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A31298 The New atlas, or, Travels and voyages in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, thro' the most renowned parts of the world ... performed by an English gentleman, in nine years travel and voyages, more exact than ever. T. C. 1698 (1698) Wing C139; ESTC R6334 161,632 252

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business nor do they admit of Evidence in Writing always taking it by word of Mouth so that Bills Bonds and other Contracts are not significant in Turkey yet there is much Bribery used and he that can give the Judge most usually carries the Cause They punish Crimes with great severity and so speedily that rarely Thefts are committed by any private Turk and the People in all Cities are careful to prevent Murthers for if the Murtherer escape a great sum of Money is required of the Person before whose Door the Murthered Body is found which is exacted with Rigor The Divan consists of the Grand Visier and several other Visiers of the Bench and there the important business of State is Controverted and Causes heard of all which the Grand Visier gives the Grand Signior an account nor dares he dissemble or hide any thing as knowing the Grand Signior has a Window into it before which hangs a thin Curtain through which he can see and hear but not be seen and therefore the Visiers know not but he may be always there in the Divan time which keeps such an awe over them that they do better Justice than in other places to prevent their Heads flying off as it sometimes has happen'd upon the least defect or partiality Next to the Bassas the Beglerbegs or Lords of Lords are in highest Authority in Temporal matters they have Command over Provinces and Armies and under them are divers Zanzacks as their Deputies but their Government is during the Prince's pleasure and the Chief of these is the Beglerbeg of Rormania in Greece under whose Command are 21 Zanzacks These usually exercise and bring to the Field the Spahi and Tiraarcots the Turks best Horsemen These latter are certain Horsemen usually on the Frontiers that for Lands alotted them out of the Grands Signior's Conquests are bound to give their attendance and serve in the Wars upon Summons The Spahi are most Europeans trained up Young to manage a Horse and exercise Cavalry having Pay There are also Spachoglanians Silictarians and Olofagians who have Lands or Pensions assigned them to serve in the Wars for none as in other Countries can purchase Lands for Inheritance the whole Empire being in Fee-simple the Grand Signior's and all things revokable at his pleasure The Horsemen march under a white Banner mostly Armed with strong Coats Bows Arrows Fire-Arms Cimitars Battle-Axes c. There are another sort of Horsemen called Caripices but not above 800 These are usually the Grand Signior's Guard surrounding him in the middle of the Batallion of the Janisaries and are Fellows so desperate that they will venture on any Enterprise being for the most part Sons of great Commanders trained up from their Youth in this way The Janisaries are the Turk's best Footmen and these at first are taken when Children from their Parents mostly Christians but brought up in the Mahometan Superstition inured to all manner of hardship and have Officers over them to teach them the use of Arms and these enclose the Grand Signior when he marches with the Army They ware white Caps their Arms are Harquibuses and sharp cutting Cimitars who since their first Institution as a Nursery of Soldery have been the chief support of the Ottoman Empire they are commanded by an Aga or Chief Commander to whom nothing is so fatal as their Love and Respect for that creats in the Grand Signior a Jealousie of his aspiring and on this Account many of the Aga's have lost their Lives but mostly they are put to Death privately to prevent their being rescued and if he be a Court Favourite the Janisaries are distrustful of him and sometimes on failure of their Pay and other Occasions Mutiny and Murther him so that on either hand he stands very ticklish in his high promotion The Janisaries in Constantinople c. have great Halls or Apartments where they Sleep together their Beds being placed on either side and all those of a Battallion usually Dine together the younger being appointed to serve the elder and if any one absent himself from his Lodging unless upon leave or some particular occasion he is sure to be severely Cudgeled yet obliged by way of submission to his punishment to Kiss the Hand that inflicts it In time of Peace their employs are different some are appointed to wait on Ambassadors others on Merchants and Consuls or such as Travel through the Turkish Territories They have power to Arrest Malefactors and see good Orders kept being in great Esteem with all Men so that if they go into the Market to buy any thing they will have it at their own price the Vender not gain-saying but this may be concluded to proceed rather from the effects of Fear than Love and they carry such a Vogue that no Grand Signior thinks his Throne setled till they approve of him so that to purchase their good Opinion the new Sultan pays off their Arrears distributes Money amongst them and encreases their Stipends Though these are the Chief Strength of Foot yet there others but not so serviceable viz. The Acoujces which serve as a forlorn hope these recieve no Pay but have liberty to plunder in War time allowing the Sultan a fifth part of the spoil The Asapi which are Rabble raised as there is need for them and serve as Pioneers being of so small account that they are set in the Front of the Battle to receive the first shock and tire the Enemy with slaughtering them and when a Town is Besieged they are set first to scale the Walls to amuse the Besieged and their slain Bodies serve as a Rampart to mount on or fill up the Ditch and so little are these miserable Creatures esteemed that a Spahi having taken five of them in a Civil War offered them to a Butcher for a Sheep's Head which he refusing the Spahi swore if he would not make the exchange he would cut of their Heads and boyl them and was preparing to do it but the Butcher though a Man of Blood seeing him in earnest gave him the Sheep's Head to save the poor Wretches Lives and afterwards set them at liberty The Grand Signior has always 6000 Gunners in Pay most of them Rhenegado Christians turned Mahometans many of them are French Men and these are called Topegi Twelve thousand others are in Pay to look after his Ammunition his Carriages are very numerous and his Train of Artillery large There are 3000 attending the Grand Signior's pleasure called Chiaus or Chiaux who act in the nature of Serjeants at Arms and are in good Esteem being often employed in Embasses but their chief employ is to carry Letters or Commendations from the Grand Signior or Grand Visier and are impowered to apprehend Mallefactors yet go not to the Wars unless the Grand Signior is there These are Commanded by a Bassa of their own order who is of such Credit that when he is sent for any Man's Head though he has no Warrant in Writing his
his own Dominions from Tauris to Belgrade 3180 Miles or thereabouts and almost the like distance from Derbent to Adena and from Balsoza in the Persian Gulf to Tremisena in Barbary may be reckoned little less than 4000 Miles however of late days the weakness of this vast Empire has very much appeared which shows it is declining to a Period their Naval strengths having been inconsiderable ever since their total defeat in the Gulf of Lepanto by the Spaniards Venetians c. Their Land-Forces promise little better of late as having been worsted in several Battles by the Germans Poles Venetians c. so that this once Terror of the World seems to be dispised rather than feared the vastness of the Ottoman Territories causing such infinite expence of Treasure that the many Millions yearly accruing by Customs Impositions and many other ways are not a sufficient Supply to raise and bring any considerable Armies into the Field Yet the Grand Signior will not abate any thing of his Grandeur but boasts himself the mighty Emperor of the World to do and not to do whatever he pleases alledging that the strength of the Heavens and the Earth are given to him and his Flatterers make him believe it his Apartment in the Seraglio is hung with Cloth of Gold gilded Skins and Tapestries interwoven with Silk and Gold wherein are lively represented the Wars of the Ottoman Emperors the Chamber he lodges in is adorned with rich Painting Gilding and precious Stones that cast a very glorious light in the Night Six Pages do him Service in his Chamber by Night watching his Person two and two by turns with lighted Torches the one siting at the Head and the other at the Feet of his Bed When he attires himself they put into his Pocket 1000 Aspers and 20 Ducats of Gold and all that remains not given away that day they have when he puts of his Cloaths for their Fees for he rarely puts on one Aparrel twice and when he goes a Hunting or to divert himself his Purse-Bearer carries great store of Treasure to distribute and vast quantities of all sorts of Provisions follow him though many times they are not made use of The Chief Officers of the Empire are 1. The Grand Visier who acts immediately under the Grand Signior and by him he speaks to such as have important business for no Ambassador is admitted to the Grand Signior's presence but on his first Arrival when he delivers his Letters of Credit and Present for particularly without the latter none can have Audience all other Audiences are had of the Visier who is likewise called the Capi-Aga he has power of Life and Death is General of the Army when the Grand Signior is not in the Field and all take their Directions from him 2. The Casnader Bassa is next in Rank as to Secular Affairs his Office is to take an Account of the Treasury 3. The Chilergy Bassa or Cup-Bearer 4. The Seragli Agasi Steward or Master of the Houshold 5. The Chiller Agasi or Serinder Bassa overseer of the Seraglio of Women who is always an Eunuch 6. The Bostangi Bassa or Chief Gardener of who is already spoken 7. The Caimacan of Constantinople The Grand Signior has always near him six Mutes Men very lusty in Body that are born Deaf and consequently are Dumb. These are very Bloody and Cruel being the Ministets of his Vengeance to Strangle whom he pleases and when any one is Strangled in the Seraglio the Bodies are thrown out of a particular Window appointed for that purpose into the Sea and as many Guns are fired to give Notice in terror to others as there are Strangled Bodies thrown out There are in all 40 of these Mutes some of which he keeps as his Buffoons to play with for his pastime He has 8 Lance-bearers called Mutafurach who attend him with Launces when he goes abroad and these are subject to no Command but his own The Eunuchs of the Seraglio I have mentioned elsewhere the Turks call them Hundurni and under their Care there are constantly 500 Virgins most of Europe the choicest Beauties that can be procured they are taken from their Parents under 8 Years and are brought up to Work in the Seraglio as in a Nunnery and when the Grand Signior is desirous to enjoy any of them the day before he gives notice to the Chief of the Eunuchs who Commands the rest to set them in order in their best Attire then the Grand Signior attended by him walks between them as they stand in Rows on either hand exposing all their Beauties and winning Allurements to tempt him and where he likes he drops his Handkerchief of which he has choice hanging at his Girdle which the Eunuch takes up delivers to the Virgin and immediately putting her into a Coach carries her to Rich Lodgings where she is gorgously attired and so he does by all that are this way chosen and there they remain till they are sent for in order by the Grand Signior to his Bed for he never Marries but when one is brought to his Bed side he gives her a Golden Head tire and 10000 Aspers causing her to live a part and daily encreasing her Maintenance and then she is called a Sultana or Sultaness and the eldest Son if he out-lives his Father succeeds to the Throne and puts all his other Brothers if they fall into his Hands to Death causing them to be Strangled with a Bow string for it is held unlawful to shed the Sacred Ottoman Blood as they call it on the Ground though the Sultanas and great Men of the Court hide some of them till the Fury is over and preserve their Lives as it has three or four times happened and this cruel Policy they use to prevent the dismembring the Empire by Civil broils and the better to secure the Throne to themselves There are about 300 Persons called Sollacchi who continually march near the Grand Signior's Person and are as it were his Guard and these are under the Command of the Aga of the Janisaries They are attired in Linnen Garments hanging down beneath their Knees and over them they ware quilted Wastcoats with half Sleeves of Taffaty Damask or Sattin and on their Heads a Cap and Feather carrying Bows and Arrows There are another kind of Footmen called Peichi exceeding swift in running and these are employed in the nature of Lackeys or Foot-Posts and are attired in Cloth of Gold with a Girdle of the same the Caps are in fashion of our Butter pots with a Silver Pike standing out before in the nature of a Horn. There are 4000 Porters that give attendance in the Court the Chief of them is the Capigi Bassa The Judges they call Cadis who are divided into all parts of the Empire in Cities or great Towns to decide Controversies yet their Suits especially between the Turks are very few and they make a quick dispatch of business there being rarely Advocates allowed to Procrastinate
other places afford about the City they being mostly Brackish or Bitter near to the Door upon the entrance of this House or Temple is a black Stone as big as a Pumpion This the Turks say came down from Heaven and was then White but Man's Sins polluted it and made it turn Black and he that can first kiss it when they have given one another the Selam after the Prayer of Kouschlouk on Friday which falls within three Days that they sojourn there is held a Saint and every one strives to kiss his Feet but this same proves Fatal to the Party who is smoothered in the Croud This House is never entered but four times a Year and one of them is at the Ramadan to wash it with Rose-Water unless any one will give 100 Chequins of Gold for admittance It is covered all round on the out-side with Stuffs sent by the Grand Signior in whose Dominions it is and other Mahometan Princes and every Year the rich Covering is renewed the old being cut out into Relicks and sold by the Sultan Scherif who Commands to Pilgrims at a good Rate unless the Little Bairam or Easter Sacrifice falls on a Friday and then the Grand Signior has it to send in pieces to the New Mosques which being hung up there serves instead of their Consecration When the Pilgrims have finished their three days at Mecha they go to Minnet where they are to arrive the Vigil of the Little Bairam and on the day of Bairam they Sacrifice Sheep every one according to Ability distributing part to the Poor then they shave themselves and put on their Clothes to visit Mount Arafat and there they stay 3 days more the first Day after they have said Prayers they go to the Foot of the Hill throw 7 Stones against the Mount and stay there the next Day they throw 14 and the Third 21 They say they throw these Stones to break the Devil's Head who in that place tempted Abrahain when he was going to Sacrifice his Son Ishmael for they will not allow it to be Isaac Here they say Adam and Eve sought one another for the space of 220 Years after they were driven out of Paradise the one going up the Mountain on one side whilst the other went up on the other side and so made it a Fruitless search but at the end of this time met just on the top of it Here the Sultan Scherif says some Prayers and gives them his Benediction and so this Work is concluded He has abundance of ways under the Umbrage of Devotion to squeeze Money out of them and is vastly Rich. After this the Pilgrims go to Medina to visit Mahomet's Tomb which according to Authentick Relations does not hang in the Air by Virtue of Loadstones It stands as other Tombs and is indeed encompassed with Iron Grates upon a suspition they once had that 2 Christians Habited like Devises intended to steal it away and for that purpose had dug under it to get the Body Medina is 3 Days Journey from the Red Sea its Port is called Jambo This and Mecha are but indifferent Towns though of such great Resort About the middle of Medina is a Mosque and in a Corner of it stands Mahomet's Tomb covered as the Monuments of the Turkish Emperors at Constantinople The Sepulchre is in a little round Building or Tower covered with a Dome which the Turks call Turbe The Building is quite open to the middle up to the Dome and all round there is a little Gallery of which the out-side Wall has several Windows with Silver Grates to them and the inside Wall of the little Tower adorned with a great number of precious Stones being the place that answers to the Head of the Tomb and this certainly is exceeding Rich by the Gifts of many Princes and others as Diamonds Gold Rubies Saphires and other sorts of Jewels that might for their Value purchase a petty Kingdom and lower down there is a half Moon of Gold of a vast Value by reason of the precious Stones which enchase it The Turbe wherein the Tomb is is hung round with Hangings of Red and White Silk like Damask unless where the Jewels are and there they are turned aside that their Lustre may appear and round the Hangings are Words in Characters of Gold expressing the Names of GOD and Mahomet c. The Door by which one enters into the Gallery is Silver and so is that which goes out of the Gallery into the Turbe The Pilgrims visit some other places hereabouts but of no great Note yet one thing more is confirmed on all Hands to be very remarkable in those dry Countries viz. The next Night after the Pilgrims are gone so much Rain falls that it seems like a Deluge for a time and much Fertelizes the Plains washing away all the Blood and Filth of the Sacrifices and this falls always the Third Night after the Sacrifice at their Little Beiram or Easter though this tide generally changes the Day as with us our Easter does and this they look upon as a Miracle to confirm their Oblations are accepted and indeed the wisest of Men may be puzzeled to know whether so exact a falling of Rain in a Country parched and dry for the most part proceeds from a Natural or Supernatural Cause Many times 100000 People meet at Mecha together encamping on the Plains as for their going to Medina some refuse it because they are not bound by their Law to visit Mahomet's Tomb but at Pleasure and then they must say a Prayer for his Soul The other Caravans come from Aegypt Syria Persia India and Barbery so that the Concourse according to the Relation I had is exceeding great CHAP. VI. Travels and Voyages to Alexandria in Aegypt with many things remarkable in the way c. THUS having taken a view of Constantinople with the places about it the Religion Manners Customs c. of the Turks I could not however rest satisfied my curiosity now abroad leading me on to visit remoter Countries wherefore I set forward for Bursa the Ancient Prusea formerly the Capital City of the Turkish Empire taken from the Caramanian King by Orcham or Vreham Son of Othoman in his Father's Life time It was likewise the Ancient Seat of the Kings of Bythinia In order to this I went on Board at Tophana and was transported to Montagua but making no stay in such an inconsiderable place I took Horse and rid to Bursa 13 Miles from it this City is not above 10 Miles distant from Mount Olimpus It is pleasantly Scituated and well Watered by Aquaducts it consists of many fair Buildings and they reckon about 200 fine Mosques There in little Chapels covered with Domes lie Buried the first Turkish Sultans and French Sultana in great State The City is about half a French League in length but not Walled in all parts and upon a little Hill in the middle of it is a little Castle found to be built by a