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cause_n city_n great_a people_n 1,556 5 4.4120 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01448 Profitable insructions [sic] for the manuring, sowing, and planting of kitchin gardens Very profitable for the common wealth and greatly for the helpe and comfort of poore people. Gathered by Richard Gardiner of Shrewsberie. Gardiner, Richard, of Shrewsbury. 1603 (1603) STC 11571; ESTC S114902 21,384 34

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daies and but onelie water to drinke They had commonly sixe waxe poundes of small close Cabedges for a penny to the poore Aud in this manner I did serue them and they were wonderfull glad to haue them most humbly praising God for them And because I did manifestly see and knew that so littl● gardē ground as lesse then foure ackers did this great effect in the common wealth and especially in helping th● poore thereby Therefore I desire all good and godly people to accept of my good will therein and to put in practise this my experience and knowledge herein mentioned And then I haue my wished desire That the Almighty GOD may be glorified in his owne workes and the poore the better relieued thereby and thus for Gods loue and your owne profit also And if any person desire to know of one further then I haue héerein expressed if you come to me I hope you shall not want your desire for as I was willing to write so am I willing to instruct as many as will request my good will therein most willingly while it please God I remaine in this mortall life to the end And thus the Almighty GOD blesse your good proceedings therein It is not vnknowne to the Citty of London and many other townes and cities on the sea coast what great aboundance of carrets are brought by forraine nations to this lād whereby they haue receiued yéerely great summes of mony and commodities out of this land and all by carelesnes of the people of this realme of England which do not endeuor themselues for their owne profits therein but that this last dearth and scarsitie hath somewhat vrged the people to prooue many waies for their better reliefe● whereby I hope the benefit of Carret rootes are profitable I will reueale my knowledge héerein and first the vse of them amongst the better sort by the Cookes The Cookes will take Carrets deuided in péeces and boile them to season their stewed broth and doth wonderfull well therein as dayly is knowne in seruice to the better sort Also Carret rootes are boyled with powdred béefe and eaten therewith and as some doe report a fewe Carrets do saue one quarter of béefe in the eating of a whole beefe and to be boyled and eaten with Porke and all other boyled meat of flesh amongst the common sort of people amongst the poorer sort also Carrets of red colours are desired of many to make dainty sallets for roast Mutton or Lambe with Uineger and Pepper Also Carrets shred or cut small one or two of them and boyled in pottage of any kinde doth effectually make those pottage good for the vse of the common sort Carrets well boyled and buttred is a good dish for hungrie or good stomackes Carrets in necessitie and dearth are eaten of the poore people after they be well boyled instéed of bread and meate Many people will eate Carrets raw and doe disgest well in hungry stomackes they giue good n●urishment to all people and not hurtfull to any whatsoeuer infirmities they be diseased of as by experience doth prooue by many to be true Carrets are good to be eaten with salt fish Therfore sowe Carrets in your Gardens and humbly praise God for thē as for a singuler and great blessing so thus much for the vse and benefit had in the common-wealth by Carrets Admit if it should please God that any City or towne should be besieged with the enemy what better prouision for the greatest number of people can bee then euery garden to be sufficiently planted w●th Carrets I doe desire al people which haue cause to sell Garden fruites or séedes to the vse of others that they would sell in reason and conscience and for thier better instr●ctions I haue heerein mentioned a bréefe rate how they may well be offorded and soulde and how I doe make sale of fruites and seedes to others as heerein is expressed And so long as it shall please God I doe remaine in this mortall life I will be ready to performe the same to the vttermost of my power in good will to the benefit of the common wealth and especially to the poore inhabitants of t●is towne of Shrewesburie The price of Carret seedes of both the be●t kindes that is to say the large yellow Carret and the great shorte yellow Carret the best and fairest roots chosen to set to beare seedes as before is express●d my price of those principall Carret seedes is after the rate of two shillings the waxe pound without deceipt Large yellow Carrets of those two best kindes after the rate of two pence the stone ten waxe waights to euery stone and also the like large Carrets which I 〈◊〉 ●●epe and preserue in sande as aforesaid til Ianuarie Fe●ru●●y and Marche my price is iii. pence the sto●e The small roots of yellow Carrets of both the best kinds all the rate o● si●e waxe pounds for a penney Principall close Cabadge séeds after the rate of iiii d the ounce the which seedes are hardly saued in this c●un●●e of Salop for being deuoured with birds Faire and large close Cabadges after the rate of two waxe pounds for a penney and the smal close cabadges better cheape ●o the poore as occasion shall serue Turnep séedes of the best and largest kinde after the rate of xii pence the pound Faire and large Turneps at y● rate of ii pennce the stone Principall garden Beanes of the best kinde good and drye to s●t after the rate of ii pence the quart Like gardē beans greene to eat at the rate of i. d. y● quart Faire Harticho●ks● of the grea●est sort at i. d. a péec●e and the other two or thrée for i d. as they prooue in greatnes These aforesaid all other garden fruits rootes and séeds whatsoeuer which I haue to sell are at a reasonable price and perfect good without deceipt and so many as will bee content to buy with reason come and welcome And if any other person desire to buy any store of principall carret seedes as before is expressed to sell for reason to others to benefit the cōmon wealth I am willing to serue his turne better cheape thē before is declared because I am willing to procure the vse of carrets knowne aswell to all people in this parte of England as Wales which God graunt for the better helpe and comfort of the poore and although I do not know in al this land where to buy the like ●arret seeds for v s. a pound yet my price is i●j s the waxe pound or lesse as cause is to my liking till the peole may haue store of their owne growing for their gardens which is my desire if it may so please God An exhortation to loue wherby all good works do effectually proceed eyther to the glory of God or benefit of the comm●n-wealth BEloued the holy word saith That if we haue faith to remoue mountaines if we haue not loue it dooth not preuaile vs any