a leake and to make her thight downe vnto the Keel of the Shippe in such places whereas it dooth not ebbe and flow water in for to grounde any shyp then they must vse such means as those doo that are in the leuāt sea that is the sea called Mare Mediterraneum as the Genewayes Vemsians Rogosones with a number of other that haue shipping in that Sea that I do omyt that haue great ships and yet neuer doo grounde them but only doo bring them ouer on the one syde which is called carriyng of them and many people that haue hearde therof haue thought that they haue wound them ouer by force and some haue iudged one way and some an other way but few or none of them haue iudged the truth of the matter although that diuers Englishmen haue been there and haue seene the thing done yet as farre as euer I coulde perceaue at their handes they coulde neuer vnderstande the trueth of the matter and the cause thereof was that they were neuer in the Shippe where she was a karrenyng and yet for to karren a ship it is a great deale more ease for the Ship then it is to be grounded in diuers respectes and also they shall haue more time and leasure both to searche the Shyppe and caulke her and to marke her thight then they shall haue in the grounding of a Shyppe and also they shall the better perceaue where any leake is in the karrenyng of them then in the grounding of them And as touching the karrenyng of a Shyppe this is too bee done fyrst thus Cauke the sydes of the Shippe thight aboue the water and especially that syde that you doo meane to bryng her ouer on and also caulke the decke and portes and the sperkettes thight and that done then prepare labourers ynowe and bryng the Shippe resonable light that she may haue litle more ballast then she may beare her selfe well And that done her ordinaunce and euery loose thing taken out of the Shippe then let the labourers heaue the ballast ouer vnto that syde that you doo meane to bring her ouer vpon and so heauing the ballast ouer the Shyppe wyll goe ouer vnto what proportion you lyst and by that meanes you may come vnto the Keel of any ship and marke her thight at your pleasure But diuers people haue made argument and saide that the ship wyll not ryse vpright agayne and some haue sayde that lying a to●e syde it woulde ouerthrow and other would think that the ballast would slyp but the trueth is this as soone as euer the ballast is throwne or heaued backwards agayne the ship wyll beginne to ryse and so in the ende become to bee vpright agayne Wherfore it is a straunge matter to see the straunge opinion of some people in the worlde that seemeth to be wyse and for that generally the most part of men haue thought that in the karrening of Ships that they haue beene wounde downe with caxslienes and gearres tackles by great force and therfore they haue made fast the ballast by some prouisiō also haue made raftes of masts to the ende that they might lay the syde of the Shyp vpon them to help to beare vp the shyppe And see the simple opinion of them that should bee wyse to thinke that the same should doo any good for Mastes being massy and not hollow are but litle lighter then water so that .20 tunnes waight of them wyll not support vp two tunnes therfore that can doo no great good at al. And what a vayne folly is it for them to make fast the ballast that it should not slyppe for .20 tunnes of ballast being made fast at the bottome of the Shippe must require the force of 20. tuns to wynde it downe ouer and then the ballast for that it is made fast and the Shippe wounde downe by force the Shyppe is forced downe with more then fortie Tunnes for that the Ballast dooth hang ouer one waye towardes the Keelwardes and the Shippe is wounde downe the contrarye waye on the one syde whiche must of force be in such sort as a thing that lyeth in a colepresse and doth charge the Shippe with a double waight or burthen to preasse it into the waterwardes and then what can the quantitie of the supporting of any thing that cannot lift a tunne or two tunne waight therof doo them any pleasure besydes the great cumber that they shall haue in those causes to get such a number of Mastes and also to make them fast or to frappe them together and also in deede the ballast woulde slyppe the Shyppe being wounde downe by force for when that the shyppe hath her Ballast into the end to make her to swym vpright and then to bee wounde downe by force then the ballast dooth hang towards the Keele and the ship beyng wounde downe to the syde then it must needes slyppe as before is sayde except that it bee made fast for that the Ballast dooth hang ouer one way and the Shyppe is wounde downe the other waye and then it is not possible to come vnto the keele so well as they shall doo when the Ballast is but throwne or heaued ouer vnto the one syde for that it hath then no more then hys owne proper wayght where as otherwyse the Shippe is charged with double wayght for yf shee shoulde haue but forte tunnes of Ballast the Shyppe is charged with more then eyghtie tunnes in wayght and also it is very hurtfull and vneasy for the shippe c. And furthermore as before is declared in this fourth booke called Staticke that no kynde of thyng doth enter no further into the water then the quantitie or body or any thing that waigheth so much in waight as the proportion in bygnesse of so much water Therefore any thyng that is in the water howe lyght soeuer it is can enter no further into the water then the proportion of suche a magnitude of water For if the thyng be not the .xx. part of the waight of the water then the one of twenty part of the body dooth enter into the water and 19. of .20 partes shal be aboue the superficies of the water c. And furthermore for that the water is an Element ponderous or heauye and yet thynne therefore it is the nature and qualitie of water to support or beare vp a thyng that is lighter then it selfe and yet it dooth geue any thyng place or leaue to turne it selfe in the water so that it shall swymme with the heauyest part downewarde as by experience is
water as it is manifestly to be seene c. And furthermore as touching the ebbyng and flowyng vpppon the Coast of the Occient Sea for that it floweth generally a Southwest Moone so mine opinion is this by the meanes of the shuttyng or inclosyng of the Sea betweene America and Europe and Africa that it commeth to passe thus for the water cannot followe the course of the Moone for after that the Moone is past the Meridian in the Bay of America commonly called the Bay of Mexico that then the waters can no longer followe the course of the Moone for that it is letten by the mayne lande And then when the Moone dooth come rounde about vnto the Southeast then the powers of the Moone doo tracte or draw the waters vnto the Eastwardes by whiche meanes the waters hauing a great course or swaye vnto the Eastwardes are drawen so vehementlye by the powers of the Moone vntyll suche tyme as the Moone dooth come vnto the Meridian that it cannot sodaynely reuerse although the Moone bee paste the Meridian to the Westwarde as we maye see manye tymes by common experience that any thing forced to moue violentlye is not presently stayed but that it must haue a tyme in the staying as the force of the dryfte dooth decay which must be by litle and litle c. And so by that meanes the Mone is in the Southwest before the waters wylbe descended and for proofe thereof if that you doo put water in any broade or long vessell and sturre the water in such sort that it may swaye from one ende vnto the other and after that it hath begunne to sway from ende vnto end it wyll be a long tyme before it wyll stande styll for you cannot make it to staye vppon the sodayne but it wyll sway too and fro vntil that it dooth stay it selfe by litle and litle c. And furthermore as touching the ebbyng and flowyng in the other inferior Seas and Hauens and Ryuers that happeneth by this meanes as it is a full Sea in all the places vppon the West parte towardes the Occian Sea so that when it door finde the water of our inferior Sea lower then that which dooth come out of the Occian Sea then it runneth in vntil that it commeth to be leuel For the propertie of water is alwayes to runne vnto the lower partes and so by that meanes and also the sway that it hath it runneth and floweth into al Hauens and Harbours and Riuers as long as it fyndeth any place lower or inferior in hight vnto it selfe And then as soone as it fyndeth the water behynde it lower then it is before it then it stayeth and beginneth to runne backe agayne for as is sayde before the propertie of waters is alwayes to runne to the lower partes and by this meanes it floweth into al ryuers Hauens and Crickes vppon the Sea coast and in some place it dooth hygher flowe more water vpryght and dooth ebbe more water in lyke manner downe right then that it dooth in some other places and that happeneth by this meanes and if any place haue a wyde enterance and then afterwardes is shut vp into a narow roume hauing some distance to reuerse backe agayne then the water dooth ryse and flowe very hygh for that th● water commeth in with a great sway and will not vppon the sodayne reuerse backe agayne as by ensample it may be seen in Seuern that commeth vp to Bristow and as before is sayde by the Ryuer of Thames that it is not a ful Sea in all places at one instant For when that it is entred in at the mouth and hath taken his sway withal then it runneth in by the meanes that the water is lower within then it is with out at the Sea for that it is a quarter flood and more at the Sea before that the flood entreth into the Ryuer and so floweth vpwardes for it must haue a tyme before that it can hygh so much water at the mouth or enterance to be hygher then it is within vp into the Ryuer for it is three parts flood vpon the landes end before that it be anye flood at London for that the distance is a great way in the Ryuer very crooked and narrow and many poynts and Naases that doo let and stay the Tyde but afterwardes when it is in and hath taken his sway then it cannot so soone reuerse backe vntyll that the water is well descended or ebbed behynde it too the Seawardes as it dooth manifestly appeare by experience And by this order it floweth into all Hauens and Ryuers accordyng vnto the indraught The seuenth Chapter sheweth the cause of Currantes or streames that runneth in the Sea in such places where it dooth not ebbe and flowe and of Currantes or streames in the Sea there are three seuerall sortes as in the Chapter it dooth appeare c. AND furthermore as touchyng the Currantes or the streame in many places in the Sea whereas it dooth not ebbe and flowe as that is perceyued in manye places as by experience is seene and knowen in the Sea And to let you vnderstande what those Currantes or Strames bee that it is a continuall runnyng of the water in the Sea alwayes one way and not reuersyng or commyng backe wardes to and fro as it dooth in such places where it doth ebbe and flow but that the water alwayes in those Seas or partes doth ●unne continually one waye or els at the least a long tyme according vnto the naturall cause of that currant And of these currantes I doo fynde three seuerall sortes that doo come of three seuerall causes and the cause of euery one of them is contrary vnto the nature of the other And fyrst concerning the naturall cause of the principallest Currantes as by experience of them is seene in diuers places by those that haue trauayled into those partes by the Sea as thus The currant rūneth forceably and continually from the East vnto the West at the Cappe bone speraunce the Southermost Cappe of Africa or Ethiopia and so reboundeth vpon the Coast of America which is drawen by the powers of the Moone by ber dayly motion as in the Chapter next before is rehearsed as it dooth appeare by the ensample of ebbyng and flowing and so rebounding vppon the Coast of America by that impediment that it cannot get passage that way accordyng vnto the dayly motion then it is forced to seeke other passages so that parte thereof dooth seeke and dooth goe thorowe the strayghtes of Magelen●s into the South Sea and there the currant dooth go continually from the East into the West But that strayght or passage beyng vnsufficient for that it is so narrowe the currant is forced to seeke some other waye Wherefore partly it dooth deuide it selfe and so dooth runne vp vnto the Coaste of Brasyll towardes the Equinoctiall by Cappe Crucis and Saint D●myngs and so into the great Bay of
occupied or furnished with some of the elementall substances so that rather then any hollow or concaue place in the earth shall bee vacant ayre wyll seeke thither if it were in the very Center of the earth For as is sayde before if water bee able to seeke passage through the vaines in the earth then much rather the ayre shall doo it for that it is much thinner subtiller then water although that ayre wyll geue place vnto water by his ponderousnes or waight c. The tenth Chapter sheweth the reason howe America and all the Ilandes and newe found Countries and Lands became peopled and of what posteritie they be come of c. AND furthermore as touchinge the vaine argumentes and opinions of some people as touching the discouering of a number of Landes and Ilandes that haue not beene founde nor knowne but within litle more then .100 yeares as all America and a number of Countries and great and small Ilandes more none of them of any quantitie or bignesse for that they are peopled and for that they are peopled I haue harde some vayne and foolish arguments therof why there shoulde be people there for that these Countries or places were neuer knowen before except there were any more Adams then one or any more ●oyes thē one So we may see by experience how apt a nūber of people are to fal into errours vsyng most vayne and contentious argumentes in those matters that are past their capacitie whiche is a great offence before God and also to the eui●l Ensample vnto the world vnto such as doo heare of the same For it is no smal errour for vs to fal into for to think that there was an●more Adams in the world then one for that it is vtterly against all the Canonycall Scriptures and also it is as great an errour to say that there were saued any more people after the deluge or flood more then N●y and his famyly that was in the Arke with him as it is manyfestly declared in Genesis c. Wherefore I thinke it not hurtfull to shewe my opinion as concerning how all America became peopled with all the other new founde landes and Ilandes lying in the sea wheresoeuer they be c. Fyrste thus my opinyon is that America is parte of the great Ilande called Atlantida as it is further declared in the eight Chapter goyng before that the Kinges of the Ilande dyd gouerne a great part of Europe and Africa and accordyng vnto some Authors that the Kings of that Ilande were the sonnes of Neptunus then that dooth sygnifye that there was a trade or occupying of Shipping betweene these knowne partes and that great Ilande and then when that great Ilande dyd synke as before is declared the Sea Atlanticus was so full of mudde that it coulde not bee sayled in longe time afterwardes And by the Ensample of America that all the Ilande dyd not synke but the Westermost parte dyd remayne still Although this happened long beefore the commyng of Christ and as before is declared the great store of mud and fylth that dyd remayne in the Sea was the onely cause that dyd let the Trafficke and passage betweene vs in these knowne partes and them that were vnknowne vnto vs in all this long time of this mud remayning in the Sea so long time that those men that were the Sea men in those dayes were of long time dead before the Sea was cleare of the mudde And also those sea men as it is to be gathered that were in the Ilande dyd perishe by the meanes of the sinking of the East syde of that great Ilande Wherfore it is to be gathered that those that were in these partes dyd neuer attempt to seeke any Lande that wayes to the Westwardes neither those that were remayning vpon that part of the Ilande that dyd not synke dyd neuer attempt to seeke any Lande vnto the Eastwardes And in lyke manner they could not so conueniently doo it for that they had no Shipping to goe vnto the Sea but small Boats called Cannouses which be occupyed to no other purpose or vse but onely to goe on fyshing or els to transport themselues from Ilande vnto Ilande neare vnto the mayne c. And yet it is possible that some people might passe out of these partes by shipping although they neuer made any returne agayne but might tarry there and inhabite in those parts And now insomuch that it is knowen that they had boates and dyd transport them selues from place vnto place and from Iland vnto Iland before the fynding of the mayne land of America So it is not to be meruayled at why al the Ilands in the sea that are of any quantitie haue people in them considering that they had in al those partes the vse of Boates from the beginning after Noy or what time we had Boates. c. And nowe furthermore as touching the great fyrme land that lyeth to the Southe●wards beyond the Equinoctiall about .50 degrees is extended vnto the South partes no man in these partes dooth knowe and it is peopled too and the people thereof may come out of America for there is nothing to let them but a narrowe ●●a called the straight of Magalenus and they hauing the vse of Boates howe easily is it to be passed So that there can be no I●and lying in the sea neare vnto America that is of any bygnesse but that it is peopled whether it be to the Eastwardes towards vs or to the West partes in the South Sea or the East Ocean Sea c. And furthermore as it dooth appeare in the Scriptures that Noy had three sonnes that is to say Sem Ham and Iaphet and that Sem the eldest sonne of Noye dyd inhabite the partes of Africa and Cham or Ham the seconde sonne of Noy dyd inhabite the partes of Asia and Iaphet the youngest sonne of Noy dyd inhabite Europe and the Ilandes in the sea as the great Ilande Atlantida nowe called America and that the Kinges of that greate Ilande were the sonnes of Neptunus and the people the posteritie of Iaphet the youngest sonne of Noy c. FINIS ❧ A Table of the Contentes of the Chapters of the fyfth and last booke called a Treasure for Trauaylers To the reader of the fifth and last booke The first Chapter of the fifth booke sheweth the natural causes how sandes bankes bee ingendred or made hoth in the se● and riuers c. The second Chapter sheweth the naturall causes of Marish ground and other plaine meddows or ground by the sydes of ryuers c. The third Chapter sheweth the natural cause of the high cliffes by the sea coasts c. The fourth Chapter sheweth the natural cause why the Beach the great bolder stones on the sea coasts is become roūd smooth without any edges or corners c. The fyfth chapter sheweth the naturall causes of the rockes in the sea c. The sixth Chapter
sheweth the natural cause of the ebbing and flowing of the sea and the ebbyng and flowing of hauens and riuers c. The seuenth chapter sheweth the cause of currantes and streames that runne in the sea in such places where it dooth not ebbe and flowe of currantes or streames in the sea there are three seueral sortes in the chapter it doth appeare c. The eight chapter sheweth the natural cause that the water in the Sea is salt c. The ninth chapter is as touching the cause of earthquakes The tenth chapter sheweth the reason howe America and all the Ilandes and newe founde landes and countries became peopled and of what posteriritie that they be come of c. FINIS Faultes escaped in printing The fyrst Booke fol. pa ly●e faultes Correction 3 1 20 set the situate 3 2 8 marking making 3 2 24 make marke 4 1 9 of that or that are 5 1 11 for lyne for the line 5 1 12 other side ●thelida 5 1 13 ridge ring 5 1 last the heigth 0 5 1 last measure of the that measure 7 1 12 and the and at the 8 2 13 standinges places 9 1 20 as is 10 2 8 lye by 12 1 11 there then 12 1 20 the line should the line y e shoulde 13 1 1 there though 14 2 3 thence there 14 2 23 12 into 12. 15 2 12 28 24 15 2 19 5 15 16 1 23 lacke looke 17 1 1 doo mays 17 2 4 staffe transuastorie 18 2 many transytorie transuastorie 18 2 many ringes wynges 19 1 many transytorie transuastorie 20 1 32 that their 22 2 16 part put 27 2 22 by too 28 1 7 52 32 29 2 10 and halfe of 29 2 22 the chapter the .8 Chapter The second Booke fo pa. line faultes Correction 1 1 22 vnto and vnto 3 1 8 90 60 7 1 13 Southwest South Southwest 9 1 10 32. put put 10 1 11 30. degr 49. 50. degrees .12 9 2 20 ●ondon land 11 1 2 54 16 12 1 13 36 360 13 1 30 Eison More ●●on Nore 15 1 7 Cappe hyll Ape hyll 15 1 13 18 25 15 1 15 London London .10 mi. 15 1   the longest day the day .14 hours .35 mi.     15   15 1   minuts southeast minuts ●nd is Southeast     24 vnder the tropick of Cancer 16 1 25 0 19 1 11 East and South East by south 19 1 30 7 98 19 2 30 Maria in Aria 21 2 11 25 52 22 1 33 20 4 22 2 2 12 4 The thirde Booke fo pa line faultes Correction 3 1 28.29 that that that 3 2 12 of a boord of boord 5 1 2 be corner be from corner 5 1 3 22 32 7 1 4 leuel beuel 7 1 11 leuel beuel 14 2 9 with the within the 15 1 12 30 3. quarters 15 1 19 racking raking 15 1 32 whole holde 16 2 15 would haue haue 19 1 22 13. ynches 10. ynches The fourth Booke fol. pa. lin faultes Correction 3   24 as is 4 1 last targed karged 5 1 27 ma● may 7 1 30 with which 7 1 53 multiply by multiply that by 8 2 23 in the mould of mettall in the mould of wood   2 31 8 2 5 led raysed or highed 11 1 1 neare as needes 12 2 18 30. 36. 12 2 32 waight the waight that the 12 1 23 one kind of one kynde 14 2 6 by the proportiō o● the by proportiō the 17 1 19 hang chaunge 18 1 22 h●e● hee●d 18 1 3 to hold to heeld 19 1 18 collect calke 19 1 ● in yenough 19 1 24 carying carenyng 19 2 30 cartienes Cap●tynes The fyfth Booke fol. pa. lin faultes Correction 5 2 6 mould mouth 6 1 2 so assynges suff●ng●s 8 1 8 suites sortes 8 2 5 su●f●●nges suff●nges 8 2 22 sea it sea as it 9 1 3 Ireland England 9 2 4 sou●●inges suffinges 9 2 19 rounded couered 11 1 15 in at 13 1 6 beaten le●ten 15 1 12 wast West 6 2 3 meayne mayne 11 1 30 tra●t attract 11   26 hygher hygh or ¶ Imprinted at London for Thomas Woodcocke dwelling in Paules Churchyarde at the sygne of the blacke Beare 1578. The fyrst booke The seconde booke The thirde booke The fourth booke The fyfth booke Geometric perspectiue Cosmographia Geometric general Staticke Naturall Philosophie Discouragement Bookes are written to the intent to teach the vnlearned No person is to be disliked that doth his good wyll to doe good Persons that are to be dislyked Abuses of Englande Magical Inchauntment is a great dishonoring of God What maner of christian is he that desyreth to be familiar with the diuell The vertuousnesse of the Queenes maiestie is our preseruation The abuses of al degrees Couetousnes is called good husbandrie Pride is clenlinesse swearing lustinesse drunkennesse good fellowshyppe Whoredome friendship 〈◊〉 a tricke of youth The first cause that man is borne for is to serue God The seconde cause that man is borne is to serue his countrey Thirdly man is borne to labour to lyue The causes of al degrees The fyrst cause The second cause Good members in a cōmon weale What maner of persons are the meetest to be Trauailers What a Trauailer should consider of What persons are of valure in the common weale A Circle A Centre A Circumference A Diametre A Foote A Yarde A pase Geometrical A simple stop of yarde A rase is two stepp●s 12. pases is a score that is 20. yardes A myle is a 1000. pases that is .5000 foote or 1666. yardes and 3. A Rod is .16 foote .2 of land measure and 18. foote is a Rod of woode measure .6 foote is a fadome and .833 fadome is a myle The ma●●ng of the Quadrant with the Skal The vse of the degrees What to obserue in taking of height with the Skall Vpright shadow at on station Ensample Ensamples of two fashions or standinges Ensample o● contrary shadow Ens●mple in the taking of the poynt of a height How to know distance by the shadowe An ensample To know how much the one Towre is higher or lower than another Ensamples To know how much any Tower is lower then that you be on Ensampl● ▪ To knowe the height of a hill To know the length of the Hipothenusall Lyne by the extracting of the roote To knowe the widenesse of waters An ensample To knowe the length of the slope lyne by the extract of the Roote To know howe much any place is higher or lower then the placeth it you are on whether that it be on Towre Steeple ●l Clyffe of valley c. An ensample To know howe much any place is hygher or lower by degrees An ensample of shyps on the water An ensample An ensample of shyps on the water To know whether my shyp be higher or lower of boord then another and whether the one dooth ouertop the other and howe To know howe much one house ship towre or hyl is higher then the other The
wiend Of Ships that sayle wel by the Bowlyne to be harde pulled or also to sayle well a hed the Sea Of ships that ryde well or yll at ancor Of Ships that ●ere well and doe heare a good Sayle A thing to bee noted The cause that a Ship doth beare a good sayle Note Of things that doo swymme Of things that synke Al water is not of lyke waight Salt water is the heauiest water Howe to measure the mould of a Shippe An easyer waye to knowe the waight of a Shippe The ensample of the knowing the waight of a shyppe Another way to know the waight of a ship with al her furniture A ensample Another ensample howe to knowe the waight of any shippe Al thing in the water is lighter then his owne proper wa●ght by the quantity of the water in waight that it occupieth and out of the water it waigheth his owne proper waight Some kynde of goods is of that nature that it wayeth no waight in the water Some sort of goodes must haue kintledge or ballast How to vse the lighters to make them lift or waygh their owne proper burthen you must make your ropes fast at a low water the flood being in hand How to knowe in how many Tides you may waigh a shyp An ensample of the w●●ght of a Shyppe As touching the waighing of shyps whereas it doth not ebbe and flowe Not●th● poynt Of the soyle of the Countrey How Marish groude is ingendred Marish groūd is fertyle if the salt water come not at it How land hath been sea and sea hath been land Of Cliffes by Sea Coast In foure yeres the great stormes are in one quarter of the world and an other yeare in an other quarter The shingle beach or the bolder stone is of the substance of the nature of the Cliffes nere vnto them The cause or reason that the beach and the great bolder stone is rounde without any sharp edges The force of the Sea Nauigation not much vsed in the West Occian Now Englishmen are as suff●tient to trauaile a long voyage as any other nation The cause of Rocks in the Sea The waters are drawne by the power of the Moone The Moone doth gouerne the ebbing and flowing of the water in two great and notable causes The var●etie of being a full sea in one Ryuer A ful sea and a lowe water act at one instant in the Ryuer of Thames The cause of the ebbing flowing in Hauens and Riuers The c●●● that the water doth rise and flowe higher in one place then it doth in another 3. sortes of Currātes The principall and chiefe Currant of the sea The reuersing backe of the currant The seconde sort of currants or streames The cause that it doth not ebbe and flowe in some seas The thirde sort of streames or currantes The sea is salt very farre to y e Fro●th partes Salt is made of the sea water in Scotland in Rosey Fresh water in seas or pooles vnder the Equinoctiall Salt mines The sea made salt by the substance of the grounde Of the great Ilande called Atlantica that sunke Whē god doth plague the earth he dooth punish both good bad The cause of the sinking ● the grounde Of Earthquakes Water cannot d●part from any place vntil the ayre or some other substance doth occupy the rounde The cause of Earthquakes Of the shaking of the earth How all the new founde Countries became peopled as all America and all other Ilandes All the great Iland called Atlant●da dyd not synk but part remained Olde sea men being gone the other did neuer attempt to seeke any thing The Indians had Boates asoone as we here in these partes