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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13187 Disce vivere Learne to live : a briefe treatise of learning to liue, vvherein is shewed, that the life of Christ is the most perfect patterne of direction to the life of a Christian : in which also, the well disposed may behold their orderlie passage, from the state of grace, to the state of glorie. Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629. 1604 (1604) STC 23484; ESTC S1737 203,338 618

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teach a long way by precepts is by example oftentimes made short and easie Hee fulfilled in his owne person whatsoeuer hee taught others to doe that in him the world might haue a light both of good teaching and good following 7 For the application héereof and what wee may obserue by Christes teaching first that he was the very Prophet whom God had promised by Moyses to raise whom all should heare and hearing follow Wee often meruaile at their hardnesse of heart who hauing Christ amongst thē their eares were so dull they would not heare him their eyes so blind they would not sée him who came as hee ought to haue come according to all the prophecies of olde let the Scriptures themselues in this case manifest as much and let all gaine-sayers for euer be silent In the next place we may consider that Iesus Christ is the same for euer many Christians would haue béene glad if it had so pleased God to haue béene present with those eye-witnesses in beholding their Redéemer For what a ioy would the 〈◊〉 haue offered the beholders his ●…enerable countenance his gracefull behauiour and to haue heard his most admirable manne of exhortation which would haue made a Christian soule to dissolue it selfe as it were into commisera●… 8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…t all for he had not so soone 〈◊〉 but there was somewhat more behinde which was an et custodiunt that is a kéeping of those instructions that they heare to shew that the scope of his teaching was not to haue his Auditors to heare onely or admire but to kéep and follow not to discourse but to practise for hee shewes that hearing and kéeping and blessing goe together In the law were those cleane sacrifices which did chew the cud onely no they must chewe the cud and deuide the hoofe Christ saith of Mary that heard the word Mary hath chosen the good part hearing is but a part when the Prophet speakes of the Testimonies of Gods law hee addeth this In custodiendo merces magna In kéeping of them there is great reward he doth not say in audiendo in only hearing The promises of saluation in holie scriptures are not so much layde forth to the hear●… as to the 〈◊〉 practise to doe his Fathers will that sent 〈◊〉 Thus ●…he ioyned in one doing and teaching so should wee beléeuing and following that so a right faith and a christian life which are as it were coupled together wee should in no case seuer You know these things happie are you if you do them What soeuer we professe wee must not thinke to come to heauen by doing nothing worthy of our Christian calling T is true saith Saint Bernard of good works that they are not causa regnandi the cause of raigning yet are they via ad regnum the way to the kingdome they doe 〈◊〉 inst●…e before God yet sure they do glorifie God in his seruants Chap. 12. Of Christes example in visiting the sicke feeding the hungry and curing all that came vnto him doth lay before vs a most absolute rule of shewing mercy and compassion WHether it were to beholde our Sauiours myracles for so came manie of the people Iohn 6 2. or to be cured of their corporall maladies so came a multitude Luke 6 17. Whether it were of desire to commune with him so came Nichodemus Iohn 3. 2. or of an affection to sée him of whom so great fame went abroade so came Zache Luke 19. 3. Whether for these causes or any other so it was that a company of people all together came flocking after our Sauiour in great aboundance as when some skilfull Phisition repaireth to any populous Citie the diseased of all other draw vnto him so came they vnto Christ who was able not onely to cure their sicke bodies but euen to raise to life againe their sick nay respecting the life of grace their dead soules looking vpon all with the eye of mercie shewing hee would not the death of a sinner that came to die for sinners 2 Ancient and latter records make mention of an Epistle sent by Lentulus the Procensull vnto the States Senate of Rome in which he shewes them of one Iesus who appeared in Iurie going about doing good and healing all of what infir●… y so euer they were taken Iosephus affirmeth hee was a holy man if I may saith he call him a man Iulian the Apostata himselfe confessed thus much of him indéede saith he hee cured certaine blind men and recouered some few that were diseased in bodie yea Iulian and that was enough to haue made thée sée him to be the sonne of God hadst thou not béene obstinately blind For was it euer heard since the beginning of the world that any gaue sight vnto men borne blinde except Christ the redéemer of the world The great power hee shewed in healing onely by his worde the diseases of the body might haue moued thée to beléeue on him for the health welfare of thy soule Sae him Iulian doing such works and if for no other cause yet beléeue him for his workes sake The Centurion had authoritie ouer his Souldiours if hee said to one goe he goeth to another co●…e and hee commeth Christes authority was as absolute ouer all diseases if he said goe they departed if come they obeyed but chiefly was he wont to commaund them to depart and not onely diseases but euen his authority was the same ouer the deuils themselues whom hee cast out bringing many tormented creatures into their right minds againe 3 Well did our sauiour Christ compare himselfe unto a Phisition and so was he for there was no disease so desperate but hee could s●…e it He wrought manie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when he cured the soule of 〈◊〉 hee wrought a cure indéed 〈◊〉 effecting whereof hee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kindes of medicines 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by diet when hee fa●…d fortie dayes and fortie nights The seeg●… by Electuarie wh●… 〈◊〉 most precious 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his last supp●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sweate at his ag●…e in the 〈◊〉 The fourth by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his face was ●…etted 〈◊〉 by th●… Iewes The fifth by p●…tion when he tasted vineger mixed with gall The sixt by letting of blood when his hands and féete were pierced yea when his heartvaine was striken his side goared with the speare Heire was a cure of all cures which all the Galenists in the world may admire with reuerence and become his patients who was such a Phisition for vs all A strange kind of prescription he enioyned euery one of his patients must kéepe it Behold thou art made whole sinne no more least a worse thing come vnto thee Christ hath wrought thy ●…re thy c●…re must be to obserue a good dyet for the time to come because the relapse is wont to prou●… dangerous 4 And héere we may not omit to obserue the 〈◊〉 of Christes curing hee sayth vnto the sicke man in the second of
regeneration in the fountaine of grace in the second our departure from the vanities of the world in the third the mortification of the flesh in the fourth how to resist the enemie If wee respect ou●… regeneration in the fountaine of grace wee looke vpward where we see heauen opening and heart a voyce testifying of euery one Hic est filius meus dilectus This is my beloued Sonne in who●… God was well pleased and i●… whom wee are well pleased 〈◊〉 wee respect the second our departure from the vanities of 〈◊〉 world we heare that of our sauiour I haue chosen you out of the world If the third that of the Apostle Take no thought for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it If the fourth that of Saint Iohn And they ouercame him by the blood of the Lambe Watch sayth S. Peter for your aduersarie the deuil ●…s a roaring Lyon goeth about seeking whom hee may deuoure Why doth the shéepheard watch but because the woolse watcheth 3 And héere before wee enter into consideration of our Sauiours departure into the wildernes we may call to mind how before his preaching the Gospel or ●…lad tydings of saluation vnto the world he first prepared himselfe by fasting being thus prepared hee goeth out against the enemie Now as the Arke of God went before the people in the wildernes not onely to shew them the way but also to strike a feare and terrour into the harts of their enemies the same hath Christ done for vs all and what he wrought for vs he doth work in vs. Hauing entered o●… names into his familie we ha●… the title and testimonie to be h●… hauing this title and testimonie wee are led by his spirit being led by his spirit wee leaue th●… world leauing the world we f●… to fasting and other exercises of piety in these exercises of piety the tempter will assay vs t●… tempter assaying vs wee l●… vnto Christ who is gone be●… and hath subdued our mortallnemie 4 By Christes fasting w●… sée howe to arme our selues ●…gainst this aduersarie that t●… flesh may be obedient vnto t●… spirit the spirit to grace and 〈◊〉 to say as Dauid I come forth v●…to thee in the name of my God This fasting dooth much h●… the soule which is the chiefe ●…gent in this battaile that 〈◊〉 and body both together 〈◊〉 withstand the force of the ●…mie When two are combati●… if one step in to assist eyther p●…tie the party assisted is like●… to preuaile Fasting helpes 〈◊〉 soule Christ fasteth and is strengthened against the force of the tempter Phisitians can tell vs then fasting there is nothing better for the body and Diuines can shew vs then fasting nothing better for the soule in this combate it is not the worst policy to weaken the enemie before wee ●…ght with him the flesh is an enemie For this holy exercise of fasting it beséemes no man more then Christians First because they are men not brute beasts led by sensuality and therefore those whom temperance should ●…de Secondarily that they ●…e men yea Nazarites set a part amongst men to serue God Who are to liue not according to the ●…sh but according vnto the spirit and therefore are not to passe their liues as Epicures ●…or stuffe themselues like wooll-packs Let vs eate and drinke to morrow wee shall die Thirdly for that they are men now in the ●…d and besieged ●…aylie with a ●…full aduersary and therefore should be sober and watching vnto prayer 5 Christ fasted forty dayes was armed against the tempter Christ fasted forty dayes and forty nights whence wee may gather that we must be armed against this enemie as we●… in the dayes of prosperity as nights of aduersity Hee fas●… truly giuing vs an example and for this cause sayth Saint Basil is fasting necessarie for our spirituall combate Who ouercame the hoast of the Assyrians Fasting Iudith who mittigated the wrath ready to come vpō a gre●… Citie Fasting Niniuites wh●… preuailed for the preseruation of the people Fasting Moyses who stayed the intended destruction of many Innocents Fasting Hester That thou may●… learne O man how necess●… a thing fasting is against the enemies bodily and ghostly s●… Christ thy Sauiour after his baptisme led of the spirit into the wildernes where he fasted 〈◊〉 which brought ruine vnto the state of man began the same by eating but hee that brought recouerie vnto the ruinated state of Adam began the same by fasting He in whom we all fell did fall by yéelding to temptation but he in whom wee all rose and being risen are still preserued from falling did raise vs vp by vanquishing the Tempter and temptation 6 When one cureth a sick man he commaunds him not to doe againe in any case the things that procured his sicknes Christ hath wrought our cure and prescribes vs a diet Take heed that your hearts be not ouercome with surfetting and thus shewes vs what is hurtfull to our health The sinnes of Sodome amongst other were these pride and fulnes of bread which fulnes was the very fuell of foule iniquity that followed Wee must be eyther Niniuites or Sodomites Niniuites and so those that fasted and prayed that God would haue mercy vpon them for their sinnes Sodomites and so those who liued in all voluptuousnesse and were consequently consumed in their sinnes The more abstinent at the table the more continent in the chamber Moses that was fasting sawe God aboue in the mount the people that were eating and drinking committed Idolatrie beneath in the valley As fasting is a most excellent meane of sharpning our deuotion to God so on the contrary sacietie and fulnesse doth often cause vs to forget him They were filled saith the prophet Ose as in their pastures and their hearts were exalted therefore haue they forgotten me They who are Christs saith the Apostle haue crucified the flesh this crucifying is for the soules safety The Champion loues his buckler wel yet for all that he cares not how it 〈◊〉 hackt and hewed so his bodie be defended It is no matter for chastis●…ng the outward man so the man within the man may b●… kept safe and sound 7 Nourish the flesh nourish the vices of the flesh nourish the flesh giue thy very enemy weapō to hurt thee what more séemly then a temperate man what more vnséemly then the vntemperat who is compared vnto the bruit beasts the wolf the Beare and such like There is not saith Salomon any great hope in him that loueth banquetting But how abstinēce is a mean to bring vs to all vertues it appeareth in those thrée children who being content with pulse water increased in wisedom and vnderstanding aboue all the delicious wantons that were in Babylon 8 A singular example may be séene in Christ fasting Vt ●…m vtilem non solum verbis sed etiam exemplis instrueret For