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A06137 The first part of the diall of daies containing 320. Romane triumphes, besides the triumphant obelisks and pyramydes of the Aegyptians, the pillers, arches, and trophies triumphant, of the Græcians, and the Persians, with their pompe and magnificence: of feastes and sacrifices both of the Iewes and of the Gentils, with the stately games and plaies belonging to these feastes and sacrifices, with the birthes and funeral pomps of kinges and emperours, as you shall finde more at large in the 2. part, wherein all kind of triumphes are enlarged. By Lodowick Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16621; ESTC S108766 125,621 204

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spicarum they should bring vnto the Priest a shea●e of the first fruites of their haruest and hee should waue the sheafe before the Lord to be accepted for their sinnes and this should be done the morrow after the Sabaoth day for the Iewes had these manie feastes by the Lord commaunded to be kept 1 The feast of the Passeouer 2 The feast of vnleuened bread 3 The feast of the first fruites 4 The feast of blowing of trompets 5 The feas●es of Tabernacles Of these in their places orderly as they fall I shall hereafter plain●ie declare In Rome were certaine plaies and games called Ludi cereales which endured eight daies and were celebrated with the most solemne chear that might bee with the most pompe and sumptuous s●ghtes in the honor of Ceres these were often placed by the names of Cereales Circenses also Ludi magni sometimes by the names of Ludi votiui which were placed in Circo Maximo after any great triumph or victorie had Ludi Cereales were diuerslie in diuers countries solemnised Among the Grecians they vsed this sacrifice with torch-light in the which they imitated the Siracusa●s in the sacrifice to Proserpina at what time they offered vp the best wheat and chiefest corne being winnowed and through picked and clensed the women came to the altar of Ceres crowned with garlands made of wheat straw being decked and set foorth with al sweet flowers in Rome Their priestes held torches to this sacrifice and none might come but Priestes and women and then it should be solem●ized a little after Sonne setting Among the Romans they vsed these sacrifices and the plaies like vnto the plaies called Circenses which of all the regall shewes is with most pompe and magnificence plaid in Circo maximo at what time the Dictators Consuls and magistrates of Rome with all the Idols of their Goddes bedeck● with ●ewels and chaines are set iniuorie and golden chairs aboue the triumphant states of the Consuls and Emperours to behold these games and plaies The Christians seperating themselues from the Iewes do kepe still a solemne feast the eight day after the resurrection of Christ in memory of his glorious resurrection instituted vppon this daie by Higinus bishop of Rome 146. after Christ. Uppon this daie by D●oclesian the Emperour were great persecutions done vpon the Christians and spoiled their churches to the number of 305. vpon the which daie the head of Andrew the apostle was at Rome presented Henrie the fifth of that name after hee had kepe war●es in Flanders and against the Hungarians went to Rome to bee crowded and was resisted by the Pope but peace being concluded he was with great solemnitie crowned Emperour of Germanie and returning home from Rome and buried his father Henrie the fourth at Spire which had bin vnburied ●ine yeares such was the desire of men for an Empire and the contempt of an Emperour The 29 Day THis is the first day of the feast of vnleuened bread and the fourth day after the Israelites going out of Egypt at what time Pharo pursued after them with all the peeres of Egypt and at that time the Lord commaunded Moses to pitch their pauilions betweene Migdol and the red sea in hard and daungerous places for that God might haue the more glorie their care was such of Pharo and of his force following that they cryed vnto the Lord and he heard them and deliuered them frō the tirannie of Pharo As vppon this day Romulus the first king and founder of Rome tooke the Cittie of Fidena and brought it vnder obeisance of the cittie of Rome in the yeare 14. Caius Aurelius Cotta then Consull at Rome 〈◊〉 with great pompe and solemnitie ouer the Africans and ouer the Sicilians 50● I neede not to set forth euerie triumph with the pompe and solemnitie thereof for that I haue set some out by the which you may thinke so of the other Mecenas a great man in honor with Augustus Caesar 〈◊〉 and defender of all learned men was borne as ●pen this daye whose memorie was in Rome solemnlie kept with a feast solemnized by the learned patrons and fauoures of students he liued together with Horace in the time of Augustus 2. Emperor of Rome with whome he was greatlie exteemed this Macenas name is much honoured among learned men for his fauour to learning The goddesse Pessinūtia was by Cornelius Scipio brought to Rome called Mater magna or Dea magna the great mother or the great goddesse vnto whome in Phrigia the feast Orgia was celebrated in the honour of this goddesse to whom at the riuer Gallus her priests were gelded and called Galli according to the riuer this image was found in the field of Phrigia called Pessinuntinam and the Phrigians therefore called hir Pessinuntia The 14 Day THe 6. feast of the vnleuened bread being as on this day the Israelits pitched their tents before Baal Sephon Pharo the Egiptians followed after the Israelits cried vnto the Lorde and the Angell of God came betweene the tents of Israell and the tents of Pharao in a piller of cloud by day and in a piller of fire by night and Moses stretched out his hand ouer the sea as God had commaunded him and the sea went backe and gaue place for the Israelits to passe drie through the midst of the sea and Pharao followed after them and was with his power and all the Princes of Egipt with all his peeres and all his pompe drowned in the red Sea and Moses and the Israelits gaue thanks vnto God with a song of triumphe the victorie was so great and the triumphe was such that neither Salmanas●er Senaherib Nabuchadonazar Cirus nor Alexander the great had the like in any triumphe or great victorie of theirs as Moses had ouer Pharao Pompeius the great vpon this daye tooke Ierusalem and entred into Sanctum sanctorum spoiled the Temple and wasted the cittie 15. yeares before he was slaine in Egipt by Septimius and Photinus at what time he fled from Caesar at Pharsalia for succour to young Pharao whose father Pompei restored to his kingdome but his head was sent to Caesar for his good will that was the welcome that Pompey had in Egipt with Ptholomey Octauius Caesar vanquished M. Antonius in the great battell at Mutina vpon this day where two noble Consuls at Rome named Hircius and Pansa at that time were slaine in the field for it was for an empire and therefore they fought Iustilie for Cleopatra Queene of Egipt would faine be empresse of Rome also Antonius seeking to please hir little exteemed his wife Octauia which was Augustus sister hence proceeded the cause of these ciuill warres vntill Antonius was with his louer Cleopatra vanquished The cittie of Ierusalem was vpon this day besieged by Titus emperour of Rome at what time great multitudes of people came from euery coast to the feast of the vnleauened bread which
to perfourme some vowes made for victorie obtained In this feast Equiria the Romanes vsed after the race and running of horses or mules to tie flaxe to Foxes tailes and then to fire it and to let them runne and plaie their partes among the people with much mirth and sport which they call Vulpium combustio the burning of the Foxe Gregorie the fift of that name pope of Rome who iointly with Otto the second of that name Emperour appointed and ordeined first the electors of Germanie that should make choise of their Emperour so that by Otto the second and Gregorie the fift this order of election was made 1001. Mar. Scotus affirmeth that at the feast of Easter Ierusalem was taken and destroied by Titus the emperour at what time two hundred thousand Iewes perished by sword and famine an hundred thousand sould and nintie thousand dispersed into all partes of the world Uppon the 14. Calend of Maie the old Druydes vsed their sacrifice which was vnder an oke whereon grew Messelden there they caused diuers and sundrie kindes of meat for their feast and two white bulles to be brought forth bound the priest being the sacrificer all clad in white should clime vp to the tree with a bill or an axe in his hand to cut off the Messelden from the tree then offered they their sacrifice to the Goddes vppon an altar which they made and laying their handes vpon the altar according to their custome offered Messelden supposing it to bee a sure remedie for all kinde of poison and also a present cause in their beasts being barrē to becom fruitful A●ter sacrifice done they sate vnder the oke and held their feast with their ceremon●es according to the custome and Lawes of the olde Druydes which were of all people most superstitious for in all Countries their chiefe and greattest men of honour in old time were religious men as among the Persians Magi among the Ethiopians Gymnosophistae among the Scythians Agrippei these were honored as goddes in their countrie for without the councell and aduise of these men no man in their countreies would presume to take anie thing in hand these were of such great credite and of such honour as you haue heard before of the aucthorities of the Priestes in Egypt of Augurers in Rome and of the old Philosophers in Greece they appointed their feastes and they instituted their Sacrifice and all other Ceremonies belonging vnto their Goddes The 19 daie ONe of the three daies in which the Israelites were in the wildernesse of Sur and found no water that they might drinke for it was so bitter vntil the Lord shewed vnto Moses a tree which hee commaunded to bee cast into the water and so the waters were made sweete Uppon the 24. day of the moneth called Nisan which is the ninteenth of Aprill at the great Hidekill which is Tigris in prophane histories appeared to Daniel at euen a man clothed in linnen whose loines were girded vp with fine gold of Uphaz his body like vnto the Turkis stoane his face was like lightning his eies were like vnto flames of fire his arms and his feet were like in coloure to pollished brasse and his voice was like vnto the voice of a great multitude he instructed Daniel concerning the kinges of Persea of Greece of Egypt and of Syria their continuance and ende their warres and gouernment c. read Daniel who is the verie grounde and center of all true chronicles concerning the three last monarchies of the world Otto the eight Emperoure of Rome after hee had slaine Galba and inuaded the Empire was by Vitellius at that verie instant made Emperour who by the armies of the Germanes was discomfited in a light skirmish at Hebriacus for verie sorrow and greefe smote himselfe into the hart with his owne dagger as vppon this day when hee had raigned but 86. yeares and 15. daies Phocas who s●ue and succeeded Mauritius the good Emperour betweene these two Emperours was great difference the one gouerned the empire discreetlie and most happie the other brought the empire by his slouthfulnes and lecherie into such weaknesse and infamie that nothing remained sound but the naked name of an Emperour and therfore was burned by Heraclius in a village not far from Constantinople but Gerardus mercator referreth it to the 27. of March whereof also I remember to make mention Philip surnamed Pulcher the 45. king of Fraunce en●ised Guide the Earle of Flaunders to send his daughter to Paris and willed 30 Noble men and 30 gentlewomen to accompanie her thether promising to marrie hir whom hee welcomed in this sort he drowned the Earles daughter with hir thirtie gentlewomen and hanged 30. noble men and within a while after the Earle of Flaunders him selfe was taken by deceipte of Carolus phillips brother and had the like entertanment hereby grew great and terrible warres in so much that philip was iustlie depriued out of his kingdome This day among the Egyptians was recorded in the bokes of their pries●es at Memph●s called of the Romanes Egyptiacus dies The 20 daie THe Senators were wont to meete altogether as vpon this day in the Capitoll and there both dined and supped that night feasting and banquetting in the honour of Romulus their first founder and first King Uppon this day it was not lawfull to kill any beast for sacrifice they kept it so solemne and so religious for Romulus was so fauoured among the olde Romanes that long after his death they named him Quirinus and sacrificed vnto him vnder that name Constantinus the fift surnamed Capronimus so called ●or that he defiled his crisme at the font when he was baptised signum impietatis futurae as Iustine saith this was the sonne of Leo Isaurius who abolished Idols and Images this Capronimus as vpon this day was by his father created Emperour with him to gouerne 720. Mauritius Emperour of Constantinople a Cappadocian borne of a poore Notarie became Emperour vanquished the Persians and the Armenians he repressed the Longobards in Italie and with many moe victories gouerned the empire with both courage and wisdome but for his extreame auarice not paying vnto the souldiers their wages he with his two sonnes Theodosius and Tiberius were slaine by Phocas that succeeded him as vpon this day of this he was admonished in sleepe by a dreame as Iustine and Scotus affirmeth 603. Heraclius the sonne of Heracleona Emperour of Constantinople vpon this daye got a triumphant victorie ouer the Persians with fire and sworde both in Persia and in Medea he let lose Romane captiues and prisoners 50 thousand hee persecuted their king Cosroes into Media burning killing this Heracli●s was the only scourge of Persea during whose time Cosroes could neuer gouerne his kingdome neither stay in Persea but from place to place persecuted by Heraclius vntil Cosroes was slaine by his owne sonne Hormisda to get his kingdome The 21 Day PLutarche in the life
Arabia into Egypt are by the birdes Ibides fought withall and vanquished and thereby Ibis doth often saue Egypt from the harme and danger of these serpents and therefore recorded in the bookes Memphis as one of the gods of Egypt by the priestes of Vulcan In Germanie great triumphes with tilting and barriers and other playes at Ratisbone by the nobles and peeres of ●auaria were as vpon this day solemnized This was the 35. turnement had in Germanie 1487. Under the Emperour Maximinus many were on this day martired as Veronica Philea with others of these martirs I haue in an other place entreated where you may haue infinite number that stoutly stood to the profession of Christ Iesus The 5. daie IN Rome as on this day two solemne feastes were celebrated the one amongest the Romane Uirgins called puellarum fer●ae the other amongest the nurses and mothers that gaue sucke called nutricum lactantium feriae on the which day among the Romanes the women sacrificed to Nundina the goddesse of infancie and consulted touching the bringing vp of these infants with their nourses prescribing lawes and orders of diet to the nurses that gaue sucke lest by libertie of feeding the infant might miscarie at what time they appointed vppon what day the infant should be named which was among the old Romanes vpon the ninth day and among the Grecians the fift day the ceremonies and the sacrifices that are vsed by the nurses for the health of the infant to the goddesse Nundina are manie in diuers countries according to their superstitious customs As vpon this day a feast and solemne sacrifice in old time was appointed in Quirinus valley against the furie of fire dedicated to the goddesse Agatha with torches done in the night time Octauius Caesar was now the third tiwe by consent of the Senators Consuls Magistrates ●and people saluted by the name of Augustus and also called Pater patriae as the most fortunate and best beloued Emperour of anie that raigned after him in Rome As vpon this day Iunius Pera at his being Consul of Rome with great pompe by the licēce of the senators triumphed ouer the Salentines and also the Mesapians in such solemne sort as you read in the generall triumph The yeare that this triumph was solemnised fell vppon the time of Lustrum which was appointed euery fift yeare the state of the cittie should be examined per Censores at what time a generall mustering was had at Rome in the which were 360 and od thousands found of able men within the citie of Rome 487. Clemens the fourth a frenchman was on this day chosen pope of Rome 1265. this pope called Carolus the French king his cosyn germane went into Italie fought against Manfredus and Conradinus two noble captaines of Germanie whom Carolus that time vanquished and was by pope Clemens therefore crowned king of Sicilia paying yeerely to the Pope 40000. crownes as a tribute to the church of Rome The cittie of Millaine in Italie was taken by duke Franciscus surnamed Sfortia after long besieging of it 1444. The 6 Day THis was a dismal day to the Romanes fore those causes before reheased so the priestes of Memphis recorded this day vnfortunate for as the Romanes obserued their vnluckie daies by the name of Atridies so the Grecians the Egyptians and all nations haue recorded good and bad daies according to the first cause giuen whether it were good or bad though in truth none were more superstitious than the Romanes neither had such cause offered to note these daies because their ouerthrowes were great and their victories far greater Manfredus the Sonne of Fredericus the second and tutor to Conradinus his brothers sonne was slaine in a battaile at Beneuentum on this day by Carolus the French king 1126. Iohanna Borbania Queene of France and the wife of Charles the fifth died on this day 1378. and afeer within three daies hir daughter called Isabella died also which doubled the griefe of the king Beorgor king of Alania was on this day slaine and found dead at the foote of Bergome a mountaine so called 473. As vpon this day Pelagius the second of that name bishop of Rome died of the plague at Rome after whom succeeded Gregorius surnamed the great this was the last of 92 bishops that raigned in Rome then followed the race of Popes from Bonifacius the third which was the 63. bishop the first pope of Rome vntill Gregorius which was the 13 Pope 166. Eusebius a Greeke borne bishop of Rome was vpon this day 310. made martire for Christ Iesus vnder Maxentius the Emperour The 7 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The eight Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 9 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The tenth Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The 11 Day 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 a part of Africa in consideration of this peace for 〈◊〉 Rome with al hir pompe and dignitie became to decline and the kingdomes in Germany began to florish and within a short time after to challenge the Empire Elizabeth wife to Henry the seauenth king of England died as on this day in London by childbirth 1503. Gregorius the second pope of Rome died on this day 731. he defended Images and extolled them to the highest honor in spite of Leo the Emperour for then Popes made Emperors sometime without the leaue of the electors The 12 Day ANdronichus Palaeologus the Emperour died on this day 1330. Leo the ninth was elected pope in Rome being before the 〈…〉 and now sent to Rome by Henricus the third then Emperour 1049. to bee chosen pope Iageslo duke of Li●uania afterward called Vladislaus was crowned king of Poland on this day in Craconia the chiefest cittie in Polonia 1386. Iane the daughter of the duke of Suffolke was maried to Gilford Dudley the duke of Northumberlands some was named and pronounced Queene of England and therefore on this day was beheaded in the tower at London 1554. Religion was changed in Basil in Germanie by the perswasion of Io. Occolampadius learned and a Godly deuine 1529. 〈…〉 In Italie on this day ●he ●ayres called Nundine nucerienses are kept which endure for 15. dayes Dionisia a maide of Alexandria was persecuted and beheaded for the Gospel as Eusebius saith Also Sosanna and Eulalia two other 〈◊〉 of Alexandria died mart●rs on this day 262. The 13 Daie THe Romanes in times past vpon this day with great solemnities verie deuoutlie sacrificed vnto their god Faunus to whom they dedicated their plaies Lupercalia and also on this day they builded a temple vnto Iupiter hard by the riuer Tiber. Noe the third time did let a doue from the arke which returned not to the arke againe Upon this day the citie of Rome was by Camillus deliuered from the French men who tooke hir and possessed her for 7. moneths as Plutarch in Camillus life reporteth
and so he banished her for the which he had his eyes pulled out by the people in the fourth yeare of his raigne and Zoes restored to the Empire and at last married to this Constant●ne with whome she liued 12. yeares and eight moneths The 12 Day AS vpon this daye a feast was celebrated at Athens called Cronia in honour and memory of Saturne which continued 5 daies wherein the Athenians vsed to feast one another with great mirth and to send mutuall presents and gifts this feast is also called Saturnalia among the Romanes and is assigned to Saturne as some write in the moneth of December in the which the Romans being more religious thē the Greekes were woont to sacrifice with great solemnitie and to celebrate a feast according to their custome and rites Likewise the Romans held a feast with prompe and ceremonies after their manner vpon this day called Messorum pompa which vnto this day is vsed at Rome Pub. Lucinius Crassus Proconsul for the Romanes in in Hispaine after his good seruice in many battailes he vanquished the Lusitans and triumphed ouer them at Rome with the fauour and consent of both the Senators and people 600. yeares after Rome was builded Now this time Maximius was emperour who then was in Britaine by the Souldiers proclaimed Caesar and after called Augustus came to France slew Gratianus at Lugduum and draue Valentianus from the west empire to flie to Theodosius this Theodosius commenced warre vpon Maximus and vanquished him at Aquilea where he was by Theodosius slaine as vpon this day 392. Carolus the third surnamed Crassus was by pope Iohn the eight of that name and 42 in number crowned Emperour of Rome for that hee defended Italie from the Sarazens which then were readie with an huge armie to inuade Italie This Emperour was sonne to Lewis king of Germanie of Almania and of Lotharingia he was called from Italie into Fraunce against the Normanes and the Danes who then sore afflicted Fraunce at what time he concluded a peace betweene him and the Gothes and married the daughter of Gotfredus king of the Gothes named Gisla and after he had raigned 12 yeares he died in Sue●ia and was buried vpon this day in Augia 889. The 13 Daie THe Romans held this daye most solemne for that they recorde this daye in their Calenders as the birthe daye of the Muses celebrating a sumptuous feast where they vsed many seuerall ceremonies in religious sort with sundrie vowes to be perfourmed to euery one of the Muses according to the qualitie and nature of the Muse. Likewise they celebrated the feast of Merchants called Feriae mercatorum wher they gathered in one place to make solem●e vowes to Neptune and to Mercurie for goods lost and for further good speede in their Nauigation Quinquatria a feast vnto Pallas which endured fiue daies celebrated at Rome with much solemne state and great mirth by the musitians and songmakers called Poets The Musitians should with their trumpets shalmes and all other instruments playe through all the Cittie of Rome and their Poets should sing all kinde of verses through the streetes vntill they came to the Temple of Minerua and there solemnized a great feast singing Odes to Pallas with many ceremonies therevnto belonging Charles the fift road vnto Augusta with great states where many of the peeres of Germanie came to meete him where certaine learned protestants exhibited their supplictions vnto the Emperour in defence of religion as they did before at Maspurge Vuormatia Spire and at Bernia and in other places where both papists and protestants by the appointment of Charles the Emperour met at what time disputations were had and the same in writing published 1530. Among the Egiptians vpon the 18. of the moneth Pauni in the Cittie of Sais when the day of their solemnitie approached to be celebrated the feast of Minerua which is called Ellychinum that is the feast of lights for that is solemnized in the night time at what time candles torches lamps with al other kinde of lights hang at euery mans doore in their temples in the obeliskes and in their pyramides feasting and sacrificing vnto Minerua all that night long to this feast infinit number of Egyptians came this feast is not onely in the cittie of Sais solemized but also in euery cittie of Egipt though chieflie in Sais the secret ceremonies of their sacrifice were such as it might not be solemnized in the day time which was y ● cause y ● it was doone in the night time for they are by their oracles warned and by their priests taught and instructed the time and the manner of their sacrifice as were the Persians by their magi and the Romanes by their Soothsaires called Augures The 14 daie XErxes the great king of Persia leauied a huge armie and tooke his voyage into Greece at what time the games of Olympia were celebrated thinking thereby all Greece were busie in setting foorth their Olympicall feast came to Thermopila where he was met by Leonidas a noble Greeke and was put to ●light with the losse of 20000 Persians Attila king of the Hunnes a mightie Captaine the onelye king that raigned among the Germanes that plaid his part in the weast kingdomes no otherwise then Cyrus or Alexander did in the East hee on this daye assaulted Auerlia a cittie in Fraunce and wanne it but at that time hee was by Aetius the Romane Leiutenant through the aide of the Frenchmen and Burgundians kept from the spoile thereof this Attila kept Germanie vnder his winges and subdued many of Fraunce as you shall read 451. The 15 Daye GReat solemne sacrifices were vsed at Rome to the wine to Oyle and to bread for the Romans omitted nothing by the which they had any gaine but they would vse vowes sacrifices and other religious ceremonies this sacrifice was vsed for those that were bitten by madde Dogges Also vpon this day the Romanes cleansed and purged the Temple of Vesta and brought the filthe of the Temple into the riuer of Tiber and after they kept shut the temple as Ouid. H●c est illa dies qua tu purgamina Vestae Tybri per Hetruscas in marimittis aquas The Hungarians inuaded Austria at what time the most part of the nobles of Hungaria dyed in that voyage not without great losse of the people of Austria for though they had the victorie yet Frederike the Archduke of Austria was slaine in that warre and that made some writers attribute the victorie to the Hungarians as Functius dooth saying that all the Nobilitie and also the Archduke Fredericke were ouerthrowne and slaine 1235. All countries solemnized this feast called Bacchanalia by diuers and sundrie manners in Egipt they held this feast vnto Bacchus without S●ines flesh the ceremonies wherof seeme strange for the women had hanging about their neckes like small strings of a Lute vpon the which hanged small pictures like
at that time with great solemnitie was according to the commaundement kept at Ierusalem of the often inuation spoile destruction of Ierusalem you shall many times heere for it was destroyed fiue times first by the Egiptians they by the Chaldeans and after by the Romans c. The Frenchmen after many harde conflicts by the Germans and the Germans by the Frenchmen as vpon this day through the aid of the H●luetians vanquished and ouerthrew the imperiall armie of Charles the fift in Pedemontana at what time the Frenchmen got such a victory yet to their smart insomuch that Charles the Emperour and Frances Valoys the French king were both contented to conclude a peace 1544. Leo the fourth Emperor of Rome in the fift and last yeare of his raigne at the earnest sute and request of his Nobles and also of the people elected and made his sonne Constantine the seauenth of that name his fellow Emperour to gouerne with him in the empite which was the onely sure way to staye himselfe in the empire being matcht with his sonne as it was the costome and manner of the Romane Emperours to do 776. Philip a verye y●ong man in the 20. yeare of Lodowike ●urnamed Cra●sus was crowned king of Fraunce vpon the sixteene kalend of Maye which is the foureteene day of Aprill 1128. The 15 Daie THis was the seauenth day and last of the feast called vnleauened after the Israelits passed through the red sea and had giuen thankes to God for their deliuerance they came to the wildernesse of Sin which is betweene Elim and Sinai where they wandred three dayes murmering against God and Moises who tooke them from the flesh pots of Egipt at what time Quales couered their tents and Manna couered the ground so GOD pleased then their humors and yet were these people not pleased Numa Pompilius the second king of Rome instituted a feast to appease the goddes at what time the plague fell vpon their cattell this feast was called Fordicidia in which feast it was not lawful for the priests to offer no sacrifice but pregnantem bouem at what time the Idols of their housholde gods which were called Lares had vpon them a long robe made of Dogges skins and crowned with a Garland made of sweete flowers to whome sacrifice was offered with corne and Frankencense for their Idols were kept in their houses and in theyr gardens to driue sprites away and to watch their houses from any harme or danger that might happen in the night time Pipinus sonne to Charles the great king of Fraunce and Emperour of Rome was crowned king of Italy by his father and Lodouicus surnamed Pius his other sonne who succeeded him both in the Empire and in the kingdome of Fraunce was made king of Aquitania 781. Romanus Argyropylus Emperour of Constantinople when he had raigned fiue yeares and sixe moneths died vpon this daye Iustine saith that he was through treason drowned where he hathed himselfe 1033. Henrie the sixt of that name was crowned Emperour of Rome by Pope Celestinus with great pompe and solemnitie this was sonne to Fredericke surnamed Barbarossa who raigned 38 yeares Emperour during which time this Henrie was crowned king of Rome 1191. Balduinus first Earle of Flaunders and after was elected Emperour of Constantinople after he had raigned scant one yeare leauing the Empire to his brother Henrie who succeeded him and raigned after him sixe yeares 1205. I find in some Chronicle that Charles the seauenth king of Fraunce as vpon this daye gaue a great ouerthrowe to the Englishmen in Normandy but it was well requited for Henrie the sixte king of England in the tenth of this Charles his raigne was crowned king of France in their cheefe Church at Paris Functius could say no lesse with wounds and calamities enough to requite the first ouerthrowe so that Victor became Victus 1450. The 16 Daie I Finde not much that were doone vpon this daye worth the writing sauing of the death and election of some Bishops of Rome amongst whom Anicetus the tenth bishop of Rome suffered death vnder the emperour Seuerus this Bishop instituted that no priest should haue a beard nor let his hatre to growe long 160. Lodowicke Countie of Helsfenstein was most cruellye murthered and slaine in an vprore of the Countrie men in Sueuia but after they were like sheepe slaine in manye places of Germanie for the same 1525. I reade that in Scythia they were wont to celebrate a feast once a yeare in the moneth Thargelion to worship and to honour Mars his sworde in the which beside the sacrificing of a horse they vsed this ceremonie to lay the sword of Mars called Acinax as Mercuries sword was called Harpen vpon a pile of wood vnto the which the Scithians did more reuerence then to anye of their other gods and did sacrifice vnto this sword of euerie 100 prisoner one as the beastes were saficed but in this maner first they powred wine vpon the heads of the prisoners that should be slain in sacrifice after they tooke them into a certaine great vessell where they were slaine and from thence caried to the place where Mars his sword was put vp and taking the bloud of the sacrificed men they powred it vpon the sword of Mars for among the Scythians the chiefe seruice is to drincke of the blood of the first man that they kil of their enemies and to bring his head to the king of whose scull if hee be a great man the king doth drinke of The 17 Day VPon this daie the Iewes were wont to celebrate a feast in memorie of their Passouer which they vsed for a long time after the departing of the Israelites out of Egipt this was called Festum vincite in remembrance of the noble victorie and glorious triumph they had ouer Pharo with all his peers nobles and al the force and power of Egipt at what time the read sea was appointed by God to make an end of Pharos tyrannie and to giue his people victorie Felicianus with his naked sword in his hand most cruelly wounded Carolus king of Hungarie beeing at meat at one table with him and had then slaine him had hee not bin saued by the companie which were with him conuersant at the Table 1330. Martin Luther being as on this day before Charles the 5. and all the states of Germanie shewed and opened the falshod the abhominations and wickendes of the Romane religion of their indulgences and defended most syncerely this religion It is written that as vpon this day the sea brake into Flanders and drowned an hundred thousand people beside the losse of Cattels infinit number the like hath not bin seene before as Munster affirmeth he 18 Daie THe feast Equiria was celebrated with great solemnitie at Rome as vpon this day in Circo maximo with other pastimes and plaies called Circenses ludi which were alwaies appointed