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A44364 The spirit of the martyrs revived in a brief compendious collection of the most remarkable passages and living testimonies of the true church, seed of God, and faithful martyrs in all ages: contained in several ecclesiastical histories & chronological accounts of the succession of the true church from the creation, the times of the fathers, patriarchs, prophets, Christ and the Apostles. Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1664 (1664) Wing H2663A; ESTC R224173 399,190 375

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sixteen Provinces also subjecting themselves under this new Government lost their antient Liberties and Priviledges which evidently appeared by the exploits done from the year 1567. hitherto by a new Council of twelve elected and setled there by the Duke the principal of which were Vergas and Elrio Fathers of the Inquisition which Council was commonly called the Council of BLOOD In the year 1568. the Duke of Alva began to declare to the World his feigned meekness An. 1568. puting to death two Brethren Barons of Battembourg The names of three Martyrs Imprisoned at Antwerp were Schoblant Son of Barthel Jo. de Hues and Joris Comans and several others he Executed at the same time at Brussel These two Brethren from the flower of their youth had constantly professed the pure Doctrine of the Gospel and in the end were put to death for their Testimony to the same Shortly after there were taken and imprisoned at Antwerp several persons whose constancy to Death will appear by what they writ to certain of their Brethren Dated the 17th of March as followeth Seeing it is the will of God that we should suffer for his holy Name and in the Quarrel of his Gospel we certifie you Brethren that we are hitherto of good courage howsoever the flesh continually rebels against the Spirit counselling it ever and anon according to the advice of the Old Serpent but we are well assured that Christ who hath bruised will also still bruise the Serpents Head and not leave us comfortless true it is we are now and then pricked in the heel but that is all the Serpent can do nor are we discouraged but keep our faith close to the Promises of God who is the Lord of Heaven and Earth having created all things of nothing He forsook not Joseph in Eygpt nor left the three Young Men in the fiery Furnace no nor Daniel in the Lyons Den this is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and of their Righteous Posterity so that we can without fear say with the Prophet David The Lord is my Help Tower Strength and Refuge By such and the like Scriptures dear Brethren we comfort our selves in our Bonds rejecting all confidence in man whatsoever be not dismayed then good Brethren and Sisters for our Bonds and Imprisonment for so is the good will of God now towards us and therefore pray rather that he would give us grace to persevere constantly unto the End so be it One of these three imprisoned in Antwerp wrot a few Lines to the Church of God in Antwerp as followeth Brethren I write unto you being left alone whereas we were three in number John Hues is now dead in the Lord I did my best to comfort him whilest he breathed so as now I am alone and yet not altogether alone seeing the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is with me he is my exceeding great Reward and will not fail to reward me as soon as I have laid down this earthly Tabernable Pray unto God that he would strengthen me to the end for from hour to hour I expect the dissolution of this house of Clay When Joris one of the three was examined before the Magistrates the Marquess said unto him I have hitherto spared you hoping to see you recant but you grow worse and worse Joris replyed during the time of my Imprisonment I have shed many tears and further said he was now become resolute and could not fashon himself according to their desire although they burnt him as they had done his Brother Schoblant Marquess I can tell you it will cost you but little better cheap Joris I am ready if it be to morrow Then said one of the Standers by he has neither Wife Child nor Goods to lose and that makes him so willing to dye Joris You shall answer these your doings at the last day where you must all appear and then there will be no respect of persons Marquess We have heard you preach too long take him Goaler and cast him into the Hole then was he put among Thieves as a Lamb among so many Wolves Thus this constant Witness remained firm till death The Spectacles of dead Bodies slain by the Bloody Inquisition was a Dreadful sight being gazed on in a manner in every place especially in the City of Tournay and of the Valentians in regard of the multitudes of Believers both of men and women who had long Languished in sundry Prisons in great miseries and necessities Now that we may not forget what fell out in the beginning of this Year 1569. Thus it happened in the City of Valence seven and fifty persons were executed for no other cause but for cleaving to the true Faith of Christ Jesus not without much astonishment of the poor people of that City Among these sad Relations a little to quicken and refresh the Spirit of the Reader I will here insert a Letter full of Consolations written out of Prison to the Faithful by one William Tovart Merchant who had his dwelling in the City of Lile in Flanders This honourable person being come to the Age of Eighty Years or thereabouts used his House for the space of Fourteen or Fifteen Years for the Assembly in the City of Lile to meet in Being chased and Banished thence in the Year 1561. he withdrew himself for a while to Tournay whence he was constrained to flie and to go to Amiens and Moundediea Cities of Prickardy afterwards returning into his own Country he came to reside in the City of Antwerp where after he had continued many Years he was at length condemned to be burnt with two others who suffered for the same cause but they put him to another kind of Death for they drowned him by plunging him in a Cistern of Water in Prison Amongst many Letters which he wrote during the time of his Imprisonment my Author hath selected out this one which here followeth Dear Brethren and Sisters in Jesus Christ I most humbly thank my God that he hath so fortified and comforted me by his Grace that I feel my self more cheered by lying in this dark Prison then if I were walking in the open Streets or Fields I say this I feel according to the Spirit for as touching the Flesh what doth it apprehend here but stinking Vapours and Smoke Wherefore my beloved if it so fall out that you be apprehended for the Name of Jesus Christ fear not the prison nor those that have power to Kill the Body for having done that they can go no further be not afraid then seeing it is the reward which our good Captain Jesus Christ hath Promised to all his Faithful Souldiers and Servants he who turns his back in this conflict goes by the loss but whosoever fights manfully obtains in the end the Crown not a Crown of Gold but of Glory Immortal we here lay down a fading life filled with griefs and troubles to change the same for a Life Everlasting we put off the Rags
side that the Emperor took part with prevailed and kept the other under and thus matters of Religion began to be guided by pollicy and to be enforced to be believed by the Emperors Sword Having a little peace they fall into heaps again or else great Persecution followed and now the Christians were divided into diversity of Opinions viz. Arians Novations Macedonians and Eunomians one severing himself from another Cap. 20. and these Schisms and Rents were many and too long here to repeat as it usual where the Unity of the Spirit is not known in the bond of Peace where Logick and Wit and the Wisdom which is from beneath takes upon it the Determination of Truth The other chief matters in which they differed was concerning the time of Observing of Easter their Lent Communion Dayes of Fasting setting of their Altar Priests Marrying The matters in which they differed and such like Trumpery Concerning Easter the greater part throughout the lesser Asia held no discord with them that held the contrary Opinion until Victor Cap. 21. Bishop of Rome through broiling heat and chollor had excomunicated all Asia for not believing his Opinion in the same for which Irenius envyed bitterly by Letter against him and rebuked him for his furnish dealing and furious rage Though many Councils were called thinking thereby to make reconcilement in the matter of difference yet the breach rather grew wider Deposing and Banishing one another for refusing to subject to the Decrees and Canons of Councils for they were so strict that they would not admit of the change of one Syllable avoiding the Company and refusing to communicate with them that were otherwise minded on the other hand others condemned the Council and their Decrees and accursed them contending among themselves whether Christ had one or two Natures insomuch that all the Churches were divided into sundry Factions and the Bishops refusing to communicate one with another They refuse to Communicate one with another And thus the Reader may see how far the Christians were degenerated from the Life that the Apostles and first Chrisrians were in contending with and destroying one another about their Forms and outward Observations as if they had wholly forgotten the Doctrine of the Apostles who wrote after this manner how turn you again to these weak and beggerly Elements whereinto ye desire again to be in bondage ye observe Dayes Moneths Times and Years I am afraid of you least I have bestowed on you labour in vain Yet at this time there were some sincere Persons raised up to testifie against the loosness and evils the pretended Christians were run into years since Christ 390 Hi●tor tripor Lib 10. Cha. 6. For Chrisostome saith the History was bold and free in rebuking sin especially in his publick preaching and for that cause was he hated of the Clergy he withstood Gainas who requested of the Emperor that he might obtain a Temple at Constantinople for his People About this time was John Patriark of Alexandria years since Christ 664 who of a hard sparing man became bountiful in Hospitality to the poor he would twice a week sit all the day at his door to take up matters and make unity where was any variance he lamented much one day because none came that day to him as having done no good but his Deacon perswaded him rather to rejoyce that he had brought the City into that good order that it needed no reconcilement About this time died Gregory Bishop of Rome in whose time it is recorded that the purity of the Ecclesiastical Doctrine was almost lost for it was imbrued and darkned with humane Traditions for Monkery began to take root and flourish and many and sundry sort of Supersitions were daily brought in and there grew horrible and bitter darkness yet saith my Author the Lord raised up some good men by ●imes in this Bishops time there hapned a great Controversie about the Primacy of the Church for John Bishop of Constantionple was declared in the whole Synod of the Greeks Universal Patriark and Mauritius the Emperor commanded Gregory to obey the said Patriark of Constantinople Grego Epist to M●u 32 38. but Gregory would not abide that any Bishop should be Universal above all the rest It is further said of this Gregory that he was the basest of all his Predecessors and the best of all his Successors Boniface the third being Bishop of Rome years since Christ 670 Its said he did more hurt in one year Palatin● Chris Misseas Epist lib. 4 Epist 32. cap. 76. then Gregory could do good in many he obtained of Phocas the wicked Emperor who had murthered Mauritius his Master that he and his Successors in that See should have an Universal Headship over all the Churches in Christendom And it is observable that as in the time of Constantine the Christians had more liberty so they grew more Ambitious for then the Bishops began first to think on Miters that before time thought nothing else but to be Martyrs and now no less will satisfie the ambition of the Bishop of Rome but to be Head of all other Bishops The years of Christ amounting to a thousand Religion was wholy decayed to what it was in former times and from the year three hundred to that time many dark Institutions and Ceremonies were set up in the Church of the pretended Christians insomuch that it became mid-night for darkness and the Popes began to draw their Swords to War in defence of Peters Keyes years since Christ 1076 And now Henry the fourth Emperour attends upon Pope Hidlebrand with his Wife and Children bare foot at his Palace-Gate and then he is made to swear unreasonable subjection to the Pope in all things and when all is done the Pope gives away his Crown to Redulph Duke of Swevia with these words The Rock to Peter gave the Diademe And Peter gives it unto Redulphs Reame The Emperor this while sitting quietly at home and considering how the Pope had wrested his power in Elections of Popes inevsting of Prelates c. how he peeled had poled all Nations by his Legates and sown discord in his Empire hereupon he requires homage and oath of Allegiance of all his Bishops and forbids the Popes Legates to enter into his Empire without his sending for and all appeals to Rome finally in his Letters he prefixed his Name before the Popes hereupon the Pope writes a rebuking Letter to the Emperour the Emperour writes back in defence of his doings an Appologetical Epistle the Pope replies with a Bull of Excommunication the Emperor makes answer to that with accusatory Letters against the Viloness Pride c. of the Sea of Rome then the Pope writes to the Germain Bishops to work against the Empeorur the Bishops they write their Excusing of the Emperour This Pope towards the end of his Life who dyed amidest these broyls being choaked with a flye as he was walking abroad was
of his Parents Brethren and Kinsfolks and the great sorrow of his Mother nevertheless the Lord so assisted him that he endured to the end and was burnt to death In the year 1558. the fourth day of the Month called September there being a Company of the Faithful to the number of three or four hundred met together at Paris in a certain House in the beginning of the night they were discovered by some Priests the House was soon beset and the City in an uproar many being in an extream rage furiously seeking to have their blood at the suddenness of this thing the poor people were strucken in great fear and fell to prayer about six or sevenscore of them having Weapons escaped thorow the Multitude save only one who was knockt down with Scones and destroyed the Women remaining in the House were taken by the Magistrates and had to Prison in their passing to the Prison they were plucked and haled by the rude Multitude who tore their Garments and pulled of their Hoods and disfigured their Faces with dirt they were accused to the King by a Priest that they put out the Candles in their Meetings and went together Jack and Gill and that they maintained there was no God and denyed the Divinity and Humanity of Christ the Immortallity of the Soul and the Resurrection of the Body c. these things a lying Doctor charged on them without any proof moving the King People to destroy them and shortly after a Commission was directed out by the King to certain Councellors to try and give Judgment upon the aforesaid Sufferers a particular Relation of whose Execution is at large inserted by my Author but there being little material circumstances either in their Tryal or Execution wherefore I thought not meet here to insert them A Relation of the manner of the Spanish Inquisition About this time many suffered Martyrdom under the cruel and bloody Inquisition in Spain first began by King Fardinandus and Elizabeth his wife the Spainsh Priests do hold the holy and sacred Inquisition as they call it cannot err and that the holy Fathers the Inquisitors cannot be deceived if any be apprehended as favourers of Hereticks he is carried and put into a horrible Prison and none permitted to come to him but there he is kept alone in a place where he cannot see so much as the ground and often Whipt Scourged Irons put upon him Tortured and Racked sometimes brought out and shewed in some higher place to the People as a Spectacle of rebuking Infamy and thus some are detained there many years and murdered by long Torments in which is more cruelty executed then if they were at once slain by the Hangman during all their time of imprisonment whatsoever process is done against them no person knoweth it but only the holy Fathers and Tormentors which are sworn to execute the Torments all the proceedings of the Cour of that Execrable Inquisition are done in hugger mugger the Accuset is secret the Crime secret and the witness secret by the rigour of which Inquisition many good men have been destroyed both in Spain and Italy In the Kingdom of Naples in the year 1560. in the time of Pope Pius the fouth was begun a hot Persecution against the Protestants many men and their wives being slain Likewise the same year in Calabria the number of Eighty eight Persons both old and young suffered for the Protestant Religion by the Papists Eighty eight person Butchered for Religion in Calabria all which were put together in one House and taken out one after another and laid upon the Butchers Stall like the Sheep in the Shambles with one bloody Knife they were all killed one after another a Spectacle most tragical for all Posterity to remember and almost incredible to believe but that it is confirmed by two Epistles of sufficient credit which are at large incerted in the Book of Martyrs The next matter to be treated on is the great Persecution and Destruction of the People of Merindol and Cabries in the Country of Province where not a few persons but whole Villages and Townships with the most part of all the Country both Men Women and Childen were put to all kind of cruelly and suffered Martyrdom for the profession of the Gospel From the year 1200. they had refused the Bishop of Rome's Authority Persecuted in Merindol and Cabries for this cause they were often accused and complained of to the King as Contemners and Dispisers of the Magistrates and Rebels wherefore they were called by divers names according to the Countries and places where they dwelt for in the Country about Lions they were called the poor People of Lions in the borders of Sarmatia and Liv●nia and other Countrys towards the North they were called Lollards in Flanders and Artois Turrelupines of a Desart where Wolves did haunt in Dolphine with great dispite they were called Chagnars because they lived in places open to the Sun without House or harbour but most commonly they were called Waldoys of Waldo who first instructed them in the Word of God as before is related which name continued till the name of Lutherans come up which above all others was most hated and abhorred Notwithstanding in these most spiteful Contumelies and Slanders the People dwelling at the foot of the Alpes and also in Merindol and Cabries alwayes lived so Godly so uprightly and justly that in all their life and conversation there appeared to be in them a great fear of God and that little Light of true Knowledge which God had given them they laboured by all means to kindle and encrease daily more and more sparing no charges whether it were to purchase the Scriptures in their own Language or to encourage one another in Godliness travelling into other Countries even to the furthest parts of the Earth where they had heard that any Light of the Gospel began to shine But the more zealous these people were for a Reformation in their Religion the more did the fury and rage of Persecution stir in the Bishops Priests and Monks in all Province against them amongst the rest one Jo. de Roma a Monk obtaining a commission to examine those that were suspected to be of the Waldoys or Lutherans profession forthwith ceased not to afflict the faithful with all kinds of Cruelty that he could devise or imagine The Cruelty of the Papists amongst other most horrible Torments this was one which he most delighted in and most commonly practised he filled Boots with boyling Grease and put them upon their Legs tying them backward to a Form with their Legs hanging down over a small Fire and so he examined them thus he tormented very many and in the end most cruelly put them to death this cruelty coming to the French Kings ear he was much disgusted wherefore he wrote to the Parliament at Province that the Monk might be apprehended and punisht but he conveyed himself away but the Lord
King for Reformation in Religion and he was the great Instrument in overthrowing Abbies Monasteries and Friaries which were a little before by Act of Parliament given into the Kings hands Whereupon not only their Houses were rased but their Possessions were divided amongst the Nobility insomuch that all Friars Monks Cannons Nuns and other such Sects were so rooted out of this Land from the Foundation that there seemed to be no room left for such Weeds to grow here any more But as this Thomas Cromwell was raised up for good and being so greatly in favour with the King used all means he could to perswade him to reform the enormities in the Church on the other hand Satan raised up his Instrument which was Stephen Gardner Bishop of Winchester who used all wilds and subtill means he could to perswade the King against the same casting upon the Professors of Truth the name of Hereticks Sectaries Anabaptists and Sacramentaries and so far prevailed with the King that by the Kings Authority certain Injunctions were published prohibiting the publishing any Books in English written by the Sectaries and Sacramentaries under the pain of the forfeiture of all their goods and Chattels and their Bodies to be Imprisoned during the Kings pleasure And further this Stephen Gardner instigated the King not only against the Queen who was a favourer of Religion and Reformation but also against this Thomas Lord Cromwell who no doubt had brought the encrease of true Religion according to his understanding to more prefection had not this Gardner and other Malignant Opposers thereof set themselves against it to hinder the prosperity thereof but now through the said Gardners evill advise the King who before had raised the said Thomas Cromwell for his worth and integrity now for his pleasure took him off and suffered him to be Beheaded After his death Religion and the Reformation more and more decayed whereby the Reader may see how variable the State of things stood in reference to Religion at this time and with what difficulty any thing of Light and Truth came forth how often things changed even as the King was ruled and gave ear sometimes it went a little forward and then backward again according as the persons prevailed that were about the King And now the King being led through Gardners suggestions began to withdraw shewing any favour to the Reformation in Religion concluding so to do was most for his safety both at home and abroad having so much displeased the Pope and other Popish Princes in what he had already done and though he had rejected the Popes Authority he would declare himself nevertheless to be a good Catholick Son of the Mother Church and a withstander of new Heresies and then calling a new Parliament and Convocation of Prelates there was six Articles decreed concerning Religion which was afterwards commonly called a whip with six Srings it was pretended for the Unity of the Church but what Unity followed the groaning hearts of many that suffered death by the same both in this Kings time and in Queen Maries time may declare The Six Articles of the Bishops Condemning all to be burnt as Hereticks that should hold First That the Body of Christ was not really present in the Sacrament after Consecration Secondly That the Sacrament might not truely be administred under one Kind Thirdly That Priests entred into holy Orders might Marry Fourthly That Vows of Chastity entred into upon mature deliberation were not to be kept Fifthly That private Masses were not to be used Sixthly That Auricular Confession was not to be used in the Church Before these Articles were published Bishop Gardener having obtained his desire with the King he and the rest of the Prelates began again fresh to persecute the Protestants the first they stretched forth their Hands against was John Lambert a Norfolk man and one zealous for the Spreading of the Truth according to the Manifestation of it then broke forth and to that end was conversant with Tindal and Frith at Antweep until by the Instigation of Sr. Thomas Moor he was apprehended and brought to London where he was first brought to Examination at Lambeth and then at the Bishops House at Oxford before Worham Arch-bishop of Canterbury and others where fourty five Articles were objected against him to all which he answered in writing very fully and wisely both according to the Scriptures and Reason the Articles and his Answers may be read at large in Foxe's Acts and Monuments The Bishop of Canterbury shortly after dying whereby Lambort for that time was delivered out of Prison and coming to London it was not long before he fell into trouble again for having a private Conference with one Doctor Tayler what past between them in their dispute in private grew at last a publick and common talk which coming to the Arch-bishops Ear he sent for Lambort and forced him to defend his Cause openly in that Disputation Lambort appealed to the King from the Bishops Upon this appeal Bishop Gardener goes to the King and privately possesses him that now he had an opportunity to quiet the minds of the people who were offended with him for abolishing the Bishop of Rome's Authority and subverting of Monasteries and Abbies c. he might now remedy these troubles if he would manifestly appear in this matter against Lambort and shew himself stoutly to resist the Hereticks the King immediately received this wicked Counsel of the Bishop and forth with sent out a general Commission commanding all the Bishops and Nobles of the Land to come with all speed to London to assist the King against Hereticks these preparations being made a day was set upon which Lambort should appear before the King and the rest assembled with him to be Tryed and Judged The day being come the King ascended his Throne clothed all in white he lookt upon the Prisoner with a sterne Countenance as if his mind was full of Indignation and then called forth the Bishop of Chichester and commanded him to declare to the People the Causes of that Assembly the Substance of the Bishops Speech tended to this That the King would have none to conceive that whereas the Authority and Name of the Bishop of Rome being utterly abolished he would also extinguish all Religion or give Liberty to Hereticks to trouble the Churches of England without punishment the Bishop having ended his Speech the chief thing that the King prest Lambort to declare was what Opinion he held touching the Sacrament of the Altar to which he answered fully and the Dispute held chiefly concerning that point for some hours until the King and Bishops enraged against him forced him to silence at last The King being minded to end the Dispute said to Lambort What sayest thou after all these Labours and Reasons of these learned Men Art thou yet satisfied Wilt thou live or die thou hast yet free choice Lambort answered I yield and submit my self wholly unto the will of your Majesty
Flesh and Blood of Christ And for saying That he would never vail his Bonnet to it if he burnt therefore And for saying That if he heard Mass he should be damned For these things he was accused of his Master and Mistress and sent up by them to the Bishop of Canterbury with Letters desiring that he might be severely punished for the same but no mention is made of his Execution and so that may be past by and return may be to give a short account of the Reformation in this Kings time and how far it extended Injunctions were set out in his time viz that Bibles in English should be placed in some convenient place in the Church so called that the People might read in them when they pleased and rather be furthered to read them then hindred by the Priests or Curates And the Priests or Curates should not at any time haunt Taverns or Ale-houses neither spend their time Idly in unlawful Games but should give themselves to read and hear the Scriptures read and every Benificed-Preacher to preach twice a year and that all Monuments of Idolatry in Churches so called and Houses and Windows should be taken away and that Homilies should be read every Sunday He took away and abrogated all Acts made by former Kings for reformation of Hereticks and Lollords and the Act of the six Articles and all Acts published prohibiting the speading the Scriptures in English He also sent out a Letter to the Arch-Bishop signed by the Council to abolish Images and that the Altars should be taken down and a Table set up instead thereof Though this may be acounted but a little Reformation to what is since yet it so troubled the Popish Adversaries that they sought all the wayes and means they could to hinder its further proceeding and growth and would not be satisfied untill they had found out a way to answer their Wicked purposes And now the old Adversary of all good put it in the Heads of the Popish Party to charge the Duke of Somerset the Kings Vncle and Protector of his Person and the Realm as that he was the occasion of all the Sedition that had happened in the Realm c. And though he was in a high state yet that could not nor did not preserve him and indeed it is a vain thing for man to put Trust or Confidence upon the brickle Pillars of Worldly Prosperity how high soever it seemeth considering that where vertue is most prefect it is there most envied by Wicked men as in the Example of this Duke appears This Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset being Protector had a Brother who was high Admiral of England these two Brethren so long as they were knit and joyned together in Love and Concord preserved themselves the King and whole Common-Wealth from the Violen●e and Fear of Danger of all their Adversaries But the old Subtil Serpent alwayes envying mans felicity through Slanderous Tongues sought to sow matter first of discord between them then of Suspition and last of all of Extream Hatred insomuch that the Protector suffered his Brother being accused whether true or false the Lord knoweth to be Condemned and to lose his Head whereby it came to pass that not long after he himself was over-matched by his Adversaries and overthrown by them and being cast into the Tower at last lost his Head also to the great Lamentation of many good men and so the fall of one Brother was the Ruin of the other for it was not long after the Admiral was beheaded but that Insurrections began in several parts of the Kingdom but after they were subdued several of the Lords assembled at Baynard Castle and at the Mayor of Londons House and had great Consultations against the Protector who was then with the King at Hampton Court which the King hearing of sent the Secretary to them with a Message to which they made no answer and not long after published a Proclamation in the City against the Protector charging him with divers Crimes as that he should be the chief Occasion of all the Sedition that had of late happened in the Kingdom and that he did what in him lay to cause Variance between the King and the Nobles and desired the City to aid them the King also sent the Mayor and City a Letter requiring aid likewise This made the Mayor and Citizens in a strait some being for helping the King and some on the other side for helping the Lords and against the Protector the Recorder prest the Citizens to assist the Lords against the Protector who he said had abused the King and the whole Realm and prest the Common Council for an Answer and that they would declare what they would do but they were silent in the matter until one Ge●rge Stadlow stood up and told them It is good to consider of things p●st to avoid dangers in things to come and then related to them what inconveniences damage befel the Citizens in assisting the Barons in their Wars against King Henry the third In conclusion the Lords hearing what past in the City assembled in the Star-Chamber next day sent a Messenger to the King to VVindsor who so ordered his matter with the King that the Protector was apprehended and shortly after was had to the Tower in London and there was charged with several Articles and a terrible Proclamation put out against him but through the Kings Love and labouring in his behalf he was shortly after let out of the Tower and the Proclamation called in again after which trouble he continued two years at Liberty though not restored to his former Office But after this respite he was again apprehended and committed to the Tower from whence he was in a short time after convey'd through the City with the Tower-Ax carried before him to VVestminster and there tryed by the Peers where in a quiet patient and Suffering Spirit he Modestly Behaved himself shewing himself an Example of Meekness yea wisely replying to the Articles objected against him and was at last cleared of the Treason laid to his charge which the People understanding were greatly rejoyced at but his Adversaries quickly found out another Snare for they charged him with Felony for intending and purposing the death of the Earl of Northumberland which was by them adjudged Felony according to a Law wherein it was enacted That it should be Felony for any Subject to seek or procure the death of any P●●●y Councillor and being condemned he was again conveyed to the Tower and shortly after from thence was had to the place of Execution where neither his Voice nor countenance changed but after his usual manner he spake to the people to this effect Dearly beloved Friends I am brought hither to suffer death though I never offended the King neither in Word nor Deed and have been always as faithful and true to this Realm as any man hath been And after other words he said morecover Dearly beloved
lay two nights without any bed saving a few great Canvas Tent Cloths and after two nights he had a pair of Sheets allowed him but no Woolen clothes and there was kept without any being suffered to come at him only twice a day the Keeper when he brought him Victualls shortly after he was brought before the Earl again who examined him of the Sacrament at his Answers the Earl seemed to be somewhat pleased and hoped he would be conformable and commanded that he should have a bed and fire and liberty to go amongst his Servants when he departed he was much troubled in his Spirit for fear lest he had given advantage to his Adversaries in not confessing Christ so boldly as he ought to have done and was much grieved but considering his condition he cryed earnestly unto the Lord saying Strengthen me with thy holy Spirit with boldness to confess thee and deliver me from their enticing words that I may not be spoiled through their Phylosoply and vain deceit A day or two after he was sent for before two Priests who began to discourse with him concerning the Mass asking him what part of the Mass offended him he answered the whole Mass did offend him upon which discourse and other matters that past between them Articles were drawn up against him and they exhorted him to recant his Opinions he told them he could not change nor alter and desired them to speak to the Earl that during his Imprisonment his Friends might be suffered to relieve him with necessaries they still presisted to advise him to forsake his Opinions not regarding any Worldly shame he answered what he did was not for avoiding Worldly shame nor yet for any vain praise of the World but in the reverent fear of God they told him it was pity such a well-favoured Young man should so foolishly cast away himself he answered them to this effect My Wife Children and other delights of this World are as Sweet to me as another mans may be to him and I am as unwilling to lose them as another would if I might enjoy them with a good Conscience but my trust is said he that God will strengthen me to lose them all for his sake for I do not say or do any thing either out of Stubbornness willfullness vain Glory or any other Worldly purpose but with a good Conscience in the fear of God and farther said I commit my cause unto God who hath numbered the hairs of my head and appointed the dayes of my life who is a Righteous Judge and will make inquisition for my blood From Latham he was carried to Lancaster Castle where he was threatened for preaching to the people out of the Prison shortly after he was carried to Lancaster the Bishop of Chester came thither and sent for the Goaler and rebuked him for suffering George Marsh to fare so well and from thence he was removed to Chester and being brought before the Bishop he was further examined concerning the Sacrament and other matters and Articles drawn up against him and the last time he was brought before the Bishop the Bishops Chanceller made a Speech to the people to this effect The Bishop said he as a good Shepherd doth see to his Flock that no Scabby diseased Sheep infect the other wherefore his Lordship hath sent for this George Marsh as a Scabby Sheep to weed him out lest he corrupt others and then read the Articles against him and askt him if he would have mercy Marsh said he durst not deny Christ then the Bishop read the Sentence against him and committed him to the Northgate Prison and there was he kept in a dark Dungeon where none dared to come to him that had any Friendship towards him for fear of the Bishops threats so that he was kept very strictly in Prison until the time that he suffered death having little comfort or relief from any worldly Creature sometimes in an Evening some Citizens at a hole upon the Wall of the City that looked into the dark Prison would call to him and ask him how he did he would answer them chearfully that he did well and thanked God that he of his Mercy had appointed him to be a Witness of his Truth and to suffer for the same wherein he did rejoyce desiring that he might not faint under the Cross but patiently bare the same to Gods Glory and the Comfort of his Church once he had ten pence cast him in at the said hole and another time two shillings which did help to supply his necessity shortly after he was led to the place of Execution with a Lock upon his Foot he began to exhort the people but one of the Sheriffs would not suffer him to speak saying We must have no Sermon now so with patience he ended his dayes in the Fire Whilst he was a Prisoner he wrot several Epistles to his Friends and Relations and such as had been assistant to him in the time of his Sufferings the Epistles being large I shall only insert some of the Principle heads of some of them which if the Reader pernseth he will find them to be worth ●oting considering the time they were wrot in and first I shall begin with a letter he wrot to the Faithful Professors at Langton An Epistle by George Marsh to his Friends at Langton Grace be unto you and Peace be multiplied in the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen I thought it meet to write unto my beloved in the Lord at Langton to stir up your minds and to call to your remembrance the Words which have been told you before and to exhort you as that Good Man and full of the holy Ghost Barnabas did the Antiochians That with purpose of heart you continually cleave unto the Lord and that ye stand fast and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel when Persecution ariseth because of the word do not fall away like shrinking Children and forsake the Truth for after this life the Godly being delivered from their Tribulations and Pains shall have a most quiet and joyful rest whereas the Wicked and Ungodly contrary wise shall be tormented for evermore as Christ by the Parable of the rich Glutton and wretched Lazarus doth plainly declare these ought we to have before our Eyes alwayes that in the time of Adversity and Persecution we may stand stedfast in the Lord and endure even unto the end that we may be saved for unless we like good Warriors of Christ Jesus endeavour our selves to please him who hath chosen us to be his Souldiers and fight the good sight of Faith even unto the end we shall not obtain the Crown of Righteousness which the Lord that is a righteous Judge shall give to all them that love his Coming Let us therefore receive with meekness the word that is grafted in us which is able to save our Souls and ground our selves on the sure Rock Christ for as the Apostle saith Other Foundation
Servants of Christ falsly called Brownists unto the High-Court of Parliament The most high God Possessor of Heaven and Earth bringeth at this present before your Lordships and Wisdoms right honourable his own Cause his own People his own Sworn and most treacherous Enemies together with the most shameful Usage of his Truth and Servants that ever hath been heard of in the dayes of Sions professed Peace and Tranquility His Cause and People he offereth unto your Consideration and Defence in our Profession and Persons His Enemies and their Out-rage against his Truth and Servants in the Persons and Bloody Proceedings of the Prelates of this Land and their Complices We profess the same Faith and Truth of the Gospel with her Majesty which your honours this whole Land and all the reformed Churches under Heaven this day do hold and Maintain We go beyond them being our only fault even in the Judgment of our tyrannical and most savage Enemies in the detestation of all Popery that most fearful Anti-christian Religion and draw nearer in some Points by our practice unto Christs holy Order and Institution this is our Faith this is our cause Right Honourable yea the Lords Cause in our sinful hands For the Profession and Maintenance of which Faith the fore-named Enemies of God detain in their hands within the Prisons about London not to speak of other Goals throughout the Land about threescore and twelve persons Men Women Young and Old lying in Cold in Hunger in Dungeons and in Irons of which Number they have taken the Lords day last being the third day of the fourth Moneth 1592. about some sixteen persons hearing the Word of God truly taught praying and praising God for his favours shewed unto us unto her Majesty your Honours and this whole Land and desiring our God to be Merciful to us unto our Gracious Prince and Country being employed in these holy Actions and no other as the Parties who disturbed them can testifie they were taken in the very place where the Persecuted Church and Martyrs were enforced to use the like Exercise in Queen Maryes dayes The former Number are now unbailable committed by the Prelatel or Bishop of London unto whose close for the most part several Prisons as Bridewel the Limboe or Dungeon in Newgate the Fleet the Marshalsea the Counters the Clynk the Gatehouse the Whitelyon c. wherein we willingly acknowledge the Lot and Inheritance in this Life of our Fore-Fathers and Brethren the holy Martyrs of the former Age and the entailed Aceldama or Bloody Succession of the See of London and that whole Linage Well here our Brethren lie How long Lord holy and true thou knowest in Dungeons in Hunger in Cold in Nakedness and all outward distress for these Bloody men will allow them neither Meat Drink Fire Lodging nor suffer any whose Hearts the Lord would stir up for their relief to have any access unto them purposing belike to imprison them unto death as they have done Seventeen or Eighteen others in the same noisome Goals within these Six Years The Husband and Wife being now taken by them they permit not to be in the same but have sent them to be close kept in other Prisons VVhat the poor Family doth at home in the mean time your Lordships may consider and justly pity Som of this Company had not one Penny about them when they were sent into close Prison nor any thing being abroad which is the case of most of them if not all to procure themselves and their poor Families any Maintenance save only their handy Labours and Trades whereby it is come to pass that these Enemies of God do not only starve and undo a number of men in the Prisons but even a lamentable Company of poor Orphans and Servants abroad their unbrid led slanders their Lawless privy searches their Violent breaking open and rifling of our Houses their lamentable and barbarous Usage of VVomen and Young Children in these hostile assaults their Uncontrouled Thievery Robbing and taking away of whatsoever they think meet from us in this case their unappeased and merciless pursuit of us from our Houses Trades Wives Children especially from the holy Society of the Saints and Church of God We are inforced to omit lest we should be over tedious to your Lordships but their dealing this way towards us is so woful right honourable as we may truly demand with grief of heart whether the forreign Enemy or our native Country men do possess and bear rule over us in our dear and native Country Their whole dealing herein is most Barbarous most Inhumane but especially most Unchristian and such as exceeds the cruelty of the Heathen and Popish Professed Tyrants and Persecutors the Records of the Heathen Persecution under Nero Trajan Decius Galienus Maximinian c. can scant afford us any Examples of the like cruelty and havock for the Heathen Romans would Murder Openly and Professedly These godless men have put the Blood of War about them in the day of the Peace and Truth which this whole Land professeth to hold with Jesus Christ and his Servants Bishop Bonner Story Wes●●n dealt not after this sort for those whom they committed close they would also either feed or permit to be fed by others and they brought them in short space openly into Smithfield to end their misery and to begin their never ending joy Whereas Bishop Elinar Q. Eliz. An. 1592. Dr. Stanhope and Mr. Justice Young with the rest of that Persecuting and Blood thirsty faculty will do neither of these No Fellows no Murderers no Traytors in this Land are so dealt with There are many of us by the Mercies of God still out of their hands The former holy Exercise and Profession we purpose not to leave by the Assistance of God We have as good Warrant to reject the Ordinances of Anti-christ and labour for the recovery of Christs holy Institutions as our Fathers and Brethren in Queen Maryes dayes had to do the like and we doubt not if our cause were truly known unto her Majesty and your Wisdoms but we should find greater favour then they did whereas our Estate now is far more lamentable And therefore we humbly and earnestly crave of her Majesty and your Lordships both for our selves abroad and for our Brethren now in miserable Captivity but just and equal Tryal according unto her Majesty's Laws if we prove not our Adversaries to be in a most Pestilent and godless course both in regard of their Offices and their Proceedings in them and our selves to be in the right Way we desire not to have the benefit of her Majestyes true and faithful Subjects which of all earthly favours we account to be one of the greatest Are we Malefactors Are we any wise undutiful unto our Prince Maintain we any Errours Let us then be judicially convicted thereof and delivered to the Civil Authority but let not these bloody men both Accuse Condemn and closly Murther after this sort
against him and Stoned him with Stones at the Commandment of the King in the Court of the House of the Lord and slew him but the Lord soon according unto this good mans Prayer at his Death lookt upon this evil and required it at his and their hands by executing Judgment upon the King and his evil Councellors for at the end of that Year the Lord sent the Host of Assyria against him even but a small Company and destroyed all the Princes of the People the Kings evil Councellors first from among the People and sent the spoil of them to the King of Damascus and delivered a very great Army into their hands Because they had forsaken the Lord God of their Fathers and so they executed Judgment against Joash the King and when they had departed from him having left him in great Di●tress by reason of great Diseases his own Servant conspired against him for the blood of the Sons of Jehoida and slew him on his Bed that he died 2 Chron. 24. Proud Haman Persecutor Haman the Persecutor who persecuted Mordecai because he would not bow unto him and do him reverence according to the Kings Command who therefore sought to destroy all the Jews that were in the Kingdom promising to pay into the Kings Treasure ten thousand Talents of Silver if he would grant his Writing for their Destruction unto which the King consented to and in the mean time Haman builds a Gallows fifty Cubits high to hang Mordecai upon for not moving nor rising up nor doing reverence unto him but the Righteous God the Judge of Heaven and Earth who seeth all things soon overtook this Persecutor in his furious Pride and Blood-thirstiness and put a stop to his intended Persecution by turning the Kings Heart against him by the intercession of Esther the Queen whereby he came to be hanged himself upon the same Gallows he had set up for Mordecai the Jew Esther 3. Nebuchadnezar humbled Nebuchadnezzar that Proud Persecuting King of Babylon and Caldea how did the Lord humble him for his pride and cruelty exercised towards the three Children in casting then into the Fiery-Furnace which he caused to be heat seven times hotter then ordinary for them because they would not Worship the Golden Image which he had set up by renting his Kingdom from him and driving him from Men and making his dwelling with the Beasts of the Field and to eat grass as an Ox till seven times past over him and that his hands grew like Eagles Feathers and his nails like Birds Clawes that he and all might know that the Lord only changes times and seasons and Rules the Kingdoms of men and giveth to whomsoever he will and that his Wayes Works and Judgments are Truth as he afterwards confessed and that those that walk in pride he is able to abase Dan. 3.14 to the 18th verse The Executioners execut●ed Those chosen men that were the most mighty men of all that King Nebuchadnezar had in his whole Army that were the appointed Executioners of the Kings cruelty in fulfilling his Commands in binding the three Children and casting them into the burning Fiery Furnace soon tasted the just Judgment of God for their frowardness to obey such commands of cruelty for the flames of the Fire slew those men that took the three Children up while the Saints of the most high themselves though bound in their Coats Hosen Hats and other Garments being cast into the midst of the burning Fiery Furnace where they fell down bound into the midst of it yet upon their Bodies the Fire had no power nor was one hair of their head singed neither were their Coats changed nor the smell of Fire past on them Dan. 3.20 Those Presidents and Princes of Media and Persia that were the Persecutors of Daniel in King Darius his time that sought the occasions to find something against Daniel The Presidents and Princes of M●dia and Pers●a that they might accuse him to the King concerning the Kingdom but could find no occasion nor fault forasmuch as he was Faithful neither was there any error or fault found in him save only in that matter concerning the Law of his God against whom that they might have something against him in that matter also they are constrained to procure a Degree that whosoever shall ask a Petition of any God or Man for three dayes save only the King he should be cast into the Den of Lions which he the said Daniel even as they thought would not obey but immediately as soon as he be understood it was signed he went into his House his Windows being opened in his Chamber towards Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before God as he did before time for which those men aforesaid accused him before the King by whose means according to the said Decree he was cast into the Lions Den but God sent his Angels and shut the Lions Mouthes that they could not hurt him for no manner of hurt was found upon him because he was Innocent and believed in God but his Persecutors soon felt the just and righteous hand of God upon them for their so wicked persecuting the Innocent for Conscience sake for the King commanded those men to be brought that had accused Daniel and they cast them their Wives and their Children into the Lions Den and the Lions had the Mastery of them and break all their bones in pieces ere they came to the bottom of the Den Dan. 6. King Antiochus King Antiocu● surnamed Epiphanes a great Persecutor of the Jews who committed great Evils at Jerusalem and took all the Vessels of Gold and Silver that were therein and sent to destroy the Inhabitants of Judea without a cause and as himself confessed who in a Proud and insolent manner protested he would make Jerusalem a common burying place and the Streets thereof run with the blood of Gods People was by Gods just Judgment plagued with a grievous sickness having a remediless pain in his Bowels and an intolerable Torment in his inward parts his Body bred abundance of Worms which continually crawled out of the same yea he so rotted above ground that by reason of an intolerable stink no man could endure to come neer him neither could he himself endure the same but in a flood of extream Misery ended his dayes which as he confessed came upon him for the evil aforesaid see the Life of Judas Maccabees in Clarkes Martrol page 13. as also the first Book of Maccabees Chap. 1 10. and Chap. 6 8 c. Sennacrib King of Assyria murthered by his own Sons Sennacrib King of Assyria the great Oppressor and Persecutor of Israel and Judah and horrible blasphemer and reproacher of the Living God the God of Israel and Judah though they were left of him for a time for their forsaking him and falling to Idolatry and a great Defyer of him by the Mouth of wicked
contrary to the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testimament and by that means ye shall guide your People in the true and pure Service of God not regarding in the mean time the cavelling pretences of the Papists which say that such Questions have been already answer'd at General Councils for it is known well enough that no Council hath been lawful since the Popes have usurped the Principallity and Tyranny upon mens Souls but they have made them serve to their Covetousness Ambition and Cruelty and the contrariety which is among those Councils maketh enough for their disproof beside a hundred thousand other absurdities against the Word of God which be in them the true proof for such matters is in the true and holy Scriptures to the which no times nor Age hath any prescription to be alledged against them for by them we receive the Councils founded upon the Word of God and also by the same we reject that Doctrine which is repugnant And if ye do thus Sir God will bless your enterprise he will encrease and confirm your Reign and Empire and your Posterity if otherwise Destruction is at your Gate and unhappy are the People which shall dwell under your Obedience there is no doubt but God will harden your heart as he did Pharaohs and take of the Crown from your head as he did to Jeroboam Nadah Baza Ahab and to many other Kings and give it your Enemies to triumph over you and your Children And if the Emperor Antonyne the meek although he was a Pagan and Idolator seeing himself bewrapt with so many wars ceased the Persecutions which were in his time against the Christians and determined in the end to hear their Cause and Reasons how much more ought you that bear the name of most Christian King to be careful and diligent to cease the Persecutions against the poor Christians seeing they have not troubled nor do trouble in any wise the Sate of your Kingdom and your Affairs Considering also that the Jews are suffered throughout all Christendom although they be mortal Enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ which we hold by common accord and consent for our God Redeemer and Saviour and that until you have heard lawfully debated and understand our Reasons taken out of the Holy Scriptures and that your Majesty have judged if we be worthy of such punishments for if we be not overcome by the Word of God the Fire the Sword nor the cruel Torments shall not make us afraid these are Exercises that God has promised his the which he fortold should come in the last times that they should not be troubled when such things came upon them Translated out of the French Book intituled Commentaries of the State of the Church and Publique Weale page 7. Notwithstanding the Letter and warning the King no whit abated his cruel Persecution against the Lords People but rather was the more hardened in heart and inflamed against them pouring out great Threatning against them But the Lord in whose hand the hearts of Kings are caused him to stoop for shortly after in a publick Triumph or Jusling Mountgomery and the King met together so stoutly that in breaking their Spears the King was stricken with a counter blow right in one of his Eyes and the shivers entered into his Head so that his Brains festered and perished and no remedy could be found but he dyed having reigned twelve years three moneths and ten dayes Amongst others it is not to be forgoten the Example of Gods just Scourge upon Sigismundus the Emperor A just Judgment upon Sigismundus the Emperour who after his wrongful condemnation of John Husse and Hierome of Prage nothing afterwards went prosperous with him but all contrary so that he died without issue and in his wars he ever had the worst and not long after Ladis Laus his Daughters son King of Hungary fighting against the Turk was slain in the Field so that in the time of one Generation all the Posterity and Off-spring of this Emperor perished besides this Barbara his Wife came to such ruin by her wicked Lewdness that she became a shame and slander to the name and state of all Queens whereby all Christian Princes may be warned how they defile themselves with the blood of Saints an Martyrs And thus the Reader may see all along throughout the Scriptures and by the record of Antient Histories The Conclusion how God hath avenged the the Cause of his People against all Persecutors for Conscience sake of every Age almost from the beginning unto these Times and now these Examples may be a Warning to the Persecutors of this Age who have made Spoil of the People of God and have the Spoil in their Houses and though such Oppressors may be lifted up because Judgment is not speedily executed yet let such consider their wayes and repent before it be too late for the Lord is at the Door and beholds the Actions of such as grind the face of his People and though he hath long forbearance yet his Judgments will come if there be not repentance in time Return therefore whilst ye have time O ye Persecutors and wicked Men for the day of the Lord is at hand It shall come as a Destruction from the Almighty therefore shall all hands be faint and every mans heart shall melt and they shall be afraid Pangs and Sorrows shall take hold upon them they shall be in Pain as a Woman that travelleth they shall be amazed one at an other their faces shall be as Flames Behold the day of the Lord cometh cruel both with Wrath and fierce Anger to lay the Land desolate and he shall destroy the Sinners thereof out of it and will punish the World for their Evil and the wicked for their Iniquity and will cause the arrogancy of the Proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the Terrible A Christian Plea AGAINST PERSECUTION For the Cause of CONSCIENCE Grounded Upon Scripture Reason Experience and Testimonies OF Princes and learned Authors Acts 5.38 39. Now I say unto you Refrain from these Men and let them alone for if this Counsel or this Work be of Men it will come to nought but if it be of God you cannot overthrow it lest happily you be found Fighters against God Printed and Published for the Service of Truth The Contents I. REason against Persecution is because it is Contrary to the Scriptures II. Reason against Persecution for the cause of Conscience is because it is against the Profession and Practice of Famous Princes III. Reason against Persecution is because it is condemned by the antient and the later Writers IV. Reason It s no prejudice to a Kingdom or Common-wealth if Liberty of Conscience be suffered to such as fear God as is or will be manifested i● such mens Lives and Conversations as Scripture-Examples Testifie V. Several Testimonies shewing that Conscience ought to be free and not to be imposed upon and no person