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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11888 The exhortatioun of the lordis Sempill, Robert, 1530?-1595. 1571 (1571) STC 22194.5; ESTC S3176 3,011 1

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¶ The Exhortatioun to the Lordis O Lusty lords barrounis yat bene bauld That for gude caus ar now assēblit heir Pluk vp ȝour harts lat not ȝour curage cauld And prise ye lord ȝour capitane in weir Will ȝe him serue ȝe neid nocht for to feir The craft the wit nor policie of man For quhy the Lord will ȝit ȝour Baner beir As he hes done sen first this caus began ☞ Haue ȝe forȝet how that he did vs luif That time at leith quhē strangers did persew Our enemeis harts ȝe saw that he did muif To cum ouir Tweid vs to help and reskew Quhair we and thay our enemeis ouirthrew Making vs fre that lang in thrall had bene Syne in this Realme plantit his gospel trew but scheding blud quhilk hes not eir bene sene Fra ȝe began from blude to purge this land Thay murtherars thay neuer durst ȝow bide He gaif hit anis and put hit in ȝour hand But ony blude vpon Carbarrie syde Syne efter that quhen lymmers loust y e bryde He faucht for ȝow vpon the Langsyde hill Ȝour fais wist not in what hoil yame to hyde Sū chaist sum slane sum tane into ȝour will ¶ He send Moyses to gouerne ȝow and gyde Ȝour commoun weill to reule and al 's redres quhairthrow yis realme but rest did tin tyde Go bring the same to rest and quyetnes His diligence my toung can not expres Planting Iustice baith in Burgh and land Dāting rebels quhilk proudly did transgres His maik rāg not gif yat his dayis had stand ☞ Richt prudently the Lord he did prouyde For ȝow from tyme he saw yat he was slane And wald not thoill ȝow be without a gyde Bot efter Moyses he raist Iosua agane Ȝow to conduct to ye land of Canan Mair Fortunat nor Moyses was befoir In faitis of weir ane worthy Capitane The Gentiles lands to yow for to restoir Thair Parliament of Linlithgow he did stay Syne Breichen gat it baid him not ane blast Down was geuin ouir for feir of weir assay Paslay he wan and now Dunbartane last His Capitanis maid all his fais agast Sum tane sum slane sum chaist into the se Thir deids suld not with silence be ouir past Bot worthie ar Eternall Memorie Ȝour Godly caus hes now tane gude succes In Ingland lait I neid it not declair Quhair my lord Chancelar tuik greit besines With your gude freind the Clerk of Registair Thair trauell wit nor gudis yai did not spair For to vphald the Kings Authoritie In presence of thay strangers that wer thair Working for him in his Minoritie ☞ Ȝe do tryumph albeit that ȝe be few Ȝour enemeis thay dar ȝow not ganestand Quhat ȝe do schaip ye Lord him self dois sew Quhat ȝe deuyse he wirkis it with his hand Thairfoir mak haist lat nane be in this land To leif lyke Lords syne proudly to rebell Gat thame baith sweir and subscriue ye band Or failȝe and this do with thair leuings mell And gif ȝe dreid yat sum will ait his ouirhaill And will not keip nor ȝit obserue thair bands For startling hald the Kow fast be the taill Appoint nane sic but pledgis in ȝour hands And keip thame sure sen ȝe se as it stands For cum that tyme that all yat sort desyris Thay wil but dout send ȝow in vncouth lāds To feicthe and feik ȝour meit into the myris Sen thair Intent to ȝow was neuer gude As be thair deids richt cleirly may be sene Gif thame na leif to play with yow buk heid As thay haif done ay waitand on yair quene Bot puneis all the quhilk ye knaw vnclene Of outher blude quyte yame for yair meids And spair all sic will serue his grace serene And had na wyte of nouther of thair deids I wald ye did sum mair at this Conuentioū Nor did your fais at thairs thay held at Pace Quhat yai did yair I neid not to mak mētioū Bot weill I wait sū of yame rewis yat race Ȝit top of wit was borne vp throw ye streit This commoun well had stand in better cace Had it fallin in his toung fell in his feit Sen God hes put the sword into your hand Iustice to do alyke to riche and pure Tak heid yairfoir and na wise brek command Be circumspect of this your charge and cure Gif ye neglect than God I yow assure Will frō pat rowme thoill yow to be detrusit Planting vthers into that charge ye bure And gif yat sword to yame can rychtly vsit Be bent yair foir and byde not this in blūder Baith the word of God cōmoun well auāce Ȝe neid na ma bot Gedioms thre hunder To quhip your fais or yai get help of France Mak to lyke mē sen ye half ordinance Ding draffen doū yat hald quhairm yai pryde yame Bring in ye nor●h with b●●●art bow Lance Gif thay rebell with tyre and sword ouir ryde yame how quhat way ye suld appoīt your bordour Maddeis counsall is verray excellent Scho did prescriue ane gude godly ordour That to performe had ye bene diligent Hard ye the pure I wait ye wald lament Sa cruelty thay Tyranis dois oppres thame Slaying yame selfis yair gudis reit and rent For feir of God I pray yow to redres thame Quhat mā did hoip of grāge now dois appeir His clothit craft of malice dois outspring As in his Proclamatiouns ye may heir He dois Rebell and will not serue the King Tratours yai ar agane yow to maling He being Crownit in lauchfull Parliament Quha daures fastest with him into yat Ring To his Crowning baith sweir gaif consent Quhen the Regent gaif him that hauld ye saw He was the Kingis sweir thairfoir to stand Albeit yat now his grace he will nocht knaw Nor ȝit Lennox for Regent of this land Ȝit Robert Hepburne being in his hand And saifly entrit within that place He said he was reset by his command And send Robert to my Lord Regents grace Quhill yat he gat yat hauld and hous in hand Into this caus he was baith bent and bauld Bot fra thyne furth than he gaif ouir yat band And in this caus he leit his curage cauld This is the treuth as trew men to me tauld That samin tyme his maister was on lyue He wald not lat him enter in that hauld with na seruands bot outher four or fyue ☞ He hes not onlie sueruit fra our actioun Bot dowbill murther he dois fo●tifie Desyring bargane of ony of our factioun Of his degre estait and qualitie We haue nane sic ye knaw in cumpanie Him for to match quhilk playit ye do whil knaif For first he slew ane Maister cruellie And syne betraist the last ye may percaif ☞ Bot ȝit I knaw yair is ane hundreth heir Of gentill men and cum of Royall Race On hors or fute with quhinger sword or speir Dar weill him matche meit him face for face And preif him fals and Tratour in this cace He dar not fecht for this is his refuge He wald compeit at euery tyme and place Gif that he had ane vnspectit Iudge ¶ And al 's ye se he planely dois accuse The Regents grace of cruell Tyrannie Aganis his fais quhilk he doie schaw and vse In casting doun baith place and policie Sen thay misknaw thair Iust Authoritie And will not serue nor ȝt● obey commands Ȝe may be Law subuert tha●r places hie Syne tak fra thame yair lyuis geit and lands I knaw thir letters ye sand into Dunbartane Quhilk dois declair his dowbil deids Inding Is only caus I am baith sure and certane Quhilk gartis him mak yis boist manassing ☞ Bot ȝit ye knaw it is ane commoun thing For weill I wait ye haue sene mony fle Tuiche anis the gaw yan the hors wil fling Fra tyme ye spur and hit him on the quik ¶ It is your hous that maks him b● sa bauld Agane baith God and King for to disdane Except the Lord be watchman of the hauld The Psalmist sayis thair watching is in vane As ye haue sene within thir monethis twane Ane greiter strenth ye gat as I record Swa will ye ȝone to God gif ye b● bane And swa commits your wisdomis to the Lord ¶ FINIS ☞ Imprentit at Striuiling be Robert Lekpreuik Anno. Do. 1571.