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A63817 A way to health, long life and happiness, or, A discourse of temperance and the particular nature of all things requisite for the life of man as all sorts of meats, drinks, air, exercise &c., with special directions how to use each of them to the best advantage of the body and mind : shewing from the true ground of nature whence most diseases proceed and how to prevent them : to which is added a treatise of most sorts of English herbs ... the whole treatise displaying the most hidden secrets of philosophy ... / communicated to the world for the general good by Thomas Tryon. Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. 1691 (1691) Wing T3201; ESTC R30173 347,235 536

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brisk and they do not only afford a greater quantity of Spirits when separated but much stronger and fiercer than any other Vegetables that are of a lean Hungry Nature Therefore People of this Complexion tho' they are strong and brisk yet if they commit Intemperances that are beyond the power of the natural heat to throw off then they are in far greater danger than those that are of a much weaker Nature and Complexion for the Reason before assigned which daily Examples do confirm as when such healthy People fall into Diseases what terrible sharp Fevers do attend most of them which destroy the Life in a few days Therefore the strongest natur'd People ought to be sober and not lay heavier Burthens than Nature can bear for he that hath the healthiest and strongest Constitution may easily oppress it neither is it safe to put too much Confidence in their strength nor to boast of it or commit such out-rages against their own Natures as many young People do in the way of Pride to out-do their Fellows and then glory in it For the strongest Castle will quickly yield by continual Batteries Of the Phlegmatick Complexion Those in whom this Complexion is predominant are not so quick and active either in the doing or apprehending of things as the Cholerick but more slow and of a fofter Nature their central Heats are but weak in comparison of the former and if they incline to inordinate living either in Meats or Drinks or Idleness they are apt to grow Fat and their Bodies swell with gross phlegmatick Humours because their natural heat is but weak and the digestive faculty of the Stomach cannot make so perfect a Concoction as the Cholerick Complexion so that great part of their Food is turned into gross Juices which fret the Body and make it heavy and dull All sorts of strong spirituous Drinks do agree better with this Complexion than with the Cholerick and if they do not exceed in quantity will not so soon precipitate them into Fevers but if they drink much it will swell their Bodies and Members to a wonderful bigness as we see some both Men and Women are which great drinking doth destroy the edge of the Appetite and increases their desire to drink for their natural Heats and Stomachs are not able to make any profitable Concoction nor separation of such quantities of Drink as they swallow down whence are generated abundance of raw Humors that do not only swell the Body as aforesaid but load the Joynts with windy and watry Diseases and also obstruct the passage of the Breast for all fat People have narrower passages than those that are lean and spare and fetch their Breath with more difficulty because the Vessels of the Stomach and Breast are contracted thro' the drinking of too much strong Drink and eating too little Food and what they do eat too rich in Quality Yet is it very easie for this Complexion and all others to prevent Fatness and heavy Dropsical Humors which many of this sort of People are subject to if Order and Temperance be but observed with regard to both quality and quantity of Meats and Drinks with proper exercise especially in the open Air and walking by River-sides and running Waters which do wonderfully open the Passages and beget and sharpen Appetite and cause good Digestion For tho' one Complexion is more apt to grow Fat than others yet Experience teaches that it is Idleness and Superfluity that is the grand cause thereof look amongst ordinary working-working-people in Country-Towns and you shall very rarely see any of the Husband-men or Field-workers very Fat though in such places are People of all Complexions but Cities and great Towns are the Nurseries of fat Punchinello's where there is good store of Strong Drink and Wine rich Food with ease and idleness I am not ignorant that fat People have an Apology for themselves viz. That they eat and drink less than many lean Folks This is true but lean spare rawbon'd People have for the most part great Heats which do digest and throw off all superfluous matter their Appetites are sharp and piercing also they are generally of active Spirits given to Labour and Action which destroys all matter for Fatness But most that are inclinable to the Phlegmatick Complexion are of contrary and colder Nature as aforesaid their Appetite not so sharp nor digestive faculty so strong and if discretion care and order with proper exercise be not observed great part of their Food and Drinks for want of heat is turned into gross raw Humours which cause an heaviness on the Spirit the Oyl from whence their Light of Life does shine becomes of a watrish Nature therefore such People ought to have understanding in the ordering of their Lives for want whereof many do by various sorts of Intemperances destroy their Healths Also many will take and follow the Paths and Examples of others which they ought not to do for what may be good Food for one may be the contrary for another therefore every one ought to learn the degrees and power of his own Nature For the differences of mens Constitutions are such and their Natures so contrary that 't is impossible to give any particular rule to fit every ones Conveniency so that there isa necessity for every one to see with his own Eyes and in this respect the Proverb is punctual truth Every man to himself is either a Fool or a Physician A man may speak somewhat that may be useful in a general way and helpful to many if minded but the power of doing is in a man's self and if one do but in any tolerable degree know his own composition and the power of his own nature he may very easily help himself for man's Will is free and if he be well informed and his Faith his own and he do not make the ways of the Multitude to be his Rule and their Faith his as many do then he may and hath power by wisdom to alter his Complexion for the better One of the chief causes why so many run themselves into Error and Diseases and Death it self is because they never look into themselves nor observe the operations of their own Nature but look what others do that do they and take the advice of every fool especially if he be a learned Fool without any examination whether it be proper or not Meats and Drinks good for this Complexion are all sorts of drying warming things as Bread eaten with Oyl let Butter be eaten sparingly Cheese is good not new but old also all Gruels and Pottage that are made with quick Fires and not too much boyled but thin brisk and lively for such things are easie to be concocted and quick on the Stomach likewise all spicy Herbs both boyled and raw in their Seasons that is betimes in the Spring and again after Michaelmas viz. in October and November but Flesh they ought to eat sparingly especially from Iune to the last of
all the Senses and send dark Fumes into the Head the truth of this all People are sensible of and it is for no other Reason but because the pure Spirits and sweet Water or Oyl in the Wood is totally suffocated in making it into Charcoal and then the Original Poysons and fierce Fire is no longer moderated but does burn and manifest it self in its own Nature and Form this makes the difference between the Fire of Wood and Charcoal the one being pleasant and wholsom the other the contrary and yet they have but one Foundation the very same is to be understood in the Humane Nature and in all other Creatures and in every thing according to its Nature For this cause when a man has through any kind of Intemperance or Superfluity over-charged Nature by which the pure essential Spirits are either evaporated or suffocated and the Oyl whence the natural Life hath its true being becomes as it were sower'd and made keen and sharp then immediately follow Fevers for all Fevers do proceed from the awakened Poysons which is the Original of every Life which should not be stirred or awakened For this cause most People when sick are afflicted either with Internal or External Fevers some greater others less according to the Age or Strength of each mans Nature and when men dye in the strength of their Lives and especially such as have strong Fires what terrible Fevers will such have which burn and consume Nature in a moments time But those that dye or are sick in Age and are of weaker Heats their Fevers are more gentle if People understood this they would not be so guilty of Intemperance and so over-charge Nature for the meek friendly Life will not indure any Violence or Inequality without prejudice to the Health for as soon as the pure Spirits are wounded or evaporated Nature falls into an unequal motion and then the wrathful fierce Fires are stirred up and then Nature is in danger Take what Creature or thing you will if you wound the pure Spirits the Balsamick Body presently turns sower for one cannot subsist without the other and when this is done then in a moments time the poysonous fierce Fire does of its own accord manifest it self which it could not do so long as the pure Spirits and Balsamick Body were strong and did predominate which does moderate and cause this Fire to burn more gentle For this cause all wise and seeing men have advised to Temperance and have commended all simple and mean Food and Drinks especially those things in which the Qualities of Nature stand nearest Equality for all such Food and Drinks do distribute and administer due and moist Nourishment to both Body and Spirits in an Harmonial way which is very agreeable to Nature for all things desire Concord and Unity it being the highest degree that Nature can attain to also all sorts of Food and Drinks that do chiefly consist of Equality do powerfully beget and maintain its Likeness in the Body and also in the Mind And so on the contrary high rich Foods which consist of many Ingredients and of disagreeing Natures and Drinks in which the Fire burns too fierce do often prove dangerous to Health because such things are unequal in themselves and except they be taken very sparingly they awaken their Likenesses in the Body causing Nature to be unequal in her Operations Therefore after eating and drinking such things there follows Indispositions the Veins glowing with Heat Fumes and Vapours flying up into the Head with a dull Heaviness which is caused by the Inequality of the Food and the greatness of the Qantity which do for a time until the natural Heat hath overcome the Food and made seperation suffocate the pure Spirits and the Oyl of Life by its gross Juices and affording too much Nourishment and if such Food and Drinks be continued there are but few Constitutions that can withstand the Inconveniencies that attend such a Life but Abstinency and a sober Diet with Exercise are the only means to abate all superfluous matter and indeed it hinders the Generation of all offensive Humours ABSTINENCY is the only Physitian that a man can make use of for it secretly does digest all kind of Obstructions and that with great ease and pleasure to the Patient far beyond the common and gross Drugs which Physitians administer Also ABSTINENCY is the most skilful Cook giving a most pleasant taste to every mean thing by which a simple Person becomes skilful for he can distinguish the Taste and the inward Sweetness of each thing and he is thereby stirred up with an inward inclination to praise and admire God in the use of all his Blessings ABSTINENCY does weaken and abate the Fury of the most Cholerick complexioned People that they become more Sanguine it openeth the Gate of Humility and is a Friend to Charity it encourageth Hope and is the only Enemy of that base and cruel Spirit Suspicion the universal Fomentor of mankind ABSTINENCY is a sure Counsellor and a Conductor of all the observers thereof in the way of Truth encreasing Faith and causeth them to eye and follow the divine Hand of Providence giving Peace and Tranquility to the Mind and Health to the Body many are the Vertues and Benefits thereof it also gives the advantage of Time and Opportunity and is the fore-runner of Wisdom it openeth the hidden and secret Doors of Nature in a mans self and renders him capable of all Discipline and is the only Enemy to all Evil and a Friend to all Vertue The Wise and Prudent in all Ages have accounted her their chief Friend and Guide by her Vertues they have overcome the inward Enemies of their Members ABSTINENCY also preventeth the Generation of all superfluous matter whence Diseases in the Body do proceed she abateth the desires because a small matter will suffice a regular Appetite resisting Pride and careth not for Estimation she conquereth all her Enemies and maketh no noise she beats ●o Drums nor dischargeth no Guns she punisheth ●ot the Body with Labour nor burdeneth the Mind with Care she wearieth not the Life by Sea nor by Land to obtain that which will not stand her in stead she will not admit of any Controversies nor Law-suits she will not contend for much because a little supplies her Wants she standeth still and is silent and yet obtaineth all things CHAP. III. A Discourse of the several sorts of Flesh commonly Eaten THough I have before shewn the inconveniencies of the feeding upon Flesh so commonly and in such excess as is now-a-days practised and rather recommended the Lovers of Wisdom and Health to the more innocent use of Grains Fruits and Herbs yet since there is no stemming the Tide of Popular Opinion and Custom and People will still gorge themselves with the Flesh of their Fellow-Animals I have thought fit here to give a particular account of each sort of Flesh that at least you may chuse that which is
the digestive Faculty of the Stomach dulls the edg and sharpness of the Appetite causes Sweating and a general weariness in the whole Body and disables it to perform all its Labours and Exercises The cause of so great Inconveniencies proceeds from warm Clothes c. which hinder the most friendly Element of the Air from penetrating the body whereby the Spirits become weak and fainty For as nothing hurts the Body more than hot sulpherous Airs so there can be nothing that does more cheer and refresh the Spirits than cold pleasant Airs which is known by every mans Experience 3dly Warm and close Houses c. are attended with these evil Effects the Air which is the Life of the Spirit is hindred from having its free egress and regress by the close drawing of the Window-Shutters Hangings and Curtains which suffocates the pure volatile spirit of the Air benums and stupifies the Senses and causes an Indisposition from external heat to possess the whole Body besides it is pernicious to the vital Spirits dulls the Appetite weakens the Stomach and depraves the senses of Tasting and the digestive Faculty 4thly Soft and Warm Beds with Curtains drawn before the Windows and about the Beds produce these following bad Consequences both to the body and mind the Air being as it were pen'd up becomes hot and sulpherous because the pure thin vapours and spirits thereof are suffocated and so consequently must needs be very injurous to them that lie thus in their Beds Moreover the Air cannot penetrate the Body and so being destitute of Motion the Stomach and natural Heat is deprived of its free operation and this is the Reason that Suppers are not so well digested but oftimes become Noxious causing an unnatural kind of Sleep creating an Aptitude in the external parts to glow with a burning and unnatural kind of Heat this ill custom is too frequently used by those who are sick but especially those that lie in Child-bed to whom often the consequence is more dangerous The Chambers of most sick People are kept so very close that it will disorder a Healthy Person to continue there three or four hours and if so what detriment then do you think must of necessity attend the sick by reason of such hot sulpherous Airs And indeed considering how low and weak their Spirits are nothing can be more hurtful to them than this is under these Circumstances For these pure thin vapours and spirits being destroyed by those sulpherous ones the poysonous and deadly Vapours are stirred up which have a powerful influence upon the Body by way of simile and wound the pure Spirits in the Body causing an unnatural Heat in all the external parts with a fainty kind of weakness This becomes as offensive as the Heat and Air which proceeds from Charcoal and is of the same nature and operation for in the making of Charcoal the pure Spirits in the Wood which is its true Life or that sweet Water or Oyl whence the Light hath its bright shining Quality is suffocated and in a manner destroyed for the Spirits are the Life of the Oyl and the Oyl is the house and pleasant habitation of the Spirits and in all Preparations where the one is destroyed the other dieth as in this of making of Wood into Charcoal where both the pleasant Qualities are destroyed the free Influences of the Air being hindered the Spirits and Oyl which are of a friendly nature and operation become thereby suffocated The fire that Wood sends forth has a bright shining Light its heat is friendly and refreshing but Charcoal tho it has the same Foundation and is Wood in the original yet these two friendly Qualities being destroyed and suffocated in the making thereof it comes to be of another nature and operation as if it had not been Wood. For these Reasons Charcoal will not flame nor give a bright light but its flames are of a sulpherous Colour for having lost its Moderator or friendly Life the original Poysons take place and its Fire becomes much stronger than that of Wood and the heat and fumes thereof burdensom to the pure Spirits of those that are near such Fires the dark wrathful Vapours do awaken their simile in the Body If this were rightly understood by a delicate sort of People in the World I am perswaded they would not fear every small blast of wind neither would they deprive themselves of the most pleasant and benign Influences of the Air which keeps the essential Spirits living in every Creature and is indeed the excellent support of the whole nature of all Beings giving to them Life and Vigour And therefore you dainty Dames that are so nice that you will not endure this pleasant Element to blow upon you unless it be in a hot and sulpherous day in which it has not half that power and vertue that it has in cooler Weather you I say who are so Curious do but consider a little seriously what is said and your own experience may convince you that there is nothing better than pure and clear Airs to cheer and comfort Nature and to make the Spirits brisk and lively Are there any more healthy than those whose Imployments and Exercises are in the open Air Are there any who can endure Labour with less Prejudice Are there any who are generally more Robust Any that have better and sharper Appetites than they Likewise those that use the Country-Air much enjoy in a great measure the abovementioned advantages It will be very convenient then to use a Medium in reference to Clothes Houses and Beds and of the two Coolness is much safer from ones Birth to the Grave than Heat both inwardly and outwardly Pleasant and gentle Airs shut the Pores that the Radical Moisture and Spirits cannot evaporate they strengthen Nature give an edg to the Appetite the thinner and meaner a man's Clothes are the stronger and brisker he is and his natural Heat and digestive faculty is also the stronger besides thin Clothing except in cold Weather makes People fitter for Labour and less burdensome preserves the natural Heat and keeps it more Central Therefore it is that all Creatures that are born and bred in cold Climates are stronger and better able to endure Hardship and toilsom Labour than those that live in hot Climates and are greater Eaters and Drinkers of Strong Food and Drinks for this cause most People in cold Countries are inclined to the Intemperances of Gluttony and Drunkenness more than in hot so great is the power and operation of open cold Air it does wonderfully strengthen Nature and nothing can be a greater injury to Health than for People to accustom themselves to Tenderness the more they do wear the more they may so that at last they may have need to carry their Beds on their backs for by degrees it weakens the Body and causes so great a tenderness that they find it very troublesom to have the fresh cool Air to blow upon
their Children as keeping them over-warm especially at night and feeding of them too often and too plentifully insomuch that their Stomachs are always fouled and furred with gross and Phlegmy Matter their Food being too much in Quantity and too rich in Quality which makes the Children uneasie apt to cry and froward and puts their Nurses to abundance of trouble which would be in a great measure prevented if Temperance was observed and Women would be content to give their Children that kind of Food that were proper for their Ages and Constitutions and which does grow under and by the Vertue of our own Constellations for every Country or Climate does furnish the Natives thereof with all things both for Food and Physick proper to preserve Nature having more agreement and unity with our Constitutions Is there any sort of thing brought from the West or East-Indies from Spain or any other Country that is to be compared to our Bread Cheese or Butter Have we not a great multitude of excellent Herbs and Roots which make good wholsom Food And have we not also excellent Water which is not only the best of Drinks it self but by the help of our own Grains and Fruits makes various sorts of Drinks as strong as Wine And do we not make excellent Drink of Apples more proper for our Bodies and more suitable to our Nature than any of the Spanish Wines What is it that English People want either for the Belly or the Back if Wantonness or superfluity was set aside Are not all the sorts of Food that are of our own Growth more suitable and friendly to our Natures than those that come from other Countries Are not those that live in the most remote parts of England and far from Cities and Sea-Ports where Mony is scarce and such things dear that the common People cannot buy them most healthful and freest from Diseases But now those Out-landish Ingredients begin to be so much admired that the good Dame viz. the Farmers Wife will sell her Eggs Butter Cheese and Wheat to buy Sugar Spice and Tobacco which stand them in no stead only to increase Intemperance and Distempers The very Plough-men and Shepherds defile their most pleasant Air with the fulsom Fumes of Tobacco Likewise the common use of these things have made way for various Trades and Employments so that a great part of the People are imployed to bring them over and to distribute them here so that there is small hopes of leaving off these Superfluities they are become as it were Essential to the Nature of the Users but the chief Happiness of English People is that their own Country does abound with all things that are needful for the support and preservation of Nature and that every one is left to his free choice Therefore a Wise Man may in the midst of those various Superfluities live soberly and temperately to his own comfort and the praise of his Creator 2. It is to be observed that most of the Fruits and Spices that come from those hot Countries are not only disagreeable to our Natures but even the Natives of those places do very moderately and sparingly use them esteeming them not fit to mix with their common Food the same is likewise true of their Moderation in the use of Wines for they do not drink it as we do in that abundance but sparingly and mixed with Water besides the frequent use of the fore-mentioned Ingredients do make English men too Effeminate and do in no wise agree with their Constitutions for cold Countries do make hardy strong and Martial People as also Food of that Nature does by its simile maintain and preserve the Health of the Body and Mind far beyond what is brought from those hot Climates But if the Natives of those Countries should eat and drink those Spices and Wines in that Quantity as we do it would as it were destroy the very Radix of Health which is one main cause why our English are so unhealthy when they travel and live in such hot Countries for they continuing the same Intemperances which they accustom'd themselves unto in their own Countries which those places will not admit of their Bodies and Natures do much alter and change when they alter the Climate and not only our Bodies but also our Dispositions and Inclinations are thereby much changed Therefore all People ought strictly to observe such degrees of Temperance in such places as are most suitable and profitable to preserve Health for not only all sorts of their Fruits and Food but their Drinks also do much differ from ours the predominant Quality whereof standing chiefly in the Nature of Sol and Venus and if such Fruits and Wines be not taken sparingly they will quickly awaken their Centers and Natures in the Body and cause the pure subtle Spirits to evaporate as most do find after drinking plentifully of Wine or strong Drink and eating Food in which those Rich Fruits are compounded how indisposed will Nature be how heavy and dull the senses and as it were stupified And this is caused not only by overcharging of Nature with the Quantity but with the Quality also of the Food which doth so violently open the Solar and Venerial Properties of the Body by a sympathetical operation and does evaporate the pure Spirits and consumes the sweet Oyl whence the pleasant Life burns after such Intemperance in eating and drinking you find great alterations in the state of your Body Some think That the stronger the Liquor and the Richer their Food is the more Vertue and Strength is in it but the contrary is too apparent for nothing is more hurtful to Nature than that which contains much Nourishment for this cause many People are out of order their natural strength decaying by degrees and occasioning many Diseases to reign which had no being in former Ages when the use of such things were not known In remote parts where such Fruits and Wines cannot be procured they are happily freed from many grievous Distempers with which we are afflicted But all that I can say will not convince such as are Wise in their own Conceits nor prevent them from boyling two Quarts of Ale to one with good store of Oatmealand Spice and then sweetning it well with Sugar give two or three Quarts a day hot to Child-bed-Women Of Fish Fish generally are cold and moist of them some are easie others hard of Digestion The frequent and plentiful eating of this begets Phlegm and a kind of cold moist matter in the Body likewise we are to account some of them unclean and unwholsom others clean and wholsom the first sort are such that are bred in muddy stinking Waters as Ponds c. where the Water has no motion or in Rivers which receive the Excrements of Cities or Towns such Fish produce bad Nourishment corrupt the Blood and cause Obstructions Scabs Leprous Diseases c. If People were sensible of the hurt they do they would no more
the latter are in the external parts of the Body as the Flesh or at deepest in the Blood as all Itchy and Leprous Distempers are such as catch them have them in the same parts But on the contrary when the Diseases are inward and hid in the Body it frequently happens that such as are infected therewith find not the ill effects in the very same parts but elsewhere yet arising from the same cause Nor do Diseases thus transferred use to make People sick in the beginning but steal on by degrees so that there are very rarely any Remedies applyed till it be too late And as strong Constitutions many times keep off the Assaults of contagious Diseases so neither are all weak-spirited People liable to receive Injuries and Diseases this way for there are many who have naturally weak impotent Spirits and consequently feeble Bodies who yet are as free from catching Diseases as any others because they are clean and sound so that the Rays and pernicious Vapours and bad Airs have no power to seize on them wanting a Friend or Confederate Traytor within to let them in nor can they incorporate themselves by reason of the antipathy of Nature For as every thing or Spirit is received by its Simile so on the contrary it is withstood and resisted by its opposite for this cause one is in danger of receiving Injuries this way and another not and contagious Airs are not fatal to all but in the greatest Sicknesses or Epidemical Pestilences many all the while continue sound and well and these as well weakly People as those that are strong and healthy nay many weakly People continue sound whilst those that are much more strong and healthy are seized and die For the Air being unclean and corrupted by the humid poysonous Vapours and Species penetrates all parts of the Body and where-ever it finds matter of its own kind or capable to receive its Influences then it powerfully stirs and awakens the inward or central Poysons of Nature which before lay hid or captivated in the Embraces of the sweet Oyl and thence presently follow violent burning Fevers which in few days cut off the thred of Life For every Life in its Root stands in the highest Persons so that there is matter in every man if it be kindled able to destroy the Life in a moment And therefore we often see by experience a man sound and well one day and the next near the Grave or the whole Mass of Blood corrupted as in the Small-Pox or the like For when the inward central Poysons are awakned they are so strong that they can and do often convert the whole Body and Flux of Humors into their own Property viz. into a Poysonous and Leprous Matter 'T is vulgarly believed that Distempers do oft-times seize the Body thro' Fear which is true in a Sense but first it is to be noted That the Spirit was wounded by some Gleam or Ray and the poysons awakned before-hand for all fear and dread doth arise from the Spirits which are often wounded before a man can be sensible hence arises that which we call a Pannick Fear that is a Dread Consternation or Astonishment which we can give no Reason for also the Spirits are often hurt by a Voice or hearing a Word spoken from the Mouth of another The very Air conveys the Speeches of diseased People more especially if there be fit and prepared matter for Diseases for then 't is done in a moments time insensibly for as soon as those dreadful Vapours incorporate with and awaken the Poysons in the Body presently the Phantasie and imaginative Faculty of Nature is filled with fear and dread more or less according to the degrees of those Poysons and strength or weakness of the Natural Spirits and Radical Moisture It is further to be considered that sometimes the state of the Body is such and the Spirit so weak that every small Intemperance Uncleanness ill Air c. will easily seize the Spirits and wound the Health the true Causes of which are known but to few as when Coelestial and Terrestrial Influences do concur then every little Accident indangers Nature For there are many secret Reasons why Diseases are more apt to seize the Body and Spirits at one time than at another and on the contrary a man may commit extream Outrages and Intemperance at some times of his Life and yet continue his Health tho' every Intemperance sows some Seeds of Diseases if Abstinence and Cleanness duly observed afterwards do not root them out for these if followed will cleanse and purifie Nature and digest all such Superfluities as disorders have contracted For these Reasons a man ought never to be over-confident or think himself secure from Sickness which often surprizes us when least we expect it which happens for want of the presence of and being governed by the good Genius for though Distempers for the most part proceed from irregular Lives and other Accidents of the like Nature yet it must be acknowledged that many cruel Diseases are occasioned by Rays Gleams Surprizes Fears Ioy Sorrow c. which seize the pure Spirits and cause a suffocation of them so that in a Moments time the Radical Moisture and Balsamick Vertues turn eager a loathing and weariness ensues and Nature having lost her way the Stomach grows sick and indisposed and its Action ceaseth because the same chiefly depends on the strength and goodness of the Volatile Spirits and Radical Moisture then also the Pallat forfeits its property of distinguishing whence most sick People complain they cannot taste the natural Sweetness of Meats and Drinks If this were not so People would not be able to live ten twenty or thirty days in Fevers and other Sicknesses with such small quantities of Sustenance But what they take in such Sicknesses affords but little Nourishment and that which it does is very impure for Nature is then in strife and contends with her Enemy using her utmost effects to vanquish him At this time a skillful Physitian is very useful and of as great an advantage to Nature as Auxiliary Recruits coming in to the Relief of an Army engaged in a doubtful Battle It is most manifest that what Food is agreeable to one is not to another and so of all other things and therefore 't is sottish Ignorance to argue that because one man does not receive harm by lying in or with such a Bed or Person therefore another shall not For this is no Rule as we have sufficiently demonstrated and shewed the Reasons thereof Nor must you forget that all soft warm Feather-Beds do not only help to transfer Diseases from one to another but also they are Unwholsom and Unhealthy in themselves as is before-mentioned And indeed next to Temperance in Food nothing is more Healthy than sweet hard Beds and to lie single or not more than Two at most in a Bed especially young People for lying alone cools the Body and keeps it in an equal
ought to be eaten in the Morning and the smaller quantity and such as is easiest of Concoction in the Afternoon viz. Milk-Pottage Milk and Flour Milk as it comes from the Cow after 't is cold eaten with Bread Water-Gruels c. Now the Reason of this is because in the Morning the Spirits thro' Rest are restored fresh and brisk and the Sun is not come to the Meridian but by that time it arrives there the Food is pretty well digested for you must note that when the Sun comes to the Meridian it doth more or less exhale or cause some Evaporations of the natural Spirits especially in hot Seasons and therefore Nature is then more indisposed dull and heavy than at other times Also the fore-part of the day hath spent the Spirits by Labour Exercise c. For this cause most People do find themselves dull and heavy after Dinner There is nothing that does more help Concoction than the cool refreshing Influences of the Air for it strengthens the natural Heat and makes it more central for which cause People in cold Weather have greater and stronger Appetites and more Spirits than in hot and therefore are able to endure more Action so likewise such as are bred in cold Countries are harder stronger and for the most part longer liv'd than those that inhabit in over-hot Regions for Heat dries up the thin spirituous Vapours and Radical Moisture in the Body and causes the internal Heat and Moisture which should serve for the help of Concoction to spread it self into all the external parts of the Body for all outward Heat does by simile draw forth the internal heat and causes the pure Spirits to evaporate For this very Reason mens desires are much after Drink in hot Seasons and on the contrary for Food in cold thus likewise the heat of Beds where most People wrap themselves up very warm takes away the Appetite for let a man go to Bed some-what hungry yet after he has slept his Stomach shall seem dull and his desire of eating gone till his motion for a while in the Air does recal it and the same quantity of Food eaten for a Supper which proves burdensom to him that goes to Bed shall be most pleasant and lightsom to one that sits up all night so great is the power of Air and Motion Therefore all hot soft Feather Beds with thick Coverings which most People use themselves to with Curtains drawn c. so that their Chambers are in the next degree to Bagneo's or Hot-Houses are very inconvenient for they weaken the Back and Joynts destroy the Appetite and render the whole Body so delicate and tender that every little Inconveniency is felt and such People can scarce endure the fresh Air to blow upon them without some prejudice to their Health which doth increase stoppages and all Windy Diseases but on the contrary open fresh Airs Rooms that have large Windows and fair Prospects and the Bed open hard and clean so that the refreshing Influences of the Air may pass freely will strengthen the whole Body beget and increase Appetite and make the spirits powerful whereby Nature does avoid many Inconveniences and Diseases CHAP. XIII Of Windy Diseases the Reason thereof in Nature and why English People especially Women are so much troubled therewith Also an Account of the Inconveniency of eating and drinking between Meals THE Generation of Windy Diseases in the Body arise from many Causes but chiefly from Three viz. 1. From eating and drinking of too great quantities of various sorts of gross fat Food and strong Drinks of disagreeing Natures which stretch the Vessels of the Stomach beyond what is natural and generate evil Juices of a sower keen quality and sharp griping Nature for it is not purely Wind or an airy quality that doth so gripe and pain the Body and send up such Fumes and Vapours into the Head for if it were so Nature would find some way to discharge it which perhaps might make a noise but not be so painful But this windy substance is mixed with a sharp sower thin poysonous matter that runs out of one place into another and causeth griping pains and all this chiefly proceeds from Repletion and too much Nourishment and uncocted matter For when Meats and Drinks are taken that are either ill prepared or too much in quantity or of a contrary quality to the Constitution then the natural Heat of the Stomach and digestive Faculty cannot concoct such Foods nor make any perfect separation nor cast out those evil Juices and Venoms which all sorts of such Food doth contain but especially Flesh and fat strong Meats which are apt to lodge in Vessels and cause Pains and Swellings for what part or Member soever of the Body is by any Accident made weak these evil Humours will flow unto and seize that part in an especial manner thus If the Brain be weak it causeth a violent Head-Ach to continue for several days together with a dizziness but if the more central parts as the Breast and Passages be impotent then you shall find all the Faculties of the Stomach debilitated and its rententive Property so impaired that it cannot retain the Food whence proceeds loathings and vomitings but on the contrary if the Centre be well fortified with a powerful natural Heat then the Stomach easily flings them off and they disperse themselves into the Members and more external parts which causeth swellings and grievous pains in the Hips Legs and Arms or where-else it happens often shifting from one part to another which some call the Windy Gout a Disease tho' very painful yet not so dangerous as when it lies and centers it self near the Heart and vital Parts for when they lodge about the Stomach such People are not well either full or fasting for after eating this Humour doth so sower the Food that it makes the Stomach sick and subject to sower belchings and the whole body to swell and sickish Qualms to arise And this enticeth many to take a dram of Brandy or other strong spirituous Drink to help Concoction which seems to give some ease for the present but in a little time the same Inconveniency will return and then again away they run to their Doctor Brandy-Bottle and thus come to accustom themselves to such strong fiery Liquors whereby they yet more and more weaken the Stomach and cause the before-mentioned Windy Diseases to encrease so that in a little time they shall not be able to eat any Food without a Dram after it nay it will come to that at last that they will not be able to digest their Food either with it or without it the Liquor will make such a Prey of Nature causing the Head never to be free from dulling Fumes and Vapours Now these Diseases are very rarely cured by any of the Medicines that are appropriated to them because most People do more or less continue the same Disorders which were the first cause thereof For no
Medicines have such Power either to prevent or remedy these Disorders in the Body as Temperance Cleanness and good Order for they have an inward Power and certain Efficacy for that purpose and if Temperance be continued it will augment the Radical Moisture and pure Spirits and by degrees strengthens the natural Heat of the Stomach which only hath the Power to draw all such windy gross sharp matter from all parts of the body and so cast it out if thro' length of time it be not become too central for the natural Heat hath a magnetick Vertue that forcibly attracts all such matter as burdens Natures even from the most inward Cavities and furthest Ciroumference unto it self and there digests and throws it off both upwards downwards if a proper degree of Temperance be observed both in quantity quality fresh supplies of Food Drink come not too often For so powerful is this attractive Faculty of the Stomach that it will draw the very Flesh off the Bones as is most manifest both by men beasts if the Stomach be not supplied with convenient quantities of Meats and Drinks for this Heat which serves for concoction separation is never idle but always continues its motion action so long as the Spirits are lively that there doth remain any Oyl in the Lamp For this cause moderate Fasting hath been commended by all wise men a clean well prepared Diet hath great Power not only to prevent Diseases both of the Body Mind but also to root them out especially when the cause of such Diseases as generally it happens have arisen from over-charging of Nature with too great quantities of Flesh Fish the more because People make no distinction between Clean Unclean nor of the Seasons of the Year of the Surfeits or Diseases the Cattle are subject unto whose Flesh they eat nor regard the improper Mixtures of such Food c. 2. The second cause of Windy Diseases I assign to be the frequent eating and drinking of Hot Foods I do not mean such as are hot in their own nature operation but such as having been prepared by Fire are eaten before those fiery sulpherous Steems are evaporated for they are of a very pernicions venomous quality and altogether of a contrary Nature to the genuine Heat of Nature particularly of the Stomach also for this fiery heat will no longer incorporate it self with such Foods Broths c. than it is forced by the constant heat of the fire for as soon as they are taken from thence this sulpherous Steem or humid Vapour will hastily separate of its own accord which does manifest that this Heat is an Alien that Nature casts it out as an Enemy for indeed it contains three venomous qualities that are absolutely pernicious to Health viz. 1st The first is an harsh Fire of a Saturnine Martial Nature of a keen sharp fretting operation which dulls the pure Spirits infects the Blood with a Maingy itching Humour 2dly It contains a gross deadly poysonous Water or humid quality that does incorporate it self with the grossest parts of the Air fly away in a steem or vapour if Food be eaten before those fiery evil vapours be separated evaporated it swells the body hurts the natural Heat of the Stomach insensibly but certainly generates both Windy Watery Diseases filling the inward Vessels of the Body with evil venomous Juices sending Fumes into the Head disordering the whole body this more especially in Women Children who as we have shewed you before are by Nature much more liable to Windy Diseases than men 3dly If this furious Steem be by any Vessel that covers the Meat after 't is taken out of the Pot or off from the Spit so that it cannot fly away but is stopt turned back or confined to stay with such Food after 't is prepared then will it re enter into it and make it flat and heavy alter the Taste of it so that it will be strong gross on the Pallat heavy on the Stomach It is also to be noted that the common eating of Hot Foods does possess the Blood with a salt sharp fretting Humour like a Mainge if Children were not accustomed to such things from their Mothers Breast it would more sensibly break out upon them in that kind For this very Reason in Dogs and many other Creatures if such hot Broths or Food be given them it will cause the Mainge in their Blood the very same it occcasions in the human Nature but not externally so manifest because rendered more familiar by use 3. The Third Cause not only of Windy Diseases but of many others is Peoples eating and drinking too often Nothing more burdens Nature or generates more crude sharp Humors for when fresh Food is thrust into the Stomach before the former is digested it mixeth with the half-concocted Food which does surprize Nature and disturb her Work and fouls the Stomach causeth sower Belchings makes the Vessels to swell and in some Constitutions is attended with griping Pains and Indispositions through the whole Body c. for the natural heat is so oppressed with these continual supplies of Food before it calls or is ready for them that it cannot make any perfect Separation which is a main cause of Windy Diseases filling the Vessels with unconcocted Juices which powerfully obstruct the due Functions of Nature and hinders the Circulation of the Blood and Spirits which is the reason that when such People do travel or labour and oft-times only upon the Change of Weather they are indisposed and presently tired and out of Breath and troubled with an inward heat and drought continually calling for Supplies of Drink which does but promote Disorder and swell the Body and make the Exercise more burthensom For indeed drinking between Meals is very injurious to all sorts of People except to those that labour hard and sweat much for such may drink but very moderately or else they may quickly out-do Nature but for others that live easie Lives and do not sweat to be sipping or rather pouring down strong Drink and Wine between Meals does prove of very evil Consequence for it destroys the edge of the Appetite and makes the Stomach disordered always seeming as if it wanted something and in some Constitutions an hot heavy dulness for all strong Drinks received in a greater quantity than the Stomach can conveniently master leave a sowr heavy stinking Matter behind them in the Body which furrs the Passages with a slimy Substance and which causeth loss of Appetite shortness of Breath Rheums with sharp tickling Matter that first ascends into the Head and offends it and then falls back again into the Breast and upon the Lungs whence Coughs and Consumptions proceed Also in some People it begets a kind of unnatural hunger or craving in the Stomach or a sharp gnawing Pain which causeth many to eat
but they are never the better satisfied nor eased but rather increase the Pain thereby I am confident abundance of People can witness this to be true from their own Experience and yet will not consider or regard the true Reason or Causes of it For it is a gross Mistake when any shall feel their Stomachs gnaw or gripe in this manner to run presently to the Cupbord and think thereby to cure that defect which for the most part does but increase it and no longer gives ease than the Food or Drink is in the Mouth for this evil habit of the Stomach does not proceed from want of Food or Nourishment but through sharp crude superfluous Matter which dulls and disables the Natural Heat that it cannot perform its due Office of Digestion for where Food is thus too frequently cramm'd in the digestive Faculty has not power to make separation which does as it were suffocate the pure Spirits and then presently the sweet Oyl or Juices of such Food turns either of a keen sowr or bitter Quality according to the disorder or nature of each man's Stomach and Constitution which depraved Juices disperse themselves into several parts of the Body enfeebling the Joynts and Members wounding the Spirits and making room for outward Colds and the like Accidents to take place for Colds do rarely seize any part of the Body provided the Accident be not too extream except first there be some inward defect or weakness as may appear by those that are troubled with stoppages of the Breast whom every petty Accident nay even the alteration of the Air shall sensibly afflict But as Nature abhors all Extreams so on the other side over-long Fasting does help to generate windy Diseases especially in infirm People whose natural Heats are weak and Spirits few for they will soon grow fainty and Fumes and Vapors will be apt to fly up into their Heads and when they come to eat a small matter makes them sick for too long fasting does spend and evaporate the Spirits and waste the Radical Moisture and hurt the digestive Faculty so that after eating and drinking the Senses seem to be stupified and the whole Body sleepy and indisposed and besides after such long Fasting People are apt to strain Nature by taking more Meat and Drink than she can bear Therefore a Mean is safest in all things for if any refrain from Food too long the Action of the Stomach is so vigorous and its attractive Faculty so powerful that it preys on the natural Spirits and radical Moisture so that you shall then find a very imperfect Appetite whence comes that common Saying I have out-fasted my self or My Stomach is gone For the strength and perfection of the Palate and Stomach consists in the strength and vigor of the Spirits and radical Moisture therefore both superfluous eating and drinking and also immoderate fasting do generate Diseases and cause Indispositions both in the Body and Mind Therefore it is not so commendable nor so healthy to make but one Meal in twenty four hours as to make two moderate Meals in that space for otherwise there is apt to be too great an Emptiness and too eager an Hunger which makes People give themselves such a freedom of eating as thereby the Vessels a●e stretched by the great quantities of Food which makes such have great Bellies and prove fat and gross But though they will eat but once a day yet many of them that are able to come by it do give themselves the liberty of drinking lusty Evening-draughts which do so stupifie the Senses and heat the Blood and furr the Passages so that it is no wonder that they are not prepared for a Breakfast In a word there is nothing so safe nothing so pleafant as Temperance and to observe proper times and feasons for eating and drinking and keeping within the bounds of what is necessary both in quantity and quality And this we must aver That as the world goes few there are that hurt their Health with Fasting in comparison of those Multitudes that destroy themselves by Superfluities nor is it so dangerous a consequence if any competent care be taken It is also to be observed That all kinds of Food ill prepared is hurtful and apt to forward those Windy Distempers for any Food that is too much or too little drest or under or over-prepared is prejudicial to the Health but over-prepared is the more hurtful of the two unless where it is very much too little done for over-preparation be it of what you will does in a great measure destroy the brisk lively Spirits which renders such Food of a heavy dull gross Nature and Operation so that it cannot administer such proper Nourishment nor can the natural heat of the Stomach draw such pure Spirits from it as otherwise it would yield for it cannot give what it has not 'T is therefore a great Error as to Health to overprepare Food as the custom of some is viz. to boil Flesh so long till 't is ready to fall to pieces which many do because the Broth should draw forth all the strength and vertue also they boil it in but small quantity of Water with the Pot or Vessel covered by which means the Broth loseth its proper and natural Complexion and becomes of a dull reddish Colour mixt with black which is very pernicious both to those that are in health and such as are already sickly but especially for weak consumptive people whom Physicians generally order to eat of such Pottages for their natural Heats being weak and Spirits low these unnatural Preparations gross Foods do further the growth of their Distempers for all such Pottages have lost their pure spirituous parts and volatile vertues in the preparation and are loathsom to Nature especially to weak people because by the small quantity of Water long boiling and the grosness of such Flesh the lively Vertues and Tiuctures are destroyed and therefore such Goods lose their natural Colour and fragrant Sent and become strong and fulsome for no preparation ought to be continued any longer than the crude body be opened and the gross matter digested for if it be continued longer then the pure spirituous parts will evaporate The Intention of kinds of Preparation is to digest the phlegmatick gross Parts that thereby the spiritual Vertues may he set at liberty but then if the Preparation be continued your Fire will serve you as the Celestial Fire viz. the Sun and Elements do the Husband-man when he makes his Hay or the Malster his Malt for first the Sun exhales the gross Body and phlegmatick Parts of the Grass or Herbs and sets the Spirit at liberty which perfumes the whole Field with most delectable Odors but if this Hay be continued too long in the Sun and open Air its spirituous Quality will also be exhaled and then it will become like Salt that hath lost its savour good for little but the Dunghil The very same is to be
unclean fierce Qualities will grow so powerful that they will not only eat and drink such things but also desire them for all Creatures have one only foundation and each Particular contains the true Nature of the whole only the Qualities and Properties of Nature do differ so in one one Quality is strong in another the contrary which makes that great Variation which we see and admire amongst the Creatures as to their Dispositions Shapes Forms Tones Sounds c. And hence proceeds the possibility of altering changing strengthening and awakening of Dispositions Inclinations and Qualities in each Creature This was the grand cause in the beginning why Man was prohibited the eating of Flesh and Killing and why Moses in the Wilderness did not permit the Children of Israel to kill and eat Flesh during their forty years Travel for the Wilderness represents this World which all must pass through and deny themselves the Vanities oppression and Violences thereof or else they cannot enter the Holy Land but must fall in the Wilderness for those that have through the divine Power of the Lord escaped the hands of the Egyptians and are got clear of the Land of Bondage and have left Pharaoh and his Host swallowed up in the Red Sea ought not to long or lust after the Violences and Flesh Pots of the Land of Vanity but to continue in the Spirit of Meekness Love Humanity Self-denial and to do unto all Creatures as a man would be done unto himself which is the true Path of the New Life that leads into the right-hand-way and goes to the heavenly City For those wise Philosophical Seers into the divine and humane Mysteries were sensible of the manifold Evils that attended Mankind by his joyning himself with the unclean Beasts and by killing and eating their Flesh which did so powerfully-awaken and strengthen the inhumane Properties in Man that he by degrees became delighted in all kind of violent cruel bloody Actions not only to the inferiour Creatures but also to those of his own kind whence Cruelties and Murthers have been so mightily encouraged that scarce any have been counted of Noble Birth and Blood but such as have been famous Man slayers and destroyed many of their own Species Some of the Eastern-Sages from a true understanding of the Law of God in Nature declared against these Inhumanities and sanguinary Customs as Pythagoras and his Followers to this day in some Parts of the East-Indies who by their good Examples and innocent Lives do draw off many of the Savage People from the same to a more pure and peaceable course of Life For First They taught them the ill Consequences of Oppression Violences Killing and Eating the Flesh of their Inferiours and making themselves the Sepulchres of the dead Bodies of Beasts And when they had done this then it followed that they would not strike harm oppress or kill those of their own kind for he that does scruple to use violence unto or kill a Sheep or Cow will to be sure be far from hurting or murthering a Man And thus for many Ages have they led peaceable and harmless Lives in Unity and Amity with the whole Creation shewing all kind of Friendship and Equality not only to those of their own Species but to all other Creatures hurting or enslaving none but allowing them all those Privileges and Freedoms that the Creator had given to all the Inhabitants of the World nor cutting off the Thred of their Lives before their appointed time And it has been observed that these Men sinde their time of Love and Clemency to the Creatures have not only been bless'd with the Goods of this World and Dew of Heaven far above their wild savage Neighbours but also were never known to contend oppress fight kill or commit Man slaughter but have lived these many hundred Years in Peace and Concord with all the Creation whereas before they were convinced that it was an Evil to destroy and eat the Flesh and Blood of Beasts they made no more of killing and oppressing Men than a Wolf doth of devouing a Sheep or one of our Butchers of knocking down a Cow The very same and far greater Advantages would come to pass amongst Christians if they would cease from Contention Oppression and what tends and disposes them thereunto the killing of Beasts and eating their Flesh and Blood and in a short time humane murthers and devilish seuds and cruelties among each other would abate and perhaps scarce have a being amongst them For Separation has greater power than most imagine whether it be from evil or good for whatsoever any man separates himself from that Property in him is presently weakned As suppose a man separate himself from any kind of Intemperance Violence or Uncleanness and joyn himself to Vertue then presently the wrathful unclean Nature is weakned and grows faint for want of its proper Food but on the contrary the humane and divine Principle grows strong Likewise Separation does wonderfully dispel the dark Clouds of Ignorance and makes the Understanding able to distinguish between the good and evil Principles first in himself and then in all other things proportionably but so long as men live under the power of all kind of Uncleanness Violence and Oppression they cannot see any Evil therein because the humane and divine Principles are so weak feeble and as it were dead because their Counsels are continually disobey'd and instead thereof the Spirit of Errour is followed For this cause those that do not separate themselves from Uncleanness Oppression and the like Evils but are contented to follow the Multitude in the Left-hand way and resolve to continue the Religion of their Forefathers though thereby they do but mean Custom the greatest of Tyrants 'T is I say impossible for such People ever to understand or know any thing truly either of divine or humane Mysteries nor can any man penetrate thereinto except he first separate himself from all evil and unclean Ways of the Multitude and their Customs for 't is the departing from Evil and the practice of Good that crowns a Man with Wisdom Vertue and Understanding and renders him capable to put the right intrinsick Value upon things and reckon them at their true price for it is generally acknowledged amongst men the highest Folly to judge of those things which they have never known nor been experienced in Who would ask an honest Tarpawlin-Seaman's Advice in a Law-Case expect a Plough man should relish the Delicacies of an excellent Lesson of Musick or think a Cobler fit to value some curious Master-piece of Vandike or Lilly's Painting So improbable it is that men should have judgment in any Science Art or common Trade if they had not separated themselves from other Matters and applied themselves some time to such Crafts or Sciences And yet so vain are most men as to suppose themselves capable to judge of divine and humane Mysteries tho' they are still hurried with the Violences and wallow in
also of Beasts and Herbs and to what Virtues Vices and Diseases each of them are most subject and what food is most agreeable to Persons of every Constitution page 1. Of the Bitter Quality p. 3. Of the Sweet Quality p. 6. Of the Sour Quality p. 7. Of the Astringent or Saltish Quality p. 8. Of the Cholerick Complexion p. 11. Of the Phlegmatick Complexion p. 15. Of the Sanguine Complexion p. 19. Of the Melancholy Complexion p. 24. Chap. II. Of the excellency of Temperance the Knowledge of a Mans self and the mighty Benefits of Abstinence and Sobriety p. 33. which prepare the Body to be the Temple of the Lord 36 37. Of the Prophet Daniel's refusing the dainties that came from the King's Table p. 38. The Abstemious lives of the Rechabites a reproach to the Israelites Also of Sampson's drinking Wine c. p. 39. The cause of Leprous and Maingy Diseases c. p. 52. The cause of catching Cold p. 54. Of Fevers p. 56. Chap. III. A Discourse of the several sorts of Flesh viz. Of the Nature and Complexion of Oxen and Cows p. 59 60. Of their Flesh p. 63. The excellency of Butter Cheese and Milk-Pottage p. 62. Of Sheep their Complexions and Nature and of their Flesh p. 64. How to know whether the Mutton be perfectly good or not p. 68. Of Lamb. p. 69. Of the Flesh of Calves or Veal p. 71 72. Of the Flesh of Swine and their Nature and Complexion p. 72. Of the Flesh of Fowls p. 75. Chap. IV. The Proper and most Natural way of preparing viz Boyling Roasting Baking Stewing Frying and Broyling of Flesh and other Food from p. 78. to 89. Chap. V. The seasons of the year in which most People are liable to Diseases and Mortality and the Reasons why so many are sick and die more at one time than another Also what Food is best to preserve health at that time shewing also the Seasons of the year in which most sorts of Flesh are unclean and aptest to contract Diseases and what times Men may eat Flesh with least danger to their Health And of the Nature of Summer Fruits how they are good and the contrary from p. 94. to 106. Chap. VI. Of Waters Ale Beer and Tobacco To which is added the consideration of Clothing Houses and Beds and what great benefits arise from Moderation and Temperance in those things p. 106. Of Water in general both internal and external p. 108 109. Of Rain-Water and its Nature p. 110. Of River-Water and the Reasons why Vallies are so fruitful and Hills so barren p. 112. Of Spring or Fountain-Water p. 113. Of Pump or Well-Water p. 114. Of Ponds or standing Waters p. 115. Of Ale and its nature and operation as also of Beer and the most proper and natural way to Brew p. 116 117. How to extract the vertue of Hops p. 122. Of Tobacco its nature and operation p. 124 125. Of Clothing Bedding c. p. 133 134. Of particular Trades as Carpenters Joyners and particularly of Sea-men c. p. 142. The evil effects of the Liquor called Punch p. 144. Chap. VII Of Grains Herbs and Fruits viz. Of Wheat p. 145. Of Barley p. 149. Of Rye p. 150. Of Pease and Beans p. 151. Of Kidney or French Beans p. 153. Of Herbs raw and boyled p. ibid Of Colworts Cabbage and Collyflowers p. 156. Of Turnips p. 158. Of Carrots and Parsnips p. 159. That the Fruits Herbs and Grains which our own Climate produceth are more natural and proper to maintain Strength and preserve Health than those that come from other Countries p. 160. The Nature and Property of Spices Nutmegs Cloves Mace Cinnamon Pepper Ginger c. p. 162. The ill consequence of their being mixed among Childrens Food p. 164. Of Fish p. 168. Chap. VIII The Mischief of Variety of Meats and Drinks and the inconveniences of improper Mixtures and on the other side what Foods are fit to be compounded p. 169. A Digitation of the seven perfect Colours shewing how there being mixed two three or four of them together produce their several Complexions contrary to their own Colours p. 170 c. Of Plum-cakes which are composed of about ten disagreeing Ingredients p. 173. Of Bread-Puddings p. 174. Of Broth or Pottages that are heat a second time p. 175. The Reasons why boyled Water will not keep so well as Water newly taken from the Spring p. 177. Of Syrups p. 178. The fatal consequence sick People are confined to p. 179. Of Mince-Pyes c. p. 180. Several sorts of Food that are proper to be compounded as bearing a simile with each other p. 182. Chap. IX The Reasons in Nature why Cities and great Towns are subject to the Pestilence and other Diseases more than Country Villages The excellency of Solitude and Advantages of a retired Country-Life p. 184. That Mens Actions awaken the like Property in the Coelestial Bodies whether they be good or evil Shewing also what Violences they be that cause Wars Famine Pestilential Poysons Botches Byles Veneral Diseases Fevers Plagues Scabs Leprosies Spots in the Flesh Tumults Burning of Towns and Cities c. p. 186 c. The excellency of a retired Country Life p. 190. Chap. X. Of Infection or Catching-Diseases and how they are transferred from one to another p. 193. Chap. XI Of Women their Natures Complexions and Intemperances c. p. 200. The original cause of Vapours or Wind and Agues p. 201. The Evils that attend Wantonness in Women p. 202. The ill consequences of putting Women to hard robustick Labores and Cares p. 205. Particular Directions for Meats and Drinks that are proper and natural for Women p. 206 207. What causes the Scurvy p. 209. The cause of Fevers and Convulsions p. 211. What makes Travail in Child bearing burdensom p. 212. The Inconveniences of Men and Women lying always together p. 215 216. The Evils of hard swathing and binding their Children p. 217. 218. Food proper for Children p. 219. To prevent Convulsions and griping pains in the Stomachs of Children Also of Water-Pap p. 220. Of Melted-Butter p. 221. Of the Quantity of Childrens Food p. 222. Chap. XII The cause of Surfeits and how to prevent them and keep the Body in Health p. 226. The danger of Drinking after superfluous Meals p. 229. Of Suppers and what sort of People may use them without prejudice to their health p. 233 Chap. XIII Of Windy Diseases the Reasons thereof in Nature and why English People especially Women are so much troubled there-with c. p. 237. The Evils of eating and drinking Food too hot p. 238. The Mischief of eating and drinking between Meals p. 241. Of Fatness and what sort of People are subject thereto as also how to prevent Fatness p. 246. Chap. XIV Of FLESH and its operation on the Body and Mind That the common eating thereof does awaken the wrathful Nature in Mankind c. p. 249. Of the Children of Israels eating flesh in the Wilderness p. 251. A
Paraphrase on the Apostle Peter's Vision Arise Peter kill and eat p. 273. The true Rise and Ground of Nobility as to Birth and Blood p. 284 c Who are truly Noble and Honourable p. 288. Why Flesh and Blood is so much desired p. 291 c. A short Comment on Gen. 4. concerning Cain and Abel p. 301 c. The cause of Wars p. 311. Of Abraham's eating flesh with the Angels p. 315. Concerning the Resurrection p. 328. The grand Objection answered viz. If all People should live on Herbs c. what should we do with the Beasts They would over-run us c. p. 331. Chap. XV. The Voice of the Dumb or the Complaints of the Creatures expostulating with Man touching the cruel Usages they suffer from him very naturally expressed in a pleasant and useful Allegory p. 367. Chap. XVI A Treatise of most sorts of English Herbs either Physical or fit for common use shewing 1st the apt times to gather them Astrologically when the Planet that governs them is strong and well aspected the same being here calculated for Nineteen Years 2dly How to preserve and keep them without losing their Virtues And 3dly The best way of using them in Posset-Drinks Decoctions and Cordials so as not to destroy the pure spirituous parts of them p. 382 c. The Ignorance Blindness and Deceitfulness of the Doctors made manifest p. 396. A Copy of a learned Doctors confused Latin Bill to an Apothecary and some Observations thereon p. 404. The most natural and proper way of making of Cordials with any kind of Herbs Seeds Flowers Spices and Drugs either simple or compound p. 411. The proper and natural way of making Physical Decoctions Posset-Drinks c. with Herbs Seeds and Drugs p. 414. How Men came first to know the Virtues of several Herbs p. 417. Who were the great Masters of Physick which our modern Doctors make the foundation of their skill and the Reasons why their Rules ought not to be ours p. 421. Chap. XVII Of Bugs and from what Matter and Aliment they do proceed and how to prevent their Generation Of the excellency of clean sweet Beds and perniciousness of old stinking Feather-beds Also several Receipts how to kill Bugs and Fleas p. 434. Chap. XVIII A short Discourse of the Pain in the Teeth shewing from what cause it does chiefly proceed and how to prevent it p. 447. Chap. XIX Of Marriage and the Inconveniences of unequal Matches p. 452. Chap. XX. How to cure Wounds Cuts Pricks of Thorns and other Accidents without Salves Oyntments or Plaisters Also if any part of the Body or Flesh be poysoned it is a certain Remedy p. 474. Chap. XXI Of Harmony and the Power thereof the several sorts of Musical Instruments and under what Planet and Sign each of them is p. 479. A Dialogue between an East-Indian-Brackmanny or Heathen Philosopher and a French Gentleman concerning the present Affiairs in Europe p. 1. THE INTRODUCTION To the Whole TREATISE CHAPTER I. A Description of the four Grand Qualities whence the four Complexions proceed How every Man may know his own Complexion KNOW THY SELF was one of the first Precepts which the Ancients dictated to the Students of Wisdom nor is there a greater Happiness attainable upon Earth than to have in a Sound Body a Sound Mind To direct my Fellow-Mortals towards this great Point of Felicity is the Scope and Intendment of our Pains in this Book The Foundation-Principle of Wisdom being to understand Nature which is the Art of God and thereby our own Frame Powers Faculties and Constitution so as to imbrace what is good wholsom and agreeable and to eschew all that is evil and harmful and the End and Consummation thereof is to know the Supream Being Author of created Nature and to love obey and enjoy him for ever In Order hereunto Temperance and Sobriety are sublime Gifts and to be regarded with the highest esteem not only for the delight and pleasure they afford the Body and Mind but as they fortifie those that observe them against many Vices and Temptations as well as preserve them from a thousand racking Pains and torturing Diseases and so furnish them with the best Treasures of this World viz. Health not only of the Body but also of the Mind for 't is that Health that sweetens all God's Blessings and is the prime good of this Life What advantage or pleasure is there in the highest prepared Food or choice compounded Dishes of the rarest Dainties in the richest or most Cordial Drinks the gayest Apparel or the most flattering Addresses of Honour to a Person rackt with the Stone or tortur'd with an Iliaca passio or half-drown'd with an overflowing Dropsie or burning within like Mount AEtna with the raging violence of a Fever What are Riches and Fame to a Body full of Pain Or who would accept of a Crown upon condition that his Head should thenceforth perpetually Ake Now if the Body be distemper'd thro' disorder and superfluity the Mind and all the Senses are presently afflicted if the Harmony of the one be interrupted or destroyed the other cannot continue For the Spirit is the original whence the Body proceded and is the Life of every visible Substance and as the Properties or Qualities are in their degrees in the Spirit either strong or weak so also they are in the Elements of the Body That quality that doth predominate in the Spirit at the Incarnation and Birth that very same property doth carry the upper Dominion in the Body which is manifested by the Inclination Shape and Form Behaviour Words and Works and this is call'd a Man's COMPLEXION of which there are commonly reckon'd four kinds viz. the Cholerick the Phlegmatick the Sanguine and the Melancholy and since the true understanding of each of these does mainly conduce to a mans knowing and right regulating of himself we shall therefore treat of them severally But in the first place we will lay down a short Description of the four grand Qualities viz. the Bitter Sweet Sour Astringent or Saltish from whence the four Complexions proceed Of the Bitter Quality 1. Those that are dignified with this Quality are for the most part of strong Bodies thick well set of middle Stature of hard fierce Countenances Visage rather round than Oval big Bones Hair curling of quick piercing Eyes bold Behaviours ready of Speech and Apprehension of strong powerful Spirits able to go thro' much Labour and Action if Intemperance do not impede which many of this sort of People are subject to quickly moved to Passion but their Fires burn too fierce to hold long of strong natural Heats great Appetites therefore they are apt to be Gluttons the Diseases they are most subject to are Acute Fevers Gout Pox both small and great Food good for this sort of People are all sorts of Gruels Herbs Fruit small Drinks and all Food made of Milk and every other sort that is Simple and Natural and the contrary they are to
For of all sorts of Food People ought to have the greatest care of FLESH not only in the well ordering it before it be killed but also in seasoning of it with Salt and in the preparing or dressing Flesh being more unclean in its own Nature than either Herbs Fruits or Grains which I suppose most People will confess and that they are far more agreeable and friendly to Nature and not so dangerous to Health nay give me leave to add that they are also more pleasant for its chiefly the continual custom of eating Flesh and the conceit of the great Nourishment it contains beyond other things that makes men so much desire it which Opinion is false most sorts of Flesh indeed are endued with much matter but great part thereof is of a gross Phlegmy nature which quickly will cause the whole to fall into Putrifaction if the strong sharp fierce power of the Salt be wanting And when it is salted the matter for Putrifaction is so great that the Salt cannot continue it long sweet but so soon as the pure Radical Spirits in the Flesh through time are either evaporated or suffocated then the Salt hath no longer power to preserve it from Corruption A man may as well say that green Corn or Grass breeds better nourishment in Cattle than either Hay or dry Corn for indeed it generateth and fills the body fuller of gross Phlegmatick matter and makes such Cattle heavy and dull and great Bellies apt to faintyness and Diseases but Hay and dry Corn generate a firmer Flesh and more brisker spirits makes them drink well appear with moderate Bellies but clean strong Limbs able to endure hard Labour without prejudice to their Health The very same is to be understood of Flesh if compar'd with Fruits Herbs and Grains and Food made of them which do as far transcend Flesh in virtue and good sound clean Nourishment and to preserve Health and Strength as Hay and dry Corn do exceed either green Corn or Grass in the preservation of Strength and Health in working Cattle All sorts of Food either for Man or Beast from which the Sun and Elements have exhaled or dryed away the gross phlegmatick Body are not only cleanner but fuller of Spirit and Life not subject to Corruptions but breed a firmer Nourishment as all Husband-men and Shep-herds will tell you Therefore Bread Butter Cheese and all sorts of Food made of Flour and dried Fruits are strong healthy Diet. Of the Melancholy Complexion People of this Complexion that have their Significator in their Radix weak are slow and of dull heavy Dispositions subject to be surprized with fear and suspicions apt to be froward full of mental Reserves seldom forgetting Injuries hollow hearted giving fair Words when their Thoughts are quite contrary addicted to Witchcraft or fore-speaking of things which sometimes do take place when they have low poor Spirits to deal with whose predominant Quality in Nature is weaker and under the Dominion of their Spirits otherwise not For the awaken'd Evil and dark Wrath in this sort of People viz. their vehement wishes or evilwords do carry the power of that Principle whence they were conceived and enter the same Principle in those to whom they are directed And if those wrathful Spirits be not either through the strength of the predominant Quality in the Complexion or through the power and virtue of the Holy Spirit and Faith in God withstood and overcome which often is done then these Evil Rapes viz. such Wishes and Words will take place whether it be in Man or Beast for this evil revengeful dark Spirit not being so withstood enters into the dark Centre and Poysons in the Body and by simile incorporates there-with awakening and strengthening them and then the Body and all the Senses fall into Distress and most terrible Diseases according to what Poysons and Salts were kindled This is called Witchcraft and indeed is one sort of it there is another which is not fit for this place and this sort of People are called Unlucky-Tongued But on the contrary if those People of the Melancholy Complexion be well dignified in their Radixes then the fore-mentioned evil significations are abated nevertheless they are ponderous and slow in learning and conceiving of any thing but when once obtain'd they make it their own and improve it they are capable of great Learning but they must have Time for this cause all You ths born under such Constellations are very dull in the beginning of their Studies but if continued under good Masters will in time exceed either Mercurial or Venerial Boys for they have greater and stronger Spirits both to retain whatever they learn and to endure more Pains and Labour to obtain any Science besides they are not so apt to run out of one thing into another being more fixt in the Root of their Natures They are generally slow of Speech and Action naturally pensive and covetous by reason that the Sanguine Nature which proceeds from Venus Sol and Mercury is in this Complexion as it were hid or lockt up under the harsh Forms of Saturn and Mars under whom such as are born are apt to be Hard-hearted full of Revenge Covetous c. not but that they are endued with the Sanguine Nature as well as those born under Venus Mercury or the Sun but the same is Captivated as aforesaid under the harsh Forms which is the chief cause People do so much differ in their Tempers But if you can unlock this Saturnine Cabinet and set the Spirit at Liberty as the Maulster does in his Saturnine Grain viz. Barley enfranchizing the pure Balsamick Spirits that sweeten the whole Body you will find it debonair and jovial and of a very agreeable Conversation The Truth is Strong Beer Ale Wine or any spirituous Drinks freely taken will melt down this sullen Saturnine Gravity into Mirth and Gaity for we daily see how free and merry such People will be if at any time they have tipled a little extraordinarily during the time of the Operation of their Liquor For strong Drinks make all sorts of People more free and to forget sorrow because they open the gross Body and cause the Spirits to have their free Operation the said Drinks being Spirituous incorporate with its simile viz. with the spirit and makes it for the present more powerful but when the Operation of such spirituous Liquors are over then both the Saturnine and other People return to their Natural Dispositions but with fewer Spirits which causeth a dull heaviness to attend most after such Drinkings because the Internal heat and spirits are too violently awakened and stirred up which caused them to evaporate and thence proceed Indispositions and Disorder Great Drinkings are injurious to the Health of most that use that Trade only this Saturnine People may sometimes drink a Cherping Glass or two without any danger to their Health especially when they come to forty years of Age for before all sorts of strong
contrary many of the Sober and Temperate men have lived to great Ages and yet very free from Distempers with mean and spare Food whence does proceed a cool airy Pleasantness the sweet Influences of all the Elements freely courting the Body which renders the Spirits many in Quantity and fine in Quality and thence arises lightsomness to the Body and vigour to the Mind The truth of this men may experience if they will but give themselves the leisure to reflect and consider whether or no they do not before Meals ordinarily find themselves pleasant and lightsom in Body and Spirits but after they have indulged their Appetites with an overplenteous feeding the one is heavy and the other dull whereas had they but eaten temperately of simple Food it would not only have continued their strength but also refreshed their Spirits for the pure Spirit is the true Life Pleasure Delight and Beauty of every Creature according to the Nature of each and causeth the sweet Oyl to burn friendly and shine with a comfortable Ray if it be not wounded by disorders This Spirit being so Volatile and surpassing pure that it will not endure the least Violence for when any Injury is offered to it it either becomes evaporated or suffocated and then presently the Vigour and Beauty of that thing faileth be it either Animal or Vegetable Therefore those that do regard the Health of the Body and Mind ought to preserve the Spirit free and potent which must be done by Sobriety Gentleness and Temperance in Meats Drinks and Exercises The Prophet Daniel and his Companions were sensible of this when they were courted and also threatned with the displeasure of the King and his Servants if they would not eat of the various sorts of Flesh and Fish that came from the King's Table but Daniel intreated leave to continue that clean simple Food they had accustomed themselves unto viz. Herbs Grains and Fruits and pure Water for Drink Should not we in this Age be ready to count a man a Fool and out of his Senses that should refuse Royal Delicates from the King's Table and chuse to live upon such mean course Fare But Daniel did with a Divine Eye see into the Radix of all such things and understood their sympathetical Operations and therefore chose the most simple harmless Commons for by compounding many rich things together especially such as contain the Animal and Bestial Nature all such things lose their Simplicity and the true Life and pure Spirits of each become adulterated and changed and being destitute of its proper Virtues becomes of another operation which hath an evil Influence on our Bodies and Spirits whence proceed those frequent Infirmities in most that live in the height of Dainties the same being neither well-pleasing to God nor Nature But on the contrary was not the sober clean and abstemious Livers of the Rechabites well-pleasing to the Lord And did not the Prophet Ieremiah call them up into the House of the Lord as a Reproach to the Children of Israel for that they had faithfully kept the Commandments of their Father and observed the Rule of Moderation and contented themselves with pure Water for drink and with mean and simple Food and therefore he promises them That the Sons Jonadab should never want a man to stand before the Lord 'T is most certain the Lord hath been and is near all those that live in Temperance and Simplicity Therefore the Apostle saith Let your Moderation be known unto all men the Lord is at hand The Prophet Iohn contented himself with Locusts and wild Honey of whom our Saviour Christ saith That there was not a greater Prophet born of a Woman Also Iames the Brother of our Lord was eminent for his Abstinence as Eusebius reports insomuch that he eat no Flesh drank no Wine nor strong Drink and wore no Woollen Garment but Linnen which is of a cleaner Radix than the other for Woollens do retain the Bestial Nature as you may more manifestly perceive by the smell if you burn them no washing or other cleansings will purge them from that fulsom Quality which they send forth when burnt Now this stinking Nature so long as it continued entire was hidden or captived but the fire opens the gross body and manifests the Root for this cause the Prophets and holy men have so often said That the Saints and People of the Lord should be cloathed in white Linnen and the Priests of the Lord were to ware a Linnen Ephod for all Vegetives are indued with a simple innocent Nature and Operation and therefore they have been compared to the divine Nature because they bear some affinity unto it Those that would have their Spirits pure and potent must use clean Food which will extenuate the gross superfluous humours by which the Body becomes easily penetrable and he that doth not preserve his body clean the pure Spirit becomes as it were suffocated whence proceeds an heavy Dullness that is not only burdensom but hinders all Meditations and makes the Soul uncapable of every good Work but Abstinence and Temperance do dignifie a man and render him fit for the Exercise of Virtue and Piety and is the Root of strength and fortitude As the Mother of Sampson was commanded by the Angel of the Lord To abstain from Wine and strong Drink during the time of her being with Child so was Sampson her Son whom the Lord endued with wonderful strength but when he gave himself up to Wine and strong Drink and other Intemperances he lost all Power and Virtue and became weak both in Body and Mind and a prey to his Enemies And is it not so in our days Of most of the Miseries and Troubles man ensuares himself is not Superfluity a main cause Where-ever we see Vice there is also Intemperance and where we see Temperance and Abstinency we may justly expect other Virtues because no superfluous matter is bred that may dull or indispose the Fancy the Soul being watchful in Words and Works and also keeping the Body under which by the Power and Virtue of Temperance is subjected to the Influences of the Light and Love of God Temperance Cleanliness and Abstinence have greater power over the Soul and Body than most in our days imagine Did not our fore-Fathers live to wonderful Ages in perfect Health their Food in those days being chiefly Herbs Fruits and Grains and pure Wattr their Drink They did not make their Stomachs the Barial-places of dead Bodies but their Meat and Drink was innocent and simple by which they were able to check and regulate the extravagant motions of the Mind and insurrections of the Flesh Hence some of the Antients have delivered it as a Maxim That none could understand God and his Works and enjoy perfect Health and long Life but those that abstain from Flesh Wine and Vices bounding their Desires according to the Ends and Necessities of Nature For where Uncleanness and Intemperance reigns the Soul is subjected
most proper for your Constitution and least prejudicial to your Health Of Oxen and Cows their Nature and Complexion Oxen and Cows are dignified with a Sanguine Melancholy Nature a little inclinable to the Phlegmatick therefore much moisture is an Enemy to these Creatures in whom the four Humours are pretty well mixt yet the Sanguine does predominate As they are of an indifferent equal Tem●erature so they are indued with harmless Properti●● and innocent Inclinations They are clean in their Radixes and therefore refuse all filthy Food and the same is likewise manifest by their sweet breathings and the Dung that proceeds from them whereas on the contrary those Beasts and Creatures that are unclean in their Root do always desire and most rapinously feed on a proportionable unclean Food as Swine Bears Dogs c. which is further demonstrated by their Shapes Tones or Cries frightful and displeasing as also in the fierceness of their Spirits and cruel wrathful Natures all such Creatures are highly gratified with unclean Food viz. Flesh Blood and the like But Cows and Oxen do afford many excellent sorts of Food no Creature being more useful or profitable unto Mankind not only in labouring and dressing the Earth by which it becomes fruitful but how many sorts of most excellent Food are made of Milk And so natural and proper no Fruit that proceeds from any Creature is of so great use Milk in its own nature being so simple and innocent and having no manifest Quality that does too violently predominate but is indued with equality and concord easie of Concoction especially Raw as it comes from the Cow it gently cleanseth and frees the Passages from Obstructions which strong Fat Food does generate it has a sympathetical Union with the Stomach and natural Heat it silently and without making any disturbance insinuates its Vertues and Nourishment into all parts of the Body Milk also being mixt with Flour does make some of the most healthy and wholsomest Food that can be eaten for all sorts of People and Ages especially Children it being heretofore their almost only Food boiled with some Flour and a little Water without any other Ingredients which then in the Country was called Pap but of late Years in and about the City they call that Pap which is made of Bread and Water which is nothing near so good and since the frequent use of Spanish Fruits and Spices the aforesaid simple wholsom Food has much been laid aside which is one cause why our Children in this Age are so much troubled with Distempers in the Ioynts viz. Rickets and the like hardly known in former times Milk likewise altered and Manufactur'd if I may call it so by the good House-Wives Art and Industry yields many other sorts of good Food as Cheese and Butter and many more innocent as Milk-Pottage which I especially recommend there being such an agreement in the Ingredients viz. Milk Water and Oatmeal being boiled together briskly and not too long as it not only affords a good Nourishment but opens the Passages and is of a cleansing healing Nature and therefore those that do frequently use it do seldom want a good Appetite Cheese is a wholsom healthy Food a great strengthener of the Stomach affording a strong firm Nourishment and such People as eat much Bread and Cheese and do not want good Beer or Ale are generally the strongest of men abler to endure Labour and Travel than those that feed on Flesh there is as much difference between the one and the other as there is between Horses that are fed with Corn and Hay and those that are fed with Grass Most men being mistaken in Nature do believe that Flesh of all other sorts of Food affords the greatest and strongest Nourishment because 't is full of matter and Iuices the very same may be supposed of Grass compared with Hay But the Husbandman will tell you that those Cattel that feed on Grass are weak and faintish in comparison of those that are fed with Hay and Corn for the Grass contains too much gross Moisture which causeth the Nourishment to be unfirm whence doth proceed dull heavy Spirits the Flesh and Fat being soft and greazy which in case of Labour will waste and such Cattel are apt to tire But those that are fed with dry Food whereby the gross Humidity and Phlegm is dryed away or exhaled by the Sun and Elements are strong and lively of great Spirits quick and active little Bellies and clean Limbs The very same is to be understood of the Food of Men and if men could be as well satisfied as to their Minds with eating Bread Cheese Butter flour'd Milk Gruels Pottages Herbs in their Seasons and the like they would find by Experience how wonderfully such things support Nature beyond all the Flesh in the World for most of that matter which People suppose to be Nourishment in Flesh is a gross Iuice which turns to Putrifaction as the gross phlegmy part of Grass does in Cattel Butter does afford a good Nourishment but it ought not to be eaten in too great quantity for then it generates Choler oyls and furs the Passages dulls the edg of Appetite but moderately taken is of good use and healthy especially to such as are accustomed to it Of the Flesh of Oxen and Cows The Flesh of Oxen is to be preferred before that of Cows it being naturally clean and wholsom if such Cattel be free from Diseases and Surfeits it generates a strong firm Nourishment having a greater affinity with mans Nature than with any other and therefore more People love it and will be longer before they are cloy'd therewith than with any one particular sort whatsoever yet it is somewhat hard of Concoction therefore ought to be eaten sparingly except by strong working People it fills the Stomach and for the most part gives better satisfaction than any other It ought not to be eaten until it be well seasoned with Salt or if eaten fresh there ought to be good store of Salt eaten with it and boiled in plenty of Water which will sweeten and cleanse it from its grossness it likewise ought to be salted as soon as 't is throughly cold after 't is killed for the longer the Flesh is kept the harder 't is to take Salt because by keeping the pure spirituous parts evaporate and then the Salt cannot incorporate it self with the Flesh for 't is with the pure Spirits that it delights to joyn it self and thereby preserves them from Evaporation and consequently keeps the Meat sweet and sound and therefore Meat so salted will eat much sweeter and keep longer and generate better Blood and Nourishment and is easier of Concoction If Cattel of any kind receive damage by driving or any kind of Sickness attend them and they be killed before they have time to recover such Injuries all such Flesh is not only unwholsom but it will not take Salt to keep as others will the Reason is this because if
of unfirm Nourishment and bad Blood for it too hastily slips out of the Stomach into the Bowels and has many evil Consequences causing Gripings and grievous Pains in the Bowels Few do imagin the Mischiefs that do arise from the frequent eating of bad Flesh. The Marks to know whether Flesh be good after its killed are first That the Flesh look with a brisk white colour and the lean of it with a lively bright Red not with a fading fainty whiteness nor with a dull dusky red for these last colours shew that the Creature was hurt and the Spirits wounded before it was killed or the flesh kept too long after 't was killed Another Mark to know whether the Mutton be perfectly good in every degree is when it s prepared either boyled or roasted viz. if when prepared it doth retain its perfect brisk lively colour both White and Red being plump or swelled and of a pure sweet delightful Taste as also by its sending forth a fragrant and inviting scent or smell which of all Flesh good Mutton yields the best These are essential Rules to know the goodness or badness of Flesh if the House-wife do perform her part in observing such Order as is both natural and proper to be used in the preparation of Flesh which I have sufficiently declared from the Root in another place Mutton is also made better or worse by the goodness or badness of the Ground it feeds on the best and sweetest is that of the smaller Sheep that are fed on high Hills and Pastures where the Grass is sweeter and freer from gross Juices than lower grounds and as Sheep delight most in dry places as best suiting to their Natures so they are there forced to labour viz. to continue feeding longer which motion does free the Body and pure Spirits from that gross matter which such as feed in low Pastures where Grass is more plentiful are subject to and also they are the longer before they be fat For these and the like Reasons those small Sheep if free from other disorders which they are not so subject to as great fat Sheep are do always eat much sweeter and pleasanter than great Mutton bred on low rich Grounds And therefore there is no reason why Citizens and the rich People should so much desire large great Mutton but only for Pride and State counting it a kind of Dishonour to have small Meat seen at their Table though the same is not only sweeter to the Pallate but more wholsom as being easier digested and generating better Blood and is far more healthy to all sorts of People especially for Children and People that live soft lives which for the most part eat the fattest and largest Mutton and other rich Food and cordial Drinks and for that very cause are more unhealthy than the meaner sort of People Of LAMB The Flesh of Lamb is much of the same Nature with Mutton being an Excellent Food generating a wholsom clean Nourishment as being easie of Concoction friendly to all Constitutions and Ages and much better than Veal if they be not killed too young 1st Because they are clean in their own Natures 2dly They have the advantage of sucking and running with their Dams not being altogether fed with Milk but also on Grass and Hay according to the season of the year which Calves for the most part are hindred from which renders their Flesh the more unwholsom There is no flesh either more healthy or grateful than Lamb if free from Surfeits and other disorders but their natures and spirits are so tender that they cannot endure driving or the like therefore Lambs that come from remote parts to great Cities are most of them in one degree or other surfeited or if they come thither free yet such is their bad usage between the Market and the Butchers Shop that 't is enough to spoil them and make their Flesh unwholsom Also when this sort of flesh is eaten the weather is for the most part Hot which does quickly wound their tender Spirits and cause a general faintness which renders their flesh soft and greasie generating a very unfirm Nourishment and filling the whole Body full of Venomous Juices that give a further occasion for Fluxes and Fevers to reign in August September and October in which time Lamb is much eaten But if these Creatures are killed off the Common without being prejudiced by driving or otherwise hurried it is not only the sweetest but may be eaten with as little danger as any Therefore there ought to be care and understanding used in managing them for if the Spirit in any thing be wounded or suffocated the Body presently becomes heavy dull flat and like a lump of Earth having neither its true natural sweetness smell nor taste but is dull on the Pallate heavy on the Stomach affording no proper Nourishment neither to the Body nor Spirits its venoms do by simile beget and awaken their Likenesses from whence proceeds Inequality and Discord which is the Root of most Diseases and even Death it self for every sort of Meat and Drink be it clean or unclean does by a natural and simpathetical operation incorporate its self with its likeness in the Body and powerfully strengthen it whence arise both concord and discord sickness and health as we see in Wine in which the Spirit is predominant does not the drinking of it presently awaken our Spirits and make them predominate over all other Qualities and changes the Inclinations Dispositions and Intentions during the time of its operation but afterwards it leaves a man with sowrer Spirits than it found him both because the Spirits of the Wine are not only evaporated but have caused the natural Spirits to evaporate also by its simpathetical awakening of them and as it were calling of them out of their several Centers the very same is to be understood in all sorts of Food of whatsoever Nature or Quality it is All which is worthy the consideration of all Understanding People Of the Flesh of Calves or Veal The Flesh of Veal is of a clean Nature easie of Concoction affording good Nourishment fit both for healthy and sick People if such may be allowed to eat flesh which to me seems somewhat improper especially when in their time of Health they made flesh their chief Food it being probable that the original of the Disease was occasioned by the eating of much flesh which is one reason why so many People in England when sick their Stomachs loath Flesh more than any other food for that food which a man does eat most of when in health that very same when sick he will loath especially when he feeds most on Flesh. But if this sort of flesh be eaten too young as too many do at twelve or eighteen days old then it is not so wholsom for it being of a soft slimy and phlegmatick Nature it generates an unfirm Nourishment and it quickly slips out of the Stomach into the Bowels and too
Stomach and generates burdensom Humours in the Body because the pure Vertue and Friendly Quality in Food so Prepared is in part destroyed if this was understood People would not be in love with such Preparations for through frequent Use and continual Custom of eating Food badly prepared the Pallate is adulterated and altho such be strong and fulsom which always comes'to pass when the pure Spirits are wounded in the Preparation nevertheless the Pallate is not capable to distinguish Tastes for the senses are easily made friendly by use and custom to the greatest part of things Do not all stinking Trades which at first are unpleasant to the sense of Smeling become after a little use and custom easie to be endured and such cannot well distinguish the Air of Tallow-Chandlers and Butchers Shops from sweet pleasant Airs If this were not so it would be impossible for Nature to endure those Adulterations and unnatural Preparations of Food Therefore we see what a wonderful Power there is in every thing to awaken and strengthen its Likeness in the human Nature for this very cause the most illuminated Prophet Moses commanded the People of Israel that they should not only abstain from eating Unclean Creatures but that they should also separate themselves from every unclean thing for he was sensible that Man was capable to be wrought on by all things because he has a Simile with all There is more in this than many imagin which every one ought to consider not only in Preparations of Food but in all other things CHAP. V. The Seasons of the Year in which all sorts of Flesh are most unclean and aptest to contract and breed Diseases and also the danger of eating much green Food And the Reasons why so many are sick and die more at one time than another THE Seasons of the Year which are most dangerous to contract Diseases in are from the middle of Iune to the last of October For 1st This season is hot which openeth the Pores causeth Sweating and as it were a continual Evaporation of the Spirits which causeth a kind of fainty Indisposition to possess the whole Body for all heat which exceeds the Medium whether it proceeds from Seasons Meats Drinks or Exercises doth gradually waste and consume the Spirits and natural Heat and dulls the edge of the Attractive Digestive and Retentive Faculties of the Stomach therefore in all hot Countries and Seasons mens Appetites are not so vigorous and quick as in cold Countries For this reason all Superfluity and Intemperance are far more dangerous and men are apter to contract Distempers in the one than in the other as experience manifests we see that the Natives in all hot Climates are more temperate in Meats Drinks and Exercises than they are in cold which is one main cause why English People and others that travel into the East and West-Indies are so unhealthy and so many have died Experience hath taught them that the grand cause has been Intemperance not only continuing the same Disorders there which they had been addicted to in their own Country but rather increasing them saying The hotter the Weather the stronger and hotter the Drink ought to be this Custom hath been practised by some idle sottish People that understood Nature no more than Swine Whereas if such who travel did take right measures in Meats Drinks and Exercises they would be as healthy as in their own Countries 2dly In this Season People make use of variety of green Food as Beans Pease Cabages Colly-flowers Artichoaks c. All which things do contain great store of Phlegmy matter especially in cold Countries where the Sun which is the central Life of all things has not that Power to prepare such food as in hot Also the Bodies of most People being accustom'd all the remaining part of the year to strong hot Food and Drinks and then on a sudden without gradual Progression beginning such a kind of Diet as does beget Crudities and Obstructions is very prejudicial to them for Experience does shew that all such things are full of Phlegm and have but few Spirits and they very impure comparatively to what they were in the Spring Therefore they ought to be eaten moderately or else all such things do swell the Body and fill it with gross Phlegmatick Humours whence doth arise those heavy dull Indispositions which do generally attend People in this Season 3dly It is likewise to be observed that a great part of that green Food before-mentioned does often lie a considerable time before they are eaten viz. two or three days or more after such things are cut or gathered especially in great Cities and Towns some of them lie heating together a day or two before they are spent as Beans and Pease c. by which means they lose their pure brisk lively Taste and Smell their natural Colour is changed into a dull Green mixed with a dusky Black they are dull on the Pallate lie heavy on the Stomach nothing so quick of Concoction as those that are boyled Fresh these things presently lose their fresh lively Spirits and Tinctures whence doth proceed the pleasant Taste with the most fragrant Smell and natural Colour if your Pallate be not too much adulterated it will easily distinguish the one from the other 4thly At this time of the year the Air which is the Life of the Spirit in all Cities and great Towns is thick and sulpherous full of gross Humidity which has its source from many Uncleannesses such places do plentifully afford more especially in this season which is inamicable to the pure Spirits of all such Food for all green Food is naturally subject to Putrifaction by reason of their Phlegmatick Body this makes them more unhealthful and dangerous than otherwise they would be if fresh and lively These Summer Fruits when they have been gathered long and exposed to the corrupt Air of the Cities and Towns the pure spirituous Vertues and digestive Faculty is in a manner destroyed these Fruits viz. Gooseberries Currains Plums Cherries Pears Apples c. are endued with a very tender Spirit and Life and being full of Phlegm and gross matter they quickly corrupt and turn to Putrifaction which all the eaters thereof ought to consider Likewise it may be noted that many of these Fruits are eaten on a full Stomach both at Meals and immediately after which must needs be very pernicious to Health because they obstruct the Stomach and Passages generating many crude Windy Humours whereby they suffocate the pure Spirits and turn the sweet Oyl of Life sower whence doth proceed griping Pains in the Bowels Fluxes Fevers besides Pains in the Ioynts causing Trembling Distempers like Agues according to the Constitution of each Man and the matter which is awakened in the Root But on the contrary if such Fruits are ripe and fresh gathered and eaten in order when the Stomach is clean and free from being cloyed with other Food then they are very Profitable being
or awakened above and beyond its proper degree if any quantity be drunk during the time of its operation but afterwards it leaves Nature with fewer Spirits than it found in her for all Meats and Drinks and whatsoever else goes into the Body that is unequal in its parts does too violently awaken or kindle the Central Heats and raise them from their several Centers and brings Nature into an unequal Operation consumes the Radical Moisture and as it were burns up the sweet Oyl and evaporates the pure Spirits for this cause after the operation of such unequal things most People are possest with an heavy Dulness and Indisposition Fumes and Vapours besieging the Crown the Senses stupified or disorder'd the Stomach and Appetite furr'd and dull'd By which effects all Men may be sensible that Nature does perfectly hate all Extreams and Inequality But on the contrary if Meats or Drinks be of a simple or middle Nature and there be in them no manifest Quality predominant then they gently insinuate their Vertues into all parts of the Body administring both dry and moist Nourishment and with silence and concord support the Body in Health The Vertue of Tobacco taken in Pipes is extracted from the Smoke thereof now Smoke is unusual to Nature and a fulsom Steem or Vapour full of dark Sulpherous Saturnal Excrements which the Fire and Light casts forth as an abomination being void of all real Vertue it contains a gross Humidity and a fierce keen Quality very pernicious to the pure Spirits For Smoke proceeds from the poysonous Juices and Liquor which the Fire and Air separates and casts forth it being a thing that all People endeavour to avoid and how inimical it is to Nature is further manifested by that black sutty Substance which it leaves behind it and by its destroying Vegetation for it contains two poysonous Qualities a strong Bitter one from Mars and a fulsom Astringent one from Saturn its black Colour shews that its predominant Quality is from the venomous Center of Saturn and hence when Tobacco is burned it sends forth a strong fulsom scent or smell offensive to most that are not used to it nay do not the very Breaths of those that take Tobacco perfectly stink And does not the smoking of it so defile the common Air that a Man may know where one hath been that takes Tobacco they leave such a fetid Vapour behind them Do not all or most of our English Herbs when burned send forth a far better Scent or Fume than Tobacco does And I am sure many of them would not only be less offensive but produce better effects as to the Cure of Diseases When any Herb Wood or other thing is set on fire you may presently perceive by the scent what Quality was therein predominant for the Fire powerfully awakens all the hidden Qualities which could not be perceived whilst the thing remained intire If the chief quality of the Herb or thing burnt stand in the friendly Nature then it sends forth and is manifested by two Qualities viz. a most pleasant sweet Smell or Vapour chearing and delightful to the Senses and also it sends forth a burthensom Fume or Vapour which incorporates it self with the Air and flies away in a Smoke or Steem which is from the poysonous Root the Original of every Life But on the contrary if you burn any Herb or other thing the predominant Quality whereof stands in the Martial or Saturnine Poysons then all such things send forth also two Qualities viz. a very unpleasant Scent or Fume offensive and burthensom to Nature dulling the pure Spirits and as it were suffocating the pleasant thin Vapours of the Air and also it sends forth a gross humid poysonous matter that incorporates it self with the thickest part of the Air and evaporates in a Saturnine Smoke for if there lie hid any Verrue or Vice in any thing Fire will unlock all the Gates and discover it and if there be any Aromatick or Balsamick Vertue in the Herbs of Vegetables so burnt it will appear by sending forth odoriferous and pleasant Smells As on the contrary ill Smells are an evident Testimony of Saturnine and Martial Poysons being predominant which is the very Nature of Tobacco and therefore not to be so wantonly used as commonly it is Lastly I would not have People imagin that there is the more Vertue in Tobacco because the Fumes and Smoke of it will open the Body and loosen the Belly for it is the nature of all Smoke to open being of a fierce keen penetrating quality that arises from the Original Poysons in Nature whence it has also a sharp fierce humid quality that is exceeding offensive to the Eyes like the Fumes that Onions send forth when cut And we must likewise note that when Tobacco was first brought into England it was ten-fold more offensive to the Takers thereof than it is now because their Fore-Fathers were not acquainted with the use of it so that they could not entail any desire of it on their Posterity For the Children that are begot by Persons that have accustomed themselves to the common use of these unnatural things contract a kind of unsensible Affinity with such things as proceeding from the like matter and Essences so that thereby there are Foundations laid for Inclinations towards the use of them The same is to be understood in other things as those whose Parents live much on Flesh or Fish do lay such Foundations for an Inclination thereunto in the very Radix of their Children that it would prove a very difficult thing for them to refrain there-from So that every succeeding Age doth more easily and familiarly and with the less difficulty receive these evil Customs and Habits till in time they become almost Natural and thence humane Nature in general becomes weaker and decayed and Diseases come into the World with Children as part of their Essence and Scurveys and other Diseases grow almost Universal and all this for want of Temperance and Discretion in their Progenitors A sad Inheritance to leave our Off-spring when we bequeath them our Follies and intail upon them Miseries that are but the just Punishments and natural Consequences of them Of Clothing Bedding c. As Moderation and a frugal Restraint free from Superfluity or Delicacy in Clothes Bedding c. does much conduce to the Health of the Body as well as of the Mind which is observed but by a few so all over-warm Cloathing soft Feather-Beds and close Houses render Nature so nicely tender that upon every small Accident the Body is subject to various Injuries First such usage makes all the external parts so obnoxious that every little Cold penetrates and seizes the Body which being by these means obstructed there follows Coughs Wheesings Shortness of Breath and innumerable other Inconveniencies 2dly It opens the Pores by which there is an evaporation of the heat and spirits causing a hot faintness to attend the whole Body it hurts also
of Life and Spirits of a pleasant Smell and brisk Taste grateful to the Stomach and easie of Concoction but when they have been at the Fire the second time the spirituous Qualities that in the first preparation were set at liberty and rendred Volatile are evaporated and they become of a strong dull Taste and Smell For all sorts of Food over-prepared or twice prepared are hurtful For this cause Water-Pap that is made of Bread is not an wholsom Food and no way proper for sick People or Children and so much the worse when it is made fulsom and strong by the various Ingredients they add to it The same may be said of fermented Liquors as Beer Wine c. if they be committed to the fire they become of a dull fiat heavy Nature void of Spirit and Life or if such be put into Food and that same Food afterwards prepared by fire then also they lose all their pure Vertues and there does only remain the strong original Quality which is a Death rather than Life This should be well noted by all House-wives and by Nurses especially among sick People and not make them as much Posset-drink or Broth as will serve them twenty four Hours and when occasion is heat it again and again thereby destroying all its pure spirituous Parts and Vertues till it becomes as sick and fainty as those that are to eat and drink it for such things are burthensom to a well-Stomach and what then must they be to such as are sick and out of order whose Spirits are few and those-weak and languishing 6. There is another Trick of Nurses which even the learned do often advise viz. when People are sick to boyl their Drink with a Crust of Bread in 't Now both these have been prepared before even to the highest degree so that by this boyling them together again as well the Drink as the Bread lose their Vertues and the Drink becomes as flat and dull as Pond-Water in a hot Summer day and then the Wise Nurse adds a lusty Quantity of Sugar to hide its gross dull fulsom Taste which renders it still duller and heavier on the weak Stomach of the sick Now all such Drinks are nauseous to Nature even in times of Health so that if a well man should drink constantly of such Perboyled dulcified stuff it would disturb Nature and send dulling Fumes into the Head destroy his Appetite and cause an unpleasant heat in his Stomach with a clammy Droughtiness nor would it give Nature any satisfaction And if its effects be such on the sound what mischief must it need do those that are already Diseased If a sottish Ignorance did not possess many of them that pass in the World for Learned men great Rabbies and profound Doctors they would certainly never act so contrary to Reason and Nature as they do Nor do I know any Reason why good Ale or Beer should be esteemed Raw as 't is by most even Physicians themselves has it not passed thro' several Digestions as boyling by Fire and Fermentation which are the highest Preparations it will admit of so that neither Nature nor Art can advance it For if such Liquors be committed to the fire a second time the spirituous parts do either evaporate or are suffocated they are so pure and volatile and stand so external that they will not endure any violent Motion or harsh Fire to touch them without manifest Injury therefore all common Beer and Ale well brewed and of a proper Age being brisk and full of Life is abundantly to be preferred before Drink again boyled either by it self or with a crust of Bread This may somewhat be illustrated even in Common-Water which is crude in comparison of Beer and Ale and has never passed thro' any Digestion to unlock its spirituous parts yet if you take such Water from the Spring and boyl it 't will open the crude Body and cause the pure spirituous parts to become so volatile that they will evaporate so that 't will be good for little or nothing if it be not used presently If you would know whether this be true or no do but walk into the House of Dame Experience Take Common-Water boyl it put it into a good sweet Vessel or Barrel then fill a like Barrel with Water from the same Spring unboyled and keep them for further use as Sea-faring men do for their Voyages then observe what follows The Water that was boyled will stink and never be sweet again but the other tho' it stink or rather ferment as some Water will do twice or thrice yet it will become good and sweet again for all Uses Again if you boyl Water in cold Weather or Frost it will afterwards freeze sooner and be colder than such as has not been boyled Now there must be some Reason for this which is no other than that the boyled Water has lost its inward spirituous or warming Nature so that 't is become more Saturnine cold and earthy whence the Air has the greater Influence upon it and causeth a quicker Congelation So likewise it is to be observed that if you boyl Water an hour or any considerable time before you put in your Flesh Herbs or what else you would dress in it such Food will not be so sweet nor wholsom as what is put into the Vessel as soon as the Water boyls or if you boyl Water an hour and then let it stand till 't is cold and afterwards boyl any Food in it it will give it a strong fulsom Smell and Taste make it hard of Concoction affording but a bad Nourishment All which shews the Fire has power to open the body of the Water causing the spirituous parts to become volatile and makes them capable of being evaporated on a second boyling much more than of Beer Ale c. 7. There are many other Improper Mixtures that are common in time of Sickness as well as Health as mixing several sorts of Syrups with their Drink and making up Cordials with Syrups which Nature doth loath for no Syrups are so grateful to the Stomach as White Sugar they being naturally of a dull heavy flat Quality they are a broken body the pure spirituous parts are suffocated and so have not that briskness on the Pallat and Stomach as Sugar For tho' Syrups be made of White Sugar yet they are nothing so good being mixed with any Drink or Food nor so grateful as the same Sugar for every time Sugar is melted down the spirituous parts are flattened and it cannot attain its proper natural Goodness except it be cured again and such an order observed as follows in Refining for then there is a separation made and it obtains a purer and finer Body which is not done in Syrups and therefore if in Health you drink them in Beer or Wine the Stomach doth not so well like them nor will they be so pleasant especially if often drunk much more nauseous must they needs be to the sick
done by others so that there is no boubt to be made of the matter of fact The very same sympathetical Power have all other things though in some it be more Occult. What man in the World would believe the attractive Inclination which the Loadstone has upon Iron if it did not appear to his sight All or most men of Reason believe that the Constellations Signs and Elements have a particular and also a general Influence on all Inferior Earthly Bodies which is apparent to all our Senses varying Times and Seasons Night and Day making the Earth fruitful and the contrary and do not our Bodies alter as the Elements do And as the Influences of the Sun vary so do all things under Heaven How verdent and sprightly does our Mother Earth appear in fresh and rich Emdroideries and all the Trees in new Perriwigs and Flowers springing and wanton Birds with inimitable Harmony seem to welcom the approach of that great Eye of the World when he begins to renew his Visits to us in the Spring and all Creatures look blyth and jolly and the Blood capers in Youthful Veins and nothing appears in Natures universal Face but Smiles and Gallantry On the contrary when he with draws his vivifying Beams and retreats to the Chambers of the South how dull and dejected does every thing become and Fields and Trees stript of their Ornament and Beauty languish like forsaken Lovers and appear forlorn as hopeless Prisoners and Melancholy as old Age Nay if under the Protection of Truth we might Alarum lazy Tradition with a bold Paradox without dreading Excommunication from the Vertuoso for advancing Heresies in Philosophy I would add that Inferiors counter-act on Superiors as well as Superiors on them that all things in this lower World have the like Influences on the Coelestial Bodies and Elements as the Coelestials have on Sublunaries and Terrestrials and that this mutual Influx they have one upon the other by a certain natural Attraction and sympathetical Inclination Thus the wonderful and wise Creator has endued every thing with an Attractive and Influential Vertue and hence it often comes to pass that the Sons of Men by their Unclean Conversations do awaken and stir up the Wrath of the Coelestial Bodies and by a secret and yet powerful Attraction draws down the malignant Configurations which sometimes cause Epidemical Diseases at other times Wars Famine c. all according to the Nature of the Evils or Property of Nature that was awakened As for Example If the People of any Town or City give way to Uncleannesses in Meats Drinks c. and addicted to the Impurities of Venus as most such places are then by mutual Inclination the like Property in the Coelestial Bodies and Elements are excited and by degrees contaminate the whole Atmosphere or parts of the Air next the Earth with Pestilential Poysons causing Botches Boils Venerial Diseases Fevers and Plagues all according to the degree of the awakened Wrath and the length or shortness of the time of its operation for all Plagues and Pestilential Airs caused by Uncleanness do by degrees corrupt the pure Spirits or venerial Properties in the Body for whensoever this sweet Quality is violated the Distempers thence arising will for the most part manifest themselves in Botches Boils Scabs or Leprosies and Spots in the Flesh often accompanied with general Weakness and a decay of the Radical Moisture But if the Properties of Saturn and Mars be so violently stirred up or awakned and the fierce Storms of Nature do predominate in the Hearts and Souls of Men then follow Tumults Wars Burning of Towns and Cities and such like Calamities and Devastations For Mens evil Words and Works and Unmerciful Cruelties certainly awaken the Wrath of God in the Stars and Elements and hasten on Judgments No Man or Nation can escape the great Law of Retaliation which the Creator ordained in the beginning for Moses's Law was the greatest and most excellent of all Laws because it was built and had its Root in Nature therefore whensoever the Iews observed it they were sure of being blessed for Those that were obedient thereunto did preserve the Camp of the Lord from being defiled The Camp of the Lord is Man and if Man keep himself from being defiled he will not awaken the Wrath of God in the Stars and Elements but as he keeps himself clean and from doing Violence and obeys the Voice of Wisdom and follows the friendly Counsels of the divine Principle of God's eternal Love and Light then 't is most certain that by a secret power he will awaken the benevolent Properties of the Coelestial Bodies and Elements and attract their propitious Influences For the Lord promised to such as were obedient the Dew of Heaven but when they became Rebellious Unclean and Intemperate then the Lord permitted the Evil Configurations and Influences of the Coelestial Bodies to take place and many sore Evils and Calamities they endured This the Scriptures of Truth do testifie and indeed it cannot be otherwise for it is the Eternal Law of God in Nature That whatsoever Property or Principle Men do awaken and enter into with their free-will whether it be good or evil the same grows strong and he is comprehended by it and swallowed up in it and made a subject unto that Kingdom and this both in the particular and in general as Experience teaches for whensoever any particular Man gives way to any particular Evil that is a sin against God and his Law in Nature and shall continue in the same without Repentance 't is certain he will pull down the Judgments upon himself but as Mens Sins and Transgressions are not alike so neither their Rewards or Punishments This is further manifested by Mens Words and Works doth not every word carry the Power of its Principle whence it had its birth For that Property that was predominate in the Word Sound or Tone the same or the like Quality it does stir up and awaken in those to whom the Words or Discourses are directed whether it be good or evil if the Words are formed by the Saturnine Property then they awaken Envy Contention and a Morose Dogged Humour If they proceed from Mars then the fierce wrathful Fires are excited and so of the rest For if it were not so an Angry Word would not have any power to move them to Anger to whom it is directed nor would Loving Speeches beget Love nor a Meek Answer according to Solomons Observation Turn away Wrath But as one Man has power to stir up and awaken Love or Anger in another by his Words and Works the same is to be understood in all other things for there is a proportionate similitude between Men and the Coelestial Bodies and Elements Man being not only an Image and Likeness of God and Nature but the Horizon of both Worlds in which the Superiour and Inferiour Natures are conjoyned and the Son of the Stars and Elements so that there is a power
such places like standing Water in a Pond in the heat of Summer corrupts and becomes thick and humid which dulls the edg of the Appetite weakens the natural Heat and the Functions of the Stomach besides much sitting by Fires and in hot Rooms draws forth and destroys the pure thin moist Vapours and Volatile Spirits opens the Pores and makes all the Body tender so that such People do not only become uneasie and indisposed but subject to the Inconveniencies of catching Colds if they do but step into the open Air. Likewise moderate Cloathing is very commendable as to Health for much or thick Cloaths are apt to heat and tire Nature and either hinder Exercises or make them burthensom put the external parts into an unpleasant Heat and hinder the cool refreshing Vapours from penetrating into and relieving the Body Therefore those that use themselves to a mean in Cloathing have better Appetites and longer Breath'd stronger and not so apt to recieve Injuries by every small accident as those that inure themselves to very warm Cloathes hot Houses an idle soft Life and the like Effeminacies 8. Women ought not to lie too long in Bed as most of them that are of any Quality or Ability do their Beds being for the most part of Feathers which are soft hot and sulpherous with Curtains drawn close before the Windows and about the Bed whereby the imprisoned Air hindred from its free Circulation stagnates or corrupts and this too is very Prejudicial to their young Children whose Heats are weak and Spirits tender often causing Fevers and Convulsions especially when other Intemperances concur Besides this soaking so long in your Bed weakens all the Members especially the Back which is a principal part and the Body being kept hot and lying long without Motion hinders the Actions of the Stomach impairing so much its due Heat that Nature wants Fire for Kitchinwork I mean is not able to make a profitable concoction or separation of the Food so that great part of it turns to gross phlegmatick Juices for which very cause many Women are stupid weak feeble and presently tired and out of Breath if they do but use any kind of Exercises and hereby their Travel in Child-bearing is ten-fold more burthensom than otherwise it would be witness many ordinary Country People who have nothing the trouble at such times as our fine lazy sluggabed-Dames Besides as I have already observed elsewhere Feather-Beds are ponderous close Substances in their own Nature unclean and lying several Years in Corners or the closest parts of Rooms seldom exposed to the open Air they contract abundance of gross humidity and the various diseased People which lie and sometimes dye on them leave behind contagious Effluviums and venomous Particles lurking perhaps for an Age and not drawn forth till a Person happens to lie on them whose Similes awaken them For Beds are continued from Generation to Generation and not throughly cleansed once in twenty or thirty Years and so become very prejudicial to all sorts of People but especially to Women who spend two thirds of their time in them and also to their Children whose Natures are weak and tender and consequently apt to receive every evil Scent and Vapour which such Beds do plentifully send forth which in many Constitutions by way of the Fores penetrate all parts and wound the Spirits and by degrees weaken and destroy the Health If Women were sensible of the Mischiefs attending their indulging themselves thus in their stinking Nests every day almost till Noon they would surely be ashamed of and detest their own Sloth and Folly therein 9. Women in time of their Month or Lying-in are for the most part through hard Travail and many natural Weaknesses and other Diseases brought very low and their Spirits weak and but few Now in this low condition their Nurses do as it were force such great quantities of sweet strong Suppings on them even against Nature or more than Nature can bear for the Nurse and Mistress do both foolishly imagin that there is no other way for Nature to be restored but by great quantities of strong virtuous Food never remembring the Rule That Nature ought always to be stronger than the Food and not the Food stronger than Nature Also they make them drink and eat such Foods as hot as possible they can crying Mistress if you do not eat it whilst 't is hot 't will be worth nothing When in truth she gives it her so hot that 't is worse than nothing Also many of them will boyl Ale or Beer with Oat-meal and Spice till it becomes thick and then add store of Sugar which ought not to be because no fermented Liquor will endure a second preparation without a total destruction to the pure Spirits and balsamick Vertues as I have demonstrated at large in another place Therefore the Oat-meal and Water ought to be boyled first and briskly not too long and then add a like quantity of Beer Ale or Wine as you please and set it on the Fire and let it be made boyling-hot but not boyl and then take it off the Fire and scum the gross phlegmy part off which swims on the top and let it stand till it be about as warm as your Blood and then you may drink it with safety but always remember that the quantity be not too great nor the quality too strong for Nature your best time to put in your Spice is with your Ale Beer or Wine but let it be bruised and make but a little at a time so that you may have it fresh and fresh for heating such Foods and most others a second or third time does destroy the brisk lively spirituous parts and renders them dull heavy hard of Concoction and not so pleasant to the Pallat. 10. Most Women that have where-withal do inrich their Food and Drinks with so many forreign Ingredients as do not only make them too rich and consequently generate too much Nourishment but also intice the Pallat to receive more than is needful whereby the natural Heat and Stomach is over-charged and the Vessels stretcht beyond their proper and natural Proportions so the Body swells and becomes uneasie and Wind in abundance generated Nor do such after eating and drinking find themselves Refreshed which is the Intention of Food but on the contrary are more disordered through fullness than they were before with hunger Therefore it concerns all especially such as have but weak Spirits and Heats not to exceed either in quantity or quality but administer proportionable Food that the natural Heat and Stomach be not put to any difficulty to digest and concoct it so the pure Spirits shall thereby be preserved free from Oppressions For all Health and Joy consist in the goodness of the natural Spirits it being a grand Mistake in most who think to recover lost strength by over-rich Food strong Cordial Drinks and great quantities for they but add a second charge and inconveniency to
to corrupt the very Air In the other you have delicate Fruits of most excellent Tastes wholesome Medicinal Herbs savoury Grains and most beautiful fragrant Flowers whose various Scents Colours c. make at once a Banquet to all the Senses and nourish the purer Spirits and refresh the very Souls of such who pass through them and perfume all the circumambient Air with redolent Exhalations This was the Place and Food ordained for Mankind in the beginning The Lord planted a Garden for him replenish'd with all manner of ravishing Fruits and Herbs There was no Flesh-Markets nor Shambles talk'd of in the primitive times But every green Herb Fruit and Seed shall be for Food to Man saith the Creator Which if it had been still observed Man had not contracted so many Diseases in his Body and cruel Vices in his Soul by making his Throat an open Sepulchre wherein to entomb the dead Bodies of Beasts nor should the Noble Image of the Deity have been thus shamefully defiled with Brutalities Creatures of Sea and Land we slay And in our Maws do bury And worse by half than Beasts of Prey Are at their Fun'rals merry How shall they but Bestial grow That thus to feed on Beasts are willing Or why should they a long Life know Who daily practise KILLING 22. There remains yet one Question which I have been often ask'd viz. If all People should live on Fruits Herbs and the like what should we do with the Beasts and what would become of them They would grow so numerous that they would be prejudicial to Mankind c. To all which I answer 1. That these are rather Suppositions than Arguments meer Fancies weak and unconcluding because unexperienced There is and pity it is that there is but little likelihood of the generality of Peoples forsaking this ill and harmful but too long continued devouring of Flesh and consequently there is no great force in this Objection yet still it may not be amiss to warn the Lovers of Virtue and Piety to abstain for the many Reasons aforesaid but these are but a few and the Multitude will still pursue and ingulf themselves in their accustomed Cruelties and Superfluities 2. Should any Nation or great number of People through the divine sight and true Wisdom scruple Violence Oppression Killing and Eating the Flesh of their Fellow-Creatures of an inferiour Rank the same Wisdom would teach them what to do with and how to order the Beasts 3. There are abundance of several sorts of these Creatures in the World that Men do not kill and eat and yet there are no more of them than are useful or not so many as to occasion any such prejudice to Mankind as this Objection supposes but find room enough in their proper Elements and the almighty Providence liberally sustains them To instance in one most common and useful Species viz. Horses they are not any where that I know of usually killed to be eaten and yet I never heard of any Country in the World that complained of being over-stock'd with them It may perhaps be alledged That the hard usage and tyranny which Men inflict upon them do destroy great Numbers of them I confess this is too true but yet if there were no such Exorbitances committed there would not be too many nor would their Troops be burthensome unto Mankind For are there not various sorts of Birds many of them not fit to be eaten and others that for the most part escape the Stratagems and Snares of the Fowler and yet we do not find too many of them nor indeed shall you but very seldom find any of them dead though they cannot hide their dead since their Feathers would betray them The Raven as unfit for Food because of its rapacious preying on dead Carcases and the pretty Robin-red-breast for its Innocency are very seldom killed and yet they do not become offensive to Men. 4. How many sorts of Beasts and Birds both wild and tame are there in other Countries that are rarely killed by Men and yet there is a natural consumption of them nay there are divers kinds whom to kill or injure is to this day accounted ominous or foreboding Mischief to those that meddle with them for which cause most People forbear to offer violence to them unless by accident and yet there are no more extant in the World than of others whom Men make it their Business and Interest and Diversion to destroy 5. If People had not occasion for so many Sheep for their Wool or Cows for their Milk c. they might as easily lessen the Numbers of them as increase them which every Husbandman might be sensible of by keeping the Males from the Females and not suffering them to generate too young whereby such Beasts would he larger stronger and more healthy whereas now so many Cattel are industriously bred up in many places that when a Scarcity happens of Grass Hay or Corn multitudes of them perish for Cattel being now become a grand Commodity and as it were a Manufacture Husbandmen for the most part living at rack'd Rents are forced to raise as many of them as possibly they can and to keep them on improper and unhealthy Pasturages and to over-labour both themselves and their Beasts merely to raise Rents for their idle extravagant Landlords who only aim to satisfie their Pride and Superfluity 6. 'T is certain that God and Nature who do nothing in vain never created or made more Creatures in any of the four Worlds or Elements whether visible or invisible than the same would nourish and maintain as in the Element of Water if there were never any killed by Men their Mother-Element that brought them forth would be sufficient to nurse them up and maintain them The like is to be said of the Fowls of the Air and Beasts of the Earth for do we not see even in Desarts and Wildernesses all Nature's Productions are liberally provided for and fewer there of every Species than in those we call Civilized Regions So gross an Error 't is to imagine That if Men should not kill them the Earth would be over-run and that there would be so many of them as would not be sustained but that they would be injurious to Mankind For in truth nothing would or could hurt or injure Man if he lived in Innocency and did not first outrage them for as Innocency hurts nothing so nothing can hurt it 23. Now it is farther to be considered That if any Nation or People should leave off or scruple killing Men and the inferiour Creatures and eating their Flesh and Blood from a true understanding of God's Law in Nature and in obedience to the friendly and innocent Principle of God's Love and Light then all Oppression Violence Controversies and Killing would cease and that excellent Saying of the Prophet would take place viz. That every Man would be taught of the Lord All outward Enquiries would have an end then would not Men build outward
time Our Friends Abstinence Temperance and Cleanness do continually shew us the vanity of such things and spur us on and hasten us towards the Land of Peace We do not look back for fear we should awaken the Centre the original Poisons and then our sweet Water would be in danger of being dried up as it came to pass in Lucifer and his Legions there being but nine Figures or degrees of Wisdom attainable by mortal Men the tenth Number viz. o is the highest and those that have gradually passed through the Nines must stand still in silence and leave off all numbering and suffer God's Holy Spirit to work the Will and the Deed in him as he pleaseth We have no Butchers Fowlers nor any that belong to the Trade of Killing Violence or Oppression amongst us most of them revolted and join'd themselves to Pharaoh before they came out of Egypt and were destroyed with his Troops in the Sea of Blood or Wrath and those of them that passed through the Red Sea were cut off in the Wilderness for finding their Trade very bad and low and the nearer they came to the Land of Peace the worse it grew so they began to tumult and complain and murmur against the Lord that he dealt so hardly with them Which awaken'd the Centre of Wrath and destroyed them so that none of this sort of People enter'd the holy Land that flows with Milk and Honey and not with the Blood of the humane nor bestial Nature Neither have we any Billings-gates all that sort of People are our Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water And but very few Inns of Court-Gentlemen or Templers all of them that escaped the Egyptian Plagues were destroyed with Corah Dathan and Abiram in the wild Nature of this World or Wilderness Neither have we many Churches and yet have a great number of Temples in which we worship the Lord but there be no Bells in them that are compounded of imperfect Metals therefore we have no need of those robustick Musicians viz. Ringers to call the People to worship such Musick is too Saturnine and Martial for us No every one of us hath his own Bell and none can ring or make Musick of it but himself which being skilfully handled makes a more sweet soft and pleasing Harmony than the Egyptian Bells who are loud harsh and penetrating and all the Ringers are rude cruel and inhumane Our young People do not learn to ring any Bells but their own which when well learned calls them to the Worship of God in the proper Times and Seasons even as the good Spirit of God shall teach them as the Scripture saith The holy Men of God taught and spoke as the Holy Spirit moved in them We do not admit any to be Magistrates or Governours over us but only those that by Industry Prayer and Meditation have attained to a more excellent Understanding of God Nature and Themselves than their Neighbours which doth render them fit to govern We account none capable to govern others that have not first learned in all particulars to govern themselves It is contrary to our Philosophy to mix or compound our Food with things of disagreeing natures We use no double Preparations the more simple our Food is the more agreeable it is to our Nature and best sustains our Healths It is not a Custom for our Women to give or suffer their Children to drink any kind of Beer or Syder whilst their Food is chiefly Milk there being nothing more contrary to Milk than such sharp Liquors Milk being of a sweet gentle mild friendly Nature and Operation having no manifest Quality that doth too violently predominate there being a certain Harmony between the Properties of Nature in Milk and therefore it hath always been found by Experience to be the best Food for Children and all young People administring proper Nourishment in Equality to all Parts But on the contrary all sorts of Beer Syder and other fermented Drinks are of a sowr keen or sharp Quality and for this cause being mixed with Milk it turns or separates the wheyish part from the thick the same is to be understood if Children or others drink after eating of Milk if they do not forbear a convenient time till the Stomach hath made separation and alter'd the Property of it Besides the constant drinking of such Liquors do sowre the Stomach and generate a keen or sharp Quality which is apt to turn the Milk into an hard tough substance and thereby puts Nature to great difficulty to concoct or make Separation Doth not our daily Experience shew us that all Curd of Milk is hard of Concoction and burthensome to the Stomach For this Cause many having used themselves to drink plentifully of strong Drinks and to the eating of compounded Food which have so sowr'd the Stomach and alter'd it from its simplicity that the eating of this friendly harmless Food becomes offensive to them and disagreeing especially to some particular People whose Stomachs are as it were naturally inclined to generate a sowre Matter For this cause if any shall drink immediately after eating of Milk it will cause them to puke up the thin wheyish parts whilst the hard substance remains in the Stomach which doth foul and hinder Concoction For these Reasons it is much better for all Children and young People whose Food is chiefly Milk to drink Water it being the most like Milk of any Drink of a mild gentle friendly Nature and Operation which is farther manifested by its being mixed with Milk they mix or incorporate themselves as one entire Body making no variation or separation as other Liquors will and therefore it hath been found by Experience in all Ages to be the best and most natural Drink for all People but more especially for Women and Children who are endued with tender Spirits and gentle Heats and if their Meats and Drinks have not a near Affinity both in quality and quantity to their Natures it will quickly put them out of Tune and cause them to fall into Diseases and then Nature will become unequal in her Operations Every like doth with highest diligence endeavour to beget its Simile both in the Body and Mind Water being in its own nature so clean simple and innocent that it doth not only wash and cleanse the Mouth throughly and all the Vessels of the Stomach from such gross thick Matter that doth stick and furr them but it doth distil its moist Nourishment into all parts of the Body without making any noise or causing an unequal Motion cooling and refreshing Nature strengthens Concoction thins the Blood causing it to circulate freely makes the natural parts brisk and lively For this cause those Women and Children that do constantly drink Water are not subject to so many Diseases as others whose practice is to drink strong Liquors We have but one sort of Bread which is neither coarse nor fine We never change the Fashions of our Garments nor deck them
and he healed me So Gen. 20. 17. Abraham prayed unto the Lord and be healed Abimelech and his Wife Also Moses cryed unto the Lord that he would heal Miriam of her Leprosie and the Lord commanded That she should be shut out of the Camp seven days and then she was received in again whole Num. 12. 13. And Deut. 32. 39. God speaks thus See now I even I am he and there is no God with me I kill and I make alive I wound and I heal neither is there any that can deliver out of my hands And Matt. 10. 18. Christ gives his Servants power to heal the sick cleanse the Lepers and raise the dead In a word Multitudes of Examples we have in the Scriptures of Truth that all the Prophets and Holy men of God who were guided and directed by his Spirit of Wisdom in all their Troubles whether they were Diseases of the Body or the Mind always made their Application unto the Lord and he healed them and taught them what means to use that always proved effectual though seeming never so mean and simple Therefore let every one address to this Grand Physician whose Arm is not shortened nor his Mercy and Goodness diminished But if Men will give themselves up to the Spirit of Error Ignorance and Blindness and live in all Intemperance Gluttony and Superfluity which brings on them a multitude of Diseases and then enquire and run after the False Prophets and Necromancers whose Practice is meerly for Money Honour Pride and Estimation studying how to deceive the people by canting Words Plush Coats guilded Coaches great Houses c. which do amuse the Rabble and make them have great Thoughts of them though most that have tryed their Medicines might know that they are worse than the Diseases they are prescribed against I say If you follow these Courses 't is no wonder if your Lives become burthensome unto you and complicated Diseases torment you and an untimely Death cut you off For you may take a Cart Load of gross unseparated Herbs and Juices as our Physicians use with a Tun of their sick Decoctions and a whole Apothecaries Shop of their Confused Compositions and be further off from a Cure than at first Therefore the safest Course I can direct my fellow-Mortals is To fear the Lord live sober and temperate both in the Quantity and Quality of Meats Drinks and Imployments And if Diseases do at any time invade the Body by any Accidents or through the Male-Configurations of the Constellations or the like then humbly to apply themselves by Prayer to the Lord and to the Oracle of God in a man's self and then as the Mother of our Lord said unto the Servants that waited at the Marriage where he wrought his first Miracle Whatever he bids you do that do ye that is whatsoever the Divine Light or Holy Spirit of the Lord directs you to or bids you do that be you sure in all particulars to observe For the Reason Wit Skill and all Knowledge of the outward man ought to be as Waiters Tenders or Servitors to execute and obey the Commands of the Spirit of the Lord. Men ought to stand still from reasoning and Imaginations and wait at the Altar of the Lord and hear what he will teach which Directions man ought to follow and to act as this blessed Light and friendly Principle of God does excite him for in its power and virtue consists the right Cure of Body and Soul and in it is safe to move and abide Amen CHAP. XVII Of BUGS and from what Matter and Aliment they do proceed and how to prevent their Generations Of the Excellency of clean sweet Beds and perniciousness of old stinking Feather-Beds Also several Receipts how to kill Bugs and Fleas CLeanness in Houses especially in Beds is a great preserver of Health Now Beds for the most part stand in Corners of Chambers and being ponderous close Substances the refreshing Influences of the Air have no power to penetrate or destroy the gross Humidity that all such places contract where the Air hath not its free egress and regress In these shady dull places Beds are continued for many years and hardly see the Sun or Elements Besides Beds suck in and receive all sorts of pernicious Excrements that are breathed forth by the sweating of various sorts of people which have Leprous and Languishing Diseases which lie and die on them The Beds I say receive all these several Vapours and Spirits and the same Beds are often continued for several Generations without changing the Feathers until the Ticks be rotten Besides we have many Feathers that are imported from several Countries which are the Drivings of old Beds the uncleanness whereof is not considered As to the Nature of Feathers they are of a strong hot sulsome Quality for Fowls of all Creatures are for the most part the hottest and their Feathers contain the same Nature Therefore the constant lying on soft Feather-Beds does not only over-heat the Back and Reins weakening the Joynts and Nerves but they have power also not only to receive but retain all evil Vapours and Excrements that proceed from and are breathed forth by various Diseased people Hence it comes to pass that sundry Distempers are transferred from one to another by lying upon or in such Beds which Distempers do secretly steal on a man by degrees so that he cannot imagine whence the Disorder proceeds or what the cause thereof should be But I would not have the Reader mistake me all people are not subject to get Diseases this way There are some whose Constitutions are strong and their Natural Heat and Spirits are vigorous and lively by the Power and Virtue whereof they withstand and repel all such evil Vapours and Scents as do proceed from such Beds when a man is hot and sweats in them that they have no power to seize the Spirit But on the contrary when such people shall lie on such Beds whose Natural Heat is weak their Spirits few and whose central heat is not able to withstand or repel those Vapours and Scents which such Beds send forth when a man is hot in them this last sort of people are subject to receive Injuries and contract Diseases for those evil Vapours do powerfully penetrate the whole Body and if they are not withstood by the central heat and power of the Spirits then these evil Vapours do seise the Spirits and incorporate themselves with their likenesses for every particular thing does sensibly and powerfully seek out its likeness and wheresoever it finds its simile it hath power to incorporate and become essential These are the chief Reasons why one man gets Diseases by lying with Diseased Persons and in unclean Beds and others not It is a general custom when men go abroad or travel to desire clean Sheets imagining them to be a sufficient bulwark to defend them from the pernicious Fumes and Vapours of old stale Beds but it is too short For it
proceed from two Causes The first is from certain filthy phlegmy Matter which the Stomach and Vessels do continually breathe and send forth which does Lodge or Center in the Mouth especially between the Teeth and on the Gums and some People having fouler Stomachs than others such do breathe forth very sower stinking phlegmy Matter which does not only increase the Pain but causes the Teeth to become loose and rotten And for want of continual cleansing and washing those Breathings and this phlegmy Matter turns to Putrefaction which does eat away the Gums as tho Worms had eaten them And this defect is generally attributed to the Disease called the Scurvey but it is a mistake the Cause is chiefly as is mentioned before from the Stomach or for want of Cleansings 2. This Distemper of the Teeth and Gums does also proceed from the various sorts of Meats and Drinks and more especially from the continual eating of Flesh Fish and fat sweet things compounded of various Ingredients of disagreeing Natures which do not only obstruct the Stomach but fur and foul the Mouth part thereof remaining upon the Gums and between the Teeth For all such things do quickly turn to Putrefaction which does by degrees corrupt both the Teeth and Gums Besides our Beds take up near half the time of our Lives which time the Body is not only without motion but the Bed and Coverings do keep it much hotter than the Day-garments especially of those that draw the Curtains of their Windows and Beds so close that the pure Spirits and thin refreshing Vapours of the Air are hindred of having their free egress and regress which does dull and flatten the Action of the Stomach Therefore the Night does foul the Mouth more than the Day furring it with a gross slimy Matter especially those that have foul Stomachs and are in years for whatsoever are the disorders of the Body the Mouth does always partake of them which ought to be cleansed every Morning 3. It is to be noted That most people do also attribute the Diseases of the Teeth to Colds Rhumes and other outward Accidents It is true outward Accidents will further this Disease but then there must be Matter before-hand otherwise outward Colds can have no power to cause this Pain The same is to be understood in all Stoppages of the Breast and other Obstructions as Coughs and the like For if any part be obstructed or there be Matter for Distemper then on every small occasion of outward Colds or the like Accidents Nature complains If your Teeth and Gums be sound and free from this Matter take what Colds you will and your Teeth will never complain as dayly experience doth shew For all outward Colds and other Accidents of the like nature have no power to seize any part of the Body except first there be some inward Defect or Infirmity Suppose the Teeth be defective then the Disease falls on that part or if it be the Head Eyes Breast Back or any other part or Member of the Body that is obstructed the evil is felt in that part Therefore if the Mouth be kept clean by continual Washings it will prevent all Matter of Putrefaction and then Colds and the like Accidents will have no power to seize this Part or cause this terrible Pain Even so it is in all other Parts of the Body 4. There are many various things of divers Natures prescribed by Physicians and others as Washes c. to preserve the Teeth and Gums but most of them if not all to little or no purpose as dayly Experience teaches For all high sharp Salts and things of a sour or keen Nature do rather cause the Teeth to perish than the contrary as do all hot Spirits be they what they will Many have destroyed their Teeth by the frequent use of such things and it hath hardly ever been known that any such things have ever cured or prevented the aking Pains of the Teeth but water only Many examples I could mention to demonstrate this but too tedious for this place 5. The best most sure and never-failing way to prevent the Diseases and Pains in the Teeth and Gums is every Morning to wash your Mouth with at least ten or twelve Mouthfuls of pure Water cold from the Spring or River gently rubbing your Mouth with your Finger or a Cloth and so again after Dinner or Supper swallowing down a Mouthful of Water after each Washing There being no sort of Liquor in the World so pure and clean as Water and nothing doth cleanse and free the Teeth and Gums from that foul Matter which does proceed from the Breathings and Purgings of the Stomach and from the various sorts of Food so well as Water The use of other Washes is to little or no purpose but whosoever do constantly wash their Mouths with Water as is before mentioned shall find an essential Remedy All hard Rubbing and Picking of the Teeth ought by any means to be avoided for that is injurious to them And whensoever you find your Mouth foul or subject to be slimy as sometimes it will more than at others according to the good or evil state of the Stomach though it be not after eating at all such times you ought to wash your Mouth This Rule all Mothers and Nurses ought to observe washing the Mouths of their Children two or three times a day and also to cause their Children to swallow down a little Water which will be very refreshing to their Stomachs For Milk does naturally foul and fur the Mouth and Teeth and if they be not kept clean by continual washing it causes the Breeding of Childrens Teeth to be more painful to them 6. To keep your Teeth white one of the best things is a piece of a China Dish or a piece of a fine Dutch Earthen Dish made into fine Powder and the Teeth rubbed with it 7. Few there be that understand or consider the excellent Vertues of Water it being an Element of a mild and cleansing Nature and Operation friendly unto all things and of univesal Use But because it is so common and so easily procured I am afraid that many People will be like Naaman the Syrian when the Prophet Elisha advised him to wash seven times in the River of Jordan to cure his Leprosie it being the Ignorance and Folly of most People to admire those things they do not know and on the other side to despise and trample underfoot those Things and Mysteries they do know which the Learned in all Ages have taken notice of For should some People know what Apothecaries and others give them they would despise the Physick and have but little respect for their Doctor All Housewives do know that no sort of Liquor be it what it will will cleanse and sweeten their Vessels but only Water all other Liquors leaving only a sower stinking Quality behind them which will quickly cause Putrefaction But Water in its own nature is clean and pure not
if a man does leave them at the first Nature seems to want them the like effect is produced by other unnatural Customs as in taking Tobacco it being a strong Martial and Saturnine Herb of a loathsom poysonous Nature and Operation whose predominant Quality is of a contrary Nature to the Stomach and natural Heat therefore the first taking of it in Pipes is both difficult and troublesom to Nature and there is no Preparations known that will make this Herb friendly or familiar to Nature but only the continual Custom of taking it which does awaken and strengthen its own Quality in the Stomach which in the beginning was weak but by custom is become strong so great is the power of every thing in increasing its likeness and it becomes as though it were natural and there is as much difficulty to leave the use of such things if not more as there was at first to make them familiar the like is true in Brandy c. for the more unnatural and greater the extream is the more troublesom it is to leave it As for those who are used to eat hot Food and are not satisfied to eat cold a little custom will bring them to a liking of it for man being a compleat Image of the whole Nature of this World and being endued with the true nature of all Elemental things therefore Custom will make every thing whether good or evil familiar to his Nature As for my own part I have not been troubled with windy Diseases since I left eating of hot Food which formerly I was afflicted with likewise the same Quantity of any sort of Food eaten Cold when a man is a little used to it will be much easier and pleasanter to the Stomach than Hot for this swells the Body sends Fumes into the head and causeth a heavy indisposedness through the whole Body but there is such a sottishness and ignorance possesses most People that they will not go out of their old Path following their false Prophets Custom and Tradition esteeming themselves to be sufficient Judges in these things Now these windy Diseases and fiery thin salt Humours that are occasioned by the afore mentioned Intemperances are very rarely or seldom ever cured for what Medicines have power to cure when the same Superfluities are continued which were the Original of the Diseases Pray where is the Medicine that will cure the French Disease if the Person infected goes on in his old way of Wantonness The very same is to be understood in all other Distempers therefore Temperance and Sobriety are Vertues that are absolutely necessary not only to help and cure Diseases when they have invaded the Body but also to prevent the Generation of them for most Distempers with a little help of Physick might be mitigated if a sober temperate Life were observed so that by degrees little or no inconveniency would be felt but what hopes are there so long as People prefer Supersluity and the pleasure of the Taste beyond Health eating and drinking of various sorts of rich Food and cordial Drinks to the full satisfaction of their Appetites which break the bounds of Temperance the Stomach not being able to make a perfect Concoctiion so that every such Meal sows the seeds of some gross Matter and evil Juice which by degrees stops the Passages obstructs the Veins corrupts the Blood and from thence flows various indispositions according to the nature of each mans Constitution and the degree of matter There are but few that think that those Oppressions and Diseases proceed from a disordered Life and a too great Quantity of Nourishment but most will be apt to believe themselves alledging That they got Cold by leaving off a Coat or by Accidental Sweating or some other act of carelesness Which must be a mistake for such things have little or no power to hurt the Health if there be not matter before-hand for you may be sure if leaving off a Coat do occasion a Cold or any kind of stoppage there was some part obstructed before and the radical Spirits of that part were weakened by some disorder or else outward Colds would not have had any power to seize that part of the Body You may also observe that if any Member or part of the Body be weakened by any accident that part will first complain when either Cold seizes it or when there is any change of Weather from whence you may conclude that the Root of all or most Diseases is first some inward Contraction of matter caused by Superfluity or other Disorder which have weakened the pure essential Spirits and the Balsamick Oyl and Virtues in that part become as it were sower or sharp wich infects the Blood and then presently ariseth a loathing and the Palate cannot distinguish the pure Relish nor taste the goodness of any Food the Attractive Quality and also the Natural Heat of the Stomach lose their strength and power then also the Re●●ntive and Digestive Faculties do cease from their natural Operations for when there does happen any Violence to the pure Volatile Spirit and Balsamick Body then presently the action of the Stomach ceases and there begins a loathing and the original Poysons and central Heats are awakened which set the whole Body into a flame which poysonous Fire lay as it were hid so long as the pure Spirit and Balsamick Body were strong and this continual fiery or brimstony Spirit was only a cause of motion giving strength and vigour to the Oyl of Life which Oyl does mix and incorporate with this sulpherous fierce Fire and makes it more gentle and friendly for this Oyl is generated from this sulpherous poysonous Spirit and is as it were its Sun and shines back thereinto and does cause it to burn more gently but if this pure Spirit and Oyl be by any kind of Intemperance wounded or suffocated by overcharging Nature then the Original Poysons and sulpherous Fires do manifest themselves in their own Forms which were captivated and moderated so long as the pure Spirits and essential Oyl were strong for this essential Oyl is the true Life of Nature and the Moderator of the original Fire even as it is in the Fire of Wood so long as the Wood remains intire and no Violence done to the pure Spirits and essential Oyl this Fire gives a most pleasant and friendly refreshing heat and light it sends forth a bright shine and wholsom smell very ageeable to the Pure Spirits of those that are near it but you will find the contrary if you offer any violence to the Pure Spirits and essential Oyl whence the bright shine and friendly nature of Wood Fire does proceed as is done in making of Wood Fire into Charcoal for these pure Spirits and sweet Water or Oyl are suffocated in all Charcoal For this cause the Fire of Chorcoal is not only stronger than the Fire of Wood but it sends forth Sulpherous Fumes which will stupifie and suffocate the pure Spirits and dull