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A52022 The lives of the prophets, patriarchs, apostles, &c. With the interpretation of their names: collected into an alphabetical order, for the benefit of the reader. R. M. 1695 (1695) Wing M72B; ESTC R217713 239,005 339

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from God that no admonition of the Prophets which were daily sent him could turn him And last of all when Zacharia the Son of Jehojadah came unto him to call him again unto the Lord he notwithstanding the great kindness and faithfulness of Jehojadah his Father before him caused Zacharia to be put to death for the which cause the Lord stirred up the Syrians against him which slew a great number of his People and in the end his own Servants conspired against him for his ingratitude and slew him upon his own Bed after he had reigned forty years and buried him in the City of David but not among the Kings Joash the Lords fire or the Lords oblation Joash 2 King 13.9 10 c. the Son of Jehoahas began his Reign over Israel in the xxxvii year of Joash King of Juda and did evil in the sight of the Lord grieving him with the sins of Jeroboam the Son of Nebat 2 Chron. 25.17 18 c. Of the great Victory the Lord gave Joash against Amasiah King of Juda read his story And how he visited Elizeus the Prophet in his sickness read the last end of his story also This King reigned xvi years and dyed leaving Jeroboam his Son to take his place Job Job 1. cap. was a perfect just Man dwelling in the Land of Hus and one that feared God who gave unto him seven Sons and three Daughters and also endued him with great riches His substance was 7000. sheep 3000. Camels 500. yoak of Oxen 500. she-Camels and a very great Houshold So that he was one of the most principal Men among all them of the East-Country He was so careful over his Sons lest in their banquetting they had committed some offence or been unthankful to God in their hearts that he daily would sanctifie them and offer for every one a burnt-offering unto the Lord he was a Man also replenished with such patience that Satan with all his temptations could not move him out of the same for when word was brought him how that the Sabeans had taken away his Oxen and slain his Servants and that the Lord had consumed all his Sheep with fire and that the Chaldees had taken away his Camels and how that all his Children were slain in their eldest Brother's house which the wind blew down upon them he made no more a do but said Naked came I out of my Mothers Womb and naked shall I return again The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away even as it hath pleased the Lord so is it come to pass 2. cap. blessed be the name of the Lord. Also when Satan by the permission of God had plagued Job with extreme sores even from the sole of the Foot to the crown of his Head so that he sat upon the ground in dust and ashes scraping off the filth of his sores with a Potsherd and being also inwardly afflicted with the sharp temptation of his Wife which tempted him to blaspheme God he took all in good part reproving his Wife for her foolish talking for shall we quoth he receive good at the hand of God and not receive evil not so I am as well content to suffer this adversity sent of the Lord as I was to receive the prosperity he gave me before And so Job continued in his uprightness Job 42. and was at the last restored to as many Children as he had before and to double riches He lived an hundred and forty years and saw his Childrens children to the fourth generation before he dyed Job Sorrowful or hated Jochebed Exod. 6.20 Num. 26.59 was the Daughter of Levy and * She was Amram's Father's Sister which kind of marriage was after in the Law forbidden Levit 18. born in Egypt Her Husband 's name was Amram to whom she bare three Children Aaron Moses and a Daughter called Miriam Jochebed Glorious Jokshan was the Son ‖ Gen. 25.2 1 Chron. 1.32 of Abraham begotten of his Wife Keturah his two Children were called the one Sheba and the other Dedan Jokshan Hardness or Offence Joel the Son of Phatuel was * Joel 1 2 3. cap. an holy Prophet and prophesied against the Jews exhorting the Priests to prayer and fasting for the misery that was coming at hand And giving them warning of the coming and cruelty of their enemies moved them to turn and convert And last of all he setteth out the Judgment of God against the enemies of his People Joel willing or beginning Johanan Jer. 40.13 the Son of Kareah Prophesied to Gedaliah whom Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon had made Governour over the People that he left at Jerusalem that Ishmael the Son of Nethaniah by the procurement of Baalis King of the Ammonites should kill him which came so to pass indeed as ye shall read in the story of Gedaliah After whose death 41. cap. 42. cap. Johanan with the rest of the Captains over the Jews persecuted Ishmael and recovered from him all the People which he had carried away and put Ishamael to flight Then Johanan fearing the Chaldees because of the death of Gedaliah consulted with the rest of the Captains and agreed to conveigh themselves all the People into Egypt and asked counsel of Jeremy the Prophet who had dwelt quietly in the Land under Gedaliah whether it were best so to do or no who made them answer that if they went into Egypt they should perish but if they tarried still in the Land God would surely so defend them 43.5 6 c. that the Chaldees should not hurt them yet they of a proud mind despising the counsel of Jeremy and taking his words for lies led the People away into Egypt to their utter destruction John Baptist the Son of Zachary Luk. 1. cap. was sanctified in the womb of Elizabeth his Mother and ordained of God to be an abstainer and to go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elias to prepare his way and make ready a perfect People unto him thorow preaching the amendment of life Luk. 3.3 4 c. and baptizing in the water of repentance And was a Man of so great perfection and holiness of life that the People stood in a doubt whether that he were Christ or no. And being asked the question denied plainly that he was not Christ nor Elias neither that Prophet whom they dreamed so much upon but only the voice of a cryer in the Wilderness to make streight the way of the Lord. For I do Baptise saith John in water only but there is one now come among you who although he came after me was before me whose Shoo latchet I am not worthy to unloose and he it is that shall Baptise you with the Holy Ghost John was a constant Man and lived austerely His Garment was course Cloth made of Camels hair His Meat was Locusts and wild Hony He was a Prophet and as Christ reporteth more than a Prophet
and slew thirty and six of the Israelites and chased the rest back again whereat Josua was so discomfited that he rent his clothes and called on God to know the cause of their overthrowing who made him answer that Israel could not stand before the men of Hai forasmuch as some of them had transgressed his commandment and told him the way and means how he should search it out which thing being done he found that Achan had taken of the spoil of Jericho a Babylonish garment two hundred sicles of silver and a wedge of gold which being tried and brought forth before the whole congregation Josua took Achan his sons and daughters cattel goods and all that he had and carried them out to the valley of Achor where they were stoned to death and consumed with fire Achan Troubling Achab the son of Amry 1 King 16. began his raign over Israel in the 39th year of the raign of Asa King of Juda. He took Jezabel the daughter of Ethbaal King of the Sydonites to wife by whose means he fell into all wicked and strange Idolatry and cruel persecution for the which God plagued him so 18. cap. that in three years space neither dew nor rain fell down from above to moisten the earth whereof ensued so great a Murren of men and beasts that innumerable dyed thereof and all the fault and cause of this plague he laid on Elia the Prophet and sought by all means how to destroy him 21. cap. This King was so wicked that Scripture saith he had even sold himself to work wickedness and yet notwithstanding God gave him a marvellous victory of Benhadad King of Syria who had in his company 20. cap. thirty two Kings with whom he fought twice and beat him and at the third time brought * Here God as he many times doth did punish one wicked by another him into so miserable a case that he was fain to humble himself to Achab with a rope about his neck who nevertheless had pity on that wicked King and made a bond with him and let him go Now for this mercy which Achab had shewed to Benhadad whom the Lord had cursed and put into Achabs hands to be slain God was angry with Achab and promised his utter destruction for the same 1 King 21. This greedy Cormorant was not content with his Kingdom and spoil of his victories which God had given him but caused Naboth that innocent man to be murdered only to have his vineyard which lay so nigh his nose whose bloud did cry for such vengeance of God that word was brought him by the Prophet Elia that in the same place where dogs had licked the bloud of Naboth should dogs lick his also and that he would do unto Achab and his posterity even as he had done to the house of Jeroboam and Baasha which terrible threatnings of God so frighted Achab that he * His repentance was not true but plain hypocrisie repented and humbled himself in sackcloth for the which the Lord deferred his plague and would not perform it in Achabs days but in the time of his sons reign Finally it came in the mind of Achab to go into Syria 22. cap. to recover the City of Ramoth which he claimed by inheritance And trusting more to the counsel of four hundred false Prophets than he did to Micajah the true Prophet of God he took his journey towards Ramoth and being in battel against his enemies the Syrians he was shot with an arrow standing in his Chariot of the which stroke he died And then when his Chariot was had to the pool of Samaria to be washed the dogs licked up the bloud that ran thorow the Chariot and so was the word of the Lord fulfilled which he had spoken before concerning the same He reigned twenty two years Achab The Fathers brother Achaicus 1 Cor. 16. was a faithful Christian brother whom St. Paul sent with Stephanus and Fortunatus from Philippi to the Corinthians with his Epistle Achaicus Mourning or sad Achaz look Ahaz Achior Judith 5. was Captain and governour of all the Ammonites under Holofernes and had the spirit of Prophecie so plentiful in him that when Holofernes demanded what manner of people the Jews were he stepped forth before him and said If it please thee O Prince I will tell thee of a truth what they be They are a people which came of the generation of the Chaldees and because they would not serve their gods nor yet follow their customs they went and dwelt first in Mesopotamia worshipping one God that made Heaven and Earth at whose commandment they went from thence and dwelt in the Land of Canaan where in process fell so great a Dearth that then from Canaan they went down to Egypt and dwelt among the Egyptians four hundred Years In the which space they grew to a mighty number and were sore oppressed of the King of that Land but assoon as they cryed to their God for help he sent down such Plagues upon the King and all his Land that he was fain to suffer them to depart yet when they were gone and the Plague ceased he then pursued to have brought them back again into bondage But GOD perceiving his People to be in a streight opened the Sea before them and brought them thorow on dry ground and closed the Sea upon their Enemies and so drowned Pharaoh with all his Host And now being passed the red Sea they came to the Wilderness of Mount Sinai where the Waters being bitter he made them sweet and fed them Forty Years with Meat from Heaven They had such power from their God that they cast out before them the Canaanites the Perisites the Jebusites and the Hittites with many great Nations more For so long as they stood in awe of their God and did not offend him so long was no Nation ever able to molest or hurt them But if at any time they declined from his will and Ordinance then were they quickly destroyed in Battel and brought to captivity and bondage Wherefore O Prince let inquisition now be made whether they have offended their God or no and if they have then let us go against them for God shall deliver them into thy hand But if they have not displeased their God he will so defend them that we shall not surely be able to stand before them but become a reproach unto all the World Judith 6. Now was Holofernes so mad with Achior that he commanded his Men to carry him to the Jews that he might perish with them in their destruction And as they went toward Bethulia with Achior and saw they might not come nigh the City without great peril of their lives they went to a Tree and bound him fast to the same and so leaving him went their ways Then came the Jews to Achior and loosed his Bands had him into the City and set him before the Senators who demanded
7.24 c. For John prophesied Christ to be come pointing him with his finger unto the People saying Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World whereas all the other Prophets did but prophesie of his coming long before he came Matth. 14.3 Finally John using his liberty in rebuking Vice without any accepting of Persons reproved King Herod for keeping his Brother Philip's Wife for the which he was cast into Prison and soon after lost his Head Read the story of Herod the Tetrarch and of Herodias John the Evangelist Matth. 4.21 was the Son of Zebedee and Brother to James and called from his Fisher-boat to be an Apostle of Christ John and was of all other most entirely beloved of Jesus who commended his Mother unto him at the hour of his death He wrote his Gospel against Cerinthus and other Hereticks and chiefly against the Ebionites which did affirm that Christ was not before Mary whereby he was constrained to set forth the Divine Birth of Christ In the time of the Emperor Domitian he was exiled into an Isle called Patmos where he wrote the Revelation and after the death of Domitian in the time of Pertinax he returned to Ephesus remaining there till the time of Trajanus and did raise up and set in order many Churches in Asia and did three-score years after the death of Christ and was buried at Ephesus John Mark Act. 12. ult When Paul and Barnabas had been at Jerusalem to distribute the Alms sent by the Antiochians in their return they brought this Man John sirnamed Mark with them to Antioch And when the Holy Ghost had separated Paul and Barnabas from the other Disciples to the intent that they should go and spread abroad the Gospel among the Gentiles and those that were far off they took this John Mark with them to be their Minister and Companion who bare them company from Antioch until they came to Pamphilia Act. 13.5 c. and farther would he not go but left them there and returned to Jerusalem again notwithstanding the Apostes went forth and fulfilled their office And when it came in their minds to go and visit these places again wherein they had sowed the Word of God Barnabas gave counsel to take John with them which had been their Minister before to whose mind Paul would not consent forasmuch as John of his own accord had forsaken them at Pamphilia before they had finished their work And so reasoning and disputing about this matter the contention was so sharp between these two Holy-men that the one forsook the others company And so Barnabas taking John Mark with him sailed into Cyprus Jonadab was the Son of Shimeah David's Brother 2 Sam. 13.3 and a very subtil Man He loved Amnon his Unkle David's Son above the rest of all his Brethren Of the counsel he gave to Amnon concerning his Sister Thamar Read the story of Amnon Jonadab Voluntary or Willing Jonas the Son of Amittai was an holy Prophet Jonas 1. cap. 2 King 14.25 commanded of God to go to Niniveh that great City to tell the People of their wickedness who * The Mother of this Prophet was the poor Widow of Sarepta whose Meal and Oil Elias encreased and restored her Son from death to life again notwithstanding perswaded himself by his own reason that he should nothing profit there seeing he had so long Prophesied among his own Country-men the Jews and done no good at all Wherefore he minding to flye to Tarsus got him to Joppa where he found a Ship ready payed his fare and went with them And being on the Sea a tempest rose so vehemently that the Mariners were sore afraid crying every Man unto his God and to lighten the Ship they cast all the Wares into the Sea which nothing availed Then went the Master of the Ship down under the hatches and finding Jonas fast asleep awoke him saying O thou sleeper what meanest thou arise and call upon thy God that we perish not And when no remedy could be had they agreed to cast Lots that thereby they might know for whose cause they were troubled and so doing the Lot fell on Jonas They seeing that said Tell us for whose cause we are thus troubled And what thine occupation is And what thou art And whence thou comest and whither thou goest And what Country-man thou art of what Nation I am said Jonas an Hebrew born and fear the Lord God of Heaven which made both the Sea and dry Land and am fled from his presence And when they heard that they were more afraid than before and said what shall we do unto thee that the Sea may cease from troubling of us Take me quoth Jonas and cast me into the Sea and ye shall have rest for I wot it is for my sake that this evil is come upon you Nevertheless the Men being loth to commit such a deed assayed with rowing to bring the Ship to Land And when they saw the Sea so troublous against them that it would not be they cryed unto the Lord and said O Lord let us not perish for this Man's death neither lay thou innocent bloud unto our charge For thou O Lord hast done even as thy pleasure was And so they took Jonas and cast him into the Sea which incontinent was calm and still And a certain great Fish prepared of the Lord received Jonas and swallowed him up into his body where he lay in prayer three Days and three Nights And being then cast out again on dry Land The Lord commanded him straight-way to go to Niniveh and do as he had charged him And when he came to the City was entered a days Journey in the same he cryed out saying There are yet forty days and then shall Niniveh be overthrown But when his Prophecie came to none effect by reason of the Peoples great repentance he was sore displeased and in his prayer said O Lord was not this my saying I pray thee when I was yet in my Countrey and the cause of my flying to Tarsus that thou wast a merciful God full of compassion long suffering and of great goodness and wouldest repent thee of the evil And now O Lord forasmuch as I am found false in my sayings take I beseech thee my life from me for I had rather dye than live And so Jonas got him out of the City and made him a Booth on the East side thereof And as he sat under the shadow of his Booth to see what should become of the City the Lord caused a wild Vine to spring over his Head to give him more shadow to defend the heat of the Sun from him whereof Jonas was very glad But on the next morrow when he perceived the Vine withered away and that for lack of the shadow thereof he waxed faint thorow the fervent heat of the Sun which burned him so sore he wished in himself that he
Host of Israel against whom Judah began his Conquest and slew the Canaanites and put Adonibeseck to flight but being sore pursued the Men of Judah took him and cut off both his thumbs and great toes which thing the Tyrant confessed himself by and by to be the just judgment of God for as he had done to others so had he worthily received again And so he was carried to Jerusalem and there dyed Adonibeseck the Lords Thunder Adramelech the Son of Senacherib King of Assyria 2 King 19● with his Brother Saresa slew their Father in the Temple as he was worshipping his God Nisroch and fled into the Land of Armenia leaving Asarhaddon their other Brother to possess the Kingdom after their Father Adramelech the Kings Cloak or his Greatness or Power or the greatness of Counsel Aduram was Receiver of all Rehoboams Tribute and being sent in Commission to pacifie the People which were divided and fallen from the King 1 King 12. 2 Chron. 10. they for hatred they bare to Rehoboam took this Man and stoned him to death Aduram Their Cloak or their power or greatness Agag was a very fat Man 1 Sam. 15. and King of the Amalekites which Nation God had commanded to be utterly destroyed And because King Saul had reserved Agag alive and not killed him with the rest the Lord was grievously displeased with Saul and would not suffer Agag so to escape but sent Samuel to execute his judgment upon him who calling for Agag he came out unto him very pleasantly fearing nothing less but that all bitterness of death had been past but contrary to his expectation Samuel said unto him As thy sword hath made Women childless so shall thy Mother be childless among other women and with that he fell upon Agag and hewed him in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal Agag An House or cellar Agabus was a certain Prophet Act. 11.28 which came from Jerusalem to Antioch where he prophesied of a great dearth that should be thorowout all the World which came to pass as this Prophet had said in the Emperour Claudius's days Also while Paul lay at Cesarea in the House of Philip the Evangelist purposing to keep his Journey to Jerusalem Act. 21.10 this Prophet chancing to come thither took Pauls girdle and therewithall bound his own hands and feet saying Thus saith the Holy Ghost so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the Man that oweth this girdle and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles Agabus A Grashopper Agar was Handmaid to Sarah Abraham's Wife Gen. 16. which Sarah being long barren and childless gave Agar her Maid unto Abraham to be his Wife who being conceived and feeling her self with Child began to despise and set light by Sarah her Mistress for the which Sarah complained to Abraham her Husband who giving her power to correct the Maid at her pleasure she began to deal so roughly with Agar that in no wise she would abide it but ran away into the Wilderness and sitting there beside a Fountain of Water not knowing whither to go an Angel appeared unto her and said Agar from whence comest thou and whither intendest thou to go I flee said Agar from Sarah my Mistress who dealeth so hardly with me that I am even weary of my life Well said the Angel return to thy Dame again and submit thy self under her hands for the Lord will so encrease thy seed that it shall not be numbred for multitude Thou art with child and shalt bear a Son whose Name shall be Ishmael Then Agar giving God thanks for his consolation in trouble returned home again to Sarah her Mistress submitting her self unto her and in process of time brought forth her son shmael as the Angel had said Gen. 21. But when it pleased God to visit Sarah that she conceived and brought forth Isaac a new contention arose between Sarah and Agar for their children for Sarah perceiving Ishmael to be a mocker and a despiser of Isaac would not suffer Ishmael to company with her Son Isaac but made her complaint to Abraham causing Him to put both Agar and her Son away which thing although it grieved Abraham so to do yet being comforted of God that he would multiply Ishmael because he was of his seed he obeyed the voice of Sarah his wife and with provision of victuals sent Agar away with her Son to shift for her self Then Agar being departed from Abraham gat her into the Forest of Beersheba where she wandred so long up and down till all her provision of Meat was spent and gone And when she saw no remedy but that both she and her child must needs perish for lack of sustenance she laid down the child behind a bush and went her self away because she would not see it dye and as she sat afar off mourning and weeping for her Son she was comforted again by the Angel of God who had so provided for her and her son that they were both relieved and lived together a long time after to her great joy and comfort Agar A Stranger Aggeus was one of the Twelve Prophets which prophesied in the time of Zorobabel 1 Esd 5. King of the Jews and rebuked them for that they were slack in the work of the Lord. Aggeus Solemn festival or winding and turning himself Agrippa was a certain King Act. 25. who as Paul reporteth had good knowledge in the Law and Prophets but understood not the true applying of the same Which King on a time came to Cesarea to see Festus and to welcome him into the Country who was then but newly entred into his office And being there a good while with Festus and hearing of him what a-do there was about Paul whom the Jews had accused unto him was much desirous to see the Man and to hear him speak Whereupon the next day following Paul was brought into the common Hall before Agrippa and other Magistrates of the City there assembled to hear his cause And when Festus had declared for what purpose he had brought forth Paul that after examination had he might have somewhat of certainty to write to Cesar 26 cap. to whom Paul had appealed Agrippa permitted the Prisoner to speak and to say what he could for himself Who then so approved his innocency by rehearsing his conversation before the audience that Agrippa interrupting him confessed and said unto Paul Thou hast almost perswaded me to become a Christian And when the Prisoner had ended his discourse the King arose and all the Court among whom was much secret talk of Paul and for a final sentence Agrippa said unto Festus I see no worthy cause of death or of bands in this Man but that he might have been loosed if he had not appealed to Cesar Agrippa is a Latine word and signifieth That which hardly laboureth or travelleth in childbearing or delivering Also he which at his birth cometh with his feet forward Ahaz the
by drinking out of a cup made of an horses hoof supposed to be the device of Aristotle sometime his Master and Antipater Lieutenant of Macedonia the Son of Philip King of Macedonia slew Darius King of the Persians and Medes and conquered the most part of all the World in less than twelve years space whereof he became so proud that God was displeased with him And being visited with sickness so sore that he must needs die he called all his Lords and Princes before him and divided his kingdom among them So that they after his death were crowned and reigned as Kings every one severally in his own Dominion as was to them appointed He reigned xii years Alexander An aider or a helper manly or very valiant Alexander 1 Mac. 10. the Son of Noble Antiochus took the City of Ptolemais and after that moved War against Demetrius who to prevent Alexander sent Ambassadours to Jonathas Governour of the Jewes to have his friendship promising him as many fair and large offers as he could devise But forasmuch as Jonathas had experience of his deceitful dealings and how cruel an Enemy he had always been unto the Jews Nation he refused the offer of Demetrius and joyned in League with Alexander knowing him to be a faithful Prince and ever his friend And so Alexander having the Jews aid joyned Battail with Demetrius in the which conflict Alexander slew Demetrius and overcame all his Host Now when Alexander had conquered the Land and was set in the Throne of his Progenitors a marriage was concluded between Him and Cleopatra the Daughter of Ptolemy King of Egypt which was finished at the City of Ptolemais at the which triumph Alexander made Jonathas a Duke and Partner of his Dominion and after that for his worthiness gave him the City of Accaron 11 cap. Alexander now lying at Antioch and hearing how the Cilicians had rebelled against him marched toward them with a great power to suppress the Rebellion And being there busied with his enemies Ptolomy in the mean season defeated him of his kingdom and took his Daughter Cleopatra and gave her to Demetrius the Son of Demetrius in marriage Alexander hearing of this returned home with all his Host but Ptolomy being too strong for him chased Alexander out of his Realm who for succour fled into Arabia where the King of that Land against all Law of Arms smote off his head and sent it to Ptolomy for a present Alexander a Jew born and a Ruler at Ephesus Act. 19. what time as Demetrius the Silversmith moved Sedition in the City against Paul for the Goddess Diana was in the rage drawn out of the Common Hall and going forward beckoned with his hand to have spoken but till the Town-Clark had ceased the noise which lasted two hours he could not be heard And then to pacifie the people more by worldly wisdom than for any respect he had to Religion he said Ye Men of Ephesus what Man is he that knoweth not how that the City of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great Goddess Diana and of the Image which came from Jupiter Seeing then that no Man gain sayeth it ye ought to be content and to do nothing rashly For ye have brought hither these Men which are neither robbers of Churches neither yet despisers of your Goddess Wherefore if Demetrius and the Crafts-men which are with him have any matter against any Man the Law is open and there are Rulers let them accuse one another But if ye go about any other thing it may be determined in a lawful Assembly For we are in jeopardy to be accused of this days uproar forasmuch as there is no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse of People And when he had thus spoken each Man departed Alexander the Coppersmith 1 Tim. 1. forsook the faith and became such an Enemy unto the Gospel 2 Tim. 4. that he withstood Paul's preaching and did him much displeasure for the which Paul delivered him unto Satan that is excommunicated him out of the Church desiring the Lord to reward him as he had deserved Alcimus was a Jew born 1 Mac. 7. and come of the Seed of Aaron who notwithstanding became so wicked a Man that he forsook the Laws of his own Nation to maintain the abominations of the Heathen And for the hatred he bare to Machabeus and the Jews he took unto him a sort of loofe and ungodly Persons and went to Demetrius unto whom he made a grievous complaint upon Judas Machabeus seigning that he had slain all the King's friends and driven him and his company out of their own Land wherefore he willed Demetrius to choose out some Noble Captain to go and avenge the King's quarrel on Judas Upon the which complaint of Alcimus the King sent Bachides against Judas and made Alcimus the High-Priest who was such an enemy unto the Jews as the like was not among the Heathen for all his study was how he might either by word or deed work their utter confusion And finally to manifest his great malice towards his own Country-men and the Laws of God he commanded the Walls of the inmost Sanctuary with the Monuments of the Prophets to be cast down and destroyed But as this wicked Apostate went about his devilish purpose the hand of God fell upon him and smote him with such an incurable Palsie that his mouth was shut up and so like a miserable wretch he dyed Alcimus Strong Amaleh was the Son of Eliphaz the Son of Esau Gen. 36. born unto him of Thymna his Concubine of whom came the Kinred of the Amalekites Exod. 17. This King when Moses had brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt and were come into the Wilderness of Raphidim where they both lacked water and were wearied with their long journey would not suffer them to pass quietly thorow his Land but came forth with weapon and waged Battel against them In the which Battel Joshua guided the Host of Israel while Moses went to pray And so long as Moses held up his hands and prayed so long had Israel the better but when he let them fall Amalek had the better Then Aaron and Hur perceiving Moses hands to be weary gat them up to Moses and staid his hands the one on the one side and the other on the other side so long till Joshua had discomfited Amalek with all his Host And for this cruelty of Amalek God sware unto Moses that he would utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under Heaven 1 Sam. 15. Which promise he performed in the days of King Saul Amalek a licking people Aman look Haman Amasa was the Son of Jether and Abigail 2 Sam. 17. David's sister was his Mother This Amasa what time as Absalom rose against his Father David was made Captain over Absalom's Host and after the death of Absalom David received him to favour 19. c. swearing he should
was content to be at peace with him and to make all Jewry free Which being done all the Land was in such quietness that Demetrius sent away his Host all save a few strangers whereat the Host was displeased Then Tryphon who had been aforetime of Alexander's party perceiving Demetrius Host to murmur against him moved Antiochus the Son of Alexander to War against Demetrius who being now in great fear of the Men of Antioch with whom he had somewhat to do sent to Jonathas to have his aid who sent him three thousand of such picked Men that delivered Demetrius out of danger and slew an hundred thousand of the Antiochians so that the rest were fain to cast down their Weapons and to yield them to Demetrius who notwithstanding the great fidelity of Jonathas and the benefit he had done him after he was at rest again did not reward him accordingly but most deceitfully dissembled and withdrew himself from Jonathas and vexed him and the Jews very sore After this came Tryphon with all the Host which Demetrius had put away and fought against Demetrius and put him to flight and made him fain at the last to go into Media to seek aid and help where Arsaces King of the Land took him 1 Mac. 14. and kept him in ward as a Prisoner during his life Demetrius Ad. 19.24 c. This Man was a Silversmith by his occupation dwelling at Ephesus which made silver Shrines and Tabernacles for Diana the Goddess And forasmuch as Paul by the space of two years had preached there against Images made with Man's hand saying that they were no Gods He lest his profit should decay called together all such as had advantage by making Images of Diana and all Craftsmen of the same occupation who he knew would favour his cause and began to say unto them on this wise Masters ye know that by this Craft we have our living moreover ye see and hear that not only at Ephesus but almost thorowout all Asia this Paul hath perswaded and turned away much People saying That they be no Gods which are made with hands So that not only this our Craft cometh into peril and to be set at naught But also that the Temple of the great Goddess Diana should be despised and her magnificence destroyed which all Asia and the World worshippeth With this seditious Oration made by Demetrius the People were in such a fury that they cryed out saying Great is Diana of the Ephesians and with that rushed into the common Hall with one assent where they missing of Paul caught two of his companions in the which rage some cryed one thing and some another and were so far out of order that the most part knew not the cause of their concourse together so that with great difficulty the matter was pacified Read the story of Alexander the Jew born in the same place Demetrius This was a faithful Christian 3 John 12. v. having for a testimony thereof a good report as well of Paul himself as of all other to be an earnest favourer of the Gospel of Christ Denis or Dionysius was a certain Senator Act. 17. ult whom Paul converted at the City of Athens and instituted him Bishop thereof In Fasciculus temporum it is written that this Denis was martyred in France whereby it may evidently be gathered that the Gospel of Christ our Saviour was preached in France in the Apostles time or very near thereto Diana Act. 19.28 was a Goddess whom the Ephesians most superstitiously worshipped Diana Latinum est Read Demetrius the Silversmith and Alexander the Jew Diotrephes 3 John 9 vers was so wicked a Man and so malicious an enemy unto the Christian Brethren that he could not speak well of them nor yet abide to hear other give them good report he would neither receive them himself nor suffer those that would but thrust them out of the Church Diotrephes Nourished of Jupiter Dives Luk. 16.19 c. the rich and covetous Glutton so much delighted and gloried in his great abundance of Treasure fine and costly apparel sumptuous and delicious fare each day that his whole felicity and pleasure was only in pampering up of himself having no compassion were his misery never so great on the poor and needy as it did appear by Lazarus the Begger lying at his gates and looking for some relief of the scraps that fell from his board But when this glutton was dead and his body with pomp brought to his Grave and his Soul also in the torments of Hell He then lifting up his eyes and beholding Abraham a great way off and the Begger with him in joy cryed out to Abraham requesting him that Lazarus might now come down and dip the tip of his finger in water to slake the great heat of his Tongue for I am saith he most grievously tormented in this ardent flame But to this and his other most vain and fantastical request he made for his Brethren to have them admonished by one that came from the dead Abraham made answer and said That for so much as he had consumed and spent away the time of his life voluptuously in the pleasures and delights of the World and would at no time repent he therefore was now most justly condemned to suffer perpetual pain in the fire of Hell Dives Rich. Doeg an Edomite born was King Saul's Servant and the Master of them that kept his Cattel 1 Sam. 21 7.22.9-19 When David came to Ahimelech the Priest of Nob and had received the Shew-bread with the Sword of Goliah This Doeg was * Bv Doeg saith Saint Ausin is signified Anrichrist which with false sig●● and seigned Miracles shall move all the World before the coming of the Lord to Judgment And as Doeg wrought wickedness for the pleasing of King Saul by whom is signified the Devil So shall Antichrist move and stir the World unto sin for the pleasing of the Devil and advancing of his name there present the same day tarrying to worship before the Lord and saw and heard all things that were done between them And when he was returned home and had waited his time when he might best pleasure the King he accused Ahimelech of all that he had done unto David And when the King had judged that good and godly Man to dye this Doeg at the King's commandment all other refusing that wicked deed fell upon Ahimelech with his Sword and slew both him and all the Priests of the Lord to the number of 85. Doeg Careful or vehemently moved Dorcas was ‖ a certain godly Woman and a Disciple of Christ dwelling at Joppa who in her life time had been vertuously occupied and specially in the works of mercy relieving the poor and needy And while Peter was preaching and doing his office at Lydda which was not far from Joppa it was her chance to fall sick and dye And when her friends had done with washing the dead Corpse
or Couch whereon the Queen fate and besought her grace for his life And when the King came in again and found him with the Queen he said Will he force the Queen also before me in the house Which word was no sooner gone out of the Kings mouth but Haman's * It was the manner of the Persians when one was out of the Kings favour to cover his face face was covered and so had out and hanged upon the Gallows which he had prepared in his own house for Mardocheus Read the story of Esther and of Mardocheus Haman Troubling or making burly burly or preparing Hanani was a Prophet sent of God to Asa King of Juda declaring unto him 2 Chron. 16 7 c. how greatly he had displeased the Lord for making a Covenant with Benhadad King of Syria and for doing his message was cast into Prison Read the story of Asa Hanani Gracious or Merciful or Giving Hananiah the Son of Azur was a false Prophet Jer. 28. cap. which prophesied unto the People of Israel that God would break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon from the neck of all Nations within the space of two years and in token thereof took the yoke from the Prophet Jeremies neck and brake it But Jeremy the true Prophet of God reproved the false prophecie of Hananiah saying That in stead of the yoke of wood which he had taken from his neck the Lord would put a yoke of Iron upon the necks of all these Nations that they should serve the King of Babylon and that the false Prophet Hananiah himself should dye the same year which things came truly to pass as Jeremy had spoken Hananiah Grace of the Lord. Hanun was the Son of Nahash King of the Ammonites 2 Sam. 10.1 unto whom David most gently sent to comfort him upon the death of his Father which gentleness was most ungently and unthankfully taken of the Lords and Councellors of the young King Hanun Who perswaded the young King that David had not sent to comfort him upon the death of his Father But had rather sent a sort of spies under the colour of friendship to seek the means how to destroy his Cities and whole Realm Upon the which false and unhonest surmise of his wicked Counsellers Hanun caused the one half of every Mans Beard to be shaven and their Garments to be cut off hard by the Buttocks and so sent them home again to David with much shame and disgrace Ingratitude punished Upon which occasion David became his utter enemy and made such sore War against him that in conclusion Hanun was taken and lost his Regal Crown which David put upon his own Head and wore it before Hanun's face and carried away all his Treasure and Jewels took his People whereof some he sawed in two pieces over other some he caused Carts new and sharp shod with Iron to be driven some he took and shred their flesh as Cooks do Pye-meat and cast other some in hot burning Ovens Thus was Hanun rewarded for his ingratitude Hanun Faithful or true a Schoolmaster and the Mothers Son or Child Hazael 2 King 8 8 c. was a certain great Man which served Benhadad King of Syria which Benhadad fortuning to fall sick sent Hazael to Eliseus the Prophet to know whether he should recover of his disease or no. And when the Prophet saw Hazael he could not look him in the face for shame but cast his Head aside and wept Then Hazael marvelling at the Prophets behaviour towards him demanded of Eliseus wherefore he wept I weep quoth the Prophet to see the great evils that thou shalt do to the Children of Israel Thou shalt break down their strong Cities and set them on fire and slay their young Men with the Sword and dash the brains out of the sucking Children and rent in pieces the Women with Child Then said Hazael dost thou make thy Servant a Dog that I should lack so much humanity and pity to do these things Well said the Prophet thou shalt do as I have said for the Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be King of Syria And so Hazael departed home to the King his Master and told him that he should recover for so the Prophet had said unto him But on the next morrow when Hazael saw his time he took a thick * Under the pretence to refresh or ease him he stifled him with this cloth 2 King 8. 28 2 Chron. 22. cloth and dipt it in Water and spread it so on the King's face that he dyed After whose death Hazael raigned in his stead And being stablished in his Kingdom he made War with Joram King Ahab's Son and was a cruel adversary to Israel all the days of his life Hazael seeing God Helkiah was the High-Priest in the days of Josias 2 King 22.8 who in repairing the Temple of the Lord chanced by the providence of God to find the Book of the Law * The Copy that Moses left them as appeareth 2 Chron. 34.14 the which he sent to the King by Shaphan the Scribe which he read unto him Helkiah the Lords portion or part the Lords lenity or gentleness Heliodorus being in great favour with Seleucus 2 Mac. 3. cap. King of Asia and Steward of his House was sent to Jerusalem to fetch away the treasure out of the Temple which one Symon the Governour thereof had betrayed unto the King And being come to Jerusalem he was lovingly received of Onias the High-Priest into the City But when Heliodorus had uttered the cause of his coming and that his Commission was to bring the Money unto the King there was no small fear thorowout the whole City For then all men from the highest to the lowest were so oppressed with sorrow and heaviness that they knew not what to do but fell to prayer lifting up their eyes to Heaven and calling upon him which had made a Law concerning stuff given to keep that he would safely preserve the same which was there committed in custody And while the Priests and People were thus lamenting and crying upon God and on the other side Heliodorus personally with his Men of War about the Treasury There appeared an Horse with a terrible Man sitting upon him deck'd in Harness of Gold which Horse smote at Heliodorus with his fore-feet to beat him from the place Also there appeared two fair and beautiful young Men in goodly apparel which stood on each side of Heliodorus and scourged him so long that he fell down to the ground as dead and so was carried out of the Temple without speech or hope of life whereby the great power of God was manifest and known Then certain of Heliodorus friends besought Onias to call upon God to give him his life who was even at that time giving up the ghost Then Onias lest the King should suspect the Jews had done him some harm called upon God and obtained his life
in a Book which is called Ecclesiasticus or the wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach Iesus otherwise called Justus was a Jew born Col. 4.11 and one of Paul's Workfellows in preaching and setting forth the Kingdom of God whom he commended to the Colossians desiring them that if he or any such did come unto them they should receive and entreat them with all gentleness Iethro the Priest of Midian had seven Daughters Exod. 4.18.18 cap. of the which one was called Zipporah whom he married to Moses And when that Jethro had heard of all the mighty deeds which God had done for Moses and how he had delivered the Children of Israel out of Egypt from the Bondage of Pharaoh and brought them thorow the red Sea he met Moses in the Wilderness and brought to him his Wife and two Children which he had sent back before at whose coming Moses was exceeding glad Then as Jethro abode with Moses and saw the great pains he took in judging the People from Morning to Night he said unto him What is this that thou dost unto the People Why sittest thou thy self alone and all the People stand about thee from morning unto even When the People quoth Moses have any matter they come unto me and I judge between one and another and declare unto them the Statutes and Laws of God Thou dost not well quoth Jethro for thou both weariest thy self The counsel of Jethro Moses Father-in-law and the People that is with thee The thing is of more weight than thou art able to perform alone Therefore hear my counsel and God shall prosper thee Be thou for the People to God-ward and report the causes to him Admonish them of the ordinances and laws and shew them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do Moreover seek out among the People men of courage and such as fear God true dealing men hating covetousness and appoint them to be Rulers over thousands over hundreds over fifties and over tens And let them judge the people at all seasons and every great matter let them bring it to thee but all small causes let them judge themselves and so shall it be easier for thee when they shall bear the burthen with thee If thou shalt do this thing and God so command thee thou shalt be able to endure and all the People shall go quietly to their place Jethro Excellent or remaining or searching forth or a little cord Ioab ● Sam. 2. cap. was the Son of Zerviah David's Sister and the chief Captain of all David's Host In the first Battel he made against Abner King Saul's Captain he was the Victor and put Abner to flight and of malice afterward by treason slew him for the which deed David was sore offended 3.27 23 c. that he besought God to avenge it on Joab and that his House and Posterity might always be plagued with the bloody-flux leprosie feebleness of Body the Sword or Famine for the death of Abner Joab also was the death of Absalom ● Sam. 38.15 and slew him as he hanged by the hair of his head upon the bough of a tree And when it was told him of the great lamentation the King made for Absalom his Son he went unto him and said Thou hast this day shamed the faces of all thy servants 19.5 c. which this day have saved thy life and the lives of all thy Sons and Daughters and the lives of thy Wives and Concubines in that thou lovest thine enemies and hatest thy friends For thou hast declared this day that thou regardest neither thy Princes nor servants Therefore I do perceive that if Absalom had lived and all we had been slain this day that then it had pleased thee well Now therefore up and come out and speak comfortably unto thy servants for I swear by the Lord except thou come out there will not tarry one Man with thee this Night and that will be worse unto thee than all the evil that fell on thee from thy youth hitherto 20. cap. Also in persecuting of Sheba which had made a new insurrection against David he met Amasa his Aunts Son by the way and * Lyra supposeth that Joab slew Amasa of envy because David had made an oath in the Chapter before that Amasa should be his Captain in Joab's stead slew him and leaving him dead on the ground he followed Sheba and besieged him in a City called Abel where the Governess of the City being a wise Woman cried unto Joab demanding why he went about to destroy that City which was a Mother of Israel and to devour the Inheritance of the Lord before he had offered peace To whom he answered saying That he went about no such matter but I come quoth he for Sheba the Son of Bichri deliver me him and I will be gone and as soon as the head of Sheba was thrown over the Wall to Joab he departed Finally after the death of David who had ordained Solomon to Reign in his stead Joab took part with ddonijah Solomon's Brother which usurped the Kingdom and went about with all his power to stablish him in David's seat But when he heard Solomon proclaimed by David's authority he fled to the Tabernacle of the Lord out of the which he would not depart but catching hold on the * The holiness of the place ought not to save the wilful murtherer Exod. 21.14 corners of the Altar said he would even in that place dye Then Solomon hearing thereof commanded Benaiah to go and kill him even there for the bloud of Abner and Amasa which he had shed causlesly And so was Joab slain in the Tabernacle and carried out and buried in his own House in the Wilderness Joab willing or voluntary Joanna Luk. the Wife of Chuza Herod's Steward was a godly Woman and ministred unto Christ of her substance while he lived And after he had suffered his Passion she went with other Women to seek him at his Sepulchre And being told by the Angels that he was not there returned to the Apostles to bring them tidings of his Resurrection which seemed to them but feigned things and therefore believed them not Joanna the grace of the Lord or the Lord's gift or the Lord's mercy Joash 2 King 11. 12. cap. the youngest Son of Ahaziah King of Juda was stollen away from the hands of Athaliah his Grandmother by his Sister Jehosheba Wife to Jehojadah the High-Priest and hid in the Lords house and brought up in the Chamber where the Priests and Levites lay the space of six years and in the seventh year Jehojadah brought him forth and proclaimed him King who in all things sought the Lord so long as Jehojadah lived He repaired the Temple He slew Mattan the Priest of Baal and brake down his Altars with many other good things 2 Chron. 24. But after the death of Jehojadah he fell so far
the King of Juda and the King of Edom by whose help and chiefly Eliseus read the place in his story he overcame the Moabites Also the Syrians could lye no where but Joram had knowledge by Eliseus who told him of all their secret lurking places by which means Joram ever saved himself Wherefore the King of Syria sent and besieged the Town round about where the Prophet Eliseus lay And as his Servant was going forth in the Morning about his Master's business and saw the Town so compassed with enemies he ran ‖ in again crying Alas Master what shall we do for the Syrians are come upon us Fear not quoth Eliseus for they that be with us are more than they that be with them And by and by the eyes of his Servant were so opened that he saw the Mountains lye full of Horses and fiery Chariots to defend his Master And now when the Syrians were come to Eliseus and thought themselves surest of him they were at his prayer smitten with such blindness that they could not know the Prophet when he spake unto them saying that that was not the Town where the Man lay which they sought but follow me quoth he and I will bring you to the place where he is and so he led them forth and brought them into the City of Samaria where Joram lay who seeing now his Enemies to be in his power said to Eliseus Father shall I smite them No said he Smite those which thou takest with thine own Sword and Bow but rather set Bread and Water before them that they may eat and drink and so depart to their Master Then the King prepared a great refection for the Syrians and filled their Bellies well and sent them home again for the which gentle intreaty of Joram the King of Syria never troubled him more After this when Benhadad King of Syria had besieged Samaria so long till Women were constrained to eat their own Children Joram took such displeasure with Eliseus laying the cause upon him that in his fury he sent to take away his Head Which thing being revealed to the Prophet he said to his Friends that were with him in his House See ye not how this Mutherer's Son hath sent to take away my Head Take heed and be circumspect when the Messenger cometh and keep him at the Door for the sound of his Masters feet is behind him which was even so for the King's mind altered he followed the Messenger and came to the Prophet himself saying This evil is of the Lord and what more shall I look for of him 2 King 7 1 c. No more said the Prophet For to morrow this time shall a Bushel of fine Flowre be sold for a shekel and two Bushels of Barley for another shekel in the Gate of Samaria which came so to pass the next day for the great Host of the Syrians at the sound of the feet of four Lepers were run away and had left all their Tents behind them 9.24 c. Finally to fulfil the word of the Lord concerning the destruction of Ahab's Posterity Joram was slain with an Arrow shot by Jehu and his Body cast into a Plat of Ground that was Naboth the Jesraelite's after he had reigned twelve years Joram 2 King 8.16 2 Chron. 21. the Son of Jehosaphat was two and thirty years old when he began to reign over Juda. He married King Ahab's Daughter whose wicked steps he followed He slew all his own Brethren with divers of his Nobles The Edomites which had been subject from David's time hitherto rebelled now against Joram Also Libna which was a certain City in Juda given to the Levites Josh 21.13 would no more be under his hand because he had forsaken the Lord God of their Fathers Finally The Prophet's Letter the Prophet Eliseus to admonish him of his wickedness wrote to Joram on this wise The Lord saith because thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehosaphat thy Father nor in the ways of Asae thy Grandfather but in the ways of the Kings of Israel and hast made Juda to go a whoring after the House of Ahab and hast also slain thy Brethren even thy Fathers house who were better Men than thy self Therefore with a great Plague will the Lord smite thy Folk thy Children thy Wives and all thy Goods And thou shalt be diseased in thy Bowels which day by day shall fall out of thy Body And so the Lord stirred up against Joram the Philistines the Arabians with the Ethiopians which wasted his Countrey and carried away his substance his Wives and all his Sons save Ahaziah the youngest and smote him with an incurable Disease in his Bowels which held him two years till all his Guts fell out and so he died after he had reigned eight years Joram the highness of the Lord. Jehosaphat the Son of Asa 1 King 15.24 began his Reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab King of Israel and walked in the old ways of his Father David and in the Commandments of God and not in the ways of Israel This godly King to have the fear of the Lord renewed among his People in the third year of his Reign sent certain of his Lords thorowout all his Realm and with them godly learned and ancient Fathers of the Levites with the Book of the Law whose Commission was to see all Idolatry and superstition suppressed and the Laws of God purely and sincerely taught and followed which was so diligently done that the fear of the Lord fell so upon all the Kingdoms round about him that no Man troubled him but presented him with gifts The Philistines with Tribute-money the Arabians with Cattel so that within a while he grew into great riches and honor And being thus endued with abundance of treasure and substance he joyned affinity with Ahab taking his part against the Syrians where notwithstanding the Lord preserved him and brought him safe home again But forsomuch as in his absence the People were somewhat swerved from the Lord the Prophet John came to him and said Because thou hast helped the ungodly and loved them whom the Lord doth hate the wrath of God is come upon thee nevertheless good things are found in thee because thou hast taken away the Groves out of the Land and hast prepared thine heart to seek God Then Jehosaphat fearing the Lord went about all his Realm to bring the People again unto the Lord And when he had set godly Judges and Levites in every City the one to judge in temporal causes and the other in matters of the Lord he gave to either of them his charge saying first to the Judges on this wise Take heed ye Judges what ye do for ye execute not the judgment of Man but of God which is with you in judgment wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you and take heed and be doing the thing that pleaseth him for there is no unrighteousness
look if Toby were dead that he might bury him before day light And when it was told him they were both sound and fast asleep he praised God and caused his Men to fill up the Grave again and made a great Feast to all his Neighbours and Friends And gave to Toby the half of all his Goods and made him a sure writing for the other half that remained to be his also after his death And at the day of their departure delivered the Goods and taking his leave said The holy Angel of the Lord be with you in your Journey and bring you forth safe and sound that ye may find all things in good case with your Elders and that mine eyes may see your Children before I die and so kissed them and let them go Raguel a Shepherd of God Rathumus 3 Esd 2. cap. with other Officers under Artaxerxes King of Persia writeth unto him against the Jews on this wise Sir thy Servants Rathumus the story writer Sabellius the Scribe with other Judges of the Court in Celosyria and Phinehes Be it known and manifested to our Lord the King that the Jews which are come up from you to us into the rebellious and wicked City begin to build it again and the Walls about it and to set up the Temple a-new Now if this City and the Walls thereof be set up again they will not only refuse to give Tributes and Taxes but also rebel utterly against the King And for so much as they take this in hand now about the Temple we thought it not meet to pass over such a thing but to shew it unto our Lord the King And to certifie him thereof To the intent that if it might please the King to cause it to be sought in the Books of old and thou shalt find such warning written and shalt understand that this City hath always been rebellious and disobedient that it hath subdued Kings and Cities and that the Jews which dwelt therein have ever been a rebellious obstinate unfaithful and fighting People for the which cause this City is wasted Wherefore now we certifie our Lord the King that if this City be builded and occupied again and the Walls thereof set up a-new thou canst have no passage into Celosyria and Phenice And when Rathumus and the other had received the King's answer they got them to Jerusalem with an Host of Men and made the Jews cease from their building which was not begun again until the second year of King Darius Rebecca Gen. 24. cap. was the Daughter of Bethuel and Sister to Laban As she went on a time with a Pitcher upon her Head to the common Well without the City to draw Water it chanced Abraham's servant to stand by the Well with ten Camels lying thereabout And when the Maid had filled her Pot and set it upon her Head ready to go away the Man desired to drink a little of her Water who forthwith set down her Pot and gave him drink And when he had drunken she poured out the rest into the Water trough and ran again to the Well and drew Water for his Camels until they had all drunken their fill Then the Man in hope the Lord had made his Journey prosperous took out a Golden ear-ring and two Bracelets of Gold and gave them to the Maid demanding whose Daughter she was I am quoth she the Daughter of Bethuel the Son of Milcah which she bare unto Nahor Then tell me I pray thee is there room in thy Father's House for us to lodge in Yea quoth she there is both Room and Lodging and also Litter and Provender enough for your Beasts Blessed be God quoth he that hath dealt so mercifully with my Master and hath brought me the right way to my Master's Brothers House Then Rebecca hearing him speak of her Fathers Brother ran home and told all things what the Man had said And as Laban beheld his Sister and saw the Ear rings and Bracelets upon her Hands he ran out to the man and with gentle entertainment brought him into the House and saw his Camels drest and provided for and also set Meat before him to eat But the Man would not eat before he had declared the cause wherefore his Master had sent him which being done and his request granted he ate and made merry and tarried all night And on the morrow as the Man made haste to go his way the Damosel was called forth to know whether she would go with the Man or no and being content to go with the Man he would not tarry but took the Maid and had her to Isaac his Master's Son whose Wife she became And being twenty years without a Child at last she conceived with two and when she felt them strive within her womb she made her moan to God saying Seeing it is so why am I thus with child God made her answer saying There are two manner of People in thy womb two Nations shall be divided out of thy bowels And the one Nation shall be mightier than the other And the elder shall be servant to the younger And so when her time was come to be delivered she brought forth two Twins the one named Esau and the other Jacob. Which two became mighty Men but Rebecca loved Jacob better than Esau and to prefer him before the other she said Hear me my Son Jacob I have heard thy Father say to thy Brother go and kill some Venison and make me meat thereof that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before I dye Now therefore my Son hear my Voice in that which I command thee Get thee to the Flock and bring me thence two good Kids that I may make meat of them for thy Father such as he loveth and thou shalt bring it him to eat that he may bless thee before his death Then said Jacob My Brother Esau is a rough Man and if my Father shall happen to feel me I shall seem unto him as if I went about to deceive him and so shall I bring a curse upon me and not a blessing Well said Rebecca upon me be thy curse my Son only hear my Voice and go and fetch me them And when he had brought the Kids and that she had drest the Meat and made it ready she fetcht out certain Raiment of Esau's and put it upon Jacob and covered his hands and the smooth of his Neck with Goat-skins and put the Meat in his hand to carry to his Father by which policy of Rebecca Jacob had his Brother's blessing And when she heard how his Brother threatned to kill him for stealing away his blessing she told it Jacob saying Thy Brother Esau threatneth to slay thee therefore my Son hear my voice Make thee ready and get thee to Laban my Brother at Haran and tarry with him a while until thy Brother's fierceness be asswaged and that his wrath be turned away from thee and he forget the things which thou
noble Isle of Crete And in every City within the Isle Titus ordained an Overseer which we call a Bishop for the which cause Paul prescribed unto him the true form of a Bishop or Shepherd of Christ's Flock Titus Honourable Toby was a godly Man of the Tribe and City of Nephtali And being brought into great captivity Tob. 1. in the days of Salmanasar King of Assyria yet would he not forsake the way of truth nor worship the golden Calves as others did neither yet defile himself with the Heathens meat but always kept his heart pure unto God For the which the Lord gave him such favour in the sight of Salmanasar the King that Toby had power to go where he would and to do whatsoever he listed Then Toby having this liberty went about comforting all those that were in Prison both with his goods and godly exhortations Such was his daily exercise to feed the hungry to cloath the naked and to bury the dead with such like deeds of Charity And when the time came that Sennacherib which hated the Children of Israel raigned in his Father's stead and in his wrath slew many of them Toby buried their bodies for the which the King commanded to slay him and to take away his goods who nevertheless through friendship escaped and fled And after the Kings death being slain of his own Sons within xlv days after Tob. 2. Toby returned and was restored to his goods again and called his kindred and friends together and made a great feast And sitting at the Table with his Guests one told him there lay an Israelite slain in the street who then immediately leapt from the Board and went fasting to the dead Corpse and brought him home to his house where he hid him privily until the Sun was down and then buried him For the which deed his friends reproved him because he had been in danger but a little before even for the like matter But nevertheless Toby fearing GOD more than the King would take the slain and hide them in his house and bury them at Midnight Insomuch that one time he was so weary with burying the dead that he got him home and laid him down beside a Wall for weariness where he fell asleep And so lying there fell down upon his eyes warm dung out of a Swallows Nest which took away his sight that he could not see against the which plague of blindness he never grudged but remained stedfast in the fear of God giving him thanks as well for that as other gifts of health And this temptation God suffered to fall on Toby for an example of patience to all that should come after Finally of his great patience deeds of charity and other godly exhortations Tob. 14.2 3. his book is full He lost his sight at the age of six and fifty years And was restored at three-score so that he remained blind about four years And lived after he had received his sight two and forty years and so he dyed at the age of an hundred and two years and was honourably buried in the City of Ninive Toby the Lord is good Toby Tob. 5. the Son of Toby being brought up in the fear of God followed the vertuous steps of his Father in all things He was sent to the City of Rages to one Gabael for certain Money which his Father had lent him And after many dangers by the way was 6. cap. by God's providence whose Angel was his guide 7. cap. married there to the Daughter of Raguel whose name was Sara And when he had tarried with his Father and Mother-in-law about fourteen days 8. cap. he returned home with much substance to the great consolation and comfort of old Toby his Father and Anna his Mother 11. cap. After whose death when he had remained at Ninive the space of two and forty years he departed with his Wife and seven Sons to the City of Rages 14. cap. where he found his Father and Mother-in law both living in great age on whom he took the care until they died and was Heir to all their Goods And when this Toby had lived xcix years he dyed and was buried After whose death his Posterity continued in such an holy conversation of life that they were beloved and accepted both of God and Man Toby the Ammonite and Son-in-law to Shecaniah 2 Esd 2 was one that conspired with Sanballat to hinder the building of Jerusalem For when Sanballat said in derision of the Jewes What do these weak Jewes will they fortifie themselves Will they sacrifice Will they finish it in a day Will they make the stones whole again out of the heaps of dust feeing they are burnt Then Toby which stood beside him said 6. cap. Although they build yet if a Fox go up he shall even break down their stone Wall This Toby wrought all the ways he could both by Letters and false Prophets hired for Money to fright Esdras from the work but could not prevail Tryphena and Tryphosa Rom. 16.12 were certain godly Women to whom Saint Paul for their diligent labour in the Gospel sendeth greetings saying Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa which Women laboured in the Lord. Tryphena a fine nice or delicate Woman Tryphon 1 Mac. 11. was a certain great Man which took part with King Alexander against King Ptolemy And when Alexander was dead Tryphon found the means to get his young Son Antiochus out of the hands of Emascuel the Arabian who had brought him up to reign in his Fathers stead And when he had got the government of the young King he conceived treason against him which he thought could never be well brought to pass so long as Jonathan whom the King had made High Priest was his friend wherefore he sought to kill Jonathan that he might come the easier by his wicked purpose 12.39.40 c. So Tryphon went to a place called Bethsan at the which place Jonathan met him with forty thousand Men. Then Tryphon perceiving the great Host that Jonathan brought was afraid and thought it not best to meddle with him at that time but to use some policy how to betray him And so commanding all his Souldiers to be as obedient to Jonathan in all things even as they would be unto himself he received him honourably with great rewards And being met together Tryphon said to Jonathan Why hast thou caused this People to take such travail seeing there is no War between us Therefore send them home again and chose certain Men to wait upon thee and come thou with me to Ptolemais for I will give it thee with other strong Holds for that is the only cause of my coming and so I must depart Then Jonathan believing Tryphon sent away his Host all save a thousand and so went with Tryphon to Ptolemais And assoon as Jonathan and his Men were entred the City the Gates were shut and Jonathan put in ward and all his
that curse thee and in thee shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed Abraham now having this promise made him of God departed out of Haran he and Sara his wife with Lot his Nephew and with all their substance that they had to go and to sojourn in the Land of Canaan And being there the Lord made a promise to Abraham that his Seed should possess that Land Whereupon soon after and in the same place where God spake thus unto him he made an Altar and offered Sacrifices thereon to the Lord. And so remaining in the Land there fell at the last so great a Famine that he was constrained to flie into Egypt where he fearing the Egyptians to be ungodly and vicious men feigned Sara to be his Sister Abraham taught the Egyptians Astronomy and Geometry Joseph●● thinking that if she were known to be his Wife they would for her beauty take her from him and put him in hazard of his life Then was it told to King Pharaoh what a beautiful Woman Abraham had brought with him into Egypt The King now knowing thereof commanded the Woman to be brought unto him and with all gentle entertainment received her into his house and intreated Abraham well for her sake But when he saw so many plagues fall on him and on all his hous-hold understanding that it was for with-holding another Mans wife from him he restored the Woman without dishonesty to Abraham her Husband again Giving also his Men a great charge concerning the Man and his Wife 13. cap. Then soon after Abraham returned from Egypt into the Country of Canaan where he had been afore And when he had lived some space in the Land there fell such a strife between the Herdmen of Abrahams Cattel and the Herdmen of Lots Cattel that Abraham was fain to divide the Land between his Nephew Lot and him and so they removed the one from the other Abraham had now been so long without issue 16. cap. that he took by consent and advice of Sarah one of his Maids named Agar to Wife who conceived and brought him forth a Son which was called Ishmael Abraham then being at the age of fourscore years and six 17. cap. And when he was come to the number of ninety and nine God gave unto him the covenant of Circumcision which he received first in himself and then made Ishmael and all the rest of his houshold to receive the same 21. cap. The next year after when Abraham was just an hundred years old Sarah conceived brought him forth his long promised Son named Isaac whom he circumcised the eighth day following would after that have offered him up in sacrifice 22. cap. but that God seeing his ready obedience staid his hand Finally after the death of Sarah 25. cap. Abraham took him another Wife called Keturah who bare unto him six Sons Which Children he would not suffer to remain and company with his Son Isaac Abrabam dyed before the Incarnation of Christ 1838. years but before he died sent them away with great Rewards and Gifts and made Isaac Heir of all his Goods He died at the age of an hundred seventy and five and was buried beside Sarah his Wife in the double Gave which he bought of Ephron the Hittite Look more in the histories of Lot Sarah and Melchisedeck Abraham a Father of a great multitude Absalom the son of David 2 Sam. 3. whom he begat on his wife Maacha the daughter of Thalmai King of Geshur was the goodliest personage in all Israel for as Scripture witnesseth God had so framed the form and ornaments of his body that from the soal of the foot to the crown of the head was no member amiss And yet among all the hair of his head excelled which so increased daily that the weight thereof compelled him at every years end to shave it off This Absalom had a brother named Amnon 2 Sam. 13. to whom he bare a privie grudge for defiling his sister Thamar And to be reveng'd on him for the same he invited all his brethren unto a banket made in the time of his sheep-shearing to the which banket Amnon came with the rest of his brethren and in the midst of their cheer Absalom killed Amnon and fled to the King of Geshur his Grandfather with whom he abode three years In the which space by mediation of friends 14. cap. he was at the last call'd home again and brought by Joab his Aunts son to Jerusalem where he remained two years after Then Absalom marvailing why Joab had not brought him to the King his Father in all that space sent once or twice for him to come and speak with him and when he saw that he came not he commanded his men to go and burn up the field of Barley which pertained to Joab and lay joyning to his ground Then Joab hearing thereof went to Absalom demanding wherefore his men had destroyed his Corn Because quoth Absalom I sent for thee twice and thou wouldest not come wherefore didst thou bring me from Geshur had it not been as good for me and better to have continued there still than here to lye so nigh the King my Father and cannot be suffered to see him then Joab considering the matter had him to the King where he was joyfully received After all this 15. cap. Absalom began certain practices to aspire to the kingdom wherein he prospered so far that at length he proclaimed himself King in Hebron Causing his Father for fear to flie out of his Realm against whom he called his counsel to devise what way he might best overcome his Father But God by whose providence all things are staid so wrought with his Counsellors 17. cap. that the success of his enterprise turned to his own destruction For when it came so to pass 18. cap. that both the armies were joyned in battel together Absaloms men had the worst and he himself a sudden mischance for as he rode on his Mule through the wood to have escaped Rebellion never escapeth Gods punishment a twist of an Oak caught him so fast in the hair of his head that it took him quite out of his Saddle And so he hang'd on the tree till Joab came with his spear and slew him whose Carcass after was taken down and cast into a pit and covered with an heap of stones Absalom A Father of Peace or the Fathers Peace or Reward Achan Josua 7. was the son of Charmy and of the Tribe of Juda who being at the winning of the City of Jericho and hearing Josua pronounce the City and all things therein to be excommunicate and accursed of the Lord took not withstanding certain jewels of the same and hid them privily under the ground in his tent Then after when Josua went about the taking of Hai and had sent three thousand souldiers to win it the men of Hai issued out of the city
the cause wherefore the Assyrians had so cruelly used him to whom he declared the matter in order as he had spoke it before to the Prince Holofernes which being done the whole Assembly gave praises and thanks to God which had given to Achior being an Heathen man such boldness of spirit to set forth his power and glory And from that time forth they comforted Achior and had him in great estimation who fell from his Heathenish belief Judith 14. and put all his trust in the living God and became a Jew and was circumcised and numbred among the People of Israel he and all his Posterity for ever Achior the Brothers light Achish was the Son of Maoth King of Gath 1 Sam. 21. who on a time when David feigned himself to be mad * Here it is said that David feigned himself mad before Achish and in the 34 Psaim before Abimclech which two were both one man for here he is called by his proper name Achise and in the other place by his general name Abimelech before him said unto his servants that brought him on this wise What mean you Sirs to bring this mad fellow before me have I so great need of mad men that ye have brought this man to play the mad Bedlam in my presence Away with him I say out of my House At this time Achish despised David and would not receive him but the next time * 27 cap. he came again with his Band of Men and their Housholds he retained them all and gave unto David the City of Ziklag to dwell in and had him in such estimation that when he himself should go with the Philistines to Battel against the Israelites he then took David with him and made him the Keeper * 29 cap. of his Person for the which the Philistines were sore offended with Achish and would not suffer him to go in their company so long as David was with him wherefore Achish for fear of the Philistines displeasure intreated David to go home again and so went Achish forth with the Philistines against King Saul Achish Even so it is Ada Gen. 4. There be two Women of this Name in the Bible The one was Lamech's Wife and Mother to Jaball The other was the Daughter of Elom the Hittite Gen. 36. and Wife to Esau Jacob's Brother Ada a Company or Congregation Adam was the first Man that God created Gen. 1. and had dominion of all the Beasts and Fowls of the Earth and to every Beast and Fowl he gave his proper Name God set him at the first in a place of passing joy full of all manner of fruitful Trees pleasant both to the eye and in tast whereof he might eat at will and was not prohibited save only from the tree of knowledg of good and evil for whensoever he tasted of that Tree God told him he should surely dye Now Adam being in this goodly Paradise of Pleasure God thought it good to make him a Companion to bear him company And so casting Adam into a sound sleep he took out a Rib of his side whereof he made the Woman and brought her to Adam who by and by confessed her to be of his Bone and Flesh and from that time forth they lived together as Man and Wife in all pureness and innocency of life till that by the subtilty of old Satan the Serpent who had deceived the Woman he was inticed by his Wife to eat of the forbidden Tree Which thing he had no sooner done but both their eyes were opened to see in what case they were And when they saw themselves all naked and bare they were so ashamed that they made them Garments to cover their privities and hid themselves that the Lord should not see them But Adam being found out of God and demanded wherefore he had hid himself alledged because he was naked And also to excuse his transgression he burdened God with his fault because he had given him the Woman which had allured him to eat of the Tree But nevertheless for as much as Adam had obeyed the voice of his Wife and neglected the Lords precept God cursed the Earth for his sake drove him forth of that wealthy place for to live in sorrow and care and be subject to death and all other calamities and miseries of the World both he and all his off-spring for ever In the Bible is mention made both of Sons and Daughters which Adam had of Eve his Wife but none of their Names be rehearsed save only Cain Abel and Seth. He lived nine hundred and thirty years Adam Man Earthly Adonijah 2 Sam. 3. was a goodly young Man the Son of David born unto him in Hebron of his Wife Agith When Adonijah perceived his Father to be feeble and weak thorow extreme age 1 King 1. he began to exalt himself saying he would be King And gat him both Horses and Chariots and also Foot men to run before him even like a King to the which his Father said nothing nor would displease him but let him alone and do what he would And so Adonijah proceeded in his purpose and by the counsel of Joab the Captain and Abiathar the Priest who took his part he made a great sacrifice of Sheep and Oxen whereunto he called his Brethren and also the Kings servants who eating and drinking before him with great rejoycing said God save King Adonijah But assoon as David had knowledge of Bathsheba Solomon's Mother and Nathan the Prophet how all the case stood he commanded Sadock the Priest and Nathan to anoint Solomon and to set Him upon his own Mule and so to go forth and proclaim him King Which news was no sooner come into the new Kings Court but every Man shrunk away for fear leaving Adonijah all alone Who then for his own safeguard fled to the Tabernacle of the Lord and would not go from thence till Solomon granted him his pardon upon condition that hereafter he would be quiet and a good Man And so being pardoned he departed quietly home to his house But after this when David his Father was dead 1 King 2. Adonijah casting his favour upon Abishag the Shunamite went to Bathshcha Solomon's Mother requesting Her to speak unto the King that he would give him Abishag to Wife Then Solomon hearing his Mothers request perceived that Adonijah being the Elder brother went about to aspire to the Kingdom wherefore to prevent his purpose he put him to death Adonijah the Lord is the ruler Adonibeseck King of the Canaanites Judg. 1● was of such might and power that he subdued seventy Kings who being all brought into his Court He cut off their Thumbs and great Toes and made them gather their meat under his Table which great cruelty he shewed unto them being puft up with pride and ostentation of his victory This wicked King chanced to reign over the Canaanites when Judah had the governing of the