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A41204 The famous and delectable history of Don Bellianis of Greece, or, The honour of chivalry containing his valiant exploits strange and dangerous adventures, with his admirable love to the Princesses Florisbella, daughter to the Souldan of Babilond / now newly writ[t]en by Francis Kirkman.; Belianís de Grecia. English Fernández, Jerónimo.; Kirkman, Francis, 1632-ca. 1680. 1671 (1671) Wing F779; ESTC R16345 257,809 344

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desired Don Billianis to bid them give over saying it was great pitty that two such valiant Knights should thus destroy each other he went to them and desired them to leave off but they would not till they had appointed to méet thirty dayes after in the Valley of the thrée Fountains and then and there to finish their Combat The Knight of Fortune was angry with Don Billianis for disturbing him and would not stay though he was entreated which Don Billianis séeing bestowed a Horse on him instead of his own that had béen killed and so he taking leave departed with his Companions The Princess Persiana did not guess amiss for the Knight of Fortune was her Brother Perianeo and his Companions were Don Fermosel of Solsticia the others were Brothers named Don Crisalaneo and Don Gramalis of Thrace who now travelled to the City of Persepolis to the great content of the Souldan and his Forces who for joy of the arrival of their Prince were ready to March when he pleased CHAP. XII Whow the Knight of Fortune was the Knights of the Crownes and the end of the Justs and the causes of the Emperors coming How Prince Perianeo approached the Walls of Bollera with 300000. Horsemen How the Emperor was gone to the three Fountains to finish the Combat with the Knight of Fortune and of the strange effects of the Combat DOn Billianis was discontent at the departure of the Knight of Fortune and séeing likewise the Knights of the Crowns likewise preparing to depart he desired them not to be so discourteous as the other but to stay and have their Wounds Cured and withal to discover themselves to him to this the Knight that had Combated with the Knight of Fortune did consent and pulling off his Helmet discovered himself to be the Emperor Don Billaneo This amazed Don Billianis and Arsileo who knew him and they can to perform their duties to him and in the Gréek Tongue asked who was his Companion he told them Sabian of Trebanto who had come out of Constantionople with him The other Prince and Princess's although they knew not his true quality for Don Billianis told them he was his Vnckle and the other his near Kinsman yet were they joyful and gave them very great reverence and conducting them to the Palace the Emperor laid in a rich bed to have his Wounds cured The Princess Aurora knew the Emperor as having séen him before and he did so resemble Don Billianis that setting his age aside they were very like one another she spake to the Emperor making her excuses that she could not conveniently pay those high Respects that were due to his Imperial Majesty The Emperor received her with many thanks Sabian of Trebanto was likewise welcomed and treated by all who enquired of him if he knew who was the Knight of Fortune to this he answered that he did for he was named Perianeo Son to the Emperor of Persia Duke Alfcian hearing this as knowing his intent was against him chiefly and that now the Souldan would not be long ere he approached with his Forces against which he knew he must make large Prodision but he being accompanyed by such Valiant Knights feared the less and going to Bed to his Bride had an enjoyment of that which he had so long desired He being in Bed Don Billianis only accompanied with Prince Arselio and Sabian of Trebanto went to visit the Centinels and Watch and by the way enquired of Sab an the cause of his and his Fathers coming to which Sabian replyed that when he and the Emperor left Constantinople they were accompanied by his two Brothers Don Clarineo at Spayn and Don Lucydamore of shessaly with a great Navy of Ships and about 200000. fighting men all intended for Antioch where they supposed to find him that by the way he and the Emperor had Landed and lost their Company and by several Adventures had arrived there This News pleased Don Billianis wh●returned to the Emperor and acquainted him with his Adventures in that Kingdom Thus did they spend part of that night and the rest in sléeping And the next day continuing the Iusts Sabian of Trebanto being Challenger won the Honours of the day A full Moneth they rested quietly by reason of the Winter which hindered the Souldan in advancing to them Don Billianis grieved for the absence of his Princess and would not be comforted by the Damosels nor Princess Aurora to whom he had discovered his lovs but grieving worse and worse his Father perceiving of it demanded the cause but could not learn it of him so that being in the Fields the Emperor asked of him the way to the Valey of the thrée Fountains telling him that he was by appoyntment there to méet with the Knight of Fortune Don Billianis told him where it was and would have gone with him but he would not permit it only taking a Launce from his Dwarfe departed and left him but he intended to go back and frustrate the Battel as you shall presently hear but first I must acquaint you with other matters The Sage Friston who was the greatest Magitian of his Age who lived in Persia and there writ this Mighty and Renowned History Was a great Friend to the Prince Perianeo and employed all his skill and industery in doing what in him lay for the Persian Prince For which purpose he had intended for him a very rich and good Swo●d which Meda had forged for her Lover Jason and after w●r●s left to the House of Greece in such a place as Don Billianis had won it This he intended for his Prince but k●●wing that Don Billianis was Master of that made him another which equalled it in richness and strength and in every thing did all he could for the House of Persia But turning over his Books in a pl●●e where he dwelt which was called The Desart of Death and there finding that although the Persian was very valiant and so that few could equal him yet he might be in danger in this Combat not being able to know what would be the success and end of it he therefore was resolved to disturb the Combat in such manner as shall presently understand Don Billianis having left the Emperor his Father hasted to the City and there méeting with Sabian of Trebanto he prayed him to lend him his Armour Sabian did accordingly and now he being thus Armed was in all things like his Father and mounting his Horse he made haste to the place where he supposed he should méet with Perianeo He went by the place where he saw the Emperor his Father lying under a Trée and looking about he saw a convenient place where he intended to stay till Perianeo came The Percian Prince was not mindful of his promise but having 300000. Horsemen besides footmen in his Company he had the day before left Persepolis and made such expedition in his journey that he came undiscovered to the walls of Bollera but
Combate might presently be performed To which the other Knight willingly consented and the place intended for the Iousts was the place appointed for the Combate to which place every one presently repaired much wondring at the presumption of the Knight of the Island of Pearls for so he was called and was known to be the best Knight in all that Countrey Don Bellianis having Armed himself presently repaired to the place appointed for the Combate where when he came he found the Knight of the Island of Pearls and the King and Queen and most of the Nobility seated near the Lists to behold this Combate Both the Combatants were armed with very good Armor Don Bel●ianis being armed with that famous Armor enriched with Basilisks and his Shield whereon was the Picture of the Princess Florisbella and mounted on an excellent Horse The other Knight was as well armed and mounted when taking each of them a Launce at the sound of the Trumpets they couched their Launces and Don Bellianis with the great desire he had to hit his enemy missed his encounter but the other knight did not so but hit his enemy so fircely on the Shield that Don Bellianis lost both his Stirrops whereat he was so extreamly enraged that throwing away his Launce without making any use thereof he drew his Sword which his enemy likewise did and gave Don Bellianis a mighty blow on the Helm The Knight of the Island of Pearls having given his enemy t●o such notable strokes without receiving any did certainly assure himself of the better of the Combate but was quickly of another mind when Don Bellianis being throughly enraged lifting up his Sword gave the Knight so mighty a blow that he tumbled him down from his Horse But he soon recovered his Legs and Sword and went on to kill the Horse of his enemy which Don Bellionis seeing he quickly dismounted and assaulted his enemy with many strokes which were returned with great strength During the time of this Combate with the Knights their Horses began a fiterce Combate for they ran violently against one another and lifting vp their fore féet wounded each other and what they could not do they performed with their téeth biting one another in marvelous manner to the great astonishment of the beholders Thus continnued they a good while but in the end Don Bellianis his Horse caused the other to run away which was taken notice of to be a good Omen to his Master who in the mean time was not idle But resolving so soon as this Combate was finished to be gone therefore he did his utmost endeavor to vanquish his enemy whom he had so wounded in severall places that it was impossible for him to continnue much longer But Don Bellianis being much vexed at the tediousness of the fight lifting up his Sword very high gave the Knight so great a stroke on the Helm that it cut it in pieces and wounded his head in such manner that he fell to the earth when presently setting the point of his Sword to his Breast he asked him if he would acknowledge the King and Quéen to be his lawful Sovereigns To which the Knight replyed He would never consent to any such thing during his life Whereupon Don Bellianis without any more a do immediately cut off his Head and then he went to the Herauld and commanded him to go forward with his Proclamation which he accordingly did in open field with the general acclamations of many thousands of people who were there present Thus this Combate being ended Don Bellianis went to the King and Queen and desired them to give him leave to depart immediately which they were very unwilling to do but he telling them that he was consident that they would have no further service to employ him in and that he would ere long return and visit them they consented to his departure but the King was very desirous for him to take some number of knights along with him which he wholly refused But the Quéen offered him a Dwarf which she brought with her from her Fathers Court whose service for the Queens sake he accepted and so he presently departed on his Iourney in company of his own Dwarf and that which the Queen gave him and they attended with all their Train retired to the Pallace CHAP. XVI How Don Bellianis travelling to Babylon met with a Damsel that was sent to finde him and how he returned with her to the Souldans Pallace VVIth great Ioy and Content travelled the worthy Don Bellianis towards Babylon being very earnestly desirous to arrive in the presence of his Lady and in this manner he travelled two days without happening on any Adventure The third day being mounted on Horse-back early in the morning be had not rid above an hour contemplating on the divine Perfections of his most excellent Lady and ruminating in his thoughts what service he should do that he might pretend to somewhat of her favor and wishing for some extraordinary Adventure that he might shew forth his worth at length he met with a Lady attended with two Knights who came riding on amain They no sooner saw him but the Lady who knew Don Bellianis by his Armor and Shield immediately with excess of Ioy cryed out Oh most fortunate I that have so soon finished my Iourney by méeting with the most Magnanimous and Valiant Knight that ever drew Sword and that at such a time when there is the greatest néed in the world At which words the Knight of the Golden Image much wondred not knowing how he should be discovered in so strange a Countrey But the Lady soon satisfied him of that doubt by telling him that she belonged to the Princess Mattarosa and was one of those that was with her Mistress released from the power of the Gyant Altifer and his Companions by the strength and power of his invincible arm Don Bellianis much vvondring to sée her courteously asked her in vvhat health her Lady vvas and the cause of her travel To this Sir Knight replyed she I shall give you an answer on condition that you forthvvith go along vvith me to Babylon and there present your self to my Mistriss and the Princess Florisbella and there receive such Orders from them as they shall give to vvhich Request he readily consented vvherefore they setting forvvards on these Iourney the Lady began her Discourse as follovveth Know then most valiant and redoubted Knight that never since the Walls of Babylon was built by the brave Semiramis was greater sorrow within that City then there is now and never was there greater cause of mourning for it is not a wéek since one of the greatest pieces of Treachery was committed that ever was heard of One day the Souldan our Dread Lord accompanied by his Emperess Silviana the Princess Florisbella the Princess Mattarosa my Mistriss and many other great Personages having been a Hunting were met by a grave Old Man and two Damsels they were all thrée drawn in
Princess Magdalena and thereupon he gave her a King before the Damsel as a pledge of his faith and as a token of the promise he made her and then sending out the Damsel to sée if any body were in the Garden he took a solemn farewel of her and the Damsel returning and telling him that the coast was clear he lest his Lady and departed to his Lodging And now our Lovers had procéded thus far they were more inamored of each other then they had béen and during the time of his stay he spent all the nights with her and the fatal day being come of their separation they both séemed to be very much disturbed but she being resolved to put a project she had in her head into ex●cution was the better satisfied and made provision accordingly He again promised to obey her in all things and not to fail in any thing he had promised her and now the very hour of his departure being come and that he had taken his leave of the King and Quéen and also of her telling her that he should within one hour set sail and so he left her She in prosecution of her intention having put all things into readiness before discoloured her Face and made that somewhat brown that was before very fair and clear and putting her self into a Suit and Coat habited like a Page and turning up her own Hair which was as yellow as the Gold or rather as radiant as the Sun-beams she put on a Periwig of another colour and so disguised her self that she was hardly knowable to her self and putting a parcel of rich Iewels and some Coin into her pocket and a Letter which she had written into her hands she went to the Sea-side where she had not waited long before he came She had so perfect a confidence that he did not at all distrust her but she coming up to him delivered a Letter to him which he opening read these words The Letter of the Princess Florida to the Prince Clarineo Sir AS a trial of your Love and an effect of your Promise to obey me in all things I make bold to request this of you to entertain this Donzel into your Service I dare warrant his Fidelity And although you are supplied with a faithful Servant already yet I pray accept of this from me who hath commission from me only sometimes to put you in mind of Your faithful and constant Friend FLORIDA Don Clarineo having read the Letter looked stedfastly on the Messenger and she as firmly upon him but he made no discovery but thus he said Most amiable Youth how welcome you are to me my usage of you shall testifie and you shall always find that in me as if my beloved Princess were presen● Good Sir replied the disguised Lady your only acceptance of me into your Service is all I desire and if I can serve you in any thing assure your self of my Fidelity to my utmost ability This discourse being ended he presently went aboard and carried his Page Florello with him for so had she named her self and the wind serving they hoysed up sails and departed When night came the Prince not only caused his Page to lie in the Ca●in but also in the same bed with him he was very unwilling at the first but it being the Princes absolute command he obeyed But although they lay together all the term of the voyage yet did not the Prince suspect his sex and quality but he passed with him and all others in the Ship for a Boy And thus did they travel up and down all those Seas and searched several Islands but to no purpose till at length to Ireland they came as shall be declared in the next Chapter CHAP. VI. How the Knight of Cupid travelled into England went to the famous City of London and from thence to Windsor where a Combat was to be fought for that a Countess was accused of Adultery by one of her Damsels who was hired thereunto by the Countesses Brother in Law The King ordering that the Damsel should provide a Champion to fight on her behalf she had a fierce Giant and the Countess being unprovided of a Champion the Knight of Cupid undertook the Combat on her behalf he fights with and kills the Giant and thereupon the Damsel confessing the accusation to be false is burnt and the Countesses Brother in Law is banished How the Knight of Cupid had in vain sought for the Princess Magdalena in England and taking shipping at Westchester travelled into Ireland THus did the Prince Clarineo travel from one Country to another in search●ng for the Princess Magdalena wishing by all means to find her that he might return to his beloved Princess Florida who although she was very near him yet he was ignorant thereof but it was great joy and comfort for them Lo●h in regard she did always sée him and converse with him and their discourse being for the most part about her And now our Prince having sailed to the western parts of the World he arrived at England and there he landed resolving to visit most of the considerable parts of that Kingdom and therefore he caused thrée Horses to be disimbarqued for himself his Squire Florello and his Dwarf and ordering his Vessel to sail about most part of the Island and méet him at Westchester which is the nearest Sea-port Town in England to Ireland whither he also intended to travel and sée if in the Country of his Friend Peter of Ireland he might hear any news of the Princess Magdalena He and his Attendants being thus mounted on horse-back they rode on towards the great and famous City of London where the King of that Country kept his Court being come thither the King and all the Court were just then removing to the antient Castle of Windsor for the trial of a Cause that was there within few days to be ended by Combat the occasion of which Combat was this A Countess of that Kingdom having thrée Children by her Husband he died leaving her a Widow and she seized upon the Estate for the use of her Children they being as yet but young The Earl her Husband had a Brother who was very desirous of having the Children in his kéeping because he might under that pretence receive the Rent of his Brother's Lands but to this the Countess would in no wise agrée Wherefore her Brother in Law was so angry and being of a wicked and perverse nature being ambitious of Honour and covetous of the Estate of his Brother he had contrived a way how to gain all the Estate to himself wherefore he by great presents in hand and many fair promises of greater matters drew into confederacy with him a Damsel who had lived many years with his Sister in Law and her he caused to give out that the thrée Children of her Lady were not begotten by the Earl her Husband but by another who kept her company by this means proving her Lady to
be an Adultress and the Children Bastards He séemed at first to be surprized at this strange discourse which he himself had framed but as he said his Brother's Honour being in question he caused the wicked Damsel to be carried before the King where she not only justified this report but made oath of the same whereupon the Countess was sent for but all the answer she could give was in the denial of the fact with asseverations and tears The King hearing the case and intending like a good Prince to do justice took this order that by a day prefixed the Damsel should provide a Champion who should maintain and justifie what she had said and that the Countess should likewise provide her Champion to fight with the other in vindication of her honour and that if the Damsels Champion should be vanquished the Damsel should be burnt alive and if the Countesses Champion should be vanquished she and her Children should be bereft of all the Estate of her dead Husband and left to séek their fortunes where they could This was set down by the King as absolute Now the time of this Combat approaching the King was going to Windsor which was the place appointed where it should be fought The Earl's Brother did before hand believe what would be the King's order in the matter and therefore he had provided a Champion for the Damsel who was a monstrous great Giant bred up in the Isle of Man a Country thereto adjoyning The Damsel being thus provided for was out of all care and fear of further harm but the Countess could not procure any to undertake her cause though all men believed her virtuous so great was the terror every one had of this monstrous Giant And now was the time very near come when the Combat was to be sought and all Persons concerned and a very great Assembly of People were come together to Windsor Our Prince Clarineo now known by the name of the Knight of Cupid went among others and was very much concerned on the Countesses behalf for he could not hear of any Champion that she was provided with He had some discourses with his Squire Florello upon this occasion telling him that he wondred at the cowardise of the English Knights that would not undertake this Giant adding that if the Countess had no Champion he himself would undertake her cause Florello hearing this and doubting some such matter replied I question not my Lord but that the Councess is wronged and that she hath bad fortune to have so monstrous an Enemy and none to undertake him but withal I think it would be deemed rashness in you who are wholly a stranger to her to indanger your life in a Combat so hazardous The Prince replied That he was bound by the order of Knight-hood to assist all Ladies especially those that were distressed and that he could not exercise his valour better then on this account and continued he I should not be worthy of my Lady Florida if for her sake I shall not assist those that resemble her I but replied Florello I know this that if she were here present she would hardly give consent that you should upon any consideration whatsoever put your Person into so great hazard I question not but I should perswade her thereto replied he and to the end that you may hereafter acquaint her with this affair we will go together to the Countess and see in what condition she is and accordingly ingage for her Hereupon they presently went to the Countesses Lodgings where they were admitted The Knight of Cupid being entred and sate down asked her Whether she was yet provided of a Champion To which she replied No and that the next day was the day appointed for the Combat and then continued she my Children will be undone and it shall be the last day of my life for it will be impossible for me to our-live my shame and if all fail I will be my own Executioner She having ended her lamentable discourse finished with such a deluge of tears that drew compassion from all there present The Knight of Gupid séeing so many accompany her in her lamentations and none offer to assist her in her cause told her That he had so much confidence in the justice of her cause and innocency that he would undertake the Combat in her behalf She hearing what he had said replied Ah! Sir Knight how much am I obliged to you for your kind offer which I dare not accept of not so much out of a sense of my own misfortune as for fear of yours for the Monster who is the Champion of my Adversary is so mighty that he is thought to be able to encounter with four of the best and valiantest Knights in this Kingdom therefore Sir Knight I should be mighty sorry to adventure you single against so vile a Monster and then should you miscarry as I doubt you must although I am innocent I should be then concluded guilty and you would to no purpose lose your life in my defence therefore I think it best to conclude my self unfortunate and not make others who are wholly unconcerned suffer with me To this the Knight of Cupid replied Madam if you please to accept of me for your Champion do not question any thing else further but leave all to Fate that hath formerly strengthened me to overcome and vanquish Enemies altogether as redoubtable as this Monster His Squire Florello hearing this and being no longer able to forbear said Good my Lord consider what you do and remember that as this Lady supposes she can have little benefit by your assistance so you know the Princess Florida will if you be unfortunate receive so great a grief that it will be the ending of her days and so you will thereby be the occasion of the death of her your self and do no kindness for the Countess but rather leave her the more suspected All that you can say replied the Knight of Cupid is nothing for I question not the Victory if there were two such Monsters so great confidence have I said he to the Countess in the justness of your cause and the assistance of that power that hath never yet failed me therefore if you please to accept me as your Champion I will undertake the Combat on your behalf The Countess hearing his resolution kindly thanked him and he promised not to fail the next day to be ready Armed at all points in the Field and so they parted The next day being come and the hour of the Combat approaching and all things provided to receive the Combatants Iudges and Spectators the King entred and mounted on a Scaffold where was also the Quéen and the chiefest of the Nobles two Iudges who were appointed to be Iudges of the Field sate at the King's féet The Countess and her thrée Children being clad in mourning apparel sate by themselves and the Damsel with the Brother of the Earl by themselves on another
unto her the good success of his Embassie and how that by the assistance of those two Knights there present and of their brother Don Bellianis as also by the advice and help of Palineo and Damartino he had flain the Vsurping King Tramolcano and the Count Garino and reduced the Kingdom to her obedience and that there was nothing now wanting but her presence to make her subjects happy and that they were all ready to obey her in every thing and in the mean time till she could come thither they had sworn Oaths of Allegiance to Damartino according to her orders and command This news greatly contented the Princess and she returned many thanks to Don Brianel and his Companions after which they departed from her presence and went to the place where the Emperor his Son and Duke Alfiron wich the rest of the Commanders were in Counsel about what was necessary to be done as well for the defence of themselves as for the offending of their enemies and there it was concluded to send Don Clarineo to Persepolis to attend the landing of two hundred thousand men who were come from Greece with the Emperor and ●ave him orders that he should conduct these Forces directly to Persepolis to assault it that thereby the Souldan hearing thereof might be enforced to withdraw his Forces to aid that City and so they should be left frée This determination was immediately put in execution and Don Clarineo in company of fifty Knights presently departed and travelled so long that night that the next morning they arrived within two leagues of Persepolis and then they took another way and went somewhat about that they might travel undiscovered and so they did till they arrived at the Sea-side where they immediately embarqued themselves and ranging about the Sea for some time they at last discovered the Navy and approaching to them went aboard the Admiral and immediately causing the principal of the Captains and other Commanders to come aboa●d he declared the will of the Emperor to which they all promised ready obedience and thereupon they presently set sayl for Persepolis and they had not sayled six hours before they discovered the shore where they landed without any interruption and leaving a sufficient company to guard the Navy they immediately marched on to Persepo is where they arriving endeavored to enter but were strongly repulsed by the Souldans Forces and the place being very well fortified they were forced to retire and fortifie themselves in Trenches near the City till they had further orders from the Emperor The City of Persepolis being thus assaulted some of the Forces went immediately to the Souldans Camy before Bollera to certifie him thereof where hey arrived one morning early just as the Souldan and his Son wit all their Forces were going to assault the City but they were much astonished with this news and did greatly wonder from whence all those Forces should arrive however commanding the Messengers to silence they resolved to give the on-set to the City before they departed and thereupon went forwards with all their accoutrements of War Perianeo Knight of the Images being extraordinarily enraged immediately got a Ladder and mounted the wall where he soon either cut in pieces or tumbled down all such as were placed there to oppose him and was ready to have descended the wall and entred the City when the Emperor himself and several other valiant Knights in his company came and resisted him Many fierce and hardy blows were given and received on both sides for they had both an implacable hatred to each other and the Emperor knowing that if he could vanquish that enemy he should easily force the rest to retire laid mighty strokes on the Knight of the Images so that in the end he put him quite out of breath and inforced him to retire from the wall in despite of all the resistance he could possibly make all this while the rest of the Knights and Giants on both sides were not idle but did their uttermost endeavors the one to posses and the other to defend the wall which indeed was to well guarded by so many valiant and magnanimous Knights that indéed the flower of all Chivalry was there present and therefore the Moat which incompassed the City was in a manner filled with the blood and dead bodies of the assaylants which the Souldan perceiving and knowing that his presence was required and endéed more necessary in another place he caused his Forces to recreat which he could hardly effect in regard of the desperateness of the Fight in all places at last he withdrew his Forces and finding that he had gained nothing but that this on●●e had cost him the loss of fifty thousand men he resolved to depart that might and retire to Persepolis Those in the City séeing their Enemiés withdrawn in good order returned to their several Quarters where they greatly rejoyced in their good fortune The Emperor and his Son with all the rest of those couragious Knights resolving the next day to issue out of the City and set upon their Enemies in the open field but when the next morning was come and they were read to put this their resolution in execution they found that all their enemies were departed having taken the benefit of the night for that purpose wherefore they went and disarmed themselves and then went again to counsel where they resolved to 〈◊〉 as followeth CHAP. III. How Don Bellaneo the Emperor and the rest of the Knights and Forces followed the Souldan to Persepolis and that which happened ethre THe Emperor Don Bellaneo and the rest of the Knights being entred into Council it was concluded that every one should provide himself to depart from that City and follow the Souldan they very well knowing that the Forces of the Emperor under the command of Don Clarineo being arrived at Persepolis and the Souldan being informed thereof was the cause of his so sudden departure wherefore Don Alfiron the Emperor Don Bellianis and the rest of the knights went immediately to put their Forces in readiness which when they had done they came to the Court to the Ladies to take their farewel of them The Princess Parsiana was much troubled and perplexed that she should so soon leave her husband the Duke and was greatly discontented that all this War was occasioned thorough her Marriage with the Duke whereby the lives of so many brave Knighes were put into continual jeopardy wherefore she besought the Duke her Husband Don Bellaneo and his son Don Bellianis to use their utmost endeavors to reconcile this difference betwéen her husband and het Father without the effusion of any more blood which they promised to endeavor The Princess Aurora was like wise much troubled that her affairs was thus hindred by these Wars but her discontent was the greater in that Don Brianel and she must p●rt wherefore she applyed her self to Don Bellianis and calling him Her Deliverer desired him to make
make use of your Lance against me let me see what you can do vvith your Svvord for assure your self that I vvill do my utmost endeavor against you vvith mine and I hope to make you knovv that I have an arm as capable and strong to vv●ild a Svvord as it vvas to manage a Lance against you He heard her well enough but was intended to leave her as he had done the time before but he was hindred by those who attended her and thereby she had the means to come up to him when she was within reach of him she again commanded him to defend himself and advancing her Sword in the air she let it fall on his Shield with such violence that it forced him to bend his body and she again redoubled her blow in such manner that she wounded him on the shoulder the smart of the wound made him alter his resolution and séeing it was impossible to get from her without blows was resolved to give her one and so be gone whereupon he raised his Sword and intending to hit her cross the top of her Helmet to astonish her a little his blow fell with such force that the buckles of her Helmet breaking that fell off from her head and thereby she discovered the loveliest but withall the most majestick face that Nature ever produced all her long golden locks flew about her shoulders and the colour of her face was so rubified with the head of the fight and the anger to be thus used that it was much like that of Roses and indéed throughout all she séemed to present those two Goddesses Venus and Bellona the one in the face and the other in all the other parts of her body The Numidian Prince was so surprized with this unexpected but most pleasant sight that he stood with his Sword in his hand like a dead statue but she soon put life in him again for now her anger being raised to the highest pitch she likewise raised her Sword and saluted him with a powerful blow on the Helmet which although it for the present blinded his eyes yet his understanding was clear and he refused to take the advantage he had against her of assaulting her unarmed as she was but resolving to be gone he was likewise resolved to have some benefit of the combat for he seizing her in his arms catcht hold of that fair gréen Scarf that held her Sword-scabberd and lifting it over her head turned his Horse and in despight of all the resistance her Knights could make he made his way through them and so returned to his Army During the time of this combat all the Forces of both Armies had the leisure to ingage themselves and that with indifferent fortunes for as he possessed his Souldiers with a courage so did she those under her command and those Chiefs that they had appointed on both sides over their several Squadrons being Persons of great conduct and valour had worthily discharged their places But the Army of the Prince of Numidia having béen always used to conquer were resolved to do so now too and therefore they laid about them so valiantly that their Enemies were fored to withdraw The Princess Floreza séeing this and being enraged as well at the misfortune of her self as that of her Army she sene away immediately to the City to command those Forces there under the conduct of the Knight of the Tyger to advance and in the mean time she used all possible diligence to rally her scattered Forces she did so and had put them again in the best order that time and place would permit When she saw her fresh Forces issue out of the City as this caused an universal Joy to her and her People so it was as much cause of sorrow to the valiant Numidian who by this understood that the fight would be very bloody and that he must be forced to fight it out to the last man he was sorry to find it so but being resolved to do all things that might be done by a good General he sent away to his Camp to command those Forces that he had left there to quit the Camp and advance towards the place of Battle put not to make their approaches so near as to be discovered by either Army but to stay in some near convenient place and expect his Commands His Orders were obeyed but before they could arrive at him the Enemy was advancing with the recruit of fresh Forces He has in this time Marshalled his Army and was ready to receive them and so went on and joyned Battle he was still ho●e●ing at some small distance with a small party and as he saw occasion went and relieved those that stood in néed of his assistance and that done he again retired to the place from whence he came where he made his observations and in fine by this his good and prudent management he saw that his Army had received the first brunt of the on-set of his Enemies Forces with valour enough and had made a considerable resistance and that his Enemies having failed in their expectation were now wearied whilst his Men kept close to their ground and séeing that there was no advantage on the Enemies part he whéeled abo●t and went to those Forces he had ordered as a Reserve when he came to them he cried out Come Fellow-Souldiers there is only your assistance wanting to put an end to this days work and reap the advantage of Battle that hath been well fought do but now show your resolutions to continue what you have been Conquerors and we shall soon be so They answered him with such a shout as demonstrated their joy and willingness to follow him wherefore he being at the head of this Party flew like lightning and in a instant was up with his Enemies who were mightily surpized with this assault They bore it as couragiously as they could but these fresh Forces coming with fresh resolutions to die or conquer made their Enemies know that they were led by one who was no ●dvice in the Art of War The gallant Princess did all she could to hinder her Enemies from a Victory which she saw they were resolved to have but séeing it was in vain she like a prudent General caused the retreat to be sounded The Numidian Prince hearing of it was resolved not to disoblige her further but give her the satisfaction she desired but although he as well as she had caused the retreat to be sounded yet his Souldiers could not be easily brought off from the work they were ingaged in in killing and vanquishing their Enemies But now the night coming on did that for them both which they were so desirous of for it separated the two Armies and the valiant Princess found her loss so considerable that she thought it necessary to quit the Field to her Enemies and enter the City being the better place of security She put this her resolution into execution but not so well but that she
courtship from this fierce Lover but he living in a Castle near to that where she dwelt with her Father and sometimes riding abroad he would take some opportunities of séeing her and tendring his love to her She who was resolved to have none but the Prince Arsileo refused Fustagon and all others and notwithstanding his many Letters and Presents wholly refused him But he being very amorous of her was re●●lved to have her either by fair means or compulsion and to that end he laid many plots how to surprize her but she being kept with her Father in his Castle which was defended with many Knights of his retinuē he had not the opportunity of surprizing her by force but at length he waiting all opportunities found one to execute his villanous design For news being brought that the Emperor Don Bellaneo and the Prince Arsileo with several others were returned to Constantinople from Persi● the Father of the Princess Leonarda out of dutiful respect to the Emperor thought it necessary for him to go to Constantinople and welcome him home accordingly he and most of his retinue went thither but no sooner was be set forwards on his journey to the Emperor's Court but the wicked Fustagon waiting his opportunity gasned possession of the Castle where Leonarda was and first attempting her by fair means and s●●ding that ineffectual he at length forced her to leave her own Castle and go with him to his I being one of her principal Damsels attended her in that unpleasant journey where when we came the poor Princess was made Prisoner and without any respect to her sex or condition unkindly treated and she refusing to accept him for a Husband he told her that then she must resolve to permit him to enjoy her or else he would compel her by for●e She gave him the best words she could at prefect hoping for relief from her Father and the Prince Arsileo who soon after had notice of her misfortune and therefore b●th left the Court and travelled thitherwards to relieve her But this cunning Villain Fustagon suspecting some such matter and believing that if he could get the Father or Lover into his power that then he might accomplish his ends upon the Princess he therefore put himself in the way that they were to come and having a parcel of Knights as wicked as himself who had promised to assist him in his wicked design such was the misfortune of my Princess that he met fought with vanq●ished and took Prisoners both her Father and Lover and having them in his possession surely guarded carried them to his Castle and presented them to the Princess telling her that now if she would not grant to his desires and agrée to marry him he would cause them both to be murdered before her eyes She was mightily perplexed at her great misfortune and all that she could gain of this Monster was to give h●● a moneths time to consider of this matter promising then to give him a positive answer And this she did in hopes to be relieved by some of her Fathers Subjects but they faling her she made such shift as she not me out of the Castle commanding me to go with all spéed to the Emperor's Court to get asūstance from thence And thus continued this Damsel have I given you a brief but true account of my Princesses misfortunes and the cause of my hasty journey and therefore if you are willing to assist me in this enterprize make no delays but face about and I will conduct you to the place where all these unfortunate People are kept The two Princes Don Clarineo and Don Lucidamore néeded not many arguments to induce them to assist in so just a cause not only the defence and assistance of all Ladies in general obliging them thereto but that in particular of a Lady their Fathers Subject whom they very well knew and their near and dear Kin●ma● Don Arsileo for whose assistance and deliverance they knew themselves very much obliged and were very joyful that after so long an absence from their own Country they might now at their return be instrumental in acting any thing that should be worthy of them wherefore they soon faced about and bidding the Damsel put on they and their whole Troop followed her And now being upon their way they inquired several things of her as first how far it was thither To which she replied not above one days journey Then how this Giant Fustagon was accompanied and how they might get into his Castle To this the Damsel replied that he had two hundred Knights in his company within the Castle and had twice that number in places not far distant and that several wicked Knights did every day come 〈◊〉 to him to his assistance all which he entertained fearing and expecting Forces from my Ladies Fathers Subjects or from the Emperor to come against them and therefore he is so well provided with Knights within and without and the Castle is so well fortified that it will be a very difficult enterprize to gain it by force wherefore it will be better in my opinion said she for some to get in by policy and so surprize it The Damsels counsel was very well approved of and they now riding on and coming within two miles of the place again consulted what was to be done and thereupon they resolved to divide themselves into thrée Squadrons which should all be that night about midnight within hearing of the sound of a Trumpet of the Castle and then should attempt to enter and that Don Clarineo and five more valiant and resolved Knights would get in as Friends to Fustagon and so let in the rest and perform their enterprize This being thus resolved upon Don Clarineo and the five other Knights in his Company marched on alone leaving the Damsel to conduct the rest and whéeling about approached the Castle as 〈◊〉 coming from a strange Country and being espied by the Centries they still came nearer and being come within hearing the Centries demanded who they were and what they would have They replied they were Friends and came to speak with their Lord Fustagon When they had thus answered they came nearer and were come to the Castle Gate and the Guard there séeing them so few in company permitted them to enter and they were presently conducted to the presence of Fustagon When they came near him Don Clarineo saluted him telling him that he belonged to a near Kinsman of his named Ba●stoon who desiring to be kindly remembred to him and understanding that he might have some occasion for his assistance had sent them to wait on him for that purpose and intended himself with larger assistance to come to him in few days To this Fustagon answered that they were very welcome but he did believe that he should not have any occasion to trouble his Kinsman for he hoped that the Lady Leonarda would grant his desires fairly and then all would be well again but said
satisfie you in every thing replied the King I tell you that one of these Princes named Owen O Coneele who is Governor of a Province called Ulster hath a Daughter named Honora who is very fair and virtuous and as I understand is beloved by the other Prince named Owen Mac O Brian who is Governor of another Province called Conaught and I believe this Princess do●h also love the same Owen Mac O Brian but her Father is not willing out of some former feuds and quarrels between them to give her in marriage to him who loves her but rather chooses to bestow her in marriage with Flusteron a furious Giant who lives on the Mountains of Callingford in the Province of Ulster and is indeed but his own Subject The young Lady is very unwilling to be married to this Giant and her Sweet-heart the Prince of Conaught out of desire to have her himself or at least-wise to hinder her Father from bestowing her on the Giant hath raised an Army and the Prince of Ulster her Father by the assistance of his intended Son in Law hath raised another and they have already ingaged in a War which although I have commanded them to desist from and to leave off yet they still proceed with such violence that many have on both sides been slain and all this whole Country which hath for many years been governed by me in Peace are now ingaged in a bloody War either on one side or the other and we are likely if some speedy course be not taken to ruine one another and for this end I thought fit to impose the Oath I have told you of The Knight of Cupid having given good attention to the King's discourse made this answer Sir I must confess you have Justice on your side and I am freely willing not only to take the Oath you impose but also to give you my utmost assistance in the War but withal I make bold to tell your Majesty my opinion that it is very unjust to compel the Princess Honora to be married to the Giant whom she loveth not and therefore I am unwilling to assist in any thing to compel her thereto and setting aside that particular affair I shall be ready to obey your Majesty in any of your Majestie commands and I hope with so good success that I shall make your Majesty some part of amends for the loss of those Subjects who have through their own rashness fallen by my hand for had they acquainted me with the matter as your Majesty hath done I should have been as obedient to them as now I am unto your Majesty The King replied That since what was passed could not be helped he hoped he would not take any thing amiss on his part and then all should be forgotten And thereupon the Knight of Cupid taking his Oath had his Sword deliv●red to him and was conducted to Lodgings appointed him by the King whitherto being attended by his Squire and Dwarf he retired and disarming himself lay down to take some rest which he had great occasion for in respect of the great travel he had béen at that day And now the King having the Knight of Cupid in his Court was resolved forthwith to march with his Army and try if he could compel these two angry Princes to agrée and lay down their Arms and therefore he soon after marched towards the famous City of Drummore in the Province of Ulster where then the Prince of that Province resided Being come near the place he sent●a Messenger to command him in his Majesties name to disband his Army and suffer all to depart and promising that if he did so he would command the Prince of Conaught to do so likewise and if he should refuse so to do he would turn his whole force upon him and compel him also to do the same The Giant Flusteron who was then in the Prince of Ulster's Army and reposing much confidence in his own strength returned answer That if he intended to be obeyed there he must first sée the Prince of Conaught obey him in what he said or else they were resolved to defend themselves The King hearing of this proud answer was resolved to procéed against them and the Knight of Cupid who had no a fection for the Giant Flusteron but rather inclined to the part of the Prince of Conaught advised the King to assault the City and take it by force and thereupon in short time after the assault was given and that so couragiously that notwithstanding all the resistance of the King of Ulster or the Giant Flusteron it was taken and this furious Monster séeing that he could not hold it was resolved rather then any else should to destroy it himself wherefore he caused it to be set on fire in six several places so that in few hours that proud and losty City of Drummore was ruined and still remains a sad spectacle to all Travellors The King of Ulster being forced out of this ruined City fled with the rest of his Army to another City of his called Dundalk and there fortified himself and the Giant Flusteron going to his own Territories in the Mountains of Callingford gathered together a-very strong party among which he brought many furious Monsters and with this Recruit he relieved his intended Father in Law the Prince of Ulster then in Dundalk and now believing themselves strong enough not only to oppose the King but to méet him in the Field they went out of the City but to their loss for the Knight of Cupid who commanded the Van of the Kings Army did set upon the Giant and his Party so vigorously that notwithstanding all the apposition he could make he forced them into the City The King had many approved good Knights and some Giants who lived on the Mountains of Wicklow in his own Province of Lemster but more especially one who commanded the rest and who was indéed but little inferior to the Giant Flusteron and these two did often encounter each other so that the Knight of Cupid had not yet had the opportunity of trying the force of the Giant Flusteron himself but employing his courage in other places soon made them fly before him And now the Enemy was again inclosed within the City and summons being again given him to obey the King's command and he proudly refusing they were assaulted with the same success as before for after a violent resistance it was taken and now the Knight of Cupid séeing they so much delighted in streing the former City of Drummore caused the City of Dundalk to be also stred and thus in few days were two brave Cities ruined And now the King of Ulster being still obstinate and perswaded by the Giant Flusteron or else indéed over-ruled by him they fled from one place to another till they came to the City of Dundrom which being a famous Sea-port Town was reckoned to be very secure and there the Princess Honora Daughter to
the King of Ulster resided she who had béen the unhappy cause of all these Wars which she confidering of and that she might be the cause of her Father's ruine considered also which way to prevent it and therefore sent to her Lover Owen Mac O Brian Prince of Conaught to desire him to lay down his Arms and leave her to the disposal of her Father for if he obstinately persisted she would never have him although frée to dispose of her self and séeing his first taking up of Arms against her Father had béen for her sake to hinder her marriage with Flusteron so she desired him that for her sake he would also lay down his Arms and then she questioned not but her Father would be induced to do so too and a Peace would follow and she hoped then so to order affairs as that she might content him and her self This Prince who was still in Arms in his own Province and only waited the motions of the two other Armies now hearing the desires of his Princess knew not what to resolve on but being willing to oblige her in all he could and not thinking it convenient to lay down Arms till the War was ended he resolved on a third course which was to take past with her Father relieve and assist him against the King and thereby as he hoped oblige him to bestow his Daughter on him and therefore away he marcheth with all his Army towards the City of Dundrom where the King and the Knight of Cupid had besieged the King of Ulster The news of his approach surprized the King neither did the Prince of Ulster know what he intended but he soon sent a Letter to acquaint him that although he had appeared his Enemy when alone in the Field yet now that he saw him likely to be oppressed by the King and his numerous and victorious Forces be would joyn interests with him till he had frée● himself of so potent an Enemy and that then afterwards it would be time enough for them to consider of their own private quarrel which he hoped would be put to a good end and that at least if he would not let him have the happiness of having his Daughter yet he would not compel her against her will to be married to another The Giant Flusteton hearing of this message and supposing it might turn to his disadvantage would not permit the Prince of Ulster to return him any answer but told him that he would take such order that the King of Lemster should soon be enforeed to withdraw his Forces and the way he propounded was this that they being we●● fortified néed not fear any assault in that place and if they ●ould be put to the utmost extremity they might escape by sea but he did not expect any such matters because the Prince of Conaught would hinder the King from procéeding so forwards and he leaving a sufficient Party to secure the Princess left the City of Dundrom and went to his own Country and there raising another great Party he roved up and down and at length entring the Province of Lemster in the King's absence did much mischief burning and destroying all places where he came thinking by this means to force the King to raise his siege and return home to guard his own Country But the King not knowing of this mischief but séeing the Forces of the Prince of Conaught sent to know why he came thither armed commanding him to depart and disband his Forces He answered that he could not indéed deny but that he was his Sovereign and therefore ought to be obeyed but that withal what he did was for self-preservation and to serve a Mistress whom he estéemed above all for he believed that if he should permit him absolutely to conquer his Neighbor the Prince of Ulster and thereby his Mistress would also be destroyed it would not be long before he served him in the same manner and so become absolute not permitting them their antient Principallity to which they had as much right as he to his absolute Sovereignty and therefore the cause why he could not obey him at present was because he was resolved not to sit still and first sée his Neighbors Principallity taken from him and then his own This was the answer he sent whereupon the King sent away to his Brother Mac Guire Prince of Munster and Father to Peter of Ireland to raise what Forces he could and come to his assistance resolving to compel these two Princes to obey him The Prince of Munster knowing of the War and doubting of the events thereof had already raised an Army to be in readiness and therefore was quickly on his way to his Brother before Dundrom but in the mean time the Giant Flusteron had committed many villanies for he had surprized the antient City of Tredagh in Lemster and destroying the Inhabitants very much ruined the City it self and now hearing that the Prince of Munster was ingaged against his Party he marches into his Country and spoils many places there but more particularly the Town of Rabennee which he set on fire and now all the Kingdom of Ireland was ingaged in a War which was very bloody and all occasioned by the wilfulness of this Monster Flusteron who now supposing it necessary makes all haste possible to the City of Dundrom and getting into it gives an account of his villainies By the assistance which he brought the City was so well relieved that it was resolved they would no longer be inclosed within the walls but go out and face and fight their Enemies knowing that if the Prince of Conaught did them no good he would not harm them by assisting their Enemies wherefore he making all the Forces he could marched out of the City and being fleshed and encouraged by the success he had abroad hoped to have the same here in the Field and now being resolved to fight he questioned not but he should conquer and therefore was so bold as to send to the King to defie him and to appoint a pitcht Battle thrée days after or sooner if he would The King hearing of his presumption called his Councel to advise what was to be done And there the Knight of Cupid advised the King to agrée to the Battle to be fought thrée days after and in the mean time to have a Truce so that any single Persons might be frée to visit their Enemies Camp or City All this was agréed on by all Parties and the Knight of Cupid having leave of the King and power to treat as he thought fit was resolved to treat with all Parties and sée if by his prudent management he might put an end to this War without fighting Whereupon the chief occasion of this War being about the Marriage of the Princess Honora he first went to her and there he examining her to every thing found that she had an absolute antipathy against and hatred to the Giant Flusteron her intended Husband and