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A11927 The three partes of commentaries containing the whole and perfect discourse of the ciuill warres of Fraunce, vnder the raignes of Henry the Second, Frances the Second, and of Charles the Ninth : with an addition of the cruell murther of the Admirall Chastilion, and diuers other nobles, committed the 24 daye of August, anno 1572 / translated out of Latine into English by Thomas Timme minister.; Commentariorum de statu religionis et reipublicae in regno Galliae. English. 1574 Serres, Jean de, 1540?-1598.; Hotman, François, 1524-1590. De furoribus gallicis.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620.; Ramus, Petrus, 1515-1572. 1574 (1574) STC 22241.5; ESTC S4897 661,140 976

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shamefully to missecal them saying that they would not leaue of their ringing and straytwaye they ranne vpon them and made haste to shut the Churche dores but one of them escaped by flight the other they toke whome they wounded so sore that he presently dyed Then they ranne vp into the Churche stéeple and toppe of the church they rang the Belles and tumultuously cryed Toc-sanctum whiche worde the people vse when they crye Alarum At the which crye the people ranne with all spéede possible from euery part of the Suburbes So that what with the crye of the people and what with the hurling of stones into the place where the sermō was then made there was a great terrible noyse The which noyse being heard but specially Toc-sanctum or Alarum aboue the reste they whiche were chiefe of the Congregation least the whole assembly shoulde be quite discomfited thought it néedfull to prouide helpe out of hand Therefore when they had willed euery one to be quiet and not to stirre they chose out of the whole Congregation whiche was in number about 13. thousande men a certaine small number of experte souldiers willing the Minister to procéede and sent the Lieutenant his seruant for he was then there by the Kings authoritie to wil and commaunde the Priestes in the Kings name to cease the tumulte whiche they hadde begonne Notwithstanding the Arrowes and stoanes came so ●…aste aboute his eares that hee was constrayned strayte waye to returne backe agayne The faithfull fearing the Sedition like to ensue whereby they being naked and vnarmed were like to be oppressed thoughte it good before the matter wente any further to sette vpon the Popishe Priestes and to staye their rage Therefore euen at once they ranne vpon them with all their myght euen through the thicke Hayle of stoanes and arrowes and brake open the Church dores behinde the whiche they founde the deade carkas of their slaine brother and the Priests with their coherentes armed who at the first outragiously like mad men behaued them selues but afterwardes being easily repressed tamed by the faithfull part of them being constrained yelded themselues into their handes and part fled into a high tower shutting the dore●… faste to them from whence they cas●… downe stones tymber arrowes many other things yea whatsoeuer in their madnesse came nexte to hande in so much that breaking the Images of their Saints as they call them in peeces which they had caryed out of the Temple least they should be violated and defiled most furiously they threwe them downe still crying Toc-sanctum Allarum But the faithfull seyng their outrage threatned them to fire them out of their holde or Tower wherevpon the Popishe Priests their coherentes ceassed at the last frō their Popishe madnesse fortie of them being sore wounded and fiftene of the authors of the Sedition being taken and deliuered into the handes of the Magistrate And thus was that sedition pacified But the congregation of the faithfull was garded safe-conducted by the same Lieuetenaunt and Centurion of the Citie least the people shoulde begin againe some newe sedition It was reported that this sedition was appointed and deuised certaine dayes before by the knowledge consent of many of the gouernours and Senators of the Citie who promised to the Curate of Sanmedarde that he should be blamelesse and escape vnpunished whatsoeuer happened It was also founde that they had caryed before into other houses fearing what woulde come to passe their Albes Crewets Censers their Chalice their Copes and precious vestments and the res●…e of their implementes which they sayde Masse withall The daye following the outragious multitude hauing certaine Popishe Priests their guides came into the houses of the faithfull broke chaires stooles settles and spoyled all things euen to the bare walles and set fire vnder thus they set fire on the houses on euery side vntill they were chased away by certaine horsemen and the magistrate of the citie Then were those that were before taken prisoners examined Howbeit the Senate ioyning with them such men whō they thought méete for their purpose brought to passe that they were deliuered and many of the faithfull cast into prison as giltie of that matter whereof the other were accused and writing letters to the Queene they layd all the cause of that sedition vpon the faithfull The which notwithstanding was manifestly found false by the open voyce of the people deriding the faithfull and boasting of the fauour of the Senate But by suffering so great a fault to escape vnpunished the people of Paris which before were prompt and ready ynough of themselues to sedition began nowe to be more incouraged to worke mischiefe against the faithfull Therefore newe rumours were spreade abrode of the wickednesse of the people in that copious citie and manye of the Bishoppes and nobles of the Realme made exclamation that the Kings Maiestie was greatly offended bycause the authoritie of the Edict of Iuly was contemned the Huguenote ▪ hauing their Sermons euery where for so were the faithfull called And euerye daye complayntes were broughte of bothe partes from euery coast of the Realme But the reformed Churches dayly increased and had their Sermons euerye where whether the king gaue leaue or no And thus the kings will and pleasure not knowne great troubles were like very shortly to insue The matter standing thus the Quéene fearing what would come to passe perceiued that it was needefull to prouide a spedie remedie But the king of Nauar being also doubtfull what to doe and beyng made afearde with dayly Rumors and reportes sawe that it was ●…ie time to prouide saying that those matters coulde not be ended withoute the benefite of a more large Edicte Therefore by the authoritie and commaundement of the king the Quéene and of the king of Nauarre and by the consente of the Princes and the kings priuie Counsell the kings purseuauntes were sent to summon a Parliamente to be holden concerning this matter the. xvij of Ianuary at Sangermane Men also of singular discretion and knowledge were sent for out of all partes of the Realme The whole assembly being called together in the which also were the Princes and the kings kinsmen the king declared howe néedefull and necessarie a thing it was to prouide meanes and remedyes to pacifie so greate troubles when as euerye daye greuous rumours of Seditions did aryse Wherefore he prayed them to shewe with pure and vpright myndes such meanes and wayes to pacifie them as might be to their owne profite and for the benefite of the Realme promising that he woulde followe their Iudgementes so farre as shoulde be nedefull Therefore when the Chauncelour according to custome had propounded the cause of their assembly and had shewed the necessitye of thyngs euery man spake his Iudgement And when they hadde all concluded a newe Edicte was set forthe by the Kings commaundemente whiche was called the Edicte of Ianuarie the summe was this following FOr so much
aucthoritie and estimation among the Parisians thrée counsels of the Citie sumptuously apparelled and a great concours●… of the Citizens crying God preserue the Duke of Guise The which acclamation is proper only to Kinges Now when they were come there were many doubtfull and vncertaine reportes in the Citie and the conspiracy betweene the Guise the Constable and the Martiall of S. Andrew euidently appeared to all men Who ioyning with them certayne of the Senators of Paris sate in counsell euery daye The Prince of Conde also came to Paris accompanied with certaine noble men and exhorted the faithfull not to forsake him in so great perill and daunger The Guises were very sory for this comming of the Prince of Conde which they iudged would be very hurtfull for them For although the common sort of people of the Citie of Paris were foolish hawtie stout at the first by the cōming of the Guises yet notwithstanding their courage and pride was brideled and abated euen with the name of the Prince of Conde insomuch that they stayed from open outrage Therfore the Citie by the comming of the Prince of Conde was quieted and as it were newly altered But this thing did very much hinder the purpose of the Guises which greatly desired to obtayne Paris being the chiefe Citie of the kyngdome and a very fit place to bring their matters to passe Therfore first of all they saw that they must bring to passe that the Prince of Conde might depart from the citie Wheruppon they practised by the King of Nauar that Marshall Memorencie the Lefetenant of the citie might be called backe againe and that the Cardinall of Borbon which woulde be at their commaundement might be sent in his stede the necessitie of the tyme saye they greatly requiring this thing The Constable brought to passe that his sonne Momorencie should not greatly refuse this thing who if hée had cōstantly withstoode them and denied their request they had very hardly brought their purpose to effect hée being a man of excellent wisdome and experience but yet withall a tyme seruer By this tyme the King of Nauar was come to the King and the Quéene which lay at Moncaulx thither came also out of hand the chief master of the Marchāts an Authour of Seditions hyred and sent by the Guises This fellow declared to the King and Quéene that the Prince of Conde wrought sedition at Paris the whiche would shortly tourne to great mischief except he departed from thence the which if it should come to passe hée to whom authoritie was giuen to prouide remedies for the same should beare all the blame So that with hys often complaynts to the Quéene he brought about that according to his request the king of Nauar should goe out of hand to Paris Then the Guises ioyning with thē certayne of the Senate of Paris that were fittest for their purpose and séeking to haue the greater authority through the presence of the king of Nauar which was chiefe Uicegerent they determined to haue a common counsell to the which they neuer called the Prince of Conde And this they called The Kings Counsel The king of Nauar by the decrée of this counsel wrote out of hā●… to the Quéene that it was necessary that the Prince of Cōde should departe from Paris and get him home to hys house except she would haue present perill of sedition by reason of his presence to burst foorth into open and manifest perturbation and garboyle Notwithstanding it was to be doubted what would come to passe For a man might beholde thoroughout the citie the diuersitie of mennes myndes by diuers shewes Somewhile they trembled somewhile they triumphed both partes in one hower chaūged Di●…ers rumours were disperst abroade In so much that there appeared euident and most certayne tokens of imminent sedition Great was the power of the Guises through the authoritie of the king of Nauar The Senat had the handling of the cause The greatest part of the people consented the common multitude being easely led On the other parte the authoritie of the Prince of Conde was not small his name hauing suche a maiestie that the people trembled at the same great also was the number of the faythfull and no lesse was their power In so much that there was no great inequalitie betwéene both partes yet 〈◊〉 the twayne the Popes number was the greater yea by many Also the Prince of Conde perceyued well enough all the practises of the Guises and how they went about to bring the king and Quéene to Paris But hée was not as yet fully determined what to doe for he feared least hée forsaking Paris the Guises should possesse the same and if hée should abyde at Paris that then by the Counsels of the Guises the King and the Quéene should bée wonne from him Notwithstanding he wayed and considered with himselfe the gra●…itie and wisedome of the Quéene of whom he was fully persuaded that shée would withstande the practises of the Guises And hée could not be altogyther certi●…ied That his brother the king of Nauar would be so blynd as to preferre straungers before his owne bloud Being therefore doutefull what way to take hée was the more colde in his bus●…nesse In the meane tyme the Queene being stirred and prouoked with the dayly complayntes of the Marchant maister wrote vnto the Prince of Conde wisshing him to forsake Paris and to come to the King And the Prince of Conde was dayly disturbed and persuaded hereunto by the Cardinall of B●…urbon his brother who was sent as we sayd before to kepe the Citie Therefore he went from Paris to his house called Fertea in his owne Dominion purposing to goe from thence to the Kinge as the Queene had giuen commaundement Things being thus appointed and the Guises being free from their g●…t feare by the departure of the Prince of Conde they appointed a very great and strong garrison of soldiours ordayned before by the Marchant maister to keepe Paris Thus when they had gotten the citie according to their own desire they seek●… to atchieue and bring about another principall poynt of their counsels and deuises Therefore they made hast with an armie of men to the king who at that tyme was at Fontainbleau The Queene being amased and afrayd at his sodein preparation looked for the Prince of Conde who euen now also had taken his iourney to come Of the which when the Duke of Guise had intelligence fearing least the Prince of Conde would enter into Paris hée gaue charge and commaundement to the Marchantmaister to looke diligently thereunto Uppon this commaundement the Marchantmaister warned the Captaynes to haue their Souldiours armed and in a readinesse appointed watch and ward to be in euery place of the citie and planted péeces of Ordinance in suche places as he thought néedefull Therefore when the Prince of Conde came néere the citie notwithstanding mynding not to enter therein the whole citie roonge and sounded with the
the Edicts which haue ben made in these our kings dayes pertaine to no other end than to kéepe the kings subiectes in their obedience and to auoyde seditions vntill such time as the kyng were come to his full age for all those Edictes are temporall and serue but for a tyme to the intent they may be chaunged ▪ if so be necessitie and experience of things shall so declare it to be best The Edict of Iuly was not so soone made as abrogated at the making wherof you your selfe were present and yet notwithstanding the same ought not therfore to be defended by violence ▪ After this there was made another Edict in the moneth of Ianuary And least it should rather bring trouble than tranquillitie at the first we doubted to confirme the same but when we had good hope of peace and tranquillitie we confirmed the same otherwise we would not haue doon it And vppon the same hope of peace thrée dayes agoe we confirmed and published another Edict like to the Edict of Ianuary in euery poynt sauing that Paris the Metropolitane Citie is excepted The which exception was not made without great cause For when the sedition which was there of late dayes wared more gréeuous than in other places it could not be otherwise appeased The end of those Edicts was not to bring in news Religions but as it is sayd already to kéepe the people in peace and tranquillitie If the offence be as great in the first as in the second the Kyng hath power of himself to continew or to alter lawes and not the subiects by priuate aucthoritie by force of Armes The whiib thinge truly wee cannot couller or hide séeing wée read in your declaration how that you say that you and fiftie thousād more which are of the same mind wil spēd your liues in this cause We wish that you may receiue this our admonition to your profite to consider that it is a great deale more méet for you being the kings néer kinsman to defend his dignitie than to ioyne your selfe to others which are not in the same conditiō If by your following of other counselles the dignity of the king be deminished the greater blame reproch shal be youres You know that we haue maintained your Innocēcie and do perswade wyth you to vse wholesom Counsell least you hurt your selfe We cannot offer vnto you a better testimonye of our good wil ready to serue you which we wil constantly retaine so long as you shew all due obedience to the King and Quéene Concerning other matters which are written in the same your declaration because they doe not appertaine vnto vs you shall vnderstande the Kings will to whome they do appertaine This one thing we adde That the examination of the slaughter committed at Uassi is appoynted to vs to be examined the which shall be handeled of our parte according to oure office and manner wyth iustice and equitie WE haue spoken before concernyng the letters which the Quéene sent to the Prince of Conde In the which shée perswaded him to come vnto the King vnweapened and wythout Armor that the matter might be ended quietly among them and that he might by his presence put away those slanders which were reported of him For there went diuers euell reportes abrode of hym and the more by reason of the Declaration which he caused to be published the Kings Letters being set forth against the same insomuch that the causes of all the troubles were openly layd vpon him Wherevpon the Prince of Conde published another wryting the. ix of May in the which he declared that the Guises whych were called the Triumuiri and not he were the causes of al the troubles declaring reasons by which it might appeare that he had soughte peace did and would still séeke the same And although sayth he I haue alwayes hitherto declared by vndoubted Arguments not only a singuler loue and an obedient mind towards the King and Quéene but also a notable desire and care for the profite and concorde of the Realme the which also of late I declared when as I deferred the putting my self in Armor euen vntil the very pinche and extréeme necessitye at what time I was constrained to doe it that I might resist their violence which threatned to kill and slay and made great bragges and which of late when they had gotten an Army of men contrary to the King and Quéenes commaundement armed them selues entred into Paris where I was at that time being not ignorant what they ment to do yet notwithstanding I made no sturre or do least I should put the City in pearill Yea I hauing no consideration of my estate and condition although I was not the first that put my self in Armor yet notwithstanding at the first commaundement of the Quéene least I might séeme to omit any thing lawful that might bring peace I with mine wēt from Paris minding to get me home to my own house and to dismisse al my train thinking that my aduersaries would haue done the same who notwithstanding cōtrarywise kéeping Paris still and doing many things there against their office and also hauing vsurped the Kings authoritye kept the King and Quéene captiues not only in body but also in minde I on the contrarye part ceassed not from that time forward to propounde al reasonable conditions that might be to the end all things might be ended peaceably as testify my wrytings and those men them selues whome I vsed as meanes to bring matters to quiet ende although I say all these things were done thus by me that it might plainly appeare that I desired nothing more than the Kings dignity and the peace and tranquil●…ity of the Realme yet notwithstanding fearing least my answers to the Rescripts from the Quéene after I had offered the conditions of peace be not so truely and wholely brought to her handes as they passed from me I thoughte good to haue the whole matter put in wryting both to the ende they may be considered of the King and Quéene and also that they being published throughout all Christian Realmes may be known to all Princes to our Frends in Fraunce and specially to all Courts and Parliamēts of this Realme of the which but specially of the Court of Paris to the which before this time I haue sent my Declaration I require and craue that these explications of my reasons may be put in the publique Regester to the ende I may geue accounte of all my actions to my Prince and soueraigne Lord the King at what time be shal come to that age that he may Iudge of the merites of his subiects and of their euell desertes also which haue don any thing during the time of the kings Minoritie First of all this I thinke for a suertie that it neyther can nor ought to be sayd that I haue ben the cause either of stirring vp or of maintaining these commotions and troubles when as my ennemies them selues wil
faythefully to mayntayne and kéepe the peace Monsieur de Anuill was therby more earnest and h●…te and did straightly charge the Consuls of the Citie for so they in that Countrey do cal their chief Officers that they should leaue of their sute and enterprise otherwise they should be sure to smart for the common peoples faultes wherewith they being terrified made answere that they were ready to obeye him in whatsoeuer it pleased him to lay vpon them and calling the commons togither to an assembly did bitterly and very sharply rebuke them for their stubburnes But the commons on the other side protested that it was agaynst all law and right and that it was done con trary to the tenor and forme of the peace concluded that they would rather complayne to the King of the tyranny of th●… President Finally that they would not for any cause commit themselues their goods their wyues and children into the handes of the Lieuetenant being as he was so sore incensed and angrye against them But whilest wordes went too and fro amongest them there begā a whot contention betwixt the Magistrates and the commons The people being set on a furie chased away the Magistrates and forthwith fortified and ●…ensed the citie and no entrance would be graunted to M. de Anuilles garrison Who cōplaining to the King of the matter receyued commission from him to punnishe the offenders very seuerely with commaundement also that the Townsmen should receiue in the Garrison The King also sent thither Monsieur 〈◊〉 a noble man with charge that they should eyther receyue such Garrison as the Lieuftenant the Anuill should appoint or els to be greuously punnished who comming thither to the Citie was forthwith receiued in by the Citizens who declared vnto him that they had not committed that fact in way of rebellion but were ready to obey the King their chiefe soueraigne Lord and gouernour that it happened through the rashe and hasty dealing of the Magistrats that the commons being moued and stirred vp with feare of further harme to ensue had behaued themselues otherwyse against them then became them finally that they did willingly and gladly submit them selues their children and goodes to the Kinges will and pleasure So vppon this M. Ram●… being entered the Citie certified M. de Anuill of the Townsmennes minds who straight waies comming thither accompanied and garded with certaine bandes of horsmen and footemen was very reuerentlie and humbly receyued of the Citizens But he was no sooner entered the Towne but he immediatly began to vse and handle them as enemies The Citie was spoyled of all her priuiledges the walles razed the Noble men diuersly fined and punnisht many of them beheaded their Minister hāged their goodes giuen ouer to the Souldiours for a pray and a spoyle the furiouse Souldiers were let loose vppon the honest matrones and Uirgines of the Citie to the number of 800. Citisens were banished to be short that worthy Citie was vtterly wasted spoiled made desolate of the greatest parte of her inhabitantes by the cruell and detestable villany of the Anuill Aboute this tyme there came newes abrode of the Kinges prograce throughout the whole Realme and forsooth there was a cause of this prograce deuised and that was that it stoode the Kinge vppon to take a suruey and a vew of his whole kingedome that he in his owne person might heare and receaue the complaintes of his subiectes and with present remedy help and ease their grée●…ed mindes and that with his presence hee might confirme and encourage euery on to do his duty And though this cause was pretended yet the Quéens had another fetch purpose in her head Whereof the Cardinall of Lorraine both knew and was also authour and first inuenter of it although for other causes hee was not in this prograce the marke she shot at as it is reported of diuers that were more thorowly acquainted with the matter was the King himselfe as it being ignorant of it that the sacred league with the King of Spaine which was begon in the Counsaile of Trent might bee ratified and confirmed and that in the meane season the tender mind of the youug king might be by all meanes possible prouoked and stirred vp against the reformed Religion and al thinges were of set purpose so ordered in euery Citie where the Kinge should come that the Protestantes might complaime as long as they would but al should be in vain and to no purpose yea and they themselues rather accompted and taken for the causers and authours of troubles then obtain any thing where by to redresse their wronges and iniuries Whilest preparation was made for this iourney there came a cōmaundement from the King to all those Cities that were holden of the Protestantes in the time of warre VVhere as now after pacification of all former troubles ther●… is nothing that we more wish and desire than that peace and quietnes may be restored in al partes and quarters of our kingdome wee do now will and commaund to the intent all occasion of new broiles may be remoued and quight taken away that all such munitions fortifications and bulwarkes as were made and built in the tyme of warre for the defence of your Cities bee quight defaced and taken away that all our subiectes hereafter may quietly and without feare of further danger kepe and maintain our peace especially for that our faith and promise sufficiently declared in our Edicte ought to be to all true and faithfull subiectes in s●…eede of a sure wall and sheild of defence c. So by this meanes all kind of munition and fortifications was defaced in diuers Cities as in Orleans Mountaubane valence and diuers other of the most famous Cities in France to the great discommoditie and destruction of the whole Realme And that chiefely in 〈◊〉 a moste necessarie and profitable Citie to the whole countrey yea and that in the moste daungerous times of the Kinges and kingdome especially in the tyme of Charles the vii 〈◊〉 the Englishmen were conquerers farre and neare and when all Normandy and Paris the Metropollitane Citie of the Realme were w●…nne and vanquished togither with the Countries to them adioyning all the Kingdome in an vprore with enemyes then was Orleans a chiefe and special place of succour and refuge both for the King and all his Notwithstanding these Cities were defaced and marked with the tokens and blemishes of Rebellion for that in tyme of trouble they had preserued a nomber of good and true subiectes especially Orleans was shamefully spoiled and made almoste a poore simple Oraunge or Uillage and a Castle builte at the gate it leades to Paris to gouerne and kepe vnder the Citizens and a very cruell Carrison of Souldiours placed there And yet for all this the administration of Religion was not left of there Like crueltie was exercised vpon Montaubane bycause they had manfully and couragiously defended themselues against the assaultes
charge do see that no commotion or insurrection bee against the inhabitants of the sayd Citie nor that no murder be committed as it is to be feared by those which pretend too breake the Edict of Pacification and thereby would execute a reuenge of their long and priuate grudge too our incredible vexation and anguishe of minde For this cause it is your part to giue to vnderstand and publishe throughout that Citie of ours and other places pertaining to it that euery one should quietly and peacibly kepe their houses without taking weapons in hande and offending one the other vpon payne of death and well and diligently to kepe our Edict of Pacification And if any goe about to contrarie this our intent and minde to cause them to be punished and rigorously chastised by penalties imposed on such offendours in our ordinances hauing a watchfull and diligent eye to the safegarde of that our Citie in such sort that no inconuenience arise in your seruice towards vs as you would haue vs to knowe that you are our loyal and obedient subiectes Giuen at Paris the. xxvij of August 1572. Thus signed Charles and belowe De Neuf-ville A LETTER OF THE TREASORER OF the leagues of the Switzers written by the Kings commaundement vnto the sayd Leagues of the same argument that the former letters were NOble Seigniours Monsieur de la Fontaine Ambassador for the King your assured and perfect friend and confederate and I his Treasorer in this countrey hauing commaundement of his maiestie too communicate with you as with them whome be accompteth his chiefe and sure friends of a chaunce which lately happened in the Citie of Paris his owne person and court then being there whereof he receyued so much more griefe and displeasure bycause it befell on such a time as he least feared or loked for such a thing The matter is this On the xxij day of August last the Admirall as he went from Louure was with an harquebuze shot hurte in the hande and arme whereof when his maiestie was aduertised he commaunded incontinent that search and punishment were had of the offendour and the authors of such a mischiefe whervntoo when he had readilie layde his hande by his officiers and committed the inhabitantes of the house where the harquebuze was shot to prison they which were the cause firste of the mischiefe as it maye easily bee presupposed bycause they woulde preuente the inquisition therof heaping one transgression vpon another on the. xxiij and xxiiij of the sayd moneth assembled a great troupe of people in the night and moued the people of Paris to a verie great sedition who in a rage set vpon the Admirals lodging and enforcing the Garde which his Maiestie had set for the Admirals suretie and keping slew him with certaine other gentlemen in his companie as the like also was committed vpon others in the Citie the matter growing in the verie same instant to such an o●…age and commotion that whereas his Maiestie had thought to prouide remedy for appeasing therof he had much a doe with all his Gardes to keepe his house at Louure where he lodged with the two Queenes his mother and the Spouse the Lords his brethrē the King of Nauarre and other Princes Think therefore ye noble Seigniours in what a perplexitie this yong and courageous King now standeth who as a man may saye hath helde in his hande thornes in steade of a Scepter euer since his comming to the Crowne for the greate troubles which haue almost euer since beene in his Realme and therefore by the good and wise counsell and assistāce of the Queene his mother and the Lords his brethren thought to enioy and establishe a more sure repose in his Realme and a more happie gouernement for himselfe and his subiectes after he had taken away as he thought al occasions of dissentions amōgst his subiectes by the meanes of his Edicts of Pacifications and of the mariage of the King of Nauarre to the Ladie his sister and the Prince of Conde to Madame de Neuers Besides all this to the intent nothing should be lefte vndone that mighte serue for the quieting of al things and especially for the Admirals safegard his Maiestie as euery man knoweth hath done his ind●…uour to the vttermost to appease and reconcile his principall and most daungerous enimies vnto him And so God the true iudge of the Kings Maiesties good and pure intent brought to passe that the peoples rage being quieted within a few houres euery one went home too his house and the king had speciall regard to nothing more than to see nothing attempted or innouated contrarie to his Edicts of Pacification and the repose of his subiectes aswel of the one Religion as of the other And for that purpose hath sent to diuerse of his Gouernours and Officers in his prouinces to loke diligētly to the obser●…ing of his Edictes with expresse commaundement to ●…olde their handes there that euerie one might perceyue that the chaunce at Paris happened for some priuate quarell and not for any purpose to alter his Edicts which his Maiestie wil in no wise suffer VVhich is the principal thing noble Seigniours that his Maiestie hath commaunded vs on his parte to assure you and to let you vnderstand the daungers that depende ouer him and his neyghbours not so much for this seditiō for he trusteth in God that shall growe no further and his Maiestie wil kepe his Realme in as good repose as it hath bene since his last Edict of Pacification but for the greate mustering and assembling men of warre in many places specially in the lowe countreyes where it is yet vncertaine on which side God will giue the victorie nor whither the conqueror will employ his force after his conquest VVherefore his Maiestie prayeth you continuing the good loue and intelligence which hath always bene betwixt the Crowne of Fraunce and his allied and confederate friendes the Seigniours of the Leagues too haue good regarde to him and his Realme in case that neede shall require as he wil haue to you and your prosperous estate if it bee requisite employing in the meane whyle your greate and singular wisdome to the perseruation of the vnion of the Nation in League which is the onely cause to make you not onely able to send succour to your friends but also maintaine your selues in estimation that you may be a terrour to your neighbours how great so euer they be his maiestie promising you in all occurrentes as much friendship fauour and assistance as you can desire and to be as entier and perfect a friend as euer your nation had any A DECLARATION OF THE KING CON cerning the occasion of the Admirals death and his adherents and complices happened in the Citie of Paris the. 24 of August 1572. Imprinted at Paris by Iohn Dallier Stacioner dwelling vpon S. Michaels bridge at the signe of the white Rose by the Kings licence BY THE KING HIs Maiestie desiring to haue
and grieuance of the Guises Furthermore we will declare what great alterations came to passe after this the yong King Charles comming to the Crowne As the great peace and tranquilitie giuen and graunted to the Churches by the benefite of the Kings Edictes the daily increase of the faithfull the flourishing of the Gospell in euery place the defacing of the Popes doctrine by solemne Court of Parliament the truth also embraced of many of the Nobles And here we will shewe what séedes of dissention were sowne by the subtile practises of the Guises betwéene the Nobles Then I will speake somewhat of the Actes of the parling of Possiacen Last of all I will declare the summe of the Edict of Ianuarye by which greater libertie was graunted to the Churches And bicause about that time there were great troubles of warres I will there make an ende of thys booke leauing the declaration of the rest vntill a more conuenient time Notwithstanding part thereof that is to say the explication of the first Ciuil warres shall be declared in our thrée latter bookes we looking to haue occasions offered to describe other matters which are behinde The booke of Commentaries concerning Religion vnder the reignes of Henrie the seconde Fraunces the seconde and Charles the ninth THe doctrine of Religion which in our time is amended and reformed came at the last into Fraunce But they were hardly delt withall which receyued that doctrine they were banished burnt and with all maner of torments vexed they were also called Lutheranes which name then was made a common reproch to the godly Notwithstanding all this that doctrine did more largely and vehemently sprea●…e it selfe abroade and the more that men were tori●…ented the more they came ●…o the same by flocks Many to the end they might escape the crueltie of their punishments ●… might enioy the frée vse of religiō we●…t vnto those places ●…n the which y same was purely publikely set forth am●…ng which the greatest part went to Geneua From whence many bookēs and letters being written a great number were brought to the knowledge of that doctrine The which dailie increasing more and more great matters afterwardes came to passe those things which were done in the beginning with feare and secretely were afterwarde frée and common for euery man to vse vntill such time as punishments being repressed torments taken away and the fierie flames quite extinguished that doctrine was receyued of noble men of Gentlemen and of all estates but on the other side the aduersaries of the reformed religion Resisting y same there arose great tumults which by mortall and ciuill warres vexed and much endamaged the great and noble kingdome of Fraunce But these first beginnings are particularly touched in other bookes in the which the noble and excellent triumphes of Martyrs are described I will therfore begin at that yeare since the which matters of Religion being more opēly set forth and more vehemently againe resisted haue more happily and euidently appeared And then this was the state of the kingdome After sundrie and long warres betwéene Henrie the seconde King of Fraunce and Charles the fyfth Emperour at the length both their Legates whē they could not by peace ende the controuersies which were betwéene them concluded a truce or peace for fyue yeares the which being shortly after broken by the Cardinall of Lorraine the warre began a freshe betwene the two kings And Fraunces Duke of Guise taketh his iourney into Italie with a great armye And Philip king of Spaine and sonne of the Emperour Charles goeth into Picardie who making hast to the towne of Sanquintine gaue the Constable which came out to mete him a great ouerthrow and toke him with a great number of Gentlemen This ouerthrowe and great slaughter of men was called Laurence day bicause it chaunced at the feast of S. Laurence ▪ After this Sanquintine was taken and certaine cities nere vnto the same So that what with the rumor of the sodeine slaughter what with the feare of the enimie which now approched to Paris the chiefe citie of the kingdome all men were wonderfully afrayde While these things were thus a working there began to be a great fame and rumor of the increase of the Lutheranes by reason whereof there followed a notable persecution against them which by the popular and vulgar name is called The winning of S. Iames streete and it was so called for this cause When the faithfull perceyued the great perill and daūger that hong ouer the whole kingdome of France by reason of this newe plague and punishment they gaue themselues to prayer and therfore congregated themselues togither by a great number the fourth daye of September in certaine houses of S. Iames stréete in Paris and that in the night for in the daye time they might by no meanes come togither minding to heare the worde preached and to haue the supper of the Lorde celebrated But they being bewrayed the common sort of people with weapons in a great tumult ranne with all haste to this stréet●… of S. Iames where the faithfull were assembled who being in those houses before mentioned and séeing themselues to be compassed on euerye side with the furor and rage of the multitude had small hope to escape howbeit part of them when they sawe a waye to be made for them through a certaine gate which wonderfully opened for the safegarde of many when the houses on ●…uery side were beset repeated their former prayers and escaped by flight without harme euen as though God himselfe had gone before them the greater part were taken of the Magistrates among whom were many noble women and women of great parentage and as they were led away by the officers were shamefully intreated and vnhonestly handled of the people Now the matter being in question concerning this assēbly it was first founde that when the people were assembled togither there was a Lecture of the holy Scripture in the vulgar tongue secondly that all the congregation knéeling prayers were made by the Minister thirdly that the Minister expounded the place of the eleuenth Chapter of S. Paules first Epistle to the Corinthians in the which the vse of the Lords supper is declared fourthly that then prayers were made for the King for Princes Magistrates for all estates of people for peace and quietnesse of the kingdom and last of all that the breade end wine of the Lords supper was communicated and giuen to those which were not iudged vnworthie For these offences they were taken Being therefore taken and cruelly intreated of the people by the way were notwithstanding very v●…courteously delt withall in prison For théeues and murtherers and such as by the lawe deserued to die were taken out of their colde and noysome prisons and these men put into the same in their steade all men forbidden to haue any recourse vnto them Notwithstanding it was brought to passe by the singular prouidence of God bicause
spred abroade the Bishop of N●…auetensis or N●…auntes with a certaine power of his men came thither whome he had gathered togither for this matter he giueth commaundement that clothes of tapistry work and other ornaments be hoong forth of euery house vpon the solemne daye in the which he with his wandring power shoulde passe through the Citie thinking by this meanes to fynde out who they were that were Lutheranes then he commaundeth the Drumme to be stricken vp and a signe to be giuen for men to prepare themselues to sight and thus he filleth the Citie with armour and tumult There was then present a certaine noble man who was appoynted by the Kings commaundement to presse and muster men for the warre this man admonisheth the Bishop into what perils he may bring the Citie the Englishe men their enimies approching neare who if they had knowledge of these troubles might easily obtaine the Cuie but his perswasion preuailed so little that he was also in daunger of his life and hardly deliuered himselfe from the mad rage of the common people Therefore the franticke people through euery corner of the Citie are as it were drunken mad by the guidance and leading of the Bishop and doe besiege and forciblye set vpon the houses in the which there were ninetéene of the faithfull congregated to make their prayers vnto god But the faithfull earnestlye beseech the people to be quiet and if there were any thing to be obiected against them they were ready to put themselues into the hands of the magistrate The Bishop aunswereth that the cause of their comming was onely to haue the Minister which they knewe to be among them The faithfull intreate that the Magistrate of the Citie might be called forth and he shoulde vnderstande the truth of the matter When the Praetor or Magistrate of the Citie had entred the houses and made diligent search through the same he declareth that the Minister is not there Notwithstanding the Bishop commaundeth the souldiers to set vpon and assault the houses the which thing the people did with all the force they were able to make seeking also to vndermine the houses But all in vaine for the faithfull that were in the houses affirmed that vnlesse they woulde depart they would driue them away And thus they being nothing dismayed or troubled commended themselues vnto God in Psalmes and songs The Bishop hereat being more angry commaundeth them to yéelde themselues the faithfull refused not to come forth to him if the people might depart saying that they were ready to make answere to those thinges whereof they were accused But for all this the gunnes and other instrumentes of warre were set to and bent against the houses The faythfull séeing into what straytes and extremities they were brought thought nowe within themselues that there was no remedie but that they must defende themselues but bicause it coulde not be done without great slaughter of the people if they did rashlye fall to offer strypes they thought it good not so to defende themselues vntill the verye extremitie came Notwithstanding when the people ranne with haste into the houses through the holes of the walles which they had made with Gunnes and other weapons the faythfull shotte at them with Crossebowes by force whereof many of them being stayne the myndes of the other were so discouraged that by and by the whole multitude ranne awaye and great quietnesse was made throughout the whole Citie They therefore being thus miraculouslye deliuered came forth singing the hundreth and foure and twentye Psalme as they went through the middest of the Citie and so escaped The next daye following the people being gathered togither againe ouerthrewe those houses in the which the faythfull had bene yea and their houses also whome they suspected to bée fauourers of their cause The Bishoppe vnderstanding that the Senate of Paris dislyked of this his facte went to the King and brought it so to passe by the meanes of them that were companiens and confederates wyth him in the same hys wicked furo●… that the King allowed all that he had done So lyttle was the equitie of the cause of the faythfull estéemed And very neare about this time also there séemed to be giuen a newe occasion to scirre vp affliction For at Paris in a medowe or fielde nere adioyning to the same commonly called the Clearks field ▪ many of the faithfull when others were busie at their sport and playe began to sing Psalmes little thinking that others would be stirred vp to do the like by their ensample Notwithstanding at the length it grewe to this that when this ▪ exercise had bene vsed certayne dayes many and men also of great estimation and fame came togither to heare the swéete and pleasant harmonie of the singing multitude They which coulde not sing and which had not as yet the knowledge of God went into the most conuenient places of the fielde to heare that which was soong and hearing the same confessed that it was wickedly done to forbid the singing of so honest godlie songs But while this went forwarde the aduersaries as though they were vtterly spoyled went to the king and declared to him that the Lutheranes had mooued sedition at Paris that they were ready to thrust his maiestie out of his kingdome that a great number of them were gathered togither in armour to conspire against him and therefore they requested him to prouide for this mischiefe for say they the Catholike Church and your whole kingdome is in great daunger When the King heard this he commaundeth that there be prohibition and stay made by a publike Edict that men sing no more in that place nor in that companie and also that there shoulde be inquirie made of those which had soo●…g They which were the chiefe of the reformed Church séeing into what suspitious those companies were brought giue admonition to their friendes that they neuer againe gather themselues togither in that place to sing as they did before if they woulde sing to sing at h●…me In the meane time many for this matter were apprehended who notwithstanding afterward for the lightnesse of the cause were set at libertie At the last when the Bishops preachers saw that the king did fauour them they perswaded with the people that it was an atteptable thing vnto God and a meritorious worke as they call in for a man ●…o kill a Lutherane And truly the beastly rage and madnesse of that people by these perswasions was prouoked insomuch that the reynes of temperancie loosed they ran headlong to commit what mischiefe they could of the which matter among many we will bring certaine examples ▪ On a certaine day after a Sermon it so fell out that two men contended togither by wordes in the Churchyarde of S. Innocentes the one of them to the ende he might stirre and procure hatred to the other by a reprochfull and odious name cried that the people might heare which were nowe going out of
the greatest principall point to heale the which at the least may stay thē least dispayring they shoulde séeke an alteration remedy If on the cōtrary part the king aledge for him self the calamitie and trouble of the long continued warres the diuers and manifolde charges and costes that grewe thereof the scarsitie and emptinesse of his Treasurie and also the greate arrerages and debte in the which he founde the Crowne when he came first to the same Is not this a complaint to be considered and talked of in the assembly of States If the people alledge that the King oughte to maintaine himselfe and his traine by his yeerely reuenewes and that he ought to hold and maintaine warres with his subsidies and to set forth armies with his customes and tributes the which things were for this cause graunted in time paste If in like maner the king declare that he found almost al his demeines distracted deuided and conueyed awaye the greatest part of the subsidies taken vp before hande and yet he himselfe greatly burthened and indebted to the ende he might obtaine by the consent of the people that those burthens being somewhat eased mighte remaine as yet for a time vntil meanes and wayes which are dayly deuised to recouer againe his demeines may be brought to effect But is there no other better waye to be had to bring things to passe than by the assembly of the States To speake briefely if there be anye maner of complaint whatsoeuer pretenced or otherwise where can it be better put forth thā in the generall assembly of the States and if it be a iuste complaint where can he haue a more present remedie than that which shal be deuised by so many men but if it be vniust where can the same be sooner found out thā in the assembly There is also another consideration of necessitie wherof there arise great daungers seing in these straites and ext●…emities there is no ordinary remedie vsed First of all the King is scarcely obeyed in his Edictes and statutes the which is one of the greatest signes of sedition For when the people are not heard in those things wherof they do complaine it commeth therevpon that they cast away all hope to haue redresse and so they fall into such desperation that they dare enterprise to ease and vnburden them selues without the hauing of any consideration of the kings cōmaundement or his officers yea they arme prepare thē selues against all perils as though nothing were more sharpe intollerable On the other part they which say that they are greued captiously take this cōplaint of the people increase y same do al that they can to amplifie and enlarge that with newe lyes which they haue once falsely tolde and reported for a truth Herevpon commeth the vnhonest publishing and casting abrode of slaunderous bookes and publique writings And the people being exulcerated and vexed with their owne disease willingly receiueth that which appertaineth to their disease and by the ignorance of the kings matters doe flyde and fall into these sinister and wrong opiniōs Of the which things to haue so great and manifolde destructions arise is great daunger many examples whereof we see dayly To auoide which destructions it séemeth most necessarie to call an assembly of the states And although the causes hytherto spoken of shewe no necessitie yet not withstanding the necessitie of the assembly of these men is such that it ought to be wished for of all men For what is more to be desired méete for a yong King to gouerne his kingdome than to be taught the things that concerne his kingdome that he may know the maners of his people and those things also which belong to the order and gouerning them Therefore let him learne to spende as he may and not to excéede and let hym play the part of a good shepherd who in shearing of his shepe doth not flea and pull of skin and all but leaueth the skinne that he maye receiue the fléece at another time againe and let him consider that whatsoeuer he spendeth more than his ordinarie reuenewes tribute custome and tallage is as it were the substance and bloud of the people whome he is set to gouerne by Gods appointment Herevpon shall come honest and godly education herevpon shall come both good beginnings and happie successe of all things and at the last the king shal get vnto him that Magnificent name with great glorye as to be called Pater Patriae The father of the countrey as King Lodowic the twelth was which leaueth a notable memorie behinde to all the posteritie is more to be desired than the Laureat crowne for victorie in warre Another commoditie also will ensue and that is this The people of Fraunce being chéered vp and comforted by this demonstration they will séeke all that euer they be able to ease those burthēs for they once vnderstanding their kings businesse and néede will imploye all that euer they haue to doe their king seruice But we must take héede least that prompte willingnesse being to often styrred doe not turne at the laste to impacient and brutishe madnesse And these commodities are ioyned with great honestie for that the king if it please him maye in the beginning of his raigne examine olde customes and lawes the which is the onely waye to correct and amende matters that are out of order For althoughe the king alone be the author of the law he onely can rule yet notwithstanding those things which he hath constituted and ordained by this assembly of the states are of greater force and efficacie and those will the people more willingly obey and kéepe bicause they vnderstande that they were confirmed by many mens opinions and Judgements wheras otherwise onely a fewe being assembled together they Judge that the matter was done according to the mind and phantasie of a fewe the reasons not examined wayed which might haue bene brought against the same For by these meanes the Frenchmē haue preserued them selues and the kingdome vnto this daye neither is there anye well ordered kingdome in the which this order of assemblies is not obserued the which ought to be of great waight and highly estemed For seing so many kings do confesse that they féele and perceiue so many commodities to spring and growe of thys good order and that they doe counte the same the staye and strength of their scepter we can not certainely well and honestly departe from so ancient commendable a custome And as for the contrarie reasons which were wonte to be broughte to hinder these assemblies they can preuaile nothing at all seing the perill of those things which happened at another time are by no meanes to be feared the Kings authoritie at this day being so firmely established and confirmed by the counsell of the Quéene and by so many consents of Princes and Nobles that if these reasons might be receiued and take place there
the which he deserued to be dismist of the same This thing at the length was graunted through the earnest sute of the Constable and the selfe same day that Monsier Vidam was dismist of the order of Saint Michael there were xvij into the same honorable order by a newe and vnacustomed maner chosen by the trauaile and meanes of the Guyses ▪ to the intent they might bynde many vnto them by that benefite or promotion While the king of Nauar and the Prince of Conde were loked for commaundement was giuen to the Gouernour of Poictiers to goe to Pictauium and not to suffer the King of Nauarre and the Prince of Conde his brother to come into the Citie But for al this at the length by the kings letters and commaundement the King of Nauar was receiued of the Marshall Termensis into Pictauium with all his trayne being neuerthelesse on euerye side beset with armed men the which suspicions the King of Nauarre toke in verye euill part Then the King came frō Sangermane to Paris with a great armie both of footemen and horsemen in battaile aray the Duke of Guise and the Cardinall of Loraine attending vpon him From thence he went to Aurelias with the same army and in warlike order entered into the Citie being reported abroade that the King came thither for two causes the one was to kéepe the Citie from the treason of the king of Nauarre the other was to call and summon a Parliament Many therefore were made afearde but speciallye they which were chosē to be of the assembly or Parliament whē they hearde that so greate an armie of men came with the king Then cōmaundemēt was giuē that euery one should rehearse confesse the confessiō of his faith according to the prescript rule of those articles which were set forth by the Papistes in the yéere of our Lord God M. D. XLII and it was reported for truth that the Cardinal of Loraine had drawn forth in writing those things which shoulde be inacted and established in that assemblye There was also watche and ward throughout the whole Citie appointed to be kept euen as if the enimie had come to assaulte the same Againe commaundement was sent to the King of Nauar that he should come with al spéede and bring his brother the Prince of Conde with him many also were sent into diuers partes of the Realme to take the names of all those that were noted to be of the reformed Religion At the length the king of Nauar the Prince of Conde his brother came to Aurelias there to salute the king But so soone as they had saluted the King the chiefe principall of the kings Garde as they were cōmaūded layd hands vpō the Prince of Conde caried him to the next hold prepared for y same purpose The which holdes were forthwith fortified and made strong with Irō grates in euery window a Castell was hard vy the same erected built to receiue the footemen Thē were there certain mē chosē to watch kepe the King of Nauar whose Chaūcelor also was taken by by with al spéede was the Lady Roye mother in lawe to the Prince of Conde takē and arrested brought to the citie Sangerman to whose charge it was layde that she was giltie of treason The Magistrates were ready to take receiue hir opened the prison dores to bring hir in Straight after this also was Hieroine Grostotius the Gouernour of Aurelias taken in whose house the king lodged being accused of negligence and stouth in searching out the heretikes Howbeit he was quit and discharged of this matter by the decrée Iudgemēt of the Senate of Paris But the Andelote whē he had saluted the King and the Duke of Guise had excused himselfe by the disobedience of the French hoast of footemen departed in very good time otherwise as the most likly report went he should haue bene taken with the Prince In the meane time there were subtile deuises and craftie meanes inuented to assault and trouble the Prince of Conde And when Iudges were chosen oute of the Senate of Paris as Fagus and Viollaeus the Lieutenant of Thou the kings Solicitour was commaunded to open the cace now in controuersie and to procede with the same But the Prince alleaging for himselfe his noble bloud princely state standeth with them vpon this point that he ought not to be iudged of them but rather of the king him selfe of no other in the Senate of Paris the Peeres and Nobles of the Realme beyng assembled together Therfore he saide that he appealed to the king Then the appeale was brought vnto the Priuye Counsell the which appeale they said was nothing and of no force And this was done often times But at the laste they concluded that excepte the Prince woulde answere before those Iudges he should be condemned of hie treason Then the Prince of Condes wife desired of the King that so much libertie might be graunted to hir husband as to cōsult with learned counsell The which was graūted vnto hir in so much the he was permitted to take y coūsel of two lawyers namely of Petrus Robertus Frāciscus Marillacus coūlellers in the court of Paris but he was no otherwise permitted to haue them thā vpon this conditiō that whensoeuer he cōsulted with then the king to haue vmpires indifferent mē to be present at their talke The Prince also required the it might be lawful for him beside these two counsellers to consult confer with his two brethrē the king of Nauar the Cardinal of Burbō also with his wife to ioyne with thē what vmpires witnesses soeuer it shoulde please the King affirming that he was very loth to doe any thing without his brethrē specially in a matter of so great waite The which request notwithstanding was denied him only he obtained leaue to write vnto them his minde At the length being come to the matter in controuersie he said to his counsellers that were present that the affliction which he now suffered was not laid vpon him by God for that he had gone about to worke any thing against the kings maiestie but rather that by this affliction he might trye his constancie Also he said that he did not thinke him selfe to be Captiue seing that he inioyed the fredome of minde and a pure and sound conscience but rather that he thought those to be captiues which had their mindes consciences bound and clogged with the burthen of their sinnes and wickednesses in a body set at libertie When he had thus spoken he gaue certaine notes of the defence of his cause vnto his Counsellers For king Frances by the subtill meanes and false persuasions of the Guises was fully persuaded that the Prince of Conde conspired his death and that therefore he was giltie of treason and worthy to suffer condigne punishment for the same Therefore while the bloudy
foreséen that the office of an Ecclesiasticall person might not be committed to an vnlearned vnapte and ignoraunt person affirming it to be vnlawfull for them to dwell from their flockes in other places at their owne pleasure and so giuing them selues to worldly businesse wholy to neglecte their offices but sayth he it is the Kings duetie to cal them to their office againe And in the ende he made earnest peticion that there might be wayes taken in time to stop the seditions at hande and also that it wold please the king to haue regard consideration to his nobles as his auncetours had done before him When he had thus spoken he put vp a Supplication in the which peticion was made in the name of the nobilitie that temples might be graunted for the vse and seruice of the reformed Religion After this man one Quintinus Heduus who was chosen to be the speaker for the Clergie when he had commended the king and Quéene to their face saying that the kings of Fraunce were specially chosen euē as if they had béen borne and appointed to be defenders of the Churche of Rome and that therefore they had that moste auncient name from all ages as to be called Most Christian Princes he sayde that this assembly of States or court of Parliament was verye well called The causes of the which assemblye saith he is that the complayntes of the people mighte be hearde and holpen and that meanes and remedyes might be prepared for the scarsitie of the kings treasure and substāce But this saith he is the greatest cause of all whiche I speake with great sorrowe and griefe and yet notwithstanding muste néedes speake the same namely that the corruptions and notable faultes of Ecclesiasticall persons myghte bée refourmed and amended For sayth he the matter is nowe come to thys passe that they thē selues which shuld declare this Ecclesiasticall holynesse by their life are more afrayde of the kings Edictes than they are of Gods word and of the Gospell of christ Notwithstanding we muste therefore thinke saith he that the reformatiō of the Church is sought for which hath not erred neither can erre but a correction only of those most greuous faults in those men which were the chiefe gouerners of the Church which correction must procéede from the king but so notwithstanding the king must vse correctiē that he follow the steppes of those kings that haue gone before him who alwayes fauored the Church Adding to this also that those kings his auncetours woulde neuer haue suffered the wicked practises of these newe fellowes which falsely and wickedly of late time take vnto them selues the profession of the Gospell that they mighte therby both refuse all ecclesiastical order and also abolishe if they might al Ciuill power and authoritie For saith he the king ought to this ende specially to exercise his authoritie and draw his swerde to punishe and vtterly to roote out all heretikes giltie of criminall punishments Therefore he desired that Churches might not be graunted to those horrible men for so he termed them and that they also might be counted punished as heretikes which durst offer the supplications of Heretikes to the king This truely saith he hath bene the olde subtill practise of Sathan to bring this libertie to heretikes that they might the more securely and without feare of punishment destroy the Gospell the which subtill practises he hath nowe also in hande and therefore the more diligent héede saith he ought to be taken In like maner also he desired the king that according to the doyngs of his Auucetours and also according to the example of Charles the great whose name he bare he wold constraine all his subiectes to liue according to the Canons rules of the fathers For detestable sayth he is the boldnesse of these new heretikes which scoffing at the authoritie of the fathers and reiecting the doctrines and Canons of the Churche saye that they will haue nothing but the true Gospell onely as thoughe the promise of Christ were vaine and to no effect who promised that he would neuer forsake his Churche and as thoughe that they were wiser than so many Fathers which left so many godly Canons behynde them in writing also as though they alone vnderstoode the word of god Horrible boldnesse reebllion is that sayth he which casteth of the yoake of the Church and what else will they do at the last but murmur and grudge also against the power and authoritie of the Ciuill Magistrate Moreouer he said that the notes badges of the Church were not obscure which these new men wanted as the euerlasting and continuall successiō from the Apostles time and the Canons and rules which the Fathers left behinde them which badges the Church of Rome hath Therefore saith he that they may neuer hereafter abuse the name of the Churche we must plainely pronounce and affirme That the Church of Rome is the Catholique or vniuersall Church But if these newe men take vnto them the name of the Church we will not denie it them but we saye that they are not of the True Catholique Church but of the Malignant Church Also he made petition that they which had fled the Realme for Religions sake might be banished men for euer that they might loose all maner of priuilege and that they mighte be handled euen as if they were forraine enimyes Furthermore he saide that aboue all things that drowning floud which had flowed out of the diches of Geneua was most pernicious and therfore he exhorted the king that he would to the vtmost of his power roote out all such as came from that place and not to holde the yong childe excused if so be he came from thence seyng that God would call him to an accounte for the doing of his duetie And perswaded Queene Katherine also the kings mother by the example of that Katherine of whome Eusebius maketh mention to ouerthrow and roote out these newe Heretikes Therefore he sayde that this was the onely cause of the great mischief at hande that there were so many heretikes in euery place to the destruction of the Realme and all estates Moreouer he desired of the King that Ecclesiasticall persons might be defended and maintayned accordyng to the commaundement of God bycause they are The Lordes Christes or annointed as their badges that is to say their shauē crownes doe declare Also he complayned that the authoritie to chose Prelates was taken from the Clergy and giuen to Kings saying that it was done against Gods word against the holye Canons and againste the approued examples of the Elders and that euer since that tyme namely from the yeare of oure Lorde god M. D. XUII. when the same was first vsurped all things haue had euyll successe For saith he in that very yeare in the which that lawfull right was abrogated from Ecclesiasticall persons began that damnable heresie of Luther whiche afterwarde soke suche rooting
kepte sylence the King spake in maner and fourme following All men sayth he know well enoughe what and how great perturbations and troubles are in the Realme for the which cause I haue appoynted you to come together at this time that those things which ye knowe haue néede of reformation maye quietly of you be declared without any maner of affection hauing no consideration or care for any thing but for the glorye of God and the peace and quietnesse of consciences The whyche thing I greatlye desire in so much that I haue determined not to suffer you to departe hence before you haue made some ende of all controuersies that at the length all dissentions being taken away mutual peace and concord may be had among all men This thing if ye bring to passe ye shall giue me occasion to maintayne and defende you with no lesse care than those kings my auncestours that haue béene before me haue done Then he commaunded his Chauncelor to declare his minde more at large The Chauncelor therefore began to shew that the kings will was according to the wils of his predecessors that had béene before him in staying the controuersies of Religion the which when those Kings of happie memorie went diligently aboute to bring to passe they had in their labors very small successe in so much that daylie more and more new troubles arose wherfore he would that all men should the more diligently wisely to apply thē selues to pacifie in time these troubles for the which cause he had caused them to come togither and minded in his royall person to accompany them that disordered matters in Religion which concerned both doctrine and maners might be reformed he vnderstanding that this was the onelye cause of all troubles woulde diligentlye prouide for them as his office required The remedie which nowe he intendeth to vse séemeth to be a present remedie as it was of late deliberated and considered of in the most noble assembly of the Princes Coūcel namely that by this peculiar and particular conference the matters of Religion in controuersie betwéene both parties might be quietly reasoned and disputed of ▪ But to loke or séeke for remedie by a general Councel it is euen as vaine as if a man hauing good and sufficient remedie at home shoulde notwithstanding trauaile to the Indyes to séeke the same For sayth he we our selues shall better prouide remedyes for oure selues than men of strange and forraine countreys can doe which know neither the state of our cause nor the condition of our people of which kinde of strangers notwithstanding the generall Councell shall consiste Greater fruites and profite haue often times come by Nationall Councels than haue come by generall Councels As may appeare by that generall Councell of Ariminum the which Councell openly fauouring and maintaining the secte of the Arrians was reproued and corrected by particular Synodes Also in this our realme of Fraunce Hilary Bishop of Pictauia by his industrye and faithfull dealing in Synodes banished the heresie of the Arrians out of these partes Therfore sayth he there is no doubte but that there shall aryse great profite and commoditie by this assembly specially seing it pleaseth the king to take such paines himselfe who no doubt wil helpe both with his power authoritie Wherfore he wished the disputers on both partes onely to be carefull to doe their duetie both of them ioyntly to seke concorde the greater part not to despise the lesser not to vse curious disputations without profit and to iudge examine al matters by the word of God only which being wel vnderstoode fewe other authours shall serue also that they which say they followe the newe doctrine woulde not counte the prelates of the contrarye parte for their enimyes séeyng by Baptisme they retaine the name of Christians For the king sayth he hath therefore giuen you leaue to come together that men mighte sée what reasons you haue and that the Prelates on the Popes side might séeke by strong arguments to confute thē that the disputation at the length beyng published abrode all men may euidently sée that they are condemned for iust causes and not by the vaine authoritie of men Therefore take héede in any case that you do nothing ambitiously know ye that ye are not iudges and indeuour yourselues to finde out and manifest the truth So shall you both glorifye God and also profite your countrey and God himselfe shall blisse your indeuours and the moste constant minde of the king in this matter The matter being thus propounded by the Chauncelor the Cardinall of Turnon in the name of the Prelates gaue great thankes to the king to the Quéene and to the Princes that it pleased them to come to this holy assemblye and for that the Ch●…uncelor by the kings commaundement had put forth these matters the which he desired to haue giuen vnto him in writing that they mighte deliberate and consider what was néedefull to be done in these things Then the Chauncelour saide that he woulde not giue the matter in writing seing it was plainely enough declared And thus they coulde get nothing at the handes of the Chauncelor althoughe the Cardinall of Loraine required the same Then the ministers which sat oueragainst them hauing leaue to speake Theodore Beza began thus Seing that all things O king both great small specially those things which belong to the worship of God and which doe far surmounte oure capacitie doe depende vpon the same God we thinke it not troublesome to your maiestie if we begin with prayer vnto god When he had spoken these wordes he falling on his knées with the rest of his fellowes beganne to pray vnto God in that forme of confession of sinnes which is vsed in the refourmed Churches pronouncing the same with a loude voyce and that done straight way he added vnto the same these wordes For so much as O God thou hast bene so fauourable this daye to thy vnworthye seruauntes as to graunt them leaue to professe the knowledge of thy truth before their King and this most honorable assembly we moste humbly beseeche thee O father of lightes that it may please thee according to thy accustomed goodnesse so to illuminate our mindes to gouerne our affections and to make them apt to be taughte so also to direct oure wordes that whatsoeuer knowledge of thy truth thou shalt giue vnto vs according to our capacitie we may both with hearte and mouthe vtter the same to the glorye of thy name to the profit and prosperitie of our King and of all his subiects and specially to the peace and tranquillitie of this Christian common wealth realme Whē Beza had thus ended his prayer turning his speach to the king he vttered these wordes in manner and forme following They which doe faithfully serue and obey their Princes most noble King doe thinke themselues moste happie in this thing aboue al other if so
as the King had founde in the beginning of his raigne diuers and sundrie troubles hee vvente aboute by due aduise and Counsell of the Queene his mother of the Princes his neere kinsmen and of his Lordes and Nobles to prouide remedies for them setting forth to this ende and purpose diuers Edictes and among the rest one the last of Iuly In the vvhich all doctrines vvere plainely forbidden sauing the auncient and accustomed rytes and ceremonies of the Churche of Rome the force notvvithstanding and effecte of the vvhich Edicte vvas not onely let and stayed but thereof also folovved diuers perturbations and troubles through the obstinacie and headinesse of the people complayning and finding fault vvith the seueritie and rigor of the same Edict Therefore he hauing regarde to the peace and tranquillitie of his Subiectes by the Counsell aduise and consent of the Queene the King of Nauarre and by the consente of the Princes and Nobles of this Realme and by the aduise of other vvise and graue mē of the Parliament hath and doth appoint charge and commaunde That the men of the reformed Religion so called doe forthvvith restore vnto all Ecclesiasticall persons their Churches houses or fieldes and their reuenevves or Tenthes vvhich they haue occupied and that they doe suffer them peaceably and quietly to inioy them that neither directly nor indirectly openly nor priuily they hinder vexe or moleste them Yet notvvithstanding it shall not bee lavvfull for those persons of the reformed Religion eyther vvithin or vvithout the Cities to builde them Temples or other conuenient places for the gathering of assemblies together and for preaching of Sermons Also he vvilleth and commaundeth that no Crosses Crucifixes and Images be ouerthrovven oranye other offence in these things hereafter commited vpon payne of death vvithout any hope of pardon Furthermore it shall not bee lavvfull for them to haue anye Sermons or the administration of Sacramentes vvithin the Cities by any manner of meanes openly or secretely in the day time or in the nighte Notvvithstāding for the peace and tranquillities sake of his subiectes vvhich he specially seeketh he hath vvilled and commaunded and by these presents doth vvill and commaunde that vntill the determination of a generall Councell no maner of punishment vnder the pretence of the former Edictes be executed vpon those vvhich shall preach or minister according to the reformed Religion or vvhich shall come to or frequent those Sermons or administrations of the said reformed Religion so that they be vvithout the cities Earnestly charging and forbidding all Magistrates others his Maiesties officers to doe any hurt or harme to the men of that Religion for these causes as for going to Sermons or suche other like exercises yea hee vvilleth and commaundeth the sayd Magistrates and all others that beare any manner of publique office to protecte and defende them and to saue them from all iniurie and harme if they neede armour in their defence to put on armour but in anye vvise notvvithstanding to take and punishe according to the Edicts most seuerely such as are seditious vvhat Religiō so euer they say they follovve Also hevvilleth commaundeth all men of both sortes of Religion of vvhat state or condition soeuer they be of that they do not assemble themselues together in armour And that no man b●…stirred or prouoked for his Religion or bee miscalled vvith contumelious or factious names but that all men liue peaceably and quietly together Moreouer he vvilleth and commaundeth the Ministers of the reformed Religion so called that they receiue no man into their fellovvship or congregation before their lyfe and manners beevvell examined to the intente that if anye man be founde giltie of anye crime he may be deliuered into the hands of the Magistrate But if any of his officers vvill goe to their assemblyes to heare and consider of the doctrine vvhich is there preached his Maiestie vvill that they be honourably receiued vvith due consideration had of the dignities and offices they beare Also he vvilleth and straightly chargeth that they make no nevve ciuill Magistrates among them and that they haue no Synodes Courtes or Consistories excepte some one of the officers be present therat But if any thing should be needefull to be appointed by them concerning the vse of their Religion then he vvilleth them to bring their matter before his officers that by his authoritie all things maye be confyrmed Also he vvilleth that there be no choise of men or entering into league of either part for the putting avvay of mutuall iniuries That there be no contributions of money but if contribution be made for almes sake let the cause firste be shevved to the Magistrate and then let it be done Furthermore he vvilleth and commaundeth that those men of the reformed Religion doe obserue the politique lavves and specially those things vvhich concerne festiuall dayes that no trouble for this cause doe arise in like manner that they obserue in the bondes of Matrimonie those things vvhich concerne consanguinitie Also that the Ministers of that Religion come vnto the Magistrates to svveare before them to obserue and keepe this Edict and also to preache and teache the people onelye the vvorde of God vvith all purenesse and sinceritie doing nothing against the Nicene Councell and against the bookes of the olde and nevve Testament Moreouer he vvilleth that they vse no reproches nor seeke to constraine any man by force to heare or to beleue their doctrine this he giueth in charge to the Ministers Also he vvilleth and commaundeth that no man of vvhat Religion or condition soeuer he bee of doe bolster hide or conceale anye that is a seditious person vpon payne of forfayting for suche as beryche to the poore a thousande Crovvnes and vpon the paine for suche as be poore and not able to paye of vvhipping and then banishment Finally he vvilleth chargeth and straightly commaundeth that no man make sell or cause to be solde anye Bookes or vvritings that tend to the defaming or sclander of any person vpon paine of Cudgeling for the firste time and for the seconde time death And that Magistrates doe their duetie vvithin their precincte othervvise to be remoued from their offices Also if any seditions happen that then they enquire out the authours of the same and punishe them being found most seuerely the matter being manifestly proued to pronounce against them the sentence of death vpon paine of the Kings displeasure This Edict he commaunded to be proclaimed and obediently obserued and kept throughout his whole Realme without exception or exempting of anye person whatsoeuer Yet notwithstanding the Senate of Paris after the first seconde and third commaundement of the king scarcely published the same where as in all other Courtes and parts of the Realme it had béen very solemnly proclaimed according to the kings commaundement in that behalfe But the obstinate contempt of the Senators which were set on
mole●…eth or troubleth them in their Religion or that doth hinder their Clergie by any maner of meanes And if there were any of vs that would so do or that would behaue our selues otherwise than we ought there are lawes and punishments to punish vs But truely vnder the coullor and pretence of Religion they séeke another thing We denie not but that they hate the truth of the Gospell as they haue of late declared by fyer and sword but this is the speciall thing they séeke for to trap and snare those that before tyme miraculously haue escaped their handes to be reuenged of others whome they haue alwayes hated and to enrich themselues by the spole of others The whic●… to bring to passe they care for no Religion And such as go about to resist their practises by which they séeke both the p●…rill of our kyng and the destruction of his subiecte●… by Ciuill warre they call open enemies to the kyng THese and many other things which time will reueale being way●…d and considered the Prince of Conde testified before the kyng and Quéen these things also following and wished all kyngs Princes Nobles and all others of the Realme of Fraunce and all Christi an Nations ▪ truely to vnderstand these thinges First of all therfore he testifieth that he is not moued by desire of his owne profite but only with loue of the glory of God and of the profite of the whole common wealth to séeke the which he thought him selfe specially bound vnder the Quéenes auethoritie So that for conscience sake to do his dutie and for the loue hée beareth to his Countrey he sayth he is constrayned compelled to séeke all lawfull meanes to set the Quéen and the kinges Sonnes at libertie and to mayntaine and defend the kyngs Edictes and the Edict of Ianuary which was made for the ordering of Religion And he prayeth and beseecheth all the kynges true lawfull subiects waying and considering the matter as is before sayd that they would ayd and assist him in so good and godly a cause And because the king in the beginning of his raigne found him selfe oppressed with a great burthen of debt and hauing but little any maner of waye to discharge the same many of his faithfull subiects gaue vnto him a great summe of money both to discharge the same also to recouer his patrimony but there is no doubt but that they which are the auethors of this Ciuill warre will now laye holde and catch vnto them that sum of money which was giuen to the kyng for those causes and will spend and bestowe the same to o●…her vses Whereby both the people shall receiue great hurt and losse and also the hope which the Quéene and the kyng of Nauar had for the paiment and discharge of all the kynges debtes that the people might be brought into the same state in the which they were in the time of kyng Lodowi●… the xij that hope I saye by the wasting and consuming of that money should be 〈◊〉 and quight taken awaye For these causes the Prince of Conde affirmeth that they which shall get vn to them that money shal be bound to restore the same againe and at the length shall giue an accompt for the bestowing therof But he testifieth that he and all those that fight vnder his banner shall mayntayne furnish themselues with their owne proper costes and charges And God sayth he will heare from heauen the ●…rie of his poore oppressed people against those which begin warres and refuse all reasonable order which séeke trouble and constrayne vs to defend our selues wyth force of Armes And because all men do vnderstand and knowe that the kyng and Quéene being beset on euery side wyth souldiours and captiued and ruled and that the greater part of the Counsell are so quayled wyth feare that they dare not resist the au●…thors of this warre The Prince of Conde would haue all men certefied that hée myndeth and will shew towards the kyng and Quéene all obedience in the which he will giue place to none and that he will not suffer him selfe to be so deceiued mocked vnder the pretence of rescriptes of commaundements and of Letters vnder the kinges name and seale but will warre against them vntill the Kyng and Quéene do recouer their former libertie and authoritie and may declare their willes by their owne méere gouernement Concerninge the kyng of Nauar his brother the Prince of Conde beside the naturall bond of brotherly loue the particuler cause of obedience which he ought and will giue vnto him he testifieth that he doth consider of him according to his worthines and will giue vnto him next vnto the King and Quéene al ob●…dience And h●… trusteth that he wil giue an accompt of his dealing whensoeuer it shal be required at his handes To be short the Prince of Conde and a great multitude of Earles Lordes and Nobles and other estates to declare that they speake simply and in good earnest and that they séeke for nothing more than the glory of God and the excellency and dignitie of their kyng Do earnestly pray and beséech the Queene Mother with all reuerence that setting the feare of men aside whych gard her after a straunge fashion with force of Armes as if she were a captiue that she would according to hir iudgement and mind fréely declare whether part were to be blanted and that she would goe vnto that Citie whererevnto she had most mind that from thence shée might cōmaund both parts by the meanest seruant she hath to put of their Armour so they would shew that dew obedience which shoulde become loyall subiectes to shew vnto their soueraigne Lord and would also mo destly answere to their doings according to the lawe The Prince promiseth that he will obey her law●…ull commaundements vppon the condition that others would shew themselues ready to do their duties But if they refuse he testifieth that he with fiftie thousand men more which are of the same mynd will spend their liues And if it please not the Quéene to go to another place to do these thinges then let her first of all seeke that they by whom she is garded and captiued may goe to another place pu●…tting of their Armour namely the Duke of Guise and his bretherne the Constable and the Marshiall of S. Andrew And although he being a Prince and the kynges néere kinsmen were their superior yet notwithstanding to the intēt it might apéere that he is in no poynt the cause of trouble and vnquietn●…s he promiseth that he and his whole armie will depart euery man home to his owne house vppon those conditions before spoken of Also hee sayth that hee hath a speciall care for this that the Kynges Counsellers may haue their accustomed libertie and that the kyngs lawes and the Edict of January may be obserued and kept vntill the kyng comming vnto his Maioritie may iudge of the matter him selfe and may punish
the one seeking warres horrible murther the other peace and the generall profi●…e of all men yet notwithstanding the Quéene may iudge determine of the whole matter But and if shée cannot at this time fréely declare hir iudgement eyther beinge stayed by violence or else because shée will not for other causes offend them yet notwithstanding this thing wée craue and request at her hands séeing these times great ly requireth the same namely That their supplication and myne may be registred in the publike Commentaries of the Senate That the Edict of Ianuary maye bée obserued and that both partes laying asyde their weapons may depart to their own houses vntill the Kinge comming to ryper yeares shal be able to iudge and order the whole matter as it shall please him or else till the Quéene with the aduise of hir counsaile shal determine of the same The remedie appertayneth to both partes neither cā any man complaine that hée receyueth any preiudice it is so easy to be done the whosoeuer shall refuse y same cannot deny himself to be an enemy to the king and the realme Neither can it be but that they shal be iudged of all men to be in the blame which refuse the remedye so easie to be had for so great misery and calamitie lyke too ensue It shal be iudged also who is a traytour and an open enemie to the king and the realme eyther he which willingly offereth to vnarme himselfe or he which had rather destroy all than restore the King agayne to hys former liberty But because ciuil warres haue alwayes euill successe the soldiers minds and handes being not easie to bée restrayned I protest before God and men that I put my self in armour and prepare my soldiers to battaill with great grief of mind and doe hartely desire that so great calamities and miseries as are like to come by these ciuill warres might be auerted and appeased by my bloud only if it might so please god But bicause my reasonable request is reiected and séeing my aduersaries wil be Iudges in this cause I protest agayn that my only purpose and intent is to restore the king and Quéene into their former liberty and to bring the gouernement of y kingdome to the Quéene and to the king of Nauar and to deliuer the greatest part of the people from the tyrānie and oppression of such as haue vsurped the gouernement of the realme I haue no regard to my owne priuate commoditie or gayne in this cause I am not led by ambition by a desire to reuenge or by couetousnesse as knoweth the Lord whose glory and truth I séeke to defende with the dignitie of the King and peace and tranquillitie of the Realme While the matter was thus canuassed too and fro by writing and the Guises with their compartners bearing only an outward shew to the Quéene of reuerence and séeking notwithstanding daily more and more to rule gouerne the realme themselues the Quéen by hir effeminat and timerouse nature was very doubtful being carefull for hir libertie authoritie which shée had lost and fearing also the ambition of the Guises and his adherents And being afeard of their great power she stood in doubt whether she should incline to them or leane to the Prince of Conde Notwithstanding shée wrote often letters vnto him by faithfull messengers and sometime she sent her mind by word of mouth not daring to send by letters Of some of the which letters we haue here put downe the Coppies I Sée such sights dayly to my great grief my welbeloued Cosin that except I looked for helpe frō God dyd cōfort my self with the trust which I haue in you wherby I am perswaded that you wil presētly seke to preserue me the realme and the king my Son I should be much more gréeued than I am But I hope that all thinges shal be very well ordered by vs with the helpe of your good Counsel to the frustrating of all their actions and practises which séeke to destroy al thinges But because I haue at large declared the whole matter vnto this messenger I wil be here the more briefe Only I besech you to credit that which he shall tell you concerning al those things which I haue giuen him in charge to declare vn to you two Your Cosin CATHARINE Also this which foloweth is the copie of another of her letters I giue you harty thankes my deare Cosine for that you so oftentymes certifie me of your affaires and because I trust to sée you ere it be long face to face and to talke with you my selfe I wil not now write much vnto you Only this I request of you that you fully perswade your selfe that I wil neuer forget those things which you haue done for my sake And if it fortune that I did before I shal be able to acknowledge recompēce so great a benefit I wil giue my children charge to supply such lacke in mée to requite the same I haue commaunded this messenger to tell you many things Thus much only I certify you of that I do as I do and behau●… my selfe as you knowe to worke if it might be peace and concord the which I knowe that you my welbeloued Cosin desier no lesse than I. Salute I pray you in my name your wyfe your wyues Mother and your Uncle Your deare and louing Cosin CATHARINE Whereas the Quéene complaineth in these letters that shée is in great sorrowe and greefe and noteth also many authours of troubles she speaketh of the Guises and his fellowes whom notwithstanding shée durst not openly resiste neyther yet take part with the Prince of Conde And whereas shée sayeth that shée trusteth it wil shortly come to passe that shée shall sée him face to face the occasion was this when nothing went forward neither by letters nor yet by messengers sent from one to another the Quene made peticion to the Prince of Conde that he would come talke with the King of Nauar to the intent they might haue mutuall conference of the whole matter and might deuise some way for peace and concorde The Prince of Conde yelded to the request the place and time for their meting was appointed namely the first of Iune At which tyme the Quéene the Kynge of Nauar and the Prince of Conde met togither in the Region of Beausse in the mid way betwéene Paris and Orleans At this their méeting they commoned of many thinges of the which we will speake hereafter as they were publiquely put downe in writinge by the Prince of Conde The Quene durst not graunt any thing to the Prince of Conde neither did the king of Nauar his brother shew himself any whit tractable or frendly Wher vpon they brake of and departed without any profite by their méeting and conference their minds being therby not a little exasperated and grudge raysed against one another The Quéene and the Kyng of Nauar plainely denied to the Prince
cause which was not perticuler but generally belonging to all men and that I should resist open force and tyrāny and restore libertie of conscience to the men of the reformed Churches by the benefite of the kings Edicte after so great and so longe affliction whereby they sayd I should preserue the authoritie and dignitie of the king and the Estates For these causes the greatest part of Noble men and Gentlemen vppon conscience of their dutie knowing that they were bound hereunto both by diuine and also by mans lawe haue followed me and with these the greatest part of the kings subiectes and his most noble Cities haue voluntarily ioyned themselues with me and rather by diuine than humane reason haue elected and created mée with one voyce and consent for this cause to be their Captayne The which office I being of the kings bloud and naturally bound to the Crowne of Fraunce haue taken vpon mée and haue sworne to maintayne the glory of God the dignity and conseruation of the king the Realme hauing also entered into league with them in respecte whereof I haue bound my selfe vnto them and cannot be discharged of my othe againe without the solemne consent of my fellowes to whom I haue giuē my faith And whereas I offered to the Quéene to become a banished man vpon this condicion If by the departing of vs fewe the common peace and libertie of Religion might bee obtayned it is manifest that my departure shall open a gap to more miserable destruction and therefore there is no cause why I should be bound by that my promise If I should departe the realme I should leaue the King in this his nonage in perill of the ambition and violēce of straungers and the Crowne of the which I am by nature a defender and protector in hasard of lying in the dust Agayne it cannot be that the Kinges subiectes should be in the more securitie through my departure whē this one thing is manifest that the Shepeheard beeing away ▪ the Woulfe maye the more easely destroye the flocke Can I thinke that so great a multitude can be sent out of the realm without their great hurt and without the great destruction of the whole realme Therefore for my duties sake to do the which I am bound both by nature and also by my othe I cannot neyther ought I to depart out of the Realme specially in these perillouse tymes vnlesse I would incurre the faulte of a fugitiue and startaway For as touching the reasons which my aduersaries bring to couer their wickednesse and to diswade me from the defence of so iust a cause they are so weake of so small waight that no man will estéeme them but those which are affectionate vnto them For whereas they say that from that time hitherto the Quéene hath altered her purpose disalowed the Edicte and allowed their bearing of armour and had giuen hir authoritie to the King of Nauarre to rule and order the whole matter it is nothing First bycause it is more probable and agreable to reason that whatsoeuer the King the Quéene and the viceroy determined and decréed when they had full libertie and when the kingdome was in peace is more firme and sure than that which they approue and confirme in these troublesome tymes when they are after a sort constrayned by force of Armes Secondly the Quéene cannot alow the gathering togyther of domesticall and forein Armyes of men and the beginning of warre contrary to the auncient custome of the lawes of Fraunce and the late decrée of the states and that for so euil an end purpose as to breake the Kinges Edicte the decrée aforesaid made solemly by the Quenes cōmandement but she must also ouerthrow the foundation vppon which her authoritie standeth which by that meanes should be of no force Neyther can she of her selfe put ouer to another her authority and power to gouerne bycause it commeth not vnto her by natural right but is giuen vnto her by the benefite and consent of another Moreouer touchinge the king of Nauarre whether hée be Viceroy or Legat he hath no such authority that he may commaund the Guises or any other to gather togyther armies of men and that without the commaundement of the Quene or the kings lawfull Counsaile chosen by the states The which was not obserued when the Quéene gaue them commaundement to put of their armour Neyther is it of greater waight or force that the Quéene since that tyme hath approued the bearing of armour and the musteringe of souldiers bycause in those matters it cānot be sufficient to haue only a bare allowing or approuing in the which a sure and expresse commaundement is required To conclude admit the Kinges Counsaile were such as it ought to be by the decrée of the States and that there were ioyned therwith the authoritie of the Quéene and of the Kinge of Nauar God forbid that any man how great soeuer his authority be in the tyme of the Kinges nonage might gather an army proclayme warre and put the power of the King and the Realme into the hands of a subiect be he neuer so faithfull without the wil and consent of the States first had and specially when the purpose is so euill and that the Kinges ▪ Edict should be broken These thinges of me considered I haue determined not to forsake my king in his young age and my Countrey and Religion all which requyre my helpe Therefore I haue brought my army more neare my enemies my souldiers being very willing and couragious to set vppon the enemy and to ioyne battaile But our enemies which haue so often triumphed ouer vs scorned vs haue found no better way than to packe and steale away secretly in the night Therefore forsaking to ioyn battail with vs thei came to Blais a town without any Garrison vnlooked for besieged the same and when they had won it they shewed al maner of cruelty and since that tyme they haue spoyled as yet do spoile cruelly many of the Cities of this Realme And as for the Quéene though she know the goodnes of our cause and that I haue done nothing but by her commaundement yet neuerthelesse bycause she is more a fraide of the power and subtill practises of our aduersaries than she trusteth to the good successe of oure parte mindeth to giue her selfe wholy vnto them anddoth more openly and vehemently fauour them as may plainly appear by these effectes Therefore shée gaue her selfe wholy to the Cardinal of Lorrayn who at that tyme was with her to be gouerned by him although shée knewe well enough the couetousnes ambition cruell mind which is in him and in the rest of that stocke which haue bin the causes of most greuous troubles in the Realme of Fraunce ▪ since that tyme that they haue borne any rule Therfore the Cardinall left nothing vndone that might hinder peace as may appeare by hys letters which by chaunce came to our handes
territorie of Bellouac of which he being certified fled and in fléeing was chased by souldiours till he came to the Sea In so much that he was constrayned to leaue the greatest part of his cariage behind him and to take Ship to passe ouer into England It was also commonly reported about this tyme that Charles Sonne to King Philip of Spayne was dead The causes were by diuers men diuersly reported but that which was most credible is That the Inquisitors suspecting him of certain things concerning religion ꝓuoked stirred vp the displeasure of the Father against the Sonne that he might depriue himselfe of his onely Sonne and of the lawfull heyre of Spayn Shortly after this also newes was brought concerning the death of Elizabeth wyfe to Philip Kinge of Spayne and Sister to Charles King of Fraunce Furthermore the Duke of Alba dayly more more played the tyrant in Flaunders straining no courtesie at the shedding of innocent bloud wherevpon the prince of Orange being moued partely to discharge his dutie being one of the Princes of the Empire and partely for the loue which hée bare to his Countrey caused a great Army to be in a readinesse that hée might withstand the cruell tyrannie of the said Duke of Alba. He had to ayde him great numbers of horsemen footemen which came out of Germany out of Fraunce and also out of the low Coūtrey County L●…dowike also his brother a valeāt captain came with a great number of good souldiours to ioyne with him COME LORD IESV COME QVICKLY The. ix Booke of Commentaries concerning the state of Religion and of the common wealth of Fraunce vnder the Raigne of Charles the ninth THus beganne the third ciuill war in Fraūce being more notable than the others goyng before both for the great attēpts and enterprises and also for the continuance of the same for it troubled the Noble Realme of Fraūce for the space of two yeres Therefore when newes was brought to the Courte of the departure of the Prince of Conde there was open prouision made on both partes for the warre but both their conditions were not alike For the Papistes had Cities Artillery money and all maner of prouision belonging to warre they had also the Kings name authoritie and power by which they preuailed more than by any other meane But as for the Prince of Conde and the Protestantes they had almost nothing but the goodnes●…e of their cause and couragious mindes to defende them●…elues who though to the perill of the losse of theyr lyues and goods were almost desperate to defende the same Moreouer they which should haue bene helpers and furtherers of their cause were hemde in and shut ●…p throughout the whole Realme in so muche that it was marueile that the Prince of Conde was able to holde warre and to withstand his enemies in so great extreamitie There were great and vrgent ca●…ses of newe contention ▪ as the di●…pleasure taken for the breaking of the oath solemnlye made the breaking of the Kings promise and common peace and the me●…itable necessitie of defending their consciences and liues But the Papistes beyng forward enough of themselues t●… destroy the godly were pricked forward by the bloudy ●…uriousnesse of the Cardinall of Loraine Therefore by the Kings commaund●…ment for vnder this name the Papistes did what they would the Armies that were dismi●…t were nowe called backe againe newe choyse and muste●…s of men were had and they were all commaunded to be at Staples the. x. day●… of September The whol●… ordering and charge of the warre was committed t●… Alexander Duke of Angewe the Kings brother being but a young man notwithstanding he had ioyned with him certaine valiant captaines as we sayde before Then were baytes and ●…nares subti●…ly layde and in the Kinges name the gouernours of the Prouinces published a decrée as thus The Kyng commaundeth that all the men of the reformed Religion be vnder his protection no lesse than anye other of his subiectes that they may haue leaue to complaine of iniuries done to them that they may haue remedies prouided out of hande as it is meete and conuenient for their defence and that all Magistrates should be vigilant to defend them In the meane tyme he that caryed the Prince of Condes letters to the King after the deliuerie of them was taken and committed prisoner to a certaine noble man and no answere made to the letters The Prince of Conde when he had stayed in the house of Rochfoucant certaine dayes wente wyth hys whole retinew to Rochel of whose inhabitantes he was very louingly receiued And thether came vnto him the inhabitantes of Xantonge of Poictou of Perigueux of Engolmoys and a great number of noble men of the Regions thereaboutes which embraced the reformed religion and as for the common sort of people they came vnto him out of all those quarters by beapes The C●…ties also called Sainctes Tifauge and Montagu offered themselues vnto him But for all this he sente letters to diuers partes of the Realme requiring ay●… of hys fellowes and forsomuch as the Protestantes were expulsed almost euery Citie it seemed good vnto him that they shoulde come with all spéede to hi●… to Rochel and then hauing greater power to ioy●… battaile wyth the enemie Notwithstanding in many places by the wonderfull prouidence of God there were diuers places of refuge reserued throughout the whole Realme as to the men of Francoys Sanferre and Uezelay to the men of Languedoe Montalban Castrealby and Milliaulde to the men of Dolpheny which at that time were in great perill the Cities of Uiuaretze were reserued as Albenac Priuac and many others But before the Prince of Conde began any warre he published a certaine solemne declaration of the causes of the same In manner and forme as followeth I protest before God and his Angels and before this holy assembly that ●…as I also declared in my last letters which I sent vnto the King my Lord intend to do nothing against his Maiestie which may either hurt his person or dignitie but taking him for my Kinge and supreme Lorde next vnder God by him so appoynted I protest that whatsoeuer I doe is for no other cause but to keepe and defende the liberties of our consciences the free vse of the reformed Religion our lyues honours and goods from the tyrannie and oppression of the Cardinall of Loraine and his fellowes ▪ the whiche tyrannie they haue alwayes hytherto shewed and minde still to vse towards the men of the reformed Religion contrary to our kings will whiche he hath openly declared by publique Edicts and decrees thereby breaking the common peace and tranqui●…itie And for this cause to the end I may defend their lyues honours goods and the libertie of their cons●…ences which professe the reformed religion I affir●…e that I wyll spende bothe my lyfe and whatso euer e●…se God hath giuen vnto me And b●…cause there came souldiers daye by daye vnto
also in the laste rising as soone as was offered to the sayd prince and other Lords and gentlemen of his company the reestablishment of the exercise of religion notwithstanding their greate troupes and strength of straungers ioyned with them and vpon the very point to assaulte the towne of Chartres in the view and face of the enemyes campe which was for the most disordered if at the onely sounde and pronouncing of peace made by a Trumpet sent vnder the name of your maiestie the sayde prince did not onely forbeare y assault but also raised forthwith his siege and retired his army reping notwithstanding of so readie obedience but a bloudy peace and promise full of infidelitie if also during the same sturre the morrow after the battaile at Sainct Denys where both the prince had the better and the Constable principall leader of the army was slaine The sayde Prince dispatched to your maiestie the Lord de Theliguy aswell to warne you of the ruine and desolation threatning from the instaunt your Realme if the straungers were suffered to enter houering there vpon the frontiers as also to mediate and sollicite in meanes and remedyes to knit an absolute peace only in the cause of religion if in short your Edicts haue bene alwayes published and the peace accorded at suche tymes as they of the religion if they would haue abused the opinion of your purpose might in respect of their forces persuade and beléeue that aswell in all your parleyes and treaties of peace there was no other mention than of the matter of religion as also that their enemyes haue not bene brought to it but by necessitie being vnable by open force to mayntaine any longer against them in what conscience or with what face or countenance may it be sayd that these troubles moue continue for the matter and cause of religion And yit neuerthelesse the more to choke and conuince the Cardinall of Lorraine and other his adherentes of their lies and slaunderous impositions which they publish daily the said Princes Lordes Knightes gentlemen and others of their companies forgetting the infidelitie and all disloyall attemptes heretofore conspired agaynst them declare and protest this daye both before God and your Maiestie that what so euer hath ben don or offered to them in euill from the beginninge to thys houre thei neither haue nor wil once impute it to your Maiestie as knowing your nature to be nothing touched with such iniust seuerities whereof you haue gyuen so many publique experiences that there is nowe no cause of doubte neyther haue or do they thinke to chaunge or diminish in any respect their duetye and naturall regard which they haue alwayes bent to the true aduauncement of your greatnesse and Royall estate wherein and also in so many effectes aforesaid if it bée both knowne and séene that they entertayne no other purpose nor meaning than vnder the obedience and authoritie of your Edictes to serue God according too his will and as they are instructed by his holy woorde with desire to be maintayned with equall care as your other subiectes in their honours liues and goods they are now ready to giue such further manifest proofe and witnesse as their most enemies shall haue least cause henceforth to doubt them And that neither to enter into any iustification of their actions passed as their inn●…cencie and iustice of their cause béeing sufficientlye known to your maiestie and all other Kings princes and potentates what straungers so euer they be if they be not of the faction and partie of Spaine much lesse to séeke to capitulate with your maiestie knowing god be praysed what is the dutie of good and faythfull subiectes to their soueraigne Prince and naturall Lorde But Sir in respect of the large peny worthes and cōmon marchandise which heretofore hath bene made of the faith and word of your maiestie which aboue all ought to be holy sacred inuiolable and withall with what vnséeming boldnesse your authoritie and name hath ben abused to the extréeme peri●… of all your people of the reformed profession it néed not séeme straunge if the said Princes with their consociates doe humbly beséeche you to declare by an Edict solemn perpetual and irreuocable your resolute will in a libertie exercise of their Religion to the ende that by the same suche as heretofore at two seuerall times both rashly and with all impunitie haue infringed and violated your former constitution in that cause may by this thirde be more brideled and restrayned wherein because such as were not able to endure the vnitie and vniuersall rest maintayned amongst your people by the good obseruation of your Edictes haue taken occasion to alter and corrupt them by new constructions and modifications contrary to the true substāce of the same and sincere meaning of your maiestie And that also the sayde Princes with the reste of their faction confesse to haue borne a most iust iudgement of God in more sortes of afflictions in tyme of peace than when it was open ▪ warre as in con senting too easely to the treatises of peace whiche haue ben made the same prouiding a generall contentment on all sides that God should be serued onely in certayn places of the Realme and by certain persons as though in a sound conscience there belonged no other thing to the seruice of God. They most humbly beséeche your maiestie to accord and graunt generally to all your subiectes of what qualitie and condicion so euer frée vse of the sayd Religion in all Cities villages and boroughes all other places and corners of your Realm and countreys within your obedience and protection without any exception reseruacion modification or restraint of persons tymes or places and that with suerties necessary in so hyghe a cause and besides to ordeyne and enioyne to make manifest profession of the one or other religion to the ende to cut of hereafter all meanes and occasions to many who abusing such benefite and grace are flipt into Atheisme and carnall libertie and who standing vpon no exercise and profession of religion desire nothing more than to sée an vniuersall confusion in this Realme and all order pollicie and Ecclesiasticall discipline reuersed and abolished a thing so daungerous as not to be tollerated in any Christian state And because Sir wée doubt not at al that those who hetherunto haue pitched the foundation of their deuises vppon slaunderous reproches impudently published to make vs hatefull euē to such as God be prays●…d be frée from the seruitude tyrannie of Antichrist will not sticke to impose vppon vs an inciui●…e obstinacy rather to defend without reason that we haue once resolued to beléeue touching the Articles of Christian religion than to correct or retract our erroures We declare and protest as herevnto we haue done that if in any pointe of the confession of faith heretofore presented to your maiestie by the reformed Churches of your Realme it may be founde by the word
Admiralles friendes woulde proceede to the reuenge of his hurt and bycause they were suspected to be the authours thereof were so stirred vp this laste nyght that a great and lamentable sedition arose thereof in so muche that the Guarde by mee appoynted for his defence about his house was sette vpon and hee himselfe wyth certaine of his Gentlemen slayne and hauock of other made in diuers places of the Citie whiche was handled wyth suche a rage that I coulde not vse the remedie that I woulde but hadde muche a doe to employ my Guardes and other defence for the safetie of my selfe and my brethren within the Castle of Louure to giue order hereafter for the appeasing of this sedition whiche is at this houre well appeased thankes be to God and came to passe by a particular and priuate quarell of long time fostered betwixte those two houses VVhereof when I foresawe that there woulde succeede some mischieuous purpose I did what I coulde possibly to appease it as all men knowe And yet hereby the Edicte of Pacification is not broken whiche I will to bee kepte as straightly as euer it was as I haue giuen to vnderstande in all places throughout my Realme And bycause it is greatly to be feared that suche an execution might stirre vp my subiectes one against an other and cause greate murthers through the Cities of my Realme whereby I shoulde bee greatly grieued I praye you cause to be published and vnderstoode in all places of your gouernement that euery person abyde and continue in the safegard of his owne house and to take no weapons in bande nor one to hurt an other vpon payne of death commaunding them to kepe and diligently to obserue our Edict of Pacification And to make the offenders and resisters and such as would disobey and breake our will to be punished you shall assemble out of hande as great force as you can as well of your friendes as of them that bee appoynted by me and others aduertising the Captains of Castles and Cities in your gouernement to take heede to the safegarde and preseruation of the sayde places so that no faulte ensue on their behalfe aduertising me also so soone as you can what order you haue giuen herein and how all things haue passed within the circuite of your gouernement Herevpon I pray God to keepe you Cousin in his holy safegard At Paris the. xxiiij of August Signed Charles and vnderneath Brulard ANOTHER LETTER FROM THE KING to the Lorde of Prye his Lieutenant generall in Touraine vpon the same matter that the former Letter was MOnsieur de Prie you haue vnderstoode howe my cousin the Admirall was hurt the last day and in what readinesse I was to do as much as in me lay for the tryall of the fact and to cause so great and spedie iustice to be done as should be an example throughout all my Realme wherin nothing was omitted Since it is so happened that my cousins of the house of Guise and other Lords and Gentlemen their adherents which are no smal partie in this towne as all men know hauing gotten certaine intelligence that the friendes of my sayd cousin the Admirall intended to pursue and execute vpon them the reuenge of this hurte for that they had them in suspicion to be the cause and occasion therof haue made such a stirre this night passed that among them on both partes hath bene raised a greate and lamentable tumulte the Garde that was set about the Lorde Admirals house was distressed himselfe slayne in his house with diuers other Gentlemen as also great slaughter hath bene made of other in sundrie places and quarters of this towne which hath bene done with such furie that it was impossible for me to giue such remedie as was to be wished I hauing enough to do to employe my Garde and other forces to keepe my selfe in safetie in the Castle of Louure to the end to giue order for the appeasing of the whole vproare which at this houre thankes be to God is well quenched for that the same happened by the particular quarrell that hath of long tyme bene betwene those twoo houses whereof alwayes hauing some doubt that some vnhappie effecte woulde ensue I haue as is well knowne to all men before this tyme done all that I coulde for to appease it nothing in this last fact tending too the breache of my Edict of Pacification which contrarywise I will in all things to bee mainteyned as at any time heretofore as I do giue it to vnderstand thorowout my Realme And forasmuch as it is greatly to be seared that this may stirre vp and cause my subiectes to rise one against another and to commit greate slaughters in the townes of my Realme whereof I would bee maruelously sorie I pray you that immediatly vpon the receyte hereof ye cause to be published and done to vnderstande in all places of your charge that euery man as well in towne as in countrey remaine in reste and suretie in his house and do not take armes one against another on payn of death And that more diligently than at any time hertofore ye cause the last Edict of Pacificatiō to be kepte and carefully mainteyned and obserued To the intent abouesayd and to punish such as shal do to the cōtrary to distresse all such as shal rise dysobey our pleasure ye shal immediatly assemble al the strength that ye are able as well of your friends being of our allowance as others aduertising the gouernors and captaines of townes and Castels within your charge that they take good heed to the suretie and safe keeping of their peeces in such sort as there ensue no default informing me with speede of suche order as you shal take therin and how all things shall proceede within the compasse of your authoritie I haue here with me my brother the King of Nauarre and my cousin the Prince of Conde to take suche hap as my self I pray the creator Monsieur de Prie to holde you in his holy safegarde From Paris this xxiiij of August Thus signed Charles and vnderneth Pinart These letters are all of one argument as the former be and written all in one forme and al one day to Monsieur de Prye the Lieutenant of Touraine THE KINGS LETTERS TO THE OFFI cers of Burges vpon the same matter that the former were OVr louing and faithfull wee doubt not but by this tyme you knowe of the sedition which to our greate griefe happened in Paris afewe dayes sithens wherin my cousin the Admirall and certaine others of his side were slaine and a greate murder committed vpon diuerse in many places of this Citie And least the newes thereof should change the quiet estate wherin Burges hath hitherto bene maintained since the Edict of Pacification if remedie were not foreseene it is the cause that wee writ this letter presently vntoo you wherby wee commaund and expressely ordeyne that euerie one of you according to his
confession of the true doctrine were condemned by great consent of the people to dye and were burnt with fire and suffering most excellent Martyrdome by death they woonderfullye triumphed of the crueltie of their enimies The which thinges bicause they be specially touched in another Booke it shall not be néedefull here to speake any more of them Many deliuered thēselues from death by diuers meanes and wayes that were not lawfull But they to whome this charge and trust was commited boldly doing their office and being nothing slow to exercise crueltie certaine of their friendes which 〈◊〉 in holde propounded causes of refusall against the Iudges desiring that there might be other Iudges set in their places This thing for a time stayed the rage of the persecution Notwithstanding the king being certified hereof sendeth letters by which he declaring those refusals to be nothing commaundeth that all other things set apart they giue their diligence only to intende vpon this thing and that the Nobles which were in authoritie should choose out according as they thought good Counsellours to supplie the places of those that were absent and that in the Praetor Munerius ●…oume bicause for the causes before alleaged he was remooued other should serue to be short that final iudgement might be giuen of those matters howbeit that he might haue warning before any matter were ended These letters did againe displease and anger the mindes of those iudges which tooke it heynously that they were refused So that choller was then set on fire against many for this cause séemed as though it would rage and burne in the new yeare following For the aduersaries went about of late to establish bring in the like inquisition that was in Spain which they thought was the only way vtterly to ouerthrow the gospel letters at the last being obtained frō the Pope by which thrée Cardinals were appointed chief inquisitors they wēt about all that they could to set forward this deuise The king for his part consented Notwithstanding the senate of Paris hauing better consideration of the matter greatlye withstode this new practise alleaged these causes to the king of their withstanding and prohibition saying If this thing should be brought to passe looke how much the power of the ecclesiasticall Iudges and Inquisitors should be enlarged so much should the supreme authoritie of the king be diminished Secondly that it was a matter of great weight for the naturall subiects of the king to be made destitute and after a sort depriued of their King and to be brought to the power of forreine Iudges and to be made subiect to an Offy ●ciall or Inquisitor Thirdlye that it shoulde be a defrauding of the kingdome but specially of the subiectes to be spoyled of the helpe safegarde of the king and to be themselues and all their goodes iudged disposed after the supreme iudgement of an ecclesiasticall Iudge Fourthly that it would come to passe that when they had gotten infinite power and the greatest part of the kings authoritie that is to say when they had gotten power to iudge of life death as thē listed without further appeale to any higher Court they might easily abuse their offices For say they the libertie to appeale is the onely sanctuarie and defence of innocencie Fiftly and last of all they say that the King to whō the appeale should be made is the reuenger and the defender of violated and wronged innocencie and that iniurie shoulde be done if this thing went forward not only to the people but also to Princes to Dukes to Nobles yea and to the Kings nere kinsemen who also shoulde be bounde with this bonde By this prohibition and resistāce the matter was delayed for a time at the length when the Kings Court was at Paris the verye same aduersaries of the truth brought to passe that those letters were confirmed of the King as he went to the Senate or Parliament for this cause Thus when they had gotten the lawe into their owne handes and had written new Edictes appointing mortall punishments for the faithfull whome they called Sacramentaries Sectaries and such lyke euery man looking now for grieuous persecutions it pleased God for a time to disappoint those cruell practises and threatenings by troubling the kingdome with warre and other businesse Neither is it to be buried in silence by what meanes God shewed his vengeaunce vpon many of those persecutors which were the chiefe Capitaynes in S. Iames slaughter That Munerius the Praetor which was the first that delt with the causes of the faithfull and had many wayes cruelly intreated them being afterwarde at the length condemned of falshoode in the cause of the Countesse of Senigana suffered by the decrée of the Senate punishment openly in diuers places and being thus ledde from place to place to be made an open spectacle for all men to behold to his great infamie and reproch was also banished his countrie This man while be was kept in prison sayde that he knew that the punishments which he suffered were a iust reward and recompence to him for his euill intreating of the Lutheranes and that he woulde neuer after séeke to do them any harme In like maner one of the Counsellers which were appoynted to vnderstande and iudge of the causes of the faithfull not long after died by sodaine death Another of them likewise being sodenly striken with a most grieuous sickenesse and being also at the poynt of death sayde I see plainly that I haue grieuously sinned against the Lutheranes which so godly pray vnto the Lorde In lyke maner two other whiche were very cruell against the faithfull in the slaughter that was made on S. Iames daye sodenly dyed in the sight of all men Moreouer two other when they retourned from the murther of the afflicted faithfull fell at contention within themselues and at the last were slaine one of another Thus the Lorde shewed many examples of his iust vengeance vpon his aduersaries Then the Church obtayned peace for a time and some occasion to rest and breath for a whyle ▪ by reason of those tempestes They which were before as it were discouraged through that former great slaughter receyued nowe heart and courage againe many others which were eyther confirmed by the constancy of those blessed Martyrs which suffered or els were lately brought to the knowledge of God ioyned themselues to the Church they also which to flye persecution went aside from out of the citie were not altogither vnfruitful Among these there was one which came to a towne called Crucillum in Britayne neare vnto the sea coaste the which towne was at that time greatly giuen to superstition but it was brought to passe by his meanes within short time after that many of the townesmen were called to the acknowledging of truth insomuch that there was a congregation there At the which good successe Satan was greatly grieued Therfore when the fame of this thing was
to be imminent and readye to fall on the kingdome might be appeased and mittigated Therefore at the daye appointed diuers of the kings priuie counsel other noble men came togither The which assembly being made the King declared the cause of their comming togither at that time and commaūded that euery man should freely declare his mind both for his owne profite and for the benefite of the kingdome also The rest he said they should heare more at large of his Chauncelour of the Duke of Guise and of the Cardinall of Loraine Then the Chauncelour stoode vp made a large discourse concerning the state of the kingdome shewing that all men ought most chiefely to endeuour them selues to finde out the causes of so great perill mischiefe as the whole Realme now stoode in the causes wherof being knowne the remedyes might be the more easily prouided for And to this end and purpose he said this assembly was made namely to finde out the causes of this mischiefe to prouide remedyes for the same Adding moreouer that all things were done for the safetie of the people for whom the King had most deepe and especiall care And after hym the Duke of Guise briefly shewed the cause of his gathering together of an Armie These things onely were done that daye the next daye those which before were assembled came together againe into the same place And then the Chauncelor declared that it was the kings pleasure that euerye man shoulde freelye vtter his minde but firste of all they of the priuie counsell that by their example and beginning the reste might more boldely and cheerefully goe forwarde Then Ianus Monlucius Bishop of Valentia the last coūseller being commaunded first of all to vtter his minde Gasper Castillon the Admirall strait way stepte vp came to the king and when he had reuerently saluted him he deliuereed vnto hym two supplications written in their name which called themselues The faithfull Christians dispersed through diuers places of Fraunce Both the whiche supplications at the Kyngs commaundement were read the summe and effecte wherof was that they had good occasiō offered them by this their assemblye to offer their supplications and their humble requestes to the King praying and beséeching him that he woulde haue regarde to the greatest parte of his subiectes who were euill intreated euen vntill that present time and that for this cause onelye for that they mynded to frame their lyues according to the prescript rule of the pure word of god Affyrming also that they soughte for nothing else than to haue their doctrine examyned by the same rule of Gods worde and that their cause might throughly be wayed and considered that all men mighte knowe for certaine howe greatly they did hate and abhorre those seditious and heretical opinions with the which hitherto they were falsely burthened Seyng they were thus euill intreated and oppressed they flée vnto his maiestie for succour beseching him that he would not disdaine but vouchsafe to behold and way their cause in the meane time that it would please him to omit the punishments by which their blood had béen shed in euery part of the kingdome by the wickednesse crueltie of many of the Iudges who hauyng no regard to the peace and welfare of the Subiectes but séeking rather to satisfie their owne fantasie lust and desire had shed the blood of poore men vndeseruedly and most vniustly had brought to passe to make a stay that their requests and supplicatiōs might at no time come to the kings eares Wherefore they humbly beséeche his grace that he would maintaine and defende his poore subiects against the wicked crueltie of these men for which cause they acknowledge him to be their King and will render vnto him according to Gods commaundement all due and seruisable obedience and doe commit them selues wholy with all theirs vnder his patrociny and safegarde and also doe account him their bulwarke refuge and staye Protesting before God and hys Maiestie that they neuer intended any thing against hym or to omit that loyall duetie and obedience which they owe vnto him for whose prosperitie they daylie make their prayers vnto god Adding moreouer that they sought for no euill libertie or to haue sinne vnpunished but rather that they might haue libertie to liue so néere as they coulde according to the Gospell which they professed and that in this thing they might not feare the iudgemēts of their chiefest aduersaries Againe therefore they beséech and praye his Maiestie that it would please him to graunt them leaue to heare the worde of God and to receiue his Sacraments vntill the matter were more fully wayed and considered of the Counsell and that to this end and vse they might haue Churches graunted vnto them least their congregation or assembly being priuate and secrete might come into false and euill suspicion This libell being red the Admiral desired the King that he would take it in good part bringing in diuers testimonies of his faithfulnesse towardes the kings Maiestie As when he was in Normandy to prouide things necessarye for the Scottishe warre and was appoynted by the Quéenes commaundement diligently to inquire out the dealings and behauiour of those which were called Faithfull ▪ and perceiuing that they rendred certaine reasons of their doings he promised vnto them to offer their supplications vnto the Kings maiestie To this the King aunswered that he had diuers good and notable testimonies of him and of his deserts and also that he did take all things that he had done in very good part And then the King commaunded againe the Bishop of Valentia to speake his iudgement Who in effect vttered this which followeth DIOCLESIAN was wont to say that the state and condition of those Princes was miserable which were often deceyued by those in whome onely they reposed their trust bicause they forsaking the gouernement of the common wealth and being as it were drowned in their pleasures might so be easily deceyued The which hath not happened vnto the King forasmuch as there was diligent prouision made against those perilles by the prudent wisedome of the Quéene and by the diligence and care of the Guises by which it was brought to passe that the tumultes alredy raised were suppressed The which being appeased the King did wisely foresée howe to prouide for the like to come and that for this cause he had caused this assembly to be made in the which there were so manye good men that sought the Kings quietnesse and profite that it coulde not be but that his Maiesties desires should be satisfied in euery poynt For so great is the confusion and trouble in euerye place of the Realme that it coulde not be more expressely described by the Prophete Esay to be the dissipation of all things of all orders and gouernement than it is The doctrine which hath so drawne away the mindes of men was not s●…wne lately as it were two yeares ago but for the
whiche they knowe that thereby it may be knowne how necessary it is to haue either a generall counsell or a Nationall counsell For it is verye profitable to call and assemble all the states together that all men may perceiue and sée how wel the Realme is gouerned And thus he made an ende When they had thus vttered their sentences and minds the King and Quéene gaue thankes to the whole assembly whose Counsell they saide they were readye to followe graunting vnto them that whereupon they had concluded namely That all the states of the Realme should be assembled togither and that if there coulde not be a generall councell there shoulde be with all speede a Nationall Councell Therefore they determined and concluded that the states of the Realme should be at Meldis the tenth day of the moneth of December nexte comming excepte it shoulde please the kings maiestie to appointe some other place And that the States belonging to euerye prouince should make in their prouince an assembly and consultation particular before that time to the ende that those things which should be debated of in the general assemblies might be vnderstoode Also that bycause it was in a maner agréed of a generall Coūcell betwéene the Pope the Emperour and the Christian princes the Bishops should come the tenth day of Ianuary next comming to the king that they might agrée conclude of the sending to the generall Councel or else of the hauing of a particular and Nationall Councell And that in the meane time the Bishops should get them to their Diocesses both to prepare them selues and also diligently to note and marke those things which lacke reformation In like maner that the Ciuill and substituted Magistrates shoulde kéepe the people in peace and obedience sparing and omitting neuerthelesse paynes and punishmentes due to offenders excepte it be to suche as put themselues in armes and moue sedition and yet notwithstanding the King to reserue vnto him selfe his power and authoritie to punishe those which are counted the authors of seditions and tumultes This was the conclusion of that consultation the which shall appéere wonderfull if we consider the state of the former times For that libertie which as yet is but little but before lesse being restored frō fiery flames and from death it selfe so preuailed before the King that it increased more and more But for all that the aduersaryes ceassed not their wicked Councels and practises what faire and paynted wordes so euer they vsed who by and by againe burst forth shewed them selues by these occasions There was a certaine seruant belonging to the King of Nauar whose name was Sagua who being come to a place called Fontisbellaquaeum and méeting with a certain souldier called Banna talked with him earnestly persuaded with him that he would not serue vnder the Guises for sayth he there are wayes deuised to punishe and handle them as they haue deserued and at the laste made rehersal of certaine things more particularly Banna the souldier hearing this went and tolde the whole circumstance to Marshall Brissacus who exhorted him to goe to the Duke of Guise To him therfore he went and tolde him all the whole matter in order Then the Guise desired him to faine friendship and familiaritie toward this Sagua and to fawne vpon him often times to repeate their former communication also to shewe him to one of his householde seruants The which this Banna did And Sagua was apprehended by the Guise There were also taken in the hands of Sagua certaine letters of Monsier Vidam of Carnutum to the Prince of Conde in the which he declared That if the Prince would take any thing in hande worthy of kinglike seruice he was ready to serue him and for his sake to spende both goods and life Upon the onely occasion of these letters the king gaue commaundement that Monsier Vidā of Carnutū shuld be takē The which was with all diligence broughte to passe by the Guises In the meane time there came from Lions frō the Abbat Sauignius letters concerning the bewrayed frustrated practises of Malignius who was said to go about to take Lions Sauignius for his rewarde receiued the Archbishopricke of Orleans By the meanes of these newe tumultes the king came from Fontisbellaquaeum to the Citie Sangerman But the cause and mischiefe of all these things was layde vpon the Prince of Conde who was openlye accused to séeke the alteration of the state of the common weale and also to be the author of the tumulte of Ambaxian Then was Cursolensis sente to the King of Nauarre to commaunde him to come vnto the King and to bring his brother the Prince of Conde with him In the meane time Monsier Vidame althoughe he was very sicke yet was he very straitly imprisoned in so much that his owne wife might not come to visite him And being straitly syfted by those whiche were appointed to examine him concerning the meaning of his letters he still made this answere namely That he did write expresly of those things which appertained to the obedience of the king and of whatsoeuer else that shoulde be done by the kings commaundement Also he saide that he was a néere kinsman and friend of the Duke of Guises yet for all that if there were any priuate controuersie betwéene him and tho King of Nauar and the Prince of Conde he woulde rather take part with them thā with him in so much that for them two namely for the King of Nauar and for the Prince of Conde he would spend both life and goods On the other part the familliar friends of the Prince of Conde with whome he was thoughte to haue conference and consultation were dayly caste in prison and the suspicions of the Huguenotes dayly increased more more for by this newe and straunge name were the faithfull of the reformed Church then called Then was there a newe Edict made That no Prince or any other man whatsoeuer shoulde contribute money armor horses and such like to the setting forth of Souldiers and that he which shoulde be founde to doe this should be counted a Traitor to the King. There was yet a seconde messenger sent to the King of Nauar that he and his brother should come with all spéede This Messenger was Cardinall Burbonius their brother Publique supplicatiōs for the peace of the kingdome were euery where forbidden And wheras the assembly of States was determined before to be holden at Meldis it was now translated and remoued to Aurelias Marshall Termensis being sente with two hundred armed men to kepe the citie At the feast of Saint Michaels order Monsier Vidam being one of the foresaide order put vp a certaine supplication by the Cardinall of Loraine as by the Chauncelor of that order desiring that according to the auncient custome he mighte be iudged of all those that were of that honorable order of Saint Michael and that for those causes onely for
Ecclesiasticall persons if they well consider the weightinesse of the matter will looke better vnto their office and duetie than they haue done heretofore Let vs knowe that the dissolution of our Church was the first beginning of heresies but it is to bée thought that a Reformation will take them away againe This victorie must not be sought for by violence or by force of armes but by godlye exhortations and by godlynesse of lyfe Wyth these weapons the Heretikes in tymes past were ouercome We must not hate the menne but the vyces and wickednesses that are in men and wée must goe aboute all that wée maye to bring them into the waye that are in errour Let vs therefore put awaye all factious and seditious names as the names of Lutheranes Huguenotes Papystes and suche lyke and let vs retayne and kéepe still the names of Christians But bicause there are manye founde whyche wyll not bee satisfyed desiring tumult and confusion enimies to peace and the cōmon welth and as it appeareth contemners of God and Religion the King which otherwise of himselfe is gentle and long suffering hitherto hath vene constrayned and peraduenture shall be hereafter vrged to indeuour himselfe to punishe the frowarde obstinate It may seeme a very sharp remedy but if we looke well vpon the disease and mischiefe yet a growing we shall find it very necessary for the same Notwithstanding it is so come to passe as yet by the goodnesse of God and the clemencie of the Prince that there hath bene no greater punishment layde vpon any man nor no greater destruction followed as the subuersion of Cities the burning of houses the disfraunchizing of Cities of their priuiledges and the restraint of their liberties the which other Princes that dwell about vs haue oftentimes vsed euen within the compasse of our remembrance for the punishing of seditious persons And bicause it is to be feared least the armies of souldiers being dismist the seditious will begin to practise and conspire a freshe of two things the one is to be done namely that either the armies be kept and maintained still which cannot be done without the great cost and charge of the Subiectes or else that the Citizens of euery Citie endeuour themselues to punishe such seditious and seditious persons and he that shall be first founde to go about to alter the state of the common welth let him by his seuere punishment be an example to all the rest The King to this ende and purpose will giue you a power of armed men Consider with your selues which of these wayes is most for your profite either that you maintaine garrisons of souldiers to kéepe the cities for the king or that you your selues in your owne persons do it at your owne costes and charges As for all other things the King will prouide and sée vnto them by his officers In the meane time let such as are Ecclesiastical persons doe their dutie by prayers by Sermons and by diligent instructing of the people And so it will come to passe that the King shall be obeyed and you shall enioye peace tranquilitie Whē the Chaūcelor had procéeded thus far forth and had spokē somewhat concerning the Kings substaunce and great erpences exhorting the Court of Parliament to ease the same he declared that it was the King and the Quéenes pleasures that euery man shoulde fréely put forth his complaintes and sutes for that their Maiesties intended with all clemencie as it was meete to prouide for all thinges And this only was done the first day In the next méeting the assemblye of States chose out thrée men to speake for them the which thrée stoode before the King and made their seuerall orations The sum wherof I will briefely repeate so far forth as they shall séeme necessary for our purpose The speaker for the thirde order of States that is to say for the Commonalty was named Angell a Counseller and a pleader of causes in the Senate of Burdeux in Gascoyne This man declared by many reasons that for the due putting away of perturbations and troubles it séemed good and most necessary to the people first of all to remoue and to take away the causes Which causes he saide were partlye the corruptions among Ecclesiasticall persons among which corruptions which were very many in number there were thrée notable and more pernicious than the rest namely Couetousnesse Ignorance and Luxurie Ignorance he sayd was so manifest that no man néede to doubte of the same and so great also that among that sorte of men it was to be séene from the hyest to the lowest Which ignorance is the mother and Nurse of all errours as both experience and also the testimonies of learned fathers aboundantlye declare To remedie this he saide Canons and decrées woulde be prouided but in vaine For so great is the contempte and negligence of preaching and instructing the people which is notwithstanding the office of a good pastour that Bishops at this day counte it a shame and reproch vnto them to féede the flocke of Christ. And such as are Curates and other masse priests following the euill example of Bishoppes doe also euen abhorre their office and doe commit the same to vnlearned vicars who singing Masses for their rewarde haue onely some one slender bosome collation or other which they alwayes vse without discretion as one plaister to all maner of soares The seconde vice is Couetousnesse the whiche as it is no lesse pestiferous than Ignorance so is it no lesse to be séene as well in the heades as in the inferiors And as for Luxurie the pompe and pryde of Prelates he fayde it was suche that it was a great stumbling blocke and offence to all men For they are painted and set for the as though by an outwarde shewe in the world they should represent the maiestie of God when as they shoulde rather expresse the same by godlynesse and integritie of life How greatly haue our Bishoppes of late dayes degenerated from the meane estate puritie and godlynesse of the true Byshoppes of olde time All these corruptions saith he must be taken away by a godly and lawfull Counsel called and also by the kings authoritie The speaker for the Nobilitie was one Iacobus Sillius This man began first to speake many things concerning the power authoritie and office of Kings and largely also concerning the order of Nobles which he saide was verye profitable and necessary to preserue and maintaine the dignitie of the king In speaking of matters concerning Religion he founde this fault aboue all others namely that hytherto there had béene great ouersight in suffering Ecclesiasticall persons to haue so great power and authoritie and so large lyuing and reuenewes who haue incroched vnto them selues the houses of Noble men do wickedly abuse all that euer they haue Wherfore saith he it is necessarye that these sortes of men shuld he reformed Also he wished that it might be diligently
troubles bothe wyth his presence and authoritie and also woulde bende all his Counsell wisedome and power to finde oute remedyes for the same On the one parte he might set before his eyes the infinite multitude of soules which runne headlong as it were into destruction bycause they knowe not well the waye of saluation On the other parte he might sée part of the kingdome to be distracted and drawne away from the communion and fellowship of the Churche whiche consisted of the greatest part of the Nobles of learned men of the best citizens and most ciuil sorte of the common people who wante neyther force nor counsell or any other meanes to atchieue their purpose séeing there are among them men of great wealth and riches which will not let to spend their goods and substance in their cause Furthermore such is the concord consent and vnitie among them that it is wonderful to sée how carefully one of them doe defende an other in somuch that they can neither be drawne from that concord neyther can they be ouercome by force of armes And without present perill this kingdome can not be cast into those straites whiche threaten vnto the same no doubte greate ruine and extreme destruction Seing therfore the matter standeth thus and séeing ther is a manifest token of great troubles as hād the number of those men increasing and waxing strong euery day more and more she also being persuaded that the holie Father being myndefull of those benefites which he had receyued of the Frenche kings would carefully indeuoure himselfe to prouide remedies to ease these troubles for this cause she was bold●… to flee vnto him as to a refuge that he woulde apply all his counsell wisedome and power to procure the vnitie of the Church It may please him therfore to vnderstand that this thing might the more easyly be brought to passe bicause by the goodnesse of God there are not in the whole realme of France any Anabaptistes heretikes or any that speake against the Christian Articles of the faith nor yet against the declaration of those Articles made by the sire generall Councels And she sayd this was the opinion and iudgement of certain lerned men with whom she had conferred that the holie Father might receyue them which confessed that catholike profession of the faith plainly confirmed and expounded by those sixe generall Councels into the Communion felowship of the Church although they were of diuers opinions And that other opinions can not let the vnion of the Churche euen as in tyme past the diuersitie in celebrating the Passeouer the diuers and sundrie obseruations of fastings and rites in sacraments and other partes of diuine seruice did nothing at all hinder the vnion of the Churche and that the same waye then vsed should be very profitable now to stay the controuersies of the Latine and Gréeke Churche Therfore they trust the controuersies being at an end that God wil be with them and that the darke mistie cloudes being driuen awaye at the length he will shewe the true and perfecte lyghte of the truth And sayth she if this generall waye shall not be approued and allowed although it oughte to be referred to a generall Councell yet notwithstandyng it is necessarie that the holie Father do prouide a spéedie remedie before that time considering the present necessitie For delay will bring such greate inconueniences with it as can not easily by any meanes be recouered againe But the remedie séemeth to consiste in two thinges First that they which haue alreadie separated themselues from the Cōmmunion of the Churche might be called and brought to the same agayne Secondly that they which as yet haue not withdrawne themselues might be kept in this communion still To winne the first it may séeme very necessarie to vse often admonitions and to haue mutual and quiet conference on bothe partes Bishops and their ministers muste diligently preache Gods worde and exhorte the people to mutuall peace and concorde and names of reproche on bothe sydes muste quyte be taken awaye The whyche she hoped was a speedie waye to bring concorde and loue The whyche also she sayd she had giuen in commaundemente to those that were separated from the Churche and was hytherto obeyed But as touching those whyche as yet hadde not separated them selues from the Communion of the Churche there are many sayeth she whiche as yet purpose not to departe from the same and yet notwithstanding they stande continually in doubte and specially in these thrée principall poyntes The first is that they vnderstande that the primitiue Churche had no images They knowe that God hathe expressely forbidden to worshyp them or to set them in those places where they maye be worshipped They know also that Gregorie hath foribdden the same and that diuers good men in lyke maner whiche synce that tyme receyued them into the Churches expressely declared that they were ordeined for no other vse than to put the ignorante people in mynde of their Gods whiche were absente Notwithstanding many errours deceytes and lyes haue preuayled and crepte into this kingdome and realme of Fraunce and many deceyuers contrarie to the doctrine of the auncient Fathers haue moste wickedly abused the worshipping of images to their owne lucre and gaine in so muche that the cousciences of many men for this cause are greately offended and therefore will not come into the Churches least they shoulde bowe theyr knée before the Images The matter therefore béeing well examined if on the one parte the inconueniences whyche may aryse héereof and the fruites and commodities whyche are lyke to come bee wy●…ely wayed it shall bée founde that it is better to remoue them than to woorship them with offence of many specially seeing the same is neyther the commaundement of God nor yet hath bene receyued of the Churche vpon any necessitie Therefore to cut away all occasions of slaunderous reporte and to keepe those still of whome we speake in the fellowship of the Churche lette it be considered if it bée profitable to remoue these Images from the Altars and to place them aboute the Temple eyther within or without the causes béeing declared namely that certaine vngodly men séeking theyr owne gayne on the one parte and on the other part certaine ignorant and vnskilful men also wil bring to passe that the people shall abuse them against the ordinaunce of the Churche 2 The second principall point is concerning the administration of Sacraments of Baptisme and of the Lords supper In the administration of Baptism it seemeth strange to many good and godly men that Exorcismes and many formes of prayers should be vsed the which may somwhat profite those that vnderstande them but séeing the greatest parte of the people doe not vnderstand them it séemeth better to omit them And where as it is beléeued and taughte that these things are necessarie to be done before Baptism they say that
it is done against the pure and sound iudgemēt of the Churche which hath decréed and appoynted Water and the Worde to be only necessarie in the Sacramente but as for Exorcismes and Prayers not to be necessarie to the Sacrament Furthermore they saye that in Baptisme the wordes of the auncient Catechismes are reteyned still the vse wherof is nowe gone and therfore at this tyme is vsed in vayne in Baptisme Also many do very much misselike that a diseased or infected priest should spit his vncleane spittell into the mouth of the infant wherby some great euill and perill mighte arise All these inconueniences she sayd might be remedied if it might be left in the choyce of al men eyther to vse Exorcismes and prayers in baptizyng their infantes or else purely and simply without any additions to kéepe the substance of Baptisme that is to saye water and the word and to haue the same ministred in the vulgar tong that the people may vnderstand it The whiche libertie were more tollerable than eyther the offence or separation of many men and so no infantes shall be baptized out of the Congregation of the Romishe churche 3 As concerning the holie Comunion many good men do misselyke thrée things in the same Of the which the firste is that it is giuen to communicate only vnder one kynde Whose consciences in this matter can not bée quieted and stayed eyther by the authoritie of the Councell of Constance or by the obseruation of custome receyued not many yeares agoe seing that Iesus Christ playnly sayth Take yee eate ye drinke ye Paule the Apostle also sayth VVho soeuer eateth of this bread and drinketh of this cup. To the which expresse word of God is ioyned also the auncient custome of the Churche constantly obserued for a thousande yeares and more And although for reuerence sake whiche they owe vnto the Church they will not condemne the coūcell of Constance yet notwithstanding seing thorough feare of erring they leane only to plaine testimonies of Scripture and to the auncient custome of the Church it is to be feared that whyle there is controuersie aboute this matter others whiche are weake will easily be broughte to their opinion and so withdrawne from the fellowship of the Churche of Rome For the obiection of the aduersaries séemeth to be of greate force seing they bring bothe the expresse word of God and also euident reasons for that whiche they alleage Maye it please him therefore to consider whether it be not best to giue libertie that the communion may be ministred vnder both kindes although the councell of Constance be against the same 2 The seconde thing they misselyke in the holie Communion is this Manie are afeard to come to the holy communion being ministred in such order as it is in the Romishe Churches that is to say to one or to a few alone vsing no prayers that may be vnderstode of the common people neither yet expounding the vse of the Sacrament the aduersaries on the contrarie part saying and openly shewing in verie deede that they haue restored in this poynte the approued maner of the auncient Church The which matter when diuers reasons and wayes of communicating are alleaged on both sydes can not be tolde howe many of oure countreymen it doth pierce and moue in so much that there is no doubt but that very manie shal be constrayned for this cause to depart from the Church ▪ For when ●…n the one part they sée some one alone or a cer●…ain smal numbre without prayers without a sermon without giuing of thanks to 〈◊〉 any part of the sacrament and that in an v●…knowne tongue on the other part a congregation of a great number of men together plainly to make confession of their faith publikely to confesse their synnes to giue thankes vnto God to pray vnto God to sing Psalmes in the vulgar tong to come to the Sermon by which they may be instructed to li●…e a godly and a chris●…ian ly●…e and to prepare themselues al●…o to receyue the Sacrament it is harde to say but that they whiche take oure parte onely for a zeale and true desyre of Religion will take these occasions to fall awaye from vs. To remedie this inconuenience let the Pope himselfe consider if it shall not be well doone to suffer the holy c●…mmunion to be ministred euerye moneth according to the maner of the primitiue Church that the Pastors and Elders of Churches may call all those togither whiche wyll communicate the first Sunday of euery moneth or oftner if they be required and that there in the vulgar tongue Psalme maye be soong and a generall confession of fayth and of sins lykewise to be made publike and cōmon prayers also for the preseruation of Magistrates for the purenesse of the ayre for the frutes of the earth and for suche as are afflicted deuoutly to be sayde And to them thus assembled togither some place either of the Euangelistes or of Paules Epistles whiche concerneth the vse of the Lordes supper may be red and so to be receyued to the cōmunion vnder both kynds And although this seemeth to be newe and not customably heretofore to be vsed yet notwithstāding seeing the Apostles and they which straight after succeded them did so it can not be sayde that the holy father hath done or appoynted any thing against the cōmandemēt of God and the maner of the Church And to the end he may vnderstande for what cause they vrge and so earnestly desire this thing it may please him to know that there is nothing that so much troubleth and burdeneth their consciences as the feare of not rightly receiuing the Sacramentes And here the aduersaries triumphe and crie that the commaundement of God is broken and thus by little our ministerie and all our doctrin groweth out of credite insomuch that the shame and reproche hereof will redound to the holie Father himselfe at the length except it be foreséen For the which they thinke that there can not be a better more present remedie founde than if the Lordes Supper be celebrated in that order as is before declared The whyche thyng she hir selfe so muche the more vrgeth and earnestly craueth that he might helpe and remedie so greate troubles in tyme. 3 The thirde speciall poynt of offence is this There are many men of the more learned sort in al the realme which are offended at that rite or feast whiche is commonly called Corpus Christi day at which yearely feast the bodie of the Lorde is caried about the Cities to the which solemnitie they saye they can not with safe consciences come and that for these causes Firste bicause it is against the expresse institution of the Sacrament Take ye eate ye drinke ye Also Doo this in remembraunce of me That is to saye Do yée as I haue doone And therefore they say that there is so great difference betwéen the giuyng of bread to be
in the same opinion in the whiche they concluded with the Ministers of the reformed Churches that they had made a compacte and agréemente with the Ministers and therefore they were not suffered to conferre or dispute any more after that Therfore the ministers hauing occasion offered sente this explication of that article vnto the chosen men that disputed for the Prelates VVe affirme that no distance of places can let the communicating which wee haue with the body and bloud of Christ bycause the Supper of the Lorde is a heauenly thing And althoughe we receiue in earthe with oure mouthe the breade and wine beyng true signes of his body and bloud yet notwithstanding by faithe and by the operation of the holye Ghost our myndes of which this is oure speciall meate being lyfted vp to heauen doe receine there his bodye and bloude And in this respecte wee saye that the bodye doth truely ioyne it selfe to the breade and the bloude to the wyne and yet notwithstanding no otherwyse than after a Sacramentall manner that is to saye neyther locally nor naturally but bycause they effectually signifie and declare that God doth giue them faithfully and without all doubt to the communicants who do truly and certainely receiue them by faith This therefore is the plaine opinion and iudgement of the reformed Churches concerning the presence of the bodie and bloud of Christ Iesus in the sacrament of the Supper But there were nowe come certaine ministers oute of Germanie by the meanes of Ba●…duinus as we sayde before But they bewraying the councell and purpose of the Cardinall of Loraine by whose practise these things were spedely brought to passe returned home again with losse of their labour and their expectation being deceiued The purpose and practise of the Cardinall was to bring these ministers and the other into one disputation and contention and so contending and striuing together he might cause the conference to cease and make them to be a laughing stocke to all men The Prelates doubting of the fayth and trust of their men which they had chosen to dispute for them as we said before woulde haue no conference after this with the ministers wherevpon the conference brake vp the ▪ xxv day of Nouember And this was the ende of the Conference of Possiac manye being gathered together for the same the space of thrée monethes ●…fter the whiche there ensued not onely no profyte but also great trouble and motions of warres Thus the conference being ended withoute fruite there was no waye founde for peace and concorde but rather the mindes of both parts beyng exasperated there insued great quarels and discentiens So that great discorde rose dayly betwéene the Papists and the Protestants more and more some complayning and finding fault with the Prelates for their disordered departing from the conference the which in deede sufficiently declared the weakenesse of their cause and other some misliking of the authoritie of the Generall Councell shortly alter to come and of the Churche of Rome Neither were these dissenti●…ns onely among the common people but also among the Peeres Nobles of the realme mens mindes being distracted and drawne into manifest factions whiche foreshewed not onely bare contentions of wordes but also greate and mortall warres at hande For the compactes and manifest practises of the Guises of the Constable and of the Marshall of Santandra were well ynough sene Yet notwithstanding their purpose and indeuour was very muche let and hindered at that time by the authoritie of the King of Nauarre whome they thought good to assay by all meanes possible to the entent they myghte drawe him from taking part with the Protestantes In the which matter the Cardinal of Ferrer of whom we spake before being the Popes Legate in Fraunce take verye muche paines promising vnto the king of Nauarre in the Popes name the full possession of the kingdome of Nauarre affyrming that the Pope should easily obtaine this thing of king Phillip for that he already promised to doe the same for the Catholique Churches sake Moreouer the Cardinall of Towers the Bishop of Ansseren and Escarsius also certaine of his houshoulde confirmed him in this matter and vsed dayly persuasions being wicked men and set on for money by the Cardinall of Loraine Among whom also was that Frances Balduine of whome mention was made before as diligent and busie as the best to bring the matter about whereby he thought he shoulde reape no small gaine This man forging a new Gospell caused the king of Nauarre to hate both the doctrine and also the men of the reformed Churches So that now he began to hang betwene diuers opinions to forsake the loue of Religion openlye to shew himselfe an enimie to the reformed Churches to bée more co●…uersant and familiar with the Guises to giue him selfe to lightnesse filthy pleasure also to go to the Masse and to the Popishe Churches When the Duke of Guise had deliberated and consulted of the matter with the Constable and the Marshall of Santandre and willing them to gathered vnto them forthwith so great power as they could he departed from them leauing them in Fraunce and came to Imuilla in the moneth of Nouember and after he had taryed there certayne dayes he wente to the Cittie Tabernas whiche bordere●…h vpon Germanie to prouide for his businesse and to consult with many of the Princes of Germanie about this matter Notwithstanding the number of the faythfull dayly more and more encreased and was wonderfully confyrmed a great part of the Nobles comming to the reformed Churches Therefore there were assemblies and congregations in great number almost in all the noble Cities of the Realme in the whiche the worde of God was openly preached and the Sacramentes ministred notwithstanding the Edict of Iuly of whiche we spake before Wherevpon notwithstanding there arose oftentymes greate disc●…ntions and of those seditions ensued great perils For they whiche were grieued and offended at these assemblies of the faythfull made exclamation that Edictes were broken and did so prepare themselues to trouble the faythfull that there séemed to be present occasions of great mischief whiche brake foorthe in many places but specially at Paris For the faithful being gathered togither the. 26. day of December to heare the word of God in Paris in the suburbes of Sanmarcellus a place specially appointed vnto them by the King for the same purpose the Priestes of the Temple of Sanmedardus hard by in the time of the Sermon caused such a noyse to be made with ringing of bels that the voyce of the Preacher coulde by no meanes be vnderstoode Whervpon two of the Congregation men vnarmed and without weapon came to these Popishe Priestes and beséeched them that they woulde not make suche a dynne with ringing their Belles that so greate a companie of menne shoulde be lette from hearing the woorde of God. The Priestes hauing with them diuers other men began to abuse them and
those according to their desertes which haue abused his au●…thoritie But and if these conditions were not perfourmed and that the Guises and their fellowes went on still to shew violence against the Kyng the Quéene and the kynges Counsell to deceaue and beguile men vnder the kynges name and to be iniurious to the kyngs subiectes the Prince of Conde testifieth that hée wyll not beare it and will bring to passe that hée shall not bée found giltie of all those calamities mischiefes and miseries which will happen for these commotions and troubles but rather they themselues which are the authors and only cause thereof This his Protestation being published abrode all mens mindes séemed to be troubled and diuersly occupied the faythfull being more bolde and couragious to defend themselues who at the first sturre of the Guises were not a little terrefied The Prince of Conde sent letters to all the reformed Churches the twenty day of April sending diuers messengers with the Copy of those letters throughout all prouinces of the Realme to this effect Forsomuch as the necessity of the time is such that we must openly resist the violence and tiranny of the Guises aduersaries of the Christian Religion who hauing captiued the King and Quene ▪ do so abuse their name that they tread vnderfote true Religion with the liberty of the Realme and doe what they list them selues see that ye prepare your selues against these troubles and beware that you leaue nothing vndone that may further you in your businesse And because we must nowe of necessitye begin warres be diligent to prouide Armor Mony all kind of Artillery so sone as may be and whatsoeuer you do certefy me of the same by these messengers that I haue sent vnto you But aboue all things see that ye behaue your selues so peaceably as ye may and forget not diligently to call vpon God the vpholder and defender of his truthe and of all iust causes That former declaration wherof we haue spoken before was sca●…sely come to Paris when as two Edicts were solemnely proclaimed there in the Kings name to thys effect●… The King séeing what great troubles garboyles were in the Realme is very sory and much agréeued who h●…th left no remedies vnsoughte for for the maintenance of peace and tranquillity by the aduise of the Quéene the King of Nauar and the Princes as may appeare of late by the Edict made in the moneth of Ianuary by which to order all matters peaceably he shewed him selfe very fauorable contrary to the manner and c●…ome of his A●…cetors the Kings towards Religion that by this meanes in bearing with the frowardnes of men be ●…ght maintaine publique peace concorde y●…t notwith●…anding for all this they can not be content and quiet as appeareth by diuers tumultes by them all ready raised manye of them which hath not bene heard of before being so bold that they dare make open warre and take diuers of the Kings Cities The which although it be very greuous vnto him that men should so lewdly and impudently behaue them selues abasing him in this hys tender age to the great hurt of the Realme yet notwithstanding he will continue still toward them hys accustomed clemency and goodnesse And therfore to confirme that his will and meaning he willeth and commaundeth by this publique Edict that al men vse the rites and administration of their religion fréely according to the prescript of the Edicte of Ianuary But because at Paris the Metropolitane Citye of the Realme there haue ben oftentimes great perils of moste gréeuous seditions he willeth in consideration of the present time that there be no exercise of the reformed Religion so called in that City nor in the Suburbes borders and limmites neare adioyning to the same vntill it shall séeme good otherwise to the King. There was also publiquely set forth about the same time very solemly the Kings Rescript whych they call Letters patents in manner and forme folowing All men sée the great perturbations and troubles of the Realme and also howe the mindes of all estates and degrée are so vexed and disquieted that there cannot chuse but insue great hurt except God of his mercy and goodnesse turn away the same Notwithstanding it is wonderfull that men which are the authors of these troubles dissensions shuld so couler ouer the causes of their wickednes that they cā deceiue therby the simple sort of people But wheras they cōplaine of the violating and breaking of y Edict which was made for Religion the is most false as may apeare by the manifest declaratiō of the Kings will which he plainly of late shewed by hys Edict And this also is a most impudent slāder wheras they say that the King and the Queene his mother hys bretheren and sister are captiues in the handes of certaine of his chief officers and seruants and do boast that they lift vp the sworde to the intent they may set them at their lawfull libertie But the King and the Quéene do openly testifie and would haue it generally knowen for a suertie that hée his mother his brethren and hys sister neuer came thankes be to God into that state of captiuitie but cōtrarywyse do retaine kéepe libertie autority kingly dignitie and power and shal no doubt by the goodnesse of God enioye the same with the help and diligence of good and faithfull subiects And bicause those seditiouse persons doe greatly abuse the facilitie gentle nature of the Prince of Conde their kinsman whom they haue chosen to be the Captaine of their conspiracie he testifieth that he will doe all that he can to restoare him to his former libertie and to pacefie the troubled state so much as he may There was also at this time mustering of men in Pa ris specially of Noble men which are cōmonly appointed to be horsemen and commaundement was sent thorough euery prouince to all men to be in a readinesse against the moneth of May nexte comming Paris also was in euery corner replenished with armour with sol diours and Enseignes The Prince of Conde being entered into Orleans very many of the faythfull which bordered thereaboutes tooke cities for the Prince of Conde professing notwithstanding that they mayntayned the Kings authoritie as they of Towers of Blais of Angew and many others as hereafter shal be declared Notwithstanding the Edict of January was rightly obserued by the seuere cōmaundements of the Prince of Conde which were oftentymes repeated by his seruaunts But all things growing dayly néerer warre then peace the greatest part of the inhabitants of Towers and Blayz sodenly rose and went into the popish churches and brake downe and quite defaced the Images and pictures which they there found notwithstanding there was no murther committed When newes hereof was brought to Orleans the Prince of Conde greatly misliked of their doing gaue commaundement that enquirie should be made of the doers hereof and that they shold be punished
according to the prescript of the kings Edicts At Orleans they of both Religions liued peaceably and according to the Edict of January the priests openly in their churches vsed their superstitiouse rytes and ceremonies and the faithfull on the contrary part went out of the Citie to heare sermons The which notwithstāding continewed but a short time as shal be declared anon when occasion is offered to speake of the same The Prince of Conde had sent the causes in writing that moued him to warre of the which we haue spoken before to the King and Quéene and to the king of Nauar his brother praying and beséeching them that vpon the conditions which he propounded vnto them the whole matter might be peaceably ended and concerning the same matter also he wrote to the Senate of Paris that his writings and letters might be kept in the publique Commentaries and Register of the Senat for a remēbrance whatsoeuer might chaunce afterward After the which letters the Quéen answered the Prince of Conde the second of May by hir letters agayne In the which shée sayd she was glad that the Prince of Conde shewed himselfe to be desirouse of peace and concorde whereas otherwyse ther was cause why shée should greatly sorrow and lament for that shée being a woman to whom by the common consent of the States the gouernment of the king and realme was committed was nowe in the middest of so great troubles to be ryd out of which shée trusting to the Prince doubted not but that hée would do all that hée could for the good will and obediēce sake which hée did owe vnto the King and for the profite and quietnesse of the whole Realme and would not refuse any reasonable condicion for the establishing of peace and concord Therefore shée sayd that hée should do very well if so be he would come vnto the King and to her out of hand putting of his armour and trusting to the promises of her fayth which should be as sure vn to him as any obligation if so be hée would remember the friendship and loue which shée alwais bare towards him who loueth him as tenderly as the mother loueth her childe Therefore shée sayeth that hée shall doe very well if so be hée come boldly to the Court that hée may ende all matters at once before the King and hir The Senate of Paris also sent letters of aunswer to the Prince of Conde the fiueth day of May to this effect following Wée haue receyued your letters with the forme of your declaration the which we could not reade without our great sorrow and grief Séeing that wée know you to be a Prince and the Kings neere kinsmā of one of the most noble stockes of the kings kynred neyther do wée doubt but that your nature and disposition is agréeable to your offspringe as it is commonly séene in the best Princes if it be not alienated and drawne away wyth euill counsells And although it be our office onely to deale in the principal poyntes of the law yet neuerthelesse seeing you haue made special complaints vnto vs wée thought it not good to let you want all that wée are able to do in that point but fréely and truly to set before you our opinion and iudgemēt wherby you may know how reuerētly according to our duty we estéeme of you We haue considered and do perceyue that your complaintes do consist in two principall poynts The first principall is that it hath bene told you that the kyng Quéene were captiued in the custodie of certaine of the Nobles which attended vpon them and that many of his Connsellers were with threatninges made afeard Wee beséeche you that you would not any more beléeue these reportes séeing it is so manifest and euidently knowne to all men that it cannot be doubted of how that the King of Nauar your Brother a man of great wisedome and such a one as is very carefull for the preseruation of the king and his dignity is with the King and Queene who will not without all doubt suffer any maner of violence or iniury to be offered to the King being both of kyn to the Kyng as well as you also charged with the king by his office Beside this the Cardinall of Borbon is with them who hath no lesse care for the safetie of the king and the Realme than you haue Moreouer there are with him other Princes his kinsmen men of wisedome which are bound both by their office and also by the bond of loue to defende the kyng with a great sort of his Counsell also which if the kyng were so shamefully misused would lay their heades together to remedy the same because if in this poynt they should fayle to do their dutie they might be sure to be euill spoken of among all men In that therfore they do so diligently séeke with one consent the pre seruation of the state and would haue you to be ioyned with them you may thereby certainely perceiue how false those reports haue bene the which reports would greatly haue offended and gréeued the mindes of your bretherne if that they had not here tofore declared their fayth and great good will for if they should so behaue themselues towards the king it wold greatly redownd to their reproch and shame If you will wey and consider these things you shall find that those reporters do vnto you and to them also great iniury séeing that ye are bretherne This also we woulde haue you to vnderstand that we haue none otherwise confirmed letters concerning the libertie of the King and Quéen then the very truth thereof hath caused vs least you should thinke that we had done any thing rashly or through feare We feare no man in the executing of our office in doing whereof we haue only a consideration of the kyng specially in those thinges which do belong to the obediēce of the kyng and to the profite of the Realme being ready for these causes to spend our life and goods Know you also for suertie that all dew reuerence obedience is shewed here to the King and Quéene And because we vnderstand by your declaratiō that you find fault with certaine of vs as though we forsaking the Kinges lawfull Counsell were present at certaine secret Counselles Know you also this for a certaine that none of vs were present at that counsell which was kept here extraordinarily by the aucthoritie of the king of Nauar your brother but only by the slat commaundement of the Cardinal of Borbō your brother also and the kéeper of the Citie neyther did we heare sée or perceyue that anything was done there which did not appertaine to the obedience of the King. The other principall poynt of your complaints concerneth Religion The which truely is no lesse straung and wonderfull vnto vs Of the which we perceyuing that you haue ben otherwise infourmed than it is haue thought good to certifie you of the trueth You knowe that
aucthoritie to giue commaundement vnto them to vnarme themselues and to go home to their houses and afterward to make them answere to the same But admit that they had aucthority to abide stil with the Kyng against right and all approued customes being but his seruants only and to beset him round about with such souldiours as they haue gathered together by their priuate aucthoritie yet notwithstāding it cānot be denied but that I haue great iniury I I say which shoulde haue this prerogatiue before them beinge the Kinges néere kinsman and which haue not put on Armour but by them constrayned only for this cause to defend the Kyng the Quéene and my selfe from violence these thinges I say considered I haue great iniury except I haue leaue in like mauer for mée mine to be about the kyng which are sworne as well as others vnto him and which I say and affirme are the Kynges faithfull subiectes and seruants as they haue both shewed already and also will shew hereafter at what time they shall be commaunded by the kyng of Nauar the kynges Deputie to defend the kynges libertie and the aucthority of the Quéene and of the kyng of Nauar being ready for the same to spende both their life and goods But and if they will not suffer the Quéene to vse that equallitie that she ought let her not leane to the one part more than to the other howbeit if she be more inclined to any part she should rather be inclined to me being a Prince and the kynges néere kinsman and let her vse her aucthoritie to remedy the mischtefe at hand otherwise than she hath done before for no man wyll thinke that any thing hath ben done by her consent séeing that shée is of such wisedome and so carefull for the preseruation of the kyng her Sonnes dignitie that she woulde not bée negligent to do her dutie in a matter of so great waight But there is no doubt but that which shée did was for feare of them which hauing hir in holde pulled her from doing of her dutie When as also it is manifest that the King is broughte to that state that he is constrained to graunte manye things against his will. To proue this thing their chusing of new Counsellers shall serue whom they therfore chose that vnder the pretence of a Counsell the Quéene might be constrained to do what they wold by a more clenly way For it is knowne in what order it was done and in what estimation they nowe haue the Quéene who deliverate and take counsell together by them selues a parte and do conclude whatsoeuer they them selues do like of They do many things by their owne priuate authority and when they haue don then they come to aske her minde and opinion And what soeuer they them selues lust to haue done they cause the high Courte of Parliament to confirme the same And in very déede they preuatle more wyth those of the Parliament than the Quéene her selfe can Finallye who will deny that it is necessarye at this time to deliuer the Quéene from feare of this violence that shée may recouer her former authority and so they to lay aside their Armor and to goe home to their houses that all suspicion of violence being taken away there maye be more quietnesse héereafter and the perrils of great calamities auoided For I and all that are wyth me he fully perswaded and bent that except the matter be vprightly and indifferently handled rather to abide the extremity and to sèe the end than that they which haue vsurped to them selues power against all law right to the great hurt and detrement of the Kings subiectes hitherto and also as yet going about to worke their vtter destruction by so many horrible murthers cruelly committed against the kings Edicts should still héereafter impudently procéede in their Insolencie And to take away all occasion of slaunder whych they may haue against me héereafter wheras they say that the kings letters were taken away frō the kings Postes by my cōmaundement I answere that I haue geuen contrary commaundement to those that attend vppon me neither were there letters at any time taken by them which were sent eyther to the king to the Quéene or to the king of Nauar. This I confesse to be true that there haue bene many letters taken which haue bene sent to diuers priuate persons by which are to be séene an infinite number of sclaunders false rumours counselles and practises against me many thinges being quite contrary to those promises which they haue made vnto me concerning peace and concorde But concerning the casting downe of the Images at Towers and at Blais I protest that I was very sory for the same in so much that I signified to the kinges Officers which are in those places that I would ayde and assist them to punish those according to the kings lawes which should be found gilty in the fact This is and may be an Argument of my will and meaninge the which also I haue done and doe as yet at Orleans Euery one of what state and condition so euer he be of prayseth and commendeth the moderation and behauiour of al those which are with me which liue peaceably and quietly with the Townes men without any maner of offence or breach in any poynt of the Edicte of Ianuary And as touching those which kéepe in hould certayn Cities I affirme that they do it for no other cause than to keepe those Cities for the vse of the Kinge and not to suffer them to come into their handes which abusing both the Kings name and his Artillery do séeke to get power for their owne priuate profite For so sone as the Quéene shal be restored to her former liberty and into that state wherin she was within these thrée Monethes she shal wel perceiue and vnderstand that those Cities will shew all obedience to the Kinge and to her as they had euer done before and will alwayes continue in the same so faithfull that in that point they will geue place to no Citie within the Kings dominion no not to Paris which of late hath gone about to cause this ciuill warre spending great store of money to that end and all vnder pretence of Religion And nowe I and mine are so farre from forgetting these thinges and buryinge them in silence as we are wished to do that we would rather haue thē to be chronicled for euer to be written in Tables and to be portrayed in letters of Golde and to be shrilly proclaymed throughout all Christian realmes that they may sée our dutifull obedience and faithfull trust shewed towardes our King greatly iniured in this his younge and tender yeres and also that so notable an example of my courage concord with the rest of the Nobilitie of France which haue ioyned our selues together with one hart consent to preserue the dignity of the kinge Quéene may be a memorial for euer in writing to the posteritie I for
owne accorde To the which except they will graunt wée cannot in consideration of our office depart from the King except we would shew our selues to be carelesse in defending the King and the Realme in so great necessity But if they will yéeld vnto these conditions we are ready to get vs to our owne houses and to obey the cōmaūdement of the King of Nauar. But we meane not hereby to seclude the Prince of Conde from the Kings company nay we wish rather that he were néere the King and that he were sent for to come from them with whō he is now linked and to be daily with the King trusting that so worthy a Prince will do nothing but that which shall become him to doo After that these supplications of the Guise and his fellowes came to the eares of the Prince of Cōde he made answer vnto them sending letters to the Quéene with his answer beseeching hir that she would also diligently wey and consider his reasons and that she would cause both his writing his aduersaries also to bée kept for a memoriall for euer that both their actions might one day be shewed to the king The aunswere which he made was to this effect Although saith he I haue heretofore oftentimes declared both by writing and also by other meanes why I haue put myself in armour and vppon what condicions I am ready to vnarme my self agayn and to go to my house yet notwithstanding I could neuer obtayne any thing at their handes which haue the King and Quéene in hold but threatnings contumelious wordes So soone as I came hither before they vnderstood any thing of me they sent letters such seuere sharpe commaundmente as though they had had to do with théeues the most wicked men aliue But nowe when they perceiue that I regarde not their impudent boasting proud threates that thei cannot stay me frō my purpose also that I cōstātly perseuere in my lawfull request hauing no consideration of my selfe but of the libertie of the King Quéene and of the peace and tranquillitie of the realme they séeke to preuayle by other subtil wayes And this forsooth is their deuise they haue offered a certayne supplication to the king in the which they pretend al obedience submission reuerēce But if a man read mark the same well he shall find it rather a Decrée than a Supplication For it is a flat sentence and decrée made concluded vpon by these thrée namely by the Duke of Guise the Constable Momorencie and by the Martiall of S. Andrew with these also was the Popes Legate the seruants of straungers But they which for six monthes ago marked noted al their doings can testifie vpon what foundacions these conclu sions do stand not vpon zeale of Religion and fayth but rather vpon the fraude deceypt and ambition of those thrée who séeing thēselues to be out of the court were offended not that thei had any iniurie offered them but because they could neuer yet abyde that the Prince being of the kings bloud should be about the king perceiuing also that the Quéene rather sought the Kings profite and the peace and tranquillitie of the Realme than to satisfie their willes they began to ioyne ano associate themselues togyther to recouer their former libertie againe to rule and gouerne all thinges as they list themselues And when they saw that they could not haue helpe of the Nobles nor of the common sorte of people to bring their matters to passe for the they were iustly hated of them they coloured their purpose wyth the pretence of Religion hoping therby that the popish priests and those that hoong vpon them would ayde assist them And thus winning so many to take their parte as they could and séeking to haue ayd by straungers of for reyne Nations they minded to come to the kinge and Quéene in such battayle aray that no man should once resist them And to the end they might haue better hope to rule thei tooke and kept the names of all those whom they thought or suspected would be hurtfull vnto them minding to kil some to banish other some and to spoyle and depriue many of their offices And among the principall number was Michael Hospital the Kings Chaūcelour diuers of the kinges counsell and many other good men set in authoritie and office vnder the Kinge There were also already some placed in their roomes which were eyther slaine or banished And truely they very well declared their iudgement of late in chosinge those six whom they appointed to be of the Kings counsel the matter being so ridiculouse that the people made a game or ieste of that choyce The Quéene was sent away to C●…enoncellum to busie hir selfe in gardening The Prince Rochsurion the kinges néere kinsman being a very wise and godly person was called away frō the King and in his place were set new Tutours that he might neuer heare any mention made of God or of any godlynesse nor any thing else which appertained to good education he being of himselfe of a good disposition and well inclined And that he might not bée taught to vnderstande his estate which the Quéene his mother went about to instruct him in teaching him to heare euery mans cause peaceably to make much of his noble men to estéeme the vse of armour for necessities sake to looke to iudgement to maintaine his people to be a gard to the afflicted to deliuer the oppressed and aboue al things to beware least he retayned any suche persons about him which vnder colour of frendship humility would take vpon him the kings office vse tyrannie against the kings subiectes These things I say were taught him of the Quéen his mother which these thrée Suppliants much mislike of who would haue the King frame himself to their bent disposition as to daunce cunningly to sit or ryde a great horse well hansomly to carry a speare to be a wātō louer to loue another mans wife more than his owne and to be short to bee ignorant of all honesty vertu For they say the it is not méet for a King to be occupied and troubled with suche hard matters But rather say they it is méete for a king to shewe him selfe very seuere towards his subiectes that come vnto him to enriche his housholde seruaunts and to commit the gouernement of the Realme wholy vnto them not to trouble himself in hearing mens causes in reading letters in setting too his hand and seale least their deceites which they vse vnder the coullour of his seale should be espied to fancy and fauour a few which cōtend one with another who shal be the greatest theef to be liberall only to a few and to other some sparing hard and to dispoyle the people of their goods to sell the offices of Judges for money to simple and vnlearned men last of all to fill the Court full
to pacefie the present troubles To be short her behauiour towardes me and my fellowes when we and shée were together at Baugence do so playnely proue her consent and agréement in this matter that it shall be néedelesse to repeate many other arguments to proue this thing For there before seuen Noble men shée speaking of our dutifull obedience protested vnto vs that she did acknowledge that we by our déedes had preserued her life and the Kynges These thinges considered haue our aduersaries any reason nay haue they any coniecture of Rebellion against vs By whose aucthoritie shall we be sayd to be Rebelles Shall we be sayd to be Rebelles by the Kyng and Quéenes authoritie who haue giuen vs expresse cōmaundements to arme our selues who flée vnto vs for succour in these perilles who by their will letters and messages like of our doings giue vs thankes and approue the same as profitable for the preseruasion of this Realme Furthermore all men know that those our enemies haue abused the Kyng Quéenes names whose willes also they haue captiued vnto them ▪ The which is the only cause why I and my fellowes haue hitherto testified and as yet also do vnfainedly protest That we will not receiue any Edicts Rescripts or Decrées comming forth in the Kynges name so long as he enioyeth not his libertie For probation wherof this example may serue namely That the Quéene complayned vnto vs oftentimes in hir letters that she could not therfore graunt vnto vs our requestes because the contrary part was mightier and the people armed And although the Kinges name since the Moneth of Aprill last past hath ben so abused yet notwithstanding the matter thereby hath the more playnely appeared but most playnely by those letters which the Quéene sent by Monsure de Villars and Mōsure Vieilleuill the xxiiy day of May In the which shée wrote that shée deliuered the Kyng into other mens handes vnderstanding by these woordes other mens handes our aduersaries Whereuppon it followeth that this sentence of Rebellion and all other thinges done in the Kynges name ought to be iudged to be done by our enemies séeing the Kyng is in their handes as appeareth by the testimony of the Quéene Let men iudge therfore what sentence that is against the condemned being pronounced by those which are both aduersaries and Iudges But let vs sée what great fault of Rebellion that is which is layed to our charge and why it is ob iected to vs Because say they they will not vnarme them selues If this be the fault I demaund what they are to be called which comming to the Court armed although they had no enemies in Armes yet notwithstanding would not vnarme them selues at the commaundemēt of the Kyng and Quéene and which continew in the same boldnes and presumption still But who is hée which at the commaundement of the enemie will laye aside the sword which he hath drawne to fight What doth the enemy els in commaunding me to vnarme my selfe than to will me to commit my goods to the spoile and my life to crueltie and also to receiue the lawe at the handes of an outlawe Is not that to breake the fence with the which God hath inclosed his Church that being destitute of fence and inunition men may fall in to the handes of their cruell and fierce enemies Furthermore all men know very well that I alwayes offered to laye aside my Armour so soone as my enemies vnarming them selues had restored the Kyng to his former libertie Was it not méete that they which were the first that put them selues in Armour and that without commaūdement and aucthoritie and against the expresse Edicts and commaundements of the Kyng and Quéene should bée the first in like maner that shoulde vnarme them selues rather than they which by their example put on Armoure that is to saye by the commaundement of the Kyng and Quéene to preserue them and also to defend the Edictes from the oppression and violence of others To be short let all my actes done vntill this day be examined and it shal be found that my aunsweres my declarations conditions and all my actions are testimonies of my innocencie What condition of peace agréeable to reason and equitie haue I a●…any time refused nay rather I and my fellowes haue desired the same How often tymes haue I refused straungers least they should enter into thys Realme Haue I not signified the equitie of my cause to forreyne Princes that haue ben in league with thys Realme and desired them that they would be meanes to take vp and pacefie these controuersies With what modesty haue I behaued my selfe in those Cities which were in my handes Was there euer any signe shewed of violence or vniust dealing Whereas the enimies assaulting the Kings Cities and taking away the benefite of the Kings Edictes concerning Religion did all things with barbarouse crueltie in so much that they filled the streates of the Cities with deade bodies and caused the earth to flowe with innocent bloud Let men therefore iudge by the effectes who they bee that are worthy to be counted gilty of Rebellion Am I and my fellowes which haue armed our selues to defende and mayntayne the Kings Lawes made by solemne acte of Parliament so to be counted or our enemies who putting themselues in armoure without the Kings authoritie haue broken the Edictes spoiled Cities brought the Kings subiects to the slaughter and taking awaye the Kinges Edictes and specially that notable and worthy Edict of Ianuary haue made newe Edictes themselues Therefore if all the partes of this cause be vprightly wayed it shal be found that I and my fellowes are falsly accused of Rebellion of those which are thēselues rebelles in déed and of sedition by those which haue ben themselues since the dayes of King Henry the causes of all those troubles which haue afflicted the Realme also of treason by those which go about to oppresse the king depraue the Kings Edictes and abuse his name and authoritie to enriche them selues to his ruine and decaye They euen they are gilty of diuine treason against the maiestie of the liuing God whose actions haue alwais declared that Ambition is their GOD Couetousnesse their Religion and worldly Pleasures their felicitie who haue proclaymed open warre agaynst the sonne of God and agaynst the professours of his word who play the Anabaptistes rebaptizing infantes again who haue their houses full of rapines and their handes defiled with innocent bloud And they are gilty of humane trea son which contemne the Kings lawes kéepe the Kinge as a captiue beset with armed men on euery syde and which seeke the destruction of the King and the Realm And to conclude they are gilty of Treason which haue encouraged and brought the whole Realme to wickednesse and to oppresse the libertie of the Gospell and which doe bind the Kinges subiectes vnto them in seruice by an othe Those outragiouse kindes of wickednesse and horrible actes do crye that the Guises
and his fellowes are rebelles seditiouse and gilty both of Diuine and humane treason Contrarywyse it is euident that they are the true and faithfull subiectes of the King which stoutely withstand their rebellions seditions and wicked practises to ouerthrow the Kings authoritie and the state of the Realme Of the which matter beside the Arguments which I haue alleadged this also may be a testimony That they haue ouerthrowne the Law and Gouernement of this Realme and that in the Senate of Paris whose helpe thei haue abused in this false and perniciouse sentence of Rebellion And truely they could not haue found more wicked and corrupt mē and more seruiseable to their mindes who either had their offices by fauor of the Guises or else hoped to come to some preferment by them and many of the chiefe of them haue conspired with the Guises the lamentable successe wherof wée féele at this day And truly we must néedes confesse that among all the calamities with the which God hath afflicted this realme this one is the greatest that this Senat which ought to be the place of Iustice the refuge and Sanctuary of the oppressed and the brydel punishment of vice is so declined from his right natu rall vse that it looseth the raynes and openeth the gate to all Iniustice violence and to all vnbrideled wickednesse And for probation hereof I do not only bring in the manifold iniuries which they haue done to diuers the complaintes the cryes and the bloud of so many oppres sed condemned and slayne innocents by them but specially I bring forth this false and peruerse iudgement which thei haue denounced against vs which is an iniury done to a great number of men whose lyfe actions haue alwaye testified the reuerent obedience which we wishe might be giuen to the king But to the end those vniust Iudges might leaue nothing vndone they pronounced this sentence the cause not heard no matters discussed and the reasons of iustification not vnderstood also they being refused and the causes of the refusall or appeale being declared yet neuerthelesse they persisted in their purpose that all men might knowe how that in the Senat of Paris there ar no other Iudges but preposterouse opinions corruptions and hatreds that there are no other lawes than the contempt open violating of the Kings Lawes Edictes and of his approued customes And here I appeale vnto you which beare the name of Iudges What is it to deale vniustly corruptly if this be not so to deale ▪ For where is there any forme of Iustice obserued where are the reasons with the which they that are gilty are conuinced where is y auncient approued custome that one Iudge in one the selfesame cause ought not to be Iudge also plaintiue Wherfore haue you made your selues Iudges of those men which haue refused you to be their Iudges hauing so many reasons mouing thē therunto as there ar argumēts of iniustice in you And to speak truly are ye not iustly and vpon good and sufficient cause refused which haue thrust out of your society all those which yée thought would not condescend agrée to your conspiracies that is to say yée which by that your Edict put the sword into the hande of the furiouse and mad people against the law of God the law of man your own lawes and against the whole peace tranquillitie of the realm Who haue proclaymed the Ministers of the reformed Churches to be open enemies and traytors to the King whom notwithstanding the King had receyued into his fauour and which also vpon this condicion were sworn to the King. You truly which are growne to such boldnesse that by your Deputies Monsieur de Fay and Monsieur Chambo that ye durst say vnto the king that these words concerning the enterance into peace concord séemed won derfull vnto you and perniciouse and that ye would neuer allow these reasons cōcerning the making of peace betwéene mée my aduersaries to take away all doubt that ye were to me and to my fellowes mortall sworn enemies But what néedeth many wordes Let men cōsider the Metropolitane Citie of the kingdome in the which ye dwell let men consider the horrible cruelties which the people dayly commit before your eyes with your consent will and prouocation Let men consider the greatest part of you of the which many to the ende ye may the better shew your selues to haue cast awaye Iustice and rather to vse violence and force than the law are become of Iudges and Councellers or Senators soldiers and haue chaunged your pennes into swordes and your scarlet gownes into armour ye shewe your selues to be warlike Captaines and are openly séene in armour setting forward this kinde of wickednesse very far vnméete for your calling Let all these things be considered But and if rebells cannot iudge of rebellion and open enemies of peace tranquillitie of sedition also if the breakers of the kings lawes cannot iudge of traytours if I say they which are condemned themselues ought not to condemne others ye cannot deny but that those whom ye haue condemned haue iust and vndoubted reasons not onely to refuse you but also to haue you punished accordinge to your wickednesses committed Therfore al these things being iustly wayed in equall ballance shall euidently appeare to all those which shall bring to the discerning of this cause an vpright iudgement without preiudice although nothing be brought to defend my innocēcy the innocēcy of my fellowes against this vniust iudgmēt yet notwithstanding the matter is so apparant plain that it speaketh for it selfe and plainlye conuinceth the false and impudent sclaunders of the Iudges our aduer saries And this thing I leaue to all men to consider of what iust cause I haue to be gréeued séeing that I haue alwayes faythefully obeyed the commaundements of the King and Quéene for their defence and haue done so much as a man of my estate degrée and calling might doo for the peace and profite of the whole Realme and now to be recompenced with these rewardes as to haue my seruise done to y king called in question my obedience coūted Sedition This thing is not only greuouse vnto me but altogither intollerable And although they cannot touch me with that note of infamy which they lay vnto my charge yet notwithstandinge I professe and acknowledge that I haue a great desier to defend my estimation and credit and the estimation of my fellowes and will séeke by all meanes possible that our innocencie may appeare not only to our contrey men but also to people of forreine nations and that it may be remembred among all p●…sterities And because I perceaue that by so vniust a sentence pronounced against me and my fellowes and by the breaking of the lawes and auncient customes of Fraunce the way to attaine iustice is stopt against me that I can haue no hope to looke for the obseruation of the
maner of our elders The which is the only foundatiō of those things which haue happened since that time to the which all those things ought to be referred and brought as to the toutchstone that they may be discerned whether they be good or euill Those lawes and constitutions were deuided into foure principall heades 1 The first concerned the custodie and protection of the Kyng and the Gouernour of the Realme 2 The second concerned those which should be of the Kyngs Counsell for that time 3 The third concerned prouision for warre and all maner of Artillary 4 The fourth concerned Religion and the staying of such troubles as might ensue by occasion therof As touching the first vppon great causes and reasons wise waighed and considered the States or whole body of the Realme haue decréed that the Quéene the Kyngs mother shal haue not only the charge and custodie of the Kynges maiestie her sonne but the gouerment also of the Realme in her owne person and the same not to be put ouer to any other without her consent will and pleasure And this decrée of the States was confirmed and approued by Princes the Kynges kinsmen Also the States decréed that the Queene Mother should be by them so directed that she by her wise ordering and disposing of thinges should discharge the great debt which remained to be paied after the death of king Henry and Fraunces and so the people to be disburthened from such great exactions and payments as they had aforetime payed And that she for her part should endeuour her selfe to bring all thinges to their former state and condition and that the people might liue euery where in peace and tranquillitie The second principall poynt was concerning the Kynges Counsaile The which the States desired to haue furnished with men that were vertuous wise carefull for the Kyng and the Realme Therfore they thought good that the Kynges Counsayle should consist of such men as were not sworne to any forreyne Prince or power as Cardinalles Bishoppes Abbats all such which they call Ecclesiasticall persons both for that they ought to followe their ordinary and proper office and calling and also for the oth which they haue sworne and vowed to the Bishoppes of Rome concerning temporall obedience which haue ben oftentimes enemies to the Bishoppes of Fraunce Therfore they prohibite and disalow any of them to be of the Kynges Counsayle or that there shoulde come vnto that Counsell two bretherne or more together according to the example of other Parliaments Notwithstāding here thei except those which are Princes and the Kyngs kinsmen to whom it appertaineth without limitation of number by right to bée of the Kyngs Counsayle except the States haue any thing to obiect against them to the contrary Also they forbid such to be of the Kyngs Counsaile as haue had the ouersight vse and disposing of the Kyngs treasure vntill such time as they haue made their accompts And last of all bicause the Kinges Counsailers are bound to make account to the King of their iuste and lawfull counsaile and also to preserue and maintayne the Kinges treasure and when the Kinges treasurie hath smal store of money in it not to receiue of the King or to suffer to be giuen to any great and large gyftes the states do appoint and determine that all such giftes shal be reuoked and that so many as haue receyued such gyftes be constrained to restore them backe againe and in the meane tyme not to be of the Kinges counsaile Upon this second point dependeth the occasion of the ●…uill warre and sedition which at this day shaketh and violently assalteth the whole Realme of Fraunce the Guises the Constable the Marshall of Santandre perceyuing that they by thys meanes should not only be exclu ded out of the Kinges counsaile but also be constrayned to restore those giftes againe which they haue receyued of the Kinges thereby greatly in riched themselues And so they haue ioyned themselues and cōspired togyther specially to hinder and frustrate that decrée It is no new thing that giftes which Kings haue bestowed contrary to the lawes appointed should be nothing regarded not only of the States which are chiefe in authoritie in the tyme of the Kings nonage but also of the ordinary Iudges of the exchecker by whose indgemēts the Kinges afore tyme haue ben put to great expences in gyftes contrary to the lawes of the realme Of these thinges we haue many examples as of the Constable Clisson in the dayes of Charles the vi who was depryued of his office because he had gayned by the seruyce of the King to the valew of sixtene thousand pound But there is greater and more vehement cause at this tyme why they which are bound by the decrée of the states should be called to giue an account of that which they haue receyued and seing that now there is found in the kinges Treasurie the sūme of 330000 poundes which was neuer séene before and yet the people at this present are more burthened with exactions and tributes than euer they were before And it is manifest that King Frauncis the first of that name which had diuers warres for the space of thrée and thirty yeares paied for his discharge a great summe of money and toke not so great and so many tributes of the people lefte notwithstanding in his treasury a greate masse of money Therefore the states demaunde the cause of so great expence And because it is likely that they were spenders and wasters whose dutye it was to husband and increase the same the States vppon verie good consideration do desier to haue an account that restitution and allowance may be made of such vnmeasurable expences The which truly is the verie cause why those thrée haue brought the Realme of Fraunce into these troubles to ouerthrowe those decrées of the states that the same may appeare most true which we saide before namely that they conspire not for religiōs sake but for because they are couetously and ambitiously minded which Religion notwithstanding they take for a cloake to couer and hyde their wickednesse withall The third principall point of their costitutions is this The States would haue it in their power and authoritie during the tyme of the Kinges minoritie to order and appoint warres and at their pleasure to commaund the subiectes to arme themselues Because before they take warres in hand they should vnderstand the causes thereof and by what meanes they might be appeased Therfore also they would haue this authoritie that they which haue prouoked the people to Ciuyll warre might be made knowne to be the authoures of all the calamities and detrements which come by these warres The fourth principal point is that which concerneth Religion by which the states haue decréed that there must be a difference made betwene the cause of Religion and the cause of sedition in so much that for Religions sake no man ought to be condemned
beloued Brother when he shall come vnto that age that he shall be able with equity to Iudge of these matters It wil serue also for the lawful protection and preseruation of me and of my people And to be short by the great goodnes of God it shal be an occasion of more firme and sure peace betwéene me and my well beloued Brother the King of Fraunce that eyther of vs may peaceably vse our libertys And this one thing also I most earnestly say and affirme to my beloued Brother the King of Fraunce to the Quene his mother to the King of Nauar and to all his faithfull Counsaylers and seruantes That I whatsoeuer any mallicious person hereafter shall report will deale in this matter with such sincerity and integritye as both the thing it selfe and the tyme shall require and will vsurpe nothing to my selfe nor offer iniury and violence to any one of his subiectes And this I protest before God his Angelles and before all men in the vniuersall world that my full mind intent is in these extreame and perillouse times to deliuer the subiectes of my brother the Kyng of Fraunce from the destruction lyke to come by these Ciuil warres séeing that I imbrace the peace and concord made betwéene me and my Brother the Kinge I will omitte no occasion to set him in hys former lyberty and to restore peace and tranquilitye to his people The which shall come to passe when it shall please God to giue a better mind to the authors of these troubles and to make them content with that which is their owne that they may both kepe them within the limites of their duty also as good subiectes to be louers of peace The which at this time ought specially to be sought for namely rather peace and concord by the con sent and agrement of the Christian Princes and states than to sturre vp lamentable warre among Christians by fier and swerd About this time there was a certaine writinge of all the Princes of Germany that were protestantes sent to those armies of horsemen and footemen which seruid the Guise vnder the conduct and charge of the Rokendolph to this effect following All the Princes Electores protestants of the sacred Empire will and commaund this thinge to be notified and declared to all the Germaines which serue the Duke of Guise vnder the conducte of the Rokendolph ▪ being by him dereyued which Guise abusing the age and authority of the king of France would abuse your handes and power to be instrumentes to ertyrpe and destroy all those which professe the Gospell And although the horrible murthers cruelties of the Duke of Guise of his Brother the Cardinall and of the rest of his fellowes haue ben openly shewed vppon al Christians louers of the truth yet notwithstāding you which we heard of to our great griefe are ready to helpe aide the Duke of Guise And besides this it is euidently knowen to all men that the Rokendolph your Captaine is banished discredited and openly proclaymed a traitour by the publique iudgement and solemne decrée of the Emperour and of al the states of the Empire for his false betraying of the Germanes into the handes of the Turke notwithstandinge ye beinge deceyued by their wonted guiles and subtill wordes haue agréed to go with him into France and at this time also are ready to obey him and to do whatsoeuer he will haue you whereby it is plaine that ye wil forsake al christian faith and charity and loue of vertue and praise for the Duke of Guise and for the Rokendolph your captaines sake such an example gyuen hereby as hath not bin heard of heretofore amōg the Germanes For these causes we will and commaund you being admonished by this writing and do exhorte earnestly require all and euery of you which haue anie regard to your good name and fame and haue hitherto bin deceiued by the fraud and subtilty of the Rokendolph that ye take héede and haue regard to the great infamie and reproch which you shall sustaine hereafter that you forsake out of hand your Captaine the Rokendolph and the Army of the Duke of Guise whose principal purpose and intent is to roote out and destroy Christians whom we mind to defend with all our might and power And therefore whatsoeuer he be that shal refuse to obey this our commaundement let him be well assured that hée shal haue the same punishment of ignominy and shame that the Rokendolph hath Let all men knowe this for a suertie ¶ These letters greatly troubled the mindes of the Germanes of which the greatest part of the Guises armie consisted but the vnder Captaines and Centurions being corrupted for the most part with money they litle or nothing preuailed Notwithstandinge a fewe vnder the charge and conduct of Countie Waldech forsakinge the Guises armie came to Orleans to the Prince of Conde The Duke of Guise hauing good successe in his busines according to his mind and contrariwise the Prince of Conde comminge daylye more and more into farther extremity many forsoke the prince of Conde amōg which were many noble men who by the Guises commaundement were peaceably receyued notwithstanding with the reprochful name of Quillebedouius which signifieth a Trayterous coward These startawaies had the Kings letters of warrant giuen to euery one of them in maner and forme as followeth Thomas R. or J. B. or els such a one hath declared vnto vs that he was perswaded to put himself in armour thinking it to be done vpon his allegance and obedience towards vs bicause he was tolde that we the Quene my Mother were captiued and to this end he hath followed those which haue taken many of our Cities And for these causes he is condemned by the sentence of our Iudges to dye and his goods allready brought into our treasury and his house straightly watched and warded to the which he dare not come but by our gratious benefit and helpe the which he moste humbly requireth We therefore vppon consideration of his mind and pur pose which he saith and of the which we are certyfied also shal be to liue euer hereafter in our obedience and also to the end we may gratefie the requestes of certain of our faithfull seruantes For these causes and for dyuers other great and waighty causes also mouinge vs herevnto we haue permitted and graūted and by these presentes do permi●… and graunt to the sayde T. R. although he hath borne armour and hath contributed money to ayde those which as enemies haue armed themselues in this our Realme against vs and for the establishing of the new Religion or hath otherwyse holpen and furthered seditious persons with their aduise and counsaile and hath gone to besiege Cities without and contrary to my will and pleasure that it may notwithstanding be lawful for him to go home to his house and peaceably to enioy his goodes and for none of all those faultes to be
Moreouer bicause the Germanes which came to ayde them vnder the conducte and charge of the R●…kendolph the Rheingraue vnderstanding some what of our cause refused to warre against vs they deuysed a new practise and brought the King and Quene into their Army to couller hereby al that they had done Neither do they omit any subtiltie or crafte to allure straungers to ayde them and yet notwithstanding they deryde and scorne the Germanes and their Religion as though they for the gredines of money came into Fraunce to subuert and ouerthrow the Gospel which before in their owne countrey they had defended with perill of their lyues And they impudently lyed and fained vnto them to bring the confession of Ausburge into France which they said they had done long a go if so be I had not bin a let vnto them Besides these thinges they obiect against me mine most shameful slaunders saying that we are Rebelles destroyers of the worshippe of GOD vsurpers of the Kinges Crowne possessores of the Kinges Cities and treasure Heretiques Anabaptistes Atheictes without any Religion or faith With these and diuers other like crimes they do so fasty sclaunder vs that we appeale to the consciences of our aduersaries if they haue any conscience at all But by the grace of God we haue a firme and sure testimony of our Religion that is to saye the confession of the reformed Churches so euidently declared and offered to the King to the Quéene to the Kinge of Nauar to the Princes the Kinges kinsmen and to al the kinges Counsaile as they can testify which now go about to suppresse the same and sealed with my hand with the handes of a great nomber besides which also we doubt not to seale with our own bloud The which as it ought ●…o stoppe the aduersaries mouth so also it ought to s●…oppe their eares to whom our aduersaries are not afeard to sclaunder and backebyte vs. But and if the life and manners of both partes if the effects of our Religion be compared with our aduersaries although I will not altogether excuse our selues frō many sins yet notwithstanding this I say that our life by ●…he grace of god is not defiled with blasphemies with whordome with impieties with horrible lustes against nature as the life of many of our aduersaries is which notwithstanding call them selues Catholiques glory in those filthy crimes As for Heresie and Anabaptisme we are so farre from them as it is manifest that our aduersaries are giltie in them and haue ben by vs proued so to be Can they cléere them selues of Anabaptisme which haue rebaptized those infants that were baptized in the reformed Church which is an herisie in all times reprobaled and condemned also by the Decrees and constitutions of Counselles And as for the worship of God we haue not abolished the same for the defence whereof we are ready to spend our liues desiring uothing more than to haue the same purged in the Realme of Fraunce by the puritie and truth of the Gospell from so many superstitions and also that it would please God to illuminate our King with the pure know ledge of his word to blesse the Scepter of his youth and also to deliuer him from all corrupt Tutors masters But how shamefull a thing is this for the Cardinall of Loraine to make as though he loued the confession of Ausburge the which he vtterly refused to allow in the disputation of Possi And it may appeare what loue hée and the rest of them beare toward that confession by y horrible murther committed at V●…ssi As for the Cities which they say we possesse they haue not hitherto disobeyed the kyng neyther will they hereafter so long as they obey my commaundements And whereas they obey not our aduersaries the cause is least they being at their commaundement should be vtterly destroyed The Kynges money also is kept from their hands least they hauing the same should spend it vppon warre against the Kyngs subiectes But whereas they say that I go about to vsurpe the Crowne of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 actions of my life past frée from ambition and 〈◊〉 and my handes pure from innocent bloud do so playnely proue this to be a false lie that I am fully perswaded that no man of sound iudgement will approue the same When as ou the contrary par●… al men know by what and how many meanes my aduersaries haue gone about to trouble and molest al the whole Realme by ambition and couetousnes and haue so inriched thēselues that they haue made a plaine and ready way to ●…et the Crowne To put away the suspicion whereof they can neuer bring sufficient reasons the effectes of their desires being so manifest the euents also so lamentable that they shall neuer be able by any maner of meanes to hide them All men sée since the time that they haue had the gouernement in their handes they haue brought the Realme into so great troubles that it was neuer in so miserable an estate being brought all most to ruine extreame destruction the King brought into great debt and his subiect●… oppressed with tributs and customes There is yet another exquisit lie deuised by the same Cardinall For he is not afeard to giue out to diuers straungers by his letters that the Kyng and Quéen hauing established and confirmed the assurance of the common faith do giue pardon to all th●…se that will put of their Armour go home to their owne houses and liue there without offence But none of al these thinges are contayned and set downe in the forme of any Edict or Rescript for they are but deceitfull baites and snares to intangle men with all and so are they to be counted Dayly many men are both cast into prison and also put to death and that for no other fault but only because they professed the reformed Religion which they make The cause of Sedition of Conspiracie of vnlawfull assemblies and of the breaking both of Gods lawe and mans lawe And being not contented with so great bloud shed knowing that many haue escaped the crueltie of their Decrées they haue caused the Bishoppes their Popish officers to publish and thunder out Excommunications giuing charge that they which knew any of the Kynges officers which came either to the publique or priuate sermons of the reformed Churches to the administration of the Lordes Supper to their prayers or to any other rite or ceremony contrary to the church of Roome or if they knew any that did either eate or drinke with those preachers that they should within three dayes after disclose their names And of late also they haue published a Decrée In the which they commaunded and do commaund ▪ That so many as are come from Orleans Lions Burges Roane Poictiers and from other Cities which are kept at my commaundement to Paris and that all men or women of the reformed Religion should be taken and punished accordinge to the forme of the
sodayne punishment of Merae which was so spéedy that hee had not leaue to come before the Iudges according to order of Law to haue the accused present before the accuser Now concerning the peace it was reported of euery where euery one reioyced because of the same yea the naming of peace was pleasant in the eares of all men euery one hoping that so great troubles and calamities were now at an end Notwithstanding the Protestants greatly m●…ruelled what the Prince of Conde ment to agrée vnto those slended conditions séeinge the principal heads of their enemyes were destroied some taken and the ●…ost 〈◊〉 discouraged whereas on the contrary part the Prince of Conde had now the lawfull gouernment of the Realme and many couragions captaines to take his part whereby they were like to haue ●…etter successe than euer they had Moreouer the Admirall in No●…ndy and Monsie●… Cu●…sol in Languedoc prospered very well notwithstanding by letters sent to him from the King and from the Prince of Conde concerning the Edicte and to Monsieur Cursol also which was then besieging of the Castell of Pyle they vnarmed themselues imbraced the peace And the Edicte was there by and by 〈◊〉 ●…ed and in al Townes also where the Protestants inhabited The Catholiques also were suffered fréely to go vnto their Cities and enioyed all thinges to them appertayning according to the benefit of the Kinges Edict Notwithstandinge at Bourdeux and Tholoze the Papistes made much a do about the receiuing of the Kinges Edicte in so much that the Protestants durst not go home to their houses but were faine to make often complaintes here of to the Kinge The English men by the sufferance of the Prince of Conde kept the Portele Grace which is a Citie bordering vppon the Sea in the edge of Normandy who refusing for certain causes of couenant betwéene them to go out of the Citie the Kinges armye remoued to besiege the same the Prince of Conde also himselfe being present with a great part of his army at the which the English men greatly marueiled thinking that he requited them not as they had deserued Notwithstandinge at theyr Quéenes commaundement they departed from thence vppon certaine conditions a League being made betwéene the King of France the Quéene of England Both Armies also of the Germanes went home almost in euery place men wholy vnarmed themselues notwithstanding certain of the Guises armye and of the Prince of Condes also wer reserued stil in their armour for another purpose as shal be hereafter declared The end of the second part ¶ The thirde parte of Commen taries Conteyning the whole discourse of the ciuill warres of Fraunce vnder the raigne of CHARLES the nynth Translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Tymme Minister Seene and allowed Imprinted at London by Frances Coldock And are to be sold at his shop in Pawles churchyard at the signe of the greene Dragon 1574. The Table for the third part A ABbay of Saint Florent burnt page 201 Actes in the time of the Kyngs progresse 46 Admirall accused by the Cardinall of Loraine 11 Admiralls purgation 13 Admiral cleered of the Guises death by the Kings sentence 47 Affaires of the lowe Conntrey 77 Agreement betweene the king and the Duke of Orleans 40 Amanzi slaine 131 Answere of the faithfull to the oth which they should take 124 Andelot commeth to the Prince of Conde with a great armie 174 Andelot passeth ouer the Riuer of Loyer 176 Andelot ioyneth with the Admirall 176 B Battaile woone by the Protestants at Auuergnoys 107 Battaile in the which the Prince of Conde was slaine 208 Brotherhoodes of the Papistes 43 Brissiac slaine 215 Boysuerd slaine 175 C Cardinall accuseth the Admirall 11 Cardinall taketh foolishe and ●…ain journeyes 70 Cardinall of Loraine practiseth too take the principall protestās 118 Cardinall of Loraine practiseth too take the Prince of conde 121 Cardinall S●…astillion fleeth into England 162 Church of Lions diuersly vexed 50 Chartres besieged 108 Charite besieged and taken 221 Cities and Townes which tooke part with the Protestants 107 Cities yeelded to the Prince of Con de 174 Cipiere cruelly slaine 119 Conference betweene the Nobles and the Duches of Parme. 86 Conspiracie of the Papistes to destroy the Gospell 92 Constable slaine 102 Countie Panpadon slaine 215 Counsell of Trent traueileth to hi●… der the Gospell 23 Congregatiou of the Protestants at Pamiz 37 Craftie disposition of the Queene Mother 11 D Death of the Prince of Condes wife 41 Death of Ch●…els Sonne to Kyng Philip. 162 Death of the Lord of Morueile 227 Death of the Duke of Deuxpons page 223. Declaration of Rossilion gaue a great ouerthrow to the Edict 50 Descriptiō of the Dukes camp 223. Descriptiō of the princes army 224 Discipline appointed by the Prince of Conde 164. 165. Duches of Parme causeth an assembly of states 83. Duke of Alba commeth into Flaūders with the Spaniards 94. Duke of Aniou marcheth toward Loraine 106. Duke of Aniou put to the worse in fight 193. Duke of Deuxpons promiseth aide to the Prince 197. E Edict wrested by the Anuil 5. Edict falsely interpreted 27. Edict enterpreted 45. Edict against the Gospel 106. 177 Edict collerably made by the Catholiques 112. Edict not obserued 115. Edict of peace 300. England a fuccor to Fraunce 109. Endreau reuolteth 212. F Fortresse built at Lions 49. G Germans take both partes 196. Gouernment of D'anuil ouer the Churches of Languedoc 3. Gospell begynneth to florishe in ●…launders 77. Guyses seke to disturb the peace 20 I. Impunitie for the murder done at Towers 69 Images in Flanders go to wrack 85 Iniuries done to the Protestantes pag. 60. 113. Interdiction of Sermons 48. K Kinges progresse with the causes thereof 38. King commeth to Lions 48. King commeth to Languedoc 74. King Philip certified of the increse of the Protestantes in the Lowe countrey 79. King and Queene remoue to Paris 97. L Letters of the king to the Prince of Conde 67. Letters of the Prince to the K●…ng page 98. 132. Letters of the papistes intercepted page 130. Letters of the Queene of Nauar ●…o the Kinge 168. to the Queene mother 169. and to the Cardinal of Borbon 173 Lett es of the Queene of Nauar ●…o the Queene of England 187. Letters pattens from the Pope 184. Lord Boccard dyeth 216. Luzig surrendered 241. M Messenger sent by the Prince of Cō de taken 162. Merindol apointed for the exercise of the reformed religion 73 Monsuer Cure slaine 44. Monsuer Saltane displaced oute of his office and Monsuer Lossay succedeth him 50. Mons. Cochay taken and many of his men slaine 197. Mons Mouens and his souldiours slaine 186. Motton commaunded to be hanged by the Anuil 6. Murders most horrible 119. Musters of Souldier●… 130. N Niort besieged 237. Noyers wonne 198. O Oth of the prince of Nauar. 212. Oth collerably made 130. Order of gods f●…ruice in Nemaux ●… P Papistes brag of
all Fraunce to the great griefe and hart sore of the Papistes for whose cause especially they had procured this exposition of the Edict Wherefore he departing thence went first to the Countrie of Orange and afterwardes at the Quéene of Nauarres commaundment he came to Bearn to confirme and set in order the Churches and Congregations that were there The Papistes now began to mocke and laughe in their sléeues to sée this Declaration gyuen out by the King and published abroad in open writing whereby it was made manifest what an ouerthrow was gyuen to the Edict and being in a brauery and al vpon the hoigh set day and appointed the time and that with threatnings when as it should be vtterly abolished and quite done awaye and warrantinge them selues vppon this beginning they euery day more more without checke violated the Edict There be also new deuises put in practise whereby they might entyce and allure the Prince of Conde from the reformed Religion This fetch was practised before by the Cardinal of Loreine against the king of Nauarre and had preuayled therefore he thought good to proue and trie once againe against the Prince thinking with himselfe that hée might as easely and with the same deuises wherewith he had ouercome the king of Nauar winne also vnto him the Prince of Conde the Quéene of her selfe was ready and desirous to take this matter in hande many other meanes there were that séemed as it were to profer their helpe for the accomplishmēt thereof The Prince of himselfe was of a myld and soft disposition desirous of peace and euen glutted with the lothsomenesse of the former warres and being altogither bent to kéepe and maintain peace did from his hart abhorre and detest strife and contentious troubles Wherefore hée was much and often at the Court and very familiar both with the King and the Quéene hys mother The Guises also of set purpose séemed not too come so often to the Court nor to be in such fauour with the Quéene as they were wont to bée and all for the Princes sake to win whom there was no fetch no deuise no subtiltie left vntried The Quéene her selfe vsed very often and louingly to shew the deare good will she bare to the Prince and told him that of her self and for her part she dyd fauour and loue him that it was should be both the Kings and her will mind to estéeme and loue as right reason required the Princes their néere kinsmen in their degrée and place that there was good cause why there should bee more néere and dea●…e friendship betwixt her and him aboue all others that he should not thinke that any thing had or might hereafter happen that should stay or s●…ack the true and perfect good will she bare him so that he would doe his dutie let no occasiō slip that might aduaunce and enlarge the glory and honour of hers his And many other trayns were intermingled with this talke whereof that subtil and alluring woman thorough her courtly trickes and baytes had great store Beside this there were more particular promises made and that olde forged deuise was renewed of the yéelding and gyuing vp of the I le of Sardina which had ben diuers tymes before that offered to the King of Nauarre and was now agayne promi●…ed to the Prince by the Quéen and that in the name of the King of Spayne And that it should not be thought that the matter were but triffled withall in wordes ther were many great gifts bestowed vpon the Prince and his Children Mariage also was attempted that there might be a more sure band and coniunction of amitie amongst them The Marishall of Saint Andrew a man of excéeding great wealth being slayne in the battayle of Dreux had left behind him one onely daughter who was heire of all those goodly and ample possessions To her beinge almost mariageable the Quéene went about to couple the Prince of Condies eldest sonne who was then called the Duke of Augnien the mother of the gentle woman doing all she could to bring that mariage to passe And although the honour and nobilitie of the two howfes were nothing like equall yet the Marshialles daughter had great aboundance of ritchesse on her side which surely is the thing that striketh the strok and beareth greatest sway in marriage matters now in these our dayes wherein men are altogyther gyuen to get wealth and riches The Prince himself was not very vnwilling and therefore kept company very fami liarly with the widowe the Marshialles wife and great curteousie was exercised betwixte them The Marshalles wyfe gaue vnto the Prince of Conde a very fruitfull and beautifull place called the Territory of Ualeri and the Marishiall him selfe had bestowed there for the trimming and beawtifying of it much rickes which King Henry had giuen him in giftes and rewardes this place dyd shée giue vnto the Prince withall the right Title and possessions thereto belonging the Quéen ratifying and allowing the matter very well wherefore euery man looked euery day when that mariage should be solemnized And who in the Courte then but the Prince of Conde who as the nature of man is to slyde and fall through ill companie from exercise and vertuouse trauaill to pleasure and idlenesse began contrary to the institution of the reformed religion and good conuersation to gyue himself to the wanton desire and lust of women and tasting very licentiously of the baytes snaring traynes that were layde for him séemed euery day more and more carelesse of that good and vertuouse Matrone his wife who was of the howse and family of Roye and waxed cold and faynt in the profession and defence of the reformed religion to the great grief feare of all good men but to the great ioy of the papistes who made their vaunts and crackes saying that the Prince would daunce the same daunce that his brother the king of Nauarre had lead defore him And surely there was great likelihood of most lamentable and sorrowfull decay and ruine had not the mercyfull prouidence of god speedely preuented it as hereafter in his place shal bee declared In the vttermost part of the prouince of Languedoc in the way as they go to the mountaines Pyren●…es there is a Citie called Paniez a very rich and populous towne This towne was kept and holden by the Protestants in the time of warre but after that Truce was taken and peace concluded and that Monsieur de Anuill as wee haue before declared was come into Languedoc and had euen wearied all the cities thereof with his outragious and vnruly garrisons the Inhabitāts of Paniez foreséeing their own daūger by other mennes harmes wrote vnto Monsieur de Anuille desiring him that hée woulde not presse and charge them with néedlesse garrisons whereof there should be no need nor vse séeing that they were and would be ready prest to obey all his commaū dements and did purpose truly
Spanishe King their neighbour if so be that the reformed religion dyd take place there Wherefore the Quéene burst not openly disalowe those executions done vpon the Papistes but woulde rather when the Protestantes came to complaine to hir praise them and make as thoughe she liked very well of them and all to shewe what desire she had that lawe and Iustice shoulde be administred to euery man equally without partialitie At the earnest importunate sute of the Protestantes one place was chosen oute of all that Prouince for the assemblyes to haue the vse and administration of the reformed Religion ▪ but it was inconuenient by reason of the vneuenesse and crookednesse of the way to Merindoll Notwithstanding by the great prouidence of God it came to passe that the same place which a little before had receyued the trueth of the Gospell in the darke and dusky dayes of papistrye and had suffered much calamity for that cause should by the Kings Edict be made a receptacle and mansion place for the Gospell and the faythfull and thereby made very famouse and noble Therefore the faythfull came out of all places of Prouance to Merin dol hauing frée libertie to heare the word of God. After this the King came to A●…inion that fr●…m thence he might goe into Languedock And as he traueiled he was very princely receyued of euery Citye wherethorough he passed and had very large and stately gyftes gyuen vnto him of the which to make relation pertayneth not to our purpose When the King was come to Nemaux there came thyther a great multitude of protestants making great mone and lamentation in so much that the crying and pitiefull voyce of the people came to the house wher the King lodged who might heare them crying and calling for Iustice of their soueraigne Lorde and requiring of the Christian King the libertie of the reformed Religion This noyse of wéeping and crying was so great and so shrill in the Kings eares that the mynd of the yonge King at the hearing of the same was somwhat abashed and straightway demaunded what the matter was the standers by dissembled and excused the matter but hée with angry moode aunswered and sayde I sée that my people are euill entreated and turning to the Qué●…ne sayd How chaunce this people are not satisfied I will Lady sayeth he that this my people haue Iustice Notwithstandinge they by and by put in his head that they were seditiouse people which were wont after that fashion to do all things with tumult And then this multitude being dryuen away with violence by the Kinges Garde the Elders gouernours of their Church were called for and being come they were sharply reproued that thei had suffered the vnruly multitude to come thither in such tumultuouse order and were commaunded to deliuer their grief in wryting to the Maister of Requestes and to come to Montpellier to receyue an answere according to the same The like complayntes also were made by the men of Montpellier when the king came thyther but they with the men of Nismes were sent to Blitters and after this the churches of Blitters those thereaboutes making the lyke complayntes destring reformation had the lyke successe they being pu●… of from day to day and from one place to another The Constable being sore offended that so many cōplaintes should be made against his sonne d' Anuile And beside the infinite verations of d' Anuille which he brought vpon them the Senat of Tholoze left nothing vndone to make the cause of the reformed churches odiouse before the Kinge These were the mendes made for so great iniuries and this was the profit that ensued the Kings iourney THE new yeare brought with it a certeine rumour of the Kings progresse into Baione which was kept secret vntill this present tyme Therefore consultation being had of the matter with the chiefest of the Senate of Tholoze the king passing through Guian comming to euery citie came at the last to Baione in the moneth of Iuly Thither to her brother the king came Elizabeth wife to King Phillip of Spayne and was very pompously receyued of the whole Courte But the cause why Phillip her husband came not thyther with her notwithstanding that the same place bordered vpon his kingdome was as it is reported that the league concerning the destroying of the reformed religion might the more secretly be confirmed Others attribute the cause of his absence to ambition ▪ for that he would not séeme in any thing to séeke to the King of Fraunce Notwithstanding by the comming of Elizabeth that holy league as they termed it was ratif●…ed and established by which was ment as is aforesaide to banish and abandon the reformed religion And to the ende the Realme of Fraunce might be an vtter enemy to the professours of that religion the king of Spayn promised vnto the king of Frāce so great power and ayde as he could the lyke promyse also made the king of France to the king of Spayne both of thē promisinge one to the other to embrace obserue the doctrine of Rome with the rites cerimonies therof and to do all that they could to remoue take away all lettes and impediments to the same and so to take the next occasions offered to bring this matter to passe After the confirmation of this league to the ruin of the Church there followed lamentable effectes But notwithstanding the secret conclusion of this matter the prince of Conde and all the Noble men of the reforme●… Religion vnderstoode the same whose deathes hereby were sought Thus when the king had viewed all the Region of Guian he returned back agayne into that part of Frāce called by the Frenchmen Franc●…ys towarde the lat●…er ende of this yeare IN this yeare and in the next following there was truce taken betwene the Churches and the faithfull had some reste and breathing tyme notwithstandinge not without sustayning diuers iniuries Yea there wer snaring baytes layed and priuy platformes practised agaynst the Admirall and the Andelot which were espied manifestly reuealed and brought before the king but in vayne The kings longe looked for occasions to put their league in execution It shall not be from our purpose if we note certayne thinges concerning the affaires of the lowe Countrey called Belgio ▪ aboute this time for matters concerning religion both for that the cause is all one and also bycause the same Countrey bordereth vpon Fraunce notwithstanding obseruing the order of time we will inserte those thinges whiche specially appertaine to oure history Therefore ye shall vnderstande that this noble and plentifnll countrey was exercised and muche troubled aboute this time with diuers and sondrye contentious conflictes for religions sake Wherby we haue diuers examples set forth vnto vs of the wonderfull prouid●…ce of God in ordering and framing of his Churche quite contrary to humaine reason that is to say whereby we may plainly perceiue that the Church is not the
very carefull for his Sonne as well as for the citie made great mone to the Quéene Then the Quéen sent messengers to the prince of Conde to intreat peace promising vnto him that if he himselfe would the same should bée confirmed out of hand The Prince of Conde although nowe hée was in the way to preuayle greatly agaynst his enemies this noble citie being almost wonne yet notwithstanding reioysing more at this newes of peace very modestly aunswered the Quéen That there was nothing more deare vnto him than peace for the which cause also hée was constrayned to take this warre in hande And to the ende hée might appeare to speake in good fayth hée brake vp the siege The Quéene being glad at this beginning sente word agayne to the Prince of Conde to appoint what conditions of peace he would that the King might consider what was néedefull to be don both for his dignitie and also for the safetie of the Realme Shée desired also truce for certayn dayes This was a notable fetch of the Quéene both to deliuer the city frō perill and also disarme the Prince of Conde as the ende afterward proued Then the prince of Conde propounded the conditions of peace namely that According to the tenour of the Edict made in Anno 1562. the vse of the reformed religion should be receiued and imbraced that all added interpretations should be taken away that men might enioye the peace of consciēce and that such as should hereafter offer any iniury to the protestantes might not escape vnpunished This being done there was some contention about certayne particular pointes of the prince of Condes petitions notwithstanding at the last Peace was concluded according to the forme of those conditions which he had put downe and the same was confirmed by this Edict of the King. The King to prouide for his kingdome which hath bene hytherto ouerwhelmed with troubles and as yet is not free from the same with the aduise and consente of his mother brethren and of his priuie Counsayle after wise and diligent deliberation had of all thinges hath thus decreed and appoynted and therewithall straytly charged and commaunded the same to be faythfully obserued of euery one And first of all he willeth and commaundeth that the former Edicte of pacyfication made in anno M. D. LXVIII abyde firme in his full strength and vertue and that the men of the reformed religion so called vse and enioye the benefite therof and that all interpretations added to the same be voyd and frustrat also that the same exception which so straytly byndeth the noble men in their libertie of vsing the reformed religion be quight taken away Furthermore his maiesties pleasure is that the noble men which inhabite Prouance enioy the same benefite and that Merindoll only be reserued to the whole lieuetenantship That it be lawefull for all men of that reformed religion to retourne home to their houses and to enioy their goodes landes and tenements That the bearing of armoure nor any thinge else that hath ben done at the commaundement of the Prince of Conde or in his name bee called hereafter in question Also that all Edictes arestes sentences and decrees made agaynst those whiche haue done any of the sayd things be abrogated and quit taken away that neither the Sentences themselues nor yet their executions be iniuriouse to them or to their children Moreouer his maiesty professeth that he doth esteme and make account of the prince of Conde as of his nere kinsman and faythfull seruaunt and subiectes and also all those for his good and faythfull subiectes vniuersally and particularly which ayded him in this warre Also that he doth forgyue him all that money which he hath eyther taken out of the kings treasure or else out of the Church goods and in such wise that no man neuer hereafter shall demaund any thing of him or of them which haue spente the same In lyke mauner he pardoneth the coyning of money the making of artillery of gonpowder and of other munition for the warre Also it is the kings pleasure that those things which haue ben taken out of the reuenewes of farmes or of Cities from the beginning of this warre vntill the day of proclamation of this Edict which he willeth to be proclaymed in the Senate of Paris the third day after the making of the same and in al other Parliaments within eight dayes And he commaundeth al Lieuefenants of euery Prouince to see that this Edict bee proclaymed with all speede in euery place least any man should pretende ignorance He also commaundeth euery Parliament too proclayme this Edict out of hand and too Register the same without delay Notwithstanding his pleasure is that Paris and the liberties of the same shal be free from the exercise of the reformed Religion so called according to the tenour of the former Edict Furthermore he straytly chargeth and commaundeth all those of the reformed religion by and by after the proclamation of this Edict to vnarme them selues to render vp and restore those Cities whiche they holde and all such artillery as they haue and that al captiues taken in warre or for religion bee speedely deliuered after the proclamation if this Edicte And to the end the occasions of all troubles may bee taken away he willeth and commaundeth that the remembraunce of all those thinges done for the warres or for Religions sake be for euer forgotten and that no man be so hardie as to prouoke his neighbour by woord or deede for these thinges vpppon paine of death or to contend and dispute together about the same but too liue togither louingly quietly as it becōmeth friends and neighbours Also he commaundeth the men of the sayd Religion presently to breake and fossake all maner of Leagues and couenants which they haue made either within or without the Realme neuer to make the like hereafter nor to gather any collections and summes of money It shall not be lawfull for them to gather together any other assemblies than such as are permitted by the former Edict and that without armour It shall not be lawfull for them by any maner of meanes either in woord or deede to trouble Churchmen but to suffer thē to haue the vse of their goods and landes peaceable To conclude he willeth and commaundeth all his subiectes faithfully to obserue keepe these things vppon paine of his highnes displeasure and also that this Edict bee sollemly proclaymed according to custome This Edict came forth the xxiij day of the Moneth of March in the yere of oue lord M. D. LXUIII This was the end of this second warre which continued for the space of halfe a yere namely from the Moneth of October to march In the which there was nothing done worthy to be remembred sauing only that Edict of peace of the which we haue made mencion before The which was a notable platforme deuised by the Cardinall of Loraine to disarme the Prince of Conde and the
the time of troubles and that you thought that they had done all things vppon iust groundes and considerations Whervpō they conclude that the same sentence or decrée is so confyrmed by you the which is false séeyng the same decrée against Rapine was giuen forth the thirtéene daye of Aprill and therefore after the Edict made and proclaimed As touching the eyghtene braunch where you say That you are verye sorye that iustice is not truely and purely ministered as you desire and would haue it the which you could not hitherto remedy bycause the men of the reformed Religion had not so fully obserued the Edict as they ought all the Cities which they helde being not rendered vp when as your Maiestie your selfe had first of all giuen them an example of the obseruation of the Edict I would gladly demaund of the Cardinall of Loraine and his fellowes whether I forsoke and rendred vp Orleans by and by yea or no and whether at my commaundement the like was done at Auxer at Suessi and in diuers other places in these parts and as touching those cities which were farther of I demaund whether I sent not certaine with my letters to commaund them to sollowe my example in yéelding vp themselues But to be short if I haue pretermitted no thing which was my dutie to do and which I was able to do can it bée truely said that I haue kept my authoritie still ouer those Cities which are not surrendered To whome therefore maye you iustly impute the cause but to the Cardinall of Loraine who is the the very cause of all violence committed at Orleans at Suessi at Ualence at Cisteron at Auxer and at Saint Spirit the which cities being cruelly vexed haue notwithstanding shewed the principall part of obedience Was this way to cause other cities to surrender and to lay aside their armour Was the staying of the proclamacion of the Edict the waye too make the same too bee obserued Should not the Edict haue ben proclaimed before the men of the reformed Religion had ben punished for not obseruation of the same But they are so farre from desiring the obseruation of the Edict according to the prescript of your will that we haue found some of their letters cleane contrary too the same an example and coppie wherof we haue sent vnto you the letters them selues are in the hands of the Quéene of Nauar being writtē by the two Capitolles of Tholoz the Magistrate of a towne is so called to their fellowes saying that your Maiestie was sory that the Edict was not proclaimed at Tholoz because thereby the surrender of the Rebellious Cities would be delayed and therfore it was necessary for the commen profit of all men that the proclamation should bee made in the Parliament out of hand notwithstanding without any maner of solemnitie in the proclaiming therof and with those exceptions which the Court shall thinke méete But some wil replie and say that we must not haue regard to a fewe sedicious persons truly we would with all our hartes make no account of them if so be their sedicious counsailes were not effectually commaūded and yours reiected For it is most true that you were faine so send commaundement foure seuerall times before your Edict would be proclaimed and then it was not so ●…oolorably and fraudulently as maliciously and spitefully done adioyning to the woords of the Edict contrary to the expresse forme therof this sentence 〈◊〉 is contayned in the secret and priuie Commentaries of the Senate by the which words it is plaine that they haue inserted exceptions cleane contrary to the Edict Whereby it may euidently appeare that they are more carefull to defend and enlarge their owne dignitie than the preseruation of your Maiestie and authoritie As though their honour did depend vppon any other than vppon you and although they had any other authoritie to defend than that which appertayneth vnto you The which they shall not do so long as I can find any waye to hinder them And yet notwithstanding their Rebelli on and boldnes is so farre from reproofe that you haue written your letters at the sute of some to approue maintaine the exceptions and delayes in proclaiming your Edict Moreouer where as you say in the former braūch That your Maiestie hath in nothing broken your promise I pray you hartely giue me leaue to say that neither I nor any one of the reformed Religion haue felt as yet any frute or profit by this peace and haue enioyed none of those thinges which you haue promised vnto vs but haue felt the oppression violence shewed to vs ward since the peace made to be a great deale more than the hurt and detrement which we receiued by open warre Insomuch that in respect of our selues wee may truly say The time of warre was to vs the time of peace and the time now of pretended peace is to vs the time of most cruell warre Concerning the last braunch where you saye That it is very vnresonable and farre from the dutie of a good subiect to go about to abrogate the authoritie of your Maiestie but that you might when perill is like to ensue and for the auoyding of the destruction of one of your chiefe Cities to alter and change the places appoynted for preaching of Sermons and that you are fully perswaded that the reasons and considerations were such why that libertie was taken from Lions that I also wold haue approued them if I had bene of your counsayle I most hartely beséech your Maiestie to thinke that I would neuer so much forget my self and my dutie that I would but once haue a thought to deminish your dignitie but contrariwise I protest that I would moste gladly spend my life to séeke all meanes and waies that might enlarge the same Let your Maiestie call to mind also that this libertie of Lions is a matter of great waight which also was so greatly debated among vs when the peace was in question And it is wel knowne that the same matter hath bene handeled heretofore in your counsaile at Sangerman when the making of the Edict of Ianuary was in hand at which time were present the most principall of your priuie counsaile the chiefest men out of all your Courtes within this Realme of both sortes of Religion by whom after long disputation it was concluded that in the bordring Cities as in Mets Bolone Callece Ardes and in such other like places there shuld be a preaching place with in those cities to auoyd all occasions of lying in wait of treason Notwithstanding the Cardinall of Loraine and his fellowes will persuade if they can that they which séeke and require the precise obseruation of auncient constitutions and of the Edicts would abrogate your Maiesties authoritie and that they and their fellowes séeke to maintaine and enlarge the same when as in deede they would haue it quight abolished Furthermore it is contained in the former braunch That your Maiestie was
sory that your subiects would not perswade themselues of that securitie and peace which they should receiue from you and that they wold not obey you as it became them Truly I protest that there is nothing more gréeuous vnto me than that I cannot be with you and obey and serue you alone as I haue alwaies wished and do also at this present most earnestly desire But I pray and beséech you consider that if spies be dayly sent vnto me to vew my doinges and my house to sée if they can hurt me by any maner of meanes what peace and securitie should I haue if I were with you when my enemy hath in his owne hād the ordering of your power and authoritie Therfore if it be certaine as I neither ought nor can doubt that it is your will that your Edicts should be obserued and that the publique peace which you haue graunted and confirmed with an othe should also be of all men imbraced but contrary to your highnes pleasure your subiects are cruelly slaine and murthered throughout your whole kyngdome that fréely without redresse Againe if flat against your Maiesties commaundemēt Leagues be concluded Societies and Fraternities assembled souldiers mustered armour and harnesse made readie money leuied and all other things that belong to open and manifest warre be prepared if for law and Iustice Rapine and iniustice raigne and your Maiesty with contempt of all estates disobeyed and that which is more compelled to violate and breake your publique promise made to all your subiects vppon whom I say shall al these tormoyles be fathered but vpon the Cardinal of Loraine author mainteiner of al dissentions disorders which do so furiously rage thorow all this Realme And although your Maiestie and all those that are not wedded to the Cardinall do know this matter to be so as I haue said yet because it tendeth to the defacing ouerthrow of your graces honour in maintenance wherof I am more earnest because I perceiue the Cardinall hath long ago purposed to ouerthrow it he doth accuse both me and all other of the reformed religion and would with his wiles charge vs with treason and rebellion whereof hée him selfe is guiltie Wherefore séeing we cannot suffer so great iniurie any longer we are determined to dissemble no further in so great and so waightie matters for our longe and almost incredible patience and sufferance of wronges doth but puffe vp the Cardinall and make him to croe ouer vs And therefore to be short I beséeche yeur highnesse to consider what marke he shot at when he hys familie made claime and title to the Dukedome of Aniou and the Countie of Prouance what he ment so curiously to searche out his petigrée whereby he purposed to proue that he was of the bloud Royall of the lawefull Kings of France and that our Auncetours had wrongefully taken the Crowne from his house and vsurped it ▪ likewise I humbly des●…re your Grace to marke for what end and purpose they vsed such outrage and tyrāme in the time of King Fraunces the second to destroy raze out the houses of Burbon Momorencie and Chastillon whose destruction they had sworne and vowed long before with al other the Princes and Noble mē which they thought would set themselues to withstande their wicked attemptes and that this was their intent their dooinges of late sufficiently proued For as soone as it was talked abroad that the Quéen your highnesse mother was not like to liue here any longer foorthwith they tooke counsel and deuised how to murther the Cardinall of Burbon the Chauncelour the Marshalles and diuers other Noble men of your Counsaill and sente moreouer letters thoroughout the whole kingdome too their friendes to raise vp and gather togither souldiers to destroy all such as did in any respect disallow of their d●…inges But because this en●…prise could not be done vnder pretence of Religion for with that cloake they vse to hide all their mischiefs because they whose bloud they sought professed the same religion that they dyd they deuised a new snare to entray them in and charge them as earnest fauourers of the protestantes therefore to be expedient yea and necessarie to dispatch them out of the way for so might they with lesse laboure destroy the protestantes them selues Wherefore they terme them Neuters and say that they are worse and more hurtfull then the Huguenotes And if so bee the Cardinall could which God forbid bring his purpose to effect both against the princes and Noble men of the reformed religiō also against them which professe the Romish religion and yet fauour not their procéedings whom they call Neuters because they loue peace and hate trouble and dissention is there any that eyther would or could defend your maiestie from their cruell handes Is there any that could stay them frō rending your Crown of your Graces head which they say your progenitours haue vsurped vnlawfully against their auncetours Can your Maiestie require a more liuely representation or sufficient proofe of the Cardinals saucie ambitious boldnesse then that he shewed when hée tooke yoūr grace and your highnesse mother the Quéen wéeping and lamenting as captiues prisoners with open force of armes from Fountainblean to Melune from thence in tumultuouse hast to Paris and caused your Maiesties entrance into that famouse Citie to bée as dishonorable to your highnesse as it was wont to bée honorable and glorious to your noble progenitours Which his doinges haue ben the onely and true causes of the former wars other dissentions that haue euer since raged thoroughout your Maiesties Realme And may it not be easely proued how gréeuous your graces authoritie hath ben alwaies to the Cardinall and how continuallie he hath repyned at it and done what possible he could to draw your faithfull and loyall subiectes from their duefifull obedience towards your maiestie as may appeare in that his sute wherein he sought too haue Fraunces Duke of Guyse made one of the Princes of the Empire and got for that purpose a warrant frō the Emperour which he would haue proclaimed thorough all your Kingdome had not Monsieur Ausant Monsieur Halsede staied him who although they wer of one religion with him yet could they no longer dissemble or see so great in●…urie done to youre highnesse as though your maiestie could not protecte and defendea Cardinall as well as other your subiectes vnlesse he●… fled to the Emperour for succour by whom or of whom he hath I am sure nothing vnlesse it be a cankred Imperiall and not a true French hart towardes your maiestie whereof he gaue sufficient profe in the Councell of Trent where in stéede that according to his duetie he ought to haue kept and mainteined those prerogatiues that tyme out of mind haue ben giuen and graunted to the Kings of Fraunce your auncetours He I saye in steed of this his loyall duetie called them in doubt and question séeking by all meanes
caused all or most of his troupe to remaine still afore the sayd Castell to withstand that no man should enter till hée sent new forces from S. Flour whether as he spéedely repaired so he dispatched from thence certain numbers of footemen to ioyne with the troupe he had left afore the Castle with charge not to departe till it were taken M. de Sallians to whom both the place and charge belonged lay very sicke who in respecte of his small strength hauing not aboue sixe souldiours and withall doubting spéedy surcours made no great resistance but yéelded the Castle by composition to haue onely their lyues saued which albeit was faithfully promised yet trayterously performed because both her husband was killed and she led prisoner to S. Floure charged to be the onely cause of the lord of S. Hierans hurt The taking of the towne of Oryllac whereof is spoken before amazed greatly them of Auergne wherefore hauing gathered people from many partes determined to besiege it afore they within could haue meane to fortifie themselues And for this purpose the Lord Rocne●…onne Gouernour of Puy and the graund Pri●…r of Auergne with their regiment●… of footemen came to Mar zillas in Roargnes att●…ding ther as it was said certain cānons which should be sent from Rhodes to batter Oryllac In the meane while also the Lord de Saint Herā with no lesse diligence aduaunsed at S. Flour the other forces and also the Nobilitie of Auergne whom he summoned speedely to repayre thither Albeit hearing in the heat of his diligence of the princes comming to Argentall he let fall his enterprise The men of Auergne fearing the princes would sease vpon the low countrey called la Lymagne and there to winter in respect of the generall fertilitie of that place drew in troupes of paysants and cōmunalties into the straites of the mountaines by which they imagined the army should passe and there hewing down great numbers of trées bestowed them athwart the high waies to trouble the passage of the horsemen The rest of the countrey were bestowed by the lord de Saint Heran in townes and Castles to the ende they should not be sodenly taken the princes beguyled their opinion as not passing that way but directed their io●… ney ouer Dordone and so into Quercy and beneath Cadenat passed the riuer of Lot and so from thence arriued at Montauban in Nouember 1569. The Lord de Mirabell and Foulques ▪ hauing remained about Oryllac ●…nee the charge they had neare to Rolliat tooke way about this tyme with their troupes to ende their voyage who passing the Riuer of Lot beneath Cadenat and after they had trauersed the mountaines of Rouarges and Sauennes arriued without let a●… Priuas and Aulbenas townes in Viuarez holden by those of the Religion The siege continued all this whyle afore S. Iean de Angely where the King the Quéene mother and Cardinall of Lorraine were in persone The morrowe after that the breache of the Fort was assaulted the Kinge procured the protestantes to be commoned withall to the ende to render the Towne by composition Wherin they vsed this persuasion the rather to entice them that his Maiestie had determined to erect a puissant army to make war in Allemaigne wherein as they might steade that seruice in special turne so his Maiestie was carefull not to spill men of such experience and value otherwayes if they would not embrace his Maiesties offer and composition he would thunder vpon them all his forces till he had won the Towne They answered as before that they would not render the town till ther were a peace assured to the profit and quiet of the whole Rea●…e whereupon the King required to speake with the Lord de Personne as well in the causes concerninge the Towne as to send him to the princes in the meane and matter of peace Whereunto the protestants condescended and sent out of the Towne the Lorde de Personne receyuing in his pleadge and hostage the Lord de Guiteniers After the King had conferred with the Lord de Personne they grew to capitulations as followed First that if the Lord de Pilles were not succoured within ten dayes to render the Towne to the Kinge their liues and goodes saued 2 That for the assurance of this there shuld bée deliuered in hostage two Knightes of the order they to be sent either to Rochell or Angoulesme at the protestants choice 3 That during this space of the x. dayes truce should be betwéene them with charge that neither they should fortifie in the towne nor they without vpon their trenches nor yet approche the walles of the towne 4 Lastely that in the meane while the Lord de Personne should go to the Princes with a Gentleman of his Maiestie to treate of peace According to the which the saide L. de Personne with the Kinges Gentleman went to the Princes in the Gentlemans place the Lorde de Guitiniers was sent out of the towne to the campe They which the princes lefte as you haue heard at Sainctes to defend the towne maintained their charge till now And hearing that Sainct Iean d' Angely was in parley and at point to yéeld fearing with all that it was their lotte and turne to be besiéeged next They forsooke the towne retired to the other Garrisons which were thereaboute wherein the Kinge forgot not to embrace the oportunitie sending forthwith certaine companies to sease vppon it to the end that by that meane the way might be cloased from them of the Religion beinge at Angoulesme and Coygnac to go or come to Rochell Likewyse they of Rochell shoulde be bard to sende succoures to them The Lorde of Bricquemau laye all this while in the towne of Bo●…rg dieu in Berry as hath bin said by reason of his sicknesse During whose aboade there hys troupes made ordinarye warre vppon the Garrison of Chasteau-roux vpon Indre wherin the Lord of the place retained thrée companies of footmen for the catholikes Ther were often incursions and enterviewes betwéen them the same continuing almost sixe wéekes in which time were killed of the one and other side almoste two hundreth men After the saide Lorde Bricquemau was restored to health he retired in this moneth of Nouember with his troupes to Charite During the siéege of S. Iean d' Angely the Towne of Nimes in Languedoc was taken by the Religion the fiuetéenth of this moneth and by this meane there is a mylne in the towne neare to the walles and to make it grynde there comes a spring or fountaine not farre of through a sluse or creuishe in the wall dressed with grates or barres of yron They of the Religion in that Countrey practised intelligence with the miller by whose aide they pluckt vp by night the said yron grate and so conueyed into the towne by that creuish and channel about a hundreth souldioures who hid themselues within the myll attending the houre to execute their enterprise in the meane while they sent from
house and all the names of those of the Religion togither with the place of euery of their lodgings they put in bokes and wyth speede deliuered ouer the same bokes to those of whome they had receyued that commaundemente After noone the Quéene mother led out the King the Duke of Aniow Gonzague Tauaignes the Counte de Rhetz called Gondi●… into hir gardens called Tegliers This place bicause it was somewhat farre from resort she thought most fit for this their laste consultation There she shewed them howe those whome they hadde long bene in waite for were nowe sure in hold the Admirall lay in his bed maymed of both his armes and could not stir the King of Nauar and Prince of Conde were fast lodged in the Castle the gates were kept shut all nyghte and watches placed so as they were so snared that they coulde no way escape and the captaines thus taken it was not to be feared that any of the Religion woulde from thenceforth stir any more Now was a notable opportunitie saide she offred to dispatch the matter For all the chiefe Captaines were fast closed vp in Paris and the rest in other townes were all vnarmed and vnprepared and that there were scarcely to be found tenne enimies to a thousande Catholikes that the Parisians were in armour and were able to make thréescore thousande chosen fighting men and that within the space of one houre al the enimi●…s may be slayne and the whole name and race of those wicked mē be vtterly rooted out On the other side saith she if the King do not take the aduantage of the fitnesse of this time it is no doubt but that if the Admiral recouer his health al France will shortly be on fire with the fourth ciuill warre The Quéenes opinion was allowed Howbeit it was thought best partely for his age and partly for the affinities sake that the King of Nauars life should be saued As for the Prince of Conde it was doubted whether it were best to spare him for his age or to put him to death for hatred of his fathers name But herein the opinion of Gonzague toke place that he should with feare of death and torment be drawne from the Religion So that counsell brake vp with appoyntment that the matter should be put in execution the nexte night earely afore day and that the ordering and doing of all shoulde be committed to the Duke of Guise The Admirall being enformed of stirre and noyse of Armour and threatnings hearde euery where throughout the town and preparation of many things perteyning to tumult sent word thereof to the King who answered that there was no cause for the Admirall to feare for all was done by his cōmaundement and not euery where but in certayne places and that there were certayne appoynted by him to be in armour least the people shoulde rise and make any stirre in the towne When the Duke of Guise thought all things readie enough he called to him the abouesayde Marcell and charged him that he should a little after midnight assemble togither the masters of the streates whom they call Diziners into the townhouse for he had certaine strange and speciall matters in charge frō the King which his pleasure was to haue declared vnto them They all assembled bytime Carron the newe Prouost of merchauntes guarded with certaine Guisians and among the rest Entragne and Pnygallard made the declaration He sayde that the Kings meaning was to destroy all the Rebels whiche had in these late yeres borne armes against his Maiestie to roote out the race of those wicked men it was nowe very fitly hapned that the chieftaines and ringleaders of them were fast enclosed within the walles of the towne as in a pryson and that the same night they should first beginne with them and afterwarde for the rest assoone as possibly might be throughout all partes of the Realme the King would take order and the token to set vpon them should be giuen not with a trumpet but with tocksein or ringing of the great bel of the Palace which they knewe to be accustomed onely in great cases and the marke for them to be knowne from other should be a white linnen cloth hanged about their lefte arme and a white c●…osse pinned vppon their cappes In the meane time the Duke of Guise made priuie therevnto the captains of the Kings guard both Gascoignes Frenchmen and Switzers and bad them be ready to go to it with good courage Shortly after the Duke of Guise and the bastard sonne of King Henry commonly called the Cheua●…ier with a great band of armed men following thē went to the Admirals house which Cossin kept besieged with Harquebuziers placed in orde●… on both sides of the streat The Admirall aduertised of the stirre and the noyse of the armour although he had scarcely ten persons in his house able to beare harnesse and in his Chamber onely two Surgions one Preacher and one or two seruitors yet could not be made afrayde trusting as he oft rehearsed vpon the ●…ings good wil toward him approued by so many and so great meanes of assuraunce hauing also cōfidence that the c●…mmonaltie of Paris if they once vnderstode the King to mi●…ke of their mad furie how much soeuer they wer in ou●…rage yet so sone as they saw Cossin warding the gate they woulde be appeased He repeated also the othe for kéeping of the peace so oft openly sworne by the King and his brethren and their mother and entred in publike recordes the league lately made with the Quéene of Englande for the same cause the articles of treatie couenanted with the Prince of Aurenge the King●… faithe giuen to the Princes of Germanie some townes attempted and some takē in the lowe count●…ey by the Kings commaundement the mariage of the Kings sis●…er sol●…nized but sixe days before whiche it was not like that he would suffer to be defiled with bloude siually the iudgement of foraine nations and of pasteritie shame and the honor and constancie of a Prince publike faith and the sacred respecte of the lawe of nations all which it seemed monstrous and iucredible that the ●…ing could ass●…nt to be stained with so outrageous a crue●…l déede Cossin when he saw the noblemen drawe neare ▪ knocked at the gate which as is abouesaide he was commaunded by the Duke of Ani●w to kéepe Wherevpon many applyed the olde prouerbe A goodly guarde to make the Woolfe keeper of the shéepe When he was entred without in manner any difficultie he caried in with him a great companie of armed men and after those followed the great Lords Such as Cossin found at the entrie of and within the porch of the house he slewe with a partisan that he had in his hand ▪ Which when the Admiral vnderstoode he caused those that were about him to lifte him out of his b●d casting on a nightgown vpon him he rose vpright on his feete he bad his friendes and seruants to flee
sonne of Odou by the Frenche Kings commaundement which was not then vnderstoode whereto it tended the King of Nauarre hadde stayed in a Wardrobe adioyning to his owne chamber and caused ▪ them to lodge there all night A little asore daye hearing of the running of men and noyse of armour and cries and killings they rose in hast and immediately de Nance whō we haue before spoken of came to them and commaunded them in the Kings name to come downe into the court and to leaue their weapons behinde them and lastly to depart out of the Castle When de Pilles saw himself thrust out among the multitude of the murthering souldiers and behelde the bodies of them that were slayn he cryed out with a very loude voyce that the King might wel heare him protesting vpon the kings fidelitie and deteūing his trayterous infidelitie and therewith he toke off a riche cloake which he wore and gaue it to one of his acquaintance saying take here this token of Pilles ▪ hereafter remember Pilles moste vnworthily and shamefully slayn Oh my good Monsieur de Pilles sayd the other I am none of them I thanke you for your cloake but I will not receiue it with that condition and so refused to take the cloake and immediatly de Pilles was thrust through by one of the guarde with a partisan and dyed And this ende had this most valiant and noble Gentleman And then his body was throwne into the quarrey with the rest which when they that passed by dyd beholde the souldiers cryed out there they be that made assault vpon vs and woulde haue killed the king Leranne beeing thrust through with a sworde escaped and ranne into the Quéene of Nauarres Chamber and was by hir kept and preserued from the violence of those that pursued him Shortly after she obtayned his pardon of hir brother and committing him to hir own Phisitions who restored hym bothe to life and health While these things were in doing at Paris Strozzi which as we haue aforesayd was come with al his power to Rochel sent a great number of his Souldiers into the towne vnder coloure of a banket to be made to his friendes in the Castle called la Cheine but by reason of the iealosie and watches of the townes men by whome he sawe his treason was espied he went awaye without his purpose But they of la Charité which as we haue before shewed were trapped by the Italian horssemen taking lesse heede to the salfe keeping of their towne were a little before nyght surprized and within fewe dayes after put to the sworde The next day following where any that had hidden themselues in corners at Paris coulde be founde out the slaughter was renewed also common laborers and porters and other of the most rascals of the people desperate villaines to haue the spoyle of their cloathes stripped the dead bodies stark naked and threwe them into the Ryuer of Seane The profit of all the robberies and spoyles came all for the moste parte to the handes of these laborers and the Souldiers and to the Kings treasurie came very litle or nothing The onely gaine that came to him was that whiche might be made of the vacations as they terme them of offices of places of Magistates Captaines and other romes of charge whereof yet he gaue a great part freely away to diuers of the court For the Admiralles office he gaue to the Marques de Villers the Chancellorship of Nauarre after the murther of Francourt he by and by gaue Henry Memne de Malassise which had béene the truchman and messanger in the treatie of the last peace the office of the master of the Finances after the slaugheer of Prunes he gaue to Villequier the office of President des aides when Plateau was slayne he gaue to de Nully the other offices he solde as his manner is to such as gaue readie maney for them For it hath bin the custome now lately of certen kings of Fraūce such as amōg forein nations hath not bin heard of to put to sale al the profits rights and benefits of the crowne and to kéepe an open market for money of all iudiciall offices and of all the roomes belonging to his tresure and finances according to a rate of price set vpon euery one of them and there is not in manner one in all Fraunce that doth not openly iustifie that he bought his office for readie money and that no man ought to maruell if he desire to fill vp the emptie hole of his stocke againe And therefore Iustice is through all Fraunce vsually bought for money and though there be neuer so many murders committed yet is there no processe awarded to enquire thereof till present coyne be payde to the rakehels scribes This butcherly slaughter of Paris thus performed and foure hundred houses as is abouesayde sacked immediatly messengers were sent in post into all the partes of the Realme with oft shifting their horsses for hast to commaunde all other Cities in the Kings name to followe the example of Paris and to cause to be killed as many as they had among them of the reformed Religion These commaundements it is wonderfull to tell how readily and cherefully the greatest part of the Cities of Fraunce did obey and execute But the King fearing as it was likely the dishonour of false treacherie and periurie sent letters to the gouernours of his Prouinces and also spéedie messangers into England Germanie and Switzerland to declare in his name that there was a great commotion and seditious stirre happened at Paris which he was very sorie for that the Duke of Guise had raysed the people and with armed men made assault vpon the band that was assigned to the Admirall for his guard and had broken into the house and slayn the Admirall al his companie and houshold seruants and that the King had hardly kept safe from those daungers his owne Castle of the Louure where he kept himselfe close with his mother and hys brethren the true copie of which letters is hereafter inserted But the same most mightie and by the consent of all nations commonly called the most Christian King within two dayes after came into the Parliament accompanied with a greate trayne of his brethren and other Princes The Counsell being assembled he sitting in his throne began to speake vnto them he declared that he was certified that the Admirall with certaine of his complices had conspired his death and had intended the like purpose against his brethren the Quéene his mother and the King of Nauarre and that for this cause he had commaunded his friendes to slay the sayde Admirall and all his cōfederates so to preuent the treason of his enimies This his testification and declaration the King commaunded to be written and entred in the recordes of Parliament and that it shoulde be proclaymed by the heraldes and published by Printers And he willed a booke to be set forth to this effect that
amōg them nowe speaketh thrée wordes without moste filthy blaspheming and horrible execration of god Who can longer beare the vile vnchastities the bawdes and Ruffians of the Court Finally very nature it selfe doth nowe as it were expostulate with God for his so long sufferance and for bearing and the very earth can no longer beare these monsters Nowe as touching the Admirals supposed conspiracie who can thinke it likely that he shoulde enterprise any suche thing within the walles of Paris For in the Court there is continually watching and warding a garrison of the Kings and at the entrie of his Castle the guards of Gascoines Scottes and Switzers are continually attending and the King himselfe both alwayes before and specially at that time by reason of his sisters mariage had a great trayn of Princes great Lords noblemen and Gentlemen about him Moreouer it was well knowne that in Paris within thrée houres space might be assembled and put in armour threescore thousand chosen armed men specially against the Admirall whome no man is ignorant that the Parisians most deadly hated beside that the noble yong men that came thither with the King of N●…uar and the Prince of Conde by reson of the mariage and brought with them their wiues their sisters and their kinswomen thought at that time vpon nothing but vpon triumph and exercises of pastime and gay furniture of apparel and ornaments Finally at whither of these two times can it be likely that the Admirall attempted this conspiracie was it before he was hurt why at that time he founde the King his most louing or at least his most liberall and bountifull good Lord neither could he hope euer to haue a more fauorable soueraigne in France Was it then after he was hurte as though forsoth he lying sore of two so great woundes aged maimed of both his arms the one whereof the Phisitiōs cōsulted whether it were to be cut off accompanied with thrée hundreth yong men would set vpon thréescore thousande armed men or in so small a time coulde lay the plot for so great and so long and so haynous a facte for he lyued scarce fortie houres after his hurt in which time he was enioyned by the Phisitions to forbeare talke Againe if he had bene detected of any suche crime was he not committed to Cossin and to his kéeping and so enuironed all the wayes beset about him and so in the Kings power that if it had pleased the King he might at all times in a momēt be caried to pryson why was not orderly enquirie an●… iudiciall procéeding vsed according to the custome and lawes and generall right of nations and witnesses produced according to the forme of lawe but be it that the Admirall and a fewe other of his confederates and followers had conspired why yet procéeded the outragious crueltie vpon the reste that were innocent why vpon ancient matrones why vpon noble Ladies yong Gentlewomen and virgins that came thither for the honor of the wedding why were so manye women greate with childe against the lawes of all nations and of nature before their deliuery thrown into the Ryuer why were so many aged persons many that lay sicke in their beds many gownemen many Counsellers Aduocates Proctors Phisitions many singularly learned professors and teachers of good artes and among the rest Petrus Ramus that reno●…ed man throughout the worlde many yong students executed without hearing without pleading their cause without sentence of condemnation moreouer if the Admirall had ●…aine the thrée brethren who doubteth but that all cou●…eys al Cities all Parliaments finally all sortes and degrées of men would haue spéedily taken armour and easily haue destroyed all of the Religion hauing them enclosed within their towns and hauing iust cause to render to all foreine nations f●…r their common slaughters and killing of them As to that whiche toucheth the King of 〈◊〉 what cā be imagined more absurd and vnlikely had not the Admirall him foure yeares in his power ▪ Did not he professe the same Religion that the Admirall did which of those 〈◊〉 the Religion which of them I say as Cassius was wont to reason should haue gained or receyued profit by the killing of the King of Nauarre did not the Catholikes hate him and the Admirall coulde not hope to haue any man more friendly to him nor by any other mās meanes to haue reuēge of his iniurie Lastly in their houses that were slaine what armour what weapons were found by which cōiectures iudges vse to be lead to trace out a facte These matters wyse men throughout the towne of Paris commonly muttered But now to retourne to our purpose At such tyme as the Kings pr●…hibition abouesayd was proclaimed at Paris not only in other townes as at Orleance Angiers Viaron Troys and Auxerre the like butcheries and slaughters were vsed but also in the towne of Paris it selfe in the verye gaoles that are ordeyned for the kéeping of prisoners if anye had escaped the crueltie of the day before they were now tumultuously slayne by the raging and outraging multitude in which number were thrée Gentlemen of greate reputation captaine Monins a man very famous in marciall prowesse Lomen the Kings secretarie a man of greate estimation for his long seruice in the Courte and Chappes a lawyer neare fourscore yeare olde a man of greate renowne in the Courte of Paris And bycause we haue made mention of Angiers we thinke it good not to omitte the case of Masson de Riuers This mā was a pastor of the church and estéemed a singular man both in vertuousnesse of life and in excellence of wit and learning and was the first that had layd the foundacion of the Churche at Paris As sone as the slaughter was begon at Paris Monsorel a most cruell enimie of the Religion was tente to Angiers in post to preuente al other that might carie tidings of the murdering As sone as he came into the towne he caused himself to be brought to Massons house There he met Massons wife in the entrie and gētly saluted hir and after the maner of Fraunce specially of the Court he kissed hir and asked hi●… where hir husband was she answered that he was walking in the garden and by and by she brought Monsorell to hir husbande who gently embraced Masson and sayde vnto him Canst thou tell why I am come hither it is to kyll thée by the Kings cōmaundement at this very instant time for so hath the King commaunded as thou mayste perceiue by these letters and therewith he shewed him his dagge ready charged Masson answered that he was not guiltie of any crime howbeit this one thing only he besought him to giue him space to call to the mercie of God and to commende his spirit into Gods hande Which prayer as soone as he had ended in fewe wordes he méekely receiued the death offered by the other and was shot through with a pellet and dyed Now to returne to Paris ▪ the Admirals
all Seigniours Gentlemen and other his subiects vnderstand the cause of the murder of the Admirall and his adherentes and complices which lately happened in this Citie of Paris the xxiiij day of this present moneth of August least the sayd deede shuld be otherwise disguised and reported than it was in deede his Maiestie therfore declareth that which was done was by his expresse commaundement and for no cause of Religion nor breaking his edictes of pacification which he alwayes intended and stil mindeth and intendeth to obserue and keepe yea it was rather done too withstand and preuent a most detestable and curssed conspiracie begon by the sayd Admirall the chiefe captaine thereof and his sayd adherents and complices against the kings person his estate the Queene his mother and the Princes his brethren the King of Nauarre and other Lordes about him VVhereof his Maiestie by this declaration and ordinaunce giueth to vnderstand to all Gentlemen and others of the Religion which they pretend reformed that he mindeth and purposeth that they shall liue vnder his protection with their wiues and children in their houses in as much safegarde as they did before folowing the benefite of the former Edictes of Pacification most expressely commaunding and ordaining that all Gouernours and Lieutenants generall in euerie of his countreyes and Prouinces and other Iustices and Officers to whom it appertaineth do not attempt nor suffer too bee attempted any thing in what sort so euer vpon the persons and goodes of them of the Religion their wiues children and families on paine of death against the faultie and culpable in this behalfe And neuerthelesse too withstande the troubles slaunders suspicions and desiances that may come by sermons and assemblies aswell in the houses of the sayde Gentlemen as in other places as it is suffred by the sayde Edictes of Pacification it is expressely forbidden and inhibited by his Maiestie to all Gentlemen and others of the sayd Religion to haue no assemblies for any cause at all vntill his Maiestie hath prouided and appointed otherwise for the tranquillitie of his Realme vpon paine of disobedience and confiscation of bodie and goods It is also expressely forbidden vnder the paine aforesayd that for the foresayd occasions none shall take or retaine any prisoners or take raunsome of them and that incontinently they certifie the gouernours of euerie pr●…uince and the Lieutenante generall of the name and qualitie of euerie such prisoner whome his Maiestie hath appoynted shall bee released and set at libertie except they bee of the chiefe of the late conspiracie or such as haue made some practise or deuise for them or had intelligence thereof and they shall aduertise his Maiestie of such to knowe his further pleasure It is also ordayned that from hencefo●…th none shall take or arrest any p●…isoner for that cause without his Maiesties commaundement or his Officers nor that none be suffred to roame abroade in the fieldes to take vp dogs Catell Beefes Kine or other beastes goods fruites graine nor any thing else nor too hurt the labourers by word or deede but too let them alone about their worke and calling in peace and safetie At Paris the. xxviij of August 1572. Signed Charles and vnderneath Fizes THE KINGS LETTERS TO THE OFFICERS of Burges of the same argument that the former declaration was OVr trustie and welbeloued wee considering that vnder the colour of the death of the Admiral and his adherents and complices certaine Gentlemen and others our subiectes professing the Religion called Refourmed might rise and assemble together to the preiudice and hinderance of the tranquillitie which we haue alwayes desired should be in our Realme the doyng of the sayd murder being counterfeited and giuen out otherwise than it was VVe haue therefore made a declaration and ordinance which we send you willing you to publishe the same incontinently by sounde of Trumpet and setting the same vp in such places of your Iurisdiction where cryes and Proclamations are vsually made to the end that euery one might knowe it And although we haue alwayes bene diligent obseruers of our Edicts of Pacification yet seing the troubles and seditions which might arise amongst our subiects by the occasion of the sayd murder as well of the Admirall as of his companions we commaunde you and ordeyne that you particularly forbid the principals of the Religion pretended refourmed within your Iurisdiction that they haue no sermons nor assemblies either in their houses or in any other places to take away all doubt and suspition which might bee conceyued agaynst them And likewise that you aduertise such as dwell in the Cities of your Iurisdiction what you iudge meet to be done too the intent they myght in this poynt follow our mind and kepe them quiet in their houses as they may doo by the benefite of our Edict of Pacification and there they shall bee vnder our protection and safegarde but if they will not so retyre themselues after you haue giuen them warning then shall you set on them with all strength and force aswell by the prouostes of the Marishals and their Archers as others which you can-gather toogether by Bell ringing or otherwise so that you hewe them all too pe●…ces as enimies ●…o our Crowne Besides what commaundements so euer wee haue sent by worde of mouth eyther to you or others in our Realme whē we were in feare vpon iuste occasion knowing the conspiracie that the Admirall had begon of some mischaunce that might fall vnto vs we haue and do reuoke willing you and others that no such thing be executed for such is our pleasure Giuen at Paris the. xxx of August 1572. Thus signed Charles and vnderneath De Neuf-ville Published in iudgement REMEMBRAVNCES AND INSTRVCTIONS sent by the King to the Counte of Charny his general Lieutenant in Burgundie of the same argument THe King considering the commotion lately happened in Paris wherin the L. Admirall Chastilion with other Gentlemen of his side were slaine bicause they had mischeuously conspired to set vpon the Kings maiesties person the Queene his mother the Princes his brethren the King of Nauarre and other Princes and Lordes neare about them and vpon his estate and least they of the Religion called refourmed not knowing the true causes of the sayde rebellion shuld arise and put them selues in armes as they haue done in the troubles that be passed and deuise new practises fetches against the weale of his Maiestie and tranquillitie of his Realme if he should not cause the truth of the matter to bee knowne to all Gentlemen and others his subiects of the same religion how it passed and what his pleasure and mind is in their behalfes And thinking that for remedie hereof it is verie needefull for the Gouernours of the Prouinces in his Realme to go rounde about their gouernementes for this occasion he willeth that the Counte of Charnie greate Esquire of Fraunce and his Maiesties Lieutenant generall for the gouernement of Burgundie shall go diligently
cousin that the beste newes that I shall receyue from you shal be to heare say that you chastise those well of whome I am disobeyed And thus cousin I praye God too kepe you in his holy tuition VVritten from Paris the. xxviij of September 1572. Signed Charles and vnderneath Brulard REMEMBRANCES SENT BY THE KING too all gouernours and Lieutenantes of his Prouinces too put out and remoue all those of the Religion from their estates and charges although they would abiure the same sauing su●…h as haue but small estates and offices to whom his Maiestie permitteth continuāce on condition that they abiure the said religion according to the forme of abiuration sent for that purpose THe King considering how much his officers and Magistrates of Iustice and such as haue the administration and dealing of his Fynes and payments which be of the newe Religion are suspect hated and put his catholike subiects in greate mistrust if they should presently exe●…cise their offices after these freshe commotions for cause that the sayde offices be in their handes that now kepe them therfore least the people should therby be brought to a newe occasiō of stirre and they of the new religiō be in daunger or hazard of their own persons although they woulde abiure their sayd new religiō professe the holye faith and catholike Religiō of Rome his maiestie desiring to auoyde the new mischiefes troubles which may come hath aduised to discharge the said officers frō the exercise of the said offices vntill he shall otherwise appoint And yet neuerthelesse in the meane while if the sayd officers bee obediente vnto his will and liue quietly in their houses without attempting practising or ●…aking any thing in hande against his seruice they shall receyue th●…ir wages and they that will resigne their sayde offices too Catholike persons and come too his maiestie shall bee verie honorably prouided for And as touching other small offices without wages which can not bee troublesome as Notaries sergeants and suche where the officers haue none authoritie which cannot bee so odious nor mistrustfull to the people as the other his Maiestie is aduised that such small officers which will abiure the sayd newe Religion and professe the fayth Catholike Apostolike and Romishe and therin liue continually hereafter shall continue in the exercise and enioying of their estates but they that will continue in their newe opinion shal depart from their offices vntill his Maiestie hath otherwise prouided And this is for the greate mischiefe and inconuenience that may betyde them if they shoulde exercise their sayd estates bycause of the greate mistrust and suspition which the Catholikes haue conceyued of them of the newe Religion Neuerthelesse his Maiestie well considering that the moste part of the sayde officers haue none other way too liue but the exercise of their sayd offices willeth that they shall bee in choyse too resigne to Catholike and capable persons and then too come too him for that effect and he will graunt them the greatest fauour and moderation of his treasorie that is possible The which resolution and pleasure of his Maiestie he willeth to be declared to the sayd officers of the new pretended opinion as wel by gouernours and Lieutenants general of his Prouinces as by thē of his Courtes of Parliamēt of the chamber of his accomptes of the Court of his aydes them of his great Counsel of the Treasorie of Fraunce the Generals of his Fynes his Baylifes Seneshals Pro●…osts Iudges or their Lieutenants and ●…uery one of them as shall ▪ appertaine And to this intēt his maiestie willeth and intendeth that euery one of thē in their calling shal send particularly ●…part for euery of the sayd officers of the new Religiō which be of their incorporatiō charge and lurisdictiō shal admonish thē in this behalf to conforme them selues to his maiesties mind and if any of thē in authoritie bicause of their sayd estates wil returne to the bosome of the Catholike Romish church it shall be sayd to thē that his maiestie liketh verie well of it and that hee taketh a greate and singular affection therein and that it shall giue him the greater assurance and credit of their good will and that his Maiestie will not bar them from his seruice hereafter but will prouide for them as their behauiour shall deserue And notwithstanding for the reasons abouesayd he willeth that they shal cease from the exercise of their estates and offices vntil he otherwise appointeth And bycause that in many places of the Realme they haue proceded by waye of seasing the goods of them of the newe Religion which bee deade or absente and hide themselues and sometimes of those which be in their owne houses although hi●… Maiestie gaue to vnderstande by his declaration of the xxviij of August last that he would and intēded that they of the new Religion should enioy their goods neuerthelesse to the intent there should be no doubt of his purpose and that no mistrust might arise thervpon he declareth willeth and i●…tendeth againe that according to his declaration of the. xxviij of August they of the newe Religion which be lyuing whether they be present or absent and be not culpable or charged with the last conspiration or to haue attempted against his Maiestie or his estate since his Edict of Pacification shall be restored to their houses and put in possession of all and singular their goodes moueable or vnmoue●…ble And that the wydowes and heyres of them that bee dead may and shall succede them and apprehend all and singular their goodes and that they shall bee maynteyned in them and kepte vnder the protection and safegard of his Maiestie so that no hurte shall bee done or sayd vnto them in any maner of wyse or sort VVilling for this purpose that all necessarie suretie shall be giuen them and that all officers Magistrates Maiors and others which haue publike charge shall mayntayne them in al safetie forbidding al persons of what estate qualitie or condition so euer they be not to hurt them in person or goodes vpon payne of death And neuerthelesse his Maiestie willeth that they of the newe opinion shall submit themselues and promise vpon paine to be declared rebelles and traitours too his Maiestie that they shall hereafter liue vnder his obedience without attempting any thing too the contrarie or taking their parts that do attempt against his Maiestie and estate or things against his ordinances and too acknowledge none but his Maiestie or such as he shall appoint vnder him to haue authoritie to commaund them And if they kno●…●… any that shal enterprise against his Maiestie seruice to reueale thē incontinent to him and his officers as good and faithfull subiects And to take away all doubte and suspicion as wel from the nobilitie as others bycause that in the declaration of the. xxiiij of the last moneth these wordes are contained Except they bee those of the chiefe which had
the Church Canonicall Bookes Actes 17. 2. Peter 1. Cap. 6. lib. 2. in Hiere Hom. 49 in Math. 24. Basill in noua summa Mora. cap. 22. Espensius i●…e Sorbonist Succession ordiniarie and extraordinary Traditions of the Fathers Thre councels in S. August time Traditions coū ted of a Monk of greater force than the scriptures Tertullian Imposition of handes Signes of laufull calling The cōfirm●…tion of the ministerie Miracles The Gospell Truth will be truth still The place taken out of Tertullian explaned Titus 3. The place of Chrisostome expounded Cardinall of Lorain moderator of the controuersie Augustane confession The subtill sleighes of one Balduine Balduines inconstancie King of Nauar an Apostata 1. Timo. 3. Titus 1. The braule of the Cardinall with Beza Peter Martyr interrupted by the Cardinall The vnapte compa●…son of a Spanisha Monke Aust. ad Bonifacius ▪ How the Sacramēt●… vnder the law were Figures Beza is here threatned The article agreed vpō betvvene the Papistes and the protestantes concerning the presence The deceite of the Cardinall The end of the conference of Pos●…cene King Philip by the suff●…rance of the Pope had certain yeares inioyed the king dome of Nauar which lyeth at that parte of Spaine that bordereth on the mountains Pyrenaei The sedition of Sanmedard The cause of the Edict of Ianuary The Edict of Ianuary Sermōs without the cities permitted Protection of the protestātes Inhibition of armour Synodes and Consistories Contribution of money Poll ●…ike laws to be obserued The oth of the Ministers Bookes of infamie The dutie of Magistrates Luke 13. Anno Domini 1561. The very cause of the Ciuill warres was the breaking of the Edict of Ianuary Momorentius the Constable made a friend to the Guises The conspi racie of the Guises the Constable and the Martiall of S. Andrew against the Gospell Queene of Scotts promised to be giuen in mariage to the king of Nauar. The slaugh ter at Vassi made by the Duke of Guise Complaint of the fai●…h full of the flaughter The Guise commeth to Paris against the Queenes commaundement The practi ses of the Guises to expell the Prince of Conde out of Paris The Prince of Conde forsaketh Paris The Guise hauing go●… ten Paris seke to ge●… the King also The Prince of Conde commeth to Orleans The purpose of the Guises con cerning VVarre Ruzeus a professour of the Gos pell commaunded towarde The Prince of Conde specially in clined to peace The league betweene the Prince of Conde and the Nobles of Fraunce Letters of the Queen to the Prince of Cond●… ▪ The prince of Conde complayneth of the murther Letters of the Prince of Conde sent to the reformed churches Certayne Idols broken down letters sent from the Queene to the Prince of Conde Letters frō the Senat of Paris to the Prince ▪ of Conde This name Triumuiri signifieth three chosē officers of equall authoritie The secōd declaratiō of the Prince of Conde A Tragedy beginneth merily but endeth sorowfully Letters of the prince of Conde to the Emperoure Letters sent to the prince of Palatine A Synode at Orleans Letters sēt from the Synod Letters to the Countie Pallentine from the Synod Vasconia is Gascoyne the slaugh ther of Tolosa Mont aubon The actes of Narbon in general Nemaux otherwise called Nimes Auinion in Prouince Valentia taken Mottecondrinus slaine Saltanus Liefetenāt of Lions Saltain Liuetenāt of Lyon. Lions wonne by the Protestants The Prince of Conde sory for that Mo●… condrin was slayne A Supplica tion offered in the name of the T●…iumuiti Another supplicatiō offered to the Kinge by the Guise and his The Aunswer of the Prince of Conde to the Supplications ▪ Communication be twene the Quene the King of Nauar and the Prince of Conde Letters of the Prince of Conde to the Queene The beginning of ciuill warres The conditions of peace offered by the king to the faithfull The petitions of the faythfull Triumuiri are these three Guise the Cōstable and the Marshi all of Saint Andrew The Guises vnder the collour of peace seeke to deceiue the Prince of Conde The Guise go home to their houses the Prince of Conde became pledge The practise of the Guises to take the Prince of Conde They meane the Queene and the Kyng of Nauar. The nobles of the Prince of Cōdes side wēt to the Queene The communicatiō betweene the queene and the Nobles The queen denieth the vse of the reformed Religion The queen woulde haue the Prince of Conde his friends banished The Prince of Conde retourned to his army The Guises remoue their army frō Bogencia take Blesa and Towers The Prince of Conde returneth to Orleans with his ▪ army Roan besie ged in vain by the Aumale Orenge assaulted takē by the papistes The army of Suze in Dolpheny greatly anoyed the faithfull The actes of Monsuer de Adretze in Dolpheny and in the Countie of Venais The Marshiall of S. Andrew winneth Poictiers The Germanes and Swisers aid the Guises The decree of the Senate of Paris against the men of Orleans A greeuous pestilence at O●…leans The Prince of Conde craueth helpe of the queene of England and of the Germane Princes The aunswer of the Prince of Conde his friends to the Decree of the Senat of Paris Of this Edict ther is mencion made in the 4. book going before He dehorteth the Germaines which came vnder the charge of the Rokendolfe and the Rhengraue from bearing armour against the King. By the states ye must vnderstand the Nobilitie the Clergy the Tempo 〈◊〉 The true cause of the first warres Power spec●…all consti tutions in the Kyngs minority The first The secōd The third The fourth These things are touched before The assault geuen to Cesteron The Army of Monsuer Monbrun put to flight Great wickednes cōmitted in Prouance against the faithfull The horrible slaughter at Mōbriso by Adretz Cōspiracy against Lāguedoc Monsieur Ioyse besie ged Montpellier A Franke is a peece of French coyne in value ij s. ij d. q. This great Prier was brother to the Cardinall of Loraine Chaimaiergon the proper name of Camargua A wonderfull victory gotten by Monsieur Bulargues Great slaughter of the Papistes Letters found Montpellier a towne of Surgery phisike The besieging of Burges in Ber●…i The besieging of Roan in Normādy The death of the king of Nauar. the Queen of Nauar a vertuouse Lady A writing published by the Queene of England concerning the helpe she sent to the Prince of Conde She meaneth ▪ Callice Shee meaneth the Scottish Queene Letters of the Princes of Germany to the Germaynes which wer in the army of the Guises ▪ Quillebedouius The Kings letters patents graūted to those that started away from the Prince of Conde and the frutes there of The Guise tetourneth to Paris The Guise cōmeth to Paris Ayde commeth from the Princes of Germany to the Prince of Conde Another writing of the Prince of Conde Of this mē cion was made in the second booke
it began in maner as followeth Weye and consider with your selfe your estate and you shall finde that all things haue happened ouertwha●…tly vnto you euer since you haue gone about to vexe the Lutheranes When you set forth the Edict made at Cast ellobrian then began warres But when you inhibited and forbad the executiō of that Edict and were an enimie to the Pope in sending a power into Germanie for the libertie thereof bicause of the afflicted religion your busines had very prosperous successe But what hath hapned vnto you euer since you entred into friendship with the Pope taking the sword of him by which truce being broken warres might begin a fresh God vndoubtedly shall turne thy felicities into those calamities which are now ready to fall vpon thée and thy dignitie To what end went the armie of the Duke of Guise into Italy when he had serued Gods enimie for hire went he not to this ende that when he returned home againe he might vtterly destroy the Churches of the valleys of Pedemonte and might so offer and dedicate his victories vnto God Surely the ende and successe sheweth that God doth bring the deuises and counsels of men to naught when they turne to their own destruction as appeareth by the slaughter which happened on S. Laurence daye of late at what time he derided and frustrated the proude threatninges of the Constable which boasted that if he returned home againe a victor or conquerour he woulde roote out and vtterly destroy Geneua Thus after the repeating of many examples in the which the iudgements of God did appeare against the aduersaries of his truth whose memory also was yet fresh in the heads of al men this letter at the length cōcludeth that afflictiōs cannot abolish destroy the Church of God séeing that as Tertullian sayth The bloud of Martyrs is the seede of the Church and that it is the office of a King to take vpon him the care of religion the which all men might sée by diuers ways to be contaminated and neglected that this might lawfully be done by calling a Councell In the meane time that their cause as yet being vnknowne not certaine they may be peaceably not cruelly intreated which protest that they follow Gods truth and that so holy a name cannot in such wise be cōtemned but some inquisition must be made also that iudgement ought to be had not from the deuises of men but from the worde of God the only and most certaine rule of truth Therfore say they if we be not conuinced by Gods word it is neither fire nor sworde nor any maner of punishment that can terrifie vs These shall be the triumph and victorie of our faith that by being ouercome we shall be ouercommers at the last by this Chariote we shall come at the length to the hauen of euerlasting lyfe But that Edict which was made at Cast ellobrian of the which we haue made mention before was very straite and cruell against Religion in the which among many things these were the speciall sentences First that all former Edictes concerning the putting of heretiques to death should be confirmed That no man shoulde be admitted to anye publike office before he had made his cōfession agréeable to the Catholike and Romishe faith That in euery Parliament and in the thirde moneth also there shoulde be assemblies made which are commonly called Mercuriales and that first of all matters concerning Religion shoulde be handled and that there shoulde be speciall regarde and eye had to the assembly of the Parliament least some corruption or heresie might secretly créepe in There was also another Apologie set forth for all men to vse so written that the auncient forme and state of the Church being represented and compared to that which is at this day the auncient fathers themselues also by their own wordes and writings might defend and maintaine the verye selfe and same cause which they nowe defended and in such wise that they which sayde that they reuerenced and embraced antiquitie might heare antiquitie defending and supporting the cause of the reformed Church so called These things truly are plentifully set forth in this wryting but the summe is this That it was against right that the faithfull shoulde be accused for well doing but more iniurious that they should be condemned their cause not being heard Notwithstanding that the Church of Christ before this time long since had felt the same iniuries therfore no maruaile if they whose cause was like were made equall to them in trouble Howbeit that Sathan and his Ministers shoulde so little preuaile that for all their force the Church shoulde arriue through the midst of their temptations to the safe and quiet hauen and the thicke and dark Clowdes being blowne ouer the light of innocencie should appeare and the enimies of the same be founde lyers After this those slaunders and reproches which were obiected against them being particularly examined and considered by them were also fully aunswered altogither out of the writings of the Fathers that their Apologie or defence myght plainly appeare to be true and sounde Furthermore many letters were written to the brethren which were in prison yea and Churches of farre Countries bewayling their estate did comfort them with their letters so that hereby they were wondefrully confirmed And among other Churches or congregations the congregation of Geneua shewed the dutie of the faithfull brethren insomuch that they did not let by all meanes possible to doe them good While those things were prouided for of the faithful the aduersaries on the contrarie part sought by all meanes possible to worke the death of the faithfull which were in prison so soone as they coulde and in this matter Munerius the ciuill Magistrate was not a little diligent and the people for their part gréedily gaped and continually looked for the same Now there came forth a commaundement from the King that all other matters set apart for a time the senate shoulde wholy applye themselues to vnderstande the cause of the faithfull and to iudge of them according to the euidence that shoulde be brought against them by Munerius the eiuill Praetor Notwithstanding the Kings commaundement herein the whole Senate or assembly of the Court refusing and reiecting this Munerius both for that he withstoode the auncient custome of the Court and also bicause as is before sayde he was accused of falshoode concluded that by the relation and report of anye one man which shoulde come forth and giue euidence the iudgement and sentence of those Iudges that were put in trust shoulde be ordered The whole Senate therefore although they were not a little troubled with the great number of prisoners yet notwithstanding what by the expresse commaundements of the King to them and what with the olde and 〈◊〉 spyte they vare to Religion so greatly preuayled within fewe dayes that their causes in déede came to iudgement Of the which they which constantly helde the
as farre foorth and as longe as it shall seeme good and expedient For wee knowe what authoritie and power we haue receyued from aboue of God which we do meane to vse with all moderation and integritie to the profite and commoditie of our subiectes of which as we haue next to the glorye of God chiefest care and regarde so doe wee wishe that it may be aduaunced and furthered by that our Edict And ther fore whereas we vnderstand that there are certain things comprised therein very generally which beeing eyther wrong vnderstood or not rightly executed haue gyuen occasions of great troubles are like hereafter to breed greater inconueniences and broyles if they be not spedely prouided for which we are fully purposed to doe VVherefore for these considerations our pleasure is to the intent we may aunswere and satisfie the iust complayntes of all our subiectes to giue a full and playne declaration of our mynd as concerning certayne clauses of the Edict which be now in controuersie and diuersly taken And because that all things may be done in better order for the profit and common vtilitie of our subiects for which we are most carefull we haue consulted with the wisest and greatest of our Counsell by whose aduise we haue here set foorth a more full and expres●…e declara tion of our pleasure concerning the Edicte the which we will and commaund to bee established and ratified not that we meane to take any thing from the Edict but too enterpret it according to our will and meaning to whom it appertayneth so to doe least that such clauses as bee doubtfull breed contention and strife To the first Article which is That al noble men that were of chief authority might liue quietly without trouble or molestation in their mantions dwelling places to enioy togither with their families subiectes free bertie of conscience the peaceable vse of the religion which they terme reformed this exception is to be added in the way of interpretaion It shall not be lawfull to be done or practised in any places that were either bought or takē frō the Ecclesiasticall liuings or in any which wer holdē of the church to which we forbid the vse of the re formed Religion both publiquely and priuately For there were dyuers of the church liuings that were sold at the Kinges cōmaundement were by that meanes holden possessed of the Protestantes who vsed the benefite of the Edicte for the administration of Religion in those places to the great griefe of the Papistes There were also diuers that had great and fat benifices brought to the knowledge and profession of the reformed religion but chiefely one of great reputation the Cardinal Chastillon a man endewed with many goodly church liuings and was Archebishop of Aeges and many other of the noblest houses in France Who if they once had gotten by the Edicte libertie of Religion it was very likely that it should haue ben spred and sowen abrode far and wide in diuers places For many places where those benefises lay had preuiledges of great authority and very large and ample dominion rule so the Papistes by this interpretation were well eased to the greate hinderance discomodity of the faithful To the first article of the Edict wherin was Be it fre and lawful for al cities in which that religiō was vsed the vii day of march besides other Cities that are perticularly to be set out appointed in euery Prouince stil to haue and enioy the vse thereof There was added a newe interpretation That those Cities were vnderstood meant which were kept and holden in warlike maner and in which the reformed religion had bin publiquely and openly practised at the day beefore assigned So by that meanes there were certaine Cytyes barred and shutte out from the vse of their religion To the sixt article wherein was mēcioned That the citie the whole prouince of Paris should be free and cleare from the vse of that religion There was added a more straight restraint and prohibition That it was not lawfull for any that dwelte within the Citie or precinct of the Prouince of Paris to goe to any Cities licensed by the king of the prouinces neere adioyning to exercise that Religion vnlesse they dyd dwell in them neyther shall it bee lawfull for any such persons to haue any māsion place or dwelling within the limites of the Citie or prouince of Paris This restraint was manifestly knowen to be annexed for no other purpose but only in despight and hatred of certain Senatours and Aldermen of Paris worthie Patrones of the truth and other worthy and famous men that thereby they might bee constrained to leaue Paris and remoue to other places And where as in the fourth article mention is made That all men might liue quietly in euery place without any trouble or daunger for the freedome and vse of their Religion and conscience it was restrayned with a very straight exception That none neyther man nor woman were accompted in that number which eyther in or after the tyme of warre had forsaken eyther Abbayes Nunries or other religiouse houses and these were streightly commaunded eyther to returne agayne to the places of Religion they came from and if they were maried to forsake their wiues or else forthwith to depart the Realme So that by this meanes many families but with greater discommoditie and wrong of a more number were eased and helped to the whiche both yong men and maydes that were in tymes paste thrust and shut vp into Abbayes were now retourned being endewed with a more pure and syncere knoweledge of the trueth and sued by the lawe for their patrimonie and partes left by their parents But by this exception all libertie and licence to sue and pleade for their owne was taken from them and they either com pelled to reenter the Cloysters they had forsaken or else enforced to depart out of the Realme And by this meanes there were many occasions gyuen of diuers great and gréeuous iniuries as for example That horrible accursed murther committed by M. d' Anuille as we haue before declared vppon A. Motton a minister of the woord of God which detestable facte was cloaked and defended vnder pretence of this Inter pretation Furthermore the vse of the religion which was termed by a common name The administration of religion was maruetlously abated and diminished by a new deuised interpretation That it should not be lawfull for any man to be a minister of that religion but for such as were borne there that is bred within any of the Prouinces of the kingdome of Fraunce So that by this fetch diuers of the Churches were bereft and spoyled of their good Pastors and Doctours as namely the Congregation at Lions of that learned and eloquent man Petrus Viretus who dyd very effectually and faithfully trauel in aduauncing and spreading abroad the Gospel in that most famous and populous Citie and mart Towne of