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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04472 An expositio[n] vpon the two epistles of the apostle S. Paul to the Thessalonians by the reuerend Father Iohn Ievvel ... ; vvhereunto is adioined a very necessarie table of the principal matters contained in this exposition. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Garbrand, John, 1542-1589. 1584 (1584) STC 14604; ESTC S1254 203,148 439

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concerning them which are asleepe that yee sorrowe not euen as other which haue no hope 14 For if wee beleeue that Iesus is dead and is risen euen so them that sleepe with Iesus wil God bring with him Herein standeth the comfort of Christian religion Were it not for the hope of the seconde life the godly in this worlde were in worse case than the dumbe and brute beastes When Christ appointed his Disciples to goe and preach hée sayde I sende you as sheepe in the middest of wolues They will scourge you you shall bée hated of al men As the Gospel encreased in any place these words were fulfilled The godly were put to death for the name of Christ. The father did sée his sonne staine before his face and the sonne his father cruelly tormented Hence grewe great mourning heauinesse Oh saide they he was a reuerende sage father oh he was a wise young man learned zealous and a great stay in the Church Why would God take him before his time there is not nowe any one left whom we may beholde or heare or followe We are left comfortlesse and without hope After this sort it is likely the Thessalonians mourned when they behelde the persecution of the Church of God among them Herein they grewe towardes mistrust and to be like the heathen which had no hope Saint Paule thought good to refourme this errour And because this abuse grewe of ignorance for that they knewe not the happie estate of such which die in the Lorde hée sayeth I would not haue you ignoraunt what is become of them and what GOD hath doone for them He hath tryed them as golde and hath made them woorthie for himselfe Therefore you ought rather to reioyce there is no cause at al of mourning When Christ sawe his disciples heauie and sad because of his departure hée sayde If yee loued mee yee woulde verily reioyce because I sayde I goe to the father for my father is greater than I. I shal sit at the right hande of my father in glorie then shal euerie knée bowe vnto mée and enerie tongue shal confesse my greatnesse Therefore if ye loued me you would reioyce in my behalfe It is ignoraunce that maketh you heauie because you knowe not whither I goe When Ioseph was solde into Egypt good father Iacob thought he was dead and therefore mourned day and night Nothing could comfort him Alas sayeth he that I haue liued to sée this day O Ioseph my sonne my sonne Ioseph oh that I might giue my life to redéeme thée Nowe shal my hoarie head goe downe to the graue in heauinesse But when he hearde that Ioseph liued and did sée him with his eyes when he did sée that he was a Prince next in place to the King and had al the Countrey at commaundement then hée knewe he had mourned without a cause Then his heart leapt within him his eyes gusht out with water he wept for ioy Ignoraunce as we sée made him heauie knowledge of the truth as it was reioyced his halt and made him glad There is great errour and darkenesse and ignoraunce in mans life Wee reioyce when wee haue cause to mourne and mourne manie times when wee haue cause to reioyce Therefore he sayeth I would not haue you ignorant Be not deceiued God hath giuen you eyes to sée the right ways God hath giuen you eares to heare counsel and a heart to knowe reason and to vnderstande and iudge God hath giuen you the Scriptures and by them the knowledge of his wil. He hath giuen you a face to looke vp to heauen and the spirit of life hath he poured into you that you should not by anie meanes be deceiued That ye sorrowe not as other that haue no hope He doth not forbidde natural affection Our parentes and our children are deare vn to vs. They are our fleshe and bloude and the chiefe and principal partes of our bodie Anie part of our bodie can not be cut off but wée shal féele it The father if he féele not the death of his sonne or the sonne if he féele not the death of his Father and haue not a déepe féeling of it he is vnnaturall Dauid mourned for Ionathan The whole lande mourned for Iosias Paul sayth God haue mercie vppon Epaphroditus he was sicke verie néere vnto death and not on him onely but on me also least I shoulde haue sorrowe vpon sorrowe If God had taken Epaphroditus out of life no doubt Paul would haue sorrowed What néede more examples Christ mourned for Lazarus and shed teares for him Then saide the Iewes behold he loued him Wée are not therefore forbidden to mourne ouer the dead but to mourne in such sorte as the heathen did we are forbidden They as they did neither beléeue in God nor in Christ so had they no hope of y e life to come When a father saw his sonne dead he thought he had beene dead for euer He became heauie changed his garment delighted in no companie forsooke his meate famished him selfe rent his bodie cursed his fortune cried out of his Gods Oh my deare sonne saith he how beautifull how learned and wise and vertuous wast thou why shouldst thou die so vntimely why haue I offered sacrifice and done seruice to my Gods they haue made me a good recompence I wil trust them no more I wil no more call vpon them Thus they fel into dispaire and spake blasphemies Therefore saith Paul you may mourne as did the holie men of GOD but in such sorte as the vnfaithfull sorrowe for their dead you maie not mourne You are the sonnes of the holie fathers fashion not your selues therefore like to the heathens do not as they did neither in feastes nor in marriages nor in your attire nor in your mourning nor in your pastimes But behaue your selues as becommeth the children of the most highest But why may not Christians mourne and continue in heauinesse because it is no newe thing for a man to die because he goeth the waie of al flesh Againe they that departe this life are not dead they are not gone for euer as the heathen imagined They are laid down to take rest quietly for a time The deth of a godlie man is nothing else but a sléepe So saith our sauiour of Lazarus Our friend Lazarus sleepeth howbeit Iesus spake of his death So it is saide of Steuen And they stoned Steuen who called on God and saide Lord Iesus receiue my spirite And hee kneeled downe and cried with a loud voice Lord laie not this sinne to their charge and when he had thus spoken he slept Whosoeuer dieth in the peace of conscience he may saie I will lie downe and take my rest Thus doeth the man of God repose himselfe For Christ is vnto him both in life and in death aduantage He saith with the Apostle Whether we liue wee liue vnto the Lord or whether wee die we die vnto the Lord whether wee liue
the blessing of God offered vnto thée Where there is no prophecie the people perisheth He that despiseth it shall be despised of the Lord he shal be cast into darkenesse because he would not delight in the light V. 21 Trie al things and keepe that which is good Trie al things God hath giuen you the spirite of discretion and of iudgement Be wise and knowe what is that good and acceptable will of God He not deceiued with wordes of mans wisedome Let not the basenesse or simplicitie of anie cause you to refuse the message which he bringeth and carrie not your selues to liking of al that whatsoeuer shall be told you of such as beare great shew and countenance This was it that deceiued the people of GOD they gaue eare to false teachers which lead them to worshippe the workes of their owne hands Therefore they saide vnto the stone thou art our father thou hast deliuered vs they sell downe before it worshipped it beléeued in it they slewe the Prophets of God and stoned to death such as were sent vnto them The Scribes and Pharises séemed so grane and wise that the people thought nothing good but what they allowed They were altogether appliable to beléeue to do to speake and to thinke whatsoeuer the Pharises willed them Christ saith vnto them Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues S. Iohn therefore saith Dearely beloued beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirites whether they are of God for manie false prophets are gone out into the world And further directeth vs howe we should trie them hereby shal ye know the spirit of God euerie spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God Againe hereby may you trie them Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God Hee that continueth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the father and the sonne If there come anie vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not to house neither bid him God speede Hereby S. Paul required the Galathians to trie betwéene him and the false Apostles If anie man preach vnto you otherwise than that yee haue receiued let him bee accursed For now do I preach mans doctrine or Gods the Saduces erred touching the resurrection because they searched not the scriptures God teacheth vs by the prophet Esay to make triall of teachers and doctrines When they shall saie vnto you enquire of them that haue a spirite of diuination and at the soothsaiers which whisper and murmur shoulde not a people enquire at their God from the liuing to the dead to the law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is bicause there is no light in them Paule putteth Timothie in mind wherefore he left him at Ephesus to commaund some that they teach none other doctrine And to warne both the teachers and the hearers that they giue no heede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse which breede questions rather than godlie edifying which is by faith Thus are the people of God called to trie the truth to iudge betwéene good and il betwéene light and darknesse God hath made them the promise of his spirit and hath left vnto them his word They of Berea when they heard the preaching of Paule searched the scriptures dailie whether those things were so as he taught them and manie of them beléeued So do you giue héed to instruction and yet receiue not al things without proofe and trial that they are not contrarie to the wholesome doctrine of the word of God Keepe that which is good When you haue tried and found out the truth be constant and setled in it A wauering minded man is vnstable in al his waies Follow the truth and be not carried about with euerie wind of doctrine The diuel wil come in the name of God and change himselfe into an Angel of light Let him not take the loue of the trueth from you let him not remooue you from faith and a good conscience returne not like swine vnto your mire God hath purged your hearts and made them cleane Except they be preserued and kept occupied the vncleane spirite wil returne and enter in and dwell in you so the last state of you shall be worse than the first We haue great cause to harken diligently to the Apostle to keepe that is good We see this daie great confusion in al places Sathan woulde faine entangle vs againe with the errour of the wicked and séeketh to drawe vs from our stedfastnesse Now is the time wherin God maketh some triall of his seruauntes now iniquitie séeketh to haue the vpper hand They seduce the people saie here is Christ there is Christ here is the Church there is the Church God giue vs his holie spirite to guide vs in iudgement that we maie discerne the truth from falshoode and knowe the blessed and gratious will of GOD that wee maie walke in his waies and serue him in reuerence and feare al the daies of our life In this worlde as there is a Iacob so is there an Esau as there are manie that loue Christ with an vnfained hart so are there manie that serue Antichrist and as there be many true professors of the trueth of God so are there manie despisers of the same This wée maie sée here at home within this realme We maie sée it and mourne and lament for it in our hearts Their practises are opened they haue broken out into open rebellion to the breach of the peace both of GOD and man They saie with their lippes GOD saue Quéene Elizabeth yet they holde vppe their sword against her Alas what hath she deserued at their handes she hath alwaies dealt mercifully without crueltie without shedding of bloud God preserue her that she maie long raigne ouer vs and bring al her enimies to confusion What pretence make they for this their doing that hereby they séeke to haue religion refourmed Thankes be to GOD religion is refourmed farre better than our fathers knewe it these many hundred yeares If those which liued before vs might haue séene and heard as we sée heare they would haue reioiced and thought themselues happie But they would haue the Masse What find they or sée they in it wherfore they should so desire it Trie things saith Paul Therefore examine and trie the masse What do we learne by it what doctrine what godlinesse in life what comforte for saluation It is a dumb and deadly seruice The people are forced to be at it it is the verie kay of their religion the people are bound to be present at masse yet they neither receiue anie thing nor eate nor heare nor vnderstand anie thing You are wise you haue reason you are the children of GOD be you iudges herein and iudge vprightly for it is Gods cause Will they call this the Lordes supper Is this
Lorde Iesus Christ in the sight of God euen our Father 4 Knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God 5 For our Gospel was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assuraunce as ye know after what maner we were among you for your sakes We giue thankes c. Paule teacheth what is the office of a good minister He must euer carrie in remēbrance y e estate of the congregation ouer which the Lord hath placed him He must giue thankes to God in their behalfe and pray for them that God will blesse that which he hath begunne and con●…rme them vnto the end that they may be blamelesse in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will behold them from aboue and blesse his inheritaunce and guide the shéepe of his pasture Your effectual faith Faith is not idle it worketh and is forcible it breaketh out like fire it is alwayes fruitefull through loue Faith without workes is no faith it is dead and bringeeh death And diligent loue Loue is paineful and ful of trainaile it thinketh not euil it seeketh not hir owne things it is bountiful This loue had the Thessalonians to the saints of God which suffered affliction in all places for the Gospels sake Many were spoyled of their goods cast out of their houses and banished from their countrey Euen as at this day for the like cause manie of our brethren the good seruantes of God are driuen into banishment cast into prisons put to the sworde or consumed in fire in those places where the God of this worlde hath so blinded their eyes that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should not shine vnto them It is high time in such cases for charitie to shew hir self She can not dissemble nor despise the teares of hir brother It sheweth foorth as the morning light it taketh from hir selfe to relieue them which are in neede It dealeth bread to the hungrie and bringeth the poore that wander vnto hir house and couereth the naked and hideth not hir face from hir owne flesh Vnto them that haue this loue the Lorde giueth his blessing Blessed is hee that considereth the poore and needy the Lord shal deliuer him in the time of trouble And Christ saith Blessed are the merciful for they shal finde mercie And the patience of your hope How many are the troubles which the children of God suffer in this life let vs beholde the times which were before vs. Abel was innocent and iust yet was he slaine by the hands of his brother and without a cause The Prophet Dauid saieth of the Prophetes and holy men of God and the same words saith the Apostle of the Church of Christ vnder the Gospel For thy sake are we killed al the day long we are counted as sheepe for the slaughter Ieremie sayeth Thy worde is vnto them as a reproch and againe For thy sake I haue suffred rebuke What vilanies were wrought against our sauiour Christ They reproched him in spéeches brought false accusations and false witnesse against him and killed the innocent in whose mouth there was found no guile Whē S. Paul appealed to the witnesse of Timothie who did fully know his doctrine maner of liuing purpose faith long suffering loue and patience and that he knewe also the persecutions and afflictions which came vnto him and which he suffered at Antiochia Iconiū and at Lystra after he had thus remēbred his persecutions his owne innocencie he saith Al that wil liue godly in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution What then hath the godly to leane vnto but hope the prophet Dauid therfore said Though I should walke through the vallie of the shadowe of death I wil feare no euil for thou art with mee Therefore saide Iob though hee flaie me yet wil I trust in him For he that putteth his trust in the Lorde shal neuer be confounded In this hope spake S. Paule Christ is to me both in life death aduantage Againe Whether we liue or die we are the Lords And againe God forbid that I shoule reioyce but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ. And to y e Romans he saith There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus This is the foundation of faith euen a strong rocke which shal continue for euer Neither tribulatiō nor anguish nor persecutiō nor famine nor any danger can remoue the faithful from his hope But the wicked and vnstable fal from their hope and their fal is miserable They haue hard the worde of God that teacheth vnto saluation but did not regard it they haue forgotten the workes of the Lorde and receiued his grace in vaine For when they haue heard the worde the Diue●… commeth taketh away the word out of their heartes least they should beléeue and be saued And the end of these men is worse than the beginning It was not so with the Thessalonians They receiued the worde of God willingly and it was fruitful in them so that thereby they increased in faith in loue and in hope Their faith the Apostle calleth forcible or ●…ffectual their loue diligent painful their hope mightie through patience whereby they ouercome al maner of dangers reioyceth on their behalfe because he found so great successe of his trauaile in the Gospel amongst them Knowing that you are elect of God You were blind y e children of wrath without vnderstanding without God without hope But God hath had mercy vpō you hath giuē you grace to know your calling Herein it appeareth y t you are the chosen of God and of the flocke of Christ. My sheepe saith he heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me and I giue vnto them eternal life and they shal neuer perish neither shal anie plucke them out of mine hande For our Gospel was not vnto you in worde only but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assuraunce That you haue yéelded obedience vnto the worde and that my ministerie hath béene effectual amongst you it commeth not of any power in your selues or in me it is the worke of God He hath blessed my ministery he hath blessed your hearts It is the gift of God least any man shoulde boast thereof Hereof he speaketh to the Corinthians Who is Paule then and who is Apollos but the ministers by whome yee beleeued and as the Lorde gaue to euerie man I haue planted Apollos watered but God gaue the increase It is he which hath the key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth Without him we can do nothing He guideth vs and al our coūsailes and leadeth vs into al trueth No man can come vnto mee sayth Christ except the father which hath sent me drawe him And by y e Prophet Ezechiel God saith I wil giue you a new heart
When Paule disputed and exhorted the Iewes and the Graecians at Corinthus and found little fruite of his labour and that there were few or none that liked his doctrine and manie enimies which resisted and blasphemed it hée purposed to depart and goe awaie from them Then the Lorde saide vnto Paul in the night by a vision Feare not but speake and holde not thy peace for I am with thee and no man shall laie handes on thee to hurt thee for I haue much people in this citie They shall heare thée if not now yet they shall heare thée at some other time They shall beare thy sayings in minde I will be with thée I will open their hearts and make them obedient to the Gospell and they shall be turned vnto me Thou shalt sée the fruite of thy labour and that thy comming vnto them hath not béene in vaine Verse 2. But euen after that we had suffered before and were shamefully intreated at Philippi as ye know we were bolde in our God to speake vnto you the Gospell of God with much striuing The story of these his persecutions is written in the 16. of the Acts. He was stript naked and scourged with rods and cast into prison and put in hazarde of life Yet notwithstanding he were thus euill entreated at Philippi when he came to Thessalonica he was nothing discouraged but procéeded more boldly than before and went into the Synagogue of the Iewes and disputed thrée Sabbaoth daies and taught them that Christ is that Messias euen the sonne of God But that wée maie the better conceiue howe mightily GOD worketh and what great strength he giueth to weake creatures when he appointeth them to set foorth his glorie let vs beholde this boldnesse of the Apostle in speaking the Gospell vnto them To whome did he speake To the Iewes the enimies of the crosse of Christ. Where Not in hucker mucker and in corners but openly in their synagog for he feared no mā What time those he Thē when al the Iewes were assembled togither How often 3. sabboth daies togither In what citie In Thessalonica y e greatest and most famous Citie of all that Countrey How was hée entreated There arose great trouble contention They resisted him spake against him and sought to destroy him For what cause what had he deserued what had he taught the gospel of God and of Christ of the kingdome and of the life to come the gospell in which God offereth his grace and reconciliation and comfort and peace and saluation Who woulde thinke such ioifull tidings shoulde not be welcome what eie would not willingly open it selfe to behold the brightnes of the sunne what eare will refuse to heare God speake but it hath alwaies bin so There haue euer bene some that haue loued darknes rather than light The worlde shall neuer be without some Annas or Caiaphas or Iudas or Pilate The children of the Diuel shal alwaies set themselues against the children of God The cause of tumults and troubles procéedeth not from the Gospell The Gospell of Christ is the Gospell of peace But the enemies of the Gospel are stirrers of ●…quietnes and inflamers of war Abel was simple Caine spitefull Iacob smooth Esau rough and hairie Dauid gentle Saul cruel Ioseph innocent his brethren wicked and fell vpon him The Apostles humble in heart and peacemakers the Pharises bloudthirstie and sought to put them to death The like examples are before vs this daie The whole worlde is in an vproare and great troubles and afflictions are in al places No man is able to declare the misery thereof Let no man therefore slaunder or forsake the Gospel It hath bene so from the beginning and from time to time Such troubles confusion and miserie are wrought not by the gospel or them that receiue the gospel but by those which resist it they practise all meanes and turne all things vpside downe rather than it should take place The wicked are angrie there with they gna●…h their téeth and consume awaye This is the cause for which the children shall rise against their parentes and shal cause them to die Cain murthered Abel because God had respect vnto Abel and to his offring Esau could not abide Iacob because Isaac had giuen him his blessing The brethren of Ioseph sought to make him away because God had a fauour vnto him Saul was wrothfull against Dauid because God gaue him great gifts of courage and strength and wisdome The Aegyptians loathed the childrē of Israel because they were Gods people The Galathians resisted Paul because he preached the trueth Therefore saith S. Paul we labor and are rebuked because we trust in the liuing God which is the sauiour of al men Speciallie of those which beleue Likewise saith our sauior They shall excommunicate you yea the time shal come that whosoeuer killeth you wil think he doth God seruice And these things wil they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nor me Euen so standeth it with the Church of God this day There is nothing new that is vnder the sunne Whatsoeuer is done nowe hath béene done afore Who wil lift vp his eyes and looke to the dooinges of men shal sée Cain rise vp against Abel Esau against Iacob the cruel brethren against Ioseph Saul against Dauid Pharao against Moses the Aegyptians against the people of God the High Priests and the Pharisees against Christ and al that wil be his disciples they change peace into warre they turne iudgement into gal and the fruit of righteousnesse into wormewood they resist the truth of God to establish deuises and doctrines of men But blessed be God they shal not preuaile Hee giueth vs peace He hath made vs turne our swords into mattocks He hath taught vs altogether with one mouth and one heart to praise him euen the father of our Lorde Jesus Christ. His truth is mightie and shal preuaile V. 3. For our exhortation was not by deceit nor vncleannesse nor by guile 4. But as we were allowed of God that the Gospel should be committed vnto vs so wee speake not as they that please men but God which tryeth our hearts God sayth he hath chosen me from my mothers wombe and set me apart to the office of an Apostle He hath appointed me to carrie his name before the Gentiles Therefore as he hath giuen mée charge to preach the Gospel and to bring the people vnto him from the power of Satan so I speake truely faithfully sincerely not as the words of men but as the wordes of God I haue vsed no deceit nor taught you to folow traditions of men in ●…de of the commaundements of God In like sort saith he to the Corinthians I haue receiued of the Lorde that which I also haue declared vnto you And againe We are ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you thorough vs. For this cause he sayth vnto them Seing that we haue this ministery
where should the worde of God haue place where should it be hearde but in the Church of God O cursed handes that so dispitefully rent it Woe woorth that vnhappie fire that burnt it As for the Masse woulde God they that so much desire it knewe what it is Woulde God they knewe howe the people of God are mocked by it and howe the precious bloud of our sauiour Jesus Christ is blasphemed by it would God they knewe howe gréeuoustie God is offended with them in this thing wherein they thinke they please him so highlie But the Masse and Gods worde can not dwel in one house together the one is so contrarie to the other God forgiue it them and lay it not to their charge For they knowe not what they doe They are drawn on to work the things which others haue most wickedly deuised There is no doubt but God wil confound their enterprise For this is his owne cause this quarrel is pickt against his Church and against the knowledge and setting foorth of his Gospel and therefore against the setting foorth of his glorie Onely let vs lift vp pure handes into heauen cal for helpe from aboue Let vs say vnto him Rise vp for our succour redeme vs for thy mercie sake Let vs say They haue cast thy sanctuarie into the fire and rased it to the grounde and haue destroyed the dwelling place of thy name Arise oh God maintaine thine owne cause remember thy daily reproch by the foolishe man Let vs say saue oh Lorde Quéene ELIZABETH thy seruaunt establish that good thing which thou hast begunne open the eyes of al people that they may sée thy sauing health and inioy it through hearing thy Gospel which thou hast made knowen vnto vs saue thy people which trusteth in thée and breake the cordes of the wicked in sunder Let vs comfort our selues with these wordes that God hath not appointed vs to wrath but to obtaine saluation by the meanes of our Lorde Jesus Christ. Hée hath ouercome the worlde let vs be of good théere And let vs walke as the children of light let vs walke honestlie as in the day Then whether we wake or sléepe whether wee liue or die we shal liue together with him V. 11. Wherefore exhort one an other and edifie one another euen as ye doe This is the bonde of true loue and Christian friendship that euerie man be careful of his brother as of himselfe that euerie man ●…hort and teach the thinges that are good and rebuke others in il that euerie man séeke to bring home the lost shéepe and to restore him to his maister Therefore Christ sayth If thy brother trespasse against thee goe and tel him his faults betweene him and thee alone if he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother For what knowest thou whether thou shalt saue thy brother Brethren sayth Saint Iames If any of you hath erred from the trueth and some man hath conuerted him let him knowe that he which hath conuerted the sinner from going aftray out of his way shall saue a soule from death and shall hide a multitude of sinnes Therefore sayeth the Apostle Exhort one an other and edifie one an other Let the father exhort his scnne oh son walke vprightly before God liue honestlie and vertuously in the sight of al men doe those thinges that are good thou art the childe of God be holie in spirite and holy in bodie because he is holie Say to the adulterer oh brother bée not deceiued Whosoeuer is an adulterer hath no inheritaunce in the kingdome of Christ and of God God hath sayde of them that are such they shal not enter into my rest Say to the swearer oh take not y e name of God in vaine for GOD wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vaine He that sweareth and nameth God continually shal not bee faultlesse A man that vseth much swearing shal be silled with wickednesse and the plague shal neuer go from his house nor from his cattel nor from his corne nor from his seruauntes nor from his children nor from himselfe His house shal be ful of plagues Say to the Vsurer oh heare the voyce of the Lord thus sayth the Lord before whom thon shalt stande to giue an account of those things which thou hast done in this life Thou shalt not giue thy money to Vsurie Hee that careth not for these wordes but doeth otherwise shal not scape vnpunished Say to the rich man oh put not your trust in riches Lay vp your treasure in heauen lay it vp in the bosome of the poore and it shal make intercession for thée Put thy trust in the liuing God which giueth vs abundantly all things to inioie Thy house thy lande thy money thy golde and siluer shall not continue thou shalt go the shalt of all flesh and thy riches shall not be able to deliuer thée in the daie of wrath Saie to the learned man to the wise man and to the man whom God hath endued with worldly power what hast thou that thou hast not receiued be not high minded It is the gift of God It is not thine Thou shalt giue a reckoning of all that thou hast receiued Abuse it not to the dishonour of God It is of charitie that I speake vnto thée Thou art my brother God hath a care ouer thée it is his will that one of vs should exhort an other Oh why should thy life giue offence to anie man why shoulde y e name of God be il spoken of through thee He hath made thée to bée a vessell of honour thou belongest to his folde why shouldest thou be lost and perish in thy wilfulnesse V. 12 Nowe wee beseech you brethren that yee knowe them which labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord and admonish you 13 That yee haue them in singular loue for their workes sake be at peace among your selues They which exhort you and warne you and are ouer you in the Lord they be shéepeheards and husbandmen and watchmen for you They féede the Lordes flocke plough the Lordes ground and watch the tower of the God of hosts You are Gods shéepe ye must be fedde else you cannot liue You are a field you must be ploughed else you will be ouergrowen with brambles and stand vnfruitful and lie waste You are the Lordes tower you must be watched else the enimie will breake in vpon you and so you shoulde bée destroyed They labour and trauell in your behalfe they must giue an account for your soules they are ambassadors sent from God they come to tel you the truth they preach not themselues but Christ Jesus they speake to you in the name of the Lord. Although you reckon them fooles vnlearned and simple they are the messengers of the great King euen of him that is Lord ouer all Saint Paul saith It pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue The heauenly
heauen the spirite of God ordring al thinges and directing al the heads of the church In the time of Tertullian the Christians stil kept this maner Therefore he sayth Co●…mus ad diui●…arum literarum commemor ationem fidem sanet is vocibus pascimus spem erigimus fiduciam sigimus We meete together at the reading of the holy scriptures wee nourish our faith with those heauenly wordes by them we raise vp our hope settle our affiance trust Augustine Chrisostome Origen other auntient and godly fathers commended the reading of the scriptures vnto the people called vpon them to read them theselues or to get others to reade vnto them And that they would heare them not onely in the Church but also at home in their houses They taught them the hurt and daunger of ignoraunce that ignoraunce of the scriptures hath béene the cause of her esies and that it hath brought in corruption of life and of maners This was the order and vsage of the Church in the time of the holy Apostles and of our first fathers The people were guided by the worde of God they were made partakers of the holie mysteries and al thinges were done in the Church to edifying And the same order is this day restored and practised in our churches Let vs looke into the church of Rome and behold the vsage behauiour thereof Where shal we find that heauenly comelinesse which S. Paule requireth Where is the comfortable reading of scriptures Where is the people taught their saluation in Christ Iesus where is the brotherly méeting of al the congregation at the communion of the Lordes supper May we say of Rome that it holdeth fast the forme and fashion of that church which Christ and his Apostles left vnto vs and which the holy ancient fathers continued nay rather we may say of them with Chrisostome they may haue the chestes and cofers wherein the treasure was sometimes kept but the treasures they haue not We may say it is not nowe a house of prayer but a denne of théeues We may say it shal no more be called Bethel the house of God but Bethauen the house of vanitie or of lying Iupiter and Bacchus and the Idols of the heathen were not so dishonored of their worshippers as the almightie and euerlasting and onely true God is dishonoured in that sinagogue I speake of it as it is nowe and as it hath béene these many yeares For in the time of our elder fathers it had great testimonie of true holinesse Ignatius called it castissimam most chaste Tertullian saide it was a happie Church because the Apostles of Christ suffered martyrdome in it and left their whole doctrine vnto it And in like sort did others giue vnto Rome as it was in those times reuerent and worthie commendation But now saith he O Roma à Roma quantum mutata vetusta es nunc caput es scelerum quae caput orbis eras O Rome howe much art thou channged from the olde Rome thou which hast beene the chiefe in al the worlde art nowe the chiefe in al naughtinesse They haue forsaken the trade of life and the loue of the Gospel which they of olde time had in Rome and therefore cannot be inheritours of their commendation When Chrisostme considered the state of the Church as the Apostle speaketh of it vnt●… the Corinthians did see how farre the church in his time swarued from that he sayd Nunc verò vestigia tantum rerum illarum tenemus We haue now the only bare signes of those things Againe Videtur ecclesia hodie mulieri quae mansuetudine veteri exciderit similis quaeqúe Symbola tantum c. The church which is now may be likened to a woman which hath forsaken her wonted modestie And hath only certaine outward shewes of that first felicitie and keepeth stil the hutches and boxes of precious thinges but lacketh the treasure which was in them To such a woman may the church this day be likened I speake not this of the giftes for the matter were not so great if we wanted them only but of life and of vertue And againe he sayth Scrinium aliud paternt the sauri exinanitum bodie dicam c. I wil tel you of one other boxe of that treasure which our father left vnto vs which is empty and hath nothing left in it at this day In times past they did sing altogether so doe we also but then they were al of one minde of one heart at this day you shal not finde one man that agreeth with himselfe there is such warre and discord in al thinges euerie where The name of peace is common in al places but peace it selfe is no where to bee founde Then men did vse their houses like churches now men do vse the church as they vse their house nay more prophanely than any house Thus Chrisostome blamed the church in his time and layeth out their departing from the faith He liued about 411. yeres after Christ. What may we thinke he would say of the church that hath béene of later yeres if he had liued to sée the desormitie and abuses thereof where besides that they are not of one minde and of one heart they suffer not the people altogether to sing the praises of God where they haue not only emptie●… such boxes or hutches wherein Christ left great treasures vnto his church but haue made light account of them and haue cast away the very patterns and images of true godlinesse They driue away the people from reading the scriptures and reckon that as vnlaweful as to cast the bread of the children vnto degges or pearles before Swine They leade men from trust in the bloud of Christ and teach them to beléeue such thinges and to put confidence in those creatures which cannot profit or helpe them at al. You may remember what prayers they vsed But blesse your eares for they are wordes ful of horrible blasphemie They sayde to the holy and blessed Virgin Marie the mother of our redéemer sauiour In te virgo Maria confidimus in te speramus nos defendas in aeternum Our trust and hope we put in thee O Virgine Marie defende vs euerlastingly They say O faelix puerpera nostra pians scelera O happy mother which doest purge vs from our sinnes And Sanctae Mariae merita ducant nos ad regna coelestia The merites of holie Marie bring vs to the heauenly kingdome Againe Tu mediatrix dei hominum aduocata pauperum refugiū peccatorum Thou art the mediatour betweene God and man the aduocate for the poore the refuge of al sinners O merciful Christ what is become of thy passion where is the price of thy blout howe are we lead away from thée to séeke redemption in a creature Againe they say vnto her Thou art the Ladie of Angels thou art the Queene of heauen Commaund thy sonne shew thy selfe to be a mother He is thy sonne thou art
nor to Samaria nor to Ephesus nor to Rome only but into al the world The whole world was their dioces and their prouince So speaketh the Prophet Dauid of them Their sounde is gone foorth through the earth and their wordes into the endes of the worlde This was the commission which our Saniour gaue vnto Iohn and to Iames to Paule and to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles that they should goe into al the world Therefore if any of the Apostles should haue staide in one only place and haue gone no farther he had offended and done otherwise than Christ commaunded Here we sée howe foulie they are deceiued which say Peter was Bishop of Rome and did sitte there fiue and twentie yeares They that say so knowe not what they say It is an errour Christ made Peter an Apostle and not to sit as a Bishop at Rome He sayde vnto Peter Goe into al the worlde thou shalt be a witnesse vnto me vnto y e outmost coasts of the earth I sende thee vnto al the churches and not to one alone The like charge receiued Paul he trauailed frō Damascus to Arabia from Arabia to Ierusalem from Ierusalē to Illyricum from Illyricum to Rome so from countrey to countrey and from coast to coast to make a pleasaunt perfume of the Gospel of God in al the worlde that it might be vnto them a sauour of life vnto life Therefore sayeth he to the Thessalomans Ye remember that when I was with you I tolde you these thinges The spirite of GOD warned me to goe farther Other churches required my presence I was debter vnto thē as vnto you Yet before I left you I told you what daungers shoulde ●…nsue It was mine office I was bounde so to doe least you might be deceiued I told you Antichrist should come euen that man of sin the sonne of perdition which should destroy himselfe and others also I tolde you he should be an aduersarie of the Gospel of Christ that he should aduaunce himselfe ouer al the kings and powers of the world that he should sit as God in the holy place that the people should giue him place to sit in their harts and in their consciences This warning the Apostle gaue to the Thessalonians The like warning he gaue to other Churches where he taught the Gospel and the same is also spoken vnto vs. They knewe by his teaching that Antichrist should come We know by the markes which he hath giuen to know Antichrist that he is alreadie come and that the very same is come which the Apostle describeth that he is growen vnto his fulnesse and hath stalled himselfe in the place of God V. 6. And nowe yee knowe what withholdeth that hee might bee reueyled in his time Paule séemeth not in these wordes to say what letteth the comming of Antichrist but what shal stay the comming of Christ. For so be maketh entrie into his matter I beseeche you by the cōming of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye be not troubled as though the day of Christ were at hand Let no man deceiue you by any meanes For the day of Christ shal not come except there come a departing first and that Antichrist be disclosed Euen so here he sayth ye know what withholdeth Christ and why he cōmeth not Euen this that Antichrist might first be reueiled in his time His time is appointed The spring commeth not vntil the winter haue gone before the night goeth before and then the day commeth And so shal not the glorious maiestie of Christs comming appeare before the dreadful and daungerous dayes of Antichrist shal come There shal be no deliuerie vnlesse bondage goe before Antichrist shal bring the worlde into bondage he shal do violence to the saints of God he shal be as a continual storme and darkenesse in the church The godly shal looke vp to heauen and cal for ayde they shal crie vnto the Lorde and he wil heare them They shal say O come Lord Iesus thy kingdome come confounde thine enemies Then wil hee not staie he wil appeare and she we himselfe in glorie In the meane while this is the cause of his stay this letteth his comming Antichrist must first come This I take to be the Apostles meaning It agréeth with the beginning It is simple cleare and plaine and without danger of errour Antichrist shal appeare not when he wil but he shalbe reuealed in his time His time is the time of darkenesse when shepheardes and the guides of the people shal be carelesse when the word shal be loathed when the light shall be put out when superstition shal reigne when ignorance shal haue the vpper hand when the creature shal not be knowen from the creator when there shal be no feare of God no regard of godlinesse when the people shal not knowe neither wherefore they pray nor whom they worship nor in whom they beleeue then shal it appeare that Antichrist is come then he shal shewe himselfe this is his time V. 7. For the mysterie of iniquitie doeth alreadie worke onely he which nowe letteth shal let til he be taken out of the way The mysterie of iniquitie doeth alreadie worke Let vs not be deceiued Antichrist shal certainly come and shal drawe many into errour As it was with Christ at his cōming he was in the world he did the workes of his father yet fewe knewe him So shal it be with Antichrist hee shal be in the worlde he shal worke his iniquitie and fewe shal know him Paule liued more than fiftéene hundred yeares past Yet then he saide the mysterie of the iniquitie doth alreadie worke The diuel is not idle sayth he Antichrist euen nowe worketh when as the bloud of Christ was fresh when as yet the Apostles and many other witnesses of our redemption by Christ were liuing And S. Iohn sayth Euen now are there many Antichrists come alreadie So soone was his foundation cast his plot laide his way prepared and his work begun So long sithens did Paul sée some which delited in the workes of darkenesse which were the enemies of the crosse of Christ which serued their belly and not the Lord euen then did he sée y e gréeuous wolues not sparing the flocke should enter in among them Al these were the forerunners and the harbingers of Antichrist We may not thinke y e Antichrist shal come as a robber by the high wayes or like a murtherer or like a tyrant that burneth our houses or sacketh our cities or destroyeth our fieldes or pulleth downe al that is before him Wee may not looke that hee should say I am Antichrist I am that man of sinne I am the sonne of perdition I am the aduersarie and am contrarie to Christ. He shal not shew forth himselfe in such a sort he shal not so speake of himselfe He is suttle and cunning hee shal deceiue the learned and the wise he shal cast himself into a colour of holinesse he shal fast he shal
I can make no account of him He is not within Paules reckning The workman is worthie of his hire But what right hath hée to the hire which is not a workeman I might saith he haue receiued mainteinance at your handes but I tooke nothing that I might be an example for you to follow that none shoulde liue idlely but that They worke with quietnesse and eate their owne bread Idlenesse is the mother of all mischiefe An idle packe is as if he were alreadie dead His féete serue him not to trauaile his hands helpe him not to worke his eies serue him not to sée his estate his heart regardeth not the time and miserie of his age Beggerie falleth vpon him and gnaweth his bones but he feéleth it not For he is as if he were alreadie dead Salomon faith He that foloweth idlenesse hath no vnderstanding And againe He that followeth idlenesse shall be filled with pouertie He is vnprofitable to himselfe and vnto others His children shal begge at euerie doore Againe he saith The slouthfull wil not plough because of winter hee shall begge in sommer but haue nothing That is men that haue receiued encrease of Gods blessing by taking paines shall denie breade vnto such and vpbraide them for their idleuesse and so driue them to labour They will saie as it is deuised that the Ant said in like case to the Grashopper In the sommer thou diddest nothing but sing therefore thou maist sterue in the winter These extremities be great if a man wil weigh them aduisedly Yet Ecclesiasticus saith farther Idlenesse bringeth much euil It is an euil teacher He that doth nothing is ill occupied The minde of man is euer stirring and doing somewhat If it be not doing well it is doing ill Water is cleare and faire fresh comfortable yet if it stand still in a hole or be kept long in a vessel whence it hath no issue it wil rotte and smell and be vnwholesome Euen so it fareth with the sons of Adam if they haue nothing to doe no waie to bestowe their witte they will rotte and proue vnwholesome and deuise mischiefe al the daie long What is it that filleth the prisons and bringeth so manie to the gallowes and causeth so many parents to bewaile the vntimely death of their children but idlenesse when the poore wretches haue receiued their iudgement and come to the place of execution and stand on the ladder what counsaile giue they to young men and to children but to beware of idlenesse what is cause of such and so manie diseases in the bodie Aske the Phisitions and they will tell you idlenesse Whereof rise mutterings in Cities against Magistratrs whereof rise rebellions in kingdomes against Princes you can giue no greater cause thereof than idlenesse Beholde saith the Lorde this was the iniquitie of thy sister Sodome pride fulnesse of bread and abundance of idlenes This was it that called for fire downe from heauen and wasted so manie cities into ashes Christ saieth Of euerie idle word that men shal speake they shal giue an accompt thereof at the day of iudgement If we shal make accompt for our idle wordes what shall we doe for our idle handes for our idle féete for our idle bodie for our idle soule what accompt for al our idlenesse shall wée make at the daie of iudgement We warned you saith the Apostle that if anie would not work the same should not eat●… This is a hard saying yet saith Paule I my selfe haue kept it I haue fulfilled it in mine owne bodie He doth not saie if any be sicke or weake or impotent and can not worke but if anie be idle and froward and will not worke to such a one giue not to eate that so he maie sée the daunger of idlenesse and worke with his handes the thing which is good that he maie haue to giue him that needeth It is not lawfull to giue them the breade of the Church and the almes ordained for reliefe of the poore This bread they maie not eate But you will saie Kings and Counsailours Bishoppes Preachers and all other sorts of learned men neither plough nor sow nor hedge nor ditch nor vse such painefull labour of the body they sit at rest and liue idlely They that so thinke are deceiued The toile which princes take and the great cares wherwith they are occupied passe al other cares in the world Saint Paul calleth the office of a Bishop a good worke If a bishop or minister studie the Scriptures preach the gospel catechize the children and take a care of the soules of Gods people if he sowe the Lordes fielde féede the Lords flocke thresh the Lords corne and walke before the people carefully if he haue the care of the Churches and can say with the Apostle who is weake and I am not weake who is offended and I burne not any offence that is giuen to my brother is to mee as a fire or as a torment If he be instant in season and out of season if he do the worke of an Euangelist and make his ministerie fully knowen he shal finde himselfe occupyed and not be idle The maister of the shippe séemeth to bée idle to sit stil and to doe nothing He stirreth not the pumpe he driueth not the oares he soundeth not the déepe he rideth not the ropes he skaleth not the shrowdes hee runneth not hither and thither forewarde or backwarde vnder the hatches or aboue Hée sitteth stil holdeth his peace and looketh vpon the loade starre and in appearaunce doth nothing But his labour passeth all the rest Whithout his labor al the paines which the other Mariners take were lost Were it not for his labour the shippe woulde soone strike vpon rockes and be stayed in the sandes and they al should perish Euen so fareth it in the state of princes and of their counsaylors they séeme to doe nothing yet they doe al thinges which is for the peace and the wealth and the safegarde of al the people Be not wearie in wel doing many occasions to discourage you to doe wel The worlde is ful of lets but be you stedfast vnmoueable abundant alwaies in the worke of the Lord for as much as you know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Stand fast and kéepe the instructions which you haue béene taught Distribute to the necessitie of the saints Doe good vnto al men especially to them that be of the housholde of faith Liue not after the lusts of men in wantonnesse drunkennesse gluttonie and in abhominable idolatrie Though they speake euil of you because you runne not with thē vnto that same excesse of riot though the Diuel cast you into prison and there you haue tribulation be you faithful vnto death They that haue afflicted you shal giue an account to the righteous iudge and the afflictions which you suffer in this present time are not woorthie of the glorie which