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A63798 Tryon's letters upon several occasions ... by Tho. Tryon. Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. 1700 (1700) Wing T3184; ESTC R27544 228,706 258

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property that governs the Creature so that as soon as the Body of any thing is opened it may thereby be distinguished what Form or Principle ruled in the Center of Life and he that has the true Use of this Faculty may easily discern the Complexion of any Creature It is an invisible Power it s Body is the Air which in a very short time will convey the Scent to a considerable distance and is received into our Bodies by the Assistance and Mediation of the Air which is a thin Spiritual Body penetrating into all parts doing good or harm according to the respective Qualities that have the Ascendant incorporating with great Vigour with every thing it finds like its self upon which account gross stinking Foggs Scents and Vapours are unclean and extreamly hurtful to the Mind and Body being continually drawn into the Central parts and Wound the Health 〈◊〉 a Spiritual and Invisible manner The contrary is to be understood of good Smells and clean thin sweet Airs c. Now every Scent or Smell whether good or bad clean or unclean does by custom and continual communication beget and strengthen its Simile by which the grossest and most impure Airs become easie and familiar otherwise several stinking Trades and Employments would not be tolerable nor in any degree Healthful for as Gods Love is one and the same in all things so is his Handmaid Nature which uses all possible Endeavours to provide and Arm her self against the Assaults of her common Enemies Custom and Habit begetting their own properties and rendring those things easie which would otherwise never be endured Moreover such troublesom gross Smells are naturally more agreeable to some People than to others as being endued by their Constitutions with greater talents of suitable matter whereby they live as healthy as those who are accustomed to clean and finer Airs Nay some Mens Natures and Complexions are so agreeable to these gross Scents and thick Vapours that they find themselves Disordered when they come into more pure and subtile Airs as is evident in such who Live and are Born in Cities and great Towns A Consideration is also to be had to the Meats and Drinks any Person feeds on which prepare the Body to a better bearing of Scents or Smells whether clean or unclean for Food is the substance of each Mans Body and Spirit and for this cause London and some great Cities are as healthy and as few Dye in them as in the Country in proportion to the number of People notwithstanding the cleanness and goodness of the Air Besides the Foods in many Countries of England are grosser and worse prepared than in great Cities great part of them living on Hogs Flesh ill Ordered and Cooked eaten fresh or very little Salted also penning them up in close Sties during the time of their Fatning is very prejudicial to the Flesh which subjects the Eaters to a great number of unclean Diseases in their Bodies as Mangy Scabs Sores and Boils these things ought to be well considered because they do very much Affect the Body in order to the manner of its receiving the impressions of Airs Scents and Smells Again there is not the same likeness and affinity between the Countryman's Food and Air that he lives in as there is between the Citizens the Country Air being fine and full of Brisk Lively Spirits and the Cities the contrary neither is there the same Agreements in the Methods of living whereby the fineness of the Air is rendred of little value or benefit to them for what the one Builds up the other Destroys Now the Sense we are discoursing of is the common Officer that communicates these Airs and Scents to the whole Body whether they be good or evil and the Body nor the Mind cannot be hurt with them if this Sense will powerfully withstand and oppose them and not suffer them to enter for each Sense hath a Gate which it can open or shut as it pleases and therefore when any Person is among gross and unclean Smells he can hold his Nose But the best way is if he is forced to stay there any considerable time to draw the Air into his Mouth and expell it again the same way by keeping it open by this means a Man may in a great measure avoid the Injury which such Smells would otherwise do for neither the Taste Sight Hearing nor Feeling can be Afflicted with any evil or good Smell not communicate the evil of the bad nor the vertues of the good to the Central parts of the Body nor Affect the natural Spirits each must do its own Business they cannot Act for one another Nevertheless there are some Scents and Smells so highly graduated in the dark direful nature of sullen Saturn and fiery Mars which neither the Temper nor Constitution of Man or other Animals are able to sustain or endure They are of such a vehement subtle and resistless operation that they surprize and destroy all the Faculties and Powers of Life in a Moment Their Motion is so quick as admits no Guard or Prevention There are no Antidotes against their force neither in Foresight nor Physick Italy and Spain can give many fatal Demonstrations of this Truth who are so exquisite in the mixing preparing and compounding of Scents that they have dominion over the very Air to what Extent or Limit they please Nay they will force the Air to Conspire with their Black Designs and retain the Infection till their Mischiefs are Compleated Likewise there are several sorts of Minerals and Metals that in the Melting Refining and Separating send up such Mortal and Inimical Vapours that no Use or Custom in the World can ever render familiar and healthful the more crude and foul any Metal is the more gross and poysonous are its fumes when it passes the fluxes of the Fire as Quick-silver Lead and many other Metals On the other side the higher any Metal is in its Nature Refined and Purged the finer sweeter and more pleasant are the fumes it sends up from the Fire when Melted and Refined and consequently more healthy and agreeable to the Workman The very same is to be understood of the Fat of Beasts or other Animals 't is better or worse clean or unclean according to the Graduation or Birth of the Creature which is declared by their Shapes Forms and Figures to the distinguishing Eye also the Cries and Tones they send forth Likewise when the Flesh o●… Fat is Burned and the Centre of the Body opened the fume o●… smell informs you what property of Nature had the Principle Government in the Creature the scent of the Dung or Ordure of most Creatures will afford a manifest Discovery of their origina●… Qualities whether clean or unclean c. This is apparently evident let a Hog eat the same Grass Corn or Food as Sheep Oxen Cows c. yet the Swines Breath Urine and Dung will never have the same Scent or Smell with the other so that
from thence but rather the contrary and therefore most do from the 1st 2d or 3d hour after Eating find a kind of dulness or heaviness more especially if the Foods were hard of Concoction or if they exceeded in quantity And this common method of Eating about 12 1 or 2 of the Clock proves the more prejudicial in hot Seasons and Climates for first the Mornings Labour or Exercise spends great part of those brisk or winged Spirits which by rest were at the rising up powerful are weakned and then the Breakfast together with the motions and exercises between that and Dinner do set going great part of what remains as also the Sun or great Vital heat of the World being in or near the Meridian or full South which doth make a considerable addition for the Evaporation or spending and weakning of the natural Spirits so that it is no wonder most People after Dinner are so hot indisposed and drowsy and that which doth mightily encrease this great Inconveniency is that the Dinners are Foods for the most part compounded of strong gross suckulent things of hard Concoction so that it lies as it were frying or boiling in the Stomach 4 5 or 6 hours calling for Liquor to quench the unnatural Heats and Fires it awakens through the whole Body and no Member is free from those burthensom Inconveniencies whereas altogether the contrary is to be understood and experienced by an early Breakfast of some sort of substantial Pottage and drinking a good quantity of small Liquor as before hinted for the morning Labour Motions or Exercises are performed by the lively strong natural Spirits that have been not only recovered but Generated by the true Concoction of the late Dinner or Supper and Rest and these Spirits are all the morning supply'd by fine Spirits of the Pottage for all such Foods do more easily concoct and steal or Insinuate their Virtues than hard gross Foods so that there is a Support all along and for this very cause from 11 of the Clock to 3 or 4 when most People are hot weary and indisposed those Persons that Breakfast early are cool lightsome and pleasant and in a word free from these burthensome Indispositions for that Food and Drink affords the best Nourishment and adds the greatest Strength that is the least felt in the time of Concoction or Separation and that causes no Heat Indisposition nor calls for the aid of the liquid Regions therefore those Foods are the most agreeable in which the four Elements are most equally mix'd or compounded that is where the Fire or natural Heat doth not over ballance the Element of Water the Equality and Inequality of those Elements in Foods are always felt in the time of the Concoction for heat after eating is occasion'd by Inequality which Physicians and every other Person ought to understand in the compounding of each thing for that Person that is quickly droughty and that his Appetite calls for Liquor is a true and sure Indication that the Qualifications of the Foods were unequal therefore upon the whole Matter our most natural and kindly Pottages are the most friendly they being properly compounded and prepared do as it were at once answer all the ends of Food and gratify Nature far beyond all strong hard salt high prepar'd or relish'd Foods leaving behind them no droughty or hot burthensome Indispositions and if you or any other Person would know the Verity and Truth of what we have here and also in several of our Writings endeavoured to make Mankind sensible of each Person must fall into the Practice for there is no other way or method to make it Essential for so long as Mens Knowledge and Philosophy remains in the Magia Notions and Words such Wisdom as they call it is altogether uncertain and unbounded passing and repassing through the a●…y Fancies unlimited and therefore all or most such Notions become altogether obliterated and changed into other Notions of differing Qualities and Natures never fix'd neither indeed can they be because they were not founded on the Principles of Nature nor by Practice made material And for this cause all Imaginations and Knowledge that reside in the Fancy or in Notions are Incorporeal or Invisible Powers and consequently not demonstrated and they do remain almost as unknown to them that talk of them or others that would understand them as the invisible Powers Imaginations and Thoughts of one Man is unknown to another and therefore every one that would understand and know the Truth must retire and go home and practice and then every Notion becomes as it were Mathematical that is demonstrable and without these material motions of the Body no Knowledge Notion nor Imagination can be made a Man's own nor become Essential to him so great is the necessity of good Methods and a prudent Practice of Life to which I referr you for true Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding cannot be obtained but only by a proper Method viz. The same way that Arts and Sciences are that is by Labour and a continual Practice which by degrees opens and unlocks all the secret Doors and inward Cabinets of the Intellect and thereby the invisible Powers become manifest and visible which is strangely and as it were wonderfully done and perform'd in all Sciences Arts and Trades so that by and through the Motions and Actions of the Body and Members the Magical Births of the Imaginative Faculties and Thoughts become manifest and material and so that which was Incorporeal becomes Corporeal and therefore Motion Action and Practice is endued with a most wonderful Power and Energy it commands the unbounded Fancy and encircles the wandring imaginative Power fixing and limitting those high lofty Spirits that lead most Men into Delusions and Errors and all this and a thousand more Calamities and great Miseries attend Mankind for want of a true Method and Practical Life and the true fixing all things on their Basis and Principles from whence true distinguishing Knowledge of the Signature of each thing arises and proceeds which we recommend to you and to all Mankind with our hearty wish of yours and Familys Well-fare desiring a Line or two the next Ship that is bound for England In the interim I Subscribe Your Friend and Servant T. T. LETTER XXXII To a Planter of SUGAR SIR IN our foregoing we have laid down some Methods how you may preserve your selves and Posterity to which I shall add something more which if put into practice will not only advance and encourage your Plantations but render the Inhabitants extreamly happy both in the present and future Ages and stem the Current of Groans Sighs Melancholly Lamentations and Turmoil of your Servants into a pleasant calm serene Life of happy Employments and the Masters of each Family shall enjoy many degrees more quiet and be freed from those continual troubles and cares they now labour under and do and will unavoidably encrease upon your selves and Posterity if some other more easy and
but the consideration thereof wi●… afford you some Benefit LETTER IV. Of the Sense of Seeing SIR BY the Receipt of yours I find you have a great desire to have my Iudgement of that most Stupendious and Wonderful Sense of Seeing in Answer whereunto I shall according to my Talent endeavour to Explicate the Variousness Virtues and Powers of that most amazing and admirable Faculty NOW as that wonderful Eye of Heaven the Sun is the very Centre of Light of all the numberless numbers of Creatures being the Foundation and Well being of them all who by its illuminating Beams Communicates Life and Light to all the Host of Heaven and Earth without which all would be a dark Chaos of Misery and Confusion Words are too short to set forth the Uses and Excellencies of this Sun of God in which the Preserving and Divine Power is understood and manifested And as this high illuminating Spirit and Power is the Eye which doth enlighten and preserve every Member and Part of the Great World being its Soul or Centre The like is to be understood of the Sense of Seeing in us for as the Sun is the Eye of the Macrocosm so is the Sense of Seeing the Light of the Microcosm which doth enlighten every Member and Part thereof for Man is a compleat Image of God and his Handmaid Nature and doth contain the true Nature and Properties of the whole and therefore is called a Little World or an Extract from the Great and as this high and mighty Power the Sun doth enlighten direct and conduct all and by whose Power and illuminating Beams all this wonderful variety of Beings and Creatures are understood and distinguished And as the World would be a miserable Chaos if the glorious Eye of Heaven were withdrawn but one moment even so it would be with Man for this Sense of Seeing is both in the Great and the Little World the true Guide of all Action and Motion and in this Sense or Light is contained the Secret or Central Fire which by Motion and continual Circulation of contrary Qualities becomes manifest warming and preserving the whole being the Root and Original of Vegetation and the true Father of the Light for Fire and Light are inseparable they dwell eternally together for this cause where the Light is weak or but little there the Fire is as impotent as is most manifest in all the Northern parts of the World most part of the Year being terrible-Cold Frosty Weather the Elements being Congealed for want of Heat The contrary is to be understood in the Southern parts of the World where there is Light Heat is always at hand and in what thing soever the Central Fires are potent there the Light is also strong powerful and lasting there being always a proportionable Nature between the Light Fire or Central Heat of each thing both in Animals Vegetables and Minerals for this cause Children and all Young People have a clearer and more penetrating Sense of Seeing than those of Age because their Light burns clearer and all their Humours are clean vigorous and free from dull cloudy Vapours the Elements of Water and Fire being thin and more pure do rarify each other by which the Oil of Life or Salnitral Vertues are clean and free from gross obstructing Matter from whence the Fire hath its bright clear shining Quality so that in Youth all the Operations of the Elements are more brisk lively and powerful than in Age as appears not only in the Sight but in all the Actions of Life For as the Natural and Central Fires decay the Light equally grows weak some sooner some later according to the degrees of the Decay or Weakness sometimes this decrease of natural Heat is Universal and when this happens the whole Body doth quickly dwindle and fall into Death but very often this Decay of the Natural Heat happens in the Intelligible part the Head by some accident of Obstruction the Vessels or Optick Nerves becoming stiff or as it were glewy the Porous Parts or Vessels being narrowed or small which does prevent the free Ingress Egress and Regress of the fine thin rarified Spirits that are generated thro' the whole Body which every moment doth ascend by certain Circular Motions into the Head or most Intelligible Part which if at any time the whole Road or common Passage of those fine thin rarified Spirits be stopt or obstructed the Person so Afflicted immediately falls and nothing but Death follows and that in a moments time this being the Original occasion of sudden Death so that many Sound Healthy Persons by such like Obstructions fall into Death who otherwise might have Lived many Years as being free from Diseases For this cause Temperance and Cleanness both in Quality and Quantity of Meats and Drinks are as it were the Spring-head of Health and the Generater of fine clean nutriment good Blood pure Spirits noble Dispositions and Inclinations whatever Cormorants and unclean Belly-gods may Dream to the contrary Nature and God's Law is always true and cannot lie Every thing under the Government of the glorious Eye of Heaven doth arise proceed and follow its first Matter and carries in its Bosom or Centre a Key that can readily join and unlock all the secret Doors of Nature's Cabinet and finding out and incorporating with its Simile encreasing and strengthening the same which is the highest Joy and Solace of all Corporal and Incorporal Beings For this cause as any Persons Meat Drink Employment and Communications are either from the dark cloudy Root clean or unclean so the Humours Blood Dispositions Inclinations Words and Works all proceed and go on in a streight Line or Method therefore to be either too much in the Sun or Shade begets Complexions for Meats and Drinks are the Centre and Substance of our Lives and in them are contained the true Nature and Property of all Qualities Principles and Dispositions enduing the Eater with their Qualifications If this were not true Man could not Subsist or have his Life continued whatever the unthinking do or may imagine to the contrary every thing knows its own Voice and Cries after its own Dam or Mother and the Senses are the Officers Carriers or Conveyers of all things to the Central parts and Understanding so that all the hidden Powers and Qualities are awakened each Quality having its peculiar Appetite do direct and draw unto its self both Corporally and Spiritually not intermeddling with the Business of its Neighbour So this wonderful penetrating Sense is the only Guide of the Body and capable Power to present unto the Understanding and Judgement the Forms and Signatures of all things in the Animal Vegitable and Mineral Worlds by which an enlightened Philosophical Mind can in some degree by the Form and Signature understand the Complexion of each and consequently their Uses It is this Sense that doth likewise present unto the Intellectual part of Man all delightful and pleasant Prospects serene Airs and agreeable clean
and imbibes all the flatulent gross juices and bloody matter and as it were incorporates it into its self so that it becomes one Body and the less water such flesh is Boiled in the more impure gross and fulsom the Pottage is the more water the better it is both for the Flesh and Pottage too Now this cleansing liquid Element doth by an innate disposition purge cleanse and draw forth as is said before all the frothy slimy evil juices of the flesh and leaves it more clean and the Broth is thereby endued with all the malignant qualitys and the more such Pottages are Boiled the worse and more stagnated gross and heavy they become for Fat 's cannot be altered changed or purged from their original impurities as Vegetables can The Oily Sal Nitral qualitys are so knit together that there is no art can alter or change their forms or purge them from their grossness Besides Fat 's or Oils will not admit of Boiling for the longer they are Boiled the stronger grosser and heavier they become as the Tallow-Chandlers and Melters of Fat observe and therefore they Boil it as little as possible but run it off as it melts and rises in the Copper and that which rises up first is the cleanest and finest and the Candles made thereof are better and Sold for more than the other that comes up last and for this cause they Boil as little as they can only as much as will dissolve the matter for if they should not try and separate the watry crude grosser parts the Candles would not burn clear and the Light would not only be dim but they would run and sputter And if you would be farther satisfied what vertues and vices Flesh-Pottages do contain then look into the bottom of Tallow-Chandlers Melting Coppers and take notice of the black contaminated sulphurous substance called Greaves which many buy to give their Dogs with the very same all your Fat 's and Flesh you eat is as plentifully furnished as the Tallow and some of it much more for Candles for the most part are made of the cleanest of the Fat viz. that which is called Suet great quantitys thereof being eaten in Pudding Now there are several parts of the Creature where the flesh is much more unclean and foul than Tallow or Suet as the Neck Sticking-piece and the Head that contains great quantities of black Blood and glandulous Matter which many People make Pottages of such Broth doth never fail of conveying all those stinking bloody voracious unclean qualifications to the Eaters which generates Nourishment of a heavy slow dull melancholly nature and operation the Spirits proceeding therefrom are impure glimmering morose and churlish the Complexion and all the Inclinations and Dispositions are followed and endued with a proportionable Nature Also all Pottages made of Flesh are the very Channel Sink and Common-shoar that dreans and draws forth or attracts all the unclean dregs or bloody stinking matter which the flesh is endued with or subjected to For this cause all Flesh-Pottages do prove unhealthy to all People but more especially to the Sick and therefore the Eastern Physicians forbid the Diseased all Flesh-Broths or Pottages and eating of Flesh. And it is not to be doubted but in all places where most of Peoples Food is Flesh that the Diseases for the most part take their birth from their gross unclean juices so that there can be no greater evil than to eat those fulsom dregs and lumpish Pottages which cannot but by simile increase and encourage the Disease by augmenting the offending matter and all this is done for want of understanding and distinguishing the Principles Fountain-spirits cleanness and uncleanness of things and their respective Operations both in the Macrocosm and Microcosm and the concatenation of things how every thing works and joins forces with its likeness which is the highest joy and satisfaction of all Beings Nor can any Man make an happy choise of things till he can distinguish betwixt the intrinsick and extrinsick vertues and vices of our selves and all other things and no sooner is the Divine Eye opened but immediately Man sees that Meats and Drinks are the very substance of our Bodies Souls and Spirits and that all the Dispositions spring from thence Now on the other side there are a great number of clean Pottages made of Grains Seeds Fruits and Herbs which are all noble and fragrant viz. Water-gruel Rice Conju Wheat Chocolate and various sorts of Candles made of Wine Ale Beer Cyder Oatmeal and Sugar likewise divers Spoon-meats made of Milk and Water and such as these may have Butter mixed with them viz. Gruels and Paps which is many degrees finer than the Fat of flesh not only as it is the noblest Fruit the Creature affords to Mankind without any manifest pain violence or oppression to them but it is also far cleaner than other Fat and will endure and keep longer and will likewise bear more Boiling than other Fat 's that is such as we Eat and make Candles of The Sal Nitral Vertues or oily Body in Vegetables is not only more clean sweet and fragrant but much easier separated in the Stomach and doth administer both dry and moist Nutriment in a clean and easie Method begetting their Similies and doth with the highest diligence withstand all the encroaching Powers or Humors for such as is the Food such is the Body Soul and Spirits Cleanness and Equality begets Children like themselves And the more simple and equal your Meats and Drinks are the more equal are your Humors also the calmer and purer is your Blood which is the Source whence the Spirits are Generated and from the Spirits as we said before arises Dispositions Imaginations Inclinations Words and Works both equal or unequal according to the foundation or first matter This being granted what great care ought Mankind to have in all the methods of Life for Meats and Drinks being the radix of all Nourishment both dry and moist are by the curious Art and Chymistry of Nature higher graduated from whence all the nobler faculties take their Birth wherefore we urge the grand necessity of Prudence in the choice of our Foods because hence are the Generation of all Essences Forms Dispositions and Temperaments and thence the Seed in Man doth arise proceed and take its Birth and Generation And this Seed contains the true Nature and Properties of the whole and so becomes a compleat Image and Epitome of all Forms and Powers and as the Qualitys Forms and Powers are in the Father either equal or unequal so they are in the Seed and as they are in the Seed so they are in the Son For this cause Unclean and Bestial Bloody Gored Foods and such as are procured by violence do contaminate and sully the very Original of Man so that the unclean violent evil Essences are conveyed from Generation to Generation and therefore it is no wonder Mankind grows worse and more violent and unclean in
equality or inequality of the Earth or Ground it is Sowed in and the Cultivation of the Husband-man whether managed with Prudence or the contrary And as it is with the Beasts and Vegetables even so it goes and the very same is to be understood in the Humane Ground a strong thing cannot arise and proceed from a weak one nor an equal from an unequal or a healthy from a sickly every Seed Fruit or Son carries in its central Bosome all the Qualifications Degrees and Temperaments of the original Stock or Father this being the very Ground and principal Cause why so many cruel Diseases that attend Mankind cannot be Cured neither by Medicines nor wholsome temperate Methods of Life Now if this Ground or true Foundation of Wisdom and Philosophy were well understood the Physician would be capable of giving good Advice and Precedents of Life and likewise others would be careful cautious and temperate both in the quality and quantity of their Meats and Drinks being sensible that from the Body and Spirits of each of them our Bodies and Spirits are continually Made Created and Generated and according to the degrees of Equality and Inequality Temperance or Intemperance such is the Humors such is the Blood such are the Spirits such Imaginations Dispositions Words and Works every thing according to its original Constitution and whatsoever Form hath obtained the Dominion in the central Fire always is generating and creating its own Species or Son who does in all particulars contain all the Properties Principles and Powers of the Father as is hinted before so that the Essences of each thing we Eat and Drink in order to support and continue our Bodies and Spirits do never depart but advance and confederate with their Similies and Likenesses and according to their goodness grossness cleanness and uncleanness such a Man is created generated or made This being the eternal and unalterable Law of the Great Father of all Powers and Creator of all Beings which no Man can withstand or obliterate therefore Equality Cleanness Order and Temperance are as it were the Originals of a Sound Healthy Body Harmonious Mind and a Pious Sober Clean temperate Off-spring For all things in the Good and Evil observe their Original Law every thing in its own way according to its Dignification in Evil or Good Equality or Inequality such a Child Son or Fruit it Brings or Widwifes into the World for this Cause Cleanness Temperance and Order have been so highly celebrated and commended by all the Seeing and Distinguishing Men both of former and latter Ages so that it is plain and manifest that most of those cruel and incurable Diseases that now reign in the Microcosmical World have been conveyed and entailed by their Progenitors or Parents and if Mankind should now take up and live on simple innocent Meats and harmless Drinks and free himself from Violence Uncleanness and Opression it would be two or three Ages before Man would be Healthy and Sound either in their Bodies or Minds so deeply are they wounded Which miserable and melancholy State or Error can never be mended neither in the Stock Branch Fruit nor Son till it be seen and known to be so and that the Eye of Wisdom be opened in Man's Mind by which he sees understands and distinguishes between the Intrinsick and Extrinsick Virtues Vices Cleanness and Uncleanness of their Food and Drink and all other things they join or communicate with Now as Fevers are more tolerable or violent according to the Form or Power that Operates Agitates or Invades the natural or central Fires for Fire is the root of motion and the true Strength and Pleasure of Life when it burns gently and calmly but when it is agitated or too violently awakened or stirred up then presently as with a rapid and turbulent motion it seizes the radical moisture and sweet Oil which is the true Life and Original being of the Fire but Burning too violently it consumes this Oily Body and violently attracts the thin Spirituous Airy Qualities or Powers unto it self for all heat or fire of what kind soever naturally and with great Ardency attracts or draws unto it self the Air it being its Life for without it it can neither burn nor subsist The Air thus drawn doth always carry in its Bosom the watry Spirit or Element which gives unto the Fire its bright clear shining Lustre but the Central Fires being thus agitated or awakened do in a moment destroy and consume both the radical Oily Body and also the Airy and Watry Spirits and Natural Powers which do presently as it were stagnate and prevent all the circular Motions and in a great measure stop the Vessels and Parts both Internally and Externally so that the Blood becomes thick gross hot and frothy and the Pores of the outward Members and Parts becomes hot narrow or stopt which doth prevent the Penetration Ingress Egress and Regress of the fine thin Spirituous Vapours of the Air from without So that if the fiery Spirit be violently awakened it breaks and destroys all the Circulations and Correspondence of the whole Body all the inward faculties being in an Agony or a tumultuous State and Operation and thereby the Life is sunk or destroyed as it were in a moment if some powerful Food or Medicine does not timely prevent by opening the doors and porous passages and to advance the Circulation of the Blood Spirits and all the Airy Motions and Faculties for should the healthiest and strongest Person 's External Pores be stopt but one Quarter of an Hour such a one would be seized with a Fever immediately For the fine thin Spirituous Vapours of the Air that do penetrate the Body on all sides and by the attractive qualities are sucked or drawn in by way of Pores which do refresh uphold increase and support all the natural Motions and Circulations of the Blood and Spirits and their fine thin Spirituous powers of the Air do never fail to carry and convey the transparent thin moist Vapours or Spirits of the Element of Water for as the Fire cannot burn nor subsist without the Airy Spirit so neither ean the Air continue its brisk lively motion without the support of the Fire which incorporates its self and dwells in the moist Vapour or Spirituous quality of the Water which Watry Spirit gives Life both to the Air and the bright shining light of the Fire one cannot subsist without the other For this cause if any Person is employed abroad in moist wet Weather and in or about Waters or Rivers sides such People have for the most part stronger and sharper Appetites than in dryer Seasons and Places for the Air being in moist Seasons provided there be not too much wet Weather filled or impregnated with the fine moist Spirits of the Water which doth give such a powerful life to the Air that both becomes rarified by which it more powerfully penetrates the whole Body through all parts and Members to the very
from selfish Evil morose and wicked Principles as every days woful Experience doth confirm as for Example As Men and Women pass in the Street or elsewhere if any Accidents of hurt be it little or much from one to another though unawares or against their wills nevertheless they send forth fierce wrathful Words all tending to promote Violence as if the Centre of Hell was open which evil Speeches do with a rapid motion join Forces and raise up by Simile the like Properties in them to whom they are directed by this and the like a Man may see without a Prospective Glass what Principles most or all Men live in and are govern'd by viz. Disunity and Deformity are most or all of our Children and Young People Educated under and such like wicked Methods are their Precedents and Examples and these evil Seeds being Sown so early they take such deep root that in most Constitutions these evil Dispositions and voracious Inclinations can never be obliterated by all the Precepts in the World For this Cause the People in general of most or all Nations continue as Wicked and as void of true Knowledge Temperance Sobriety and Piety as ever nay every Age makes an addition of new and as it were unheard of Violences Oppressions and Blasphemies 〈◊〉 the former notwithstanding the Laws of Magistrates to correct evil Manners and the Admonition and Preaching of the Gospel the Truth of this all Historys for many hundred years past confirm therefore this Degeneration of Man into all kinds of Evil cannot be remedied or cured by any of the Ways or Methods formerly or at this day practised but by another Method of Life viz. We must begin at the Root that is with that which makes Men or is the Substance and Essentials of our Bodies and Spirits clean innocent Foods and harmless Drinks that our Children may proceed from an innocent Root and be brought up in all harmless and innocent Methods of Life and above all that they see nor communicate with nothing that is unclean or contrary to Virtue Sobriety and Unity which will not only preserve Mankind from those gross Violences and Oppressions but will lay a true and lasting Foundation for their Posterity for Virtue Temperance Order and Innocency as also the Knowledge of God which are like Arts Trades and Sciences best and surest planted in the young and tender Age of Children that may easily be done then which cannot be at riper years as we have largely demonstrated in our Book entitled A New Method of Educating of Children therefore in the Eastern Countries the great Zealous Pilgrims and as it were unheard of Votaries in Religion as well in false as true Notions are all taught and impressed in Child-hood and by the constant Precedents and Examples of their Elders together with the Traditions of their Fore-fathers and Custom of the Country they live in Now upon the whole Matter it doth appear as clear as the Sun at Noon-day that most of the Methods and Actions of our Lives do diametrically oppose the eternal creating and preserving Power of our Great Creator and his Law of Innocency and Unity this being Matter of Fact how then is it possible for Mankind to be contented or satisfied on a Dying-bed when the Soul must be separated not only from its Habitation but also from all Coverings Shelters and all that is near and dear to it besides there are several other great Evils that do mightily encrease the Anxiety and Trouble of a Dying Man more especially to all sober Persons one of the most principal is that they are obliged to leave their loving Wives and young tender Children and Relations to be exposed to the infinite Hazzards Calamities and Miseries of the wicked ungodly unthinking blind and ignorant World and that their Posterity must plunge themselves into the b●…se gross unclean fierce oppressive Customs Traditions Methods and depraved Ways and Principles Mankind hath immersed himself into The consideration of this to any Thinking or Pious Person must needs make a considerable Figure of Trouble not only to a Dying Person but also to those that enjoy perfect Health if a Man doth take a view of their particular Actions and Methods of Life and then divide them into ten parts there will certainly be found nine of them most miserable in this World in one degree or another whose mischievious intemperate unclean violent Life doth also threaten them with eternal Trouble and Disquietness it is that ●…me when they read they may at first sight marvel that we talk or discourse after this manner but if they will but give themselves leasure to think consider and look and examine all the various Actions Methods Practises and Employments Mankind subjects himself unto then he will find it true first consider the great numbers that follow Drums and Trumpets in the Wars of Princes and the violent Employments that depends thereon and this great number are a●… it were the Heart of a Nation viz. The Youth in the Prime or f●…l Strength next to these the Sons of Violence and Oppression are the Mobb or common People which are as great in number as wicked and hardly one degree lower graduated in all Acts of Intemperance Uncleanness Violence and Discord than the former they want no Furniture to compleat them in the Acts of Mischief but in the Word of Command or Power as is clearly manifested when Changes or Accidents in the Government of Cities Nations and Countries are not the great Multit●…e in a moment fitted and prepared for all ●…apin and Spoil as though they had been trained up and taught the Arts of Violence from their Childhood which doth sufficiently demonstrate what Principles and Methods of Life they are Educated in and what Matter Seed and Ground they proceed from the next sort are the middle People and how many of them are of violent oppressive Principles Unjust and Unmerciful without true natural Affection and Pitty horridly Covetous Unclean and Intemperate loade●… with procured Distempers and various other great Evils Likewise considerable numbers of this Rank do fall into Poverty by Extravagancy and want of Conduct in Trading and other Misfortunes fourthly the next to these are such as are called Gentlemen which are of various Degrees and Ranks the greatest numbers of these are endued with these following Talents viz. Their chief Care and Industry is to Educate their Children in all or most of the Grand Evils which do oppose and contradict God's eternal Law of Unity and his preserving Power and that there may be no degree of Evil and Depravation ●…ing they first very industrously teach and educate them in Gluttony Pride and Idleness next the vain Compliments and use of A●…ms even in their young and tender years as the Killing Hunting and Oppressing all the innocent Inhabitants of Heaven and Earth next to these Feats of Arms or Martial Discipline that they may be endued with the high and domineering Spirit of Violence which doth not only
of Candle which doth make a Sick and Dying Bed still more uneasy and burthensom more especially when the Sick Person shall think and consider of the Methods of his Life great Agonies do arise and spring up in the Soul feeling its self almost naked or uncloathed of all the Pleasures of Life most of which Perplexities are Originalliy occasioned by the vain Educations and wicked Customs of Natons more especially among the Christians What vain empty frivolous Discourses do all Mothers Nurses and Maids use to their Children the first 6 or 7 years of their Age always discoursing between Jest and Earnest great part thereof Childish Banter with a hundred odd Tricks and Postures which doth take such deep root awakening their Similies so that those Vices become essential that neither Time nor Correction is ever able to obliterate them Is it not common where 5 or 6 Children are with a Mother Nurse and Maid the whole House is filled with a great noisom Crying others Laughing their Governesses Whipping and Threatning of them and it is but little amended when they come to 18 or 20 years of Age when 6 or 8 of these meet what a strange variety of Notes are heard as loud Obesence Laughter Jesting Lying and Jeering one another each endeavouring in vain talking to move that vain and ridiculous posture of Laughing nay our Gray-Hair'd Senators are not free from these Vanities it being common for ancient People to please and delight themselves in telling long Stories of their Youthful Wickedness and Follies and that too in the hearing of young People and in the presence of their own Children for Histories tell us that Christ never Laughed whilst he was Cloathed with the Humane Nature and to this day it is esteemed a very odd thing for any Person to Laugh in the Eastern Countreys Nowthese things considered no marvel that most Men on Dying Beds are under such perplexity and horror of Mind which doth occasion thousands to make Solemn promises to the Lord to amend and redeem their times if he pleases to continue their Lives for a very little season longer which very few do perform for those grafted evil Methods do quickly get head and there the evil Powers become strong and potent which doth verify that Proverb That which is bred in the Bone will never out of the Flesh Few or none ever consider that those Childish Evils or Venoms most suck in their Childhood and Youth do naturally improve in riper years even to old-Age as all Trades Sciences and other Learning do so that most or all Man's days are worse than trifled away The truth of this appears by the general Conversation of Mankind go amongst a hundred sorts of People of all Pretences and Religions and observe their Converse and Discourse their Nature and Tendency and upon the whole a Man shall not hear one word among many that is edifying useful and proper or that tends to the benefit of Mankind neither in the observation of that which makes them Men and is the support of the Body Soul and Spirit or the knowledge of God first in our selves and then in all other Creatures or how Mankind may render himself capable of discharging that great duty to his Maker viz. to govern himself and all the undergraduated Creatures in Good-will Love and Harmony which is the true method of doing unto all Gods Creatures as a Man would be done unto no no not a word of any such necessary Truths but most or all frothy vain and fantastick Now if Mankind spends all his Childhood in sucking in and learning Vanity and their strength of years in the practice of those Evils and Intemperances which often cuts Man off betimes when these things are considered it is then no marvel that the Dying or Sick Bed becomes so uneasy there being hardly any sort of People in the World that their Disciples do Dye with that great trouble or pain of the Mind and Body as the Christians more especially that part called the Reformed which comes to pass for the reasons before mentioned The Eastern People in General Live and Dye peaceably and easy more especially the People called Bannians who perhaps are some of the strictest Observers of Gods Law viz. doing unto those of their own kind and to all inferior Animals and Creatures as they would be done unto having a severe and particular regard to maintain Unity and Humanity that they may in the Resurrection or next World when New Bodies shall be given them arise in Humane Forms and Shapes for it is their undoubted Faith that if Man lives in Gods Law and leads an innocent harmless Life shewing Mercy Love and Compassion to all the sensible Creation that then they shall not only obtain an Angelical form of Body but have an Eternal Blessed Unity to live with God and his Holy Angels in the spangled Regions of Eternity But on the contrary those that live in the practice of Violence Oppression and Killing whose Minds Spirits and Souls are precipitated into those furious fierce Principles they shall be Cloathed in Eternity with suitable Bodies for without the Unity or Holy City of Innocency are Dogs Bears Lyons and the like Beasts of Prey saith St. Iohn in the Revelations there being nothing more true and certain he that breaks the Unity both in himself and in all other Creatures doth immediately divide himself from God and breaks forth into Discord Perplexity and Trouble let his Religion Custom and Laws of his Countrey be what it will And on the other side that Person that keeps the Unity in himself unviolated by living in innocent harmless methods has Peace both in his Living and Dying It is a Proverb amongst the Eastern Philosophers and Bannians that nothing makes the Life of Man pleasurable and the Dying-bed easy but an innocent Life and to imitate God who is the Creator of all Beings and the Preserver of all his Works This they say is the true Worship of God and joins them to the Fountain of Benignity Innocency hurts nothing nor nothing that those Eastern Sages or Philosophers have great Veneration for Silence is one of the most necessary and useful Vertues because most Men know but very little and therefore they ought to talk or discourse in proportion to their Understanding for this cause where there is much talk there is a like proportion of Ignorance and Folly uttered as the Wiseman saith A Fool is known by his much talking Therefore Pythagoras and many other Eastern Philosophers taught their Disciples and Scholars Silence as the first and principlest Precepts which the People of those Countreys do observe to this day time and practice hath made it easy and natural to them so that amongst them when several Ages are together viz. Children Young Men and Women middle Age and Old Age there is not any noise as talking altogether but all stand silent and sedate each Age speaking in their turn according to their Degrees which doth not
Mathematicians do tell us that the Orb or Circle of each Planet is far greater than the whole Globe of Earth and Water which hitherto no Man in the general hath doubted what they have found true by the Observations of the most Learned and Ingenious of all Ages for some thousands of years and if so what mor●…l Man can guess the wonderful Creatures and Inhabitants that may possibly dwell and inhabit those Spacious Airy Plains for so they seem to us and who can tell but that the Globe of Earth and Water may appear to the Creatures of those Worlds as they do to us and consequently that the Mathematicians and Astrologers of those unknown Worlds may make as great ado about the influences of our Planets Stars and Constellations as we do of theirs and give us the same Titles and Names as we do them but we have never ravelled in their Regions nor conversed with the People and World of the Moon and therefore shall submit and be silent in this guessing Philosophy It is further to be considered that the good and evil Successes or Fortunes to the Ascendants Planets and Significators that as Astrologers say are showered down upon Mankind by the benevolent and malignant influences of those great Luminaries and Coelestial Bodies which are various and strange if all be true as Philosophers say Now the Evils and Misfortunes are as it were beyond Humane number in comparison of the Good and whatsoever Misfortune or Evil doth happen or befall Mankind is by many of those cunning Men attributed to the Configurations and Directions of Planets and Significators or some one of them to Saturn they say when ill lignified he powerfully inclines his Sons and Daughters to Oppression Violence Killing Covetousness Back-biting Envy Strife and all kinds of evil Words and Works And the like is to be understood of the other Six Planets whereas it is as clear as the Sun Beams at Noon-day that all the Intemperances Evils and Outrages Mankind doth commit against God and his Neighbour are generated and midwifed into the World by Customs Presidents evil Communications and Examples as appears by the foregoing and if this be true how angry then will those great Illuminated Powers of Heaven be with Man for laying the Cause and Foundation of those great Evils upon them as when the fair Sex are vain proud wanton and foolish to say that Venus that great and wonderful Illuminated Body and Queen of Love is the cause that inclines them to such Wickedness or when a young Man is ingenious sharp and witty and turns all into Cheating to attribute it to Mercury and when any Person is vain wanton and unconstant to lay the cause on the Moon and her Influences or when a Man is fierce devilish hard-hearted cruel and subject to Wrath Passion and Violence to lay the cause on Mars and when false in Religion to attribute it to an unfortunate Iupiter and when proud and subject to Vain-glory and boasting to fix it on the Sun when in Truth the Original cause of most or all Evils and Sins take their first birth in the center of a Mans self and the People he Lives amongst and communicates with so that Mankind doth mightily add to his evil Course of Life by laying the cause where he should not and belying those innocent Powers which wicked Trade he hath followed ever since he transgressed Gods Holy Law and Commandment putting the evil from himself and laying the cause on some other thing of which its said that our Mother Eve was the first Precedent or Example Now what Mankind have to say for themselves when they shall be brought to the Test I cannot imagine for it seems impossible for Astrologers that they should pass their Accompt without making retalliation or satisfaction so that the Wisemen have made but poor work of their Studies It is likewise further to be Noted that no Creatures or Sublunary Bodies are subject or compelled to obey the Influences of the Heavenly Bodies but only such as have kept and Lived under the Law of God and observed and not broken the limits of their Natural Orbe or Circle in which each specifick Body or Creature was Originally Created and brought forth as we have hinted before for all the wonderful and most amazing of the Heavenly Luminaries called Stars Planets and Signs and though their number be far beyond all Humane Numeration nevertheless each of them doth keep within the limits and bounds of their Orbs and Original Circles and doth alway move with an exact and regular motion keeping and obeying the Voice and great Law of their Creator And for this cause all Corporeal Beings that live and move within the Limits of their first Law and have not at any time broken nor in any degree exceeded its bounds are all subject to the Laws Orders and Methods of Heaven and to all the Influences of those great Powers vulgarly called Stars Planets and Constellations and they do with the highest diligence endeavour to observe and imitate their Superior Powers every Creature observing both time and season so that all things are done and brought forth in an exact and wonderful Method and Order which is strangely amazing and surprizing to any considerate Person Do not all the numerous Off-springs of the Earth obey the Motions Influences and Voice of the Heavenly Bodi or Constellations And are not the Children or Fruits of our Mother Earth better or worse strong or weak vertuous or the contrary all according to the Benevolent or Malevolent Influences or Configurations of the Stars Constellations and Elements The like is to be understood of the Sensitive Creatures called Beasts of which there is an unaccountable variety nevertheless each doth in a most wonderful manner and curious method observe and constantly obey the Original Law God stamped on them and their Young Ones or Children learn and observe the same without the invading fierce Rods of School-Masters or Tutors and as the Heavenly Bodies and Governing Powers of the Great Creator do all work move and govern in a most exact and regular Order and Method The like is to be understood of all the Children or Off-spring of the Elements who keep their first Law and therefore they do all as exactly keep and observe their times and seasons alway moving within the compass and bounds of their own Circles or Orbs they were Created in and their whole business both of Motion Inclination and all the Actions of Life is to imitate and observe the Laws and Commands of their Superiors viz. the Heavenly Bodies But the contrary is to be understood of the Humane Race who have defaced their noble Image by breaking the Law of their Creator and thereby have destroyed the Orbs and Limits of their own Circle so that they are as it were blind and know little or nothing of the wonderful Operations of their own Heaven nor are they in any degree sensible of their own Natures or the Principles they are compounded
are all circumscribed to certain Bounds Limits and Periods in their Motions Generation and Growth and that is most clear and it is witnessed by innumerable living Testimonies that for any person to pretend to do or attain to that which God his Law and the whole course and method of all Created Beings forbids on the peril of Gods high Displeasure It is true Mankind by Industry and Art hath found out many curious and useful things as that of Clocks and Watches which of late have been mightily improved and it is not to be doubted but that it will be still farther advanced in all Motions and Curiosities thereunto belonging but still Gods Eternal Law and his Handmaid Nature puts Bounds and Limits so that they cannot exceed their Circles all Arts Trades and Sciences take their Birth in Nature and the better Workman or more curious any Person is the more nearer he comes to Nature but however it is but an imitation of her for all Arts and Sciences Trades and whatsoever is done and performed by Mankind the Excellency thereof doth chiefly depend on the degrees of each Persons Judgment and their distinguishing that principle form quality and nature of the thing or materials they work on and according to the degrees of each Mans Judgment and distinguishing power such a Workman he becomes either better or worse the Original Principles of all Sciences Arts and Trades are the same for ever but the Superstructures or Building thereon do strangely and wonderfully vary either for the better or worse all according to the judgment and the degrees of distinguishing in the Workman for Nature hath bounded every Man in his Gifts and Talents for Arts and Sciences are beyond all Humane Number and Capacities however there are very few if any that attain to their highest limit in either Arts Trades Sciences Health or length of Days which have come to pass by the depraved and unnatural Methods Mankind have from one Generation to another embraced For this cause the more ignorant any Person is the more he values the Works of his Hand that is the Commodity he works on or makes up and indeed no Artist is so apt to bragg or be proud of his Work as he that wants a sound Judgment and a distinguishing Understanding such a Persons Hands goes as far as his Judgment he values that which one that has Understanding and doth distinguish the principal parts of such a peice cannot but that Person that hath a sound Judgment and doth distinguish the principles and parts of the matter or thing he works on such a one is rarely proud or conceited of his Art in himself whatever he may pretend to others for the sake of Gain or his Interest because his Judgment and Understanding went before or is greater than his Hands can perform by which Eye of Distinction he sees plainly that the peice of Work be it what it will may be better performed so that such a one is less apt to boast For this cause ordinary Workmen or such as are called Bunglers are more apt to boast and to be pleased than better Artists and if the curious Workmanship of some others of the same Trade did not clip the Wings of such Persons they would be exceeding proud of what they can do Now as is hinted before there are but few People in this Nation that ever do attain to the highest limit or number or become so curious in Arts Sciences and Trades as their Genious is capable of the Original or grand causes thereof are viz. First most or all Youth are too Old before they are amongst or communicate with such People that are of the same Trade Art or Science they are put to as we have more largely Discoursed in our new Method of Education for the younger and greener Children are the more capable they are of receiving all Characters and Impressions and for this cause if little Children were but accustomed to be amongst and constantly communicate some part of each day with hard working Tradesmen and though they were not able to do or perform any part of such Labour with their Hands nevertheless their Judgments and distinguishing Faculties of Nature will as it were unknown to themselves be improved and such when they come to be put to that Trade or Art shall obtain it in a shorter time and be more curious and better Workmen Secondly There is wanting a true natural method and form in the learning and doing of most things and the well ordering of Young People both in Meats Drinks and Communications for Temperance and Order are the Spring-heads that renders Mankind capable to attain to the highest limits of his natural Genius And on the other side for want of conduct and a proper management of the Humane Earth and of the Sowing in each sort of Land the most agreeable Seeds and that too in its due Season is the chief occasion that the greatest number are so deeply Depraved Insipid Ignorant Foolish and Intemperate knowing little or nothing either of God themselves not of the wonderful Works of their Maker for to be Ignorant is the greatest Evil in the World because it puts Mankind on a thousand Projections that have no principles nor ground in Nature some in one thing some in others which do ensnare and entangle the most ingenious Persons whose Gifts and Talents would have brought Honour to God and have been serviceable unto Men but for want of Prudence and a distinguishing mind all their Toil Labour and Industry hath chiefly served to Inslave themselves both in Body and Mind and to lead their ignorant Neighbours into the same Mischiefs and Inconveniences Therefore my Friend lay aside all natural Propensity to this Study and the Reading of Authors that treat of this matter and also consider what we have here presented you with and mind your Health which is deeply wounded or invaded on all sides which is the true method and means under God to preserve your own Motions and Health both of your Body and Mind to the highest degree that God and his Handmaid Nature have allotted you I am your Friend and Servant T. T. LETTER XXIX Of MUSICK SIR YOURS of the 26th of Iuly 1698 lies before me and having seriously considered the Contents thereof importing your desire to know whether there be any better or shorter Method for Children and Young People to learn Musick than our Musicians and Masters of that Science do usually teach I do readily agree with you that their Methods are not only Intricate Laborious Chargeable and Tedious but farther when all is done amounts to little or no purpose or assurance of time whereby many Lovers of that excellent Art have been discouraged from learning themselves or having their Children instructed therein and consequently the improvement of so inspired a Branch of Mathematicks is obstructed to which the pride and insolency of many of the Masters especially such as are endued with any excellency therein has not also a
sort of Bread which is generally made for Sea is some of the sweetest And now Sir methinks I hear it objected and said that strong Fermented Liquors as Beer Ale Brandy Wine and the like are brave exhilerating Cordials and that therefore the Drinking of them must be highly Beneficial to Nature I grant it is true they are so if used as they ought to be but the contrary is practised as daily experience witnesseth for ever since Mans deep degree of Depravation and since all kinds of Intemperances and Disorders have obtained the Ascendency in his Mind and Heart he hath with all application and cunning inventions studied inequality and attracted to himself and violently desired all Meats and Drinks that have a proportionable Disposition and Similie with himself and consequently Inequality and Disorder hath been increased both in his Body and Mind beyond all due Bounds and Limits of Sobriety and Temperance for which reason it must be really conducive to his happiness to have all such strong heady Things and Liquors totally prohibited more especially since it has never yet been doubted that I know of by any Man but that Water was and is the only Drink ordained by the All-wise Creator both for Man and Beast which having no unequal nor turbulent motion therein begets none but its Operations and Influences are like it self and they that Drink it shall never want nor desire any other Drink this being the only Digesting Liquor keeping the Stomach or Subservient Vessels clean and causing a sharp and strong Appetite far beyond all Fermented Liquors who heat the Blood and are the causes of many Distempers as already noted Nay doth not experience tell us that the Natives o●… all those Countries that constantly Drink Water are not only Healthier but much stronger than others as in Guinea Turkey c. where their Labouring People will Travel and carry much heavier Burdens than our strong Beer Drinkers it being a commonthing for a Porter in Turkey to take upon his Shoulders one o●… our Pigs of Lead to the weight of 250 l. and sometimes more without any help and to carry it a good way which will make two of our Porters stagger and blow to carry it between them at a Poles end Nay it is usual for the Turkish Porters or Labourers to lift and carry Four or Five Hundred Weight and yet their Drink is all Water and Food very mean according to our estimation of it that is Bread and Grapes Bread and Herbs other Fruits they eating but a very small quantity of Flesh or Fish●… so that from hence it is manifest that strong Drinks and gross heavy Foods do as it were but cramp Nature in the very Bud and therefore it is that there are not near so many Die of immature Deaths in any Countries where the Natives Drink Water as in those where strong Drinks are in use and for this cause also the Natives in England Four Hundred Years ago were not only much Healthier and longer Liv'd b●…t much larger of Stature too so that upon the whole the use of strong Fermented Liquors is pernicious and destructive to Mankind and more particularly to those of the Female Sex to which without naming any more the terrible Vapours they themselves are subject to and the dreadful Convulsions in their Children are their Original and if there be any so temperate as to Drink little or none of these Liquors which is exceeding rare indeed yet if either of their Parents Father or Mother did frequently use them then it is Twenty to one but these Distempers are thereby conveyed and entailed on them and their Posterity Sir I could say much more upon this occasion did I think it proper for me or convenient for you but thinking there is no farther occasion for it I shall conclude with my humble Respects to you hoping you will so far oblige me as to let me have the result of your thoughts hereupon as opportunity shall offer and that you will do me the justice to believe the sincerity of my Sentiments and Intentions herein and that I am Sir Your very humble Servant T. T. POSTSCRIPT SIR I Desire you would give me leave to add a word more in this place upon the Subject matter of Fermentation as it comes just into my Head and that is the assimulation as I may say there is between all fierce and unequal Passions of the Mind and it for whether they be of Love or Hatred or the like I can conceive them to be nothing else but a stirring up the original Fires or a strong Fermented motion of the first Principles and a violation of their Law of Equity or Union and the quicker or fiercer this Ferment or turbulent Fiery motion is the more malignant are its influences and therefore in what Creature soever such a Fire is stirred up or awakened from its silent Magia or separated from the incorporating and sweet Embraces of the beloved Spouse called the Radical Humour whether the Disease be Corporal or Mental the Life is presently in danger for all such unequal motions and the continuance of them will sink Nature down to Death which is manifested in the case of Agues to go no farther wherein if the Cold Fit should continue it would quickly put a period to Life so would the Hot Fit do likewise nay the continuance of the very Sweating would do it Infallibly I might also subjoin the sad influences Fermented Liquors have to Ferment Mens Minds to the unspeakable Detriment of Human Race But to leave that I shall only farther add that what is said in Agues the like may be understood in Feavers as when a Feaver is constant and without Intermission the Life is then quickly in danger and there are rarely any Medicines found out that are capable to cure it the most Skilful Physitians then Administer at great Uncertainty but when intermitting the Danger is not so great nor the Physick so uncertain of giving Assistance The same may be also farther manifested by all the Operations of Nature and particularly in the Elements themselves whereof if any of them obtains the Ascendent the other three suffer Violence and the mischiefs are more or less according to the length of time it governs as when the Fire gets uppermost then all is Burnt up and Destroyed if the Watery part prevails the Body is Deluged and so of the other two according to their respective Natures and Properties And indeed if the Great and Adorable Creator had not set bounds and limited them by his Eternal and unalterable Law of Creation the whole System of Nature must very soon have sunk into its original Chaos or first Principles again But God hath Confined all Celestial Bodies Powers and Elements yea and the off-spring or various productions of them so as that they shall not by their fierce self-full operations and invading turbulent powers violate the Creative and Generative Method of his Law for so it is that in what thing or creature soever the Unity or Seminary Qualities are Wounded whether the same be done by the unequal operations of the Elements or by the Art and curious Fancies of Chymists or any other ways that thing is presently made uncapable to Generate or Multiply for the verity whereof the whole Creation and amazing varieties of Creatures therein are manifest Testimonies And could Mankind but understand this aright he should find upon the whole matter that the principal Business is so to Regulate the Actions of his Life that he may keep within the Bounds of Equality Unity and Concord or as near thereunto as possibly he can without which there can be neither Health of Body nor Mind in this World nor any true pleasure had in Time or Eternity Unity being the Eternal Bond of Peace in all Enjoyments Sir I Beg your Pardon heartily for my prolixity in the Postscript as well as Epistle and desire you to Believe that I am once more Your Humble Servant T. T. FINIS