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A15863 The discouerie and conquest of the prouinces of Peru, and the nauigation in the South Sea, along that coast And also of the ritche mines of Potosi.; Historia del descubrimiento y conquista del Peru. English Zárate, Agustin de, b. 1514.; Nicholas, Thomas, b. ca. 1532. 1581 (1581) STC 26123; ESTC S111812 127,592 201

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Uillages within the maine lande vse to come thither for their prouision and furniture From the mines of this Prouince is brought great● aboundance of golde and siluer The scituation is in the middest of the land as yet discouered by reason whereof the Emperour his Maiestie placed there a chauncery royall and Iudges to decide his subiectes causes which also causeth the greater resorte of people It is thought that in processe of time this Citie will increase to be of marueilous fame and greatnes At this day there are aboue fiue hundred housholds of Spaniards and e●ery house hath a greater compasse of ground then the houses built in Spayne so y t these 500. houfes séeme bigger the● 1500. in Castillia by reason that the streetes are broad and hath also a place of great compasse in the middest of the citie ech house hath in the fronte 800. foote twise as much large Their buylding is but of one storie high for want of timber to builde a height and yet that timber within thrée yeres beginneth to rotte and consume yet notwithstanding the low building the houses are sumptuous and of great Maiestie The walles are of fiue foote broade the plot whereon the houses stand are raysed of like height with earth by reason whereof the houses seeme of reasonable height The Roofes of those houses are made of rafters layde crossewise and vpon the Timber is layde for séeling gallante paynted mattes like vnto those which are made in Almeria in the kingdome of Granada and vpon that seeling are layd boughes so that the lodgings are high fresh not troubled with the sunne and as for the water they neede not to care for as before is declared it neuer rayneth in those plaines Thirty Leagues from this Cittie along the Coast is another Cittie intituled the faire Towne of Aroquipa which hath in it 300. houses of Spanyardes this also is a healthfull soyle and aboundant of all kinde of victuall but it standeth 12. Leagues from the Sea coast by mean wherof it is thought that the Towne wil encrease with inhabitantes for the Riuer by which it standeth is so good and faire that Shippes laden with Marchandize may come vp the riuer euen to the Cittie and frō this place the Cittie of Cusco is serued of all things needefull and likewise the Prouince of Charcas from which places commeth the most people of that Countrey by reason of the contractacion of the Mynes of Potosi Also great quantitie of Plate is brought thither to be laden in the Shippes backe againe in returne to the Cittie of the Kinges or Panama which is a great helpe for to auoyde the carriage by land béeinge very daungerous and troublesome in the highe wayes since the time that the new Orders or Lawes set forth by the Emperour were executed From this Cittie men may trauaile forward alonge the Sea coaste for the space of 400. Leagues vnto the Prouince that the Gouernour Pedro de Valdiuia did discouer and inhabite called Chili which is as much as to say in the Indian tongue Colde by reason of the extreame colde which the trauellers passe in the waye thither as in this History shalbe declared hereafter when the iorney made by the chéefe Discouerer Don Diego de Almagro shalbe spoken of so that now is vnderstood the scituacion and habitacion of the parte of Peru and the Playnes therof wherwithall is likewise to bee considered that the Sea coaste is cleane and without daunger of Rocks as far as hither vnto hath béene discouered nor yet any furious or tempesteous weather doth vexe that coaste of the South Sea and therfore it may well bée called the quiet and Golden Sea yea and moreouer anye shippe along that coast may with one Ankor ride in safety with out daunger of any winde Of the qualities and nature of the Mountaynes of Peru and of the habitacions and dwellinges of Christians and Indyans Chap. 8. THe Indians which dwel in the Mountains doo differ much from those which dwell in y e Plaines or low countrey both in strēgth knowledge and liuinge for in the Mountaynes their dwelling is in houses couered with earth their shirtes and garmentes are wrought of shéepes wooll which there doo bréed they weare nothing on their head but haue their haire laced with a stringe The Wemen weare garments without sléeues gyrded with woollen gyrdels which maketh them long wasted they also weare certayn Mantels ouer their heds which are pinned about their neckes with pinnes of Golde or Plate accordinge to the habilitie of euery one those pinnes are called in their language Topos because the heads are great plaine and flat and the sides and points excéedinge sharpe These Wiues doo helpe their Husbandes in the labour tillage of the ground nay I may say that their paines is greatest in all s●ruice These Wemen of complexion are white and well fauoured excéeding much the wemen of the Plaines and so likewise the countrey doth much differ the one from the other because the Mountaynes doth bring forth great aboundance of Grasse hath much fresh water of which and from which the Riuers procéedes which runneth downe into the Playnes there are also many kinde of Flowers and pleasant greene plottes with sundry kinde of Earbes and sundry sortes of Trees of maruailous fruites so pleasaunt in taste that in all Spayne there is no better there are also wilde Walnut trées and Willowes these Indians haue many wilde Shéepe and others very tame and domestical they haue also Deare and sundry other kinde of Beastes and great number of Foxes The Indians are great Hunters and call the game Chico but when they are disposed to make a generall feast of huntinge they ioyne togeather foure or fiue hundred Indians and place them selues one by one in the compasse of the ground which they meane to hunte which oftentimes is two or thrée Leagues in circuite and then they come inclosing foote by foote by the sound of certaine songes which they vse to singe for that purpose so that at the end they ioine altogeather in a round and take each other hand in hand some arme in arme so that they bring in among them a great number of siluester Beastes euen as though they were penned in a Pownd and than they kil and make their choice at their pleasure but the excéedinge showtes and hallowinge which they make doth not only feare the wilde Beasts but also oftentimes with the same noyse they amaze the Partriges and other Foule that easely they may be taken by hand There are also in the Mountaynes Lyons and great blacke Beares wilde Cattes and Apes of diuerse sorts and many other kinde of wilde Beastes vnknowen to our Nation The Foule which most frequent y t plaines and Mountaines are Eagles Doues Turtle Doues Quailes Parats Hawkes white russet Nightingals and diuerse other sortes of faire gallant Foule alo●ge the Sea coast are Buytres that hauinge their whinges spred
none but hath some deuice in his hed and in euery Prouince of a seuerall kinde All the Indians of the Playnes are deuided into three sortes the one are called Yngas another sorte are called Tallanes the thirde Mochicas in euery Prouince they differ in spéeche notwithstandinge the Noble men called Cas●ikes besides their natural spéeche doo all generally vnderstande the language of the Cittie of Cusco because the Kinge of Peru called Guaynacaua Father of King Atabaliba thought it a base thinge y t his Subiectes especially noble men should talke with him by interpreters whervpon hee commaunded that all the Cascikes of his Countrey and dominions and their Brethren and kinsemen should sende their Children to serue and attende on the Kinge in his Court vnder the colour to learne the courtly spéeche but cheefely the Kinges intente was to assure his countrey with the principall men of his Kingdome in hauinge their children in pledge But bee it as it will by this meanes it came to passe● that all the Nobilitie of his Lande vnderstoode and could speake the language vsed in Court as in Flaunders the Gentilmen others speake the Frenche tongue so that in conclusion any Spanyarde that attained to the Cusco spéech mought wel passe throughout the dominions of Peru aswell in the Playnes as in the Mountaynes to vnderstand and to be vnderstood among the chéefest Of the ordinary Windes which blow in the Plaines and the cause of drynesse Chap. 7. WIth great reason those which reade this History may stande in doubt of the cause why it rayneth not in the Playnes of Peru as before is specified for by euident tokens should bee thought that those thinges could not bee true by reason of the growen Riuers which fal into the Sea and commonly engender moysture vapors comming out of the Mountaynes hauing their beginning of the continuall Snow which there abideth wherof relation is made before yea and the sayd Hilles neuer want clowdy weather intermixed with rayne The natural reasō therof found out by such as diligently haue sought the secret therof which is that in all those Playnes and Sea coast all the whole yeare bloweth one only Winde which the Mariners call Siluestre which runneth alonge that coast with such force that the Cloudes and Uapors haue no rest in those playnes nor Sea coast to come vnto the region of the ayer and from the high Mountaines The cloudes and vapors do shew like another Heauen● so those which are beneathe in the Playnes and abou● them agayne it is as cleare as Christall and this onely winde also causeth the Seagate or Currant to runne alwaies Northward although some men are of another opinion which is that where the South sea commeth to fall into the mouth of the straight of Magalanus beeinge there so narrowe and excéedeth not the bredth of two Leagues so that the greate power of the water can not there haue yssue and also their encounteringe with the Northen Sea which likewise disturbeth his passage so that of force it maketh reflection and recoyle backeward and so forceth the Currant toward the North. And here riseth another inconuenience which is y t the Nauigatiō from Panama to Peru is with such difficultie because the winde is alwayes contrary and also the most part of the yeare y e Currant likewise so that y e Saylers do sayle continually by the bowlinge against the fury of y e winde or else it were not possible to sayle that Coast. All along the coast of Peru are great number of fishe and many Zeale fishes From the Riuer of Tumbez forward are found none of those great Lizartes of which we haue spoken But some holde opinion the cause is that the countrey forward is more temperate and those beastes are louers of heate but the most certaine reason is because the Riuers thereabout are of a more swifter currant and suffereth them not to bréede for their ordinarie breeding is in the calme places of Riuers Now at this day in all the length of the playnes are Uillages and Townes of Christians and fiue Cities the first is called Puerto Viejo which stādeth very nere vnto the Equinoctiall This Citie hath but fewe inhabitants because the countrey is poore and apt for diseases yet there are some mines of Emraldes as is before declared Fifteene leagues with in the mayne is another citie called saint Mighel which in the Indian spech they call Pura This is a pleasant soyle and fruitefull but no mines of golde nor plate This place is apte for sore eyes and few or none that passeth that way escapeth that disease Threescore leagues forward along the coast standeth another citie in a valley called Trugillio and is distant from the sea two leagues The porte or harbor belonging to this citie is perillous This citie is placed in a plaine plot nere vnto a Riuer side and is aboundantly prouided of wheate Maiz and cattell It is also exceeding wel built there are in this citie aboue thrée hundred housholds of Spaniards Foure score Leagues forward standeth another Cittie two Leagues distant from a Porte of the Sea which is an excellent good Roade for Shippes it is scituated in a Ualley called Lyma and named the Cittie of the Kings because the day of Epiphany it was begun to inhabite it is placed in a plaine ground neare vnto a mighty Riuer The Countrey there about is plentifull of Corne many sortes of fruites and cattell the building of this Cittie is such that all the streates doo méete in a faire large place from the which a man may see through euery streat into the Féeldes the dwelling is maruailous healthfull because it standeth in a temperate Climat and not vexed throughout the yeare with neither heate nor colde extreamely The hoatest season of the yeare is more temperate then in Spayne for in the time of their heate in Lyma which is in Sōmer there falleth euery morninge a swéete Dew which is nothing hurtful to mans health but rather profitable for such as haue the head ache vse to wash their heads with the Dewe water and therwith finde great ease All Spanish fruit groweth and prospereth wel in this Soyle especially Orenges Sidrons Lemons Figges Powngarnardes and Uines wherof had béene there aboundance if the alteracions in the Land had not disturbed their plantinge for experience hath shewed that the very Kernell of the Grape hath perduced faire Uynes There groweth also greate store of Pot earbes such as ordinarily grow in Spayne euery house hath belonging vnto it a litle runninge water or Brooke brought in by conueyance of slewce which water is sufficient to driue a mill although along the Riuer side they haue their common milles where the Spaniards grinde their corne This citie is iudged the most pleasant dwelling in all the land because the porte and roade for shippes maketh the Citie to be of great contractation for Marchāts So that the people of all Cities Townes and
contayne .15 and 16● palmes or spannes from the point of whinge to whinge these Buytres féede vpon Zeales when they come on Lande to sléepe and refresh them selues than come the Buytres and season some on the feete and some on the tayle and lay such holde on him that hee cannot stirre whilest other plucke out his eyes and then they féede on the carkas there is another sort of foule called Alcatraces which are like vnto Hens although much excéeding in greatnes for his throat will holde three gallons of corne of those all along the coast of the South Sea are aboundance at the leaste for the space of two thousand leagues and more the chi●fe feeding of these foules are f●●h They haue also another marueylous propertie which is They will smell the carkas of a dead man a farre of so that they wil enter thirty and forty leagues into the land to séeke the dead bodies The flesh of these foules are of a marueylous euil smell and ●ath happened that some for want of foode haue eaten of them whereof they haue dyed as of a rancke poyson Here before is declared how in these mountaines there rayneth hayleth and snoweth and in fine extreme in colde yet notwithstanding from those high hilles are valleyes descending so deepe that it may be thought incredible to some to speake thereof In which val●eys the heate also is marueylous and there groweth a certeine herbe called Coca which the Indians doe estéeme more then golde or siluer the leaues whereof are like vnt● Zumake the vertue of this herbe knowen by experiēce is that any hauing of those leaues in his mouth hath neuer hunger nor thirst In some places of those mountaines are no trées at all so that wayfaring men which passe that way vse to make their fire of tur●es which they finde excéeding good for that purpose There are also vaynes of earth of sundrie coloures and vaynes of golde and Plate wherof the Indians had vnderstandinge and coulde melte the same better and with lesse coste than the Christians they also vsed in the high hilles to make litle Fornaces with their mouthes toward the Meridian wheras the winde most ordinary doth blow and then they lay in the same Fornaces the mettal with Shéepes doung coales so that the winde doth kindle the fier and the mettal melteth and cindreth the Golde and Siluer and yet vnto this day is seene the great aboundance of Siluer which in this sort is molten in the Mynes of Potosi which coulde not otherwise bee wrought with Bellowes so y t the Indians are the chéefe melters with their small furnaces which they cal Guayras in their Language and is as much as to saye as winde because the winde doth kindle their Fornaces This countrey is so fruitful that it yéeldeth for one bushell of Wheate sowen 150. yea and sometime 200. and an hundred for one is ordenary although they haue no Ploughes to till the ground but vse to turne it vp with shouels and so the Indians vse to sow and likewise they make holes in the ground with a woodden Pin and put therin Wheat in such sorte as they vse to set Beanes in Spayne All kinde of Gardaine carbes prospereth excéedingly the Indians foode is chéefely boyled Maiz and toasted● in lue of bread and Deare ●lesh dried also drye fishe and sundry kindes of Rootes which they call Iuca and A●is Amotes Papas and such like with many kinde of earbes They also vse a certaine kinde of Beueredge in stead of Wine which they make of Maiz the manner is they lay their Maiz in water in certaine earthen Uessels which they keepe vnder earth and there it voyleth and besides the whole Maiz they put therunto a certaine quantity of ground Maiz the which one Neighbour lendeth to another as wee vse to lende Leuen for Bread They hold opinion y t the standing water maketh better and more stronger beueredge than the running water This drinke is commonly called Chicha in the Ilande Language and in the Peru spéeche it is called Acisa of this drinke there is both white and red according to the colour of y e graine wherof it is made But it is of greater force then any Wine to ouercome the braine to make drunkardes but yet notwithstandinge if the Indians may haue Spanish Wine they would not care for their owne naturall drinke They vse also another sorte of drinke made of a small fruite which grow vpon certaine Trees called Molles this drinke is not so precious as the Chicha ¶ Of the Citties of Christians which are in the Mountaines of Peru. Chap. 9. IN the Mountaines of Peru are sundry places of habitacion of Christians which begin at the Cittie of Quito which standeth foure degrees beyond the Equinoctiall this Cittie in times past was a pleasante thinge and plentifull of corne and cattell and in the yeare of 1544. and 45. there was discouered ritch Mynes of Gold wherupō the Cittie began to inlarge his bowndes with inhabitants and flourished vntill the fury of the cruell warres among the Spanyardes begon which was the cause that the most parte of all the Cittizens were slayne by the handes of Gonsalo Pisarro and his Captaines because they did both fauour serue the Uize-roy Blasco Nunez Vela all the time that he there aboade as hereafter perticularly shalbe declared From this Cittie is no poblation of Christians in the Mountaines vntill you come to the Prouince of the Bracamoros which was discouered by Captaine Ihon Porsell and Captaine Vergara who built there certaine Uillages to the intent that from thence they ment to disco●er forwardes But these Uillages came to ruine because Gonsalo Pisarro toke those Captaines and their men to ayde him in his Warres This Discouery was first taken in hande by the order and consent of the lycenciat Vaca de Castro who was gouernour of that Prouince a●d sent Captayne Porsell by the coast of Saint Mighell and farther vp into the Mayne hee sent Vergara by the Prouince of the Chachapoyas thinking that they should haue made their entries by seuerall places although it so happened that both the sayd Captaynes met in their iorney and fell to discorde about their Discouery concerning to which of them it should appertaine so that they were both sente for by the Gouernour Vaca de Castro to pacifie and take order in the causes of their contencion so that they were of the first Captaynes that were at the beginninge of the Warres in the Cittie of the Kinges in the seruice of the Uice-roy and after that the sayd Uice-roy was taken prisoner they abode with Gonsalo Pisarro and left of their procéeding in the Discouery This disco●ery reached 160. leagues from the Citie of Quito along the mountaines so that other 80. leagues forward standeth the Prouince called Chicapoyas whe●e is a Towne of Christians intituled Leuanto and is a fruitfull soyle for all kinde of victuall and hath also reasonable rich
Mitimaes Out of euery Prouince throughout his whole Dominiō they brought yerely vnto their prince certein tribute of such things as the countrey yealded in so much that in some barrain soiles where no good commoditie grew yet from thence they sent yerely also to the king in token of duetie obedience certain loades called burthens of litle Lizarts as far as 300. leagues from cusco This Prince Guaynacaua did réedifie the Temple of the sun which was of old time foūded in the citie of Cusco séeled the Roofes and walles thereof with boordes of siluer and golde And because a certaine noble mā which ●welled in the playnes had rebelled against him called chimocappa who was a man of great possession and had more then one hundred leagues of ground he went personally against him slew him in the field cōmaunded that from thenceforth no Indiā of the plaines should at any time were weapon which o●der is kept vntill this day yet notwithstanding his successor enioyed through the Princes fauour y e prouince of chimo where at this present standeth the citie of Trugillio Guaynacaua and his father toke an order for the breeding of cattaile by meane whereof the coūtrey was wel prouided out of the which they payd tithing which they sacrificed to the sun The chiefe cause of the estimation of gold amōg the Indians was because the king made al the vessell for the seruice of his court of that mettal and also Iewels for his person offerings for the Temple The king had alwaies a chaire of gold caried with him to sit in of 16. carrets in fines which was estéemed at 25000 dukets this chaire was one of the things y e Don Francisco Pisarro chose for his iewel at the time of y e conquest For according to the articles of agréement betwéene his Maiestie him was agreed that of y e best Iewels which should be found or taken at any victorye hee should haue one out of y e first choise of the whole treasure At y e birth of the first manchild which Guaynacaua had he cōmāded a cable of gold wier to be made in remēbrance of y e birth of his sonne that was of such greatnes as many Indiās do affirme which are as yet liuing that 200. strong men could scarcely lift or beare and also in remembrance of this memorable iewel he named his sōne Guasca which in y e Indiā spéech is called a cable or great rope added therunto for his sirname Inga which is as much to say as Emperour This example I thought good to declare in this place for to conuince an opinion which is held in Spayne among such as know not the fashions of India and was how that people esteemed no golde nor yet knew the valew therof although it is true that they had many strāge vessels wrought of siluer and golde and also images of men wemen sheepe and many other kinde of beasts and sundry kindes of herbes wrought in the same metall of exceeding cunning workmanship Of the estate of the warres when the Spaniards came into Peru. Chap. 15. ALthough the principal intent of this Historie was to set out the things hapned to the Spaniards which at that time conquered the land and of their discouery since But sithens this could not wel be done without touching somewhat of the estate of the Indians which then ruled And also that it may be vnderstood it was the diuine permission that the Spaniards should come thither at such time as the land was deuided into two parcialities for otherwise it wold haue séemed not only difficult but also almost impossible Therefore I will recite in briefe the estate which the Spaniards found the countrey in at their arriual After that Guaynacaua had brought into subiection to great a number of Prouinces to his Empire for y e space of 500. Leagues accounting from Cusco westward hée then determined to goe in person to conquere the Prouince of Quito in the vttermost part whereof finished his dominion So that he prouided on his iorney thitherward with a great armye and being come thither and hauing finished and quyeted that Prouince he delighted much in that countrey because it was a pleasant Soyle and holesome for his complection whereupon hee abode there a great space leuing in the citie of Cus●o certain of his Sonnes and Daughters amonge whom was his eldest sonne called Guascar Inga Mango Inga and Paulo Inga and diuerse others And in Quito hee married another Wife Daughter vnto the Lorde of that Countrey and of her hee begot a Sonne called Atabaliba who hee loued excéedinglye so that now hée determined to returne to Cusco leauinge his Sonne with a Tutor in Quito but in this returne hee found the Calsey in the Mountayne broken and spoyled as herebefore hath béene declared After hee had abode in Cusco certaine yeares hee determined to returne againe to Quito not onely because that Countrey contented him much but also with desire to sée his Wife and young Sonne whom he loued more than any other of his Children and this Iorney hee tooke in hande by the highe waye that was made in the Playnes and from this time forward hee retourned no more to Cusco but abode all his life time in Quito gaue that Land or Prouince which hee had with force conquered to his Sonne Atabaliba because the same had béen of his Grandfathers Whan Guaynacaua died his Sonne Atabaliba tooke pocession of his Armye and of all his Fathers ritches which were in that Prouince although his greatest treasure was lefte in his Treasury in the Cittie of Cusco in the custody of his eldest Sonne vnto whom Atabaliba sente Embassadors giuinge him to vnderstand the decease of his Father and also submittinge himselfe to his obedience beséechinge his Maiesty that hée would ratifie the gift of his Prouince of Quito which the Father of them both had left vnto him considering that that Prouince of Quito was conquered by their Father after the maryage with his Mother and moreouer the Lande came by his Mother and Auncestors and was not pertayning to the Crowne of cusco or his inheritance Guascar made answere that hée should come to Cusco and render vp vnto him the Army and in so dooinge hee would giue vnto such Landes as should maintaine him like a man but the state of Quito hée shoulde not haue because it was the vttermost part of his Kingdome and from thence hée ment to conquer forward and alwaies there to maintayne a Garrison as a Frontier And if vpon this warninge hee refused to come vnto him that then hée would bend his power against him as an open enemy Atabaliba tooke counsell vpon this matter with two of his Fathers Captaynes who were both wise and valyant in the Warres The one was called Quizquiz and the other cilicuchima who counsailed that hee should not abide his Brothers comminge but that it might please him to begin to take that
and plentifull of victuals where hee comforted his men which were weake brought low with their troublesome Iorney From this Towne hee sent two shippes to Panama and Nicaragua and in them the somme of 30000. Castlins of Golde which hée had taken vp in Coaque to the intent that they mought sée in those Citties the likelyhoode of gayne that might ensue of their trauailes and to encourage them to follow his steps In this Towne of Coaque they found some Emralds which were excéeding good and fine this Towne standeth vnder the Equinoctiall Lyne there were some through couetousnes lost much money because they vnderstoode not the finenes nor goodnes of those stones for they made their experience taking Hammers to prooue the hardnes of the stones and so they spoyled many faire and ritch Iewels After they had abode here a while his men were vexed with y e sort of small Poxe of which heretofore hath béene spoken so that fewe or none of all his Army escaped Notwithstandinge the Gouernour perswaded them that euill constillacion of that Clymat was the cause wherupon they procéeded forward vntill they came to the Prouince called Puerto Viejo conquering and pacifiyng the People all the way as they went At this place met with them Captaine Venealcasar and Ihon Fores who were come from Nicaragua with their ship in which they brought certaine Footmen and Hors●men Of the thinges which happened to the Gouernour in the Iland of Puna and the Conquest of the same Chap. 2. THe Prouince of Puerto Viejo beeinge pacified the Gouernour with his company toke the way toward Tumbez and there hée determined to passe vpon Raffes which were prouided into the Ilande of Puna which standeth in y e front of Puerto Viejo so that he passed ouer his Horsemen Footemen with great daunger because the Indian had deuised to cut the Ropes wherwith the Raffes were bound and in that sorte to drowne spoile his men This pollicy beeing vnderstood by the Gouernour hée gaue warning to all his company that each should haue his Sword neare drawen and to haue a vigilant eye to euery Indian Whan they were arriued at the Iland the Indians came and offered them peace and also curteously entertained them Notwithstanding they had prepared a Snare or Ambush to haue slayne them all that night howbeit the Gouernour had notice therof wherupon hée forthwith set vpon them and tooke their Cascike Prisoner Yet neuerthelesse the next day the Gouernour and all his men were inuironed with Indians men of Warre Than the Gouernour and his Brethren with great courage toke their horses and placed their men in good order and sent other some for the sauegard of the ships which rode neare the shoare The Spanyards fought so manfully that in short time the Indiā enemies were put to flight many of thē woūded slaine at which assault only .3 Spanyards were slaine but diuerse sore hurte especially Gonsalo Pisarro who was daungerously wounded on his knée Th●n arriued Captaine Hernando de Soto with moe men aswell footmen as horsemē which also came frō Nicaragua so y t now the Indians beinge fled to their Raffes they wandered amonge the Marishes in such sorte that they were safe from the Christians Then determined the Gouernour to passe vnto Tumbez after he had deuided among his soldiars the spoyle of gold and other things which they had there obtained and also because that Iland was very apt to diseases lying nere vnto the Equinoctiall How the Gouernour came to Tumbez and of the conquest which he made vntill he had inhabited the citie of Saint Mighell Chap. 3. IN this Iland of Puna were captiues aboue 600. men and wemen of Tumbez and one principall person of Tumbez also who was likewise captiue the Gouernour gaue them all their liberty and sente them home into their Countrey and when hée him selfe had taken shippinge to passe vnto Tumbez hée sente thrée of his men with some of those Indians whom hée had set at liberty thinking that the Townes men of Tumbez would haue beene thankefull for the good tourne receiued so that his thrée men passed with certayne of those Indians vpon a Raffe and arriued sooner than the Gouernour But as soone as they were arriued the Indians sacrificed those three Spanya●ds to their Idols in recompence of the great liberalitie which the Gouernour had extended to them in the deliuering them out of captiui●ie the like also had hapned to Captayne Hernando de Soto who also had passed vpon a Raffe with one of his men which attended on him if by good hap Diego de Aguero and Rodrigo Losano had n●t at that instant arriued and entered t●e Riuer of Tumbez who aduised him of the daunger that hee was falling into Now also the Countrey beinge reuolted the Gouernour wanted Raffes to vnship his Men and Munition wherupon that night there came none a Land but the Gouernour Hernando Iho● Pisarro his Bretherne Father Vincent of Valuerde Captayne Soto and other two Spanyardes they alighted not from their Horses all that night although they were throughly wet with the Seagate whē they came a shore vpon a Raffe from the ship which Raffe also was ouerthrowen at their comminge a shore for want of knowledge Hernando Pisarro abode at the water side to sée both Men Horses and furniture vnshipped but the Gouernour proceeded forwarde for the space of two Leagues and coulde not attaine to the spéeche of any Indian for they were fled vnto the Mountaines with their Armor wherupon hee returned backe againe to the Sea side where hee met with Captayne Mena and Captaine Ihon de Salzedo which were come to seeke for him with certayne Horsemen which were newly vnshipped and had gathered togeather many of the Gouernours company which had strayed abrode And then the Gouernour pitched his Campe in Tumbez in this meane while came Captaine Benalcasar who had remained to see the residew of the men shipped from the Iland who duringe the time of his abode there had many skirmishes with the Indians The Gouernour abode in Tumbez twentie dayes sendinge daily Embassadors to the Lorde of that Soyle requiring him to yeeld to the Emperors seruice but all was in vaine for he would neuer accept that freendship● rather he did much hurt and spoyled many of his men of seruice called Laborers when they went abrode to seke victuals for the Campe and the Spanyardes could not annoy them in any respecte because they were on the other side of the Riuer vntill at length the Gouernour made Raffes in such secret sorte y t the Indian enemies had no vnderstanding therof so that in an Euening he with his Brethren Ihon and Gonsalo Pisarro with Captaine Soto Benalcasar passed on those Raffes 50. Horses ouer the Riuer and trauailed al that night by a troublesome narrow way among Thornes Briers Rockes so that when it drew nere day he came and set vpon the enemies campe and made a marueylous spoile among them
of the Letter which he had receiued and was on his way toward Peru arriued at Puerto Viejo where in effecte Don Diego after his arriual vnderstood the good successe and proceedings of the Gouernour and how hee had in his power maruailous treasure of Golde and Plate wherof accordinge to the articles of agréement made betweene them at the first beginning of the Discouery the one halfe was and did appertaine vnto him Hée nowe knowinge that the Gouernour had aduise of his comminge and the same to be done by his owne Secretary hée forthwith cōmaunded his Secretary to be hanged and with all his power procéeded on his Iorney till hee came where the Gouernour was in Caxamalca where hee found a great part of the raunsome of Atabaliba gathered togeather which was a strange sight both to him his company for they thought that in the whole world was not so much Golde and Siluer And the same day that the Saymais●er had made his ensay of the Gold and Plate which belonged to the company The Golde onely did amount to one Million and eyght hundred thousand Poyzes yet the ensay was made verye slight for the Golde was of greater value the want of strong water was the defect so that the ensay was made two or thrée Carets baser than the finenes wherby the valuaciō was found 300000 Poyzes to litle And concerning the Plate the quantity was great so that the Emperours fifte parte amounted in fine Siluer 600000 Poyzes and yet in the same plate was Gold of thrée foure Carettes wherof the Emperour his parte was 300000 Poyzes euery Horseman had for his share 12000 Poyzes in fine Golde besides his part in Siluer and euery Footeman ha● a quarter part lesse then the Horsemen Yet notwithstandinge this great treasure the one fifte parte of Atabalibas raunsome was not deliuered and because that Don Diego brought with him a great company of men there was alleaged y t vnto them did not appertaine any portion of the raunsome of Atabaliba for why they were not at the takinge of him prisoner yet the Gouernour commaunded to giue vnto euery of them a thousand poyzes toward their cost And determined to send his brother Hernando Pisarro to certifie the Emperour of his proceedings and good successe and because the true account was not yet perfectly knowen he sent vnto his maiestie 100000. poyzes in gold 20000. markes of plate contayning sixe ducates to euery marke out of the whole stock Which present was wrought in sundry sort of vessell according to the Indian vse whereof some were great vessels for water or wine called Tinages chafingdishes drummes shéepe figures of men and wemen all wrought in the forsayd mettall With the said portion Hernando Pisarro tooke shipping with great griefe of his departing frō Atabaliba who loued him excéedingly and also discouered vnto him much of his secretes and sayde vnto him at his leaue takinge O good captaine goe you now away Truely your departure is gréeuous vnto me for when you are gone I shal be slaine by this one eyed man and this he spake by Don Diego de Almagro who had but one eye as before hath beene declared Likewise he liked not the iesture of Alonso Requelme who was Treasorer for his maiestie And truely poore Atabaliba iudged right for as soone as Hernando Pisarro was departed his death was conspired by meane of his Interpreter who was named Philip and was so called because he had beene in Spayne with the Gouernour who most falsely accused his Prince saying y t hee was minded to murther secretly the Spaniards and for that purpose he had appoynted in secrete places a great number of Indians and where the information was made by y e mouth of Philip who interpreted the witnes sayinges according to his owne pleasure But the cause of his wicked dealing was not certainly knowen but it was iudged to ●e one of two causes which were the one was thought that he was in loue w t one of Atabalibas wiues thinkinge by his death to enioy his desire without peril of which his pretence Atabaliba had vnderstanding and therof had made complaint to the gouernor saying y t that shameles ascent greued him more thē his imprisonment or yet any other mishap y t might come vnto him although it were presēt death to sée so base a man his subiect enterprise such villany knowing y e great punishmēt in his coūtrey prepared for such an offence which was to burne aliue any that should attempt such things The man being an offender was not alone thus punished but also the woman her father mother brethren and kindred yea euen the cattel of the aduouterer and the town where he or she were borne was destroyed made vnhabitable the ground sowed with salt the trées cut down and the houses beaten flat with the ground other gréeuous punishments were deuised in remembrance of the offence Others held opinion that the chiefe cause of Atabaliba his death● was the excéeding couetuosnes of Don Diego de Almagro and also of his men because it was told thē that they had no right to haue any share of al y e raunsome of Atabaliba which they thought vnpossible to be perfourmed although all the gold in the world were gathered together Upon which occasions the soldyars of Don Diego desired the death of Atabaliba saying that as long as hee should liue the Gouernors men would say that al y e gold which should come to their hands was his raunsome and they should not be partakers thereof But be it as may be they condēned him to death wher at the poore Prince was not a litle amazed saying that he neuer thought nor imagined the things which were layd to his charge and for the verifying of the matter that it might please him to lay more Irons on him with greater garde or to cary him aboord one of their shippes til the trueth were thorowly knowen Hee sayd moreouer to the Gouernour and the chiefest of hys companye I know not for what cause yee doo iudge mee for a man of so small iudgement or to thinke that I would goe about to work treason considering how I am your prisoner and bound in Iron chaines and also if any of my people should but shew them selues for any such purpose yee might then with the least suspition strike my head from my shoulders And if ye thinke that any of my subiectes shoulde come to rescue me against my wil ye are also deceaued and know not what obedience my people beareth vnto me for against my will the fowles of the ayre shall not flee nor the leaues of the trees stirre All these allegations preuayled not nor yet to geue great gages for the life of y e basest Spanyard that should pearish in the land But sith it was thought among the Spaniards that it was not a lawfull cause to condemne him to death vpon suspicion they charged him with the death of his brother Guascar
on euery side how be it Hernando Pisarro and his brethren defended his assaulte like valliant gentlemen with many other Capitaines and approued good Souldiars whiche were within the Citie especial●y Gabr●ell de Rojas Hernando Ponso de Leon Don Alanso Henriquez and the Treasorer Requelme and many others who vnarmed them selues neither daie nor night and did assuredly beleeue that the Gouernor and all the other Spanyardes were slaine by the Indians because thei had knowledge that all the lande had rebelled and were occupied in the warres So that these valliant minded men fought so manfully as men that expected no humaine succour but onely put their trust in the helpe from GOD alone although thei daiely deminished by the handes of the Indians In the meane while that the warre and siege endured Gonsalo Pisarro with other twentie horsemen came out of the Citie to vewe the siege and proceded forwarde till thei came to the Lake called Chinichera whiche stoode fiue leagues distant from the Citie where the enemies came so thicke and thronged vppon hym who although he a●d his companie fought valliauntly yet thei had yelded if Hernando Pisarro and Alonso de Turo had not rescued them with an other companie of horsemen because Gōsalo had entered too farre emong the enemies whiche he did with greater courage then wisedome How Don Diego de Almagro came with his power vpon Cusco and tooke prisoner Hernando Pisarro Chapt. 4. HEre before hath been declared how Iuan de Herrada caried into the prouince of Chili to Don Diego de Almagro the prouision which the Emperor had graunted to hym concernyng his newe gouernation whiche did extend beyond the limites of Dō Francisco Pisarro his graunt wherevpon he determined to returne from his pretended discouerie of Chili and to take the Citie of Cusco into his power to whiche purpose the gentlemen whiche were in his cōpanie encouraged hym to make all the hast possible especially Gomes de Aluarado brother to Don Pedro de Aluarado and his Uncle Diego de Aluarado and Rodrigo Orgonios emong whom some desired the reparation of the Citie and Countrey and other coue●ed to bee alone in the gouernation of Chili so that to bryng this matter to passe thei deuised to cause their interpretars to proclaime that Don Francisco Pisarro and all his companie of Spanyardes were slaine by the Indians whiche had rebelled who had likewise vnderstandyng of the rebellion of Inga So that now Don Diego tooke this enterprise in hande and when he was come within sixe leagues of Cusco without giuing knowledge to Hernādo Pisarro of his commyng he wrote to Inga promisyng to pardon all that was paste if he would become his freend and assist hym in his pretended purpose alledgyng moreouer that all the lande appertainyng to Cusco was within the precinct of his gouernement wherefore his meanyng was to possesse the same But Inga deceiptfully sent hym woorde that he should come personally and talke with hym and so he did with suspition of some deceipte wherefore he lefte some of his menne with Iuan de Sayauedra and tooke the reste with hym But when Inga espied tyme conuenient he sette vppon hym with suche a vehement courage that Don Diego was glad to retire In the meane season Hernādo Pisarro hauyng knowledge of his commyng went to visite Iuan de Sayauedra at his Campe and mought haue taken hym prisoner if he had would as the Citezens of Cusco had counsailed hym to doe but he would not rather when he had spoken with hym he retourned backe vnto the Citie without the giuyng vnto him of any vngentle language How be it Iuan de Sayauedra reported afterward that he had offered vnto hym 5000. poyzes in gold to deliuer into his power all the men whiche were in his companie and that he refused the money When Don Diego was retourned from Inga he came with all his armie in the sight of the Citie with his Ensignes spread where he tooke fower horsemen whiche Hernando Pisarro had sent to talke with hym he also sent to require the state and Cheef Magistrates of the Citie to receiue hym for their gouernour accordyng to the Emperours letters Patentes graunted to hym whiche were ready to bee seen The saied Magistrates made answere saiyng that he should cause the limittes of his graunt to be measured with Don Francisco Pisarro and whē it should be verified that the Citie of Cusco should fall out of the league of grounde specified in the graunt of Don Francisco then would thei yeelde to his request and also obeye hym as reason and duetie should require But their wise and gentle aunswere was neuer performed By meane whereof after did followe suche greate damage slaughter and discorde betwene these twoo valliaunt Captaines and although sundrie tymes thei mette to measure by line the lande that should appertaine to eche of them yet thei neuer agreed vpon the cause For sometymes thei would saie that the leagues of lande appertainyng to the gouernation of Don Francisco should bee measured a long the Sea coste acceptyng into the reconyng all Creekes Bayes and croked heade landes or Capes Others helde opinion that the measure should bee by lande acceptyng likewise into the accompte all croked waies whiche of force were to bee gonne almoste circular and not directly straight So that by eche of these twoo reconynges the gouernement of Don Francisco did finishe a greate waie before thei could come to Cusco yea some saied before thei could come to the Citie of Kynges But Don Francisco pretended that their opinions were not iuste nor lawfull in that forme of measuring but rather saied he that thei should measure according to the rules of the altitude of the Sunne allowing the due nomber of leagues to euery degree beginnyng at the Equinoctiall line accordyng to Astronomers reconyng in the Northe and Southe course by the superior line and in so doyng the Citie should fall into the iursdiccion of Pisarro But bee it as maie bee for as yet vntill this daie the matter was neuer agreed vpon that is to saie whether the Citie of Cusco doeth fall into the newe Castile or in the newe Toledo although sundrie tymes bothe Pilotes and learned Geometriciās hath met to decide the cause especially the Licenciall Vaca de Castro who had a perticular Cōmission touchyng that matter and as yet sentence was neuer pronounced But now letting this discord ceasse returnyng again to the Historie Hernando Pisarro sent woorde vnto Don Diego that he would prepare a certaine parte of the Citie for hym and his retine we to lodge in and in the meane while he would aduertise his brother Don Francisco of his demaunde who at that instaunt was abiding in the Citie of the Kyngs to the intent that some order might be taken betweene them consideryng that thei were bothe freendes and companions And to treate of this matter some doe affirme that truce was taken vpon that condition so that vnder that conclusion eche one held him self to
be in securitie Hernando Pisarro caused that night all the Citezens and menne of warre to take their reste in their houses because thei were greatly wearied with watchyng and wearyng their armour daies and nightes without takyng any rest at all When Don Diego had aduise of the Citezens reste and securitie and the night beyng verie darke especially through a darke Cloude whiche at that instaunt couered the Citie he forthwith assaulted the Citie But when Hernando and Gonsalo Pisarro heard the noise thei made greate haste in arming them selues and their house beeyng the first that was assaulted thei like valliant gentlemen defended them selues vntill thei had set fire on euery side of the house wherevpon thei yelded and were in this order taken prisoners The next daie followyng Don Diego compelled the coūsaill of the Citie to receiue hym for their cheef ruler and Gouernour and also commaunded Hernando and Gonsalo Pisarro to be put in Irons yea and many of his councellers wished hym to put them to death the whiche councell he refused considering the noble courage and minde whiche thei shewed in the defence of their house so that thei were put in the custodie of Diego de Aluarado Also it was credibly thought that certaine Indians were the occasion that Don Diego did breake the truse that was made and also some Spanyardes who brought newes vnto hym that Hernando Pisarro had commaunded to breake donne the bridges and the Fortresse in the Citie whiche newes seemed to bee the verie originall cause For when Don Diego entered into the Citie he spake these woordes with a loude voyce Oh how haue ye deceiued me with your deceiptfull newes for here I finde bothe bridges and euery thyng whole and sounde Of all these proceadinges the Gouernor Pisarro knewe nothing nor many daies after the takyng of the citie and imprisonment of his brethren Don Diego de Almagro made Paulo brother to Atabaliba kyng gaue vnto him the Cassal of the Empire the which newes being knowne to his brether Mango Inga he fledde with a greate nomber of his people into certaine asperous Mountaines called Andes How the Indians slue many that the Gouernor sent to succour his brethren in Cusco Chap. 5. EMong other thynges whiche the Gouernour Don Francisco Pisarro sent to craue of the Emperour he besought his Maiestie in remuneration of his seruice doen in the conquest of Peru to graunt hm 20000. Indians perpetually to hym his discendentes in a Prouince called Atambillos with their Rentes Tributes and Iurisdiction with title of Lorde Marques of that place and people The Emperour aunswered that as touchyng the Indian people he would take aduisement and also of the qualitie of the Countrey and what profite or damage thereof might growe and that in consideration of his seruice he would so gratifie hym as lawfully with reason he should thinke conuenient so that at his request the title of Lorde Marques was graunted and the Emperor commaunded that from thence forthe he should be s● called And therefore hereafter in the prosecution of this Historie we will call hym by the name of Lorde Marques The Lorde Marques hauyng vnderstandyng of the rebellion of the Indians and not thinkyng the matter would haue come to suche extremitie he began to sende succour of men to his brother Hernando Pisarro to Cusco by little and little as he could gette them by tenne a●d fiftene at a tyme. The Indians also hearyng of this weake succour appointed many men of warre to attende their commyng at euery dangerous passage that was in their waie so that as many as the Lorde Marques sent in this order were as fast murdered by those Indians whiche thyng would not so haue fallen out if he had sent them all together And as he went to visite the cities of Trugillio and sainct Mighell he determined to sende one Diego Pisarro with 70. horsemen to the succour of his brethren al the whiche the Indians s●ue at a straight passage whiche of force thei should goe and at this daie is called the hill of Parcos whiche standeth fiftie leagues from Cusco and the like happened to the Marques his brother in Lawe called Gonsalo de Tapia who he sent afterward with 80. horsemen thei also put to the worse Captaine Morgoujo and Captaine Gaete with their cōpanies yea fewe or none of them escaped so that those which alwaies followed last could haue no knowledge of the successe of those which went before And an other policie the Indians also vsed which was thei would let them passe till thei came into a Ualley betweene twoo Hilles and then would thei enuiron them bothe before and behinde and from the high places came the stones as thicke as Haile beeyng throwne with slynges in suche sorte that thei slue many of them before thei could come to hande strokes So that thei slue aboue 300. horsemen and tooke from them greate quātitie of Iewells Armour and apparell of silke Now the Marques hauyng no aunswere from none of those succours he sent Francisco Godoy borne in Caceres with 45. horsemen who by chaunce mette with onely twoo men whiche had serued vnder Capitaine Gaete and escaped from the tyranny of the Indians so that by them he had intelligence of all that had passed wherevpon he returned with all speede although he was almoste taken in the snare of his fellowes and was followed by the Indians aboue twentie leagues and daiely by them encountered before and in the reregarde So that he was forced to trauaile in the night sea●on for feare of the multitude of enemies And whē he was come to the Citie of Kynges whither also was comen Captaine Diego de Aguero with certaine men that h●d escaped the Indians rage The Marques had vnderstandyng how a greate nomber of the Indian enemies followed Captaine Aguero wherevpon he sent Pedro de Lerma with 70. horsemen and many Indians his freendes to encounter with the Souldiars of Inga with whom thei fought almoste a whole daie vntill the enemies were forced to take a high Rocke for their holde and sauegarde Wherevnto the Spanyardes laied siege on euery side the same daie captaine Lerma had his teeth broken with the stripe of a stone and also nine of his men were wounded and one horseman slaine But the Christians draue them into so greate an extremitie that if the Marques had not commaunded them to retire thei would that daie haue ended the warres because the Indians were in extreame miserie shutt vp in their fort and no waie to helpe them selues So that the Spanyardes also seeyng theim selues free from the tyrannie of their enemies thei gaue vnto God mooste hartie thankes and th●s doen thei remoued their Campe vnto an high hille that standeth not farre from the Citie of the Kynges daiely skirmishyng with the enemies The cheefe Captaine of the Indians was called Tysoyopangui and the brother of Inga which the Marques sent with Captaine Gaete in these warres whiche the Indians attempted nere the
sai●d that in despight of Hernādo Pisarro he would passe through the Prouince of Collao But these wordes he spake by meane of the fauour and countenaunce of those whiche had serued Don Diego who were there present in the companie because thei being ouercome in the late battaile yet their greefe remained still in mynde Whereupon Pedro de Candra sent the same Mesa prisoner with the processe and prouaunces whiche were made against hym to Hernando Pisarro Who vnderstandyng that whilest Don Diego de Almagro liued the Countrey should neuer bee in quiet nor the people pacified also aswell in the profes of Mesa as others which Hernando Pisarro had made he found mutynies in many places and persones coniured to that entent whiche was to haue Don Diego out of prison and by that meanes to vsurpe the Citie The promises consulted he thought conuenient to kill Don Diego de Almagro iustifiyng his death with all his offences whiche he had committed in the broyles and alterations past alledgyng that onely he had been the vrger and onely cause of the saied facte and likewise how he was the first that brought men of warre into the Citie and occupied the same by his owne aucthoritie And moreouer had slaine many that resisted hym and likewise had come with an armie and Ensignes spred into the prouince of Chincha which was manifestly knowen to be of the Marques gouernment For whiche causes and considerations he gaue sentence of death against hym But when Don Diego de Almagro hard the sentence of death pronounced he made a piteous mone and spake many dolefull and sorowfull wordes to Hernando Pisarro laiyng to his charge how he was the onely cause that his brother and he were come to be exalted and brought vnto the estate wherein thei now remaine And had furnished them with money at the beginnyng wishyng that he would remēber how whē he had hym prisoner in his power he set hym freely at libertie without any rāsome refusing the coūsell of his captaines who perswaded him to put hym to death And if he had receiued any discurtesie in the time of his im●risonment yet that he would consider that he neither cōmaunded it nor was priuie therevnto Likewise he besoug●● him to consider that now he was very old and although at that instant he would remit his death his age and time according to the course of Nature would shortly make an ende of his daies Unto whom Hernando Pisarro made answer saiyng that his wordes did not become a personage of so great a minde and courage as he was of to speake nor yet in suche a case to shewe him self so fraile and fearfull of death and sith his Iudgemente could not be reuoked he ought to cōfirme him self with the will of God like a Christian and a gentleman Unto whiche words Don Diego made answer saiyng sir maruell you not that I as a fraile man and a sinner dooe feare death for the humanitie of Christ did féele the same feare But in conclusion Hernando Pisarro in executiō of his sentence caused his throte to be cut● and when he had so doeu he went to the Collao against the cōpanie of captain Candia where he commaunded Mesa who was the author of the Mutinie to be executed the same 300 men that Cādia had he deliuered to Pedro Ansuerez whom he had sent vnto a new discouerie where thei thought al to haue perished w t hūger through the great marishes euil waie that thei passed and in the meane while he abode conquering the coūtrie of Collao whiche is a plaine Countrey and hath many golde Mines and by reason of the cold the Graine Maiz groweth not there The Indians of this Prouince eateth certaine Rootes called Papas whiche are verie like bothe in makyng and taste to Turnepes There are greate store of cattaile and cheefly the shepe which haue been spoken of And when Hernando Pisarro had vnderstanding how the Marques his brother was come to Cusco he left all his businesse and came to visite him leauing in his place to go forward with the Conquest his brother Gonsalo Pisarro who proceeded in that discouerie vntill the Prouince of Charcas where he was enuironed with many Indiā warriers which bent their force vpon him draue him to suche extremitie tha● his brother Hernādo Pisarro hearyng of suche danger tha● he was in was forced to goe from Cusco with many ho●smen to succour hym And because the aide should come vnto him the sooner the Marques caused to be blowen abrode that he in person would follow with al his power to giue the better countenance to the matter hee went two or three dayes iorney out of the citie When Hernando Pisarro was come where his brother Gonsalo was he found that the Indiās were put to flight so that certaine dayes they kept both company togeather in that conquest where they had many incounters with those Indians vntil they had taken Tiso their Captaine prisoner and then with victory they returned to Cusco where the Marques receaued them with great honor and gaue lyuinges in that countrey to as many as he possible might the residew he sent to other Conquests with the other Captaines Vergara and Porcell by another way he sent Captaine Alonso Marcadillio and Captaine Iuan Perez de Gueuara and the Campe Maister Pedro de Valdiuia hee sent to Chili from whence Don Diego de Almagro came when he returned to Cusco All those things being doone Hernando Pisarro tooke his way toward Spayne to make relation to the Emperor of the proceedings in Peru although many of his fréends perswaded him rather to abide for quoth they it is doubtful how his Maiestie wil take y e death of Don Diego de Almagro The Marques also counsailed him to beware not to trust any of the fréends of Don Diego which commonly were called the men of Chili not to permit them to councell gather togeather yea and if at any time he should see aboue sixe of thē togeather that then he might be assured that some conspiracy was in hand VVhat happened to Captayne Valdiuia in his voyage to the Prouince of Chili Chap. 13. PEdro de Valdiuia with his company came to the Prouince of Chili where the Indians receiued him with fained peace and freendship because their haruest was at hand and not as yet fully rype but after their corne was had into their Garnets they made a generall insurrection and sodainly came vpon the Spanyards who went wandring carelesse abroad in the Feeldes and slue fourteene of them Valdiuia hearing of the daunger which his men were in he made all haste possible to succour them and beeinge occupied in the ayde of his company there were certaine Spanyardes that had conspired against him but when the parties were knowen and the case euidently to bee approoued hee forthwith commaunded the conspirators to be hanged among whom was Captaine Pedro Sancho de Hoz who hee esteemed as his companion on that
dispatched backe againe with this aunswere the Estate of the Cittie calling to remembraunce howe Gomer de Tordoya who was one of the chéefest of Councell of the Cittie was at that instaunt recreating him selfe abroade in the Countrey They agréede to send aduertisement vnto him of all the procéedinges of Don Diego but it so happened that theyr Messenger mette him comming towarde the Cittie and when they had enfourmed him of theyr Message he hauing a Merlin Hawke vpon his fyst wrested the head from the body saying from henceforwarde it is more conuenient to exercise Feates of Warre then to goe a Hawking And comming towarde the Citie he entred in the night season where secretly he dealt with the Estate of the Citie in Councell what was most necessarie to be done and then he departed agayne to the place where Captayne Castro was with whome he concluded to sende a Messenger to Pedro Asueres Lieutenaunt of Charcas to wyll him to ryse on the behalfe of his Maiestie and then the sayde Gomer de Tordoya with all his power went after Pedro Aluarez Holguin who was gone with a hundred men to encounter with certayne Indians and with good happe he ouertooke him at which méeting he certified him of the newes at Cusco beséeching him to accept the charge of so iuste and honourable an Enterpryse as to be theyr generall and chéefe Ruler ouer theyr Hoste in consideration whereof he also offered to be his Soldiour and the first man that should obey him Upon which request Pedro Aluares accepted the charge incontinent spread his Ensigne in the behalfe of his Maiestie And this being done they conuocated the inhabitauntes of the Cittie of Arequipa with whome they went to Cusco where at theyr comming they found many congregated on the behalfe of Don Diego who foorthwith fled towardes him to the number of fiftie personnes After whome followed Captayne Castro and Hernando de Bachiaco with certayne Hargabusiers who ouertooke them in the night season and apprehended them with whome they returned to Cusco The Councell of Cusco hearing of this good successe came and ioyfully receyued him and with conformitie of all the Captaynes bothe swore and chose Pedro Aluares Holguin for Captayne and chéefe Iudge of all the dominions of Peru vntyll such tyme as his Maiestie should otherwyse prouide whereupon warre was proclaymed against Don Diego and his retinew The Cittizens also of Cusco bound themselues to paie all such summes of money which he should spend of the Kings Treasure among his Soldiours if that his Maiestie should not thinke well or accept the same in iust and lawfull accoumpt And for the furnishing of these procéedinges all the Cittizens of Charcas Arequipa and Cusco offered theyr goodes and personnes so that in shorte space there ioyned together aboue .350 men of whome were .150 Horsemen a hundred Hargabusiers and a hundred Pykemen But notwithstanding Pedro Aluares hauing intelligence howe Don Diego had eyght hundred men and more in his Campe he therefore durst not abyde his comming in the Cittie of Cusco but rather chose to passe with his power into the Mountaynes to ioyne with Alonso de Aluarado who lykewise was rysen on the behalfe of his Maiestie and also expecting there to méete with the fréendes and Seruitors of the Marquesse which were hydden in those Desartes So that he procéeded with his company in good order meaning that if Don Diego should happen to méete him on his way to giue him battayle And when he departed from Cusco he lest for the defence of the Cittie as many men as was thought sufficient for that purpose he appoynted Gomez de Tordoya for Campe maister and Garcilaso Delauega and Pedro Asuerez for Captaynes of the Horsemen and the charge of the Infauterie or Footemen he commended to Captaine Castro and the Offices of Alerez of the Standard royall he committed to Martine de Rolles How Don Diego went to seeke Pedro Aluarez and finding him not he passed to Cusco Chap. 12. DOn Diego hauing vnderstanding of the procéedinges in Cusco and how Pedro Aluarez was departed out of the Cittie with all the power that he might make wherupon he iudged that he was gone into the Mountaynes to ioyne with Alonso de Aluarado so that he determyned to méete him on the way and to stoppe his passage the which his pretence he could not bring to passe with such expedition as he desired for staying for Garcia de Aluarado whome he had sent for by Poste at whose cōming they left procéeding after Alonso de Aluarado and at the tyme when they came to the Cittie of Trugillio he was mynded againe to disturbe his passage had not the Towne of Leuanto which standeth in Chachapoyas perswaded him to the contrarie When Garcia de Aluarado was come to the Citie of the Kinges Don Diego foorthwith tooke his iourney against Pedro Aluarez with thrée hundred Horsemen one hundred Hargabusiers and a hundred and fiftie Pikemen But before his departure he banished out of the Coūtrey the Lord Marquesse children and beheaded Antonio Picado after that he had extreamely racked him and put him to sundry tormentes onely that he should confesse where the Lord Marquesse Treasure lay This done he procéeded on his iorney but before he had passed two leagues from thence came secretly certayne prouisions from the Lycenciate Vaca de Castro which were sent from the coūtrey of Cuito directed to father Thomas de Saint Martine Francisco de Barrio Nueuo giuing vnto them thereby authoritie to deale in the gouernment of the Countrey vntyll that he him selfe might come thether Wherupon the Estate and Councell of the Cittie had secrete conference obaying the prouicions which were at that instant orderly presented and admitted the Lycenciate Vaca de Castro for Gouernor and Geronimo de Aliaga for his Lieutenaunt because he was so appointed by lyke prouisions After the doing of these things the Aldermen fled to the Cittie of Trugillio and many other Cittizens in theyr company these things were not so secretly done but the same night Don Diego had vnderstanding of all at large whereupon he was minded to returne to sacke the Cittie but fearing least Pedro Aluarez should escape him he durst not retyre and likewise because his Soldiours should not come to the knowledge how there was a new gouernour in the land So that for these causes he procéeded forwarde yet notwithstanding when newes was knowen in Don Diego his Campe many of his Soldiours fled from him especially Father Thomas de Saint Martine Diego de Alguero Iuan de Sayauedra Gomez de Aluarado and the Factor Yllansucarez de Carauaiall in this iourney happened to fall sick Iuan de Herrada of a certaine infirmitie wherof he died By meane wherof Don Diego was forced to stay his iorney in the meane while Pedro Aluarez passed by into y e valley of Xauxa where Don Diego thought to haue abode his comming yet at the length he followed him so that they were not farre a sunder
to doo consideringe y ● great number of Indians which daily came to serue in those workes wherby victualles grew to such a dearth that a bushell of Maiz came to be worth twentie castlins of Gold and a bushell of Wheate as much and a Sacke of the earbes called Coca was worth .30 poyzes yea and afterward it came to bee derer yet through the great treasure which there was founde all the other Mines were left vnhabited and especially the Mines of Porco where Hernando Pisarro had a great porcion of ground out of the whiche hee gathered great riches The Mines also which gathered gold in Cambaya other riuers left their workes came to Potosi because they foūd there greater profit without cōparison They which vnderstand in these workes holde opinion that by manifest tokens these Mines are of perpetuitie With this good successe Captayne Carauajal began to gather great summes of treasure in such sorte y t he tooke possession of al the Indians and Anaconas of such Spaniards as were slayne or fled or had been agaynst him in his former warre so that in short time he obtained into his power the sum of seuen hundred thousand poyzes and would not ther of ayde his soldiours with any thing who had folowed him in al his warres whervpon they began to murmur among them selues and were minded to kill him The chief of this mutiny were Luis pardomo Alonso de Camargo Diego de Balmazeda Diego de Luxan there were nere 30. persons which determined to execute the sayd pretence within one month after Carauajal was come to the town of Plata But through a mischance which hapned they deferred the matter til another day This practise was not so secretly wrought but that Carauajal came to knowledge therof whervpō he commanded Luis Pardomo Camargo Orbanej●● Balmaseda● and other .10 or 12. persons of the principallest to be quartered and others banished so y t with the execution of sutch cruell Iustices in causes of Mutynies the people were so feared that they neuer durst at any time after to deale in the like practises FINIS The Table of the Chapters contayned in this present Booke OF the notice had of Peru how the discouery was begun ca. 1. fo 1 How Don Francisco Pisarro abode in the Ile of Gorgona and how with a small companye of men hee sayled beyond the Equinoctiall Lyne cap. 2. fo 2 How Don Francisco Pisarro came into Spayne to giue knowledge of his trauaile discouery of Peru to the Emperor his Maiestie ca. 3 fo 4 Of the people which inhabite vnder the Equinoctiall Lyne and other notable thinges which there are found cap. 4. fo 4. Of the vaynes of Pitche which are found at the Cape called Destahelen● of the Gyants which somtime dwelt in those parts ca. 5. fo 5 Of the people and thing●s which are beyonde the Equinoctiall Lyne toward the South alonge the Sea coaste ca. 6. fo 7. Of the ordenary winde which bloweth in the Playnes and the reason of the drynes of that soyle cap. 7. fo 9. Of the qualitie of the Mountaynes of Peru and the habitacion of Indians and Christians cap. 8. fo 11. Of y e cities of Christians which are in the moūtaines of Peru. ca. 9 fo 13 Of y e opinion which y e Indians held touching their creaciō ca. 10 fo 16 Of the rites sacrifice which the Indians vsed in Peru. cap. 11. fo id What the Indians opinion is touchinge the resurrection of the body ca 12. fo 17 Of the Origen of the Kings of Peru which were called Ingas ca. 13 fo id Of the notable things which Guaynacaua built in Peru cap. 14 fo 19 Of the estate of the Warres in Peru at the time of the Spanyardes comming into that Countrey cap. 15. fo 22 The second Booke OF the Conquest atchiued by Don Francisco Pisarro and his men in the Prouince of Peru cap. 1 fo 25 Of thinges which happened to the Gouernour in the Iland of Puna and the conquest therof cap. 2. fo 26 How the Gouernour went to Tumbez and of the conquest which hee there obtayned vntill hee inhabited the citie of S. Mighell ca. 3. fo id How the gouernor went to Caxamalca what there hapned ca. 4 fo 28 How y e battaile was fought w t Atabaliba he taken prisoner ca. 5 fo 29 How Atabaliba commaunded his Brother Guascar to be slayne and how Hernando Pisarro discouered in the countrey cap. 6 fo 31 How Atabaliba was put to death vpon surmise that hee would haue slaine the Christians and how Don Diego de Almagro went into Peru the seconde Iorney cap. 7 fo 34 How Ruminagui Captayne to Atabaliba rebelled made insurrec●ion in the land of Q●ito how the gouernor passed to Cusco ca. 8 fo 3● How Captaine Benalcasar went to the conquest of Quito cap. 9 fo 38 How Pedro de Aluarado came to Peru ● what hapned vnto him ca. 10 f● 39 How Don Diego de Almagro met with Don pedro de Aluarado and what followed cap. 11 fo 41 How Don Diego de Almagro and Don pedro de Aluarado met with Captayne Quixquix and what passe● betweene them cap. 12 fo 42 How the Gouernour payde to Don pedro the 100000 poyzes accordinge to agreemente and how Don Diego would intrude into the gouernment of Cusco cap. 13 fo 44 The thirde Booke HOw Don Diego de Almagro toke his iorney toward Chili ca 1 fo 45 Of the paines troubles that Don Diego and his army passed in y e way toward Chili of certain particularities of y e coūtrey ca 2 fo 4● Of the returne of Hernando pisarro into Peru of the prouisi●ns which he brought with him and of the rebellion of the Indians cap. 3 fo 48 How Don Diego de Almagro beseeged Cusco and tooke Hernando pisarro prisoner cap. 4 fo 49 How the Indians slew many succours which the Gouernour sente to ayde his Brother in Cusco cap. 5 fo 51 How the Marques sent to demaund helpe into diuerse partes how Captayne Alonso de Aluarado came to ayde him cap 6 fo 52 How the Marques went to Cusco to succour his Brother and by the way as hee wente hearinge of the victory of Alonso de Aluarado hee returned to the Cittie of the Kinges cap. 7 fo 54 How the Marques gathered a new Army and how Alonso de Aluarado and Gonsalo Pisarro brake out of Prison cap. 8 fo● 55 How both the Gouernors met and how Hernando Pisarro was set at lybertie cap. 9 fo 56 How y e Marques proceeded against Don Diego and how hee retyred to Cusco cap 10 Eodem How Hernando Pisarro wente towarde Cusco with his Armye and the Battayle of Salinas cap. 11. fo 57 What happened after the Battayle of Salinas was fought and how Hernando Pisarro returned into Spayne cap. 12 fo 59 What hapned to captain Valdiuia in his voiage toward chili ca. 13 f. 6● The fourth Booke HOw Gonsalo Pisarro